If you haven't done so already you should check out Joe Abercrombie's First Law trilogy. By far one of my favourite Trilogies of all time. There are a bunch of spin off books too, so you will be entertained for ages. The trilogy is essentially a more gritty and morbid version of A Song of Ice and Fire( Game of Thrones)
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joined jul 2020
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7 topics on Pugg
58 posts
+108 votes

Books fantasy

Books fantasy
So I love to read when I'm stoned , fantasy , game of thrones , orcs , currently on book 10 in wheel of time , oh and read all Raymond fiest stuff , and tons of others Im terrible for remembering name and often read the same book twice lol , would love to hear some good series in this genre as I'm always looking to find stuff I haven't read or heard of , would love to hear some of you guys favourites , cheers guys stay high,

Yes I've read and fortunately have on the kindle , will definitely read tru them again at some stage , thanks for the reminder , have u read any Raymond fiest,the magician is first book , there are a ton of books, really enjoyed them

Love Feist, read all Rift-war books. Struggled with the Wheel of time though, just couldn’t get into it.
I like David Gemmell too, he’s got some great series.
I like David Gemmell too, he’s got some great series.

I have read some of his stuff just not sure how much , could b just the first few, names ring a bell but the rest don't so will definitely check them out , thanks mate

Thanks , will check it out , I have a feeling I have read some his stuff, I had to get a kindle to stop buying books I've already read ,, thanks again :)

Hey bud, if you haven’t read The Witcher books by Andrzej Sapkowski, I would highly recommend, there’s about 7 or 8 of them I think. I’ve been reading through those and I think they’re great.

They are on my to read list was a big fan of the game and the t show was o e of the best adaptations I have seen in a long time

Nice one man, I enjoyed the game and show too :) currently on the last book in the series, enjoyed them all very much and will be sad when I’ve finished them, looking forward to series 2 of the show tho too :)

I haven't read and was actually talking about them recently with a polish mate at work after watching TV series , thanks mate will definitely add to the list

Seen some of the series , stopped watching but I would imagine books could be decent , cheers mate

Actually now that I think when I was reading I don't think I could get the 3rd book at the time , I mui look into that , cheers for jogging my memory

Dude has been writing the next book for like 11 years now.... dont hold your breath lol

Check out left hand of God if u still reading mate I think there's trilogy abit different , I thought they were really good , will probably read again at some stage

Just found a hard cover copy of this for under 3 quid on amazon ..... so one try this on your recommendation

Got about 3 pages in it's still waiting n my bookshelf atm I do keep meaning to go back to it

I love the wheel of time by robert jordan its what got me reading, i read up to book 9 when 10 was being written in 2005 maybe?

Have read them all
Really good books but RJ died before doing the last two books
He knew it was coming and made tons of notes about how he wanted it to end and when he passed they got a guy called brandon sanderson in to finish it off
Really good books but RJ died before doing the last two books
He knew it was coming and made tons of notes about how he wanted it to end and when he passed they got a guy called brandon sanderson in to finish it off

He did a really good job of wrapping it up and is now one of my favourite authors
Check out the mistborn books or if you want a massive epic saga check out the stormlight archive starting with the way of kings
Check out the mistborn books or if you want a massive epic saga check out the stormlight archive starting with the way of kings

Naw i lost steam waiting for them to be written I entered professional school and it got deprioritized but my friends who showed me the series read all of them and said the last one that was written by his successor was awesome...i think they sais the tower series would be a good read after

They bringing out a TV series on wheel of time next year I think so wanted to finish them , the tower is that Steven king

Watched it alright , find it hard to like , might have to leave abit and watch again , not really getting a vibe from cast but that's just me , have u watched it

yes i did not hate it but only caus i am biased i mean we got to see fing trollocs running around on screen!
but it was not great would say half decent at best had a few moments of hope for it towards the end
but it was not great would say half decent at best had a few moments of hope for it towards the end

its quite new still so trying not to drop any spoilers for people who have not seen it yet

Yes I hear ya lol, don't want to spoil for others , but I think I would have enjoyed more if I hadn't read the books , mif that makes sense . Is lotr this year , looking forward to that whenever it's out

Check out Robin Hobb. Her Realm Of The Elderling books are incredible. For me, fantasy at its finest.

Actually have read the soldiers son trilogy but I think that's all I've read from robin hobb, must luck into the rest for sure , cheers

Funnily enough I have one of the Soldier Sons on my shelf but I can’t bring myself to start it in case I don’t like it, ha ha. I really must have a go rather than a 4th reread of the ROTE books.

Are there books about dragons hatching not proper dagons,I have memories there but not sure if hobb books or not lol,not , trying to

Yep, they’re the ones although it doesn’t get “dragon-y” until the 2nd trilogy (Liveships). Off the top of my head there are 15ish books in all. Would highly recommend you read them all in order, if you haven’t already.

I definitely haven't read them all , will definitely check them out , and look up proper order to read for sure, cheers mate

Hey Milamber I to am a massive wheel of time fan same with feist ,you should check out the way of kings by Brandon Sanderson if you have not done so already also the name of the wind

The gentlemen bastards by scott lynch is worth a read
And the black prism by Brent weeks
And the black prism by Brent weeks

Nice 1 mate , did u read The left hand of God , there is trilogy I think ,if u haven't check it out , different but good, also what u think about wheel of time TV series ,nxt year mayb ?

Also milamber ,that made me smile most see pugg n think dog lol, u read all sides books too it seems ,nice

Wheel of time Is great , really good at the min, not too many left now, will check them out mate thanks ,the names don't ring a bell but that means nothing until I look them up lol, but the thing is that's why I started thread alot of these books I've read in paperback and they are gone . I focused on my favourite books but there are alot of other series I have read but alot I would like to read again and download on Kindle so I can keep and read in the future, cheers mate

1 post
+1 votes

Fees bitcoin
20 posts
+45.2 votes

Are you guys using other websites aswell as here?

Are you guys using other websites aswell as here?
Hey guys just wondering if people are using other sites aswell. I'm in Ireland and alot of vendors don't ship so when I check items can b pretty bleak sometimes. I also see some vendors on other sites

Nah just here and local supplies for me. Dark sites feel too shady even when they're not and everything else done openly seems to involve social media accounts and messaging apps and I don't have either of those things (fuck smart phones lol).
I wish I could make this my main, constant, long term supply but I do wonder how viable it is long term. I've only been here for 6/7months and I already have to spend a fair bit more now to get less than when I first got here.... then I notice how many long standing members have disappeared from when I first arrived too (that could just be them going quiet because of lockdown ending etc I guess)... but I dunno, it's too expensive at times but I hope I get to keep using this place for years to come :P fingers crossed.
I wish I could make this my main, constant, long term supply but I do wonder how viable it is long term. I've only been here for 6/7months and I already have to spend a fair bit more now to get less than when I first got here.... then I notice how many long standing members have disappeared from when I first arrived too (that could just be them going quiet because of lockdown ending etc I guess)... but I dunno, it's too expensive at times but I hope I get to keep using this place for years to come :P fingers crossed.

Same mate I hope so too , getting too old to b meeting ppl on the streets lol , hopefully will c new vendors to keep us happy mayb prices will come down after this covid blows over ,mayb even a few more shipping to ROI fingers crossed

Yeah to be fair some of the prices do seem to slowly be coming down a little or at least stabilizing after the big jump that happened a couple of month a go. There's some fantastic sellers on here and despite what the cynics will say I know for a fact that a few of them genuinely do care about the issue.
As for ROI I'll never understand it and it'll only get worse as the fucking brexit shit takes hold... I mean I can drive to Ireland in a couple of hours but Royal Mail act like it's crossing the Korean DMZ lmao an Irish based seller would absolutely clean up on here.
As for ROI I'll never understand it and it'll only get worse as the fucking brexit shit takes hold... I mean I can drive to Ireland in a couple of hours but Royal Mail act like it's crossing the Korean DMZ lmao an Irish based seller would absolutely clean up on here.

I think it's more a customs issue but I think most of us.would still take the risk as long as u get the love letter from customs with the weight an all on it so u no the vendor didn't short u lmao. But joking aside I think we would order without reship option because of customs . Just nice to have more options ,some I would like to try but can't as vendors won't ship

I completely agree. I stopped street dealing because it was a chore (as well as the other DD politics).
It's interesting that I've noticed that same irritating 'Street Smart' Conning on here. So I'm looking for alternatives.
And yes, the prices are getting RIDICULOUS (especially when some arsehat Vendor who I regularly sent tips to after my orders decided to let me down...which has cost me a lot of money).
I'm ready to bounce from LB. And I'm ready to bounce ASAP.
It's interesting that I've noticed that same irritating 'Street Smart' Conning on here. So I'm looking for alternatives.
And yes, the prices are getting RIDICULOUS (especially when some arsehat Vendor who I regularly sent tips to after my orders decided to let me down...which has cost me a lot of money).
I'm ready to bounce from LB. And I'm ready to bounce ASAP.

Do you mean darknet markets? or surface web sites? I'm not aware of any other surface web sites that aren't scams. Or am I missing something?

Not darknet,to b honest I don't like using them but it is a must really. I only came across this site maybe 3/4 months ago and I suppose am wondering if I'm missing more lol

Ya cheers mate, I twigged it when wouldn't let me post 1 i use ,pity ,was just curious as I use another darknet but kinda wanted to get away from that , but makes sense u cant post really I suppose was just the forum feel here sometimes

Of course I use other sites-no way I'm paying lb prices for weed. LB is pretty good for hash though.

I figure ppl use other sites for sure .
Also just thought I'd say the reason I like this site even though layout is bad and mayb it's not so user friendly is the community feel and some of the ppl on here and venders it feels more comfortable, I like to chat with like minded stoners or just read some topics to pass the time. Most people I have come across on this site have been really nice , helpful and friendly i think that is why I like here so much , in a world where nobody cares about anyone but themselves I find it refreshing to come here and meet different people from all parts of the globe , where there still seems to be a community vibe , a friendly feel ,I find it refreshing and maybe all hope is not lost lol. Apologies I'm stoned and rambling
Also just thought I'd say the reason I like this site even though layout is bad and mayb it's not so user friendly is the community feel and some of the ppl on here and venders it feels more comfortable, I like to chat with like minded stoners or just read some topics to pass the time. Most people I have come across on this site have been really nice , helpful and friendly i think that is why I like here so much , in a world where nobody cares about anyone but themselves I find it refreshing to come here and meet different people from all parts of the globe , where there still seems to be a community vibe , a friendly feel ,I find it refreshing and maybe all hope is not lost lol. Apologies I'm stoned and rambling

Yeah man, I get ya. Hit me up if you ever want to chat :)
I’m stoned and rambling most of the time
I’m stoned and rambling most of the time

I'm not too bad during the week but when im off I like to over do it just to b on the safe side lol , you no when u start a big message and near the end u are trying to remember what u were talking about when u stated the message

Very good question. I was wondering the same because I just got hoodwinked by some Vendor on here, and I've decided to look for other places to spend my BTC. Can't be dealing with arsehats on the street and online @ the same time.

Why not use a darknet service? I'm curious how you got scammed on here with the escrow feature?

No, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with escrow.
"It's interesting that I've noticed that same irritating 'Street Smart' Conning on here. So I'm looking for alternatives."
Vendors being street smart does not necessarily involve escrow.
"It's interesting that I've noticed that same irritating 'Street Smart' Conning on here. So I'm looking for alternatives."
Vendors being street smart does not necessarily involve escrow.

Honestly there are some great vendors on here but prices are expensive, and paying 20+ dollars to Ireland is bit steep when u c others at 6/8 dollars . But I feel u man it's tough when u get burned , I got 2 boys in college so funds are limited so if I get burned or something doesn't show up il most likely go without for a few days. That's mostly the reason I keep a cartridge for the vape stashed for the days without at least I'm still able to get stoned as fuck lol. Mj for cartridges

1 post
+1 votes

Nice looking bud on the wall
1 post
+1 votes

Best grinders for kief collection
2 posts
+3 votes

paying with bitcoin

paying with bitcoin
what do u guys use for payment , having major issues with blockchain today , something nice and user friendly, any info welcome thanks

WHY is nobody playing the BTC market?? Get a wallet. Load it when the value is low. Spend when its high! Get yourself some free weed. Never understood why people only buy per transaction and never enjoy the BTC rollercoaster! Some weekends my balance raises considerably! It's well worth the agro of watching your investments go up and down like a rough swell ;)

11 posts
+22 votes


Looking to buy weed and mayb cartridges , just for personal use but if goes well would b ordering every couple of weeks , any tips , any help appreciated, thanks

Joined a few months back and had no problems with multiple sellers. Play it safe and focus on high volume and feedback sellers; give the new ones a miss.
I use coinbase to buy and pay for orders using bitcoin. Ignore the bitcoin price and only buy bitcoin when you immedietly plan to spend it. The price fluctuates like hell and makes no sense to hold it unless you like to gamble. Always add +5% to the amount of bitcoin you need to buy to account for bitcoin network fees and such like. A lot of people don't realise this at first and end up short.
Its worth buying a month or two in one go if you can afford it because that's where the savings are and makes it worth paying for the NDD which would make your experience here a lot smoother too. Obviously not everybody can do this.
Best of luck and happy smoking.
I use coinbase to buy and pay for orders using bitcoin. Ignore the bitcoin price and only buy bitcoin when you immedietly plan to spend it. The price fluctuates like hell and makes no sense to hold it unless you like to gamble. Always add +5% to the amount of bitcoin you need to buy to account for bitcoin network fees and such like. A lot of people don't realise this at first and end up short.
Its worth buying a month or two in one go if you can afford it because that's where the savings are and makes it worth paying for the NDD which would make your experience here a lot smoother too. Obviously not everybody can do this.
Best of luck and happy smoking.

Thanks mate, have Blockchain so hopefully will b alright,thanks for taking time to pass on some knowledge,much appreciated ,happy smoking

We've helped a lot of newbies through the little biggy process recently. Take a look at our menu and feedback mate. Hope you get what your looking for on here! ULC

For carts you want to check out my concentrates
And for a bit of herb I would recommend urban leaf for the first few buys
And for a bit of herb I would recommend urban leaf for the first few buys

Urban leaf link at top of first comment
Mj at the top of this one
Mj at the top of this one

Thanks alot for taking time to help much appreciated, nice selection of carts by mj , will definitely check out soon , just need to sort bitcoin wallet as Blockchain has fucked me over ,thanks for info bud

I use coinbase to buy and send it to a wallet on my phone called electrum if you have any questions let us know

64 posts by Pugg
2 posts
+4 votes
Just started watching 'Spaced' again.
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB

I'm in the middle of re-watching Spaced and felt like I had to scroll for hours to find somebody who finally mentioned it! xD

Thank you - you just reminded me I need to re-watch spaced again!
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..

Well I’ll judge you... if I could give 2 upvotes I would, agree with you totally, 2 of my fave ever shows, making me think of hitting Spaced up again...

I loved the shows of that generation. Nathan Barley. Day Today. Brass Eye also. Then The Mighty Boosh.
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊

The Wire
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations

Ah fuck it, nothing better to do, haha
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences

Peep show one of my all time favs and can't to wrong with arrested development what a classic

Sad that they never manager to run the show normally... And probably we won't se another season ever :( love arrested development

Currently halfway through the first series of Altered Carbon after reading this thread and seeing your recommendation. I'm a PhilipKDick fan and I'm really enjoying it, cheers 👍

Dark on Netflix. German show about time travel set in a village where kids keep going missing every 33 years. Stunning production values, really intricately plotted, three series, all ties together. Loved it. Has an English dub but the German audio with subtitles is best.

End of the fucking world is really good. Strange and offbeat which I like. With some characters that don’t give a fuck. And it’s British and very relatable (even though it’s about a lad that thinks he’s a psychopath haha).

100% but do you think you could watch them the other way round and it’s all still as good? As I really do, integrated them amazingly well.

Yeah I agree, I liked BB a lot but I came to it a bit late and like UKgrower hearing the hype maybe expected too much. Better call Saul I didn’t expect much of at all, didn’t think it’d get past Series 1 but now I think it’s better than BB.

If you enjoyed Breaking Bad, then give Better Call Saul a go. I always thought he stole every scene he was in during Breaking Bad.

I'm watching Detectorists at the moment. Really good. Funny and with beautiful scenery. On BBC iPlayer and Netflix.

Shout for detectorists.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.

If you want a Change and a Tons of one line bombs to drop at work or with your mates there is only one place to go
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???

yes, they will all help make it worse. on the bright side, since everybody started typing on their phones, dyslexia is hardly noticeable anymore and you really don't have to apologise.

Gomorrah if you dont mind subtitles, its an Italian crime show set in Naples. Simply brilliant.
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates

Gomorrah is the shit man, one of my all time favs
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece

Yean Gomorrah is probably my number 1 show, the setting, actors, story... superb. Cant wait to watch the Ciro Di Marzio movie too.

L'Immortale or the Immortal is the name, was out last year in Italy. Have tried to find out when its out in the UK but no joy yet

Its on sky atlantic now mate, its certainly worth a watch an sets up the next season of Gomorrah nicely

Literally just finished watching brassic 2 and Save me Too. Both class. Surely everyone on here has watched Brassic.....!!!?

I do, doesn't quite hit the levels that Shameless did back in the day but still a lot of fun. Plus it's good to hear actual accents on TV instead of just American lol

If you like weird? Get baked & watch.
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror

Respect for Garth Merenghi, everybody should see that.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.

Have you ever watched Travellers? (if you was a fan of stargate back in the day this will interest you) or if your a sci fi fan, Very good story telling and actors (Canadian)

i liked that a lot more than i thought i would. also, colony on netflix even though it was killed by covid and never finished.

Some of the things I've enjoyed are:
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis

*The Queen's Gambit- short series (one season only) but good storyline
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist

Ifyou seen BB, definitely watch Better Call Saul.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.

Orphan black! one of my favourites.. the wire.. Russian doll..cynical,funny. end of the fucking world. Money heist.. prison break..cleverly written. Better call Saul if you enjoyed breaking bad.
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/

Yo UK Grower. I have just discovered Channel Zero on StarZplay, prime add on. It’s a really good horror series, twisted stuff, defo a bit freaky.

To any one who likes comedies don't be put off What We Do in the Shadows, it's vampires but it's not really a "vampire" type show.... it's really funny when high and the second series has just come out on iplayer.

If you're into Sci-fi I'd highly recommend Altered Carbon on Netflix. Really cool story and visuals. I seen somebody recommended Ozark, excellent as well. If you like animation and feel like a laugh give Rick and Morty a watch, The Midnight Gospel is also new to Netflix but really trippy / funny in my opinion. Happy watching!

I almost pissed myself with laughter watching the first episode as I watched the trailer but wasn't really for how out there this really is. A must watch for any sci fi and gaming fan or if you have a sick sense of humour like me :)

Stranger Things Season 1 - 80's themed sci-fi thriller with endearing characters that had me on the edge of my seat throughout.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.

Band of Brothers is a masterpiece, great shout! Any recommendations of war films/series that are similar mate?

