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joined may 2020
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14 posts by TheBigMack
Just started watching 'Spaced' again.
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB

I'm in the middle of re-watching Spaced and felt like I had to scroll for hours to find somebody who finally mentioned it! xD

Thank you - you just reminded me I need to re-watch spaced again!
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..

Well I’ll judge you... if I could give 2 upvotes I would, agree with you totally, 2 of my fave ever shows, making me think of hitting Spaced up again...

I loved the shows of that generation. Nathan Barley. Day Today. Brass Eye also. Then The Mighty Boosh.
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊

The Wire
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations

Ah fuck it, nothing better to do, haha
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences

Peep show one of my all time favs and can't to wrong with arrested development what a classic

Sad that they never manager to run the show normally... And probably we won't se another season ever :( love arrested development

Currently halfway through the first series of Altered Carbon after reading this thread and seeing your recommendation. I'm a PhilipKDick fan and I'm really enjoying it, cheers 👍

Dark on Netflix. German show about time travel set in a village where kids keep going missing every 33 years. Stunning production values, really intricately plotted, three series, all ties together. Loved it. Has an English dub but the German audio with subtitles is best.

End of the fucking world is really good. Strange and offbeat which I like. With some characters that don’t give a fuck. And it’s British and very relatable (even though it’s about a lad that thinks he’s a psychopath haha).

100% but do you think you could watch them the other way round and it’s all still as good? As I really do, integrated them amazingly well.

Yeah I agree, I liked BB a lot but I came to it a bit late and like UKgrower hearing the hype maybe expected too much. Better call Saul I didn’t expect much of at all, didn’t think it’d get past Series 1 but now I think it’s better than BB.

If you enjoyed Breaking Bad, then give Better Call Saul a go. I always thought he stole every scene he was in during Breaking Bad.

I'm watching Detectorists at the moment. Really good. Funny and with beautiful scenery. On BBC iPlayer and Netflix.

Shout for detectorists.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.

If you want a Change and a Tons of one line bombs to drop at work or with your mates there is only one place to go
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???

yes, they will all help make it worse. on the bright side, since everybody started typing on their phones, dyslexia is hardly noticeable anymore and you really don't have to apologise.

Gomorrah if you dont mind subtitles, its an Italian crime show set in Naples. Simply brilliant.
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates

Gomorrah is the shit man, one of my all time favs
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece

Yean Gomorrah is probably my number 1 show, the setting, actors, story... superb. Cant wait to watch the Ciro Di Marzio movie too.

L'Immortale or the Immortal is the name, was out last year in Italy. Have tried to find out when its out in the UK but no joy yet

Its on sky atlantic now mate, its certainly worth a watch an sets up the next season of Gomorrah nicely

Literally just finished watching brassic 2 and Save me Too. Both class. Surely everyone on here has watched Brassic.....!!!?

I do, doesn't quite hit the levels that Shameless did back in the day but still a lot of fun. Plus it's good to hear actual accents on TV instead of just American lol

If you like weird? Get baked & watch.
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror

Respect for Garth Merenghi, everybody should see that.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.

Have you ever watched Travellers? (if you was a fan of stargate back in the day this will interest you) or if your a sci fi fan, Very good story telling and actors (Canadian)

i liked that a lot more than i thought i would. also, colony on netflix even though it was killed by covid and never finished.

Some of the things I've enjoyed are:
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis

*The Queen's Gambit- short series (one season only) but good storyline
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist

Ifyou seen BB, definitely watch Better Call Saul.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.

Orphan black! one of my favourites.. the wire.. Russian doll..cynical,funny. end of the fucking world. Money heist.. prison break..cleverly written. Better call Saul if you enjoyed breaking bad.
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/

Yo UK Grower. I have just discovered Channel Zero on StarZplay, prime add on. It’s a really good horror series, twisted stuff, defo a bit freaky.

To any one who likes comedies don't be put off What We Do in the Shadows, it's vampires but it's not really a "vampire" type show.... it's really funny when high and the second series has just come out on iplayer.

If you're into Sci-fi I'd highly recommend Altered Carbon on Netflix. Really cool story and visuals. I seen somebody recommended Ozark, excellent as well. If you like animation and feel like a laugh give Rick and Morty a watch, The Midnight Gospel is also new to Netflix but really trippy / funny in my opinion. Happy watching!

I almost pissed myself with laughter watching the first episode as I watched the trailer but wasn't really for how out there this really is. A must watch for any sci fi and gaming fan or if you have a sick sense of humour like me :)

Stranger Things Season 1 - 80's themed sci-fi thriller with endearing characters that had me on the edge of my seat throughout.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.

Band of Brothers is a masterpiece, great shout! Any recommendations of war films/series that are similar mate?

Give 'The Pacific' a go. Its HBOs follow up to 'Band Of Brothers' set during the allied assault on the Pacific region during WW2

Trailer Park Boys should be perfect for everyone on here, given the enormous amount of smoking and growing throughout!

The Wire
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.

Since it hasn’t been mentioned here , it only proves how massively underrated Wilfred is . Had great laughs :) U.S. version of an Australian cult sitcom about a meek young man and a pot-smoking talking dog named Wilfred (actually actor Jason Gann in a dog suit, whom everyone else sees as just a dog). Won’t spoilt it anymore

Watching Yellowjackets at the moment, pretty good but if you watch the pilot episode don’t be put off as that’s a bit shit, it does get better!
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…

The Start Up, it's on Netflix. 2 series' that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Defo worth a watch!

