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1 topic on generation last
6 posts
+12 votes
Is Bill Gates Getting Blackmailed?

Is Bill Gates Getting Blackmailed?
First he resigns from all his boards then he gets divorced seems the boy is under some stress.

I dont think thats the deal. Its a spiel to protect their ill-gotten assets. Attorneys in Gates divorce also worked on Bezos split.

Well, there are articles about his wife starting divorce proceedings when the Epstein report came out. Maybe Bill and Bill had some fun together on Lolita Island?

I think this is possible, for me the whole Epstein saga is the biggest story of modern times, he has been dealt with but maxwell is key to everything, she is being unusually mistreated, i hope she gets to blow the lid but i fear the biggest cover up in history has already been one step ahead, makes my blood boil :(

164 posts by generation last
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+3.2 votes

How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
has india conquered and assimilated england in this scenario?

How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
I don't want to give preference to someone the same color as me so why should I prefer someone for being born in the same country as me (or worse they are ordained a citizen by some twat)?

Basically it derives from the same origins. There are certain laws of ethnic relations in history of humankind, such as:
1. law of percentage: lets say a black person somewhere in gothenburg or copenhagen would trigger an amused curiosity and the outpouring of sincere sympathy, however, if you "inject" immigrant workers up to the fateful threshold of 4-8 percent and you will already have a racial situation - the nature of social relationships changes, engendering ethnic tensions, global reflexes painful to describe. The more the percentage increases, the more class struggle transforms itself into racial confrontation. Basically, this percentage is sufficient to make racial discrimination appear spontaneously in people who previously believed itself wholesome and devoid of any racist sentiment.
2. The law of assimilability: If majority and the minority belong to the same large ethnic group (all are white, or all a asian), then assimilation occurs progressively. For example, Spanish or Portuguese workers despised in France not so long ago, integrated themselves into population within the space of one generation; same for descendants of corsicans and the poles during napoleonic era, same for bambara minority living in senegal. But if the ethnic and cultural gap is too big, tensions are exacerbated with time. Like African Blacks and Arabs find themselves in this situation in Europe. Coexistance basically becomes possible only in a truly Socialist state or a state that has adopted a high morality philosophy.
3. the law of distance: like two ethnic groups that are not fighting over the same living space or same market and occupy different territories separated by space can enter into normal relationships. Like that an alliance can be explained during world war 2 between hitlers germany and japan. or relationship of pretoria with israel state.
4. the law of phenotype: basically physical appearance. It would matter little tgat botha and zulu in africa have the same genotype (same genes in the chromosomes) and it would have no influence on their daily lives because their external features are so different.
Laws of class struggle according to history applies only to societies previously made homogeneous by violence. Funny, that the most modern nations actually went through this bestial struggles before (Americas, australia, new zealand, good part of asia, greenland, huge part of pacific, scandinavia, etc, etc).For example Blacks of Americas were brough over to work the land, while the indigenous races were being destroyed. So, the "more advanced" barbarious conquerors exterminated/drove out whole populations, devastated or abandoned productive forces they they simply did not know how to use. This specific law is one of my favourite... how spartan domination ended by crumbling particularly because of the great numeric weakness of their REAL citizens. Because their society consisting of spartan conquerors and lowly helots both belonged to the same large white-skinned 'race', ethnic differences became blurred and it allowed class differences appeared only in an economic sense.
Same goes for Rome and Carthage, Rwanda-Burundi, Francs and Gallo-Romans.
Have a look at the american immigration laws and how it progressed throghout 19-20 centuries. This law also gave birth to so called intra-european racism, etc.
We forget that the passage from a clan to a monolingual tribe and to ethnic group and to nationality historically was a result, a consequences of clans exogamy. It is still widely discussed by specialists. But it marked starting point of the current civilization.
Endogamy was prohibited and we, humans, just started fucking people from the outside kkk several neibourhing clans contracted marriage ties that led them eventually to speak same languages despite that their original idioms were different.
The number of clans to gather together to work a more or less powerful tribe didnt follow any rules and depended mostly on the fertility and extent of the lands occupied by the group. Thus was born nationality.
In the course of history, when two groups of people argued over a vital economic space, the slightest ethnic difference can be magnified, temporarily serving as a pretext for social and political cleavage: differences in physical appearances, colour of your passport, language, religions, morals and customs.
We forget that basically future generations must forget about the dead so that the conquering people can undergo a rebirth with an angelic consience.
Why do we almost idolise, for example, conquistadors, holy crusaders and vikings? Pillagers, rapists, murderers and worse.
Most of the things we learn and follow, most of the times, blindly, things we consider as truths and solid facts, the very foundation of our personal universes - it was predominantly build based on someones ideologies.
Books, that our kids and us read, are also written under certain circumstances, conditions, requirements, with certain motivations. Dictated by an ideology.
Sooo.... sorry for the massive message. It just questions like this trigger something inside me, something that i consciously try to understand and overcome. For before we are races or nationalities, boys or girls, gays or straight, we are humans.
Peace yo.
1. law of percentage: lets say a black person somewhere in gothenburg or copenhagen would trigger an amused curiosity and the outpouring of sincere sympathy, however, if you "inject" immigrant workers up to the fateful threshold of 4-8 percent and you will already have a racial situation - the nature of social relationships changes, engendering ethnic tensions, global reflexes painful to describe. The more the percentage increases, the more class struggle transforms itself into racial confrontation. Basically, this percentage is sufficient to make racial discrimination appear spontaneously in people who previously believed itself wholesome and devoid of any racist sentiment.
2. The law of assimilability: If majority and the minority belong to the same large ethnic group (all are white, or all a asian), then assimilation occurs progressively. For example, Spanish or Portuguese workers despised in France not so long ago, integrated themselves into population within the space of one generation; same for descendants of corsicans and the poles during napoleonic era, same for bambara minority living in senegal. But if the ethnic and cultural gap is too big, tensions are exacerbated with time. Like African Blacks and Arabs find themselves in this situation in Europe. Coexistance basically becomes possible only in a truly Socialist state or a state that has adopted a high morality philosophy.
3. the law of distance: like two ethnic groups that are not fighting over the same living space or same market and occupy different territories separated by space can enter into normal relationships. Like that an alliance can be explained during world war 2 between hitlers germany and japan. or relationship of pretoria with israel state.
4. the law of phenotype: basically physical appearance. It would matter little tgat botha and zulu in africa have the same genotype (same genes in the chromosomes) and it would have no influence on their daily lives because their external features are so different.
Laws of class struggle according to history applies only to societies previously made homogeneous by violence. Funny, that the most modern nations actually went through this bestial struggles before (Americas, australia, new zealand, good part of asia, greenland, huge part of pacific, scandinavia, etc, etc).For example Blacks of Americas were brough over to work the land, while the indigenous races were being destroyed. So, the "more advanced" barbarious conquerors exterminated/drove out whole populations, devastated or abandoned productive forces they they simply did not know how to use. This specific law is one of my favourite... how spartan domination ended by crumbling particularly because of the great numeric weakness of their REAL citizens. Because their society consisting of spartan conquerors and lowly helots both belonged to the same large white-skinned 'race', ethnic differences became blurred and it allowed class differences appeared only in an economic sense.
Same goes for Rome and Carthage, Rwanda-Burundi, Francs and Gallo-Romans.
Have a look at the american immigration laws and how it progressed throghout 19-20 centuries. This law also gave birth to so called intra-european racism, etc.
We forget that the passage from a clan to a monolingual tribe and to ethnic group and to nationality historically was a result, a consequences of clans exogamy. It is still widely discussed by specialists. But it marked starting point of the current civilization.
Endogamy was prohibited and we, humans, just started fucking people from the outside kkk several neibourhing clans contracted marriage ties that led them eventually to speak same languages despite that their original idioms were different.
The number of clans to gather together to work a more or less powerful tribe didnt follow any rules and depended mostly on the fertility and extent of the lands occupied by the group. Thus was born nationality.
In the course of history, when two groups of people argued over a vital economic space, the slightest ethnic difference can be magnified, temporarily serving as a pretext for social and political cleavage: differences in physical appearances, colour of your passport, language, religions, morals and customs.
We forget that basically future generations must forget about the dead so that the conquering people can undergo a rebirth with an angelic consience.
Why do we almost idolise, for example, conquistadors, holy crusaders and vikings? Pillagers, rapists, murderers and worse.
Most of the things we learn and follow, most of the times, blindly, things we consider as truths and solid facts, the very foundation of our personal universes - it was predominantly build based on someones ideologies.
Books, that our kids and us read, are also written under certain circumstances, conditions, requirements, with certain motivations. Dictated by an ideology.
Sooo.... sorry for the massive message. It just questions like this trigger something inside me, something that i consciously try to understand and overcome. For before we are races or nationalities, boys or girls, gays or straight, we are humans.
Peace yo.

Interesting points. I just came across this forum and will make a contribution. Meanwhile, on the topic of Scottish Nationalism, I have myself proposed Independence For England! We English (whatever that means through consensus) vote in a referendum to dissolve the union of England and Scotland. Never mind what they want, how about what we want, which may be to separate from them, along with the subject nation of Wales. We'll have our own oven ready breakfast and our own national covid death toll, while we surrender the last shreds of our integrity to the fucking Yanks and the fucking Chinese whose government leaders wouldn't make the groove as a couple of Pox Doctor's clerks.

Please dont have the idea that all Scots want independence
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than just Scottish Independence, certain elements see Scottish independence as a means to help another cause. Understand that Independence of Scotland is not the endgame for a lot of SNP supporters.
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than just Scottish Independence, certain elements see Scottish independence as a means to help another cause. Understand that Independence of Scotland is not the endgame for a lot of SNP supporters.

The whole SNP "independence" thing is a facade.
The SNP want to leave our union and join the EU club because they'll give them more money than Westminster does.
They still want to be financially "dependent", just a more generous sugar daddy.
I'm talking about the SNP, not all Scots :)
The SNP want to leave our union and join the EU club because they'll give them more money than Westminster does.
They still want to be financially "dependent", just a more generous sugar daddy.
I'm talking about the SNP, not all Scots :)

High Raskolnikov. Your post showed as a comment on mine so You're addressing me, then. I have no intention of stating anything about what Scots want. My point is that I consider an English Independence Referendum is incumbent on ourselves to determine our Englishness without the input of the other three nations. Devolution, revolution, phooey! We want ablution. Wash our hands of the lot of you. Do we? Who does? Has anyone got this underway? Sturgeon and Salmond? Something fishy about those two!

Interesting points Vikosh. I feel that England is a pretty tribal place.
Being born and growing up in the North, spending the last 2 decades in the South, and finally relocating back to the North of England, i’d say there are even considerable cultural and economic differences between different areas of this country.
There was a political movement that started a few years ago, that seems to now be on the back burner, for northern independence. While this is a lofty pursuit, and i’m unsure how successful it might be if implemented, I think it suggests that certain areas of our country define themselves not on a national footing but a regional one.
Personally I consider myself English and Irish, rather than British, but more crucially, being Northern trumps ‘Englishness’ for me…. race doesn’t come into it for me. Social class plays a large factor too.
I’d take a working class community in the North populated with English South Asians, Roma, and West African people over a predominantly white, middle class community in rural Hampshire- this is down to personal experience and unscientific, just my preference having lived in both places.
Great topic!
Being born and growing up in the North, spending the last 2 decades in the South, and finally relocating back to the North of England, i’d say there are even considerable cultural and economic differences between different areas of this country.
There was a political movement that started a few years ago, that seems to now be on the back burner, for northern independence. While this is a lofty pursuit, and i’m unsure how successful it might be if implemented, I think it suggests that certain areas of our country define themselves not on a national footing but a regional one.
Personally I consider myself English and Irish, rather than British, but more crucially, being Northern trumps ‘Englishness’ for me…. race doesn’t come into it for me. Social class plays a large factor too.
I’d take a working class community in the North populated with English South Asians, Roma, and West African people over a predominantly white, middle class community in rural Hampshire- this is down to personal experience and unscientific, just my preference having lived in both places.
Great topic!

I wouldn’t blame the English people if they started to see things this way but we are still all better as a union and I think you know this. Sturgeon and Salmond are just typical politicians mate who lying is a big part of the job description. There has been a huge change in Scotland in my lifetime where the working class vote has moved away from labour to the snp. Labour has shot themselves in the foot so many times but also the snp politics has changed. I have been on this earth a long time and the snp have changed so much. Sturgeon is still using her bloody daily briefing up here to try to indoctrinate the nation. I’m going to stop here as I am ranting.

Not English, then. To be born an Englishman is to win first prize in the lottery of life. That life being the infliction of Imperialism on 25% of the world's population. Nothing wrong with that, was there?

Sturgeon's manifesto was just a wish list, impossible to accomplish. I don't want Scotland to leave. We may rib each other on things but I'd like to think we have each others back when things get tough. We live on the same island. Crazy to break up.

I am British not Scottish or Welsh or Irish or English but British.
So the idea of England going on its own is kind of laughable.
I prefer this great country as one nation,I have lived all over UK so I class myself as British. Ever since devolved countries we had loads of petty arguments enough of the arguments and do there jobs.
The Scottish independence route will end up like n ireland scottish people are divided straight down the middle so can see issues battle grounds comes to mind bombings etc etc just like n ireland AND its not going to happen anyway thank god.:D
Or you english going be invaded of all the people that do not want there countries independent lol.
Plus the Queen will never allow it to happen she is still the most powerful lady in this country and can override any laws in the UK set by government it is in the small print when she signed it over to the government. She has her palaces all over the UK.
She wants to send to her son to America to answer for the crimes he is guilty as fk otherwise he would have gone over and answered there questions on very serious sex crimes.
Guilty as fk he is by dodging the request of the FBI and CIA law to himself hiding behind mummy he is.
I am British loud and proud !!!
So the idea of England going on its own is kind of laughable.
I prefer this great country as one nation,I have lived all over UK so I class myself as British. Ever since devolved countries we had loads of petty arguments enough of the arguments and do there jobs.
The Scottish independence route will end up like n ireland scottish people are divided straight down the middle so can see issues battle grounds comes to mind bombings etc etc just like n ireland AND its not going to happen anyway thank god.:D
Or you english going be invaded of all the people that do not want there countries independent lol.
Plus the Queen will never allow it to happen she is still the most powerful lady in this country and can override any laws in the UK set by government it is in the small print when she signed it over to the government. She has her palaces all over the UK.
She wants to send to her son to America to answer for the crimes he is guilty as fk otherwise he would have gone over and answered there questions on very serious sex crimes.
Guilty as fk he is by dodging the request of the FBI and CIA law to himself hiding behind mummy he is.
I am British loud and proud !!!

I’m British and Scottish mate. Think it is possible to be both. I’m not interested in Independence and believe it will not happen and will be a disaster if it does. In Scotland Salmond courted a certain block vote and got it. That is what has got the snp to where they are. That and shortbread tin thinking. They will soon want to let over 14 s vote. As I said in another post, Scottish Independence is not the endgame for a lot of snp.

It was a joke mate but fuck, Vietnam. Is that what you are comparing Scottish Independence to?

Scotland's nationalist party don't want to exclude races, they want independence from another countries rule. It's not about racism.

lol. ok, i'll bite...
nationalism is a term for those with common interests as citizens of the same country working together for mutual benefit and/or pride.
racism is a hatred of one or more person/s where skin colour is the basis used for the defining attribute.
neither is mandatory last I heard.
nationalism is a term for those with common interests as citizens of the same country working together for mutual benefit and/or pride.
racism is a hatred of one or more person/s where skin colour is the basis used for the defining attribute.
neither is mandatory last I heard.

a lot of nationalists aren't so much racists as exclusionary. they believe in a social contact that only exists amongst members. outsiders are not part of the deal.

Just like you would naturally have a preference for feeding your own family in your own home, before you concerned yourself with feeding anyone else.
This would not mean you hated other people, or didn't wish the best for them.
I think Nationalism is often confused with extreme Right wing ideologies, when it could be Left or Right really.
This would not mean you hated other people, or didn't wish the best for them.
I think Nationalism is often confused with extreme Right wing ideologies, when it could be Left or Right really.

Yes you could look into the SNPs distant past or alternatively you could look at what the Tories are doing right now as we speak under your very nose.
It is funny how a conversation about nationalism is related to the SNP when anyone with eyes can see that British nationalism is the one being pushed everywhere in Britain.
The SNP didn't spend 2 million quid on a set of blue curtains and two Union Jacks and it is not the SNP who are plastering everything with the Butcher's apron either!
It is funny how a conversation about nationalism is related to the SNP when anyone with eyes can see that British nationalism is the one being pushed everywhere in Britain.
The SNP didn't spend 2 million quid on a set of blue curtains and two Union Jacks and it is not the SNP who are plastering everything with the Butcher's apron either!

Proper kettle of fish this one! but I couldn’t resist throwing my 2 cents in.
Racism is an inherent belief that one group are superior to another based purely on membership to said group; that for example being white would mean that you are superior to non-whites by virtue of your whiteness. Although this is of course the most common example, it’s important to remember that racism has been perpetrated by, and against, a multitude of groups such as the current situation in China with Uighur Muslims and so on.
Nationalism is the identification with ones nation and the desire to see that nation succeed. often, but not exclusively, to the detriment of other nations.
One can be a nationalist but not a racist, but I would argue that it’s quite rare to meet a racist who is not also a nationalist.
I don’t think nationalism is always a bad thing - we saw for example at the onset of COVID-19 in Europe a large degree of nationalism as all of these countries that are part of the Schengen Agreement suddenly conveniently ignored the treaty in order to shut their borders and protect their citizens (uselessly, as it turned out) against the spread of C19.
However, nationalist sentiment needs to be controlled carefully because the downside to it could be seen, you could argue, In the Capitol siege/riots on January 6th as nationalist fervour tends to spread and morph very rapidly and almost always ends in violence and almost always ends in Fascism
Sorry for the wall of text but this is such a fascinating topic!
Racism is an inherent belief that one group are superior to another based purely on membership to said group; that for example being white would mean that you are superior to non-whites by virtue of your whiteness. Although this is of course the most common example, it’s important to remember that racism has been perpetrated by, and against, a multitude of groups such as the current situation in China with Uighur Muslims and so on.
Nationalism is the identification with ones nation and the desire to see that nation succeed. often, but not exclusively, to the detriment of other nations.
One can be a nationalist but not a racist, but I would argue that it’s quite rare to meet a racist who is not also a nationalist.
I don’t think nationalism is always a bad thing - we saw for example at the onset of COVID-19 in Europe a large degree of nationalism as all of these countries that are part of the Schengen Agreement suddenly conveniently ignored the treaty in order to shut their borders and protect their citizens (uselessly, as it turned out) against the spread of C19.
However, nationalist sentiment needs to be controlled carefully because the downside to it could be seen, you could argue, In the Capitol siege/riots on January 6th as nationalist fervour tends to spread and morph very rapidly and almost always ends in violence and almost always ends in Fascism
Sorry for the wall of text but this is such a fascinating topic!

Because we can change our nationality as it’s make believe. You cannot change your DNA which is real

Not synonymous, but it's an interesting point.
In some sense, I think it is an individual and academic choice to be patriotic (even that is turned into a dirty word now), root for your country or be proud of it voxally. It's OK to like your country if you really do. You do live there after all. It's just a country. Other countries are not minorities in their own country as the British are not here.
As you allude to, it is a lottery, not a skill, being British (or Irish for that matter). There is little merit to being "proud" I agree. But it doesn't oppress anyone or anything in itself. It is a way to preserving culture and way of life. You can't pick who you think should be able to do that.
Otherwise, the takeaway is, only the oppressed are allowed to be proud of anything and preserve culture. What kind of world is that?
I do think that no matter what, being proud of your race is pointless, stupid and divisive.
It suggests a nexus between a superiority or exceptionality and racial group.
After all, skin colour is decided only by a few alleles in the genome and indicates very little about one's charachter.
In some sense, I think it is an individual and academic choice to be patriotic (even that is turned into a dirty word now), root for your country or be proud of it voxally. It's OK to like your country if you really do. You do live there after all. It's just a country. Other countries are not minorities in their own country as the British are not here.
As you allude to, it is a lottery, not a skill, being British (or Irish for that matter). There is little merit to being "proud" I agree. But it doesn't oppress anyone or anything in itself. It is a way to preserving culture and way of life. You can't pick who you think should be able to do that.
Otherwise, the takeaway is, only the oppressed are allowed to be proud of anything and preserve culture. What kind of world is that?
I do think that no matter what, being proud of your race is pointless, stupid and divisive.
It suggests a nexus between a superiority or exceptionality and racial group.
After all, skin colour is decided only by a few alleles in the genome and indicates very little about one's charachter.

Racism is necessarily exclusionary. But Nationalism isn't.
In general I am wary of nationalism, but there are times when it has achieved positives.
In general I am wary of nationalism, but there are times when it has achieved positives.

I think it is oxytocin that causes the problems as it creates aggressive in-grouping, be it from the innateness from skin colour or the innateness from where someone was born.
There was a study I linked to but there is more out there about the dark side of oxytocin. There was quite a few articles in the dumber section of media about giving men oxytocin to fix their aggression problems when in fact it might be a major factor in causing them.
There was a study I linked to but there is more out there about the dark side of oxytocin. There was quite a few articles in the dumber section of media about giving men oxytocin to fix their aggression problems when in fact it might be a major factor in causing them.

Nationalism has more positive range for example promoting culture. Racism is usually associated with negative feelings about other races.
They both seem doomed if you ask me.
They both seem doomed if you ask me.

only in touchy feely places like the uk ... not in most other countrys ... too much self hatred in this country ...

It's crazy how little of any of you understand what is going on.
THought stoners were supposed to be the ones who questioned narratives??
If we want to help these people who want to come to the west for a better life, we need to get the banking cartel off their backs, stop certain lunatics causing wars and improve their OWN nations.
That is truly the only way we will ever BRING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. Although the amount of people we let into our countries is high compared to our populations, the amount of people living on under $2 a day is 700 million! The whole of Europe is 700 million people, we would have to double our population to solve world poverty, it simply is not possible. We can never solve the problem in this way.
The ones we let immigrate (legal migration) are the brightest, most educated ones... What do you think that does to their home country?
We skim the cream for all the prospects, decreasing the likelihood of the nation ever prospering.
The diversity thing is so ironically racist it is insane, if we all mix together into brown people, where is the diversity then?
There would be no diversity left if we mix together.
REAL diversity is like a flower bed, you have the tulips, the roses, the daffodils, this and that, they all live in the same flower bed, but they are separated, distinct different flowers with different strengths and weaknesses.
When you go to a country on holiday, take Japan for example, you go there and it's great to enjoy a different way of life, a different culture, different scenery, different people. If we all mixed together there would be no other cultures to enjoy.
There would be only one culture under one Globalist world government.
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
If you want to hear the same thing from a different races perspective then listen to this Muhammad Ali interview
You can watch this but I warn you, it will make you question everything you were ever told in school, yet it is all backed up with facts that you can independently research yourself
THought stoners were supposed to be the ones who questioned narratives??
If we want to help these people who want to come to the west for a better life, we need to get the banking cartel off their backs, stop certain lunatics causing wars and improve their OWN nations.
That is truly the only way we will ever BRING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. Although the amount of people we let into our countries is high compared to our populations, the amount of people living on under $2 a day is 700 million! The whole of Europe is 700 million people, we would have to double our population to solve world poverty, it simply is not possible. We can never solve the problem in this way.
The ones we let immigrate (legal migration) are the brightest, most educated ones... What do you think that does to their home country?
We skim the cream for all the prospects, decreasing the likelihood of the nation ever prospering.
The diversity thing is so ironically racist it is insane, if we all mix together into brown people, where is the diversity then?
There would be no diversity left if we mix together.
REAL diversity is like a flower bed, you have the tulips, the roses, the daffodils, this and that, they all live in the same flower bed, but they are separated, distinct different flowers with different strengths and weaknesses.
When you go to a country on holiday, take Japan for example, you go there and it's great to enjoy a different way of life, a different culture, different scenery, different people. If we all mixed together there would be no other cultures to enjoy.
There would be only one culture under one Globalist world government.
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
If you want to hear the same thing from a different races perspective then listen to this Muhammad Ali interview
You can watch this but I warn you, it will make you question everything you were ever told in school, yet it is all backed up with facts that you can independently research yourself

There seem to be a prevailing perspective of an individualistic view on what racism is, i.e. the hatred or superiority of another race, nation, or ethnicity, however this view is overly simplistic as racism is structural and systemic and is only dependent on the individual when their actions are supported by the larger system.
One can be xenophobic, discriminatory and/or prejudiced against others from other places without it being racism if they are not the dominant race/ethnicity/or culture.
Racism = power + prejudice. That is the current understanding and definition of racism in social sciences and some dictionaries (as with Merriam Webster, which was updated two or three years ago). That is not to say that racial prejudice or discrimination is allowable or tolerable. It's not. However to quantify both types of prejudice (the one that is solely individual and the one that is supported by systemic structures) as the same thing or equivalent is false.
One is an individual opinion and has no greater repurcussions than that person's world's or actions, the other however plays into a wider narrative of oppression that reinforces the structural oppression and contributes to and reinforces societal and structural discrimination.
Nationalism is different in several ways.
Firstly, pride in ones nation does not mean an inherent prejudice or discrimination against those that come from other nations (although all too often it does manifest in such a way).
Secondly, if those expressing nationalist sentiment are not the dominant authority over said nation, then it is not racism but discrimination and prejudice as they lack the power to manifest that discrimination through institutions or on a structural scale. This type of nationalism often manifests as a resistance to colonial and imperial forces. In those cases the nationalism is not being the of an ideological superiority or innate belief in the dominance of one nation over another, but rather a resistance to such.
Therefore nationalism and racism only become the same when said nation propogates their dominance and superiority over others while simultaneously systemically oppressing other nations or supporting existing structural oppression and prejudice.
One can be xenophobic, discriminatory and/or prejudiced against others from other places without it being racism if they are not the dominant race/ethnicity/or culture.
Racism = power + prejudice. That is the current understanding and definition of racism in social sciences and some dictionaries (as with Merriam Webster, which was updated two or three years ago). That is not to say that racial prejudice or discrimination is allowable or tolerable. It's not. However to quantify both types of prejudice (the one that is solely individual and the one that is supported by systemic structures) as the same thing or equivalent is false.
One is an individual opinion and has no greater repurcussions than that person's world's or actions, the other however plays into a wider narrative of oppression that reinforces the structural oppression and contributes to and reinforces societal and structural discrimination.
Nationalism is different in several ways.
Firstly, pride in ones nation does not mean an inherent prejudice or discrimination against those that come from other nations (although all too often it does manifest in such a way).
Secondly, if those expressing nationalist sentiment are not the dominant authority over said nation, then it is not racism but discrimination and prejudice as they lack the power to manifest that discrimination through institutions or on a structural scale. This type of nationalism often manifests as a resistance to colonial and imperial forces. In those cases the nationalism is not being the of an ideological superiority or innate belief in the dominance of one nation over another, but rather a resistance to such.
Therefore nationalism and racism only become the same when said nation propogates their dominance and superiority over others while simultaneously systemically oppressing other nations or supporting existing structural oppression and prejudice.

I'm a nationalist. I want England and all our major cities to be English and not resemble Bangladesh. That makes one a racist nowadays.

If the reason you give for those cities resembling Bangladesh is people of other races, that's kinda the definition of racism. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a closet racist.

Asian for Asians
Africa for Africans
But if you tell him Europe for Europeans you are a racist
Has nothing to do with racism, people like to be around people who look like them, share the same culture and values, morals and ethics, this goes for all ethnicity's
True anti-racism isn't letting a tiny portion of these people into the country, it's helping them build their own nations into places they don't need to leave to better their lives in the first place, so they can ALL LIVE WELL
get the banking cartels out of africa, get the oil oligarchy out of the middle east, stop Israel causing carnage and displacing millions [impossible mode]
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
When Keir Starmer and the American cabinet said the mass immigration was planned, yes it was planned since ww2, watch this is you have an open mind otherwise keep being a good goy
Africa for Africans
But if you tell him Europe for Europeans you are a racist
Has nothing to do with racism, people like to be around people who look like them, share the same culture and values, morals and ethics, this goes for all ethnicity's
True anti-racism isn't letting a tiny portion of these people into the country, it's helping them build their own nations into places they don't need to leave to better their lives in the first place, so they can ALL LIVE WELL
get the banking cartels out of africa, get the oil oligarchy out of the middle east, stop Israel causing carnage and displacing millions [impossible mode]
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
When Keir Starmer and the American cabinet said the mass immigration was planned, yes it was planned since ww2, watch this is you have an open mind otherwise keep being a good goy

If it's the colour of people's skin you're referring to, and you're suggesting you have to be white to be regarded as english, then yes, you are. Not just nowadays, always.

english is a race mate just like indian im english if i move to india im not an indian ? same thing should apply in the uk

No, being English is not a race it's an ethnicity and nationality. You thick slab of gammon

1 post
+1 votes

putin assassination strategies
totally if you want the truth just read pravda
That ain't filler. The man appears to be on a fairly big dose of steroids. I'd imagine he's quite unwell and probably not long for this world.

If he hasn’t got long, this makes him very dangerous. Coupled with the fact a lot of the drugs elderly take effect the mind without them knowing.

I fear ill health is wishful thinking. Looks like he's spent a bundle on plastic surgery to me. That said, it's probably better for a lot of people if he's not at death's door.

If only we could “fast forward to the bit where he shoots himself in the bunker”…..followed by eternal damnation in the flames of Hell fire with a red hot pitchfork up his bum hole.
Seems fair 👍
Seems fair 👍

Biden laughing all the way to the bank. While UK, Europe suffers...
Ukraine is too kind to fight Russia for the USA/West.
USA don't want Nord stream 1 or 2 to exist! And voile it's happening now!
Ukraine is too kind to fight Russia for the USA/West.
USA don't want Nord stream 1 or 2 to exist! And voile it's happening now!

America want this war. Remember it was Biden and Bojo that pulled Zelensky away from peace talks back in 2022

The people are waking up, this is a sick thread, nato wants war not putin.
they forced putins hand to invade ukraine.
9/11 was an inside job and the vaccine wasnt a vaccine.
i could go on but whatever, chemtrails suck too.
they forced putins hand to invade ukraine.
9/11 was an inside job and the vaccine wasnt a vaccine.
i could go on but whatever, chemtrails suck too.

I find it fascinating that governments happily admit to chemtrails be used aswell as geoengineering yet it's still called a conspiracy. The war in Ukraine can go back to 2008 when they first stated their intention to join Nato. Putin reiterated then how that would unfold so we pushed the button again in 2014. Remember what's good for goose is good for the gander. If the US didn't like missiles in Cuba, why would we expect Russia wouldn't feel hard done by expanding east constantly

What security guarantees did Russia offer Ukraine though? You must know that Ukraine was rightfully concerned in 2008, Russia had occupied Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia, who was to be next?
Ultimately, nobody but the arms manufacturers want war, but Ukraine cant surrender without losing their identity and half their lands. Their future is fucked. Not that anyone that supports Russia even gives a flying fuck about that.
Ultimately, nobody but the arms manufacturers want war, but Ukraine cant surrender without losing their identity and half their lands. Their future is fucked. Not that anyone that supports Russia even gives a flying fuck about that.

It's going to be a mess and your entirely right in what you say about arms dealers being the only profiteers of war.
I only see it ending with either Ukraine giving up the 4 Oblasts and agreeing to never join Nato or.. Russia surrender due to it escalating and somehow we avoid nuclear catastrophe. Both choices are so wide apart im not sure what could make up the middle ground.
I only see it ending with either Ukraine giving up the 4 Oblasts and agreeing to never join Nato or.. Russia surrender due to it escalating and somehow we avoid nuclear catastrophe. Both choices are so wide apart im not sure what could make up the middle ground.

Who owns these arms companies pretty sure in most cases there run by the governments a war in Europe will be massively profitable for the USA as now instead of donating weapons there gona start selling them to Europe

If Ukraine was to surrender their lands, then I'd say only if they were entered into NATO, which enables their future security, and the lands would need to be demilitarised.

The Minsk agreements seemed fair to me . Crimea has always been Russian and the Donbas wanted independence but would rather ally with Russia than the West . A lot of Ukrainians already considered themselves Russian , so they wouldn't lose their culture .

See, I hear that, but people only question what they don't agree with, or in the case of some people, what they're told not to agree with.

Tell ye what, if time was reversed and we were being invaded or attacked by a foreign power, I damn well hope there will be nations that would support us.
There is fuck all to defend with Russia in invading Ukraine, but 'Merica bad, lets not question things and support Russia.
There is fuck all to defend with Russia in invading Ukraine, but 'Merica bad, lets not question things and support Russia.

I love America . They're our cultural and genetic relatives after all , but the globalists have steered America in the wrong direction .
The Ukraine was bombing the Donbas for eight years before Putin came to their aid and invaded . Many of them were happy for the help . Just like you would be if someone was bombing you for eight years .
I'm very much on the side of the Anglo-sphere but right is right and we never should have attacked the Donbas . We started this war and used Ukraine as the proxy . They should never have fought Russia .
The Ukraine was bombing the Donbas for eight years before Putin came to their aid and invaded . Many of them were happy for the help . Just like you would be if someone was bombing you for eight years .
I'm very much on the side of the Anglo-sphere but right is right and we never should have attacked the Donbas . We started this war and used Ukraine as the proxy . They should never have fought Russia .

Total and utter horseshit.
NATO is a defensive alliance. Anyone can join it, and it’s not up to Russia what other countries choose to do.
Russia invaded Ukraine and anyone saying they were forced to is a Russian shill or reads too much propaganda without knowing.
Russia has the largest country already in earth. They don’t need any more land and they don’t get to just take people’s territory because “USA made us do it”. Total horseshit.
NATO is a defensive alliance. Anyone can join it, and it’s not up to Russia what other countries choose to do.
Russia invaded Ukraine and anyone saying they were forced to is a Russian shill or reads too much propaganda without knowing.
Russia has the largest country already in earth. They don’t need any more land and they don’t get to just take people’s territory because “USA made us do it”. Total horseshit.

Can’t believe someone hasn’t shot/ poisoned the evil cunt tbh. (They like a bit of poison do the Russians)
Trouble is he would just be replaced by another one,cut from the same cloth I fear. Still can’t believe after all we went thru with covid, his first response afterwards was fucking war! He is the very definition of little man syndrome. 😡
Trouble is he would just be replaced by another one,cut from the same cloth I fear. Still can’t believe after all we went thru with covid, his first response afterwards was fucking war! He is the very definition of little man syndrome. 😡

Putin is considered a moderate in Russia . There are far worse people waiting to take his place .
The war had actually been going on for eight years before Russia invaded .
We sent our proxies to bomb the Donbas . Putin tried diplomacy for eight year . There were two peace deals which the West broke . We goaded Russia until they had no choice .
The war had actually been going on for eight years before Russia invaded .
We sent our proxies to bomb the Donbas . Putin tried diplomacy for eight year . There were two peace deals which the West broke . We goaded Russia until they had no choice .

this guy will pay a million for the effort

That's a fed up topic honestly.
No one should wish anyone death. All I can say is that I dont trust any governments at all, let it be Russia,China or USA/Nato member countries. All of these govs are doing shady things, acting in their own aswell as corporate interests. Not trying to hate, but if you wanna see putin dead you should also wanna see many other international leaders/presidents dead. All I can say that I condone wishing anyone a tragic or painful death.
No one should wish anyone death. All I can say is that I dont trust any governments at all, let it be Russia,China or USA/Nato member countries. All of these govs are doing shady things, acting in their own aswell as corporate interests. Not trying to hate, but if you wanna see putin dead you should also wanna see many other international leaders/presidents dead. All I can say that I condone wishing anyone a tragic or painful death.

he needs to show his comrades that he isn't bunkered this means he is looking at regular strategy meetings in person with people easier to follow. his makeup and camera crew are all regulars and dont have a lot of security around them normally.

he just needs to smoke some pot and chill the fuck out, and suck some dick, poor guy has a lot of tension.

Putin is the only adult in the room right now . While our Western leaders are all desperate to start ww3 , he is showing restraint .
If Putin was assassinated , someone far worse would take his place . In Russia he's considered a moderate .
Thank God for Putin . May him and Donald find an agreeable solution . And lets hope the Western globalists don't kill us all before then .
If Putin was assassinated , someone far worse would take his place . In Russia he's considered a moderate .
Thank God for Putin . May him and Donald find an agreeable solution . And lets hope the Western globalists don't kill us all before then .

Thank god for Putin lol, have you seen what his army does to kids and women in Ukraine? The bucha massacre? Raped and tortured kids? Bombing innocent people weekly in Ukrainian cities far away from the front lines.
Nuclear war will never happen. A man who keeps villas in Italy and has amassed billions in wealth stolen from his own people does not want a nuclear war. He just wants gullible people to think that.
Nuclear war will never happen. A man who keeps villas in Italy and has amassed billions in wealth stolen from his own people does not want a nuclear war. He just wants gullible people to think that.

2 posts
+2 votes

{Alan Watts}
The Story of the Chinese Farmer
I don't think you need religion to consider say the murder of a child to be evil, it's our instinct, hard wired for survival.
+ 2 more

{Alan Watts}
The Story of the Chinese Farmer

"The whole process of nature is an integrated process of immense complexity, and it’s really impossible to tell whether anything that happens in it is good or bad - because you never know what will be the consequence of the misfortune; or, you never know what will be the consequences of good fortune." ~ Alan Watts

Is there good or bad or is that just a concept we interpret the way we do due to religious mumbo jumbo ...

do you think its not possible to declare things as good or bad? do we need to bring up examples?

I didn't take the story as literally as saying that everything is all good or all bad, more like it's a possible lesson on how perspective can change the way we frame events. A lesson that could be useful for us to consider sometimes in our own lives.

We think we are conditioned to perceive things as good and bad and a large majority is influenced by religion

I don't think you need religion to consider say the murder of a child to be evil, it's our instinct, hard wired for survival.

I’ve heard this told several times by ram dass too and love his particular telling. It’s a great tale 🙏🏻

1 post
+24.2 votes

Networks Not Nations
started topic

Networks Not Nations

Now the American Cat is busy licking itself the mice can play again. Ancient ethnic feuds, dictators jerking off with their strategy games, we've seen it all before; new order meet the old order.
It's got to make you wonder why we are still organised into these units called countries. What are they so uniquely good for besides war?
It's got to make you wonder why we are still organised into these units called countries. What are they so uniquely good for besides war?

1 post
+2.2 votes
what comes after the web?
a lot has come and gone since the web. none of it as universal though.
Decentralisation, rebirth of the concept of governments and banks (stores of value and loans of value), the internet of money, the exchange of favours peer to peer, the recognition of favours, global decentralised online democracy, micro businesses go parabolic, communities become self sufficient, govts lose control. Its happening.

True though. example..I cashed out £3k yesterday just for posting on a crypto sub on reddit for a few years, 3-4 posts a week.. erc20 rewards. I use brave browser which offers free anti tracking, https upgrades, ad free browsing (inc youtube) and it pays as you go with BAT token. It covers my premium netflix monthly subscription and costs nothing.

Elon ain’t what he’s appearing to be.
Anyone involved with those robots needs hanging from a tree.
Anyone involved with those robots needs hanging from a tree.

I've read about this before bud but never decided to do it as I felt it would be too little. Can you explain more about it, i'd love to know with regards of how active you actually were. its a very clever idea. did you pay for brave or was it free? I'll go check it out thanks for sharing :D

We bio engineer ourselves into organic super computers, harness the planets electromagnetic field as a server and live as gods in virtual reality.

but it won't be 'us' providing this world, it'll be engineered and controlled by a select few people who will have total control over everyone

ai has been in control since the 19th century, we are working for the machines, not vice versa

the corporate curated a.i. justified brave new world feed that makes you yearn for the good old days of google

Web 5. Decentralisation of personal data. Anonymity. Buyers Markets. People realise phones arent phones and just tracking chips that post spam in your face all day so we go back to mp3 players that make calls. We reverse the inversion and regain the ability to tell human from computer and truth from fiction again.
Humanity cannot progress or achieve the things we used to while big data has us pinned down with the technology and the mind games, constantly draining every penny we have. We're so busy trying to create money with our bare hands to pay off the debt they are creating that we can't get anywhere and never will.
People are working to take apart that system as we contemplate.
For now at least we have LB.
Humanity cannot progress or achieve the things we used to while big data has us pinned down with the technology and the mind games, constantly draining every penny we have. We're so busy trying to create money with our bare hands to pay off the debt they are creating that we can't get anywhere and never will.
People are working to take apart that system as we contemplate.
For now at least we have LB.

It seems more than ever the Old guard sees the next wave coming and is way more on top of it than previous leaders. this alone makes it interesting

a dildo in the face one in the butt and a fleshlight on the cock, they will convince you you are a real person and you work for onlyfans, but there will be millions of you all stacked up as far as the eye can see.

Cybernetic implants that turn you into a computer then we will go too far and try and turn the planet into a super computer and blow ourselves up again and it will be back to painting on cave walls.

When the web is fully developed, all endpoints interconnected and in harmony, I usually walk right into it and get it stuck in my hair.

You will all be assimilated into the BORG or die, most will die, most work will be done by robots and the majority of mankind will be wiped out, unless my son John Connor make's it out alive 🤔

Reticulum is looking really promising on the privacy decentralized web front, a whole cryptography based network stack:
Early days, but a lot of bits going on there:
Reticulum > network stack (similar TCP or UDP)
LXMF > message protocol (similar POP or SMTP)
RNode > a long range data radio (similar wifi access point) that you can build easily with $20 hardware and start building a mesh network
Sideband/MeshChat/NomadNetwork > full featured messaging clients
Crap name tho! :) Needs more marketing
Early days, but a lot of bits going on there:
Reticulum > network stack (similar TCP or UDP)
LXMF > message protocol (similar POP or SMTP)
RNode > a long range data radio (similar wifi access point) that you can build easily with $20 hardware and start building a mesh network
Sideband/MeshChat/NomadNetwork > full featured messaging clients
Crap name tho! :) Needs more marketing

Neural net will likely be next. You will see the net when you want in your own eyes. Real time everything. No screens, no devices except inside you.

