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joined mar 2020
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2 topics on Mally090
9 posts
+16 votes

Anyone getting post in Spain?

Anyone getting post in Spain?
Has anyone received any "items" in Spain? Correos say working normally but not seen postie in ages.

Cheers bud, hopefully just the post delayed due to border controls and post offices being butt raped, seen postie's about now but not for me yet

Just an update from my end. Finally got some tracking info and turns out the hold up is in Heathrow... and here I was blaming CTT!

In Portugal the correio and the delivery drivers are all working normally. I’ve had some international deliveries made successfully, but nothing from LB!

Here they are working but are understaffed and the borders are jammed packed, check the pic I added below. Can find info for all country's on royal mail international incident bulletin.

26 posts by Mally090
1 post
+5.2 votes

is the coronavirus bio warfare?

is the coronavirus bio warfare?
if there is a simple effective way to win the economy back from china this it. the technology is there, the motive and so is the will in the american government.

You lot having been hitting the ganja too hard! It’s simple biology that caused this outbreak. When living things breed their dna is copied but this isn’t a perfect process and sometimes errors in this process causes mutations. Where viral generations can be a matter of minutes rather than years microbial life is much more susceptible to mutations such as becoming more virulent and resistant to existing medicine. Or as is suspected in this outbreak a type of virus may live happily in a certain species of animal without causing harm but a mutation allows it to cross the species barrier and infect humans, but where humans aren’t it’s usual host it can cause harm. Unfortunately this is more common in areas where bush meat is traded because your going to get a range of different animal diseases that may cross the species barrier and there’s no biohazard control like you would get in an abattoir. Seriously, linking Coronavirus with 5g and the royals!? Why not throw in reptilians for good measure? Posts like this make me weep for humanity.

Is it a coincidence that the only level 4 biological research in China is in Wuhan, was studying Coronaviruses and the Harvard professor paid by the Chinese govt to set the lab up has been arrested by the USA recently?
Just like Jimmy Savile, procurer of children for the elite was best friends with Prince Charles and Jeffery Epstein, procurer of children for the elite was best friends with Prince Andrew. All a coincidence, nothing to see.
No reptiles required.
Just like Jimmy Savile, procurer of children for the elite was best friends with Prince Charles and Jeffery Epstein, procurer of children for the elite was best friends with Prince Andrew. All a coincidence, nothing to see.
No reptiles required.

i checked your lab comment and it is verifiable. way way too strange that the only lab in china is in wuhan.
"The facility, known as the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, is housed within the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was specifically designed to help Chinese scientists "prepare for and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks,"
It was created after SARS, you gotta wonder just how they were "preparing" at this lab. You don't need anything sinister for this theory, you just need incompetence at the lab.
"The facility, known as the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, is housed within the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was specifically designed to help Chinese scientists "prepare for and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks,"
It was created after SARS, you gotta wonder just how they were "preparing" at this lab. You don't need anything sinister for this theory, you just need incompetence at the lab.

The conditions of this lab were investigated a few years ago by the American government, during the time that the lab was advertising jobs for coronavirus researchers. The conditions were extremely poor.

What makes me weep for humanity is those with room-temperature IQs who took obvious lies at face value, rolled up their sleeves, and now try pretending they have no idea why 1500 athletes have died in two years etc etc.

Myocarditis and sudden heart attacks or even deaths are at an all time high atm and might even continue to surge. Yesterday we had a "new unknown" sickness in the media Tell-A-Vision outlets called "ME/CFS" basically all the symptoms of vaccination damage. Its devastatingly shocking to see that many athletes die while active a game of whatever they professionay play.
Heads up to Novak Djokoviç btw for speaking out against the vaccines.
Heads up to Novak Djokoviç btw for speaking out against the vaccines.

I was an anti vaxer so didn’t willingly roll up my sleeve till I caught Covid and spent the next 3 weeks hooked up to machines in ICU. It’s kinda fucked me up in the long run too. During my recovery I spoke to a dr who was an expert on biology and had done a thesis on viruses in university. He explained to me how it works and how it has mutated and most likely jumped from species to species. As humanity continues to expand across the globe at a rapid rate pandemics will happen. We will most likely get another in the next 30 years. Why the vaccine was created so quickly was it had been worked on for years. Since the SARS outbreak in Asia in the early 2000s. As coronavirus is a type of SARS or is very closely related (on this I’m not sure) it wasn’t really created quickly. Doctors and scientists just had to adapt their work slightly. It wasn’t an easy process by any means but so many people will involved in its creation. I respect everyone’s rights and opinions on vaccines but really they are a GREAT thing. Much peace and love.

Corona virus and SARS are completely different…also the vaccine was being worked on for years…a number of years ago. It failed trials as a cancer treatment drug because of respitpry problems. All this information was easily searchable on Google the day the vaccine was announced, since it has been buried by propaganda.
In regards to the doctor (of medicine, not viruses) he is contradicting the professionals who have been studying the coronavirus in bats for years. As it was the virus was nowhere near “jumping species” in its evolution. The wet market theory was debunked a little while ago also..
The mad thing is all the information Elon Musk released in his Twitter Files where he found collusion between govornment and all social media platforms to only promote their plan and to silence (or deplatform) anyone (including professionals in virus and pandemics) that strayed from the government’s stance. They even silenced the pandemic professionals who advised against vaccinating during an active plandemic as it would induce mutations and variants of the virus…odd what happened next.
Back to the original question? No, it wasn’t biological warfare, it was a psychological experiment in societal control…all over the world and 99% of people rolled over…this is all my own opinion which was gleamed with massive research.
In regards to the doctor (of medicine, not viruses) he is contradicting the professionals who have been studying the coronavirus in bats for years. As it was the virus was nowhere near “jumping species” in its evolution. The wet market theory was debunked a little while ago also..
The mad thing is all the information Elon Musk released in his Twitter Files where he found collusion between govornment and all social media platforms to only promote their plan and to silence (or deplatform) anyone (including professionals in virus and pandemics) that strayed from the government’s stance. They even silenced the pandemic professionals who advised against vaccinating during an active plandemic as it would induce mutations and variants of the virus…odd what happened next.
Back to the original question? No, it wasn’t biological warfare, it was a psychological experiment in societal control…all over the world and 99% of people rolled over…this is all my own opinion which was gleamed with massive research.

Don't you feel dumb for believing all the lies though?
And even dumber for trying to gaslight others as "hitting the ganja too hard"?
Or are you still hidden under a rock with your fingers in your ears screaming "lalalalala I CANT HEAR YOU".
And even dumber for trying to gaslight others as "hitting the ganja too hard"?
Or are you still hidden under a rock with your fingers in your ears screaming "lalalalala I CANT HEAR YOU".

Coronavirus doesn’t have DNA, it’s not even really alive. It’s just a code of RNA
Like a computer virus it can only “live” and replicate inside a host
Like a computer virus it can only “live” and replicate inside a host

You should get out of that confi barrel of yours and start researching things for yourself than listening to the mainstream media. There was a paper published by a Uni don't remember which one as I read this 2 years ago but they researched the COVID virus and guess what parts of the virus does not occur in nature thus man made. Furthermore a virologist came out and said the same thing. As he did that they tried to cancel him. It's a good time to wake up buddy

You seen the Twitter Files yet?
They deplatformed some pandemic professional who was saying vaccinating during a pandemic would invoke variants and mutations of the virus…he was so right…but you know, we smoke too much ganja and it’s all a coincidence 🤷♂️
They deplatformed some pandemic professional who was saying vaccinating during a pandemic would invoke variants and mutations of the virus…he was so right…but you know, we smoke too much ganja and it’s all a coincidence 🤷♂️

I respect your opinion dude but you need to be able to back your source up. Not just say it was a paper you read from a university you can’t remember the name of.

Oh the source bashing lameness... this isn't
All sources are fallible, and nowadays the more "verified" the less true....
All sources are fallible, and nowadays the more "verified" the less true....

All what I wanted to say is once you start doing some digging it becomes clear that all this COVID plandemic was one very fishy business. I don't think that's a secret anymore. Sorry but I don't have time to search all these papers up again you will have to do it yourself.

It’s a good time to get a proper scientific education and learn how to weigh up multiple peer reviewed studies rather than relying on that one thing you read somewhere once.

Some comments have not aged well.
Hope you have called your conspiracy theory friends and apologised?
Hope you have called your conspiracy theory friends and apologised?

But speaking scientifically, here is an article form TheScientist in 2015 discussing how the sars coronavirus cross, created in a lab, by Ralph Baric, is a bad thing. Ralph argues otherwise.
conspiracy my arse, its a coup. the greatest transfer of wealth in history.
conspiracy my arse, its a coup. the greatest transfer of wealth in history.

You know it was man made in a lab tho don’t you? And probably released on purpose? The amount of civil unrest in the world, the obscene amounts of money that lots of people have made from it, the control back in the hands of the governments of the world?
The mRNA vaccine has been around for about a decade. They’d been trying to get funding to test it uni a human population but no one wanted to fund it. They were just about to have to give up on years of hard work and money, then coincidentally, everyone got Covid and special laws were passed that meant they could administer it without the proper research done on it. And now they’ve made a shit tonne of money.
It’s not all coincidental and it wasn’t an accident.
The mRNA vaccine has been around for about a decade. They’d been trying to get funding to test it uni a human population but no one wanted to fund it. They were just about to have to give up on years of hard work and money, then coincidentally, everyone got Covid and special laws were passed that meant they could administer it without the proper research done on it. And now they’ve made a shit tonne of money.
It’s not all coincidental and it wasn’t an accident.

I thought the same at the time. But there are genetic markers in coronavirus that couldn't have got in there naturally.
The current most plausible theory is that there was an accidental leak from the lab, caused by lax bio-security that had been highlighted in the past.
Check out John Sudworth's BBC podcast "Fever: The Hunt for Covid's Origin"
The current most plausible theory is that there was an accidental leak from the lab, caused by lax bio-security that had been highlighted in the past.
Check out John Sudworth's BBC podcast "Fever: The Hunt for Covid's Origin"

this describes everyone here (without regard to planetary origin) the trick dear biggaz is to see all sides and remain open until a conclusion is actually required.

If you actually look at 5g you will see that over 130 thousand 5g towers were put in china in 2019 in the bid to win this stupid 5g race.
November to be exact is when it all started with the mass 5g installations and yet thats also when the first case of coronavirus was confirmed.
With over 10 thousand being installed in wuhan alone.
You look at side effects from emf frequencies and a lot of it could well be linked. It does have the potential to mutate things.
America has approximately 10 thousand 5g antennas throughout the whole country to put it into perspective.
Look at the amount of emf related complaints in america alone.
Recently near me they turned on 5g and 200 birds fell out of the sky. The news tried to say oh must of been a bird of prey ? things arent always black and white. Coronavirus is just another virus they are using to fear monger. Then there will be a vaccine for it.
Every year its the same. Sars. Bird flu. Swine flu. Ebola. The normal flu. Same shit every year . People just got to open their eyes.
November to be exact is when it all started with the mass 5g installations and yet thats also when the first case of coronavirus was confirmed.
With over 10 thousand being installed in wuhan alone.
You look at side effects from emf frequencies and a lot of it could well be linked. It does have the potential to mutate things.
America has approximately 10 thousand 5g antennas throughout the whole country to put it into perspective.
Look at the amount of emf related complaints in america alone.
Recently near me they turned on 5g and 200 birds fell out of the sky. The news tried to say oh must of been a bird of prey ? things arent always black and white. Coronavirus is just another virus they are using to fear monger. Then there will be a vaccine for it.
Every year its the same. Sars. Bird flu. Swine flu. Ebola. The normal flu. Same shit every year . People just got to open their eyes.

I personally feel mass 5g installations are causing a lot of side effects . Pneumonia is even a side effect of emf frequencies so really does make you wonder.

bio warfare/public health research fuck up
malicious shit dropped w cover of lab?
when you cant trust government to not kill people anyway does it matter?
malicious shit dropped w cover of lab?
when you cant trust government to not kill people anyway does it matter?

I’ll play the tinfoil hat card in that case:
The level 4 bio lab in wuhan was funded by the Americans and traces back to non other than Jeffery Epstein/Harvard university (see YouTube: Shaun Attwood’s Jeffery Epstein playlist vids).
The idea is in the short term to undermine the Asian economy (working well) and in the long term to assist in the Committee of 300/Black Monarchy plan to reduce the global population by 50% by 2050. Big Pharmaceutical companies will make huge profits also which all go back to the 300.
See ‘The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman’ in YouTube. This will show the truth to those with eyes to see.
It is just 1 small thread.
5g will make many of us infertile in the short term and cause cancer in the longer term. The weaponised aspect with full coverage will make protest or revolt near on impossible.
The goal is 1 world government with the masses easily managed.
Lots of us are waking up. We can stop this. I am not the masses, I am an individual.
The elite nonces want total power. Let’s stand up and say no. Join your local ‘no 5g’ group and get up and protest. For your kids sake. As the lyrics say if you tolerate this then your children will be next. Take 5 mins and look at the vids. Look at Prince Andrew’s victim Virginia Giuffre’s twitter page. She provides documents from California courts claiming Donald Trump raped a 13 year old child. Why was the case dropped? Why don’t we hear about it? Why do the elites (Clinton, trump, Heath, the royals, etc etc) all nonce? The truth is in plain sight.
Jimmy Savile was prince Charles best mate and gave marriage counciling to Diana. She wrote about it in her autobiography.
Charles best mate: Savile. Andrews best mates: Epstein and maxwell. If you read this far then peace and love.
We are waking up.
The level 4 bio lab in wuhan was funded by the Americans and traces back to non other than Jeffery Epstein/Harvard university (see YouTube: Shaun Attwood’s Jeffery Epstein playlist vids).
The idea is in the short term to undermine the Asian economy (working well) and in the long term to assist in the Committee of 300/Black Monarchy plan to reduce the global population by 50% by 2050. Big Pharmaceutical companies will make huge profits also which all go back to the 300.
See ‘The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman’ in YouTube. This will show the truth to those with eyes to see.
It is just 1 small thread.
5g will make many of us infertile in the short term and cause cancer in the longer term. The weaponised aspect with full coverage will make protest or revolt near on impossible.
The goal is 1 world government with the masses easily managed.
Lots of us are waking up. We can stop this. I am not the masses, I am an individual.
The elite nonces want total power. Let’s stand up and say no. Join your local ‘no 5g’ group and get up and protest. For your kids sake. As the lyrics say if you tolerate this then your children will be next. Take 5 mins and look at the vids. Look at Prince Andrew’s victim Virginia Giuffre’s twitter page. She provides documents from California courts claiming Donald Trump raped a 13 year old child. Why was the case dropped? Why don’t we hear about it? Why do the elites (Clinton, trump, Heath, the royals, etc etc) all nonce? The truth is in plain sight.
Jimmy Savile was prince Charles best mate and gave marriage counciling to Diana. She wrote about it in her autobiography.
Charles best mate: Savile. Andrews best mates: Epstein and maxwell. If you read this far then peace and love.
We are waking up.

ridiculous, if the us engineered something like this wouldn't they first go after their #1 enemy, the iranian governement?
wait a sec...
wait a sec...

