Thinking of all the suffering that prohibition has caused. All of the people that could have had better lives at a time when they needed it. For what exactly were they sacrificed my Lords?
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pirato oliver

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joined nov 2012
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2 topics on pirato oliver
6 posts
+24 votes
Brain Stimulation by cannabinoid CB2 receptors and its therapeutic potential in Alzheimer's disease

Brain Stimulation by cannabinoid CB2 receptors and its therapeutic potential in Alzheimer's disease
More good news for older little biggers

8 posts
+19 votes
What's so wrong about the current inequality?

What's so wrong about the current inequality?
Not much, really. Anyway you look at it human lives are equalizing with little regard to income, let's start with appearances:
In old human times the richest person was fatter because he could eat more. Today advanced poor people are the fattest on earth because food has become so plentiful. The healthiest eaters are the rural poor and the urban rich, both eating organically.
As far as covering their fat with clothing, disparities have also dissipated. A couple of centuries ago even colored clothing was a luxury as dyes were a semi exotic luxury. The richest people would wear elaborate gowns and the poor people colorless rags as even basics like cotton were a big expense. Today everyone from the poorest village in africa to the most exclusive spot on the Riviera wears jeans. The richest enjoy a slight difference in fabric and a different name sewn on the pocket.
Leisure time use to be province of the rich, today they work more hours than the middle or lower income classes. And what of their time off? Travel used to be exclusively for the rich, most never left their town, now most people on earth can afford to reach nearly every spot on it. But this matters less as nearly everyone spends their time looking at screens and the rich have no advantages over billions of ordinary people.
It's a basic fact of math: if the poorest person's income is bound by zero and the richest's by infinity things should naturally spread out over time, it's not an inherently bad thing but rather a reflection of a world progressing. As this happens living standards also increase and technology rolls out advances to more people faster, so fast and so ubiquitous that the rich have lessening practical advantage from their wealth even as it grows further from average incomes.
In old human times the richest person was fatter because he could eat more. Today advanced poor people are the fattest on earth because food has become so plentiful. The healthiest eaters are the rural poor and the urban rich, both eating organically.
As far as covering their fat with clothing, disparities have also dissipated. A couple of centuries ago even colored clothing was a luxury as dyes were a semi exotic luxury. The richest people would wear elaborate gowns and the poor people colorless rags as even basics like cotton were a big expense. Today everyone from the poorest village in africa to the most exclusive spot on the Riviera wears jeans. The richest enjoy a slight difference in fabric and a different name sewn on the pocket.
Leisure time use to be province of the rich, today they work more hours than the middle or lower income classes. And what of their time off? Travel used to be exclusively for the rich, most never left their town, now most people on earth can afford to reach nearly every spot on it. But this matters less as nearly everyone spends their time looking at screens and the rich have no advantages over billions of ordinary people.
It's a basic fact of math: if the poorest person's income is bound by zero and the richest's by infinity things should naturally spread out over time, it's not an inherently bad thing but rather a reflection of a world progressing. As this happens living standards also increase and technology rolls out advances to more people faster, so fast and so ubiquitous that the rich have lessening practical advantage from their wealth even as it grows further from average incomes.