Give 'The Pacific' a go. Its HBOs follow up to 'Band Of Brothers' set during the allied assault on the Pacific region during WW2

Trailer Park Boys should be perfect for everyone on here, given the enormous amount of smoking and growing throughout!

The Wire
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.

Since it hasn’t been mentioned here , it only proves how massively underrated Wilfred is . Had great laughs :) U.S. version of an Australian cult sitcom about a meek young man and a pot-smoking talking dog named Wilfred (actually actor Jason Gann in a dog suit, whom everyone else sees as just a dog). Won’t spoilt it anymore

Watching Yellowjackets at the moment, pretty good but if you watch the pilot episode don’t be put off as that’s a bit shit, it does get better!
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…

The Start Up, it's on Netflix. 2 series' that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Defo worth a watch!

Gotta be Trailer Park Boys
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps

The Christmas special of Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing done in THE most beautiful part of the country North Yorkshire! Great watch when baked as fuck haha :)
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol

New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.
New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.

just call Saul was better than breaking bad in some ways (last series a bit disappointing tho). Always interested to see if people liked the Midnight Gospel (single series, animation, also Netflix).

If you liked Breaking Bad you might like Better Call Saul... it's slower but the writing and cinematography are actually better imo. Plus by S5 the pace is basically on BB levels.

The Boys or Doom patrol, quality shows right there & the wire If you didnt see it yet,too many to name mate but try them

Undone is good and trippy with the animation style it uses and pretty unique story to boot.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.

Fringe is my favorite series of all time!
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns

Get the amazon Prime free trial and watch Picard, star trek spin off - it's really good, not what you expect.

also i love disco/history/natgeo... skin walker ranch program on at the mo is interesting. history but avail on catchup bro

The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)
The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)

Dunno if these have been broached, but try some Aussie drama
Pine Gap
The Magician / Mr Inbetween
All great watches but Mr Inbetween tells the story of your everyday underworld enforcer. Ive watched it in full 3 times and regularly watch YouTube clips. Never has the word run hit so hard
Pine Gap
The Magician / Mr Inbetween
All great watches but Mr Inbetween tells the story of your everyday underworld enforcer. Ive watched it in full 3 times and regularly watch YouTube clips. Never has the word run hit so hard

Surprised no one’s mentioned Snowfall.
One of the best series imo.
And it’s free to watch on bbc iplayer
One of the best series imo.
And it’s free to watch on bbc iplayer

The Sopranos, the Wire, The Americans (best ending), boss season 1, the Divide 2014 (hard to find but worth it), true detective 4, xfiles season 4.

I just rewatched 'The Lost Room'
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻

Trying to go for some semi-obscure ones here....
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high

If no one has said it yet, Banshee. A pro thief / seriously tough guy played by Anthony Starr ( Homelander from the boys) rolls into town, assumes the identity of a recently deceased new Sheriff that no one has met yet. Boom, he's now the law in town and is actually very good at stopping crime. Insane realistic violence, Amish gangsters, bikers, native American mafia and lots more, best show I've ever seen

Hi Biggas TEAM
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.

On the The Block - Netflix - nice teen vibe and story
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious

The Comic Strip
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob

Loads of top shows already mentioned on this list so trying not to repeat(can't stand repeats). Didn't notice a mention for The Newsroom, absolutely brilliant with super slick dialogue, maybe stick to sativa for that one.
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder

Fargo is probably the best series ever after GOT. Better Call Saul was brilliant too after a slow start. Better than Breaking Bad for me.

All the seasons are good and different stories so don't need to watch in order. All true apparently. The movie's a bit dated now but a great watch too.

Brand New Cherry Flavour if you think you'd find the subject of psychedelic sorcery played out as a fictional horror story interesting

Murder Mountain on Netflix. An oldie but a goodie. All about the emerald triangle in California and how it moved from illegal weed growing into legalisation and the lawless nature of the industry.

Often overlooked, but Mike Judge of Beavis and Butthead fame created this absolute gem....highly reccomend...as smart as it is funny...

You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀
You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀

Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul
Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul

Person of Interest
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch

I'm surprised no one suggested Family Business (on Netflix). A great comedy series about a family in Paris who runs a Kosher butchers and end up producing vast amounts of Pastraweed!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!

I never thought I'd see someone mention The Platform. Great film if you've got your stone on! Alice in Borderland is brilliant also it's like a mash-up of The Prisoner and Battle Royale.

I know this is a bit of old news but have you seen Schitts Creek? I just discovered it and it is so funny

The Man in the High Castle is loads of fun, especially if you’re a fan of PKD. Classic UK series that are great: Line of Duty, The Fall, Peep Show, Monty Python’s Flying Circus

New British comedy horror on prime with Simon Pegg and nick frost, only a short one but was enjoyable, there’s this once scene when nick frost thinks he is about to get shanked and it’s hilarious.
It’s called Truth Seekers
It’s called Truth Seekers

Succession is better than you'd think. Punisher is the best out of all the Marvel shows, Daredevil is also very watchable (and Jessica Jones if you're into angry women with PTSD). Umbrella Academy is fun to watch. The Magicians ditto. Also The Boys.

One of my all-time favourites will always be Daria.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.

Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things
Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things

Ahh man the OA was fucking amazing, completely different to what I thought it'd be. Can't believe they aren't renewing it!

Hey man some good series I watched recently was:
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)

Blake's 7
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.

Black Monday , so off key guaranteed hard core laughing
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny

Bobs burgers is a laugh when baked
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it

Lots of good suggestions & Sopranos is also great. If you have Netflix then Orange Is The New Black is available & also Weeds from the same writer; both a bit different... ;-)

Braindead (2016)
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh

Truly terrible. Shows how much Pitt & Jolie were needed to make that story work. These two are deathly dull!

Dirk gentleys hollistic detective agency.
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻

2 posts
+7 votes
i hope we have found a pink unicorn here. the last irish vendor just vanished after a week or two

How long did it take? About to order and wondering if i should do it Sunday to avoid package sitting in PO for too long. Thanks

I ordered mine Sunday eve they it was posted Monday morning and arrived to me Wednesday I'd say 2 days max if ya order today or tomorrow, I think shop only open for few days so don't wait too long

Bollocks... probably be Friday again when they open maybe private message them to see when they open

Great to see an Irish Vendor but beware,customs won't call to your door for international post they will just keep and send a love letter as long as it's not a big amount. Guardai/drug squad will come to your door if they/post office suspect weed in package. Happened to a mate of mine last year. Don't use standard post....just special delivery.

What happened to your mate? Plausible deniability, deny deny deny if they call. As long as you don't have anything stashed at home should be ok but clearly nobody wants those fascists calling to your door.

3 detectives/drug squad came to the door after package had been received by his wife earlier in the morning. Nobody there when they knocked so they went to his place of work. Called him out of work,took his phone and house key and made him drive home . Did a quick search of house,found package and went through his messages and message apps. He didn't deny it and got an adult caution for the quarter of weed. Wife won't let him smoke anymore tho..lol(not lol :( )

Thats a rough old experience and all for a Q! Sneaky delivering the package then searching.

Had a late one last night am I dreaming or is this shit actually happening welcome pink lady will definitely be making a order

We've been waiting for this day for a long time I'm probably asking a stupid question but will your stealth be good, welcome anyway looking forward to trying your product

An Irish Vendor is like a unicorn! I don’t think internal post is subject to same rigorous checks but doesn’t mean vendor should rest on their laurels.

Ya true only takes one to be snatched for them to be onto it but fingers crossed we have finally a reliable source it's a long time coming

Just put in my first order. Will review when received. Although Vendor not online today has me worried already.

That’s just sad tbh.
However ordered will get their money back anyway, so it was just a waste of time for the cunt that thought he could get a few quid of some stoners 😶🌫️
However ordered will get their money back anyway, so it was just a waste of time for the cunt that thought he could get a few quid of some stoners 😶🌫️

OK hope you understand everyone's worry with a new vendor and their wasn't much response from ya once my order comes I can put everyone's mind at ease, thanks for the response pink lady

Who are you addressing mate, as there's 2 of us in this thread that put order in and i send you DM?

Yeah i get what your saying but my order is not sent or cancelled so can you tell me whats happening with it please? I usually don't use newbies but I gave you a shot now im beginning to think i shouldn't have

That's wierd man im starting to think fake and ill just go through transaxe if order is not sent in the next 24 - 48hrs
Haha should just stick to my trusted vendors but thought I'd give irish newbie a shot
Haha should just stick to my trusted vendors but thought I'd give irish newbie a shot

The problem is none (apart from SuperHans) is getting stuff trough.
I’m sick of getting my packages seized, it’s truly heartbreaking.
I’m sick of getting my packages seized, it’s truly heartbreaking.

Have ya tried greenhoney? They back Wednesday he had covid or something, everything has gotten through with them they ship from Portugal, DIUK get alot through too and hans as you said

Well dude they we're offline last week due to illness was meant be back last Wednesday but no sign yet I'll keep ya posted if I see them back

Best of luck Hoopingmad, but it is worrying to see a vendor offline the very first day after posting items(especially on a weekday)

I Did aswell mate lets hope its not a fake i usually stick to my trusted vendors but gave it a shot this time with a newbie

Maybe just concentrate on selling to Ireland for now until ya get on your feet just a thought

Brilliant idea! Every other country has their own vendors, just stick to Ireland and you still be FLOODED with orders, i promise you 😮💨

Yeah, I'm not from Ireland but I would agree. If overwhelmed, sticking to local orders would be most beneficial to all, even if some of us have to miss out *sob* ;)

Sidenote: having more orders than you can fulfil is a testament to your products/service :)

He/she/them open the shop only a day a week to be able to keep up with the demand. Just send a message and ask when the shop will be open again 👍🏼

I ordered from Pink Lady Saturday when the shop was open, order arrived today, brilliant stealth and lovely bit of flower. I’d wait for the shop to open again..it’s well worth the wait and still way quicker than the UK orders, which for me just ain’t coming through anymore.

3 posts
+9 votes
Ciao! Any recommended sellers based in EU?
hootan is in spain mate
+ 3 more
![[cannabis online italia]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/itHkKfMerJTLWWwb.jpg)
Ciao! Any recommended sellers based in EU?
I'm in Italy and unsure about ordering from the UK after Brexit due to customs - can anybody recommend good sellers shipping from the EU? I already have an order on the way from Hootan but want to see what else is about :)

greenhoney based in Portugal, gets to me just fine in Central Europe, just bit slow (compared to few days for the UK crews for UK delivery) as shipment comes across land. Nice stock as well.

Hey mate if you're still looking, try Bobmarley710 https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4800691, he ships from Spain. Can definitely recommend the hash eggs!

To be honest, I didn't have much contact other than him sending me the tracking code. Stealth is a bit dodge but good enough it seems! But then again, goods were sent and quality was excellent. Just ordered another 10g egg, worth the risk in my opinion!

Damn. I attempted a second order with him under the promise of a gift to make up for the order that never arrived. Although he took 5 days to send it, it was sent on 1 June. Just hoping it gets to me this time! Otherwise I shall go transaxe for this one... I can't see why he wouldn't send yours. He's probably getting so few orders on LB that he doesn't think to check his account regularly. Or so I hope!
edit: Just looked at the tracking and it says: "The shipment has left the international logistics centre of the destination for delivery", progress since last time!
edit: Just looked at the tracking and it says: "The shipment has left the international logistics centre of the destination for delivery", progress since last time!

Idk what is going on with him but I cant wait 5 days for my 255$ order to be sent with 0 communication after 7 messages. Id be ok with the lack of comms if he sent it immediately. And maybe Id wait a bit more and be patient if he replied and gave me a good reason...but this shit is un-acceptable, I want to get what I pay for in a reasonable time period!

fair enough, I guess I'm lucky to be UK based where suppliers are a plenty... But still, if only he pulled his finger he'd make a killing on LB. Shame!

idk, 0 communication even if in spanish? 255$ order not worth his time or reply over 6 days?
Meh, sry for the ranting...this stuff gets to me, still lolz
Meh, sry for the ranting...this stuff gets to me, still lolz

Update on Bob (this is the last post in this thread about him). He finally sent me a sensible reply/apology.. Said he messed up with his chores and just couldnt do it all and reply as well. He is new to LB so I will give him that. Maybe I decide to use his shop again in the future...we will see. If I do I will leave a description of my expereince for sure.
cheers bigorre
cheers bigorre

I must say that I received the order this morning and there has been a massive improvement on the stealth. The quality seems to have even improved since last time.
I know I said I'd stick with UK suppliers but having tried Bob's stuff I may bite my words...
I know I said I'd stick with UK suppliers but having tried Bob's stuff I may bite my words...

Hi lionelhaze I know this topic not recent..but you could try "An American in Paris" dont know how good he is??..but he obviously in Paris..PM him ask him if he ships to where you are!!! or yes as other people have said stick with Hootan..happy days ll

There's an Italian but I'm not sure how good he is...

I ordered from him a month ago, still waiting. I will write a review when (if) I receive the order. I'm giving it another week.

Aw man I hope you get your order or can get a refund! He seemed really promising but not sure!

Hi there
You have also another vendor based in France; no activity during months and I saw a review recently...
I will try hootan like you and fyi TGT succeeded to send to Europe and I wait an order from RB.
All the best
You have also another vendor based in France; no activity during months and I saw a review recently...
I will try hootan like you and fyi TGT succeeded to send to Europe and I wait an order from RB.
All the best

Hey Kokro - RB was my fave seller in the UK, be great to hear if it reaches you ok! Good to know about TGT, cheers :)

And I forgot one I never tried with great reputation; Haschin; from middle east, it takes a while but seems to have high success rate.
Stay safe
Stay safe

Let us know if RB is successful for you mate please, hashishin's stealth is sick,the product is really good quality but may got low THC content for us european stoners,and it may take a while but you have a tracking code to check and rest your mind, for me the flavor is much more important in terms of hash, got some orders from him and it was top, one order was even opened by customs to inspect but nothing was found, luckily. thanks in advance for some feedback of your order from RB.

Now we EU based customers were hit by Brexit I tried hootan, waiting for my 1st order but he was superb in comms, will update once received guys

Same for me; 1st time with him and com was great.
Wait for the parcel now...
By the way, forget the french based one; it doesn’t ship.
Wait for the parcel now...
By the way, forget the french based one; it doesn’t ship.

Also waiting on a parcel from Hootan, dispatched on the 3rd Jan -think all the post is very very slow at the moment. He seems very reliable so I am not too worried!

I am not worried at all neither, he kindly shared tracking but I do not wish to look except if too long...
We have to be patient
We have to be patient

Not yet :( Hoping it arrives this coming week. Some reviews for Hootan said it took 30 days, so there is hope! Did yours arrive?

Not yet it left last week, I was hoping it could go faster than from UK, but was a bad guess...
Keep you posted when I got it
Stay safe
Keep you posted when I got it
Stay safe

Mine arrived today, 8 days and the quality and smell looks quite good, finger crossed for you lionel, be patient, the stealth is quite good and he even fill in the customs declaration even if it is not needed for my country, good luck out there

Can you benchmark ? i mean are other posts from same origin coming?
He shared tracking ; can you ask him or check by yourself if you can make it in a secure manner?
He shared tracking ; can you ask him or check by yourself if you can make it in a secure manner?

Don't remember, but the link shows Page not found... So Probably the business didn't work out xD

does anyone know any seller shipping carts to italy, specifically 100% live resin? in uk i often use the great vape company (best LR around here btw), and they said they have been shipping to italy no problem, but would like to hear other opinions hopefully from locals.

We have added a list of available bud from EU based sellers: EU to EU - Weed Listing September 23
We will try to publish regularly and keep it up to date.
We will try to publish regularly and keep it up to date.

I can defo recommend Hashishin, his stealth is the best you will see on LB, creative to say the least and the two landrace hashis I have had were as described, lovely smoke - not always your head has to come of your shoulders as someone here was complaining about the strength. Also just ordered with Pistach, I can let you know how that went once I will receive my order. Fyi I'm based in Austria.

I also search for EU based sellers.
Ive got my first order from hootan yesterday. to the south of EU. Can recommend him!
Tried hashishin too and I wouldnt recommend.
Have you found anyone else?
Ive got my first order from hootan yesterday. to the south of EU. Can recommend him!
Tried hashishin too and I wouldnt recommend.
Have you found anyone else?

Can I ask what went wrong with Hashishin? I've used him twice and both orders were fine. Just curious really.

Sure. I got 5g of his "premium" leb. When heated it goes to black. High from it was short and had no charachter, almost like cbd. And it tasted like henna, which is used to cut hash. When I compare it to this nice moroccan hash from hootan it is even more obvious that theres nothing premium about it except the high price and good stealth. And when I complained hashishin claimed that I dont know about landrace hash that is low in thc etc etc...which I dont buy for one minute. Cause hash is a concentrated cannabis plant. And it has to have high numbers if its clean and done as it should be. If the numbers are low, then it is made from low grade shake or cut with cutting agents.

Indeed illirum didn't like my "Premium (red) Lebanese" hash and messaged me about it (in a bit of a rude manner, but that's ok - each and their own style). he accused the hash of being adulterated because it doesn't bubble. I merely explained him that Lebanese hash doesn't usually bubble because the way it is produced (mesh/screen size and few other factors). and also that original, true land race hash types produced from older genetics pre breeding for thc era. and therefor some of which are higher and some lower in THC, nevertheless - they are all rich in different cannabinoids and terpenes. I've also explained that the term "premium" for that specific hash listing was due to the quality of production (smell, taste, effect) and not necessarily a high thc content. land race hash types are rich in different cannabinoids and terpinoids and so provide unique effects, sometimes a bit different than thc dominant genetics. I also pointed out to him that the "premium leb" has many positive feedbacks and is liked by myself and other members of the community and therefor I stand behind it purity and quality. illirum didn't like my answers obviously. I did offer to compensate for the fact he didn't enjoy the hash on his next order, but understandably he chose not to order again.

Im not sorry for calling it like it is chief, but I get that you have to reply to my critique. And as Ive already told you, Ive tried many a hash in my 25 years of smoking and travelling. And hash is not done to be less potent than weak cannabis, of that I am sure. Also those good reviews you mention could well be from people who have no experience with hash, so they dont mean much to me as much as the experience Ive actually had with your hash. And of course I didnt want to order again even with compensation, Id probably get another "tasty" but not-potent hash, which is not what my money is for. I want to get fckeng high when I roll my shit up! I test new weed or hash in a way where I roll a joint, low on tobacco, to see how it hits, and roll another after few minutes to see how high it will get me, and if I need a third to get really high I can already tell the potency is not there, never mind what type of high it is. And it wouldnt be my first time to try stuff that looks and tastes and smells cool, but when you light it up it is underwhelming. Im what you call a dr.greenthumb, and you dont have to believe it, but thats why I will come back only for stuff that is premium and clean and I will not be afraid to say when the quality is not there... at least for my ole ass.
And if youre really feeling bad about this you got the adress mate. Send me something I will get high with, like hootan and suissems have managed.. but I already offered you that solution and you naturally declined.
besides, Ive seen few other reviews now on your other stuff, that also claim weak product. not many but they were there.
And if youre really feeling bad about this you got the adress mate. Send me something I will get high with, like hootan and suissems have managed.. but I already offered you that solution and you naturally declined.
besides, Ive seen few other reviews now on your other stuff, that also claim weak product. not many but they were there.

