Fall of Civilizations - Not weed related but hypnotic to watch high. Really informative and really well presented, there's not a great deal of them but they're beautifully put together.
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joined may 2017
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0 topics on defdeaf
15 posts by defdeaf
1 post
+1 votes
Good Youtube Channels
Bigg up

Good Youtube Channels
Whats your favourite Weed related Youtube Channel?
I like watching Doctor Denz, can you recommend any other good ones?
I like watching Doctor Denz, can you recommend any other good ones?

Not necessarily 'weed' related, but if you want a YouTube channel to learn some stuff, "Today I Found Out" is great when you're high and ready to soak up a bit of random trivia (if that's your thing)
Cheers BB
Cheers BB

Urbanremo is a great channel!
He’s a Canadian grower who used to work for Advanced Nitrients and now has his own nutrient company.
He does things like Marajuana Monday or Hash Wednesday where he reviews strains but also always brings his camera to all the expos and cannabis cups.
He’s a Canadian grower who used to work for Advanced Nitrients and now has his own nutrient company.
He does things like Marajuana Monday or Hash Wednesday where he reviews strains but also always brings his camera to all the expos and cannabis cups.

Kill Tony. Not specifically weed related, but hilarious, and loads of the panel/contestants are all baked

Hi Treebee..I'm a doctor denz fan..love his videos along with strain cainers....great to watch while stoned as fuck lol😃..

I’m an engineer so I like anything to do with engines and motors obvs the green stuff too but I like grind hard pluming , Alec Steele , rather b welding , rclifeon and loads more mate don’t watch tv yt is my go too

Not weed related but I tend to.watch have a word podcast. Some absolute better guests, it's a comedy podcast hosted by comedians (pretty self explanatory 🤣) always has me rolling

Cannacribs is worth a look, it's a behind the scenes look at some of the big US brands and how they operate

I can't provide a an actual link but type "high rollers Derek gilman" on YouTube search. It's part of the Ganjiers channel. The 30 ish minute episodes with Derek Gilman as host can be fun/informative to watch. Cannabis industry guests talking all sorts of topics... Oh and they have to have a toot at some point in the conversation!!

1 post
+3 votes
use three words to describe little biggy
no mo nomos
My postman is obviously a stoner, just the way he carries the back all slung back on his shoulder gives it away but he also looks like Wayne (or Garth I can't remember which one is which). I keep thinking I should offer him a bowl of the good shit but he delivers so much weed to me I think I'd be putting him in a bad position.

You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Lol that's poss the best 3 words. Esp goin by the shit that appears in my area as "weed". And the wannabes selling it

Layer of consciousness
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!

Fake weed forum....... bring back the old suppliers. Suppliers these days are all crooks.... firstly they get bulk of weed then put it in a tumbler and shake it to take the crystals off the bud so they can make there pillen and dope then the weed gets sprayed with terps to give the buds a flavour again. This is why the dope is dearer than the weed... absolute scams going on here. People need to wake up and start refusing this poison on here these days. There is a handful of sellers that are legit but 95% on here is selling fake thc grass... all its doing is making people sick

1 post
+4 votes
37% of Americans Want To Secede
thats nation wide when you look at the south (i understand they are all thats needed to get things cooking) its 66%

37% of Americans Want To Secede
this map shows those who would rather break into regional groups

thats nation wide when you look at the south (i understand they are all thats needed to get things cooking) its 66%

OK but when you look at non-english speakers that might have heard this as "succeed" then the american dream is still alive!

1 post
+2 votes

Fragility, Digitally: The internet during world war
me too but probably with less cheese
1 post
+1 votes
I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson
Hilarious at 1st
Yea it was hit or miss, his energy was funny at times but those times were far and few.

1 post
+7 votes

Best Example of Communism?
the family fridge

Best Example of Communism?
some famous fails for sure but what are the success stories they dont tell us about?

Kerala in India has a long history of electing communist party politicians. It has the highest literacy rate and lowest infant mortality in India due to its policies.

German Peasant's War (where the word communism derives), Paris Commune, two Russian revolutions minus the Bolsheviks, Makhnochina, Spanish revolution, German revolution, May 68, etc. etc. etc.
Losing in the first half don't mean the game's over.
Losing in the first half don't mean the game's over.

