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joined dec 2020
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26 posts by Stonedbro
Just started watching 'Spaced' again.
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB

I'm in the middle of re-watching Spaced and felt like I had to scroll for hours to find somebody who finally mentioned it! xD

Thank you - you just reminded me I need to re-watch spaced again!
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..

Well I’ll judge you... if I could give 2 upvotes I would, agree with you totally, 2 of my fave ever shows, making me think of hitting Spaced up again...

I loved the shows of that generation. Nathan Barley. Day Today. Brass Eye also. Then The Mighty Boosh.
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊

The Wire
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations

Ah fuck it, nothing better to do, haha
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences

Peep show one of my all time favs and can't to wrong with arrested development what a classic

Sad that they never manager to run the show normally... And probably we won't se another season ever :( love arrested development

Currently halfway through the first series of Altered Carbon after reading this thread and seeing your recommendation. I'm a PhilipKDick fan and I'm really enjoying it, cheers 👍

Dark on Netflix. German show about time travel set in a village where kids keep going missing every 33 years. Stunning production values, really intricately plotted, three series, all ties together. Loved it. Has an English dub but the German audio with subtitles is best.

End of the fucking world is really good. Strange and offbeat which I like. With some characters that don’t give a fuck. And it’s British and very relatable (even though it’s about a lad that thinks he’s a psychopath haha).

100% but do you think you could watch them the other way round and it’s all still as good? As I really do, integrated them amazingly well.

Yeah I agree, I liked BB a lot but I came to it a bit late and like UKgrower hearing the hype maybe expected too much. Better call Saul I didn’t expect much of at all, didn’t think it’d get past Series 1 but now I think it’s better than BB.

If you enjoyed Breaking Bad, then give Better Call Saul a go. I always thought he stole every scene he was in during Breaking Bad.

I'm watching Detectorists at the moment. Really good. Funny and with beautiful scenery. On BBC iPlayer and Netflix.

Shout for detectorists.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.

If you want a Change and a Tons of one line bombs to drop at work or with your mates there is only one place to go
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???

yes, they will all help make it worse. on the bright side, since everybody started typing on their phones, dyslexia is hardly noticeable anymore and you really don't have to apologise.

Gomorrah if you dont mind subtitles, its an Italian crime show set in Naples. Simply brilliant.
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates

Gomorrah is the shit man, one of my all time favs
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece

Yean Gomorrah is probably my number 1 show, the setting, actors, story... superb. Cant wait to watch the Ciro Di Marzio movie too.

L'Immortale or the Immortal is the name, was out last year in Italy. Have tried to find out when its out in the UK but no joy yet

Its on sky atlantic now mate, its certainly worth a watch an sets up the next season of Gomorrah nicely

Literally just finished watching brassic 2 and Save me Too. Both class. Surely everyone on here has watched Brassic.....!!!?

I do, doesn't quite hit the levels that Shameless did back in the day but still a lot of fun. Plus it's good to hear actual accents on TV instead of just American lol

If you like weird? Get baked & watch.
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror

Respect for Garth Merenghi, everybody should see that.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.

Have you ever watched Travellers? (if you was a fan of stargate back in the day this will interest you) or if your a sci fi fan, Very good story telling and actors (Canadian)

i liked that a lot more than i thought i would. also, colony on netflix even though it was killed by covid and never finished.

Some of the things I've enjoyed are:
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis

*The Queen's Gambit- short series (one season only) but good storyline
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist

Ifyou seen BB, definitely watch Better Call Saul.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.

Orphan black! one of my favourites.. the wire.. Russian doll..cynical,funny. end of the fucking world. Money heist.. prison break..cleverly written. Better call Saul if you enjoyed breaking bad.
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/

Yo UK Grower. I have just discovered Channel Zero on StarZplay, prime add on. It’s a really good horror series, twisted stuff, defo a bit freaky.

To any one who likes comedies don't be put off What We Do in the Shadows, it's vampires but it's not really a "vampire" type show.... it's really funny when high and the second series has just come out on iplayer.

If you're into Sci-fi I'd highly recommend Altered Carbon on Netflix. Really cool story and visuals. I seen somebody recommended Ozark, excellent as well. If you like animation and feel like a laugh give Rick and Morty a watch, The Midnight Gospel is also new to Netflix but really trippy / funny in my opinion. Happy watching!

I almost pissed myself with laughter watching the first episode as I watched the trailer but wasn't really for how out there this really is. A must watch for any sci fi and gaming fan or if you have a sick sense of humour like me :)

Stranger Things Season 1 - 80's themed sci-fi thriller with endearing characters that had me on the edge of my seat throughout.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.

Band of Brothers is a masterpiece, great shout! Any recommendations of war films/series that are similar mate?

Give 'The Pacific' a go. Its HBOs follow up to 'Band Of Brothers' set during the allied assault on the Pacific region during WW2

Trailer Park Boys should be perfect for everyone on here, given the enormous amount of smoking and growing throughout!

The Wire
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.

Since it hasn’t been mentioned here , it only proves how massively underrated Wilfred is . Had great laughs :) U.S. version of an Australian cult sitcom about a meek young man and a pot-smoking talking dog named Wilfred (actually actor Jason Gann in a dog suit, whom everyone else sees as just a dog). Won’t spoilt it anymore

Watching Yellowjackets at the moment, pretty good but if you watch the pilot episode don’t be put off as that’s a bit shit, it does get better!
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…

The Start Up, it's on Netflix. 2 series' that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Defo worth a watch!

Gotta be Trailer Park Boys
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps

just call Saul was better than breaking bad in some ways (last series a bit disappointing tho). Always interested to see if people liked the Midnight Gospel (single series, animation, also Netflix).

If you liked Breaking Bad you might like Better Call Saul... it's slower but the writing and cinematography are actually better imo. Plus by S5 the pace is basically on BB levels.

The Boys or Doom patrol, quality shows right there & the wire If you didnt see it yet,too many to name mate but try them

Undone is good and trippy with the animation style it uses and pretty unique story to boot.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.

Fringe is my favorite series of all time!
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns

Get the amazon Prime free trial and watch Picard, star trek spin off - it's really good, not what you expect.

also i love disco/history/natgeo... skin walker ranch program on at the mo is interesting. history but avail on catchup bro

The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)
The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)

The Sopranos, the Wire, The Americans (best ending), boss season 1, the Divide 2014 (hard to find but worth it), true detective 4, xfiles season 4.

I just rewatched 'The Lost Room'
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻

Trying to go for some semi-obscure ones here....
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high

If no one has said it yet, Banshee. A pro thief / seriously tough guy played by Anthony Starr ( Homelander from the boys) rolls into town, assumes the identity of a recently deceased new Sheriff that no one has met yet. Boom, he's now the law in town and is actually very good at stopping crime. Insane realistic violence, Amish gangsters, bikers, native American mafia and lots more, best show I've ever seen

Hi Biggas TEAM
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.

On the The Block - Netflix - nice teen vibe and story
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious

The Comic Strip
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob

Loads of top shows already mentioned on this list so trying not to repeat(can't stand repeats). Didn't notice a mention for The Newsroom, absolutely brilliant with super slick dialogue, maybe stick to sativa for that one.
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder

Fargo is probably the best series ever after GOT. Better Call Saul was brilliant too after a slow start. Better than Breaking Bad for me.

All the seasons are good and different stories so don't need to watch in order. All true apparently. The movie's a bit dated now but a great watch too.

Brand New Cherry Flavour if you think you'd find the subject of psychedelic sorcery played out as a fictional horror story interesting

Murder Mountain on Netflix. An oldie but a goodie. All about the emerald triangle in California and how it moved from illegal weed growing into legalisation and the lawless nature of the industry.

Often overlooked, but Mike Judge of Beavis and Butthead fame created this absolute gem....highly smart as it is funny...

You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀
You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀

Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul
Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul

Person of Interest
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch

I'm surprised no one suggested Family Business (on Netflix). A great comedy series about a family in Paris who runs a Kosher butchers and end up producing vast amounts of Pastraweed!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!

I never thought I'd see someone mention The Platform. Great film if you've got your stone on! Alice in Borderland is brilliant also it's like a mash-up of The Prisoner and Battle Royale.

