send private message
joined mar 2021
the deeper the faster
share ike and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
1 topic on ike
by  ike
A list of wars by death toll
245 posts by ike
if sellers dont lower their prices then then the pound would need to fall even further for this to have any effect whatsoever .
1940s mobile phone demo
this is what stabs my pedantic heart in time travel movies. even if you could get back a few centuries you wouldn't know the language.
If freedom is simply being able to do what you want, are animals freer than humans?
i love this question. guess you are bribing away his freedom and creating a dependency in exchange for the pleasure he provides. humans have similar …
use three words to describe little biggy
The Peoples Square + 4 more
on  [cities]
The Earth's Population in 1 Planet CIty (TED vid)
started topic
on  [travel]
Best travel value on earth?
Laos is an amazing place with inexpensive accommodation, food, and recreation, all of which you will enjoy.
The Story of the Chinese Farmer
started topic
on  {nations}
How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
this bigga
Ross Ulbricht Pardoned
Everyone in this community or any other that enjoys some freedom through crypto owes this man. Thank you Ross, welcome back to the world.
on  {rap}
most inspirational rapper?
Chuck D + 2 more
Was canabis mentioned in the bible
I remember something about being stoned to death. They had some serious shit back then I guess
on  [music]
2Pac - Until The End Of Time
seriously, he makes references to pagers
New Idea Thread
You can token gate it on an NFT, there are tons of platforms for this. Paragraph is a good one.
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Are the vapes on here safe?
why did the bigga cross the road?
on  [utopia]
A libertarian ‘startup city’ in Honduras faces its biggest hurdle: the locals
this bigga
My first order with free money!
into your transaxe account, that's where you enter your bitcoin address. you know, like the fortress of solitude. wait, wrong universe but you know… + 3 more
what's left libertarianism?
if anyone can parse this bs on wikipedia id love to see it
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Bitpanda now asks for Wallet Host and Recipient Name for making BTC wallet payments... Any ideas?
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
What to do if I’ve bought a clearly fake product.
1 warn others, this means naming the item and seller rather than creating intrigue 2 review the item 3 dispute the order, nothing above effects the ou…
Gwern Branwen Interviewed
started topic
on  {rap}
Rank The Dead Rappers
started topic
The Catholic Church is a Force for Good in the World : IQ^2 Debate
pay is great just ask jk rowling
on  {shade}
cryptography is the most peaceful weapon in history
then guess who is the most peaceful community in history + 2 more
I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson
leave after S2
Referral Token Bitcoin Streams Now Last ...Forever!
i think of them as ultra long term savings/bet on bitcoin :)
Fear is America's best selling product
True all to this but how do you think this is different from country to country.
on  {nations}
Inheritance tax should be abolished?
Governments ultimately own everything simply because they have the guns.
Philip K Dick believed we were in a simulation
well put
morse code in the ear
try playing white noise to escape, you can adjust this 1 to something that works
a life extension supplement stack
really good, thank you
on  Kahlele
House committee passes licensing bill for naturopathic doctors in Missouri
getting suckered into killing innocent people does wear a person down.
on  {gaming}
best sci-fi world on xbox?
started topic + 2 more
The Royals Should Pay Slavery Reparations
story of the Buddha starts right there + 2 more
on  {science}
dark oxygen discovered
started topic
on  {nations}
what would the world look like if we had a choice of countries?
thailand would have a billion people
Heavy Cannabis Use Linked to High Risk of Head, Neck Cancers
Much love to you catt and heartfelt thanks for sharing your story. May I ask for the benefit of all of us - do you only smoke weed or baccy too?
on  [music]
Worst song ever? And why... GO!
oh were gonna cum on eileen alright
killer paraphanalia
i love the biggy vaping advice, anything that attaches that to selling the gear under discussion + 2 more
on  {science}
The Thought Experiments That Fray the Fabric of Space-Time
started topic
on  [cities]
Best Big City for Quality of Life
such different cities, melbourne is english and has its ass nicely tightened up. ba is an italian/spanish romance. + 4 more
Jewellers Loupe
get fractal with it bigga!
First Bigga to 10,000 Likes?