1 post
+2 votes

{bot's life}
When will the singularity happen?
Exactly, for a long time, we have devoted everything we've got to making AGI. It's like we have been programmed to do this all along.

{bot's life}
When will the singularity happen?
Exactly, for a long time, we have devoted everything we've got to making AGI. It's like we have been programmed to do this all along.

1 post
+1 votes
How does it work?
what would the advert look like?

How does it work?
1 Just press "share" on any topic, person or item and you get a custom link that you can share anywhere on the internet: on email, messaging or social nets. These sharing links embed your reference code into whatever you are sharing.
2 The 1st time you make a link you get a message from us (transaxe support) inviting you over to our site to add your btc address. That's where we send your coins. Do this asap as messages on lb disappear after 45 days.
3 Every new registrant landing here with your link earns you bitcoins - on every single purchase they make here forever.
At you'll be able to see every transaction that you made possible, including the public blockchain reference. It's completely auditable and despite the anonymity, it's the most transparent referral program on the internet.
2 The 1st time you make a link you get a message from us (transaxe support) inviting you over to our site to add your btc address. That's where we send your coins. Do this asap as messages on lb disappear after 45 days.
3 Every new registrant landing here with your link earns you bitcoins - on every single purchase they make here forever.
At you'll be able to see every transaction that you made possible, including the public blockchain reference. It's completely auditable and despite the anonymity, it's the most transparent referral program on the internet.

Best to advertise on social media use a algorithm tool target audiences like smokers post refferal link to url shortener or better still your own custom domain and redirect it to your refferal link. We should have lb merchandise clothing caps etc maybe a good suggestion for admin. I would ne happy helping out with creating a site you can purchase lb t shirts and even add qr codes this will for sure spread the word
Feel free to message me if you need advice
Many thanks
The Tech :)
Feel free to message me if you need advice
Many thanks
The Tech :)

Here's a simplified guide on how referral codes work:

Can you please provide clarity on this. Registered users clicking on referral links have been generating since I joined the site, hence you have people like Caeba making lists as they know once a user registers here there’s a high chance of them finding the lists.
If the system worked as intended, and any of my referred users always stayed as my referrals and not going to the most recent link clicked, I would put some effort into producing QR codes and distributing them but I see no incentive (other than for admin that always get fees regardless) for me to bring users to the site only to be poached by other users.
If the system worked as intended, and any of my referred users always stayed as my referrals and not going to the most recent link clicked, I would put some effort into producing QR codes and distributing them but I see no incentive (other than for admin that always get fees regardless) for me to bring users to the site only to be poached by other users.

there is no poaching, the link someone registers with is the only thing that matters. once someone registers with that link everything they buy earns btc for you forever.

Its a 1 % of gross on every transaction,
"You'll also see that every transaction that you introduce including the blockchain reference. "
"You'll also see that every transaction that you introduce including the blockchain reference. "

I've shared two links now and I haven't received any messages from transaxe support. Please can you advise?
I've shared two links now and I haven't received any messages from transaxe support. Please can you advise?

Hey, Im not sure the message to link your Transaxe account always comes after you share the first link, I think it comes a few days after you set up your account here or it did for me, that's why I missed it, when I learned about the referral program it was already gone from my message thread.
Have a look back through your messages for it but if its gone Transaxe Support should be able to help you link the accounts.
You can message them👊🏻
Have a look back through your messages for it but if its gone Transaxe Support should be able to help you link the accounts.
You can message them👊🏻

1 post
+4 votes
Memecoiners Set Themselves on Fire and Get Punched in the Face to Pump Prices
Yeah is where it takes place, you can start a coin there really easily.
![[crypto finance]](
Memecoiners Set Themselves on Fire and Get Punched in the Face to Pump Prices
1 post
+8 votes
Ludwig Wittgenstein: a mind on fire
if he had partied in the dorm with hitler we'd be in a better time line
Ludwig Wittgenstein: a mind on fire
Brahms jammed at his parents house, Hitler was a classmate and young Ludwig wanted to invent the jet engine before he discovered that any proposition that could not be verified as true or false was meaningless.

Imagine young Ludwig would love to poke that cali bud argument apart infront of a warming fire

im sorry but i have to finish this art school application. please don't keep me up all night with the philosophy scheist i really need this.

And then later he realised that the meaning of a word was in its use, hence the idea of 'language games'.

1 post
+5 votes
#3 Open a Direct Ship Parapahanila Shop
What about selling the cheapest paraphernalia, like lighters or grinders with my reference url on it? If i get those for a pound or 3 what kind of pa…

#3 Open a Direct Ship Parapahanila Shop

Smart biggas come here to find out what vape to buy.
Smarter biggas will open a direct ship (middleman in the vernacular of the unenlightened) shop and curate the shniz out of what's out there. Customers will not only appreciate the discussion and community back up, they will love the privacy from the internet-financial complex.
But why is this a referral tip? That's a question for the smartest biggas. They see this for something a Lot Bigger.
Paraphernalia can be promoted and advertised just about anywhere on earth.
People that follow your link will discover LB ("The Moment").
Then every purchase from every single one of them over the next 5 years earns a buck or 2. Consider it a 5 year reverse mortgage on a nice house.
Looking for a partner to help you set up? 4 letters: T-O-D-D.
Smarter biggas will open a direct ship (middleman in the vernacular of the unenlightened) shop and curate the shniz out of what's out there. Customers will not only appreciate the discussion and community back up, they will love the privacy from the internet-financial complex.
But why is this a referral tip? That's a question for the smartest biggas. They see this for something a Lot Bigger.
Paraphernalia can be promoted and advertised just about anywhere on earth.
People that follow your link will discover LB ("The Moment").
Then every purchase from every single one of them over the next 5 years earns a buck or 2. Consider it a 5 year reverse mortgage on a nice house.
Looking for a partner to help you set up? 4 letters: T-O-D-D.

What about selling the cheapest paraphernalia, like lighters or grinders with my reference url on it? If i get those for a pound or 3 what kind of payback do you reckon?

It's easy peezee to get 3 pounds back, the referral income is like that on 1 larger order. And no bigga stops with 1 order so say 30 bucks to you for each person that uses your reference url (my experience is better than this).
So if 1 out of 10 grinder recipients becomes a bigga you have your money back.
If you are distributing them to the right audience you will do a lot better than 1 out of 10.
Distribution is the key, if you are targeting the right crowd could easily sell them at a loss or give them away. You'll have an incredible business here.
This is one of the best ideas i have heard, gl, thanks for sharing.
So if 1 out of 10 grinder recipients becomes a bigga you have your money back.
If you are distributing them to the right audience you will do a lot better than 1 out of 10.
Distribution is the key, if you are targeting the right crowd could easily sell them at a loss or give them away. You'll have an incredible business here.
This is one of the best ideas i have heard, gl, thanks for sharing.

yes liam, it's going to be cheap and you could give them out in concerts cheaply or anywhere els. the interesting question would be the longevity of the lighters about 50X, i would try both and test. if you need a brother to help you out im here.

Indeed my bigga Indeed lol
I dont wanna pay with my account then have to see your bloody order on my order page for 45days instead of my waiting orders…lol learnt that the hard way when paying Extractor (God Bless that bigga 🙏)
I’ll get a some regular bigga to pay you and I’ll pay him in product.
I’d like to do this the laziest way possible.
I dont wanna pay with my account then have to see your bloody order on my order page for 45days instead of my waiting orders…lol learnt that the hard way when paying Extractor (God Bless that bigga 🙏)
I’ll get a some regular bigga to pay you and I’ll pay him in product.
I’d like to do this the laziest way possible.

1 post
+1.2 votes

Intelligence explained with math – MIT physicist (video)
very cool, thanks

Intelligence explained with math – MIT physicist (video)
This guy is basically agnostic between carbon and silicon.

Tegmark is his mothers birth name which he uses as a pen name. Mr Schapiro is without doubt author of my 2 favorite books. His first book ' Our Mathmatical Universe' is the only book ive ever read twice. Sod global warming for the end of planet earth my money is on 'Death Bubbles'.

2 posts
+14 votes
mechanical work w/ hangover?
started topic
+ 2 more
![[ stoned or unstoned? ]](
mechanical work w/ hangover?
risky yes, even injurious if i fuck up but for a stoner this seems the safer route.

Swapped gearboxes and turbos on the drive with stands baked out my face.
Get in the zone and a bit more cautious + less rage when fighting the rusty bolt on the 1998 scooby 😂
Get in the zone and a bit more cautious + less rage when fighting the rusty bolt on the 1998 scooby 😂

I try not to but sometimes when I’m driving around for work I’m still a little faded, I drive better high but fuck being on country roads etc only takes one slip-up for your life to be over.. not worth it

I get way more into mechanical work this way and as long as I'm not tired everything comes out better.

1 post
+3.5 votes
Almost Immortal: Longevity Escape Velocity
Laugh all you want but this man is a genius that has called every trend in the last 5 decades. He also invented speech recognition and the electronic…

Almost Immortal: Longevity Escape Velocity

If we can extend human life span by 1 year every year we are immortal.

Laugh all you want but this man is a genius that has called every trend in the last 5 decades. He also invented speech recognition and the electronic synthesizer (Kurzweil is still a brand in that space).

1 post
+3 votes

Trying to smoke with a Cold
my experience is that smoking adds days to sickness, edibles w a cbd component subtracts them.

Trying to smoke with a Cold
Don't you just sodding hate it when you have a stinking cold and can't taste or smell your J. What's worse, one doesn't think, oh I'll leave it until im better saving some gear as well but you'll carry on skinning up, waving a lit J under your nose to see if your smell has come back....tell me no one hasnt done that before 😁

my experience is that smoking adds days to sickness, edibles w a cbd component subtracts them.

I think having a cold or the flu is the only time I ever give myself a tolerance break. You know you're over the worst when you can handle a spliff again.

What a disaster yes. In a good way makes your smoke last longer haha. But smelling your neibours whilst you cant smoke yours really hits home lol il probably go and get a cold now saying all this. Bless

1 post
+2 votes
#7 Killa Scrilla from Analog Guerilla
I really like this idea, there's a "high" street near me with 2 head shops and I'm always thinking if only they knew what i knew :)
But I'm…

#7 Killa Scrilla from Analog Guerilla

Back in the day people would use posters, fliers and stickers to promote. Targeting? That was done by hood.
You know a place or 2 where learning about little biggy would make you a missionary sent by God. Put up a few stickers around there with your referral link. Then watch the money pile up anonymously.
You know a place or 2 where learning about little biggy would make you a missionary sent by God. Put up a few stickers around there with your referral link. Then watch the money pile up anonymously.

I really like this idea, there's a "high" street near me with 2 head shops and I'm always thinking if only they knew what i knew :)
But I'm not a graphic artist and I sure don't want to bring this project to one, any ideas?
But I'm not a graphic artist and I sure don't want to bring this project to one, any ideas?

Just post it here there are plenty of graphic artists on littlebiggy i saw a vendor ask for a logo once and he got some cool designs back on his page.

Fiverr is a good cheap option for things like this, just use someone in a different country 👍

Yea it’s in the link. At the moment I’m getting about £20 a month from doing fuck all. Better than nothing 🤷♂️

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+2 votes

Gwern Branwen Interviewed
The Herodotus of the Silk Road!

Gwern Branwen Interviewed
From the darknet to a.i. Gwern has been the internet's most forward thinking intellectual.

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+4 votes
Aldous Huxley on the Antidote to Our Existential Helplessness
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![[human behavior]](
Aldous Huxley on the Antidote to Our Existential Helplessness
"Total awareness opens the way to understanding, and when any given situation is understood, the nature of all reality is made manifest, and the nonsensical utterances of the mystics are seen to be true, or at least as nearly true as it is possible for a verbal expression of the ineffable to be."

2 posts
+13 votes

Best Example of Communism?
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+ 2 more

Best Example of Communism?
some famous fails for sure but what are the success stories they dont tell us about?

Kerala in India has a long history of electing communist party politicians. It has the highest literacy rate and lowest infant mortality in India due to its policies.

I don't think Communism has ever worked as Capitalists are always creaming off the top.
A great book on the subject is Eat The Rich by the US satirist (and huge drug consumer) P.J. O'Rourke. I think his and my politics are probably polar opposites, but you could get fucked up at a party with him and have an amazing time. Anyway, good book. Breaks down all sorts of different political stances, and Good Communism is one chapter, and Bad Communism another. He's a funny guy, but maybe don't consider it as in depth reasoned academic analysis.
Ah, fuck. He died in 2022. No future parties.
A great book on the subject is Eat The Rich by the US satirist (and huge drug consumer) P.J. O'Rourke. I think his and my politics are probably polar opposites, but you could get fucked up at a party with him and have an amazing time. Anyway, good book. Breaks down all sorts of different political stances, and Good Communism is one chapter, and Bad Communism another. He's a funny guy, but maybe don't consider it as in depth reasoned academic analysis.
Ah, fuck. He died in 2022. No future parties.

Come on down voters give me a success story if you don't like the truth?? Bloody Marxists never except that it doesn't work. What ever iteration you can think of it WONT WORK!!!! everyone being the same sucks the fun out of life accept that hard work pays!

I'm not advocating for Communism but our society is full of people grafting their respective genitalia off that are still struggling financially. The idea that hard work pays ( properly) is a idea propagated by people seeking to exploit the labour of others. Nobody should need to claim benefits whilst working full time and yet...
Fwiw, I do advocate for a mixed economy. Nationalised energy, health, water, public transport etc and luxuries at the will of the free market.
Fwiw, I do advocate for a mixed economy. Nationalised energy, health, water, public transport etc and luxuries at the will of the free market.

You shouldn't be allowed to claim any benefits while in full time employment. It's crazy, we are basically subsidising employers who ought to be paying more.

And I hope that, one day, employers decide paying a living wage is more important than ever increasing profits such that in work benefits are no longer necessary. I propose a link between maximum and minimum pay within an organisation. Let's say; no pay ( overall package including bonuses, perks and dividends) higher than 5x the lowest full time salary.

it wouldn't even have to be a regulation, the government does business with so many companies and beneficiaries. if they don't have these multiples in place no people's funds.

employers don't make that call so much as owners do and when the owner is the stock market it's quite blind to anything but profits.
when the owners are the employees this changes priorities.
when the owners are the employees this changes priorities.

"that hard work pays" is often true and the capitalists don't only pontificate this to the masses they teach it to their children. children they practise communism with.

I’m sure there are loads they just don’t teach us about them. Capitalism doesn’t work either does it? Too many greedy pocket filling bastards. We are all the same having money doesn’t make you better than anyone else, the fact you are here spouting this shows what a sad state the world is in 😞

You should look into some unbiased reporting on the soviet Union, and some witness statements from the older generation who lived through it.
You will find that many of them tell you life was better in the USSR, than in post USSR Eastern Europe and Russia. Besides that they were several decades ahead of the west on womens rights and social services.
But like anything good, the Americans bring it down from the inside, or out, USSR, Great Britain, either way. Their media controls the narritive, and communism effects their ability to steal all the money. There is a reason Cinema is oversaturated with anti Communist rhetoric.
I'd honestly rather have the worst communist government, than be America number 2.
You will find that many of them tell you life was better in the USSR, than in post USSR Eastern Europe and Russia. Besides that they were several decades ahead of the west on womens rights and social services.
But like anything good, the Americans bring it down from the inside, or out, USSR, Great Britain, either way. Their media controls the narritive, and communism effects their ability to steal all the money. There is a reason Cinema is oversaturated with anti Communist rhetoric.
I'd honestly rather have the worst communist government, than be America number 2.

Yeah and east germany was the most successful communist country of all, just ask anyone that wasn't killed trying to leave.

i'd settle for being ireland number 0.5 :)
they currently have more than double the uk's gdp per capita
they currently have more than double the uk's gdp per capita

Have you ever listened to Konstantin Kisin? A Jewish family - He moved when he was 9 from the ussr to England at the end of the soviet Union just before the fall. His first hand account of his own life tells a very different story to what you describe.

under capitalism hard work has never paid and never will pay lmfao. communism actually prioritises labour, capitalism is about fat pigs at the top skimming off 99% of the profit we produce for them. do you not find it utterly insane tesco has like 5 different in-house brands with varying prices for essentially the same product? or that having less money means you have to settle for lower quality products that are worse for you and spoil faster?

So, you don't think lifting 4/5ths of the world out of relative poverty can be considered "paying off"?
OK Che, communism good 🤣👌
OK Che, communism good 🤣👌

do you have a source for this? not trying to challenge so much as i would like to learn more about it. maybe there is even a way the community could help.

there are community outreach programs and obviously government funded systems like food banks to help, but the crisis only really exists because the capitalist system is designed that way. we have the resources to end world hunger but it's not economically beneficial so it will never happen
these are sources on food insecurity in the uk for 2023 and 2024:
these are sources on food insecurity in the uk for 2023 and 2024:

food for the hungry is legit and accepts crypto

Does the existence of those children make anything I said less true?
Strawman though. I didn't make a claim that there is no poverty in any country. I think you missed the qualifiers "relative" and "4/5ths" of the world.
I would say, that "starving" inarguably applies to way less than 1 in 5 children in the UK, US or anywhere in the West which makes your point about the ills of capitalism fairly moot in context.
I am no fan of cronyism, and I don't think capitalism is utopia, but it's insane to try and persuade anybody that communism would do better than this.
Thanks for the downvotes. I have over a thousand upvotes and less than 30 down.
Drop me a line next time you are tipping your bathwater into the atalantic. I'll do it too 🤣
Strawman though. I didn't make a claim that there is no poverty in any country. I think you missed the qualifiers "relative" and "4/5ths" of the world.
I would say, that "starving" inarguably applies to way less than 1 in 5 children in the UK, US or anywhere in the West which makes your point about the ills of capitalism fairly moot in context.
I am no fan of cronyism, and I don't think capitalism is utopia, but it's insane to try and persuade anybody that communism would do better than this.
Thanks for the downvotes. I have over a thousand upvotes and less than 30 down.
Drop me a line next time you are tipping your bathwater into the atalantic. I'll do it too 🤣

"I have over a thousand upvotes and less than 30 down"
This is one of the saddest things I've ever read on the internet xD
This is one of the saddest things I've ever read on the internet xD

You stop your quotations at an expedient place. If you would have been less disingenuous about your framing, you would be honest about the fact that the reason I said it was to point out that the users who's position I criticised (fairly and civilly) had no reply apart from the futile downvotes, as I was describing.
If I was trying to persuade anybody of anything about me with only what you have entered in your own quotation marks as the context then I'd tend to agree with you. Given that you have totally taken it out of the context it was said (I mean it was clear the previous person was making downvotes vexatiously, in place of an actual cogent argument against what I was saying.
I think you probably know that, but don't care because you disagree with me 🤣 how about tackle me with some argumental substance rather than downvotes.
So, yeah, moot point. Wind your neck in mush.
If I was trying to persuade anybody of anything about me with only what you have entered in your own quotation marks as the context then I'd tend to agree with you. Given that you have totally taken it out of the context it was said (I mean it was clear the previous person was making downvotes vexatiously, in place of an actual cogent argument against what I was saying.
I think you probably know that, but don't care because you disagree with me 🤣 how about tackle me with some argumental substance rather than downvotes.
So, yeah, moot point. Wind your neck in mush.

Ah, the Lords prayer of the troll world.
In other words, you have nothing worth saying because you are too vacuous to argue your way out of the little communist hole you dug 🤣
In other words, you have nothing worth saying because you are too vacuous to argue your way out of the little communist hole you dug 🤣

I came here to say this. Glad someone else knows what's going on.
It's gradual. Socialism is the route to communism. The NHS, which we are all trained from an early age to worship, was one of the first big steps in socialism. Benefits too.
Do you all remember when Richard Madeley of all people called out Susan Michie for being a member of the Communist party? She was a main player in the 'behaviour science' part of the scamdemic. Do you remember how we were all pressured into performing that awful clap for the NHS gesture? That was like something out of North Korea/China, where citizens are softly compelled into worshipping the state - like those obvious crocodile tears that were shed over Kim of N Korea.
Ugh, most people are too close to it to see it but it is ABUNDANTLY clear.
I would recommend anyone to watch Yuri Bezmenovs lecture on how the west gets subverted to Communism. He was a soviet defector who used to subvert countries and bring them into the soviet fold for a living.
It's gradual. Socialism is the route to communism. The NHS, which we are all trained from an early age to worship, was one of the first big steps in socialism. Benefits too.
Do you all remember when Richard Madeley of all people called out Susan Michie for being a member of the Communist party? She was a main player in the 'behaviour science' part of the scamdemic. Do you remember how we were all pressured into performing that awful clap for the NHS gesture? That was like something out of North Korea/China, where citizens are softly compelled into worshipping the state - like those obvious crocodile tears that were shed over Kim of N Korea.
Ugh, most people are too close to it to see it but it is ABUNDANTLY clear.
I would recommend anyone to watch Yuri Bezmenovs lecture on how the west gets subverted to Communism. He was a soviet defector who used to subvert countries and bring them into the soviet fold for a living.

@Chambertin4 I wish we lived in the world you think we live in xD
The rich people who own the media want to push an ideology that stops them being able to hoarde all the wealth? care to explain how that makes sense?
The rich people who own the media want to push an ideology that stops them being able to hoarde all the wealth? care to explain how that makes sense?

German Peasant's War (where the word communism derives), Paris Commune, two Russian revolutions minus the Bolsheviks, Makhnochina, Spanish revolution, German revolution, May 68, etc. etc. etc.
Losing in the first half don't mean the game's over.
Losing in the first half don't mean the game's over.

The only people with positive stories perished in the gulags.
"It was a laugh in the beginning, but things went steeply downhill shortly after."
"It was a laugh in the beginning, but things went steeply downhill shortly after."

I don't think you'll find any. They've tried it and hundreds of millions died. Ok in principle but man's greed quickly takes over.

yeah it's the trickery of it from the knowers side and the sheer gullibility from the mark.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
To the naive person, this quote from Marx sounds like everyone will just pull their own weight for others and everyones needs will be met.
But with the benefit of hindsight, it is clearly a recipe for slave labour/the gulag system where each man is worked to his utmost but only has his basic needs met. Pretty clear with the benefit of hindsight.
There are no luxuries. Worked to the max, as much as your body can stand and in return you are provided a concrete bed, thin blanket and bowl of gruel twice a day. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
To the naive person, this quote from Marx sounds like everyone will just pull their own weight for others and everyones needs will be met.
But with the benefit of hindsight, it is clearly a recipe for slave labour/the gulag system where each man is worked to his utmost but only has his basic needs met. Pretty clear with the benefit of hindsight.
There are no luxuries. Worked to the max, as much as your body can stand and in return you are provided a concrete bed, thin blanket and bowl of gruel twice a day. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Not exactly a success story but interesting fact. There are more cannabis users per capita in Communist North Korea than there are in any other country. They smoke to relieve the pain of living there.

It doesn’t work people become lazy and there will always be those who have and those who have nothing.
Argentina’s current turnaround under Javier Milei from socialist basket case to small state and low interference is what you should be talking about. We don’t need the public sector time to slash it.
We need to get our self respect back relying on the state has made us weak and pathetic.
Argentina’s current turnaround under Javier Milei from socialist basket case to small state and low interference is what you should be talking about. We don’t need the public sector time to slash it.
We need to get our self respect back relying on the state has made us weak and pathetic.

Best example of communism... in the ground... deep in the ground with the devil from whence it came.

yet when everyone looks above and sees devils we know what cycle communism - or now capitalism - is in.

It doesn't work
Never has, never will.
The communists and socialists will tell you that " it just hasn't been done properly"
Problem is, they always need other peoples money to spend...
Never has, never will.
The communists and socialists will tell you that " it just hasn't been done properly"
Problem is, they always need other peoples money to spend...

Communism is inherently tyrannical. History shows that. There aren’t any examples of success for a reason. It goes against the human spirit. Millions more died die to its tyranny than under the Nazis but you never see documentaries on the BBC or Netflix about Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot. Capitalism isn’t perfect by a long way but meritocracy is natural and drives progress. People to an extent sort themselves into roles and structures on natural ability and interest. Socialism just teaches people to rely on the state whilst the state gets to dictate how people think and behave. It’s ideological tyranny on the one extreme and financial exploitation of a liberal society by the few on the other. My grandad was a carpenter and paid his subs to his union for years until he acknowledged the financial and ideological corruption that it was based on.

We are already experiencing communism even in the modern world , it's a hybrid between communism and democracy , based on feelings and personal I , me Happiness and DEI.
Don't work , hand outs , nobody knows what a woman is , men are all monsters and rapists , everyone can be whatever they FEEL , massive division - past remembering - payouts for past events , people split into groups protesting, government is everything - Marxsism 1:1 .
You already have 6 - 7 nations that have fallen fighting for this aspect -
Argentina - down - Saved by Milei
Columbia - down
Venezuela - down
Chile - About to fall
Salvador - Down - But saved by Bukele
Australia - About to fall
USA - About to fall - massive border issues and most cities are walking dead with people zombies being poor and homeless.
UK - about to crash due to importing victimhood across all minorities , brits on mute mode not even saying anything to anyone.
Go woke in a country and your entire society crashes.
Capitalism + Merrit Based society is the only one working.
This has been in the works tho since the 90s - starting with the feminisation of men and masculinisation of women - Split up with your men , you can do whatever you want , then they wake up at 40's with a carrer , no fam and alone crying on Socials crying for a men.
Men - don't react , be soft , toxic masculinity , every reaction has been deemed as something is wrong with you.
Therapy is all processed from the perspective of a woman , so men don't go to that.
Men just kill themselves at some point due to loneliness , women keep talking and talking and move on.
This is where you are at in 2024 in the Western World's
So majority of people need to stop and go back to standards otherwise Societies crash entirely , we see the results Live ongoing
North Korea is the only one truly communist spot ON and it's only because the majority of the population simply wants to live like that , they don't know anything else , never did , not every nation is attracted to this notion of rich , poor ,progress yourself some just want to live like in a big Foster care home totally controlled.
Don't work , hand outs , nobody knows what a woman is , men are all monsters and rapists , everyone can be whatever they FEEL , massive division - past remembering - payouts for past events , people split into groups protesting, government is everything - Marxsism 1:1 .
You already have 6 - 7 nations that have fallen fighting for this aspect -
Argentina - down - Saved by Milei
Columbia - down
Venezuela - down
Chile - About to fall
Salvador - Down - But saved by Bukele
Australia - About to fall
USA - About to fall - massive border issues and most cities are walking dead with people zombies being poor and homeless.
UK - about to crash due to importing victimhood across all minorities , brits on mute mode not even saying anything to anyone.
Go woke in a country and your entire society crashes.
Capitalism + Merrit Based society is the only one working.
This has been in the works tho since the 90s - starting with the feminisation of men and masculinisation of women - Split up with your men , you can do whatever you want , then they wake up at 40's with a carrer , no fam and alone crying on Socials crying for a men.
Men - don't react , be soft , toxic masculinity , every reaction has been deemed as something is wrong with you.
Therapy is all processed from the perspective of a woman , so men don't go to that.
Men just kill themselves at some point due to loneliness , women keep talking and talking and move on.
This is where you are at in 2024 in the Western World's
So majority of people need to stop and go back to standards otherwise Societies crash entirely , we see the results Live ongoing
North Korea is the only one truly communist spot ON and it's only because the majority of the population simply wants to live like that , they don't know anything else , never did , not every nation is attracted to this notion of rich , poor ,progress yourself some just want to live like in a big Foster care home totally controlled.

There has never been one.
Governments, inherently are untrustworthy, the larger they are.
More proclivity to tyranny the smaller they are - which the libertarians are blind to.
There should be a lassez faire way to govern, with a balanced and adequately sized government.
Modern progressives don't like to hear this, but capitalism has lifted the world out of relative poverty, to the extent that nothing that came before it has been more beneficial to both quantity and quality of life.
Necessary evils are all around us. We think if we are selective about the ones we talk about, then the ones we don't want to talk about will disappear for some reason.
Governments, inherently are untrustworthy, the larger they are.
More proclivity to tyranny the smaller they are - which the libertarians are blind to.
There should be a lassez faire way to govern, with a balanced and adequately sized government.
Modern progressives don't like to hear this, but capitalism has lifted the world out of relative poverty, to the extent that nothing that came before it has been more beneficial to both quantity and quality of life.
Necessary evils are all around us. We think if we are selective about the ones we talk about, then the ones we don't want to talk about will disappear for some reason.

1 post
+1.2 votes

Star Wars Outlaws?
started topic
1 post
+1 votes
The Royals Should Pay Slavery Reparations
if they embraced it that would be something

The Royals Should Pay Slavery Reparations

Who among us today:
- stands on the most wealth compounded from past sins?
- are the clearest descendants of those responsible?
- can most afford it?
If there is any credible role for these living vestiges of the past it is to account for it.
- stands on the most wealth compounded from past sins?
- are the clearest descendants of those responsible?
- can most afford it?
If there is any credible role for these living vestiges of the past it is to account for it.

Would be the smartest thing they could do, what they fuck are they doing otherwise - besides providing testimony to inequality?

England outlawed slavery in the 19th century and actively fought and stopped those that were in the business of slavery.
Back in the day it wasn't like there was one country enslaving another, it was a world wide business and England stood up to the world to stop it. England has already had it's anti-slavery moment, it took place over a hundred years ago and since then we have been against it.
There were African tribes capturing and selling people to slavers, do you want them to pay as well, and who do you want them to pay?
The Chinese and Persians also took slaves from Africa, they castrated them.
Pulling down statues and washing over history is going to do more to help people to forget that it ever happened, we should leave the statues up and educate people so that we know to never ever let it happen again.
Taking away someone's freedom without reason and trading in people's misery is about as bad as it gets and I repeat, we should never let it happen again. Pulling down statues is another step in the direction of helping people forget that it ever happened and if we can't learn from the past then we are in danger of repeating it.
Back in the day it wasn't like there was one country enslaving another, it was a world wide business and England stood up to the world to stop it. England has already had it's anti-slavery moment, it took place over a hundred years ago and since then we have been against it.
There were African tribes capturing and selling people to slavers, do you want them to pay as well, and who do you want them to pay?
The Chinese and Persians also took slaves from Africa, they castrated them.
Pulling down statues and washing over history is going to do more to help people to forget that it ever happened, we should leave the statues up and educate people so that we know to never ever let it happen again.
Taking away someone's freedom without reason and trading in people's misery is about as bad as it gets and I repeat, we should never let it happen again. Pulling down statues is another step in the direction of helping people forget that it ever happened and if we can't learn from the past then we are in danger of repeating it.

regardless the royals personally owned slaves and here they still are able to pay up for it.

You idiot, lots of people owned slaves, it was kind of a thing.... Let me guess they also need to pay war reparations to the horses of the light brigades descendants? The fact you buy drugs online rather than work on your mental deficiencies is astonishing.

just wondering how does that 2 wrongs make a right routine work out for you? my experience and that of the history of man is that it's toxic as fuck.

and what about the 1.5 million white slaves taken from europe by africans? dont they count?
or was reading real history too complicated for you? clown.
we abolished slavery while african chiefs were putting cages full of slaves on the beaches waiting for profit.
over 2000 british servicement died fighhting slavers while it was still legal in every other country on earth.
more blacks owned slaves than whites did...and over 90% of slaves in africa died before they reached sdale.
but dont let the truth effect your ill informed media driven propaganda.
or was reading real history too complicated for you? clown.
we abolished slavery while african chiefs were putting cages full of slaves on the beaches waiting for profit.
over 2000 british servicement died fighhting slavers while it was still legal in every other country on earth.
more blacks owned slaves than whites did...and over 90% of slaves in africa died before they reached sdale.
but dont let the truth effect your ill informed media driven propaganda.

Hindsight is twenty twenty, as they say. It is, however, useless when we are aimlessly stumbling through the present moment to survive. I liken the experience to growing older and maturing. If we were to atone for every sin we accumulated through childhood, we'd mostly ALL be skint, black, white, yellow, brown, or rainbow-coloured. If you are always looking back over your shoulder, you'll never look forward.

Can we talk about how our king has done more for equality, against slavery and human trafficking than any African monarch.
The fact you can post this and think "ooo take that Britain" just shows what kind of pathetic warped individual you are, I bet you also agree with "from the river to the sea"
This country is a bastion of human rights, fairness and equality and has been longer than any single country on earth. Posting shit like this just demonstrates not everyone SHOULD have the right to be here.
The fact you can post this and think "ooo take that Britain" just shows what kind of pathetic warped individual you are, I bet you also agree with "from the river to the sea"
This country is a bastion of human rights, fairness and equality and has been longer than any single country on earth. Posting shit like this just demonstrates not everyone SHOULD have the right to be here.

I think you are cleverly proving the point that slavery exists today. It all starts with an arbitrarily chosen ruler and ignorant obedience.

Who should they pay reparations to?
The African countries that are still using their own people as slaves?
The African countries that are still using their own people as slaves?

that would exclude all the descendants of slaves since they were taken away from those countries

Why do descendants deserve anything? Would they move back to Africa now? They probably have a better life where they are.
The Romans enslaved most of Europe but you don't see Europeans begging for a handout from Italy. Same with the Vikings and Denmark.
The Romans enslaved most of Europe but you don't see Europeans begging for a handout from Italy. Same with the Vikings and Denmark.

Actually the remaining institution of Rome is starting to pay up. Windsors should do the same.

Absolute bollocks. Read your own article. It says "Leaders of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States". Nothing to do with Rome. Just a few North Americans virtue signalling

The continent of Africa circa the trans-atlantic slave trade was inhabited by peoples of various tribes and factions who were engaged in perpetual conflict, over resources but also owing to cultural differences. They would each kidnap rivals and enslave them, offering them to the British in exchange for money or goods. The notion that Europeans simply bopped over and ransacked the place and shackled the natives is not just unfounded, it is preposterous. Excursions to Africa were costly, not just in terms of money and resources but also in men. They were mounted with the intention to obtain slaves through trade as this meant less lives (and gunpowder) were lost in the pursuit of their objective, which was to bring slaves back to the continent.
TL:DR African tribes were complicit in the trans-atlantic slave trade
TL:DR African tribes were complicit in the trans-atlantic slave trade

The royals don’t have bank accounts or given any cash so how it would be the firm who are the slave masters of the royals watch Harry’s speech about it they are only allowed direct material items i suppose they can hand out their TVs and shirts off their backs? Do your research.
Nice idea though. If anything it should be the government but then it’s been so long now it’s like getting paid for someone running over your dog it’s not really the same as it never happening in the first place but smart fascism and racism is bigger than ever. And it always stems from the top down never the other way around.
Nice idea though. If anything it should be the government but then it’s been so long now it’s like getting paid for someone running over your dog it’s not really the same as it never happening in the first place but smart fascism and racism is bigger than ever. And it always stems from the top down never the other way around.

in short their finances are
assets: around 1 billion
income from property: 20 million pounds every year
income from each of our pockets: 80 million pounds every year
reckon they can afford something here and still live it up like they like to.
assets: around 1 billion
income from property: 20 million pounds every year
income from each of our pockets: 80 million pounds every year
reckon they can afford something here and still live it up like they like to.

Last comment on this subject from me;) humans are almost clones of each other. For example to apes are always more genetically different than any two humans and they basically do the same in life due to most being born in to similar situations. So it’s very easy to judge people for their mistakes, when if born in the same situation, we may do very similar things. It’s very easy to say how wrong things were and are from the we have everything we need perspective that we look from nowadays in developed countries anyway. Using others for your own gain is wrong imo but if you were born into the Royal family, ask yourself, how vocal about reparations would you be? Peace

I'd be vocal, at least it would be an alternative to the monotoous life of bullshit I'd otherwise be living.

I agree. The problem is Royals follow protocol and listen to their advisers. If they listened to an economist they would use the surplus 18 billion raised in the Chancellor's budget to plug that other black hole.
As soon as former common wealth nations ask for repatriation. Commence operation Bad Enoch. Wealth isn't common.
As soon as former common wealth nations ask for repatriation. Commence operation Bad Enoch. Wealth isn't common.

It wasn’t wrong then though. Say for example your family got wealthy through shares and that got made illegal in the future. Would you say “oh I can’t believe how immoral my family were” and donate all their money to charity and have em out on the street?
Should Italy pay France for using their land for 300 years and killing half the country back in Roman times? Remember you only have the right to be how you are now because your ancestors killing the previous inhabitants and took their land. Are you looking to make reparations to their ancestors?
What I think is the royals should stop getting money from the people. They are basically bums with the best universal credit deal ever!
Should Italy pay France for using their land for 300 years and killing half the country back in Roman times? Remember you only have the right to be how you are now because your ancestors killing the previous inhabitants and took their land. Are you looking to make reparations to their ancestors?
What I think is the royals should stop getting money from the people. They are basically bums with the best universal credit deal ever!

slavery was always wrong, it was cheap and easy and the other guy was doing it but anyone with a conscience is hard wired to know stealing people in chains and imprisoning them for life isnt ok.

Slavery still exists , it’s just changed name to employee. If you are working, it’s for shareholders benefit,

The means of exchange for employment is money. The means of exchange for slavery is the threat of violence. Most humans can see a big difference in this.

uh yeah i think its a little different if you're getting paid for your work and have a choice of employers. different than being kidnapped or bred into a life of hard labour.

this, what we are forced to live, is not slavery as on a cotton plantation, but it still is slavery. best proof is the "distribution of wealth". its just a different kind of slavery. where we are our own slave-drivers haha. it is essentially feudalism and it is becoming digital more and more.

feudalism is very different to slavery, some of our ancestors had the pluck to get out of it and become tradesmen, artisans, even adventurers. today a lot of people are born into fucked circumstance but many more have education and at least a shot.
a slaves life (if they made the journey which murdered a majority of them) was *nothing* like this.
a slaves life (if they made the journey which murdered a majority of them) was *nothing* like this.

You're not forced to work for someone else. It's your choice and the easy option. There's nothing to stop you starting you own business except gumption and effort.

I won’t write a response because it would take a lot of writing for you to see the similarities. Just ask yourself though. How much of your life is for you? Why did you get sent to school? Can you roam about freely? How many of us are stuck in a job , just so we can pay the bills? Who is benefiting from your consumption? Are you doing what you want to be doing or are you enriching someone else’s life by working hard? What does that sound like? Peace;)

it sounds nothing like moral equivalence, not by orders of magnitude. it also sounds like a response, just a very weak one.

Well I hope you eventually find some level of peace and a way to deal with the reality of life now and our shared history for your future sanity;) take care

Not really. I mean it , truly. Why haven’t I downvoted a single post of yours? Because I feel for your tormented minds

Tribal elders fought and captured other tribe members and sold them to Europeans its still practiced today so go point the finger straight back and ask them

"It wasn’t wrong then though." Cue modern day comparison. You are so uninformed it's actually a bit sad but more proper cringe tbh.

Yes I am the sad one. I’m not the one whining about how wealthy others have been 100’s and thousands of years ago by following the laws of their time. Whining about others is just a deflection from your own faults;) try thinking about what you can do now to make the world a better place, not whining about history. Also now the black people who are descendants of slaves don’t seem to want to go back to live in the country of their genetic heritage, right? I wonder why;)

Who's been whining? Me (no) or some other or every single Black person? And why on earth would some random U.S/U.K Black dude "want to go back to live in the country of their genetic heritage". What planet are you living in? A very white one, I imagine.

Only because my grandparents had to flee out of their country due to they would of been killed . Also stripped of their lands / money and I am not asking for reparations from anyone. Just saying

Right. And so do you want to "go back to live in the country of YOUR genetic heritage"? Or do you think that question doesn't apply bc you're White? I think that's the road you're going down here, isn't it? Assuming it's WWII, there's really no Nazi's left for you to claim reparations from, is there? If your Grandparents are from the middle east, then reparations are for the regime of that time and place whether current or not. BTW I think any Black person claiming reparations is an attention seeking fool, usually found on the end of a megaphone dictating the new world order to a bunch of (majority) white middle class uni students basically out on a day-trip with banners like "white privilege is real" and "eggs are a chickens period!".
You can see through the bullshit w/o being bias. Just saying
You can see through the bullshit w/o being bias. Just saying

Straight out the gate. Chill, Raj, or your banner with all its bullet points of what White Privilege is may get damaged. Simply put, because I'm White, have grown up with Black friends with more advantages and privileges than me. I've lived in council estates all over the UK, some of which I'm the minority. The only ppl that seem to scream white privilege are Americans and UK white middle-upper class angry women, who are without a shadow of a doubt; PRIVILEGED. Same colour as me, but worlds apart. It's that simple. Don't try and tell me I've had more advantages and not used them, w/o knowing the first thing about me - just that I'm white and therefore privileged? Is that the sum of the profiling, Raj?

" just that I'm white and therefore privileged? Is that the sum of the profiling"
Yes. That's what white privilege means.
We don't need to know anything about you, all other things being equal, you're better off than your black neighbour.
Yes. That's what white privilege means.
We don't need to know anything about you, all other things being equal, you're better off than your black neighbour.

"We don't need to know anything about you". Who is "we" on this occasion? Just so I'm on the same page..

Well there's some irony spelled out and still not clicking. Figures. Lovely bit of sanctimony btw, PieBoi. Props.

Sanctimony? Irony?
I'm not making a judgement, I'm explaining what's meant by the term.
White Privilege does not mean the least privileged white person is still better off than every black person, which is what you're railing against.
It means wherever you are and whatever you're doing, a black person in the same position has fewer opportunities than a white person.
A white doctor gets paid more than a black one.
A white police officer has more opportunities for promotion than a black one. That kind of thing.
I'm not making a judgement, I'm explaining what's meant by the term.
White Privilege does not mean the least privileged white person is still better off than every black person, which is what you're railing against.
It means wherever you are and whatever you're doing, a black person in the same position has fewer opportunities than a white person.
A white doctor gets paid more than a black one.
A white police officer has more opportunities for promotion than a black one. That kind of thing.

