
All recommendations welcome, cheers 👌.

However, they are pricey for the weight.
Smoked Riley packs biscotti and best I’ve ever had though more gassy than biscuit, biscotti on roids!
Mac was incredibly smooth too.

I’m so immature. It’s taking everything I have not to bite on your header 🤦♂️
On a serious note. 420buds has sunset sherbet but I’ve not tried it.
Update us on what you go for.

I will do, Dazzler.

Variety indeed. I've a few different buds here, gets boring smoking the same all the time. Find myself getting lost in the listings on here quite a lot, hunting out the next 'temptation' 😅

“ there seems to be a lot of mistakes with this address we do not do refunds and we definitely do not send anything under 3.5”
So basically accusing me of lying. I have no incentive to lie when I’ve given them my address and every other transaction I’ve had on here has been excellent.
Now I don’t want them to send out the missing half eighth because it would be the 3rd small package with literally 0 stealth (can feel it through the packaging) I’ll get in a week which I’m not happy with.
Can I open a dispute for the missing amount? Or just leave it be, keep my account 100% dispute free and chalk it up to experience?
Either way as a middle aged man suffering from chronic pain and anxiety that just wants the medicine I paid for I’m disappointed with this seller and I hope other buyers aren’t falsely accused of their own faults.

Won't be using again, these guys are just chancers.

“We have over 300 sales and this is the only one with double problems.
All we are saying is that is very unusual.
Send address will send the other 3.5 that supposedly didn't make it and just make note of the address.”
So they’ve doubled down with another sarcastic response. I explained I have chronic pain and anxiety so the last thing I want is the postman coming for a third time this week and have offered to send a picture of the hash and single bud I received if it helps put their mind at ease.
I no longer trust them handling something I breath into my lungs when they somehow think I’m at fault so will look to resolve this via dispute.

However, I just bought a bar of hash from them and they've sent me a lump of henna. Literally unsmokable henna ! Their manifesto is a lie.

What can we do?

So my issue was kind of resolved and I closed the dispute but I won’t be using them in future, I feel like they’re using the ‘natural medicine’ gimmick but don’t actually care about anything they’ve written in their manifesto.

Anyone on here who sells such things on here should hang their heads in shame and go back to messaging platforms

I noticed. YnM is a bad actor. That manifesto is a bullshit.

Both packages reek of lemon cleaner and he’s unresponsive too 🙄

Didn't pursue it further because I couldn't be bothered, but definitely wouldn't use them again

Each time i ordered the same item same volume.
The item came NDD each time.
The product was v good and v good price.
Stealth was good im not going to share for opsec incase 5-0 r here, but i will say it needs a better physical barrier, atm is adequate.
They have always been responsive to MSG's.
These are the objective facts of my exp dealing with YNM.
I appreciate that mileage varies tho 🤷

Dr. Terpy , Great vape company - them carts are out of this planet, stealth on point.
From Nero everything below zip going through no bother.
Dopey is promising as well.
Real deal doing the decoy so is all good 💯😊


Customs are good at doing what they do, so vendors need to consistently update their stealth. Most vendors suck at this.

Canadian imports
Great items great stealth and no curtain twitching

we ship from inside Republic NDD there is no customs checks on postage from South to North

Your best bet Tupacsparadise as there is no such thing as your best hash dealer as it's all much of a much ness unless you go really high end is to use a dealer on the main land as there are no customs checks.
I have high grade Morrocan hash in stock and have added a link to Lemon haze hash 10g including shipment for just $80 check the 100 plus reviews out as that is the most important part reading customer feedback.
Hope that helps look forward to seeing you at my store.

- stands on the most wealth compounded from past sins?
- are the clearest descendants of those responsible?
- can most afford it?
If there is any credible role for these living vestiges of the past it is to account for it.

Back in the day it wasn't like there was one country enslaving another, it was a world wide business and England stood up to the world to stop it. England has already had it's anti-slavery moment, it took place over a hundred years ago and since then we have been against it.
There were African tribes capturing and selling people to slavers, do you want them to pay as well, and who do you want them to pay?
The Chinese and Persians also took slaves from Africa, they castrated them.
Pulling down statues and washing over history is going to do more to help people to forget that it ever happened, we should leave the statues up and educate people so that we know to never ever let it happen again.
Taking away someone's freedom without reason and trading in people's misery is about as bad as it gets and I repeat, we should never let it happen again. Pulling down statues is another step in the direction of helping people forget that it ever happened and if we can't learn from the past then we are in danger of repeating it.

or was reading real history too complicated for you? clown.
we abolished slavery while african chiefs were putting cages full of slaves on the beaches waiting for profit.
over 2000 british servicement died fighhting slavers while it was still legal in every other country on earth.
more blacks owned slaves than whites did...and over 90% of slaves in africa died before they reached sdale.
but dont let the truth effect your ill informed media driven propaganda.

The fact you can post this and think "ooo take that Britain" just shows what kind of pathetic warped individual you are, I bet you also agree with "from the river to the sea"
This country is a bastion of human rights, fairness and equality and has been longer than any single country on earth. Posting shit like this just demonstrates not everyone SHOULD have the right to be here.

The African countries that are still using their own people as slaves?

The Romans enslaved most of Europe but you don't see Europeans begging for a handout from Italy. Same with the Vikings and Denmark.

TL:DR African tribes were complicit in the trans-atlantic slave trade

Nice idea though. If anything it should be the government but then it’s been so long now it’s like getting paid for someone running over your dog it’s not really the same as it never happening in the first place but smart fascism and racism is bigger than ever. And it always stems from the top down never the other way around.

assets: around 1 billion
income from property: 20 million pounds every year
income from each of our pockets: 80 million pounds every year
reckon they can afford something here and still live it up like they like to.

As soon as former common wealth nations ask for repatriation. Commence operation Bad Enoch. Wealth isn't common.

Should Italy pay France for using their land for 300 years and killing half the country back in Roman times? Remember you only have the right to be how you are now because your ancestors killing the previous inhabitants and took their land. Are you looking to make reparations to their ancestors?
What I think is the royals should stop getting money from the people. They are basically bums with the best universal credit deal ever!

a slaves life (if they made the journey which murdered a majority of them) was *nothing* like this.

You can see through the bullshit w/o being bias. Just saying

Yes. That's what white privilege means.
We don't need to know anything about you, all other things being equal, you're better off than your black neighbour.

I'm not making a judgement, I'm explaining what's meant by the term.
White Privilege does not mean the least privileged white person is still better off than every black person, which is what you're railing against.
It means wherever you are and whatever you're doing, a black person in the same position has fewer opportunities than a white person.
A white doctor gets paid more than a black one.
A white police officer has more opportunities for promotion than a black one. That kind of thing.

"It means wherever you are and whatever you're doing, a black person in the same position has fewer opportunities than a white person."
You sound like the kind of person that really over emphasises the "awwww THANK YOU" whenever you buy anything from a bus ticket to a house off anyone Black.
Your quote is pretty much the banner I mentioned above (when everything you've described is pay disparities within 2 industries that by-and-large have Black top-dogs, just like Obama). Look I'm bored of this I feel like you look like a really angry Velma Dinkley at this point no offence. Bye.

You misunderstood me, I hate this moderation of language as much as you do.
I’d much rather racists are allowed to be as clear as you are, then we all know where we stand.
Peace be upon you.

don't doubt you get a pass when class distinctions are bigger than race.

at a time when the world is turning more separatist and fascist it's especially valuable to know that shit like that is held accountable for ever.

/citrus terps for less then 150 a half oz.
Theres not been much around this year where I am, there was aload around last year and the year before but everyone seems to just have some zkittles zoap variation now and not much else.
Also ive smoked to much lemon haze/haze in my life time so id prether something other then that.

Review linked.

Review linked.

Radar breakers mimosa was banging but I’ve canned it for the past few months I need something different a different stone aswell the mosa is great tasting and I love the creative energy I get before the stone kicks in.
But I need something different something that proper knocks you back couchlocked style
Any suggestions please

We have some lovely mimosa flavours that you want and super silver silver haze is similar
Radar breeder

This guys is just a SELECTIVE SCAMMER so unless you are a confirmed buyer, he might try to fuck you up like he did with me.
For sure he does accept orders faster than anyone else on here... After what in my case, he has been completely ghosting me, for more than 16 days. Yep I've been asking for a tracking when i saw the mail was not making it: total absence of answer.
The only moment he dared answering is the day I've open a dispute.
And guess what was his answer ? " We will refund you "
These guys never sent anything !


Not trying to scare you or anything but there's a possibility that it's been intercepted, maybe, hopefully not.

