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joined may 2019
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0 topics on JazzNBass
9 posts by JazzNBass
1 post
+5.2 votes
Stoner Rock / Psychedelic / Progressive
Cool album, I really need to listen to more Gong/planet gong and Steve Hillage in general.

Yes man! Only a matter of time before a fellow Ozrics fan chimed in....been with them since tape days, their highs and lows, but Brandi's playing with them heralded a great return to form....esp. "Mooncalf"...and gorgeous to boot :)

Glad to see another here!
Early days eh? I was there at the Crypt in Deptford (still have my membership card) when they only had a couple of tapes :) My mate is a good friend of Ed, and still is, so I've been lucky enough to hang outa few times and share a spliff or several backstage.
Eds released a new album this year, which is well worth a listen - he's still got it!
If you also liked the ullulators, you should really check out what Gavin has been up to too - he has released some amazing stuff lately - check out bandcamp for his stuff.
Take care, fellow old person! :) hehe :)
Early days eh? I was there at the Crypt in Deptford (still have my membership card) when they only had a couple of tapes :) My mate is a good friend of Ed, and still is, so I've been lucky enough to hang outa few times and share a spliff or several backstage.
Eds released a new album this year, which is well worth a listen - he's still got it!
If you also liked the ullulators, you should really check out what Gavin has been up to too - he has released some amazing stuff lately - check out bandcamp for his stuff.
Take care, fellow old person! :) hehe :)

Cant have psychedelic rock thread and have no Ozric Tentacles? I've righted that wrong! Hope some of you enjoy!

Lucky to see them few times. At a free (illegal) festy at Wycombe common, had several micro dots and thought I was watching floyd circa saucers era, wow, a very colourful memory.

Hi, new member hope you dont mine me Tagging on.
Big fan of these at the moment, very pink floyd
Big fan of these at the moment, very pink floyd

At the drive are my fave ultra loud band, saw Mars Volta twice in Portsmouth, wow brutal gig.

I would love to have seen Mars Volta.. Seen At The Drive in a couple of times. Once at Reading festival a long time ago (think I saw Sparta there aswell), and caught them at Cochella around 2012. Still, loud, mental and awesome.

No idea how far back I'm commenting here. Just wanted to express my solidarity re: ATDI. The summit of early Emo, beyond which lay only death (and Mars Volta).

Saw these guys around Christmas, had a crafty smoke beforehand of course. Fantastic. Heavy as fuck.

Oh man, gotta have that crafty smoke before live music, it’s the only way. Awesome band too.

This is probably my favourite track off the new Lowrider album.
Nice and fuzzy. Happy smoking!
Nice and fuzzy. Happy smoking!

King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Nuclear fusion.
Check out the crazy microtonal fret spacing on the guitars!
Check out the crazy microtonal fret spacing on the guitars!

Haven't spotted any Moon Duo on here yet. Lots of tracks to choose from. And properly intense live too

Oh nice one man, love it. Those down tuned guitars are like the audio version of a heavy Indica haha. Cool video as well, thanks.

I agree mate glad you stumbled across it as well! I love it when I get a comment on one of these songs and I get to listen to them again.. some of them I forget about, it's a nice surprise. :D

Nice, I’m back on the 0.0. So smooth, I just ordered some more.
What you on at the moment?
What you on at the moment?

Heard so many good things about the 0.0, hows the high? Got a little mixture of G13, Guava Dawg and Grape Ape, very sweet flavour to them.

It sounds like you’ve got a sweet shop!
The 0.0 has got a real nice quality to it, it doesn’t send me into space or anything it just gives me a real nice lift that leaves me happily lazy, very hard to leave it alone.
The 0.0 has got a real nice quality to it, it doesn’t send me into space or anything it just gives me a real nice lift that leaves me happily lazy, very hard to leave it alone.

Haha I know, still in awe of all these strains man. Ah that sounds like a lovely little treat indeed.