Not my opinion but Il play the other card, for the purpose of debate.
China did this to themselves, intentionally. What better way to elevate your economy than to release pathogen which will breeze over the healthy, yet kill sick and old people. Minimising/removing welfare and health costs and leaving behind an entire working populous. What a way to beat the tariffs...wanna bet the cure comes from china too?
FWIW I despise conspiracy theories, they are based in fear and ignorance, all are entitled to their own thoughts though!
As I said this is not my opinion, but we live in a world where all things must be considered, even the things which at times seem impossible are more often than not, just improbable.
Peace x
China did this to themselves, intentionally. What better way to elevate your economy than to release pathogen which will breeze over the healthy, yet kill sick and old people. Minimising/removing welfare and health costs and leaving behind an entire working populous. What a way to beat the tariffs...wanna bet the cure comes from china too?
FWIW I despise conspiracy theories, they are based in fear and ignorance, all are entitled to their own thoughts though!
As I said this is not my opinion, but we live in a world where all things must be considered, even the things which at times seem impossible are more often than not, just improbable.
Peace x

population control lol
If them riots had spread to mainland China how much would that affect the economy
Just throwing some stuff out there
If them riots had spread to mainland China how much would that affect the economy
Just throwing some stuff out there

you wanna corona virus conspiracy eh? well, just ask yourself who profits here

New world order.
Goal - population under 500,00,000
Time frame - 100 yrs
How to achieve?
Release a virus that scares the world into hiding.
Wait until it spreads globally, killing the elderly and sick in wave one.
Produce a vaccine within a year, that offers people hope of a return to normality, without fear!
Vaccine designed to sterilize 80% of population.
In the mean time, allow virus to reach up to 8 waves before population has been completely vaccinated.
I mean....if i was to theorize.... ;)
Goal - population under 500,00,000
Time frame - 100 yrs
How to achieve?
Release a virus that scares the world into hiding.
Wait until it spreads globally, killing the elderly and sick in wave one.
Produce a vaccine within a year, that offers people hope of a return to normality, without fear!
Vaccine designed to sterilize 80% of population.
In the mean time, allow virus to reach up to 8 waves before population has been completely vaccinated.
I mean....if i was to theorize.... ;)

I certainly wont have any vaccination for sure. I wager though the governments will make it passive aggressive mandatory. What i mean by that is they probably wont make the jab law, but ibet eventually those that decline the jab will be forbidden from foreign travel or something similar. I guess covid is their way of stopping global warming.

I got the vaccine because it’s specifically for COVID-19, I don’t get the flu jab because that really is some one picking 5 strains at random for the pharms Xmas bonus

Funny how you say two contrary things within one statement. You got the vaccine for Covid-19, but not the flu shot because there are so many new flu mutated strains every year. Actually that is the contrary thing in your statement, why you might ask?
A breef overview of many (not all) Covid-19 mutations/strains:
So you are telling me that this would not be close to the case of the flu shots which are just moneymaking for Pharma as you mentioned earlier. Of course not all covid strains still roam around but it certainly is not only one single mutation that is infecting in waves, there are always multiple strains of Covid-19 circulating in populations. Today they stilm vaccinate people with the first vaccine for that very firsr Covid-19 strain. Now we have hundreds of covid strains and many subtypes. Lmao
A breef overview of many (not all) Covid-19 mutations/strains:
So you are telling me that this would not be close to the case of the flu shots which are just moneymaking for Pharma as you mentioned earlier. Of course not all covid strains still roam around but it certainly is not only one single mutation that is infecting in waves, there are always multiple strains of Covid-19 circulating in populations. Today they stilm vaccinate people with the first vaccine for that very firsr Covid-19 strain. Now we have hundreds of covid strains and many subtypes. Lmao

Well as a frontline worker I was vaccinated first before most of these variants happened. I don’t get vaccinated now due to what you have stated.

I commented before, but this time i'll just add some links.
They've been doing hella lot of research on corona viruses and enhancing potency of the viruses. Their research was US funded.
All the information is there is you look.
They've been isolating bat corona and seeing the infectiousness since 2000!
They also mention that the ageing population would be most affected.
And all of these studies are from 5 years ago.
It is a financial plan and a way to change civil liberty.
They've been doing hella lot of research on corona viruses and enhancing potency of the viruses. Their research was US funded.
All the information is there is you look.
They've been isolating bat corona and seeing the infectiousness since 2000!
They also mention that the ageing population would be most affected.
And all of these studies are from 5 years ago.
It is a financial plan and a way to change civil liberty.

Will add my long, angry 2 cents.
If you really honestly think all this was a natural incidence and don't see that there is provably a new agenda to restrict and control individuals freedoms with multiple prongs since this farce, then you are a stupid, stupid, gullible cunt that deserves to be a digital slave imprisoned in your own home..
It is unfathomable right now that you don't get it.
The gullibility and endless trust in convicted fellons with criminal records and legal indemnity is the only thing anybody should be weeping for humanity for.
Unless you are burying your gullible head in the sand, because you were shamefully cruel to others not as gullible as you, pick up your phone and apologise to your friends that you called insane fringe lunatics because of a medical procedure they didn't want.
How did the whole free world turn into conformity bullies? Some of the comments have aged like a 1 year old salmon. Do any of you feel dumb for buying this and shaming others who were skeptical?
Noam chomsky, Neil Young. All of em sold out, along with the average person..
What you are seeing on this thread by the people who refuse to see anything untoward is simply the old "easier to fool somebody than convince them they were fooled".
If you really honestly think all this was a natural incidence and don't see that there is provably a new agenda to restrict and control individuals freedoms with multiple prongs since this farce, then you are a stupid, stupid, gullible cunt that deserves to be a digital slave imprisoned in your own home..
It is unfathomable right now that you don't get it.
The gullibility and endless trust in convicted fellons with criminal records and legal indemnity is the only thing anybody should be weeping for humanity for.
Unless you are burying your gullible head in the sand, because you were shamefully cruel to others not as gullible as you, pick up your phone and apologise to your friends that you called insane fringe lunatics because of a medical procedure they didn't want.
How did the whole free world turn into conformity bullies? Some of the comments have aged like a 1 year old salmon. Do any of you feel dumb for buying this and shaming others who were skeptical?
Noam chomsky, Neil Young. All of em sold out, along with the average person..
What you are seeing on this thread by the people who refuse to see anything untoward is simply the old "easier to fool somebody than convince them they were fooled".

Such a fantastic comment this, i agree with everything you've said and i very much feel your anger
not a day goes by in my entire adult life where i haven't seen blatant reprehensible corruption at all levels of politics, science, medicine and academics all over the world, and of course nothing ever changes, nobody ever gets held accountable and even if the story gets aired in the mainstream it's quickly forgotten because come the next day you're already being bombarded with utter distracting nonsense
i've always noticed how incapable of critical thinking the average person is, unfortunately most of my friends and family are this way and since the pandemic, it's really taught me that most people are actually incapable of thinking, they're basically just organic robots with programmed social affinity executing genetic code, even their ability to talk is just a matter of repetition, they have absolutely no original thoughts and their alleged values and morality are born out of mimicking the words and behaviors of either actual people or media consensus
i've spent so many years working alongside these actual NPC's, engage these people in conversation and you will see that all of the things the average human “thinks” are either what the media or the tribe has told them to believe or what they repeat from real people, not things they've actually thought and considered (because they don't have that ability)
Stupid, stupid gullible cunts.
not a day goes by in my entire adult life where i haven't seen blatant reprehensible corruption at all levels of politics, science, medicine and academics all over the world, and of course nothing ever changes, nobody ever gets held accountable and even if the story gets aired in the mainstream it's quickly forgotten because come the next day you're already being bombarded with utter distracting nonsense
i've always noticed how incapable of critical thinking the average person is, unfortunately most of my friends and family are this way and since the pandemic, it's really taught me that most people are actually incapable of thinking, they're basically just organic robots with programmed social affinity executing genetic code, even their ability to talk is just a matter of repetition, they have absolutely no original thoughts and their alleged values and morality are born out of mimicking the words and behaviors of either actual people or media consensus
i've spent so many years working alongside these actual NPC's, engage these people in conversation and you will see that all of the things the average human “thinks” are either what the media or the tribe has told them to believe or what they repeat from real people, not things they've actually thought and considered (because they don't have that ability)
Stupid, stupid gullible cunts.

Yes, it seems like believing that individual rights (like bodily autonomy) are not negotiable makes you crazy, fringe and anything else negative nowadays.
The subtle conditioning makes progressives point at any libertarian (whether left or right leaning) and make a flurry of outrageous accusations just by the virtue they believe in strong individual and property rights instead of focusing on group rights.
The same people used the same bodily autonomy argument they rejected during covid to show their disgust at the repeal of Roe v Wade (which was a backwards step for America in my opinion).
Individual rights bad, group rights good... that was widespread. I lost count how many times somebody tried to say it was different because you can't transmit pregnancy. Most insane thing I ever heard.
It's ridiculous that anybody has to be persuaded to care about their freedom. To the point I have given up trying.
I don't believe in unrealistic or far fetched stories about satanism, flag earth or shape-shifting reptilian from the lower fourth dimension.
But this was clear - a small cabal of rich people and scientists in prominent positions hijacked science for their own purpose and that is an irrefutable fact after recent leaks.
What good does clinging onto the ghost of the wuhan fish market bat shit do anybody?
Anyway, nice to hear from somebody like minded and angry 🤣
The subtle conditioning makes progressives point at any libertarian (whether left or right leaning) and make a flurry of outrageous accusations just by the virtue they believe in strong individual and property rights instead of focusing on group rights.
The same people used the same bodily autonomy argument they rejected during covid to show their disgust at the repeal of Roe v Wade (which was a backwards step for America in my opinion).
Individual rights bad, group rights good... that was widespread. I lost count how many times somebody tried to say it was different because you can't transmit pregnancy. Most insane thing I ever heard.
It's ridiculous that anybody has to be persuaded to care about their freedom. To the point I have given up trying.
I don't believe in unrealistic or far fetched stories about satanism, flag earth or shape-shifting reptilian from the lower fourth dimension.
But this was clear - a small cabal of rich people and scientists in prominent positions hijacked science for their own purpose and that is an irrefutable fact after recent leaks.
What good does clinging onto the ghost of the wuhan fish market bat shit do anybody?
Anyway, nice to hear from somebody like minded and angry 🤣

i think youre having fun with this but if not how would such a secret ever be kept? it goes strongly against the most instinctive of human instincts to do this and keep quite about it.

The ways we receive our information are controlled.
A handful of major companies own the media.
Information is compartmentalised.
Silence is gained through money, threats/blackmail or killing/suiciding.
Check out the ‘Clinton body count’ and see how many of his close personal friends and bodyguards have died in light aircraft accidents or committed suicide. It’s not hidden, but a well constructed narrative that makes this sound silly protects it very well. An open mind is all that one needs. Much love.
A handful of major companies own the media.
Information is compartmentalised.
Silence is gained through money, threats/blackmail or killing/suiciding.
Check out the ‘Clinton body count’ and see how many of his close personal friends and bodyguards have died in light aircraft accidents or committed suicide. It’s not hidden, but a well constructed narrative that makes this sound silly protects it very well. An open mind is all that one needs. Much love.

if it were true this story could never break with corporate media. they all run their government's take on anything remotely like this.

Yes I think the hunter Biden laptop story has put pay to this "secrets can't be kept by humans" rubbish. Just a repeated fallacy that has no truth.
If the entire media industry can keep Philip Schofield's homosexuality secret for 30 odd years whilst he was appearing to live a straight, married life, they can hide something much more important to the public for at least as long.
It's a crude comparison, but one cannot deny the media is brutal. Remember them going after Keith Vaz so brutally whilst he was still married and an MP? How unfair was that on his family?
They can protect whoever and whatever they want to...
If the entire media industry can keep Philip Schofield's homosexuality secret for 30 odd years whilst he was appearing to live a straight, married life, they can hide something much more important to the public for at least as long.
It's a crude comparison, but one cannot deny the media is brutal. Remember them going after Keith Vaz so brutally whilst he was still married and an MP? How unfair was that on his family?
They can protect whoever and whatever they want to...

Spooks have protocols for this shit it usually means killing the researchers or holding something over them.

Well Fauci did admit after a 2 year stretch that now the likelihood of the virus is from a Lab
The wuhan lab was funded by the USA. It was carrying out gain of function research
The Vaccines have been the most profitable venture in human history
What is the reason of carrying out gain of function research?
The wuhan lab was funded by the USA. It was carrying out gain of function research
The Vaccines have been the most profitable venture in human history
What is the reason of carrying out gain of function research?

This explains a lot!

It would make sense for the Americans to start it off in china and overplay the number of deaths added to the fear and isolation and every person in the west is ready to boycott china or even war. Makes you think when all the countries suffering most deaths are usa, uk, italy, spain and france. They have never fought together before ?.. someone dies of a heart attack in the uk, do you think they will waste their very rare tests. Just write it as corona, Helps in multiple ways. Politicians are nuts. You never know! All I know is I only barely scraped through secondary school and I was saying shut down all flights from china to any country weeks before they even started reporting about what was happening in China on tv. It was all over twitter for months before. Just like trump said china cant hit the hong kong protesters and it was all over our tvs but macrons goons were beating the feck out of decent french people and our tvs showed nothing. Thank fuck we have weed in this crazy world
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence...
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence...

This spring would have had more protests than the 1960s. The Chinese government had a lot to lose with Hong Kong protests starting to spread to Guangdong province.
Is there anything they could keep them home as effectively as this?
Is there anything they could keep them home as effectively as this?

Undoubtedly the powers that be have concocted this virus to thin the herd of the weak and terrify the populace into obedience.

Of course. Why wouldn't US do this to Russia. Because they know that next day Russians will wave a tiny vial on TV saying they've cured it. And retaliate beyond repair.
Why not Iran? They have nothing to gain. But an economic 'war' with China. One has to make them look ugly and not appealing to deal with.
Same story is with so many African nations.
As a matter of fact, the italian man who was diagnosted with coronavirus walked out of a swiss hospital already. Cured. LOL.
Why not Iran? They have nothing to gain. But an economic 'war' with China. One has to make them look ugly and not appealing to deal with.
Same story is with so many African nations.
As a matter of fact, the italian man who was diagnosted with coronavirus walked out of a swiss hospital already. Cured. LOL.

You wouldn't put a virus like that out there to destroy another economy especially one where it effectives old people.

Sure, on Vulcan. But humans don't need able bodies people to die they only need to be scared. And that's what happened.
A virus with a bark bigger than it's bite is optimal for economic destruction and rather Trumpian if you ask me.
That said yeah of course this is just nature at work :)
A virus with a bark bigger than it's bite is optimal for economic destruction and rather Trumpian if you ask me.
That said yeah of course this is just nature at work :)

There’s a very interesting book written by Dean Koontz in 1981 The Eyes Of Darkness, that mentions a virus created in a lab just outside wuhan in labs called Wuhan-400, and he’s prediction is that it will affect humanity around 2020! Wether it’s genuine everyone can make up their own mind, interesting he mentions it though!

