If your tolerance is low mate then there's a high likelihood of that. No idea what a space cake would have in it equivalent wise. If your tolerance is really low then even half may be too much. Unfortunately, if your tolerance is high it'll do nothing. 500mg+ is my dose, so edibles are not really cost effective for me.
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8 topics on OldManEd
30 posts
+69 votes

Edibles dosage

Edibles dosage
Hi Biggas, looking for some advice please.
I just got a pack of THC gummies which are 100mg per sweet. Trouble is, I have no idea what my tolerance is like for edibles - I've had space cakes in the Dam before but I don't know what the THC content of those would be like compared to a gummy sweet.
If I eat a full 100mg sweet instead of starting with half of one, what are the chances I'll be a dribbling mess as opposed to just being pleasantly stoned?
I just got a pack of THC gummies which are 100mg per sweet. Trouble is, I have no idea what my tolerance is like for edibles - I've had space cakes in the Dam before but I don't know what the THC content of those would be like compared to a gummy sweet.
If I eat a full 100mg sweet instead of starting with half of one, what are the chances I'll be a dribbling mess as opposed to just being pleasantly stoned?

Ooft, 500mg+ sounds like a lot. 😂 Not surprised it isn't cost effective.
Cheers Rux, I think I'll follow Johnnyh2's advice and start low. I'd rather be unaffected than completely fucked.
Cheers Rux, I think I'll follow Johnnyh2's advice and start low. I'd rather be unaffected than completely fucked.

Seems sensible! I'd advise up to 2 hours for it to fully kick in before you think about taking any more.

Part of me wants to give a full one a try but the other part doesn't want to get moaned at all night if I'm too caned to function.

Thanks for the reply, seems like the branded edibles are not quite as strong as advertised so still a bit of a guessing game!

depending on what you actually have there’s a high chance its not actually 100mg per sweet - a lot of the 500mg packs are just branded like that
imo you’d be fine taking one to start
imo you’d be fine taking one to start

Yeah, I've eaten a couple of 500mg packs that have been included as freebies with orders and unfortunately they've mostly done nothing at all.

Do you smoke during the day before the edibles, or just before you sleep?
I've only ever felt a mild buzz from edibles, and smoking beforehand mostly negates even that
I've only ever felt a mild buzz from edibles, and smoking beforehand mostly negates even that

I smoke shitloads almost all the time mate. Can definitely feel something with a very high dose though. Thought I was on a spaceship when I was being driven home from France the year before last and I ate my last 500mg chocolate bar about an hour before getting to the border. Which reminds me, haven't seen Elevated Eats for ages now...

I used to smoke 7-10g a day, now only like 1 at most, usually about half a gram, but edibles still have the same mild effect
I.e. my next order is from EE?
Any recommendations? I'm thinking I just need to down 3-400mg at once 😂
I.e. my next order is from EE?
Any recommendations? I'm thinking I just need to down 3-400mg at once 😂

Yeah, I'm not quite that bad, more like 5g I think, if I'm being realistic with myself. So, I'd suggest approaching edibles like you would vapes: avoid brands, and look for vendors you trust that make their own. Full spectrum is best, but most will be distillate. I don't buy the idea that 10mg is enough because of some amazing US formulation or regulation. Their regulations are some of the slackest in the developed world, especially when it come to product and consumer safety. If I was believing that 10mg was enough for anyone then the 500mg chocolate bar that sent me on a space rollercoaster was 50x under-dosed. How could that ever happen, unless it was just all lies about the amount anyway? Even if it was, it would be way above 10mg for the bar, and I tried in smaller amounts. Nothing worked other than the whole bar. It's a liver enzyme and processing issue for some people, apparently mate. Scoff whatever you're comfortable with in a safe environment when you have nothing to do for 8-12 hours and it'll be fine (eventually). Don't think EE are around any more, sadly.
The pathways of tolerance of smoking and edibles is apparently completely separate too, so tolerance to one is not related to the other.
The pathways of tolerance of smoking and edibles is apparently completely separate too, so tolerance to one is not related to the other.

Thanks for the reply - they're blue stars from the Family High range, dunno if they're good for consistent dosing or not though.
Think I'll start low and see how I go, just in case!
Think I'll start low and see how I go, just in case!

Yeah Family High packaging is widely available so they could vary - but typically with those branded 500mg sweets they’re gonna be about 25mg realistically - you will be fine having one even if you’ve never done edibles before (assuming they’re legit gummies haha)

Cool, thanks mate. I'm probably being overly cautious, just don't want to whitey if I can avoid it.

Cut it into 4 mate 25mg to start should help you gauge where your tolerance zone is at after about an hour.
Unfortunately I’m in the same boat as Rux on tolerance and edibles aren’t cost effective for me either
Unfortunately I’m in the same boat as Rux on tolerance and edibles aren’t cost effective for me either

If like the blue stars from your mums house…. I ate the pack 😂😂😂
Mrs gives it “your so fucking dopey tonight” 🥳🤣
Mrs gives it “your so fucking dopey tonight” 🥳🤣

Got it in one, mate! And those comments are exactly what I was trying to avoid this evening. 😂
I've only had one star and it's not done much so no tutting or sighing...yet. I've also been tucking into the Runtz and Biker which came with the stars, and I'm not quite done for the day. 😶🌫️
I've only had one star and it's not done much so no tutting or sighing...yet. I've also been tucking into the Runtz and Biker which came with the stars, and I'm not quite done for the day. 😶🌫️

lol I knew it and you went with runtz and OG, a great choice if I do say so myself.
Got some more skywalker and that zoap coming soon, I’ll do a proper write up for your mums house as the deals is amazing and needs highlighting
Got some more skywalker and that zoap coming soon, I’ll do a proper write up for your mums house as the deals is amazing and needs highlighting

This was my concern, I've heard of seasoned smokers who have a very low tolerance when it's ingested.
Thanks for the reply, I'll see how it goes!
Thanks for the reply, I'll see how it goes!

Agree with this, a genuine 10mg gets me frazzled.
Which isn't much of a surprise because in the US/Canada 10mg is the recommended dose.
I can assure you, if it's your first time and you take a genuine 100mg, you will not enjoy it.
I always tell people to start with 5mg and go from there, you can always take more if you don't get the desired effect but you can't unfry yourself if you take too much.
Also bare in mind, the time to kick in varies a lot, if you eat them with a fatty meal it can take up to 6 hours to kick in. On an empty stomach it should only take an hour or two.
I recommend skipping the branded ones and going for the generic ones from vendors like Dr. Distillate, Gassed etc.
Full spectrum is always better than just D9 also, I have linked my favorite ones from Dr. Distillate.
They are more accurately and consistently dosed in my experience, similar price to the branded ones anyway.
Which isn't much of a surprise because in the US/Canada 10mg is the recommended dose.
I can assure you, if it's your first time and you take a genuine 100mg, you will not enjoy it.
I always tell people to start with 5mg and go from there, you can always take more if you don't get the desired effect but you can't unfry yourself if you take too much.
Also bare in mind, the time to kick in varies a lot, if you eat them with a fatty meal it can take up to 6 hours to kick in. On an empty stomach it should only take an hour or two.
I recommend skipping the branded ones and going for the generic ones from vendors like Dr. Distillate, Gassed etc.
Full spectrum is always better than just D9 also, I have linked my favorite ones from Dr. Distillate.
They are more accurately and consistently dosed in my experience, similar price to the branded ones anyway.

Thanks for the detailed reply, really appreciate the info.
I've had a full sweet now (2.5 hours ago) and I've got a nice buzz but nothing more. Guess the quoted dosage is a bit off then!
It's all good, at least I haven't ventured into 'this is no longer fun' territory so I'll take that as a win.
I've had a full sweet now (2.5 hours ago) and I've got a nice buzz but nothing more. Guess the quoted dosage is a bit off then!
It's all good, at least I haven't ventured into 'this is no longer fun' territory so I'll take that as a win.

the way most edibles that come in nice packaging work is they buy the packaging off of a chinese website & then fill the packs with whatever sweets they have in stock - which is why on those family high & branded gimmick type packs the “500 mg” is always false (in my lengthy experience)
currently munching on the Colonel’s ice cream cone edibles, 125mg each!
currently munching on the Colonel’s ice cream cone edibles, 125mg each!

12 posts
+18 votes

Advice on using coconut oil with AVB?

Advice on using coconut oil with AVB?
Looking for some guidance here, please.
I've got an oz of AVB saved and I'm planning to add it to some coconut oil and pop the jar in a bain marie for a few hours using a slow cooker. I'm mainly intending to use it topically for muscle pain but might also try using some for edibles. I've read about water curing the AVB first to get rid of the crappy taste although not sure I'll bother with that given most of it will be going on my skin.
Firstly, does anyone have experience of using this type of thing as a balm and does it actually work or would I likely need to use non-vaped decarb bud to extract enough of the good stuff?
Secondly, can I just use the solid coconut oil from the supermarket that's for cooking with or do I need to use a fractionated MCT oil instead?
Any advice would be appreciated!
I've got an oz of AVB saved and I'm planning to add it to some coconut oil and pop the jar in a bain marie for a few hours using a slow cooker. I'm mainly intending to use it topically for muscle pain but might also try using some for edibles. I've read about water curing the AVB first to get rid of the crappy taste although not sure I'll bother with that given most of it will be going on my skin.
Firstly, does anyone have experience of using this type of thing as a balm and does it actually work or would I likely need to use non-vaped decarb bud to extract enough of the good stuff?
Secondly, can I just use the solid coconut oil from the supermarket that's for cooking with or do I need to use a fractionated MCT oil instead?
Any advice would be appreciated!

Good little link regarding all things avb ✌️

Thanks for the link - some great ideas on there, I'd thought about a tincture before so might give that a try. Cheers!

I can’t speak to the topical use, but regarding the extraction what you suggested will work. The Bain Marie set up over 5-6 hours will work. Every hour or so just give it a shake to make sure all the AVB is under the oil.
I used regular supermarket coconut oil and it was fine - the resultant oil is plenty potent enough for edibles!
I used regular supermarket coconut oil and it was fine - the resultant oil is plenty potent enough for edibles!

Thanks very much, appreciate the reply. 😊
I'll keep it in the slow cooker for a bit longer then but will give it a shake regularly and see how it goes.
I'll keep it in the slow cooker for a bit longer then but will give it a shake regularly and see how it goes.

Theres still small amounts of cannabinoida left in AVB of course not as much as unvaped bud. I'd estimate 5-10% left of the original amount, as you can still smoke avb and get a mild high.
No need to water cure for topical use. Even for edibles, it's largely just a taste issue.
Use any oil, but MCT works best as its all medium chain triglycerides (Mct is essentially refined coconut oil).
Standard coconut oil also works, but contains a mix of short medium and long chain triglycerides so may be a little less effective in terms of extracting
No need to water cure for topical use. Even for edibles, it's largely just a taste issue.
Use any oil, but MCT works best as its all medium chain triglycerides (Mct is essentially refined coconut oil).
Standard coconut oil also works, but contains a mix of short medium and long chain triglycerides so may be a little less effective in terms of extracting

Nice one, I've got a small amount of MCT oil already so will try a mini test batch with that.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. 😊
Thanks for taking the time to reply. 😊

I make FECO with my abv and add it to MCT oil and I find it helpful for muscle and joint pain. If you.get a refillable roller ball bottle it makes it easy to apply. I have also had good results melting it in to vaseline. Good luck mate 👍

Cheers mate, I've never even tried FECO but will have a look into how it's made and will give it a bash. I like the idea of a roller ball for application too, sounds ideal for what I need. 👍

Here's a link to a write up I did on a fairly basic method of making FECO

34 posts
+132.5 votes

Thoughts on Cali weed

Thoughts on Cali weed
I've been considering this topic for a while now but a recent experience prompted me to see what others think.
I think I'm pretty much done with buying Cali bud. I'd never tried any before joining LB last year but I've tried numerous strains from a variety of different but reputable vendors now and my overall conclusion is that I'm going to stick with well-grown UK bud.
All of the mids I've tried so far have suffered from the same issues: overly dry, barely any terps so smell & taste is crap, and a lot of the flower is clearly PGR to boot. I'm guessing the lack of terps could be partly due to long periods of being vac packed for shipping but I can't help the feeling there's a reason this stuff is being shipped over to us here in bulk instead of being consumed within the US.
Full disclosure, I've only gone up to Mids level and haven't ever tried 'top tier' Cali, so I can't say whether that would change my mind. Quite frankly, I'm not prepared to fork out $100 for an eighth when I can pay less than half of that for an equivalent amount of cracking UK produce from the likes of RealD, Druids, BB, Sassy, GC, Eddy's, etc. Every single one of them has sent me gear that's put the Cali that I have tried to shame and I see no reason to spend the extra for a potential disappointment. Granted, the top level stuff might be high enough in THC to put me on my arse after two tokes but that's not really what I'm after, especially if it looks, smells and tastes like last year's fire kindling and costs the same for 2g as a half oz of homegrown.
Do any other biggas agree or do I need to try that top drawer stuff and then eat my words?
I think I'm pretty much done with buying Cali bud. I'd never tried any before joining LB last year but I've tried numerous strains from a variety of different but reputable vendors now and my overall conclusion is that I'm going to stick with well-grown UK bud.
All of the mids I've tried so far have suffered from the same issues: overly dry, barely any terps so smell & taste is crap, and a lot of the flower is clearly PGR to boot. I'm guessing the lack of terps could be partly due to long periods of being vac packed for shipping but I can't help the feeling there's a reason this stuff is being shipped over to us here in bulk instead of being consumed within the US.
Full disclosure, I've only gone up to Mids level and haven't ever tried 'top tier' Cali, so I can't say whether that would change my mind. Quite frankly, I'm not prepared to fork out $100 for an eighth when I can pay less than half of that for an equivalent amount of cracking UK produce from the likes of RealD, Druids, BB, Sassy, GC, Eddy's, etc. Every single one of them has sent me gear that's put the Cali that I have tried to shame and I see no reason to spend the extra for a potential disappointment. Granted, the top level stuff might be high enough in THC to put me on my arse after two tokes but that's not really what I'm after, especially if it looks, smells and tastes like last year's fire kindling and costs the same for 2g as a half oz of homegrown.
Do any other biggas agree or do I need to try that top drawer stuff and then eat my words?

Im more of a uk fan to be honest ,i like the freshness that keeps the terps in.
Now for cali ive paid for£90 off tele groups and it was nice but never as good as a good homegrown if im honest ,some nice Doja,jungle boyz, BP boyz etc but nothing worth the money its just madness if im honest,other will say different .
Now for cali ive paid for£90 off tele groups and it was nice but never as good as a good homegrown if im honest ,some nice Doja,jungle boyz, BP boyz etc but nothing worth the money its just madness if im honest,other will say different .

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think that terps are probably the kicker for me. I want to be able to taste my weed and savour the difference in flavours between the various strains. Lose that side of it and I've already switched off.
I also reckon that the terps play a huge part in the overall effect of weed, perhaps more than we realise even now, so it's not just the taste that's affected when they're lost.
I also reckon that the terps play a huge part in the overall effect of weed, perhaps more than we realise even now, so it's not just the taste that's affected when they're lost.

Guys... waky waky, the real and only shit is in Cali and cost quite a lot of bucks
Fuck those midz you guys get in the UK, the real shit is in Cali and priced up for no less than 350 / 400 an ounce. Make the math
Now if ya'll happy with midz then whatever
Fuck those midz you guys get in the UK, the real shit is in Cali and priced up for no less than 350 / 400 an ounce. Make the math
Now if ya'll happy with midz then whatever

So...as a uk grower I'd like to throw in a few points.
PGR (plant growth regulators) are mostly how you get these rock hard leafless buds.use of pgrs normally reduces terpines by up to 30%.in the legal us market bud is heavily regulated and tested for chemicals,any hint of heavy metals or chemicals will see the batch rejected...guess where those batches go lol
Prices-with the ever increasing legal grows the price in the US has dropped from $4000-6000 a pound to roughly $800!! Obviously time of year and quality dependant.
You can see how shipping around the globe is far more lucrative than their home market.
Genetics-mainly down to a numbers game..superb clones are much easier to find when your running thousands of plants compared to the average uk grower running 2msq or less.however,same as the bud,it doesn't take long for any clones to circulate the globe!
Market-the uk market seems to be falling for the the old cost=quality and weed that smashes you to sleep is best!.so the cali imports are mainly indica dominant and do just that.this is a shame as cannabis is so much more than getting red-eyed and eating crisps and sweets!!
UK-there are growers like me everywhere in every town,I am a member of many international forums and have been for 20yrs.
My bud is artisan shit,the finest genetics grown with love and skill.
Yet...my bud looks white with trichomes but isn't this false cali look so isn't regarded as top notch by an uneducated market...that is until they smoke it!!
I would encourage biggys to grow their own!! For the price of a q of cali you could be up and running and be 100% of what you are putting in your lungs,have several varieties and a great new hobby!!
Big up the uk growers
PGR (plant growth regulators) are mostly how you get these rock hard leafless buds.use of pgrs normally reduces terpines by up to 30%.in the legal us market bud is heavily regulated and tested for chemicals,any hint of heavy metals or chemicals will see the batch rejected...guess where those batches go lol
Prices-with the ever increasing legal grows the price in the US has dropped from $4000-6000 a pound to roughly $800!! Obviously time of year and quality dependant.
You can see how shipping around the globe is far more lucrative than their home market.
Genetics-mainly down to a numbers game..superb clones are much easier to find when your running thousands of plants compared to the average uk grower running 2msq or less.however,same as the bud,it doesn't take long for any clones to circulate the globe!
Market-the uk market seems to be falling for the the old cost=quality and weed that smashes you to sleep is best!.so the cali imports are mainly indica dominant and do just that.this is a shame as cannabis is so much more than getting red-eyed and eating crisps and sweets!!
UK-there are growers like me everywhere in every town,I am a member of many international forums and have been for 20yrs.
My bud is artisan shit,the finest genetics grown with love and skill.
Yet...my bud looks white with trichomes but isn't this false cali look so isn't regarded as top notch by an uneducated market...that is until they smoke it!!
I would encourage biggys to grow their own!! For the price of a q of cali you could be up and running and be 100% of what you are putting in your lungs,have several varieties and a great new hobby!!
Big up the uk growers

Any tips on budget grow gear ? I’d only want space for 2 plants or something . Also does it not cost a bomb in energy if you aren’t selling

I fucking hate the term mate.
More so as we now have Cali (lows, mid, high, ultra, etc.)
I’ve tried some of the higher price stuff recently and it is EPIC.
I’m still yet to try one of those named 120quid and eighth packs from tgd.
For science and you lot, I need to, but my brain stops me every time I go to order cos I will Chong it almost as quick as lesser stuff.
Can I put a tips page up and we all chip in for the review?? 😂
Now, the stuff from just weed recently was legendary! The gushers a stand out for my terp preference.
However, the apple fritters which is same as Druid price 90$ for 7g iirc and is on point!
Like you I think uk grows can be just as special, occasionally more special as I expect our growers arent making as much as our US counterparts = Less love per plant!!!!
RealD skittles it top notch for price I don’t think it’s been beaten for me ever!
Rate everyone you mentioned, chase the terps is new and has EPIC “Cali” status uk drawer from the few I had.
It’s all subjective though to a degree, cos I tell you now if I won lottery I’d buy a lot of the higher price options 😂
But also the lower price as I usually enjoy them and like variety.
In summary I think the terms getting over used and diluted with tiers and what not making a buyers purchase even fucking harder!
Hence I love all your reviews and has helped Apex find some good stuff ❤️🤜
More so as we now have Cali (lows, mid, high, ultra, etc.)
I’ve tried some of the higher price stuff recently and it is EPIC.
I’m still yet to try one of those named 120quid and eighth packs from tgd.
For science and you lot, I need to, but my brain stops me every time I go to order cos I will Chong it almost as quick as lesser stuff.
Can I put a tips page up and we all chip in for the review?? 😂
Now, the stuff from just weed recently was legendary! The gushers a stand out for my terp preference.
However, the apple fritters which is same as Druid price 90$ for 7g iirc and is on point!
Like you I think uk grows can be just as special, occasionally more special as I expect our growers arent making as much as our US counterparts = Less love per plant!!!!
RealD skittles it top notch for price I don’t think it’s been beaten for me ever!
Rate everyone you mentioned, chase the terps is new and has EPIC “Cali” status uk drawer from the few I had.
It’s all subjective though to a degree, cos I tell you now if I won lottery I’d buy a lot of the higher price options 😂
But also the lower price as I usually enjoy them and like variety.
In summary I think the terms getting over used and diluted with tiers and what not making a buyers purchase even fucking harder!
Hence I love all your reviews and has helped Apex find some good stuff ❤️🤜

Surely cali mids lows whatever they are, is weed they don't want and send it over here assuming it is from cali 🤔

There are often intro offers where you can just try a g and make up your own mind about it. I've had some great top shelf 'Cali' off here that's been so strong I've had to rest through a joint, and equally I've had some that I'd never re-buy and was thankful I'd only committed to a small buy.
And yeah, surely if it was that good it would be snapped up by the home market. I've noticed in French supermarkets over the years that good recent vintages from a couple of years previously are readily available, and the poorer new vintages are all on our supermarket shelves.
And yeah, surely if it was that good it would be snapped up by the home market. I've noticed in French supermarkets over the years that good recent vintages from a couple of years previously are readily available, and the poorer new vintages are all on our supermarket shelves.

There is VAST over production of cannabis across N.America…honestly Google it- we are talking hundreds of tonnes of the stuff being destroyed (Canada destroyed 425 MILLION G’s last year!!😵)…so there is plenty of all qualities to find it’s way over here. Purchase price isn’t the issue, it’s all just shipping and risk….

Great point mate.
I’m loving sampler boxes and a great way to try a joint and keg of a few that are usually out my price range 🥳
I’m loving sampler boxes and a great way to try a joint and keg of a few that are usually out my price range 🥳

Yep, I've taken advantage of some sample offers which are great for trying things out.
Wish there were more of those for the top shelf expensive stuff but I know they leave vendors open to abuse from trolls so I get why they're not that common.
Wish there were more of those for the top shelf expensive stuff but I know they leave vendors open to abuse from trolls so I get why they're not that common.

Thanks dude, your reviews were part of what inspired me to take the plunge when I first joined LB so it's come full circle. 😊
I'm with you on those Zkittlez, the standard against which others are judged for me too!
I'll maybe take a punt at some point if I'm flush and I see some reliable recommendations so I'll keep my eye out for Apex reports on the premium offerings. 😉 💚
I'm with you on those Zkittlez, the standard against which others are judged for me too!
I'll maybe take a punt at some point if I'm flush and I see some reliable recommendations so I'll keep my eye out for Apex reports on the premium offerings. 😉 💚

Cheers mate, also to correct myself
Just weeds : apple fritters is actually $70 for the 7 which is a steal imo 🥳
Just weeds : apple fritters is actually $70 for the 7 which is a steal imo 🥳

I’m with you about it wanting to pay out the ass for bud, it’s hard for me because I budget how much I’m going to spend but my tolerance is high so I don’t really have the freedom to throw 90 quid on a Henry when, despite it probably looking smelling and tasting incredible I don’t feel the difference until I’ve smoked loads of it, so even for a treat for me it’s out the question.
I get live resin vapes for 60 quid and when I’m WFH I’m blasting it most of the day and get 3 days out of it and that gets me stoned, not as much as I’d like but more than weed but again the price point don’t know about you but I don’t have £500 + month for loads of options I just work a normal job.
The problem I have with loads of the UK grown good weed is even here people are asking for more than they’d ask for their cali mids we’re taking like 130 a half and even if it’s really good weed I wouldn’t pay that for anything from the UK unless it’s undisputedly top tier.
That being said, I’ve never had any ‘proper cali’ from here at those prices l, I’ve had Spanish weed that said it was cali and that was nice, everything I get from the USA gets stopped in transit or turns up crispy as sin.
I get live resin vapes for 60 quid and when I’m WFH I’m blasting it most of the day and get 3 days out of it and that gets me stoned, not as much as I’d like but more than weed but again the price point don’t know about you but I don’t have £500 + month for loads of options I just work a normal job.
The problem I have with loads of the UK grown good weed is even here people are asking for more than they’d ask for their cali mids we’re taking like 130 a half and even if it’s really good weed I wouldn’t pay that for anything from the UK unless it’s undisputedly top tier.
That being said, I’ve never had any ‘proper cali’ from here at those prices l, I’ve had Spanish weed that said it was cali and that was nice, everything I get from the USA gets stopped in transit or turns up crispy as sin.

Agreed, I need to spend wisely and I can't justify the additional cost whether it's import or not, especially knowing what else is on offer here. I'm pretty sure I'd be disappointed.
I've had some great smoke from Spain and from Hashishin too so I'm open to imports and ordering from outside the UK, I just find Cali to be a buzzword used too often now to pass off substandard import weed as 'pure fire' when it's no better than your average Thai stick. 😂
Now if someone could just organise me a personal supply direct from a CA farm...
I've had some great smoke from Spain and from Hashishin too so I'm open to imports and ordering from outside the UK, I just find Cali to be a buzzword used too often now to pass off substandard import weed as 'pure fire' when it's no better than your average Thai stick. 😂
Now if someone could just organise me a personal supply direct from a CA farm...

I've been underwhelmed so far, most likely I need to try something a lot stronger but I can't justify the cost these days

If it's PGR it's not Cali, PGR is banned in the US.
Cali mids are no better than UK top shelf.
Genuine Cali top shelf beats top shelf UK any day but good luck getting that over here, I've been to Cali a few times and their weed is legit better than anything over here. Same is also true of Canada and Washington (state).
The only legit Cali I've had off here is from Instant Grams and it was 100% worth it as I'm a quality over quantity person.
That said, you have no idea whether what you have bought is Cali or not and to be very blunt, if it's not ridiculously expensive, it's not legit. Importing and distributing top shelf USA weed is not cheap and anyone selling Cali for slightly more than UK is having you on.
Cali mids are no better than UK top shelf.
Genuine Cali top shelf beats top shelf UK any day but good luck getting that over here, I've been to Cali a few times and their weed is legit better than anything over here. Same is also true of Canada and Washington (state).
The only legit Cali I've had off here is from Instant Grams and it was 100% worth it as I'm a quality over quantity person.
That said, you have no idea whether what you have bought is Cali or not and to be very blunt, if it's not ridiculously expensive, it's not legit. Importing and distributing top shelf USA weed is not cheap and anyone selling Cali for slightly more than UK is having you on.

IMO proper cali smokes are way better than most UK. Average cali is absolutely hit and miss.
I tend to consume 90% UK, 10% Cali. UK is good enough a smoke, it does the job, but I find top shelf calis an overall better smoking experience. The smoothness of the smokes, the slow, clean burns allows you to just relax and enjoy a joint.
People mention freshness, but if you have the right plugs you can get fresh cali too. I know of top shelf cali dropping in the US and being available in the UK the same week as they're backdoored before being sent for testing, etc. But most loose cali has probably been sitting in warehouses for months.
I tend to consume 90% UK, 10% Cali. UK is good enough a smoke, it does the job, but I find top shelf calis an overall better smoking experience. The smoothness of the smokes, the slow, clean burns allows you to just relax and enjoy a joint.
People mention freshness, but if you have the right plugs you can get fresh cali too. I know of top shelf cali dropping in the US and being available in the UK the same week as they're backdoored before being sent for testing, etc. But most loose cali has probably been sitting in warehouses for months.

I'll need to give that cake a go at some point but your Ice Cream Float badder has jumped to the top of my shopping list so the bud might need to wait. 🤤

The gents stuff is the real deal. Try his Gooniez packs. Not quite as spendy as some. Top quality stuff. Will it get you higher than good UK stuff. No. But the overall quality and terps are a lot better. £40 better? I think so. That’s up to you. It’s kinda like the difference between a Hamlet cigar and a Cuban. They are both cigars. 🫣

Might need to give that a go then. My opinion on imports has shifted a bit since ordering from The Spacemen over the last few months so I'll maybe grab one of these packs as a treat. 👍

$99 of Tropical Cali mid for under $100 link added dude

You could’ve at least pretended to engage in the discussion while dropping your adverts mate 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Maybe smoke some of your out of stock gear, chill out and reflect on what I was saying….
Had you added your comment about “hey hear what your saying about price, terps, dryness and what not, maybe I can help to change your mind *insert link*
This way you might connect with more people who in turn will click said link.
I’m just a buyer, offering you a comment of how it repulsed me away from your gear instantly.
Your comments sealed that for me and I wish you a good day 🤜
Had you added your comment about “hey hear what your saying about price, terps, dryness and what not, maybe I can help to change your mind *insert link*
This way you might connect with more people who in turn will click said link.
I’m just a buyer, offering you a comment of how it repulsed me away from your gear instantly.
Your comments sealed that for me and I wish you a good day 🤜

4 posts
+13 votes

Dynavap M

Dynavap M
Anyone want a free Dynavap M (silver, think it's the 2021 version)?
I bought it last year and I've never been able to get along with it at all so it's just been sat in a drawer for months. Happy to pop it in the post if someone else can make use of it.
21st March 2024
I bought it last year and I've never been able to get along with it at all so it's just been sat in a drawer for months. Happy to pop it in the post if someone else can make use of it.
21st March 2024

I would happily give it a home! ☺️ currently have the B which I love but was thinking of upgrading!

2 posts
+6 votes

100+ buys! 🫠

100+ buys! 🫠
Finally hit the ton!
Kinda seems like more but suppose that's about one order a week on average since I joined so not that bad really. 😶🌫️ 😮💨
This place has genuinely changed my life. Thanks to all the amazing vendors for superb products and service, and to all you lovely Biggas who've helped me along the way with advice and recommendations. 💚
Kinda seems like more but suppose that's about one order a week on average since I joined so not that bad really. 😶🌫️ 😮💨
This place has genuinely changed my life. Thanks to all the amazing vendors for superb products and service, and to all you lovely Biggas who've helped me along the way with advice and recommendations. 💚

4 posts
+8 votes

BTC transaction delay

BTC transaction delay
I placed an order yesterday at 17:55 and made payment immediately via my wallet. The transaction has still not competed (09:20 the following day) and I'm currently unable to make any further payments from my wallet.
Anyone know if there's any way to hurry this along? Thinking about cancelling the LB order and starting again but not sure if that'll just tie up the BTC anyway.
Anyone know if there's any way to hurry this along? Thinking about cancelling the LB order and starting again but not sure if that'll just tie up the BTC anyway.

This link explains how you can rebroadcast your transaction using the CPFP method.
I’ve had the same issue as you just recently. As far as I can tell the minimum attractive processing fee spiked just as I sent the bitcoin. It took a good 24 hours to confirm.
I’ve had the same issue as you just recently. As far as I can tell the minimum attractive processing fee spiked just as I sent the bitcoin. It took a good 24 hours to confirm.

Thanks very much for the info, appreciate it. 👍
I'll see how it goes today, if it's still not confirmed by this evening then I'll give the CPFP method a go.
I'll see how it goes today, if it's still not confirmed by this evening then I'll give the CPFP method a go.

11 posts
+31 votes

Mighty vapouriser for £199 (2nd July 2023)

Mighty vapouriser for £199 (2nd July 2023)
The prices on this site seem to change frequently but haven't seen the Mighty this cheap before.
I've been considering it for a while now and couldn't resist when it's under £200. Now I just need to stop buying stuff off LB so I can pay the credit card bill. 😂
I've been considering it for a while now and couldn't resist when it's under £200. Now I just need to stop buying stuff off LB so I can pay the credit card bill. 😂

Tasty discount on that Herb Ripper grinder when bought at the same time... Won't see a discount like that on one of those other than with this offer.

It is, but it's the last someone may ever need. To quote Ferris Bueller, 'It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.'

It's stainless steel, and feels like a high quality tool. Cuts through almost any bud like butter. The 4 piece version with a replacement grinding plate was £149 even with the discount.

But why is it priced so high? Those qualities aren't enough to warrant such a high cost imo. Some things are expensive for the sake og being expensive I guess. It's probably an amazing grinder though, and I wish I was rich enough to own one. Luckily I've yet to buy a grinder that doesn't grind, no matter how cheap 😂

Not a clue, but that's the cheapest you'll find it and they regularly sell out on multiple websites. I'd done some overtime and haven't bought a grinder in about 15 years, so thought I'd treat myself (no doubt weed and wine were involved at the time too). It comes with a stainless steel ball that you're supposed to put in the middle section to shake around to work the kief through the mesh into the bottom chamber. It's annoying as fuck, so you'll invariably take it out and forget to put it back in.

It’s only the mighty not the + version.
Have they put the prices up as I think I only paid £280 for my plus version?
Have they put the prices up as I think I only paid £280 for my plus version?

12 posts
+63 votes

A future with weed as a Class A?

A future with weed as a Class A?
I noticed this on my daily browsing and it got me thinking.
On one hand, I don't think this will actually get any traction, it's just out-of-touch relics passing judgement on something they clearly don't understand. Given the resistance this move would (hopefully) face from most politicians and police chiefs, I really don't see it going anywhere.
That said, some areas of mainland Europe have gone heavily right-wing over recent years and I asked myself what a near future in the UK would look like should these fuckwits somehow get their way...
I only found out about LB earlier this year and it came at the time when I needed it most. I had to relocate and had no local contacts so had to rely on others to get weed for me. I use weed to help treat depression and not knowing when I could next score caused me no small amount of anxiety. Finding this community changed that and I'd hate for it to be taken away by some bellends that can't tell the difference between cannabis and heroin.
I get that one of the reasons for LB's longevity is the fact it doesn't offer hard drugs which presumably keeps the feds from taking too much notice, but would that potentially change if cannabis was changed to being a Class A substance?
As a customer, I could still claim ignorance of any packages which were intercepted so it wouldn't dissuade me from buying on LB but not sure how vendors would feel given the more severe penalties for supplying.
On one hand, I don't think this will actually get any traction, it's just out-of-touch relics passing judgement on something they clearly don't understand. Given the resistance this move would (hopefully) face from most politicians and police chiefs, I really don't see it going anywhere.
That said, some areas of mainland Europe have gone heavily right-wing over recent years and I asked myself what a near future in the UK would look like should these fuckwits somehow get their way...
I only found out about LB earlier this year and it came at the time when I needed it most. I had to relocate and had no local contacts so had to rely on others to get weed for me. I use weed to help treat depression and not knowing when I could next score caused me no small amount of anxiety. Finding this community changed that and I'd hate for it to be taken away by some bellends that can't tell the difference between cannabis and heroin.
I get that one of the reasons for LB's longevity is the fact it doesn't offer hard drugs which presumably keeps the feds from taking too much notice, but would that potentially change if cannabis was changed to being a Class A substance?
As a customer, I could still claim ignorance of any packages which were intercepted so it wouldn't dissuade me from buying on LB but not sure how vendors would feel given the more severe penalties for supplying.

Hey bro! I really hope you’re able to overcome your mental health issues, weed and hash also helps me with mine and I honestly love the LB community and the weed smokers community in general ❤️ It’s so heart breaking seeing the UK slowly crumble away with all these new issues :( whilst the majority of the world are legalising, our homeland is considering making our Mother Nature derived coping mechanism into a class A substance 😭 I strongly believe and hope the community will stand against this bullshit from happening

Thanks dude, same to you. I've been living with these issues for 31 years so doubt they'll ever go away but the bud certainly helps. It's not all about medication though, tbh - I really enjoy getting high! 😂
Here's hoping that the Tories get their marching orders at the next election and we see a more progressive government next time.
Here's hoping that the Tories get their marching orders at the next election and we see a more progressive government next time.

‘No plans’ to change classification of cannabis to Class A, says No 10

The new Home Secretary is more evil than Sauron himself.
She obviously is trying to raise her profile with the fr-right fringes of the Tory party which is what all this Rwanda deportations and Class A bollox about.
Given how the Tories are pissed off with the current Government she will be one of many having to walk the plank in the end (hopefully).
The best way to prevent this of course is to defeat them at the ballot box which we should all do when the time comes :-)
Mind you other countries such as France aren't any better off these days even though people smoke a lot over there.
She obviously is trying to raise her profile with the fr-right fringes of the Tory party which is what all this Rwanda deportations and Class A bollox about.
Given how the Tories are pissed off with the current Government she will be one of many having to walk the plank in the end (hopefully).
The best way to prevent this of course is to defeat them at the ballot box which we should all do when the time comes :-)
Mind you other countries such as France aren't any better off these days even though people smoke a lot over there.

Yeah, I think you're right. With all the opposition the current government have even from within their own party, I really hope the next election sees them booted out.
I'm just glad I don't live in Italy, they're scarily close to being back in the Mussolini era. Not sure what that means for smokers there but I can't imagine it's anything good.
I'm just glad I don't live in Italy, they're scarily close to being back in the Mussolini era. Not sure what that means for smokers there but I can't imagine it's anything good.

It's the hypocrisy that gets me. UN says the UK is the largest EXPORTER of medical marijuana but our government says it has no health benefits.

Indeed, they're happy to produce it and sell it to other countries for a profit but it's too dangerous for us citizens...? 🤔
The usual double standards, I'm guessing they fail to see the irony of locking up small-time dealers whilst trading in vast quantities of weed themselves!
The usual double standards, I'm guessing they fail to see the irony of locking up small-time dealers whilst trading in vast quantities of weed themselves!

And with the "cost of living crisis" or as I like to call it "our last chance to rob the plebs blind before the next election" I'm surprised they haven't looked at legalising and taxing it. Tbh I would pay more in tax if it was legal

146 posts by OldManEd
1 post
+4 votes

From There to Here: A Cannabis Ramble.
Great post, Roo - definitely takes me back. My local plug had some very mediocre squidgy black for ages in the mid-90's and couldn't seem to get anyt…

From There to Here: A Cannabis Ramble.
The Beginning
When I started smoking pot, the UK options were various types of commercial hash or basic landrace weeds.
The mainstay hash was usually a Rocky which I believe was nicknamed from Moroccan and was a heat n crumble hash. Often we'd get a Slate which as per the name came in thin slabs which fluffed up when heated and crumbled - anyone know what the origin of that was? Squidgy Black of various but often low grades would often be available. We'd usually get red seal but gold seal and other stamps did turn up. It'd roll into snakes. Plus we'd get other basic, and often poor quality, hashes with some variations like soap bar or double zero. Often you'd find hash cut with something unpleasant like henna or plastic. Although equally you'd sometimes get a lovely treat like a temple ball.
Weed tended to be Thai sticks or similar dry stuff with more seeds and sticks in it than weed. I'd hear about sensimelia but I didn't ever see any in my town. It was all pretty basic.
This was universally true across life in that period. Channel 4 was brand new and edgy and digital watches still seemed like a pretty neat idea. It was a simpler time. You couldn't even buy fancy long rizla at Tesco.
Original 90s Hash
Honestly, if you bought the cheapest rock solid hash on LB, wrapped it in plastic, smashed it up with a hammer, then stuck it back together so the plastic was on the inside, you'd be a long way towards creating an authentic 90s hash. I don't recommend it but the option is there if you'd like to experience it. I'm hoping some old stoners will confirm to the younglings that I'm not making this up.
The Dam
During my first trip to Amsterdam my eyes were opened to a new world of cannabis. Which was ironic considering they were half shut for much of the trip. I think many of us brought back a piece of Dam with us (quite literally in my case) and the sharing of those experiences seemed to progress everything forwards. We wanted to be more Dutch.
I loved the weed out there of course but it was more than that. It was the open and tolerant culture that allowed it all to happen that really hit home for me.
Slow Progress
Although the four channel options on TV and digital watches seeming a pretty neat idea persisted for some time, we gradually got better at growing weed here until we reach the point today where we're comparable to much of the rest of the world - and now smart watches seem like a pretty neat idea instead of the digital ones.
In between then and now I've had a wide range of oddly grown weed and lack of flavours. Even as we made a bit of progression, for long periods, everyone would seem to have the same grow.
It'd be cheese, then blue cheese, with lemon haze phases, then stardawg. Variety, as a concept, seemed to take a while to bed in. There were of course highlights and exceptions but the mainstay weed was very samey for years - at least locally - and definitely below the quality and variety abroad. This period developed my loathing of lemon haze. I've simply had it one too many times.
LB Quality
Now, all these years later, I'm ordering high quality buds delivered to my door from a menu of a thousand products. The difference in the cannabis now to then is almost immeasurable.
We've got strong, tasty and exotic weed with new strains on a regular basis. We've got fresh frozen hashes and powerful extracts. We've got vapes and dab pens. We have clean D9 edibles and decarb products. It's a golden age of cannabis consumption with a bigger crowd of us than ever before. I'm excited by it - by all you loons in the LB community.
While attitudes have certainly progressed, we're still a wee bit behind when compared to the tolerant attitude to cannabis use we're seeing in the US and parts of Europe.
Channel 4 Cannabis Night
The afore mentioned Channel 4 once did a cannabis night back when they were still keen to be edgy. All night they showed a stream of cannabis TV shows which sent shockwaves through the mainstream UK of the time but was of course dynamite viewing for my generation. It felt like part of a culture shift. A line in the sand between the stagnant and repressed old folks versus the new, dynamic and hedonistic youth.
In one of the programmes it showed how a legal cannabis future might look. I remember that it showed designer prerolls in professional looking cigarette looking packets. Funnily enough even our cigarette packets don't look like that any more! It'd be an interesting clip to watch again actually.
As a 80s/90s stoner I don't think I'd have predicted how the cannabis market looks now. Firstly the sweetshop flavour names and youth-styled graphics on the packs are a naming convention and style that's a world beyond stuff like skunk and white widow. But also the products available expanded far further than I could ever have imagined. It all leaves me as wide eyed as Charlie was stepping foot into the chocolate factory.
I don't know where we go from here but it'll be fun to find out. I hope the UK will ultimately find a more tolerant and legal status for our favourite plant just like many of our friends abroad have.
As always, thanks for reading my topic, I hope it was informative and if not I hope it was entertaining in some way.
I Stole it.
And yes, for the astute Douglas Adams fans, I did steal one of his lines for this piece. Twice in fact - to try and get good value from it. My grandma would be proud.
When I started smoking pot, the UK options were various types of commercial hash or basic landrace weeds.
The mainstay hash was usually a Rocky which I believe was nicknamed from Moroccan and was a heat n crumble hash. Often we'd get a Slate which as per the name came in thin slabs which fluffed up when heated and crumbled - anyone know what the origin of that was? Squidgy Black of various but often low grades would often be available. We'd usually get red seal but gold seal and other stamps did turn up. It'd roll into snakes. Plus we'd get other basic, and often poor quality, hashes with some variations like soap bar or double zero. Often you'd find hash cut with something unpleasant like henna or plastic. Although equally you'd sometimes get a lovely treat like a temple ball.
Weed tended to be Thai sticks or similar dry stuff with more seeds and sticks in it than weed. I'd hear about sensimelia but I didn't ever see any in my town. It was all pretty basic.
This was universally true across life in that period. Channel 4 was brand new and edgy and digital watches still seemed like a pretty neat idea. It was a simpler time. You couldn't even buy fancy long rizla at Tesco.
Original 90s Hash
Honestly, if you bought the cheapest rock solid hash on LB, wrapped it in plastic, smashed it up with a hammer, then stuck it back together so the plastic was on the inside, you'd be a long way towards creating an authentic 90s hash. I don't recommend it but the option is there if you'd like to experience it. I'm hoping some old stoners will confirm to the younglings that I'm not making this up.
The Dam
During my first trip to Amsterdam my eyes were opened to a new world of cannabis. Which was ironic considering they were half shut for much of the trip. I think many of us brought back a piece of Dam with us (quite literally in my case) and the sharing of those experiences seemed to progress everything forwards. We wanted to be more Dutch.
I loved the weed out there of course but it was more than that. It was the open and tolerant culture that allowed it all to happen that really hit home for me.
Slow Progress
Although the four channel options on TV and digital watches seeming a pretty neat idea persisted for some time, we gradually got better at growing weed here until we reach the point today where we're comparable to much of the rest of the world - and now smart watches seem like a pretty neat idea instead of the digital ones.
In between then and now I've had a wide range of oddly grown weed and lack of flavours. Even as we made a bit of progression, for long periods, everyone would seem to have the same grow.
It'd be cheese, then blue cheese, with lemon haze phases, then stardawg. Variety, as a concept, seemed to take a while to bed in. There were of course highlights and exceptions but the mainstay weed was very samey for years - at least locally - and definitely below the quality and variety abroad. This period developed my loathing of lemon haze. I've simply had it one too many times.
LB Quality
Now, all these years later, I'm ordering high quality buds delivered to my door from a menu of a thousand products. The difference in the cannabis now to then is almost immeasurable.
We've got strong, tasty and exotic weed with new strains on a regular basis. We've got fresh frozen hashes and powerful extracts. We've got vapes and dab pens. We have clean D9 edibles and decarb products. It's a golden age of cannabis consumption with a bigger crowd of us than ever before. I'm excited by it - by all you loons in the LB community.
While attitudes have certainly progressed, we're still a wee bit behind when compared to the tolerant attitude to cannabis use we're seeing in the US and parts of Europe.
Channel 4 Cannabis Night
The afore mentioned Channel 4 once did a cannabis night back when they were still keen to be edgy. All night they showed a stream of cannabis TV shows which sent shockwaves through the mainstream UK of the time but was of course dynamite viewing for my generation. It felt like part of a culture shift. A line in the sand between the stagnant and repressed old folks versus the new, dynamic and hedonistic youth.
In one of the programmes it showed how a legal cannabis future might look. I remember that it showed designer prerolls in professional looking cigarette looking packets. Funnily enough even our cigarette packets don't look like that any more! It'd be an interesting clip to watch again actually.
As a 80s/90s stoner I don't think I'd have predicted how the cannabis market looks now. Firstly the sweetshop flavour names and youth-styled graphics on the packs are a naming convention and style that's a world beyond stuff like skunk and white widow. But also the products available expanded far further than I could ever have imagined. It all leaves me as wide eyed as Charlie was stepping foot into the chocolate factory.
I don't know where we go from here but it'll be fun to find out. I hope the UK will ultimately find a more tolerant and legal status for our favourite plant just like many of our friends abroad have.
As always, thanks for reading my topic, I hope it was informative and if not I hope it was entertaining in some way.
I Stole it.
And yes, for the astute Douglas Adams fans, I did steal one of his lines for this piece. Twice in fact - to try and get good value from it. My grandma would be proud.

Oh 😯 Man thanks for sharing 😁🙏 90s hash was spot on review 😄😂 wouldn't come back to it but such a ride 😉 dude 😎

Thanks man. I buy a bit of old school hash from time to time. I've currently got gold seal from green cat. Lovely stuff. Much better than back in the day but still got the nostalgic flavour. Best of both worlds!

I've been seeing a few posts about the gold seal creating a bit of nostalgia and was wondering if the high was reminiscent of old school hash too and not just the smell and taste.

It's not going to blow your mind the same way that a cold cured jungle boys or barz LA would of course but it's a decent stone. Arguably much nicer than back in the day. I've been rolling it with a cheapie weed.

Douglas loved a good digital watch
Can confirm spent the 90's.picking plastic out of soap bar
And when "smells of diesel" ment shipped in lorry fuel tanks
Can confirm spent the 90's.picking plastic out of soap bar
And when "smells of diesel" ment shipped in lorry fuel tanks

That diesel ref made me laugh man. People too often look back at the past with a rose tinted view. Lots of it was shit.

Since joining LB, your New Year's topic was the first i read and I must say it isn't going to be the last 😆
Always a great read your topics!
Thanks BigRoo!
Always a great read your topics!
Thanks BigRoo!

Thanks man. I've noticed your shop has weed flying out by the looks of it and some great reviews. I'll look forward to watching you grow and I'll have to sample your menu at some point.

Great post, Roo - definitely takes me back. My local plug had some very mediocre squidgy black for ages in the mid-90's and couldn't seem to get anything else. I was actually excited when he told me there was some soapbar on the way.
I remember the first time I got some good homegrown too, it was a revelation. Silver Haze, knocked my socks off with half a j.
I still have a soft spot for hash, maybe because it's all I could get for so long, but there are so many more choices now as you say. I do love a nice bit of clean blonde 'pollen' hash though, can't beat that for a nostalgic daytime smoke. 🫠
I remember the first time I got some good homegrown too, it was a revelation. Silver Haze, knocked my socks off with half a j.
I still have a soft spot for hash, maybe because it's all I could get for so long, but there are so many more choices now as you say. I do love a nice bit of clean blonde 'pollen' hash though, can't beat that for a nostalgic daytime smoke. 🫠

Thanks man. I mostly smoke weed but I'm very partial to a hash smoke for a bit of variety. I still often buy commercial or fancy hash and I'm fascinated with the process of making it. I favour the dark squidgy stuff now - the opposite to 90s Roo. I'll have to do another hash run and write up at some point.

Great read mate took me right back, "Pot Night" on channel 4 most of it is on YouTube if you need a rabbit hole to fall down. I remember watching it all and then thinking, why is this illegal 🤔 30 years later and I still don't have a reasonable answer.
Picking plastic out of the hash was just part of the process of skinning up, I don't miss that.
We had slate bars that would split like slate stone does, we also had some flat pressed hash that was called slate but didn't split like slate stone and smoked like rocky.
Who knows where we go from here as far as progress but I can imagine if I had seen a rosin press and had a dab of hash rosin in the 90's, my mind would have literally been blown🤯.
Picking plastic out of the hash was just part of the process of skinning up, I don't miss that.
We had slate bars that would split like slate stone does, we also had some flat pressed hash that was called slate but didn't split like slate stone and smoked like rocky.
Who knows where we go from here as far as progress but I can imagine if I had seen a rosin press and had a dab of hash rosin in the 90's, my mind would have literally been blown🤯.

Thanks man. I'll have to have a look through YouTube one night and relive it. I can remember watching it at the time and it felt like potheads were going mainstream. Big enough for TV!
While I definitely enjoy modern products I do often have nostalgia smokes. Currently I have the gold seal from green cat that's genuinely one of my favourite current lb products. It's not that strong although it is decent. But it's that old distinct flavour that I've been loving rolled up with some weed. I'm going to buy more with my next order.
I've just ordered some hash rosin for my dab pen. It's a world away from picking plastic out of hash!
While I definitely enjoy modern products I do often have nostalgia smokes. Currently I have the gold seal from green cat that's genuinely one of my favourite current lb products. It's not that strong although it is decent. But it's that old distinct flavour that I've been loving rolled up with some weed. I'm going to buy more with my next order.
I've just ordered some hash rosin for my dab pen. It's a world away from picking plastic out of hash!

Super solid read
Could never have imagined the cannabis market to be the way it is now also. Youthful and comic
Could never have imagined the cannabis market to be the way it is now also. Youthful and comic

Thanks man. I guess the legalisation in the US has taken the lead on how it looks. I quite like the sweetshop names and cheeky packaging - I just didn't see it coming.

Your right it’s quite appealing as a consumer rather than having clinical packaging like that of medical marijuana from Canada / Cali just blew it all up
Only concern is attraction to young people who should spend more time studying and less time smoking
Only concern is attraction to young people who should spend more time studying and less time smoking

Aye. That's a fair point. I don't think anyone wants the youngsters future going up in a puff of smoke. I believe that statistically speaking, since legalisation in the US, the main group of people to increase smoking pot have been an older generation. And it looks like many either replace or supplement other pain or stress meds. So I'm not sure that in a real world situation the candy floss marketing has drawn kids in. But it's fair to say it's the exact sort of thing that's asking for more trouble than it's probably worth.

Your right actually kids will be kids and they’re will always be a bunch of them who want to try things whether cigarette packaging is in colour or not. Good bit of sociology and psychology convo here

Very interesting read mate, thanks for sharing. It has many many similarities to my smoking journey.... your weed and hash descriptions are spot on!! Amsterdam when I was 18 (in my early 50's now!) was unreal, I can remember my 1st visit like it was yesterday. Not been for about 10 years now. Cheers mate

Thanks man. I'm thinking about heading out again as a lot has changed since my last visit. I wonder if I'd still know my way round.

How did you smoke your hash in the 90's ? We used 3L bottles for buckets also home made bongs from drain pipes and a socket for the gauze no expenes spared.

I wrote about hotknives and buckets a while back - linked. We used to make coke can pipes and leaky bongs from bottles. I've got a nice glass pipe and a bong tucked away. I might dig them out. Not tried them out for years.

Ah man, can relate to all you’ve said apart from the Dam - missed out on that experience regrettably. 90’s hash with bits of plastic/cellophane - tick. Channel 4 night - tick. Seems daft now but as you say me and a few mates felt all subversive and excited to be watching WEED on TV? Oh yeah! I remember it had a few US PSA clips from the 60/70’s? Something along the lines of: “Remember kids, too much pot and you risk wasting the most precious time of your life” said in a long drawn out way by the long haired, half eyes closed, rictus grinned, stoned to the rafters, sideburned youth. Without any irony!
The attached image is copy of Face magazine from 93. Unlike prevalence nowadays any stories/pictures of weed had to come from magazines. Oh the innocence!
The attached image is copy of Face magazine from 93. Unlike prevalence nowadays any stories/pictures of weed had to come from magazines. Oh the innocence!

The channel 4 night felt definitive. I bet it influenced all sorts of folk who went on to be the movers and shakers of the cannabis market. I first went to Dam in 1989 I think as a teenager. It still had the gilder so everything was super cheap due to exchange rate. It was all about the skunk weed back then and you'd get a green skuff hash. I keep thinking about heading out again to see how it's changed.

Back in the 90's I worked with Heineken and we would go out to the Dam regularly on business. On the very first trip they put the meeting back to the afternoon so to kill time we ventured into a cafe for a brownie and coffee. On arrival at the brewery they decided to orientate us by putting us on their famous London red double decker bus that they used for tourists. Off our noodles this quickly became the most surreal of experiences. I was convinced I wasn't in the Dam at all and that I was on my way to school (having taken a red bus twice a day back then). The fact that I was wearing a collar and tie reinforced this for me. A colleague was freaking out because he couldn't work out why he was so high up (top deck) and kept asking if he was floating or flying? Another was convinced he ws somehow going to fall off and was gripping the seat edges so tightly I still remember how white his knuckles were!
Those were the days!!
Those were the days!!

There's nothing like your first visit to Dam. I guess the quality gap is no longer the same so tourists don't experience it the same. On my first trip I remember it was a super busy street on the way to the coffee shop. I was battling my way through crowds Couple of hours later I bowled out and after walking a short way I became aware I had the middle of the street to myself. Everyone was loitering at the sides. Then I realised it was absolutely pelting it down with rain. I was the only person stupid enough not to realise and stand in the middle of it completely oblivious. I then had to find my hotel, at which point I was soaked through and realised how lost I was. But I didn't want anyone to know I was lost so I carried on walking confidently like I knew where I was going because that made sense to me.

Man, the Dam! Very early 2000's for me and three mates: within an hour of arriving, buying Purple Haze, Crystal and Afghan Black from the booth at the front of a dark and narrow bar, the name of which I forgot, forgive me, because a further hour later I was flat on my arse outside said establishment after learning that a 'cocktail' of the three in one joint is not a viable trip! 'Whitey' anyone? God, yes no please, never again, my first and my hardest!
But Day 2 and we slowed our pace: this time, in the basement room of one of the three Bulldog cafes at the time, my mind expanded to discover that I was able to suddenly understand Dutch-dubbed Con Air playing on the TV! I didn't even need the English subtitles. Or were they dutch subs and English language? Either way, I was now fully native.
And then, oh my God, then, magic mushrooms from a lovely young lady in The Greenhouse Effect (I think?), subsequently rolling around the street in giggling fits and recognising other fellow magic people, voodoo people, doing the same amongst the straight shadows of normal people. Finishing the night watching the harlequin diamonds race across our hostel room ceiling, drifting off to sleep at the edge of the universe.
Fuck, good times! Three long days melding into the greatest weekend of my young life.
But Day 2 and we slowed our pace: this time, in the basement room of one of the three Bulldog cafes at the time, my mind expanded to discover that I was able to suddenly understand Dutch-dubbed Con Air playing on the TV! I didn't even need the English subtitles. Or were they dutch subs and English language? Either way, I was now fully native.
And then, oh my God, then, magic mushrooms from a lovely young lady in The Greenhouse Effect (I think?), subsequently rolling around the street in giggling fits and recognising other fellow magic people, voodoo people, doing the same amongst the straight shadows of normal people. Finishing the night watching the harlequin diamonds race across our hostel room ceiling, drifting off to sleep at the edge of the universe.
Fuck, good times! Three long days melding into the greatest weekend of my young life.

I've been to Dam quite a few times but not for years. You find yourself looking for English folk on their first day. Always go wild like a kid in a sweet shop only to find themselves ten minutes later with a thousand yard stare and slowly sinking into the table. You laugh but not mockingly because you know you were once them. You're laughing at yourself. "I did that on day one"
It's lost on the current generation as they just get good weed anyway. The quality leap between here and Dam is no longer so big.
It's lost on the current generation as they just get good weed anyway. The quality leap between here and Dam is no longer so big.

I wish I could've visited again in the interim years, especially since I've learnt Dam is a culturally rich place with many other attractions too.
But yes, this generation, have to pity them in many ways, 'they don't know they're born!' but also, many other things have gotten worse. So the good weed is consolation. Speaking of which, I'm about to indulge in my Skywalker OG from Green Cat for the first time (and first time in about 15 years) since receiving it earlier this week. I'm WFH tomorrow so if I pass out on the sofa as I expect, I'm not expected anywhere tomorrow. Going to start with the smallest of joints. (...it looks like a toothpick, maan...').
Incidentally, this convo and you mentioning Ch4's Pot Night got me watching it on YouTube earlier - really good! It makes you want to go again. I'd missed it first time round in '95 - I was still a good boy in high school back then!
But wish me luck on my trip, hope I land back down safely.
But yes, this generation, have to pity them in many ways, 'they don't know they're born!' but also, many other things have gotten worse. So the good weed is consolation. Speaking of which, I'm about to indulge in my Skywalker OG from Green Cat for the first time (and first time in about 15 years) since receiving it earlier this week. I'm WFH tomorrow so if I pass out on the sofa as I expect, I'm not expected anywhere tomorrow. Going to start with the smallest of joints. (...it looks like a toothpick, maan...').
Incidentally, this convo and you mentioning Ch4's Pot Night got me watching it on YouTube earlier - really good! It makes you want to go again. I'd missed it first time round in '95 - I was still a good boy in high school back then!
But wish me luck on my trip, hope I land back down safely.

Skywalker OG is a solid choice. GC had one batch that wasn't the full jedi but generally they have one that's strong with the force. I've bought it many times. It's one of my favourite strains as it leans heavily on the blueberry flavour but with a much more significant stone.
I keep meaning to dig into the pot night on YouTube to see what memories it brings back. I remember staying up all night at the time. It created a wave of change here.
I keep meaning to dig into the pot night on YouTube to see what memories it brings back. I remember staying up all night at the time. It created a wave of change here.

Am I just old and cynical or was TV just a bit edgier back in the 90's. Or have we just seen it all now as middle-aged men?Watching Pot Night threw up another Dispatches video about mail order weed, I've got to watch that too, I might learn a thing or two, lol!
But anyway, I think I'm going to have to write a little review for GC and that Skywalker - these are the buds you are looking for! You're going to laugh at how low my tolerance is but I guaged it perfectly: I used about half the size of the nail of my little finger, so imagine about a 5mm bud, in a regular roll up with a filter. And it came on slow, didn't knock me off my feet. Felt it in my face first, which surprised me for an indi dom, but then slowly imbued the rest of my limbs and made me lie down. Mellow but firm stone, with merely a flash of anxiety at the start, just a second or two but then it went and I was chill.
For Skywalker itself as a flower, I'm no expert or cultured connoisseur like yourself, far from it but that musty, mossy, mild earthy smell isn't my favourite but I like that it isn't overpowering and pungent, not acrid. I'm surprised to hear you describe it as blueberry cos I wouldn't have made that association. That said, my only recent comparison is some THCa Gelato I bought and was disappointed by before discovering Little Biggy. I loved the 'candy' smell of it, and had really high hopes but utterly disappointed to learn what 'medicinal' cannabis was, lol!
Getting back to the Skywalker, I'm tempted to try it in a bong but worried I'm going to get too much of a hit. I'm curious to try it neat and filtered like that, to really taste it, as opposed to in a joint with tobacco. Something interesting that someone said on one of the Pot Night videos was that tobacco is 'male' and weed is 'female' and so seems contradictory to mix the two, but I don't know if there's further evidence and a basis for that opinion.
I also remember when watching City of God for the first time and being amazed at them rolling fat blunts with just pure bud, but since learned a lot of people smoke it 'neat' like that. I know I won't be trying that but realise now when reading a lot of reviews that many are using it like that and hence the descriptions of 'taste'.
I'm also curious to try a sativa now, and see if and how a head high helps creativity - I want to do some writing and so am naturally curious to see if it does 'enlighten'. Feel free to drop me a recommendation for a good sativa, I'd be interested to hear your experience and thoughts.
But anyway, I think I'm going to have to write a little review for GC and that Skywalker - these are the buds you are looking for! You're going to laugh at how low my tolerance is but I guaged it perfectly: I used about half the size of the nail of my little finger, so imagine about a 5mm bud, in a regular roll up with a filter. And it came on slow, didn't knock me off my feet. Felt it in my face first, which surprised me for an indi dom, but then slowly imbued the rest of my limbs and made me lie down. Mellow but firm stone, with merely a flash of anxiety at the start, just a second or two but then it went and I was chill.
For Skywalker itself as a flower, I'm no expert or cultured connoisseur like yourself, far from it but that musty, mossy, mild earthy smell isn't my favourite but I like that it isn't overpowering and pungent, not acrid. I'm surprised to hear you describe it as blueberry cos I wouldn't have made that association. That said, my only recent comparison is some THCa Gelato I bought and was disappointed by before discovering Little Biggy. I loved the 'candy' smell of it, and had really high hopes but utterly disappointed to learn what 'medicinal' cannabis was, lol!
Getting back to the Skywalker, I'm tempted to try it in a bong but worried I'm going to get too much of a hit. I'm curious to try it neat and filtered like that, to really taste it, as opposed to in a joint with tobacco. Something interesting that someone said on one of the Pot Night videos was that tobacco is 'male' and weed is 'female' and so seems contradictory to mix the two, but I don't know if there's further evidence and a basis for that opinion.
I also remember when watching City of God for the first time and being amazed at them rolling fat blunts with just pure bud, but since learned a lot of people smoke it 'neat' like that. I know I won't be trying that but realise now when reading a lot of reviews that many are using it like that and hence the descriptions of 'taste'.
I'm also curious to try a sativa now, and see if and how a head high helps creativity - I want to do some writing and so am naturally curious to see if it does 'enlighten'. Feel free to drop me a recommendation for a good sativa, I'd be interested to hear your experience and thoughts.

It's possibly the kush side overriding it in your batch. I roll with a fair amount in each Spliff I guess. My tolerance is pretty high but you don't have to go far on LB to find people with higher tolerance than me. Just be you man it's not a race.
Sativa is a mixed bag for me. Certain hazes make me ansy so I tend to avoid them. I prefer Indica or hybrid weed generally speaking. But yes a strong sativa will tend to deliver both a more immediate high and it be much more cerebral. I guess it depends on your personality type how much you want to ride that out. For me, I prefer the slower chilled buzz from an Indica or hybrid as it demands less from me. But saying all that I also like making strong RSO cookies which absolutely blow your mind and leave you pacing around the garden at 3am.
Sativa is a mixed bag for me. Certain hazes make me ansy so I tend to avoid them. I prefer Indica or hybrid weed generally speaking. But yes a strong sativa will tend to deliver both a more immediate high and it be much more cerebral. I guess it depends on your personality type how much you want to ride that out. For me, I prefer the slower chilled buzz from an Indica or hybrid as it demands less from me. But saying all that I also like making strong RSO cookies which absolutely blow your mind and leave you pacing around the garden at 3am.

Haha, nah, I can do without the pacing manically! I knew I was going to be indica-leaning, but I'm just curious about sat, cos reading a lot of descriptions on Leafly, its always the sat's that are described as encouraging creativity, but if you know of an indi that does the same, give me a shout.

I guess the more cerebrally manic high of a sativa is considered to encourage creativity more than the lazy kickback high of an indica. I'm honestly not sure if I have a creativity sparking weed preference though. I suppose if anything I'm calming the already manic nature of my mind. So maybe it's all down to your starting point as to what will work best for you.

Fair enough man, I appreciate your honesty brother. I'll reading and researching and give something a go that sounds enticing. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes, but for now, I've plenty of SOG to keep me busy!

I've not had the sog for a while. Blue Nerds is ticking the blue box for me currently. Hope you find what you're looking for man.

Lovely reading mate. I'd saved this for Sunday night. I started in the early nineties, bad hash still big then. Stitching you mate up with the biggest bowl, though bucket or bottle bag. Now I've just finished yoga and taken some tincture. Spend the night topping up with vape cart made from top extract. The world has changed alright, and it seems I've become a cunt.
Thank you for the read big man.
Cheers G
Thank you for the read big man.
Cheers G

I just stumbled onto this guide of cannabis types from 1990-1997. We were still 2/3 hash smokers. The document lists out the hash and weed available.

2 posts
+13 votes
Popping over to Yourmumshouse?
The Biker from YMH is even better than their Skywalker, IMO. Both are lovely and taste much the same but the Biker has the edge on potency.
The Skyw…
+ 2 more

Popping over to Yourmumshouse?

YMH appreciation post.
You know that homely feeling you get, when you go see that mother figure in your life? That warm home cooked meal? A fresh set of mum washed clothes?. That is how visiting Yourmumshouse has felt for me... ;)
Seriously wanted to write a topic about my experience just so it doesn't get entirely lost through reviews!
Had 2 orders from YHM. (I will add here as a cover to all the buds, that in terms of structure, buds are fantastic, some a little drier here and there but overall plenty of terps, not over dense but still chunky. Obvs some fluffiness/terp coverage etc varies but all are very impressive from essentially 9 different strains total)
First was 2ozs from the 160 deal. We had Wedding Cake, Ice cream cake, Skywalker OG and Biscotti.
The Wedding cake was a phenomenal example. I really don't know how to describe it. I have seen poorer "cali" examples go for 2x the price.
The Ice cream cake wasn't quite as good as the wedding cake, but I will say that isn't a dig at it, its just how good the wedding cake was. The Ice cream was still a lovely smoke, just a tiny bit tamer imo.
The Skywalker took me back the first time i tried the strain a few years ago, and I never had a recreation of that high until YMH.
Biscotti just slapped. Was not to underestimated as both myself and the mrs made that mistake a couple times lol. SUPER flavour.
Then the second order (pictured top down - Apple Pie Cake, Oreoz, Lemon Poppers, Super Runtz and Sunday/Sundae Driver)
I pinged YMH a message asking for recommendations on the premium 190 bundle as I wanted to spend a lil more for something extra on my birthday. Mentioned the Oreoz, Super Runtz and some Lemon Poppers they had and offered to give me a Oz split between the 3. As well as that chucked in a extra pack of edibles (I am 1.5hrs through the entire pack as i write this and I may have gone overboard with all the bud sampling i have done too). I picked up 1oz of the cali, and 1oz of the 160 deal again.
Apple Pie Cake - Super frosty and terpy goodness. It does remind me a little of the wedding cake but less stoney but more euphoric and a much fruiter taste as the name would imply.
Oreoz - One of the most purple infused buds i have ever had. Also quite terpy, I don't think the flavour is as in your face as everything else, but a very typic oreoz heavy stone.
Lemon Poppers - I think this is my personal favourite of this order. Really nice strong lemon taste and smell. Bit like those lemon sherbet sweets. Had lemon poppers before, but the initial few draws caught me off guard quite heavy in the head, but then as quickly as it came, washed into a super energetic, euphoric high.
Super Runtz - Probably the best "Runtz" variety I have had as well. I have usually stayed away from Runtz phenos mostly due to the first couple of tries were disappointing. This is NOT disappointing. Got that citrusy/candy like smell and taste that I never got from the other ones i tried that everyone told me Runtz was about. A nice gassyness to this as well.
Finally, I might come back to edit this for Sunday/Sundae Driver, as I am balls deep high, and I don't know if I will make it through another J today. Time will till. But what I will say it that the buds are super frostied and there is a deep sweet smell thats tempting me.
I couldn't say which I think is better between the more expensive deal or not, but that is in no way a insult to anything, its is more how impressively good the buds are in the cheaper deal for the price.
To top it off. Hats off to one of the best stealth whilst keeping the buds themselves to nicely intact and loved.
YMH have honest to god become my go to in just a month and a bit. Super friendly, polite and sell one of the best selections on LB imo.
I know this went a bit ramble like, and I don't want to seem like a suck up or shill. I am just 100% super impressed (and high)
You know that homely feeling you get, when you go see that mother figure in your life? That warm home cooked meal? A fresh set of mum washed clothes?. That is how visiting Yourmumshouse has felt for me... ;)
Seriously wanted to write a topic about my experience just so it doesn't get entirely lost through reviews!
Had 2 orders from YHM. (I will add here as a cover to all the buds, that in terms of structure, buds are fantastic, some a little drier here and there but overall plenty of terps, not over dense but still chunky. Obvs some fluffiness/terp coverage etc varies but all are very impressive from essentially 9 different strains total)
First was 2ozs from the 160 deal. We had Wedding Cake, Ice cream cake, Skywalker OG and Biscotti.
The Wedding cake was a phenomenal example. I really don't know how to describe it. I have seen poorer "cali" examples go for 2x the price.
The Ice cream cake wasn't quite as good as the wedding cake, but I will say that isn't a dig at it, its just how good the wedding cake was. The Ice cream was still a lovely smoke, just a tiny bit tamer imo.
The Skywalker took me back the first time i tried the strain a few years ago, and I never had a recreation of that high until YMH.
Biscotti just slapped. Was not to underestimated as both myself and the mrs made that mistake a couple times lol. SUPER flavour.
Then the second order (pictured top down - Apple Pie Cake, Oreoz, Lemon Poppers, Super Runtz and Sunday/Sundae Driver)
I pinged YMH a message asking for recommendations on the premium 190 bundle as I wanted to spend a lil more for something extra on my birthday. Mentioned the Oreoz, Super Runtz and some Lemon Poppers they had and offered to give me a Oz split between the 3. As well as that chucked in a extra pack of edibles (I am 1.5hrs through the entire pack as i write this and I may have gone overboard with all the bud sampling i have done too). I picked up 1oz of the cali, and 1oz of the 160 deal again.
Apple Pie Cake - Super frosty and terpy goodness. It does remind me a little of the wedding cake but less stoney but more euphoric and a much fruiter taste as the name would imply.
Oreoz - One of the most purple infused buds i have ever had. Also quite terpy, I don't think the flavour is as in your face as everything else, but a very typic oreoz heavy stone.
Lemon Poppers - I think this is my personal favourite of this order. Really nice strong lemon taste and smell. Bit like those lemon sherbet sweets. Had lemon poppers before, but the initial few draws caught me off guard quite heavy in the head, but then as quickly as it came, washed into a super energetic, euphoric high.
Super Runtz - Probably the best "Runtz" variety I have had as well. I have usually stayed away from Runtz phenos mostly due to the first couple of tries were disappointing. This is NOT disappointing. Got that citrusy/candy like smell and taste that I never got from the other ones i tried that everyone told me Runtz was about. A nice gassyness to this as well.
Finally, I might come back to edit this for Sunday/Sundae Driver, as I am balls deep high, and I don't know if I will make it through another J today. Time will till. But what I will say it that the buds are super frostied and there is a deep sweet smell thats tempting me.
I couldn't say which I think is better between the more expensive deal or not, but that is in no way a insult to anything, its is more how impressively good the buds are in the cheaper deal for the price.
To top it off. Hats off to one of the best stealth whilst keeping the buds themselves to nicely intact and loved.
YMH have honest to god become my go to in just a month and a bit. Super friendly, polite and sell one of the best selections on LB imo.
I know this went a bit ramble like, and I don't want to seem like a suck up or shill. I am just 100% super impressed (and high)

Great write up! Ordered from them this afternoon for the first time ever, and it seems lots of others have too recently. Some weird draw of the universe bringing us to the apparently epic buds?

Same here, I'd seen their page before but hadn't ever ordered from them. I saw their £160 an oz offer in November and gave it a go. I was blown away by how good the bud was and I've had another order in since to try some of the other strains.
Seems like I'll need to get another one in because the Diamond Runtz looks divine. 🤤
Seems like I'll need to get another one in because the Diamond Runtz looks divine. 🤤

Weird though, isn't it? I think this has been here for ages, and we all descended like weed piranhas, again. Cosmic, man. That Biker really tempts me, and I'd be interested putting the Skywalker up against my current stash from a different quality vendor.

The Biker from YMH is even better than their Skywalker, IMO. Both are lovely and taste much the same but the Biker has the edge on potency.
The Skywalker is very similar to another vendor's offering, if you like that then you won't be disappointed with this one.
The Skywalker is very similar to another vendor's offering, if you like that then you won't be disappointed with this one.

Music to my ears! 🥳
The uk bud deal is amazing, had the wedding cake and skywalker and both topped quite a few “Cali” orders.
Terps was potent on both and good high, so I’m back for the Biker and runtz 🤤
The uk bud deal is amazing, had the wedding cake and skywalker and both topped quite a few “Cali” orders.
Terps was potent on both and good high, so I’m back for the Biker and runtz 🤤

Yeah, I only found YMH from them posting on a topic a couple months ago. Stuck a bookmark on as someone to try and just really pleasantly blown away.
Really do think that skywalker would have been another 40 with some vendors lol
Really do think that skywalker would have been another 40 with some vendors lol

Your late to the party bro your mum's has been one of my go 2s since I started them and the gentleman, I put in an order for the first time yesterday with Shroom of the loom ... 24hr tracked not dropped yet so I'll expect it tomorrow . But yeah your mums have had some real bangers👍

Hey thanks for taking the time to do this lengthy write up, and ofcourse thanks for the support from myself and my assistant.
Fyi Skywalker OG is back on the deal now. Strains always changing and there will be new ones added weekly.
Fyi Skywalker OG is back on the deal now. Strains always changing and there will be new ones added weekly.

Nice write up mate. I’ve had a few strains from YMH and they were all decent. You should give the Biker OG a try if you liked the Skywalker.

I'm really enjoying that Biker OG, has to be up with there as one of the best bang for your buck smokes on here at the minute.

Have been wanting to grab the Biker OG but I need to keep the Mrs happy as well as treating myself, otherwise it would have been in this months basket 😂

Well I've been super baked all weekend on both the Zoap x Peach Jet Fuel and the Oreoz. I'll be back for more very soon, I think... Superb service, excellent packaging that doesn't crush the buds, and great buds at a very keen price. What more could you ask for?

Got to jump in again as I think this is the best deal on atm!
Went back for seconds and the runtz is phenomenal for the money!!’🔥🔥🔥
Went back for seconds and the runtz is phenomenal for the money!!’🔥🔥🔥

Great read mate, I've been enjoying YMHs bud this week too.
Also nice work on the headline, it'll never not be funny to say shit like "I'm just grabbing my bits at Your Mums House".
Also nice work on the headline, it'll never not be funny to say shit like "I'm just grabbing my bits at Your Mums House".

Told a mate of mine where I'd ordered from earlier and it amused him too. Still need to get him to sort out his crypto buying, and then I'll send him a link...

Literally sent a pic to my friend earlier today and he asked ‘who from’ in which I said your mums house and left it at that 😂

2 posts
+5 votes

Seller refund after item marked sent
There should be a way for them to initiate a refund then, even if it's been marked as sent. I'm guessing that happens sometimes with cross-border del…
+ 2 more

Seller refund after item marked sent
Hi I tried a new seller on here. They marked my order as sent but did not send it. He confirmed on chat that he had not sent it as he had not received the funds from LB. Not sure he understood escrow. Is there a way the seller can cancel the order and issue a refund. Would any of the biggas know if this can be done. I've raised a dispute but would rather not go this way as it effects my rep The seller seems decent enough.