I know this is a bit of old news but have you seen Schitts Creek? I just discovered it and it is so funny

The Christmas special of Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing done in THE most beautiful part of the country North Yorkshire! Great watch when baked as fuck haha :)
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol

The Man in the High Castle is loads of fun, especially if you’re a fan of PKD. Classic UK series that are great: Line of Duty, The Fall, Peep Show, Monty Python’s Flying Circus

New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.
New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.

New British comedy horror on prime with Simon Pegg and nick frost, only a short one but was enjoyable, there’s this once scene when nick frost thinks he is about to get shanked and it’s hilarious.
It’s called Truth Seekers
It’s called Truth Seekers

Succession is better than you'd think. Punisher is the best out of all the Marvel shows, Daredevil is also very watchable (and Jessica Jones if you're into angry women with PTSD). Umbrella Academy is fun to watch. The Magicians ditto. Also The Boys.

One of my all-time favourites will always be Daria.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.

Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things
Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things

Ahh man the OA was fucking amazing, completely different to what I thought it'd be. Can't believe they aren't renewing it!

Hey man some good series I watched recently was:
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)

Blake's 7
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.

Black Monday , so off key guaranteed hard core laughing
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny

Bobs burgers is a laugh when baked
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it

Lots of good suggestions & Sopranos is also great. If you have Netflix then Orange Is The New Black is available & also Weeds from the same writer; both a bit different... ;-)

Braindead (2016)
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh

Truly terrible. Shows how much Pitt & Jolie were needed to make that story work. These two are deathly dull!

Dirk gentleys hollistic detective agency.
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻

1 post
+2.2 votes

American VS UK rap
Uk rap for me personally mate

American VS UK rap
I'm sure this will be divisive but which do you think is better UK or American rap? Personally I think American Rap has been better for the past few decades but I do think UK rap is growing and getting better day by day. Any thoughts on it?

Uk rap is rap, US rap is rap, rap is music, music is a form of artistic expression and therefore subjective. In other words one is not “better” than the other.
Having DJ’d hip hop for 20 years and created it myself for about the same length of time I’ve seen a fair amount or music referred to as rap. Even within the UK we have drill, boom bap, grime, r&b/soul influenced rap, garage and drum and bass. All of the above include rap (some more than others) and all are valid forms of expression.
Personally I’m a sucker for more boom bap leaning hip hop. Musically linked to the 90s/early 2000s but there’s plenty of modern day stuff out there and plenty of UK stuff that equals US stuff for me in terms of quality, with subject matter I can better relate to.
Just a few examples of my tastes:
Pretty much anything put out on High Focus records
Pretty much anything put out on Blah records
Pretty much anything produced by The Alchemist
Having DJ’d hip hop for 20 years and created it myself for about the same length of time I’ve seen a fair amount or music referred to as rap. Even within the UK we have drill, boom bap, grime, r&b/soul influenced rap, garage and drum and bass. All of the above include rap (some more than others) and all are valid forms of expression.
Personally I’m a sucker for more boom bap leaning hip hop. Musically linked to the 90s/early 2000s but there’s plenty of modern day stuff out there and plenty of UK stuff that equals US stuff for me in terms of quality, with subject matter I can better relate to.
Just a few examples of my tastes:
Pretty much anything put out on High Focus records
Pretty much anything put out on Blah records
Pretty much anything produced by The Alchemist

I can’t stand west side gun though his annoying voice and stupid gun noises. Sounds like a little boy. Brings down Griselda as a whole. Benny and Conway are fire though I just think the thug shit has past its sell by date. I’ll listen to 50, big L pun and prodigy if I want the thug shiz. Can’t beat it. But Harry shotta on drum n bass destroys 99% of all rappers across all genres. The guys a monster.

I can't even listen to American shit any more, not even the old stuff that used to be good. UK rap shits all over the US, Americans just aren't with it at all.

the US stuff has turned very hollywood, non of it seems real or relatable anymore

True. Unless all you care about is women, money, getting shot, cars and simplistic bars. Nothing intelligent to hear there. Move on. Whenever I hear America rap now, I always think to myself, imagine this in British accent... and it instantly becomes shit, technically and artistically.


American rap has always taken first place, the amount of quality American rappers is a lot, and also guys like K-dot, J.cole... (just some examples), you can't really find their UK equivalent. However, British rap is much better nowadays, Dave for example is one of my fav rappers, so young but so talented his ceiling is incredible. I also think J Hus, Aj Tracey, Skeps, Giggs and Kano are fantastic rappers, but there is much less of quality British rappers for me personally. Like I can list of more American rappers that I like than British rappers. I'm not a HUGE fan of Drake, but a lot of credit to him for making British rap a lot more popular in the US + worldwide. But at the moment the one rapper I see breaking through to American heights of rappers is Dave, so so talented, and he has a natural knack for instruments. He also loves listening to movie soundtracks and different music as he finds it inspiring which I thought was really cool. Shows that he has a keen eye for production as well.

The yanks will always have that crown, but in terms of battle rap, the UK is fuckin miles ahead imo. The US battle rap scene is so disappointing man.

1 post
+3 votes

Best UK Rapper of AlL TiME?
I’m old so I’d argue Kalashnekoff, Fallacy or pretty much half of the old mud fam (skinny, Chester), got to give a mention for doc brown though, new album is nice, still going
Fucking love a bit of k-lash tho... it’s murda, black rose etc yeah... gonna bang that parrowdice album like NOW lol
Fucking love a bit of k-lash tho... it’s murda, black rose etc yeah... gonna bang that parrowdice album like NOW lol

Yeh that K-lash album was a banger, actually gave it another listen not long ago and it’s still a fucking banger. I’d say any from K-lash, Kano, Taskforce and Jehst.

shed you know the deal lol! but there is no way we can put this down to ONE best uk rapper, Klash & terra firma... MUD fam, That arab uk guy from deal real days cant remember his name but TOP lyricist, Too many to mention TBH,
Shit even used to bump pound sterling and RSG. So much styles in the UK rap scene over the last 15 years its hard to say whos the number 1!
Shit even used to bump pound sterling and RSG. So much styles in the UK rap scene over the last 15 years its hard to say whos the number 1!

I love doc Brown's music, but the guy's an arsehole
K-lash though, man he can rap!! Even the young'uns love his stuff too
K-lash though, man he can rap!! Even the young'uns love his stuff too

That parrowdice album is absolutely timeless never get bored of listening to it, pound sterling use to like some of his stuff from back in the day? Can you remember channel u, that was on sky, had all the upcoming young english talent, use to watch religiously, use to have some mad guys on there!!!!

Great shout there - were you also a Yungun fan? He’s back with new stuff under ‘Essa’ - still awesome! Also used to bang Universal Soldiers every single day - going to put it on now in fact, happy Friday all!

Yungun! Yeah man, he had a phat album with Mr Thing called GMB (grown man business) and he got a song on there called 'peter pan syndrome' which actually makes my heart bleed.... that dude is an entertainment lawyer now!

Top album!! Yeah man that’s crazy isn’t it!! Wiccaman theory by Chester P used to get me like that! The ten pound bag mixtapes were brilliant too. Loving this thread, now reminded me of how much I love Dabbla and LDZ, having a great day :D

Ten pound baaaaagggg...oh my days... the problem with smoking so much weed is I forget too much music lol...damn, louis slipperz on the mix...some of the beats of those were mind-wreckingly, I got to dig those out...yeah, loving this thread too man, nice to know I'm not the only one still rocking out Taskforce and Skinnyman and shit...oh shit...Sway...remember that cat? He did the tune over the car racing tune..ah shit...memory lol...I know the one, think it was called 'up your speed', so many bangers lost to the pit of my weeded memory lol...

Hahaha mate 100% the same!! Weeded memory sucks!! Yeah I’d completely forgotten about Sway! Flo’ Fashion was an absolute banger as well!!

Anything off that album was fantastic.
Download still cracks me up when he's talking about going to an Internet cafe to find a man named kazaa haha.
Download still cracks me up when he's talking about going to an Internet cafe to find a man named kazaa haha.

Agree with pretty much all of the below suggestions.
Recently found this banger by Kano, D double E and Ghetts.... Such a tune, such great energy... Real uk OG's. Kano's got the longevity
... enjoy ...
Recently found this banger by Kano, D double E and Ghetts.... Such a tune, such great energy... Real uk OG's. Kano's got the longevity
... enjoy ...