So yeah, you either get a meaningless bollocking which you accept or a meaningless bollocking that you don’t.
But that all applies to personal use volume. Like you say, start adding weight and things can get serious. They can get a warrant to search your house if they have seized enough weight to suspect intent to supply…

Good luck, brother.

Page just says this week. I'm holding off an order, but will probably have to jump to another vendor in the next few days.

BTC fees are high right now because there are more transactions ongoing than usual and people are willing to pay lots to prioritise their transaction.
Fees will return to previous amounts, likely within a couple weeks.
So basically you’re going to have to pay the ridiculous fee or wait it out.

Just went to see how much a gram would of cost, gram came to 9.32 and the transaction to send was 10.45 total cost came to £19.77
Had to cancel obviously. That's on coinbase.

Side note. How good would Littlebiggy be with a Litecoin wallet!?

Nov 2nd £3.80 varies very week
For the price we have to pay it's still decent.

Ohh you want to buy btc pay 10 quid, ohh you want to send that, another 15 quid please Apex.

Got about 8 ounces of this lovely Apple Fritter in stock, a cross between Animal Cookies and Sour Apple. Tremendous bit of bud, really nice smoke.
3.5g and 7g option listed, not got a picture with our regular camera unfortunately, as I've misplaced my SD card. For now, you get a spinny GIF and a half decent photo from my Android! 😁
Thanks for looking, happy shopping biggas!

All4twenty: https://littlebiggy.com/link/wBwHKS
BaldEagleBakery: https://littlebiggy.com/link/I6gyjy
BritishBulldog: https://littlebiggy.com/link/FzZsYX
Buddies: https://littlebiggy.com/link/tz1E6U
CanadianImports: https://littlebiggy.com/link/HLfYvI
CBDHealingShopUK: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ggw0Rw
dabs+donuts: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ufTVXC
DoctorExtracts: https://littlebiggy.com/link/FM1H9W
Dopey: https://littlebiggy.com/link/jjnW4Q
DrShroom: https://littlebiggy.com/link/VY3uGQ
DrGreenThumb: https://littlebiggy.com/link/IBTlyO
DrTerpy: https://littlebiggy.com/link/7G1nfM
DrugsIncUK: https://littlebiggy.com/link/k3m6iR
DruidsMagic: https://littlebiggy.com/link/UYfgxz
dr.distillate: https://littlebiggy.com/link/XhVELv
EddysEdibles: https://littlebiggy.com/link/lAjR8M
EddysHashbar: https://littlebiggy.com/link/HttC5F
GameChanger: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ZFEgh5
Gassed: https://littlebiggy.com/link/crwQ9M
GenHub2: https://littlebiggy.com/link/5sn4ts
GreenAvengerWeed: https://littlebiggy.com/link/uTN4if
GreenCat: https://littlebiggy.com/link/0EjteV
G6Extracts: https://littlebiggy.com/link/qrlZDw
HashHeadz: https://littlebiggy.com/link/NFqOig
Hashishin: https://littlebiggy.com/link/Efows3
Hebba29: https://littlebiggy.com/link/1ajiAQ
Herb4Life: https://littlebiggy.com/link/uru8tX
Hootan: https://littlebiggy.com/link/I9pkPT
InstantGrams: https://littlebiggy.com/link/h41fLE
JustWeed: https://littlebiggy.com/link/67OH9U
MadDabber420: https://littlebiggy.com/link/stAYe3
MagicShroomsUK: https://littlebiggy.com/link/KlQuSe
MJconcentrates: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ry1vjX
MKK2020: https://littlebiggy.com/link/pyuzoZ
Mrb4real: https://littlebiggy.com/link/KDYYCV
MushBar: https://littlebiggy.com/link/pBSXuA
Nero: https://littlebiggy.com/link/Wm5oWK
Pistach: https://littlebiggy.com/link/xZITaA
Popeye'z: https://littlebiggy.com/link/6RZ0zo
Poundland: https://littlebiggy.com/link/UyRUBO
Prime: https://littlebiggy.com/link/PKBIBE
Psychonauts: https://littlebiggy.com/link/6SKqQo
RadarBreeder: https://littlebiggy.com/link/fdm1WC
Real D: https://littlebiggy.com/link/gF2LaI
RileyPacks: https://littlebiggy.com/link/euhMsq
Rozzyexpress: https://littlebiggy.com/link/shirzJ
sayno2drugs: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ZepVzp
SensiMart: https://littlebiggy.com/link/yRxafg
ShroomOfTheLoom: https://littlebiggy.com/link/GKFJeA
Strainsburys: https://littlebiggy.com/link/3hvBxO
Suissms: https://littlebiggy.com/link/gFiztO
Tescrow: https://littlebiggy.com/link/6Fjax1
TheFunGuy: https://littlebiggy.com/link/qpWnQJ
TheGentlemenDealers: https://littlebiggy.com/link/7gPgBn
TheGreatVapeCo: https://littlebiggy.com/link/JdkGtV
TheGreenTeam: https://littlebiggy.com/link/PvltaW
TheHashCollective23: https://littlebiggy.com/link/KTQrpJ
ThePontiffOfPiff: https://littlebiggy.com/link/EsNFMH
UKdispensary: https://littlebiggy.com/link/qzyXFr
UKgrower2: https://littlebiggy.com/link/yjsZNn
UrbanLeafCo: https://littlebiggy.com/link/IAYLRo
Uwakeibake: https://littlebiggy.com/link/f5Ye3f
Wavespell1: https://littlebiggy.com/link/wYSqS1
WeedstarTHC: https://littlebiggy.com/link/tuQft8
Yourmumshouse: https://littlebiggy.com/link/gWeZW9

Appreciate your time and effort for the community. Big thanks for adding us on the list.
Peace and Respect

Please could we be added to your star studded list thank you my friend.


Big shout outs to The Green Team, MJconcentrates, jj5637901 and Radarbreeder... Up to now the only guys ive ordered from and Im one happy (and very high lol) customer
Please feel free to recommend any other sellers or items you think need a look as Im feeling a little adventurous at this point!

Half the shit I did not know ever existed never mind how to use it.
I used to just order my gear and log off.
Now I’m never off that fucking topics page. It’s like I’ve got FOMO 🤦♂️
Like other people have commented I love the community side of things more so now.
I learned so much by asking questions and making good friends and just having a laugh with people with the same love and interest in cannabis 👌
Long live LB and the community
To all the vender’s I’ve used and still to use as the list of stuff that I want to try is now written on bog roll lol 😂 🫡
I just need to remember it’s not a sprint.
The site has definitely changed the way I consume and buy because of the choice
Not just your local.
What you got ?
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵
I’ve been lucky as I’ve only ever had a few issues that was resolved quickly and in a positive way.
The recommendation list could be endless and that’s not me having tried a lot but just the endless scrolling lol 😂
Defo spred your wings and as I’ve found out there is always help on hand from the community if you do have questions? I certainly did and by doing so as I said made good friends 💨💨

Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵 ”
😂😂😂😂…brilliant Daz….it’s funny ‘cos it’s true! 😎

In terms of sellers, I'm pleased with the service. My last purchase was from Medusa501 for the price they offer, which is not bad at all!

I was a bit unsure about getting stuff by post at first but I got to say the guys on here are real life savers with their amazing stealth! Several guys made me laugh with their stickers and stuff they write on their packages xD
I will never ever go back to the street again after being on here.

this community is absolutely fantastic, I have been a smoker in the last 30 years and I thought I knew everything about this world but I was wrong, here I found lovely products, many useful tips specially on vaping that work perfectly for me and LOTS of good people.
This is also the first time in my life l’m interested in an online community.
So love u biggaz, even when u fight 😄

never know what you're going to get.

The community is also amazing, I've not been here that long but have already made friends. Most of the vendors I have dealt with have been absolute diamonds. I'm not in my 20s any more (or my 30s, sadly lol) and a lot of my mates who I grew up smoking with have quit. It's great to have a whole new bunch of people to bore with my weed talk.

I now tell friends that with few clicks I can get the very finest in my Letter box the next day and they don’t believe me. Life is good!

If ever in doubt just ask everyone here is here with the same intention.

Such a cool place to find likeminded chilled ppl

The only thing iv seen is a vendor calling out a buyer and reading what was put it was a buyer being a cheeky cunt any way. Did make me laugh as I don’t hear many people getting called a mong.

We are grateful everyday! Thank you LB's!!!

Due to my conversations with Druids I eventually got a cancard, then a prescription and now not only am I predominantly legal I also "work" within the vape industry
Ppl like Viper and Dazzler are my friends because of this site
My life has improved because of little biggy
My bank balance not so much

wife made me quit bud because it smelt so much and we've just had a kid. stress was too much without weed.
so i turned to the awesome vape cart sellers on this site and my life is back to normal - me, my medicine and happy family!

