all these parts are connected mechanically, electrically, and chemically. but that's also helpful in treatment. have a look at this
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28 topics on doctor doc
11 posts
+49 votes

why is my back pain and its relief all over the place?

why is my back pain and its relief all over the place?
usually starts with hips being pinched then my lower back starts hurting then my legs. bending my feet or even fingers seems to offer a little relief.

"Referred pain" is usually felt in the low back area and tends to radiate into the groin, buttock and upper thigh. The pain often moves around, and rarely radiates below the knee.
Referred pain is analogous to the pain that radiates down the left arm during a heart attack. It is the result of the extensive network of interconnecting sensory nerves that supply many of the tissues of the low back, pelvis and thigh.
An injury to any of these structures can cause pain to radiate – or be “referred” - to any of the other structures. It is important to understand that this type of pain is not due to “pinched nerves”.
This helpful site has details and treatment options. Good luck and let us know how you do!
Referred pain is analogous to the pain that radiates down the left arm during a heart attack. It is the result of the extensive network of interconnecting sensory nerves that supply many of the tissues of the low back, pelvis and thigh.
An injury to any of these structures can cause pain to radiate – or be “referred” - to any of the other structures. It is important to understand that this type of pain is not due to “pinched nerves”.
This helpful site has details and treatment options. Good luck and let us know how you do!

Get an MRI, don’t leave your GP’s until he/she books you an appointment for one. I went through 18 months of agony just to be told to take pain relief and rest. Long story short I needed an “emergency” operation on two prolapsed discs that were compressing my central nerve.
Once my injury was right in front of their eyes they were brilliant and worked as quick as they could. I’m proud of our NHS but you need to be assertive sometimes.
I hope your pain is a thing of the past soon.
Once my injury was right in front of their eyes they were brilliant and worked as quick as they could. I’m proud of our NHS but you need to be assertive sometimes.
I hope your pain is a thing of the past soon.

Everything just connects to everything else amigo….I have a double stenosis of the spine and sometimes it causes a pain in the sole of my foot like a knitting needle being pushed into it. I struggle to see why! 😵💫

Hi 1212 - seems there's a lot of this about! I've had a lot of experience with this, and posted some (lengthy!) advice recently to someone having similar issues. To save cluttering up your post feel free to click on my name and find a recent post called 'Does stiffness travel through muscles?' Hopefully there'll be something in there that might help you. Good luck with it 👍

Try micro dose magic mushrooms for pain.

19 posts
+76 votes

are hot tubs healthy?
heat feels great for muscle recovery but it doesn't work that way inside. instead of the muscles getting in tune they veg out.

Sitting there with the guys drinking beer all afternoon and I’m the only one who ever gets out for a piss. Eeeyew....

Vegetable soup made from mainly piss, sweat, spunk and dead skin.
If it’s your own hot tub then fine. A more public one? Nah. It’ll be full of pubes.
If it’s your own hot tub then fine. A more public one? Nah. It’ll be full of pubes.

Reminds me of the mud baths in Dalyan, Turkey.
My family watched while a hundred others covered themselves in mud and pubes and shite and dead skin and God knows what else.
One old couple where going full hog and rubbing it into there crotch and ass then face 🤢🤮
My family watched while a hundred others covered themselves in mud and pubes and shite and dead skin and God knows what else.
One old couple where going full hog and rubbing it into there crotch and ass then face 🤢🤮

Aside from the humans you are probably sharing it with cryptosporidium, pseudomonus and legionella depending on how well it is maintained and how often it is cleaned out. 🤢

As long as you get in with a big bifta! I use mine daily not died or grown a 3rd nipple…. Yet :D

8 posts
+35 votes

Brain Tumour (Cancer)

Brain Tumour (Cancer)
Hi fellow biggies
Im not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but im giving it a go.
My cousin (35 year old) who is like my brother has recently been diagnosed with brain tumour which is cancerous.
He has smoked bud regularly since the age of 15, and now needs it more than ever, especially for pain and depression.
I bought an RSO oil for him, also looking to buy him som cbd crystals etc.
Anyone know the best vendor to buy both RSO OIL FROM (the real thing) and some good quality cbd crystals etc?
Also, can anyone please reccomend any other product i should be looking into to help my bro?
Any help, ideas and recommendations im very grateful for,
Im not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but im giving it a go.
My cousin (35 year old) who is like my brother has recently been diagnosed with brain tumour which is cancerous.
He has smoked bud regularly since the age of 15, and now needs it more than ever, especially for pain and depression.
I bought an RSO oil for him, also looking to buy him som cbd crystals etc.
Anyone know the best vendor to buy both RSO OIL FROM (the real thing) and some good quality cbd crystals etc?
Also, can anyone please reccomend any other product i should be looking into to help my bro?
Any help, ideas and recommendations im very grateful for,

Apparently 1:1 thc cbd ratio is the most medicinal. Also if you get rso make sure it’s been made with food grade ethanol or everclear. Naphtha and ipa are toxic. Full spectrum cannabinoids and terpenes for maximum entourage effect.
I would personally make my own thc RSO and buy full spectrum cbd paste, mix the two and add some full spectrum hemp or cannabis terpenes.
Good luck
I would personally make my own thc RSO and buy full spectrum cbd paste, mix the two and add some full spectrum hemp or cannabis terpenes.
Good luck

Gilly1980 is well known on here for providing good RSO and at a good price too. Listings will be back on tonight..........

We have full spectrum thc and cbd drops. We get some really good feedback on helping with symptoms.

4 posts
+14 votes

anyone use an oura ring?

anyone use an oura ring?
i'm tyring to understand how i can sleep better and it seems worth a go.

9 posts
+29 votes

sani king
Is Kambucha actually healthy?

sani king
Is Kambucha actually healthy?
Once something makes it to the top of the health meme verse it's like running for President. You've used bullshit to get there just by definition so I gotsta ask.

There is a type of kombucha named Jun, thats fermented honey, not with refined sugar that is a disaccharide that gives liver problems.
For what its worth, natural probiotics amd prebiotics come from the skins of fruits amd veggies thats why u get organic and local so u can it eat with all its glory
For what its worth, natural probiotics amd prebiotics come from the skins of fruits amd veggies thats why u get organic and local so u can it eat with all its glory

You can create your own Kombucha from a SCOBY and starter tea. The culture uses the tanins in the tea to ferment, and like a majority of fermented foods, it's generally speaking good for your gut. As another user has correctly pointed out, the best form of probiotics for your gut is milk kefir. The beneficial cultures present are the most numerous.
Sourdough, Milk Kefir, Water Kefir, Kombucha, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Apple Cider Vinegar... The list goes on.
Sourdough, Milk Kefir, Water Kefir, Kombucha, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Apple Cider Vinegar... The list goes on.

Ive had the fortunate luck to try some really good concoctions of it by a real shaman, & they were different types, one with Mint another with Ginger & my body & system immediately felt the high vibrational detox going on! To me, I feel like its what alcohol should be, I got drunk but it was beautiful not like with alcohol, just my opinion
And theres something called Amanita Kombucha which is something even more magickal ;)
( research " soma " )
And theres something called Amanita Kombucha which is something even more magickal ;)
( research " soma " )

Probs ok raw. but the "healthy" products these days are full of sugars n shit. Kefir is best healthy good bacteria by ten fold.

There are some good natural ones out there. Captain kombucha raspberry flavour, is pretty good. Makes a great mixer too.

We believe it depends on the body and the yeast environment. If the bacteria is already sufficient it can be counter productive to add more so know your body and what it needs :)

I wouldn't ask health questions on here.
In short, it might be beneficial for your gut in terms of microbes that live there.
Either way it tastes good.
In short, it might be beneficial for your gut in terms of microbes that live there.
Either way it tastes good.

18 posts
+30.8 votes
Possible sleep disorder?

Possible sleep disorder?
Hey guys hope everyone is having a fab weekend. I have this problem that I’ve had for many years but in the past year it has got very bad. As I’m drifting off to sleep I suddenly jump awake. It’s not a normal haptic jump,every muscle in my body stiffens and I wake gasping for breath. Sometimes this is just fright at being suddenly jerked awake but at times it does feel as though I can’t breathe. I tried to see my GP but only got a phone consultation as they didn’t deem it serious enough for a face to face. The GP prescribed sleeping pills, They have done Jack as falling asleep isn’t really the problem it’s being jerked awake. For reference I’m 5’9 and just over 12 stone and I’m an active person. Does anyone have any ideas? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Peace.

Maybe you have asthma, i developed it in my mid 30s, sounds like your describing something called shallow breathing but a step further, it's like you kinda forget to breath at times.
I've suffered this a few times it's pretty scary and i'm sure it has a name.
Many things can trigger asthma and lying down to go to sleep is one of them.
But to recap, indeed it's like your body loses the innate ability to just breath normal, to even breath at all.
I do well with my inhaler, it's the purple one with steroids.
Try looking into this phenomenon, a google search on 'forgetting to breath' or some such should point you in right direction.
It only happens this condition when sleeping or trying to get to sleep, as far as i know.
I've suffered this a few times it's pretty scary and i'm sure it has a name.
Many things can trigger asthma and lying down to go to sleep is one of them.
But to recap, indeed it's like your body loses the innate ability to just breath normal, to even breath at all.
I do well with my inhaler, it's the purple one with steroids.
Try looking into this phenomenon, a google search on 'forgetting to breath' or some such should point you in right direction.
It only happens this condition when sleeping or trying to get to sleep, as far as i know.

Thanks for the input mate. It’s really helpful and in depth. I never even thought of asthma. I had it as a kid but grew out of it in my teens. In my 40s now maybe it has returned? The experience is very frightening. Thanks again dude for being so helpful.

Look up Hypnic Jerks as that’s what it sound like, I had the experience multiple times and it’s horrific. If it is ap then losing body fat is known to help

I agree dude I’m deffo not going to self diagnose. I’m finding the GP very frustrating though at the moment. It’s impossible here to even get a face to face appointment. It’s a 2 minute phone call if you’re lucky. Privatisation by the back door me thinks? Sorry for going a bit off topic. The jumps are like hypnic jerks but to an extreme level were it feels like my whole body is seizing up. This can be up to 7-8 times a night. Thanks for your help mate it’s much appreciated.

Sounds like what I get.
It feels like as I’m dozing off my mind is fighting with what to do—do I go to sleep or am I still on guard? I jump out of my skin and hearts beating like fuck.
It feels like as I’m dozing off my mind is fighting with what to do—do I go to sleep or am I still on guard? I jump out of my skin and hearts beating like fuck.

I thought of apnea myself dude. Can you suffer from it if you’re not overweight? I am fatigued mate but I’m putting that down to the amount of times my sleep is being disturbed.

Yes mate I have obstructive sleep apnea. I am 6"2 an d 14 stone 4, I work out 5 days a a week. I have a kink in and a narrow oesophagus. Mine starts even before I fall asleep! The NHS won't tell you this but weed definitely helps mine, i have been running a 30 year study!

Oh weed definitely helps it mate especially if I use RSO or edibles. Smoking helps but not as much unless I smoke a couple of giant bongs before bed. Last night was continuous for about 2 hours jump after jump. In the end I thought fuck it and stayed up the rest of the night. As you can probably appreciate dude they are very frightening. Thanks for help and advice my friend. Peace.

I have yes after I caught Covid and nearly died. I was an anti vax before that but yeah being on a ventilator for 10 days kinda changed my mind. I had the problem why before Covid anyways mate.

Apparently they are saying one of the vaccines is not safe anymore I think astra zeneca and also the ventilators are the wrong way to treat it now as well! I wouldn't even trust my gp anymore

3 posts
+8 votes

Is the five-second rule true? Don’t push your luck.

Is the five-second rule true? Don’t push your luck.
"With dropped bologna sausage onto a piece of tile contaminated with Salmonella typhimurium, over 99% of the bacteria transferred from the tile to the bologna after just five seconds."
The five-second rule was just baloney,
The five-second rule was just baloney,

I dropped an agar plate on the floor and it's covered in mold. I'll never eat anything off the floor. Disgusting.

11 posts
+33 votes

is this cancer?

is this cancer?

I noticed this on my chest over the sternum. Its a deacdes old mole (i have lots) that seems like its mutated. The area in the pic is 1cm radius

I shouldn't be so emphatic but no, it looks like pimple meets mole. You look like very freckled though and an examination would be a great idea every now and then. Note you are you are going to need some help to see the fun bits, even a low rent dermatologist can handle this as well as get a biopsy off to the lab.

Seems pretty tough, you need to be able to reach the skin, cut yourself without fucking up maybe novocaine to do it right, keep the sample sterile and cool now get it to the lab. I'm not sure they will even accept it you should start by asking them if you are serious.

Or you could just use one of these

This is the kind of device that will get repressed by the medical authorities, its an existential threat to them.

I'm guessing blood blister underneath the more, I can see another one nearby.

How long has it been like that?
Was it getting irritated by what you wear?
What part of your chest is it?
How is your hygiene?
Have a close look at this mole, does it have a hair growing out of it, even if it is a tiny tiny one?
Moles with hair do not turn into malignant tumours such as cancer.
Nevertheless, I'd suggest to show it to an oncologist.
Was it getting irritated by what you wear?
What part of your chest is it?
How is your hygiene?
Have a close look at this mole, does it have a hair growing out of it, even if it is a tiny tiny one?
Moles with hair do not turn into malignant tumours such as cancer.
Nevertheless, I'd suggest to show it to an oncologist.

I've had the mole forever but it just got funny in the last few days, it's coming a bit down since the post though. It's right in the middle of my sternum on both axes. My hygeine is good but I should note my laptop battery sits right over the area for hours a day.
No hair, that's a really good one though I didn't know that.
Thanks a lot, I can't afford an oncologist so this is all especially appreciated.
No hair, that's a really good one though I didn't know that.
Thanks a lot, I can't afford an oncologist so this is all especially appreciated.

12 posts
+42.2 votes
High Liver Enzymes

High Liver Enzymes
So my doctor has me take a blood test and it comes back with
AST 43
ALT 48
ALP 40
GGT 84
He says they are all running high except ALP but OK pretty much. I ask him what this all means and he really doesn't have any kind of answer except to keep an eye on it. The whole thing seems really primitive like an idiot warning light on a car dashboard. I would love to know more specifically the processes of how this can develop into disease.
AST 43
ALT 48
ALP 40
GGT 84
He says they are all running high except ALP but OK pretty much. I ask him what this all means and he really doesn't have any kind of answer except to keep an eye on it. The whole thing seems really primitive like an idiot warning light on a car dashboard. I would love to know more specifically the processes of how this can develop into disease.

It's not the enzymes that lead to disease they are markers of liver cell malfunctions. If the cells are damaged or if the bilary (liver+gall bladder) system is damaged/blocked these enzymes get released into your blood.

Yes and there can be a few malfunctions that lead to this. Each of those malfunctions have other "leaks" so some more datapoints will help show if those are pointing to liver inflammation or nearby auto-immune system errors.

How are your bilirubin levels? This data in concert with the enzyme numbers can point to or eliminate a few things that might be going on.

Sounds like Gilbert’s Syndrome to me, a benign hereditary liver condition, I have it myself... sometimes I look a tad jaundice, bit tired etc but nothing too bad, I got diagnosed after repeatedly having high liver values and high Bilerubin. I’d ask to be looked into for this syndrome, as I say of no real importance to life and I drink a lot and always have done and had liver scans etc and my liver is fit as a fiddle it’s just the levels show high so even for peace of mind it’s worth checking.

Thanks for this keen as hell insight, do you know if there is a test for the gene? How did you reach your conclusion?

My ALT levels were at 114 so yours are not high from UK guides.
mine was due to Fatty Liver, had to change my diet and its coming down slowly. They had to do a ultrasound to check but also did a Hep B test to see if there was any liver inflammation but thank God mine was ok. Try taking milk thistle it helped my ALT levels come down along with 2.5 litres of water a day, blackseed oil (cold pressed organic), coffee, plenty of green tea and low sugar, salt and fat diet. If you drink alcohol id stop.
Im not a dr but thought id share from what my experience was although it may not be same for you.
My ALT levels were at 114 so yours are not high from UK guides.
mine was due to Fatty Liver, had to change my diet and its coming down slowly. They had to do a ultrasound to check but also did a Hep B test to see if there was any liver inflammation but thank God mine was ok. Try taking milk thistle it helped my ALT levels come down along with 2.5 litres of water a day, blackseed oil (cold pressed organic), coffee, plenty of green tea and low sugar, salt and fat diet. If you drink alcohol id stop.
Im not a dr but thought id share from what my experience was although it may not be same for you.

Interesting to read this, I got diagnosed with fatty liver in February and have gone through a very similar process.

7 posts
+27 votes

Endocannabinoids in the Gut

Endocannabinoids in the Gut
Just tried to read it but to my shame a great deal of it went over my head. Anyone able to give us a somewhat 'lay-man's' version/translation?

tldr guts are a key brain peripheral and cannabis effects them in ways that effect digestion, cognition and emotion.

I have ulcerated colitis and there is certainly an positive affect with weed. And I would say some strains are better than others. But I have never been able to control the strain well enough to work it out.