A lot of exclusive and expensive stuff became affordable for everyone. Through scientific research new technologies and materials were developed and more and more got automated. Mass manufacturing/creation became the norm.
European countries had deep pockets full of cash and hardly any debt through their colonies in Africa etc.... It was a golden age. In post colonial times various International conflicts (Afghanistan war / Oil Crisises / Vietnam) gave the global economy a huge blow.
Meanwhile Nixon decided that USD value was no longer backed up by a national gold supply but through the GDP which was adopted by other countries later on.
Global debt exploded from then on and multiple economical crisises followed which were solved by manipulating the monetary system so that whatever insolvency or budgetary problem was fixed by printing more (no longer backed) money.
That story ended in 2008 as the financial institutions that fractionally stores your holdings, became that greedy and reckless that several went bankrupt or needed government funding to survive (though nationalisation of their debt). Every citizen became holder of debt and those responsible for the mess from trader to executive management got away with it and received huge bonuses.
I always compare the current situation with the feudal era that ended in 1789 with the French Revolution. Royalty and such were awarded with leadership that was transferred onto them by their ancestors. Royalty, in a historical perspective, originated from tyrants and warmongers that suppressed, even tortured their citizens or used them as slaves through religious justification by the Roman Church. People were uneducated and feared Clerics.
The whole bunch united themselves and even attempted to maintain there genes by inbreeding. Till that inbreeding caused that much degeneration that fresh genes were needed.
After the French Revolution some dire times followed but the industrial revolution gave them an opportunity to adapt to the changing society. Royalty found new partners in a growing number of rich industrials which were given Royal titles. Large monopolistic and nationalised companies emerged that provided services to citizens. Railway, Weapons, Utilities, Communication, Radio and TV to name a few.
These government corporations provided a lot of jobs which were well paid and provided several advantages over regular jobs in private companies. But politicians like happy voters and althou
European countries had deep pockets full of cash and hardly any debt through their colonies in Africa etc.... It was a golden age. In post colonial times various International conflicts (Afghanistan war / Oil Crisises / Vietnam) gave the global economy a huge blow.
Meanwhile Nixon decided that USD value was no longer backed up by a national gold supply but through the GDP which was adopted by other countries later on.
Global debt exploded from then on and multiple economical crisises followed which were solved by manipulating the monetary system so that whatever insolvency or budgetary problem was fixed by printing more (no longer backed) money.
That story ended in 2008 as the financial institutions that fractionally stores your holdings, became that greedy and reckless that several went bankrupt or needed government funding to survive (though nationalisation of their debt). Every citizen became holder of debt and those responsible for the mess from trader to executive management got away with it and received huge bonuses.
I always compare the current situation with the feudal era that ended in 1789 with the French Revolution. Royalty and such were awarded with leadership that was transferred onto them by their ancestors. Royalty, in a historical perspective, originated from tyrants and warmongers that suppressed, even tortured their citizens or used them as slaves through religious justification by the Roman Church. People were uneducated and feared Clerics.
The whole bunch united themselves and even attempted to maintain there genes by inbreeding. Till that inbreeding caused that much degeneration that fresh genes were needed.
After the French Revolution some dire times followed but the industrial revolution gave them an opportunity to adapt to the changing society. Royalty found new partners in a growing number of rich industrials which were given Royal titles. Large monopolistic and nationalised companies emerged that provided services to citizens. Railway, Weapons, Utilities, Communication, Radio and TV to name a few.
These government corporations provided a lot of jobs which were well paid and provided several advantages over regular jobs in private companies. But politicians like happy voters and althou

I think its more like the early 20th century. A golden age just behind us, exploiters taking command of new communications technology, stirring emotions for wicked gains. Don't think it stops anytime soon, A.I. already shows great talent for this.

I think this is a good theory, there might even be kind of a Moore's law at work where technology advances drive equality. Self driving cars come to mind.

Maybe equality in lifestyle as the OP is saying but if anything it seems to accelerate inequality in wealth accumulation. The logical end of this is a world of robot servants doing everything for people but owned by a small elite.

All economic classes are at least ABLE to accumulate wealth as never before in history. The disparity arises from good things, not bad. The wealth/income gap GROWS in a healthy economy (talking about the U.S. here, so don't argue that some other country doesn't have opportunity). The reason the gap grows is because there's no upper limit, and the lower limit stays virtually at subsistence level. People at the top aren't going to stop working and earning simply because those of us at the lower limits decide that we're happy with less. Anyone who argues that the gap is a bad thing doesn't know diddly about economics (or has a socialist-type agenda that they're pushing).

3 posts by pirato oliver
1 post
+35.5 votes
use three words to describe little biggy
apple of anarchy
My postman is obviously a stoner, just the way he carries the back all slung back on his shoulder gives it away but he also looks like Wayne (or Garth I can't remember which one is which). I keep thinking I should offer him a bowl of the good shit but he delivers so much weed to me I think I'd be putting him in a bad position.

