i got some fire californian "rapper weed"
also got some fire uk grown chemdawg
we have new listings coming up this evening
just having problems using linux to upload pics :/

i apologise
i did not know how to use LB properly
this was me as a new vendor
i wanted to post these on "submit your budporn"
i did not even realize you was a vendor
i apologize

a stinky batch as skywalker should be
smooth but strong

I'll kick us off with BIRTHDAY CAKE by Drugs inc

Been getting some nice stuff locally recently as well as from here,some nice UK grown Cali strains too for not too much more cash than normal prices!

I never got to take a photo of one of my favorites on here. TGT's Arjan's Strawberry Haze. Check out the crystal cover on these bad boys.
This strain is perfect to use if you want to have a great chat with someone or get actual work done. Super focused and social... perfect for me.

Hopefully the admins can fix however they are processing their photos.

JJs orange sorbet on the left n TGTs lemon sorbet next to it in front of the jay of lemon I'm now toking on.
Love this place :-)

First pic is Critical Zkittles.

This shit just hits you like a bus!!
Great taste, great smell and a lovely strong indica-smoke :)
This is one to remember.

Had to try some of the budget stuff on offer,does the trick for the price but find it a little harsh on the throat by itself in a jay,so been mixing all three together with a bit less of the Thai than the other 2.
Still got a bit of TGT's royal Maroc to add to the night time jays as well :-)

Here's my recent panic bought stock up lol
RBs strawberry amnesia that came yesterday,well worth the delay... especially the generous amount added to make up for it.
Tasty stuff :-)

Lucky enough to still get decent stuff in-between lb orders.
I'm sure we're all stocking up as much as we can afford while we can eh!

Would definitely recommend.

Quality over quantity I guess. Happy growing bro!

Looks good though man!

Just wanted to share my very own speciality which I’ve loved for many years and still do! I have been growing this strain regularly for the past 13years since my first visit to Florida in 2007.
I would like to take this opportunity to be able to share this with you all as a new vendor (only 10 sales yet lol)
Please feel free to send your enquires

About a month or so ago I dropped off the radar, this was my decision as I have taken a long tolerance break and it's easier to avoid temptation if you remove yourself from the environment that so easily sways you otherwise.
For me my usage was going a bit too crazy, and costing me too much money in a time where my work was suffering.
I wanted to get back into microdosing with the dynavap again, feeling blazed off small amounts was where I wanted to be, I missed ordering small amounts of different flavours so that's what I have gotten myself back into.
I hate feeling a slave to something, like I have to have it, it never sits well with me and that's how I quit smoking tobacco, and I didn't want to have the same thing again with weed, I have an addicting personality and fall into habits fast.
I actually started feeling pretty crappy about it, and the weed was effecting me in a negative way.
BUT after a month off, and holding myself back with microdosing I feel fucking great again.
I'll have a few reviews of some strains I got from TGT again this week, (gelato, Red dawg) but I probably won't be as active as I was, crazy shit goes on here occasionally and it's just another thing that lowers your mood in stressful times, but there are also some fucking awesome people here that have always looked out for me.
Thank fuck lockdown is over,
Hopefully the back end of 2020 will not be a giant cunt like the start lol.

Glad to hear you've got your smoking to where you want it to be too, it's good advice for everyone to keep on top of it as it's an individual thing so never let anyone tell you how much or little you should smoke - only you know what's best for you! :)
Enjoy the smoke bud

Any advice welcome

I just wanna say I wish you no harm and I'm not one to hold lasting grudges

Guys I have just had the police visit me, 2 officers, I just came clean with them as they have me trying to collect the parcel without a something for you card on cctv (as one was never put through) I was bang too rights.
The 2 officers were very good with me, they said forefront that on this occasion I will not be in trouble. They showed me the parcel and it was absolutely stinking, they said they haven't even opened the tin and it's stunk out the station, stealth was next to non existent.
They have taken my information and left me with a verbal caution.
They asked where I had ordered from and I have said that I could not tell them.

If is a small amount is just a warning especially if you don’t admit to it. Not worth while investigating the case further.

Still can't see how it was in the public interest even if it stank the station out.
You probably would have got the same sanction if you were growing 9 or less plants, might be worth thinking about.

I'm really sorry this has happened to you man, and so soon too. It's really upsetting for me so I can only imagine how you feel.. fs bro.

You're still part of this community and there are other ways to partake. You are such a contributing member.. a hit like this is really bad for the community as a whole man.

Yeah I appreciate you man, you have a great energy. We have many more chats to come, hopefully we can fix this somehow. They really made you feel like a criminal for a little bit of weed huh.. sad sad times indeed.

Fortunately my 12 year old son was at school so didn't have to see me getting questioned and my landlords were not in sight so I've dodged a bullet

That is bonus mate at least he didn't have to go through that with you. I wouldn't say you dodged a bullet, more like took a bullet that just missed all vital organs haha. It sucks but you'll live y'know? If you do decide to go down the alternative post route in the future let me know how it goes.

Biggest shame of all is that if that was THAT stinky imagine how it would have smoked :( hope the boys and girls at the station atleast got to sample it as would hate to see good weed go to waste! lol Hope all worked out :)

Could it not be made in typical forum format with one page of clickable categories and date organize each post?
I appreciate the site maybe more leaning to just a marketplace but Im quite enjoying the community part of this aswel.

With this place having been around 10+ years I feel the people behind this site know what they are doing and must have good reason for every thing being the way it is, even if it is slightly irritating at times.
In my opinion we don’t need a ‘gentrified’ Lb.

It’s a unique place and personally, I don’t think making it look like every other online forum would improve my experience.

I will also say I have no idea about back end web site stuff but have got friends in this field and totally get how a pro like your self can see ways to improve things that I have no idea about.

i just think we need a few nice ux tweaks. Keep it weird looking and difficult to understand, but once you have messages/orders/all that, that could be done a bit better imo.

On joining I just about remember getting a message saying something like ‘more will be revealed over time as your post etc.’
I now think that’s very true, it almost feels like an initiation into the mystery’s of littlebiggy.

I've only been here for two months and at first I was all for sweeping changes, but it really does grow on you.
Vive la Littlebiggy.

However, i still think that we can make some quick fixes with messages and topics that would make it easier to navigate.

And yeah I figured the lack of dates would have something to do with that, but sure would make it better :)

But I do agree, the main wall seems to get a lot of vendor spam, which would be nice if it was in a general sales area, sections like a forum would work well I'd imagine. But if it's been like this for 10 years, I'm sure this subject has been raised many times... so we are best to learn to love it how it is

I've been reading about putting it in capsules. Anyone tried that? The idea of taking it like a tablet is very appealing.

I played around with coconut oil extraction, but it didn't do much for me.

I'd been after a desktop vape for a while as currently sharing the dynavap with the Mrs and it's a little slow taking it in turns so I thought I'd look into a desktop vape.
I found the Arizer Extreme q whilst looking at the volcano device and not really wanting to part with big money in this time of uncertainty the arizer fit my needs perfectly!
We tried it out last night with a mix of biker OG and Gorilla glue, you simply put the herb in one of the glass bowls, insert a stem and plastic bags with attachments and it's ready to go!
It came with a handy remote that you can control the heat, the lights, the fan speeds and various other things.
While I'm watching it fill the bag with lots of cloudy vape I'm thinking never in my life have I felt such a fucking crackhead than now it looks like a methlab and pandas cooking his shit goooood lol
Once it had filled I take a hit from the bag and I'm instantly impressed, the flavour and smoothness are absolutely fantastic from this thing and the vapour is potent as hell!
About 3 bags down and I am gone, probably did too much for myself tbh but wanted to experiment with the potency, it certainly delivers and I'd recommend the extreme q to anyone, for the price (£100) it's a really well made and a great device for my fellow vape lovers!

I remember seeing the dude on the 'Super High Me' documentary using a thing like that with bags and didn't really know what it was.
What's the deal with the bags on this though? Assume you only use them once? Gotta be manky as shit after? Do you get a stack to use or you can just use any old thing?

Despite all the shit he got when he first joined here I think the vendor has more than proven himself legitimate and I will not hesitate buying again.
So, down too the product.....
I had ordered just 1g of his blue keif to evaluate his stealth and service, Ronald had taken it upon himself to include a small sample of his Lemonade strain which I found to be one of the best looking buds I've received, visually this thing is stunning, nice sharp edges, rock hard cure, beautiful colours and the smell when you break that little bastard in half is incredible, it actually smells carbonated somehow.
We loaded the dynavap and the first few hits are just a pure lemongrass explosion at the back of your mouth it's really quite nice for the first few pulls, the flavour didn't carry on through the later sets but those early pulls more than make up for it. Delicious.
Effects wise it was a nice stone, I remained pretty active, I didn't need to eat everything in the cupboard which was a welcome change, and it was very uplifting, just what I needed after work. It's just the right amount of potency for me.
Stealth was good, no smell from anywhere which I was very pleased with, one thing worth mentioning and it's only a small thing is that addresses are Handwritten, I've watched a few "behind the scenes with royal mail" programmes and they were saying on there that packets with handwritten addresses are far more likely to be checked as suspicious than packets with printed addresses, just some info that I thought worth mentioning Ronald.
Overall a great experience, I'll be ordering again once I've got through some stock, my stash is overflowing now lol.
Panda. X

A beautiful flower n as you said absolutely bursting with a very lemony aroma.Also one of the top buds I've had so far.
Took me a while to make the first jay as I couldn't stop sniffing at it!

Yeah, Ron if you're reading - the handwriting thing - It did pass my mind the other week as I can recognise a Ron pack through the window when I'm walking up the drive!! Might be worth start printing them?