I've been on LB for around three years now and 100s of orders placed. Between this and the last account that my stoned brain somehow deleted the password for, but eitherway ...
I had only two or three packages lost, in all fairness, i think Amazon has lost the same amount of packages in the same time :)
I've recently become an official medical patient and even with access to medical bud I go on here to complete my stash. The selection of different strains, cannabis products and other goodies on this site is terrific and is probably my number one reason for returning time after time.
I would like to mention a few vendors, which i have found to deliver particularly outstanding quality and/or service:
The Gentlemen Dealers
With their selection of Cali and non-Cali bud, their outstanding stealth and NDD delivery option I have done quite a few shopping trips to their page.
Shroom of the Loom
Havent been dealing with them very long, but their comms, quality and delivery were all impecable. Will deffo keep shopping with them.
I have to mention them simply for the awesome Gorilla Punch I got from them recently ... that's some outstanding smoke right there. Placed an order with them for some extracts, looking forward to those ...
So enough of my rambling ..
Has LB changed my life? Damn right it has ... over are the days of not being able to obtain my buds, having to deal with shady folks at a streetcorner just to get ripped off or similar scenarios ...
LB is like amazon ... only for weed ><
Stay high biggas

A few life changes LB brought to us, but that we often take for granted:
Product quality
Variety / Choice
Education & Knowledge
Money protection
Time saving getting to and waiting for street dealers.
Not missing the small talks in dark street corners either.

One Love

What's the very best weed to buy in oz's? I like top shelf or quite strong & flavourful
What's everyones favourite items on here? I'm looking for the tastiest bud on LB in that size if anyone would care to share? 🙂

I am however eyeing THC 's Rhinestone x OG oz @ 360
Looks mint and their other flower looks promising although there isn't many oz's
Will update if and when 👀

Guarantee you'll find something that floats your boat.
Orange explosion- Mimosa Evo
Savory beef - Spritz
Better than any so called cali - Coco Milk


I’m hoping it’s at $32500.
Good luck and who ever wins is having a highloween ✌️

But first lets talk about the Giveaway!
There are 8 X 3.5G mix of FLOWER and HASH up for grabs.
To be provably fair we have decided to run the competition as below so please follow the instructions.
Like and Comment on this post what you think the BTC/USD price will be on 31/10/2023 at 7PM UK time.
Last entry 27/10/2023 7PM UK time.
1 guess per customer, price will be from the tradingview USD CHART.
The 8 closest entries will each receive 3.5G of FLOWER or HASH
Good Luck to all :)
Now onto to our new LISTINGS
We have just dropped some GAS FACE and KUSH MINTS
Both items have 20 intros offers available, max 1 of each per customer!
Link for the listings below.
Be quick and get yourself a bargain :)
Lots of Love

We used the trading view 1M candle, at 18;00 UTC (18:00 UK) on 31.10.2023
We are attaching the screenshot of the chart, and the 8 winners with the closest entries
$34,500 🤝🏻
Winners, please send us your shipping details .
Thank you all for taking part and keep an eye our for the next one :)

When posts don't have a timestamp or an edit tag or trace when they're deleted it's completely reliant on honesty. Karma will catch up with them in the end I guess.

But wasn't shipped till over 24 hours later and I'm still waiting now is it actually worth paying the extra for quick delivery going on 3 days now

Then there is the vendor, who all have different habits. Most of the good ones do what they say on their manifesto 100% of the time, and if not have a message up saying they won't meet delivey schedules.
I'd imagine their proximity to a RM hub would come into it also for NDD success.
Dr Green Thumb has the best record with me, if you have your order in by x time, it will be there next day.
Eddy also, who only does first class. If your order is in in time he will post it and 95% of the time it is there next day.
Many other vendors have great reps for this.
It's nice to have esp. on larger orders as insurance if it ever did go missing the vendor and yourself know you didn't get it.

This is a very vendor specific thing and they're all different.
You'll learn your favourites, and also how to take bitter disappointment without getting too annoyed about it! 😂

Also bear in mind atm all over the UK there are major road works going on any given day a road or several could be closed off with a diversion which is causing major logistical chaos with everything deliveries of packaging, postal pickups etc

Who did you order from, I'm curious?

Which means your order wasn’t processed until 04 October as it was paid after the cut off. So it’s still only been 2 days since despatch so there’s still a day left to be delivered in the time frame.
Please don’t ask me for tracking until after 3 days.
To make a topic saying “Problems with Green cat” is misleading to say the least If anyone needs tracking please send your name and address thanks.

What is the problem you are having? I'm sure he will rectify if you contact him (though the reply may not be instant).

As he has now commented I'm sure you will be fine. I believe GC is a one man band so comms are sometimes delayed but you will get sorted. The blue dream he has seems to have been a big hit so I'm assuming he just got swamped with sorting that.

All's well that ends well.

Can any one recommend some other good quality vendors that aren’t really high priced ? Wanting to try some different stuff.
I’d love to get some packs from TGD but can’t justify it yet with how little cannabis iv actually used … would be wasted on me

If you don’t ask, you don’t get! :)

He's like Sean Connery in Highlander and I'm that long haired fella...
There can be only one 😂
Just kidding obvs, yeah I've heard he's pretty special at the stealth action. Nice hash too. Top lad. 👍
Cheers BB 🇬🇧🐕😁🍻

In fairness this was a pretence to post a highlander photo of Rux

Stealth 🥷 almost as good. na come on now. Behave yourself Rux. Both are good we know that but good stealth is good stealth. Regardless of where it comes from.

That trim has helped save the bud and my wallet big time.
I'm budget when it comes from bulldog. The way I see it, same product and end result.
I'm totally with you you do fell like you’re winning big time. When in reality it's a win win all round I would hope. (I do love a bit of weed porno) some of the best trimmed bud I’ve had 🥰

Does not last as long a the full bud of course but that is to be expected but honestly spinning gear out or keeping the good stuff. You can’t be using $80 1/8 all day lol
Totally agree on the shake trim
Don’t get me started on the great shake debate 🤦


Even though he's getting abuse on another thread, GameChanger has a lovely Cookies and Cream. Pontiff of Piff deserves a mention as well, excellent selection.

Click on the vote number, in-between the down and up vote button to see.

While I do generally agree with the above statement, I feel SOTL puts his head above the parapet a lot from a community centric perspective when he's calling out some others. Doing this as a vendor account is incredibly brave as I'd hate to see the number of orders he has to cancel and how many shitty messages he gets. Pretty sure his hit rate is close to 100%. Excellent vendor too. One for your list. Tabs available on Society link. 🤐

Was just advising to stay away from vendors that like the drama.

Anyway believe the hype. I can’t say anything that can add to what has been said other than I back the comments made.
I mentioned this on another thread. The only downside is that because they are only on at harvest.
Not that it’s my end of the scale when you start talking about packs. Good weed is good weed.
So that being said. The other thread was about trust and looking at the quality your looking for then trust is key.
The first pages loaded. In no particular order
TGD as you said
Sensi mart
Riley packs
Eddies hash bar
Again this could be and will be added to which I hope helps to narrow down your picks.

Who am I kidding I’m fucking itching to get it in the vape 💨 I will be in a position to assess soon.
Not that I have any doubts on yours
I’m going to take a Torrance break prior to it 👌
Full clean 🧼 before had to give it the respect 🫡

To enter you MUST have at least 1 buy from us from 1st September to 17th September.
Guess the blockchain.com price of bitcoin in $ at 16:20 UK time (GMT+1) on Wednesday 20th September 2023.
Submissions close 16:20 UK time (GMT+1) Sunday 17th September 2023.
There will be five winners in order of closest guess.
1. 1oz High Grade UK
2. 1oz Medium Grade UK
3. 1oz Low Grade UK
4. 1oz Wedding Cake Pop
5. 1oz High Grade Thai
Your submission is accepted and locked in once I upvote and reply to it.
Good luck! 🤞💚

These guys should be called out!
Terrible vendor and attitude..Even when you are very patient.
Unfortunately there still getting attention from biggas through makeovers like this.
When a vendor shafts so many biggas surely we should stick together and get rid of cowboys like these.