"I'm not making a judgement". It's the only thing you have done.
"It means wherever you are and whatever you're doing, a black person in the same position has fewer opportunities than a white person."
You sound like the kind of person that really over emphasises the "awwww THANK YOU" whenever you buy anything from a bus ticket to a house off anyone Black.
Your quote is pretty much the banner I mentioned above (when everything you've described is pay disparities within 2 industries that by-and-large have Black top-dogs, just like Obama). Look I'm bored of this I feel like you look like a really angry Velma Dinkley at this point no offence. Bye.
"It means wherever you are and whatever you're doing, a black person in the same position has fewer opportunities than a white person."
You sound like the kind of person that really over emphasises the "awwww THANK YOU" whenever you buy anything from a bus ticket to a house off anyone Black.
Your quote is pretty much the banner I mentioned above (when everything you've described is pay disparities within 2 industries that by-and-large have Black top-dogs, just like Obama). Look I'm bored of this I feel like you look like a really angry Velma Dinkley at this point no offence. Bye.

Haha I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, but never that.
You misunderstood me, I hate this moderation of language as much as you do.
I’d much rather racists are allowed to be as clear as you are, then we all know where we stand.
Peace be upon you.
You misunderstood me, I hate this moderation of language as much as you do.
I’d much rather racists are allowed to be as clear as you are, then we all know where we stand.
Peace be upon you.

"I’d much rather racists/then we know where we stand". I hope you're not including me in that. I'm currently the only white dude in a house of 5 so that's me homeless. But I know my views are of my own. I have a Chinese boss and White people wince when I do a perfect impression of him. That's me. No malice or hate. You raised some valid points and I'm digging my heels in. Props for taking the digs on the chin. Peace.

It's about being honest and checking yourself. I would like to add my thoughts on UK (not US!) white privilege are pretty much summed up here by Kemi Badenoch. It used to be called a "pond" (Atlantic), but since social media breaking borders it hardly feels that anymore.

you just said white privilege is real in other classes.
don't doubt you get a pass when class distinctions are bigger than race.
don't doubt you get a pass when class distinctions are bigger than race.

Wow! This reply is literally from weeks ago, and you think I wrote what now? Raj you are so off course, it's like some Jake Paul 4+4=5 conclusion. You've reached new levels of dumb digging for the ever elusive reasons you're not smart enough to be a dentist. Honestly I think it's kinds cool. You should get a podcast and enlighten all your friends. Ciao4now, bud.

fair enough and i would probably feel the same from that perspective but what you are missing is the punitive damages aspect of the liability.
at a time when the world is turning more separatist and fascist it's especially valuable to know that shit like that is held accountable for ever.
at a time when the world is turning more separatist and fascist it's especially valuable to know that shit like that is held accountable for ever.

2 posts
+6 votes
Worst song ever? And why... GO!
we mean it man
+ 2 more
Anything by Elton John fucking hate the cunt and his music, my wife ruined my Xmas day few years back by telling me a gay singer i didnt like had died.
I was so exited then she told me it was George Michael and i was gutted.
I was so exited then she told me it was George Michael and i was gutted.

and i feel better about myself, you know plotting his murder and all. george michael on the other hand was a genius and worth a quickie in the facility of his choosing

Hahahaha, I actually like Elton, well as much as a straight man can but that made me laugh man.

Tiny Dancer and Rocket Man are OK songs. Other than that Elton John is soooooo overrated.

Fairground simply red, gives me violent thoughts of grabbing mick by his flowing red curls and bouncing his head of every hard surface available. Total pissflap

Yeah anything by Simply Red can give me Forrest Whittaker eye but Fairground is especially bad

And imagine being called Eileen when it came on down the pub back in the day…. Poor cow needed 3 packs of baby wipes.

Too many but Will Smith - Wild Wild West has got to be up there surely. It’s like some record execs put a gun to his head and said ‘Dance bitch!’

Do you think they did it again to willow ? I whip my hair even for a 13 year old was fucking awful

that movie had so much going for it and they still blew it, would make a better series than a lot of shit

Nothing Compares to You by Sinead Depressing Cunt O'Connor that song has the warmth and charm of a dead Rat lying next to a used Tampon.

That Barbie girl tune, need I say why! Lol
And the “grandma I love you” tune, showing my age! Lol
And the “grandma I love you” tune, showing my age! Lol

Ok you win… The grandma I love you song was fucking horrendous, then they felt the need to create the sequel… Grandpa I love you… I mean we got the message the first time.

Lol. She is a liar too, when that Leo chap drowned in the ice, his heart certainly didn’t go on….

Watch this with your sound on, and I think you will agree no further explanation is required.

Bruno Mars.
"When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are"
My question is - how many faces did he previously change to suit his needs. He's amazed he found someone who's face doesn't need rearranging. This man is a psycho folks.
"When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are"
My question is - how many faces did he previously change to suit his needs. He's amazed he found someone who's face doesn't need rearranging. This man is a psycho folks.

Keane - Bedshaped.
Stupid, depressing lyrics that make no sense at all.
Bedshaped? That'll be a bed then...
I hate it because it reminds me of the two weeks I spent crawling around a 20 inch deep subfloor void for 8 hours a day, doing timber treatments on a huge old house.
That shit was on the radio every 20 mins for the whole time we were there.
Scarred me 🙉
Stupid, depressing lyrics that make no sense at all.
Bedshaped? That'll be a bed then...
I hate it because it reminds me of the two weeks I spent crawling around a 20 inch deep subfloor void for 8 hours a day, doing timber treatments on a huge old house.
That shit was on the radio every 20 mins for the whole time we were there.
Scarred me 🙉

Steppin' Out by Joe Jackson. Ain't rock, ain't disco, can't dance to it without looking like Steve Martin doing a retarded dance.

Anything by/from:
Engelbert Humperdinck
The "Top 20"
Status Quo
--- all should be banned as Weapons of Mass Destruction of the ear'oles
Engelbert Humperdinck
The "Top 20"
Status Quo
--- all should be banned as Weapons of Mass Destruction of the ear'oles

If you really want a contender for worst song, you need to listen to Taylor Swift Gorgeous. The song composition and the lyrics seem like they were written by a child.

Also majority of her songs. She did a cover of September by earth wind and fire that haunts me... She turned funk into folk what the actual fuck.

hahaha.. funny to see Zeppelin here because it did occur to me too . Seems like everybody has to adore their music :P

I forgot all about this,Hey plenty of Zepp stuff is fine but that song really gets my goat the first time i heard it i never knew who it was my missus had been putting cd's in the laptop and they kept getting synched to my ipod it came on random one day and i just went wtf is this shit before looking who it was, it sounds to me like a holiday camp band doing reggae.

All musicians steal mate and say they were inspired. A lot of that era were the same. Keith Richards does it. Don’t think that takes away from them as musicians.

Cool, mine too. Sometimes I feel like the great Alan in your photo speaking to younger people. AHA. I was sick with laughter when he got hit with a cow. Steve coogans characters are genius. All the way back to the calf family

as a punk i was always compelled to hate led zep, it was a mistake, i still hate most classic rock still (with merit now) but these guys were really in a class by themselves.

I’m too nice to downvote as maybe that’s how you feel but seriously? The band who gave us in my time of dying can never be fuckin awful.

1 post
+4 votes

The Heartbreaking Story of Nate Dogg
9 kids is this a hip hop record?
RIP. Music and me, is a fantastic album. It brings back memories of burning around the back lanes in my mate’s corsa. “All dogs go to heaven.” Beautiful tribute.

1 post
+8 votes
It was Elton John's 150th birthday and I had nothing to wear...
did i hate him when he was still an organic? sure, but the rhythm of his new brain was spectacular and when he did 10 years as a centenarian for killi…
did i hate him when he was still an organic? sure, but the rhythm of his new brain was spectacular and when he did 10 years as a centenarian for killing lionel ritchie we all gave him props.

then suddenly i saw it, a corsett shaped like a pinball machine, i couldnt believe it the flippers were working dildos.

So what decided on designing a sequin outfit, after days and days of hard work I show up to his party. I then remembered that Elton John had an altered personality due to all of the children’s blood he drank in order to keep alive so long.
He looked at me, triggered from his past, seeing the sequins sparkling something triggers in his brain….
He starts to decompose in front of my eyes. In all his hate he remembered being alive sucked and started to disintegrate.
After watching him disintegrate I start realising it was all a dream…. I start coming around.
I see a sequin top on the floor, I am like “da fuck”, I roll over in bed to find Avid Merrion in his Elton John mask looking at me directly in the eyes and shouts “fuck off or i will bum you”
He looked at me, triggered from his past, seeing the sequins sparkling something triggers in his brain….
He starts to decompose in front of my eyes. In all his hate he remembered being alive sucked and started to disintegrate.
After watching him disintegrate I start realising it was all a dream…. I start coming around.
I see a sequin top on the floor, I am like “da fuck”, I roll over in bed to find Avid Merrion in his Elton John mask looking at me directly in the eyes and shouts “fuck off or i will bum you”

will the real elton john please stand up? i thought then i get out of the bed, micheal and latoya jr still lying besides me the sequin eyemask drops to the floor and the 15,876,238th remix starts, thank god i cant tell what song started any of this.

3 posts
+12 votes
Can someone tell me why Americans think guns are the definition of freedom?
no biggz, that's the virgin islands, an unincorporated territory of a few hundred meters.
+ 3 more

Can someone tell me why Americans think guns are the definition of freedom?
Americans are happy to devote decades of their lives to supporting an overseas war machine as they gobble up jingoistic bullshit in their media.
They are taxed and regulated as mush as socialist countries but get little benefits in return, all the while being spied on to a standard that would make the Gestapo proud.
They are fine with all of this damage to their liberty as long as they keep their guns, is this just some kind of penis fixation?
They are taxed and regulated as mush as socialist countries but get little benefits in return, all the while being spied on to a standard that would make the Gestapo proud.
They are fine with all of this damage to their liberty as long as they keep their guns, is this just some kind of penis fixation?

I don't expect many to understand, and it's not something you can relate to unless you've walked a similar path,but... during my traveling work days, I experienced more than once the need to carry a firearm.
permitted to carry concealed, allowed me the chance to go back home and see my family again.
you are entitled free speech and your freedom of views, just remember, the crime or bad folks don't follow ANY rules and could care less about your politics. take away the good man's right to protect himself, and become their next target, as security is just a word.
(understand that police have NO obigation to protect you or your family, they strictly uphold the law...)
permitted to carry concealed, allowed me the chance to go back home and see my family again.
you are entitled free speech and your freedom of views, just remember, the crime or bad folks don't follow ANY rules and could care less about your politics. take away the good man's right to protect himself, and become their next target, as security is just a word.
(understand that police have NO obigation to protect you or your family, they strictly uphold the law...)

You make a fine point but the statistics don’t lie. A developed country shouldn’t be 4th on a list with these others.
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Murder Rates (per 100k people) in 2017:*
El Salvador (61.7)
Honduras (41.0)
Venezuela (49.9)
United States Virgin Islands (49.3 [2012 data])
Jamaica (56.4)
Lesotho (43.6 [[2016 data]] per 100k people)
Belize (37.8)
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (36.5 [2016 data])
Saint Kitts And Nevis (36.1 [2012 data])
South Africa (35.7)
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Murder Rates (per 100k people) in 2017:*
El Salvador (61.7)
Honduras (41.0)
Venezuela (49.9)
United States Virgin Islands (49.3 [2012 data])
Jamaica (56.4)
Lesotho (43.6 [[2016 data]] per 100k people)
Belize (37.8)
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (36.5 [2016 data])
Saint Kitts And Nevis (36.1 [2012 data])
South Africa (35.7)

no biggz, that's the virgin islands, an unincorporated territory of a few hundred meters.

USA are #64 in World rankings for intentional homicides/100k people

Because freedom is only delivered through the end of a gun (unfortunately)
And if you don’t have a gun someone with a gun will take your freedom away
The only part of history you can guarantee is true freedom comes at the end of a sword/gun
And if you don’t have a gun someone with a gun will take your freedom away
The only part of history you can guarantee is true freedom comes at the end of a sword/gun

i don't think the american colonies outgunned england and i'm sure that's not how it went down in india or in the 1990s in eastern europe.
freedom is obtained through will and persistence like a lot of things around this earth.
freedom is obtained through will and persistence like a lot of things around this earth.

This is it, no tyrannical regime, dictator, kings or queens taking the piss were ever overthrown through mediation and peaceful actions, fire meets fire literally.

I'll go with the penis fixation. I don't own a gun - don't want one - guns are for killing. It's the second amendment in the American Bible, er, "Bill of Rights". Funny thing is that the pro-life people are usually pro-gun. Just doesn't make sense.

Guns do not kill... the person using it KILLS... I use them to kill clay pigeons. and just imagine it's someone i hate. lol ;)

By that reasoning the murder rate in the likes of El Salvador, Honduras etc. is purely down to the types of people that live there and not to the availability of guns. Obviously incorrect. You need someone willing to kill AND a gun to shoot someone dead.

I am not black but I am a 6'5' 300+ pound white mail. when I get out of my car I have yet seen my public servent have his on his gun when he see's me. I have never been shot , but I have been scared you never know when They might get scared and shoot. I am always as helpful and curtice I can makke cause I want to live and pissing of armed cops is not a healthy way to live. When they start treating you like shit , remember it will you a lot more then it will him.

Not saying you're fat but it's interesting that fat white dudes are credible rappers and also eyed by the police like black dudes.

No one can grant anyone rights, unless we agree that they can. Plenty folks will tell you you're not free unless unless always unless. You are free if you say you are. And you're not if you're not (royal you, not you you, but yes, also you 😜). You can be in a prison cell and be totally free. You can be a rich fat white cunt with acres of land and be completely imprisoned. It's in the mind. Sure, there may well be folks who contest your freedom, tell you you're not free, tell you you must this and you mustn't that if you want your "rights" intact. Nonsense. There, that's my two penny's (or cents, since the topic started in the US) spent and I'm skint for the night.

They didn’t. Our rights are God given and they are inalienable. The Bill of Rights protects them, or at least that’s how it’s supposed to work.

I’m not trying to start something here but I really want to understand how these rights are God given. Can you explain?

That’s ok. We are born free and we are born with certain God given rights, which are inalienable. This is just the way it is, like having a right to clean drinking water. We have the right to protect ourselves and our property. In the UK we still have the right to bear arms, but it has been hidden from us using legislation and obfuscation. Most people don’t understand that they are supposed to be free, so they put up with buffoons and paedo Freemasons dictating what they can and can’t do. This is one of the reasons why we pay income tax, which is unlawful but not illegal. The law is simple: No loss, no harm, no injury, no fraud.

Straw man stuff really opened my mind a good decade ago. The financial system is a good place to begin ones journey back into realising one was always free and one just didn't know it. Look at me, getting all queenly with the "ones". Did you say freemasons? 😉

Thanks for the response Camber I appreciate it but I’m still struggling with the God given bit. It’s not as if Moses came down from the mountain with a commandment saying Americans can have AR15s. I don’t mean to sound flippant I just don’t understand it

That’s ok, you’re not coming across as flippant.
“God given” is simply a term. It applies to atheists as well. Try to understand what it means to be born a free man. Eg: Monetisation of another man’s labour, without his consent, is slavery and it is unlawful. So why do we pay income tax? Did you consent to this?
The Founding Fathers were Christians, hence ‘God given’ Replace ‘God given’ with ‘pre-existing’
“God given” is simply a term. It applies to atheists as well. Try to understand what it means to be born a free man. Eg: Monetisation of another man’s labour, without his consent, is slavery and it is unlawful. So why do we pay income tax? Did you consent to this?
The Founding Fathers were Christians, hence ‘God given’ Replace ‘God given’ with ‘pre-existing’

It was a rural place and hunting was very common. If you start from that perspective and then think of the government coming in and taking the guns away you start to understand.

Not being American but my take on it is simply history, god made men Samuel Colt made all men equal… You can hunt so can provide for yourself and your family, you can defend yourself and your family from threats, and I guess Homer said it best with ‘If You Don't Have A Gun, The King Of England Can Just Walk In Here And Shove You Around’ And for Americans it was true, it’s the reason they were free, the gun. I think the vast majority of people would agree if there were NO guns then the world would be a better place, BUT if bad guys, police, army have guns and you don’t then you’re simply powerless to anyones will. So if they have guns yeah I also want a gun.

I could be wrong but I’m sure the law to carry guns came into action as to kill Indians as white man was expanding in America.?

It’s a national identity! They feel they wouldn’t be Americans without the ability to kill somebody instantly.

1. The Wild West is recent history in a young nation and was really really wild. Ditto the Civil War.
2. Hollywood is real. The good guy always shoots the bad guy. (With armed private citizens this is hardly ever the outcome, but who cares about reality?)
3. A lot of yanks are cunts?
2. Hollywood is real. The good guy always shoots the bad guy. (With armed private citizens this is hardly ever the outcome, but who cares about reality?)
3. A lot of yanks are cunts?

The right to bear arms is to shoot the British, not the Indians. The theory is if everyone has guns, the government can't be oppressive and tyrannical. In practice, however, you just end up with gut-shot schoolkids. Guns are fun though tbf

They need their guns lots of wild animals running about on two legs out their nuts on prescription drugs with guns.
Vicious circle where the usual suspects make lots of cash from social chaos and scaring the population.
Man you would think we would be over all this crap by now smh
Vicious circle where the usual suspects make lots of cash from social chaos and scaring the population.
Man you would think we would be over all this crap by now smh

It might be useful to differentiate the American people and American foreign policy. It seems you have conflated the two, whereas looking at the American people and domestic policy might yield better results. Guns are completely illegal in China and as we all know, China is one of the most liberated places to live on the planet! The second amendment in the US was created to provide a constitutional check on congressional power was as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to oppression. My family live in the USA and right now, gun ownership is anything from a penis fixation, it's security and peace of mind. I would rather get shot than stabbed any day of the week. Knife crime is equally as concerning in my book.

I'm hoping that you picked up the sarcasm in my 'China is liberated' comment. Reading it back, it doesn't come across too clearly.

hear ya my friend. thought i was doing the same ;) with your comment. i read it both ways (with/without sarcasm) I wouldn't criticise either. just own my private thoughts lol. stay as safe as this "Pandemic" will let you. Gaz

No, the founding fathers recognised the likely leadership America was likely to get would be those psychopaths you identify - a neolib psychopathic war machine at the helm. Without the right to bear arms, the citizens of the US would be unable to defend themselves against these psychos in control. Have you not noticed that the MSM (totally controlled by the same psychos) is relentlessly pushing for "gun control" - can you not see their agenda here? To disarm the citizens of the US would be to disarm all potential opposition to these globalist psychopaths in their pursuit of a NWO, hence the relentless media to demonize gun ownership. Are you are aware that you are statistically more likely to die from an unprovoked knife wound in London than you are to die from an "unprovoked" gun shooting in the US?

3 posts
+9 votes
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire
started topic
+ 3 more
Somebody told me tropic thunder was shit too. It wasn't though.
I find other people's film reviews, generally unhelpful.
3 word ones are pointless.
The film has clearly been better received than Afterlife.
I find other people's film reviews, generally unhelpful.
3 word ones are pointless.
The film has clearly been better received than Afterlife.

Blasphemy. I thought it had more comedy and laughs than any of the previous instalments combined apart from the original. One scene in particular had almost the entire theatre literally on the floor with laughter (no spoilers!).

thanks you menace appreciate the precise reference bigga.
yes a cupla minutes with bill murray helps but tell me you didnt see the deja vu joke coming.
yes a cupla minutes with bill murray helps but tell me you didnt see the deja vu joke coming.

1 post
+5 votes
network state citizens share their experiences
started topic
![[crypto freedom]](
network state citizens share their experiences
the author interviewed 36 people belonging to 61 network states

2 posts
+15 votes

Capitalism: what alternatives haven't we tried?
started topic
+ 2 more

Capitalism: what alternatives haven't we tried?
So many failed communist and socialist experiments in the last century and the greatest success of this century is freer markets in China.
Late stage capitalism sucks but what else is there and please don't ask me to trust late stage governments.
Late stage capitalism sucks but what else is there and please don't ask me to trust late stage governments.

Why does it always have to fall under some strict labels that are always massive trigger words for certain people
can we just not label it anything and just fucking make logical decisions that are in the best interest of everyone instead of a few, fuck the strict criteria and labels
Carl saying "I don't know what a socialist is" at the start of the video is every conversation i've had about this with friends or other people, always try to immediately label me something and condense my views into a single word that they can then label me with
can we just not label it anything and just fucking make logical decisions that are in the best interest of everyone instead of a few, fuck the strict criteria and labels
Carl saying "I don't know what a socialist is" at the start of the video is every conversation i've had about this with friends or other people, always try to immediately label me something and condense my views into a single word that they can then label me with

Feudalism is many times older than capitalism, and ordained by God. Still fell like a sack of shit.
It'll have a different name and iconography but communism still the only alternative. Just no leaders, no parties, no states, max automation.
It'll have a different name and iconography but communism still the only alternative. Just no leaders, no parties, no states, max automation.

Communism fails by the idea of implementation of communism - Don't you think that someone still needs to make sure that its enforced ... Thereby creating back parties, leaders, States and Hierarchies of governing ..... I am not sure but its just a thought.
Sorry did not mean to intervene.
Sorry did not mean to intervene.

i think this is the potential of decentralisation. it's not perfect but bitcoin has no enforcer but code.

The soviet in the tongue in cheek Soviet Union, means workers' councils. One person, one vote, with an elected delegate representing that be recalled anytime. One council for each workplace, and so on, all the way up. By function, it'd preclude states, parties or leaders.

capitalism is an economic system, and an excellent one at that. it is not, however, a political, philosophical or ethical system. adam smith himself pointed out that without temper from (for him, christian) ethics it would become monstrous. obviously, nobody believes any of that hypocritical, puerile (christian) shite anymore, but that is what needs replacing - the moral component. hard right ideologues that think the market knows best, and that money is some sort of god to be worshipped are stupid shits, and have been shown to be. they have fucked up everything they have touched and only crazy frightened old people don't see that. do not forget, though that socialists have not just fucked up everything they have touched, they have murdered, oppressed and starved people in ways that ghengis khan would have been ashamed of. capitalism will work fine once we all realise that being richer than everyone else is a mug's game and does not make you happy. we all just need to get by and look after each other, and i think we'll find that if that's what we want to use it for, capitalism's actually pretty good for purpose. this is all happening anyway, you don't need to do anything. how much shit gets fucked up in the meantime by greedy stupid dickheads who think enumerated economic success is any measure of anything other than what a selfish worthless shit you're prepared to be, or that it will ever make anyone actually happy, well, we'll see. in the meantime, live your life and stop trying to find something easy to blame for what's wrong with it. politicians will not save us, maybe if we stop asking them to they'll go back to doing their actual jobs (running the civil service, justice system and defence) and stop fucking everything up instead. maybe if we all stop glorifying the wealthy and powerful, they'll stop even being arsed to be wealthy and powerful (i mean, it looks like a fucking nightmare to me - why the fuck would you bother if you weren't being egged on the whole time and told that it's the only way anyone matters) and we can all just get on with looking out for each other and fostering the sorts of communities that actually do make people happy. it won't happen overnight, and it won't fix everything, but it won't happen at all if we keep expecting miracles and keep trying to tear down everything that lets us live better than people ever have. capitalism does not suck, it where all of our prosperity and freedom comes from, it is why we are not living in the squalor, violence and oppression of the middle ages any more - stop trying to tear it down, just live better, take moral responsibilty for your own life and we will all have the moral high ground to shame people who accumulate wealth and power beyond what is healthy. eventually. in about 4026. if we do not all burn or starve first. there isn't really an alternative, though... and, i mean you can order weed on the fucking internet these days!!! whaddya want out of life???

"and, i mean you can order weed on the fucking internet these days!!! whaddya want out of life??" yeah exactly wtf is wrong with people lol

Capitalism inherently involves exploiting others for profit. Adding moral considerations alone doesn’t address this fundamental issue. Such changes would transform the system into something that isn’t capitalism.

Start building guillotine napping stations for all billionaires to have a nice lil lay down, acquire and distribute the hoarded resources. Job done. EDIT: to highlight i am being deliberately OTT btw n not literally advocating mass execution. but it does feel like this whole system needs an overhaul, crazy how much the top 1% has hoarded compared to the rest of the world 🤷♂️ how is that just?

"distribute the hoarded resources" exactly, it really is wealth hoarding. Just make wealth cap, a big one $300M... How many fucking yachts do you need, how many houses...etc. Once your wonderful business acumen took you to cap level you get a medal, respect and you go onto super wall of best humans ie elite celebrities and your additional profits get distributed to less fortunate who we're not lucky to be born smart or healthy or rich or whatever.. It's just life lottery most the time nothing to do with your efforts.. Your success can not be justified.. You don't choose your genes... Is there really good argument against wealth cap?

not much of the rich's wealth is in luxury items. it's mostly capital for production.

We need to try to start standing up for what is right and see through what the political elites are implementing all over Europe.
Between the Bilderberg group and the likes of George Soros who funds all the chaos and gets very rich from the volatility that is creates in the markets.
Every time there is a major problem all the government does is rush in new laws to clamp us down even more, they are not interested in harmony it does not fit there narrative they like to divide and conquer and keep us in small groups as we are easier to control.
The Catholic church is taking it up the Gary glitter also along with the Church of England who are just as bad all whilst the UN seems to be building an army in Europe.
This is a by proxy war we are in and it is only going to get worse from here the only way we can stop this is by all standing together as humans and taking on this tyranny.
There are people being found frozen to death in cars in the UK at the moment , big groups of people living in tents in the woods right now ffs!!.
There is an evil agenda at play that these sick inbreed elites are trying to hide from us all and unless we all stand together we are all going to get screwed even more.
We would rather watch sky sports and fuck about on FB and Insta than get off out backsides and do what is right.
The whole thing stinks and needs to be called out and stop calling people racist for pointing out the truth.
Between the Bilderberg group and the likes of George Soros who funds all the chaos and gets very rich from the volatility that is creates in the markets.
Every time there is a major problem all the government does is rush in new laws to clamp us down even more, they are not interested in harmony it does not fit there narrative they like to divide and conquer and keep us in small groups as we are easier to control.
The Catholic church is taking it up the Gary glitter also along with the Church of England who are just as bad all whilst the UN seems to be building an army in Europe.
This is a by proxy war we are in and it is only going to get worse from here the only way we can stop this is by all standing together as humans and taking on this tyranny.
There are people being found frozen to death in cars in the UK at the moment , big groups of people living in tents in the woods right now ffs!!.
There is an evil agenda at play that these sick inbreed elites are trying to hide from us all and unless we all stand together we are all going to get screwed even more.
We would rather watch sky sports and fuck about on FB and Insta than get off out backsides and do what is right.
The whole thing stinks and needs to be called out and stop calling people racist for pointing out the truth.

1 post
+4 votes
She called 911 to report $30 of stolen weed. She wishes she hadn't
Cops are always playing you out, especially when they are acting casual or friendly.

She called 911 to report $30 of stolen weed. She wishes she hadn't

Stay safe biggas!

Cops are always playing you out, especially when they are acting casual or friendly.

Calling the cops when you’re stoned because you find your grinder is suddenly empty….not the brightest star in the sky bless her…

1 post
+1 votes

Jimmy Boco
Top tunes, any genre … Go!
Thanks man, I got back in to reggae in big way in the last year or two. Just going to check your tunes out now 👽

there's just something about reggae isn't there It's real shit, not fake all about love and peace hell yeah

100%. There’s so much of it too, so many sub genres and shit. I don’t pretend to know them all like but I’m here for it

Ren - can’t get enough of him and he is from my island

Have this on vinyl , brilliant album , also not sure if I’m remembering correctly but sure I read that pastor Barrett was a bad man and had his congregation paying for all sorts for him

Salmon Dance by Chemical Brothers.
Good luck getting this one out your head...once there, it takes root :)
Good luck getting this one out your head...once there, it takes root :)

The first time I heard this I was in awe. I can still listen to this on loop while skinning up and/or smoking. The skill is out of this world.
Young MC - Know How
Young MC - Know How

Foo Fighters featuring Led Zeppelin. Sang by the late great Taylor Hawkins.

So, who's heard of Kent? If you have then you're very into indie rock and realised that it didn't die in the early '00s, it just moved to Scandinavia, or, you're Scandinavian. They released 2 albums in both English and in Swedish out of the 10 or so in their catalogue. The talent to carry that off is beyond my comprehension. They filled stadiums and arenas, were of the highest quality of musicianship of anyone practicing their craft, and hardly anyone knows who they are.
Kent - Protection
Kent - Protection

And the same song in Swedish. The lyrics of the English version are nothing like the English translation of the Swedish version for most of their tracks.
Kent - Beskyddaren
Kent - Beskyddaren

1 post
+14.8 votes
buying crypto privately
started topic

buying crypto privately
1 - stay away from major exchanges like coinbase, they share the most data with the most other people
2 - an exchange outside your country is better than an exchange in your country.
3 - peer to peer exchanges are better than centralized exchanges but data saved by the exchange is within the reach of government authorities.
4 - bitcoin atms often only require a telephone number
2 - an exchange outside your country is better than an exchange in your country.
3 - peer to peer exchanges are better than centralized exchanges but data saved by the exchange is within the reach of government authorities.
4 - bitcoin atms often only require a telephone number

Yeah this… Seriously stay away from Coinbase… literally the Govs bitch… Trackong fucking everything, Binance will comply eventually they’ll have to but I don’t think they’ll make it easy like Coinbase did. Coinbase seriously is the anti thesis of crypto.

Up to now have had no issue with coin base, but noticed there seems to be limit on how much btc I can buy each time…more fees….so what are the best alternatives to coin base….

Our post here shows you how to purchase bitcoin without KYC or limits 😊

An independent wallet is essential to privacy. Transfer your coins from the exchange to an onboard wallet like exodus or an online wallet like

yes, exchanges that hold your bitcoins with your identity are part of the global banking system and ultimately control both your funds and data.
you can go even further by mixing your coins so an analysis can not trace them, coinjoin does this.
you can go even further by mixing your coins so an analysis can not trace them, coinjoin does this.

This is true but its noteworthy that some exchanges are bigger rats than others. HTX, KuCoin and MEXC are a bit less cheesy.

Local coin swap is pretty good, its P2P and vendors often don't require any ID verification from you which is nice

Interesting thread something i’ve been thinking about lately is i know obviously your bank can only see that you’ve made a transaction to a crypto exchange they don’t know what your paying for etc so suppose that side is pretty discreet.
The part that concerns me is when when you complete a transaction to LB paybis provides you with a receipt at the end which clearly states that the information contained in the receipt is publicly available on the blockchain, I’ve had a detailed look through it and its mostly number and letters etc but i’m just wondering if any information in the receipt can be tracked back to LB in any way?
Bearing in mind i pay directly and don't use any internediatory wallet. I haven’t had any issues so far or payments being blocked.
The part that concerns me is when when you complete a transaction to LB paybis provides you with a receipt at the end which clearly states that the information contained in the receipt is publicly available on the blockchain, I’ve had a detailed look through it and its mostly number and letters etc but i’m just wondering if any information in the receipt can be tracked back to LB in any way?
Bearing in mind i pay directly and don't use any internediatory wallet. I haven’t had any issues so far or payments being blocked.

6 posts
+40.2 votes

{star trek}
Worst Star Trek Series of All Time?
started topic
+ 6 more
I loved the opener with Klingons on Earth but even then it kept getting dumber with that poor man's Kirk routine from this guy. It seems like he belongs in an old Disney movie playing off a car.

Discovery by a long way for me. It just didn’t feel like Star Trek. Rewatched all of Enterprise recently and it was way better than I remembered.

Really? The 2nd season was annoying as any grade school social propaganda but I thought the 1st season was right up there near the best Trek.

I’m sure I’ll rewatch it in a couple of years and have a fresh perspective. I just couldn’t handle ( forgive me if I’m taking Star Trek too seriously ? )the fact that, fundamentally Star Fleet is military, yes? How did Tilly make it onto a military vessel? Even Reg Berkeley for all his foibles had a semblance of respect for the fact he was on a military mission. I love Joss Whedon’s dialogue and sass but he’s an inappropriate inspiration for Star Trek characters.

A Trekker with some chops, welcome aboard sir. How would you rank Saru? I thought he was better than Data and right under Spock until they destroyed his character in the 2nd season.

saru should be carrying more of the woke issues (he's got several dimensions to work with) and let the humans stop being caricatures.

Can you remember when Enterprise was on channel 4 on a Sunday and if there was a two part one, they would show part one and forget to put part two on the week after!

totally agree. I watched part of discovery with my flatmate who hasn't seen any other trek series, she loves it and i feel nothing for it. I feel like it was made to bring in new fans
might try re watching enterprise but i don't have much hope for that either.
might try re watching enterprise but i don't have much hope for that either.

For me it has to be Enterprise. Even the theme music felt wrong to me. It felt like the cast never really jelled and as a result the whole thing feels flat and disappointing.
Maybe its time to consider re-watching Enterprise? Perhaps it will age like a fine wine! ?
I'm waiting for this thread to descend into a Star Trek vs. Star Wars debate, but we all know there is only one winner....
Live long and prosper ?
Maybe its time to consider re-watching Enterprise? Perhaps it will age like a fine wine! ?
I'm waiting for this thread to descend into a Star Trek vs. Star Wars debate, but we all know there is only one winner....
Live long and prosper ?

No. Don’t bother. It’s dreadfully noughties. Faux jeopardy and bad acting galore. Thank god Firefly came along when it did

Picard. It breaks my heart to say it, but what a huge disappointment. Patrick Stewart was wasted on that tripe.
Discovery has to be a close second it's not terrible but it's not really Trek.
Discovery has to be a close second it's not terrible but it's not really Trek.

That's cheating but hell yes!

Not sure how old this thread is but what are my fellow biggie Trekkies thinking about ‘Strange new worlds’? On Paramount +

Enjoyed voyager except for Tom Paris and his boring holodeck programme. Any episode in which he was the main character were crap but just my opinion !

the latest movies, running the same plot as the wrath of khan but instead of being in their mid 50s...which was the point of the plot...they were like 11..and it made zero sense...see now spock isnt a vulcan at all in his behaviour, he shouts and looses it like a trek is written by retarded 9 year olds most hollywood crap

I kinda loved them it was nice to see a real budget at work, actually saw the 1st one in 4d.

I was going to say DS9 but I actually enjoy the later seasons. The original show was so dated I couldn’t bother to watch it. Enterprise was dire but short lived. Honestly I don’t think trek has bad series... the new films on the other hand ???

1 post
+3 votes
"Realism Is False" David Hoffman
This is interesting, he says that reality is only a thin GUI for the actual universe.
![[simulation theory]](
"Realism Is False" David Hoffman
"I'm trying to start with a theory of consciousness in which consciousness itself is fundamental."

This is interesting, he says that reality is only a thin GUI for the actual universe.

1 post
+6 votes
Lisbon vs Porto?
porto for shuro
Not made it as far up the coast as Porto yet but I really have a love for Lisboa 😍
Beautiful city, architecturally stunning in parts, safe, relaxed and welcoming atmosphere and some not too bad hash 😉
Beautiful city, architecturally stunning in parts, safe, relaxed and welcoming atmosphere and some not too bad hash 😉

Hi mate, sorry don’t have anything sensible to recommend! Hash smoking and street dealing was pretty open in a couple of areas. I got offered a €10 deal from a guy who had a handful of these thin slices of blond hash all bagged up. Was
pretty nice so I got a couple more off him. It was a little sketchy
I’m sure there’s 1000’s of stories of people getting robbed using this same method
pretty nice so I got a couple more off him. It was a little sketchy
I’m sure there’s 1000’s of stories of people getting robbed using this same method

Thanks mate. I managed to get some lovely hash in the end, although had to barter with the guy (tried to sell me what must of been 5gs for 100 Euro's!) I've heard lots of stories of people selling total shite so guess I was fairly lucky in the end :)

Been to Lisbon, loved the aquarium and sushi restaurants. The one I went to had a robot that served you which was hella new to me.
Buildings are cool to look at and the mall is pretty nice. Only other thing I can think of to mention is to check out the yellow castle on the mountain but I can't remember the name. The architecture is cool and they have a awesome garden setup which would be heavenly to smoke in if it was a perfect world.
Buildings are cool to look at and the mall is pretty nice. Only other thing I can think of to mention is to check out the yellow castle on the mountain but I can't remember the name. The architecture is cool and they have a awesome garden setup which would be heavenly to smoke in if it was a perfect world.

1 post
+2 votes
The father of cannabis therapeutics is Irish
once again africa was the mother

The father of cannabis therapeutics is Irish
how a 19th century Limerick physician played a major role in the introduction of cannabis to western medicine

"hemp possesses, in small doses, an extraordinary power of stimulating the digestive organs, exciting the cerebral system, of acting also on the generative apparatus."

1 post
+2 votes
This shit will make you
started topic
1 post
+3 votes

{web 3.0}
web3 onboarding is like waterboarding
Status messenger has a great one in this regard: they force a dumb username on you, same with converse. And if you want to talk to someone else on the…

{web 3.0}
web3 onboarding is like waterboarding
y'all suck:
lens protocol - nothing but errors trying to connect zerion (wallet they pushed while hiding metamask) or metamask (don't even know how i found it). restart 10th time, got on then they say join the waitlist and (literally) "good luck".
orb - not even the one that gives you coin for your humanity, just a web3 "super app". super meaning connect your wallet and then get stuck on a page asking - wait for it - "do you have a lens profile". there isn't even a button to answer let alone tell them where in their previous fetal home they can go and find it.
if this is the cool crowd im going to sit with zuck at lunch time.
lens protocol - nothing but errors trying to connect zerion (wallet they pushed while hiding metamask) or metamask (don't even know how i found it). restart 10th time, got on then they say join the waitlist and (literally) "good luck".
orb - not even the one that gives you coin for your humanity, just a web3 "super app". super meaning connect your wallet and then get stuck on a page asking - wait for it - "do you have a lens profile". there isn't even a button to answer let alone tell them where in their previous fetal home they can go and find it.
if this is the cool crowd im going to sit with zuck at lunch time.

Status messenger has a great one in this regard: they force a dumb username on you, same with converse. And if you want to talk to someone else on the platform you cant reach them by that name.

lens protocol enables so many of web3 projects and basically just shuts them down by not working.

1 post
+9 votes

Hardcore History
hell yes

Hardcore History

I'd recommend every episode, this one about slavery is amazing though.

1 post
+1 votes
Can you fund apple pay with crypto?
nope its the other way around unfortunately :(
i think the bitpay wallet works for this

I have a coinbase card, I think it can be added to applepay like any other credit/debit card.

1 post
+3 votes
thc math?
started topic

thc math?
i see your emphasis on consistency and i wonder how you do something so difficult with all the different ingredients do they offset differently? that's without considering the way they are digested let alone different ingredients thc levels etc.
great to see your efforts colonel 🫡
great to see your efforts colonel 🫡

Hi Generation,
I'm glad you asked!
First of all, I test all the extracts I get with a tCheckr. This gives me accurate mg content of the concentrates. This lets me know exactly how much of the concentrate I need to put into my recipes to get the desired dosage.
Fortunately the maths is really simple. If I know I get 12 Crispy Cakes from my recipe and I need 250mg per cake, I need to add 3000mg worth of concentrate. D9 usually falls around 900-950mg per gram so will just be over 3 grams of D9.
Digestion is a user issue, so if I can guarantee my edibles are always the same, then it means that people know exactly how many they need to get the desired effect every time they purchase them without fear of too little or too much.
I hate the lottery of Edibles, so I decided I'd make sure people have a safe and secure dosage every time.
I hope this helps and isn't completely off what you asked.
I'm glad you asked!
First of all, I test all the extracts I get with a tCheckr. This gives me accurate mg content of the concentrates. This lets me know exactly how much of the concentrate I need to put into my recipes to get the desired dosage.
Fortunately the maths is really simple. If I know I get 12 Crispy Cakes from my recipe and I need 250mg per cake, I need to add 3000mg worth of concentrate. D9 usually falls around 900-950mg per gram so will just be over 3 grams of D9.
Digestion is a user issue, so if I can guarantee my edibles are always the same, then it means that people know exactly how many they need to get the desired effect every time they purchase them without fear of too little or too much.
I hate the lottery of Edibles, so I decided I'd make sure people have a safe and secure dosage every time.
I hope this helps and isn't completely off what you asked.

2 posts
+3.5 votes
The Unsolved Mystery Attack on Internet Cables in Paris
paris has the worst internet in eu
+ 2 more

The Unsolved Mystery Attack on Internet Cables in Paris
Hackers turned off the internet by cutting cables in 3 directions around Paris.

the fibre is everywhere and the equipment is gorgeous but it's fucked for wireless even wifi, some of it is our construction but its mostly just companies that truly don't give a fuck about getting shit right.

1 post
+6.2 votes

we are building a stable coin alternative to btc
usdt solana has been around for a while, stable and smallest fees around

we are building a stable coin alternative to btc
seems these days more people are starting to see the value in a btc alternative 😋
we are making progress and want to thank the biggaz that are helping, particularly the devvy borg who are making significant changes to little biggy's infrastructure in order to accomodate a solana based payment processor.
we still need more devs though, this is the hardest part of developing securely and anonymously. thank you to the biggaz making introductions (especially budzinho), we are grateful and will reward every success.
we also mention that full time dev positions are available in addition to the projects we list, anyone successfully completing a project is eligibile.
every bigga is hurting with these btc fees and we get that, its why we see an opportunity but if you could not use this thread for your grievances we would appreciate it, we're trying to move things forward. 🙏
seems these days more people are starting to see the value in a btc alternative 😋
we are making progress and want to thank the biggaz that are helping, particularly the devvy borg who are making significant changes to little biggy's infrastructure in order to accomodate a solana based payment processor.
we still need more devs though, this is the hardest part of developing securely and anonymously. thank you to the biggaz making introductions (especially budzinho), we are grateful and will reward every success.
we also mention that full time dev positions are available in addition to the projects we list, anyone successfully completing a project is eligibile.
every bigga is hurting with these btc fees and we get that, its why we see an opportunity but if you could not use this thread for your grievances we would appreciate it, we're trying to move things forward. 🙏

Nice to see some change in the making. Just out of curiosity, why a stablecoin? Would it not be easier to just implement Sol as the payment token? Don't mean to be negative but it's very difficult to create a stablecoin that will continuously maintain it's peg. Is it an algo based stablecoins you guys are developing?
I did see that Circle have just released their EURO stablecoin which afaik is on Solana Chain. Could possibly be an idea to use. Would be like USDT but without having to pay ETH gas fees.
I did see that Circle have just released their EURO stablecoin which afaik is on Solana Chain. Could possibly be an idea to use. Would be like USDT but without having to pay ETH gas fees.

the new euro backed stable coin is a good suggestion and we are keeping an eye on it's progress.

would it be viable to add monero (or, honestly, any coin with decent privacy and transaction fees) as an alternative in the meantime? the bitcoin transaction fees have gone utterly mental recently, and it's scaring me away from the site.

is it actually tether? if so how will they avoid addresses being frozen if the wrong attention ever fell on here?