I don't think Communism has ever worked as Capitalists are always creaming off the top.
A great book on the subject is Eat The Rich by the US satirist (and huge drug consumer) P.J. O'Rourke. I think his and my politics are probably polar opposites, but you could get fucked up at a party with him and have an amazing time. Anyway, good book. Breaks down all sorts of different political stances, and Good Communism is one chapter, and Bad Communism another. He's a funny guy, but maybe don't consider it as in depth reasoned academic analysis.
Ah, fuck. He died in 2022. No future parties.
A great book on the subject is Eat The Rich by the US satirist (and huge drug consumer) P.J. O'Rourke. I think his and my politics are probably polar opposites, but you could get fucked up at a party with him and have an amazing time. Anyway, good book. Breaks down all sorts of different political stances, and Good Communism is one chapter, and Bad Communism another. He's a funny guy, but maybe don't consider it as in depth reasoned academic analysis.
Ah, fuck. He died in 2022. No future parties.

Come on down voters give me a success story if you don't like the truth?? Bloody Marxists never except that it doesn't work. What ever iteration you can think of it WONT WORK!!!! everyone being the same sucks the fun out of life accept that hard work pays!

I'm not advocating for Communism but our society is full of people grafting their respective genitalia off that are still struggling financially. The idea that hard work pays ( properly) is a idea propagated by people seeking to exploit the labour of others. Nobody should need to claim benefits whilst working full time and yet...
Fwiw, I do advocate for a mixed economy. Nationalised energy, health, water, public transport etc and luxuries at the will of the free market.
Fwiw, I do advocate for a mixed economy. Nationalised energy, health, water, public transport etc and luxuries at the will of the free market.

You shouldn't be allowed to claim any benefits while in full time employment. It's crazy, we are basically subsidising employers who ought to be paying more.

And I hope that, one day, employers decide paying a living wage is more important than ever increasing profits such that in work benefits are no longer necessary. I propose a link between maximum and minimum pay within an organisation. Let's say; no pay ( overall package including bonuses, perks and dividends) higher than 5x the lowest full time salary.

it wouldn't even have to be a regulation, the government does business with so many companies and beneficiaries. if they don't have these multiples in place no people's funds.

employers don't make that call so much as owners do and when the owner is the stock market it's quite blind to anything but profits.
when the owners are the employees this changes priorities.
when the owners are the employees this changes priorities.

"that hard work pays" is often true and the capitalists don't only pontificate this to the masses they teach it to their children. children they practise communism with.

I’m sure there are loads they just don’t teach us about them. Capitalism doesn’t work either does it? Too many greedy pocket filling bastards. We are all the same having money doesn’t make you better than anyone else, the fact you are here spouting this shows what a sad state the world is in 😞

You should look into some unbiased reporting on the soviet Union, and some witness statements from the older generation who lived through it.
You will find that many of them tell you life was better in the USSR, than in post USSR Eastern Europe and Russia. Besides that they were several decades ahead of the west on womens rights and social services.
But like anything good, the Americans bring it down from the inside, or out, USSR, Great Britain, either way. Their media controls the narritive, and communism effects their ability to steal all the money. There is a reason Cinema is oversaturated with anti Communist rhetoric.
I'd honestly rather have the worst communist government, than be America number 2.
You will find that many of them tell you life was better in the USSR, than in post USSR Eastern Europe and Russia. Besides that they were several decades ahead of the west on womens rights and social services.
But like anything good, the Americans bring it down from the inside, or out, USSR, Great Britain, either way. Their media controls the narritive, and communism effects their ability to steal all the money. There is a reason Cinema is oversaturated with anti Communist rhetoric.
I'd honestly rather have the worst communist government, than be America number 2.

Yeah and east germany was the most successful communist country of all, just ask anyone that wasn't killed trying to leave.

i'd settle for being ireland number 0.5 :)
they currently have more than double the uk's gdp per capita
they currently have more than double the uk's gdp per capita

Have you ever listened to Konstantin Kisin? A Jewish family - He moved when he was 9 from the ussr to England at the end of the soviet Union just before the fall. His first hand account of his own life tells a very different story to what you describe.

under capitalism hard work has never paid and never will pay lmfao. communism actually prioritises labour, capitalism is about fat pigs at the top skimming off 99% of the profit we produce for them. do you not find it utterly insane tesco has like 5 different in-house brands with varying prices for essentially the same product? or that having less money means you have to settle for lower quality products that are worse for you and spoil faster?