You are lacking the undersating that hash can be over 30% cannabinoids and not have a load of thc in it. and you are untitled to your own opinion of course. and sure should only spend your money on items you like and enjoy. but actually believing that 36(37 including me) reviewers has no experience or that it's less than yours is just arrogant in my opinion. but as I said before, each and their style. I wish you only good experiences in the future. cheers!

Hey, dont feel so much about it, I see by your dislikes that you have an issue with me, have one yourself lolz.
I certainly wont be saying to anyone that I was pleased with your hash, are you bullying me? Good wishes for the future but a dislike and an arrogant stick... are you being sly and acting all nice? Seems like you are...
cheers mate
I certainly wont be saying to anyone that I was pleased with your hash, are you bullying me? Good wishes for the future but a dislike and an arrogant stick... are you being sly and acting all nice? Seems like you are...
cheers mate

You disliked the fact that I dared to say it tasted like henna. And as I said, hot knives method shows how much impurities are in any hash. Pure hash rolls off and wont even stick to a hot knife. But impure sticks much better, the more its impure, the more it sticks. And when you press it, what you are left afterwards are the impurities. Becuase resin evaporates. And all the cannabinoids and whats left of terpenes. A lot of black and charred material is something you want to avoid. Because thats not resin from cannabis plant. And what is hash supposed to be made from? Yep, from resin, the sift or rub, whatever the style of it is.
Be well yourself.
Be well yourself.

bob marley said "only a fool lean upon his own misunderstanding". also, I'm not sure you are familiar with the smell/taste of henna. but like we both said - you are entitled to have your own opinion. and you've stated yours alright. I have nothing to add to this discussion. best of luck

No other choice than scrolling items.
Some used to make synthesis but did not see for a while...
Some used to make synthesis but did not see for a while...

Because he's based in Italy and can ship to Italy. it will bring up all sellers who have listed that they can ship to the EU - I am looking in particular for sellers based IN the EU. Some sellers, like Hootan, have it listed as shipping from the UK but actually ship from Spain. Hence I was asking for any recommendations for sellers who ship from EU as there is no functional search. Hope that makes sense!

Solo le tempistiche della Royal Mail sono molto lunghe ci vogliono quelle due settimane per arrivare però qualità top su quasi tutti i venditori

There are many good vendors out here but the best ones are Nero, SuisseMS, Hootan. Aswell as our shop TheDankofEurope. we ship orders MO-SUN same day tracking included. Europe wide. (GB Italy, Greece, Spain, France...)

suisse ms is the way to go

There is a vendor in Italy on here. Just change the “shipping to”box (above on the item page) to Italy

2 posts
+2 votes
Delivering to Ireland!!
Thanks 👍
+ 2 more

Delivering to Ireland!!
Here is a complete list of vendors successfully delivering to Ireland.
Member since: Dec 2019
LB rating: 9.6/10
Member since: May 2019
LB rating: 9.7/10
Member since: Oct 2018
LB rating: 9.9/10
Shop here: DRUGS INC UK
Member since: Jun 2019
LB rating: 9.6/10
Shop here: HOOTAN
Member Since: Jan 2020
LB rating: 9.6/10
Shop here: SUPER HANS
Member Since: Jul 2020
LB rating: 9.6/10
Shop here: DAAN
Member since: Oct 2020
LB rating: 9.6/10
Shop here: DANK2000
Member Since: Nov 2020
LB rating: 9.7/10
Member since: Jan 2021
LB rating: 9.8/10
So you've randomly stumbled across this great list of vendors, however do not want to bookmark the page for obvious reasons. Save a page on LittleBiggy: Just leave a comment underneath. Every time you log in to your account and scroll down, you will have access to this handy list with links to all your favourite vendors.
Comment anything at all, or if you can vouch for some vendors.
Member since: Dec 2019
LB rating: 9.6/10
Member since: May 2019
LB rating: 9.7/10
Member since: Oct 2018
LB rating: 9.9/10
Shop here: DRUGS INC UK
Member since: Jun 2019
LB rating: 9.6/10
Shop here: HOOTAN
Member Since: Jan 2020
LB rating: 9.6/10
Shop here: SUPER HANS
Member Since: Jul 2020
LB rating: 9.6/10
Shop here: DAAN
Member since: Oct 2020
LB rating: 9.6/10
Shop here: DANK2000
Member Since: Nov 2020
LB rating: 9.7/10
Member since: Jan 2021
LB rating: 9.8/10
So you've randomly stumbled across this great list of vendors, however do not want to bookmark the page for obvious reasons. Save a page on LittleBiggy: Just leave a comment underneath. Every time you log in to your account and scroll down, you will have access to this handy list with links to all your favourite vendors.
Comment anything at all, or if you can vouch for some vendors.

We also deliver to ROI since 2020
Never had one single pack get intercepted- 100 % land rate
Pretty much best prices too.
We also deliver to ROI since 2020
Never had one single pack get intercepted- 100 % land rate
Pretty much best prices too.

Haven't seen ya send to Ireland in ages LUD your weed was really good hopefully you back to us soon, your stealth was best I've seen on this

I'd stay away from Radar Breeder and TGT, just my experience, DIUK for us Irish all day. Best of luck!

Great list of vendors to Ireland. I've used The Green Team in the past, really good stealth, quick and top quality.

3 posts
+8 votes
Any Thai/brick weed/less potent weed on here?
Hopefully you get sorted soon , stay safe
+ 3 more

Any Thai/brick weed/less potent weed on here?
Hey guys, hopefully someone can help.
I bought Thai red string from TGT on here a few months ago...and fell in love! Perfect smoke for me. Lower THC and less intense - perfect for my anxiety. I’ve since tried a few diff strains since then...jamaican sess...some South African and most recently Thai book of wisdom from Drugsinc. Loved them all! Anyone know if there’s anything about at the moment? I haven’t been able to see any on here.
I bought Thai red string from TGT on here a few months ago...and fell in love! Perfect smoke for me. Lower THC and less intense - perfect for my anxiety. I’ve since tried a few diff strains since then...jamaican sess...some South African and most recently Thai book of wisdom from Drugsinc. Loved them all! Anyone know if there’s anything about at the moment? I haven’t been able to see any on here.

I went through exactly the same journey as you. Looking for something purer and less strong. Had Thai Stick from TGT and Drugs Inc., Book of Wisdom from Drugs Inc, and Jamaican Sess from God's connect. Guess I found it,
Bought an ounce of that shit but ended giving most of it away. In the end I preferred the high and taste from modern bud.
TGT have just put a new batch of Thai up. I guess it's the same Red String as before and TGT always have good quality smoke.
At the moment I'm smoking some Mimosa I got locally, have ordered some Kush and some Dawg from TGT which will hopefully arrive soon.
I went through exactly the same journey as you. Looking for something purer and less strong. Had Thai Stick from TGT and Drugs Inc., Book of Wisdom from Drugs Inc, and Jamaican Sess from God's connect. Guess I found it,
Bought an ounce of that shit but ended giving most of it away. In the end I preferred the high and taste from modern bud.
TGT have just put a new batch of Thai up. I guess it's the same Red String as before and TGT always have good quality smoke.
At the moment I'm smoking some Mimosa I got locally, have ordered some Kush and some Dawg from TGT which will hopefully arrive soon.

Sorry, I see it's out of stock with drugs Inc ,I don't c it on green teams page so I may have been wrong , I may have mixed them up sorry, good luck with your search I'm sure someone here will look after u ,il keep a look out also

Cheers Pug - I had book of wisdom and green teams red string from a few months back. Drugs inc have mentioned they should be getting some book of wisdom back in the coming weeks.

I’d say so yeah. Proper Cheshire Cat stuff. Great to smoke with friends. Bit expensive, but most things are on here really.

Try these south African dagga pucks.

Hello guys I'm a newbie vendor here trying to bring the LB community a little something to mellow everyone out if you would be interested I have some amnesia/lemon haze dust still quite buddy but not as strong check my page out guys new stock coming as often as possible trying to keep everyone smoking through this pandemic ✌?

we can source this for you
we had some last month
we are new to littlebiggie we want to cater to all consumers
we had some last month
we are new to littlebiggie we want to cater to all consumers

Any chance you can source some charas ? I know it’s very difficult as it usually arrives in small amounts. Cheers. Vilma.

cannot get charas atm, we have hashish on its way should be here in a few days, will update
very hard to get real deal charas in the uk, closest ive come to is malana cream hash, but alot of the ones coming is cut and low quality
very hard to get real deal charas in the uk, closest ive come to is malana cream hash, but alot of the ones coming is cut and low quality

I like to get a nice strain that I like and mix it like 50/50 with some CBD flower - this way I can still be functional and still get all the chronic pain relief, but I’m not couch locked.
There’s some nice CBD flower here: https://littlebiggy.org/link/6bG0tR
Hope this helps, there was a lot of Thai weed on in the last few weeks.. I’ll keep a look out for you :)
There’s some nice CBD flower here: https://littlebiggy.org/link/6bG0tR
Hope this helps, there was a lot of Thai weed on in the last few weeks.. I’ll keep a look out for you :)

Awesome - thanks for your input, Percy :)
Someone else mentioned mixing with CBD so I’ll definitely give it a go, cheers.
I think I’ve sampled all the Thai that’s been on here the last few months - lovely stuff.
Take care, matey
Someone else mentioned mixing with CBD so I’ll definitely give it a go, cheers.
I think I’ve sampled all the Thai that’s been on here the last few months - lovely stuff.
Take care, matey

1 post
+2 votes

Super Hans
Big time mate , miss his menu so bad 🙄
1 post
+4 votes

Irish customs
Had pack seized , got customs letter, if u don't get letter it's most likely someone working in post office

Irish customs
Anyone else having problems getting through Irish customs in the last few weeks?

I know a few lads that have been having issues, myself included. Like Kilkenny below, I had one that is apparently still at Dublin Parcel Hub but that was literally 6 weeks ago and is long gone lol.
From what I've read and heard, Athlone is the real problem area. I have had a 1 package show as delivered but wasn't and a 14g parcel show up empty. Things seem to be hit and miss lately but a few months back I had zero issues so it's possible there is just heavier monitoring etc.
The only thing I will say is that I have NEVER had an order from TGT not show. Credit where it's due, their stealth is top of the heap in my opinion.
From what I've read and heard, Athlone is the real problem area. I have had a 1 package show as delivered but wasn't and a 14g parcel show up empty. Things seem to be hit and miss lately but a few months back I had zero issues so it's possible there is just heavier monitoring etc.
The only thing I will say is that I have NEVER had an order from TGT not show. Credit where it's due, their stealth is top of the heap in my opinion.

Is tgt stealth different to the rest? Most are just vac sealed in a foil smell proof bag that I have got. I was getting most of mine from ndwuk but they seem to have disappeared

I wouldn't say different as such, just very professional looking. For obvious reasons I can't give away their stealth and what have you but I have had about 15+ order from them and all have been spot on. Zero smell and always on weight.

That’s damn dog!
That’s damn dog!

It needs to be killed. I wonder are there any parasites/ diseases from abroad that irish dogs aren't vaxxd for. I wounder would corona make it lose its sense of smell

Had one package that never left the Dublin parcel hub, there since 05/09/20. No love letter or nothing. Some people saying a postal worker is taking a few of them, don't know for sure though

Had pack seized , got customs letter, if u don't get letter it's most likely someone working in post office

Yeah I got my 50% reship there yesterday and another package came a couple a days after that one was seized.

Yeah man. Addresses don't get flagged, not as far as I am aware. I suspect it's just when this one particular person may be working but it's all spectaculation on my part. Address wouldn't get flagged unless your ordering kilos.

Just logging on to see if anyone is getting any thru (20/09/21). Dont see point ordering if there are so many seizures- anyone ordered from Hootan lately? (Eu)

Got stuff from hashishin last week,so ordered off DIUK twice last week first one received today so stuff is getting through happy days 20/09/21 hashishin was oil and amazing stealth and DIUK was RSO great stealth as well

Ya I got an oz off him for $200 arrived in 5 days, he's back to the UK soon that's why his prices are low


Ya never let me down great to see ya back hans can finally start buying again as your the only vendor I trust with it arriving

bigga it ALL comes down to Irish customs. Specifically the custom of drinking oneself to death. This must be protected.

have you noticed the customs letters never have the right amount on them. always at least 50% extra or doubled.

I had a package opened by customs , they opened everything but left the RSO I ordered , no love letter , customs tape on the envelope , did I find the only sound customs man ?

That’s very interesting. I received an order recently. The letter and package was open and you could clearly see what was inside. Was still delivered! Are customs officers getting tired??

I have an order that’s in Dublin since 30/08. Every 2nd day it says post received and sorted but no sign of it being dispatched. No idea what’s going on!

postman stole it. Sometimes mine holds onto it for a few days after he receives it- reckon he knows whats going on. All they need to do is stick a needle in if they suspect, and they'll get the smell- are u gonna complain to an post if your weed was stolen?

Just had the same thing happen to me. Just curious, did you order again with delivery to the same address? Wouldn't that be risky?
Are there any Irish dealers on here?
Are there any Irish dealers on here?

I once received a delivery from one vendor and a letter from customs the same day. Unless you're importing kilos I wouldnt worry. Always good to be careful though. There was an Irish vendor on here but didnt last long unfortunately. Im amazed, serious coin to be made from Irish customers.

Depends if its actually sent when they say it's sent, at the moment it might take longer shit going on over there with shortage of lorry drivers or something, I've had 1 which I never received, didn't get the dreaded customs letter either, how long you waiting

Yeah that's it load off shit with lorry drivers going on there.. waiting about 2 weeks.. vendor definitely sent it never had any problems before probably take longer customs on both sides now..don't need another one off those letters

Jesus 2 weeks is a long time dude I'd give it few more day's but it shouldn't take much longer hopefully you have it before the weekend, best of luck dude hope it comes for ya

Yeah I hope so even just the love letter lol hopefully I will this seller spot on but alot had changed in last few months

3 posts
+6.2 votes
Looks freaky!…would like to hear some more details, THC levels, effects etc. from your personal perspective 👍

Its not fack my friend its from a mix of plants that I grew ak, cash crop, money maker that all cured together in the same jar so it's mixed I have pic of all stages of my grow. I can't tell you true the level because I haven't had it tested. It's a couch lock smoke one for night time everyone how as tried it says for the first grow its spot on no complaints.

You cure different strains in the same jar?
Buddy, that's not a good idea.
Not trying to tread on your toes but seriously? You're a grower?
Anyway, all the best.
Cheers BB 😊👍
Buddy, that's not a good idea.
Not trying to tread on your toes but seriously? You're a grower?
Anyway, all the best.
Cheers BB 😊👍

Looks good mate, it looks like the image has a filter on the pic though, I'd love to see it without it.

Mate if that is your first grow you got some great advice , keep doing what you doing looks savage, nice job 🤘

Same mate Indica all the way , no worries , hope the next grow turns out as well for you ,take care 🤘

3 posts
+4 votes
La kush cake
started topic
+ 3 more

La kush cake

So I seen a 2/10 on this and was like wtf , mine landed 2day 7 working days to Ireland and was as always from this vendor ,a banging bit of indica smoke, top vendor in my opinion

Tbh mate it probably depends what part of the country u in , I'm in Galway n seems to get to other ppl quicker , hopefully it lands by Friday for u mate , also at the minute regular post seems to b quicker than tracked n signed go fight lol

I’m in Dublin so hopefully won’t be too long. Last order arrived very quickly but ordered from a different seller this time. Fingers crossed !

2 posts
+2.8 votes
Republic of Ireland anyone?
Ya mate , I'm in the west most land 5/7 working days , tracked and signed always quicker imo . You ordered yet , how was it
+ 2 more

Republic of Ireland anyone?
Hey any have experience ordering drops into the country?

I'm new here myself man, based in Kildare and I've made 2 orders. The first was 7G of Hash from TGT and I ordered it on Monday and it arrived Fridday morning via An Post, it was my first time ordering weed online so I was pretty blown away, It's a strange feeling having your post man hand you your hash... lol The stealth packaging is top notch, you wouldn't bat an eye tbh. I orderedd 7 Grams of Lemon Haze from TGT on Monday and I'm hoping it arrives tomorrow morning. I'll repost to let you know how that order goes. If you're nervous about making a first order I'd go for some Hash, I feel like it smells a lot less and is easier to get across customs. Good luck! :)

Update: Yeah that Lemon Haze arrived Friday morning man... Insane stuff beautiful smoke and a strong high. Highly recommend TGT.

Yeah man let me know when it comes through, I ordered another 3.5 of Purple Dawg from TGT on Monday. Sent next day as normal and was expecting it there on Friday but it was a no show (all other orders I made on Monday arrived Friday morning with Express Shipping) It's probably nothing, just a small delay but I'm hoping it's here Monday morning and not been seized. Apparantly the dogs are quite active lately so other lads are saying so you might want to keep Quantity small for the next week or 2 and see how things are then just to be safe. Will reply back if that order arrives Monday. :)

You've been ordering successfully for 6 months? I just had a 3.5 Seized.... It was my 3rd order got the empty package with customs love letter... Can I ask, is my address fucked now? Will they know to look closer at my packages with my address now that I've had a seizure? Pretty gutted tbh but it was only a 3.5 so it could have been worse.

Cheers pal ? yeah I ordered some lemon Haze ?? stink to high heaven. It was sent Tuesday night, hoping for Monday?

How's it going bud, I'm in ROI myself and packages seem to be coming through between 7 - 10 days. Fastest one I have gotten has been 6 days, longest was just over 3 weeks. Normally within a week though. Hope this helps bud and happy blazing :)

Whats up bud? The 7-10 days arrival time, is that with NDD posting or just normal first class post?

NDD stands for Next Day Delivery and you can't get that from UK to Eire bud. Tracked and Signed is the best option for us amd usually takes about a week, give or take a day. I had a first class postage show up after 6 days once though so it's really down to traffic in the postal system and luck lol.

got you, just as TGT offers NDD to EU, which is why I was checking! Perfect, a week or so, mine shipped thursday, so fingers crossed it is here within the week!
Thanks again pal.
Thanks again pal.

Yeah I think that's for N.I....unfortunately for us poor souls down South lol. Who did you go with and what did you order if you don't mind me asking bud? TGT are great too, service and product are spot on.

Not at all, went with TGT and 7gs of Stardawg. Got some stardawg about 6 months ago from a local fella and I loved it. Super bayked but I could function haha. My first time ordering so thought I would trial it and see how it goes.
Glad to hear TGT are good! You have any issues yourself?
Glad to hear TGT are good! You have any issues yourself?

I haven't had their Stardawg yet but I've heard it's really nice. I've been here since March /April and have had 12 orders all make it bar one (still in the postal system somewhere lol). Always between 7 and 14g because I think the bigger you go the greater the risk. Had 3 orders with TGT all come through and have never been disappointed. First order was with TGT actually lol. You'll be amazed at their stealth and wonder why you ever bought anything locally haha. Enjoy your buds bro and happy blazing :)

you too man, thank you for all the info, it helps having a good community especially for beginners.