Gotta be Trailer Park Boys
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps

The Christmas special of Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing done in THE most beautiful part of the country North Yorkshire! Great watch when baked as fuck haha :)
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol

New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.
New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.

just call Saul was better than breaking bad in some ways (last series a bit disappointing tho). Always interested to see if people liked the Midnight Gospel (single series, animation, also Netflix).

If you liked Breaking Bad you might like Better Call Saul... it's slower but the writing and cinematography are actually better imo. Plus by S5 the pace is basically on BB levels.

The Boys or Doom patrol, quality shows right there & the wire If you didnt see it yet,too many to name mate but try them

Undone is good and trippy with the animation style it uses and pretty unique story to boot.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.

Fringe is my favorite series of all time!
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns

Get the amazon Prime free trial and watch Picard, star trek spin off - it's really good, not what you expect.

also i love disco/history/natgeo... skin walker ranch program on at the mo is interesting. history but avail on catchup bro

The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)
The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)

Dunno if these have been broached, but try some Aussie drama
Pine Gap
The Magician / Mr Inbetween
All great watches but Mr Inbetween tells the story of your everyday underworld enforcer. Ive watched it in full 3 times and regularly watch YouTube clips. Never has the word run hit so hard
Pine Gap
The Magician / Mr Inbetween
All great watches but Mr Inbetween tells the story of your everyday underworld enforcer. Ive watched it in full 3 times and regularly watch YouTube clips. Never has the word run hit so hard

Surprised no one’s mentioned Snowfall.
One of the best series imo.
And it’s free to watch on bbc iplayer
One of the best series imo.
And it’s free to watch on bbc iplayer

The Sopranos, the Wire, The Americans (best ending), boss season 1, the Divide 2014 (hard to find but worth it), true detective 4, xfiles season 4.

I just rewatched 'The Lost Room'
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻

Trying to go for some semi-obscure ones here....
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high

If no one has said it yet, Banshee. A pro thief / seriously tough guy played by Anthony Starr ( Homelander from the boys) rolls into town, assumes the identity of a recently deceased new Sheriff that no one has met yet. Boom, he's now the law in town and is actually very good at stopping crime. Insane realistic violence, Amish gangsters, bikers, native American mafia and lots more, best show I've ever seen

Hi Biggas TEAM
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.

On the The Block - Netflix - nice teen vibe and story
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious

The Comic Strip
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob

Loads of top shows already mentioned on this list so trying not to repeat(can't stand repeats). Didn't notice a mention for The Newsroom, absolutely brilliant with super slick dialogue, maybe stick to sativa for that one.
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder

Fargo is probably the best series ever after GOT. Better Call Saul was brilliant too after a slow start. Better than Breaking Bad for me.

All the seasons are good and different stories so don't need to watch in order. All true apparently. The movie's a bit dated now but a great watch too.

Brand New Cherry Flavour if you think you'd find the subject of psychedelic sorcery played out as a fictional horror story interesting

Murder Mountain on Netflix. An oldie but a goodie. All about the emerald triangle in California and how it moved from illegal weed growing into legalisation and the lawless nature of the industry.

Often overlooked, but Mike Judge of Beavis and Butthead fame created this absolute gem....highly smart as it is funny...

You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀
You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀

Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul
Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul

Person of Interest
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch

I'm surprised no one suggested Family Business (on Netflix). A great comedy series about a family in Paris who runs a Kosher butchers and end up producing vast amounts of Pastraweed!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!

I never thought I'd see someone mention The Platform. Great film if you've got your stone on! Alice in Borderland is brilliant also it's like a mash-up of The Prisoner and Battle Royale.

I know this is a bit of old news but have you seen Schitts Creek? I just discovered it and it is so funny

The Man in the High Castle is loads of fun, especially if you’re a fan of PKD. Classic UK series that are great: Line of Duty, The Fall, Peep Show, Monty Python’s Flying Circus

New British comedy horror on prime with Simon Pegg and nick frost, only a short one but was enjoyable, there’s this once scene when nick frost thinks he is about to get shanked and it’s hilarious.
It’s called Truth Seekers
It’s called Truth Seekers

Succession is better than you'd think. Punisher is the best out of all the Marvel shows, Daredevil is also very watchable (and Jessica Jones if you're into angry women with PTSD). Umbrella Academy is fun to watch. The Magicians ditto. Also The Boys.

One of my all-time favourites will always be Daria.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.

Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things
Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things

Ahh man the OA was fucking amazing, completely different to what I thought it'd be. Can't believe they aren't renewing it!

Hey man some good series I watched recently was:
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)

Blake's 7
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.

Black Monday , so off key guaranteed hard core laughing
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny

Bobs burgers is a laugh when baked
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it

Lots of good suggestions & Sopranos is also great. If you have Netflix then Orange Is The New Black is available & also Weeds from the same writer; both a bit different... ;-)

Braindead (2016)
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh

Truly terrible. Shows how much Pitt & Jolie were needed to make that story work. These two are deathly dull!

Dirk gentleys hollistic detective agency.
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻

1 post
+1 votes
🚨 1000mg Bundle Giveaway 🚨
61 please - 18:06 - 24/05

🚨 1000mg Bundle Giveaway 🚨

As a thank you for well over 50 orders, we’ll be giving an Edible Bundle away to one lucky Bigga!
All you have to do is guess how many Unicorn Poop gummies are in the tray in the picture.
1. Minimum 5 buys on LB to avoid new accounts being made to enter.
2. One entry per person.
3. If the correct answer is not guessed the nearest will win. If there are more than one correct answers they will be entered into a draw to decide the winner.
The correct number will be revealed along with the winner at 12pm on the 31st so we can send the bundle out for the weekend.
Good Luck Biggas!
All you have to do is guess how many Unicorn Poop gummies are in the tray in the picture.
1. Minimum 5 buys on LB to avoid new accounts being made to enter.
2. One entry per person.
3. If the correct answer is not guessed the nearest will win. If there are more than one correct answers they will be entered into a draw to decide the winner.
The correct number will be revealed along with the winner at 12pm on the 31st so we can send the bundle out for the weekend.
Good Luck Biggas!