Kano is tremendous live too. And so is d double e....ghetts is passable but compared to the other 2 he falls short in my eyes. I've seen all 3 of them perform multiple times

Didn’t even need to play this via link got this one backed up on the old I tunes... Badabapbap!!! Big tune

Akala for the win. Definitely NOT Skinnyman... Although I did like Council Estate of Mind.

OLDsKoOl... Return of the drifter was an epic album.. still gets alot of play in my dojo lol! How could we forget Jehst!
You like braintax too?
You like braintax too?

Still listen to “sagas of kalashnekoff”. If anyone is wondering, the film used for the skits is “Babylon”. A great film, its like a reggae “commitments”

Every Thursday at 7pm we should all go outside and start shouting "can't take no more of that"

That black cunt outta stokie, banana mango munching monkey, ill kick off ya door like jumanji!!! Hahahaha that guy!!!

I'm younger than some on this thread so don't know too many old school UK rappers. Mainly like old American rappers/mcs from the 90s, but would also give a vote to skinny man. Council Estate of mind is one my favourite albums of all time and its criminal he's not better known (In the mainstream).
If we're talking about modern day.. casisdead is currently the best in the scene/UK in my opinion, bar none. Can't wait for his new album to drop.
If we're talking about modern day.. casisdead is currently the best in the scene/UK in my opinion, bar none. Can't wait for his new album to drop.

Def a personal favourite. Don’t think he’s made an average album and seen him live a couple times and never disappointed.

Fliptrix, Chester P, Akala, Lowkey and skinny man... Can't really claim one is better than the other, they have all reached maxed skill in their unique styles

Glad to see someone get fliptrix in there. Saw him and skinny man live at subterranea just before lockdiwn and its unreal how much stage presence fliptrix has...and he's a fucking giant lol

As much as I properly love late 90s/early 200s UKHH, I have to say that Dabbla is right up there for me.
LDZ, Dead Players, his stuff on HF, and his solo albums on Potent Funk, he's kept it fresh, pushed hard and spits like nobody else. His wordplay is incredible.
LDZ, Dead Players, his stuff on HF, and his solo albums on Potent Funk, he's kept it fresh, pushed hard and spits like nobody else. His wordplay is incredible.

Hmmmm, Good question man, Jehst is up there for me.. But, with the new school vibes of like Ocean Wisdom, Verb-T. I’m not sure anymore :)

Top reply that! Early Jehst is hard to beat in my book! Chester P also up there - more recently loving Lee Scott (by no means would class him as UKs greatest but he’s a personal fav of mine :)

Chester P is also a bloody lovely bloke to boot. A carer these days and have his head properly screwed on

Chester P for mayor!!
Ches is a fucking dude...he dropped one of the hottest 'fire in the street' freestyles ever...dude is deep as fuck, massive respect for him.
Ches is a fucking dude...he dropped one of the hottest 'fire in the street' freestyles ever...dude is deep as fuck, massive respect for him.

ches don't like MF doom he says hes a traitor to the uk scene but MF's perants moved to the US he had no choice and i just think ches is bitter and jelouse he never got what MF doom did ..

Ocean wisdom I think has one of the best flows in the UK scene Verb-T perfect for a heavy zoot and a relax

Silver Bullet, hands down is the best UK rapper (really showing my age). 20 Seconds was good but 'Bring forth the Guillotine' is a classic.

Some greats already mentioned! but Dizzie rascal has to be in there for me! . Stefflon don , Jaykae and Bugzy Malone have some tunes too. Could be cheating but 21 savage as well I’m sure I saw he was from Newham originally?

I think he is you know!!! Who was the the other mc how was orginally in the newham generals, cant remember his name to stoned!!! Haha, ive even seen him live aswell at show at london dungeons, my mate won vip ticketsto see them and dizzee and jammer!!! Only 200 people whata fucking night that was!!! Still cant remeber his name!!! Haha

Bullet from a guuuuuuunnnnn!!! Derek B was the fucking man, he must have been one of my first UK hip hop heroes! Ahhh, this brings back memories..who remembers Normski?! Cannot for the life of me remember the show he had on tv for a while but I fucking loved it...

Ooooh, that rings a bell...really can't pull it out of my brain, Normski was the presenter and it was literally the only thing on tv that had any flavour at all, was late on a Friday night iirc

Showing my age ( and probably giving away that I’m more of a guitar guy ) but The Streets first album is awesome

I think for me it’s Potter Payper if you want that real rap but grime wise I’m going to say Ghetts.

All completely subjective but
Kano is my all-time favourite.
Boy in da corner was a groundbreaking album, and has stood the test of time (still sounds amazing to this day) so Dizzee has to have a place on the UK rap Mount Rushmore.
Also high ratings and much love for Klashnekoff, JME, Sway, Devlin, and Roots Manuva.
Kano is my all-time favourite.
Boy in da corner was a groundbreaking album, and has stood the test of time (still sounds amazing to this day) so Dizzee has to have a place on the UK rap Mount Rushmore.
Also high ratings and much love for Klashnekoff, JME, Sway, Devlin, and Roots Manuva.

It’s gotta be Skepta or Dizzee man!
Nothing touches Konichiwa, Boy in da corner or Showtime.. nothing!
Nothing touches Konichiwa, Boy in da corner or Showtime.. nothing!

For skill, Harry shotta. Me personally. Then Kalashnekov dizzee and the streets. A grand don’t come for free was a masterpiece


JME all day. Showing my age now.
Rating Ocean Wisdom atm tho
Far too many good ones to list on here tho.
Rating Ocean Wisdom atm tho
Far too many good ones to list on here tho.

So many to choose from such as Ghetto but I'm gonna have to go for his old mate Kano. Special place in my heart for that donny.

I get what you mean I'm mainly on about his first shit after that he got annoying as fuck when he switched his style tbh lol

It’s all a bit mid 2000s Roll Deep etc. Good proving grounds for the future, some good MCs came out of it, but in itself it’s pretty shit. I mean compare that to some Wu Tang shit, which I guess would be the New York streets equivalent 15 years earlier... doesn’t even compare.

Not the most original post, but if what I read on the internet it true, then I would say MF DOOM, (apparently born in London).

To be honest, there isn't one, it's so hard to choose just one when there's so much talent out there.

I know he doesn’t rap anymore, but Plan B in his prime was exceptional. The Paint it Blacker Mixtape is one of my all time favourites

Not a fan of him as a person but Slowthai has been doing some really good stuff for a while now deserves a mention. Loyle Carner also I think Lyrically is very nice

There are plenty contenders, but considering quality of his music, duration of career, significance/legacy etc, I think you need to go a long way to better Kano as one of the greats in the UK.

Lowkey, songs banned in USA raided by mi5 no one can match his word play only guy to do chip in a beef. Too real too intelligent.

Dutty goodz is the king for me, chester p, lowkey,akala are also faves, and ocean wisdom for technicality, not so keen on his content but he's got very diverse flows and spot-on delivery.

Not saying he's the best but he defo up there can't believe no one shouted out MR Traumatik, he's a fucking savage 😄

elder; crazy t, wiley, killa p, flowdan, riko dan, trim, dizzee, tempz
younger; kyeza, rocks foe, faultsz, K9, mez, saint p
stress on kyeza and rocks foe
younger; kyeza, rocks foe, faultsz, K9, mez, saint p
stress on kyeza and rocks foe

Devs aint even a rapper.. grime spitter. Never even done rap or hip hop. No wonder. Jimmy.