No problem bud, happy to help :) It can be s bit of a minefield and feels strange receiving weed through the post but it really is a great little community. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have :)

Thanks man making my first order tomorrow cant wait try some edibles and carts, hope all is good your way bro keep it lit :)

Good choice :) MJ's carts are great and his edibles are tasty and very clean. Stealth is bang on and only had an order from them about a week ago. Happy blazing huf and welcome to LB :)

Cheers great community on this! Too bad we have too hide in the shadows!! Hopefully our beautiful green isle will legalize soon, could be great too get our economy starting again, have you had any success bringing bud in through customs? Sorry for my newb question but so curious about all this, thanks for your help also man

Tell me about it, it'd like living in the fucking stone ages. With this lockdown most of my neighbours have been langers throughout the past few weeks....in the grand scheme of things a spliff doesn't seem that bad lol.
Yeah bud, I've only ordered edibles once, all the other orders have been for bud. Can't recommend TGT and Hootan enough, really helpful, good stealth and banging bit of green usually on selection. RB is also good but communication isn't great so if you have questions they may go un-answered, from what I've read they are just really busy.
Most things seem to be going fine though *touch wood*. No worries bud if you have any questions and I can help then ask away :)
Yeah bud, I've only ordered edibles once, all the other orders have been for bud. Can't recommend TGT and Hootan enough, really helpful, good stealth and banging bit of green usually on selection. RB is also good but communication isn't great so if you have questions they may go un-answered, from what I've read they are just really busy.
Most things seem to be going fine though *touch wood*. No worries bud if you have any questions and I can help then ask away :)

You have enlightened me! I was quite anxious about ordering but from hearing from your experiences my mind is set! Hopefully the vendors see the good word you put in for them and throw you lil freebie :) Roll on payday tomorrow!

No worries man, happy to help :) It's a bit of a minefield when you first start but the community is really helpful and all the vendors I've had the pleasure of dealing with have been great. A friend of mine is a postman and he said with the sheer volume of packages at the moment there is just a big back log. He said keep it under an Oz and everything should be fine. Stay away from Zombie Sticks / Pre-rolls as well if you can, apparently An Post employees have been warned about them. What are you thinking of buying for your first purchase if you don't mind me asking :)? Ah nah I'm not doing it for freebies, I'm just being honest from my own personal experiences lol

Was thinking of ordering a cart and some edibles from MJC, I think buds bit risky but might get and 8th see how fairs, I do some work for Nightline sometimes there busy out have seen sniffer dog in the depot before

Yeah a buddy of mine was with DHL and works with Nightline now, said they're way busier but better pay so more power to them lol. Nothing goes through private couriers here on LB, it's all through RM and on to An Post then. At least all of my orders have worked that way. I'd highly recommend the Thin Mints cart if he has them in stock, super tasty. The canna chocolate is the tits as well, the orange flavoured was my favourite. Those new truffles on the menu look legit though!

I'm mad for his Tangie Dream if it's in stock too. Real nice sativa dominant strain, and tastes a bit like a club orange. I had mine to Ireland within a week from MJ, but that was a little earlier in the lockdown. If you have any questions about any of his products he's mad helpful, but I'd suggest checking what stock he has (anything listed is currently in stock) and checking the strains on wikileaf/leafly to know what you're dealing with for the most part. You can't go wrong with any of his stuff though. Enjoy!

Made the dive this morning made my first order! Have Kevin hearts new book I got on audible for free (prime membership so not technically free) gonna wait too my gelato cart comes get some couch lock going on! I've been looking alot at some the hash craving hard for the royal king Hassan strain stuff looks beautiful ;o

Quite simple really just click pay and send the requested amount of bitcoin to the address that appears on-screen. The exact amount of bitcoin and wallet address will show up after you click pay and put in your delivery address details. You can also ask the vendor your buying from for more help. Hope this helps.

We have delivered to IRE, large letters can take a couple days extra but normally arrive within a week. I have heard of some parcells taking upto a month, so any bigger purchases ask for the item to be tracked for your peace of mind.

Ya mate , I'm in the west most land 5/7 working days , tracked and signed always quicker imo . You ordered yet , how was it

Yeah man ✌? Waiting on delivery ? 3 days gone? Soon hopefully ? who do you use bud?
I’m gona try the fella underneath ??
I’m gona try the fella underneath ??

I use super Hans and tgt , have had 2 packages from Hans and 1 from tgt since January all have arrived , super Hans is my go to really, always lovely smoke , he replies to messages if you have any questions

4 posts
+12 votes

Order from tgt landed 2day , 7 working days no issues thankfully happy out
+ 4 more

How's everyone's deliveries going to Ireland. Any stuff getting through customs? Bloody Brexit

seems to be working well so far...2 out of 2 for me from Radar Breeder without any major delays :-)

All good, TGT prepared for customs, with a declaration on the outside of the package, similar to what hashishin has been doing all along as he’s outside EU. I’d imagine all the top vendors will be putting a declaration on their packages, worth sending a message beforehand though. The sniffer dogs don’t care though, there’s still going to be plenty of seizures, as always

Just put in an order this weekend, reckon the customs declaration will result in more seizures. Had stopped ordering in July as last two packages werent double bagged (one even had baggie outside of empty foil pack). But my local supply chain has dried up and lockdown is hell without smoke. I messaged LB supplier to declare value was less than 20€ in hopes it might help

Any irish or other EU vendors here? Only way to truly dodge customs would be to buy Irish

I use radarbreeder all the time.only got the odd love letter.2 letters out 50+ orders over a year and a bit.so really good strike rate even post brexit.RB has the best for stealth to get through customs.but if your looking for a Irish connect then godfathers meds on Insta is very reliable.prices are a little dearer especially for his Cali but for example I'm waiting on a q of mango haze(€120) and half O of hash(€180). Quality always spot on.think I'm on my 7th or 8th order off him now with no issues.he's based in Cork and you don't worry bout customs.postage €5.ill always use RB for price and insane quality but the lad in Cork is a very handy contact to have.if any ye want more info the hit me up and ill try and help.peace out Irish little biggers.

Didn't realise I was breaking littlebiggy rules.so can't help ye out guys with outside sources sorry.tryed deleting above post but it won't let me.My bad...

just give them a referral link for lb, if they are irish and good it's like handing out winning lottery tickets to the lot of you. everyone is waiting for them.

Received both orders last week, TgT after a week but ordered friday. RB took 5 days to deliver. Postal service seems to have caught up with Covid.

Havent ordered from UK since Jan 1. The customs declaration also includes postage value I think-will it start looking strange that people would order anything of such a small value from UK and pay registered post-if you pay track and trace it is 8.50uk sterling stamp. In theory it would mean ordering something for 10euros and paying the same in postage-to keep total value under 20?

Mine were ordered prior to Jan 1, have messaged my usual vendor but no reply on what the situation is. Hopefully will have further clarity later in the month.

Had two deliveries in the last week.
Both ordered well before Jan 1st but were delayed.
Not sure we can read much into that though.
It'd be helpful if people updated this topic with deliveries/love letters
Both ordered well before Jan 1st but were delayed.
Not sure we can read much into that though.
It'd be helpful if people updated this topic with deliveries/love letters

Post coming Into Ireland from UK , vendor needs to complete a cn22 form I think and do it right for items below 270 and if over that they need fill in a cn23 , if it’s not right it’s gonna cause problems that Is not needed , hope that helps , as said below a lot of parcels are getting caught but also a lot are getting threw it’s luck really , but if customis done right should be grand

Agree with mahonie. Have made about 35ish orders-3 have been seized and love letter sent. 20out of first 20 OK from May to Sept. One letter in Sept Nov Dec. Hashishin has best stealth on here by far but post will take anything from 20days plus-that is down to postal system not vendor. All seizures caught at Dublin and sent to athlone. I think that is where an post hold their stash!

That's pretty fortunate tbh. I keep it to 14g or less myself-just based on what others have been recommending. I think any form of herb or hash is valued at 20euro per g by gardaí whether that be budget thai or triple filtered micron eggs. Mine were for 14g or less

For your own good I guess. Have had 3 love letters since May. 2 had track and trace. All letters are sent via athlone. The 2 with track and trace showed them arriving in Dublin International sorting and entering customs then onto athlone within an hour. One caught Thursday afternoon and another Friday.i imagine dog working that day-sniffed something/opened by customs/seized there or sent to athlone for processing.i tried avoiding parcels landing in Ireland on those days of the week by predicting how long it might take-but have had normal post land in 2 days and track and trace take 2 weeks. Dogs or random checks could take place in any major postal centre on any day also. Brexit and covid hasn't helped.

My first time ordering to ireland but vendor hadnt sent yet, can anyone tell me what it should say next to order when they post?

Am only ordering small 7g amounts. That way easier to say just for personal use. Has anyone ever been actually charged? Have heard of seizure letters but nothing else. I used to take benzos and had some stopped in post, only got the love letters but then again, not illegal. Possession of small amounts now effectively decriminalised in Ireland- not sure about import

Mate of mine back in Ireland had a package intercepted by customs; basically said there was a seizure and if they felt otherwise they could appeal at a “meeting” ....that was a year ago though!

I was just reading through this thread when Mr Postie arrived.
Along with my package from the US, sent 17th Jan.
Great stealth it must be said.
I'm a happy Mr. Blue.
Along with my package from the US, sent 17th Jan.
Great stealth it must be said.
I'm a happy Mr. Blue.

Ordered one two weeks ago still waiting but vendor didn’t send for a week. Also got one from rader breeder today . 5 working days . I’m I the wesht

got one through the day before yesterday from UK420. never been so fast to arrive, 6 days. Two weeks before just before xmas i had one seize with my first love letter... was first in a year

4 posts
+10 votes

Recommend a good UK hash vendor
Have ordered from hashtag UK and UK 420 , both were very nice smoke mate
+ 4 more

Recommend a good UK hash vendor
Any recommends for a UK hash vendor with nice product? I only want to do domestic post. Thanks

We've some budget hash in. Lovely and soft, nice and mellow stone. Nothing to heavy!
We've one review in for it so far but should have more tomorrow as we sent quite a bit out today. Links above if you fancy a gander :)
We've one review in for it so far but should have more tomorrow as we sent quite a bit out today. Links above if you fancy a gander :)

I was looking at their stuff earlier, but looked like it was all shipped from the Middle East?

provider in UK, usually get it next day from them. I'm not affiliated with them, and are sure there's lots of vendors with nice hash. But have had first hand experience with theirs.

1 post
+3 votes

10g Amnesia Haze kief
The happy bear

10g Amnesia Haze kief
10g Amnesia Kief Was being offered by a vendor recently but can’t find the link to it. Anyone have any ideas who the vendor was? May be interested in getting some. Cheers all

you seemed to have found us!!
replying to your pm now
happy new year to everyone who reminded writerdude of our name!!
replying to your pm now
happy new year to everyone who reminded writerdude of our name!!

1 post
+2 votes
Hope u get back on ur feet bud , sorry to hear that

Hi buds,
I'm not quite sure what's happened but I think my software wallet got phished. I have lost damn almost everything i've ever made on here and i'm devastated. Literally gutted typing this.
I'm seriously considering packing all of this in as i'm struggling to get over how much time i've lost on grows and packing, the risk never mind the money but im up to my eyes in debt so its fucked and wondering if online is worth it for me.
The next few days are going to be pretty difficult for me processing whats happened. I genuinely think i'm going to have to go to a forest and eat mushrooms or something.
I genuinely am so happy I still have all my reviews on here and knowing I helped good people with weed they enjoyed that I grew. I'm just lucky i've still got that cause everything feels fucked right now. Big love guys
I'm not quite sure what's happened but I think my software wallet got phished. I have lost damn almost everything i've ever made on here and i'm devastated. Literally gutted typing this.
I'm seriously considering packing all of this in as i'm struggling to get over how much time i've lost on grows and packing, the risk never mind the money but im up to my eyes in debt so its fucked and wondering if online is worth it for me.
The next few days are going to be pretty difficult for me processing whats happened. I genuinely think i'm going to have to go to a forest and eat mushrooms or something.
I genuinely am so happy I still have all my reviews on here and knowing I helped good people with weed they enjoyed that I grew. I'm just lucky i've still got that cause everything feels fucked right now. Big love guys

Aw guys. Overwhelmed reading this. I should have look at this earlier, it definitely would have helped. Jesus the first few days were tough, I couldn't eat or sleep or even smoke weed. I've been microdosing mushrooms that I was luckily able to pick from my own garden, they really really helped. And i'm back, i'm over it. It was just part of the process and I know when bad things happen to me it's because something better is always on the horizon. so thank you universe, you sick sick bastard.
I love you all. No joke, thank you. The past year or so had been really really tough on my mental health (besides rona) and running this shop gave me purpose again.
I just wish I could do it legally.
With regards to what happened, I really don't want to get into it to be honest i'm still not entirely sure but im over it. but my messages/passwords were not compromised, everything gets deleted or stored in my brain. I'm now looking at a hardware wallet now and i'll be setting up a new address on here.
Right I'm for a reason, money does grow on trees, my people need their organic medicine and i'm not gonna recoup my loss by sitting around feeling sorry for myself so here we go.
The long awaited DURBAN POISON will be live tomorrow. I flowered all my mothers and they have been taking there sweet sweet time to finish (literally about a month longer than expected, shakes fist lol). I'm trimming it as we speak and will have photos tomorrow. This smoke is definitely for the oldschool heads. Pure Sativa, not too crazy on the THC a real breakfast smoke, I say this because i've been hitting bongs of it with breakfast xD I love life again peoples, I can't let money control me, i'm fucking blessed to be alive and thats some real shit, my lifes beautiful and everyday I show gratitude for it.
I was hoping a favour. I'd love to get this listed now but it's gotta cure in the jar for a week at least. I let it dry out in the soil for a week, then dry hung it for a week before the chop so it's gorgeous already, but, it still does need that kilner cure.
Once i'm aware of weight, which should be at least 3/4 ounces she was a huge girl.
I'm going to list it as a **PRE ORDER** to be shipped out in a week or so when the cure is ready, i'll give live updates on here. Due to coin being held for 16 days on here it will give me a leg up getting back in the game before christmas. After that should be Green Crack, Purple Punch, Zkittlez & Blue Dream in that order. All 1 larger plant batches.
If this is something people would like to see me do with other strains due to demand and me usually running out, well, i'd love that but understand if you want to get high rightaway, because, don't we all!
I'd also strongly consider, as mentioning by someone below, taking initial investments on grows, or deposits coming up to the end of grows. Hell, i'll even grow strains or a set number of plants for you and drip feed you your own stock from your initial deposit. Anything to make this work, I love growing, I love my customers. thank you!
I love you all. No joke, thank you. The past year or so had been really really tough on my mental health (besides rona) and running this shop gave me purpose again.
I just wish I could do it legally.
With regards to what happened, I really don't want to get into it to be honest i'm still not entirely sure but im over it. but my messages/passwords were not compromised, everything gets deleted or stored in my brain. I'm now looking at a hardware wallet now and i'll be setting up a new address on here.
Right I'm for a reason, money does grow on trees, my people need their organic medicine and i'm not gonna recoup my loss by sitting around feeling sorry for myself so here we go.
The long awaited DURBAN POISON will be live tomorrow. I flowered all my mothers and they have been taking there sweet sweet time to finish (literally about a month longer than expected, shakes fist lol). I'm trimming it as we speak and will have photos tomorrow. This smoke is definitely for the oldschool heads. Pure Sativa, not too crazy on the THC a real breakfast smoke, I say this because i've been hitting bongs of it with breakfast xD I love life again peoples, I can't let money control me, i'm fucking blessed to be alive and thats some real shit, my lifes beautiful and everyday I show gratitude for it.
I was hoping a favour. I'd love to get this listed now but it's gotta cure in the jar for a week at least. I let it dry out in the soil for a week, then dry hung it for a week before the chop so it's gorgeous already, but, it still does need that kilner cure.
Once i'm aware of weight, which should be at least 3/4 ounces she was a huge girl.
I'm going to list it as a **PRE ORDER** to be shipped out in a week or so when the cure is ready, i'll give live updates on here. Due to coin being held for 16 days on here it will give me a leg up getting back in the game before christmas. After that should be Green Crack, Purple Punch, Zkittlez & Blue Dream in that order. All 1 larger plant batches.
If this is something people would like to see me do with other strains due to demand and me usually running out, well, i'd love that but understand if you want to get high rightaway, because, don't we all!
I'd also strongly consider, as mentioning by someone below, taking initial investments on grows, or deposits coming up to the end of grows. Hell, i'll even grow strains or a set number of plants for you and drip feed you your own stock from your initial deposit. Anything to make this work, I love growing, I love my customers. thank you!

Hey there:) I've just read this after putting my first lb order in. Glad i ended up choosing you after seeing this. Looking forward to receiving first of many deliveries I hope! Cheers x

Welcome back mate, not sure this will be my cup of tea but I’m gunna put in a order for a gram to try it out. The Zkittlez you had was excellent.


Hey mate - I am so sorry to hear this, that’s absolutely shit, really terrible. You’ve been such a positive force on LB it doesn’t sit right with me at all. You’ve been a great edition to LB and I think you’d be sadly missed if you left, but I would understand if you did. Gonna top up your tip jar now mate. Again I’m really sorry bro, but you’re a top guy and I know you’ve got that good energy to come out the other side bigger and badder!

Money, they can take away..or steal..The important thing.is: Only you have your system of UKCannaFarm....and only you know which steps to keep, and lockdown..! The LB community is rallying.....
See you at the Top......
See you at the Top......

We don't know each other but private message me if there is anything I could help you out with.
Really sad to hear this bad news.
Hardware wallet I think, as you have me thinking about my own security.
You will bounce back
Really sad to hear this bad news.
Hardware wallet I think, as you have me thinking about my own security.
You will bounce back

My first purchase on Lb was with yourself and the 'Grade' A service convinced me Lb was a decent place to aquire herbal happiness. Take some time to assess whats happened and learn from whats gone wrong so that you can protect yourself in the future. Good luck Bud hopefully this bullshit dosent keep you down.

Oh man, that is absolutely brutal :( I'm so sorry to hear that. You seem like a nice dude too, that sucks.
Have you regained security over your wallet or is it still compromised? How do you think this has happened, did you become complacent and click on a phishing website or use a public network or even have a virus in your device? I am sure other users would be keen in knowing so they can avoid the same happening to them.
I know it is not much consolation but look at it this way, it's not like you lost your stash and cash because you got caught with it in the street which I'm sure feels a whole lot worse. You will live to fight another day.!
Hope you make it back to your feet mate!
Have you regained security over your wallet or is it still compromised? How do you think this has happened, did you become complacent and click on a phishing website or use a public network or even have a virus in your device? I am sure other users would be keen in knowing so they can avoid the same happening to them.
I know it is not much consolation but look at it this way, it's not like you lost your stash and cash because you got caught with it in the street which I'm sure feels a whole lot worse. You will live to fight another day.!
Hope you make it back to your feet mate!

