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joined jan 2020
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3 topics on grumpybloke
3 posts
+4 votes


Unfortunately LB is now unusable due to bitcoin. I just wander why the borgs who are well aware of the btc issues have failed to implement litecoin as promised over a year ago. Please keep to what you promised.

7 posts
+10 votes

storz & bickel plenty

storz & bickel plenty
Hi guys
Just looking at a plenty vaporiser, does any one have any reports on how good it is?
Just looking at a plenty vaporiser, does any one have any reports on how good it is?

With the amount I go through to manage symptoms I had to get a decent vape to cut down on joints and I went with the plenty it cost around 200 euro delivered from amazon and is brilliant.Been useing it around 4/5 times a day for over 6 months and no issues so far

Hi mate,
I use a plenty vape as my daily, it is a monster. Very thick clouds, good flavour, easy to use and clean and the most robust vape I have seen on the market. I absolutely love mine. I do use mine with my boyfriend though and that is a good thing as the herb chamber is huge, we're talking between 0.4-1.2g in it at a time, you have to pack with the liquid pad (included) to use the smaller amounts in it.
Other than the large chamber using more flower than other devices it is excellent. If you have any specific questions just ask.
I use a plenty vape as my daily, it is a monster. Very thick clouds, good flavour, easy to use and clean and the most robust vape I have seen on the market. I absolutely love mine. I do use mine with my boyfriend though and that is a good thing as the herb chamber is huge, we're talking between 0.4-1.2g in it at a time, you have to pack with the liquid pad (included) to use the smaller amounts in it.
Other than the large chamber using more flower than other devices it is excellent. If you have any specific questions just ask.

Cheers for the report.
As it's just me can you just draw on demand over a long period of time or does it vaporise in one session? Like have a draw leave it 3 or 4 minutes and keep going back every so often until it's used up?
Cheers for the report.
As it's just me can you just draw on demand over a long period of time or does it vaporise in one session? Like have a draw leave it 3 or 4 minutes and keep going back every so often until it's used up?

You can vape it over a longer period, basically it works like your central heating. There's a temperature gauge and you pull the trigger to heat it up to what you have it set at. It then slowly cools down until you pull the trigger again. I always tend to vape the whole lot, if you wanted to not heat it again mid way through, there's nothing to stop you doing that.
You could use a bowl over as long as you like, just when it is hot it will create vapour whether your vaping or not. It would be a case of having 3 or 4 extra draws until it cools enough to stop the vapour coming through. That or you can remove the bowl and it cools faster.
You could use a bowl over as long as you like, just when it is hot it will create vapour whether your vaping or not. It would be a case of having 3 or 4 extra draws until it cools enough to stop the vapour coming through. That or you can remove the bowl and it cools faster.

1 post
+1 votes

62 posts by grumpybloke
1 post
+1 votes

Fees to send
Have a look at this: interesting.

Fees to send
Wow not sure what has happened to fees it seems very high at moment had to cancel many orders due to high fees to send 40 gbp for instance 20 gbp

I only discovered this site recently and just got my head around how to buy and send BTC.. Been hoping to order for about a week now but with it being a first order I wanted to start fairly small but the fees are insane..£20-£25!
Can people recommend any sellers who accept other cryptocurrencies with lower fees?
I haven't got my head around this site yet.. Most confusing to me is why there are no date/times on comments O_o
Can people recommend any sellers who accept other cryptocurrencies with lower fees?
I haven't got my head around this site yet.. Most confusing to me is why there are no date/times on comments O_o

I keep saying this in all these topics so I don't know if Im missing something or if everyone else is but are you using 'replace by fee'? - you can set your own sending fee, as low as you want, I paid pennies to send the coin for my last 40quid order.
Buying bitcoin without huge markup on the other hand, now that's the issue I have!
Buying bitcoin without huge markup on the other hand, now that's the issue I have!

Thing is i have been paying around 1pound to send a lot more say sunday when markets ok but in the green up, is still high send fee, madness, will be ok soon, but still its a bit frustrating, all good tho in the big picture.

Have a look at this: interesting.

Save you cancelling orders if you use any btc address and fill out the send form in your wallet it should show you how much the fees are,just dont send it.

It is related to the amount of bitcoin being traded at that time, I find Sunday afternoon is the best time to try.

Nah the problem is that all these so called "investment consultants" have been pushing their rich clients into investing large sums of money into btc in a double your money grift,the problem is blockchain have said screw you lot think you can ruin us hmmm take 50% fees mf`s lets see you try to remove your btc now and turn it into fiat.
Yes it screws up normal users of btc and is just another attack on bitcoin by the greedy rich who hate it because they cant control it.
Yes it screws up normal users of btc and is just another attack on bitcoin by the greedy rich who hate it because they cant control it.

From my ignorant and amateur understanding. Miners have been incentived to process transactions faster because of an nft protocol has been attached to bitcoin blockchain. Its commission based and obviously miners domt care for some pot head wanting to buy some good weed.
Not linked just the way of the world.
Not linked just the way of the world.

1 post
+5 votes

Stopped ordering on here a week ago. The borgs said litecoin will be an alternative coin LAST YEAR, nothing ever happened. I would imagine LB is loos…
2 buys on Thursday morning (14 Dec 23) - first send fee was £23! Second one, 30 minutes later, was £16. Definitely stopped me shopping around like I wanted to, waiting for them to drop before buying again. Can anyone recommend a site that shows an average transaction fee in real time? The only ones I know show the day before's average fee.

Click on the little dial icon in the bottom left of the screen when you load the site and it gives you average sat/vB in real time, and you can examine what's in each block too.

Thank you, MR 👍. I've just had a quick look and it's still a little confusing to a noob like myself, but it looks like what I need. Thank you very much, greatly appreciated 👍

No problem mate. This was all new to me until April, and then I quickly realised that learning about it could save me money. Still barely scratching the surface in terms of my knowledge.

Yeah pretty high for me too! It’s a shame in 2023 we still have to put up with this crap!
EE x
EE x

Stopped ordering on here a week ago. The borgs said litecoin will be an alternative coin LAST YEAR, nothing ever happened. I would imagine LB is loosing out big time.
I see it as a good time for a tolerance break
I see it as a good time for a tolerance break

I've been off it for a week or so now, would have loved some for Christmas, I'm too stubborn to cancel my order so I'll wait it out and hit ten bag Tommy for a day pass

didnt know how to start own topic, but here is my stupid experience with Kraken for laughs. ok I needed to upolad id but lucky they take d license and had jpeg for wrk. i then bought btc when verified 30mns, but missed the info box telling me funds were held 72 hours. they charged me 3.50 for buying the btc to kraken. then tried to withdraw and found out they held it 72hrs. I tried to cancel at my bank but couldnt. I then waited 3 days. i then went to withdraw and saw that there is a further charge of 13.60. I need to buy more btc in order to cover it, another charge. then when i go to withdraw, I need to add a new address, every one I use needs verified by email. but by the time you've got to the email the amount on kraken has changed slightly. So after like 5 tries i finally did it quick enough to have the right receipt amount. so thank fuck thats over. Just got an email saying i must complete a survey by jan 2, or they will shut the account. provides link, go, but no survey. cant find it. so effectively they are going to take the remaining 61p in the account by default. hahaha fucking hell that was awful.

Yea I got stung on £140. £5 purchase fee and then £15.45 to send it. Roll on things settling back down.

Seems to be back up or isit just every weekend??, obviously it’s busy time of year in general but damn this seems to be the new norm

Will be the new norm, a friend was explaining to me how BRC-20 tokens are congesting the blockchain. Since they seem to be the new thing in the crypto world I don't see the congestion reducing for a while. We have the same problem in some way every few years here we need an alternative ASAP. I've had to pay 100s of dollars to move one transaction from here and its been pending for several days, blockchain explorer site reckons I'll need to pay $2111 to get it in the next few hours, not viable at all!

The fees certainly seem to go up the few times I've been 'lucky' enough to see my BTC increase decently in value! I'm all happy, thinking I've made enough for a 'free' eighth, and then lose it all in send fees!

Yes, it's crazy, tried to pay for an order and I have insufficient funds - wants over £30 fees on a £70 order!

Was same for me last week, I’d of fucked it off but it was a BB order and id already messed him about so didn’t want to take the piss any longer as he had sorted me out .

I paid 40 quid on a 200 quid order but had no choice as need carts before weekend but i dont even think the vendor has sent them,totally gutted 😔

It was for £88 something, wanted £121 I was like, naw mate. It's been like this for a while, getting steeper

I’m trying to work out the percentage , it seems people have paid anything from 15% to 37%, I think anywhere between 5-15% is pretty fair but above that is a pisstake

if they changed network to bsc the fees would be 40p for sending btc, need to get them to change it

This morning I went pay for a £100 order, fully expecting to pay a hefty whack but Xmas and all that so I was going to swallow it but the price jumped to £191. Jesus suffering fuck. Halfed the order, still paid a fortune.Really can't afford this, who can? Something needs to change. I wish I had an answer.

I dropped my fees to around the $2:50 mark, 24 hrs later and my order still isn't confirmed. What a pile of pish.

1 post
+4 votes
Top Xmas Flower
I wish I could afford the btc fees

Top Xmas Flower
Yo LB, that time of year ! Haven't ordered any flower for a while so looking for some reccomendations. I'm using a mighty+ so love those terps. Any suggestions welcome :)

If you're looking for something gassy then you can't go wrong with The Spacemen's Motorbreath. I'm really enjoying this, great stone and the gassiness really comes through.

It's really good, I want to try Sweets next as I am a big Sour Diesel fan. Keep up the good work guys, your menu is really impressive.

Both bangers mate. Will probably have to write up tomorrow 13/11 now though as been mad busy and these deserve a decent Apex analysis 🧐

I think they're fairly new, but the menu is great. I can vouch for their stealth and my order came the next day.

Your order should be with you tomorrow mate, look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Wouldve recommended TheSpaceMen too, I tried the Pink Panties first which was right up my street and now I'm really liking the MotorBreath and the Banana Sherbet even more, basically working my way through the menu at this stage!

Weirdly I have currently got some of the Motor Breath and Banana Sherbet. The banana certainly wins the taste competition but the Motor Breath makes it's presence felt in the stone.

I have a Q of Banana Sherbet on the way really looking forward to it, but typically it's not getting opened whatsoever till Xmas day before I cook the dinner 😁

Most of my Christmas stash is made up from their strains, the one i bought most of being the Banana Sherbet.
Also hoping for a sat delivery on sat 23rd DEC from the Spacemen, rm are delivering sat guaranteed on that date and Space is sending out.
Their shrooms are fantastic too.
Most of my Christmas stash is made up from their strains, the one i bought most of being the Banana Sherbet.
Also hoping for a sat delivery on sat 23rd DEC from the Spacemen, rm are delivering sat guaranteed on that date and Space is sending out.
Their shrooms are fantastic too.

Can second the Spacemen, few orders from them and all been great value. Comms etc on point too.
I also suggest TheHashCollective23 -
Some of the best hash on here but always really nice weed too, solid comms and always reliable quality. Prob best weed I've had from here has been from THC23.
I also suggest TheHashCollective23 -
Some of the best hash on here but always really nice weed too, solid comms and always reliable quality. Prob best weed I've had from here has been from THC23.

Cheers dude, can always rely on the my fellow Biggaz for the reccomendations. Nice one !

Anything from spaceman.
There menu is amazing and more on the way by the sounds of it.
Had the peanut butter mac ,10/10.
Had the blanco ,10/10 Had the motor breath ,again, 10/10.
Just ordered the 5 more different strains from them today & knowing them, it will probably be here by the morning.
There menu is amazing and more on the way by the sounds of it.
Had the peanut butter mac ,10/10.
Had the blanco ,10/10 Had the motor breath ,again, 10/10.
Just ordered the 5 more different strains from them today & knowing them, it will probably be here by the morning.

1 post
+4 votes
Free NDD makes them my go to!
DGT is an excellent vendor. The only problem is LB only accepting BTC and not litecoin as promised over a year ago

Free NDD makes them my go to!
Free next day delivery, before 1. With tracking included, on all orders.
Just had my first order with this vendor, great product with great service.
Arrived in 21 hours, tracked all the way.
Just had my first order with this vendor, great product with great service.
Arrived in 21 hours, tracked all the way.

Nice, so many vendors are taking the piss with their delivery charges, 7 quid for a jiffy and a first class stamp, then you try order multiples and are charged per item but it all goes in the same package.
2 have recently priced themselves out of my rotation completely.
2 have recently priced themselves out of my rotation completely.

Think I'm gonna have to be ordering from Dr Green Thumb again some time soon, especially with the free NDD :)
$7 for a 1st class and then an extra $7 per item is a little silly when you're surrounded by Free NDDs.
Juice 💚 💦
$7 for a 1st class and then an extra $7 per item is a little silly when you're surrounded by Free NDDs.
Juice 💚 💦

Couldn't agree more, put me off plenty of vendors when it came to adding the postage. Removed from cart and back to the reliable and quality sellers like DGT. 👍🏼

DGT is an excellent vendor. The only problem is LB only accepting BTC and not litecoin as promised over a year ago

Yup can back this up, Doc has always come through and the fact you get peace of mind with your order goes a long way. The chemdog is bar far the best dawg I have had in terms of effect and taste (I keep going back for more) but I have to agree with the other comments on BTC. It cost me in excess of £20 just to get my coin!, and then what I had saved in my wallet which wasn't alot but still enough to cover postage was eaten up by yet more fees! To the powers that be we (I mean them whoever they are) really need to sort it out because we are all losing out.

100% my go to as well. Always gets to you within 48hrs and everything I’ve had from 20 orders(apart from one but we’ll leave that) has been spot on best hash I’ve smoked on here. I’ve tried lots of others but always come back for the Letcho and Papaya punch. Shout out to the Bruce banger and Sunset. Both good cheaper options that last a bit longer. The more expensive stuff gets chewed through. His stealth is always great. Don’t listen to that prick giving 1/10 reviews.

I agree my mate. DGT is my go to also. You'll not regret an order from the Doctor. Stealth and product were top shelf and the delivery is absolutely spot on.

1 post
+4 votes

These bloody network fees!!!
I'm sure that transaxe said litecoin would be an alternative payment option over a year ago, but nothing ever happened???

These bloody network fees!!!
Can't buy some hash because the fees are still stupidly high! No way I'm paying £13 just to send a small amount of bitcoin. Bloody fed up waiting for it to come down. Sorry, just having an impatient rant. This can't be good for littlebiggy vendors and the people who run the site either. Sales must be right down. Pity we are stuck with only being able to use bitcoin. There must be a better alternative?

It’s a shame Litecoin isn’t introduced as a payment method on the site. I’ve purchased from a different platform using that currency & the fees are less than £1. Hope you can order something soon 🍻

People been screaming for LTC as a bare minimum for best part of 2 years. btc just far too unstable to be the sole option, and reduced traffic here benefits no one

Yup. I lost $3,500 from one crop in 16 days when BTC tanked. Nearly made me leave LB altogether.
Just watching my money dissappear every day was one of the most depressing things I've ever experienced.
Having nobody to contact that made any sense, and having to wait it out for 16 days was like torture.
Fun times 😔
Cheers BB
Just watching my money dissappear every day was one of the most depressing things I've ever experienced.
Having nobody to contact that made any sense, and having to wait it out for 16 days was like torture.
Fun times 😔
Cheers BB

I think its transaxe, lb is looking for a new payment processor, theres a few posts about this.

Found myself in a similar situation all be it on a smaller scale. Profits for the month wiped out over a few days. Would drive anyone to drink.

See most of my items are on the lower end so the fluctuations in price doesn’t really effect me that much

Had to make a purchase.
Fees using BTC were £221.
Converted coin to ETH, while it cost me £60 to convert, the fees for sending ETH were 71p.
This site really needs to introduce alternative currency
Fees using BTC were £221.
Converted coin to ETH, while it cost me £60 to convert, the fees for sending ETH were 71p.
This site really needs to introduce alternative currency

Yeah its shocking they haven't done anything still, I had to half my last order size and yesterday had to source some outside LB altogether.

I live in the scottish highlands so my alternatives are cowshit and turnips. This really needs sorting out. Buying here has become a lengthy and stressful shambles every time

Its such a shame. This site is the best thing to have ever happened to weed culture in the UK, entirely let down by this disfunctional and useless method of payment

Cost me over £40 today to send £200. Utter insanity. We NEED alternatives LB. BTC is going to be the death of the platform if we're not careful...

£30 in fees for a £35 order just can’t believe it!!!!
Does anybody actually know why this is happening???? Did an order a couple of weeks ago and the fees were normal
Does anybody actually know why this is happening???? Did an order a couple of weeks ago and the fees were normal

Btc volatility has been hugely positive recently - 20%-30% gains achieved over 30 day periods. Everyone wants to fill their wellies or take profits creating massive traffic on the blockchain. Miners can charge what they want to settle transactions. It’s proving that btc is utter shit when it comes to buying stuff! ..

Ordinals (pictures stored on a token) and BRC-20 (Shitcoins on BTC) are going nuts atm too doesn't help with fees as blocks are being spammed with shite now.

Network fees are currently absurd. Hopefully, administrators will explore alternative options. GAW

We should all go on strike. Would cause mayhem at Xmas & LB would have to pull the finger out to avoid a massive loss for them.

Yep. Literally can’t afford to buy anything on here right now.
Meh. I’ll just have to crack into my shite stuff stash.
Hopefully it’ll get back to normal soon or Christmas is gonna be ruined 😟
Meh. I’ll just have to crack into my shite stuff stash.
Hopefully it’ll get back to normal soon or Christmas is gonna be ruined 😟

Just paid 6 quid to send 56 on exodus,it's shocking still but best I have seen it for a while, hope it will be down to normal before long

I'm sure that transaxe said litecoin would be an alternative payment option over a year ago, but nothing ever happened???

I just paid £36 in fees to get 0.03BTC from Bittylicious. Then it was nearly £10 in priority gas fees to send over that amount to Transaxe. It's much more expensive than usual as it's near 4% fees for the initial transaction, and that's usually 2-3% (so not massively more), but the fees to send are usually 1/10th of that.

Even though my order has expired its now 8 days and my payment is still not confirmed, so my money is stuck in the blockchain for god knows how long. This is supposed to be a community based on trust. Id say that trust has been violated by LB administrators who still have not implemented any number of stable crypto alternatives after over a year of these ongoing ludicrous fee fluctations. Where in the world would you buy any other product where you have to throw your money into the void like this? It is truly ridiculous. Vendors are losing thousands and everyone is getting shafted using BTC. I just dont get it

How are peeps checking the transfer fee/ cost?
I only know wen I’m going to pay on coin base then I see the charges
I only know wen I’m going to pay on coin base then I see the charges

Unfortunately looks like Coinbase is still charging way more than the fees on the mempool site. High priority is listed there as between $3 and $4 but Coinbase is still showing a £13 fee for a £20 transfer to Exodus. 😭 I really need to ditch Coinbase...