I don't know whether the vendor can retract the 'sent' status and then cancel the order but I'm pretty sure they can issue a refund regardless. The only problem is that it sounds like they set up shop on here with not enough understanding of how the site works so they maybe won't actually know how to process a refund from their side, even if they're willing to do it.
Easiest solution would be for them just to dispatch the order that you paid for but if you're not happy with that route then you could try messaging Refund Borg for advice. If the vendor is genuinely willing to help then they could ask for advice from the borgs and other vendors via the Seller's Arms pages.
If all else fails then just let the dispute run and see what happens. Good luck anyway. 👍
Easiest solution would be for them just to dispatch the order that you paid for but if you're not happy with that route then you could try messaging Refund Borg for advice. If the vendor is genuinely willing to help then they could ask for advice from the borgs and other vendors via the Seller's Arms pages.
If all else fails then just let the dispute run and see what happens. Good luck anyway. 👍

Thanks, I would prefer the herb but I don't think he's comfortable sending whilst he's not got the funds from lb. I will share this with him.

This is a fundamental misunderstanding of how LB works. It's an escrow system: he gets his money when you have your goods and are satisfied.

There should be a way for them to initiate a refund then, even if it's been marked as sent. I'm guessing that happens sometimes with cross-border deliveries that get seized by customs so there are probably some vendors and/or Biggas here with experience of that.
That said, if this is a new vendor who is accepting orders and marking them as sent but not dispatching the items due to not understanding escrow then they'll start amassing disputes and it's only a matter of time before they're shut down by admin. From what I've read on here, this would result in you getting a full refund and the dispute wouldn't count against you.
If the vendor is genuine then they'll hopefully find the reassurance they need to start shipping or at least find out how to refund you.
That said, if this is a new vendor who is accepting orders and marking them as sent but not dispatching the items due to not understanding escrow then they'll start amassing disputes and it's only a matter of time before they're shut down by admin. From what I've read on here, this would result in you getting a full refund and the dispute wouldn't count against you.
If the vendor is genuine then they'll hopefully find the reassurance they need to start shipping or at least find out how to refund you.

at least you got a reply hasn't responded to my message even though he's been online today

3 posts
+10 votes
what is talahon stamp hash?
If it's a commercial hash then the stamp/name really doesn't mean anything, tbh. It's just something random picked by whoever packed it. 🤷🏻♂️
+ 3 more
If it's a commercial hash then the stamp/name really doesn't mean anything, tbh. It's just something random picked by whoever packed it. 🤷🏻♂️
There seems to be a lot of bad hash around at the moment, I've been stung a couple of times myself recently. The stuff I've had smelled ok but had a very odd texture and melted into a hard black lump when burned. Definitely not how a soft blond hash should behave.
I'm sticking to bud for now until I can afford some decent quality static or filtered solid - seems that you get what you pay for with hash and the low price stuff is cheap for a reason. 😕
There seems to be a lot of bad hash around at the moment, I've been stung a couple of times myself recently. The stuff I've had smelled ok but had a very odd texture and melted into a hard black lump when burned. Definitely not how a soft blond hash should behave.
I'm sticking to bud for now until I can afford some decent quality static or filtered solid - seems that you get what you pay for with hash and the low price stuff is cheap for a reason. 😕

15th Jan '25: if you're still looking for that good commercial then I can definitely recommend Hash Sultan's current La Mousse listing. I'd given up the search after the last two experiences but then saw a post about this stuff and the pictures looked great. I messaged to check if it was still the same stamp and HS confirmed that it was so I went for an eighth which arrived the next morning, along with a sample of homemade bubble hash which is really punchy.
That was 4 days ago and there's not much left so I've already ordered another ounce. 😂
If you like a soft blonde Moroccan then I'd say it's well worth the money.
That was 4 days ago and there's not much left so I've already ordered another ounce. 😂
If you like a soft blonde Moroccan then I'd say it's well worth the money.

yeh it never burned right in a pipe, like it had filler, then it made my head feel awful.

cheap commercial in germany often is cbd hash mixed with hhc distillate and softener.

Sounds like the stuff I had. Unfortunately, it's probably from a huge batch which will be floating about with various different stamps on it. The two examples I've had were different stamps but seemed to be the same crappy hash.
Sorry to hear about your troubles, mate. Hope you get some decent meds soon. 👍
Sorry to hear about your troubles, mate. Hope you get some decent meds soon. 👍

"talahon" is a german slang word.
The plates stamped with this are most definitely commercial hash.
The plates stamped with this are most definitely commercial hash.

1 post
+2 votes
Christmas Postal services
Nice one, cheers YMH. Order incoming on Friday once I've been paid!

Christmas Postal services
Seasons greetings Biggaz,
Our last postal is the 21st everyone which is this Saturday! For 9am cut-off so still some time to order.
Then we will post again from Friday December 27th onwards, excluding new years day.
Happy Christmas all!
Our last postal is the 21st everyone which is this Saturday! For 9am cut-off so still some time to order.
Then we will post again from Friday December 27th onwards, excluding new years day.
Happy Christmas all!

1 post
+4 votes

What a shit show and yes I was right about the 0 days on the review yesterday. look again at the JPEG there are no number of days arrival next to PM X Chimera as it was scored at 0 days which means the postie did not have time to deliver b4 it was scored. Its called a glitch in the system just like everything else in this country it doesn’t work properly
And before anyone else starts with there BS the RM is responsible for delivering your 420 just like the economy is responsible for your wages which in turn pay for your 420 😱😨😳 🐑
And before anyone else starts with there BS the RM is responsible for delivering your 420 just like the economy is responsible for your wages which in turn pay for your 420 😱😨😳 🐑

Hi Dopey - just FYI, the new review system now allows you to leave the 'days to arrive' box blank. If you do that, it appears without any timescale so there's a good chance that's what happened with your review, not someone reviewing before they've received the item to try and sabotage you. You'll notice it happens with 10/10 reviews as well.
I've just amended a review I left a few days ago for another vendor and it allowed me to remove the time to arrive and then save it again. It now shows the same as your screenshot.
Interestingly, it's also reverted to showing 'reviewed 0 days ago' when I first left the review a few days ago so looks like that resets if any edits are made.
I've just amended a review I left a few days ago for another vendor and it allowed me to remove the time to arrive and then save it again. It now shows the same as your screenshot.
Interestingly, it's also reverted to showing 'reviewed 0 days ago' when I first left the review a few days ago so looks like that resets if any edits are made.

1 post
+2 votes
Why are u scoring B4 it has even arrived?
Hi Dopey - just FYI, the new review system now allows you to leave the 'days to arrive' box blank. If you do that, it appears without any timescale s…

Why are u scoring B4 it has even arrived?

The buyer has not received there purchase but have chosen to mark score.
Please can you explain why it is am 8/10, as it does not help me or other real biggaz with no comments especially when they have not received item in the first place as it is physically impossible.
I really do not care about the algorithm what I care about is the truth and to be scored fairly on my how well I do my job and how my green is.
Please try harder this blatant trickery is weak.
Please can you explain why it is am 8/10, as it does not help me or other real biggaz with no comments especially when they have not received item in the first place as it is physically impossible.
I really do not care about the algorithm what I care about is the truth and to be scored fairly on my how well I do my job and how my green is.
Please try harder this blatant trickery is weak.

Hi Dopey - just FYI, the new review system now allows you to leave the 'days to arrive' box blank. If you do that, it appears without any timescale so there's a good chance that's what happened with your review, not someone reviewing before they've received the item to try and sabotage you. You'll notice it happens with 10/10 reviews as well.
I've just amended a review I left a few days ago for another vendor and it allowed me to remove the time to arrive and then save it again. It now shows the same as your screenshot.
Interestingly, it's also reverted to showing 'reviewed 0 days ago' when I first left the review a few days ago so looks like that resets if any edits are made.
I've just amended a review I left a few days ago for another vendor and it allowed me to remove the time to arrive and then save it again. It now shows the same as your screenshot.
Interestingly, it's also reverted to showing 'reviewed 0 days ago' when I first left the review a few days ago so looks like that resets if any edits are made.

Sorry Dopey but you're wrong. O days means reviewed today, 1 day means yesterday. I left a review today for YNM, just checked it and it shows 0 days.

Both reviews that have marked a 8/10 with no explanation and in the most recent case no bud have all got less than a handful of buys 🤔
I am still waiting on an out and out lie by stewie11 who claimed to have brought Sherbanger over 10 days ago now even though it was not listed
Is lying the new normal now???
Is this the state of affairs in this country now that this toxic weak lying underhand movement is allowed to go unchallenged???
This country and the whole of Europe s turning into a swamp of 💩 and needs calling out at every turn more and more and it will inevitably unite us all 🙏
Look at the state of France, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, Ireland and and Italy now!! And the backward regime in the UK the most incompetent nation hating government that has ever served its people!!!!
We can find 100 million in a flash for overseas aid but can’t keep our pensioners warm, what a fucking disgrace and shameful government that betrays us at every turn!!
All in the hands of Socialist with exception of Italy until just recently and WEF and all falling apart. The IMF will have to come in and print more money soon WAKE UP FFS BEFORE WE HAVE NOTHING!!!
What a horrible year I have never seen so much hatred and it is reminiscent of 1930’s Germany an utter disgrace and need addressing asap!!
Libtards need to know that they have blood on there hands!
It does not matter what side of the fence you are on right is right and common sense and logic must prevail above all else.
PUSH BACK 2025 🥊
I am still waiting on an out and out lie by stewie11 who claimed to have brought Sherbanger over 10 days ago now even though it was not listed
Is lying the new normal now???
Is this the state of affairs in this country now that this toxic weak lying underhand movement is allowed to go unchallenged???
This country and the whole of Europe s turning into a swamp of 💩 and needs calling out at every turn more and more and it will inevitably unite us all 🙏
Look at the state of France, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, Ireland and and Italy now!! And the backward regime in the UK the most incompetent nation hating government that has ever served its people!!!!
We can find 100 million in a flash for overseas aid but can’t keep our pensioners warm, what a fucking disgrace and shameful government that betrays us at every turn!!
All in the hands of Socialist with exception of Italy until just recently and WEF and all falling apart. The IMF will have to come in and print more money soon WAKE UP FFS BEFORE WE HAVE NOTHING!!!
What a horrible year I have never seen so much hatred and it is reminiscent of 1930’s Germany an utter disgrace and need addressing asap!!
Libtards need to know that they have blood on there hands!
It does not matter what side of the fence you are on right is right and common sense and logic must prevail above all else.
PUSH BACK 2025 🥊

mate keep your batshit politics out of it this is weed ebay lmfao. "libtards" get fucking real if we lived under socialism people like you wouldn't be allowed internet access

U don't vote for it it just appears u dimlow!!!
I say what I want I won't be silenced by your types any longer!!
Pot kettle black sheer hypocrisy from the enemy within
ie you!
Go get your purple hair dye out 🤣
I know that u like an echo chamber why don't u jump on blue sky and embrace all your libtards???
I say what I want I won't be silenced by your types any longer!!
Pot kettle black sheer hypocrisy from the enemy within
ie you!
Go get your purple hair dye out 🤣
I know that u like an echo chamber why don't u jump on blue sky and embrace all your libtards???

do you have any original thoughts or ideas or are they entirely regurgitated from the lowest iq political commentary you can find? genuine 2016 "feminist triggered!!!" level of cringe coming from you big man

I have lived all over the world and take my views from my own experiences u on the other hand are the one who has been brainwashed into your Marxist ideology and should know this not once has comunisim worked ever. I still remember those haunting pictures of the poor children in those Romania orphanages that where blasted all over our TV sets back in the 90"s.
All you lot do is cause misery for the rest of the majority of us
Your mob are the most selfish hating fascist that have evolved in my lifetime here in the western world.
You will be on the losing side when all said and done mark my words.
All you lot do is cause misery for the rest of the majority of us
Your mob are the most selfish hating fascist that have evolved in my lifetime here in the western world.
You will be on the losing side when all said and done mark my words.

'We can find 100 million in a flash for overseas aid but can’t keep our pensioners warm, what a fucking disgrace and shameful government that betrays us at every turn!!'
Because guns, missiles and tanks that are stockpiled and paid for already, won't feed the elderly. I hate the government as much as the next person, but it was the Tories that paid for a whole load of the material being sent to Ukraine. We're not sending money.
Mad batshittery rant, for what? Cos you got scored an 8? Chances are you sold to a noobie.
Because guns, missiles and tanks that are stockpiled and paid for already, won't feed the elderly. I hate the government as much as the next person, but it was the Tories that paid for a whole load of the material being sent to Ukraine. We're not sending money.
Mad batshittery rant, for what? Cos you got scored an 8? Chances are you sold to a noobie.

What fucking tune? The weed is still good, Dopey is still a Dopey cunt, and I've never said otherwise, clown.
If Bin Laden sold good fucking weed, I'd still buy from him, doesn't mean I agree with their politics, you absolute fucking mongoloid.
If Bin Laden sold good fucking weed, I'd still buy from him, doesn't mean I agree with their politics, you absolute fucking mongoloid.

Oh dear. You are a fucking little cunt aren't you. The only mongs around here are you and your fucking family, I hope the rumours are true cunt. 😂😂 now off ye fuck 🤡

No buddy because it was scored before it even arrived look at the jpeg above my friend.
I am not a tory either I can't stand politics but when it is effecting everything else to its core I have to speak out.
Over 10 millionaires are leaving the UK this year the enterpeturs are leaving on mass there won't be an economy to buy weed if this carries on.
The only benefits of this are people who are either civil servants or people on the dole that depend on the state for handouts.
I am not a tory either I can't stand politics but when it is effecting everything else to its core I have to speak out.
Over 10 millionaires are leaving the UK this year the enterpeturs are leaving on mass there won't be an economy to buy weed if this carries on.
The only benefits of this are people who are either civil servants or people on the dole that depend on the state for handouts.

Look at the number of days there are none as it has not passed 0 days yet , look at the review beneath it clearly shows days arrived it only does not show days when its 0 days and also the only account with those stats brought yesterday so it has only just arrived around one hour ago not at 6 am when I saw it this morning.
Clearly one of the lot who stalk my page in the early hours drooling over my items lol
Clearly one of the lot who stalk my page in the early hours drooling over my items lol

Wrong again Dopey, its the new review system. Check your 10/10's- those reviewed today show 0 days. You've gotta chill mate, its getting embarrassing...

1 post
+1 votes
Looking for CBD flower
The Cheesemaster has CBD bud and bud with a 1:1 THC to CBD ratio. I've never used them but have heard great things from other trusted Biggas. Might …
![[ask any bigga]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/NxHKMggZQxiiBNIG.png)
Looking for CBD flower
Are there any vendors selling CBD buds? I remember there used to be plenty on here and now I can't seem to find any! I'm looking for some for a friend who has terminal cancer to help deal with pain and sleep disturbances, to mix with THC flower for a good entourage effect for maximum relaxing effects after therapy sessions and just general comfort in their final days. Please, any recommendations welcome. No edibles please as they cannot take any solids or liquids by mouth.

I found hemphash website to be quite good. The premium stuff comes at a price but some of the best cbd bud I’ve had. Acdc, gorilla mandarin and Chardonnay were all surprisingly good. Also lost oak farms but they are in the US so have to ship over. I had no problems but its possible it’ll get stopped at boarder. Great prices though!

Thank you all for your replies. Unfortunately my friend passed away but it happened in their sleep and their suffering is over. I'll keep a note of these recommendations though should I ever need them in future. Thanks again everyone

Hope your friend finds relief!!
There are a few CBD stores in the internet.
HempElf has flowers and many more extracts etc as an example ,worth taking a look.
Not sure about prices/competitiveness .sure other biggas can suggest similar sites,or sellers on here.
Hope you get sorted
There are a few CBD stores in the internet.
HempElf has flowers and many more extracts etc as an example ,worth taking a look.
Not sure about prices/competitiveness .sure other biggas can suggest similar sites,or sellers on here.
Hope you get sorted

The Cheesemaster has CBD bud and bud with a 1:1 THC to CBD ratio. I've never used them but have heard great things from other trusted Biggas. Might be worth dropping them a message to see what they can recommend.
Other than that, they're are plenty of 'legit' UK sites selling CBD buds and hash, some of which are really potent in my experience.
Other than that, they're are plenty of 'legit' UK sites selling CBD buds and hash, some of which are really potent in my experience.

yoo check auntmarysflowers!! not on lb but nicest cbd flower I've found at decent prices and they've got a 40% discount on few strains atm <3

1 post
+3 votes
Do magic mushrooms strains matter to you?
For me, different strains definitely have different effects but I can't claim to know the science behind it. I've not had a full shroom trip in years…

Do magic mushrooms strains matter to you?
I'm genuinely interesting as a cultivator what people feel about magic mushrooms strains? Do you notice the difference in strains or do you have the opinion that "a cube is a cube"?
What strains do you think customers prefer?
My customers typically ask me for GT, B+ or McKenna... rarely do I get customers ask me for specialist strains. Curious what others think here!
- Molly x
What strains do you think customers prefer?
My customers typically ask me for GT, B+ or McKenna... rarely do I get customers ask me for specialist strains. Curious what others think here!
- Molly x

Nope. It’s all psilocybin for the most part.
I guess the potency might count. But different strains don’t produce different psilocybin. Just different strengths of it.
Some strains might have different levels of other alkaloids and other related compounds. But do we want that? Possibly not? I don’t know. Check out those compounds in the link I guess.
It’s the psilocybin that does the work. Everything else is just noise possibly.
Now. McKenna would have it that different strains of mushrooms all spoke to him in subtly different ways. And he’d know. So there may well be some sort of entourage effect. More research is needed.
But then - Timewave. You have to take McKenna with a pinch of pixie dust. 😂
Because, lucid though he is on such matters related to psychedelics.
He was totally shite at physics. Like. Hilariously shite.
Unless it was all just a wind up. In which case. Touche. Terry.
I guess the potency might count. But different strains don’t produce different psilocybin. Just different strengths of it.
Some strains might have different levels of other alkaloids and other related compounds. But do we want that? Possibly not? I don’t know. Check out those compounds in the link I guess.
It’s the psilocybin that does the work. Everything else is just noise possibly.
Now. McKenna would have it that different strains of mushrooms all spoke to him in subtly different ways. And he’d know. So there may well be some sort of entourage effect. More research is needed.
But then - Timewave. You have to take McKenna with a pinch of pixie dust. 😂
Because, lucid though he is on such matters related to psychedelics.
He was totally shite at physics. Like. Hilariously shite.
Unless it was all just a wind up. In which case. Touche. Terry.

I definitely agree with you on potency, that's a variable we can understand clearly. That's something we know from PE strains and other mutations.
I definitely can feel some difference between *some* shrooms but there's absolutely no way for me to determine if that is the case for other people. Like McKenna said, some shrooms speak to me more than others. But I cannot determine if that effect is instigated by me, but something in the shroom... I don't know. It's also so hard to tell what your diet, psyche etc at the time plays an impact on if you get more a visual trip or body high etc. For me, I consistently get more of a body high with GT than other strains. Who knows what influences that though.
Like you said, there's so many compounds in a shroom, I do feel there's a lot that we don't know about which could have an impact on the effects!
Love your response here!
<3 Molly x
I definitely can feel some difference between *some* shrooms but there's absolutely no way for me to determine if that is the case for other people. Like McKenna said, some shrooms speak to me more than others. But I cannot determine if that effect is instigated by me, but something in the shroom... I don't know. It's also so hard to tell what your diet, psyche etc at the time plays an impact on if you get more a visual trip or body high etc. For me, I consistently get more of a body high with GT than other strains. Who knows what influences that though.
Like you said, there's so many compounds in a shroom, I do feel there's a lot that we don't know about which could have an impact on the effects!
Love your response here!
<3 Molly x

A quick question regarding shrooms: why do UK Liberty Caps seem not to commercially available. The online spore kits that promise the spores always seem to link back to other types, with no Libertys? Thanks Z

Hey Z.
This is mostly because Libs are extremely difficult to cultivate - there has been a few people that have managed to grow libs, but it's incredible labourious and difficult to get the conditions right. Nobody has managed to get the right mix yet.
This results in Libs only being available by foraging in the wild, and that can be challenging to find a field with many fruits.
Libs have one of the highest psilocybin contents of mushrooms especially in Europe, they are a very specially shroom! So if you find them, it means whoever is selling them has gone to great lengths to provide them :).
Mush love, MM x
This is mostly because Libs are extremely difficult to cultivate - there has been a few people that have managed to grow libs, but it's incredible labourious and difficult to get the conditions right. Nobody has managed to get the right mix yet.
This results in Libs only being available by foraging in the wild, and that can be challenging to find a field with many fruits.
Libs have one of the highest psilocybin contents of mushrooms especially in Europe, they are a very specially shroom! So if you find them, it means whoever is selling them has gone to great lengths to provide them :).
Mush love, MM x

Thanks for that explaination. We used to start at the top of our large local park and ate as we picked them and had some lovely trips out in nature. Z.

I'd wondered this too. They grew in the fields around where I grew up and although they were sparse, when you found one you'd usually find lots close by. We had a fair few sessions on local mushrooms. I have been looking at the different strains on lb and wondering what the score was so this has been an interesting topic.

I dunno, I’m told a cubes a cube but I’ve felt a difference between strains.
But it could be psychological and my mindset before starting a trip.
With Golden Teachers I feel like the mushroom is teaching me something about myself.
With Mazaptec I see patterns that you normally see in Aztec art, but same again that could be because I associate the shroom with Central America.
B+ makes things look like a cartoon- I don’t know what that’s about 🤷🏻♂️
But it could be psychological and my mindset before starting a trip.
With Golden Teachers I feel like the mushroom is teaching me something about myself.
With Mazaptec I see patterns that you normally see in Aztec art, but same again that could be because I associate the shroom with Central America.
B+ makes things look like a cartoon- I don’t know what that’s about 🤷🏻♂️

Yellow is probably the best, as the white you need a lot of. Yellow is probably the sweet spot.👍

Worked for me. Admittedly, I’ve only ever done it twice.
The second time. Wooo-weee. Still trying to work that one out.
The rest of it is in a box in my loft hidden away. 🤣
Once I’ve worked out the last time. I might consider it.
That was 7 years ago 😄
The second time. Wooo-weee. Still trying to work that one out.
The rest of it is in a box in my loft hidden away. 🤣
Once I’ve worked out the last time. I might consider it.
That was 7 years ago 😄

For me, different strains definitely have different effects but I can't claim to know the science behind it. I've not had a full shroom trip in years but microdose frequently and I've noticed differences in the effects as well as the strength/potency.
GTs are solid and reliable, 200mg of dried shrooms and I'm good to go. Steady, consistent and uplifting buzz which really helps when I'm in a low mood or stressed.
I've also had APE and APE reverts, both of which were noticeably more potent (only needed about half as much) but with the same type of effects as GTs.
I then had some Trinity Caps which were absolutely nuts. Tried going as low as 50mg and it was still too much. Very different experience too, like an emotional rollercoaster which was sometimes kinda fun in a way but also very unpredictable and not great for work days!
As already noted, it's quite likely an entourage effect from other compounds in addition to the psilocybin, similar to the way different strains of weed have different effects even though the THC is just the same chemically-speaking.
GTs are solid and reliable, 200mg of dried shrooms and I'm good to go. Steady, consistent and uplifting buzz which really helps when I'm in a low mood or stressed.
I've also had APE and APE reverts, both of which were noticeably more potent (only needed about half as much) but with the same type of effects as GTs.
I then had some Trinity Caps which were absolutely nuts. Tried going as low as 50mg and it was still too much. Very different experience too, like an emotional rollercoaster which was sometimes kinda fun in a way but also very unpredictable and not great for work days!
As already noted, it's quite likely an entourage effect from other compounds in addition to the psilocybin, similar to the way different strains of weed have different effects even though the THC is just the same chemically-speaking.

This answer speaks to me a lot, espeically regarding the potency. Pretty much sums up much of my opinion on potency; as someone who microdoses GT's myself, I find them and B+ most solid reliable. For me personally, 200-250mg is perfect, but if it's a spicy culture, 250mg can have be feeling a bit too energised. APE's seem reliable too, but I've had some which have sent me.
Entourage with weed edibles is a journey, for sure!
Entourage with weed edibles is a journey, for sure!

I hear alot about Penis Envy (Albino) ones.... These are very tempting. P.s. as an 'expert' what would be the best way to take mushrooms? Last time, I made an error by boiling them in a tea with other ingredients, and I later realised this pretty much destroys them (anything above 70degrees I read).... And certainly, I didn't feel a thing (not bought from yourself or LittleBiggy btw).

My understanding is that the myth of boiling water destroying psilocybin has been busted for a while now. In my experience, this hasn't been an issue for me (I don't know what you combind the shrooms with, maybe that had an interaction) but boiling in generally should be fine. Check Erowid for more details. https://www.erowid.org/plants/mushrooms/mushrooms_info7.shtml
For other ways of uptake. Try lemon tek, it can help with uptake and those with stomach issues. For me personally, I prefer making a tea or smoothie.
In your case, something to bare in mind is it could also be result of a not so potent batch you had -- esp if you bought them powdered (powdered shrooms generally lose their potency fast) or the hasn't been stored well.
For other ways of uptake. Try lemon tek, it can help with uptake and those with stomach issues. For me personally, I prefer making a tea or smoothie.
In your case, something to bare in mind is it could also be result of a not so potent batch you had -- esp if you bought them powdered (powdered shrooms generally lose their potency fast) or the hasn't been stored well.

Thank you for your response, yes I think something we mixed in with the tea must have interacted negativity with the psilocybin. I think chewing on them or lemon trek (if I understand correctly, grind the mushrooms into powder, then soak in fresh lemon?) is the best way.

Yeah, lemon tek seems to help with the uptake, although a lot of people also claim this is placebo... imo, placebo is great even if it's true. It also helps people with digest issues with shrooms. Personally, I'm not too bothered about scoffing one down with a swig of a drink, but some people don't enjoy the taste.
MM x
MM x

2 posts
+6 votes

Help with psychedelics (TLDR ver: how much should I smoke and how much should I take mushrooms to find a good middle gro…
Me too, I'm late 40s and I've been smoking daily for about 30 years now and still absolutely love it. 🫠
Have you tried distillate vapes for when …
+ 2 more

Help with psychedelics (TLDR ver: how much should I smoke and how much should I take mushrooms to find a good middle ground)
I love weed, it is my best friend. However I have a bittersweet relationship with it, it helps my anxiety but it exacerbates my low moods, especially in the mornings. I’m trying to implement mushrooms in my life to break up the groggy mornings but I’ve found when I trip, the shrooms exacerbate my anxiety but improve my low moods. When I trip should I stop smoking that day or vice versa? I’m finding it really hard to find a middle ground between the two and just wondered if anyone here has found something that suits them?
For context: I’m in my late 20’s, I fast every day until 4pm and eat relatively well and keep hydrated, I’m busy mon-fri working a full time job but I do dry herb vape in work, I have a healthy relationship at home, I smoke 3-5g a day and half a g of concentrate roughly.
My moods are pretty much solely derived from my drug intake and just want to find that beauty spot and take breaks when I need to but I can’t read the signs. Sorry for rambling on, I’ve just been struggling the past few weeks and it’s hard to get drug advice from my therapist ha
For context: I’m in my late 20’s, I fast every day until 4pm and eat relatively well and keep hydrated, I’m busy mon-fri working a full time job but I do dry herb vape in work, I have a healthy relationship at home, I smoke 3-5g a day and half a g of concentrate roughly.
My moods are pretty much solely derived from my drug intake and just want to find that beauty spot and take breaks when I need to but I can’t read the signs. Sorry for rambling on, I’ve just been struggling the past few weeks and it’s hard to get drug advice from my therapist ha

Sounds like we smoke similar amounts of weed per day, and I've been having good results for mild anxiety and depression, and general stress related to work, by microdosing for almost a year now. I just take a Stamets' Stack regime of 0.2g of shrooms, 1g of Lion's Mane and 50mg of flushing Niacin and still smoke just as much. Definitely feel the benefits of this. I've been using RocketDogRonnie for many, many months now and find his products work well for me. Link above.
If you want to trip as a general mood reset then I'd advise about 1.5-2g of shrooms like APE, maybe once a month or so? I'm still not entirely sure how best to fit this into the microdosing regime, but there's a 2 week gap in the regime where you could slot that in, potentially. I always have a joint when I'm waiting to come up, and it works okay for me, usually. My mate gave me some dried Liberty Caps last month and I haven't weighed them yet... They're very straggly.
If you want to trip as a general mood reset then I'd advise about 1.5-2g of shrooms like APE, maybe once a month or so? I'm still not entirely sure how best to fit this into the microdosing regime, but there's a 2 week gap in the regime where you could slot that in, potentially. I always have a joint when I'm waiting to come up, and it works okay for me, usually. My mate gave me some dried Liberty Caps last month and I haven't weighed them yet... They're very straggly.

Happy to send you a weeks worth if you hit me up with a message Harv.
Also have some full spectrum edibles which may not suit a man of your tolerance but might just help take the edge off before sleep if you’re trying a T break.
Also have some full spectrum edibles which may not suit a man of your tolerance but might just help take the edge off before sleep if you’re trying a T break.

Yeah I’ll be honest big trips aren’t for me. Just get extremely paranoid. I did get some GT and B+ from ronnie and did quite enjoy the mild effects a lot more instead of these hero strains.
I love to pick libs at this time of the year, again, a great strength for me.
Thanks for the advice Rux, I genuinely appreciate it - taking it on board as we speak and Lion’s Mane currently in my basket
I love to pick libs at this time of the year, again, a great strength for me.
Thanks for the advice Rux, I genuinely appreciate it - taking it on board as we speak and Lion’s Mane currently in my basket

2 of RDR's Santa's Chocs and Flash Gordon in 4K with high quality surround sound makes for an excellent night. Oodie or equivalent garment to make it super cosy.
Just looking up the regime again and it looks like I should at least be doubling the dose of the Niacin, and maybe only take one capsule of the Lion's Mane. I do regularly get the flush effect from the 50mg though, which is apparently the important aspect. Not entirely sure why. Make sure any Niacin you buy is the flushing effect type as there are 2 formulations of it available from various manufacturers.
Just looking up the regime again and it looks like I should at least be doubling the dose of the Niacin, and maybe only take one capsule of the Lion's Mane. I do regularly get the flush effect from the 50mg though, which is apparently the important aspect. Not entirely sure why. Make sure any Niacin you buy is the flushing effect type as there are 2 formulations of it available from various manufacturers.

Aw, my Dad used to go on about Flash! Still got the videos somewhere, ha.
What mg Lions Mane am I looking at? There are 2000 and 4000 primarily. A good point are my vitamins in general to be fair, probably missing out on a few vital ones in the daytime too
What mg Lions Mane am I looking at? There are 2000 and 4000 primarily. A good point are my vitamins in general to be fair, probably missing out on a few vital ones in the daytime too

Be careful where you buy from. Anything from china is no good. The air quality is so poor you’re likely to be doing more harm than good.
Cotswolds mushrooms are great.
Get some vitamin e and d. If you take nothing else these will give you the most benefit….i think.
Cotswolds mushrooms are great.
Get some vitamin e and d. If you take nothing else these will give you the most benefit….i think.

Your Dad should have forced you to watch it ever time it was shown on TV... A classical education.
I had one that was (I'm sure) listed as 1000mg and the dose was 2 capsules. No idea why I went with that. Purity, quite possibly? They've changed the packaging and it's 1 dose for 500mg on it now. That's seemingly too much for the Stack dose specifically, but I'm not splitting capsules up. Try to find a lower dose, or just go with the lower one?
I had one that was (I'm sure) listed as 1000mg and the dose was 2 capsules. No idea why I went with that. Purity, quite possibly? They've changed the packaging and it's 1 dose for 500mg on it now. That's seemingly too much for the Stack dose specifically, but I'm not splitting capsules up. Try to find a lower dose, or just go with the lower one?

“Medicine” ;-)
Thanks for the assist Rux. And thank you to Ronnie for the little taster pack! Had my first capsule yesterday and just found it very difficult to get into a bad mood, couple things had tested me as well. Looking forward to the journey so thanks again Ron!
Special shoutout to THC23 for the flavours 😁 have a good week guys
Thanks for the assist Rux. And thank you to Ronnie for the little taster pack! Had my first capsule yesterday and just found it very difficult to get into a bad mood, couple things had tested me as well. Looking forward to the journey so thanks again Ron!
Special shoutout to THC23 for the flavours 😁 have a good week guys

Any time mate. Yeah, then that works for you it seems. I get exactly that when it's working well. Stressful scenarios are much less so, somehow. Presumably as it's mainly in our brains, and that causes situational reactions. 0.2g seems to be the sweet spot for me, at least. Looks like you may have outdone me on the Christmas stash dude! The other 2 K4B strains are amazing...

Yeah man! Looking forward to looking back in a couple weeks time, I think I’ll notice the benefits a lot more then.
I tried the Yuzu last night, AM4 tonight and the Lemon Peel tomorrow night. Payday next week, might treat myself to a couple more things then knocking it on the head then
I tried the Yuzu last night, AM4 tonight and the Lemon Peel tomorrow night. Payday next week, might treat myself to a couple more things then knocking it on the head then

Funny you say that because there are 120 1000mg at £25 and 180 2000mg at £9. Like you say, maybe they’re safer and purer. I think I’ll take ronnies advice and try this Cotswolds Mushrooms for the lions mane as they have a couple of different types, their website definitely reassures me. As for the Niacin, there seems to be a few decent options on Amazon

Can I advise you to drink at least 2 liters of pure water, i.e., not tap or mineral, but spring or re-mineralised distilled water. You can re-mineralise using a couple of grains of celtic salt. Just make sure it's genuine celtic salt. Hydration is extremely important and is always overlooked in disease and malaise. Dehydration impacts brain function tremendously yet is ignored by allopathic doctors, who just love to prescribe psychoactives. I suffered mental health problems for years until some research led me in this direction and couldn't believe how something so simple, yet devastatingly effective, cured most of my health problems. Homeostasis cannot be achieved without proper hydration and mineralisation. Peace, love and good luck my friend.

Interesting 👍
I’ve just read ‘Your Body’s Many Cries For Water’ by F.Batmanghelidj MD. Have you read it? I wonder what you think about the chapters on salt supplementation, especially in this ‘low sodium’ age?
(I also just bought some Celtic salt!)😉
I’ve just read ‘Your Body’s Many Cries For Water’ by F.Batmanghelidj MD. Have you read it? I wonder what you think about the chapters on salt supplementation, especially in this ‘low sodium’ age?
(I also just bought some Celtic salt!)😉

Maybe microdosing shrooms is the answer, you wont be taking enough to trip so would avoid triggering the anxiety and will help give you the uplift in your general mood you are looking for, I'm adding a link for Fungal-Cate, its worth shooting her a message, shes proper knowledgeable on this stuff and i'm sure will help you choose the right path.
Also i know someone who struggles with anxiety and they tend to avoid Indicas when smoking as the Sativas dont set it off, could be worth testing the theory for yourself to see if one or the other helps you more.
Also i know someone who struggles with anxiety and they tend to avoid Indicas when smoking as the Sativas dont set it off, could be worth testing the theory for yourself to see if one or the other helps you more.

Nice thanks man! Yeah I only get sativa from my clinic, indica is no good to me. I love my flavours which are naturally indica based but they don’t bother me too much if I moderate it
Thanks for your help mate
Thanks for your help mate

No worries, hope you figure it out, sounds like the Sativa thing is similar for you as it is for my mate.
I really like smaller doses of shrooms in my old age, 1.5 here, 2g there, gives me a couple of hours of nice borderline stuff, a little bit of technicolour, some nice body vibes and gets me into a really nice mind state, it always puts a little spring back in my step too.
I really like smaller doses of shrooms in my old age, 1.5 here, 2g there, gives me a couple of hours of nice borderline stuff, a little bit of technicolour, some nice body vibes and gets me into a really nice mind state, it always puts a little spring back in my step too.

Just to note, different strains have different strength. 2g of golden teachers is a strong dose, 2g of liberty caps is a heroic dose.
Research the psilocybin content of your shrooms before whacking 1.5-2g, that is a high dose.
Research the psilocybin content of your shrooms before whacking 1.5-2g, that is a high dose.

Yeah you are right and its good advice, research everything as much as possible, it's the best way to keep yourself safe.
I should've pointed out if i'm messing with with stronger strains then 1.5 is normally where I land for my little vibe sessions.
Liberty caps though 😵💫💜💚
I should've pointed out if i'm messing with with stronger strains then 1.5 is normally where I land for my little vibe sessions.
Liberty caps though 😵💫💜💚

This possibly isn't the answer you're hoping for but my advice would be to try and dial back a little bit on the smoke. I'd say 5g a day is quite a lot, especially if you work full-time. You must roll big joints! 😂
I used to smoke all day, every day and it ended up being counterproductive. I smoke weed to help with my mental health but when I was doing it all day long, it stopped helping and I noticed my low moods returning much more often. Once I managed to cut down, I noticed a definite improvement in my mindset. I didn't even have to stop smoking every day, it was just about reducing the number of times I smoked each day.
The main thing for me is waiting until later in the day to have my first smoke/vape. If I go at it first thing, I tend to get stuck in a rut for the day and don't really feel the benefit of anything else I smoke that day.
I'd second the idea of microdosing shrooms. If you can do that first thing and avoid smoking until later in the day then you might see a difference.
Hope you manage to find something that works for you anyway.
I used to smoke all day, every day and it ended up being counterproductive. I smoke weed to help with my mental health but when I was doing it all day long, it stopped helping and I noticed my low moods returning much more often. Once I managed to cut down, I noticed a definite improvement in my mindset. I didn't even have to stop smoking every day, it was just about reducing the number of times I smoked each day.
The main thing for me is waiting until later in the day to have my first smoke/vape. If I go at it first thing, I tend to get stuck in a rut for the day and don't really feel the benefit of anything else I smoke that day.
I'd second the idea of microdosing shrooms. If you can do that first thing and avoid smoking until later in the day then you might see a difference.
Hope you manage to find something that works for you anyway.

I smoke around a gram with my vape in work and my joints are about 1.5g in each which I find a nice amount with a brew! But it’s funny you say this, as I am slowly starting to point my finger at the weed being a result of my moods. But I fucking love it. Weird?
Thanks for the support, Ed! I will try microdosing, a little bit more gym/sauna and a few cold showers in the morning! I’d attempt to leave my vape at home and not bring it in but that’s no good for everyone I work with 😂
Thanks for the support, Ed! I will try microdosing, a little bit more gym/sauna and a few cold showers in the morning! I’d attempt to leave my vape at home and not bring it in but that’s no good for everyone I work with 😂

Me too, I'm late 40s and I've been smoking daily for about 30 years now and still absolutely love it. 🫠
Have you tried distillate vapes for when you're at work? They're really strong so not much required however I find that the lack of full spectrum cannabinoids means I get high but don't get the Indica or Sativa traits. It also means that when I go back to vaping bud, it hits that little bit harder than if I'd been on flower all day.
Good luck anyway mate. 👍
Have you tried distillate vapes for when you're at work? They're really strong so not much required however I find that the lack of full spectrum cannabinoids means I get high but don't get the Indica or Sativa traits. It also means that when I go back to vaping bud, it hits that little bit harder than if I'd been on flower all day.
Good luck anyway mate. 👍

I’ve always got a couple of vapes in the van but I do genuinely prefer using my prescribed stuff, really helps me out I’ll be honest. That’s what I love about dry herb vaping too is when I get back and roll a nice flavour which will be indica dominant, I don’t get anxious because I’ve slowly built up a tolerance throughout the day!
Thanks again Ed
Thanks again Ed

I would recommend taking mushrooms whilest you're in a good head space only.
If you feel hardcore you can try my Natalensis, it's a very strong strain. I found 1g can be very intensly uplifting for at least 4 hours
If you feel hardcore you can try my Natalensis, it's a very strong strain. I found 1g can be very intensly uplifting for at least 4 hours

1 post
+4 votes
Making vapes.
Distillate can be vaped as it is however it's tricky to use without any diluents due to it being so viscous. It also has a plastic-like taste when va…

Making vapes.
Has anyone made their own vape juice with this distillate..? Can it be vaped as it is...?
Also, could it be mixed with VG, to weaken it down a bit..? Thanks.
Also, could it be mixed with VG, to weaken it down a bit..? Thanks.

Distillate can be vaped as it is however it's tricky to use without any diluents due to it being so viscous. It also has a plastic-like taste when vaped in its own which isn't great.
Adding terpenes will thin it out which makes it easier to make up vape carts and they also add flavour. If you get the expensive cannabis-derived terp extracts then they can also add an extra dimension to the high, although they may reduce the stealth factor slightly cos some of them can smell a bit (or so I've been told... 🙄).
I've used PG-based ejuice flavourings before with it before which works fine, so I imagine VG will work too. It does make the resulting mix much less viscous so I've never added more than a few drops per ml of distillate; I use the CCell style carts which are designed for distillates and seem to burn out really quickly if the mix is diluted too much. VG is much thicker than PG though so may not be as much of an issue.
I reckon you could add more PG/VG and have a lower strength juice which is much more fluid and could be used in standard vape tanks. Just make sure it's mixed properly and it should be fine.
Adding terpenes will thin it out which makes it easier to make up vape carts and they also add flavour. If you get the expensive cannabis-derived terp extracts then they can also add an extra dimension to the high, although they may reduce the stealth factor slightly cos some of them can smell a bit (or so I've been told... 🙄).
I've used PG-based ejuice flavourings before with it before which works fine, so I imagine VG will work too. It does make the resulting mix much less viscous so I've never added more than a few drops per ml of distillate; I use the CCell style carts which are designed for distillates and seem to burn out really quickly if the mix is diluted too much. VG is much thicker than PG though so may not be as much of an issue.
I reckon you could add more PG/VG and have a lower strength juice which is much more fluid and could be used in standard vape tanks. Just make sure it's mixed properly and it should be fine.

Thanks for all that. Never thought of adding terpenes, so that's something to consider.
I'm thinking of some carts strong for at home & some weaker for outdoors.
It'll be fun experimenting anyway....👍
I'm thinking of some carts strong for at home & some weaker for outdoors.
It'll be fun experimenting anyway....👍

Hello mate, VG does not mix with distillate the same way that PG does. You cannot add VG to PG when distillate has been mixed with it, it will pool on the top.
Also, using terps can be dangerous if you use too much, that's why any good manufacturer/distributor will advise a maximum of 5% terps - this is because various terps used in higher concentrations can be carcinogenic (cancer causing) especially 'natural' terps, aka botanical terps/plant derived.
Also, using terps can be dangerous if you use too much, that's why any good manufacturer/distributor will advise a maximum of 5% terps - this is because various terps used in higher concentrations can be carcinogenic (cancer causing) especially 'natural' terps, aka botanical terps/plant derived.

2ml D9 Distillate
0.5 ml DIY Vape Flavouring
0.5ml VJ Mix
3 x CCELL Pro
1 x Syringe & Blunt needle
I make disposables this way. 3 1ml vapes. You can use carts but I like the CCELL pro as it is had a pre heat function and gives a super good draw.
You can find VJ Mix online, it contains the stuff that stops it separating from conventional vape juice, and the flavour is just to get rid of the plastic taste.
People have other methods but this works for me, it tastes good and doesn’t blow your tits off. Perfect for vaping when you are out and about and don’t want to disappear into a vortex.
0.5 ml DIY Vape Flavouring
0.5ml VJ Mix
3 x CCELL Pro
1 x Syringe & Blunt needle
I make disposables this way. 3 1ml vapes. You can use carts but I like the CCELL pro as it is had a pre heat function and gives a super good draw.
You can find VJ Mix online, it contains the stuff that stops it separating from conventional vape juice, and the flavour is just to get rid of the plastic taste.
People have other methods but this works for me, it tastes good and doesn’t blow your tits off. Perfect for vaping when you are out and about and don’t want to disappear into a vortex.

What's VJ Mix btw...?
I've Googled it & I just got a load of links for music software. Cheers.
I've Googled it & I just got a load of links for music software. Cheers.

Ah sorry dude it's EJ Mix. Fat fingers.

Thanks for your help mate. I've ordered the pre-mixed ones now, so I don't have to mess around & potentially ruin a decent distillate. I've kept a record of this tho, in case I decide to try at some point....👍

Hey dude, I'm a noob here and I'm looking for some pre mixed too. Can you help with which you went for?

The pre-mixed is bang on dude, you'll enjoy it.
Ye if you don;'t enjoy the terpy taste, worth trying out the other mix with some normal vape flavouring.
EJ Mix have a youtube video showing you exactly how to do it too.
Ye if you don;'t enjoy the terpy taste, worth trying out the other mix with some normal vape flavouring.
EJ Mix have a youtube video showing you exactly how to do it too.

Lookin forward to trying it....👍
And I've recently found out that DJ Mix has a youtube video, with a cracking selection of 70's disco classics. 😀
And I've recently found out that DJ Mix has a youtube video, with a cracking selection of 70's disco classics. 😀

You can vape it pure if you use good quality carts like ccells but as oldmaned says it is very thick and doesn't taste great so we would recommend mixing with around 5% terpenes. Thats the ratio we use in our carts :)

Not 'around 5%' - 5% MAXIMUM - Any amount higher than 5% can cause the mixture to become carcinogenic depending on what terpenes you use. Various terpenes in higher concentrations are dangerous - and they definitely shouldn't be added to a joint by opening the cart/putting it on paper - super dangerous if you don't know the source of the terpenes.

How do you mix it or do you just add the terps to the cart at the same time? or do you mix it into a larger syringe first or something like that?

Great stuff. Hoping to get BTC sorted over the weekend & will be back for some of this. 👍

Get some shatter/badder/diamonds and dump it in a cartridge.
You will be where you want to be before you know it.
You will be where you want to be before you know it.

You need to decarb/winterize extracts before they'll go in a cart, except for good quality shatter. To make our carts we have to vacuum seal our extract so no terps escape, then we decarb for 2h.

It gets me high.
I’m happy.
They go in just fine.
Anything that can penetrate my other meds is doing fine-believe me.
I’m happy.
They go in just fine.
Anything that can penetrate my other meds is doing fine-believe me.

And your coil doesn't burn out half way down a 0.5ml cart...? Very surprising.

😂 Steady on mate, that combination would send me to Saturn. I think I'll stay on Earth (just about) with the vapes themselves.
Mind you, this is great stuff. The full strength ones are perfect for gettin baked & the half strength mixes I've done, are brill for outdoors etc.
Excellent value....👍
Mind you, this is great stuff. The full strength ones are perfect for gettin baked & the half strength mixes I've done, are brill for outdoors etc.
Excellent value....👍

I made up 5 carts with this vendors D9.
Bought carts on Amazon Prime.
You will deffo need to source a blunt needle to fill them.
I used a hair straighener to heat the syringe, then filled up cart as neat as possible, then heated cart a little to get distillate to sink, then topped up.
Taste wise, its a bit synthetic and metallic by itself, but rips your loaf off!
Best used with a battery that has a preheat setting, first few toots are a bit weak, but once things get warmed up a little, its sooper!
Go easy to start, as its a creeper!
Bought carts on Amazon Prime.
You will deffo need to source a blunt needle to fill them.
I used a hair straighener to heat the syringe, then filled up cart as neat as possible, then heated cart a little to get distillate to sink, then topped up.
Taste wise, its a bit synthetic and metallic by itself, but rips your loaf off!
Best used with a battery that has a preheat setting, first few toots are a bit weak, but once things get warmed up a little, its sooper!
Go easy to start, as its a creeper!

1 post
+7 votes

{buy help}
The dispute button appears after 9 days from when the order is marked as sent so you'll need to wait if it's not yet showing.
If you haven't yet done…

{buy help}
How do I go about doing a dispute saying I need to do one today bit there's nothing to press

The dispute button appears after 9 days from when the order is marked as sent so you'll need to wait if it's not yet showing.
If you haven't yet done so, get in touch with the vendor as most issues can be resolved without a dispute. If you can't get a response or agree a solution then use the dispute button once it's available.
If you haven't yet done so, get in touch with the vendor as most issues can be resolved without a dispute. If you can't get a response or agree a solution then use the dispute button once it's available.

…and after pressing the dispute tab you will then have another 16 days to try and resolve it with the vendor. If you do, click ‘resolve’ to cancel it. If not resolved auto resolution Borg will apply a % refund based on reputation.👍

1 post
+1 votes

Hi all
In light of our current Prime Grows drop (our own organic grow)
We are giving away 4 x 3.5 G of bud
To enter all you have to do is comment by letting us know what strain you would like to see us grow sometime in the future? Maybe cheese? What’s your choice?
Entrance from U.K. & Ireland only with min of 5 purchases to account.
Each entrant will get a reply with a number, the winning numbers will be filmed and posted on here from a random number generator to make the competition completely fair to all.
Entry Closes 11tb September at mid night. Tomorrow night
Good luck everyone
In light of our current Prime Grows drop (our own organic grow)
We are giving away 4 x 3.5 G of bud
To enter all you have to do is comment by letting us know what strain you would like to see us grow sometime in the future? Maybe cheese? What’s your choice?
Entrance from U.K. & Ireland only with min of 5 purchases to account.
Each entrant will get a reply with a number, the winning numbers will be filmed and posted on here from a random number generator to make the competition completely fair to all.
Entry Closes 11tb September at mid night. Tomorrow night
Good luck everyone

Blue Dream or OG Kush. Two very popular strains that I'm yet to try and would love to from an LB grower/vendor.

Good ol' classic white widow or even blue widow. There's no school like the old school...

Hi Prime. My overall/general account has 25+ buys but I literally made my first purchase with you yesterday (Irish Bigga here getting a feel for your product and stealth).
Do I qualify???
If yes, I vote sour diesel. Brings back good memories of the 00’s.
Do I qualify???
If yes, I vote sour diesel. Brings back good memories of the 00’s.

Always wanted to try Dr Grinspoon. If you can ever get seeds and manage 20+weeks of flowering, I'd say it would be a good seller.

I've always wondered about a skittlez x lemon amnesia marriage 😎
Looking forward to sampling the latest drop brother 🤙🏼
Looking forward to sampling the latest drop brother 🤙🏼

Honestly would love some Jack Herer, love that stuff and can never get it. Thanks and good luck everyone. 👍

Would absolutely love some Sour Kush not had it in atleast 15 years. It's a banging smoke

years ago i tried a strain called mango sherbert from humboldt seeds, was a lovelt taste a stone, would love to try that again, thanks for comp, best of luck all
years ago i tried a strain called mango sherbert from humboldt seeds, was a lovelt taste a stone, would love to try that again, thanks for comp, best of luck all

Great comp, so many strains I'd love to see on the go again and really hard to pick just one..but since that's the point I'll go with durban poison, had something that claimed to be dp a few months back and it was nothing like the old school smoke!
Great comp, cheers
Great comp, cheers

Some good old fashioned cheese or super skunk even ak47 ....something old school please thank you 👌💨💨

Id love to see sharks breath on the menu, only ever had it once but my god it left good memories!

Literally anything these guys do. 🙂
Their Old Growth OG?
Their Old Growth OG?

3 posts
+11 votes

t break tips?
I saw a video that explained the difference between eating vs smoking/vaping THC. The liver apparently attaches something called a hydroyxl group to …
+ 3 more

t break tips?
i'm a dedicated on the daily for decades dude.
now on t-break; day 1 and 2 are pretty easy, residue perhaps. day 3 is hell and i remember this from last time. any advice before i reach for the pipe?
now on t-break; day 1 and 2 are pretty easy, residue perhaps. day 3 is hell and i remember this from last time. any advice before i reach for the pipe?

I find that switching to edibles helps. The way you process THC differs between smoking and eating, so a week on edibles will see the smoking hit harder when you start again.

As Blazin said dude, edibles. Apparently the pathways for smoking and edibles/consumed THC are completely different, so you can have edibles, get baked, and then when you start smoking again you should have achieved your desired break.

I've seen your products, what kind of dose would your recommend for someone with an addictive personality, trying to take a t-break?
I know weeds not physically addictive but damn I get really psychologically addicted, after 3 days all I can think of is weed lmao, nasty moods, bad sleep, no energy...
I have always just got through it, mostly cold turkey, but if theres some way I can ease the "pain" without relying on harsher things, I'm open minded
I know weeds not physically addictive but damn I get really psychologically addicted, after 3 days all I can think of is weed lmao, nasty moods, bad sleep, no energy...
I have always just got through it, mostly cold turkey, but if theres some way I can ease the "pain" without relying on harsher things, I'm open minded

We recommend working with very low doses so you can focus on your daily routine but the dose helps you connect to yourself and your mindset, and creates an open heart space where you'll become more observant of the "why" you get psychologically swayed. It helps connect neurological pathways and in the end you look at everything differently...not only the addiction but every part of your life ;-)

Interesting after reading the other comments, I would have thought since wether edible, vaped or smoked it's still THC so it would all be the same tolerance. I'll have to look into that. Not saying guys are wrong ofc :)
Sadly for me, I have a very high tolerance to edibles (lacking an enzyme or something perhaps) even after t-breaks -150mg for a slight buzz xD So this would never be an option for me lol.
I heard about microdosing shrooms or LSD but haven't tried myself wonder if any biggas have
Sadly for me, I have a very high tolerance to edibles (lacking an enzyme or something perhaps) even after t-breaks -150mg for a slight buzz xD So this would never be an option for me lol.
I heard about microdosing shrooms or LSD but haven't tried myself wonder if any biggas have

I saw a video that explained the difference between eating vs smoking/vaping THC. The liver apparently attaches something called a hydroyxl group to the D9 molecules when it processes them which turns them into 11-Hydroxy-THC. It's this new molecule that gets you stoned when eaten which would explain the difference in effects and individual tolerances.

Ah! Thanks for this mate. Going to look into this.
I wonder if like for codeine, where some people possess an enzyme that isn't as efficient at breaking it down (or in rarer cases, more efficient), that there is some people with livers that just suck at that process of converting D9 to 11-Hydroxy.
Cos I've certainly never got baked from edibles even with little to no tolerance to any kind of THC.
I wonder if like for codeine, where some people possess an enzyme that isn't as efficient at breaking it down (or in rarer cases, more efficient), that there is some people with livers that just suck at that process of converting D9 to 11-Hydroxy.
Cos I've certainly never got baked from edibles even with little to no tolerance to any kind of THC.

Yeah, that would make sense.
I've heard of people that can smoke a half oz a day easy but can't handle 50mg of edibles, and others that don't feel anything no matter how much they eat.
I've heard of people that can smoke a half oz a day easy but can't handle 50mg of edibles, and others that don't feel anything no matter how much they eat.

Totally agree with the edibles suggestion. CBD products can help too I found that having a CBD vape to hit before bed was a help to get to sleep. Good luck 👍

If you haven't tried it yet then CBD might be worth a go (just not the weak crap like Holland & Barrett sell). I'm not really into edibles but CBD buds and distillate are really good to vape/smoke and you could make your own edibles from those, and there are high-strength CBD gummies out there too although I've never tried them myself.

I've found that exercise helps . You just have to pick up the pace for a bit , say a week or two . Cardio . It makes you feel good too.
Also a lot of reading .
Then you'll be back stronger ;)
Also a lot of reading .
Then you'll be back stronger ;)

water, water and more water. drink it, bathe in it and swim if you can. the dt's will float away - at least for 20 mins ;)

1 post
+3 votes

Looking For Clean Os of Weed for & £150 - £160s
Yeah, Green Cat is still here. I got an oz of his Cookie Dawg last month for £145 delivered and it's lovely. Big, well-cured nugs, really clean and …

Looking For Clean Os of Weed for & £150 - £160s
Looking for good quality Clean Weed
Any good suggestions 🤔🌿🍃
Thanks in advance ✌️
Any good suggestions 🤔🌿🍃
Thanks in advance ✌️

The Gents have a bunch of strains in your price range, including Zkittles. They've never let me down with their bud.

I was just looking at them & the Skittles may make a purchase what’s the shipping like …

They only have one option, but they've never failed to deliver next day for me and you get the tracking link from them once it is sent.

How about RealD's Skittlez bud? It's currently on promo so comes in at your price point. I've been smoking the shake and it's more potent and more flavourful than most buds I've had lately. If I was buying that's where my money would go.

At that price range I would grab some of RBs mix bucket it is my favourite budget buy.
It works for me because I like the variety, I very rarely buy an Oz of one strain because I get sick of smoking the same thing and like to mix it up.
It works for me because I like the variety, I very rarely buy an Oz of one strain because I get sick of smoking the same thing and like to mix it up.

Cheers mate have tried the Spaceman's Weed already..not my Cup of Tea that particular strain / Deal

We have made a listing for this exact purpose! Pick any two halves from 4 strains, £160 🥲

strong recommend for green cats silver bubble, if you like a haze. its not as mad strong as some of the newer strains you may get but the taste, smell and stickiness make it an absolute steal for 160

Green Cat has a few bits in that range, Cookie Dawg, Italian Ice, Exodus Cheese and the Silver Bubble.

Thanks for the feed back Iv tried green cats weed it’s been good in the past …Some strains are better than others …is he still about

Yeah, Green Cat is still here. I got an oz of his Cookie Dawg last month for £145 delivered and it's lovely. Big, well-cured nugs, really clean and good strength too.

Who would you say has the better strains gentleman’s dealers or Green Cat ? Never tried gentlemen’s dealers
Before looks like they have some decent bits in…Green Cats cookie Dog was very good from last experience
Before looks like they have some decent bits in…Green Cats cookie Dog was very good from last experience

They are both serving up quality bud, It may come down to choice of strain and delivery time, I would go for the Zkittles over what Green Cat has in the same price range but mainly because I love Zkittles and like Blazin said The Gents NDD never misses.

just ordered a O of the Skittles from Gentlemen's Dealer…looking forward to a bit of greenery ….been on the hash far to long 😮💨 …thanks Again Bow12

No worries mate, you'll have to let us know how it is, nice reminder on the hash too, it's Hash Wednesday at Eddys and I think I have enough in the wallet for a little treat 🥳

Cheers Bow13,
I like the look of the Skittles from Gentlemen’s Dealers will give that Bash
This time around Then 👏
I like the look of the Skittles from Gentlemen’s Dealers will give that Bash
This time around Then 👏

1 post
+4 votes

Sausages and black pudding
Simon Howie's Wee Black Pudding is the best I've tried. Tastes different to their full-size one, for some reason. Absolutely delicious. 😋

Sausages and black pudding
What is the best black pudding in Scotland and who makes the best sausages?

For me it’s got to be some Stornaway pudding and the butcher up the Barras market for sausages they are amazing 😻 and am cooking some up right now 😎

Jeeze oh! I’ve no been to the Barras since I was a wean. And I’m eligible for a bus pass noo!
I think I’ve been along London Road once since they opened the extension on the M74
I think I’ve been along London Road once since they opened the extension on the M74

Hornigs black pudding for me, so flavoursome and a bit spicy. I live in the North West and don't see why people big up Bury black pudding at all, but I appreciate it's a personal preference. I get Hornigs black pudding imported in bulk, I like it that much
Crombies in Edinburgh do some fine sausages.
Crombies in Edinburgh do some fine sausages.

I was under the impression you Scots largely preferred fruit pudding!
I have had a number of very good square sausage from different Scottish butchers - no idea of origin I just know it seems to be the best form of sausage.
I have had a number of very good square sausage from different Scottish butchers - no idea of origin I just know it seems to be the best form of sausage.

Simon Howie's Wee Black Pudding is the best I've tried. Tastes different to their full-size one, for some reason. Absolutely delicious. 😋

Charles MacLeod of Stornaway. World famous black pud. You can get it nationwide. Seriously orgasmic with some hand dived Hebridean scallops. ❤️❤️❤️

Well funny you should ask lol,the wife just brought a breakfsst pack from marksz and made Mr a couple of rolls for my brunch and the black pudding and sausage was very flavourful ..time for a long walk now.well wee vape first obvs!

Hate to be the bearer of bad news lads but the best black pudding is to be found in Bury, Greater Manchester.

Come on dazzler got to cook the links first get them nice and brown the slice next along with the black pudding and then the tattie scones then the bacon then the eggs beans in separate pot. big mug of tetleys two sugar and milk bit of brown sauce and hey presto am fucking starving again 😂 😂 got to have a smoke now

Yes I agree IT CREATES ALL SAUCE from back in the day 😋 tattie scone dipped in both amazing 🤩

Great thread :) Sigh, I used to have and love both A LOT many years ago. I had to lose a lot of weight though so I avoided them for years. Now thankfully fitted and healthier I have them very occasionally. White pudding is also very lovely but the best I ever had was from Yorkshire and free range Sausages from Essex.
Never tried Scottish so I’m intrigued….
Never tried Scottish so I’m intrigued….

McCaskies in Wemyss Bay for black pudding. They also do proper smoked bacon, not the liquid smoke stuff.
I'm going to jump to ice cream here, because 10 mins down the road in Largs is Nardini's and their ice cream rocks.
I'm going to jump to ice cream here, because 10 mins down the road in Largs is Nardini's and their ice cream rocks.

Although I did have an amazing blood sausage with pineapple in Lisbon which was nearly as good.
As for the sausages, are you talking lorne, beef links or pork? I go to two butchers, because one can’t make a decent square sausage, even with a set square and a protractor.
My personal favourite is Buchanan’s of Burnbank, Hamilton beef lorne. Stick that bad boy on a well fired roll with a tattie scone and listen to your arteries close up. Totally worth it!
Although I did have an amazing blood sausage with pineapple in Lisbon which was nearly as good.
As for the sausages, are you talking lorne, beef links or pork? I go to two butchers, because one can’t make a decent square sausage, even with a set square and a protractor.
My personal favourite is Buchanan’s of Burnbank, Hamilton beef lorne. Stick that bad boy on a well fired roll with a tattie scone and listen to your arteries close up. Totally worth it!

You lost me at pineapple 🍍
Well fired roll. I miss those bad boys 😢 that’s what I get for moving to the east coast. The rolls here are just no right. No McGees
Remember when Greg’s did the pure burnt ones 👌
Well fired roll. I miss those bad boys 😢 that’s what I get for moving to the east coast. The rolls here are just no right. No McGees
Remember when Greg’s did the pure burnt ones 👌

Oh yeah. They left your teeth brown… just like the sauce oan yer chips! 😂
Still, you could always substitute the roll for a plain ootsider to salve you inner Weegie. 😁
Still, you could always substitute the roll for a plain ootsider to salve you inner Weegie. 😁

Maybe a wee tattie scone and a few eggs goin in there too
Browning scones and some really free eggs 😀
Browning scones and some really free eggs 😀

Oh aye cannie no have tattie scone. That’s a given Kiltman
Just no tomato 🍅 only wrong’ins have that on the plate
Just no tomato 🍅 only wrong’ins have that on the plate

Aye I can deal with that mix in some brown sauce.
Health freaks look alway. Fried bread 🍞 with the bean on top at the side.
How much spliffs to smoke to burn that off lol 😂
Health freaks look alway. Fried bread 🍞 with the bean on top at the side.
How much spliffs to smoke to burn that off lol 😂

1 post
+2 votes
This batch is lovely, very good quality at a superb price. 💚
1 post
+5 votes

Best Shake on LB
Possibly depends on what you're intending to use it for. If it's for smoking or vaping then I'd say The Spacemen's listing for Dust (linked above) is…
Possibly depends on what you're intending to use it for. If it's for smoking or vaping then I'd say The Spacemen's listing for Dust (linked above) is the best I've had recently. Not really dust at all, small amount of broken buds but mostly whole buds and some quite big ones at that. Amazingly good value.
RealD's Zkittlez shake is also very popular, not had it for a while but used to be great value as well.
RealD's Zkittlez shake is also very popular, not had it for a while but used to be great value as well.

Thank you Ed. I have never tried spacemen's before so I will give them a try as well. Cheers mate.

yeah I've tried spacemen's trim recently and it was quiet strong definitely got me blazed! If i remember correctly it was 7grams for under $20 which was great value.

not tried myself but heard rave reviews of RealD's Zkittlez, i think the feedback and ratings speak for themselves. Maybe mixed opinions on this vendor but i haven't had a bad experience with him is LVcannabis, trim is a nice mix of sugarleaf and pop corn and for the price you can't go wrong!

cheers, I will try RealD. The only catch is they stopped selling 14g. I am a bit apprehensive buying bigger bags, given RM is doing the delivery lol. Dont want them doubting the package.

Rd skittles , is probably the best about right now. Anything more Sativa, probably YNM or Hemp lady

All depends on the bag you receive tbh, some are better than others even from the same vendor.
Several vendors sell top trim, I should know it's all I buy.
GreenCat, RealD, JustWeed, Gentlemen Dealers, GreenTeam, Mk2020 and my current favourite is Your Natural Medicine.
2oz of banging Trim for a little over $100 with next day delivery, bargain.
I've personally had a number of issues with LV Cannabis and will never use them again
Several vendors sell top trim, I should know it's all I buy.
GreenCat, RealD, JustWeed, Gentlemen Dealers, GreenTeam, Mk2020 and my current favourite is Your Natural Medicine.
2oz of banging Trim for a little over $100 with next day delivery, bargain.
I've personally had a number of issues with LV Cannabis and will never use them again

Cheers MasterC. I think you right it depends on the bag that is sent out that day. MK2020 used to be good so ill try them this time.
LV cannabis seem to be good I've never had an issue with them but this batch of trim is not that good.
LV cannabis seem to be good I've never had an issue with them but this batch of trim is not that good.

1 post
+6 votes
What will get actually me stoned?
Second vote for Odin's decarb hash. I'd say I have a fairly high tolerance and that hash gets me properly baked.
Green Cat's Skywalker OG (linked) i…

What will get actually me stoned?
Sick of buying and trying just to be let down? What's actually strong and will get stoned and put me to sleep? I'm 36 and smoking since I was 15 so my tolerance is high but theres gotta something to get me stoned

Have a go on KIGs RSO. I went a bit heavy on it over the weekend, and it fucked me harder than a coked up horse. Genuinely one of the strongest, anything I've had.

Same happened to me too 😂. Tried a rice grain sized bit of KIGs RSO and it seriously fucked me up.

So I initially came here to recommend RealD's hash, as I'm smoking the Orange Cannoli (with some Banana Kush bud) as I type this. In my experience he's a great vendor and his wares are much better than his banter, depending on which end of the barbs you find yourself on... Link above.

Try Odin’s decarbs, on offer at the moment and great stuff!

Second vote for Odin's decarb hash. I'd say I have a fairly high tolerance and that hash gets me properly baked.
Green Cat's Skywalker OG (linked) is also a pleasantly heavy stone for me and a regular in my stash when available. The latest batch is especially tasty and my current go-to vape at bedtime.
Green Cat's Skywalker OG (linked) is also a pleasantly heavy stone for me and a regular in my stash when available. The latest batch is especially tasty and my current go-to vape at bedtime.

Very high quality, and got me very stoned. Would recommend. Not sure of the quality or differences in the different strains as I've only had the one, but there seems to be a lot of variety available with different batches being made.

for weed you got to put up that 36 year old money to get stoned. I buy from pontiff of piff exotics, gentlemen dealers packs, or eddies hashbar. for weed your looking at 90-120$ for 1/8. but its actually worth it. 1/2 joint will get you higher than a whole 1/4 ounce of mediocre shit. pontiff is cheaper but more hit and miss than the 90$ packs but rarely does he miss and its only 65$ 1/8

I tried RSO for the first time the other night and it was overpoweringly strong. My heart was going ten to the dozen. I'm guessing there's a fine line between dosing enough and dosing way too much with this stuff.

I had a syringe of it delivered and it all spilled in the baggy! Vendor is awesome and sent me another. My main concern was being able to dose it correctly, so how does that work if you scrape it off a baggy with your teeth...? Must be a formula to follow.

I'm at the contemplating stage, currently. Had a Hulk Cookie this afternoon and it was too strong to stack some RSO on top now. However I'll try my best not to eat the bag itself. My very best.

Yeah, unless you are the Mighty Mouse it’s very tricky. I loved my initial forays, upped the dose VERY slightly by way of experimenting and regretted it! The answer is FECO- as strong but a much smoother ride. Have a chat with RocketDogRonnie who makes his own🤤

It comes in a syringe (normally) with 1/10ml markers. Half of that is the blob equivalent of a small grain of rice. I went standard grain of rice as a test and it was too much. But I know people (🐰,🐭) who can do the whole 1ml in a single serving 🤯

Wow you'd have to have a massive tolerance to handle 1ml of it, or be someone who likes extreme intensity.

Eddy's Hash Bar makes amazing concentrates (for dabs, etc), when my tolerance got really strong, dabs/vaping was the way to go. it's like a whole new high. Eddy's Special Hash Rosin is my recommendation x

We can offer a cheap sample of RSO. We hope 0.1ml of that will get you going nicely. We will send you 5ml if you order the 1g option on our page.

For me it is extracts that get me the highest. ~A nice Diamonds in sauce or resin/rosin or even an RSO.
I am on full melt from pink leaf at the moment. They totally kicked my ass for the first week smoking them. Also i had some nice diamonds from miconaughts i think it was
I am on full melt from pink leaf at the moment. They totally kicked my ass for the first week smoking them. Also i had some nice diamonds from miconaughts i think it was

I'm with you on the full melt kimmy.
Been toking 35 years or so and the Jelly Breath smashed me so hard. 😁
Been toking 35 years or so and the Jelly Breath smashed me so hard. 😁

1 post
+4 votes
Grape strain??
I'd definitely be up for some of the Mighty Grape, sounds amazing!
Used grape vape juice when I was coming off tobacco, I love that smell and flavou…

Grape strain??
Who's in on abit of Mighty Grape??
The smell reminds me of a Grape flavoured vape.
And a very zkittles'y Watermelon zkittles.
The smell reminds me of a Grape flavoured vape.
And a very zkittles'y Watermelon zkittles.

I'd definitely be up for some of the Mighty Grape, sounds amazing!
Used grape vape juice when I was coming off tobacco, I love that smell and flavour.
Used grape vape juice when I was coming off tobacco, I love that smell and flavour.

This sounds like my sort of thing. Grape strains seem to work well for me. If you ever grow Grape Cream Cake I'll buy it by the oz.

I'm not too up on the Grape strains but this is when u open the box and instantly hit with Grape

I don't remember the GCC being overly grapey, but it put me and everyone I know on our arses. My mate shat himself. Had it twice from 2 different vendors on here many months apart and it was consistent in looks and effects. Really wish I had more of that.

4 posts
+19 votes
This video might upset some people
I watched that video the other day and it made me think of a post from PollyPuff about the entourage effect:
I'm …
+ 4 more
I watched that video the other day and it made me think of a post from PollyPuff about the entourage effect:
I'm very much a scientific person and I know the science says there's no difference but I just can't reconcile that with my decades of smoking experience. How is it that 'sativa' strains often trigger my anxiety but 'indicas' almost always have the total opposite effect and can bring me out of an episode?!
I know there's a whole lot more going on with the influence of terpenes, other minor cannabinoids, etc. that we maybe don't fully understand yet so perhaps there's a scientific explanation for it but for now it remains a mystery to me.
I'm very much a scientific person and I know the science says there's no difference but I just can't reconcile that with my decades of smoking experience. How is it that 'sativa' strains often trigger my anxiety but 'indicas' almost always have the total opposite effect and can bring me out of an episode?!
I know there's a whole lot more going on with the influence of terpenes, other minor cannabinoids, etc. that we maybe don't fully understand yet so perhaps there's a scientific explanation for it but for now it remains a mystery to me.

that's the thing, science often changes its mind once it considers more parameters and cannabis understanding is still in diapers.

This was actually really interesting. My partner and I have ‘debated’ lol at length the indica v sativa thing and whether there’s a difference, in the end all I could/can say is a good quality indica to me at least feels like I have a force almost pushing me deeper into the sofa where as a good sativa always brings me up, both mentally and gets me laughing and indeed wanting a good time! Seems according to this, that science says it’s in my head!!

Weed definitely has different effects from strain to strain but it does seem there is more to it than Indica/sativa
Headspace/terps/minor cannabinoids are my thoughts
Headspace/terps/minor cannabinoids are my thoughts

Set and setting is definitely a thing. One day I can consume with others and laugh my tits off, the next day by myself and I just fall asleep. All using the same strain (aaaaghh!! bacteria... Chemovar? one debate at a time!)
When people say sativa gives them an "up" effect, what time of day is this? Morning? or is it the first toke of the day but at 11 at night?
When using indica and people get a "down" effect, again what time of day is this? Night time after a tiring day? or is it first toke of the morning after a heavy session the night before?
All I'm trying to do is provoke thinking about why and when we perceive these indica/sativa effects beyond just sativa = energy and indica = couchlock.
It's all very interesting.
When people say sativa gives them an "up" effect, what time of day is this? Morning? or is it the first toke of the day but at 11 at night?
When using indica and people get a "down" effect, again what time of day is this? Night time after a tiring day? or is it first toke of the morning after a heavy session the night before?
All I'm trying to do is provoke thinking about why and when we perceive these indica/sativa effects beyond just sativa = energy and indica = couchlock.
It's all very interesting.

Very well put indeed, not just set and setting either, overall headspace and mood, and probably one of the most undervalued metrics in this whole topic is diet + exercise, every single one of these factors will dictate how you're going to be affected by the consumption of THC
and of course let's not forget the grow, grower, what it was grown in, time of harvest during flower and what stage the trichomes were at in their development are all things that will have a huge impact on how that particular batch of that particular grow will effect you! the people who are searching for a particular strain for it's supposed effects are wasting their time and money, the strains name does not dictate it's effects or how much of a indica / sativa hybrid it is, all a strain name will tell you is where the genetics are from and roughly what terpenes you should be expecting, that is all
there's also no such thing as 50/50 sativa indica hybrids and 70/30 etc etc
and of course let's not forget the grow, grower, what it was grown in, time of harvest during flower and what stage the trichomes were at in their development are all things that will have a huge impact on how that particular batch of that particular grow will effect you! the people who are searching for a particular strain for it's supposed effects are wasting their time and money, the strains name does not dictate it's effects or how much of a indica / sativa hybrid it is, all a strain name will tell you is where the genetics are from and roughly what terpenes you should be expecting, that is all
there's also no such thing as 50/50 sativa indica hybrids and 70/30 etc etc

Yeah always thought the ratio thing was a bit dodgy. Why not 23/77 or 86/14 ?
Also, when 50/50 (or any ratio really) why is it usually "will give you a burst of creative energy but will eventually lead to a relaxed state of mind and peaceful sleep, if you can keep the munchies away!"
Why that order? It's 50/50 so why not: "will send you immediately into a creative sleep where you will raid the fridge by sleepwalking. Careful though you will suddenly have a burst of energy and wake up doing pushups."
Or, to make further mockery: "careful this 80/20 sativa will glue you to the sofa if you smoke the last 20% of the joint"
Regardless of ratio most descriptions just describe the cannabis intoxication journey. It will give you a high (head, body, insert personal effect) leading to the end of the high (relaxation, sleep, insert personal effect).
Steps down from soapbox. I need a toot, exhausted so I'll go for a nice sativa. :)
Also, when 50/50 (or any ratio really) why is it usually "will give you a burst of creative energy but will eventually lead to a relaxed state of mind and peaceful sleep, if you can keep the munchies away!"
Why that order? It's 50/50 so why not: "will send you immediately into a creative sleep where you will raid the fridge by sleepwalking. Careful though you will suddenly have a burst of energy and wake up doing pushups."
Or, to make further mockery: "careful this 80/20 sativa will glue you to the sofa if you smoke the last 20% of the joint"
Regardless of ratio most descriptions just describe the cannabis intoxication journey. It will give you a high (head, body, insert personal effect) leading to the end of the high (relaxation, sleep, insert personal effect).
Steps down from soapbox. I need a toot, exhausted so I'll go for a nice sativa. :)

Well a hybrid is a hybrid. If my dad is aborigine and my mum is a Klingon then I’m 50:50 and the world is my lobster right? So cross a sativa haze with a Hindu Kush and it will be a 50:50 hybrid of the two, it’s just what difference that makes in the effects and whether those effects are attributable to the plant type rather than other elements. I guess we are now siding with “other elements “, which is fine.
But this is evidence based on blind tests where the reported effects didn’t correlate to the strains. In my own lab I have 42 numbered jars- I can only know what strain they are by referring to my trusty spreadsheet 🤓. When I try them at random and try to guess from the effects whether they are indica or sativa I always get it right. 100%. Not even slightly difficult.
But then I have 30 different tequilas and I am pretty good at blind testing those too 🤠…..
But this is evidence based on blind tests where the reported effects didn’t correlate to the strains. In my own lab I have 42 numbered jars- I can only know what strain they are by referring to my trusty spreadsheet 🤓. When I try them at random and try to guess from the effects whether they are indica or sativa I always get it right. 100%. Not even slightly difficult.
But then I have 30 different tequilas and I am pretty good at blind testing those too 🤠…..