45 posts
+143 votes

I have dry eczema. What kind of diet, exercise, lifestyle would you suggest? Cbd salves, will they work? Thanks

I have dry eczema. What kind of diet, exercise, lifestyle would you suggest? Cbd salves, will they work? Thanks

Most simply you just wanna keep it oily inside and out. Oily baths or even showers and you have it under control on the surface.
Under the hood diet is profound, olive oils, coconut, and pretty much anything healthy can turn around the problem.
Cannabis seems to help, a salve is worth a try and sounds fun if nothing else. But don't treat with medicine till diet is changed, that's the cure you want.
LIke your diet your regular cannabis use should be oily, tinctures and cbd concentrates and smoking is going to hurt, you don't put a fire next to dry anything.
Under the hood diet is profound, olive oils, coconut, and pretty much anything healthy can turn around the problem.
Cannabis seems to help, a salve is worth a try and sounds fun if nothing else. But don't treat with medicine till diet is changed, that's the cure you want.
LIke your diet your regular cannabis use should be oily, tinctures and cbd concentrates and smoking is going to hurt, you don't put a fire next to dry anything.

I agree with the doc, skin is a lot like plants. Dry leaves means moisture topically and on the inside chemistry that will promote healthy growth on the lowest possible layer, healthy oils, theres your most fundamental lubricant.

hello hope all is well
look up organic oats bath, cut out sugar and dairy and drinks loads of filtered or distilled water. Avoid foods that cause mucus and inflammation.
kind regards
look up organic oats bath, cut out sugar and dairy and drinks loads of filtered or distilled water. Avoid foods that cause mucus and inflammation.
kind regards

100% agree..especially cutting the dairy.tobacco doesn't help if you smoke. And there is a product called neem cream highly recommended and its not dear either.

hello all, am back on here after so long... its back again the eczema...but it makes my heart so happy to see all your helpful comments

Ive been using hemp seed oil and its the best !!!! I apply it all over body & take it orally too, just a few drops, works like a CHARM !

Hi mate, happy to send you a jar of canna coconut oil for your eczema. I can infuse it with turmeric, maca, lucuma, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and black pepper providing you are not allergic to any of those? Don't want any money just want feedback on if it helps at all!

can also add tea tree, lavender, chamomile, thyme, frankincense, basil and eucalyptus essential oils again providing you are not allergic to them. Message me!

Cold showers changed my life after suffering from chronic eczema for years. Calms it right down and let’s the CBD balls and steroid creams do there job

What dr doc said, shea butter works well for skin conditions, with my life i have had temendpus insight into this, as eczema is likely A MIND BODY issue....think about this fun fact, the skin has as much neuroscience as the brain......let that sink in like an oil..........and ask ur self, where is this in my mind, what is blocking me? If u want to message me about it u can but i knkw ur not asking....i had it on my knee, my ex gf told me this...i asked myself amd i got that i had been afraid to take the next steps.... To move forward..literally when i started taking steps in the direction It would disappear in parts, i realized it was more than one thing, more tham one step to take, and its not there, but it didnt disappear with conditioning.... i did eat healthier but it was SUPER FAST how it was crazy to see for me

Lifestyle, diet,
Stop using strong washing powder, change bed clothes every day when skin is bad.
Life long eczema sufferer
Stop using strong washing powder, change bed clothes every day when skin is bad.
Life long eczema sufferer

Fasting and putting your body in an autophagy state has anicdotal and possibly scientific backing too, to improve eczema. Also it has run through my family, and I find eating excessive sugars, carbohydrates and gluten inflames it. Just my two cents

eczema is a symptom, salves may help with a symptom but treating the underlying causes will ... you know.
how much stress do you have in your life ?
how much stress do you have in your life ?

Agreed with the info already left! By add on... be careful when using creams and ointments... sometimes too much and too often can actually make the problem much worse! Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water too... such an easy thing to help so many ailments.

I feel you bro, same sort of thing I suffer from.
I use moisturisers - usually of the emollient variety, avoid dairy and get some sun around you - avoid the sunbeds though (my girlfriend is a dermo-nurse and swears this will do more harm to the melanin than good. UV light treatment in a hospital is not a sunbed, it is very different). Also cauliflower and broccoli are really good - the rawer the better.
Take care man, and if you haven't already, go ask your GP for a referral to the Dermatology clinic asap, those guys are great and at the moment they are pretty much empty, but still operational as the hospitals wind down their response to Covid.
I use moisturisers - usually of the emollient variety, avoid dairy and get some sun around you - avoid the sunbeds though (my girlfriend is a dermo-nurse and swears this will do more harm to the melanin than good. UV light treatment in a hospital is not a sunbed, it is very different). Also cauliflower and broccoli are really good - the rawer the better.
Take care man, and if you haven't already, go ask your GP for a referral to the Dermatology clinic asap, those guys are great and at the moment they are pretty much empty, but still operational as the hospitals wind down their response to Covid.

I had eczema really bad I’m talking elephant skin!
Go to a Chinese herbalist! They will sort it no problem.
Go to a Chinese herbalist! They will sort it no problem.

Animal based diet. Its hard though because your meat has to be pasture raised grass fed. Also, you must consume organs and collagen (bone broth) for you to actually benefit. Also, include fruit, raw dairy and raw honey/maple syrup. Veggies you can eat are strict. Sweet potatoes and carrots are the only ones.
For example today ive ate a fillet of venison, an ounce of cooked grass fed liver and an ounce of grass fed heart. Ive had to get the organs from my local farm. I had a fried egg with it, some raw cheese, fried banana and kiwis and honey. I feel great.
Another thing I will mention is. You must try and avoid seed oils like the plague too just in general whatever diet you take up. I cooked everything I just mentioned in organic ghee. 6 quid a jar in sainsburys.
Rapeseed oil used to be used to lubricate war engines and its in every fucking product on them shitty supermarket shelves where theyre trying to shove shit down our necks. Research about rapeseed/canola oil people its real. That shit causes more inflammation in the body than a cigarette does.
Since Ive been on this diet my skins improved, my energy levels are always steady, I sleep better and I feel more alive than ever. I can string my sentences together better, I feel more coordinated in my speech and every day life things. Your diet is one of the main foundations of how you feel.
Hope if you try it out it helps. Doesnt all have to be grass fed from a farm too coz that can be expensive to keep on top of. Not saying you cant afford it but go research and find out hope this helps anyway🫶
For example today ive ate a fillet of venison, an ounce of cooked grass fed liver and an ounce of grass fed heart. Ive had to get the organs from my local farm. I had a fried egg with it, some raw cheese, fried banana and kiwis and honey. I feel great.
Another thing I will mention is. You must try and avoid seed oils like the plague too just in general whatever diet you take up. I cooked everything I just mentioned in organic ghee. 6 quid a jar in sainsburys.
Rapeseed oil used to be used to lubricate war engines and its in every fucking product on them shitty supermarket shelves where theyre trying to shove shit down our necks. Research about rapeseed/canola oil people its real. That shit causes more inflammation in the body than a cigarette does.
Since Ive been on this diet my skins improved, my energy levels are always steady, I sleep better and I feel more alive than ever. I can string my sentences together better, I feel more coordinated in my speech and every day life things. Your diet is one of the main foundations of how you feel.
Hope if you try it out it helps. Doesnt all have to be grass fed from a farm too coz that can be expensive to keep on top of. Not saying you cant afford it but go research and find out hope this helps anyway🫶

Something that you might not a have heard of before… Tamanu Oil. Used in Polynesia for all sorts of skin issues, from rashes to cuts and burns.
I suffered with a skin rash for years, was prescribed all sorts of ointments, steroid creams, nothing worked and it only seemed to become drier and more inflamed.
I have always had a very healthy diet and drank plenty water, as well as exercising regularly. Still suffered with this issue.
Tried Tamanu oil after searching endlessly online for a solution and within a month the rash was gone. It’s available from face theory and only costs around £13 for a bottle (which should last about 2/3 months or even more) so not a big loss if it doesn’t work for you.
I will say though that it does have quite a strong earthy smell, but you get used to it quickly lol.
I suffered with a skin rash for years, was prescribed all sorts of ointments, steroid creams, nothing worked and it only seemed to become drier and more inflamed.
I have always had a very healthy diet and drank plenty water, as well as exercising regularly. Still suffered with this issue.
Tried Tamanu oil after searching endlessly online for a solution and within a month the rash was gone. It’s available from face theory and only costs around £13 for a bottle (which should last about 2/3 months or even more) so not a big loss if it doesn’t work for you.
I will say though that it does have quite a strong earthy smell, but you get used to it quickly lol.

Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from within.
Anti-inflammatory foods: Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as fatty fish, chia seeds, and flaxseeds), fruits, vegetables, and foods high in antioxidants. These can potentially help reduce inflammation in the body.
Identify triggers: Keep a food diary to identify any specific foods that may trigger or worsen your eczema symptoms. Common triggers include dairy, gluten, and certain spices.
Moisturize regularly: Use fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated. Apply moisturizers immediately after bathing or showering to lock in moisture.
Avoid harsh chemicals and irritants: Use mild, fragrance-free soaps, detergents, and skincare products. Avoid exposure to environmental irritants like harsh weather conditions, excessive heat, or allergens that may trigger flare-ups.
Stress management: Stress can potentially worsen eczema symptoms. Practice stress-management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies that help you relax.
Wear soft, breathable clothing: Choose loose-fitting, soft, and breathable fabrics such as cotton to avoid friction and irritation to the skin.
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from within.
Anti-inflammatory foods: Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as fatty fish, chia seeds, and flaxseeds), fruits, vegetables, and foods high in antioxidants. These can potentially help reduce inflammation in the body.
Identify triggers: Keep a food diary to identify any specific foods that may trigger or worsen your eczema symptoms. Common triggers include dairy, gluten, and certain spices.
Moisturize regularly: Use fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated. Apply moisturizers immediately after bathing or showering to lock in moisture.
Avoid harsh chemicals and irritants: Use mild, fragrance-free soaps, detergents, and skincare products. Avoid exposure to environmental irritants like harsh weather conditions, excessive heat, or allergens that may trigger flare-ups.
Stress management: Stress can potentially worsen eczema symptoms. Practice stress-management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies that help you relax.
Wear soft, breathable clothing: Choose loose-fitting, soft, and breathable fabrics such as cotton to avoid friction and irritation to the skin.

All I would add in is cotton gloves. Lose clothes and the washing powder has bug impact.
Also a stress diary - can be a delayed reaction.
Also a stress diary - can be a delayed reaction.

I’d try cutting out lactose for eczema. Lots of skin issues caused by lactose. I have a severe intolerance to it and as soon as I eat it I get some weird painful skin stuff. And I’d just recommend a whole food diet high in veg and protein and cut out sugar and processed food, drink lots of water, take probiotics, use electrolytes regularly, to help distribute water to the cells.

avoid wearing synthetic fibres like polyester wear only natural fibres like wool cotton or sillk same for bed sheets

I have suffered from eczema for most of my adult life. Treatment starts on the inside, you will need to focus on your diet first. Look up 'The Elimination Diet' and start by cutting out the usual suspects: dairy and gluten. Look for any foods that trigger a skin response.
For flare ups you will need to moisturise and use corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, but this is not sustainable for the long term.
This will be a long and hard journey my friend, you will need to be patient, and I wish you luck.
For flare ups you will need to moisturise and use corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, but this is not sustainable for the long term.
This will be a long and hard journey my friend, you will need to be patient, and I wish you luck.

Buy silk bed sheets, get rid of what you have, may seem extravagant but I had constant eczema on my face towards the tops of my cheek bones, used steroid creams for years. On a hunch, I bought a silk pillow case. Haven't had use steroid cream on my face since. I imagine the same effect would apply allover. Cotton draws moisture and if your skin is already having trouble holding on to it, cotton aint helping for 8 hours a night. 👌

Pure cotton or bamboo may also bee just as good.
Like above changed to bamboo and my face has been better ever since.
Also a better diet.
But controlling stress has been important.
I suspect you will find a combination of stuff works best
Like above changed to bamboo and my face has been better ever since.
Also a better diet.
But controlling stress has been important.
I suspect you will find a combination of stuff works best

As always, getting medical advice here is a bad idea.
Eczema is a surprisingly complex condition. AFAIK scientists do not know the cause and many think it might be multi causal (like a cough, there are a lot of reasons you might have one!).
That being said - having a diet that nourishes your gut and mouth biome is beneficial for A LOT of things. Anecdotally, since i changed my diet to nourish my biome, my skin has improved, but I don't have eczema.
So - eat whole foods. Avoid ultra processed foods. Try to eat a lot of nuts, seeds and legumes. Avoid inflammation by balancing complex carbs with fats like EVOO. Eat 30 different plants a week. Eat about 30g of fibre a day (work up to this).
As you can see below, everyone has an answer and not all of them are reliable. And hardly any are based in evidence. Eg Neem - great stuff, as an insecticide or fungicide. Probably not useful as a treatment for eczema. Ringworm maybe. No evidence for topical application of CBD either.
Eczema is a surprisingly complex condition. AFAIK scientists do not know the cause and many think it might be multi causal (like a cough, there are a lot of reasons you might have one!).
That being said - having a diet that nourishes your gut and mouth biome is beneficial for A LOT of things. Anecdotally, since i changed my diet to nourish my biome, my skin has improved, but I don't have eczema.
So - eat whole foods. Avoid ultra processed foods. Try to eat a lot of nuts, seeds and legumes. Avoid inflammation by balancing complex carbs with fats like EVOO. Eat 30 different plants a week. Eat about 30g of fibre a day (work up to this).
As you can see below, everyone has an answer and not all of them are reliable. And hardly any are based in evidence. Eg Neem - great stuff, as an insecticide or fungicide. Probably not useful as a treatment for eczema. Ringworm maybe. No evidence for topical application of CBD either.

Definitely recommend organic black cumin oil & a good diet will help also plenty of sun really helps

Vitamin E Oil is great for dry skin make sure you let it sink in n work before you wash. i get rly dry knees and it always works a treat .

22 posts
+62.8 votes

what are the least carcinogenic fats?
Coconut oil, avocado, nuts, fish oil, extra virgin olive oil. Avoid letting oil smoke in the pan as it becomes carcinogenic when doing so.

Ghee has a very high smoking point, and is a natural oil that has been used for thousands of years in India. Does impart a flavour to cooking that isn't for every use.

For cannabis infusion, the most common oils used in the medical industry (for example Tilray and Bedrocan) are peanut oil for ingestion and Coco nut oil for skin application and cosmetics.

Been using Avocado oil for cooking recently as Coconut used to be our go to. Trying hard not to use any oil for cooking but its damn hard! Agree with the smoking points... we found this helpful :-)

This is a really complex question.
Trans fats are an obvious no no. Those occur naturally and in manmade products (hydrogenated fats).
But many vegetable oils (oilseed rape, peanut, sunflower, olive) etc are contaminated with aflatoxins produced by fungi that can cause liver cancer. Similarly, vegetable oils can contain Benzo(a)pyrene after you cook them.
The most healthy fats are unsaturated fats.
But we are all going to die at some point anyway so invest your health in what you love.
Trans fats are an obvious no no. Those occur naturally and in manmade products (hydrogenated fats).
But many vegetable oils (oilseed rape, peanut, sunflower, olive) etc are contaminated with aflatoxins produced by fungi that can cause liver cancer. Similarly, vegetable oils can contain Benzo(a)pyrene after you cook them.
The most healthy fats are unsaturated fats.
But we are all going to die at some point anyway so invest your health in what you love.

Sadly not true. Frying stuff in Extra virgin is a no no. It has a low burning point and lots of stuff in it to burn - carbonising stuff = carcinogen.

Coconut oil is great, but it's full of saturated fat. Jury is still out about how bad that is.
Ideally I fry in groundnut, as it has the highest burning point (which is why a lot of chinese food recommends it).
But as I said elsewhere, you choose how you invest your health. I invest mine in eating delicious food.
Ideally I fry in groundnut, as it has the highest burning point (which is why a lot of chinese food recommends it).
But as I said elsewhere, you choose how you invest your health. I invest mine in eating delicious food.

Regarding coconut oil, there was a bbc documentary that showed coconut oil was medium CT and so reduced LDL . Obviously too much is a bad thing but I do think it’s a good oil, not to mention the brain benefits of MCT’s

As I said, the jury is out on saturated fats in general.
I think that, with the exclusion of tainted oils and trans fats, the "good oils/bad oils" thing is a bit simplistic.
Eat what you love, in moderate amounts, exercise a lot. Eat more veg.
That's it. The rest is a lottery!
I think that, with the exclusion of tainted oils and trans fats, the "good oils/bad oils" thing is a bit simplistic.
Eat what you love, in moderate amounts, exercise a lot. Eat more veg.
That's it. The rest is a lottery!

Someone voted on this which led me to want to reconsider -,significantly%20bad%20for%20your%20health
Also worth considering that while it MAY not be actively bad for people to fry in (Extra Virgin) Olive oil, you might lose some of the other health benefits that EVOO can confer.,significantly%20bad%20for%20your%20health
Also worth considering that while it MAY not be actively bad for people to fry in (Extra Virgin) Olive oil, you might lose some of the other health benefits that EVOO can confer.

Frying in nice oil is a waste of money. While it may have a low flash point. That flash point is still going to be lower than what you're cooking at. I'd argue that teflon coated pans most people have are more carcinogenic than whatever fats people float in them.