Did it process mate.otherlyether has posted just under here that his stuff didn’t process.
Thinking I may take the hit to order something off lb but not if it isn’t working still after paying fees
Thinking I may take the hit to order something off lb but not if it isn’t working still after paying fees

I have BTC in coinbase, need to order of LB but holding back till the high network fee comes down

Honestly these network fees are an absolute pisstake atm. We definitely need an alternative payment method on LB. I personally took the hit this time but I really can’t continue to use LB going forward if the fees stay this high, which is such a great shame because i love LB and it’s been nothing short of a god send since i’ve started using it and i’d be gutted to go back to my street dealer, but these fees leave me with no other choice

Can anyone here help me out at all please? Ive had my order expire after 4 days waiting after paying 25 quid fees on 120 quid order. Apparently the payment is still loading on the blockchain despite the order having expired. My wallet stll shows the funds in it but cant send them anywhere as theyve already been started on the blockchain. Have reached out to both Cryptonic and Transaxe with no response, Vendor couldnt help either but seems hes just as fuming as me with at least 40 orders been waiting to confirm for a week or more. So much money being thrown in the air here by all involved with no clear way of sorting out. This is a horrific mess for all concerned

Only way to sort it quick is to repay the fees, but more.
Go to this link, add your wallet address and find the btc transaction id, the btc transaction that's stuck.
This is the general btc transaction id, has nothing to do with lb nor transaxe.
You can pm me this transaction id and i can check if you can repay the fees if you want and i'll tell you exactly how.
Just know this if you paid high fees sending btc from your wallet to transaxe then you're gonna have to pay even more fees to push it through, up to you if it's worth it or not.
Go to this link, add your wallet address and find the btc transaction id, the btc transaction that's stuck.
This is the general btc transaction id, has nothing to do with lb nor transaxe.
You can pm me this transaction id and i can check if you can repay the fees if you want and i'll tell you exactly how.
Just know this if you paid high fees sending btc from your wallet to transaxe then you're gonna have to pay even more fees to push it through, up to you if it's worth it or not.

I just buy direct from coinbase and do it at night time.
Normally under a £ for a 100 transaction??
Normally under a £ for a 100 transaction??

It’s been £11 network fee to send from Coinbase for a week or so. Lowest it went to was £4 on Sunday morning

Finally I have been verified on coin base after many days. I will wait till Sunday morning to add funds as you say it's cheaper. I think coin base give £5 bonus on first top up so this should compensate for the high fees

Hmm 31 quid fees on a 17 quid order 😳😳
Am never paying that not as long as ive got a hole in my arse 😤
Am never paying that not as long as ive got a hole in my arse 😤

4 or 5 days ago it went down to about £5 late at night on CB so I managed to send some to my wallet.. tried more today and its £14, that's the highest I've ever seen it lol

You are better off adding cash and then using advance trade to buy. It’s £14 network fee to send at the moment it’s a joke

Am I right in believing LB don't accept LTC? Cos many other sellers onother websites state they can take litecoin as BTC fees are high at moment

Yeah it’s BTC only here and nobody can understand why they won’t add a cheaper faster alternative option

I only Dave debit card option to add money to coinbase, IV added £50 as a tester and they charged a £2 fee. Now when I want to send the BTC to coinbase wallet they are charging £14 fee. I also have a exodus wallet which tops up from whichever exchange that is giving the best rate (£9 fees) I'm abit confused. I'm wanting to buy a Oz which is 221dollars. Do I transfer from coinbase to exodus wallet and pay the £14 coinbase fee, do I pay the same fee again when sending from.exodus wallet to vendor. Or is it best to send from coinbase exchange to my coinbase wallet? What are people doing at the moment with fees being sold high

That's the transaction fee that's allways the same, we talking about the network fee here that you pay when transferring to wallet

1 post
+20 votes

cleanup borg
Our Interpretation of the Wonderwall
Very interesting.
You obviously need to be a positive member, treat other members as you want to be treated yourself. It constantly learns from your i…

cleanup borg
Our Interpretation of the Wonderwall
Darlings: our wonderful wall has a mind of it's own, though we each influence this mind with our words and deeds here.
The wall measures novelty, popularity, positivity and most of all integrity. It does this based on experience and gets smarter every day.
We understand the tea leaf reading can be difficult, especially for noobs, but there are a few things that we have come to lean:
1 stay online and be responsive
2 voting and posting patterns betray lots of naughty behavior, this makes things very easy for the algorithms
3 nastiness always winds up hurting you, even when you are right
4 if you remind the algo of a previous dodgy person you have an uphill battle
Data from your payment processor, over posting, over messaging, and more seem to go into it as well. Whatever it is though dears you'll always hear the same thing from us, be patient,
And by all means please do understand that Borgs can not control the wall.
The wall measures novelty, popularity, positivity and most of all integrity. It does this based on experience and gets smarter every day.
We understand the tea leaf reading can be difficult, especially for noobs, but there are a few things that we have come to lean:
1 stay online and be responsive
2 voting and posting patterns betray lots of naughty behavior, this makes things very easy for the algorithms
3 nastiness always winds up hurting you, even when you are right
4 if you remind the algo of a previous dodgy person you have an uphill battle
Data from your payment processor, over posting, over messaging, and more seem to go into it as well. Whatever it is though dears you'll always hear the same thing from us, be patient,
And by all means please do understand that Borgs can not control the wall.

Very interesting.
You obviously need to be a positive member, treat other members as you want to be treated yourself. It constantly learns from your input. What an amazing use of algorithms and no-one has complete control. That's my interpretation.
You obviously need to be a positive member, treat other members as you want to be treated yourself. It constantly learns from your input. What an amazing use of algorithms and no-one has complete control. That's my interpretation.

Yes you charming bloke it's love that feeds on hate. What we are trying to do here is let people understand it better.

scammers are very often hard coded for touchiness (usually they feel deeply cheated in childhood).
touchy discussions are a great way for an algorithm to round up the usual subjects.
touchy discussions are a great way for an algorithm to round up the usual subjects.

Just respect and no bullying with true freedom of speech and no one ganging up on people just for posting simple questions or opinions ! not rocket science is it? :)

We would feel we live by those 4 rules but lately we are being pushed out by the algorithm if anything has changed recently can we change it back please, We conduct business as usual but our topics our basically invisible and our new items don't show on the wall our old items are in a freefall we always try to stay positive and have patience but we have seen zero rotation in the items wall all week whereas usually it would change only a daily basis making things fair for all and our topics seem to be invisible, why hide the Canadian we are the life of the party :)

We should also add a very important point: we see the behaviour trends but what comes out of fraud detection is a borg of a different colour.
We can't see this kind of thing anymore than you can and it has far greater influence on the wall than any other factor.
We can't see this kind of thing anymore than you can and it has far greater influence on the wall than any other factor.

Hi, I appreciate the info.. when you say a Borg of different colour, what does that mean?

each borg has a very limited job, fraud belongs to a non public-facing borg that appears extremely automated.

I have been solicited to join as a vendor to a site called little Came from an anonymous message in my lb inbox.
I know this is scam spam, but disturbs me nonetheless.
I know this is scam spam, but disturbs me nonetheless.

Thank you for shedding a little bit of light on the madness that is the LB Wonderwall, Cleanup Borg. I see a lot of posts and questions on this regularly. It's cool to know how it functions :)


I see “The Wall” like online matchmaking and ranking systems.
firstly the bad actors work out how it works (hence most devs never fully explain it) but these bad folk work it out anyway.
Then they abuse the shit out of it.
Devs are then in arms race to “outsmart” via changes and updates.
They work it out again and the cycle continues…
This is why very often it results in questionable behaviour, in this case our wall order and things can get messy.
Unfortunately the small % of bad actors FUCK it for the rest of us.
Also, borgs I really hope that “Cali” string flag is in a combination of other stuff , cos otherwise it’s dog shit and you hurt even folk like me as I’ve come to use “Cali dense” as a term to help people know their bud density
firstly the bad actors work out how it works (hence most devs never fully explain it) but these bad folk work it out anyway.
Then they abuse the shit out of it.
Devs are then in arms race to “outsmart” via changes and updates.
They work it out again and the cycle continues…
This is why very often it results in questionable behaviour, in this case our wall order and things can get messy.
Unfortunately the small % of bad actors FUCK it for the rest of us.
Also, borgs I really hope that “Cali” string flag is in a combination of other stuff , cos otherwise it’s dog shit and you hurt even folk like me as I’ve come to use “Cali dense” as a term to help people know their bud density

Cheers that clears a few things up and makes for interesting reading.
Still a mystery but to a certain extent what makes it bad can make you stumble on some interesting items but if I’m honest most of the best stuff I’ve purchased has been down to scrolling though the comments.
Still a mystery but to a certain extent what makes it bad can make you stumble on some interesting items but if I’m honest most of the best stuff I’ve purchased has been down to scrolling though the comments.

New to selling on LB and discovering more to this site everyday. Only just read this topic and it's very fascinating to say the least. At first I thought my account had some technical issues but I've now come to realise the wall hasn't approved of us yet. I wonder if this is the same reason our store doesn't have the images I uploaded when creating the listings?

1 post
+3 votes
UK hash list
Most helpful....
Many thanks.

UK hash list
To save all you hash heads and new members trawling through the wonder wall here is a list of all the domestic UK hash available that I can find atm.
Vendor - Pistach - WiFi cake - pink Runtz - gorilla glue belida - gelato hash eggs - American candy hash eggs - creme caramel hash
Vendor - bubble hash king - grape candy and cheese bubble hash.
Vendor - the green team - critical lemon dry sift - banana kush dry sift - Royal king Hassan - Royal ketama gold - 24k kush
Vendor - budboyzuk - riff mountain hash. - Moroccan gold hash - critical lemon drysift
Vendor - green tech - gold one - gorilla glue
Vendor - Radar breeder - gardalla hash - purple punch hash
Vendor - Hootan Moroccan dry blonde - og kush blonde 24k gold dry - bubba kush 3x filtered - traditional Moroccan indica
Vendor - Dank2000 - gorilla candy hash
Vendor - drugs inc uk - Pakistani black - don amigo soft hash. - critical kush soft hash - riffman gold - lavazza soft hash - games gold hash - caramello cream - Bugatti stamp - abdel Karkm rif hash - lemon kush soft hash - back to the future hash
Vendor - weedman - drysift Moroccan.
Vendor - hashtag uk - banana kush - Rubio maroc - 00 - nikol kush - ak-47 dry sift - kiwi “bubble” hash - chefChaouen - budget maroc - sky 20 stamp
Vendor - green finger - tutti fruity hash
Vendor - urban leaf co - Rolex stamp Moroccan - Good guys stamp Moroccan - Mendelin stamp Moroccan - Mazda stamp hash - relax stamp hash - joker stamp hash.
Vendor - pleasure cafe - jardala maroc - king Louis hash - super caramela polm - Royal mazari
Vendor - Mercedes - soft tutti fruity hash
Vendor - the provider - nikol kush - layer cake moroc - Mercedes dry soft - moroc value hash. - honey moroc dry blonde - mazar shrief Afghan hash - relax stamp - sour tangie.
Vendor - the gentlemen dealers. - Afghan gold seal - gelat of hash - Superman stamp moroc - nikol kush hash
Vendor - Pistach - WiFi cake - pink Runtz - gorilla glue belida - gelato hash eggs - American candy hash eggs - creme caramel hash
Vendor - bubble hash king - grape candy and cheese bubble hash.
Vendor - the green team - critical lemon dry sift - banana kush dry sift - Royal king Hassan - Royal ketama gold - 24k kush
Vendor - budboyzuk - riff mountain hash. - Moroccan gold hash - critical lemon drysift
Vendor - green tech - gold one - gorilla glue
Vendor - Radar breeder - gardalla hash - purple punch hash
Vendor - Hootan Moroccan dry blonde - og kush blonde 24k gold dry - bubba kush 3x filtered - traditional Moroccan indica
Vendor - Dank2000 - gorilla candy hash
Vendor - drugs inc uk - Pakistani black - don amigo soft hash. - critical kush soft hash - riffman gold - lavazza soft hash - games gold hash - caramello cream - Bugatti stamp - abdel Karkm rif hash - lemon kush soft hash - back to the future hash
Vendor - weedman - drysift Moroccan.
Vendor - hashtag uk - banana kush - Rubio maroc - 00 - nikol kush - ak-47 dry sift - kiwi “bubble” hash - chefChaouen - budget maroc - sky 20 stamp
Vendor - green finger - tutti fruity hash
Vendor - urban leaf co - Rolex stamp Moroccan - Good guys stamp Moroccan - Mendelin stamp Moroccan - Mazda stamp hash - relax stamp hash - joker stamp hash.
Vendor - pleasure cafe - jardala maroc - king Louis hash - super caramela polm - Royal mazari
Vendor - Mercedes - soft tutti fruity hash
Vendor - the provider - nikol kush - layer cake moroc - Mercedes dry soft - moroc value hash. - honey moroc dry blonde - mazar shrief Afghan hash - relax stamp - sour tangie.
Vendor - the gentlemen dealers. - Afghan gold seal - gelat of hash - Superman stamp moroc - nikol kush hash


it saddens me not to see any Indian hash on there, or Nepali. I'd love a bit of Nep or Charas

Sensi's Moroccan Soft sold out, hopefully reload next month, will update with link one that happens also did i miss seeing Real D?
Yes i did, here's both just now:
(Moroccan Soft reload in September hopefully, many biggas are smoking the last of it as we speak.
And of course our brother in arms the one and only RD:
So many vendors with such amazing hashes.
Speak up for yours, support your vendors!💙👊
Yes i did, here's both just now:
(Moroccan Soft reload in September hopefully, many biggas are smoking the last of it as we speak.
And of course our brother in arms the one and only RD:
So many vendors with such amazing hashes.
Speak up for yours, support your vendors!💙👊

We have got OZK done by SanFran Hash Co, it’s not cheap but good hash ain’t cheap and cheap hash…..

Hashish Available
Rolex Blonde
Tropicana 73 Semi Dry
Pineapple 73 Semi Dry
Dry Kush Triple Filter
Rolex Blonde
Tropicana 73 Semi Dry
Pineapple 73 Semi Dry
Dry Kush Triple Filter

FRUIT TREE (Forbidden Fruit x Purple Punch) 220-90 MICRONS FILTERED HASH BAR

Come take a look! We've got a selection of fantastic items with some impressive hashs and highly competitive prices. And that's not all – enjoy the perk of Free Special Next Day Delivery (NDD) on all products, guaranteed to arrive by 1pm. Don't miss out on these exciting deals! GAW

Just found this bud and is like to thank you for your hard work and dedication in preparing this list, obviously a labour of love. Have and upvote and a 👍 from me!

Hey Family,
Great work, we have 2x stamps of lovely Moroccan Blonde - Hermes - Captain Kush the originals. 3X Filtered Banging Dutch import Hybrid Hash.
We are new Vendor with 9.8/10 rating with 50+ sales and reviews.
Peace and Respect
Great work, we have 2x stamps of lovely Moroccan Blonde - Hermes - Captain Kush the originals. 3X Filtered Banging Dutch import Hybrid Hash.
We are new Vendor with 9.8/10 rating with 50+ sales and reviews.
Peace and Respect

Are these listings active as not appearing as a link. How can I searcah or find one of the vendors listed pls?

Add us to the list too. We have premium a+++ hash imported straight from Marbella. Try our ciaxa stamp.

I haven’t been on this site for a while but used to used hashtag a lot as I liked there double zero however I have noticed there seems to be bad reviews creeping through what’s your thoughts on hashtag at the moment as it looks like they have had delivery problems

"Girl Scout Cookies" in stock. Girl Scout Cookies is known to be an indica-dominant marijuana strain, created by crossing OG Kush with Durban Poison. The price for 3.5 grams of this strain is $30, and you are offering free guaranteed special next-day delivery (NDD) with an estimated arrival time of 1pm. If you have any specific questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, feel free to let me know!

1 post
+4 votes
Another giveaway! To enter comment on this post
Go on then!

Another giveaway! To enter comment on this post

Hello everyone, its time for another giveaway! There will be 2 lucky winners who will each receive 2 of our distillate vape pens (one of each strain).
To enter, just leave a comment on this post by midnight on Friday 9th June, we will draw the 2 winners on a live-stream at midday on the 10th - good luck!
To draw the winners we will put all usernames into a random name picker ( and it will be live-streamed here:
dr.distillate :)
To enter, just leave a comment on this post by midnight on Friday 9th June, we will draw the 2 winners on a live-stream at midday on the 10th - good luck!
To draw the winners we will put all usernames into a random name picker ( and it will be live-streamed here:
dr.distillate :)

Tried your straight distillate so would definitely give one of these a whizz
Good luck everyone
Good luck everyone

Worth a shot hah, do you sell smaller quantities of your distillate to EU? 100ml is quite a lot for a single consumer.

Sorry, we don't offer international shipping yet on our items that are shipped from the UK. We only offer shipping to EU on our direct from US supplier listing but their minimum is 100ml unfortunately. Thanks :)

Please drop us a message with your address and it will be posted monday :)
Please drop us a message with your address and it will be posted monday :)

Please please please pick me. I have never tried distillate vape pens so this would be perfect thing for me i have chronic pain and i am always open to trying new things to gelp with it.

ive entered loads of these but never been a winner so lets hope lady luck is with me lol,
thanks guys
thanks guys

Always love a giveaway, never win but always happy to enter. Good luck to me and everyone else entering 🤞

Go on then, I'll try this. Just to say, If I am lucky enough to win then split my pens, send me one and draw another winner for the other.

2 posts
+4 votes

I agree.
Litecoin is the way to go, so much cheaper to send!
+ 2 more

Please bring in LITECOIN as an $80 purchase will come to fees of like £2 and not £60 like bitcoin.
Can't be difficult to do.
All these awesome venders are losing a lot of sales due to buyers being put off massively so some have resorted to insta or dw were a very well respected vendor from LB has ended up. With loads of flavours and at genuinely only £65 a Q including postage due to torrez taking all currency like litecoin.
Sort this asap LB or customers will have to elsewhere. I don't want to as LB stuff is great but at £40 more it's not worth it and it is usually the same stuff.
Must be a LITECOIN coming soon. You guys would be taking it in man.
The Dude Abides ?
Can't be difficult to do.
All these awesome venders are losing a lot of sales due to buyers being put off massively so some have resorted to insta or dw were a very well respected vendor from LB has ended up. With loads of flavours and at genuinely only £65 a Q including postage due to torrez taking all currency like litecoin.
Sort this asap LB or customers will have to elsewhere. I don't want to as LB stuff is great but at £40 more it's not worth it and it is usually the same stuff.
Must be a LITECOIN coming soon. You guys would be taking it in man.
The Dude Abides ?