But yeah I can believe it was at least being developed or researched in a lab, and it got out. Maybe Russia were in on it too. After all they caused problems in Salisbury and they clearly don't adhere to international agreements. Germ / bacterial/ viral warfare on a global scale is the next best thing to nukes. At least the earth wouldn't be scorched -- but then the virus would kill the perpetrators too, so fuck knows.
Its a very clever and organically advanced virus too, affecting human lungs. I know "Mother Nature" is clever but ....this virus is quite advanced. Scary shit man.
But I never thought I would be so bored having to stay at home.
Its a very clever and organically advanced virus too, affecting human lungs. I know "Mother Nature" is clever but ....this virus is quite advanced. Scary shit man.
But I never thought I would be so bored having to stay at home.

the lamestream mediocres and corrupt WHO have been warning about a second wave. Now there are new cases springing up in Beijing.
Globally, the first wave is petering out, but the election is not until November.
Makes me wonder if we're being groomed for a second nonsensical lockdown. That history has already shown the first to be bullshit will I assume have no bearing if this is indeed what's coming down the pipe.
If there were some politically motivated opportunist mass gatherings orchestrated, then presumably the spread (of the second wave) could be pinned on these
Globally, the first wave is petering out, but the election is not until November.
Makes me wonder if we're being groomed for a second nonsensical lockdown. That history has already shown the first to be bullshit will I assume have no bearing if this is indeed what's coming down the pipe.
If there were some politically motivated opportunist mass gatherings orchestrated, then presumably the spread (of the second wave) could be pinned on these

Sooooo many NPC's on this thread. I hope you read through your old comments and cringe you gullible fucks.

It's 56min long but found it interesting as it was uploaded 12 years ago and he talks about a flu like virus released on China.

My opinion on matters like this are not worth 5p, but the timing of covid being in similar time frame to the UK leaving the EU does seem convenient. Seems like the East trying to destabilize the west. Im sure it would be in Chinas interest for the whole EU to collapse. Also UK and London being the financial capital and the UK suffering worse economical damage than any other EU country shortly after agreeing to leave the EU just seems incredible timing. Couldve randomly occured 6.4 years ago, but randomly occured shortly after the beginning of the EU starting to dissolve. And again nobody is disputing this virus came from china and its timing is so outrageously perfect as to is its target. Dont know anything, just smells a bit fishy.

Please stay safe people. This is really scary!! Would recommend for some
Good advice.
Good advice.

I would like to think, that if I made a bio weapon it would a bit more potent than a sore throat and a cough

If you were to release it on the world, what other way would you make sure
a. It doesn't kill YOUR family
b. It doesn't kill off the whole workforce of the economy that actually make the priveleged class possible?
a. It doesn't kill YOUR family
b. It doesn't kill off the whole workforce of the economy that actually make the priveleged class possible?

The virus came from China, nobody is disputing that, China wouldn't hurt their own economy like that intentionally. Plenty of lies and shady dealings around covid but this ain't it chief.

some of the comments here are so cliche stoner, it makes me embarrassed to consider myself one.
we'll never know the truth and i'm not getting pointless angry until the facts are laid out and undeniable. these kind of coronaviruses exist in nature, and we know that governments also fuck around with experiments. that's all we know for a fact.
some of you sound like you believe 5G turns people into gay frogs. wait for the undeniable facts and in the meanwhile, smoke lots of weed but not so much that you believe anything you read on Facebook.
we'll never know the truth and i'm not getting pointless angry until the facts are laid out and undeniable. these kind of coronaviruses exist in nature, and we know that governments also fuck around with experiments. that's all we know for a fact.
some of you sound like you believe 5G turns people into gay frogs. wait for the undeniable facts and in the meanwhile, smoke lots of weed but not so much that you believe anything you read on Facebook.

depends... if djt is re-elected then yes. if Biden/democratx then no. democrats love chinas money. sell-out central.
china has been open about wanting to be the supreme world superpower. they pay-off everyone, in every facet.
national self-sufficiency is the base line. trade is the gravy. those are the foundations of stability. it's common sense.
bio-warfare is available as we've experienced. c19 is lab-derived corona rna with hiv sequences inserted and affinity enabled. if this was originally an accident then it was certainly weaponised. the good and the bad of biowar is that it is essentially nuclear-level as at today.
china has been open about wanting to be the supreme world superpower. they pay-off everyone, in every facet.
national self-sufficiency is the base line. trade is the gravy. those are the foundations of stability. it's common sense.
bio-warfare is available as we've experienced. c19 is lab-derived corona rna with hiv sequences inserted and affinity enabled. if this was originally an accident then it was certainly weaponised. the good and the bad of biowar is that it is essentially nuclear-level as at today.

1 post
+1.2 votes

Movies to watch when baked
Up in smoke, or any cheech n Chong movie.

Movies to watch when baked
What movies you advise to watch when smokin da erb? A lot of classics like the fridays, how high, half baked, gear and loathing to name a few.....

Monty Python's Life of Brian, piss yourself laughing from start to finish, then spend the next two hours singing 'Always look on the bright side of life'.

Anything directed by Wes Anderson! Such vibrant colourful movies that really pop when you're high. And they're filled with hilarious moments.
The Cornetto trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End), all hilarious on their own and even more so when baked.
Dazed and Confused. Awesome coming of age movie set in the 70's with lots of pot and hilarious shenanigans.
Any Cohen brothers movie, specifically The Big Lebowski, is a great movie to watch high.
The Cornetto trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End), all hilarious on their own and even more so when baked.
Dazed and Confused. Awesome coming of age movie set in the 70's with lots of pot and hilarious shenanigans.
Any Cohen brothers movie, specifically The Big Lebowski, is a great movie to watch high.

Personally i watch katt williams stand up comedy or Mike epps because theyre super funny. Movieswise i dive into street kings (keanu reeves), training day (Denzel) thats what i like, unless its a get baked friday night with the Mrs then pineapple express, next friday, usual cult classics, the other woman (cameron diaz, couples retreat etc..) ;) try this. go to google type in movies like e.g "pineapple express" and it will suggest similar genre movies with a good list.

Wreck it Ralph 2, Bumblebee, Monty Pythons the Meaning of Life, Labyrinth, Never Ending Story, Petes Dragon, Time Bandits, Flash Gordon theres tons more.

If you fancy a jumpy, what the fuck film I watched this the other week high, really enjoyable, and alot of what the fuck moments.
Currently on netflix
Currently on netflix

I love a bit of Rick & Morty when I'm stoned, but when it comes to films, the dafter the better. Recently watched Harold & Kumar go to Whitecastle. By no means a classic, but enjoyable while high.

Any Tarantino film (Django is great!), Matrix 1 & 2, Fight Club, Star Wars episodes 1 -6, most of the MCU infinity saga films, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Leaving Las Vegas, Con Air, The Rock, Face/Off, Deja Vu, The Kingdom, Seven, Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, Forrest Gump, Terminator 1 & 2, Any John Woo film (Broken Arrow is a particular favourite), John Wick 1 & 2, Goodfellas, The Departed, The Big Short, Dark Knight trilogy, Interstellar, Inception, Mission Impossible films (probs skip 3), Demolition Man, Die Hard 1 - 4, Silence of the Lambs, jesus I could go on.....

Watched it baked as hell on the weekend, never felt so spiritually connected to a rabbit before, but he was my bro and I loved him haha

Enter The Void.
The movie is based on a criminal that lives in Tokyo with his sister who is a prostitute/stripper.
You watch the entire movie from the criminal’s perspective which makes you live the movie.
He uses drugs like DMT which are reflected directly into the movie so you feel think you feel them too (depends on how high you are ahaa).
This is just the first half of the movie as something happens.
Then in the second half, it’s a hauntingly beautiful psychedelic experience and you watch the rest as his spirit. You go in and out his physical and spiritual world of existence. In the physical he watches people he cares about like his sister. But, in the spiritual world he goes back to his childhood and re-lives his trauma/experiences that moulded him.
If you haven’t heard of it, this probably sounds mad. It definitely is!!! The first time I watched it I was off my nut on acid while smoking bud and fuck me… unbelievable.
Whoever reads this and watches. Just know - You either react well or not. I have recommended it many times and I know a people that will never ever watch it again..
The movie is based on a criminal that lives in Tokyo with his sister who is a prostitute/stripper.
You watch the entire movie from the criminal’s perspective which makes you live the movie.
He uses drugs like DMT which are reflected directly into the movie so you feel think you feel them too (depends on how high you are ahaa).
This is just the first half of the movie as something happens.
Then in the second half, it’s a hauntingly beautiful psychedelic experience and you watch the rest as his spirit. You go in and out his physical and spiritual world of existence. In the physical he watches people he cares about like his sister. But, in the spiritual world he goes back to his childhood and re-lives his trauma/experiences that moulded him.
If you haven’t heard of it, this probably sounds mad. It definitely is!!! The first time I watched it I was off my nut on acid while smoking bud and fuck me… unbelievable.
Whoever reads this and watches. Just know - You either react well or not. I have recommended it many times and I know a people that will never ever watch it again..

Surprised no one has mentioned half baked yet classic stoner movie with Dave chapel

If you have Netflix love death robots is a few series about different stories, vinland saga but unfortunaly season 2 is only subbed, ready player one is a wicked film I rewatched free guy earlier with a weed pen and was good also the whole dragonball super series on wco and if your actually a dragon ball fan but fancy a change team four star do sum seriously funny skit episodes a violent man with pat tate pretty much anything with him is worth a watch tho sorry rambling am high

LD&R as an anthology is superb. Its visually stunning and the writing is incredibly creative. In a world full of remakes and reboots it restored my faith in tv/film. Cannot recommend highly enough.

I watched doctor strange on the big screen whilst baked off my face. The visuals were majestic. And of course, the classics, Big Lebowski and peter sellers film; The Party.

Thought about this post n remembered a good movie. Idle hands , if I remember there getting high n his hand is killing people or something

A series and not a movie but I watched all 3 seasons of "The Boyz" over Xmas and was baked at every sitting and it's the funnest time I've had in a long time. Good movie for me is a proper good documovie

Been getting into some David Lynch recently whilst in the zone. Mulholland Drive I can highly reccomend

Watched Seinfeld standup from 1998 & at times, laughed uncontrollingly (is that a word). Everything is funnier with weed. Just got a fire stick so amused for awhile

Tom Hardy’s - Venom
I was dabbing some MJConcentrate shatter when I watched this and it was awesome!
I was dabbing some MJConcentrate shatter when I watched this and it was awesome!

Down boy ;)
I love this kinda shit when I'm baked as fuck, maybe add your own instead of baggin' on others' choices :)
I love this kinda shit when I'm baked as fuck, maybe add your own instead of baggin' on others' choices :)

Bonnie & Clyde, Wolf of wall street, One upon a time in the west
Could write a mile long list but instead I will just leave a link for you all so you can watch what you want. You will find most movies here and free : (You may have to turn your antivirus of) safe enough I watch movies there all the time :)
Could write a mile long list but instead I will just leave a link for you all so you can watch what you want. You will find most movies here and free : (You may have to turn your antivirus of) safe enough I watch movies there all the time :)

My top .
1. Pineapple Express
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Dazed and Confused
4. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
5. Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
6. Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke
7. Almost Famous
8. The Goonies
9. Drop Dead Fred
10. Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
1. Pineapple Express
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Dazed and Confused
4. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
5. Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
6. Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke
7. Almost Famous
8. The Goonies
9. Drop Dead Fred
10. Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

inherent vice - neo-noir movie about a stoner detective set in the 70s. pretty self-explanatory to watch when baked
birdman or (the unexpected virtue of ignorance) - follows this washed up actor who used to play a superhero in big blockbusters back in the 90s, who's trying to regain recognition by directing and starring in a broadway play, but is constantly tormented by the voice of "birdman". what really brings the film home is the filming techniques - they made it look like the whole film was shot in one take, and there's lots of generally beautiful scenes (as well as an homage to enter the void!)
smiley face - gregg araki movie about stoner anna farris having a series of misadventures across los angeles
the evil dead ii - c'mon, it's sam raimi and bruce campbell at their best. if you aren't too big on the scares then watch army of darkness instead
birdman or (the unexpected virtue of ignorance) - follows this washed up actor who used to play a superhero in big blockbusters back in the 90s, who's trying to regain recognition by directing and starring in a broadway play, but is constantly tormented by the voice of "birdman". what really brings the film home is the filming techniques - they made it look like the whole film was shot in one take, and there's lots of generally beautiful scenes (as well as an homage to enter the void!)
smiley face - gregg araki movie about stoner anna farris having a series of misadventures across los angeles
the evil dead ii - c'mon, it's sam raimi and bruce campbell at their best. if you aren't too big on the scares then watch army of darkness instead

Not so much a movie but I love watching anything by David Firth
(Weird as fuck dark & trippy animator, musician, artist & creator of Salad Fingers. Some of his stuff leaves you feeling like you've taken drugs when you haven't 🤣🤣🤣
(Weird as fuck dark & trippy animator, musician, artist & creator of Salad Fingers. Some of his stuff leaves you feeling like you've taken drugs when you haven't 🤣🤣🤣

mac and dev go to high school
absolute nonsense throughout, snoop is so fucking cool, blaze a fatty and get baked
absolute nonsense throughout, snoop is so fucking cool, blaze a fatty and get baked

If you want to try, there is one crazy anime. Lately I've been watching t when medicating. I enjoyed it very much.

1 post
+3.2 votes

Hi Lads
As a grower I'm 100% confident that my best strains/ grows will hold their own against most, but the demand for the unusual/ different and exotic is stronger than ever.
So the Question is, what makes real Cail weed better ? Or Dutch import for that matter.
If I get top end genetics ( seeds ) as a starting point, why cant I equal or better cali weed ?
Genetics are what they are, and theres no secret way that only our US friends know of too growing weed.
Good genetics/ good nutrients ( possibly organic) / good growing environment ( lights extraction, stable temps etc and cured the right way.
I personally think it's a bit of a trend thing a bit like supposed wine connoisseurs... get a group of smokers to try 2 good UK grown stains and 2 cail and most people couldn't pick the supposedly more superior product imo
As a grower I'm 100% confident that my best strains/ grows will hold their own against most, but the demand for the unusual/ different and exotic is stronger than ever.
So the Question is, what makes real Cail weed better ? Or Dutch import for that matter.
If I get top end genetics ( seeds ) as a starting point, why cant I equal or better cali weed ?
Genetics are what they are, and theres no secret way that only our US friends know of too growing weed.
Good genetics/ good nutrients ( possibly organic) / good growing environment ( lights extraction, stable temps etc and cured the right way.
I personally think it's a bit of a trend thing a bit like supposed wine connoisseurs... get a group of smokers to try 2 good UK grown stains and 2 cail and most people couldn't pick the supposedly more superior product imo

Personally I think Cali and Dutch herb is better than UK weed and I’ve smoked a shit tonne of Dutch weed living there in the mid 00’s... why? Simply because it’s legal... you don’t have to rush, hide away, worry constantly, they’re doing it on a legal industrial scale so the equipment is better, they can invest in the newest and best equipment without fear of losing it all in a raid, purely and simply it’s investment that makes legal weed better.
Also a big factor is in the U.K. we have to buy what’s available if it’s shit it’s shit, wait and hope the next lot from your dealer is better, in legal countries it’s competition there is recourse for the product.... I had XXX weed from XXX grower and it was the bomb goes far and makes money, rather than I bought some banging weed off Gary in the dog and duck in Grimsby means fuck all unless you know Gary and live in Grimsby... accountability is the difference imo.
Can weed be grown as well in the UK as Cali or Dam... 100% it’s a seed it grows, no rocket science behind it or a special formula just freedom, time and equipment and experience.
Also a big factor is in the U.K. we have to buy what’s available if it’s shit it’s shit, wait and hope the next lot from your dealer is better, in legal countries it’s competition there is recourse for the product.... I had XXX weed from XXX grower and it was the bomb goes far and makes money, rather than I bought some banging weed off Gary in the dog and duck in Grimsby means fuck all unless you know Gary and live in Grimsby... accountability is the difference imo.
Can weed be grown as well in the UK as Cali or Dam... 100% it’s a seed it grows, no rocket science behind it or a special formula just freedom, time and equipment and experience.