But what happens if your Dad is 32% Indonesian and 68% Armenian and your mum is 38% Klingon and 62% Borg (? that's a Trek thing innit?) Then your not 50:50. It's meaningless!
Ok you can identify between your own stash - well done but can you hand on heart take a toke and say hmm, I'm getting 25% sativa effects and 75% indica effects or whatever?
Unless you mean you are 50:50 as in hermaphrodite? 😉
With all that's been said I am still very much influenced by either sativa/indica descriptions - what more is there to go on?
Ok you can identify between your own stash - well done but can you hand on heart take a toke and say hmm, I'm getting 25% sativa effects and 75% indica effects or whatever?
Unless you mean you are 50:50 as in hermaphrodite? 😉
With all that's been said I am still very much influenced by either sativa/indica descriptions - what more is there to go on?

You are just being obtuse CB. Look, take an everyday strain like Purple Punch to keep it simple and let’s take a quick glance at the Family Tree: 🤓
Purple Punch »»» Larry OG x Grand Daddy Purple
Larry OG F1
»»» OG Kush Lemon Larry x Sour Diesel IBL F1
OG Kush Lemon Larry
»»» Unknown Strain Emerald Triangle x Hindu Kush Neville
Unknown Strain Emerald Triangle »»» Unknown Strain
Hindu Kush Neville »»» Indica
Sour Diesel IBL IBL
»»» Sour Diesel x Double Sour Diesel IBL
Sour Diesel
»»» Original Diesel x DNL
Original Diesel
»»» Chemdawg x {MassSuperSkunk x SensiNL}
MassSuperSkunk x SensiNL
Super Skunk Probably
»»» Skunk #1 x Afghanistan
Skunk #1
Skunk #1
Skunk #1
»»» Afghanistan x Mexico x Colombia
Afghanistan »»» Indica
Mexico »»» Sativa
Colombia »»» Sativa
Afghanistan »»» Indica
»»» NL #1 x NL #2 x NL #5
»»» Purest Indica x Afghani probably from Neville IBL
Purest Indica
Afghani (specified above)
Afghani probably from Neville
Afghanistan Probably Indica »»» Indica
NL #2
»»» Purest Indica x Afghani by Don the Indian
Purest Indica (specified above)
Afghani by Don the Indian (specified above)
NL #5 #5
»»» Purest Indica x Hawaiian #5
Purest Indica (specified above)
Hawaiian »»» Sativa
Unknown Hybrid »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
»»» {RFK Skunk x Hawaiian} x Northern Lights
RFK Skunk x Hawaiian
RFK Skunk
Unknown Skunk
Skunk #1 (specified above)
Hawaiian »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Northern Lights
Purest Indica (specified above)
Double Sour Diesel
»»» Sour Diesel x NYC Diesel
Sour Diesel (specified above)
NYC Diesel
»»» Unknown Diesel Bagseed x Afghani/Hawaiian
Unknown Diesel Bagseed »»» Unknown Strain
»»» Afghani x Hawaii
Afghani (specified above)
Hawaii »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Grand Daddy Purple Probably
»»» Purple Urkel x Big Bud Probably
Purple Urkel
Unknown Mostly Indica »»» Mostly Indica
Big Bud
»»» {Big Bud x NL#1} x Big Bud
Big Bud x NL#1
Big Bud »»» Indica
NL#1 (specified above)
Big Bud »»» Indica
Hardly rocket science now is it? 😶🌫️👍
Purple Punch »»» Larry OG x Grand Daddy Purple
Larry OG F1
»»» OG Kush Lemon Larry x Sour Diesel IBL F1
OG Kush Lemon Larry
»»» Unknown Strain Emerald Triangle x Hindu Kush Neville
Unknown Strain Emerald Triangle »»» Unknown Strain
Hindu Kush Neville »»» Indica
Sour Diesel IBL IBL
»»» Sour Diesel x Double Sour Diesel IBL
Sour Diesel
»»» Original Diesel x DNL
Original Diesel
»»» Chemdawg x {MassSuperSkunk x SensiNL}
MassSuperSkunk x SensiNL
Super Skunk Probably
»»» Skunk #1 x Afghanistan
Skunk #1
Skunk #1
Skunk #1
»»» Afghanistan x Mexico x Colombia
Afghanistan »»» Indica
Mexico »»» Sativa
Colombia »»» Sativa
Afghanistan »»» Indica
»»» NL #1 x NL #2 x NL #5
»»» Purest Indica x Afghani probably from Neville IBL
Purest Indica
Afghani (specified above)
Afghani probably from Neville
Afghanistan Probably Indica »»» Indica
NL #2
»»» Purest Indica x Afghani by Don the Indian
Purest Indica (specified above)
Afghani by Don the Indian (specified above)
NL #5 #5
»»» Purest Indica x Hawaiian #5
Purest Indica (specified above)
Hawaiian »»» Sativa
Unknown Hybrid »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
»»» {RFK Skunk x Hawaiian} x Northern Lights
RFK Skunk x Hawaiian
RFK Skunk
Unknown Skunk
Skunk #1 (specified above)
Hawaiian »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Northern Lights
Purest Indica (specified above)
Double Sour Diesel
»»» Sour Diesel x NYC Diesel
Sour Diesel (specified above)
NYC Diesel
»»» Unknown Diesel Bagseed x Afghani/Hawaiian
Unknown Diesel Bagseed »»» Unknown Strain
»»» Afghani x Hawaii
Afghani (specified above)
Hawaii »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Grand Daddy Purple Probably
»»» Purple Urkel x Big Bud Probably
Purple Urkel
Unknown Mostly Indica »»» Mostly Indica
Big Bud
»»» {Big Bud x NL#1} x Big Bud
Big Bud x NL#1
Big Bud »»» Indica
NL#1 (specified above)
Big Bud »»» Indica
Hardly rocket science now is it? 😶🌫️👍

Now don't get mad, I'm not being sarcastic or disingenious. This is a 100% genuine response after reading and re-reading your comment for the last 10 minutes: Sorry, I don't understand?

Thank fuck for that! My antenna isn't erect enough at the moment. I think it needs greasing and if I just give it a tug it may start working. Although last time I did that it poked me in the eye.

Phew! You had me thinking “Christ, if I can’t even get a smile out of CB then I’m cancelling my One Dog Stand Up Tour! “ 🥹

didn't take long did it for people to start glazing over the science once again and stating "but, but i can feel a difference" lol, i'm experiencing such high levels of second hand embarrassment
i know it's difficult they've been perpetuating this bullshit for donkeys years and don't want to pull themsleves out of their ways but i've linked every article under the sun on this in the past even ones on blind testing that continually expose this pseudoscience but it doesn't sink in
if selective hearing is a thing then i'm pretty sure selective learning is a thing too, well the past few years has proven this more than ever
i know it's difficult they've been perpetuating this bullshit for donkeys years and don't want to pull themsleves out of their ways but i've linked every article under the sun on this in the past even ones on blind testing that continually expose this pseudoscience but it doesn't sink in
if selective hearing is a thing then i'm pretty sure selective learning is a thing too, well the past few years has proven this more than ever

Wish I could keep some in jars but It never stay s in the jars for long ,abit like my vodka bottle ha ha u lot are good people

I have 3 children using this theory they should all be fairly similar as 50/50 me and Mrs rabb1t and therefore the same as each other
They aren't
They aren't

Well genetically they certainly are. Unless there’s something Mrs.Rabb1t isn’t telling you..🤫

Yes but ones hyperactivity, ones like the opposite and ones bang in the middle
I'm genuinely not making this up
But technically they are all 50/50 yeah?
I'm genuinely not making this up
But technically they are all 50/50 yeah?

Interesting ‘cos it’s exactly the same argument- genetics vs effects yeah? We think that a plants genetics give us particular effects but the (scant) evidence suggests otherwise. Kids personality traits don’t mirror their genetics but their DNA doesn’t lie.
Every discovered language in human history uses nouns, verbs and adjectives. Isolated tribes that have never learned anything from anyone still form their language that way. Nobody knows why…
Every discovered language in human history uses nouns, verbs and adjectives. Isolated tribes that have never learned anything from anyone still form their language that way. Nobody knows why…

But we do at least know now thanks to science it's not indicas sedate and sativas don't
We know it's more complex
We know it's more complex

I'm a medical user it all works just need more of some than others
I like you on the soapbox
Fancy starting a political party with me?
I like you on the soapbox
Fancy starting a political party with me?

Well I am a lying sexual deviant, two faced and with loose morals, no heart or backbone, serving only myself and people who pay me enough. So yeah, maybe I could be a politician. :)

Well that's ok because the idea I have means you would be in politics a short time anyway
I want to create a political party with two policies only
To change how politicians are paid and limit their activities outside of government being one
But the main reason I want to do this is, to have a party that changes the rules
No more first past the post, proportional representation elections instead
Once changing these the government would immediately have a general election to allow the changes to be made
Now there's the small matter of the house of lords
Now we know blowing it up didn't work previously...
So am open to suggestions 🤔
There's lots of fed up people on this island, the issue I feel is the lack of representation of our interests
I want to create a political party with two policies only
To change how politicians are paid and limit their activities outside of government being one
But the main reason I want to do this is, to have a party that changes the rules
No more first past the post, proportional representation elections instead
Once changing these the government would immediately have a general election to allow the changes to be made
Now there's the small matter of the house of lords
Now we know blowing it up didn't work previously...
So am open to suggestions 🤔
There's lots of fed up people on this island, the issue I feel is the lack of representation of our interests

My thought process is that sativa and indica are individual species of the cannabis plant which would itself suggest some biological variations between the two, so I still think there's maybe something missing from the 'no difference between them' position.
I get that selective breeding over the years has blurred that line somewhat but going back far enough, pure indica plants were very different from sativa variants in terms of appearance and growth behaviour, so logic would dictate other biological differences too.
The reason we started cross-breeding them to create hybrids in the first place was to combine the different characteristics of each species, so why did we do that if they're all the same?
If we're being truly scientific then we have to recognise that just because we haven't yet identified those differences, or what they mean for us, that doesn't necessarily mean they don't exist.
I get that selective breeding over the years has blurred that line somewhat but going back far enough, pure indica plants were very different from sativa variants in terms of appearance and growth behaviour, so logic would dictate other biological differences too.
The reason we started cross-breeding them to create hybrids in the first place was to combine the different characteristics of each species, so why did we do that if they're all the same?
If we're being truly scientific then we have to recognise that just because we haven't yet identified those differences, or what they mean for us, that doesn't necessarily mean they don't exist.

Hi OldManEd, It's difficult to get that image of large plant, narrow leaved sativa and small plant, broad leaved indica out of our heads isn't it?
On one hand you say they are individual species but later you say they are variants of each other? Science says genetically they are the same. It's how those genes are expressed that makes some sort of difference in effects.
I wish I knew more about plant biology but I do know the same species of a particular plant can exhibit different traits depending on environment, growing conditions, etc. (its phenotype -ooooh, swallowed a dictionary have you!) I have some Tulips from the same seed packet at my front door in a container and they are all yellow. In the back garden in the ground they are all red.
I just wish we had pure sativa and pure indica seeds because I theorize if you put either seed in hot, equatorial zones they will exhibit sativa traits and place them in cooler, temperate zones they will exhibit indica traits.
It's all interesting.
On one hand you say they are individual species but later you say they are variants of each other? Science says genetically they are the same. It's how those genes are expressed that makes some sort of difference in effects.
I wish I knew more about plant biology but I do know the same species of a particular plant can exhibit different traits depending on environment, growing conditions, etc. (its phenotype -ooooh, swallowed a dictionary have you!) I have some Tulips from the same seed packet at my front door in a container and they are all yellow. In the back garden in the ground they are all red.
I just wish we had pure sativa and pure indica seeds because I theorize if you put either seed in hot, equatorial zones they will exhibit sativa traits and place them in cooler, temperate zones they will exhibit indica traits.
It's all interesting.

There not saying there isn't a difference more that there isn't a couchlock indica cannabinoid and a hyper sativa cannaboid and that's it's the different ratios of terps/noids etc etc but there isn't a thing that either sativa or indicas have that other doesn't

Yeah, all fair points - maybe I should stop trying to make sense of it all and just enjoy it for what it is. 😊

Love this, Since we've established that there is no scientific difference between an indica and sativa, it's only fair to discuss why these strains might feel so different when ingested. The most likely hypothesis is the entourage theory, also called the entourage effect.
The research shows that genetically it is impossible to prove whether a cannabis plant is an Indica or Sativa. There is no difference in the genes. “What studies mainly shows is that you should not just rely on those labels, but that you should look at the specific terpene profile.
The cannabis industry needs to look more critically at its own disclosures. According to researchers at Canada’s Dalhousie University and the Wageningen University & Research, the Indica and Sativa labels on cannabis are often wrong and misleading. Patients and consumers would benefit from a more scientific approach. The researchers analysed hundreds of cannabis samples. The study shows that the genetic and chemical composition of the cannabis tested often does not correspond to the typical cannabis label Indica or Sativa.
The terms Indica and Sativa are often used to categorise cannabis. These different strains are generally believed to be associated with certain psychoactive effects. Often the effect of a Sativa strain is described as mentally stimulating and energising, while that of an Indica strain is described as relaxing and soothing. In addition, it is often suggested that the labels say something about the genetic background.
“For example, cannabis labelled as Sativa often contains higher concentrations of single terpenes with tea-like and fruity aromas, while Indica samples generally contain higher concentrations of terpenes with an earthy smell such as myrcene, guaiol, gamma-elemene and gamma-eudesmol.”
The distinction that some researchers found is not convincing: “It really is about these specific, individual terpenes that make the difference. The overall chemical profile, like the genetics, shows no apparent difference between the labels. We also found only a small number of regions in the cannabis genome that likely contribute to the earthy aroma associated with the Indica label
It’s a tough subject for sure 😂❤️
The research shows that genetically it is impossible to prove whether a cannabis plant is an Indica or Sativa. There is no difference in the genes. “What studies mainly shows is that you should not just rely on those labels, but that you should look at the specific terpene profile.
The cannabis industry needs to look more critically at its own disclosures. According to researchers at Canada’s Dalhousie University and the Wageningen University & Research, the Indica and Sativa labels on cannabis are often wrong and misleading. Patients and consumers would benefit from a more scientific approach. The researchers analysed hundreds of cannabis samples. The study shows that the genetic and chemical composition of the cannabis tested often does not correspond to the typical cannabis label Indica or Sativa.
The terms Indica and Sativa are often used to categorise cannabis. These different strains are generally believed to be associated with certain psychoactive effects. Often the effect of a Sativa strain is described as mentally stimulating and energising, while that of an Indica strain is described as relaxing and soothing. In addition, it is often suggested that the labels say something about the genetic background.
“For example, cannabis labelled as Sativa often contains higher concentrations of single terpenes with tea-like and fruity aromas, while Indica samples generally contain higher concentrations of terpenes with an earthy smell such as myrcene, guaiol, gamma-elemene and gamma-eudesmol.”
The distinction that some researchers found is not convincing: “It really is about these specific, individual terpenes that make the difference. The overall chemical profile, like the genetics, shows no apparent difference between the labels. We also found only a small number of regions in the cannabis genome that likely contribute to the earthy aroma associated with the Indica label
It’s a tough subject for sure 😂❤️

So the people (like this woman who often work for big corporations who are profiting from weed) who claim we have proven that indica/sativa doesn't mean anything haven't shown any evidence that isn't an article that doesn't cite sources
Show us meta analysis of multiple peer reviewed clinical studies that conclusively prove indica/sativa is bullshit.
You can't. You don't have anymore evidence than the bro science people saying indica/sativa is important.
Neither side can actually evidence their claims so I am not require to believe or accept either position until it is demonstrated to be true.
Now stop pretending this woman is some sort of genius, and admit she is just repeating what others have told her without referencing any studies at all.
Show us meta analysis of multiple peer reviewed clinical studies that conclusively prove indica/sativa is bullshit.
You can't. You don't have anymore evidence than the bro science people saying indica/sativa is important.
Neither side can actually evidence their claims so I am not require to believe or accept either position until it is demonstrated to be true.
Now stop pretending this woman is some sort of genius, and admit she is just repeating what others have told her without referencing any studies at all.

Don't put words in my mouth, never said she was a genius
The person being interviewed here
They are a genius 👍
Also please find sources at the bottom of the page
Enjoy 😊
The person being interviewed here
They are a genius 👍
Also please find sources at the bottom of the page
Enjoy 😊

I was replying generally, it wasn't directed at anyone specifically, appreciate the "let me Google that for you there Jedi" 😅
None of the linked studies are direct confirmation of the premise, and near the end of the interview you linked to, she details how myrcene and limonene (as examples) are more responsible for the perceived effects, without mentioning that sativa plants grow more limonene and indicas grow more myrcene generally.
It's hilarious watching this whole debate realise indica / sativa are indicators of terpene content, not botanical classifications. Almost like we understood that all along if you've smoked weed for a while 😂
Its nice to have some basic evidence that terpene groupings are more important than anything else, will be interesting to see how minor cannabinoids and flavinoids affect our opinion of the botanical accuracy of the old terms.
None of the linked studies are direct confirmation of the premise, and near the end of the interview you linked to, she details how myrcene and limonene (as examples) are more responsible for the perceived effects, without mentioning that sativa plants grow more limonene and indicas grow more myrcene generally.
It's hilarious watching this whole debate realise indica / sativa are indicators of terpene content, not botanical classifications. Almost like we understood that all along if you've smoked weed for a while 😂
Its nice to have some basic evidence that terpene groupings are more important than anything else, will be interesting to see how minor cannabinoids and flavinoids affect our opinion of the botanical accuracy of the old terms.

I think sativa has just become a code word for, "not very strong" nowadays.
If you get enough THC in you, it's going to put you to sleep.
If you get enough THC in you, it's going to put you to sleep.

That's why we stop listing indica/sativa in our listings. There is no way to determine which was it leans other than how you feel and we're taking one person's experience as fact.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
If anyone follows First Smoke of the Day, check out the episode with the guy that runs High Times. He addresses this amongst many other bro science things related to cannabis
That's why we stop listing indica/sativa in our listings. There is no way to determine which was it leans other than how you feel and we're taking one person's experience as fact.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
If anyone follows First Smoke of the Day, check out the episode with the guy that runs High Times. He addresses this amongst many other bro science things related to cannabis

Wow, she talks fast..I broke my pencil on the first question and by the time I’d sharpened it it was all over! 😵💫😂

Science > there's no difference between the two and we've been telling you this for years now but you wont listen and it's slowing down the progress of medical research
Stoners > but how else am i going to sound like i know what i'm talking about to my casual stoner friends on facebook without using meaningless trendy buzzwords :(
Stoners > but how else am i going to sound like i know what i'm talking about to my casual stoner friends on facebook without using meaningless trendy buzzwords :(

Sorry hesh, I haven't got temporal event availablity to reply I need to focus my synergy to generate a dynamic output into the locally manifested environment and haven't got time for buzzwords 😏😘

1 post
+2 votes

New to all that staff
Hi elsamosa, welcome to LB.
I'd recommend always using a wallet. It's possible to send directly from a Coinbase account but I've heard lots of peopl…

New to all that staff
Hi biggy boys and Ladies, i am very new to btc all that crypto, escrow etc Staff.. Found some people do not send btc straight away from revolut account but from some called trusted wallets? Anyone good advise me with Simple steps of doing that and if i really need that wallet then what's best to use?

I found guys that using wallet is optional?? Should i be safe doing payment straight away from revolut?
edit//anyone using without wallet without issues?
Love for any help given. Prace guys
edit//anyone using without wallet without issues?
Love for any help given. Prace guys

Hi elsamosa, welcome to LB.
I'd recommend always using a wallet. It's possible to send directly from a Coinbase account but I've heard lots of people saying their account was closed down by CB after doing so. I did it a couple of times at the start of my BTC journey but switched to using a wallet which I've done ever since. I've never used Revolut but assume the same applies to that.
It does mean an extra transfer which means an extra fee but it seems to be more secure and if you use Coinbase Advanced then you can minimise the fees.
All the best. 👍
I'd recommend always using a wallet. It's possible to send directly from a Coinbase account but I've heard lots of people saying their account was closed down by CB after doing so. I did it a couple of times at the start of my BTC journey but switched to using a wallet which I've done ever since. I've never used Revolut but assume the same applies to that.
It does mean an extra transfer which means an extra fee but it seems to be more secure and if you use Coinbase Advanced then you can minimise the fees.
All the best. 👍

I just realised i made this topic at my profile.. Thank you a lot for visiting and a reply mate. I am using wallet atm.

Hi, I have been buying btc on revolut, it only ever allows you to withdraw to around 50 addresses then locks so you have to have a separate wallet as one of your withdrawals or you will run out of options. I buy as much as i can at that time and send it to trust wallet. From trust wallet I can spend small amounts and the fees are usually 1 or 2 dollars. For more crypto information there is loads under the help section that basically helped me get from completely blind to just severe cataracts, just enough knowledge to buy drugs 😉

Thanks for stopping by big man. I also bank with rev and buy there btc. I wish LB start using ltc or something else but (might be wrong) i think the btc for safety is the best option as so many using it. Anyway my fees till now were not that bad. No complaints from me. Thanks again mate

Hiya and welcome 🤗
I use bittylicious and make payment directly
The only thing I would say it’s good to set up a Coinbase or something similar just in case you need a refund, so you have an address you can receive btc back
I use bittylicious and make payment directly
The only thing I would say it’s good to set up a Coinbase or something similar just in case you need a refund, so you have an address you can receive btc back

I have rev and coinbase wallet. Is Coinbase wallet good to receive it back then? And thanks for being here. Nice to meet you Asad.

1 post
+1 votes
Non weed flavours
I've used standard e-juice concentrates in D9 distillate and they work fine. 10% flavouring is usually a good starting point, maybe less for really s…

Non weed flavours
I've been thinking about getting some of this stuff and having a crack at making some diy vape carts up to save money.
Is it difficult to add non terpene derived flavour to the distillate? I like mint and menthol flavoured nicotine vape juice and originally my plan was to try and mix the distillate with a menthol flavoured short fill but I'm guessing that's probably not the best idea, given that I don't see anything close to that for sale on here...
Its a bit of a dear do for experimenting with lol.
Any thoughts?
Is it difficult to add non terpene derived flavour to the distillate? I like mint and menthol flavoured nicotine vape juice and originally my plan was to try and mix the distillate with a menthol flavoured short fill but I'm guessing that's probably not the best idea, given that I don't see anything close to that for sale on here...
Its a bit of a dear do for experimenting with lol.
Any thoughts?

I've used standard e-juice concentrates in D9 distillate and they work fine. 10% flavouring is usually a good starting point, maybe less for really strong flavours.
The main thing to consider is that these flavours come suspended in propylene glycol which causes the resulting distillate mix to be noticeably less viscous than when using terpene blends. This can cause the carts to burn out a bit quicker than normal but I use 0.5ml carts and haven't had any issues with those. The 1ml carts might not perform as well.
The terpenes-uk.co.uk site has flavour concentrates which don't have any terps so might want to have a look at those. I've tried a couple and they're decent, if a bit pricey.
I use flavourexpress.com for e-juice concentrates but any good vape shop should have some too.
The main thing to consider is that these flavours come suspended in propylene glycol which causes the resulting distillate mix to be noticeably less viscous than when using terpene blends. This can cause the carts to burn out a bit quicker than normal but I use 0.5ml carts and haven't had any issues with those. The 1ml carts might not perform as well.
The terpenes-uk.co.uk site has flavour concentrates which don't have any terps so might want to have a look at those. I've tried a couple and they're decent, if a bit pricey.
I use flavourexpress.com for e-juice concentrates but any good vape shop should have some too.

Not something we have tried but I think it would work fine if you use DIY e-juice flavour concentrates like soylifeform suggested (use a hotplate to mix if you have one)
dr.d :)
dr.d :)

I add .25ml DIY vape flavouring to 1ml of this D9 dude. Shot glass, D9 in it and microwave for ten seconds. Add vape flavour and swirl around until mixed. Then syringe into vape.
I’d recommend buying the CCELL pros as it has a preheat function you can use before each toke and makes the tokes super smooth.
Happy toking.
I’d recommend buying the CCELL pros as it has a preheat function you can use before each toke and makes the tokes super smooth.
Happy toking.

Yeah, I know that I can buy terps for flavour. I just fancy trying a menthol flavoured one.
Maybe I'm just a weirdo 🤣
Maybe I'm just a weirdo 🤣

1 post
+11 votes
The spiral of life
Wishing you all the best, I hope you stay safe and well. Thank you for your medicine, much love. 💚

The spiral of life

Hello dear friends,
We are super sad to write this message but as things stand here for us we are unsure of when we can return to LB. As everything is with life we are currently in a spiral trying to find our way out.
One decision effects like a ripple an entire ocean and sometimes how these things work isn't always as you want or plan. We feel life is like that right now more than ever...if we sweep a grain of sand who knows where that grain will end up...
So dear people please send us some good vibes, intentions...prayers whatever you want to call them as we try and solve our conundrum in order to be back with you. But whatever medicine you have left of ours use it sparingly as we cannot guarantee anything right now...
We send love to all our supporters and we are still here to talk all thing psychedelics if you ever need us :-)
Peace and Love LB's
We are super sad to write this message but as things stand here for us we are unsure of when we can return to LB. As everything is with life we are currently in a spiral trying to find our way out.
One decision effects like a ripple an entire ocean and sometimes how these things work isn't always as you want or plan. We feel life is like that right now more than ever...if we sweep a grain of sand who knows where that grain will end up...
So dear people please send us some good vibes, intentions...prayers whatever you want to call them as we try and solve our conundrum in order to be back with you. But whatever medicine you have left of ours use it sparingly as we cannot guarantee anything right now...
We send love to all our supporters and we are still here to talk all thing psychedelics if you ever need us :-)
Peace and Love LB's

Let's solve this through the power of manifestation, I can already see the post with your return "We are back!" I need your medicine and advice for my current journey! Look into any book of Neville Goddard, all his audio books are on Spotify. He basically teaches we can create reality with our own thoughts. We've got this, peace and love to you all.

Psychedelics have greatly helped my mental health over the last year, after a break of decades, and you've been a big part of that. Thank you. I hope you find what you need, and when you do you come back to us.

You have spread so much love and positivity across this site and helped so many Biggas that it’s time for your karma to pay you back- and I really hope it does ❤️🙏🏽

Hi Dear Friends
I am deeply sorry to hear that and I wish you the best for the future.
I am another one of those many people whom you've helped tremendously.
LB would not be the same without you.
I got stuck in a rut during COVID and since last year I have slowly going through an internal metamorphosis.
I am not fully there yet but thanks to you and your wonderful medicine I am on the right path.
Like others have said I will send some positive thoughts your way.
With all the positive vibes and Love sent from those of us you've helped we might be able to create an égrégore for you.
I am deeply sorry to hear that and I wish you the best for the future.
I am another one of those many people whom you've helped tremendously.
LB would not be the same without you.
I got stuck in a rut during COVID and since last year I have slowly going through an internal metamorphosis.
I am not fully there yet but thanks to you and your wonderful medicine I am on the right path.
Like others have said I will send some positive thoughts your way.
With all the positive vibes and Love sent from those of us you've helped we might be able to create an égrégore for you.

Ah man, this is so sad. You guys are one of the best on here, and your products have genuinely helped my mental health so much. Sending love to you all. If anyone knows of an alternative source / platform in the meantime where I can continue this medication, I would really appreciate the tip! x

Sad news but hopefully not forever. You guys have genuinely been instrumental in improving my mental and consequently physical wellbeing.
Thank you.
Much love x
Thank you.
Much love x

Just recently started reading less tabloid-esque information about DMT. I wouldn't have done that it it wasn't for yourselves.
Even though I haven't bought from yourselves as yet, my interest in microdosing/psychedelics in general has increased since reading posts on your page. So you can't leave now...
****vibes sent***
Even though I haven't bought from yourselves as yet, my interest in microdosing/psychedelics in general has increased since reading posts on your page. So you can't leave now...
****vibes sent***

Just seen this post. When was it posted? Recently? Gutted. Loved their Lucy. And such nice people too. A rarity these days. Always had your back and answered any questions promptly. So sorry to see them go. Hopefully you guys sort out what ever the universe has thrown your way and come back soon. We’ll be waiting. Peace and love ❤️

Sending positive vibes. Hope to see you back here soon. Thanks for all you’ve done for the Biggas. ✌️ & ❤️

You are a shining light in this community. So many of us are so grateful for your sacred medicine and the careful compassion that you radiate to every individual soul. Wishing you all the good vibes in existence and hoping you will make it back to our shore soon!

Sending all the good vibes possible to you!!
I only was able to use your medicine twice but genuinely it has changed my life - I managed to start “unsticking” my brain and I am so grateful - wish I could have continued for a while longer on the journey. Thank you for everything - we all hope you return to us soon and that everything works out for you in general 🙂.
Sending all the good vibes possible to you!!
I only was able to use your medicine twice but genuinely it has changed my life - I managed to start “unsticking” my brain and I am so grateful - wish I could have continued for a while longer on the journey. Thank you for everything - we all hope you return to us soon and that everything works out for you in general 🙂.

This is such sad news and I really hope things work out for you. You have been amazing and so have your products. Sending lots of love your way ❤️

I can only fall in line with what many of the other biggas said …
Your love and positivity is not only valued and welcomed, but has become a part of our lives.
You are right, life is not always the way we would like it to be. In the times it isn’t, I believe it’s teaching us something.
My thoughts are with you, I hope things look up for you again quickly. Remember, the biggest storms often bring the biggest clarity once they blow over. The air has never smelt better …
Your love and positivity is not only valued and welcomed, but has become a part of our lives.
You are right, life is not always the way we would like it to be. In the times it isn’t, I believe it’s teaching us something.
My thoughts are with you, I hope things look up for you again quickly. Remember, the biggest storms often bring the biggest clarity once they blow over. The air has never smelt better …

Wishing you all the best, I hope you stay safe and well. Thank you for your medicine, much love. 💚

Thank you so much for all the love and care friends! We are slowly making our way back and have some goodies back on the shelves :-) we missed ya’ll

Hello Psychonauts I’m sorry to hear about this spiral and I hope that things will get better for you really soon and that you can please come back to us at LB one day soon as Your medicine has changed me for the better in more ways than one. The experiences I have with your medicine are the times I look forward to the most in life and I have many treasured memories of my times with Lucy , 🙏 ❤️ 😊
During a trip toward the end of last year. I realised that vaping weed was the way forward rather than smoking it. I’ve only been vaping ever since then and this change inspired by Lucy has saved my health and my wallet. 🙏 ❤️ 🤩
Lucy also allows us to reflect on our past to improve our future selves and Psychonauts medicine has saved my life and set me up for a better future which I’ll always appreciate. I feel like the happiest man in the world when I’m using your medicine it is incredible and they are the times I look forward to most in my life 🙏 ❤️ 🤩
Your medicine allowed me to reinvent myself as a better version of my former self and I’ve gone from strength to strength since then. It is also awesome for unwinding and hitting the reset button on life the afterglow effect is amazing. 🙏 ❤️ 🤩
I’m sending my positivity to you and lots of love as well as good vibes/ prayers from The Big Poppa. The kind messages I receive from Psychonauts and their encouragement allowed me to believe in myself and I’ll always appreciate you and the Little Biggy community. ❤️ 🤩 🙏
I hope that things get better for you very soon and I hope to be able to purchase your medicine again soon as it has saved my life and my health for which I’ll always be grateful. 🙏 ❤️ 🤩
During a trip toward the end of last year. I realised that vaping weed was the way forward rather than smoking it. I’ve only been vaping ever since then and this change inspired by Lucy has saved my health and my wallet. 🙏 ❤️ 🤩
Lucy also allows us to reflect on our past to improve our future selves and Psychonauts medicine has saved my life and set me up for a better future which I’ll always appreciate. I feel like the happiest man in the world when I’m using your medicine it is incredible and they are the times I look forward to most in my life 🙏 ❤️ 🤩
Your medicine allowed me to reinvent myself as a better version of my former self and I’ve gone from strength to strength since then. It is also awesome for unwinding and hitting the reset button on life the afterglow effect is amazing. 🙏 ❤️ 🤩
I’m sending my positivity to you and lots of love as well as good vibes/ prayers from The Big Poppa. The kind messages I receive from Psychonauts and their encouragement allowed me to believe in myself and I’ll always appreciate you and the Little Biggy community. ❤️ 🤩 🙏
I hope that things get better for you very soon and I hope to be able to purchase your medicine again soon as it has saved my life and my health for which I’ll always be grateful. 🙏 ❤️ 🤩

1 post
+7 votes

The biggest thank you
I also found LB just when I needed it most, having moved hundreds of miles and not knowing any plugs in the new area. LB has been genuinely life-chan…

The biggest thank you
I can give goes to all the people over the years who have made this resource available for so many different types of users, from the medical user, the occasional, the regular, all of us benefit from this site being here, and I'm feeling very happy and grateful to everyone who has in some way helped to make this a reality.
I recently moved from Kent (where I had a fab supply through an awesome friend) to rural Scotland. I managed to eek out what I had to make it last as long as possible, managed to get a friend to send me some, which helped a bit, and managed to find a supplier eventually, all be it an hour+ drive away. I continued to buy from him when I could, but being disabled, and also having my eldest son in hospital at the same time meant that was infrequent. Then one day I sent the usual message through and didn't get a reply. Did get a read receipt though, so the phone was still active. Sadly I think he may have been caught. Not heard a word from him since. So that left me with no weed, just before my body went into the biggest fibromyalgia flare I've ever had. I needed to transfer my ID to the new address to register for a bitcoin account, so although I'd heard of little biggy, and browsed the site before I'd never used any of the vendors. I sent my licence off for renewal and spent a bit of time exploring the website. When I got my ID back I managed to set up a blockchain account. I was originally just going to use them as a wallet, but I realised I could buy bitcoin and send it to a vendor from the same app. I had to wait 24 hours to use my bitcoin, so I had to decide what would be my first purchase.
I decided to try some shake. Both to keep my risk down, and to test shake out. I've had similar from a BM dealer in Kent and was charged about 160 for dusty bag. It did have about 40g in it, but still pretty expensive for not very good quality. I decided to try my look and see if this shake is ny good. I eventually settled on @strainsburys for my first purchase, of 28g of skywalker shake. My bitcoin payment didn't go through till after 5pm on Friday so I knew they wouldn't be able to post until the Monday at the earliest. I didn't get a dispatch notification, so wasn't sure if it had been sent, but sure enough on Tuesday morning there is a knock on the door and my postie hands me a neat little package. No smell at this stage, no suspicion on his side. I took my little parcel inside, and with excitement I opened it up. The package was well secured, basically a plastic envelope containing a sealed little box which contained a vacuum sealed smell proof bag of blessed pain relief. Please bare in mind that at that point I was at the height of a prolonged extremely painful fibro flare, and I had been out of my herbal medicine for more than a month. I opened the bag and was hit with a lovely smell. Rolled myself what I thought was a very light weight joint and went and sat on my back step to smoke it. The pain relief and distancing from what had been overwhelming pain for the previous month was immediately evident. But I was barely half way down when I realised I was absolutely baked. I'm well impressed with how good the effects were from something that only cost me £70 for 28g. I've never been able to buy anything at this price before, not since the 90s when I managed to get an oz for a 100 once!
Since my first tentative and successful purchase I've been back for me. Another 28g of shake from the first vendor. Very pleased with this, similar or same price, but I much preferred Gelonade, which has a very pleasant taste, lovely smell when you open the bag, and is a very smooth smoke, that gets you nice and stoned. I've also decided to test out some vape carts, just waiting for the battery to arrive to test that out. And finally, I had an amazing bargain 14g of shake delivered this morning. Only ordered it yesterday lunchtime from justweed and to say I'm impressed is an understatement. OK, so none of the bags of shake I've ordered have contained much in the way of nugs, but that hasn't been a problem for me, because the effects are potent and good.
To sum up my stoned waffle, I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone, vendors, site operators and buyers, all of you who make this a reality, thank you, and if I've missed anyone, I'm sorry, I just tested out justweeds shake and I'm stoned af
I recently moved from Kent (where I had a fab supply through an awesome friend) to rural Scotland. I managed to eek out what I had to make it last as long as possible, managed to get a friend to send me some, which helped a bit, and managed to find a supplier eventually, all be it an hour+ drive away. I continued to buy from him when I could, but being disabled, and also having my eldest son in hospital at the same time meant that was infrequent. Then one day I sent the usual message through and didn't get a reply. Did get a read receipt though, so the phone was still active. Sadly I think he may have been caught. Not heard a word from him since. So that left me with no weed, just before my body went into the biggest fibromyalgia flare I've ever had. I needed to transfer my ID to the new address to register for a bitcoin account, so although I'd heard of little biggy, and browsed the site before I'd never used any of the vendors. I sent my licence off for renewal and spent a bit of time exploring the website. When I got my ID back I managed to set up a blockchain account. I was originally just going to use them as a wallet, but I realised I could buy bitcoin and send it to a vendor from the same app. I had to wait 24 hours to use my bitcoin, so I had to decide what would be my first purchase.
I decided to try some shake. Both to keep my risk down, and to test shake out. I've had similar from a BM dealer in Kent and was charged about 160 for dusty bag. It did have about 40g in it, but still pretty expensive for not very good quality. I decided to try my look and see if this shake is ny good. I eventually settled on @strainsburys for my first purchase, of 28g of skywalker shake. My bitcoin payment didn't go through till after 5pm on Friday so I knew they wouldn't be able to post until the Monday at the earliest. I didn't get a dispatch notification, so wasn't sure if it had been sent, but sure enough on Tuesday morning there is a knock on the door and my postie hands me a neat little package. No smell at this stage, no suspicion on his side. I took my little parcel inside, and with excitement I opened it up. The package was well secured, basically a plastic envelope containing a sealed little box which contained a vacuum sealed smell proof bag of blessed pain relief. Please bare in mind that at that point I was at the height of a prolonged extremely painful fibro flare, and I had been out of my herbal medicine for more than a month. I opened the bag and was hit with a lovely smell. Rolled myself what I thought was a very light weight joint and went and sat on my back step to smoke it. The pain relief and distancing from what had been overwhelming pain for the previous month was immediately evident. But I was barely half way down when I realised I was absolutely baked. I'm well impressed with how good the effects were from something that only cost me £70 for 28g. I've never been able to buy anything at this price before, not since the 90s when I managed to get an oz for a 100 once!
Since my first tentative and successful purchase I've been back for me. Another 28g of shake from the first vendor. Very pleased with this, similar or same price, but I much preferred Gelonade, which has a very pleasant taste, lovely smell when you open the bag, and is a very smooth smoke, that gets you nice and stoned. I've also decided to test out some vape carts, just waiting for the battery to arrive to test that out. And finally, I had an amazing bargain 14g of shake delivered this morning. Only ordered it yesterday lunchtime from justweed and to say I'm impressed is an understatement. OK, so none of the bags of shake I've ordered have contained much in the way of nugs, but that hasn't been a problem for me, because the effects are potent and good.
To sum up my stoned waffle, I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone, vendors, site operators and buyers, all of you who make this a reality, thank you, and if I've missed anyone, I'm sorry, I just tested out justweeds shake and I'm stoned af

I also found LB just when I needed it most, having moved hundreds of miles and not knowing any plugs in the new area. LB has been genuinely life-changing for me, really glad it's helping you out too. 👍

1 post
+2 votes
Very generous, cheers Doc! 💚


Its been a while since our last giveaway so we thought it was about time we did another!
2 lucky winners will receive $150 each to spend on anything from our store.
Going to keep it simple (and provable for the proof borg) and do the same format as last time:
To enter the giveaway draw, just leave a comment on THIS POST by midnight on Thursday 23rd Feb, we will draw the 2 winners on a live-stream at midday on the 24th - good luck everyone!
Same as always, to draw the winners we will put all usernames into a random name picker (https://www.gigacalculator.com/randomizers/random-name-picker.php) on a quick live stream that you will be able to watch here: https://youtube.com/live/zhvH2IBwi3E?feature=share
dr.d :)
2 lucky winners will receive $150 each to spend on anything from our store.
Going to keep it simple (and provable for the proof borg) and do the same format as last time:
To enter the giveaway draw, just leave a comment on THIS POST by midnight on Thursday 23rd Feb, we will draw the 2 winners on a live-stream at midday on the 24th - good luck everyone!
Same as always, to draw the winners we will put all usernames into a random name picker (https://www.gigacalculator.com/randomizers/random-name-picker.php) on a quick live stream that you will be able to watch here: https://youtube.com/live/zhvH2IBwi3E?feature=share
dr.d :)

Congratulations we will contact you both now :)
Congratulations we will contact you both now :)

Nice, what did you think of the kings kush? Went for the budget oz and a surprise 😋 I just wish I'd have seen this a week ago 😅

Going to watch the livestream but says it’s private and need access, will this change when you go live or do I need to get an invite? 👍👍 :)

Just realised I wrote Thursday 23rd Feb, its actually Friday 23rd Feb, my mistake :)

Thanks Dr. D!
If you're promoted to a distillate consultant, will you change your title to Mr?
If you're promoted to a distillate consultant, will you change your title to Mr?

Now wouldn't that be nice!!!! ....
dr Distillate doing there bit for the community once again
dr Distillate doing there bit for the community once again

NEW LIVE STREAM LINK (old one not working for some reason):

Last day of entrees today! Make sure to comment on this post by midnight tonight (23rd Feb) to be entered into the draw tomorrow!
dr.d :)
dr.d :)

Draw will be live-streamed at midday today here: https://youtube.com/live/kH-Pc39MJWM?feature=share

1 post
+1 votes
Cheers GC! 💚


Congrats skunky99 - this batch really reminds me of the lovely Blue Cheese they do in Family First. Enjoy!

Hey Cat
I just received one of your oz last week...but I could sure do with another one!
I just received one of your oz last week...but I could sure do with another one!

Good luck everyone!!!
On a side note, awesome giveaway green cat, what a legend.
Good luck everyone!!!
On a side note, awesome giveaway green cat, what a legend.

thanks green cat this would be amazing prize to win, funds are low, my best guess is $46930, best of luck everyone, thanks m8

3 posts
+5 votes
DMT extraction /How to make DMT carts
Nice one, cheers.
Enjoy the journey buddy. 💚
+ 3 more

Mimosa Hostilis root bark
Only shredded allowed in uk, not powdered.
Costs around £60 for half K, from which at least 5g can be extracted(pure dmt). (very easily) All products needed are available in uk.
Only shredded allowed in uk, not powdered.
Costs around £60 for half K, from which at least 5g can be extracted(pure dmt). (very easily) All products needed are available in uk.

I may be wrong, but are you sure powdered is illegal? I was able to buy it pretty easily a few years ago usually it was sold as a clothes dye.

Talking from experience. The whole extraction process is a ball ache. Done 10 odd runs and it ain't easy..
£90 a gram of freebass is the way better option. Makes a couple hard hitting vapes
£90 a gram of freebass is the way better option. Makes a couple hard hitting vapes

Nah, not gonna orger a gram of white powder through the post, as you must also know 1g of dimitri dust looks a whole lot more than 1g.
You gotta think about the fact you've no idea who made such dust and what may be inside it too.
I'd buy another vape before any pixie dust.
It's as easy as Chris Cantelmo says, no exact measurements are needed, just chuck stuff around and do as you please all you need is ph 12 or higher, it's the only stipulation.
You can even use uk tapwater as long as it's not flouridated. uk has quite high ph so that helps.
more sodium hydroxide is needed if you put too much white spirit vinegar, big deal, use too much vinegar easily sorted.
use to little vinegar and bark won't break down, easily sorted, the bark is still sitting in crock pot, add more water and vinegar and cook it up some more.
Only bit of good advice over Chris Cantelmo's tech, is get a good face mask for the naphtha.
If you wanted to you could easily extract 5g from a £60 bit of bark, you're talking about 1g (made of fucks knows what) for 90.
You gotta think about the fact you've no idea who made such dust and what may be inside it too.
I'd buy another vape before any pixie dust.
It's as easy as Chris Cantelmo says, no exact measurements are needed, just chuck stuff around and do as you please all you need is ph 12 or higher, it's the only stipulation.
You can even use uk tapwater as long as it's not flouridated. uk has quite high ph so that helps.
more sodium hydroxide is needed if you put too much white spirit vinegar, big deal, use too much vinegar easily sorted.
use to little vinegar and bark won't break down, easily sorted, the bark is still sitting in crock pot, add more water and vinegar and cook it up some more.
Only bit of good advice over Chris Cantelmo's tech, is get a good face mask for the naphtha.
If you wanted to you could easily extract 5g from a £60 bit of bark, you're talking about 1g (made of fucks knows what) for 90.

If you do everything right yeah. Like I said I've done it 10+ times. It's all the stuff you need to do the extraction in the 1st place and the permanent mess(stains)you make with the red root bark. Most people don't like messing with lighter fluid either. And I was talking about that's the easy option for Mr Joe Bloggs. Not many people have time or space to do it.
And another point I've only had pure white crystal once. Its always got a orange tint to it. There are other steps to make fat heavy crystals 5 inches long.
NN-DMT is very nice but the real ride comes with 5-MEO-DMT (mexican venom)
And another point I've only had pure white crystal once. Its always got a orange tint to it. There are other steps to make fat heavy crystals 5 inches long.
NN-DMT is very nice but the real ride comes with 5-MEO-DMT (mexican venom)

My changa vape has yellow dimitri, it seems stronger for sure, the white is special tho, incredibly therapeutic and a physical healer too.👍❤️

I suggest MintyLove if you want to learn one-hit breakthroughs or precise dosing. He has some nice, informative videos.

Cheers Booba, got that channel bookmarked now.
I imagine with the popularity of the spirit molecule over the last few years the authorities have clamped down.
There's a few dmt communities online and all say powdered is illegal now and all i can find is shredded tho i've heard much of it is basically powdered anyways. (i've found some that's used for dyeing but not for clothes.
I used to order legally from Holland damiana extract, that's been banned now too no doubt just like the powdered mhrb.
Thanks again for your input my friend.❤️👊
I imagine with the popularity of the spirit molecule over the last few years the authorities have clamped down.
There's a few dmt communities online and all say powdered is illegal now and all i can find is shredded tho i've heard much of it is basically powdered anyways. (i've found some that's used for dyeing but not for clothes.
I used to order legally from Holland damiana extract, that's been banned now too no doubt just like the powdered mhrb.
Thanks again for your input my friend.❤️👊

Thanks Boooba
This is probably the one thing this year I am looking forward to the most: htting that psychonauts micro vape.
Thanks for sharing buddy that will come in handy 👍
This is probably the one thing this year I am looking forward to the most: htting that psychonauts micro vape.
Thanks for sharing buddy that will come in handy 👍

First pull, 1.5g of the whitest dimitri i've ever seen,
2nd, half g, little yellowish tint, taste and effect is like what i've been used too.
The first white pull was quite different, so much smoother to inhale and the trip was the most gentle experience i've ever had on psychedelics.
Saving the white for two or three uber strong vapes.
Smoking the yellow tint in joints.
Thinking about some northern lights changa if i ever do it again.
It's very very easy, no gurus or wise men needed.
**naphtha is carcinogenic, so be careful.
2nd, half g, little yellowish tint, taste and effect is like what i've been used too.
The first white pull was quite different, so much smoother to inhale and the trip was the most gentle experience i've ever had on psychedelics.
Saving the white for two or three uber strong vapes.
Smoking the yellow tint in joints.
Thinking about some northern lights changa if i ever do it again.
It's very very easy, no gurus or wise men needed.
**naphtha is carcinogenic, so be careful.

congrats on the first batch! it's always a great feeling trying something you've made yourself.

Cheers Booba, i used brazilian mimosa, shredded, i've since found a site in Germany with powder, which produces many times more dimitri.
Getting my vape materials fri or sat, puffing on one of these vapes is gonna be pretty scary first time, tho saying that the trip off the white was so gentle and friendly.😁
Getting my vape materials fri or sat, puffing on one of these vapes is gonna be pretty scary first time, tho saying that the trip off the white was so gentle and friendly.😁

A good yeilding bark is nice. Sadly, I was never able to find a very good one, although it's good that it's still fairly cheap either way. I was never able to get over the fear factor of DMT, even on little hits. It's odd in that way, but I found that whenever I was able to take the first hit, all of that anxiety, etc. just vanished. Most of my friends and people I've talked to over the years seem to think the same.

Had a few good puffs of my vape, very very happy with it, set it to low on my pen and it's perfect.❤️👊
pg dimitri mix is perfect. half white dust dimitri half ml pg 99.9%
pg dimitri mix is perfect. half white dust dimitri half ml pg 99.9%

You are really on top of this.
I think the yellow tint is due to oxydation.
I'm not a chemist but did look it up and found this:
“there seems to be some misconceptions of why crystals come out yellow. it has nothing to do with lipids, because lipids leave residue, separate from crystals. crystal lattice forms from homogeneity; obviously, lipids with dmt don't form a homogeneous lattice.
the yellow color comes from oxidation of pyrrole in the tryptamine structure. this is documented, and even occurs with tryptamine itself.
the vial on the right was freshly freeze precipitated from hexane. the middle and left ones were left at room temp for a day, they were initially white like the sample on the right. speaking of tryptamine .. this was freeze precipitated from acetone. it was initially clear leaflets/prisms, and turned yellow with exposure to air.
I've analyzed both white and yellow crystals with LC-MS, there is always a single strong peak at 189 m/z, and nothing at 205 (which would indicate dmt n-oxide).”
I'm going to have to wait until Summer (when my family is away) before hitting that Psychonaut vape.
You are really on top of this.
I think the yellow tint is due to oxydation.
I'm not a chemist but did look it up and found this:
“there seems to be some misconceptions of why crystals come out yellow. it has nothing to do with lipids, because lipids leave residue, separate from crystals. crystal lattice forms from homogeneity; obviously, lipids with dmt don't form a homogeneous lattice.
the yellow color comes from oxidation of pyrrole in the tryptamine structure. this is documented, and even occurs with tryptamine itself.
the vial on the right was freshly freeze precipitated from hexane. the middle and left ones were left at room temp for a day, they were initially white like the sample on the right. speaking of tryptamine .. this was freeze precipitated from acetone. it was initially clear leaflets/prisms, and turned yellow with exposure to air.
I've analyzed both white and yellow crystals with LC-MS, there is always a single strong peak at 189 m/z, and nothing at 205 (which would indicate dmt n-oxide).”
I'm going to have to wait until Summer (when my family is away) before hitting that Psychonaut vape.

Interesting, my storage glass container had a rubber seal, after the first pull when i emptied the napththa, the rubber seal had come off the container lid.
On the second pull (which was yellow tint) the container that's put in freezer, wasn't air tight completely.
I'll get another container then, around 750ml is plenty, glass air tight.👊
On the second pull (which was yellow tint) the container that's put in freezer, wasn't air tight completely.
I'll get another container then, around 750ml is plenty, glass air tight.👊

I noticed this as well and it seems that the naphtha reacts with rubber or silicone seals which makes them lose their elasticity and they distort out of shape.
If you just give them a rinse under the tap and leave them out for a few hours, they'll go back to normal. Get another glass container and you can just alternate them as needed. 👍
I use glass mason jars to do the extraction steps and the same thing happens with the seals on those but you can buy spares on Amazon for a few quid.
If you just give them a rinse under the tap and leave them out for a few hours, they'll go back to normal. Get another glass container and you can just alternate them as needed. 👍
I use glass mason jars to do the extraction steps and the same thing happens with the seals on those but you can buy spares on Amazon for a few quid.

I crock potted for around 16hrs.
nxt time i may blend the mix and have it a little more thicker, i had zero issue getting to ph12+
Have a fantastic day my good friend.❤️👊
nxt time i may blend the mix and have it a little more thicker, i had zero issue getting to ph12+
Have a fantastic day my good friend.❤️👊

I might give the crockpot a try on my next one, the jar method is minimum fuss but the yield isn't as good as it could be.
How much bark did you use for yours?
How much bark did you use for yours?

Thanks for the awesome research and amazing tip TW, makes me want to try again, thinking about a handheld food blender for nxt time too. 👊❤️
The vape turned out amazing.👍
The vape turned out amazing.👍

Made a .2 dimitri, .2 pg, .2 live resin vape, its more harsh but it wrecks you, basically a changa vape. With Sensi's GSC.

Ngl, You've given me the itch again. Thank you so much!. I just set up the subohm and made some liquid. I doubt there'll be any left tomorrow though.

Seen outline of entity, same entity twice within a short time, and closed eyed colored geometrical wonders.
Ended up setting my pen to high and blasting the white dust vape, i had a live rsin only vape in other hand, few hour session. Got through a decent amount.😁❤️
Ended up setting my pen to high and blasting the white dust vape, i had a live rsin only vape in other hand, few hour session. Got through a decent amount.😁❤️

I have a couple entities who follow me across substances. Rude little bastards just stare at me and sprint out of frame whenever I notice them😅. One of them, what I believe to be a cat made out of the most beautiful neon pink spirals with a silver accent, sort of looks like one of those Vapourer catterpillres without the spikes; another is this amalgamation of clown faces thats constantly morphing; unfortunately, there aren't really any words to describe that one though, but they seem to like trying to jump out and scare me 😆I never used to get entities in my trips at all, really, until I had two bad LSD trips in a row (could also be the fact im a very heavy dose person), not sure if I ever fully came back from them. It seems like most trips include some sort of entity now, whereas before it was mainly just geometry and the very occasional entity. Have you ever considered a sub-ohm tank? It may be because I used to vape, but I found it to be much better than the classic cart; although you do use more substance, it looks less suspicious too! 😝 Well, my binge is over; not much insight into much seems to be just like watching a movie now, unfortunately, and I wasn't willing to go for a breakthrough. I'll give you a fun thing to try that I'm not sure many have. If you can get past the sort of sluggish, slow feeling DMT gives, dancing is incredible. I have not found anything else that gets me going quite like it.

That sounds insane! I wish I had thought about that a couple years ago. If it's too harsh, I suggest adding some VG to the next one, as it's less harsh than just PG itself.

We aren’t sure of this conspiracy but This legend actually strangely passed away not long after making these videos. I think alot can be owed towards this mastery even our amazing Vape has some gratefulness towards him ❤️🙏🏼

Hello my good friend, hey the colors in the opened eyed visuals i seen last night were so beautiful and zany.😁
You've a wonderful spirit vape maker i love your vapes and know they're nice and strong and tasty.
I much appreciate you folks for introducing me to this wonder.
Today, the day after a couple sessions last night (i wasnt feeling like eating anything yesterday so it was perfect time for session(as you must know you're good to go again after a good session after just an hour, you're completely back to ground level, as if it never happened.
so i had couple sessions totalling around 4+ maybe 5 hours.
Love you guys Psychonauts, take care.❤️👊
You've a wonderful spirit vape maker i love your vapes and know they're nice and strong and tasty.
I much appreciate you folks for introducing me to this wonder.
Today, the day after a couple sessions last night (i wasnt feeling like eating anything yesterday so it was perfect time for session(as you must know you're good to go again after a good session after just an hour, you're completely back to ground level, as if it never happened.
so i had couple sessions totalling around 4+ maybe 5 hours.
Love you guys Psychonauts, take care.❤️👊

Cheers for the kind words bud!! We are super happy our vape is doing good for this community and its good to hear for experienced folks like yourself too :-) It's hard to get this level of purity and we prefer being able to micro or macro as we feel...we don't always feel like changing galaxies and this is perfect for still getting the benefits :-) We wish you well BBDoom and everyone on this journey of self discovery :-)

Hi Psychonauts
You folks are truly doing the Universe work
You have given many of us access to the key "Knock and the Door shall open".
Ora et Labora
You folks are truly doing the Universe work
You have given many of us access to the key "Knock and the Door shall open".
Ora et Labora

I've gotten through 1g in the last 3 days vaping it,)over half g white, and another vape yellow changa. it has healed me physically (i had a frozen big toe for around 5 months, healed last night, my asthma feels better in more than 10 years, and my spirits are lifted.
I made a changa vape with the yellow and realized the yelow is stronger, with the more typical experiences, the white if you vape enough turns you into feeling like superman.😁❤️👊
Take care my friend.
I made a changa vape with the yellow and realized the yelow is stronger, with the more typical experiences, the white if you vape enough turns you into feeling like superman.😁❤️👊
Take care my friend.

BB my friend you are tearing the roof off the sucker on that one!
This thread is turning into a treasure trove of shared methods and experiences.
It should be carved into stone for posterity
This thread is turning into a treasure trove of shared methods and experiences.
It should be carved into stone for posterity

Had my first breakthrough
here are my notes, appreciate you TW and all the biggas out there.
Ended up in a dense, 4d, full color spectrum universal life-force soup.
-i was just in awe and excitement here.
then ended up in a less dense life-force soup, i was more lucid and able to manifest.
The first soup was like being part of the universal life-force, the 2nd state i ended up was more dreamy.
remember kept thinking waw that was amazing and thinking it was over only to discover another level of the trip
took enough that i couldn't move, three blinkers after a 3 -4 hour session.(wasn't right after one another you don't have to go mad 😁
noticed always when you begin a session it always seems so scary and kinda awkward but after initial reaction it's plain sailing from there.
Was towards the end of my supply after a 3 day session, if it wasn't now then i don't know when.
Was just amazing and totally worth it.
here are my notes, appreciate you TW and all the biggas out there.
Ended up in a dense, 4d, full color spectrum universal life-force soup.
-i was just in awe and excitement here.
then ended up in a less dense life-force soup, i was more lucid and able to manifest.
The first soup was like being part of the universal life-force, the 2nd state i ended up was more dreamy.
remember kept thinking waw that was amazing and thinking it was over only to discover another level of the trip
took enough that i couldn't move, three blinkers after a 3 -4 hour session.(wasn't right after one another you don't have to go mad 😁
noticed always when you begin a session it always seems so scary and kinda awkward but after initial reaction it's plain sailing from there.
Was towards the end of my supply after a 3 day session, if it wasn't now then i don't know when.
Was just amazing and totally worth it.

I've always been taught 1 gram of freebass to 1ml of juice. Comes out around 1.35ml that's a 1.1 ratio
Strongest I've had have always been this ratio.
With added thc, I'm on the fence tbh but it's not a bad thing to have in the mix.
I want the blast off siren within 1-2 pulls. If im smoking freebass, i want a 1 toke blast off every time.
Now real changa/Enhanced herb takes me to a different slower dimension, more than once to the same place. So much love and gratitude
Strongest I've had have always been this ratio.
With added thc, I'm on the fence tbh but it's not a bad thing to have in the mix.
I want the blast off siren within 1-2 pulls. If im smoking freebass, i want a 1 toke blast off every time.
Now real changa/Enhanced herb takes me to a different slower dimension, more than once to the same place. So much love and gratitude

There are many methods. Lots and lots to learn. The main thing is the quality of the root bark and having it as a fine dust like flour.its really hard to blend the stuff,dry or wet. Household appliances are redundant, blenders or them hand held ones.
Actually the main thing is remember to be safe at all times
And the mess the root bark makes is next level. Red stains bleach struggles with
Actually the main thing is remember to be safe at all times
And the mess the root bark makes is next level. Red stains bleach struggles with

5 posts
+20 votes

Trinity cap microdosing
Yep, those Trinity Caps are really potent! 😂
I've not had a full shroom trip in years but microdose frequently and got some of the Trinity from Sp…
+ 5 more

Trinity cap microdosing
Is anyone able to suggest a microdosing course for the trinity caps from the spacemen. I have around 3G sitting around, I took 2.5 on my first time and tbh the trip was too intense for me, not very visual just very emotional and a bit of paranoia.
Alternatively if these aren’t good for microdosing, if there are any takers I can post them to someone first class 😂
Alternatively if these aren’t good for microdosing, if there are any takers I can post them to someone first class 😂

Yep, those Trinity Caps are really potent! 😂
I've not had a full shroom trip in years but microdose frequently and got some of the Trinity from Spacemen recently. I've been using between 0.1g and 0.15g for a microdose which seems to work well if you're not looking for any real trippy effects, just a feelgood vibe all day.
If you haven't got any, grab some milligram scales from Amazon and you can be really accurate with the dose. I take them every other day for a week and then have a week off which works well for me.
Hope you find a nice balance that works for you. 👍
I've not had a full shroom trip in years but microdose frequently and got some of the Trinity from Spacemen recently. I've been using between 0.1g and 0.15g for a microdose which seems to work well if you're not looking for any real trippy effects, just a feelgood vibe all day.
If you haven't got any, grab some milligram scales from Amazon and you can be really accurate with the dose. I take them every other day for a week and then have a week off which works well for me.
Hope you find a nice balance that works for you. 👍

Thank you Ed that’s really helpful, I was about to go for about 0.5 and would’ve been off my tits again 😂
What’s your experience with driving, working etc. while dosing, I work in a regulated environment so do need to be ‘with it’ so to speak.
What’s your experience with driving, working etc. while dosing, I work in a regulated environment so do need to be ‘with it’ so to speak.

😂 Yeah, I think even 0.5g might be a bit too much of these bad boys.
I work full time from home and if I stick to 0.15g or under then I'm fine, it actually helps me focus on some tasks. Any more than that and my mind can start to wander. Same goes for driving, I try and keep that to a minimum anyway though cos I'm pretty much always going to fail a roadside test for THC. 😶🌫️
I once bought some Albino Penis Envy shrooms and took 0.25g on a work day which was my usual dose of Golden Teachers. I didn't trip but it felt almost like a threshold dose and I reckon these would be about the same.
I work full time from home and if I stick to 0.15g or under then I'm fine, it actually helps me focus on some tasks. Any more than that and my mind can start to wander. Same goes for driving, I try and keep that to a minimum anyway though cos I'm pretty much always going to fail a roadside test for THC. 😶🌫️
I once bought some Albino Penis Envy shrooms and took 0.25g on a work day which was my usual dose of Golden Teachers. I didn't trip but it felt almost like a threshold dose and I reckon these would be about the same.

Ah the roadside tests, funny enough a few years back I came positive on one but bloods were under somehow. I am a fair bit away from my work so have to drive most days. I stick to the carts when I’m out and about and keep a bottle of peroxide mouthwash next to me, heard it can make the saliva swab negative

I have a pack of these that i was thinking of doing the same thing with, this sounds like a pretty good regime, being as potent as they are there's a fair amount of doses there, nice one cheers, and thanks OP for asking💜💚👊🏻

I've recently being doing the Stamets Stack when microdosing, taking 1g of Lions Mane mushroom powder in a drink and a 50mg Niacin tablet along with the shrooms.
Not sure how much difference it makes tbh but I've read that it helps to boost the beneficial effects of the shrooms, and Lions Mane appears to have lots of brain-friendly properties on its own so the logic seems sound.
Not sure how much difference it makes tbh but I've read that it helps to boost the beneficial effects of the shrooms, and Lions Mane appears to have lots of brain-friendly properties on its own so the logic seems sound.

No-one will ever know. Try it when you're not working first, but I'm happy now that there's barely any difference in me to people that seems noteworthy. Driving, working, interacting, socialising, dealing with complex problems and machinery, no issue whatsoever if you've dosed correctly.

Exactly that, its about finding your own sweet spot for that particular strain.
Definitely best to experiment on days off if unsure though, saves any awkward disciplinary hearings. 😬
Definitely best to experiment on days off if unsure though, saves any awkward disciplinary hearings. 😬

I have 3.5g of these and was going to just neck the lot. So it was a rushy come up where you just want to roll around in bliss, or something else? Haven't had a proper cathartic trip cry for many a month. Sounds like an epic afternoon wrapped in an Oodie.
As to microdosing, I've just been buying them ready made on here, and I'm having the best results from Stamets' Stack at 0.25g shrooms, 0.7g Lions Mane and 0.1g Niacin. Good luck!
As to microdosing, I've just been buying them ready made on here, and I'm having the best results from Stamets' Stack at 0.25g shrooms, 0.7g Lions Mane and 0.1g Niacin. Good luck!

Well I haven’t done shrooms in ages but it wasnt what I was expecting, the come up had that anticipation to it almost like LSD and when the trip came it was very much rushes of emotions for 4-5 hours and also a sense of losing touch with reality along with some mild visuals. Ended up on the floor with the Mrs waiting for it to end 😂 on the way done I got around 30 minutes where my mind was clearer than it’s ever been it felt like I’d never smoked a spliff in my life. Then I hit the motor breath and I was back into zombie mode 😂

So, how close was your experience to mine after my decades of not tripping? I left this review on the first Monday of July 2023. Somehow psychedelic Mondays became a thing just because of weird rota quirks. I'm in gainful employment, I swear.

Wtf it’s actually so similar barring the fact you seemed to handle it a lot better, I forgot to mention I threw up 2 hours in 😂
Decades eh..go back 2 of them and I’m in the single digits so I certainly wasn’t tripping then haha
Decades eh..go back 2 of them and I’m in the single digits so I certainly wasn’t tripping then haha

Set and Setting. My mindset hasn't been right for a while, and I'm trying to sort that out. I think Stamets' Stack microdosing is definitely working with that. But, my Setting is almost always available, and secure, cosy and without uncontrollable influences. Makes a huge difference.

5 posts
+31 votes
Triple strain review with a side of humble pie
started topic
+ 5 more

Triple strain review with a side of humble pie
I received my first order of 2024 on Tuesday, which is also my first purchase from The Spacemen, and what a way to start the year! I'd seen some very good reviews for both the Animal Face and Gary Payton listings and decided to take a punt on an eighth of each. After some deliberation, I opted to throw in a Q of the Bubblegum Gelato as well for good measure.
I'll admit now that I was a bit wary of ordering these as I assumed they were imports, and the BG seemed really cheap. I've previously posted my misgivings about Cali and have deliberately avoided any US/Canadian imports that were within my price range due to consistently bad experiences with them in the past, especially the cheaper stuff. However, I'd noticed several trusted Biggas saying how good these examples of AF and GP were and the various photos looked so tasty that I couldn't resist giving them a go.
I've listed a brief review of each strain below but I can honestly say that they're all top notch, each one a solid 10/10 in its own way. The winner for me though is the BG, very tasty and surprisingly strong for the price.
I've had to revise my overall opinion of imports now and while I still won't be forking out $120 for a 3.5g Cali pack any time soon, I'll definitely be back for more from these guys.
Cheers TSM. 💚
Animal Face: Tight dry nugs with a purplish hue, smells lovely and tastes even better. Definite haze flavour but lots of gas too with a little bit of biscuit. Really strong head high which settles into a warm, comfy body stone. Loads of vapour in the Mighty and a cap lasts for ages.
Bubblegum Gelato: Light green nugs, really dense and cured to perfection. Just had a cap in the Mighty and it's really tasty with lots of vapour. Comes on slowly with a nice stone which is fairly strong, especially at $55 for 7g.
Gary Payton: Lovely dense nugs, smells quite fruity although taste is mostly pure gas with a slight rubbery edge, which sounds weird but isn't unpleasant. Hits hard with a heavy stone.
I'll admit now that I was a bit wary of ordering these as I assumed they were imports, and the BG seemed really cheap. I've previously posted my misgivings about Cali and have deliberately avoided any US/Canadian imports that were within my price range due to consistently bad experiences with them in the past, especially the cheaper stuff. However, I'd noticed several trusted Biggas saying how good these examples of AF and GP were and the various photos looked so tasty that I couldn't resist giving them a go.
I've listed a brief review of each strain below but I can honestly say that they're all top notch, each one a solid 10/10 in its own way. The winner for me though is the BG, very tasty and surprisingly strong for the price.
I've had to revise my overall opinion of imports now and while I still won't be forking out $120 for a 3.5g Cali pack any time soon, I'll definitely be back for more from these guys.
Cheers TSM. 💚
Animal Face: Tight dry nugs with a purplish hue, smells lovely and tastes even better. Definite haze flavour but lots of gas too with a little bit of biscuit. Really strong head high which settles into a warm, comfy body stone. Loads of vapour in the Mighty and a cap lasts for ages.
Bubblegum Gelato: Light green nugs, really dense and cured to perfection. Just had a cap in the Mighty and it's really tasty with lots of vapour. Comes on slowly with a nice stone which is fairly strong, especially at $55 for 7g.
Gary Payton: Lovely dense nugs, smells quite fruity although taste is mostly pure gas with a slight rubbery edge, which sounds weird but isn't unpleasant. Hits hard with a heavy stone.

Tidy selection mate! 🥳
Glad your loving the imports now and while I’ve paid silly money for eighths too many times, I personally don’t think the extra £ has equated to a terp or high to justify the price 🤷♂️
I’m talking mad prices not fair prices like these
Glad your loving the imports now and while I’ve paid silly money for eighths too many times, I personally don’t think the extra £ has equated to a terp or high to justify the price 🤷♂️
I’m talking mad prices not fair prices like these

Yeah, this experience has definitely restored my faith in imports. It also proved you don't need to pay £30 per gram to get a good one!
My only problem now will be trying not to blow my entire bank balance here, so many options. 🤤🫠
My only problem now will be trying not to blow my entire bank balance here, so many options. 🤤🫠

I had heard that’s where the 🦨 keeps his kids to help finance his terrible addictions but I thought it was just a rumour! 😳

Just have to make sure when you pull the reigns in that you save a taste of the nicer finds for a little treat, Im having to step out of Wonkamode too but i had a couple of bongs of the Gary last night chased with a lovely joint of the Mochi Gelato TSM had a few weeks back and it really did help with the FOMO!

Yeah, I’m just gonna grab some of my favs next pay day and teyxonce again to stop the baccy. 🤞

Cracking review mate! TSM getting a lot of love atm from all the biggaz! Got a big order in a couple days ago and every strain i’ve tried so far has been top quality - especially for the price, and i’m definitely gonna be back for more 😵💫😋
just goes to show you can get cali comparable bud for reasonable prices, which is great! because when i do end up treating myself i very very rarely find it was worth paying 3x as much for an 1/8th
Fully agree on the AF - had a great sleep on it last night and just about to have my first of the GP now and it’s smelling 🤤👌do love a gassy heavy strain!
Might need to add some BG onto the next order! Had to leave out a few strains on this order with the january budget😂
just goes to show you can get cali comparable bud for reasonable prices, which is great! because when i do end up treating myself i very very rarely find it was worth paying 3x as much for an 1/8th
Fully agree on the AF - had a great sleep on it last night and just about to have my first of the GP now and it’s smelling 🤤👌do love a gassy heavy strain!
Might need to add some BG onto the next order! Had to leave out a few strains on this order with the january budget😂

The AF getting a lot of love, sounds like it hits pretty hard!
Great profile pic too, thats a very good dog!
Great profile pic too, thats a very good dog!

1 post
+1 votes
Who has the best horror film suggestion?
There's a Turkish horror movie called Baskin which has some of the most messed up scenes I've watched. It's pretty slow to get going but when the fun…

Threads - 1984. Hard hitting depiction of what would happen if the Russians were to Nuke the United Kingdom. Great film for a Sunday afternoon with the kids.
Edit: Here’s my list of standout horrors/shocking films iv seen thus far, any recommendations please let me know. Enjoy!
Threads / Ben Whitly - 1984
Kill List - Ben Wheatley - 2011
Martyrs - Pascal Laugier - 2008
28 Days Later - Danny Boyle - 2002
Sinister - Scott Derrickson - 2012
Audition - Takashi Miike - 1999 (50/50)
Wolf Creek - Greg McLean - 2005
Grave Encounters - Vicious Brothers - 2011
Cannibal Holocaust - Ruggero Deodato - 1980
Eden Lake - James Watkins - 2008
The Descent - Neil Marshall - 2005
The Platform - Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia - 2019
Anti Christ - Lars Von Trier - 2009
Rec - Jaume Balaguero & Paco Plaza - 2007
I Stand Alone - Gaspar Noe - 1998
Saw - James Wan - 2004
Bone Tomahawk - S. Craig Zahler - 2015
Hereditary - Ari Aster - 2018
Train To Busan - Sang-ho Yeon - 2016
The Road - John Hillcoat - 2009
Adam & Paul - Lenny Abrahamson - 2004
The Strangers - Bryan Bertino - 2008
The Witch - Robert Eggers - 2015
Dawn Of The Dead - Zack Snyder - 2004
Dog Soldiers - Neil Marshall - 2002
The Ritual - David Bruckner - 2017
Hostel - Eli Roth - 2005
7 Days - Daniel Grou - 2010
The Shining - Stanley Kubrick - 1980
The Blair Witch Project -
Insidious - James Wan - 2011
I Spit On Your Grave - Steven R Monroe - 2006
La Horde - Yannick Dahan - 2009
Kids - Larry Clark - 1995
Wilderness - M.J Bassett - 2006
The Ring - Hideo Nakata - 1998
The Experiment - Paul T. Scheuring - 2010
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Tobe Hooper - 1974
VHS & VHS2 - Multiple - 2012/2013
Descent into Darkness -
Midsummer - Ari Aster - 2019
Requiem For A Dream - Darren Aronofsky - 2001
Salo - Pier Paolo Pasolini - 1975
Irreversible - Gaspar Noe - 2002
Dear Zachary Documentary
Edit: Here’s my list of standout horrors/shocking films iv seen thus far, any recommendations please let me know. Enjoy!
Threads / Ben Whitly - 1984
Kill List - Ben Wheatley - 2011
Martyrs - Pascal Laugier - 2008
28 Days Later - Danny Boyle - 2002
Sinister - Scott Derrickson - 2012
Audition - Takashi Miike - 1999 (50/50)
Wolf Creek - Greg McLean - 2005
Grave Encounters - Vicious Brothers - 2011
Cannibal Holocaust - Ruggero Deodato - 1980
Eden Lake - James Watkins - 2008
The Descent - Neil Marshall - 2005
The Platform - Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia - 2019
Anti Christ - Lars Von Trier - 2009
Rec - Jaume Balaguero & Paco Plaza - 2007
I Stand Alone - Gaspar Noe - 1998
Saw - James Wan - 2004
Bone Tomahawk - S. Craig Zahler - 2015
Hereditary - Ari Aster - 2018
Train To Busan - Sang-ho Yeon - 2016
The Road - John Hillcoat - 2009
Adam & Paul - Lenny Abrahamson - 2004
The Strangers - Bryan Bertino - 2008
The Witch - Robert Eggers - 2015
Dawn Of The Dead - Zack Snyder - 2004
Dog Soldiers - Neil Marshall - 2002
The Ritual - David Bruckner - 2017
Hostel - Eli Roth - 2005
7 Days - Daniel Grou - 2010
The Shining - Stanley Kubrick - 1980
The Blair Witch Project -
Insidious - James Wan - 2011
I Spit On Your Grave - Steven R Monroe - 2006
La Horde - Yannick Dahan - 2009
Kids - Larry Clark - 1995
Wilderness - M.J Bassett - 2006
The Ring - Hideo Nakata - 1998
The Experiment - Paul T. Scheuring - 2010
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Tobe Hooper - 1974
VHS & VHS2 - Multiple - 2012/2013
Descent into Darkness -
Midsummer - Ari Aster - 2019
Requiem For A Dream - Darren Aronofsky - 2001
Salo - Pier Paolo Pasolini - 1975
Irreversible - Gaspar Noe - 2002
Dear Zachary Documentary

Nice list :)
If you are into Asian Extreme then there is also
Ichi the Killer
The Chaser
I Saw The Devil
Mother (2009)
The Wailing
Thirst (2009, not really extreme but I like it)
Memories of Murder
A tale of 2 sisters (though that freaks me out more than martyrs for some reason and just confused me, I should try watching it again)
I really like the Brazilan film Bacurau
For nihilist stuff like kill list there is also Traders (2015), Barry Keoghan has always unnerved me since.
If you are into Asian Extreme then there is also
Ichi the Killer
The Chaser
I Saw The Devil
Mother (2009)
The Wailing
Thirst (2009, not really extreme but I like it)
Memories of Murder
A tale of 2 sisters (though that freaks me out more than martyrs for some reason and just confused me, I should try watching it again)
I really like the Brazilan film Bacurau
For nihilist stuff like kill list there is also Traders (2015), Barry Keoghan has always unnerved me since.

this is a clip from mr designer, a soviet film about building immortality with wax mannequins.

