Hey Shed hope you’re well my brudda, haha!!!! No way that’s real mad and would agree if ya been down at RTTS over those years then we definitely have been in very close proximity 8) did you go down to the RTTS when Sasha and Digweed were headlining? Unfortunately we found out that Sasha had been double booked and so it was just Digweed on his own. Man that set he put on was biblical!!! I mean absolutely epic set, il never forget this, I came back from the toilet to the bar and found a place to wait to get served, I was watching to see where the bar staff were serving and then I felt someone bump into the back of me, only very slightly and I thought it was my mate tapping me up for a drink, I turned around expecting him there saying “get me a bud please” no it wasn’t him. It was Jon Digweed himself! I couldn’t believe it, he asked if I could get the attention of a bar man, just as that happened one of the barman saw him and came over to ask what he wanted. He told the barman “he’s first!” and pointed at me, WTF!!! I was gobsmaked!!! I ordered my drinks and turned around to him and started to chat with him, told him he’s a fave DJ and am always listening to him and Sasha, the barman comes back and I buy Diggers a bud pass it to him and say “your killing this set my man!” We shook hands and parted ways. I was buzzing my tits off that I’d met him and bought him a bud like that!
Haha can you imagine what the pics would be like of us from back then, bad hair, worse cloths but shit loads of gear to smoke and drop!!!
Love them vdub events, everyone is so friendly there and the atmosphere is top quality, did you ever get involved with the wheel spins? That was fun!!
OMG!!! Just remembered a funny but at the time my heart nearly stopped! We had come back to the campsite after a mozey around the town and beach and decided it was time for a sesh and some tunes! We opened up the camper van, turned on some Bukem and sat in the awning and proceeded with building me joint. Couple of hours go by like nothing, the suns shining, blue skies, tunes are being smashed out (loudly too!!) mates chillin, cider flowing and weed blazing 8) couple of the lads go to piss, 2 go to the shop and my best mate and I are left at the van - we’re to stoned to move and most importantly can’t be arsed!!! Haha, the 2 that went for a piss come back, one is too out of it and goes to sleep in the van, the other grabs a tiney and sits with me and best mate, the 2 of us now begin to roll a couple of foot long joints so we can have 2 big fat ones to pass around and whoever wants to skin up as normal carry on, but you still gotta take your hits off of both joints!
One of us spot a police car driving around the site through the window but doesn’t say anything. The others come back from the shop with munchies! They say they saw the police car driving round a doing what looked to be random stops and we all like fuk sakes just piss off and let us party in private on our own! Anyway we thought that they’d left as we hadn’t seen them for a while, now we got Logical Progression 2 pumping out loud and it’s banging. It’s the first time my mates had heard that CD and they were loving it and it keeps getting turned up louder and louder. Next moment, I have never forgotten nor will I ever forget. 5 of us are sat in the awning toking away, me and me mate are still building these 2 widow maker joints, the tunes are pounding out, we listening to Global Underground 011 - Nick Warren. - Budapest and it’s pulsating through a pretty decent sounding setup my mans got set up. My man and I are taking our time on these big joints cus we keep being passed other joints and bongs, so what started off as a relatively straight forward task is now taking forever! My mans hitting the bong and I’m like I want this foot long lit up. The sesh is proper banging now we getting a few people round our pitch cus they were loving the tunes that where ripping up the area we in. I’m looking out to see the commotion of people through the awning window and I see everyone just scurry away like mad, it confused me why they all ran, I turned back to this beastie joint and I’m almost done, it’s all in, it’s packed tight just need to do the final roll and lick and destination fuked awaited! Just as I had the joint in both hands, starting to roll and tighten it all up, next thing you know we all hear what sounds like a walky talky and this copper makes his way through the awning door, my arse has just fallen out as I have this foot long joint to my tongue and a copper looking directly at me!!!!! I’m frozen in shock, my mates don’t know what to do, all our gears out on show, there’s joints burning and my man and me got 2 foot longs in hand. We’re fuked I know it. The copper then proceeds to say to us “alright lads, we see you’re having a good time, but could you turn the music down it’s a bit loud!” “Yes officer” one of us say and lower the volume. He then turns back around and exits as he say thank you and walks out. My heart is bumming my tonsils as I look around at us all sort of frozen in shock and not quite grasping how that just turned out!
We all were like WTF!!! Did that just happen? We were lucky cus fuk knows how we got away with it. Too many to police we thought but hey we where happy, free and stoned! 8)
Ah man that sale was a bit of a sour one for me, I wanted to get 14g of runtz and then saw the post about the 14g’s only available for the preorder only and not runtz. Also think as may have been mentioned about bagging all the gear up. So I was like be courteous and let others ahead of me and then I’ll put in my order. Erm.... nope! Round 1 computer days no! Okay that sucks I really wanted runtz! man it’s one of those grail strains you hear about and it has all the benefits for medical use to. I knew I should of put that 14g order in earlier in the week it would have cost more but hey I’d probably have it by now and would be very high too. I can always keep hope that someday I can get hold of some of it to try. I could get the Cali version but it is pricey and being unemployed at the mo I just can’t pull the trigger just yet, if I was working I’d of had it a few weeks ago. Oh well ya live and ya learn even us OG’s are still learning tricks.
Stay safe and keep high 8)