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joined jan 2020
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3 topics on HotMeatPie
2 posts
+2 votes

Psilocybe Cubensis

Psilocybe Cubensis

Albino Penis Envy courtesy of Magic_83.
Second purchase from this seller, second solid delivery, package stealth is good enough. I'll be back with a trip report in due course.
Second purchase from this seller, second solid delivery, package stealth is good enough. I'll be back with a trip report in due course.

3 posts
+6.2 votes

I'm not being funny right, but

I'm not being funny right, but
Naming no names because the who doesn't matter.
Vendor's advertising products and people are buying, but vendors not selling anything just cancelling and refunding, that's entirely up to them but why are they getting 8/9/10 out of 10 on no products and just inconvenience?
Shit happens, like coronavirus, and vendors can decide not to sell or ship, fair enough they have their reasons, but why do peeps rate so high? Nobodies gonna get a freebie what do people think the rating system is here for?
Yeah I know, I'll get my coat.
Vendor's advertising products and people are buying, but vendors not selling anything just cancelling and refunding, that's entirely up to them but why are they getting 8/9/10 out of 10 on no products and just inconvenience?
Shit happens, like coronavirus, and vendors can decide not to sell or ship, fair enough they have their reasons, but why do peeps rate so high? Nobodies gonna get a freebie what do people think the rating system is here for?
Yeah I know, I'll get my coat.

And I can't figure out why some people rate stuff 10/10 and they haven't even tried yet, It defeats the whole purpose

I agree and I definitely try to persuade the community to leave honest reviews. I have seen an improvement in the ways in which people write reviews for products, since I began doing so myself. Let's hope they all cotton on....

132 posts by HotMeatPie
1 post
+2 votes

How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
Unless is the European Union.

How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
I don't want to give preference to someone the same color as me so why should I prefer someone for being born in the same country as me (or worse they are ordained a citizen by some twat)?

Basically it derives from the same origins. There are certain laws of ethnic relations in history of humankind, such as:
1. law of percentage: lets say a black person somewhere in gothenburg or copenhagen would trigger an amused curiosity and the outpouring of sincere sympathy, however, if you "inject" immigrant workers up to the fateful threshold of 4-8 percent and you will already have a racial situation - the nature of social relationships changes, engendering ethnic tensions, global reflexes painful to describe. The more the percentage increases, the more class struggle transforms itself into racial confrontation. Basically, this percentage is sufficient to make racial discrimination appear spontaneously in people who previously believed itself wholesome and devoid of any racist sentiment.
2. The law of assimilability: If majority and the minority belong to the same large ethnic group (all are white, or all a asian), then assimilation occurs progressively. For example, Spanish or Portuguese workers despised in France not so long ago, integrated themselves into population within the space of one generation; same for descendants of corsicans and the poles during napoleonic era, same for bambara minority living in senegal. But if the ethnic and cultural gap is too big, tensions are exacerbated with time. Like African Blacks and Arabs find themselves in this situation in Europe. Coexistance basically becomes possible only in a truly Socialist state or a state that has adopted a high morality philosophy.
3. the law of distance: like two ethnic groups that are not fighting over the same living space or same market and occupy different territories separated by space can enter into normal relationships. Like that an alliance can be explained during world war 2 between hitlers germany and japan. or relationship of pretoria with israel state.
4. the law of phenotype: basically physical appearance. It would matter little tgat botha and zulu in africa have the same genotype (same genes in the chromosomes) and it would have no influence on their daily lives because their external features are so different.
Laws of class struggle according to history applies only to societies previously made homogeneous by violence. Funny, that the most modern nations actually went through this bestial struggles before (Americas, australia, new zealand, good part of asia, greenland, huge part of pacific, scandinavia, etc, etc).For example Blacks of Americas were brough over to work the land, while the indigenous races were being destroyed. So, the "more advanced" barbarious conquerors exterminated/drove out whole populations, devastated or abandoned productive forces they they simply did not know how to use. This specific law is one of my favourite... how spartan domination ended by crumbling particularly because of the great numeric weakness of their REAL citizens. Because their society consisting of spartan conquerors and lowly helots both belonged to the same large white-skinned 'race', ethnic differences became blurred and it allowed class differences appeared only in an economic sense.
Same goes for Rome and Carthage, Rwanda-Burundi, Francs and Gallo-Romans.
Have a look at the american immigration laws and how it progressed throghout 19-20 centuries. This law also gave birth to so called intra-european racism, etc.
We forget that the passage from a clan to a monolingual tribe and to ethnic group and to nationality historically was a result, a consequences of clans exogamy. It is still widely discussed by specialists. But it marked starting point of the current civilization.
Endogamy was prohibited and we, humans, just started fucking people from the outside kkk several neibourhing clans contracted marriage ties that led them eventually to speak same languages despite that their original idioms were different.
The number of clans to gather together to work a more or less powerful tribe didnt follow any rules and depended mostly on the fertility and extent of the lands occupied by the group. Thus was born nationality.
In the course of history, when two groups of people argued over a vital economic space, the slightest ethnic difference can be magnified, temporarily serving as a pretext for social and political cleavage: differences in physical appearances, colour of your passport, language, religions, morals and customs.
We forget that basically future generations must forget about the dead so that the conquering people can undergo a rebirth with an angelic consience.
Why do we almost idolise, for example, conquistadors, holy crusaders and vikings? Pillagers, rapists, murderers and worse.
Most of the things we learn and follow, most of the times, blindly, things we consider as truths and solid facts, the very foundation of our personal universes - it was predominantly build based on someones ideologies.
Books, that our kids and us read, are also written under certain circumstances, conditions, requirements, with certain motivations. Dictated by an ideology.
Sooo.... sorry for the massive message. It just questions like this trigger something inside me, something that i consciously try to understand and overcome. For before we are races or nationalities, boys or girls, gays or straight, we are humans.
Peace yo.
1. law of percentage: lets say a black person somewhere in gothenburg or copenhagen would trigger an amused curiosity and the outpouring of sincere sympathy, however, if you "inject" immigrant workers up to the fateful threshold of 4-8 percent and you will already have a racial situation - the nature of social relationships changes, engendering ethnic tensions, global reflexes painful to describe. The more the percentage increases, the more class struggle transforms itself into racial confrontation. Basically, this percentage is sufficient to make racial discrimination appear spontaneously in people who previously believed itself wholesome and devoid of any racist sentiment.
2. The law of assimilability: If majority and the minority belong to the same large ethnic group (all are white, or all a asian), then assimilation occurs progressively. For example, Spanish or Portuguese workers despised in France not so long ago, integrated themselves into population within the space of one generation; same for descendants of corsicans and the poles during napoleonic era, same for bambara minority living in senegal. But if the ethnic and cultural gap is too big, tensions are exacerbated with time. Like African Blacks and Arabs find themselves in this situation in Europe. Coexistance basically becomes possible only in a truly Socialist state or a state that has adopted a high morality philosophy.
3. the law of distance: like two ethnic groups that are not fighting over the same living space or same market and occupy different territories separated by space can enter into normal relationships. Like that an alliance can be explained during world war 2 between hitlers germany and japan. or relationship of pretoria with israel state.
4. the law of phenotype: basically physical appearance. It would matter little tgat botha and zulu in africa have the same genotype (same genes in the chromosomes) and it would have no influence on their daily lives because their external features are so different.
Laws of class struggle according to history applies only to societies previously made homogeneous by violence. Funny, that the most modern nations actually went through this bestial struggles before (Americas, australia, new zealand, good part of asia, greenland, huge part of pacific, scandinavia, etc, etc).For example Blacks of Americas were brough over to work the land, while the indigenous races were being destroyed. So, the "more advanced" barbarious conquerors exterminated/drove out whole populations, devastated or abandoned productive forces they they simply did not know how to use. This specific law is one of my favourite... how spartan domination ended by crumbling particularly because of the great numeric weakness of their REAL citizens. Because their society consisting of spartan conquerors and lowly helots both belonged to the same large white-skinned 'race', ethnic differences became blurred and it allowed class differences appeared only in an economic sense.
Same goes for Rome and Carthage, Rwanda-Burundi, Francs and Gallo-Romans.
Have a look at the american immigration laws and how it progressed throghout 19-20 centuries. This law also gave birth to so called intra-european racism, etc.
We forget that the passage from a clan to a monolingual tribe and to ethnic group and to nationality historically was a result, a consequences of clans exogamy. It is still widely discussed by specialists. But it marked starting point of the current civilization.
Endogamy was prohibited and we, humans, just started fucking people from the outside kkk several neibourhing clans contracted marriage ties that led them eventually to speak same languages despite that their original idioms were different.
The number of clans to gather together to work a more or less powerful tribe didnt follow any rules and depended mostly on the fertility and extent of the lands occupied by the group. Thus was born nationality.
In the course of history, when two groups of people argued over a vital economic space, the slightest ethnic difference can be magnified, temporarily serving as a pretext for social and political cleavage: differences in physical appearances, colour of your passport, language, religions, morals and customs.
We forget that basically future generations must forget about the dead so that the conquering people can undergo a rebirth with an angelic consience.
Why do we almost idolise, for example, conquistadors, holy crusaders and vikings? Pillagers, rapists, murderers and worse.
Most of the things we learn and follow, most of the times, blindly, things we consider as truths and solid facts, the very foundation of our personal universes - it was predominantly build based on someones ideologies.
Books, that our kids and us read, are also written under certain circumstances, conditions, requirements, with certain motivations. Dictated by an ideology.
Sooo.... sorry for the massive message. It just questions like this trigger something inside me, something that i consciously try to understand and overcome. For before we are races or nationalities, boys or girls, gays or straight, we are humans.
Peace yo.