Please read it as constructive and not dismissive.
I’m not denying that you guys have had a poor experience here (I’m also still waiting on my parcel) especially with your orders being cancelled after marked as sent so now your coin is held up in esrcow. However having said that I think you are overreacting here. We were all given the option to wait or cancel when he posted the first delay announcement which yeah should’ve came immediately, not with a 2 day delay but he has admitted fault here.
From my understanding this has been one batch of affected orders because he clearly bit off more than he could chew with these sample listings. However these samples he’s listed are only here, at lowered prices, because people kicked up a shit storm about somebody getting free samples for review. He’s tried to adapt his services, jumped into the deep end and you biggas are jumping on top of him trying to drown him over it which quite frankly I find abhorrent. Definitely post your own experiences, but saying you’ll post on every topic in future then claiming it’s to “protect biggas” is just ridiculous, this was not an instance of scamming but merely delays and mistakes from a relatively new vendor.
My experience: I think I was the first to order the 12g sample pack on 4th Sept and mine was sent via RM today, after exchanging a few messages with GC twice about the delay he was apologetic and said he’d include a freebie in my order to make up for the delay. Did I feel messed around a bit? Yeah I did honestly as he missed 2 delivery dates, but given this is an illicit marketplace I’m more than happy to exercise patience and understanding within reason.

Personally I think it’s a cardinal sin to mark a delivery as sent when it isn’t and that rarely ends well in my experience. Shit happens yeah?- and if you can’t get it out then you can’t get it out. Let it auto cancel and coin returned imo.
The sad thing on reading the messaging threads is that they all start off so positive on both sides before the wheels come off. GC is contrite, apologetic and generous. Biggas are just wanting assurances. Then there is a trigger point “Cancelled!” and it’s all gone to shit. I don’t really get that. Surely “do you want me to cancel it or send it?” is the final option? Not only that but GC didn’t actually do anything in some instances, just told the Bigga to sort it out with transaxe. It doesn’t actually work that way and Biggas have been left in complete limbo.
I hope to think I would have been like you- not pushing GC to his trigger point and getting it resolved. Like I’ve said so many times- the ‘need for speed’ causes more problems on here than literally anything else. I’m lucky not to need anything that quickly but I can understand the anger because of the claims for speed and service that GC makes.
I don’t think the sample packs is a great excuse- there were only a very limited number of them.
GC has tried to do a number of things differently around here and that’s pretty impressive and I hope they can clean sheet this one. But I haven’t seen a trigger temper like it since good old GreenTech! 🤭👍

Sorry for not replying to each point as it’s a well written post I’m just done with this situation by now 😴
Definitely a valuable learning opportunity here for all!

The trigger point in Mcflys case is that I’ve been more than reasonable and ended up compensating $90 extra on a $60 order for a 3 day delay and the reply was “unacceptable”
If you really find that unacceptable then please share what you’re smoking.
If you take my kindness for weakness and continue complaining after I’ve been overly generous then what do you expect? Did you want me to tuck you in at night too?
I owe nobody nothing on here, you pay for a service and I provide it. In some instances I don’t provide it on time, you can take your money back (I don’t have your money at this point) and avoid shopping with me.
If someone is abusing you personally are you going to bend over backwards for them and help them? No, I don’t have their funds, transaxe does, they can go sort their refund out on their own.
As you can also see, some people got cancelled on but already have their funds back, guess why?
I’m probably the most impatient person I know, mostly a bad trait but can also be good. I’ll try to take things slow and avoid mistakes.
If I explain the “why” of the delays you call it an excuse, if I don’t explain, you say you’re kept in the dark.
Sample packs are not an excuse, I’m giving you one of many reason why things have been delayed.
You’re allowed to be angry if I claim fastest dispatch and then take 3+ days to do so, but if you’re going to get rude/personal and act like a clown then you will get treated like one and you lose the privilege of nicey nice GC.
I’m happy to move on from and make right every order. But take a look at this thread and tell me would you personally ever even get in touch with some of these biggas with the things they’re saying? You can’t even see my PMs where it’s worse ofc but I have my own reasons for what I do.
Respect works both ways.

I called you generous, contrite and apologetic in that post and praised you for trying to change things around here. I was the first to post on this topic saying it was the biggest giveaway I had ever seen.
Honestly, it’s like you are trying to self destruct…

And it’s more directed at the customers who got cancelled on, but I’m explaining it to you.
I have a lot of respect and time for you specifically. ✊

Think everyone needs to smoke some of their special stash, chill ❤️❤️❤️
But if any of you don’t want your free weed and edibles, you know where I’m at 😂

Some of you may not even have read this and automatically downvoted me as a shill, but I can assure you I'm not. Just happened to have a great first experience and told lots of people about it as I really love this place, and lots of the people in it, and I'm still a customer. Would be nice to get weed faster though, in general, not just from GC.

Order cancelled and now this is his only move 😅

What freaking planet are living on?

missing a delivery date twice is absolutely insane, especially with repeated claims of the fastest dispatch on LB, and then saying things like "you can't win with this lot"
this won't be the first time i've seen you talk down to the community whilst bigging yourself up even when you're blatantly in the wrong
you're getting exactly the amount of derision you deserve, it only matches your level of incompetence which is literally on display for everyone to see

The so called compensation had no intention of arriving as you well know.
Just words to make you look good.
3 days of promised sends and 3 no sends then I complain just ti say that it’s unacceptable and you cancel all to easily mate. And tuck my funds up.
And you have the cheek to turn this post all on me.
Honestly I’m completely discombobulated
You even have the sympathy of some biggas which is hilarious just goes to show there are some real shills out there.
Sorry if I offended any biggas but truth be told.

What is my only move?
I haven’t posted any topics on your terrible vending ability like many others have recently
Only commented here like others have.
And thank you for posting our private conversation because biggas can see for themselves what a disservice you provide.
And also that you are acting the ass and trying to play the victim whist trying to make genuine biggas look bad.
I’m here for the long haul and I’m genuine very unlike you.
Never complained in all my time even when orders have been delayed.
Good comms and decency make all the difference and in that respect GAMECHANGER is the perfect name for your outfit.
Hopefully we won’t cross paths again

That’s a problem for biggas unfortunately.

You are a cowboy outfit and have no place on an amazing platform like this.
to Mcfly369 13 Sep 17:28 UTC
Shop elsewhere good luck
from Mcfly369 13 Sep 17:26 UTC
Are you joking!
You didn’t even reply to say whether it had been sent or not which leads me to believe it hadn’t and don’t you think I’m entitled to be a wee bit pissed about my order not confirmed by you as being sent again today.
Especially after our conversation last night
This also gets you out of compensating me.
Smart move.
And again same as yesterday i didn’t order anything today because you assured me it would be sent today and again it’s now to late to order for a delivery tomorrow.
So I’m dry and a heavy smoker so I have to find more funds to make an order tomorrow which won’t now arrive until Friday which will be a real headache for me.
You are completely out of order for cancellation of my order.
Never had this kind of treatment on lb before.
to Mcfly369 13 Sep 17:06 UTC
Have it your way.
Your order is rejected and cancelled.
Contact transaxe support for your refund.
from Mcfly369 13 Sep 16:59 UTC
No mate. It is completely unacceptable if you failed to send it today and it doesn’t arrive tomorrow. Especially after our conversation last night.
It should have been on your priority list first thing this morning
I did not place another order today because you assured me it would be sent today. !
to Mcfly369 13 Sep 14:27 UTC
I’m not entirely surely right this second sorry.
I’ll have an update for you within the hour.
If I’ve failed yet again today to dispatch it then I will add 1x pack of edibles to the order too and dispatch tomorrow as the first order.
from Mcfly369 13 Sep 14:25 UTC
Can you send a quick msg so I know it’s gone out today.
Thanks man.
from Mcfly369 13 Sep 11:58 UTC
Morning mate.
Just checking that’s going out today.
to Mcfly369 12 Sep 18:58 UTC
Correct, and thank you.
from Mcfly369 12 Sep 18:50 UTC
Appreciate that mate.
Bubble gum sherbet sounds good.I like a strong indica.
So this and my 7g wedding pop sending SD tomorrow?
I have no urge to divulge specifics to anyone. We have reached an agreement so it stays here.
Thank you.
to Mcfly369 12 Sep 18:37 UTC
Pick any high grade you want from the menu, I’ll chuck in 3.5g for you, don’t tell anyone the specifics 🤫
from Mcfly369 12 Sep 18:35 UTC
I don’t like to say mate.
Would feel more comfortable if you decided on that. Just a sample of one of your buds I guess.
But please don’t forget to send tomorrow
to Mcfly369 12 Sep 17:18 UTC
I take on board everything you have said brother.
We will be much more prepared and organised in the future for an influx of orders.
You seem very reasonable so I will leave that as your disposable - what would you like added to your order that you see fit?
I won’t say no.
from Mcfly369 12 Sep 17:13 UTC
I don’t want to cancel.
Tbh this is the first time I’ve complained it’s not my thing.
But I normally use the same few vendors.
I don’t like to see items sent when they are definitely not as it definitely gives the impression the gears on its way.
And with comms from you I could have ordered a replacement to arrive tomorrow.
It’s the sorta thing that makes you swerve a vendor.
And with a decent menu at your disposal that would be a shame.
I will accept your offer of compensation but as you see fit.
For that I thank you.
Don’t forget to send tomorrow!
to Mcfly369 12 Sep 16:53 UTC
Our service has been awful, I don’t deny that.
Things happen.
I’m sorry and I understand where you’re coming from, right this second there’s nothing I can do to get some smoke to you.
What I CAN do is compensate you by adding extra, what would you like?
Or you can also cancel and refund.
from Mcfly369 12 Sep 16:48 UTC
Order paid on10th marked as sent early morning on 11th so SD arrives today?
You didn’t send when marked as sent yesterday?
You haven’t sent today either. Why?
No comms to let me know that you hadn’t actually sent it yesterday or today??
Normally this wouldn’t bother me because I normally have a stash but I don’t this time that’s why I ordered SD next day guaranteed by 1pm as stated on your page.
If it stated in your page this was more of a relaxed style send when I get around to it then I wouldn’t have ordered here. I messaged you this morning early because I work at the DO so I have my pckts handed to me as soon as they come in the office.
So I would have had time to make a replacement order that would ARRIVE tomorrow. This order will not now arrive until Thursday if sent tomorrow.
to Mcfly369 12 Sep 16:09 UTC
Hello mate your order will be dispatched tomorrow sorry for the delay.
from Mcfly369 12 Sep 14:59 UTC
Hello mate you’ve read but not replied.
I know you’re probably busy.
As it states free SD I’m assuming you mean SD special by 1pm next day.
In 100+ I’ve only had one SD arrive late that was during winter I’m assuming a slightly isolated location vendor.
So if it was sent yesterday early morning there’s no reason it shouldn’t have been with me today.
Could you check tracking and see if it’s held up at an MC somewhere or anything else.
As I need to know if I have to try order something else.
Many thanks
from Mcfly369 12 Sep 09:18 UTC
Morning mate.
Was my order sent as SD or tracked24?
Marked sent yesterday at just after 5am.

