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joined feb 2015
depression licked.
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4 topics on foster
by  foster
VR and Models of Consciousness
by  foster
Quantum computing explained with a deck of cards
by  foster
AI worries.masturbation
by  foster
{Lb initiative}: Free the HK Coffin Flat Dwellers
37 posts by foster
on  {nations}
The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
started topic
Preventing Medical Tyranny - What the US Constitution Almost Achieved
started topic
Plastination vs Cryonics
Why would you put yourself in a facility if you are plastinated? "Mr Frantz there's an issue with your account and the penalties are accruing&quo…
on  {bitcoin}
Money as a system of control (video)
started topic
did world war 2 merely stall an inevitable trend of fascism?
i think its a really mega trend. fascism was a reaction to kingdoms turning into modern nations. this time populism is a result of modern nations turn…
a schema for transhumanism (video)
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Self Awareness is Just a Hack on Your Awareness of Others
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doctor doc
I have dry eczema. What kind of diet, exercise, lifestyle would you suggest? Cbd salves, will they work? Thanks
I agree with the doc, skin is a lot like plants. Dry leaves means moisture topically and on the inside chemistry that will promote healthy growth on …
Aubrey De Grey: Can We And Should We Give Ourselves Indefinite Youth? Oh Yes
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What Brought You To Biggy?
true that
Modafinil Beginners Thread
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on  wells
what is a "unit" of ai?
I think it's like us you can look at an individual or a collection as a unit.
The Room Where The Internet Was Born
Well guess what the 1st e-commerce transaction ever was...
In the 1970s Irish Banks went on strike. Pubs replaced them easily.
What do you call the satoshi's? hops?
Stoned AI
this begs the question what exactly is "stoned"?
Is it possible to OD on modafinil?
Another possibility to OD is through a mix of moda and other substances, the combination of which is not well tested. If anyone has any doubt about t…
What Would Aaron Do?
i think aaron could have stayed right on the cause he died for: human rights to medical information. it's a simple truth now: process medical data an…
on  {bitcoin}
Vitalik: Control Is A Liablity
on  {gaming}
the game economy
started topic
on  yagz
10,000 times more Americans Are Killed From Medical Errors Than Terrorism
Thus the way to fix this is to make a fear based business out of the technical solution. So if it's say "AI diagnosis to complement your Doctor'…
on  {nations}
I'm not a national I'm a local -Taiye Selasi
started topic
Leading Venture Capitalist is an AI
It's always been about self-reinforcement with the VC community, little dog follows the big dog. An algorithm can do this without delusions of origina…
How does LSD differ from cannabis?
Psycadelics are a loop of eccentric processing. Your receptors are all shaking in new patterns and then all of the interpretive processes are running …
on  energixed
Reputation is what exactly?
It's also what you just did, posted as a village Elder. It seems like all the natural ways of rep remain
Why does my doctor want to give me adderall instead of modafinil?
If you said it was for improving focus that's what's going to happen unless you have an independent minded doctor. Moda prescriptions are for narcole…
The Dopamine Fasters of San Francisco
I think that's it, as archetypical millennials they give Buddha a context for our age. They are a specific antidote to the online wuwei of today.
America 2024 - What Would 8 years of Trump Reap?
Bankruptcy if history is any precedent
Decreased Brain Plasticity from Modafinil
Its basically the progamability of a brain
How long can you stay awake with modafinil?
40 hours seems to be a common thing, reports of 60 hours or more appear significant.
Stephen Hawking
started topic
Should I Get a Genetic Screening Test?
You don't need to bother with 23andme and their prices (several hundred bucks if I recall). If you are willing to share the data (and let's face it …
on  {shade}
Edward Snowden: The Internet Is Broken
I thought he was talking about my ISP
The Cowboy Duel That Legalized Cannabis
If alcohol were invented today there would be a happy hour tonight and a hangover tomorrow.
mac innovation lags but you gotta see apple's pizza boxes
Yes right eye has AR breath holes
Why Either of These Twats Will Make The Best President Ever
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why don't you libertarians ever go off on the medical system? it's the coziest relationship between government and indu…
The government is not the villian here just the sidekick, the medical establishment uses it and patients to work it's wicked will. Look at what they d…
An Insider's Crusade Against The Cancer Industry (New Yorker)
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bigg topics