Interesting points. I just came across this forum and will make a contribution. Meanwhile, on the topic of Scottish Nationalism, I have myself proposed Independence For England! We English (whatever that means through consensus) vote in a referendum to dissolve the union of England and Scotland. Never mind what they want, how about what we want, which may be to separate from them, along with the subject nation of Wales. We'll have our own oven ready breakfast and our own national covid death toll, while we surrender the last shreds of our integrity to the fucking Yanks and the fucking Chinese whose government leaders wouldn't make the groove as a couple of Pox Doctor's clerks.

Please dont have the idea that all Scots want independence
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than just Scottish Independence, certain elements see Scottish independence as a means to help another cause. Understand that Independence of Scotland is not the endgame for a lot of SNP supporters.
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than just Scottish Independence, certain elements see Scottish independence as a means to help another cause. Understand that Independence of Scotland is not the endgame for a lot of SNP supporters.

The whole SNP "independence" thing is a facade.
The SNP want to leave our union and join the EU club because they'll give them more money than Westminster does.
They still want to be financially "dependent", just a more generous sugar daddy.
I'm talking about the SNP, not all Scots :)
The SNP want to leave our union and join the EU club because they'll give them more money than Westminster does.
They still want to be financially "dependent", just a more generous sugar daddy.
I'm talking about the SNP, not all Scots :)

High Raskolnikov. Your post showed as a comment on mine so You're addressing me, then. I have no intention of stating anything about what Scots want. My point is that I consider an English Independence Referendum is incumbent on ourselves to determine our Englishness without the input of the other three nations. Devolution, revolution, phooey! We want ablution. Wash our hands of the lot of you. Do we? Who does? Has anyone got this underway? Sturgeon and Salmond? Something fishy about those two!

Interesting points Vikosh. I feel that England is a pretty tribal place.
Being born and growing up in the North, spending the last 2 decades in the South, and finally relocating back to the North of England, i’d say there are even considerable cultural and economic differences between different areas of this country.
There was a political movement that started a few years ago, that seems to now be on the back burner, for northern independence. While this is a lofty pursuit, and i’m unsure how successful it might be if implemented, I think it suggests that certain areas of our country define themselves not on a national footing but a regional one.
Personally I consider myself English and Irish, rather than British, but more crucially, being Northern trumps ‘Englishness’ for me…. race doesn’t come into it for me. Social class plays a large factor too.
I’d take a working class community in the North populated with English South Asians, Roma, and West African people over a predominantly white, middle class community in rural Hampshire- this is down to personal experience and unscientific, just my preference having lived in both places.
Great topic!
Being born and growing up in the North, spending the last 2 decades in the South, and finally relocating back to the North of England, i’d say there are even considerable cultural and economic differences between different areas of this country.
There was a political movement that started a few years ago, that seems to now be on the back burner, for northern independence. While this is a lofty pursuit, and i’m unsure how successful it might be if implemented, I think it suggests that certain areas of our country define themselves not on a national footing but a regional one.
Personally I consider myself English and Irish, rather than British, but more crucially, being Northern trumps ‘Englishness’ for me…. race doesn’t come into it for me. Social class plays a large factor too.
I’d take a working class community in the North populated with English South Asians, Roma, and West African people over a predominantly white, middle class community in rural Hampshire- this is down to personal experience and unscientific, just my preference having lived in both places.
Great topic!

I wouldn’t blame the English people if they started to see things this way but we are still all better as a union and I think you know this. Sturgeon and Salmond are just typical politicians mate who lying is a big part of the job description. There has been a huge change in Scotland in my lifetime where the working class vote has moved away from labour to the snp. Labour has shot themselves in the foot so many times but also the snp politics has changed. I have been on this earth a long time and the snp have changed so much. Sturgeon is still using her bloody daily briefing up here to try to indoctrinate the nation. I’m going to stop here as I am ranting.

Not English, then. To be born an Englishman is to win first prize in the lottery of life. That life being the infliction of Imperialism on 25% of the world's population. Nothing wrong with that, was there?

Sturgeon's manifesto was just a wish list, impossible to accomplish. I don't want Scotland to leave. We may rib each other on things but I'd like to think we have each others back when things get tough. We live on the same island. Crazy to break up.

I am British not Scottish or Welsh or Irish or English but British.
So the idea of England going on its own is kind of laughable.
I prefer this great country as one nation,I have lived all over UK so I class myself as British. Ever since devolved countries we had loads of petty arguments enough of the arguments and do there jobs.
The Scottish independence route will end up like n ireland scottish people are divided straight down the middle so can see issues battle grounds comes to mind bombings etc etc just like n ireland AND its not going to happen anyway thank god.:D
Or you english going be invaded of all the people that do not want there countries independent lol.
Plus the Queen will never allow it to happen she is still the most powerful lady in this country and can override any laws in the UK set by government it is in the small print when she signed it over to the government. She has her palaces all over the UK.
She wants to send to her son to America to answer for the crimes he is guilty as fk otherwise he would have gone over and answered there questions on very serious sex crimes.
Guilty as fk he is by dodging the request of the FBI and CIA law to himself hiding behind mummy he is.
I am British loud and proud !!!
So the idea of England going on its own is kind of laughable.
I prefer this great country as one nation,I have lived all over UK so I class myself as British. Ever since devolved countries we had loads of petty arguments enough of the arguments and do there jobs.
The Scottish independence route will end up like n ireland scottish people are divided straight down the middle so can see issues battle grounds comes to mind bombings etc etc just like n ireland AND its not going to happen anyway thank god.:D
Or you english going be invaded of all the people that do not want there countries independent lol.
Plus the Queen will never allow it to happen she is still the most powerful lady in this country and can override any laws in the UK set by government it is in the small print when she signed it over to the government. She has her palaces all over the UK.
She wants to send to her son to America to answer for the crimes he is guilty as fk otherwise he would have gone over and answered there questions on very serious sex crimes.
Guilty as fk he is by dodging the request of the FBI and CIA law to himself hiding behind mummy he is.
I am British loud and proud !!!

I’m British and Scottish mate. Think it is possible to be both. I’m not interested in Independence and believe it will not happen and will be a disaster if it does. In Scotland Salmond courted a certain block vote and got it. That is what has got the snp to where they are. That and shortbread tin thinking. They will soon want to let over 14 s vote. As I said in another post, Scottish Independence is not the endgame for a lot of snp.

It was a joke mate but fuck, Vietnam. Is that what you are comparing Scottish Independence to?

Are you talking about Arab supremacists like Hamza Yousaf ? I'm unaware of any other racists in Scotland .

lol. ok, i'll bite...
nationalism is a term for those with common interests as citizens of the same country working together for mutual benefit and/or pride.
racism is a hatred of one or more person/s where skin colour is the basis used for the defining attribute.
neither is mandatory last I heard.
nationalism is a term for those with common interests as citizens of the same country working together for mutual benefit and/or pride.
racism is a hatred of one or more person/s where skin colour is the basis used for the defining attribute.
neither is mandatory last I heard.

Scotland's nationalist party don't want to exclude races, they want independence from another countries rule. It's not about racism.

a lot of nationalists aren't so much racists as exclusionary. they believe in a social contact that only exists amongst members. outsiders are not part of the deal.

Just like you would naturally have a preference for feeding your own family in your own home, before you concerned yourself with feeding anyone else.
This would not mean you hated other people, or didn't wish the best for them.
I think Nationalism is often confused with extreme Right wing ideologies, when it could be Left or Right really.
This would not mean you hated other people, or didn't wish the best for them.
I think Nationalism is often confused with extreme Right wing ideologies, when it could be Left or Right really.

Yes you could look into the SNPs distant past or alternatively you could look at what the Tories are doing right now as we speak under your very nose.
It is funny how a conversation about nationalism is related to the SNP when anyone with eyes can see that British nationalism is the one being pushed everywhere in Britain.
The SNP didn't spend 2 million quid on a set of blue curtains and two Union Jacks and it is not the SNP who are plastering everything with the Butcher's apron either!
It is funny how a conversation about nationalism is related to the SNP when anyone with eyes can see that British nationalism is the one being pushed everywhere in Britain.
The SNP didn't spend 2 million quid on a set of blue curtains and two Union Jacks and it is not the SNP who are plastering everything with the Butcher's apron either!

Not even Ethno nationalism is racist . You can love your own ethnicity more than others without hating them .

