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joined apr 2020
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1 topic on Treebee
4 posts
+7 votes

Newbie- Ordering online using Iphone

Newbie- Ordering online using Iphone
What do you use to browse and order on here and maintain privacy? Anyone else using an iphone/ios or do you prefer a browser with more privacy like Firefox.. any tips for a first timer? Is it worth using a VPN tunneling app, for example.. thanks in advance

the answer is like most privacy questions, be as private as you can afford to be with respect to time and effort.
firefox is better than the other big browsers, a tor browser works if you allow javascript and then you dont need a vpn for private browsing.
firefox is better than the other big browsers, a tor browser works if you allow javascript and then you dont need a vpn for private browsing.

44 posts by Treebee
2 posts
+17.5 votes
Good Youtube Channels
started topic
+ 2 more

Good Youtube Channels
Whats your favourite Weed related Youtube Channel?
I like watching Doctor Denz, can you recommend any other good ones?
I like watching Doctor Denz, can you recommend any other good ones?

Fall of Civilizations - Not weed related but hypnotic to watch high. Really informative and really well presented, there's not a great deal of them but they're beautifully put together.

Not necessarily 'weed' related, but if you want a YouTube channel to learn some stuff, "Today I Found Out" is great when you're high and ready to soak up a bit of random trivia (if that's your thing)
Cheers BB
Cheers BB

Urbanremo is a great channel!
He’s a Canadian grower who used to work for Advanced Nitrients and now has his own nutrient company.
He does things like Marajuana Monday or Hash Wednesday where he reviews strains but also always brings his camera to all the expos and cannabis cups.
He’s a Canadian grower who used to work for Advanced Nitrients and now has his own nutrient company.
He does things like Marajuana Monday or Hash Wednesday where he reviews strains but also always brings his camera to all the expos and cannabis cups.

Kill Tony. Not specifically weed related, but hilarious, and loads of the panel/contestants are all baked

Hi Treebee..I'm a doctor denz fan..love his videos along with strain cainers....great to watch while stoned as fuck lol😃..

I’m an engineer so I like anything to do with engines and motors obvs the green stuff too but I like grind hard pluming , Alec Steele , rather b welding , rclifeon and loads more mate don’t watch tv yt is my go too

Not weed related but I tend to.watch have a word podcast. Some absolute better guests, it's a comedy podcast hosted by comedians (pretty self explanatory 🤣) always has me rolling

Cannacribs is worth a look, it's a behind the scenes look at some of the big US brands and how they operate

I can't provide a an actual link but type "high rollers Derek gilman" on YouTube search. It's part of the Ganjiers channel. The 30 ish minute episodes with Derek Gilman as host can be fun/informative to watch. Cannabis industry guests talking all sorts of topics... Oh and they have to have a toot at some point in the conversation!!

1 post
+3 votes

Tobacco alternative?
Honey Rose Farmers Blend. A sweet tasting smoke and lovely smells. Like old fashioned pipe tobbacco but not harsh at all.

Tobacco alternative?
What do you mix in your joints? I’ve stopped smoking tobacco and now using trim in my joints instead, problem is some trim is potent af and some makes me choke.
What do you use instead of tobacco in a joint?
What do you use instead of tobacco in a joint?

Flawlesscbd.co.uk sell 'professor herb premium hemp blend' that is what I used to use. It comes in a baccy pouch in a few different flavours I used to stick to the original. If you look for a new customer voucher code there is usually 15-20% off 👍

Didn’t have any original in stock so grabbed a mango and a lemon haze, matches my usual day smoke. Thanks 🤘

2 pouches came today and having my first smoke now and OMG this is so smooth I’m shocked. Tastes great, this might be the answer to my prayers.
Huge thank you 🙏
Huge thank you 🙏

Can you or anyone who's tried the 'premium hemp blend' comment on the smell and flavour of it? would really appreciate a description of sorts, or what would you compare the smell and taste to?
I have an overly sensitive nose and the thought of it smelling like herbs or flowers is really putting me off trying it
I have an overly sensitive nose and the thought of it smelling like herbs or flowers is really putting me off trying it

I used to stick to the original and it is pretty neutral and allows whatever you add to come through, no floral flavour.
I found it easier on the throat than using shake for bulking out joints and cheaper too.👍
I found it easier on the throat than using shake for bulking out joints and cheaper too.👍

Appreciated; saw some general herb mixes on Amazon but the combustion of the herbs they use is way higher than pot or tobacco, gave me a coughing fit. Hemp might be ideal for me; same plant and no impact on the smoke, could be perfect. thank you 🙏

I second the Professor Herb stuff. I smoke joints very rarely as I stopped smoking tobacco over 10 years ago but this is my go to if I need a single skinner 👍

I don't add anything anymore.. I went from using ciggs, to grabba, to trim and now it's always pure. Health inspired the switch, inconsistency kept me searching and now I'm content 🤷🏼

Yeah wasn’t reallyan option before but with LittleBiggy prices kind of is now tbf
Whether I can handle weed only joints will be fun to see lol
Whether I can handle weed only joints will be fun to see lol

I had to give up tobacco so I could get an operation I'd been waiting for on my leg. I ended up going cold turkey and just using a bong. The hardest part is not filling the bowl to full! Been of the baccie 10 months now and had the op...which I'm still recovering from!

There is a big difference when you cut tobacco out completely. No coughing or wheezing. I’m glad I did. Good health to you mate and keep that bong filled, I do. 😁🤣

Amazing to hear mate. Currently in the process of cutting out the baccy with an alternative for rolling.
What did you switch to? I got 2 of the pro herb original and already cut the baccy down initially for zoots
What did you switch to? I got 2 of the pro herb original and already cut the baccy down initially for zoots

Good luck 🤘 original was out of stock when I ordered, so I got the lemon one and wife is on the mango. Weirdly I’m kind of preferring it because it smokes slower; makes the even more interesting relaxing especially at night

If you want the original mate it's not on his website I got it off flawlessCBD in the end. Enjoy. I also feel the added benefit of CBD compared to the pure thc you get off most green now

🤣🤣 I don't miss coughing my lungs up every morning that's for sure. I still miss a good spliff but would never go back now

Honey Rose Farmers Blend. A sweet tasting smoke and lovely smells. Like old fashioned pipe tobbacco but not harsh at all.

Going to try this one next mate. The CBD ground is good, really makes the terps of your green stand out vs baccy. Only issue is the burn as it is essentially dust. Thinking this looks a bit more loose, bit more leafy if that makes sense..

I found a nice 50/50 mix of the hemp and flower made it a good smoke, burns slower so more relaxing for me. Did notice that the lemon burns slower than the mango too, guess whatever they add has a different burning speed

If you have good enough flower you won’t need anything to help it burn. Since going pure I’ve gone from 10 joints a day to 2/3 max

I’m the same, 3half years ago. Takes a wee bit to get used to but it’s lovely 🤣. Start my smoking day with a few bongs. Enjoy. 🤣

The very smell of cigarettes makes me wanna puke, can’t believe I used to smoke that shit

I was told I have suspected COPD last month, went for an X-ray and noticed some damage in lung, I feel fine but when I get a cold it’s not as easy to smoke a joint anymore. I’ve smoked other things I shouldn’t in my years so can’t just blame the weed. I’m nearly 50 and had a lot of good nights through the years🤣

Thanks but I’ve tried it; spent £70 on a fancy one to use it only once because I hated the flavour 😂 tried proper vapes American vapes too but didn’t hit the same as a smoke, frustrating because I get on great with nicotine vapes

I'm such a PAX shill but that's the closest thing to smoking a joint I've found. Other highly recommended vapes just didn't cut it for me cause I missed the feeling of smoking a joint.
If you ever find one on discount/cheap second hand I'd really recommend trying one out.
If you ever find one on discount/cheap second hand I'd really recommend trying one out.

100%, I've had my Pax for over 2 years, used it loads and it's still going strong. I really love this thing.

Done this a few years ago, try a dry herb vape as suggested, it takes a bit of getting used to but after a few months you won't go back, joints will taste like a bonfire, vaping tastes so much nicer and it's more efficient.

After reading through this thread I think I might finally pull the trigger on stopping tobacco 🛑

I just roll pures :) I was worried at first about coughing my lungs off but was surprised how smooth it is.

I used to use stuff called shamans trance that I got from everyonedoesit.com, it seemed to heighten the effects slightly but it was a bitch to roll with. Tasted nice though.

I just use shake, tried a few alternatives but can't beat a good neat joint. This cost about the same as a pouch of baccy anyway.

I use sage and chamomile for a nice clean smoke with a bit of weight to it it smokes well

1 post
+7 votes
What is the best video game plot you have experienced?
Old School- I used to love the original Silent Hill on Playstation, thought that was a really clever game. Also MYST.

What is the best video game plot you have experienced?
For me personally its between Bioshock infinte and the last of us.
GTA 4 is up there along with uncharted 4, Halo 1-3, Papers please and God of war 1-4.
GTA 4 is up there along with uncharted 4, Halo 1-3, Papers please and God of war 1-4.

Shenmue on the Sega Dreamcast, written directed and produced by Japanese genius Yu Suzuki. Beautiful and way ahead of it's time.
A teenth of Afghan black, Ericsson T18 on silent, while i roamed the streets of Japan. Those were the days!
A teenth of Afghan black, Ericsson T18 on silent, while i roamed the streets of Japan. Those were the days!

Have you played the new Shenmue? Shenmue 3 I think? I played a load of the original on Dreamcast back in the day and bought the remastered version for PS4 that had 1&2 on it (wasn't as good as I remembered) intresting to know if 3 is any good.

Old School- I used to love the original Silent Hill on Playstation, thought that was a really clever game. Also MYST.

Silent hill for sure, was Syked for new one coming out with Kojima onboard but alas, it wasn’t to be

Loads of rumors about a reboot for the series but I'm not sure I even want it if Yamaoka isn't onboard. Kojima's take would've been interesting, though. Shame we never got more than a demo.

I assume this is an old post but if you haven’t already check out The Callisto Protocol!!! From the creators of dead space, looks like top tier sci fi horror and is set for release at the end of 2022 (although will probably be delayed until next year, you know how these things go lol)

Bloody loved Silent Hill. Creepy AF. Used the machine's limitations really well by clouding the streets with an eerie fog. I still recall hearing the footsteps of those fucked-up things but not be able to see them. Remember the cut-away sequence when the nurse staggered towards you?

100% the witcher. Managed to get every gwent card aswell even when you could very easily miss a few card through wrong decisions.

Wow! I totally forgot about LSL. I bloody loved all the Sierra adventure games when I was but a young lad.

For me Heavy Rain really stands out, also Shenmue 2 and LA Noir, all so far ahead of their time.

Yeah, it's amazing. So atmospheric. Only problem was, it was supposed to be a two or three part dlc but the creator gave up on it after the first one so it never got finished. As far as I know he gave up on making video games after that. If you can get hold of the first part tho, I'd highly recommend it

There are so many...
Witcher 3 has to be up there with the best along with all 3 bioshock games. Halo 1-3 & the latest god of war. Here hoping cyberpunk 2077 can join them too!
Witcher 3 has to be up there with the best along with all 3 bioshock games. Halo 1-3 & the latest god of war. Here hoping cyberpunk 2077 can join them too!

Metal Gear Solid on the PSone blew my mind, the other MGS got a bit preachy but the PSone version had everything, great game play, great stelf sections, good action sequences etc etc I still think about the bit where Psycho Mantis moves your controller, freaked me out.

GTA 4, more recently Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last of us was also pretty epic, I’m looking forward to part 2.

Bioshock 1 was drippingly beautiful and draws you in. Dark room, good thumping surround sound cranked up, roll a few fattys. Great replay capability with the good or bad decisions and the array of different weapons and potions. One of the finest pieces of electronic entertainment to this day, including films.
Noteables: Deus ex, last of us, elder scrolls,Halo 1.
Its when you play them as well i think. There are more advanced games now, better ai, graphics etc, but such a wow factor for me at the time when i was a fanatic.
Noteables: Deus ex, last of us, elder scrolls,Halo 1.
Its when you play them as well i think. There are more advanced games now, better ai, graphics etc, but such a wow factor for me at the time when i was a fanatic.

Metro Exodus is pretty intense. I agree, Bioshock Infinite was pretty awesome. Saying that Bioshock 1+2 were pretty raw. Best plot ever, though? Has to be 'The Secret of Monkey Island 2'.

Like many others, 'last of us' will always stay in the mind and I'm eager to play no2.
So many others worthy of note, but I'm also big fan of Horizon on ps4, such an excellent story and characters and possibly my fave of this gen.
Honorable shout out to 'Days Gone' which never got the praise it deserved imo.
So many others worthy of note, but I'm also big fan of Horizon on ps4, such an excellent story and characters and possibly my fave of this gen.
Honorable shout out to 'Days Gone' which never got the praise it deserved imo.

I started playing “Days gone” when it came out on free to play. I would’ve paid for it if I’d have known it was that good! I’m hooked and I never thought I would be.

Max Payne 2: Fall of Max Payne - I like that noiresque atmosphere, the music, the over the top melancholic atmosphere... It harmonised well with my mood back then...

This^ elder scrolls by far the most immersive games. Skyrim is over 10 years old and is still un matched, probably never will be. Well over 100 hours game play or unlimited hours if you don't bother with main quest lines.

Life Is Strange
It really shows how the slightest thing can completely change the reality you get stuck in
It makes you contemplate the cause and effect that lead to living in your current reality and how fragile everything we perceive is
Ain't played the game in years but I still fell so emotionally connected to it
It really shows how the slightest thing can completely change the reality you get stuck in
It makes you contemplate the cause and effect that lead to living in your current reality and how fragile everything we perceive is
Ain't played the game in years but I still fell so emotionally connected to it

Xenoblade Chronicles for me. I love good RPGs and this story was kinda unique and on top of that the Gameplay was really fun too. Sadly the follow up Games were kinda meh...

Got to be final fantasy 9 I remember playing it as a 10 yr old and was super emotional lol

The last of us, for sure. What an emotional journey. Really looking forward to the next one coming out. Can’t wait to dive into that. Really nice to have summat to look forward to in these trying times. Much love.

