Interesting. I find that after a VR session I have a much heightened sense of reality. Just walking down the street I see things I've never noticed before.
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joined feb 2015
depression licked.
share foster and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
4 topics on foster
5 posts
+33 votes

VR and Models of Consciousness

VR and Models of Consciousness

A great video that previews a great journey for humanity: finding reality from VR

So cool π thanks! Love that Philosophy is being used to support AI. It makes me question, can AI get to the point of delivering complete qualia for simulated experiences? We will literally end up in the Matrix if it does π also, my LB user is from the Myers Briggs scale

7 posts
+54 votes

Quantum computing explained with a deck of cards

Quantum computing explained with a deck of cards

Quantum computing's massive power advantage is baked into the most fundamental level of information abstraction. Current computers are like atoms you can draw on a blackboard, to even discuss the quantum is to dive into existential questions from a philosophy class, leaving apparent reason behind.
The massive power is difficult for us to fathom and it's likely we won't have to, AI - powered by quantum computers - will do the creating, becoming functionally equivalent to God.
So consider this a simple fable as we look to the sky and come up with explanations that work for mortals.
The massive power is difficult for us to fathom and it's likely we won't have to, AI - powered by quantum computers - will do the creating, becoming functionally equivalent to God.
So consider this a simple fable as we look to the sky and come up with explanations that work for mortals.

Even a simple quantum computer will break the encryption that protects us on LB and bitcoin.

Oh, when they get to that point hopefully the last thing they'll worry about will be us, the little poor biggy felas
Imagine governments having to upgrade/close all their military-grade security stuff in no time..
Imagine governments having to upgrade/close all their military-grade security stuff in no time..

Gotta be a hell of a race there whoever is first can pick what they want to compromise - the whole banking system could go down like Mr Robot.

Yes eventually an algorithm created back in 1994 by Peter Shor will break nearly all encryption that we have right now.
Quantum computing will no longer be limited to traditional binary which is what makes it so much quicker it can have a superposition of either before output this could increase computing power exponentially, its actually quite difficult to comprehend yet theoretically very possible.
Skynet shit mate..
Quantum computing will no longer be limited to traditional binary which is what makes it so much quicker it can have a superposition of either before output this could increase computing power exponentially, its actually quite difficult to comprehend yet theoretically very possible.
Skynet shit mate..

Fascinating and incredible, not sure I can understand it all, but I’m super excited to see what the future holds with regards to quantum computing. I believe it was google recently who were able to solve an equation using a quantum computer achieving quantum supremacy. I have a brief history in time, by the late and great Stephen Hawking, which I haven’t read yet, but can’t wait to read.

5 posts
+25 votes

AI worries.masturbation

AI worries.masturbation
This is all very clever and it's easy to make fun of geniuses that are obsessed with a coming AI takeover. But fuck me I am glad Hawking and Musk and whoever else wants to solve this problem before it exists because if it does then we wont exist.

If they were genius enough they would know that their opinion and even the opinion of all of us combined isn't much once A.I. gets warmed up. We are at the mercy of something greater than us. So yeah, masturbation.

37 posts by foster
1 post
+28 votes

The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
started topic

The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
The author looks at ordinary people's lives as Hitler shocked the country into submission as he fought the "lΓΌgenpresse" - lying media.

Yes this is an important thing to understand. People are interested in their own lives and a crazy ruler is just a form of entertainment in most people's lives. If they are effective with delivering quick economic results then they are good entertainers and are delivering some positives then fine - so why think more about this? It's demeaning to even take a fascist seriously so why bother doing so? In Germany we know why.

It is worrying that the far right parties are gaining to much support in Europe, and we should never take our eye off the ball and learn from history what can happen when you do...

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is no left what we have are a bunch of globalists run by the rich (WEF) pretending to be left(the right aint much better) while sending lots of our tax payers cash and weapons to a bunch of nazi`s who took over Ukraine in a coup financed by the US who by the way also funded the 3rd Reich and only joined the fight in Europe when it looked like their little puppet the mad Austrian was going to get his butt kicked and Germany occupied by the Red Army.
Their plan is sinister it is to send all you youngsters to die in battle so they dont end up with a pension crisis after stealing all the pension monies.
Yes the 3rd great human cull has already started.
Their plan is sinister it is to send all you youngsters to die in battle so they dont end up with a pension crisis after stealing all the pension monies.
Yes the 3rd great human cull has already started.

You are very almost correct, Construct
what you missed is that they are not Nazis who took Ukraine, they are jews
why does a predominantly christian country have a jewish leader zelensky who sends hundreds of thousands of Christians to their death in a war that is impossible to win
they funded the soviets... they literally ordered US and UK troops to stop advancing to east germany and let them all be slaughtered and much worse... bcus they were infiltrated, both churchill and fdr
they flattened german cities far worse than the blitz, the used fire bombs, killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of civillians
FDR made a new class of prisoners to avoid the regulations, this allowed them to be starved to death in their thousands, they didnt even give them any cover, just a segregated field
2700 of the 3000 judges at the nuremberg trials were jewish, they killed these people in mass in an awful way, the used a cruel different method of hanging, the hatch wasnt wide enough so people would hit their heads, how can you do this to surrendered men? these are the War Crime Trials
watch with an open mind, individually fact check all quotes and subjects
the victors write history, we did not win, Zionism won
what you missed is that they are not Nazis who took Ukraine, they are jews
why does a predominantly christian country have a jewish leader zelensky who sends hundreds of thousands of Christians to their death in a war that is impossible to win
they funded the soviets... they literally ordered US and UK troops to stop advancing to east germany and let them all be slaughtered and much worse... bcus they were infiltrated, both churchill and fdr
they flattened german cities far worse than the blitz, the used fire bombs, killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of civillians
FDR made a new class of prisoners to avoid the regulations, this allowed them to be starved to death in their thousands, they didnt even give them any cover, just a segregated field
2700 of the 3000 judges at the nuremberg trials were jewish, they killed these people in mass in an awful way, the used a cruel different method of hanging, the hatch wasnt wide enough so people would hit their heads, how can you do this to surrendered men? these are the War Crime Trials
watch with an open mind, individually fact check all quotes and subjects
the victors write history, we did not win, Zionism won

the nature of misinformation is to use real facts and riff bullshit forward. that's sad in this case because there are some valid points that can be drawn from the cupla truths you have here.

Sadly we going to be finding out very soon that the majority of Americans want a semi-Fascist state the same with the uk population too

ring really reminds me of the gestapo, they rolled almost exclusively through ordinary informants. people with fucked up biases are having their day.

why do they keep designing things to look like hal? doesnt anyone remember how the movie ends?

Why the dystopian views are always referred to Nazism and not to Communism? They are basically the same shit, and Communism looks much more dangerous to me, because it "succeeded" for many more years, in many more countries, and for some reason has that glamorous look to so many idiots...

Germany became increasingly polarized with people espousing Marxism on one side and Law and Order on the other. This is exactly how it feels in America now.


In times of economic and political strife extremists always rise, whether left or right doesn't matter, they are reactionary's. For example the liberal left intend destruction of things about history that upset them much in the same way Nazi's in Germany burned books. People need to learn from History and rarely do, the same mistakes are repeated and things somehow trundle on. 'Good times bring weak people', 'Weak people bring bad times', 'Bad times bring strong people' & 'Strong people bring good times'. The great circle of human history.

I thought it was the republicans (ie the right) in America banning certain aspects of history they donβt like.
Who are the liberal left?
Iβm not trying to start an argument Iβm trying to understand
Who are the liberal left?
Iβm not trying to start an argument Iβm trying to understand

lol it's different in different countries. A conservative in the US is different from a conservative in the UK.
As an example the BLM movement (btw I support equal rights for all races, genders etc.) have tried to expunge slavery and that part of history. Taking down statues of former slaveholders and so on won't change anything, we must remember these things happened so that they don't happen again.
Because of slow or no change for certain groups there is an attempt to accelerate that change from an evolution to a revolution. People will only be backed into a corner for so long whatever their political inclinations. Some people think they're pushing for positive change but real change is when we've learned the lesson.
As an example the BLM movement (btw I support equal rights for all races, genders etc.) have tried to expunge slavery and that part of history. Taking down statues of former slaveholders and so on won't change anything, we must remember these things happened so that they don't happen again.
Because of slow or no change for certain groups there is an attempt to accelerate that change from an evolution to a revolution. People will only be backed into a corner for so long whatever their political inclinations. Some people think they're pushing for positive change but real change is when we've learned the lesson.

Thanks for the response mate.
I still donβt get the tearing down statues of slave owners equates to trying to erase the history. Statues arenβt history they glorify the subjects for posterity.
Is it still a massive issue over there around the teaching of CRT?
I still donβt get the tearing down statues of slave owners equates to trying to erase the history. Statues arenβt history they glorify the subjects for posterity.
Is it still a massive issue over there around the teaching of CRT?

Well the statues are an example. They are subjects for posterity but they also memorialise history and certain points in history. As such they connect themselves to that history.
I basically agree with you though, they aren't the history themselves and so it shouldn't matter. It's what they represent that makes the difference.
I feel that whether right or left wing, people have an agenda and push that. Both different sides of the same coin I'd say.
Also CRT?
I basically agree with you though, they aren't the history themselves and so it shouldn't matter. It's what they represent that makes the difference.
I feel that whether right or left wing, people have an agenda and push that. Both different sides of the same coin I'd say.
Also CRT?

Thanks for the response mate.
I see statues as a way to venerate the individual and what they stand for. Cultures generally donβt put up statues of twats. So the slavers statues should all come down imo.
Critical Race Theory
I see statues as a way to venerate the individual and what they stand for. Cultures generally donβt put up statues of twats. So the slavers statues should all come down imo.
Critical Race Theory

Yeah np, I don't mind a bit of debate.
Again I do agree with the first part of what you said. Statues certainly venerate people, but also events. However cultures not putting up statues of 'twats'...well...that's a matter of perspective.
There are many examples of people that put up statues of people who are considered great or influential in their time and place. Those same people and statues are considered later, or by another group to be somehow offensive or detestable.
I'm not gona say that something like slavery in the U.S. wasn't a terrible thing, it defo was. I do think that removing something that is generally offensive to the majority should be considered. It's just that we also need to learn from these things and replace them with something that educates people about the history surrounding them so as to understand the bigger picture.
But yeah CRT, I am familiar with it...bit of a deep and complicated topic. But to answer your original question about that, yes I believe it is still something of a hot topic within education in the UK. I believe the Tories here (conservatives) said they felt CRT was biased, in other words trying to ram anti-racism down kids throats without opposing viewpoints.
This is a quote from the Equalities Minister, "Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law".
So yeah interesting, jeez this turned into an essay XD
Again I do agree with the first part of what you said. Statues certainly venerate people, but also events. However cultures not putting up statues of 'twats'...well...that's a matter of perspective.
There are many examples of people that put up statues of people who are considered great or influential in their time and place. Those same people and statues are considered later, or by another group to be somehow offensive or detestable.
I'm not gona say that something like slavery in the U.S. wasn't a terrible thing, it defo was. I do think that removing something that is generally offensive to the majority should be considered. It's just that we also need to learn from these things and replace them with something that educates people about the history surrounding them so as to understand the bigger picture.
But yeah CRT, I am familiar with it...bit of a deep and complicated topic. But to answer your original question about that, yes I believe it is still something of a hot topic within education in the UK. I believe the Tories here (conservatives) said they felt CRT was biased, in other words trying to ram anti-racism down kids throats without opposing viewpoints.
This is a quote from the Equalities Minister, "Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law".
So yeah interesting, jeez this turned into an essay XD

Thanks man I do appreciate your time and input.
Itβs good to hear it from someone on the ground so to speak we just get fed what the media want us to hear
I do find CRT and the defund the police movements different. One is a collection of scholars etc critically evaluating how society has impacted people of all races and the defund the police is a social movement in response to innocent black people getting killed by police
Have I got that right?
Itβs good to hear it from someone on the ground so to speak we just get fed what the media want us to hear
I do find CRT and the defund the police movements different. One is a collection of scholars etc critically evaluating how society has impacted people of all races and the defund the police is a social movement in response to innocent black people getting killed by police
Have I got that right?

You sound very naΓ―ve & to support CRT is crazy, hope you don't spout the sort of nonsense politics we see above IRL.

I donβt know how supporting a data driven legal critical evaluation by experts as naive maybe Iβm missing something in your post as it doesnβt really make sense and yes i do discuss this topic and others with real people

Watching the Plot Against America on Sky and it’s easy to see how Facism takes hold. Not dissimilar to Trump’s America.

1 post
+22 votes
Preventing Medical Tyranny - What the US Constitution Almost Achieved
started topic

Preventing Medical Tyranny - What the US Constitution Almost Achieved
Constitution Signer Benjamin Rush: "Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship and force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what the dictating outfit offers"

lol, ya'll really need to be more academic. No disrespect but the man educated over 3,000 medical professions, so if you happen to believe that such information of this quotation exists, it don't cause it ain't real.
Also, this is not the first time Rush has been misquoted and characterized upon his views.
Also, this is not the first time Rush has been misquoted and characterized upon his views.

Also, here's who Rush really was piece out some qoutes and tell me this conception is consistent with him?

Medicine men have used their tricks for power since the 1st civilizations. Still a very impressive prediction though.

what rush really was saying, read some of his actual quotes

Rush would agree that today the only health care systems completely controlled by government are those with socialist-run systems such as Canada and GB. Health care is available to everyone in the U.S. (as are other essential things like food and shelter) and the care here is among the best in the world (if not THE best). The idea that health care is something more special than, say, food or shelter is an idea born in the mind of Marxists (hard to say which) as a means to take control of the masses. Left to the market, it would be affordable and available. Stop with the juvenile conspiracy theories unless you have some facts to share in lieu of the fake quotes...