100% mate, I DO believe there is some grade around that just couldn't be produced to that quality and volume in some cloak and dagger growhouse operation here.
I see a lot more coming from Canada, and there's been routes from Dam, Poland and elsewhere for green in as long as it's been here. However with the right genetics, knowledge and conditions I believe you can grow truly A*** green anywhere, just not sure you can do it on an industrial scale in a country that continues to throw so much of the law's resources to shutting them down.
As others have said the equipment used, testing, level of quality control, the manicured buds, the density, the quality, the taste...there is definitely something..different around, that never was before the "Cali" phase. Hype or otherwise.
Where it comes from I have no idea but there has been a huge change in the strength and amount that's around.
The problem I have is the grey area between what is genuine Top Shelf and what isn't. The marketing has muddied the waters and pushed up the price and cache of average weed that sparkles a bit.
Fact is no matter what, I draw the line somewhere. When we were kids it was 3.5 for 25 quid, last time I went to Dam it was €20 on the gram. I just will never reach to some of those levels and even on here you will see up to £70-80 a henry. Doesn't matter where it's grown, flown....budget dictates for me.
There has always been a top level, and as long as that reflects in the product we can all be happy.
I see a lot more coming from Canada, and there's been routes from Dam, Poland and elsewhere for green in as long as it's been here. However with the right genetics, knowledge and conditions I believe you can grow truly A*** green anywhere, just not sure you can do it on an industrial scale in a country that continues to throw so much of the law's resources to shutting them down.
As others have said the equipment used, testing, level of quality control, the manicured buds, the density, the quality, the taste...there is definitely something..different around, that never was before the "Cali" phase. Hype or otherwise.
Where it comes from I have no idea but there has been a huge change in the strength and amount that's around.
The problem I have is the grey area between what is genuine Top Shelf and what isn't. The marketing has muddied the waters and pushed up the price and cache of average weed that sparkles a bit.
Fact is no matter what, I draw the line somewhere. When we were kids it was 3.5 for 25 quid, last time I went to Dam it was €20 on the gram. I just will never reach to some of those levels and even on here you will see up to £70-80 a henry. Doesn't matter where it's grown, flown....budget dictates for me.
There has always been a top level, and as long as that reflects in the product we can all be happy.

The fact that theres power sellers on eBay getting rich off selling thousands of shitty tins/tubes and stickers advertising exotic cali strains says it all. Theres no telling the "connoisseurs" who pay £400+ an ounce, that their "cali" more than likely originates from someones bedroom tent in the same town :)

The fact that it's even possible to get "Cali" grown outside of California says it all really, it's become a type of brand name. If some one grows a bit of Amnesia I've never heard them call it UK grown Amsterdam.... it makes no sense.
"Cali" is the kind of thing we have to worry about if we ever go legal or whatever, it's just big American companies trying to steamroller over everyone else. Same old shit, different market.
We definitely need to make sure we look after our UK growers going forward, we do DANK better on this side of the pond anyway. Let's get a whole range of Cheese's going I say :P
Nothing wrong with Cali mind I might be being a bit harsh but we do have to be careful though.
"Cali" is the kind of thing we have to worry about if we ever go legal or whatever, it's just big American companies trying to steamroller over everyone else. Same old shit, different market.
We definitely need to make sure we look after our UK growers going forward, we do DANK better on this side of the pond anyway. Let's get a whole range of Cheese's going I say :P
Nothing wrong with Cali mind I might be being a bit harsh but we do have to be careful though.

There are good reasons why someone might choose Cali or Dutch over UK bud, but I think the rationale behind it has been somewhat drowned up by hype/fashion. But ultimately, Cali or Dutch bud should - in theory - come from more accountable growers. 'Real Cali' is tested, and it's quality verified - that will be appealing to people whose 'street' purchases might be questionable. Same goes for Dutch, to a degree. In as much as if this is sold in a coffee shop, it has to compete with all bud in all coffee shops, and is therefore expected to be of higher quality.
There are also legacy reasons, possibly. Pre-legalisation, I used to get bud in from Cali - I've long believed the best outdoor grows come from that region, and I like outdoor grows! But the geography of the 'Golden Triangle' in Cali does offer the ideal growing environment - but with modern genetics close to hand (unlike more traditional growing regions). The sheer number of smokers/growers there also led to the early(ish) medical legalisation there, which also helped the scene. California deserves its reputation as the home of amazing cannabis - but certainly not everything from there is great these days (I suspect the black market here is largely their rejects!). Similarly, Amsterdam's been the home of modern genetics on this side of the ocean, with the coffeeshop scene encouraging at least a base level of quality.
UK bud doesn't have that same provenance. There are some famous cuts, sure - Exodus, Blues etc. But nothing else that implies any guarantee of quality. But, of course, with the same seeds and equipment, there's no reason UK bud couldn't theoretically compete with the best. Indeed, nearly all the best buds I've ever had have been UK grown. I'd never specifically choose Dutch over UK and I actively avoid marketed Cali in the UK (it's either fake, reject or over-priced!).
The one origin label that does prick my ears up is Canada. I believe their gear has a lot of the same advantages, but isn't exploited in the same way. If I want cheap, reliable quality, Canadian vendors top the charts. But for pristine high end, I stick with good growers of nice genetics in the UK.
There are also legacy reasons, possibly. Pre-legalisation, I used to get bud in from Cali - I've long believed the best outdoor grows come from that region, and I like outdoor grows! But the geography of the 'Golden Triangle' in Cali does offer the ideal growing environment - but with modern genetics close to hand (unlike more traditional growing regions). The sheer number of smokers/growers there also led to the early(ish) medical legalisation there, which also helped the scene. California deserves its reputation as the home of amazing cannabis - but certainly not everything from there is great these days (I suspect the black market here is largely their rejects!). Similarly, Amsterdam's been the home of modern genetics on this side of the ocean, with the coffeeshop scene encouraging at least a base level of quality.
UK bud doesn't have that same provenance. There are some famous cuts, sure - Exodus, Blues etc. But nothing else that implies any guarantee of quality. But, of course, with the same seeds and equipment, there's no reason UK bud couldn't theoretically compete with the best. Indeed, nearly all the best buds I've ever had have been UK grown. I'd never specifically choose Dutch over UK and I actively avoid marketed Cali in the UK (it's either fake, reject or over-priced!).
The one origin label that does prick my ears up is Canada. I believe their gear has a lot of the same advantages, but isn't exploited in the same way. If I want cheap, reliable quality, Canadian vendors top the charts. But for pristine high end, I stick with good growers of nice genetics in the UK.

Cali is Cali, you know when its from Cali, its got that certain... thing.
UK Cali, is just a cali strain grown here in the UK.
I know many people who will only smoke Real Cali. And many who say its not worth the extra price tag.
Personally, smoke/price the UK Grown hold their own just as well, if the growers done a good job.
The UK Cali strains just switch the flavours up a little bit so your not smoking the same thing all the time, and you can rely on the strain being a decent one.
^^ Personal opinion.
Stay High
UK Cali, is just a cali strain grown here in the UK.
I know many people who will only smoke Real Cali. And many who say its not worth the extra price tag.
Personally, smoke/price the UK Grown hold their own just as well, if the growers done a good job.
The UK Cali strains just switch the flavours up a little bit so your not smoking the same thing all the time, and you can rely on the strain being a decent one.
^^ Personal opinion.
Stay High

I had alsorts of cali an tbf the only thing that's real good is how much they trim their leaves. but ive had just as good uk grown or in dam coffee shops so i think cali quality can be grown anywhere if you know how

Hi there. I really liked reading your post. You seem very knowledgeable. Would you be able to recommend good vendors on here? I’m knew and I’d appreciate the help.
Many thanks.
Many thanks.

I agree 100%. And if it is Cali weed, surely traveling and packaging would have caused some damage from compression and heat changes and sitting in plastic bags for possibly days on end. If u get from a grower direct and they grow well, other than it being tested and having label saying how much THC etc it should be as good or better. BUT as legal they have more chance to hunt phenos and share genetics so they do have that in their side. But most Cali is probably Albanian weed in a nice baggy lol

If you have the right seeds and know what you're doing then there shouldn't be much difference, that said a lot of uk weed is rushed without the proper flushing and drying due to the risk of loosing it all when you could sell it.

I made my own cross back in 2003 with a pure haze (m) and a bubbleberry (f) to this day its the finest weed ive ever smoked! I only grew out two seeds and it went 14 weeks both phenos were almost identical.
Ive also grown other cuts of various strains in hydro, soil and outside in the uk, all methods produced different results in the plants appearance, smell, taste and effect.
For example the cuts grown outside were so different you would have thought it was a completely different strain! The high was very uplifting and mild compared with the hydro which was a heavy couchlock effect.
I put this down to the difference in light spectrum from the sun (full spectrum inc uv) I believe this changes the terpene and cannabinoid profile in the plant.
Ive also run metal halide exclusively and noted a difference compared with hps ie it is more similar to sunlight at midday you will definitely see way less stretch and the flowers are more dense and flavoursome but will lose a little yeild. I finally settled on mh for the first 3 weeks afer switch then hps for the remainder of flowering. Next time i grow i will be using diy led cobs with the aim of getting 1.8g /w
My point here really is to agree with the op a good pheno grown well, flushed properly and dried cured properly ( MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN FINAL PRODUCT) will always compare to cali/dutch etc imo.
If you really want something special do what they do but on a smaller scale they will grow out 100's of seeds from an unstable f1 cross and find a phenotype that is rather special! Good luck stabilising it and preserving the desirable traits in seed form though!
In fact this is what happened with cheese it was a freak pheno that was only available as a clone for a long time. I suspect the seed form now is not nearly as nice as the original cutting? Sorry for going off on one i just wanted to share my experiences experiments.
On another note some of the oldschool strains will put modern cali strains to shame for example bubbleberry from sagmartha seeds, super silver haze to name a few people always want the latest thing it doesnt mean its the best!
Big up Ukgrower2
Ive also grown other cuts of various strains in hydro, soil and outside in the uk, all methods produced different results in the plants appearance, smell, taste and effect.
For example the cuts grown outside were so different you would have thought it was a completely different strain! The high was very uplifting and mild compared with the hydro which was a heavy couchlock effect.
I put this down to the difference in light spectrum from the sun (full spectrum inc uv) I believe this changes the terpene and cannabinoid profile in the plant.
Ive also run metal halide exclusively and noted a difference compared with hps ie it is more similar to sunlight at midday you will definitely see way less stretch and the flowers are more dense and flavoursome but will lose a little yeild. I finally settled on mh for the first 3 weeks afer switch then hps for the remainder of flowering. Next time i grow i will be using diy led cobs with the aim of getting 1.8g /w
My point here really is to agree with the op a good pheno grown well, flushed properly and dried cured properly ( MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN FINAL PRODUCT) will always compare to cali/dutch etc imo.
If you really want something special do what they do but on a smaller scale they will grow out 100's of seeds from an unstable f1 cross and find a phenotype that is rather special! Good luck stabilising it and preserving the desirable traits in seed form though!
In fact this is what happened with cheese it was a freak pheno that was only available as a clone for a long time. I suspect the seed form now is not nearly as nice as the original cutting? Sorry for going off on one i just wanted to share my experiences experiments.
On another note some of the oldschool strains will put modern cali strains to shame for example bubbleberry from sagmartha seeds, super silver haze to name a few people always want the latest thing it doesnt mean its the best!
Big up Ukgrower2

Great thread. I’ve enjoyed reading all the replies but what sticks with me is that same doubt... I don't think much genuine Cali grown weed makes it over here... as you've said, there are loads of UK producers making very convincing ‘counterfeit’ Cali packaging. Its crap.

In my very limited experience of what I have had/seen that has been sold as Cali is that it is always rock hard, dense bud that has been very decently trimmed and there is never any sugar leaf. Other than that...isn't it just really strong weed???
I have always asked myself what is it that Cali growers can do that UK growers supposedly can't?? It's all indoors so we should be able to replicate the exact same conditions anywhere in the world no? Admittedly it must be a lot easier to create/maintain a professional grow in a place where it is legal to do so but technique and equipment wise, aren't we all on a level playing field now?
Also, I still have the whole 'how long does it take to physically transport wholesale weed from California to here'...and how the hell could it possibly get to us in tip top condition??? Surely if it is legit from Cali, it is past it's best by the time it's taken weeks to get here getting battered about the whole time?...
I can't personally see why UK weed couldn't in theory be as good as anything grown anywhere in the world...unless I have missed something?
I have always asked myself what is it that Cali growers can do that UK growers supposedly can't?? It's all indoors so we should be able to replicate the exact same conditions anywhere in the world no? Admittedly it must be a lot easier to create/maintain a professional grow in a place where it is legal to do so but technique and equipment wise, aren't we all on a level playing field now?
Also, I still have the whole 'how long does it take to physically transport wholesale weed from California to here'...and how the hell could it possibly get to us in tip top condition??? Surely if it is legit from Cali, it is past it's best by the time it's taken weeks to get here getting battered about the whole time?...
I can't personally see why UK weed couldn't in theory be as good as anything grown anywhere in the world...unless I have missed something?

Yes, you raise some good points... smuggle cail weed to the UK by the ton in tins... or smuggle coke.
Theres a guy on Insta from London ( ish ) called "Slapsta designs " I think and the guy is churning out thousands of 3.5g bags, tins, glass pots etc. Not weed, just bag etc and it's getting bought and filled by UK guys with...... Cali weed, pull the other one, maybe its just good UK weed, or not so good
Theres a guy on Insta from London ( ish ) called "Slapsta designs " I think and the guy is churning out thousands of 3.5g bags, tins, glass pots etc. Not weed, just bag etc and it's getting bought and filled by UK guys with...... Cali weed, pull the other one, maybe its just good UK weed, or not so good

Exactly! Makes no sense to me that any serious smuggler would choose to move weed from California to the UK! Talk about hassle... Coke, meth, anything else moves easier with bigger profit... boggles my mind that people can import wholesale Cali weed in this day and age...
Also, yeah... just go to Calipacks UK on the net and you really do start to question a lot of things....
Also, yeah... just go to Calipacks UK on the net and you really do start to question a lot of things....

I agree, I've seen plenty for sale on here in the same packaging that's on ebay. If it was from the US it would be compressed into bricks, not loose in tins of 3.5g.