Metal Gear Solid Series was excellent. Loved God of wars. First Bioshock was awesome. Assassins creed Odyssey was decent enough!

It got shit on constantly but I fucking LOVED Destiny 1 and 2. The story was meh, but the game itself ran so smoothly and in my opinion was one of the best FPS games to come out in years. I did stop playing a few months back though because I just had nothing left to do in it.
Story wise either Last of Us or God of War 5.
Story wise either Last of Us or God of War 5.

D1 and d2 played well but they would, its a bungie shooter. But they felt hollow which is a shame considering the hipe before 1. The lore is really good tho if you can peice it together. But it should be in the game more. D1 tied me over quite nicely between borderlands 2 and 3 lol and I met some awesome people playing it

Literally just bought Shadowkeep like a week ago. Got my Titan to 965 so far. Now for the Warlock and Hunter lol. Forgot how much I enjoyed playing the game

My favourite has got to be
Nier Automata
If you haven't played it I strongly suggest you do
So many twists and turns
The robot characters are named around famous philosophyers
The game touches on robots having emotions etc etc
Fucking fantastic honestly
Nier Automata
If you haven't played it I strongly suggest you do
So many twists and turns
The robot characters are named around famous philosophyers
The game touches on robots having emotions etc etc
Fucking fantastic honestly

Myst - never attempt it stoned!
Bioshock (obvs) but also Bioshock Infinite.
And Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Oh, and Ghouls'n'Ghosts....
Bioshock (obvs) but also Bioshock Infinite.
And Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Oh, and Ghouls'n'Ghosts....

I got hooked on the Sierra adventure games back in the early 90's. That led me on to the epic Broken Sword series by Revolution. Still worth checking out for its humour and storyline. Point and click has never been such fun.

1 post
+5 votes

swazi or thai?
I remember back in the early 1990’s when Thai Red Stick was highly prized and so exotic if you could get some.. It was all mainly Hash back then too. …

swazi or thai?
hi guys can anyone tell me which is the strongest and most pleasant smoke out of the two? swazi high grade or top end thai? i never tried either
thank you !
thank you !

Hi Skunk76, Am old so love this sort of weed it's all we could get before skunk. I tried both of these and found there's not much difference in strength both nice sativa, Think the Thai buzzed me instantly and was great for wake n bake, would enjoy the Swazi anytime of the day found it slightly more heady and a creeper that leaves you nicely baked after about 5 minutes after smoking kind of works it's way in and seems to just get better as the hour or so passes. Sorry I can't really answer but both are great for the price. Interms of flavour Thai for me tasted less sweet than Swazi but again both unique and worth a try. Love both TGT and drugs Inc so found this a hard call so you should try both. Cheers!

This site exists because of people like you Jobe.
The fact you've put so much effort, and personal detail into that response, is what LB is all about (in my humble opinion).
Thank you Jobe.
Cheers. BB
The fact you've put so much effort, and personal detail into that response, is what LB is all about (in my humble opinion).
Thank you Jobe.
Cheers. BB

Thanks mate, When I first joined this site I couldn't believe just how cool some of the folks on here are, was a shock at first and found it hard to trust but after a month or so I realised the good out wiegh the bad ten fold. Most people here are always willing to help and have helped me many times. keeping the place positive is more important than ever at the moment. It should be fun here! Cheers!

Hi Jobe , as a gentleman in his 50's and a recent returner to smoking (forced through health, and now equally with happiness!) I cannot believe how friendly helpful and generous everyone on this site is - from vendors with their knowledge of their product (and honesty) to community members. Very happy I have stumbled onto LB. All the best Rob

Totally agree with your comments BB! Great to have people like Jobe on LB as such valued opinions are sacrosanct imho...You could not find better reviews than this in the Sunday Times Wine supplement!...In fact Im gonna try both strains for my next LB buys! Cheers!

No problemo, You guys have always come through for me and your products are always exactly as described.

You’re right, the Swazi is absolutely a creeper. Most forgetful I’ve been on a smoke in ages too! My mate & I couldn’t finish half of our conversations! Ha.

I remember back in the early 1990’s when Thai Red Stick was highly prized and so exotic if you could get some.. It was all mainly Hash back then too. I have no experience of Swazi so cant compare.. you wont go far wrong with Thai though. How things have changed since the boom in Hydroponics and UK grown herb. Its nice to still see the weaker THC products being available. Recently joined LB and its like a trip down memory lane. Lovely to see imported Hash being available too. Kid in a sweet shop!

Hi mate. I've currently got 12 grams of book of wisdom thai and 20+g of Swazi. Sitting here with a Swazi joint on the go and although both are very close in terms of the high, the Swazi just nudges it. The high is longer lasting and there's less seeds in the Swazi.
The book of wisdom doesn't have many seeds in comparison to Thai stick. Both will get you baked. I fully recommend using these as morning smokes. They are both perfect for your first joint/smoke/vape of the day. I look at this type of weed as a base to building your high, a foundation for the day ahead.
The taste of of the Thai is very savoury, like inhaling a weed infused incense stick. The Swazi is sweeter, more akin to citrus sativa.
Both are great for their price point. I'd still edge it to Swazi, only just though.
The book of wisdom doesn't have many seeds in comparison to Thai stick. Both will get you baked. I fully recommend using these as morning smokes. They are both perfect for your first joint/smoke/vape of the day. I look at this type of weed as a base to building your high, a foundation for the day ahead.
The taste of of the Thai is very savoury, like inhaling a weed infused incense stick. The Swazi is sweeter, more akin to citrus sativa.
Both are great for their price point. I'd still edge it to Swazi, only just though.

lol love this. I smoked a tonne of it all way back but I have to agree the Swazi was the best. Thai always had too many seeds but was still a nice smoke.. The Jamaican sess smelt a bit damp (maybe just the batches i got.) and was typically an indica so i wasn't as fussed. But yeah Swazi is the one!

IMO the Thai is superior, better flavour, better effects and better price. The Swazi is very peppery tasting and is dryer, the Thai has more trichromes but is more oxidized

My fb was Swazi really enjoyed it a nice high and smooth smoke, well worth the money as well

1 post
+2 votes

Tobacco Substitutes
Welcome Unclefuzzy! Try this stuff, its not as strong as Tobacco but it rolls and smokes nicely and lets you taste the weed more than you do with toba…

Tobacco Substitutes
Hi fellow Biggies. Not long on here but WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!!!! Pig in shit here. Anyway I like a spliff with nice hash, sometimes I use weed and I’m wanting to move away from tobacco for obvious reasons but not move away from spliffs. Blunts don’t work with hash and I’m no heavyweight smoker so waste a good bit of weed doin blunts. Does anybody here use tobacco substitutes and if so any advice would be much appreciated!! :)

This is the question everyone gets to eventually, personally I fully believe that there is NOTHING that will ever be able to replace a good joint. Nothing. If you like sitting with a good spliff then there's no replacing it. You can try tobacco substitutes but they are too harsh and taste funky, you can go pure weed joints but that can be expensive if you're not self growing.
I've been smoking for 20+ years now and am at the same point where I know it's time to start giving up the baccy but there's just nothing better than sparking up a joint after hitting the bong lol
It's a sacrifice that has to be made at some point I guess. Will be soon for me (especially since my baccy seems to last 5minutes these days).
If I'm wrong though and you or anyone else has a solution I'd like to know too :)
I've been smoking for 20+ years now and am at the same point where I know it's time to start giving up the baccy but there's just nothing better than sparking up a joint after hitting the bong lol
It's a sacrifice that has to be made at some point I guess. Will be soon for me (especially since my baccy seems to last 5minutes these days).
If I'm wrong though and you or anyone else has a solution I'd like to know too :)

As an ex smoker but still liking a good joint, I wait for the bottom of the bucket weed n grab 14g grams cheap n smoke pure.

Welcome unclefuzzy
Alas my friend, this is a mission that i too have been on for a long time. Sadly in my experiments to enjoy hash once again i tried vaping, pipe, bong but it just wasnt the same...
I got fed up of finding amazing hash here and wasting it with attempts to substitute a good old fashioned spliff. I tried expensive smoking mixes, trim and lower grade weeds like Sess, thai and bush but none came close. I found that they took away from the stone of the hash and it becomes a mixed buzz. You also loose the subtle flavours of the hash.
I wish you well on this search and please get back to me if you find anything that comes close
Alas my friend, this is a mission that i too have been on for a long time. Sadly in my experiments to enjoy hash once again i tried vaping, pipe, bong but it just wasnt the same...
I got fed up of finding amazing hash here and wasting it with attempts to substitute a good old fashioned spliff. I tried expensive smoking mixes, trim and lower grade weeds like Sess, thai and bush but none came close. I found that they took away from the stone of the hash and it becomes a mixed buzz. You also loose the subtle flavours of the hash.
I wish you well on this search and please get back to me if you find anything that comes close

As much as i hate myself for saying this i just had to concede when DrugsInc dropped their 00! There was no way i was gonna use that sub optimally and so bought a pouch of my old poison. I pulled out my tray, made a pattern and rolled a beauty.
I wont lie... it was blissful and took me back 20years. The flavours , high and the sense of occasion and it was a great evening.
For a hash fanatic i cant recommend DrugsInc 00 highly enough but this is just my personal opinion. Lovely clean high with both cerebral and body elements and a sense of comfort and contentment.
I wont lie... it was blissful and took me back 20years. The flavours , high and the sense of occasion and it was a great evening.
For a hash fanatic i cant recommend DrugsInc 00 highly enough but this is just my personal opinion. Lovely clean high with both cerebral and body elements and a sense of comfort and contentment.

I’ve got their Lemon Amnesia which is ace but I think the 00 is SOLD on me for next purchase. Thanks for you thoughts and look below, I’ve a possible tobacco alternative so will let you know how I get on with this.
Peace out
Peace out

Welcome Unclefuzzy! Try this stuff, its not as strong as Tobacco but it rolls and smokes nicely and lets you taste the weed more than you do with tobacco.
Honeyrose (Link at start of my post)
Honeyrose (Link at start of my post)

Ooooooohhh, that sounds good. I’ll order that also. FYI all I’ve ordered some buds from that CleverBotanics so will keep you all posted when I’ve tried it!

I did the same mate which flavours did you go for? The pineapple express is a lovely smooth taste, wouldn't recommend the strawb raccoon... Not to my liking. Really good company they sent two samples as well!

I used to smoke honeyrose but I don't think you can get any more.I started to make my own bought some marshmallow leaves and red clover leaves on Amazon.I,d put some in a large bowl and drench it in orange fruit juice sometimes berry fruit juice squeeze of honey if you have it leave overnight soaking then put in tea towel make a ball then squeeze out liquid then dry on baking tray in oven.It makes pretty good nicotine free tobbaco.If you like honeyrose this is my version

Nothing works for me mate, I just quit smoking and started vaping. I liked blunts and big bongs with sprinkle of tobacco on top to get you extra high, but health is more important. Fucking love weed, but I love my lungs as well lol. I Tried stuff like greengo, mellow mallow, real leaf and a bunch self made mixes and low grade weed. I like smoking weed on itself but it makes me cough like hell, vape works best for me. My gf enjoys realleaf smoking mix (terpenes infused ones) but it smells horrible for a passive smokers. fucking weird as fuck. personally I would recommend vapes, something like dynavap or storz and bickel.

Cheers for advice. I’ve still to try vapes tbh, I don’t know much about them. Do you add weed to them (like a pipe or bong?) and can you vape hash?

as long it's ok to smoke it can b vapeable lol even tobacco, for hash you can use concentrate pads, hemp fibre or cotton bacon (any vaping cotton)

I found these the best
Arkopharma NTB Herbal Cigarettes Tobacco Free
£3.50 Holland and Barrat
Take a bit of getting used to, but have same feel as tobacco if not taste.
I used them but moved onto a good dry herb vape, works well with hash or oil as well as herb.
Arkopharma NTB Herbal Cigarettes Tobacco Free
£3.50 Holland and Barrat
Take a bit of getting used to, but have same feel as tobacco if not taste.
I used them but moved onto a good dry herb vape, works well with hash or oil as well as herb.

There's a company called real leaf. They make tobacco substitutes that are infused with cannabis terpenes. But no cod or the so is all legal. Think there are 6 different strains/flavours

Hey mate, Damiana's a nice taste and buzz; adds a bit of energy to joints (haven't picked up on the aphrodisiac qualities :). And I'd recommend Zamnesia.com, wide range of stock and good prices and it's just a few quid postage from the Netherlands.

Hey, I like CBD flower mix with THC rich bud to smoke in RAW cones normally but also have been dynavaping instead of smoking and 18month without tobacco. Also thai weed is a good alternative tobacco.

I need something which isn’t gonna add to the buzz of the hash or weed. Does the CBD ok for that?

For me it's a nice change from tobacco its light and not harsh like baccy I dont miss nicotine or the panics. I like weed, cbd/thc flower n thai are nice alternatives as a treat. Try it ?

Like BarbellHunter says it's not for everyone. You can get thai on hear the amazing LB and its vendors and cbd flower i get mine @ cleverbotanics.com do some really nice cbd flower and fast delivery. Like I say I dynavap most of the time with thc sativa and indica. But this works for me.

Hi unclefuzzy. I mostly use mullein which has the alleged added benefit of helping to clean the lungs. I've tried damiana but didn't really like the taste. Sometimes I add a bit of chamomile in the mix. I've never smoked tobacco so I'm sorry I can't tell you if this will hit the spot in that respect.