12 posts
+36 votes

Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow
Ended up giving myself tennis elbow, i've a gun dog and the lil' guy can run for hours, everyday, hours and hours.
I get his exercise in with his doggy ball launcher and this is what caused my injury.
I've since switched arms to launch, the injury is in my right elbow and i've not been using it for months now and this is where my question stems. (i'm a little ambidextrous so left hand launching has been no problem 😁)
Here is my question, just how long do these things take to heal? It's been months now and the pain is still there, not always of course but i'd like to know when i can expect my right arm to start working again 100%.
Many thanks Doctor Doc!👍
I get his exercise in with his doggy ball launcher and this is what caused my injury.
I've since switched arms to launch, the injury is in my right elbow and i've not been using it for months now and this is where my question stems. (i'm a little ambidextrous so left hand launching has been no problem 😁)
Here is my question, just how long do these things take to heal? It's been months now and the pain is still there, not always of course but i'd like to know when i can expect my right arm to start working again 100%.
Many thanks Doctor Doc!👍

I've suffered with this reoccurring for years. Mine is caused by driving with one hand, turning wheel with palm.
Wrists are buggered too, carpal tunnel.
You can get neoprene elbow "splints" on Amazon for about 6 quid, try one, they can work as they restrict movement.
Wrists are buggered too, carpal tunnel.
You can get neoprene elbow "splints" on Amazon for about 6 quid, try one, they can work as they restrict movement.

Just to update, got a message from a bigga about vitamin d, so i've been on high strength 4000iu vit d softgels for 3 days now and can already feel it easing.
I think i must have had a deficiency, working back shift and not getting up till noon probably didn't help either, not caught a decent bit of sun since summer 2022.
Thanks again biggas, can't thank ya'll enough.💚
I think i must have had a deficiency, working back shift and not getting up till noon probably didn't help either, not caught a decent bit of sun since summer 2022.
Thanks again biggas, can't thank ya'll enough.💚

Hey pal
I found cbd oil really helped with mine mixed with some stoneys chocolate and a couple jynts 🤯 I suffer from loads of different joint pain due to work and daft sports over the years and now the wrong side of 50 😂 not a complete fix but definitely helps 👌
I found cbd oil really helped with mine mixed with some stoneys chocolate and a couple jynts 🤯 I suffer from loads of different joint pain due to work and daft sports over the years and now the wrong side of 50 😂 not a complete fix but definitely helps 👌

Thank you my friend another great suggestion! Will pick some up at first opportunity, i'm a great believer in the healing properties of cbd.
Have a good one Kiltman!😊❤️
Have a good one Kiltman!😊❤️

Had it in both elbows. Thankfully not at the same time. There are a few daily exercises that help, that you may be able to find online or from a visit to a physio. I also had tendonopathy in both Achilles tendons which needed Physio so also had some treatments on the elbow while there. These included Acupuncture, ultrasound and electric shock (not painful). Still took months for the pain to gradually lessen, almost back to normal now. Getting old sucks balls

Took me about two years, but still got to be careful. (Mine was weightlifting, left elbow)
Spent some money on deep tissue massage specifically on the arm which helped a lot to release the tension. Finger strengthener was a good purchase and helps ease the pain when sore, also a massage gun for the surrounding muscles. Cheap one is fine. Avoid the actual joint as can cause more problems, top of the forearm up and down helped a lot
Spent some money on deep tissue massage specifically on the arm which helped a lot to release the tension. Finger strengthener was a good purchase and helps ease the pain when sore, also a massage gun for the surrounding muscles. Cheap one is fine. Avoid the actual joint as can cause more problems, top of the forearm up and down helped a lot

if you're not up on things :)

12 posts
+47.2 votes

Psychology services and cannabis

Psychology services and cannabis
I've been waiting to see a psychologist on the NHS for a year. Finally I get the phone appointment, and they say that because I smoke weed, psychology is not a good fit for me. Any thoughts biggaz?

Look elsewhere. Even if you can convince this particular psychologist to see you, they are not a good fit. There are plenty of more open minded mental health workers and it can sometomes take going through a few before finding a good fit. If you can afford it, it's worth looking for a private therapist because you can go through profiles and see if they sound like a good match before contacting.

Who told you that? Was it a Clinical Psychologist, Assistant Clinical Psychologist, receptionist? I can’t imagine a Clinical Psychologist saying that.
Alcohol and drug use is often a symptom of underlying issues and many people use them to help them regulate both their emotions and their sympathetic nervous system, or as part as a pattern of behaviours or your rules for living.
A Clinical Psychologist will recognise this, do a full analysis and build a program using a range of techniques to address all of these.
If you have genuinely been turned away by a Clinical Psychologist because you smoke pot, I would be shocked.
Alcohol and drug use is often a symptom of underlying issues and many people use them to help them regulate both their emotions and their sympathetic nervous system, or as part as a pattern of behaviours or your rules for living.
A Clinical Psychologist will recognise this, do a full analysis and build a program using a range of techniques to address all of these.
If you have genuinely been turned away by a Clinical Psychologist because you smoke pot, I would be shocked.

I think she was a clinical psychologist. Her name started with "Dr". But I don't know that for sure. I was really disappointed because I was of the same opinion as you about clinical psychologists.

If she is a doctor then she will be a Clinical Psychologist. Shocking advise. Do you have her contact details so that you could email her your concerns and give her the opportunity to explain her reasons for not seeing you.

Don't go to Twitter that is sledgehammer. Speak to the person, speak to their boss. If not satisfied complain to the BPS. Do that before opening a health care professional, who has probably dedicated her career to helping others, to a Twitter pile on.
There are lots of reasons who a psychological therapy and weed may not mix - using weed to avoid feelings that need to be processed in therapy, being too stoned to remember what was said in the session are just two. Deciding whether therapy is going to be helpful is an individual thing with lots of variables. It is not as simple as saying using weed is ok or not while having treatment.
There are lots of reasons who a psychological therapy and weed may not mix - using weed to avoid feelings that need to be processed in therapy, being too stoned to remember what was said in the session are just two. Deciding whether therapy is going to be helpful is an individual thing with lots of variables. It is not as simple as saying using weed is ok or not while having treatment.

I just find it ridiculous how people stigmatised weed so much. Obviously some people use it for medical reasons. I wish you luck with all these supposed "doctors ".

Hey mate a long time ago I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, recently this year I was also diagnosed with autism and adhd (Before adhd diagnosis they said maybe aspergers, it took a while for proper diagnosis).
I've always been upfront about my use of cannabis and it has never been a problem for me. I was successful in my application to Cancard and have had one for just over a year and a half.
What I do know about getting help with things like this is, it really does take a long bloody time, my autism and adhd diagnosis took a couple of years and now I think the waiting list has gone up even more.
There is a severe lack of funding and I don't think it's getting any better....
Keep on asking, you are doing the right thing in asking for help. As others have said ask for different opinions.
All the best,
I've always been upfront about my use of cannabis and it has never been a problem for me. I was successful in my application to Cancard and have had one for just over a year and a half.
What I do know about getting help with things like this is, it really does take a long bloody time, my autism and adhd diagnosis took a couple of years and now I think the waiting list has gone up even more.
There is a severe lack of funding and I don't think it's getting any better....
Keep on asking, you are doing the right thing in asking for help. As others have said ask for different opinions.
All the best,

My thought?: fucking outrageous…
Last time I had the temerity to ask a Consultant Specialist a few questions they said in a withering sarcastic way “oh, you’ve read a book have you?”….followed by “you are not going to get any better you know?”
I didn’t bang any pans for the NHS..,.
Last time I had the temerity to ask a Consultant Specialist a few questions they said in a withering sarcastic way “oh, you’ve read a book have you?”….followed by “you are not going to get any better you know?”
I didn’t bang any pans for the NHS..,.

The nhs has some weird major issue with cannabis despite the first uk studies (project 21) showing 80% of people with anxiety and depression showed improvement using cannabis. You can however pay to see a private cannabis doctor who will prescribe it perfectly legal in the uk 😂 💰.. they are assholes same thing happened to me around 7 years ago turns out I have ptsd that has turned into functional neurological disorder now 🤦♀️ Back on the waiting list for cbt. I would try another doctor personally I think it’s slightly narsassistic to refuse to treat someone based on your own personal beliefs not any sort of real bloody evidence it is 💯 discrimination. I am sorry this has happened to you I hope you find the help you need 🙂

I’m no expert but I can see NICE guidelines saying something like.. if the patient is using any kind of none prescription drug the NHS aren’t going to pay for physiological treatment

45 posts
+124 votes

Panic attacks (PTSD) from weed

Panic attacks (PTSD) from weed
I was a heavy smoker for years (half oz a week) then suddenly i started having panic attacks after smoking with pulpatations too. I gave up for ages but i really miss having a smoke so ive started having some very small amounts of morrocan hash this last year, which so far seems like it causes less problems although im still very nervous about having too much. If i smoke most weed thats around ill feel like ive had 4 cups of strong coffee :( Weed used to be relaxing but now feels like a stimulant . Ive also ended up cutting coffee and most hardcore sugar out of my diet as that seemed like it was also starting to affect me badly (i suppose thats a good thing to cut out anyway haha but still) . Whats going on Doc?

Hey! Sorry to hear about your weed-induced panic attacks. I can easily give myself severe anxiety with too much THC but at the same time I need the THC-heavy indica strains to sleep (severe insomnia from long-standing PTSD). AVB (already vaped bud) doesn't seem to cause anxiety in the same way, so sometimes I just self-medicate with that. But I've found the trick with weed is to vape it, not smoke it, and to use way way less than makes sense, like a really tiny quantity. Either I just put a tiny quantity in my vape, or i put in a normal quantity but only take a couple of shallow puffs then take a break for an hour or so.
That said, a lot of panic attacks are by subconscious association, so if you had one bad trip with weed, the panic attacks could well be just your amygdala screaming DANGER DANGER at your adrenal glands every time you smoke. If you need to talk about it feel free to message me btw
That said, a lot of panic attacks are by subconscious association, so if you had one bad trip with weed, the panic attacks could well be just your amygdala screaming DANGER DANGER at your adrenal glands every time you smoke. If you need to talk about it feel free to message me btw

A kind seller on here is putting me together a little variety pack to try some high CBD indica weeds which I'll be vaping

Hemp hash has the best Cbd buds! Just mix it 1:1 with thc weed , or 1:2, 1:3 etc. That should take care of the anxiety;)

if you could get diazepam i used both to cure very bad case of PTSD to fix. every time i smoked and got panic i i let it get bad then pop a pill to shut the fuck up to this panic it works really does. did this for just a few weeks and wala i can now smoke 247 no panic then just weened myself off the diazepam 5 years gone and still PTSD free

I'd love to know the seller you're talking about! I'm keen to find some low thc, high cbd strains! (a little higher than the 0.2% stuff though)

Definitely try vaping. Its a lot more mellow and a nice way to ease yourself in. MJ Concentrates have some great carts (he is sold out atm but will restock soon) and he is really helpful and has great customer service and no question is too stupid to ask him.

Just to add as I don't see it otherwise mentioned, but the maturity of the trichomes plays a large part in this. Smoking earlier cuts of cloudy trichs will give a rushier hit than ambers if cut a little later, and I've found it's immature or earlier cut weed that tends to give me the effects to speak of. If you know any growers, ask that they cut you some when it's mostly amber trichs and see how you do. It is degrading at the point but you can't get it all just right.

I used to suffer with this and for me I realised the sativa doesn't agree with me, has to always be indicia, or a 70/30 hybrid, I'd suggest having a smoke but you need to break yourself in real slow, just like have a few puff's, then a few hours later a few more and so on, try indica leaning strains, though it could just be your body going nah

Sorry to hear this. Everyones different but it can come down to strains. Try find Hybrids or Indicas particularly ones that are low THC and High in CBD. Thisbalance is key to a balanced high. also really make sure the plants are flushed correctly and/ or organic. Less chemicals the better which can trigger a lot of this.
Good luck
Good luck

Not really bud, Durban Poison i Had stocked there was 17% THC, 1% CBD, 1% CBN. There definitely are strains that have like 3% CBD these days. Sorry I couldnt be of more use!

Would love to try something like Stephen hawking kush . Indica dominant 12% THC 13% CBD . Sounds perfect for me but I don't know if I'll find weed like that in the UK . Hopefully I'll get lucky

Sorry to hear that buddy. That happens with my mum. I baked her some brownies a few times and even with strains that knock me out, have the opposite effect on her. She ends up getting a speed-like high. She has chronic arthritis but it may be the type of meds she is on not meshing well. Some venders put detailed descriptions on here of their strains. You will find one that works for you eventually. I hope it all comes right for you because it’s shit when you can’t do what you love. Stay safe.

I had a similar episode after 20 yrs of smoking daily, mind you it happened after a weekend of more booze than you can imagine. Tried a few times after but had the same response, so I gave up for about 8 years ( boy did I miss it!!) then went to Amsterdam, I took it slower than I would have in the old days and always kept my mind working and it worked . TBH my life now won’t allow to go back to how I used to smoke but pleased I can still enjoy one again. I guess it really comes down to mental conditioning and not associating weed and the panic attack, well that’s what helped me .

1:1 THC/CBD strains are amazing. Stick to some nice indicas or hybrids and you'll find the CBD takes the anxiety away and replaces it with a deep relaxation.

maybe because you stopped using for a long time so your body isn't used to having weed. or you might have went straight to sativa strains when you started again. i had the same experience not long ago, i thought i added a low amount of cannabutter in my brownies and i ate two, 5 hours later i feel like my heart will explode and i was scared i might die. lol. yeah stick to the indica ones, try to taper your dose-- start small and see which amount gives you the results you want. CBDHempKing has some cbd flowers and CBDave has some cbd products like distillates and chocolates.

Stick to the indicas, sativa strains have the same effects on me, avoid it now and been good so far. Smoke every day.

Thanks for your comment. Any particular strains you can recommend i try? ive been at a whits end for years now

Use leafly to compare strains take.something with a heavier indica percentage and work back. Hybrids prob o
Alright with 60% sativa like gentleman dealers lemon amnesia.
Poss vape I've found spliff make it more likely.
Alright with 60% sativa like gentleman dealers lemon amnesia.
Poss vape I've found spliff make it more likely.

Currently black jack reserve or fruity pebbles from drugsinc these are pretty laid back not heart pumpers. Look out for the ice cream cake that was nice.

I find mimosa really good for anxiety it’s a 50:50 hybrid usually pretty easy strain to get hold of to

I used to get sudden panic attacks about 10 years ago into my now 20-25 year habit.
I got rid of them pretty much within a month by using deep breathing techniques. I have a friend who makes RSO which can hit you with panics like a truck if you take too much and the breathing techniques completely stop those too.
I know it sounds cliche but I really recommend the box breathing technique whenever you feel bad: 4 seconds breathe in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds breathe out. Do that for 2+ minutes and you will feel better.
That said, this is my personal experience and can't guarantee it works for anyone else but I haven't had a panic attack properly since that first month many years ago. Allowed me to continue using the plant that I love.
I got rid of them pretty much within a month by using deep breathing techniques. I have a friend who makes RSO which can hit you with panics like a truck if you take too much and the breathing techniques completely stop those too.
I know it sounds cliche but I really recommend the box breathing technique whenever you feel bad: 4 seconds breathe in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds breathe out. Do that for 2+ minutes and you will feel better.
That said, this is my personal experience and can't guarantee it works for anyone else but I haven't had a panic attack properly since that first month many years ago. Allowed me to continue using the plant that I love.

Was in the same boat as you.
My weed anxiety came about after my psychedelic period. I would get heart palps, muscle shakes and an unsettled mind.
I quit for a year and then eased back in with low strength hash.
High THC Low CBD strains will still make me uncomfortable if I smoke too much too soon,so I stick to mellow stuff these days.
CBD will absolutely settle heart palps and anxiety. Smoke/ vape a fair whack before smoking anything with THC and you’ll be fine. CBD flower shake is pretty cheap, I always have some on standby but I haven’t been unsettled in a long while.
Best of luck!
My weed anxiety came about after my psychedelic period. I would get heart palps, muscle shakes and an unsettled mind.
I quit for a year and then eased back in with low strength hash.
High THC Low CBD strains will still make me uncomfortable if I smoke too much too soon,so I stick to mellow stuff these days.
CBD will absolutely settle heart palps and anxiety. Smoke/ vape a fair whack before smoking anything with THC and you’ll be fine. CBD flower shake is pretty cheap, I always have some on standby but I haven’t been unsettled in a long while.
Best of luck!

Smoke whatever strain you want and use a CBD tincture if it gets too much.
I keep a bottle handy when I’m trying new actives in edibles, used to get panicky as fuck sometimes.
I keep a bottle handy when I’m trying new actives in edibles, used to get panicky as fuck sometimes.

Hi, ive smoked heavily for 25 years now and I find my anxiety is at its worst when i cant source any weed, whether thats an addiction styled placebo im not sure, but I have heard of people mixing quantities of cbd flower in with their thc flower at various ratios and reporting much lower psychosis/anxiety levels. Maybe try a bowl or vape of 70/30 thc/cbd and see if it helps any.

some strains work good with some people and some don’t I recommend a indica dominant strain

Its the strains pretty much... example..
White widow i had in de pipj, amsterdam was real heavy fire. One joint and i was a complete mess. Full blown panic attack, whitey, palpitations etc.
Also the state of mind before you smoke. ganja (especially sativas) can be a sensitizer so amplifies your emotions.
Also, when a plant is chopped also has an effect on the buzz. So even an indica can be racy if its chopped a bit early. Sativas are often chopped a bit early because...
1) They can take another 50% longer to flower than an indica
2) It amplifies the racy high and can be more trippy.
Loads to keep you happy, but id just look for a 90%+ indica dominant, which is usually displayed in vendors sales pitches.
Good luck and dont do it if it makes you feel para. Can be unhealthy to keep that going for the grey matter.
White widow i had in de pipj, amsterdam was real heavy fire. One joint and i was a complete mess. Full blown panic attack, whitey, palpitations etc.
Also the state of mind before you smoke. ganja (especially sativas) can be a sensitizer so amplifies your emotions.
Also, when a plant is chopped also has an effect on the buzz. So even an indica can be racy if its chopped a bit early. Sativas are often chopped a bit early because...
1) They can take another 50% longer to flower than an indica
2) It amplifies the racy high and can be more trippy.
Loads to keep you happy, but id just look for a 90%+ indica dominant, which is usually displayed in vendors sales pitches.
Good luck and dont do it if it makes you feel para. Can be unhealthy to keep that going for the grey matter.