2 posts
+10.8 votes

Does anyone actually feel any medical benefits from smoking?
Yes mate I mainly use it for its medical benefits, I have anxiety and it calms me right down, nothing works as well as cannabis for me, would be good …
+ 2 more

Does anyone actually feel any medical benefits from smoking?
I'm a fairly healthy young guy so I don't really have any health problems at the minute so I've never actually felt any of the health benefits of cannabis. Dose it actually have as much effect as some people say? I would love to hear from anyone that does use it for medical purposes

64 y/o cancer patient, finishing (June 1, 2021) a 30 month, 18 treatment, 100 hours of chemo regiment.
When I was near death, I could not administer cannabis in any form. After I took my first dose of chemo, I was able to eat some RSO which helped me sleep.
By dose#2, I was utilizing at night for sleep, RSO or distillate. As I progressed, I was also able to utilize during the day & that is when I really started to kick cancer’s ass.
From month #3 until I was declared “cancer free” I enhanced my chemo fog with a cannabis buzz.
Did it help? A 30 year oncology nurse told me I was worst than anyone they ever treated who lived.
When I tell people I enjoyed my cancer experience...
When I was near death, I could not administer cannabis in any form. After I took my first dose of chemo, I was able to eat some RSO which helped me sleep.
By dose#2, I was utilizing at night for sleep, RSO or distillate. As I progressed, I was also able to utilize during the day & that is when I really started to kick cancer’s ass.
From month #3 until I was declared “cancer free” I enhanced my chemo fog with a cannabis buzz.
Did it help? A 30 year oncology nurse told me I was worst than anyone they ever treated who lived.
When I tell people I enjoyed my cancer experience...

I’ve been on a few anti depressants and promethazine for being suicidal and severely depressed and anxiety weed is the only thing that has worked for me when I’m without weed I notice my symptoms come back so I have to always have some on me in my honest opinion weed helps anxiety and depression.

Hope your doing alright now man, I agree weed does help me calm down and forget about all my anxious thoughts. I hope in the uk it will become more easily accessible for medical users

glad to hear you are better
u have purchased from us before i recall your username
we plan on having some super silver haze on the menu if that interests you or anyone here
u have purchased from us before i recall your username
we plan on having some super silver haze on the menu if that interests you or anyone here

I have a severe spinal condition, used to need codeine, pregabalin and naproxen all day everyday. Now when i have edibles it gets rid of my neuropathy or makes it more manageable most dsys without needed all those bad chemicals.

I use cannabis when my head gets too much (Borderline Personality Disorder), I've been prescribed benzo's in the past but they don't really hit home like a good old smoke does, and they aren't too good for you in the long run as they can be quite addictive.
Having a smoke can set me free from my mind which can be a blessed relief sometimes.
I must say though that I don't think cannabis is a "cure all" as such but it should be more widely recognized as being a plant with some healing/helpful properties that truly makes a difference to peoples lives.
Having a smoke can set me free from my mind which can be a blessed relief sometimes.
I must say though that I don't think cannabis is a "cure all" as such but it should be more widely recognized as being a plant with some healing/helpful properties that truly makes a difference to peoples lives.

I've heard that from a few people, are you smoking pure indicas or hybrid indica dominant?

Yes pal.. without a good strain I am completly paralized withoutany exaggeration, the only prescribed things that work for me are diazepam and they knock you out badly and are addictive as fuck so no long term things work for me but cannabis.
Im nearly 30 and my lower back where the spinal disc isloacated is buggered from years and years of grueling graft for a pittance.
Im nearly 30 and my lower back where the spinal disc isloacated is buggered from years and years of grueling graft for a pittance.

Wait so can you not walk physically or is it too painful to walk? And cannabis “cures” it? No hate or judgement just curious

Canna coconut oil helps me with pain relief and depression. For the depression it's helpful for side effects of coming off anti - depressants. And pain relief for rehabilitation of a broken shoulder I'm get good benefit from vaping too

THC is a miracle drug for me. Use it for mental health treatment. My severe anxiety and depression slowly dissolves with every inhale.

What works well for you? I'm interested to know, if you don't mind expanding? I'm not anxious as such. Melancholy, yes... Horrendously overthinky, too.

I have been recently diagnosed with a life changing condition and the stress and anxiety that comes with that. Weed helps no question
It also helps with the side effects of the meds hat I am on and would not like to think what I would be like if I did not use it.
It also helps with the side effects of the meds hat I am on and would not like to think what I would be like if I did not use it.

Yes mate I mainly use it for its medical benefits, I have anxiety and it calms me right down, nothing works as well as cannabis for me, would be good to hear from someone that has physical pain tho

which strains are you using for reduced anxiety because I have found some strains can sometimes make me feel even more anxious?

Signed up to this place because one it means I am not relying on unreliable types at home and 2, most importantly my wife is a long suffering multiple sclerosis patient. I've made two orders on here and her mobility has increased and spasms/pain has reduced for her. I absolutely believe in the medical benefits and my wife is enough proof for me.

i've got a lot of complex mental illnesses (bpd, bipolar, ptsd and suicidal ideation) and when i'm feeling the intrusive thoughts creep in a joint can blow them all away. being high allows me to look at my circumstances with clarity and understanding rather than catastrophizing my life. i also have autism and adhd, and it helps with the need to fidget and gives me focus that i don't have sober. i can't watch films or tv half the time without having something else going on, like playing a game or reading a book or going on my phone, but after a joint i'm hyper focused on whatever's on screen. i actually only managed to finish inception for the first time after i started smoking weed.

Oh, you're dealing with an awful lot of things. Some of which I can really relate to as they are on my list too. It's good to know you can catch a breather by using cannabis.
Something else that worked for me is sound therapy. I've started to explore it more & I take part in sound baths or biofield tuning much more regularly and I'm actually starting a practitioner course tomorrow.
If you're a person who really responds to music (especially a deep, heart flipping bassline) then it's likely you'll benefit from something like a gong bath. Shamanic guided meditations are fab too. Each therapy offers something different. I felt very out of place when I first went but I just asked myself 'What would Louis Theroux do?' and imnersed every awkward, autistic part of me into the experience.
I'm definitely meeting more of the right people since I wandered down that path, a very unexpected and welcome bonus 🙏
Something else that worked for me is sound therapy. I've started to explore it more & I take part in sound baths or biofield tuning much more regularly and I'm actually starting a practitioner course tomorrow.
If you're a person who really responds to music (especially a deep, heart flipping bassline) then it's likely you'll benefit from something like a gong bath. Shamanic guided meditations are fab too. Each therapy offers something different. I felt very out of place when I first went but I just asked myself 'What would Louis Theroux do?' and imnersed every awkward, autistic part of me into the experience.
I'm definitely meeting more of the right people since I wandered down that path, a very unexpected and welcome bonus 🙏

i'll have to look into that! music and sound is a very core thing for me, i average about 2500-3500 minutes of spotify a week lol. i remember my uncle used to have those metal bowls that would produce sound if you traced the rim of them with an object, i can't remember what they're called though. thanks for sharing about sound therapy, i hadn't heard of it before! hope you have a great week bigga 🫡

Thank you & you're welcome. That's a singing bowl your uncle had ☺️ There's a lot of interest in them at the moment. Crystal ones as well as brass.
You can find quite a lot of sound bath/therapy stuff on Spotify but it's more amazing in person - that being said, I join a weekly group bio-tuning session over zoom (I can't believe I'm raving about all this Woo Woo stuff tbh) 😅
I'm big on recommending Alan Watts Lectures too, there's a chillstep remix playlist or some such. You might like it 🤞
It'd be good to hear your thoughts, if you do decide to explore the waves.
Stay groovy
You can find quite a lot of sound bath/therapy stuff on Spotify but it's more amazing in person - that being said, I join a weekly group bio-tuning session over zoom (I can't believe I'm raving about all this Woo Woo stuff tbh) 😅
I'm big on recommending Alan Watts Lectures too, there's a chillstep remix playlist or some such. You might like it 🤞
It'd be good to hear your thoughts, if you do decide to explore the waves.
Stay groovy