Just an update on the gummies(arrived next day after sending my details)something I never buy is edibles I prefer to smoke! But I shared these with 3 people who are all regular smokers with high tolerance and to cut a long story short we were all wasted! 10/10

Krusty, lifesaver. Proof Borg said they were deleting this because it wasn’t fair so I didn’t check it.
The winning number was 48!
I’ll announce it asap.
Cheers mate!
The winning number was 48!
I’ll announce it asap.
Cheers mate!

this contest is not provably fair. you know the answer and can share it or use it yourself. sorry, it will be deleted. please visit our page for help with fair contests.

Can I switch every entry to a name entered into a draw instead and do a live stream draw? Save restarting a new competition and people missing out on there entries.

1 post
+2 votes
New Euromillions 4000mg Munch Box Giveaway + Price drop!
16 - 4/6/24 @ 9:42

New Euromillions 4000mg Munch Box Giveaway + Price drop!
Simple little giveaway/competition again as its a good way to gain votes/visibility and gives back to the people who make this site what it is, brilliant!
Up for grabs is a 4000mg Munch Box!
To enter, pick a number between 1-50,
and comment below, the FIRST ball to drop on the Euromillons will be the winner.
The draw is this Friday 7th June 2024, the winner will be announced on Saturday 8th June 2024.
One number per user, once 50 numbers have been selected then no more entrees.
For fairness and to go by LB’s rules any one considered the winner will need some buy history.
Good luck!
New price drop and the prices are here to stay!
Deals on bulk orders.
Up for grabs is a 4000mg Munch Box!
To enter, pick a number between 1-50,
and comment below, the FIRST ball to drop on the Euromillons will be the winner.
The draw is this Friday 7th June 2024, the winner will be announced on Saturday 8th June 2024.
One number per user, once 50 numbers have been selected then no more entrees.
For fairness and to go by LB’s rules any one considered the winner will need some buy history.
Good luck!
New price drop and the prices are here to stay!
Deals on bulk orders.

Thanks for the competition. I'll have no.7 if available.
Many thanks 11.15am 04/06/2024
Many thanks 11.15am 04/06/2024

08/06/2024 13:14:
Congrats to Dman150 with number 15!
The Friday 7th June EuroMillions first ball to drop was number 15.
Congrats to Dman150 with number 15!
The Friday 7th June EuroMillions first ball to drop was number 15.

04/06/24 - 22:46
13 Numbers Left!
Available Numbers:
5, 6, 7, 20, 22, 31, 32, 34, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46
Nickyblaze247 - 1
Leamo - 2
Psyllium - 3
xanda4100 - 4
Wicked - 8
Jamie22 - 9
Dwig - 10
BigD9328 - 11
Damitra12 - 12
MoJaM - 13
dkbluebears - 14
Dman150 - 15
TheBigMack - 16
HarvMac - 17
Silverthorn - 18
Romfordian - 19
Johnnyh2 - 21
king_unknwn - 23
Scran_man420 - 24
Batmanravesat25 - 25
kimmy - 26
Nomad89 - 27
krustytheclown - 28
mjdace - 29
Jimmy Boco - 30
Comfortablenumb - 33
haggy331 - 35
rockyroad - 36
4nthraxc4t - 37
Ziggydcat - 40
Chinny36 - 41
steddyreddy - 42
tnicho - 43
bleakov3n - 44
Kwood - 47
Esoyd8134 - 48
FuriousStyles - 49
TWDuke - 50
13 Numbers Left!
Available Numbers:
5, 6, 7, 20, 22, 31, 32, 34, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46
Nickyblaze247 - 1
Leamo - 2
Psyllium - 3
xanda4100 - 4
Wicked - 8
Jamie22 - 9
Dwig - 10
BigD9328 - 11
Damitra12 - 12
MoJaM - 13
dkbluebears - 14
Dman150 - 15
TheBigMack - 16
HarvMac - 17
Silverthorn - 18
Romfordian - 19
Johnnyh2 - 21
king_unknwn - 23
Scran_man420 - 24
Batmanravesat25 - 25
kimmy - 26
Nomad89 - 27
krustytheclown - 28
mjdace - 29
Jimmy Boco - 30
Comfortablenumb - 33
haggy331 - 35
rockyroad - 36
4nthraxc4t - 37
Ziggydcat - 40
Chinny36 - 41
steddyreddy - 42
tnicho - 43
bleakov3n - 44
Kwood - 47
Esoyd8134 - 48
FuriousStyles - 49
TWDuke - 50

1 post
+3 votes
‘Caption This’ - Competition
When the last rip hits different

‘Caption This’ - Competition

Caption this photo for a chance to win a Munch Box worth 4000mg!
I will pick the best / funniest caption🙏
I will pick the best / funniest caption🙏

When you're trying to sneak a girl out the next morning, but hear your parents coming downstairs.

Glad I saw this topic btw, the store looks amazing so my next stock up might be here regardless!