Does any other "older" bigga here find it hard to be scared by films now? I used to love a good chiller back in the day. Now I'm 67, have access to the whole wonders of cable and the web, but any supposed "horror" I watch leaves me cold. Not trying to sound "old and wise" believe me, but every movie in that category I end up feeling "meh".

At 52 I thought I’d seen it all, not been scared for a long long time but then I saw Martyrs and whilst it didn’t scare me like Halloween did when I was much younger, it’s such a visceral experience that it’s become one of my favourite movies. Just don’t make the mistake of watching the US remake, it’s shit.

Never heard of Martyrs so just looked it up. Jeez that sounds heavy and dark! Will check it out some time. 👍

Nocturnal animals messed my head up more than any horror has done in a while. A lot of horror I like has to be more based on an interesting premise like martyrs, though a lot of horror made is targeted for PG-13 as that can command a box office so the films are more gore based but lack the total brain fuck.
It depends what you want from horror and also you possibly need to empathize with the victims. The American version of the ring I decided I was on the side of Samara so I turned it off. I like the Japanese version as it has a sombre ambience. Jump scares get very tiring very quickly and tune me out, though some only like jump scares as it is more popcorn.
You have to say what types of films you used to enjoy. If you want nasty I would put funny games above martyrs as martyrs actually has a reason. Funny games is just pure sadism. Martyrs I put off for a long while, I really enjoyed it when I watched it as the premise is very bizarre.
The Ritual was pretty enjoyable.
It depends what you want from horror and also you possibly need to empathize with the victims. The American version of the ring I decided I was on the side of Samara so I turned it off. I like the Japanese version as it has a sombre ambience. Jump scares get very tiring very quickly and tune me out, though some only like jump scares as it is more popcorn.
You have to say what types of films you used to enjoy. If you want nasty I would put funny games above martyrs as martyrs actually has a reason. Funny games is just pure sadism. Martyrs I put off for a long while, I really enjoyed it when I watched it as the premise is very bizarre.
The Ritual was pretty enjoyable.

American Werewolf in London watched it when I was 6 and scared the shit out of me for weeks, love it now prob best horror ever.

here's some good ones that you might not have heard of all are amazing and worth a watch, you wouldn't be disappointed.
Apocalypto, would you rather, hostel series, saw series, also depends on what sort of horror you like but apocalypto is the best out of them all.
Apocalypto, would you rather, hostel series, saw series, also depends on what sort of horror you like but apocalypto is the best out of them all.

let me know what you think It's old but one of the best films I've ever seen. It's subtitled if you can get over that but its the movie itself that hooks you not much talking in it.
It's a mel gibson one too.
It's a mel gibson one too.

Not so much a movie, but the last series of Black Mirror saw a slight deviation in its final episode, rebranding as Red Mirror, a full on horror focused strand.
Demon 79, its debut offering is an absolute blast, up there with some of the best Black Mirror episodes.
Well worth checking out.
Demon 79, its debut offering is an absolute blast, up there with some of the best Black Mirror episodes.
Well worth checking out.

I exclusively watch horror movies all through October. My standards for horror movies are different than other genre's. Show me something a little bit different and I'll consider it worth the watch.
I try and watch a mixture of new and old stuff throughout the month. So far there has been a clear winner in terms of what I've thought about most after watching.
Talk to me (2022)
I watched about 40 seconds of a 2minute trailer and decided ok I'm in and wouldn't advise knowing any more than that coming in. Now the movie didn't scare me in any way but it did have an incredibly visceral reaction on me to the point of having to look away several times and literally dreading what was coming next. As someone who doesn't think of themselves as squimish in the slightest I can't think the last time a movie did that to me.
Also I found out watching that the guys started out as Youtubers who I actually watched a bunch of their stuff back in the day. Which was really surprising because it does feel like a really confident movie and the chemistry/dialogue between characters is actually way better than a lot of big budget movies.
I try and watch a mixture of new and old stuff throughout the month. So far there has been a clear winner in terms of what I've thought about most after watching.
Talk to me (2022)
I watched about 40 seconds of a 2minute trailer and decided ok I'm in and wouldn't advise knowing any more than that coming in. Now the movie didn't scare me in any way but it did have an incredibly visceral reaction on me to the point of having to look away several times and literally dreading what was coming next. As someone who doesn't think of themselves as squimish in the slightest I can't think the last time a movie did that to me.
Also I found out watching that the guys started out as Youtubers who I actually watched a bunch of their stuff back in the day. Which was really surprising because it does feel like a really confident movie and the chemistry/dialogue between characters is actually way better than a lot of big budget movies.

Hostel or paranormal activity are a couple of my favs.
Although im a bit of a woosy when it comes to watching any horror lol
Although im a bit of a woosy when it comes to watching any horror lol

There's a Turkish horror movie called Baskin which has some of the most messed up scenes I've watched. It's pretty slow to get going but when the fun starts, it goes crazy very quickly.


I’ve not bought anything from you so it doesn’t feel right to join the contest however I just wanted to wish everyone good luck!

Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄🎁🎅
20/12/23 12:06
Good luck and thanks for the competition GC 😊
20/12/23 12:06
Good luck and thanks for the competition GC 😊

£34114.37 = $43325.25
Edited so that it is shown in USD. At the time of conversion (19:13 Tuesday 19th December 2023) the exchange rate was 1GBP=1.27USD
I hope this is OK. I just presumed it meant GBP as that's where I am. Sorry!!
Merry Christmas Guys!!
Edited so that it is shown in USD. At the time of conversion (19:13 Tuesday 19th December 2023) the exchange rate was 1GBP=1.27USD
I hope this is OK. I just presumed it meant GBP as that's where I am. Sorry!!
Merry Christmas Guys!!

$45484, thanks green cat and happy xmas to everyone, good luck all, have a fantastic new year

I only just made an official account so may not be at 5 orders, but if not counted have a free bump :)

1 post
+4 votes
🎄Eddys Christmas Competition🎅
Not very original perhaps but I'm forever thankful for being able to source amazing hash, flower and concentrates on here. 18 months on LB and I stil…

🎄Eddys Christmas Competition🎅

Hey Biggas it’s time for Eddys Christmas competition, im starting early to beat the Xmas rush.
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition I know I always do the same style comp n it’s getting boring but they seem to never get taken down so makes life easy.
There will be 3 Eddys Christmas boxes including a $60 voucher to spend in any store to be won. (see picture for details).
Simply upvote this post and comment what your thankful for this Christmas or anything Christmassy to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on December 5th to give everyone chance to enter and receive your prize before Christmas . Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
Eddys Christmas Gift boxes now for sale in store come check it out,👉 https://littlebiggy.com/link/NO35fl
The draw will be uploaded to this youtube channel.
@ https://youtube.com/@daocmidz
Number will be generated here-https://www.random.org/
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition I know I always do the same style comp n it’s getting boring but they seem to never get taken down so makes life easy.
There will be 3 Eddys Christmas boxes including a $60 voucher to spend in any store to be won. (see picture for details).
Simply upvote this post and comment what your thankful for this Christmas or anything Christmassy to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on December 5th to give everyone chance to enter and receive your prize before Christmas . Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
Eddys Christmas Gift boxes now for sale in store come check it out,👉 https://littlebiggy.com/link/NO35fl
The draw will be uploaded to this youtube channel.
@ https://youtube.com/@daocmidz
Number will be generated here-https://www.random.org/
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶

Nice one Eddy, very generous.
The main thing I am thankful for this year is this site and community. I've been here almost a year and met some great people and smoked some amazing weed and hash. Viva LB!
The main thing I am thankful for this year is this site and community. I've been here almost a year and met some great people and smoked some amazing weed and hash. Viva LB!

I'm sure it's been said already but I'm thankful for this stoner heaven..site genuinely changed my life. Merry Christmas folks !

I'm thankful that someone reminded me about Christmas postal delays, so hopefully I can plan accordingly.

Thanks Eddy, this will be my first Christmas stash put together with the help of LB so im thankful for that.
Dabby Christmas everyone and good luck!
Dabby Christmas everyone and good luck!

Looking forward to smoking Pablo and watch elf lol what a great Christmas film and thanks for your services long may it last

Great comp mate. I'm thankful I've got access to a great community and some wonderful vendors ( also the 6 bubble hashes ive got ) 👍

Not very original perhaps but I'm forever thankful for being able to source amazing hash, flower and concentrates on here. 18 months on LB and I still can't believe it sometimes. 🫠
Cheers Eddy! 💚
Cheers Eddy! 💚

Nice one eddy its good of you to run this comp.
Thankful for the time off work and spending time with my little ones before they get too old and have better things to do.
Thankful for the time off work and spending time with my little ones before they get too old and have better things to do.

Cheers Eddy, I’m thankful for 2 weeks off over Christmas 🎅🏻 No doubt all my money will be spent on getting stoned every single one of those days 😎 Can’t wait!!

Good stuff, cheers Eddy. I'm thankful for my newborn and having a banging selection of bud + hash thanks to LB, helps with chilling out between the demands of nappies and figuring out why she's crying

Very good of you kind sir!
I’m grateful for finding LB, only just made my first order but I hope it’ll be the first of many.
Look forward to trying your stuff.
Good luck everyone ✌️
I’m grateful for finding LB, only just made my first order but I hope it’ll be the first of many.
Look forward to trying your stuff.
Good luck everyone ✌️

Nice one eddy great giveaway. I am thankful for family and the community on this platform it’s been a game changer for sure. Have a great Christmas everyone 🎄

Lovely comp, thanks Eddy!
I'm thankful for being alive and happy, and having amazing friends and a roof over my head.
And of course all the amazing LB vendors and the LB community. It really has cheered me up, taught me a lot, and made a massive difference in my life 🥳😁
I'm thankful for being alive and happy, and having amazing friends and a roof over my head.
And of course all the amazing LB vendors and the LB community. It really has cheered me up, taught me a lot, and made a massive difference in my life 🥳😁

Looking forward to time off with good company and a lot of highs early merry Christmas to everyone 🎅🏻
Great comp Eddy 👍
Great comp Eddy 👍

thankful for finally getting a diagnosis and prescription, even if im also self medicating 😁

Nice one Eddy!
I'm sure its been said before but I'm thankful for this community and sellers like yourself for providing goods we(I) would never find on the streets.
I'm sure its been said before but I'm thankful for this community and sellers like yourself for providing goods we(I) would never find on the streets.

thankful for finding this site,
cool comp man gotta pick up some more resin from you soon
cool comp man gotta pick up some more resin from you soon

Merry christmas all, i'm thankful for the gas that Eddy provides :D
Eddy always with the fantastic giveaways!
Eddy always with the fantastic giveaways!

I’m thankful for everything. Did I win yet :) nah, honestly grateful to all the guys and gals making this site possible and the vendors making it easier for us to obtain high grade like Eddie provides. Peace and love to all on LB

Geddon Eddy!
Thankful of your samples 😌 and family! My son has additional needs so they help when they can, me and the mrs work full time so can be hard. I’m grateful for the time off at Xmas tho, much love! 🫶🏻
Thankful of your samples 😌 and family! My son has additional needs so they help when they can, me and the mrs work full time so can be hard. I’m grateful for the time off at Xmas tho, much love! 🫶🏻

Thanks Eddy! Great comp.
Had a few scares this year, so I'm thankful for the NHS and a clean bill of health (apart from my poor lungs)
Had a few scares this year, so I'm thankful for the NHS and a clean bill of health (apart from my poor lungs)

Nice one Eddy. I’ll have a extra lollipop in mine thanks 😊
Yes this is the main thing to be happy for this year this site the LB community. No more Christmas drought that just randomly happens every year on the streets.
Good luck everyone ✌🏼
Yes this is the main thing to be happy for this year this site the LB community. No more Christmas drought that just randomly happens every year on the streets.
Good luck everyone ✌🏼

thanks eddy, well ive been a full time carer for my mum over that past 4 yrs and she is coming to the end, hopefully get one more xmas with her, its a weird feeling, but im glad to be here with her, thanks for comp, best of luck everyone

I’m thankful for finding you eddy! Looking to be a long term customer as you have a great variety and I really enjoyed the high your Burberry hash gave. Waiting for Wednesday to place another order! Can’t wait!

Hopefully i still got time to get in!
Im thankfull for weed honestly and that goes hand in hand with this community so love you all and continue setting the bar higher and higher for all vendors eddie you are a great example of a good vendor who we can see is trying his best ! Long live LB <3
Im thankfull for weed honestly and that goes hand in hand with this community so love you all and continue setting the bar higher and higher for all vendors eddie you are a great example of a good vendor who we can see is trying his best ! Long live LB <3

You’re a good egg Eddy. I’m thankful for religion keeping the value of my MOD related shares so high… Merry Christmas!!😊😁🤪

This Christmas I’m thankful for my friends, family, and LB for allowing me access to my medicine. Thank you for hosting!

Im thankful for my familys and my health through tough times and unfortunate circumstances (also weed)

I’m thankful for this community in general as I’ve now become a “veteran” on society spanning several years (this account and my first/inactive one). I’m continually interested to log in, connect with others and catch up with my existing friends. Although I’ve never met another member in person (yet) - I can honestly say you all are such fascinating/interesting individuals which makes everyday normal life feel bland. I come to littlebig and often have such stimulating and curious conversations in comparison to mundane, repetitive small talk.

Tis the season for eddy to make someone's Xmas amazing!
I'm thankful for being accepted into this great community! Looking forward to the season of exotic flavours 🫶
I'm thankful for being accepted into this great community! Looking forward to the season of exotic flavours 🫶

Sounds good Eddy :)
I'm thankful for most things, it's a really good time to be alive, depending on your perspective.
Juice 💚 💦
I'm thankful for most things, it's a really good time to be alive, depending on your perspective.
Juice 💚 💦

Massively thankful for Lb and the community it holds .Buyers and sellers alike . I've been silent on here since finding the site and it's changed my life for the better in so many ways. So a HUGE THANK YOU to one and all. Hope you have a good one x

I’m thankful for the year life has decided to throw my way… more ups than downs for the first time since I can remember 👏👏👊👊💨💨… thanks eddy

Good on you Eddy - nice Chrimbo comp to get us all in the mood! 🎅
I'm grateful for the following two things:
1) Finding this community and, by extension, you Eddy (you were my 1st order on here) - you'll no doubt have me skint by this time next year but at least I'll be happy n' high!
2) That Jürgen Klopp manages Liverpool Football Club (long may it last) - Up The Fucking Reds!
Merry Christmas!
I'm grateful for the following two things:
1) Finding this community and, by extension, you Eddy (you were my 1st order on here) - you'll no doubt have me skint by this time next year but at least I'll be happy n' high!
2) That Jürgen Klopp manages Liverpool Football Club (long may it last) - Up The Fucking Reds!
Merry Christmas!

I'm certainly grateful for generous vendors with excellent products and even better community engagement.
Appreciate it Eddy.
Appreciate it Eddy.

Superb eddy!
Love these comps and hopefully get a win one day.
Christmas for me is spending time with the family, grateful of a few weeks off work and time to just relax.
Hope you have a great one when it comes👍
Love these comps and hopefully get a win one day.
Christmas for me is spending time with the family, grateful of a few weeks off work and time to just relax.
Hope you have a great one when it comes👍

Thankful for places like this, that remind me that most folks are pretty darn great. LB is a miraculous wonder, how it exists and works so well always astounds me - love to the admins and vendors and all y'all!
Thank you Eddy, for the green and the hash and the festive cheer!
Thank you Eddy, for the green and the hash and the festive cheer!

Well played mate, happy Jesus season everyone! I’m thankful for mostly trees and also good friendships 🎄☃️

Thanks Eddy!
I'm thankful for my family and good health.....not to mention, very thankful for discovering LB! 🎅🎄
I'm thankful for my family and good health.....not to mention, very thankful for discovering LB! 🎅🎄

This year I am thankful for being able to spend more time with family and friends.
Thanks Eddy, and merry Christmas to everyone on LB! 🍃☃️
Thanks Eddy, and merry Christmas to everyone on LB! 🍃☃️

I’m thankful for my dog and the invention of moonrocks. What a time to be alive. HO HO HO 🎄

Hey eddy, I’m thankful for this site it’s absolutely awesome and you’re one of the best sellers on here! I hope everyone has lit 🔥 Christmas!

You're a good one Eddy.
I'm most thankful for my wife sticking by me, this has been the worst 12 months of my life, every day is a struggle and I don't think it will get better any time soon. Without her I'd be walking off into the sunset
One love everyone
I'm most thankful for my wife sticking by me, this has been the worst 12 months of my life, every day is a struggle and I don't think it will get better any time soon. Without her I'd be walking off into the sunset
One love everyone

I am thankful this christmas to see that LB, the community and the vendors have pulled through the recent negative issues , and long may this fantastic site continue!

What a nice gesture from Eddy!
Me - I'm just thankful to be back in love after many years of being on my own.
Me - I'm just thankful to be back in love after many years of being on my own.

Im just glad to be able to get some good stuff off like minded people, thanks to every vendor and person behind the scenes making LB happen with you none of this could be possible thanks again.

Thankful for health, family and most of all Eddy. Love to everyone this xmas. Keep up the amazing work!! X

I'm thankful for having my health, family and friends this Christmas, cheers Eddy

Great competition yet again. I'm just happy to be upright and breathing. Anything better than that is just a bonus :-)

Thankful to have found little biggy before the year is out, like a kid in a candy shop I am.
Many thanks for the giveaway!
Many thanks for the giveaway!

Love it!
Thankful as always for my family, been very blessed to have such a large and loving lot and of course I'm thankful you're here keeping my dab station stocked up <3
Thankful as always for my family, been very blessed to have such a large and loving lot and of course I'm thankful you're here keeping my dab station stocked up <3

Not a religious or spiritual person by any means but keeping me in check going on 50 years now is the undeniable-invisible-unstoppable force of nature we know as Karma, we've all seen it in action at some point & we've all been slapped by it at some point...,and for that I am oddly thankful.
Be nice, its contagious & free,
Namaste bitches 🤪
OH!!!, Also Truly thankful for Hash Wednesdays, 3 for 2 Flash sales and the freebies in every order, you set the bar brother. 🙂💖
Be nice, its contagious & free,
Namaste bitches 🤪
OH!!!, Also Truly thankful for Hash Wednesdays, 3 for 2 Flash sales and the freebies in every order, you set the bar brother. 🙂💖

Great comp Eddy - got one of these boxes last year and was great.
I’m thankful for being in the fortuitous situation in life that allows me to browse this site and afford to buy some goodies. Too many in the world that aren’t so lucky.
Christmas this year will all be about giving
I’m thankful for being in the fortuitous situation in life that allows me to browse this site and afford to buy some goodies. Too many in the world that aren’t so lucky.
Christmas this year will all be about giving

Such a nice offer Eddy.
Tried the MAC hash and it blew my mind, would be so sweet to win this!
Merry Christmas indeed!
Tried the MAC hash and it blew my mind, would be so sweet to win this!
Merry Christmas indeed!

10 years on the 13th dec since my sons brain tumour surgery. Hes 15 now, and still doing great.

Aren't you a sweetie!
Simply put, I'm just grateful that I'm here to see another crimbo.
Hold tight people!
Simply put, I'm just grateful that I'm here to see another crimbo.
Hold tight people!

I’m grateful for finding Little Biggy, and being able to finally medicate myself in a way the doctor has yet to!

I'm thankful for anyone who supports me, and seeing the beauty in the small things.
And weed
And hash
And LB
Always LB
Cheers G
And weed
And hash
And LB
Always LB
Cheers G

Definitely thankful for this site and all the sellers that make it possible, hope everyone has a great christmas :) 🎄

thankful for LB, it’s a fantastic place
also had some 🔥 hashes from yourself eddie thanks 💚
good luck all & merry 🎄
also had some 🔥 hashes from yourself eddie thanks 💚
good luck all & merry 🎄

Hi Eddy
This is going to be my second LB Xmas but guess what?
Last year I had a "btc blackout" when my coinbase got blocked by my bank.
So I only had some leftover edibles and some good shake to get through Xmas...
This time is different though so a Xmas box sounds just like what I need :-)
This is going to be my second LB Xmas but guess what?
Last year I had a "btc blackout" when my coinbase got blocked by my bank.
So I only had some leftover edibles and some good shake to get through Xmas...
This time is different though so a Xmas box sounds just like what I need :-)

3 yr anniversary on LB now... delectable goodies such as these from Eddy at one's fingertips and only a day's wait away... this was a fantasy just a short while ago.
Another floaty Christmas into New Year will be had this year.... we should all be thankful for the ease and reassurance that makes this possible.
Another floaty Christmas into New Year will be had this year.... we should all be thankful for the ease and reassurance that makes this possible.

ill be thankful if were still here this time next year!
lets keep our hearts open and loved ones close!
appreciate you eddy
lets keep our hearts open and loved ones close!
appreciate you eddy

extremely grateful for littlebiggy and it’s amazing vendors this year, this will be my first year having a little biggy stash at christmas!

Now the Halloween costumes are away… the dog is out from under the table after Guy Fawkes…
Now we have Eddy’s Christmas giveaway…so thankful man X
Now we have Eddy’s Christmas giveaway…so thankful man X

Fuck Christmas, you'll celebrating NIMROD and it certainly ain't no fuckers birthday......................... what🤔 just me then,🤣🤣🤣🤣,✌️

Great idea with the Christmas gift box. The perfect gift to give or receive this season.
I’m thankful for all the great sales Eddy! Got some proper good hash in for the holiday and plenty more to come.
Thanks for the generosity. Good luck all! 🤞
I’m thankful for all the great sales Eddy! Got some proper good hash in for the holiday and plenty more to come.
Thanks for the generosity. Good luck all! 🤞

thanks Eddie - an early merry Christmas all!
Thankful for some of the quality hash you've got on the store - especially the Pablos revenge!
Thankful for some of the quality hash you've got on the store - especially the Pablos revenge!

Great competition 🎅💚
I'm thankful to have found LB and being in a situation that allowes me to that myself occasionally!
Goodluck everyone 💚
Thanks Eddy!
I'm thankful to have found LB and being in a situation that allowes me to that myself occasionally!
Goodluck everyone 💚
Thanks Eddy!

Appreciate it Eddy, I'm thankful for the family I have and I should try and let them know it.

Nice one Eddy!.
One thing to be thankful for is those in your life who you know would do anything for you and vice versa.
Good luck guys
One thing to be thankful for is those in your life who you know would do anything for you and vice versa.
Good luck guys

Nice one Eddy, thankful for all the wonderful hash you’ve been bringing to lb and for my family who have stuck by me throughout my ptsd battles.

Thankyou eddy the main thing for me is family they make Christmas that extra bit special
Have a good one mate
Have a good one mate

Awesome stuff Eddy - I am thankful for finding your page bro - some of the best hash I’ve ever smoked - and I’ve been at it a loooooong time!
Happy Christmas y’all 🤘😊🤘
Happy Christmas y’all 🤘😊🤘

You’re a generous man eddy, the number of giveaways you do leads the way on this site I reckon. Between that and hash Wednesday, there are some incredible deals out there from you.
Keep up the good work please!
Merry spliffmas 🔥
Keep up the good work please!
Merry spliffmas 🔥

You can count me in sir, as I'm thankful at Christmas for good health, family and of course LB😉

Always thankful for a long list of choices from good reputal vendors.almost my 4th year on little biggy Now.😉👍🎄

1 post
+1 votes
Very generous, cheers TGT - merry Christmas!


Hey guys, just some info on our XMAS posting dates.
Even with RM being a shambles, we are wroking through XMAS.
We will be posting the following dates;
Then we are back 04/01/2023
We will be taking orders throughout this period.
We just ask you all to be patient as this time of the year deliveires do get delayed.
Now to the good part, we will be doing a 28G giveaway to 1 lucky person.
Like and Comment on this post and we will assign you with a number,
Only 1 number per person!
We will then use a random number generator to pick, and post the photo on here with a time stamp.
Winner will be chosen on 22/12
We wish you all a fantastic XMAS and a fantastic new year.
TGT X :)
Even with RM being a shambles, we are wroking through XMAS.
We will be posting the following dates;
Then we are back 04/01/2023
We will be taking orders throughout this period.
We just ask you all to be patient as this time of the year deliveires do get delayed.
Now to the good part, we will be doing a 28G giveaway to 1 lucky person.
Like and Comment on this post and we will assign you with a number,
Only 1 number per person!
We will then use a random number generator to pick, and post the photo on here with a time stamp.
Winner will be chosen on 22/12
We wish you all a fantastic XMAS and a fantastic new year.
TGT X :)

Wow! 😵💫….that is just outrageous 🤩….what a buzz and on Xmas Eve too🎅….I genuinely never win anything normally🤷♂️
Congrats to Sam508 (14g) and TheDazzler(7g) as I will be honouring all side bets!😂😢😂
Million thanks TGT, this must be the most popular promo uptake of the year!
Congrats to Sam508 (14g) and TheDazzler(7g) as I will be honouring all side bets!😂😢😂
Million thanks TGT, this must be the most popular promo uptake of the year!

Congrats pollypuff20 a worthy winner Indeed!! Merry Xmas... your defo having a good new year 🤣🤣🍁🍁🎅🎅

Has it fuck 😭
I’m smoking the dust off the last Druids matw.
That was supposed to be my Xmas stash 🤣
I’m smoking the dust off the last Druids matw.
That was supposed to be my Xmas stash 🤣

😂 ahh, if only twas true 😅 Although we did both just win on the Druids poetry comp..😉
We can do a swap when we get the numbers if you want 😂. Wait… now Im paranoid my number is the winning one and now I’ve given it to you. Ahhhhhhhh….. maybe we don’t swap…. But now I’m thinking maybe you have the winning one….. ahhhhh brain over load 🤯😂😵💫🙃✌️💚
We can do a swap when we get the numbers if you want 😂. Wait… now Im paranoid my number is the winning one and now I’ve given it to you. Ahhhhhhhh….. maybe we don’t swap…. But now I’m thinking maybe you have the winning one….. ahhhhh brain over load 🤯😂😵💫🙃✌️💚

Easy mate, swap numbers and if either of us win we split it 14g each. 2 x chances of winning right there!😻🥂

Sounds like a good deal to me Mrs 🦊 👍
When our powers combine… we will summon Captain Planet!! 💪 🦸 I mean….. win a comp 🥳😂💚🎁
When our powers combine… we will summon Captain Planet!! 💪 🦸 I mean….. win a comp 🥳😂💚🎁

Now the question is who is who ???? Lol 😆
I found a comp I did not enter 🤦♂️ I’m losing touch ha ha ha
I found a comp I did not enter 🤦♂️ I’m losing touch ha ha ha

24/12 1pm….
Anybody know who won?….I can’t see it it anywhere 😵💫
Congrats to whoever it was and Merry Xmas Biggas!🎅🎅
Anybody know who won?….I can’t see it it anywhere 😵💫
Congrats to whoever it was and Merry Xmas Biggas!🎅🎅

We have 175 numbers, 23/12.
We will be announing the winner on this post today.
We have 175 numbers, 23/12.
We will be announing the winner on this post today.

Happy new year to you all :)
We are suspended from the wall atm, but we are still active, so please do find us and place your orders as normal.
If you see this message show us some love :)
We are suspended from the wall atm, but we are still active, so please do find us and place your orders as normal.
If you see this message show us some love :)

That sounds rather nice thank you and very much in the spirit of Christmas. Wishing you and all on here seasons greetings and a happy new year.

hands down the best vendors on this site!! never seen any others do competitions and freebies the way u guys do!

Ill grab a number please, thanks GreenTeam. Looking forward to trying your items in the new year. :-)

Always worth a shot merry Xmas to one and all on the lb forum and a happy new year.
Count me in if not to late
Count me in if not to late

Merry Christmas, hope I'm not too late to join the fun. Hope everyone has a green Christmas 🌲 💚

Merry Xmas , thank you for all the goods ( the lemon haze hash is my favourite on here!) and will certainly get some more next year!

Just received my first order from you guys and cant fault it, lovely stuff :D
Would be stoked to win an xmas Oz!
Count me in!
Would be stoked to win an xmas Oz!
Count me in!

Sweet giveaway tgt!
Sign me up!
Oz of the cantaloupe would last me till next year's competition.
Seasons greetings Biggaz!
Sign me up!
Oz of the cantaloupe would last me till next year's competition.
Seasons greetings Biggaz!

Yes Please... I'm in!!
Merry Christmas TGT and to all fellow Biggas.
Home Alone is definitey happening 💯
Merry Christmas TGT and to all fellow Biggas.
Home Alone is definitey happening 💯

1 post
+2 votes

Skunk cowboy
Block chain.
I had a transaction stuck during the last BTC fee spike and it sat unconfirmed over a week. It eventually dropped out of the mempool so never ended u…

Skunk cowboy
Block chain.
Hi people. Quick question.
I made a payment to a vendor but it is stuck in a block chain.
It has been pending & waiting approval for nearly 36 hours now.
Anyone else had this before?
I paid for normal transaction speed as usual ,which would deliver in an hour or less.
I made a payment to a vendor but it is stuck in a block chain.
It has been pending & waiting approval for nearly 36 hours now.
Anyone else had this before?
I paid for normal transaction speed as usual ,which would deliver in an hour or less.

btc is an absolute joke and working as intended, which is to say it's meant to maximise profit for miners.
I usually select the highest fee amount suggested by the app I use and it's there within an hour. The last couple of times it's sat in the mempool going unloved for many hours regardless of me paying for the shakedown..
You can pay for further extortion with btc accelerator services which run their own private mining services so they can prioritise your transaction. This can set you back a further $30-40 but can confirm it worked on my last transaction I had stuck.
It's worth checking bitcoinfees.net before setting your btc fee amount. It has a graph showing the fee amount and number of unconfirmed transactions for each. As usual it'll cost you more but will cut down on the delay.
I usually select the highest fee amount suggested by the app I use and it's there within an hour. The last couple of times it's sat in the mempool going unloved for many hours regardless of me paying for the shakedown..
You can pay for further extortion with btc accelerator services which run their own private mining services so they can prioritise your transaction. This can set you back a further $30-40 but can confirm it worked on my last transaction I had stuck.
It's worth checking bitcoinfees.net before setting your btc fee amount. It has a graph showing the fee amount and number of unconfirmed transactions for each. As usual it'll cost you more but will cut down on the delay.

We are all wading through mempool mud at the moment as the miners set fees according to traffic and only high fees get processed fast…it’s total crap.
If your order times out then when your send order completes transaxe will return your coin.
If your order times out then when your send order completes transaxe will return your coin.

How long does it take to expire?
Is this common? I've spent 100s of $ on LB with no hassle.
In my sending options I can tap tortoise, rabbit , or lightning. I always use rabbit and it is cleared in less than half hour.
Is this common? I've spent 100s of $ on LB with no hassle.
In my sending options I can tap tortoise, rabbit , or lightning. I always use rabbit and it is cleared in less than half hour.

These are crazy days for Bitcoin, it’s the transaction traffic. It has certainly happened before and is the reason LB is trying to set up alternatives. Orders normally expire in 24 hours but you’ll see the update…

I made 6 orders today and 4 are still awaiting payment, this has never happened to me before, will it all just return?

You should of added all 6 items to your cart and paid with 1 link. Save you a lot in fees buddy.

Mine has been nearly 48 hours. I've sent 1000s and never an issue. Maybe an hour or 2 .
I did wait around 12 hours for some to arrive recently but not to send.
I did wait around 12 hours for some to arrive recently but not to send.

I went to buy $100 of hash this am (6/12) and the fees were $60! I can’t justify this personally, so had to sack the order off unfortunately.

I had a transaction stuck during the last BTC fee spike and it sat unconfirmed over a week. It eventually dropped out of the mempool so never ended up being deducted from my wallet balance but still caused loads of issues with my order.
It's happening more frequently now too so we really do need an alternative currency option on here.
It's happening more frequently now too so we really do need an alternative currency option on here.

The blockchain is heavily congested due to the explosion in bitcoin ordinals due to bitcoin accepting nft tokens. The massive rise in transaction fees are due to this crap.

1 post
+2 votes

Odd Vaping Reaction.
I've had the same experience with some batches of weed. I don't know for sure but I reckon it's to do with the moisture/humidity levels of the buds. …

Odd Vaping Reaction.
Scored an Indica strain on LB from a regular seller. The smell and taste are quite unique: a very oldskool hash taste on the vape exhale, mixed with fruit. Part lineage of the strain is Grape Pie,which probably explains that. The odd part is that a full Mighty cannister on around 187 only yields 2 decent blasts - and then nothing, no more vapour - the damn thing is done! I've had ridiculous ones that keep on yielding for multilpe sessions and some that expire quicker, this one definitely holds the unfortunate record of a true 2-hit wonder. What's up with that?

It means the weed doesn’t have much thc. You’ve extracted everything possible at that temperature. The ones that keep on yielding are higher thc! Moisture levels shouldn’t have too much effect. The mighty doesn’t lie.

I've had the same experience with some batches of weed. I don't know for sure but I reckon it's to do with the moisture/humidity levels of the buds. Lack of vapour suggests that the bud is too dry, perhaps it's been cured for too long or maybe just not stored in the ideal environment.
This can often be sorted by giving it some time in a mason jar with a Boveda or Integra Boost pack to raise the relative humidity. It usually takes a good few days at least for it to make any noticeable difference so not great if it's the only thing in your stash, but if you can leave it like that for 7 to 10 days with an occasional burp of the jar then that often improves the vapour production.
This can often be sorted by giving it some time in a mason jar with a Boveda or Integra Boost pack to raise the relative humidity. It usually takes a good few days at least for it to make any noticeable difference so not great if it's the only thing in your stash, but if you can leave it like that for 7 to 10 days with an occasional burp of the jar then that often improves the vapour production.

Thanks for that. When I first moved over to vaping from bongs and jays I read that the drier the bud, the better; definitely starting to think that was the wrong advice. After posting that last night and with the lack of vapour in mind, I really went for it on a canister. Still got 2 big hits and a few whispy ones but boy did it hit! Near tripping into the early hours..Cheers.

2 posts
+5 votes

UK grower vendors
Do you have a link for The Fallen please, Polly? Not heard of them and can't seem to find their page.
+ 2 more

UK grower vendors
I'm just curious who the vendors are on LB that grow and sell their own on here. I know druids magic and British Bulldog do but not sure of any others.

Northern Organics
The Cheesemaster
UK Cannafarm
Keep It Green
Sassy Buds
The Fallen
We ❤️ LB Growers!
The Cheesemaster
UK Cannafarm
Keep It Green
Sassy Buds
The Fallen
We ❤️ LB Growers!

Do you have a link for The Fallen please, Polly? Not heard of them and can't seem to find their page.

Here you go mate-
Unfortunately like Lazydaze, ChronusBuds, Oilman etc they only pop up when they have some harvest to share. Keep those eyes peeled!👀
Unfortunately like Lazydaze, ChronusBuds, Oilman etc they only pop up when they have some harvest to share. Keep those eyes peeled!👀

Was just going to say almost all the above :) (have now discovered The Fallen thanks to pollypuff!)
I've tried the Druids buds and they were amazing. Sassy's too, they were so smooth and well grown. Both were special. Haven't tried any of the others yet but looking forward to - I've heard great things about all of them.
Def ❤️ the LB Growers. Been keeping a list :)
I've tried the Druids buds and they were amazing. Sassy's too, they were so smooth and well grown. Both were special. Haven't tried any of the others yet but looking forward to - I've heard great things about all of them.
Def ❤️ the LB Growers. Been keeping a list :)

I've bought from the druids once before and was blown away by their service. The most friendliest and generous vendors I've dealt with.

Absolutely - lovely people, brilliant service :) Sassy was fantastic too, a real gent.

Most of them, I keep missing Sassy Buds cos it’s gone in the blink of an eye! Always good and always honest to the descriptions. These guys are enthusiasts who know exactly what they are doing. You just need to be quick- obviously they only appear when they have a harvest and when it’s gone it’s gone!

Cheers mate, I know from buying from druids how it is. I was very lucky to get anything from them as they sold out so quick.

Both have been mention but can definitely vouch for
- KiG
- UK Cannafarm
Two excellent growers who clearly care about their products. It's means a lot and is appreciated
- KiG
- UK Cannafarm
Two excellent growers who clearly care about their products. It's means a lot and is appreciated

1 post
+3 votes

To share the love, this week we are giving away 30 grams of magic Truffles.
All you have to do to enter is share your favourite music for tripping, or getting high to so that the eclectic music lovers amongst us can expand their tastes even further.
you can check out our Truffles here for the Truffles only listing and here for our All Mushrooms listing. Samples have already been sent out so there should be some reviews on them soon. But I had what should of been a microdose the other day and had to change my plans. These shy mushrooms are very potent
One entry per account. New accounts with purchase history unfortunately cannot be included.
Each entry will be assigned a number correlating to Saturday nights lottery the winner will be chosen from the first number drawn that matches a valid entry.
Good luck fellow Biggers 🙏
All you have to do to enter is share your favourite music for tripping, or getting high to so that the eclectic music lovers amongst us can expand their tastes even further.
you can check out our Truffles here for the Truffles only listing and here for our All Mushrooms listing. Samples have already been sent out so there should be some reviews on them soon. But I had what should of been a microdose the other day and had to change my plans. These shy mushrooms are very potent
One entry per account. New accounts with purchase history unfortunately cannot be included.
Each entry will be assigned a number correlating to Saturday nights lottery the winner will be chosen from the first number drawn that matches a valid entry.
Good luck fellow Biggers 🙏

Man I’m so desperate to try these. I’ll be putting in an order this week regardless but to throw my hat In the ring…. My mind is generally all
over the place but Love, forever changes, always features in one way or another. It’s an insanely beautiful album.
over the place but Love, forever changes, always features in one way or another. It’s an insanely beautiful album.

Hi Rocketdogronnie
Excellent choice my friend!
I once spent an entire mushroom trip with 3 god friends listening to a single tape over and over for 6 hours: side A was Forever Changes and Side B Da Capo
Excellent choice my friend!
I once spent an entire mushroom trip with 3 god friends listening to a single tape over and over for 6 hours: side A was Forever Changes and Side B Da Capo

I think since I’ve started my psychonaut journey music genres have dissolved!. I spent my early 20’s playing drums in hardcore punk bands and metal and was bound to certain genres….
Now I can listen to pretty much anything along as I like it…. I’ve only just come to terms with how good toxic was by Brittany spears 😂😅
But for when getting high I love the Lofi stuff you get on YouTube and dabbling in different genres!
Another awesome comp DrShroom 🤘✌️
Now I can listen to pretty much anything along as I like it…. I’ve only just come to terms with how good toxic was by Brittany spears 😂😅
But for when getting high I love the Lofi stuff you get on YouTube and dabbling in different genres!
Another awesome comp DrShroom 🤘✌️

Classical music for me does wonders depends if I'm down or up. I like some dramatic orchestras like Mozart Lacrimosa for when I'm melting on the couch or something uplifting like
Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake
Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake

Hi meetoo22
This would be my choice too:
Keep your freak flag high!
This would be my choice too:
Keep your freak flag high!

Hi Dr Shroom
Ooops! I've just submitted a "correct" entry as opposed to giving thumbs up to those Biggas who submitted things I like.
So bear that in mind when you see my entry for Pink Floyd's Piper at the gates of dawn - my number has already been allocated and is is 26!
Ooops! I've just submitted a "correct" entry as opposed to giving thumbs up to those Biggas who submitted things I like.
So bear that in mind when you see my entry for Pink Floyd's Piper at the gates of dawn - my number has already been allocated and is is 26!

432hz is the Pythagorean scale. There is geometry represented in this scale.
Modern music is pitched at 440hz. No geometry to see here 🤔
The best way for me to understand it was to see the difference, feel the difference.
I invite all to do the same.
As Tesla quoted "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
Modern music is pitched at 440hz. No geometry to see here 🤔
The best way for me to understand it was to see the difference, feel the difference.
I invite all to do the same.
As Tesla quoted "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."

Defo Floyd, another brick video is epic,
The doors, the who, REM, the lost is endless,
I was going to post about micro dosing as I'm super keen, used to hard trip back In the day and feel that would be too much now lol, but really really wanna try micro!!!
The doors, the who, REM, the lost is endless,
I was going to post about micro dosing as I'm super keen, used to hard trip back In the day and feel that would be too much now lol, but really really wanna try micro!!!

LTJ Bukem - Atlantis
Always reminds me of my youth tripping on green micro dots and the whole room and everything in it including me were breathing along with the music and as the tune progresses and develops all the colours in the room became brighter and every time I hear it now my mind recreates a bit of that blissful state 🥰
Always reminds me of my youth tripping on green micro dots and the whole room and everything in it including me were breathing along with the music and as the tune progresses and develops all the colours in the room became brighter and every time I hear it now my mind recreates a bit of that blissful state 🥰

I have The Mushy Mix, a playlist of chilled, mostly instrumental stuff which includes stuff from Bonobo, Jon Hopkins, Quantic, Boards of Canada, The Cinematic Orchestra, Zero 7 and the like...
These truffles sound amazing, good luck everyone and nice comp Dr, love hearing what we're all listening to.
These truffles sound amazing, good luck everyone and nice comp Dr, love hearing what we're all listening to.

Hey Doc
I've been eyeing your microdose capsules.
I'll place an order this Winter once I'll have finished my current stash :-)
Now I've been giving thumbs up to some of the entries below but didn't submit one myself so here we go.
I could submit endless lists of 60s psychedelic bands but Pink Floyd's "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" album is my pick for this competition!
I've been eyeing your microdose capsules.
I'll place an order this Winter once I'll have finished my current stash :-)
Now I've been giving thumbs up to some of the entries below but didn't submit one myself so here we go.
I could submit endless lists of 60s psychedelic bands but Pink Floyd's "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" album is my pick for this competition!

Thanks B0W13
To be honest there are a gazillion psychedelic bands I could have gone for but I have been listening to Syd's output over Halloween.
The Piper which is the album which incited me to pick up guitar so it will always hold a special place in my heart.
To be honest there are a gazillion psychedelic bands I could have gone for but I have been listening to Syd's output over Halloween.
The Piper which is the album which incited me to pick up guitar so it will always hold a special place in my heart.

These truffles look amazing ngl, I have a strange music taste i love listening to old school garage and DnB i also listen to rock and every now and then i listen to abit of liquid DnB (amazing while tripping) (also T2heartbroken is the best song of all time) (let me win :)

Jazz definitely. Made a whole new playlist just for it with a mix of fast and slow songs. It just feels good to single each instrument being played

'Red Forest' by If These Trees Could Talk, and 'All Is Violent, All Is Bright' by God Is An Astronaut. Instrumental post-rock which is really good for zoning out to and getting lost in the tunes.
Nice comp, those truffles look awesome. Cheers Doc!
Nice comp, those truffles look awesome. Cheers Doc!

Sure thing!
In the event that all 59 spots are filled then the first number out will determine the winner.
In the event that less than 59 people enter, then as the balls are released in chronological order, the first ball that matches with an assigned entrant number will determine the winner.
There is a very small possibility that a lotto ball won't correspond to any of the entry numbers. In this case we will roll over until the next UK lotto draw.
I find this method fair, impossible to rig, and easy enough to be set up and verified anonymously.
If there's anything, please let me know 🙏
In the event that all 59 spots are filled then the first number out will determine the winner.
In the event that less than 59 people enter, then as the balls are released in chronological order, the first ball that matches with an assigned entrant number will determine the winner.
There is a very small possibility that a lotto ball won't correspond to any of the entry numbers. In this case we will roll over until the next UK lotto draw.
I find this method fair, impossible to rig, and easy enough to be set up and verified anonymously.
If there's anything, please let me know 🙏

Any music instrumental , that way I’m not falling for the words while I trip 🎶. Thanks and good luck everyone

Any Pink Floyd but comfortably numb hits all the marks for me 🎼🎼
Great comp DrShroom and good luck everyone 🙏
Great comp DrShroom and good luck everyone 🙏

Nice competition!
I love anything that can let you drift off. At the moment I’m particularly enjoy vaguely wistful and euphoric ambient music….stuff like stars of the lid and winged victory for the sullen.
I also like a bit of laid back jazzy noodly stuff like do make say think and their album & yet & yet.
For me they’re great for the mind to wander off to another dimension.
I find some stuff that is specifically trippy enjoyable when I’m not tripping but kind of does my head in a bit when I am.
I love anything that can let you drift off. At the moment I’m particularly enjoy vaguely wistful and euphoric ambient music….stuff like stars of the lid and winged victory for the sullen.
I also like a bit of laid back jazzy noodly stuff like do make say think and their album & yet & yet.
For me they’re great for the mind to wander off to another dimension.
I find some stuff that is specifically trippy enjoyable when I’m not tripping but kind of does my head in a bit when I am.

Don't know if this competition has finished but at the moment I'm getting into synthwave. I especially like Juno Dreams (Exhale is epically euphoric while high)

I definitely wish to experience these! I wanna put an entry in to have a good psychedelic experience with my friends! We love listening to DnB and Garage while tripping and to share love and spread positivity to all the psychedelic users!

Absolutely anything calming an relaxing when tripping. We spent an evening in the late 80' s listening to with or without you by U2, literally just that song. From memory we set the speakers up on the floor and took it in turns lying between them.

My favourite music for tripping would have to be anything pink Floyd and the Beatles but specifically the later stuff! Thank you

Props on the giveaway, this world needs more love
I don't know if this is still open but with regards to tripping I like early Pink Floyd, Gong, Doors. Maybe some theta baselines as well. For getting high in general it's anything goes, though my affinity for hip hop, late 80s to late 90s, usually Erin's
I don't know if this is still open but with regards to tripping I like early Pink Floyd, Gong, Doors. Maybe some theta baselines as well. For getting high in general it's anything goes, though my affinity for hip hop, late 80s to late 90s, usually Erin's

Thanks for the compo Dr. I would like to add some music recommendations:
Tipsy (band): Trip Tease (album)
Van Morrison: Astral Weeks
Air: Moon Safari
Mr Scruff
Adam F: Colors
Tipsy (band): Trip Tease (album)
Van Morrison: Astral Weeks
Air: Moon Safari
Mr Scruff
Adam F: Colors

for the come up i always put on stumpwork by dry cleaning. there's something about that album. the track gary ashby really makes me giddy. For deep dives with shrooms it has to be music for psychedelic therapy by jon hopkins everytime. it really forces the doors in my brain to open up for surgery. With Lucy it's always an album called "imagine this is a high dimentional space of all possibilities" by james holden. it really drives the intensity while i'm cycling on L. best feeling ever. i really wish i could do that forever and ever.

DrukQs and Selected Ambient Works II by Aphex Twin are my go-to for trips although any chaotic experimental drill n bass will do for me so Aphex Twin/AFX, Bogdan Raczynski, mu-ziq, Squarepusher…

Pharoah Sanders – Love Is Everywhere - ABC Impulse! (1974)
If you're looking to travel, Mr. Sanders will take you anywhere you wanna go...
If you're looking to travel, Mr. Sanders will take you anywhere you wanna go...

Chill synthy electronic style with some nice melodies, the whole album is pretty nice.
EASY PREY and NEON RATS prob favs off the album.
Thanks and big ups.
Chill synthy electronic style with some nice melodies, the whole album is pretty nice.
EASY PREY and NEON RATS prob favs off the album.
Thanks and big ups.

It isn't really a song per day, but I love watching the trippy visuals videos on YouTube with some dubstep background haha!

Thanks for the giveaway!
For a deep dive with mushrooms, I love to listen to Pharoah Sanders (rip).
For a deep dive with mushrooms, I love to listen to Pharoah Sanders (rip).

A dont know if am too late to the party but if am not am here now these look tremendous 😎keep up the good work

Sorry I'm not very good at this!! Probably aim, stars on 33 mix. Or a bit of early unkle.

Early tame impala is great for tripping for me, first 2 albums or just absolutely any shpongle. The "nothing lasts but nothing is lost" album in particular.
Love your stuff Dr Shroom x
Love your stuff Dr Shroom x

Awesome giveaway Dr Shroom - bless up 🙌
I've been into the downtempo scene for a while now - Mose, Ape Chimba, Savej, j.pool, janax pacha to name a few
I've been into the downtempo scene for a while now - Mose, Ape Chimba, Savej, j.pool, janax pacha to name a few

Hey Dr Shroom
Didn't want to cheat the giveaway - you've given me another entry on the comment I left
(Original number given was 11)
Bless 🙌
Didn't want to cheat the giveaway - you've given me another entry on the comment I left
(Original number given was 11)
Bless 🙌

So, but of a random one but gave me a physical sensation when listening to it on mushrooms;
Beethoven's 9th symphony...
Beethoven's 9th symphony...

2 posts
+5 votes

{lb help}
Coinbase 'network fee'
Coinbase still seem to have higher fees than everyone else though so looks like they take longer to reduce their rate when the blockchain starts to ca…
+ 2 more

{lb help}
Coinbase 'network fee'
Coinbase seems to have added a large network fee for sending BTC to web addresses. Any one have any solutions to avoid paying this?

It’s a BTC problem not a Coinbase one.
BTC fees are high right now because there are more transactions ongoing than usual and people are willing to pay lots to prioritise their transaction.
Fees will return to previous amounts, likely within a couple weeks.
So basically you’re going to have to pay the ridiculous fee or wait it out.
BTC fees are high right now because there are more transactions ongoing than usual and people are willing to pay lots to prioritise their transaction.
Fees will return to previous amounts, likely within a couple weeks.
So basically you’re going to have to pay the ridiculous fee or wait it out.

Coinbase still seem to have higher fees than everyone else though so looks like they take longer to reduce their rate when the blockchain starts to calm down. Exodus was showing a transfer fee of £4.02 but CB wanted over £13 to transfer into Exodus.

Have you tried coinbase one account? You still have to pay the network fees, they are slightly cheaper though. SWIM bought an oz @ £160, cost £9.45 to send. You avoid paying on the purchase of BTC and only pay network fees. Yeah this is due to BTC going up to the 30k mark again. Happened a while back too.

Yeah my network fee for buying 14g of shake was £9.45. Absolute joke! may go back to my local till its sorted. never had such a high fee in 4 years

22/11/23 Been watching network fees on CB .... last night 10ish was £10.46, a hour later £13+, this morning 7am £15, 11am £9+. Just waiting it out for a bit longer (this is an inTolerance break). Oc once the fee drops there is always a chance it will take ages/too long and order expires.

17/11 am.
Just went to see how much a gram would of cost, gram came to 9.32 and the transaction to send was 10.45 total cost came to £19.77
Had to cancel obviously. That's on coinbase.
Just went to see how much a gram would of cost, gram came to 9.32 and the transaction to send was 10.45 total cost came to £19.77
Had to cancel obviously. That's on coinbase.

It's been so bad this week but starting to come down now. Just watched it go from £18 to £4 over the weekend. I think they are forking onto a new blockchain currently to reduce fees. I need to read into it, wouldn't be surprised if they're finally upgrading to Litecoins lightning network chain.
Side note. How good would Littlebiggy be with a Litecoin wallet!?
Side note. How good would Littlebiggy be with a Litecoin wallet!?

Brutal mate. Had this happen to me tonight. Well over £10, near £15 in transaction fees. Only it was a custom order, it would have been cancelled 🙃.

Just paid £5 to buy and £9.50 to send, lol for 14g. Fees were over 10% the cost of the weed. Can’t justify this anymore, will be going back to the streets for now :(

anyone keeping their ear to the ground on this? kept checking for weeks, but done with creating orders just to cancel. if anyone keeps checking back daily, a little dm would be appreciated! :)

Fees are still high it’s gone from like 14 pound somin down to 13 pound somin over the last few days it’s a complete joke! 🤦♂️

haha. nightmare... i've 71 quid in the base and refuse to top up more to cover fees. crazy money.

They made Bitcoin great again by bringing culture into it with Taproot Wizards. Now because of the Wizards we have to pay $20 to transfer bitcorn

16th I paid £8 in revolut fees for a $70 order
Nov 2nd £3.80 varies very week
For the price we have to pay it's still decent.
Nov 2nd £3.80 varies very week
For the price we have to pay it's still decent.

A couple of hours ago I was quoted 15 to send any amount from exodus just looked again and it’s 9.80 I’m going to wait to see if it goes back to normal

Could try kraken, it's fees are a lot better but the wording used in the app and website make things needlessly complicated compared to coinbase. Oh and there's a 72 hour wait period before you can send or withdraw btc or any other digital currency, only for the first time on a fresh account though.

i did order a couple hours back with 50 and the fees literally swallowed half of it sending it to exodus from coinbase then to the btc address through exodus, feels bad

Its awful this. Really bad. Its not a reliable means of payment and can take a week to clear with no way of knowing when. Money is held in limbo til whenever. Its a total shit state of affaird and has been a year or more off and on. Why arent LB using a more stable coin as means of payment? Why only btc when its the least stable?

Yep - Just been stung for fees on the price of an eighth. Not very nice. Hopefully things will calm down soon.

It’s a fucking joke, Apex is out till acceptable again.
Ohh you want to buy btc pay 10 quid, ohh you want to send that, another 15 quid please Apex.
Ohh you want to buy btc pay 10 quid, ohh you want to send that, another 15 quid please Apex.

1 post
+1 votes

Dmt filled carts
I've not seen these carts but I'm just starting out on my own journey with this by extracting it myself and the one thing I already know is that it mu…

Dmt filled carts
Has anybody tried one of these dmt carts that I’ve seen knocking around I’ve enjoyed the mushroom experience and wouldn’t mind giving this a try if anybody has any feed back

I've not seen these carts but I'm just starting out on my own journey with this by extracting it myself and the one thing I already know is that it must be approached with caution. I've had a few trips now to familiarise myself with it before I go for a breakthrough and it's next level stuff. Think the craziest mushroom or acid trip you've ever had and it's still nowhere close.
For me, it's a learning/healing experience rather than something to do for fun. Carts could be very tricky to get the correct dose from, and too much before you're ready for it could literally blow your mind.
If you're going to dive in, I highly recommend a good amount of research in advance. Tripsitter.com is a great place to start.
Good luck and bon voyages.
For me, it's a learning/healing experience rather than something to do for fun. Carts could be very tricky to get the correct dose from, and too much before you're ready for it could literally blow your mind.
If you're going to dive in, I highly recommend a good amount of research in advance. Tripsitter.com is a great place to start.
Good luck and bon voyages.

1 post
+2 votes

These bloody network fees!!!
Unfortunately looks like Coinbase is still charging way more than the fees on the mempool site. High priority is listed there as between $3 and $4 bu…

These bloody network fees!!!
Can't buy some hash because the fees are still stupidly high! No way I'm paying £13 just to send a small amount of bitcoin. Bloody fed up waiting for it to come down. Sorry, just having an impatient rant. This can't be good for littlebiggy vendors and the people who run the site either. Sales must be right down. Pity we are stuck with only being able to use bitcoin. There must be a better alternative?

It’s a shame Litecoin isn’t introduced as a payment method on the site. I’ve purchased from a different platform using that currency & the fees are less than £1. Hope you can order something soon 🍻

People been screaming for LTC as a bare minimum for best part of 2 years. btc just far too unstable to be the sole option, and reduced traffic here benefits no one

Yup. I lost $3,500 from one crop in 16 days when BTC tanked. Nearly made me leave LB altogether.
Just watching my money dissappear every day was one of the most depressing things I've ever experienced.
Having nobody to contact that made any sense, and having to wait it out for 16 days was like torture.
Fun times 😔
Cheers BB
Just watching my money dissappear every day was one of the most depressing things I've ever experienced.
Having nobody to contact that made any sense, and having to wait it out for 16 days was like torture.
Fun times 😔
Cheers BB

I think its transaxe, lb is looking for a new payment processor, theres a few posts about this.

Found myself in a similar situation all be it on a smaller scale. Profits for the month wiped out over a few days. Would drive anyone to drink.

See most of my items are on the lower end so the fluctuations in price doesn’t really effect me that much

Had to make a purchase.
Fees using BTC were £221.
Converted coin to ETH, while it cost me £60 to convert, the fees for sending ETH were 71p.
This site really needs to introduce alternative currency
Fees using BTC were £221.
Converted coin to ETH, while it cost me £60 to convert, the fees for sending ETH were 71p.
This site really needs to introduce alternative currency

Yeah its shocking they haven't done anything still, I had to half my last order size and yesterday had to source some outside LB altogether.

I live in the scottish highlands so my alternatives are cowshit and turnips. This really needs sorting out. Buying here has become a lengthy and stressful shambles every time

Its such a shame. This site is the best thing to have ever happened to weed culture in the UK, entirely let down by this disfunctional and useless method of payment

Cost me over £40 today to send £200. Utter insanity. We NEED alternatives LB. BTC is going to be the death of the platform if we're not careful...

£30 in fees for a £35 order just can’t believe it!!!!
Does anybody actually know why this is happening???? Did an order a couple of weeks ago and the fees were normal
Does anybody actually know why this is happening???? Did an order a couple of weeks ago and the fees were normal

Btc volatility has been hugely positive recently - 20%-30% gains achieved over 30 day periods. Everyone wants to fill their wellies or take profits creating massive traffic on the blockchain. Miners can charge what they want to settle transactions. It’s proving that btc is utter shit when it comes to buying stuff! ..

Ordinals (pictures stored on a token) and BRC-20 (Shitcoins on BTC) are going nuts atm too doesn't help with fees as blocks are being spammed with shite now.

Network fees are currently absurd. Hopefully, administrators will explore alternative options. GAW

We should all go on strike. Would cause mayhem at Xmas & LB would have to pull the finger out to avoid a massive loss for them.

Yep. Literally can’t afford to buy anything on here right now.
Meh. I’ll just have to crack into my shite stuff stash.
Hopefully it’ll get back to normal soon or Christmas is gonna be ruined 😟
Meh. I’ll just have to crack into my shite stuff stash.
Hopefully it’ll get back to normal soon or Christmas is gonna be ruined 😟

Just paid 6 quid to send 56 on exodus,it's shocking still but best I have seen it for a while, hope it will be down to normal before long

I'm sure that transaxe said litecoin would be an alternative payment option over a year ago, but nothing ever happened???

I just paid £36 in fees to get 0.03BTC from Bittylicious. Then it was nearly £10 in priority gas fees to send over that amount to Transaxe. It's much more expensive than usual as it's near 4% fees for the initial transaction, and that's usually 2-3% (so not massively more), but the fees to send are usually 1/10th of that.

Even though my order has expired its now 8 days and my payment is still not confirmed, so my money is stuck in the blockchain for god knows how long. This is supposed to be a community based on trust. Id say that trust has been violated by LB administrators who still have not implemented any number of stable crypto alternatives after over a year of these ongoing ludicrous fee fluctations. Where in the world would you buy any other product where you have to throw your money into the void like this? It is truly ridiculous. Vendors are losing thousands and everyone is getting shafted using BTC. I just dont get it

How are peeps checking the transfer fee/ cost?
I only know wen I’m going to pay on coin base then I see the charges
I only know wen I’m going to pay on coin base then I see the charges

Unfortunately looks like Coinbase is still charging way more than the fees on the mempool site. High priority is listed there as between $3 and $4 but Coinbase is still showing a £13 fee for a £20 transfer to Exodus. 😭 I really need to ditch Coinbase...

Did it process mate.otherlyether has posted just under here that his stuff didn’t process.
Thinking I may take the hit to order something off lb but not if it isn’t working still after paying fees
Thinking I may take the hit to order something off lb but not if it isn’t working still after paying fees

I have BTC in coinbase, need to order of LB but holding back till the high network fee comes down

Honestly these network fees are an absolute pisstake atm. We definitely need an alternative payment method on LB. I personally took the hit this time but I really can’t continue to use LB going forward if the fees stay this high, which is such a great shame because i love LB and it’s been nothing short of a god send since i’ve started using it and i’d be gutted to go back to my street dealer, but these fees leave me with no other choice

Can anyone here help me out at all please? Ive had my order expire after 4 days waiting after paying 25 quid fees on 120 quid order. Apparently the payment is still loading on the blockchain despite the order having expired. My wallet stll shows the funds in it but cant send them anywhere as theyve already been started on the blockchain. Have reached out to both Cryptonic and Transaxe with no response, Vendor couldnt help either but seems hes just as fuming as me with at least 40 orders been waiting to confirm for a week or more. So much money being thrown in the air here by all involved with no clear way of sorting out. This is a horrific mess for all concerned

Only way to sort it quick is to repay the fees, but more.
Go to this link, add your wallet address and find the btc transaction id, the btc transaction that's stuck.
This is the general btc transaction id, has nothing to do with lb nor transaxe.
You can pm me this transaction id and i can check if you can repay the fees if you want and i'll tell you exactly how.
Just know this if you paid high fees sending btc from your wallet to transaxe then you're gonna have to pay even more fees to push it through, up to you if it's worth it or not.
Go to this link, add your wallet address and find the btc transaction id, the btc transaction that's stuck.
This is the general btc transaction id, has nothing to do with lb nor transaxe.
You can pm me this transaction id and i can check if you can repay the fees if you want and i'll tell you exactly how.
Just know this if you paid high fees sending btc from your wallet to transaxe then you're gonna have to pay even more fees to push it through, up to you if it's worth it or not.

I just buy direct from coinbase and do it at night time.
Normally under a £ for a 100 transaction??
Normally under a £ for a 100 transaction??

It’s been £11 network fee to send from Coinbase for a week or so. Lowest it went to was £4 on Sunday morning

Finally I have been verified on coin base after many days. I will wait till Sunday morning to add funds as you say it's cheaper. I think coin base give £5 bonus on first top up so this should compensate for the high fees

Hmm 31 quid fees on a 17 quid order 😳😳
Am never paying that not as long as ive got a hole in my arse 😤
Am never paying that not as long as ive got a hole in my arse 😤

4 or 5 days ago it went down to about £5 late at night on CB so I managed to send some to my wallet.. tried more today and its £14, that's the highest I've ever seen it lol

You are better off adding cash and then using advance trade to buy. It’s £14 network fee to send at the moment it’s a joke

Am I right in believing LB don't accept LTC? Cos many other sellers onother websites state they can take litecoin as BTC fees are high at moment

Yeah it’s BTC only here and nobody can understand why they won’t add a cheaper faster alternative option

I only Dave debit card option to add money to coinbase, IV added £50 as a tester and they charged a £2 fee. Now when I want to send the BTC to coinbase wallet they are charging £14 fee. I also have a exodus wallet which tops up from whichever exchange that is giving the best rate (£9 fees) I'm abit confused. I'm wanting to buy a Oz which is 221dollars. Do I transfer from coinbase to exodus wallet and pay the £14 coinbase fee, do I pay the same fee again when sending from.exodus wallet to vendor. Or is it best to send from coinbase exchange to my coinbase wallet? What are people doing at the moment with fees being sold high

That's the transaction fee that's allways the same, we talking about the network fee here that you pay when transferring to wallet

3 posts
+5 votes
Eleven roses(delicious seeds)
Brilliant, I didn't know about the show either and just watched the first episode. Love it, will need to catch up on the rest. Cheers. 👍
+ 3 more

Eleven roses(delicious seeds)
Hey Biggaz,Eleven roses smoke report time....Appearance=nice sized dense buds with a good frosting,fluffs up nice in the grinder,hung dry for 9 days and cured for 4 weeks,nice and dry but doesn't just crumble in your fingers,standard green colour..smell=undisturbed she's quite muted,but grind her up or rip her open and you get almost a sour fruity smell,earthy,hashy.Taste=very very smooth,no harshness with this one,on the inhale I get a almost a floral,earthy taste,nothing overpowering just clean on the throat,on the exhale I'm definitely getting a thick hash sort of taste..effects=after a few pulls i can feel the heart pick up a beat and it kicks in quite quick..its an indica but Initially i felt that sativa "high" before it sets in behind the eyes and you can feel the body Start to relax.imho I've grown stronger but I do smoke all day everyday so my tolerance level is super high.....I also have some lord kush available but its not worth listing as I've not got a large enough amount,but on request I can add a lil to your order ie 3gs er 1g lk...

Made sure I got my order in before posting 😂 but can't recommend sassy enough, they are up there with the Druids, BB, Northern Organics for fresh bud quality in my opinion. Tried most if not all the strains they have sold and everyone has been great. If your looking for a good buy this is it trust me

I second this sassy was the man last grow , the quality was outstanding and I was very Impressed with his service overall.

I know this is a lil off topic, but anyways - your pfp got me to look into who Sassy is a few weeks back and I'm very happy I did :)
Sassy The Sasquatch is an amazing show everyone should watch.
Watched the whole thing in a night, then watched all of the Big Lez show the next day.
So yeah, just wanted to say thanks for pointing me in the direction of that show, even though you didn't mean to 👍
Juice 💚 💦
Sassy The Sasquatch is an amazing show everyone should watch.
Watched the whole thing in a night, then watched all of the Big Lez show the next day.
So yeah, just wanted to say thanks for pointing me in the direction of that show, even though you didn't mean to 👍
Juice 💚 💦

Brilliant, I didn't know about the show either and just watched the first episode. Love it, will need to catch up on the rest. Cheers. 👍

Patiently waiting !!! Il defo be interested in adding a gram of lord kush to my order !!

Cheers Sassy, looking forward to the listing! Should I message you for a custom order to add some of the LK?

Gutted as a long-time customer (under different name) of Sassy that I missed it by day props fo the marketing it is very worth of it....
Just goes to show how poor the LB site has become, as I'm a private medical cannabis patient now, I ONLY keep my eyes peeled for 2 vendors on this site that are HONEST & FAIR about their shizZLE. I'm no hater only a lover of your ART.
Just wish I'd have acted sooner....
I'd give at least a dozen roses for your attention to detail.
Just goes to show how poor the LB site has become, as I'm a private medical cannabis patient now, I ONLY keep my eyes peeled for 2 vendors on this site that are HONEST & FAIR about their shizZLE. I'm no hater only a lover of your ART.
Just wish I'd have acted sooner....
I'd give at least a dozen roses for your attention to detail.

5 posts
+12 votes

Any one selling lib caps
Amen to that 🙏 💚
+ 5 more

Any one selling lib caps
Tis the season but weathers been no good here, was wondering if any vendors are stocked?
Been loving shroom bars but experiences have varied on strain looking to melt my mind on a rainy day any recommendation from others on here are welcome
Tl Dr : WANTED - Liberty cap magic mushrooms
Been loving shroom bars but experiences have varied on strain looking to melt my mind on a rainy day any recommendation from others on here are welcome
Tl Dr : WANTED - Liberty cap magic mushrooms

Been dosing on half G for a week now, got a dog park that was once a golf course where we used to pick them as youths.
Some guy tho, every afternoon for a week got them all, was there for hours every day picking among the dog walkers.
I got a pocketful of the last of the year's pickings (image) today, the later in the season they're picked the stronger it seems.
Next year i'll be ready, i'm up at the crack of dawn anyways, i walked past them a couple times last week until i decided to go for it, the liberty's have been amazing, i just had a little one earlier and had a vry nice fuzzy warm glow from it.
I'm drying them out right now in a kitchen paper.
Some guy tho, every afternoon for a week got them all, was there for hours every day picking among the dog walkers.
I got a pocketful of the last of the year's pickings (image) today, the later in the season they're picked the stronger it seems.
Next year i'll be ready, i'm up at the crack of dawn anyways, i walked past them a couple times last week until i decided to go for it, the liberty's have been amazing, i just had a little one earlier and had a vry nice fuzzy warm glow from it.
I'm drying them out right now in a kitchen paper.

Im a fucking shroom noob so most of my experiences have been on LB I just dont have the time really to pick

I noted around 5 different mushroom types when out in the field, one of them looks very similar, you really need to know how they look.😁
All shrooms are the same tho, just different strengths, so they say anyways.👍
All shrooms are the same tho, just different strengths, so they say anyways.👍

Are they still prolific? I have a mountain spot in mind for next week when it's supposed to not be raining.

Season has just finished, pretty much, i was too late also, planning big things for next year tho, the liberty's have been excellent this year.

I'd say it's still worth a punt. I'm no mycologist but I believe Libs prefer it a bit cooler than it's been recently in most of the UK, so the season may extend past the usual window if weather conditions allow. I've heard that the first ground frost is what finishes them off so you might still be ok depending on location.

I'm also looking for Wavy Caps this year after reading this article. Looks like they can be found Oct to Feb, and the fact they show blueing when bruised should help positive ID. 👍

Brilliant. 😁 🍄
Glad you managed to get some, gotta love nature's bounty.
Think we may have just come into the perfect weather for some of us so happy hunting!
Glad you managed to get some, gotta love nature's bounty.
Think we may have just come into the perfect weather for some of us so happy hunting!

See, that's what was always in my mind about the liberty cap gathering: get in before the 1st frost? Quite far from that here, fortunately. Some posters a couple of weeks ago thought the season had shifted forward?

Still plenty to be had 👀 I will post a topic on my page
Edit can't post pics. New account😔
Profile pic is 3 hours noobing on Dartmoor 🍄 14/10/23
Edit can't post pics. New account😔
Profile pic is 3 hours noobing on Dartmoor 🍄 14/10/23

I'm really enjoying the game of hunting little fungi.
I've seen horses,sheep,cows etc and a ufo.
The outdoors is a wonderful place when you recognise you are a part of it.
I've seen wood chippings scattered also. I was curious at first because there are very few trees. You have enlightened me 🙏
I've seen horses,sheep,cows etc and a ufo.
The outdoors is a wonderful place when you recognise you are a part of it.
I've seen wood chippings scattered also. I was curious at first because there are very few trees. You have enlightened me 🙏

Hi bro, not selling lib caps but I'm doing a promo offer of a 3.5 golden teachers for $5 to boost number of reviews. Would appreciate it if you decided to check my page out. Thanks

well I cant say no to that, Just put in a order now thanks for letting me know I shall add you to my list of vendors and come back again.

Got dried or powdered (100% xpure, just helps with packaging) Penis Envy, Golden Teacher and Penis Envy if that's any good?

1 post
+2 votes

Vape and cartridges
I use the Paso battery from Amazon which is apparently designed specifically for distillate carts. It's quite small so doesn't have a huge charge capa…

Vape and cartridges
Hey! I'm after a chargeable vape pen and carts that fit the pen from the same seller. I'm not wanting to buy pen/carts separately. Which vendors can currently offer this? Cheers all

Hi mate just got myself a yocan kodo pro off ebay it's awesome 9.99 look them on YouTube best 10 I've ever spent

I use this for 510 carts, it’s been good so far - I’m not a heavy vape user but the battery lasts a couple of days for me.
I think the best bit is the cart is protected inside the vape body so you can put it in your pocket and less risk of snapping anything. ✌️
I use this for 510 carts, it’s been good so far - I’m not a heavy vape user but the battery lasts a couple of days for me.
I think the best bit is the cart is protected inside the vape body so you can put it in your pocket and less risk of snapping anything. ✌️

start with this.
start with this.

OR!! Can anyone provide an amazon link for a good rechargeable pen that can be used with 1ml D9 distillates? Like Vapeplug sells?

I use the Paso battery from Amazon which is apparently designed specifically for distillate carts. It's quite small so doesn't have a huge charge capacity but works well for when I'm out and about. Preheat function with three power settings for about £20.

I'm using a £8 eBay special, but type this in Amazon search box B09PRQL7S1
If I had more available funds, I would have bought this
If I had more available funds, I would have bought this

I would have bought that, only my opinion tho.
Funds are low, and I bought the Yocan Koda Pro instead.
Funds are low, and I bought the Yocan Koda Pro instead.


1 post
+2 votes
Mushroom capsules
I've got some of the APE caps from Gassed just now and they're top notch. Other strains available too. Highly recommended as a vendor.

Mushroom capsules
Hi is the fun guy still on this site ? Looking to get some more mushie capsules

Make use of the item's Keyword feature. Type Capsules, maybe mushroom, fungus, or mushroom caps ,shroom caps maybe?

holy fuck that's a game changer, been trying to figure out how to search since the change. props

Absolutely class advice. I've always loved this site but now I love even more. Thank you

I've got some of the APE caps from Gassed just now and they're top notch. Other strains available too. Highly recommended as a vendor.