JDOG gave us a heads up on a company cleverbotanics.com so I contacted them. They seem to sell bud but without the THC. I asked of them - “I’m after a flower with minimal taste and minimal CBD, a very neutral flower if this makes sense? Could you recommend something?” They replied - “ Many thanks for your email.
One of our grower that strongly bleives in natural approach has produced, Pineapple Buffalo, Strawberry Raccoon and Harlequine Tiger that have the similar profile to what you are asking”
One of our grower that strongly bleives in natural approach has produced, Pineapple Buffalo, Strawberry Raccoon and Harlequine Tiger that have the similar profile to what you are asking”

1 post
+3 votes

Hi Lads
As a grower I'm 100% confident that my best strains/ grows will hold their own against most, but the demand for the unusual/ different and exotic is stronger than ever.
So the Question is, what makes real Cail weed better ? Or Dutch import for that matter.
If I get top end genetics ( seeds ) as a starting point, why cant I equal or better cali weed ?
Genetics are what they are, and theres no secret way that only our US friends know of too growing weed.
Good genetics/ good nutrients ( possibly organic) / good growing environment ( lights extraction, stable temps etc and cured the right way.
I personally think it's a bit of a trend thing a bit like supposed wine connoisseurs... get a group of smokers to try 2 good UK grown stains and 2 cail and most people couldn't pick the supposedly more superior product imo
As a grower I'm 100% confident that my best strains/ grows will hold their own against most, but the demand for the unusual/ different and exotic is stronger than ever.
So the Question is, what makes real Cail weed better ? Or Dutch import for that matter.
If I get top end genetics ( seeds ) as a starting point, why cant I equal or better cali weed ?
Genetics are what they are, and theres no secret way that only our US friends know of too growing weed.
Good genetics/ good nutrients ( possibly organic) / good growing environment ( lights extraction, stable temps etc and cured the right way.
I personally think it's a bit of a trend thing a bit like supposed wine connoisseurs... get a group of smokers to try 2 good UK grown stains and 2 cail and most people couldn't pick the supposedly more superior product imo

Personally I think Cali and Dutch herb is better than UK weed and I’ve smoked a shit tonne of Dutch weed living there in the mid 00’s... why? Simply because it’s legal... you don’t have to rush, hide away, worry constantly, they’re doing it on a legal industrial scale so the equipment is better, they can invest in the newest and best equipment without fear of losing it all in a raid, purely and simply it’s investment that makes legal weed better.
Also a big factor is in the U.K. we have to buy what’s available if it’s shit it’s shit, wait and hope the next lot from your dealer is better, in legal countries it’s competition there is recourse for the product.... I had XXX weed from XXX grower and it was the bomb goes far and makes money, rather than I bought some banging weed off Gary in the dog and duck in Grimsby means fuck all unless you know Gary and live in Grimsby... accountability is the difference imo.
Can weed be grown as well in the UK as Cali or Dam... 100% it’s a seed it grows, no rocket science behind it or a special formula just freedom, time and equipment and experience.
Also a big factor is in the U.K. we have to buy what’s available if it’s shit it’s shit, wait and hope the next lot from your dealer is better, in legal countries it’s competition there is recourse for the product.... I had XXX weed from XXX grower and it was the bomb goes far and makes money, rather than I bought some banging weed off Gary in the dog and duck in Grimsby means fuck all unless you know Gary and live in Grimsby... accountability is the difference imo.
Can weed be grown as well in the UK as Cali or Dam... 100% it’s a seed it grows, no rocket science behind it or a special formula just freedom, time and equipment and experience.

100% mate, I DO believe there is some grade around that just couldn't be produced to that quality and volume in some cloak and dagger growhouse operation here.
I see a lot more coming from Canada, and there's been routes from Dam, Poland and elsewhere for green in as long as it's been here. However with the right genetics, knowledge and conditions I believe you can grow truly A*** green anywhere, just not sure you can do it on an industrial scale in a country that continues to throw so much of the law's resources to shutting them down.
As others have said the equipment used, testing, level of quality control, the manicured buds, the density, the quality, the taste...there is definitely something..different around, that never was before the "Cali" phase. Hype or otherwise.
Where it comes from I have no idea but there has been a huge change in the strength and amount that's around.
The problem I have is the grey area between what is genuine Top Shelf and what isn't. The marketing has muddied the waters and pushed up the price and cache of average weed that sparkles a bit.
Fact is no matter what, I draw the line somewhere. When we were kids it was 3.5 for 25 quid, last time I went to Dam it was €20 on the gram. I just will never reach to some of those levels and even on here you will see up to £70-80 a henry. Doesn't matter where it's grown, flown....budget dictates for me.
There has always been a top level, and as long as that reflects in the product we can all be happy.
I see a lot more coming from Canada, and there's been routes from Dam, Poland and elsewhere for green in as long as it's been here. However with the right genetics, knowledge and conditions I believe you can grow truly A*** green anywhere, just not sure you can do it on an industrial scale in a country that continues to throw so much of the law's resources to shutting them down.
As others have said the equipment used, testing, level of quality control, the manicured buds, the density, the quality, the taste...there is definitely something..different around, that never was before the "Cali" phase. Hype or otherwise.
Where it comes from I have no idea but there has been a huge change in the strength and amount that's around.
The problem I have is the grey area between what is genuine Top Shelf and what isn't. The marketing has muddied the waters and pushed up the price and cache of average weed that sparkles a bit.
Fact is no matter what, I draw the line somewhere. When we were kids it was 3.5 for 25 quid, last time I went to Dam it was €20 on the gram. I just will never reach to some of those levels and even on here you will see up to £70-80 a henry. Doesn't matter where it's grown, flown....budget dictates for me.
There has always been a top level, and as long as that reflects in the product we can all be happy.

The fact that theres power sellers on eBay getting rich off selling thousands of shitty tins/tubes and stickers advertising exotic cali strains says it all. Theres no telling the "connoisseurs" who pay £400+ an ounce, that their "cali" more than likely originates from someones bedroom tent in the same town :)

The fact that it's even possible to get "Cali" grown outside of California says it all really, it's become a type of brand name. If some one grows a bit of Amnesia I've never heard them call it UK grown Amsterdam.... it makes no sense.
"Cali" is the kind of thing we have to worry about if we ever go legal or whatever, it's just big American companies trying to steamroller over everyone else. Same old shit, different market.
We definitely need to make sure we look after our UK growers going forward, we do DANK better on this side of the pond anyway. Let's get a whole range of Cheese's going I say :P
Nothing wrong with Cali mind I might be being a bit harsh but we do have to be careful though.
"Cali" is the kind of thing we have to worry about if we ever go legal or whatever, it's just big American companies trying to steamroller over everyone else. Same old shit, different market.
We definitely need to make sure we look after our UK growers going forward, we do DANK better on this side of the pond anyway. Let's get a whole range of Cheese's going I say :P
Nothing wrong with Cali mind I might be being a bit harsh but we do have to be careful though.

There are good reasons why someone might choose Cali or Dutch over UK bud, but I think the rationale behind it has been somewhat drowned up by hype/fashion. But ultimately, Cali or Dutch bud should - in theory - come from more accountable growers. 'Real Cali' is tested, and it's quality verified - that will be appealing to people whose 'street' purchases might be questionable. Same goes for Dutch, to a degree. In as much as if this is sold in a coffee shop, it has to compete with all bud in all coffee shops, and is therefore expected to be of higher quality.
There are also legacy reasons, possibly. Pre-legalisation, I used to get bud in from Cali - I've long believed the best outdoor grows come from that region, and I like outdoor grows! But the geography of the 'Golden Triangle' in Cali does offer the ideal growing environment - but with modern genetics close to hand (unlike more traditional growing regions). The sheer number of smokers/growers there also led to the early(ish) medical legalisation there, which also helped the scene. California deserves its reputation as the home of amazing cannabis - but certainly not everything from there is great these days (I suspect the black market here is largely their rejects!). Similarly, Amsterdam's been the home of modern genetics on this side of the ocean, with the coffeeshop scene encouraging at least a base level of quality.
UK bud doesn't have that same provenance. There are some famous cuts, sure - Exodus, Blues etc. But nothing else that implies any guarantee of quality. But, of course, with the same seeds and equipment, there's no reason UK bud couldn't theoretically compete with the best. Indeed, nearly all the best buds I've ever had have been UK grown. I'd never specifically choose Dutch over UK and I actively avoid marketed Cali in the UK (it's either fake, reject or over-priced!).
The one origin label that does prick my ears up is Canada. I believe their gear has a lot of the same advantages, but isn't exploited in the same way. If I want cheap, reliable quality, Canadian vendors top the charts. But for pristine high end, I stick with good growers of nice genetics in the UK.
There are also legacy reasons, possibly. Pre-legalisation, I used to get bud in from Cali - I've long believed the best outdoor grows come from that region, and I like outdoor grows! But the geography of the 'Golden Triangle' in Cali does offer the ideal growing environment - but with modern genetics close to hand (unlike more traditional growing regions). The sheer number of smokers/growers there also led to the early(ish) medical legalisation there, which also helped the scene. California deserves its reputation as the home of amazing cannabis - but certainly not everything from there is great these days (I suspect the black market here is largely their rejects!). Similarly, Amsterdam's been the home of modern genetics on this side of the ocean, with the coffeeshop scene encouraging at least a base level of quality.
UK bud doesn't have that same provenance. There are some famous cuts, sure - Exodus, Blues etc. But nothing else that implies any guarantee of quality. But, of course, with the same seeds and equipment, there's no reason UK bud couldn't theoretically compete with the best. Indeed, nearly all the best buds I've ever had have been UK grown. I'd never specifically choose Dutch over UK and I actively avoid marketed Cali in the UK (it's either fake, reject or over-priced!).
The one origin label that does prick my ears up is Canada. I believe their gear has a lot of the same advantages, but isn't exploited in the same way. If I want cheap, reliable quality, Canadian vendors top the charts. But for pristine high end, I stick with good growers of nice genetics in the UK.

Cali is Cali, you know when its from Cali, its got that certain... thing.
UK Cali, is just a cali strain grown here in the UK.
I know many people who will only smoke Real Cali. And many who say its not worth the extra price tag.
Personally, smoke/price the UK Grown hold their own just as well, if the growers done a good job.
The UK Cali strains just switch the flavours up a little bit so your not smoking the same thing all the time, and you can rely on the strain being a decent one.
^^ Personal opinion.
Stay High
UK Cali, is just a cali strain grown here in the UK.
I know many people who will only smoke Real Cali. And many who say its not worth the extra price tag.
Personally, smoke/price the UK Grown hold their own just as well, if the growers done a good job.
The UK Cali strains just switch the flavours up a little bit so your not smoking the same thing all the time, and you can rely on the strain being a decent one.
^^ Personal opinion.
Stay High

I had alsorts of cali an tbf the only thing that's real good is how much they trim their leaves. but ive had just as good uk grown or in dam coffee shops so i think cali quality can be grown anywhere if you know how

Hi there. I really liked reading your post. You seem very knowledgeable. Would you be able to recommend good vendors on here? I’m knew and I’d appreciate the help.
Many thanks.
Many thanks.

I agree 100%. And if it is Cali weed, surely traveling and packaging would have caused some damage from compression and heat changes and sitting in plastic bags for possibly days on end. If u get from a grower direct and they grow well, other than it being tested and having label saying how much THC etc it should be as good or better. BUT as legal they have more chance to hunt phenos and share genetics so they do have that in their side. But most Cali is probably Albanian weed in a nice baggy lol

If you have the right seeds and know what you're doing then there shouldn't be much difference, that said a lot of uk weed is rushed without the proper flushing and drying due to the risk of loosing it all when you could sell it.

I made my own cross back in 2003 with a pure haze (m) and a bubbleberry (f) to this day its the finest weed ive ever smoked! I only grew out two seeds and it went 14 weeks both phenos were almost identical.
Ive also grown other cuts of various strains in hydro, soil and outside in the uk, all methods produced different results in the plants appearance, smell, taste and effect.
For example the cuts grown outside were so different you would have thought it was a completely different strain! The high was very uplifting and mild compared with the hydro which was a heavy couchlock effect.
I put this down to the difference in light spectrum from the sun (full spectrum inc uv) I believe this changes the terpene and cannabinoid profile in the plant.
Ive also run metal halide exclusively and noted a difference compared with hps ie it is more similar to sunlight at midday you will definitely see way less stretch and the flowers are more dense and flavoursome but will lose a little yeild. I finally settled on mh for the first 3 weeks afer switch then hps for the remainder of flowering. Next time i grow i will be using diy led cobs with the aim of getting 1.8g /w
My point here really is to agree with the op a good pheno grown well, flushed properly and dried cured properly ( MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN FINAL PRODUCT) will always compare to cali/dutch etc imo.
If you really want something special do what they do but on a smaller scale they will grow out 100's of seeds from an unstable f1 cross and find a phenotype that is rather special! Good luck stabilising it and preserving the desirable traits in seed form though!
In fact this is what happened with cheese it was a freak pheno that was only available as a clone for a long time. I suspect the seed form now is not nearly as nice as the original cutting? Sorry for going off on one i just wanted to share my experiences experiments.
On another note some of the oldschool strains will put modern cali strains to shame for example bubbleberry from sagmartha seeds, super silver haze to name a few people always want the latest thing it doesnt mean its the best!
Big up Ukgrower2
Ive also grown other cuts of various strains in hydro, soil and outside in the uk, all methods produced different results in the plants appearance, smell, taste and effect.
For example the cuts grown outside were so different you would have thought it was a completely different strain! The high was very uplifting and mild compared with the hydro which was a heavy couchlock effect.
I put this down to the difference in light spectrum from the sun (full spectrum inc uv) I believe this changes the terpene and cannabinoid profile in the plant.
Ive also run metal halide exclusively and noted a difference compared with hps ie it is more similar to sunlight at midday you will definitely see way less stretch and the flowers are more dense and flavoursome but will lose a little yeild. I finally settled on mh for the first 3 weeks afer switch then hps for the remainder of flowering. Next time i grow i will be using diy led cobs with the aim of getting 1.8g /w
My point here really is to agree with the op a good pheno grown well, flushed properly and dried cured properly ( MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN FINAL PRODUCT) will always compare to cali/dutch etc imo.
If you really want something special do what they do but on a smaller scale they will grow out 100's of seeds from an unstable f1 cross and find a phenotype that is rather special! Good luck stabilising it and preserving the desirable traits in seed form though!
In fact this is what happened with cheese it was a freak pheno that was only available as a clone for a long time. I suspect the seed form now is not nearly as nice as the original cutting? Sorry for going off on one i just wanted to share my experiences experiments.
On another note some of the oldschool strains will put modern cali strains to shame for example bubbleberry from sagmartha seeds, super silver haze to name a few people always want the latest thing it doesnt mean its the best!
Big up Ukgrower2

Great thread. I’ve enjoyed reading all the replies but what sticks with me is that same doubt... I don't think much genuine Cali grown weed makes it over here... as you've said, there are loads of UK producers making very convincing ‘counterfeit’ Cali packaging. Its crap.