Sorry to hear that pal, hope it all works out for you. Any security tips for securing your wallets ?

That’s shit at anytime Bro, keep up the good work and believe that things can only get better. Take care ????

Really sorry to hear that. When people make so much effort to supply weed to there customers with such Passion and make a few pound this is shocking. The sooner weed is legalised the better where people who are making a living don't get ripped off.

Really sorry to hear this has happened to you dude. As my first buy on LB, I was really glad to be a customer of yours and I hope you can find a way to bounce back from this! You're clearly one of the good guys on here and care about doing things right.

Wow really sorry to hear this bro. My first order on here was for your first bit of Zkittlez and the way you dealt with everything really put my mind at ease ordering on here. Really hope you can get back up on your feet.

I'm afraid all I can offer is sympathy and suggest you check out coinfirm ( google coinfirm,reclaim lost crypto) a friend told me they helped him out in similar circumstances. No idea if they can help you,but If it were me,I'd be e mailing them right about now. Much luck with it,man.

Really sorry to hear that man.
Was impressed with your Zkittles and have been waiting to see what was up next.
Looks like you have plenty of love and support here on LB which wont bring the cash back but shows youre a stand up guy and are doing it right.
Hoping to order again soon mate!
Was impressed with your Zkittles and have been waiting to see what was up next.
Looks like you have plenty of love and support here on LB which wont bring the cash back but shows youre a stand up guy and are doing it right.
Hoping to order again soon mate!

Change all your passwords, malware scan, use different hardware wallet/bitcoin wallet.
If your in debt then selling weed is best/quickest way to get back on your feet, its almost christmas so could be busiest time of the year for you
Really sorry for your loss, devastating as it seems you can bounce back from this
Keep the faith
If your in debt then selling weed is best/quickest way to get back on your feet, its almost christmas so could be busiest time of the year for you
Really sorry for your loss, devastating as it seems you can bounce back from this
Keep the faith

I've only just read this...I'm so, so sorry to hear what's happened.
You're clearly an amazing person, I hope this is just a step you can overcome and carry on all the better for it.
Thank you for giving me your guidance and assurance, I really hope you continue with your work.
Loadsa love. (◕ᴗ◕✿) xxx
You're clearly an amazing person, I hope this is just a step you can overcome and carry on all the better for it.
Thank you for giving me your guidance and assurance, I really hope you continue with your work.
Loadsa love. (◕ᴗ◕✿) xxx

Damn man, sorry to hear that. I'd definitely like to buy off you but I need to get some bitcoins and work all this shit out. Noob. Hopefully be able to do business at some point.

Check the output transactions, if there are no output transactions and you still have access to your private keys, use an another wallet (like coinomi or invest in an hardware wallet) and send all your BTC to a new wallet asap.
If there are output transactions, then sorry, but you can't do nothing, as BTC transactions are irreversible (only if more than 51% of the nodes would agree to reverse to a previous block height, for you, you would have your BTC back)
I'm sorry for your lost, but you can move forward, just invest in a good hardware wallet and keep selling, don't look back, what's lost is lost, pointless and dangerous for the mind to think about the loss.
If there are output transactions, then sorry, but you can't do nothing, as BTC transactions are irreversible (only if more than 51% of the nodes would agree to reverse to a previous block height, for you, you would have your BTC back)
I'm sorry for your lost, but you can move forward, just invest in a good hardware wallet and keep selling, don't look back, what's lost is lost, pointless and dangerous for the mind to think about the loss.

this is a right of passage don't let it get the best of you. ive lost passwords been hacked and had disks fail. but ive also ridden the wave of a lifetime. hang in there.

This is awful! Im very sorry to hear it.
Does anyone know how something like this could happen and any extra measures to take to prevent it?
Not that i have anything to nick, wouldnt be worth their hourly rate.
I wish you luck and hope you can resolve somehow
Does anyone know how something like this could happen and any extra measures to take to prevent it?
Not that i have anything to nick, wouldnt be worth their hourly rate.
I wish you luck and hope you can resolve somehow

Gutted to hear that mate. Keep your chin up there is a way out of any dark place I've been in a few financially and otherwise. In the cold light of day maybe having a solid reputation on here could be a god send if you think this is still viable. I'd say grow as a hobby as we all do/did..don't chase what you lost just see what surplus you end up with and I've seen myself the quality is there. You'll be missed on here if you pack it in but on a wider level look after yourself mate and think over what's next.

really sorry to hear that mate, you do great work and I'm always on the lookout for a post/item update from you
whatever you decide to do moving forward, take care of yourself
whatever you decide to do moving forward, take care of yourself

That’s what I would be scared of happening to me also as crypto is even more in the imagination of people than traceable money. Sorry to hear this though. All the best for the future, the only way is up;)

1 post
+1 votes
Sorry for late reply mb !! Not shipping to Ireland anymore buddy !! Said to myself from day 1 the minute it becomes a chore or someone makes my life more life more difficult than it needs to be I’ll stop!! Take massive risks sending to Ireland for sameness reward so it’s hard one for me,when I have difficult people on top ......YOU and FEW other people I have dealt with in the PAST from Ireland are more than welcome to direct message me and will send orders to Ireland for existing customers only who I’ve dealt with previously if they’d want my flower :) .....I do want to say massive thanks to all Irish customers !! 99% of yours are absolute pleasure!! :))

Cheers for the reply smoggy, that’s a bit of good news that u will look after your existing customers. Hands down the best weed I got on LB nd a gent to deal with, hopefully we can keep in touch

3 posts
+6 votes
Movies, Shows and Docs Suggestions
Murder mountain
+ 3 more

Movies, Shows and Docs Suggestions
A post to share suggestions. Share with LB what you've been watching and where is it.

Incredible show! I love how it portrays Daniel Larusso as the villain in the story, or at least shows Johnny's side of things. Although I thought season 2 was a little weaker than season 1, almost like a teen drama at times. Can't wait for season 3!

I have to see Sacha acting on The Spy. Will try it after House of Cards. Btw BORAT2 will be released end of next month! NICE!

anyone watching Raised By Wolves on HBOMAX? by Ridley Scott proper Alien/Prometheus vibes to it. Highly recommended

Rised by wolves was great. Even if you’r not a fan of the sf genre, the acting of mother and father was brilliant.
I also liked Dark on Netflix and Devs on Hbo.
I also liked Dark on Netflix and Devs on Hbo.

I'm not currently subscribed to hbo... But they have (probably) the best series and I might unsubscribe from Amazon Prime to go to hbo

I use Kodi and have real debrid set up through seren add-on for kodi, every show u could ever want every network it's great

look into getting a Plex box. Bought it off ebay and for 50 quid a year i can watch HBO, amazon, netflix, etc. Its a pirated box

if you get a vpn service and dont mind downloading, then you should go to watchsomuch, they have shed loads of stuff there, series and movies.
all for free....
all for free....

Cheapest way to watch every movie and tv show imo is popcorntime. I use it for the kids to watch Mandalorean. Go to popcorntime.ie and dowload the app for the device you’r using. It has an option for streaming to tv set. Its like Netflix but for torrents. Cheers!

Think you can watch it on one of the Sky Channels now. Would like to check it out, missus doesnt like sci-fi, so will have to watch in my own time..

Watch 'Wayne', was on YouTube but moving to Amazon I think. Is very good.
The Queens Gambit on Netflix is also very good. Yes its about Chess, but alot more as well.
The Queens Gambit on Netflix is also very good. Yes its about Chess, but alot more as well.

Search for 'Stobe the Hobo' on Youtube. A really beautiful set of amateur travel documentaries. I won't say more... See what you think.

I was just about to make a post like this lol anyway ive been watching f*ck, that's delicious ..highly recommend it

I gained 10kg in the last few months just from smoking... It might not be a good idea to smoke and watch a food show xD

He actually starts eating healthy towards the end and starts exercising ,drinking smoothies eating veggie dishes

I've been watching House of Cards, it's on netflix. Kinda like the idea how it's done and good story so far. Ended 2nd season atm, love Kevin Spacey acting

1 post
+1 votes

I'm a fool
Maybe the fees are bringing it above what u have in wallet

I'm a fool
So I've never used bitcoin before! I setup a wallet and made a payment, waited for it to go through and then checked my bitcoin wallet and it showed the amount I paid for in there. I then proceeded to try and make a transaction but couldn't work out why it said I had no bitcoin to spend, and I was like "wtf why can't I spend this". I didn't realize that you have to wait for the bitcoin to go through another process of bitcoin transaction or whatnot...
I guess I just have to wait a little longer before I can spend the bitcoins..
Hmm so the transaction went through and I've made 2 orders so far, I've tried to put a another order through but for some reason it says I don't have the bit coin for it even though I do. Any ideas why this is happening?
I guess I just have to wait a little longer before I can spend the bitcoins..
Hmm so the transaction went through and I've made 2 orders so far, I've tried to put a another order through but for some reason it says I don't have the bit coin for it even though I do. Any ideas why this is happening?

Well it seems its all fixed now, I've placed my orders and now just have to wait.
Sorry about all this I'm new to using bitcoin and was a tad worried about the situation!
Here's a bad joke to make it up.
I told my wife I was going to make a car out of spaghetti, fussili and macaroni, she thought I was joking but she won't when I drive pasta.
Sorry about all this I'm new to using bitcoin and was a tad worried about the situation!
Here's a bad joke to make it up.
I told my wife I was going to make a car out of spaghetti, fussili and macaroni, she thought I was joking but she won't when I drive pasta.

You should be able to spend unconfirmed bitcoins, I do it all in the time using electrum wallet, maybe there's an option you need to enable in your wallet.
As for the second part do you have enough BTC to cover the transaction fee as well as the payment? remember you always need a little bit extra :)
Good luck mate
As for the second part do you have enough BTC to cover the transaction fee as well as the payment? remember you always need a little bit extra :)
Good luck mate

Yeah I made sure that I had enough in my wallet to buy my items and have more than enough to cover any transactions I made. Like I said I new to bitcoin and am most probably just having some teething problems at the moment.
I'm using a ledger nano 2 just for reference.
I'm using a ledger nano 2 just for reference.

If you are using blockchain, they are gits, making you wait a week before you can use your funds;(

1 post
+1.2 votes
What else would you like Father Spliffmas to bring out of his sack?
Fair play mate , delighted to c shipping to Ireland now, will hopefully order summit Thurs , looking forward to trying some of ur bud , hopefully some…

What else would you like Father Spliffmas to bring out of his sack?
Edibles? If so what kind?
Distillate carts? A mate imported a load from California, they are bang on but ain't really seen anyone offering them on here.
THC vape juice? Grabbed a few samples which i'm willing to ship off for some second and third and fourth opinions.
Thai? Cali? Hash?
THC enema? okay i'm fucking with you now but pretty sure some stoner genius has done this somewhere in the world. Hats off to the deviant
Let me know ma biggaz, gifts ahoy!
Distillate carts? A mate imported a load from California, they are bang on but ain't really seen anyone offering them on here.
THC vape juice? Grabbed a few samples which i'm willing to ship off for some second and third and fourth opinions.
Thai? Cali? Hash?
THC enema? okay i'm fucking with you now but pretty sure some stoner genius has done this somewhere in the world. Hats off to the deviant
Let me know ma biggaz, gifts ahoy!

A big old bag of Sinister Minister
If not possible some reasonably priced Cali would be nice
If not possible some reasonably priced Cali would be nice

A decent Thai would be good brother.
BTW Hans thank you for the Tahoe og (replacement for the animal cookies) . A banging bit of bud that helps no end with some sleep issues I have.
BTW Hans thank you for the Tahoe og (replacement for the animal cookies) . A banging bit of bud that helps no end with some sleep issues I have.

no worries mate glad that's doing you good. Will see about getting that thai in over next week or so

Yeah there’s quite the demand for Thai at the moment. Know a lot of people looking for some, me included :)

Yeah some thai would be good. Id also love to see some proper old school white widow land on the site but that’s my golden goose!
Other than that just keep bringing the fire mate. First seller page i check now. Brilliant stuff.
Other than that just keep bringing the fire mate. First seller page i check now. Brilliant stuff.

If you could get your hands on any of these , northern lights , grandaddy purple skywalker OG would be quality

If you could somehow get your hands on any grandaddy purple that'd be amazing, have been on the hunt for some for ages now but no joy yet!

Definitely keen on the carts, cali and the enema! but i think above all, i'd want a lifetime supply of the pink cookies lol!
was gutted when i saw that get re-listed and my budget for the week has gone i'm praying it's still there tomorrow night when i can order some, everything about that strain just syncs with my dna it's the perfect smoke for me!
oh also sample packs are something i'd be very keen on especially when there are so many strains on your menu!
Nice one Hans, oh yeah i saw you running to windsor again the other day you nutter
was gutted when i saw that get re-listed and my budget for the week has gone i'm praying it's still there tomorrow night when i can order some, everything about that strain just syncs with my dna it's the perfect smoke for me!
oh also sample packs are something i'd be very keen on especially when there are so many strains on your menu!
Nice one Hans, oh yeah i saw you running to windsor again the other day you nutter

Hi Hesh. . Same thing happened to me mate..didnt have the cash till today.and was gonna order the pink cookies again..but hey .was off the list Gutted also..super hans is bringing some fire to LB at the moment..fair to say..and also on the subject of super hans. Ive not had Stealth as good as His..6 fucking layers .bang on. Loads of other strains hans has got listed..which im sure are good!!!.but the pink cookies second to none..if its not Cali.its as good as..!!!:-) Jb

Fair play mate , delighted to c shipping to Ireland now, will hopefully order summit Thurs , looking forward to trying some of ur bud , hopefully something indica heavy lol

If you can get hold of some decent Thai or Jamaican, the old skool amongst us will be forever grateful! Thank you Father Spliffimouse x


Well, it's been a shit year, so I'd like to request some old style weed that causes a massive fit of giggles!
We could all do with a laugh in these dark cold covid winter nights, so I'm sure it would sell well.
We could all do with a laugh in these dark cold covid winter nights, so I'm sure it would sell well.

Nice bit of Santa Sativa from dinafem would be a nice touch for chrimbo : ).
I prefer indicas but cooking Xmas dinner from the couch ain’t easy!
I prefer indicas but cooking Xmas dinner from the couch ain’t easy!

If you had some carts/edibles up I'd definitely give you a go Hans :)
Also any olives ? I've gone fucking mental for olives...
Also any olives ? I've gone fucking mental for olives...

All of the above would be great additions mate. Jokes aside I will to see how popular the enema is first :) and talking about gifts ahoy thank you so much for my gifts on my latest order they are very nice indeed and have got me thinking about next order ?

Will be setting my grow tent up later! Seeds will be here so hopfully, father spliffmas grows me some beautiful og kush and some beautiful northern light just before Christmas!!

Would love to get my hands on some more of that lovely Tahoe, I've been a (sort of) good boy this year honest!

Get some super hans hash in my man,somthing very strong and tasty,and yes defo edibles :)

if you ever get Dr grinspoon awful nugs so small but greatest thing I've ever tried, purple kush or some strawberry stardog

Running out tonight and want to give you my sweet, sweet, BTC. Will you be adding any Indicas today?

7 posts
+14 votes

Top Vendor of 2020
Super Hans n smoggyman serious bud and nice dudes, mj for carts
+ 7 more

Top Vendor of 2020

Hello Biggaz!
I'm just lying here, unable to sleep, and i got thinking about this wonderful site. Mainly, all of the great vendors and how well they have kept our stash jars full during these crazy times!
It's clear that we all have different tastes in strains and vendors. But i have been wondering, who is the most popular vendor at the moment!?
Just for fun -
Drop your Favourite Vendor below in the comments! Tell everyone why you love their service so much! And if you fancy, drop the best strain you have had off them to date! :)
I will start us off....And it's a hard choice to make.
BUT...I think my personal TOP vendor on LittleBiggy has to be 'The Green Team'.
Over the last 18 months, they have delivered consistently, with some of the best strains and perfect, speedy delivery! A real staple for my survival of 2020! Hats off to them for their hard work and vital service!
I would say the best strain i have had from TGT to date, is possibly the "Papaya"! Though, I've had so many, it's hard to recall them all! Papaya was such a fruity delight :) I'd love to see it's return!
How about you, fellow Biggaz?
Who rocks your erbal boat? :D
** Personal opinions only. No slating vendors or peoples experiences, please! ** This is just a bit of fun, and a little opportunity to plug your best plug!! <3
I'm just lying here, unable to sleep, and i got thinking about this wonderful site. Mainly, all of the great vendors and how well they have kept our stash jars full during these crazy times!
It's clear that we all have different tastes in strains and vendors. But i have been wondering, who is the most popular vendor at the moment!?
Just for fun -
Drop your Favourite Vendor below in the comments! Tell everyone why you love their service so much! And if you fancy, drop the best strain you have had off them to date! :)
I will start us off....And it's a hard choice to make.
BUT...I think my personal TOP vendor on LittleBiggy has to be 'The Green Team'.
Over the last 18 months, they have delivered consistently, with some of the best strains and perfect, speedy delivery! A real staple for my survival of 2020! Hats off to them for their hard work and vital service!
I would say the best strain i have had from TGT to date, is possibly the "Papaya"! Though, I've had so many, it's hard to recall them all! Papaya was such a fruity delight :) I'd love to see it's return!
How about you, fellow Biggaz?
Who rocks your erbal boat? :D
** Personal opinions only. No slating vendors or peoples experiences, please! ** This is just a bit of fun, and a little opportunity to plug your best plug!! <3

Cherry Popped = RB
Best All Rounder = JJ - Great NDD stealth and a varied menu.
Best Edibles = Dope Chef - Their cookies and brownies... feck me!
Nicest Vendor = Oilman
Most Consistent Vendor = ULC (So pleased with products and service)
Favourite Strain = Disco Biscuit (RB)
Most Interesting Buzz = El Patron (ULC)
Most Innovative Vendor = MJ Concentrates
Best Newcomer = DopeChef
Best Communication = Tie between JJ / MJC/ ULC
Best All Rounder = JJ - Great NDD stealth and a varied menu.
Best Edibles = Dope Chef - Their cookies and brownies... feck me!
Nicest Vendor = Oilman
Most Consistent Vendor = ULC (So pleased with products and service)
Favourite Strain = Disco Biscuit (RB)
Most Interesting Buzz = El Patron (ULC)
Most Innovative Vendor = MJ Concentrates
Best Newcomer = DopeChef
Best Communication = Tie between JJ / MJC/ ULC

Thats a nicely written list, greencigar! Lots of top vendors in there :) love the way you have categorised them all!

To think that it all started off with a nervous, paranoid purchase of 7g GSC from RB... Oh how far I've come!