So this weekend I had a buddy come around to watch a few films and light up some good bud that I've bought from here.
Now, my friend isn't exactly new to weed, he's had a fair bit aswel as some harder drugs so didn't really even think of mentioning anything about potency.
It was his first go on the Dynavap aswel, so I get the stash out and I'd made a mega shit mix with all the strains I'd bought off the site along with a bit of hash mixed in for good measure, I go first and I'm thinking fuck this is heavy, like holy shit this is FUCKING HEAVVVYY, I burst out laughing and Im nearly fucking falling over lol but it's great and I can manage it, there's no such thing as too high is there lol. I remember saying to him it'll take about 10 mins too kick in but you'll be alright.
No he wasn't.
Not in the fucking slightest.
He started off alright and we were both laughing at the usual fuckery, then it became obvious he was absolutely tripping his nuts off, his skin goes white as Casper the fucked up ghost and he just gets worse and worse.
I'm now grounded and freaked out by his reaction, jeez it killed my buzz hard, I've never had a whitey so don't really get what happens, I assumed it was blood sugar/pressure crashing so offered him a drink but he's like not even in the room anymore, he can't look at anything other than the bottom of a bucket, so he goes to bed in the spare room and doesn't wake up for 15 hours. He's literally come around too go to sleep.
Next day he's back in the world of the living and says "fuck ever having that mix again" lol next time I think I'll start him out on something a little less mind altering lol
It was a mix of
Strawberry Haze
Birthday cake kush
Forbidden zskittles
Honey cream
Biker OG
Banana hash
NYC diesel
And Grape Ape
It hit like a train!

How do you keep all your buds fresh P?
I have been using little 1g 62% bovedas in small jars (7g and below) but it seems to me making them a little too moist?... my buds don't seem to go as far as they look like they will in the grinder...

You'll be surprised with the dynavap mate, there's a bit of learning curve with it, mainly how you heat it but when you master it it's really crazy how hard it hits you lol

Enjoy the video!
The panda..

And yeah I'll be back to normal soon, I am staging a fuck you to royal mail though and I've ordered a shit ton of plant material for my fish tank and a massive jar of chocolate koko nuggz that looks like weed too see if they open it lol

(of course this highly depends on where you are living)

The community here is fantastic, and I just wanted to thank you all for having my back and being a distraction for me yesterday.
Unfortunately I did a quick data wipe on my phone before the feds arrived (just incase) so the links in my previous posts to videos will no longer work. Apologies for this.
I have 2 more strains currently that I have not reviewed properly so I will make another video again of these.
The wider community should check out reviews from the likes of EPIX, SIDETRACKED, NLXXHZ, FRANKO, just some of my favourites.
And again thankyou LB community!

Take some time to lay low, but I think you should be okay to join back up eventually. Just make sure you get it from vendors with proven track records. Might not be worth chancing it on new vendors for you going forward... let the rest of us do that testing ;-)
Looking forward to your upcoming reviews!

Yeah I'm just gonna take a break ordering for a bit, I've had a word with TGT about alternative posting methods (non RM) and they said they are sure they could help me out once I get the bottle to order again lol tgt have been my favourite vendors so far along with drugs inc, very professional teams with those guys.

I’ve always preferred regular 1st class post over signed/tracked, don’t know if it makes any difference in practice but in my mind you really don’t want a unique identifier for your controlled substance
Anyway, cheers!

Or, that's the plan anyway :')

There’s always a way haha. Haven’t done much in the way of concentrates myself so looking forward to seeing those videos! The carts are crazy discreet too, like air port safe, should be absolutely fine.

Yeah my next order will be a bum twitcher for sure mate, I'm just gonna wait for a while and order just from TGT, drugs Inc, and pope in the future, aswel as my man shrekage he's a good guy. Can't see it happening again with these guys and the way they pack, I just got too curious to keep trying different vendors.
And yeah it's crazy that in 2020 weed is STILL a class B drug, and alcohol and tobacco can still be sold it just doesn't make sense to me but hey ho that's unfortunately the UK we live in currently. Super jealous of the legalised States of America and Canada, I bet it's amazing just been able to walk in a shop and pick and choose what you want

On the delivery? Therefore police couldn’t prove who it was meant for?

We opted for the Jaffa-lato stick, first impressions of it are "fuck this thing gonna kill me"
I haven't combusted product for a number of years after quitting tobacco so I was a little anxious how hard it would hit my throat but too my suprise it was very very smooth, no coughing at all and quite a nice taste.
I had intended on saving it for a group of four but me and the Mrs got bored and just ended up doing it last night.
I feel like my dynavap has prepared me for high THC hits quite well as the stick didn't blow me away too hard, we had half each which gave a really nice stone that lasted for around 4 hours, for me it was a super clear headed high, really super chilled, ideal for watching a few films, nothing too constructive.
Our one niggle with the product is ours seemed to burn Very fast, I don't know whether this is normal or not as we don't usually smoke anymore, only vape with the Dyna. I'd like too try another one too see if this is the same.
Overall I'd say that one of these between 2 people is ideal for a nice night.
Product was delivered very quickly, with great stealth.
The panda...

But yeah, smoking a whole one of these by myself got me really damn high.

Will update after I've tasted but all looks good, hope you enjoy the video.
The panda..

sat back and thought, damn it's shit it hasn't done anything. Then that motherfucker creeps up on me.
Instantly proper happy, eyes tighten up, feel like I'm swaying on a waterbed.
TV is now life, for this is my couch and I am locked too it.
A high panda.

Shout-out TGT loving your stuff at the moment guys!

It deffo makes me very happy to see members like yourself come along and start adding quality content like this.

Looking forward to more in the future and getting to know people on here!

You could try Shrekage's micro dosing course, when available. Unlike SSRI's I would say there is little to zero harm in trying. If you do decide to micro dose I would love to hear the results.

I have been taking a 2 day break after dose day in line with the Faddiman protocol and I've had a mixed uptake so far. More than anything though is that you live in the present and appreciate things more. With my son going through cancer treatment my mind has been going crazy with what could happen but so far I find It easier to not worry about it with the microdosing. But I have only been doing it a week so I will report after a month in further detail.

I am sorry to hear that man. I can't begin to imagine what that must be like. I'm sure you have a great support network, but if you ever need someone to talk to or to listen, I'm always around. I'm glad this can calm your mind a little. My thoughts are with you man, I hope for a fast recovery. <3
I'm eager to see how the dosing turns out, I look forward to any updates.

I have never had the best support but I have had a long time to cope with it now, and he is doing really really well so that helps, I will update you on the course progress after I have done the first month. I plan on doing a breakthrough dose of DMT around that time as well.

I'm sorry to hear that. We should talk. I'm glad to hear he is doing well mate, that's awesome. Cool please do. I'd love to breakthrough, I'm not even sure I truly know what that means though.

I have experienced an increased mental calmness and am developing more patience.

Unfortunately there is very little research on the relationship between cannabis and SSRI's. That does mean your personal experience with the two is just as good as any current scientific consensus, since there isn't one. Personally I doubt it's just your imagination, there is probably something to it.

And yeah I'm sure I feel different with the weed now, it's nothing negative really it sort of feels like it just hits me harder now, which saves me flower atleast lol


What method, substance, and dosage will give a better response?

Micro Dose Caps Here: https://littlebiggy.com/link/36ryoH

The Cornetto trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End), all hilarious on their own and even more so when baked.
Dazed and Confused. Awesome coming of age movie set in the 70's with lots of pot and hilarious shenanigans.
Any Cohen brothers movie, specifically The Big Lebowski, is a great movie to watch high.

Currently on netflix

The movie is based on a criminal that lives in Tokyo with his sister who is a prostitute/stripper.
You watch the entire movie from the criminal’s perspective which makes you live the movie.
He uses drugs like DMT which are reflected directly into the movie so you feel think you feel them too (depends on how high you are ahaa).
This is just the first half of the movie as something happens.
Then in the second half, it’s a hauntingly beautiful psychedelic experience and you watch the rest as his spirit. You go in and out his physical and spiritual world of existence. In the physical he watches people he cares about like his sister. But, in the spiritual world he goes back to his childhood and re-lives his trauma/experiences that moulded him.
If you haven’t heard of it, this probably sounds mad. It definitely is!!! The first time I watched it I was off my nut on acid while smoking bud and fuck me… unbelievable.
Whoever reads this and watches. Just know - You either react well or not. I have recommended it many times and I know a people that will never ever watch it again..

I was dabbing some MJConcentrate shatter when I watched this and it was awesome!

I love this kinda shit when I'm baked as fuck, maybe add your own instead of baggin' on others' choices :)

Could write a mile long list but instead I will just leave a link for you all so you can watch what you want. You will find most movies here and free :
https://fmovies.pub/home (You may have to turn your antivirus of) safe enough I watch movies there all the time :)

1. Pineapple Express
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Dazed and Confused
4. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
5. Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
6. Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke
7. Almost Famous
8. The Goonies
9. Drop Dead Fred
10. Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

birdman or (the unexpected virtue of ignorance) - follows this washed up actor who used to play a superhero in big blockbusters back in the 90s, who's trying to regain recognition by directing and starring in a broadway play, but is constantly tormented by the voice of "birdman". what really brings the film home is the filming techniques - they made it look like the whole film was shot in one take, and there's lots of generally beautiful scenes (as well as an homage to enter the void!)
smiley face - gregg araki movie about stoner anna farris having a series of misadventures across los angeles
the evil dead ii - c'mon, it's sam raimi and bruce campbell at their best. if you aren't too big on the scares then watch army of darkness instead

(Weird as fuck dark & trippy animator, musician, artist & creator of Salad Fingers. Some of his stuff leaves you feeling like you've taken drugs when you haven't 🤣🤣🤣

absolute nonsense throughout, snoop is so fucking cool, blaze a fatty and get baked

I wonder if there's a way LB can limit the amount of threads that have to load when you first view a vendors page? And maybe add a "see more" option at the bottom to look further if you wish. But loading EVERYTHING they have ever posted seems to be the main cause of the slow loading times for me (I'm using a new android device so it's unlikely a hardware issue)

I do not name and shame, but has any other vendors had this happen to them. Interested in your experiences guys.

I dont see the review has been posted. I can imagine who might play like that though....

the best thing is probably to wait for advice and be patient

In retrospect, I would suggest anyone experiencing the same to push on, as you must be doing something right.
Thank you for your comments dabs and donuts, your rating is high and hope other biggers can see through the b.s. that floats around here at times.


Takes the hassle out of rolling it while torching

Arizer extreme Q is a desktop like to vulcano but a lot cheaper and a ton of options how to vape. To make it better get on of the Ddave mods.

I've also got a plenty which is good but in my opinion requires way to much sucking.
My everyday goto vape is the Volcano, does all the sucking for you and then you just chug that bag like a glue sniffer.