In my very limited experience of what I have had/seen that has been sold as Cali is that it is always rock hard, dense bud that has been very decently trimmed and there is never any sugar leaf. Other than that...isn't it just really strong weed???
I have always asked myself what is it that Cali growers can do that UK growers supposedly can't?? It's all indoors so we should be able to replicate the exact same conditions anywhere in the world no? Admittedly it must be a lot easier to create/maintain a professional grow in a place where it is legal to do so but technique and equipment wise, aren't we all on a level playing field now?
Also, I still have the whole 'how long does it take to physically transport wholesale weed from California to here'...and how the hell could it possibly get to us in tip top condition??? Surely if it is legit from Cali, it is past it's best by the time it's taken weeks to get here getting battered about the whole time?...
I can't personally see why UK weed couldn't in theory be as good as anything grown anywhere in the world...unless I have missed something?
I have always asked myself what is it that Cali growers can do that UK growers supposedly can't?? It's all indoors so we should be able to replicate the exact same conditions anywhere in the world no? Admittedly it must be a lot easier to create/maintain a professional grow in a place where it is legal to do so but technique and equipment wise, aren't we all on a level playing field now?
Also, I still have the whole 'how long does it take to physically transport wholesale weed from California to here'...and how the hell could it possibly get to us in tip top condition??? Surely if it is legit from Cali, it is past it's best by the time it's taken weeks to get here getting battered about the whole time?...
I can't personally see why UK weed couldn't in theory be as good as anything grown anywhere in the world...unless I have missed something?

Yes, you raise some good points... smuggle cail weed to the UK by the ton in tins... or smuggle coke.
Theres a guy on Insta from London ( ish ) called "Slapsta designs " I think and the guy is churning out thousands of 3.5g bags, tins, glass pots etc. Not weed, just bag etc and it's getting bought and filled by UK guys with...... Cali weed, pull the other one, maybe its just good UK weed, or not so good
Theres a guy on Insta from London ( ish ) called "Slapsta designs " I think and the guy is churning out thousands of 3.5g bags, tins, glass pots etc. Not weed, just bag etc and it's getting bought and filled by UK guys with...... Cali weed, pull the other one, maybe its just good UK weed, or not so good

Exactly! Makes no sense to me that any serious smuggler would choose to move weed from California to the UK! Talk about hassle... Coke, meth, anything else moves easier with bigger profit... boggles my mind that people can import wholesale Cali weed in this day and age...
Also, yeah... just go to Calipacks UK on the net and you really do start to question a lot of things....
Also, yeah... just go to Calipacks UK on the net and you really do start to question a lot of things....

I agree, I've seen plenty for sale on here in the same packaging that's on ebay. If it was from the US it would be compressed into bricks, not loose in tins of 3.5g.

As you say what is being sold in the uk is very unlikely to be Cali weed just tins and hype.. But I lived in Netherlands for a while and visited there over the years, tried stuff all over.. Definitely in Amsterdam theres some not so good not properly cured weed for tourists but then at the same time I tried Barneys g13 haze the year it won the cup and it was soooo strong beautifully cured etc.. Never smoked anything like it in the uk or elsewhere in europe weed wise.. The thing about a dutch setup is that they have been growing and keeping mothers since the late 70s if I m correct.. From my experience with seeds it s very dependent on a variety of factors for example i ve never come across good seeds from greenhouse seeds.. Also it really is in the genes so the dutch and the calis can keep the best clones for years.. The amazing thing about Cali and the uk to a certain extent was that they shared the clones whereas in the netherlands there was little sharing as far as I m aware.. re the setups in cali now they can spend huge money on systems without fear of everything being taken away (indoors) whereas in the Netherlands it was never legal only tolerated... In the uk its definitely harder to get away with the growing than netherlands and youll have bigger probs with the law.. In theory with the right mama, the know how and the right equipment you could grow equally as good pot as cali indoors.. But outdoors obviously some if not nearly all strains grow better in Cali.. The thing about Cali also is that so many strains originate from there, there has been such a big grow culture there since the 70s with the back to landers in n cali.. strains like the Haze strains are from 2 brothers (the Haze brothers) and skunk from skunkman sam etc etc the list goes on and on..Nice to see a good ol civilised chat on here.. I just came across this site as I ve been looking for some nice to quality hash.. I used to use dreammarket then nightmare and they exit scammed .. I found a few vendors on dream that sold excellent quality hash very reasonable top grade for approx 280 euro an oz.. when nightmare exited new sites popped up n I went to top rated vendors and bought numerous very nice looking smelling tasting stuff with unoticeable amount of thc so i stopped for last 9 months r year .. I thought i d try again and I found this site .. Has anyone any recommendations for any vendors here for hq hash ? only interested in potent to very potent , long time smoker here.. Thanks peace out

There is a website think it's called calipacks.co.uk got all the bags tins and tubs on there with customizable labels ect!
I have never trusted the bags or tins in the uk they just never seemed legit just another gimmick to double the price of decent bud
I have never trusted the bags or tins in the uk they just never seemed legit just another gimmick to double the price of decent bud

Maybe it's just that if someones done a truly excellent job of growing they will label it as Cali.
The Cali characteristics seem to be a really clean burn and very compact buds - which is amazing, but who knows where it was grown? All I know is, I've never come across harsh, unflushed or nutrient burned "Cali".
Another thing I've noticed is, I think the effort put into growing is way more important than what the strain is.
The Cali characteristics seem to be a really clean burn and very compact buds - which is amazing, but who knows where it was grown? All I know is, I've never come across harsh, unflushed or nutrient burned "Cali".
Another thing I've noticed is, I think the effort put into growing is way more important than what the strain is.

"Maybe it's just that if someones done a truly excellent job of growing they will label it as Cali."
Yes, unfortunately far too much of that.
Yes, unfortunately far too much of that.

there's a lot more science and consistancy in cali weed.. they've been able to study and learn the plant legally for last 20 odd years within the medical era with the correct resources therefore they have a lot more knowledge of what the plant requires and needs
any top shelf cali that has been packaged properly and licensed wouldve gone through testing too before hitting the shelves, to make sure there are no pesticides etc.
any top shelf cali that has been packaged properly and licensed wouldve gone through testing too before hitting the shelves, to make sure there are no pesticides etc.

I'm not convinced, yes they have been at it for ages, but so have the Dutch... and they still grow in the same manner as most.
Lights / good feed and a bit of TLC. Theres a case for using reverse osmosis water but it's not proven as it strips essential minerals out of the water, so they need to be re added.
The clue is in the name "weed" theres no magic science that only the guys in cali know of.
I get your point of consistency of environment but with the right resources, that isn't out of reach.
Have you seen large scale cali grows, they are similar to large scale grows all over the world.
Thanks for your input Hootan, always good to hear other peoples views
Lights / good feed and a bit of TLC. Theres a case for using reverse osmosis water but it's not proven as it strips essential minerals out of the water, so they need to be re added.
The clue is in the name "weed" theres no magic science that only the guys in cali know of.
I get your point of consistency of environment but with the right resources, that isn't out of reach.
Have you seen large scale cali grows, they are similar to large scale grows all over the world.
Thanks for your input Hootan, always good to hear other peoples views

its still illegal to grow weed in holland. they have to learn the plant in secret making it so much harder. also they grow recreational weed.. which is really just for the average consumer who doesnt care what they smoke aslong as they get their high. their tech in cali is far more advanced than any other place on the planet, and thats why their weed is the best.

What tech make it far more advanced than any other place on the planet? You know the UK grow tons of medical weed, and they grow just like the cali labs.
And you think the stuff that supposedly comes from these super advanced labs is the stuff we get in the UK... eventhough its illegal to ship it to the UK. Or is it at best, opportunist from cali growing in a warehouse in standard conditions and smuggling it into the UK.... or maybe it's not from cali.
Not trying to rub you up the wrong way, just chatting, but claiming it's the best because it's more advanced or that they've been doing it longer is marketing speil without substance.
And you think the stuff that supposedly comes from these super advanced labs is the stuff we get in the UK... eventhough its illegal to ship it to the UK. Or is it at best, opportunist from cali growing in a warehouse in standard conditions and smuggling it into the UK.... or maybe it's not from cali.
Not trying to rub you up the wrong way, just chatting, but claiming it's the best because it's more advanced or that they've been doing it longer is marketing speil without substance.

The Cali strain thing, to me, is just hype. It just means the strain genetic was produced in California...highly doubt any of it is "flown here not grown here". Having raised this topic in coffeeshops in Amsterdam, they say its flown in....yet their Twitter accounts show them growing it, stage by stage hahaha. When asking in a cannabis social club in Spain, they told me they grow it themselves. Other coffeeshops in the Dam have also told me the cali flown in thing is bollocks. As you say, tins are available on ebay in bulk. That says it all. Ive also had friends give me nugs out of "cali tins" that cost £50 for 3.5g and its been standard commercial weed.
I think the deal with dutch weed is their experience on a commercial basis. Spain are winning the game in my eyes though! If you get a genuine spanish import you are in luck!! It will be lovely! As with Dutch imports....its not too hard to shift weed around Europe. But the risk to import from the U.S just wouldnt be worth it IMO.
I think the deal with dutch weed is their experience on a commercial basis. Spain are winning the game in my eyes though! If you get a genuine spanish import you are in luck!! It will be lovely! As with Dutch imports....its not too hard to shift weed around Europe. But the risk to import from the U.S just wouldnt be worth it IMO.

1 post
+1 votes

Great emergency comedown tip
Yes.. think of your Grandma

Great emergency comedown tip
Earlier today I finished a job early, so went home, popped a few squares of MJs cannachoc and settled down. About an hour later the edibles were just getting warmed up when my better half returned and reminded me that the father in law was coming round for dinner. I knew I'd be peaking around the time he was due to arrive. I needed to come down fast. Shower didn't work. Drinking water barely quenchedy thirst.
I tried the internet and came across the following tip "Similar to lemons, there is a terpene in black pepper called beta-caryophyllene that can help you cope with the anxiety that comes with being too high. Beta-caryophyllene binds to the same cannabinoid receptors in the brain as THC, producing a calming effect on the mind and body.
Chewing on two or three black peppercorns — or smelling ground peppercorns — will block your THC receptors and help you come down quickly"
Omg, this really worked. within 5 mins id gone from trippin to chopping garlic.
I tried the internet and came across the following tip "Similar to lemons, there is a terpene in black pepper called beta-caryophyllene that can help you cope with the anxiety that comes with being too high. Beta-caryophyllene binds to the same cannabinoid receptors in the brain as THC, producing a calming effect on the mind and body.
Chewing on two or three black peppercorns — or smelling ground peppercorns — will block your THC receptors and help you come down quickly"
Omg, this really worked. within 5 mins id gone from trippin to chopping garlic.

It is! I honestly believe that everything in nature has its counterpart to balance things. A yin and Yang thing if you will.

lol I eat a lot of black pepper, need to cut it down, will b more high :D like for real doe, in ma home made peppercorn sauce I put like 20g of that shit per hob, plus fresh crushed on steak and broccoli. what about other peppers do they work the same? like cayenne or jalapeno? I eat a lot of that shit and smoke even more lol mb cutting on pepper will increase my stash lol

This is great intel Richy. I don't need it for me, I'd always rather just ride it out, but it's handy to know for others. Especially for those lucky unsuspecting family members who will dine with me tomorrow!

Would've loved to ride it out rather than waste a good high. But he's a retired uni principal, he'd have been onto me in no time haha

3 posts
+9.8 votes
Submit your BUDporn
3.5g Critical Hash from RB
Chapo Stamp
+ 3 more

Submit your BUDporn

I know alot of you have some really good cameras and some great weed is being bought off and on here so why not post a few of your bud pictures here. Remember to include what strain it is!
I'll kick us off with BIRTHDAY CAKE by Drugs inc
I'll kick us off with BIRTHDAY CAKE by Drugs inc

Here's a snap of the Cherry Grape Soda I picked up from Drugs Inc back in December... some truly beautiful (and tasty!) bud!

Here we have Purple Moby Dick Popcorn Buds from British Bulldog, a seller I've been wanting to try for some time now after reading good things about them. This arrived in LESS than 24 hours, no joke. A lovely smoke, would highly recommend : )

It was just on my iPhone 8 mate. As much as I’d like to take the credit for the picture turning out well, I think it was just because of how amazing the weed was.

Not bought from here, but one from my percy grow career ..supermarket muck, organic colorado cookies tester for DP. Years ago. Percy always. One of 4 under 600. 100 grammer this one, loads underneath as well. Fed on piss, molasses, wee bit of potash, few banana skins, epsom salts, thats it. This one ended up £25 per oz costs. Shame i cant do this no more. :(

Looks tasty m8,more purple than stuff I have,looks frosty n dense too.sweet orangey doughy smell to it.
Been getting some nice stuff locally recently as well as from here,some nice UK grown Cali strains too for not too much more cash than normal prices!
Been getting some nice stuff locally recently as well as from here,some nice UK grown Cali strains too for not too much more cash than normal prices!

I get them for 240 a oz or hazes abit cheaper, It looks as good as any cali and half the price it would be a 100 dollars for a 3.5 of that quality here but I love mimosa smell its so unique its more orange than actual orange strains

Love the idea.
I never got to take a photo of one of my favorites on here. TGT's Arjan's Strawberry Haze. Check out the crystal cover on these bad boys.
This strain is perfect to use if you want to have a great chat with someone or get actual work done. Super focused and social... perfect for me.
I never got to take a photo of one of my favorites on here. TGT's Arjan's Strawberry Haze. Check out the crystal cover on these bad boys.
This strain is perfect to use if you want to have a great chat with someone or get actual work done. Super focused and social... perfect for me.