This needs to happen asap, seen multiple threads on this now but not a single response about it from any form of borg or admin.
not only is every vendor asking for this but so is every buyer, it's not even democtratic at this point it just needs to happen!
not only is every vendor asking for this but so is every buyer, it's not even democtratic at this point it just needs to happen!

Just went to make a $36 order and the recommended fee is $18 !!!! This is unacceptable to me so no sale again , probably the 7th time I have not ordered as the transfer fee is too much. Come on transaxe / LB. SORT OUT AN ALTERNATIVE COIN..

BTC is the Daddy though. In time Fees for BTC will come down if ppl keep supporting it.
But market places should have ALL options of payments crypto wise As long as they can convert to btc easily.
But i think Tranaxe works on BTC converting it to Their own token and back out. Not sure would be cool to see more options though. Ppl should keep supporting BTC though mainly. as its the genesis code.
But market places should have ALL options of payments crypto wise As long as they can convert to btc easily.
But i think Tranaxe works on BTC converting it to Their own token and back out. Not sure would be cool to see more options though. Ppl should keep supporting BTC though mainly. as its the genesis code.

I'm reposting this from a few months ago just to remind LB. The amount of purchases on here would skyrocket! Come on LB! Im having to now start growing my own and I hate the DW. Sort this! It can't be impossible, can it?

1 post
+2 votes

{lb help}
"please wait before creating another order"
Tried all these...STILL NOT WORKING. bring back .org 🙏

{lb help}
"please wait before creating another order"
This note comes up every time I click 'buy' on my order and won't actually take me through to the final payment page. I dont have any other orders, and have never seen this message before, any ideas/advice? much love x

Experienced this too, think i just refreshed the page and hit the pay button until i eventually got to the btc page.

When you click pay just click once it might not look like you have pressed it but be patient it's so slow you think it's not worked so you press again to make sure that's when you get the message

Hey I had the same issue . What fixed it for me was don’t select country. Just enter address and press pay.I had to press pay a few time and eventually it went to payment page ! Hope that helps

Had such issues with every step of the process I wasn't sure if anything had gone through but managed to get on today to check and order has been sent, thank goood

I had this last night. Refresh the page, go to 'orders' and find the 'pay now' button. There is a glitch preventing the payment screen automatically appearing, but the orders are going through and the system is (rightly) preventing you placing the same order multiple times. Everything works - just not a smoothly as it should.

It worked for me by leaving the State part blank, seems pretty hit and miss with all these different methods though.

Any other fixes other than leaving out the country/state? I've tried everything and still getting this error

I removed capital letters and switched to desktop site from android and it went through. Some have said to remove country but i can't see an option for that from country drop down list... Its all fukd! Society keeps saying to enter required fields anx if that's not bad enough Coinbase is being a Fucker too.... Wtf is going on?? So close to Christmas too

I left out shipping option and that sorted it.
was told to correct error which i done then the pay button worked.✌️
was told to correct error which i done then the pay button worked.✌️

1 post
+2 votes

{lb help}
Issue with checkout
I've been trying for the last 3 hours. Society is painfully slow and it's just giving me an error every time I click pay.

{lb help}
Issue with checkout
Hi All, anyone having issues checking out? Every time is say please wait before making another order, even on a new account. Any suggestions?

I've been trying for the last 3 hours. Society is painfully slow and it's just giving me an error every time I click pay.

1 post
+1.2 votes
New vendor giveaway
Sounds good

New vendor giveaway
We are dark web vendors who have just recently came across Little Biggy. Platform and community seem great so we can’t wait to start offering you all our lovely products.
We are trying to create some hype and get onto the item of course…
So the first 10 people to like and comment on this post will get a free sample sent out to them
We look forward to serving the community for years to come
We are trying to create some hype and get onto the item of course…
So the first 10 people to like and comment on this post will get a free sample sent out to them
We look forward to serving the community for years to come

Wow I didn’t expect such a response so fast! Since 12 of you commented so fast I will send all 12 of you a sample. Thank you so very much for the love. If you could all PM I will arrange shipping for you all.

All samples have been sent out everyone. With you real soon
Thanks to you all for being so kind
Thanks to you all for being so kind

Try harder. Even your logo looks like your old smokeden one. How many alt vendor accounts do you have now?

Thank you to the buyers who have given us a chance as new vendors. Samples and orders are all now sent. It was a bank holiday in some areas of the UK on Monday plus there are a few strikes with Royal Mail going on so all will arrive ASAP as sent first class
Thank you all for the help getting settled into LB
Thank you all for the help getting settled into LB

Sure. Send me a half lb sample and I'll get back to you, maybe. Joking aside, welcome to LB!

Another name down on the list. the list will be posted later today and every one can work out quick with the user names been a project in place to expose it all. make the site actually better then go worse.

1 post
+4 votes
Jack herer


Right guys...
We are listing something very tasty tuesday morning 09/08.
All you have to do to be in it to win it is like this post and comment with your guess.
Whoever guesses what strain it will be will win 14G.
If no one guesses correctly we will pick 4 people and send them out 3.5G each.....
And to make it even better, for those that commented and didnt win....
We will be doing 30 x 1G testers of this strain at 5$... and the link will be posted on this topic
Lets start guessing.....
We are listing something very tasty tuesday morning 09/08.
All you have to do to be in it to win it is like this post and comment with your guess.
Whoever guesses what strain it will be will win 14G.
If no one guesses correctly we will pick 4 people and send them out 3.5G each.....
And to make it even better, for those that commented and didnt win....
We will be doing 30 x 1G testers of this strain at 5$... and the link will be posted on this topic
Lets start guessing.....

Right guys its listed.... No winner but 4 of you got close......
We will be anouncing the winner on a post on the page of the item....
For those of you that didnt win, we will be doing the same competition for the next item we will be listing on that post, its actually a lor of fun seeing all these strains... brings back a lot of memories...
Go to the link to find out if you won, if you haven't keep trying :)))))
Also have 30 X 1G at 5$, once theyre gone, theyre gone....
We will be anouncing the winner on a post on the page of the item....
For those of you that didnt win, we will be doing the same competition for the next item we will be listing on that post, its actually a lor of fun seeing all these strains... brings back a lot of memories...
Go to the link to find out if you won, if you haven't keep trying :)))))
Also have 30 X 1G at 5$, once theyre gone, theyre gone....

When will you announce the the right bud so we can have a winner 🏆 if this is still happening as have not seen any post for the new bud.

Heyyy guys sorry for the delay, winners have been announced....
Just got to the listing :)
Just got to the listing :)

1 post
+4 votes
Lovely sample thanks
started topic

Lovely sample thanks
I noticed a new vendor offering a free sample by making a comment on their post. I was luckily in the first 10 so I was asked for my details, I happily sent them over, as it happens I forgot about it for a week and a half then I noticed a post saying that their sample had finally arrived and it was cracking gear. It was then I remembered I had given my details to someone and not received anything. Initially I was a bit paranoid about releasing my details. So I contacted genetics hub to enquire, I was expecting a frosty reply as it was free but genetics hub were very apologetic about rm saying that 2 of the 10 sent were still not delivered and if it didn't show by Friday they would resend the sample!!( nice touch)
As it happens it arrived 2 days later and all i can say is: beautiful hash, 2.4 grams!, excellent stealth. Brilliant helpful comms. Well happy and putting in an order soon. Thank you genetics hub.
As it happens it arrived 2 days later and all i can say is: beautiful hash, 2.4 grams!, excellent stealth. Brilliant helpful comms. Well happy and putting in an order soon. Thank you genetics hub.

1 post
+3 votes
anonymous markets in times of crisis
Wise and true words.
Thanks slim.

anonymous markets in times of crisis
it is exit scam season! scammers love fear because its makes suckers out of anybody and even good sellers have been known to run after a big slew of orders. always stick with protocol in times of crisis in this case its escrow and communication.
remember in our world trust no one person even on society or little biggy, even if they have a zillion votes, even if they have shipped to you before, facts and procedure handle 90% of situations, group consensus solves the rest.
verification is our strength - even if you hate post drama your relevant experience should be shared with the rest of us. follow up on your posts are especially valuable to see if your problem was resolved.
always be kind and don't let suspicions get nasty but forgive when they do, people are emotional now.
remember in our world trust no one person even on society or little biggy, even if they have a zillion votes, even if they have shipped to you before, facts and procedure handle 90% of situations, group consensus solves the rest.
verification is our strength - even if you hate post drama your relevant experience should be shared with the rest of us. follow up on your posts are especially valuable to see if your problem was resolved.
always be kind and don't let suspicions get nasty but forgive when they do, people are emotional now.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. It's a shame more people with positive experiences don't post on the boards, but that's their decision and i guess we vendors have to respect that.
Also agree with the fact that many people are emotional right now, and cooped up in their houses with nothing to do, so sometimes trivial things can become more important than they actually are.
I'm sure we can all agree that our wonderful NHS staff are the ones who should get as much love and attention as we can give them right now. They're on the front-line. Weed is just weed at the end of the day.
Stay safe everyone. I hope you and yours are all well.
Cheers. BB
Also agree with the fact that many people are emotional right now, and cooped up in their houses with nothing to do, so sometimes trivial things can become more important than they actually are.
I'm sure we can all agree that our wonderful NHS staff are the ones who should get as much love and attention as we can give them right now. They're on the front-line. Weed is just weed at the end of the day.
Stay safe everyone. I hope you and yours are all well.
Cheers. BB

Posts like these make me want to buy from vendors. Showing your humanity there mate. Couldn’t agree more!

1 post
+3 votes

Can you vape hash?
I use a dynavap with cotton bacon(vaping fibre) you can get it from Amazon or eBay, then you don't mess up your screen.

Can you vape hash?
I’ve been vaping my bud for the past year now as I find it to be a much nicer high and you can really taste the flavours but I do get tempted by all the delicious looking hash on LB so wondered if it’s possible to vape? I’m using a pax 3 and occasionally use the concentrate insert for wax so does anyone know if vaping hash would work?

I have used a “Mighty” vape with hash it has an adjustable temperature and plenty of accessories for different stuff, works great for me. Little pad of steel wool for oil, also chamber at the top Collects wax like resin after being used to vape hash, can be scraped out and makes for a great smoke

I use a dynavap with cotton bacon(vaping fibre) you can get it from Amazon or eBay, then you don't mess up your screen.

you can at a high heat, but hash leaves alot of oily residue which will block parts of the vape or insert

Thanks mate. I’ve got some high quality dry sift on the way which I might try dabbing but if it doesn’t melt make some rosin. I’ve not tried making it before so could be a fun experiment!

You need to be looking at full-melt bubblehash if you're trying to dab it, dry sift won't really work. You can vape hash though... just a bit fiddly. Like Zappytrocar said, the residue is the main problem... so I put hash into cotton wool, or wrap it in hemp fibre, then put it in the vape (this means you can pull out the whole oily residue mess along with the cotton etc). I've got a dedicated Dynavap just for hash.

Couldn’t find hemp fibre but found a 80% cotton, 20% hemp blend that’s used for e cig wicks and it’s worked a treat. The process will take some refining and I’m puffing on my crafty as I write so haven’t seen the mess yet but I’m certainly enjoying this Porsche stamp dry sift. Thanks! And thanks to grumpybloke if you read this as you also suggested the same! - update - no mess whatsoever!

Good question as I have been asking and thinking about it also so thank you 😊 everyone for the info.
That’s why the topics page has been so helpful. I used to get my gear and log off but now I love the topics bit because of info like this 👌
That’s why the topics page has been so helpful. I used to get my gear and log off but now I love the topics bit because of info like this 👌

Been looking at this which might be a solution 🤷🏻♂️

I only really touch hash and I use a s&b crafty plus which does a nice job of vaping.
You have to put in a little insert/pad thingy and have it on a higher heat setting but you really taste the hash and it has the desired effect obvs.
I don’t know about the pax 3 but I’m sure it’ll do the trick.
You have to put in a little insert/pad thingy and have it on a higher heat setting but you really taste the hash and it has the desired effect obvs.
I don’t know about the pax 3 but I’m sure it’ll do the trick.

I've vaped hash in several vapes - you usually need a higher heat setting, but depends on the hash. I used to use a little pure cotten pad that I'd rest the hash on purely to catch any residue as it can a pain to clean otherwise.
Vaping hash can be a lovely experience, good luck!
Vaping hash can be a lovely experience, good luck!

Yes definitely! Best way IMO is to mix your hash with your weed in a grinder , then the hash is small enough to vape quickly and melt onto the weed so it all doesn’t turn into a puddle ;)

Certainly 👍👍
I’m about to hit up the Vapman with a Sunday Double Bill : Afghan Black to start followed by Bubble Hash. These work just great but melty hashes will do just that-melt- which is going to cause too much of a mess in the oven.
The Mighty dosing capsules for concentrates work with most things, but the Vapman is exceptional with the right hash..🤩
I’m about to hit up the Vapman with a Sunday Double Bill : Afghan Black to start followed by Bubble Hash. These work just great but melty hashes will do just that-melt- which is going to cause too much of a mess in the oven.
The Mighty dosing capsules for concentrates work with most things, but the Vapman is exceptional with the right hash..🤩

I have picked up a flower mate for next to nothing to give hash a try in it. Anyone had any experience with it and best advice
Cheers in advance only just got it so just having a mess about with bud in it. Of course it has a separate chamber but how is it with hash?
Going to get a Dynavap at some point seen a BB3 starter kit for £45 quid give or take
Cheers in advance only just got it so just having a mess about with bud in it. Of course it has a separate chamber but how is it with hash?
Going to get a Dynavap at some point seen a BB3 starter kit for £45 quid give or take

This is an old post. I’ve since got a dynavap that I use for hash as you can get a higher heat and it works brilliantly. I use cotton hemp fibre and wrap up a little hash package for vaping.

I have a dynavap and have vaped hash but then had to clean it out. I have not heard of this cotton hemp fibre bit before, but it sounds like it's just what I need!!

This is the stuff

Hi Leanbean,
Depends on the quality as if its a lower grade you will be burning all sorts of other crap.
We have added link for our A+++ grade Monaco.
Have a great day :)
Depends on the quality as if its a lower grade you will be burning all sorts of other crap.
We have added link for our A+++ grade Monaco.
Have a great day :)

1 post
+7 votes

My mission is providing all you lovely biggaz around the world with top drawer quality cannabis items and products that are available around my area and imported from around the globe. previously focused solely on land race genetics, now providing a spectrum of land race and hybrid strains, both budget and luxury goods. I want all biggaz to rest assured when ordering from my shop that customer's security is my utter top priority when shipping internationally. I give care and attention meticulously packaging each and every order while using top stealth methods and matched disguises. the final result is your package looking like an ordinary online shop parcel. my success rate shipping to most of the world is 99.9% (when the 0.1% stand for missing and lost orders) and I do offer complete buyer protection, so you won't have to bite bullets. now that competition is harder due to many wonderful, professional vendors around - I'd love customers that have used my service to drop a comment below about their experience and maybe help others decide about ordering from my shop. much love to the entire LB community ❤️❤️❤️

I don't usually leave reviews but felt obliged as the effort hashishin puts into his sales and marketing i feel deserves a quick review.
I have purchased some divine hash oil, any rso users should at least try. Stealth was perfect, comms excellent, did me a great custom order along with a couple of lovely samples.
Great vendor, lovely products… all good.
I have purchased some divine hash oil, any rso users should at least try. Stealth was perfect, comms excellent, did me a great custom order along with a couple of lovely samples.
Great vendor, lovely products… all good.

I have absolutely no reservations when it comes to using Hashishin, spot on service each time.
I’m currently enjoying the Audi stamp for the second time and really enjoying the Garlic Bread first time round.
I’m currently enjoying the Audi stamp for the second time and really enjoying the Garlic Bread first time round.

Hehe…amazing timing Hashishin, I’ve just been vaping some of your squidgy Afghan Black! ❤️👌
Like a lot of Biggas I thought ‘with all the choice what is the point of ordering from outside the UK?’…then had a couple of orders from Israel with you and realised exactly why! 🥳
Unique regional quality just not available elsewhere. Order with confidence Biggas, Hashishin’s stealth will blow you way! 🤩
Like a lot of Biggas I thought ‘with all the choice what is the point of ordering from outside the UK?’…then had a couple of orders from Israel with you and realised exactly why! 🥳
Unique regional quality just not available elsewhere. Order with confidence Biggas, Hashishin’s stealth will blow you way! 🤩

Ordered from you a handful of times over the past couple of years.Always a mouthwatering menu of lovely authentic landrace hashes from sticky blacks to crumbly blondes n earthy red lebs...tried the hash oil too,very strong stuff!
Always very friendly in any messages if you need to ask anything.
Also some of the best stealth I've seen on here.Looking forward to my Audi stamp arriving! :-)
Always very friendly in any messages if you need to ask anything.
Also some of the best stealth I've seen on here.Looking forward to my Audi stamp arriving! :-)

You can't go wrong with Hashishin! I've had many ,rare and exotic products from his shop, it's a real 'Garden of Delights'.Stealth, Communication Shipping times and his Wares are always top notch. We're lucky to have him.

Some of the best stealth and comms out there! I have had 2 orders from Hashishin sent to the UK. Beautiful, sticky, strong hash and super friendly and understanding person. Can't recommend enough!

1 post
+7 votes

bitcoin fee's
Bitcoin has become over priced to send, I tried to send the £19 I had left in my wallet set it to send all and it would only send £7.62 the balance £…

bitcoin fee's
Hi, I've bought off here 7 times now, the 1st 6 times were between last september and early january I'm pretty certain the charges I incurred for sending bitcoins from my Paxful wallet were around £5 or $5 Last week I made a purchase and was somewhat "surprised" to find that the fee was now .0004 Btc (£16) Has anybody else noticed this? Is there anyway around it? is it just Paxful ?
Personally an extra £16 would make it just too expensive fo me
Personally an extra £16 would make it just too expensive fo me

yeah admin needs to add LITECOIN OR MONERO. Much cheaper fees and easily accesible for most

I thought I just come up with a genius idea called cannacoin but after a swift googling it appears someone beat me to it! We should use that on here.