Next time you get a “this is unacceptable” you better get Santa on the phone to borrow his reindeers you’ve got a delivery to make ASAP 😂 not sure what was expected there, mistakes already been made and you’re being polite/professional about next steps 🤷♂️

Can’t win with these lot.

I’m a big smoker and I go without when I want to.
So there’s no lost minds here.
This was about 3 promised sends and 3 no sends how many do you go by before you say that it’s not acceptable.
If said vendor had messaged me just once to explain that maybe he’s flooded with orders or something like that then I would know and just expect a delay and make another order.
I would say more accurately that the worst kinda stoners are the ones that just jump on the bandwagon for a ride.

I'm also sorry to hear about the messed up recent orders for Biggas. That's not good.
But, i feel this vendor is clearly trying, listening and responding to what the vocal Biggas want.
I think the sample packs are a mistake and GC is still getting his operation in order. Would not fancy packing up 12x1gs orders all day long. I'm not a fan of sample packs, i think they waste vendors time. Would you go to your street dealer and ask him for a gram?
I hope GameChanger smooths out these issues as he has some great deals.
This is my personal opinion and based on only one transaction so far, that itself had issues but i was patient and waited, and ended up very happy.
If you're looking NDD every time go to DrGT or the like.
Think Biggas need to chill a bit 🧊

I did used to go to my street dealers for a gram of half a gram all the time 🤣 I’m a sociable kind of person normally and would hang out with them a lot which probably helped 😆
It was GCs decision to do the sample packs. Should have had them made up ready to send as had a limited amount anyway. Aw man I miss weighing and bagging up weed definitley up there in my top 3 favourite jobs sign me up 😁😂

I understand Bev, and just trying to cut the guy some slack after all these slatings he's been getting.
Just think a little patience can help in these situations that's all.
Edit: Also for all the ones shouting about hangers on and hanging round for freebies - look at the rules of his competition - it's for customers who ordered between 1& 17 Sept, the very people who were affected by the delays he is giving a comp to. I can't enter, and wouldn't win anyway 🤣

Ye I understand where your coming from to Tom I’m normally all for cutting the vendors slack when things go wrong, we are all human a the end of the day. For me it is just one to many things with this vendor, coming in very strong with the whole best vendor, fastest dispatch total bollocks. Although they come across nice enough cancelling the order like that at the slightest of complaints about the terrible service is childish and completely out of order imo.
I used them once my order was delayed, communication OK but I had to ask what was going on. The extra I was promised wasn’t included but I was just happy to get my order at this point. That was a while ago and I see biggas constantly having the same problem unfortunately. There was a comp to make up for it but I didn’t win so not really the best way to compensate people anyway 😆
I’ve also come to the conclusion that to afford so many expensive giveaways must be massively over charging their customers ✌️

Did you message me about that? Or keep it to yourself so you have some firepower when ranting about me?
You’re very quick to quote my manifesto but you purposely ignored the very first line too.
How on earth have you come to that conclusion? 😅
It definitely isn’t possible that im just that generous is it?

No I didn’t wasn’t complaining as such gave you the benefit of the doubt at the time. Was just pointing out this has been an ongoing issue for you and you clearly haven’t sorted out yet. Your potential customers should be aware of. Can see you have changed dispatch to 1-3 days which is good.
Keep it to myself so I have some kind of fire power? 🤣 dude I’m so not like that you have no idea.
So I do you a favour by not complaining or leaving a topic that could damage your business and you think I’m in the wrong somehow, you are a funny person 😅
Aw dear I did not purposefully ignore anything you’re sounding a little bit paranoid. Nor did I leave you a negative review gave your average (at best) shake and poor service a 9 as It was cheap and i reasonable and give people a fair chance.
Well quite easy your a new vendor how are you affording all these give aways unless your making huge profits?
Yes but you can afford to be generous by having a huge mark up on your smoke I’d of thought just a guess tho 😅

If I didn’t offer 150% free compensation for a 3 day delay and he said “unacceptable” it would also be a different story.
Then maybe I’m mistaken - especially if you left a 9/10 👍
I’m affording them because they’re coming out of my pocket - is that hard to grasp?
Same way I said you kept those details to yourself so would have fire power at a later date and you said “dude I’m so not like that you have no idea.” I accepted.
These giveaways aren’t from overcharging customers, “dude I’m so not like that you have no idea.” I’m just generous can you accept that?
I’m also very reasonable, you can see I even said to Mcfly he could choose whatever compensation he wanted and I wouldn’t say no - does this sound like someone selfish? Then he again insisted that I choose it myself so I went overboard and doubled his order, then another 50% on top the next day.
If you come to me with logic and without the personals, I’ll always hold my hands up and concede. I have no issue admitting when I’m wrong, meanwhile some biggas….. (not you btw)

I appreciate you offered alot of compo for the mistake maybe just Abit of understanding for your customer who after 3 separate delivery dates missed wouldn't of known of they could trust you.
Ye I'm not here to cause trouble but I know I can be Abit blunt sometimes
I did leave a 9 and review was pretty positive 👍
Mcfly has left the conversation and we probably should to 😂
Hopefully you get everything straightened out

My main point on this thread is this (not very well explained previously): -
I've spent my whole life in remote rural uk waiting for gear and suffering droughts that would go on for months, since the eighties.
It'll be here tomorrow... not here... tomorrow again.... not here... Friday.... it's not coming... look for another plug... and so on, having your hopes dashed again and again.
When something does arrive, it's generally v poor quality.
Only time I've had good steady supply is when living abroad.
The stuff is still illegal and i think we're getting a bit spoilt with NDD now.
With that said, i've learnt the lesson, to stash like f**k, and get more in loooong before it's running low.
I agree completely about recent price inflation!! :)

But yet here you are bringing your bs to my posts.

Even with the delay his coms were great and my order eventually arrived with perfect stealth like usual.
Just need to be patient and show mutual respect, if you act like a clown you're going to be treated like one.
Fair enough if Biggas have had a bad experience but no need to blow up a giveaway thread because of it.
Thanks for the giveaway! I'll make my entry a little later so I can make a calculated estimation 😆

I think you got it wrong.
I commented here on someone else’s comment about bad vending.
Nothing to do with no smoke going crazy🫣😂😂
Smoked for over 30 yrs dude when I want and when I don’t want no problem 😂
This was about if you follow accurately.
A vendor missing 3 promised sends
Then me eventually saying it was unacceptable. Then having my order cancelled and funds tied up for a bit.
Make of it what you will. Like I said never complained in over a 100.
First time using this vendor and never been involved in something like this before. Never had any crossed words or disputes with any vendor until this cowboy
So if a vendor misses 3 promised sends with no explanation as to why then throws the toys out the pram and cancels just because you eventually say it’s unacceptable.
They should be called out like other biggas have said.
Unfortunately an inexperienced vendor and a few mislead biggas have taken this in a different direction.