Look how sticky this shit is. This is that sticky icky icky I had been asking about a while back.

It's annoying to post nice high crisp photos on here, because it looks like they end up getting processed in some fucked up way to make them look unsharp and fuzzy.
Hopefully the admins can fix however they are processing their photos.
Hopefully the admins can fix however they are processing their photos.

Yeah they get compressed quite a bit by the looks, but your photos still look good man, I enjoyed the strawberry haze, it's a weird high I can't really describe that one, it fucked me up to be honest lol

i felt like it was super empowering. Allowed me to actually work better, was solving complex programming problems and such... it's clearly a very compatible strain for my... brain. lol

Real citrus apeel lol
JJs orange sorbet on the left n TGTs lemon sorbet next to it in front of the jay of lemon I'm now toking on.
Love this place :-)
JJs orange sorbet on the left n TGTs lemon sorbet next to it in front of the jay of lemon I'm now toking on.
Love this place :-)

always good when the amazing looking stuff delivers. i need to get my hands on something like that for sure.

These are the latest "Ltd Edition Mix Pack" beauties from LegacyUkDank. They rarely show up on the items page, I found these via the topics board, & I would highly recommend them : )
First pic is Critical Zkittles.
First pic is Critical Zkittles.

This is the Swazi High Grade from TGT. Great for a wake & bake, keeps you mellow & smiling for a good few hours : )

A unholy shit mix of, zskittles, birthday cake, Stardawg, grape Ape, honey cream, banana hash and strawberry haze. I like too save a popcorn nugg of each strain grind them all together for a knockout smoke every now and then!

We should get this topic going again its good too see different types of weed but i will only upload the best i can get

Yep, everybody's photos welcome, I like seeing what everyone has and how they photograph it!

Can't seem to keep away from the Budporn, my wife's getting suspicious : ) Here's some Gorilla Glue from TGT, it's a lovely smoke.

Nothing at all to do with the bud but, where did you get that sweet ass rolling tray!? I turned myself into a joint Mortyyyy!

Radarbreeder’s Wedding Cake.
This shit just hits you like a bus!!
Great taste, great smell and a lovely strong indica-smoke :)
This is one to remember.
This shit just hits you like a bus!!
Great taste, great smell and a lovely strong indica-smoke :)
This is one to remember.

From left to right...local Afghan Kush,D inc's book of wisdom Thai,big bud X NL
Had to try some of the budget stuff on offer,does the trick for the price but find it a little harsh on the throat by itself in a jay,so been mixing all three together with a bit less of the Thai than the other 2.
Still got a bit of TGT's royal Maroc to add to the night time jays as well :-)
Had to try some of the budget stuff on offer,does the trick for the price but find it a little harsh on the throat by itself in a jay,so been mixing all three together with a bit less of the Thai than the other 2.
Still got a bit of TGT's royal Maroc to add to the night time jays as well :-)

Some great pics of lots of tasty looking green here.
Here's my recent panic bought stock up lol
RBs strawberry amnesia that came yesterday,well worth the delay... especially the generous amount added to make up for it.
Tasty stuff :-)
Here's my recent panic bought stock up lol
RBs strawberry amnesia that came yesterday,well worth the delay... especially the generous amount added to make up for it.
Tasty stuff :-)

Was a proper head bubbler that one, really really dense buds n packed with glistening goodness.very distinctive taste n smell n a high to match.The Zombie was stronger but I thought the utopia haze smelled n tasted a lot nicer imo.
Lucky enough to still get decent stuff in-between lb orders.
I'm sure we're all stocking up as much as we can afford while we can eh!
Lucky enough to still get decent stuff in-between lb orders.
I'm sure we're all stocking up as much as we can afford while we can eh!

Just had to add this pic of my latest Star Dawg delivery from RB. Can't seem to keep away from this 1 : )

Bubblegum cookies from cali tastes like actual bubblegum probs one of best flavor i ever had

Just had to add 1 more pic : ) This is the 2g sample pack from littlebud. On the left is Alien, on the right GSC. Both great smokes, personally I'm leaning towards the GSC.
Would definitely recommend.
Would definitely recommend.

How long did yours take to arrive bud? My order is past triple the usual delivery time from him, hoping it's not been clocked!

That's funny, a mate of mine was just saying the same thing the other day. He had 8 plants and wasn't happy with how any of them turned out (various strains). He said he just couldn't watch all of them as closely as he should have and give them the TLC they require so he's going back to 4.
Quality over quantity I guess. Happy growing bro!
Quality over quantity I guess. Happy growing bro!

if more plants you grow gives you less yield mate somethings wrong, either not enough light per squaremeter formula, or not enough fresh air/too much humidity/ lack of ventilated air as plants are too close to each other. I eliminated this curse with same extra led lamp lol and my yield got even more bigger. but I might b wrong lol cuz need to take a look at whole set up or it might b just due seed genetics quality. too many factors mate :D

Here's an oldie but goodie. WiFi from about 8 years ago. Shame this guy stopped doing his thing, 'cause he really knew what he was doing. Cheap as chips too, 65 on the Q for this shipped NDD.

Us mid shelf gelato 33 brought on line from a trusted uk company/organisation £65 3.5 very very nice.

Lemon Sherbert from Yourmumshouse, another vendor who you don't see on the "Items" page. These buds are dense & delicious, highly recommended : )

It was! Used it to top up my night time jays n was harsh on the throat when you hit a diamond so ended up using just the nicer tasting wax in jays n dabbing the diamonds.

Dont even know the strain off the street lol half oz for 110 said to be mamosa but i personally would say its cheese whats do yous think?

It might be mimosa i shared a pic of some mimosa further down if it smells citrusy and orangey its mimosa

Mimosa is everywhere around here at the moment for whatever reason, I've not actually had it yet!
Looks good though man!
Looks good though man!

Mate try it if you can its not proper strong but its flavor is beautiful proper orangey i shared a pic

That mimosa is more about flavor than strenght but stardawg beats most strains when it comes to strenght its the new cheese for people in the uk

Can't resist a bit of Budporn : ) Here's some Star Dawg from RB, my pic doesn't do it justice though. It's a top notch smoke, highly recommended.

Stardawgs one of my favourites man when it's done right, taste and everything is lovely!

Technically I guess this isn't Bud Porn, but I couldn't resist showing off this beauty. This is Strawberry Glue Hash Sift from LegacyUkDank, it's a great smoke : )

1 post
+2.2 votes

Prices are ridiculous
Yes you are right. Apparently the recent Police busts on organised crime in Manchester and London, have had an effect...Lets hope we end with some nor…

Prices are ridiculous
Prices are getting stupid now. £60 for a standard 3.5 of standard bud. Shame as LB was good.

Not just me then for a second I thought everyone was rich as no one was complaining about the stupid prices

For the prices you expect a top class product. I got popcorn buds filled with seeds off a vendor last week, selling a C grade product for A grade prices... piss taker.

Yes you are right. Apparently the recent Police busts on organised crime in Manchester and London, have had an effect...Lets hope we end with some normality returning soon with fair pricing not these ridiculous prices and inflated postage costs too.

Will be the vendors who suffer mate. Can easily go back to buying off the street for half of the price and the same bud.

It's 180 Oz on the street grade A only use lb for emergencies now as it's getting silly and we're not junkies?

Same mate used to be the other way round. But only use lb now for radar as hes kept his prices the same.

He's got the best prices but hit and miss with the weed sometimes you get a really shit batch

Yeah no what you mean mate I just had a bad batch of this strawberry lemonade. Usually though the super silver is bang on

Likewise. Dry as a bone and didn't match photo or description re: dense med sized nugs. Got really dry wispy sort of buds. Green was nice though hopefully just a bad bit. Will try RB again due to pricing and NDD

There are two main reasons for a seller choosing to sell 3.5g primarily, one is they have limited supply and want to spread it around and another is you make more money doing it that way. If you can make more money AND spread it around then you kill two birds with one stone. A new seller will not want 3 or 4 customers taking an ounce each when you can have 10 times more customers taking lower weights, spreading the word 10 times more with the same weight, and making more money, which is the name of the game. Sellers can choose their own way and it will tick a box for some customers but not for me, i have bought 3.5g once in 9 months so there is little evidence i will be buying 3.5g again anytime soon.

Seems a number of vendors working together to inflate prices across the site. $3-5 increase per drop. The only way is to boycott them and stop publicly promoting them but as long as suckers keep paying theyll be here to stay sadly. I just stick with fair trusted vendors(DrugsInc, TGT, RB and GC). The new breed take the piss and dont deserve the business

1 post
+2 votes

Is this hash or really compressed bud?
Its bud and other plant material, compressed.
The type of smoke for a mellow high and wont knock your head off like many of the stronger modern strain…
Just received a Q of this. Lovely oldskool flavour and high. Although its compressed you can easily pull the buds apart and crumble between fingers. I wouldn't put it through a grinder unless you deseed and take old stems first. Lovely with a Red Stripe Beer on a hot day like today. Blessed. Zedz

Its bud and other plant material, compressed.
The type of smoke for a mellow high and wont knock your head off like many of the stronger modern strains.
The type of smoke for a mellow high and wont knock your head off like many of the stronger modern strains.

Bud mate. Have you had Thai? Compressed in the same way, buds and some stalk together, normally a few seeds. Outdoor grown. Nice smoke, not as strong as new strains, beginners and old schoolers weed

Wicked, I've literally just put a post up looking for recommendations on an easier smoke. I haven't had Thai before. I started out on soap and UK homegrown about 25 years ago and then moved on to bud.
In terms of the high and quality, what's the difference between this and Thai?
In terms of the high and quality, what's the difference between this and Thai?

I haven't heard the term 'soap' in maybe 15 years and I'm glad you've brought it back to me. Soap bar days were rough. Pretty sure there was old Queen vinyl records in the stuff I'd get.

Ha yeah soap was awful wasn't it! All sorts of plastic and shit in it! I didn't smoke hash for years once I discovered good bud. Then had some lovely light fluffy stuff about 15 years ago, but then quit smoking tobacco and so just stuck to green. Would love some nice mellow hash. Been asking on here of good ways to smoke it without tobacco. Can you vape it? I don't know.

Hi...I dunno how long ago your comment was, but.... I bought a Yucan Evolve Plus hash vape on ebay. Only a touch over £20...It's a vape for hash etc....Also bought some Cotton Bacon on ebay...just wrap a small bit of hash or bud in a bit of the CB, put it in the vape & off you go...the CB helps keep the vape's coils from getting all manked up. It's a lovely way to 'smoke' decent hash. :-)

I’ve always steered clear of it in the UK. I remember in the early 2000’s we’d go wild on it in Amsterdam because that was what the place was good for. I feel it’s getting a bit of a resurgence now but the versatility and popularity of flowers is making green a runaway train. You should see the scene in Toronto. It’s a different world there and nobody cares much for hash, I’ve seen the same thing in the USA. I think also people don’t like the hassle that comes with using hash, nor the cigarettes. These days I’d only use it if someone had some to lace a weed joint. I have no idea if you can vape it but at a complete guess I’d say it was a much simpler process to source the oil direct rather than try and extract your own from hash. It would probably be more hassle than it’s worth.

Ha I think I've aslo commented on your other post. I think the swazi and thai are both generally sativa, so more uplifting high. The THC level will be lower than the other types of modern bud on here so if you don't want mega strength, go with this. The swazi and thai will have different taste but similar look.
The Jamaican sess I mentioned on the other post, I believe is indica so more relaxed high.
Remember to expect some seeds, stems in Thai, Swazi and Sess. Picking them out is part of the fun.
Most people like strong these days, most bud and hash on here would fit that category
The Jamaican sess I mentioned on the other post, I believe is indica so more relaxed high.
Remember to expect some seeds, stems in Thai, Swazi and Sess. Picking them out is part of the fun.
Most people like strong these days, most bud and hash on here would fit that category

Here you go mate https://littlebiggy.org/item/Nl0AyhFEor0jwC7N6VshDu9T/view/p
It's Gods Connect that have the Jamaican. Above is a link to their page
It's Gods Connect that have the Jamaican. Above is a link to their page

8 posts
+14 votes

Recommend a Hash/Dry Herb Vapouriser
started topic
+ 8 more

Recommend a Hash/Dry Herb Vapouriser
Hi, I am looking to try a vaporiser for the first time, can anyone recommend a half decent one that is best for Hash and Dry Herb? I wont be vaping Wax/Shatter. Under £50 and stealthy if possible?
Thanks in advance Biggas!
Thanks in advance Biggas!

alright bud, i myself only use vapes, love it, alot healthier way to smoke it, i started with a Grizzly guru from namastevaporizers, iv had the pax 2, firefly 2 and then the crafty by storz & bickel, its that good ive bought the bigger mighty, so smooth to smoke but you pay for what u get, £250 for the mighty £180 for the crafty, i would not look any where else.

Like a previous comment mentioned don't buy an expensive one first, start with a cheap one to see if you like it. I spent £80 on a Nebula X Dry Vaporiser from Amazon, bought it about 8 months ago, used it for 1 day and i have not used it since. I don't like dry vaping, i don't like how you have a time limit to take a draw, and i think alot gets wasted, but each to their own, everyone will have their preferred method of consumption but you don't know until you try. If i ever give up joints dry vaping will never be the successor, it will be vape carts and edibles.

Hi mate would be interested to hear how you got on with the Dynavap? I switched from smoking a couple of months back and got a Boundless CFC 2.0 for about £40 from Amazon - love it! Nice big chamber too! But I have to say I haven’t used it for a while since I’ve started using MJ Concentrates distillate cartridges, I find they do a much better job for me! I’m interested to know if you find the Dynavap compatible to smoking, I really miss it!! :)

Thanks Dougal, I’ll post back here if I remember. I went for the Dynavap 2020 versionon a website called Vape Elevate, was on special offer with a 10% discount at £63, if you sign up to email. The videos on youtube of it, look great.

