Just Google mylar bags...can pick up 50 for under a tenner on Amazon or anywhere else. All different sizes available and smell &UV proof.
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joined dec 2020
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14 topics on Catsbananas
22 posts
+43 votes

Smell proof techniques at home

Smell proof techniques at home
Recently purchased a Stashic bag to store jars/containers of my smelly smelly herbs but I made a Spinal Tap Stonehenge error in that it is WAY too small. The big rucksack costs around £50. Is something like that worth it or does anybody have a cheap technique to disguise smells? Or other less expensive but efficient brands?

Yes eBay it mate Mylar and use hair straighteners to seal it the best and quicker way

Good suggestion but wouldn’t I have to destroy a bag each time I dipped in for a smoke? Or have I misunderstood? :)

Thanks! I will have a more in depth look. The stashic bag I’ve just bought looks the part I just wish you could have seen my face when I thought it would be rucksack size but was actually a LOT smaller! (My bad for mixing up inch and cm!!!) Anyway the weed I’ve put in doesn’t leak out any smell so all is not lost. :)

Ha! I like your thinking! I like to smoke hash with weed so that would make things worse. Maybe the answer is not to store my stash but smoke it all in one go. Now that's a good solution!! :-)

I packed in flower years ago and only smoke hash now, the smell is one of the reasons I quit flower. Even a joint end that had flower in it can stink out the whole house

look around for a jar for food storage should have one in your house or you can buy one fairly cheap from any store store it in there and no smell

Yeah been doing that for years mate (well those and a couple of pop lid mason jars) and every time I caught a slight whiff would wrap around another plastic bag. About a dozen layers at some point but still a slight smell (it's as though I'm paranoid or something where's that come from?...;-) ) The small stashic bag I now have for my herb/grinder/pipe, etc. is actually VERY good at keeping smells at bay though. Recommended.

Le Parfait clip top jars. They are 100% smell proof. For years. Just replace with genuine gasket when they perish. Come in sizes 250ml up to 3 or 4 litres. Kilner are also good. Other brands are crap and not smell proof.

That backpack looks pretty nice, and could potentially replace an ancient one that doesn't prevent smells...


Hey Cats, I bought a bag by a company called ‘firedog’ available on Amazon, it’s absolutely smell proof and I defo recommend. Can fit a fair bit in there. Best of luck!


21 posts
+37 votes

Journey Pipe

Journey Pipe

Love my Journey Pipe. No gauze, easy to clean, smokes (fairly) cool and the flip lid is useful for keeping material in and the smoke from escaping too much. I’ve had it for about 3/4 years and a light red coppery tinge in the bowl (left piece) has appeared over time. It’s not a knock off copy but I’m wondering if it could be harmful? Looked on tinterweb but can’t find any answers. Zinc alloy apparently. I’m hoping it’s just usage, can anybody tell me what it is? Still smokes fine. Only £30 maybe I just need a new one!

Now I've had a couple of these pipes and both have done the same, the zinc alloy eventually cracks/burns off with repeated use
I gave up on them which is a shame as they are great pipes, more a useful out and about type rather than session type pipe, but with that burning alloy material I just didn't feel safe
After much hunting around I found this
No looking back! Best pipe and accessories I've ever brought, worth checking out and a life time guaranteed
I gave up on them which is a shame as they are great pipes, more a useful out and about type rather than session type pipe, but with that burning alloy material I just didn't feel safe
After much hunting around I found this
No looking back! Best pipe and accessories I've ever brought, worth checking out and a life time guaranteed

😍 Oof! I was thinking of a pipe to cut out the tobacco this looks like it could be the ticket!

If you are referring to the Journey Pipe, then yes definitely. Ahhh those were the days. Put a bit of hash in bowl, light it, inhale a few times, ash, quick wipe clean.
None of this, well it's slightly brown or slightly dark and a little squidgy still, is it vaped? Burn it to a crisp and you know it's done!
The aroma and taste (and in some ways, the high) is more powerful when smoked than vaped IMO but we all move on.
I may give it another whirl for ol' times sake. Just to see if I'm wearing rose tinted specs. Or maybe not and I go back to combustionville!
None of this, well it's slightly brown or slightly dark and a little squidgy still, is it vaped? Burn it to a crisp and you know it's done!
The aroma and taste (and in some ways, the high) is more powerful when smoked than vaped IMO but we all move on.
I may give it another whirl for ol' times sake. Just to see if I'm wearing rose tinted specs. Or maybe not and I go back to combustionville!

Ahh, which one? Journey or Kol pipe? If Journey, then despite my query I can still highly recommend as they "should" last a long time (If you don't get a cheap knock off one). But them Kol pipes do look good, too!

I used to love mine too and was also looking at kol products and then I got more into vaping. At the time, I think the kol was upgrading to 2.0 or something and during the wait I tried vaping and went down that 'Journey' - a fitting segue.

Oooo, that looks like a nice accessory. Perfectly suited for some of your Druids bubble hash

The problem with trying to clean down your post history this way CB is that your comment puts it back on the wall and people think it’s new so it revs back up again! 🤯

Hehe!! Quite amusing this. Good job I wasn't trying to clear out something embarrassing on the quiet. Could have been a post titled: now then, now then, how's about giving some benefit of the doubt...
Just experimenting on trying to speed up loading pages. Nothing seems to have happened though.
Just experimenting on trying to speed up loading pages. Nothing seems to have happened though.

Hi Khuunntt (love the name!), yeah might try emailing them. I’m sure I once put my pipe in boiling hot water with a bit of vinegar and left it for too long and maybe the acid has eroded the finish? Anyway simple lense cleaning wipes do a real good job of cleaning. That’s what I like about it. Official J2 Journey Pipe is about £30 but you can get cheaper alternatives with mixed reviews; so can’t comment which is best. 2 common complaints, paint peeling off. This has NOT happened with mine it looks more like a slight tarnish. Smokes perfectly fine. Another is magnets falling out (2 in total) and yes one of mine has in the past. You know what though, superglue it back in. Simple. Sorted! Oh and NO you don’t need a gauze despite some online reviews. (For some reason you get a gauze pack included which is confusing!) Pop in herb and/or hash. Smoke. Clean. Sit back and float. :)

I meant to type V3! I like to get a bit of a cherry going, flip the lid over the chamber and take a few drags almost goes vape like. After a few drags, repeat! Just seen Keo Disc which looks interesting also. :)

Just looked on Journey website FAQs and this tarnish is wear and tear. Strangely enough they only recommend olive oil for cleaning to preserve the finish. I would say using lens cleaning wipes is fine. Just don’t boil it in water/vinegar like I did! :)

4 posts
+4 votes

Multiple Orders

Multiple Orders
When placing multiple orders with one vendor is it normal practice to pay for each order separately? Some vendors advertise an option to buy a few items and pay for one delivery but I'm just talking about paying for your "basket" using one payment (not bothered about multiple delivery costs). I'm trying to save on blockchain selling fees (fee per transaction, you see.)

You will just pay for one shipping the rest will be multiple orders free some sellers make custom orders for multiple items

I'll be more specific! DIUK aren't online at the moment and I wanted to order tonight so I can't ask them but if I order 3 different items do you think I could pay once for the total? Otherwise 3 transactions will incur 3 selling fees. (Again this isn't about saving on postage as they are FOC anyway!) I'm wondering if this could be done with all vendors?

4 posts
+6 votes

Best Thai on LB?

Best Thai on LB?
I have seen a couple of vendors selling "Thai" style weed (there may be more sellers but I haven't seen them!) I'm trying to work out from whom I should purchase; is there really a difference? Has anybody tried from these different vendors and is the quality comparable, and what is the level of that quality? Thanks fellow tokers :)

23 posts
+65 votes

Vapman 24-10-22

Vapman 24-10-22
Can anybody advise how best to use bacon cotton with hash in a vapman? (just can't find any decent info/videos on the subject.)
Also, any recommended jet lighters that are possibly quieter than the stock lighter? (Appreciate most give an audible click. A lot of jet lighters have fixed caps - do they get in the way of lighting the vapman's bowl?)
Funny thing, took me ages to work out why "bacon" cotton. Not vegan? Some esoteric underground vaping tradition?... Oh, it's in strips... :)
Also, any recommended jet lighters that are possibly quieter than the stock lighter? (Appreciate most give an audible click. A lot of jet lighters have fixed caps - do they get in the way of lighting the vapman's bowl?)
Funny thing, took me ages to work out why "bacon" cotton. Not vegan? Some esoteric underground vaping tradition?... Oh, it's in strips... :)

I just use the concentrate dish, and then when finished using a pair of ceramic tweezers hold the dish and burn off the residue with the jet lighter . Because it’s made of titanium it will show some funky heat colours which is fine. And then I wipe the metal screen on the mouthpiece with an iso swab like they use for injections. Literally takes a minute to clean it like this and then your back in action again.
Another option is to make your own concentrate dish’s using pipe screens where you puncture a hole in the middle and sit it in there. The finer the weave the better as it will come down onto the gold dish and will be messier than the concentrate dish or using cotton.
Another option is to make your own concentrate dish’s using pipe screens where you puncture a hole in the middle and sit it in there. The finer the weave the better as it will come down onto the gold dish and will be messier than the concentrate dish or using cotton.