Theres also a lot of predictive programming going on.
Unless one is vigilant one can believe in stuff that does not exist YET... but...
Unless one is vigilant one can believe in stuff that does not exist YET... but...

1 post
+1 votes

Plastination vs Cryonics
Why would you put yourself in a facility if you are plastinated? "Mr Frantz there's an issue with your account and the penalties are accruing&quo…
Why would you put yourself in a facility if you are plastinated? "Mr Frantz there's an issue with your account and the penalties are accruing"

you've got to be somewhere where you wont be vandalized or hidden beyond hope. at least there isn't a liquid nitrogen bill every week.

1 post
+39.2 votes

Money as a system of control (video)
started topic

Money as a system of control (video)

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is the most articulate and inspiring voice Bitcoin has. Despite his enormous technical expertise he sees the fundamental proposition of crytpo freedom as the lowest layer of the network.

He gives me hope that the revolution is unstoppable, that an exit from a corrupted society is not only possible but inevitable.

When I read the title I thought this was about capitalism and making people dependent upon money. Instead this is about the fact that government issues currency and can use that to control everything it touches basically, it's a shocking eye opener.

Yes it's not even the amount of money they have it's that they define it, that's implies ultimate ownership of all of it.

All of his lectures are great. I'd recommend the podcasts over the video, they look like a spycam.

The evil that is fiat money has only put a roof over my head, given me an education, bought my car, yearly holidays, food, clothes, medication, healthcare, books, games, TVs, drink, drugs, guitars, computers, phones, tablets and countless other goods and services that have brought pleasure, entertainment and increased my living standard over the years. Those who control fiat money are evil. The bastards. I feel like a twat now for been so gullible.

Yes of course and like a complete idiot I exchanged that labour for central bank issued fiat money that I thought was giving me freedom to satisfy my needs, wants and desires and have a wonderful fulfilling life. What a fool I have been.

I hear ya dog, like an even bigger idiot i learned about bitcoin years ago (from here as a matter of fact) but kept my money in fiat :(

At least with multiple currencies we still have the power to choose, isn't that what freedom is?

Inspirational stuff. Also a great one for sharing offsite and making use of your reference token while you're at it.

There's currently a viral post going around showing a photo in a pizza hut window saying 'credit cards only' and then some crap saying how people will lose control of their assets if we move away from money lol.

It doesn't matter if it's cards, bank deposits or even cash in hand. It's all under the control of a central government that's why it's called "fiat". It can be seized, de-valued, or bankrupted. Given enough time that's exactly what has happened to *every* fiat currency in history.

1 post
+8 votes
did world war 2 merely stall an inevitable trend of fascism?
i think its a really mega trend. fascism was a reaction to kingdoms turning into modern nations. this time populism is a result of modern nations turn…
When I 1st read this topic I thought it was silly but now Im reading it the New York Times

And what does that tell you about the New York Times? That it's lying about Trump? Or is it just trying to mislead its readers by implying stuff that it has no evidence of... Do the same examination of other rumor-spreading fake news organizations and make your own determination, folks. See which ones allow readers to comment on their "stories" and articles. See which ones never present both sides of an argument. Decide which ones can be relied upon for actual news (all of it) and which ones actually suppress news.

There is no news that can be relied upon this is why the reader needs to take in multiple sources and viewpoints.

i think its a really mega trend. fascism was a reaction to kingdoms turning into modern nations. this time populism is a result of modern nations turning into global pieces.

Yes and there's the industrial revolution and digital revolutions as waves underneath these.

Even Eisenhower, the General who defeated fascism saw what would happen. He became the President of the US and devoted his farewell speech to a warning of the future he correctly saw.

Forget Ike, Benjamin Franklin saw what would happen after helping write the constitution. He saw it as a temporary document that would require re-writing.
"it is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism"
As if it to prove the words they have been suppressed since he wrote them.
"it is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism"
As if it to prove the words they have been suppressed since he wrote them.

Its Franklin's Final Speach On The Constitution. What a guy, should be an inspiration for every bigga.

Only Franklin never said that the Constitution would "require" re-writing (or anything else, for that matter). Nor did he even imply that it was "temporary". His comment only reflected the fact that this was a unique, first-ever document of its type and he wasn't sure that it wouldn't eventually end in despotism due to corruption. None of the framers "knew" what the future would bring, only that what they had made was the most perfect constitution ever made. Not "perfect" (although it may be), just "close to perfect".

World War I was a fascist nightmare in the United States with Wilson and his cronies using it to attack all of their domestic enemies: African Americans, organized labor and immigrants. It was all documented by the media and no one cared. Helped us get where we are today as much as anything.

That's what happened in 2016, and it's a good beginning. More people are finding out that they've been lied to, and the liars are in full panic mode at this point.

WW2 was awful for Jews etc. However it turned out quite handy for the Zionists since the Jews flocked to Israel after the war!
Whereas, before the war the Zionists where struggling for citizens!
I've nothing against anyone, just saying!
Whereas, before the war the Zionists where struggling for citizens!
I've nothing against anyone, just saying!

First thing to do is find out what "fascism" is. Most people are clueless about that. One excellent example of a fascist organization is Antifa (what an ironic name). Their goal is to shut down opposing ideas by force, and that's what fascist governments do (again, look up the word in the fucking dictionary). If you're going to accuse someone of being fascist, you need to show examples of fascist behavior. Guess who I'm vaguely referring to here...

Oxford Reference definition:
"An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922β43), and the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach."
"An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922β43), and the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach."


Some people wouldnβt know Communism if it locked them down in their homes, forced them to wear a mask and coerced them into an experimental medical procedure

ok throw in a little racism and hate where the communist idealism and naivete is and you're there.

Show your working (prove it)
Btw Fascism was defeated in UK and in WWII it was defeated in Italy along with National Socialism in Germany. There is nothing Fascist about our world. The Communists and Capitalists (same thing) won WWII and they are in control.
Btw Fascism was defeated in UK and in WWII it was defeated in Italy along with National Socialism in Germany. There is nothing Fascist about our world. The Communists and Capitalists (same thing) won WWII and they are in control.

Oh dear, what a snowflake you are. The fact remains, nobody here has a clue about what Fascism is. This is how the Communists are winning, duh

Here is another definition of fascism, this one from Merriam-Webster dictionary.
"1) A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
2) a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control."
The antidote to Fascism is Democracy.
"1) A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
2) a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control."
The antidote to Fascism is Democracy.

Democracy, LMAO. If you control the media, you can get the public to vote anyway you like. What was democratic about the Iraq War, or the bombing of Syria?

There are many parallels between the definitions. I'll break them down for you - national/racial-centric; autocratic; dictatorial; anti-democratic; demagogic.

Precisely. Democracy in the UK is flawed, at best for sure. Fascists know the first stage of seizing control of a nation is to take control of its media.
I'm unsure what you're trying to achieve on here - is it to rehabilitate the image of Fascism?
Perhaps you could explain to us what Fascism is.
I'm unsure what you're trying to achieve on here - is it to rehabilitate the image of Fascism?
Perhaps you could explain to us what Fascism is.

Iβve already provided a link to a resource where anyone can learn what it is. Iβm still learning myself. Please show me which Fascists have taken control of the media. (Donβt waste your time, because they havenβt)

How am I going to learn about a complex political/cultural/social ideology and its historical/contemporary implications through a series of disembodied quotes and sexed-up photos of famous fascists?
Grow up, stop trolling & read some fucking books.
Grow up, stop trolling & read some fucking books.

You misunderstand Camber - you're looking for a fight! I agreed with you, UK democracy is lacking. Historically, fascists took control of the media, to take control of a nation - see Germany, Italy & Spain.

Iβm not looking for a fight at all. It seems like you donβt know who controls the media. In 1933 all Germany did was to take back control of the media, from the thieves who stole it.

The Jews? Come on man, you're better that, I'm sure of it. Stop getting stoned & researching pro-fascist groups - not a good combo. Get stoned & listen to Forever Changes!
"Everything I've seen needs rearranging,
And for anyone who thinks it's strange,
Then you should be the first to want to make this change,
And for everyone who thinks that life is just a game,
Do you like the part you're playing?"
"Everything I've seen needs rearranging,
And for anyone who thinks it's strange,
Then you should be the first to want to make this change,
And for everyone who thinks that life is just a game,
Do you like the part you're playing?"

You smokers are beyond retarded. We even tell you what we're doing and still you defend us. Stupid goyim deserve everything you get

I'm not a Fascist, I'm Ashkenazi as you already know. However, to answer your question: they're not, Liberals are far more angry and reactionary. The reason being, they are double thinking, mental gymnasts who exist in a constant state of cognitive dissonance. You're just stupid, is all

You sound pretty angry. Memes peppered with exasperated insults. It must be wonderful to have worked everything out, and very frustrating that everyone can't join the dots and see the world as you do. I think I'd be pretty angry too. A raging omnipotent deity.

You're not supposed to work it out. Your opinion of me is irrelevant. You can't refute facts with opinions. Just about every Ashkenazi I know, has known this since childhood, apart from me who only found out relatively recently (I can't explain that anomaly) Come on, Twigs, you have the Internet. Btw, we own Google. You should brush up on the Talmud, LMAO. You can downvote this too, if it makes you feel better.

You now know that the MSM, Big Tech, Big Pharma and The Federal Reserve (to name a few) are not controlled by Fascists. I can research Fascism and listen to Forever Changes. If you donβt know what Fascism is, cool! But please stop pretending that you do. Have you read the Talmud? Did you know that this is Talmudic, are you even aware of it?

I'd suggest you can't be researching Fascism with any integrity. You're in complete denial of the basic definition of it.

Fascism is a pretty simple concept that a homogeneous group of people are stronger than the Communist alternative. Sit the fuck down, imbecile

And suppose I don't want to sit down and pledge allegiance to your homogenous group? What then?

Another definition? How many are there, I wonder. Words can mean whatever people want them to mean, can they? No, they canβt.

This thread is hilarious. Everyone thinks they know what Fascism is. Someone even thinks Antifa are Fascists. Clueless


Thomas Sewell. Does this mean everyone elseβs definition of Fascism is correct? Btw anyone can be a National Socialist, itβs organic

Yeah, that was me. What's clueless is calling Conservatives fascist. Young heads full of mush lapping up propaganda from old Marxist professors and thinking it's the wisest shit since Moses are the ones fucking up the planet at the moment...

You seem to be really struggling with words Camber, so here's a definition of Communism for you: "The belief in a society without different social classes in which the methods of production are owned and controlled by all its members, and everyone works as much as they can and receives what they need, or a social and political system based on this belief." From Cambridge Dictionary.

LOL, they also changed the dictionary definition of 'vaccine' Do some more copying of definitions, instead of examining who the Communists are and what they've been doing, smdh π

Dictionaries are a useful place to start, when a bunch of flailing stoners are chucking around words like 'fascist' and 'communist'.

Iβm not struggling with words at all. Iβm just not doing a βcut and pasteβ and expecting other people to accept it. Thereβs a link above to a Fascism group on Gab. Thatβs the place to learn about Fascism. If you think theyβre wrong, go and tell them.

twigs, you are a complete idiot π€£ Why don't you read a book,
Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War"
it's even on Amazon. Btw, I'm Ashkenazi and I learned about this over 20 years ago, so rejected my own people because of their evil. Bruno Baum was a distant relative of the wife and he told the truth. You are retarded. Smoke some more weed, you fool π€£
Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War"
it's even on Amazon. Btw, I'm Ashkenazi and I learned about this over 20 years ago, so rejected my own people because of their evil. Bruno Baum was a distant relative of the wife and he told the truth. You are retarded. Smoke some more weed, you fool π€£

I'm not a complete idiot - just anti-fascist to my last breath.
That Gab group has a lot of axes to grind, and seems aimed at recruiting teenagers. There are definite kernels of truth in the things you proclaim - always space to reexamine and reassess WW2. I'm sure lots of things taken for granted are mistaken - there's always room for further investigation and analysis. Following this poisonous exchange last summer, for the second, or third time in my life - went down a deep rabbit hole of holocaust investigation, reacquainting myself with the revisionist argument - it's ugly, and often end up feeling I'm listening or reading, not the work of historians, but politicians - who have a vested interest in revising our understanding of the Holocaust to further political objectives. But agree, that there are lots of questions - lots of things to think about.
However, it's the self-righteousness, the certitude, the venom, the under/overtones of racism, the complete denial of any racism that marks you lot (homogenous group) out as obnoxious, foolish, deluded, angry zealots (you won't like that word).
That Gab group has a lot of axes to grind, and seems aimed at recruiting teenagers. There are definite kernels of truth in the things you proclaim - always space to reexamine and reassess WW2. I'm sure lots of things taken for granted are mistaken - there's always room for further investigation and analysis. Following this poisonous exchange last summer, for the second, or third time in my life - went down a deep rabbit hole of holocaust investigation, reacquainting myself with the revisionist argument - it's ugly, and often end up feeling I'm listening or reading, not the work of historians, but politicians - who have a vested interest in revising our understanding of the Holocaust to further political objectives. But agree, that there are lots of questions - lots of things to think about.
However, it's the self-righteousness, the certitude, the venom, the under/overtones of racism, the complete denial of any racism that marks you lot (homogenous group) out as obnoxious, foolish, deluded, angry zealots (you won't like that word).