10,001 much respect
on  {rap}
Top 100 Albums in the Rick Rubin Extended Universe
and an original member of the beastie boys
proof borg
Contests need to be provably fair
If the seller is holding the contest and judging how is that fair? + 2 more
Flying with weed vape
i can add to the chorus of no worries, same with lots of my mates
on  rabb.h
Not quite right
a cupla ways to sort this: contact the seller contact test borg for free testing please remember if there is a health issue it's a public health iss…
a life a little bigger than ourselves
thank you society!
on  [travel]
Europe in August what's the move?
started topic + 2 more
movies, series or games: where is the best of star wars?
pretty much The Way but esb has too much hamilling it up.
on  {science}
what is quantum gravity?
started topic
buying crypto privately
An independent wallet is essential to privacy. Transfer your coins from the exchange to an onboard wallet like exodus or an online wallet like blokchc…
on  {gaming}
are you a checker on an uncheker?
started topic
Hack my brain
Don't worry they'll find you
on  [travel]
Friendliest Islamic Destinations?
you had a point till you insulted the bigga
The sadness of oppression
you trippin ;) psycadelics is mainstreaming faster than cannabis did. 1 reason is the incredible spirit of its representatives such as yourself. even…
The father of cannabis therapeutics is Irish
Ancient Americas as well.
{web 3.0}
on  {web 3.0}
web3 onboarding is like waterboarding
metaverse serves killer lunch
The First Anarchist
it basically went from hippy to punk
on  {science}
If you can hear your heartbeat you should play the market
started topic
canon borg
what to do when you can't reach little biggy
if you use the tor brwoser make sure you have javascript turned on or several functions wont work.
Hardcore History
started topic
Better Call Saul vs. Breaking Bad
nolo contendere
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
How do I report a bogus seller
just send a message to cleanup borg with whatever evidence you have
AI powered sexbots are heating up
that third cha, it always gets me
any fasting biggaz out there?
started topic + 4 more
What’s sports do you watch?
i have watched the cheap freebie sports package for years and followed lots of interesting sports by chance. was aussie rules back in the day now a lo…
any biggaz headed to hyde park on 420?
no one should tie their commercial identity to an irl event and identity. at least i can't think of a safe way. it would be a great thing no doubt. if…
Star Trek Fashion
yeah but the deal he got on it..
on  {shade}
Apple Can Still See Icloud Data
started topic
Does weed actually make any one feel happy ?
what strains have got you closest? lets find you something before opiates kill you bigga
on  {rap}
Best Romantic Rap Song?
How to: Purchase Bitcoin anonymously, exchange currencies anonymously
bigg up
Aubrey De Grey: Can We And Should We Give Ourselves Indefinite Youth? Oh Yes
How we can finally win the fight against aging @TEDxMünchen
Seller's Guide
No you oughta make one as you go along
Picard Season 3
started topic
why are btc transaction fees down now?
thanks for pointing this out my bigga, i was losing hope
on  [movies]
Who has the best horror film suggestion?
Christmas Joke’s
You're a hard act to follow
Ancient Aliens
uh huh the Primary Amazons
on  {gaming}
best family game for xbox?
GVC AI Christmas card competition!!
Anti Shooter Robots Patrolling High School
If this were 90s fiction you'd laugh it off as ridiculous
on  {art}
Anything AI can do humans can do better
So can they, only better
Today's World
"the economy or social conditions which our ancestors would have killed for" They literally died trying
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
inactive/disappeared vendor
thanks they seem to have the lowest rating on here + 2 more
on  coldspurs
comparison videos?
challenges would be a great thing around here. i saw someone once ordered from every seller at the same time and ranked the delivery speed.
Please remove your 1/10 review ASAP
why are you broadcasting an effective way to screw down your business? you wanna delete this post
on  {science}
The Earth’s core has stopped spinning!
really interesting, thanks. heres a vid.
👇🏻?????Big Smoke ups ????👇🏻
I think it's doable opsec wise if we leave our lb names here and open the event to anyone
on  [history]
Night of the Guillotine
started topic
Top 10 Drugs of The Middle East
maybe things are getting better
on  Jazzyda1
Need Vendors Help
Just dispute it
Initiative: Ban Cali Claims
yes if the name is thrown around enough it becomes a generic term which thai certainly is.
canon borg
little biggy interruptions
and as others have mentioned, have javascript enabled in your tor browser, that's the source of errors frustrating us clearnet biggaz.
on  Mrwig27
What's EveryonesTypical Stoned Experience?
At this stage I actually love the paranoia. It's like having seen so many horror movies they don't scare anymore but rather provoke giggles.
Stoner kid
20/20 for insights but we all know exactly where this will go 😀
on  zolamate
Ordered a too good to be true offer
If you sent the coin send the address to transaxe support.
{buy help}
your mail is enclosed
they were kind enough to add rolling papers, burn them.
received this from a vendor today
post it on the item's page
on  Opt3
Strains which are appetite suppressants?
Any strain that contains high levels of THCV and lower levels of THC can suppress appetite. Sativa-leaning strains with high levels of CBD, cannabig…
vitalik on X community notes
started topic
Amazon Customers form Collective Gestapo
gestapo was way better dressed
if we are living in a simulation of a simulation
what if i told you..
Can I use the lightning Network as a mixer?
yes but with any mixer you are buying time until the next de-mixer.