"I know you claim to 'identify' as a pancake Dave but you're still a fucking rabbit"

Eeh when I were a lad we used to nick Carrots from Emmerdale Farm.
I don't care you old Cunt just get the fuck off my Pancakes I've got real bad munchies!
I don't care you old Cunt just get the fuck off my Pancakes I've got real bad munchies!

1 post
+2 votes
$69,382 - 18:14 - 24/05


Well, that was fun.
Here is the picture. Thank you to all who was playing.
This strain (Runtz) will be added soon for 150GBP per Z.
We have also added some thai blue muffin for a really good price, please check it out.
The winners:
Test2988 - 128g - $100 to spend with us. Please provide a review once you receive your winnings
Jamie22 - 127g - $50 to spend with us. Please provide a review once you receive your winnings.
New competition:
Please guess the price of BTC in USD ($) at 9pm on 30th May 2024. Closest guess will win a small prize - probably some edibles or 7g of bud. Please comment your predictions with the date and time.
Here is the picture. Thank you to all who was playing.
This strain (Runtz) will be added soon for 150GBP per Z.
We have also added some thai blue muffin for a really good price, please check it out.
The winners:
Test2988 - 128g - $100 to spend with us. Please provide a review once you receive your winnings
Jamie22 - 127g - $50 to spend with us. Please provide a review once you receive your winnings.
New competition:
Please guess the price of BTC in USD ($) at 9pm on 30th May 2024. Closest guess will win a small prize - probably some edibles or 7g of bud. Please comment your predictions with the date and time.

I think you need a cutoff time mate or you may have a lot of people putting in their answers at 8.59pm 😂

I wouldn't start trading bitcoin based on my prediction here. I don't do well at comps although the bud weight I actually got closer than I expected. Could be my moment. Thanks man.

1 post
+2 votes
📢 GiveAway Alert 📢
16 please bro

📢 GiveAway Alert 📢

Please choose a number between 1-59
Winner will be same number as the FIRST ball that drops on the Lotto of Wednesday 15th May
Prize is a Free Pack of
1000mg-1200mg THC Edibles!
(Last competition wasn't provably fair, so was removed. To satisfy curiosity... the Bud weighed 4.71 grams)
Good luck! 🍀🤞
Winner will be same number as the FIRST ball that drops on the Lotto of Wednesday 15th May
Prize is a Free Pack of
1000mg-1200mg THC Edibles!
(Last competition wasn't provably fair, so was removed. To satisfy curiosity... the Bud weighed 4.71 grams)
Good luck! 🍀🤞

Any numbers left? Il have any random number please if there is one available. Thanks for the comp

I'll take number nine buddy would of been .05 on the last comp hopefully I'm even closer this time 😂

1 post
+2 votes
Guess the weight and win $100
157g - 22/05 - 11.48pm

Guess the weight and win $100

Winner - $100 to shop with us
Runner up - $50
One guess per person.
Please put your guess in the comments.
Winner announced on 28.05.24
Runner up - $50
One guess per person.
Please put your guess in the comments.
Winner announced on 28.05.24

303 grams 😧😧😧😆😆😆
If there's anywhere near that much in the tub. I'll buy the 303 grams for you 😂😂 lol
Good luck with that 1 ..each to their own suppose 😉
If there's anywhere near that much in the tub. I'll buy the 303 grams for you 😂😂 lol
Good luck with that 1 ..each to their own suppose 😉

Hadn't read the zero'd tub comment 🤣 oh well 🤷 not gonna lose any sleep over that one😉

this contest is not provably fair. you know the answer and can share it or use it yourself. sorry, it will be deleted. please visit our page for help with fair contests.

I'm gonna guess 4oz or in grams 113g unless its been taken already
😊 23.5.24 @ 12:27
thank you!
😊 23.5.24 @ 12:27
thank you!

114g. Maybe. I've no idea. I only ever weigh up little bits. Good luck to everyone entering. Thanks for running the comp.
23/5/2024 - 9.19am.
23/5/2024 - 9.19am.

Is this the weight of the bud after the box was zeroed on the scale, or the weight of everything pictured on that scale?

Box zeroed, should have made that clear my bad! So just the bud weight :) good luck

Best to check, I feel. That looks, by eyeballing a container that I have no context of size or anything else of, other than buds and how they vary in size, as something I'd need 10 or so 500mL jars for...therefore I think I'll go with 277g.

1 post
+2 votes
£52471 15/4/24 06:04



Big up to RB the legend. Despite some shenanigans he’s being fair with me so respect to that.
As others have said, I’d limit the comps to people with a good buying history on LB. I’d also state an exact cut off time so the issues with this one don’t happen next time. Peace and love to you all. And a shout out to Insomnia, whoever they really are 🤔
As others have said, I’d limit the comps to people with a good buying history on LB. I’d also state an exact cut off time so the issues with this one don’t happen next time. Peace and love to you all. And a shout out to Insomnia, whoever they really are 🤔

I put a guess on the 15th, i noticed that there was a rule for putting date and time. I forgot this so i changed it, added the time, noticed the current market was down like near 2k, so i adjusted my guess to under 40k, as i did with other givaways i entered. I did NOT cheat! This is one of my first times using this site :(
I put a guess on the 15th, i noticed that there was a rule for putting date and time. I forgot this so i changed it, added the time, noticed the current market was down like near 2k, so i adjusted my guess to under 40k, as i did with other givaways i entered. I did NOT cheat! This is one of my first times using this site :(



I didn’t enter the competition so don’t care about who won, lost or cheated. However I would advise on the next one to exclude new accounts or set a minimum buy limit like a lot of other vendors do. I think you’d have saved yourself a headache here if you’d done that mate.