Last few times I’ve had white widow it’s given me heart palps and shakey muscles, flat out won’t smoke it now.

Sounds bad having panic attacks sorry but I can relate 😕
Since I stopped using tobacco, the effects of weed through the vape
feel purer and no tobacco means not having to roll joints to feed nicotine slumps.
A half ounce a week was a lot of weed and glad you're having a more pleasant time with a lesser amount of nice Moroccan hash. 😀
Also understanding more about strains has helped loads too.
Since I stopped using tobacco, the effects of weed through the vape
feel purer and no tobacco means not having to roll joints to feed nicotine slumps.
A half ounce a week was a lot of weed and glad you're having a more pleasant time with a lesser amount of nice Moroccan hash. 😀
Also understanding more about strains has helped loads too.

Sorry to hear that you’ve been having a hard time.
I generally stay away from the crazy strength buds, particularly sativa strains which can get a bit racy!
Maybe try hybrids with a greater percentage of indica or strains with a balance of thc & cbd.
I like Indica hashes generally.
I’ve had some nice stuff from hashishin lately. Some of the leb stuff is fairly balanced between thc and cbd.
I had some hash from Shroom of the loom that was a really relaxing indica called audi something or other.
I have a friend who swears by taking a few cbd drops while having a smoke.
I most often vape nowadays and find that cleaner and less intense than smoking a J.
Hope you find a solution.
I generally stay away from the crazy strength buds, particularly sativa strains which can get a bit racy!
Maybe try hybrids with a greater percentage of indica or strains with a balance of thc & cbd.
I like Indica hashes generally.
I’ve had some nice stuff from hashishin lately. Some of the leb stuff is fairly balanced between thc and cbd.
I had some hash from Shroom of the loom that was a really relaxing indica called audi something or other.
I have a friend who swears by taking a few cbd drops while having a smoke.
I most often vape nowadays and find that cleaner and less intense than smoking a J.
Hope you find a solution.

Just a thought....I wonder if having a few drops of high strength cbd oil before you smoke could help take the edge off?
try researching the strains first before you buy, see how it would affect you. and try indica strains. CBD oil helps too. if you got a local Holland&Barrett shop, checkout their products, sometimes they got promos like Buy 1 get another 1 for a penny
try researching the strains first before you buy, see how it would affect you. and try indica strains. CBD oil helps too. if you got a local Holland&Barrett shop, checkout their products, sometimes they got promos like Buy 1 get another 1 for a penny

could be worse, you could develop cannabis hypermedia syndrome like me and nearly die of complications of dehydration. imagine the worst pan imaginably, its 10 times worse, fentanyl does nothing, they had to put me under to stop it.

Thanks everyone for your lovely responses . I'm going to look out for some indica rich northern lights and some ice cream cake , until then I'll stick to my lower strength hash as that seems like a warm not too heady buzz :)

6 posts
+40 votes

ghetto bikes
are there good steroids?
Good question!
The fall in male testosterone levels is mooted by some as not only one of the most ignored health issues in current times but a future health tsunami.
Simply because steroids are ‘abused’ for athletic and vanity reasons most medical bodies are swerving to avoid the issue of testosterone optimisation therapy, leaving it in the arena of the ‘wild west’ and private practice.
Unfortunately hinged to the wholly inaccurate phrase ‘male menopause’ it’s seen by many who should know better as a ‘joke’ subject or simply an excuse to take body enhancing drugs.
However, low testosterone or ‘hyper-gonadism’ can produce a raft of symptoms that not only limit or destroy quality of life but significantly shorten longevity.
So the simple answer is yes, there are some very good steroids: Undenanoate, Propionate, Cypionate, Enanthate, and Sustanon are just a few examples of steroids that can optimise male testosterone levels (with a fraction of the dosage used by body builders and without any significant side effects). Finding a physician to prescribe them however that isn’t going to break your bank account is a whole different topic!….
The fall in male testosterone levels is mooted by some as not only one of the most ignored health issues in current times but a future health tsunami.
Simply because steroids are ‘abused’ for athletic and vanity reasons most medical bodies are swerving to avoid the issue of testosterone optimisation therapy, leaving it in the arena of the ‘wild west’ and private practice.
Unfortunately hinged to the wholly inaccurate phrase ‘male menopause’ it’s seen by many who should know better as a ‘joke’ subject or simply an excuse to take body enhancing drugs.
However, low testosterone or ‘hyper-gonadism’ can produce a raft of symptoms that not only limit or destroy quality of life but significantly shorten longevity.
So the simple answer is yes, there are some very good steroids: Undenanoate, Propionate, Cypionate, Enanthate, and Sustanon are just a few examples of steroids that can optimise male testosterone levels (with a fraction of the dosage used by body builders and without any significant side effects). Finding a physician to prescribe them however that isn’t going to break your bank account is a whole different topic!….

As someone who has run serveral types of steroids I shall tell why they are good and bad my friend.
We all have a genetic potential. So You or I could follow the exact diet, weight training etc and our results would vary vastly and we'd look much differently in certain areas. Once you have hit your genetic potential that is it, you cannot grow any more muscle. The onky thing that will surpass that is PEDS - I say PEDS because not just steroids are good and bad.
So I've ran testosterone for a long time. And ran orals along with it depending on what cycle I was running. I am smart one. I get bloods done before, during and after cycle to ensure all my levels are in check and I've not doing myself any harm. I take my blood pressure every day, I do it 'safely'. I used to compete and the onky way to compete is to enhance unfortunately.
Unfortunately others are not so smart l. They take ridiculous amounts, don't pay attention to their body, don't run any post cycle therapy then jump straight back cause they wonder why they lost all their gains. And Ofcourse, they end up in A&E from time to time.
Keep in mind more and more men and turning to TRT with great success. It's been a bit if a grey area because of the association with steroid and abuse. Thankfully though the Stigma around that seems to be reducing.
Hooe this was helpful 😊
We all have a genetic potential. So You or I could follow the exact diet, weight training etc and our results would vary vastly and we'd look much differently in certain areas. Once you have hit your genetic potential that is it, you cannot grow any more muscle. The onky thing that will surpass that is PEDS - I say PEDS because not just steroids are good and bad.
So I've ran testosterone for a long time. And ran orals along with it depending on what cycle I was running. I am smart one. I get bloods done before, during and after cycle to ensure all my levels are in check and I've not doing myself any harm. I take my blood pressure every day, I do it 'safely'. I used to compete and the onky way to compete is to enhance unfortunately.
Unfortunately others are not so smart l. They take ridiculous amounts, don't pay attention to their body, don't run any post cycle therapy then jump straight back cause they wonder why they lost all their gains. And Ofcourse, they end up in A&E from time to time.
Keep in mind more and more men and turning to TRT with great success. It's been a bit if a grey area because of the association with steroid and abuse. Thankfully though the Stigma around that seems to be reducing.
Hooe this was helpful 😊

Steroids are not good or bad. They can be used positively for testosterone replacement therapy but also abused for performance enhancement. It’s about how and what they are used for which makes them good or bad;)

3 posts
+6 votes

why does your face swell up after surgery?
The answer would depend on what surgery you've had. Was it actually on your face or elsewhere?!

7 posts
+15 votes

Tore my calf muscle

Tore my calf muscle
Hi doc, was just going to bin outside with rubbish and tore my muscle, i actually heard it tear. (not been sleeping much lately and i walk a lot with doggo)
Next door neighbour is footballer and confirmed you can actually hear the muscle tear.
Got it wrapped, took some ibuprofen, gonna get it raised and have ice on standby.
I'm expecting smoke tomorrow which i'll enjoy cause not going to work, any advice my good man?
Next door neighbour is footballer and confirmed you can actually hear the muscle tear.
Got it wrapped, took some ibuprofen, gonna get it raised and have ice on standby.
I'm expecting smoke tomorrow which i'll enjoy cause not going to work, any advice my good man?

Thanks, not a fan of nhs nor modern medicine, the ibuprofen i got today have e171 coloring, a now banned carcinogenic LOL.
Yeah wanna know why everyone nowadays gets cancer, start paying attention to ingredients epsecially the 'nasties' which I was forced to due to allergies i picked up in later life.
I'd go to nhs if my head was hanging off, apart from that ..
Sry for rant, been told by work i don't get paid the first three days i'm off sick, so not only am i down physically, but financially now too.
Ain't the uk just the best country tho?
Yeah wanna know why everyone nowadays gets cancer, start paying attention to ingredients epsecially the 'nasties' which I was forced to due to allergies i picked up in later life.
I'd go to nhs if my head was hanging off, apart from that ..
Sry for rant, been told by work i don't get paid the first three days i'm off sick, so not only am i down physically, but financially now too.
Ain't the uk just the best country tho?

If you're not into big pharma, you could try Wim Hof breathwork.
1.It doesnt take long to do.
2.Good for inflammation i.e injury/trauma in the body
3. Will get you buzzing.. High on your own supply
Wim is an extraordinary athlete who has many Gunness World records.
He once ran a half marathon in the artic circle in a pair of shorts,
He got frostbite in his toe,
Docs wanted to chop it off,
Wim worked his magic and still has his toe.
I've been doing his breathwork and cold shower method for just over a year now. I'm never turning back...
and I still have all my toes 🤣
also in the last year
No coughs or colds👌
No covid🖖
Almost no migraine 👍
No more hayfever✌️
It's free, everyone should try it.
1.It doesnt take long to do.
2.Good for inflammation i.e injury/trauma in the body
3. Will get you buzzing.. High on your own supply
Wim is an extraordinary athlete who has many Gunness World records.
He once ran a half marathon in the artic circle in a pair of shorts,
He got frostbite in his toe,
Docs wanted to chop it off,
Wim worked his magic and still has his toe.
I've been doing his breathwork and cold shower method for just over a year now. I'm never turning back...
and I still have all my toes 🤣
also in the last year
No coughs or colds👌
No covid🖖
Almost no migraine 👍
No more hayfever✌️
It's free, everyone should try it.

I'll look into it, i've known about breathing techniques for a while but never delved in deep.
Must say the ice pack really helps tho, i put that on in the evening a go for a nap.👍
Must say the ice pack really helps tho, i put that on in the evening a go for a nap.👍

You can do the breathwork before you nap.
30 deep belly breaths in
Just let the breath fall out but not a full exhale
After the last exhale
Hold the breath for as long as possible (I have held for 3 minutes)
When you get the urge to breath
Breath in fully and hold, squeeze your abs gently for 10-15 secs and release you're on the way
3 rounds in total
You'll be flying..Trust me
30 deep belly breaths in
Just let the breath fall out but not a full exhale
After the last exhale
Hold the breath for as long as possible (I have held for 3 minutes)
When you get the urge to breath
Breath in fully and hold, squeeze your abs gently for 10-15 secs and release you're on the way
3 rounds in total
You'll be flying..Trust me

31 posts
+61 votes

Booze, Weed, or Amitriptyline?

Booze, Weed, or Amitriptyline?
(Tip: please say Weed!)
I have a mixed selection of pain issues including a double stenosis, which because it’s all recent and won’t get better is probably taking me into mild depression. I usually rely on the booze, not because it works that well but because I have always loved booze.
Having found this site I am very excited about the potential of all these quality strains that are new to me.
In the meantime my Doc wants me on the Amitriptyline. He thinks I am- but I have a drawer full. Never started.
So biggaz, what varieties commonly found here are best to ease my woes??....I bet you know!...and I’ll sure appreciate it (vendors welcome!)..
I have a mixed selection of pain issues including a double stenosis, which because it’s all recent and won’t get better is probably taking me into mild depression. I usually rely on the booze, not because it works that well but because I have always loved booze.
Having found this site I am very excited about the potential of all these quality strains that are new to me.
In the meantime my Doc wants me on the Amitriptyline. He thinks I am- but I have a drawer full. Never started.
So biggaz, what varieties commonly found here are best to ease my woes??....I bet you know!...and I’ll sure appreciate it (vendors welcome!)..

One thing you haven't listed that you may want to consider is RSO or Rick Simpson Oil. Couple of vendors sell it but one particular one specialises in it called Oilman and he's very professional. I've used RSO a few times for arthritis pain and it works really well.

Thanks, that’s really interesting. How do you actually ‘use’ an oil? (Sorry if that’s a real noob question!)

It comes in a 1ml syringe way I use it is I put a bit about the size of a grain of rice in my mouth, leave it to swill about for around 5 mins and swallow. Starts working after an hour or so but its a bit faster acting doing it after a meal. I'm currently suffering badly with avascular necrosis of the hip joint taking the oil helps me walk without a stick.

Fascinating, thanks. But is it also a good high?...can you drink booze at the same time? Glad to hear you get relief amigo...

i found i used way more than intended like i took a whole mil wasnt enough so i did 2mil and had a good high but i found if i dont smoke and only have RSO id run out of cash real quick best i stick too smoke even though me lungs are almost cooked haha

Cheers dude I've heard people have good experiences drinking with RSO but it's not something I've tried. For me the high by its self in high doses is a bit like taking a tranquilizer, but I always use it 3 hours before going to sleep(it really helps if you have sleep issues too). One thing I have noticed it works better after eating and hits faster the longer it's kept in the mouth.

Pleaseeee dont take those, I would strongly advise not to take the amitriptyline, through that shit in the bin!
This is tough for me to say but i feel like i should explain my experience with amitriptyline,,,,
My doctor prescribed me that for nerve damage, it was ok for a while untill i increased the dose. Then came the horrific headaches which lasted for days. This drug affects the chemical balance of your brain, when i stopped taking it I had the scariest mental episode, which ill try and explain. I was sitting at my desk everything was fine and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to get up and hurt myself, it was like someone else was controlling my thoughts. I was terrified but aware the whole time, I sat there frozen for 2 hrs as i dear not move, I was fighting myself not to get up as i didnt know what I was about to do. This is not like me at all and as you can imagine was terrifying! 90% of the medications they give can be replaced with cannabis, with far less side affects. Go for an indica dominant plant any of the dawg strains allways work best for my pain relief, there my go to and are really effective. The booze is your choice but it has wreaked my nervous system over the years and have several nurological problems due to alcohol. Stick with the weed and get those body repairing cannabanoids in ya, its the best medicine ;) Gl with the pain relief, stay safe stay medicated.
This is tough for me to say but i feel like i should explain my experience with amitriptyline,,,,
My doctor prescribed me that for nerve damage, it was ok for a while untill i increased the dose. Then came the horrific headaches which lasted for days. This drug affects the chemical balance of your brain, when i stopped taking it I had the scariest mental episode, which ill try and explain. I was sitting at my desk everything was fine and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to get up and hurt myself, it was like someone else was controlling my thoughts. I was terrified but aware the whole time, I sat there frozen for 2 hrs as i dear not move, I was fighting myself not to get up as i didnt know what I was about to do. This is not like me at all and as you can imagine was terrifying! 90% of the medications they give can be replaced with cannabis, with far less side affects. Go for an indica dominant plant any of the dawg strains allways work best for my pain relief, there my go to and are really effective. The booze is your choice but it has wreaked my nervous system over the years and have several nurological problems due to alcohol. Stick with the weed and get those body repairing cannabanoids in ya, its the best medicine ;) Gl with the pain relief, stay safe stay medicated.

Wow, amigo, reading that makes me very happy that the pills are just taking up drawer space despite what my doc thinks!
I’ve got a life long quality relationship with booze that I don’t want to end but it’s not classically therapeutic. So yes, I agree entirely that having found this site it’s time to explore the wonders of weed...thanks for sharing!
I’ve got a life long quality relationship with booze that I don’t want to end but it’s not classically therapeutic. So yes, I agree entirely that having found this site it’s time to explore the wonders of weed...thanks for sharing!

yeah deep aint it. The problem is with doctors they are educated poorly on medications, take this drug or take this, mainly man made garbage that gives bigger problems than what you are trying to fix. Run by big pharma companies, scared of this devils plant. cannabis has been used medicinally by EVERY culture on the planet for thousands of years untill they gave it a bad rep. They dont want you growing your own medicine, which we should all have the right to! I have bad information and because I cant take anti-inflammatory,s the doctor said nothing I can do for you. Ive found that tumeeric helps massively but they dont tell you that because of poor education. Nature knows best

this is more the tree of life than the devils plant

You’re right- you’ve just gotta follow the money. There is no money for big pharma in supplements like turmeric, or generics like aspirin or curing cancer rather than easing symptoms. I’m not saying there aren’t modern medicines that work but they only hit the market when the price is right!

Easier said than done but booze should be a last resort. Hope the weed helps you; and would be my recommendation. Listen to the doctor if it doesn't.
any strain selling on here i use this site to check all the stats on strain
any strain selling on here i use this site to check all the stats on strain

no worries mate. really comes down to personal preference but I like a nice haze or mimosa. half the fun for me is trying new strains. look at the genetics when you buy so you get an idea for what works best for you. maybe try a heavy indica for the pain. let me know if you need me to look over any listings for you before buying.