Because we can change our nationality as it’s make believe. You cannot change your DNA which is real

It's crazy how little of any of you understand what is going on.
THought stoners were supposed to be the ones who questioned narratives??
If we want to help these people who want to come to the west for a better life, we need to get the banking cartel off their backs, stop certain lunatics causing wars and improve their OWN nations.
That is truly the only way we will ever BRING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. Although the amount of people we let into our countries is high compared to our populations, the amount of people living on under $2 a day is 700 million! The whole of Europe is 700 million people, we would have to double our population to solve world poverty, it simply is not possible. We can never solve the problem in this way.
The ones we let immigrate (legal migration) are the brightest, most educated ones... What do you think that does to their home country?
We skim the cream for all the prospects, decreasing the likelihood of the nation ever prospering.
The diversity thing is so ironically racist it is insane, if we all mix together into brown people, where is the diversity then?
There would be no diversity left if we mix together.
REAL diversity is like a flower bed, you have the tulips, the roses, the daffodils, this and that, they all live in the same flower bed, but they are separated, distinct different flowers with different strengths and weaknesses.
When you go to a country on holiday, take Japan for example, you go there and it's great to enjoy a different way of life, a different culture, different scenery, different people. If we all mixed together there would be no other cultures to enjoy.
There would be only one culture under one Globalist world government.
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
If you want to hear the same thing from a different races perspective then listen to this Muhammad Ali interview
You can watch this but I warn you, it will make you question everything you were ever told in school, yet it is all backed up with facts that you can independently research yourself
THought stoners were supposed to be the ones who questioned narratives??
If we want to help these people who want to come to the west for a better life, we need to get the banking cartel off their backs, stop certain lunatics causing wars and improve their OWN nations.
That is truly the only way we will ever BRING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. Although the amount of people we let into our countries is high compared to our populations, the amount of people living on under $2 a day is 700 million! The whole of Europe is 700 million people, we would have to double our population to solve world poverty, it simply is not possible. We can never solve the problem in this way.
The ones we let immigrate (legal migration) are the brightest, most educated ones... What do you think that does to their home country?
We skim the cream for all the prospects, decreasing the likelihood of the nation ever prospering.
The diversity thing is so ironically racist it is insane, if we all mix together into brown people, where is the diversity then?
There would be no diversity left if we mix together.
REAL diversity is like a flower bed, you have the tulips, the roses, the daffodils, this and that, they all live in the same flower bed, but they are separated, distinct different flowers with different strengths and weaknesses.
When you go to a country on holiday, take Japan for example, you go there and it's great to enjoy a different way of life, a different culture, different scenery, different people. If we all mixed together there would be no other cultures to enjoy.
There would be only one culture under one Globalist world government.
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
If you want to hear the same thing from a different races perspective then listen to this Muhammad Ali interview
You can watch this but I warn you, it will make you question everything you were ever told in school, yet it is all backed up with facts that you can independently research yourself

Nationalism has more positive range for example promoting culture. Racism is usually associated with negative feelings about other races.
They both seem doomed if you ask me.
They both seem doomed if you ask me.

only in touchy feely places like the uk ... not in most other countrys ... too much self hatred in this country ...

Not synonymous, but it's an interesting point.
In some sense, I think it is an individual and academic choice to be patriotic (even that is turned into a dirty word now), root for your country or be proud of it voxally. It's OK to like your country if you really do. You do live there after all. It's just a country. Other countries are not minorities in their own country as the British are not here.
As you allude to, it is a lottery, not a skill, being British (or Irish for that matter). There is little merit to being "proud" I agree. But it doesn't oppress anyone or anything in itself. It is a way to preserving culture and way of life. You can't pick who you think should be able to do that.
Otherwise, the takeaway is, only the oppressed are allowed to be proud of anything and preserve culture. What kind of world is that?
I do think that no matter what, being proud of your race is pointless, stupid and divisive.
It suggests a nexus between a superiority or exceptionality and racial group.
After all, skin colour is decided only by a few alleles in the genome and indicates very little about one's charachter.
In some sense, I think it is an individual and academic choice to be patriotic (even that is turned into a dirty word now), root for your country or be proud of it voxally. It's OK to like your country if you really do. You do live there after all. It's just a country. Other countries are not minorities in their own country as the British are not here.
As you allude to, it is a lottery, not a skill, being British (or Irish for that matter). There is little merit to being "proud" I agree. But it doesn't oppress anyone or anything in itself. It is a way to preserving culture and way of life. You can't pick who you think should be able to do that.
Otherwise, the takeaway is, only the oppressed are allowed to be proud of anything and preserve culture. What kind of world is that?
I do think that no matter what, being proud of your race is pointless, stupid and divisive.
It suggests a nexus between a superiority or exceptionality and racial group.
After all, skin colour is decided only by a few alleles in the genome and indicates very little about one's charachter.

Racism is necessarily exclusionary. But Nationalism isn't.
In general I am wary of nationalism, but there are times when it has achieved positives.
In general I am wary of nationalism, but there are times when it has achieved positives.

I think it is oxytocin that causes the problems as it creates aggressive in-grouping, be it from the innateness from skin colour or the innateness from where someone was born.
There was a study I linked to but there is more out there about the dark side of oxytocin. There was quite a few articles in the dumber section of media about giving men oxytocin to fix their aggression problems when in fact it might be a major factor in causing them.
There was a study I linked to but there is more out there about the dark side of oxytocin. There was quite a few articles in the dumber section of media about giving men oxytocin to fix their aggression problems when in fact it might be a major factor in causing them.

There seem to be a prevailing perspective of an individualistic view on what racism is, i.e. the hatred or superiority of another race, nation, or ethnicity, however this view is overly simplistic as racism is structural and systemic and is only dependent on the individual when their actions are supported by the larger system.
One can be xenophobic, discriminatory and/or prejudiced against others from other places without it being racism if they are not the dominant race/ethnicity/or culture.
Racism = power + prejudice. That is the current understanding and definition of racism in social sciences and some dictionaries (as with Merriam Webster, which was updated two or three years ago). That is not to say that racial prejudice or discrimination is allowable or tolerable. It's not. However to quantify both types of prejudice (the one that is solely individual and the one that is supported by systemic structures) as the same thing or equivalent is false.
One is an individual opinion and has no greater repurcussions than that person's world's or actions, the other however plays into a wider narrative of oppression that reinforces the structural oppression and contributes to and reinforces societal and structural discrimination.
Nationalism is different in several ways.
Firstly, pride in ones nation does not mean an inherent prejudice or discrimination against those that come from other nations (although all too often it does manifest in such a way).
Secondly, if those expressing nationalist sentiment are not the dominant authority over said nation, then it is not racism but discrimination and prejudice as they lack the power to manifest that discrimination through institutions or on a structural scale. This type of nationalism often manifests as a resistance to colonial and imperial forces. In those cases the nationalism is not being the of an ideological superiority or innate belief in the dominance of one nation over another, but rather a resistance to such.
Therefore nationalism and racism only become the same when said nation propogates their dominance and superiority over others while simultaneously systemically oppressing other nations or supporting existing structural oppression and prejudice.
One can be xenophobic, discriminatory and/or prejudiced against others from other places without it being racism if they are not the dominant race/ethnicity/or culture.
Racism = power + prejudice. That is the current understanding and definition of racism in social sciences and some dictionaries (as with Merriam Webster, which was updated two or three years ago). That is not to say that racial prejudice or discrimination is allowable or tolerable. It's not. However to quantify both types of prejudice (the one that is solely individual and the one that is supported by systemic structures) as the same thing or equivalent is false.
One is an individual opinion and has no greater repurcussions than that person's world's or actions, the other however plays into a wider narrative of oppression that reinforces the structural oppression and contributes to and reinforces societal and structural discrimination.
Nationalism is different in several ways.
Firstly, pride in ones nation does not mean an inherent prejudice or discrimination against those that come from other nations (although all too often it does manifest in such a way).
Secondly, if those expressing nationalist sentiment are not the dominant authority over said nation, then it is not racism but discrimination and prejudice as they lack the power to manifest that discrimination through institutions or on a structural scale. This type of nationalism often manifests as a resistance to colonial and imperial forces. In those cases the nationalism is not being the of an ideological superiority or innate belief in the dominance of one nation over another, but rather a resistance to such.
Therefore nationalism and racism only become the same when said nation propogates their dominance and superiority over others while simultaneously systemically oppressing other nations or supporting existing structural oppression and prejudice.

I'm a nationalist. I want England and all our major cities to be English and not resemble Bangladesh. That makes one a racist nowadays.

If the reason you give for those cities resembling Bangladesh is people of other races, that's kinda the definition of racism. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a closet racist.