Bitcoin has become over priced to send, I tried to send the £19 I had left in my wallet set it to send all and it would only send £7.62 the balance £11.38 is fees. Tried the same transaction values with litecoin and the charge would have been 12p !!! COME ON LB INTRODUCE LITECOIN NOW!

the BTC in my wallet has lost close to £20 in value over the last 24 hours and no matter what time i try to send the fees are just so high! unless i want to set the limit to about 12 bytes and wait 6 hours

If you buy bnb then send ot to your atomic wallet you can change it to btc in the wallet and then set your own miner fee . I set my own miner fee to like a fiver it takes longer but the initial transaction still goes through. To swap from bnb to btc its not even even pound . Xlm would be the perfect currency or bnb . 0.01 xlm transaction costs which is less than a penny

The fluctuation and rise of btc price has driven fees up, personally I would use a wallet like electrum where you can select lower mining fees... One example might be buying a months worth of coins from a vendor like coinbase and transferring that to an electrum wallet, where you can then send payments at a lower tailored fee.
It may mean moving away from Paxful, but then be aware of minimum withdrawals as it may be possible to buy $30 worth btc, but the minimum you can take out is $70. Ultimately it's something you will have to research to find the best method/price for you, best of luck.
It may mean moving away from Paxful, but then be aware of minimum withdrawals as it may be possible to buy $30 worth btc, but the minimum you can take out is $70. Ultimately it's something you will have to research to find the best method/price for you, best of luck.

...or alternatively vote with our feet as the vendors have and just not use LB until it’s sorted properly and made fair for sellers and buyers.
It’s not rocket science to offer alternatives to BTC and it makes me slightly suspicious as to why LB are dragging their feet over this.
Come on LB! Don’t let us all down....
It’s not rocket science to offer alternatives to BTC and it makes me slightly suspicious as to why LB are dragging their feet over this.
Come on LB! Don’t let us all down....

Too many exchanges now are charging expensive fees to buy and send btc off their exchange. I have a account...I recently bought $1500 of btc and was charged about $100! Is this about the going rate? I chose because it has one of the finest security ratings, unlike Coinbase where accounts are subject to hackers and random shutouts of user accounts. Be careful and choose an exchange wisely.

I can understand why its BTC only - pretty much all the ‘real’ cash money (NOT USDT) still flows in and out of bitcoin almost exclusively. That being said the fees are definitely a problem making it impractical to buy smaller amounts from a variety of sellers which was always one of the things I really liked about this site
I think the fees will gradually come back down to earth but unfortunately so will the spot price ;)
I think the fees will gradually come back down to earth but unfortunately so will the spot price ;)

1 post
+3 votes

little buggy
Is anyone else having trouble with android?
I cannot see a send button on the ratings page.
Using Huawei with android

little buggy
Is anyone else having trouble with android?
I get dumb sizing on several pages using a galaxy edge 5

Using a pixel 3xl with chrome browser and everything seems fine to me. Although it can take a while to load pages at certain times.

I agree with the incredibly slow loading times. I've noticed it's typically on vendors pages who have alot of threads / topics to load. If you go to a newer vendor, or someone with not many threads / comments, it seems to load fine ( in my experience ).
I wonder if there's a way LB can limit the amount of threads that have to load when you first view a vendors page? And maybe add a "see more" option at the bottom to look further if you wish. But loading EVERYTHING they have ever posted seems to be the main cause of the slow loading times for me (I'm using a new android device so it's unlikely a hardware issue)
I wonder if there's a way LB can limit the amount of threads that have to load when you first view a vendors page? And maybe add a "see more" option at the bottom to look further if you wish. But loading EVERYTHING they have ever posted seems to be the main cause of the slow loading times for me (I'm using a new android device so it's unlikely a hardware issue)

Mines acting up at the moment things are really slow, Im getting restricted pages and can't send a message without it crashing on me

Everytime I go to send a message to drugs Inc. My page freezes and crashes. I was wondering if it was a known problem

Yeah I've noticed a big slowdown the past week or so. Some pages and topics won't even open and just crash the site if I try. Hard to engage with the community at the moment because of it.

i have a problem on text input for example this post, when the text box opens the way the page then zooms is a freak show, and the auto correction does not work maybe its the way its defined in the code. i'd be happy to contribute to the bounty if anyone fixes this.

This happens to me with text input but only when leaving reviews. I'm able to write this post just fine on chrome for android but I have to write reviews in my notes app and copy paste them.

1 post
+3 votes

Received my 1g sample today and did not disappoint....a very fine zSkittlez grow indeed, may even go as far as saying its the best zSkittlez ive had 😅 the real deal to slowly make my way through their menu 🙏
also worth the mention - would have written this review on item page but I forgot to sign in when making the order, RealD was responding on a Sunday and got everything sorted for me, true champ....
delivery 2 days
also worth the mention - would have written this review on item page but I forgot to sign in when making the order, RealD was responding on a Sunday and got everything sorted for me, true champ....
delivery 2 days

Nice one for the post dude! Think I’m going to put in an order for some Zkittlez now! 👍
All the products look really nice and the pricing is very competitive! Look forward to trying them out. 💚✌️
All the products look really nice and the pricing is very competitive! Look forward to trying them out. 💚✌️

their pink sherbet looks kila...will crack on with an order once I have managed my current stock levels 🌲

I had 2g of Gorilla hash and a q of the Stardawg shake as Id not had any Dawg for years, cant wait.

Ah awesome, thanks for sharing. I've been waiting for reviews to come in for this vendor before I order. Seems to have done everything right in terms of their intro to LB & looks like a quality to cost ratio accross their range.

3 posts
+7 votes

Buffy T
Connoisseur Hash
Hash lover 420
+ 3 more

Buffy T
Connoisseur Hash
I’m always looking for special hashes, my best days start with a light hash and graduate though the day onto darker varieties. By evening i’m wanting something with a punch and like the triple filter eggs but they’re not around right now. I’ve got a lot of pistashes, any ideas for something strong but only hash?

Hashlover420 is what you looking for right now.. mine hopefully landing tomorrow, but he has had consistently the best hash in here for a good couple of years.. unfortunately he also run out fairly quick so that's my advice..

Yes, spotted this last night. He has some trap eggs going. Pricey, but apparently good stuff!

Another shout for Hashishin. His products, customer service and delivery are not to be missed

I've just had 5g of black squidgy Afghan hash that hits pretty nice from Hashishin. As soft an oily as the trap eggs that Pistach had

I just finished mine and agree 100%, you need to wash your hands after skinning up, its sticky as fuck . Pistach's trap eggs were about 1/2 the price of others on here but didn't last long and I've not seen them since. They were awesome too....

Order in! I have a few bookmarked vendors I check every day, and was a nice surprise to see a listing today!!

Looks lovely! Got some nice THC levels as well 😎👍
Sadly no Druids purchases for me for a couple of weeks due to some unexpected car problems! Yay 😕🤷♂️🤣
Looks like they are staggering some of the strains so hopefully one of them should still be around 🤞🤞🤞😅
Look forward to reading some of the reviews. ✌️
Sadly no Druids purchases for me for a couple of weeks due to some unexpected car problems! Yay 😕🤷♂️🤣
Looks like they are staggering some of the strains so hopefully one of them should still be around 🤞🤞🤞😅
Look forward to reading some of the reviews. ✌️

My mechanic said today words such as water pump, cambelt and most terrifyingly... Head gasket
😮 I know nothing of what any of these mystical parts do only that usually there expensive (or the labour is) 🤷🏻
I bet of you ask really nicely Sam, that they might hold you a goodie bag if you ask 😊
😮 I know nothing of what any of these mystical parts do only that usually there expensive (or the labour is) 🤷🏻
I bet of you ask really nicely Sam, that they might hold you a goodie bag if you ask 😊

Ahh, dude! I feel your pain. ☹️ Mine is a supercharger, oil leak & pressure issue, oh and re alignment of the exhaust (which I not long had on there!) 😅
As you say though, parts are one thing, but the labour….. that’s the eye watering bit! Hope it’s not too heavy on the ol’ wallet for you! 🤞
Nice one DR, just about to send them a message now. 👍
As you say though, parts are one thing, but the labour….. that’s the eye watering bit! Hope it’s not too heavy on the ol’ wallet for you! 🤞
Nice one DR, just about to send them a message now. 👍

Not had the pleasure of something supercharged yet, I say pleasure based on previous car history I too would be exploring supercharger costs 😮

The joys of having kids and responsibilities. 😅😉
This is my first one, had turbos before but never a supercharger.
Got myself a Mini Cooper S as a little project car a while back. I’m not really one for doing the work myself (can do little bits) but Im good at buying the stuff and getting it done for me by people who know what they are doing. 😂
Great run around for these little lanes and can be very very nippy with the right upgrades 😎
This is my first one, had turbos before but never a supercharger.
Got myself a Mini Cooper S as a little project car a while back. I’m not really one for doing the work myself (can do little bits) but Im good at buying the stuff and getting it done for me by people who know what they are doing. 😂
Great run around for these little lanes and can be very very nippy with the right upgrades 😎

Yeah they are fun little cars I know a couple of people with them 👍 unfortunately I'm not allowed those types anymore as there not "practical" 🤷🏻 also running costs can be fun on cars you thrash everywhere. My bank balance will never recover from the 182 Clio I owned and no small hot hatch will bring me as much fun as that car but when it came to putting the 2nd engine in it in 4 years... That was too much 😞

I feel for you dude! but "practical" makes sense for the family :)
Those Clio's were sooo much fun to drive!! :) my mate had one and gripped the road so well.
Ouch! Yeah don't blame you, two engines are more than enough!!!!! lol
Ive always loved my cars and been lucky to own a few special ones... But do love a good hot hatch!!!
Those Clio's were sooo much fun to drive!! :) my mate had one and gripped the road so well.
Ouch! Yeah don't blame you, two engines are more than enough!!!!! lol
Ive always loved my cars and been lucky to own a few special ones... But do love a good hot hatch!!!

The UK's road network once your off the motorway and bypasses almost seems designed for a good hot hatch... Especially around this neck of the woods 🥰
If the 2nd hand market wasn't so bonkers I would be trying to get myself a nice sensible Subaru estate, I'm not even fussy if its a Forrester/legacy/imprezza but 🧐😮😞 were my facial expressions the other day when looking
If the 2nd hand market wasn't so bonkers I would be trying to get myself a nice sensible Subaru estate, I'm not even fussy if its a Forrester/legacy/imprezza but 🧐😮😞 were my facial expressions the other day when looking

Yep! Those roads are made for the hot hatch’s😎 but it does mean between them and the seagulls my car is always dirty 😂
The second hand market isn’t the best at the mo for a half decent car! Same with most things these days e.g. rent, house prices electric etc etc.. 😱
Love a good Subaru though! The estates are work horses and can be very quick! I bet the STI is still probably hella money!! 😅🥲
I used to work for certain company that had ties with them so got to drive quite a few back in the day! Just could never get one myself as insurance companies wouldn’t touch back then…. unless I sold them my soul! 😂
The second hand market isn’t the best at the mo for a half decent car! Same with most things these days e.g. rent, house prices electric etc etc.. 😱
Love a good Subaru though! The estates are work horses and can be very quick! I bet the STI is still probably hella money!! 😅🥲
I used to work for certain company that had ties with them so got to drive quite a few back in the day! Just could never get one myself as insurance companies wouldn’t touch back then…. unless I sold them my soul! 😂

1 post
+3 votes
Bonneville Membership ??
I'd love to be a member, especially if you can have your lovely green reserved. Not sure what or how it would work. Certainly interested,

Bonneville Membership ??
Would buyers consider a membership scheme if incentives were right and wholly favourable ? Just throwing this out there haven’t got any concrete perks or tiers in mind yet , maybe suggest some if you think this kind of scheme could work.
Thanks BonV & team
Thanks BonV & team

You have (or rather ‘had’) a wide range of instantly well received strains so I’m sure there will be interest. Some other vendors have started offering bonuses for repeat customers as a straightforward loyalty scheme (10th order gets a free 1/8th type of thing. Nice).
For me it’s about keeping it simple- if you have consistently good product at a fair price delivered quickly with comms and stealth you really shouldn’t need to do much else.
Why add complexity and cost to your business if you are already doing it right? The most appreciated thing you could probably do is occasionally to add a sampler of a different/new strain to the order of a good customer as a thank you/bonus. They will tell everybody!
For me it’s about keeping it simple- if you have consistently good product at a fair price delivered quickly with comms and stealth you really shouldn’t need to do much else.
Why add complexity and cost to your business if you are already doing it right? The most appreciated thing you could probably do is occasionally to add a sampler of a different/new strain to the order of a good customer as a thank you/bonus. They will tell everybody!

The point of it would be more than just a few free samples here and there ( we already reward loyalty and don’t brag about it) and we would ALWAYS have stock for our ‘members’ if they existed.... it wouldn’t add complexity if done right that’s why memberships exist in all businesses? It would reward the most loyal and the most loyal would 100% know that they would ALWAYS have access to our product and we’d never ‘run’ out of product for members etc

No offence guys but it seems an awful lot to take on for a seller that went out of stock within weeks of joining (despite saying that wouldn’t happen)and currently has no listings at all!
I was one of your disappointed would-be customers (still am!) and that would have been a whole lot more than disappointment if I had paid fees in advance.
We are all already Members of the LittleBiggy community. Rather than creating sub-memberships let’s see some stock! ;)
Looking forward to it!
I was one of your disappointed would-be customers (still am!) and that would have been a whole lot more than disappointment if I had paid fees in advance.
We are all already Members of the LittleBiggy community. Rather than creating sub-memberships let’s see some stock! ;)
Looking forward to it!

Side note pollypuff, we had lots of product left after you commented about it just didn’t buy anything???

I order at weekends for lower fees and by then everything had gone- but that’s great for you guys, seriously, I wait I lose my bad!
It just seems odd to be talking about membership fees, incentives and supply guarantees when you have nothing on your board?
It just seems odd to be talking about membership fees, incentives and supply guarantees when you have nothing on your board?

Like we said just wanted to see what views there were on a membership scheme .... just throwing a ‘topic’ out there for discussion, we haven’t implemented anything!

I'd love to be a member, especially if you can have your lovely green reserved. Not sure what or how it would work. Certainly interested,

Second this.
If its never gonna run out suddenly due to popularity, like recent stock then a membership would be well worth that. Any other discounts or perks are just icing on the cake.
If its never gonna run out suddenly due to popularity, like recent stock then a membership would be well worth that. Any other discounts or perks are just icing on the cake.

Looks interesting. You have been amazing so.far. why not? Giving the quality of your stuff I would sign up for this.

Love the fact I got maltesers without a membership, I'm game to hear some brainstorming for this.

Did you get the gold pack though haha ??
We want the brainstorming too that was point
We want the brainstorming too that was point

I certainly would! I average an Oz a week and am tiring of inflated descriptions (and prices) for average (or below) product. I've been actively trying to find someone who wants to build a relationship..

I would be much happy to join :)
Hit me up buddy, I can see you numbers doesn’t lies :) looking forward to try the delicatessen ;)
Hit me up buddy, I can see you numbers doesn’t lies :) looking forward to try the delicatessen ;)

This idea has been throw around a few times before and had a pretty good reception but I don't believe anything was ever followed through.
Would be a great idea if implemented correctly. What did u have in mind?
Would be a great idea if implemented correctly. What did u have in mind?

A small or reasonable membership fee (maybe tiered for different budgets) that would absolutely guarantee product for members . X amount of weight a month , exclusivity to certain strains etc , updates , apparel , increased weight in purchases, offset Bitcoin fees , free postage..... list goes on !

You sell very good weed at good prices for LB.
Sorry but this sounds fishier than a kipper box lid on a Grimsby trawler.
Sorry but this sounds fishier than a kipper box lid on a Grimsby trawler.

where do i sign up sounds perfect not bought off yoi but the reviews say it all. as a noob monthly drop like beer52

I agree with pollypuff 20 completely your smoke is absolutely banging that runts has gotta be up there in my top 3 ever smokes and you definitely don’t need to do anything.. but Wundt say no to the odd free gram or something also lol :) couple other vendors have loyalty schemes on here I think it’s a nice touch

1 post
+1 votes

BTC VS MONERO as payment option
Greenfinger has a bit of a promising breakthrough.

BTC VS MONERO as payment option
Would anyone else be interested in an XMR payment option as it would be a lot more secure than BTC?

People are sheep, XMR is privacy based, what we are buying is illegal (in most places) so it would seem obvious to use xmr
but btc was the first coin and now the biggest
but btc was the first coin and now the biggest

the more research i do on monero the more its everything people told me bitcoin was! Cheap, fast, secure and ACTUALLY anonoymous. How do we get monero on here?

i agree xmr is a more secure option
it is at the end of the day deemed as a privacy coin
the only trouble i feel with this process is that customers may find difficulty creating theyre first transaction
as syncing the wallet can take upto a week using a regular hdd and a local node
this must be done, as without syncing the wallet no payments can be made
this is the issue i had when setting up and using xmr, my coins where basically stuck for a week while my getmonero gui synced
it is at the end of the day deemed as a privacy coin
the only trouble i feel with this process is that customers may find difficulty creating theyre first transaction
as syncing the wallet can take upto a week using a regular hdd and a local node
this must be done, as without syncing the wallet no payments can be made
this is the issue i had when setting up and using xmr, my coins where basically stuck for a week while my getmonero gui synced

Bitcoin is to mainstream now,
What happens when they audit the Bitcoin block chain. Which they probably will at some point...
People are going to have big problems
What happens when they audit the Bitcoin block chain. Which they probably will at some point...
People are going to have big problems

I agree it does make more hassle for the buyer, but if you kept the btc payment system as well at leastpeople would have the choice

I guess hopefully some body from the LB staff sees this and might work on making it happen, I can't really think of another way we could make it happen

More secure probably not, harder to trace maybe. But the dept for homeland security has had tools to trace it since Aug 2000.

they are truly amazing. not only is that before monero was invented it's before the department was established.

They’ve not cracked it, they are able to get a general idea but not the specifics, it’s gonna be a cat n mouse. OxMR has the new zsnark tech and maybe it’s the next gen

Greenfinger has a bit of a promising breakthrough.

Did you say 5 or 500 people lol i feel loke I would only be considered in one of those two groups

Am i too late, neve had gummies before been wanting to tey some but sceptical about thr strength

Love to get my hands on some of them out here in deepspace. Happy to write a review for fellow littlebiggers!

Hope im not too late CBDave, would love to try some of these for my old man who has parkinsons

1 post
+4 votes
Hashish Concentrate 5*
I'm in!

Hashish Concentrate 5*
Our handmade temple ball is not appearing as listed so hope the
Our handmade temple ball is not appearing as listed so hope the

We debated long and hard with friends and colleagues over what would be a fair price for the first wash and settled on what it is! Our first wash went up first , the second wash will follow and be at a lower price point . We will also be listing another hash that we hope to have at a lower price as well . BonV

To be clear, I don't think this is outrageously over priced. It's about the right price for a quality concentrate made by an artisan which your weed suggests you are. Sadly,I can't afford it personally-if I could buy I would.

I’m in! Very expensive for a g of hash but the quality of your bud was excellent so...! I’ve paid more before and probably will again!! Looking forward to more bud from you guys as well. Any rough dates?