If you don’t want it sent with additional compensation, and you don’t want it cancelled… the only other solution is going back in time and undoing the mistake of a failed delivery I really don’t get it… obviously it’s not ideal, but the mistake is already made, GameChanger obviously doesn’t want delays and bad reviews either… but shit happens and you need to accept at least one resolution

I ordered it was marked sent but not sent on 11 th
So I just simply asked if he sent SD as stated or tracked 24 which could take 2 days because it didn’t arrive next day which an SD would.
No explanation until I msg them ok.
They eventually reply.
I didn’t complain at all like others had already.
GC said how reasonable I was and offered compensation of my choice.
I said I felt awkward about compensation and that he should choose if he wanted to send.
So he then promised to send the next day.
Messaged the next day to see if he had sent and eventually said he wasn’t sure if it was and if he hasn’t he would send some sweets also. I knew at this point it wasn’t sent again. So that meant there would be a 3rd promise of send with more compensation
So I just said that it wasn’t acceptable if it wasn’t gonna be sent until the third day which it would have been. Then he cancelled and said good luck. So 3 promised before I actually said anything about being being unacceptable.

the number of people i trust on here has gone from about 10-12 to about 5 in the space of a few hours today
also after properly taking a look at this vendors page and listings etc, i have absolutely no doubt in my mind this is MERCEDES, or the 5th attempt from that vendor under a different name

You messaged him to see what’s happening with order as it’s past delivery date (like I did) and he apologised and offered compensation because it wasn’t sent yet, he tells you he will send it (like he said to me for comp and sending).
You then messaged him the next day (I did like 2 days or so after) and he says he will have to check, yours hasn’t been sent he apologises and offers more compensation saying it will be sent next day (exactly like he said to me), you said this is unacceptable so the only option was to cancel your order if u are not accepting it.
I was equally frustrated as you, but I said ok thanks for the update and you know what happened the next day? I got my tracking my number.
Two very similar situations and two drastically different outcomes. My order was placed 4th sept btw.
Not sure what hesh is smoking with the victim blaming and gaslighting - the pm’s are literally posted here.

Oh dear.
Inexperienced new biggas will learn themselves.
Good luck to you bro🍀

Your messages are literally posted here for me to read. We have the exact same situation, you said unacceptable and will get your coin back. I said cool bro and I’ll be smoking good tomorrow with plenty extra as compensation 😎

You continue to use the gc. That’s good for you my man. But I will avoid a clown outfit thank you

Throwing a $150 order for the price of $60 down the drain because oH My gOd tHrEe dAyS.
Then doubling down on your stupidity “let’s be honest you were never going to send that compensation”
You’re just extra salty now with how it panned out. On top of that there’s a $1000+ giveaway which you will take no part in.

for starters i don't need to defend myself against this hilarious accusation, all the genuine biggas and vendors on here know me just fine
the fact that you came to that conclusion all by yourself just by tracking some upvotes on this topic is kinda sad tbh, the desperation is strong
it's already over mate, wrap it up, see you next time on your next attempt as a vendor, you're going to need a different frontman though if it's ever going to last longer than a few weeks

I have nothing against you, your attitude got your order cancelled.
I appreciate that you’ve commented here respectfully and PM’d me too.
To answer your question via PM yes you would be allowed again to buy from us - after 17th September.

BTC 21001 is my guess

I’ve found Keep it Greens Mimosa EVO to be a phenomenal vapour beast! It starts giving off vapour at slightly lower temps than normal and it lasts a hell of a lot longer than most. I’ll get more vapour at 180-185 from this than I’d get through the full 180-210 range with other bud. Linked it above 👍

Got your next reservation set to one side. Thanks for the support. ❤️
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Deep East x Wizard Farms Topshelf flower from California & Organic Grown Dawg
If you’ve not heard of the brands before look them up, they don’t disappoint.😎

What are some or your favourites and why?

GameChanger had a decent menu. Cookies and Cream is 👌

The Exotics and Midzotics are what I've always ordered, and sometimes strains are in the lower category simply because of things like bag appeal. If people want to sell me buds at a lower price solely because people wouldn't gasp in awe at it when you showed them, but other than that it's just as good, then I'm all for it.

Recently ordered from a notorious seller for the first time, who only ships using RM 1st Class.
I received an empty envelope.
What should I do next?
if many people experience the same, we should not allow such sellers on LB. Not exposing the seller yet, since it could be a genuine mistake.

It’s extremely rare but it CAN happen.

however apart from a postie doing it in bulk as in the case of GameChanger who would take the risk to take content from a 1 class and put it back on the pile when its not tracked?
Seller only finding it bizarre and pointing to dispute button is that the way to go or you expect amicable resolution first? never had to dispute before so fairly lost.
Never had a missing 1 st class in any of the drops we have in the area.

Orange Slushy:
I'm a sucker for orange bud so this was 10/10. The nugs were really dense and the tanginess was amazing. Grinds out really well and you can even smell the orange from the smoke coming off the joint. Not too much on the chest either but it packs a big high when smoking yet still creeps up on you. I've never been able to top any of the cherry pie strains as those are my favourite but this is definately second for sure.
Sherbet OG:
This is a strong one. Reminded me a lot of Stardawg in terms of the nugs. Has that gassy smell and extremely dense nugs with loads of orange hairs. Once ground out though the Dawg qualities are gone. Still has that gassy smell to it but you also get that kushness from it too. I think the Cherry Pie in Sunset Sherbet gets dwarfed by everything else which is unfortunate, the only qualities that really follow over is the cake like smell. Overall the smoke is very thick and chesty. I'd recommend smoking this one midday once you've warmed up. Early morning will put you out for the day and "bedtime" joint won't really mean bedtime once smoked. 8/10 purely because I'm not much of a fan of SS anyway.
This reminded me of the Sherbet OG, probably because it is basically the same cross too. I'd say this is a bit weaker in strength compared to the Sherbet but it's still defo strong. For whatever reason this one for me was very forgettable. I think it's potentially because it's so similar to the Sherbet that my mind can't quite differ them especially when smoked on the same day. I will however say that I preferred the taste of this more than the Sherbet. Having that lemon taste/smell to it meant it was a lot easier to smoke. Not as strong on the chest but with the same potency as the Sherbet. 7/10
Cheesecake Pie:
I saved this one till last purely because of how amazing it smelt. It literally just smelt like a cheesecake. Definately the strongest smelling out the whole lot that's for certain, and definately my favourite smelling weeds ever. I would have been happy to just leave this in my jar and keep smelling it daily. When ground it's no different if not better. I'd say it smells more like chocolate cheesecake. Grounds out really well and the nugs are average. When smoking you still get that cheesecake taste which is nice. Not so strong when smoking it but it's definately a creeper. This is an easy 10/10 especially with how amazing it smells.
Bubblegum Sherbert:
This was a deceiving one, in many different ways. In terms of the strain, it's exactly what it says on the tin. When you smell even just the nugs, you get a massive whiff of bubblegum. I myself am a fan of bubblegum but I know not a lot of people are. If you're not a fan then you probably wouldn't like it as it really does have a strong scent. When you break it apart only then will you get the sherbet smell. This was probably the most dense out the bunch. Boulder like buds and were really hard to break apart. It was deceiving when it was ground out as it would tickle your nose due to the strong THC scent. You really didn't get that from smelling the nugs. It was again deceiving when smoking it as it was quite harsh and you didn't get much of the bubblegum or sherbet flavour. In terms of strength, it's 100% the strongest out the lot. Doesn't matter what you've smoked before, this wants to take over. If it wasn't for the smoke, this would be an easy 10 however I have to rate a 9/10.
Cookies & Cream:
This was one of the strongest out of the bunch. This was the strongest on the chest too, you really felt this one go down. The taste was incredible however, It's been a while since I've had Cookies & Cream so I can't quite remember what it was like, especially nowadays with all the different types of cookies going around, the original can get drowned. The colour on the bud when ground was an extremely light green, haven't seen weed like this in a while. Was a very slow burner, very good as a night time joint or before bed. The smoke was very thick as you would expect. I think this one would be a difficult one to smoke regularly due to the strength however would be nice as a luxury every now and then. 10/10
Grapefruit Juice:
Probably the most appealing and tasty weeds I've had since Cherry Pie, and that's my all time favourite strain. The buds were glowing lime green with glowing orange hairs too. Dense but also fluffy nugs at the same time. Not dense enough where it feels like a boulder but enough to where it grinds out really well. The smell from this was incredible, even more so when it's ground out. It really does smell like grapefruit and it really comes through on the taste as well. It's not potent enough to where you don't want to smoke another, it makes you want to keep smoking it due to how tasty it is. I know I said the Orange Slushy was #2 of my top strains but I'm afraid it now has to move down to #3. 10/10
Everyone and their nan knows what Stardawg is. This was no exception. Soon as you open the bag, you can smell that brutal dawg smell. Most people I can imagine have only really ever tried Stardawg from local dealers on the streets and we claim it "dirty dawg". From experience, it's all I've ever had too, this really changed my perspective on Stardawg. You still get the typical Dawg qualities, that gassy smell and the denseness of the nugs. This however is a much smoother smoke. Not as strong on the chest and for once I didn't get a headache which I always do when smoking Dawg. I'm glad I actually go to try what proper Dawg is like, it's a shame it's name has been tarnished over the years. 8/10
Final Thoughts:
Would I class it as high grade? 100%. A lot of these bought me back to the old days of smoking, when I would actually feel it. Many tasty and different types of weed that you can take a shot at 2 of them and at least be happy with 1. As you can tell, I'm not a Sherbet guy so I have more bad to say about those but it's purely a preference thing. Overall the quality of these strains are 10/10 and I wouldn't really downplay any of these. Maybe Stardawg should be in the medium section purely because it's Dawg, but at the same time I do understand why it's there.