As we had a little miss understanding there was 2 winners wasn’t expected outcome like this we just tried to do good free comp for anyone to join in but end of day everyone is happy and problem solved next time i be more cautious
Hopefully next comp will be easier and thanks for advice will improve on next comp
One Love
As we had a little miss understanding there was 2 winners wasn’t expected outcome like this we just tried to do good free comp for anyone to join in but end of day everyone is happy and problem solved next time i be more cautious
Hopefully next comp will be easier and thanks for advice will improve on next comp
One Love


Just seen I’ve picked same as nlxxhz10001, apologies..
Could I change to £54444
15/04/24 18:27 🙏🏻
Could I change to £54444
15/04/24 18:27 🙏🏻

Saturday 13 April 2014
A bitcoin will definitely be worth £51g not a penny more. Thanks and best of luck to everyone.
A bitcoin will definitely be worth £51g not a penny more. Thanks and best of luck to everyone.

Received all as described, nice one radar. All nice looking bits of dank weed and some really tasty gummies, couldn’t resist and just had a couple, they are decent! Thanks Radar, here’s to a happy and baked as fuck 420 🙃


1 post
+2 votes
Eddys 🔥420🔥 Competition
Alabama kush in my pants on the sofa

Eddys 🔥420🔥 Competition
Hey Biggas it’s time for Eddys 420 competition, im starting early to give everyone a chance to get involved.
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition I know I always do the same style comp but again they seem to never get taken down so makes life easy.
There will be 3 Eddys 420 $100 vouchers to be won to spend in any store and a bonus gram of one of the new concentrates just listed thrown in🔥
Simply upvote this post and comment what you would like to smoke this 420 or anything 420 related to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on 17th to give everyone chance to enter and receive your prize before 420 . Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this youtube channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition I know I always do the same style comp but again they seem to never get taken down so makes life easy.
There will be 3 Eddys 420 $100 vouchers to be won to spend in any store and a bonus gram of one of the new concentrates just listed thrown in🔥
Simply upvote this post and comment what you would like to smoke this 420 or anything 420 related to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on 17th to give everyone chance to enter and receive your prize before 420 . Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this youtube channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶

I'd love to smoke some real OG Kush with the Pablos Revenge in a purey 😵💫
Cheers Eddy & good luck everyone 💜💚🏹
Cheers Eddy & good luck everyone 💜💚🏹

Cool competition, mate. 420 should be bigger here imo, I know it’s heavily yankified but a day of visibility and recognition will help with decriminalisation imo. Toot for justice, Biggas ✌️

My favourite for 420 would be a good Cherry Mac with a sprinkle of Eddie's Mac bubble hash a perfect 420🔥🏆

I would love to smoke any of these legendary hash or herb that comes only those in the elite circles seem to get 😂

#5🤞🏻 Just got a proxy at spannabis love it, was at the Storz & Bickel stand awhile checking them out aswell🔥

Nice one Eddy. For me it would be a nice dusty nug of Hindu Kush, or some old school strain extracts like Northern Lights or Jack Hera

Wow another competition eddy would love to smoke my way though the menu but it’s keeping up with the menu 💨💨💨💨😱😱🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 all the best everyone 👊

Great compo once again👍 I would love some Skywalker hash if there is any available wow! Thanks all

I would love to sample a little bit of everything on LB but my name would need to end in Musk to be able to afford it!!
Also, I find it mildly amusing the Bitcoin halving will be on 20th April - sorry, puts on stetson and gains weight - 4/20.😉
Also, I find it mildly amusing the Bitcoin halving will be on 20th April - sorry, puts on stetson and gains weight - 4/20.😉

Some Black Sugar grown under the Caribbean Sun, or a tangy Jamaican Red Beard. Can’t beat a bit of nostalgia…
For European grown, always loved that Chocolupe from Grey Area but original Grapefruit is probably my all time fav!
These days it’s anything tasty that’s been properly flushed and cured! Seems to be a dying art. That said, you can still rely on Eddie for some top draw 😍
For European grown, always loved that Chocolupe from Grey Area but original Grapefruit is probably my all time fav!
These days it’s anything tasty that’s been properly flushed and cured! Seems to be a dying art. That said, you can still rely on Eddie for some top draw 😍

Ooops nearly forgot to comment 8D
Tho I only dry vape these days, I do fancy a lil blunt with some Pablos Revenge and using good bud (would looooooove to find some Malibu OG I think it was called - non-LB) with a lick of melted mango haze badder spread on the skin :D
And then I'll have to order more Pablos ;)
Cheers for the compo.
Tho I only dry vape these days, I do fancy a lil blunt with some Pablos Revenge and using good bud (would looooooove to find some Malibu OG I think it was called - non-LB) with a lick of melted mango haze badder spread on the skin :D
And then I'll have to order more Pablos ;)
Cheers for the compo.

Hay man cool competition, cheers.
I love to try some off that maui wowie with some labrador and hope I don't freek out on 420, ha ha.
Thanks and good luck everyone.
Link provided for those who need an explanation or just for fun.
I love to try some off that maui wowie with some labrador and hope I don't freek out on 420, ha ha.
Thanks and good luck everyone.
Link provided for those who need an explanation or just for fun.

Awesome comp idea! I’m trying to make my way thru your insane much to choose from omg 😊❤️

Breaking a 6 month fast this 420.
Going to be spending my day with a dozy golden retriever, so some potent, body-hugging hash is probably in order.
Going to be spending my day with a dozy golden retriever, so some potent, body-hugging hash is probably in order.

I'd like to be on a beach somewhere tropical on 420, maybe Sri Lanka, blazing 1st rub Parvati cream and a bit of S8! Lovely.