Adding more Elder to the list,
Their new album is dry, but this 18 minute kraut rock inspired jam from last year's Silver & Gold Sessions is a screaming banger.
Get your smoke on and enjoy biggas!
Their new album is dry, but this 18 minute kraut rock inspired jam from last year's Silver & Gold Sessions is a screaming banger.
Get your smoke on and enjoy biggas!

And for those of you into more proggy sounding stuff From Reykjavik, Iceland. Lucy in blue a fine band to chill to (superb live).

So many good bands on this link, I loved some of the early Monster Magnet and of course Black Sabbath are great. If you haven't heard of Elder they are good. As they've progressed they've really got some mellow flows.

Also, listen to Chowder - Passion Rift album...can't find much on youtube but it's worth getting.

Black sabbath is in my opinion the greatest fucking band ever.
Found these guys recently, sound like the melvins mixed with jimmy hendrix
Found these guys recently, sound like the melvins mixed with jimmy hendrix

Love Sabbath and loving Slift too, saw them posted on reddit while back! Increidble ! Prob my fav find of the year so far.

I thought about Gong, Hawkwind and all the possible candidates.
But I think this track by Ash Ra Tempel featuring Timothy Leary is another level.
But I think this track by Ash Ra Tempel featuring Timothy Leary is another level.

Dead Meadow, Earth, Loop, Spacemen 3, Nothing, BJM, Flying Saucer Attack, Black Mountain, The Black Angels, Sleep
Off the top of my head.
Off the top of my head.

1 post
+2 votes
What is the best video game plot you have experienced?
Loads of rumors about a reboot for the series but I'm not sure I even want it if Yamaoka isn't onboard. Kojima's take would've been interesting, thoug…

What is the best video game plot you have experienced?
For me personally its between Bioshock infinte and the last of us.
GTA 4 is up there along with uncharted 4, Halo 1-3, Papers please and God of war 1-4.
GTA 4 is up there along with uncharted 4, Halo 1-3, Papers please and God of war 1-4.

Shenmue on the Sega Dreamcast, written directed and produced by Japanese genius Yu Suzuki. Beautiful and way ahead of it's time.
A teenth of Afghan black, Ericsson T18 on silent, while i roamed the streets of Japan. Those were the days!
A teenth of Afghan black, Ericsson T18 on silent, while i roamed the streets of Japan. Those were the days!

Have you played the new Shenmue? Shenmue 3 I think? I played a load of the original on Dreamcast back in the day and bought the remastered version for PS4 that had 1&2 on it (wasn't as good as I remembered) intresting to know if 3 is any good.

Old School- I used to love the original Silent Hill on Playstation, thought that was a really clever game. Also MYST.

Silent hill for sure, was Syked for new one coming out with Kojima onboard but alas, it wasn’t to be

Loads of rumors about a reboot for the series but I'm not sure I even want it if Yamaoka isn't onboard. Kojima's take would've been interesting, though. Shame we never got more than a demo.

I assume this is an old post but if you havenβt already check out The Callisto Protocol!!! From the creators of dead space, looks like top tier sci fi horror and is set for release at the end of 2022 (although will probably be delayed until next year, you know how these things go lol)

Bloody loved Silent Hill. Creepy AF. Used the machine's limitations really well by clouding the streets with an eerie fog. I still recall hearing the footsteps of those fucked-up things but not be able to see them. Remember the cut-away sequence when the nurse staggered towards you?

100% the witcher. Managed to get every gwent card aswell even when you could very easily miss a few card through wrong decisions.

Wow! I totally forgot about LSL. I bloody loved all the Sierra adventure games when I was but a young lad.

For me Heavy Rain really stands out, also Shenmue 2 and LA Noir, all so far ahead of their time.