Ah thanks Treebee! Yeah all I read are good things about it, would be great to know how you get on! :)

By the way, my mate smokes his resin in Honey Rose Herbal Tobacco alternative. Its not too bad.

Oh nice one cheers mate I’ve seen the tobacco alternatives about but never given them a go!

Hi Dougal. Been using the Dynavap now in the last few weeks and I must say its a nice device. I got the 2020 version as reviews said that the cap stays on better. You basically apply heat with a lighter, the tube clicks twice when heated and its ready to take a draw. It cools down, clicks twice again and its ready to heat again.You can have a few hits off one chamber, they get more cloudy as you go along. The first draw isnt cloudy/smoky. Its the first Vape Ive tried and I was impressed that it doesnt turn the weed to ash, it just turns it a brown colour, so I was reassured that I wasnt inhaling ‘smoke’. I would describe it as clean alternative to a pipe. You are getting the hits in a short bursts like a pipe, to me Its not quite as pleasurable as smoking a joint, a joint feels a lot more relaxed. A mate of mine smokes a joint with HoneyRose herbal mix, a tobacco alternative. Ive tried it and ordered some today as its not bad at all.

Thanks mate that sounds really good I’m going to have to get one on payday :) hope you’re doing well mate

i love my fenix mini, maintains the flavour nicely and easy to hide in the palm of my hand. cant remember how much it cost but it was well worth the investment.

Try the crater 420 . It’s on amazon for about 100 euro. It’s a multipurpose vape. You can vape wax , shatter , hash and dry herb . Easy to clean and well built

I use a dynavap and cotton bacon(special vaping cotton available on eBay) this protects the screen, then some crumbled or very small pieces of hash topped with more cotton bacon to protect the lid. Then vape respecting the click.
The first pull you get the taste...
The following pulls get more and more vapour.
So economic as well.
I use a dynavap and cotton bacon(special vaping cotton available on eBay) this protects the screen, then some crumbled or very small pieces of hash topped with more cotton bacon to protect the lid. Then vape respecting the click.
The first pull you get the taste...
The following pulls get more and more vapour.
So economic as well.

Given the price constraint I would say a Dynavap - personally over never found a good electronic vape under £150ish.
I’ve been hearing good things about the v-leaf go which is an on demand vape but I’m not sure if it’s available in the UK yet. Think it’s like $70 in the US - also not sure if it does hash but it might be a good one to look at.
I’ve been hearing good things about the v-leaf go which is an on demand vape but I’m not sure if it’s available in the UK yet. Think it’s like $70 in the US - also not sure if it does hash but it might be a good one to look at.

Thanks for the tip.. dont want to spend too much in case I dont use it much. I mostly smoke weed through a waterpipe, is vaping much different? Is it really so different to burning/smoking. I gave up tobacco years ago so prefer healthier options.

No problem - I also went from smoking tobacco/weed joints to pure weed joints and then onto vaping so I know the journey you are on. I actually use the dynavap almost exclusively through a water pipe. Some people say the high is a bit different with vaping but I don’t think so. To really get into vaping I had to commit to stop smoking as I couldn’t tell if it was the vape or the smoke getting me high but after a few days break and then just using the vape I was fully converted.
From a taste perspective vaping is way better - I find smoking never delivered the full extent of the flavours as I guess the heat is quite damaging to the terps etc
I’d highly recommend the dynavap to you - you can get the 2019 model for like £65.
From a taste perspective vaping is way better - I find smoking never delivered the full extent of the flavours as I guess the heat is quite damaging to the terps etc
I’d highly recommend the dynavap to you - you can get the 2019 model for like £65.

Thanks dude, Ive just watched a few videos of it and it looks exactly what Im after. I’d prefer something that doesn't need a battery and Im tempted by the new version at £70. Thanks for the advice.

No worries - I find that the 1st heat cycle doesn’t chuck out much vape but the next produce massive clouds through a bong, closest to the smoking feeling that you will find from vape so that’s always good when coming from joints.
I think you can also get an accessory/bowl insert that makes it good for other concentrates as well. When I use it with hash I tend to put a bit of flower in first to stop the hash coming through into the pipe so I don’t bother with the special insert and I use a different device for concentrates
I think you can also get an accessory/bowl insert that makes it good for other concentrates as well. When I use it with hash I tend to put a bit of flower in first to stop the hash coming through into the pipe so I don’t bother with the special insert and I use a different device for concentrates

I just use a 10mm adapter. Dynavap fits into the 10mm end and then the other end is 14mm and goes into my bong. I think the newer version fits a bit better but mine works fine. Alternatively you can buy some silicone adapter

i’m fully converted to vaping now. It’s tastes better and it’s a much nicer, cleaner high. The differences to smoking I found were firstly that you don’t feel that hit of smoke on your throat as you take a puff like you do with a spliff. Some people like that hit of course. Secondly the fact that the high is cleaner it’s also less drowsy but sometimes that sedating effect is what people want/expect. That can be counteracted with a good indica dominant strain though.

I totally agree-vaping takes a while to get into but is much better high as you say. I very occasionally have a spliff now- may be 2 or 3 times a year and don’t like the complete couch lock/monged out feeling.it takes a short while for a hit but lasts much longer
Vaping releases chemicals you don’t get from smoking it -I mean I can vape for hours so there is something speedy in there too. I was vaping weed in a pub beer garden pre lockdown and no one noticed
Vaping releases chemicals you don’t get from smoking it -I mean I can vape for hours so there is something speedy in there too. I was vaping weed in a pub beer garden pre lockdown and no one noticed

Thanks Im thinking its the way forward. After seeing all the hash on here I really want some, but don't really want to start up in the tobacco again.. although I think a spliff is very hard to beat!

Hello, I would recommend a dynavap M mechanical vape I cannot fault mine. Bit more than £50 but worth it.

1 post
+3 votes

Cali buds from over the pond
If you buy any goods from the US there are pretty diligent customs operations on both sides, intercepting parcels where the correct tax and import cha…

Cali buds from over the pond
Why can't I find any us vendors offering cali bud with shipping to the UK .. buds bunny and another vendor don't deliver now to the UK any reason why?

If you buy any goods from the US there are pretty diligent customs operations on both sides, intercepting parcels where the correct tax and import charges haven't been paid or declared. Simply marking a parcel as ‘personal delivery’ does not always prevent interceptions.. HM Customs are active in scanning and opening suspect packages... i would imagine that this factor makes weed delivery from the US, pretty unreliable.
Also- beware Fake Cali Weed in the UK. There are lots of printers, producing empty Cali Weed heat-seal packaging and tins..they look identical to the real thing.
Also- beware Fake Cali Weed in the UK. There are lots of printers, producing empty Cali Weed heat-seal packaging and tins..they look identical to the real thing.

4 posts
+16 votes
Looking for a nice Hash!
Indeed pal, the point I was making was that it was three different blocks of hash and reading various reviews they were all very different. Critical,…
+ 4 more

Looking for a nice Hash!
Hi, can anyone recommend the best hash on here please? I’ve tried the Ketema Gold, absolutely beautiful smoke (powerful heady gear) and the critical hash (exceptional taste, light buzz)
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Love my weed I just prefer the old skool strains Sess, Swazi etc rather than the weed on steroids we have today.
Stay bless ?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Love my weed I just prefer the old skool strains Sess, Swazi etc rather than the weed on steroids we have today.
Stay bless ?

Drugs inc. 00 hash is top notch and pretty strong. All the hash on here seems to have gone up in price a lot recently.

"Rather than the weed on steroids we have today." Hahaha one of my favourite lines evee. I'm the polar opposite, give me the biggest roided up buds you can find! Happy hunting mate, seems to be some nice hash up at the moment :) I don't have any recommendations or advice unfoetunately, I just thought that line was golden lol.

A choice no one seems to talk about is Hufflepuff’s Platinum Haze Caramel. I tried the Ketama Gold, King Hassan and some of the Sifts but this was by far the nicest smoke and high.

I like the lemon amnesia haze from Drugs Inc. Proper sativia high off that. Waiting on Royal Ketema but somebody should get some soft black to sell to us hash heads!

The zero zero seems to the the one to get. Having just bought an ounce of ketema gold, I need to save my pennies before I can try it :)
Can also vouch for the king hassan and kritical blonde from TGT, both nice smokes and well worth your £'s. hassans a little heavier than the ketima, but clean and tasty :)
Can also vouch for the king hassan and kritical blonde from TGT, both nice smokes and well worth your £'s. hassans a little heavier than the ketima, but clean and tasty :)

Cheers pal much appreciated, zero zero ordered. King Hassan sounds interesting I might give that a try.

Current batch of Critical is the Chapo stamp. Not sure if thats what you tried but its very good and I wouldn't call it a light buzz so may be stronger than the other batches.

The critical tasted out of this world (good quality hash, personally for me it was a light buzz) just didn’t hit me like the ketema Gold, Different strokes for different folks pal.

Indeed pal, the point I was making was that it was three different blocks of hash and reading various reviews they were all very different. Critical, Jurrassic Park and Chapo stamp were all sold under the same advert. One or two reviewers said that it had zero effect..like Facile’s comment.... below, other reviews said the high hit them like a sledgehammer. The stuff I bought last week is as strong as any Morrocan hash.

I hear you, I have no complaints regarding the chapo stamp it was a tasty bit of smoke. I just felt the ketema was a level above, but what do I know I’m not Frenchy Cannoli. It’s different for everyone I suppose, what might hit me might not touch you & vice versa...just my humble opinion.

I reckon there was a bad batch in the middle of the supply... one reviewer said he went through 7g without getting high... and a similar comment below.. I dont think thats a question of different tolerances IMO. Anyway if you haven't seen, Green Team have added 3 new hashes to their menu. Looks good. Atb mate

I got some of the Chapo stamp Critical and had the same experience as OP - delicious smoke, zero effect :(

I've tried all bar one of the suggestions here, all good but King Hassan is my current favourite, I definitely recommend trying it when you get chance :)

There's not much here in terms of hash at the moment, lockdown probably playing a part. Outside of what you already mentioned, seems this the only other around: https://littlebiggy.org/link/0PWJHI

Thanks pal much appreciated, I think I’m going back for the Ketema Gold. I loved the taste of the critical but it wasn’t strong enough for me but with the Ketema you can feel the power straight away.

I actually had some of the critical too. Agree with you on the taste, and the high. I enjoyed it all the same though as it's been so long since I have smoked some good hash. I might have to get my hands on some of the Ketema Gold based on your little nod

100% with you on the Ketama Gold, I'd say that's one of the best on here at the moment. Also tried the Critical Hash which was delicious but literally did nothing for me sadly. Currently waiting on an order of the 00 from DInc which people seem to be raving about!

Have you received your 00? I’m deliberating on what to buy. Nearly picked the cheaper option of the critical but after seeing this I’m not.

Yeah, it was like 2DD. I'm absolutely IN LOVE with the 00, it's definitely my new favourite and hit me like a truck!

Relatively new myself. Have a look at TGT, RB or Drugs inc. I’m sure you will find a nice Hash, I’ve ordered the Maroc from TGT looks mouth watering.

I just got the Exclusive Zkittles from TGT yesterday.. Very nice Hash. Almost made me crosseyed haha..

1 post
+7 votes

too many NDD is it suspicious?
Loads and loads of people have ‘cottage industries’ at home, where they are making stuff as a sideline and running online businesses from home, tradin…

too many NDD is it suspicious?
do you think that posties or mail sorting offices would notice too many NDD at the same address and find that suspicious, prompting them to check contents?

Loads and loads of people have ‘cottage industries’ at home, where they are making stuff as a sideline and running online businesses from home, trading on ebay, buying parts and equipment etc. I wouldn't worry about it, the postmen and women probably have got better things to do than wonder what people are getting delivered. Poor stealth and smells from the parcels would be more of a worry though..

It's against the law for anyone other than the person named on the package to open it, they'd need a warrant to do so.

Nah mate especially with the lockdown. In the last year iv had over 50 ndd without any problems.

The old bill are aware....

They need a warrant, they have zero checks mate it’s the Royal Mail, it’s not been updated for like a century. Like treebee said it’s if it’s poor stealth. They are more likely to rob it then give it in to the office. I wouldn’t worry mate unless you got a kilo coming through the door

Every other day I have a sign for , with the virus my postie just posts it and signs so I don’t see him ,

3 posts
+6 votes

Sativa or Indica
This picture shows you the commonly accepted characteristics.
Im not so sure its easy to tell the difference all the time because so many are hybrids…
+ 3 more

Sativa or Indica
Yo Biggars,
So I am going to throw this out there!!
I apologise because this question has probably been asked before but what’s the general feel amongst you reference Sativa and Indica I can read on the net what the differences are but I am trying to get a feel of what the general preference is amongst the professionals???
So I am going to throw this out there!!
I apologise because this question has probably been asked before but what’s the general feel amongst you reference Sativa and Indica I can read on the net what the differences are but I am trying to get a feel of what the general preference is amongst the professionals???

This picture shows you the commonly accepted characteristics.
Im not so sure its easy to tell the difference all the time because so many are hybrids of the two varieties. Theres definitely a difference between Indica and Sativa.
Im not so sure its easy to tell the difference all the time because so many are hybrids of the two varieties. Theres definitely a difference between Indica and Sativa.

I usually smoke late at night so I mostly go for Indoca dominant if I have the choice, but I recently bought some Thai from Green Team, which is pure Sativa I believe and that was a real nice smoke. I can recommend it, did a short review if you are interested. Link at the top of my reply :-)

Yeah I am with you bro,
I got some from Radar, Orange string Thai, not too strong but nice mellow vibe for the day without the paranoia.
I got some from Radar, Orange string Thai, not too strong but nice mellow vibe for the day without the paranoia.

I've found that pure Indicas and pure Sativas have very different and consistent highs. Hybrids seem very strain dependant and are a mixed bag usually. Everyone is different though and I never get munchies with Indicas for instance.

I used to do that but was always disappointed when I had the indica. It just didn’t get me to where I wanted to be.