So, you don't think lifting 4/5ths of the world out of relative poverty can be considered "paying off"?
OK Che, communism good 🤣👌
OK Che, communism good 🤣👌

do you have a source for this? not trying to challenge so much as i would like to learn more about it. maybe there is even a way the community could help.

there are community outreach programs and obviously government funded systems like food banks to help, but the crisis only really exists because the capitalist system is designed that way. we have the resources to end world hunger but it's not economically beneficial so it will never happen
these are sources on food insecurity in the uk for 2023 and 2024:
these are sources on food insecurity in the uk for 2023 and 2024:

food for the hungry is legit and accepts crypto

Does the existence of those children make anything I said less true?
Strawman though. I didn't make a claim that there is no poverty in any country. I think you missed the qualifiers "relative" and "4/5ths" of the world.
I would say, that "starving" inarguably applies to way less than 1 in 5 children in the UK, US or anywhere in the West which makes your point about the ills of capitalism fairly moot in context.
I am no fan of cronyism, and I don't think capitalism is utopia, but it's insane to try and persuade anybody that communism would do better than this.
Thanks for the downvotes. I have over a thousand upvotes and less than 30 down.
Drop me a line next time you are tipping your bathwater into the atalantic. I'll do it too 🤣
Strawman though. I didn't make a claim that there is no poverty in any country. I think you missed the qualifiers "relative" and "4/5ths" of the world.
I would say, that "starving" inarguably applies to way less than 1 in 5 children in the UK, US or anywhere in the West which makes your point about the ills of capitalism fairly moot in context.
I am no fan of cronyism, and I don't think capitalism is utopia, but it's insane to try and persuade anybody that communism would do better than this.
Thanks for the downvotes. I have over a thousand upvotes and less than 30 down.
Drop me a line next time you are tipping your bathwater into the atalantic. I'll do it too 🤣

"I have over a thousand upvotes and less than 30 down"
This is one of the saddest things I've ever read on the internet xD
This is one of the saddest things I've ever read on the internet xD

You stop your quotations at an expedient place. If you would have been less disingenuous about your framing, you would be honest about the fact that the reason I said it was to point out that the users who's position I criticised (fairly and civilly) had no reply apart from the futile downvotes, as I was describing.
If I was trying to persuade anybody of anything about me with only what you have entered in your own quotation marks as the context then I'd tend to agree with you. Given that you have totally taken it out of the context it was said (I mean it was clear the previous person was making downvotes vexatiously, in place of an actual cogent argument against what I was saying.
I think you probably know that, but don't care because you disagree with me 🤣 how about tackle me with some argumental substance rather than downvotes.
So, yeah, moot point. Wind your neck in mush.
If I was trying to persuade anybody of anything about me with only what you have entered in your own quotation marks as the context then I'd tend to agree with you. Given that you have totally taken it out of the context it was said (I mean it was clear the previous person was making downvotes vexatiously, in place of an actual cogent argument against what I was saying.
I think you probably know that, but don't care because you disagree with me 🤣 how about tackle me with some argumental substance rather than downvotes.
So, yeah, moot point. Wind your neck in mush.

Ah, the Lords prayer of the troll world.
In other words, you have nothing worth saying because you are too vacuous to argue your way out of the little communist hole you dug 🤣
In other words, you have nothing worth saying because you are too vacuous to argue your way out of the little communist hole you dug 🤣

