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Todd's Sure Thangs
online 2 days ago
joined oct 2018
25+ sales 0% disputed
your metaverse producer supreme
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I'll work with you to get real results quickly. You are guaranteed:

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1 complete package $240.00 BTC0.0028944
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sharing links of your favorite topics, people and items here on little biggy is all you need to build a steady and growing passive income. no shit.

and - stay with me here - it's all in crypto and if that goes up like it has (you know as the old world falls apart etc), well then you could be counting these coins on the beach while your peeps are doing all the heavy clicking.
1 sure thang $49.00 BTC0.00059094
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5 topics on Todd's Sure Thangs
casting call for canna critics
suggested video platforms
casting call for animators
by  homeyBigz
What is Crypto Media?
got fans? get rich.
218 posts by Todd's Sure Thangs
I need a new series to watch
in descending order but hizell yes
use three words to describe little biggy
ultimate identity ownership + 2 more
Sharing BTC ref codes allowed?
you bet it is, the most successful biggaz do just this.
on  {nations}
putin assassination strategies
put a real fighter in the ring
#4 Link To Your Bigg Beautiful Self
started topic + 3 more
on  {rap}
most inspirational rapper?
that's easy, charlie 2na
little biggy theme song?
+ 6 more
Translate Your Language Skills into Crypto
started topic
Grays Politics Almanac
england wins world cup
How does it work?
a merch site that leads to lb is a winner, let's do lunch techie
#1 Influence a Canna Influencer
started topic
on  {gaming}
Time for A Deeper Game, Any Suggestions?
Great character development in this one.
#3 Open a Direct Ship Parapahanila Shop
started topic + 6 more
#4 Make a help kiosk in your language
started topic
#7 Killa Scrilla from Analog Guerilla
started topic + 2 more
#10 A Gift For A Friend
started topic + 2 more
Extrovert bias, the invisible discrimination
aint life beautiful!
on  [music]
Favourite 2 all time full album’s you listened to over and over again
ok computer
Top 10 Seller Tips
started topic + 13 more
the same old revolution is still avoidable
Not for long bigga
Open Your Store to Everyone
started topic
pro bono pro tip 1 GOLD RUSH WORLDWIDE
started topic + 2 more
on  {science}
Strange answers to the psychopath test
says a lot biggz
on  [music]
The Last Rock Band?
enough x-er myopia, rock made it past the millennium folks + 2 more
#9 Make A Meme Make A Million
started topic + 2 more
can the USA be fixed?
Sure kid, just like a horse race.
#8 Common Ground Is Your Real Estate
started topic + 3 more
#11 Reset Riches
started topic
Originality is what brings em in kiddo. Sporting events are still quite novel, have a look at this prediction market:, these a…
Gang Fight: Lawyers vs Doctors (for real)
A self chasing ambulance could come in handy
Chat GPT for President
Id prefer a candidate with more experience
lex freidman probes scientology theory
sure but was it lex or did his underlying thetan have a hand in this
Biggest Seller Success = SEO
started topic
on  [movies]
Aldous Huxley's Disney Script
At least they green lighted Brave New World - as a business plan. + 2 more
Worst Star Trek Series of All Time?
I loved the opener with Klingons on Earth but even then it kept getting dumber with that poor man's Kirk routine from this guy. It seems like he belon…
Wanted: Arabic Translation
started topic + 4 more
wanted social media manager EU
started topic + 3 more
Trey Parker's Student Film
good stuff here
on  {rap}
Popek Monster
thing of beauty
on  {shade}
The Artist Holding Valuable Art Hostage to Protect Julian Assange
Sounds like a perfect treatment for an nft. Todd will be in touch.
0.84% aint so bigg
started topic
Coinmama 8/10
Terrible support at coinmama, slow emails from slow minded bots.
seo mavens fly my way
started topic
#6 The Riches of The World Await
started topic
iron jizz
on  iron jizz
What is the best Science Fiction Anime Series?