Completely agree with you on the cleaning and just discovered recently about the burn off method. I know an Iso bath isn't recommended for the wooden mouthpiece (although some sites do advise this!!) But I have moistened a cotton bud with Iso and quickly twizzled (?) around the inside and a load of resin did come out, quite satisfyingly.
Can you get a good hole (oh dear...) when making your own sieve? I feel a fabric punch or similar would be needed? Heated screwdriver and forced through? (Oh dear again...) :)
Can you get a good hole (oh dear...) when making your own sieve? I feel a fabric punch or similar would be needed? Heated screwdriver and forced through? (Oh dear again...) :)

Hahaha, yeah you definitely can, because of the weave of the pipe screen like you say you can either force something through it or make a jig so you can just press it onto it for exactly the same results.
The metal piece you can unscrew and soak in iso if it gets really dirty
I’m a bit of a purist and I just run pipe cleaners down the wooden mouthpiece to remove the worst of the residue I wouldn’t recommend putting alcohol on the wood itself. Once won’t hurt but don’t get in the habit of it. I almost view it as seasoning a teapot. Remove the worst but don’t scrub it clean
The metal piece you can unscrew and soak in iso if it gets really dirty
I’m a bit of a purist and I just run pipe cleaners down the wooden mouthpiece to remove the worst of the residue I wouldn’t recommend putting alcohol on the wood itself. Once won’t hurt but don’t get in the habit of it. I almost view it as seasoning a teapot. Remove the worst but don’t scrub it clean

You know the old ships in bottles? (Are they still around?) Now imagine a person that small who would fit inside the ship. Now imagine that person's very small cousin who has a mate called Smalley Small-Small. HE is the person who makes Vapman (Vapmen? Vapperson? Vapnongenderspecific?)
Those screws are insanely small!! Anybody else reading this also note there is a metal ring inside the mouthpiece plate that will need refitting correct way round if taken apart. All very easy to clean.
"Remove the worst but don’t scrub it clean" is my new mantra :)
Those screws are insanely small!! Anybody else reading this also note there is a metal ring inside the mouthpiece plate that will need refitting correct way round if taken apart. All very easy to clean.
"Remove the worst but don’t scrub it clean" is my new mantra :)

That’s some brilliant imagery there. Every time I see those screws I’m going to be thinking about the vapmen 😂
But yeah not sure why they made them so small, a magnetic screwdriver is your friend.
But yeah not sure why they made them so small, a magnetic screwdriver is your friend.

Don't overthink the hole aspect 😉 I make my own hash/concentrate screens and it is a case of poking it with a small Philips head or similar as it doesn't need to be a large hole...
I'm not going to make any reference to tightness here
But way easier than you think
I'm not going to make any reference to tightness here
But way easier than you think

It is fiddly. I sometimes just lay a little bacon bed in the bowl and nestle my Cumberland sausage of hash on top, but this will then still stick to the cap piece so cleaning required. A tiny duvet cover on top will help prevent this and ensure your hash luxuriates in its surroundings 😍
Since I am ham fisted this is generally not as easy as it sounds and if I can’t be bothered or am in a hurry then I use the pie dish instead🥧
A “quieter” jet lighter?🤔….are you vaping in a library or church service?😂…but thanks for explaining about the ‘bacon’ ‘cos I didn’t get that either!😀
Since I am ham fisted this is generally not as easy as it sounds and if I can’t be bothered or am in a hurry then I use the pie dish instead🥧
A “quieter” jet lighter?🤔….are you vaping in a library or church service?😂…but thanks for explaining about the ‘bacon’ ‘cos I didn’t get that either!😀

It is the fiddly aspect that has kept me from buying and using any bacon cotton. I suppose it isn't that expensive so I may just try it and see for myself. Unless somebody really convinces me otherwise.
Regarding the lighter, you see it is getting embarrassing when there is a break in the readings and you hear CLICK CLICK whoooooooosh and no matter how much I hide behind the pulpit I get some funny stares from the congregation when I stand up looking like the Doc from Back to the Future. :)
A quieter lighter would be good but not essential for my stealth needs. More concerning is the cap that flicks back on some lighters that may get in the way. Am I being too picky here? :)
Regarding the lighter, you see it is getting embarrassing when there is a break in the readings and you hear CLICK CLICK whoooooooosh and no matter how much I hide behind the pulpit I get some funny stares from the congregation when I stand up looking like the Doc from Back to the Future. :)
A quieter lighter would be good but not essential for my stealth needs. More concerning is the cap that flicks back on some lighters that may get in the way. Am I being too picky here? :)

I use the bacon a lot but still estimate the whole pack will last c.233 years. In the Mighty oven I just enrobe a ball of hash in it and it works perfectly, then just pull out and throw away.
Amazon have some neat triple jet (even quad!) lighters that have no cap although I don’t think any of them last very long. The best lighter I ever had was a Prometheus. It had a LIFETIME guarantee (😵💫🤯) and after about 5 years of daily use I sent it back to the US not genuinely believing the warranty. Came back in a few weeks good as new. Then I lost it 🙄😭
I use the bacon a lot but still estimate the whole pack will last c.233 years. In the Mighty oven I just enrobe a ball of hash in it and it works perfectly, then just pull out and throw away.
Amazon have some neat triple jet (even quad!) lighters that have no cap although I don’t think any of them last very long. The best lighter I ever had was a Prometheus. It had a LIFETIME guarantee (😵💫🤯) and after about 5 years of daily use I sent it back to the US not genuinely believing the warranty. Came back in a few weeks good as new. Then I lost it 🙄😭

I will give the cotton bacon a go. No big deal if I don't get on with it - just means I will need to find another use for it!
Before I get vaping I always wish the vapman bowl was bigger or wish I could put more hash on the sieve. Then I have my first vape and think "no, that was enough for one bowl!" before I have a little rest. Eyes, stomach and all that. :)
Before I get vaping I always wish the vapman bowl was bigger or wish I could put more hash on the sieve. Then I have my first vape and think "no, that was enough for one bowl!" before I have a little rest. Eyes, stomach and all that. :)

You think you have issues with click click and pulpits, Mrs Rabb1t rolls her eyes every click and that's like a stackable debuff that just keeps going, I can't use any fun vapes around her because of it 🤷🏽

Maybe we all need to get together and invent a totally silent vape and/or lighter.
“Well Peter, I need £420,000 to invest in a silent herb vape.”
“Thank fuck, count me in the other Dragons get on my case when I blaze on my vapman and they’ve run out of ketamine.”
“Well Peter, I need £420,000 to invest in a silent herb vape.”
“Thank fuck, count me in the other Dragons get on my case when I blaze on my vapman and they’ve run out of ketamine.”

It’s not really the ‘click’ that annoys her though is it DR?…it’s the way the lights dim and the telly goes off as power diverts to the main rods on stage 3 preheat prior to the full ignition sequence countdown with turbo vape initiated.
I can see her point 😉
I can see her point 😉

Honestly that would annoy her less, there is something about the click of the lighter, the little roar the lighter makes and then the final click or two of the dynavap that just sets her off , it's like the sequence itself is designed to cause maximum Mrs Rabb1t annoyance.

I like to use these aomi lighters, no cap to get in the way plus they have a flint wheel so no clicking. You just push a slide up to start the gas and flick the wheel. I also like the fact the flame is quite small so you can really get it on the gold dish without charring the vapman to badly like lighters with bigger flames do. Only downside is they don’t hold as much gas as the bigger jet lighters. But it still lasts wells enough with this vape I think I paid like £10 for the lighter from vapefiend

Hi Viper, bought one of these and been using it for a few months now. Out of the blue though the flame has suddenly gone to a soft flame. It's not on a low gas setting, whatever position the wheel the flame is like a bic lighter flame! Took the wheel out, spring and a bit of black flake (the old flint?) came out. Messed about a bit, reassembled without any flint and... it still lights a small bic flame! How is this possible without a flint though!!🤯
Anyway left it for a while and realised I had some lighters from the ol' combustion days. Took out a flint and put it in the aomai, clicked the wheel and... a soft blue bic flame came out!! I then shook the damn thing in frustration and no word of a lie, I clicked again and we have the loud, whoosh of a jet flame. So I don't know what just happened but a new flint and a good shake around seems to have done the trick!
Anyway left it for a while and realised I had some lighters from the ol' combustion days. Took out a flint and put it in the aomai, clicked the wheel and... a soft blue bic flame came out!! I then shook the damn thing in frustration and no word of a lie, I clicked again and we have the loud, whoosh of a jet flame. So I don't know what just happened but a new flint and a good shake around seems to have done the trick!

Hey, hope you’ve been keeping well. Yeah it sounds to me like the gas out let got blocked, maybe with pocket fluff or a bit of flint and stopped the gas coming out but not enough for it to make a standard flame. I reckon when you shook it, it probably dislodged what was blocking it. The other thing that can happen is the tanks can get filled with air and may need purging from time to time. Just turn upside down and compress the valve to let everything out the tank and when empty refill.
Glad you got it working, I ❤️ my aomi lighter
Glad you got it working, I ❤️ my aomi lighter

Initially when searching 'tnet for flint/maintenance tips I came across a video that showed complete disassembly to change the flint and it looked soooo complicated. Glad I read the comments cos you just lift out the wheel like a clipper lighter! Nearly threw it away before that!
Sometimes I panic a bit when I'm getting mellow and the ol' fingers and thumb slip off the wheel and it doesn't light the escaping gas! Keeps you on your toes though. Overall this lighter was a good recommendation, cheers matey :)
Sometimes I panic a bit when I'm getting mellow and the ol' fingers and thumb slip off the wheel and it doesn't light the escaping gas! Keeps you on your toes though. Overall this lighter was a good recommendation, cheers matey :)

Thanks Viper. I have seen similar jet flame flint wheel lighters on old Amazon. I will keep looking. :)

26 posts
+89 votes

Vapman and Concentrates?

