Yes this is an important thing to understand. People are interested in their own lives and a crazy ruler is just a form of entertainment in most people's lives. If they are effective with delivering quick economic results then they are good entertainers and are delivering some positives then fine - so why think more about this? It's demeaning to even take a fascist seriously so why bother doing so? In Germany we know why.
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joined nov 2015
here comes the...
0 topics on yourbestinterest
5 posts by yourbestinterest

The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
not to worry its the worst part
Can someone tell me why Americans think guns are the definition of freedom?
I wish the Bill of Rights was viewed as a bible around here.
Ronald Reagan's Prophecy
started topic
America 2024 - What Would 8 years of Trump Reap?
You are not alone, a *sitting supreme court justice* said the same thing!
Say what you like but where can you find more freedom than the U.S.?
Things are getting better, prison populations in the US peaked in 2008,
bigg topics