Yeah, it's amazing. So atmospheric. Only problem was, it was supposed to be a two or three part dlc but the creator gave up on it after the first one so it never got finished. As far as I know he gave up on making video games after that. If you can get hold of the first part tho, I'd highly recommend it

There are so many...
Witcher 3 has to be up there with the best along with all 3 bioshock games. Halo 1-3 & the latest god of war. Here hoping cyberpunk 2077 can join them too!
Witcher 3 has to be up there with the best along with all 3 bioshock games. Halo 1-3 & the latest god of war. Here hoping cyberpunk 2077 can join them too!

Metal Gear Solid on the PSone blew my mind, the other MGS got a bit preachy but the PSone version had everything, great game play, great stelf sections, good action sequences etc etc I still think about the bit where Psycho Mantis moves your controller, freaked me out.

GTA 4, more recently Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last of us was also pretty epic, I’m looking forward to part 2.

Bioshock 1 was drippingly beautiful and draws you in. Dark room, good thumping surround sound cranked up, roll a few fattys. Great replay capability with the good or bad decisions and the array of different weapons and potions. One of the finest pieces of electronic entertainment to this day, including films.
Noteables: Deus ex, last of us, elder scrolls,Halo 1.
Its when you play them as well i think. There are more advanced games now, better ai, graphics etc, but such a wow factor for me at the time when i was a fanatic.
Noteables: Deus ex, last of us, elder scrolls,Halo 1.
Its when you play them as well i think. There are more advanced games now, better ai, graphics etc, but such a wow factor for me at the time when i was a fanatic.

Metro Exodus is pretty intense. I agree, Bioshock Infinite was pretty awesome. Saying that Bioshock 1+2 were pretty raw. Best plot ever, though? Has to be 'The Secret of Monkey Island 2'.

Like many others, 'last of us' will always stay in the mind and I'm eager to play no2.
So many others worthy of note, but I'm also big fan of Horizon on ps4, such an excellent story and characters and possibly my fave of this gen.
Honorable shout out to 'Days Gone' which never got the praise it deserved imo.
So many others worthy of note, but I'm also big fan of Horizon on ps4, such an excellent story and characters and possibly my fave of this gen.
Honorable shout out to 'Days Gone' which never got the praise it deserved imo.

I started playing βDays goneβ when it came out on free to play. I wouldβve paid for it if Iβd have known it was that good! Iβm hooked and I never thought I would be.

Max Payne 2: Fall of Max Payne - I like that noiresque atmosphere, the music, the over the top melancholic atmosphere... It harmonised well with my mood back then...

This^ elder scrolls by far the most immersive games. Skyrim is over 10 years old and is still un matched, probably never will be. Well over 100 hours game play or unlimited hours if you don't bother with main quest lines.

Life Is Strange
It really shows how the slightest thing can completely change the reality you get stuck in
It makes you contemplate the cause and effect that lead to living in your current reality and how fragile everything we perceive is
Ain't played the game in years but I still fell so emotionally connected to it
It really shows how the slightest thing can completely change the reality you get stuck in
It makes you contemplate the cause and effect that lead to living in your current reality and how fragile everything we perceive is
Ain't played the game in years but I still fell so emotionally connected to it

Xenoblade Chronicles for me. I love good RPGs and this story was kinda unique and on top of that the Gameplay was really fun too. Sadly the follow up Games were kinda meh...

Got to be final fantasy 9 I remember playing it as a 10 yr old and was super emotional lol

The last of us, for sure. What an emotional journey. Really looking forward to the next one coming out. Can’t wait to dive into that. Really nice to have summat to look forward to in these trying times. Much love.

Metal Gear Solid Series was excellent. Loved God of wars. First Bioshock was awesome. Assassins creed Odyssey was decent enough!

It got shit on constantly but I fucking LOVED Destiny 1 and 2. The story was meh, but the game itself ran so smoothly and in my opinion was one of the best FPS games to come out in years. I did stop playing a few months back though because I just had nothing left to do in it.
Story wise either Last of Us or God of War 5.
Story wise either Last of Us or God of War 5.