Vapman and Concentrates?
Hello Biggas!
Only ever tried concentrates using my Coil King. Tried a couple of Live Resin sessions with my Vapman using a sieve. I'm a little wary of the heat, so do 2-3 second bursts 2 or 3 times for each inhale and I get less vapour than the CK, slightly less flavour too (wasn't expecting that, maybe not enough heat?) but it was way smoother than the CK which all made me think it wasn't really hitting (CK heat level 1, about 5-8 second burst produces large vapour and certainly "hits") BUT after about 5 mins it crept and crept and was good!
My first session was about 8-10 inhales but on my second session the next day within a second of heating plumes of vapour/whatever poured out from all orifices... on the vapman. This continued for each subsequent inhale and was really off putting. I'm assuming this was reclaim/unspent Live Resin from previous session? (Despite the sieve looking clean).
Am I on the right track with this, maybe more initial heat (stop being too cautious?).
I would just keep testing but these concentrates are quite expensive!
Any tips to improve my experience? :)
Only ever tried concentrates using my Coil King. Tried a couple of Live Resin sessions with my Vapman using a sieve. I'm a little wary of the heat, so do 2-3 second bursts 2 or 3 times for each inhale and I get less vapour than the CK, slightly less flavour too (wasn't expecting that, maybe not enough heat?) but it was way smoother than the CK which all made me think it wasn't really hitting (CK heat level 1, about 5-8 second burst produces large vapour and certainly "hits") BUT after about 5 mins it crept and crept and was good!
My first session was about 8-10 inhales but on my second session the next day within a second of heating plumes of vapour/whatever poured out from all orifices... on the vapman. This continued for each subsequent inhale and was really off putting. I'm assuming this was reclaim/unspent Live Resin from previous session? (Despite the sieve looking clean).
Am I on the right track with this, maybe more initial heat (stop being too cautious?).
I would just keep testing but these concentrates are quite expensive!
Any tips to improve my experience? :)

Interesting CB….🤔
I think the heated resin will find its way out of the sieve and over the golden bowl of glory. Even with non melty hash I use bacon to protect my precious..
Thanks to El Rabb1to (deceased) I was running resin and Budder through the AceCup bubbler over the weekend and it was superb. You would be driven mad though as the atomisers can’t really be cleaned 🥺😩
I think the heated resin will find its way out of the sieve and over the golden bowl of glory. Even with non melty hash I use bacon to protect my precious..
Thanks to El Rabb1to (deceased) I was running resin and Budder through the AceCup bubbler over the weekend and it was superb. You would be driven mad though as the atomisers can’t really be cleaned 🥺😩

You know me well! Although I am getting better, I don't clean my vapes as frequently as I used to but yes that would bother me slightly.
I'm not using much concentrate, less than the CK (and that's small!) but because it seems to disappear from the sieve, I think this is deceptive and there is some left but what gets me is on the second attempt some sort of vapour/smoke poured out with minimal heat - like a burn off on full setting with the CK.
I think I need to apply more heat during the session.
I'm not using much concentrate, less than the CK (and that's small!) but because it seems to disappear from the sieve, I think this is deceptive and there is some left but what gets me is on the second attempt some sort of vapour/smoke poured out with minimal heat - like a burn off on full setting with the CK.
I think I need to apply more heat during the session.

Assume you mean the cleaning? I think if the vape has a glass pathway I can see how much gunk is building up and BEFORE I would iso/wipe each session because I would think of it like the gunk you get in a pipe (ash/shite/reclaim? Whatever, no thanks!). Then I realised that vape gunk wasn't too bad and if the vape was more wooden/metal and enclosed I couldn't see it and cared less and less. Now I clean vapes every week or so or until taste goes. Then it's time for a good, hard clean, getting that qtip right up there in all that dirt... mmmmm. :)

You assumed right.
I like a clean vape lol 😂
I just wanted to gauge on the cleaning scale how I would fit in 🤔🤔
Cleaning porn from the catsbananas
I like a clean vape lol 😂
I just wanted to gauge on the cleaning scale how I would fit in 🤔🤔
Cleaning porn from the catsbananas

Buy a lightening pen
Not actually used the proper sieve in my vapman yet 🤔 maybe a job for later
Not actually used the proper sieve in my vapman yet 🤔 maybe a job for later

I've got my eye on the lightning pen for a future purchase, waiting for a few more reviews but looks promising. You got one?
I use the sieve all the time for hash and I love it, although hash in my Dynavap M is becoming my favourite! (Vapman for a mellow session, M for a quicker hit, especially with the FMJ!)
Without the sieve it just makes too much mess and marks the golden pan (especially sticky hash). I'd rather torch the sieve clean, easy!
When you use the sieve maybe you can come back and actually answer the bloody question you long eared idiarrt!!!!!!!! 😁😃😉 Cheers matey :)
I use the sieve all the time for hash and I love it, although hash in my Dynavap M is becoming my favourite! (Vapman for a mellow session, M for a quicker hit, especially with the FMJ!)
Without the sieve it just makes too much mess and marks the golden pan (especially sticky hash). I'd rather torch the sieve clean, easy!
When you use the sieve maybe you can come back and actually answer the bloody question you long eared idiarrt!!!!!!!! 😁😃😉 Cheers matey :)

Big fan of hash in the dyna especially in the Ti tip and cotton because I’m a lazy cunt and probably slightly like yourself hate the oven being manky!
Just easier to switch
I looked at the lighting pen also. After that topic and your comment in between that I got sent the link to it from another bigga.
Like you future purchase for sure
Just easier to switch
I looked at the lighting pen also. After that topic and your comment in between that I got sent the link to it from another bigga.
Like you future purchase for sure

Completely agree. First try I wrapped a small ball of hash in lots of cotton. So much so the click didn't happen and nearly combusted and all I could taste was T shirt to be honest! Now I put the smallest nug of cotton in the bowl against the CCD and keeps the mess to a minimum. Tastes great and just pop it out when finished. Even with sticky hash it works a treat. Love it! :)

Lovely 😊 it’s all about trial and error. I made sure when I was sorting out the heater settings that I used trim just so I could get it right.
Hash is 3 flashes past click in the UFO
My rule after much experimentation is what ever you think you need take 50% away because of the same reason.
I can’t believe how far your hash go’s in the dyna with that process
Hash is 3 flashes past click in the UFO
My rule after much experimentation is what ever you think you need take 50% away because of the same reason.
I can’t believe how far your hash go’s in the dyna with that process

Yup got a pen, it's fab 😀
I haven't got time to sit down with the vapman I have lamps to play with
I haven't got time to sit down with the vapman I have lamps to play with

I can't tell what is shop bought or homemade! I watched that video like I was watching Paul Daniels doing a magic trick but this time I DID like it. :)

Wooden lamp case is froma friend, ecig mod is a DNA 100c
All the stuff that makes cannabis vapour, that's me
All the stuff that makes cannabis vapour, that's me

Wait, cannabis? I've been using Parsley, what's cannabis?
Next you'll be telling me I shouldn't be vaping the orange juice concentrate I've been talking about? :)
Next you'll be telling me I shouldn't be vaping the orange juice concentrate I've been talking about? :)

Parsley 🌿 I’m getting premo imported oregano
It’s 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
It’s 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

So after a few more attempts I added a couple more heat cycles until either a strong smell or a wisp of vapour was evident and this gave a much better experience. Fuller hits, more flavour but still really smooth and mellow. Had it worked? Not sure really not feeling too much to be honest quick go on my guitar play same riff couple of hours or is it only a few minutes put guitar down pick back up put back down put plectrum down no not there put it there pick up guitar smile uncontrollably what's going on? I need a lie down too stoned.
So yeah vaping concentrates in the Vapman is fun - just add enough heat :)
So yeah vaping concentrates in the Vapman is fun - just add enough heat :)

Thanks for the update CB!….just having my weekend treat of Gods Green Crack Budder and weeeeezus it’s a tweeeeeaat!! 🔥💥🔥🤩

Nice! There are quite a few choices at the moment on the items wall but what to go for? May make a purchase soon, might go for a mix and match... Also weed... Also hash. Just need the mula first! Enjoy :)

4 posts
+12 votes

Huge cannabis farm worth more than £1 million found by police in Barnsley

Huge cannabis farm worth more than £1 million found by police in Barnsley
First of all - boo, leave our weed alone. Secondly, look at the time of the discovery...

Nice one Poll! Co-incidently,there was a topic on the radio this morning about the amount of Weed farms that are popping up in neighbourhoods throughout the uk...apparently there are over 1000 operating in London alone!

7 posts
+24 votes

Reefer Madness? This is 2022, right?...

Reefer Madness? This is 2022, right?...
I mean?... fuck me. Just... fuck me.
I mean?... fuck me. Just... fuck me.