Mine would have to be any of the jungle boys cold cured bubble hash for the bong with a nice OG kush for joints

I'm quite random, I just like to try as much as possible of everything I can get my hands on.
Don't really have a fave like that, I go nose and taste blind after a week of the same bud/hash.
So maybe something I've never had of would be my choice 🤔.
Big up to Eddy's Hashbar for the opportunity 😘
Don't really have a fave like that, I go nose and taste blind after a week of the same bud/hash.
So maybe something I've never had of would be my choice 🤔.
Big up to Eddy's Hashbar for the opportunity 😘

Hey Eddy, I would choose to smoke some of your amazing bubble hash. Tropicanna cookies and some frozen grapes. Happy 420 :)

thanks eddie,
my birthday is on april 20th so im a 420 baby, will be the grand old age of 50, so thats my number, thanks for comp, best of luck everyone
my birthday is on april 20th so im a 420 baby, will be the grand old age of 50, so thats my number, thanks for comp, best of luck everyone

i prefer my green so would go for some hippie crasher with a shot of pablo's revenge, knocks me the fuck out!

I would love to smoke some Blue Zushi and will probs spend my 4/20 making some music and beats

Xmas tree x animal mintz looks up my street! I’ve also had my eye on the grahan cream charas from YNM, something ive never sampled before.
Cheers Eddy, gl biggas 💚
Cheers Eddy, gl biggas 💚

Very generous Eddy , I'd love to wake up and smoke some Godfather OG and your Tropicana Cherry with a chaser of the Banana Sherbet extract!
That's a hero's breakfast 🦸🏻♂️
That's a hero's breakfast 🦸🏻♂️

I would love to be smoking on some isolator hash - the stuff I used to smoke in Amsterdam in the mid/ late 00's - time of my life, wonderful times. Thanks again Eddy.

I would love to be smoking on a donut this 420, still yet to drop the pennys to pick one up. With my weak tolerance now days can only imagine the damage 🫠

A day to get something special in for and at least loosely plan trajectory so as not to end up in a snoring heap by teatime 😴
Vaper but I still enjoy a King Palm on special days in which a bit of everything landrace & exotic, herbal & squishy gets thrown into.
Best wishes Eddy & all 🤞
Vaper but I still enjoy a King Palm on special days in which a bit of everything landrace & exotic, herbal & squishy gets thrown into.
Best wishes Eddy & all 🤞

Purple haze or chocolate Thai of old to see if tastes as good as I remember. Also thanks for the comp and awesome menu

Gotta be in it to win it!
Nice one Eddy, I'd be grabbing some of your hash rosin if i win, prob get some if i dont win tbf 😁
Nice one Eddy, I'd be grabbing some of your hash rosin if i win, prob get some if i dont win tbf 😁

Thank you for hosting! This 420, I’d love to smoke a donut joint rolled with some lovely Piattella

Nice one :) Would love to smoke a big fat j of wedding cake or hariboz this 420, looking tasty 🔥

Nice comp Eddy! I’d love to try some wax for the first time ever on 420, good luck everyone🙌💚

Cool comp Eddy,also id love that jungle boys cold cured hash,looks devine and have not tried it yet,your hash menu is amazing buddy💚

Nice competition! For 420 I will be smoking my last bit of WifiOg I bought from you ages ago and that should do for me :)

I’ve always had to work on 420 day. My ambition is for the wife and kids to be at work and school, get the sofa bed out, watch movies, long walk in the woods and plenty of naps. I’ll need a range of strains to complement each. Happy 420 all!

Would love to be smoking some vanilla gorilla with some jungle boys bubble hash sprinkled over the top 🔥

Happy 420 to all. I'd like to smoke some of that fine Jungle boys hash sprinkled into some Galactic cookies bud.Send my head into the clouds for a few hours!

Inspired by another comment, I think I'll have to save The Donut King pre-roll I still have. 1.5g of Z41 flower and 0.5g of nug run budder Zheetos extract. Really needed an occasion.

Birthdays the 23rd of April. Gotta have the best smoke on my birthday. Gonna have to make a cocktail joint with bud hash and rosin if I win. Thanks for the giveaway Eddy!

Would love to go back to 2009/10 ish…. I think… it could have been earlier or later lol. Shit memory for some reason… don’t know why 😅😉😂
But would love to go back to then when I had a Purple Kush from the Green Place in the Dam. First time I ever tried a pure grape flavour.. been chasing that taste ever since..
Thanks for competition dude 🙏👊💚
But would love to go back to then when I had a Purple Kush from the Green Place in the Dam. First time I ever tried a pure grape flavour.. been chasing that taste ever since..
Thanks for competition dude 🙏👊💚

Old school myself so would start 420 with a nice mix joint is some quality bud/hash mix, and I have the tattoo just to remind me. 🤣

Can't beat a proper old school haze imo, goes well with the sun, and every 420 is a scorcher! good luck all and cheers eddy!

I want to smoke that la jungle boys layered cake. Cheers Eddy and good luck Biggaz!

I wouldn't mind a Grapefruit blunt seasoned with a generous helping of Sunset Sherbert. That would hit the spot quite nicely.
Thanks and good luck all
Thanks and good luck all

Cheers for the comp eddy.
This 420 the other half will be at her mother's. So I shall be sat in my dressing gown, smoking super silver and trying to eat as many easter eggs as humanly possible.
This 420 the other half will be at her mother's. So I shall be sat in my dressing gown, smoking super silver and trying to eat as many easter eggs as humanly possible.