I came here to say this. Glad someone else knows what's going on.
It's gradual. Socialism is the route to communism. The NHS, which we are all trained from an early age to worship, was one of the first big steps in socialism. Benefits too.
Do you all remember when Richard Madeley of all people called out Susan Michie for being a member of the Communist party? She was a main player in the 'behaviour science' part of the scamdemic. Do you remember how we were all pressured into performing that awful clap for the NHS gesture? That was like something out of North Korea/China, where citizens are softly compelled into worshipping the state - like those obvious crocodile tears that were shed over Kim of N Korea.
Ugh, most people are too close to it to see it but it is ABUNDANTLY clear.
I would recommend anyone to watch Yuri Bezmenovs lecture on how the west gets subverted to Communism. He was a soviet defector who used to subvert countries and bring them into the soviet fold for a living.
It's gradual. Socialism is the route to communism. The NHS, which we are all trained from an early age to worship, was one of the first big steps in socialism. Benefits too.
Do you all remember when Richard Madeley of all people called out Susan Michie for being a member of the Communist party? She was a main player in the 'behaviour science' part of the scamdemic. Do you remember how we were all pressured into performing that awful clap for the NHS gesture? That was like something out of North Korea/China, where citizens are softly compelled into worshipping the state - like those obvious crocodile tears that were shed over Kim of N Korea.
Ugh, most people are too close to it to see it but it is ABUNDANTLY clear.
I would recommend anyone to watch Yuri Bezmenovs lecture on how the west gets subverted to Communism. He was a soviet defector who used to subvert countries and bring them into the soviet fold for a living.

@Chambertin4 I wish we lived in the world you think we live in xD
The rich people who own the media want to push an ideology that stops them being able to hoarde all the wealth? care to explain how that makes sense?
The rich people who own the media want to push an ideology that stops them being able to hoarde all the wealth? care to explain how that makes sense?

The only people with positive stories perished in the gulags.
"It was a laugh in the beginning, but things went steeply downhill shortly after."
"It was a laugh in the beginning, but things went steeply downhill shortly after."

I don't think you'll find any. They've tried it and hundreds of millions died. Ok in principle but man's greed quickly takes over.

yeah it's the trickery of it from the knowers side and the sheer gullibility from the mark.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
To the naive person, this quote from Marx sounds like everyone will just pull their own weight for others and everyones needs will be met.
But with the benefit of hindsight, it is clearly a recipe for slave labour/the gulag system where each man is worked to his utmost but only has his basic needs met. Pretty clear with the benefit of hindsight.
There are no luxuries. Worked to the max, as much as your body can stand and in return you are provided a concrete bed, thin blanket and bowl of gruel twice a day. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
To the naive person, this quote from Marx sounds like everyone will just pull their own weight for others and everyones needs will be met.
But with the benefit of hindsight, it is clearly a recipe for slave labour/the gulag system where each man is worked to his utmost but only has his basic needs met. Pretty clear with the benefit of hindsight.
There are no luxuries. Worked to the max, as much as your body can stand and in return you are provided a concrete bed, thin blanket and bowl of gruel twice a day. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Not exactly a success story but interesting fact. There are more cannabis users per capita in Communist North Korea than there are in any other country. They smoke to relieve the pain of living there.

It doesn’t work people become lazy and there will always be those who have and those who have nothing.
Argentina’s current turnaround under Javier Milei from socialist basket case to small state and low interference is what you should be talking about. We don’t need the public sector time to slash it.
We need to get our self respect back relying on the state has made us weak and pathetic.
Argentina’s current turnaround under Javier Milei from socialist basket case to small state and low interference is what you should be talking about. We don’t need the public sector time to slash it.
We need to get our self respect back relying on the state has made us weak and pathetic.

Best example of communism... in the ground... deep in the ground with the devil from whence it came.

yet when everyone looks above and sees devils we know what cycle communism - or now capitalism - is in.

It doesn't work
Never has, never will.
The communists and socialists will tell you that " it just hasn't been done properly"
Problem is, they always need other peoples money to spend...
Never has, never will.
The communists and socialists will tell you that " it just hasn't been done properly"
Problem is, they always need other peoples money to spend...

Communism is inherently tyrannical. History shows that. There aren’t any examples of success for a reason. It goes against the human spirit. Millions more died die to its tyranny than under the Nazis but you never see documentaries on the BBC or Netflix about Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot. Capitalism isn’t perfect by a long way but meritocracy is natural and drives progress. People to an extent sort themselves into roles and structures on natural ability and interest. Socialism just teaches people to rely on the state whilst the state gets to dictate how people think and behave. It’s ideological tyranny on the one extreme and financial exploitation of a liberal society by the few on the other. My grandad was a carpenter and paid his subs to his union for years until he acknowledged the financial and ideological corruption that it was based on.

