Growing is my passion. And I respect the medicinal value it brings to those in need of it. Unfortunately our country still does not share the same views, and see it as more harmful then beneficial. I got into growing not as a hobby, but more on a deep sentimental matter of mine.
On a personal note, a few years back in 2021, I had got serious about growing for the sake of my dad, who was suffering from chronic pain and had to take more then a dozen tablets every single day which the Doctor prescribed to him, but we’re doing jack all for him. Instead they were only making him feel weaker and weaker.
Seeing your dad deteriorating in front of your very eyes is disturbing.
Not eating,
Not moving,
Just lying there waiting to die
He wouldn’t even go to his check ups in hospital because he was in so much pain.
I considered bringing over some medicinal herbs for him in order to try and ease the pain he was going through, as he was chain smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey to help numb it instead.
So one day I rolled him up a fat jay, and after the first few hits he started coughing,
A second round of a few more hits the painful moanings had turned into giggling and laughter
A few more hits after that and he was lying down like the green gods were giving him a sacred massage ,and taking out this terrible pain from his body. I had forgotten how relaxed and calm he use to be.
Dad hadn’t eaten the whole week, but he was soon munching on everything and anything I could fine in the kitchen for him, to cook up.
The last few months I got to spend with dad was a happy one. Although he was still in pain , that pain was greatly reduced due to the medicinal effects of cannabis.
All I know is it could have been a hell of a lot darker if my dad had just stuck to tablets cigarettes and whiskey.
My dad had died of stomach cancer soon after. One day I walked into his bedroom and he wasent moving and breathing. I had hope he had one last spliff before he slept, so that I I know he had died peacefully in his sleep, and that he was stoned on his journey to heaven.
Because of this incident my knowledge and passion for growing had continued.
I had witness from first instance of how cannabis can help those that are suffering, and I really wanted to pursue this as a main goal in life.
But also being busy with life can also make you forget spending time with your loved ones. So Last month of April 2024, the recurrence of death again had occurred to a childhood friend of mine, which had sadly given me the opposite feeling this time.
I didn’t have any inspiration or motivation putting me off growing completely.
The atmosphere of death this time had made me lose all hope and interest in things, and I really didn’t have a care for anything in the world.
I came to my own conclusion, that my negative feelings was one of regret.
Regret for not spending the time I could have spent with Ryan. Like I did with my dad.
I had no energy in doing anything because of it. I couldn’t be bothered to carry on growing. Growing is done with love and care, and I didn’t have the feeling of these attributes within me to carry on my passion.
Instead I comforted Ryan’s family everyday and we spoke about him everyday.
After the funeral I decided to take a month abroad by myself, to escape for a bit. I didn’t want to show myself on LB, as dealing with customers and any issues would have made my mental state even worse.
I decided to come back on LB today, as iv had time with my thoughts, plus it’s summer and its positive, and things can only get better. I feel better. I shall carry on what I hold dear to me and why I started growing in first place
Thankyou for
That have supported me and checking in on me. It is much appreciated !
Please spend time with those that you hold close, as you really don’t know what you got until it’s gone ❤️