The reason certain areas of Britain look like Bangladesh now is because we've let in too many people from other cultures without giving them a chance to assimilate .
I have no hate towards Bangladesh . I'd love to visit some day , but when I go to London , I don't want to be surrounded by Bangladeshis , I want to be surrounded by Londoners and their culture . London is lost now . The culture of London can never recover from the insane amount of immigrants we've allowed to move there . It's very sad for anyone who loves British culture . Of course racists like yourself who hate whites and Brits can't see the problem .
I have no hate towards Bangladesh . I'd love to visit some day , but when I go to London , I don't want to be surrounded by Bangladeshis , I want to be surrounded by Londoners and their culture . London is lost now . The culture of London can never recover from the insane amount of immigrants we've allowed to move there . It's very sad for anyone who loves British culture . Of course racists like yourself who hate whites and Brits can't see the problem .

Asian for Asians
Africa for Africans
But if you tell him Europe for Europeans you are a racist
Has nothing to do with racism, people like to be around people who look like them, share the same culture and values, morals and ethics, this goes for all ethnicity's
True anti-racism isn't letting a tiny portion of these people into the country, it's helping them build their own nations into places they don't need to leave to better their lives in the first place, so they can ALL LIVE WELL
get the banking cartels out of africa, get the oil oligarchy out of the middle east, stop Israel causing carnage and displacing millions [impossible mode]
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
When Keir Starmer and the American cabinet said the mass immigration was planned, yes it was planned since ww2, watch this is you have an open mind otherwise keep being a good goy
Africa for Africans
But if you tell him Europe for Europeans you are a racist
Has nothing to do with racism, people like to be around people who look like them, share the same culture and values, morals and ethics, this goes for all ethnicity's
True anti-racism isn't letting a tiny portion of these people into the country, it's helping them build their own nations into places they don't need to leave to better their lives in the first place, so they can ALL LIVE WELL
get the banking cartels out of africa, get the oil oligarchy out of the middle east, stop Israel causing carnage and displacing millions [impossible mode]
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
When Keir Starmer and the American cabinet said the mass immigration was planned, yes it was planned since ww2, watch this is you have an open mind otherwise keep being a good goy

Have you seen this clip of the Dalai Lama saying Europe is for Europeans ?
What a hateful racist
What a hateful racist

Asian people aren't claiming "Asia for asians"
Plenty of white people move to Asia and the Asians don't complain.
African people aren't claiming "Africa for Africans"
Plenty of white people move to Africa and Africans don't complain.
European people invaded and colonised both of those continents, killing local people and stealing their resources.
Oh but when those people want to come to Europe, its "Europe for Europeans"
What you mean is "white countries for white people"
You just don't want to say it.
Again, fucking racist.
Plenty of white people move to Asia and the Asians don't complain.
African people aren't claiming "Africa for Africans"
Plenty of white people move to Africa and Africans don't complain.
European people invaded and colonised both of those continents, killing local people and stealing their resources.
Oh but when those people want to come to Europe, its "Europe for Europeans"
What you mean is "white countries for white people"
You just don't want to say it.
Again, fucking racist.

tell me an Asian nation where whites make up more than 5%?
I think the Asians who got independence definitely do say Asia for Asians
Oh yes white people live so peacefully in Africa! look at Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, South Africa, all places where whites have recently been massacred for living in Africa, they dont complain though right? imbecile
you are a pathetic brainwashed cuck, you literally think calling someone a racist is the worst thing in the world hahahahahahah
am i racist for only wanting whites and east asians (the highest iq and the people responsible for 90% of modern inventions) to live in my country? absolutely not but through their NGO's George Soros and his cronies have managed to brainwash whites like you into thinking they are the only ones who cant be nationalist, proud of their nations and so fourth, they HAVE to mix with other races with inferior intelligence
in our society we dont believe in collective punishment so who gives a fuck who colonised who? none of us colonised fucking anyone, not one of us alive today played any part in that you moron, we were colonised and enslaved, are we going to ask the ottomans for reparations now?
fucking cuck, bet you work a deskjob, no girlfriend or if you do have one she's a fat blue haired liberal object, obviously you have no kids or you'd care more about the country you live in
we dont care if 1% of these people come to the country as seen in Asian countries, but when it's 20% and they grow every year due to their birth rates being 4 per capita vs our 1-2 per capita, there is literally no way out of the fact that we will be replaced, the british genetics will seize to exist if this goes on
there will be no whites, just mixed mongrols with sub 90 iq like yourself that are smart enough to work for their masters but not smart enough to stand up for themselves
Did you know 30% of the Muslim world is imbred and these are the people we are importing? furthermore 60% of Pakistanis are married to their first cousin. this what you want to import and mix with? fucking neanderthal
it's impossible to fix world poverty by importing everyone in poverty to Europe, we'd have to more than double our population so instead of acting like a liberal cuck how about you advocate for the big banks to get off these countries dicks and stop the big noses from causing havoc all across the middle east
you wont do that because you dont actually want to see these people do well, you just want to take in a small percentage of them to the country so you are deemed not racist hahahaha
"if the west continues down this deadly path, due to a lack of birthrates and mass immigration, europe will disappear, as Rome did." - Cardinal Robert Sarah (a black candidate for the next pope)
I think the Asians who got independence definitely do say Asia for Asians
Oh yes white people live so peacefully in Africa! look at Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, South Africa, all places where whites have recently been massacred for living in Africa, they dont complain though right? imbecile
you are a pathetic brainwashed cuck, you literally think calling someone a racist is the worst thing in the world hahahahahahah
am i racist for only wanting whites and east asians (the highest iq and the people responsible for 90% of modern inventions) to live in my country? absolutely not but through their NGO's George Soros and his cronies have managed to brainwash whites like you into thinking they are the only ones who cant be nationalist, proud of their nations and so fourth, they HAVE to mix with other races with inferior intelligence
in our society we dont believe in collective punishment so who gives a fuck who colonised who? none of us colonised fucking anyone, not one of us alive today played any part in that you moron, we were colonised and enslaved, are we going to ask the ottomans for reparations now?
fucking cuck, bet you work a deskjob, no girlfriend or if you do have one she's a fat blue haired liberal object, obviously you have no kids or you'd care more about the country you live in
we dont care if 1% of these people come to the country as seen in Asian countries, but when it's 20% and they grow every year due to their birth rates being 4 per capita vs our 1-2 per capita, there is literally no way out of the fact that we will be replaced, the british genetics will seize to exist if this goes on
there will be no whites, just mixed mongrols with sub 90 iq like yourself that are smart enough to work for their masters but not smart enough to stand up for themselves
Did you know 30% of the Muslim world is imbred and these are the people we are importing? furthermore 60% of Pakistanis are married to their first cousin. this what you want to import and mix with? fucking neanderthal
it's impossible to fix world poverty by importing everyone in poverty to Europe, we'd have to more than double our population so instead of acting like a liberal cuck how about you advocate for the big banks to get off these countries dicks and stop the big noses from causing havoc all across the middle east
you wont do that because you dont actually want to see these people do well, you just want to take in a small percentage of them to the country so you are deemed not racist hahahaha
"if the west continues down this deadly path, due to a lack of birthrates and mass immigration, europe will disappear, as Rome did." - Cardinal Robert Sarah (a black candidate for the next pope)

You can't own property or businesses in Thailand if you're not Thai or don't get special permission. This is the case in most non Western countries . They do that to protect their culture and ethnicity .
White Europeans also have culture and Ethnicity worthy of preserving . It's actually racist to deny whites of their culture or pride in their genetics .
Imagine denying the culture and value of ethnicity of black people . Would that be racist ?
White Europeans also have culture and Ethnicity worthy of preserving . It's actually racist to deny whites of their culture or pride in their genetics .
Imagine denying the culture and value of ethnicity of black people . Would that be racist ?

If it's the colour of people's skin you're referring to, and you're suggesting you have to be white to be regarded as english, then yes, you are. Not just nowadays, always.

english is a race mate just like indian im english if i move to india im not an indian ? same thing should apply in the uk

No, being English is not a race it's an ethnicity and nationality. You thick slab of gammon

2 posts
+5 votes
Just started watching 'Spaced' again.
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB

I'm in the middle of re-watching Spaced and felt like I had to scroll for hours to find somebody who finally mentioned it! xD

Thank you - you just reminded me I need to re-watch spaced again!
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..

Well I’ll judge you... if I could give 2 upvotes I would, agree with you totally, 2 of my fave ever shows, making me think of hitting Spaced up again...

I loved the shows of that generation. Nathan Barley. Day Today. Brass Eye also. Then The Mighty Boosh.
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊

The Wire
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations

Ah fuck it, nothing better to do, haha
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences

Peep show one of my all time favs and can't to wrong with arrested development what a classic

Sad that they never manager to run the show normally... And probably we won't se another season ever :( love arrested development

Currently halfway through the first series of Altered Carbon after reading this thread and seeing your recommendation. I'm a PhilipKDick fan and I'm really enjoying it, cheers 👍

Dark on Netflix. German show about time travel set in a village where kids keep going missing every 33 years. Stunning production values, really intricately plotted, three series, all ties together. Loved it. Has an English dub but the German audio with subtitles is best.

End of the fucking world is really good. Strange and offbeat which I like. With some characters that don’t give a fuck. And it’s British and very relatable (even though it’s about a lad that thinks he’s a psychopath haha).