We are already experiencing communism even in the modern world , it's a hybrid between communism and democracy , based on feelings and personal I , me Happiness and DEI.
Don't work , hand outs , nobody knows what a woman is , men are all monsters and rapists , everyone can be whatever they FEEL , massive division - past remembering - payouts for past events , people split into groups protesting, government is everything - Marxsism 1:1 .
You already have 6 - 7 nations that have fallen fighting for this aspect -
Argentina - down - Saved by Milei
Columbia - down
Venezuela - down
Chile - About to fall
Salvador - Down - But saved by Bukele
Australia - About to fall
USA - About to fall - massive border issues and most cities are walking dead with people zombies being poor and homeless.
UK - about to crash due to importing victimhood across all minorities , brits on mute mode not even saying anything to anyone.
Go woke in a country and your entire society crashes.
Capitalism + Merrit Based society is the only one working.
This has been in the works tho since the 90s - starting with the feminisation of men and masculinisation of women - Split up with your men , you can do whatever you want , then they wake up at 40's with a carrer , no fam and alone crying on Socials crying for a men.
Men - don't react , be soft , toxic masculinity , every reaction has been deemed as something is wrong with you.
Therapy is all processed from the perspective of a woman , so men don't go to that.
Men just kill themselves at some point due to loneliness , women keep talking and talking and move on.
This is where you are at in 2024 in the Western World's
So majority of people need to stop and go back to standards otherwise Societies crash entirely , we see the results Live ongoing
North Korea is the only one truly communist spot ON and it's only because the majority of the population simply wants to live like that , they don't know anything else , never did , not every nation is attracted to this notion of rich , poor ,progress yourself some just want to live like in a big Foster care home totally controlled.
Don't work , hand outs , nobody knows what a woman is , men are all monsters and rapists , everyone can be whatever they FEEL , massive division - past remembering - payouts for past events , people split into groups protesting, government is everything - Marxsism 1:1 .
You already have 6 - 7 nations that have fallen fighting for this aspect -
Argentina - down - Saved by Milei
Columbia - down
Venezuela - down
Chile - About to fall
Salvador - Down - But saved by Bukele
Australia - About to fall
USA - About to fall - massive border issues and most cities are walking dead with people zombies being poor and homeless.
UK - about to crash due to importing victimhood across all minorities , brits on mute mode not even saying anything to anyone.
Go woke in a country and your entire society crashes.
Capitalism + Merrit Based society is the only one working.
This has been in the works tho since the 90s - starting with the feminisation of men and masculinisation of women - Split up with your men , you can do whatever you want , then they wake up at 40's with a carrer , no fam and alone crying on Socials crying for a men.
Men - don't react , be soft , toxic masculinity , every reaction has been deemed as something is wrong with you.
Therapy is all processed from the perspective of a woman , so men don't go to that.
Men just kill themselves at some point due to loneliness , women keep talking and talking and move on.
This is where you are at in 2024 in the Western World's
So majority of people need to stop and go back to standards otherwise Societies crash entirely , we see the results Live ongoing
North Korea is the only one truly communist spot ON and it's only because the majority of the population simply wants to live like that , they don't know anything else , never did , not every nation is attracted to this notion of rich , poor ,progress yourself some just want to live like in a big Foster care home totally controlled.

There has never been one.
Governments, inherently are untrustworthy, the larger they are.
More proclivity to tyranny the smaller they are - which the libertarians are blind to.
There should be a lassez faire way to govern, with a balanced and adequately sized government.
Modern progressives don't like to hear this, but capitalism has lifted the world out of relative poverty, to the extent that nothing that came before it has been more beneficial to both quantity and quality of life.
Necessary evils are all around us. We think if we are selective about the ones we talk about, then the ones we don't want to talk about will disappear for some reason.
Governments, inherently are untrustworthy, the larger they are.
More proclivity to tyranny the smaller they are - which the libertarians are blind to.
There should be a lassez faire way to govern, with a balanced and adequately sized government.
Modern progressives don't like to hear this, but capitalism has lifted the world out of relative poverty, to the extent that nothing that came before it has been more beneficial to both quantity and quality of life.
Necessary evils are all around us. We think if we are selective about the ones we talk about, then the ones we don't want to talk about will disappear for some reason.