Awesome comp,
My 420 smoke would be NYC Diesel.
Tried it at the dam years ago and havn't found any back home since. (The sour one is completely different)
My 420 smoke would be NYC Diesel.
Tried it at the dam years ago and havn't found any back home since. (The sour one is completely different)

Man, everything I've had off you has been true fire. Didn't know hash could be that strong, and i been on it the last 40 years. Respect.

Hey eddy
Good competition. Thanks!
Mine would be cereal milk or gorilla glue + a few moonrocks for my 420
Good competition. Thanks!
Mine would be cereal milk or gorilla glue + a few moonrocks for my 420

My 420 would be cereal milk 🥣🥛 yum. Big thanks to Eddy for the giveaways and good luck people 👊🏴

Some of the jungle boys cold pressed would be amazing as well as more of the Pablo 💯🔥
Great giveaway Eddy - bless 🙌
Great giveaway Eddy - bless 🙌

Nice comp eddy,never delved into the world of quality hash but some of your offerings would be a good start especially for 420

Im on similar vibe the Pablos Revenge , Choc chip or Xmas Tree x Animal Mintz would be a very ideal smoke for 420
edit also that hippy crasher flower has been calling me for a min
Cool giveaway thanks & good luck biggas
edit also that hippy crasher flower has been calling me for a min
Cool giveaway thanks & good luck biggas

Had your sour diesel which was beautiful so I'm sure this is no different alas, 14g doesn't last long around these parts 😅 I'd have it burnt in 4 days 🤣

I'll likely go for a mixture of things in sequence but probably ending with smokes of mixed extract & bud with a couple of edibles. There's a lot of things I'd like to try if I did win. Good luck everyone.

Big up Eddy, for 4/20 I will be smoking some dense nugs and making some hash brownies
Best of luck everyone, one love
Best of luck everyone, one love

Seeing that 420 day is a Saturday I will probably be celebrating with Captain Morgan, some edibles and a nice uplifting sativa to vape on

My 420 smoke would be some Garlic Cake Budd, had it from here a few years ago but not seen it listed since.

This 420 I’ll start the day off with a spliff of lemon pie. Then eat some edibles to get me through the day. Then some purple mimosa. Got to finish with some of ur Pablos Revenge! Send me straight to sleep.
Awesome comp eddy! Very generous.
Awesome comp eddy! Very generous.

Would be nice to sit inside and have a smoke but that can never happen, not anymore. Never smoked a donut joint would like one of them sat on a nice comfy chair, a nice coffee. Ideally some kind of biscotti donut. YUMMY.

My 420 smoke would be tropicana cherry bubble hash, placed an order yesterday and should have added some more of it in my basket 😖 tastes how it smells and a lovely stone🔥

1 post
+3.2 votes
Next cart
Tried most of them and would say Tangerine Dream and Biscotti gave me the best experience. Biscotti was more chilled, Tangerine more creative

Next cart
What does everyone recommend, I’ve had the biscotti which was good.

I’ve tried most of these flavours and would recommend ice cream cake Indica for couch lock, bubblegum hybrid for a well balanced 50/50 effect and tangerine dream saliva for gaming. During the day i saliva it up, then evenings are either hybrid or indica.

My favourite is the ice cream cake one so far I use it for the evenings and smoke my bud during the day

Try them all, make a hobby out of it. They are all good, i even have a Bubblegum which i would consider, on paper, to be one of my least favourites but it is actually pretty damn good. Collect all the feathers in your cap, go through them all.

Tried most of them and would say Tangerine Dream and Biscotti gave me the best experience. Biscotti was more chilled, Tangerine more creative

I'm slowing working my way through the different varieties and each terpene profile I've tried (and the wife agrees) gives a completely different high. All time favourite is Black Cherry Soda - it's a nostalgic giggly high.

Yeah I've tried Nerdz - tastes like hash and fruit juice and can get you very high very easily :-)

Ooh sorry Nutta for not answering your question... BCS is very flavourful but it's not necessarily a cherry flavour, it's hard to pin down/explain. If you've ever vaped a blackcurrant crumble eliquid, it's kinda like that. Hope that helps :-)

My favourite sativa flavour was Tangerine Dream. Very energetic and such a nice high. Loved the flavour too.
If you're going for the high indica strains for that chilled couch lock feeling similar to Biscotti, I would recommend Ice Cream Cake, Strawberry Cheesecake or Skywalker OG.
He has a lot of Hybrids too and you really can't go wrong with any of them. The Thin Mint Cookies was so refreshing and tasted amazing!
If you're going for the high indica strains for that chilled couch lock feeling similar to Biscotti, I would recommend Ice Cream Cake, Strawberry Cheesecake or Skywalker OG.
He has a lot of Hybrids too and you really can't go wrong with any of them. The Thin Mint Cookies was so refreshing and tasted amazing!

I love black cherry soda, very chill, uplifting creative hybrid. I’m trying to decide something more for winding down before bed but not a complete knock out/couch lock. Thoughts?

Picked up some thin mint cookies. Very nice. Super potent. Got me absolutely spangled last night. Closed eye visuals and absolute sedation. Would like to pick up something less potent next time in the hope I can actually do something after a toke.

has to be the black cherry soda for me. i've smoked all of them and they are all in their own ways amazing. just personal preference =)

I am enjoying BCS now, it mixes well with a few bottles of strong cider lol you talked me into it lol

2 posts
+6 votes

All Hail Royal Mail
Still sweaty. Confused as my other post has been arriving all week and last order came pretty quick
+ 2 more

All Hail Royal Mail
Nothing can stop the Great British Royal Mail. The oil that keeps the engines of Littlebiggy going. I tip my hat to all the workers for keeping it real in these crazy Covid times.