Sorry Justinu wouldn’t want to give dates as yet . However we are constantly on the look out and sampling flower that we hope to list soon ;)

1 post
+4 votes

Blackouts in China Have Pushed Bitcoin’s Hashrate Down 49%
No more purchases for me with btc, not until a sensible payment option is available. :((

Blackouts in China Have Pushed Bitcoin’s Hashrate Down 49%
The blockchain has lost 1/2 its capacity as “Xinjiang is facing a major power outage due to a coal mine explosion”

Thanks for the link, I saw the record fee spike and thought there must be some issue, it's still climbing vertically. They need to burn more coal! 8-((
The CO2 cost of BC is humungous... please LB Gods make some other crypto available for payments!
The CO2 cost of BC is humungous... please LB Gods make some other crypto available for payments!

I second that!!
ETH, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin would be very easy to implement. And would mitigate the risk associated with putting all the eggs in a single basket :)
ETH, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin would be very easy to implement. And would mitigate the risk associated with putting all the eggs in a single basket :)

No more purchases for me with btc, not until a sensible payment option is available. :((

the pool of waiting transactions is insane

Of all the days for this to happen!! Any chance he 420 specials can be extended till it doesn't cost a mint!

its asking for a £43 transaction fee if i want to send the btc in the 30 min provided by the escrow, ive had to cancel my order

It's best to monitor the constantly changing transaction fee using a realtime data graph, see link above, and seize the opportunity 8)
Early on Sundays can be a good time, it is ofc dependent on how busy the BC is.
Early on Sundays can be a good time, it is ofc dependent on how busy the BC is.

on blockchain you can do custom fees, where you see that option just put in a stupid low amount then you will see and option to set minimum fee which when i done it reduced to fee to about a third of what it was set to by by default

Network fees are stupidly high right now. I'm not a fan of bitcoin and monero would be much better for this holy purpose IMHO.

I did see this post a while back, it looked promising.

If you use a wallet like Exodus you can go into advanced settings and select custom fees. You can adjust the slider to 'High Fee', 'Recommended Fee', 'Low Fee' or 'Very Low Fee'. Wallets usually have the fees set to 'High Fee' by default so anyone using a wallet should always have a look at advanced settings and select custom fees. A high fee is only good for getting the transaction verified quicker, but if you order at 5pm on a weekday then you don't need the transaction verified in 15 minutes if the seller won't be posting until tommorow anyway. Use 'Recommended Fee' and it will cut the fee in half from 'High Fee' and it will take a couple of hours to verify. The highest fee i have seen without custom fees selected is about $14 but when i chose custom fees and moved the slider to 'Recommended Fee' it went down to around $5.50.

Cheers for this, It's not at all straight forward dealing in bitcoin so any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks scooby..
Just downloaded exodus and did a 39$ purchase for$2 fee, wish I did this over 100 orders ago could have saved big time!
Just downloaded exodus and did a 39$ purchase for$2 fee, wish I did this over 100 orders ago could have saved big time!

Your welcome. $5-$7 was okay with me even though this time last year i was paying 70 cents, but then it shot up to around $12-$14 overnight and stays there for prolonged periods and you don't know what the range is going to be from one day to the next. Now i am setting a $5 max fee limit because i prefer the extra saving to go in my pocket.

Thanks again. Did a purchase last night (9pm) for $53 cranked the charges right back.. charged $2.60, confirmed pretty much instantly too. Just loving this exodus wallet! Has the bockchain calmed down again or is it the new wallet ?

Don't feel bad @grumpybloke, you're not alone. I've had to bork transactions because I couldn't cover the fee. Sure this is common for poor peeps like meself.

I've canceled orders over high fees (even with Exodus). The deal is, if the fees are high it means the blockchain is busy. You can wait until things are slow to get the lower fees, or you can pay the extra and get your bitcoins transferred ASAP. Depends on what you need at the time: speed or low fees. Usually you can get both if you order during slow periods. I might pay the higher fee if I'm in a hurry, but, as happened a few weeks ago, the charge for sending $63 was going to be $17+, so I just canceled, waited a day and got lower fees.

Most wallets generally let you set your own transaction fees, I use exodus at the moment and I can set the fee to 0.50 on a 'very slow transaction' and it goes up to about 4.00 on the fastest transaction priority.

i use exxodus wallet and payment has never failed to send in the 30 minute window and i always set it in the lowest priority fee range, it does say pending for awhile after i send but LB payment usually recognizes the transaction as paid within 15 minutes anyway

2 posts
+6 votes
What happened to Bonneville?
That's great news for you! You'll surely enjoy the drop just like I did!
+ 2 more

What happened to Bonneville?
Just about to order from a great looking menu and the whole lot has gone!...are there some right greedy biggaz out there?...or something more sinister?!...

Hi polly.
I tried the afgooey last time, after trying you will realise that the quality is second to none..this quality will never last long, just got to be quick I guess!
I tried the afgooey last time, after trying you will realise that the quality is second to none..this quality will never last long, just got to be quick I guess!

Yo Girls & Guys !!
Quality will always be there trust that ....
we’re still good and stocked up, unfortunately or fortunately which ever way you look at it we’ve had a shit tonne of orders over this Bankhols pending release( post - ‘sent’) !
We think because of the amount waiting release as a fail safe biggy has stopped anymore orders being made/taken ?
We have messaged admin to confirm this and are awaiting a response.... so hold tight all be back up running very, very soon :)))
Quality will always be there trust that ....
we’re still good and stocked up, unfortunately or fortunately which ever way you look at it we’ve had a shit tonne of orders over this Bankhols pending release( post - ‘sent’) !
We think because of the amount waiting release as a fail safe biggy has stopped anymore orders being made/taken ?
We have messaged admin to confirm this and are awaiting a response.... so hold tight all be back up running very, very soon :)))

Phew! Thanks for the update guys, great to hear you’re doing so well, looking forward to sampling!

1 post
+4 votes
Wallet fees are crazy atm.... Any recommendations?
I just tried to buy £29 order the block chain charge was £14... no way will I pay such exorbitant fees. I must apologise to the vendors that I h…

Wallet fees are crazy atm.... Any recommendations?
Bitpanda is keeping a lot in fees... Anyone with some recommendations?

I bought an oz yesterday, the fees just for the transaction £27 plus fees or loss in value when buying the btc it’s a mugs game but it’s like a cafe in your living room. Let be honest we all pay way more for our smoke on here than we would buying locally

I just tried to buy £29 order the block chain charge was £14... no way will I pay such exorbitant fees. I must apologise to the vendors that I have not completed orders due to this high charge.

I have just tested what fees are for buying £200 worth of btc through trust wallet & moonpay. Total transaction cost would be £211 receiving 0.01843 btc with a value of £191 meaning total fees to purchase would be £20. Then I would probably be charged another 8/10 pound for sending btc payment to vendor.
All in all i would receive £180 worth btc but it would cost me £210. WTF is that all about!!
All in all i would receive £180 worth btc but it would cost me £210. WTF is that all about!!

I hear ya tried to buy a choco drink frm mj and it tried to charge me 8 quid for a 15 quid order,think il wait before ordering

If by wallet fee you mean the transaction fee then you should be able to set your own, you can do this at least in the Electrum wallet. Lowering the gas fee means your transaction will take longer to process but that shouldn't matter too much. I lowered mine earlier to the lowest the wallet allows (confirmed within 25 blocks) and the gas price was about £2.50. Still higher than normal but far more reasonable than the £10+ gas fee of the default settings to be confirmed within 5 blocks.

Usually a transaction can be considered safe after the first 3 confirmations (for BTC), almost any payment system based on BTC will consider a transaction completed after the first 3 confirmations, what you are talking about, is that if you set a lower fee, the miners will prefer to firstly include the transactions with higher fees (ofc) so there are more chances that you'll wait more (even days) for the first confirmation if you use a lower fee. After the first confirmation has been made, the 2nd, 3rd and so on will be much more faster

Blockchain has been the same....been trying to sort and order and they want to charge £10+ on a £40 transaction lol.
Tbh its stopped me buying atm and if things don't get any better I think its gonna make a lot of people reconsider using btc
Tbh its stopped me buying atm and if things don't get any better I think its gonna make a lot of people reconsider using btc

I already have stopped buying as it's way to expensive a 3.5 is costing over £50 it way to much I hope one day stop using BTC its way to expensive

I just ordered a 3.5g of berry white it was £48 including about £7 of transaction fee (0.0017 + 0.000223 BTC). I can get dank for £25 from two different people I know but thought I'd give this internet buying a wizz. My mates don't to postal.

I dont know if it scales up the more you are trying to send or not....otherwise I'd just bulk buy and then it wouldn't be so if its £10 fee on a £200 transaction thats not too bad (not great still) but at this point I dont wanna buy anymore btc to find out lol.

I tested another wallet called FG Wallet. Tested a 100 quid btc purchase plus sending fees plus currency conversions etc. Nett total charges was about 11.5% after calculations on what i paid vs what i got. hope this helps the thread

I believe the best thing for BitPanda users is to load the wallet and keep checking the fees

My transaction fee went from over 14 quid to four ..and I could mentally deal with 4 ...but NOT 14 !

I was trying to make a purchase last night for 0.0025 (2 choc bars and delivery). I had 0.0032 in my electrum wallet and it was saying i didnt have enough funds available. after a bit of fiddling about with electrum I sussed out that there was different settings: static, mempool and ETA. The ETA setting was charging crazy fee's so I changed to mempool and moved the slider down so that I could click pay and it would accept it. with the ETA setting I wasnt about to get it to except. when set to ETA it said the maximum I could send was 0.0022 something.... so in a nutshell when on ETA it was charging very high fees. TBH im such a newb with this shit, but in the end I was able to get the cost of the transaction down to 0.00263075.... then I just left it overnight and it had plenty confirmations... i know you dont have the same wallet but there must be some way to lower to fees like I did in electrum?

The best recommendation would be for us all to start pestering the borgs to move away from BTC lol :P dark sites are starting to move away from it, lb's time will come too!

Digibyte will be a better candidate.
Real fast transactions (15 sec), 5 different mining algorithms, and much more secure than BTC itself.
Real fast transactions (15 sec), 5 different mining algorithms, and much more secure than BTC itself.

Don't use a browser wallet....please...especially not for direct purchases on LB. Electrum should do the trick.

Use coinomi, or any other wallet which allows you to manually set the fee. But be careful to not set an amount too low or your transaction will take days to be confirmed, or in the worst case scenario will be "declined" and your BTC will be sent back to you after 15-20 days of waiting in the mempool.
And I highly recommend buying from Bittylicious as they do not have crazy fees while the BTC price is going rapidly up. More info below :
And I highly recommend buying from Bittylicious as they do not have crazy fees while the BTC price is going rapidly up. More info below :

the charges from coinbase while not cheap do seem more proportionate than others. buy slightly larger quantities. cheaper in the long-run with fees and postage too.

blockchain was congested af! although you should definitely look into something like electrum which lets you customise the fees

1 post
+1 votes

Lost about £40 this morning, bummer!
I knew I should have made an order last night.
ugh bought btc on localcryptos yesterday via paypal. Paypal put a freeze on my funds for 24 hours after I sent it. In 24 hours the btc I bought basically plummeted in value and now I have to buy a quarter instead of a half :(

Me too man. Lost about £160 in 2 weeks where I have been trying to decide what to buy!! Been going to bed thinking ‘I’ll sleep on it and do a buy tomorrow’, wake up and boom, fucking buy money half gone... been a proper shit couple of weeks... fucking stock market has got near on a oz of my weed money... ha fuckers...

Keep that bitcoin for the future when it rises and buy bitcoin now for purchase. That way what you pay now won’t be over the odds and when the market bounces back after coronavirus dies you should be sweet, maybe better off

I decided to sell a 50g block of 24k gold, made an awesome profit from when I bought in 2012, (bought a few in mind of another global meltdown or apocalypse haha) then reinvested a little back in bitcoin about £800 worth and that’s died now. It will come back around though, if only I held off for a week.

Just new funds in when you make a purchase, that what you have sitting there will go back up after the covid-19 pandemic

1 post
+3 votes

Shout out to jj5637901
All orders punctually dispatched, good communication, nice weed.
Top man!
Have a good one!

Shout out to jj5637901
I want to give a big shout out to jj5637901.I have been buying off him for over a year now and I’ve never had a late or undelivered order, the product is always top quality, he checks the order is ok and he gets some amazing strains .Thanks JJ I raise my glass to you ?

Same here. The banana is lovely. Very reliable, great stealth, great communication.
jj5637901Top dude !
jj5637901Top dude !

All orders punctually dispatched, good communication, nice weed.
Top man!
Have a good one!
All orders punctually dispatched, good communication, nice weed.
Top man!
Have a good one!

1 post
+2.8 votes
Can I join the 1/10 club please haha ......just had my first 1/10 too !! No feedback just the word bammer which means seeds and stalks haha !! Yet there's multiple pics up from my customers the same strain with big arse stonking buds of true quality !!just motivates to try and put even better up just to piss them off more !! ....oh yeah just so you know I do occasionally hear things about other vendors from my customers and oilman and BBs names seem to crop up a lot , as highly recommend vendors would just like to say this !!

You know I’m coming for that gelato lemon Betty bro :)
Oilman don’t have to worry his bud is super good like you Smoggyman he has unique flavours and always sends top bud
Oilman don’t have to worry his bud is super good like you Smoggyman he has unique flavours and always sends top bud

Welcome to the club... Haha. Don't let it get to you mate, just imagine how sad these people must be to spend their time buying weed so they can leave dodgy reviews.
Thanks for your kind words buddy, means a lot.:)
Good luck to you and your business and all the best.
Cheers BB
Thanks for your kind words buddy, means a lot.:)
Good luck to you and your business and all the best.
Cheers BB

After three + successful orders with Oilman and some unbelievable customer service I can say for sure that this review is absolute nonsense. He will go out his way to make sure you are satisfied and not left without product especially if you are using it for medical treatment. I can only say this review is either a set up or the customer has been too quick to post a review.

I’m not sure how this can be rectified mate but I’m sure your previous customers including myself can confirm it’s total bollocks and some kind of attempt to smear your solid reputation on here.
Usually jealous pricks.
Usually jealous pricks.

Just want to say oilman I bought your hifi 4 from a few months back and it was incredible one of my favourite smokes ever. I missed it last time round but hopefully will have some BTC next time it comes up.

Happened to me too buddy, nonsensical review clearly an attempt at sabotage when I first came on here. The fact the person didn't even bother contacting me says everything you need to know, plus I'd never sell weed with bud rot and if I did unknowingly (playing Devil's advocate here) I'd always replace the order.
There's a good argument to have some kind of vendors union on here so we can blacklist these types.I know exactly who did this to me and I imagine he's pimping himself out to do it to others.
Don't worry about it, he's wasted his time and money. Members can see a good vendor and a 1/10 review from a snake in the grass won't affect that.
Good luck and all the best.
Cheers BB
There's a good argument to have some kind of vendors union on here so we can blacklist these types.I know exactly who did this to me and I imagine he's pimping himself out to do it to others.
Don't worry about it, he's wasted his time and money. Members can see a good vendor and a 1/10 review from a snake in the grass won't affect that.
Good luck and all the best.
Cheers BB

Thanks for the support buddy. Mucho appreciated. I'm def with you on the union thing. A list of bad guys would be good but to be fair also I've had nothing but great people buy from me - prob same for you. I think that's why it's annoying as just like me you really take this seriously... And rightly so
Little biggy still rocks .....
Big up the bulldog ;)
Little biggy still rocks .....
Big up the bulldog ;)

Whats your evidence this person is a troll and not a genuine customer? I would always keep an open mind as were not shoping online at sainsbarys or tesco. Those that follow what happens in darknet know there is peopel out there who would do anything to win the jackpot. Lets not forget all those exit scam etc and bad vendors who sold for years then decided to milk all customers and retire to a luxary Islands.

Don’t worry about it your customers know how good your products are. He was probably pissed up and angry last night and dropped his oil all over the place then vented spleen on the easiest target. Peace out x

Anyone that writes using caps lock is not an articulate communicator. I've never had any issues with your oil or your herb. I've not bought for a while, but I have only ever had positive interactions. I feel my experiences are relevant in this instance. Nothing but straightforward and simple transactions.

Dont agree with you greencigar. This buyer could have simply just used CAPS to bring attention to their review.

'Like' = simile.
noun: simile; plural noun: similes
a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind
noun: simile; plural noun: similes
a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind

Just becaue you did not face any issues with purchase from a vendor that dosent mean eveyone automaticly is expected to recive exact same standard of service. We dont all receive same service at sainsbarys and tesco do we?

I merely pointed out that someone who communicated in CAPS is not an articulate communicator. I then pointed out that my personal experiences have been positive. Your opinion is none of my business. I receive consistently good service at Tesco. That's why I use them. Same with vendors on LB.

Not every customer will be tretaed same no matter where you shop mate. Its quite clear you are currently a very fortunate fela so lets hope that continues and we dont see you around here in the future with a unfortunate story to tell. All the best mate.

I've had bad experiences on LB. Not with Oilman though. Interesting that the only post you have ever commented on since joining LB has been this one! That's a very unique perspective, with some rather instructive advice for vendors in your comments. Not in the slightest bit suspect... at all!

Spoof accounts stick out like a sore thumb on here. After a while we all spot them a mile off! Still, fair play for trying. Also... Opinions are like arseholes - everybody has one. However, it would appear that the vast majority of opinion is positive for Oilman, so unless he starts to completely fuck up 100% of the time, I'd say he's got nothing to worry about :)

Most of your responses are not direcly connected with posts topic so its clear your intention in malign and negative and not of a postive nature that benfits this whole community.

Its clear your Oilman and the spoof account. Your making this place in to a circus and its very clear from your responses.
The reality we all got to face is that there must be ethics in these market places either it wont exit if no one trusts vendors and all vendors/buyers will need to be out in the jungle tooled up everyday never knowing when there life will be taken when making a transaction which could go seriously wrong and deadly.
We all need to respect this little safe platform that is being offered if its gonna be abused then it brings dangers to all buyers and vendors!
The reality we all got to face is that there must be ethics in these market places either it wont exit if no one trusts vendors and all vendors/buyers will need to be out in the jungle tooled up everyday never knowing when there life will be taken when making a transaction which could go seriously wrong and deadly.
We all need to respect this little safe platform that is being offered if its gonna be abused then it brings dangers to all buyers and vendors!

All the other people on here are Oilman, too. It's a conspiracy. Don't worry though, you aren't paranoid, but everyone's out to get you!

Only time wil show due to market places ethics of feedback if a vendor is genuine or not!

Most of your responses are not direcly connected with posts topic so its clear your intention in malign and negative and not of a postive nature that benfits this whole community.

Only time wil show due to market places ethics of feedback if a vendor is genuine or not!

Most of your responses are not direcly connected with posts topic so its clear your intention in malign and negative and not of a postive nature that benfits this whole community.