Thought I'd pitch in seen as the doctor is asking. Recommend vendor.
Suffering with chronic pain, and have ongoing history of anxiety and bouts of depression (when off the weed), suicidal and medicated at worst. Have had a variety of counsellors and cognitive therapies. I spent my early teens and entrie young adulthood battling physchologically due to always trying and never being able to quit ( because all other symtons increase always leaving me empty and eventually depressed and medicated), I have stints of over a year clean, but always feeling like I was behaving "wrong" and weed was an overall negative to life, I've hidden it professionally and socially and consumed everyday. I went vegan to prepare for a tea ceremony and life improved a lot after that, not in the first year but it led me to a new place mentally and over the course of a year in rumination (do not recommend to anyone) I unwrapped a lot of my past and saw a lot of the way I handled myself and I'm a lot kinder these days, to myself, I have a much better relationship with weed, I have surrendered to it and spend my life high now, still in secret.
A huge and major factor of the negative experiences I have lived through because of weed have been due to its legal status and stigma therefore attached.
My life is better now I have dissociated my views with the negative ones of others, I spend more time alone and work differently to nurture my addiction. I'm a lot happier for it overall.
To anyone who experiences stomach issues! Be aware of the CHS and don't get stuck in that loop.
Peace and love to all our time here is very short. If you consume cannabis I hope you enjoy it and if you don't I hope you can find your balance.
Suffering with chronic pain, and have ongoing history of anxiety and bouts of depression (when off the weed), suicidal and medicated at worst. Have had a variety of counsellors and cognitive therapies. I spent my early teens and entrie young adulthood battling physchologically due to always trying and never being able to quit ( because all other symtons increase always leaving me empty and eventually depressed and medicated), I have stints of over a year clean, but always feeling like I was behaving "wrong" and weed was an overall negative to life, I've hidden it professionally and socially and consumed everyday. I went vegan to prepare for a tea ceremony and life improved a lot after that, not in the first year but it led me to a new place mentally and over the course of a year in rumination (do not recommend to anyone) I unwrapped a lot of my past and saw a lot of the way I handled myself and I'm a lot kinder these days, to myself, I have a much better relationship with weed, I have surrendered to it and spend my life high now, still in secret.
A huge and major factor of the negative experiences I have lived through because of weed have been due to its legal status and stigma therefore attached.
My life is better now I have dissociated my views with the negative ones of others, I spend more time alone and work differently to nurture my addiction. I'm a lot happier for it overall.
To anyone who experiences stomach issues! Be aware of the CHS and don't get stuck in that loop.
Peace and love to all our time here is very short. If you consume cannabis I hope you enjoy it and if you don't I hope you can find your balance.

Over the years I have used weed successfully to quit nicotine, coke and most recently alcohol addictions... not all at once! All of which I have abused to self-medicate for ADHD and PTSD.
Once I made the decision to quit, I just stocked up with a big bag of weed, hid myself away for a week and smoked myself silly every time I had cravings.
It's an amazing drug for going cold turkey.
Be careful with quitting alcohol though, going cold turkey can cause life-threatening complications, much safer to taper off by a unit per day.
Now I just need to get off the weed 😂🤣😂
Now I just use weed to self-medicate for ADHD and PTSD. It's the only thing that calms my body, reduces my stress and stops my mind racing.
Once I made the decision to quit, I just stocked up with a big bag of weed, hid myself away for a week and smoked myself silly every time I had cravings.
It's an amazing drug for going cold turkey.
Be careful with quitting alcohol though, going cold turkey can cause life-threatening complications, much safer to taper off by a unit per day.
Now I just need to get off the weed 😂🤣😂
Now I just use weed to self-medicate for ADHD and PTSD. It's the only thing that calms my body, reduces my stress and stops my mind racing.

Spent years on numerous ssris, anti depressants, sleeping tabs, GAD tabs, PTSd tabs and more along with the compulsory CBT….
None truly “worked”
Weed does!!!
Better yet, clinically died a few times. Told my lung would never work at 100% again (it’s a long gory story)
Alongside years on morphine I was told to walk at the beginning.
2 weeks post ops and docs check in…
Wow “Apex” you’re keeping up with the walking, this is a miracle your lung is spread near 100%.
Well doc, I walk around the blocks for 5 mins smoking a joint and it’s just getting easier each day.
Doc had a face of pure shock but his comment was amazing.
“Well Apex, I won’t condone or advise against something natural that appears to have worked for you”!
More underrated than people will really know till you experience it imo
None truly “worked”
Weed does!!!
Better yet, clinically died a few times. Told my lung would never work at 100% again (it’s a long gory story)
Alongside years on morphine I was told to walk at the beginning.
2 weeks post ops and docs check in…
Wow “Apex” you’re keeping up with the walking, this is a miracle your lung is spread near 100%.
Well doc, I walk around the blocks for 5 mins smoking a joint and it’s just getting easier each day.
Doc had a face of pure shock but his comment was amazing.
“Well Apex, I won’t condone or advise against something natural that appears to have worked for you”!
More underrated than people will really know till you experience it imo

Hey Family,
Personally helps us with back pain, muscle relaxation and from mind being occupied with nonsense. It just puts us into good vibe , happy mode guess can be taken as medicinal benefit :)) it actually makes me personally wanna read and watch something to learn or curve a skill. Used to smoke 3.5G to 7G a day which has been reduced to 1-2 joints now and some of us still hitting the bongs on daily basis. Feel a lot happier and alot less lazier when reduced the smoke from 10-15 joints or hitting bongs to 1-2 Joints for nice 30-40 minute night walks, lost more weight and diet has improved too.
Personally helps us with back pain, muscle relaxation and from mind being occupied with nonsense. It just puts us into good vibe , happy mode guess can be taken as medicinal benefit :)) it actually makes me personally wanna read and watch something to learn or curve a skill. Used to smoke 3.5G to 7G a day which has been reduced to 1-2 joints now and some of us still hitting the bongs on daily basis. Feel a lot happier and alot less lazier when reduced the smoke from 10-15 joints or hitting bongs to 1-2 Joints for nice 30-40 minute night walks, lost more weight and diet has improved too.

Wow, reading some of these comments has truly moved me. Sending everyone that is dealing with life altering conditions and illness lots of Love and healing light.
I personally use weed for anxiety and depression but occasionally helps with bloating and also arms and legs restlessness and numbness.
What I have found is that sativa’s generally can trigger panic attacks or at least crazy paranoia, palpitations and fear for me. My ‘sweet spot’ is a nice RSO in the evening and maybe a small indica spliff or dry herb vape and that usually works wonders
Peace and Love x
I personally use weed for anxiety and depression but occasionally helps with bloating and also arms and legs restlessness and numbness.
What I have found is that sativa’s generally can trigger panic attacks or at least crazy paranoia, palpitations and fear for me. My ‘sweet spot’ is a nice RSO in the evening and maybe a small indica spliff or dry herb vape and that usually works wonders
Peace and Love x

Yes totally. 49 years old been smoking on a recreational basis since 15 and never thought of health benefits until 1999 when I broke my arm. I was given big black capsules filled with pain relief but made me sleepy af. I was travelling across Europe when this happened and struggled like fuck driving back through Spain and France.
Finally got to Holland after 2 days of travelling and my wife was driving so I got her to stop in a border town & hit a coffee shop.
My arm was tight inside the cast as it was so swollen , by the time I had got half way through the first joint I could now wobble the cast around as my arm as it was now pain free and not swollen.
I have now had another injury which has left a decent sized piece of shrapnel under my right knee . have been told it can stay there even though its fucking painful.
I have also managed to kick alcohol tobacco along with lots of dance drugs from the late 80s and 90s and 2000s. Lol wtf
It does help for these things and also great for stress relief.
Finally got to Holland after 2 days of travelling and my wife was driving so I got her to stop in a border town & hit a coffee shop.
My arm was tight inside the cast as it was so swollen , by the time I had got half way through the first joint I could now wobble the cast around as my arm as it was now pain free and not swollen.
I have now had another injury which has left a decent sized piece of shrapnel under my right knee . have been told it can stay there even though its fucking painful.
I have also managed to kick alcohol tobacco along with lots of dance drugs from the late 80s and 90s and 2000s. Lol wtf
It does help for these things and also great for stress relief.

Smoking doesn’t have the benefits as ingesting for me but I have ASD (meditation doesn’t tend to work the same for me.) chronic pain and osteoarthritis it’s the first time in 20+ years I’m basically pain free (I feel swelling and pressure) ASD stopped me leaving the house to attend appointments, shopping or a basic family day out. It’s all disappeared I’m calm, less frustrated, near prescription painkiller free (opioid addict 2 years ago) and sober 100% sober and all since starting regular cannabis from this site yes it’s been that much of a turn around! It’s changed my life, I’m sure my family will agree 😂

Yea so my main symptom of ms is a crushing feeling running across my chest. It’s like a belt that’s way too tight but when I use cannabis it’s like that belt is letting a few notches loose and the crushing feeling goes from 10/10 to 4/10

1 post
+2 votes

Best weed movie?