Written by 'Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset', which is particularly crazy when you consider the high rate of heroin addiction & drug-related deaths in places like Bournemouth & Poole.
So many logical inconsistencies in this article which are barely worth addressing. I think it's strange that he thinks the legalisation movement is predicated on cannabis being 'harmless'; very few things in society are completely harmless. Total straw man. Thankfully most Brits don't buy into this nonsense, even though our move into legalisation is very slow.
Still waiting for a forward-thinking parliamentarian to make the economic argument now that we're all skint. Imagine the many millions in tax revenue, new jobs that young people actually want to do, international trade in an emerging market, more tourism, new cultural centres & institutions (coffee shops, cannabis clubs etc). Could be such an asset to us all.
So many logical inconsistencies in this article which are barely worth addressing. I think it's strange that he thinks the legalisation movement is predicated on cannabis being 'harmless'; very few things in society are completely harmless. Total straw man. Thankfully most Brits don't buy into this nonsense, even though our move into legalisation is very slow.
Still waiting for a forward-thinking parliamentarian to make the economic argument now that we're all skint. Imagine the many millions in tax revenue, new jobs that young people actually want to do, international trade in an emerging market, more tourism, new cultural centres & institutions (coffee shops, cannabis clubs etc). Could be such an asset to us all.

"So many logical inconsistencies in this article which are barely worth addressing."
I hope I'm wrong but I'm disheartened because all the positivity around cannabis, whether that is medical or recreational will be ignored by all the "on the sideline" people. But this article will hit home - it is just sooo easy to absorb all the "info" and make it "fact" in some people's minds.
This bloke needs to have a toot. I've never understood how anybody could believe in the cannabis/violence link. On pot, I can barely lift my eyelids let alone a fist in anger.
Maybe we do need to keep addressing these inconsistencies before they become unquestionable "fact". Or move to Colorado.
I hope I'm wrong but I'm disheartened because all the positivity around cannabis, whether that is medical or recreational will be ignored by all the "on the sideline" people. But this article will hit home - it is just sooo easy to absorb all the "info" and make it "fact" in some people's minds.
This bloke needs to have a toot. I've never understood how anybody could believe in the cannabis/violence link. On pot, I can barely lift my eyelids let alone a fist in anger.
Maybe we do need to keep addressing these inconsistencies before they become unquestionable "fact". Or move to Colorado.

16 posts
+27 votes

Bloody Typical

Bloody Typical
So, first heard of the Tinymight a while back when perusing "which vape should I get?" type of topics/discussions. I let it lay dormant in my mind but it kept nagging to be thought about. Nah, it's never in stock, price is quite high, oh well just forget it.
But it keeps getting mentioned as "the one" and it's increasingly mythical status was gnawing at my mind. Nah, it's never in stock, price is quite high, oh well just forget it.
Surfing the net one day and did the usual search "tinymight" and, what do I see, it's in stock. Hmmm. What to do? Hmmm. Price is high. Hmmm. Not sure...
So, my only gripe with it (Ha! Was there any doubt about purchasing really?) is the slightly uneven AVB and after reading the whole internet, yes, ALL of it, I'm just going to have to live with it but tbh it's not really a big deal (OCD be damned).
This thing is fantastic. (How's that for an expert review?)
I'm just happy I've got one and I will live with the slightly uneven AVB. After all, it's not as though they are bringing out a new version any time soon and one that can cook the AVB better apparently...
Are they?...
They are...
Bloody typical. :)
But it keeps getting mentioned as "the one" and it's increasingly mythical status was gnawing at my mind. Nah, it's never in stock, price is quite high, oh well just forget it.
Surfing the net one day and did the usual search "tinymight" and, what do I see, it's in stock. Hmmm. What to do? Hmmm. Price is high. Hmmm. Not sure...
So, my only gripe with it (Ha! Was there any doubt about purchasing really?) is the slightly uneven AVB and after reading the whole internet, yes, ALL of it, I'm just going to have to live with it but tbh it's not really a big deal (OCD be damned).
This thing is fantastic. (How's that for an expert review?)
I'm just happy I've got one and I will live with the slightly uneven AVB. After all, it's not as though they are bringing out a new version any time soon and one that can cook the AVB better apparently...
Are they?...
They are...
Bloody typical. :)

Hi Cat,
Are you using the OG CU? If so, how far down the stem is the CU?
Screen or no? If so, what type & size?
When you say uneven do you see a darker central ring or green around the edges?
Do you stir?
What temp setting?
Edit: I don’t believe that there’s much of a functional difference to the TM2
Are you using the OG CU? If so, how far down the stem is the CU?
Screen or no? If so, what type & size?
When you say uneven do you see a darker central ring or green around the edges?
Do you stir?
What temp setting?
Edit: I don’t believe that there’s much of a functional difference to the TM2

Hi rt,
Yes OG CU. Position varies between 10-15mm from the end of the stem. Still experimenting with this.
No screen.
Green around edges.
Don't stir as the glass (heater end) gets hot as a mofo and the herb/AVB becomes loose anyway. So the thought of stirring and putting it back in the TM and dumping all that material in the innards doesn't appeal!
Temp setting varies but I'm finding starting at 4 with a bump towards the end to about 6/7 gives a more even AVB.
As I said to Polly, after a bowl while the AVB is still in the stem it looks green but tipped out majority looks brown... And then it hits and you don't care! :)
Yes OG CU. Position varies between 10-15mm from the end of the stem. Still experimenting with this.
No screen.
Green around edges.
Don't stir as the glass (heater end) gets hot as a mofo and the herb/AVB becomes loose anyway. So the thought of stirring and putting it back in the TM and dumping all that material in the innards doesn't appeal!
Temp setting varies but I'm finding starting at 4 with a bump towards the end to about 6/7 gives a more even AVB.
As I said to Polly, after a bowl while the AVB is still in the stem it looks green but tipped out majority looks brown... And then it hits and you don't care! :)

Well you’ll certainly have fun fine tuning your routine.
Maybe try adding a basket it seems to help with evening out the extraction. The glass one-hitters from Grav are effective at complete extraction.
I always stir if I’m using the OG and push the temp a bit for a last pull. Pushing the stem into the TM upside down stops much being left behind on the screen above the heater and I’m not obsessive about a tiny amount hanging around there as it’s so easy to clean
Maybe try adding a basket it seems to help with evening out the extraction. The glass one-hitters from Grav are effective at complete extraction.
I always stir if I’m using the OG and push the temp a bit for a last pull. Pushing the stem into the TM upside down stops much being left behind on the screen above the heater and I’m not obsessive about a tiny amount hanging around there as it’s so easy to clean

Heard about the Grav stems, may have to look into them. The more I hit this thing the less bothered I am about the little uneven AVB 😵😳😊

Hey CB👋…good to hear from you buddy!
Did you find it in the UK?…it is the very next vape on my list…but, now they have announced the TM2😳🤩😂
Nah, news is there is very little difference (unless you are OCD in which case the differences are game changingly HUGE 😛😉)
I’ve finally proposed to the Vapman. After the usual rocky start and compatibility issues we are ready to commit now that we truly understand each other. It’s a nuanced but rewarding relationship 🥰
Meanwhile the Mighty stands like an ugly bouncer in front of my stash taking no shit from anybody and always reporting for duty spot on time
But the Tinymight really does need to join the team. Just need to even out that AVB! 😉
Did you find it in the UK?…it is the very next vape on my list…but, now they have announced the TM2😳🤩😂
Nah, news is there is very little difference (unless you are OCD in which case the differences are game changingly HUGE 😛😉)
I’ve finally proposed to the Vapman. After the usual rocky start and compatibility issues we are ready to commit now that we truly understand each other. It’s a nuanced but rewarding relationship 🥰
Meanwhile the Mighty stands like an ugly bouncer in front of my stash taking no shit from anybody and always reporting for duty spot on time
But the Tinymight really does need to join the team. Just need to even out that AVB! 😉

Hi Polly, yes in the UK but all out of stock at the moment. Bought it with longer glass stem which keeps the vapour a little cooler but it only gets a little "hot" at higher temps anyway. Just like the feel of longer glass stems really.
It produces dense, cloudy and very flavourful hits even at low temps. After a bowl the herb still looks fresh (ish) around the inside of the glass stem which gives the impression NONE of the bowl has vaped BUT when you tip it out the majority is definitely brown and vaped. There is an element of optical illusion. Sort of!
But look, because you can clear a bowl in 5 mins and whilst pondering the AVB the effects suddenly hit you! This thing definitely extracts!
I have wanted to try smoking my AVB in the past with the hope that it is disgusting with hardly any effects and then I can get rid of my uneven AVB OCD but can't be arsed! Once saved 10+ grams and made canna coconut oil. Never again, no high just a headache and straight to sleep.
One small gripe, the battery only lasts me 4-5 bowls and takes a couple of hours to charge. The TM2 has usb c and 45 mins charge, which is better.
But the lovely vapour and feel of the TM outweighs this little gripe.
The analogue temp dial is a learning curve just like the Vapman and the lighter. It's fun to experiment though!
Overall I'm really enjoying the TM.
VAS has really struck this month, I also have bared my soul to the lovely Vapman. More for hash (bought a couple of concentrate sieves) and I think it is fantastic. Never been impressed to even try butane powered vapes in the past but this thing just hits the spot.
Two completely different approaches to vaping but I love them both! :)
It produces dense, cloudy and very flavourful hits even at low temps. After a bowl the herb still looks fresh (ish) around the inside of the glass stem which gives the impression NONE of the bowl has vaped BUT when you tip it out the majority is definitely brown and vaped. There is an element of optical illusion. Sort of!
But look, because you can clear a bowl in 5 mins and whilst pondering the AVB the effects suddenly hit you! This thing definitely extracts!
I have wanted to try smoking my AVB in the past with the hope that it is disgusting with hardly any effects and then I can get rid of my uneven AVB OCD but can't be arsed! Once saved 10+ grams and made canna coconut oil. Never again, no high just a headache and straight to sleep.
One small gripe, the battery only lasts me 4-5 bowls and takes a couple of hours to charge. The TM2 has usb c and 45 mins charge, which is better.
But the lovely vapour and feel of the TM outweighs this little gripe.
The analogue temp dial is a learning curve just like the Vapman and the lighter. It's fun to experiment though!
Overall I'm really enjoying the TM.
VAS has really struck this month, I also have bared my soul to the lovely Vapman. More for hash (bought a couple of concentrate sieves) and I think it is fantastic. Never been impressed to even try butane powered vapes in the past but this thing just hits the spot.
Two completely different approaches to vaping but I love them both! :)