It's great for hash and concentrates, but very difficult to clean.
For dry herb I love my airizer air , it has a bit of draw resistance, but I grind herb more coarsely and don't use the screen which works better.
It's piss easy to clean though and that's paramount to me, as easy to reaload when out and about.
My next purchase will be either Airizer air 2 or ArGo as they've got improved draw resistance , yet still easy to clean.


I'm also big into underground hip hop, and hip hop from the 90s/00. Saw you talking about bone thugs for example, my shit.

Nas, BIG, Pac, Eazy, Cube, Rakim, Red & Meth, DMX (yikes now tough), Snoop, Wayne, Outkast - the list goes on man these dudes were all I heard growing up. Admittedly it has been a while since I've visited the decade, I'm about to take a trip back in time and get all nostalgic. Cheers. edit: can't forget Beasite Boys

ATCQ - Low End Theory
Nas - Illmatic
Wu - 36 Chambers
For those times I'm not in a hip hop mood I tend to listen to some RHCP or The Doors or whatever I have on loop in my head for that day lol.

'Imma pull your fucking tounge out ya fucking mouth and...'
lol lol...good music, good times...

Musician, inflictin' composition, of pain
I'm like Scarface sniffin' cocaine
Holdin' a M16, see with the pen I'm extreme" first lines are maaaaaad lol

If aliens landed and asked me what Hip Hop was, I would play them this album.
Then they would know...

I really came here to comment as I can see hip hop, rock, blues, folk all down through the list and am planning on working my way through it but don't have the time right now.
I want to leave this album here because it is great to smoke to, and great to fuck to, lol.....
Air - Moon Safari

A lot of people actually know their songs pretty well, but don't know them. Haha, that's what I like to hear. I have never done tripping but would definitely contribute to the overall mood/vibes. One of my favourite underappreciated albums....of course just in my opinion

I've definitely heard a few of their songs. Now that is a positive attitude I appreciate seeing :)

I can drift away with tunez like this

You can watch the whole thing on YouTube and it is mind blowing

And don’t call sabbath shite! You’ll make me cry black tears

Love this one...sitting in the dark...looking at the stars....mind wandering...sweet...
And when I'm, feeling a bit g lol...
Classic for me...used to roll around all night long chuffing away in the Escorts and Orions and shit...good times....

Such a shame Bradley was a smack head and O.D’d. 40’oz to freedom is such a powerful album.

Edit: ooooh she's done a NPR tiny desk concert. I love these.

This is maybe a little bit more "aggressive" that most of the chill ones but this is what I'd light up to when I was in my teens =) oh how times have changed.

P.s when commenting you can select web link at the bottom of the text box (just above 'save') and enter the link, if it's a YT video it will embed it in the comment, quite handy for sharing music. <3

I discovered music thanks to weed :)

If any vendors need decent quality shots of their goods just message me and I'm sure we can sort something out, I think you'd be surprised on just how important the visual is for buyers, including myself :)

Said they’d be back, didn’t show up today... the crazy thing is, I hadn’t bought anything recently. I’m guessing it’s that one package that went missing in the mail about a month back... regardless, very scary shit.
Open to all suggestions and comments on how to handle this.

No show from the cops for a second day in a row... not sure what to think at this point. My buddy says he doubts they'll ever come back.
From what I am able to gather, this is a package with like 2g sample pack that got lost in the mail about a month ago or so... I'm really confused as to why they are even bothering to stop by in the first place tbh....

Ah man, keep us posted, heads want to know that the E to the pix is in the clear, one love man, fuck the feds.

No stealth = No wealth.
Opinions vary, but I vote for confusion, politeness and ultimately silence. The burden of proof is on them.
Very best of luck Epix. For what it's worth I think this will blow over and be forgotten about, but give it some time.
Also you never know, it could be about a stolen bicycle or local domestic dispute. Keep us updated.

Cops knocked up on Monday... it's now Saturday. Still haven't come back.

Yeah, as discussed and surmised when I was pondering a (still...) missing pack last week I can't see that they can really do too much - I suspect that they are reaching even for a 'possession' charge if you have never even possessed it... obviously there are archaic rules in regards to use of the postal system etc but honestly... surely the feds and the courts are too busy for this shit?...
Obviously they don't have a warrant or they would already have been in and taken ya stash!! Looks like they just want to give you a stern telling off?...
Best I can say is what I intend to do if it happens.... invite them in for tea, explain how it is so much safer (and better!!) for me to purchase weed on the internet than in a car park and apologise for the archaic laws that require them to visit me and establish that I am indeed, not a society threatening criminal of any sorts...
Panda has suggested a mean looking ferret to hold during the process. I think this would help but I'm short on ferrets. And money. I spent all my money on dope. On Lb lol...
But, my underlying point I guess is that I have always found politeness and apologies go a long way with the feds...they just want to feel like they are in charge isn't it.... I plan to go yes sir I did order the weed, no sir I can't tell you where from, yes sir I will never do it again, no sir I promise....
Soon as the mother fuckers leave I will 100% make another order for NDD for at least a half oz. Fuck the feds. High til I die.
Sorry you got to sit and deal with it though man, keep us posted brother.

On the other hand, an apology and an explanation that buying weed on the internet saves you exposure to all sorts of negativity encountered with buying weed 'on the street', along with a cup of tea, will likely keep them much more malleable...
Also, you don't want to offend their detective skills and get them all into trying to prove too much... then they would want to start looking for more evidence... never great...
Greet them with a smile. Give them tea. Say sorry. Say Bye. Give them the bird. Hit Lb for a celebratory NDD?...

I agree with you shed politeness does go a long way, they were more interested in playing with my dogs than having a go at me really after the first couple of minutes lol

But now with the lockdown... I might not have a choice but to get some again haha.

I'm going to guess they aren't coming back at this point, so that's a HUGE weight off my shoulders. Hoping I'll be able to make a comeback here and start doing reviews and such again. Really missed my little biggars =(

But my wife answered the door. She saw they had a mail parcel in an evidence bag... so we are assuming. I'm not ordering anything else illegal, so... I can't think of what else they would have been here about tbh.
But yes, still no cops. I still have about a half O left of all the massive stocks I had been collecting... so I'll be looking to cop (no pun intended) again soon.

Ah, bless the women, they are what keeps us all upright and moving forward eh..ha ha... I can understand that man, must have been a shocker for her..
Given what's happening right now, think we can safely say it's very likely the whole case will disappear into the winds of time now...they have already spent too much time/money on it by coming round once!
Ah sweet dude, welcome back to the ordering decision nightmares!! Loads of choice on here at the moment - not sure how post is going to start treating us in the coming weeks but yeah, you know the squads on here, you know who packs the super-stealth... peace E

Assume it’s only a wee or you wouldn’t be asking this question

They are also not really interested in getting a customer - its the suppliers they want if they want anyone.
Sorry your misses got scared though, I'd have to do some mighty sweet talking if the boys in blue hassled my wife on our doorstep :)
Good your back, stay safe!

Yeah, we can't become citizens here for another 2 years... so she was SUPER SUPER pissed that I might have jeopardized that situation... so yeah, I wasn't the favorite person for a while.

they will try to rattle you just like they did by making you think about it waiting like this. stay quiet they are not looking for explanation they are looking for INCRIMINATION.
you are in control and hold the shots here, whatever they do have is likely to be minor and you can only add to it by talking to them so be polite, respectful and silent.

Site is sloooowwwww compared to few months back when I last logged in
Have tried various locations/browsers/devices

If you use vpn u also need to know this and understand it fully.

Some of us find it useful for stress, better than any pill and more clear headed (not a zombie)

messages with anything sensitive PGP

For windows get "GnuPG"
Basically once you download and create your own public and private key, you can give people your public key and they can encrypt messages that only you can open. In return you can add all the public keys of your friends to your keychain and when you send them a message you can encrypt it with their public key so that only they can read it.
You type your message
Highlight and choose to encrypt
Choose which Public key to encrypt
Then copy and past it and send it and done.
Let me know if there are anymore questions.

I do use Tor for access to other markets as I buy elsewhere too, but on biggy I'm browsing in chrome :)
If you are concerned about security, use Tor. Definately use a VPN though.
I'm not even remotely concerned about anyone trying to snag me, no one wants to do an online investigation to bust an old hippy and his wife for smoking too much weed each week, anyone probing this place is after bigger fish imo.

Dynavap at the ready I ground a small bit of this up, probably around 0.5g for me and the wife, lit the Dyna and sucked that bitch up.
It kinda took my legs away from underneath me, euphoria sets in, eyes feel heavy, but I'm super awake.
I know, fuck it, bang some MasterChef on.
Hilarious, what a fucking programme to watch, these dudes are super serious about their food..
I think I binged through half a series
At this point I can be heard shouting from my back "yeah fuck off with your soggy potatoes cunt you don't deserve to even be here" Hahah I'm so into this it's scary.
Of course what they really needed to eat was what I was having right then, a milkybar yoghurt with malteasers chucked in, they'd have won first place with this absolute delicacy lol
The flavour on this bud is monumental, almost soda like carbonation with lemon tones in the background blending into a more earthy taste on the exhale. Fantastic.
It's 1 o clock and I'm at work in morning, but my mind's following some awesome thought patterns, I probably would take this early evening next time as I just wanted to stay awake lol.
This is very good bud, worth the premium price tag that goes with it.
Pair it with a few episodes of MasterChef on Netflix and you won't be disappointed until you wake up the next day and realise you've eaten 6 bags of crisps, a chicken tikka toastie, chocolate,a bowl of Weetabix and a soggy potato is sitting in the sink.
Service from my favourite vendors was percent as usual, no smells, perfect stealth and the bud arrived in good condition.
Many thanks for reading, Biggs's.

It vaped really quite great for me, the flavour was probably the best through the Dyna I've had, weird some are finding it otherwise :/

You should not leave a review unless you have smoked atleast 1 joint/bowl, AT A MINIMUM! Saying "it arrived and it smells nice, il try some later" is not what this box is for!
is your purchase inline with what you were expecting, is it smoking clean, does it weigh on? Does it taste good? How is the potency? If you can compare it to other smoke from a similar vendor then do so, it helps other LB users make a their choice, and when they do it, it helps you make more informed choices.
Did you pay a fair price for this weed, chances are if you bought it off LB then you payed a premium amount of money, does the product reflect this?
Make sure you make it clear in your review that you felt the smoke was not worth the money, by not doing this, you are doing YOU and your fellow biggas a great dis-service. Reviews are anonamous so your loyalty is not in question.