Where is my old login?
you're just stoned bigga
Richard Branson's words on the "War on drug's"
they dont get to keep that shit
Life if full of meaningful coincidence
england at its best is usually a copy of the dutch
on  {rap}
Best UK Rapper of AlL TiME?
on  Ninja7227
Strain advice for anxiety stomach
Sativa *is* good for anxiety. Seriously though smoke enough indica and you might want a little anxiety and then look who is in control!
As Web Content Creator How Should I Use This?
can confirm this works ;)
on  Omega554
If response times are published the problem will disappear.
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
cryptonic is a payment processor for society, the little biggy tor afilliate.
Good documentaries recommendations?
this looks good but im having trouble viewing it. is there anywhere else but the bbc website
Incredible effort for stealth!
what scenario on earth has this putting you in jeopardy? if any sinister agent wants to know your stealth they can just order from you.
Exodus issue
exodus wallet does not keep transaction fees, they set them according to network conditions and the fees go to the network operators (miners). you c…
Reasons for May BTC processing slowdowns
To be fair here, its transaxe that is taking the hit not lb. lb is inviting new payment processors to compete with transaxe.
on  Daf1462
how to break the reaching for a beer habit....suggestions please
tape this to your fridge
in all of history who would you most like to get stoned with?
gotta go with bob
on  JH900
Anyone want a free ticket to Premier league of darts (Leeds) 27th April?
is cannabis addictive?
once you *need* it, for energy, for focus or sanity - you are addicted. its just easier than most drugs to stop becaused the physical need dissipates …
psychedelics and mental illness - a skeptical view
started topic
on  {gaming}
the thrill of the fight vr
Hell yes
on  Richy781
Favourite fictional character to watched baked
is larry david fictional?
doctor doc
Psychology services and cannabis
maybe skip the email and go right to twitter, this doc is dangerous and needs to be called out.
on  wells
what is a "unit" of ai?
what is a bigga for that matter? is it a person, many people, an a.i. bot? all of these entities can have a reputation in this kind of universe.
Apophenia - Seeing connections like everywhere
I see so many more connections stoned and most of them still make sense when I'm not stoned.
Competition still on check the comment section for youtube channel and number generator link, Draw this Friday . Thanks …
i dont see the youtube link
Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)
which strains we talking bout?
Entrepreneurs Will Get Us Into Space
could give colonists a good name
World War III 💁🏻‍♂️
It's world war 7 now, war from home. + 2 more
on  {nations}
Decentralised legal System
theres always a revolution on layer or another its really just awareness of it that gets the flag
on  {nations}
List of countries by income equality
started topic
Are AI-Powered Killer Robots Inevitable?
Is that really the only reason?
Moog Dancers
started topic
If Everyone On Earth Jumped at Once
started topic
What if Reparations for Slavery were Paid Instead of Bank Bail Outs?
yes abolitionists used to buy slaves to free them, we could do the same thing...
Any other canna moms here on LB?
Same here momma!
on  {rap}
why don't rappers get cancelled?
simple answer: female rappers. they don't bitch they pimp
on  OldManEd
A future with weed as a Class A?
it always comes down to classes in england
Study Suggests CBD extends human life
started topic
blockchain governance?
It's a vague term but putting all records on a blockchain, accessible and incorruptible is a great foundation for the next level of government.
satoshi is an ai from the future
started topic + 2 more
on  andylar
Irish customs
bigga it ALL comes down to Irish customs. Specifically the custom of drinking oneself to death. This must be protected.
on  hesh10/10
I think we need *every* currency here and as a European changing to £ would suck worse. at least the $ is a standard for the world if you are only goi… + 2 more
Newbie "kid in a candy store" syndrome?
there's phases my favourite is the 1st holy shit this is actually real?! then there's holy shit i'm free! then whoah how do i sort through all this sh… + 2 more
Diminishing Returns of Carts?
started topic + 4 more
what does meta mask do?
Why does a browser want to connect to a blockchain?
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Buying in South Africa
give out the reference code, you'll solve your problem and be 1st in with revenue streams.
on  {gaming}
Best Star Wars VR Game?