Oh man I am with you on the Vapman and hash - it’s my “go to” kit🤩
I love those little concentrate dishes or ‘pie trays’ as I call them. Last night I rolled some Creamsicle weed into some Cereal Milk live resin and pressed it into the tray. Looked just like a junket (showing my age) and vaped fabulously 🥰🥰
On my learning curve I was told the butane heating was ‘intuitive’ and I thought “in practice I have no bloody idea what that means” but now I get it! 🥳 We talk to each other 👍
I’m using cotton bacon with oily hash rather than the tray…works perfectly to keep the golden oven all shiny 😻
I love those little concentrate dishes or ‘pie trays’ as I call them. Last night I rolled some Creamsicle weed into some Cereal Milk live resin and pressed it into the tray. Looked just like a junket (showing my age) and vaped fabulously 🥰🥰
On my learning curve I was told the butane heating was ‘intuitive’ and I thought “in practice I have no bloody idea what that means” but now I get it! 🥳 We talk to each other 👍
I’m using cotton bacon with oily hash rather than the tray…works perfectly to keep the golden oven all shiny 😻

The tray works nice with the couple of hash varieties I have and doesn't leave any mess in the vapman.
I can't seem to get rid of tiny resin marks from the sieve even after a few days in an iso bath. Again bloody OCD and I'm sure it will last and perform for a long time but have you ever got it brand new looking or are you not a picky git like me? 😁
Bloody love this thing! :)
Edit: classic or pure? Which mouthpiece?
I can't seem to get rid of tiny resin marks from the sieve even after a few days in an iso bath. Again bloody OCD and I'm sure it will last and perform for a long time but have you ever got it brand new looking or are you not a picky git like me? 😁
Bloody love this thing! :)
Edit: classic or pure? Which mouthpiece?

I’m all Pure with a long glass stem, but yeah the sieves don’t come very clean. Cotton bacon does just as good a job for straight hash, no cleaning required- although I know you like cleaning! 😂😉

Got the mica classic one for no particular reason and the inox stem. Got the glass stem too but I find both as good and don't get hot.
Not too much cleaning with the vapman so more time for vaping 😀
Not too much cleaning with the vapman so more time for vaping 😀

Hey DR, really enjoying mine. Just got some sunset sherbet live resin from CI and might try it in the old vapman. :)

Heya matey.🙌 Good choice on both options for this evening 🙂 I'm errrrr "testing" this new build ☁️🐰☁️

It's the "can I make another" version of the green block, the idea here being can I make it function the same ignore the looks 😉 the answer is ,.sort of 🤷🏽

11 posts
+31 votes


I know RSO has may applications but as an edible what do Biggas prefer from a potency/effectiveness point of view:
RSO on its own, edible made using RSO or edible made using other cannabis extract?
RSO is (supposed to be) full spectrum, so for that full entourage effect are edibles made with only distillate lacking "something" in effect or no difference?
I realise this is all very subjective, especially with different qualities and different vendors to consider but has anybody had RSO and RSO edible from the same vendor and noticed any great difference in effect?
Not having tried RSO before, I'm leaning towards RSO by itself because you can prepare an exact dose. Unless those distillate bottles/gummies get a bigger approval, then I'm back to square one!
All of the above products have such high ratings on LB it's difficult to decide which to go for. :)
RSO on its own, edible made using RSO or edible made using other cannabis extract?
RSO is (supposed to be) full spectrum, so for that full entourage effect are edibles made with only distillate lacking "something" in effect or no difference?
I realise this is all very subjective, especially with different qualities and different vendors to consider but has anybody had RSO and RSO edible from the same vendor and noticed any great difference in effect?
Not having tried RSO before, I'm leaning towards RSO by itself because you can prepare an exact dose. Unless those distillate bottles/gummies get a bigger approval, then I'm back to square one!
All of the above products have such high ratings on LB it's difficult to decide which to go for. :)

Hi, RSO will give you all of the benefits of cannabis, the distillate gives a clean high.
I use both to make suspensions and edibles, it is much more cost effective than buying the premade. Both are decarbded so it is just a question of what you want to make?
Canadian Imports have a distillate that has been made form bud and is not a CBD conversion, this is the one igo for currently, it does seem slightly more rounded than all others I have tried.
I use both to make suspensions and edibles, it is much more cost effective than buying the premade. Both are decarbded so it is just a question of what you want to make?
Canadian Imports have a distillate that has been made form bud and is not a CBD conversion, this is the one igo for currently, it does seem slightly more rounded than all others I have tried.

I did not realise the CI distillate was from bud, that's going on the need to compare list then, thank you 👍

Hi, yes I got them to check with their supplier, it is very different to all others I have tried, it smells a little like the full spectrum CBD I buy from iceheadshop, it was the only reason I asked really.

Hi Nick, Sounds like I need to try both RSO and distillate - what a chore, eh?😀
I just want to simply "eat" the product. So both sound ideal, really.
I just want to simply "eat" the product. So both sound ideal, really.

I love RSO in coffee or on the end of my finger, anything else is way too much work.
I prefer the RSO effect to that of d8/d9 disty as I like the body effect and get more of that with RSO.
This is ofc subjective and who the hell trusts the opinion of a Rabb1t on the internet ☁️🐰☁️😎
I prefer the RSO effect to that of d8/d9 disty as I like the body effect and get more of that with RSO.
This is ofc subjective and who the hell trusts the opinion of a Rabb1t on the internet ☁️🐰☁️😎

Makes sense DR. Although is it a zen thing? Do you just stare at your finger and the magic works...? 😁

I stare at my fingers, taking in the reflection of the light shining from the RSO. Hesitantly i raise my finger to my mouth...
Yea on finger, finger in mouth swish swish 🤯
Yea on finger, finger in mouth swish swish 🤯

16 posts
+39 votes

Concentrates Advice

Concentrates Advice
Just beginning to look into the world of concentrates (dabbing kind) and I am looking at starting with a dab pen. (DeadRabb1t, yes I am considering the coil king!)
Most reviews on lb seem positive regarding shatters, live resin, waxes, etc. and seem to be in the region of $50-$80 per gram but some are priced lower. Does price generally reflect quality or are there some genuine bargains?
Are there any type of concentrate that are better suited for potency, storing and ease of use?
Any particular vendors to recommend?
Any other advice welcome. Cheers :)
Most reviews on lb seem positive regarding shatters, live resin, waxes, etc. and seem to be in the region of $50-$80 per gram but some are priced lower. Does price generally reflect quality or are there some genuine bargains?
Are there any type of concentrate that are better suited for potency, storing and ease of use?
Any particular vendors to recommend?
Any other advice welcome. Cheers :)

Hey CB, I’m also setting off down the this alley, cajoled and er…’assisted’’ by a certain long eared Bigga 😉
Personally I’ve got a few red flags- concentrates are only as good as the ingredients and the care and skill of the producer- I know the same generally applies to weed but a blob of goo pretty much looks the same as any other blob of goo huh? There are only so many potential cheap and nasty solvents (used for extraction) that I want to go near!
Secondly the experience is going to need to be worth it because the strength means that your tolerance will ratchet right up. I’m kinda happy where my tolerance is right now and would be disappointed if some of my favourite weed just stopped ‘quite doing it for me’ 😢 because I’d impatiently loaded into the super strengths…
But curiosity and cats(bananas) huh?….sooooo….I started with hash rosin because that’s about as pure as it comes and yup loved it. Then Canadian Exports listed Northern Lights shatter which I couldn’t resist. I found it a bit eye watering in a dab pen (not one connected to glass as el Rabb1to would have it) but a big fat smooth hitter in the Mighty using a concentrates capsule.
(I’m also loving RSO for the first time and dry iced kief but they are different subject again)
Yeah, if I was you I’d have a conversation with the Canadians. The Dead one also piles into Mercedes for value options like badder which I haven’t tried but will and I can’t take my eyes of the Jungle Boys cut crumble by HattanExotics ….
Be really interested to hear how you progress amigo 👍👍
Personally I’ve got a few red flags- concentrates are only as good as the ingredients and the care and skill of the producer- I know the same generally applies to weed but a blob of goo pretty much looks the same as any other blob of goo huh? There are only so many potential cheap and nasty solvents (used for extraction) that I want to go near!
Secondly the experience is going to need to be worth it because the strength means that your tolerance will ratchet right up. I’m kinda happy where my tolerance is right now and would be disappointed if some of my favourite weed just stopped ‘quite doing it for me’ 😢 because I’d impatiently loaded into the super strengths…
But curiosity and cats(bananas) huh?….sooooo….I started with hash rosin because that’s about as pure as it comes and yup loved it. Then Canadian Exports listed Northern Lights shatter which I couldn’t resist. I found it a bit eye watering in a dab pen (not one connected to glass as el Rabb1to would have it) but a big fat smooth hitter in the Mighty using a concentrates capsule.
(I’m also loving RSO for the first time and dry iced kief but they are different subject again)
Yeah, if I was you I’d have a conversation with the Canadians. The Dead one also piles into Mercedes for value options like badder which I haven’t tried but will and I can’t take my eyes of the Jungle Boys cut crumble by HattanExotics ….
Be really interested to hear how you progress amigo 👍👍