If you do have an issue with an order, you should msg the seller POLITELY and directly and explain your issues
Then await reply, if the vendor does not reply after 2 days, then leave a negative review stating you are awaiting comms from the seller. If the seller RECTIFIES the issue, you can edit your REVIEW and RATING to reflect the end result of the transaction.

I 100% urge biggers if they get sent a lump of wood instead of hash, to review straight away and say what a sack of shit it is. I want to see that as soon as it happens, as do others to assess a vendors service on many levels. Similarly, non delivered NDD, crap stealth packaging with smell leaks, hugely underweight etc. Get em up pronto. Does not have to be smoked to know if its dogshit.
People might not want to edit the review as that is their personal choice. Often people are interested in what happened on the first attempt, not so much the resolution often weeks later when its all too late. #dogshitegate.
Lots more thought needed on the value for money thing. On a very basic level.. whats a fair price for everyone (not just jamie)? Ive grown for £1 an oz. is £2 per oz therefore too expensive if its the same quality? Is my 100q of hash bad value for money, despite it having twice the juice of double the bud amount? i dont think it is.
It is a customers fault if they think they are getting something that is x times better because its x times more expensive.. and better/more expensive than what?
I am sure that agreeing with unfounded accusations of vendor to vendor slating reviews is unhelpful in the context of this kind of thread. Its a real shit thing to happen if people accuse you wrongly and really irritated the shit out of me when it happened recently, hence my rant. Personally, i think thats a much bigger problem for relative newcomers like me than any of the slating reviews themselves, not that i see many or find them difficult to spot. Simply a case of put up evidence or shut up speculating and leave people alone and give benefit of doubt.
I would also suggest to anyone else posting what appears to be official instructional posts to the wider membership....
NOT USE CAPITALS as its patronising.
Tread carefully in posts telling people how they should behave, especially when there are elements that may make a situation worse than better or need thinking through.
Explain in instructory posts what (if any) moderator/administrator privs people have, to ensure readers can seperate official advice vs people just having a brain fart.
If not official, better to start a debate with others so a democratic view can be had in terms of what actually is the best way forward, instead of just 1 persons view on it.
The review approach does need to get away from , "its arrived so 10/10", but im not sure the above fits the bill as a useful way forward sorry. I understood what the reviews were by just reading a few.
I would encourage more actual reviews with pics on the thread as many people do, myself included. I never look at the out of 10 mark, but look for pics and written reviews by visible members that seem to know what they are talking about.

Case in point there was new vendor few week back who had a sale and review on his first day as a vendor, how is that even possible?
needless to say no 1 else got what they wanted

We do not and will not shipped tracked or traced. It is unsafe for the both of us.
26 PIKE lane.
We will always rectify our mistakes if there was any issue at our end with your order we will re ship 100% of the product immediately.
If the product was shipped and has been lost in transit we will reship a maximum of 50% of the original order to REGULAR CUSTOMERS.This is reviewed case by case and we will not entertain it until at least 2 weeks have past without sign of item. We will not reship or refund a first order with us so if you're nervous please put in a small order to test and our feedback on the markets speak for itself.
We will not reship or refund to the following locations. ORDER AT YOUR OWN RISK IN:
Eu (including Ireland)
Isle of Man
Isle of White
Shetland Islands
All other Scottish Islands
Channel Islands
By ordering you consent to our terms and conditions.

As we say we will take each matter on a case by case basis, it's not a personal or specific matter but a reflection of our general experiences and understanding of the site from our end.
It doesn't seem to have put off too many people but we can understand how T&C'S might come off with an abrubt or stern tone - just the nature of the format not our intention :)
Stay blessed

Okay.. update, FYI... followed original post instructions and it was easier than i remembered using privnote


We will always honour our above policy, but we feel it is necessary to extend the timeframe for consideration in order to reflect the difficulties and delays we all face within the current situation.
As such any reship claims will only be processed after 27 working days without the order landing until further notice.
We apologise greatly for any extended waits but it is very much out of our control,
Stay safe and stay bless,

Please take note of the updated terms before ordering :)


All orders placed after 18:00 this Friday (15th) will be dispatched the following Saturday (23rd) - we are doing daily post runs this week to try get as much off as possible before Friday 15th so get your orders in if times a factor!
We will be using this break in physical operations to complete much needed back end maintenance so will be online and active as usual, just not physically sending orders - please reach out and let us know if we can help in any way,
Stay bless

I'm not sure when these terms where introduced.
If I have to amend or do anything please let me know.


Be careful biggas.

On opening the package that arrived in 2days (ndd) I was a little disappointed, I thought oh shit they've all squashed together in transit and then it was clear it was nearly all one super large bud, awesome looking flower coated in trichomes with a lovely smell and clocking in at a weight of 5.7g, this bud has been injected with alien probes to make it this big I'm sure :')
Our weapon for tackling this bud from the stars is the Arizer Extreme Q desktop vaporiser and for this bud we decided to use the bag attachment and I'm glad we did, I set the temps too around 220C and a Fan speed of 2 and we were blessed from above with the milkiest damn bag I've managed to get. Pure white clouds, the throat hit was intense and left you thinking fuck this is some strong shit, flavour was there and loud, you can easily taste both parent plants in the mix.
The high was powerful and long lasting for me, Infact I was actually pretty far gone after a few bags, TGT really do seem to get some good Dawgs in, and I hope they continue to get these strains for us as they are personally my favourite.
Many Thanks for looking after me as usual
I'd highly suggest people order with NDD at the moment , with people having a few issues and delays with 1st class.

In my opinion, hash should be smoked in a joint or a bong.

Oh yeah my last 3 NDD packs all took 2 days... that's spooky. :'(

Only cost around £100 mate, really good device for the money as long as you go careful with glass parts as obviously they're a bit delicate.
I've just ordered another 14g of this alien dawg I really enjoyed it last night playing a few games on the PlayStation with the Mrs it was spot on!

For anyone who might want to try this wonderful Dutch Imported Haze we can now be found at https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4780534
under "The Gentlemen Dealers" :)
Kind regards :)

Stacks of info here so thanks all....Now just need RM to reduce that backlog.....one quick question....are folk having to physically sign for NDDs during lockdown or postie is happy to do it for you and drop through letterbox? Thanks in advance....

Don't know if this is how vaping is or if I'm doing it wrong?

Also, try to get a true convection vape. It makes a difference in the draw and amount of draw.

CBD is needed for a full body buzz.
To feel the full effects of your weed you need to eat the already been vaped weed (ABV), it's decarboxylated after vaping and contains loads of CBD amongst other cannabinoids.
I put my AVB in a yogurt or Muller rice.
Try it, you won't regret it.

I would start on .1 or .2 of a gram and see how you go.
Either increase or decrease as needed, take it with some food as well as the yogurt/rice so it works quicker.
Usually takes about an hour to hour and half to kick in.

If you are after better effects you need to dial in your temps to the correct levels, for maximum effects anywhere between 205-230C will deliver quite the hit but it may taste not as good as a low temp flavour hit.
Vaping is very different and a few degrees can make all the difference to your experience, if you have a decent vaporiser and it's not doing shit for you chances are it's down to human error.
I would suggest starting at 200c and rising to find the sweet spot for your vape.

Unfortunately (and it is unfortunate 'cos it's bad for your health) baccy and herb seem to work well together - and the effect seems near instant.
The Americans have adapted to vapes easier because they don't have the tobacco culture we do.
I'm going to try Dynavap, because you can hold it like a joint and use your lighter, maybe that will be the one.

I will say it's obviously still not the same as a spliff but you get a great throat hit, awesome taste and and even if I have a bowl every 30 mins or so I'm still going through way less.
I recommend getting one of the larger size models with a titanium tip! In my opinion the value 'M' model while a bit cheaper is inferior with a stainless steel tip.

It's possible to use a clipper but will take longer and harder to heat up all the bud evenly.
All the best with whatever you decide to do!

For Me-I like to hit both along with an edible (Green Dragon, preferably) and a cart hit for 4 similar, but different effects.

I found that by increasing it to max 200-220C you get way more bang for your buck. Even at these temperatures, all of the thc is still not evaporating. You can still smoke remaining herb for an effect, even though it smells horrible. Terpenes are gone but some of the THC remains.

I don't know much about the stuff but the dude says it's like $5k worth...reckon he wasted at least $1k of it stuck on the worktop and all over the floor...what a bellend... can't believe he shotgunned 2 beers in the middle of it too... proper wanker...

Pressed this at 140 for 14 seconds. It sizzled really well. The first photo is what the result was. You can see how clear that rosin is... absolutely beautiful.

I really recommend giving this a press if you have a chance.

Can't say enough good things about this strain... you really couldn't ask for more.

You could smoke them, but they probably would taste like dogshit haha.

The system we currently have in place is when a new vendor joins they are vetted by a trusted member (sometimes). That system does not work and time after time scammers are operating here and people are getting screwed.
Something needs to be put in place to stop anyone and everyone signing up as a vendor. I think the people behind the scenes need to start vetting. I think they need to make sure these vendors have the product and stock they claim to have. I think they need to make sure they are providing adequate stealth before they start selling or WE pay the price. Escrow is good but it doesn't stop vendors joining and it also doesn't guarantee your money back when you get screwed.
I am not accusing anyone of anything but I have a bad feeling about the latest vendor to join our ranks. I urge everyone to make their own decision on the matter but at a glance I certainly wouldn't be trying them out. Right away there are several red flags and I would hate to see anyone lose money over it. I am aware I could be wrong and I hope I am, but I'd rather be wrong and vet someone properly, than right and have biggers lose money.
I understand this is a free market, but that doesn't mean it needs to be a unsafe one. I'd love to hear all of your thoughts.
Please discuss.

There's a whole miserable world outside of people ready to exploit fears. I like to think of little biggy as a sanctuary from that.

Also, each of your paragraphs contradict the other, so I'm not sure what you really mean.