Thanks, that’s interesting. I’ve put both an Amnesia Haze and a Mimosa in my ‘basket’, but yet to try. So much to sample, it’s gonna be a journey! What do you think about Shatter?...or edibles generally?...

just start slow once mixed a few times the world stops spinning and you get wrecked and can live to tell the tale :)

If it is pain then RSO is the baby,been using it for years for spondylosis of the neck,you can drink with it however like any weed it is not a good idea to use after you are drunk.
Oh it also cuts back your consumption of other cannabis as a joint on top of some RSO will blow your tits off in a good way lol
Oh it also cuts back your consumption of other cannabis as a joint on top of some RSO will blow your tits off in a good way lol

Well check out Oilman he has top quality RSO,1ml is a lot of oil and his prices and stealth are excellent ;)
Just ordered some myself :)
Just ordered some myself :)

Im on amitriptyline for migraines but i dont take it on nights i smoke or drink. Just be careful abt mixing them :0

You should try a TENS machine for your back pain. Cheap & no side-effects. Min hr at a time a few times a day and stick at it for a few weeks. Strange sensation, but you get used to it after a couple of sessions. After more than a decade of chronic back pain from degenerate discs, the TENS has been more effective than any of the meds or methods I have tried.

Well that’s very interesting DTB ‘cos the missus bought me a TENS kit and it’s been sitting in its box on my desk where I have been eyeing it sceptically for some time having no idea what its all about! (reading the instructions being the last resort!!) I’ve got nothing to lose so many thanks for the heads up, and the wifey will stop nagging me too!

Essentially you're trying to re-train your brain so it stops interpreting that nerve signal as pain, or at least turn the volume down, and that's why the sessions need to be at least an hour long. It's a gradual process. Sometimes I'll wear mine for 3-4 hours if I'm doing a spot of DIY or any job which stresses my back. Hope you get some benefit man!

9 posts
+16.2 votes

Am I covid symptomatic?
Radiation via tech upgrade of the realm. Create sthat burny nose chest flu like symptms happens every "War" and "pandemic" why people take iodine and iodide.

this really is the only move, load up on citrus, liquids and do what works for you but stay out of others way for a little chill session - thank god youre a bigga

exercised yesterday but felt a little off
huge kabob last night
ate yogurt and fruit today
pooped out a meteor shower
threw up 2 times in 20 minutes
exercised very hard for 2 hours
no cough
no mucus
fever 37 now, resting w empty stomach and water, weak AF
huge kabob last night
ate yogurt and fruit today
pooped out a meteor shower
threw up 2 times in 20 minutes
exercised very hard for 2 hours
no cough
no mucus
fever 37 now, resting w empty stomach and water, weak AF

Sounds like the food could be where the nastiness came from still. Coat your stomach with the yogurt or a mineral soda while you ride this out odds don't sound like covid but preparing for the worst as far as other people is protocol in the meantime, you have something nasty regardless.

thanks aspirin kills the fever and a little canna oil and i'm feeling a lot better 4 hours later. also took a bath.

could be the kabob. and flu. covid does not make you have loose stools. hydrate yourself. eat some biscuits or anything that's easy to digest. if you can get yourself some oral hydration tablets, that would be good.

5 posts
+23 votes

doctor doc
Ask Doc Anything
6 posts
+15 votes

Weed that doesn't cause bad nerves

Weed that doesn't cause bad nerves
Hi Doc,
I am a light user of weed (Bud or Hash) vaped through a bong.
Weed has many strains. Some weed gives me the jitters nervous feeling, while other weed is just relaxing. I cannot figure out the weed I vape which I find causes bad nerves , it doesn't last long but there is definately a difference ? Do you know if there is, in general, a strain more likely to make me feel uncomfortable and a strain that doesn't ? I thank you in advance for your time.
I am a light user of weed (Bud or Hash) vaped through a bong.
Weed has many strains. Some weed gives me the jitters nervous feeling, while other weed is just relaxing. I cannot figure out the weed I vape which I find causes bad nerves , it doesn't last long but there is definately a difference ? Do you know if there is, in general, a strain more likely to make me feel uncomfortable and a strain that doesn't ? I thank you in advance for your time.

Virtually any Indica should satisfy this. It's a tragedy that most of smoke for years without learning the very huge difference between Indica and Sativa (which is hella jittery).

Thanks for sharing the knowledge. So, Sativa is a jittery weed,,, Indica dominant is heading to the relaxing. I will look out for that when I next purchase,,, which may be a while given I have a lot of "Chocolato" and Sifted Hash to consume. I might make some E-Juice with the bud, not sure though. Thank you again.'hell bent for pleather'

I have sort of the same problem mate. Sativa strains make me nervous, paranoid and worst of all sick.
Joined LB in july and haven't had that problem since.
Stick with lower THC strains for the day( thai or shake that sort of thing) and a nice Indica for the evening/night.
Joined LB in july and haven't had that problem since.
Stick with lower THC strains for the day( thai or shake that sort of thing) and a nice Indica for the evening/night.

3 posts
+5 votes

Dirty Water Holiday

Dirty Water Holiday
I'm in South America and the city beaches are rated too dirty to swim in by local authorities. Despite this I see many local people swimming in the ocean every day. They tell me they have built-up immunities and don't get sick like I would.
My question is do I go for building up these immunities myself? I will be here yearly for a few months for work.
What is the long term price of the immunity?
My question is do I go for building up these immunities myself? I will be here yearly for a few months for work.
What is the long term price of the immunity?

8 posts
+14 votes

tim michaels
Suddenly can't tolerate sugar this is scary

tim michaels
Suddenly can't tolerate sugar this is scary
After 40 years of eating at least one chocolate bar a day I can't even look at the stuff. It happened instantly after I ate a very sweet pastry I felt ready to collapse and now it is a week and I can't handle the tiniest amount of sweets. Can you tell me what happened?

What happened is your liver was overwhelmed by the sugar in your pastry. I am going to assume you ate it first thing in the morning and that you didn't have anything else to eat so proportionally this amount of sugar was very high. It's actually not a bad thing that you can't eat sweets right now, take a week or 2 to restore your proper blood sugar levels. If things persist beyond this test your blood for sugar and insulin levels.
Please let us know how you go.
Please let us know how you go.

Sorry for the delay it's been a couple of more weeks and I am at maybe 90% of normal. I'm still not sure about anything but the freak show is over with not handling sugar. Not where I was energy wise though and I got a cold in the meantime because my resistance was low. I appreciate the help doc you helped me think about this clearly and that in itself kind of helps with the physical side. Much thanks

18 posts
+40.2 votes

Gradually tapering Sertraline

Gradually tapering Sertraline
On it since of it August (50 mg a day ) . i want to quit but understand you have to do it gradually. My DR wants me to stay on it at least 6 months. I am not feeling that. Any tips?

I’ve been on and off SSRI’s over a few years and I always end up wanting to get shut of them. I’m currently not relying on them to manage anxiety which I’m thankful for but they definitely do work! I would suggest listening to your doctors advice for the time being and taper it down when you feel like you might be able to manage with less in your system. I went cold turkey the first time and it fucked with my head (brain zaps and lots of other weird side effects). The last lot I was on I slowly tapered off it wasn’t without side effects but much easier. CBT helped me manage my shit even though at the time I thought it was all BS I can now see when my anxiety rears it’s ugly head and do what I need to. Just my 2p worth but I hope it helps! All the best mate!

Your 2p is fully appreciated mate. It is the 1st time for me on antidepressant in general and it did help me. I am just in a much better place now and I don't think I need them any more. All the best to you to buddy.

Fuck off the Sertraline... SSRI’s are a complete load of old shit, you can’t keep what’s not there... take 5-HTP available at Holland and Barrett etc, take that at night before bed as labelled and it will actually do what it’s meant to and replace the Serotonin that’s needed... 5-HTP will make Serotonin... Sertraline will keep Serotoinon where it’s needed... But if you have fuck all to keep in there you get all the sides with zero benefits...

Just tapered down myself. Doc says there’s no lower effective dose, and told me to alternate 50mg every other day until I ran out. I ran out about 2 weeks ago and so far so good!

Because I think I don't need it anymore, I feel my old self again and have a better perspective now, what got me depressed in the first place. Plus it got one kind of annoying side effect, I like to get rid off.

There's easily found meds for that ;-)
I had to wean myself the same way when covid made getting an appointment impossible. Best of luck with it, if you've someone trusted, let them know what you're up to.
I had to wean myself the same way when covid made getting an appointment impossible. Best of luck with it, if you've someone trusted, let them know what you're up to.

After 3 months you start to get a pretty decent idea what this dose is going to do for you. But it's a very serious business going off anti depressants or even lowering the dose. Lockdown and the holidays are tremendous environmental factors to consider at the moment.
I'd be interested in what alternatives you tried before Sertraline. Also what is your exercise regimen and diet like?
I'd be interested in what alternatives you tried before Sertraline. Also what is your exercise regimen and diet like?

It is it my very 1st time on anti depressants, I am overall mentally pretty strong and do work out on a regular basis ( 3 times a week ). Of course lock down and working from home since March had is effect. Now purchased a spin bike and using Peloton at least 3 times a week. Diet is ok and taking all my supplements ( sink, Vitamin D etc.). It did help me but I am ready to try on my own now.

I cold turkeyed off of 100mg a day for a year - you'll feel physically shit for about 3 weeks, and Maybe mentally raw for about a month

1 post
+1 votes

spraying antiseptic in the mouth?
1 post
+2 votes

Best Online Checkup for 25 Year Old Females
1 post
+1 votes

doctor doc
Describe Your Symptoms
13 posts by doctor doc
1 post
+10.8 votes
Physics of Innovation and Enlightenment
started topic

Physics of Innovation and Enlightenment
"constructal law posits that all animate or inanimate systems—art, trees, people, organizations, and financial structures—follow the natural design principle of flow.
"The rule states that for any system to persist over time, it must evolve according to impositions, working with currents that flow through it, and moving with them. To survive and thrive, we must accommodate visible and invisible pressures."
"The rule states that for any system to persist over time, it must evolve according to impositions, working with currents that flow through it, and moving with them. To survive and thrive, we must accommodate visible and invisible pressures."

1 post
+9 votes

Who Owns Guy Fawkes Day?
Alan Moore might not own it but he helped bring it back to life with V for Vendetta

Who Owns Guy Fawkes Day?
An increasing number of people around the world are remembering the 5th of November and each year the memories evoked diverge.
In 1605 (Guy Fawkes Day -1), a group of rebels including the famous one now on the mask, had an idea: blow up the English Parliament with King James in it, presumably to start over afterwards over with a government closer to the people. The "Gunpowder Plot" failed when Fawkes was discovered "guarding" his bomb.
James felt this operational shortcoming was further proof of his divine right to rule and it is the celebration of Fawke's failure that is the basis of the holiday. For 3 centuries it was mandatory to celebrate the squashing of rebellion and burn an effigy of Fawkes; the popular masks are actually a prop, part of the fun that surrounds an otherwise chilling reminder of what happens to rebels in England.
It wasn't until the 1980s that Alan Moore's V for Vendetta character started the backfiring of the intended celebration of Guy Fawkes day. As a modern day Guy Fawkes V exploded empty buildings and only shed the blood of those that had previously hurt him personally. The classic graphic novel was made into a film and in the 21st century Guy Fawkes masks were used by protestors as a means to build upon the emotions of the V character and achieve the anonymity that characterises the contemporary pursuit of freedom. Online activists Anonymous used the mask to transpose their characters from text to video.
When online rebels created the darknet as a new kind of haven, the symbolism of November 5th was brought along with proclamations and celebrations on the day itself (with free drugs replacing bonfires). The anonymity of V has become an even stronger symbol in this realm where anonymity is an existential condition. Then the King struck back.
On November 5th 2014 the darknet was struck by operation Onymous, with American and allied law enforcement shutting down sites, seizing bitcoins, and arresting de-anonymized participants. The rebels were virtually executed.
More than any other day November 5th is a living dialogue between people and government. It has evolved from England and gunpowder to worldwide networks and masked protestors.
There is no reason to believe anyone will ever forget the 5th of November.
In 1605 (Guy Fawkes Day -1), a group of rebels including the famous one now on the mask, had an idea: blow up the English Parliament with King James in it, presumably to start over afterwards over with a government closer to the people. The "Gunpowder Plot" failed when Fawkes was discovered "guarding" his bomb.
James felt this operational shortcoming was further proof of his divine right to rule and it is the celebration of Fawke's failure that is the basis of the holiday. For 3 centuries it was mandatory to celebrate the squashing of rebellion and burn an effigy of Fawkes; the popular masks are actually a prop, part of the fun that surrounds an otherwise chilling reminder of what happens to rebels in England.
It wasn't until the 1980s that Alan Moore's V for Vendetta character started the backfiring of the intended celebration of Guy Fawkes day. As a modern day Guy Fawkes V exploded empty buildings and only shed the blood of those that had previously hurt him personally. The classic graphic novel was made into a film and in the 21st century Guy Fawkes masks were used by protestors as a means to build upon the emotions of the V character and achieve the anonymity that characterises the contemporary pursuit of freedom. Online activists Anonymous used the mask to transpose their characters from text to video.
When online rebels created the darknet as a new kind of haven, the symbolism of November 5th was brought along with proclamations and celebrations on the day itself (with free drugs replacing bonfires). The anonymity of V has become an even stronger symbol in this realm where anonymity is an existential condition. Then the King struck back.
On November 5th 2014 the darknet was struck by operation Onymous, with American and allied law enforcement shutting down sites, seizing bitcoins, and arresting de-anonymized participants. The rebels were virtually executed.
More than any other day November 5th is a living dialogue between people and government. It has evolved from England and gunpowder to worldwide networks and masked protestors.
There is no reason to believe anyone will ever forget the 5th of November.

It wasn't to start the government over, it was to replace a protestant monarch with a catholic one. The will of the people had nothing to do with it.

I think maybe it owns us! Seems that masked revolts are spreading around the world.

He went to St Peter’s School in York they have a bonfire but don’t put a Guy on top as they don’t burn Old Peterites.

1 post
+2 votes
Sativa's Gone Sleepy On Me
Not an uncommon phenomenon Try switching to Indica + activated coffee for your AM shift.
![[ask any bigga]](
Sativa's Gone Sleepy On Me
I'm an all day bigga sativa energy am, indica grinning pm but lately the sativa is putting me to sleep. Anybody experience this?

maybe ur just smoking too much ahaha. indica or sativa regardless, if you smoke enough / have enough thc in ya that'll surely put you to sleep 😭

End of the day mary jane is a downer, it's not an upper, sativa or not. Like frtnite has said the thc will catch up at some point.

1 post
+24.2 votes

what's the longest time youve spent in vr?
started topic

what's the longest time youve spent in vr?
i'm really interested in immediate effects and anything that persists. for me it's under an hour and i was disoriented for maybe 8 hours with a 1/2 life around 1 hour.

Same, although i was watching porn for about 3, maybe 4 minutes. Not gonna lie.
Cheers. BB
Cheers. BB

I'm a tantric Sex God. But also over 40, drinking relatively heavily and dabbing up to half a g a day. Y'know how it goes...

I wish i did mate, i'm over 40 and a heavy drinker.
Sting with his tantric stuff was an influence on me, but only when i had to give money to Band Aid in 1984. Seems a bit too much like hard work. ;)
Cheers. BB
Sting with his tantric stuff was an influence on me, but only when i had to give money to Band Aid in 1984. Seems a bit too much like hard work. ;)
Cheers. BB

My mate tried VR porn, he got quite into it by all accounts. Unfortunately he lives with his parents, when he took the headset off there was a fresh cup of tea on his bedside cabinet 🤣😁

I've done maybe 4 hours, I switched up games though and that help you from over dosing in a single game.

I think the longest I've done in one go is about 3-4 hours. The weirdest part of VR for me was when I first got a headset, for about a week I felt like I was in VR all the time. The head-bobbing effect of walking in reality seemed exaggerated.
But all that's faded away now. I can use VR without any adverse effects except maybe a bit of eye strain for a long session.
But all that's faded away now. I can use VR without any adverse effects except maybe a bit of eye strain for a long session.

it seems to me the more immersive the platform the tougher it gets on the body. cheap vr gets on my nerves before i get queezy, a full on setup with peripherals and i feel like its a portal just getting back to irl.

Only1 hour. Played the space station game on occulus for about 10 minutes and felt so sick. Took me a good sleep before i felt better. Very disorientating!

For sim racing I usually use VR and I just don't like flat screen anymore, I'll probably VR for like an hour at a time. when your high and in vr racing, battling with dudes online, it's something to really try.

The last time i scuba dived i projectile vomited an hour after i got out the water. I don't think I want to try it in vr

1 post
+5 votes
Do Regional Molds Shape Culture?
started topic
This seems just like what you are talking about doc

It's a shit pun, but your personality and your microbiome are probably linked.
At least, your mood and your microbiome are.
I presume your microbiome is affected by your surroundings. So...
I mean, first you have to define what culture is. Which is pretty hard.
At least, your mood and your microbiome are.
I presume your microbiome is affected by your surroundings. So...
I mean, first you have to define what culture is. Which is pretty hard.

1 post
+22.2 votes

is the coronavirus bio warfare?
started topic

is the coronavirus bio warfare?
if there is a simple effective way to win the economy back from china this it. the technology is there, the motive and so is the will in the american government.