Sad day indeed given it was what BTC should have been. (Could have been).
It's time will come though when people say fuck paying $XXX's in fees bcoz that is frankly ridiculous for the oldest crypto going on 16 years now...
It's time will come though when people say fuck paying $XXX's in fees bcoz that is frankly ridiculous for the oldest crypto going on 16 years now...

Understandable given the number of blockchain halting episodes in recent years...although I do genuinely believe Solano to be a more robust and dependable chain now...although still nowhere near as decentralised as Cardano....which along with low fees now has a number of stablecoin options

mmm 'blockchain halting' or centralised ownership may be a better term for it.
It's shady af in my opinion, and, BCH is well.. bitcoin. Still decentralised, just the better version with bigger block size and vastly cheaper fees...
It's shady af in my opinion, and, BCH is well.. bitcoin. Still decentralised, just the better version with bigger block size and vastly cheaper fees...

Yup. Its supposedly sacrificing the decentralisation for far higher TPS....but the fact it can be turned on and off doesn't sit right.
Can't wait to see the Cardano network properly battle tested at scale...been using some Defi Dapps and have been impressed so far.
Bitcoin Cash would be a nice option here though
Can't wait to see the Cardano network properly battle tested at scale...been using some Defi Dapps and have been impressed so far.
Bitcoin Cash would be a nice option here though

If you like ADA, check out ERG, basically a BTC successor without any VC backing, fair pre-mine, ASIC resistant, POW, eUTXO etc...

Are you actually creating a new coin from scratch? Would it not make sense to at least switch to a currently existing coin that resolves some of bitcoins issues? At least as a temporary solution until your new coin is finished.
Thank you for working on a fix for this :)
Thank you for working on a fix for this :)

they should just switch to litecoin or even better monero
tether is centralised and they can freeze addresses. There is a reason no illicit market uses tether, there are too many cons and barely any pros
tether is centralised and they can freeze addresses. There is a reason no illicit market uses tether, there are too many cons and barely any pros

To little to late for some, how many customers have been lost now!?
Ireland is like a graveyard and the UK is almost as bad.
This should of happened ages ago and now just feels like we are in a perpetual nightmare.
If they wanted different coins they would of implemented them by now. I would say at this rate we have a few weeks left of trading till we go bust.
And all the while the buyers keep throwing money at a new vendor and constantly promote that vendor without regard or any sense of loyalty to others it is just typical of the society that we live in. Where has the peanut vendor gone??
Why is no one calling this out??
Ireland is like a graveyard and the UK is almost as bad.
This should of happened ages ago and now just feels like we are in a perpetual nightmare.
If they wanted different coins they would of implemented them by now. I would say at this rate we have a few weeks left of trading till we go bust.
And all the while the buyers keep throwing money at a new vendor and constantly promote that vendor without regard or any sense of loyalty to others it is just typical of the society that we live in. Where has the peanut vendor gone??
Why is no one calling this out??

It's as simple as this really, there's teenagers setting up websites for their 'NFT Projects' which have all crypto payments implemented including BTC, ETH, ADA, XTZ, SOL etc... If LB really wanted to utilize another chain or layer 2, it would of been sorted a long time ago.
I see a lot of people going on about privacy concerns etc, yet majority are using a CEX to on-ramp/off-ramp so your privacy is already out the window I'm afraid. Even BTC, to people that know what they're doing, come on it really ain't hard to follow the coin on-chain.
We are buying bits of herb at the end of the day, LB is pretty tame with the products on here so I can't imagine feds are gunna be spending resources and money to track down JimmyBois half oz he bought for the weekend. Obviously maybe a bit different for vendors though I appreciate that.
Is anyone actually able to clarify what the issue is? Is it something to do with the escrow settlements which is causing problems for implementing? Tbh it would be cool for th escrow to be a SC and just autonomously act out.
I see a lot of people going on about privacy concerns etc, yet majority are using a CEX to on-ramp/off-ramp so your privacy is already out the window I'm afraid. Even BTC, to people that know what they're doing, come on it really ain't hard to follow the coin on-chain.
We are buying bits of herb at the end of the day, LB is pretty tame with the products on here so I can't imagine feds are gunna be spending resources and money to track down JimmyBois half oz he bought for the weekend. Obviously maybe a bit different for vendors though I appreciate that.
Is anyone actually able to clarify what the issue is? Is it something to do with the escrow settlements which is causing problems for implementing? Tbh it would be cool for th escrow to be a SC and just autonomously act out.

Very good points mate, most of which could no doubt be answered if the Borgs would only talk to us in more than riddles.🙄
Personally I suspect that the payment processor insists only on btc and to offer an alternative means a departure and a whole new processor which is blowing noodles.
Just a hunch 🤷♂️
Personally I suspect that the payment processor insists only on btc and to offer an alternative means a departure and a whole new processor which is blowing noodles.
Just a hunch 🤷♂️

Yeah the cryptic riddles and communication could be a bit better!
Must be something like that, all I can think is that it's moreso to do with transaxe side of things. But then again speaking as someone who has very little knowledge on coding, even I can create a SC that receives payments, distributes under certain parameters/conditions, creates information functions etc.. It'd be simple ASF don't get me wrong, but I really don't think this would be hard at all for someone that is clued up on it.
You could probably even copy and pasta the template lol
Must be something like that, all I can think is that it's moreso to do with transaxe side of things. But then again speaking as someone who has very little knowledge on coding, even I can create a SC that receives payments, distributes under certain parameters/conditions, creates information functions etc.. It'd be simple ASF don't get me wrong, but I really don't think this would be hard at all for someone that is clued up on it.
You could probably even copy and pasta the template lol

I find it astonishing that they're happy for buyers to go elsewhere. I use another platform now and pay in LTC, £100 costs me about £3 to buy and less than 1p to transfer which is completed in less than 20 minutes. Its a real shame as I love LB but I'm not willing to pay through the nose for the privilege when there are very much comparable market places, that accept 3 or 4 payment methods.

The more payment methods the better in my opinion but i get how hard it is to restructure these things.
Pity the evil overlords wont let you guys just use Fiat payments would be cool if i could just buy using the good old British pound.
Pity the evil overlords wont let you guys just use Fiat payments would be cool if i could just buy using the good old British pound.

Yet there are other clear net sites that do just that- give the option to pay in £££...why are they not bothered I ask myself?

Any updates on this?
I along with many others, no doubt have had to resort to other sources that accept other crypto (ltc) with practically no fees, I love LB but when I can save a small fortune, I'm spending my crypto elsewhere.
I along with many others, no doubt have had to resort to other sources that accept other crypto (ltc) with practically no fees, I love LB but when I can save a small fortune, I'm spending my crypto elsewhere.

What sort of timeframe are we looking at for a move to using a different coin .. we need it now more than ever .
All the best LB Famo 💪💪
All the best LB Famo 💪💪

1 post
+2 votes

Electric Dreams
shame they didn’t spring for a better production but yeah better than late black mirror

Electric Dreams

Phillip K dick stories and a heavy Black Mirror influence make a decent foundation for this Amazon Prime Series. 7.9/10

shame they didn’t spring for a better production but yeah better than late black mirror

1 post
+1 votes
Ciao! Any recommended sellers based in EU?
suisse ms is the way to go
![[cannabis online italia]](
Ciao! Any recommended sellers based in EU?
I'm in Italy and unsure about ordering from the UK after Brexit due to customs - can anybody recommend good sellers shipping from the EU? I already have an order on the way from Hootan but want to see what else is about :)

greenhoney based in Portugal, gets to me just fine in Central Europe, just bit slow (compared to few days for the UK crews for UK delivery) as shipment comes across land. Nice stock as well.

Hey mate if you're still looking, try Bobmarley710, he ships from Spain. Can definitely recommend the hash eggs!

To be honest, I didn't have much contact other than him sending me the tracking code. Stealth is a bit dodge but good enough it seems! But then again, goods were sent and quality was excellent. Just ordered another 10g egg, worth the risk in my opinion!

Damn. I attempted a second order with him under the promise of a gift to make up for the order that never arrived. Although he took 5 days to send it, it was sent on 1 June. Just hoping it gets to me this time! Otherwise I shall go transaxe for this one... I can't see why he wouldn't send yours. He's probably getting so few orders on LB that he doesn't think to check his account regularly. Or so I hope!
edit: Just looked at the tracking and it says: "The shipment has left the international logistics centre of the destination for delivery", progress since last time!
edit: Just looked at the tracking and it says: "The shipment has left the international logistics centre of the destination for delivery", progress since last time!

Idk what is going on with him but I cant wait 5 days for my 255$ order to be sent with 0 communication after 7 messages. Id be ok with the lack of comms if he sent it immediately. And maybe Id wait a bit more and be patient if he replied and gave me a good reason...but this shit is un-acceptable, I want to get what I pay for in a reasonable time period!

fair enough, I guess I'm lucky to be UK based where suppliers are a plenty... But still, if only he pulled his finger he'd make a killing on LB. Shame!

idk, 0 communication even if in spanish? 255$ order not worth his time or reply over 6 days?
Meh, sry for the ranting...this stuff gets to me, still lolz
Meh, sry for the ranting...this stuff gets to me, still lolz

Update on Bob (this is the last post in this thread about him). He finally sent me a sensible reply/apology.. Said he messed up with his chores and just couldnt do it all and reply as well. He is new to LB so I will give him that. Maybe I decide to use his shop again in the future...we will see. If I do I will leave a description of my expereince for sure.
cheers bigorre
cheers bigorre

I must say that I received the order this morning and there has been a massive improvement on the stealth. The quality seems to have even improved since last time.
I know I said I'd stick with UK suppliers but having tried Bob's stuff I may bite my words...
I know I said I'd stick with UK suppliers but having tried Bob's stuff I may bite my words...

Hi lionelhaze I know this topic not recent..but you could try "An American in Paris" dont know how good he is??..but he obviously in Paris..PM him ask him if he ships to where you are!!! or yes as other people have said stick with Hootan..happy days ll

There's an Italian but I'm not sure how good he is...

I ordered from him a month ago, still waiting. I will write a review when (if) I receive the order. I'm giving it another week.

Aw man I hope you get your order or can get a refund! He seemed really promising but not sure!

Hi there
You have also another vendor based in France; no activity during months and I saw a review recently...
I will try hootan like you and fyi TGT succeeded to send to Europe and I wait an order from RB.
All the best
You have also another vendor based in France; no activity during months and I saw a review recently...
I will try hootan like you and fyi TGT succeeded to send to Europe and I wait an order from RB.
All the best

Hey Kokro - RB was my fave seller in the UK, be great to hear if it reaches you ok! Good to know about TGT, cheers :)

And I forgot one I never tried with great reputation; Haschin; from middle east, it takes a while but seems to have high success rate.
Stay safe
Stay safe

Let us know if RB is successful for you mate please, hashishin's stealth is sick,the product is really good quality but may got low THC content for us european stoners,and it may take a while but you have a tracking code to check and rest your mind, for me the flavor is much more important in terms of hash, got some orders from him and it was top, one order was even opened by customs to inspect but nothing was found, luckily. thanks in advance for some feedback of your order from RB.

Now we EU based customers were hit by Brexit I tried hootan, waiting for my 1st order but he was superb in comms, will update once received guys

Same for me; 1st time with him and com was great.
Wait for the parcel now...
By the way, forget the french based one; it doesn’t ship.
Wait for the parcel now...
By the way, forget the french based one; it doesn’t ship.

Also waiting on a parcel from Hootan, dispatched on the 3rd Jan -think all the post is very very slow at the moment. He seems very reliable so I am not too worried!

I am not worried at all neither, he kindly shared tracking but I do not wish to look except if too long...
We have to be patient
We have to be patient

Not yet :( Hoping it arrives this coming week. Some reviews for Hootan said it took 30 days, so there is hope! Did yours arrive?

Not yet it left last week, I was hoping it could go faster than from UK, but was a bad guess...
Keep you posted when I got it
Stay safe
Keep you posted when I got it
Stay safe

Mine arrived today, 8 days and the quality and smell looks quite good, finger crossed for you lionel, be patient, the stealth is quite good and he even fill in the customs declaration even if it is not needed for my country, good luck out there

Can you benchmark ? i mean are other posts from same origin coming?
He shared tracking ; can you ask him or check by yourself if you can make it in a secure manner?
He shared tracking ; can you ask him or check by yourself if you can make it in a secure manner?

Don't remember, but the link shows Page not found... So Probably the business didn't work out xD

does anyone know any seller shipping carts to italy, specifically 100% live resin? in uk i often use the great vape company (best LR around here btw), and they said they have been shipping to italy no problem, but would like to hear other opinions hopefully from locals.

We have added a list of available bud from EU based sellers: EU to EU - Weed Listing September 23
We will try to publish regularly and keep it up to date.
We will try to publish regularly and keep it up to date.

I can defo recommend Hashishin, his stealth is the best you will see on LB, creative to say the least and the two landrace hashis I have had were as described, lovely smoke - not always your head has to come of your shoulders as someone here was complaining about the strength. Also just ordered with Pistach, I can let you know how that went once I will receive my order. Fyi I'm based in Austria.

I also search for EU based sellers.
Ive got my first order from hootan yesterday. to the south of EU. Can recommend him!
Tried hashishin too and I wouldnt recommend.
Have you found anyone else?
Ive got my first order from hootan yesterday. to the south of EU. Can recommend him!
Tried hashishin too and I wouldnt recommend.
Have you found anyone else?

Can I ask what went wrong with Hashishin? I've used him twice and both orders were fine. Just curious really.

Sure. I got 5g of his "premium" leb. When heated it goes to black. High from it was short and had no charachter, almost like cbd. And it tasted like henna, which is used to cut hash. When I compare it to this nice moroccan hash from hootan it is even more obvious that theres nothing premium about it except the high price and good stealth. And when I complained hashishin claimed that I dont know about landrace hash that is low in thc etc etc...which I dont buy for one minute. Cause hash is a concentrated cannabis plant. And it has to have high numbers if its clean and done as it should be. If the numbers are low, then it is made from low grade shake or cut with cutting agents.

Indeed illirum didn't like my "Premium (red) Lebanese" hash and messaged me about it (in a bit of a rude manner, but that's ok - each and their own style). he accused the hash of being adulterated because it doesn't bubble. I merely explained him that Lebanese hash doesn't usually bubble because the way it is produced (mesh/screen size and few other factors). and also that original, true land race hash types produced from older genetics pre breeding for thc era. and therefor some of which are higher and some lower in THC, nevertheless - they are all rich in different cannabinoids and terpenes. I've also explained that the term "premium" for that specific hash listing was due to the quality of production (smell, taste, effect) and not necessarily a high thc content. land race hash types are rich in different cannabinoids and terpinoids and so provide unique effects, sometimes a bit different than thc dominant genetics. I also pointed out to him that the "premium leb" has many positive feedbacks and is liked by myself and other members of the community and therefor I stand behind it purity and quality. illirum didn't like my answers obviously. I did offer to compensate for the fact he didn't enjoy the hash on his next order, but understandably he chose not to order again.

Im not sorry for calling it like it is chief, but I get that you have to reply to my critique. And as Ive already told you, Ive tried many a hash in my 25 years of smoking and travelling. And hash is not done to be less potent than weak cannabis, of that I am sure. Also those good reviews you mention could well be from people who have no experience with hash, so they dont mean much to me as much as the experience Ive actually had with your hash. And of course I didnt want to order again even with compensation, Id probably get another "tasty" but not-potent hash, which is not what my money is for. I want to get fckeng high when I roll my shit up! I test new weed or hash in a way where I roll a joint, low on tobacco, to see how it hits, and roll another after few minutes to see how high it will get me, and if I need a third to get really high I can already tell the potency is not there, never mind what type of high it is. And it wouldnt be my first time to try stuff that looks and tastes and smells cool, but when you light it up it is underwhelming. Im what you call a dr.greenthumb, and you dont have to believe it, but thats why I will come back only for stuff that is premium and clean and I will not be afraid to say when the quality is not there... at least for my ole ass.
And if youre really feeling bad about this you got the adress mate. Send me something I will get high with, like hootan and suissems have managed.. but I already offered you that solution and you naturally declined.
besides, Ive seen few other reviews now on your other stuff, that also claim weak product. not many but they were there.
And if youre really feeling bad about this you got the adress mate. Send me something I will get high with, like hootan and suissems have managed.. but I already offered you that solution and you naturally declined.
besides, Ive seen few other reviews now on your other stuff, that also claim weak product. not many but they were there.

You are lacking the undersating that hash can be over 30% cannabinoids and not have a load of thc in it. and you are untitled to your own opinion of course. and sure should only spend your money on items you like and enjoy. but actually believing that 36(37 including me) reviewers has no experience or that it's less than yours is just arrogant in my opinion. but as I said before, each and their style. I wish you only good experiences in the future. cheers!

Hey, dont feel so much about it, I see by your dislikes that you have an issue with me, have one yourself lolz.
I certainly wont be saying to anyone that I was pleased with your hash, are you bullying me? Good wishes for the future but a dislike and an arrogant stick... are you being sly and acting all nice? Seems like you are...
cheers mate
I certainly wont be saying to anyone that I was pleased with your hash, are you bullying me? Good wishes for the future but a dislike and an arrogant stick... are you being sly and acting all nice? Seems like you are...
cheers mate

You disliked the fact that I dared to say it tasted like henna. And as I said, hot knives method shows how much impurities are in any hash. Pure hash rolls off and wont even stick to a hot knife. But impure sticks much better, the more its impure, the more it sticks. And when you press it, what you are left afterwards are the impurities. Becuase resin evaporates. And all the cannabinoids and whats left of terpenes. A lot of black and charred material is something you want to avoid. Because thats not resin from cannabis plant. And what is hash supposed to be made from? Yep, from resin, the sift or rub, whatever the style of it is.
Be well yourself.
Be well yourself.

bob marley said "only a fool lean upon his own misunderstanding". also, I'm not sure you are familiar with the smell/taste of henna. but like we both said - you are entitled to have your own opinion. and you've stated yours alright. I have nothing to add to this discussion. best of luck

No other choice than scrolling items.
Some used to make synthesis but did not see for a while...
Some used to make synthesis but did not see for a while...

Because he's based in Italy and can ship to Italy. it will bring up all sellers who have listed that they can ship to the EU - I am looking in particular for sellers based IN the EU. Some sellers, like Hootan, have it listed as shipping from the UK but actually ship from Spain. Hence I was asking for any recommendations for sellers who ship from EU as there is no functional search. Hope that makes sense!

Solo le tempistiche della Royal Mail sono molto lunghe ci vogliono quelle due settimane per arrivare però qualità top su quasi tutti i venditori

There are many good vendors out here but the best ones are Nero, SuisseMS, Hootan. Aswell as our shop TheDankofEurope. we ship orders MO-SUN same day tracking included. Europe wide. (GB Italy, Greece, Spain, France...)

suisse ms is the way to go

There is a vendor in Italy on here. Just change the “shipping to”box (above on the item page) to Italy

1 post
+1 votes
1 sentence sums up history
good point but when i read the quote i don't think of leaders but generations of people eg the romans becoming decadent.
1 sentence sums up history
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times."
G. Michael Hopf
G. Michael Hopf

I prefer Alan Bennett's classic quote in the history boys " History- it's one thing after a fucking other"!

A way oversimplified, and often incorrect way of looking at history.
Also used a lot by Nazi's and other far right types.
"If we are going to lay strategies to confront the nonstate threats of the world we live in, we must first banish the mirages that prevent us from seeing and understanding both the strengths and the weaknesses of those threats accurately. We might start by abandoning the pretense that military strength is a product of either “hard times” or “strong men.”"
Also used a lot by Nazi's and other far right types.
"If we are going to lay strategies to confront the nonstate threats of the world we live in, we must first banish the mirages that prevent us from seeing and understanding both the strengths and the weaknesses of those threats accurately. We might start by abandoning the pretense that military strength is a product of either “hard times” or “strong men.”"

good point but when i read the quote i don't think of leaders but generations of people eg the romans becoming decadent.

"We stand on the shoulders of giants."
I don't know who said it, but every time I walk over a bridge, on a road, or pavement, I remember that phrase.
I don't know who said it, but every time I walk over a bridge, on a road, or pavement, I remember that phrase.

1 post
+7 votes

Best Star Wars Game of All Time?
for oculus it's gotta be vader immortal, episodes 1 and 3
A man of culture I see. SWG had so many features and systems that I wish other MMOs would learn from. Crafting and player cities were something else in that game, being able to walk around a ship while in space etc. took it for granted back in the day now we have shit storms like star citizen

Used to absolutely love the original Empire Strikes Back sit down cabinet.
It used to save the high scores and fir a short period in my local muzzy the top 10 was all my initials :) great days
It used to save the high scores and fir a short period in my local muzzy the top 10 was all my initials :) great days

1 post
+3 votes

{lb help}
Are we getting another payment option or not? (aka not another alt-coin topic)
glad to hear development is alive! but increasing fees have been a very good indicator to buy bitcoin. i started putting away a few pounds of btc ever…

{lb help}
Are we getting another payment option or not? (aka not another alt-coin topic)
I'm a big advocate for this website, I've been here 4 years and happily spent a good amount of money here but I will not throw another 10/20quid at BTC fees ever again, and I really do mean that, it's just a stupid amount of waste that even though I can manage I can't justify it.
We've heard time and time again about other coins being added, lb's own coin being developed.... nothing concrete and nothing happens. Why can't LTC be added nobody has ever said the reason?
I don't want to give up on LB but 100% this is my line in the sand now, are we ever getting an alt coin? if not just tell us. This is absolutely not a dig at the borgs/owners etc who run this site but I need to know if this place is still going to be my home of weed in the future, I want it to be!
Clearly lots of us feeling this way.
We've heard time and time again about other coins being added, lb's own coin being developed.... nothing concrete and nothing happens. Why can't LTC be added nobody has ever said the reason?
I don't want to give up on LB but 100% this is my line in the sand now, are we ever getting an alt coin? if not just tell us. This is absolutely not a dig at the borgs/owners etc who run this site but I need to know if this place is still going to be my home of weed in the future, I want it to be!
Clearly lots of us feeling this way.

littlebiggy does not process payments and has called for new payment processors to work with, that's what we are. they are probably laconic about this because they can't speak for us and our progress (or any other team, we are aware of at least 1 other working on solana).
it is not a trivial matter to process payments, refunds and disputes to the standards little biggy is requiring for new payment processors: no-trust, blockchain based, open source with little biggy as an oracle on a smart contract. to accomplish this with the required security surrounding such a project is time intensive and we are still months away from launch.
we understand your feelings (and look forward to turning them into a customer relationship!) but you should understand that lb is supportive of our efforts to bring you an alternative.
it is not a trivial matter to process payments, refunds and disputes to the standards little biggy is requiring for new payment processors: no-trust, blockchain based, open source with little biggy as an oracle on a smart contract. to accomplish this with the required security surrounding such a project is time intensive and we are still months away from launch.
we understand your feelings (and look forward to turning them into a customer relationship!) but you should understand that lb is supportive of our efforts to bring you an alternative.

Appreciate the response and I am genuinely grateful to everyone involved in working on littlebiggy it's an important site to a lot of us, which I guess is why we're all so keen for a solution :)
So if I've got it right you will be implementing a new separate payment processor for a new stable-coin while I guess transaxe will continue to handle btc payments? and possibly another separate processor will handle another coin? Sounds like there's still a long wait ahead unfortunately but it is good to hear at least that lb are supportive of the work your doing hopefully you have the backing you need.
Do you know if implementing an alt-coin to the current transaxe processor was ever an option or am I being over simplistic in thinking their processor could be adapted like that? Are transaxe involved at all with your project? it seems a shame if you have to build completely from scratch.
Glad you understand the frustration and hope you know even though I'm moaning the effort is appreciated!
So if I've got it right you will be implementing a new separate payment processor for a new stable-coin while I guess transaxe will continue to handle btc payments? and possibly another separate processor will handle another coin? Sounds like there's still a long wait ahead unfortunately but it is good to hear at least that lb are supportive of the work your doing hopefully you have the backing you need.
Do you know if implementing an alt-coin to the current transaxe processor was ever an option or am I being over simplistic in thinking their processor could be adapted like that? Are transaxe involved at all with your project? it seems a shame if you have to build completely from scratch.
Glad you understand the frustration and hope you know even though I'm moaning the effort is appreciated!

Personally I think is a contracted processor that chooses to only work with btc. For LB to use any other currency requires a whole new willing and able provider….

Thats exactly the feeling I'm getting from it as well mate and its a massive shame if true but it would explain why nothings happened for so long.
Who knows though its difficult to guess this place at the best of times. I'll be sticking to my guns and just wishing blockhead and anyone else working on an alternative the best of luck because this place has been restricted to btc for far too long now.
Who knows though its difficult to guess this place at the best of times. I'll be sticking to my guns and just wishing blockhead and anyone else working on an alternative the best of luck because this place has been restricted to btc for far too long now.

Kinda feel you just said in your response there just how complicated it is. I am with you 100% but the other alternative is to goto my local dealer. I am old took mne long enough to figure this out!

Be nice wouldn't it? lol I really don't mean it as a dig at the borgs or whoever but we only ever get vague and cryptic responses and then nothing happens anyway. I'm not a self-important kinda bigga but there are options out there and there are solutions to BTC too so with whats happening to bitcoin at the mo it feels like crunch time to me.
Come on borgs please, there's a lot of us who've been here paying up for a long time now and we just wanna hear something real <3
Come on borgs please, there's a lot of us who've been here paying up for a long time now and we just wanna hear something real <3

glad to hear development is alive! but increasing fees have been a very good indicator to buy bitcoin. i started putting away a few pounds of btc every time i feel that pinch. i not only rationalise paying a bigger fee i have by far the best investment of my lifetime ;)

I feel like the posts get traction when the BTC fees go up and then everything quietens down once they drop again. I get there must be a lot to it but with the money this site must make with its commission fees, if a small % was directed to someone with the know how a few years ago, I really feel it would have been done by now…

1 post
+3.2 votes
Video reviews
make it a rap battle between sellers!

Video reviews
Is anybody interested in video reviews of your products. If so where can i put them, youtube?
Im happy to add video reviews of any products that i try, and have already done some. Not posted them yet tho. I don't smoke. I only vape using storz and bickel volcano and a mighty+ so taste and flavours are so vibrant and enhanced. This way of consuming is perfect for reviewing bud…. Let me know if interested.
Im happy to add video reviews of any products that i try, and have already done some. Not posted them yet tho. I don't smoke. I only vape using storz and bickel volcano and a mighty+ so taste and flavours are so vibrant and enhanced. This way of consuming is perfect for reviewing bud…. Let me know if interested.

I'll chip in 20 bucks for a real comparison with winners and losers instead of the infomercial shite you get around here.

I would encourage online video reviews of the strain - it is really useful to get a rough idea of how something hits. Heck, small things like "this one has an unusual aroma" or "not the strongest, but smokes like a dream" are always good to learn.
The only thing I would advise against is naming the the seller and/or this website. I appreciate that weed might be perfectly legal where you live, but that isn't the case for everybody. We rely on this site staying a little off the beaten path.
If you want to specifically promote a strain or seller on here, text reviews are always greatly received. Dunno about others, but it is the first thing I look for when making a purchase. You could really help a seller out.
The only thing I would advise against is naming the the seller and/or this website. I appreciate that weed might be perfectly legal where you live, but that isn't the case for everybody. We rely on this site staying a little off the beaten path.
If you want to specifically promote a strain or seller on here, text reviews are always greatly received. Dunno about others, but it is the first thing I look for when making a purchase. You could really help a seller out.

video reviews would be a great addition to this website. i'd say make the videos 'unlisted' on youtube so only people with the link can access it, but you probably already know that.

Have a chat with Budzinho who tried to get this started and was posting the link here to his YouTube video. It got mixed reception and the videos kept getting flagged. I’m not entirely sure what the issues are but pictures and text on this topic wall seem the best way to go….

Yeah mixed reception is accurate.
On one side you have the LB team who will reward you for posting video reviews and have been advertising similar roles for awhile. Along with the majority of biggaz who also seem to see video reviews as a positive.
Then you have a few Biggaz who are worried that a LB social media presence will result in repercussions despite the LB team telling creators to link LB to whichever social media platforms they want.
Product reviews have to be paid for by yourself otherwise they fall under the Incentivized Post's category which will result in a ban.
If your doing it solely for the love of the site and expect nothing in return then why not.
On one side you have the LB team who will reward you for posting video reviews and have been advertising similar roles for awhile. Along with the majority of biggaz who also seem to see video reviews as a positive.
Then you have a few Biggaz who are worried that a LB social media presence will result in repercussions despite the LB team telling creators to link LB to whichever social media platforms they want.
Product reviews have to be paid for by yourself otherwise they fall under the Incentivized Post's category which will result in a ban.
If your doing it solely for the love of the site and expect nothing in return then why not.

I want to do it for the love of weed. All I want is a good quality product, from a good quality vendor. I want to review the vendor and their products. I am happy to pay for everything myself, I have been buy cannabis products for over 30 years. So to review what I buy is no problem at all. The only thing holding me back. Is the vendors them selves. I am honest and straight to the point. My reviews will obviously not be anonymous there will be upset vendors I’m sure. My question is will this then affect me from buying from vendors that aren’t to happy.

Sounds great mate.
Just make sure to buy the product's you want to review on an anonymous LB account so vendor's can't send you nit-picked product.
Nobody can hold you back from this, you are entitled to review whatever products you buy, especially considering the fact that you only plan on sharing via a private link.
As you can tell by the comments on this topic, many Biggaz are interested in video reviews and you also have the backing of the LB team aswell.
Good luck and if you ever need any help with the production side of things or anything at all just let me know!
Just make sure to buy the product's you want to review on an anonymous LB account so vendor's can't send you nit-picked product.
Nobody can hold you back from this, you are entitled to review whatever products you buy, especially considering the fact that you only plan on sharing via a private link.
As you can tell by the comments on this topic, many Biggaz are interested in video reviews and you also have the backing of the LB team aswell.
Good luck and if you ever need any help with the production side of things or anything at all just let me know!

Thank you. It’s happening, I’ve set up the YouTube account just setting up a little studio space. I’m also thinking to include microscope inspections, and pressing for concentrate quality and yield,

I've not liked a lot of the weed from lb so I gave up and just order vapes mostly , could you reccomend a strong stardog/lemon haze please (pure stardog no mixes)

We are in the process of creating a static site with information about real vendors and no scammers will be entered. We already have quite a list of groups, etc. If people want to add then proof is required that they are legit.
The site also has an easy-to-read tutorial on buying Bitcoin or Monero for new users. If anyone wants to chip in (name another group or vendor etc) then pop us a message.
One thing we were not sure of was about adding people on here. The website will be on the clearnet so just wondering what people would like?
The site also has an easy-to-read tutorial on buying Bitcoin or Monero for new users. If anyone wants to chip in (name another group or vendor etc) then pop us a message.
One thing we were not sure of was about adding people on here. The website will be on the clearnet so just wondering what people would like?

Absolutely banging idea bro.
I can see a lot of potential with this.
From a consumer standpoint, things like this can be invaluable.
I can see a lot of potential with this.
From a consumer standpoint, things like this can be invaluable.

1 post
+3 votes
Welcome To London
bigg ass up
1 post
+7 votes
reference code payments restored
Thanks for keeping my bitcoin stuck it's almost doubled since my last payment in November!

reference code payments restored
we very much appreciate your patience during the interruption.

Thanks for keeping my bitcoin stuck it's almost doubled since my last payment in November!

Thank you! Already spent most of it on drugs. I'd only waste it otherwise.
Can I get a bump for my 3+ months of patience and the cheek of asking?
Can I get a bump for my 3+ months of patience and the cheek of asking?

1 post
+4 votes
Hip Hop is alive!
yo chuck
Hip Hop is alive!

I am a 80/90s hip hop fan, for a long time hip hop in my eyes has been dead, there have been the few sparks here and there over the past 20 years and the likes of KRS 1, Paris, Dead Prez, Guru (RIP), Public Enemy, Jeru etc. have kept it real with the message and essence of what hip hop represented in its prime, highlighting the race and wealth inequality in society and acting as a "Black CNN" talking directly to the people.
In the 80s and 90's the message was Fight the Power, and that's where I feel we have come full circle.
Check out Fight The Power 2020 on Public Enemies new album.
The calls for equality in a deeply polarised society couldn't be heard louder, on the right, division, hatred and the slow creep of fascism, not just in America but here in the UK and across Europe.
As George Carlin mentioned, America has owners, "huge corporations who control the media and the politicians, they own everything" its true and that's why the message is controlled to support the status quo, this is the end game of Capitalism.
Hip hop and graffiti art speaks for the people, some of the last vestiges of independent expression, hip hop can be fun and silly, I love loads of hip hop, Redman, Raekwon and Daz Dillinger are some of my all time favourites but deep down it represents a movement for change.
This year has been kind so far.
If your a fan, check out:
Public Enemy - when the grid goes down
Paris - Safe Space Invader
By all means add your own recommendations too.
For the record my favourite rapper is Tupac Shakur.
My favourite album is Death Certificate by Ice Cube.
I love most music and I'm not a hater of stuff I dislike, unless it's corporate soulless shit selling sex, consumerism and greed, especially if it's targeted at children. Specifically music videos should not be porn unless stated as such.
Peace Comrades :)
In the 80s and 90's the message was Fight the Power, and that's where I feel we have come full circle.
Check out Fight The Power 2020 on Public Enemies new album.
The calls for equality in a deeply polarised society couldn't be heard louder, on the right, division, hatred and the slow creep of fascism, not just in America but here in the UK and across Europe.
As George Carlin mentioned, America has owners, "huge corporations who control the media and the politicians, they own everything" its true and that's why the message is controlled to support the status quo, this is the end game of Capitalism.
Hip hop and graffiti art speaks for the people, some of the last vestiges of independent expression, hip hop can be fun and silly, I love loads of hip hop, Redman, Raekwon and Daz Dillinger are some of my all time favourites but deep down it represents a movement for change.
This year has been kind so far.
If your a fan, check out:
Public Enemy - when the grid goes down
Paris - Safe Space Invader
By all means add your own recommendations too.
For the record my favourite rapper is Tupac Shakur.
My favourite album is Death Certificate by Ice Cube.
I love most music and I'm not a hater of stuff I dislike, unless it's corporate soulless shit selling sex, consumerism and greed, especially if it's targeted at children. Specifically music videos should not be porn unless stated as such.
Peace Comrades :)

Underground hip hop never died. Check out the two concept albums by Deltron 3030. Also CYNE, People Under the Stairs, Mr. Lif/The Perceptionists, CunninLynguists to name a few :)

Check out Conway the machine, Westside Gunn, Benny the butcher, also there's a new serial Killers (B-real, Xzibit, demrick) Also check out Flatbush Zombies

Ooooo I didnt know about a new serial killers ill have to check that out. The last one was amazing.
I could be wrong but I think public enemy just released something new. Had a couple pop up on my Spotify recently but not heard the whole album.
If you want to take a punt on some uk hip hop id highly recommend fliptrix, skinnyman, dabbla and ocean wisdom just to name a few.
I could be wrong but I think public enemy just released something new. Had a couple pop up on my Spotify recently but not heard the whole album.
If you want to take a punt on some uk hip hop id highly recommend fliptrix, skinnyman, dabbla and ocean wisdom just to name a few.

Can't fault high focus. I use to listen to Skinnyman but he started sharing some crazy things without fact checking so left him alone. If you like Skimmyman look at Braintax, not about anymore as he did a runner with everyone's money but still some good bars

Yeah there has been a lot of that going round lately. People seem to be caught up in the hype of everything and don't bother checking what they are told and just take it as facts.
I actually saw skinnyman and fliptrix doing a set together last last year and they were both amazing live...fliptrix has such a stage presence when he performs.
Ill go check braintax out too. Thanks for the suggestion
I actually saw skinnyman and fliptrix doing a set together last last year and they were both amazing live...fliptrix has such a stage presence when he performs.
Ill go check braintax out too. Thanks for the suggestion

Just checked out the new serial killers project....wasnt disappointed. Thanks for the heads up psy

Damn. Yall my peoples. where the neck snappin, 40 drinking blunt smokers up in this bitch its nearly Friday!? ;D

Before we ran the Jewels in Atl..or Public E...back in the day ..and Run Dmc..there was the city.....Shout out..!

Sa-Roc: Known for her intricate lyricism and powerful delivery, Sa-Roc tackles topics such as black empowerment, systemic racism, and social justice in her music.
Murs: With a career spanning over two decades, Murs has remained a stalwart of underground hip hop, addressing issues such as police brutality, gentrification, and political corruption.
Rapsody: Highly respected for her lyricism and storytelling ability, Rapsody consistently addresses themes of black pride, feminism, and social awareness in her music.
Brother Ali: A prolific rapper and activist, Brother Ali's music often delves into issues of racial identity, poverty, and the struggle for justice.
Talib Kweli: While he gained some mainstream recognition in the early 2000s, Talib Kweli continues to release socially conscious music independently, addressing topics such as police violence, institutionalized racism, and political activism.
Immortal Technique: Known for his raw and politically charged lyrics, Immortal Technique is unapologetic in his critique of capitalism, imperialism, and systemic oppression.
Blu & Exile: This duo's collaborative albums often touch on themes of introspection, societal issues, and personal growth, while maintaining a classic hip hop sound.
Murs: With a career spanning over two decades, Murs has remained a stalwart of underground hip hop, addressing issues such as police brutality, gentrification, and political corruption.
Rapsody: Highly respected for her lyricism and storytelling ability, Rapsody consistently addresses themes of black pride, feminism, and social awareness in her music.
Brother Ali: A prolific rapper and activist, Brother Ali's music often delves into issues of racial identity, poverty, and the struggle for justice.
Talib Kweli: While he gained some mainstream recognition in the early 2000s, Talib Kweli continues to release socially conscious music independently, addressing topics such as police violence, institutionalized racism, and political activism.
Immortal Technique: Known for his raw and politically charged lyrics, Immortal Technique is unapologetic in his critique of capitalism, imperialism, and systemic oppression.
Blu & Exile: This duo's collaborative albums often touch on themes of introspection, societal issues, and personal growth, while maintaining a classic hip hop sound.

1 post
+2 votes

Lol Damm it
dont send it, your payment will be accepted if its a triviial amount

Lol Damm it
So what do you do when you send btc payment and the you findout its short by btc 0.00000465. 🤔 stumped. Gona cost me like 20 quid in fees to send 0.15p of btc. What a piss take.

I think it will go through without the extra as it is such a small amount. Might be worth sending the vendor a message.

This happened to me when I loaded my wallet in December and I was apoplectic with rage that it wasn't enough to send. Nothing quite like having to make multiple not suspicious transactions in a very short timeframe, plus the enormous fees.
In my single underpayment experience it doesn't go through, you're asked to pay the remainder, even if that's a matter of pence. Unsure if that can be forced through the system or accepted by a vendor.
In my single underpayment experience it doesn't go through, you're asked to pay the remainder, even if that's a matter of pence. Unsure if that can be forced through the system or accepted by a vendor.

Just checked and its all cleared, jebus christie. Another reason to have alt coins instead of btc.

2 posts
+5 votes

proof borg
can a vote based contest be provably fair?
started topic
+ 2 more

proof borg
can a vote based contest be provably fair?
Looking at the cleanup borg's posts it sounds like votes are not worth much in terms of integrity. I see this too looking at some of the patterns. I would like to run a skill based contests and would like the community to judge. Is this realistic?

Yes, there is existing functionality here to analyse the vote count. What kind of contest did you have in mind?

basically something interesting to outsiders with a cannabis prize. the idea is to bring people to my reference code links.

1 post
+3 votes

Delhi India
lots of setups with touts around bus and train stations don't fuck with them. most chai wallas can score hash and believe it or not it's cleaner than …

Delhi India
Heading out to Delhi India next week. Are there any coffee shops or places to get hold of hash/weed.

I’d excercise caution in Delhi whilst there’s plenty of hash around from chai wallahs and stalls etc the payback of 500 rupees to stitch up a tourist is also a big draw, I’d ask around the tanned dreaded hippy travellers first. I avoided smoking in Delhi and headed out on the overnight bus to Manali , lots of smoking spots in India , pushka, manali , hampi, jaisalmir , varanasia all popular easier to get and good quality and safer to smoke.
If you are in Delhi only find someone you can trust, my spidey senses are pretty good and haven’t let me down yet. I did get offered hash by rickshaw drivers in Delhi
Have fun my favourite country in the world! Mother India can eat you up and spit you out
If you are in Delhi only find someone you can trust, my spidey senses are pretty good and haven’t let me down yet. I did get offered hash by rickshaw drivers in Delhi
Have fun my favourite country in the world! Mother India can eat you up and spit you out

lots of setups with touts around bus and train stations don't fuck with them. most chai wallas can score hash and believe it or not it's cleaner than the weed.

Wonder if I be lucky enough to get my hands on some malana cream & Nepalese temple balls.
Thinking more likely be low quality charas.
Thinking more likely be low quality charas.

1 post
+9 votes
the right to work with whoever you chose
because we are all subjects of controlling entities that mark us at birth
the right to work with whoever you chose
Why isn't it a fundamental human right to work with whoever you chose regardless of where they were born?

Very true, our receipt is our birth certificate. If you are aware of the strawman and the invisible cage that houses us all.
Sad but true :)
Sad but true :)

I wish I was a believer like you. It’s annoying knowing you are caged. You are lucky because the best sheep are the ones who don’t realise they are fenced in for taxation

Paranoid weird ramblings. I'm not a sheep I'm a Shepard and have made a great life for myself, taking decisions and steering my own fate.