Hey Frostie,
I'm a uk Mushroom grower/seller, I currently have stargazers for sale.
I do have magic dust and lions mane powder ready to be capsuled for micro-dosing or just to take shrooms better, if it is something of interest?
either way I hope you find what you're looking for! Happy shrooming! :)
I'm a uk Mushroom grower/seller, I currently have stargazers for sale.
I do have magic dust and lions mane powder ready to be capsuled for micro-dosing or just to take shrooms better, if it is something of interest?
either way I hope you find what you're looking for! Happy shrooming! :)


Hi zz87..how you doing 👍.just seen the result of the competition . Looks like you and few others were so close my friend 🥴🥴.

haha not close enough! but its all good I ordered some Black Cherry Gelato and some Silver Bubble anyway lol! :D Big up the winner and big up Green Cat! A generous giveaway from a great seller! :)

Damn GC that’s an exciting prospect for the winner!
I’m hoping it’s at $32500.
Good luck and who ever wins is having a highloween ✌️
I’m hoping it’s at $32500.
Good luck and who ever wins is having a highloween ✌️

1 post
+7 votes
The Ramblings of those Psychonaut’s - Vol.1
Great post and some serious food for thought.
We humans often make our own lives so overly complicated through constant innovation and 'progress' tha…

The Ramblings of those Psychonaut’s - Vol.1

Thank the universe that Psychonaut’s HQ is not bugged! Conversations go deep and sometimes, close to the wire on what could you be considered conspiracy theories, sabotage, treason or crimes against the state – but we would argue that we dare to ask “Why? , But What if?”. The sheer fact that we, you and me, are active on LB is a testament that we DO NOT just settle for the Status Quo. We question, we ask, we want to peek behind the veil and if things don’t sit right, we dig deep to understand more. My mum loves to quote Judge Judy at every possible opportunity – and I will give her this one “If it doesn’t make sense, it probably isn’t true”. And I hope we speak for many of you, lots of things do not make sense in the world right now.
So anyway, ramblings…. Whilst the majority of our posts share the pure amazingness of psychedelics, we wanted to have some fun with snippets of our conversations to open up to the LB community to also help us open our minds to different view points, opinions and maybe, just maybe, change our minds on a subject…..
The Duck with the Human Brain
A few years back, I read “New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle and one story stuck with me ever since – “The Duck with the Human Brain”. Long and short, if a duck thought like a human, it would forever fight, get itself into all sorts of bother by keeping stories alive in it’s head, swimming around in the pond, without being able to release all its energy until inevitably ending up with its legs permanently pointing towards the sky. And that got me thinking “Is that what happens to human beings when the majority of our communication and interactions happen online?”. How did I link the Duck to our modern forms of communications? Come with me...
I saw this unfold in front of my very eyes over the past week with my partners interactions. Two people with whom they recently developed a close business-friendships with. Don’t get me wrong, they have meet face to face several times and had what I call “old skool” telephone conversations (actually calling someone) but I would say that a large % of their communication are in the form of voicenotes and messages. I was born in the (late!) 70’s so I remember the times of no mobiles, arranging to meet somewhere at a certain time and waiting there questioning yourself on the time you agreed, location or even day. You still waited in the hope your friend would turn up and you’d go to Blockbuster and buy a drink, crisps, chocolate and sweets all for £1. So, when I think of voicenotes, yes they are convenient and yes you can say everything your heart desires without getting interrupted and the recipient can listen to your 15 minute speech at their earliest convenience. But where is the human interaction in all this? Where is the “Yes but… or YES! Man, I totally agree with you, remember the time we did that……. Or HANG ON, WTF, what are you saying, that is bang out of line!”. But, I stood back, watched their 1,000’s of voicenotes fly back and forth, sounds of laughter, sounds of speeding up to 1.5 / 2 times because some were just too bloody long to listen to at regular speed, and listened in the shadows like a MI5 agent, waiting and gathering all my intelligence.
You’re thinking “What intelligence?” - let me tell you. Post Pandemic, the world is in a right mess. Long COVID this, rise of the cost of living that, Presidents and PM’s running a mockery of our countries and increased depression, anxiety and a decline in general mental health. We were all caged, kept away from one another and forced to interact via any form of technology. If you recall, it was all fun and games to start with, virtual pub quizzes, virtual dinners, all sorts of novel ways to have some sort of contact whilst we couldn’t leave our homes. Slowly, over time the prison guards gave us some (but not all) of our freedom and we started to try and be comfortable with being around other people again – did we hug, or did we handshake? – shit, my partner and I (our views on the pandemic / vaccine etc can be discussed on anther ramblings!) would often have a Hug declined – you guys ever experience that? – when you go in for a hug and are either side stepped / pulled back from or actually told “No, I don’t hug - COVID” – I MEAN WTF!. I digress – back to my intelligence - I was building my case for the Duck.
I had a theory that with everything that has gone on over the past 2 years, the new normal is communication through voicenotes and messages, and when we do have those difficult conversations or arguments, we never give our bodies the opportunity “shake” off the emotion – that pent up / excess energy that we have during these exchanges. And the result – carrying it round all day, for days on end, packing them up somewhere in our psyche / body parts waiting for the next instalment of “Where do I put this energy?”. How does this relate to my partner – well again, short story for you – some of those newly formed business-friendships started to enter, lets say, less fluffy / fun discussions about projects and I started to see the tones of the voicenotes change. It was hard for me to see, the emotional toll it started to take on my partner and the atmosphere / energy in our house change. As this went on for at least a week, I could see it clear as day, each party was not feeling heard or acknowledged in conversations (before you ask, “old skool” calls were suggested but never came to fruition) and therefore it didn’t feel like either of them came to a resolution.
Is that what is happening to human kind? Are we all in these conversations, never really being able to fully express our anger / sadness / disappointment / real joy / love with our bodies? Are we all so disconnected that we are now unable to do what should be a completely natural and, frankly, a HUMAN need (important side note -Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs”) – to express ourselves through our body – opening our mouths, expression/ animation through our arms and faces, releasing emotions / our thoughts through movement? Being able to tell each other face to face how we feel and how something is affecting us…
As we end up doing this day in, day out, it is no wonder why our minds don’t switch off, why we can’t sleep, we are on anti-anxiety medication and we can’t remember what we did that week other than work, eat, try to sleep and repeat? Don’t get me wrong, technology during the pandemic helped millions to stay in touch, let grandparents see their grandkids, allowed many of us to keep our jobs – the list goes on. I am not a technophobe, we have to embrace technology and the good it can do – but just like anything it is a TOOL and like a knife – a surgeon can save lives with it while someone else can take a life with it. I believe that we should take back our “Human-ness” again, start meeting face to face again, and if that’s not possible, have an “old skool” phone call, HEAR the emotion in REAL TIME, stop sending voicenotes! - start having those arguments, express your feelings outwardly, shout, scream like we used, exactly like we did back in the day when Blockbuster didn’t have the VHS of Coming to America that waited all bloody week to watch.
So – ramblings – what I am saying is lets all try and be more like those ducks…….
So anyway, ramblings…. Whilst the majority of our posts share the pure amazingness of psychedelics, we wanted to have some fun with snippets of our conversations to open up to the LB community to also help us open our minds to different view points, opinions and maybe, just maybe, change our minds on a subject…..
The Duck with the Human Brain
A few years back, I read “New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle and one story stuck with me ever since – “The Duck with the Human Brain”. Long and short, if a duck thought like a human, it would forever fight, get itself into all sorts of bother by keeping stories alive in it’s head, swimming around in the pond, without being able to release all its energy until inevitably ending up with its legs permanently pointing towards the sky. And that got me thinking “Is that what happens to human beings when the majority of our communication and interactions happen online?”. How did I link the Duck to our modern forms of communications? Come with me...
I saw this unfold in front of my very eyes over the past week with my partners interactions. Two people with whom they recently developed a close business-friendships with. Don’t get me wrong, they have meet face to face several times and had what I call “old skool” telephone conversations (actually calling someone) but I would say that a large % of their communication are in the form of voicenotes and messages. I was born in the (late!) 70’s so I remember the times of no mobiles, arranging to meet somewhere at a certain time and waiting there questioning yourself on the time you agreed, location or even day. You still waited in the hope your friend would turn up and you’d go to Blockbuster and buy a drink, crisps, chocolate and sweets all for £1. So, when I think of voicenotes, yes they are convenient and yes you can say everything your heart desires without getting interrupted and the recipient can listen to your 15 minute speech at their earliest convenience. But where is the human interaction in all this? Where is the “Yes but… or YES! Man, I totally agree with you, remember the time we did that……. Or HANG ON, WTF, what are you saying, that is bang out of line!”. But, I stood back, watched their 1,000’s of voicenotes fly back and forth, sounds of laughter, sounds of speeding up to 1.5 / 2 times because some were just too bloody long to listen to at regular speed, and listened in the shadows like a MI5 agent, waiting and gathering all my intelligence.
You’re thinking “What intelligence?” - let me tell you. Post Pandemic, the world is in a right mess. Long COVID this, rise of the cost of living that, Presidents and PM’s running a mockery of our countries and increased depression, anxiety and a decline in general mental health. We were all caged, kept away from one another and forced to interact via any form of technology. If you recall, it was all fun and games to start with, virtual pub quizzes, virtual dinners, all sorts of novel ways to have some sort of contact whilst we couldn’t leave our homes. Slowly, over time the prison guards gave us some (but not all) of our freedom and we started to try and be comfortable with being around other people again – did we hug, or did we handshake? – shit, my partner and I (our views on the pandemic / vaccine etc can be discussed on anther ramblings!) would often have a Hug declined – you guys ever experience that? – when you go in for a hug and are either side stepped / pulled back from or actually told “No, I don’t hug - COVID” – I MEAN WTF!. I digress – back to my intelligence - I was building my case for the Duck.
I had a theory that with everything that has gone on over the past 2 years, the new normal is communication through voicenotes and messages, and when we do have those difficult conversations or arguments, we never give our bodies the opportunity “shake” off the emotion – that pent up / excess energy that we have during these exchanges. And the result – carrying it round all day, for days on end, packing them up somewhere in our psyche / body parts waiting for the next instalment of “Where do I put this energy?”. How does this relate to my partner – well again, short story for you – some of those newly formed business-friendships started to enter, lets say, less fluffy / fun discussions about projects and I started to see the tones of the voicenotes change. It was hard for me to see, the emotional toll it started to take on my partner and the atmosphere / energy in our house change. As this went on for at least a week, I could see it clear as day, each party was not feeling heard or acknowledged in conversations (before you ask, “old skool” calls were suggested but never came to fruition) and therefore it didn’t feel like either of them came to a resolution.
Is that what is happening to human kind? Are we all in these conversations, never really being able to fully express our anger / sadness / disappointment / real joy / love with our bodies? Are we all so disconnected that we are now unable to do what should be a completely natural and, frankly, a HUMAN need (important side note -Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs”) – to express ourselves through our body – opening our mouths, expression/ animation through our arms and faces, releasing emotions / our thoughts through movement? Being able to tell each other face to face how we feel and how something is affecting us…
As we end up doing this day in, day out, it is no wonder why our minds don’t switch off, why we can’t sleep, we are on anti-anxiety medication and we can’t remember what we did that week other than work, eat, try to sleep and repeat? Don’t get me wrong, technology during the pandemic helped millions to stay in touch, let grandparents see their grandkids, allowed many of us to keep our jobs – the list goes on. I am not a technophobe, we have to embrace technology and the good it can do – but just like anything it is a TOOL and like a knife – a surgeon can save lives with it while someone else can take a life with it. I believe that we should take back our “Human-ness” again, start meeting face to face again, and if that’s not possible, have an “old skool” phone call, HEAR the emotion in REAL TIME, stop sending voicenotes! - start having those arguments, express your feelings outwardly, shout, scream like we used, exactly like we did back in the day when Blockbuster didn’t have the VHS of Coming to America that waited all bloody week to watch.
So – ramblings – what I am saying is lets all try and be more like those ducks…….

Ramble on guys- you are quite right- we are losing what it means to be human and we don’t seem to care…..

Had to log back in to upvote this.
Great read, I completely agree.
Smart phones and social media messed everything up.
Take me back to the days of the Nokia 3310 and PlayStation 1, the happier simpler times 😂.
Great read, I completely agree.
Smart phones and social media messed everything up.
Take me back to the days of the Nokia 3310 and PlayStation 1, the happier simpler times 😂.

Great post and some serious food for thought.
We humans often make our own lives so overly complicated through constant innovation and 'progress' that we unwittingly cause our own anxieties. If we just kept life a little bit simpler then we may not have so much to worry about all the time.
We humans often make our own lives so overly complicated through constant innovation and 'progress' that we unwittingly cause our own anxieties. If we just kept life a little bit simpler then we may not have so much to worry about all the time.

Only being able to communicate on messenger during lockdown ended my best relationship recently. All I wanted was for them to ring me and talk. We still haven't. Some people are so lost, so comfortable keeping everyone at arms reach.

sorry to hear that buddy, we also lost friends along the way but we always believe that the universe has our back and clears the way for our journey ahead. Peace and blessing to you

🩷 love to you Redeyejedi ( what a brilliant username I hasten to add), so sorry that, that happened to you. As one of the people who are "comfortable keeping people at arms length", who both craves connection and runs from it in equal measure, I can tell you that it probably isn't due to any short coming on your part. I hope you find some peace with it and can soon get excited at the prospect of someone new, and all the excellent, most wonderful ever stuff that comes with that particular delight. Someone who's cool enough to call themselves 'Redeyejedi', won't have too much trouble 🙂🎉

Feeling the ramble guys. FEE - LIN - IT! 💥
Particularly the bit about 'old skool', phone calls. According to the traditional model of communication breakdown only 7% of communication is text- actual words. 38% being tone of voice, intonation -cadence, and the remaining 55% being body language.
So much texting! 😩 Such an ambiguous means of communicating. For the most part the way text is interpreted is largely down to the recipients current frame of mind. So much scope for misunderstanding. World of difference between - great ..( 😃!), and great.. (🙄😏) I get told I text like a 14 year old girl because of my overuse of emojis, but anything that helps convey the desired mood or tone, or that facilitates expression is a valuable commodity in text land. Also, i find a glance at my current 'most frequently used', emojis page ,is a really good way of telling where my heads at over a particular period, haha.
Really I just find it all so frustrating and want to get to the 'old skool' phone call, rrrapido.
Obviously, 'in the flesh' interaction wins. And even beyond even body language and physiognomy, there are the mainly subconscious cues, pheromones and all that total deliciousness 🤤🤤🫠🩷
That said, these days even real world interaction is massively compromised because so many people have a face full of botox and fillers. As a person who is very much on the 'spectrum', and who so often gets it wrong in social situations, an unmoving mask of a face is a daunting prospect.
It's almost a frustrating thing with LB to be able to find, after a long time, people who seem to be on my wavelength, not only because the messaging facility on here is a bewildering head fk- at least for me- so overwhelming, but because of the nature of the place, and trust and everything, getting to the old skool phone call is rare. Great when you can though :)🎈
How much I wish it was all above board. I would totally open my home up to trusted biggas for the party of all parties. Can you imagine an LB party??! I have a dream!!! 😅
Sending everyone the hugest virtual hugs. Please let us not lose the ability or the desire to be tactile, feeling beings 🩷🩷🩷🩷🌺🌺🌺
Particularly the bit about 'old skool', phone calls. According to the traditional model of communication breakdown only 7% of communication is text- actual words. 38% being tone of voice, intonation -cadence, and the remaining 55% being body language.
So much texting! 😩 Such an ambiguous means of communicating. For the most part the way text is interpreted is largely down to the recipients current frame of mind. So much scope for misunderstanding. World of difference between - great ..( 😃!), and great.. (🙄😏) I get told I text like a 14 year old girl because of my overuse of emojis, but anything that helps convey the desired mood or tone, or that facilitates expression is a valuable commodity in text land. Also, i find a glance at my current 'most frequently used', emojis page ,is a really good way of telling where my heads at over a particular period, haha.
Really I just find it all so frustrating and want to get to the 'old skool' phone call, rrrapido.
Obviously, 'in the flesh' interaction wins. And even beyond even body language and physiognomy, there are the mainly subconscious cues, pheromones and all that total deliciousness 🤤🤤🫠🩷
That said, these days even real world interaction is massively compromised because so many people have a face full of botox and fillers. As a person who is very much on the 'spectrum', and who so often gets it wrong in social situations, an unmoving mask of a face is a daunting prospect.
It's almost a frustrating thing with LB to be able to find, after a long time, people who seem to be on my wavelength, not only because the messaging facility on here is a bewildering head fk- at least for me- so overwhelming, but because of the nature of the place, and trust and everything, getting to the old skool phone call is rare. Great when you can though :)🎈
How much I wish it was all above board. I would totally open my home up to trusted biggas for the party of all parties. Can you imagine an LB party??! I have a dream!!! 😅
Sending everyone the hugest virtual hugs. Please let us not lose the ability or the desire to be tactile, feeling beings 🩷🩷🩷🩷🌺🌺🌺

Loved reading this and felt myself nodding and agreeing out loud.
Being of a similar age (late 70’s baby) I often reminisce about the evolution of communication. Remember 10p phone boxes? Phone cards? Walking past a phone box that randomly rang and then having a conversation with a stranger about nothing in particular (or was that just me)
I’m all for more humanness, hugs and old skool phone calls.
Big shout to all my fellow duck folk x
Being of a similar age (late 70’s baby) I often reminisce about the evolution of communication. Remember 10p phone boxes? Phone cards? Walking past a phone box that randomly rang and then having a conversation with a stranger about nothing in particular (or was that just me)
I’m all for more humanness, hugs and old skool phone calls.
Big shout to all my fellow duck folk x

Buddy! We remember them well, 10p phone calls, then moving to phone cards when you never had one and suddently all phone boths were card only! Remember the days when you said you'll meet your friend at say 11am and you would just wait there, couldnt call them to find out if they were on their way! hahaha
Oh and BlockBuster Video rentals, 10p Monster Munch - the list could go on - maybe we will do a topic of the things from your childhood that made you smile ....:-)
Oh and BlockBuster Video rentals, 10p Monster Munch - the list could go on - maybe we will do a topic of the things from your childhood that made you smile ....:-)

1 post
+2 votes
Any metalheads on here?
I'm mid-forties now and grew up on bands like Metallica, Pantera, Machine Head and NIN. I've always been into other stuff as well but it's what I mo…
Any metalheads on here?
Hey guys hope you’re all having a cool weekend. Just wondering are there Any metalheads on LB? I love most metal but my fave genres are probably blackgaze and post black metal. I really like Alcest and Panopticon I’d say they’re the bands I’m listening to the most right now. I remember people telling me when I was a teenager I’d grow out of metal,well I’m in my 40s now and still listening just as much if not more. It really is a way of life. Love and peace.

The 90s had such amazing metal bands. So many genres were exploding and were so exciting. Wasn’t so keen on that rap metal mind. I loved RATM but the ones that followed like Limp Bizkit were pretty dumb.

Sorry dude didn’t mean to offend anyone. Just didn’t personally like Limp Bizkit. Sorry.

Oh sorry man I thought you meant I was preaching to you. Yeah I loved the first Korn album hated the 2nd but loved the 3rd album. Stopped following them after that but still like the odd track after the 3rd album. Alone I break is an awesome track.

I remember seeing Pantera at the Ozzfest back in 98. Amazing set and a wild pit not as crazy as the Soulfly pit a set later that was insane. Love early Deftones up to the White Pony album.

yes but thrash, osdm, 1st wave black metal and the list goes on. So quite a different list but yeah I'm a metalhead

Celtic Frost are probably my fave out of the 1st wave black metal bands. Did you not get on with the 2nd wave of black metal? There are some great bands.

No I do just lower down on my list. Celtic frost absolutely genius band although there was a time they were called death metal

Early Dimmu Borgir for me mate. First 2 albums are great(even the ripped off track on the 2nd album) went off them when they expanded their sound.

sorgens is one of my fave tracks pity m8 i love most of their stuff although my fave albums are Puritanical and In sorte. stormblast will always hold a special place in my heart..

Of course Screamo counts man! Love myself a bit of Mice&Men and Bring Me The Horizon. Not sure if they’re Screamo bands?

I'm mid-forties now and grew up on bands like Metallica, Pantera, Machine Head and NIN. I've always been into other stuff as well but it's what I mostly listened to during my teens and twenties.
I don't listen to metal as much as I used to however I've found the old adage that your tastes mellow with age to be untrue in my case. I listen to some much heavier, more extreme bands than I used to and I'm much more open to sub genres I wouldn't have considered before.
My current favourite heavy listen is Lullabies for Eternal Sleep by Apes. Hadn't heard of them until I read a brief review that described that EP as being sort of like post-metal if all the quiet bits were replaced with nasty grindcore. One listen and I'd bought the tracks off Bandcamp. The first track, Cornwall, is savage but has such an amazing groove too.
If you like blackened stuff then check out Apes' earlier album, Lightless. Different to the latest material but still bloody good.
I don't listen to metal as much as I used to however I've found the old adage that your tastes mellow with age to be untrue in my case. I listen to some much heavier, more extreme bands than I used to and I'm much more open to sub genres I wouldn't have considered before.
My current favourite heavy listen is Lullabies for Eternal Sleep by Apes. Hadn't heard of them until I read a brief review that described that EP as being sort of like post-metal if all the quiet bits were replaced with nasty grindcore. One listen and I'd bought the tracks off Bandcamp. The first track, Cornwall, is savage but has such an amazing groove too.
If you like blackened stuff then check out Apes' earlier album, Lightless. Different to the latest material but still bloody good.

I pretty much listen to every metal track thrown at me with passion :D.
I love albums in every genre.
Some of my favorites bands are Decapitated, Dimmu Borgir, TBDM, born of osiris, meshuggah, lamb of god, well theres too much really ^^..
Metal is definitely a way of life.
Recently i've been listening to the Nomad album by Kublai Khan (insane tone/sound) and a gradual decline in moral by Kim Dracula, pretty strange shit but i love it haha.
I love albums in every genre.
Some of my favorites bands are Decapitated, Dimmu Borgir, TBDM, born of osiris, meshuggah, lamb of god, well theres too much really ^^..
Metal is definitely a way of life.
Recently i've been listening to the Nomad album by Kublai Khan (insane tone/sound) and a gradual decline in moral by Kim Dracula, pretty strange shit but i love it haha.

1."Reign in Bud" - Slayer (A stoner metal twist on Slayer's classic "Reign in Blood")
2."Black Sabbath's Munchies" - Black Sabbath (Featuring their heaviest hits to satisfy the munchies)
3."Master of Bongs" - Metallica (An epic blend of metal and cannabis-inspired anthems)
4."Weed the Lightning" - Megadeth (Thrashing through the green haze with high-intensity riffs)
5"Paranoid and Paranoider" - Black Flag (A punk-infused, paranoia-inducing masterpiece for the metalheads who like to keep it raw)
2."Black Sabbath's Munchies" - Black Sabbath (Featuring their heaviest hits to satisfy the munchies)
3."Master of Bongs" - Metallica (An epic blend of metal and cannabis-inspired anthems)
4."Weed the Lightning" - Megadeth (Thrashing through the green haze with high-intensity riffs)
5"Paranoid and Paranoider" - Black Flag (A punk-infused, paranoia-inducing masterpiece for the metalheads who like to keep it raw)

I go a lot of gigs and download/bloodstock festival. Some of the best music to have a smoke to.

Yeah probably the most community, friendly festival I’ve been to. Really chilled and there’s not too many people like major festivals.

lots of metal plays at the local gym, Sepultura, Nailbomb, SOAD, Pantera, Mastodon, Deftones, DOWN, Black Label Society, TOOL and some others I cant remember the name of

Seeing Municipal Waste again in October, really looking forward to that one
Recomendations wise, I've been really digging some of the "new wave trad" by the likes of Eternal Champion and Visigoth, super cheesy power metal about goblins and dragons, epic stuff...
Recomendations wise, I've been really digging some of the "new wave trad" by the likes of Eternal Champion and Visigoth, super cheesy power metal about goblins and dragons, epic stuff...

Thanks for the recommendations man I’ll check them out. I’m seeing Alcest in October and can’t wait for that.

Must be more then a few metalheads here on LB for sure.
Right now I'm waiting for the re-recording by the Calavera brother's of the Morbid Visions record. Absolutely can't bloody wait for that! Artwork is on point and the sound, my goodness.
But otherwise, been on a death metal vibe recently - the new 200 Stab Wounds EP and the new Kruelty record basically.
Right now I'm waiting for the re-recording by the Calavera brother's of the Morbid Visions record. Absolutely can't bloody wait for that! Artwork is on point and the sound, my goodness.
But otherwise, been on a death metal vibe recently - the new 200 Stab Wounds EP and the new Kruelty record basically.

Yeah I was thinking the same,that’s why I made the post just to see what bands everyone was into.
Oh if they get that right it should be awesome. Early Sepultura rocks. Love the Arise album lost interest around Roots. That album wasn’t for me. I really like Derrick on vocals even though a lot of Max fan boys gave him a hard time when he joined.
Oh if they get that right it should be awesome. Early Sepultura rocks. Love the Arise album lost interest around Roots. That album wasn’t for me. I really like Derrick on vocals even though a lot of Max fan boys gave him a hard time when he joined.

Tonight I've been listening to Cult of Luna and Boris. Last night it was Lamp of Murmuur and Fluisteraars. I'm in my 50s. Metal seems to make more sense the older I get but then the type of metal I listen to now is different from the metal I listened to at 16. Except for Sabbath. Always Sabbath 🤘Music just keeps on getting better.

Absolutely love Cult Of Luna their Salvation album was incredible! Can’t remember if it was their debut? Give Panoption a listen man especially there again into the light album it is pure genius. Austin Lunn plays over a dozen instruments on the album. Can’t wait to see them next month on their first ever UK tour. Always Iron Maiden for me mate though I do obviously love Sabbath.

Oh yeah I love Panopticon too. I was listening to And Again... last night. Also Botanist and Wolves In The Throne Room, sheer sheets of metallic sound, hypnotic riffs it's damn psychedelic as a genre in many ways. Also into stuff like Thou and Primitive Man, I was listening to the last Wormrot album the other day. There's just so much good stuff and such massive variety that it's impossible to not like something that's "metal" if you're into music. If anyone avoids metal they should take a deep dive into all the sub genres cos they'd be surprised at how much they would probably love. From Sunn O))) to Full of Hell and all the stops in between.

They’re ..again into the light album is so good. I found it very accessible compared to their earlier stuff. Still really enjoy their early folk metal inspired stuff. Kentucky is fantastic. I was lucky enough to see Wolves In The Throne Room a few years back. Beautiful gig. It was bombastic and majestic all at once. 🤘

I saw Panopticon a few years back over in Dutchie land, enjoyed them but haven't paid much attention to them since.Do you like Wayfarer? They do a similar type of thing kinda country tinged BM.

Really like Wayfarer too and a Scottish band called Saor. They play a similar style to Panopticon. Can’t wait to see them live,I’ve waited years for them to visit the UK. Gotta travel a few hundred miles but it will deffo be worth it. Much love.

Mate it looks epic!! Panopticon are headlining day one and are playing their entire Roads To The North album!! The entire weekend looks genuinely great too.

Dad got me into metal with sabbath i have to agree nearly 40 now .... So many metal genres would not exist without them ..

Yeah Sabbath are definitely the godfathers of metal. Without them half the genres today wouldn’t exist.

and if you into black metal check out Blackbraid they just relesed their second album its Native american black metal if you like melodic stuff check em out i feel they are only going to get better...

Thanks for the recommendation man. I’ll check them out later on they sound very intriguing.

1 post
+16.2 votes
Cali imports vs quality UK weed
I have a similar bias but it's partly based on experience. I'd never tried 'Cali' before joining LB and having tried some of the low and mid tier opt…

Cali imports vs quality UK weed
Just had a question for the community - my friend and I have always had a bias against trying imported Cali weed. Not because of the quality of what's grown there, I'm sure it's amazing. But, firstly, worry over being sold fake stuff on the street at a high price (not a concern here with trusted vendors of course). And, above all, just worry about the transit process, not knowing what goes on, whether it might get sprayed with preservatives, or something else like that.
I just ordered some from the Pontiff (he said most of his Midzotics are Cali, plus other imports), and I cannot wait to try it for the first time, it sounds amazing based on reviews.
Anyway, is there any foundation for my concerns about imported stuff in general? I'm sure it's grown extremely well at source, and people are clearly loving it, but yeah I mean about the transit... Might be a stupid question, but I'm just genuinely clueless about it, as I bought directly from a very small, friendly group of UK growers for a long time (sadly, it disbanded recently).
My heart has always leaned heavily towards quality, local UK growers (also having a friend who used to be a small scale one, part of that group) - but should I just embrace both?
Grateful for any thoughts.
I just ordered some from the Pontiff (he said most of his Midzotics are Cali, plus other imports), and I cannot wait to try it for the first time, it sounds amazing based on reviews.
Anyway, is there any foundation for my concerns about imported stuff in general? I'm sure it's grown extremely well at source, and people are clearly loving it, but yeah I mean about the transit... Might be a stupid question, but I'm just genuinely clueless about it, as I bought directly from a very small, friendly group of UK growers for a long time (sadly, it disbanded recently).
My heart has always leaned heavily towards quality, local UK growers (also having a friend who used to be a small scale one, part of that group) - but should I just embrace both?
Grateful for any thoughts.

I have a similar bias but it's partly based on experience. I'd never tried 'Cali' before joining LB and having tried some of the low and mid tier options from reputable vendors, I've given up on it as a bad lot. The lows really are poor quality and the mids I've had weren't much better. A lot of the imported bud has obviously been grown using PGRs (not what I want to consume) which makes it fall foul of the strict US standards and means it gets shipped over here to us by the ton. Lots of UK buyers seem willing to lap it up just because of the Cali tag but I prefer to stick to well-grown UK flower any day.
I've not tried the $120 for 3.5g top shelf stuff and I doubt I ever will. I see no reason to spend that on an eighth when the same money could get me 14g of homegrown fire
I've not tried the $120 for 3.5g top shelf stuff and I doubt I ever will. I see no reason to spend that on an eighth when the same money could get me 14g of homegrown fire

We're cut from the same cloth! I'd love to buy an import pack from TGD but if I can get a half I'll always take that option.
I think good weed is good weed regardless of where it was grown. For peace of mind I think if you know someone who grows from seed then they're usually a safe bet. There's a reason why British Bulldog sells out crops in no time at all for example. I much prefer 'springier' (is that a word?) buds to the rock solid nugs that are sometimes sold as Cali. Definitely want to avoid any PGR shit.
I think good weed is good weed regardless of where it was grown. For peace of mind I think if you know someone who grows from seed then they're usually a safe bet. There's a reason why British Bulldog sells out crops in no time at all for example. I much prefer 'springier' (is that a word?) buds to the rock solid nugs that are sometimes sold as Cali. Definitely want to avoid any PGR shit.

Thanks for the replies! Didn't have any for days and then came back to all this :)
Yeah this just confirms my instinct...I didn't even think of chemicals during the grow process (as I just assumed some kind of regulation completely naively). But I'm paranoid by precisely stuff like the PGR you both describe. And the lack of freshness of the bud or the rock-hard quality. Completely agree about growing from seed. For me that kind of thing is much more important than a fad or hype (not to mention the cost). Btw the Midzotics from the Pontiff were very nice, great flavour and highs (and only a bit more expensive) - but I also later got some UK grown Blue Dream from Green Cat which is fantastic. And some UK homegrown weed has been the best I've ever smoked (I've never smoked in the US itself). I'm sure there's a place for top shelf, real stuff, but it's not worth the cost to me, except as a curiosity - I'm def sticking almost exclusively to well-grown UK flower!
Yeah this just confirms my instinct...I didn't even think of chemicals during the grow process (as I just assumed some kind of regulation completely naively). But I'm paranoid by precisely stuff like the PGR you both describe. And the lack of freshness of the bud or the rock-hard quality. Completely agree about growing from seed. For me that kind of thing is much more important than a fad or hype (not to mention the cost). Btw the Midzotics from the Pontiff were very nice, great flavour and highs (and only a bit more expensive) - but I also later got some UK grown Blue Dream from Green Cat which is fantastic. And some UK homegrown weed has been the best I've ever smoked (I've never smoked in the US itself). I'm sure there's a place for top shelf, real stuff, but it's not worth the cost to me, except as a curiosity - I'm def sticking almost exclusively to well-grown UK flower!

This comment by oldmaned all day.
The us market is getting more strictly regulated by the day! If you've used pesticides or growth hormones etc your crop will not be accepted in the legal market over there.
Why would they want to sell their wares at $800 a pound when they get that for an oz over here 🤔
The us market is getting more strictly regulated by the day! If you've used pesticides or growth hormones etc your crop will not be accepted in the legal market over there.
Why would they want to sell their wares at $800 a pound when they get that for an oz over here 🤔

It used to annoy me a bit that people were so obsessed with 'Cali'. The whole thing just seemed like utter nonsense but thesedays I just figure if that's what certain people want then let them have it. No harm done (except to their wallet).
I'm sure there are some banging Cali products out there, I know TGD have a solid reputation for their imports.
To me it though it seems a bit like Cristal Champagne. Sells at about £300 a bottle and I've been guilty of paying that myself for a mates stag do. Is it any better than Veuve Clicquot at £50 a bottle? Well everything is subjective but personally I don't think so.
Not to mention even Veuve is outclassed in blind taste tests by supermarket brands almost every Christmas. I think a year or so ago Aldi was smashing it with a £15 bottle of fizz people couldn't get enough of.
But you're not going to look very cool turning up to a stag do with a bottle of Aldi's finest...
So it has its place.
The idea that just because its grown in California automatically makes it superior is (in my humble option) very misguided. But we've all got opinions. 😂
Interestingly my grow shop guy was talking to me about synthetic vs organic bud hardener a few months ago. Synthetic being PGR, organic tends to focus more on raising PK levels and also adding things like mollases etc (I'm no expert I don't use either) and when I asked him what the benefit of the synthetic over the organic was... he said
"it all depends whether your customers want that whole 'Cali' look. If that's what they want go synthetic"
That about summed it up for me.
As I said, there is genuine high quality California weed going round, even on here, but there's also a hell of a lot of neo PGR riddled 'Cali' rubbish that's probably UK grown and is sold at an elevated price because you can play marbles with it. 😉
Not to mention the points PP has made which are entirely valid. It seems we're getting the dregs from the west coast that aren't ending up being burned.
Anyway, live and let live. If people want it and enjoy it, and are willing to pay for it, then that's totally up to them.
Just my 2p as always.
Cheers. BB 🍻🇬🇧🐶
I'm sure there are some banging Cali products out there, I know TGD have a solid reputation for their imports.
To me it though it seems a bit like Cristal Champagne. Sells at about £300 a bottle and I've been guilty of paying that myself for a mates stag do. Is it any better than Veuve Clicquot at £50 a bottle? Well everything is subjective but personally I don't think so.
Not to mention even Veuve is outclassed in blind taste tests by supermarket brands almost every Christmas. I think a year or so ago Aldi was smashing it with a £15 bottle of fizz people couldn't get enough of.
But you're not going to look very cool turning up to a stag do with a bottle of Aldi's finest...
So it has its place.
The idea that just because its grown in California automatically makes it superior is (in my humble option) very misguided. But we've all got opinions. 😂
Interestingly my grow shop guy was talking to me about synthetic vs organic bud hardener a few months ago. Synthetic being PGR, organic tends to focus more on raising PK levels and also adding things like mollases etc (I'm no expert I don't use either) and when I asked him what the benefit of the synthetic over the organic was... he said
"it all depends whether your customers want that whole 'Cali' look. If that's what they want go synthetic"
That about summed it up for me.
As I said, there is genuine high quality California weed going round, even on here, but there's also a hell of a lot of neo PGR riddled 'Cali' rubbish that's probably UK grown and is sold at an elevated price because you can play marbles with it. 😉
Not to mention the points PP has made which are entirely valid. It seems we're getting the dregs from the west coast that aren't ending up being burned.
Anyway, live and let live. If people want it and enjoy it, and are willing to pay for it, then that's totally up to them.
Just my 2p as always.
Cheers. BB 🍻🇬🇧🐶

Thanks for your thoughts BB :) - for me, the thing that matters most is the homegrown, organic, care aspect. These plants are living things, so how could all of that (and the reverse - chemicals etc) not have an impact on the quality of the high and any negative aspects? Some of the best stuff I've ever smoked was grown by my friend here, so I never felt the need to get Cali at all. Definitely always seemed like a bit of a fad to me, as you were saying (the idea that it's automatically superior), plus I'm paranoid about the potential chemicals.
Can't wait to try your stuff! As I said before I think, I came to Little Biggy above all to find people like you and the Druids and others :) that's all I need. But also exactly, each to their own - whatever blows your socks off ;)
Can't wait to try your stuff! As I said before I think, I came to Little Biggy above all to find people like you and the Druids and others :) that's all I need. But also exactly, each to their own - whatever blows your socks off ;)

There is huge overproduction in California (and Canada are destroying literally thousands of tonnes!), so exports are easily and cheaply bought with the shipping cost and risk being the key factors. The fact that an estimated 60-70% of users have “gone back to the streets” citing quality and taxation as the main reasons suggest that mass production is not the nirvana it was intended to be.
I don’t think there is any doubt that decent UK growers can spank Cali mids and lows with their eyes shut and we are lucky here to have some class growers.
Top shelf Cali is a fine product indeed. Can it be faked?, oh yeah, you can buy hundreds of different branded bags online. Is it too expensive?..well, that depends on your budget. I’m happy I’ve bought the Cali packs I have- 100% genuine and a wonderful vape. A great treat for a special occasion but overall I prefer to spend time watching for the next release from our UK growers!👀👍
I don’t think there is any doubt that decent UK growers can spank Cali mids and lows with their eyes shut and we are lucky here to have some class growers.
Top shelf Cali is a fine product indeed. Can it be faked?, oh yeah, you can buy hundreds of different branded bags online. Is it too expensive?..well, that depends on your budget. I’m happy I’ve bought the Cali packs I have- 100% genuine and a wonderful vape. A great treat for a special occasion but overall I prefer to spend time watching for the next release from our UK growers!👀👍

💯 spot on pollypuff20 👍
Low bottom shelf nowadays landing here only they call it Midz..
Low bottom shelf nowadays landing here only they call it Midz..

Completely with you pollypuff20 :) thanks for the info, I didn't know that about the overproduction.
big up to the UK growers, I have my eyes on their next releases and can't wait!
big up to the UK growers, I have my eyes on their next releases and can't wait!

I agree with many of the comments and the point of your post. I’ve had mostly negative experiences with imported bud, like someone else said it’s usually not that fresh and nearly always overpriced low/mid. Plus I see all the round up and poisons in the American food chain and dread to think what trickery can be used on weed production. I will always cluck for some proper uk homegrown, in my opinion it’s unbeatable. But each to their own. That being said I was having a crisis last night looking at THC’s new offering of the Lemon jars for $190. I sat for around half an hour debating if I should order or not, in the end I’ve decided to stay sober for abit longer. My last order on here didn’t come and I think it’s time to give myself a break.

Yeah exactly! The freshness aspect, the (scary US) chemicals, the cost...I'd rather try the real deal in the US itself someday. Proper UK homegrown all the way :)

Cali has become a poison chalice.
When people hear it they have the instant expectation that it will be of better quality than the UK flower they normally get.
It's such a vague term that in reality means absolutely nothing here.
So I think even if you have some unbelievable bud from West coast , it is best not to label it cali unless you want to, essentially (no offence)target it towards noobs here.
When people hear it they have the instant expectation that it will be of better quality than the UK flower they normally get.
It's such a vague term that in reality means absolutely nothing here.
So I think even if you have some unbelievable bud from West coast , it is best not to label it cali unless you want to, essentially (no offence)target it towards noobs here.

A lot of Cali isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
The bud coming from the UK atm is on par if not better then most of the mids and lower garbage that’s available now.
And then you have the time factor. For me especially it could take anywhere up to 2/3 weeks to get it delivered. Not so fresh when it comes & under p to get it sold.
Bigger fish may have a better experience.
That’s my 2cents on it
Good luck 👍🏻
The bud coming from the UK atm is on par if not better then most of the mids and lower garbage that’s available now.
And then you have the time factor. For me especially it could take anywhere up to 2/3 weeks to get it delivered. Not so fresh when it comes & under p to get it sold.
Bigger fish may have a better experience.
That’s my 2cents on it
Good luck 👍🏻

Yeah that's what I was thinking instinctively - how could it be fresh? And justify the huge mark up.

I’ll make it easy…
No it is not worth it!!!!!
While I’ve not wrote them all up, I’ve smoked some of the cheapest on here to the top packs (Cali and UK)and grown my own.
I’ve had cheap better than Cali and grows better than all. Does this mean one is better overall, does it fuxk. Waaaayyyyy too many variables and phenotypes at play…
The price per g is a joke and massively diminishing returns on flavour and potency!
Sometimes returning worse flavours or PERSONAL effects for that user!!!
The biggest take away id love the world of smokers to see, is:
The more that pay it the more that sell it and prices continue to go up!
I’d prefer recommending you all decent buds at half the price of Cali packs, EVERY TIME!’
even for treats, we just feed the system!!!!
These plants have roughly same life cycles and ain’t hard to grow (growing well is another matter) 😂
No it is not worth it!!!!!
While I’ve not wrote them all up, I’ve smoked some of the cheapest on here to the top packs (Cali and UK)and grown my own.
I’ve had cheap better than Cali and grows better than all. Does this mean one is better overall, does it fuxk. Waaaayyyyy too many variables and phenotypes at play…
The price per g is a joke and massively diminishing returns on flavour and potency!
Sometimes returning worse flavours or PERSONAL effects for that user!!!
The biggest take away id love the world of smokers to see, is:
The more that pay it the more that sell it and prices continue to go up!
I’d prefer recommending you all decent buds at half the price of Cali packs, EVERY TIME!’
even for treats, we just feed the system!!!!
These plants have roughly same life cycles and ain’t hard to grow (growing well is another matter) 😂

I'm with you - new to here but the UK Blue Dream I got from Green Cat has been lovely and a great price. And I'm (im)patiently waiting to try BB's and the Druids' stuff :) always on the lookout for some great UK bud!
And you're right too about all the variables (in my completely inexpert opinion, but that's what my grower friend has said)
And you're right too about all the variables (in my completely inexpert opinion, but that's what my grower friend has said)

Are you typically just paying for a taste ? Are effects no better do you think?
Iv never had the expensive stuff and I use bud as a lot I’m sure do for some issues I have. To the point I don’t give a shut about how it tastes, if it makes me feel ok I would smoke hey.
Iv never had the expensive stuff and I use bud as a lot I’m sure do for some issues I have. To the point I don’t give a shut about how it tastes, if it makes me feel ok I would smoke hey.

I think there is some correlation between flavour and the quality of the high, in general. But I am sure the obsession with Cali taste is overhype as well, and it's not a guarantee of a great high, or my first priority. Also, it for sure doesn't justify the huge mark up in any case. And especially for more medicinal use, as long as it alleviates your problem, that's the most important thing. Oh also, I've had some absolutely delicious UK bud.

The ‘Cali’ we get here is pants in comparison to the weed Americans smoke… I’ve never bought tops but can get mids for 3.5 for £30 locally.. anyways…
I went Cancun in May and got some ‘Cali’ from the Americans and the weed they’re smoking is nothing like what we get over here.
It tastes exactly as it smells, like most I can’t see how that’d be possible if it needed to travel over to the UK…
One thing though, this post has made me think I’ll even stop getting the mids I get and stick to getting some good UK on LB… someone made me want to try Pontiff - always thought prices were quite high but have seen a few peeps big them up now
I went Cancun in May and got some ‘Cali’ from the Americans and the weed they’re smoking is nothing like what we get over here.
It tastes exactly as it smells, like most I can’t see how that’d be possible if it needed to travel over to the UK…
One thing though, this post has made me think I’ll even stop getting the mids I get and stick to getting some good UK on LB… someone made me want to try Pontiff - always thought prices were quite high but have seen a few peeps big them up now

1 post
+2 votes

Mushroom Microdose: optimal dose?
Agreed, the strain does make quite a difference. I usually microdose with Golden Teachers and find that 0.25g is about right for me. I then got some…

Mushroom Microdose: optimal dose?
Hi Biggas
I have been buying 0.3g caps and splitting them in 0.1g for a microdose effect.
I think 0.3g is a bit too much, am after the stealth side of microdosing here: when others cannot tell that you are on shrooms BUT you definitely can ;-)
What do you guys think is the optimal dose?
I have been buying 0.3g caps and splitting them in 0.1g for a microdose effect.
I think 0.3g is a bit too much, am after the stealth side of microdosing here: when others cannot tell that you are on shrooms BUT you definitely can ;-)
What do you guys think is the optimal dose?

Guides I've read online seems to class anything sub 0.5 as a microdose. Like with everything, how much you take really changes from person to person and what you personally want from it. I microdose between 0.2 and 0.4 depending on the strain. I always start with 0.2 - 0.3 and see how I react. I can then always increase my dose should I need to 👍
If 0.1g works for you then there's no point changing it
If 0.1g works for you then there's no point changing it

Agreed, the strain does make quite a difference. I usually microdose with Golden Teachers and find that 0.25g is about right for me. I then got some APE Reverts from SOTL and 0.25g of those was a bit too much, almost felt like a threshold dose tbh.

Hi OldManEd
Thanks for sharing, this is what I am looking for i.e staying under the threshold dose.
Thanks for sharing, this is what I am looking for i.e staying under the threshold dose.

Hi PurplePunch
Thanks for sharing, 0.1g is OK but I feel I could push it a bit further.
I'll give 0.2 a shot next time :-)
Thanks for sharing, 0.1g is OK but I feel I could push it a bit further.
I'll give 0.2 a shot next time :-)

Hi bro, I'm offering a $5 3.5 of golden teachers to the first 25 orders I receive. Would love to see what you think of them. Enjoy your trip.

For me around the 0.15g mark hits the spot and keeps me in that zone. It feels like I'm walking along the beach on holiday with the sun on my shoulders, if you know what i mean ; )
Hit me up if you want me to send a little sample through!
Hit me up if you want me to send a little sample through!

Hey Family,
We would say 0.3-0.5 is a microdose! You can try our CaliGold Chocolate bars that are 4G per bar and 0.4 per square. Alternatively you can cut the square into 4 pieces and that would make 0.1G each bite :) Try us out and you will not be dissapointed!
Peace and Respect
We would say 0.3-0.5 is a microdose! You can try our CaliGold Chocolate bars that are 4G per bar and 0.4 per square. Alternatively you can cut the square into 4 pieces and that would make 0.1G each bite :) Try us out and you will not be dissapointed!
Peace and Respect

1 post
+1 votes
Premium Hash 28G GIVEAWAY
Cheers TGT 💚

Premium Hash 28G GIVEAWAY

We have just listed a Pick n Mix listing of 8 PREMIUM Hashes, with a major discount.
But first lets talk about the Giveaway!
There are 8 X 3.5G of Premium Hashes up for grabs.
To be provably fair we have decided to run the competition as below so please follow the instructions.
Like and Comment on this post what you think the BTC/USD price will be on 06/10/2023 at 7PM UK time.
Last entry 04/10/2023 7PM UK time.
1 guess per customer, price will be from the tradingview USD CHART.
The 8 closest entries will each receive 3.5G of one of the following hashes ;
Good Luck to all :)
Now onto the Pick n Mix listing. We have a 20% discount on this listing until 01/09.
28G from $190 to under $160.
We have over 300 reviews combined on these hashes with a 9.7 average :)
Link for the listing below.
Be quick and get yourself a bargain :)
Lots of Love
But first lets talk about the Giveaway!
There are 8 X 3.5G of Premium Hashes up for grabs.
To be provably fair we have decided to run the competition as below so please follow the instructions.
Like and Comment on this post what you think the BTC/USD price will be on 06/10/2023 at 7PM UK time.
Last entry 04/10/2023 7PM UK time.
1 guess per customer, price will be from the tradingview USD CHART.
The 8 closest entries will each receive 3.5G of one of the following hashes ;
Good Luck to all :)
Now onto the Pick n Mix listing. We have a 20% discount on this listing until 01/09.
28G from $190 to under $160.
We have over 300 reviews combined on these hashes with a 9.7 average :)
Link for the listing below.
Be quick and get yourself a bargain :)
Lots of Love

Right guys, price was $27,978
We used the trading view 1M candle, at 18;00 UTC (19:00 UK) on 06.10.2023
We are attaching the screenshot of the chart, and the 8 winners with the closest entries
2 Nani
Winners, please send us your shipping details .
Thank you all for taking part and keep an eye our for the next one :)
We used the trading view 1M candle, at 18;00 UTC (19:00 UK) on 06.10.2023
We are attaching the screenshot of the chart, and the 8 winners with the closest entries
2 Nani
Winners, please send us your shipping details .
Thank you all for taking part and keep an eye our for the next one :)

6 posts
+42 votes
Laser Focus microdose review
started topic
+ 6 more

Laser Focus microdose review
Before August this year, I hadn't taken psychedelics for about 18 years. I used to take LSD fairly frequently and preferred it to mushrooms as I found it more stable and predictable. I used it for fun and never thought of it as anything other than a recreational drug.
Over the last year or so, I've read various articles and reports in the mainstream press about medical trials where microdoses of psilocybin have been used to treat depression with promising results. Having lived with clinical depression since my early teens, these reports piqued my interest and led me to source some mushrooms on LB which I tried microdosing with. I found these to have a definite benefit to my overall mental state and when I saw Psychonauts offering microdose drops, I decided to give them a go.
These drops are absolutely wonderful. They've provided me with the same benefits as mushrooms but feel much cleaner. The first time I used them, there was a slight but noticeable improvement in my mood and mindset however the second time I used them, I felt the effects more strongly. I spent the whole day feeling fantastic, something which doesn't happen often. I was less anxious and was able to manage my thoughts more easily and effectively.
The drops take about 30 to 40 minutes to take effect and can take about 10 hours to fully wear off. There's no full trip with such small doses but this means that they can be used in situations where tripping would not be an option.
The vendor is also a genuine pleasure to communicate with. They take the time to add a personal element to their messages rather than just sending template updates. Their advice and guidance had been very helpful and it's reassuring to know that they care about their customers, rather than just trying to make a quick buck.
If you're interested in psychedelics then I can't recommend these guys highly enough. Their customer care is superb and their products are excellent quality.
Thanks Psychonauts!
Over the last year or so, I've read various articles and reports in the mainstream press about medical trials where microdoses of psilocybin have been used to treat depression with promising results. Having lived with clinical depression since my early teens, these reports piqued my interest and led me to source some mushrooms on LB which I tried microdosing with. I found these to have a definite benefit to my overall mental state and when I saw Psychonauts offering microdose drops, I decided to give them a go.
These drops are absolutely wonderful. They've provided me with the same benefits as mushrooms but feel much cleaner. The first time I used them, there was a slight but noticeable improvement in my mood and mindset however the second time I used them, I felt the effects more strongly. I spent the whole day feeling fantastic, something which doesn't happen often. I was less anxious and was able to manage my thoughts more easily and effectively.
The drops take about 30 to 40 minutes to take effect and can take about 10 hours to fully wear off. There's no full trip with such small doses but this means that they can be used in situations where tripping would not be an option.
The vendor is also a genuine pleasure to communicate with. They take the time to add a personal element to their messages rather than just sending template updates. Their advice and guidance had been very helpful and it's reassuring to know that they care about their customers, rather than just trying to make a quick buck.
If you're interested in psychedelics then I can't recommend these guys highly enough. Their customer care is superb and their products are excellent quality.
Thanks Psychonauts!

Thanks for sharing this. I’ve got a bottle in the fridge that I haven’t got around to using yet.
The comms from psychonauts were great and I appreciated the guide they provide.
I’ve done some reading up including reading a really good day and I think I’m read to dip the toe!
The comms from psychonauts were great and I appreciated the guide they provide.
I’ve done some reading up including reading a really good day and I think I’m read to dip the toe!

Thanks for your kind words friend! We are excited for you! Get that toe ready..... :-)

Hi Tomatoalec, did you ever get round to dipping your toe? I'm intrigued but still unsure! :)

Fantastic, thanks for the really helpful review. I've just ordered these and looking forward to some positive results 🤞

Hi dragrace, how did you get on? I'm still on the fence and intrigued about the experience of others. :)

I need to write a review for this too, I just need some time to do it justice - Fantastic product for sure.

Good staff comparing to what is available here as medical herb. This product is clean and no hangover after emptying whole bottle of leisure staff experience was amazing but at same time dangerous to some individuals who can get on other planet from this product... Be careful and peaceful;)

Totally right friend. As with all psychedelics there needs to be the utmost respect for them, preparing youu day, taking them in the right set & setting and ofcourse setting your intention for the medicine. Always go slow to start and understand your tolerance and how deep you want to go thereafter. This is why its a medicine and not a drug.
Peace to you all have a wonderful weekend all LB's :-)
Peace to you all have a wonderful weekend all LB's :-)

honestly.. life changing stuff.. i was on the fence..
if you arent living right, this medicine will point it out your first time using it..
they say lucy finds you when you need it most so always always bare that in mind and treat her with respect. bless.
if you arent living right, this medicine will point it out your first time using it..
they say lucy finds you when you need it most so always always bare that in mind and treat her with respect. bless.

Been on here a couple years but first time commenting on a product. This stuff is really helpful if you have a task or project. Had to put down a lengthy garden path - did all the measurements and spacing straight but the following day took a drop before comenecing the hard graft of digging out the holes etc. Time flew by. Hard to describe clearly but I started about 11:00 and finshed about 17:00 but said to my gf if she had told me the time was 13:00 I would have fully believed her. Also - on two separate occasions after taking 1 drop I was thinking about how I was gonna do something and the image of what I needed to do the task just appeared in my minds eye i.e. the image of the tool I needed. Very useful stuff this. Highly recommended.

Hiya really helpful review , I’ve been keeping a eye on this product as never had but defo tempted.
Many thanks ✨
Many thanks ✨

Can I just ask a question please? Did you definitely not get any trip effects on this dose? I'm really keen to try, but quite anxious as I can be quite sensitive to drugs! Any advice on this please? Thanks 😊

That's a tricky one to answer, to be honest. I think it depends a lot on your own previous experiences. Have you ever used psychedelics before?
I definitely knew I'd taken something with these drops although, for me, the effects were very gentle compared to my previous experience with psychedelics. I used to take LSD tabs fairly regularly in my late teens and early twenties, some of which were very potent. I really enjoyed tripping hard so maybe my perspective is influenced by that but I'd class these as mild in effect.
I hadn't taken any for about 20 years before trying these drops and instead of a full trip, I felt like I got the 'coming up' tingles and uplift in mood, shift in perception, etc. and then it just stayed like that instead of progressing any further. Nobody I was with had any idea I was on something, so quite different from being saucer-eyed on a full dose!
If you've never taken psychedelics before and are interested then I'd say these are a great entry point. The best advice I can give for first-time users is to be in a setting where you feel safe and secure, with people you know and trust. Make sure you have the time to enjoy the experience and give yourself a chance to align with your usual routine afterwards before having to get back to 'normality' (or what passes for it 😂).
Please let me know if you have any other questions. Enjoy your journey if you do decide to go ahead!
I definitely knew I'd taken something with these drops although, for me, the effects were very gentle compared to my previous experience with psychedelics. I used to take LSD tabs fairly regularly in my late teens and early twenties, some of which were very potent. I really enjoyed tripping hard so maybe my perspective is influenced by that but I'd class these as mild in effect.
I hadn't taken any for about 20 years before trying these drops and instead of a full trip, I felt like I got the 'coming up' tingles and uplift in mood, shift in perception, etc. and then it just stayed like that instead of progressing any further. Nobody I was with had any idea I was on something, so quite different from being saucer-eyed on a full dose!
If you've never taken psychedelics before and are interested then I'd say these are a great entry point. The best advice I can give for first-time users is to be in a setting where you feel safe and secure, with people you know and trust. Make sure you have the time to enjoy the experience and give yourself a chance to align with your usual routine afterwards before having to get back to 'normality' (or what passes for it 😂).
Please let me know if you have any other questions. Enjoy your journey if you do decide to go ahead!

great advice my brother! We second everything you say. These MicroDoses are designed to be exactly as you say, an entry point for you and for you to understand the effects on your personally with Psychedelics. To add, make sure you have an intention when you take your MicroDoses, asking the medicine for what you want it to show you.
The other option you have is to drop 1 drop in filtered water and only drink half the glass - it could be very mild and how may not feel any effects but again if you are anxious it may help alleviate your worries :-)
Peace, love and connection to you all
The other option you have is to drop 1 drop in filtered water and only drink half the glass - it could be very mild and how may not feel any effects but again if you are anxious it may help alleviate your worries :-)
Peace, love and connection to you all

Hi Ed, thanks for your review. You said that you feel like you're coming up but then just stay there without tripping. Can you describe the sensation of coming up, if there's anxiety etc. please? My order has just arrived and am a bit nervous to try as I've never tried LSD before.

It's quite hard to describe as it doesn't really feel like any non-drug experience I've had. If you've ever tried MDMA/Ecstasy then it's not a million miles away from the feeling of coming up on that but it's still not a great comparison, to be honest.
Personally, I get some butterflies in my tummy but not in a bad way. I get a tingling feeling my lips and my perception of colours, sounds and physical sensations changes slightly. These can all come in waves so might fluctuate slightly in terms of intensity, but I've never had feelings of anxiety with LSD (although I have sometimes felt that with mushrooms). I also get feelings of well-being, contentedness and a mild euphoria.
As above, Psychonauts have suggested adding one drop to some water and only drinking half of it which will reduce the dose even further if you're wary about taking the plunge. This will allow you to take the journey very slowly and you can always take a bigger dose the next time if you enjoy it.
Hope that helps, all the best whatever you decide to do.
Personally, I get some butterflies in my tummy but not in a bad way. I get a tingling feeling my lips and my perception of colours, sounds and physical sensations changes slightly. These can all come in waves so might fluctuate slightly in terms of intensity, but I've never had feelings of anxiety with LSD (although I have sometimes felt that with mushrooms). I also get feelings of well-being, contentedness and a mild euphoria.
As above, Psychonauts have suggested adding one drop to some water and only drinking half of it which will reduce the dose even further if you're wary about taking the plunge. This will allow you to take the journey very slowly and you can always take a bigger dose the next time if you enjoy it.
Hope that helps, all the best whatever you decide to do.

You get all that from a micro-dose???
I've done 1/4 tab before but didn't really feel anything.
I've done mushrooms and MDMA in full doses. MDMA was always fine, except for the come-down at the end of the night always gave me anxiety.
Mushrooms was a bit of a rollercoaster of happiness and giggles > anxiety > happiness and giggles > anxiety > happiness and giggles > anxiety...
Liked it when it was good, hated the anxiety parts.
You get all that from a micro-dose???
I've done 1/4 tab before but didn't really feel anything.
I've done mushrooms and MDMA in full doses. MDMA was always fine, except for the come-down at the end of the night always gave me anxiety.
Mushrooms was a bit of a rollercoaster of happiness and giggles > anxiety > happiness and giggles > anxiety > happiness and giggles > anxiety...
Liked it when it was good, hated the anxiety parts.

Totally, I don't miss those comedowns at all. 😂
Yeah, I get all of those feelings from these microdose drops. Not as intense as when coming up on a full dose but definitely still a noticeable shift from normal. The first time I had them, it wasn't all that strong a feeling but I definitely felt everything more on my second time. I believe there are lots of different factors that influence exactly how you'll feel on any given day but I would say these are much cleaner and more predictable than shrooms. I honestly think you'll have less chance of anxiety with LSD than you would with shrooms but that's only based on my own experiences and I obviously don't know your personal situation.
If you've had shrooms before then it's much the same as coming up on those but not as intense and, at least for me, much more uplifting and stable without the switching between loving it one minute then feeling sick and anxious the next. I know exactly what you mean by that and it seems a lot of others agree - there's a separate topic about the differences between the two (see link at the top of this comment) which might help reassure you.
Yeah, I get all of those feelings from these microdose drops. Not as intense as when coming up on a full dose but definitely still a noticeable shift from normal. The first time I had them, it wasn't all that strong a feeling but I definitely felt everything more on my second time. I believe there are lots of different factors that influence exactly how you'll feel on any given day but I would say these are much cleaner and more predictable than shrooms. I honestly think you'll have less chance of anxiety with LSD than you would with shrooms but that's only based on my own experiences and I obviously don't know your personal situation.
If you've had shrooms before then it's much the same as coming up on those but not as intense and, at least for me, much more uplifting and stable without the switching between loving it one minute then feeling sick and anxious the next. I know exactly what you mean by that and it seems a lot of others agree - there's a separate topic about the differences between the two (see link at the top of this comment) which might help reassure you.

Thank you. I think I've ready that post before. One last question, do you get any feelings of overstimulation or being wired when you MD on LSD, like you've had way too much coffee or something? Thanks

1 post
+2 votes

UK medical flower
Thanks for the post, buddy. I've been considering getting a script for a while and you've just convinced me.
Looking forward to being able to just…

UK medical flower
What’s up biggas,
Accepting I’ll probably use weed for my mental issues for life, I’ve got a fat legit prescription covering many strains 🥳
Thought I’d write up here to help anyone thinking about it.
Firstly, it ain’t cheap! No 10 quid NHS style prescriptions unfortunately.
Can take long to get initial consultation to your herb, so stock up better than Apex did, or end up buying brown terpless street weed
yeah my 1 guy up these ends goes from dog shit to epic, but it’s random 😂
My consultant was awesome, knew how to approach 1 of my conditions (PTSD) better than “conventional” medicine doctors!
Chatted for 20mins then he basically said, here’s the menu, order 60g of what you want and mail me 🤤🥳😂
That feeling was like, when you first joined LB but legit! 😜
For science and you lot, I literally ordered all the most expensive ones that were in stock.
Rapid delivery, and stealth was shit 😂 my postie was literally sniffing and laughing (I had a terpless joint on the go so couldn’t have been that)
Opened them all to give a whiff and tbh, only one smelt of nothing.
Cracked open the Farm Gas first, won’t lie a lesser content creator than Apex with green fur, might’ve tipped us off on this one ❤️
REALLY gassy and buds look divine with good spring and not like hay as I expected this medical to be.
Builder gives it “shit, mr Apex that new one stinks” he’s upstairs! 🤤
Smoked a joint and absolutely delish, washed it down on the mighty and able to hit 181c with no terp tickle, clouds of yummy Vapor and I feel medicated to fuck 🔥
I expect some lesser flower to come in this batch, but will update as I go.
Not that I really cared when vaping in public or anything, but it’s nice to know if a dog walking Karen comes over moaning to me while I vape and fish, I can now inform her that I’m just taking my medicine.
Old Apex would’ve slung the bitch in the lake to hide the body 😂
Anyway, hopefully helpful to anyone considering and feel free to hit me up with any questions 🤜❤️
Accepting I’ll probably use weed for my mental issues for life, I’ve got a fat legit prescription covering many strains 🥳
Thought I’d write up here to help anyone thinking about it.
Firstly, it ain’t cheap! No 10 quid NHS style prescriptions unfortunately.
Can take long to get initial consultation to your herb, so stock up better than Apex did, or end up buying brown terpless street weed
yeah my 1 guy up these ends goes from dog shit to epic, but it’s random 😂
My consultant was awesome, knew how to approach 1 of my conditions (PTSD) better than “conventional” medicine doctors!
Chatted for 20mins then he basically said, here’s the menu, order 60g of what you want and mail me 🤤🥳😂
That feeling was like, when you first joined LB but legit! 😜
For science and you lot, I literally ordered all the most expensive ones that were in stock.
Rapid delivery, and stealth was shit 😂 my postie was literally sniffing and laughing (I had a terpless joint on the go so couldn’t have been that)
Opened them all to give a whiff and tbh, only one smelt of nothing.
Cracked open the Farm Gas first, won’t lie a lesser content creator than Apex with green fur, might’ve tipped us off on this one ❤️
REALLY gassy and buds look divine with good spring and not like hay as I expected this medical to be.
Builder gives it “shit, mr Apex that new one stinks” he’s upstairs! 🤤
Smoked a joint and absolutely delish, washed it down on the mighty and able to hit 181c with no terp tickle, clouds of yummy Vapor and I feel medicated to fuck 🔥
I expect some lesser flower to come in this batch, but will update as I go.
Not that I really cared when vaping in public or anything, but it’s nice to know if a dog walking Karen comes over moaning to me while I vape and fish, I can now inform her that I’m just taking my medicine.
Old Apex would’ve slung the bitch in the lake to hide the body 😂
Anyway, hopefully helpful to anyone considering and feel free to hit me up with any questions 🤜❤️

£8-9 per g of what was available.
Range from 4.50-13 per g
Vapes available too but expensive
Range from 4.50-13 per g
Vapes available too but expensive

Thanks for the post, buddy. I've been considering getting a script for a while and you've just convinced me.
Looking forward to being able to justify the stink to my mrs if nothing else. 😂
"Quiet now, medicine time!"
Looking forward to being able to justify the stink to my mrs if nothing else. 😂
"Quiet now, medicine time!"

Welcome to the party pal. I’ve been legal for a year now. I had huge problems with work but it got sorted and they are fine now.
In my opinion people who can afford it should. The more of us jumping through the loop hole the more successful it will be, then more rich people will back it.
They will have to decriminalise it.
Just a tip EMT 20% THC from sapphire is £5.50 a gram (10 grams for £55). I pay that so I can spend more on black market products.
Good luck mate and thanks for bringing it into the spotlight brother..
In my opinion people who can afford it should. The more of us jumping through the loop hole the more successful it will be, then more rich people will back it.
They will have to decriminalise it.
Just a tip EMT 20% THC from sapphire is £5.50 a gram (10 grams for £55). I pay that so I can spend more on black market products.
Good luck mate and thanks for bringing it into the spotlight brother..

Thanks for the cheaper offering mate, I’ll try get some of those if available to balance out my heavy usage and give verdict.
For the strains I’ve tried so far, no complaints. One non smeller but smoked nice.
Couple drier than I like but brother Boveda will sort them out.
For the strains I’ve tried so far, no complaints. One non smeller but smoked nice.
Couple drier than I like but brother Boveda will sort them out.

Good work Skunky👍
Although my understanding is that despite having a prescription it remains illegal to smoke cannabis flower in the UK. All that’s changed is that Plod have agreed that they will still investigate but where no other offences are apparent they will take no further action where prescriptions exist although they will record the incident. Smoking in public remains a grey area and there were three test cases going before the courts but I don’t know if there has been an outcome?…driving under the influence is another hot set of test cases.
So when Karen comes over for a moan mate she is perfectly entitled to because you are a stinky law breaking skunk (no offence). Just one with a prescription 😂🦨😂
Although my understanding is that despite having a prescription it remains illegal to smoke cannabis flower in the UK. All that’s changed is that Plod have agreed that they will still investigate but where no other offences are apparent they will take no further action where prescriptions exist although they will record the incident. Smoking in public remains a grey area and there were three test cases going before the courts but I don’t know if there has been an outcome?…driving under the influence is another hot set of test cases.
So when Karen comes over for a moan mate she is perfectly entitled to because you are a stinky law breaking skunk (no offence). Just one with a prescription 😂🦨😂

Nah, the prescription gives you legal right to smoke it
If you have a script and drive you just need to not be impared. it can be in your system cos it's medical. drug swabs dont matter. Its based on impairement once you have a script
If you have a script and drive you just need to not be impared. it can be in your system cos it's medical. drug swabs dont matter. Its based on impairement once you have a script

Can you show me where they changed the law?, because that’s my point- they didn’t, and certainly not in a public place. But hey, it’s just semantics, I get it that scrips work for some people and you are not going to get done if you play by the rules…

I’d expect approach varies due to knowledge and attitudes exhibited.
I’d respect people and their boundaries as that’s just me the friendly (but stinky) 🦨 ❤️
Mrs Apex was spitting blood as she thought could always beat me with the illegal stick.
The mighty tastes extra good tonight 😂
I’d respect people and their boundaries as that’s just me the friendly (but stinky) 🦨 ❤️
Mrs Apex was spitting blood as she thought could always beat me with the illegal stick.
The mighty tastes extra good tonight 😂

Smoking is not how it’s prescribed hence the vape mate? So would think legal to take dose at required time on lake this way?
Joints are no no, I’m really close to sacking it off as prefer mighty mostly now 🥳
Or can I not take my benzodiazepines while fishing?🤔
Laws a mess and needs updating really, driving especially.
Though I hate to drive even slightly impaired!
Would only vape on lake now.
Joints are no no, I’m really close to sacking it off as prefer mighty mostly now 🥳
Or can I not take my benzodiazepines while fishing?🤔
Laws a mess and needs updating really, driving especially.
Though I hate to drive even slightly impaired!
Would only vape on lake now.

Well I think “smoking” actually means “using” in this context but yeah you are right that it needs clarification which is why those cases going through the courts are set up test cases.
I think with prescription pills there is a specific defence written into the law. With cannabis it’s currently just an agreement amongst Plod.
Seriously, is anyone getting into trouble for personal use whether they’ve got a scrip or not?…I can’t remember the last time I heard of any?…
I think with prescription pills there is a specific defence written into the law. With cannabis it’s currently just an agreement amongst Plod.
Seriously, is anyone getting into trouble for personal use whether they’ve got a scrip or not?…I can’t remember the last time I heard of any?…

I’d hope not mate, don’t see harm done by weed I’m never smoking infront of kiddos or anyone really 😂
Hopefully law gets with times, fucking stupid at times.
Wish people could grow a few without fear too as is a great hobby and those skills can be applied to your garden (he says looking smuggly as his butterfly haven of colour that’s winning “neighbour wars: summer edition”
Hopefully law gets with times, fucking stupid at times.
Wish people could grow a few without fear too as is a great hobby and those skills can be applied to your garden (he says looking smuggly as his butterfly haven of colour that’s winning “neighbour wars: summer edition”

Was looking at going through this process myself but I seen alot of people say that you have to attend mandatory consultations quite frequently. Not only is that a pain in the ass, but the cost that comes with it really adds to the overall cost and makes it pricey
Is this true? How frequently do you need to attend, and what is the price of the appointments?
Is this true? How frequently do you need to attend, and what is the price of the appointments?

Think this varies on clinic.
Mine =
Initial consultation 150
1 month follow up 50
Then think it’s 6 months or year at 50
While it adds up, gives apex chance to review the strains back to doc on what they are targeting.
Same I did with conventional mind numbing medicine
The more I get the easier to select from available that will work for me come repeat time, which is free just the money for herb.
It’s not cheap, but so far my experience and bud quality has been fine for that extra piece of mind.
And now also “Mrs apex, it’s medicine” 😂🥳😜
Mine =
Initial consultation 150
1 month follow up 50
Then think it’s 6 months or year at 50
While it adds up, gives apex chance to review the strains back to doc on what they are targeting.
Same I did with conventional mind numbing medicine
The more I get the easier to select from available that will work for me come repeat time, which is free just the money for herb.
It’s not cheap, but so far my experience and bud quality has been fine for that extra piece of mind.
And now also “Mrs apex, it’s medicine” 😂🥳😜

Thanks for the info, I may look into it again
Is there any options like 510 vapes? Or is it only flower in regards to smoking
Is there any options like 510 vapes? Or is it only flower in regards to smoking

Loads of flowers
Lots of oils varying in strength and sizes.
Vape carts and vape carts with battery. 0.5 and 1mg
Think they were like 100odd for a 1g pen though, definitely at the high end of the menu.
Lots of oils varying in strength and sizes.
Vape carts and vape carts with battery. 0.5 and 1mg
Think they were like 100odd for a 1g pen though, definitely at the high end of the menu.

Wow I had no idea , appreciate the info. Will be looking into it again as I use 510's all the time 👌

Let us know mate, and if anyone else jumped in.
I’m late to the party but quality has been ok, some better than others like always.
Dw still ordering a couple of things on here for variety 😂
I’m late to the party but quality has been ok, some better than others like always.
Dw still ordering a couple of things on here for variety 😂

Hey Apex,
Amazing content, I’ve been toying with the idea myself. The cost was always a bit hard to stomach tho. However I think the peace of mind being legal is most likely worth it.
I imagine I would feel like every kid at Christmas combined if my consumption was legal, I’ve been dreaming about if for literally decades.
Who did you use if you don’t mind my asking? I’m looking at mamedica. As per our green furry friend suggestion.
Also I wonder, if you let the prescription lapse, I.e do not attend the follow up can you just show your last prescription or the old packing as proof as prescription? Looking to see if I can avoid the follow on costs.
I’m currently trying to get access to my medical records but my gp is a bit useless.
So all in you were looking at roughly £200 for a 6 month prescription + cost of medicine (do you have to use their weed to be legal or can I continue to source my own?) and roughly how long did it take from enquiry to receiving your paperwork?
Amazing content, I’ve been toying with the idea myself. The cost was always a bit hard to stomach tho. However I think the peace of mind being legal is most likely worth it.
I imagine I would feel like every kid at Christmas combined if my consumption was legal, I’ve been dreaming about if for literally decades.
Who did you use if you don’t mind my asking? I’m looking at mamedica. As per our green furry friend suggestion.
Also I wonder, if you let the prescription lapse, I.e do not attend the follow up can you just show your last prescription or the old packing as proof as prescription? Looking to see if I can avoid the follow on costs.
I’m currently trying to get access to my medical records but my gp is a bit useless.
So all in you were looking at roughly £200 for a 6 month prescription + cost of medicine (do you have to use their weed to be legal or can I continue to source my own?) and roughly how long did it take from enquiry to receiving your paperwork?

Technically your weed in pots should be prescription to be legit.
Not sure they’d check strain though…. While I wouldn’t promote I’m sure some just get a wee bit legit and top up their prescription 10g pot 🤷♂️
I went Mamedica, strain selection was key to me as I’ve chonged a lot in my years 😂
They were great and didn’t try push anything, but offered advice and then said pick from the menu.
However, it can get costly - I went mad last month to my detriment and picked all the absolute fire strains around 10-11.50 per gram!!
But it was absolutely banging and better than a good few on here!
From initial payment to my first consultation it was 4 weeks!!! Then + 1 week to receive meds on a Saturday delivery (you get multiple text so no postie peaking required) 👍
Mamedica will chase your records, my gp was on it and I just replied yes to access on an email I was ccd on.
My history is long and fat and they still nailed that bit in a week. Upload your id too as soon as you can, more chance to get appointment brought fwd if you can be flexible.
You’re not forced to buy your max prescription amount so can do in bits, or just get smaller one month and let them know.
Initial consultation = 4 weeks
First legal delivery = 5 weeks
Follow up consultation = 8 weeks
Now I’m on repeat which is ordering through phone!
And yeah can use an older pot for a bit, I.e would be hard to blag it’s the same 10g from 2020 😂
They can also rub out from ink wear, I fondle mine regularly and seen them go completely
Not sure they’d check strain though…. While I wouldn’t promote I’m sure some just get a wee bit legit and top up their prescription 10g pot 🤷♂️
I went Mamedica, strain selection was key to me as I’ve chonged a lot in my years 😂
They were great and didn’t try push anything, but offered advice and then said pick from the menu.
However, it can get costly - I went mad last month to my detriment and picked all the absolute fire strains around 10-11.50 per gram!!
But it was absolutely banging and better than a good few on here!
From initial payment to my first consultation it was 4 weeks!!! Then + 1 week to receive meds on a Saturday delivery (you get multiple text so no postie peaking required) 👍
Mamedica will chase your records, my gp was on it and I just replied yes to access on an email I was ccd on.
My history is long and fat and they still nailed that bit in a week. Upload your id too as soon as you can, more chance to get appointment brought fwd if you can be flexible.
You’re not forced to buy your max prescription amount so can do in bits, or just get smaller one month and let them know.
Initial consultation = 4 weeks
First legal delivery = 5 weeks
Follow up consultation = 8 weeks
Now I’m on repeat which is ordering through phone!
And yeah can use an older pot for a bit, I.e would be hard to blag it’s the same 10g from 2020 😂
They can also rub out from ink wear, I fondle mine regularly and seen them go completely

Amazing! Thanks for taking the time to post such a detailed reply. I appreciate your kindness.
Im very tempted to go for it, I don’t know why but I do feel strangely apprehensive for whatever reason, that said I tend to overthink things a tad.
Yes the price per grams on some of the flower had me shook. How’d it compare to the top wares on here? I can imagine favourably.
So very happy this is now a possibility, even if a slight bit expensive. I assume with time prices will become more affordable, or I hope so at least.
Im very tempted to go for it, I don’t know why but I do feel strangely apprehensive for whatever reason, that said I tend to overthink things a tad.
Yes the price per grams on some of the flower had me shook. How’d it compare to the top wares on here? I can imagine favourably.
So very happy this is now a possibility, even if a slight bit expensive. I assume with time prices will become more affordable, or I hope so at least.