D1 and d2 played well but they would, its a bungie shooter. But they felt hollow which is a shame considering the hipe before 1. The lore is really good tho if you can peice it together. But it should be in the game more. D1 tied me over quite nicely between borderlands 2 and 3 lol and I met some awesome people playing it

Literally just bought Shadowkeep like a week ago. Got my Titan to 965 so far. Now for the Warlock and Hunter lol. Forgot how much I enjoyed playing the game

My favourite has got to be
Nier Automata
If you haven't played it I strongly suggest you do
So many twists and turns
The robot characters are named around famous philosophyers
The game touches on robots having emotions etc etc
Fucking fantastic honestly
Nier Automata
If you haven't played it I strongly suggest you do
So many twists and turns
The robot characters are named around famous philosophyers
The game touches on robots having emotions etc etc
Fucking fantastic honestly

Myst - never attempt it stoned!
Bioshock (obvs) but also Bioshock Infinite.
And Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Oh, and Ghouls'n'Ghosts....
Bioshock (obvs) but also Bioshock Infinite.
And Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Oh, and Ghouls'n'Ghosts....

I got hooked on the Sierra adventure games back in the early 90's. That led me on to the epic Broken Sword series by Revolution. Still worth checking out for its humour and storyline. Point and click has never been such fun.

1 post
+1.2 votes

RAFFLE END 30.08.2021
RAFFLE END 30.08.2021


Awesome thank you βΊοΈ
Think this is the first vendor raffle I have won π°π
Congratulations to PieBoy as well β€οΈ
Thank you escobart92 I shall be sure to post about it when it arrives βΊοΈ
Think this is the first vendor raffle I have won π°π
Congratulations to PieBoy as well β€οΈ
Thank you escobart92 I shall be sure to post about it when it arrives βΊοΈ

Ratβs cocks!β¦.everyone knows DR & PB are the same person!β¦just pretending to hate each other for our entertainmentβ¦swizz! π

Don't you bloody start accusing everyone's favourite rabb1t of nefarious things as well π€£ππ°

Enjoy your 7gβs Rabb1t Pieβ¦.see what I did there?β¦itβs all so obvious! β¦.swizz! π€¨π€

1 post
+4 votes
Wedding Cake and Petitefleur stash jar Giveaway!
Thanks again BudB. And cheers Petitefleur, I'm very fond of my little stash jar :)
Lovely bit of smoke, too. Not tried this strain before but I can s…

Wedding Cake and Petitefleur stash jar Giveaway!
Evening people
To celebrate the Wedding Cake being half way through curing, I will be running a raffle where the lucky winners get some free weed.
I will be giving away 5 lots of 3.5g in a beautiful little stash jar, crafted by none other than Petitefleur.
There are also 10 x 1g Wedding Cake prizes up for grabs. So 15 of you will win something.
To be eligible for this raffle:
- You just need to have placed an order with me in the last 3 weeks
- Place an order between now (4th Aug 2021) and when the raffle ends (20th Aug 2021). This is the date that the Wedding Cake will be ready to go on sale.
The winners will be contacted before they are announced publicly, for a couple of reasons:
1. To make sure they are happy we announce them as winners, or if they prefer to remain anonymous
2. To get the shipping address for the prize
To determine the winners I was just going to go old school - print the username of all of my orders, and pull them out of a hat :)
So to summarise.....
If you place an order,
You automatically enter a raffle,
Where the prizes are marijuana and potentially stash jars
Be sure to check out Petitefleur's page (link below) if you're curious about the stash jars or any of her other cool stuff:
Have a great weekend everyone
To celebrate the Wedding Cake being half way through curing, I will be running a raffle where the lucky winners get some free weed.
I will be giving away 5 lots of 3.5g in a beautiful little stash jar, crafted by none other than Petitefleur.
There are also 10 x 1g Wedding Cake prizes up for grabs. So 15 of you will win something.
To be eligible for this raffle:
- You just need to have placed an order with me in the last 3 weeks
- Place an order between now (4th Aug 2021) and when the raffle ends (20th Aug 2021). This is the date that the Wedding Cake will be ready to go on sale.
The winners will be contacted before they are announced publicly, for a couple of reasons:
1. To make sure they are happy we announce them as winners, or if they prefer to remain anonymous
2. To get the shipping address for the prize
To determine the winners I was just going to go old school - print the username of all of my orders, and pull them out of a hat :)
So to summarise.....
If you place an order,
You automatically enter a raffle,
Where the prizes are marijuana and potentially stash jars
Be sure to check out Petitefleur's page (link below) if you're curious about the stash jars or any of her other cool stuff:
Have a great weekend everyone