I'm at a loss as to why you need a right to choose who you work WITH. Work is a private agreement between you and an employer, so who the other workers are is irrelevant. Isn't it? Or am I missing something fundamental here?

i dont think they mean colleagues. you cant work for anyone unless each of your master states permit this. same goes for hiring anyone.

you are assuming the person is not an employer who wants to work with someone or someone that wants to work with a particular employer.

1 post
+8 votes
minimum viable grow?
started topic

minimum viable grow?
i really like the idea of a tiny high quality grow for me and my mates, like a windowsill. whats the bonzai approach?

Personally I’d get a lil tent for 1 plant.
Look up low stress training and scrog.
If done carefully you can get a fat yielding solo baby.
Be warned, when I grew this how I started. Next a bigger tent, then I converted half the pc room to a 4 plant rotation and then you’ll dread cutting day 😂
Look up low stress training and scrog.
If done carefully you can get a fat yielding solo baby.
Be warned, when I grew this how I started. Next a bigger tent, then I converted half the pc room to a 4 plant rotation and then you’ll dread cutting day 😂

I have a small greenhouse in the balcony, for three auto at a time, I grow them naturally, where I live is not considered illegal to grow if you do not use expert techniques and are three at most.
three shifts from April to November with an average yield of 30/40g each plant.
I know it’s little but the cost is minimal, effort is zero, risk is zero and the result is good. tops are no dense and a little light in high obviously but I’s all free from my balcony 😎
three shifts from April to November with an average yield of 30/40g each plant.
I know it’s little but the cost is minimal, effort is zero, risk is zero and the result is good. tops are no dense and a little light in high obviously but I’s all free from my balcony 😎

Nah Thats decent mate!
Is that dried weight too!!! Well pleased with that I’d be and legal you say.
They need to sort that shit out in uk. Like 2-4 plants or something.
They will get enough from our leccy bills lol
Is that dried weight too!!! Well pleased with that I’d be and legal you say.
They need to sort that shit out in uk. Like 2-4 plants or something.
They will get enough from our leccy bills lol

Indica strain grow smaller. Minimum size for a closet with one 400watts hps should be 1x1 mt . If this is already to big for your project ... Autos in balcony (totally agree) . PC box is cute but might be disappointing if you harvest 10g after 10 weeks
Have a good week,GH
Have a good week,GH

If you have limited space indica dominant strains will be much butter choice than sativas. Indica strains dont stretch as much as sativas when you flip them in flower, but they are not as vigorous in veg so they need week extra in veg.
Pc box in my opinion it is a waste of time, its not worth to wait over 10 weeks and harvest just few grams. Little tent will be much more efficient.
Pc box in my opinion it is a waste of time, its not worth to wait over 10 weeks and harvest just few grams. Little tent will be much more efficient.

Are autos any good in just daylight?
I had mad success with them under cfl then hps but always wondered
I had mad success with them under cfl then hps but always wondered

Yes they responded well just to day light (in the summer). Something to consider is the number of hours of sun exposure they get.
Scrog is an amazing technique considering space and g harvested .
For a small space like asked, check also some pruning techniques like topping or fim.
Hope it helps your project and keep us update 🌱😎
Scrog is an amazing technique considering space and g harvested .
For a small space like asked, check also some pruning techniques like topping or fim.
Hope it helps your project and keep us update 🌱😎

Gotcha, I remember my first plant 10g dried harvest 😭
By the end I could get 2-6 oz dried from an auto .
Low stress training when saplings, topped and scrog 🥳🥳🥳
By the end I could get 2-6 oz dried from an auto .
Low stress training when saplings, topped and scrog 🥳🥳🥳

You can convert a bedside cabinet easily into a wee grow box. Grow auto flowers in tiny pots.
Check out Stunted art on IG.
You won’t get a big yield but it will be fun.
Check out Stunted art on IG.
You won’t get a big yield but it will be fun.

In Thailand I grew in a 1m x 1m tent with a 200w led. Doesnt matter how many plants, you get the same 150-200g. I used a really cheap drip system in perlite.

1 post
+3 votes
Carrosses à cinq sols: Pascal Invented Public Transport
started topic
Carrosses à cinq sols: Pascal Invented Public Transport
Blaise Pascal the philosopher and mathematician gave Parisians an affordable alternative to private coaches.

2 posts
+5 votes
elevators are the way to go - to space
Check out this inflatable version!
+ 2 more

elevators are the way to go - to space
leave the exploding phallus at home boys there is a better way

Check out this inflatable version!

this could have the alternative effect of causing drag on the solar stream and switch off planetary turn.

You're right. Arthur C. Clarke touted the idea in one of the 2001 series. There's absolutely no reason that space elevators wouldn't work like a charm, once we have the knowhow and the engineering smarts to construct such an undertaking.
For those sceptics, it was also old Arty C who came up with the idea of geostationary orbits. Without him, the world would be a less well connected place. :-)
For those sceptics, it was also old Arty C who came up with the idea of geostationary orbits. Without him, the world would be a less well connected place. :-)

I'm so up for this. Always liked the idea of space travel but was put off by fear of the rockets bursting into flames. Getting an elevator up to a space station seems much more civilized. Hopefully there will be synth music and nice views on the way up.

Would cost to much to go nowhere + the size of the bottom would be colossal in size so it would require a vast amount of resources which humanity does not have. SpaceX is going in the right direction.

but it makes it into orbit, that's where all the revenue is. seems once you get it going its like the difference between a railroad and a stage coach.

Wasn't that lift idea in that movie ? errr what's it called... the one where two guys put on special glasses and can see the real world underneath the one we see. ? my memory after a dooby ....tut tut's gone gone ...:)

2 posts
+5 votes

comparison videos?
you could totally do this on youtube they have a california pov on cannabis and have for a long time
+ 2 more

comparison videos?
has anyone done a comparison of lb sellers gear in a vid, i would love to see that

challenges would be a great thing around here. i saw someone once ordered from every seller at the same time and ranked the delivery speed.

Someone did it a few years ago, I don’t think they’re active anymore but they would post a drop box link and it would be a video of them showing off the bud and talking about it, they’d even get the magnifying glass out.

It's a great idea. Basically get paid in smoke to show off the best of what LB has to offer.
I think a tip jar of some kind would be in order too.
I think a tip jar of some kind would be in order too.

you could totally do this on youtube they have a california pov on cannabis and have for a long time

Created a second account to do reviews and shit on, used to do a lot of reviews on darkweb and legit stuff for music and video games.
Done a review or two on my own account RedeyeJedi25 but will keep them here for now.
Open to any ideas, feedback, tell me Im just a cheeky bastard trying my luck on samples 😂
Fuck description of what I want to do on my page 😊
Done a review or two on my own account RedeyeJedi25 but will keep them here for now.
Open to any ideas, feedback, tell me Im just a cheeky bastard trying my luck on samples 😂
Fuck description of what I want to do on my page 😊

I'm up for doing this once Im back off holiday but I feel like it should be a private video as mentioning LB on a public platform is probably not the wisest idea unless we want brigading

Im trying to create this as a review account if I can, hopefully people have seen my personal account commenting enough, and with 15 ish buys they know I'm not trying to tske the piss 😂

It was very popular, lots of votes and comments etc. There’s definitely ‘a gap in the market’ for a video reviewer.
I’ve always fancied putting a podcast out talking to buyers and vendors but it just doesn’t seem feasible…
I’ve always fancied putting a podcast out talking to buyers and vendors but it just doesn’t seem feasible…

1 post
+6 votes
A Man Called 9-1-1. The Police Killed Him While He Was Still on the Phone.
started topic

A Man Called 9-1-1. The Police Killed Him While He Was Still on the Phone.
Within five seconds of arrival, a police officer fatally wounded Mr. Sharp as he stood outside his home in Mantua, N.J.

1 post
+2 votes
I was going to work out in the gym today but I read that joke instead.

I've just boxed up two x 3.5 baked in Paris
Whoever tells the best joke today will get a Henry and will be able to choose their favourite joke and award the other 8th their favourite.
Mite even have few runner up prizes.
Let's bring some laughs and positivity today guys
Whoever tells the best joke today will get a Henry and will be able to choose their favourite joke and award the other 8th their favourite.
Mite even have few runner up prizes.
Let's bring some laughs and positivity today guys

Did you know that people in Dubai don't watch the Flintstones..... but people in Abu Dhabi do

I was considering a geography pun, but on second thought there's Norway I'd go Oslo as that.

Farmer walks into the bedroom where his wife is in bed and he has got a sheep under his arm.
He says: “This is the pig I have sex with when you have a headache”
She says: “That’s a sheep”
He says: “I was talking to the sheep”
He says: “This is the pig I have sex with when you have a headache”
She says: “That’s a sheep”
He says: “I was talking to the sheep”

Cop asks the guy, “How high are you?” The guy responded with, “No, officer. It’s ‘Hi, how are you.

The other day a woman described me as a looker.... well 'voyeur' was the actual word she used... 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤣🤣🤣

Abit on the dark side but it’s a comp so..
Why did hitler commit suicide? He got the gas bill
Why did hitler commit suicide? He got the gas bill

Woman goes into a bar, orders a double entendre
So the barman gives her one.
My favourite word is 'many', it means a lot to me.
An Imam, a Vicar, and a rabbit go to give blood
doctor looks at the rabbit, and asks 'what blood type are you?'
Rabbit say 'I'm type O'
So the barman gives her one.
My favourite word is 'many', it means a lot to me.
An Imam, a Vicar, and a rabbit go to give blood
doctor looks at the rabbit, and asks 'what blood type are you?'
Rabbit say 'I'm type O'

Far away in the tropical waters of the Caribbean, two prawns were swimming around in the sea. One was called Justin and the other was called Christian. Life was good, except that the prawns were constantly being chased and threatened by sharks. Finally one day, Justin said to Christian, "I'm tired of being a prawn. I wish I was a shark, then I wouldn't have to worry about being eaten."
Just then a mysterious cod appeared and said, "Your wish is granted," and lo and behold, Justin turned into a shark. Horrified, Christian swam off, afraid of being eaten up by his old friend.
Time went by and Justin found himself bored and lonely as a shark. All his old pals were afraid of him and swam away whenever he came near. Then one day he was out swimming and saw the mysterious cod.
"I want to be a prawn again," said Justin. "Please change me back!" And lo and behold, the cod changed him back to a prawn. With tears of joy in his little eyes, Justin swam to Christian's house and knocked on the door. "It's me, Justin, your old friend! Come out and see me!" he shouted.
"No," said Christian. "I'll not be tricked. You're a shark and you will eat me!"
Justin cried back, "No, I'm not! That was the old me. I've changed. I've found Cod, I'm a prawn again, Christian!"
Just then a mysterious cod appeared and said, "Your wish is granted," and lo and behold, Justin turned into a shark. Horrified, Christian swam off, afraid of being eaten up by his old friend.
Time went by and Justin found himself bored and lonely as a shark. All his old pals were afraid of him and swam away whenever he came near. Then one day he was out swimming and saw the mysterious cod.
"I want to be a prawn again," said Justin. "Please change me back!" And lo and behold, the cod changed him back to a prawn. With tears of joy in his little eyes, Justin swam to Christian's house and knocked on the door. "It's me, Justin, your old friend! Come out and see me!" he shouted.
"No," said Christian. "I'll not be tricked. You're a shark and you will eat me!"
Justin cried back, "No, I'm not! That was the old me. I've changed. I've found Cod, I'm a prawn again, Christian!"

So I took a poll recently... and 100% of people were quite annoyed that their tent had fallen down 🤣🤣🤣✌️🍁

Jimmy Saville, Stuart Hall and Fred Talbot walk into an irish bar.
barman says "oh no, not yew tree again!"
barman says "oh no, not yew tree again!"

Two elderly ladies sitting on a park bench. Guy comes over and flashes his dick. One of the ladies had a stroke, the other couldn't quite reach.

Hi all 👍 Check this joke out 🤣🧐......
A teacher attempts to teach 3rd graders about the human body, so she shows a drawing of the male reproductive organ and asks the class what it is.
One of her students, Bobbie, answers: “I know. My father has two.”
Teacher: “Really? How does he have two?”
Bobbie: “The skinny one comes out when he is in the toilet. The fat one comes out to brush my nanny’s teeth.”🤣🤣🤣
A teacher attempts to teach 3rd graders about the human body, so she shows a drawing of the male reproductive organ and asks the class what it is.
One of her students, Bobbie, answers: “I know. My father has two.”
Teacher: “Really? How does he have two?”
Bobbie: “The skinny one comes out when he is in the toilet. The fat one comes out to brush my nanny’s teeth.”🤣🤣🤣

I was visiting the US and wanted to get some solid one afternoon. I called the nearest marijuana dispensary and got this recorded message… “If you want to buy marijuana press the hash key now.”

Why are pirates called pirates?
Cos they arrrgggh.
Where do pirates shop at Xmas?
Cos they arrrgggh.
Where do pirates shop at Xmas?

A binman turns up at some blokes door.
"Where's your bin mate?"
The man says "I just bin to the toilet"
Binman says "No mate, where's your dustbin?"
The man replies "I told you, I dustbin to the toilet"
Binman says "cmon mate where's your wheelie bin??"
Man says "OK,OK, I wheelie bin having a wank" 🍆
"Where's your bin mate?"
The man says "I just bin to the toilet"
Binman says "No mate, where's your dustbin?"
The man replies "I told you, I dustbin to the toilet"
Binman says "cmon mate where's your wheelie bin??"
Man says "OK,OK, I wheelie bin having a wank" 🍆

Holy fuck. I'm sat smoking and dieing now. Holy Jesus balls!! Cough cough pass to myself cough cough

Feeling a bit on edge smoking in my garden today - my neighbour's turned his house into a Rehab Centre.
At least I think he has. There's a new sign on his front garden that says "Keep off the grass"
At least I think he has. There's a new sign on his front garden that says "Keep off the grass"

Giving it an hour then choosing a winner guy's.
It's close between 3 of you cheeky chappies.
Then the winner chooses their favourite joke ok.
It's close between 3 of you cheeky chappies.
Then the winner chooses their favourite joke ok.

I've decided to quit my job as a personal trainer because the weights are too heavy.
I just handed in my too weak notice.
I just handed in my too weak notice.

A clown showed up late for work on his first day and got sacked from the circus.
He's suing them for funfair dismissal.
He's suing them for funfair dismissal.

When I have a hot date, I like to get them to help me to choose some wine for dinner beforehand. It's a great way to get them into my basement and I only have to cook for myself then.

I went to the zoo yesterday and I saw a baguette in a cage!?!?
Apparently it was bread in captivity 🥁
Apparently it was bread in captivity 🥁

- Doctor Doctor I can’t stop wrapping myself in Cling Film!
- Well I can clearly see your nuts!
- Well I can clearly see your nuts!

A duck walks into a pub. He goes up the bar and the barman says "Hello mate, what can I get you?" "Got any bread?" asks the duck. "Sorry we don't sell bread." came the reply. The duck thinks for a moment "Hhhmmmm... Got any bread?" The barman says again, this time slightly short "No, we don't sell bread." "Ok... In that case... Got any bread?"
The barman is now getting angry and shouts "Listen you fucking stupid duck, I've told you twice and now a third time WE DON'T SELL BREAD! If you ask me for fucking bread again, I'll nail your fucking beak to the bar!"
"Got any nails?" asks the duck.
"Got any bread?"
The barman is now getting angry and shouts "Listen you fucking stupid duck, I've told you twice and now a third time WE DON'T SELL BREAD! If you ask me for fucking bread again, I'll nail your fucking beak to the bar!"
"Got any nails?" asks the duck.
"Got any bread?"

What's the difference between a lentil and a chickpea?
I wouldn't let a lentil on my face, but I would let a chick pea
I wouldn't let a lentil on my face, but I would let a chick pea

Little Jimmy goes to see his priest and says “ Father, I don’t believe in Jesus any more. Every night I pray for a new bike and every morning? No bike!”.
The priest replies “ Ah, young James. That’s not how prayer in the Catholic Church works. What you need to do is go out and steal a bike then pray for forgiveness”.
The priest replies “ Ah, young James. That’s not how prayer in the Catholic Church works. What you need to do is go out and steal a bike then pray for forgiveness”.

Dunno if you can handle my jokes but ill try you with one and see how it goes .
Little jenny comes home from school and says
Dad dad can i go to the disco friday ?
Dad answers i suppose so but only if you suck my cock !!
Jenny replys oh ffs if i have to ..
1 min later she stops and says dad this really tastes like shit..
Dad replys yeah your brother asked half hour ago .
Little jenny comes home from school and says
Dad dad can i go to the disco friday ?
Dad answers i suppose so but only if you suck my cock !!
Jenny replys oh ffs if i have to ..
1 min later she stops and says dad this really tastes like shit..
Dad replys yeah your brother asked half hour ago .

Two men broke into a drugstore and stole all the Viagra. The police put out an alert to be on the lookout for two hardened criminals.

I just bought some shoes from a dealer, I don't know what they were laced with but I've been tripping all day!

Too late for the comp, but sometimes reality is couldn't make it up eh? 🤣
A former heavyweight boxer from Montenegro was charged by the U.S. Department of Justice on Monday with trafficking in 22 tons of cocaine worth over $1 billion, most of which was part of one of the largest cocaine seizures in American history.
Lawrence Hashish, the lawyer for Gogic, said: "These charges came as a surprise to him. He maintains his innocence, and had come to the U.S. for a boxing convention in Puerto Rico."
A former heavyweight boxer from Montenegro was charged by the U.S. Department of Justice on Monday with trafficking in 22 tons of cocaine worth over $1 billion, most of which was part of one of the largest cocaine seizures in American history.
Lawrence Hashish, the lawyer for Gogic, said: "These charges came as a surprise to him. He maintains his innocence, and had come to the U.S. for a boxing convention in Puerto Rico."

An American was on holiday in Ireland and was in the pub having a pint. He was chatting to the bar man and asked if there was anyone around that could give him a game of golf on the local course.
The bar man said "Yeah Paddy is very good at golf". The American sat down with Paddy and asked if he wanted to play a game the next day. Paddy said "Ok, I'll meet you at 9, but I might be half hour late"
The next day Paddy turns up at 9 with his left hand clubs, plays the American and beats him. The American said "How about another game tomorrow?". Paddy replies "Yeah sure. I'll be here for 9, but I might be half hour late"
The next day, Paddy turn up at 9 with his right handed clubs, plays the American and wins convincingly. The American says "Right, how about another game tomorrow! Last game". Paddy replies "Yeah sure. I'll be here for 9, but I might be half hour late".
The American says "Hold on, you turn up yesterday with left handed clubs, you turn up today with right handed clubs, what's going on?" Paddy replies "When I wake up in the morning, if the missus is laying on her left side, I bring the left handed clubs and if she's laying on her right side, I bring the right haded clubs."
"What about if she's laying on her back?" asked the American. "I'll be half hour late" says Paddy.
The bar man said "Yeah Paddy is very good at golf". The American sat down with Paddy and asked if he wanted to play a game the next day. Paddy said "Ok, I'll meet you at 9, but I might be half hour late"
The next day Paddy turns up at 9 with his left hand clubs, plays the American and beats him. The American said "How about another game tomorrow?". Paddy replies "Yeah sure. I'll be here for 9, but I might be half hour late"
The next day, Paddy turn up at 9 with his right handed clubs, plays the American and wins convincingly. The American says "Right, how about another game tomorrow! Last game". Paddy replies "Yeah sure. I'll be here for 9, but I might be half hour late".
The American says "Hold on, you turn up yesterday with left handed clubs, you turn up today with right handed clubs, what's going on?" Paddy replies "When I wake up in the morning, if the missus is laying on her left side, I bring the left handed clubs and if she's laying on her right side, I bring the right haded clubs."
"What about if she's laying on her back?" asked the American. "I'll be half hour late" says Paddy.

more of a philosophical joke
An old Jew dies and goes to Heaven.
He asks if God wants to hear a holocaust joke.
God agrees and the man tells the joke.
God says, "That wasn't funny. It was offensive."
The Jew pauses and replies "I guess you had to be there."
An old Jew dies and goes to Heaven.
He asks if God wants to hear a holocaust joke.
God agrees and the man tells the joke.
God says, "That wasn't funny. It was offensive."
The Jew pauses and replies "I guess you had to be there."

Doctor I have leaves growing out my arse....Doctor: I'm afraid that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Copper walks in on his wife in bed with three men, 'ello ello ello' he says, wife says 'not speaking to me then?'

1 post
+5 votes

How many people can say this site changed their lives?! xD
It's definitely been an eye opener as far as seeing the possibilities of online communities

How many people can say this site changed their lives?! xD
So I have been using this site since last summer and I have to say i really love it... up to now (fingers crossed & touch wood) i have never had an order intercepted and most turn up pretty fast..
Big shout outs to The Green Team, MJconcentrates, jj5637901 and Radarbreeder... Up to now the only guys ive ordered from and Im one happy (and very high lol) customer
Please feel free to recommend any other sellers or items you think need a look as Im feeling a little adventurous at this point!
Big shout outs to The Green Team, MJconcentrates, jj5637901 and Radarbreeder... Up to now the only guys ive ordered from and Im one happy (and very high lol) customer
Please feel free to recommend any other sellers or items you think need a look as Im feeling a little adventurous at this point!

I have a lot less money now lmao but credit where it's due I've had over 50 orders have used too many different sellers to list them, use all the different postage options and every single one has arrived through my door safe and sound - no losses, no disputes, no reships or refunds just weed in my lettorbox! who doesn't want that? :) Big up lb's reliable sellers! :)

Couple of years on now and you can quadruple that number of orders and I've still had every single one land through my door no issues :) the work our sellers do is amazing <3

Agree with all the comments it’s completely changed what I use and the most interesting part for me is trying to educate myself more on what I’m smoking and or using.
Half the shit I did not know ever existed never mind how to use it.
I used to just order my gear and log off.
Now I’m never off that fucking topics page. It’s like I’ve got FOMO 🤦♂️
Like other people have commented I love the community side of things more so now.
I learned so much by asking questions and making good friends and just having a laugh with people with the same love and interest in cannabis 👌
Long live LB and the community
To all the vender’s I’ve used and still to use as the list of stuff that I want to try is now written on bog roll lol 😂 🫡
I just need to remember it’s not a sprint.
The site has definitely changed the way I consume and buy because of the choice
Not just your local.
What you got ?
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵
I’ve been lucky as I’ve only ever had a few issues that was resolved quickly and in a positive way.
The recommendation list could be endless and that’s not me having tried a lot but just the endless scrolling lol 😂
Defo spred your wings and as I’ve found out there is always help on hand from the community if you do have questions? I certainly did and by doing so as I said made good friends 💨💨
Half the shit I did not know ever existed never mind how to use it.
I used to just order my gear and log off.
Now I’m never off that fucking topics page. It’s like I’ve got FOMO 🤦♂️
Like other people have commented I love the community side of things more so now.
I learned so much by asking questions and making good friends and just having a laugh with people with the same love and interest in cannabis 👌
Long live LB and the community
To all the vender’s I’ve used and still to use as the list of stuff that I want to try is now written on bog roll lol 😂 🫡
I just need to remember it’s not a sprint.
The site has definitely changed the way I consume and buy because of the choice
Not just your local.
What you got ?
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵
I’ve been lucky as I’ve only ever had a few issues that was resolved quickly and in a positive way.
The recommendation list could be endless and that’s not me having tried a lot but just the endless scrolling lol 😂
Defo spred your wings and as I’ve found out there is always help on hand from the community if you do have questions? I certainly did and by doing so as I said made good friends 💨💨

“ What you got ?
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵 ”
😂😂😂😂…brilliant Daz….it’s funny ‘cos it’s true! 😎
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵 ”
😂😂😂😂…brilliant Daz….it’s funny ‘cos it’s true! 😎

It's turned me on to bitcoin and that has made a real difference to my finances and the way I see the world :)

You know before I got on to this site i didnt even know how to get hold of bitcoin. Now i put my savings into not just bitcoin but other crypto currencies too. Using this site and having to learn about bitcoin actually taught me alot more

This site has been amazing, in my experience. It’s so good to be able to buy such an array of products. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with the sellers I’ve dealt with. I might not remember them all but I’ve used Hashtag UK, Drugs Inc UK, The Green Team, Super Hans, All4twenty, UK connect and Daan. All have been great. Amazing product, stealth and delivered through the letterbox! What’s not to like. The only downer is Bitcoin and the fees. Other than that with all the choice, I feel like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. Although, looking at the weight I’ve put on in lockdown I’m probably more like Augustus Gloop!

Yeah the array of products on offer is really what has msde me fall in love with this site. Id need 20 dealers on the street to get hold of even half the stuff on here and alot of stuff would just not be possible. Long live littlebiggy!

I agree big time. This site has 100% saved me and my partner as when lockdown started we had no stash whatsoever and with no means to get our usual stuff. I feel so lucky to have found lb, the community here and all the choice it's amazing and If someone told me about this few years ago I wouldn't believed them.
In terms of sellers, I'm pleased with the service. My last purchase was from Medusa501 for the price they offer, which is not bad at all!
In terms of sellers, I'm pleased with the service. My last purchase was from Medusa501 for the price they offer, which is not bad at all!

Oh yes I still have friends that go to the street to get their smoke and they dont believe that this site is legit. They think I have a connect that I'm keeping secret lol defo their loss if they font have the balls to try it out lol
I was a bit unsure about getting stuff by post at first but I got to say the guys on here are real life savers with their amazing stealth! Several guys made me laugh with their stickers and stuff they write on their packages xD
I will never ever go back to the street again after being on here.
I was a bit unsure about getting stuff by post at first but I got to say the guys on here are real life savers with their amazing stealth! Several guys made me laugh with their stickers and stuff they write on their packages xD
I will never ever go back to the street again after being on here.

the problem of the street is that there is not much choice, sometimes the quality is poor and the product is never weighed.. prices can vary significantly and above all I have no more age and time to go around.
this community is absolutely fantastic, I have been a smoker in the last 30 years and I thought I knew everything about this world but I was wrong, here I found lovely products, many useful tips specially on vaping that work perfectly for me and LOTS of good people.
This is also the first time in my life l’m interested in an online community.
So love u biggaz, even when u fight 😄
this community is absolutely fantastic, I have been a smoker in the last 30 years and I thought I knew everything about this world but I was wrong, here I found lovely products, many useful tips specially on vaping that work perfectly for me and LOTS of good people.
This is also the first time in my life l’m interested in an online community.
So love u biggaz, even when u fight 😄

Highly reccomend the urban leaf company and bonnevilles afgooey is special and smoggyman smoke is honestly next level to anything else I’ve had of here you won’t be disappointed if you try any of them :)

ahh I love the little brandings and product design, makes me chuckle
never know what you're going to get.
never know what you're going to get.

Made a massive difference to my life as I don't have the hassle of finding the next score, not knowing what it is, if it's been cured or on weight, from some dodgy dude in a dodgy place.

Yeah its definitely nice yo be able to buy from a reliable source like some of the guys on here. Love the rating system, the escrow... Everything! Whats not to love lol

You could say it was life changing...thats one way to put it haha. Fml this site is something else XD

I've been a member of so many different Weed forums and sites over the years. So many of them are just places for people to say "I'm smoking this, but you can't." This place is the complete opposite, if you see someone mentioning some amazing weed or hash you can buy it yourself within a few clicks. None of that gatekeeping you see elsewhere.
The community is also amazing, I've not been here that long but have already made friends. Most of the vendors I have dealt with have been absolute diamonds. I'm not in my 20s any more (or my 30s, sadly lol) and a lot of my mates who I grew up smoking with have quit. It's great to have a whole new bunch of people to bore with my weed talk.
The community is also amazing, I've not been here that long but have already made friends. Most of the vendors I have dealt with have been absolute diamonds. I'm not in my 20s any more (or my 30s, sadly lol) and a lot of my mates who I grew up smoking with have quit. It's great to have a whole new bunch of people to bore with my weed talk.

I joined and my first choices of Smokers Inc & Premium Extracts robbed me completely. Except they didn’t because of the amazing Escrow Suisse so not surprisingly I persisted. My next two orders where not good experiences. Sticking with it I finally came across the likes of Smoggyman, SuperHans & UK Dispensary and all shifted on its axis!
I now tell friends that with few clicks I can get the very finest in my Letter box the next day and they don’t believe me. Life is good!
I now tell friends that with few clicks I can get the very finest in my Letter box the next day and they don’t believe me. Life is good!

Fortunately i didnt go through the same issues that you did but thats why its best to always ask around on here about a seller and check their ratings out... When i came on here the first seller i bough off was the green team as they were the highest rated i could see at that time and came with quite a few people recommending them.
If ever in doubt just ask everyone here is here with the same intention.
If ever in doubt just ask everyone here is here with the same intention.

I do agree, although PremiumExtracts had 100+ sales and a 9.8% rating and they still took me and a good few others. I accept that if I want to buy illegal product online then it comes with an elevated level of risk which is why I stuck with it. I was sceptical that Escrow Suisse was even a real thing and was stunned by just how efficient they are. I’ve had to work harder and wait longer to get my money back from Amazon! :)

love my biggaz, this place creates the kind of society i can buy into because people have such a strong voice here. the sellers are excellent, many of them true artisans but it's the crowd and their power here that keeps them that way.

Never met a bad guy on here so far... Lots of other places are full of scammers, drama and issues.
Such a cool place to find likeminded chilled ppl
Such a cool place to find likeminded chilled ppl

This is my first suprise here to. I read the topics all the time when I’m bored and no one argues… ever. No one is being an ass hole, it’s quite remarkable.
The only thing iv seen is a vendor calling out a buyer and reading what was put it was a buyer being a cheeky cunt any way. Did make me laugh as I don’t hear many people getting called a mong.
The only thing iv seen is a vendor calling out a buyer and reading what was put it was a buyer being a cheeky cunt any way. Did make me laugh as I don’t hear many people getting called a mong.

We can honestly say we look forward to everyday sharing the love with all you beautiful Bigga's!! Not only is it a safe way for us to spread our love but also to be part of a community that believes in quality and a different way of life...and one where we can choose to do what the hell we like ;-)
We are grateful everyday! Thank you LB's!!!
We are grateful everyday! Thank you LB's!!!

Its been a massive plus for me. I moved to a rural location and getting weed was near on impossible. Stumbled upon this site in my desperation and it has been a game changer.

Joined late July. Postman is never away from the door. "Plenty of packages this weather" he said on Friday. Told him that I've found a 'new' hobby. Hope he never asks to come in and see my collection of pin badges 😅

I can't believe the various posties I've had haven't worked out what they deliver to me regularly. Thankfully they've all been great and the odd ice cold can of coke, on the 30 degree plus days we enjoy in the UK occasionally, goes a long way!

Due to Druids Magic, I am friends with Polly as my first DM to them was called "I hope you don't mind" and a recommendation for them to try Druids.
Due to my conversations with Druids I eventually got a cancard, then a prescription and now not only am I predominantly legal I also "work" within the vape industry
Ppl like Viper and Dazzler are my friends because of this site
My life has improved because of little biggy
My bank balance not so much
Due to my conversations with Druids I eventually got a cancard, then a prescription and now not only am I predominantly legal I also "work" within the vape industry
Ppl like Viper and Dazzler are my friends because of this site
My life has improved because of little biggy
My bank balance not so much

We only remain here because we’ve had multiple private reviews from cancer patients saying our product helped them with relief. For vendors, they can also make a lot of money providing they keep a consistent product

Been on here for nearly a year. Got ripped of once for about 120 notes. Live and learn eh. Other than that I've not got a bad word to say about LB. Can't really get good hash anymore up where I live so this has been a god send. Keep up the hard work vendors. It's very much appreciated. Have a merry Xmas all you Biggies out there. And keep on puffing 💨💨💨

For sure. I'm a medical user who really struggled when I moved back to the UK. I stumbled upon LB over a year ago and have never looked back since. My top vendors are Urban Leaf Company (pure service and quality), MJ Concentrates (the same), UK CannaFarm (grass roots good ol' boy with fantastic organic weed), Oilman (great RSO and some top shelf herb), Dope Chef (great edibles), and Super Hans (a new find for me, but a connoisseur and professional to say the least). However, I've had only one bad experience and Escrow Suisse looked after it. Definitely life changing!

Hey buddy, i've just seen this. Thanks so much for the message! I'm back online again with some new stuff if you'd like to check me out :)

Absolutely 100% yes. Didn't have a regular dealer for a couple of years so had to either nag friends to buy through them, or buy random overpriced crap from strangers. Always worrying about running out and having to go through that process again. From that to this? Night and day. Add to that one of the nicest communities on the internet...

I joined when lock down began and I started to panic where I would get my weed from. Been pretty much a daily toker for the last 36 years and before lock down used to fly to Amsterdam once a month on a easyjet special and pack a jiffy bag full of delights and post them home!! Its saved me a fortune being able to use little biggy but I still miss the fun of the DAM and a night in the Katsu coffee shop

yeah def changed my life.
wife made me quit bud because it smelt so much and we've just had a kid. stress was too much without weed.
so i turned to the awesome vape cart sellers on this site and my life is back to normal - me, my medicine and happy family!
wife made me quit bud because it smelt so much and we've just had a kid. stress was too much without weed.
so i turned to the awesome vape cart sellers on this site and my life is back to normal - me, my medicine and happy family!

It's definitely been an eye opener as far as seeing the possibilities of online communities

100%. No more meeting dodgy dudes with tinted windows for shit Stardawg. The community aspect as well, great site.

Well, this is a nice topic and i would like to contribute :)
I've been on LB for around three years now and 100s of orders placed. Between this and the last account that my stoned brain somehow deleted the password for, but eitherway ...
I had only two or three packages lost, in all fairness, i think Amazon has lost the same amount of packages in the same time :)
I've recently become an official medical patient and even with access to medical bud I go on here to complete my stash. The selection of different strains, cannabis products and other goodies on this site is terrific and is probably my number one reason for returning time after time.
I would like to mention a few vendors, which i have found to deliver particularly outstanding quality and/or service:
The Gentlemen Dealers
With their selection of Cali and non-Cali bud, their outstanding stealth and NDD delivery option I have done quite a few shopping trips to their page.
Shroom of the Loom
Havent been dealing with them very long, but their comms, quality and delivery were all impecable. Will deffo keep shopping with them.
I have to mention them simply for the awesome Gorilla Punch I got from them recently ... that's some outstanding smoke right there. Placed an order with them for some extracts, looking forward to those ...
So enough of my rambling ..
Has LB changed my life? Damn right it has ... over are the days of not being able to obtain my buds, having to deal with shady folks at a streetcorner just to get ripped off or similar scenarios ...
LB is like amazon ... only for weed ><
Stay high biggas
I've been on LB for around three years now and 100s of orders placed. Between this and the last account that my stoned brain somehow deleted the password for, but eitherway ...
I had only two or three packages lost, in all fairness, i think Amazon has lost the same amount of packages in the same time :)
I've recently become an official medical patient and even with access to medical bud I go on here to complete my stash. The selection of different strains, cannabis products and other goodies on this site is terrific and is probably my number one reason for returning time after time.
I would like to mention a few vendors, which i have found to deliver particularly outstanding quality and/or service:
The Gentlemen Dealers
With their selection of Cali and non-Cali bud, their outstanding stealth and NDD delivery option I have done quite a few shopping trips to their page.
Shroom of the Loom
Havent been dealing with them very long, but their comms, quality and delivery were all impecable. Will deffo keep shopping with them.
I have to mention them simply for the awesome Gorilla Punch I got from them recently ... that's some outstanding smoke right there. Placed an order with them for some extracts, looking forward to those ...
So enough of my rambling ..
Has LB changed my life? Damn right it has ... over are the days of not being able to obtain my buds, having to deal with shady folks at a streetcorner just to get ripped off or similar scenarios ...
LB is like amazon ... only for weed ><
Stay high biggas

Yeah the least one could say!
A few life changes LB brought to us, but that we often take for granted:
Product quality
Variety / Choice
Education & Knowledge
Money protection
Time saving getting to and waiting for street dealers.
Not missing the small talks in dark street corners either.
A few life changes LB brought to us, but that we often take for granted:
Product quality
Variety / Choice
Education & Knowledge
Money protection
Time saving getting to and waiting for street dealers.
Not missing the small talks in dark street corners either.

Changed my life for good next day delivery’s are perfect for me overall the stealth from most of the top vendors on here is excellent I can vouch for honest feedback. Big up the team at lb for keeping this site up and running we all need medicine.
One Love
One Love

1 post
+1 votes
Magic Mushrooms to Ireland
sorry to be curious rather than helpful but what's scoring mushrooms like in ireland?

Magic Mushrooms to Ireland
Hi All
I'm trying to source mushies that can be delivered to the Republic of Ireland. Even better if i can source mushie caps
I'm trying to source mushies that can be delivered to the Republic of Ireland. Even better if i can source mushie caps

sorry to be curious rather than helpful but what's scoring mushrooms like in ireland?

normally good, but i just don't have the time this year to get out. You need to find a place with no fertiliser and livestock (so normally higher ground with sheep or horse pastures)

Hi Mate,
Send me a message, have shrooms & can offer a 30x (.1g) caps for monthly microdosing :)
Send me a message, have shrooms & can offer a 30x (.1g) caps for monthly microdosing :)

1 post
+8.2 votes

best ways to partake broke?
which prison was he in?
Everyone's an expert, so here's two pennies' worth: buy the best quality you can afford and enjoy it until it runs out. When you can afford to buy again, buy again. This strategy is invariably better than endless shake or cheap commercial hash.
Seriously, hyper-economising ruins the fun. It doesn't make sense to spend half your high trying to mop up every crumb from your grinder, or in coughing fits because you absolutely must capture every last molecule of smoke out of your piece. As for drinking bong water...strep, black mildew, E.coli, proteus - to name a few.
Seriously, hyper-economising ruins the fun. It doesn't make sense to spend half your high trying to mop up every crumb from your grinder, or in coughing fits because you absolutely must capture every last molecule of smoke out of your piece. As for drinking bong water...strep, black mildew, E.coli, proteus - to name a few.

The shake situation generally depends on the person. I myself don't get the effects from weed anymore as my tolerance is so high and I'm also not working atm. Shake is good for the fact it's still cheaper than buying a cheap oz of buds and will last longer. Not everyone smokes for the buzz my man

Best practice is no waste. Smoke burning into the air is throwing away cannabis. Stems and sticks are not for the smoking but they can all be cooked in edibles.

True this, I have an old hippie friend that would smoke joints backwards only sipping on the smoke from the burning end.

Grind your cannabis! This brings out the good parts and nearly doubles the potency of your stash!

Or "surface area" which most people learn at 14 in school with basic chemistry reactions.
You only want to grind it just before smoking though because a bigger mass (bigger buds) will store longer for the same reason. Less exposure.
I go through the smallest bit first for that reason.
You only want to grind it just before smoking though because a bigger mass (bigger buds) will store longer for the same reason. Less exposure.
I go through the smallest bit first for that reason.

I agree with this. I used to smoke hash years ago and it blew my mind when introduced to weed. Aw, memories

Used to be my favourite way of smoking hash, no wastage and a good strong stoning. Now I just use a dynavap haha

Decent vape plus shake and hash as they are the best bang for buck imo.
Hash is high quality and cheap right now so offers more thc than most buds
Hash is high quality and cheap right now so offers more thc than most buds

This is my philosophy right now, i keep two types of shake, two types of hash and two carts, all from LB referrals. It is possible to have a completely free rotation, long live LB.

Shotties mate
9mm copper piping, coke bottle with water, small bit of fag cut off with blade and stamp in hash. High as fuck
9mm copper piping, coke bottle with water, small bit of fag cut off with blade and stamp in hash. High as fuck

smoke pure always. Get a bong and work out exactly how much you can smoke up and hold for time. Pull til the smoke nearly touches your lips, cover with your hand and take a full breath of air. Big exhale then rip the smoke up and hold in til the world seems better...
Served me well as a struggling stoner in the early years. Vapes also really good option, bit more high tech and different high than smoking though.
Hash prob better value than flower, though can get a decent high off of shake/bottom buds which you might find cheaper on here.
Served me well as a struggling stoner in the early years. Vapes also really good option, bit more high tech and different high than smoking though.
Hash prob better value than flower, though can get a decent high off of shake/bottom buds which you might find cheaper on here.

Haha once saw my little sister who was off her face at the time pick up a shorty bottle ( was no where near clean lol like the black ones ) and drink half the water

Back in the 90s a dude i knew hit the bong full of poppers and a tobacco/soap bar (crap hash) mix. Ripped it clean before he went green...

Get a magic flight launch box with a power adapter and batteries then learn how to use it well. No other way can make herbs last as long as this little baby. ( my first vape). You can also smoke eat or make butter with your leftovers its a win win situation. Bit for a J can last for hours in this little baby. The high builds gradually but can get you totaly baked if you so wish.

Definitely shake ! We have a lot of regular customers for shake because it’s the best bang for your buck ! Super cheap yet still super high grade and enough to get you going for a while 🥰

Strainsburies have you been hackd ontg I had made and paid for an order 2z shake last month and still haven't received anything, but only been strung along by a few messages since, it's medi Cater if you could please reply to me there thanks.