Happy to help mate.
Firstly no need for apprehension ❤️
If you have condition that previously been treated they will look after you.
While it medication, it’s in their interest to sign you up for the cash. This being said it NEVER felt like that, in fact my doc kept highlighting 6.50 per g and Greedy apex be like nah 😂😂😂
In terms of bud price and quality it ranges from “it gets you medicated” to “fuck me it’s better than top shelf”
I go sniffing around on medbud wiki and YouTube, to research strains and what not, so even my lesser ones were better than expected.
I’ve smoked from $30-$120 per 3.5 on here. I think the very best ones of smoked are on par with many of the “cali” labels on here.
TGDs packs were the next level above.
Weed prices are fucked imo, medical uk is FAR too expensive as is loads on here atm.
The trouble is, if smokers keep paying the tip prices it continues and gets worse.
Same happened with my corals mate, slap a sexy name on it like “Nuclear Buddha Finger” and something once common is now “rare”.
I get the odd original strain being kept going by a mother plant “could” warrant a higher price point due to actual rarity. But ALL these plants have a short life cycle, so they are just cashing people out from getting natural plant based meds 🤦♂️
Firstly no need for apprehension ❤️
If you have condition that previously been treated they will look after you.
While it medication, it’s in their interest to sign you up for the cash. This being said it NEVER felt like that, in fact my doc kept highlighting 6.50 per g and Greedy apex be like nah 😂😂😂
In terms of bud price and quality it ranges from “it gets you medicated” to “fuck me it’s better than top shelf”
I go sniffing around on medbud wiki and YouTube, to research strains and what not, so even my lesser ones were better than expected.
I’ve smoked from $30-$120 per 3.5 on here. I think the very best ones of smoked are on par with many of the “cali” labels on here.
TGDs packs were the next level above.
Weed prices are fucked imo, medical uk is FAR too expensive as is loads on here atm.
The trouble is, if smokers keep paying the tip prices it continues and gets worse.
Same happened with my corals mate, slap a sexy name on it like “Nuclear Buddha Finger” and something once common is now “rare”.
I get the odd original strain being kept going by a mother plant “could” warrant a higher price point due to actual rarity. But ALL these plants have a short life cycle, so they are just cashing people out from getting natural plant based meds 🤦♂️

Had follow up appointment and as good as the first, well better actually.
Gave apex reviews of the strains, I think he knows my real identity 😂
And sacked off a few for some more.
For anyone not happy with their provider, well impressed with mine as treated like adult and can order what strains I want from the menu.
25 quid to transfer I think, and no I don’t get paid by them or anyone else 😂
Had follow up appointment and as good as the first, well better actually.
Gave apex reviews of the strains, I think he knows my real identity 😂
And sacked off a few for some more.
For anyone not happy with their provider, well impressed with mine as treated like adult and can order what strains I want from the menu.
25 quid to transfer I think, and no I don’t get paid by them or anyone else 😂

3 posts
+5 votes

Are disposable vapes getting banned UK?
Probably spot on there, they have no invested interests in the Chinese vape companies!
+ 3 more

Are disposable vapes getting banned UK?
The Daily Telegraph reported that the government is set to ban single-use vapes as early as next week to stop nicotine addiction among children. Asked about the reports this morning, the science and technology secretary said the government had been "looking into this"... What do you guys think doses this carry any weight??

They are chucked on the floor all over the gaff!
I’m no just stop oil kinda Apex, but these seem bad to be left around.
Vapes can be great for people coming off serious nico addictions, but then I always steer people to a big battery, tank and juice combo as much cheaper in long run
I’m no just stop oil kinda Apex, but these seem bad to be left around.
Vapes can be great for people coming off serious nico addictions, but then I always steer people to a big battery, tank and juice combo as much cheaper in long run

I would say it’s probably a good thing that teens won’t be getting as easily addicted to nicotine, however I do think adults should still be able to choose to put whatever they want in their body even if it’s not good for them, it’s a tricky one

Bullshit as usual. Overreach of a nanny state which is increasingly where we are heading. And people are asking for it as you can see because they have been conditioned to think that banning things is always the answer. Why not just force bland packaging as they did with tobacco?

Disposable vapes aren't a necessity. As apex points out you can get a box mod or rechargeable and fill the tank yourself. In London I see just as many school kids with disposable vapes as adults so there is a valid point there. Also the materials it's made from are indeed not very kind to the environment. I can't think of a single reason someone would need a disposable vape over a reusable one and it really is a mark of our throw away society and complete disregard for resources and recycling. I'm not an activist or anything but we all need to do our bit.

The environment and waste thing isn't really a very good argument for banning it if it's not even the reason they are giving.
I don't really recall proclaiming it was a necessity. But regardless, what logic makes it OK to ban something because it isn't a necessity? Ideology. That's exactly what.
What I was pointing out and asking is why is the answer to ban everything rather than encourage more responsible use or regulate the manufacturers to have standards for the waste and goddam it stop shops from selling them to kids.
They always use playing on people's general care for their children like this and it's getting nauseating that people continually fall into the trap.
Why should the convenience aspect be ruined for people who want to pay extra for that?
I spend 10 minutes doing my plastic and metal recycling once a week. Is that for nothing or are there things made of plastic and metal that can be recycled?
Getting to a place where the government is banning things rather than attempting to make the market behave more responsibly, we are ripe for some tyranny. Seriously.
Those of you sleepwalking through these times are pushing the rest of us that want our freedoms left alone off the edge of a cliff.
Meaning well is not all that's required here I'm afraid. The times are rather more serious than that.
I don't really recall proclaiming it was a necessity. But regardless, what logic makes it OK to ban something because it isn't a necessity? Ideology. That's exactly what.
What I was pointing out and asking is why is the answer to ban everything rather than encourage more responsible use or regulate the manufacturers to have standards for the waste and goddam it stop shops from selling them to kids.
They always use playing on people's general care for their children like this and it's getting nauseating that people continually fall into the trap.
Why should the convenience aspect be ruined for people who want to pay extra for that?
I spend 10 minutes doing my plastic and metal recycling once a week. Is that for nothing or are there things made of plastic and metal that can be recycled?
Getting to a place where the government is banning things rather than attempting to make the market behave more responsibly, we are ripe for some tyranny. Seriously.
Those of you sleepwalking through these times are pushing the rest of us that want our freedoms left alone off the edge of a cliff.
Meaning well is not all that's required here I'm afraid. The times are rather more serious than that.

But what would be likely to have more of an impact?
A) ask people to sell ethically, use and dispose ethically and hope for the best
B) remove the issue entirely
People can't be trusted, people selling things will generally place profits above morals, and walking to the bin would be more effort than throwing it on the floor and so we have literally millions thrown all over the place.
If there was a vote, id vote ban them all day long.
Having the freedom to vape is fine, having a disposable with more issues than tangible benefits is just illogical.
A) ask people to sell ethically, use and dispose ethically and hope for the best
B) remove the issue entirely
People can't be trusted, people selling things will generally place profits above morals, and walking to the bin would be more effort than throwing it on the floor and so we have literally millions thrown all over the place.
If there was a vote, id vote ban them all day long.
Having the freedom to vape is fine, having a disposable with more issues than tangible benefits is just illogical.

"People can't be trusted" as a rationale on it's own is too subjective and too facile in my opinion.
Without realising I think alot are becoming OK with authoritarianism.
Without realising I think alot are becoming OK with authoritarianism.

Do people know it's wrong to sell vapes to kids? Or to litter? But still, it happens.
People being untrustworthy is inherently objective and you can find examples of untrustworthy or unscrupulous individuals from the very start of recorded history. Conjecture is not a valid argument man.
People being untrustworthy is inherently objective and you can find examples of untrustworthy or unscrupulous individuals from the very start of recorded history. Conjecture is not a valid argument man.

Examples are not conclusion though. "People being untrustworthy is inherently objective" is a totally subjective statement, with only the limited examples you give as evidence. If you don't mind me saying, it's quite a bizarre, and typically schozoid way to view the world..
The examples you mention seem to be cherry picked to support your position rather than a wide ranging array of incontrovertible examples that humans can't be trusted with anything ever.
Again, the whole premise is a reductive perversion of what I see.
Saying I am making conjecture by not accepting a subjective statement like "humans can't be trusted" is in fact an objective statement does not make it so does it? It means that you and I have divergent opinions, not that your claim is correct because yoi provide a handful of examples and a statement about history which is no stronger argument than me telling you that I lost my wallet in LIDL carpark last week and somebody handed it in with all the money still there.
Britain came together and ended slavery without being forced. Is that the footprint of an untrustworthy species?
The examples you mention seem to be cherry picked to support your position rather than a wide ranging array of incontrovertible examples that humans can't be trusted with anything ever.
Again, the whole premise is a reductive perversion of what I see.
Saying I am making conjecture by not accepting a subjective statement like "humans can't be trusted" is in fact an objective statement does not make it so does it? It means that you and I have divergent opinions, not that your claim is correct because yoi provide a handful of examples and a statement about history which is no stronger argument than me telling you that I lost my wallet in LIDL carpark last week and somebody handed it in with all the money still there.
Britain came together and ended slavery without being forced. Is that the footprint of an untrustworthy species?

Also you are entitled to your own opinion, but the fact of the matter is people are liars, cheaters, thieves and generally have self interest at the top of their priority list. There are exceptions to the rule of course but even someone as lofty as old mother Theresa has been demonstrable found to be self interested and untrustworthy.

Slavery is not a matter of trust, but ethics at large. Speaking exclusively about trust are you able to give an example to demonstrate as a species we are honest and trustworthy? Do you have antivirus on your PC? Why if we are so wholesome?
Do you lock your door at night? Why?
Do you leave your wages lying on the street? Why?
I think you are just trying to argue for arguments sake, we are the least trustworthy species on the planet.
Do you lock your door at night? Why?
Do you leave your wages lying on the street? Why?
I think you are just trying to argue for arguments sake, we are the least trustworthy species on the planet.

I am yes entitled to my opinion and trying to remain respectful so I'm not too sure why you are trying to act like I am being difficult because I totally disagree with your position and am willing to continue to tell you why.
You have claimed something is objective and I have simply demonstrated why it cannot be objective.
I am trying to argue for what I actually believe, and I find it hard to believe that humans are only as trustworthy as the least trustworthy human in existence, which is the narrative you are trying to portray as inarguable here. To me that seems not only erroneous but also an awful, miserable philosophy to live one's life by. It nearly guarantees that you won't enjoy most aspects of your life.
The nature of protecting yourself against bad consequences because you have something worth protecting does not mean that you trust nobody.
In my village, there is a farm and unmanned farm shop with an honesty box. Still there to this day and I and my neighbours use it regularly to get fresh eggs, fruit and veg. That's an anecdote..it supports my argument but it does not make me objectively correct does it? I think the truth is more complicated and grey than you are prepared to admit.
There's also a take one leave one book cabinet in the village centre. Yet to see anybody abuse it or set it on fire.
Your logic would naturally lead one to conclude that the existence of bad is proof of the non existence of good. We know that isn't true. That is genuine fringe thinking.
You have claimed something is objective and I have simply demonstrated why it cannot be objective.
I am trying to argue for what I actually believe, and I find it hard to believe that humans are only as trustworthy as the least trustworthy human in existence, which is the narrative you are trying to portray as inarguable here. To me that seems not only erroneous but also an awful, miserable philosophy to live one's life by. It nearly guarantees that you won't enjoy most aspects of your life.
The nature of protecting yourself against bad consequences because you have something worth protecting does not mean that you trust nobody.
In my village, there is a farm and unmanned farm shop with an honesty box. Still there to this day and I and my neighbours use it regularly to get fresh eggs, fruit and veg. That's an anecdote..it supports my argument but it does not make me objectively correct does it? I think the truth is more complicated and grey than you are prepared to admit.
There's also a take one leave one book cabinet in the village centre. Yet to see anybody abuse it or set it on fire.
Your logic would naturally lead one to conclude that the existence of bad is proof of the non existence of good. We know that isn't true. That is genuine fringe thinking.

How about the XL Bully ban? Overreach of a nanny state? or only sensible action after so many brutal attacks?
Put them in plain collars maybe? Ask breeders to only sell to responsible people please?
Put them in plain collars maybe? Ask breeders to only sell to responsible people please?

I am no canine expert. But I have always believed that a dog is a result of it's environment over it's genes.
I have known some exceptionally placid and lovely rottweilers for example.
There have been 4 fatal XL bully attacks of a total 6 fatal dog attacks this year. The truth is they are responsible for a large percentage of fatal attacks.
Are you telling me you believe that is more down to the genetics or criminally negligent ownership of the breed?
If the former is substantially true, then a ban is probably just given the fatalities.
The wider point being, when did banning everything become our first port of call?
It's a beautiful test run for the social engineers and think tanks.
Watching them manipulate the Overton window amongst the oblivious whilst we all get wound up and divided over disposable vapes 😬.
I have known some exceptionally placid and lovely rottweilers for example.
There have been 4 fatal XL bully attacks of a total 6 fatal dog attacks this year. The truth is they are responsible for a large percentage of fatal attacks.
Are you telling me you believe that is more down to the genetics or criminally negligent ownership of the breed?
If the former is substantially true, then a ban is probably just given the fatalities.
The wider point being, when did banning everything become our first port of call?
It's a beautiful test run for the social engineers and think tanks.
Watching them manipulate the Overton window amongst the oblivious whilst we all get wound up and divided over disposable vapes 😬.

The temperament they have and damage they do is down to genetics. Just as hunting dogs are innately predisposed (I have pointers).
'Britain came together and ended slavery without being forced.'
Yeah what? It took William Wilberforce 20 years of campaigning within Parliament to end slave owning here - by way of a Govt ban. Then another 30 years to end it in the colonies, also by law.
Not every action of Govt is overreach in my view, as long as they remember who works for who.
'Britain came together and ended slavery without being forced.'
Yeah what? It took William Wilberforce 20 years of campaigning within Parliament to end slave owning here - by way of a Govt ban. Then another 30 years to end it in the colonies, also by law.
Not every action of Govt is overreach in my view, as long as they remember who works for who.

Well I will concede that you have more dog knowledge than I, which is not difficult. But I'm not trying to die on the XL Bully Hill as much as the "ban everything I don't like" is not the answer hill.
So do you think taking 20 years of campaigning to ban a practice as old as time and as prevelant as slavery shows that we are inherently untrustworthy?
Seems a little bit like looking too hard for ideals in the past.
We were the first to do it and had absolutely no economic motivation to do so. It was a purely moral step to take and lots of rich, influential people had to be taken on to stop it.
CRT makes it easy to look at the slave trade through the lense that it started with the transatlantic one. Not true.
So do you think taking 20 years of campaigning to ban a practice as old as time and as prevelant as slavery shows that we are inherently untrustworthy?
Seems a little bit like looking too hard for ideals in the past.
We were the first to do it and had absolutely no economic motivation to do so. It was a purely moral step to take and lots of rich, influential people had to be taken on to stop it.
CRT makes it easy to look at the slave trade through the lense that it started with the transatlantic one. Not true.

Waste is one of the reasons given by local councils.
Protecting children is another.
The plastic parts are recyclable - once collected, separated, cleaned of nicotine and the battery metals recovered. There's also the packaging, clearing empties from the streets and daily fires in landfills.
We're all on a site to buy illegal goods using our bitcoins, so not really blind sheep supporting a nanny state.
If markets could behave responsibly disposables wouldn't exist, and cigarettes would have gone 50 years ago. It's just about personal profits whilst the wider costs are on us.
My understanding is that disposables exist because tobacco funded lobbyists pushed for the 2ml limit which favours their replacement for the dwindling cig market. They just got outperformed by the Chinese.
Completely agree with you on the Online Safety Bill.
Protecting children is another.
The plastic parts are recyclable - once collected, separated, cleaned of nicotine and the battery metals recovered. There's also the packaging, clearing empties from the streets and daily fires in landfills.
We're all on a site to buy illegal goods using our bitcoins, so not really blind sheep supporting a nanny state.
If markets could behave responsibly disposables wouldn't exist, and cigarettes would have gone 50 years ago. It's just about personal profits whilst the wider costs are on us.
My understanding is that disposables exist because tobacco funded lobbyists pushed for the 2ml limit which favours their replacement for the dwindling cig market. They just got outperformed by the Chinese.
Completely agree with you on the Online Safety Bill.

I think there is alot of validity to points made in your response.
I 100% disagree with you that banning totally is the right thing to do in most circumstances.
That is just asking for a nanny state and I don't understand how that is not obvious.
Simply being on here does not make you immune to propaganda.
If you have seen the big thread about covid, it is very clear that many users here are absolutely sheep. Nasty, blind, gatekeepers wet dream type sheep. Present company excluded given we are having a sensible, enjoyable discussion right here.
I 100% disagree with you that banning totally is the right thing to do in most circumstances.
That is just asking for a nanny state and I don't understand how that is not obvious.
Simply being on here does not make you immune to propaganda.
If you have seen the big thread about covid, it is very clear that many users here are absolutely sheep. Nasty, blind, gatekeepers wet dream type sheep. Present company excluded given we are having a sensible, enjoyable discussion right here.

Because they feel people can't be trusted to do the right thing annd most people cant , not everyone is as elevated as us Biggas :D

If you are right, we are facing certain state tyranny in the next 10 years. Likely that will mean that the type of government available is indistinguishable from the CCP.
This is probably supported by the "buildings energy performance bill" and "online safety bill" recently passed in Parliament without a whimper.
This is probably supported by the "buildings energy performance bill" and "online safety bill" recently passed in Parliament without a whimper.

You're spot on here Ess. The over-reach is happening every day and no-one seems aware.
Did you see the gene-editing bill??!!
The "energy bill" will see you put out of your house, and much more.
Massive US style bills are being passed in the UK with so many vaguely defined terms (e.g. 'legal but harmful'), that can be defined later with Statutory instruments, passed by corrupt parliaments. Like they were doing through covid - putting instruments on the table at 9pm on a Sunday night when no-one was there to object.
Many thoughts are already illegal as our friend Eric Blair already knew would happen many years ago...
Did you see the gene-editing bill??!!
The "energy bill" will see you put out of your house, and much more.
Massive US style bills are being passed in the UK with so many vaguely defined terms (e.g. 'legal but harmful'), that can be defined later with Statutory instruments, passed by corrupt parliaments. Like they were doing through covid - putting instruments on the table at 9pm on a Sunday night when no-one was there to object.
Many thoughts are already illegal as our friend Eric Blair already knew would happen many years ago...

1984 bro even Tolkien predicted this shit he spoke about it at one of his dinners but he spoke in code. If you ever find it listen to it and think, Hobbits = common folk and wizards = politicians

True but then you still have to problem of waste and thats whats more important i feel.. But saying the main reason is kids is just not the case. It's so more people listen if they said it was just because of the waste then not as many people would care, I get how they work.

They are off their heads bro are they gonna ban fruit cider and flavored beers now also ?? i don't understand how they say its aimed at children just because of the flavours ...

The plan is to outlaw disposables, not fruit flavoured vape.
The waste is phenomenal, as is the take up from children, the strength is 2% by default which is considerably higher than most e-juices before the rules changed. Shockingly addictive
These problems were far less an issue with refillable vapes which didn't have pride of place behind every convenience shop counter at pocket money prices.
The waste is phenomenal, as is the take up from children, the strength is 2% by default which is considerably higher than most e-juices before the rules changed. Shockingly addictive
These problems were far less an issue with refillable vapes which didn't have pride of place behind every convenience shop counter at pocket money prices.

The waste alone is enough for me - more than enough.
I'd argue the same as anyone against banning vapour, but disposables can fcuk right off.
I'd argue the same as anyone against banning vapour, but disposables can fcuk right off.

Totaly agree about the waste, My olds wont listen when i tell em to stop buying cheap lighters lol but hey if it cuts waste im all for it .

Seems adults aren't allowed to like sweet or fruity things. 😕 It was the same back when bottled vape juices became popular, anything other than tobacco flavour was decried as being targeted at children.
I get the waste/environmental impact side of it but can't agree with the rationale that naming them after sweets or having bright packaging means they're actually intended for children.
If so many underagers are buying them then surely there should be more of a focus on preventing those sales and imposing hefty penalties for any shopkeepers who get caught selling nicotine to kids?
I get the waste/environmental impact side of it but can't agree with the rationale that naming them after sweets or having bright packaging means they're actually intended for children.
If so many underagers are buying them then surely there should be more of a focus on preventing those sales and imposing hefty penalties for any shopkeepers who get caught selling nicotine to kids?

Far more complex/time consuming and expensive to police corner shops than it is to ban them

Fair point, the usual lack of resources means they can't enforce existing rules so have to make new, even stricter ones to compensate.

agreed it seems too heavy handed maybe they don't have money in the companys like they do with beer and cigs??

2 posts
+7.2 votes
Do you feel obliged to smoke?
I'm 45, I've been regularly consuming cannabis in some way now for at least 28 years and I have no intention of stopping unless I'm somehow forced to.…
+ 2 more
![[ask any bigga]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/NxHKMggZQxiiBNIG.png)
Do you feel obliged to smoke?
If you've been smoking for a while, do you feel like you have to keep smoking? Maybe due to medical reasons or just pure addiction. Also do you see yourself still smoking in the next half of your life. I'm 25 so for me to think that I could be still smoking weed when I'm 50 doesn't entertain me, it makes me want to stop before it gets to that.

I'm 45, I've been regularly consuming cannabis in some way now for at least 28 years and I have no intention of stopping unless I'm somehow forced to.
I've quit various things in my adult life, including a 24-year long tobacco habit which is notoriously tough to kick, and I don't think my prolonged love for weed is due to addiction.
I've lived with mental health issues since my early teens and the Nineties weren't exactly the most enlightened when it came to those matters. No access to like-minded souls via the internet at the time and a total lack of understanding within general society led to my symptoms being mostly misinterpreted and left unaddressed. Even my teachers at school made things worse through sheer ignorance, and I began to feel there was no relief to be had.
The first time I smoked proper weed, that changed forever. My thoughts stopped going in 20 different directions at once at 100 miles per hour. The chatter that was similar to a bunch of detuned radios in my head distilled themselves into a single train of thought and, for the time in ages, I actually felt in control of my own mind.
It genuinely seemed like an awakening so I made sure it wasn't just a fluke by trying again a few times (proper science needs experimentation 😉). I've used it ever since and can't envisage a time when I won't want it in my life.
Like anything worth having, I believe it requires some level of moderation and caning it all day, every day is probably not going to do you any favours. It used to be the first and last thing I did each day, as well as any available opportunity in between, but my tolerance got so high that I couldn't and I lost the only pleasure I had at the time.
I learned after that to respect it and dial it back a bit. I take t-breaks when I feel the need and while I would say I'm probably addicted, I wouldn't say that I'm dependent on it. I suppose it depends on individual motivations for using cannabis but I'd say I'm definitely a lifer. 💚
I've quit various things in my adult life, including a 24-year long tobacco habit which is notoriously tough to kick, and I don't think my prolonged love for weed is due to addiction.
I've lived with mental health issues since my early teens and the Nineties weren't exactly the most enlightened when it came to those matters. No access to like-minded souls via the internet at the time and a total lack of understanding within general society led to my symptoms being mostly misinterpreted and left unaddressed. Even my teachers at school made things worse through sheer ignorance, and I began to feel there was no relief to be had.
The first time I smoked proper weed, that changed forever. My thoughts stopped going in 20 different directions at once at 100 miles per hour. The chatter that was similar to a bunch of detuned radios in my head distilled themselves into a single train of thought and, for the time in ages, I actually felt in control of my own mind.
It genuinely seemed like an awakening so I made sure it wasn't just a fluke by trying again a few times (proper science needs experimentation 😉). I've used it ever since and can't envisage a time when I won't want it in my life.
Like anything worth having, I believe it requires some level of moderation and caning it all day, every day is probably not going to do you any favours. It used to be the first and last thing I did each day, as well as any available opportunity in between, but my tolerance got so high that I couldn't and I lost the only pleasure I had at the time.
I learned after that to respect it and dial it back a bit. I take t-breaks when I feel the need and while I would say I'm probably addicted, I wouldn't say that I'm dependent on it. I suppose it depends on individual motivations for using cannabis but I'd say I'm definitely a lifer. 💚

Thanks Ed, this actually changed my perspective on things. Your comment about "while I would say I'm probably addicted, I wouldn't say that I'm dependent on it" made me realise than you can still have an addiction whilst keeping it managed. I guess a big part of being addicted to something is making sure it doesn't get worse.
I have a similar situation to you, mental health issues since a child but I have various bone issues too. I would have to agree with everything you've said. It's a massive relief to have something that understands you, even if it can't speak. Do you tend to have t-breaks much?
Thanks for sharing your side of the story Ed❤️
I have a similar situation to you, mental health issues since a child but I have various bone issues too. I would have to agree with everything you've said. It's a massive relief to have something that understands you, even if it can't speak. Do you tend to have t-breaks much?
Thanks for sharing your side of the story Ed❤️

Yeah, I think addiction and dependency are often used interchangeably but they're not the same thing.
You can be addicted to anything that gives you a buzz/rush - chocolate, gambling, sex, shopping, they're all addictive. That just means you want to do it a lot though. The danger starts when the urge to do that 'something' becomes your overriding priority over everything else, at any cost.
Being honest, my next t-break is long overdue. I usually try for at least one every few months but depends on whats going on in life. Even a day or two without makes a difference for me so it doesn't need to be weeks of abstinence!
Hope you find the balance you're looking for, take care buddy.
You can be addicted to anything that gives you a buzz/rush - chocolate, gambling, sex, shopping, they're all addictive. That just means you want to do it a lot though. The danger starts when the urge to do that 'something' becomes your overriding priority over everything else, at any cost.
Being honest, my next t-break is long overdue. I usually try for at least one every few months but depends on whats going on in life. Even a day or two without makes a difference for me so it doesn't need to be weeks of abstinence!
Hope you find the balance you're looking for, take care buddy.

I agree, if anything us as humans are addicted to many things that we use on a daily basis. The internet really is one of them, I can imagine it's difficult for anyone to put their phone or laptop down nowadays.
I agree, I usually have a week maybe depending on if I have money to buy more. I think the whole not being able to buy and not being able to not smoke are two separate things however. It's only being forced to not smoke is why I'm not. I should try not smoke even when I have money and see if that helps.
Thanks once again Ed, have a good week!
I agree, I usually have a week maybe depending on if I have money to buy more. I think the whole not being able to buy and not being able to not smoke are two separate things however. It's only being forced to not smoke is why I'm not. I should try not smoke even when I have money and see if that helps.
Thanks once again Ed, have a good week!

Oh, sweet summer child. You'll change your mind as you age, no doubt. My best dealer was in his late 50s when I was around your age and he used to come clubbing with us. Was like going out with your mate's Dad who just happened to get the best damp, yellow, piss smelling speed known to man. 2 dabs of that out of the bag and you'd be off your tits for most of the night/day.
So I've been smoking weed now for about 28 years. Many other drugs too, but I've never done opiates as I have a massively addictive personality. No doubt some vendors on here may think I'm addicted, based on my purchase levels, but I quit for 7 years and didn't smoke a thing, other than a couple of puffs on a joint a couple of times during that period. I'm on holiday now and I haven't used the nicotine patches that I brought with me. Started smoking joints again in January this year, and I'm back to my 1/2oz+/week smoking level. Roughly 8 joints a day, maybe with extra hash and whatnot. Brought a cart with me to France, and for the first few days I was getting so fucking high off it constantly. Got well over half of it left, but I've found I've been smoking it less today. Is my addiction to nicotine? If it is, how can I just stop? Haven't had any since Wednesday last week, and don't want any.
Christ, this is as long and rambling as some of my reviews, isn't it? Sorry, can't help myself.
tl;dr Don't assume that you'll feel any different in 25 years time. You'll be almost exactly the same person mentally, just tempered by time and aching more with less free time for yourself.
So I've been smoking weed now for about 28 years. Many other drugs too, but I've never done opiates as I have a massively addictive personality. No doubt some vendors on here may think I'm addicted, based on my purchase levels, but I quit for 7 years and didn't smoke a thing, other than a couple of puffs on a joint a couple of times during that period. I'm on holiday now and I haven't used the nicotine patches that I brought with me. Started smoking joints again in January this year, and I'm back to my 1/2oz+/week smoking level. Roughly 8 joints a day, maybe with extra hash and whatnot. Brought a cart with me to France, and for the first few days I was getting so fucking high off it constantly. Got well over half of it left, but I've found I've been smoking it less today. Is my addiction to nicotine? If it is, how can I just stop? Haven't had any since Wednesday last week, and don't want any.
Christ, this is as long and rambling as some of my reviews, isn't it? Sorry, can't help myself.
tl;dr Don't assume that you'll feel any different in 25 years time. You'll be almost exactly the same person mentally, just tempered by time and aching more with less free time for yourself.

I remember speaking to you privately about your 7 year break. I actually told quite a few mates about it as it really intrigued me how easy it was to get your tolerance back even after all that time. It shows how easy we can get used to things. It's my whole saying of "a footballer can have a year break and still come back into the game". Do you smoke cigarettes on their own? I personally smoke weed and roll ups. I notice that when I have weed I don't want to smoke fags at all, when I'm out of weed, I smoke fags to get that feeling of me smoking something. If you are still smoking fags when smoking weed too, there's a chance it is the nicotine.
Thanks for the reply Rux😊
Thanks for the reply Rux😊

When I quit in 2016 I'd progressed to smoking fags (or, 'straights', as I was recently mocked by a young lady for using in a joint) on their own and needed to take nicotine patches with me on night shifts. I was using patches when I was trying to quit and when I went to change one after work I didn't have one to take off. I'd forgotten to put one on and hadn't realised. I didn't put another patch on. Had to Google at one point 'can you fart yourself to death?' Google and experience suggests not, other than in very extreme circumstances. Spent years saying 'not fags' if people asked if I smoked (depending on the audience) and I can genuinely say that again.

I guess the only real way of knowing is if you were to be without bud. That's the only reason I know that it's the bud I crave and not the cigs (I guess technically it's just the smoke I crave but the weed is obviously a lot better/nicer to smoke than a cig). If you were to go without bud now you've started it back up again and notice you smoke a lot of cigs now then that would probably determine the issue.

Since you started have you gone without much?
Each time you go without the more easier it is to deal with the next time.
I go without for up to a few days every fortnight.
i look at it as my medicine, whereas when i started smoking heavy in my late 20s it was just for the buzz.
You smoke enough of it and it becomes a way of life, for me to quit i would need to change my life and right now i can't see me doing that.
You're 25, as you get older you'll see more and more how dark, petty and evil the world really is, and that puts more perspective on our hobby, which harms no-one else but ourselves tho it heals more than it hurts.
Canna is a plant given to us by the Creator, to take the edge off this nasty world, unlike alcohol (i refer to it by it's real name ethanol) which only helps add to the carnage we see.
It's not addictive it's just a very useful and pleasant herb, it has the power to open eyes unlike ethanol which only blinds.
You're 25 you shouldn't be thinking beyond next week. Work hard, be kind to your brothers and sisters in this life, appreciate nature and the wonderful animal companions we have, and at the end of the day all that matters is your health. Health above all, don't eat their tainted food with carcinogenic nasties, know what you're putting into your body, and know there are good people on this earth that do care.
Each time you go without the more easier it is to deal with the next time.
I go without for up to a few days every fortnight.
i look at it as my medicine, whereas when i started smoking heavy in my late 20s it was just for the buzz.
You smoke enough of it and it becomes a way of life, for me to quit i would need to change my life and right now i can't see me doing that.
You're 25, as you get older you'll see more and more how dark, petty and evil the world really is, and that puts more perspective on our hobby, which harms no-one else but ourselves tho it heals more than it hurts.
Canna is a plant given to us by the Creator, to take the edge off this nasty world, unlike alcohol (i refer to it by it's real name ethanol) which only helps add to the carnage we see.
It's not addictive it's just a very useful and pleasant herb, it has the power to open eyes unlike ethanol which only blinds.
You're 25 you shouldn't be thinking beyond next week. Work hard, be kind to your brothers and sisters in this life, appreciate nature and the wonderful animal companions we have, and at the end of the day all that matters is your health. Health above all, don't eat their tainted food with carcinogenic nasties, know what you're putting into your body, and know there are good people on this earth that do care.

I think the whole "you're only young" comment is why most of us are so messed up later on in life😂But I do get what you mean. It's just in my eyes, there's no harm in making a change you feel may be beneficial later on in life. Age is all but a number, it's how you have lived your life is what matters. An 18 year old could have been through a lot more than a 35 year old for example meaning they would have more of an understanding of the repercussions of their actions over the elder that has potentially had their life go at a steady upwards pace. It doesn't make any of them wrong for being how they are but their mindsets may be completely swapped around from what you would expect. This is why I would rather figure it out now then when it's too late for it to matter. I feel people should alleviate from basing issues of age or even life in general off of age. There's plenty of teenagers nowadays that completely throw me off with how much they know/care about their body. Believe it or not, it's not a big thing to smoke anymore. Kids don't idolise it as they used to. Maybe that's because of all the balloons they've been doing but that's a different subject. From what we think may be okay, others may not. Usually we consider that to be the the shift from the eldest to newer generation however it's now the other way round. The whole "worry about it when you're older" mindset is gone now as people understand the repercussions more. Whether that's due to the internet and just more access to information now I'm not sure.
In terms of the breaks, I do have quite a lot of them. I'm a registered medical user (now) so I use it just to be able to get on with my day. When I started at 14, the buzz is all that mattered. In 10/11 years, my mindset has already changed in terms of how I feel about smoking. In another 10, the same could happen. I do agree that each time I have a break, I feel closer and closer to quitting. But it's so easy to get back into the day 1,2,3 cycle again. I guess it's more of a case of not wanting to be smoking still when I'm 50 rather than "if" I'm going to be smoking then.
I really appreciate your response 😊
In terms of the breaks, I do have quite a lot of them. I'm a registered medical user (now) so I use it just to be able to get on with my day. When I started at 14, the buzz is all that mattered. In 10/11 years, my mindset has already changed in terms of how I feel about smoking. In another 10, the same could happen. I do agree that each time I have a break, I feel closer and closer to quitting. But it's so easy to get back into the day 1,2,3 cycle again. I guess it's more of a case of not wanting to be smoking still when I'm 50 rather than "if" I'm going to be smoking then.
I really appreciate your response 😊

I wouldn't advise anyone to start smoking canna, but for those that do i've not much advice as i'm in same boat and happy with my choices.
I think whatever you do you'll make the right choice when it comes, there's always another option to what lies in front of you, always.
Stay Blessed, Alleyne.👊
I think whatever you do you'll make the right choice when it comes, there's always another option to what lies in front of you, always.
Stay Blessed, Alleyne.👊

1 post
+2 votes
Sassy update 6/8/23
Those ladies are looking amazing!

Sassy update 6/8/23
Hello again biggies,its been a while so I thought I'd say where I'm at and what's occurring.Over the last month or so I've been receiving some messages asking when my next drop will be,soooooo.....I did actually have some honey cream and ice cream cake ready mid June and told a few people this but sold pretty much all of it offline in one as it wasn't the largest harvest and tbh I've not had time to sell on lb...I've had alot going on first half of 2023 but now I'm back with a bigger and better setup with some lovely looking plants 2 weeks into flower.Eleven roses....sugar black rose and Lord kush will be served up next with a chop date of mid to late September.ill add regular update pics throughout flowering to show you the progress...ill add a pic of how they are now and prob every Sunday until harvest...be back soon "you fucking druggos" ✌

Lights went out today mate,they'll sit in the dark till sat ready for the chop...56 days flower time total.fastest non autos I've ever grown

1 post
+6 votes

So I think we can all agree that anyone that seen the feedback on the level of stealth was not great but very much justified in the interest of everyone involved. No point in having good weed if you don’t get it and fucks you going forward.
I was glad to see lazydaze back as it would have been easy to pack it in and move on. I placed an order based on the fact that Gassed and The Gentleman Dealers would not allow them to mention the fact they helped if they did not think it was off of standard. So it must be fixed 🤷♂️ seems logical
I’ve just attached a photo so people can make there own minds up.
I was more than happy 😃
I was glad to see lazydaze back as it would have been easy to pack it in and move on. I placed an order based on the fact that Gassed and The Gentleman Dealers would not allow them to mention the fact they helped if they did not think it was off of standard. So it must be fixed 🤷♂️ seems logical
I’ve just attached a photo so people can make there own minds up.
I was more than happy 😃

When I used to pick up weed in London and had to take a few tube journeys to get to my mate's, I used to take a tupperware container and a vac sealer. I'd chuck the bud in the container loose and vac seal the container so the bud wouldn't be crushed. Your pic took me on a trip back in time lol, sorry for the digression.

I just use a thermos flask, totally smell proof. I could have an oz in it on my desk at work and no one had a clue.

Smoggyman always used those little pots. It’s a great way to preserve truly fabulous nugs 😍

Lol 😂 that’s funny man.
Just to clarify the box was not vac packed but the buds were and looking good but like you digressing as fair play to him. Feedback given back and fixed.
Just to clarify the box was not vac packed but the buds were and looking good but like you digressing as fair play to him. Feedback given back and fixed.

I used to regularly send weed back from Amsterdam when I was on a trip there (I always buy too much to smoke while I'm out there). I've never vac sealed and pretty much used smelly proof bags shoved in DVD cases and they landed each time. Although the last time I did it they said I had to fill out forms, give a return address etc. it still landed (Mrs Blazin did the posting, I was way too baked lol) but put me off doing it again. Now I have LB in my life it's kind of pointless anyway.

I took the DVDs out with the thinking that if they were weighed it might not look too weird. It was always whichever boxset was cheapest in CEX lol. My last package was delivered in a Modern Family Season 1 Boxset. I left the discs as a present to the owner of the apartment we stayed in. I'm sure they appreciated it lol.

Hard morning polly lol 💨💨💨
I thought that leaving the green in the photo would distract from the point of the topic 🤔🤔
That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it 😃
I thought that leaving the green in the photo would distract from the point of the topic 🤔🤔
That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it 😃

Great to see you got your stealth sorted buddy.
Good luck with your business. 👍
Cheers BB 😊🍻
Good luck with your business. 👍
Cheers BB 😊🍻

No thanks needed.
Credit where credit is due.
You need to call it as you see it.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
Came into this with the best intentions as you had pride in your product.
Everyone loved the gear but you underestimated the stealth and made a cunt of it.
Took the feedback given. Held your hands up. Paused sales.
Spoke to the right people.
In my opinion rectified the issue and now back. Drawn a line in the sand and everyone gets to enjoy your weed again 🤷♂️
That says more to me than closing your page and reinventing a new one (not that ever happens)
Again this post was for people to make there own decisions
Credit where credit is due.
You need to call it as you see it.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
Came into this with the best intentions as you had pride in your product.
Everyone loved the gear but you underestimated the stealth and made a cunt of it.
Took the feedback given. Held your hands up. Paused sales.
Spoke to the right people.
In my opinion rectified the issue and now back. Drawn a line in the sand and everyone gets to enjoy your weed again 🤷♂️
That says more to me than closing your page and reinventing a new one (not that ever happens)
Again this post was for people to make there own decisions

Looks like the packaging issue has definitely been sorted then!
Cheers for the update, Dazzler - mine hasn't landed yet but the postal service around here is pretty sporadic at the moment so no concerns, just excited!
Kudos to Lazydaze for coming back stronger. The fact that TGD and Gassed selflessly supported with this for the greater good just shows what an amazing community we have here on LB. Much love guys. 💚
Cheers for the update, Dazzler - mine hasn't landed yet but the postal service around here is pretty sporadic at the moment so no concerns, just excited!
Kudos to Lazydaze for coming back stronger. The fact that TGD and Gassed selflessly supported with this for the greater good just shows what an amazing community we have here on LB. Much love guys. 💚

1 post
+4 votes

Liberty V5 cartridges
Yeah, I've only had one but it gave me loads of issues. I think it's due to there only being 2 intake holes which don't seem to allow enough liquid t…

Liberty V5 cartridges
Anyone else having issues with these carts?
They are very poor in my opinion. I have them on the lowest setting, still burning coils constantly horrible burnt taste not even half way through the 0.5ml carts. I have 4 out of 7 not usable.
They are very poor in my opinion. I have them on the lowest setting, still burning coils constantly horrible burnt taste not even half way through the 0.5ml carts. I have 4 out of 7 not usable.

Yeah, I've only had one but it gave me loads of issues. I think it's due to there only being 2 intake holes which don't seem to allow enough liquid to be drawn into the wick, especially when it's something as viscous as distillate. I used regular ejuice for a few years to get off tobacco and built my own coils for vaping that - if there was ever an issue with burnt tastes, it was almost always due to poor wicking.
The CCell style carts have 4 intake holes and I got a Nectar cart from VapePlug which has 5, so the Liberty could definitely do with at least 2 more IMO.
The CCell style carts have 4 intake holes and I got a Nectar cart from VapePlug which has 5, so the Liberty could definitely do with at least 2 more IMO.

3 posts
+9 votes

High guys,
I was gone for a while, taking a months holiday abroad. Just to let you know I’m back.
If you guys remember I left on a poor note, due to poor packaging ( contradicting my manifesto) .As a noob on here and out of laziness and having no common sense, this caused a lot of people at risk.
I hope you can trust me this time to see that your packaging shall be my upmost concern, where I will vacuum seal it 3-4 times in 2-3 vacuum sealed bags.
I also wanted to say thank you and much appreciation towards two vendors on here
- the gentlemen dealers and
Who made time for me, to show me how little biggy works, without any consideration in return. Nothing but good will ❤️
Sorry if I’m blabbing on ……I’m smoking one right now on my roof top watching the sun go down. Thanks for having me back guys 🙏
I was gone for a while, taking a months holiday abroad. Just to let you know I’m back.
If you guys remember I left on a poor note, due to poor packaging ( contradicting my manifesto) .As a noob on here and out of laziness and having no common sense, this caused a lot of people at risk.
I hope you can trust me this time to see that your packaging shall be my upmost concern, where I will vacuum seal it 3-4 times in 2-3 vacuum sealed bags.
I also wanted to say thank you and much appreciation towards two vendors on here
- the gentlemen dealers and
Who made time for me, to show me how little biggy works, without any consideration in return. Nothing but good will ❤️
Sorry if I’m blabbing on ……I’m smoking one right now on my roof top watching the sun go down. Thanks for having me back guys 🙏

It’s fucking reeking man.
Like getting shouted at from the bottom of the stairs reeking.
The description is bang on on the listing also.
Like getting shouted at from the bottom of the stairs reeking.
The description is bang on on the listing also.

Funny enough I seen that thread 🧵
Going to be a good week in the tnicho house.
That was me grinding it only 😳
Going to be a good week in the tnicho house.
That was me grinding it only 😳

Just a bit
Well chosen
This is a low temp cap and BB9 steam weed. Hopefully get it before the sunshine ends. It’s that type of flavour profile
Looking forward to it.
Well chosen
This is a low temp cap and BB9 steam weed. Hopefully get it before the sunshine ends. It’s that type of flavour profile
Looking forward to it.

Gonna jump in on some of this too when the rest of my refund from Hebba dispute comes through!
First part came through in time for me to get the 12g samples from GC too 👌 glad I had my popcorn out for that thread, managed to spot the sample listing rapid 😂
First part came through in time for me to get the 12g samples from GC too 👌 glad I had my popcorn out for that thread, managed to spot the sample listing rapid 😂

Low and slow weed
Right now this is a price point banger for me and very happy to see the listing.
Right now this is a price point banger for me and very happy to see the listing.

I use up to 200c & its so clean the indica hit was refreshing despite its general reputation

Thanks to polly I was all over this as soon as I seen it. Even slipped into his DM’s lol 😂

Good to see you back man and taking the feedback on board. Would have been a shame to pack it in.
Glad that everything is sorted ✅ and fair play to TGD and gassed 👏👏👏👏
With they mentors I now have no worries in ordering now. Which I’ve done
Good luck 💨💨💨
Glad that everything is sorted ✅ and fair play to TGD and gassed 👏👏👏👏
With they mentors I now have no worries in ordering now. Which I’ve done
Good luck 💨💨💨

Welcome back. Bud looks lovely and at a very good price. Happy to place an order after I've seen a few more reviews.

Great to see you back, Lazydaze. I'm really glad you decided to return, that first batch was absolutely banging.
I'm a bit short on coin just now but will get an order in as soon as I can.
I'm a bit short on coin just now but will get an order in as soon as I can.

I got gifted some to try as it looked right in my street because I just missed it before “re training” and getting a 1:1 masters degree in LB.
Don’t know if TGD or gassed can confirm lol 😂
Guess I’ll find out when it lands.
Oldmaned- how fucking honking was it. Honestly I know I’ve said it before but people probably think I might be exaggerating but back me up here.
Also thanks again PP20 🙌
Don’t know if TGD or gassed can confirm lol 😂
Guess I’ll find out when it lands.
Oldmaned- how fucking honking was it. Honestly I know I’ve said it before but people probably think I might be exaggerating but back me up here.
Also thanks again PP20 🙌

Yeah, it really was some stinky bud. I always go by how much grief I get from Mrs Ed about the smell and this was one caused quite a fuss.
There's a good chance it'll be an action replay once this order arrives and I can't even plead ignorance this time. 😂 Worth it though.
There's a good chance it'll be an action replay once this order arrives and I can't even plead ignorance this time. 😂 Worth it though.

Ha ha ha
At that price you can’t help it. Think everyone is as bad as each other on here lol 😂
At that price you can’t help it. Think everyone is as bad as each other on here lol 😂

I think your right dazzler I'm definitely that bad,I almost ordered this last time then the shop closed,I seen this pop up again yesterday but stopped myself ordering as i have too much bud in.
But fomo has kicked in today and an order is imminent, can't wait for it to land.
But fomo has kicked in today and an order is imminent, can't wait for it to land.

The problem is there is always something round the corner on here lol 😂
Good choice and I hope you get it before the weather changes.
Summer weed ☀️💨
The problem is there is always something round the corner on here lol 😂
Good choice and I hope you get it before the weather changes.
Summer weed ☀️💨

Agreed, there's plenty on here I'm just a sucker for what looks like well grown UK bud,I've got 99 problems but not enough bud ain't one

Lol I’m like you. I would choose well grown uk all day long. No hesitation
Don’t hate the player hate the game 💨💨💨
Don’t hate the player hate the game 💨💨💨

1 post
+10.2 votes
Shuttin' up Shop
Nearly had heart failure when I saw the title of this post and then realised it's only temporary. 😂
Enjoy the well-earned break. 💚

Shuttin' up Shop

Dear LB's,
We are off on a well deserved holiday break so we are giving you a heads up that last orders will be taken and sent by:
10am Tuesday the 5th September!
So make sure to get your orders in before then please to avoid being disssssaaaapointtteddd ;-)
We will be back though so don't worry!!
See ya'll on Monday the 18th September
Be well our friends and take care of yourselves
The Psycho's
We are off on a well deserved holiday break so we are giving you a heads up that last orders will be taken and sent by:
10am Tuesday the 5th September!
So make sure to get your orders in before then please to avoid being disssssaaaapointtteddd ;-)
We will be back though so don't worry!!
See ya'll on Monday the 18th September
Be well our friends and take care of yourselves
The Psycho's

Nearly had heart failure when I saw the title of this post and then realised it's only temporary. 😂
Enjoy the well-earned break. 💚
Enjoy the well-earned break. 💚

Enjoy the holiday! I can't be the only one clicking on this with trepidation to see what you'd posted.
Had my first drop of the Leisure Time this week and it was a lovely experience. Think I may try 4 drops next time... If people haven't ordered anything from Psychonauts before I'd highly recommend giving them a try.
Had my first drop of the Leisure Time this week and it was a lovely experience. Think I may try 4 drops next time... If people haven't ordered anything from Psychonauts before I'd highly recommend giving them a try.

So much love ❤️ for your kind words buddy! Blessing on your next trip my friend 🙏🏾☺️

Hi Psychonauts
Enjoy your well deserved holiday and take care :-)
I still have some of your wonderful product but will be back for more in the Autumn.
May the Force be with You ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Enjoy your well deserved holiday and take care :-)
I still have some of your wonderful product but will be back for more in the Autumn.
May the Force be with You ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

❤️❤️🙏🏾🙏🏾 thank you so much. We will be back refreshed and continue to help share this amazing medicine one drop at a time ☺️❤️🙏🏾

Thank you so much BB. Make sure you get a well deserved Vendor break my friend. Peace and love to you 🙏🏾❤️☺️😎👊🏽

The Shamans of LB going for a deserved break!
Can’t wait to plan some time to try your product again!
Can’t wait to plan some time to try your product again!

Peace and love to you buddy! The Shaman's of LB - we love it, very blessed to have such an amazing community on LB. Take care of yourself friend 🙏🏾❤️☺️

Enjoy your break! Like many I feared you were shutting up shop for good, but thankfully you’ll be back before long!
Have fun!
Have fun!

No way buddy! We have too much work to do to spread this amazing medicine! Much love to you :-)

I am on SSRI's so haven't purchased from you yet but also nearly had heart failure
What's the shelf life in a bottle as I have only had previously tab or microdots so don't know how long it keeps
What's the shelf life in a bottle as I have only had previously tab or microdots so don't know how long it keeps

Hey buddy! Wer recommend keeping in the fridge or somewhere dark and cool (if fridge isnt an option) and it will keep for months. We have had some in our fridge from 2 years ago and its still as good as the first drop :-)
Keep that heart pumping my friend🙏🏾❤️☺️
Keep that heart pumping my friend🙏🏾❤️☺️

Excellent I shall grab a little bottle next time I top up my BTC and wack em in the hutch fridge with my hash and concentrates

1 post
+3 votes

Good old style soap bar?
I seem to be in a hash phase so have been trying a few. If you're still looking then get in on Eddy's Lebanese Blonde while it lasts. 👍 I got 7g …
I was literally coming here to write exactly that.
I can verify this. Get the Red Leb :)
Juice 💚 💦
I can verify this. Get the Red Leb :)
Juice 💚 💦

SR3 stamp from shroom of the loom is very much like ye olde soap I’ve got me self nearly 10g of the stuff
It’s not the strongest but I like it,beautiful stuff when vaped through my Xmax v3 pro, I like as much if not more than the expensive filtered hash
I think Shroom of the loom might be on holiday at the moment and I think they might be running out of the stuff as well because they only selling 3.5g
I’m oldish and I definitely recommend it
Good luck.
It’s not the strongest but I like it,beautiful stuff when vaped through my Xmax v3 pro, I like as much if not more than the expensive filtered hash
I think Shroom of the loom might be on holiday at the moment and I think they might be running out of the stuff as well because they only selling 3.5g
I’m oldish and I definitely recommend it
Good luck.

Not tried the SR3 but it seems pretty popular. I enjoyed the Audi hash that shroom had a while back.
Mr B has a nice morrocan Sputnik at the mo.
I also think TGD’s Pakistani and Afghan are really great.
The Afghan high is great, it’s kind of potent yet functional and leaves you grinning and the Pakistani gives me proper red eye and a great nights sleep!
I’ve ordered some of eddy’s red and blonde lebs too which I can’t wait to try and report back once they land.
I don’t miss picking bits of plastic or diesel scented soap bar of yesteryear! Thankfully we’re pretty spoilt on here.
Mr B has a nice morrocan Sputnik at the mo.
I also think TGD’s Pakistani and Afghan are really great.
The Afghan high is great, it’s kind of potent yet functional and leaves you grinning and the Pakistani gives me proper red eye and a great nights sleep!
I’ve ordered some of eddy’s red and blonde lebs too which I can’t wait to try and report back once they land.
I don’t miss picking bits of plastic or diesel scented soap bar of yesteryear! Thankfully we’re pretty spoilt on here.

Yeah nice one the audi stamp is really nice still got some left just ordered 1g of red leb too,I don’t smoke a lot so everything lasts me ages,got me quite a selection of hashes😍

The SR3 was nice, the cloud of it was white and the stone was spot on. The green team do a very nice range of Kush hash.

I seem to be in a hash phase so have been trying a few. If you're still looking then get in on Eddy's Lebanese Blonde while it lasts. 👍 I got 7g of it and have been smashing through it faster than expected so might need to get more myself.
I can also recommend TGT's Royal Maroc, looks and smells very much like the hash I used to get back in the mid 90s but without all the crap in it. Nice and clean, really strong for an old school hash too IMO.
I can also recommend TGT's Royal Maroc, looks and smells very much like the hash I used to get back in the mid 90s but without all the crap in it. Nice and clean, really strong for an old school hash too IMO.

Try checking out the menu of Dr Greenthumb or Eddys Hashbar
A great selection of hash from both
Juice 💚 💦
A great selection of hash from both
Juice 💚 💦

SR3 Stamp from Shoom of the Loom is very much like what I used to smoke in my youth in the mid 90’s. It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for for years. Perfect balanced mellow high. The hash looks and feels like decent old skool hash with none of the nasties. Not the most flavourful but a great price. Eddys Hasbars 🏴 stamp is great too. Great tasting mellow indica.

Yeah if you remember red seal black from yesteryear the gentleman dealers Pakistani black is the most like that in terms of the high.

I'll be making some "soapbar" style hash ASAP. Just gathering materials so to speak, but I'm on a mission to revive the 250g stamped pillow shaped bars. There won't be anything except cannabis in it, unlike pretty much all soapy or rocky from back in the day. But having done many hash experiments, the one that resembles the taste of soapbar the most is a mixture of lower grade kief and rosin from aged buds (the browner and more solid dabs you may come across sometimes). It brings back a weird level of hash nostalgia while also being pure, clean cannabis. On that note, if anybody has well aged flower or older extracts, please don't hesitate to message. I'm interested!

You're formulating 9 bars from a mix different products, AND making them just in the same style? I'm intrigued.
This only just came to me in a flash of stoner inspiration, but did we call that soap bar because of the shape and indentation, as it's the same shape as a bar of Imperial Leather?
This only just came to me in a flash of stoner inspiration, but did we call that soap bar because of the shape and indentation, as it's the same shape as a bar of Imperial Leather?

I think they were called soap bars because they represented bars of soap, and interestingly they never weighed 9oz.
4 bars of solids was equal to 1kg, so although lots of us called them "9 bars" they weren't.
9 x 28.35 = 255.15
So you were always about a quarter under on every bar and an ounce under on each key if you assumed they all weighed 9 zips.
Not a big deal... but always got under my skin a bit.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
4 bars of solids was equal to 1kg, so although lots of us called them "9 bars" they weren't.
9 x 28.35 = 255.15
So you were always about a quarter under on every bar and an ounce under on each key if you assumed they all weighed 9 zips.
Not a big deal... but always got under my skin a bit.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

I'm glad someone else measured and remembers that 0.35g. One of the weird things that got me and GameChanger interacting on some topic too was me pointing that out.
I did wonder about the weight of '9 bars' when I saw that now everything is metric in weight and 100g with a weight disclaimer seems popular, so they probably were back then too, considering it was just us and the US that used imperial, and us only for drugs these days.
So we're looking at 35oz/key? That's relatively easy to remember and convert from either way.
I did wonder about the weight of '9 bars' when I saw that now everything is metric in weight and 100g with a weight disclaimer seems popular, so they probably were back then too, considering it was just us and the US that used imperial, and us only for drugs these days.
So we're looking at 35oz/key? That's relatively easy to remember and convert from either way.

Yup, 1000/28.35 = 35.3
35 oz per key when allowing for wastage etc.
So every 9 bar of solids was over sold by about 5-6g.
Doesn't bother me now as I grow, but yeah, 9 bars were never "9 oz" bars, they were 25% of a kilo - 250g.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
35 oz per key when allowing for wastage etc.
So every 9 bar of solids was over sold by about 5-6g.
Doesn't bother me now as I grow, but yeah, 9 bars were never "9 oz" bars, they were 25% of a kilo - 250g.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Interesting. Thanks for confirming my suspicions mate. Clearly they weren't measuring those bars with 36 2p pieces, as was traditional for weights and measures.

That's why honest dealers back in the day would lose out with the pan scales in the purple velvet box.😉
1p - 3.6g
2p - 7.2g
and so on
So if you cut up an old school bar of solids on that basis...the ounces should be 28.8g each.
Which makes it even worse.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
1p - 3.6g
2p - 7.2g
and so on
So if you cut up an old school bar of solids on that basis...the ounces should be 28.8g each.
Which makes it even worse.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Hell BB i remember when we used a half pence for a 16th still got one in my old pans lol
As for why it was called soap bar well its not to do with the bar shape as i remember it first came in squares wrapped in cardboard,someone once told me it was because they smuggled it into the country in soap boxes to get by the sniffer dogs,though he might have been full of shit lol
As for why it was called soap bar well its not to do with the bar shape as i remember it first came in squares wrapped in cardboard,someone once told me it was because they smuggled it into the country in soap boxes to get by the sniffer dogs,though he might have been full of shit lol

My mum found my market tippers and threw them away! They were only a quid from the market, so not sure why whe bothered. She also too a roll of super microdots which looked very similar to clipper flints...not sure if she ever tried to use them 😃

I was always told that 1p was exactly 1/8 and it scaled with the coppers, and it was done as a weighing system for banking purposes. Just looked it up and it's apparently 3.56g per 1p. No wonder one guy kept trying to weigh with an obvious Pog on the scale, back in the day. Asked him to take it off.
Was that scale standard issue? My guy definitely had that, and a jar of change.
Was that scale standard issue? My guy definitely had that, and a jar of change.

2p for a q as well... we are showing our age. Now can anyone remember weed being dealt by volume and not weight? 2, 3, 4 fingers up the side of the bag!

Apologies for the late reply. Yea, it won't be wildly different products since I'm trying to get different things in bulk, but it should be pretty much identical to the old soapy, minus the contaminants.
And yea I do believe it was called that due to the shape, certainly not because it's in any way clean! 🤣
Also a nice little trick for anyone who has enough kief, if you put it in the clear plastic that tobacco pouches come in, fold and tape it and then press it, you've got a perfect pillow shaped bar, only without that weird shine that 9 bars had. On the good ones it was because it was melted, on the bad ones that were hard as a rock... well... bees wax might've played a big part in their appearance
And yea I do believe it was called that due to the shape, certainly not because it's in any way clean! 🤣
Also a nice little trick for anyone who has enough kief, if you put it in the clear plastic that tobacco pouches come in, fold and tape it and then press it, you've got a perfect pillow shaped bar, only without that weird shine that 9 bars had. On the good ones it was because it was melted, on the bad ones that were hard as a rock... well... bees wax might've played a big part in their appearance

What 😬😲 gold seal is nothing like soap bar 🤣🤣 Its very hard to source good soap since back around 2005 .

Good old soap bar. You could smell it a mile off. Done a wee bit of work back in the day and my wee maws cellar was stacked so I had to hide the key from them. Didn’t have mobiles so my mate was never away from my bedroom window. 🤣

2 posts
+8 votes
fav spacey, floaty albums?
The original Dreamfish album was amazing back in the day. I remember getting a cassette tape copy from a guy at school and listening to it on headpho…
+ 2 more
fav spacey, floaty albums?
sometimes i like to just pop on an album that takes me to another world. two most recent arctic monkeys albums are great for it, i feel like i'm floating through the galaxy whenever i listen to

DJ Shadow’s Endtroducing for me. One of the few multi format albums I own that I’ve had to replace several times cos I’ve worn it out. Freaks me out that it’s nearly 30 years old, it blew my mind then and it still does now. A masterpiece of a sonic journey.

I drove 400 miles to see him DJ. Got realy high then kinda drive home 400 miles. The good old days of 1996.

I second both of these choices. I came here to say the 2nd as clearly the thread title leads anyone who knows the album to think of it. Saw them play it live about 20 years ago, and they were superb.

I third them both amazing albums, I will add any ozric tentacles early albums, cinematic orchestra ,

At one point Spiritualized were my most seen band. Overtaken by Morcheeba by the end of the 90s (i used to go on tour with them tho). Smoke Fairies are up there now too.

If I was going to give a single suggestion it would be:
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works '85-'92
Don't get Volume 2 if you like it and then expect anything like the same thing.
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works '85-'92
Don't get Volume 2 if you like it and then expect anything like the same thing.

Tame Impala - Lonerism
Mogwai - Rave Tapes (almost anything by mogwai tbh)
Nick Drake - Pink Moon
Mogwai - Rave Tapes (almost anything by mogwai tbh)
Nick Drake - Pink Moon

The Future Sound of London - Lifeforms
Bonobo - Animal Magic
Brian Eno - Music For Films
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
Quantic - The 5th Exotic
Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase
Zero 7 - Simple Things
The Cinematic Orchestra - Every Day
Bonobo - Animal Magic
Brian Eno - Music For Films
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
Quantic - The 5th Exotic
Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase
Zero 7 - Simple Things
The Cinematic Orchestra - Every Day

Here’s a few more albums that might fit your bill…..
The Verve - Storm in heaven
Move D - Solitaire
Mos Def/Talib Kweli - Black star
Lemon Jelly - lost horizons
XTC - Skylarking
Antonio Carlos Jobim - Tide/Wave
John Haycock - Dorian Portrait
The Verve - Storm in heaven
Move D - Solitaire
Mos Def/Talib Kweli - Black star
Lemon Jelly - lost horizons
XTC - Skylarking
Antonio Carlos Jobim - Tide/Wave
John Haycock - Dorian Portrait

Weirdly was watching the Acid House the other night and it played out with On Your Own...what a tune...love that band

Elder - Reflections of a Floating World
Can - Future Days
John Martyn - Inside Out
KLF - Chill Out
Can - Future Days
John Martyn - Inside Out
KLF - Chill Out

If you haven't already, check out both Noduns Ictus albums. Ozrics but with a focus on their floaty spacey sounds

Omfg the Ozrics! Lying in the dark on the floor two massive kef speakers , head in the sweetspot after buckets and hot knives

The original Dreamfish album was amazing back in the day. I remember getting a cassette tape copy from a guy at school and listening to it on headphones after a spliff which blew my mind. Got the CD off eBay years later and it's still good for an ambient chillout option.

I’ve got the vinyl of that! Quality Fax output. That label did loads of amazing CDs and they were all limited to between 200-500 copies only….

Sweet, I'll need to check my copy then. I might have bagged a rarity if it's the same label! 😂

I had quite a few but sold on sone years back highest I got was £300 for the second I.F. CD!

I prefer to lose myself in a movie or a game while high but this question feels like it was meant to be answered with ELO - Time.

Anything by LTJ Bukem
Anything by 4hero
Bit more mainstream but also love to chill to a bit of Zero 7😎 The live version of 'Destiny' (linked above) is just beautiful.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
Anything by 4hero
Bit more mainstream but also love to chill to a bit of Zero 7😎 The live version of 'Destiny' (linked above) is just beautiful.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

1."The Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd: A classic album known for its immersive and trippy soundscapes.
2,"Ambient 1: Music for Airports" by Brian Eno: This album is a pioneer in the ambient genre, creating a calming and ethereal atmosphere.
3,"Loveless" by My Bloody Valentine: This shoegaze masterpiece features layers of ethereal and swirling guitars that create a dreamy sonic landscape.
4."Aerial" by Kate Bush: This album is known for its ethereal vocals and lush instrumentation, creating a sense of floating through different sonic realms.
5."Moon Safari" by Air: A blend of electronic and dreamy pop, this album has a spacey vibe that transports listeners to otherworldly places.
6."Kid A" by Radiohead: While not entirely spacey, this album incorporates electronic and atmospheric elements that create a sense of floating through a surreal landscape.
7."Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven" by Godspeed You! Black Emperor: This post-rock album features expansive and cinematic soundscapes that can evoke a sense of floating through space.
8."Homogenic" by Björk: Known for its experimental and otherworldly sound, this album combines electronic and orchestral elements to create a unique sonic journey.
2,"Ambient 1: Music for Airports" by Brian Eno: This album is a pioneer in the ambient genre, creating a calming and ethereal atmosphere.
3,"Loveless" by My Bloody Valentine: This shoegaze masterpiece features layers of ethereal and swirling guitars that create a dreamy sonic landscape.
4."Aerial" by Kate Bush: This album is known for its ethereal vocals and lush instrumentation, creating a sense of floating through different sonic realms.
5."Moon Safari" by Air: A blend of electronic and dreamy pop, this album has a spacey vibe that transports listeners to otherworldly places.
6."Kid A" by Radiohead: While not entirely spacey, this album incorporates electronic and atmospheric elements that create a sense of floating through a surreal landscape.
7."Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven" by Godspeed You! Black Emperor: This post-rock album features expansive and cinematic soundscapes that can evoke a sense of floating through space.
8."Homogenic" by Björk: Known for its experimental and otherworldly sound, this album combines electronic and orchestral elements to create a unique sonic journey.

Tripping with Nils Frahm is great for a spacey floaty experience. Seeing him live is even better.
Both Nodun's Ictus albums are good choices too - the Ozrics without as many guitar riffs
Both Nodun's Ictus albums are good choices too - the Ozrics without as many guitar riffs

Warp Artificial Intelligence 2, from the early 90s. Incredible album, well worth a listen.

I don't think this is what you're after, but it fits the bill...
I often fall asleep listen to a playlist on Spotify called "Floating through space" but it is literally ambient drone 😂
I often fall asleep listen to a playlist on Spotify called "Floating through space" but it is literally ambient drone 😂

Some fantastic albums here and I can't wait to dig into the rest of the suggestions, great thread :)
Not an album but In Love Again by Red Rack'em is a great flip of y by Outkast; super deep house, floaty as you say.
Not an album but In Love Again by Red Rack'em is a great flip of y by Outkast; super deep house, floaty as you say.

1/ "Departure from the Northern Wasteland" by Micheal Hoenig.....
2/"Pheadra" by Tangerine Dream
3/"Faultline" by Redshift.
4/"Mirage" by Klaus Schulze.
5/"Empetus" by Steve Roach.
6/"Waves Of Dreams" by Gert Emmens.
These are all Berlin School "floating" heaven and worthy of a listen....enjoy!
2/"Pheadra" by Tangerine Dream
3/"Faultline" by Redshift.
4/"Mirage" by Klaus Schulze.
5/"Empetus" by Steve Roach.
6/"Waves Of Dreams" by Gert Emmens.
These are all Berlin School "floating" heaven and worthy of a listen....enjoy!

Carbon Based Lifeforms, all of it. I tend to have a smoke.before bed, pop CBL.on and drift off to a nice spacey sleep.

Check out Haiku Salut - There is no elsewhere
Completely instrumental, so good to listen to while working, but also real nice to have on whilst having a smoke
Completely instrumental, so good to listen to while working, but also real nice to have on whilst having a smoke

Flow State by Tash Sultana
It's just her and a loop pedal, great album for a spaced out smoke
S.O.N.O.G.R.A.M. by OneBeLo.
So smooth.
It's just her and a loop pedal, great album for a spaced out smoke
S.O.N.O.G.R.A.M. by OneBeLo.
So smooth.

1 post
+1 votes
🐊😮💨 n 🚘😮💨 bubble hash just added all I can say is Wow🔥🔥
Aww man, it's not even close to payday yet! 😩
Might need to revisit this month's budget...

🐊😮💨 n 🚘😮💨 bubble hash just added all I can say is Wow🔥🔥
Jungle boys cross Gator breath and its original motor breath are a real treat im smelling the old huba buba bubblegum and gas coming through🔥 I’m thinking these are taking over from my old favourite the candy cake for flavour just so nice 👌 Enjoy

Trust me when I say it’s up there with the best Ive had so far n there has been some banging hashes on the menu

1 post
+2.2 votes

Please sign this petition
Signed 🙏💚
1 post
+1 votes
Cheers TGT 💚

That's right guys, this JULY we are celebrating 7 years of business. Its as been an extremely blessed journey and we are very grateful to all you biggas and this sacred medicine :)
To celebrate we are giving away 77Gs to you lucky biggas !
To be provably fair we have decided to run the competition as below so please follow the instructions.
Like and Comment on this post what you think the BTC/USD price will be on 07/07/2023 at 7PM UK time.
1 guess per customer, price will be from the tradingview USD CHART.
We will then be giving 7 prizes to the 7 closest guesses.
77Gs, to 7 lucky people on 07/07 at 7PM on our 7 year anniversary, we couldn't be any happier.
Good luck to all and once again thank you for your continuous support.
Lots of Love
To celebrate we are giving away 77Gs to you lucky biggas !
To be provably fair we have decided to run the competition as below so please follow the instructions.
Like and Comment on this post what you think the BTC/USD price will be on 07/07/2023 at 7PM UK time.
1 guess per customer, price will be from the tradingview USD CHART.
We will then be giving 7 prizes to the 7 closest guesses.
77Gs, to 7 lucky people on 07/07 at 7PM on our 7 year anniversary, we couldn't be any happier.
Good luck to all and once again thank you for your continuous support.
Lots of Love

Right guys, price was $30,545.
We used the trading view 1M candle, at 18;00 UTC (19:00 UK) on 05.07.2023
We are attaching the screenshot of the chart, and the 7 winners and difference between the price to be provably fair.
Winners, please send us your shipping details .
$30,549 - (4)
30 555 - (10)
$30,777 - (232)
$30,806 - (261)
$30261.11 - (283,99)
$30143 - (311)
$30864 - (319)
If we get enough likes on this comments, we will be running another one of these from Monday :)
We used the trading view 1M candle, at 18;00 UTC (19:00 UK) on 05.07.2023
We are attaching the screenshot of the chart, and the 7 winners and difference between the price to be provably fair.
Winners, please send us your shipping details .
$30,549 - (4)
30 555 - (10)
$30,777 - (232)
$30,806 - (261)
$30261.11 - (283,99)
$30143 - (311)
$30864 - (319)
If we get enough likes on this comments, we will be running another one of these from Monday :)

Package arrived rapidly. They even sent me a TGT lighter =) You should put a QR code on the back of the lighter with your reference token embedded! Biggas can get to your page rapid, or share it with friends ;)
Thanks for the giveaway, respect ✊
Thanks for the giveaway, respect ✊

Just wanted to drop a note and say thanks again to TGT for the comp. It took me a while to realise I came 5th so only got my prize recently. I won some Purple Punch and must say it's lovely stuff - well cured, good terps and a great high. Highly recommended!

Well done peeps close guesses. I was miles out haha but I am destined to win one of these lol 1 day soon I hope xx

Amazing competition and I was lucky enough to grab the 1st prize … received it a few days later ;) both the Hindu Kush and bored ape are a great smoke , the bored ape definitely has the best flavour when smoked but they both put my arse straight on the sofa 💨💨😊😊… both strains have good size and solid nugz … thanks

Guys last entry will be 05/07/2023 7PM UK Time :)
Best of luck to all :)
Guys last entry will be 05/07/2023 7PM UK Time :)
Best of luck to all :)

I have no idea, but I never win anything anyway so good luck to all and big up TGT, one of the best on here

Excellent giveaway and well done for aa sold 7 years!! You were one of a small number of vendors I used when I first started on LB. Here's to many more x

Congratulations on the success you guys have built, haven’t placed an order from this account from yourselfs but still got some of your hashes in the stash a friend ordered, gutted I missed your manala 😭 $24766

Great idea for a competition and very generous prizes, congrats on 7 years! What is the closing date?

3 posts
+10 votes
I think it is much better to format address this way... Please read
😂 Imagine if you got a red card for that.
“Photo ID please, Mr Dickus... "
+ 3 more

I think it is much better to format address this way... Please read
I feel it is much more professional and legit to address your name with a Mr. / Miss or Mrs.
And also use capitals in the appropriate places
Takes little time to do, looks so much better and less suspecting especially for standard mail
Thanks guys
And also use capitals in the appropriate places
Takes little time to do, looks so much better and less suspecting especially for standard mail
Thanks guys

Have to disagree on this one personally mate.
All legit packages are first name or Dr. Apex 😂
Only ones that give it the Mr, are junk mail and even those are mostly “to the occupier”
Just my 2 cents 🤜❤️
All legit packages are first name or Dr. Apex 😂
Only ones that give it the Mr, are junk mail and even those are mostly “to the occupier”
Just my 2 cents 🤜❤️

If the stealth is to look like an online purchase then it really should appear as it would on a credit card since that’s how ecommerce works.
Some sellers have refused to send without a full name - seems fair enough to me.
Some sellers have refused to send without a full name - seems fair enough to me.

See this is how I've always sent my address. Mr Initial Surname. You presumably only have to have one Biggus Dickus addressed order sent back to the sorting office to see the error of your ways, both in ordering and accepting orders.

My energy provider asked me for my title and being a bit pissed and stoned at the time of completing the form I ticked 'Lord'.
Makes me chuckle every time I get anything through the post from them!
Simple pleasures... 😂
Cheers BB 😊👍🍺🥂🍻
Makes me chuckle every time I get anything through the post from them!
Simple pleasures... 😂
Cheers BB 😊👍🍺🥂🍻

Ah gives me a perfect Idea
If I am providing medicine to the people. Then I deserve to be called Dr. In the other dimensions too.
Sometimes I do question which is the real world these days. The bigga planet or planet earth
I rather like it here
If I am providing medicine to the people. Then I deserve to be called Dr. In the other dimensions too.
Sometimes I do question which is the real world these days. The bigga planet or planet earth
I rather like it here

Lord Bulldog…fully deserved mate! 🏅…although I’ve been thinking about the appropriateness of ‘Highness”…I mean 🥁🥁🥁💥

Many years ago I had an account with a wine merchant and my account manager was a good guy. Used to keep things to give me first refusal if he saw something he thought I'd like that was below market value. So, once my mate wanted a decent bottle so I told him if he paid me I'd get my guy to sort it. Asked him to send it to Forename 'Ginge' Surname, Esq. Guy didn't bat an eyelid. Messaged me back and told me that 'Ginge' should expect his shipment in a few days. Ginge did indeed. Delivery guy said nothing, but he could easily identify that he'd delivered to the right guy.

Haha hilarious biggus dickus
Especially our standard mail are quite flat so seems like letters or documents inside so always helps to make it look professional!
Even junk mail is named to Mr or Miss / Mrs
Especially our standard mail are quite flat so seems like letters or documents inside so always helps to make it look professional!
Even junk mail is named to Mr or Miss / Mrs

I find it somewhat uncomfortable to send out packs that are named to someone with just a first name like “Chris”
Even Chris A is Better imo with atleast a surname initial
Mr and Mrs feels professional to me
But someone said below it is all about the stealth and I would agree
Even Chris A is Better imo with atleast a surname initial
Mr and Mrs feels professional to me
But someone said below it is all about the stealth and I would agree

Yeah, Chris is a shit name….but it doesn’t make me uncomfortable.
I once met a guy called Storm….great name but nooooo….
I once met a guy called Storm….great name but nooooo….

That's weird, I knew a girl called Storm. Thought her name was cool as fuck at school. She was a hotty too.👌
Cheers BB 🥂🍻👍
Cheers BB 🥂🍻👍

ah the convo takes a turn
into the realm of hot females
us men will we change
hope not
into the realm of hot females
us men will we change
hope not

I knew two sisters called Mercedes & Portia that she had always been encouraged to spell Porsche….they were hot too…and sisters…did I mention hot? 😎🔥

OMG u just offended millions of chris's out there
lets not cause a chris riot
lets not cause a chris riot

I use a variety of different formats, sometimes full first and last names only, other times Mr + initial and surname, and so on. When I order from legal sites, I find the name and address format on the shipping label often varies depending on how the online shop is structured, what payment client they use, etc. so I try to mimic that variety when ordering on here.
I think any suspicions are most likely to be aroused locally to me, like my usual posties perhaps noticing lots of very light packages that look and feel very similar. I therefore try to make sure they're not also addressed identically every time, especially if I'm likely to have multiple orders landing together.
That said, I reckon a lot of postal workers know perfectly well what's in these parcels. By sheer odds, at least some of them must be LB customers themselves and I've seen some comments about biggas getting knowing nods/winks from their postie when the goods arrive.
If I do ever have to rely on my excuse of "No idea what's in the package, officer - I order loads of random free samples from legit websites so must be one of those“ then hopefully my switcheroo method will pay off, but I'm not sure the feds care much about the quantities we're ordering on here, tbh.
I think any suspicions are most likely to be aroused locally to me, like my usual posties perhaps noticing lots of very light packages that look and feel very similar. I therefore try to make sure they're not also addressed identically every time, especially if I'm likely to have multiple orders landing together.
That said, I reckon a lot of postal workers know perfectly well what's in these parcels. By sheer odds, at least some of them must be LB customers themselves and I've seen some comments about biggas getting knowing nods/winks from their postie when the goods arrive.
If I do ever have to rely on my excuse of "No idea what's in the package, officer - I order loads of random free samples from legit websites so must be one of those“ then hopefully my switcheroo method will pay off, but I'm not sure the feds care much about the quantities we're ordering on here, tbh.

U seem to know a thing or two!
I agree that the postal guys probably know what it is in the standard large letters!
But they can’t do anything if it is not smelling!
I always thought maybe they have had enough of opening parcels and finding 10g Shake so don’t even bother anymore
I agree that the postal guys probably know what it is in the standard large letters!
But they can’t do anything if it is not smelling!
I always thought maybe they have had enough of opening parcels and finding 10g Shake so don’t even bother anymore

Depends who your postie is with regards to suspicions, I suppose? This was a delivery a few weeks ago. My postie has spent many, many years complaining about all the deliveries I get, and that I should stop ordering shit off the internet.

