i'd never tried rso, but have been using it for a couple of months now. gassed's is tasty and good and an indica with a strong 'medicinal', sleepy kind of high (if you want knocking out, this one is excellent), black gold has a sativa which is a bit cheaper and stronger and more thc-y and knocked me out a bit less (more than smoking sativa does though), i liked them both - i don't know about the others. if you want to be consistently stoned to a certain level all the time (i assume that's what you want, right? for medical?), it is definitely the way to go, much better than smoking or vaping for consistency and duration - about four hours for me off of a good dose, also, for value, unbeatable. getting the dose right is key though - you will need to experiment a lot but if you take too much, some sort of strong cbd product will sort you out well enough though. just keep some handy and you will be fine. i have some 1200mg cbd caps from holland and barrett and a couple of them will fix any whitey (which you will definitely precipitate at least once whilst experimenting). it does take a fair bit of getting used to, rso, it's a different effect but for what you seem to want it has to be worth trying (with the proviso that it can affect different people quite differently depending on how your liver works. tbh, i tend to find edibles weak but rso i just have a bit more 'cause it's cheap). also, i agree about rotation (especially swapping between sativas/indicas) so it should probably be a part of the mix at least, and remember you can still smoke/vape on top to fine tune things with the rso in the background. staying high all the time is difficult, tolerance creeps up on you quite quickly and takes a long time to go down - i find three weeks or a month to go back to square one completely but two weeks is nearly all of the way back, and a week helps quite a bit. d9 is about the worst way to get high imo, though, so don't worry, you have a lot of options left yet and they are all better, t breaks are going to be a thing though sooner or later though. hopefully, not very often if you get a regime that suits you better - i'm not familiar with your symptoms obviously, but as far as i understand it cannabis withdrawal (which is definitely a thing) is only going to make them a lot worse. bipolar can make it hard to control your moods and impulses, is that right? i get like that anyway in withdrawal, angry, depressed, confused and i can't sleep for days. if you have bipolar/ptsd anyway i'm not surprised a sudden stop feels intolerable. only lasts a few days though. you could taper down to a t break, if you taper off over a week or two then that would help with the withdrawal symptoms but it would of course make the whole process longer. try it, see if it helps maybe? if it's only once a year or so... idk. if you take cannabis for long enough, it will stop working eventually whatever you do, but a break will fix things completely and you can start again. if you can't make a joint, buy a bong or a pipe if you want but remember smoking is really bad for you, rso/edibles/vapes not so much (not sure about vapes, actually, but a lot better than smoking surely). one of my stoneyest friends died (very slowly and unpleasantly) of throat cancer a while ago, it was really beyond horrible. oh, and if you don't like the taste just squeeze some rso onto a rizla and fold it up and bomb it - also, you can carry pre made rizla bombs of rso around with you for later. hope this helps or, if not, you get something good going for you eventually - two years is not much experience, you will get better at finding the right way. cannabis is a complicated drug and is difficult to manage consistently long term, but is actually fairly safe and mostly quite nice while you find the best way for you. don't start smoking if you don't already though, stick to rso/edibles/vapes and you will be healthy.