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joined aug 2019
Are you new at LB? You are in the right place my friend!!!Hi there, I am Rapha_Pint a new LB member since 9/19 and I am finally street-free.
I am here to be happy and in peace and everyone does their part and I will do mine.
I am a buyer and I will always be fare and honest, taste, effect, price quality and I will take pictures for my reviews, if there is no picture in my review means I haven't got and Item.
If I can be of any assistance I will be in LB mornings or night specially when I am looking for my next order.
Welcome to PeaceLand
and enjoy. Metal Hug
1 topic on rapha_pint

Hello Brightest my old friend! X-)D
2 posts by rapha_pint
use three words to describe little biggy
You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Is Radar Breeder O.K?
Every order in UK was fine except the one thar i tried to Portugal. I dont think it is venders fault if delivery services fail or if the order is coug…
bigg topics