The reality we all got to face is that there must be ethics in these market places either it wont exit if no one trusts vendors and all vendors/buyers will need to be out in the jungle tooled up everyday never knowing when there life will be taken when making a transaction which could go seriously wrong and deadly.
We all need to respect this little safe platform that is being offered if its gonna be abused then it brings dangers to all buyers and vendors!
We all need to respect this little safe platform that is being offered if its gonna be abused then it brings dangers to all buyers and vendors!

So are you saying that if a buyer did in fact receive bad service then they are not entiled to raise that in feedback? Where is the ethics of the market place then and how will trust be built?
Clearly my comments on here are not trolling or negative and only contribution to a post and discussion.
Do you feel you are the only one here that should be allowed to comment on posts? Why are you so unique and diffirent?
Only time can show any vendors true reputaion hence the feedback section has been built to allow.
Clearly my comments on here are not trolling or negative and only contribution to a post and discussion.
Do you feel you are the only one here that should be allowed to comment on posts? Why are you so unique and diffirent?
Only time can show any vendors true reputaion hence the feedback section has been built to allow.

No. I'm not saying that if a buyer has bad service they aren't entitled to raise it. I categorically did NOT say that. What I did say was (for the third time):
1. Using CAPS is like shouting.
2. I've never had any bad experiences with Oilman.
Should I draw a picture?
1. Using CAPS is like shouting.
2. I've never had any bad experiences with Oilman.
Should I draw a picture?

Most of your responses are not direcly connected with posts topic so its clear your intention in malign and negative and not of a postive nature that benfits this whole community.

Its clear your Oilman and the spoof account. Your making this place in to a circus and its very clear from your responses.
The reality we all got to face is that there must be ethics in these market places either it wont exit if no one trusts vendors and all vendors/buyers will need to be out in the jungle tooled up everyday never knowing when there life will be taken when making a transaction which could go seriously wrong and deadly.
We all need to respect this little safe platform that is being offered if its gonna be abused then it brings dangers to all buyers and vendors!
The reality we all got to face is that there must be ethics in these market places either it wont exit if no one trusts vendors and all vendors/buyers will need to be out in the jungle tooled up everyday never knowing when there life will be taken when making a transaction which could go seriously wrong and deadly.
We all need to respect this little safe platform that is being offered if its gonna be abused then it brings dangers to all buyers and vendors!

I can see your a vetran here so you really should no better in terms of how to properly assist vendors which I am merley trying to do. You should not try to make this place into a circus which only will bring disperute to places like this. And obviously your the chosen one that came with 100 post commented verification in advance. Well done mate for that acheivment.

Like I said, your opinion is none of my business. I stick by what I said. You use words like 'obviously' and 'clearly' a lot. However, you haven't been here 5 minutes and are handing out advice like candy. It doesn't fit, it doesn't sit, and it's suspect. If I was a betting man, I'd say you were the person who made the review and have made another account. That's how it seems, because people like your good self just don't exist here on LB. I've never once seen a fresh account wade in such as you have. But... I'm no veteran , so I could be wrong. Anyhow, have a good day :D

It's not just you now everyone is getting switched on about it now best just ignore and rise above it,,,,

All your genuine customers know that this is total bollocks and the service and products you provide are second to none. Just ignore the retard and carry on your great work.

Haha, what an arse lol, there's absolutely no need for that.
1 out of 10, that's harsh.
I partially got his point, there was another buyer complaining about oil being diluted.
I think he was buying 2 syringes and managed to down a half or so with very little effects if I remember correctly.
He didn't give you bad review initially but later he changed it from 10/10 to 7/10 saying oil was watered down.
Could that be possibly somebody in your household fucking up with syringes ?
You know like nicking a bit and dilute the rest to make up the volume.
1 out of 10, that's harsh.
I partially got his point, there was another buyer complaining about oil being diluted.
I think he was buying 2 syringes and managed to down a half or so with very little effects if I remember correctly.
He didn't give you bad review initially but later he changed it from 10/10 to 7/10 saying oil was watered down.
Could that be possibly somebody in your household fucking up with syringes ?
You know like nicking a bit and dilute the rest to make up the volume.

No one messing with anything - it's to do with tolerances but trying to get people to listen is like talking to a brick wall - if a batch sorts 99 people but one doesn't feel like there stoned enough is there a problem? No prob not - do I know what other meds there on? do I know how much they smoke ? You get where I am with this. One of the first people who came to me like this I gave the advice to have a break .... Two weeks later I had a message saying he had smashed his face off with the
Oil that did nothing two weeks before. Another point is ... And people Def don't like this one .... Is that they are ill... And instead of getting high it's sent them to sleep or given energy instead of a stone .... Oil isn't necessarily going to do 100 percent of the time what people expect, that's it's magic ! Hope that helps
Oilman ki
Oil that did nothing two weeks before. Another point is ... And people Def don't like this one .... Is that they are ill... And instead of getting high it's sent them to sleep or given energy instead of a stone .... Oil isn't necessarily going to do 100 percent of the time what people expect, that's it's magic ! Hope that helps
Oilman ki

Paloz's valid critical thinking is definetley eye opening to those who arnt familiar with darknet history and as a vendor i would look into this hyphosesis. There have been cases in past of hate within own home where partner was jelous and fucked up hubbys bussiness by contaminating podwer.

Once buyers have tried your stuff Oilman. I don't think you need take any notice of the negative comments and ratings. your product speaks for itself. those that know, wont take a blind bit of notice. cos as long as there are people like me buying your stuff and singing your praises. a few ne'er do wells ....... will be cast into the void of obscurity, and sink into the chasm of despair. lmao keep up the good work bro. Gaz

Car crash thread should self destruct Oilman it’s no good to anyone and attracts weirdos lol

Who honestly gives a fuck? You know your shits good, your loyal and regular buyers know your shits good and your service is good or they wouldn’t be regulars... Always fuck the haters cos they’ll never dissapear unfortunately, just do what you’re doing man.

A vendor should always take feedback and reviews seriously especially if promoiting and selling medicinal prodcuts. I definitley give a fuck becasue I would not want to expereince the same as a new customer. This person who left 1 has highlighted valid points and anybody who uses other markets knows there is no gurantee with vendors no matter what their reputation. If big markets and reputable vendors selling for years can scam people then what gurantee is there with a vendor whos just been around for few months. This person has clearly bought rso and i dont see much vendors competition from other venndors selling rso so dont agree this person has faked review.

Hifi few months back.... communication 10/10 stealth 10/10 bud quality 9/10 value 8/10... would order again but i do need bigger amounts. Your regulars should tip you to push down the fake review with theirs.

Is it just me or has the review been edited just now.... why not take part in the topic down here....

Yup that's significantly longer than when I first read it. Very accusatory in tone with a smidge of paranoia and a whiff of conspiracy all mixed in.

I had a conversation with the guy and I won't air his messages but he needs some help, that's very obvious to me he said that satan had done all this on purpose ??... Too much oil will make paranoia like you've never felt so I'm going with that . I'll prob delete the thread soon as my real customers know I'm here to help and this can't be any good

Ask and you shall receive? Ramble ramble ramble ramble.... some1 would wanna Stick their Fingers up their hole and stop typing

Could it just not be that they felt the need to articualte everything thorougly? What steps have you as a vendor taken to resolve any issies with this particular buyer who you asume youve spoken to? I only intervinve as I can see your a new vendor with not much history even on other markets. Please dont feel offended. I am merley playing my part in this place to help.

Were they looking for a refund or replacement product?,the world is full of chancing bastards see it every day in my job as a security guard for a big supermarket.
You would not believe the shit they try to pull to get a discount or something for free.
Hey if they dont want your product then it means more for me and your other customers who know you have a top quality product.
Cant wait to try your new RSO gonna put an order in later today ;)
You would not believe the shit they try to pull to get a discount or something for free.
Hey if they dont want your product then it means more for me and your other customers who know you have a top quality product.
Cant wait to try your new RSO gonna put an order in later today ;)

Did you try working things out with any buyers recently who were affected or upset? I can see that your a new vendor here and compared to other markets your obviously newbie. Definetley try your level best to provide best service and sort problems out before they escalate. Hope you the best and maybe try working things out with any recent upset customers.

Absolutely - I posted below a little of it without airing messages but I suspect meds and other issues . I don't want to be mean as we all have issues don't we but rest assured I tried my absolute best to help the guy. It's just got to the point I think he's either fake or as stated and has some issues

From my experince on these markets for years I do not belive that someone articulating as that buyer did would like that unless they were genuinley dissatisfied with something. I would not air any messeages mate as that would go againts maybe some fundemental ethics of these markets and would only lower your reputation and trust. I know that problems can always be resolved in these markets if one is looking to truly expand thier bussiness and wants to attract more positveness and build on reputaion then one should always be sincere in their actions and transactions.

Did you try helping this particular customer with sending any alternative replcements products as I can see they purchased 'Full Extract Sherbett Pebbles'?

1 post
+1 votes
Coinbase mining fee
I was having the same problem, LB member Scooby recommended the exodus wallet as you can customise fees, downloaded it moved my btc to it £5 charg…

Coinbase mining fee
Ive been trying to buy some hot choco drinks at 15 quid and coinbase is looking 8 quid in mining fees,anyway around this?or will it steady out soon?

We know a few of our customers have been ordering after 12am because the fees seem to reduce then. Maybe they that mate :)

Yea i will give that a go and i seen the fees are coming down now anyways but if cheaper after 12 il wait til then,thank you for advice :)

Have you tried using coinbase pro to buy for a fee of around 0.15p then transfer back to normal coinbase for free and if you can find a vendor that uses coinbase its free to transfer to them, you just pay a transaction fee of around 0.50p, i did this 30 mins ago using a different vendor for the 1st time for a total cost of 0 65p inc buying btc with free delivery, guess i was lucky to find a vendor that issues coinbase addresses to pay, thought this was worth a mention as there is nothing worse than placing a smaller order and paying the same again in fees, peace :)

No problem mate, i use this method everytime now, works a treat, after i posted my last comment i realised you can transfer to any wallet address for a minimal fee so for less than a pound i buy and transfer to vendor.
This is done buy funding fiat on cb then transferring that fiat to cb-pro to buy btc then transfer back to coinbase to send to vendor direct from cb.
This is done buy funding fiat on cb then transferring that fiat to cb-pro to buy btc then transfer back to coinbase to send to vendor direct from cb.

Glad it helped mate, makes shopping on LB with different vendors less stressful, just load up with your budget and fire away, more vendors offering 1st post included aswell :)

I got stung for £10 mining fees the other day while buying 1/2 oz. I proceeded as I didn't want to cancel the order with vendor. This was done via my coinbase wallet. I've seen a lot of topics on here recently on mining fees. The BTC network looks very busy at the moment, as Urban Leaf have reccomend I think you need to pick your time you order. You can also control the mining fees on some wallets apparently, not sure on coinbase though.

I was having the same problem, LB member Scooby recommended the exodus wallet as you can customise fees, downloaded it moved my btc to it £5 charge on £50, once the btc is in the exodus wallet make a purchase, I set the fee to lowest as it is the weekend (plenty of time for it to confirm) I was charged 22 cents for a $60 order. Much more reasonable I feel.

1 post
+1 votes

bitcoin transfer help
I use wirex, I pay straight from there, why send it to another wallet?

bitcoin transfer help
can anyone help me save a little money? so normally I would buy bitcoin via wirex then send bitcoin to my electrum wallet then make a purchase... i seem to be spending a few quid purchasing the bitcoin and then sending it to my electrum wallet then I'm getting fees to send from electrum to LB... can anyone recommend a way to get bitcoin to my electrum wallet that saves me a few pennies?

Just send the BTC directly to the address LB gives you during the payment process.
I also recommend buying BTCs from Bittylicious because of their fast and reliable service.
More info about Bittylicious below:
I also recommend buying BTCs from Bittylicious because of their fast and reliable service.
More info about Bittylicious below:

BTC transactions can be traced way up to the first transaction ever made in the blockchain, so there's no security in this.
If you really want to use this method to make the tracking a bit harder, you should use a tumbler system, otherwise you are just paying more on fees without any extra real layer of security
If you really want to use this method to make the tracking a bit harder, you should use a tumbler system, otherwise you are just paying more on fees without any extra real layer of security

Legally speaking, making the transaction from a wallet that isn't linked to personal details is safer. It may be traceable, but there is no way of accessing the wallet or proving that you are the owner of it. It's not about the tracking of the transaction, it's about linking it to your personal details.

Because of the open nature of BTC :
Let's say you are buying BTC with your debit/credit card from the exchange E and then you send your BTC to your wallet X (which hopefully does generate a new sub public address every time), then you send from your X address to the address LB gives you.
If someone has access to your transaction history from the exchange E, he can trace exactly where you have sent the BTC, starting from the first transaction made on the Exchange.
If you really want to be safe, you should not buy with your credit/debit card and should use a P2P exchange like and navigate on LB using Tor browser, otherwise whatever you do, it's just giving you a fake safe feeling.
Let's say you are buying BTC with your debit/credit card from the exchange E and then you send your BTC to your wallet X (which hopefully does generate a new sub public address every time), then you send from your X address to the address LB gives you.
If someone has access to your transaction history from the exchange E, he can trace exactly where you have sent the BTC, starting from the first transaction made on the Exchange.
If you really want to be safe, you should not buy with your credit/debit card and should use a P2P exchange like and navigate on LB using Tor browser, otherwise whatever you do, it's just giving you a fake safe feeling.

How do you identify who owns the wallet? That's my point. My personal details are only linked to my Coinbase account. The wallet is anonymous, meaning that any transaction history is kind of irrelevant, considering any questionable transactions are made using a wallet that is not linked to my identity. People can trace what they want, but need to prove I sent the coin myself. That's near impossible with a paper BTC wallet with no links to my identity or information.

I've already explained that in my last comment.
The exchange you are buying from does own your personal details, if you make a transaction starting from that exchange, your identity can be found by just following the blockchain transactions way up until the initial transaction you made starting from the exchange. (keep reading pls)
Let's say LB is taken down by some law enforcment, then maybe they are able to see all the transaction made (this depends on where/how LB has saved their private keys), then they start tracing up all the transactions, you, greencigar have an account on Coinbase and you used that to buy 100 USD worth of BTC and have sent them to the X address LB has given you.
They, can now see in the blockchain that there's an input transaction for the X address, by just using they can retrieve your "anonymous" address, ofc by just having your address they have 0 knowledge about your identity, but do not forget that the government is smart, they start asking to all the bigger exachanges in the world to check if the TX id exists in their records, and, if one of the asked exchanges have that TX id, then you are fucked up.
Ofc this scenario it's highly unlikely to happen for the average person who just buys a little weed per month for personal use, but if you own a business based on selling illegal products, you should never use an exchange with mandatory KYC to buy/sell BTC and then sleep safe because BTC is "anonymous", BTC is not truly anonymous, was never meant to be, there are other coins with this purpose in mind, like Monero.
The exchange you are buying from does own your personal details, if you make a transaction starting from that exchange, your identity can be found by just following the blockchain transactions way up until the initial transaction you made starting from the exchange. (keep reading pls)
Let's say LB is taken down by some law enforcment, then maybe they are able to see all the transaction made (this depends on where/how LB has saved their private keys), then they start tracing up all the transactions, you, greencigar have an account on Coinbase and you used that to buy 100 USD worth of BTC and have sent them to the X address LB has given you.
They, can now see in the blockchain that there's an input transaction for the X address, by just using they can retrieve your "anonymous" address, ofc by just having your address they have 0 knowledge about your identity, but do not forget that the government is smart, they start asking to all the bigger exachanges in the world to check if the TX id exists in their records, and, if one of the asked exchanges have that TX id, then you are fucked up.
Ofc this scenario it's highly unlikely to happen for the average person who just buys a little weed per month for personal use, but if you own a business based on selling illegal products, you should never use an exchange with mandatory KYC to buy/sell BTC and then sleep safe because BTC is "anonymous", BTC is not truly anonymous, was never meant to be, there are other coins with this purpose in mind, like Monero.

2 posts
+2 votes

Help With Vaping Hash..??
Yes I just pull a tiny bit off and sandwich the crumbled hash
+ 2 more

Help With Vaping Hash..??

Hi..I didn't know who to ask but...
I enjoy my hash & have bought a vape for that purpose. I don't want to clog up the coils & I've seen a product called 'Vape Wool' where you just put a bit of hash, wrapped up in the vape wool, into the coil chamber, vape it & remove the wool afterwards, leaving the coils relatively clean.
(I don't want to 'make' coils with it or anything like that, which I think is called 'wicking' the coil.).
I was just wandering if or anyone knows where to source this (or similar) in the UK..??
I enjoy my hash & have bought a vape for that purpose. I don't want to clog up the coils & I've seen a product called 'Vape Wool' where you just put a bit of hash, wrapped up in the vape wool, into the coil chamber, vape it & remove the wool afterwards, leaving the coils relatively clean.
(I don't want to 'make' coils with it or anything like that, which I think is called 'wicking' the coil.).
I was just wandering if or anyone knows where to source this (or similar) in the UK..??

Cheers...I saw this on ebay, but I thought it was just for making into wicks..... So this can also be used just to wrap a small piece of hash in & vape it..??

Would I be right to think that, with this wool stuff, I'd be able to do the same with some weed, even tho it's a vape hash..? Cheers. :-)

1 post
+2 votes

Recommend a Hash/Dry Herb Vapouriser
I use a dynavap and cotton bacon(special vaping cotton available on eBay) this protects the screen, then some crumbled or very small pieces of has…

Recommend a Hash/Dry Herb Vapouriser
Hi, I am looking to try a vaporiser for the first time, can anyone recommend a half decent one that is best for Hash and Dry Herb? I wont be vaping Wax/Shatter. Under £50 and stealthy if possible?
Thanks in advance Biggas!
Thanks in advance Biggas!

alright bud, i myself only use vapes, love it, alot healthier way to smoke it, i started with a Grizzly guru from namastevaporizers, iv had the pax 2, firefly 2 and then the crafty by storz & bickel, its that good ive bought the bigger mighty, so smooth to smoke but you pay for what u get, £250 for the mighty £180 for the crafty, i would not look any where else.

Like a previous comment mentioned don't buy an expensive one first, start with a cheap one to see if you like it. I spent £80 on a Nebula X Dry Vaporiser from Amazon, bought it about 8 months ago, used it for 1 day and i have not used it since. I don't like dry vaping, i don't like how you have a time limit to take a draw, and i think alot gets wasted, but each to their own, everyone will have their preferred method of consumption but you don't know until you try. If i ever give up joints dry vaping will never be the successor, it will be vape carts and edibles.