It’s a total cliche but we’re given a lot of liberty on here and with it comes some responsibility.
I’d like to think anyone capable of finding this place etc has the basic skills required to conduct their own due diligence.
If someone isn’t comfortable or has doubts they should stay away. I also hope it’s pretty obvious to anyone that’s spent a couple of hours here who the most popular vendors are and who’s a safe bet for a noob.
Vendor reps are earned the hard way and I think it’s pretty fair to say all the top vendors fully deserve their rep so something must be working.
Ultimately I don’t think any system is perfect and there will always be occasional problems especially when people are involved.
Even with a vetting system in place, the situation Panda found them selves in would still have occurred as it was one of the vendors staff attempting to sabotage the business.
I have no idea of numbers but would guess/hope the percentage of problems is tiny compared to successes.
Also, I say all this as someone who’s never had a problem on here and understand some users experiences may differ but still stand by the main point of taking some responsibility for your own decisions.
I totally understand where you’re coming from but until there’s a change in law, unfortunately I see it being nearly impossible to vet. I would like to think if people are careful then risks are really really tiny and are generally kept to the minimum.

I have seen time and time again people stumbling on to this site and having to ask the community how to set up a wallet, buy btc, find a vendor, make a order, pay for a order. It is evident that unsuspecting and naive people sign up all the time, and those are the people we as existing members need to protect.
I disagree, I think as a new member it is overwhelming. You have so many choices and the pressure of making the right one only increases the chances of making the wrong one. It is not immediately clear that shady people operate here. People come in and make a order from the likes of Radar, or Drugs INC and they then assume it will be safe to order from anyone. Even BH got screwed, and I wouldn't call him naive. The issue is not with the big vendors here mate, it's the exact opposite. Despite little to no ratings, people continue to buy off these flash-in-the-pan scammers. I don't understand why it's acceptable on any level.
The system is far from perfect, it actually does the bare minimum. You mentioned responsibility, 95% of the policing here is done by us. We need to collect evidence, report, and convict. The admins just remove the culprit once we've done everything else. I don't see how we can be any more responsible with the system we have been given.
I encourage you to do some digging in to the panda situation mate. People are still receiving unsafe packages that stink, after the worker in question was supposedly removed. You bought that sabotage thing? That situation wasn't handled properly either. At least 2 people including panda have been received letters and the vendor is getting a pass. 2 others got lucky and were not reported, but their packs were reeking. People continue to order unsafe packages. Personally I don't think any amount of people getting busted is acceptable. JJ looks as legit as they come, has plenty of ratings and is very, very active. Yet anyone could easily get screwed by ordering there. I'm not sure how we are supposed to be vigilant about that, or responsible for it.
I don't think the law needs to change, just a few simple changes around here to protect the community. It isn't impossible, and has never even been attempted. No matter how little it may be, I don't think any risk of people being doxxed should be acceptable.
Thank you for joining in the discussion mate. I hope my tone doesn't come across as argumentative.

Saying that, I’ve seen similar points raised in the past and nothing is done once the hype dies down.
I would urge anyone with concerns to gather like minded people and at least attempt to put into action the changes they want to see.
If it’s a case of protecting new accounts from ordering off new vendors, could accounts with less 10 buys be locked off from vendors with less than 50 sales?
Should we only accept new vendors who’ve been bought here via referral?
Should all new vendors be made to send samples out ?
If that’s what people want then at least try and make it happen.
I still think a change in law is the only way you’ll get the buyer protection you want but could user address’s be erased from the order form once the purchase has been rated?
I think anything close to GDPR are going to be impossible to enforce but how could it be better?
Also if someone isn’t happy with how things are run and doesn’t have confidence in the system they don’t have to use this place. The situation with smelling packages is unprecedented but what could have been done differently to prevent it from happening?
I understand everyone wants good stuff and for some it’s medical but while it’s illegal or until members who want changes bring in those changes it’s very much a case of buyer beware. I have every sympathy for people who do get caught out but personally I’ve been well aware of all the above risks and the possibility of having a package intercepted since day one and accept it.
I honestly wish you all the best in your endeavour to get the changes you want.

Some of these suggestions are good. GDPR levels of data protection I'd never expect, however some basic transparency in relation to how vendors handle our sensitive data is a very minor thing to ask for. Putting guidelines in place so that vendors know to practice good OPSEC in regards to our data. These are things I could easily put in to words, but without official backing they would mean nothing.
I understand that you are happy and that's great, however by your logic anyone who has an issue with anything here should just leave. Personally, I don't want to lose 95% of our community. My original post here was about scammers, not bad stealth and JJ, so I'm not sure how we got on to that.
Regardless my opinion on that situation is that of course it could have been prevented! JJ could have practiced better stealth. He got several people busted mate.. not just Panda. That should never have happened and I can't believe it is being accepted, after several more cases of seized packs. That is insane to me. You pretty much just summed up my point? Until we can mount the changes outlined in this post, we as buyers must beware. Getting busted because a vendor practiced bad stealth is not something any of us have accepted, nor should we. There weren't just intercepted at all, these packs were in a horrible state and were begging to be picked up.

If like you say 95% of the community has issues then you should be able to make enough noise to get the change you want. You say it’s impossible to get change, but you haven’t even tried.
Going back and forth when we have different opinions is ridiculous. I’ve tried to level with you and see it from your perspective at this point I really have nothing else to say to you.

Do you really think having a discussion with people who have opposing opinions to you is ridiculous? It begs the question.. why engage in a discussion in the first place?

So far now I have come across 3 separate posts of people that have had stinking packages, this is not acceptable. It's so dangerous man, and I've learned first hand what happens, thank fuck I didn't have a big order. People could be fucking arrested and face court, the buyer is entirely in the hands of the vendor and I think this needs making apparent, maybe as a notice before you actually go ahead and press pay that can serve as a warning.

That is a really good idea and one easily implemented. People also need to be aware that their data is in the hands of the vendor too. Who knows what is happening with that.

I'm just getting refunded mate, I'd have sooner not have had the police around though instead.
it was only 30quids worth and I can't even spend it on here for a bit now lol
I'd hope the vendors would delete addresses after they have dispatched, but whether this happens and how you police that they do, I don't really have an answer for that

Well how it's dealt with in the real world is the GDPR. Vendors should be stating exactly what they do with our data. When found to be breaching the rules they ought to be subject to punishment in the form of fines or termination (in the case of SD/DH). I just don't think it will happen with the way things work though. One can dream.

Pass the test to be able to trade, I found my reviews insightful and improved my offering. A re- review could be implemented after a set period to keep new vendors focused.

Low effort profiles: No product photos, bad grammar, no branding, no proof (username & date) in photos, low quality/effort pics, pics from google.
Pricing: If it looks to good (cheap) to be true, it is. If you see bad pricing like $15 for 1 gram and $45 for 2 gram - this is also a warning sign.
Vendor personality: A honest vendor should answer any questions/concerns in a friendly and customer service orientated manner. Look out for aggressive sellers, if they want your money that badly then something is up.
Unusual behaviour: A vendor should NEVER try get you to finalize a sale away from littlebiggy, if they do they are most likely trying to steal your money. No matter what reason they give you, it's likely a lie to get you away from the protection of escrow.

Sounds a massive bellend.
What proof do you have that Ronald maybe the same guy?

In the meanwhile I have put a couple of orders in from reputable vendors and indeed I received relatively quickly, with great product and no interception. The stealth was great and I can understand how the parcels can go undetected.
I am telling myself that it is difficult to detect hence nobody should intercept the package, I doubt RM has dogs and in the unlikely case a package gets broken or otherwise found one can always say they did not put the order in. However should they search your house they will likely find some stuff and hence get you in trouble at least for that.
How do you all feel about getting caught? Any factual arguments (with references possibly)?
All I found was a dispatch center busting some shipments because of the smell (probably not so good stealth and lots of packages sent together) but apparently the Police did nothing to the receivers. In general it also seems that the police attitude towards consumers is quite relaxed.
Hoping to hear your thoughts.

All because cannabis somehow is drifting towards the concept of just of more substance for white people to get smashed.

Even if the packet IS intercepted then I would guess that you wouldn't even get a visit from the police .. They know that we wouldn't be able to give them any information about the seller... not that we would anyway!
I think that as long as lb stays as it is and doesn't allow class As then we're all pretty safe.. It takes a lot of resources to bust an online marketplace and there plenty of other sites that they would be more interested in... All just my own opinion of course!
A site like this means less dealing 'on the street', which has gotta be a good thing, right??!
Don't worry, be happy ?

reason, as i've deducted eventually, vendor mentioned wrong address on the package.
plus because package went to a different country and spent who knows how long in transit between different customs.
matter deteriorated because vendor sent THREE packages out of good intention to satisfy the customer and compensate for post delay.
eventually, after many many many visits to the police and courts all charges were dropped.
not ordering since then. just not worth it, so switched to "gardening" myself :)
who knows if post has my name on some red list.

It wasn't in the UK. Let's say Mainland Europe
I received a summon from the police. When I got there I was presented photos of the package addressed to my name and address and it's content. It was sealed in 3 layers of vacuum foil. Not sure the exact name.
Local post scanned it and opened it and started a criminal case against me.
Police was very suggestive to come and "just have a look at my place" and apparently just briefly stopping by the ministry of justice to grab a warrant. I said firm no as thankfully I known my rights.
I was asked if I'd like to do a THC test, to which I responded that I sure can do it, but the test is not a definite confirmation that the package was intended to me. I then tried to pee and nothing came out strangely, then I was offered water, which I gladly drunk (around 1,5 litres), waited for an hour, tried 2 more times. While being supervised by an officer. Well my body is my temple isn't? So my body didn't produce any fluids kkk
They said - well who else would know my address to which I said that my address is not secret and they should probably investigate who sent it. There were no return address.
I denied whatever allegations.
I said may be someone has I'll intentions towards me, who knows. They asked if I can think of anyone who would do that to me. I said nobody that I know of. But who knows.
It was all stretched through a bunch of visits and letters back and forth to the police and the court.
At the end charges were dropped, my record remained clear and all costs of the investigation and processing were taken on by the state.
That's more or less how it was. In brief.