You lot having been hitting the ganja too hard! It’s simple biology that caused this outbreak. When living things breed their dna is copied but this isn’t a perfect process and sometimes errors in this process causes mutations. Where viral generations can be a matter of minutes rather than years microbial life is much more susceptible to mutations such as becoming more virulent and resistant to existing medicine. Or as is suspected in this outbreak a type of virus may live happily in a certain species of animal without causing harm but a mutation allows it to cross the species barrier and infect humans, but where humans aren’t it’s usual host it can cause harm. Unfortunately this is more common in areas where bush meat is traded because your going to get a range of different animal diseases that may cross the species barrier and there’s no biohazard control like you would get in an abattoir. Seriously, linking Coronavirus with 5g and the royals!? Why not throw in reptilians for good measure? Posts like this make me weep for humanity.

Is it a coincidence that the only level 4 biological research in China is in Wuhan, was studying Coronaviruses and the Harvard professor paid by the Chinese govt to set the lab up has been arrested by the USA recently?
Just like Jimmy Savile, procurer of children for the elite was best friends with Prince Charles and Jeffery Epstein, procurer of children for the elite was best friends with Prince Andrew. All a coincidence, nothing to see.
No reptiles required.
Just like Jimmy Savile, procurer of children for the elite was best friends with Prince Charles and Jeffery Epstein, procurer of children for the elite was best friends with Prince Andrew. All a coincidence, nothing to see.
No reptiles required.

i checked your lab comment and it is verifiable. way way too strange that the only lab in china is in wuhan.
"The facility, known as the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, is housed within the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was specifically designed to help Chinese scientists "prepare for and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks,"
It was created after SARS, you gotta wonder just how they were "preparing" at this lab. You don't need anything sinister for this theory, you just need incompetence at the lab.
"The facility, known as the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, is housed within the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was specifically designed to help Chinese scientists "prepare for and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks,"
It was created after SARS, you gotta wonder just how they were "preparing" at this lab. You don't need anything sinister for this theory, you just need incompetence at the lab.

The conditions of this lab were investigated a few years ago by the American government, during the time that the lab was advertising jobs for coronavirus researchers. The conditions were extremely poor.

What makes me weep for humanity is those with room-temperature IQs who took obvious lies at face value, rolled up their sleeves, and now try pretending they have no idea why 1500 athletes have died in two years etc etc.

Myocarditis and sudden heart attacks or even deaths are at an all time high atm and might even continue to surge. Yesterday we had a "new unknown" sickness in the media Tell-A-Vision outlets called "ME/CFS" basically all the symptoms of vaccination damage. Its devastatingly shocking to see that many athletes die while active a game of whatever they professionay play.
Heads up to Novak Djokoviç btw for speaking out against the vaccines.
Heads up to Novak Djokoviç btw for speaking out against the vaccines.

I was an anti vaxer so didn’t willingly roll up my sleeve till I caught Covid and spent the next 3 weeks hooked up to machines in ICU. It’s kinda fucked me up in the long run too. During my recovery I spoke to a dr who was an expert on biology and had done a thesis on viruses in university. He explained to me how it works and how it has mutated and most likely jumped from species to species. As humanity continues to expand across the globe at a rapid rate pandemics will happen. We will most likely get another in the next 30 years. Why the vaccine was created so quickly was it had been worked on for years. Since the SARS outbreak in Asia in the early 2000s. As coronavirus is a type of SARS or is very closely related (on this I’m not sure) it wasn’t really created quickly. Doctors and scientists just had to adapt their work slightly. It wasn’t an easy process by any means but so many people will involved in its creation. I respect everyone’s rights and opinions on vaccines but really they are a GREAT thing. Much peace and love.

Corona virus and SARS are completely different…also the vaccine was being worked on for years…a number of years ago. It failed trials as a cancer treatment drug because of respitpry problems. All this information was easily searchable on Google the day the vaccine was announced, since it has been buried by propaganda.
In regards to the doctor (of medicine, not viruses) he is contradicting the professionals who have been studying the coronavirus in bats for years. As it was the virus was nowhere near “jumping species” in its evolution. The wet market theory was debunked a little while ago also..
The mad thing is all the information Elon Musk released in his Twitter Files where he found collusion between govornment and all social media platforms to only promote their plan and to silence (or deplatform) anyone (including professionals in virus and pandemics) that strayed from the government’s stance. They even silenced the pandemic professionals who advised against vaccinating during an active plandemic as it would induce mutations and variants of the virus…odd what happened next.
Back to the original question? No, it wasn’t biological warfare, it was a psychological experiment in societal control…all over the world and 99% of people rolled over…this is all my own opinion which was gleamed with massive research.
In regards to the doctor (of medicine, not viruses) he is contradicting the professionals who have been studying the coronavirus in bats for years. As it was the virus was nowhere near “jumping species” in its evolution. The wet market theory was debunked a little while ago also..
The mad thing is all the information Elon Musk released in his Twitter Files where he found collusion between govornment and all social media platforms to only promote their plan and to silence (or deplatform) anyone (including professionals in virus and pandemics) that strayed from the government’s stance. They even silenced the pandemic professionals who advised against vaccinating during an active plandemic as it would induce mutations and variants of the virus…odd what happened next.
Back to the original question? No, it wasn’t biological warfare, it was a psychological experiment in societal control…all over the world and 99% of people rolled over…this is all my own opinion which was gleamed with massive research.

Don't you feel dumb for believing all the lies though?
And even dumber for trying to gaslight others as "hitting the ganja too hard"?
Or are you still hidden under a rock with your fingers in your ears screaming "lalalalala I CANT HEAR YOU".
And even dumber for trying to gaslight others as "hitting the ganja too hard"?
Or are you still hidden under a rock with your fingers in your ears screaming "lalalalala I CANT HEAR YOU".

Coronavirus doesn’t have DNA, it’s not even really alive. It’s just a code of RNA
Like a computer virus it can only “live” and replicate inside a host
Like a computer virus it can only “live” and replicate inside a host

You should get out of that confi barrel of yours and start researching things for yourself than listening to the mainstream media. There was a paper published by a Uni don't remember which one as I read this 2 years ago but they researched the COVID virus and guess what parts of the virus does not occur in nature thus man made. Furthermore a virologist came out and said the same thing. As he did that they tried to cancel him. It's a good time to wake up buddy

You seen the Twitter Files yet?
They deplatformed some pandemic professional who was saying vaccinating during a pandemic would invoke variants and mutations of the virus…he was so right…but you know, we smoke too much ganja and it’s all a coincidence 🤷♂️
They deplatformed some pandemic professional who was saying vaccinating during a pandemic would invoke variants and mutations of the virus…he was so right…but you know, we smoke too much ganja and it’s all a coincidence 🤷♂️

I respect your opinion dude but you need to be able to back your source up. Not just say it was a paper you read from a university you can’t remember the name of.

Oh the source bashing lameness... this isn't
All sources are fallible, and nowadays the more "verified" the less true....
All sources are fallible, and nowadays the more "verified" the less true....

All what I wanted to say is once you start doing some digging it becomes clear that all this COVID plandemic was one very fishy business. I don't think that's a secret anymore. Sorry but I don't have time to search all these papers up again you will have to do it yourself.

It’s a good time to get a proper scientific education and learn how to weigh up multiple peer reviewed studies rather than relying on that one thing you read somewhere once.

Some comments have not aged well.
Hope you have called your conspiracy theory friends and apologised?
Hope you have called your conspiracy theory friends and apologised?

But speaking scientifically, here is an article form TheScientist in 2015 discussing how the sars coronavirus cross, created in a lab, by Ralph Baric, is a bad thing. Ralph argues otherwise.
conspiracy my arse, its a coup. the greatest transfer of wealth in history.
conspiracy my arse, its a coup. the greatest transfer of wealth in history.

You know it was man made in a lab tho don’t you? And probably released on purpose? The amount of civil unrest in the world, the obscene amounts of money that lots of people have made from it, the control back in the hands of the governments of the world?
The mRNA vaccine has been around for about a decade. They’d been trying to get funding to test it uni a human population but no one wanted to fund it. They were just about to have to give up on years of hard work and money, then coincidentally, everyone got Covid and special laws were passed that meant they could administer it without the proper research done on it. And now they’ve made a shit tonne of money.
It’s not all coincidental and it wasn’t an accident.
The mRNA vaccine has been around for about a decade. They’d been trying to get funding to test it uni a human population but no one wanted to fund it. They were just about to have to give up on years of hard work and money, then coincidentally, everyone got Covid and special laws were passed that meant they could administer it without the proper research done on it. And now they’ve made a shit tonne of money.
It’s not all coincidental and it wasn’t an accident.

I thought the same at the time. But there are genetic markers in coronavirus that couldn't have got in there naturally.
The current most plausible theory is that there was an accidental leak from the lab, caused by lax bio-security that had been highlighted in the past.
Check out John Sudworth's BBC podcast "Fever: The Hunt for Covid's Origin"
The current most plausible theory is that there was an accidental leak from the lab, caused by lax bio-security that had been highlighted in the past.
Check out John Sudworth's BBC podcast "Fever: The Hunt for Covid's Origin"

this describes everyone here (without regard to planetary origin) the trick dear biggaz is to see all sides and remain open until a conclusion is actually required.

If you actually look at 5g you will see that over 130 thousand 5g towers were put in china in 2019 in the bid to win this stupid 5g race.
November to be exact is when it all started with the mass 5g installations and yet thats also when the first case of coronavirus was confirmed.
With over 10 thousand being installed in wuhan alone.
You look at side effects from emf frequencies and a lot of it could well be linked. It does have the potential to mutate things.
America has approximately 10 thousand 5g antennas throughout the whole country to put it into perspective.
Look at the amount of emf related complaints in america alone.
Recently near me they turned on 5g and 200 birds fell out of the sky. The news tried to say oh must of been a bird of prey ? things arent always black and white. Coronavirus is just another virus they are using to fear monger. Then there will be a vaccine for it.
Every year its the same. Sars. Bird flu. Swine flu. Ebola. The normal flu. Same shit every year . People just got to open their eyes.
November to be exact is when it all started with the mass 5g installations and yet thats also when the first case of coronavirus was confirmed.
With over 10 thousand being installed in wuhan alone.
You look at side effects from emf frequencies and a lot of it could well be linked. It does have the potential to mutate things.
America has approximately 10 thousand 5g antennas throughout the whole country to put it into perspective.
Look at the amount of emf related complaints in america alone.
Recently near me they turned on 5g and 200 birds fell out of the sky. The news tried to say oh must of been a bird of prey ? things arent always black and white. Coronavirus is just another virus they are using to fear monger. Then there will be a vaccine for it.
Every year its the same. Sars. Bird flu. Swine flu. Ebola. The normal flu. Same shit every year . People just got to open their eyes.

I personally feel mass 5g installations are causing a lot of side effects . Pneumonia is even a side effect of emf frequencies so really does make you wonder.

bio warfare/public health research fuck up
malicious shit dropped w cover of lab?
when you cant trust government to not kill people anyway does it matter?
malicious shit dropped w cover of lab?
when you cant trust government to not kill people anyway does it matter?

I’ll play the tinfoil hat card in that case:
The level 4 bio lab in wuhan was funded by the Americans and traces back to non other than Jeffery Epstein/Harvard university (see YouTube: Shaun Attwood’s Jeffery Epstein playlist vids).
The idea is in the short term to undermine the Asian economy (working well) and in the long term to assist in the Committee of 300/Black Monarchy plan to reduce the global population by 50% by 2050. Big Pharmaceutical companies will make huge profits also which all go back to the 300.
See ‘The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman’ in YouTube. This will show the truth to those with eyes to see.
It is just 1 small thread.
5g will make many of us infertile in the short term and cause cancer in the longer term. The weaponised aspect with full coverage will make protest or revolt near on impossible.
The goal is 1 world government with the masses easily managed.
Lots of us are waking up. We can stop this. I am not the masses, I am an individual.
The elite nonces want total power. Let’s stand up and say no. Join your local ‘no 5g’ group and get up and protest. For your kids sake. As the lyrics say if you tolerate this then your children will be next. Take 5 mins and look at the vids. Look at Prince Andrew’s victim Virginia Giuffre’s twitter page. She provides documents from California courts claiming Donald Trump raped a 13 year old child. Why was the case dropped? Why don’t we hear about it? Why do the elites (Clinton, trump, Heath, the royals, etc etc) all nonce? The truth is in plain sight.
Jimmy Savile was prince Charles best mate and gave marriage counciling to Diana. She wrote about it in her autobiography.
Charles best mate: Savile. Andrews best mates: Epstein and maxwell. If you read this far then peace and love.
We are waking up.
The level 4 bio lab in wuhan was funded by the Americans and traces back to non other than Jeffery Epstein/Harvard university (see YouTube: Shaun Attwood’s Jeffery Epstein playlist vids).
The idea is in the short term to undermine the Asian economy (working well) and in the long term to assist in the Committee of 300/Black Monarchy plan to reduce the global population by 50% by 2050. Big Pharmaceutical companies will make huge profits also which all go back to the 300.
See ‘The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman’ in YouTube. This will show the truth to those with eyes to see.
It is just 1 small thread.
5g will make many of us infertile in the short term and cause cancer in the longer term. The weaponised aspect with full coverage will make protest or revolt near on impossible.
The goal is 1 world government with the masses easily managed.
Lots of us are waking up. We can stop this. I am not the masses, I am an individual.
The elite nonces want total power. Let’s stand up and say no. Join your local ‘no 5g’ group and get up and protest. For your kids sake. As the lyrics say if you tolerate this then your children will be next. Take 5 mins and look at the vids. Look at Prince Andrew’s victim Virginia Giuffre’s twitter page. She provides documents from California courts claiming Donald Trump raped a 13 year old child. Why was the case dropped? Why don’t we hear about it? Why do the elites (Clinton, trump, Heath, the royals, etc etc) all nonce? The truth is in plain sight.
Jimmy Savile was prince Charles best mate and gave marriage counciling to Diana. She wrote about it in her autobiography.
Charles best mate: Savile. Andrews best mates: Epstein and maxwell. If you read this far then peace and love.
We are waking up.

ridiculous, if the us engineered something like this wouldn't they first go after their #1 enemy, the iranian governement?
wait a sec...
wait a sec...

Not my opinion but Il play the other card, for the purpose of debate.
China did this to themselves, intentionally. What better way to elevate your economy than to release pathogen which will breeze over the healthy, yet kill sick and old people. Minimising/removing welfare and health costs and leaving behind an entire working populous. What a way to beat the tariffs...wanna bet the cure comes from china too?
FWIW I despise conspiracy theories, they are based in fear and ignorance, all are entitled to their own thoughts though!
As I said this is not my opinion, but we live in a world where all things must be considered, even the things which at times seem impossible are more often than not, just improbable.
Peace x
China did this to themselves, intentionally. What better way to elevate your economy than to release pathogen which will breeze over the healthy, yet kill sick and old people. Minimising/removing welfare and health costs and leaving behind an entire working populous. What a way to beat the tariffs...wanna bet the cure comes from china too?
FWIW I despise conspiracy theories, they are based in fear and ignorance, all are entitled to their own thoughts though!
As I said this is not my opinion, but we live in a world where all things must be considered, even the things which at times seem impossible are more often than not, just improbable.
Peace x

population control lol
If them riots had spread to mainland China how much would that affect the economy
Just throwing some stuff out there
If them riots had spread to mainland China how much would that affect the economy
Just throwing some stuff out there

you wanna corona virus conspiracy eh? well, just ask yourself who profits here

New world order.
Goal - population under 500,00,000
Time frame - 100 yrs
How to achieve?
Release a virus that scares the world into hiding.
Wait until it spreads globally, killing the elderly and sick in wave one.
Produce a vaccine within a year, that offers people hope of a return to normality, without fear!
Vaccine designed to sterilize 80% of population.
In the mean time, allow virus to reach up to 8 waves before population has been completely vaccinated.
I mean....if i was to theorize.... ;)
Goal - population under 500,00,000
Time frame - 100 yrs
How to achieve?
Release a virus that scares the world into hiding.
Wait until it spreads globally, killing the elderly and sick in wave one.
Produce a vaccine within a year, that offers people hope of a return to normality, without fear!
Vaccine designed to sterilize 80% of population.
In the mean time, allow virus to reach up to 8 waves before population has been completely vaccinated.
I mean....if i was to theorize.... ;)

I certainly wont have any vaccination for sure. I wager though the governments will make it passive aggressive mandatory. What i mean by that is they probably wont make the jab law, but ibet eventually those that decline the jab will be forbidden from foreign travel or something similar. I guess covid is their way of stopping global warming.

I got the vaccine because it’s specifically for COVID-19, I don’t get the flu jab because that really is some one picking 5 strains at random for the pharms Xmas bonus

Funny how you say two contrary things within one statement. You got the vaccine for Covid-19, but not the flu shot because there are so many new flu mutated strains every year. Actually that is the contrary thing in your statement, why you might ask?
A breef overview of many (not all) Covid-19 mutations/strains:
So you are telling me that this would not be close to the case of the flu shots which are just moneymaking for Pharma as you mentioned earlier. Of course not all covid strains still roam around but it certainly is not only one single mutation that is infecting in waves, there are always multiple strains of Covid-19 circulating in populations. Today they stilm vaccinate people with the first vaccine for that very firsr Covid-19 strain. Now we have hundreds of covid strains and many subtypes. Lmao
A breef overview of many (not all) Covid-19 mutations/strains:
So you are telling me that this would not be close to the case of the flu shots which are just moneymaking for Pharma as you mentioned earlier. Of course not all covid strains still roam around but it certainly is not only one single mutation that is infecting in waves, there are always multiple strains of Covid-19 circulating in populations. Today they stilm vaccinate people with the first vaccine for that very firsr Covid-19 strain. Now we have hundreds of covid strains and many subtypes. Lmao

Well as a frontline worker I was vaccinated first before most of these variants happened. I don’t get vaccinated now due to what you have stated.