Best weed movie?
Seen and contributed to a great topic thread about the best weed song here. How about the best movie about weed or to watch after indulging?

I had another movie in mind when I clicked on this topic, but you nailed it. The greatest stoner movie ever, The Big Lebowski.

How High with WuTang's Methodman - turns out that name is a reference to acting technique.

How about "A Clockwork Orange." Saw it for the first time at my frat house in the early 80's. It's time for bit of the ole in out in out. Love it.

There's always Reefer Madness. It's pretty damn funny, especially since it was released in 1936. Right up there with masturbation causing blindness and hairy palms. If that was true l would be wearing dark glasses, holding a tin cup begging for enough money to buy a new razor.

I've been meaning to watch that after a few spliff for a while now, Yellow Submarine definitely pickles your head too.

"Interstellar 5555" :) (How can you beat Japanese Anime set to Daft Punk's Discovery for audio/visual, I mean come on seriously?lol)
Also How High, Harold & Kumar, Sausage Party and Your Highness,..
Also How High, Harold & Kumar, Sausage Party and Your Highness,..

Only rewatched this a few days ago. I'd forgotten how amazing it is! Thanks again for the recommendation

Hangover 1,2,3, Pineapple Express, Harold Kumar 1,2,3, This Is The End, Tenacious D, Mac & Devin & many many more <3

Absolutely. Dazed and Confused, whenever I want to remember my teens. I definitely peaked in highschool.

Have to say "Up in Smoke" by Cheech and Chong. Stacey Keach at his best and the whole idea of getting EVERYONE at a concert stoned at once!

Agree! Read the book and loved it. Wasn't even aware there was a movie. Going to search for it.

Richard Linklaters two rotoscoped classics, "Waking Life" and "A Scanner Darkly" are great to watch when you're baked.

A Scanner Darkly is a great pic. I only learned recently that Phillip K Dick wrote this (along with the book Bladerunner is based on - 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' and also 'Minority Report' to name but a few. He is the Don of sci-fi.

Some of his early stuff that hasn’t been made into a movie or a tv show is amazing. Think he found god around the early 70s (the acid and weed was good back in the day) and his later stuff is very spiritual. He is the Don !

I recommend Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes) which was inspired by Ubik and remade as Vanilla Sky.

Yeeeah! Thanks for reminding me of those two. This is my favourite thread of all time.

Just some of my favs to watch while high as a mofo:
Scary movie 1 - 5
Van Wilder
Old School (Uncut)
Step Brothers (Boats n Hoes)
Ali G In Da House
This is the end
The night before
Don't be a menace to South Central while drinking your juice in the hood
The Gentleman
Were the Millers
Scary movie 1 - 5
Van Wilder
Old School (Uncut)
Step Brothers (Boats n Hoes)
Ali G In Da House
This is the end
The night before
Don't be a menace to South Central while drinking your juice in the hood
The Gentleman
Were the Millers

Just a couple more :p
Soul Plane
Mac & Devlin go to high school
The trap
All the "Fridays"
I'm gonna git you sucka
Balls of Fury
The Longest Yard
Where's the money
Smiley Face
Super Troopers
Soul Plane
Mac & Devlin go to high school
The trap
All the "Fridays"
I'm gonna git you sucka
Balls of Fury
The Longest Yard
Where's the money
Smiley Face
Super Troopers

I love Pineapple Express damn I think I can quote most of it hahah
“Don’t you just want to live in there? It’s like gods vagina!”
“Don’t you just want to live in there? It’s like gods vagina!”

Not a weed movie as such but up there with the best 'Withnail and I' - I will never tire of this film...

Homegrown 1998
Without a paddle
Knocked Up
Idle Hands
City of God
Grandma's Boy
Dazed and Confused
Leaves Of Grass
Lords of Dogtown
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Puff puff pass
Smiley Face
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Lord Of The Rings (Hobbits smoke all the time)
It's Complicated (2009)
Animal House
PCU 1994
The Beach
Without a paddle
Knocked Up
Idle Hands
City of God
Grandma's Boy
Dazed and Confused
Leaves Of Grass
Lords of Dogtown
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Puff puff pass
Smiley Face
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Lord Of The Rings (Hobbits smoke all the time)
It's Complicated (2009)
Animal House
PCU 1994
The Beach

I remember going to see Cliffhanger when I was on Acid 25 years ago and it scared the fuck out of me as I'm scared of heights.

Idiocracy is an oldie that hardly got shown anywhere. Its funny as f""" very black humour but coming true today, so very relevant. This is a great thread. Thanks all :)

So many movies ive not seen .... got sone catching up to do!
Pink Floyd's The Wall is one of my favourites when tripping and The Doors Movie is worth a watch.Sticking with the Music theme Pink Floyd Live at Pompei is epic!
Pink Floyd's The Wall is one of my favourites when tripping and The Doors Movie is worth a watch.Sticking with the Music theme Pink Floyd Live at Pompei is epic!

There's a newish film called Valerian and the 1000 planets ( something like that) that's a proper mind fuck too.

Holy Mountain is the Ipsissimus of psychedelic movies.
Inherent Vice is a late entry but an instant classic and Friday is hilarious, one of the funniest weed films from beginning to end.
Inherent Vice is a late entry but an instant classic and Friday is hilarious, one of the funniest weed films from beginning to end.

Was gonna say this. Amazing film, rewatched it last night and it gets better each time there's so much going on. And Short Round won an Oscar.

I just scrolled through 100 comments and none said Cisco Pike??? Retired dealer Kris Kristopherson has to sell a garage full of bales of weed for cop Gene did you all miss that classic?

Haven’t seen it, but now I will....especially as I’ve just had a delivery of some jack herer. Thanks for the recommendation

Amazing movie...matched by your choice of profile absolute classic graphic novel.shouldve won way more awards.

Inception is incredible when high, most Nolan movies are due to the picture quality on his movies (and the topics). But I love watching Inception stoned, recently watched Tenet and have watched it another few times high and it blew my mind.

I’ve heard tenet is an absolute mind fuck so I’ll have to roll one and load it up. Cheers for the recommendations

Point Break (original) is a great movie to watch while stoned, failing that Supertroopers is always a winner!

Heres one i dont see mentioned enough and is a amazing movie. Mr Nice , its a movie about the great howard marks and importing weed into the uk back in the day. its really funny and well worth a watch

Whilst it's dated now, when The Matrix came out in 1999 it was like nothing we'd seen before. I went to see it in the theatre sooper high and it was a wild ride never to be forgotten.

Matrix. Not my sort of film normally. But one quiet night in the house, slowly and steadily getting stoned and it all made sense, until the next day.

Pineapple Express is funny as hell when smoking your favorite kush or haze or hash. This whole movie revolves around smoking weed.

Can believe these haven’t been mentioned ! If I’ve duplicated apologies ahead it’s a long thread
Fear and loathing in las vegas
12 monkeys
Dogma - for you youngsters this is where j and silent bob come from
South Park bigger longer and uncut
Bevis and butthead do America
Team America
Lock stock and two smoking barrels
Not a film but a documentary you will all love is operation Odessa this is so funny look it up biggas
Also a bit quirky but hilarious twist is little miss sunshine
I suppose pulp fiction should also be on this list ohhh and how could I forget
Fear and loathing in las vegas
12 monkeys
Dogma - for you youngsters this is where j and silent bob come from
South Park bigger longer and uncut
Bevis and butthead do America
Team America
Lock stock and two smoking barrels
Not a film but a documentary you will all love is operation Odessa this is so funny look it up biggas
Also a bit quirky but hilarious twist is little miss sunshine
I suppose pulp fiction should also be on this list ohhh and how could I forget

1 post
+5 votes
What live resin strain do you want for our next carts?
Some nice gorilla glue would be good
Would love to see some classic strains like Super Silver Haze, Northern Lights, White Widow. Skywalker OG would be nice too

I will keep an eye out for it mate, I have a feeling my supplier in califonia may already stock this so should be easier to get hold of:)

Sorry mate at the minute we don't ship to EU as it requires putting a name down at the post office & using a fake name may cause red flags as postal staff in my area may already know our real names so it would look quite suspicious posting under someone else's name. I'm trying to work on a solution to this problem as I would like to continue EU shipping, I will make an update post if there is any changes

amnesia haze ! that’s what everyone be smoking in the uk, solid sativa with the right terpenes

More sativa strains such as Sour Diesel/Super Lemon Haze/Strawberry Cough. I am sure that other people would agree since sativas are very good for day-time smoking :)

I am an old bugger but I would love to get my hands on tangerine dream. It’s always been my favourite.