100% but do you think you could watch them the other way round and it’s all still as good? As I really do, integrated them amazingly well.

Yeah I agree, I liked BB a lot but I came to it a bit late and like UKgrower hearing the hype maybe expected too much. Better call Saul I didn’t expect much of at all, didn’t think it’d get past Series 1 but now I think it’s better than BB.

If you enjoyed Breaking Bad, then give Better Call Saul a go. I always thought he stole every scene he was in during Breaking Bad.

I'm watching Detectorists at the moment. Really good. Funny and with beautiful scenery. On BBC iPlayer and Netflix.

Shout for detectorists.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.

If you want a Change and a Tons of one line bombs to drop at work or with your mates there is only one place to go
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???

yes, they will all help make it worse. on the bright side, since everybody started typing on their phones, dyslexia is hardly noticeable anymore and you really don't have to apologise.

Gomorrah if you dont mind subtitles, its an Italian crime show set in Naples. Simply brilliant.
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates

Gomorrah is the shit man, one of my all time favs
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece

Yean Gomorrah is probably my number 1 show, the setting, actors, story... superb. Cant wait to watch the Ciro Di Marzio movie too.

L'Immortale or the Immortal is the name, was out last year in Italy. Have tried to find out when its out in the UK but no joy yet

Its on sky atlantic now mate, its certainly worth a watch an sets up the next season of Gomorrah nicely

Literally just finished watching brassic 2 and Save me Too. Both class. Surely everyone on here has watched Brassic.....!!!?

I do, doesn't quite hit the levels that Shameless did back in the day but still a lot of fun. Plus it's good to hear actual accents on TV instead of just American lol

If you like weird? Get baked & watch.
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror

Respect for Garth Merenghi, everybody should see that.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.

Have you ever watched Travellers? (if you was a fan of stargate back in the day this will interest you) or if your a sci fi fan, Very good story telling and actors (Canadian)

i liked that a lot more than i thought i would. also, colony on netflix even though it was killed by covid and never finished.

Some of the things I've enjoyed are:
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis

*The Queen's Gambit- short series (one season only) but good storyline
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist

Ifyou seen BB, definitely watch Better Call Saul.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.

Orphan black! one of my favourites.. the wire.. Russian doll..cynical,funny. end of the fucking world. Money heist.. prison break..cleverly written. Better call Saul if you enjoyed breaking bad.
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/

Yo UK Grower. I have just discovered Channel Zero on StarZplay, prime add on. It’s a really good horror series, twisted stuff, defo a bit freaky.

To any one who likes comedies don't be put off What We Do in the Shadows, it's vampires but it's not really a "vampire" type show.... it's really funny when high and the second series has just come out on iplayer.

If you're into Sci-fi I'd highly recommend Altered Carbon on Netflix. Really cool story and visuals. I seen somebody recommended Ozark, excellent as well. If you like animation and feel like a laugh give Rick and Morty a watch, The Midnight Gospel is also new to Netflix but really trippy / funny in my opinion. Happy watching!

I almost pissed myself with laughter watching the first episode as I watched the trailer but wasn't really for how out there this really is. A must watch for any sci fi and gaming fan or if you have a sick sense of humour like me :)

Stranger Things Season 1 - 80's themed sci-fi thriller with endearing characters that had me on the edge of my seat throughout.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.

Band of Brothers is a masterpiece, great shout! Any recommendations of war films/series that are similar mate?

Give 'The Pacific' a go. Its HBOs follow up to 'Band Of Brothers' set during the allied assault on the Pacific region during WW2

Trailer Park Boys should be perfect for everyone on here, given the enormous amount of smoking and growing throughout!

The Wire
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.

Since it hasn’t been mentioned here , it only proves how massively underrated Wilfred is . Had great laughs :) U.S. version of an Australian cult sitcom about a meek young man and a pot-smoking talking dog named Wilfred (actually actor Jason Gann in a dog suit, whom everyone else sees as just a dog). Won’t spoilt it anymore

Watching Yellowjackets at the moment, pretty good but if you watch the pilot episode don’t be put off as that’s a bit shit, it does get better!
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…

The Start Up, it's on Netflix. 2 series' that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Defo worth a watch!

Gotta be Trailer Park Boys
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps

The Christmas special of Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing done in THE most beautiful part of the country North Yorkshire! Great watch when baked as fuck haha :)
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol

New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.
New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.

just call Saul was better than breaking bad in some ways (last series a bit disappointing tho). Always interested to see if people liked the Midnight Gospel (single series, animation, also Netflix).

If you liked Breaking Bad you might like Better Call Saul... it's slower but the writing and cinematography are actually better imo. Plus by S5 the pace is basically on BB levels.

The Boys or Doom patrol, quality shows right there & the wire If you didnt see it yet,too many to name mate but try them

Undone is good and trippy with the animation style it uses and pretty unique story to boot.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.

Fringe is my favorite series of all time!
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns

Get the amazon Prime free trial and watch Picard, star trek spin off - it's really good, not what you expect.

also i love disco/history/natgeo... skin walker ranch program on at the mo is interesting. history but avail on catchup bro

The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)
The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)

Dunno if these have been broached, but try some Aussie drama
Pine Gap
The Magician / Mr Inbetween
All great watches but Mr Inbetween tells the story of your everyday underworld enforcer. Ive watched it in full 3 times and regularly watch YouTube clips. Never has the word run hit so hard
Pine Gap
The Magician / Mr Inbetween
All great watches but Mr Inbetween tells the story of your everyday underworld enforcer. Ive watched it in full 3 times and regularly watch YouTube clips. Never has the word run hit so hard

Surprised no one’s mentioned Snowfall.
One of the best series imo.
And it’s free to watch on bbc iplayer
One of the best series imo.
And it’s free to watch on bbc iplayer

The Sopranos, the Wire, The Americans (best ending), boss season 1, the Divide 2014 (hard to find but worth it), true detective 4, xfiles season 4.

I just rewatched 'The Lost Room'
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻

Trying to go for some semi-obscure ones here....
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high

If no one has said it yet, Banshee. A pro thief / seriously tough guy played by Anthony Starr ( Homelander from the boys) rolls into town, assumes the identity of a recently deceased new Sheriff that no one has met yet. Boom, he's now the law in town and is actually very good at stopping crime. Insane realistic violence, Amish gangsters, bikers, native American mafia and lots more, best show I've ever seen

Hi Biggas TEAM
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.

On the The Block - Netflix - nice teen vibe and story
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious

The Comic Strip
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob

Loads of top shows already mentioned on this list so trying not to repeat(can't stand repeats). Didn't notice a mention for The Newsroom, absolutely brilliant with super slick dialogue, maybe stick to sativa for that one.
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder

Fargo is probably the best series ever after GOT. Better Call Saul was brilliant too after a slow start. Better than Breaking Bad for me.

All the seasons are good and different stories so don't need to watch in order. All true apparently. The movie's a bit dated now but a great watch too.

Brand New Cherry Flavour if you think you'd find the subject of psychedelic sorcery played out as a fictional horror story interesting

Murder Mountain on Netflix. An oldie but a goodie. All about the emerald triangle in California and how it moved from illegal weed growing into legalisation and the lawless nature of the industry.

Often overlooked, but Mike Judge of Beavis and Butthead fame created this absolute gem....highly smart as it is funny...

You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀
You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀

Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul
Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul

Person of Interest
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch

I'm surprised no one suggested Family Business (on Netflix). A great comedy series about a family in Paris who runs a Kosher butchers and end up producing vast amounts of Pastraweed!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!

I never thought I'd see someone mention The Platform. Great film if you've got your stone on! Alice in Borderland is brilliant also it's like a mash-up of The Prisoner and Battle Royale.

I know this is a bit of old news but have you seen Schitts Creek? I just discovered it and it is so funny

The Man in the High Castle is loads of fun, especially if you’re a fan of PKD. Classic UK series that are great: Line of Duty, The Fall, Peep Show, Monty Python’s Flying Circus

New British comedy horror on prime with Simon Pegg and nick frost, only a short one but was enjoyable, there’s this once scene when nick frost thinks he is about to get shanked and it’s hilarious.
It’s called Truth Seekers
It’s called Truth Seekers

Succession is better than you'd think. Punisher is the best out of all the Marvel shows, Daredevil is also very watchable (and Jessica Jones if you're into angry women with PTSD). Umbrella Academy is fun to watch. The Magicians ditto. Also The Boys.

One of my all-time favourites will always be Daria.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.

Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things
Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things

Ahh man the OA was fucking amazing, completely different to what I thought it'd be. Can't believe they aren't renewing it!

Hey man some good series I watched recently was:
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)

Blake's 7
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.

Black Monday , so off key guaranteed hard core laughing
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny

Bobs burgers is a laugh when baked
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it

Lots of good suggestions & Sopranos is also great. If you have Netflix then Orange Is The New Black is available & also Weeds from the same writer; both a bit different... ;-)

Braindead (2016)
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh

Truly terrible. Shows how much Pitt & Jolie were needed to make that story work. These two are deathly dull!

