I love the way Wesley thinks:
After decentralizing money, we will no decentralize the Law.
You probably heard of Bitcoin. Last year's hype has gotten a lot of people very excited. Why is this?
Well, Bitcoin is a new kind of money. It gives people the freedom to transact with one-another -- without the need for a third party (bank, paypal, atm's, currency exchanges) or central authority (government, central banks).
It allows you to send payments all over the world: instantly, with very low fees and without needing anyone's permission. The amount of freedom, and efficiency- and cost-savings this will provide in the near future is going to be huge!
HOWEVER, that's not all...
People have been looking at how these technologies can be used to improve other areas of society. This resulted in a lot of new ideas about LAW and GOVERNANCE; from self-enforcing online contracts, the way companies are incorporated, to the way court hearings are done (and enforced), and even to the creation of online countries (?!).
I was enthusiastic about these developments. But the better I studied them, the more whitepapers I read, the more I realized that something is missing. Basically, all these projects act like they are in a vacuum. As if all we need is a few superiors lines of code, and all current laws and legal systems will be replaced. But laws matter. They did not fall from the sky, and they are not going away.
Frankly, what is missing, is a "Legal Framework" -- a way to merge these technologies with the real world. A framework for decentralized law making, arbitration and enforcement. And as I found out, our existing legal systems allows a lot of room for that!
And thus I introduce:
The DECENTRALIZED LEGAL SYSTEM -- The first enforceable framework for Decentralized Law.
To create this system, I studied different decentralized legal projects and existing relevant laws -- all the way back to the ancient Greeks, to figure out what law actually is. In the end, I tied this all together in a straightforward peer-to-peer system that can govern (and enforce) future decentralized systems.
I made this simple website, where you can see the executive summary and download the whitepaper:
Let me know what you think, and feel free to share with people you think might find this interesting.