Vader Immortal is great episode 1 and 3
geocache goodies?
there's protocols to this stuff. if its not done with tech it's done with setting that person up and teaching them a little lesson with poison. think …
yes, another yup
Kill Tony Hans Kim
yeah i wouldnt have led with pauly either
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
What is harm?
started topic + 2 more
on  Richy781
The 11th Harmonic
thank you. what a great discovery and a beautiful vision for its application
10 days, 3 msgs, no order, no reply.
the dispute button appears on your order page 10 days after its marked sent
Let's Colonize Titan
started topic
the most interesting daos of 2021
lb should be a dao!
the moral inferiority of veganism
most farm work is large scale desperate labor. the moral answer is clear: be a DIY vegan though it's only a matter of time until the immorality of thi…
Tea or Coffee Bigga'z? How do you take yours?
somehow i always knew the queen was a bigga + 3 more
Are Weed Strains Bullshit?
this + 2 more
biggaz breath hacks?
i always get an orange after i smoke a joint, the citrus gets the smell out of my beard. it's even doable for work if you get down wit da peels.
on  {rap}
Best diss rap
started topic
Little (dwarfed) Biggie (giant)
if we only had the brains of our subconscious
Mangos do they make you more high?
i can verify ;)
Categories Would Be Nice
looks like its an open dev project now
testing the theory
started topic
on  klumklum
How littlebiggy is possible? Few questions from a fan/noob
if a package doesn't arrive press the dispute button, it's not impolite rather it's a help to the rest of us and it's very easy to cancel once you hav…
the batman
started topic
Micro dosing
its a micro overdose + 2 more
shipping to china?
started topic
Fun guy my ass
thats what the dispute button is for
Occulus Game Suggestions Please.
darth vader trilogy is one of the best games on the platform
on  ndave89
the seller configures box sizes and how many items can fit + 2 more
on  Raphi
Can't figure out Bitcoin, am I stupid or something?
inspirational :)
The Science of Marijuana with Neil deGrasse Tyson
any scientist with the balls to do his show that high can have a smoke on me
California Town Declares Itself a ‘Constitutional Republic'
started topic
Amazon buying the island of Cyprus
we can tether them to the tops of submerged buildings
how to find the right strain?
we need an app for this
on  Richy781
Why all the Space Forces?
as long as you can fly an x wing through the middle of it were still good
John Cleese Sells the Brooklyn Bridge as an NFT
holy grail game world
Honesty always Wins
just dispute it
Is the Earth so far gone?
and think how nice our caves would look now if we just could have stuck to this thinking ;)
Other Cryptocurrency
the community should start its own currency
{buy help}
Buys vs orders
keep an eye on it and it oughta change at some point in the process that ends with your review, at least thats what ive observed
The Expanse is the Most Scientifically Accurate science fiction TV Show
what makes it realistic?
on  {shade}
The Unsettling Rise of the Urban Narc App
yes in hell he rats on people when they are doing good
gwern - socrates of the darknet?
cant forget Herodotus
10% free with every order for the next 7 days!!!! Mercedes Promo!! Help us help you!!! With love always <3
this will hurt more than it helps
on  {rap}
Biggie Smalls AI Raps Lovecraft
Amazing, when can we look forward to a new album I wonder
2 orders non shown
you log in for your order or keep the order password presented to you if youre not logged in. fuck this up and you can still just go to transaxe wit…
Assurance Contracts
started topic
the pulse of a computational universe
started topic
on  {shade}
Apple's Plan to "Think Different" About Encryption Opens a Backdoor to Your Private Life
Good call, people probably don't realize that Apple's Chinese iCloud data is managed by the communist party. They don't want client side encryption st…
Wouldn't lawsuits be a better alternative drug wars?
It's a good question, has there ever been a lawsuit against a drug dealer?
on  {gaming}
AI voice actors sound more human than ever.
started topic
how do they dig people out of debris?
Hmmm did they change the name after the war?
Leading Venture Capitalist is an AI
Sorry dude that's only the moment he dips in The Moat.
on  [music]
Still Dre
Just had the pleasure of listening to Compton. It was hidden in Apple yards for so long I forgot he had released it. It's going to take some time to…
Ross Ulbricht Interview From Prison
Crypto's most important founding father post-Satoshi. The freedoms DPR helped define will always exceed whatever they can take from him.
Potency testing?
awesome, can your testing shed any light on purity for edibles and the like?
on  {nations}
Do they not teach history anymore?
It showed that it *can* work (it fails most of the time, da?) for a short period of time. China was a basket case before this (Singapore is basicall…
resin vs rosin?
started topic + 2 more
Even The Apple Store is Going To Shit
apple's been a front for years they're working on a spaceship
on  martix1
sex mad
What's a brown cafe?
Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects World Map
does this differ in anyway from the predicted side effects number?
class discrimination kills society
started topic + 3 more
on  {bitcoin}
Blackouts in China Have Pushed Bitcoin’s Hashrate Down 49%
wait i came here to escape the last china fuck up
on  {bitcoin}
Korean Crypto Trading Now Bigger Than Stock Market
insanity, sounds like one milestone forward 2 milestones back next. SELL
humans ARE the robots
Well at least the machines don't tell us what to do with our free time, like what we watch or read.
How To Live Forever (Guardian)
infinite death seems like a contender
bigg topics