You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Lol that's poss the best 3 words. Esp goin by the shit that appears in my area as "weed". And the wannabes selling it

Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!

Layer of consciousness
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

Fake weed forum....... bring back the old suppliers. Suppliers these days are all crooks.... firstly they get bulk of weed then put it in a tumbler and shake it to take the crystals off the bud so they can make there pillen and dope then the weed gets sprayed with terps to give the buds a flavour again. This is why the dope is dearer than the weed... absolute scams going on here. People need to wake up and start refusing this poison on here these days. There is a handful of sellers that are legit but 95% on here is selling fake thc grass... all its doing is making people sick

1 post
+5 votes
American Justice Through The Eyes of a Public Defender
How about a sitting US Judge on the topic?

American Justice Through The Eyes of a Public Defender
"Our office represents 85 percent of the people charged with crimes in Orleans Parish but has an annual budget about a third the size of the district attorney’s"

How about a sitting US Judge on the topic?

1 post
+2 votes

best ways to partake broke?
Anywhere to get these with bitcoins?
Everyone's an expert, so here's two pennies' worth: buy the best quality you can afford and enjoy it until it runs out. When you can afford to buy again, buy again. This strategy is invariably better than endless shake or cheap commercial hash.
Seriously, hyper-economising ruins the fun. It doesn't make sense to spend half your high trying to mop up every crumb from your grinder, or in coughing fits because you absolutely must capture every last molecule of smoke out of your piece. As for drinking bong water...strep, black mildew, E.coli, proteus - to name a few.
Seriously, hyper-economising ruins the fun. It doesn't make sense to spend half your high trying to mop up every crumb from your grinder, or in coughing fits because you absolutely must capture every last molecule of smoke out of your piece. As for drinking bong water...strep, black mildew, E.coli, proteus - to name a few.

The shake situation generally depends on the person. I myself don't get the effects from weed anymore as my tolerance is so high and I'm also not working atm. Shake is good for the fact it's still cheaper than buying a cheap oz of buds and will last longer. Not everyone smokes for the buzz my man

Best practice is no waste. Smoke burning into the air is throwing away cannabis. Stems and sticks are not for the smoking but they can all be cooked in edibles.

True this, I have an old hippie friend that would smoke joints backwards only sipping on the smoke from the burning end.

Grind your cannabis! This brings out the good parts and nearly doubles the potency of your stash!

Or "surface area" which most people learn at 14 in school with basic chemistry reactions.
You only want to grind it just before smoking though because a bigger mass (bigger buds) will store longer for the same reason. Less exposure.
I go through the smallest bit first for that reason.
You only want to grind it just before smoking though because a bigger mass (bigger buds) will store longer for the same reason. Less exposure.
I go through the smallest bit first for that reason.

I agree with this. I used to smoke hash years ago and it blew my mind when introduced to weed. Aw, memories

Used to be my favourite way of smoking hash, no wastage and a good strong stoning. Now I just use a dynavap haha

Decent vape plus shake and hash as they are the best bang for buck imo.
Hash is high quality and cheap right now so offers more thc than most buds
Hash is high quality and cheap right now so offers more thc than most buds

This is my philosophy right now, i keep two types of shake, two types of hash and two carts, all from LB referrals. It is possible to have a completely free rotation, long live LB.

Shotties mate
9mm copper piping, coke bottle with water, small bit of fag cut off with blade and stamp in hash. High as fuck
9mm copper piping, coke bottle with water, small bit of fag cut off with blade and stamp in hash. High as fuck

smoke pure always. Get a bong and work out exactly how much you can smoke up and hold for time. Pull til the smoke nearly touches your lips, cover with your hand and take a full breath of air. Big exhale then rip the smoke up and hold in til the world seems better...
Served me well as a struggling stoner in the early years. Vapes also really good option, bit more high tech and different high than smoking though.
Hash prob better value than flower, though can get a decent high off of shake/bottom buds which you might find cheaper on here.
Served me well as a struggling stoner in the early years. Vapes also really good option, bit more high tech and different high than smoking though.
Hash prob better value than flower, though can get a decent high off of shake/bottom buds which you might find cheaper on here.