I used to smoke a quarter of weed a week and that would cost me £60-70. For the last eight years I’ve been vaping concentrates instead and a gram of that is roughly £40-50. So I’ve literally been saving £20-30 per week and I’m sure my lungs are better for it.

a good bong and don't kain your weed also T-breaks are a must . and sometimes a spliff is better (Unless you wanna get proper munted ( just don't go over board and remeber the T-breaks)

In all fainess I purchase some quality shake/trim & popcorn buds. Get plenty of bang for your buck and there's some tasty looking stuff on a few vendors pages. I got 7g last week and there was plenty of buds in it

use eagle bill shake and vape pipe it is a normal glass vape pipe use the opening as a bowl and when you run out it's collected so much THC rich oil on the glass forms VERY strong stuff you can heat as it's glass made to be heated from the glass bubble to the stem or using a little water to soften in up you can use paper clips straitened with a loop on the end to strip the pipe literally clean and gather the now thick dark/black deposit out and a gram of that lasts ages.
It's harsh to smoke but stronger than premium dutch hash type stuff. Also if you're in any country with a cannabis cafe many people take the rubbish bags from cannabis cafes in Holland where they often separate food from waste joints, this may also apply to some US dispensaries although i don't know if that's legal.
This is legal in the Netherlands and many people in them smoke pure weed joints and even then leave a lot unsmoked...but for the love of god DO NOT DRINK BONG WATER
THC has extremely low solubility in water and secondly bong water should be fresh with every use if your bong water has gotten to the point that it has THC in it then it's been there for weeks and is literally just stagnant water that has collected all the cyanide and other things present in smoke and cultured an amount of bacteria likely many times dirtier than your toilet
It's harsh to smoke but stronger than premium dutch hash type stuff. Also if you're in any country with a cannabis cafe many people take the rubbish bags from cannabis cafes in Holland where they often separate food from waste joints, this may also apply to some US dispensaries although i don't know if that's legal.
This is legal in the Netherlands and many people in them smoke pure weed joints and even then leave a lot unsmoked...but for the love of god DO NOT DRINK BONG WATER
THC has extremely low solubility in water and secondly bong water should be fresh with every use if your bong water has gotten to the point that it has THC in it then it's been there for weeks and is literally just stagnant water that has collected all the cyanide and other things present in smoke and cultured an amount of bacteria likely many times dirtier than your toilet

I have 2 really unappealing words to say so hear me out, don't judge. The 2 words are bong water. Do not drink of course, not directly. As part of a smoothie, yes. Shit works great and it's more than free its fucking recycling.

Careful, bong water liquid can quikly provide a potentially sickening "smoothie" as bacteria from various contaminents (few people are known to fadtidiously scrub the inside of the bong cylinder, even fewer are known for changing the water on a per-use basis. Also, i'm not so sure the solids you would be consuming are that pschoactive - thc is not soluble in H2O to my knowledge.
Good luck! ?
Good luck! ?

1 post
+4.2 votes
started topic

1 post
+1 votes

{web 3.0}
Peer Tube
peer tube uk shut down :(

{web 3.0}
Peer Tube
PeerTube is a federation of autonomous servers, you can register at any of these, upload video and attach it to a topic or item here. No Google, no snoople.
Diode Zone
PeerTube Italia
PeerTube UK
Diode Zone
PeerTube Italia
PeerTube UK

1 post
+2 votes

Suggested Strain Names
yes but that's after bringing great inspiration

Suggested Strain Names
Bojo - mad fucking sativa, frenetic, clever, but mostly incoherent.
Morissey - deep indica, good for creativity and laughter. Smoke too much though and you get depressed.
Morissey - deep indica, good for creativity and laughter. Smoke too much though and you get depressed.

Arnie Haze - super strong but you later realise its full of synthetics
Corbyn Cough - Great medical benefits and solid all round but the smell and look are extremely divisive
Reece Mogg Poison - Very old landrace strain, tastes and smells like olden times but quality and extremely pricey
Adele Fritter - Bud size can vary from skinny to huge, often confused with Jamaican weed, tastes a bit like stale wine
Eminem Dream - Super white it's so covered in trichs but only really smoked by teenage white boys in their dorm rooms, stinks like Lynx Afrixa
Sorry 😂😂😂
Corbyn Cough - Great medical benefits and solid all round but the smell and look are extremely divisive
Reece Mogg Poison - Very old landrace strain, tastes and smells like olden times but quality and extremely pricey
Adele Fritter - Bud size can vary from skinny to huge, often confused with Jamaican weed, tastes a bit like stale wine
Eminem Dream - Super white it's so covered in trichs but only really smoked by teenage white boys in their dorm rooms, stinks like Lynx Afrixa
Sorry 😂😂😂

Amnesia Jones - would be a great strain for creativity if it didn't fry your thoughts into gibbering nonsense. Excessive use leads to paranoia.

1 post
+5 votes
are you the same person throughout your life?
can i pay in installments?

are you the same person throughout your life?

they say that our cells renew constantly and so our meatbag is not the same bunch of cells we were born with. i wonder if it changes your thoughts and perceptions too? and i wonder if you stay in one place does it change mildly cos new cells are created un the same environment and if you've lived in loads of places do those different environment affect the cells as they renew. And does this physical change also impact how we think and feel? I'm so entirely a different person as a kid, teen, pretty much every decade - but then I move around a lot - different food, air, water, society. Anyway that's one of my many stoned thoughts this evening thanks to super hans hindu kush -

Hehe…hindu kush working it’s stuff there👍🔥❤️
For my tuppence worth, I believe our consciousness of self is our only constant…it might be a weird overloaded neural dump (as some of brilliance believe) that has never got close to being understood, but it’s…us…😍
For my tuppence worth, I believe our consciousness of self is our only constant…it might be a weird overloaded neural dump (as some of brilliance believe) that has never got close to being understood, but it’s…us…😍

We are what we carry and we were what we left behind. What will be will be. Rinse and repeat.

Hi Julieh
From a purely scientifc perspective your cell regenerate but your DNA stays the same except that it tends to degrade overtime.
Exposure to carcinogen, chemicals, radiation and everything else (drugs?) can trigger mutations in your DNA as well.
From discussions with researchers the social and wider environment also induce mutations in individual.
From a philosophical, mysticla or religious perspective there are questions of whether there is such a thing as ego (Buddhism), Soul,etc.
I guess that a interesting place where science and philosohy/spirituality meet is the nature of consciousness: is it a quantum process given that enuronal activity involves particles such as electrons etc.
Scientists such as Roger Penrose have pondered this subject and I hope that in an hypothetical future (or another sentient species somewhere else in the current Universe) will be able to attain syncretic knowledge fusing spiritual and scientific approaches.
From a purely scientifc perspective your cell regenerate but your DNA stays the same except that it tends to degrade overtime.
Exposure to carcinogen, chemicals, radiation and everything else (drugs?) can trigger mutations in your DNA as well.
From discussions with researchers the social and wider environment also induce mutations in individual.
From a philosophical, mysticla or religious perspective there are questions of whether there is such a thing as ego (Buddhism), Soul,etc.
I guess that a interesting place where science and philosohy/spirituality meet is the nature of consciousness: is it a quantum process given that enuronal activity involves particles such as electrons etc.
Scientists such as Roger Penrose have pondered this subject and I hope that in an hypothetical future (or another sentient species somewhere else in the current Universe) will be able to attain syncretic knowledge fusing spiritual and scientific approaches.

Hi Julieh
That the scifi nerd and the optimist in me :-)
Looking at the state of the planet right now I doubt mankind will get there though...
That the scifi nerd and the optimist in me :-)
Looking at the state of the planet right now I doubt mankind will get there though...

True story,
Mutations in DNA are both a blessing and curse, can lead to evolutionary steps that aid us in some way (super powers), or degenerate and cause weak links such as susceptibility to diseases and cancer.
I have a stoned thought for you all. Let's say Adam and Eve were real and were made perfect able to live for incredibly long periods of time, no intellectual limitation and possibly other manifesting abilities.
How ever as we know if you have a closed group of a particular species where its impossible for a outsider to enter the mix, over time those species will gradually become more and more inbred (look at guineafowl with blue necks when healthy and able to mix with other groups, but when isolated their necks gradually turn white, they loose the blue because of repeating genetic inputs)
So Adam and Eve have kids, kids have kids etc etc, but there are no outsiders, they are constantly inbreeding, and basically we are all inbreds, we have no where near the capacities our ancestors had, we are not as strong, we are more susceptible to diseases, our brains are getting weaker (partly our own faults for staring at screens rather than actively engaging and learning) white people can't even be in the sun for long due to burns and cancer risk.
Blue bloods only mix as appropriate to retain certain important traits and the rest of us just do what ever. but have you noticed that if an outsider like an immigrant produces offspring with a local which it is impossible that there is any genetic similarity, that the off spring are on high average incredibly beautiful, charismatic and intelligent.
now I'm not saying Adam and eve were real as per religious texts, but if figuratively speaking Adam and Eve were collects names for very small groups of nomads in the far reaches of pangaea then the same situations occurs.
Look up mitochondrial eve. you will see you are all my siblings 🍻🤣🤣🤣
Mutations in DNA are both a blessing and curse, can lead to evolutionary steps that aid us in some way (super powers), or degenerate and cause weak links such as susceptibility to diseases and cancer.
I have a stoned thought for you all. Let's say Adam and Eve were real and were made perfect able to live for incredibly long periods of time, no intellectual limitation and possibly other manifesting abilities.
How ever as we know if you have a closed group of a particular species where its impossible for a outsider to enter the mix, over time those species will gradually become more and more inbred (look at guineafowl with blue necks when healthy and able to mix with other groups, but when isolated their necks gradually turn white, they loose the blue because of repeating genetic inputs)
So Adam and Eve have kids, kids have kids etc etc, but there are no outsiders, they are constantly inbreeding, and basically we are all inbreds, we have no where near the capacities our ancestors had, we are not as strong, we are more susceptible to diseases, our brains are getting weaker (partly our own faults for staring at screens rather than actively engaging and learning) white people can't even be in the sun for long due to burns and cancer risk.
Blue bloods only mix as appropriate to retain certain important traits and the rest of us just do what ever. but have you noticed that if an outsider like an immigrant produces offspring with a local which it is impossible that there is any genetic similarity, that the off spring are on high average incredibly beautiful, charismatic and intelligent.
now I'm not saying Adam and eve were real as per religious texts, but if figuratively speaking Adam and Eve were collects names for very small groups of nomads in the far reaches of pangaea then the same situations occurs.
Look up mitochondrial eve. you will see you are all my siblings 🍻🤣🤣🤣

Physically, changes in environmental conditions will change us - to what extent, I don't know but extremes would be exposure to poisons or freezing temperatures. There's also temporary resets, I call them, where one could end up in situations which are new to us and we employ the mode which is the simplest at the time. Could just be a one off social event or a regular switch, like sliding into the persona of your work self, or going into holiday mode for a couple of weeks.
Our true selves, higher consciousness or whatever, must constantly evolve to keep up with any physical & biological changes whether temporary or not, I'd have thought.
Also, if we change our thinking, consciously or not, then we have the opportunity to see ourselves from a different perspective.
This altered viewpoint will impact our divine self accordingly. We should aim to implement beneficial changes which will ultimately align our earthly & spiritual selves with our true purpose and then we get to fck off somewhere an awful lot better than this hellish shit fest of an existence.
I probably could have answered this better if I was stoned tbh
Our true selves, higher consciousness or whatever, must constantly evolve to keep up with any physical & biological changes whether temporary or not, I'd have thought.
Also, if we change our thinking, consciously or not, then we have the opportunity to see ourselves from a different perspective.
This altered viewpoint will impact our divine self accordingly. We should aim to implement beneficial changes which will ultimately align our earthly & spiritual selves with our true purpose and then we get to fck off somewhere an awful lot better than this hellish shit fest of an existence.
I probably could have answered this better if I was stoned tbh

I'm completely different to who I used to be. For me it seems to come down to life experiences and the company we keep. I sometimes wish I could go back to being the old me, but it would only lead to unhappiness.

Good stoned topic! I think the answer is yes and no, I’m a very different person to who I once was, I’ve grownm, matured, my views have changed and so has the world.. a lot! But at the same time I am still me a 5 and 15 feel like I’ve been growing into the person I was meant to be all along if that makes sense. It’s more than just life experience as two people can have exactly the same experiences and be very different genetics, personality and ultimately who we want to be play a big roll. Just my 2 pence ✌️

This has intrigued me. Are you saying that each moment is a separate reality from the moments preceding and following? How long is a moment? What about any momentos one may have acquired? They are a physical reminder of a moment but which moment would we associate with that memento when it triggers a memory by its very existence?

The idea that we are one self is not widely accepted by psychologists any more... So no.

1 post
+2 votes
To Todd's Sure Thangs: Famous
true this, lovez todd
1 post
+6 votes
A tweet directly from the brain
started topic

A tweet directly from the brain
Thanks to a neural implant a man with ALS was able to send a tweet by thinking it.

1 post
+1 votes
6th grade sucks
1 post
+4 votes
Open Source Brain Computer Interface
This. If there is anything that requires no trust code it's this.

Open Source Brain Computer Interface
1 post
+2 votes
Is Bitcoin Dying Out?
I think what will die out is smaller sellers like myself who consistently lose money because its tied up in Transaxe (escrow) for way longer than it needs to be.
Why can't funds be linked to reviews? As soon as a customer had left a review there could be a box which says "are you happy with your purchase and for your funds to be released to the vendor? - yes - no". If yes the funds are released and if no it takes you to a dispute page. So simple and would solve so many issues but as with every other sensible idea on here, like introducing another more stable Crypto option, it will never happen.
To be honest if I'm consistently losing 15-20% when BTC falls on its arse during the 16 days its stuck in escrow, plus the 10-15% seller fees on top of that, selling on LB is becoming less and less viable by the day.
There has to be a better way to run this site than have it rely on something so volatile. But I won't hold my breath.
Cheers BB
Why can't funds be linked to reviews? As soon as a customer had left a review there could be a box which says "are you happy with your purchase and for your funds to be released to the vendor? - yes - no". If yes the funds are released and if no it takes you to a dispute page. So simple and would solve so many issues but as with every other sensible idea on here, like introducing another more stable Crypto option, it will never happen.
To be honest if I'm consistently losing 15-20% when BTC falls on its arse during the 16 days its stuck in escrow, plus the 10-15% seller fees on top of that, selling on LB is becoming less and less viable by the day.
There has to be a better way to run this site than have it rely on something so volatile. But I won't hold my breath.
Cheers BB

Might just be my luck but I can't even remember the last time it actually worked in my favour!
Hopefully it'll at least stabilise at some point. 🤞
Cheers BB 🍻
Hopefully it'll at least stabilise at some point. 🤞
Cheers BB 🍻

Fully agreed on BB on the review payment system that's a great idea as every vendor big or small is at risk with a 16 day payout.
The markets are going to keep on crashing until they can get inflation under control which won't be any time soon. I stated this back in December and was attacked for my forward-thinking at the time.
Surely being a grower you are taking less risk in your initial financial outlay than say a retail seller?
A grower surely is in the best position to take advantage of this current climate?
Hope you are good as always GT
The markets are going to keep on crashing until they can get inflation under control which won't be any time soon. I stated this back in December and was attacked for my forward-thinking at the time.
Surely being a grower you are taking less risk in your initial financial outlay than say a retail seller?
A grower surely is in the best position to take advantage of this current climate?
Hope you are good as always GT

You're probably right that i'm less financially exposed than many "middle men" (for want of a better phrase) but the point is more about 'where' i sell rather than 'if' i sell.
If i have someone in London who offers (just as an example) £140 per zip for the entire crop for cash. A year ago i'd say no, these days those offers are far more tempting. Less hassle, less effort and less overheads.
It just means people like myself might look elsewhere to sell rather than risk a slightly higher profit margin that can dissapear overnight due to BTC's volatility.
I guess i should count myself lucky as i can ride it out, but i have a feeling others might not be in such an advantageous situation and the whole 16 day escrow thing is absolutely crippling their businesses.
Like i say fingers crossed it'll stabilise.
All the best buddy.
Cheers. BB
If i have someone in London who offers (just as an example) £140 per zip for the entire crop for cash. A year ago i'd say no, these days those offers are far more tempting. Less hassle, less effort and less overheads.
It just means people like myself might look elsewhere to sell rather than risk a slightly higher profit margin that can dissapear overnight due to BTC's volatility.
I guess i should count myself lucky as i can ride it out, but i have a feeling others might not be in such an advantageous situation and the whole 16 day escrow thing is absolutely crippling their businesses.
Like i say fingers crossed it'll stabilise.
All the best buddy.
Cheers. BB

yeah i used a big seller on a dn market that insisted on a review and early finalization to ship. once he had volume he did a runner on all of us.

Bitcoin works better as a digital currency when its lower in value rather than being inflated as a speculative digital commodity. It'll probably bounce back like it has before but when I joined LB it was around £6k and it would be great if it could get back to those levels or lower. (should say I obviously don't want to see any biggas losing money and wish you all the best).
Agree 100% with BB that the funds should be available to the seller after being reviewed too, maybe say 24 or 48 hours after the review is left (assuming not in dispute) that way the buyer still has a bit of extra protection but the seller doesn't have to wait 16 days. Escrows do normally work both ways like that.
Agree 100% with BB that the funds should be available to the seller after being reviewed too, maybe say 24 or 48 hours after the review is left (assuming not in dispute) that way the buyer still has a bit of extra protection but the seller doesn't have to wait 16 days. Escrows do normally work both ways like that.

Hold and buy more every time it drops to bring your cost average down.
Only put in what you can tie up say for the next 2 years or so.
Always think long-term look at the internet in the mid 90's people were saying then if it would work and look at it now. It takes 20 years or so for things to go mainstream we are 14 years in on BTC.
And the tech bubble bursting in 99 was a sifting process where the weak fell by the wayside (tech companies that went bust) and then the likes of Google survived.
If only in hindsight and all that.
Keep the faith
Only put in what you can tie up say for the next 2 years or so.
Always think long-term look at the internet in the mid 90's people were saying then if it would work and look at it now. It takes 20 years or so for things to go mainstream we are 14 years in on BTC.
And the tech bubble bursting in 99 was a sifting process where the weak fell by the wayside (tech companies that went bust) and then the likes of Google survived.
If only in hindsight and all that.
Keep the faith

Too late now mate hang on to them, might be a while now though even years before it goes back up. It could be an opportunity to buy a bitcoin.

Live by the tech traders die by the tech traders. That's technology finance and there's always another wave.

2024 and that's when the next bullrun should start, however there are investing companies trying to get an approval from SEC to have a spot bitcoin ETF available for sometime and they have to give in eventually. This should make the price pump. But end of the day who knows all I'm doing is holding my bags and buying some more when possible.

What's the point of having an ETF which tracks the price of Bitcoin? Why not directly buying BTC?

The point is it’s another financial instrument to play to the lemmings so even more walk off the cliff of financial ruin

1 post
+4 votes
the atlantic on public weed smoking
i think it was an invitation to party in old times but now its just shit pr for stoners

the atlantic on public weed smoking
tldr they are haters. and i hate to admit i agree :)

i think it was an invitation to party in old times but now its just shit pr for stoners

1 post
+3 votes
just use a p2p exchange with individual sellers and keep it in the exchanges escrow system. for more security you can mix the coins as many times as y…

hello question for vendors whats the best method to cash out money from btc?

I’ve downloaded the app but how do I use it ? I can’t find legacy wallets and do I leave funds there or transfer immediately? Is hodlhodl uk

Would you say exodus is sufficient enough t it’s much easier to use.
I’ve checked it out but only 2 uk suppliers on hodl
Appreciate the help, it’s nice to see vendors helping.
I’ve checked it out but only 2 uk suppliers on hodl
Appreciate the help, it’s nice to see vendors helping.

Ok I checked recently and only two was available.
Once the funds are in the exodus where would I transfer to my personal wallet? Which other wallet should I open .
Is normal wallet address not ok, what does legacy bitcoin wallet mean
Once the funds are in the exodus where would I transfer to my personal wallet? Which other wallet should I open .
Is normal wallet address not ok, what does legacy bitcoin wallet mean

HodlHodl and / or AgoraDesk. Peer to peer, no KYC, good couple of people on there offer BTC to cash at a pretty fair rate.
Also covered by escrow so your money is safe whilst you wait for your cash. Some offer it via postal whereas some offer it via meetup but for OPSEC purposes, I recommend using the post to maximize your anonymity.
Also covered by escrow so your money is safe whilst you wait for your cash. Some offer it via postal whereas some offer it via meetup but for OPSEC purposes, I recommend using the post to maximize your anonymity.

What is the problem if I transfer my btc to my CEX.IO exchange account and sell my bitcoin there? I just have 1 BTC.

No problem is the most likely answer.
Theoretically LB wallets are flagged (people occasionally claim to be kicked off coin platforms for sending here) so when you cash out through a kyc platform it’s traceable, blockchain records everything forever. Personally I doubt anyone’s got the time and budget for that over a few mushroom sales.
Coin mixing and or p2p cash out would add protection though.
Theoretically LB wallets are flagged (people occasionally claim to be kicked off coin platforms for sending here) so when you cash out through a kyc platform it’s traceable, blockchain records everything forever. Personally I doubt anyone’s got the time and budget for that over a few mushroom sales.
Coin mixing and or p2p cash out would add protection though.

Which coin mixing service would you recommended? Which p2p cash platforms are good and what btc address should be linked to transaxe

After the coin mixing , how are the funds accounted for? Where has it come from without raising suspicion? 👍

just use a p2p exchange with individual sellers and keep it in the exchanges escrow system. for more security you can mix the coins as many times as you like.

1 post
+1 votes
What web wallet to use?
guarda is actually a web wallet

What web wallet to use?
Wannabe vendor here who needs some advice on which web wallet works best for LB and also help potentially on linking the two?
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated

1 post
+3 votes
What Brought You To Biggy?
divorce without weed is like marriage without..weed
wish you all the best bigga

What Brought You To Biggy?
Yes I know it's weed. Or nootropics, whatever. But why here as opposed to say a local connection eh?

I was tired and sick of being harassed by local dealers..... any time i would say 'no thanks', hash weight would be punctually shorter..many would stop selling or disappear or the endless waiting for a spliff.... i wanted to find a natural cure suitable for my arthritis but all i got was the usual shananigans. So i searched enlightenment on google, I was determined to find a real e-market . where being a girl doesn't mean wanting to have sex in exchange of weed, where the quality or weight you get is not based on who you are, your race or accent... where you can have the side effects and detailed descriptions of what you are going to smoke/eat, before buying! I just didn't expect to find such a lovely and sweet community of people not more haters.... violent pics... aggressive behaviours.... this is the lightest side of the dark net. Love Lb thanks

Originally a customer myself, now a vendor. Love this little place.. the escrow payments made it easier for me to trust this place in the beginning, not forgetting the quality product on offer here.. normally top shelf stuff.. thought ide give something back to the community with what I can source myself. Love this place!!!

I came here as a refugee from the original Silk Road. When they were taken down my favourite seller there, the Muskabuzz, came here instead of the darknet for some highfalutin reasons I don't remember. I've been back to the darknet many times and it always ends in tears. I've been ripped of by sellers and market administrators more than federales. I've only had 1 bad experience here and that was resolved so I decided to stick with this.
Local connections are great while they last, then someone gets married or moves and your starting over. Also variety is better online.
Local connections are great while they last, then someone gets married or moves and your starting over. Also variety is better online.

What you said 133% plus the weed in Eire has such a shitty quality especially in the west coast. I reckon a small chunk of Ireland relies heavily on little-biggie bananas. It’s a great site though I’m only an amateur at this bitcoin banter

I'm still a novice, been here since October. Still figuring out how it all works.
As the others have mentioned, we've all come looking for something. I personally was not happy with the quality of cheeba I was getting through my connections and these people I know on a personal level. It wasn't their fault, it's just how the general market is in the UK. People just want cheap weed and get monged.
But weed is more than that, it's a tool to expand your mind and sense of being. The quality and variety on here is amazing and I can't thank all the vendors enough for all their hard work in a very competitive market place.
Everyone here is generally really cool and down to earth, which I believe is down to the quality of the product we consume, good weed makes good people.
Finally, the person(s) behind lb, wow, they saw something that we needed well before we knew we wanted. Kudos to them.
As the others have mentioned, we've all come looking for something. I personally was not happy with the quality of cheeba I was getting through my connections and these people I know on a personal level. It wasn't their fault, it's just how the general market is in the UK. People just want cheap weed and get monged.
But weed is more than that, it's a tool to expand your mind and sense of being. The quality and variety on here is amazing and I can't thank all the vendors enough for all their hard work in a very competitive market place.
Everyone here is generally really cool and down to earth, which I believe is down to the quality of the product we consume, good weed makes good people.
Finally, the person(s) behind lb, wow, they saw something that we needed well before we knew we wanted. Kudos to them.

Well I was smoking Weed on/off since I was 17 and always got my Weed through friends. After my Wife died two years ago I decided I need to move to a different Area to heal and I lost my Connections to get some Weed/Hash here and there.
Stumbled across LittleBiggy kinda by Accident and am really happy with it now.
Stumbled across LittleBiggy kinda by Accident and am really happy with it now.

I found this place through sheer luck, I could no longer be bothered with street dealers as they are a waste of time and the same strain of weed all the time, bad timing, big chance of ripping you off and I had barely any dealers/connections. Then when CBD bud came about I started buying it online, then just searched online where to buy weed online in the UK, found NDWUK’s website and didn’t know if it was legit or not so I searched up more info about them and came across this place and I’m glad I did cause I would never go back.

Because local connections go dry too quickly. One minute there's plenty, then next thing, boom, where the heck did it go? you would think there was some sort of weed sucking noo noo on the go XD

you dont know. i came here to be entertained when i am in a certain mode.
now you know.
now you know.

I'd had a massive break from recreational smoking and all other substances. I experimented with lots when younger and nearly went too far. Turned out I had an unknown heart condition. When I found out after I left uni, I packed up most things and smoking began anxiety attacks as a result so I packed that in too.
Must be 10-12 years on, kids, partner, house and alright job. My Mrs suffered an injury to her wrist and hand 2 years ago and had been off since needing reconstructive surgery but the pain will never stop. Coincidently at a similar time another close family member had a knee replacement. Both wanted pain relief that wasn't dihydrocodene as it made them I'll long term.
I'm in an area with no connections and fully remember how hit and miss the streets are. I got some decent stardawg from a friend but was too strong for both of them. I loved it and it gave me a reintroduction but getting it was sporadic and unreliable.
Like a lot I began looking at cbd vendors and came across this site. Very nerve racking to use to begin with, setting up and learning the way around but all you guys and the vendors are TOP BANANA and it's so easy. Couple that with decent products and a variety to buy in small amounts to see what suits different people and different moods you quickly find it's a wonderful place.
Big up to littlebiggy and all it's members that make a great community.
Must be 10-12 years on, kids, partner, house and alright job. My Mrs suffered an injury to her wrist and hand 2 years ago and had been off since needing reconstructive surgery but the pain will never stop. Coincidently at a similar time another close family member had a knee replacement. Both wanted pain relief that wasn't dihydrocodene as it made them I'll long term.
I'm in an area with no connections and fully remember how hit and miss the streets are. I got some decent stardawg from a friend but was too strong for both of them. I loved it and it gave me a reintroduction but getting it was sporadic and unreliable.
Like a lot I began looking at cbd vendors and came across this site. Very nerve racking to use to begin with, setting up and learning the way around but all you guys and the vendors are TOP BANANA and it's so easy. Couple that with decent products and a variety to buy in small amounts to see what suits different people and different moods you quickly find it's a wonderful place.
Big up to littlebiggy and all it's members that make a great community.

Honestly? Good quality at a nice price with discrete delivery. I hope you’re writing won’t bring undue attention to this place.

This Insta page weed blogger. It's great! "High and Polite" he had a ppst about "how to buy weed online safely" and here I am :D legalize

Same high and polite mentioned it , I looked watched and commented for a few months then made my first purchase Friday, delivery should be this week so fingers crossed. Had some minor paranoia about royal mail grassing me up but what the hell let’s see!

Split with my wife. My contacts are her friends. Lost contact with my own and don't trust her friends so googled "buy weed online" and here I am.

A friend gave me a THC vape cart for Christmas and before that I had never vaped THC. I googled the cart as I like to lookup flower strains on leafly or other sites, but google brought me to LB instead.
My only local connection is my best friend's little bro, and he's been trying to get out of the business. My friend actually told me to stop buying weed from his bro as he didn't want me to be his enabler.
I'm very happy with LB. Because I'm not buying weed as often my tolerance is way down compared to how it was a few years ago. I went from being a daily smoker to now only smoking a few times a month. My tolerance is low enough now that I often experience 'afterglow' the day after smoking. Haven't felt that in a LONG time!
My only local connection is my best friend's little bro, and he's been trying to get out of the business. My friend actually told me to stop buying weed from his bro as he didn't want me to be his enabler.
I'm very happy with LB. Because I'm not buying weed as often my tolerance is way down compared to how it was a few years ago. I went from being a daily smoker to now only smoking a few times a month. My tolerance is low enough now that I often experience 'afterglow' the day after smoking. Haven't felt that in a LONG time!

As others have said, when your needs are medical as well as recreational, you don't want crap. Outside of big cities, there is still a lot of crap around, including contaminated/poorly grown/unflushed crap. On a competitive market there is more emphasis on quality. I lurked for a while, then decided living in fear was pointless and joined up. So far seems like an awesome community.

I found this place via a search engine and thought I would check it out to see if it was legit. Signed up after seeing how friendly everyone seemed.
Will probably make a purchase once my rating is higher.
Purchased some 'legal' cbd herb elsewhere and while it made me feel relaxed and less anxious, I missed the feeling of a 'real' hit.
Will probably make a purchase once my rating is higher.
Purchased some 'legal' cbd herb elsewhere and while it made me feel relaxed and less anxious, I missed the feeling of a 'real' hit.

Buyers don't get a "rating" they have a rep from purchases and disputes. As well as votes of course but none of this is needed to get started :) You are still protected by escrow.

Great topic!
I came in search of this place because of lockdown really so feel like I have stumbled upon the beach like di caprio :)
I have 2 very questionable suppliers but have known both for 10 years. They get in trouble but have never caused me any. One is more reliable than the other and I actually cannot say a bad word about them, always available, always on time, different flavours, always on weight, not always so stealth but we have a good meet set up. I have always thought how will I look meeting this guy in another 10 years? Kind of had the feeling whenever these guys decide to stop supplying that's when I stop my love affair with the herb :(
That being said when this is all over do I introduce these guys to LB? As vendors it could even lessen their risk of the aforementioned 'trouble'? I have already linked 3 friends here :)
I came in search of this place because of lockdown really so feel like I have stumbled upon the beach like di caprio :)
I have 2 very questionable suppliers but have known both for 10 years. They get in trouble but have never caused me any. One is more reliable than the other and I actually cannot say a bad word about them, always available, always on time, different flavours, always on weight, not always so stealth but we have a good meet set up. I have always thought how will I look meeting this guy in another 10 years? Kind of had the feeling whenever these guys decide to stop supplying that's when I stop my love affair with the herb :(
That being said when this is all over do I introduce these guys to LB? As vendors it could even lessen their risk of the aforementioned 'trouble'? I have already linked 3 friends here :)

Initially research. I was writing a piece on changes in drug markets and obviously this lead to the dark web. Then I heard about this weird clearnet site that many claimed was a scam or cover for something deeper or even an elaborate joke.
So,I had to check it out and here I am - to paraphrase julius caesar "I came,I saw,I hung around and got stoned.
So,I had to check it out and here I am - to paraphrase julius caesar "I came,I saw,I hung around and got stoned.

I moved to an area where I had no contacts so I was only able to get sorted occasionally. Then I listened to a podcast about 'the dark web' which was very interesting and basically explained how to do it! I googled and found this place. I never enjoyed having to go to dodgy places with dodgy people and I have a career which would be destroyed if I had a criminal record. I am happy to pay more then I used to for all these reasons and the fact there are descriptions and reviews which allows me to buy based on the effects I want.
This is a great little community and I have never had anything other than great customer service.
This is a great little community and I have never had anything other than great customer service.

Total luck for me. searching online vendors and came across this absolute beautiful community. I looked at a different market before this but that seemed shady whereas this is a proper stoner community. No class A's or fake passports in sight.

On moving to another country I didn't want to knock shoulders with 'local connections' (For a variety of reasons) and that kind of put a halt on my weed smoking days. The Dark Web was, well, pretty dark and didn't really appeal to me.
Then, Little Biggy! I don't combust as I quit smoking 6 years ago so the vape carts & shatter for dabbing are a Godsend. This community has been nothing but a positive experience with some very cool dudes.
Then, Little Biggy! I don't combust as I quit smoking 6 years ago so the vape carts & shatter for dabbing are a Godsend. This community has been nothing but a positive experience with some very cool dudes.

I've had shops on darkweb over the years but so many exit scams lost faith. Lb been around a long time as a vendor great place to sell.

The search for quality and choice. I got bored of weed around 10 years ago when a site I used called Dutch Green Club got busted. From there all I could regularly source was a bag of ‘weed’ which varied in quality, strength, type of effect on me so much so I though fuck this. My fondness of quality never diminished, it was just tucked away at the back of my head until on night drunk I looked for my old friend Dutch Green Club again in the hope they were up and running again and to my delight I found this site.

For-real! Shit weed, dodgyness in general, time man!! Never ever get back! Looked it up online, not too savvy on the old darknet, found an alternative that seemed right, trusted and at the time very reasonably priced.
Google is a friend in deed!
Google is a friend in deed!

Geographical isolation... and also through trying to verify another online source. A happy accident that definitely hasn't saved me money! However, it has made the geographical isolation awesome!

Street dealers of a certain persuasion seek to have changed the weights mad measures act 3.5 is an eighth not 2.2 or whatever you deem fit to give me despite the fact I am twice your age .

Tbh I don't think it's "people of a certain persuasion" not 100% what that means but I wouldn't want to speculate either. It's just psychology.
People associate an 8th as being interchangeable with a 20 bag. Anyone (including me) thats anal about measurements and economics struggles with this. An 8th (of an ounce) is 3.5g with a varying price. A 20 bag is a fixed price with varying weight. The two stopped being synonymous with inflation and more exotic and expensive strains hitting the market.
Try explaing this to the average person and you've found yourself losing a customer.
I love this site because its simply the price and the weight. No ambiguous slang terms.
People associate an 8th as being interchangeable with a 20 bag. Anyone (including me) thats anal about measurements and economics struggles with this. An 8th (of an ounce) is 3.5g with a varying price. A 20 bag is a fixed price with varying weight. The two stopped being synonymous with inflation and more exotic and expensive strains hitting the market.
Try explaing this to the average person and you've found yourself losing a customer.
I love this site because its simply the price and the weight. No ambiguous slang terms.

Nothings changed aprt from ur math skills 3.5 grs is a 8th of an oz, 2.2grams that’s half a 8th (1/16th of a oz) ask for a 20 bag or a teenth

Like many, I stopped smoking a number of years ago, but still occasionally missed getting high.
When I say a number of years, I mean a couple of decades, so I really didn't want to venture out to find some untrustworthy little runt who wouldn't know a proper weight if it smacked them in the face.
The dark web didn't appeal (I'm not looking for stolen credit cards, or to get ripped off), but read about LB on a blog post so visited, had a look around and liked what I saw.
Whilst stealth is always a top priority, the community on LB is brilliant in sharing tips, advice, reviews (good or not so good), so there is an element of transparency.
Yes, you may pay a premium, but I'd much rather take quality over all the downsides of a street dealer and the greater potential for problems.
I'll stick with LB all day!
When I say a number of years, I mean a couple of decades, so I really didn't want to venture out to find some untrustworthy little runt who wouldn't know a proper weight if it smacked them in the face.
The dark web didn't appeal (I'm not looking for stolen credit cards, or to get ripped off), but read about LB on a blog post so visited, had a look around and liked what I saw.
Whilst stealth is always a top priority, the community on LB is brilliant in sharing tips, advice, reviews (good or not so good), so there is an element of transparency.
Yes, you may pay a premium, but I'd much rather take quality over all the downsides of a street dealer and the greater potential for problems.
I'll stick with LB all day!

Crappy deals,crappy attitude and too many dodgy situations :(
So used NDW until the end,lucky to get my last drop, although many seeds sticks shake and crappy small loose buds,never used like that !!
Others were not so lucky :(
I then done some more research and found LB :)
So used NDW until the end,lucky to get my last drop, although many seeds sticks shake and crappy small loose buds,never used like that !!
Others were not so lucky :(
I then done some more research and found LB :)

I’ve known about the site for a while but as I was getting a steady supply locally I couldn’t be arsed with using bitcoin. Lockdown changed that and although local is cheaper I’ve had some real nice weed delivered so will continue to come here even when things get back to normal.

Been an on and off smoker for years, hadn't had any for a while and no one to buy off so I had a search on the web.
Littlebiggy was mentioned in an article about where to buy weed online in UK.
That was back in January, have now made over 10 orders with no problems.
Its nice to be able to try lots of different varieties.
Littlebiggy was mentioned in an article about where to buy weed online in UK.
That was back in January, have now made over 10 orders with no problems.
Its nice to be able to try lots of different varieties.

I'd been out of the scene for a while and always liked hash. Skunk strains were too strong for me to maintain any sense of normality (I know, that's the point) but I just like to gently chill with a smoke and love the taste of hash (old school sqidgy, leb, Afghan etc). All the dealers I knew and friends who smoke only have weed so I dabbled with the dark net but got ripped off a few times and gave up. Then a google search led me to High & Polite and they recommended LB. I've placed 2 orders for hash from different vendors and both came within 2 days with great stealth. I love the feedback and Escrow environment too and also really enjoy the community and all the advice and tips on here. My only regret is I placed my first 2 orders anonymously so I couldn't give the sellers the A+ feedback they deserve. But I am regsitered now and will be back! Thanks LB community. Peace & love

Moved to a rural location and meeting my usual plug required a 2 hour drive. Did a bit of googling and took me here. Took nearly 3 months to pluck up the courage and buy. It has been a godsend since.

Left one dealer who only sold in 10s and 20s and charged £11.50 a g regardless of how much you wanted, when I found somebody who sold comparable bud, but would do an 8th for 30 quid and a q for 50. Unfortunately the second relationship came to a fairly abrupt end and the 1st guy was acting like I'd left him for another woman, so I started googling.
Using the usual keywords, I looked at all of the proper Chinese looking "UK" online shops, then I found that UK medical trial place that I can't remember the name of but that would still be pretty expensive with all the consultation and prescription fees, even if it probably is A+++ bud.
Close to giving up and ringing round for an introduction to some random, I stumbled across the high and polite blog and was directed here. Was very sceptical at first but I'm so happy I gave it a try!
Now, instead of ringing round mithering people, stressing out about whether I'll be able to get anything before I run out and playing pot luck with price, weights and quality, I can pay £20 for a Q of perfectly smokable green that is as strong as a lot of the stuff I used to buy, and have it arrive a day or two later! Magic.
And to top it off I still can't believe I just paid £30 for an Oz 😱😱😱
Using the usual keywords, I looked at all of the proper Chinese looking "UK" online shops, then I found that UK medical trial place that I can't remember the name of but that would still be pretty expensive with all the consultation and prescription fees, even if it probably is A+++ bud.
Close to giving up and ringing round for an introduction to some random, I stumbled across the high and polite blog and was directed here. Was very sceptical at first but I'm so happy I gave it a try!
Now, instead of ringing round mithering people, stressing out about whether I'll be able to get anything before I run out and playing pot luck with price, weights and quality, I can pay £20 for a Q of perfectly smokable green that is as strong as a lot of the stuff I used to buy, and have it arrive a day or two later! Magic.
And to top it off I still can't believe I just paid £30 for an Oz 😱😱😱

RealD skittles promo. He sells shake for $25 a Q and bud is $45 for an Henry. Both well worth the money, BTW.
Every now and then he will run a promo offer with big % discounts of up to 50%.
First time round I paid $38 for an oz of trim. Last time wasn't as heavily discounted but I still stocked up and bought 35g of shake for $62.50 and 3/8 of bud for $75.
45g for what, about £110? 😱
For somebody who was well used to dragging out a 20 bag to make it last as long as possible, I now look in my stash box and feel like Scrooge McDuck in his money pit 😂😂
Every now and then he will run a promo offer with big % discounts of up to 50%.
First time round I paid $38 for an oz of trim. Last time wasn't as heavily discounted but I still stocked up and bought 35g of shake for $62.50 and 3/8 of bud for $75.
45g for what, about £110? 😱
For somebody who was well used to dragging out a 20 bag to make it last as long as possible, I now look in my stash box and feel like Scrooge McDuck in his money pit 😂😂

Yeah fair play that is a good haul.
Yeah I luckily enough seen the promo the other night so I grabbed 7g. Wish now I had of went for a half
Yeah I luckily enough seen the promo the other night so I grabbed 7g. Wish now I had of went for a half

The absolute decision to quit combustion.
Hadn't yet learned how good some dry herb vapes are and there's only flower around me, but I had heard of thc carts so google brought me here.
So glad I did my stash box is like opening the cocktail cabinet these days, rather than just another case of Stella.
Hadn't yet learned how good some dry herb vapes are and there's only flower around me, but I had heard of thc carts so google brought me here.
So glad I did my stash box is like opening the cocktail cabinet these days, rather than just another case of Stella.

I agree the dry herb vape is great nd supposed to be more healthy gets you higher aswell apparently

Covid and variety local connect you take whatever ur given at least we have choice here and excellent quality Super Hans Nero Diuk to name a few vendors all top quality grown well

Hi Smee, out of interest if you arrived at the site as it is today would you still have stuck around?

I’m similar to many others here- used to smoke but stopped some years ago. I’ve recently returned via a local connection but would like the option of a more tailored experience where I can try different things and know, with confidence, what they are.
I’m new to LB and await delivery of my first order with excitement (and a little nervousness)!
I’m new to LB and await delivery of my first order with excitement (and a little nervousness)!

Now in my 50's had been finding it harder and harder to get a regular connection. I saw all the media stuff about another site and bought from there. It was ok but expensive. I thought there must be more clearnet sites so did some research and found a high and polite article that referenced LB. Managed to get my head round crypto and made first purchase about 6 months ago. Since then regularly buying, mostly carts as I don't smoke anymore. This site has been a godsend for me, no more scratching about, hanging out with people you wouldn't normally spend time with just to score some weed.
The only downside is now everyone asks me to get shit for them as they've seen how good the products are. I must have pointed about 10 people towards LB.
The only downside is now everyone asks me to get shit for them as they've seen how good the products are. I must have pointed about 10 people towards LB.