Hi Polly, I too have quality concerns especially as most reviews across all price ranges are positive (which is the LB way...).
This doesn't really help because do lower priced concentrates attract high reviews because of price even though quality is low? (applies to other lb products too, I suppose.)
To be fair though maybe all these concentrates are potent enough but how can a bigga really assess the quality ie may do small damage over time?
Anyway, enough scaremongering! (oh no, if the trolls start telling us "we iz wnakas for buying globby shit lol get genuine off mate dave for 5p an oz even though never tried it etc etc" how can we argue? After all, it is just globby shit!!!!!!)
I think I will treat concentrates like my Whisky, as a treat every now and then. After all I have been drinking Whisky all my life but I have only ever moderately drank beer. Not ashamed to say a few pints will do me, not one to down "20 pints and wasn't even drunk mate".
So yeah weed/hash will by my beer and dabs will be my whisky.
MKK2020 also seem to have some interesting concentrates and they deliver daily. I think Canadian only deliver certain days and I want to order something for end of the week.
That DR will bankrupt me 😄
To be continued...
This doesn't really help because do lower priced concentrates attract high reviews because of price even though quality is low? (applies to other lb products too, I suppose.)
To be fair though maybe all these concentrates are potent enough but how can a bigga really assess the quality ie may do small damage over time?
Anyway, enough scaremongering! (oh no, if the trolls start telling us "we iz wnakas for buying globby shit lol get genuine off mate dave for 5p an oz even though never tried it etc etc" how can we argue? After all, it is just globby shit!!!!!!)
I think I will treat concentrates like my Whisky, as a treat every now and then. After all I have been drinking Whisky all my life but I have only ever moderately drank beer. Not ashamed to say a few pints will do me, not one to down "20 pints and wasn't even drunk mate".
So yeah weed/hash will by my beer and dabs will be my whisky.
MKK2020 also seem to have some interesting concentrates and they deliver daily. I think Canadian only deliver certain days and I want to order something for end of the week.
That DR will bankrupt me 😄
To be continued...

Hi Catsbananas we won't speak about the quality of any other vendors products good or bad just incase its seen as hostile but we would say that the extracts we stock would be some of the best quality available they all come straight from a few different dispensaries in Canada we doubt you will be disappointed if you tried :)
We just came here to clear things up we don't know who told you we don't ship daily we have always shipped daily and we recently updated our shipping times currently any order placed before 4pm will be shipped the same day, we urge you to shop around but we just wanted to clarify we are here 24/7 365 days a year ♡
We just came here to clear things up we don't know who told you we don't ship daily we have always shipped daily and we recently updated our shipping times currently any order placed before 4pm will be shipped the same day, we urge you to shop around but we just wanted to clarify we are here 24/7 365 days a year ♡

Apologies to Canadian Imports on my behalf - who DO ship daily. It was me having brain fog. It was another vendor who had limited daily postage but I don't want to name them in case I upset them!!!

No need to apologise Catsbananas we just wanted to clear things up, we had seen this thread a couple of days ago but we try to refrain from joining in on the discussion around potency/quality as it can seem like we're tooting our own horn :)

Oh DR has already caused my financial ruin….I’m just too stoned most of the time to stop smiling about it…
Who needs things like food & clothes anyway?😳
Loving your Troll impressions, to prove how accurate you are I got this only today:
“ You don't know anything, thats the point.
You are obviously so deluded to the point you have to convince yourself you aren't getting shafted with fake cali, the quality is probably good but it is so fake its laughable.
You live your life on here, spending your 'hard earned' money buying items 3X the actual price, you are an idiot.
Nothing more, nothing less.”
😂😂😂 good huh 😉
Who needs things like food & clothes anyway?😳
Loving your Troll impressions, to prove how accurate you are I got this only today:
“ You don't know anything, thats the point.
You are obviously so deluded to the point you have to convince yourself you aren't getting shafted with fake cali, the quality is probably good but it is so fake its laughable.
You live your life on here, spending your 'hard earned' money buying items 3X the actual price, you are an idiot.
Nothing more, nothing less.”
😂😂😂 good huh 😉

Hi PP, my adventure was put on hold because an order with HEx was cancelled/refunded due to supply issues. Shame, I liked the look of the jungle boys shatter. I think they are now back up with a reduced menu.
Anyway, after much browsing I ended up with Di-Si-Dos shatter from MKK2020. Also purchased Coil King dab pen. Pleased with both purchases. Shatter easy to work with (puts on glasses...), low temp on pen, 5 or 6 cool, vapourful, flavourable draws leaving minimal residue and a nice creeping, long ladting happy high.
Only had a couple of vapes but enjoying it so far. As you and others mention, it will be interesting to see what happens to my tolerance. I tend to have a couple of days T break a week anyway. With the amount of shatter I used (and if that stays the same!) then 1g should last longer than I thought. (Edit in a few days time when it's all gone and I'm brain dead and lost the ability to function and think Strictly is actual entertainment...)
I think I will have to try something from the menu of Canadian Imports as well. Very helpful with a few questions I had and their live resin especially looks appealing.
Cheers :)
Anyway, after much browsing I ended up with Di-Si-Dos shatter from MKK2020. Also purchased Coil King dab pen. Pleased with both purchases. Shatter easy to work with (puts on glasses...), low temp on pen, 5 or 6 cool, vapourful, flavourable draws leaving minimal residue and a nice creeping, long ladting happy high.
Only had a couple of vapes but enjoying it so far. As you and others mention, it will be interesting to see what happens to my tolerance. I tend to have a couple of days T break a week anyway. With the amount of shatter I used (and if that stays the same!) then 1g should last longer than I thought. (Edit in a few days time when it's all gone and I'm brain dead and lost the ability to function and think Strictly is actual entertainment...)
I think I will have to try something from the menu of Canadian Imports as well. Very helpful with a few questions I had and their live resin especially looks appealing.
Cheers :)

Hey CB…yeah, it’s taking a lot of willpower not to pile into that live resin…a battle I think I’m gonna lose…despite the fact that I’ve just built my own personal Advent Calendar and still have numerous strains to spare!🙀🥳
The Great Rabb1t 🐰 wants me to attach my Coil King to some custom glassware (and with a Mighty adapter too) because he is “swirly clouds” obsessed so that’s another avenue to go down..
There just aren’t enough hours in the day ! 😉😂
The Great Rabb1t 🐰 wants me to attach my Coil King to some custom glassware (and with a Mighty adapter too) because he is “swirly clouds” obsessed so that’s another avenue to go down..
There just aren’t enough hours in the day ! 😉😂

I reckon DR has shares in Coil King if you've purchased one too. Hmmm...
I wanted a cheap pen to try first in case concentrates weren't for me but general web consensus was for £150+ pens and then coil prices tended to be £25-£35+ and not knowing how long these things lasted usually ended my curiosity right there. Then next day rinse and repeat.
So at £30 for the pen and £6.50 for a coil (plus a paws up from the DR) it was a no brainer.
Ahh yes Willpower. That's the thing isn't it! 😳😳 :)
I wanted a cheap pen to try first in case concentrates weren't for me but general web consensus was for £150+ pens and then coil prices tended to be £25-£35+ and not knowing how long these things lasted usually ended my curiosity right there. Then next day rinse and repeat.
So at £30 for the pen and £6.50 for a coil (plus a paws up from the DR) it was a no brainer.
Ahh yes Willpower. That's the thing isn't it! 😳😳 :)

Price doesn't always affect quality, they all store pretty well although the consistency might change. The vendors I recommend for concentrates are Canadian exports, MJ concentrates and the great vape company they all do really nice quality stuff and are very reliable.