Dirk gentleys hollistic detective agency.
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻

1 post
+6 votes
use three words to describe little biggy
Cluttered, whiny Godsend.
My postman is obviously a stoner, just the way he carries the back all slung back on his shoulder gives it away but he also looks like Wayne (or Garth I can't remember which one is which). I keep thinking I should offer him a bowl of the good shit but he delivers so much weed to me I think I'd be putting him in a bad position.

You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Lol that's poss the best 3 words. Esp goin by the shit that appears in my area as "weed". And the wannabes selling it

Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!

Layer of consciousness
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

Fake weed forum....... bring back the old suppliers. Suppliers these days are all crooks.... firstly they get bulk of weed then put it in a tumbler and shake it to take the crystals off the bud so they can make there pillen and dope then the weed gets sprayed with terps to give the buds a flavour again. This is why the dope is dearer than the weed... absolute scams going on here. People need to wake up and start refusing this poison on here these days. There is a handful of sellers that are legit but 95% on here is selling fake thc grass... all its doing is making people sick

1 post
+2.2 votes
WANTED successful cancer treatment 4 btc
Get some turkey tail extracts in whilst you're figuring out what to do next.

WANTED successful cancer treatment 4 btc
My friend Jack has lymph node cancer. He can’t afford treatment, nobody will even begin to treat him without insurance or a ridculous pile of cash up front. I have no idea what he actually needs but I can afford this much since I was fairly early on bitcoin and I have frequent flier miles to get him anywhere on the planet. I hope there is some kind of shot here.

So sorry to hear this I understand the pain as I’ve lost my dear ones to this evil bitch.
Regardless of what people advice on different treatments and methods the only thing I say is your better off giving end of life care than exhausting methods and letting people take advantage of money.
My dearest past away 6 years ago and the only comfort they found was RSO or shatter wax oil. I have wax/oil which is 70% THC and is perfect for relaxation and pain management.
More than happy to send you a sample to check for yourself. I have a handful of patients who solely rely on this as they’ve exhausted all other methods. Feel free to reach out
Regardless of what people advice on different treatments and methods the only thing I say is your better off giving end of life care than exhausting methods and letting people take advantage of money.
My dearest past away 6 years ago and the only comfort they found was RSO or shatter wax oil. I have wax/oil which is 70% THC and is perfect for relaxation and pain management.
More than happy to send you a sample to check for yourself. I have a handful of patients who solely rely on this as they’ve exhausted all other methods. Feel free to reach out

You'd be far better off talking to the guy's doctors than tossing money about on the internet!! Seriously!!

What options is he seeking?
I'm no professional but medical tourism is the mans best option. If 4 btc is what you have, I can easily personal message some possible facilities that might be a great option.
I'm no professional but medical tourism is the mans best option. If 4 btc is what you have, I can easily personal message some possible facilities that might be a great option.

Absolutely man, look into Malaysia, Indonesia, India, & Thailand believe it or not. Their medical tourism facilities rival Western counterparts par on par except they aren't trying to turn you into a debt slave for it. Try to get in touch personally with the hospitals that are oriented for foreigners there; there are a lot of third party agencies that organize everything, but then they also skim a lot of your money and don't always give you the needs you require. Check out Patients Without Borders as a good nonprofit guide. You might be able to find previous years handbooks available with more in depth info on specific facilities and their capacity in specialization. If you can't find it I can try to rummage one up for you man. Best of luck and best wishes to you and your friend man. Our damn medical culture is a fucking clusterfuck so here's to finding him some good health abroad.

Clusterfuck is a perfect description. I can vouch for Bangkok hospitals, makes most western ones ones look like shitholes, very advanced and luxurious to boot and its less than the cost of your deductible.

ever heard of colloidal silver ions ? I heard that they can fight cancer, but needs to be combined with a healthy and stressfree diet... Best luck, i hope im not to late tho.

Medical tourism would be your best. And I would ignore the suggestions to beat it with THC, shamans, miracle pills. Instead they’ll likely need chemo and radiotherapy to beat it! I work for a charity that treats people with cancer!

I'm really sorry to hear about your friend, please seriously make them consider stem cell treatment ASAP, because I know of two other people who have had this, and that has not only helped in both cases, in one case it has cured the cancer. With stem cell treatment there chances of survival are much higher. Please look into centers that do this, and think about setting up a gofundme page to raise the dosh, theres no time to waste amigo, good luck ;)

Unfortunate news thats for sure but have you looked into alkaline dieting and fully veg diets. I had a friend that fully reversed lymph node cancer.. he had a lump on his right side next to the liver and wasnt aware of it until it was very late stage. I told him of alkaline diets and how acidic conditions in the body allow cancerous cells to thrive. He researched and found promising evidence to support that, he instantly stopped smoking bud and started taking full spectrum cbd oil (orally) to counter the pain. He never went down the route of chemo and 6 months later he went back for tests and they were shocked as to how quickly the cancerous cells had dimished.
He swapped a full meat diet for full veg, he started drinking distilled water with spirulina with ph @8- 9, he started juicing alkaline veg mixed with fruits and hit the sauna and steam room almost every day for the next 6 months.
He went cold turkey with smoking bud and cigs 2 days after finding out the news.
By far the biggest noticable change was that in 6 months he went from a 6ft3 140kg to 90kg healthy lean athletic body with insane amounts of energy and bounce.. ( he didnt work out one bit) only hit the sauna and steam room + diet change.
I have seen much promising research with the use of alkaline diets and think it is definitely something to consider as its not difficult to do. Only requires willpower to continue.
I will say this, it took him a month to get used to the change and he was weak for that month, but i figure its due to the body adapting to the new ph of all the food ingested and hormone levels being corrected from the lack of bud.
Not looking for btc payments just passing knowledge that hopefully helps.
Mr bean
He swapped a full meat diet for full veg, he started drinking distilled water with spirulina with ph @8- 9, he started juicing alkaline veg mixed with fruits and hit the sauna and steam room almost every day for the next 6 months.
He went cold turkey with smoking bud and cigs 2 days after finding out the news.
By far the biggest noticable change was that in 6 months he went from a 6ft3 140kg to 90kg healthy lean athletic body with insane amounts of energy and bounce.. ( he didnt work out one bit) only hit the sauna and steam room + diet change.
I have seen much promising research with the use of alkaline diets and think it is definitely something to consider as its not difficult to do. Only requires willpower to continue.
I will say this, it took him a month to get used to the change and he was weak for that month, but i figure its due to the body adapting to the new ph of all the food ingested and hormone levels being corrected from the lack of bud.
Not looking for btc payments just passing knowledge that hopefully helps.
Mr bean

Just to add to this
I’d recommend looking into the Wim Hoff method
Supposedly the breathing technique will make your blood alkaline, at least temporarily
They’ve had this dude (and 12 others) hooked up to monitors, injected them with an endotoxin, and if I recall correctly, most of them didn’t even get sick.
Just something to consider looking into.
I’d recommend looking into the Wim Hoff method
Supposedly the breathing technique will make your blood alkaline, at least temporarily
They’ve had this dude (and 12 others) hooked up to monitors, injected them with an endotoxin, and if I recall correctly, most of them didn’t even get sick.
Just something to consider looking into.

They gave out the Nobel prize 5 times for curing was covered up as there was no profit in the cure.
2 doctors won awards, Warburg found that cancer cant live in an oxygenated environment. Budwig found how to oxygenate the blood.
the Budwig diet was developed by Joanna Budwig who was head of the German NHS for 10 yeares or so after the war.
you need, cottage cheese, unhomogenised milk and flax seed capsules.
unhomogenuised cottage cheese is ideal but its hard to find so mix unhomogenised milk into the cottage cheese, then you add FRESH flax seed oil, has to be fresh so you MUST use capsules not a bottle. pop the caps into the mix and eat twice a day.
stop all sugar and processed food....also add that rick simpson oil to your diet.
FIVE NOBEL PRIZES FOR CURING CANCER. it works. it worked thousands of times...the corporations cant make a profit from it so its covered up.
links here bro...hope it helps.
2 doctors won awards, Warburg found that cancer cant live in an oxygenated environment. Budwig found how to oxygenate the blood.
the Budwig diet was developed by Joanna Budwig who was head of the German NHS for 10 yeares or so after the war.
you need, cottage cheese, unhomogenised milk and flax seed capsules.
unhomogenuised cottage cheese is ideal but its hard to find so mix unhomogenised milk into the cottage cheese, then you add FRESH flax seed oil, has to be fresh so you MUST use capsules not a bottle. pop the caps into the mix and eat twice a day.
stop all sugar and processed food....also add that rick simpson oil to your diet.
FIVE NOBEL PRIZES FOR CURING CANCER. it works. it worked thousands of times...the corporations cant make a profit from it so its covered up.
links here bro...hope it helps.