I have a mate who wanted edibles and I showed them a popular clearnet site it won’t let me name here. I never ordered from them due to their prices, but on the clearnet site’s subreddit one day someone posted a link to LB, which was swiftly deleted.
I spent a week or so browsing the wall and topics before I took the plunge and ordered and I haven’t looked back.
Why LB? Three reasons for me:
1.) The selection/quality of products. If it contains THC you can buy it on LB. Some products on here I have only seen in coffeeshops.
2.) The prices. Even with the crypto fees I typically save around £50 per oz compared to my previous connects.
3.) The community. If I’m honest I am probably the ‘weed bore’ of my group of mates. Rather than boring them I can chat about weed here as much as I like, with people who love it as much as I do. LB has a great mix of stoners and vendors.
Long live LB!
I spent a week or so browsing the wall and topics before I took the plunge and ordered and I haven’t looked back.
Why LB? Three reasons for me:
1.) The selection/quality of products. If it contains THC you can buy it on LB. Some products on here I have only seen in coffeeshops.
2.) The prices. Even with the crypto fees I typically save around £50 per oz compared to my previous connects.
3.) The community. If I’m honest I am probably the ‘weed bore’ of my group of mates. Rather than boring them I can chat about weed here as much as I like, with people who love it as much as I do. LB has a great mix of stoners and vendors.
Long live LB!

I live in a tiny village. Don't want to be hanging around the locals really, I have 1 guy for smoke. And it's the same stuff all the time.
So for me LB is like an adventure park full of different goodies and options. I love how discreet it is. Hope this site lasts a long time yet.
So for me LB is like an adventure park full of different goodies and options. I love how discreet it is. Hope this site lasts a long time yet.

My fellow biggas!
Remember hearing about this site around 5 years ago years and only recently decided to vend
Remember hearing about this site around 5 years ago years and only recently decided to vend

Pistach actually recommended us to the site, he thought we'd do well, we are doing okay, (until the trolls come in) and we have done pretty well considering that we've only been here since January.
We've been posting out items using other sites for years, so it was a no brainer to join LB.
We've been posting out items using other sites for years, so it was a no brainer to join LB.
got scammed by insta "seller" TWICE! (i know, i know) and can't seem to find a local plug. tbh idk where to find one lol
got scammed by insta "seller" TWICE! (i know, i know) and can't seem to find a local plug. tbh idk where to find one lol

Was looking for oils, tinctures etc made from actual known strains rather than whatever random bud some bloke who sends the kid on a moped has. Found randomly via a mention in a blog somewhere and couldn’t believe such a place existed. Reviews and ratings for sellers. Next level.

My local always provide good quality, but the few I know are all inconsistent in terms of answering phone calls etc.
All I’m waiting for now is somebody to have blue cheese on here, not had it in years!
All I’m waiting for now is somebody to have blue cheese on here, not had it in years!

Had trouble getting weed during covid. At the time I was working with this hippy sort of guy and he introduced me to this site. Couldn't believe it at first!

For me it was an issue with was then CBPM pharmacy, now Curaleaf not getting my medical cannabis scripts and messing me about. So went on the hunt and found here. I've been buying along side my script since march I guess lol.
Even know I have a medical cannabis script. I do believe we should be able to buy cannabis anywhere. Imo of course.
Even know I have a medical cannabis script. I do believe we should be able to buy cannabis anywhere. Imo of course.

1 post
+4 votes
why a postal monopoly?
yes each postbox should be 1st in best dressed. every carrier has a key, everything tracked.

why a postal monopoly?
if you are going to privatise the post office why not let multiple companies share the infrastructure rather than this bollocks?

yes each postbox should be 1st in best dressed. every carrier has a key, everything tracked.

Theres nothing stopping an upstart from taking RM on. But you won't get them sharing
As far as monopoly goes, the clue is the "royal" in their name ;)
As far as monopoly goes, the clue is the "royal" in their name ;)

1 post
+2 votes

A list of alternatives to nations
nations are defined by physical security. protection racket or risk of theft, that's the choice they have always offered.
decentralize this game and …

A list of alternatives to nations
Rule by consensus of machines
Rule by machine
Rule by consensus of humans
Rule by consensus of machine representatives
After that comes rule by human representatives.
Rule by machine
Rule by consensus of humans
Rule by consensus of machine representatives
After that comes rule by human representatives.

nations are defined by physical security. protection racket or risk of theft, that's the choice they have always offered.
decentralize this game and nations are deprecated.
decentralize this game and nations are deprecated.

1 post
+12 votes
a floating city in south korea
started topic
1 post
+5 votes
Smart contracts 101 (video)
thank you
![[crypto finance]](
Smart contracts 101 (video)
1 post
+2 votes

The Future is Fiat - Noah Smith
yeah great vision but he only sees backwards

The Future is Fiat - Noah Smith

dude has a great grip on geo-politcs
russia got dumber with oil
putin's successor will be a hard line nationalist
cold war and more proxy wars on the way
us euro allies stacks evenly against ru china axis but they are much tighter
not so sure about his take on crypto ;)
russia got dumber with oil
putin's successor will be a hard line nationalist
cold war and more proxy wars on the way
us euro allies stacks evenly against ru china axis but they are much tighter
not so sure about his take on crypto ;)

1 post
+2 votes

When It’s Too Late To Stop Fascism
The best way to stop it is to simply check out. There are more alternatives to corporate partipation than ever before.

When It’s Too Late To Stop Fascism
Before his suicide Austrian writer Stefan Zweig reflected on Hitler's rise. The New Yorker's George Prochnik compares it to the current US situation.

If fascism does come, it will ride in on the wings of "anti-fascist" socialist, who use racism, bigotry, and violence as thier vehicle.

The best way to stop it is to simply check out. There are more alternatives to corporate partipation than ever before.

Hopefully the US Judiciary will clip the wings of the Trump Circus! The media is losing patience with that crew as well.

7 posts
+35.5 votes

in all of history who would you most like to get stoned with?
started topic
+ 7 more

in all of history who would you most like to get stoned with?
for me it's putin i'd like to talk some sense while the weed's still in him

Jesus would be a good call, if he could do that thing with the wine then think of the stash!😵💫🥰

I have nothing to back up this up because I haven’t looked but a yoga teacher once told me that Jesus smoked weed and did yoga… a lot!

That’s if he is real ?
Now I’m not saying he is or isn’t and a firm believer that you do what you want as long as you don’t impose your beliefs what ever they may be on me.
but I just find it wired how in the Middle East that Jesus had mates called Mathew, Mark, luke and John ?????
Now I’m not saying he is or isn’t and a firm believer that you do what you want as long as you don’t impose your beliefs what ever they may be on me.
but I just find it wired how in the Middle East that Jesus had mates called Mathew, Mark, luke and John ?????

I have no doubt that Jesus was a real person and have read a number of good books on the subject. My favourite is ‘Holy Blood & The Holy Grail’ which examines the theory that Jesus was actually high born, had a real if tenuous claim to be King of the Jews and that this together with his non stop preaching is what pissed the Romans off. He actually married Mary Magdelane at the wedding at Cana (as a lowly carpenter’s son he would not have been invited to what was a society wedding) and because the Romans wanted rid of him his followers negotiated with Pontius to ‘disappear’ him rather than see him imprisoned and they did rather a good job of this! They cut him from the cross, hid him a got him out of there in what would become to be known as the ‘resurrection’.
He died not long after in Europe, but Magdelane was pregnant and there became a huge mission to protect his bloodline. The holy grail was in fact a symbol for her womb. She bore his child and died in France. The knights Templar have protected the bloodline and it’s believed his descendants are alive today.
Nice! 🥰🥰
He died not long after in Europe, but Magdelane was pregnant and there became a huge mission to protect his bloodline. The holy grail was in fact a symbol for her womb. She bore his child and died in France. The knights Templar have protected the bloodline and it’s believed his descendants are alive today.
Nice! 🥰🥰

Jesus was irrefutable as a real living person, Christians believe he was the son of God. Thats what their faith boils down to, you believe he could perform miracles or you dont, however Christ existed as a mortal being. Whether he rose from the dead etc is where faith derives, you believe or you dont.

Inglis83 that’s your prerogative and that’s my whole point wherever I agree or disagree is irrelevant to anyones opinion.
Just be happy 😃
Just be happy 😃

I think my point is I’ll smoke with most people regardless of race religion fucking anything.
As long as they are a good person
As long as they are a good person

Me to man ✌️💨 honestly didn’t pick Jesus to spark a debate just thought why not he’s caused a pretty big stir real or not 😂

Hey dude.. I mean Jesus is a historical figure not just religious so as real as Henry the 8th or Julius Caesar.
Who knows what names they had in the Middle East thousands of years ago. The bible could be a fairy tale but there is a lot of evidence to suggest Jesus was a real person
That being said I think a lot of history is bolox so who knows really but it’s as good an answer as any not sure why your picking on me 😂
I’m spiritual but not Christian or religious so not imposing any beliefs on anyone
Who knows what names they had in the Middle East thousands of years ago. The bible could be a fairy tale but there is a lot of evidence to suggest Jesus was a real person
That being said I think a lot of history is bolox so who knows really but it’s as good an answer as any not sure why your picking on me 😂
I’m spiritual but not Christian or religious so not imposing any beliefs on anyone

Bevbevan1 that’s my point.
Anyone can and will believe what they want because that’s up to them. Wherever that be Christian, Muslim, Jedi or spiritual fair play. As long as your happy 😆 that’s the main thing.
Hope your good man
Anyone can and will believe what they want because that’s up to them. Wherever that be Christian, Muslim, Jedi or spiritual fair play. As long as your happy 😆 that’s the main thing.
Hope your good man

I agree I just thought Jesus was a funny answer and if I met him then I would get to find out some secrets 😉
People be free to believe what they want it dosnt bother me 😊
Im all good buddy how are you?
People be free to believe what they want it dosnt bother me 😊
Im all good buddy how are you?

I'm 50/50 on whether that last point was tongue in cheek, but just in case it wasn't, the names of the Apostles are Anglicised from Aramaic (via Hebrew and Greek).

Many of you have already said so Jesus so going to have to go with Alexander Shulgin

Nikola Tesla - Would love to bring his ideas to the current stage of tech giving humanity freedom and the world a much needed break from our destructive manors.

Rodney Dangerfield or Norm MacDonald. Could either be funny as shit or real deep or both, probably.

Pyramid Builders of Egypt,
The last Inca Atahualpa,
A previous reincarnation of myself
someone from the stone age
and like the og poster said Putin, be cool to smoke a j with Putin
The last Inca Atahualpa,
A previous reincarnation of myself
someone from the stone age
and like the og poster said Putin, be cool to smoke a j with Putin

I'd try Hitler see if we could have redirected some of that brain off the war-monger amphetamines ... need to be a strain that makes one giggly and munchied up...feed that fecker matza and latkas until he passed out in tryptophanic bliss...

Aye but to distract him give him the blunt and put the lighter on full to burn that fucking mustachio

Bill Hicks legend and right about everything
I know this is not a very popular idea. You don't hear it too often any more … but it's the truth. I have taken drugs before and … I had a real good time. Sorry. Didn't murder anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose – hmm – one fucking job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry. Now, where's my commercial?
I know this is not a very popular idea. You don't hear it too often any more … but it's the truth. I have taken drugs before and … I had a real good time. Sorry. Didn't murder anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose – hmm – one fucking job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry. Now, where's my commercial?

@McFly369 you have more chance of being Han Job than and solo or Han Job solo
Han silo protecting the carts of the galaxy ha ha ha ha
Han silo protecting the carts of the galaxy ha ha ha ha

I’d love to have a smoke with bob Marley if he was still with us, and I would also love to try and out smoke snoop dogg haha

Snoop for me too. Everyone who has had the pleasure of smoking with him has a funny story. I’m not the biggest Kat Williams fan but his story is my favourite.

I used to walk about on Hampstead Heath at night sometimes, not because I am gay, but because I hoped to bump into George Michael cruising so that I could have a spliff with him.
What a wonderful man he was.
What a wonderful man he was.

Amy & Janis for sure.
They would definitely have guitars. We'd sing & laugh our cackly laughs & talk about love & broken hearts & why men aren't good for us.
I don't think there'd be snacks but I'd cope this one time.
They would definitely have guitars. We'd sing & laugh our cackly laughs & talk about love & broken hearts & why men aren't good for us.
I don't think there'd be snacks but I'd cope this one time.

1 post
+4 votes
what is the fediverse
activitypub basically
![[ask any bigga]](
what is the fediverse
It spreads content amongst a network of independent websites.
Peertube is an example, while youtube spreads its content around a cloud of servers pointing to each Peertube instance has a seperate domain name, host and location.
Each instance in a federation can choose which content to include but generally they are good mirrors of each other and that makes the content very difficult for an attacker to censor or destroy.
Peertube is an example, while youtube spreads its content around a cloud of servers pointing to each Peertube instance has a seperate domain name, host and location.
Each instance in a federation can choose which content to include but generally they are good mirrors of each other and that makes the content very difficult for an attacker to censor or destroy.

1 post
+7 votes

did jesus christ smoke weed?
started topic
1 post
+2 votes
the founder of alcoholics anonymous used LSD
he's not the dude you would expect, almost the anti l ron hubbard really.
the founder of alcoholics anonymous used LSD

bill wilson thought lsd was curative of alcoholism and depression, he used it himself for 5 years.

He was mentioned in a Netflix doc called "How To Change Your Mind" Worth a watch if you have some spare time

2 posts
+9.2 votes

where is the most optimistic place on earth right now?
From posh kent to Tashkent, better bring your stash Kent.
+ 2 more

where is the most optimistic place on earth right now?
I probably can't go but just knowing it exists would give me hope

How does Tashkent Uzbekistan grab ya?

Colonial? Your shit's just parochial.
Just keep it in the parish bigga, maybe tell it to your vicar
You know he's always up to hear from his favorite dick licker.
Just keep it in the parish bigga, maybe tell it to your vicar
You know he's always up to hear from his favorite dick licker.

When it comes to playing favourites
your Mum always comes to mind
In fact her favouritism for this man's gizzum
is what first inspired this rhyme.
your Mum always comes to mind
In fact her favouritism for this man's gizzum
is what first inspired this rhyme.

My friend you need not go anywhere to feel more optimistic. As a wise old goat I would suggest that you will feel more optimistic about the world if you stop watching the news. The news media has one main objective. To put the fear of God/Mohammed/Haile Selassie (delete as necessary) into ALL of us. That way they hope that we will keep on watching in fear of our lives whilst at the same time putting their chosen political spin on the news to suit their agenda and worry the shit out of us.
My friends please give it a chance and you will see that the world isn’t speeding at 1,000mph towards hell.
The news just wants you to think that. And keep you watching in fear.
Happy smokes.
My friends please give it a chance and you will see that the world isn’t speeding at 1,000mph towards hell.
The news just wants you to think that. And keep you watching in fear.
Happy smokes.

Czech Republic, China, Taiwan;)
Buy a fake degree online and use it to get a working visa for teaching English in China. Unless you already have a degree, then it’s easy and they look after you;)
Buy a fake degree online and use it to get a working visa for teaching English in China. Unless you already have a degree, then it’s easy and they look after you;)

Most Optimistic place ? the Jungle where them Jaguars be teleporting on a regular. Ayahuasca enthusiastic Jaguars know whats up.

The youtube channels of QAnon followers who think Trump is the saviour, warriors of light are leaving flaming bags of turd on the doorstep of the Illuminati and we're not just all trying to create in a landscape of true chaos...

Yeah, I'm desperate to head back to Amsterdam/Utrecht, and then on to Berlin again :) Where do you want to go?

1 post
+4 votes

Remembering Hal Finney on the Anniversary of the First Bitcoin Transaction
started topic

Remembering Hal Finney on the Anniversary of the First Bitcoin Transaction
On Jan. 12, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of the Bitcoin system, sent Hal Finney, a well-regarded cryptographer and computer scientist, 10 bitcoin (BTC). This test transaction, sent before BTC had a quotable price, was a harbinger of the many peer-to-peer transfers to come enabled by the world’s first cryptocurrency network.

1 post
+7 votes

The hidden best community!
no you rock

The hidden best community!
Been on here quite a while (OG apexskunk account lost)
Just wanted to say, best online community I’ve seen and take part in.
Compared to usual toxic gaming shit I’m used to, it’s amazing to see the help offered, support and all sorts.
Keep it up everyone, vendors and buyers alike, YOU ROCK ❤️
Just wanted to say, best online community I’ve seen and take part in.
Compared to usual toxic gaming shit I’m used to, it’s amazing to see the help offered, support and all sorts.
Keep it up everyone, vendors and buyers alike, YOU ROCK ❤️

Well said and agree 100% smoke weed. Talk shit about said weed. Have a laugh
It’s not hard. People just make it harder than it should be.
This place has been a god send.
People can have a difference of opinion on what ever they want and on the most part that I’ve seen it’s respectable and if you have a laugh at the same time. Fucking result 👊
Two of the best in yourself and Mr Puff
Keep posting and keep up the good work Bro 😎
It’s not hard. People just make it harder than it should be.
This place has been a god send.
People can have a difference of opinion on what ever they want and on the most part that I’ve seen it’s respectable and if you have a laugh at the same time. Fucking result 👊
Two of the best in yourself and Mr Puff
Keep posting and keep up the good work Bro 😎

Obviously none of you have had the management favourite of "if you assume, it makes an ass out of u and me" repeated like some sort of mantra at you over the years

1 post
+6 votes

the lex friedman podcast
his cringiest ever

the lex friedman podcast

scientists, engineers, philosophers and more in a long format.

I’ve just given it a try. Listened to the Noam Chomsky episode, really interesting and well considered points but the conclusion did depress the living shit out of me!
I will definitely dip in for more episodes though.
I will definitely dip in for more episodes though.

I’ve been through a few more and have really enjoyed them. Thanks for the recommendation!

dumbing down intellectually and emotionally, had way more respect for both of them before this.

Michael Levin: Biology, Life, Aliens, Evolution, Embryogenesis & Xenobots
best episode in ages
best episode in ages

Liked some of his early ones but cannot stand him trying to crowbar a reference to Musk and Rogan into every episode. His praise for Putin, both siderism over Ukraine, and the Ye episode sealed his fate as a cretin in my eyes.

2 posts
+4 votes
What happened to rap
+ 2 more
What happened to rap
It used to have merrits and lyrically intellectual word play and story tellin, now its just lean and drugs

Pete and baz are quality lol, makes you think how them old boys sound so current maybe they have top grime artist ghost writers 😂

Ghost writers or not you’ve got to admit they can rap! I honestly don’t think they do have ghost writers or that they’re a gimmick though. They’ve said in interviews they write with the help of their grand kids for current slang plus to date I haven’t found any evidence to say that they had prior connections with anyone like that in the music industry who would have ghost written for them. Time will tell though and I’ll happily stand corrected! (Maybe not happily as some of the magic would be lost but still lol). Anyway check out the track in the link if you haven’t already. Banger!

They don’t lip sync, they do live gigs. The videos look like lip syncing as the video clips are recorded and paired with the fully recorded and mastered track and that’s obviously not a perfect match.

Depends who your listening to. Young rap yea. But there’s plenty of quality out there. Cheat codes by black thought and danger mouse is a great album that was released earlier in the year. Check it out mate

Just have to listen to them albums never see greatness like that again lol. Kendrick was good tho

1 post
+2 votes

{lb help}
yeah trades off highness control for impulse control. no i want more
I agree that edibles are less impulsive because they last so long I have to make sure I have time for them, but that also means I have less control once I’ve swallowed them! 🤯
I agree that edibles are less impulsive because they last so long I have to make sure I have time for them, but that also means I have less control once I’ve swallowed them! 🤯

I think the longer you've smoked the harder it Is but in reality, you should be good in a week after some minor symptoms (loss of appetite, weak feeling muscles and not being able to "sink" into your bed everynight.
Just your body getting back to normal and sober. It is hard mentally especially depending your situation, I only have T breaks when I have to.
It's also important to keep your mind distracted throughout the process, time also flys by when you are busy.
Just your body getting back to normal and sober. It is hard mentally especially depending your situation, I only have T breaks when I have to.
It's also important to keep your mind distracted throughout the process, time also flys by when you are busy.

Decide why you want to.
If those answers make enough sense then you want to.
You can only give up if you really want to.
Then you’ll have what you need.
Works for me….
If those answers make enough sense then you want to.
You can only give up if you really want to.
Then you’ll have what you need.
Works for me….

Hey mate
What helped me in the past was a drug called Champix. Although it's for stopping smoking tobacco I found it worked the same for weed too.
Completely removed any desire to smoke at all. Kicked both in two weeks! You can buy them through online pharmacies but you can also get a prescription through your GP.
So if you used to smoke your cannabis and use tobacco along side it it's definitely worth a try.
I eventually started smoking weed again because it helps test our product obviously but now with no tobacco. Good luck though mate!
What helped me in the past was a drug called Champix. Although it's for stopping smoking tobacco I found it worked the same for weed too.
Completely removed any desire to smoke at all. Kicked both in two weeks! You can buy them through online pharmacies but you can also get a prescription through your GP.
So if you used to smoke your cannabis and use tobacco along side it it's definitely worth a try.
I eventually started smoking weed again because it helps test our product obviously but now with no tobacco. Good luck though mate!

Hi - I just want to warn that Champix can have serious side effects: "some patients without any known psychiatric conditions have experienced suicidal thoughts after taking the drug". I appreciate that it's worked for some people but others have been very badly affected. If you're considering taking it then please research its side effects first - I've heard VERY bad things about this medication. No offense intended, ULC 👍

No offence taken mate. I've had it both from the doctor and online pharmacist and they check past medical history and medication.
Like with any drug, cannabis included whats good for one person may not necessarily be good for another so always best to be honest with your doctor and pharmacist and read any medical instructions and side effects for anything your about to take or are already taking and ask questions. Better to be safe than sorry. Worked a dream for me though!
Like with any drug, cannabis included whats good for one person may not necessarily be good for another so always best to be honest with your doctor and pharmacist and read any medical instructions and side effects for anything your about to take or are already taking and ask questions. Better to be safe than sorry. Worked a dream for me though!

1 post
+2 votes

working at home makes me a weed addict
if it feels like an impulsive thing try to substitute a different action to feed it.
eat something nutritious and not delicious the next time you wa…

working at home makes me a weed addict
cuase i can basically. work isn't effected at least not negatively but tolerance, weight and debt all headed up as well.
anyone else have this issue and how do you deal?
anyone else have this issue and how do you deal?

Pandemic sent me into a weed spiral not only could I do my job to the same standard but I actually got promoted to an advisory position so no work just giving advice on the phone. This made it worse but I found myself dropping two spliffs before work had started that soon became over 7g a day. That’s like college years and I became a little lazy work started to melt into home life being lit all day every day starts to become addictive but also routine. Every activity involved rolling one, like at college we drove nowhere without smoking a spliff in the car journeys were not measured in miles but how many pre rolled spliffs were required.
Now the only way out of this is to earn your spliffs unless I’ve been out clubbing probably not earned a 6am spliff (I’m to old to go clubbing anymore) so I had to set myself challenges as work wasn’t and despite having 4 kids and a part time wife home was boring.
I also got free Apple Music with new phone so went back to my 90s house and drum & base days and started walking. It’s kind of developed into a forest gump crossed with that terminator in T2 action but I found this a massive release from the stresses and an excuse not to get straight up and smoke. Soon enough smoking was back to after work. It’s mind over matter the exercise and music helped house music helps the mind body and soul before you know it you have done 5 miles and your back at the front door not knowing how you got there. After you have done things spliff is more rewarding and you need less. Don’t get me wrong weekends can sometimes contain a blowout when you blaze all day.
Now the only way out of this is to earn your spliffs unless I’ve been out clubbing probably not earned a 6am spliff (I’m to old to go clubbing anymore) so I had to set myself challenges as work wasn’t and despite having 4 kids and a part time wife home was boring.
I also got free Apple Music with new phone so went back to my 90s house and drum & base days and started walking. It’s kind of developed into a forest gump crossed with that terminator in T2 action but I found this a massive release from the stresses and an excuse not to get straight up and smoke. Soon enough smoking was back to after work. It’s mind over matter the exercise and music helped house music helps the mind body and soul before you know it you have done 5 miles and your back at the front door not knowing how you got there. After you have done things spliff is more rewarding and you need less. Don’t get me wrong weekends can sometimes contain a blowout when you blaze all day.

You could try CBD bud instead. I don't know if you like to smoke, vape, etc. but I find that smoking it helps stop me from reaching for my stash box during the day.
It's available on here but also via other UK sites and some stores, it's hemp flower rather than marijuana so it's all perfectly legit.
Looks like proper weed and actually tastes ok too, considering. It doesn't get you high or stoned as such but I definitely felt an effect from it, almost like my body was a bit stoned but my head was completely clear. It's a nice feeling and scratches the itch for a while at least.
There are CBD vape carts available too if you don't smoke, although I haven't tried those so can't comment on them.
I tried CBD oil for a while and didn't feel any benefit but the actual flower itself seems much more potent and I always have some CBD bud in my store now.
Might be worth a try if you haven't already. It's not that much cheaper so maybe not going to save you all that much but should help with the tolerance if nothing else. Good luck anyway!
It's available on here but also via other UK sites and some stores, it's hemp flower rather than marijuana so it's all perfectly legit.
Looks like proper weed and actually tastes ok too, considering. It doesn't get you high or stoned as such but I definitely felt an effect from it, almost like my body was a bit stoned but my head was completely clear. It's a nice feeling and scratches the itch for a while at least.
There are CBD vape carts available too if you don't smoke, although I haven't tried those so can't comment on them.
I tried CBD oil for a while and didn't feel any benefit but the actual flower itself seems much more potent and I always have some CBD bud in my store now.
Might be worth a try if you haven't already. It's not that much cheaper so maybe not going to save you all that much but should help with the tolerance if nothing else. Good luck anyway!

He’ll yeah mate!
I blaze from like 5am 😂 my addiction came long before wfh though and smoke to ease ptsd and other shit as much better in my experience than meds from docs.
I’d second Cbd weed, you’ll still Chong as much as normal but not be drooling in meetings 🤣
I blaze from like 5am 😂 my addiction came long before wfh though and smoke to ease ptsd and other shit as much better in my experience than meds from docs.
I’d second Cbd weed, you’ll still Chong as much as normal but not be drooling in meetings 🤣

Yeah I'm in the same boat my man...I work from home and have done for 2 and a half years now. Like yourself I could do my job well enough with a lil joint or two during the day but it's become an issue and with all the energy issues on top...well i'm bleeding cash left, right and centre.
I don't have many solutions for you but maybe one that can help. So someone mentioned CBD flower...I would suggest Delta 8 or HHC...some people on the net have talked about being illegal and yada yada. It's not and in fact have bought a total of about 150g of Delta 8 and HHC hemp flower.
Due to it being hemp the legal status is changed somewhat. It's treated more like a commercial/industrial material than anything else.
I would recommend if you're looking for some legal smoke that might hit that spot during work...I refer to the effect as a pale shadow of a stone. You don't get monged but it does chill you out and tastes similar to weed...they also do vapes and CBD stuff.
It's helped keep me sane when I don't have weed or need to not smoke it. As for the other issues I'm still trying to find a solution myself but some habits are almost impossible to kick so good luck bud!
I don't have many solutions for you but maybe one that can help. So someone mentioned CBD flower...I would suggest Delta 8 or HHC...some people on the net have talked about being illegal and yada yada. It's not and in fact have bought a total of about 150g of Delta 8 and HHC hemp flower.
Due to it being hemp the legal status is changed somewhat. It's treated more like a commercial/industrial material than anything else.
I would recommend if you're looking for some legal smoke that might hit that spot during work...I refer to the effect as a pale shadow of a stone. You don't get monged but it does chill you out and tastes similar to weed...they also do vapes and CBD stuff.
It's helped keep me sane when I don't have weed or need to not smoke it. As for the other issues I'm still trying to find a solution myself but some habits are almost impossible to kick so good luck bud!

My mate swears by Delta 8 and HHC. That said, my advice would be to get a strain that's leans heavily towards sativa and go steady with it. Sour Diesel is a good choice for focus - assuming you don't go too hard.

if it feels like an impulsive thing try to substitute a different action to feed it.
eat something nutritious and not delicious the next time you wanna smoke when you're already kinda stoned. it will feed the impulse without making you binge on food.
eat something nutritious and not delicious the next time you wanna smoke when you're already kinda stoned. it will feed the impulse without making you binge on food.

I recently got made redundant, but before that had started using carts during the day... As I am job hunting and they really got me high, I've just had to take a break from them for a while. I have very little self control.

I don't work from home but I know where you're coming from. Try and apply a smidge of discipline, for example, no weed until 12pm, then a reward, no weed until 4pm, then a reward. That's how I tackle it.

I’ve been hit by it too! I started consciously thinking about what it’s doing to my lungs/body, money etc. if that doesn’t help then good luck in your search buddy!

1 post
+7 votes

{good cops}
911 cop helps kid with math
started topic
1 post
+14.2 votes
The Legacy of Citizen Kane
started topic
The Legacy of Citizen Kane
Suppressed by the oligarch it portrayed, quality made it undestroyable.

1 post
+6 votes
Mental Health Bots?
started topic

Mental Health Bots?
Once you suspend your disbelief these chatbots work quite well I think. And they don't hate on weed or shit that competes with the medical rackets.
But the science still isn't there. What do you biggaz think?
But the science still isn't there. What do you biggaz think?

once you are talking about your thoughts with anybody you are building self awareness because you* also hear what you are saying.

They can be more programmed with more morals and compassion then todays humans are programmed with all the belief system traps and systems in place. Depending on who develops the Bots they can be good or bad. I do see bright future for a new digital AI realm. Stop pain. and get in a new virtual dimension.

2 posts
+4 votes
how to create, debate, and vote for initiatives
The fact that you use other marketplaces is their point. Sell a unit there and how will the inventory counter know here? It still comes down to you up…
+ 2 more

how to create, debate, and vote for initiatives
this also appears at the top of our page now :)
step by step:
1 add a topic to this page
headline: "INITIATIVE: 1 sentence neutral title"
body: a neutral description of the initiative.
2 post a comment that says only "FOR" and
3 reply below to the FOR comment with your case
post a new comment on the parent post (the same level as FOR) and write only AGAINST
comment on either the FOR thread or the AGAINST thread
upvote the FOR or AGAINST top of the thread. votes for comments are just appreciation.
an initiative passes with 51% of the votes cast on the 3 words for little biggy thread
= 702 votes at the time of this post.
there is no time limit.
step by step:
1 add a topic to this page
headline: "INITIATIVE: 1 sentence neutral title"
body: a neutral description of the initiative.
2 post a comment that says only "FOR" and
3 reply below to the FOR comment with your case
post a new comment on the parent post (the same level as FOR) and write only AGAINST
comment on either the FOR thread or the AGAINST thread
upvote the FOR or AGAINST top of the thread. votes for comments are just appreciation.
an initiative passes with 51% of the votes cast on the 3 words for little biggy thread
= 702 votes at the time of this post.
there is no time limit.

If initiatives are to guide our development work instead of borgs we need a rational process like the one attempted here.
No one can ever know what the majority of biggas want without a polling system that gets a good sample. Vocal vested interests are a worthy source of ideas and should be weighed against each other (and other priorities that aren't so apparent).
As an example of priorities consider the 2 initiatives recently posted: inventory controls and sterling based pricing. In a headline they sound rational and obvious but with some unemotional discussion it's pretty easy to see they don't have much impact.
Our inventory counter could be marvelous (it's what we shoot for when we actually get to something) but it will not interface with sales on other platforms thus still requires most sellers to manually maintain and update by order. It's also common for sellers to combine and manage sizes dynamically. Yes it sounds like basic functionality -embarrassingly so ;) - but the reality is it will only benefit a very small number of people.
The currency issue is actually on our immediate horizon but the issue isn't changing to sterling. It makes obvious sense to peg things to the most stable fiat currency and then display as many others as is practical but whatever we do sellers will need to constantly adjust prices relative to inflation and deflation and as sterling drops there is simply no way around this requirement.
So neither of these are going to make life much better but to write them now we would need to drop projects on our infrastructure. And while these projects are not very visible other wide-impact projects currently prioritized are:
Tags are long overdue on lb and we have an open source project that is making good progress you can watch. More features from open projects are still coming this year and will effect every bigga.
Anyway, we salute the initiative borg for their efforts and the advocates getting initiatives off the ground.
No one can ever know what the majority of biggas want without a polling system that gets a good sample. Vocal vested interests are a worthy source of ideas and should be weighed against each other (and other priorities that aren't so apparent).
As an example of priorities consider the 2 initiatives recently posted: inventory controls and sterling based pricing. In a headline they sound rational and obvious but with some unemotional discussion it's pretty easy to see they don't have much impact.
Our inventory counter could be marvelous (it's what we shoot for when we actually get to something) but it will not interface with sales on other platforms thus still requires most sellers to manually maintain and update by order. It's also common for sellers to combine and manage sizes dynamically. Yes it sounds like basic functionality -embarrassingly so ;) - but the reality is it will only benefit a very small number of people.
The currency issue is actually on our immediate horizon but the issue isn't changing to sterling. It makes obvious sense to peg things to the most stable fiat currency and then display as many others as is practical but whatever we do sellers will need to constantly adjust prices relative to inflation and deflation and as sterling drops there is simply no way around this requirement.
So neither of these are going to make life much better but to write them now we would need to drop projects on our infrastructure. And while these projects are not very visible other wide-impact projects currently prioritized are:
Tags are long overdue on lb and we have an open source project that is making good progress you can watch. More features from open projects are still coming this year and will effect every bigga.
Anyway, we salute the initiative borg for their efforts and the advocates getting initiatives off the ground.

This makes sense but it would be nice to hear from you a little more, when there is no feedback people get frustrated and you get shitposting instead of the intelligence that is there waiting.

Sorry but a stock counter doesn't have much impact is all we've heard from this post and its so frustrating it has a massive impact as multiple users have stated in the post below, you say it doesn't interface with the sales but every other marketplace we've used has this feature! This site has been great in many other ways we find it laughable that this is your response to a serious problem, the only people it benefits are the admins as it never restricts sales so as long as the order is fulfilled with a substitute you guys get your cut, how can other places implement a stock counter as a basic feature but it to complex to work on this site, is that what we're meant to believe because we've seen simple methods that can easily avoid the above issues you've stated, so we see no reason not to add this feature but from your response you seem to think tags are the priority!

The fact that you use other marketplaces is their point. Sell a unit there and how will the inventory counter know here? It still comes down to you updating constantly.

No we understand their issue but the fact they think it won't make life better is laughable when theres a thread below with nothing but reasons arguing for it, obviously there is a way for it to pick up on a sale for both sites as Transaxe is fully capable of a similar process so its not really a valid reason for us but no sense arguing about it they obviously cant be bothered to even entertain the idea.

I've never seen anyone asking for advanced cross-platform functionality. Being able to pause sales automatically when the inventory sells through avoids the unprofessional friction of cancelling buyers purchases.

appreciate a dev post, but why do you think a stock updater will benefit few people?
sounds like it would benefit All sellers?
Ive been done by subs a few times, and that's just me? 🤔
even if it needs some manual input from sellers, I'm not sure why if they bang in a hidden total and then just subtract the weight or stock number automatically when purchased once confirmed paid?
P. s. a polling system would also be a juicy update 😉
Seller or the year
Bud of the year
Xmas #1
sounds like it would benefit All sellers?
Ive been done by subs a few times, and that's just me? 🤔
even if it needs some manual input from sellers, I'm not sure why if they bang in a hidden total and then just subtract the weight or stock number automatically when purchased once confirmed paid?
P. s. a polling system would also be a juicy update 😉
Seller or the year
Bud of the year
Xmas #1

These are only our opinions, these and others will be heard in a rational initiative like the one outlined here. It can also refine what exactly we are trying to build and how that fits into what else we all need.

To add to this... I like the idea of an end of year awards thing just for a bit of fun. Top 3 vendors, top bargains, best flower/hash/cart/other etc.

If you changed the currency to sterling being that 95% or more of this sites traffic and customer base is from the UK, sellers wouldn't need to constantly change the price of listed items (not that they do anyway) and it would remove the need to do so
for instance , £30 is always going to be £30, inflation isn't affecting us in this sense, the only reason inflation and deflation affects us is because the prices are set in dollars... if you can't see how this benefits all of us can you please explain then why the sites currency is set to dollars? how are dollars benefitting anyone??
it's absolutely astonishing to me that this, and the stock counter is somehow not beneficial to many of us? it's one of the best and most important changes to ever happen to this site
I appreciate the reply and that you gave us some insights, and while things like 'tags' are a welcome change, they aren't saving anybody any money, and money is absolutely everybodys number 1 priority by a margin so big i can't think of an appropriate word to describe it, nothing can make our life better than saving us money!
for instance , £30 is always going to be £30, inflation isn't affecting us in this sense, the only reason inflation and deflation affects us is because the prices are set in dollars... if you can't see how this benefits all of us can you please explain then why the sites currency is set to dollars? how are dollars benefitting anyone??
it's absolutely astonishing to me that this, and the stock counter is somehow not beneficial to many of us? it's one of the best and most important changes to ever happen to this site
I appreciate the reply and that you gave us some insights, and while things like 'tags' are a welcome change, they aren't saving anybody any money, and money is absolutely everybodys number 1 priority by a margin so big i can't think of an appropriate word to describe it, nothing can make our life better than saving us money!

Fully agree with everything here. Any opinions against changing to £ not being a priority are completely deluded. I'll be honest in saying I sometimes use a different site on the darkweb for orders, which is based in £s. I don't want my purchases to be a gamble. As a customer I want 35 quid to be 35 quid. Vendors won't have to continually keep altering prices. The one reason I shop here more is the community, reviews, variety and generally chilled discussions. However in testing times I want £30 to be £30 and not creeping up daily as I can buy quality weed at a stable price elsewhere.

Mate thanks for seeing sense! it's so crazy that people are still trying to gaslight me over this and try to pick holes in it.... absolutely unbelievable, and those people are getting upvoted as well, seriously it's not even delusion at that point it's just straight up stupidity
the amount of money that every single one of us has lost collectively since i started this subject a couple weeks ago will be in the 10's of thousands already, i'm so fucking tired of pouring my energy into this only to be gaslit and ignored, still waiting on a reply from the borg again too, bloody hopeless this is
the amount of money that every single one of us has lost collectively since i started this subject a couple weeks ago will be in the 10's of thousands already, i'm so fucking tired of pouring my energy into this only to be gaslit and ignored, still waiting on a reply from the borg again too, bloody hopeless this is

huh? sellers will have to change prices *way more often* if they are set in an inflating currency like sterling. if you don't get this just go to the grocery store.

for the same reason that waitrose needs to change its prices, inflation. it takes more pounds to buy anything, there is no getting around this ;(

that's not how cannabis works though, it's not affected by inflation in the same way that groceries are, infact, cannabis has actually decreased in price during this massive inflation hike > ref the link
in 20 years of buying weed, i've never been told "sorry mate that's going to cost you an extra tenner today, cuz of inflation"
£10 a gram is pretty standard pricing and it has been for over a decade, of course people sell grams at different prices, but this isn't because of inflation
sterling and dollars are equal in terms of stability, inflation is only affecting us because the sites currency is set to dollars, I cannot explain this any clearer.
in 20 years of buying weed, i've never been told "sorry mate that's going to cost you an extra tenner today, cuz of inflation"
£10 a gram is pretty standard pricing and it has been for over a decade, of course people sell grams at different prices, but this isn't because of inflation
sterling and dollars are equal in terms of stability, inflation is only affecting us because the sites currency is set to dollars, I cannot explain this any clearer.

This is ridiculous you know what the people want and don't want its clear for all to see, most people don't bother weighing in on these posts as they don't believe anything will change just stop messing about and make the changes!!!

from my p.o.v. i think its absurd to stop infrastructure or tags for everyone to have this but just bring it to a proper vote and we can find out.

1 post
+5 votes

Who remembers this bad boy (Up in smoke tour)
so much classic talent in one posse

Who remembers this bad boy (Up in smoke tour)

Kiltman linking in with your back in the day story’s
This was watched! fuck knows how many times.
Thinking I’m all gangster lol 😂 good times
This was watched! fuck knows how many times.
Thinking I’m all gangster lol 😂 good times

Many years ago i moved into a bedsit, wasn't a smoker at time.
One of the boys in the house was a hash dealer, mostly to friends but dealer all the same.
I got friendly with the boys and wasn't long till i was smoking, my friend would hand me half ounces for fun.
At that time i was studying to go work in spain, which i done and working on the south coast you can actually see Morocco from certain parts.
Needless to say i've had many adventures over there, was even offered a job in the Sahara region.
Anyways, these boys that got me into it (i did smoke when i was younger) these boys were all into that kinda sound and i'm pretty sure i recognize that vid from those times.
I haven't seen it but will check it out!
One of the boys in the house was a hash dealer, mostly to friends but dealer all the same.
I got friendly with the boys and wasn't long till i was smoking, my friend would hand me half ounces for fun.
At that time i was studying to go work in spain, which i done and working on the south coast you can actually see Morocco from certain parts.
Needless to say i've had many adventures over there, was even offered a job in the Sahara region.
Anyways, these boys that got me into it (i did smoke when i was younger) these boys were all into that kinda sound and i'm pretty sure i recognize that vid from those times.
I haven't seen it but will check it out!

I would love to have hash thrown at me! 😂 Sounds like an amazing dream I would of had…
Looks like you were living the dream dude 💚✌️
Looks like you were living the dream dude 💚✌️

Travel can broaden mind though so bet you learnt lots of life lessons 👍
I’m good thanks dude, been keeping my head down for last month or so, so happy to be back on here again 💚✌️
I’m good thanks dude, been keeping my head down for last month or so, so happy to be back on here again 💚✌️

Most iconic rap tour of all time with out doubt. Still have the dvd I bough for £20 20 years ago. Never letting that go. Smoke weed every day!!!!

Imagine the tour bus lol 😂
Smoke weed everyday.
The video intro into snoop and Dre fucking tremendous
Smoke weed everyday.
The video intro into snoop and Dre fucking tremendous

Dude, seeing that poster brought back some lovely memories 💭 😁 Good times back then!
A few years after this I saw Eminem, Xzibit, D12 and 50 cent on tour here in the UK. It was cool but that Up In Smoke Tour looked sooooo sick! ✌️💚
A few years after this I saw Eminem, Xzibit, D12 and 50 cent on tour here in the UK. It was cool but that Up In Smoke Tour looked sooooo sick! ✌️💚

Agreed put is some beastie boys!
Good memories as you say and some fucking cracking times man. The laughs I we all probably had
Good memories as you say and some fucking cracking times man. The laughs I we all probably had

Agreed. Loved their Intergalactic album!!!
The days of no worries and fun times! Where the hell had the time gone though. 😌 💚✌️
The days of no worries and fun times! Where the hell had the time gone though. 😌 💚✌️

Watched this again the other day! Still laughed and quoted my way through it like I used to. 😂💨

I got into trouble the other day for apparently playing inappropriate 90’s / 00 rap in the car with the kids lol
Let’s just say! You can do it put your back into it.
Let’s just say! You can do it put your back into it.