I wonder how do the letters actually get busted if one puts aside flaws in packaging, mentioning a correct address, printed and not handwritted, etc.
are there any sort of postal service protocols and procedures to identify potentially "illegal" parcels/letters, does anyone know?
I understand those practices may vary country by country, but i am sure they are pretty much copy pasted in most of the Europe.
I think it would be helpful

1) How important is it to you to receive your meds? Life changing pain relief, freedom from side effects of prescription drugs and positive mental outlook are all reasons people's meds are important to them.
2) Does LB carry more risk than driving to visit (possibly known) people, to acquire a dubious/variable level of quality?
3) Or waiting for an unreliable person in a weird place?
One day all this glory could come to an end. But for now, no one cares about your eighth, so it's time to be happy! :-)

If you are caught with weed above 7g though, and its wrapped, you're more likely charged as they will presume you are dealing.
I keep a stock indoors, and store some outside in shed. When I lived in an apartment, I would hang some in a small container on a string from window bars..... they wont find it then. It is also technically outside your property limits too. Most people chose similar hiding places in their property , thinking theyre crafty, but cops and thieves know this, and know where too look eg in containers, upper shelves of wardrobes etc. Hope this helps.

Was hoping someone could help me out, I`m looking at converting to vaping and was wondering what the difference is between the DynaVap Vapcap M Portable Dry Herb Vaporiser 2018 and the Version 2019 DynaVap Vapcap M Portable Dry Herb Vaporizer

There is a learning curve with it but once you master it's great!

Bud is good but too be honest I'm a little underwhelmed with it. Too many branches, cant smell/taste grape at all, no purple flecks like in photo. I mean it's still high quality just not proper primo in my opinion.
Probably will try different strain from this seller however, as it is still nice bud.
Ps photo is just a few buds, quantity delivered was correct weight wise.

Think I should message TGT and ask? could have been a mix up maybe?

Just didnt realise till you posted that picture how different they look, I'll drop them a message, just dont want to sound like a ponse you know as this bud was nice it just wasnt special if you know what I mean.

Few to many sticks though.
It's nice bud and quantity was on point etc just this is probably something I could pick up locally as a nice bit, not as special as I thought it would be but i suppose that's on me.
Still a good service, maybe just one of the worse/latter bags.
Defo hasn't put me off though just maybe try something else next time.

I'm not gonna sit and cry about it, shit happens. If they do sort something out I'd appreciate it however to be fair they did send some decent bud out so it's no biggy.
Cheers for the photo though mate, I said in my message to them it didnt make sense to me everyone elses review of grape Ape was all so positive so felt kinda bad when I didnt think the same.
Anyways we'll see.

Last night I received a letter under my door from my building management: stating that someone is smoking cannabis on the floor and it’s illegal and will call the police etc. My wife spotted the letter and now she’s flipping out that the police are going to smash down our door, she always overreacts next level. She is totally against all things drugs but tolerates my smoking because she bought me like this, lol. All night Ive had nightmares about being busted over smoking J’s on my balcony. I told the Mrs to deny everything and say I said it’s just CBD flower. I quickly ordered a few carts to change my style of consumption and will do a clear out of paraphernalia or get it all in one bag so I can throw it off the balcony into the garden if I get an unwelcome visitor.

Should be easy cause it seems you got it going on in the empathy department :)

Thanks again

They have failed to respect the community by doing the decent thing and removing items we do not want here, unfortunately this is the only other option.

carmelectra69, djvicem8, djsammy77766, drugdeco664, beachsand0001, therapy771, codeinflux8, master60000, r3452345. I doubt this is them all, just the ones I opened a tab on.
Thank you for your service.

Seller says sent first class 5 working days ago...loads of reviews from other users on the same bud so they have all had theirs several days ago now.
I have also had orders arrive before and since this order from other vendors but now reviews are popping up to say packages from my overdue vendor have been turning up opened and have poor stealth...
So - obviously first class post doesn't take 5 days ever in my experience. I have also never in 15 years at my address had a parcel go missing....which means I am 99.9% that the package is now either stolen or been passed to the feds...
At what point do I now clean house and wait for them to turn up?
Anyone got any experience (apart from Panda! Hi P!) of what I can expect? Will they want to come in and search or will they not get a warrant for that off the back of a package?
Can take a telling off but not too excited by the prospect of them taking my remaining bud stash...

Ah yeah...guess you just have to write it off and crack on really.... yeah fuck first class ever again...

However, you could claim you have no knowledge of anyone sending you anything. the police were pretty cool with me and had no interest in searching anything even though I just said hey yeah I smoke it I did order it, my situation was a little different as like the dickhead I am I went to pick it up. Lol.
I would still say it would still have a chance of showing up, some on here have waited far longer and still eventually got it. Royal mail are pretty terrible sometimes.
I hope it works out for the best and nothing comes of it.

The uk police don’t really care if you smoke a bit of cannabis
They expect you to lie so there’s times when telling the truth can throw them off
They are people at the end of the day

Seems a few of the packs that went out have come open and them ras little fuckwits of posties round here would be right up in that I tell you... ah fuckers, wait and see, may still turn up... reckon some fuckwad posties getting high on my shit right now though, hope he's appreciating that shit if he is...ha ha
Yeah can't see the babylon where I am have got time for a little pack anyways...if they come I will make them tea and explain that they don't understand how things work and that they need to leave in peace?
Might work...Nah so worried about them. More the expense of the mother fucking buds maaaannn... my spend is fucking way out of control lately for some strange reason...lol...

You wouldn't believe the amount of shit that happens mate, they hire basically fucking morons to do the job, alot of stuff was being opened and stolen by agency workers, parcels, card with money in it, and the managers just didn't care really. So I wouldn't be surprised if something like that has happened.
But no one on here including myself can tell you what will happen, they visited me for a damn eighth lol
I think telling the police to leave in peace while holding a rather angry looking ferret will probably do the trick though. Lol
Pray to the weed gods, man.

You know what man - it's the thing with you that's even made me think that they would bother. I actually can't believe they came to you for that man!!!
Ridiculous...actually angers me as a tax payer to a degree!! We paid for that fucking visit...madness

I knew even before going deep deep down that the police would be there ready to bum me lol.

No warrant no search...

These days it’s considered about as exotic as Fish and Chips but just like the culinary classic, there are times when Stardawg is just what’s needed to put me on the right track.
I’ve heard many good things about RBs Star Dawg and really thought I owed it to my self to give it ago. Just reading the feedback had me excited “this star is what God would smoke”, pretty much straight 10s and several positive photo reviews on previous batches gave me really high hopes for this.
Now that I’ve been on this for a couple of days I agree 100%, this is stunning Stardawg.
If you’re in the market for that stinky, trich covered, sit around and do nothing all day Stardawg then look no further because this is the one. I’m a heavy smoker by anyones standards and have been for many years and this one got me just right.
The high from this is a wonderful thing, like a warm bath for the mind and body. This stuff has the ability to melt away tension and worry with every toke.
This stuff does it’s job so well that the world outside my door could be burning (some might argue it is) and I really wouldn’t be bothered as long as I had a jar of this.
Smooth smoke and perfect white ash just add to the positives and the taste is also amazing, absolutely unmistakable and so strong.
So strong I can still taste it after brushing my teeth, like really taste it (and just for the record this wasn’t some half effort stoner brush this is full on with an electric toothbrush).
I won’t bang on about this for too long because everyone who’s smoked Weed in the UK over last few years probably knows this strain inside out but I will say in my opinion this is one of, if not the best version of this strain I’ve had home or abroad.
This is a million miles from the stuff grown by some guy down the street in his Granny’s attic. This took me back to the time when Star Dawg was the hot new strain and reminded me why it’s been such a massive hit.
This really has made me excited for Stardawg again which is something I never thought I’d say. It really is premo smoke on any level and in my experience you really aren’t really going to find much Stardawg that can touch this.
(***Standard disclaimer - it’s just my opinion, I paid for it and photos are my own taken using an iPad***)

With you on that tho, as much as I enjoy the exotic flavours gotta love that dank dawg taste.

Trail and error when going in manually

But how long to cool it is gona be a balance of preference and timing
Some people like it hot and “hurty” I personally don’t
That’s it, I’m ordering some next go lol

I know many of you know that I've long been interested in trying CBD. I was first going to try it during my tolerance break in January, but people recommended I stay away from all canabanoids, so I did =)
Enter CBD Ave offering up some free samples for review. As I do love writing a review and wanted to try some CBD, it was a match made in heaven!
As you can see from the photo, they come in a really nice package and are well shaped little guys. Really happy with the presentation. The taste is fine, wouldn't say it's the best tasting gummy ever, but I'm not here for the taste anyway =P They aren't bad tasting and perhaps a different flavor would do me better.
I ended up eating 3 of them, so 30mg of CBD. Began to feel the effects around 45min-1 hour in. Very interesting. Makes you completely calm and relaxed without the high. I could feel it come on stronger as time went on. Just felt really at peace, in a bit of a zen zone. Wasn't stressing or worrying about much... all around enjoyable experience.
I can now officially say that CBD does indeed work and I can totally see taking this after a long hard day at work instead of having to smoke a joint. Would help keep my tolerance down and have something nice to chill me out at the end of the day... or actually to eat before work and just zen out there. Love it.
I'll do another write up on the chocolate when I try that... that looks like it will actually taste pretty good =)
Thanks again to CBD ave for hooking these up.
You can pick up these bad boys at: https://littlebiggy.org/link/Xv0Cv8
That's the 10mg version I got, but there are also stronger available in the store.

Yeah I might give some CBD bud a shot now.

Let me know how you like it!

I'm like a kid at Christmas when the post does arrive though!! For some reason I forget what happens to the rest of the day ha ha.

My most recent order went from "paid" to "ordered".
Feeling a little confused as I have never seen the status "ordered" before. Does anyone know what "ordered" means?