Hi mate would be interested to hear how you got on with the Dynavap? I switched from smoking a couple of months back and got a Boundless CFC 2.0 for about £40 from Amazon - love it! Nice big chamber too! But I have to say I haven’t used it for a while since I’ve started using MJ Concentrates distillate cartridges, I find they do a much better job for me! I’m interested to know if you find the Dynavap compatible to smoking, I really miss it!! :)

Thanks Dougal, I’ll post back here if I remember. I went for the Dynavap 2020 versionon a website called Vape Elevate, was on special offer with a 10% discount at £63, if you sign up to email. The videos on youtube of it, look great.

Ah thanks Treebee! Yeah all I read are good things about it, would be great to know how you get on! :)

By the way, my mate smokes his resin in Honey Rose Herbal Tobacco alternative. Its not too bad.

Oh nice one cheers mate I’ve seen the tobacco alternatives about but never given them a go!

Hi Dougal. Been using the Dynavap now in the last few weeks and I must say its a nice device. I got the 2020 version as reviews said that the cap stays on better. You basically apply heat with a lighter, the tube clicks twice when heated and its ready to take a draw. It cools down, clicks twice again and its ready to heat again.You can have a few hits off one chamber, they get more cloudy as you go along. The first draw isnt cloudy/smoky. Its the first Vape Ive tried and I was impressed that it doesnt turn the weed to ash, it just turns it a brown colour, so I was reassured that I wasnt inhaling ‘smoke’. I would describe it as clean alternative to a pipe. You are getting the hits in a short bursts like a pipe, to me Its not quite as pleasurable as smoking a joint, a joint feels a lot more relaxed. A mate of mine smokes a joint with HoneyRose herbal mix, a tobacco alternative. Ive tried it and ordered some today as its not bad at all.

Thanks mate that sounds really good I’m going to have to get one on payday :) hope you’re doing well mate

i love my fenix mini, maintains the flavour nicely and easy to hide in the palm of my hand. cant remember how much it cost but it was well worth the investment.

Try the crater 420 . It’s on amazon for about 100 euro. It’s a multipurpose vape. You can vape wax , shatter , hash and dry herb . Easy to clean and well built

I use a dynavap and cotton bacon(special vaping cotton available on eBay) this protects the screen, then some crumbled or very small pieces of hash topped with more cotton bacon to protect the lid. Then vape respecting the click.
The first pull you get the taste...
The following pulls get more and more vapour.
So economic as well.
I use a dynavap and cotton bacon(special vaping cotton available on eBay) this protects the screen, then some crumbled or very small pieces of hash topped with more cotton bacon to protect the lid. Then vape respecting the click.
The first pull you get the taste...
The following pulls get more and more vapour.
So economic as well.

Given the price constraint I would say a Dynavap - personally over never found a good electronic vape under £150ish.
I’ve been hearing good things about the v-leaf go which is an on demand vape but I’m not sure if it’s available in the UK yet. Think it’s like $70 in the US - also not sure if it does hash but it might be a good one to look at.
I’ve been hearing good things about the v-leaf go which is an on demand vape but I’m not sure if it’s available in the UK yet. Think it’s like $70 in the US - also not sure if it does hash but it might be a good one to look at.

Thanks for the tip.. dont want to spend too much in case I dont use it much. I mostly smoke weed through a waterpipe, is vaping much different? Is it really so different to burning/smoking. I gave up tobacco years ago so prefer healthier options.

No problem - I also went from smoking tobacco/weed joints to pure weed joints and then onto vaping so I know the journey you are on. I actually use the dynavap almost exclusively through a water pipe. Some people say the high is a bit different with vaping but I don’t think so. To really get into vaping I had to commit to stop smoking as I couldn’t tell if it was the vape or the smoke getting me high but after a few days break and then just using the vape I was fully converted.
From a taste perspective vaping is way better - I find smoking never delivered the full extent of the flavours as I guess the heat is quite damaging to the terps etc
I’d highly recommend the dynavap to you - you can get the 2019 model for like £65.
From a taste perspective vaping is way better - I find smoking never delivered the full extent of the flavours as I guess the heat is quite damaging to the terps etc
I’d highly recommend the dynavap to you - you can get the 2019 model for like £65.

Thanks dude, Ive just watched a few videos of it and it looks exactly what Im after. I’d prefer something that doesn't need a battery and Im tempted by the new version at £70. Thanks for the advice.

No worries - I find that the 1st heat cycle doesn’t chuck out much vape but the next produce massive clouds through a bong, closest to the smoking feeling that you will find from vape so that’s always good when coming from joints.
I think you can also get an accessory/bowl insert that makes it good for other concentrates as well. When I use it with hash I tend to put a bit of flower in first to stop the hash coming through into the pipe so I don’t bother with the special insert and I use a different device for concentrates
I think you can also get an accessory/bowl insert that makes it good for other concentrates as well. When I use it with hash I tend to put a bit of flower in first to stop the hash coming through into the pipe so I don’t bother with the special insert and I use a different device for concentrates

I just use a 10mm adapter. Dynavap fits into the 10mm end and then the other end is 14mm and goes into my bong. I think the newer version fits a bit better but mine works fine. Alternatively you can buy some silicone adapter

i’m fully converted to vaping now. It’s tastes better and it’s a much nicer, cleaner high. The differences to smoking I found were firstly that you don’t feel that hit of smoke on your throat as you take a puff like you do with a spliff. Some people like that hit of course. Secondly the fact that the high is cleaner it’s also less drowsy but sometimes that sedating effect is what people want/expect. That can be counteracted with a good indica dominant strain though.

I totally agree-vaping takes a while to get into but is much better high as you say. I very occasionally have a spliff now- may be 2 or 3 times a year and don’t like the complete couch lock/monged out takes a short while for a hit but lasts much longer
Vaping releases chemicals you don’t get from smoking it -I mean I can vape for hours so there is something speedy in there too. I was vaping weed in a pub beer garden pre lockdown and no one noticed
Vaping releases chemicals you don’t get from smoking it -I mean I can vape for hours so there is something speedy in there too. I was vaping weed in a pub beer garden pre lockdown and no one noticed

Thanks Im thinking its the way forward. After seeing all the hash on here I really want some, but don't really want to start up in the tobacco again.. although I think a spliff is very hard to beat!

Hello, I would recommend a dynavap M mechanical vape I cannot fault mine. Bit more than £50 but worth it.

1 post
+1 votes

Royal Mail update
This could be a reason :
ohh so does this mean that my package might arrive by 9 today then? Cause vendor sends packages via NDD by 1pm - recently I’ve been lucky last two orders came ndd before 1. Thanks for posting this and sorry to hear you e been waiting so long :(

Day 22 here (21.05) ironically the other order I placed, same vendor, but over a week later arrived last week...hopefully it’s just sitting in a backlog somewhere!

Same stoey here. Ordered something on the 23/04 and still no sign. Ordered from the dame Vendor 4 days later and that one got here within 7 working days. Bit of a head scratcher. It's been 4 weeks to the day and no package or love letter lol.

Surely you've given up and gone down 7 weeks it ain't coming if you are UK to UK smee

How long are people giving it in times like these before escrow...which is last resort? I am day 15 now UK to UK and loads of other stuff come in no probs. ...getting mail daily and the other buyers from same vendor getting stuff in a couple days.
I've used the vendor before and always been fine. Typically this time it's nearly 200usd worth I'm waiting on. When is it time to escrow? What is the longest you can leave it before escrow expires?
I've used the vendor before and always been fine. Typically this time it's nearly 200usd worth I'm waiting on. When is it time to escrow? What is the longest you can leave it before escrow expires?

Cant answer your question but similar situation where an order is taking to long while others come
Don’t know for sure yet but could still hear that hit the floor anytime soon or never lol
It’s a first and a rare occurrence
Don’t know for sure yet but could still hear that hit the floor anytime soon or never lol
It’s a first and a rare occurrence

I know Iv seen pictures of their back log it’s ridiculous.
Iv still got my posties are heroes too poster stuck to my front window to keep them sweet
Iv still got my posties are heroes too poster stuck to my front window to keep them sweet

This could be a reason :

2 posts
+2 votes
I think it was all the bits of Blockchain left from lots of old transactions. Apparently the all the bits are way more expensive to transfer, so I jus…
+ 2 more


I just paid £12 fee to send£10 didn't check fee until after confirmation. Have to be more careful in future.

wow, pricey stuff. I did a bit of searching last night before i placed an order, i just googled bit coin transaction fee. It said the average cost around $1.50. Made the order and
only paid 89p to send £80ish.
Weird one, maybe 1am is a quite/cheap time.
only paid 89p to send £80ish.
Weird one, maybe 1am is a quite/cheap time.

I think it was all the bits of Blockchain left from lots of old transactions. Apparently the all the bits are way more expensive to transfer, so I just cleared it out and see how much I get charged with a fresh new Blockchain?
Not sure if this is correct.
Anyone know?
Not sure if this is correct.
Anyone know?

Not too sure mate. Last week they had a laugh on me for sure, every payment i made conveniently the fee they wanted was my remaining balance and would clear me out. Fuckers! lol


No, not the nice type coitus that you actually enjoy and secretly wish it happens. The type that feels like surprise butt sex the first time.
Sunday morning I am chatting with my pal and decide to make something endearing.
Maybe I didn't fully wake up, maybe it is Sunday morning and life is slow, maybe the decibels are very high in the house because kids.
I take my phone and type the details for a USD5.00 transfer.
The transfer fee didn't bother me much, because I saw an extra zero. Et voilà! The transaction was successful and I was also USD648.00 shorter.
Believe me the aftermath wasn't a romantic promenade in the park rather the anguish that precedes a big loss of trust.
There is no better way to start your Sunday in tears, frustration and anger.
I scram, sent messages and read online to be faced with what was left: accept that I sleep-walk made a money transfer with the highest ever fee so far for me.
I feel better today. But then if I could I would cast a spell on BITCOIN forever! I thought I was experienced and love troubles like this between Bitcoin and I wouldn't happen. Never say never!
Don't be like me:
I am better today and do not plan on repeating the same mistake.
I can say I learnt the hard way.
Have a wonderful day everyone,
Sunday morning I am chatting with my pal and decide to make something endearing.
Maybe I didn't fully wake up, maybe it is Sunday morning and life is slow, maybe the decibels are very high in the house because kids.
I take my phone and type the details for a USD5.00 transfer.
The transfer fee didn't bother me much, because I saw an extra zero. Et voilà! The transaction was successful and I was also USD648.00 shorter.
Believe me the aftermath wasn't a romantic promenade in the park rather the anguish that precedes a big loss of trust.
There is no better way to start your Sunday in tears, frustration and anger.
I scram, sent messages and read online to be faced with what was left: accept that I sleep-walk made a money transfer with the highest ever fee so far for me.
I feel better today. But then if I could I would cast a spell on BITCOIN forever! I thought I was experienced and love troubles like this between Bitcoin and I wouldn't happen. Never say never!
Don't be like me:
- Make your transactions in the sharpest of mind
- Choose a time or place that is quiet and gives you the mind clarity you need to check the zeros on bitcoin amounts
- Swipe to confirm only when you have double checked the Bitcoin equivalent of your currency (transaction amount and fees)
- Before your transaction receives confirmations on the blockchain there is still a chance to save yourself
I am better today and do not plan on repeating the same mistake.
I can say I learnt the hard way.
Have a wonderful day everyone,

1 post
+3 votes

too many NDD is it suspicious?
The old bill are aware....

too many NDD is it suspicious?
do you think that posties or mail sorting offices would notice too many NDD at the same address and find that suspicious, prompting them to check contents?

Loads and loads of people have ‘cottage industries’ at home, where they are making stuff as a sideline and running online businesses from home, trading on ebay, buying parts and equipment etc. I wouldn't worry about it, the postmen and women probably have got better things to do than wonder what people are getting delivered. Poor stealth and smells from the parcels would be more of a worry though..

It's against the law for anyone other than the person named on the package to open it, they'd need a warrant to do so.

Nah mate especially with the lockdown. In the last year iv had over 50 ndd without any problems.

The old bill are aware....

They need a warrant, they have zero checks mate it’s the Royal Mail, it’s not been updated for like a century. Like treebee said it’s if it’s poor stealth. They are more likely to rob it then give it in to the office. I wouldn’t worry mate unless you got a kilo coming through the door

Every other day I have a sign for , with the virus my postie just posts it and signs so I don’t see him ,

1 post
+1 votes
Volcano vapourizer
I use cotton bacon in a dynavap. The cotton bacon is a special vaping cotton available on eBay. I put crumbled hardish hash or flatten tiny pellets of…

Volcano vapourizer
Anybody know any tips on vaping hash in a volcano and getting the best out of the machine?bud works fine in it but hash just stuck to the top screen and very little vape from the hash even tried it at max heat,its a digital volcano

It's funny what you stumble across on this site. I saw this and thought, I can help with that one!
I've got a volcano digital, for hash i used bud that has been vaped a few times as like a holding product. I suppose like tobacco in a bong.
The bud wont give off any vapour as it's already been vaped, the hash vapes up and melts into the used bud. Vapes up nice and doesn't damage the screen.
Be careful putting hash on it's own in. Just sticks and doesn't vape properly. I tend to run hash on full 230 degrees . Maybe try 220 first and work up to 230. 230 can be a bit harsh.
Hope that helps mate
I've got a volcano digital, for hash i used bud that has been vaped a few times as like a holding product. I suppose like tobacco in a bong.
The bud wont give off any vapour as it's already been vaped, the hash vapes up and melts into the used bud. Vapes up nice and doesn't damage the screen.
Be careful putting hash on it's own in. Just sticks and doesn't vape properly. I tend to run hash on full 230 degrees . Maybe try 220 first and work up to 230. 230 can be a bit harsh.
Hope that helps mate

Ahh yes man i know wat ya mean,got to try and buffer the hash between the two screens without it touching,good idea with using left over vaped bud il defo giv it ago,when i got the volcano i wasnt impressed but after learning abit more about it and how to use it iv started to like it,i usualy smoke bongs and buckets so need a good hit so cracking up the heat worked better and cant wait to get proper vape out of my hash,thank you man

What about crumbling the hash up a bit?
Or are you doing that already
Im sure you could clean the screen with some isopropyl alcohol too
Been interested in vaping hash, recently its been in my head
Or are you doing that already
Im sure you could clean the screen with some isopropyl alcohol too
Been interested in vaping hash, recently its been in my head

Yes man i have crumbled it up really well but depends on the hash grade aswel,sum of the sticky stuff can clump together really quick so think what uncle b said is good idea with putting sum spent bud in first then bit of hash then cover up with more spent bud,should work good as i tried that before but with good bud and think i didnt have the heat cranked up enough,think the hash needs alot more heat,nearly max on the volcano,i like bongs and buckets so need a good hit from the vape,hopfully try out sum hash tonight with it cranked up and see how it goes haha

I use cotton bacon in a dynavap. The cotton bacon is a special vaping cotton available on eBay. I put crumbled hardish hash or flatten tiny pellets of oily hash sandwich between cotton bacon to protect the screen. The first pull is flavour full then following pulls you get more and more vapour.

1 post
+3 votes
Sound good...
Can't wait!

We would firstly like to thank everyone who has shown great support during this strange situation. Our fullest appreciations, we hope and aim to continue providing you with the finest products and service possible throughout Lockdown.
We will be making some fresh and exciting additions to the menu very soon - keep your eyes peeled for updates, posts and an increased selection of bulk and custom deals.
Back soon with even more variety, quality and value.
Stay bless,
We will be making some fresh and exciting additions to the menu very soon - keep your eyes peeled for updates, posts and an increased selection of bulk and custom deals.
Back soon with even more variety, quality and value.
Stay bless,

Keep your eyes peeled for this drop....
Gods Private Reserve:
White Runtz
Hawaiian//Papaya Punch
Gaddafi OG
Orange Creamsicle
Divine Grade:
Rolex OG Hash
Strawberry Cough
Ghost Train
Gelato 33
Plat.Purple Candy
Green Crack
Holy Grade:
Mint Choc Chip
Diciple Grade:
Jamican Sess
Gods Private Reserve:
White Runtz
Hawaiian//Papaya Punch
Gaddafi OG
Orange Creamsicle
Divine Grade:
Rolex OG Hash
Strawberry Cough
Ghost Train
Gelato 33
Plat.Purple Candy
Green Crack
Holy Grade:
Mint Choc Chip
Diciple Grade:
Jamican Sess

I have had Runtz before and it was amazing so excited about that. This is a glorious selection, thank you so much, can't wait to try some :)

I would also like to thank you for helping me and my wife through this strange time with your divine produce , I’m hoping you’ve got a replacement for your Nicole kush hash , much love Pin

All ranges of wonderful things coming soon - from bargain bucket to exceptional exclusives.
Check the limited 4:20 drop of cali packs currently available on our menu for an idea of the quality inbound.
Check the limited 4:20 drop of cali packs currently available on our menu for an idea of the quality inbound.

Bargain bucket sounds interesting! Cali packs look amazing just out of my price range at the moment.

Full menu on our home page will be online later tonight !
Happy Browsing Biggers :)
Happy Browsing Biggers :)

1 post
+3 votes

Hi Bazza
I am looking to get a vapourizor and just wandered do you use flower or hash in your mighty?

Anybody use a dry herb vaporiser ? Interested in trying one for when I'm out and about. I dnt smoke joints due to mixing it with tobacco and it looks weird puffing a pipe out and about!

I only vape now days. I have a Mighty and a Volcano Hybrid. Use my mighty all week, then volcano on weekends. The joy about the volcano is that I get all the AVB (already vaped bud) from the Mightys week usage and grind it up to a powder and bang, another bag out of it!

I use a pax 3 and think it’s fantastic! It comes with a concentrate insert too for the waxes and shatters. I’ve vaped on and off with a desktop one previously but since I got the pax all I do is vape. Occasionally I might smoke if I run out of battery but I smoke so rarely now I really don’t like the taste.

A fine grind and a tight pack works best for me i’ve found. Strange thing is that certain buds just don’t produce much vapour. I’ve had some super orange glue recently that gave loads of vapour but the black lime reserve doesn’t (from drugs inc UK). Not sure why...

The pax takes a certain technique to get the best out of it, I've been using my Pax2 for years and love it. I recommend grinding your bud nice and fine and make sure it is packed in relatively tight in the oven (just not tight enough that you can't get a good draw)
I can also recommend the vented oven lid and pusher by New Vape, it helps get an even better airflow. With my Pax I can get nice big clouds, it's awesome! Make sure you save the AVB as well, check out recipes for cannabis coconut oil online.
I can also recommend the vented oven lid and pusher by New Vape, it helps get an even better airflow. With my Pax I can get nice big clouds, it's awesome! Make sure you save the AVB as well, check out recipes for cannabis coconut oil online.