Hey guys
Weβre nearly there. Midnight tonight (20-Aug-2021) I will take stock of everyone who has ordered and begin the draw. Iβll contact users before they are announced tomorrow π exciting!!
I thought I would share a picture of the awesome jars which 5 of you lucky people will win - I almost donβt want to give them away! Beautifully crafted by Petitefleur herself. These will come with 3.5 of Wedding Cake. And of course another 10 of you will also win some free Wedding Cake too π
Best of luck to everyone. And thank you to everyone who has placed an order with me.
Weβre nearly there. Midnight tonight (20-Aug-2021) I will take stock of everyone who has ordered and begin the draw. Iβll contact users before they are announced tomorrow π exciting!!
I thought I would share a picture of the awesome jars which 5 of you lucky people will win - I almost donβt want to give them away! Beautifully crafted by Petitefleur herself. These will come with 3.5 of Wedding Cake. And of course another 10 of you will also win some free Wedding Cake too π
Best of luck to everyone. And thank you to everyone who has placed an order with me.

Having received permission from most of the users, here are:
And the other 1g winners that have given me the ok:
CBDHempKing UK
I've sent out the prizes so you should received them in the next couple of days :)
Enjoy everyone
And the other 1g winners that have given me the ok:
CBDHempKing UK
I've sent out the prizes so you should received them in the next couple of days :)
Enjoy everyone

WOOP WOOP!!! Over the moon about this. Thanks so much guys. the jars look awesome - currently use cling film and was looking to invest in some kind of storage π and the weed....well, was going to get myself some wedding cake anyway and have been following BudB recently on his LB journey to the top!...massively grateful BudBotanist & Petitefleur π

Thanks again BudB. And cheers Petitefleur, I'm very fond of my little stash jar :)
Lovely bit of smoke, too. Not tried this strain before but I can see why it's so popular. Very moreish. Will definitely be back for more at some point and I'm looking forward to your future offerings on LB!
Lovely bit of smoke, too. Not tried this strain before but I can see why it's so popular. Very moreish. Will definitely be back for more at some point and I'm looking forward to your future offerings on LB!

Ooo prize landed yesterday , lovely ! hits the spot nicely, love the jar too! thanks again :))

Hey all :)
The winners of the draw have been picked and notified. Those who give me permission to I'll announce over the weekend, to give everyone a chance to check their inboxes :) I can't wait for you all to receive your prizes!!
Oh, and the Wedding Cake is now on sale :)
Hey all :)
The winners of the draw have been picked and notified. Those who give me permission to I'll announce over the weekend, to give everyone a chance to check their inboxes :) I can't wait for you all to receive your prizes!!
Oh, and the Wedding Cake is now on sale :)

What a great idea, cheers! Fingers cake is delish !!! Good luck everyone!!

Great little raffle for people to get involved in! I love it when this community gives back! Fair play to BudB for proposing this. Wedding cake is a hell of a strain to grab as a prize, too! Yummy!
β‘ Good luck to anyone who enters! Fingers crossed for you β
β‘ Good luck to anyone who enters! Fingers crossed for you β

This is so nice to see π I personally just sampled the wedding cake from this kind vendor and I can attest it is Yummy π

Yeah boi! I got mine this morning and have been blazing it up all day. I agree. It's tidy! Nice one BudBotanist!! HUGE BUD!!! π

Youβre officially the first to taste it PercyPotter π Iβm really glad you liked the sample.