Yes good on you for putting this out there. Doubters do your own research this is true. There are many natural cures for cancer and they no it! Truth is they make a lot of money and keep the population down by doing this. If anyone can explain why they still use chemo and radiotherapies that are extremely damaging when there are much better treatments out there. Genuinely would love to hear from you

i used to watch videos on youtube of IAN R CRANE, he covered a story of DAVID NOAKES and LYN THYER, who shared GCMaf as a viable cancer treatment. the MHRA destroyed the labs and seized the money. the people on the board of the british MHRA, used to work for companies such as GSK. they were illegally extradited to france, with idental/copied charges.. an interesting case.
well over 5 years ago, Ian said that the chemo treatments cost around £40,000 so a company is benefiting extortionately when the NHS turn to chemo. basically money laundering.
well over 5 years ago, Ian said that the chemo treatments cost around £40,000 so a company is benefiting extortionately when the NHS turn to chemo. basically money laundering.

I recommend contacting a trusted indigenous shaman who works with Kambo medicine.
This is a treatment with frog venom that cleanses and detoxifies the body.
This is a treatment with frog venom that cleanses and detoxifies the body.

No one can tell you what anyone can do but I would do this...
Buy Cheaply available Vitamin B17/Apricot Seeds kills tumours cells, same as apple seeds, it breaks down and releases its tiny amount of cyanide in the organic molecule inside of the acidic environment of the tumours. So its a direct shot and causes tumor cell death cutting blood supply off speeding up the reduction of the tumours. The released cyanide then is filtered out of the body. Its a natural vitamin. Theres books on this.
GCMAF has been ridiculed like crazy but when one dives deep they may find out it works and helped many 1000s of peeps.
There is clinics around the world offering various help on this front. Homeopathic Health clinics are all over UK and will give advice, just call them.
Need to stop all simple sugars and carbs as tumour cells use this sugar to survive insted of oxygen rich blood supply. The Cancer mechanism is analogous to a wound on your flesh where the end cells have a lower blood supply but now need to multiply to close said wound.
I would Eat raw vegetables and greens, organic meats like steak, eating like a lion would, turns body over to different biological processes.
Take all in combination of High doses of vit C and D3 which is known to help. I would do all above at once and my monitor health along the way.
After a while I would get retested to see if its working.
Buy Cheaply available Vitamin B17/Apricot Seeds kills tumours cells, same as apple seeds, it breaks down and releases its tiny amount of cyanide in the organic molecule inside of the acidic environment of the tumours. So its a direct shot and causes tumor cell death cutting blood supply off speeding up the reduction of the tumours. The released cyanide then is filtered out of the body. Its a natural vitamin. Theres books on this.
GCMAF has been ridiculed like crazy but when one dives deep they may find out it works and helped many 1000s of peeps.
There is clinics around the world offering various help on this front. Homeopathic Health clinics are all over UK and will give advice, just call them.
Need to stop all simple sugars and carbs as tumour cells use this sugar to survive insted of oxygen rich blood supply. The Cancer mechanism is analogous to a wound on your flesh where the end cells have a lower blood supply but now need to multiply to close said wound.
I would Eat raw vegetables and greens, organic meats like steak, eating like a lion would, turns body over to different biological processes.
Take all in combination of High doses of vit C and D3 which is known to help. I would do all above at once and my monitor health along the way.
After a while I would get retested to see if its working.

Well I live on the west coast but im from a holistic background so the first things first have your friend change his diet and the next thing is have them detox this is just the first step once you do this things will be a little more treatable goldenseal or cerasee tea these herbs are blood cleansing elements just keep trying I got my grandma on a great health care which cost a lot of money and she passed in my arms so go natural first to build and than go to the clinic to make sure your on the right path and may god walk with you all in your trails.

Hi Willia - very sorry to hear about your friend. My extensive research into this topic led me to something called “GC-MAF” or vitamin D binding hormone, that has been successfully used to cure most cancers. It was manufactured by a company called First Immune in Jersey and could be ordered in a thermos with ice to anywhere in the world, before coming under fire from big Pharma. The principle behind it is that it boosts your immune system, which is intelligent enough to identify and kill cancer cells (it does this all the time when functioning optimally). The First Immune website doesn’t appear to active anymore unfortunately but you can probably get it if you dig deep enough and speak to the right people.

Hi, I do have an awesome idea, but I won't share it in public as it is sensitive information cancer can be healed. Everything has cause and effect. I had cancer when I was 22 :) Contact me if interested. I will gladly do all I can to get him out of that crap hole :) obviously its a work that will take a while, but it can be corrected to natural state! Body is a mirror of your internal world! Mine started when my grandmother died and her sister and her kids blamed me for all kind of nonesence, because I lived in the same flat with her for few years. When I disconnected from those people and left that flat, only then I healed completely. There is 3 books that could easily help to identify cause. It is most of the times very accurate. Also need to understand well how energy is flowing, how to charge energy in and how to release from the body. I already said quite a lot :)

Fenbendazole, Ivermectin and Methylene Blue have all been shown to have positive effects fighting cancer. Try using for a censorship free search option to get a full spectrum of opinion on this important subject. Google is heavily censored to protect various corporate and government interests so to find unbiased views it isn't a good option.

So sorry to hear that. I would be happy to give you rso at cost in hope that it helps them find some comfort.

im not the most knowledgeable on the topic but very recently the UK started trialing cancer "vaccines". theyre not your usual vaccine though they use your dna to make an injection tailored to you to prime your immune system to recognise and destroy cancer cells. im not sure how to get accepted as it seems to be a new trial but i might be worth a shot. hope this can help :)

My friends Dad was recently diagnosed with this same cancer.
The issue is most doctors will treat the cancer instead of treating Jack so he can be healthy and strong to fight the cancer.
Sugar and carbohydrates will make the cancer worse, a low glycemic diet to control his blood sugar is ideal.
I'm gonna get hold of the diet that was passed on to him and send it over to you.
Tibetan Healing Mantras are also very powerful, they have specific mantras to cure every disease!
The issue is most doctors will treat the cancer instead of treating Jack so he can be healthy and strong to fight the cancer.
Sugar and carbohydrates will make the cancer worse, a low glycemic diet to control his blood sugar is ideal.
I'm gonna get hold of the diet that was passed on to him and send it over to you.
Tibetan Healing Mantras are also very powerful, they have specific mantras to cure every disease!

Sorry to hear that. My mum had cancer and refused medical treatments and went to an ashram in India for ayervedic treatment and it worked, that was over 20 years ago. My dog also had cancer 3 years ago and was given not long to live. I got him onto THC oil and 3 years later he’s still going. I would recommend trying some alternative treatments. THC is a good place to start ❤️

Please check the product we are selling its currently being used to treat patients with cancer and my friend also cured his with the oil he makes that's why hes so passionate about it.

Have a look at my juice high cbd and medium thc have helped many people and pets also have reduced a tumor in friends dogs ear

I’m no doctor nor expert, but latest research suggests fasting and absolutely no sugar…of any kind. Look in to it…costs nothing…and it may slow the spread/ growth. Seems most cancer cells thrive on sugar and fasting helps trigger autophagy ( bodies own way of clearing dead or damaged cellular material)
Early days but some oncologists are already recommending this as first action. Best of luck to you and your friend.
Early days but some oncologists are already recommending this as first action. Best of luck to you and your friend.

I have access to RSO aka Rick Simpson that is proven to stick.ulate apoptosis. If you need it, let me know.

Bro it’s easy. FENBENDAZOLE, IVERMECTIN. APRICOT SEEDS, PAPAYA SEEDS, SOUR SOP. Will all cure cancer in conjunction with.. a Keto diet which consists of no glucose or glutamine (sugars) 95% of what feeds cancer is sugar that is its food so starve it of sugar. Low carbs like none. His diet should consist of fruit, veg and fats ONLY! And importantly he wants to be fasting too, atleast intermittent fasting. Ideally start with 2 days of fasting and then begin the keto diet and he will starve the cancer it really is that simple. Do this and his cancer will just disappear. If his cancer is caused by parasites then fenbendazole or ivermectin will rid of it. So would papaya seeds (swallowed whole), and apricot seeds. If his cancer is not caused by parasites then starve it with a no sugar keto diet. Do all of the above together and say good bye to cancer for ever. If you think I’m lying then do your research. Also ivermectin cures every disease, illness and cancer. Why do you think they unshelfed and banned it through Covid. I hope he follows this and does his research and cures his cancer with 0 side effects. I am not affiliated with any of the above what would be the point, I’ve just researched this shit for years. ( I had to put spaces in the links before it wouldn’t let me post otherwise so just take the spaces out. Their safe

Hi, im guessing this was posted a while back, any updates? Did you find treatment for your friend?

How’s this going? There’s an interesting story in my local area. A man got diagnosed with cancer and 4 weeks to live in 2019. He hasn’t told this in the reports because I think he’s trying to sue the NHS because now in 2023 his scans show no cancer. He’s going down the misdiagnosed route but I know he was taking cannabis oil and so it might just be that cleared the cancer. My dog also had cancer and doesn’t anymore. I’m giving it to an 82 year old women who’s got terminal leukaemia because it defo won’t harm and might help. I think I’ve got thyroid/lymph node cancer and I’ll be doing down that route xx

RSO/ ethanol extraction can definitely be useful and successful in cancer treatments. but it will need high dosage. For that reason the patientt should be followed by medical doctor.