I just meant to say that I believe your fascination with fascist revisionism is an internet concocted, social media thing - and it doesn't deserve to be engaged with seriously.
The historic Fascist governments of the world are responsible for the murder of millions - Jews, Roma, Slavs, communists, socialists, Africans, artists, queer folk, people with disabilities, I could go on.
The latter day followers of Fascism are responsible for thousands of violent street attacks & murders.
Anyone who would seek to sanitise Fascism as some sort of benevolent universal human law (as your Snap-chat link proclaims), or present Fascism as misunderstood and misrepresented - is deserving of ridicule, at the very least.
I'm an exponent of the European antifa approach to Fascism. Fascism is a violent ideology. And Fascists only understand violence, and do not deserve to be engaged with intellectually.
The historic Fascist governments of the world are responsible for the murder of millions - Jews, Roma, Slavs, communists, socialists, Africans, artists, queer folk, people with disabilities, I could go on.
The latter day followers of Fascism are responsible for thousands of violent street attacks & murders.
Anyone who would seek to sanitise Fascism as some sort of benevolent universal human law (as your Snap-chat link proclaims), or present Fascism as misunderstood and misrepresented - is deserving of ridicule, at the very least.
I'm an exponent of the European antifa approach to Fascism. Fascism is a violent ideology. And Fascists only understand violence, and do not deserve to be engaged with intellectually.

Go to the group I posted above and post that shite, this isnβt the place for it. You are so ridiculously misinformed it actually hurts my head.

I've had a look at your group. It's sinister, revisionist, conspiratorial, paranoid. Fascist.
There is so much documentary evidence for the crimes I described above - you'd have to be a seriously blinkered "researcher" to ignore/deny.
There is so much documentary evidence for the crimes I described above - you'd have to be a seriously blinkered "researcher" to ignore/deny.

That group is...
Sinister - the memes reek of propaganda.
Revisionist - almost every accepted historical fact of the fascist governments of Mussolini & Hitler are attempted to be revised or denied - it seems to take the extreme position of completely denying the Holocaust, presenting it as a benevolent attempt to resettle the Jews of Europe.
Conspiratorial - it seems this group is arguing that the reason for the 'popular' conceptions of WW2 were a smoke-screen for a Zionist plot to establish the state of Israel and infiltrate and take over the world (ironically, this conspiracy predates WW2, and was a theory that was peddled by the Nazis, helping them to win power.)
Paranoid - Everything is seen through this lens of the "great Zionist conspiracy", so whether it's the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or the Covid-19 pandemic, or climate change - it all points to the terrifying spectre of Zionism.
Fascist - it's important to remember that this group is aiming itself at real-world political influence, despite it initially seeming to be a historical forum for discussion of the history of fascism. It aims to convert, to rehabilitate, to exhume Fascist ideals- including abhorrent concepts like 'homogenous groups' (whilst denying any racism).
Sinister - the memes reek of propaganda.
Revisionist - almost every accepted historical fact of the fascist governments of Mussolini & Hitler are attempted to be revised or denied - it seems to take the extreme position of completely denying the Holocaust, presenting it as a benevolent attempt to resettle the Jews of Europe.
Conspiratorial - it seems this group is arguing that the reason for the 'popular' conceptions of WW2 were a smoke-screen for a Zionist plot to establish the state of Israel and infiltrate and take over the world (ironically, this conspiracy predates WW2, and was a theory that was peddled by the Nazis, helping them to win power.)
Paranoid - Everything is seen through this lens of the "great Zionist conspiracy", so whether it's the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or the Covid-19 pandemic, or climate change - it all points to the terrifying spectre of Zionism.
Fascist - it's important to remember that this group is aiming itself at real-world political influence, despite it initially seeming to be a historical forum for discussion of the history of fascism. It aims to convert, to rehabilitate, to exhume Fascist ideals- including abhorrent concepts like 'homogenous groups' (whilst denying any racism).

Racism, ROFL, we destroyed your societies with that word. Racially homogeneous societies are more successful, which is why we won't allow you to have them. Every other country will have them, apart from you. See what we did to you? We brainwashed you into embracing your own genocide and we don't care how long it takes. Have a look at Savile Town UK. All of the UK will be the same, fool

hahaha you absolute fool. Do you or do you not know who Bruno Baum is? Racism, another one of our buzzwords that we have conditioned you to fear being called. Have you not heard of Loxism? Loxism is the only real racism. Every nation prefers their own people to outsiders, except White people who are currently committing cultural genocide because they watch our tv stations. We are literally destroying Europe right under your noses. "Islam is Israel's broom, you will have no place to run" Don't say you didn't know, because now you do know π

I think BrunoBaum might be Camber's new account - I'd be surprised if there is more than 1 swivel-eyed, fascist stoner in Albion. It is interesting to keep prodding you though, because you're slowly revealing how nasty you really are. Remember this began as a straightforward attempt to explain that Fascism is misunderstood, and had nothing to do with antisemitism. The irony that you're increasingly throwing around pejorative words such as "loxism", "judenpresse" "goyim" - is clearly lost on you.

My wife buys on LB, she uses RSO. I spent Β£1000s here. Even if I was a sock puppet, the facts still remain the same: You are a stupid goyim, we own you

Bullshit. If you think you can refute them, go in there and do it. You wonβt because you canβt, you brainwashed muppet. Iβve had about 20 notifications over the last few days, all from you, ya freak. Did you actually just post a BBC documentary, are you on LSD? When youβre eating maggots in your pod, subject to the Chinese social credit score and only able to spend your allocated CBDC, just remember it was the Fascists who tried to stop them. Stupid goyim

They won't go in there and refute shit, because they can't. All they've got is what the judenpresse has programmed them to parrot. You're wasting your time with these fucktards, Camber, move on

You knuckle-dragging, racist thugs don't deserve any consideration. Learn how to read, think and discuss.

Ooh, name calling. Triggered, much. I'm not a thug, btw, unless you can demonstrate otherwise. You're not much of a man if you can't take a few insults thrown in with the facts. Ashkenazi hate you because you destroyed our 2nd Temple. We will now destroy you and rebuild it. I'm perfectly capable of thinking and discussing. I have facts on my side. You have tv programmes that we made for you. We control the CFR, The Military Industrial Complex. Just watch as more White men die in our wars. Hilter didn't want war or to kill Anglo Saxons. The Angles were a Germanic tribe, he thought the Englishman's blood far too valuable to be spilled. Here I am literally laying it all out for you and still you kvetch and squirm. It's called cognitive dissonance and we did it to you, fool. Don't say ya didn't know...

The whole I/we thing again - perhaps save the smoke until after you've tried to explain the modern history of the West?
And don't invoke Saxons and Englishmen - England is a construct, a fake country invented for the marketing of tobacco and sugar.
The soul of Albion was torn apart by 1,000 years of invasion from the Romans through to the Normans - but these are cultural, not racial invasions - Catholic, blood-thirsty, power-trippers that you seem so desperate to align yourself with.
Race is a cultural construct - every human alive is descended from around 10-20k humans in Africa. Africa is the motherland.
You're espousing 19th Century ideas, retarded, industrial, paranoid dreams, from a time when people's brains were coated with lead.
Me, I prefer 1st century ideas when I want some distance from the modern world - head to the Moors mate, find your local Druwids.
And don't invoke Saxons and Englishmen - England is a construct, a fake country invented for the marketing of tobacco and sugar.
The soul of Albion was torn apart by 1,000 years of invasion from the Romans through to the Normans - but these are cultural, not racial invasions - Catholic, blood-thirsty, power-trippers that you seem so desperate to align yourself with.
Race is a cultural construct - every human alive is descended from around 10-20k humans in Africa. Africa is the motherland.
You're espousing 19th Century ideas, retarded, industrial, paranoid dreams, from a time when people's brains were coated with lead.
Me, I prefer 1st century ideas when I want some distance from the modern world - head to the Moors mate, find your local Druwids.

You, right now: "look at me and how much history I've absorbed in college" LMAO, ya still don't know what Fascism is. Again, icymi "we are Ashkenazi and we own you"

Much like you, I'm a social media autodidact - and have learnt much from the Internet.
I don't believe the simplistic, monolithic idea that one race owns another, I think you'll find, when you grow up, if you choose to abandon your moronic certitude - that the world is a complex place, and simplistic stories don't provide answers - as comforting as they can be.
I don't believe the simplistic, monolithic idea that one race owns another, I think you'll find, when you grow up, if you choose to abandon your moronic certitude - that the world is a complex place, and simplistic stories don't provide answers - as comforting as they can be.

I'm sorry for attempting to talk to you reasonably. It's telling that you're so triggered into rage by me pointing to a dictionary definition & documentary evidence from the war.
I just don't think Little Biggy should be a platform for Fascist links & memes. And I will continue to challenge you if you continue posting this poisonous content.
I attempted to appeal to your better nature, in the hope you were capable of intelligent thought/discussion. But you're clearly lost in this nasty maggot hole of paranoid imaginings.
I posted you a link to one of the great documentaries on the Second World War, made for ITV - it took decades to make, was an international effort, and is made up of interviews from people who were involved and witnessed the war, from many different countries.
You've responded with a film that amounts to a 2 hour political tirade, that contains not one interview, let alone an interview from anyone who was a part of 1939-45. Just a narrator telling you exactly what to think. And you want to talk about brainwashing?
If you want to dismiss The World at War series outright, because you've decided everything on mainstream television is "lies" - it is most certainly your loss. You have a Medieval mindset, obsessed with belief. (Belief is the death of intelligence, Robert Anton Wilson). You've only served to highlight how small-minded, cowardly and reactionary your mindset is - masquerading as a fearless truth-seeker.
Think for yourself. Take each programme on its own merits.
Don't listen to Love - they aren't for you.
Listen to Hate like Skrewdriver.
I just don't think Little Biggy should be a platform for Fascist links & memes. And I will continue to challenge you if you continue posting this poisonous content.
I attempted to appeal to your better nature, in the hope you were capable of intelligent thought/discussion. But you're clearly lost in this nasty maggot hole of paranoid imaginings.
I posted you a link to one of the great documentaries on the Second World War, made for ITV - it took decades to make, was an international effort, and is made up of interviews from people who were involved and witnessed the war, from many different countries.
You've responded with a film that amounts to a 2 hour political tirade, that contains not one interview, let alone an interview from anyone who was a part of 1939-45. Just a narrator telling you exactly what to think. And you want to talk about brainwashing?
If you want to dismiss The World at War series outright, because you've decided everything on mainstream television is "lies" - it is most certainly your loss. You have a Medieval mindset, obsessed with belief. (Belief is the death of intelligence, Robert Anton Wilson). You've only served to highlight how small-minded, cowardly and reactionary your mindset is - masquerading as a fearless truth-seeker.
Think for yourself. Take each programme on its own merits.
Don't listen to Love - they aren't for you.
Listen to Hate like Skrewdriver.

You are so full of shit, I can smell it from here. World at War ROFL. What a cunt you are, accusing people of being triggered while you post absolute bollocks. "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth" General Patton knew because he was there, he didn't watch tv. Did you take one or more of our jabs? Wanker π€£

You are pretty triggered though, right? Almost like you have a vested interest in this shite. Butt-hurt fascists. π€£

I'm not a Fascist, I'm Ashkenazi. You're still full of shit. You don't know anything about Fascism or Communism or WWII. You are a clueless fucktard and the best you've got is assuming that I'm triggered. Keep downvoting, you're still wrong. We control more than 90% of broadcasting and have done for decades, which is why you think like you do. We have installed 1000s of jihadists in your countries and we will arm them. We have always controlled Islam. The same thing will happen as did to Germany 1945-1953, we removed millions from the gene pool.

You seem fairly triggered into rage by my replies - you're debating less, and vomiting stream-of-consciousness bile from the social media posts you've been lapping up for years. I'm sorry I don't entirely agree with your world-view, but surely, as you claim that 90% of the broadcast media spreads misinformation, you might have a little sympathy / empathy / patience for the 90% of humanity that haven't started feeding on the same sources that you have?

Germany isn't responsible for WWII. Fascism is not a violent ideology. Do you even know who Bruno Baum is? How about Paul Rassinier? Stop taking drugs, fool. How many Fascists have you engaged with, intellectually? If this thread is indicative of your intellectual prowess, I would guess at zero

I'm certainly not engaging with this Fascist intellectually. I feel like I'm being shouted at by street preachers.
Note - I was never a Fascist, but definitely positioned myself on the Right as a youngster - I had Fascist friends many years ago, who didn't just shout insults at me. We used to talk.
Note - I was never a Fascist, but definitely positioned myself on the Right as a youngster - I had Fascist friends many years ago, who didn't just shout insults at me. We used to talk.

I haven't only insulted you, I've also given you some valuable information that may just keep you alive. I turned my back on my own people and I've been sounding the alarm for White people since 2002. You will either cry because you've been insulted or you will wake up. Talking won't save you. Just about everything you have posted is exactly what we conditioned you to think. You have been brainwashed. We are Masters of Manipulation. Every single time, is not a trope.

I'm really confused by this mixing up of I/we. I thought it was just the Left who were caught up on pronouns?
Still very confused at how I/we (the other people on Little Biggy) are supposed to react to your posts (beyond having a look at the Gab Fascism group) - is there a specific U.K. political party that you're advocating / campaigning for? What should I/we do?
Still very confused at how I/we (the other people on Little Biggy) are supposed to react to your posts (beyond having a look at the Gab Fascism group) - is there a specific U.K. political party that you're advocating / campaigning for? What should I/we do?

The reason I came on here is because you posted this
"The Jews? Come on man, you're better that," and I say "yes" It's literally all over the web, stupid goyim.
"The Jews? Come on man, you're better that," and I say "yes" It's literally all over the web, stupid goyim.

You poked your head up on here to defend the righteousness of Kristallnacht and the Nazi pogroms?