1 post
+4 votes
Buying weed online in India
an indian seller would do really well

Buying weed online in India
So fucking sick of the quality I can get on the street here. What's the deal does anyone on little biggy ship to India? How safe is it? Thanks very much.

Get some crazy cheap crappy Indian stick n seed weed & some isopropyl or butane & make your self some high quality extracts. I spent 5 years in India 🙏

International Vendor Shipping List Linked Above.
Please also message each one who ships to India before hand to avoid any confusion on either end.
Please also message each one who ships to India before hand to avoid any confusion on either end.

Hello fellow Bharatiya/Indian anon,
You probably already know that health is one of the most important aspects of Life, thats why you should always make sure that what you consume is clean and safe.
Thats where we step in,
we offer a wide selection of great quality clean products for reasonable prices. It would be a pleasure working with you. We can probably source everything you desire from any weed strain to brand or extract type. Custom Orders are no issue.
We can recommend our Pink Bacio, unreal smoke at a reasonable price. We also currently offer 4 hashes and various extracts.
DM us if you have any question or would like to receive an order via a specific carrier.
Best wishes and greetings from Germany.
You probably already know that health is one of the most important aspects of Life, thats why you should always make sure that what you consume is clean and safe.
Thats where we step in,
we offer a wide selection of great quality clean products for reasonable prices. It would be a pleasure working with you. We can probably source everything you desire from any weed strain to brand or extract type. Custom Orders are no issue.
We can recommend our Pink Bacio, unreal smoke at a reasonable price. We also currently offer 4 hashes and various extracts.
DM us if you have any question or would like to receive an order via a specific carrier.
Best wishes and greetings from Germany.

1 post
+3 votes
Fear is America's best selling product
yes its the foundation of the oldest orgainsations around

Fear is America's best selling product
Lewis Lapham is right on. If we can just recognize fear and understand it instead of judging we can fix this.

And it's marketed in very sophisticated ways through social media. This article explains how it works.

I agree. There is individual fear, and collective fear. Individuals in America have stressful lives and poor parenting for the majority. Individual fears that hold people back include fear of death, fear of failure, fear of inadequacy (not being good enough). Mass fear includes fear of authority, fear of pandemics, fear of being taken over as a country. Fear can be dealt with by acknowledging and facing the fear with nonresistance. Still, fears are often not recognized because they are not on a conscious level. I do believe that meditation, psychedelic therapy, and transpersonal therapy can uncover subconscious fears and be released from their power.

State-sponsered fear is not unique to the US. Capitalism and communism both generate fear, but in the US, where capitalism has run amok, it is more subtle. US citizens tend to believe that they live in a democracy, yet there has been no progress in the 1 percenters sharing resources with the middle class and poor. Individuals have less rights to express their views because the powers at be that transcend political parties control the agenda of the media and the government. Through TV and other newspapers, citizens are programmed to live their lives in a controlled state of mind. The most pertinent of issues do not make the headlines. I could elaborate more, but just note that societal fear is a response to the denigration of individual rights, where the average citizen thinks that nothing they do or say will be acknowledged or change anything.

1 post
+7 votes
Wireheading Done Right: Stay Positive Without Going Insane
"Wireheads are beings who have changed their reward architecture in order to be happy all the time". Sound like any being you know?

Wireheading Done Right: Stay Positive Without Going Insane
Can we hack happiness for everyone and what happens to society when we do? And remember we will be competing with A.I. :)

"Wireheads are beings who have changed their reward architecture in order to be happy all the time". Sound like any being you know?

1 post
+5 votes

{web 3.0}
Jaron Lanier's Data Dignity (video)
This makes a lot of sense as people are a collection of data basically

{web 3.0}
Jaron Lanier's Data Dignity (video)

Data Dignity is a realignment of the economics of the internet that will improve the outlook for people as algorithms and robots get better, while at the same time making those technologies work better.