3 posts
+7 votes
How strong are these compared with the starbursts?
started topic
+ 3 more

How strong are these compared with the starbursts?
Hi I tried your starburst edibles which were really strong, I only ever needed half at most, how would these new edibles compare to that in terms of dosage?

Hi mate, the old starburst edibles were 200MG a piece, these are 70MG of THC a piece, so they are roughly a third of the stregth, they are still strong though, 1 will definelty make you feel high, 2 Will have you more couch locked if thats what you want

I hope you enjoy them, I worked hard on trying to make them the best possible:)

I might bring them back soon, I just thought I could improve the taste of the starburst before bring them back as I thought they were a bit bitter before & I know I could make better ones. I only really like to sell 10/10 products, so once I've sorted the flavour of them I will bring them back:)

Love receiving new products, these look great. Will review separately once I’ve tried them. Thanks Dr :D

I'm glad you like the packaging hopefully you will like the sweets just as much mate:)

1 post
+4 votes
Good to have you back bro, I don’t know how you always manage to keep lowering the prices but I’m not complaining tho lol

We are back with a new strain of live resin which is gorilla glue #4. GG #4 is a really nice strain % I've been working on making this mix for a while so I hope you like it as much as I do, Also we decided to reduce our prices across all our products to make sure our customers are always getting the best deal possible:)

Hi mate, good question, I would say from my personal experience with it I think it is a hybrid, It makes you very chilled and relaxed like an indica but not to the point where you cant communicate or do anything, It also give me nice visuals like any good sativa would, so I would have to assume its hybrid:)

Good to have you back bro, I don’t know how you always manage to keep lowering the prices but I’m not complaining tho lol

1 post
+2 votes
We're back with New Items & Discount prices + EU Update
The new prices look great, can’t wait to try the live resin pen!

We're back with New Items & Discount prices + EU Update
Hi all, We're glad to be back, To celebrate we have Significantly reduced prices on all our items! Vape carts are now under 30USD. We have also stocked up on some really nice Girl scout cookies Live resin. We have used this to make our new 50% distillate 50% live resin vapes. These are the nicest vapes I personally have ever tried, I hope you like them aswell as a lot of time went into perfecting them. We also have new starburst edibles, Which are very nice, In my opinion maybe even nicer than the maoam ones. Unfortunately we will no longer be shipping to the EU as the added complexities are not worth it for us at the minute, We are trying to find solutions and we may return to shipping to the EU in the future. Thanks

3 posts
+10 votes
Glad to see you reducing the prices, a lot of vendors over charge on here, my personal favourite vendor now. Keep it up bud
+ 3 more

Hello everyone, We are happy to say we have reduced the price of our carts down to 37.50USD. All carts will be the exact same exceptional quality as before just with even better prices for you all to enjoy. Our aim is to deliver the best possible product for the lowest price, Hopefully you will see us doing even more price drops in the future so stay tuned:)

Glad to see you reducing the prices, a lot of vendors over charge on here, my personal favourite vendor now. Keep it up bud

Thanks for the kind words my friend. We just want to give our customers a fair price always:)

Thanks Doc, my second order is in, your efforts and service are much appreciated and your distillate is perfect for me, i find i can take a nice pull with confidence without worrying about going into a coughing fit. Testing and price are a bonus.

1 post
+3 votes
Back in stock
That sounds really annoying man, not much you can do if you don’t know who wrote the review though

Back in stock
Hi guys, we are sad to say we've had to relist this item as some one accidentally gave the other listing a 1 out of 10 instead of a 10 which ruined its product rating. The review is very positive which is how we know its was done by accident. It is a shame as the product was rated 10/10 with 30+ reviews before that. Thanks

That sounds really annoying man, not much you can do if you don’t know who wrote the review though

Yeah thats the problem. There is no way to find out who did the review so I cant ask them to fix it

2 posts
+6 votes
That’s great news!
+ 2 more

We have got some great new edibles for you. They are 200MG each so they are really strong, but don't worry if you want a lower dose just simply split the edible into pieces. They taste great and are made with Strawberry Maoam Stripes, which taste really nice, I would have to say these are the nicest edibles I've ever tried. I hope you enjoy them

Hi mate, Yes we plan on bringing out new flavours soon, apple will be top of our list:)

1 post
+3 votes
I’ve tried some Cali import distillate before from another vendor. Must say it’s good stuff hopefully these are as good, will be ordering soon…

Hi everyone, Our carts are back with a new Flavour "Grapefruit Kush" Which will be replacing the kush berry as our Indica flavour. I personally think it is much nicer tasting. Also We will no be using Californian Import THC distillate, Which has improved strength compared to the last batch. Enjoy

I’ve tried some Cali import distillate before from another vendor. Must say it’s good stuff hopefully these are as good, will be ordering soon

2 posts
+5 votes
started topic
+ 2 more

I’m very glad these are back in stock. They the same as last time?

Bro your as happy as I am haha, best pens on here without a doubt, I only got 2 of the old ones and fuck me, blew my socks off, tucked me in bed and read me a bed time story all within 10 drags haha, yum yum in my yum hahahaha

1 post
+3 votes
Are they as good as last time
started topic

Are they as good as last time
Just wondering if this uses the same mix that was in your other vapes as it had a lovely high

Hi, Yes it is the same mix as the other vapes we had in stock, I'm glad to hear you liked it:)

1 post
+3 votes

I'm so glad I found this site!!
They are some fat stems

I'm so glad I found this site!!

I'm so glad I can dump my dealer. He is always screwing me over I even have to drive 30 mins to collect. How does he show his appreciation.... 0.5g of branches. They were not even attached to a bud. WTF?? Worst part of it is, I have been buying 12g a month for over 5 years now!
I'm looking forward to more consistency and better quality.
I placed my first order yesterday. I cant wait for it to Arrive.
I'm looking forward to more consistency and better quality.
I placed my first order yesterday. I cant wait for it to Arrive.

Trust me this is a godsend. The top quality and delivered through your front door. Lovely

Am just new aswell. Started smoking again due to chronic pain, and I keep using the word 'miraculous'.
Am a bit of a technophobe though, and am just waiting to get my Provisional Driving License so that I've ID for buying bitcoins
Am a bit of a technophobe though, and am just waiting to get my Provisional Driving License so that I've ID for buying bitcoins

Once that arrives your life will be changed. It has for me. This site has been amazing. 2 vendors I have personally used and can highly recommend are.
Urban leaf co, for my weed
MjConcentrates for crates
Urban leaf co, for my weed
MjConcentrates for crates

Excuse my ignorance but what is 'crates' ? I've just joined LB and am awaiting my first through the Christmas post - fingers crossed. Ordered from Green Fingers

I just looked for the Amigo max battery on their page but looks like they dont have them at the moment but they do have the Kodo Box mod. I cant help you with that one though as I have never used it :)

I had no clue either. A cart is a pre filled ready to smoke product. It comes in a ( urm not sure what they are called) you know the part you screw onto an ecig with the juice in it. It's a use until it's gone and then buy another kind of thing. I found it a great stealthy way to smoke in public. I have ordered a couple of times with MjConcentrates and their carts are great. They even sell the pen that it can be screwed onto. I got the Amigo Max battery. Works perfectly & not complicated to use at all lol. Take a look at MjConcentrates page and scroll until you find their carts. They do different strains & flavours. I personally have not tried them. But I hope your first experience is as good as mine. I use Urban leaf co for my bud and can highly recommend them. & they offer free 1st class postage. Usually arrives in 1-2 days but with Christmas it is taking longer (as expected) wow sorry I waffled on there. My stoner brain just wouldn't stop haha.
This is the link to MjConcentrates carts
This is the link to MjConcentrates carts

Thanks for that. You're lucky to have the stoner brain. I just ordered for the first time on here and the post is slow ...

I just ordered for the first time on here too- sooo so grateful for the site as I don’t really understand street dealer ‘etiquette’ or language. I know that sounds daft but I don’t really understand people in general so..

