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joined sep 2020
100+ sales 0% disputed
Hello Sisters, Brothers and Biggas alike.

We are uWakeiBake a one stop shop for all your cannabis edible needs.

We have a great selection of products at different strengths, delivered straight to your door, with free postage!

As you can see from our top rating and customer reviews, speed & stealth is the priority. We aim to get your order wrapped, ready & sent within 24 hours of a complete payment. Usually arriving within 1-2 days (please calculate correct fees and double check names & address for no delays)

We also provide a signed and a next day delivery option, available after you have chosen your products.

We operate weekdays with a 12midnight cut off, unless otherwise agreed.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Peace, Love & Happiness
The Bakers
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23 topics on uWakeiBake
We will be away from the 15th until the 1st of april!
We are back!
A week no activity?
by  Alos3000
Sweet Chews of Love
All orders 20% extra product until sunday 😀
Back Online 👀
by  kokology
Dosage info
Back online with every order this week recieving an extra 50%
Away from office +72hr 100% Extra free +$100 giveaway... 👀👀👀
by  Perpheads
Review of Gummies
Who has broken thier resolution already? 👀
Away early for the holiday season... ✌️♥️👀
by  archonsme
Gummy Bears travel tip
Review/Experience: Gummy Bears
by  Csm1ohone
Quick service
Organic ♡ Vegan ♡ THC ♡
by  M00np1ggy
420 but all eddibles?
Holiday giveaway.... The first 7 confirmed orders of ReCon 7gs get a free bag of CannaBears. Peace Love Happiness from t…
by  Bigbum
Can you source thc-a?
by  Dirigible
Top notch!
Great communication
62 posts by uWakeiBake
started topic + 17 more
50-100% extra on our snakes....
started topic
on  {rap}
Top 100 Albums in the Rick Rubin Extended Universe
Rick Rubin changed my life - or at least had a big influence on my musical taste. I vividly remember hearing Slayer's Reign in Blood for the first tim…
New vendor🐜
Welcome friend, we wish you success and happiness ✌️♥️☺️
Worst Star Trek Series of All Time?
For me it has to be Enterprise. Even the theme music felt wrong to me. It felt like the cast never really jelled and as a result the whole thing feels…
Off my face
Innit where did he go? Maybe he forgot to come back through the portal?? + 4 more
on  Perpheads
Review of uWakeiBake gummies
Hiya there mate, Thank you for the detailed and informed review/post we are most grateful. Happy valentine's Day ✌️♥️😊 The Bakers
Pound for pound the best around
started topic + 4 more
on  Evade242
Edibles ….where to start?
Hi friend, We have loads of helpful information on our page if you wanna take a look and private message, we can get you something to get started on …
on  [music]
Possibly the Most Perfect Toking Album Ever Made?
Haven't listened to the K&D sessions for ages! Well thats my morning soundtrack sorted. Strange Cargo 3 by William Orbit is good toking album.
Apex eats snakes
Pahahahhaa what an amazing review... I'm very glad they did the trick for you 🤣
Competition & Back in stock...
started topic + 18 more
Tried and tested edibles wanted !
We have tried and tested edibles available, if you would like to take a look at our page? We also have the RSO a…
on  hisam2k
Can you freeze gummies?
They wouldn't mould or go off, they just dehydrate and become hard, if that happens you can always dissolve in a warm drink! + 2 more
on  Fgoose
Help cancer info wanted. July 22
Hi there Fgoose, We would be happy to provide you, with the medication your friends mum needs. We produce high quality RSO used to make our edibles w…
Purchased from TheFunGuy and was very happy. Also his microdosing kits are quite literally life changing.
I want a mask that says fuck science
😂😂😂😂 Let me know when and where that shit is available.... I will take a family bundle grandparents + cousin package!
Edibles in London?
We can definitely help! Check out our gummy bears which are a best seller. We also have organic vegan friendly coconut capsules. Any questions just dr…
First month on Little Biggy (vendor and purchase review )
A very comprehensive break down it had me locked in, I would love for you to try and review our products DM to chat further. Peace Love Happiness uWa…
on  Mnp
Psilocin mushrooms
Hi - think we might well br able to help if you are still looking. Will drop you a dm to discuss. On this subject, anyone know what the LB rules are…
Lab results!
This is a great idea! And well done for taking the time and effort to get this done. I'd love to be able to get our oil properly tested and be able to…
Republic of Ireland anyone?
We have delivered to IRE, large letters can take a couple days extra but normally arrive within a week. I have heard of some parcells taking upto a mo…
bigg topics