AVB is Already Vaped Bud, also known as ABV (already been vaped) it's just the leftover bud that comes out of your vape when you're done. It is normally still quite potent and as it has been heated up it is already de-carboxylated, so removes a lot of the effort needed to make edibles with fresh weed.
I like to soak my avb in coconut oil (at a 1:1 ratio) in a pan over a low heat (not so hot that it bubbles) for 30 minutes or so, strain the avb out with cheese cloth or J-cloth and if you have done a good job the oil will go a nice green colour when it cools and solidifies. You can use this in whatever recipe you like or just eat it on it's own, some people will eat the avb straight but it tastes awful. Make sure you start with small amounts because it can get you way too baked!
I like to soak my avb in coconut oil (at a 1:1 ratio) in a pan over a low heat (not so hot that it bubbles) for 30 minutes or so, strain the avb out with cheese cloth or J-cloth and if you have done a good job the oil will go a nice green colour when it cools and solidifies. You can use this in whatever recipe you like or just eat it on it's own, some people will eat the avb straight but it tastes awful. Make sure you start with small amounts because it can get you way too baked!

I tend to water cure my avb to help get rid of the bad taste. I just put it in a big cafetière/french press, fill it with water and leave it for a few days. I change the water once or twice a day until it starts being less brown. My butter comes out brown rather than green though so am guessing I vape at a higher temp.

Do you strain the avb out of the butter before you let it cool down? It might be due to the temp you vape at or maybe that you use butter, who knows but as long as it works!
I tried water curing recently, definitely helps reduce the bad taste although I ended up putting the oil in capsules anyway.
I tried water curing recently, definitely helps reduce the bad taste although I ended up putting the oil in capsules anyway.

Oh yeah I definitely strain. I’ve found with edibles if I leave the bud in what ever i’ve cooked rather than strain it it will give me itchy eyes. Not sure why or if it’s a common thing but it doesn’t happen when I do strain out the buds. Maybe it’s something other than the thc which causes it?

I have a solo 2. Think I paid 150e.. had a few cheaper ones for under a 100e which weren't great..

I've been using the Herbstick FyHit Eco-S for a few months now. Decent, for the price. About £35. Looks like an Ecig Pen, just a little chunkier, so it's nice and discreet. Chamber is a bit on the small side. It holds about 0.2g. Does the job for me though.
Also, replacing tobacco with greengo in spliffs has been a good move for me. Nice burn, I don't think it spoils the taste of the bud and obvs the positives of no nicotine/less carcinogens.
Happy toking
Also, replacing tobacco with greengo in spliffs has been a good move for me. Nice burn, I don't think it spoils the taste of the bud and obvs the positives of no nicotine/less carcinogens.
Happy toking

Currently use a mighty and solo 2 for all my consumption. I have an Arizer extreme q but that’s better for shared sessions IMO. Smoked joints and cigarettes for 8yrs and decided I wanted to quit smoking entirely.
My advice is to buy a good one from the start, I wasted a lot of money along the journey so go for something good. Personal recommendation is the mighty but the solo 2 is also a great device if you are on a budget.
One thing to also note is that the experience is different. When you smoke it seems to be have a much quicker effect.
I sometimes get through a vape sesh and it can take 5-10mins after I’m finished for me to really feel it but I find the high much cleaner, nicer and less anxiety inducing
Maybe you can still find one in the sales?
My advice is to buy a good one from the start, I wasted a lot of money along the journey so go for something good. Personal recommendation is the mighty but the solo 2 is also a great device if you are on a budget.
One thing to also note is that the experience is different. When you smoke it seems to be have a much quicker effect.
I sometimes get through a vape sesh and it can take 5-10mins after I’m finished for me to really feel it but I find the high much cleaner, nicer and less anxiety inducing
Maybe you can still find one in the sales?

I’ve just got into it and wow it’s amazing. I’m using a mighty and it’s great.
Few days in and it feels right. Completely different effects as you can vape on different settings and get different cannabinoid effects. There’s actually a chart up here explaining different boiling points somewhere.
Best thing is it’s like a holiday for your lungs, then when/if you do combust again, it feels like a whole new experience and heavier body stone. And oh god the tastes are incredible, so nice to taste what you’re using, and I mean REALLY taste it.
Few days in and it feels right. Completely different effects as you can vape on different settings and get different cannabinoid effects. There’s actually a chart up here explaining different boiling points somewhere.
Best thing is it’s like a holiday for your lungs, then when/if you do combust again, it feels like a whole new experience and heavier body stone. And oh god the tastes are incredible, so nice to taste what you’re using, and I mean REALLY taste it.

Hi Bazza
I am looking to get a vapourizor and just wandered do you use flower or hash in your mighty?
I am looking to get a vapourizor and just wandered do you use flower or hash in your mighty?

Hey bazza, I’ve always wondered if it’s possible to vape hash. I take it you can only vape it with bud but does it vape well? Can you notice the difference with say a hash and bud vape as opposed to just a bud vape? I keep seeing all this tasty looking hash on here but I just don’t smoke anymore.

Well I might have to place an order with you when I get paid. I like frankos “heavy eyelids” comment on the Bob marley hash.

Yes the mighty is definitely my favourite but you can't beat the solo 2 in terms of ease of use and battery life, so I find they both come in handy.
With my mighty, if I am just using it straight from the mouthpiece I start at like 180c and work my way up to 195c. If I use the WPA and a bong which is my preferred method then I can crank it up to around 205c at the end. In the evenings I tend to to to max temp and I find it really helps knock me out
With my mighty, if I am just using it straight from the mouthpiece I start at like 180c and work my way up to 195c. If I use the WPA and a bong which is my preferred method then I can crank it up to around 205c at the end. In the evenings I tend to to to max temp and I find it really helps knock me out

Crater is a good place to start but u will need to upgrade .Any by STORZ and bickell are very good, mighty is best handheld crafty is similar but has smaller battery (i don't have). Plenty kicks ass but has massive chamber and I mix with cbd weed to make it go further and it is very strong so tames it down a bit and if you are not sharing a full chamber try .65g and place a gauze on top to stop herb from moving.Volcano classic is the same but with bags great way to share.I have recently got in to vaping and it is the best way take weed and I am having to try all strains again I am a flavour chaser.Also if you have classic volcano or plenty u can make oil with left overs.Dry herb vaping is like Garlic bread the furture lol.Any Cali weed in Mighty has so much flavour blue cheese is also tasty Stawdawg probably king and silver haze also very nice i like the high good luck

Hi, I bought one off ebay before an 'edge' (never heard of this brand but can be found typing Edge-2-in-1-Dry-Herb-Wax-Vaporizer-2000m) cost £27 as I am a cheapskate but I scoured the reviews for weeks before making a purchase and it's amazing, same as one's costing over £100 that i've tried
AVB is really nice to fall back on, I'm not keen on the stone from vapes as much as spliffs but wow you can re-use your stash, that's one big big plus
also the plus that it hardly smells so can get high walking around wherever you like lol.
AVB is really nice to fall back on, I'm not keen on the stone from vapes as much as spliffs but wow you can re-use your stash, that's one big big plus
also the plus that it hardly smells so can get high walking around wherever you like lol.

Funny thing is I've recently been thinking about vaporising cannabis again. I'm currently on carts but do miss the flavours. You seriously get a wide range of very subtle and unique flavours you don't get with carts or doobies.
Had the Pax3, really neat piece of kit. Thinking of getting the Dynavap and trying a bit of hash, looks and sounds amazing to smoke.
I'm always fascinated by the various subcultures that exist in the cannabis consuming world. Different methods of taking cannabis and for different reasons, just amazing and mind boggling.
Had the Pax3, really neat piece of kit. Thinking of getting the Dynavap and trying a bit of hash, looks and sounds amazing to smoke.
I'm always fascinated by the various subcultures that exist in the cannabis consuming world. Different methods of taking cannabis and for different reasons, just amazing and mind boggling.

1 post
+5 votes

jj5637901 no reply to messages? no order sent?
Don't worry JJ is just having some staff/ health issues, he is usually a top vendor, bear with him.

jj5637901 no reply to messages? no order sent?
first time i order from this vendor. poor communication he hasnt answered any of my messages. also the NDD order is showing as "paid" and not sent even though i ordered yesterday evening so he hasnt sent it. shall i worry? i have to say im not impressed with the customer service...also read some reviews about poor stealth, unfortunately after purchasing.....lets hope all goes for the best

Don't worry JJ is just having some staff/ health issues, he is usually a top vendor, bear with him.

JJ is a top rated seller. Maybe he is busy. Give it 24 hours at least for communication. Regarding your parcel I’m more then sure it will turn up

Hey mate, JJ's stealth is really good, he did have problems when he 1st started on here due to some of his staff not following his guidelines on packaging/stealth but he's got rid of them staff and since then no complaintsz i have orderee from him maybe 2 weeks ago and i can assure you there was no smell coming from the packages. JJ did put new posts up stating that he is short on staff and also was admitted to hospital so i guess he is trying to catch up on orders before reading his mails due to short staff... dont worry JJ is on the game and i am sure will be delivered safe and sound.

no panic mate, JJ always updates all the customers on what is going on and what to expect.
Check, for example, this.
...and this
Check, for example, this.
...and this

2 posts
+4 votes

Stealth it's brilliant, I use about 0.1 gram per session making the glorious weed even better!
+ 2 more

Hi Biggers
Was hoping someone could help me out, I`m looking at converting to vaping and was wondering what the difference is between the DynaVap Vapcap M Portable Dry Herb Vaporiser 2018 and the Version 2019 DynaVap Vapcap M Portable Dry Herb Vaporizer
Was hoping someone could help me out, I`m looking at converting to vaping and was wondering what the difference is between the DynaVap Vapcap M Portable Dry Herb Vaporiser 2018 and the Version 2019 DynaVap Vapcap M Portable Dry Herb Vaporizer

, the 2019 has slightly better air flow as the tips slightly different, and it has a revised stem with some patterning difference's (purely aesthetic) and implemented a rocker cut out for better use of the air port which is handy, I'd get the 19 just to stay current but you won't notice a great difference if you went for the 18 (if you can find anywhere that still sells the 18)

If you get one it takes a little bit of practice and trying different drawing techniques but once you get you own style of smoking it's great, really economical

Stealth it's brilliant, I use about 0.1 gram per session making the glorious weed even better!

Been a very long time since I've combusted mate but imo it's much better, taste is great, hits like a train, and doesn't use as much product.

Nice,will definitely get one ,no batteries or charging either ! just a heads up if anyone else is thinking of getting one just had a look at website the new 2020 version is coming out in April

It's the closest thing to smoking a spliff. When I first got mine I used a single flame lighter. This would usually give you big hits, and felt more bong like. I've since bought a triple flame and find it much better. I light it in the middle and get 2 nice pulls per heat up. It took me a while to get used to this compared to spliffs but stick with it

I'd usually get about 10 to 12 short pulls (4 seconds) if I use the triple lighter as close to center as possible. Or fewer more intense ones if you light as close to the body as you can

I heat near the tip of the cap too start with for flavour hits maybe 3 pulls in the click, there after I hear at the bottom near the body and get 2 heavy hitting pulls from it. You can still extract more in the later sets but it begins to taste a little bit shitty, but if your trying to conserve product or youve only got a little bit left you can honk that bitch till it's black lol.
There is a learning curve with it but once you master it's great!
There is a learning curve with it but once you master it's great!

Worth starting with a triple or double when you first get one and then once your comfortable move onto a single torch for super accurate heating :)

1 post
+3 votes

Royal Mail
Thanks for the information.
Bloody hell that'll make the delivery wait more worrying than usual!!

Royal Mail
Just a heads up guys , I work for Royal Mail , we are in discussions with unions about a strike nothing has been confirmed but 80% voted to strike , some London sites are badly affected , also special delivery won’t necessarily arrive next day depending on what county it’s coming from , special delivery still gets priority just not before 1pm in some cases , I work with a few old boys and they are taking holiday leave so my post office has a few members missing , first class will become 2nd class ,just be aware delays will come

Thanks for the information.
Bloody hell that'll make the delivery wait more worrying than usual!!
Bloody hell that'll make the delivery wait more worrying than usual!!

4 posts
+6 votes

Review of THEGREENTEAM's Banana Kush Drysift Hash
Got some cotton bacon now, boy does that work well with the dust, keeps the dynavap nice and clean aswell.
Epix advice!!!
See the pun!
+ 4 more

Review of THEGREENTEAM's Banana Kush Drysift Hash

Boys and girls... boys and girls. We got something special here.
I totally understand that I'm starting to look like someone on TGT's crew. I have nothing but good things to say about them... but man, they once again are bringing some of the best stuff being found on LB at the moment. I don't think anyone can deny that. I'm just a picky weed enthusiast that really likes smoking and writing about good cannabis.
ANYWAY. This Banana Kush Hash is something I've never seen before. I've told you before that I'm not a big hash guy. But I have started to get more and more into it after getting my dynavap and smoking it in there... the taste is just next level, and I feel like it gives me a much nicer high.
I opened up the bag to find one big HARD chunk of light brown hash in there. Looking at it at first, I was a little confused because I was used to good hash being super soft, but this was rock hard. It was also not a light as I was expecting from the photo on the page... so at first I was wondering if I had the wrong stuff tbh.
However, when I took a bit of it, ground it up in my grinder... and oh lord does it grind up well being hard like that, it's beautiful. It comes out almost like dust, feels like you could do lines of this stuff lol. But the point is, I said earlier about smoking hash in the dynavap, the drier the better... and this is the PERFECT hash to smoke in there. It hits well, tastes great... now it's not the best hash taste I've had, but it taste really nice and different. But when the high hits, that's where this stuff pulls apart from the rest.
If you read up on Banana Kush strain, it's a very balanced Indica Sativa, and that really shows well in this hash. I only took a couple of large puffs off of this on my dynavap, and I was sitting back in my chair just contemplating life. It had me sit there really comfy and content with life just thinking about the big things. Sat there and just really enjoyed that for a few minutes. Then I toked some more, and I could feel the sativa part kicking in, so I went out to the store, did some stuff, and I could feel it help race me around with that sativa.
Now I'm back home, and able to write away like a maniac, but all with this nice calm vibe. Really really enjoy this high, and again... another amazing drop by the TGT team.
Appreciate the good weed!
Stay tuned for me rosin pressing of this stuff... first few presses were giving nice yields and powerful effects from smoking.. holy shit.
I totally understand that I'm starting to look like someone on TGT's crew. I have nothing but good things to say about them... but man, they once again are bringing some of the best stuff being found on LB at the moment. I don't think anyone can deny that. I'm just a picky weed enthusiast that really likes smoking and writing about good cannabis.
ANYWAY. This Banana Kush Hash is something I've never seen before. I've told you before that I'm not a big hash guy. But I have started to get more and more into it after getting my dynavap and smoking it in there... the taste is just next level, and I feel like it gives me a much nicer high.
I opened up the bag to find one big HARD chunk of light brown hash in there. Looking at it at first, I was a little confused because I was used to good hash being super soft, but this was rock hard. It was also not a light as I was expecting from the photo on the page... so at first I was wondering if I had the wrong stuff tbh.
However, when I took a bit of it, ground it up in my grinder... and oh lord does it grind up well being hard like that, it's beautiful. It comes out almost like dust, feels like you could do lines of this stuff lol. But the point is, I said earlier about smoking hash in the dynavap, the drier the better... and this is the PERFECT hash to smoke in there. It hits well, tastes great... now it's not the best hash taste I've had, but it taste really nice and different. But when the high hits, that's where this stuff pulls apart from the rest.
If you read up on Banana Kush strain, it's a very balanced Indica Sativa, and that really shows well in this hash. I only took a couple of large puffs off of this on my dynavap, and I was sitting back in my chair just contemplating life. It had me sit there really comfy and content with life just thinking about the big things. Sat there and just really enjoyed that for a few minutes. Then I toked some more, and I could feel the sativa part kicking in, so I went out to the store, did some stuff, and I could feel it help race me around with that sativa.
Now I'm back home, and able to write away like a maniac, but all with this nice calm vibe. Really really enjoy this high, and again... another amazing drop by the TGT team.
Appreciate the good weed!
Stay tuned for me rosin pressing of this stuff... first few presses were giving nice yields and powerful effects from smoking.. holy shit.

Mate I'm reluctant to review their latest lineup for that exact reason. My last 6 reviews have been TGT products! What can I say they are on top of the game right now.
It's impressive right? One bong and I'm riding that lovely high for well over an hour. I never thought about grinding it up actually, that''s a great idea. Btw do you think any hashes taste nice? I'm not sure I've ever found a hash I would consider tasty, some better than other for sure but I can't say I've ever liked the taste.
Anyway great review as always my man.
It's impressive right? One bong and I'm riding that lovely high for well over an hour. I never thought about grinding it up actually, that''s a great idea. Btw do you think any hashes taste nice? I'm not sure I've ever found a hash I would consider tasty, some better than other for sure but I can't say I've ever liked the taste.
Anyway great review as always my man.

Just recently started smoking hash in my dynavap and that’s when i started tasting some amazing flavors. Give it a try.

As usual, I can not be fucked to link to the product. Here it is:

How can anyone in their right mind say, and this is a quote from a buyer: "I've had better for less money" I laughed just a bit when I saw that, sorry in advance but whoever said that are full of shit and fucking liars, one can only wonder why lol . P.S I am not in any way associated with TGT but people that leave such rubbish reviews because they clearly just want to harm TGT`s ratings are just wankers and should get back to their street corner where they belong.

I got recommended this awesome stuff on here called Cotton Bacon... check it out on Amazon. I just put a bit of that at the bottom of my vape, then the hash on top and off I go.
I also use it to wrap my concentrates in before I put them in the dynavap... works SUPER well. Even better than the concentrate insert for the dynavap. Heavily recommended. Also much better than hemp fiber imo.
I also use it to wrap my concentrates in before I put them in the dynavap... works SUPER well. Even better than the concentrate insert for the dynavap. Heavily recommended. Also much better than hemp fiber imo.

Got some cotton bacon now, boy does that work well with the dust, keeps the dynavap nice and clean aswell.
Epix advice!!!
See the pun!
Epix advice!!!
See the pun!

Haha! Love that you're happy with it. It was really a game changer for me, so I'm an advocate of some cotton bacon. That name even lol

What I would end up doing with oily hash was press it with a hair straighter at 140c for like 15 seconds. It gives you super nice hash rosin that goes very well into your dynavap with that cotton bacon.
Recommend actually standing on the hair straightner while doing it to put all your weight on it. It helps to have micron filter bags around it, I have 90u sized ones... but it still works without them.
I've got some writeups on rosin pressing if you scroll through some of my post history if you're interested. Some examples of hash presses etc.
Recommend actually standing on the hair straightner while doing it to put all your weight on it. It helps to have micron filter bags around it, I have 90u sized ones... but it still works without them.
I've got some writeups on rosin pressing if you scroll through some of my post history if you're interested. Some examples of hash presses etc.

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