As you say what is being sold in the uk is very unlikely to be Cali weed just tins and hype.. But I lived in Netherlands for a while and visited there over the years, tried stuff all over.. Definitely in Amsterdam theres some not so good not properly cured weed for tourists but then at the same time I tried Barneys g13 haze the year it won the cup and it was soooo strong beautifully cured etc.. Never smoked anything like it in the uk or elsewhere in europe weed wise.. The thing about a dutch setup is that they have been growing and keeping mothers since the late 70s if I m correct.. From my experience with seeds it s very dependent on a variety of factors for example i ve never come across good seeds from greenhouse seeds.. Also it really is in the genes so the dutch and the calis can keep the best clones for years.. The amazing thing about Cali and the uk to a certain extent was that they shared the clones whereas in the netherlands there was little sharing as far as I m aware.. re the setups in cali now they can spend huge money on systems without fear of everything being taken away (indoors) whereas in the Netherlands it was never legal only tolerated... In the uk its definitely harder to get away with the growing than netherlands and youll have bigger probs with the law.. In theory with the right mama, the know how and the right equipment you could grow equally as good pot as cali indoors.. But outdoors obviously some if not nearly all strains grow better in Cali.. The thing about Cali also is that so many strains originate from there, there has been such a big grow culture there since the 70s with the back to landers in n cali.. strains like the Haze strains are from 2 brothers (the Haze brothers) and skunk from skunkman sam etc etc the list goes on and on..Nice to see a good ol civilised chat on here.. I just came across this site as I ve been looking for some nice to quality hash.. I used to use dreammarket then nightmare and they exit scammed .. I found a few vendors on dream that sold excellent quality hash very reasonable top grade for approx 280 euro an oz.. when nightmare exited new sites popped up n I went to top rated vendors and bought numerous very nice looking smelling tasting stuff with unoticeable amount of thc so i stopped for last 9 months r year .. I thought i d try again and I found this site .. Has anyone any recommendations for any vendors here for hq hash ? only interested in potent to very potent , long time smoker here.. Thanks peace out

There is a website think it's called got all the bags tins and tubs on there with customizable labels ect!
I have never trusted the bags or tins in the uk they just never seemed legit just another gimmick to double the price of decent bud
I have never trusted the bags or tins in the uk they just never seemed legit just another gimmick to double the price of decent bud

Maybe it's just that if someones done a truly excellent job of growing they will label it as Cali.
The Cali characteristics seem to be a really clean burn and very compact buds - which is amazing, but who knows where it was grown? All I know is, I've never come across harsh, unflushed or nutrient burned "Cali".
Another thing I've noticed is, I think the effort put into growing is way more important than what the strain is.
The Cali characteristics seem to be a really clean burn and very compact buds - which is amazing, but who knows where it was grown? All I know is, I've never come across harsh, unflushed or nutrient burned "Cali".
Another thing I've noticed is, I think the effort put into growing is way more important than what the strain is.

"Maybe it's just that if someones done a truly excellent job of growing they will label it as Cali."
Yes, unfortunately far too much of that.
Yes, unfortunately far too much of that.

there's a lot more science and consistancy in cali weed.. they've been able to study and learn the plant legally for last 20 odd years within the medical era with the correct resources therefore they have a lot more knowledge of what the plant requires and needs
any top shelf cali that has been packaged properly and licensed wouldve gone through testing too before hitting the shelves, to make sure there are no pesticides etc.
any top shelf cali that has been packaged properly and licensed wouldve gone through testing too before hitting the shelves, to make sure there are no pesticides etc.

I'm not convinced, yes they have been at it for ages, but so have the Dutch... and they still grow in the same manner as most.
Lights / good feed and a bit of TLC. Theres a case for using reverse osmosis water but it's not proven as it strips essential minerals out of the water, so they need to be re added.
The clue is in the name "weed" theres no magic science that only the guys in cali know of.
I get your point of consistency of environment but with the right resources, that isn't out of reach.
Have you seen large scale cali grows, they are similar to large scale grows all over the world.
Thanks for your input Hootan, always good to hear other peoples views
Lights / good feed and a bit of TLC. Theres a case for using reverse osmosis water but it's not proven as it strips essential minerals out of the water, so they need to be re added.
The clue is in the name "weed" theres no magic science that only the guys in cali know of.
I get your point of consistency of environment but with the right resources, that isn't out of reach.
Have you seen large scale cali grows, they are similar to large scale grows all over the world.
Thanks for your input Hootan, always good to hear other peoples views

its still illegal to grow weed in holland. they have to learn the plant in secret making it so much harder. also they grow recreational weed.. which is really just for the average consumer who doesnt care what they smoke aslong as they get their high. their tech in cali is far more advanced than any other place on the planet, and thats why their weed is the best.

What tech make it far more advanced than any other place on the planet? You know the UK grow tons of medical weed, and they grow just like the cali labs.
And you think the stuff that supposedly comes from these super advanced labs is the stuff we get in the UK... eventhough its illegal to ship it to the UK. Or is it at best, opportunist from cali growing in a warehouse in standard conditions and smuggling it into the UK.... or maybe it's not from cali.
Not trying to rub you up the wrong way, just chatting, but claiming it's the best because it's more advanced or that they've been doing it longer is marketing speil without substance.
And you think the stuff that supposedly comes from these super advanced labs is the stuff we get in the UK... eventhough its illegal to ship it to the UK. Or is it at best, opportunist from cali growing in a warehouse in standard conditions and smuggling it into the UK.... or maybe it's not from cali.
Not trying to rub you up the wrong way, just chatting, but claiming it's the best because it's more advanced or that they've been doing it longer is marketing speil without substance.

The Cali strain thing, to me, is just hype. It just means the strain genetic was produced in California...highly doubt any of it is "flown here not grown here". Having raised this topic in coffeeshops in Amsterdam, they say its flown in....yet their Twitter accounts show them growing it, stage by stage hahaha. When asking in a cannabis social club in Spain, they told me they grow it themselves. Other coffeeshops in the Dam have also told me the cali flown in thing is bollocks. As you say, tins are available on ebay in bulk. That says it all. Ive also had friends give me nugs out of "cali tins" that cost £50 for 3.5g and its been standard commercial weed.
I think the deal with dutch weed is their experience on a commercial basis. Spain are winning the game in my eyes though! If you get a genuine spanish import you are in luck!! It will be lovely! As with Dutch imports....its not too hard to shift weed around Europe. But the risk to import from the U.S just wouldnt be worth it IMO.
I think the deal with dutch weed is their experience on a commercial basis. Spain are winning the game in my eyes though! If you get a genuine spanish import you are in luck!! It will be lovely! As with Dutch imports....its not too hard to shift weed around Europe. But the risk to import from the U.S just wouldnt be worth it IMO.

1 post
+4 votes
what if we let the boomers die?
Interesting read here

what if we let the boomers die?
just playing devil's advocate here literally. and I know there's a zillion boomers right here on lb.
but we are shutting down the planet, this is the largest mutual effort in history. the only thing that compares is oddly enough, war.
in war old leaders decide to send young people to their death, wiping them out and their many potential offspring. yet the old are especially protected. this doesn't make sense in any societal or evolutionary way it just serves the self interest of the old - who happen to be the rulers calling this shot.
now the young are called up again, in history's largest timeout they will lose finances, jobs and sanity as they are terrified into submission to save .0001 of the population, nearly all of who will die from other causes within a few years.
im not really advocating we let anyone die, i am happy to sacrifice for them further than this but lets call this what it is, the story that is always hidden. self interest from the ruling class.
but we are shutting down the planet, this is the largest mutual effort in history. the only thing that compares is oddly enough, war.
in war old leaders decide to send young people to their death, wiping them out and their many potential offspring. yet the old are especially protected. this doesn't make sense in any societal or evolutionary way it just serves the self interest of the old - who happen to be the rulers calling this shot.
now the young are called up again, in history's largest timeout they will lose finances, jobs and sanity as they are terrified into submission to save .0001 of the population, nearly all of who will die from other causes within a few years.
im not really advocating we let anyone die, i am happy to sacrifice for them further than this but lets call this what it is, the story that is always hidden. self interest from the ruling class.

I disagree strongly with the war comparison - that's not an example of a mutual effort, but the opposite: it's an example of large scale confrontation. People were called up to defend/attack from other people. MILLIONS of people died over YEARS.
This is a public health crisis, not a war. And the young haven't been called up, keyworkers, carers and health staff have. When I've been out and about with my family, it's fairly clear that the younger generations are the least bothered by what's going on, and aren't necessarily abiding by the guidelines to any effective degree.
And sadly, I don't think this is even something defined by the self interest of the ruling class. I think it's exposed the current ruling class is about as clueless as it ever had been. Johnson's flabby ensemble of random wankers have never at any point been good leaders. They got there off the back of a dishonest, divisionary Brexit campaign based on some entirely different agenda. They now have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
Hopefully it will serve as a reminder to humanity that if a democracy is to succeed, you can only back honest, able and skilled statesmen. Anyone less means we're fucked if there's any deviation from their intended narrative.
I don't blame anyone in this scenario. It's a collective human failure that it escalated to this scale. What I think matters now is the outlook, vision and ability of the leaders that might rebuild for the future. In 2019, world leadership probably never looked so weak... in the entirety of human history. And in the UK, we've currently got one of the most inept setups. BUT. Look at Starmer circling, look what we need to overcome, look what we want to build.
Give it a year or two and I think HOPE will be a usable word again. The Johnson/Trump/Bullshit breed need to move aside.
This is a public health crisis, not a war. And the young haven't been called up, keyworkers, carers and health staff have. When I've been out and about with my family, it's fairly clear that the younger generations are the least bothered by what's going on, and aren't necessarily abiding by the guidelines to any effective degree.
And sadly, I don't think this is even something defined by the self interest of the ruling class. I think it's exposed the current ruling class is about as clueless as it ever had been. Johnson's flabby ensemble of random wankers have never at any point been good leaders. They got there off the back of a dishonest, divisionary Brexit campaign based on some entirely different agenda. They now have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
Hopefully it will serve as a reminder to humanity that if a democracy is to succeed, you can only back honest, able and skilled statesmen. Anyone less means we're fucked if there's any deviation from their intended narrative.
I don't blame anyone in this scenario. It's a collective human failure that it escalated to this scale. What I think matters now is the outlook, vision and ability of the leaders that might rebuild for the future. In 2019, world leadership probably never looked so weak... in the entirety of human history. And in the UK, we've currently got one of the most inept setups. BUT. Look at Starmer circling, look what we need to overcome, look what we want to build.
Give it a year or two and I think HOPE will be a usable word again. The Johnson/Trump/Bullshit breed need to move aside.

Yes but the fact that people are even looking to politicians in an era of science, free flow of information and consensus building media - why the fuck do we still have the twats?

I know my case is extreme, but its not just old people who need protecting. My son is 2 years old and immunocompromised from chemotherapy. I don't fully believe in the lockdown but it is a bit more assuring for me that it isn't running rampant out there.

You definitely have a point.
The approach of "us-versus-them' is in fact a very European way of dealing with matters.
Indifference to social position, and consequently, acceptance of one's social status no matter what it is, became somehow a doctrine and a duty in the current world (if we are honest to ourselves): it is really the ideal philosophy, an ideological superstructure adequate to peacefully govern our world, conquered with its own consent.
'The old" send "the young" to wars. Because, "the young" (well, all ages really) willingly accept, for example, army duty.
It is only natural, that in current situation, "the young" are contemplating 'retaliation'. :)
I think, the value of a human life became something very insignificant.
Young people wait on the old to die in retirement homes, old are upset with the young, that they show no respect, etc.
A vicious circle.
And we do not really value human life, because we do not understand the concept of self-worth.
Which is nowadays confused with 'pouvoir d'achat', like they say in french (ability to buy). Just look at who the majority of humans are looking up to (movie stars, ufc fighters, etc.)
The thing is, we are never independent or self-made, and we all hopefully will be old one day too. So what connects old and young is gratitude.
No life is more important than another, whether it is an old life or a young one.
And no ideology or state will defend this point at all times, speaking sociologically or/and economically. It is self-damaging to an ideology or a state.
Should we or should we not do this or that? I don't know. Each individual should decide for himself.
I know that generalising (oh those olds, oh those youngs, oh those russians, oh those arabs, oh those french, oh those - would be an insult to my own intelligence.
A boomer is different from another boomer. And i am a survivor and want my children to be survivors too.
I may be never be in a position where i can decide on a broader scale of "should we or should we not".
But i can decide on my personal level and i just value life more than i value my ego.
Here is my humble opinion.
Thank you for being brave and raising this point.
It is important to discuss without fear to offend.
That is what freedom of speech is no?
The approach of "us-versus-them' is in fact a very European way of dealing with matters.
Indifference to social position, and consequently, acceptance of one's social status no matter what it is, became somehow a doctrine and a duty in the current world (if we are honest to ourselves): it is really the ideal philosophy, an ideological superstructure adequate to peacefully govern our world, conquered with its own consent.
'The old" send "the young" to wars. Because, "the young" (well, all ages really) willingly accept, for example, army duty.
It is only natural, that in current situation, "the young" are contemplating 'retaliation'. :)
I think, the value of a human life became something very insignificant.
Young people wait on the old to die in retirement homes, old are upset with the young, that they show no respect, etc.
A vicious circle.
And we do not really value human life, because we do not understand the concept of self-worth.
Which is nowadays confused with 'pouvoir d'achat', like they say in french (ability to buy). Just look at who the majority of humans are looking up to (movie stars, ufc fighters, etc.)
The thing is, we are never independent or self-made, and we all hopefully will be old one day too. So what connects old and young is gratitude.
No life is more important than another, whether it is an old life or a young one.
And no ideology or state will defend this point at all times, speaking sociologically or/and economically. It is self-damaging to an ideology or a state.
Should we or should we not do this or that? I don't know. Each individual should decide for himself.
I know that generalising (oh those olds, oh those youngs, oh those russians, oh those arabs, oh those french, oh those - would be an insult to my own intelligence.
A boomer is different from another boomer. And i am a survivor and want my children to be survivors too.
I may be never be in a position where i can decide on a broader scale of "should we or should we not".
But i can decide on my personal level and i just value life more than i value my ego.
Here is my humble opinion.
Thank you for being brave and raising this point.
It is important to discuss without fear to offend.
That is what freedom of speech is no?

Very thoughtful post (what a pleasure to read this instead of another sycophantic review), thank you for it my bigga.
I'm going to differ on one point. I think the perceived value of life is heading up and pretty much always has.
We are in the midst of the greatest human sacrifice for the least number of lives (in relative terms) ever.
Today's wars kill fewer in total than we lost in a week in WW1 or 2.
Murder rates are way down compared to history.
The financial investment made to squeeze out a few more years is more substantial than even our most recent ancestors could ever imagine.
There's lots more stats like this, they are hard to see when media profits from perceived conflict and makes everything look cataclysmic to get your attention.
I'm going to differ on one point. I think the perceived value of life is heading up and pretty much always has.
We are in the midst of the greatest human sacrifice for the least number of lives (in relative terms) ever.
Today's wars kill fewer in total than we lost in a week in WW1 or 2.
Murder rates are way down compared to history.
The financial investment made to squeeze out a few more years is more substantial than even our most recent ancestors could ever imagine.
There's lots more stats like this, they are hard to see when media profits from perceived conflict and makes everything look cataclysmic to get your attention.

We need more youngsters in politics and less old farts creaming off the state. I think you reach an age when you start to become more selfish and want to accrue wealth. Bills and mortgages start to wear you down. I was definitely more idealistic when younger. We need to be a lot braver with who we allow to run the world and kick out the old guard. the youngsters are going to be paying off our debts for ever unless we change the system. Guy fawkes had the right idea.

I believe I am generation X but I will react anyway. It is an interesting discussion and I understand the thought behind it. The biggest issue I have with your statement is: what makes you think that older generations are not impacted by lock downs or other measures against the virus? Like we are all sipping whisky at our 2nd vacation homes. Your generation or any other is not sacrificing more then any other generation. Much love to you all

Probably fair to say they're not going to pay the bills incurred and they're not having their careers snuffed out before they've begun, they're overwhelmingly locked down in better circumstances than the young.
I'm Gen X and thanking my lucky stars I'm not still in hospitality and shared accommodation.
I'm Gen X and thanking my lucky stars I'm not still in hospitality and shared accommodation.