1 post
+14.2 votes
Better Call Saul vs. Breaking Bad
started topic
For me the greatest TV show of all. So many great characters. And a perfect ending. Gonna leave it a few years before going back and watching again. Though I miss my Kim Wexler fix

she has got so much better as time goes on, we love it! Just watched one last night and I was actually shocked! wont spoil for anyone ;)

Breaking bad will probably always be considered more of a classic and definitely was one of those dramas that paved the way for modern dramas today. But in terms of quality BCS is better written, Directed and streamlined than breaking bad season 1 was a bit slow tho. Also without BB there never would be BCS which has to be apprciated.

BB my preference Saul is an amazing character but dont think it takes you on the roller coaster BB does

I can't remember 1 boring episode of BB, even the one that was set solely in the lab with the fly Walter couldn't catch

So true I forgot about that one lol.
Most episodes left you with that feeling hows he going to get out of this.
The videoed confession had me in stitches.
Poor Hank lol.
Most episodes left you with that feeling hows he going to get out of this.
The videoed confession had me in stitches.
Poor Hank lol.

Yeah things went seriously south for Mr White once Hank died. He was a good character

For me, personally I think they’re both brilliant. You cant watch better call Saul before breaking bad. I love how it shows the aftermath of what happened, better call Saul is slower but if you’ve watched breaking bad before you’ll be sucked in from minute one. For me breaking bad might just be the greatest tv series ever. Just everything about it was fucking mega and it wasn’t hollywoood it was raw just like GOT used to be till they ruined it.

No need for a comparison, both great shows. Obviously BB set the scene for Better Call Saul, but I think it would have worked without BB as a stand alone.

1 post
+2 votes
To SOciety: I'll Be Around
Bigg up
1 post
+2 votes
Amazing product & service
The tags are removed automatically

Amazing product & service
I'll add photos tomorrow (maybe if I can get tags off) but I'd just like to say thanks tgt and that pineapple express is some of the best tasting flower I've had.
Also if anyone's wondering if the stealths any good, trust me it's better than 99% of sellers on here, I can only think of one who's a smidge better. 10s all round, I've got literally nothing to moan about.
Also if anyone's wondering if the stealths any good, trust me it's better than 99% of sellers on here, I can only think of one who's a smidge better. 10s all round, I've got literally nothing to moan about.

1 post
+4 votes
A Brief Global History of the War on Cannabis
this could be great branding for a bigga
A Brief Global History of the War on Cannabis
"Prohibitionists around the world have long used rhetoric to associate the plant with violence and depravity."

There's an audio version of the article at the top of the page too: worth a listen/read!

Excellent read….loved this:
“ Tribesmen of the Bashilange dubbed themselves the Sons of Cannabis, and soon passed laws to promote peace and friendship. They rejected cannibalism and were no longer permitted to carry weapons in the village. They stopped killing their rivals, and started having more sex. Marijuana was smoked regularly and at most important events, including religious ceremonies, holidays, and political alliances. Formerly known for being cold-blooded killers, the Sons of Cannabis became tranquil marijuana-growing peacemakers”.
…except that that their formerly fearful rivals then over ran them so they had to go back to being warriors and cannibals! 🤷♂️🥹…ah well, nice try!
“ Tribesmen of the Bashilange dubbed themselves the Sons of Cannabis, and soon passed laws to promote peace and friendship. They rejected cannibalism and were no longer permitted to carry weapons in the village. They stopped killing their rivals, and started having more sex. Marijuana was smoked regularly and at most important events, including religious ceremonies, holidays, and political alliances. Formerly known for being cold-blooded killers, the Sons of Cannabis became tranquil marijuana-growing peacemakers”.
…except that that their formerly fearful rivals then over ran them so they had to go back to being warriors and cannibals! 🤷♂️🥹…ah well, nice try!

1 post
+9 votes
A.I. has reached average human intelligence
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A.I. has reached average human intelligence
Chat GPT3 scores:
52nd percentile score on the SAT university entrance exam.
83 IQ (low average)
Drawing, music composition, and coding better than average human.
It gets a lot more fun after this, note that GPT3 is 1,000 times smarter than GPT2.
GPT4 is currently under development.
52nd percentile score on the SAT university entrance exam.
83 IQ (low average)
Drawing, music composition, and coding better than average human.
It gets a lot more fun after this, note that GPT3 is 1,000 times smarter than GPT2.
GPT4 is currently under development.

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