The jars arrived today and I love them π Iβm sure the winners will too. Thanks for sending those so quickly - great packaging too ππ½ Will post a photo of them over the weekend

Wow that was fast! Fair play! Glad you like them π₯° Hopefully the winners will too!

I like the summary!
I have been organised and set a calender event for it so I don't snooze on it this time π π
I have a nagging feeling that British Bulldog is around then or early sep too.
Bodes well for late summer for us biggas π
I have been organised and set a calender event for it so I don't snooze on it this time π π
I have a nagging feeling that British Bulldog is around then or early sep too.
Bodes well for late summer for us biggas π

I thought you would appreciate that DeadRabb1t π
I think Iβll probably be out of Blue Kush by the time the Wedding Cake is ready so hopefully it can fill that void π
I think Iβll probably be out of Blue Kush by the time the Wedding Cake is ready so hopefully it can fill that void π

Thanks to everyone who messaged me about this. Its great to see its been well received.
Just to confirm, there isnβt anything special you need to do to enter this raffle other than place an order with me - thatβs it - Iβll automatically add you to the raffle π
Everyone of you who have placed an order with me over the last few weeks will automatically be entered too βπ½
Just to confirm, there isnβt anything special you need to do to enter this raffle other than place an order with me - thatβs it - Iβll automatically add you to the raffle π
Everyone of you who have placed an order with me over the last few weeks will automatically be entered too βπ½

1 post
+4 votes
Welcome Back Bonneville!
I don't think you'll be disappointed. Mine landed this morning and it's a phenomenal bit of greenery.
I can't decide which number to bet on lol maybe the mai tai instead, never used bonneville before but I hear they're the bomb? :)

I don't think you'll be disappointed. Mine landed this morning and it's a phenomenal bit of greenery.

2 posts
+5 votes
started topic
+ 2 more

Hi Bonneville! Hope you're well. Was just wondering when we can expect some new products on your wall?

Hi JazzNBass ,
Sorry for the late reply been tending to the farm ;)
As for new listings, still got a while to go unfortunately :( be at least 4-6 weeks away wouldnβt really want to put a date or time on it we like to run our shiz til fully ripened . What we will say though is itβs looking absolutely unbelievable and there are flavours for days :)))) in there and maybe even a few keepers !
Weβll keep you posted on the drop closer the timeβ¦β¦
Sorry for the late reply been tending to the farm ;)
As for new listings, still got a while to go unfortunately :( be at least 4-6 weeks away wouldnβt really want to put a date or time on it we like to run our shiz til fully ripened . What we will say though is itβs looking absolutely unbelievable and there are flavours for days :)))) in there and maybe even a few keepers !
Weβll keep you posted on the drop closer the timeβ¦β¦

1 post
+3 votes
What is your smoking song?
Bob James - Nautilus

I'll put this one on here just to represent basically all of Sublime's songs and of course the original by Marley.
I'm also big into underground hip hop, and hip hop from the 90s/00. Saw you talking about bone thugs for example, my shit.
I'm also big into underground hip hop, and hip hop from the 90s/00. Saw you talking about bone thugs for example, my shit.

Oh man, have loved Sublime ever since I heard them, such a cool and unique band. Shame it ended so soon.

Awesome song this and the original.
Nas, BIG, Pac, Eazy, Cube, Rakim, Red & Meth, DMX (yikes now tough), Snoop, Wayne, Outkast - the list goes on man these dudes were all I heard growing up. Admittedly it has been a while since I've visited the decade, I'm about to take a trip back in time and get all nostalgic. Cheers. edit: can't forget Beasite Boys
Nas, BIG, Pac, Eazy, Cube, Rakim, Red & Meth, DMX (yikes now tough), Snoop, Wayne, Outkast - the list goes on man these dudes were all I heard growing up. Admittedly it has been a while since I've visited the decade, I'm about to take a trip back in time and get all nostalgic. Cheers. edit: can't forget Beasite Boys

I always find myself putting on one of three albums whenever I get some quality bud and have an hour or two to kill.
ATCQ - Low End Theory
Nas - Illmatic
Wu - 36 Chambers
For those times I'm not in a hip hop mood I tend to listen to some RHCP or The Doors or whatever I have on loop in my head for that day lol.
ATCQ - Low End Theory
Nas - Illmatic
Wu - 36 Chambers
For those times I'm not in a hip hop mood I tend to listen to some RHCP or The Doors or whatever I have on loop in my head for that day lol.