Haha once saw my little sister who was off her face at the time pick up a shorty bottle ( was no where near clean lol like the black ones ) and drink half the water

Back in the 90s a dude i knew hit the bong full of poppers and a tobacco/soap bar (crap hash) mix. Ripped it clean before he went green...

Get a magic flight launch box with a power adapter and batteries then learn how to use it well. No other way can make herbs last as long as this little baby. ( my first vape). You can also smoke eat or make butter with your leftovers its a win win situation. Bit for a J can last for hours in this little baby. The high builds gradually but can get you totaly baked if you so wish.

Definitely shake ! We have a lot of regular customers for shake because itβs the best bang for your buck ! Super cheap yet still super high grade and enough to get you going for a while π₯°

Strainsburies have you been hackd ontg I had made and paid for an order 2z shake last month and still haven't received anything, but only been strung along by a few messages since, it's medi Cater if you could please reply to me there thanks.

I used to smoke a quarter of weed a week and that would cost me Β£60-70. For the last eight years Iβve been vaping concentrates instead and a gram of that is roughly Β£40-50. So Iβve literally been saving Β£20-30 per week and Iβm sure my lungs are better for it.

a good bong and don't kain your weed also T-breaks are a must . and sometimes a spliff is better (Unless you wanna get proper munted ( just don't go over board and remeber the T-breaks)

In all fainess I purchase some quality shake/trim & popcorn buds. Get plenty of bang for your buck and there's some tasty looking stuff on a few vendors pages. I got 7g last week and there was plenty of buds in it

use eagle bill shake and vape pipe it is a normal glass vape pipe use the opening as a bowl and when you run out it's collected so much THC rich oil on the glass forms VERY strong stuff you can heat as it's glass made to be heated from the glass bubble to the stem or using a little water to soften in up you can use paper clips straitened with a loop on the end to strip the pipe literally clean and gather the now thick dark/black deposit out and a gram of that lasts ages.
It's harsh to smoke but stronger than premium dutch hash type stuff. Also if you're in any country with a cannabis cafe many people take the rubbish bags from cannabis cafes in Holland where they often separate food from waste joints, this may also apply to some US dispensaries although i don't know if that's legal.
This is legal in the Netherlands and many people in them smoke pure weed joints and even then leave a lot unsmoked...but for the love of god DO NOT DRINK BONG WATER
THC has extremely low solubility in water and secondly bong water should be fresh with every use if your bong water has gotten to the point that it has THC in it then it's been there for weeks and is literally just stagnant water that has collected all the cyanide and other things present in smoke and cultured an amount of bacteria likely many times dirtier than your toilet
It's harsh to smoke but stronger than premium dutch hash type stuff. Also if you're in any country with a cannabis cafe many people take the rubbish bags from cannabis cafes in Holland where they often separate food from waste joints, this may also apply to some US dispensaries although i don't know if that's legal.
This is legal in the Netherlands and many people in them smoke pure weed joints and even then leave a lot unsmoked...but for the love of god DO NOT DRINK BONG WATER
THC has extremely low solubility in water and secondly bong water should be fresh with every use if your bong water has gotten to the point that it has THC in it then it's been there for weeks and is literally just stagnant water that has collected all the cyanide and other things present in smoke and cultured an amount of bacteria likely many times dirtier than your toilet

I have 2 really unappealing words to say so hear me out, don't judge. The 2 words are bong water. Do not drink of course, not directly. As part of a smoothie, yes. Shit works great and it's more than free its fucking recycling.

Careful, bong water liquid can quikly provide a potentially sickening "smoothie" as bacteria from various contaminents (few people are known to fadtidiously scrub the inside of the bong cylinder, even fewer are known for changing the water on a per-use basis. Also, i'm not so sure the solids you would be consuming are that pschoactive - thc is not soluble in H2O to my knowledge.
Good luck! ?
Good luck! ?

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