I'm not old (38) and I very nearly got axed by COVID. I don't have a pre existing condition. It's worth considering that many young or younger people with pre-existing conditions are at high risk, as are the disabled and many mentally ill people. The structures of society also make sure that the poor are disproportionatily affected. So, what you're proposing, hypothetical or not, is a cull on the people in society who most need our support. And, I would add, people who add a huge amount of value to our societies. I am as annoyed by how our 'era' turned out as anyone, but putting boomers to death for the greater good? C'mon. Besides, the ruling class are not all old - they have children, who will inherit. Killing old (rich) people would do nothing for society. Advocating that other (poor) people's parents and grandparents have had their time is basically inhuman, or at least profoundly lacking in empathy.

Glad you are ok bigga and your message is hella important. Can I ask do you think there was a better way to handle this? Are you happy with the whole world shutting down to protect you?
love and respect
love and respect

I don't want my parents to die any more than I want anyone else's, but the quality of life for the young is clearly being sacrificed again for the most protected generation that ever lived.

Kind of irrelevant IMO because as a species we are all doomed anyway, which I'm OK with, but it's shame we're going to take most of the biosphere with us though, as it's really no fault of theirs. We are species out of control and one which is destroying it's environment. The planet will be much better of without us humans stinking up the place!

here's what im thinking, as long as when i'm burned for fuel a billion years from now there's this little bit of thc somehow left there all that time. and it says thanks, yeah, thanks, THANKS.

Interesting read here

It does seem if we were a little more honest about this we might come up with a better solution than locking everyone up.

agree somewhat, the damage to economy is going to kill tens of thousands alone, potentially more than would be lost to Covid, but perhaps not (Not an expert by any means). I invite people to look at how many people died on average each 2010-2015 due to austerity measures and debt. Suicides will go up to.

Im in the self employed bracket its truly shit but i think society will come out of this better on the whole

I am in the same boat and i like your positive outlook.
"Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time" - right?
We should also come out of this with as less damage and casualties as possible.
Been self-employed throughout 3 different continents and over a decade already and self-employed equals survivor to me at this point.
"Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time" - right?
We should also come out of this with as less damage and casualties as possible.
Been self-employed throughout 3 different continents and over a decade already and self-employed equals survivor to me at this point.

What if we just quarantine the old baby boomers and give them priority at hospitals, that way the rest of us can keep the world going and contsruct what they need.

I was self employed hehe
I was in that small percentage who got no help lol and im sure i speak for many...
Unless i change my hoping it blows over soon
Stay safe Vik
I was in that small percentage who got no help lol and im sure i speak for many...
Unless i change my hoping it blows over soon
Stay safe Vik

Me too. My industry was among the first to go, About 2 weeks before lock down got told to stay at home no income... Now im out of a job completely.

It’s fucked up isn’t it, I’m in that small percentage of self employed who ain’t getting jack shit...I’d work tomorrow but not many want people in there houses now
We can only hope that this flys by and we can get back to work
Some sectors have increased in number of available positions, maybe worth looking into those sectors to get some work for the mean time
We can only hope that this flys by and we can get back to work
Some sectors have increased in number of available positions, maybe worth looking into those sectors to get some work for the mean time

This bigga booma had it 9 months ago. I have had my first shot of the vaccine just before xmas. Three weeks ago, we had an outbreak at work... forensic mental health. We kicked the virus' arse.
Not all boomers are bastards.
Disclaimer: if I am a bastard, it has nothing to do with my age. This old goblin girl has always been one. :-)
Not all boomers are bastards.
Disclaimer: if I am a bastard, it has nothing to do with my age. This old goblin girl has always been one. :-)

There are elements that are particularly cruel for young generations that have been caused by the benefits enjoyed by older generations. Retirement / pension age is the first to mind. We all retire later if at all because they fucked the pension pot for those claiming now. Housing and land are impossible to buy at reasonable prices, because the older generation owns it all. Wealth disparity grows with extended lifespans, as the elderly hold onto it instead of spending it. But these issues are not the fault of those older generations, but the governments modus operandi of dealing the better cards in the deck to those who can vote at the time and have money. Who cares about the generations that can't support government agendas right now? No one is the answer, and it has resulted in a shit deal for the young that will only get worse as time goes on.

The chant throughout this has been that you “can’t put a price on life” which is ridiculous because we do it all the time. The NHS will not buy expensive cancer drugs unless they extend life for ‘long enough’, councils won’t spend on accident hot spots until a certain number of deaths have been er...’achieved’?!
The equation is called ‘quality adjusted life years’ and it’s frequently used to decide cost vs life. That sum has now been done for the pandemic (freaky task) and yup, it doesn’t add up. The number of quality life years saved versus those to be lost through unemployment, poverty, undiagnosed health conditions, mental stress etc are insignificant.
We fucked up. But then we’re only human....
The equation is called ‘quality adjusted life years’ and it’s frequently used to decide cost vs life. That sum has now been done for the pandemic (freaky task) and yup, it doesn’t add up. The number of quality life years saved versus those to be lost through unemployment, poverty, undiagnosed health conditions, mental stress etc are insignificant.
We fucked up. But then we’re only human....

as a 51yr old father of 11yr old twins (one boy, one girl), and reflecting on how I have myself matured (lack of!) I can honestly offer an opinion that humans may be physically capable of sexual reproduction early mid/teens, but that doesn't make them adults. Likewise 20s and even early 30s. I was a selfish prat right up to having kids. Having kids completely changes your priorities and outlook, including CONFIRMING that kids are, literally, the future. So you're right about preserving the future for younger generations. BUT if adults don't become adults (really!) until they have kids, and human kids can't look after themselves, and anyway don't mature mentally til they have kids, we come full circle, that is why you need 2 generations minimum at the same time. HTH!

I'm 27 with baby number 2 due next month. My life didn't feel lil it had much meaning before becoming a dad, I cared a lot less about everything. As for Corona it's really not a big risk to a vast majority of the population. Most of the people dying are 80+. When the people who are 80+ were born their life expectancy was like 67. They've done well. I think all lives are equal but not all deaths are tragic.

1 post
+2 votes
The bizarre world of Frank Zappa
"I wanna horny little Jewish princess, fa la la la la"
I see a Zappa post, I upvote.
Not many artists have made me shed a tear when we lost em, but Zappa did!
We wont see his like again, so we should savour the richness he's left behind!
Thanks for sharing.
Not many artists have made me shed a tear when we lost em, but Zappa did!
We wont see his like again, so we should savour the richness he's left behind!
Thanks for sharing.

Me too. Frank Zappa was the most musically-curious artist in my life time. He once jammed with a South American group of Pan Pipe players and combined them with the Irish band The Chieftans along with his consummate guitar playing to create the most wonderfully-bizarre set I've ever enjoyed.
Don't know Frank Zappa? Check out the video 'City Of Tiny Lights', a plastacine masterpiece! Mind-expanding goodies all round? No. As I understand it, Frank didn't turn on anymore from a young age, if at all. A confirmed cigarette chain-smoker, there are records of strong tobacco being used to get high, but that's such a longshot. Frank's talents were his own, embellished by his creative genius; a real American Hero.
Frank once did a Pony ( a crap, defecation) on stage during a set. He then opened a case containing $25 000. He said that if anyone can do something more gross, they can take the money.
Some bright spark got up on stage and set about eating it. Did he win the money? What do you think?
Two of ours have gone recently. Spencer Davis and Gordon Haskell, along with the big Jamaican man, Toots Hibbard. The question: 'Does a bird know that it's singing a beautiful song? Or is it a manifestation of the bird's beautiful spirit?' can be asked of our heroes.
Who would you say has this quality? For me, Roy Orbison, Billie Holiday, George Harrison, Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, Dusty Springfield... for starters.
Don't know Frank Zappa? Check out the video 'City Of Tiny Lights', a plastacine masterpiece! Mind-expanding goodies all round? No. As I understand it, Frank didn't turn on anymore from a young age, if at all. A confirmed cigarette chain-smoker, there are records of strong tobacco being used to get high, but that's such a longshot. Frank's talents were his own, embellished by his creative genius; a real American Hero.
Frank once did a Pony ( a crap, defecation) on stage during a set. He then opened a case containing $25 000. He said that if anyone can do something more gross, they can take the money.
Some bright spark got up on stage and set about eating it. Did he win the money? What do you think?
Two of ours have gone recently. Spencer Davis and Gordon Haskell, along with the big Jamaican man, Toots Hibbard. The question: 'Does a bird know that it's singing a beautiful song? Or is it a manifestation of the bird's beautiful spirit?' can be asked of our heroes.
Who would you say has this quality? For me, Roy Orbison, Billie Holiday, George Harrison, Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, Dusty Springfield... for starters.

Zappa was afaik completely free of drugs other than alcohol and tobacco.
I like the question are certain people born with a finite number of god given tunes, or are they limited by talent.
Motzart wrote so many works in a relatively short period, he never corrected a manuscript. Some say he only had enuf time to write them out, so the works must have been inside his head waiting to come out. No conscious thought just a outpouring of genius.
Zappa was same, his body of work is huge, most musicians I know admire him with godlike love.
I like the question are certain people born with a finite number of god given tunes, or are they limited by talent.
Motzart wrote so many works in a relatively short period, he never corrected a manuscript. Some say he only had enuf time to write them out, so the works must have been inside his head waiting to come out. No conscious thought just a outpouring of genius.
Zappa was same, his body of work is huge, most musicians I know admire him with godlike love.

Apropos Zappa, a rather excellent 'Tribute Band' (I know, stay with me) Called The Muffin Men. I saw them at the Phoenix in Exeter a few years ago. This from Wiki will give a measure of the quality of the band
The Muffin Men are a British band, based in Liverpool, England, which primarily plays the music of Frank Zappa and his band, The Mothers of Invention. The group formed in 1990 for a concert in honor of Zappa's fiftieth birthday. They went on to perform his music as a tribute band, along with some of their own compositions, worldwide. Until his death in 2008, the band often featured guest vocals and percussion by Jimmy Carl Black, former drummer and vocalist from Zappa's Mothers of Invention, with whom they also performed songs by Captain Beefheart.
Since their debut, the Muffin Men have featured no less than seven original Zappa band members, along with original Mothers Of Invention drummer/vocalist Jimmy Carl Black, as well as performing with Don Preston and Bunk Gardner in 1993. In 1994 they played a nine-week European tour with guest vocalist Ike Willis, and again teamed up with Willis in 2003 for a special Zappanale festival show, which also featured Napoleon Murphy Brock. (Zappanale is a yearly tribute concert festival dedicated to Frank Zappa's compositions.) Mike Keneally has also appeared with the band, along with Ray White, and Robert Martin. Denny Walley has performed on several occasions since 2010.
Rather than play pieces note-for-note, the band plays Zappa's material working to the strengths of the current line-up, often giving the music a different slant to the original versions.
25th anniversary gigs (2015) feature a core line-up of 3 original members - Rhino, Jumpy and Roddie, with Phil Hearn on keys
The Muffin Men are a British band, based in Liverpool, England, which primarily plays the music of Frank Zappa and his band, The Mothers of Invention. The group formed in 1990 for a concert in honor of Zappa's fiftieth birthday. They went on to perform his music as a tribute band, along with some of their own compositions, worldwide. Until his death in 2008, the band often featured guest vocals and percussion by Jimmy Carl Black, former drummer and vocalist from Zappa's Mothers of Invention, with whom they also performed songs by Captain Beefheart.
Since their debut, the Muffin Men have featured no less than seven original Zappa band members, along with original Mothers Of Invention drummer/vocalist Jimmy Carl Black, as well as performing with Don Preston and Bunk Gardner in 1993. In 1994 they played a nine-week European tour with guest vocalist Ike Willis, and again teamed up with Willis in 2003 for a special Zappanale festival show, which also featured Napoleon Murphy Brock. (Zappanale is a yearly tribute concert festival dedicated to Frank Zappa's compositions.) Mike Keneally has also appeared with the band, along with Ray White, and Robert Martin. Denny Walley has performed on several occasions since 2010.
Rather than play pieces note-for-note, the band plays Zappa's material working to the strengths of the current line-up, often giving the music a different slant to the original versions.
25th anniversary gigs (2015) feature a core line-up of 3 original members - Rhino, Jumpy and Roddie, with Phil Hearn on keys

Loved to have seen them or the real deal, Zappa was reportedly a dictator when it came to the band, bit like James brown. One mistake you get a warning, two mistakes and start looking for a new band.
Often wish I understood musical theory better as people who do are astonished at his knowledge and inventive audacity.
Often wish I understood musical theory better as people who do are astonished at his knowledge and inventive audacity.

The Muffin Men. Wow! As the MC says at the end of the Edar Broughton Band's turnout on the Glastonbury Rock and Blues Festival
1971 album - 'Fuck me old boots! What a set!'
Interesting point about the Great Dictator. When you see the gig, thanks for putting it on, Frank don't care, having introduced the band, how long he takes tuning up. When he kicks off, he's gonna have it right. So the whole band are following him. Woe betide if you're not where he wants you, when he wants you. Tough stuff, but this is a rare quality Zappa has. His perfection is right where he wants it, at any moment. To mess up, or the impact messing up has on Frank, is difficult to comprehend because we don't have this quality.
I FEEL GOOD! That's the sticky, that is. Anyway. The Hardest Working Man In Showbusiness! James Brown has the same experience of performance. His guys are shitting themselves with a constant eye for his signal,which could be any time soon. They were on salary of $1500 or something a week and they would be fined for dirty shoes or wrinkled clothes at rehearsals. This same quality may be seen in other, more structured, boring artists like Sinatra and Streisand.
I love JB, Mark Lamarr visited JB as an elderly chap, who, when clearing his throat, made Mark think he was kicking off a song!
Understanding musical theory... Me too. I'm not very musical myself. We can only enjoy an experience alone. Musical types will experience more comprehension of the forms and things they're picking up on, which will enrich their experience. Lucky bleeders! Lucky Bleeders! @ Ian Dury.
1971 album - 'Fuck me old boots! What a set!'
Interesting point about the Great Dictator. When you see the gig, thanks for putting it on, Frank don't care, having introduced the band, how long he takes tuning up. When he kicks off, he's gonna have it right. So the whole band are following him. Woe betide if you're not where he wants you, when he wants you. Tough stuff, but this is a rare quality Zappa has. His perfection is right where he wants it, at any moment. To mess up, or the impact messing up has on Frank, is difficult to comprehend because we don't have this quality.
I FEEL GOOD! That's the sticky, that is. Anyway. The Hardest Working Man In Showbusiness! James Brown has the same experience of performance. His guys are shitting themselves with a constant eye for his signal,which could be any time soon. They were on salary of $1500 or something a week and they would be fined for dirty shoes or wrinkled clothes at rehearsals. This same quality may be seen in other, more structured, boring artists like Sinatra and Streisand.
I love JB, Mark Lamarr visited JB as an elderly chap, who, when clearing his throat, made Mark think he was kicking off a song!
Understanding musical theory... Me too. I'm not very musical myself. We can only enjoy an experience alone. Musical types will experience more comprehension of the forms and things they're picking up on, which will enrich their experience. Lucky bleeders! Lucky Bleeders! @ Ian Dury.

