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joined nov 2019
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1 topic on Littlemissdizaster
Dry Herb Vapes
54 posts by Littlemissdizaster
use three words to describe little biggy
Amazing. Lifesaver. Community.
Human Traffic (The Film)
started topic + 16 more
little biggy theme song?
Cartman is hilarious. South Park is the only thing I’ve loved since it started and still watch now at 42. We should start a Cartman clip thread.
on  [music]
most embarrassing song in your collection?
Doo da Dee da Dee Dee dodo, Dee da do do do! That was too catchy.
Worst Star Trek Series of All Time?
Deep Space 9 for me. Never got into it. Loved the others though. + 2 more
on  paddy420
Cannot believe I found this community.
Me too. Only been a member since November but I am so pleased I found it. Massive well done to everyone involved.
Have a good one guys.
LB has high standards for shake
You will never win with some people on here. It’s sad because it’s only went this way recently and people who order shake need to realise it’s shake,…
being honest with mental health
I work for NHS and there is no way they would have done that because they are not allowed to due to confidentiality. It will be in your medical recor…
doctor doc
Panic attacks (PTSD) from weed
Sorry to hear that buddy. That happens with my mum. I baked her some brownies a few times and even with strains that knock me out, have the opposite…
on  [music]
Possibly the Most Perfect Toking Album Ever Made?
Rumours takes on a totally new life when stoned. I wish I had the songwriting gene!
super hans super scumbag
His Pink Cookie one a while back was superb and I think I also got a few others, possibly gas mask. Always a stand up vendor with me. + 3 more
Free Strainsbury’s T Shirts 😎
Brilliant idea!
on  bevbevan1
Tin foil hat club
It’s crazy times! My friend had both her jabs and got full blown COVID and she was out of the period where the vac would be ineffective. I had close…
No Service From Today (07/07/22)
Sorry to hear this buddy. Look after you and yours and take care of yourself.
Any Lager Drinkers?
The Tempest Brewery Lagers are amazing and they have beer festivals and you can try them all. They even have an Oompah band. Normally I go for Stel…
Addressing our recent 1/10
I must say, that is a very bold statement about your service. I have had nothing but top service from you and whoever has said this is speaking out t…
This Vendor is never around to answer any questions...
I have ordered twice from Super Hans and I have never had any issues. It was pretty clear that he was having a break. I wish people would have a wee…
on  bevbevan1
Brutal! + 2 more
Best things to watch while stoned
Think I may tackle it at the weekend. Thank you kind sir. + 4 more
Tips For Smell-Proofing Your Stash?
That is an impressive haul there. I’m jealous.
Favourite games to play when you smoke/vape?
You have made me cry laughing at this. I attempted to play Division 2 and I lost all ability to defend my comrades and got a lot of people killed. … + 4 more
on  paddy420
Drugs Inc UK, solid and dependable vendor.
He is the bomb! Best bud and best stealth. Straight up and honest.
on  eddie73
Just for fun...Finish the sentence.
You and me both! I always have great plans and then I end up zoned out In another dimension or laughing at something I heard two weeks ago. Lol!
on  [music]
What is your smoking song?
Lana Del Rey - Gods and Monsters
on  Jamjarjim
Herb Of The Decade! Super Silver Strawberry Haze Review!
It was love at first whiff for me too.
on  Snag699
The big 50!
Snap! GSC from RB lol! Congrats on the half a century’s worth of buys!
picard series?
Me too! I hate waiting a week for episodes. Binge watching has ruined me lol! I love Star Trek and Picard was always my favourite Captain, so no do…
on  carverr
Is Radar Breeder O.K?
I ordered from RB a few weeks ago. Totally legit. I think the post may be a bit slow with Christmas. My parcel took 5 days to get to me. I wouldn’…
bigg topics