You are no longer at the mercy of any street dealer, you now have a choice. You had to play by their terms for 5 years, wait in the car an extra 15 mins while he finishes his tea and meet him when it suited him, not when it suited you, driving back home with your little bag of twigs, now you are in a place were the sellers play by your terms (and our terms, as a community) because most sellers here have the best intentions, to deliver a good product and a good, honest service, and if everyone is on board with that we get to sample some of the finest of what is on offer.
People need to realise that in most cases street dealers are either growing it in their spare cupboard or room, with no proper equipment in place, experience or know-how most of the time, and would lack the willingness to improve if the opportunity was presented, in favour of extra margin or lack of effort, or they are getting it on tap so have to take what they are given and keep their mouth shut because they know were their bread is buttered. None of those two things equals a good experience for the customer, because there was never any intent on making it a good experience, only to make some easy money from the desperate locals, of which there are many. They get their own personal smoke elsewhere, and not even a 5 year buyer and seller relationship will they make you aware of it.
Now you are on LB were it all changes, and when anyone talks about weed in your company you can be assured you have the upper hand in that conversation, because you have choices aplenty, you will remember the days you had to put pedal to the metal to meet your dealer half an hour away, on their terms of course, one choice take it or leave it, get no respect and a shitty product in return and you will laugh about it because now with less effort than getting in your car and closing the door you have opened up options you never thought possible.
People need to realise that in most cases street dealers are either growing it in their spare cupboard or room, with no proper equipment in place, experience or know-how most of the time, and would lack the willingness to improve if the opportunity was presented, in favour of extra margin or lack of effort, or they are getting it on tap so have to take what they are given and keep their mouth shut because they know were their bread is buttered. None of those two things equals a good experience for the customer, because there was never any intent on making it a good experience, only to make some easy money from the desperate locals, of which there are many. They get their own personal smoke elsewhere, and not even a 5 year buyer and seller relationship will they make you aware of it.
Now you are on LB were it all changes, and when anyone talks about weed in your company you can be assured you have the upper hand in that conversation, because you have choices aplenty, you will remember the days you had to put pedal to the metal to meet your dealer half an hour away, on their terms of course, one choice take it or leave it, get no respect and a shitty product in return and you will laugh about it because now with less effort than getting in your car and closing the door you have opened up options you never thought possible.

Don’t get much more honest than my latest reviews! And that was before a price drop! ;)

Hi to HighHo..Wow 12grams a month for the looks of that Shite..
And all the twigs. For 5years ..and having to drive 10 miles to collect it.. I dont blame you trying this Site out..What a Cheeky Cunt he be wanting a refund .. You will see the difference when your order arrives..welcome to little biggy:-))
And all the twigs. For 5years ..and having to drive 10 miles to collect it.. I dont blame you trying this Site out..What a Cheeky Cunt he be wanting a refund .. You will see the difference when your order arrives..welcome to little biggy:-))

Hey, thanks for the welcome Yeh, that's what's happens when it's still illegal here. I have no other option than to buy shit lol. I think it's because I'm a girl. I never say anything to him, just incase he told me to fuck off. (Never bite the hand that feeds) I would have 0 weed then haha. I did pull him up once when I was short 2.04g and he had an excuse. I got it back but still not the point. I dont think he realises I weigh it everytime. I'm so excited to try it from UrbanLeafCo. Testing out a Sativa and Indica strain and go from there. :)

Street dealers over charge because they are the bottom end of dealers. People on here get the stuff in bulk and wayyy cheaper so can afford not to rip anyone off. Also the post is our runners so the only cost for us to move it is the postage as supposed to having to pay street rats to do your bidding if are big on the street. It’s all cutting into profits but that problems not an issue on here my friend. :)
P.s. urban leaf and tgt are the best examples of reliable vendors.
I am a new vendor here but I strive to be like them with top quality product and the best stealth poss.
P.s. urban leaf and tgt are the best examples of reliable vendors.
I am a new vendor here but I strive to be like them with top quality product and the best stealth poss.

Not a problem HiHo..firstly just to put your mind at ease a little..Uve Chosen a good Vendor as in Urban Leaf..there good reliable vendors.and good weed..and yer Street Dealers all the same everywhere.. I was the same for a good while.seeing different ones..all with crap..very rare got a decent smoke..and got ripped off many a time.! sure u will enjoy your first order ..from urban leaf:-)). .check out these other Vendors for future Reference HiHo..
No particular order..Super Hands...
Green Finger....
UK Dank Direct...
Radar breeder... Theres a few more. But these good vendors..enjoy your journey on here HiHo .(It may Cost you a bit more for your 12grams a month or whatever you get but will be worth it in the long run:-)). and .. If you need any Advice on what to order..check out all the customer and Vendors a guideline.. Now you can tell the guy you used to get it Fuck Off. Lol..good luck.HiHo. :-))
No particular order..Super Hands...
Green Finger....
UK Dank Direct...
Radar breeder... Theres a few more. But these good vendors..enjoy your journey on here HiHo .(It may Cost you a bit more for your 12grams a month or whatever you get but will be worth it in the long run:-)). and .. If you need any Advice on what to order..check out all the customer and Vendors a guideline.. Now you can tell the guy you used to get it Fuck Off. Lol..good luck.HiHo. :-))

Good to have you here mate, This site changed my world, can't explain the feeling the first time the postman put the package through my letterbox

I think my dealer got me stuff from online. He sold me 140 quid's worth of useless stuff, and "as a favour" got me stuff from someone else, and I just gave him back 4 unsmoked bags of shit that I'd told him days before was shit (he told me I was imagining it lol)

Yeah that's the problem when they know you have no other choice. My dealer must be gutted as I used to spend £400 a month (at least) but I spend that here now. Which is so much better. I can still access weed if I move to a new location. Nothing worse than trying to find a new guy with good weed in a new place. So on so many levels you are much better off buying from here. Just read up and check reviews on sellers before you buy. But the 2 I have recommended and used before are brilliant quality, delivery stealth/speed & good weights. Also very friendly people. Especially urban leaf co!

Thanks man, it's all a strange new world!
Main problem is that I need consistent high THC for the pain relief.
Main problem is that I need consistent high THC for the pain relief.

I would get the THC concentrate carts! So easy to use and I'm guessing it is stronger than smoking weed. But there could also be other options on here that could be better for you. I use it for mental health issues rather than pain so I am not really the best person to suggest the best option for you. But I'm sure if you create a post with a header asking about options for pain relief someone will let you know. Or you can search through the "topics" at the top of the page to see if there are other posts that may help you. I hope you get sorted. My mum suffers with chronic pain so I can only imagine how hard things must be for you!

This was the best thing that I ever did. I think that there was only once where I was let down, otherwise, I have only had good experiences.

Yeah I had to drive 45 mins to get my weed (or get stuff from a random person I found elsewhere online...pretty sure my last lot had zero THC) before finding this site so I’m mega grateful for LB too. Lots of support for newbies too which is amazing. V helpful if you use weed for health reasons too. Merry crimbo LB folk!

Welcome to the site Highho.
We are also relatively new to the site and feel pretty much the same but from the opposite perspective. We no longer have to drive out to do drops or have people coming to our door and bringing unwanted attention. Just pack and post. This is the future for all of us!
Feel free to check out our store if you get a minute.
Have a great evening.
We are also relatively new to the site and feel pretty much the same but from the opposite perspective. We no longer have to drive out to do drops or have people coming to our door and bringing unwanted attention. Just pack and post. This is the future for all of us!
Feel free to check out our store if you get a minute.
Have a great evening.

1 post
+5 votes
2 posts
+7.2 votes
Not really a weed you tuber but JRE sometimes talks about it sure you’ve already heard of joe rogan tho

Have you watched getting doug with high? Doug Benson is the guy who done super high me and the greatest movie ever rolled . Worth checking out

BrealTV - The Dr Greenthumb podcast. 5days a week BReal from Cypress Hill and his crew plus guests. Highly recommend.
Non weed check
Shaun Attwood - True Crime podcast.
The Jocko Podcast
Jim Jeffries
Non weed check
Shaun Attwood - True Crime podcast.
The Jocko Podcast
Jim Jeffries

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