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generation last
joined jun 2020
share generation last and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
1 topic on generation last
Is Bill Gates Getting Blackmailed?
164 posts by generation last
on  {nations}
How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
has india conquered and assimilated england in this scenario?
on  {nations}
putin assassination strategies
totally if you want the truth just read pravda
The Story of the Chinese Farmer
I don't think you need religion to consider say the murder of a child to be evil, it's our instinct, hard wired for survival. + 2 more
on  {nations}
Networks Not Nations
started topic
what comes after the web?
a lot has come and gone since the web. none of it as universal though.
When will the singularity happen?
Exactly, for a long time, we have devoted everything we've got to making AGI. It's like we have been programmed to do this all along.
How does it work?
what would the advert look like?
Memecoiners Set Themselves on Fire and Get Punched in the Face to Pump Prices
Yeah is where it takes place, you can start a coin there really easily.
Ludwig Wittgenstein: a mind on fire
if he had partied in the dorm with hitler we'd be in a better time line
#3 Open a Direct Ship Parapahanila Shop
What about selling the cheapest paraphernalia, like lighters or grinders with my reference url on it? If i get those for a pound or 3 what kind of pa…
on  {science}
Intelligence explained with math – MIT physicist (video)
very cool, thanks
mechanical work w/ hangover?
started topic + 2 more
Almost Immortal: Longevity Escape Velocity
Laugh all you want but this man is a genius that has called every trend in the last 5 decades. He also invented speech recognition and the electronic…
on  Columbo
Trying to smoke with a Cold
my experience is that smoking adds days to sickness, edibles w a cbd component subtracts them.
#7 Killa Scrilla from Analog Guerilla
I really like this idea, there's a "high" street near me with 2 head shops and I'm always thinking if only they knew what i knew :) But I'm…
Gwern Branwen Interviewed
The Herodotus of the Silk Road!
Aldous Huxley on the Antidote to Our Existential Helplessness
started topic
Best Example of Communism?
started topic + 2 more
on  {gaming}
Star Wars Outlaws?
started topic
The Royals Should Pay Slavery Reparations
if they embraced it that would be something
on  [music]
Worst song ever? And why... GO!
we mean it man + 2 more
on  {rap}
The Heartbreaking Story of Nate Dogg
9 kids is this a hip hop record?
It was Elton John's 150th birthday and I had nothing to wear...
did i hate him when he was still an organic? sure, but the rhythm of his new brain was spectacular and when he did 10 years as a centenarian for killi…
Can someone tell me why Americans think guns are the definition of freedom?
no biggz, that's the virgin islands, an unincorporated territory of a few hundred meters. + 3 more
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire
started topic + 3 more
network state citizens share their experiences
started topic
Capitalism: what alternatives haven't we tried?
started topic + 2 more
She called 911 to report $30 of stolen weed. She wishes she hadn't
Cops are always playing you out, especially when they are acting casual or friendly.
Jimmy Boco
Top tunes, any genre … Go!
buying crypto privately
started topic
Worst Star Trek Series of All Time?
started topic + 6 more
"Realism Is False" David Hoffman
This is interesting, he says that reality is only a thin GUI for the actual universe.
on  [travel]
Lisbon vs Porto?
porto for shuro
The father of cannabis therapeutics is Irish
once again africa was the mother
This shit will make you
started topic
{web 3.0}
on  {web 3.0}
web3 onboarding is like waterboarding
Status messenger has a great one in this regard: they force a dumb username on you, same with converse. And if you want to talk to someone else on the…
Hardcore History
hell yes
Can you fund apple pay with crypto?
nope its the other way around unfortunately :(
thc math?
started topic
The Unsolved Mystery Attack on Internet Cables in Paris
paris has the worst internet in eu + 2 more
on  blockhead
we are building a stable coin alternative to btc
usdt solana has been around for a while, stable and smallest fees around
on  {shows}
Electric Dreams
shame they didn’t spring for a better production but yeah better than late black mirror
Ciao! Any recommended sellers based in EU?
suisse ms is the way to go
on  [history]
1 sentence sums up history
good point but when i read the quote i don't think of leaders but generations of people eg the romans becoming decadent.
on  {gaming}
Best Star Wars Game of All Time?
for oculus it's gotta be vader immortal, episodes 1 and 3
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Are we getting another payment option or not? (aka not another alt-coin topic)
glad to hear development is alive! but increasing fees have been a very good indicator to buy bitcoin. i started putting away a few pounds of btc ever…
Video reviews
make it a rap battle between sellers!
on  [music]
Welcome To London
bigg ass up
reference code payments restored
Thanks for keeping my bitcoin stuck it's almost doubled since my last payment in November!
on  [music]
Hip Hop is alive!
yo chuck
Lol Damm it
dont send it, your payment will be accepted if its a triviial amount
proof borg
can a vote based contest be provably fair?
started topic + 2 more
Delhi India
lots of setups with touts around bus and train stations don't fuck with them. most chai wallas can score hash and believe it or not it's cleaner than …
the right to work with whoever you chose
because we are all subjects of controlling entities that mark us at birth
minimum viable grow?
started topic
on  [history]
Carrosses à cinq sols: Pascal Invented Public Transport
started topic
elevators are the way to go - to space
Check out this inflatable version! + 2 more
on  coldspurs
comparison videos?
you could totally do this on youtube they have a california pov on cannabis and have for a long time + 2 more
A Man Called 9-1-1. The Police Killed Him While He Was Still on the Phone.
started topic
I was going to work out in the gym today but I read that joke instead.
