Well things sure get boring during isolation don't they lol
I'd been after a desktop vape for a while as currently sharing the dynavap with the Mrs and it's a little slow taking it in turns so I thought I'd look into a desktop vape.
I found the Arizer Extreme q whilst looking at the volcano device and not really wanting to part with big money in this time of uncertainty the arizer fit my needs perfectly!
We tried it out last night with a mix of biker OG and Gorilla glue, you simply put the herb in one of the glass bowls, insert a stem and plastic bags with attachments and it's ready to go!
It came with a handy remote that you can control the heat, the lights, the fan speeds and various other things.
While I'm watching it fill the bag with lots of cloudy vape I'm thinking never in my life have I felt such a fucking crackhead than now it looks like a methlab and pandas cooking his shit goooood lol
Once it had filled I take a hit from the bag and I'm instantly impressed, the flavour and smoothness are absolutely fantastic from this thing and the vapour is potent as hell!
About 3 bags down and I am gone, probably did too much for myself tbh but wanted to experiment with the potency, it certainly delivers and I'd recommend the extreme q to anyone, for the price (£100) it's a really well made and a great device for my fellow vape lovers!