😂 your like me mate.
Told you lot the postie outright asked me, so hit him with “I’m anal sex toy reviewer for love honey”
He’s not said nothing since
Told you lot the postie outright asked me, so hit him with “I’m anal sex toy reviewer for love honey”
He’s not said nothing since

Haha why’s he complaining
I’m sure he likes to knock on the door and smell the lovely herbal odour coming from deep within your cave
I’m sure he likes to knock on the door and smell the lovely herbal odour coming from deep within your cave

I like that the bags are all different shades though, very colourful.
I seem to have mostly agency workers around my way just now, not been right since the strikes last year. The one regular I do have is very friendly and doesn't seem to care what he's delivering as long as it's out of his bag.
I seem to have mostly agency workers around my way just now, not been right since the strikes last year. The one regular I do have is very friendly and doesn't seem to care what he's delivering as long as it's out of his bag.

I used to go smoking with postie's brother. Sometimes he has holidays though, the fucker!
Think there are many vendors looking at this saying, 'That's mine!'? I can identify 1 vendor from the packaging from the back, and that's only because I needed a chainsaw to easily get into it. I used a sharp knife; it wasn't as easy to get into.
Think there are many vendors looking at this saying, 'That's mine!'? I can identify 1 vendor from the packaging from the back, and that's only because I needed a chainsaw to easily get into it. I used a sharp knife; it wasn't as easy to get into.

Yes I like those bags great for standard mail
Always better to have more than one visual barrier imo
Always better to have more than one visual barrier imo

After 12 years of putting my nickname and real surname, if I did that the posty would notice something different and be suspicious.
I'll leave my address the same for opsec (not that anyone cares about my PUBP but at the same time posty might fancy a toke too!)
I'll leave my address the same for opsec (not that anyone cares about my PUBP but at the same time posty might fancy a toke too!)

1 post
+4 votes
Competition time @Eddys Exclusive Prizes to be Won😮💨
I'll go with 31g.
Cheers Eddy!

Competition time @Eddys Exclusive Prizes to be Won😮💨

Hey Biggas it’s time for another competition @Eddys and this time with prizes you don’t want to miss out on 🤔
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition as they seem to never get taken down but as a added bit of fun to enter the competition and receive a random number simply upvote and have a guess at the weight of the jungle boys boulder 🪨😁 .
There will be 2 exclusive prizes to be won (see comments for details). One for the correct winning number and the second prize will go to anyone who guesses the exact amount of the boulder . Now the prizes are brand new to market and exclusive so dont miss out on a chance to get lucky and bag one.
Simply upvote this post and make a guess to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on July 16th next Sunday so only a week to enter. Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this channel.
@ https://youtube.com/@daocmidz
Number will be generated here-https://www.random.org/
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition as they seem to never get taken down but as a added bit of fun to enter the competition and receive a random number simply upvote and have a guess at the weight of the jungle boys boulder 🪨😁 .
There will be 2 exclusive prizes to be won (see comments for details). One for the correct winning number and the second prize will go to anyone who guesses the exact amount of the boulder . Now the prizes are brand new to market and exclusive so dont miss out on a chance to get lucky and bag one.
Simply upvote this post and make a guess to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on July 16th next Sunday so only a week to enter. Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this channel.
@ https://youtube.com/@daocmidz
Number will be generated here-https://www.random.org/
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶

So biggas you’ve heard of hash Caviar ? Now introducing Eddys Beluga Caviar made with only the finest top grade ingredients🔥😵💫
The 2 winners will receive 1 each of these deliciously decadent treats to try😮💨🤤good luck to everyone.
Also If this comment receives enough upvotes and the interest is there these top shelf delights will be made available on my page via exclusive custom order only. Thanks Eddy🍭🫶
The 2 winners will receive 1 each of these deliciously decadent treats to try😮💨🤤good luck to everyone.
Also If this comment receives enough upvotes and the interest is there these top shelf delights will be made available on my page via exclusive custom order only. Thanks Eddy🍭🫶

Eddy's has become the Willy Wonka of weed! 🧁🍬🍭
These all look ridiculously special! 😍
I'm terrible at guessing, so my missus says 62.2g please
Fingers crossed! Thanks Eddy! ✌️💚😁
These all look ridiculously special! 😍
I'm terrible at guessing, so my missus says 62.2g please
Fingers crossed! Thanks Eddy! ✌️💚😁

Hey bud,
I'm not entering (if it wasn't for bad luck i wouldn't have any luck😂) lol just merely appreciating the pure THC porn lol,
Hope all is well with you and the fam,
I'm not entering (if it wasn't for bad luck i wouldn't have any luck😂) lol just merely appreciating the pure THC porn lol,
Hope all is well with you and the fam,

Can be custom made to any size imagine a 5g piece 😵💫this one has Alien breath sugar, JB Zkittles cake badder and coated in Golden pineapple shatter 1.1g total and its delicious 😋

Eddy the mad scientist! 🤓 Did you happen to come up with this in the early hours after a few too many edibles? 😂
Might have to get in on this, cheeky birthday present to myself 🤔
Might have to get in on this, cheeky birthday present to myself 🤔

Nice one Eddy, I’m going to guess 32gs.
Good luck biggas and thanks for the giveaway Eddy.
Good luck biggas and thanks for the giveaway Eddy.

5 posts
+12 votes

Just wanted to thank you all for the warmest of welcomes here on LB. I appreciate the trust that goes into trying out a new vendor.
𝗪𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗼 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸 - 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝟬𝟭/𝟬𝟳/𝟮𝟯 𝘁𝗼 𝟬𝟳/𝟬𝟳/𝟮𝟯
3 for 2 on all items listed.
We only have a small range at the moment but will have some new products on the way over the coming weeks.
+ If you buy 2 of the same items, you will get another for free.
+ If you buy 2 different items, we will double up on the cheapest item for free.
Hope you all have a great week!
Best wishes, Skuda
𝗪𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗼 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸 - 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝟬𝟭/𝟬𝟳/𝟮𝟯 𝘁𝗼 𝟬𝟳/𝟬𝟳/𝟮𝟯
3 for 2 on all items listed.
We only have a small range at the moment but will have some new products on the way over the coming weeks.
+ If you buy 2 of the same items, you will get another for free.
+ If you buy 2 different items, we will double up on the cheapest item for free.
Hope you all have a great week!
Best wishes, Skuda

Hay Skuda,
By the reviews looks like you have made a decent start and definitely something to build on.
I like your honesty about your products. Just telling it how it is. Which I’m more inclined to give new vendors a punt for.
Fair play and good luck going forward?
Do you plan to add to the weed section and will it be packaged as the ones listed?
Sounds like decent some which is also decent on the pockets
By the reviews looks like you have made a decent start and definitely something to build on.
I like your honesty about your products. Just telling it how it is. Which I’m more inclined to give new vendors a punt for.
Fair play and good luck going forward?
Do you plan to add to the weed section and will it be packaged as the ones listed?
Sounds like decent some which is also decent on the pockets

Hi Skuda,
Just want to say cheers of the order and honesty on your part.
I seen the pucks and thought that they looked good and slightly different. Now my issue was if you’re going to all that effort. What are they hiding.
Not that I’m a suspicious 🤨 fucker or anything. After much conversation I asked them straight.
Would you notice the difference between the pucks and bud out grinder. The response was no.
I agree with the answer. I need up with both. I think they chucked a sneeky nug in to prove a point
Comms and stealth was excellent 👌
Glad you have loads. I’m good the now but at they prices I’ll be back shorty.
Just want to say cheers of the order and honesty on your part.
I seen the pucks and thought that they looked good and slightly different. Now my issue was if you’re going to all that effort. What are they hiding.
Not that I’m a suspicious 🤨 fucker or anything. After much conversation I asked them straight.
Would you notice the difference between the pucks and bud out grinder. The response was no.
I agree with the answer. I need up with both. I think they chucked a sneeky nug in to prove a point
Comms and stealth was excellent 👌
Glad you have loads. I’m good the now but at they prices I’ll be back shorty.

Cheers for the review Dazzler, just put an order in for one of the bud bars so looking forward to trying it!

You should man.
I enjoyed it in the dynavap last night and they were true to their word. No difference out the grinder and as advertised. Ugly bud made to look well packed. I’m ok with that as it’s a good price and smokes the same 💨💨💨
Let us know what you think 🤔
I enjoyed it in the dynavap last night and they were true to their word. No difference out the grinder and as advertised. Ugly bud made to look well packed. I’m ok with that as it’s a good price and smokes the same 💨💨💨
Let us know what you think 🤔

Order dropped today and I'm well pleased with it. Very nice indeed, especially for the price.
Would defo order again and will be keeping an eye out for any other items here. 👍
Would defo order again and will be keeping an eye out for any other items here. 👍

It's what's on the inside that counts. 😊
Don't care if it looks good as long as it's clean and vapes well.
I also owe you an apology, Dazzler. You put me onto the Coil King back in January and I said I'd report back but never did. I got one and then got so wrecked I forgot to say thanks for the tip. 🙄😂
7 months and various concentrates later, my tolerance is sky high but I'm loving the variety! I've recently invested in a Mighty and have given up combustion, hopefully for good (5 days and counting) .
The Mighty is kicking my ass in a good way, the flavour from it is unbelievable and I have a renewed passion for well-grown local (UK) weed to savour. 👌
Don't care if it looks good as long as it's clean and vapes well.
I also owe you an apology, Dazzler. You put me onto the Coil King back in January and I said I'd report back but never did. I got one and then got so wrecked I forgot to say thanks for the tip. 🙄😂
7 months and various concentrates later, my tolerance is sky high but I'm loving the variety! I've recently invested in a Mighty and have given up combustion, hopefully for good (5 days and counting) .
The Mighty is kicking my ass in a good way, the flavour from it is unbelievable and I have a renewed passion for well-grown local (UK) weed to savour. 👌

Exactly could not agree more. Some of the best weed I’ve smoked isn’t been what you would call porn bud but the end product is the same.
No need to say sorry at all. Ha ha ha that’s the problem it just kicks open another door and I still love my AIO but I’ve been lucky and got a good trade off another bigga and got a core e rig 🤦♂️.
Yea the tolerance is a massive issue. I like to keep doing dabs to at least once a week. Less depending on gear.
Yea the mighty is a nice pice of kit. Stick at it man. I thought that I would never give up the tobacco or smoking joints. Now all can think about is all the money I wasted when I could have spent it on weed.
Way things are I certainly could not do both so the fgs got binned.
I went down the dyna rote and then another trade and cash for a tinymight 2
Yea I would take good local well grown all day long. Support local growers lol 😂
And it’s the extras that come with vaping. You get so much more for your gear. My gear lasts so much longer than it did when I was smoking. Which in turn helps on the old budget. So I can dip my toe in the big boys pool sometimes.
You are over the worse now. It’s about re training your brain now
No need to say sorry at all. Ha ha ha that’s the problem it just kicks open another door and I still love my AIO but I’ve been lucky and got a good trade off another bigga and got a core e rig 🤦♂️.
Yea the tolerance is a massive issue. I like to keep doing dabs to at least once a week. Less depending on gear.
Yea the mighty is a nice pice of kit. Stick at it man. I thought that I would never give up the tobacco or smoking joints. Now all can think about is all the money I wasted when I could have spent it on weed.
Way things are I certainly could not do both so the fgs got binned.
I went down the dyna rote and then another trade and cash for a tinymight 2
Yea I would take good local well grown all day long. Support local growers lol 😂
And it’s the extras that come with vaping. You get so much more for your gear. My gear lasts so much longer than it did when I was smoking. Which in turn helps on the old budget. So I can dip my toe in the big boys pool sometimes.
You are over the worse now. It’s about re training your brain now

Big boys pool 😂 I know what you mean, I got some of Eddy's Zkittlez Cake badder for a treat and it's stunning. Wish I could vape that stuff all day long but probably just as well I can't afford to, it's bloody strong and not sure my brain cells could cope with that every day.
Big boys pool 😂 I know what you mean, I got some of Eddy's Zkittlez Cake badder for a treat and it's stunning. Wish I could vape that stuff all day long but probably just as well I can't afford to, it's bloody strong and not sure my brain cells could cope with that every day.

Ha ha ha that’s the same one I got lol
Like wise a teat and no self control 🤦♂️ but it’s some bit of fucking gear
I’m lucky as I have access to a press 😉🤯
Like wise a teat and no self control 🤦♂️ but it’s some bit of fucking gear
I’m lucky as I have access to a press 😉🤯

Forgot to ask?
What’s been your concentrate highlights ?
Don’t usually ask this on other sellers pages but they have no skin in the concentre game lol 😂
What’s been your concentrate highlights ?
Don’t usually ask this on other sellers pages but they have no skin in the concentre game lol 😂

Sorry SKUDA for hijacking the page! 🫢
@TheDazzler, top vote for concentrate so far is that badder, I'm going to do some reviews next week though so watch this space... 😉
@TheDazzler, top vote for concentrate so far is that badder, I'm going to do some reviews next week though so watch this space... 😉

Nice and aye sorry.
CI blue dream live resin was a real treat.
Yea got a few other dab treats stuck away also.
CI blue dream live resin was a real treat.
Yea got a few other dab treats stuck away also.

1 post
+5 votes

High all,
Iv been taking in the criticisms and understanding the stupidity of my deliver system.
I honestly have no excuse for being so careless. I honestly thought the item being vacuum sealed was enough for the smell not being detected. (My smell sense is terrible, and cus I live on a farm I guess I’m immune to the smell to a certain extent. But that is not an excuse.)
I understand the danger that I could have caused to every customer served so far on here. Not only the customers but to the actual little biggy site itself. I am sincerely sorry.
For that reason, I shall seize operation until further notice, whilst I get my stealth delivery sorted. Hopefully see you guys again.
Lazy daze
Iv been taking in the criticisms and understanding the stupidity of my deliver system.
I honestly have no excuse for being so careless. I honestly thought the item being vacuum sealed was enough for the smell not being detected. (My smell sense is terrible, and cus I live on a farm I guess I’m immune to the smell to a certain extent. But that is not an excuse.)
I understand the danger that I could have caused to every customer served so far on here. Not only the customers but to the actual little biggy site itself. I am sincerely sorry.
For that reason, I shall seize operation until further notice, whilst I get my stealth delivery sorted. Hopefully see you guys again.
Lazy daze

Message me I'll help you out.
Get your stealth bulletproof 💯.
Always here to help.
Get your stealth bulletproof 💯.
Always here to help.

That comment has restored my faith in humanity, this community and made ma day.
That's great to see after the amount of vender bashing that has been on the topic's lately. My delivery was 30 min late bla bla bla comms are shit never replied within 30 min
Gentlemen by name Gentlemen by nature.
Like most bigga's on here we just want to see venders do well which in turn is all positive for the consumer. Is previously stated I would love to consume this product lol wish I could up vote more than once
That's great to see after the amount of vender bashing that has been on the topic's lately. My delivery was 30 min late bla bla bla comms are shit never replied within 30 min
Gentlemen by name Gentlemen by nature.
Like most bigga's on here we just want to see venders do well which in turn is all positive for the consumer. Is previously stated I would love to consume this product lol wish I could up vote more than once

I can't think of anything witty, top marks on the gentleman's scale to you 🙌
LazyDaze would be wise to pop ya a DM
LazyDaze would be wise to pop ya a DM

Ultimate respect for owning your mistakes. In this day and age, it's a rarity! Fair play.
Also... Deliveries CEASED...
SEIZED has a whole different feeling!
Much love,
Also... Deliveries CEASED...
SEIZED has a whole different feeling!
Much love,

Fair play man,
That's all you can do. Take the feedback on the chin and sort the issues.
I know I said this on the other thread but stealth and packing can be fixed. Shite weed can't.
Hopefully see the listing back soon as the reviews and the photo's look and sound all positive so far.
That's all you can do. Take the feedback on the chin and sort the issues.
I know I said this on the other thread but stealth and packing can be fixed. Shite weed can't.
Hopefully see the listing back soon as the reviews and the photo's look and sound all positive so far.

Well done Lazydaze for taking it on the chin mate. Like I said from the start it’s a solvable issue. Your grow is excellent so do please continue to share them with us in the future…
Good luck👍
Good luck👍

It's all a learning experience, and you have loads of great vendors here that can help you out.
Don't take this experience too hard, people are saying really good things about your product, we'll see you back in business here soon I'm sure! ✌️💚😁
Don't take this experience too hard, people are saying really good things about your product, we'll see you back in business here soon I'm sure! ✌️💚😁

Hi Buddy
Sorry to hear this, looks like your in good hands already but if you needed anything feel free to drop us a message.
We're also happy to send you a small sample for you to get an idea on the stealth that is used on here. Beyond the priority of a good vac sealed pouch, we have several unique stealth / decoy options and are sure it will spark your creativity to think of a unique idea for yourself 💙
Good Luck
Sorry to hear this, looks like your in good hands already but if you needed anything feel free to drop us a message.
We're also happy to send you a small sample for you to get an idea on the stealth that is used on here. Beyond the priority of a good vac sealed pouch, we have several unique stealth / decoy options and are sure it will spark your creativity to think of a unique idea for yourself 💙
Good Luck

Total respect for owning this, Lazydaze. Anyone can make mistakes, it's how you deal with them that defines you so all credit to you for accepting the feedback in the way it's intended.
Don't be too disheartened, your product is up there with the best of them and I'd be happy to order from you again once the packaging issue is sorted.
All the best. 👍
Don't be too disheartened, your product is up there with the best of them and I'd be happy to order from you again once the packaging issue is sorted.
All the best. 👍

If smell detection is your issue because you live on a farm (I can only imagine all the hay smells and manure smells that would over power any cannabis smell) maybe designate 1 room that is completely smell free or a different smell to the rest of the farm so when you enter you can clearly smell the weed if it’s been packaged incorrectly or spray a room with febreeze or a smell neutraliser wait 20 minutes then take all your packages in to that room then come back and see if you can smell nothing/febreeze or cannabis, just a stoned thought for your personal issue as you can’t constantly take them else where to see if they smell of cannabis or not because of leaks, it may help and streamline it abit for you with out getting anyone else involved with your operation

100% mate stealth can never be compromised. Fair play you've taken ownership of the issue hopefully you're dropping off pro packs soon 👍

1 post
+1 votes

Yeah, I can confirm it's all good. I've placed a few orders since the switchover, with some of my usual vendors as well as one I hadn't used before. …

Hi folks, might seem like an absurd question as I'm obviously logged in on littlebiggy.com but is this site fully active and in business?
I am hesitant to place an order since the .Org site is down, I'm hearing different messages on Reddit etc , some say .Com is legit and functioning and others warn of it being a scam.
can anyone give me credible reassurance? my usual vendor hasn't yet replied to my request for confirmation of normal activity.
I am hesitant to place an order since the .Org site is down, I'm hearing different messages on Reddit etc , some say .Com is legit and functioning and others warn of it being a scam.
can anyone give me credible reassurance? my usual vendor hasn't yet replied to my request for confirmation of normal activity.

Yeah, I can confirm it's all good. I've placed a few orders since the switchover, with some of my usual vendors as well as one I hadn't used before.
All received as expected so there's no change on that side of things, just a different web domain for whatever reason.
All received as expected so there's no change on that side of things, just a different web domain for whatever reason.

1 post
+2 votes

Are bitcoin fees still high?
Still a bit higher than they were before the spike but they've definitely come down to a few £ for network fees on Coinbase.

Are bitcoin fees still high?
26 May 2023
Can keep this thread updated by posting dates until they come back down. Would be handy for people who can't afford to put money in bitcoin to not be able to spend it.
Can keep this thread updated by posting dates until they come back down. Would be handy for people who can't afford to put money in bitcoin to not be able to spend it.

£105 bitcoin bought with a charge of £0.60
£100 sent with a charge of £1.73
Total = £2.33
I use coinbase advanced trading.
Good luck 😎
£105 bitcoin bought with a charge of £0.60
£100 sent with a charge of £1.73
Total = £2.33
I use coinbase advanced trading.
Good luck 😎

Still a bit higher than they were before the spike but they've definitely come down to a few £ for network fees on Coinbase.

They have come back down...couple weeks ago would cost like £15 to send £20. I bought off here today coinbase fee was £2.40 to send £70

1 post
+8 votes
Any Opinions?? 🤦♂️
Who'd have thought that smoking could be bad for your lungs?! Somebody should have warned us before now! 🤦🏻♂️😂
I've been smoking this shake for…

Any Opinions?? 🤦♂️

Wow just wow to the 1/10 review
I’ll upload our conversation 🤦♂️
I’ll upload our conversation 🤦♂️

I've been smoking this stuff pretty much exclusively for a couple of months at least and my lungs are fine.
I'm going blind in one eye and my bottom lip went black and fell off last week, but I'm pretty sure that's not related...
I'm going blind in one eye and my bottom lip went black and fell off last week, but I'm pretty sure that's not related...

I tried this trim on a 50% off, was good trim it was quite dry and had lots of kief in the bag.

Who'd have thought that smoking could be bad for your lungs?! Somebody should have warned us before now! 🤦🏻♂️😂
I've been smoking this shake for weeks and have no complaints at all - great quality, especially for the price, and better than a lot of supposedly 'premium' bud I've tried.
There's always the odd few who can't take responsibility for their own choices, not your fault.
I've been smoking this shake for weeks and have no complaints at all - great quality, especially for the price, and better than a lot of supposedly 'premium' bud I've tried.
There's always the odd few who can't take responsibility for their own choices, not your fault.

Also, now july 2022 sad to say Pistach has a very dark weak Trimm. Use to be the best in the LB but lately not so good. I used to get half ounce with Pistach and half from RealiD every week (Trimms). Was heaven. Last couple weeks only RealdiD. Monday will order new strain I reckon Stat Dawg. No fear, his green is quality and the rash. See u monday pal. Thanks

OMG. I am sad now. Your honesty is something else. I think same as you zSkittles was THE BEST. I am torn now to buy 7g just to try or wait for the gold .lol. Do you known roughly when zSkittles would be back please? Thanks

Mate, I have purchased at least 10 X this skittles for over 4 month. Still brilliant. Still gets me high. I am 46 yrs old. Been smoking for at least 30 yrs. B é St trim/shake on Lb for months now. Maybe you hide something else for your doctor, innit? And is 2 people here smoking. I hope you get better. Cheers

Actually last 12 days already order over 40G in Trims with RealD. Should be dead by now. Lol... And I am just high as fuc*

have a blessed day though if you know better ❤️❤️❤️
have a blessed day though if you know better ❤️❤️❤️

Sorry about that everyone but this WEF whore govmt plus the bleak financial future etc etc and the snoozing population has been giving me anxiety as it is but that was the last straw him obeying pharma lol probably got prescribed some addiction based chems after he said yes doctor 😡😤
That comment about the shake was awe inspiring!!!
One of my eye brows actually fell off in shock .
That comment about the shake was awe inspiring!!!
One of my eye brows actually fell off in shock .

Sorry about that everyone but this WEF whore govmt plus the bleak financial future etc etc and the snoozing population has been giving me anxiety and erectile disfunction as it is but that was the last straw him obeying pharma lol probably got prescribed some addiction based chems after he said yes doctor 😡😤
That comment about the shake was jaw dropping to me an I don't mind telling yous 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😡🤬😤😡😡😡
One of my eye brows actually fell off in shock .
That comment about the shake was jaw dropping to me an I don't mind telling yous 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😡🤬😤😡😡😡
One of my eye brows actually fell off in shock .

Where did Real D go? 👀
I can see his shake and skittles pages, product not available, but if I go to his main page it says access restricted 😱
The items I can see are still accumulating reviews and say "online today" at the top, but I can't see any of it 😢
Is it cos I smell funny?
I can see his shake and skittles pages, product not available, but if I go to his main page it says access restricted 😱
The items I can see are still accumulating reviews and say "online today" at the top, but I can't see any of it 😢
Is it cos I smell funny?

Lol. I've been smoking this all weekend/week. Was short of cash and this def does the trick. Im also asthmatic and I find it actually alleviates my symptoms. Also...DEFINITELY NO SPICE ADDED! Why the fk would someone be arsed to do that!? I'd be on my fkin arse if they did.

if this was spice then i'd 1000% be dead or in psychosis in a mental hospital with the amount i've smoked 😂
EDIT: just got my order in and i'm cooked, thanks RealD!
EDIT: just got my order in and i'm cooked, thanks RealD!

I smoked this stuff for a few months, absolutely loved the Zkittles and Stardawg.
Really hope they come back soon
Really hope they come back soon

Ordered two oz from you now and smoked every last gram of both, your shake smokes better than some full price flower I’ve bought from here. This guy must have baby lungs and isn’t used to the power

Also reviewed today ordered 3 days ago hints that perhaps you are full of shite. I might of considered not buying more of the stuff you presume is spice🤦🏻 Can’t please some people

2 posts
+3 votes

Second vote for RealD's Zkittlez, I've just placed my first order since he opened shop again.
It's possibly my favourite strain and his old stuff was…
+ 2 more
Smoking on some smalls from his zkittles shake and it’s real nice so I can only assume the flower itself is also top shelf
Smoking on some smalls from his zkittles shake and it’s real nice so I can only assume the flower itself is also top shelf

Second vote for RealD's Zkittlez, I've just placed my first order since he opened shop again.
It's possibly my favourite strain and his old stuff was some of the best bud I've had from LB so was glad to see it back. Recent reviews seem to suggest it's as good as it's ever been so looking forward to it landing.
It's possibly my favourite strain and his old stuff was some of the best bud I've had from LB so was glad to see it back. Recent reviews seem to suggest it's as good as it's ever been so looking forward to it landing.

Received my shake today as well, £25 for 14G of supposedly great skittlez shake (haven't opened the parcel so can't confirm).
Took 1 day to arrive.. Absolutely nuts value and service.
Took 1 day to arrive.. Absolutely nuts value and service.

What you waiting for…get it opened and report back haha cheers for all the reply lads appreciated 💯👍🏻

Smells very strong upon opening. Filled my room with a skittlez/cali smell. Very nice smelling.
Very few stalks in there, mostly little leaves and bits of bud. Smokes excellent, pure white ash with the beautiful skittlez taste.
This is one of the best values for bud I've ever had in my life. Excellent.
Very few stalks in there, mostly little leaves and bits of bud. Smokes excellent, pure white ash with the beautiful skittlez taste.
This is one of the best values for bud I've ever had in my life. Excellent.

Best version = rileypacks
Best value version = reald
Both good so all down to budget, if budget isn't a problem rileys is slightly stronger and consistently great.
Best value version = reald
Both good so all down to budget, if budget isn't a problem rileys is slightly stronger and consistently great.

Buddies and the green team both have zkittles
The gentleman dealers zkittles hash
Buddies and the green team both have zkittles
The gentleman dealers zkittles hash

The gentleman dealers zkittles hash Is a right decent bit of gear. Definitely one of the best hash for price on LB

I think sprout size would be extremely Generous, they’re more like peas 🤣 , it did go down quite nice so I can’t complain and will definitely buy the zkittles flower From RealD in future

Only Zkittles ive ever liked is the fuzzy round golf ball ones organic breaks up easy most the zkittles is rock hard small buds. Only ever seen one zkittles from San francisco i liked. give a proper buzzy head and body buzz for hours. with actual real zkittles tastes. Tried over 100 real gd grown ones to but nothing comes close.

I wish I tried yours mate lol ended up trying the grean teams and I 💯 regretted it, loads of immature seeds and pure black ash had half a joint an that’s it, complete waste of money,plus the strain wasn’t even skittles… no wonder they offer free stuff, or maybe I was just a unlucky customer, I won’t be taking advantage of there free offerings as a customer they have lost me due to dishonesty, never left a bad review as I’ve only got a few buys behind me but all I’ve stated above is 💯 the truth.

1 post
+2 votes
420 Pick n Mix Giveaway :)
Mine would be Chocolope, only had it once in Amsterdam but was probably the tastiest smoke I've ever had and it hit like a train. Would love to try i…

420 Pick n Mix Giveaway :)

Happy 420 fellow biggas, due to popular demand we have put up a Pick n Mix listing on our cali imports so you guys can try up to 4 strains with your order :)
As we love giving back to all you Biggas we are going to giveaway 4 X 3.5Gs .
All you have to do to enter the competitio is comment your all time favourite strain, you will then be allocated a number.
Only 1 entry per customer.
The winner will be picked on 05/05/2023 using a random number generator.
The link for the Pick n Mix listing is below;
Once again Happy 420 :)
Lots of Love
As we love giving back to all you Biggas we are going to giveaway 4 X 3.5Gs .
All you have to do to enter the competitio is comment your all time favourite strain, you will then be allocated a number.
Only 1 entry per customer.
The winner will be picked on 05/05/2023 using a random number generator.
The link for the Pick n Mix listing is below;
Once again Happy 420 :)
Lots of Love

Here are the links for the draw guys;
Link for live stream;
Number generator we will be using ;
Link for live stream;
Number generator we will be using ;

My favourite strain of all time is the original blue cheese, the smell from them buds and the high was unreal. Also didn’t mind jack hearer

Mine would be Chocolope, only had it once in Amsterdam but was probably the tastiest smoke I've ever had and it hit like a train. Would love to try it again.
Cheers TGT. 👍
Cheers TGT. 👍

My all time favourite is SoGouda, a strain from Amsterdam which is G13 x Cheese x Blueberry. One of the nicest tasting weeds I have smoked. Not seen it anywhere but Amsterdam and I haven't even seen it there for over a decade. Hopefully someone has kept it going somewhere.
Thanks for the comp and happy 420 TGT.
Thanks for the comp and happy 420 TGT.

Received a generous Henry as one of the prize winners. Not sure which strain I got but hits the spot nicely.
Excellent communication and stealth.
👍 Guys.
Excellent communication and stealth.
👍 Guys.

Thank you for your patience guys, we have just done the draw via live stream
Winners are...
11, 15, 45, 17
Please send us your shipping details :)
Winners are...
11, 15, 45, 17
Please send us your shipping details :)

Your Hindu Kush was a favourite and got me buying almost every week. Best sleep i've had.

Old school super silver haze although tried your mendo purps last night and it’s right up there!🔥

Contests need to be provably fair here's some examples
A prediction for an uncontrollable event:
- a random number draw with a live broadcast
specify the number generator url, and the url for the streaming event
- the blockchain.com price of bitcoin at 16:20 on july 2
the winner of the euro cup
Or an open contest:
- best name for a new item
as judged by votes
as judged by seller and then actually listed with winning name
There's infinite possibilities and we encourage you to invent more.
This will be deleted if it does not become provably fair.
A prediction for an uncontrollable event:
- a random number draw with a live broadcast
specify the number generator url, and the url for the streaming event
- the blockchain.com price of bitcoin at 16:20 on july 2
the winner of the euro cup
Or an open contest:
- best name for a new item
as judged by votes
as judged by seller and then actually listed with winning name
There's infinite possibilities and we encourage you to invent more.
This will be deleted if it does not become provably fair.

We will be goin a live draw of this competition on 05/05/2023
The links will be posted on this post.
We will be thinking of new possibilities also :)
The links will be posted on this post.
We will be thinking of new possibilities also :)

Link for live stream;
Number generator we will be using ;
Number generator we will be using ;

Animal cookies has become a fast favourite - sticks me firmly in place but the high is just so relaxing and fluffy! Great for pain as well 😎

Green Crack. The name put me off but for me this was one of the most euphoric and relaxing sativas I've ever tried.

I have to go with early 90's bubblegum or white widow, straight off the boat from Amsterdam.
More recently purple lemon cookies hit the spot when I injured my back some years back.
Also props to red and gold seal back in the day
More recently purple lemon cookies hit the spot when I injured my back some years back.
Also props to red and gold seal back in the day

Special skunk 1 cut😊. Scruffy looking but seriously stinky and tasty 👅 (not 🧀 but close much stronger)

I recently got some Cashmere, absolutely beautiful strain. Had me and the missus cackling like morons! That's my pick for favourite strain (so far)

Think it was 2005 and was in The Green Room coffee shop. Now my memory is fuzzy at the best of times.. lol. but think I had a Purple Kush pheno that tasted of straight up grape!!!
First time ever trying that flavour profile and it blew my mind..🤯🤤
Edit: There may be a slight chance I might of got the strain name confused… but it was a awhile ago now 😅
First time ever trying that flavour profile and it blew my mind..🤯🤤
Edit: There may be a slight chance I might of got the strain name confused… but it was a awhile ago now 😅

Grandaddy Purple for my, it was my frist taste of cali bud back in early 2010s. Never had flower packed with so much flavour comparing to the baggies from street dealers in the UK.

Love cookies-related strains 💚🍪 Favourite was probably some Mac I had a couple of years back. Happy 420 TGT 🥦🎉

Happy 420 TGT 😎 my all time favourite is a good stardawg! (Just like TGT’s recent stock) 😊Thank you for the comp! And good luck to all other biggas 🤞🏼

I'm gonna name something I reckon a lot of people ain't heard of called sirious black pray someone gets that again peace out

1 post
+4 votes

The dispute button should appear on your order after 9 days, you can then wait for the borgs to resolve it but you always have the option to cancel th…

I got duked by a seller who isn't replying to my messages and no package in my possession how do I go through the process of getting my bitcoin back.

When was the order sent?
Aslong as you haven't allowed the dispute window to expire you can raise a dispute from your order page.
If the dispute window has expired, you can request a late dispute by posting a topic on the vendors page, following the format and information of the posts, in the link attached
Aslong as you haven't allowed the dispute window to expire you can raise a dispute from your order page.
If the dispute window has expired, you can request a late dispute by posting a topic on the vendors page, following the format and information of the posts, in the link attached

2 posts
+4 votes

sapphire medical
That's proper shite, think I'll give it a miss then.
I'd really only be doing it to have the legal protection if caught and for work but seems like …
+ 2 more

sapphire medical
Anyone on here familiar with sapphire medical? just seen online that they prescribe medical cannabis..

One thing i know is that for some cases they require 2 failed medications, i wasnt willing to try another pfizer induced depressive episode so ended up here. Might try chatting to the docs again

I'm on oral morphine and tramadol, and 1 or 2 more lol... fkn hate opiates.. make me feel like some dirty heroin addict... so spaced out I don't know what fkn day it is..

Ah that’s gash man. Sorry to hear that.
Agreed on the opiates. Doctors think it’s ok to dish them out like candy (not the morphine or your circumstances) but weed that’s a no WTAF
Agreed on the opiates. Doctors think it’s ok to dish them out like candy (not the morphine or your circumstances) but weed that’s a no WTAF

its like i said to the mrs bro,,, the big pharma comps push the doctors to always revert to the medicine route,, it makes everyone involved money! ive always found it weird that no matter what happens or why you went but you always seem to leave the GPs with a fkn prescription lol.
its the same with the mrs, shes constantly getting pushed anti depressants from the GP, its like were the test subjects, everything is fixed with a pill or powder these days, since the mrs has been using edibles she hasnt touched a pill, not has as many 'issues' and is loving her new lease of life,
free the weed and the gov lose plenty dollar or they will tax it to hills, either way were fucked lol
its the same with the mrs, shes constantly getting pushed anti depressants from the GP, its like were the test subjects, everything is fixed with a pill or powder these days, since the mrs has been using edibles she hasnt touched a pill, not has as many 'issues' and is loving her new lease of life,
free the weed and the gov lose plenty dollar or they will tax it to hills, either way were fucked lol

That's proper shite, think I'll give it a miss then.
I'd really only be doing it to have the legal protection if caught and for work but seems like a shitload of effort for some second-rate bud.
I'd really only be doing it to have the legal protection if caught and for work but seems like a shitload of effort for some second-rate bud.

That’s what I thought but like most it was the cover it provides.
Not sure on other clinics rules are.
Not sure on other clinics rules are.

explore before you ignore my friend,, ive done no work apart from sit on my laptop, for the legal cover its defo worth a wee investigation,
the more ppl use it for their medical needs the less the pharma comps make,, 'for now' but im literaly using it for work, can beat a doctors note lol also i feel as though it will make it more socialy acceptable the more ppl see it,
the more ppl use it for their medical needs the less the pharma comps make,, 'for now' but im literaly using it for work, can beat a doctors note lol also i feel as though it will make it more socialy acceptable the more ppl see it,

right so i canx my app with them and discussed why payment was so high, so if you sign upto their survey programme your prescription and appointments will only ever cost £50, this is so they can send the research to the imperial collage hospital in london to aid further legalisation and knowledge..
ive since signed up and when the refund appears ill rebook at £50 thank fuck lol... £210 is alot just to be semi legal...
ive since signed up and when the refund appears ill rebook at £50 thank fuck lol... £210 is alot just to be semi legal...

I've been considering going to Cantourage for a consultation however I did wonder about the failed meds thing. I'd be getting it for depression but I've never taken anti-depressants, mainly due to having seen what they do to other people and how hard it can be to get yourself weaned off them.
I wasn't sure if they always insist on you having tried those in all cases as a blanket rule though. Did you have a consultation and they then rejected you for a prescription?
I wasn't sure if they always insist on you having tried those in all cases as a blanket rule though. Did you have a consultation and they then rejected you for a prescription?

I found cantourage to a better legal route, they do non irradiated bud which tbh isn't bad. Its just a lot of hassle and when you have places like LB it just doesn't seem worth it. Unless you need to have evidence of a legal prescription.

Totally agree.
I get it for cover with work ect but I just could not be arsed with the hassle 🙄
I get it for cover with work ect but I just could not be arsed with the hassle 🙄

That’s it in a nutshell - it’s legal. It’s a defence if you happen to be over the limit if swabbed at the roadside, helps with employers if ever asked to produce a sample and it’s great to be able to vape in smoking areas of bars, cafes etc without worrying too much. I just buy the cheapest legal medical bud available - usually £50 for 10g of low grade, you get your prescription as proof of medical need then simply buy off here. I do have a genuine medical need to be fair but until the quality improves in the uk clinics then I’ll keep coming here to top up. And you can’t get hash prescribed either though which is frustrating. Love my hash. Apparently you can in Germany, Australian medical markets.

I know a few that do just that but it’s also adding in appointment fees which at the very least is quarterly

My neighbour went down the medical route and has gone back to buying illegally, as you have to pay for consultations every month or so to be reviewed again, that’s on top of paying for your prescription which worked out at I think 10g for £130 if I remeber right, can get cheaper stuff but it’s all Mostly irradiated which just destroys any terps.
Plus if they find out you smoked your prescription oooh you in trouble 😂.
Still a long way to go until it’s worth it here I think.
Plus if they find out you smoked your prescription oooh you in trouble 😂.
Still a long way to go until it’s worth it here I think.

Yes mate, there are a few clinics in the UK, Sapphire is just one of them. Since 2018, specialist doctors can prescribe flower, oil and carts. You need to have a recognised medical condition. Private prescription though so you have to pay. Prices range from £6 to £12 a gram. Carts and oil are a different price range. Not tried them.

ive booked an app, the legal side of it will help with work and the rozzers,,, £210 for a fkn consultation ffs,,,

Initial consultation should only be about £50 to £100. Not sure what clinic you’re going to but I’d shop around. You can use any clinic in the UK. Doesn’t need to be in you’re local area.

its a combination of 3 different needs so i booked with the specialist that had the greater knowledge of all 3, but like others have said its mainly for the supported 'smoke legally' allowance it will give me for work and a little piece of mind knowing the chances of my shit getting taken will be slim lol,

1 post
+1 votes
Mix N Match 28G GIVEAWAY :)
The Girl with All the Gifts

Mix N Match 28G GIVEAWAY :)

Back due to popular demand, we are doing a mix n match sale on our premium items :)
We will be giving away 8 X 3.5G of our premium stock.
All you have to do to enter is like and comment on this post with a book recommendation .
Every comment will be given a number and we will be using a random number generator to pick the winner during a live stream to be provable fair :)
Winner will be drawn 01/03/2023 @ 9PM
Only 1 comment per bigga .
Link for the sale below ;
We will be giving away 8 X 3.5G of our premium stock.
All you have to do to enter is like and comment on this post with a book recommendation .
Every comment will be given a number and we will be using a random number generator to pick the winner during a live stream to be provable fair :)
Winner will be drawn 01/03/2023 @ 9PM
Only 1 comment per bigga .
Link for the sale below ;

My African drum teacher gave me one of these when I was a teen an my god the amount of skins I went through 🤣

The worst part was he used to build up with little skins so can you imagine the amount of those fuckers he used 😂

True story.
My mate thought using a a bic pen shell was a good idea for a roch for tulip and wondered why he felt sick as fuck lol 🤦
My mate thought using a a bic pen shell was a good idea for a roch for tulip and wondered why he felt sick as fuck lol 🤦

Why would you even try that 😲 I stopped using plastic grinders after I was finding little bits of plastic in my spliffs. Hate that shit

We have our winners guys, we werent able to live stream this time, but we are adding a screenshot of the draw :)
Please message us with your shipping details
Please message us with your shipping details

Right guys entries are closed, 97 entries 02/03/2023
We have a delay o the draw, had some techical issues and we need to verify a new youtube account to live stream so we will be doing the draw on Monday 06/03/2023 @ 9PM.
We will be sending the link for the live draw on this post so keep your eyes peeled :)
We have a delay o the draw, had some techical issues and we need to verify a new youtube account to live stream so we will be doing the draw on Monday 06/03/2023 @ 9PM.
We will be sending the link for the live draw on this post so keep your eyes peeled :)

The Very Hungry Cthulhupillar
for the dazzzler
great idea TGT, already a few good looking reads i'd not heard of!
for the dazzzler
great idea TGT, already a few good looking reads i'd not heard of!

Book recommendation, that is a good idea!! An awesome book is The Dice Man by Luke Reinheart. It is about a guy who after a gaming evening, playing cards and dice with his friends then starts to give the options to the dice, and if the numbers come up he must complete that option. Great book, that caused me to carry dice for many years, in case I needed inspiration when making choices!

The Culture series by Ian M Banks. Start with Consider Phlebus, my personal favourite of the series is possibly Excession but they're all brilliant. Incredible world building and gripping storylines make for top drawer SciFi.

I've been reading The Similarillion, the book set at the dawn of the universes of J.R.R. Tolkein. A bit confusing to begin with but damn it's a brilliant book. It explains the structuring of the gods in their universe. Honestly give it a read if fantasy is your thing.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson. a great book with arguably the best book to movie adaptation ever. Johnny Depp performed so well as Raul Duke

The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera - sounds heavier than it is but it changed the way I think and validates a hedonistic way of life, sorta!

2 posts
+4 votes

t break tips
I have real problems getting to sleep if I'm on a break and that's usually the hardest part. CBD flower definitely helps with that for me, it won't g…
+ 2 more
I recently took a week off- did it in tandem with another Bigga for mutual encouragement!
Weirdest thing was the intense dreams. Not bad dreams, just dreams that wake me up 30 times a night. Exhausting!
Weirdest thing was the intense dreams. Not bad dreams, just dreams that wake me up 30 times a night. Exhausting!

That's some good going, well done. A single day off and I'm proud of myself. I need to have a break soon though so will try and use your example as inspiration!
I once had a forced t-break while staying with family and I can still remember one of the dreams I had. I was caught up in a terrorist attack and it was proper full-on but somehow not really a nightmare. I woke up about 20 times but every time I went back to sleep, the dream picked up again and carried on, it was properly weird. I was knackered the next day but also amazed at how vividly I could still remember the details of everything that had happened.
I personally like the crazy dreams when I'm on a break but can understand why some wouldn't.
I once had a forced t-break while staying with family and I can still remember one of the dreams I had. I was caught up in a terrorist attack and it was proper full-on but somehow not really a nightmare. I woke up about 20 times but every time I went back to sleep, the dream picked up again and carried on, it was properly weird. I was knackered the next day but also amazed at how vividly I could still remember the details of everything that had happened.
I personally like the crazy dreams when I'm on a break but can understand why some wouldn't.

Totally there with you!
I didn’t mind the dreams at all, some were actually really ‘nice’…they were just so vivid it was crazy!😵💫
Good luck with the next break amigo👍
I didn’t mind the dreams at all, some were actually really ‘nice’…they were just so vivid it was crazy!😵💫
Good luck with the next break amigo👍

Try taper off your usage, discipline yourself and cut down usage. Then when it comes to the actual T break I've heard people using CBD to help, but not something I've tried personally.
First couple of days end up being the worst, but try keep yourself busy & question your cravings, if you can catch yourself wanting a toke you can talk yourself out of it 👌
Having said that if you're using it medicinally then do whatever works for you, people ain't taking t breaks for prescription meds.. 🙄
First couple of days end up being the worst, but try keep yourself busy & question your cravings, if you can catch yourself wanting a toke you can talk yourself out of it 👌
Having said that if you're using it medicinally then do whatever works for you, people ain't taking t breaks for prescription meds.. 🙄

a distillate vape each week keeps you sleeping, keeps the sweats away, and will give you a decent 'buzz', it's very hard to describe, if you hit it hard.
Going full cold turkey isn't pleasant, after a few days you sweat heard and then your sleep gets screwed.
Going full cold turkey isn't pleasant, after a few days you sweat heard and then your sleep gets screwed.

Vape carts for a tolerance break?! 😂…brilliant…
I also find Greggs is perfect when dieting! 😏
I also find Greggs is perfect when dieting! 😏

All right BBDoom na danger
I just got the cunt ripped out me on another tread for using the word Sativa. No chance you getting away with this.
That's like taking smack to get off Methadone! lol
I just got the cunt ripped out me on another tread for using the word Sativa. No chance you getting away with this.
That's like taking smack to get off Methadone! lol

is it the lack of weed that makes me sweat all night long every time I travel for work? Shit, I just thought they all had the heating up too high!

I have real problems getting to sleep if I'm on a break and that's usually the hardest part. CBD flower definitely helps with that for me, it won't get you stoned but can help to chill you out and calm the mind a bit. Doesn't seem to work for everyone but worth a go IMO.

My last break was the end of September 22 (now march23). I never intended on using daily but a combo of work and life challenges meant I started to rely on a daily smoke, vape or cookie (sometimes all 3) to get me to sleep.
A new job meant I had an unexpected 3 weeks off. I enjoyed the first 2 but wanted to have a clear head so decided a break was in order. I reduced my intake over a few days but still had issues with lack of sleep and the sweats- I proper stank in the mornings! Some Nytol have helped with the sleep and tonight will be night 4 without. Sleep is still not great but manageable. I’ll get to the end of the week and reward with a smoke on Friday.
I remember I made the mistake of hitting a vape cart after my last break. One hit and I had to lay down for 20 minutes!! Think I’ll stick to bud this time!!
A new job meant I had an unexpected 3 weeks off. I enjoyed the first 2 but wanted to have a clear head so decided a break was in order. I reduced my intake over a few days but still had issues with lack of sleep and the sweats- I proper stank in the mornings! Some Nytol have helped with the sleep and tonight will be night 4 without. Sleep is still not great but manageable. I’ll get to the end of the week and reward with a smoke on Friday.
I remember I made the mistake of hitting a vape cart after my last break. One hit and I had to lay down for 20 minutes!! Think I’ll stick to bud this time!!

Start mix in cbd to at least a 1:1 ratio. Then just one or to hits before bed for a couple of weeks. Then quit and the first night take some drowsy anti histamines . Then take another hit or two after four nights before quitting for however ever long you want to. This is a good taper imo

I re-vape already vaped bud at a higher temperature. It’s enough to ward off night sweats and crazy dreams whilst still reducing your tolerance significantly.

1) just buy three holy grail v3..usually three are enough
2) running early morning everyday
2) running early morning everyday

2 posts
+6 votes

Magic mushrooms Uk Vendors wanted.
Check out Fulleroaks Shrooms, they have some McKennaii for sale just now. Not tried those myself but I have some Golden Teachers from them which are…
+ 2 more

Magic mushrooms Uk Vendors wanted.

Seen some golden teacher mushrooms on LB was just wondering what other types of shrooms are on here.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your help!

There is quite a bit, you can Google little biggy with magic mushrooms and you should find some. Off the top of my head maddabber 420 and fullersoal have other options currently

Check out Fulleroaks Shrooms, they have some McKennaii for sale just now. Not tried those myself but I have some Golden Teachers from them which are very good so can recommend them as a vendor.

Thank you for that bro have checked them out and I think they will be one of the ones I try out first of all!
Much appreciated again.
Much appreciated again.

UK Seller
Yeti's https://littlebiggy.org/link/vHqnYh
Mckenna -https://littlebiggy.org/link/Bu2blg
Yeti's https://littlebiggy.org/link/vHqnYh
Mckenna -https://littlebiggy.org/link/Bu2blg

1 post
+1 votes

Self medicating for depression / anxiety
I've been using CBD flower in addition to weed for about a year now. As others have noted, it's not that strong if you're used to proper bud but I do…

Self medicating for depression / anxiety
Hi biggaz. Has anyone that smokes for the above reasons had much success with smoking hemp / high CBD flower with no THC? I’ve been researching it a little and it some people are raving about it?

I know people who don't "smoke weed" who have had success with anxiety while using CBD flower. Haven't met any stoners that have made the swap though.

The best medicine I have found for depression is a protocol of psilocybin microdosing in conjunction with periodic macrodosing (a full dose). Cannabis alone, depending on strain, alleviates my anxiety temporarily. Also, cannabis is useful in macrodosing mushrooms taken on the ride up and on the ride down.
I have tried many meds and ketamine infusions to treat my depression, but I have only had temporary results. The mushrooms are more effective long term in treating depression than ketamine. Cannabis seems to just add to a symptom of depression called amotivational syndrome. I still use fliwer and hash, but less frequently than before. DM me if interested in sourcing shrooms in USA and/or learning about my protocol for depression treatment..Thanks lil biggas for your time...
I have tried many meds and ketamine infusions to treat my depression, but I have only had temporary results. The mushrooms are more effective long term in treating depression than ketamine. Cannabis seems to just add to a symptom of depression called amotivational syndrome. I still use fliwer and hash, but less frequently than before. DM me if interested in sourcing shrooms in USA and/or learning about my protocol for depression treatment..Thanks lil biggas for your time...

Couldn’t agree with you more! Although we love cannabis if your deep down there it could have adverse effects where psychedelics teach you to get back up! Generally leaves you in a higher state :))

I smoked the best quality cbd weed (21%+ average) from various sites for around 6 months or so.
It's shit.
If it was x5 less expensive fine, it would be worth a smoke now and again or mixed, i seen it on here but least it's not as expensive as the uk legit sites.
It's shit.
If it was x5 less expensive fine, it would be worth a smoke now and again or mixed, i seen it on here but least it's not as expensive as the uk legit sites.

I personally use a mix of both CBD & THC flowers and find it helps alot for this. I really recommend vaping them together if you can and trying different ratios; 50/50, 70/30 and so on, I almost microdose it (having a few puffs on the vape in the evening or day time depending on what I'm upto/feeling etc) It took a little bit of time and trying different ratios to feel any benefits for what works best for me - maybe a few months but it definitely works positively for me now. Good luck stealthmode, I hope you find a solution that works for you ✌

Been self medicating for anxiety and depression for about a decade now. Personally I've found that products without THC aren't any help in dealing with my symptoms. Definitely worth a try though, as everyone's different. Best of luck to you.

i use a site called cbdhempweed, the pineapple express on that site is awesome... i have found that certain strains make me quite anxious and that is with either CBD or THC its all down to testing strains and see how the work for you... PE on cbdhempweed is bangin tho, check it out

uWakeiBake have pure CBD edibles that would maybe help with the above reaeons + cut out the disadvantages of smoking ... give them a try

I've been using CBD flower in addition to weed for about a year now. As others have noted, it's not that strong if you're used to proper bud but I do notice some effects.
I recently tried CBD concentrates and they're much more potent. They don't get you high or stoned but there's a noticeable shift in overall body sensation and they definitely chill me out if I'm anxious or stressed.
HempElf is a good place to start if you're interested. Hope you find something that works for you.
I recently tried CBD concentrates and they're much more potent. They don't get you high or stoned but there's a noticeable shift in overall body sensation and they definitely chill me out if I'm anxious or stressed.
HempElf is a good place to start if you're interested. Hope you find something that works for you.

I grind together a 2:1 ratio of high thc bud with an equal percentage cbd bud. Its miraculous. I get nicely stoned with no anxiety and can go about my day quite happily. If I need to go shopping or something and don't want to be too baked, vaping cbd flower on its own also miraculous. Great for pain relief and muscle relaxation too

I've suffered with severe treatment resistant depression for years. I've not tried smoking CBD but I did use a high potency CBD oil for several months. Made no difference to my depression at all sadly, but it does seem to work for a lot of other people.

It helps for sure did have a friend who swapped to cbd weed after having a baby. I suffer from anxiety and ptsd yes cbd works but a nice indica works better for me personally. Good luck finding what works for you ✌️

CBD is ideal for tempering THC effects and giving you a very relaxing, mellow high. Much more like the kind of ratios that they had in the 60's
You can go the high cbd strain route, like Cannatonic, in bud or concentrate / vape form or you can look at mixed edibles with CBD and THC as well.
You can go the high cbd strain route, like Cannatonic, in bud or concentrate / vape form or you can look at mixed edibles with CBD and THC as well.

1 post
+4 votes
Sassys drop
Those are some lovely looking buds, I'm in!

Sassys drop
Listing is up biggies!..initially ill be just selling 4g consisting of 1g of each strain..I still have alot finishing off so this way I can still list without 1 particular strain getting hammered..I will do 2x 2g,just let me know..The strain descriptions are just a copy and paste and ill update everything when strains are released separately.any questions/requests just message me ✌

I can’t resist this- I’m a Strain Junkie!! …LB growers have been doing some amazing stuff…so 🤞🤞

Nice way to ease into the madness before the full listings
Lovely wee taster selection before going balls deep?
What you thinking price wise a Q on full listings when they drop ?
Lovely wee taster selection before going balls deep?
What you thinking price wise a Q on full listings when they drop ?

8gs 70 mate..possibly only going to be listing fri sat sun from now on as I'm so so busy with my job..

Cheers sassy
Perfect on the heads up regarding posting and orders.
Wait what. You have a real life outwith LB. that is frowned upon 🙄
Wait and see. Ordered Monday 20th 09:30 still not arrived. Coms were shit never replied within 15 seconds. Topic posted Monday 20th 12:00 lol 😂
Like the fact your clear and that people’s expectations are managed accordingly 👌
Good luck ma man
Perfect on the heads up regarding posting and orders.
Wait what. You have a real life outwith LB. that is frowned upon 🙄
Wait and see. Ordered Monday 20th 09:30 still not arrived. Coms were shit never replied within 15 seconds. Topic posted Monday 20th 12:00 lol 😂
Like the fact your clear and that people’s expectations are managed accordingly 👌
Good luck ma man

My posties faster than yours.
4gs of beautiful nugs. Smells are amazing,nice fat buds well cured .can't wait for the full menu. Nice one guys
4gs of beautiful nugs. Smells are amazing,nice fat buds well cured .can't wait for the full menu. Nice one guys

3 posts
+8 votes

Coil King AIO Using Concentrates with stabilizers
Thanks very much, I have my eye on KIG's rosin list so may well start my journey there. 👍
Good advice about the increasing strength too, this was m…
+ 3 more

Coil King AIO Using Concentrates with stabilizers

I would like to start by saying that I am in no way taking credit for this recommendation as this is a recommendation of a recommendation.
On quite a few threads I have recommended this to people and thought that I would just post this topic. So I can give my full opinion, that's all this is my opinion.
Dead Rabb1t recommended it and pollypuff20 kicked the fucking door wide open to the wonders of concentrates and for that I sultue you both!
I have posted a link to a you tube video that will explain the King far better than I could.
What I will add is my own experience with it.
I can see the purest among us eyes rolling right now lol. Of course there are probably better and more expensive dab devices but I can only comment on what I have used.
As a beginner to concentrates, this has been a game changer by far.
Coil King AIO (Awesome Indulgence Occasionally) Only because of the way I use it.
In all honesty if I had seen this on the site I probably would have scrolled past it due to the price. At present £26 from recommended vape supplies.
Link below (and no I'm not on commission lol)
So when I first started using LB I had no idea what most of the concentrate shit was never mind how to fucking use it, as am an old git and was stuck in my ways. With only eyes for the beloved flower!
Over the past year I have been looking at and using cannabis in ways that I would not have if I did not get introduced to the wonders of LB if it was not for my science weed mate.
Another salute to him.
I'm not sure if I'm alone on this but I prefer to use different devices for different gear.
Dyna for weed / hash but with a different tip for the hash
AIO for concentrates
I tried dabs a few times at my science weed mates, Did I enjoy it, fucking right I did, but like others I have spoken to. My problem is the rig and everything that is needed to dab. Bangers, terp pills, getting the right temp, the cleaning ect ect. I am too lazy for all that. Plus I have kids and as such can't have nice things kicking about but if I'm honest I did not have the confidence or funds to drop that amount of coin. On what I thought I needed. Product and glass.
So I started using this and was super surprised at how it compared to a full rig. Is a rig better? Of course but in my opinion this is not far from the mark.
Its fucking awesome
Easy to maintain
Easy to use
The gear I've tried has been excellent
Portable (I have a 21st this weekend and I don't drink. Family party's are brutal add in that I don't drink. So this is top of the pops for it and a cheeky cart of course)
I use it as a session device. When using a dab rig. You have to smash the full dab in a few go's or go if you have the lungs to do it. With this I can have a few hits. Put it down and go back to it. Probably not the best use of it but it's how I use it. As such a little go's a long way for me. I'm quite disciplined on how I use it and use about a gram a month if that. To some that will be minimal but I will go into that below.
So this little device has let me sample the following which I would have never done unless I was at my mates gaff previously. FYI I did not purchase all of the below but we all have stoner mates that we trade and swap gear but most importantly. Help a bigga out when times are tough or been let down.
As such no review on the products just what I have used in the AIO
Northern lights shatter
Super silver haze crumble
Honeycomb concentrate
All of the above worked well but some were easier than others to handle
The fucking drain on by bank balance. Just look at the wonder wall. This shit is far from cheap. One reason why I have minimal use (About once a week)
It will fuck with your tolerance (I have seen mates dab so much that they lose interest in flower completly because it's not hitting the highs dabbs bring) second reason.
All in all if you are on the fence or not confident with concentrates like I was then this bad bot is for you.
As always if anyone has any other recommendations or advice please comment.
Knowledge is power lol
On quite a few threads I have recommended this to people and thought that I would just post this topic. So I can give my full opinion, that's all this is my opinion.
Dead Rabb1t recommended it and pollypuff20 kicked the fucking door wide open to the wonders of concentrates and for that I sultue you both!
I have posted a link to a you tube video that will explain the King far better than I could.
What I will add is my own experience with it.
I can see the purest among us eyes rolling right now lol. Of course there are probably better and more expensive dab devices but I can only comment on what I have used.
As a beginner to concentrates, this has been a game changer by far.
Coil King AIO (Awesome Indulgence Occasionally) Only because of the way I use it.
In all honesty if I had seen this on the site I probably would have scrolled past it due to the price. At present £26 from recommended vape supplies.
Link below (and no I'm not on commission lol)
So when I first started using LB I had no idea what most of the concentrate shit was never mind how to fucking use it, as am an old git and was stuck in my ways. With only eyes for the beloved flower!
Over the past year I have been looking at and using cannabis in ways that I would not have if I did not get introduced to the wonders of LB if it was not for my science weed mate.
Another salute to him.
I'm not sure if I'm alone on this but I prefer to use different devices for different gear.
Dyna for weed / hash but with a different tip for the hash
AIO for concentrates
I tried dabs a few times at my science weed mates, Did I enjoy it, fucking right I did, but like others I have spoken to. My problem is the rig and everything that is needed to dab. Bangers, terp pills, getting the right temp, the cleaning ect ect. I am too lazy for all that. Plus I have kids and as such can't have nice things kicking about but if I'm honest I did not have the confidence or funds to drop that amount of coin. On what I thought I needed. Product and glass.
So I started using this and was super surprised at how it compared to a full rig. Is a rig better? Of course but in my opinion this is not far from the mark.
Its fucking awesome
Easy to maintain
Easy to use
The gear I've tried has been excellent
Portable (I have a 21st this weekend and I don't drink. Family party's are brutal add in that I don't drink. So this is top of the pops for it and a cheeky cart of course)
I use it as a session device. When using a dab rig. You have to smash the full dab in a few go's or go if you have the lungs to do it. With this I can have a few hits. Put it down and go back to it. Probably not the best use of it but it's how I use it. As such a little go's a long way for me. I'm quite disciplined on how I use it and use about a gram a month if that. To some that will be minimal but I will go into that below.
So this little device has let me sample the following which I would have never done unless I was at my mates gaff previously. FYI I did not purchase all of the below but we all have stoner mates that we trade and swap gear but most importantly. Help a bigga out when times are tough or been let down.
As such no review on the products just what I have used in the AIO
Northern lights shatter
Super silver haze crumble
Honeycomb concentrate
All of the above worked well but some were easier than others to handle
The fucking drain on by bank balance. Just look at the wonder wall. This shit is far from cheap. One reason why I have minimal use (About once a week)
It will fuck with your tolerance (I have seen mates dab so much that they lose interest in flower completly because it's not hitting the highs dabbs bring) second reason.
All in all if you are on the fence or not confident with concentrates like I was then this bad bot is for you.
As always if anyone has any other recommendations or advice please comment.
Knowledge is power lol

Agree with all you say matey. DR got me onto the coil king and I'm the same minimal usage to keep it a treat/limit tolerance. Fantastic for the price, inexpensive but still first rate and does the job gooood!!
Maybe a spanner in the works (in a good way!) but RVS has the Lightning Pen which appears to be a step up and only slightly more expensive. Interesting for the future!
Cheers :)
Maybe a spanner in the works (in a good way!) but RVS has the Lightning Pen which appears to be a step up and only slightly more expensive. Interesting for the future!
Cheers :)

He’s a bad influence 🤬
Lol 😂 I just got sent a link on that by science weed mate out with LB but the main thing is the principle is the same. If I had the link 10 min earlier I would have added it
1 comment another option. Now we are cooking with gas
Cheers catsbananas
But aye
Lol 😂 I just got sent a link on that by science weed mate out with LB but the main thing is the principle is the same. If I had the link 10 min earlier I would have added it
1 comment another option. Now we are cooking with gas
Cheers catsbananas
But aye

I find it funny that cheap (relatively) weed it is recommended to ditch those £50 style vapes and get into Quoroma/Tinymight style several hundred pound behemoths but for expensive concentrates we are recommending something costing tuppence!!!! :)

I've been thinking about getting into concentrates for a while and I think you've just convinced me. 😂
This device looks great, what kind of concentrate would you recommend starting out with? Is there much difference between rosin, wax, shatter, etc.?
This device looks great, what kind of concentrate would you recommend starting out with? Is there much difference between rosin, wax, shatter, etc.?

I am currently a week into my t break so I can speak with a clear head😅
Rosin is extracted solventless, the process yields less product hence it’s more expensive but as polly said - it’s more natural, never tried myself though.
Solvent concentrates come in a few consistencies and can be extracted from cured, dried plants or fresh frozen ones (budder, live resin).
Diamonds are 99% THCa and have no smell or taste.
As for recommendations - I prefer live resin simply because of the smell and good high that I get. If you want to try diamonds - get the ones with sauce much more pleasant.
And lastly - in my experience concentrates do not make you more ‘addicted’ than bud. Detoxing was exactly the same for me. Low temp dabs and vaping are also much cleaner than smoking and that definitely affects the high you get. Smoking feels like it has this extra sedative effect most likely due to all the toxic chemicals created by combustion.
There are massive resources online so of course research before you buy.
Happy dabbing 😉
Rosin is extracted solventless, the process yields less product hence it’s more expensive but as polly said - it’s more natural, never tried myself though.
Solvent concentrates come in a few consistencies and can be extracted from cured, dried plants or fresh frozen ones (budder, live resin).
Diamonds are 99% THCa and have no smell or taste.
As for recommendations - I prefer live resin simply because of the smell and good high that I get. If you want to try diamonds - get the ones with sauce much more pleasant.
And lastly - in my experience concentrates do not make you more ‘addicted’ than bud. Detoxing was exactly the same for me. Low temp dabs and vaping are also much cleaner than smoking and that definitely affects the high you get. Smoking feels like it has this extra sedative effect most likely due to all the toxic chemicals created by combustion.
There are massive resources online so of course research before you buy.
Happy dabbing 😉

Hay PrimaryKey9
Great information. It’s was rosin that I actually got it for in the first place but you know what it’s like 🙄
But as you mentioned I like the fact that it’s solventless. Endless views of nug smasher videos on YT lol 😂
Science weed guy was talking about getting his own press 🤦 boys and there toys lol 😂
I hope post like this and the advice from yourself / polly / cats bananas and the others that have posted helps others like me at the start of the slippery slope lol 😂
Great information. It’s was rosin that I actually got it for in the first place but you know what it’s like 🙄
But as you mentioned I like the fact that it’s solventless. Endless views of nug smasher videos on YT lol 😂
Science weed guy was talking about getting his own press 🤦 boys and there toys lol 😂
I hope post like this and the advice from yourself / polly / cats bananas and the others that have posted helps others like me at the start of the slippery slope lol 😂

The coil king has a scoop on the mouthpiece that sits over the coils and is a good guide for dose as you only need a small bit. Scooping wax-y concentrates is simple but if you get shatter just be careful. It sometimes but not always comes with parchment paper (if not get some) and cover it if you need to break a bit off - it will literally shatter!! Sometimes shatter won’t stick to the Scoop so warm the piece(s) briefly between finger/thumb and then stick it on. May sound fiddly but my first time was using shatter from MKK2020 and it was really strong! Intense High but soothed into really mellow state but not knackered. Treat it like a Whisky/chaser, as a treat, every now and then to keep tolerance low. I reckon I get about 20-30 doses from a gram. Enjoy whatever you decide. :)

Very good advice again. Because of my lack of experience with the world 🌎 of concentrate I just picked the shatter from the tub it was in and like you said just stuck it to the dab mouthpiece.
I’m the same with use. I actually have the same concentrate that I ordered at the start of December and only just ordered more rosin. As the deal was too good to pass on. Well that’s what I tell myself to feel better about the spend lol 😂
This is ideal advice and as I said it’s comments like this that helps others
I’m the same with use. I actually have the same concentrate that I ordered at the start of December and only just ordered more rosin. As the deal was too good to pass on. Well that’s what I tell myself to feel better about the spend lol 😂
This is ideal advice and as I said it’s comments like this that helps others

Start with rosin - it’s a simple pure extraction that will ease you in. By the time you get to crystals, diamonds and caviar you will be pushing 100% THC so it’s time to take care! 💥🫣

Thanks very much, I have my eye on KIG's rosin list so may well start my journey there. 👍
Good advice about the increasing strength too, this was my main reservation about getting into concentrates. My tolerance is already pretty high and I lack the self discipline for t-breaks... 😂
Good advice about the increasing strength too, this was my main reservation about getting into concentrates. My tolerance is already pretty high and I lack the self discipline for t-breaks... 😂

Very good point I was thinking the easiest to handle
What polly said far more experience than myself on theses matters. Well most matters lol 😂
What polly said far more experience than myself on theses matters. Well most matters lol 😂

On here the world 🌎 is your oyster as you know.
The first thing I tried in the pen was northern lights shatter but all of the above all work great. It’s just preference on flavours and strains you like.
I just got some northern lights rosin but keeping that for the weekend.
If I was to pick one ☝️ out your list hands down shatter. The consistency was good for managing how much went on the dab when others it’s harder.
As commented on the topic and by others. It’s good too good in some cases. The best advice I got when trying it has been said.
Now and then and just for a treat.
Keep it green
Canadian imports
Eddies hash bar
The gentleman dealers
The list could go on but that’s where I like to look. Not purchased off them all but I always like to have a gander at there pages just to see what they got.
Like everything else on here. You get what you pay for 🤷♂️
But you can’t come back blaming me for being a bad influence lol 😂
Enjoy Oldmaned if you take the plunge and if you do. Let us know how you get on.
Hope that helps a bit. I’m just at the start of the journey and it’s a long and winding road
The first thing I tried in the pen was northern lights shatter but all of the above all work great. It’s just preference on flavours and strains you like.
I just got some northern lights rosin but keeping that for the weekend.
If I was to pick one ☝️ out your list hands down shatter. The consistency was good for managing how much went on the dab when others it’s harder.
As commented on the topic and by others. It’s good too good in some cases. The best advice I got when trying it has been said.
Now and then and just for a treat.
Keep it green
Canadian imports
Eddies hash bar
The gentleman dealers
The list could go on but that’s where I like to look. Not purchased off them all but I always like to have a gander at there pages just to see what they got.
Like everything else on here. You get what you pay for 🤷♂️
But you can’t come back blaming me for being a bad influence lol 😂
Enjoy Oldmaned if you take the plunge and if you do. Let us know how you get on.
Hope that helps a bit. I’m just at the start of the journey and it’s a long and winding road

Thanks mate, really appreciate all of the info.
I'll let you know once I've taken the plunge! 😁
I'll let you know once I've taken the plunge! 😁

Hi fellow dab pen user!
Thanks for taking the effort to do the write up. I would like to add my two cents. Dab pens are generally cheap and most of the recommended ones I saw are where the concentrate touches the coil. I did not like this configuration so I went for the yocan orbit and have been using it for a few months. It’s got a quartz environment + terp balls. Far from perfect but a bit different and also cheap.
Thanks for taking the effort to do the write up. I would like to add my two cents. Dab pens are generally cheap and most of the recommended ones I saw are where the concentrate touches the coil. I did not like this configuration so I went for the yocan orbit and have been using it for a few months. It’s got a quartz environment + terp balls. Far from perfect but a bit different and also cheap.

This is the best bit recommendations and research from fellow bigga’s
So you know it’s tried and tested.
As I said the only one I’ve used but with yourself and others giving their own recommendations. I hope it helps others who are unsure because we all know you could spend ages looking and looking for what you think you need or want.
Cheers man
So you know it’s tried and tested.
As I said the only one I’ve used but with yourself and others giving their own recommendations. I hope it helps others who are unsure because we all know you could spend ages looking and looking for what you think you need or want.
Cheers man

Well if Show & Tell time on our toys- I’m in! 🥳
The AceCup takes carts and concentrates, has a glass and a bubbler and you can just sit back and sip gently away. It has four heat settings and blows my noodle….but in a very laid back cool way 😶🌫️❤️💥
The AceCup takes carts and concentrates, has a glass and a bubbler and you can just sit back and sip gently away. It has four heat settings and blows my noodle….but in a very laid back cool way 😶🌫️❤️💥

On a slippery slope now dazzler soon your tolerance will be fucked and the crack pipe you will look for
Stick to old school scran son
Stick to old school scran son

Can’t have glass lol 😂
Everyone needs a treat now and then but your spot on.
It’s so slippy I’m walking like a penguin 🐧
That’s the main reason I stressed occasionally but thats how it all starts.
Self discipline and I have even surprised myself on how I have stuck to my guns with occasional use.
About the only self discipline I have on cannabis
Everyone needs a treat now and then but your spot on.
It’s so slippy I’m walking like a penguin 🐧
That’s the main reason I stressed occasionally but thats how it all starts.
Self discipline and I have even surprised myself on how I have stuck to my guns with occasional use.
About the only self discipline I have on cannabis

Top review Daz! 🤩
I agree that we all need to handle our concentrates with care…they are just too nice and could easily spoil me for everything else which would be a travesty.😵💫
You know I am going to come back with pictures of the AceCup in action don’t you? 😉😂
I agree that we all need to handle our concentrates with care…they are just too nice and could easily spoil me for everything else which would be a travesty.😵💫
You know I am going to come back with pictures of the AceCup in action don’t you? 😉😂

1 post
+1 votes
14G Modified Grapes Giveaway :)

14G Modified Grapes Giveaway :)

Right guys, lets start 2023 having some fun.
This competetion is really simple...
Type one word in a foreign language, and you will be allocated a number.
We will then use a random number generator with a time stamp to pick a winner.
Winner will be revealed on 31/01.
This competetion is really simple...
Type one word in a foreign language, and you will be allocated a number.
We will then use a random number generator with a time stamp to pick a winner.
Winner will be revealed on 31/01.

I had some of the grapes delivered this morning and I can tell you now it does not disappoint. Whoever wins is in for a treat. Good luck everyone.

Right guys sorry for the delay, we are no closing the competition with 214 entreis 02/02/2023.
We will be picking the winner 04/02 as we will be doing it via livestream to be provable fair.
We will be posting the link to the livestream on here
We will be picking the winner 04/02 as we will be doing it via livestream to be provable fair.
We will be posting the link to the livestream on here

We are still working on it, had a 24hr delay with resgistration we will be testing today and the draw will be done tomorrow 06/02/2023.
Sorry for the delay guys but we want to do it right this time so we can do it again :)
Sorry for the delay guys but we want to do it right this time so we can do it again :)

hope you're keeping security in mind, don't want to see a streaming site lead the feds to your door!

Security is always first mate. That's why it has taken us a while to get this sorted.
We will be drawing 5 numbers now to make up for the delay.
The 1st number will wi 14G
The other 4 numbers will win 3.5G each.
Live stream will be done 07/02 at 21;00 GMT.
Link for livestream below
We will be drawing 5 numbers now to make up for the delay.
The 1st number will wi 14G
The other 4 numbers will win 3.5G each.
Live stream will be done 07/02 at 21;00 GMT.
Link for livestream below

I didn't no. Missed it. Couldn't get out of work. Searching for winning numbers now lol

Live draw has been done guys, we have our winning numbers;
42 - 14G
105 - 3.5G
70- 3.5G
28 - 3.5G
66 - 3.5G
Thanks to all for participating, was a lot of fun and really good that we managed to live stream it so it was provably fair ;)
Keep your eyes peeled for our next comp.
Lots Of Love
42 - 14G
105 - 3.5G
70- 3.5G
28 - 3.5G
66 - 3.5G
Thanks to all for participating, was a lot of fun and really good that we managed to live stream it so it was provably fair ;)
Keep your eyes peeled for our next comp.
Lots Of Love

Is there any chance you can take some pictures of your weed that actually shows the quality. Instead of the fuzzy green blobs on the screen;)

So every word gets a number, we are on 102 atm.
Once we get to 31/10, we will stop giving out numbers and put the total into a random number generator which will give us a random number and a winner.
We will then post a print with the date and timestamp of the number that has been chosen.
We done this on our last comp, all went smoothly :) Hope we are doing it right.
Once we get to 31/10, we will stop giving out numbers and put the total into a random number generator which will give us a random number and a winner.
We will then post a print with the date and timestamp of the number that has been chosen.
We done this on our last comp, all went smoothly :) Hope we are doing it right.

dattebayo I don't know why buy they closet my old profile... I think u give me n186 sorry bored u

this is good, thank you for the effort love. but to be provably fair please stream the drawing.