Bass – Tom Fowler
Drums – Chester Thompson, Ralph Humphrey
Keyboards, Synthesizer, Vocals – George Duke
Lead Guitar, Vocals, Producer – Frank Zappa
Percussion – Ruth Underwood
Rhythm Guitar, Vocals – Jeff Simmons
Synthesizer – Don Preston
Tenor Saxophone, Flute, Lead Vocals – Napoleon Murphy Brock
Trombone - Bruce Fowler
Trumpet – Walt Fowler
Drums – Chester Thompson, Ralph Humphrey
Keyboards, Synthesizer, Vocals – George Duke
Lead Guitar, Vocals, Producer – Frank Zappa
Percussion – Ruth Underwood
Rhythm Guitar, Vocals – Jeff Simmons
Synthesizer – Don Preston
Tenor Saxophone, Flute, Lead Vocals – Napoleon Murphy Brock
Trombone - Bruce Fowler
Trumpet – Walt Fowler

Zappa the main man on the pan!
Funny to think he wasn't into any drugs at all,think he tried a joint once! I was pretty shocked when I found that out!
Funny to think he wasn't into any drugs at all,think he tried a joint once! I was pretty shocked when I found that out!

Don't even need to press play to see that's drug kingpin Miami Vice era Zappa!
Gonna press play now hoping I'm right lol
Gonna press play now hoping I'm right lol

4 posts
+14.2 votes
What is your smoking song?
Pink Floyd. Shine on you crazy diamond.
+ 4 more

I'll put this one on here just to represent basically all of Sublime's songs and of course the original by Marley.
I'm also big into underground hip hop, and hip hop from the 90s/00. Saw you talking about bone thugs for example, my shit.
I'm also big into underground hip hop, and hip hop from the 90s/00. Saw you talking about bone thugs for example, my shit.

Oh man, have loved Sublime ever since I heard them, such a cool and unique band. Shame it ended so soon.

Awesome song this and the original.
Nas, BIG, Pac, Eazy, Cube, Rakim, Red & Meth, DMX (yikes now tough), Snoop, Wayne, Outkast - the list goes on man these dudes were all I heard growing up. Admittedly it has been a while since I've visited the decade, I'm about to take a trip back in time and get all nostalgic. Cheers. edit: can't forget Beasite Boys
Nas, BIG, Pac, Eazy, Cube, Rakim, Red & Meth, DMX (yikes now tough), Snoop, Wayne, Outkast - the list goes on man these dudes were all I heard growing up. Admittedly it has been a while since I've visited the decade, I'm about to take a trip back in time and get all nostalgic. Cheers. edit: can't forget Beasite Boys

I always find myself putting on one of three albums whenever I get some quality bud and have an hour or two to kill.
ATCQ - Low End Theory
Nas - Illmatic
Wu - 36 Chambers
For those times I'm not in a hip hop mood I tend to listen to some RHCP or The Doors or whatever I have on loop in my head for that day lol.
ATCQ - Low End Theory
Nas - Illmatic
Wu - 36 Chambers
For those times I'm not in a hip hop mood I tend to listen to some RHCP or The Doors or whatever I have on loop in my head for that day lol.

All three of those are solid gold.
'Imma pull your fucking tounge out ya fucking mouth and...'
lol lol...good music, good times...
'Imma pull your fucking tounge out ya fucking mouth and...'
lol lol...good music, good times...

Why thank you, kind sir. I may be wrong but I'm sure Nas wrote and preformed that album at 19/20 which is just bananas to say the least. Such lyricism and flow for such a young man. "Rappers I'm monley flippin with the funky rythm I be kickin,
Musician, inflictin' composition, of pain
I'm like Scarface sniffin' cocaine
Holdin' a M16, see with the pen I'm extreme" first lines are maaaaaad lol
Musician, inflictin' composition, of pain
I'm like Scarface sniffin' cocaine
Holdin' a M16, see with the pen I'm extreme" first lines are maaaaaad lol

It is crazy, to be thinking so critically at that age while delivering a strong message wrapped up in smart word play, bars and insane flow. Some people just have raw talent man.

Illmatic = Hip Hop
If aliens landed and asked me what Hip Hop was, I would play them this album.
Then they would know...
If aliens landed and asked me what Hip Hop was, I would play them this album.
Then they would know...

Don't have a go to song exactly, depends on the mood. Would say hip hop like Gu, J-Cole, Tribe, Pharcyde, few others. Also love some Thin Lizzy, Rory Gallagher, Black Sabboth, Led Zeplin. Also love some Vaya Con Dias.....these are just off the top of the head, so many more.
I really came here to comment as I can see hip hop, rock, blues, folk all down through the list and am planning on working my way through it but don't have the time right now.
I want to leave this album here because it is great to smoke to, and great to fuck to, lol.....
Air - Moon Safari
I really came here to comment as I can see hip hop, rock, blues, folk all down through the list and am planning on working my way through it but don't have the time right now.
I want to leave this album here because it is great to smoke to, and great to fuck to, lol.....
Air - Moon Safari

My man, I really like this :) Thanks for the contribution, I actually didn't know I knew of Air till I heard Sexy Boy playing. Also, this sounds like a great album to take you through a LSD trip, I think I'll find out.

Of course, love the spread of music, thanks for starting this topic. Already headbanging to a few artists found.
A lot of people actually know their songs pretty well, but don't know them. Haha, that's what I like to hear. I have never done tripping but would definitely contribute to the overall mood/vibes. One of my favourite underappreciated albums....of course just in my opinion
A lot of people actually know their songs pretty well, but don't know them. Haha, that's what I like to hear. I have never done tripping but would definitely contribute to the overall mood/vibes. One of my favourite underappreciated albums....of course just in my opinion

Yeah this topic has been a steady source of great tunes for me actually.
I've definitely heard a few of their songs. Now that is a positive attitude I appreciate seeing :)
I've definitely heard a few of their songs. Now that is a positive attitude I appreciate seeing :)

I actually have to come back and give an honorary mention to Ebo Taylor, how could I forget, great sunshine listening

Solarstone - Seven Cities ( Armin Van Buuren Vocal Mix ) FULL VOCAL 2002
I can drift away with tunez like this
I can drift away with tunez like this

Or talking heads’ live album Stop Making Sense
You can watch the whole thing on YouTube and it is mind blowing
You can watch the whole thing on YouTube and it is mind blowing

I beg you to give that sabbath song a go, I think you’d be pleasantly surprised.
And don’t call sabbath shite! You’ll make me cry black tears
And don’t call sabbath shite! You’ll make me cry black tears

John Frusciante always gets me feeling in a great mood.

ALPS Cru - All Lyricists Proceed South...
Love this one...sitting in the dark...looking at the stars....mind wandering...sweet...
And when I'm, feeling a bit g lol...
Classic for me...used to roll around all night long chuffing away in the Escorts and Orions and shit...good times....
Love this one...sitting in the dark...looking at the stars....mind wandering...sweet...
And when I'm, feeling a bit g lol...
Classic for me...used to roll around all night long chuffing away in the Escorts and Orions and shit...good times....

Thank you for this, exactly why I'm reading this thread. Alps Cru are perfect; I'm surprised I have not come across these before

This or my “waiting for my Ruca”
Such a shame Bradley was a smack head and O.D’d. 40’oz to freedom is such a powerful album.
Such a shame Bradley was a smack head and O.D’d. 40’oz to freedom is such a powerful album.

Man I dig this so much. Stay High too, there is something unique about the way she delivers her vocals. Music to improve the mood right here.
Edit: ooooh she's done a NPR tiny desk concert. I love these.
Edit: ooooh she's done a NPR tiny desk concert. I love these.

Oh yeah man agree 100%. Hadn’t seen the tiny desk concert either, thanks I love those too.

Lil Wyte - Smoking Song
This is maybe a little bit more "aggressive" that most of the chill ones but this is what I'd light up to when I was in my teens =) oh how times have changed.
This is maybe a little bit more "aggressive" that most of the chill ones but this is what I'd light up to when I was in my teens =) oh how times have changed.

Top band mate, went to see them last year in Manchester unreal, probably best gig I saw all year, smoked a few joints just before they came on was a different experience

Oh man, blast from the past right there. Love this band! So chill and bass heavy. These guys did some awesome live shows with Iration Steppas back in the day. Nice shout, man.

Big tune. The little pockets of flows he jumps in and out of while delivering a potent message.. mad.

Any song from the hillside airstrip album by 10 ft ganja plant

This trey songz tune lit.. But depends on mood

not seen that film, looks up my street for sure. But yes it has the same 80's/Cyberpunk feel. I whack the ファニーデス (Love Letter to Japan) album on while smoking and just get lost in it completely.

Yeah this group is so important, continually pushing boundaries. The entire project is fascinating.

haha I actually remember all his old stuff... some stuff was pretty decent. mostly shite though lol

I agree, most of the stuff he did under Chipmunk is mega corny nowadays, probably back then too hahah. I rate his diss tracks though he brought some life back to the scene in those days.

Positive vibes from this one.
P.s when commenting you can select web link at the bottom of the text box (just above 'save') and enter the link, if it's a YT video it will embed it in the comment, quite handy for sharing music. <3
P.s when commenting you can select web link at the bottom of the text box (just above 'save') and enter the link, if it's a YT video it will embed it in the comment, quite handy for sharing music. <3

Tubular bells from Mike Oldfield, puppetmastaz, Ghinzu, Dr Dre, Dvorjak new world symphony, Jacques Brel, Pharcyde, Air, Dub Incorporation and so many others...
I discovered music thanks to weed :)
I discovered music thanks to weed :)

2 posts
+6 votes

The acid house ( if you are coming down lol )
Up in smoke ( to laugh )
Shawshank redemption ( just awesome )
Human traffic ( for remembering the goop …
+ 2 more

Well as we are all in lockdown and likely to be tasered for talking to a tree anywhere in the world -- let's get all of you into a chat about films. Or monty python or similar. Hard to start but at least it might help the feelings of monotonous hours and cabin fever.
My best film is "The Life of Brian " - I have several stories associated with it cos I was at a private Christian boarding school. The shitiest place on earth it was but at least there were girls there too. I don't mind any jokes or innuendo- just keep them coming. Even stoned thoughts....... I was apparently a "Blasphemer" and god theres plenty more.
So just write any shit you want to.
My best film is "The Life of Brian " - I have several stories associated with it cos I was at a private Christian boarding school. The shitiest place on earth it was but at least there were girls there too. I don't mind any jokes or innuendo- just keep them coming. Even stoned thoughts....... I was apparently a "Blasphemer" and god theres plenty more.
So just write any shit you want to.

'A Place Beyond the Pines'
'Out of the Furnace'
"Wind River'
Really gritty American dramas. I can't get enough of these kind of films, something Hollywood does really well.
Cheers. BB
'Out of the Furnace'
"Wind River'
Really gritty American dramas. I can't get enough of these kind of films, something Hollywood does really well.
Cheers. BB

Wind River is such an under-rated film. It's tense and and worth the payoff....won't say much more, however if you liked The Unforgiven, you should like this.

'Withnail and I' does it for me every time. I think when i first watched it, seeing these 2 guys (for example) drinking lighter fluid and offending country folk in the local tea rooms. Was so Simple really but executed so well. And so british! Twin Town is another favourite after I've had some strong smoke. T

I watched it for the first time ever during lockdown. Lived it. Lived the ending too. 'Withnail and I that is. I saw a lot of comedy and heard the simple minds classic again or rather watched live videos of it - :Dont you forget about me" .

The acid house ( if you are coming down lol )
Up in smoke ( to laugh )
Shawshank redemption ( just awesome )
Human traffic ( for remembering the goop old rave days )
Up in smoke ( to laugh )
Shawshank redemption ( just awesome )
Human traffic ( for remembering the goop old rave days )

Kid cannabis,pirates of Silicon Valley,the falklands play,king of comedy,jfk,the untold history of the United States (documentary series)

Way too many films to list but il just add a quick 4 enjoyable movies during lock down
1. The Other Guys (gives me the giggles always)
2. RockNroller - Guy Richie
3. V for Vendetta
4. WAR (Jet Li / Jason Stratam)
1. The Other Guys (gives me the giggles always)
2. RockNroller - Guy Richie
3. V for Vendetta
4. WAR (Jet Li / Jason Stratam)

I love The Other Guys!
Mark Whalberg having a go at Will Ferrell is so bloody funny!
They should do another film together.
Cheers. BB
Mark Whalberg having a go at Will Ferrell is so bloody funny!
They should do another film together.
Cheers. BB

the lighthouse - change your mind about pattinson and defoe amazing
the dead dont die - best zombie movie ever made by jarmusch
the dead dont die - best zombie movie ever made by jarmusch

Actually I've just also watched "The Good the Bad and the ugly ", in a quest to watch something funny. It's not always funny I guess but I love the spaghetti westerns so I'm watching all of the ones I can find. Clint Eastwood is a fine actor. The music in these films is fantastic
I just love them.
I just love them.

Casey Afflek is brilliant in it too, as is Woody Harleson. Just a great all round movie and yes, very underrated.
Cheers BB
Cheers BB

the scene where the love of his life is pregnant with another mans child and his reaction - haunting cinema. casey was amazing in manchester by the sea, he's well better than ben anyways lol

We watched Life of Brian the other day, first time in a while, & it's still a cracker! Very British, as you note; very sarcastic but not throwaway. EasyMe33 suggested Oldboy, which is a good movie but maybe not while stuck in isolation! I could waffle for ages about movies cos I love them but I'll throw in Twin Peaks the Return, if you can get it. That is a Mindbender & long enough to keep you both engaged physically and mentally, no matter how long this Covid thing lasts!!! Good luck to you all! ;-)

Check out 'Parasite'. I had no idea what to expect and it blew me away. Absolute masterpiece. Dark, so dark, hilarious and beautifully shot

this list wins for me. the wailing is maybe the best horror ive ever seen, and so so funny.

the bit at the start with the policeman gettng rocks rthrown at him had my household in hysterics

The wailing is in my top 3 films ever. It transcends genres. I was thinking about this film and it's meaning two weeks after watching it.
Glad you liked it.
Glad you liked it.

Anyone watch the "Chernobyl " series on Amazon?
It's dark and you have to be in the right mood to watch it but I certainly loved it
It's dark and you have to be in the right mood to watch it but I certainly loved it

I've heard of that film but never watched it. Is it a comedy?
I have to admit to watching the "Carry on " films too. I've been looking for more and more tv and film stuff to watch and I've just watched " carry on camping" and the one about hospitals -- carry on matron I think it was called, but my head gets boggled with staying at home. (With a ton of chocolate!!), all the time. Mind fog I think it's called. It took me a while this morning to realise it is in fact Monday.
But yeah please share your stories about staying in and watching films / tv / getting mashed etc.
I have to admit to watching the "Carry on " films too. I've been looking for more and more tv and film stuff to watch and I've just watched " carry on camping" and the one about hospitals -- carry on matron I think it was called, but my head gets boggled with staying at home. (With a ton of chocolate!!), all the time. Mind fog I think it's called. It took me a while this morning to realise it is in fact Monday.
But yeah please share your stories about staying in and watching films / tv / getting mashed etc.

1 post
+1 votes
Why is my escrow only 24hrs on a new order?
started topic
But what does it mean when it says "provided by Escrow Suisse , auto-releases in 0d 8h 32m"? I only placed the order yesterday : /

I've had something similar but said auto release in 2 days. I wouldn't mind some input here myself.