How I'd love to say the same. Fair play to those still putting in a shift but not working for quite a few at the mo

Most posties I know enjoy a good smoke as much as anyone. Nice to see someone appreciate them.

First order came pretty much next day but waiting on one shipped Monday so palms are a bit sweaty mom‘s spaghetti

Still sweaty. Confused as my other post has been arriving all week and last order came pretty quick

I just hope they bring mine today as its 3 days l8 on ndd lol il defo hail them if it gets here tho

im on day 4 of waiting for some hash,feedback on the vendors profile all have got next day or max 2 days..not looking good for me.all vendors should offer tracking and it should be made compulsory on here to avoid the bollocks of shit not turning up which then makes you doubt the vendor

1 post
+1 votes

Vape recommendations.
I’m doing the same bro enjoy. Amazon have the honeystick that’s not too much. I use it with MJ carts and they work fine.

Vape recommendations.
Wazzzaaaap biggas.
I’m going away to an Airbnb place with my girl at the end of August and the place says no smoking, so I was thinking of getting a vape cartridge.
Does anybody have any tips or recommendations.
I’ve never vaped da ‘erb and I’ve never enjoyed a regular vape either, but I’m willing to have a go. And did I mention there’s a hot tub ?
I’m going away to an Airbnb place with my girl at the end of August and the place says no smoking, so I was thinking of getting a vape cartridge.
Does anybody have any tips or recommendations.
I’ve never vaped da ‘erb and I’ve never enjoyed a regular vape either, but I’m willing to have a go. And did I mention there’s a hot tub ?

Hey mate, if you're only heading away for the weekend then I would suggest one of MJ Concentrates carts. He always has great flavours and for a decent price. Depending on how heavy you smoke, two carts should get you through the weekend. They don't hit like joints obviously but they pack a decent buzz and can go into almost any battery as they come with a 510 thread. MJ is super quick and all his stuff is clean. I think BudBrothers may have some e-liquid but not too sure and I don't have a link lol.
If you're thinking about vaping the herb itself, I just bought a Mighty and think it's a great purchase, though it is a little steep, especially if it's just for a weekend lol. There are smaller, cheaper models available though and Storz and Bickel are basically the industry leader in vapes. The Dynavap might be perfect for your situation, you can pick one up handy enough with a blowtorch lighter for around 50/60 quid and it does pack a nice whallop.
Hope this helps man and enjoy your weekend away with the missus, hot tub and all haha.
If you're thinking about vaping the herb itself, I just bought a Mighty and think it's a great purchase, though it is a little steep, especially if it's just for a weekend lol. There are smaller, cheaper models available though and Storz and Bickel are basically the industry leader in vapes. The Dynavap might be perfect for your situation, you can pick one up handy enough with a blowtorch lighter for around 50/60 quid and it does pack a nice whallop.
Hope this helps man and enjoy your weekend away with the missus, hot tub and all haha.

Thanks man. I think those MJ carts might be the one.
Really appreciate your response. I’ve seen a lot of negativity on LB recently, so it’s lovely to have a well written, thoughtful, helpful, and friendly reply.
Really appreciate your response. I’ve seen a lot of negativity on LB recently, so it’s lovely to have a well written, thoughtful, helpful, and friendly reply.

No problem mate, it can get a little mad sometimes on here but the community is what makes LB work, in my opinion. Anyway, happy to help man and enjoy the break :)

MJC vape carts with the little iMini Mod.... Super stealth, super strong, super discreet. Get involved!

510 battery and MJ carts man, sayno2drugs to top carts too, sorted. You can vape weed too though lol

What about the amount ?
Say over the couple of days away, I’d probably smoke just under an 8th to myself, how much should I buy ? The 450 or the 1ml ?
Thanks guys
Say over the couple of days away, I’d probably smoke just under an 8th to myself, how much should I buy ? The 450 or the 1ml ?
Thanks guys

I’m doing the same bro enjoy. Amazon have the honeystick that’s not too much. I use it with MJ carts and they work fine.

1 post
+1 votes

Vape oil
It’s a tighter draw on the vape similar to a cigarette if it’s closed and more smooth if it’s open. It’s more preference than actual affect but I coul…

Vape oil
Anyone selling oil you can vape? And what is the high like? Trying to to avoid tobacco but still want to have a smoke/vape.

Mj concentrates have good ones also Drugs Inc UK have 1ml carts. I have only tried MJ carts and after 2-3 puffs the high is intense the first 20mins then settles to a nice high for few hours,, hope this helps

So do you just have to put the cart in a vape pen or something, and do they sell the vape machines?

At the base of the mouth piece on the cart you can turn to open up the air holes but i prefer keeping it shut,,,,,,

It’s a tighter draw on the vape similar to a cigarette if it’s closed and more smooth if it’s open. It’s more preference than actual affect but I could be wrong.

Yes they are standard size fit most vape pen you just screw it on to the vape battery or you can order the vape as well from MJc they do a deal on both vape and cart

Any reccomendations on what vape i need to buy in order to use one of these vape carts???? Love the sound of these

MJ does a really nice discreet little vape on his page: The iMini. It's tiny, powerful, and blows sobriety from the mind in little under 30 seconds.

MJ Concentrates makes AWESOME vape carts with THC distillate. 90% THC with different terp profiles. Super strong.

I'm quite a heavy user. My last cart (450mg) lasted 4 days. But I hit it hard over the weekend. You could definitely get longer out of it, though.

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