The reviews don’t tell me much tbh, thick / chesty + 2 listed as most potent.
Will wait on some other reviews I think as not got loads to blow this month and want a tasty terps.

Hence I would rather stick to one reliable and unbiased person such as Alleyne.

Personally I think including a nug of a different strain with an order is the best way overall. It might not always get a review but will always be appreciated and you don’t pick up much additional cost because you are sending out an order anyway (I’m not saying you don’t already do this!). We all love a Brucie Bonus! 😍

You’re right tho especially the expense of some of the higher end ones. For me that’s a lot of coin on something I’ve not tried.

We may also do a few 12x1g sample packs of the new products for a limited time. 👍

And if the statement “If you were offered , you would say yes too, don’t bullshit yourself”, is aimed at me then how wrong you are. I’ve politely turned down three offers in the last couple of months. Like I say, I’m always delighted to receive a Brucie Bonus having placed an order. Getting a dozen strains just seems OTT to me, and your angry response and sweary language says quite a lot about it.
Has it occurred to you that biggas weren’t responding to your reviews because they weren’t a great read?….less can be more you know😉

Can’t please everyone all of the time on the internet, prime example:
Apex wants more details, polly wants less details.
Everyone is different and we all prefer things done our own way but we are all shooting towards the same goal here.

Your dig at my reviews is also childish as I didn't even mention anything about my reviews I mentioned about other people not making them and me being the only person to be actually bothered to do so. Clap clap you again make a braindead comment. It's even more contradicting when you've commented on literally every review I've done and not said shit then? Now you wanna say something because you felt like I targeted you. Well I've targeted you now so what now? If you didn't like my reviews, why bullshit yourself in the comments of them. Less really is more pollypuff

Yup, GC can throw you the keys to the store if they want to and very good luck to you, well done, matters not a jot. But a little self effacing humour and a light heart of fortune when reviewing would serve you much better than simply going into a foul mouthed rant.
It just reinforces that the whole thing is a bit off. Does it matter in the scheme of things?…nah….

I like the reviews on the topics board, it keeps things lively and they give more detail than most reviews on the product page. Alleyne could have not stated anything about getting the buds for free and nobody would be any wiser, so I respect their transparency. People can make their own minds up, but I wouldn't want to see Alleyne or anyone else stop reviewing.

Transparency is good but you can’t manage Biggas natural scepticism by firing from the hip!🤠💥

It’s like the reviews left after the purchase. Right off the bat I’m at least taking a point or two off because of the 10/10 not tried it gang. 10/10 with no comment.

The only difference being that it’s stated that it was for free. Which is the best way in my opinion. Then your own judgement can be made.
I just think that it escalated quickly and off point. That might be the reason as you said but if you’re putting topics / views out there free or not. Unfortunately trolls is an evil we all have to bare.
My last point would be that Alleyne was called out for getting free gear for positive reviews.
As I said being free is lower down the list than integrity. Alleyne has stated that they would not post a bad review.
Is that because that if you have nothing to say don’t say anything or don’t bite the hand that feeds you. That’s not directed at Alleyne or yourself just a general thought on reviewing in general

If Alleyne smoked any of these bud samples and genuinely thought they were a 5/10 or whatever, I would not protest or block the review 👍

For instance if they did not effect him then I would then be informed that not only there Torrance level. Which in turn gives better context to the reviews given and going forward.
There was no need to mention it 🤷♂️ but by doing so has opened Pandora’s box 📦

And GC knows I've got absolutely nothing against him, infact quite the opposite, but I have to defend someone when I know they are telling the truth.
Personally, after the way you conduct yourself when getting even a minor amount of criticism, I wouldn't trust your reviews at all, but that's just my opinion, and we all have one.
Cheers BB

I think polly even once declined a sample from myself aswell.
Point being, I don’t think Polly is making these points from a “I’m salty why didn’t I get freebies to sample” angle. 👍

Tempers get flared sometimes when people get criticised, it's only natural human behaviour.
The weed looks great and as always I wish you every success buddy.
Personally, I don't agree with the free sample process, and I'll leave it at that. Your business, your choice.
Like I say, PP is a good Bigga and at this stage, I see them as a good friend so I had to chip in and offer a bit of backup. Not that he needs it 🤣
Much love buddy.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

From my point of view is you need reviews on your page not on the topics which as we all know can be like raiders of the lost ark warehouse.
You need page reviews and numbers on the board.
The gear will do the talking and the topics will be uncompressed by any views on the free issue. Which I said has nothing to do with I agree or disagree.
My point was on the basis of reviews

Thank you.
How would you go about this?
As I said I’ve tried spreading out samples before only to be ghosted when they receive the product, then met with excuses.
Doing cheap sample packs may be the way to go.
We almost sold 10 of those sample packs so hopefully anyone can chime in with their own review of each strain.

money. I think that sort of thing is perfect.
Whilst it doesn’t guarantee reviews, most biggas who get a deal like this will leave a review as that’s the main point of these sort of deals.

Offer cheap sample packs, anonymously then get the reviews as normal. It's a tried and tested method. I did it 1200+ days ago.
And I'm still raving👵🤣 (maybe not I'm old)
Cheers BB

And Polly, you can always send those offers to me and Daz 🤣
Didn’t mean to cause any offence to reviews, just want to know more about flavours etc.
Hopefully some of those small packs bring in some tasty write ups so we can all get the best for our preferences.
I await eagerly people!!!!

As you say if you never said anything no one would be any wiser but fair play as I said but that as you know comes with his own issues.
If you put it out there then I’m all for healthy debate but coming out swinging and defending GC.
GC has done nothing other venders do 🤷♂️ so have you made this into the main focus of it now and not the review.

I whinged cos the primo uk buds have less details than the smalls, was looking for some depth on terps and inhale / exhales etc. 😂
Appreciate the extra effort that goes into proper write ups mate so totally understand, doing 7 or so in a weekend is a killer at times around life and wanting to chill 😂
1g samplers are good if priced ok too.
And I always say, it’s it a good one, someone will feel obliged to write it up I find on here.
See many first reviewers enlighten me on a tasty one before 🤜❤️

Hence he has done 8 in one post of the high grade, the low grade SSH as one post, the medium grade wedding pie and amnesia haze as one post and the wedding cake Pop as one post.
I’m sure if you have any specific questions on the 8 high grade strains, Alleyne will more than happily respond.

I do agree that some people seem a bit salty over this while sending samples for free in return for an honest review.
If I were to stop doing that, there would be next to nothing in terms of reviews and people wouldn’t know which products to go for based on their own personal preferences.
At the end of the day, who I send free smoke to is my business, if I want Alleyne to smoke for free for the rest of his life then that’s up to me.
I also don’t see any problem with sending samples for reviews - if it was a problem then the admins would have stepped in by now.
Another bonus to having one person review it all is that the experiment is “controlled” let’s say. They can compare to other products and people will start to get an idea on this persons expectations/standards when it comes to bud and scoring it.

If this is within LB guidelines then Jedi should be unbanned and if not Alleyne should be banned too.
Of course we will never get a straight forward answer from the LB team but all in all seems a little inconsistent.
It all comes down to how LB interpret the meaning of "Incentivized Post's".
Great review nonetheless, I do agree with Polly tho. Would've been better off posting them separately.

I think as long as you're honest about whether the bud was bought by you or sent specifically for a review then that's fair enough. People can make their own minds up, I appreciate the transparency.

Joking I could not give two fucks if it’s free or not. It would be far better to know what the basis of the review was marked rather than if it was free or not.