All three of those are solid gold.
'Imma pull your fucking tounge out ya fucking mouth and...'
lol lol...good music, good times...
'Imma pull your fucking tounge out ya fucking mouth and...'
lol lol...good music, good times...

Why thank you, kind sir. I may be wrong but I'm sure Nas wrote and preformed that album at 19/20 which is just bananas to say the least. Such lyricism and flow for such a young man. "Rappers I'm monley flippin with the funky rythm I be kickin,
Musician, inflictin' composition, of pain
I'm like Scarface sniffin' cocaine
Holdin' a M16, see with the pen I'm extreme" first lines are maaaaaad lol
Musician, inflictin' composition, of pain
I'm like Scarface sniffin' cocaine
Holdin' a M16, see with the pen I'm extreme" first lines are maaaaaad lol

It is crazy, to be thinking so critically at that age while delivering a strong message wrapped up in smart word play, bars and insane flow. Some people just have raw talent man.

Illmatic = Hip Hop
If aliens landed and asked me what Hip Hop was, I would play them this album.
Then they would know...
If aliens landed and asked me what Hip Hop was, I would play them this album.
Then they would know...

Don't have a go to song exactly, depends on the mood. Would say hip hop like Gu, J-Cole, Tribe, Pharcyde, few others. Also love some Thin Lizzy, Rory Gallagher, Black Sabboth, Led Zeplin. Also love some Vaya Con Dias.....these are just off the top of the head, so many more.
I really came here to comment as I can see hip hop, rock, blues, folk all down through the list and am planning on working my way through it but don't have the time right now.
I want to leave this album here because it is great to smoke to, and great to fuck to, lol.....
Air - Moon Safari
I really came here to comment as I can see hip hop, rock, blues, folk all down through the list and am planning on working my way through it but don't have the time right now.
I want to leave this album here because it is great to smoke to, and great to fuck to, lol.....
Air - Moon Safari

My man, I really like this :) Thanks for the contribution, I actually didn't know I knew of Air till I heard Sexy Boy playing. Also, this sounds like a great album to take you through a LSD trip, I think I'll find out.

Of course, love the spread of music, thanks for starting this topic. Already headbanging to a few artists found.
A lot of people actually know their songs pretty well, but don't know them. Haha, that's what I like to hear. I have never done tripping but would definitely contribute to the overall mood/vibes. One of my favourite underappreciated albums....of course just in my opinion
A lot of people actually know their songs pretty well, but don't know them. Haha, that's what I like to hear. I have never done tripping but would definitely contribute to the overall mood/vibes. One of my favourite underappreciated albums....of course just in my opinion

Yeah this topic has been a steady source of great tunes for me actually.
I've definitely heard a few of their songs. Now that is a positive attitude I appreciate seeing :)
I've definitely heard a few of their songs. Now that is a positive attitude I appreciate seeing :)

I actually have to come back and give an honorary mention to Ebo Taylor, how could I forget, great sunshine listening

Solarstone - Seven Cities ( Armin Van Buuren Vocal Mix ) FULL VOCAL 2002
I can drift away with tunez like this
I can drift away with tunez like this

Or talking heads’ live album Stop Making Sense
You can watch the whole thing on YouTube and it is mind blowing
You can watch the whole thing on YouTube and it is mind blowing

I beg you to give that sabbath song a go, I think you’d be pleasantly surprised.
And don’t call sabbath shite! You’ll make me cry black tears
And don’t call sabbath shite! You’ll make me cry black tears

John Frusciante always gets me feeling in a great mood.