3 posts
+12 votes
Smoke report - Pineapple Express from The Green Team
started topic
+ 3 more

Smoke report - Pineapple Express from The Green Team

I placed my first orders with The Green Team in November and got a few different strains to try, one of which was Pineapple Express. I normally prefer indica strains but I was looking for a nice sativa-dominant option which might be good for during the day, and this one caught my eye.
I ordered 3.5g and as soon as I opened the bag, I wished I'd ordered more. It's one of the best choices I've made on LB and it's now become my go-to smoke.
Look & feel: the buds are medium density, nice and firm but not too tight. Lots of orange pistils and tons of frosty crystals, a bit sticky but still grinds well. I kept meaning to take pictures of the different buds but every time I took it out, I ended up smoking it instead so there's now only one left to show until the next order drops. 😂
Smell: I think this smells very similar to old-school Cheese but less pungent and more fruity. The smell when I first opened the bag almost had me drooling and it's even better once its been through the grinder! When I went back into the room where I'd smoked it a while later, there was a distinct whiff of Haze but strangely it didn't smell or taste of that at the time.
Taste: again, I'd say it's quite like Cheese but a bit less full-on with a definite fruity tone to it and a diesel edge on the exhale. I don't get any pineapple but it's super tasty and never seems to lose its appeal for me. 🤤
Effects: this is evidently a sativa-leaning strain when you smoke it, giving a clear and bright high which is strong but not overpowering. I've found that some sativas tend to make me a bit anxious and edgy but this one is very uplifting and gives me a real feel-good buzz which is great for getting things done.
Value: for me, TGT have got their quality-to-price ratios just right. Their cheaper options offer a great budget smoke however if you spend a bit extra for their more expensive strains like this one, you can tell where that money has gone. I like a bargain as much as anyone but I'm happy to spend a bit more when the gear is this good.
Smoking bud like this is the reason I love weed so much. Thanks TGT, and may this remain on your menu for ever and ever, amen. 🙏
I ordered 3.5g and as soon as I opened the bag, I wished I'd ordered more. It's one of the best choices I've made on LB and it's now become my go-to smoke.
Look & feel: the buds are medium density, nice and firm but not too tight. Lots of orange pistils and tons of frosty crystals, a bit sticky but still grinds well. I kept meaning to take pictures of the different buds but every time I took it out, I ended up smoking it instead so there's now only one left to show until the next order drops. 😂
Smell: I think this smells very similar to old-school Cheese but less pungent and more fruity. The smell when I first opened the bag almost had me drooling and it's even better once its been through the grinder! When I went back into the room where I'd smoked it a while later, there was a distinct whiff of Haze but strangely it didn't smell or taste of that at the time.
Taste: again, I'd say it's quite like Cheese but a bit less full-on with a definite fruity tone to it and a diesel edge on the exhale. I don't get any pineapple but it's super tasty and never seems to lose its appeal for me. 🤤
Effects: this is evidently a sativa-leaning strain when you smoke it, giving a clear and bright high which is strong but not overpowering. I've found that some sativas tend to make me a bit anxious and edgy but this one is very uplifting and gives me a real feel-good buzz which is great for getting things done.
Value: for me, TGT have got their quality-to-price ratios just right. Their cheaper options offer a great budget smoke however if you spend a bit extra for their more expensive strains like this one, you can tell where that money has gone. I like a bargain as much as anyone but I'm happy to spend a bit more when the gear is this good.
Smoking bud like this is the reason I love weed so much. Thanks TGT, and may this remain on your menu for ever and ever, amen. 🙏

Sublime smoke report Ed.
Always a pleasure to read a bit more detail in the product and user experience, I commend you 🍻
Always a pleasure to read a bit more detail in the product and user experience, I commend you 🍻

Thanks mate, I'll try and do more reports in future. I was meaning to do this one for ages but never seemed to get around to it for some reason. 🫠

really well put together review mate, nice make of adding two pictures into 1 big brain energy

1 post
+6 votes
What do you call cheese that doesn't belong to you?
It's nacho cheese!

Morning folks, guy's and gal's
I'm knocking up my Christmas goodie 📦
The dam thing is gunna be packed out with goodness off my menu and i have a couple extra bits on their way. (Top of the pops grinder)
It will be a Merry Crimbo
So today(16/11/22) we start, all I require is you to post here with your best joke.
To enter you need at least 5 buys in your history on LB and ill run the competition till the 12th December.
Let's have a giggle and you may hit the jackpot!!
I'm knocking up my Christmas goodie 📦
The dam thing is gunna be packed out with goodness off my menu and i have a couple extra bits on their way. (Top of the pops grinder)
It will be a Merry Crimbo
So today(16/11/22) we start, all I require is you to post here with your best joke.
To enter you need at least 5 buys in your history on LB and ill run the competition till the 12th December.
Let's have a giggle and you may hit the jackpot!!

What’s the difference between a nun in church and a nun in the bath. One has hope in her soul, the other has soap in her hole.

Garryfl your going to be the winner.
My Mrs is choosing the winner and yours is going to win.
So I'm ending the competition here.
Winner Winner is Garryfl.
Message me your address and I'll get your prize sent out in the morning.
My Mrs is choosing the winner and yours is going to win.
So I'm ending the competition here.
Winner Winner is Garryfl.
Message me your address and I'll get your prize sent out in the morning.

Two old friends are discussing their sex lives. David, 29, has no issues with his wife and gets lucky at least 3 times a week. Jerry, 38, laughs as he recounts that he has sex with his wife almost every day. Almost Monday, almost Tuesday, almost Wednesday…

An old, blind Marine wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake.
He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.
After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, ‘Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?’
The bar immediately falls absolutely silent.
In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says,
‘Before you tell that joke I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things:
1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.
2. The bouncer is a blonde girl.
3. I’m a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate.
4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter.
5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.
Now, think about it seriously, do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?’
The blind Marine thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, ‘No…not if I’m gonna have to explain it five times.’
He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.
After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, ‘Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?’
The bar immediately falls absolutely silent.
In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says,
‘Before you tell that joke I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things:
1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.
2. The bouncer is a blonde girl.
3. I’m a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate.
4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter.
5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.
Now, think about it seriously, do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?’
The blind Marine thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, ‘No…not if I’m gonna have to explain it five times.’

A schoolboy, an old man and Donald Trump are on a plane that is plummeting towards the ground. The captain and copilot have already bailed.
In the cabin they find only 2 parachutes available. Without hesitation, Trump grabs one and jumps out.
With only 1 parachute remaining, the old man turns to the schoolboy and says, "You take the last one, I'm old, whereas you have your whole life ahead of you yet."
The schoolboy replies "It's OK, we have a parachute each, that other guy jumped out with my schoolbag."
In the cabin they find only 2 parachutes available. Without hesitation, Trump grabs one and jumps out.
With only 1 parachute remaining, the old man turns to the schoolboy and says, "You take the last one, I'm old, whereas you have your whole life ahead of you yet."
The schoolboy replies "It's OK, we have a parachute each, that other guy jumped out with my schoolbag."

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps: "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says: "Calm down, I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says: "OK, now what?"

A guy walks with a young boy into the woods. The boy turns to him and says, "Hey mister, it's getting really dark and I'm scared." The man replies, "How do you think I feel? I have to walk back alone."

Great to see other vendors joining in the Christmas spirit and giving back. Nice 1 Keep it Green 👍
Here’s my joke for fun. Thanks Eddy
What’s a chavs favourite ice cream?
Here’s my joke for fun. Thanks Eddy
What’s a chavs favourite ice cream?

……I know this is recycled from some place but it’s a gooden-
How does a stoner recite Shakespeare? “Doobie or not doobie
Sorry it’s as bad the second time around too😂😂😂💪🏼
How does a stoner recite Shakespeare? “Doobie or not doobie
Sorry it’s as bad the second time around too😂😂😂💪🏼

A bear walks into a pub, goes up to the bar and says...........................can I have a pint of lager? Barman replies yes, but why the big pause

Bloke goes into a pet shop and says, can I buy a wasp?
Pet shop owner says, we don't sell wasps!
Bloke says, well you've got two in the window.
Pet shop owner says, we don't sell wasps!
Bloke says, well you've got two in the window.

A recent favourite.....
A priest, a pastor and a rabbit entered a clinic to donate blood. The nurse asked the rabbit: "what's your blood type?"
"I'm probably a type O", said the rabbit.
A priest, a pastor and a rabbit entered a clinic to donate blood. The nurse asked the rabbit: "what's your blood type?"
"I'm probably a type O", said the rabbit.

Two girls are working at the the supermarket.
“You know, I can always tell who the single men are”
“How can you do that?”
“Watch. I’ll show you with the next customer.”
A man approaches the register. He places a tomato, a pork chop, a potato, a tin of beans, a small onion and 4 ready meals on the belt.
“I hope you don't mind me asking, but you’re single, aren’t you?”
“Woah! How did you know? It's the ready meals, isn't it?”
“No, it's cos you're an ugly cunt!”
“You know, I can always tell who the single men are”
“How can you do that?”
“Watch. I’ll show you with the next customer.”
A man approaches the register. He places a tomato, a pork chop, a potato, a tin of beans, a small onion and 4 ready meals on the belt.
“I hope you don't mind me asking, but you’re single, aren’t you?”
“Woah! How did you know? It's the ready meals, isn't it?”
“No, it's cos you're an ugly cunt!”

A cop stopped a man smoking cannabis while driving
The officer asked "how high are you?"
The man replied "no officer, its hi how are you"
The officer asked "how high are you?"
The man replied "no officer, its hi how are you"

I just bought some shoes from a dealer, I don't know what they were laced with but I've been tripping all day!

My mum died when we couldn’t remember her blood type. As she died, she kept telling us to “be positive,” but it’s hard without her.
Recycled joke but cheers for the comp!
Recycled joke but cheers for the comp!

An English man, a French man and an Italian man were talking about sex.
French man says " when i make love to my wife and she orgasms she raises 4 inches off the bed"
Italian man says "when I make love to my wife and she orgasms she raises 6 inches off the bed"
English man says, "when me and my wife have finished having sex I get out of bed and wipe my dick on the curtains and she hits the roof!" 😆
French man says " when i make love to my wife and she orgasms she raises 4 inches off the bed"
Italian man says "when I make love to my wife and she orgasms she raises 6 inches off the bed"
English man says, "when me and my wife have finished having sex I get out of bed and wipe my dick on the curtains and she hits the roof!" 😆

On his 18th bday a dad took his son who had no arms and legs for his 1st beer...
Sitting at the table he sips his beer and suddenly an arm pops out... fucking hell says dad... IKR replied the son... have another says dad...!! So he does and all of a sudden bosh another arm...
So after 4 drinks the son has all limbs and is feeling light headed... I wanna run home and show mum said the son... go for it son says dad... and as soon as the son ran out I to the street he was hit by a car...
Tragically the son died with his dad holding him in his arms saying......
he should have quit while he was a head... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sitting at the table he sips his beer and suddenly an arm pops out... fucking hell says dad... IKR replied the son... have another says dad...!! So he does and all of a sudden bosh another arm...
So after 4 drinks the son has all limbs and is feeling light headed... I wanna run home and show mum said the son... go for it son says dad... and as soon as the son ran out I to the street he was hit by a car...
Tragically the son died with his dad holding him in his arms saying......
he should have quit while he was a head... 🤣🤣🤣🤣

How do you know you are a true stoner?
When your bong gets washed more than your dishes
When your bong gets washed more than your dishes

Best in a Scottish accent -
10 cows standing in a field, which one is closest to Iraq?
….. coo eight
10 cows standing in a field, which one is closest to Iraq?
….. coo eight

Christmas is so stupid…
Whomever invented it should be nailed to a cross. 😂😂🤷♂️🎄🎄
Do love a simple but silly joke 😅 ✌️💚
Whomever invented it should be nailed to a cross. 😂😂🤷♂️🎄🎄
Do love a simple but silly joke 😅 ✌️💚

My best joke atm is KIG got better & healthier produce than law permitted pharmacies that are causing people to have lung infections by selling mould in a tub to them passed as medicine

old boy sitting on a train, girl gets on and sits opposite him. guy leans forward and says 'excuse me, can I smell your cunt?'
Girl, shocked, says 'NO, NO YOU CAN'T YOU FILTHY SHIT'
guy says 'oh sorry, must be your feet then'
Girl, shocked, says 'NO, NO YOU CAN'T YOU FILTHY SHIT'
guy says 'oh sorry, must be your feet then'

What’s the difference between Dirty Harry and anal sex?
One will make your day the other will make hole weak.
One will make your day the other will make hole weak.

I get paid the national minimum wages, 9.50£ for one hour of honest hard work, come on if that's not a joke, I don't know what is 😂😂😂😂😂😆😆😎😎😎

What's the definition of a mixed feeling? Watching your Mother-in-law drive off a cliff in your new car

A man smelling of alcohol and weed sat next to a priest on a bus.
The man’s clothes were ragged and dirty, there was pink lipstick on his collar, and an almost empty bottle of rum stuck out of his pocket. He opened his newspaper and began reading.
A few minutes later he turned to the priest and said, "Tell me Father, do you happen to know what causes arthritis?"
The priest replies, "My son, it's caused by sinful behavior, spending time with prostitutes, abusing alcohol and drugs, an unclean body and mind, and disrespect for others."
“Damn,” replied the drunk before returning to his paper.
Thinking about what he said, the priest tapped the man on the shoulder and apologized for being too stern. Trying to be empathetic, he asked the man how long he has had arthritis.
The man answered, "I don't have it. I just read here that the Pope suffers from it."
The man’s clothes were ragged and dirty, there was pink lipstick on his collar, and an almost empty bottle of rum stuck out of his pocket. He opened his newspaper and began reading.
A few minutes later he turned to the priest and said, "Tell me Father, do you happen to know what causes arthritis?"
The priest replies, "My son, it's caused by sinful behavior, spending time with prostitutes, abusing alcohol and drugs, an unclean body and mind, and disrespect for others."
“Damn,” replied the drunk before returning to his paper.
Thinking about what he said, the priest tapped the man on the shoulder and apologized for being too stern. Trying to be empathetic, he asked the man how long he has had arthritis.
The man answered, "I don't have it. I just read here that the Pope suffers from it."

Three blokes find an old lamp lying by the side of the road, and when they rub it a genie pops out and grants each of them three wishes. "Now tell me," he booms, "what is your first wish?"
The first bloke asks for a billion pounds. The second bloke asks for perfect mental peace and happiness. The third bloke says "I want my left arm to revolve clockwise, all the time, like I was bowling a cricket ball." The other two look at him bewildered, but he just smiles and taps his nose.
The genie says "What is your second wish?" The first bloke asks to be totally irresistible to women. The second bloke asks for perfect physical health until the age of 100. The third bloke says "I want my right arm to revolve anti-clockwise, all the time." The other two stare at him, but again he just smiles smugly.
Finally the genie grants them their third wish. The first guy asks for all his hair to grow back. The second asks for him and his wife to be able to have children at last. The third one says "I want to hop everywhere on one leg, bouncing as high as if I was on a pogo stick." The other two are completely baffled, but again he just taps his nose and smiles.
"OK" says the genie. "Your wishes will come true at midnight tonight" - and he disappears in a puff of smoke. The three men arrange to meet up in a year's time to see how they're all getting on, and then they go their separate ways.
A year later, they meet in the pub. The first man walks in wearing a five thousand pound suit, the keys to a Ferrari in his hand, with long flowing hair and a top model hanging off each arm. "I couldn't be happier," he says. "My life is paradise now."
The second man walks in with a beaming smile, the picture of health, totally relaxed, holding a picture of his baby twins. " I couldn't be happier," he says. "Every day is just wonderful."
Just then, the pub doors fly open and the third man comes bouncing in on one leg, his head banging off the ceiling, with both his arms swinging round and round in opposite directions.
"Guys," he says. "I think I fucked up."
The first bloke asks for a billion pounds. The second bloke asks for perfect mental peace and happiness. The third bloke says "I want my left arm to revolve clockwise, all the time, like I was bowling a cricket ball." The other two look at him bewildered, but he just smiles and taps his nose.
The genie says "What is your second wish?" The first bloke asks to be totally irresistible to women. The second bloke asks for perfect physical health until the age of 100. The third bloke says "I want my right arm to revolve anti-clockwise, all the time." The other two stare at him, but again he just smiles smugly.
Finally the genie grants them their third wish. The first guy asks for all his hair to grow back. The second asks for him and his wife to be able to have children at last. The third one says "I want to hop everywhere on one leg, bouncing as high as if I was on a pogo stick." The other two are completely baffled, but again he just taps his nose and smiles.
"OK" says the genie. "Your wishes will come true at midnight tonight" - and he disappears in a puff of smoke. The three men arrange to meet up in a year's time to see how they're all getting on, and then they go their separate ways.
A year later, they meet in the pub. The first man walks in wearing a five thousand pound suit, the keys to a Ferrari in his hand, with long flowing hair and a top model hanging off each arm. "I couldn't be happier," he says. "My life is paradise now."
The second man walks in with a beaming smile, the picture of health, totally relaxed, holding a picture of his baby twins. " I couldn't be happier," he says. "Every day is just wonderful."
Just then, the pub doors fly open and the third man comes bouncing in on one leg, his head banging off the ceiling, with both his arms swinging round and round in opposite directions.
"Guys," he says. "I think I fucked up."

I heard a rather nice story about a man who drank alot and his wife said "if you ever come home drunk again, I'm going to leave you". He went out to a pub and drank alot and was sick all over his shirt, and said to his friend "If I go home like this my wife will leave me". His friend said "I tell you what, put a twenty-pound note in your inside jacket pocket, go home and show it to her and tell her somebody threw-up over you and he gave you the money for the dry-cleaning bill.".
He goes home and his wife's angry at the state of him and tells him she is leaving but he says "No, no, no, somebody was sick on me and he put a twenty-pound note in my jacket pocket for the dry-cleaning bill". His wife digs into his jacket pocket and pulls out some money, she said "Why have you got two twenty-pound notes in there?", he said "Oh the other is from the man who shat in my pants". 😛😛
He goes home and his wife's angry at the state of him and tells him she is leaving but he says "No, no, no, somebody was sick on me and he put a twenty-pound note in my jacket pocket for the dry-cleaning bill". His wife digs into his jacket pocket and pulls out some money, she said "Why have you got two twenty-pound notes in there?", he said "Oh the other is from the man who shat in my pants". 😛😛

True story as I witnessed it lol
Jumped out the pub to go to the cash machine with a mate and he nipped round the corner to go for a piss.
30 sec later 5.0 walk up. I’m standing smoking a fag.
Next thing the 5.0 talking to my mate. excuse me you know that’s offence.
Quick as fuck
Looks like a wall to me big man.
Night in the cells for him.
Jumped out the pub to go to the cash machine with a mate and he nipped round the corner to go for a piss.
30 sec later 5.0 walk up. I’m standing smoking a fag.
Next thing the 5.0 talking to my mate. excuse me you know that’s offence.
Quick as fuck
Looks like a wall to me big man.
Night in the cells for him.

Johnny's mum is in the bathroom shaving her bush when Johnny runs in without knocking.
Mum tries to cover up
Johnny says "Mummy where's your sponge?....its gone!"
Mum says " oh... I er... lost it. Now go outside and play"
Off Johnny goes...
He returns in 5 mins and says" mum mum, I've found your sponge!!"
Mum asks" oh where did you find it?"
Johnny replies "the lady next door is washing dad's face with it?
Mum tries to cover up
Johnny says "Mummy where's your sponge?....its gone!"
Mum says " oh... I er... lost it. Now go outside and play"
Off Johnny goes...
He returns in 5 mins and says" mum mum, I've found your sponge!!"
Mum asks" oh where did you find it?"
Johnny replies "the lady next door is washing dad's face with it?

What's the height of embarrassment????
Walking into the wall with a hard-on and breaking your nose 🤣🤣🤣
Walking into the wall with a hard-on and breaking your nose 🤣🤣🤣

1 post
+1 votes

{lb help}
Items keep changing to Onion only
Not sure if it's related but I noticed last night that one vendor had products showing on their LB profile that would normally only be visible via Soc…

{lb help}
Items keep changing to Onion only
Hi guys, I’m hoping someone could help help us understand why the 2-4 item in our shop keeps on changing visibility to Onion torrent only. I keep on having to re-add the items and then they disappear after a day. The only way we find out is because customers email to say they cannot see the full dose etc. could someone please help PLEASE :))))

Isn’t your store LSD?….I don’t think LB likes that here🤷♂️…although if that’s the case they could just tell you!..

As Polly said above if you add those items to your listings it'll automatically be restricted and added to their onion site 'Society'.
That's why you don't really see any harder stuff on here.
That's why you don't really see any harder stuff on here.

Thank you so much. I have asked them but no response so thought to try it out anyway but yes no warning on complaints so far. But I think it might be an automatic feature or something:) We would respect the boundaries if I could just get someone to say :-(

It’s so Algorithm based now that it can be hard to get responses. Try a chat with Happy Borg, they seem to reply more;

Hi there sorry about that! We did post to say we will be on holiday. We are now back until 11 am Fri

Not sure if it's related but I noticed last night that one vendor had products showing on their LB profile that would normally only be visible via Society. Seems to have changed this morning though so perhaps just a temporary glitch.

Honestly have no idea why it changes automatically and it’s only for the items we add after the first one :( It’s there for like 5 mins and then gone

1 post
+5 votes
Ode to weed Competition
I grind the green then roll, ignite;
The blue haze slowly drifts.
It sinks and seeps into my mind
To fill each crack and rift.
The white in contrast …

Ode to weed Competition

I was sitting down doing manicures and i couldn't bring myself to trim this lady down anymore.
I became inspired looking at her and came up with an Ode to her beauty 😍
Your beauty is like a star filled sky
With twinkle and glitters that catch my eye
A warmth and love I long to behold
To taste that kiss, a forbidden pleasure yet to unfold
Now if anyone can come up with a better 'Ode to Weed', be it about this bud or weed in general now is your chance to shine 🌟
🎉 Win this lady 🎉
- Competition is open to anyone with 5 or more LB purchases
- Winner is voted for by the community
- As many entries as you like
- Closing date 15th Dec 22
Good luck all and I look forward to your works of love ❤️
DM 🧙♂️
I became inspired looking at her and came up with an Ode to her beauty 😍
Your beauty is like a star filled sky
With twinkle and glitters that catch my eye
A warmth and love I long to behold
To taste that kiss, a forbidden pleasure yet to unfold
Now if anyone can come up with a better 'Ode to Weed', be it about this bud or weed in general now is your chance to shine 🌟
🎉 Win this lady 🎉
- Competition is open to anyone with 5 or more LB purchases
- Winner is voted for by the community
- As many entries as you like
- Closing date 15th Dec 22
Good luck all and I look forward to your works of love ❤️
DM 🧙♂️

Roses are red,
Ganja is green,
Most rymes ryme,
but this one doesn't....
I think we can all agree I've smashed it out of the park with that one, but as a vendor I'll have to forfeit my winnings and leave the competition open to others. It's only fair. 😉
In all seriousness though, some really lovely posts on this thread. Great competition DM and good luck everyone.
Cheers BB 😋👍🍻
Ganja is green,
Most rymes ryme,
but this one doesn't....
I think we can all agree I've smashed it out of the park with that one, but as a vendor I'll have to forfeit my winnings and leave the competition open to others. It's only fair. 😉
In all seriousness though, some really lovely posts on this thread. Great competition DM and good luck everyone.
Cheers BB 😋👍🍻

There once was a biggy called dash,
Who decided to throw me some trash,
If he throws any more,
We'll settle the score,
When I give him a bloody good bash.
(i expect that last line could be interpreted in a few ways in this day and age, but it's the best I could do at short notice 🤣)
Well I was going to post something nice about your lovely poem on here...but now you hit me with your offensive limerick I felt I must retort...
How very dare you?
OK, I give up. Your poem was really great and a joy to read so I'll bow out of this battle 😊
Thanks for posting it buddy, it's great to see some art on here.
Well done again DM for the thread.
Cheers BB 😊👍🎨🍻
Who decided to throw me some trash,
If he throws any more,
We'll settle the score,
When I give him a bloody good bash.
(i expect that last line could be interpreted in a few ways in this day and age, but it's the best I could do at short notice 🤣)
Well I was going to post something nice about your lovely poem on here...but now you hit me with your offensive limerick I felt I must retort...
How very dare you?
OK, I give up. Your poem was really great and a joy to read so I'll bow out of this battle 😊
Thanks for posting it buddy, it's great to see some art on here.
Well done again DM for the thread.
Cheers BB 😊👍🎨🍻

Twinkle twinkle, sweet 3.5
I love you as you get me fried.
During times when things get shitty, I log on into little biggy.
I marvel at your sparkling beauty, and savour every scent so fruity.
Twinkle twinkle sweet 3.5, what a time to be alive!
I love you as you get me fried.
During times when things get shitty, I log on into little biggy.
I marvel at your sparkling beauty, and savour every scent so fruity.
Twinkle twinkle sweet 3.5, what a time to be alive!

There's one of you in every hue.
Without green, I feel so blue.
Without you I feel the dread.
With you close my eyes are red.
With you close I feel so mellow.
Fine blue skies, sunshine so yellow ☀️.
Feeling nice and high, say hello 👋.
So many strains, I need a trello.
Cookies, Cakes, gorilla glue!
I wish there was one of me to every you.
I wish there was some of you in all of us.
Instead of drinks we'd all combust.
Instead of drunk, we'd all get high, in a smokey, hazey lullaby.
Until that day I'll dream this dream, of a blissful future, evergreen 🍀🌱
(Edited slightly :)
Without green, I feel so blue.
Without you I feel the dread.
With you close my eyes are red.
With you close I feel so mellow.
Fine blue skies, sunshine so yellow ☀️.
Feeling nice and high, say hello 👋.
So many strains, I need a trello.
Cookies, Cakes, gorilla glue!
I wish there was one of me to every you.
I wish there was some of you in all of us.
Instead of drinks we'd all combust.
Instead of drunk, we'd all get high, in a smokey, hazey lullaby.
Until that day I'll dream this dream, of a blissful future, evergreen 🍀🌱
(Edited slightly :)

I put this ode into an ai animation generator. The results are trippy.

I'm feeling a few more runner up prizes are also needed! I've been honestly moved with swilling emotions already, thank you 😊

Hehe, this topic proves the Druids have been tasting the harvest! 😂😻😂😻
And so with a little nod to Mr.Keats:
“Thou still unravish'd bride of Anesia
Thou foster-child of silence and grow time,
Patient Biggas who canst thus express
A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme:
What leaf-fring'd legend haunts about thy shape
Of deities or mortals, or of both,
In Gardens or the dales of The Grove
What men or Druids are these? What seeds hath?
What mad pursuit? What struggle to produce?
What scent and jewels? What wild ecstasy?”
And so with a little nod to Mr.Keats:
“Thou still unravish'd bride of Anesia
Thou foster-child of silence and grow time,
Patient Biggas who canst thus express
A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme:
What leaf-fring'd legend haunts about thy shape
Of deities or mortals, or of both,
In Gardens or the dales of The Grove
What men or Druids are these? What seeds hath?
What mad pursuit? What struggle to produce?
What scent and jewels? What wild ecstasy?”

Your my love..
Your my life…
With me through wrong
and through right…
When I’m alone
Your always there
Even if no one cares…
Your sights n smells help elevate me…
To be the man my dad always wanted me to be…
One love for this amazing herb..
Without such the world would hurt…
We breathe you in to soothe our souls..
Or to laugh with friends of stories untold..
Thank you for always being there for me..
My love for green will always be…
Your my life…
With me through wrong
and through right…
When I’m alone
Your always there
Even if no one cares…
Your sights n smells help elevate me…
To be the man my dad always wanted me to be…
One love for this amazing herb..
Without such the world would hurt…
We breathe you in to soothe our souls..
Or to laugh with friends of stories untold..
Thank you for always being there for me..
My love for green will always be…

Thanks BB.💚 To be honest I wrote it in about 5 mins and tried not to over think it.. Just said what was true to me then realised how deep it was after posting. 😅

I have a little secret, please don't tell the wife
I have a secret mistress called Mary in my life
Mary is my lover, Mary is my friend
Mary goes into the rizla with the tobacco that I blend
I like the way she looks, I love her heavenly scent
I will speak of Mary only with deepest sentiment
Mary is intriguing, Mary is just great
Mary helps me get into a contemplative state
Words are flowing like water, words that flow are fluid
Words that would not be written
Without some magic from the druid
I have a secret mistress called Mary in my life
Mary is my lover, Mary is my friend
Mary goes into the rizla with the tobacco that I blend
I like the way she looks, I love her heavenly scent
I will speak of Mary only with deepest sentiment
Mary is intriguing, Mary is just great
Mary helps me get into a contemplative state
Words are flowing like water, words that flow are fluid
Words that would not be written
Without some magic from the druid

sheets of silver, laid across fragrant green
sparkling like diamonds, with brown hairs in between
as i write this, to the ladies of the grove
all of my senses wish you to behold!
sparkling like diamonds, with brown hairs in between
as i write this, to the ladies of the grove
all of my senses wish you to behold!

Druids are magic they grow magic weed!
I love weed but can’t do magic 🪄
Just look at that bad boy glisten and shine ✨
You bring the magic I’ll bring the love
I’ll even pretend to like Harry Potter and try to learn
But just to make sure? You are bringing the magic?
I love weed but can’t do magic 🪄
Just look at that bad boy glisten and shine ✨
You bring the magic I’ll bring the love
I’ll even pretend to like Harry Potter and try to learn
But just to make sure? You are bringing the magic?

My Arse.
My arse is hungry for your weed
Not to plug it, my friendly plug
But just because it bleeds
But first your flower’s power must be unleashed
Natural medication
Sizzled and squished; ready for the feast
The healing green will radiate
Clean plate; nausea free
And no more running to the bog for me.
My arse is hungry for your weed
Not to plug it, my friendly plug
But just because it bleeds
But first your flower’s power must be unleashed
Natural medication
Sizzled and squished; ready for the feast
The healing green will radiate
Clean plate; nausea free
And no more running to the bog for me.

You flowed through the lungs of ancient mourners,
helping them guide their loved ones to the beyond.
Your smoke wafted to the stars,
as hellenists danced for their beloved gods,
exhaling your essence in worship & praise.
Pressed in mortar and pestle,
you would became oil to anoint the most holy of brows.
Woven into fibers,
you clothed the backs of our ancestors
and became paper to tell their verbose stories.
As colonies rose,
you grew with them,
some of the earliest crops of great nations.
You've eased the bellies of our elders,
in times of cholera and chaos.
You were rolled and tucked behind ears,
at protests for peace,
then passed around and smoked in solidarity.
You dance through bodies,
relieving their pain & panic,
breathing new life in to broken souls.
Your history is as complex as you are,
not merely a plant but a revolution
helping them guide their loved ones to the beyond.
Your smoke wafted to the stars,
as hellenists danced for their beloved gods,
exhaling your essence in worship & praise.
Pressed in mortar and pestle,
you would became oil to anoint the most holy of brows.
Woven into fibers,
you clothed the backs of our ancestors
and became paper to tell their verbose stories.
As colonies rose,
you grew with them,
some of the earliest crops of great nations.
You've eased the bellies of our elders,
in times of cholera and chaos.
You were rolled and tucked behind ears,
at protests for peace,
then passed around and smoked in solidarity.
You dance through bodies,
relieving their pain & panic,
breathing new life in to broken souls.
Your history is as complex as you are,
not merely a plant but a revolution

your hair is winter fire, January members.
my joint burns there too.
The Druids grove brings us hope, as we all fear an acrid toke.
Plagiarising lines like an influencers posts, I need that herb, I need it most.
From every angle you glisten divine, I beg to you, make it mine.
Druids magic, you’re my only hope. I blew my load and now I’m broke.
To all the others I wish you luck, am I truthful, am I fuck!!
Win or lose, I do not care 🧐
At her beauty we all halt and stare.
Do not go gentle into that good night, I offer peace and love so smokers unite ❤️
my joint burns there too.
The Druids grove brings us hope, as we all fear an acrid toke.
Plagiarising lines like an influencers posts, I need that herb, I need it most.
From every angle you glisten divine, I beg to you, make it mine.
Druids magic, you’re my only hope. I blew my load and now I’m broke.
To all the others I wish you luck, am I truthful, am I fuck!!
Win or lose, I do not care 🧐
At her beauty we all halt and stare.
Do not go gentle into that good night, I offer peace and love so smokers unite ❤️

Mary had a little gram,
After that her love went ham.
She never felt so alive, until she smoked her first 3.5.
After that it's all she knew, since then she's getting through a daily q!
Smoking with her friends, she'd smile and laugh.
Mary you just picked up, and now another half?
Nowadays she's usually on her own, call her up wont pick up the phone.
Acting very weird and rude, when you mention food, then she's in a merry mood.
Any opportuNITTY, she'd pounce. She said she'd suck me off for an ounce!
So the moral of this little story.
Is enjoy the erb but don't get whorey.
Last one from me 😅✌️
After that her love went ham.
She never felt so alive, until she smoked her first 3.5.
After that it's all she knew, since then she's getting through a daily q!
Smoking with her friends, she'd smile and laugh.
Mary you just picked up, and now another half?
Nowadays she's usually on her own, call her up wont pick up the phone.
Acting very weird and rude, when you mention food, then she's in a merry mood.
Any opportuNITTY, she'd pounce. She said she'd suck me off for an ounce!
So the moral of this little story.
Is enjoy the erb but don't get whorey.
Last one from me 😅✌️

Druids grove inside you’ll find a magic of sorts so be sound of mind the leaf doth gleam and will help you unwind, the fruit these trees bare may grant perspective of kind
Each bud trimmed and tended with glee a shame to combust and part with thee, in torrent or turmoil your white ash sets me free, for I indulge in each puff with a sensation of tranquility
So let it be known if it’s sheer wonderment you seek travel out to the grove before mid winters peak, where Druids Magic fills the air and perhaps even you may be lucky enough to bare, witness to the luxury of the grotto within although you are certain to be left with a grin.
Each bud trimmed and tended with glee a shame to combust and part with thee, in torrent or turmoil your white ash sets me free, for I indulge in each puff with a sensation of tranquility
So let it be known if it’s sheer wonderment you seek travel out to the grove before mid winters peak, where Druids Magic fills the air and perhaps even you may be lucky enough to bare, witness to the luxury of the grotto within although you are certain to be left with a grin.

A dusting of magic snow,
on the eaves of a tree that glows.
The pain from the rain,
the fight to stay sane.
The branches weep with heavy-eyed happiness.
As the darkness looms nearer,
the vapours seem dearer,
Our treasure lies in mince pies,
And heavy eyes.
An ode to you sweet tree,
Were you to be free,
you'd be here with me,
Making me hungry for mince pies, heavy eyes,
And cold skies.
A dusting of magic snow,
On the eaves of a tree that glows.
No more rain.
No more pain.
Just heavy eyes, mince pies, and winter skies.
on the eaves of a tree that glows.
The pain from the rain,
the fight to stay sane.
The branches weep with heavy-eyed happiness.
As the darkness looms nearer,
the vapours seem dearer,
Our treasure lies in mince pies,
And heavy eyes.
An ode to you sweet tree,
Were you to be free,
you'd be here with me,
Making me hungry for mince pies, heavy eyes,
And cold skies.
A dusting of magic snow,
On the eaves of a tree that glows.
No more rain.
No more pain.
Just heavy eyes, mince pies, and winter skies.

I wrote this specifically about the gorgeous bud on show 🤩.
Ganja, Ganja sparkling bright.
Orange hairs shoot left and right.
As it hovers there in the gloom.
It calls out for me to consume!
The smell, the taste I reckon it will blow my mind!
So please my Bigger's, big up this rhyme!
Ganja, Ganja sparkling bright.
Orange hairs shoot left and right.
As it hovers there in the gloom.
It calls out for me to consume!
The smell, the taste I reckon it will blow my mind!
So please my Bigger's, big up this rhyme!

When you're gone It's hard to sleep
But a half of Dankberry I've decided to keep.
I UMMED and aaahed but finally chosen.
Some flavoursome Cherry weed allegedly frozen.
I once shagged my ex in the woods at Dudley Zoo.
The pleasurable feeling reminds me of Hyperglue.
I took it on holiday smoking it as we walked by the river.
My wife's face went odd as I told her that her minge looked like a bag of liver.
Anyway I hope you like my rhyme even if you don't have a merry Xmas time
Nite nite x
But a half of Dankberry I've decided to keep.
I UMMED and aaahed but finally chosen.
Some flavoursome Cherry weed allegedly frozen.
I once shagged my ex in the woods at Dudley Zoo.
The pleasurable feeling reminds me of Hyperglue.
I took it on holiday smoking it as we walked by the river.
My wife's face went odd as I told her that her minge looked like a bag of liver.
Anyway I hope you like my rhyme even if you don't have a merry Xmas time
Nite nite x

😂😲😂..who needs Keats when you’ve got lines like:
“My wife's face went odd as I told her that her minge looked like a bag of liver” 💥
“My wife's face went odd as I told her that her minge looked like a bag of liver” 💥

I grind the green then roll, ignite;
The blue haze slowly drifts.
It sinks and seeps into my mind
To fill each crack and rift.
The white in contrast to the dark
As orange burns and glows;
This sweet smoke will open doors
That otherwise remain closed.
I sit now with the open mind
I know this plant to cause,
And wonder why some folk deny
The good this 'evil' does.
The blue haze slowly drifts.
It sinks and seeps into my mind
To fill each crack and rift.
The white in contrast to the dark
As orange burns and glows;
This sweet smoke will open doors
That otherwise remain closed.
I sit now with the open mind
I know this plant to cause,
And wonder why some folk deny
The good this 'evil' does.

That bud looks like a wonder to me. I've tasted her once and now no ones fonder than me!
Whose taking her home, I wonder? Maybe it'll be me.
If its anyone else nothing but a blunder it'll be!
Il be so pissed off and reign thunder on thee.
Look for the winner and put them under the sea!
Woah I need to chill out, but such is my hunger for weed.
Some call it love, some call it greed.
I do not care as your all I need to succeed. Nah wait you are the success!
It's more than mere love you can tell by these words I confess.
Addict? Who me? That's absurd to suggest.
I've wrote so many odes, I fear I'm becoming a pest!
While I joke and I jest, that bud is a wonder, so props to the chef!
Whose taking her home, I wonder? Maybe it'll be me.
If its anyone else nothing but a blunder it'll be!
Il be so pissed off and reign thunder on thee.
Look for the winner and put them under the sea!
Woah I need to chill out, but such is my hunger for weed.
Some call it love, some call it greed.
I do not care as your all I need to succeed. Nah wait you are the success!
It's more than mere love you can tell by these words I confess.
Addict? Who me? That's absurd to suggest.
I've wrote so many odes, I fear I'm becoming a pest!
While I joke and I jest, that bud is a wonder, so props to the chef!

Well I've got a smile on my face this morning even though I'm a little crook, thank you all so far on your odes ☺️
Not long left now! The 15th is getting closer (midnight) to get your entries in or vote for your favourites so far!!
There will be several prizes of our Frozen Black Cherry available for runners up so there's still a chance to knock BB of the top spot 😉
What else are lazy Sunday afternoons for!
Come on all creat, share, enjoy and vote
Not long left now! The 15th is getting closer (midnight) to get your entries in or vote for your favourites so far!!
There will be several prizes of our Frozen Black Cherry available for runners up so there's still a chance to knock BB of the top spot 😉
What else are lazy Sunday afternoons for!
Come on all creat, share, enjoy and vote

Voting closed
Congratulations to all who entered 🎉
The top 5 joint winners list
1st - Thweeodem (14)
2nd - Pollypuff20 (13)
3rd - Sam508 (12)
4th - Dashing and Jolo201201 (8)
5th- bbbbb, cloudeater77 and TheDazzler (7)
Congratulations and thank you for such moving and entertaining piece of work, which have brought a smile, a thought, a reflection to us all, thank you 🙏
Special mention to BB too, who smashed it 😘
Congratulations to all who entered 🎉
The top 5 joint winners list
1st - Thweeodem (14)
2nd - Pollypuff20 (13)
3rd - Sam508 (12)
4th - Dashing and Jolo201201 (8)
5th- bbbbb, cloudeater77 and TheDazzler (7)
Congratulations and thank you for such moving and entertaining piece of work, which have brought a smile, a thought, a reflection to us all, thank you 🙏
Special mention to BB too, who smashed it 😘

Well done everyone that commented and to all the winners 🥳🥳
In the wise words of the band, The Wombats!
'Cause I've got problems with my sleep
And we're not the same and I will wear that on my sleeve
So I'm moving to New York
'Cause I've got issues with my sleep
Looks like Christmas came early
Christmas came early for me
FYI I’m not moving tho ✈️🛩️
In the wise words of the band, The Wombats!
'Cause I've got problems with my sleep
And we're not the same and I will wear that on my sleeve
So I'm moving to New York
'Cause I've got issues with my sleep
Looks like Christmas came early
Christmas came early for me
FYI I’m not moving tho ✈️🛩️

Such fun!🤩
Big up to all who took part and to the super generosity of our Druids!🥰🧙♂️❤️
Here’s to all the wonders coming from The Grove in 2023🤞🥂💥
Happy Xmas Poet Biggas!🎅
Big up to all who took part and to the super generosity of our Druids!🥰🧙♂️❤️
Here’s to all the wonders coming from The Grove in 2023🤞🥂💥
Happy Xmas Poet Biggas!🎅

red car and the blue car had a race
all red wants to do is get out his face
he eats everything he sees
from wine gums to small trees
red gets so baked he ends up in last place
all red wants to do is get out his face
he eats everything he sees
from wine gums to small trees
red gets so baked he ends up in last place

You planted a seed
Or did I?
I can’t remember now
Holy cow
I’ll let it go
Free to flow
Gliding down a flippin’ rainbow
Well what do you know?
Let it grow
Let it glow
Let it be
Let it snow
You planted a seed
Or did I?
I can’t remember now
Holy cow
I’ll let it go
Free to flow
Gliding down a flippin’ rainbow
Well what do you know?
Let it grow
Let it glow
Let it be
Let it snow

I thought I'd say Hi to the Druids
cos I prefer smoking to fluids
Little biggy was down
Is no one in town?
Will my life become tragic
If I can't reach Druids Magic?
cos I prefer smoking to fluids
Little biggy was down
Is no one in town?
Will my life become tragic
If I can't reach Druids Magic?

always trying to quit, constantly feeling like shit. embrace the addiction, no need for itching, just sit back and get that spliff in...

Oh thee special one times are hard, times are bleak, for me your true desire speaks, your warmth to my body your wisdom to my head, for this true vision of times ahead. I entered this late so no votes for me, instead ill just wait for my order of frozen cherryy 🍒

💚 Ode to Weed 💚
I started on Thai just to get high,
Now exotic flowers give me my super powers,
Light up a reefer, fly up the Khalifa,
The tastiest of dabs make me ever so proud,
The inhale elevates me on top of the clouds,
Exhaling the herbs to a new universe,
Tickle my throat I'm all about terrrppsss,
Bringing back moon rocks that will blow your socks off,
Bongs, vapes or spliffs, I'll hit with no coughs.
I started on Thai just to get high,
Now exotic flowers give me my super powers,
Light up a reefer, fly up the Khalifa,
The tastiest of dabs make me ever so proud,
The inhale elevates me on top of the clouds,
Exhaling the herbs to a new universe,
Tickle my throat I'm all about terrrppsss,
Bringing back moon rocks that will blow your socks off,
Bongs, vapes or spliffs, I'll hit with no coughs.


Sorry this my real one .... this beautiful lookin flower makes me wanna

1 post
+2 votes

Pineapple Express
Just got my first order from TGT through yesterday which included an eighth of Pineapple Express. Beautiful smoke, super tasty and a lovely, bright s…

Pineapple Express
Watched the movie. So had to buy. It’s such a good smoke for day to day life. Yes there are bigger hitters that will knock you sideways, (will talk about them soon) but for me right now this my go to. Had a great response from a group of mates too ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Anyone else tried it? Would be good to hear your thoughts
Anyone else tried it? Would be good to hear your thoughts

Just got my first order from TGT through yesterday which included an eighth of Pineapple Express. Beautiful smoke, super tasty and a lovely, bright sativa buzz. Perfect daytime smoke if you want to get things done, excellent price too. Will be ordering more for sure. 👍

1 post
+5 votes

working at home makes me a weed addict
You could try CBD bud instead. I don't know if you like to smoke, vape, etc. but I find that smoking it helps stop me from reaching for my stash box …

working at home makes me a weed addict
cuase i can basically. work isn't effected at least not negatively but tolerance, weight and debt all headed up as well.
anyone else have this issue and how do you deal?
anyone else have this issue and how do you deal?

Pandemic sent me into a weed spiral not only could I do my job to the same standard but I actually got promoted to an advisory position so no work just giving advice on the phone. This made it worse but I found myself dropping two spliffs before work had started that soon became over 7g a day. That’s like college years and I became a little lazy work started to melt into home life being lit all day every day starts to become addictive but also routine. Every activity involved rolling one, like at college we drove nowhere without smoking a spliff in the car journeys were not measured in miles but how many pre rolled spliffs were required.
Now the only way out of this is to earn your spliffs unless I’ve been out clubbing probably not earned a 6am spliff (I’m to old to go clubbing anymore) so I had to set myself challenges as work wasn’t and despite having 4 kids and a part time wife home was boring.
I also got free Apple Music with new phone so went back to my 90s house and drum & base days and started walking. It’s kind of developed into a forest gump crossed with that terminator in T2 action but I found this a massive release from the stresses and an excuse not to get straight up and smoke. Soon enough smoking was back to after work. It’s mind over matter the exercise and music helped house music helps the mind body and soul before you know it you have done 5 miles and your back at the front door not knowing how you got there. After you have done things spliff is more rewarding and you need less. Don’t get me wrong weekends can sometimes contain a blowout when you blaze all day.
Now the only way out of this is to earn your spliffs unless I’ve been out clubbing probably not earned a 6am spliff (I’m to old to go clubbing anymore) so I had to set myself challenges as work wasn’t and despite having 4 kids and a part time wife home was boring.
I also got free Apple Music with new phone so went back to my 90s house and drum & base days and started walking. It’s kind of developed into a forest gump crossed with that terminator in T2 action but I found this a massive release from the stresses and an excuse not to get straight up and smoke. Soon enough smoking was back to after work. It’s mind over matter the exercise and music helped house music helps the mind body and soul before you know it you have done 5 miles and your back at the front door not knowing how you got there. After you have done things spliff is more rewarding and you need less. Don’t get me wrong weekends can sometimes contain a blowout when you blaze all day.

You could try CBD bud instead. I don't know if you like to smoke, vape, etc. but I find that smoking it helps stop me from reaching for my stash box during the day.
It's available on here but also via other UK sites and some stores, it's hemp flower rather than marijuana so it's all perfectly legit.
Looks like proper weed and actually tastes ok too, considering. It doesn't get you high or stoned as such but I definitely felt an effect from it, almost like my body was a bit stoned but my head was completely clear. It's a nice feeling and scratches the itch for a while at least.
There are CBD vape carts available too if you don't smoke, although I haven't tried those so can't comment on them.
I tried CBD oil for a while and didn't feel any benefit but the actual flower itself seems much more potent and I always have some CBD bud in my store now.
Might be worth a try if you haven't already. It's not that much cheaper so maybe not going to save you all that much but should help with the tolerance if nothing else. Good luck anyway!
It's available on here but also via other UK sites and some stores, it's hemp flower rather than marijuana so it's all perfectly legit.
Looks like proper weed and actually tastes ok too, considering. It doesn't get you high or stoned as such but I definitely felt an effect from it, almost like my body was a bit stoned but my head was completely clear. It's a nice feeling and scratches the itch for a while at least.
There are CBD vape carts available too if you don't smoke, although I haven't tried those so can't comment on them.
I tried CBD oil for a while and didn't feel any benefit but the actual flower itself seems much more potent and I always have some CBD bud in my store now.
Might be worth a try if you haven't already. It's not that much cheaper so maybe not going to save you all that much but should help with the tolerance if nothing else. Good luck anyway!

He’ll yeah mate!
I blaze from like 5am 😂 my addiction came long before wfh though and smoke to ease ptsd and other shit as much better in my experience than meds from docs.
I’d second Cbd weed, you’ll still Chong as much as normal but not be drooling in meetings 🤣
I blaze from like 5am 😂 my addiction came long before wfh though and smoke to ease ptsd and other shit as much better in my experience than meds from docs.
I’d second Cbd weed, you’ll still Chong as much as normal but not be drooling in meetings 🤣

Yeah I'm in the same boat my man...I work from home and have done for 2 and a half years now. Like yourself I could do my job well enough with a lil joint or two during the day but it's become an issue and with all the energy issues on top...well i'm bleeding cash left, right and centre.
I don't have many solutions for you but maybe one that can help. So someone mentioned CBD flower...I would suggest Delta 8 or HHC...some people on the net have talked about being illegal and yada yada. It's not and in fact have bought a total of about 150g of Delta 8 and HHC hemp flower.
Due to it being hemp the legal status is changed somewhat. It's treated more like a commercial/industrial material than anything else.
I would recommend hempiregardens.com if you're looking for some legal smoke that might hit that spot during work...I refer to the effect as a pale shadow of a stone. You don't get monged but it does chill you out and tastes similar to weed...they also do vapes and CBD stuff.
It's helped keep me sane when I don't have weed or need to not smoke it. As for the other issues I'm still trying to find a solution myself but some habits are almost impossible to kick so good luck bud!
I don't have many solutions for you but maybe one that can help. So someone mentioned CBD flower...I would suggest Delta 8 or HHC...some people on the net have talked about being illegal and yada yada. It's not and in fact have bought a total of about 150g of Delta 8 and HHC hemp flower.
Due to it being hemp the legal status is changed somewhat. It's treated more like a commercial/industrial material than anything else.
I would recommend hempiregardens.com if you're looking for some legal smoke that might hit that spot during work...I refer to the effect as a pale shadow of a stone. You don't get monged but it does chill you out and tastes similar to weed...they also do vapes and CBD stuff.
It's helped keep me sane when I don't have weed or need to not smoke it. As for the other issues I'm still trying to find a solution myself but some habits are almost impossible to kick so good luck bud!

My mate swears by Delta 8 and HHC. That said, my advice would be to get a strain that's leans heavily towards sativa and go steady with it. Sour Diesel is a good choice for focus - assuming you don't go too hard.

if it feels like an impulsive thing try to substitute a different action to feed it.
eat something nutritious and not delicious the next time you wanna smoke when you're already kinda stoned. it will feed the impulse without making you binge on food.
eat something nutritious and not delicious the next time you wanna smoke when you're already kinda stoned. it will feed the impulse without making you binge on food.

I recently got made redundant, but before that had started using carts during the day... As I am job hunting and they really got me high, I've just had to take a break from them for a while. I have very little self control.

I don't work from home but I know where you're coming from. Try and apply a smidge of discipline, for example, no weed until 12pm, then a reward, no weed until 4pm, then a reward. That's how I tackle it.

I’ve been hit by it too! I started consciously thinking about what it’s doing to my lungs/body, money etc. if that doesn’t help then good luck in your search buddy!

2 posts
+8 votes
lsd vs mushrooms?
I've not had acid for years but I used to prefer it to mushrooms. I would say that there's not a massive difference in the effects but I found acid to…
+ 2 more
lsd vs mushrooms?
so i've always loved mushrooms but never really got hold of any acid. before i begin my journey i'd like to hear about the differences i can expect if some of you societals can help a lad out?

Acid is much easier on your gastrointestinal tract. Which also reduces the chance of a bad trip for me anyway;)

I've not had acid for years but I used to prefer it to mushrooms. I would say that there's not a massive difference in the effects but I found acid to be more a stable trip overall; mushrooms seemed less predictable, so one minute I'd have the giggles but the next I could be feeling sick or anxious.
I never had a bad time with acid and it was usually a more consistent experience. The only drawback is that it's more difficult to manage the dosage but you'll at least have fun experimenting. 😂
I never had a bad time with acid and it was usually a more consistent experience. The only drawback is that it's more difficult to manage the dosage but you'll at least have fun experimenting. 😂

well said OldMan - set and setting is so important for all. Mushrooms are defo shorter and more unpredictable as you say. With LSD when you get it from the right source and know each drop is on average 125mg - you can go for a deep 8-12 hour journey or micro-dose on a 1 on / 1 off protocol and have fun with creativeness and problem solving - all fun 😂

Acid was always described to me as hd shrooms. Ive only dabbled in one tab at a time and its been lovely. I prefer it to shrooms cos i dont feel sick for 90 mins...what the others said is true

Hi 1313
I took maybe a dozen tabs in my entire life.
Mushrooms on the other hand I have been taking for 35+ years.
Be extremely careful with LSD: first dosage is a major issue.
Second - and most importantly - LSD being a synthetic drug you'll have a hard time telling what is on the tab unless you're a chemist.
I personally have found LSD experiences to vary tremendously - from overwhelming to underwhelming compared to high shroom doses - whereas mushrooms are fairly predictable once you have a handle on dosage for a known strain (and you respect the basic rules about setting and so on).
If you go for LSD buy from a trustworthy and reliable source. If you do not know the dosage for a given tab then cut a little bit and try that to see how potent the tab is.
Also the quality of the LSD can vary and sometimes you'll get tabs with something which is not LSD.
Worth reading the following page for good advice:
Good Luck
I took maybe a dozen tabs in my entire life.
Mushrooms on the other hand I have been taking for 35+ years.
Be extremely careful with LSD: first dosage is a major issue.
Second - and most importantly - LSD being a synthetic drug you'll have a hard time telling what is on the tab unless you're a chemist.
I personally have found LSD experiences to vary tremendously - from overwhelming to underwhelming compared to high shroom doses - whereas mushrooms are fairly predictable once you have a handle on dosage for a known strain (and you respect the basic rules about setting and so on).
If you go for LSD buy from a trustworthy and reliable source. If you do not know the dosage for a given tab then cut a little bit and try that to see how potent the tab is.
Also the quality of the LSD can vary and sometimes you'll get tabs with something which is not LSD.
Worth reading the following page for good advice:
Good Luck

I took an awful lot of acid before I could get into nightclubs, most weekends for a couple of years. I agree with the idea that LSD = Digital Mushrooms = Analogue.
I always found LSD to give a direct, stable, predictable trip with large scale hallucinations strongly influenced by music. Less emotional in good company, maybe had one bad trip in 100+.
Mushrooms I find to be comparatively unpredictable, introspective, emotional, visuals appear less reliably but with a big dose the experience more deeply immersive for good or bad. Psychological effects can last much longer than the actual trip.
Also agree with the stomach upset problem and mushrooms. It can be minimised by starting the psilocybin breakdown in advance with lemon tek or the alcohol max out method, and practice.
I find people who are looking for LSD and only find mushrooms should probably keep looking, the two are not the same.
Just my opinion.
I always found LSD to give a direct, stable, predictable trip with large scale hallucinations strongly influenced by music. Less emotional in good company, maybe had one bad trip in 100+.
Mushrooms I find to be comparatively unpredictable, introspective, emotional, visuals appear less reliably but with a big dose the experience more deeply immersive for good or bad. Psychological effects can last much longer than the actual trip.
Also agree with the stomach upset problem and mushrooms. It can be minimised by starting the psilocybin breakdown in advance with lemon tek or the alcohol max out method, and practice.
I find people who are looking for LSD and only find mushrooms should probably keep looking, the two are not the same.
Just my opinion.

i think digital for acid holds but that means kinda square and pixely too. mushrooms feel like they have softer edges

Totally agree - we don't feel they are the same experience at all. I've found no stomach upsets with LSD unlike mushrooms - that's not to say all shroom trips have been all been with stomach issues! With stronger doses you sometimes experience nausea in the first our but that quickly passes.
If you want to journey with either mushrooms or LSD - you should defo source the psychedelic you are drawn too.
Happy journeying
If you want to journey with either mushrooms or LSD - you should defo source the psychedelic you are drawn too.
Happy journeying

Not had LSD for many, many years (cannot get it), but have to say I always loved the experience. Shrooms.... not so much; I tried shrooms a couple of times back in the LSD days and the nausea was awful.... but I put that memory aside and grew about 600g during lockdown... I still have around 500g left because I just cannot stomach them. I did find the best way to take them was steeping them in a cafetiere in hot chocolate milk and that helped... but still not for me. LSD is a much 'cleaner', more enjoyable and less nauseating high.

Just ordered a first dose of shrooms having only experienced 2cb and mdma psychedelics really looking forward to it haha. Cheapest I found on little biggy https://littlebiggy.org/link/pLFsdu

1 post
+5 votes
I don't wake and bake anymore as I have to drive during the day and can't risk losing my licence if I'm caught driving after a spliff.
Well done for …

Whats your method?? Do you bother at all?? Is it the best start to any day??
I'm now on day 3 with 0 tobacco. This morning the ✨️ for a decent wake and bake has gone.
Share your thoughts and opinions
I'm now on day 3 with 0 tobacco. This morning the ✨️ for a decent wake and bake has gone.
Share your thoughts and opinions

I don't wake and bake anymore as I have to drive during the day and can't risk losing my licence if I'm caught driving after a spliff.
Well done for staying off the tobacco, though. I smoked heavily for 24 years and tried several times to quit before I managed it. I finally did it with the aid of e-cigs and lots of pure weed joints. 😂 It certainly wasn't easy though, hardest thing I've ever done.
It's definitely worth it so keep persevering, you'll thank yourself when you're over the nicotine addiction.
About two months after I quit, I succumbed to taking a few puffs of a joint with tobacco in it which my mate had rolled. It tasted awful and instantly made me feel sick, haven't touched it since. That was six years ago so while it might not feel like it right now, you will get there!
Well done for staying off the tobacco, though. I smoked heavily for 24 years and tried several times to quit before I managed it. I finally did it with the aid of e-cigs and lots of pure weed joints. 😂 It certainly wasn't easy though, hardest thing I've ever done.
It's definitely worth it so keep persevering, you'll thank yourself when you're over the nicotine addiction.
About two months after I quit, I succumbed to taking a few puffs of a joint with tobacco in it which my mate had rolled. It tasted awful and instantly made me feel sick, haven't touched it since. That was six years ago so while it might not feel like it right now, you will get there!

6 years is a major Jail sentence!!
By the sounds of it, you smashed it out the park.
How can I fail with all this reassurance
By the sounds of it, you smashed it out the park.
How can I fail with all this reassurance

I like to start the day with some distillate and a touch of some cbd isolate mixed into nutella. Toast a brioche roll and BOOM!
Chronic pain sufferer, so I ride it out and get as much done as I can before I burn out.
Chronic pain sufferer, so I ride it out and get as much done as I can before I burn out.

You have too much style my friend.
Brioche roll, bit posh
With Nutella!! wowzers, stories will be written of this.
Note to self, Tesco on the way home!!
Brioche roll, bit posh
With Nutella!! wowzers, stories will be written of this.
Note to self, Tesco on the way home!!

😂 The rolls are usually yellow ticket and the Nutella sometimes walks it's way into the bag while I'm doing a self checkout...
Not exactly Mayfair posh, but definitely a step up from mighty white and value chocolate spread!
The nutella takes me back to the days of making firecrackers with my AVB.
Not exactly Mayfair posh, but definitely a step up from mighty white and value chocolate spread!
The nutella takes me back to the days of making firecrackers with my AVB.

I read an interesting thing about the Wake and Bake phenomenon recently, that it's an actual thing where you get more high when you ingest marijuana after you first wake up.
I LOVE getting high when I first wake up, like I will do tomorrow morning when I know I have nothing to do all day but get stoned, watch YouTube videos and walk my dog.
I actually waked and baked today with some KIG's rosin. Waked, baked and worked. Cannae beat it.
I LOVE getting high when I first wake up, like I will do tomorrow morning when I know I have nothing to do all day but get stoned, watch YouTube videos and walk my dog.
I actually waked and baked today with some KIG's rosin. Waked, baked and worked. Cannae beat it.

i agree but for the opposite reasons. if i have to be productive in the morning the bake is my ace in the hole.

Well done bro. Its the hardest drug to stop...(in my opinion) I love any wake and bake with a good sativa get ready for the day then go bk to bed 🤣🤣🤣

Morning bro
Keep it up 👏👏
I’ve cut right down but still got that last hurdle of the rolling habit. It’s compulsive. Been using the dyna a lot more and got my eye on a new dry vape.
If (by you I mean a retailer 😉) you can do it surrounded by all that green fuck bro 😎 I can do that shit surely 👊
Like you say health and kids. You can’t have it all and this is just a guess lol “enjoyed” our youth shall we say and come out unscaved. Shall we say 🙄
Enjoy your weekend man 🫡
Keep it up 👏👏
I’ve cut right down but still got that last hurdle of the rolling habit. It’s compulsive. Been using the dyna a lot more and got my eye on a new dry vape.
If (by you I mean a retailer 😉) you can do it surrounded by all that green fuck bro 😎 I can do that shit surely 👊
Like you say health and kids. You can’t have it all and this is just a guess lol “enjoyed” our youth shall we say and come out unscaved. Shall we say 🙄
Enjoy your weekend man 🫡

Unscaved is cutting it close bro but we made it though.
Just by that we have achieved something great.
We are only here for the kids so best try and stick around for as long as poss.
We got this bro............
Just by that we have achieved something great.
We are only here for the kids so best try and stick around for as long as poss.
We got this bro............

Spot on and aye that was the PG version ha
Actually going to sample some more of you rosin from a mutual friend today.
Dabbing take two 🤦♂️ Wish me luck 🍀
So I’m buzzing about that today
Actually going to sample some more of you rosin from a mutual friend today.
Dabbing take two 🤦♂️ Wish me luck 🍀
So I’m buzzing about that today

I love to wake n bake, mainly sativa though.
The first week is the worst giving up tobacco, it's the cessation of inhaling, but this passes. I gave up nearly 10 years ago. Keep it up be strong, cannabis will get you through it buddy.
The first week is the worst giving up tobacco, it's the cessation of inhaling, but this passes. I gave up nearly 10 years ago. Keep it up be strong, cannabis will get you through it buddy.

Cheers dude.
Today was my 1st day with no wake and bake, I really hope the love for a smoke comes back stronger after my body is over tobacco.
Pure joints just don't taste as nice but sure that will pass.
Fingers crossed
Today was my 1st day with no wake and bake, I really hope the love for a smoke comes back stronger after my body is over tobacco.
Pure joints just don't taste as nice but sure that will pass.
Fingers crossed

Is it just joints or you vaping or anything else ?
You tried it with the hemp blunt rips ? I’m sure you have but just asking ?
You tried it with the hemp blunt rips ? I’m sure you have but just asking ?

Tobacco isn’t easy at all brother, you’re right. I’m one of the lucky ones who quit and tried one about a year after quitting and spewed up. Not touched tobacco since and that was 4 years ago.

Keep it up took me a while I haven't had any tobacco for 3 years now I can't stand the stuff now.

Quitting tobacco was the best thing I've ever done. It made literally everything in my life better, in ways I wasn't really expecting. My sleep, sense of taste/smell, skin and self-esteem all improved, along with my health and bank balance.
Weed got so much better too as I wasn't counteracting it with nicotine, so I was getting twice as high on half the amount. My home stopped smelling bad (tobacco just makes the smell heavier, travel further, and linger for longer) and it felt like real freedom not needing to smoke every hour or so.
11 years in now, and like OldmanEd says above, when I did have a joint (my all time fave, proper charas on a beach in Goa) it was disgusting! I felt sick, edgy and couldn't get to sleep that night - the total opposite of what I remembered!
Make sure you give yourself some well deserved rewards at significant stages too. I bought my 1st vape at the 6 month mark ;-)
Keep it up - its so worth the efforts.
Good luck!
Weed got so much better too as I wasn't counteracting it with nicotine, so I was getting twice as high on half the amount. My home stopped smelling bad (tobacco just makes the smell heavier, travel further, and linger for longer) and it felt like real freedom not needing to smoke every hour or so.
11 years in now, and like OldmanEd says above, when I did have a joint (my all time fave, proper charas on a beach in Goa) it was disgusting! I felt sick, edgy and couldn't get to sleep that night - the total opposite of what I remembered!
Make sure you give yourself some well deserved rewards at significant stages too. I bought my 1st vape at the 6 month mark ;-)
Keep it up - its so worth the efforts.
Good luck!

1 post
+2 votes
A new boy's BIG mistake
Sorry to hear this experience has put you off. I think it's just down to the potency of the carts, though - they're very strong and even someone with…

A new boy's BIG mistake
So my weed smoking days were back in the 70s. In the years since I've become a functioning alcoholic. In addition I have serious physical and mental health probs. Have sought out weed to help with both. Also hoped it might help me cut down on the booze because not only does that rarely give me a lift any more, it actually makes my depression worse. And I'm not talking the day after I mean while I'm actually drinking. I can feel my brain shutting down.
Anyhow, I knew I didn't want to smoke. I have breathing difficulties as it is and knew I'd cough a lung up if I smoked. So I came here interested in vaping. Bear in mind my last experience with weed was a couple of hits on a weak joint over 15 years ago so in modern terms I'm a complete newbie.
So I was drawn straight away to a Cart and bought one (Mimosa) with a battery and charger from the excellent Dr Extracts as my first order. Then I did a little more research and found out for the first time about dry herb vapes (I said I was a newbie). So I bought one (Nebula Fuzion). Then I turned my attention to actual weed. Given my long absence I looked for lower potency, and found some old school South African Dagga from DIUK and some Thai/Lao from mrb4real and promptly ordered both. One of these, with my new vape, was going to be my gentle reintroduction to the world of weed.
Anyway, thanks to all that have made it this far but to cut an unintentionally long story short both the latter have been held up by the postal strike. So two days ago sitting here half drunk and feeling very down mentally my eye kept wandering to my as yet unused vape pen.
Maybe just a little hit to see if it could lift my mood? Put it on low setting, pre-heated it, and took a small hit. Sat and waited, nothing happened. Thought maybe the hit had been too small so took a bigger one. Sat and waited, nothing happened. You can guess the rest. Took a third big hit, and a fourth just for luck.
Holy shit it hit me like a freight train. My legs turned to jelly, my head went into orbit. I was seriously fucked up for the next 3 hours. It wasn't a pleasant experience. I knew what kind of high I was looking for when I came here. This went way, WAY, beyond that.
It was bad to the point it's made me scared of trying again. I'm still waiting for the weed and will try that very carefully. Going to buy some CBD bud and cut it 50/50 to start off with. Just a shame my first experience has been a negative one.
Anyhow, I knew I didn't want to smoke. I have breathing difficulties as it is and knew I'd cough a lung up if I smoked. So I came here interested in vaping. Bear in mind my last experience with weed was a couple of hits on a weak joint over 15 years ago so in modern terms I'm a complete newbie.
So I was drawn straight away to a Cart and bought one (Mimosa) with a battery and charger from the excellent Dr Extracts as my first order. Then I did a little more research and found out for the first time about dry herb vapes (I said I was a newbie). So I bought one (Nebula Fuzion). Then I turned my attention to actual weed. Given my long absence I looked for lower potency, and found some old school South African Dagga from DIUK and some Thai/Lao from mrb4real and promptly ordered both. One of these, with my new vape, was going to be my gentle reintroduction to the world of weed.
Anyway, thanks to all that have made it this far but to cut an unintentionally long story short both the latter have been held up by the postal strike. So two days ago sitting here half drunk and feeling very down mentally my eye kept wandering to my as yet unused vape pen.
Maybe just a little hit to see if it could lift my mood? Put it on low setting, pre-heated it, and took a small hit. Sat and waited, nothing happened. Thought maybe the hit had been too small so took a bigger one. Sat and waited, nothing happened. You can guess the rest. Took a third big hit, and a fourth just for luck.
Holy shit it hit me like a freight train. My legs turned to jelly, my head went into orbit. I was seriously fucked up for the next 3 hours. It wasn't a pleasant experience. I knew what kind of high I was looking for when I came here. This went way, WAY, beyond that.
It was bad to the point it's made me scared of trying again. I'm still waiting for the weed and will try that very carefully. Going to buy some CBD bud and cut it 50/50 to start off with. Just a shame my first experience has been a negative one.

Sorry to hear that buddy. 😢
Extracts, whether it’s distillate, resin, rosin, RSO, shatter, wax, badder, crystals etc etc are all high strength and not the place to start your journey. They can hit the high 90%+ in virtually pure THC. 🤯 By contrast the weed you have ordered will be around 12% (compared to an LB average of c20%+). But even that will be a fair bit stronger than the norm back in the day when 4-6% was the going strength.
That said, vaping at lower temperatures delivers less of a hit than combustion. The Thai is a lovely old school hit. Dial your Nebula in at just 160c to start and you are really going to enjoy it but still just take a couple of hits for your early session. Mixing with CBD is a great idea too.
Please come back and tell us how it works out…🤞🫠
Extracts, whether it’s distillate, resin, rosin, RSO, shatter, wax, badder, crystals etc etc are all high strength and not the place to start your journey. They can hit the high 90%+ in virtually pure THC. 🤯 By contrast the weed you have ordered will be around 12% (compared to an LB average of c20%+). But even that will be a fair bit stronger than the norm back in the day when 4-6% was the going strength.
That said, vaping at lower temperatures delivers less of a hit than combustion. The Thai is a lovely old school hit. Dial your Nebula in at just 160c to start and you are really going to enjoy it but still just take a couple of hits for your early session. Mixing with CBD is a great idea too.
Please come back and tell us how it works out…🤞🫠

I think heard this tip from Seth Rogen. If it’s your first time smoking a new strain, take two small puffs from a 1 skin (pure) joint, put the joint out and set a 30 minute timer. See how you feel, you’ll know what to do, if you’re high then congratulations, if not relight and take a couple more puffs. I still practice this tip every time I pick up or order from here. One man’s heaven is another man’s train. Tread carefully and it’s great to have you here.
I used the same technique with the cart that I bought from dr extract and my mind left my body 😂, I’ve been a daily consumer for a while now so don’t feel put off if something knocks you for 6. It still happens to the most experienced weed consumers.
Again welcome!
I used the same technique with the cart that I bought from dr extract and my mind left my body 😂, I’ve been a daily consumer for a while now so don’t feel put off if something knocks you for 6. It still happens to the most experienced weed consumers.
Again welcome!

sounds like you just took way too much for your tolerance level that's all, I hate this always feels like the room is spinning horrible stuff, suggest taking 2 alright puffs and you'll be sound

also if you worried about your lungs don't smoke at all just either do edibles or they have some cannabis oil pills on here i've seen, you could save your lungs completely

I've thought about edibles and will get round to trying them. Just a bit worried about getting the dose right. Came into this thinking try a bit at a time (yes, as my post here confirms I screwed that up) and though edibles are all in, once you've eaten one you get the full whack, no backing off so to speak. You can't really take it a bit at a time?

You can very much take edibles a bit at a time. A noob dose (and my favourite dose) is 10mg. Many Biggas laugh their socks off at this dose and some will claim to be able to eat 50 x this (literally 500mg) in a single session (in reality many cheap edibles wildly exaggerate their strength).
To put 10mg into perspective that is now the only legal dose in the US for a single edible.
Buy quality edibles, ignore big strength claims. (SayNo2Drugs sends 10mg edibles from the US) but most on here are 40-50mg per sweet. Simply slice off a quarter BUT you must wait at least 45 minutes for it to kick in- don’t top up because you think it’s not working. Just always limit your first doses to 10mg. You can simply build up in time but personally I don’t go above20mg and when I have I don’t enjoy it. Some are more susceptible than others to edibles soI’m just lucky I guess 😂
For me good quality edibles deliver a fantastic euphoric high that is very different to vaping.
Another way to go is Cannacaps. Northern Organics have 10mg caps, both sativa and indica or both in a mixed pack. These are a high quality fixed dose that deliver a very nice ride- you should probably start with the indica for getting chilled out.
Good luck buddy! 👍👍
To put 10mg into perspective that is now the only legal dose in the US for a single edible.
Buy quality edibles, ignore big strength claims. (SayNo2Drugs sends 10mg edibles from the US) but most on here are 40-50mg per sweet. Simply slice off a quarter BUT you must wait at least 45 minutes for it to kick in- don’t top up because you think it’s not working. Just always limit your first doses to 10mg. You can simply build up in time but personally I don’t go above20mg and when I have I don’t enjoy it. Some are more susceptible than others to edibles soI’m just lucky I guess 😂
For me good quality edibles deliver a fantastic euphoric high that is very different to vaping.
Another way to go is Cannacaps. Northern Organics have 10mg caps, both sativa and indica or both in a mixed pack. These are a high quality fixed dose that deliver a very nice ride- you should probably start with the indica for getting chilled out.
Good luck buddy! 👍👍

Most sellers don’t get their edibles tested. We take a leap of faith based on what is says on the pack. Cheap edibles claiming high strengths generally don’t review well.

totally agree mate, I went way overboard. I've had a couple of small hits since I made my post. Just little ones spaced apart by an hour. Been all good so far. Just have to learn to pace myself with the stuff that's around now

That doesn't sound pleasant, everyone seems to have a similar story when they first started out.
The vape cartridges are very strong as they're made with a concentrate. They're also deceiving and it's easy to over do it with them due to the lack of vapour they can produce, you think you're not getting anything, so you take another toke..and another.... then all of a sudden you're part of the sofa 😅
Strength wise, you've picked 2 good strains to start off with as they are on the weaker side of the THC scale. Give them a go and see how you get on. I honestly think you'll be fine if you take a single small toke of the vape (make sure you have eaten before hand)
I'm sure it didn't help that you was half drunk during it either 👍
The vape cartridges are very strong as they're made with a concentrate. They're also deceiving and it's easy to over do it with them due to the lack of vapour they can produce, you think you're not getting anything, so you take another toke..and another.... then all of a sudden you're part of the sofa 😅
Strength wise, you've picked 2 good strains to start off with as they are on the weaker side of the THC scale. Give them a go and see how you get on. I honestly think you'll be fine if you take a single small toke of the vape (make sure you have eaten before hand)
I'm sure it didn't help that you was half drunk during it either 👍

cheers. yes on reflection i was a total noob. too many outdated memories of the old days. didn't appreciate what i was dealing with. never too old to learn i hope!

Vape carts are creepy (as in the high creeps up on you).
In much the same way as you would be conservative with an edible, the same for vape carts.
When you get this understanding of your own tolerance down, my friend it is easily the most effective way of administering a controlled hit.
A friend of mine is a very occasional smoke with low tolerance, but he loves carts.
Put it down to a touch of misadventure and don't let it put the fear into you, sir.
As a rule I would suggest waiting at least 10 minutes inbetween your hits should you be of the mind to use the cart again.
Good luck.
In much the same way as you would be conservative with an edible, the same for vape carts.
When you get this understanding of your own tolerance down, my friend it is easily the most effective way of administering a controlled hit.
A friend of mine is a very occasional smoke with low tolerance, but he loves carts.
Put it down to a touch of misadventure and don't let it put the fear into you, sir.
As a rule I would suggest waiting at least 10 minutes inbetween your hits should you be of the mind to use the cart again.
Good luck.

I’d recommend trying some of northern organic’s products, either the thc capsules or the brownies. The capsules are at a low dose but enough to feel, and I think would be good for your tolerance level - they’re also extremely reasonably priced so if they’re not for you then there’s nothing to worry about.
As far as NO’s brownies go, as someone with a reasonable tolerance for edibles I typically eat half a brownie at a time, occasionally a full one of I want to push the boat out lol. For someone just starting to delve into edibles I would say a quarter of a brownie would be enough to have a pleasant experience without it being too much. And as another positive, they taste absolutely sensational.
Whatever you decide to try going forward I hope it’s a more pleasant experience than you had with the carts lol, all the best pal
As far as NO’s brownies go, as someone with a reasonable tolerance for edibles I typically eat half a brownie at a time, occasionally a full one of I want to push the boat out lol. For someone just starting to delve into edibles I would say a quarter of a brownie would be enough to have a pleasant experience without it being too much. And as another positive, they taste absolutely sensational.
Whatever you decide to try going forward I hope it’s a more pleasant experience than you had with the carts lol, all the best pal

Sorry to hear this experience has put you off. I think it's just down to the potency of the carts, though - they're very strong and even someone with a high tolerance (like myself) might need to approach them with caution. The first time I tried one, I took two small puffs and was baked for a good two hours.
The weed you've ordered is likely to be much lower strength so it should be easier for you to find the right amount for you, however I'd always say just start small and work up. You can easily have another puff at the vape but you can't undo one too many!
I hope your journey works out.
The weed you've ordered is likely to be much lower strength so it should be easier for you to find the right amount for you, however I'd always say just start small and work up. You can easily have another puff at the vape but you can't undo one too many!
I hope your journey works out.

thanks mate. totally agree. like cooking you can always add more seasoning but you can't take out what you've already added!

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