I commented before, but this time i'll just add some links.
They've been doing hella lot of research on corona viruses and enhancing potency of the viruses. Their research was US funded.
All the information is there is you look.
They've been isolating bat corona and seeing the infectiousness since 2000!
They also mention that the ageing population would be most affected.
And all of these studies are from 5 years ago.
It is a financial plan and a way to change civil liberty.
They've been doing hella lot of research on corona viruses and enhancing potency of the viruses. Their research was US funded.
All the information is there is you look.
They've been isolating bat corona and seeing the infectiousness since 2000!
They also mention that the ageing population would be most affected.
And all of these studies are from 5 years ago.
It is a financial plan and a way to change civil liberty.

Will add my long, angry 2 cents.
If you really honestly think all this was a natural incidence and don't see that there is provably a new agenda to restrict and control individuals freedoms with multiple prongs since this farce, then you are a stupid, stupid, gullible cunt that deserves to be a digital slave imprisoned in your own home..
It is unfathomable right now that you don't get it.
The gullibility and endless trust in convicted fellons with criminal records and legal indemnity is the only thing anybody should be weeping for humanity for.
Unless you are burying your gullible head in the sand, because you were shamefully cruel to others not as gullible as you, pick up your phone and apologise to your friends that you called insane fringe lunatics because of a medical procedure they didn't want.
How did the whole free world turn into conformity bullies? Some of the comments have aged like a 1 year old salmon. Do any of you feel dumb for buying this and shaming others who were skeptical?
Noam chomsky, Neil Young. All of em sold out, along with the average person..
What you are seeing on this thread by the people who refuse to see anything untoward is simply the old "easier to fool somebody than convince them they were fooled".
If you really honestly think all this was a natural incidence and don't see that there is provably a new agenda to restrict and control individuals freedoms with multiple prongs since this farce, then you are a stupid, stupid, gullible cunt that deserves to be a digital slave imprisoned in your own home..
It is unfathomable right now that you don't get it.
The gullibility and endless trust in convicted fellons with criminal records and legal indemnity is the only thing anybody should be weeping for humanity for.
Unless you are burying your gullible head in the sand, because you were shamefully cruel to others not as gullible as you, pick up your phone and apologise to your friends that you called insane fringe lunatics because of a medical procedure they didn't want.
How did the whole free world turn into conformity bullies? Some of the comments have aged like a 1 year old salmon. Do any of you feel dumb for buying this and shaming others who were skeptical?
Noam chomsky, Neil Young. All of em sold out, along with the average person..
What you are seeing on this thread by the people who refuse to see anything untoward is simply the old "easier to fool somebody than convince them they were fooled".

Such a fantastic comment this, i agree with everything you've said and i very much feel your anger
not a day goes by in my entire adult life where i haven't seen blatant reprehensible corruption at all levels of politics, science, medicine and academics all over the world, and of course nothing ever changes, nobody ever gets held accountable and even if the story gets aired in the mainstream it's quickly forgotten because come the next day you're already being bombarded with utter distracting nonsense
i've always noticed how incapable of critical thinking the average person is, unfortunately most of my friends and family are this way and since the pandemic, it's really taught me that most people are actually incapable of thinking, they're basically just organic robots with programmed social affinity executing genetic code, even their ability to talk is just a matter of repetition, they have absolutely no original thoughts and their alleged values and morality are born out of mimicking the words and behaviors of either actual people or media consensus
i've spent so many years working alongside these actual NPC's, engage these people in conversation and you will see that all of the things the average human “thinks” are either what the media or the tribe has told them to believe or what they repeat from real people, not things they've actually thought and considered (because they don't have that ability)
Stupid, stupid gullible cunts.
not a day goes by in my entire adult life where i haven't seen blatant reprehensible corruption at all levels of politics, science, medicine and academics all over the world, and of course nothing ever changes, nobody ever gets held accountable and even if the story gets aired in the mainstream it's quickly forgotten because come the next day you're already being bombarded with utter distracting nonsense
i've always noticed how incapable of critical thinking the average person is, unfortunately most of my friends and family are this way and since the pandemic, it's really taught me that most people are actually incapable of thinking, they're basically just organic robots with programmed social affinity executing genetic code, even their ability to talk is just a matter of repetition, they have absolutely no original thoughts and their alleged values and morality are born out of mimicking the words and behaviors of either actual people or media consensus
i've spent so many years working alongside these actual NPC's, engage these people in conversation and you will see that all of the things the average human “thinks” are either what the media or the tribe has told them to believe or what they repeat from real people, not things they've actually thought and considered (because they don't have that ability)
Stupid, stupid gullible cunts.

Yes, it seems like believing that individual rights (like bodily autonomy) are not negotiable makes you crazy, fringe and anything else negative nowadays.
The subtle conditioning makes progressives point at any libertarian (whether left or right leaning) and make a flurry of outrageous accusations just by the virtue they believe in strong individual and property rights instead of focusing on group rights.
The same people used the same bodily autonomy argument they rejected during covid to show their disgust at the repeal of Roe v Wade (which was a backwards step for America in my opinion).
Individual rights bad, group rights good... that was widespread. I lost count how many times somebody tried to say it was different because you can't transmit pregnancy. Most insane thing I ever heard.
It's ridiculous that anybody has to be persuaded to care about their freedom. To the point I have given up trying.
I don't believe in unrealistic or far fetched stories about satanism, flag earth or shape-shifting reptilian from the lower fourth dimension.
But this was clear - a small cabal of rich people and scientists in prominent positions hijacked science for their own purpose and that is an irrefutable fact after recent leaks.
What good does clinging onto the ghost of the wuhan fish market bat shit do anybody?
Anyway, nice to hear from somebody like minded and angry 🤣
The subtle conditioning makes progressives point at any libertarian (whether left or right leaning) and make a flurry of outrageous accusations just by the virtue they believe in strong individual and property rights instead of focusing on group rights.
The same people used the same bodily autonomy argument they rejected during covid to show their disgust at the repeal of Roe v Wade (which was a backwards step for America in my opinion).
Individual rights bad, group rights good... that was widespread. I lost count how many times somebody tried to say it was different because you can't transmit pregnancy. Most insane thing I ever heard.
It's ridiculous that anybody has to be persuaded to care about their freedom. To the point I have given up trying.
I don't believe in unrealistic or far fetched stories about satanism, flag earth or shape-shifting reptilian from the lower fourth dimension.
But this was clear - a small cabal of rich people and scientists in prominent positions hijacked science for their own purpose and that is an irrefutable fact after recent leaks.
What good does clinging onto the ghost of the wuhan fish market bat shit do anybody?
Anyway, nice to hear from somebody like minded and angry 🤣

i think youre having fun with this but if not how would such a secret ever be kept? it goes strongly against the most instinctive of human instincts to do this and keep quite about it.

The ways we receive our information are controlled.
A handful of major companies own the media.
Information is compartmentalised.
Silence is gained through money, threats/blackmail or killing/suiciding.
Check out the ‘Clinton body count’ and see how many of his close personal friends and bodyguards have died in light aircraft accidents or committed suicide. It’s not hidden, but a well constructed narrative that makes this sound silly protects it very well. An open mind is all that one needs. Much love.
A handful of major companies own the media.
Information is compartmentalised.
Silence is gained through money, threats/blackmail or killing/suiciding.
Check out the ‘Clinton body count’ and see how many of his close personal friends and bodyguards have died in light aircraft accidents or committed suicide. It’s not hidden, but a well constructed narrative that makes this sound silly protects it very well. An open mind is all that one needs. Much love.

if it were true this story could never break with corporate media. they all run their government's take on anything remotely like this.

Yes I think the hunter Biden laptop story has put pay to this "secrets can't be kept by humans" rubbish. Just a repeated fallacy that has no truth.
If the entire media industry can keep Philip Schofield's homosexuality secret for 30 odd years whilst he was appearing to live a straight, married life, they can hide something much more important to the public for at least as long.
It's a crude comparison, but one cannot deny the media is brutal. Remember them going after Keith Vaz so brutally whilst he was still married and an MP? How unfair was that on his family?
They can protect whoever and whatever they want to...
If the entire media industry can keep Philip Schofield's homosexuality secret for 30 odd years whilst he was appearing to live a straight, married life, they can hide something much more important to the public for at least as long.
It's a crude comparison, but one cannot deny the media is brutal. Remember them going after Keith Vaz so brutally whilst he was still married and an MP? How unfair was that on his family?
They can protect whoever and whatever they want to...

Spooks have protocols for this shit it usually means killing the researchers or holding something over them.

Well Fauci did admit after a 2 year stretch that now the likelihood of the virus is from a Lab
The wuhan lab was funded by the USA. It was carrying out gain of function research
The Vaccines have been the most profitable venture in human history
What is the reason of carrying out gain of function research?
The wuhan lab was funded by the USA. It was carrying out gain of function research
The Vaccines have been the most profitable venture in human history
What is the reason of carrying out gain of function research?

This explains a lot!

It would make sense for the Americans to start it off in china and overplay the number of deaths added to the fear and isolation and every person in the west is ready to boycott china or even war. Makes you think when all the countries suffering most deaths are usa, uk, italy, spain and france. They have never fought together before ?.. someone dies of a heart attack in the uk, do you think they will waste their very rare tests. Just write it as corona, Helps in multiple ways. Politicians are nuts. You never know! All I know is I only barely scraped through secondary school and I was saying shut down all flights from china to any country weeks before they even started reporting about what was happening in China on tv. It was all over twitter for months before. Just like trump said china cant hit the hong kong protesters and it was all over our tvs but macrons goons were beating the feck out of decent french people and our tvs showed nothing. Thank fuck we have weed in this crazy world
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence...
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence...

This spring would have had more protests than the 1960s. The Chinese government had a lot to lose with Hong Kong protests starting to spread to Guangdong province.
Is there anything they could keep them home as effectively as this?
Is there anything they could keep them home as effectively as this?

Undoubtedly the powers that be have concocted this virus to thin the herd of the weak and terrify the populace into obedience.

Of course. Why wouldn't US do this to Russia. Because they know that next day Russians will wave a tiny vial on TV saying they've cured it. And retaliate beyond repair.
Why not Iran? They have nothing to gain. But an economic 'war' with China. One has to make them look ugly and not appealing to deal with.
Same story is with so many African nations.
As a matter of fact, the italian man who was diagnosted with coronavirus walked out of a swiss hospital already. Cured. LOL.
Why not Iran? They have nothing to gain. But an economic 'war' with China. One has to make them look ugly and not appealing to deal with.
Same story is with so many African nations.
As a matter of fact, the italian man who was diagnosted with coronavirus walked out of a swiss hospital already. Cured. LOL.

You wouldn't put a virus like that out there to destroy another economy especially one where it effectives old people.

Sure, on Vulcan. But humans don't need able bodies people to die they only need to be scared. And that's what happened.
A virus with a bark bigger than it's bite is optimal for economic destruction and rather Trumpian if you ask me.
That said yeah of course this is just nature at work :)
A virus with a bark bigger than it's bite is optimal for economic destruction and rather Trumpian if you ask me.
That said yeah of course this is just nature at work :)

There’s a very interesting book written by Dean Koontz in 1981 The Eyes Of Darkness, that mentions a virus created in a lab just outside wuhan in labs called Wuhan-400, and he’s prediction is that it will affect humanity around 2020! Wether it’s genuine everyone can make up their own mind, interesting he mentions it though!

But yeah I can believe it was at least being developed or researched in a lab, and it got out. Maybe Russia were in on it too. After all they caused problems in Salisbury and they clearly don't adhere to international agreements. Germ / bacterial/ viral warfare on a global scale is the next best thing to nukes. At least the earth wouldn't be scorched -- but then the virus would kill the perpetrators too, so fuck knows.
Its a very clever and organically advanced virus too, affecting human lungs. I know "Mother Nature" is clever but ....this virus is quite advanced. Scary shit man.
But I never thought I would be so bored having to stay at home.
Its a very clever and organically advanced virus too, affecting human lungs. I know "Mother Nature" is clever but ....this virus is quite advanced. Scary shit man.
But I never thought I would be so bored having to stay at home.

the lamestream mediocres and corrupt WHO have been warning about a second wave. Now there are new cases springing up in Beijing.
Globally, the first wave is petering out, but the election is not until November.
Makes me wonder if we're being groomed for a second nonsensical lockdown. That history has already shown the first to be bullshit will I assume have no bearing if this is indeed what's coming down the pipe.
If there were some politically motivated opportunist mass gatherings orchestrated, then presumably the spread (of the second wave) could be pinned on these
Globally, the first wave is petering out, but the election is not until November.
Makes me wonder if we're being groomed for a second nonsensical lockdown. That history has already shown the first to be bullshit will I assume have no bearing if this is indeed what's coming down the pipe.
If there were some politically motivated opportunist mass gatherings orchestrated, then presumably the spread (of the second wave) could be pinned on these

Sooooo many NPC's on this thread. I hope you read through your old comments and cringe you gullible fucks.

It's 56min long but found it interesting as it was uploaded 12 years ago and he talks about a flu like virus released on China.

My opinion on matters like this are not worth 5p, but the timing of covid being in similar time frame to the UK leaving the EU does seem convenient. Seems like the East trying to destabilize the west. Im sure it would be in Chinas interest for the whole EU to collapse. Also UK and London being the financial capital and the UK suffering worse economical damage than any other EU country shortly after agreeing to leave the EU just seems incredible timing. Couldve randomly occured 6.4 years ago, but randomly occured shortly after the beginning of the EU starting to dissolve. And again nobody is disputing this virus came from china and its timing is so outrageously perfect as to is its target. Dont know anything, just smells a bit fishy.

Please stay safe people. This is really scary!! Would recommend for some
Good advice.
Good advice.

I would like to think, that if I made a bio weapon it would a bit more potent than a sore throat and a cough

If you were to release it on the world, what other way would you make sure
a. It doesn't kill YOUR family
b. It doesn't kill off the whole workforce of the economy that actually make the priveleged class possible?
a. It doesn't kill YOUR family
b. It doesn't kill off the whole workforce of the economy that actually make the priveleged class possible?

The virus came from China, nobody is disputing that, China wouldn't hurt their own economy like that intentionally. Plenty of lies and shady dealings around covid but this ain't it chief.

some of the comments here are so cliche stoner, it makes me embarrassed to consider myself one.
we'll never know the truth and i'm not getting pointless angry until the facts are laid out and undeniable. these kind of coronaviruses exist in nature, and we know that governments also fuck around with experiments. that's all we know for a fact.
some of you sound like you believe 5G turns people into gay frogs. wait for the undeniable facts and in the meanwhile, smoke lots of weed but not so much that you believe anything you read on Facebook.
we'll never know the truth and i'm not getting pointless angry until the facts are laid out and undeniable. these kind of coronaviruses exist in nature, and we know that governments also fuck around with experiments. that's all we know for a fact.
some of you sound like you believe 5G turns people into gay frogs. wait for the undeniable facts and in the meanwhile, smoke lots of weed but not so much that you believe anything you read on Facebook.

depends... if djt is re-elected then yes. if Biden/democratx then no. democrats love chinas money. sell-out central.
china has been open about wanting to be the supreme world superpower. they pay-off everyone, in every facet.
national self-sufficiency is the base line. trade is the gravy. those are the foundations of stability. it's common sense.
bio-warfare is available as we've experienced. c19 is lab-derived corona rna with hiv sequences inserted and affinity enabled. if this was originally an accident then it was certainly weaponised. the good and the bad of biowar is that it is essentially nuclear-level as at today.
china has been open about wanting to be the supreme world superpower. they pay-off everyone, in every facet.
national self-sufficiency is the base line. trade is the gravy. those are the foundations of stability. it's common sense.
bio-warfare is available as we've experienced. c19 is lab-derived corona rna with hiv sequences inserted and affinity enabled. if this was originally an accident then it was certainly weaponised. the good and the bad of biowar is that it is essentially nuclear-level as at today.

1 post
+4 votes
Trop tôt; The Story of Minitel
so not so different from orange's service today?

Trop tôt; The Story of Minitel
This was the coolest, like a chrome computer 30 years earlier.

Hey biggaz
I used the minitel during years as a good french; but they never improved the technology and it remained fucking slow but wasfunny...
I still have one somewhere...
I used the minitel during years as a good french; but they never improved the technology and it remained fucking slow but wasfunny...
I still have one somewhere...

Hi Kokro
I had one at my dad's house too.
There was also a guy who was maintining his own BBS during the night shifts when I was a mainframe sysop.
Those were the days. Typical of French society back then: great inventions but lacking the entrepreneurial culture commonly found in Anglo=Sxon countries.
Carte a puces?
I had one at my dad's house too.
There was also a guy who was maintining his own BBS during the night shifts when I was a mainframe sysop.
Those were the days. Typical of French society back then: great inventions but lacking the entrepreneurial culture commonly found in Anglo=Sxon countries.
Carte a puces?