Thanks Toking. I have been looking at those vendors. I have seen other slightly less expensive concentrates from other vendors but not sure if they are imports or homemade or whatever. No disrespect to them but slightly wary of quality, etc.
All interesting, I will do more research. Cheers :)
All interesting, I will do more research. Cheers :)

Hi there,
I’m at a similar (slightly advanced) stage as you are having never previously had access to concentrates.
Picked up a very cheap wax pen and the linked wax was the cheapest I found.
Came wrapped in paper and was a bit of a fanny on to transfer into a little silicone lined pot which came with the pen, refrigerating helps with this but you’ll need a pick tool when working it onto a coil or whatever.
Potency was nice but not quite as strong as I’d expected although good enough to persevere with. I did have a very noticeable stone over next day which I don’t often get.
Noticed Canadian Exports mentioned above who I’ve used a few times for flower and hash in the past, nice vendor, you could do worse than ask them about their recommendations for a suitable product.
Let me know how it goes, I love reading about people’s stories on here
I’m at a similar (slightly advanced) stage as you are having never previously had access to concentrates.
Picked up a very cheap wax pen and the linked wax was the cheapest I found.
Came wrapped in paper and was a bit of a fanny on to transfer into a little silicone lined pot which came with the pen, refrigerating helps with this but you’ll need a pick tool when working it onto a coil or whatever.
Potency was nice but not quite as strong as I’d expected although good enough to persevere with. I did have a very noticeable stone over next day which I don’t often get.
Noticed Canadian Exports mentioned above who I’ve used a few times for flower and hash in the past, nice vendor, you could do worse than ask them about their recommendations for a suitable product.
Let me know how it goes, I love reading about people’s stories on here

Hi, that link is one of the "other" vendors I mention in my earlier comments! I wonder if the lower price reflects the potency? Surely it should blast your head off? (Dose dependent of course).
I have wondered about how much fannying about (so glad you used that; haven't heard anyone use it for a while!) is involved with these concentrates. I may try shatter first and/or make sure it comes in a silicone pot!
To be continued... :)
I have wondered about how much fannying about (so glad you used that; haven't heard anyone use it for a while!) is involved with these concentrates. I may try shatter first and/or make sure it comes in a silicone pot!
To be continued... :)

Hi rt, see my reply to Polly above. If you can work out the order of these posts!
Ended up withDo-Si-Dos shatter from MKK2020. Easy to work with, not too sticky, easy to break into chunks. Bought a Cool King dab pen very, very good for the price. Dab tool in mouthpiece works a treat.
Very nice high and will definitely indulge in other types. A bit of expectation led me to believe the experience would comatose me but it all depends on dose. Don't get me wrong it was strong indeed but using a very small amount was all it took.
It's like Whisky, ten times stronger than beer but you don't drink a pint of Whisky. (Not until after 5pm amyway...)
I'm enjoying the experience so far. The journey continues... :)
Ended up withDo-Si-Dos shatter from MKK2020. Easy to work with, not too sticky, easy to break into chunks. Bought a Cool King dab pen very, very good for the price. Dab tool in mouthpiece works a treat.
Very nice high and will definitely indulge in other types. A bit of expectation led me to believe the experience would comatose me but it all depends on dose. Don't get me wrong it was strong indeed but using a very small amount was all it took.
It's like Whisky, ten times stronger than beer but you don't drink a pint of Whisky. (Not until after 5pm amyway...)
I'm enjoying the experience so far. The journey continues... :)

3 posts
+6 votes

Is there a way to verify the balance on your blockchain.com wallet?

Is there a way to verify the balance on your blockchain.com wallet?
I have been using blockchain.com wallet for about 10 months without any problems. I keep a meticulous record of my btc transactions and balance. Last week I made a purchase and an additional 0.0006 btc has been deducted from my balance. Strange.
I have taken into account fees, checked my figures and calculations, checked the transactions on my "activity" tab but I am still down by 0.0006 btc.
I am in the middle of a conversation with "support" but I don't think they really understand what the problem is and I don't have much hope.
I have checked cointracker but the results come back as zero balance and no transactions.
Has anybody else ever had a similar problem with unknown deductions? Is there any way to check transactions/balances with bitcoin? (This is where it fails compared to a bank, I reckon.)
Maybe I've missed something but I just want to prove my balance is correct. :(
I have taken into account fees, checked my figures and calculations, checked the transactions on my "activity" tab but I am still down by 0.0006 btc.
I am in the middle of a conversation with "support" but I don't think they really understand what the problem is and I don't have much hope.
I have checked cointracker but the results come back as zero balance and no transactions.
Has anybody else ever had a similar problem with unknown deductions? Is there any way to check transactions/balances with bitcoin? (This is where it fails compared to a bank, I reckon.)
Maybe I've missed something but I just want to prove my balance is correct. :(

Hey mate, not sure if this is relevant but i have used blockchain.com for about a year, a couple of months ago i noticed they started charging for BTC bought from blockchain.com which they send to your "trading wallet" to be able to use your BTC you need to send it to your "private wallet", this used to be free but now cost about £5 each time, i now just buy my BTC from bittylicious and send straight to my blockchain.com private wallet dodging their fees

Thanks for the info. Yeah, I'm beginning to discover a bit more. I used to deposit cash with them, buy btc with my Trading wallet and send to my Private wallet (free of charge) as that was the only way to then send btc to a vendor. My last few transfers to my PW have been free but I think the charges have been applied after the fact but I'm unsure!
I'm still waiting for an answer from support and now I can't even do a transfer, hopefully it will sort itself out soon.
Moving forward I think you can now send btc direct through the TW avoiding the transfer fee to your PW. If only I had access to my wallet to give it a try.
Meantime I will have a smoke and relax!! :)
I'm still waiting for an answer from support and now I can't even do a transfer, hopefully it will sort itself out soon.
Moving forward I think you can now send btc direct through the TW avoiding the transfer fee to your PW. If only I had access to my wallet to give it a try.
Meantime I will have a smoke and relax!! :)

14 posts
+44 votes

Voting and termination

Voting and termination
If a user has lots of down votes does this matter? Is it just a popularity thing or can this be used as evidence for termination? Also, I've seen some users nominated for termination but surely you just sign up with a different user name? Why is this on my mind?... I need a smoke! :)

I always try to think from the algo's perspective to figure shit out around here. Votes could be used in a lot of ways sometimes they are testimony to popularity sometimes to fraud.

If you can figure out the algorithm on this site I will give you all my Bitcoin ( so either 10p or £6,000,000 depending on whether Elon has a good shit that day or not) :)

I love a challange lol. Elon gives me a headache lol!! But I wish I was that smart lol. Algorithm....?

The more vote interaction on a post, the higher up the wall it goes. It can be up votes or down votes or comments, it all counts as an increased interest value to the algorithm. Then it pushes that post because it thinks other people would also be likely to show interest. Although, that's only as I've been able to observe in a short time

The first time I down voted someone for an inane comment (IMO), they got so upset they went through my entire history down voting every comment I had ever made and then started hate-stalking me via private messages. The Force (of the down arrow) is strong in me!

Wow bro that's propper out of order. Hate trolls! Well if you have good connections on here the guys know who's good ect. Iv made good mates with a few guys on here just from buying bud

Votes churn something in the algorithm but I’m not sure what and they seem to be less important now as totals are hidden away.
Yup, anyone terminated can just sign up again or have multiple accounts at the same time- and they do!
Volume of topics and conversations seem to have fallen away rapidly with this latest version....
Yup, anyone terminated can just sign up again or have multiple accounts at the same time- and they do!
Volume of topics and conversations seem to have fallen away rapidly with this latest version....

I think it's disappointing when lots of people down vote a particularly annoying fuckwittery post/comment and nothing really happens! Maybe a certain number of down votes should lead to deletion or something? Side note, I'm sure recently I commented on a post of yours regarding the new shopping basket, all innocent and friendly like but it seems to have been deleted!? Strange.

Downvoting now hides fuckwittery. That's a big step forward and will probably remove the need to nominate.
Other than that the only relevance is in dispute AFAIK.
Other than that the only relevance is in dispute AFAIK.

26 posts
+43 votes


Apologies if this has been asked previously (it would be good if there was a search field on lb!) But I have never vaped weed before I usually smoke just weed in a pipe. Does anybody recommend vaping and any vaporizers? Are brand names allowed to be mentioned? What a great site!!

I have a Pax3 , Arizer extreme Q and a dynvape. Check youtube channels. A lot of good content out there, like 420vapezone.

Hi bud. I have 3 vapes and am fully converted. A crafty plus which is great for flower. A dynavap which I use for hash mainly and a xmax starry 3 which does both but not as well as either of the other 2. I'd definitely recommend vaping. Much cleaner high than combustion and your product definitely lasts longer. Think choice of vape comes down to what you plan on using it for and how regularly etc. There's a good sub on reddit called vaporents that has plenty of info but personally if I was just going to have the one I'd go for the crafty plus.

Thank you ARTHURLEE I recognise some of those names in my searches. Cleaning is a bugbear for me and the Arizer Solo 2 looks good on this front. Some of these might be on the pricey side but I think to have a good experience you need to spend a bit when it comes to vaping.

Hi, I’ve smoked for 30 odd years and gave up tobacco last July. I pipe hash and I vape weed ( and some hash) through a Dynavap. There is a learning curve, but, I’ve not craved a cigarette like I would before. I think it’s because the dynavap is similar to smoking a joint. That’s my view anyway!

Hi Dr, pure weed in a pipe and vape is for me too. Not knocking anybody who is really into this good health thing but I need a little smoked cannabis in my life (minus the baccy)! I can control my high a little better with a few vapes is my reason for vaping. What's hash like in the dynavap? Compared to a pipe? On its own or with bud?