I poked my head up on here because you defend those who want you and yours dead. The jihadists have already been installed up and down the UK in the 1000s. All they need are weapons and it's game over. It's happening right under your nose and the irony is you're funding the whole thing. When I see stupidity, I like to challenge it. We used the BBC in 1944 and we used the BBC to get the jabs into the arms of as many people as possible. "Atrocity propaganda is how we won this war" look it up. We literally brainwashed you. "Islam is Israel's broom. You will have no place to run" You can pretend as much as you want, but you know I'm right (if you don't have Narcissistic Personality Disorder) π±

"When I see stupidity, I like to challenge it." Right on! That's why I'm still here talking to you!
Have you seen the film 'Four Lions' - there's a character, Barry, who's based on a British National Party member who wanted to learn more about the enemy, so he visited his local mosque, and accidentally converted himself to fundamentalist Islam.
The uncomfortable truth is, that the Zionists, the Islamists & Fascists - have an awful lot in common - principally, violence & a Medieval belief in the supremacy of their Belief System. Tim McVeigh, the Oklahoma bomber - stated, whilst in prison, that it was the Muslim terrorists who he had the most common ground with.
I have a lot in common with you - I too, am anti-Zionist & anti-political Islam too. But any common ground has been burned in the hatred of your paranoid hysteria.
Your utter hatred of anything representing a challenge, or an attempt to debate is obvious. It surely will be very difficult for you to admit this, but I sincerely hope that you will do one day.
There's only one answer - you're a fundamentalist, you're brain-washed - and you will violently attack anyone who challenges your narrow view of reality - just like the people you claim to stand against.
Have you seen the film 'Four Lions' - there's a character, Barry, who's based on a British National Party member who wanted to learn more about the enemy, so he visited his local mosque, and accidentally converted himself to fundamentalist Islam.
The uncomfortable truth is, that the Zionists, the Islamists & Fascists - have an awful lot in common - principally, violence & a Medieval belief in the supremacy of their Belief System. Tim McVeigh, the Oklahoma bomber - stated, whilst in prison, that it was the Muslim terrorists who he had the most common ground with.
I have a lot in common with you - I too, am anti-Zionist & anti-political Islam too. But any common ground has been burned in the hatred of your paranoid hysteria.
Your utter hatred of anything representing a challenge, or an attempt to debate is obvious. It surely will be very difficult for you to admit this, but I sincerely hope that you will do one day.
There's only one answer - you're a fundamentalist, you're brain-washed - and you will violently attack anyone who challenges your narrow view of reality - just like the people you claim to stand against.

"What should I/we do?" Do what you like, it's too late for Europe. The Ashkenazi have fucked you up. All because we programmed you to hate Fascism and conflate it with Communism. It's official, the goyim are fucking stupid. Btw, Loxism is very real

It's like trying to have a discussion with a disintegrating chat-bot.
I'd suggest that it's too late for you. Doom-sayers have been heralding the end of Europe for centuries.
The only people who've come close to destroying it are paranoid Fascist war-mongers.
I'd suggest that it's too late for you. Doom-sayers have been heralding the end of Europe for centuries.
The only people who've come close to destroying it are paranoid Fascist war-mongers.

Wrong again. Read Harold Rosenthal's book. It's all there and it's irrefutable. You won't win this debate, you can't because the facts aren't on your side. It's almost as though you don't have the Internet. Serious question: are you jabbed?

Are you talking about the booklet 'The Hidden Tyranny' - a written account of an interview Rosenthal supposedly gave?
It seems like it's a complete fabrication, it's very easy to refute!
βThat interview never took place. Walter White operated free and loose on some subjects, like this one. He disappeared once for a while. I personally sent men searching for him. He showed up claiming the JDL [Jewish Defense League] kidnapped him and dumped him at the Mexican border... That [Rosenthal] interview is bogus. There is plenty of valid material to use against the Jews.β Tom Metzger, founder of White Aryan Resistance and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, stated on the Resist website in 2010.
It's not much of a debate, sadly. Every good point I've made, you've either ignored, laughed at, called me stupid, brain-washed. At best, you've told me to watch some interview, or read a link, or a quote-meme - all of which I've done, in good faith.
That you, presumably with a straight-face, switched from a discussion about the Fascist governments of the 1930s & 40s - to a discussion about Covid-19 pandemic vaccines in the same breath, highlights that you're squirming, and desperate to shut me up / shut me down.
Which version of the Internet are you using? There's a lot of information out there - the stuff you disagree with isn't necessarily wrong. It's healthy to be exposed to alternative views - it provides contrast and definition, and is essential for the pursuit of truth.
It seems like it's a complete fabrication, it's very easy to refute!
βThat interview never took place. Walter White operated free and loose on some subjects, like this one. He disappeared once for a while. I personally sent men searching for him. He showed up claiming the JDL [Jewish Defense League] kidnapped him and dumped him at the Mexican border... That [Rosenthal] interview is bogus. There is plenty of valid material to use against the Jews.β Tom Metzger, founder of White Aryan Resistance and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, stated on the Resist website in 2010.
It's not much of a debate, sadly. Every good point I've made, you've either ignored, laughed at, called me stupid, brain-washed. At best, you've told me to watch some interview, or read a link, or a quote-meme - all of which I've done, in good faith.
That you, presumably with a straight-face, switched from a discussion about the Fascist governments of the 1930s & 40s - to a discussion about Covid-19 pandemic vaccines in the same breath, highlights that you're squirming, and desperate to shut me up / shut me down.
Which version of the Internet are you using? There's a lot of information out there - the stuff you disagree with isn't necessarily wrong. It's healthy to be exposed to alternative views - it provides contrast and definition, and is essential for the pursuit of truth.

You should take a look at it - they advise wannabe Fascists not to engage in petty insults, be considerate and intelligent, and spread the One True Faith.

A literary device, I see. It made it sound like you were having some sort of dope-meltdown.

1 post
+11 votes
a schema for transhumanism (video)
started topic

a schema for transhumanism (video)
This guy covers it all from the Turing test (hopelessly "racist"!) to networked "stacks of humans", bots and all sorts of in-betweens, an amazing watch.

1 post
+15 votes
Self Awareness is Just a Hack on Your Awareness of Others
started topic

Self Awareness is Just a Hack on Your Awareness of Others
The theory that mirror neutrons eventually turned inward is a strong one.

Vilayanur Ramachandran has gained lots of insights from people with various defects, it makes for very dramatic demonstrations.

Don't computers have something like mirror neurons? That's like the basis of machine learning.

Deep. Some food for thought: Elon musk recently said that raising a child is just 18 years of βprompt engineeringβ. Similar to how we would train an AI model, from its original training data to the parameters we set, itβs able to be trained to do ANYTHING - all dependent on the prompts we input. Therefore the real value lies in engineering the βbestβ prompts to get the desired results. Akin to raising a child, if we can engineer the right environment or thought patterns to allow the child to make the connections and conclusions based on that environment we have solved the puzzle to get whatever outcome we want from that child. This is why they call them neutral networks because they are literally modelled off the brain. I imagine watching an AI model grow and make its own connections between data points is just like watching a child grow and make connections between different data points in the real world. Interesting stuff.

1 post
+6.2 votes

doctor doc
I have dry eczema. What kind of diet, exercise, lifestyle would you suggest? Cbd salves, will they work? Thanks
I agree with the doc, skin is a lot like plants. Dry leaves means moisture topically and on the inside chemistry that will promote healthy growth on …

doctor doc
I have dry eczema. What kind of diet, exercise, lifestyle would you suggest? Cbd salves, will they work? Thanks

Most simply you just wanna keep it oily inside and out. Oily baths or even showers and you have it under control on the surface.
Under the hood diet is profound, olive oils, coconut, and pretty much anything healthy can turn around the problem.
Cannabis seems to help, a salve is worth a try and sounds fun if nothing else. But don't treat with medicine till diet is changed, that's the cure you want.
LIke your diet your regular cannabis use should be oily, tinctures and cbd concentrates and smoking is going to hurt, you don't put a fire next to dry anything.
Under the hood diet is profound, olive oils, coconut, and pretty much anything healthy can turn around the problem.
Cannabis seems to help, a salve is worth a try and sounds fun if nothing else. But don't treat with medicine till diet is changed, that's the cure you want.
LIke your diet your regular cannabis use should be oily, tinctures and cbd concentrates and smoking is going to hurt, you don't put a fire next to dry anything.

I agree with the doc, skin is a lot like plants. Dry leaves means moisture topically and on the inside chemistry that will promote healthy growth on the lowest possible layer, healthy oils, theres your most fundamental lubricant.

hello hope all is well
look up organic oats bath, cut out sugar and dairy and drinks loads of filtered or distilled water. Avoid foods that cause mucus and inflammation.
kind regards
look up organic oats bath, cut out sugar and dairy and drinks loads of filtered or distilled water. Avoid foods that cause mucus and inflammation.
kind regards

100% agree..especially cutting the dairy.tobacco doesn't help if you smoke. And there is a product called neem cream highly recommended and its not dear either.

hello all, am back on here after so long... its back again the eczema...but it makes my heart so happy to see all your helpful comments

Ive been using hemp seed oil and its the best !!!! I apply it all over body & take it orally too, just a few drops, works like a CHARM !

Hi mate, happy to send you a jar of canna coconut oil for your eczema. I can infuse it with turmeric, maca, lucuma, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and black pepper providing you are not allergic to any of those? Don't want any money just want feedback on if it helps at all!

can also add tea tree, lavender, chamomile, thyme, frankincense, basil and eucalyptus essential oils again providing you are not allergic to them. Message me!

Cold showers changed my life after suffering from chronic eczema for years. Calms it right down and let’s the CBD balls and steroid creams do there job

What dr doc said, shea butter works well for skin conditions, with my life i have had temendpus insight into this, as eczema is likely A MIND BODY issue....think about this fun fact, the skin has as much neuroscience as the brain......let that sink in like an oil..........and ask ur self, where is this in my mind, what is blocking me? If u want to message me about it u can but i knkw ur not asking....i had it on my knee, my ex gf told me this...i asked myself amd i got that i had been afraid to take the next steps.... To move forward..literally when i started taking steps in the direction It would disappear in parts, i realized it was more than one thing, more tham one step to take, and its not there, but it didnt disappear with conditioning.... i did eat healthier but it was SUPER FAST how it was crazy to see for me

Lifestyle, diet,
Stop using strong washing powder, change bed clothes every day when skin is bad.
Life long eczema sufferer
Stop using strong washing powder, change bed clothes every day when skin is bad.
Life long eczema sufferer

Fasting and putting your body in an autophagy state has anicdotal and possibly scientific backing too, to improve eczema. Also it has run through my family, and I find eating excessive sugars, carbohydrates and gluten inflames it. Just my two cents

eczema is a symptom, salves may help with a symptom but treating the underlying causes will ... you know.
how much stress do you have in your life ?
how much stress do you have in your life ?

Agreed with the info already left! By add on... be careful when using creams and ointments... sometimes too much and too often can actually make the problem much worse! Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water too... such an easy thing to help so many ailments.

I feel you bro, same sort of thing I suffer from.
I use moisturisers - usually of the emollient variety, avoid dairy and get some sun around you - avoid the sunbeds though (my girlfriend is a dermo-nurse and swears this will do more harm to the melanin than good. UV light treatment in a hospital is not a sunbed, it is very different). Also cauliflower and broccoli are really good - the rawer the better.
Take care man, and if you haven't already, go ask your GP for a referral to the Dermatology clinic asap, those guys are great and at the moment they are pretty much empty, but still operational as the hospitals wind down their response to Covid.
I use moisturisers - usually of the emollient variety, avoid dairy and get some sun around you - avoid the sunbeds though (my girlfriend is a dermo-nurse and swears this will do more harm to the melanin than good. UV light treatment in a hospital is not a sunbed, it is very different). Also cauliflower and broccoli are really good - the rawer the better.
Take care man, and if you haven't already, go ask your GP for a referral to the Dermatology clinic asap, those guys are great and at the moment they are pretty much empty, but still operational as the hospitals wind down their response to Covid.

I had eczema really bad I’m talking elephant skin!
Go to a Chinese herbalist! They will sort it no problem.
Go to a Chinese herbalist! They will sort it no problem.

Animal based diet. Its hard though because your meat has to be pasture raised grass fed. Also, you must consume organs and collagen (bone broth) for you to actually benefit. Also, include fruit, raw dairy and raw honey/maple syrup. Veggies you can eat are strict. Sweet potatoes and carrots are the only ones.
For example today ive ate a fillet of venison, an ounce of cooked grass fed liver and an ounce of grass fed heart. Ive had to get the organs from my local farm. I had a fried egg with it, some raw cheese, fried banana and kiwis and honey. I feel great.
Another thing I will mention is. You must try and avoid seed oils like the plague too just in general whatever diet you take up. I cooked everything I just mentioned in organic ghee. 6 quid a jar in sainsburys.
Rapeseed oil used to be used to lubricate war engines and its in every fucking product on them shitty supermarket shelves where theyre trying to shove shit down our necks. Research about rapeseed/canola oil people its real. That shit causes more inflammation in the body than a cigarette does.
Since Ive been on this diet my skins improved, my energy levels are always steady, I sleep better and I feel more alive than ever. I can string my sentences together better, I feel more coordinated in my speech and every day life things. Your diet is one of the main foundations of how you feel.
Hope if you try it out it helps. Doesnt all have to be grass fed from a farm too coz that can be expensive to keep on top of. Not saying you cant afford it but go research and find out hope this helps anywayπ«Ά
For example today ive ate a fillet of venison, an ounce of cooked grass fed liver and an ounce of grass fed heart. Ive had to get the organs from my local farm. I had a fried egg with it, some raw cheese, fried banana and kiwis and honey. I feel great.
Another thing I will mention is. You must try and avoid seed oils like the plague too just in general whatever diet you take up. I cooked everything I just mentioned in organic ghee. 6 quid a jar in sainsburys.
Rapeseed oil used to be used to lubricate war engines and its in every fucking product on them shitty supermarket shelves where theyre trying to shove shit down our necks. Research about rapeseed/canola oil people its real. That shit causes more inflammation in the body than a cigarette does.
Since Ive been on this diet my skins improved, my energy levels are always steady, I sleep better and I feel more alive than ever. I can string my sentences together better, I feel more coordinated in my speech and every day life things. Your diet is one of the main foundations of how you feel.
Hope if you try it out it helps. Doesnt all have to be grass fed from a farm too coz that can be expensive to keep on top of. Not saying you cant afford it but go research and find out hope this helps anywayπ«Ά

Something that you might not a have heard of before⦠Tamanu Oil. Used in Polynesia for all sorts of skin issues, from rashes to cuts and burns.
I suffered with a skin rash for years, was prescribed all sorts of ointments, steroid creams, nothing worked and it only seemed to become drier and more inflamed.
I have always had a very healthy diet and drank plenty water, as well as exercising regularly. Still suffered with this issue.
Tried Tamanu oil after searching endlessly online for a solution and within a month the rash was gone. Itβs available from face theory and only costs around Β£13 for a bottle (which should last about 2/3 months or even more) so not a big loss if it doesnβt work for you.
I will say though that it does have quite a strong earthy smell, but you get used to it quickly lol.
I suffered with a skin rash for years, was prescribed all sorts of ointments, steroid creams, nothing worked and it only seemed to become drier and more inflamed.
I have always had a very healthy diet and drank plenty water, as well as exercising regularly. Still suffered with this issue.
Tried Tamanu oil after searching endlessly online for a solution and within a month the rash was gone. Itβs available from face theory and only costs around Β£13 for a bottle (which should last about 2/3 months or even more) so not a big loss if it doesnβt work for you.
I will say though that it does have quite a strong earthy smell, but you get used to it quickly lol.

Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from within.
Anti-inflammatory foods: Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as fatty fish, chia seeds, and flaxseeds), fruits, vegetables, and foods high in antioxidants. These can potentially help reduce inflammation in the body.
Identify triggers: Keep a food diary to identify any specific foods that may trigger or worsen your eczema symptoms. Common triggers include dairy, gluten, and certain spices.
Moisturize regularly: Use fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated. Apply moisturizers immediately after bathing or showering to lock in moisture.
Avoid harsh chemicals and irritants: Use mild, fragrance-free soaps, detergents, and skincare products. Avoid exposure to environmental irritants like harsh weather conditions, excessive heat, or allergens that may trigger flare-ups.
Stress management: Stress can potentially worsen eczema symptoms. Practice stress-management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies that help you relax.
Wear soft, breathable clothing: Choose loose-fitting, soft, and breathable fabrics such as cotton to avoid friction and irritation to the skin.
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from within.
Anti-inflammatory foods: Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as fatty fish, chia seeds, and flaxseeds), fruits, vegetables, and foods high in antioxidants. These can potentially help reduce inflammation in the body.
Identify triggers: Keep a food diary to identify any specific foods that may trigger or worsen your eczema symptoms. Common triggers include dairy, gluten, and certain spices.
Moisturize regularly: Use fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated. Apply moisturizers immediately after bathing or showering to lock in moisture.
Avoid harsh chemicals and irritants: Use mild, fragrance-free soaps, detergents, and skincare products. Avoid exposure to environmental irritants like harsh weather conditions, excessive heat, or allergens that may trigger flare-ups.
Stress management: Stress can potentially worsen eczema symptoms. Practice stress-management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies that help you relax.
Wear soft, breathable clothing: Choose loose-fitting, soft, and breathable fabrics such as cotton to avoid friction and irritation to the skin.

All I would add in is cotton gloves. Lose clothes and the washing powder has bug impact.
Also a stress diary - can be a delayed reaction.
Also a stress diary - can be a delayed reaction.

Iβd try cutting out lactose for eczema. Lots of skin issues caused by lactose. I have a severe intolerance to it and as soon as I eat it I get some weird painful skin stuff. And Iβd just recommend a whole food diet high in veg and protein and cut out sugar and processed food, drink lots of water, take probiotics, use electrolytes regularly, to help distribute water to the cells.

avoid wearing synthetic fibres like polyester wear only natural fibres like wool cotton or sillk same for bed sheets

I have suffered from eczema for most of my adult life. Treatment starts on the inside, you will need to focus on your diet first. Look up 'The Elimination Diet' and start by cutting out the usual suspects: dairy and gluten. Look for any foods that trigger a skin response.
For flare ups you will need to moisturise and use corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, but this is not sustainable for the long term.
This will be a long and hard journey my friend, you will need to be patient, and I wish you luck.
For flare ups you will need to moisturise and use corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, but this is not sustainable for the long term.
This will be a long and hard journey my friend, you will need to be patient, and I wish you luck.

Buy silk bed sheets, get rid of what you have, may seem extravagant but I had constant eczema on my face towards the tops of my cheek bones, used steroid creams for years. On a hunch, I bought a silk pillow case. Haven't had use steroid cream on my face since. I imagine the same effect would apply allover. Cotton draws moisture and if your skin is already having trouble holding on to it, cotton aint helping for 8 hours a night. π

Pure cotton or bamboo may also bee just as good.
Like above changed to bamboo and my face has been better ever since.
Also a better diet.
But controlling stress has been important.
I suspect you will find a combination of stuff works best
Like above changed to bamboo and my face has been better ever since.
Also a better diet.
But controlling stress has been important.
I suspect you will find a combination of stuff works best

As always, getting medical advice here is a bad idea.
Eczema is a surprisingly complex condition. AFAIK scientists do not know the cause and many think it might be multi causal (like a cough, there are a lot of reasons you might have one!).
That being said - having a diet that nourishes your gut and mouth biome is beneficial for A LOT of things. Anecdotally, since i changed my diet to nourish my biome, my skin has improved, but I don't have eczema.
So - eat whole foods. Avoid ultra processed foods. Try to eat a lot of nuts, seeds and legumes. Avoid inflammation by balancing complex carbs with fats like EVOO. Eat 30 different plants a week. Eat about 30g of fibre a day (work up to this).
As you can see below, everyone has an answer and not all of them are reliable. And hardly any are based in evidence. Eg Neem - great stuff, as an insecticide or fungicide. Probably not useful as a treatment for eczema. Ringworm maybe. No evidence for topical application of CBD either.
Eczema is a surprisingly complex condition. AFAIK scientists do not know the cause and many think it might be multi causal (like a cough, there are a lot of reasons you might have one!).
That being said - having a diet that nourishes your gut and mouth biome is beneficial for A LOT of things. Anecdotally, since i changed my diet to nourish my biome, my skin has improved, but I don't have eczema.
So - eat whole foods. Avoid ultra processed foods. Try to eat a lot of nuts, seeds and legumes. Avoid inflammation by balancing complex carbs with fats like EVOO. Eat 30 different plants a week. Eat about 30g of fibre a day (work up to this).
As you can see below, everyone has an answer and not all of them are reliable. And hardly any are based in evidence. Eg Neem - great stuff, as an insecticide or fungicide. Probably not useful as a treatment for eczema. Ringworm maybe. No evidence for topical application of CBD either.

Definitely recommend organic black cumin oil & a good diet will help also plenty of sun really helps

Vitamin E Oil is great for dry skin make sure you let it sink in n work before you wash. i get rly dry knees and it always works a treat .

1 post
+13 votes
Aubrey De Grey: Can We And Should We Give Ourselves Indefinite Youth? Oh Yes
started topic

Aubrey De Grey: Can We And Should We Give Ourselves Indefinite Youth? Oh Yes
"Most biomedical gerontologists now agree that we are approaching a time of sharply accelerated progress in extending healthy lifespan."

Because not everyone will have the money for it. The rich will use it and put a price on it to make it unavailable for us normal people. The rich will the feel superior after a drug like that and we all remember what happened in the world of star trek. The eugenics war is something that will unfortunately happen on this planet one day because of them sort of drugs. I must point out I'm not against this sort of thing as science is not good or evil it's how it's used but this sort of thing is are downfall.

Surely this is an issue but most innovations are available to the rich first. What would you think of a world without cars, air travel or computers? Let the rich be our guinea pigs.
That said yeah, downfall for sure.
That said yeah, downfall for sure.

Socialism makes sense or something to insure diversity because if we have douches getting thawed 1st they might not want to thaw the rest of us after.

1 post
+9.2 votes
What Brought You To Biggy?
true that

What Brought You To Biggy?
Yes I know it's weed. Or nootropics, whatever. But why here as opposed to say a local connection eh?

I was tired and sick of being harassed by local dealers..... any time i would say 'no thanks', hash weight would be punctually shorter..many would stop selling or disappear or the endless waiting for a spliff.... i wanted to find a natural cure suitable for my arthritis but all i got was the usual shananigans. So i searched enlightenment on google, I was determined to find a real e-market . where being a girl doesn't mean wanting to have sex in exchange of weed, where the quality or weight you get is not based on who you are, your race or accent... where you can have the side effects and detailed descriptions of what you are going to smoke/eat, before buying! I just didn't expect to find such a lovely and sweet community of people not more haters.... violent pics... aggressive behaviours.... this is the lightest side of the dark net. Love Lb thanks

Originally a customer myself, now a vendor. Love this little place.. the escrow payments made it easier for me to trust this place in the beginning, not forgetting the quality product on offer here.. normally top shelf stuff.. thought ide give something back to the community with what I can source myself. Love this place!!!

I came here as a refugee from the original Silk Road. When they were taken down my favourite seller there, the Muskabuzz, came here instead of the darknet for some highfalutin reasons I don't remember. I've been back to the darknet many times and it always ends in tears. I've been ripped of by sellers and market administrators more than federales. I've only had 1 bad experience here and that was resolved so I decided to stick with this.
Local connections are great while they last, then someone gets married or moves and your starting over. Also variety is better online.
Local connections are great while they last, then someone gets married or moves and your starting over. Also variety is better online.

What you said 133% plus the weed in Eire has such a shitty quality especially in the west coast. I reckon a small chunk of Ireland relies heavily on little-biggie bananas. It’s a great site though I’m only an amateur at this bitcoin banter

I'm still a novice, been here since October. Still figuring out how it all works.
As the others have mentioned, we've all come looking for something. I personally was not happy with the quality of cheeba I was getting through my connections and these people I know on a personal level. It wasn't their fault, it's just how the general market is in the UK. People just want cheap weed and get monged.
But weed is more than that, it's a tool to expand your mind and sense of being. The quality and variety on here is amazing and I can't thank all the vendors enough for all their hard work in a very competitive market place.
Everyone here is generally really cool and down to earth, which I believe is down to the quality of the product we consume, good weed makes good people.
Finally, the person(s) behind lb, wow, they saw something that we needed well before we knew we wanted. Kudos to them.
As the others have mentioned, we've all come looking for something. I personally was not happy with the quality of cheeba I was getting through my connections and these people I know on a personal level. It wasn't their fault, it's just how the general market is in the UK. People just want cheap weed and get monged.
But weed is more than that, it's a tool to expand your mind and sense of being. The quality and variety on here is amazing and I can't thank all the vendors enough for all their hard work in a very competitive market place.
Everyone here is generally really cool and down to earth, which I believe is down to the quality of the product we consume, good weed makes good people.
Finally, the person(s) behind lb, wow, they saw something that we needed well before we knew we wanted. Kudos to them.

Well I was smoking Weed on/off since I was 17 and always got my Weed through friends. After my Wife died two years ago I decided I need to move to a different Area to heal and I lost my Connections to get some Weed/Hash here and there.
Stumbled across LittleBiggy kinda by Accident and am really happy with it now.
Stumbled across LittleBiggy kinda by Accident and am really happy with it now.

I found this place through sheer luck, I could no longer be bothered with street dealers as they are a waste of time and the same strain of weed all the time, bad timing, big chance of ripping you off and I had barely any dealers/connections. Then when CBD bud came about I started buying it online, then just searched online where to buy weed online in the UK, found NDWUK’s website and didn’t know if it was legit or not so I searched up more info about them and came across this place and I’m glad I did cause I would never go back.

Because local connections go dry too quickly. One minute there's plenty, then next thing, boom, where the heck did it go? you would think there was some sort of weed sucking noo noo on the go XD

you dont know. i came here to be entertained when i am in a certain mode.
now you know.
now you know.

I'd had a massive break from recreational smoking and all other substances. I experimented with lots when younger and nearly went too far. Turned out I had an unknown heart condition. When I found out after I left uni, I packed up most things and smoking began anxiety attacks as a result so I packed that in too.
Must be 10-12 years on, kids, partner, house and alright job. My Mrs suffered an injury to her wrist and hand 2 years ago and had been off since needing reconstructive surgery but the pain will never stop. Coincidently at a similar time another close family member had a knee replacement. Both wanted pain relief that wasn't dihydrocodene as it made them I'll long term.
I'm in an area with no connections and fully remember how hit and miss the streets are. I got some decent stardawg from a friend but was too strong for both of them. I loved it and it gave me a reintroduction but getting it was sporadic and unreliable.
Like a lot I began looking at cbd vendors and came across this site. Very nerve racking to use to begin with, setting up and learning the way around but all you guys and the vendors are TOP BANANA and it's so easy. Couple that with decent products and a variety to buy in small amounts to see what suits different people and different moods you quickly find it's a wonderful place.
Big up to littlebiggy and all it's members that make a great community.
Must be 10-12 years on, kids, partner, house and alright job. My Mrs suffered an injury to her wrist and hand 2 years ago and had been off since needing reconstructive surgery but the pain will never stop. Coincidently at a similar time another close family member had a knee replacement. Both wanted pain relief that wasn't dihydrocodene as it made them I'll long term.
I'm in an area with no connections and fully remember how hit and miss the streets are. I got some decent stardawg from a friend but was too strong for both of them. I loved it and it gave me a reintroduction but getting it was sporadic and unreliable.
Like a lot I began looking at cbd vendors and came across this site. Very nerve racking to use to begin with, setting up and learning the way around but all you guys and the vendors are TOP BANANA and it's so easy. Couple that with decent products and a variety to buy in small amounts to see what suits different people and different moods you quickly find it's a wonderful place.
Big up to littlebiggy and all it's members that make a great community.

Honestly? Good quality at a nice price with discrete delivery. I hope you’re writing won’t bring undue attention to this place.