I seen your review first thing this morning and I wish I had commented then before the handbags & gladrags
Without taking any of the comments into consideration and this being the first review that I have read from you. I have subsequently went back to look at the others.
I appreciate anyone who takes the time to review products.
Some of these points are general points but points that I have been talking to others about reviews in general.
When reading reviews it’s hard as you don’t know what the reviewer has set the bench mark as.
I tend to review by listing description bs product
I know others that do it differently.
I regards to the free gear for reviews debate. I have said this before in previous threads.
Fair play to anyone that get free weed and you have been honest about it.
as a reader I can now take that into consideration when reading your reviews.
One point that you made in your opening statement that I did pick up on was that you never did a review on something else that was sent because you did not want to write a negative review. Kind of defy the purpose.
By readers seeing both hood and bad reviews then they get a sense of your tastes and can then act or debate your review.
Now when I see a review from yourself I now know that without reading it. It’s going to have a positive outcome. It might have some negative comments but overall it’s going to be positive.

Was I harsh to snap back earlier? Yes entirely, and I will apologise to polly personally. But at the end of the day, sometimes a debate isn't a bad thing. We all learnt a few things and hopefully can clear the air. I just know I shouldn't have started it the way I did.
In regards to the edibles. I will still stand by NOT doing the review. It is genuinely a tolerance issue. I have tried numerous different types of edibles over the years, purposely hunting for the strongest ones and they have never touched me. In my eyes, writing a review for a product that was never going to work to begin with doesn't deserve to have a bad first impression from me. GC purely sent them because he thought I'd be a good candidate and would have a lot to say IF they did work. I didn't guarantee they would work PRIOR to him sending. If I were to do a review I wouldn't even know what to say? I just don't justify doing a negative review on something that isn't actually negative. I gave them away in the end to friends and all of them felt some sort of effect however again, I would not be able to base a review on someone else's opinion, otherwise that's no different that just making a fake one.
In terms of previous reviews and the details written. I've done them like this the whole time. Any comments I've had have been positive and with no criticism (without mentioning names, many are literally here right now which is ironic), yet suddenly I've mentioned freebie and everyone's tone of voice has changed. You can understand why I feel a lot of people are contradictive. All my reviews have been written, in what I thought was sufficient detail. Apparently now this is not the case. If I were to do separate reviews on each and every strain, I'd again have people complain about the amount of reviews and referral links and potentially actually being shadow banned from LB anyway. So what do you guys actually want? This isn't an arsey question this is genuine. Because at the moment, it still feels like everyone is up in the air with what's actually pissing them off. If it's simply because of the fact that freebies are being sent and the review cannot be trusted then I would rather just not do them at all because what's the point. Like I've said multiple times, I genuinely do the reviews so people can get an insight before buying as me personally think the normal reviews are bold and all over the place. I like to have something to look at where someone's detailed everything from the smoke to how it grinds etc. This isn't the case, people don't do them. Once I started doing them for GC. I actually enjoyed it and did the one from TGT that I bought the previous month. No different from any other of my reviews. I don't have any other reviews from other vendors since because guess what, I actually buy from GC.

I'll keep my (albeit unimportant) position clear...
I don't trust reviews based upon free samples.
That's it. No need to argue about it. We all have our opinions. 😊
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Thanks for the response and appreciate it.
I think you did the right thing mentioning that this was a gift for you to review. As I said previously the reader can make their own mind up.
I feel that the review from the start was overshadowed by the fact that you felt the need to justify the manner you obtained the goods and not defend the reviews. Which is the whole point of the topic.
Goods for positive reviews are nothing new and does play a part in how readers perceive the review but that's the readers decision.
You are also right in the fact that you are never going to please everyone. What I will say is that too much time has been spent by yourself justifying the process of how you obtained it rather than defending the review that took the time an effort to post.
I don't agree with the statement that "people assume all reviews are biased" . I would say that 99% of the reviews are positive and I think that a big part of that is if you have nothing nice to say!
"Ironically, one of those reviews was actually of a strain which I thought was mediocre" If this is the case why was this not included in the original review? If you are trying to defend previous reviews and your reviews being un bias. I would have definitely made sure that this was included to prove your point.
You have said it yourself. I think your right the horse unfortunately has bolted on that defence.
Like others have said it's in our nature to defend anything we put out there. By doing so you have to deal with what comes next, good or bad. (nature of the beast) and this not just gear on LB.
Fair play for holding up your hands and reflecting on how you handled the situation.
I disagree with the following statements as this information and the other reviews give context
In regards to the edibles. I will still stand by NOT doing the review. It is genuinely a tolerance issue. I have tried numerous different types of edibles over the years, purposely hunting for the strongest ones and they have never touched me.
I just don't justify doing a negative review on something that isn't actually negative. I gave them away in the end to friends and all of them felt some sort of effect however again, I would not be able to base a review on someone else's opinion, otherwise that's no different that just making a fake one.
Just say that, it's the truth. By not saying it and mentioning that you just never did it, is reinforcing the bias argument. I i read that and you said the weed was strong than I can then judge if your 10 is a Dazzler 7 ect ect
Again just my opinion more time has been spent justifying how you got it rather than what the gear is like.

In regards to review in general. I think it 99% of the reviews are positive (which they are going to be anyway as I’ve mentioned incentive many times) then topic reviews just shouldn’t be allowed at all in my opinion. If most people feel they are going to be a positive review purely because some sort of link through the vendor then the accuracy of ANY topic review if false right from the get go. If people genuinely have this mind set of not knowing if it was a free purchase or not, and with some mentioning that they will not trust any review that’s been sent as a freebie, then why do you even trust any of them at all, that doesn’t make any sense to me. If you were told that 90% of a restaurants 5 star reviews were due to all the reviewers knowing the owner, would you really trust all those 5 stars? Why is this so different here.
That’s fair enough, and I see your point but I personally still would not do that, that’s just me. I also did mention numerous times down to tolerance but I guess people still ignored that part and assumed I didn’t do it because they didn’t work… No, like I said, I have my reasonings for many things, and people are always quick to jump to assume shit. By that point it’s too late because their assumptions are at the forefront of their mind and anything prior to that is bs. It’s how humans will and always work. I also wouldn’t really say that’s how tolerance works. A 10 for me could be a 7 for you but another 7 for me could be a 10 for you. Tolerance is very specific and us both smoking the same strain can lead to very different opinions. I personally would take someone’s strength level as a pinch of salt but if I were to not mention it then people will just complain i’m not detailed enough anyway

Go back to my original comment at the top of the page which simply states that that is a “lot of free weed” (I’ve never seen anything like it). GC agrees it’s a fair point and in you come fists flying. Let’s look at some choice quotes:
“No other fucker has done one…”
“It’s clearly just saltiness”…
“If you don’t ask you don’t fucking get…”
“You are happy to sit here bitching…”
“You don’t like the fact that I am getting sent shit…”
“If you were offered you would say yes don’t bullshit yourself…”
“You clearly want to make it about you so let’s make it…”
“You again make a brain dead comment…”
“I’ve targeted you now so what now?…”
“Why bullshit yourself?…”
That level of immediate anger and aggression says you were wound up and raring to go. And the reason for that is that getting a dozen free samples in one go, displaying them on a table and trying to review them altogether is generally nuts, and perhaps you know it.
Like I said- does it matter in the scheme of things?- no, but for crying out loud try and approach it in little light hearted way. Try and remember that LB has a policy (also nuts) against ‘incentivised posts’ so don’t make it so bloody obvious.
Reviews can be good, bad, indifferent- but they should always be fun. It’s a fun subject!
There will always be a degree of scepticism about reviews of free product. If that hurts, don’t do them. Review the stuff you buy…
To sum up- the Druids sent me some samples of their early harvest. I was blown away, and said “do you want me to review them?”. They said “No, we want you to enjoy them”. Boom!😍😍

So if the purpose of a review is to impart impartial advice and GC provides you with these samples (I don't care if he did, I am not naive, I know how to read Amazon reviews! 😊) and I read your reviews glean the information I think are most important for me, and after that I place an order with GC, I think we all have won and all the sales objectives have been met!! 😊
Another important thing to remember is we all have the right to disagree with a review or update a review or even write a review from scratch, after we have sampled the works of course! Works both ways! If I disagree with something, don't worry I will say it and move on!
Thank you for reading, my first time posting family but loving this site!
Time for a fat one I think. Have a great evening. Summer has finally started at last! Lol!
Lankan ✌️🙂

The cookies and cream. When you say, it was the strongest on the chest, you mean in a good way or..?

We have some absolutley gorgeous and unmistakably stinky G.M.O (Girl Scouts Cookies x Chemdawg 90% Indica 10% Sativa) to add to the menu and what a beauty she is - unleash the aroma and grab some whilst you can she packs a punch and she wont be here for long! Enjoy :)
Much love - NugNinjaZ!