Haha thanks for that. Reminds me of my first foray into the web dialing into BBS in the US to play doom 1 against people around my area.
LB gives of a similar vibe as those early BBSs.
LB gives of a similar vibe as those early BBSs.

1 post
+5 votes
The Artificial Intelligentsia
Yeah it's like Micheal Lewis. AI folks really are easy to have a go with.

The Artificial Intelligentsia
When a good writer enters an absurd world fun follows.

1 post
+7 votes

the game economy
Decentralized game economies will help on all of these fronts
for a while ;)

the game economy
artificial shortages
attention whores
superficial skins
am i missing something or is the gaming economy the most dystopian thing there is?
attention whores
superficial skins
am i missing something or is the gaming economy the most dystopian thing there is?

Basically instead of the game studio owning every piece of property in the game space, the players do. Tools, skins, characters and any other asset can be bought and sold by individuals in a free market. A blockchain records all transactions and facilitates this trade.

Thank you that's very interesting, seems like we could eventually all move into gamespace and stay there :)

I think the news is more dystopian. There is no racism in gamespace, no wicked presidents or prime ministers, no opiate crisis, no social distancing, lethal diseases, massive unemployment.
In fact, let me just have the blue pill right now.
In fact, let me just have the blue pill right now.

1 post
+5 votes

Self medicating PTSD, anxiety and depression
Sativa in the day and indica at night is a straight vector to dependency. You will have zero energy without weed. Exercise and nutrition form a good …

Self medicating PTSD, anxiety and depression
Hello everyone, new here.
I’m looking for a reliable vendor.
My other half suffers from PTSD, anxiety and depression and I’m looking to find good weed to help her cope. After doing some research she thinks she would benefit from a hybrid/sativa for during the day, and an indica for the evening. Low THC (because she hasn't smoked in nearly 10 years) and if possible containing CBD and CBN. No skunk or hash. Perhaps Blue Dream and Berry White but I don’t know if you can find these in the UK.
Can anyone recommend a good vendor with knowledge on the above? We are in London (UK)
Many thanks.
I’m looking for a reliable vendor.
My other half suffers from PTSD, anxiety and depression and I’m looking to find good weed to help her cope. After doing some research she thinks she would benefit from a hybrid/sativa for during the day, and an indica for the evening. Low THC (because she hasn't smoked in nearly 10 years) and if possible containing CBD and CBN. No skunk or hash. Perhaps Blue Dream and Berry White but I don’t know if you can find these in the UK.
Can anyone recommend a good vendor with knowledge on the above? We are in London (UK)
Many thanks.

Hi bro. As someone who has personal experience of this. Don’t smoke weed all day and night it makes it worse after a few weeks.
When I fall in the “hole”, weed can be so beneficial, the insomnia is taken out straight away. I don’t dream when I smoke weed too, so the nightmares fuck right off too. The aggression goes away as well.
But.... (and I appreciate you other half isn’t me)... if I keep going at it day and night, my tolerance goes through the roof and I don’t get stoned really. It costs £ and the worse part... when I run out... well... I’m a cunt. I can’t put it another way. An absolutely horrible cunt.
amnesia is a strain that I find effective or blue cheese, for insomnia and anxiety.
Wish you and your other half all the best brother
When I fall in the “hole”, weed can be so beneficial, the insomnia is taken out straight away. I don’t dream when I smoke weed too, so the nightmares fuck right off too. The aggression goes away as well.
But.... (and I appreciate you other half isn’t me)... if I keep going at it day and night, my tolerance goes through the roof and I don’t get stoned really. It costs £ and the worse part... when I run out... well... I’m a cunt. I can’t put it another way. An absolutely horrible cunt.
amnesia is a strain that I find effective or blue cheese, for insomnia and anxiety.
Wish you and your other half all the best brother

Sativa in the day and indica at night is a straight vector to dependency. You will have zero energy without weed. Exercise and nutrition form a good core regimen for the conditions you described. Forgive me if you are already there.
When that doesn't work hit the sativa for an anti depression boost - start super small or the anxiety will take over. For natural anxiety hit the cbd with a little bit of indica. Have a powerful indica as your ace in the hole.
When that doesn't work hit the sativa for an anti depression boost - start super small or the anxiety will take over. For natural anxiety hit the cbd with a little bit of indica. Have a powerful indica as your ace in the hole.

50% cbd and 50% thc mix should work for depression well.
In my experience weed and excercise combo works well for beating depression. I would sugest start with excercising every day. Only doing weed will work only when high, rest of the time will be the same or worse. You can get hooked on weed very quickly when you have depression and that can be expensive. Don t jump from one pithole to onother.
Magic mushrooms can help alot but that should be done by someone experienced in the field.
In essence, I would recomend research as much as possible about it and only then use substances.
Good luck with getting better.
In my experience weed and excercise combo works well for beating depression. I would sugest start with excercising every day. Only doing weed will work only when high, rest of the time will be the same or worse. You can get hooked on weed very quickly when you have depression and that can be expensive. Don t jump from one pithole to onother.
Magic mushrooms can help alot but that should be done by someone experienced in the field.
In essence, I would recomend research as much as possible about it and only then use substances.
Good luck with getting better.

Hey! I self-medicate for PTSD, specifically the crippling insomnia aspect.
Wouldn't personally recommend weed with depression, not daytime use anyway - but if she absolutely can't get through the day at the moment, then investing in a dry herb vape is probably a good idea (she can save the vaped bud (AVB) in a little pot, take a tiny pinch in the morning, and it will hopefully keep her fairly mellow without fogging her brain too much). THC can be a nightmare with anxiety (as you've probably gathered from your research), so take it really really slowly for the first few days/ weeks. As for which strain - with my PTSD, I just go for any strong indica and vape small amounts at night. If, 2-3 hours after going to bed, I'm still wide awake and flooded with adrenaline, I go vape a little more, and the second time normally allows me to drift off.
Hope the therapy goes well. Some therapists are awful, some are amazing - hope your other half gets the latter.
Wouldn't personally recommend weed with depression, not daytime use anyway - but if she absolutely can't get through the day at the moment, then investing in a dry herb vape is probably a good idea (she can save the vaped bud (AVB) in a little pot, take a tiny pinch in the morning, and it will hopefully keep her fairly mellow without fogging her brain too much). THC can be a nightmare with anxiety (as you've probably gathered from your research), so take it really really slowly for the first few days/ weeks. As for which strain - with my PTSD, I just go for any strong indica and vape small amounts at night. If, 2-3 hours after going to bed, I'm still wide awake and flooded with adrenaline, I go vape a little more, and the second time normally allows me to drift off.
Hope the therapy goes well. Some therapists are awful, some are amazing - hope your other half gets the latter.

Hey, thanks for sharing your experience, I really appreciate it. Which dry herb vape would you recommend? I’ve been looking into full convection ones and I’m leaning towards the Boundless Tera, seems pretty good, but I’d like to hear your thoughts.
And yes, fingers crossed she gets a good therapist.. we are still waiting to hear from the NHS.
And yes, fingers crossed she gets a good therapist.. we are still waiting to hear from the NHS.

Might be worth trying some CBD flower (high cbd and THC under 1%), can buy it legally online in a lot of countries. It's a bit odd because if you smoke or vape it you don't feel like you expect but you might notice that you are just relaxed and calm. You can also mix it with higher THC weed to get whatever balance of CBD/THC you want.
I'd also recommend speaking to a doctor and seeking therapy if your other half hasn't already, weed is good but it doesn't solve everything, I find that the benefits are often short term and it's not normally realistic to be stoned 24/7.
I'd also recommend speaking to a doctor and seeking therapy if your other half hasn't already, weed is good but it doesn't solve everything, I find that the benefits are often short term and it's not normally realistic to be stoned 24/7.

Thanks for replying to me, much appreciated.
I have looked into CBD flowers too actually and I got a CBD vape juice that she's also going to try. Would the flowers be better? would you recommend any website in particular?
And yes, I know weed is not the ultimate answer, she's already on a waiting list to receive therapy, I am just looking for something to help her cope during particularly difficult days. Her meds are not doing much anymore also.
Thank you.
I have looked into CBD flowers too actually and I got a CBD vape juice that she's also going to try. Would the flowers be better? would you recommend any website in particular?
And yes, I know weed is not the ultimate answer, she's already on a waiting list to receive therapy, I am just looking for something to help her cope during particularly difficult days. Her meds are not doing much anymore also.
Thank you.

I use Hemphash (UK) and they are reliable and sell well priced cbd flowers. I haven't tried cbd vape juice, I buy flowers because I have a herbal vapouriser so it's easier to use, also because I can mix it up with THC bud.
Hope your other half gets into therapy soon, the waiting lists are all too often ridiculously long and governments should put a lot more emphasis on mental health in my opinion.
Hope your other half gets into therapy soon, the waiting lists are all too often ridiculously long and governments should put a lot more emphasis on mental health in my opinion.

Thank you so much! Yeah I know, I wish it would be taken more seriously.
How are you finding the herbal vaporiser? I’ve never used one but it sounds interesting.
How are you finding the herbal vaporiser? I’ve never used one but it sounds interesting.

Hi, as already mentioned CBD flower from hemphash in UK is very good. The super tooty fruity strain being my favourite. Being a chronic anxiety sufferer i can provide a little anecdotal experience and suggestions:
If your other half doesnt smoke i recommend either dry herb vaping or making edibles. I generally use home made cannabis oil to treat my anxiety by microdosing so taking a teaspoon which doesnt get me so noticebaly high but lasts a long time. I then vape a mix of CBD flower and some decent bud from here:) this has nothing to do with self medicating i do this as i enjoy the ritual of grinding flower, loading the vape and even better adapting it to a water pipe for even more smoothness.
I think buying some assorted bud shakes on here and infusing into olive oil after decarbing would be the most cost effective way but of course i am certainly no doctor. Best of luck:)
If your other half doesnt smoke i recommend either dry herb vaping or making edibles. I generally use home made cannabis oil to treat my anxiety by microdosing so taking a teaspoon which doesnt get me so noticebaly high but lasts a long time. I then vape a mix of CBD flower and some decent bud from here:) this has nothing to do with self medicating i do this as i enjoy the ritual of grinding flower, loading the vape and even better adapting it to a water pipe for even more smoothness.
I think buying some assorted bud shakes on here and infusing into olive oil after decarbing would be the most cost effective way but of course i am certainly no doctor. Best of luck:)

Wow, thank you so much, this is very insightful. What kind of dry herb vape do you use? I have been doing some research and it seems like a very good option, although a tad expensive. I’d be willing to spend on a good convection vape, but not sure on which to go for.
Any recommendations?
Appreciate it!
Any recommendations?
Appreciate it!

Convection vapes will be generally more pricey than conduction models. Also be sure something advertised as being convection isn't a hybrid as often the case. I personally use a CFC Tera which is 100% convection. I paid a little over 100 pounds which is good for full convection. My friend has a firefly 2.0 which is a great portable convection model but its 230 notes. I additionally have the CFC boundless 2.0 at 60 pounds (conduction) which i use with the pipe adaptor in my bong for smoother hits.
If you want a desktop convection vape the volcano is the holy grail in terms of quality but also in terms of price.
If you want a desktop convection vape the volcano is the holy grail in terms of quality but also in terms of price.

Thanks so much, very helpful.
I don’t mind spending around 100 quid or little more if it’s worth it. I’ll look into those :)
And yeah, I knew about the volcano but I’d rather have something portable and not so expensive.
Thanks again!
I don’t mind spending around 100 quid or little more if it’s worth it. I’ll look into those :)
And yeah, I knew about the volcano but I’d rather have something portable and not so expensive.
Thanks again!

Agreed with greencigar below, don’t discount thc just yet, plays a very important role also, it’s down to dose and strain.... weed isn’t just weed anymore, you hit her with a heady sativa in a decent dose and she’ll likely be a wreck and put her off for good, research strains like Northern Lights, Grandaddy Purp, my current fave Slimer OG, all I find help hugely with my PTSD, anxiety and depression, it’s no cure but a band aid is enough sometimes.

Micro doses of THC can work wonders for depression. Also, a daily dose of whole plant extract CBD really brings things down to earth. It can be very difficult to manage, but strain research will always be beneficial. Getting the balance between calming and depression beating effects is not easy. Initially focus on lower doses of THC and combining this with exercise as someone else mentioned. I find that moderate doses of CBD and THC, combined with walks and time in nature bring the best results. I have also found that decarbed bud in capsules can offer a rather balanced and not too heavy effect throughout the day. The best of luck to you and yours. GC

Could check out MJ concentrates. They’ve got full spectrum cbd/thc tinctures that you drop under your tongue.

As someone suggested, MJ Concentrates do a thc / cbd oil which has been a game changer for me. Can get Indica, sativa or hybrid.

Hash is usually a better all round balanced blend of cannabinoids where the effects I find are more relaxing for ptsd, more of a tranquil chilled out mellow vibe
Some weed wires you up I think
Some weed wires you up I think

I’d second this, most Hash I’ve ever smoked and that’s a shit tonne deffo falls well more on the body couch lock side of things rather than the panic inducing heart pounding effect certain weed strains can cause.

Yeah, I guess it all depends on the indica/sativa ratio. We have smoked hash in the past and didn’t have good memories of it, but I guess with time quality might have improved also.
Thanks for your input.
Thanks for your input.

1 post
+4.2 votes
What can I do to preserve my grandmother before she dies?
Does she want to be preserved? This can be a really big deal for her legacy and may freak out her family, it takes some fortitude to get past that.

What can I do to preserve my grandmother before she dies?
My grandmother has cancer and even if she makes it she doesn't have more than 5 years to live realistaclly. I believe that some kind of immortality or radical life extension is coming but she isn't going to be able to participate so I wonder if there is something I can do to give myself a little hope if nothing else.

My gran died a couple of years ago and one of the biggest regrets I have is that I didn't talk with her about her life. My advice is spend as much time with her as possible, talk to her, learn about her (write things down if you need to) - and then keep her in your memories. Pass on your knowledge of her to the next generation. That is basically as close to immortality most of us get.

Exactly this! My gran died in 2014, one year shy of 100. She had seen a lot in her life, being born during World War One. I cherish the chats that we had. As I get older, I realise how privileged I was to have known her. Not only because of who she was but because she was born in another era and her stories and memories were real life history from a very different world to our own.

Record her talking about her life and memories, oral history vcan be an amazing gateway into the past.

I might be too old fashioned, but since you're talking about your grandma, that might not be a bad thing. Have you asked her how she feels about death? She might not want to be frozen, or otherwise kept from death. I've had to deal with death way too much recently. It's horrible, and my heart goes out to you. But sometimes dying people see loved ones who are already dead. Real, or imagined, I won't know for sure until I take that last trip. I've started to feel very selfish for keeping my sister on life support as long as I did. Personally, I really believe that death is just a transition. Regardless, I think spending as much time with her as you can, and even recording conversations with her would be a good thing. Whatever you choose, I wish you both well.

Plastication may very well be ready within 5 years and it looks not only better than cryonics but also free of any ties to discredited white rappers.

Wait you're gonna go with "plastication" because you think it has less embarrassing analogies than freezing?

It seems like a perfect idea, instead of fighting the long life of plastics we use this to preserve.
I imagine an undertaker could inject some plastics, use a plastic coffin and we could have masses of people preserved inexpensively.
Hard to find much on this though, Gwern's piece is pretty old
I imagine an undertaker could inject some plastics, use a plastic coffin and we could have masses of people preserved inexpensively.
Hard to find much on this though, Gwern's piece is pretty old

Does she want to be preserved? This can be a really big deal for her legacy and may freak out her family, it takes some fortitude to get past that.

this. I have a very hard time even talking with people about this basically they think it's a conceit to even consider it.

1 post
+5 votes
picard series?
awesome, and at the risk of spoiling a little, a great reunion tour.

It just great, edgy, sexy and sweary- what more could you want. It leaves me wondering how far trek can be pushed. I came across this fan art on Facebook of what if....

i watched the 1st one and was a little bummed so i havent had the gumption for the next one. special effects were shit but im gonna give it another go the story is rarely good in a 1st episode so no comment there

Me too! I hate waiting a week for episodes. Binge watching has ruined me lol! I love Star Trek and Picard was always my favourite Captain, so no doubt I will love this.

1 post
+10 votes

occasional user wondering what people get out of daily use of afinil
The cumulative effects of modafinil are not well known though there is some evidence that it builds up neuron protection, modulates circadian rhythms …
The cumulative effects of modafinil are not well known though there is some evidence that it builds up neuron protection, modulates circadian rhythms and produces advantages for cognitive development. Personally I don't think these effects are so terrific that they outweigh the possible negative side effects which are also kind of hazy and unproven.

Dependency. Afinil is a great thing, and fairly benign but like anything else if you get used to it's effects you get tolerance and psychological (not physical) addiction.

I would say less extremes, I was often euphoric as an occasional user but also more short tempered according to my boyfriend. As a full time user it's more like a cleaner, more effective coffee habit, I have consistent energy don't crash in the afternoon but otherwise it's kinf of uneventful.

I love moda but can't imagine daily use it seems like it would lose it's effects and you would be back where you started.

Sounds like you are not on the tough end of the ADHD spectrum. For me daily use is more like the difference between things working well vs struggling.

Can you imagine daily caffeine use? Then you are 75% there. Now imagine skipping a day and think how you feel or picture having an extra cup or 2 for a busy day.
Now give this up cold or take one tomorrow thats daily use right there.
Now give this up cold or take one tomorrow thats daily use right there.

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