//review by sidetracked
I forgot to do a full review when I first got this stuff, probably because I was so blasted off of it. I did write down some notes while I was toking and have a little bit left, so I'm gonna get my thoughts together now before it's too late.Here we have one of the most delicious, euphoria inducing strains I've ever smoked. I couldn't possibly find anything to fault about this stuff, it is perfect.
Wow. I know my pictures aren't up to much but look at those buds. Picture perfect with some eye catching colours, absolutely dripping with trichomes. They are somewhat light and feel very healthy. They're not dry or brittle and have a very nice cure. The colour of the bud is really impressive too, a subtle purplish hue runs throughout the flower. The bag appeal is off the charts.//aroma
I love the smell of this strain. The grape terps are very detectable from the bud, there is a slight earthy smell lingering but mostly the grape stands out. It's very sweet and fruity. When ground up it released the most enchanting grape smell that had me drooling.//flavour
You know when you think of a sweet you like, or something fizzy, and your mouth starts watering? Yeah, that's what happens to me now when I think of Grape Ape. I just can't get enough of it. I just kept toking and toking trying to take in every last bit of flavour on offer. I was exhaling as slowing as possible to try and take it all in and I just wasn't satisfied that I had tasted enough, it's very moreish. Once I was done being overwhelmed with flavour I was able to analyze it a bit. It is strong and hits you right away then lingers for a bit. It is very sweet and grape-y with a hint of blueberry, and has a sweet aftertaste. I swear I can taste it on my lips for a little while after I smoke it. I'm very impressed with it.//effects
Due to it's slow build up the high was deceivingly light at first, but after a few minutes and another toke I was floored. I should have waited a couple of minutes for that second toke to be honest. I had no idea it was coming and it was very pleasant as it gently passed over me. I felt my limbs become heavy and my smile widen, I was very relaxed and calm, with a sense of well-being. I was in a great mood and giggly, laughing at absolutely nothing. My mind was completely spaced out and my body sedated. I was able to stop thinking about the stresses of life and just relax for a while.On top of being a recreational powerhouse, I think this would also be a great indica strain for treating depression, pain, stress and sleeping problems. I'm a daily smoker and it knocked me out cold and lifted my mood quite effectively. It's a strong strain too so it should dull those aches and pains quite well. Maybe best not to smoke it during to day unless you're a fan of taking naps. This is one strain not to miss.
Thanks for reading. You can check out more of my reviews HERE.


I'd recommend watching the second video Down below if you're already high and wonder what Disney metal/classical sounds like lol
The 3rd video is of a very heavy flavour.
Enjoy, the panda.

At this point, this place does feel like family... it has become a big part of my life and I really appreciate it.
Anyway... I'm high af off of this G13 right now, and I can't say enough good things about it. As I said I've decided to smoke products 3 times now before I give a good review, and that is why it's taken a bit since the big drop to write this. As you saw from my stash post, there is a lot of damn weed to smoke. But finally feel like I'm ready for the G13.
It's 1970, the drug war is kicking into high gear... yet covertly, intelligent agencies within the American government are creating a super strain of marijuana to allow their soldiers to go into battle without fear.
That is one of many legends of the G13 strain... often known has Government Strain 13, and many other things. These stories are the big reason i became interested in trying this, wanted to see what all the hype was about.
G13 is described as being a strain that has very powerful physical effects, euphoria all that... but then this is then G13 crossed with the original Haze strain. So with all of that body euphoria and hard indica vibe, you also get the focus and up form the haze.
With all this build up... I had a lot of expectations going into this smoke... and I have to say, it actually delivered.
First smoke was actually the best. It was quiet, I was by myself, hadn't smoked anything that day, ready to go into this feeling everything. I sparked and inhaled... it came on slowly, in stages.
First I began to feel the up from the sativa flying in my head... and quickly I began to feel the halo effect all over my head. That stayed for a while, until I began to feel the euphoria cover my body and everything relaxed and I felt it behind my eyes.
All of this, I still had this sativa up high from it.. it was really special, basically weed that hits all the best spots of getting high for me.
I laid down and watched a movie... enjoyed the hell out of it, and felt like I was getting couch lock. But when I needed to get up. I just got up, and the sativa side kicked in again.
When I then smoked it with my wife, it was super social and great for that... all around, after smoking it, it's hard not see why there were so many legends about the G13... this is some next level weed imo.
I have a hard time defining the smell and flavor, but they are good... just hard for me to describe. Very different strain... recommend people read up on it... talked about being from a Afghani land race that the US government was experimenting on... that much of the legend seems to be true.
Thanks for bringing this TGT.
Zoomed in photo below.

Now hop in your car and bring me some :')
What camera have you got mate those photos are really good the bud actually looks wet with resin, it's certainly captured the stickyness!

The bud is deff worth trying

But cool review and awesome photos. I also really enjoyed it and agree that the effects came on in stages, also really struggled to pin down the smell/taste of it but agreed, it was very nice.

I love that most of our focus in each of our reviews was on the high it provided, it says something about the strain I think. After reading I'm glad I'm sober right now cause I'm about to go toke on some G13. Cheers!

//review by sidetracked
If legend is anything to go by, this strain was created in a lab by the CIA and the FBI before being stolen by a rogue technician who then sold it to the masses. Now I don't know about all that... but I do know this is a very smooth, potent and delicious smoke.
Right away you know you're in for a treat. The buds are dense and have just a tiny bit of sticky-ness to them, with lots of trichomes on display. Firm when pressed and glistening inside when you break it open.
It has a sweet, fruity smell with an earthy stank cutting right through the middle. I assume it's strong smell comes from it's skunk genetics. It really hits the nose and stays there for a bit. There are so many little scents of something in there that it is hard to detect them all. In hindsight the scent was giving not-so-subtle hint of the flavour to come.
I found the flavour to be similar to Wedding Cake, in the sense that it is sweet and a little peppery. It differs from that strain with it's subtle fruitiness and very smooth smoke. I smoke bongs and I hardly felt it go down. It's quite easy to smoke a lot and fast but be careful because it packs a decent punch.
This is another powerful strain on the long list of powerful strains TGT are providing us. It's no secret I'm no fan of sativa, at least I wasn't. This stuff is a hybrid but it's sativa dominant and has just enough indica to keep the negative sativa effects at bay for me. For the first time in a long time I'm able to fully enjoy this thoughtful, cerebral high that I didn't know I missed. I'm happy and engaging, having great conversations. It's an exhilarating, calm enduing strain that really has changed my mind on sativa as a whole. I'm already seeking out sativa strains that might work for me. I think it works both ways too, there is a minor body high to it that just works so well, it won't sap all your energy like strong indica strains do. I'm having a good time with this stuff man. Cheers.
//disclaimer I received some of the G13 as a thank you for assisting TGT. My review is my true opinion and is as honest as it would have been had I purchased the product.
You can find my other reviews HERE. Thank you.

I was also smoking on this yesterday and agreed it’s very nice. I’m now starting to think I should have saved it for a social occasion...

I think so anyway, it would definitely work socially for me. It allowed my thoughts to flow freely and made me want to be social/chatty and engaged with out that bit where I start analysing everything I say and do. As you said “just enough indica”. Very nicely balanced.

That's good. It's hard for me to find a good social weed, most of them send me over the edge. Have you found any others that work for you? I felt that man, just opens the mind a bit and made me a lot more chatty. I think I know what you mean, I get proper panicky sometimes with sativa and overthink like crazy. Glad I found something that works well for me.

Anything that’s nicely balanced is usually good for me, too much sativa and Im over thinking, too much Indica and I’m a zombie haha. Also found anything with Arjans name on is pretty nice and balanced.

What kind of ratios work best for you? And do you have any preferred dominance? I thought I did but I'm not sure now. Aye Epix said that was a nice one, I'm gonna give it a try next week it does sound promising.

I find sour OG is good, NYC diesel is great, skunk#1, the orange strains etc, a lot of the classic Dutch hybrids really work for me in that setting.
Have you got any preference day to day? I’m convinced there’s a strain for every situation it’s just finding it.
One thing I do know is these newer limoncello hazes are amazing but put me on edge if I’m somewhere new haha.
Let us know how you get on with the strawberry haze, I’m really curious how you find it after the g13 haze.

I've not tried them, usually if something can have negative effects then I'll get them haha so that worries me. I will do mate I have a feeling it will be good.

G13 Haze is actually quickly becoming one of my top strains. Really special high. Will be doing a review myself later tonight.

The elequence and format of your writing style was also an A* :)

We’ve received a request not to deliver mail to the property your item is addressed to today. We'll attempt delivery as per the instructions we’ve received, which is usually on the next working day.
Wondering why they didnt post this time ?

Retention Item - Some business addresses have a Retention Service to cover days when they’re not open. We won’t deliver to them on these days. Instead, we’ll hold on to the item and deliver on the next working day, or according to the business’ instructions.
Not a business address so cant be that.

Also so i read somewhere someone at RM couldve scanned it wrong (as a buisness address)

The bounty keeps flowing on LB. It is now becoming the exception that I don't write about a strain I pick up from here these days. I feel like the quality of bud I'm getting lately has gone up substantially.
Anyhow, lets get into it. This Orange Sherbet came in the selection box. So next to the Kosher Dawg, there wasn't very much smell from this one. I don't mind if there isn't a pungent smell, as long as there is taste. And at first, I wasn't getting the taste off of this one either. BUT, I know other stoners will know what I mean here... this bud grew on me. Sometimes you are smoking multiple strains at a time, and it takes a few smokes off of one to really get in sync with it. Well this is one of those strains.
First night I smoked it, it was right before my husbandly duties, and it gave us some amazing sex. So I couldn't judge the high well, because there was another high involved lol, needless to say, it did the trick in bed.
Then the next night I smoked it, I wasn't unhappy with the high, but it wasn't anything special, didn't get much of a flavor. But then the 3rd day of smoking it... I started really getting that nice sweet flavor. I've grown to really enjoy it. I'm not sure if it was subtle or why I missed it the first two goes... but I'm now a huge fan.
Next the high, for some reason the second round, I didn't get much... but on the 3rd (and 4th and 5th etc) I'm getting a really interesting and different sativa high that I'm enjoying. It is giving my the up of a sativa, however it's also giving me a very scattered brain... so definitely your lazor focused sativas, more a dazed and confused one and I love it.
The nugs themselves look decent, nice light green with some dark leaves on it and a few thick orange hairs. But again, the Kosher Dawg was just so nice, it was hard to compare anything next to that one... but now after smoking this one for a few days, I really think it rivals, though a bit under the Kosher Dawg as my fav from this box.
Just another example of why I think I'll begin to do 3 smokes in a row before I do a review. It's important to allow the smoke to settle with you before you can really judge it. Anyone else get that?
Got another close up photo below.
Thanks ya'll. Until next time (probably soon lol)

I keep forgetting to link to the strain from my review, still trying to work out how best to link everything together and make sure that these reviews get preserved on my profile: https://littlebiggy.org/link/NFUZC1

If previous quality is anything to go by... then there are a few more reviews coming soon for sure.