How many people can say this site changed their lives?! xD
It's definitely been an eye opener as far as seeing the possibilities of online communities
Magic Mushrooms to Ireland
sorry to be curious rather than helpful but what's scoring mushrooms like in ireland?
best ways to partake broke?
which prison was he in?
started topic
{web 3.0}
on  {web 3.0}
Peer Tube
peer tube uk shut down :(
Suggested Strain Names
yes but that's after bringing great inspiration
are you the same person throughout your life?
can i pay in installments?
To Todd's Sure Thangs: Famous
true this, lovez todd
A tweet directly from the brain
started topic
6th grade sucks
Open Source Brain Computer Interface
This. If there is anything that requires no trust code it's this.
Is Bitcoin Dying Out?
the atlantic on public weed smoking
i think it was an invitation to party in old times but now its just shit pr for stoners
just use a p2p exchange with individual sellers and keep it in the exchanges escrow system. for more security you can mix the coins as many times as y…
What web wallet to use?
guarda is actually a web wallet
What Brought You To Biggy?
divorce without weed is like marriage without..weed wish you all the best bigga
why a postal monopoly?
yes each postbox should be 1st in best dressed. every carrier has a key, everything tracked.
on  {nations}
A list of alternatives to nations
nations are defined by physical security. protection racket or risk of theft, that's the choice they have always offered. decentralize this game and …
on  [cities]
a floating city in south korea
started topic
Smart contracts 101 (video)
thank you
The Future is Fiat - Noah Smith
yeah great vision but he only sees backwards
When It’s Too Late To Stop Fascism
The best way to stop it is to simply check out. There are more alternatives to corporate partipation than ever before.
in all of history who would you most like to get stoned with?
started topic + 7 more
what is the fediverse
activitypub basically
did jesus christ smoke weed?
started topic
the founder of alcoholics anonymous used LSD
he's not the dude you would expect, almost the anti l ron hubbard really.
on  {nations}
where is the most optimistic place on earth right now?
From posh kent to Tashkent, better bring your stash Kent. + 2 more
on  {bitcoin}
Remembering Hal Finney on the Anniversary of the First Bitcoin Transaction
started topic
The hidden best community!
no you rock
the lex friedman podcast
his cringiest ever
on  [music]
What happened to rap
+ 2 more
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
yeah trades off highness control for impulse control. no i want more
working at home makes me a weed addict
if it feels like an impulsive thing try to substitute a different action to feed it. eat something nutritious and not delicious the next time you wa…
911 cop helps kid with math
started topic
on  [movies]
The Legacy of Citizen Kane
started topic
Mental Health Bots?
started topic
how to create, debate, and vote for initiatives
The fact that you use other marketplaces is their point. Sell a unit there and how will the inventory counter know here? It still comes down to you up… + 2 more
Who remembers this bad boy (Up in smoke tour)
so much classic talent in one posse
sativa* when you're sick is the ultimate productive state
started topic
on  rtbobbyt
Eindhoven coffee shops
the rural dutch do like to stare in this situation i've felt it :) but amsterdam is the opposite :)
LittleBiggy sister site?
the only link you should ever use is from the canon borg page click on people above , then borgs, then canon all the links are on the little biggy fe…
on  {shade}
Cypherpunk Bitstream Episode 0x04 Sneakernet to Drone Mix networks
I get stoned to see reality not escape it
i get almost religious when i think about this but then i remember there are opiate receptors as well.
on  2outof00
Cannabis legalisation UK
hey i've found apple to be very supportive
on  {rap}
What decade had the best rap?
sugar hill is the summit + 2 more
video filter for topics
started topic
why does charlie sheen get a strain name and not prince andrew?
started topic
Roman Britain - The Work of Giants Crumbled
This is really interesting, seems the Romans never really integrated the local population so even at it's height the whole thing was tenuous.
What can I sell?
i think if you could organise testing and had a benign drug you would have a shot.
waves particles
its the quarks with different strings that i cant stand
on  {nations}
will the chinese gov say sorry?
humans will turn on themselves in the end.
{buy help}
privacy based computer sellers?
started topic
we are really all the same color
started topic
Foucault's Disciplinary Society
interesting, examples? + 2 more
on  {nations}
What Is The Thucydides Trap?
started topic
Wanted: Sticker Design for LB Referrals 40USD
started topic + 8 more
Right Up Our Alley
started topic
To The LB Class of Covid-19: Skyfall
started topic
Who invented fandom bitches?
I suppose the force was with them.
ask lb sellers: how to roll with noobs?
By "little biggy" whadayamean?
on  {nations}
How Do REgular Chinese People Feel About The Virus?
sure but the whole world closed and that market open? come on man
War for sure - Anyone want to bet against me?
Define "the US"? What if it is federal gov vs. state gov? Hasn't that already happened?
on  {rap}
Is Lil Peep Rap?
did him in :(
on  Smee
fuck coinbase, do 1 minute of research and you know they will inevitably fuck everyone in their path. and not in the vagina.
Irina Slavina 1973-2020
Да упокоится она с миром
on  exoshino
Why no onion for LB ?
it has a page on lb
on  {nations}
Is Economic War Enough?
started topic
How Can the Stock Market Go Up When So Many People Are Unemployed?
These all seem like good explanations but I have a question: Has this situation happened before and what was the aftermath?
bigg topics