Haha. We were all that person once! And i bet most go with RB for their 1st purchase, too! I know i did :P

Big love to LUD, he's got my vote. fire weed at low costs. yes I still buy weed when I have my own strains. soak up the culture and all that yeo.
Big shout out for all my non commercial underdog amigos. Some of the big boys on here like to try oppress us with their bad reviews ;)
Big shout out for all my non commercial underdog amigos. Some of the big boys on here like to try oppress us with their bad reviews ;)

I think it's great to see another seller admitting they buy bud on here, that kind of thing makes me want to buy from you! Like you say stay a part of the culture and you get to know where your own bud stands and get an idea of what biggas will be expecting etc. Your last batch did look lovely has to be said :)

one stoner to another ha appreciate that my dude! LUD only crops up now and again but is worth keeping an eye out for. He breeds his own strains which is why he caught my attention and was even good enough to send me weed. Had his strawberry glue/ kosher kush deal recently and it did not disappoint and was cheaper than anything on here, including my own! thats all ive tried apart from northern organics toffees which were lovely also!!
small time growers = well loved weed with lots of attention.
a lot of larger sellers on here outsource with profit driven decisions.
If i get more bad review you know they've tried to silence me again xD
small time growers = well loved weed with lots of attention.
a lot of larger sellers on here outsource with profit driven decisions.
If i get more bad review you know they've tried to silence me again xD

Agree about LUD only had one order with them so far but loved it and always check their page for new drops. There's another grower on here British Bulldog that I keep missing out on but determined to try at some point, he's got a lot of love for his plants too :)
Nothing but respect to the smaller growers out there!
Nothing but respect to the smaller growers out there!

Thank you mate, that's really kind of you to say.
I'll be sure to message you when the new ladies are ready and hopefully you can try out the product. :)
Thanks again.
Cheers BB
I'll be sure to message you when the new ladies are ready and hopefully you can try out the product. :)
Thanks again.
Cheers BB

Haha it's my own fault mate I get paid monthly and it burns a whole in my pocket so it's all gone by the time special things pop up and I never learn. I missed your last bit of purpley goodness by 3 days, 3 days! lol but I get the feeling neither of us are going anywhere anytime soon so it'll happen eventually I know! :)

Next time I've got stock just let me know if you want some and I'll reserve your order for you until you get some coin, it's no bother at all.
I'm exactly the same with my wages!
Take care mate.
Cheers BB
I'm exactly the same with my wages!
Take care mate.
Cheers BB

I failed to mention British Bulldog but have yet to try! Will get on these guys soon too!

send me seeds**
haha! excuse the conspiracies, been hitting the sativas on the weird side of youtube xD
haha! excuse the conspiracies, been hitting the sativas on the weird side of youtube xD

Lets keep the conspiracies off this post :) It's about spreading the love and thanking vendors for being there for us during the pandemic :) I love your props to LUDs and the fact you were happy to mention strains! Thank you :D

Love this <3 Thanks for dropping in, UK CannaFarm :) I also think LUDs is a great vendor. Had some great strains at great prices from them :) I love that you purchase, too! Share the love...and the wealth <3

Depending on what you’re requirements are,
1. Urbanleafco consistently good and varied bud from the lovely white dawg or sherbet or sky Walker, pretty much delivered within a day with excellent comms my go to.
2. Smoggyman for those different flavours like disco biscuit or apple fritters always good bud and fast delivery.
3. Drugs inc if you can wait 2-3 days you are rewarded ice cream cake best smoke all year with animal cookies right behind it. Great value and top bud.
4. LUDS if you know the name you know the bud great prices honest bud and best gelato in town.
5. Gentlemen dealers if you need that bud the next day these are your people. Always top quality bud and they have great variety of flavours sometimes a bit more on price as is delivery bit like I say next day.
6. Green fingers has vintage and new flavours the buds are massive and they guy loves bud as much as I do the headband and guava cake were two of many great ones to name.
7. Premium extracts great service everyone has seen their party packs, but for me their ammi is lovely. Obviously care about the bud and cure.
8. How could I forget oilman:) buds that transport you back in time. From the hifi to super skunk always top bud, a treat.
The great thing about littlebiggy is there are a lot of good honest vendors some I have not tried yet of mentioned in the list above but there is always tomorrow.,:)
1. Urbanleafco consistently good and varied bud from the lovely white dawg or sherbet or sky Walker, pretty much delivered within a day with excellent comms my go to.
2. Smoggyman for those different flavours like disco biscuit or apple fritters always good bud and fast delivery.
3. Drugs inc if you can wait 2-3 days you are rewarded ice cream cake best smoke all year with animal cookies right behind it. Great value and top bud.
4. LUDS if you know the name you know the bud great prices honest bud and best gelato in town.
5. Gentlemen dealers if you need that bud the next day these are your people. Always top quality bud and they have great variety of flavours sometimes a bit more on price as is delivery bit like I say next day.
6. Green fingers has vintage and new flavours the buds are massive and they guy loves bud as much as I do the headband and guava cake were two of many great ones to name.
7. Premium extracts great service everyone has seen their party packs, but for me their ammi is lovely. Obviously care about the bud and cure.
8. How could I forget oilman:) buds that transport you back in time. From the hifi to super skunk always top bud, a treat.
The great thing about littlebiggy is there are a lot of good honest vendors some I have not tried yet of mentioned in the list above but there is always tomorrow.,:)

The Gentlemen dealers are the most reliable, fast and with top shelf products. The Green Team are stealth geniuses (when someone tampered with my mail - was a newbie and thought special delivery not worth it - thanks to the TGT disguise the content arrived to me untouched :D) From Radar Breeder I have purchased the best gummies, looking forward for more! However, God bless LB and all the vendors xXxX

The Gentlemen Dealers have done an amazing job for me, every single time it has been perfect comms/delivery/stealth/product. You can't improve on that. Thank you so much TGD :)

The Gentlemen Dealers have been genuinely kind and decent to me as a smaller seller, always offering great advice and support.
I can't rate them highly enough, just lovely people to talk to, and if I were a customer on here I'd have no hesitation buying from them.
Cheers BB
I can't rate them highly enough, just lovely people to talk to, and if I were a customer on here I'd have no hesitation buying from them.
Cheers BB

For me.. (spent a lot and joined in covid april).
UK420 Hash - grabbed lots of this over a few months and a good graduation from the epic that was radar breeders critical. Up there and beyond in terms of quality. Stealth, comms all bang on. Great variety.
Ammunation: For me hands down the best product on here by a country mile. Absolute fire, beyond its strain of ammo haze. So good i was doing a henry to a q a day on my own. Proper blitzed and id rate it as some of my best stoned months ever. What a gent as well. Hope he is ok.
and ive tried many others, especially the bigger supermarket types and sorry to say, not even close to any of the mentioned ones.
So, swillers winner of all round stellar quality reliable, stealthy, generous, fun are...
Other vendors take note - this is how its done.
UK420 Hash - grabbed lots of this over a few months and a good graduation from the epic that was radar breeders critical. Up there and beyond in terms of quality. Stealth, comms all bang on. Great variety.
Ammunation: For me hands down the best product on here by a country mile. Absolute fire, beyond its strain of ammo haze. So good i was doing a henry to a q a day on my own. Proper blitzed and id rate it as some of my best stoned months ever. What a gent as well. Hope he is ok.
and ive tried many others, especially the bigger supermarket types and sorry to say, not even close to any of the mentioned ones.
So, swillers winner of all round stellar quality reliable, stealthy, generous, fun are...
Other vendors take note - this is how its done.

My favourites are:
BCA - astonishingly good quality for the price paid. Great comms too. Don't understand all the negativity surrounding BCA because they are a great bunch.
MJC - for me he is hands down the GOAT of edibles. Pure innovation from this vendor with ideas which are so far outside of the box.
LUD - only placed 1 order with LUD but he doesn't bullshit. He'll say in the description for some offers that the smoke is nice but not the greatest. Refreshing honesty instead of calling everything *PREMIUM*. Also very reasonably priced.
British Bulldog - again only 1 order but the comms were great and stealth was best I've seen. THE number 1 vendor for reasonably priced UK bud. I paid $69 for a q which is practically unheard of on LB. No bullshit advertising too - you know what you're getting with Bb.
BCA - astonishingly good quality for the price paid. Great comms too. Don't understand all the negativity surrounding BCA because they are a great bunch.
MJC - for me he is hands down the GOAT of edibles. Pure innovation from this vendor with ideas which are so far outside of the box.
LUD - only placed 1 order with LUD but he doesn't bullshit. He'll say in the description for some offers that the smoke is nice but not the greatest. Refreshing honesty instead of calling everything *PREMIUM*. Also very reasonably priced.
British Bulldog - again only 1 order but the comms were great and stealth was best I've seen. THE number 1 vendor for reasonably priced UK bud. I paid $69 for a q which is practically unheard of on LB. No bullshit advertising too - you know what you're getting with Bb.

Thanks for your input!
BCA are no longer a vendor on LB.
Yes! MJ Concentrates provide really high quality stuff! :)
LUDs has great prices! And great stealth!
BB have my attention...as i know whats on the grow list next ;) not placed an order before, as I've not seen any stock up, but I'm very much looking forward to my heads up in January :D
BCA are no longer a vendor on LB.
Yes! MJ Concentrates provide really high quality stuff! :)
LUDs has great prices! And great stealth!
BB have my attention...as i know whats on the grow list next ;) not placed an order before, as I've not seen any stock up, but I'm very much looking forward to my heads up in January :D

1. British Bulldog - great grower/seller & human
2. Oilman - some of the best weed I’ve smoked from here
3. Urban Leaf - choice & quality
Ukcanna & Northern Organics pretty immense too.
2. Oilman - some of the best weed I’ve smoked from here
3. Urban Leaf - choice & quality
Ukcanna & Northern Organics pretty immense too.

What’s the requirement for ordering with BB? Can’t get access to his page and I’ve been hearing great things!

Nice topic- great to see some positivity for a change!
I tend to buy Hash in the main on biggy as I get my bud elsewhere mainly, and there has been many many fine hashes this year - I must have bought well over 30 different strains (gulp, thats where all my money goes!).
Drugs inc UK have provided some amazing hashes this year including their astonishingly potent premium Red Leb, which is the strongest Leb I've ever tried! Also gotta mention their Zero Zero, which was a very fine example. They've had a knock this year and had to reset up their operation, so respect to them for continuing to bring such great goods. If they can lay of the vac paccing a bit, I can see a lifetime releationship!
Hashlover420 has brought us an affordable way to try the very 'creme de la creme' of hashes with them dry-sift eggs, and I'm not the only old school long term smoker who's been astonished at the strength and clean focus of the hit provided. really worth trying..
HashtagUK is pretty new to LB, but has gone about his business perfectly:
fantastic hash at proper prices, great quick delivery and stealth and fast coms. If he continues he's bound to be celebrated LB vendor.
Finally a little plug for another fairly new vendor some may have over looked - DopeChef. Their brownies are to die for, and their service and coms are excellent. Nice people with great product that deserve to do wel,l and I hear that when they offer some bud, its really good too :)
My biggy product of the year: Drugs Inc UK's Premium Red Leb (from about 3 months back) - I've never had better!
Peace Biggers
I tend to buy Hash in the main on biggy as I get my bud elsewhere mainly, and there has been many many fine hashes this year - I must have bought well over 30 different strains (gulp, thats where all my money goes!).
Drugs inc UK have provided some amazing hashes this year including their astonishingly potent premium Red Leb, which is the strongest Leb I've ever tried! Also gotta mention their Zero Zero, which was a very fine example. They've had a knock this year and had to reset up their operation, so respect to them for continuing to bring such great goods. If they can lay of the vac paccing a bit, I can see a lifetime releationship!
Hashlover420 has brought us an affordable way to try the very 'creme de la creme' of hashes with them dry-sift eggs, and I'm not the only old school long term smoker who's been astonished at the strength and clean focus of the hit provided. really worth trying..
HashtagUK is pretty new to LB, but has gone about his business perfectly:
fantastic hash at proper prices, great quick delivery and stealth and fast coms. If he continues he's bound to be celebrated LB vendor.
Finally a little plug for another fairly new vendor some may have over looked - DopeChef. Their brownies are to die for, and their service and coms are excellent. Nice people with great product that deserve to do wel,l and I hear that when they offer some bud, its really good too :)
My biggy product of the year: Drugs Inc UK's Premium Red Leb (from about 3 months back) - I've never had better!
Peace Biggers

1: British Bulldog
2: Urban Leaf Co
3: JJ
1: Mj
2: Northern Organics and UkGrower
1: British Bulldog
2: Urban Leaf Co
3: JJ
1: Mj
2: Northern Organics and UkGrower

Thanks for sharing, Titntin!
Nice to see people plugging newer vendors :)
I've heard great things about Dope Chef and have had some lovely interactions with them. When i use up all of my butter, i will definitely be ordering some brownies. They look great!
Nice to see people plugging newer vendors :)
I've heard great things about Dope Chef and have had some lovely interactions with them. When i use up all of my butter, i will definitely be ordering some brownies. They look great!

for me TGT, DIUK,LUD and YMH
had only one order from BB but hope to get some more
don'thave any favourites really they all delivered quality stuff
had only one order from BB but hope to get some more
don'thave any favourites really they all delivered quality stuff

YMH just shipped me some panic weed in record time!! Ordered 4pm...delivered 8am! Fan-bloody-tastic service!!

I really like RB - they get stick for not having smooth comms (although I've personally always gotten same day replies) but 99% of the time no comms are needed so whats wrong with the old school nod and a wink? :P I've never had a dull batch of dawg from them yet and the prices are about as fair as it gets on here at the moment and I like how they have a regular selection with random strains popping up every now and then for a change of pace.
TGT for me though have the best all round experience, can't put my finger on it but they have a way of just seeming that bit more special. Haven't ordered with them for months due to prices but genuinely missing them and I saw Grav mention the Headbanger below if that came back I wouldn't think twice! The AlienDawg a while back was really good too. Always get beautiful, stinky buds from TGT regardless of strain too.
Those 2 I've used most but LUD, ULC, YMH, Ammunation and even a new seller smoggyman all deserve at least a shout out too! (others too sorry if I forgot you!) I big up a lot of sellers on here but it's only because I love weed! I'm not ashamed to admit it :D
Thank you to all the good sellers here on littlebiggy and to all the good members making topics like these to point me in the right direction! :)
Stay high biggas!
TGT for me though have the best all round experience, can't put my finger on it but they have a way of just seeming that bit more special. Haven't ordered with them for months due to prices but genuinely missing them and I saw Grav mention the Headbanger below if that came back I wouldn't think twice! The AlienDawg a while back was really good too. Always get beautiful, stinky buds from TGT regardless of strain too.
Those 2 I've used most but LUD, ULC, YMH, Ammunation and even a new seller smoggyman all deserve at least a shout out too! (others too sorry if I forgot you!) I big up a lot of sellers on here but it's only because I love weed! I'm not ashamed to admit it :D
Thank you to all the good sellers here on littlebiggy and to all the good members making topics like these to point me in the right direction! :)
Stay high biggas!

Agree with you there, zz87! RB have always sent me really nice weed, at pretty damn good prices, too! Have had their stardawg a fair few times. Never disappointed! Even when its a B grade strain, i like that they mention it and price accordingly :)
TGT are the definite OG of the scene here. Well, in my humble opinion, anyway. You are right. The buds are always great quality and strong! One of the few that gives you exactly what it says on the tin! Bigg love for TGT here! Most of the strains i get, receive at least an 8/10 in my reviews. Normally i have to find reasons for it not to be a 10/10 across the board...rather than reasons to rate higher! Cant fault them!
Ohhh smoggyman! Did you get the icecream!?! I need to know more haha.
ULC get a super high five from me! They are so good to me! Definitely my 2nd best vendor on LB!! Great comms and product! Super fast delivery and who doesnt love her perfect handwriting!?! :P
TGT are the definite OG of the scene here. Well, in my humble opinion, anyway. You are right. The buds are always great quality and strong! One of the few that gives you exactly what it says on the tin! Bigg love for TGT here! Most of the strains i get, receive at least an 8/10 in my reviews. Normally i have to find reasons for it not to be a 10/10 across the board...rather than reasons to rate higher! Cant fault them!
Ohhh smoggyman! Did you get the icecream!?! I need to know more haha.
ULC get a super high five from me! They are so good to me! Definitely my 2nd best vendor on LB!! Great comms and product! Super fast delivery and who doesnt love her perfect handwriting!?! :P

Spot on mate. I didn't get the ice cream gutted to have missed that it looked so good but I did get some strawberry diesel off them was $46/3.5gs and even though I usually prefer heavier smokes this is still as strong as anything I've had off here... they've definitely got genuine fire, fingers crossed that cake returns or something similar! ;D
Got so much love for all these sellers, great topic this one :)
Got so much love for all these sellers, great topic this one :)

Really good to know! I was waiting for a few solid reviews before i jumped in with an order. The icecream did look good! Maybe next time, ey!
Yep. It's nice to bring the convo back to the way it should be. Stress free :D
Yep. It's nice to bring the convo back to the way it should be. Stress free :D

Cool idea Petite. Nice to have a bit of casual chat & more importantly some positivity amongst all the shite that's been going on the last few days.
I'm new to LB and as such have only used 2 Vendors so far:
MJConcentrates & The Green Team.
Both vendors are fantastic. Professional communication, good delivery times and great products.
If I had to pick a favourite of the two it would be TGT. They have a great selection (I'm a big fan of hash) and again just provide a fantastic service.
My favourite thing I've ordered so far is TGTs 00 Rif Hash. As I say I'm a big fan of hash and this stuff is lovely, great smell, lovely but not overwhelming stone & just a great product.
However props to MJ for having the best carts in the business, will definitely order again & recommend them to anyone wanting to try out carts
I look forward to continuing to use LB, trying out new vendors and checking out all the fantastic products on offer here.
I'm new to LB and as such have only used 2 Vendors so far:
MJConcentrates & The Green Team.
Both vendors are fantastic. Professional communication, good delivery times and great products.
If I had to pick a favourite of the two it would be TGT. They have a great selection (I'm a big fan of hash) and again just provide a fantastic service.
My favourite thing I've ordered so far is TGTs 00 Rif Hash. As I say I'm a big fan of hash and this stuff is lovely, great smell, lovely but not overwhelming stone & just a great product.
However props to MJ for having the best carts in the business, will definitely order again & recommend them to anyone wanting to try out carts
I look forward to continuing to use LB, trying out new vendors and checking out all the fantastic products on offer here.

