Cowboy Bebop is amazing, beautifully written, drawn, and directed. Don't be turned off by the 1st episode which isn't very sci fi and more like film noir cliche stuff. The future world unfolds over the episodes along with the back story of how it evolved though another great thing is each episode stands independently.
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joined jun 2023
0 topics on MangoHaze
3 posts by MangoHaze

iron jizz
What is the best Science Fiction Anime Series?
Steins Gate has to be number 1 it’s one of the best anime's even outside of just the sci fi category, I highly recommend it, it has really interesting…

Last game you bought on release?
Last game I bought on release was Ghost of Tsushima but that was a gift for my lil bro, amazing looking game. all new PlayStation releases these days …

{lb help}
Issue with vendor
I have had the same experience I’ve ordered half a z from a well known vendor and they sent me half a z of old moldy hay smelling harsh buds that are …
bigg topics