They haven’t been online today, I made an order and sent the coin already...should I be more patient??

sorry we had a few issues with our internet connection, we managed ship orders but haven't marked as sent. Back online now and everything will be updated.
kind regards

I have confidence in the vendors I ordered from based on their reputation from here and people I know personally

Just waiting on the other vendor, I think by now the money has been released by escrow to this one
How come some vendors get funds released from escrow quicker than others

Im waiting on the other vendor now just

Placed the order yesterday so it would be in and sent today so I could be stocked for the weekend...ah well lol

Looks like I had some pent up review energy on my tolerance break. I'm writing one review a night at this point... and have two more strains left to review.
Since I've done a few free sample reviews coming back, just want to say that this is purchased by me. Ended up picking up one of JJ's sample tins after reading many good comments on his gear. I was a bit upset that I didn't get the actual strains I ordered, was missing the strawberry banana, but got GG#4 instead. Also didn't get it in a tin, was really looking forward to taking some photos of them =/ But, such is life.
The first smoke I had was the Kosher Dawg. You can really smell the Kosher Kush genetics in this. When I got that shortly before my tolerance break, I'd commented on it smelling almost like poison. Well you smell that same aggressive dank on this one. It's strong earthy, skunky pepper.
The nugs have this nice grey/almost purple colour you often see on good stardawg, they are covered in trichomes, and when you squeeze them, they are sticky to the touch. Good cure job on them, complements to the grower. Only improvement I could suggest is on the trim job.
Smoking it, it hits nice and smooth. Tastes lovely, again the Kosher Kush genetics stand out here as well, but you also get a hint of StarDawg flavor with it. Good all around.
Once the high hits, it hits hard. This is some loud ass weed. Very intense head high that settles behind the eyes and kicks your butt with some heavy indica relaxation. I can see this strain being perfect for pain relief. My whole body feels almost weightless. My shoulders which were in pain feel great. I can tell my afternoon nap will be on point haha.
Hard not to recommend this one from JJ. Well worth your time if you you enjoy indicas.
I've attached a close up photo below.

I'll also toss in a link to the product so people can check if it's still available: https://littlebiggy.org/link/sv0Bxy
Will most likely start moving old reviews over as well. Peace!

Also, was smoking this with my mate, he’s not a heavy user but still quite experienced I went to pass him the spliff and he was asleep haha.

Know RB does do anyone else ?
Any personal buy/use experience would be great thanks.

I'm always looking for a bargain and not been let down yet. Just don't expect some Cali and you'll not be disappointed.

My problem is I have a few now that has shake but price difference is huge.
One is 50 for 7g shake where can get another that's 50 for 14g lol and so on and just no sure which to go for. Hence why asked anyone had experience with the shake on here and I'll go by their experience :) thanks for the help also

Welcome to lb :D

I don't think I'll ever forget the moment I stumbled on this place, it was July and I really wanted a change from the strains I'd been smoking over the past couple of months.
Having periodically googled "where to buy weed online" ever since I'd had internet access I was skeptical I'd find anything different this time. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's seen the scam sites, read the descriptions and thought “if only this was real”.
I'd also browsed several DNM's over the years but never felt confident enough to take the plunge. It was only after seeing an article that mentioned this place positively that I decided to check it out.
Typing www.littlebiggy.org into my browser for the first time was no doubt one of the best things I've done this year.
Looking at the reviews, questions, the responses and the way the majority of people seemed to want to help one another was refreshing but confusing. I sat at my desk thinking they can't all be bots can they?
I probably came back to the site 1000 times that day, trying to figure things out, looking for red flags but instead of red flags I saw more and more that gave me confidence.
I started to notice names like Frankotherasta and Mrspock89 chatting away about their purchases and to be totally honest, with out these two guys and their posts I'm not sure I'd have made that first order.
There was something reassuringly real and honest about their words and seeing those little photos with FTR below the products made everything fall into place.
Within 24 hours of finding the site I placed an order for 3.5g Scorpion Stamp hash (LB Legend status?) from Radar Breeder. It was a crazy moment two days later when it actually arrived. I'm not someone who usually smokes at 11 in the morning but will make allowances when needed. I have no idea how many times I said “shit, it actually worked” to my self that day.
It was then I knew I'd found a site that was heaven for THC enthusiasts and could make the pictures on my screen a reality.
Over the last six months I've enjoyed some really great smokes courtesy of our vendors and had some great conversations with other members. I've also reviewed some of my favorites and linked them below for anybody who's interested/bored or looking for something new.
I will also say I've never had a bad smoke from here, some have been better than others but a bad smoke, never. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but my personal experience is so far so good.
For me the only down side has nothing to do with LB, it's Royal Mail! I'm still waiting on a couple of orders, hoping the will drop in time for Christmas, something I will definitely plan better next year.
No doubt the community will continue to grow in 2020 and I'm really excited to see what it brings, excited to see what our already trusted vendors will be bringing to the table and excited to see which new vendors turn up here and what they add.
I'm also excited seeing active new members helping to take this place to the next level. I also really enjoy the wide variety of opinions on this site that stop me living in an echo chamber.
A huge thanks to everyone who's part of this community and has welcomed me over the past six months and what ever you are celebrating over the next few weeks I wish you a good one.
Premium Riff Soft Caramel Hash (DrugsINC) - https://littlebiggy.org/link/9IOuNZ
White Widow (UK420) - https://littlebiggy.org/link/ET5ezt
Arjans Strawberry Haze (DrugsInc) - https://littlebiggy.org/link/s6bzd0
Strawberry Cough Hash (DrugsInc) - https://littlebiggy.org/link/6aHzqQ
Pollen (Fluffy) (Bazza) - https://littlebiggy.org/link/BSGmEj
RR Sift Bar (Bazza) - https://littlebiggy.org/link/plZ0cs

Glad I finally joined and got an order, problem is, it's like a kid in a sweet shop now I want EVERYTHING haha

I’m totally with you on wanting to try everything! Looking at the items list reminds me a lot of being a kid looking through the Argos catalogue before Christmas, it’s mesmerising haha.

Tomorrow I'll most likely do a full write up, but for now it'll be report as I go. At peak I'll most likely stop updating till after. Thanks to everyone for the tips and good vibes, the LB community continues to amaze me.
20:33 - 25mg Ingested, Wrapped in a skin. (accompanied by increased heart rate, nerves?) *this normalized after few mins*

21:09 - First noticeable effects. Lights/shadows pulsing very subtle, wavey. Slight tingle in the legs. Nothing too crazy, yet.
21:13 - First yawn. :)
21:28 - Not sure if I jumped the gun, not much to report so far.
21:45 - Definitely feeling something now, room is warping a bit. Swaying like I'm on a boat almost.I swear the Hue of the room is changing. It's weird these effects seem to come and go.

Friends, I've been waiting a long time to embark on my next trip and the stars have finally aligned. My mind is right, I'm in a good place mentally and physically, I feel great. I will be doing a trip report, perhaps live at first while I still have control over my body, although from what I have read that won't last too long.
I plan on fasting for 10 hours before dosing with 25mg 4-AcO-DMT, since I have a dodgy stomach I'll have a small snack 4-6 hours before I drop it. Most likely will bomb it in a skin for faster onset. Am I missing anything?
I know a few of us have tried this before so I somewhat know what to expect but I won't really know until it hits. Any advice?

One of the weirdest purchase of my life that ended up being awesome. Got my a nice stash spot for my weed/supplies and my taxes lol.
Ended up blacking out some of the photo to make sure there isn't any identifiable stuff on there. Figured I need to be careful with what I show on here.
I've enclosed another photo of the second drawer and the whole unit. I would really recommend getting something similar if you can. This one wasn't even too expensive and is super well built. Came assembled.
Would love to see more stash spot photos from ya'll!

kind regards

I’ve wanted to try one of those zombie sticks forever, so that would be very much appreciated =)

But I am curious as to what percentage of people here use them?
If its the future, Long live the future!

A few months later I used a friends Flowerpot and the thing blew me away, it’s no doubt still a different stone to smoking a spliff or bing but it’s a totally different league to the Dynavap or the Pax, I can clear a 0.6 bowl in 2 clean hits, maybe a small 3rd hit. Long story short I now own a Flowerpot Weedeater and I’m consuming maybe .2 an evening and I’m nicely stoned from 7-11 on .2 of a gram. I am concerned about tolerance rising as many have described but atm I’m finding I’m saving a lot of herb as opposed to using more.

Milaana 2
S&B Mighty
Ghost MV1
Glass Symphony
Herborizer Ti
Cloud Evo
Sticky Brick

Little edit to my last post, I totally missed suggesting Log vapes, any and all of them are very very impressive from my experience, look into the E nano, underdog, woodscents.

I looked into the Log Vap. Way too much trouble for me. I am curious about the Dynavap but my currant shortlist is the Ghost or the Solo. I am certainly intrigued by convection heating. I best start saving...unless anyone knows of a cheaper pure convection oven worthy of a recommendation?

I’ve had the pax, mighty and crafty which I know many people love but they just didn’t hit the spot.
I had a phase where I used the Arizer extreme Q for a while. The whip on it is quite nice to use and you can load around 0.7 -1g at a time but after a while I found I was using ridiculous amounts daily so I just went back to pure spliffs, bongs and the genius pipe.
These days the Genius pipe is probably my favourite way to consume.

It's funny because I vape everything else (concentrates/distillate carts). I still have my Pax 2, I might dig it out one day and give it another go.

I confess id never even heard of a Dynavap until I came to this site. (bows head in shame.)

Re comments above about the dynavap M - if you’re getting vapor you are going to get high, no two ways about it. It holds a lot less than some vapes so comparing one bowl in a dyna to something larger isn’t a very fair comparison. If you use a dynavap properly it’s incredibly efficient, just check out the colour of the abv. I really enjoy it because it nice to use, never runs out of battery etc and is super good for single dosing

My Pax is a fair few years old now and the battery isn't up to much so if anyone can recommend a replacement that would be good too. I went with the Pax as it came with a chamber reducing lid which is good for solo work.
What are you using and is it any good?