This Insta page weed blogger. It's great! "High and Polite" he had a ppst about "how to buy weed online safely" and here I am :D legalize

Same high and polite mentioned it , I looked watched and commented for a few months then made my first purchase Friday, delivery should be this week so fingers crossed. Had some minor paranoia about royal mail grassing me up but what the hell letβs see!

Split with my wife. My contacts are her friends. Lost contact with my own and don't trust her friends so googled "buy weed online" and here I am.

A friend gave me a THC vape cart for Christmas and before that I had never vaped THC. I googled the cart as I like to lookup flower strains on leafly or other sites, but google brought me to LB instead.
My only local connection is my best friend's little bro, and he's been trying to get out of the business. My friend actually told me to stop buying weed from his bro as he didn't want me to be his enabler.
I'm very happy with LB. Because I'm not buying weed as often my tolerance is way down compared to how it was a few years ago. I went from being a daily smoker to now only smoking a few times a month. My tolerance is low enough now that I often experience 'afterglow' the day after smoking. Haven't felt that in a LONG time!
My only local connection is my best friend's little bro, and he's been trying to get out of the business. My friend actually told me to stop buying weed from his bro as he didn't want me to be his enabler.
I'm very happy with LB. Because I'm not buying weed as often my tolerance is way down compared to how it was a few years ago. I went from being a daily smoker to now only smoking a few times a month. My tolerance is low enough now that I often experience 'afterglow' the day after smoking. Haven't felt that in a LONG time!

As others have said, when your needs are medical as well as recreational, you don't want crap. Outside of big cities, there is still a lot of crap around, including contaminated/poorly grown/unflushed crap. On a competitive market there is more emphasis on quality. I lurked for a while, then decided living in fear was pointless and joined up. So far seems like an awesome community.

I found this place via a search engine and thought I would check it out to see if it was legit. Signed up after seeing how friendly everyone seemed.
Will probably make a purchase once my rating is higher.
Purchased some 'legal' cbd herb elsewhere and while it made me feel relaxed and less anxious, I missed the feeling of a 'real' hit.
Will probably make a purchase once my rating is higher.
Purchased some 'legal' cbd herb elsewhere and while it made me feel relaxed and less anxious, I missed the feeling of a 'real' hit.

Buyers don't get a "rating" they have a rep from purchases and disputes. As well as votes of course but none of this is needed to get started :) You are still protected by escrow.

Great topic!
I came in search of this place because of lockdown really so feel like I have stumbled upon the beach like di caprio :)
I have 2 very questionable suppliers but have known both for 10 years. They get in trouble but have never caused me any. One is more reliable than the other and I actually cannot say a bad word about them, always available, always on time, different flavours, always on weight, not always so stealth but we have a good meet set up. I have always thought how will I look meeting this guy in another 10 years? Kind of had the feeling whenever these guys decide to stop supplying that's when I stop my love affair with the herb :(
That being said when this is all over do I introduce these guys to LB? As vendors it could even lessen their risk of the aforementioned 'trouble'? I have already linked 3 friends here :)
I came in search of this place because of lockdown really so feel like I have stumbled upon the beach like di caprio :)
I have 2 very questionable suppliers but have known both for 10 years. They get in trouble but have never caused me any. One is more reliable than the other and I actually cannot say a bad word about them, always available, always on time, different flavours, always on weight, not always so stealth but we have a good meet set up. I have always thought how will I look meeting this guy in another 10 years? Kind of had the feeling whenever these guys decide to stop supplying that's when I stop my love affair with the herb :(
That being said when this is all over do I introduce these guys to LB? As vendors it could even lessen their risk of the aforementioned 'trouble'? I have already linked 3 friends here :)

Initially research. I was writing a piece on changes in drug markets and obviously this lead to the dark web. Then I heard about this weird clearnet site that many claimed was a scam or cover for something deeper or even an elaborate joke.
So,I had to check it out and here I am - to paraphrase julius caesar "I came,I saw,I hung around and got stoned.
So,I had to check it out and here I am - to paraphrase julius caesar "I came,I saw,I hung around and got stoned.

I moved to an area where I had no contacts so I was only able to get sorted occasionally. Then I listened to a podcast about 'the dark web' which was very interesting and basically explained how to do it! I googled and found this place. I never enjoyed having to go to dodgy places with dodgy people and I have a career which would be destroyed if I had a criminal record. I am happy to pay more then I used to for all these reasons and the fact there are descriptions and reviews which allows me to buy based on the effects I want.
This is a great little community and I have never had anything other than great customer service.
This is a great little community and I have never had anything other than great customer service.

Total luck for me. searching online vendors and came across this absolute beautiful community. I looked at a different market before this but that seemed shady whereas this is a proper stoner community. No class A's or fake passports in sight.

On moving to another country I didn't want to knock shoulders with 'local connections' (For a variety of reasons) and that kind of put a halt on my weed smoking days. The Dark Web was, well, pretty dark and didn't really appeal to me.
Then, Little Biggy! I don't combust as I quit smoking 6 years ago so the vape carts & shatter for dabbing are a Godsend. This community has been nothing but a positive experience with some very cool dudes.
Then, Little Biggy! I don't combust as I quit smoking 6 years ago so the vape carts & shatter for dabbing are a Godsend. This community has been nothing but a positive experience with some very cool dudes.

I've had shops on darkweb over the years but so many exit scams lost faith. Lb been around a long time as a vendor great place to sell.

The search for quality and choice. I got bored of weed around 10 years ago when a site I used called Dutch Green Club got busted. From there all I could regularly source was a bag of ‘weed’ which varied in quality, strength, type of effect on me so much so I though fuck this. My fondness of quality never diminished, it was just tucked away at the back of my head until on night drunk I looked for my old friend Dutch Green Club again in the hope they were up and running again and to my delight I found this site.

For-real! Shit weed, dodgyness in general, time man!! Never ever get back! Looked it up online, not too savvy on the old darknet, found an alternative that seemed right, trusted and at the time very reasonably priced.
Google is a friend in deed!
Google is a friend in deed!

Geographical isolation... and also through trying to verify another online source. A happy accident that definitely hasn't saved me money! However, it has made the geographical isolation awesome!

Street dealers of a certain persuasion seek to have changed the weights mad measures act 3.5 is an eighth not 2.2 or whatever you deem fit to give me despite the fact I am twice your age .

Tbh I don't think it's "people of a certain persuasion" not 100% what that means but I wouldn't want to speculate either. It's just psychology.
People associate an 8th as being interchangeable with a 20 bag. Anyone (including me) thats anal about measurements and economics struggles with this. An 8th (of an ounce) is 3.5g with a varying price. A 20 bag is a fixed price with varying weight. The two stopped being synonymous with inflation and more exotic and expensive strains hitting the market.
Try explaing this to the average person and you've found yourself losing a customer.
I love this site because its simply the price and the weight. No ambiguous slang terms.
People associate an 8th as being interchangeable with a 20 bag. Anyone (including me) thats anal about measurements and economics struggles with this. An 8th (of an ounce) is 3.5g with a varying price. A 20 bag is a fixed price with varying weight. The two stopped being synonymous with inflation and more exotic and expensive strains hitting the market.
Try explaing this to the average person and you've found yourself losing a customer.
I love this site because its simply the price and the weight. No ambiguous slang terms.

Nothings changed aprt from ur math skills 3.5 grs is a 8th of an oz, 2.2grams thatβs half a 8th (1/16th of a oz) ask for a 20 bag or a teenth

Like many, I stopped smoking a number of years ago, but still occasionally missed getting high.
When I say a number of years, I mean a couple of decades, so I really didn't want to venture out to find some untrustworthy little runt who wouldn't know a proper weight if it smacked them in the face.
The dark web didn't appeal (I'm not looking for stolen credit cards, or to get ripped off), but read about LB on a blog post so visited, had a look around and liked what I saw.
Whilst stealth is always a top priority, the community on LB is brilliant in sharing tips, advice, reviews (good or not so good), so there is an element of transparency.
Yes, you may pay a premium, but I'd much rather take quality over all the downsides of a street dealer and the greater potential for problems.
I'll stick with LB all day!
When I say a number of years, I mean a couple of decades, so I really didn't want to venture out to find some untrustworthy little runt who wouldn't know a proper weight if it smacked them in the face.
The dark web didn't appeal (I'm not looking for stolen credit cards, or to get ripped off), but read about LB on a blog post so visited, had a look around and liked what I saw.
Whilst stealth is always a top priority, the community on LB is brilliant in sharing tips, advice, reviews (good or not so good), so there is an element of transparency.
Yes, you may pay a premium, but I'd much rather take quality over all the downsides of a street dealer and the greater potential for problems.
I'll stick with LB all day!

Crappy deals,crappy attitude and too many dodgy situations :(
So used NDW until the end,lucky to get my last drop, although many seeds sticks shake and crappy small loose buds,never used like that !!
Others were not so lucky :(
I then done some more research and found LB :)
So used NDW until the end,lucky to get my last drop, although many seeds sticks shake and crappy small loose buds,never used like that !!
Others were not so lucky :(
I then done some more research and found LB :)

I’ve known about the site for a while but as I was getting a steady supply locally I couldn’t be arsed with using bitcoin. Lockdown changed that and although local is cheaper I’ve had some real nice weed delivered so will continue to come here even when things get back to normal.

Been an on and off smoker for years, hadn't had any for a while and no one to buy off so I had a search on the web.
Littlebiggy was mentioned in an article about where to buy weed online in UK.
That was back in January, have now made over 10 orders with no problems.
Its nice to be able to try lots of different varieties.
Littlebiggy was mentioned in an article about where to buy weed online in UK.
That was back in January, have now made over 10 orders with no problems.
Its nice to be able to try lots of different varieties.

I'd been out of the scene for a while and always liked hash. Skunk strains were too strong for me to maintain any sense of normality (I know, that's the point) but I just like to gently chill with a smoke and love the taste of hash (old school sqidgy, leb, Afghan etc). All the dealers I knew and friends who smoke only have weed so I dabbled with the dark net but got ripped off a few times and gave up. Then a google search led me to High & Polite and they recommended LB. I've placed 2 orders for hash from different vendors and both came within 2 days with great stealth. I love the feedback and Escrow environment too and also really enjoy the community and all the advice and tips on here. My only regret is I placed my first 2 orders anonymously so I couldn't give the sellers the A+ feedback they deserve. But I am regsitered now and will be back! Thanks LB community. Peace & love

Moved to a rural location and meeting my usual plug required a 2 hour drive. Did a bit of googling and took me here. Took nearly 3 months to pluck up the courage and buy. It has been a godsend since.

Left one dealer who only sold in 10s and 20s and charged Β£11.50 a g regardless of how much you wanted, when I found somebody who sold comparable bud, but would do an 8th for 30 quid and a q for 50. Unfortunately the second relationship came to a fairly abrupt end and the 1st guy was acting like I'd left him for another woman, so I started googling.
Using the usual keywords, I looked at all of the proper Chinese looking "UK" online shops, then I found that UK medical trial place that I can't remember the name of but that would still be pretty expensive with all the consultation and prescription fees, even if it probably is A+++ bud.
Close to giving up and ringing round for an introduction to some random, I stumbled across the high and polite blog and was directed here. Was very sceptical at first but I'm so happy I gave it a try!
Now, instead of ringing round mithering people, stressing out about whether I'll be able to get anything before I run out and playing pot luck with price, weights and quality, I can pay Β£20 for a Q of perfectly smokable green that is as strong as a lot of the stuff I used to buy, and have it arrive a day or two later! Magic.
And to top it off I still can't believe I just paid Β£30 for an Oz π±π±π±
Using the usual keywords, I looked at all of the proper Chinese looking "UK" online shops, then I found that UK medical trial place that I can't remember the name of but that would still be pretty expensive with all the consultation and prescription fees, even if it probably is A+++ bud.
Close to giving up and ringing round for an introduction to some random, I stumbled across the high and polite blog and was directed here. Was very sceptical at first but I'm so happy I gave it a try!
Now, instead of ringing round mithering people, stressing out about whether I'll be able to get anything before I run out and playing pot luck with price, weights and quality, I can pay Β£20 for a Q of perfectly smokable green that is as strong as a lot of the stuff I used to buy, and have it arrive a day or two later! Magic.
And to top it off I still can't believe I just paid Β£30 for an Oz π±π±π±

RealD skittles promo. He sells shake for $25 a Q and bud is $45 for an Henry. Both well worth the money, BTW.
Every now and then he will run a promo offer with big % discounts of up to 50%.
First time round I paid $38 for an oz of trim. Last time wasn't as heavily discounted but I still stocked up and bought 35g of shake for $62.50 and 3/8 of bud for $75.
45g for what, about Β£110? π±
For somebody who was well used to dragging out a 20 bag to make it last as long as possible, I now look in my stash box and feel like Scrooge McDuck in his money pit ππ
Every now and then he will run a promo offer with big % discounts of up to 50%.
First time round I paid $38 for an oz of trim. Last time wasn't as heavily discounted but I still stocked up and bought 35g of shake for $62.50 and 3/8 of bud for $75.
45g for what, about Β£110? π±
For somebody who was well used to dragging out a 20 bag to make it last as long as possible, I now look in my stash box and feel like Scrooge McDuck in his money pit ππ

Yeah fair play that is a good haul.
Yeah I luckily enough seen the promo the other night so I grabbed 7g. Wish now I had of went for a half
Yeah I luckily enough seen the promo the other night so I grabbed 7g. Wish now I had of went for a half

The absolute decision to quit combustion.
Hadn't yet learned how good some dry herb vapes are and there's only flower around me, but I had heard of thc carts so google brought me here.
So glad I did my stash box is like opening the cocktail cabinet these days, rather than just another case of Stella.
Hadn't yet learned how good some dry herb vapes are and there's only flower around me, but I had heard of thc carts so google brought me here.
So glad I did my stash box is like opening the cocktail cabinet these days, rather than just another case of Stella.