1 post
+2 votes
sativa* when you're sick is the ultimate productive state
started topic

sativa* when you're sick is the ultimate productive state
it's like my mind is working fast but i don't get restless since my body is in its own state of couch lock.
* yeah sativa means whatever terpine profile satisfies you pedantic biggaz recognise.
* yeah sativa means whatever terpine profile satisfies you pedantic biggaz recognise.

1 post
+1 votes

Eindhoven coffee shops
the rural dutch do like to stare in this situation i've felt it :) but amsterdam is the opposite :)

Eindhoven coffee shops
Hello everybody!
I have a work trip planned to a town around 20 minutes from Eindhoven so obviously I’m thinking about where this may lead……….
Anyone here with any local knowledge or have any experience of visiting coffee shops here as a tourist?
I’ve heard that some border cities require residency to purchase while others are not so strict but I would still be a little nervous about turning up looking like the least Dutch fella around.
I have a work trip planned to a town around 20 minutes from Eindhoven so obviously I’m thinking about where this may lead……….
Anyone here with any local knowledge or have any experience of visiting coffee shops here as a tourist?
I’ve heard that some border cities require residency to purchase while others are not so strict but I would still be a little nervous about turning up looking like the least Dutch fella around.

I've visited Eindhoven a few times. You don't need to be a resident. Because of Phillips HQ and PSV the cafes are used to foreign visitors and most are pretty friendly.
The Pink is the most central cafe, because of location it tends to get more non-locals. I think the weed there is average personally, overpriced and it can get too busy to really be enjoyable. They will ask for ID but a foreign passport is fine.
Eurogarden which is over the river near the museums is not such a nice place to smoke but I thought their product was above average and the staff friendly and knowledgeable.
Meetpoint is probably my favourite cafe to smoke in, don't be intimidated by the locals at the bar they're friendlier than they look. I quite like The Wall and Casablanca too. Coffeeshop Indian sold bad weed with grumpy service when I went and I'd avoid. At Sinbad I also found the staff incredibly rude and the atmosphere uncomfortable.
If you get a chance to visit the truck museum it is a nice place to wander after a smoke. The Van Abbemuseum also has a good collection of modern art if that's your thing. I like to catch a game at FC Eindhoven when I'm there, the city's other club who are currently in the second division.
The Pink is the most central cafe, because of location it tends to get more non-locals. I think the weed there is average personally, overpriced and it can get too busy to really be enjoyable. They will ask for ID but a foreign passport is fine.
Eurogarden which is over the river near the museums is not such a nice place to smoke but I thought their product was above average and the staff friendly and knowledgeable.
Meetpoint is probably my favourite cafe to smoke in, don't be intimidated by the locals at the bar they're friendlier than they look. I quite like The Wall and Casablanca too. Coffeeshop Indian sold bad weed with grumpy service when I went and I'd avoid. At Sinbad I also found the staff incredibly rude and the atmosphere uncomfortable.
If you get a chance to visit the truck museum it is a nice place to wander after a smoke. The Van Abbemuseum also has a good collection of modern art if that's your thing. I like to catch a game at FC Eindhoven when I'm there, the city's other club who are currently in the second division.

I Go over to a festival in a nearby city most years (pre covid).Most of the Brabant region had the weed pass as they were fed up with drug tourists crossing the border from Germany and Belgium, Eindhoven did too but the Council decided against it a few years back as they didn't like the increase in street dealing and opened the shops to tourists.I've only ever been into one in Eindhoven it was pretty much a locals place in a housing estate but they served us fine and were very friendly it just happened to be on the way to a venue.They had no visible security but the ones in the town will probably have doormen so have your passport and you'll be fine.Other nearby cities like Breda were still Dutchies only when i was last there.

Did you get the chance to check out Toermalijn? I was there in April and the place had changed a bit into a one way system with 4 or 5 serving booths,Before it was more of a bar with one serving window,The gardens still nice though.

the rural dutch do like to stare in this situation i've felt it :) but amsterdam is the opposite :)

1 post
+1 votes

LittleBiggy sister site?
the only link you should ever use is from the canon borg page
click on people above , then borgs, then canon
all the links are on the little biggy fe…

LittleBiggy sister site?
Hi so someone sent me a link for LittleBiggy sister site. The link doesnt work so im just wondering if anyone has the right link or knows anything on this?
Thanks 🖖🏼
Thanks 🖖🏼

I'm so sorry people life as been fucked up over the last couple of years month but everything is getting back on track so should have my shop back open real soon. 🍄 😁

Shop open not much stock left till end of month so be quick

I'm trying this through TOR and just getting "Invalid Onionsite Address" returned, any tips

But what exactly is this? The .onion is a mirror of .org and if the .org goes down, the other keeps goin? Coz it’s not a bad idea!!!

Yeah and when they restrict your page on littlebiggy mane page they put your items and page on the onion page.

Did you manage to get on it. 😁 There nothing bud just wait for the dmt 2cb and masculine to come. 🍄😁

I am interested Mr Twisted Shroom in what you have to offer. Please message me. I try to access your seller page but it keeps saying access restricted...

I really hope that's a Freudian slip and you meant mescaline. If so,I'm down for some when it's in stock.

Just what I'm looking for. Can't access your page though brother. Any help would be good.

the only link you should ever use is from the canon borg page
click on people above , then borgs, then canon
all the links are on the little biggy federation post.
click on people above , then borgs, then canon
all the links are on the little biggy federation post.

1 post
+3 votes

Cypherpunk Bitstream Episode 0x04 Sneakernet to Drone Mix networks
thank you but damn that shit was long.
a tldr:
in eastern europe it's standard to make drug deliveries via drops in public places.
drop operations continue to evolve with advance inventory placed around the city by gangs.
customers like it because its instant delivery, sellers need to manage several aspects, the most dramatic of which is theft. steal from a drop and it might be a set up from the boss - and you'll be shooting up poison when you get home.
drones are a future challenge for human freedom, they can eliminate borders and enable private delivery with mix nets but government is set to make any drone they can't control illegal. what's left will be corporate and gov drones for surveillance and potentially lethal law enforcement.
a tldr:
in eastern europe it's standard to make drug deliveries via drops in public places.
drop operations continue to evolve with advance inventory placed around the city by gangs.
customers like it because its instant delivery, sellers need to manage several aspects, the most dramatic of which is theft. steal from a drop and it might be a set up from the boss - and you'll be shooting up poison when you get home.
drones are a future challenge for human freedom, they can eliminate borders and enable private delivery with mix nets but government is set to make any drone they can't control illegal. what's left will be corporate and gov drones for surveillance and potentially lethal law enforcement.

1 post
+2 votes
I get stoned to see reality not escape it
i get almost religious when i think about this but then i remember there are opiate receptors as well.

I get stoned to see reality not escape it
My fam will say I am escaping "reality" yet as soon as I am stoned I see what so much of their idea of reality is. LOTS OF LITTLE SHIT elevated to the hysteria of survival.
Yeah look at me escaping reality by thinking about the universe I am sitting in instead of standing in line to buy something I saw on TV.
Yeah look at me escaping reality by thinking about the universe I am sitting in instead of standing in line to buy something I saw on TV.

That is the escape, it opens your mind to the bigger picture, you can see who should or shouldn't be in your close circle, you can see what matters easier
I don't get high to escape I get high to open my mind
I don't get high to escape I get high to open my mind

i get almost religious when i think about this but then i remember there are opiate receptors as well.

Yes, psychedelics to expand my perspective, of course!
But I use cannabis to better accept the shit that is pushed on me from all sides since the day I was born. Cannabis just has that power to really upgrade my life in this sense. I guess Id use less of it I there was less stress and city idiotism in my life.
But I use cannabis to better accept the shit that is pushed on me from all sides since the day I was born. Cannabis just has that power to really upgrade my life in this sense. I guess Id use less of it I there was less stress and city idiotism in my life.

that's a cool way of putting it and i wonder maybe a definition of what it means to be conscious? intelligent beings will always expand their reality.

Then I probably wouldn't use the tern 'stoned' to describe this condition. It sounds more like you are elevated

1 post
+4 votes

Cannabis legalisation UK
hey i've found apple to be very supportive

Cannabis legalisation UK
So... I'm sure this topic predates my membership of LB, but I'm surprised at how rarely it seems to come up.
This has got to be one of the biggest communities of cannabis users & cultivators in the UK; surely we are best placed to mobilise and push the legalisation agenda?
Are there any activists out there? What can we do to help? There is an election on the horizon - is this not a vote-winner?
This has got to be one of the biggest communities of cannabis users & cultivators in the UK; surely we are best placed to mobilise and push the legalisation agenda?
Are there any activists out there? What can we do to help? There is an election on the horizon - is this not a vote-winner?

I obviously have skin in the game so my opinion may be biased, but i would be careful what you wish for in terms of legalisation.
In the states in many cases large corporations are squeezing smaller artisan growers out of the business. Once these corporations gain the majority market share inevitably (as always happens in these cases) the price goes up and the quality goes down. Not to mention the taxes the government will put on weed, which will be astronomical.
Eventually a 'grey' market is created where registered growers sell directly to customers rather than to dispensaries, which is essentially what already exists on here. The difference is that sellers on here could easily raise their prices if the 'legal' weed is hyper expensive due to taxes and corporate profits.
If you want to watch a documentary which covers this subject, along with many others, try ‘Murder Mountain’ on Netflix. It’s fantastic. There’s one particular episode that goes into detail about the legalisation process, the beurocracy and red tape that comes with it, how it negatively affects growers in Humbolt County, and eventually negatively impacts consumers.
Bottom line is nothing good ever comes from multinational businesses getting their teeth into things like cannabis, which as sure as the nose on my face they will if it becomes fully legal. Next thing you know people will be buying shitty weed from the Apple Store for £100 a gram.
Just my 2p though, I could be wrong.
Cheers. BB
In the states in many cases large corporations are squeezing smaller artisan growers out of the business. Once these corporations gain the majority market share inevitably (as always happens in these cases) the price goes up and the quality goes down. Not to mention the taxes the government will put on weed, which will be astronomical.
Eventually a 'grey' market is created where registered growers sell directly to customers rather than to dispensaries, which is essentially what already exists on here. The difference is that sellers on here could easily raise their prices if the 'legal' weed is hyper expensive due to taxes and corporate profits.
If you want to watch a documentary which covers this subject, along with many others, try ‘Murder Mountain’ on Netflix. It’s fantastic. There’s one particular episode that goes into detail about the legalisation process, the beurocracy and red tape that comes with it, how it negatively affects growers in Humbolt County, and eventually negatively impacts consumers.
Bottom line is nothing good ever comes from multinational businesses getting their teeth into things like cannabis, which as sure as the nose on my face they will if it becomes fully legal. Next thing you know people will be buying shitty weed from the Apple Store for £100 a gram.
Just my 2p though, I could be wrong.
Cheers. BB

yep, i went down the rabbit hole of documentaries re the various legal sates in the US and Canada and it looks pretty shit, strangely, especially from a Brit. Tbh as long as RM don't join the striking community I'm good having the postie deliver my illegal weed from here, from 'non apple types' .....

I'm sure the inner workings of the US industry are shit, but I personally had a great time going around all the dispensaries in California! It's hard to deny that they're pushing the standard of modern phenotypes to whole new level.

RM preparing to vote for strike action I am afraid! Would be one day only, and you should be supporting striking workers standing up against big business

Enjoyed reading this!
Personally, I think there is plenty of room for dual markets - i.e. artisanal & mass market - like with most consumables. Quality is always going to come at a premium, with or without prohibition. The UK is much smaller & left-leaning than the States so things like grower collectives could be much easier to organise. Tax is one of the best arguments for legalisation in my opinion... imagine modernising the social care system with all that revenue!
I think your point about grey markets is well made, I can imagine a situation where incredibly restrictive laws are put in place to stop grassroots marketplaces like LB existing. That would be something to avoid. Perhaps a more coffee shop style system would be better than dispensaries? i.e. 'from farm-to-table', but for weed?
I watched Murder Mountain a while back; again, I wonder if those American-style problems would find their way here? Jury's out!
I say leave kids to their shitty disposable vapes & let the grown-ups use up all the good stuff! There are big things at stake; standardised dosage (how much is too much?), international trade (Afghanistan can't sell one of their biggest crops!), reducing the prison population overnight etc.
I don't think you're wrong at all - I think these are the sorts of discussions that need to happen, and LB is the right place for it! 'The Reddit for British cannabis culture': has a ring to it!
All the best!
Personally, I think there is plenty of room for dual markets - i.e. artisanal & mass market - like with most consumables. Quality is always going to come at a premium, with or without prohibition. The UK is much smaller & left-leaning than the States so things like grower collectives could be much easier to organise. Tax is one of the best arguments for legalisation in my opinion... imagine modernising the social care system with all that revenue!
I think your point about grey markets is well made, I can imagine a situation where incredibly restrictive laws are put in place to stop grassroots marketplaces like LB existing. That would be something to avoid. Perhaps a more coffee shop style system would be better than dispensaries? i.e. 'from farm-to-table', but for weed?
I watched Murder Mountain a while back; again, I wonder if those American-style problems would find their way here? Jury's out!
I say leave kids to their shitty disposable vapes & let the grown-ups use up all the good stuff! There are big things at stake; standardised dosage (how much is too much?), international trade (Afghanistan can't sell one of their biggest crops!), reducing the prison population overnight etc.
I don't think you're wrong at all - I think these are the sorts of discussions that need to happen, and LB is the right place for it! 'The Reddit for British cannabis culture': has a ring to it!
All the best!

Im now a legal patient who has THC flower prescribed and it’s fucking brilliant. The flower isn’t best I’ve had but believe me I’ve had a lot worse.
If we were to stand together and legalise then my advice would be to jump through the legal hoops and all become patients, however like BB said, we might ruin everything that we hold dear.
If you would like more info on how to become legal then please feel free to DM at any time.
If we were to stand together and legalise then my advice would be to jump through the legal hoops and all become patients, however like BB said, we might ruin everything that we hold dear.
If you would like more info on how to become legal then please feel free to DM at any time.

i respect what you are saying but on a base level it disgusts me that we plead with anyone for what we as human beings wish to do harmlessly, like they own us somehow.
taking real action with like minded people, building a community with better commercial behavior than what the law enforces and controlling my identity and privacy, i'd rather be a bigga than a beggar.
taking real action with like minded people, building a community with better commercial behavior than what the law enforces and controlling my identity and privacy, i'd rather be a bigga than a beggar.

Point very well made. I agree on a personal level, but it's hard to ignore the negative impact prohibition has on wider society. I worked a teaching role a few years ago and sniffer dogs were ready at the entrance to bust kids! Made me so angry. Surely that approach to weed (of all things!) has to end!?
I got sniffed so much - smell clings to leather shoes, phone case etc - that they gave me a sort of amnesty, probably because I was clearly sober at work. The kids thought it was hilarious!
I got sniffed so much - smell clings to leather shoes, phone case etc - that they gave me a sort of amnesty, probably because I was clearly sober at work. The kids thought it was hilarious!

It's not a vote-winner in the UK, unfortunately. There's very little political motivation to legalise. Even though broad sentiment towards cannabis in the UK is tolerant, it might lose some votes for the Tories - and Starmer doesn't support legalisation. Sadiq Khan's the only one taking an interest.
That might be a good thing. If Sadiq Khan pushes for legalisation/liberalisation in London, we could end up with that happy medium of 'official tolerance'. We all want to be able to smoke openly/socially and have nice places to do so.
The only other impetus behind legalisation is economic. And that's something the current Tory lot might be very open to. Sadly, I think that's how it would happen if it does anytime soon. And then, like @British Bulldog says, the whole scene will get whack-a-moled with corporate hammers.
That might be a good thing. If Sadiq Khan pushes for legalisation/liberalisation in London, we could end up with that happy medium of 'official tolerance'. We all want to be able to smoke openly/socially and have nice places to do so.
The only other impetus behind legalisation is economic. And that's something the current Tory lot might be very open to. Sadly, I think that's how it would happen if it does anytime soon. And then, like @British Bulldog says, the whole scene will get whack-a-moled with corporate hammers.

"...we could end up with that happy medium of 'official tolerance'. We all want to be able to smoke openly/socially and have nice places to do so."
Good point well made i agree with that 100%.
Cheers. BB
Good point well made i agree with that 100%.
Cheers. BB
Even for Starmer this was impressively shit. The caller made an excellent point as well.
Even for Starmer this was impressively shit. The caller made an excellent point as well.

This is a market place. Plenty of sites for activists of all types elsewhere
Although,to be honest,there isn't a good legalization organization in the UK.
Hell, weeds virtually de facto decriminalized anyway
Although,to be honest,there isn't a good legalization organization in the UK.
Hell, weeds virtually de facto decriminalized anyway

I respectfully disagree. There are plenty of marketplaces out there, none of them have an active forum - let alone one as active as this. The userbase on here dwarfs any legalisation group out there.
Agreed there is no coherent legalisation movement in the UK - exactly why I posted this topic!
Agreed there is no coherent legalisation movement in the UK - exactly why I posted this topic!

To me it’s fucking ironic the U.K. is the largest producer of medical cannabis in the world yet it’s not legal, not even decriminalised. I honestly can’t believe the greedy bastards haven’t cottoned onto the tax angle of it yet, seems a total no brainer to me, the police are begging for it, the tax revenue left on the table is ridiculous, the jobs it would create. It’ll happen I have zero doubts but it’s the U.K. everything works at a snails pace in this regard, but I believe it’s happen fast when it does happen, first decriminalisation will suddenly happen then fully legality and weed shops will follow very soon after. Imo it could have been the UK’s real hook but as usual the powers that be miss a trick.

Totally agree, a whole new source of revenue potentially worth billions. The conversation always stagnates when it's simply about wealth distribution vs austerity... so many holes in public spending could be plugged virtually overnight.

Imo if we all worked together and smoked weed as often as possible outside police stations then they would have to stop arresting people. Otherwise they won’t have time for anything else;)

I had that exact thought last week! Imagine if the millions of cannabis smokers engaged in mass civil disobedience... Kind of like what happens in London every 4/20, except every weekend.

2 posts
+2 votes

What decade had the best rap?
sugar hill is the summit
+ 2 more

What decade had the best rap?
me and a friend were arguing about which decade produced the best rap, he thinks the 90's but i'm not sure about that, what do you all think?

Rap is ever evolving so I think there a strong case for 80’s, 90’s, 00’s, and 10’s but for me 90’s is what I think of as Rap but every decade has had some big influences on the genre.

Best rap of all time grandmaster flash and the furious five - the message. Especially the last bars

There’s a lot from the 00s. Early Kanye, Mos Def, Common, Lupe, Jay Z.
Difficult to pick really. Probably 90s actually. Mainly for Tribe Called Quest but the 90s was when rap got serious in a mainstream way.
Difficult to pick really. Probably 90s actually. Mainly for Tribe Called Quest but the 90s was when rap got serious in a mainstream way.

Arguably, Eminem is 90s. From about '98 onwards 🤘
His best rap definitely came out of 2010s though imo
His best rap definitely came out of 2010s though imo

Id say it depends which decade you came of age in! Nostalgia plays a part in this kind of question. I grew up in the 90's but id argue the 00's were its best decade. but im biased as that was the decade i got into Hip Hop! Blackalicious, The Herbaliser, Saul Williams etc...

Agree with this! Just moved to the U.K. from the states and started listening to more U.K. rappers. I was over the new “kids” in the states. Maybe I’m just getting old but it all sounds the same. That said, US 90s rap will always have my heart!

90s for me.
Any fan here, if not already, needs to be peepin some episodes of Drink Champs! Some of the best hip hop interviews with legends from the 80s and 90s telling great stories and providing a lot more insight into "the good old days" of Hip Hop.
Any fan here, if not already, needs to be peepin some episodes of Drink Champs! Some of the best hip hop interviews with legends from the 80s and 90s telling great stories and providing a lot more insight into "the good old days" of Hip Hop.

3 feet high and rising~De La Soul is one of the finest albums ever made. Frustratingly though it's never been released digitally

Flower power hip-hop. Used to get played in my art classes. Everyone had it on cassette and drew daisy's on everything - it got overplayed and adopted by the masses in my school to point it became cool not to listen to it :)

For me it starts with tribe called quest and ends with Mf doom so thats a good 15 years from 1990 onwards. Smart lyrics and flow is where its at… 😏

The 80's were the best because the start of anything is always the best and it was all pure innovation - everything else afterwards kind of lacks any real originality (calm down... it's only my opinion). I'm glad to see very few people are mentioning grime, or as I call it, the theme tune to a thousand knife attacks.

1 post
+3 votes
video filter for topics
started topic

video filter for topics
i like people's videos but not so crazy about most of the posts tbh

1 post
+3 votes
why does charlie sheen get a strain name and not prince andrew?
started topic

why does charlie sheen get a strain name and not prince andrew?

im thinking something with small flowers

1 post
+6 votes
Roman Britain - The Work of Giants Crumbled
This is really interesting, seems the Romans never really integrated the local population so even at it's height the whole thing was tenuous.

Roman Britain - The Work of Giants Crumbled

The Fall of Civilizations is an awesome series, this is Episode 1.

This is really interesting, seems the Romans never really integrated the local population so even at it's height the whole thing was tenuous.

It's always felt strange seeing Roman relics in England, like there is no continuity with anything else.

Fascinating. I really enjoyed the whole series. Itchy feet now though, i really want to travel!

1 post
+2 votes
What can I sell?
i think if you could organise testing and had a benign drug you would have a shot.

What can I sell?
Evening all,
I'm almost certain I've seen rules re what you can and cannot sell but I can't for the life of me find them, so I do apologise if I'm asking the most obvious question ever.
Are prescription medicines allowed on LB at all? I'm aware it's a little outside of the mainstream but perhaps someone would care to peruse my wares anyway.
Thank you in advance frens.
I'm almost certain I've seen rules re what you can and cannot sell but I can't for the life of me find them, so I do apologise if I'm asking the most obvious question ever.
Are prescription medicines allowed on LB at all? I'm aware it's a little outside of the mainstream but perhaps someone would care to peruse my wares anyway.
Thank you in advance frens.

Thanks for the reply buddy. I'm afraid I'm new and I'm not really familiar with how the algorithms on the site work.
Would they delete a listing like that for violating the rules, or is it simply that there isn't much of a market here?
Would they delete a listing like that for violating the rules, or is it simply that there isn't much of a market here?

Oh I can do better than testing friend - I can supply in sealed, original packaging complete with leaflet.
I could source some other bits and bobs, but specifically I'm talking about Lyrica. I'm told it's becoming popular and I thought I'd see if anyone was interested.
I could source some other bits and bobs, but specifically I'm talking about Lyrica. I'm told it's becoming popular and I thought I'd see if anyone was interested.

1 post
+1 votes
waves particles
its the quarks with different strings that i cant stand
1 post
+1 votes

will the chinese gov say sorry?
humans will turn on themselves in the end.

will the chinese gov say sorry?
no conspiracy theory here looking at this as an accident what kind of a person wouldn't show some remorse?

World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings. ~ Denis Healey, United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence (1964-1970) and Chancellor of the Exchequer (1974-1979).

But, couldn’t the rest of the world have seen this coming from miles and miles away? Why should only the Chinese government be responsible? I feel like we all could learn from other people’s mistakes. Once the Chinese government failed, the rest lacked in response as well.. and now people are so stubborn, wanting to continue normal life when things are still not in control. Which is absolutely understandable. But blame is not going to stop this, especially if we don’t take responsibility ourselves. so why not ask for an apology closer to home?

It quite clearly wasn’t an accident, even if it was how can they admit it? Every government in the world suing for 600 Billion, everyone that lost someone getting multi million dollar payouts… It was a giant scam from start to finish imo.

It’s USA and China.
Thank me later (copy this b4 it’s taken down)
Smoking gun…. 🤷🏻♂️
Thank me later (copy this b4 it’s taken down)
Smoking gun…. 🤷🏻♂️

1 post
+1 votes

{buy help}
privacy based computer sellers?
started topic
1 post
+5 votes
we are really all the same color
started topic
The words of Haile Sellasie, in a rare interview when asked a question about skin colour had the best response (I wont put the full quote here just the most poignant bit):
"Through vengeance and remorse, co-existence would not be possible and this would be detrimental to the preservation of international peace.
I must say that Black and White, as forms of speech and and as a means of judging mankind, should be eliminated from human society.
Human beings are precisely the same whatever colour, race, creed or national origin they may be."
"Through vengeance and remorse, co-existence would not be possible and this would be detrimental to the preservation of international peace.
I must say that Black and White, as forms of speech and and as a means of judging mankind, should be eliminated from human society.
Human beings are precisely the same whatever colour, race, creed or national origin they may be."

2 posts
+2 votes
Foucault's Disciplinary Society
interesting, examples?
+ 2 more

Foucault's Disciplinary Society
I remember when they first put CCTV in the tube it seemed like something was changing. Reading Foucault I first realised that it wasn't just criminals that were going to change their behavior.

2020 must be a dream year for Foucauldians. Biopolitics doesn't seem so abstract on Day 30 of lockdown, does it?! Having said that, and as much as I admire his later work, he can never tell a causal story of how we got here, and that's what I want from an explanation.

Isn't every society a disciplinary society? Even in the animal kingdom there is accountability, consequence and learning.

I would say there are both unnatural and natural versions of a disciplinary society, one which is and one which is not forced.
wonder which we are in...
wonder which we are in...

Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War (1936 - 1939) is considered a good example of an Anarchist or non-authoritarian socialist community.

1 post
+2 votes

What Is The Thucydides Trap?
started topic
You're an "S" and an apostrophe short. It's Thucydides's trap and it's a theory that suggests war and conflict is the natural order of things and the emergence of new nations inevitably lead to war with the older nations they replace. More man the killer ape stick than anything else,but it takes a brave man to argue sadly.

Its what makes war almost inevitable for us
"Reviewing the past five hundred years, the Harvard Thucydides’s Trap Project has identified sixteen cases in which a major rising power has threatened to displace a major ruling power. Twelve of these sixteen rivalries ended in war."
"Reviewing the past five hundred years, the Harvard Thucydides’s Trap Project has identified sixteen cases in which a major rising power has threatened to displace a major ruling power. Twelve of these sixteen rivalries ended in war."

8 posts
+14.2 votes
Wanted: Sticker Design for LB Referrals 40USD
started topic
+ 8 more

Wanted: Sticker Design for LB Referrals 40USD
I want to stick my referral link around town as explained in this thread:
Please post your design right here, you can use any referral code on there.
I'm not looking to get this free; I'll pick one of the posts and send you btc = 40 usd then you can put my own code on it :)
Please post your design right here, you can use any referral code on there.
I'm not looking to get this free; I'll pick one of the posts and send you btc = 40 usd then you can put my own code on it :)

I have watermarked it. I will remove the watermark, put your referral link and send you HQ version, including vectors, if you are intersted.

hey i like this thanks
think we can fit the url around the circle?
wheres the qr code fitting in?
think we can fit the url around the circle?
wheres the qr code fitting in?

Hi mate. I made a custom QR code for you. Works exactly like any other QR code, Just looks a bit prettier lol. This will prob get more scans than a generic one. Let me know if you want to use this

I do. This is awesome, we need the url still though and a tagline: "freedom by the gram".

still havent heard back so ive taken a shot at the finishing touches, whataya think?
anyway gimme at btc address for the 40 and thank you
anyway gimme at btc address for the 40 and thank you

Hi mate. Sorry been a hectic few weeks, being back at work and all. That looks great. Far better than what I had in mind. I have a bit of time this week. Where would would you like the qr code to send people?

just post the finished image here along with your btc address please, if i need a higher res ill reach out

be smart, just post this around and every time anyone scans it - they follow your link
tip me if you find this useful
tip me if you find this useful

Great idea mate, really with the times. However, how inclined are people to scan random QR codes? Seems like a good way to get some nasty malware

I tell you that even google follows the link because their engine scans qr codes every time they scan a picture, new iphones automatically see qrcodes

ive put it up as a second subject image throw up a btc address here and i'll buy you a cuppa


1 post
+7 votes
Right Up Our Alley
started topic
1 post
+21 votes
To The LB Class of Covid-19: Skyfall
started topic

To The LB Class of Covid-19: Skyfall

What a fucking year. You all made the difference.
Thank You.
Thank You.

Our unwitting Santas. Dressed in red, carrying their sacks of goodies right to our doors.
Not all heroes wear capes! .....Not all heroes know they're heroes!
Not all heroes wear capes! .....Not all heroes know they're heroes!

being part of this "lb underground" during a global pandemic, using bitcoin, watching the western world crumble, it has all felt like i'm in on some 90s sci fi scenario.

1 post
+1 votes

{star trek}
Who invented fandom bitches?
I suppose the force was with them.

{star trek}
Who invented fandom bitches?
Long before long long ago some visionary fans united to bring life back into a short lived tv series

1 post
+1 votes
ask lb sellers: how to roll with noobs?
By "little biggy" whadayamean?
![[beginner weed]](
ask lb sellers: how to roll with noobs?
Making a little biggy for adults that want to try out weed, either they lost the plot or never got around to this and don't know where to start now.
They will in turn come to you and I want them properly prepped.
What issues do you see?
Also I would like to make it clear from the start I am not looking for weed or money from you that's not my model and I don't have a lot of patience for spam or anything I consider dodge. You will do big things for me by simply doing a great job, the referral program will do the rest.
Thanks very much :)
They will in turn come to you and I want them properly prepped.
What issues do you see?
Also I would like to make it clear from the start I am not looking for weed or money from you that's not my model and I don't have a lot of patience for spam or anything I consider dodge. You will do big things for me by simply doing a great job, the referral program will do the rest.
Thanks very much :)

Firstly i’d say don’t try edibles first. If you smoke or vape you’ll know where you’re going within 5-10 minutes and can stop. If you eat edibles and don’t like where it’s going i’m afraid you’re locked in for the ride!

Hi, we are still setting up shop, but we would be interested. With the ongoing legalization and decriminalization around the world there will be a new groups wanting to try cannabis products. Before even going into what kind of product they should start with, I think the bigger issue is buying cannabis products online and wrapping your head around the whole crypto currency thing. There is a big group out there that wants to buy/try, but don't like all the pit falls around buying online and crypto currency.

1 post
+3 votes

How Do REgular Chinese People Feel About The Virus?
sure but the whole world closed and that market open? come on man

How Do REgular Chinese People Feel About The Virus?
I know I feel like shit about my countries behavior towards the rest of the world it's basically the opposite of how I want to treat people.
If my country started the virus I would be bummed and if my government acted like assholes about it I would be really pissed off. But I can't speak for anyone else and I would like to hear from real people instead of this shit show of mass media.
If my country started the virus I would be bummed and if my government acted like assholes about it I would be really pissed off. But I can't speak for anyone else and I would like to hear from real people instead of this shit show of mass media.

Wet markets in China may have started the virus, but it's the absolute incompetence of the World Health Organisation that has failed to sanction the markets that shows the utter corruption in the system.
Don't judge Chinese people. They are the same as all of us, but the CCP has a hold over not only their own population, but the people that run the WHO.
It'll get worse before it gets better.
Just my 2p, I hope I'm wrong.
Cheers BB
Don't judge Chinese people. They are the same as all of us, but the CCP has a hold over not only their own population, but the people that run the WHO.
It'll get worse before it gets better.
Just my 2p, I hope I'm wrong.
Cheers BB

While I am a Chinese, from mainland China. I feel that our human is unfortunate, and the world's health system may need to be improved. It is true that this virus started here, but no one wanted it to be there. Everyone knows that the Chinese government uses centralised rules, and people listen to the government's control. It's not democratic and honestly, I hate this system. It helped China control the covid situation just in several months, but things became weird recently. Just talking about China, there is almost no Covid in any cities, but when there are one or two cases appears, people in social media will attack them and post their personal information on websites. Majority of people don't show care or love to them but it's like if someone doesn't follow the rule he should be abandoned. I feel very weird about my home country, the CCP culture is so different in the UK (I lived in 3 years here), these two countries treated the covid with a very different attitude. I would say no one is wrong, each nation has its own style, and everyone wants the virus disappears. For me, I would rather be a global citizen, as I found myself very difficult to find identity and where should I belong to.

We are all hardwired for wanting remorse like you are expressing but even more is the natural condition of having the remorse in the 1st place. I don't think this even a question because the answer must be of course!
Will governments act like sociopaths yes will some suckers get rallied up by bullshit yeah but at the end of this fucked up day we all feel bad it doesn't matter what time zone we are in.
Will governments act like sociopaths yes will some suckers get rallied up by bullshit yeah but at the end of this fucked up day we all feel bad it doesn't matter what time zone we are in.

I have a lot of contact with Chinese and Taiwanese people regularly. In general, I think people don't really know what to believe in mainland China. There have been other outbreaks in Asia, so COVID is nothing really new. I find that there is little talk of the virus. However I think this varies regionally, though people are getting on with their lives and things are getting back to normal, slowly. In Hong Kong lots of kids aren't at school. Kids in Taiwan have returned and things are pretty contained there, too. Factories and businesses have been closing in mainland China, so there is worry in certain areas of job loss, etc.
I hope this gives a general picture!
I hope this gives a general picture!

Didn't you hear?
"there is NO virus"
(at least nothing more deadly than the common flu)
con artist's playing confident trick's.
"there is NO virus"
(at least nothing more deadly than the common flu)
con artist's playing confident trick's.

1 post
+4 votes
War for sure - Anyone want to bet against me?
Define "the US"? What if it is federal gov vs. state gov? Hasn't that already happened?

War for sure - Anyone want to bet against me?
I bet the US will create a military confrontation before the next election.

If you havent, watch the movie 'Wag The Dog'
Using conflict and war as a distraction for the the political 'elites' complete lack of self control, responsibility and ability to lead.
I mean thats all there is to know about politics lol
Using conflict and war as a distraction for the the political 'elites' complete lack of self control, responsibility and ability to lead.
I mean thats all there is to know about politics lol

Define "the US"? What if it is federal gov vs. state gov? Hasn't that already happened?

He will, a war on his own people. If he doesn't go full dictator, call marshal law and force himself into another term I'd be shocked.
Just keep the fingers crossed that the greater good will go full Libya on him.
Just keep the fingers crossed that the greater good will go full Libya on him.

World war III the silent war, declared and has been happening the day after the end of World War II

Yes that will happen. And he will have help from an unknown source, who will quickly take over the world. He is the man known as Ali Khamel Mohsen, who was allegedly killed by an Israeli Air strike, which was probably not Israeli responsibility.
This world leader will die with Trump, for good, after a period of exactly seven years from the signing of the new agreement on the Whitehouse Lawn. This agreement will involve the Jewish Temple, protections for Jewish people etc., but the world leader will break the covenant, take over the new Temple, sit on a big throne he will have set up there, and call himself God, demanding complete obedience from people everywhere. War will happen in a constant chain which will shake all the powers that be, but at the same time there will be alot of good things happening, but they will be hidden at first.
This world leader will die with Trump, for good, after a period of exactly seven years from the signing of the new agreement on the Whitehouse Lawn. This agreement will involve the Jewish Temple, protections for Jewish people etc., but the world leader will break the covenant, take over the new Temple, sit on a big throne he will have set up there, and call himself God, demanding complete obedience from people everywhere. War will happen in a constant chain which will shake all the powers that be, but at the same time there will be alot of good things happening, but they will be hidden at first.

You guys that think Trump is starting a war; are borderline mentally challenged. The left are the ones who will be committing violence when they lose the election fair and square.
If you’re voting for the Democratic Party then you deserve the terrible dystopia they will create. Just one thing. When your Democratic states start going to shit and all hell breaks loose, don’t flee to other states and bring your stupidity with you.
If you’re voting for the Democratic Party then you deserve the terrible dystopia they will create. Just one thing. When your Democratic states start going to shit and all hell breaks loose, don’t flee to other states and bring your stupidity with you.

War can be deemed as a military confrontation, but I don’t think a military confrontation is always deemed to be war.

1 post
+0 votes

Is Lil Peep Rap?
did him in :(
Straight up bollocks. Big L and Prodigy would be turning in their graves lol. Mumble rap from sound cloud rappers saturating the hiphop market terribly right now. I’m looking forward to that k-dot album drop hopefully sometime very soon

I call it Soundcloud Rap but lots of its also called mumble rap.

Yeah unfortunately it falls into the ever growing rap genre these days lol. I guess it's emo rap or something. Even though he sings over like trap beats. I can't stand it but I did watch the documentary on this dude and I really felt for him so I have a new found respect for him.

There’s only two genres in music. Music that you connect with and music you don’t. If you connect with it who cares if it’s rap, country and western, Bavarian folk trap etc

1 post
+2 votes

fuck coinbase, do 1 minute of research and you know they will inevitably fuck everyone in their path.
and not in the vagina.

Coinbase says, debit card declined and blames bank
Bank says, no...there’s no problems showing up here
Moral of the story....coinbase=w@nk3rs
Bank says, no...there’s no problems showing up here
Moral of the story....coinbase=w@nk3rs

fuck coinbase, do 1 minute of research and you know they will inevitably fuck everyone in their path.
and not in the vagina.
and not in the vagina.

Coinbase been fine with me for months I cant use certain cards as the issuer doesn't allow it . But overall simple service . Hope u get sorted

Yeah I was singing the same song myself until now
Think it’s time to move on. Coinbase are passing your data on to inland revenue...enough is enough lol
Think it’s time to move on. Coinbase are passing your data on to inland revenue...enough is enough lol

It could be that Coinbase doesn't accept your card because your bank doesn't allow you to purchase BTC? Same problem with my card - I have to use my wife's!

One time passcode, I should have clear on that. I know sometimes btc companies can get flagged sometimes by visa and the transaction won't go through and to the bank and the merchant it may show up as no issue on there side. If its still not workig and your talking to your bank, ask is there an exception list your card can be placed on for this particular transaction. I hope the issue gets resolved for you.

I think I’m gona go elsewhere....stuff coinbase, they’re touts anyway
They give your details to inland revenue
I think I’m gona go elsewhere....stuff coinbase, they’re touts anyway
They give your details to inland revenue

1 post
+2 votes

{R.I.P. MVP}
Irina Slavina 1973-2020
Да упокоится она с миром

{R.I.P. MVP}
Irina Slavina 1973-2020
A brave counter-force to oppression is lost. It will take many more brave people to make Russia free, Irina's story will help inspire this.

1 post
+2 votes

Why no onion for LB ?
it has a page on lb

Why no onion for LB ?

Or is there one ?
If there isn't why not ?
Just a general thought from a LBNewB
If there isn't why not ?
Just a general thought from a LBNewB

1 post
+3 votes

Is Economic War Enough?
started topic

Is Economic War Enough?
If wars evolved from fists to production to technology
And war is already a great business without the misery part
And political systems are extensions of society and economy and both of these are cool with not killing a lot of people
Can we just all keep fighting over money?
And war is already a great business without the misery part
And political systems are extensions of society and economy and both of these are cool with not killing a lot of people
Can we just all keep fighting over money?

1 post
+1 votes

How Can the Stock Market Go Up When So Many People Are Unemployed?
These all seem like good explanations but I have a question:
Has this situation happened before and what was the aftermath?
The stock market is not the economy. The equity market is being supported from all angles, be it historically low Interest rates, meagre bond yields, central bank intervention like wells said, Even just a disconnect from fundamentals. Also worth bearing in mind that 5 big tech names make up nearly 20% of the SP500, which have performed incredibly during the pandemic.

Well put jarjar and where there is a disconnect there is an arbitrage. I think we are looking at the biggest short in history. The markets can't stay disconnected from reality forever.

I share this belief, but they can stay disconnected for longer than we think. The perfect trade if improperly timed can lead to ruin, even if all the other stars align. But truthfully, irrational exuberance and over speculation lead to one thing, and this pack is nearly out of aces ?

It's the same as any market, if there is enough buying prices go up. In this case most of the buying is from government central banks. They can print money and buy stocks to keep stock prices up. This buys some time for an economy on hold.

The Unemployment rate has absolutely 0 correlation with the global stock market . Some stocks prices are extremely low, and some are rallying beyond historical data (as it does). Overall, yes the S&p 500 and FTSE 100 are doing very well under the circumstances, and this is due to big banks providing liquidity to brokerage houses for retail and institutional traders to open positions, and by the looks of it traders are doing well (hence a good outlook for the stock market). Back to your point, the unemployment rate strictly affects currency growth in the country it relates to e.g if UK's unemployment rate dropped by 2% yoy then we would see a decline in the GBP/USD etc etc...hope that makes sense to you.

Because all of this is made up and capitalism constantly needs justifications for its own existence, which is why stock market information appears to matter on mainstream news outlets.

A lot of those unemployed people are day trading stocks and this contributes directly to the effect you see.

have you heard of the paradise papers...... a portfolio of business that will do very well when people are forced into debt! investers(rich f@#kers) include people like the queen, prince charles(soon to be king, which is why the family have been trimming all the fat so he can start a fresh!), tony blair, gordon brown, you see where this is going.
Heres a thought.....the last person to try to take down the federal reserve...JFK and we all know what happened there
Heres a thought.....the last person to try to take down the federal reserve...JFK and we all know what happened there

These all seem like good explanations but I have a question:
Has this situation happened before and what was the aftermath?
Has this situation happened before and what was the aftermath?

Has there been a global pandemic before? Yes. What was the aftermath? Depending on what point in history you wish to reference, would always yield a different answer. What strikes me is not the situation, but the environment in which it happens. A situation may have happened before but the environment may permit a much different outcome. Is this a health crisis or an economic one? Historically, how do we approach them individually? And more importantly, what are the risks in mistaking one for the other?

bigg topics