ALPS Cru - All Lyricists Proceed South...
Love this one...sitting in the dark...looking at the stars....mind wandering...sweet...
And when I'm, feeling a bit g lol...
Classic for me...used to roll around all night long chuffing away in the Escorts and Orions and shit...good times....
Love this one...sitting in the dark...looking at the stars....mind wandering...sweet...
And when I'm, feeling a bit g lol...
Classic for me...used to roll around all night long chuffing away in the Escorts and Orions and shit...good times....

Thank you for this, exactly why I'm reading this thread. Alps Cru are perfect; I'm surprised I have not come across these before

This or my “waiting for my Ruca”
Such a shame Bradley was a smack head and O.D’d. 40’oz to freedom is such a powerful album.
Such a shame Bradley was a smack head and O.D’d. 40’oz to freedom is such a powerful album.

Man I dig this so much. Stay High too, there is something unique about the way she delivers her vocals. Music to improve the mood right here.
Edit: ooooh she's done a NPR tiny desk concert. I love these.
Edit: ooooh she's done a NPR tiny desk concert. I love these.

Oh yeah man agree 100%. Hadn’t seen the tiny desk concert either, thanks I love those too.

Lil Wyte - Smoking Song
This is maybe a little bit more "aggressive" that most of the chill ones but this is what I'd light up to when I was in my teens =) oh how times have changed.
This is maybe a little bit more "aggressive" that most of the chill ones but this is what I'd light up to when I was in my teens =) oh how times have changed.

Top band mate, went to see them last year in Manchester unreal, probably best gig I saw all year, smoked a few joints just before they came on was a different experience

Oh man, blast from the past right there. Love this band! So chill and bass heavy. These guys did some awesome live shows with Iration Steppas back in the day. Nice shout, man.

Big tune. The little pockets of flows he jumps in and out of while delivering a potent message.. mad.

Any song from the hillside airstrip album by 10 ft ganja plant

This trey songz tune lit.. But depends on mood

not seen that film, looks up my street for sure. But yes it has the same 80's/Cyberpunk feel. I whack the γγ‘γγΌγγΉ (Love Letter to Japan) album on while smoking and just get lost in it completely.

Yeah this group is so important, continually pushing boundaries. The entire project is fascinating.

haha I actually remember all his old stuff... some stuff was pretty decent. mostly shite though lol

I agree, most of the stuff he did under Chipmunk is mega corny nowadays, probably back then too hahah. I rate his diss tracks though he brought some life back to the scene in those days.

Positive vibes from this one.
P.s when commenting you can select web link at the bottom of the text box (just above 'save') and enter the link, if it's a YT video it will embed it in the comment, quite handy for sharing music. <3
P.s when commenting you can select web link at the bottom of the text box (just above 'save') and enter the link, if it's a YT video it will embed it in the comment, quite handy for sharing music. <3

Tubular bells from Mike Oldfield, puppetmastaz, Ghinzu, Dr Dre, Dvorjak new world symphony, Jacques Brel, Pharcyde, Air, Dub Incorporation and so many others...
I discovered music thanks to weed :)
I discovered music thanks to weed :)

1 post
+3.2 votes
Why is my escrow only 24hrs on a new order?
But what does it mean when it says "provided by Escrow Suisse , auto-releases in 0d 8h 32m"? I only placed the order yesterday : /
But what does it mean when it says "provided by Escrow Suisse , auto-releases in 0d 8h 32m"? I only placed the order yesterday : /

I've had something similar but said auto release in 2 days. I wouldn't mind some input here myself.

Mine currently auto releases in 8 hours at time of writing. It started at 2 days though which doesn't allow much time to recieve the item. It hasn't arrived today and although I'm not worried at this point, it really does remove some comfort from the situation when the vendor's money is released automatically before I can recieve my order. It used to say "auto releases in 14 days" when I ordered. 2 days?

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