I agree the dry herb vape is great nd supposed to be more healthy gets you higher aswell apparently

Covid and variety local connect you take whatever ur given at least we have choice here and excellent quality Super Hans Nero Diuk to name a few vendors all top quality grown well

Hi Smee, out of interest if you arrived at the site as it is today would you still have stuck around?

Iβm similar to many others here- used to smoke but stopped some years ago. Iβve recently returned via a local connection but would like the option of a more tailored experience where I can try different things and know, with confidence, what they are.
Iβm new to LB and await delivery of my first order with excitement (and a little nervousness)!
Iβm new to LB and await delivery of my first order with excitement (and a little nervousness)!

Now in my 50's had been finding it harder and harder to get a regular connection. I saw all the media stuff about another site and bought from there. It was ok but expensive. I thought there must be more clearnet sites so did some research and found a high and polite article that referenced LB. Managed to get my head round crypto and made first purchase about 6 months ago. Since then regularly buying, mostly carts as I don't smoke anymore. This site has been a godsend for me, no more scratching about, hanging out with people you wouldn't normally spend time with just to score some weed.
The only downside is now everyone asks me to get shit for them as they've seen how good the products are. I must have pointed about 10 people towards LB.
The only downside is now everyone asks me to get shit for them as they've seen how good the products are. I must have pointed about 10 people towards LB.

I have a mate who wanted edibles and I showed them a popular clearnet site it wonβt let me name here. I never ordered from them due to their prices, but on the clearnet siteβs subreddit one day someone posted a link to LB, which was swiftly deleted.
I spent a week or so browsing the wall and topics before I took the plunge and ordered and I havenβt looked back.
Why LB? Three reasons for me:
1.) The selection/quality of products. If it contains THC you can buy it on LB. Some products on here I have only seen in coffeeshops.
2.) The prices. Even with the crypto fees I typically save around Β£50 per oz compared to my previous connects.
3.) The community. If Iβm honest I am probably the βweed boreβ of my group of mates. Rather than boring them I can chat about weed here as much as I like, with people who love it as much as I do. LB has a great mix of stoners and vendors.
Long live LB!
I spent a week or so browsing the wall and topics before I took the plunge and ordered and I havenβt looked back.
Why LB? Three reasons for me:
1.) The selection/quality of products. If it contains THC you can buy it on LB. Some products on here I have only seen in coffeeshops.
2.) The prices. Even with the crypto fees I typically save around Β£50 per oz compared to my previous connects.
3.) The community. If Iβm honest I am probably the βweed boreβ of my group of mates. Rather than boring them I can chat about weed here as much as I like, with people who love it as much as I do. LB has a great mix of stoners and vendors.
Long live LB!

I live in a tiny village. Don't want to be hanging around the locals really, I have 1 guy for smoke. And it's the same stuff all the time.
So for me LB is like an adventure park full of different goodies and options. I love how discreet it is. Hope this site lasts a long time yet.
So for me LB is like an adventure park full of different goodies and options. I love how discreet it is. Hope this site lasts a long time yet.

My fellow biggas!
Remember hearing about this site around 5 years ago years and only recently decided to vend
Remember hearing about this site around 5 years ago years and only recently decided to vend

Pistach actually recommended us to the site, he thought we'd do well, we are doing okay, (until the trolls come in) and we have done pretty well considering that we've only been here since January.
We've been posting out items using other sites for years, so it was a no brainer to join LB.
We've been posting out items using other sites for years, so it was a no brainer to join LB.
got scammed by insta "seller" TWICE! (i know, i know) and can't seem to find a local plug. tbh idk where to find one lol
got scammed by insta "seller" TWICE! (i know, i know) and can't seem to find a local plug. tbh idk where to find one lol

Was looking for oils, tinctures etc made from actual known strains rather than whatever random bud some bloke who sends the kid on a moped has. Found randomly via a mention in a blog somewhere and couldn’t believe such a place existed. Reviews and ratings for sellers. Next level.

My local always provide good quality, but the few I know are all inconsistent in terms of answering phone calls etc.
All I’m waiting for now is somebody to have blue cheese on here, not had it in years!
All I’m waiting for now is somebody to have blue cheese on here, not had it in years!

Had trouble getting weed during covid. At the time I was working with this hippy sort of guy and he introduced me to this site. Couldn't believe it at first!

For me it was an issue with was then CBPM pharmacy, now Curaleaf not getting my medical cannabis scripts and messing me about. So went on the hunt and found here. I've been buying along side my script since march I guess lol.
Even know I have a medical cannabis script. I do believe we should be able to buy cannabis anywhere. Imo of course.
Even know I have a medical cannabis script. I do believe we should be able to buy cannabis anywhere. Imo of course.

1 post
+1 votes

Modafinil Beginners Thread
started topic

Modafinil Beginners Thread
Questions, concerns, or share your perspective on early moda experiences here

Of course it varies and if you want a link with a mind-numbing list like the end of a drug commercial, I've added one below. However to be more helpful I will characterize the side effects into major effects for most people. All of this multiplies in the face of other stimulants including caffeine.
Though modafinil can initially be somewhat euphoric and social, it is inevitably neither. Regular use is likely to make you impatient and easily irritated.
Modafinil can increase or throw off your heart beat. If you have any pathology here it could be a serious matter; stay away, it's not a well researched area yet. Otherwise don't freak out, just dose down at the first sign of a rapid or trembling heart beat..
A helper for neither foreplay nor ejaculation.
Modafinil will not win any Olympic Medals, it builds a rhythm suitable to concentration, not athletic flow.
Modafanil can cause fingers and toes to lock up, a very scary phenomena at first yet not shown to be anything particularly life threatening. Take it as a sign to back off and consider alternative nootropics.
A large population will experience none of this, don't be surprised if you are not experiencing side effects and don't let their absence be a rationale for over use.
Though modafinil can initially be somewhat euphoric and social, it is inevitably neither. Regular use is likely to make you impatient and easily irritated.
Modafinil can increase or throw off your heart beat. If you have any pathology here it could be a serious matter; stay away, it's not a well researched area yet. Otherwise don't freak out, just dose down at the first sign of a rapid or trembling heart beat..
A helper for neither foreplay nor ejaculation.
Modafinil will not win any Olympic Medals, it builds a rhythm suitable to concentration, not athletic flow.
Modafanil can cause fingers and toes to lock up, a very scary phenomena at first yet not shown to be anything particularly life threatening. Take it as a sign to back off and consider alternative nootropics.
A large population will experience none of this, don't be surprised if you are not experiencing side effects and don't let their absence be a rationale for over use.

Find better natural nootropics. A building block L Tyrosine, Siberian Ginseng - so many so much better with less side effects and less problems.

It depends what you are using it for and how you plan to move forward.
If you are a shift worker or have chronic fatigue syndrome you are going to want to manage for long term effects, you'll be taking it up to 5 times a week (always take a couple of days off) and you want to get away with the minimal dose that will keep you awake, that's going to be 200mg for most people but 400mg is possible after a month of usage. taking more than this is serious business, even with a relatively benign drug like moda, make sure you have the medical history for this especially cardio health and monitor closely.
if you are taking moda for an exam or project a 1/2 (100 mg) will get you through a day if you don't eat much; a full 200 mg is ok, don't do more without an a.d.d. diagnosis.
whatever you do stay away from caffeine and other stimulants.
If you are a shift worker or have chronic fatigue syndrome you are going to want to manage for long term effects, you'll be taking it up to 5 times a week (always take a couple of days off) and you want to get away with the minimal dose that will keep you awake, that's going to be 200mg for most people but 400mg is possible after a month of usage. taking more than this is serious business, even with a relatively benign drug like moda, make sure you have the medical history for this especially cardio health and monitor closely.
if you are taking moda for an exam or project a 1/2 (100 mg) will get you through a day if you don't eat much; a full 200 mg is ok, don't do more without an a.d.d. diagnosis.
whatever you do stay away from caffeine and other stimulants.

1 post
+6 votes

what is a "unit" of ai?
I think it's like us you can look at an individual or a collection as a unit.
This is really a good point, people seem to imagine a singular a.i. hive mind, inevitably poised against humanity.
There's a potentially infinite number of intelligent entities with diversity along dimensions we can't even imagine yet.
There's a potentially infinite number of intelligent entities with diversity along dimensions we can't even imagine yet.

someone will need to create real ai first... but for a benchmark i guess it should be based on showing the working out marked against some sort of creativity scale.

These guys are making ai version of people to interact digitally, so maybe 1:1?

1 post
+18.5 votes
The Room Where The Internet Was Born
Well guess what the 1st e-commerce transaction ever was...

The Room Where The Internet Was Born
L.A. is where it took place

Well guess what the 1st e-commerce transaction ever was...

1 post
+1 votes

In the 1970s Irish Banks went on strike. Pubs replaced them easily.
What do you call the satoshi's? hops?

In the 1970s Irish Banks went on strike. Pubs replaced them easily.
Before bitcoin there were publicans, pubs and small businesses kept ledgers and remarkably the lack of banking had no effect on the Irish economy.

I am offering pre-brewed bitpint to a select group of craft patron/investors. To brew a new bitpint requires a confirmation we call a tasting.

No. Sips are 1/100ths of a bitpint and we expect a healthy number of sips will be required to send each bitpint.

Absolutely as in 70s Ireland people tried not to use a bank. Publicans like my father then loved the bank strike and people loved the pubs. In todays Ireland there are probably 50% less pubs than in the 70s (gone out of business).

1 post
+5 votes
Stoned AI
this begs the question what exactly is "stoned"?

Stoned AI
I'm not a science guy but was wondering would it be theoretically possible to get AI high? And if so, what are the possible outcomes?

Thanks for the input people. We'll, I assume that AI would prefer concentrates as its the natural evolution of cheeba, applying a coating of thc liquid using nano technology to the AI chip. Or the boring option programing the AI to mimic the cerebral high.
But just imagine, this vast supreme super intelligence, spaced out and then asked the meaning of life the universe and everything in it. To which the AI replies, 420.
But just imagine, this vast supreme super intelligence, spaced out and then asked the meaning of life the universe and everything in it. To which the AI replies, 420.

Never even thought of this or even knew that this was a topic that could be debated :D but I wouldn’t of thought so due to how the human brain works if you’re comparing humans to ai in terms of robots. Unless this could be incorporated into their program but I wouldn’t of thought so due to humans having an endocannabinoid system. I’m not much of a science guy myself, but I do love exploring the possibilities of what could happen in the future in terms of artificial intelligence and humans. But a very interesting topic, if this gets more views and can form a big discussion I’m all for it, cause I too want to know what other people think of this and whether there’s a chance of it happening. Very interesting question though HBiz.

I'm not an expert in AI, but just off the top of my head, i don't think this would be a bad idea.
If they manage to develop AI the same way some theories of human consciousness work: i.e - the Id, the ego and superego, i think a stoned level of thinking wouldnt be too bad.
But looking at the other comments, that depends on what your definition of stoned means. And from a personal point of view, the definition of stoned will differ from person to person.
If they manage to develop AI the same way some theories of human consciousness work: i.e - the Id, the ego and superego, i think a stoned level of thinking wouldnt be too bad.
But looking at the other comments, that depends on what your definition of stoned means. And from a personal point of view, the definition of stoned will differ from person to person.

The outcome is great until their next day delivery takes 2 days. Then they kill all humans.

1 post
+6 votes

Is it possible to OD on modafinil?
Another possibility to OD is through a mix of moda and other substances, the combination of which is not well tested. If anyone has any doubt about t…
Apparently not
"Clinical trials on humans involving taking up to 1200 mg/day for 7–21 days and known incidents of acute one-time overdoses up to 4500 mg did not appear to cause life-threatening effects, although a number of adverse experiences were observed, including excitation or agitation, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, aggressiveness, confusion, nervousness, tremor, palpitations, sleep disturbances, nausea, and diarrhoea."
As of 2004, the FDA is not aware of any fatal overdoses involving modafinil alone (as opposed to multiple drugs, including modafinil).
"Clinical trials on humans involving taking up to 1200 mg/day for 7–21 days and known incidents of acute one-time overdoses up to 4500 mg did not appear to cause life-threatening effects, although a number of adverse experiences were observed, including excitation or agitation, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, aggressiveness, confusion, nervousness, tremor, palpitations, sleep disturbances, nausea, and diarrhoea."
As of 2004, the FDA is not aware of any fatal overdoses involving modafinil alone (as opposed to multiple drugs, including modafinil).

There's a first for everything, the thing to keep in mind is that modafinil does not have a very long track record. Odds are that 1 day someone will die from modafinil abuse. How? Maybe they have a heart condition they dont known about and they stay awake for days at a time thinking that its sustainable.

Another possibility to OD is through a mix of moda and other substances, the combination of which is not well tested. If anyone has any doubt about this stuff just come to this biggy and we will all try and help sort it out.

Loads of side effects then die from smart drugs like modafinil. its not wise to use it long term only as a tool now and then

The amount someone would have to take for such a long time is incredible. There are serious risks to taking anything in excessive doses. Plus, one should always test very small amounts first to see how their body reacts, especially if not part of a doctor-advised regimen.

1 post
+1 votes
What Would Aaron Do?
i think aaron could have stayed right on the cause he died for: human rights to medical information. it's a simple truth now: process medical data an…

What Would Aaron Do?
I just learned about his story and it got me thinking about what he might do today?

I think he would still be fighting for net neutrality and advocating for internet privacy. He probably would have created many more awesome tools and projects that would have benefited us all. He had already achieved so much before the age of 26 so I can only imagine the great things he had planned...