I get you on that one Oli, I'm stuck with an indica strain at the mo. But much prefer that head high with a sativa, I tend to be more productive too

Sativa is all I have tried to be fair.
I love the mental high you get.
I end up listening and chilling to music.
Looking to try the other strain to see what that’s all about.
I love the mental high you get.
I end up listening and chilling to music.
Looking to try the other strain to see what that’s all about.

I don’t like couch lock or the munchies so sativas are better for me. Each to their own though mate, and there’s some mighty fine sativas and indicas on here :)

1 post
+2 votes

New on LB
Great post, I’m new here too after reading the forums for some weeks. Ive never dipped into the Dark Web so finding this site is like being a kid in a…

New on LB
Hello everyone. Im new here and thought I'd give it a go making my first post. I'm so happy I found this site few weeks ago. This is literally what I've wanted to join forever but had no idea it existed. I've been looking around here to try and find the most reliable vendors and placed different orders hoping I was getting something sooner.. From my first order until now I was very unsure whether this was scam or not and I must say that I'm the happiest person right now having just received my first order from 'Drugs Inc UK'. (Was skeptical as I've been scammed massively in the past) They were super quick to post my item but unfortunately it took a while under these circumstances we have ATM.
The postman told med that they are way more busy than at Christmas, so be patient - It will show up !! Thanks to everyone that is a part of this community. Peace out!!!
The postman told med that they are way more busy than at Christmas, so be patient - It will show up !! Thanks to everyone that is a part of this community. Peace out!!!

Great post, I’m new here too after reading the forums for some weeks. Ive never dipped into the Dark Web so finding this site is like being a kid in a sweet shop! Im just getting my head around BTC then I will take the plunge, cant wait... so much quality goods on here!

I know, right.. Well I've figured out how it all works so if u need any help please let me know bud !!

1 post
+2 votes

What do you Miss the most during lockdown
Being able to escape to the great outdoors.

What do you Miss the most during lockdown
Me personally ,I would love a Taco Bell right after a fat sesh , tacos burritos ? bring it on , never thought I would say it but I miss going to work , looking forward to seeing family , stay safe every one ☝️ Sit back and blaze away on a sunny afternoon

Siting on a beach or rocks rolling fat joints and catching fish chilling I miss the money from work but not working lol keep safe

Miss fishing so bad. Would die for 48h on the bank in the bivvy with my jar of goodness...ahhh

15th of June I was going Barcelona , weed club called mon ami ,French guy in Catalonia place is amazing , pisses over any dam coffee shop , shatter moon rocks kills it

football! That's all I want back and I'm not a Liverpool fan by any means (can't stand them tbh haha).
Sick of the hypocrits online who keep talking about how it's too dangerous or a disgrace being done out of greed.... these people don't complain about the Amazon warehouses being open so they can buy their "essential" food blenders and dildos... bring back the football! yes police might have to stop some people from gathering outside the stadiums, so what? what else are they doing? crimes down by over a quarter in lockdown....
Don't know why I'm ranting about it lol but I don't get involved elsewhere on the internet and I just really want the football back :(
Sick of the hypocrits online who keep talking about how it's too dangerous or a disgrace being done out of greed.... these people don't complain about the Amazon warehouses being open so they can buy their "essential" food blenders and dildos... bring back the football! yes police might have to stop some people from gathering outside the stadiums, so what? what else are they doing? crimes down by over a quarter in lockdown....
Don't know why I'm ranting about it lol but I don't get involved elsewhere on the internet and I just really want the football back :(

I'm a United fan mate, we were finally looking back on track but for real this time! I'd settle for watching Stoke on a rainy day at the moment though. There's only so much shit TV a man can take haha

Haha il Take that ,Micheal o Neil should sort us out onwards and upwards , been a shambles last few years

Friends and fam. Missin my best mates little lad like you wudnt beleve saw them nearly every day before this. Miss work who new aye n kfc lol

It'll make you appreciate them even more when you see them again mate. I was talking on the phone to my dad (in his mid 70s now) about this yesterday.
There's not much good that comes from a situation like this, but we were a bit fractured as a society, even as families before this (Brexit and all that left vs right shite) and i think this has made us realise there are more important things in life.
I miss my little nephews like mad too. 8 and 11 years old and made my day every time i saw them. I won't take that for granted again.
Cheers BB
There's not much good that comes from a situation like this, but we were a bit fractured as a society, even as families before this (Brexit and all that left vs right shite) and i think this has made us realise there are more important things in life.
I miss my little nephews like mad too. 8 and 11 years old and made my day every time i saw them. I won't take that for granted again.
Cheers BB

Ye your right mate will never take another moment for granted again. I agree we were fractured society if you could even call us that hopefuly this will sort us out :) brexit drove me mad. We’re with them in spirit hopefuly things will loosen abit soon

Things will deffo loosen up mate. Keep your chin up pal. You'll see them all soon.
Cheers. BB
Cheers. BB

Have to say just seeing a couple of the lads, the footy, Liverpool fan too, haha. The beach, and just hiking in general, but mostly just a hug from my family, was just supposed to travel to see them the week after all this, been since Christmas at this stage. That's it tho, blaze away in patience and stay safe all

Feel for the Liverpool fans , all those years waiting for a title and boom this shit happens , stoke fan myself so hopefully our season is void

Ah football, it’s been so long I’d happily watch Tony Pulis Stoke vs Tony Pulis West Brom at this point.

Iv had years of watching that shit , the blokes a legend In my eyes ,got us promoted ,FA cup finally , sack him get Mark Hughes We get relegated , I’d happily watch pulis ball

1 post
+2 votes
The Green Team- Thai Red String
started topic

The Green Team- Thai Red String

Well the lovely old postman knocked at my door and said ‘you've got a special’. He was right, I had been looking forward to this ones arrival as I haven't had Thai in 25 years. Years before then, when I was a teenage stoner, this was as exotic as herbal Cannabis ever got... before the days of all the high strength buds and the variety we see now. As soon as I opened the pack (double packed, heat sealed mylar pouch in perfect stealth box) the smell took me right back down memory lane. The product is a tightly compressed brick with bits of red cotton that has been used to bind it. The brick has been sliced from a bale of densely rolled and dried plant material. Weight was 7g bang on. Smell is mildly citrus and sweet. Texture is firm and dry and a grinder helps break it up though not essential. I didn't come across any seeds on the first smoke, back in the day you would get a fair bit and they were a pain if they made it into your joint as you'd get a little pop as it exploded inside. Its a tasty smoke and the stone is just as I like it, mellow is the perfect word. It is a great uplifting weed and you’ll feel nicely toasted. It is not as strong & heavy as modern strains but don't let that put you off, to me thats the attraction, Its relaxing but not couch-lock inducing and you could smoke this and get on with stuff, so a good daytime/afternoon smoke which isn't going to play with your mind too much. If you haven't tried it, its recommended, this is a good weed at a good price. Thanks Green Team, I really appreciated seeing lower THC herb and hope you continue to offer a couple of strains like this. Thumbs up.

1 post
+3 votes
Lockdown Bord-em Deep Fry Recipes?
That looks fantastic :)
You cant beat Fried Chicken. If you want to get that KFC juiciness, google how to make a brine (sugar, salt, water, peppercor…
I did it (with the tesco cheese string) about a pound cheaper then baby bell. Came out brill.

I had a take Away yesterday , we got a place called Nathan’s famous , big American chain , hotdogs ,cheese steaks , if you got time on your hands look it up it’s pukka ,

Uber got a promo going on today, going to try get me some American food in treat myself. aint had take away since before lockdown

Im a simple creature if left to my own devices i would only eat things in portions rather than set meals
Like portion of meat here at one point, plate of vegetables later or fruit maybe
Seems more natural to me, no animal apart from humans gathers foods and combines them like us as far as i aware?
Or am i just weird lol
Like portion of meat here at one point, plate of vegetables later or fruit maybe
Seems more natural to me, no animal apart from humans gathers foods and combines them like us as far as i aware?
Or am i just weird lol

I know that looks like a big portion! And it is... Honestly before lock down I spent at least a year dieting on small portions of grilled breast and salad with no chips at all no mayo, near enough daily and lost 30 kg plus, completely changed my look.
I was even going to try a two week veg only diet before lockdown
Lockdown has thrown the diet out the window, I am scared to step on the scale!
I was even going to try a two week veg only diet before lockdown
Lockdown has thrown the diet out the window, I am scared to step on the scale!

That looks fantastic :)
You cant beat Fried Chicken. If you want to get that KFC juiciness, google how to make a brine (sugar, salt, water, peppercorns etc) and let your chicken pieces sit in it a while before drying off and coating as normal. Takes Chicken to another level...
How about deep fried Ice cream for dessert?? Needs a clear head for that though!!
You cant beat Fried Chicken. If you want to get that KFC juiciness, google how to make a brine (sugar, salt, water, peppercorns etc) and let your chicken pieces sit in it a while before drying off and coating as normal. Takes Chicken to another level...
How about deep fried Ice cream for dessert?? Needs a clear head for that though!!

Oh fuck off man..I'm staaaarving bro - all Kfc and Nandos closed and I cook like a 2 year old ha ha...mate that looks just a bit too fucking good, you given me the proper munchies now...It's a fucking pot noodle or some shit though lol

I got this deep fryer recently, love it, takes 5 min to cook a good meal. great on frozen chips and stuff like that

Lol...I been in argos website this afternoon looking...since I see this I been thinking about getting one in my shed... bit of midnight fried chicken oh yeah...

This is the one in argos (teefal, cheap one) but its great does the job exactly like the chicken shops. love me some fried chicken n Mac n cheese balls! American style

I used to have one back in the day when I lived with a few lads we did all that and loved fucking doing donuts in them too, just drop a dollop of batter in and get a metal knife or something with a plastic/wood handle and sort of hoop it out as it starts setting...oh yeah...I should be a proper fat mother fucker to be be honest lol

You’ll never be out of your shed for a kfc ever again!
No standing in queues, no wondering why you chicken isn't even in the frier yet...the benefits are almost endless lol
No standing in queues, no wondering why you chicken isn't even in the frier yet...the benefits are almost endless lol

They do one order at a time here...it’s a painful process lol
I stopped going cause most of them are utter shit now
I stopped going cause most of them are utter shit now

I am no better only just learnt how to make a set omelette , good job I have a good women who likes to feed me cooked dinners

Beans on toast ftw! You never appreciated the beans until times like these lol
Cant go wrong unless you completely despise them i suppose lol
Cant go wrong unless you completely despise them i suppose lol

1 post
+4 votes
What can I do to preserve my grandmother before she dies?
Exactly this! My gran died in 2014, one year shy of 100. She had seen a lot in her life, being born during World War One. I cherish the chats that we …

What can I do to preserve my grandmother before she dies?
My grandmother has cancer and even if she makes it she doesn't have more than 5 years to live realistaclly. I believe that some kind of immortality or radical life extension is coming but she isn't going to be able to participate so I wonder if there is something I can do to give myself a little hope if nothing else.

My gran died a couple of years ago and one of the biggest regrets I have is that I didn't talk with her about her life. My advice is spend as much time with her as possible, talk to her, learn about her (write things down if you need to) - and then keep her in your memories. Pass on your knowledge of her to the next generation. That is basically as close to immortality most of us get.

Exactly this! My gran died in 2014, one year shy of 100. She had seen a lot in her life, being born during World War One. I cherish the chats that we had. As I get older, I realise how privileged I was to have known her. Not only because of who she was but because she was born in another era and her stories and memories were real life history from a very different world to our own.

Record her talking about her life and memories, oral history vcan be an amazing gateway into the past.

I might be too old fashioned, but since you're talking about your grandma, that might not be a bad thing. Have you asked her how she feels about death? She might not want to be frozen, or otherwise kept from death. I've had to deal with death way too much recently. It's horrible, and my heart goes out to you. But sometimes dying people see loved ones who are already dead. Real, or imagined, I won't know for sure until I take that last trip. I've started to feel very selfish for keeping my sister on life support as long as I did. Personally, I really believe that death is just a transition. Regardless, I think spending as much time with her as you can, and even recording conversations with her would be a good thing. Whatever you choose, I wish you both well.

Plastication may very well be ready within 5 years and it looks not only better than cryonics but also free of any ties to discredited white rappers.

Wait you're gonna go with "plastication" because you think it has less embarrassing analogies than freezing?

It seems like a perfect idea, instead of fighting the long life of plastics we use this to preserve.
I imagine an undertaker could inject some plastics, use a plastic coffin and we could have masses of people preserved inexpensively.
Hard to find much on this though, Gwern's piece is pretty old
I imagine an undertaker could inject some plastics, use a plastic coffin and we could have masses of people preserved inexpensively.
Hard to find much on this though, Gwern's piece is pretty old

Does she want to be preserved? This can be a really big deal for her legacy and may freak out her family, it takes some fortitude to get past that.

this. I have a very hard time even talking with people about this basically they think it's a conceit to even consider it.