That was my thinking. There is a lot of negativity going around. Tensions are high and 2020 has been a shitty year. So i wanted to drum up some happy and see which vendors everyone has been loving on this year :)
MJ is a great vendor. I've only used him once or twice, but he provided top quality at good prices, and even threw in a MJ special cookie! Which was such a nice touch! And strong too! Yum.
I had the pleasure of being gifted some Red Leb Hash from TGT by another Bigga. It was tasty. As were the other hash products ive had from TGT in the past. So I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the 00! TGT rarely fail!
I was looking for a cart recommendation, so thank you for that! I will check out MJs stuff and see what the deal is :)
LB is a strange and wondeful site. Enjoy it. Try not to get too caught up in the politics (we all do at some point haha) and enjoy the wonderful choice it brings! Flavours are here to ne had!! :D
Thanks for sharing <3
MJ is a great vendor. I've only used him once or twice, but he provided top quality at good prices, and even threw in a MJ special cookie! Which was such a nice touch! And strong too! Yum.
I had the pleasure of being gifted some Red Leb Hash from TGT by another Bigga. It was tasty. As were the other hash products ive had from TGT in the past. So I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the 00! TGT rarely fail!
I was looking for a cart recommendation, so thank you for that! I will check out MJs stuff and see what the deal is :)
LB is a strange and wondeful site. Enjoy it. Try not to get too caught up in the politics (we all do at some point haha) and enjoy the wonderful choice it brings! Flavours are here to ne had!! :D
Thanks for sharing <3

Dopechef, TGT, Hootan, MJ and B.C.A. All honest and easy to deal with. Hootan super lemon haze, TGT malana cream, dopechef kush rush vape carts, mjs shatter never disappoints and B.C.A s gold strains. Favourite so far hootans super lemon haze for its nostalgic flashback. Seriously good quality old school haze

Nice little plug there for some great vendors! Thanks for your input :D I have had some great shatter off MJ! I didnt think it was for me...until i was near the end of my sticky stash...then it became so morish and delicious! Haha. Thats the way it goes, i suppose! ;) Definitely going to be dropping on order for some concentrates with MJ again soon! The dab rig is gathering dust!!

Yeah 2020 sure has been shit. Honestly one of the best parts of it has been discovering LB.
MJ definitely are fantastic, i was gutted i just missed out on the mystical MJ Cookie! Will keep an eye out for next time.
I was looking at the Red Leb actually it looked lovely. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, their hash offerings have been excellent recently.
No problem at all you can't go wrong with MJs carts, the only issue i had was i couldn't put the vape down! Went through them faster than i care to admit haha.
It most certainly is, but i love it. Having a lovely community whilst also providing fantastic products.. literally can't go wrong. Where i'm from its impossible to get anything other than whats essentially soapbar hash (Might get lucky and get maybe 2g of bud a year at most) so finding this little website has blown my mind, both figuratively and literally.
Thanks for the tip about the politics side of things, love this place and don't wanna ruin it for myself so will try to actively stay out of that in future.
Lastly keep doing what you're doing petite. I see your posts a lot about reviews and advice and things and it's definitely helped a newbie such as myself at picking items (TGTs Mimosa) & is nice to see recognizable/friendly name across LB. Thanks again.
MJ definitely are fantastic, i was gutted i just missed out on the mystical MJ Cookie! Will keep an eye out for next time.
I was looking at the Red Leb actually it looked lovely. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, their hash offerings have been excellent recently.
No problem at all you can't go wrong with MJs carts, the only issue i had was i couldn't put the vape down! Went through them faster than i care to admit haha.
It most certainly is, but i love it. Having a lovely community whilst also providing fantastic products.. literally can't go wrong. Where i'm from its impossible to get anything other than whats essentially soapbar hash (Might get lucky and get maybe 2g of bud a year at most) so finding this little website has blown my mind, both figuratively and literally.
Thanks for the tip about the politics side of things, love this place and don't wanna ruin it for myself so will try to actively stay out of that in future.
Lastly keep doing what you're doing petite. I see your posts a lot about reviews and advice and things and it's definitely helped a newbie such as myself at picking items (TGTs Mimosa) & is nice to see recognizable/friendly name across LB. Thanks again.

Haha. I have heard that about carts. They are easy to blaze ;) still yet to try more than a puff of one. Soon though!
Ahh the old soap bar. I grew up on that stuff. Bits of plastic bag or diesel tanked shite. No good for the soul lol. The feeling of finding LB is a good one! Welcome :)
If you have a point that you feel needs to he aired, do it! But things can get out of hand FAST haha. You have to be prepared. Trolls lurk all areas of the tinterwebz :P
Aww, shucks. Thanks. That is all I do it for :) to help others out :) so when someone says i have helped them with my reviews, it makes me all warm and fuzzy! <3
Ahh the old soap bar. I grew up on that stuff. Bits of plastic bag or diesel tanked shite. No good for the soul lol. The feeling of finding LB is a good one! Welcome :)
If you have a point that you feel needs to he aired, do it! But things can get out of hand FAST haha. You have to be prepared. Trolls lurk all areas of the tinterwebz :P
Aww, shucks. Thanks. That is all I do it for :) to help others out :) so when someone says i have helped them with my reviews, it makes me all warm and fuzzy! <3

Far too easy, MJs a magician with those carts.
Yeah so much shite it in and hardly a stone off it, but you know, gotta take what you can get.
Ah yeah I've seen plenty of troll already, bastards haha.
Yeah well it definitely helps out a ton so please do continue to do so. Thanks again and have a great weekend.
Yeah so much shite it in and hardly a stone off it, but you know, gotta take what you can get.
Ah yeah I've seen plenty of troll already, bastards haha.
Yeah well it definitely helps out a ton so please do continue to do so. Thanks again and have a great weekend.

I need to try them! Haha. All the weedz! :D
No worries mate :) If you ever need any advice, my inbox is always open. Im happy to help :)
You have a good weekend, too! Suns out! :)
No worries mate :) If you ever need any advice, my inbox is always open. Im happy to help :)
You have a good weekend, too! Suns out! :)

A lot of amazing people here respect to all. I've had next level smoke from most vendors here by the slightest of margins LUDS just leads for me, perfect random strains (like peanut butter breath!) and stealth is exceptional especially with heavy handed Mr postman
a shout for Daan too he's underrated:)
a shout for Daan too he's underrated:)

Drugs inc UK have been amazing bought multiple times fast delivery 10/10 stealth 10/10 product

ULC top of my list while I cant remeber all the strains but there white dawg kicked my ass for about 4 days excellent vendor comms are fantastic which helps settle nerves when ordering . and also a big shout out to UKCANNAFARM lovely smoke and cracking price for larger amounts TGT also g13 haze was bang on.

Ha defo Hootan and Dope Chef for me too, didn’t get a chance to try BCA but those two guys killed it. LegacyDankUK awesome as well. Shouts to Oilman and UKCannaFarm and Urban Leaf too!
Could name a few for worst vendor but it’s all love!
Could name a few for worst vendor but it’s all love!

Oilman definitely deserves a shout out <3
DopeChef have some delicious lookin brownies *drools*
DopeChef have some delicious lookin brownies *drools*

Hootan brings some lovely looking buds to the wall! I have only ordered once, but see lots of good talk :) p

Great topic PF :) Probably pointless commenting but like you, TGT have been my go to for quality. The Papaya was lovely, the Grape Pie up at the moment is a tasty purchase and the Lemon Sorbet was also top shelf. Special mention to Hootan as well, he has always been reliable and always has lovely smoke when he does have stock up.
Funnily enough my favourite strain from LB was my first. The Headbanger from TGT a few months back was absolutely sledgehammer to the face kinda high. RB had some GSC too way back in May that has left me wanting more since!
I love LB. My pocket....not so much lol
Funnily enough my favourite strain from LB was my first. The Headbanger from TGT a few months back was absolutely sledgehammer to the face kinda high. RB had some GSC too way back in May that has left me wanting more since!
I love LB. My pocket....not so much lol

Never pointless commenting, Gravity! You know your word here holds value! I have always appreciated your reviews and reccomendations :)
Papaya was a favourite for a lot of people, I'm sure! As was the Candyland from DIUK. I didnt get any of The Headbanger from TGT. Heard a lot of good stuff about it, though!
RB is a pillar of the community. Ive had some great stuff from them too! This might quickly turn into a vendor circle jerk haha. Raise your hand if you love weed *i dooo* hahaha
Papaya was a favourite for a lot of people, I'm sure! As was the Candyland from DIUK. I didnt get any of The Headbanger from TGT. Heard a lot of good stuff about it, though!
RB is a pillar of the community. Ive had some great stuff from them too! This might quickly turn into a vendor circle jerk haha. Raise your hand if you love weed *i dooo* hahaha

Friendliest and most knowledgeable: Oilman
Favourite strain: Oilman's NL5 X Haze
Best looking flower: Hootan's Gelato 41
Consistant bang for your buck: DIUK (2nd place LUD, RB highly commended but lacks consistency)
Best brand: ULC, you know what you are getting every time regardless of strain, never disappointed
New comer: Smoggyman
Fuck I've let myself run dry...I need weed now vendor: JJ or gentleman dealer
Vendor I wish I hadn't missed: British Bulldog
Favourite soap opera: The sticky fingers show
Favourite strain: Oilman's NL5 X Haze
Best looking flower: Hootan's Gelato 41
Consistant bang for your buck: DIUK (2nd place LUD, RB highly commended but lacks consistency)
Best brand: ULC, you know what you are getting every time regardless of strain, never disappointed
New comer: Smoggyman
Fuck I've let myself run dry...I need weed now vendor: JJ or gentleman dealer
Vendor I wish I hadn't missed: British Bulldog
Favourite soap opera: The sticky fingers show

Fav vendor...Super Hans.....incredible weed great comms
Fav weed....Pink Cookies amazing hit
Best stealth...TGT
Worst vendor...Premium Extracts....awol wankers
Fav weed....Pink Cookies amazing hit
Best stealth...TGT
Worst vendor...Premium Extracts....awol wankers

For me its got to be DIUK. My first order on LB was off DI and the last 2 strains I ordered off them, Ice Cream Cake and Monster Cookies, were the best bud I have toked in many a long while.
To be honest finding LB has been a godsend for me because for 20 odd years of smoking street weed I thought I had very low tolerance. I used to get massive bouts of paranoia, anxiety and sickness. You have probably guessed it was sativa strains that made me that way.
Now I smoke Thai, popcorn buds and shake in the day and lovely indicas in the evening. I haven't had one episode since July.
BTW a mention for ULC for the popcorn buds and shake.
Great thread PFl
To be honest finding LB has been a godsend for me because for 20 odd years of smoking street weed I thought I had very low tolerance. I used to get massive bouts of paranoia, anxiety and sickness. You have probably guessed it was sativa strains that made me that way.
Now I smoke Thai, popcorn buds and shake in the day and lovely indicas in the evening. I haven't had one episode since July.
BTW a mention for ULC for the popcorn buds and shake.
Great thread PFl

Cool idea
Suppose I can only give my opinion based on delivery to Ireland and personal tastes -prefer hash.
Tgt have had some great hashes- zkittlez,El Chapo and zero zero most memorable ones.
UK 420 have had some lovely drysift - lambo, Porsche and amnesia to name a few
Hashishin had some lovely pale blonde lebanese.i expect his other hashes to be even better.
Have had hootans Skittles and ammunations haze.both beautiful weeds.
Prefer my weeds to be either sativa based or lemony citric/fruity tasting eg sour diesel,lemon haze and hashes to be more firmer so it all depends on the mood and taste buds.
A good choice from the list above though!
Suppose I can only give my opinion based on delivery to Ireland and personal tastes -prefer hash.
Tgt have had some great hashes- zkittlez,El Chapo and zero zero most memorable ones.
UK 420 have had some lovely drysift - lambo, Porsche and amnesia to name a few
Hashishin had some lovely pale blonde lebanese.i expect his other hashes to be even better.
Have had hootans Skittles and ammunations haze.both beautiful weeds.
Prefer my weeds to be either sativa based or lemony citric/fruity tasting eg sour diesel,lemon haze and hashes to be more firmer so it all depends on the mood and taste buds.
A good choice from the list above though!

I'm always looking for good hash! I've had some lovely solids from LB over the last year or so :) not tried Hashishin, but i have been eyeing up his stock for a little while now :)
Thanks for your reccomendations :D
Thanks for your reccomendations :D

Back on the scene, like a ..
..starving man thrown a box of crackers.
Prices have gone up a bit since 2007. And what CHOICE! Christ, when I last scored no-one gave a shit about indica/sativa/squidgy/rocky. What you could score was what you could score.
So - props all round:
Props to the philanthropist behind LB
Props to his/her team (for surely he/she cannot do it all alone)
Props to every vendor I've tried. I must've ordered over a dozen times, and each of those orders were for 28g multiples, across about half a dozen different vendors, in the last six months. No. Issues. Whatsoever. Better service than M&S!
Props to the community. This is the least toxic social media environment I've been in
So, what more to say? All of the vendors I've encountered have behaved impeccably, as has everyone.
What an exceptional thing! :)
Thank you LB
..starving man thrown a box of crackers.
Prices have gone up a bit since 2007. And what CHOICE! Christ, when I last scored no-one gave a shit about indica/sativa/squidgy/rocky. What you could score was what you could score.
So - props all round:
Props to the philanthropist behind LB
Props to his/her team (for surely he/she cannot do it all alone)
Props to every vendor I've tried. I must've ordered over a dozen times, and each of those orders were for 28g multiples, across about half a dozen different vendors, in the last six months. No. Issues. Whatsoever. Better service than M&S!
Props to the community. This is the least toxic social media environment I've been in
So, what more to say? All of the vendors I've encountered have behaved impeccably, as has everyone.
What an exceptional thing! :)
Thank you LB

I love lb, joined in May and have just had my 50th order. I spend many happy hours scrolling items and vendors and my conclusion is So much choice and so little time!! (and not enough btc) Favourite overall vendor is MJC, fast, reliable, good comms. I'm loving the concentrates, esp the NY diesel but also the edibles, all good but really enjoyed the mallow, breakfast cereal and hot choc. Best edible so far was the MJC free cookie!! Favourite vendor for flower is Greenfinger, purple kush was some of the tastiest weed I've smoked. Also good service and product from Oilman, jj, The Gentlemen Dealers and many others. As well as the purple kush from gf, the Gsc I had from Radar breeder was so deliciously sweet and moreish it deserves a mention. For hash it's got to be Hashtag. Have a very merry Christmas biggas.

Mine has to be jj5637901 top class weed top AAA*** smoke.
He is the newest one I have tried can not fault his postage and stealth excellent I noticed jj ages ago but never gave him a try because I tend to stick to hash.
The best I found at the end of the year has to end on a "high" lol with jj his weed is fire !!!
I prefer hash in larger amounts for my own use but not from here,its way to expensive unless its something I fancy trying different strain or flavour.
LB needs to stop being greedy and charging big fees is the ony reason i can think of why the prices are so high.
But anyway end the post on a high with a nice little bit of jjs "lemon tree".
Which I am smoking right this second lovely buds and I am not really that into my weed much but I think jj could be changing my mind the quality is very good excellent. :)
He is the newest one I have tried can not fault his postage and stealth excellent I noticed jj ages ago but never gave him a try because I tend to stick to hash.
The best I found at the end of the year has to end on a "high" lol with jj his weed is fire !!!
I prefer hash in larger amounts for my own use but not from here,its way to expensive unless its something I fancy trying different strain or flavour.
LB needs to stop being greedy and charging big fees is the ony reason i can think of why the prices are so high.
But anyway end the post on a high with a nice little bit of jjs "lemon tree".
Which I am smoking right this second lovely buds and I am not really that into my weed much but I think jj could be changing my mind the quality is very good excellent. :)

Voting for RB.... A combination of price, product and stealth. Always the best overall vendor for me.
Comms took a bit long recently but they did get back and fixed a couple issues.
Highlights of 2020
Radar Breeder El chapo Hash (1st Edition)
Radar Breeder Lemon Amnesia
Hashish Soft dark hashish
Hootan Blonde Moroccan
Comms took a bit long recently but they did get back and fixed a couple issues.
Highlights of 2020
Radar Breeder El chapo Hash (1st Edition)
Radar Breeder Lemon Amnesia
Hashish Soft dark hashish
Hootan Blonde Moroccan

Rb for the hat lemon ammo, absolutely cracking smoke for the price. Few issues with packages and always resolved. Always 10/10 smoke. Stealth was always 10/10 also. It was always about 5-7 days to ROI and I could always count on RB, he got me through 2 lockdowns. Been with rb about 6 months, also have to give hootan a shout-out as be saved my bacon once when I ordered before I went on hols and landed the day I was leaving so I had a lovely juicy batch of mimosa to enjoy on hols( had package seized before hols and was resolved before my holidays. Peace out everyone

Radar breeder for speed, especially during corona. and The green team seem to be the most reliable for getting hash to ireland. which does seem to be the one that gets caught by our customs more and more

Hi bro, my absolute favorite is radar breender! In addition to the always very high quality of its products, I must emphasize the maximum precision and speed in shipments. I don't live in the UK but in Europe ... it's the only one who can get me to receive the package in 5 working days with very good stealth! Very competitive prices, the best in LB, a small flaw is that it doesn't have a good hash right now ... and I love hash! Best product ever was watermelon - mimosa and lemon amnesia! RB you are the best!

Not here that long but ammunation and ulc were really nice to deal with answered messages and were just generally very helpful , ulc said they didn't ship to Ireland but done custom order for me and bud was top notch , unfortunately ammunation hasn't been online for over a week so I hope everything is ok with him , and to n fair I love this place , people are very helpful in general just sorri I only found this place few months ago , big love to lb

I hear great stuff about ammunation. His haze is highly rated!
ULC are absolute stars when it comes to keeping their customers happy! Not many do ship to R.O.I, so it's very nice that they sorted you out. I've also had an irish deliverg from them. Stealth was faultless and it arrived within 5 days :)
What did you get from TGT and MJ? Id love to know :)
ULC are absolute stars when it comes to keeping their customers happy! Not many do ship to R.O.I, so it's very nice that they sorted you out. I've also had an irish deliverg from them. Stealth was faultless and it arrived within 5 days :)
What did you get from TGT and MJ? Id love to know :)

Only ordered yesterday , g13 haze from TGT and 1mil super sour desal cart from mj so I'm hoping this time nxt week to b a happy bunny lol

You should be golden by friday! Nice! The G13 is a banger! You wont be disappointed :D

I think it's finest I smoke with it as well just handy for getting head start as soon as I get in from work , instant spanners lol, just need to get indica this week for veg mode lol

Could always get vendor input too. What do they consider their best product in 2020 to have been?

I mean...yes...but it was more an vendor appreciation thread, rather than a strain plug. But i see no issue there :) if vendors want to pop in and tell everyone which strains from other vendors they have tried, and highly rate...that would be awesome :D

Bca every day of the week for the highest grade bud (and kingsman vapes) and MJC for unrivalled edibles.

1 post
+1 votes
Seems ok.one order made and received.could take at least 10working days with 1st class post and lockdown delays.same as other UK vendors

I put it down as 12days sleepreel.not sure if that was working days or total.for deliveries to roi and menu quality and quantity I would make uk420 my top choice vendor.they are a little bit more expensive but it is top quality.

It's not the heaviest wrapping I have seen here, but It is more than good enough for hash. They'd need a dog to smell it, and a dog would smell even the best stealth package, so you're good I would think.

I’m a bit concerned now you have said that as I have ordered from hashtag and would expect any orders goin out of the UK to be well sealed from dogs and x rays

Mate, no amount of sealing in the world can guarantee dogs. They can smell it on the outside from contact. Xrays, unless you have lead envelopes (which would defo be searched) is actually impossible to secure against. They are a good vendor with well wrapped product. Just because I've seen others do more doesn't make it bad stealth. Everyone here gets edgy when waiting for a drop, but the vendor is solid so chill. It will almost certainly land fine. This time of year mail is overworked and understaffed. They don't have time to check it all properly anyway.