Splendid bigga, are you writing this from Akihabara or CERN?
translate lb pages for a better world
started topic + 10 more
on  {science}
Facial recognition technology can expose political orientation from naturalistic facial images
on  Mrwig27
Greatest Comedy Sketches Of All Time
100% brilliant acting
on  Foxy2022
Thank you LB & a bit of positivity!
bigg up, when you love lb you love yourself
Creators Wanted
what languages?
post my links around eu (100usd+)
started topic + 3 more
on  {nations}
is the coronavirus bio warfare?
you wanna corona virus conspiracy eh? well, just ask yourself who profits here + 2 more
on  [music]
playlist: A Tribe called Quest / De la Soul / Jungle Brothers
started topic + 2 more
on  {rap}
Best Romantic Rap Song?
Bigg up
on  [movies]
Best Threequels
Ektilo Aio
i'm a 38 and rather partial to green + 2 more
Sellers: would real time comms make your lives better?
It would make certain moments much better, like when there is frustrating confusion. But it would be different to the lb rhythm we enjoy now.
A history and brief future of the human brain.
no doubt but oh if we could learn to communicate with each other along the way
Favourite film list. 30g Truffles competition with DrShroom
# 1 as far as this bigga is concerned
$200 ish Oz with new venders. Tried and tested 06.10.2022
Hi Polly
country managers
started topic
How the Custom Ringtone Industry Paved the Way for the App Store — and Then Vanished
the baby shark of its day
long term effects you've experienced from cannabis?
Now I'm reading your posts and I know why...
devvy borg
Items keyword search
bigg up boys and girls
#2 Own Google In Your Language
started topic + 2 more
on  DrBurke
Interesting vid from Russell Brand
he could be the next max kaiser - with the right agent
#6 Be a Star
started topic
on  [music]
best mashup thread
gotta be the homme homey maedon
Pro Bono Tip #5 Seek Respect Not Attention
started topic
are you the same person throughout your life?
Not with the right crypto producer!
on  [movies]
How to save Pixar?
Too bad your signed with Warner's because I have the perfect script.
creativity. weed vs alcohol
nolo contendere
Can I use the lightning Network as a mixer?
well put biggz
Cops raid Afroman's house, then sue him.
Thank God this didn't happen in Palmdale then I'd give up hope
A free trip around the world - is that something you'd be interested in?
started topic + 3 more
started topic
Test your Items
Smartest move in the game right here.
As Web Content Creator How Should I Use This?
yes with images
What Brought You To Biggy?
big city dreams and a dose of moxy
The Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser hotel sounds like Secret Cinema in hell
started topic
Worth it?
it sure is but you'll need an ounce of training. do not use this identity you've already made a few big opsec mistakes right here. good luck and fe…
Over 11k reviews
at a 9.8! congratulations gents.
What happened to Old-school Vendors
It's time you got hinky with it Nicardo, I see your pen and think profits. + 5 more
Best weed movie?
on  Lucyfur77
To India
Whoever invites indian sellers with their reference code will make out like a mogul. If you need help with this come to my office and have a chair.
on  mrspock89
My OCD smoking lists
You've got an app here e
bobba fett
please tell me it gets better i only have so much armor myself
to the humans
meh, mine is always asking for things
Hyde Park 4/20
see you there ill be wearing a top hat naturally
did jesus christ smoke weed?
would you follow a rabbi that didn't?
To be sincerely honest to all Shake buyers. This is the one to go to. Popped the big bag open. Shit stunk up the entire …
let's hear it biggason
The fields have eyes👀 next event?
give out enough reference codes to this and you've got a huge passive income coming to you
How do i become a vendor on here
just stay in character Mr Wright and if you need any help stop by my office anytime
on  {science}
what are the effects of masks on a society?
it worked for the venetians
on  Ninja7227
Why so much hate
i was just going to go back under my blanket when i read this ;) thank you bigga, we have a lot to be grateful for, basically a world none of us could…
Uh huh huh
best term for non-stoners?
Haytas. I'm older school.
thanks larry david
started topic
The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
started topic
Storz & Bickel Keynote Address
Hearting a Song Marginalizes My Love
Careful, even an abstract reference to Sting is risking a downvote amigo.
on  carverr
Sold out?
to my dear merchants that aren't up on thangs theres a lot more on the table than this though, if you'd like help come in to my office anytime.
on  Caeba
Why does God God ?