3 posts
+7 votes

Saying hello
started topic
+ 3 more

Saying hello
Howdo folks. Just wanted to say Hi. Absolutely chuffed to find a site like this on the open web. I had been toying with getting into the dark web markets but never got round to it as it always seemed a bit complicated.
I have been lurking Lil Biggy for a few weeks now and wanted to thank those who have given me tips and support, ready to take the plunge for my first purchase. I was totally clueless about Bitcoin and the advice that you've given, whether directly or through previous posts, has been invaluable and I think Ive got the bases covered now! There looks to be loads of quality products on here, its nice to be spoilt for choice.
Im an occasional toker now, usually smoking herb through a pipe or waterpipe. In the past I had been a heavy user, times have changed since then and I remember buying my first ‘teenth, from my school mate behind the school playing field for £7.50! It was the 1990s and Cypress Hill had just released their first album! (No one knew who they were then and the album was on cassette as a US import, my prized possession)
For us, weed back then was mainly hash, with occasional grass in the form of Thai Stick or similar. I remember a lot of Squidgy Black being available in the early days, with Soap, Slate, Diesel and Golf Ball being around a lot. The Squidgy gradually got more rare and hash quality seemed to drop off a fair bit for a while, with only Diesel being available, then a boom in herbal Weed and then UK grown weed too. I had a go at growing plants under lights for a while, I had a girlfriend who’s Dad was a big smoker and he let me use his brick shed as a grow room for about 6 plants under a massive High Pressure Sodium light, the thing was like a Street Light in the tiny shed! The seeds we had just collected from buying herb. Half the plants turned out to be female and we had some great weed off a couple of the plants and some average weed off the rest. Didn't really know what we were doing but we got some great times out of it and it was a fascinating thing to do.
Anyway Im rambling now, just wanted to say hi! I find myself browsing the items list like a kid in a sweet shop- thank you vendors!
I have been lurking Lil Biggy for a few weeks now and wanted to thank those who have given me tips and support, ready to take the plunge for my first purchase. I was totally clueless about Bitcoin and the advice that you've given, whether directly or through previous posts, has been invaluable and I think Ive got the bases covered now! There looks to be loads of quality products on here, its nice to be spoilt for choice.
Im an occasional toker now, usually smoking herb through a pipe or waterpipe. In the past I had been a heavy user, times have changed since then and I remember buying my first ‘teenth, from my school mate behind the school playing field for £7.50! It was the 1990s and Cypress Hill had just released their first album! (No one knew who they were then and the album was on cassette as a US import, my prized possession)
For us, weed back then was mainly hash, with occasional grass in the form of Thai Stick or similar. I remember a lot of Squidgy Black being available in the early days, with Soap, Slate, Diesel and Golf Ball being around a lot. The Squidgy gradually got more rare and hash quality seemed to drop off a fair bit for a while, with only Diesel being available, then a boom in herbal Weed and then UK grown weed too. I had a go at growing plants under lights for a while, I had a girlfriend who’s Dad was a big smoker and he let me use his brick shed as a grow room for about 6 plants under a massive High Pressure Sodium light, the thing was like a Street Light in the tiny shed! The seeds we had just collected from buying herb. Half the plants turned out to be female and we had some great weed off a couple of the plants and some average weed off the rest. Didn't really know what we were doing but we got some great times out of it and it was a fascinating thing to do.
Anyway Im rambling now, just wanted to say hi! I find myself browsing the items list like a kid in a sweet shop- thank you vendors!

2 posts
+5 votes

First grow help please
Been 20 years since I grew under lights but the flowering stage is triggered when you increase the hours of darkness above 12 hours. It tricks the pla…
+ 2 more

First grow help please

OK so my plant has been growing for around 2 months. I'm doing 18 hours light, 6 dark atm and I have it on a timer in my wardrobe so it's looking lovely and healthy, starting to smell real good also. My question is how long do I let it grow and when does it flip to flowering phase? Its starting to get new stems growing out to the side on around 3 different levels. This pic was taken about a week ago. She's came on some since then, just to Give you an idea of how she is looking. Thanks guys.

No expert here but done it a few times myself.
Looks nice n healthy n green to me,I'd put it on 12/12 cycle pretty soon if not now,trim away any smaller lower branches to redirect the growth in flowering to the higher buds nearer the light.Do this first in fact then give it a week to recover before changing cycle.
You don't need to do this it's just one of many methods if you research online,worked for me though.
Keep the light 30cm away from top of plant unless you have excellent air flow to prevent heat burn,also keep an eye on humidity, temperature,the pH of your nutrient solution.
It seems complicated when you haven't done it before but it's pretty simple really,lots of info online.
Good luck :-)
Looks nice n healthy n green to me,I'd put it on 12/12 cycle pretty soon if not now,trim away any smaller lower branches to redirect the growth in flowering to the higher buds nearer the light.Do this first in fact then give it a week to recover before changing cycle.
You don't need to do this it's just one of many methods if you research online,worked for me though.
Keep the light 30cm away from top of plant unless you have excellent air flow to prevent heat burn,also keep an eye on humidity, temperature,the pH of your nutrient solution.
It seems complicated when you haven't done it before but it's pretty simple really,lots of info online.
Good luck :-)

The whole nutrients thing was pretty daunting to me so I just got compost that already has 4 months worth in there and it seems to be doing the trick. I've just started an oj kush and she's just breaking thro the soil now. Will look more into nutrients and might take the plunge with the next one.

Did NFT (hydro) for my 1st with some guidance setting up n the results were outstanding. Just over 10 Oz of chronic from 3 plants in a space similar to yours with a 600 W light.
Depending on the strength of your light,you might have to leave the door of grow space open when the hotter weather comes in n the light is on as they get hot real fast!
A good tip to increase humidity is to hang a damp towel in the grow space.
As said though your looking good for your first time,if all nutrients are already in your soil you don't have to worry too much,just water n remove any dead/yellowing leaves regularly.
Good luck n happy growing bro
Depending on the strength of your light,you might have to leave the door of grow space open when the hotter weather comes in n the light is on as they get hot real fast!
A good tip to increase humidity is to hang a damp towel in the grow space.
As said though your looking good for your first time,if all nutrients are already in your soil you don't have to worry too much,just water n remove any dead/yellowing leaves regularly.
Good luck n happy growing bro

I managed to get myself a cracking light. 600w LED. It has a built in fan I'm really pleased with it. I first ordered a ballast and light and it was ridiculously hot I sent it back and got this. Much more compact and quiet.

Modern technology eh! Good stuff m8 you won't need to worry about it getting too hot.
I had to have my cupboard door open whenever the light was on to stop it getting too hot,not great when it really starts to stink! Lol
If I were to do it again I'd defo think about an LED
I had to have my cupboard door open whenever the light was on to stop it getting too hot,not great when it really starts to stink! Lol
If I were to do it again I'd defo think about an LED

Check out gardeners Corner. When I sent the ballast and light back they just done a straight swap for this for me and I only Paid 50 quid. On the website this one they sent me was 90 odd, they made a booboo lol... They were trying to compensate me aswell though cause when the other one arrived it was in a ripped plastic bag and the silver shield bit that goes round the light was all bashed! This one is well better :)

Thanks buddy. Yeah I've read absolutely shit loads online, have trimmed away 4 smaller lower branches to let the plant concentrate up top hopefully for bigger buds! Just wish it was ready now, been waiting 12 days for my recent order to drop lol...

Been 20 years since I grew under lights but the flowering stage is triggered when you increase the hours of darkness above 12 hours. It tricks the plant into thinking that the growing season is at its mid point. Get the Cannabis Growing Book by Mel Frank, its an absolute Bible! Have you definitely got a female plant? I.e. feminised seeds?

Aye defo feminised 110%
Do you think it looks ready for me to change the light cycle or will I let it get more bushy?
Do you think it looks ready for me to change the light cycle or will I let it get more bushy?

Try auto flower lot easier for beginners just give it light and nutrients basically you dont have to put it in flower yourself it does it on its own

Great stuff. If you want bushiness, you should pinch out the growing tip early in the growing stages (too late now) this will encourage the plant to throw out more side shoots/ branches. You will then create more surface area for flowers to grow but you sacrifice having one big ‘Cola’ at the tip. Theres a hormone in the growing tip that keeps the side branches from overtaking it. Pinch it out and the sides bush out.
There is an alternative technique (which I never tried) where you bend the growing tip downward without snapping it and this tricks the plant into sending out side branches.. once they've formed, you can the Cola upright once again and allow it to retain its prime bud status!
It really is a fascinating plant to grow..
There is an alternative technique (which I never tried) where you bend the growing tip downward without snapping it and this tricks the plant into sending out side branches.. once they've formed, you can the Cola upright once again and allow it to retain its prime bud status!
It really is a fascinating plant to grow..

Fk knows I got it in b and m lol. Is over vegged a bad thing? I'll flip it tonight.
It's a medical strain. Medical mass feminised. Royal queen seeds.
It's a medical strain. Medical mass feminised. Royal queen seeds.

There's another pic let you see better and just taken it there the now. I've changed my timer to 12/12
Total novice here, just started an oj kush the other day aswell.. New hobby lol....
This one look Good To flower then? How long does it flower for? Must be passed the stage where I can mess This up? Thanks for advice buddy :)
Total novice here, just started an oj kush the other day aswell.. New hobby lol....
This one look Good To flower then? How long does it flower for? Must be passed the stage where I can mess This up? Thanks for advice buddy :)

Looks good to go, the longer you veg the bigger the plant will be, most double in size after flip ( hight and width ) but you shouldn't veg too long in a pot that's not big enough as the plant will end up root bound.
If your pot is around the side of a standard bucket ( 14liter ish ) then 8 weeks from seed is good to flip. Bigger pot with the space to work, you could go longer.
Get yourself over to uk420 growers forum for some help along the way, as things can still go sideways... they always can
If your pot is around the side of a standard bucket ( 14liter ish ) then 8 weeks from seed is good to flip. Bigger pot with the space to work, you could go longer.
Get yourself over to uk420 growers forum for some help along the way, as things can still go sideways... they always can

1 post
+1 votes

Why only use the post office?
Sounds like that Geo Caching treasure hunt!

Why only use the post office?
Is it worth vendors looking into using parcel delivery people? I dont know if there is a good reason why not, or indeed if it has been tried. It has to be a good one and I know hermes had a bad reputation for example. I'm getting parcels delivered very quickly from ebay and Amazon and Argos etc. (I've been on a spending spree recently).

Difference is private couriers have a right to go into the parcel if they want to.
Royal Mail need a warrant.
There are way to Anonimize drop off such as using Parcel2Go which doesn’t check ID AFAIK.
Royal Mail need a warrant.
There are way to Anonimize drop off such as using Parcel2Go which doesn’t check ID AFAIK.

Oh I see. I didnt know about such rules / laws. I can see why the post office is the choice for vendors. Thanks for that little insight.

There was a topic somewhere here on LB about Hydra.
They use geolocation drops in Russia (local mail is unreliable).
Basically, after you've paid for your order, vendor sends out their so called 'kladsmen' to hide your package. Your receive geolocation of it, detailed pictures and description on how to find your package. After you've successfully picked up your package you have 24 hours to leave a review.
That is another method i guess. I quite like it. No postal charges.
I think it is useful, specially for deliveries within vendors locale.
They use geolocation drops in Russia (local mail is unreliable).
Basically, after you've paid for your order, vendor sends out their so called 'kladsmen' to hide your package. Your receive geolocation of it, detailed pictures and description on how to find your package. After you've successfully picked up your package you have 24 hours to leave a review.
That is another method i guess. I quite like it. No postal charges.
I think it is useful, specially for deliveries within vendors locale.

I used to use Hermes a lot , for stuff I sold on Ebay for example , but twice in one month they just "lost" my parcels. That was around October last year. Then there were many news articles about how bad people thought hermes were. So their reputation dipped somewhat. Although their prices are usually pretty good and quite low. So that's why I avoid hermes right now.

That’s unfortunate
Its just ive had hermes deliver to me in the past with no drama...first i heard of any
Its just ive had hermes deliver to me in the past with no drama...first i heard of any

Yeah there was several news items about Christmas presents not getting through on time etc too. Perhaps they were so very busy they were handling too many items. But in their defence I haven't heard of any issues with them since Christmas. Do perhaps it was just a temporary issue they had. I should really give them another chance!!

Yes, too many people know the sellers address and its asking for trouble, if say I'm the seller, I know your address which if fine, you may have a bit of personal weed at home... you know my address and I've got a k or 2, one disgruntled customer could blow me up to the police and I could do jail time. That would be my thinking

2 posts
+4 votes

Dry Weed
Its worth it if you are buying lots of Boveda.
Goes back to my Cigar smoking days!
+ 2 more

Dry Weed

Highly recommend getting a couple of these Humidity stones to put in your jars with any buds that’s too try. I was sceptical but actually works well and less citrus than orange peel.

I also use Boveda packs which you can re-use if you have a hygrometer. Just put some water in a kilner jar with the ones that go hard, and wait for them to get back to the original percentage.
I put as many as possible in the jars with the weed, maybe 2 per oz.
They're a great find.
Not criticising the OP at all. Just my experience.
Cheers BB
I put as many as possible in the jars with the weed, maybe 2 per oz.
They're a great find.
Not criticising the OP at all. Just my experience.
Cheers BB

Noting wrong with criticism if its not personally directed at someone effecting their integrity but try talking sense to someone who is offended lol its near impossible

Am curious about them stones now i dont think they will be better than boveda but i mightpurchase one and see if its decent

Rasta i have no experience but from what I understand is that boveda controls moisture more rather a hydration stone
The stone can make things too damp to easily if not monitored or removed in time...it all depends how much you have the stone soaked, how much material there is and how dry it is...
The stone can make things too damp to easily if not monitored or removed in time...it all depends how much you have the stone soaked, how much material there is and how dry it is...

Did you know that you can recharge Boveda packs? Once they get dry/crystalline again? Stick them in a sealed tupperware tub with an open container, like a ramekin, of water.

Yeah i buy loads, boveda tell you not to hydrate them its probably because they will lose business if everybody did it lol but im going to try it

Just recently got a couple of C Vaults with the Boveda packs and they deffo help, not gonna lie though that just the pack on a glass jar would be just as good imo, deffo can vouch for the Boveda packs man

Yeah them c vaults look good but i bet they are pricey though and boveda can work wonders it even improves the smell of the weed 10 mins after i put it in a jar with a boveda

1 post
+1 votes

site not working
I had the same issue the other night. No mention of it on the forum so I assumed it was just me.

site not working
i couldnt connect to LB all morning
was it just me??
im new to this site and i am worried it will get shut down or just stop working one day, i hope not !! the other night i was having the same issue and upon checkin online it was a problem on LB side not mine
was it just me??
im new to this site and i am worried it will get shut down or just stop working one day, i hope not !! the other night i was having the same issue and upon checkin online it was a problem on LB side not mine

Goes down every now and again man... don't fear Lb is always here! Just disappears for a few hours every now and again...

Yeah and my items list keeps only showing old products , hiding all the new stuff...really annoying and stopping me from buying so not good for vendors either

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