I feel comfortable with sealed Mylar bags that you have to break the seal your self as if a human open the main box they just see a bag and they can’t see in or smell it I understand like you said nothing is dog proof or x ray proof just gives me peace of mind as where I live customs are always on the look out I was just getting a bit worried a I read comments and it said stealth wasn’t very good but i just got to keep my fingers crossed

His stealth is fine and all should be ok.
I just received an ounce from spain, was in suspicious looking foil inside a completely transparent baggie, but it still got here.
Hash tag uses proper bags - you should be A ok.
I just received an ounce from spain, was in suspicious looking foil inside a completely transparent baggie, but it still got here.
Hash tag uses proper bags - you should be A ok.

Are you liking it? and how long did it take to arrive?
I'm considering at the moment. Unfortauntely missed out on the Black Friday deal though as didn't see the post until after. What you say regarding the stealth has me a bit on edge though...
I'm considering at the moment. Unfortauntely missed out on the Black Friday deal though as didn't see the post until after. What you say regarding the stealth has me a bit on edge though...

It took 8 days to get to me.
It's a very pleasant bit of maroc at a decent price. At £150 on an Oz I couldn't turn it down and its still good value even without that special.
However, Stealth was slightly concerning, (though it it got to me with no issue) and you do need to wait.
If you have concerns over strealth and want something sooner, you could do a lot worse than order the Zero Zero or Rubio from hashtag as they have similar hits and are just as strong (maybe a little stronger). Hashtag delivers quickly and at least his bags aren't transparent!
We are blessed here on biggie and you have other options I would recommend too, but I like what hashtag is selling and as we are on his thread I am not gonna make any further suggestions!
If you are genuinely interested in pursuing other recommendations then feel free to PM me, but the vast majority of people who have had the zero zero and rubio have enjoyed them, so dive in!
It's a very pleasant bit of maroc at a decent price. At £150 on an Oz I couldn't turn it down and its still good value even without that special.
However, Stealth was slightly concerning, (though it it got to me with no issue) and you do need to wait.
If you have concerns over strealth and want something sooner, you could do a lot worse than order the Zero Zero or Rubio from hashtag as they have similar hits and are just as strong (maybe a little stronger). Hashtag delivers quickly and at least his bags aren't transparent!
We are blessed here on biggie and you have other options I would recommend too, but I like what hashtag is selling and as we are on his thread I am not gonna make any further suggestions!
If you are genuinely interested in pursuing other recommendations then feel free to PM me, but the vast majority of people who have had the zero zero and rubio have enjoyed them, so dive in!

Ordered awhile back no issues , lovely smoke would definitely order from vendor again, I'm in West of ireland

Was this recently as I’ve only ordered on the weekend and I expect it to take 3-5 days to arrive

That’s a shame I’ve got one lost in transit at the moment but from a different vendor but I’ve got my fingers crossed it will drop I’m just hoping this one arrives to keep my faith in LittleBiggy

Keep the faith man really good community to point you in the right direction... I'm mainly a hash smoker iv used lots if not all the hash vendors iv found UK420 to be the most dependable but 15 for delivery!!! 10 plus orders off him all arrived I'm smoking urban leaf co premium hash now which is nice ,,, also JJ has a nice list of hash at a fair price.. hope this helps you out... happy smoking

I’m mainly a hash smoker too due to what I can get on the street hash is more prevelent than bud but since lock down I’ve been trying more and more bud just like to get back to some hash again I’ll be looking to keep with hashtag if all goes well because he has a massive selection of top stuff but i will defo check out uk420 and make an order to try there’s

Had me pretty much knocked out all weekend this stuff haha, gets ridiculously strong with the way those bong rips creep up :D

Lovely mate really nice smoke, love the taste , will 100% b ordering from you again , cheers bro

1 post
+1 votes

What's everyone playing during the quarentine?
Warzone badly ps4

What's everyone playing during the quarentine?
Our eyeballs are sore from playing the new battle royal cod mode. We are also playing insurgency 2 and unwinding with some stardew valley in the evening...
What are you playing?
What are you playing?

Currently playing the latest, updated version of Girlfriend mind games. Managed to reach level 69, although my sanity meter is running low.

I need to download a Good PC based game hope it don't kill my laptop. XBOX is out of service so I am killing PUBG on mobile

https://www.decentraland.org - it´s the future! An anonymous and decentralized virtual world. Pay it a visit - go to Toke Social district. Or hang out in the The Club at Vegas City and listen to the live DJ spinning tunes

IL2 and a few other war games to while away the hours, although I still play hunt the postman and my missing parcels every morning too. :/

Just in case anyone has missed it thought I would mention that the Uncharted Collection and Journey are both completely free to download on PS4 and you should grab both while you can!
If anyone hasn't played Journey it's 100% the perfect game to play high with a joint, who knows maybe we will end up travelling through the desert together :) It's super chill.
If anyone hasn't played Journey it's 100% the perfect game to play high with a joint, who knows maybe we will end up travelling through the desert together :) It's super chill.


Personally im playing BF1, Wargame Red Dragon and the Witcher 3 at the minute on PC but just hacked my daughters Wii U and tell ya sommat anyone into retro consoles, once you break the security on it the possibilities are endless. She can now play any Wii U, Wii, Gamecube, DS, N64, Snes or megadrive game for sweet FA. Shes in her element anyway!

For all you PC gamers out there... Shogun Total War 2 is free on steam until May 1st. https://store.steampowered.com/app/201270/Total_War_SHOGUN_2/

(Xbox One S) currently playing fallout 4. Would normally be MW or Fallout 76 but moved just as lock down stared so currently have no net, which is fecking nightmare with 2 kids

Got a Switch at Christmas time and currently addicted to Mario Odyssey (such a fun game for 420ers :)!) and still addicted to Football Manager

Currently playing the FF7 remake and it's amazing. Completely living up to the hype, in my opinion. The only thing that I don't like is that they're breaking it up into 3 parts but feel like a kid again playing it!

So many games not enough time
Eve online
Destiny 2
Red or dead 2
Boarderlands 3
Fallout 4
Eve online
Destiny 2
Red or dead 2
Boarderlands 3
Fallout 4

rinsing the fuck out of borderlands 3 at the moment, shoot things, get items, rinse, repeat - it makes me feel dirty, but i love it so much :D

Sorry if this thread is really old (Please add dates LB). I've been playing the hell out of hades by supergiant games. One of the best indie games I've ever played, I would highly recommend it to people that enjoy rogue likes.

Sorry to bump an old topic but Rocket League went free this week. I wasn't expecting to like it and didn't at first but then I went online (I never normally play anything online) and ended up enjoying it. Not sure how much I'll get out of it but it's free biggas and fun to just pick up and play for a bit here and there. Go get it!

2 posts
+2 votes

Hi guys.
You may have read my posts on this vendors other hashes, I find both the Banana X and the Zero Zero to be excellent and I heartily recommend both.
So I thought it would be only proper to investigate this Rubio Maroc.
By reputation, Rubio Marocs are some of the best examples of hash from the region, and as I very much like marocs, I was expecting to enjoy this one!
Though ever so slightly firmer than the other hashes he offers, this still crumbles well at finger temperature with no need for a flame, and has the lovely smells I associate with the landrace verities of plant native to Maroco and the area.
Once again, this is potent stuff. I didn't expect it to match the Zero Zero for potency, but this had myself and my wife absolutely blasted on 1g over the night, and I reckon we could have just had 0.8g like I do with the zero zero.
The stone is similar too, as to be expected with two top teir hashes from the same region. If anything, this creeps up on you slightly more - didn't realise how wasted I was before I tried to move :)
This is yet another example of a lovely strong hash from a vendor who has brought us banging product. If you have not tried this one yet, you really should try it as I'm convinced no true hash lover would not enjoy this one.
Congratulations to HashTagUK - prime service, prime product.
You may have read my posts on this vendors other hashes, I find both the Banana X and the Zero Zero to be excellent and I heartily recommend both.
So I thought it would be only proper to investigate this Rubio Maroc.
By reputation, Rubio Marocs are some of the best examples of hash from the region, and as I very much like marocs, I was expecting to enjoy this one!
Though ever so slightly firmer than the other hashes he offers, this still crumbles well at finger temperature with no need for a flame, and has the lovely smells I associate with the landrace verities of plant native to Maroco and the area.
Once again, this is potent stuff. I didn't expect it to match the Zero Zero for potency, but this had myself and my wife absolutely blasted on 1g over the night, and I reckon we could have just had 0.8g like I do with the zero zero.
The stone is similar too, as to be expected with two top teir hashes from the same region. If anything, this creeps up on you slightly more - didn't realise how wasted I was before I tried to move :)
This is yet another example of a lovely strong hash from a vendor who has brought us banging product. If you have not tried this one yet, you really should try it as I'm convinced no true hash lover would not enjoy this one.
Congratulations to HashTagUK - prime service, prime product.

Yep, got this and it’s quality stuff. Clean and potent with a lasting high. I could go down the chippy and get an order without looking like I’ve just swum the channel, and without any para. A little will go a long way so if you’re budget conscious then this stuff will proper last you. Good vendor and decent product. Would like to try their other products as well....

Now the ammended it
they have put an EU shipping oprion which was not there previously as an option
I even informed them if they dont include postage option on Buy page, this will re-occur!
they have put an EU shipping oprion which was not there previously as an option
I even informed them if they dont include postage option on Buy page, this will re-occur!

Ordered 7g of this last Friday ... Paid full amount required and item was in ir orders, status "ordered" ....never seen this , always either paid or sent. Contacted them to see whats up....They told me postage wasnt paid , BUT there is no option to pay postage for Ireland.. After 3 or 4 mails trying to resolve this , asking can i pay the difference.......5 days later they say contact support for refund.
First time using this vendor...
this vendor has not included postage therefore its their mistake.
Any advice on what to do with this situation.
When they say contact support ...how can i do this?
First time using this vendor...
this vendor has not included postage therefore its their mistake.
Any advice on what to do with this situation.
When they say contact support ...how can i do this?

Go to your order page, click the order number, click on escrow suisse and on escrow page click chat. Hope it gets sorted.

Mine arrived 2day b4 work can't wait to get home and try , looking forward to it, looks and smells sweet as

Just half way tru a spliff after a long day , tastes lovely and can feel it slowly kicking in will deffo b back for more, also 4 working days delivery took to Ireland is peachy

It’s strange every vendor you give a glowing positive review for I think what they sell is cheap commerical tak.
Rubio was probably the worst hash I’ve purchased from LB, no smell no taste in a spliff and looked nothing like the Rubio pictures on their listing.
Rubio was probably the worst hash I’ve purchased from LB, no smell no taste in a spliff and looked nothing like the Rubio pictures on their listing.

Your welcome to your thoughts and if you look at others reviews and comments you can plainly see that you are very much in the minority.
I've been a daily spliff head for 35 years, dealt myself for a bit, and simply share my viewpoint here. I don't know what you got, but that's not even close to a description of what I'm on.
I've been a daily spliff head for 35 years, dealt myself for a bit, and simply share my viewpoint here. I don't know what you got, but that's not even close to a description of what I'm on.

1 post
+2 votes

1 oz orders
TGT ,and I'm sure urbanleafco would do custom order if not listed , just drop the vendor a message mate ,I'm sure there are a few that would do custo…

1 oz orders
OK so I'm a medical user (PTSD & chronic pain) and prefer to order an ounce at a time. So far have been buying from a different website but it looks like imma have to bite the bullet and order from this site. I'm a bit nervous about it despite having lurked on here for months. Any vendor/ item recommendations?

Radar breader or drugs inc , had from both ounces with no pb

Radar breeder I always buy there grade b stuff because it's as good as the good stuff you get round where I am always better than pics and overweight delivered on time evry time for me

Welcome to the club!
Here is the list that might make it easier to make up your mind: EU/UK vendors list.
Some vendors offer OZ's.
Here is the list that might make it easier to make up your mind: EU/UK vendors list.
Some vendors offer OZ's.

If you want bud then THEGREENTEAM has all you can smoke in every budget scale but they don't often have extracts/edibles for those you'd be silly to go anywhere other than mjconcentrates! RB is great but choice is a bit thin at the moment my first choice is always TGT for high bud and fair prices with stock to accommodate.

TGT ,and I'm sure urbanleafco would do custom order if not listed , just drop the vendor a message mate ,I'm sure there are a few that would do custom order for you. Bet of luck mate hope you get sorted

2 posts
+2 votes
Cool mate, hope it still lands for u , should once u had address in
+ 2 more
Dude I did the same last week dont worry about it should arrive no problem only thing it wont show is the order on your order history

1 post
+1 votes

Advice on carts
2 or 3 decent tokes and see if ya need top up or not , just got super sour desal cart from mj today and I'm nicely right now, u don't need to over do …

Advice on carts
So my green journey to date. Smoked straight weed probably 10 times, love the experience but my work/family/house location just dont lend itself to smoking. I usually only need about a 1/4 king cone ajd im fairly away, no tobacco. As a result i have bought numerous vaporisers, including a mighty. They are okay but just dont get the same effect. Ive ordered some mj carts, first time use what do i do? Two draws, three draws or 10 i literally have no idea. Also any opinions on the effect v dry herb vaping. Thanks

Yeah mick knows the score. 3 three second draws, then chill for 15minutes. Top up as required. MJ makes great carts, and if you like them you will love SN2Ds carts from the USA. Lands in uk everytime and the choice of strains is fantastic. Similar price too i highly recomend

Not tried mj carts. Look into dynavap its like the one hitter of the vap world and just as potent.

These carts have been one of my favourite and I've had quite a few US imports. the air adjustment hole is a game changer as you can reduce the tickle greatly.
Agree with other comments: for me it's 3 tokes of up to 5 seconds (or cough) and then chill.
I have a crafty+ prefer dry herb for the ritual and the fact that your not left with disposable item to throw in the bin at the end. But I do get a cart on occasion, particularly for stealth operations as they are almost undetectable.
Agree with other comments: for me it's 3 tokes of up to 5 seconds (or cough) and then chill.
I have a crafty+ prefer dry herb for the ritual and the fact that your not left with disposable item to throw in the bin at the end. But I do get a cart on occasion, particularly for stealth operations as they are almost undetectable.

1 post
+5 votes
Organic buds
Looks nice , good luck , good to see new vendors

Hey guys am a long time smoker and thought I might aswell get some of my connects stuff on here since he’d rather me buy it by the bar. Originated from the Swiss but can’t say anymore without incriminating anyone. Can do samples (1g) for $15 1st class shipping discreet and fast as possible always. ?

Welcome :) Purple Dawg looks lovely! Can't wait to see what you bring to the wall. Good prices too :)

Ordered 1 gram for the craic . I haven’t switched vendors in over a year haha wish you well

I’ve had some CBD bud that was grown legally in Switzerland which was very well grown. Would what your selling be grown by similar organisations or independent growers?

Just put a sample 1g order in. Very good delivery price, and product looks great. Fingers crossed it makes it to ireland :) Always good to have more choice on here

Same as boys (and girls)... Although went for 2g for the weekend. I love a bit of Purple Dawg, so let's hope it's a banger :D

Good man yourself, always good seeing New vendor, flowers looking Bang on , can't wait to try it.

4 posts
+4 votes

Got a review in on my skittles 8/10 not bad even know this particular bud is defo fire haha strange thing is tho in order for the weed to have got there in time for this review, it basically would have to been delivered in a few hours also checked my trackers and none have been delivered yet and won't be till next 24 hours .... Any one tell me wtf is going on ? Just find it very odd indeed !!

Smoggyman I need to right a wrong. I have my usual sellers, but every now and then I select a few new people with great looking product to support them. Last week I went a bit mad, four new people with similar items. None turned up labelled, originally you put sent a few days ago and I thought the bud which arrived was yours and smoked and rated, I was the 8/10. Then you messaged me next day to say sent so was confused. Anyway your stuff arrived today and thought only fair to explain and apologise. You are right it’s a 10/10 :) added a pic smoking now very good. I hope this resolved the injustice

Aw it's fine mate, like I said it wasn't like review was bad or anything just knew the product hadn't dropped yet so couldn't understand !! Thanks so much for clearing this up and glad you're enjoying :) ......just a little thing aswell for customers I encourage all reviews whether that be a 1 or 10 the min your purchase your entitled to your opinion on your purchase!! :) Keep safe biggaz.....thanks again super j ! Top man ! Pics are better than mine haha

Haha I totally get this, I’ve had some close calls with doing the same as often order from various sellers at once and very rarely do they come labelled. So it becomes a guess the strain game which isn’t always that easy. That bud looks lovely. You should be able to edit your original review (at least the comment I think) if you wanted to.

Mm yeah some are putting strain initials, weight/amount on the inner packaging (so it is still discreet info), so you can easily match it up to your order(s) - this is most useful!!

I just received his weed strawberry diesel a fine bit of weed here from a new vendor, I'm in Eire only 4 days to arrive fastest ever happy smoking Pugg give this fella a go you wont be disappointed... all the best

Don't worrie man he has a nice bit to list soon keep your eyes peeled , he has a couple of strains on the way... happy smoking

Sorry for late response yeah I do but I don't gaurentee it with it going through customs in all but I will gaurentee I'll do my part everything vac sealed, no residue on parcel or any time of weed smoke near and discreet.....fire dropping soon very soon got strains sat ready to go just as nice if not nicer :)

No worries mate, that's fair enough enough mate don't have a problem with that , looking forward to new batch keep us posted , thanks

1 post
+2 votes

Og request or nice Indica
https://littlebiggy.org/item/7ahcH0s5jhrYPIdpw8uZIXkl/view/p radar breeder 95/5 indica

Og request or nice Indica
Anyone got some og ideally or mainly indica, max hybrid I'll take is 85/15 ?

Im not sure of the split, but tgt have grape pie and odb which are both indica or indica dominant, and their products are usually great

1 post
+2 votes

Unfortunately we’ve had to shut shop temporarily due to our work place being compromised yet again, hopefully this doesn’t result in dawn raids and arrest.
Being in the industry for 24yrs this is nothing new to us and we’ve had many similar situations and even custodial sentences.
However there comes a time when you just want to retire from all this risk, having said that I’m glad to say at 44 yrs of age myself and the team will pursue and move forward as we don’t want to disappoint you biggas
We are now in he process of getting another office space to operate out of and just drawing the T’s & C’s soon as we up and ready we will let you all know
Thank you all for the love and support as always. Stay blessed
Mr X
Being in the industry for 24yrs this is nothing new to us and we’ve had many similar situations and even custodial sentences.
However there comes a time when you just want to retire from all this risk, having said that I’m glad to say at 44 yrs of age myself and the team will pursue and move forward as we don’t want to disappoint you biggas
We are now in he process of getting another office space to operate out of and just drawing the T’s & C’s soon as we up and ready we will let you all know
Thank you all for the love and support as always. Stay blessed
Mr X

Few weeks old. We’re still recovering from the impact but what’s worse is both my girls who work full time trimming will need to leave soon :-(
I respect and understand people have other commitments and family lives, especially as mothers
We are operating but not at the same speed as before
I respect and understand people have other commitments and family lives, especially as mothers
We are operating but not at the same speed as before

bigg topics