God only knows
on  bonnie
no dark side of the Moon
well sailor moon is lit up all the time, worked with her years ago, very nice kid.
how a real cop handles a nut job with a knife
lose the words and add a sick beat
Hangover Cures?!
sex and eggs not that there's anything wrong with sperm mind you
on  winston
Vendor names yet to be used.
I know a shatter specialist + 2 more
The Untold Story of Atari Founder Nolan Bushnell’s Visionary 1980s Tech Incubator
started topic
# 5 Rescue from the Streets
started topic
pro bono tip 4 Get Tested!
started topic
As a Seller Established In A Existing Market How Should I use this?
Sellers that do this right have a great passive income stream , it keeps producing bitcoin even after you stop selling here. Tokens last 5 years! If…
pro bono tip 3: it takes a DJ And an MC
started topic + 2 more
apple reduced to a lame tv company
dont forget credit cards, insurance and subscription schemes at the core of the new apple
Binance crippling fees
exchanges come and go and so do their policies. its always best to have your own wallet. many free ones exist, just move your money there after you ex… + 2 more
on  horn7
Cart Sellers List All Ingredients Please
Yes and smart sellers will see this as an opportunity rather than a threat.
on  [music]
Bitcoin Baron - ytcracker
you bet, he's a serious hacker and one of the most legit nerdcore rappers there is
Working with Mary Jane
been working with her for years, i'd recommend her to any employer
on  [music]
San Holo
nice, but chewbacca but don't let chewbacca shoot the videos
Crypto crash
warrens a charmer but the bottom line is i've beaten that hick every year since he turned 80 + 3 more
Transaxe costs
its if you brought the client in from a referral link when they registered for little biggy. everything you do with them is at 5.85% instead of 9.85%.…
on  {shade}
Ultimate Security on LB?
Rather be high than rich>thats a lyric get writing
on  Marcw360
NFT,S Anyone ????
nice work keep up posted!
Amazon buying the island of Cyprus
As long as we don't piss off President Alexa it will be a paradise I tell you
Isn't "Indiana" Jones a Girl's Name?
started topic + 2 more
May God bless us all who love to relax
Ok but cannabis use predates ya Jesus PS love your work
probo tip 2 Bosses Take Losses
started topic
on  [music]
thump we shall
started topic
OK so what's better at this moment Star Wars or Star Trek?
piccard beats the new movies but the mandalorian beats piccard. + 2 more
Ronald Class, B.C.A. class they both might lack class but certainly not talent. The real tragedy isn't a bag of weed missing or an empty threat it's …
Death Star Must Be Destroyed
started topic
Referral payments
1 press share, your referral code is embedded automatically 2 share topics, items or people online the 1st time you share you get a message from tra…
What would be your US coup plan?
Eazy-peazy my equine bigga just slow the vote count. If people have enough time to question what's going on they won't believe the result no matter wh… + 3 more
everyone is so angry
recognizing this is what they call step 1. thanks, that's the hardest step for all of us to take.
on  decka
biggaz feeling lonely
That's how we all feel one way or another so yes, another vote for alone is impossible.
on  {rap}
Is Lil Peep Rap?
I call it Soundcloud Rap but lots of its also called mumble rap.
The Best Opportunity in Crypto Cannabis is Ireland
started topic
on  pittfl
started topic
why did god make 420 hitlers birthday?
go back and smell your farts, the answer is waiting silently.
on  {bitcoin}
Why are Decentralized Exchanges Still a Fail?
None of them are marketed in any meaningful way.
I was gonna do my fantasy football team, but then I got high...
just setting up the comeback kid
on  {nations}
A new nation in Europe: Liberland ( 
still at it, now they have a coin
on  anrp
If this is madness then I know I'm filled with gladness.
How to place an order or buy Bitcoin
Nice guide from a caring bigga. If anyone needs help with bitcoins just hit up bit easy really, she has been here for ever helping people step by ste…
The gravity defying technology came from the streets the "civilized world" down on. End of 1st Act - a street dwellers tent flies for the…
Help! Anyone Selling Toilet Paper?
at least tell us which testament
Stickers and custom logos!
Nice style herb.
on  WeedMummy
Horror movie recommendations!
anything with tom selleck + 2 more
Hello Brightest my old friend! X-)D
"street-free" thats one helluva hook. welcome
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bigg topics