Mine currently auto releases in 8 hours at time of writing. It started at 2 days though which doesn't allow much time to recieve the item. It hasn't arrived today and although I'm not worried at this point, it really does remove some comfort from the situation when the vendor's money is released automatically before I can recieve my order. It used to say "auto releases in 14 days" when I ordered. 2 days?

1 post
+2 votes
What strains to grow for rest of 2020
Expert seeds sell the same lavenders seeds as soma, but a little cheaper, but soma have the regular version which you'll need for a mother. I never ha…

What strains to grow for rest of 2020
Got some questions about strains we grow and whats possibly in the line up for this tough year...
1. Number one keeper = Strawberry Gorrila Glue (THC Seeds) (due soon)
2. Kosher Dawg (DNA Genetics)(I have 3 different pheno mothers, similar to to the untrained eye.
3. Pinapple Gorrila Glue (Advance seed (Forget about pinaple express.... wait till this drops.. FLAVOUR
4. Gorilla Glue (clone given to me)
Any experience grower will know how long it can take to hunt down for mothers that are keepers...
Possible strains I want to grow
only two that scream out... Tangie and Lemon
I have 24 K gold on the go now but its not impressing me with the flavour profile...
So will give Orange Juice (Dinadfem Seeds) A go
For Lemon im still hunting for a reliable strain... Didnt like my luck with green house SLH or DNA lemon walker, both came mediocre in flavour.... Any suggestions?
1. Number one keeper = Strawberry Gorrila Glue (THC Seeds) (due soon)
2. Kosher Dawg (DNA Genetics)(I have 3 different pheno mothers, similar to to the untrained eye.
3. Pinapple Gorrila Glue (Advance seed (Forget about pinaple express.... wait till this drops.. FLAVOUR
4. Gorilla Glue (clone given to me)
Any experience grower will know how long it can take to hunt down for mothers that are keepers...
Possible strains I want to grow
only two that scream out... Tangie and Lemon
I have 24 K gold on the go now but its not impressing me with the flavour profile...
So will give Orange Juice (Dinadfem Seeds) A go
For Lemon im still hunting for a reliable strain... Didnt like my luck with green house SLH or DNA lemon walker, both came mediocre in flavour.... Any suggestions?

Wot about some skunk#1. Something with a good head and body stone. Something that helps these long Covid-19 days seem a lot shorter

dutch passions latest and greatest autoflower, cinderella jack almost 26%THC from an auto. gotta try that one.

Strawberry GG and Pineapple GG sounds great. GG is a favorite indica for a Sativa lover like me and I can imagine these combinations would be top notch :)

Expert seeds sell the same lavenders seeds as soma, but a little cheaper, but soma have the regular version which you'll need for a mother. I never had a bad one when I used to grow, some better than others obviously but all grew v fast, v strong and extremely tasty and potent. Soma himself said he will ALWAYS have lavender growing in his garden.

Mmmmm.....nice line up...really looking forward to the strawberry glue...just had some orange glue and man, some of the tastiest bud I have ever orangey, really nice, pretty potent too. Love all the orange buds, tange, OJ etc.
(Did try to grow some Dutch Passion Orange Bud back in the day but was a super low yielder and really hard to tend so never bothered after the first one which ended up being a bit shit
Never had a really top shelf pineapple either...had some bits and bobs but nothing that really screamed out juicy, tasty you know, would like to try something like that.
(Did try to grow some Dutch Passion Orange Bud back in the day but was a super low yielder and really hard to tend so never bothered after the first one which ended up being a bit shit
Never had a really top shelf pineapple either...had some bits and bobs but nothing that really screamed out juicy, tasty you know, would like to try something like that.

Mazar is nice or barney's Lsd or maybe Nepal kush.?
Also himalaya gold?. and hashplant is nice too.
Also himalaya gold?. and hashplant is nice too.

Hi there and welcome, you have some nice strains for keepers and look forward to seeing them when they’re available they sound really good. Im old school and always loved super lemon haze from back in the day, also love super orange glue, have a bit in now to smoke and oh my it’s amazing proper tangy (really tangy orange!) and it tastes and smokes better than it smells, highly recommended as it looks like you like glue strains

Thanks... Great suggestions, I had a look and seems to be sold out on most reliable sources for the seed form but the company lady sativa genetics hmmm they got a dank line up and im going in for this as soon as its stocked up again

5 posts
+12.2 votes

So, lots of people are describing similar products with different names.
So - pollen is hash for me
Pollen is a powder substance and pressed ( low pressure in hash ) by a puck maker or other.
Pollen is made with bubble bags and ice or dry ice, you run the process and screen your product through mesh for different quality
70 micron is top end
160 micron is real good
220 is good but it's a bit greenish as it let's a bit more plant matter through.
You then press this into bars / pucks or just leave it as powder.
Keifth is just bottom bag / trim etc unscreened.
Rosin is done on a heated press with buds or bottom bud and the finished product looks a bit like honey - dabbing is how most consume it
Please add your definitions and how to produce if possible.
This is what I class as what but it doesn't mean its correct.
looking forward to seeing what others Class as pollen/ hash / etc
So - pollen is hash for me
Pollen is a powder substance and pressed ( low pressure in hash ) by a puck maker or other.
Pollen is made with bubble bags and ice or dry ice, you run the process and screen your product through mesh for different quality
70 micron is top end
160 micron is real good
220 is good but it's a bit greenish as it let's a bit more plant matter through.
You then press this into bars / pucks or just leave it as powder.
Keifth is just bottom bag / trim etc unscreened.
Rosin is done on a heated press with buds or bottom bud and the finished product looks a bit like honey - dabbing is how most consume it
Please add your definitions and how to produce if possible.
This is what I class as what but it doesn't mean its correct.
looking forward to seeing what others Class as pollen/ hash / etc

Pollen, the actual real pollen comes from male plants flowers, it pollenates female flowers and turns them into Hermies. But people call resin/crystals pollen mistakenly. Hash is pressed crystals/resin. Kief is actually a mix of dried tobacco and crystals/resin heads used by Moroccans in a kief/sebsi pipe. These are the actual definitions but people use the terms loosely or they got mixed up in translation at some point

Male pollen does not cause a female to turn hermaphrodite
Male pollen from a male flower fertilises the female flower its called reproduction for humans sex. It creates the next generation
Are you saying we are all hermaphrodites?
Kief is unprocessed cannabis resin...tobacco is well tobacco maybe keif is a mistranslation or theres a misunderstanding in my part which i will look into
Male pollen from a male flower fertilises the female flower its called reproduction for humans sex. It creates the next generation
Are you saying we are all hermaphrodites?
Kief is unprocessed cannabis resin...tobacco is well tobacco maybe keif is a mistranslation or theres a misunderstanding in my part which i will look into

Lol they do hermie tho in order to produce seeds, u saying a female that gets pollinated has not hermied? Albeit not a natural hermie but most trans people don't naturally have their cock fall off, but your right my explanation was shit :) western use of word kief is unpressed resin but we took the word kief from Morocco, and they mean a mix of baccy and resin.

Moroccan word kief and it means that, ok i may have learned something
Female plants can go hermie yes and yes this means the female flower growing male parts but due to stress i may add! This can be done intentionally to create feminised seed i believe or is part of the process
What it is not tho is a naturally occurring matter in a way as its due to stress/mutation...cannabis is a plant that contains two separate male and female plants like male and female humans for a simple comparison and just like so we have also get the odd “freak” of nature for the lack of a better term but it is not the standard norm
I will look into that keif meaning soon
Female plants can go hermie yes and yes this means the female flower growing male parts but due to stress i may add! This can be done intentionally to create feminised seed i believe or is part of the process
What it is not tho is a naturally occurring matter in a way as its due to stress/mutation...cannabis is a plant that contains two separate male and female plants like male and female humans for a simple comparison and just like so we have also get the odd “freak” of nature for the lack of a better term but it is not the standard norm
I will look into that keif meaning soon

Lol we do get the odd strange one for sure. If u purposely stress a female and hermie it, u get hermie seeds but i think if u cross that intentional hermie with a fem u can get fem seeds with much less chance of Hermies. Attached pic of my kief pipe, I just put small nugs of bud in there tho, no baccy.

No no no, no baccy...hurty hurty
Also remember reading about adding colloidal silver to the process’s definitely not my level of expertise lol
Also remember reading about adding colloidal silver to the process’s definitely not my level of expertise lol

Real pollen has the male plant mixed in when grown. When tests have been done on traditional morrocan pollen you find there's more male then the female product.
Rosin is not made from heat it's made with a non polo based chemical to take everything out of the product. Rosin should never ever be smoke it's only for eating or for your skin.
If you use bubble bags then it's bubble hash with cold water extraction an if you don't use water then it's dry shif hash which is what about 90% of the world's hash.
Hope this helps.
Rosin is not made from heat it's made with a non polo based chemical to take everything out of the product. Rosin should never ever be smoke it's only for eating or for your skin.
If you use bubble bags then it's bubble hash with cold water extraction an if you don't use water then it's dry shif hash which is what about 90% of the world's hash.
Hope this helps.

But this male pollen being present in tests is surely due to either A)male plants where never eradicated from the crop...or
B) dodgy shrewd cannabis farmers
B) dodgy shrewd cannabis farmers

A for sure, imagine catching all males in a field!!! The b group add worse than male pollen

Rosin has nothing to do with RSO. RSO is Rick Simpson Oil and is an entirely different beast. You may see rosin referred to as "SHO" or Solventless Hash Oil in some places though

Oh well yeah my humble limited knowledge rosin and rso are to different your description you would be correct for rso

Have you ever heard of a rosin press? Its a heated hydraulic press for making rosin/resinous oil
Which as you said rso is made using solvents?
Leading to two different products but essentially cannabis resin, like pine resin, frankincense resin etc but processed differently
Which as you said rso is made using solvents?
Leading to two different products but essentially cannabis resin, like pine resin, frankincense resin etc but processed differently

Kief is not so perfectly sifted hash in my description
High grade hash “trichome heads” (resin glands)? can be called hash, resin or whatever, which we extract resin rosin oil etc from
Polm pollen i think was more to do with colour? And was at best misleading name
I like the term blondes blacks which i think will be down to the strain and how its pressed with heat without heat?
Then you’ve oil, wax etc on the list there to
Essentially its cannabis resin :)
High grade hash “trichome heads” (resin glands)? can be called hash, resin or whatever, which we extract resin rosin oil etc from
Polm pollen i think was more to do with colour? And was at best misleading name
I like the term blondes blacks which i think will be down to the strain and how its pressed with heat without heat?
Then you’ve oil, wax etc on the list there to
Essentially its cannabis resin :)

The term "pollen" is basically a mistake. The original term is "polm" which was probably misheard and passed on incorrectly. The term "pollen" has stuck. As others have said, true pollen is produced by male flowers. Kief is actually the trichomes gained from sifting, before it is pressed into hash. Which, guess what? Is polm. The two terms are used in different parts of the world to describe the same thing. Basically sift. Rosin as you know is it's own thing, pressed with heat. Words like "shatter, wax, oil, budder, crumble" etc simply describe the consistency of the final product of oil extracted and not necessarily how it was produced or what solvent was used.

2 posts
+6 votes
Ruined by Rud? apparently these lot sell genuine landrace seeds. Was thinking of hiding some in the fridge for when the world sorts o…
+ 2 more

Ruined by Rud?
In the last 20 years there has been an explosion of Ruderalis cross strains AKA autoflowers, its clear to see why this has taken place as it gives bigger yields and faster grow times.
My question is have the classic strains lost something from being crossed with the woody and heavy indica Ruderalis?
and further more are there any pure classics left?
My question is have the classic strains lost something from being crossed with the woody and heavy indica Ruderalis?
and further more are there any pure classics left? apparently these lot sell genuine landrace seeds. Was thinking of hiding some in the fridge for when the world sorts out it views in growing

Not just autos, feminised seeds have destroyed thousands and thousands of possible phenotypes. Stabilised seeds being taken to the hash cultivars across the world have led to landrace types being almost wiped out in some places. The stand out strains from the past all come from finding one stand out phenotype and then stabilising for sale. Imagine what wonders could be uncovered if people around the world hunted phenos, not just a few seed banks, who then sell genetics to the rest to rename.

There's been alot of work going on in back crossing to get the goodness back in as I say :) give it another year or two and your get all your old strains back with the bad ruderalis side taken out.

I dont know man, how can something that grows for 6 months in both night and day be the same as something that grows in 1 month in all day and no night?

Yeah i think ruduralis has muddied the genetic pool
Autos grow faster but bigger yield??
Have you ever noticed these tiny minute seed like things in weed these days...i wana say immature seeds but these are brown not green and they definitely taint the smoke
Autos grow faster but bigger yield??
Have you ever noticed these tiny minute seed like things in weed these days...i wana say immature seeds but these are brown not green and they definitely taint the smoke

1 post
+1 votes

Most economical way to consume?
I have a volcano vape, it tastes so fucking good I can't explain! It gets u fucked up too. Unfortunately I am used to the manky baccy in spliffs and f…

Most economical way to consume?
So I prefer to use a glass bong when I smoke, I think it gives you most bang for your buck. Especially compared to a joint, I’ll use probably 0.3g for the bowl and take smaller hits.
I’m hearing good things, in relation to this topic about vaporisers can anyone share some knowledge?
I’m hearing good things, in relation to this topic about vaporisers can anyone share some knowledge?

When you eat cannabis it creates 11 hydroxy metabolite in your liver. It's 5 times more psychoactive than THC
shout out to joe rogan
shout out to joe rogan

I have a volcano vape, it tastes so fucking good I can't explain! It gets u fucked up too. Unfortunately I am used to the manky baccy in spliffs and find it hard to only vape as it's my only source of nicotine. Got a glass percolator bong too, like those hit s lot, quicker effect than vape, but vape is more cleaner feeling and I think lasts longer. Imo, don't get cheap vapes, as the taste won't be there. Volcano is pricey, but with good weed or hash taste is unbeatable and high is immense

If it’s efficiency you’re after then look at a dynavap - not expensive so a good place to start. You can even use it with your bong

5 posts
+9 votes

Na, lol legitimate orders unfortunately
+ 5 more

Hi everyone, would just like to check in with those waiting on, or having received shipments in EU lately. I'm waiting on some shipments to Spain from UK. What sort of delivery time can we expect by Euro Tracked method at the moment? Thanks!

Hi there,
I am in France and waiting since 5th of April for a shipping from UK.
Let’s remain confident this will arrive at one point of time; the current situation and Eastern break do not help...
I am in France and waiting since 5th of April for a shipping from UK.
Let’s remain confident this will arrive at one point of time; the current situation and Eastern break do not help...

Mine been sat at Madrid for two weeks with no change to tracking, spoke anther guy, he did not receive anything, but his left Madrid and got delivered according to tracking? Correos is a cunt at normal times, check out reviews online, at times like this think they give even less of a fuck.

Shit that doesn't sound too good. Maybe cos of the total lockdown the last two weeks, and things will get moving again this week. Fingers crossed.

Nice one mate. Have you received any other orders from LB? Agree Correos is useless at best of times. Funny thing is all that Amazon shit seemed to arrive no probs these days.

Had Amazon no probs, had fed ex from Amsterdam little late, had other couriers from in Spain day late, correos are bloody awful. Apparently royal mail are thinking of ditching them for a courier service in Spain. Hope so!!!!

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