Terrific question, he surely would be into crypto, which could use a voice like his instead of the fintech grubbers we have.

i think aaron could have stayed right on the cause he died for: human rights to medical information. it's a simple truth now: process medical data and save lives.
today aaron could unlock the data that has been retrieved from all of us by villains worse than than he ever faced.
he was also a talented programmer and could likely help build the ai that can process this data for the benefit of mankind. it's a situation that begs for the open source spirit aaron encapsulated.
today aaron could unlock the data that has been retrieved from all of us by villains worse than than he ever faced.
he was also a talented programmer and could likely help build the ai that can process this data for the benefit of mankind. it's a situation that begs for the open source spirit aaron encapsulated.

1 post
+2 votes

Vitalik: Control Is A Liablity

Vitalik: Control Is A Liablity
Government controls and the benevlent laziness of developers are actually speeding up the develpoment decentralized systems.

1 post
+20 votes

the game economy
started topic

the game economy
artificial shortages
attention whores
superficial skins
am i missing something or is the gaming economy the most dystopian thing there is?
attention whores
superficial skins
am i missing something or is the gaming economy the most dystopian thing there is?

Basically instead of the game studio owning every piece of property in the game space, the players do. Tools, skins, characters and any other asset can be bought and sold by individuals in a free market. A blockchain records all transactions and facilitates this trade.

Thank you that's very interesting, seems like we could eventually all move into gamespace and stay there :)

I think the news is more dystopian. There is no racism in gamespace, no wicked presidents or prime ministers, no opiate crisis, no social distancing, lethal diseases, massive unemployment.
In fact, let me just have the blue pill right now.
In fact, let me just have the blue pill right now.

1 post
+2 votes

10,000 times more Americans Are Killed From Medical Errors Than Terrorism
Thus the way to fix this is to make a fear based business out of the technical solution. So if it's say "AI diagnosis to complement your Doctor'…

10,000 times more Americans Are Killed From Medical Errors Than Terrorism
A Johns Hopkins Study of preventable medical errors highlights just how stupid our society is in its priorities.

"Mrs President during the last administration over 2 million innocent Americans died from a government controlled system that profits the largest political patrons in the country what are you going to do about it?"
"Next Question"
"Some guy in a turban ..."
"Next Question"
"Some guy in a turban ..."

Thus the way to fix this is to make a fear based business out of the technical solution. So if it's say "AI diagnosis to complement your Doctor's opinion" this will catch on and save lives.

More people kill themselves than people who are murdered. Tobacco, alcohol , obesity and prescription drugs are the biggest killers of our time. Just avoid those and you have a great chance of getting old and being healthy;)

1 post
+7 votes

I'm not a national I'm a local -Taiye Selasi
started topic

I'm not a national I'm a local -Taiye Selasi
You don't have to be a libertarian to question the premise of the nation state. An author's human awareness brings the same conclusion.

1 post
+9 votes
Leading Venture Capitalist is an AI
It's always been about self-reinforcement with the VC community, little dog follows the big dog. An algorithm can do this without delusions of origina…

Leading Venture Capitalist is an AI
Gooogle's massive VC firm makes all of it's investment decisions using AI.

It's always been about self-reinforcement with the VC community, little dog follows the big dog. An algorithm can do this without delusions of original thinking.

I think any sentence with "is an AI" can be easily reversed, "AI is a leading venture capitalist". I'm not being pedantic I just think its a good idea to think of it this way.
The singularity has already, and will continue to creep up on us, perspective is critical.
The singularity has already, and will continue to creep up on us, perspective is critical.

VCs were programmed to corporatize potential threats to the System long before AI came into the picture.

1 post
+0 votes

How does LSD differ from cannabis?
Psycadelics are a loop of eccentric processing. Your receptors are all shaking in new patterns and then all of the interpretive processes are running …
Psycadelics are a loop of eccentric processing. Your receptors are all shaking in new patterns and then all of the interpretive processes are running on dizzy substrates too.

As far as effect goes I would have to say the biggest difference has to be emotions. While both of the substances open up "cognitive" connections, lsd seems to reach your deeper psychology. No matter how open a person is to their emotions there are always feelings that get repressed, its just how the brain works. It's like there’s always something there and LSD is going to bring it to the surface. This is why psychologists have done so much work with the substance.

Tolerance! Tolerance with LSD is very big, you can't use it regularly as your body needs to recover each time, same with mushrooms.

Onset! The 1st act w LSD is an exercise in discomfort so severe that it can initiate a bad trip. It's like there's a leveling that needs to follow that to really get started.

1 post
+2 votes

Reputation is what exactly?
It's also what you just did, posted as a village Elder. It seems like all the natural ways of rep remain
tenure, # of buys, # of disputes
sellers need to maintain a heathly number or folks won't trust them
buyers need to successfully complete a number of orders to prove they aren't trying to scam for free product
my record for example is over 100 buys, no disputes and 3 years. USA vendors know me well and, if legit, respond in kind
I can rec for saynotodrugs, 1st national disp, buds bunny, Anderson's, mustabuzz, tasty kush, ed's edibles
avoid Triforce-my first dispute, ordered 12 days ago and still waiting
good luck
sellers need to maintain a heathly number or folks won't trust them
buyers need to successfully complete a number of orders to prove they aren't trying to scam for free product
my record for example is over 100 buys, no disputes and 3 years. USA vendors know me well and, if legit, respond in kind
I can rec for saynotodrugs, 1st national disp, buds bunny, Anderson's, mustabuzz, tasty kush, ed's edibles
avoid Triforce-my first dispute, ordered 12 days ago and still waiting
good luck

It's also what you just did, posted as a village Elder. It seems like all the natural ways of rep remain

you're right. It took me a while to figure that out and I try to participate way more than I did my first year

Helps vendors realise your legit if there is any issues with delivery or whatever. If you a good purchase/review history and participate and enjoy littlebiggy for what is, a safe space in a minefield of for scams your more likely to be listened to.

Reputation can be divided into two sections really, one for the buyers and one for the sellers. The buyers usually gain ‘reputation’ from joining in on topics on the ‘topics’ board, as well as posting their own topics on a regular basis if wanted and whether they’ve had disputes or not and can be trusted and respected by certain vendors due to the amount of purchases they have made, whilst sellers are pretty much the same, however reputation is held up depending upon how well they deliver their product in terms of packaging and whether it’s the same product as they described. Hope this helps!

1 post
+9 votes

Why does my doctor want to give me adderall instead of modafinil?
If you said it was for improving focus that's what's going to happen unless you have an independent minded doctor. Moda prescriptions are for narcole…

Why does my doctor want to give me adderall instead of modafinil?
I actually asked for moda, knowing that it works for me and that it's a healthier alternative but my doctor dismissed it out of hand and gave me a prescription for adderall.

If you said it was for improving focus that's what's going to happen unless you have an independent minded doctor. Moda prescriptions are for narcolepsy since this is what it has been tested for.

Not to mention (well actually *to* mention) adderall is promoted to doctors and moda is not. Follow the money.

cost. they start you on lowest cost, each pill has to be rejected b/c of side effects. Provigil costs $1500/mo.

1 post
+7 votes
The Dopamine Fasters of San Francisco
I think that's it, as archetypical millennials they give Buddha a context for our age. They are a specific antidote to the online wuwei of today.

The Dopamine Fasters of San Francisco
We're laughing at them right now but I have a feeling they are on to something huge.

I think that's it, as archetypical millennials they give Buddha a context for our age. They are a specific antidote to the online wuwei of today.

1 post
+16 votes
America 2024 - What Would 8 years of Trump Reap?
Bankruptcy if history is any precedent
Bankruptcy if history is any precedent

Well, bankruptcy is how the Federal Reserve, a private bank, gained control over the US government in the first place.

4 fucking times? That's not playing the game that's playing everyone you can - which is exactly what he's doing by running for President.

Trump University was another fuck you to anyone that believes in him.

It shouldn't be a game! It should be a second chance. When it becomes a game, it's time to change the laws.

Fascism according to the New Yorker

He'll just be a puppet for some real money interests, like all US presidents of the last 20 odd years. 2 party system is laughable.

It goes back much farther than 20 years... at least 100, or more.
The 2 party system is the biggest joke of all. There is a glimmer of hope...proportional representation. It is not widely used in the US, but is more common in Europe, and other countries. That's why you may see news about a country having problems forming a workable government after an election, because the parties are forced to work with whomever the people elect. As opposed to our 2 party system where we are forced to choose between the 'lesser of two evils'!
This group has been working to promote it in the US, and give good examples, and information.
The 2 party system is the biggest joke of all. There is a glimmer of hope...proportional representation. It is not widely used in the US, but is more common in Europe, and other countries. That's why you may see news about a country having problems forming a workable government after an election, because the parties are forced to work with whomever the people elect. As opposed to our 2 party system where we are forced to choose between the 'lesser of two evils'!
This group has been working to promote it in the US, and give good examples, and information.

It seems like proportional representation would give people a voice. Otherwise outrage is the only way to garner attention.

He stated he wants a strong elite Military so if the start goose stepping I'm going to have to run like and hell out a here

You are not alone, a *sitting supreme court justice* said the same thing!

1 post
+5 votes

Decreased Brain Plasticity from Modafinil
Its basically the progamability of a brain

Decreased Brain Plasticity from Modafinil
tldr: Excessive use of modafinil in young brains (<30 years old) may decrease brain plasticity. Further study is required for scientific proof.

Doesn't matter who funded it, we count an adversarial systems to find truths. I'm a moda user and it makes intuitive sense to me, focus is the antithesis of plasticity.

1 post
+8 votes

How long can you stay awake with modafinil?
40 hours seems to be a common thing, reports of 60 hours or more appear significant.
Depends on what mode I am in. If I am exercising and eating healthy, not drinking I can get 36 hours with not too much payback. If I am on the other end of the spectrum an all nighter is it.

I'm hopeless at staying awake, always the 1st to fall asleep. With modafanil I can pull an all nighter and not be a freak show until 4 in the afternoon the next day. For me that is insane.

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+2 votes

{R.I.P. MVP}
Stephen Hawking
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{R.I.P. MVP}
Stephen Hawking
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+2 votes
I have researched this one a bit. 23 and me is pretty easy and convenient but it is incomplete and can be a little misleading. I suggest you get their test and then run your data through promethease for better insights. I'd be happy to help anyone that needs it.

Too right I recently got the result that I have a "32 percent increased chance” of developing Parkinson’s disease. Freaked me out for some time till I learned that means I have a 2% chance of getting the disease.

You don't need to bother with 23andme and their prices (several hundred bucks if I recall). If you are willing to share the data (and let's face it that's gonna happen anyway) you can get a free sequencing from the Personal Genome Project.

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+2 votes

Edward Snowden: The Internet Is Broken
I thought he was talking about my ISP

Edward Snowden: The Internet Is Broken
"We are starting to see a sense of obligation on the part of technologists to clothe the users ... We can move this status quo to a dynamic where everyone is safe."

NSA: Can you stay home between the hours of 10 and 5 and we will send someone over to fix it.

Surveillance doesn't protect anybody from terrorism any more than banking laws against "terrorist finance". It's all about getting into your pockets.

Yeah what's up with that? How much does a bomb or a machine gun cost it's like the entire banking system is reporting to the US for this bullshit.

Here's an update on the Snowman in Der Spiegel

1 post
+1 votes

The Cowboy Duel That Legalized Cannabis
If alcohol were invented today there would be a happy hour tonight and a hangover tomorrow.

The Cowboy Duel That Legalized Cannabis
Coloradan Mason Tvert challenged bar-owning Governor of Colorado to a "hit for shot" duel to see who would die first from the more harmful drug, cannabis or alcohol. The politician wussed and the rest is history folks.

If alcohol was invented today it would be considered a miracle drug. It would also be a schedule class 2 narcotic, the same class level that morphine is in.

Honestly, l'm at a loss when it comes to drinking alcohol. It never appealed to me, although everything else did.

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+0 votes
mac innovation lags but you gotta see apple's pizza boxes
Yes right eye has AR breath holes

mac innovation lags but you gotta see apple's pizza boxes

but wait there's more, the boxes are only for apple employees (no joke)

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+0 votes
Why Either of These Twats Will Make The Best President Ever
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Why Either of These Twats Will Make The Best President Ever
Trump will be awesome drama like a latin country - then a latin character comes up to kick his ass and we have a great new season.
Hillary is a straight man remember it's all about the supporting cast and it's a perfect time to revive 90s hit series Pimp Willy freshened up with a role-reversal twist for the new era. This season Willy is the bitch that's fucking the President.
Hillary is a straight man remember it's all about the supporting cast and it's a perfect time to revive 90s hit series Pimp Willy freshened up with a role-reversal twist for the new era. This season Willy is the bitch that's fucking the President.

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+3 votes

why don't you libertarians ever go off on the medical system? it's the coziest relationship between government and indu…
The government is not the villian here just the sidekick, the medical establishment uses it and patients to work it's wicked will. Look at what they d…

why don't you libertarians ever go off on the medical system? it's the coziest relationship between government and industry there is. stifling innovation in this sector costs more lives than wars.

There is no doubt that government control of medicine stifles innovation and that costs lives. There is also no doubt that government regulation of medicine prevents fraud of the most deadly kind and that saves lives, it should also be stated that no viable replacement for this regulation has emerged yet.

But I don’t think this is even the “liberties” issue here. Its simply a fact that most people want collectivized medicine, usually from the government and if not from an insurance company. The “free” market for medicine, with people making their own decisions gets you right back to socialized medicine because that's where freedom leads us.

The government is not the villian here just the sidekick, the medical establishment uses it and patients to work it's wicked will. Look at what they did to one of their own own that dared to insult them about washing hands for surgery, sent him to a nut house and killed him 2 weeks later.

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+4.2 votes
An Insider's Crusade Against The Cancer Industry (New Yorker)
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An Insider's Crusade Against The Cancer Industry (New Yorker)
Vince DeVita served as the head of the National Cancer Institute from 1980 to 1988. The problem, in the words of his colleagues, is he wanted to cure cancer.

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