Hi, vaping hash works pretty well in the dynavap. I add it on its own not with weed. The one thing is that you need to experiment a bit. Some hash that tastes great in a pipe can taste less pleasant in the vape. It might be to do with the way the vape extracts the terp profile ( maybe. Who knows!). Still gets you mashed though!

I’m happy with hash in my journey pipe at the moment because it does the job and is really easy to clean but I’m still interested in all these other possibilities. The idea of concentrate pens is occupying my time at the moment but the cost of concentrates and the additional cost of coils etc is putting me off a bit. When I get overwhelmed with CPAS, cannabis paraphernalia acquisition syndrome, I tend to have a pipe and get high to forget about it! :)

Heard good things about them Apex but I ended up with Arizer Solo 2. See my response to Nej below. Very pleased! :)

I gave up tobacco 15 years ago. I had two failed attempts, because after a year or too, I thought I could get away with smoking joints again.
I turned to pipes until I discovered vaping. now I am a total convert. I started of with a couple of Wipsr 2s but they didn't last long, (butane powered.) I invested in a wee Pax 3 and I love it. It's pricey, but it's well worth it. You can even set your preferred temp and vaping profile on your phone.
I'd recommend that you get some cheap shake and use it as a medium for well crumbled hash. You get a lot of bang for your buck that way. :-)
I've always bought my vaporisers from Namaste Vapes. They are very professional and discrete. Lots of choice too.
Happy trails! :-)
I turned to pipes until I discovered vaping. now I am a total convert. I started of with a couple of Wipsr 2s but they didn't last long, (butane powered.) I invested in a wee Pax 3 and I love it. It's pricey, but it's well worth it. You can even set your preferred temp and vaping profile on your phone.
I'd recommend that you get some cheap shake and use it as a medium for well crumbled hash. You get a lot of bang for your buck that way. :-)
I've always bought my vaporisers from Namaste Vapes. They are very professional and discrete. Lots of choice too.
Happy trails! :-)

Hi Nej, I ended up buying an Arizer Solo 2 and after a learning curve I prefer vaping bud during the day and having a pipe of hash and/or bud on a night. Suits me fine. Solo hits are very cool clean flavoursome and mellow even on high temps. Easy to clean. Half of what I would put in a pipe can last half hour or more with about 20 draws. Amazing. :)

theres gunna b sales on 4.20 pretty much at all online headshops, if you looking for vape in uk check vapefiend, urbanistic and vapewellness. as people said storz and bickel is good, dynavap, arizer and many more check out reddit vaporents for more detailz

Vaporizers are the way to go, better health , better taste, cleaner high and your bud goes so much further. Only for bud though. I bong the hash as it works much better that way

Hey, BB... have you tried using some cheap shake as a medium for the hash when vaping? It's one of my favourite vaping MOs. :-)
I do like a bong now and again, but I am a clumsy fecker, and I usually end up knocking it over. :-)
I do like a bong now and again, but I am a clumsy fecker, and I usually end up knocking it over. :-)

Yeah I have tried that and it does work but I find a bong hit much more satisfying due to the speed of delivery and makes me cough less, surprisingly;) I recently bought a slug 33 rosin press and a dr dabbed boost evo as would like to have more of a one hit wonder experience than a continuous stream of smaller hits

I'm intrigued by the notion of distillates and shatter, but I'm a bit of a chicken. I don't do edibles either. I prefer to regulate my buzz, especially with sativa dominant varieties. I get anxious when things get too trippy. I put it down to some bad blotters I had in my reckless youth. It even stopped me from enjoying shrooms. I stopped doing that stuff 40 years ago, but the experience has left me feeling the need to be in control.
Anyway, it would be a boring world if we were all the same. Dab on, bud. :-)
Anyway, it would be a boring world if we were all the same. Dab on, bud. :-)

All you need to do is vape some cbd first then you won’t get that feeling;) cbd buds or isolate mixed 1:1 is good

Hi Nej, edibles can be hard to regulate I agree but distillate and concentrates would be easier to dose in my opinion because it’s not all or nothing. I haven’t tried them yet but simply have a very very small drag on distillate pen or dab a very very small piece of concentrate and wait a while to see what happens. Don’t like it? It’s inhaled it won’t last for hours. One day maybe? :)

I used to smoke spliffs, gave up baccy. Weed in a pipe took a while to "do it" for me (missed the baccy I realise) then one day I regretted not using a pipe all my life!! Love it! I have bought arizer solo II and I'm at that not "doing it" for me stage again. I have one vape then think ok now I'll have a proper smoke in a pipe. Point is I feel I would need to vape a lot more to equal one pipe! I just need more practice and usage I think (Damn what a chore!). Maybe vape for day and pipe for night? :)

Mighty vapes are best imo. Also remember you can hold the vapor in for at lease 3 seconds because it’s not smoke;)

I splashed out on a mighty after reading this thread. It definitely is better flavoured and hits harder than a Pax. I love the dosing capsules too. I only had 2 caps of Amnesia haze last night, and then ended up having loads of epiphanies .. all forgotten by this morning. lol I'm very pleased with it.

Now you tell me about the mighty, I can't afford that one too!! I'm a bit ocd about cleanliness and solo II looked preferable tbh. Anyway I won't give up on vaping as I can see the advantages. HNY :)

Quality build, easy to clean, great vapor production, great battery life.
There is also the crafty which is cheaper due to a smaller battery and I would imagine the same vapor quality. There are second hand ones on eBay quite often. Pricey but you double your weed efficiency and if you spend £1 a week on rizla then after 5 years it would have paid for itself.
There is also the crafty which is cheaper due to a smaller battery and I would imagine the same vapor quality. There are second hand ones on eBay quite often. Pricey but you double your weed efficiency and if you spend £1 a week on rizla then after 5 years it would have paid for itself.

428 posts by Catsbananas
1 post
+1 votes
Richmond Sausages?
Disgusting! It should be 8 Neurodiverse Pork Sausages...

Richmond Sausages?

grew up with these n have had them all my life - heard some others absolutely hate them?
what do you biggas think of these sausages?
what do you biggas think of these sausages?

Noooo! Don't eat these bigga! Be kind to yourself, find a nice organic sausage from somewhere and stay with us a while!

You took the words out my mouth. I don’t mean to sound like some crazy woke bastard. Defo not woke. I’m just awake now more than ever. Research this guy Paul Saladino. He’ll blow your mind.

Woke literally means more awake.
Paul Saladino is a fraud who invented the carnivore diet then when it nearly killed him he switched to eating meat and veggies, ie the balanced diet doctors have talked about for years.
Don't listen to Saladino, he's an idiot who nearly killed himself by eating only meat.
Paul Saladino is a fraud who invented the carnivore diet then when it nearly killed him he switched to eating meat and veggies, ie the balanced diet doctors have talked about for years.
Don't listen to Saladino, he's an idiot who nearly killed himself by eating only meat.

He doesn’t just eat meat and I’d never just do that. Got to say though when I stuck close to his diet and ate only meat, including muscle cuts, organs and bone broths, fruit, raw dairy and raw honey I have felt insanely nourished and replenished. I don’t stick to the diet but I try and include it as much as I can in my diet. I can’t help indulging in pasta or bread or cake and desserts I don’t think I’ll ever be able to give my sweet tooth up

"He doesn't just eat meat"
"When I stuck to his diet and ate only meat"
You contradicted yourself there matey.
Is it only meat, or is it not? You can't have it both ways.
"When I stuck to his diet and ate only meat"
You contradicted yourself there matey.
Is it only meat, or is it not? You can't have it both ways.

Didn’t even realise I’d put that im high af most of the time and I don’t really care that much in all fairness about my spelling and grammar. Ok I’ll go more into detail and correct what I was supposed to say. When I stuck to his diet and ate only meat, fruit, organs, raw dairy and raw honey I felt a lot better than I’ve ever felt in my whole life. Mental clarity great, no brain fog and my energy levels would never dip dramatically, I was sleeping better too.
I’ve just re read the mistake I made. I said I did his diet and ate only meat, ‘including’ the above mentioned. I should have removed the word ‘only’ from my explanation and just told you that I followed his diet what is……Meat, fruit, organs, broth, raw dairy and raw honey. Phewww.
I’ve just re read the mistake I made. I said I did his diet and ate only meat, ‘including’ the above mentioned. I should have removed the word ‘only’ from my explanation and just told you that I followed his diet what is……Meat, fruit, organs, broth, raw dairy and raw honey. Phewww.

The stardawg of processed pork products.
Killing a pig to make such a bland sausage makes god sad.
Killing a pig to make such a bland sausage makes god sad.

Damn right lovely stuff Rendalls the Scottish butcher does it delivered anywhere in the UK and it's miles better than the Iceland frozen square sausage.

I knew someone that worked in the factory that produced these and they told me some thing’s about what they used to do, needless to say I’ve never had Richmond sausages since. I think that was the late 90’s so things might have changed now days but I’m not gonna chance it thanks….! lol

Yeah, I hate them, the smell and the taste are boak.
Infact I hate all Irish recipe sausages.
Infact I hate all Irish recipe sausages.

guys im high as fuck right now (see my other post) but reading all these replies are making me laugh my head off. bigga community is great

The legal minimum meat content for a product to be sold as a sausage in the UK is 42%. Can almost promise these will be riding that line. I appreciate sausage famously bulked up with rusk or whatever but were not living under rationing these days so choose to avoid.