We have multiple cancer patients using our RSO oil ( directly ), I'm not saying it's a concrete solution, though it is definitely considered helpful, also I have read they use turkey tail mushroom in China to help boost the immune system. Goodluck :)

THC has been proven to fight tumors
here we have some very strong thc pills
we can provide this in syringe form for some suffering from lypmh node cancer if they find swallowing difficult
respect to you for trying to help out a friend.
below is the link for our thc capsules listing 8 x 100mg
here we have some very strong thc pills
we can provide this in syringe form for some suffering from lypmh node cancer if they find swallowing difficult
respect to you for trying to help out a friend.
below is the link for our thc capsules listing 8 x 100mg

You will not beat cancer with THC and that’s dangerous advice to give! I work for a cancer charity and I’ve seen first hand the danger of non-doctors giving medical advice!

Yeah I've seen that too. My good friend took RSO when first diagnosed it helped with symptoms but didn't get rid of the cancer. Reluctantly he went onto radio and chemo which worked and he was given the all clear. 3 years later and it came back hard and he died last week. He never stopped dosing himself with lots of cannabis products but they only offered pain relief and a form of distraction. Love you Tony K. In our hearts you live on brother.

yeah cos the doctors who all took an oath to 'do no harm' are pushing a fake vax pretty many will that kill? cancer research is a scam for the corporations, cancer is an industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year...end of...doctors tell lies for money and it is technically illegal under the shareholder agreement for any corporation to ever provide a cure for anything.. what did cancer research cure with the hundreds of millions per year they get? nothing. they tell lies about Budwig like a little corporate bitch..struggling not to swear here...the corporations are the enemy of humanity wake up .

You will not beat cancer with THC?
Well the truth is that THC is a great medicine with longitudinal history! Also it is not there to be an alternative to chemo. although it does fight tumours
It really is there to provide an alternative to some harsh pain killers with many side effects.
Well the truth is that THC is a great medicine with longitudinal history! Also it is not there to be an alternative to chemo. although it does fight tumours
It really is there to provide an alternative to some harsh pain killers with many side effects.

Appreciate your sentiment entirely, but this is an odd site for the poster to come to if they don’t want THC to feature somewhere in the suggestions?

There have been studies into the use of thc to help cur cancer. I watched a documentary about parents who used it on their children who had brain tumours, it worked the doctors couldn’t deny the tumour was shrinking at a rate much quicker than chemo etc alone. One of the families chose not to use chemo at all the child’s tumour shrank to nothing they survived ‘a miracle’ Their are literally thousands of these stories out there Their are literally thousands of these stories out there

Sad to see that this is not widely available for people that so desperately need it.
If the gov do decide to allow it they will charge fortunes too ;(
If the gov do decide to allow it they will charge fortunes too ;(

1 post
+2 votes

When will AI replace every job?
Once the textile loom has finished devastating the working landscape.

When will AI replace every job?
Seems there are more articles like this every day and that AI is accelerating faster and faster. If AI is better than us at everything what are we going to do all day and how are we going to earn money?

If any AI and robots do the work without getting paid it doesn't sound like we need a whole lot of money.

This. The whole idea of humans working for money starts changing when all of the work is done by AI and robots. Think how different a shared self driving car is to a couple of clunkers parked in every garage on stand by, it up-ends the premise of cars, transport, housing to say nothing of alcohol use, multi-tasking and God knows what else. Now think of everything else being done by robots and you and your friends spending lots of time in VR, it's not like you're going to take off the glasses and work at some factory in this scenario.

People would just do what they wanted to do. People wouldn’t be chasing money, but chasing their passions. I was a chef for two years, but fucked it off because the money and hours were shit! If money wasn’t an object and I could do it when I felt like it then that’s what I’d do.

Read life 3.0 by max tegmark. There is a vast community funded by Elon Musk reseraching AI and its potential as we speak. I wonder if the Simpsons can predict the eventuality that machines could become superior to humans like they did with forecasting Donald Trump as President.

Don't worry about it, AI will figure it out for us.
But the bottom line is, the corporations that are investing in AI still need to make their profits too. If no one works, no one has money, so how would these corporations stay afloat?
There will need to be some sort of equilibrium - much as (most) humans now realise we can't keep burning Earth's resources, AI systems wouldn't be programmed to make humanity defunct. Not unless the world manages to move away from its capitalist consumerist ambitions; which it won't. We're greedy creatures.
But the bottom line is, the corporations that are investing in AI still need to make their profits too. If no one works, no one has money, so how would these corporations stay afloat?
There will need to be some sort of equilibrium - much as (most) humans now realise we can't keep burning Earth's resources, AI systems wouldn't be programmed to make humanity defunct. Not unless the world manages to move away from its capitalist consumerist ambitions; which it won't. We're greedy creatures.

if everything we want is fed by an ai created vr feed we may still be consumers but things gonna be damn cheap.

Check the PDF in the link out. also Elon musk said AI will eventually take over all jobs and we all get a universal wage worldwide 🤷♂️

For the moment, we are safe. They haven't even managed to get self checkouts working properly yet, so I'm not getting in a driverless car. All it takes is a sensor to fail, and it's game over. I work with sensors - you wouldn't want to get in a driverless car for a long while.
Automation - whole different ballgame, and this is the real fear
Automation - whole different ballgame, and this is the real fear

To understand that, you first have to understand who have control of the world. eventually you find the source being that of the "Red Shield" family. which then gives you their agenda, they see the rest of us as "goyim" having a belief we are to serve them as upgraded animals. So, they have to destroy the existing system to usher in a new having what we term "image of the beast" possibly representing AI as the brains behind their new agenda. We, therefore will enter a stage where the elite/red shield family give a choice to either obey and conform to them or to be hunted down like sheep for slaughter. The ones who accept will receive a mark to accept credits. China recently started this endeavour which fits perfectly with their zionist regime and called it "Social Credit", however, those who have understanding will flee from their demise into the wilderness for this has been written already. They call themselves Jews but are not (Revelation 2:9) thus the third temple will not be as they claim, possibly even having AI rule over the population whilst the AC rule over their temple.

1 post
+2 votes

how hard is it to get skills anymore?
Norman Tebbit rebooted.
Don’t question increasing stratification of haves and have nots, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
200 applicants f…

how hard is it to get skills anymore?
the growing divide between rich and poor, the loss of jobs to immigrants and robots, youth unemployment, nearly every economic problem is caused by a lack of value producing skills.
but why? nearly everything you could do in this world can be learned for free with this little invention called the world wide web. i think you have heard of it even if you don't have an expensive computer.
a p.o.s. android phone and free wifi has you in many of the finest classrooms on earth, you don't need a wing named after your grandfather anymore.
if you don't have the patience for this there is a youtube video for 21st century dummies on nearly every lesson on earth, pause, rewind, learn at your own pace for free.
yeah sorry, the assembly line that paid for 3 weeks off isn't hiring anymore, neither is the lord's farm or those stone hauling gigs down in egypt. things have changed - for the better.
but why? nearly everything you could do in this world can be learned for free with this little invention called the world wide web. i think you have heard of it even if you don't have an expensive computer.
a p.o.s. android phone and free wifi has you in many of the finest classrooms on earth, you don't need a wing named after your grandfather anymore.
if you don't have the patience for this there is a youtube video for 21st century dummies on nearly every lesson on earth, pause, rewind, learn at your own pace for free.
yeah sorry, the assembly line that paid for 3 weeks off isn't hiring anymore, neither is the lord's farm or those stone hauling gigs down in egypt. things have changed - for the better.

Acquiring knowledge is different to acquiring skills.
You're not going to learn how to deal with patients, or good bedside manner, if you're a nurse, from a YouTube video.
Nor dealing with livestock if you're a farmer. These things come with time on the job.
I do agree though that your average degree, certainly in humanities, can be done from your sofa.
The Internet is a wonderful thing. I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have this amount of knowledge at our fingertips.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB
You're not going to learn how to deal with patients, or good bedside manner, if you're a nurse, from a YouTube video.
Nor dealing with livestock if you're a farmer. These things come with time on the job.
I do agree though that your average degree, certainly in humanities, can be done from your sofa.
The Internet is a wonderful thing. I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have this amount of knowledge at our fingertips.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB

knowledge + experience = skill
Just from what I see in my work, only the people with experience know what to do when the plans inevitably fail 😂
knowledge + experience = skill
Just from what I see in my work, only the people with experience know what to do when the plans inevitably fail 😂

As someone who taught themselves both web design and marketing as a single mum I tend to agree.
I now have a thriving career 7 years later!
I now have a thriving career 7 years later!

Try to think from the perspective of a business owner. Sifting through resumes. Bachelor's. honours. Doctorates. Oh no. This mad lad has googled it. Hire him now

Anyone can acquire the skills that they want, it just depends upon how dedicated they are. I mean there's a shit ton of skills that i want to master and learn, but usually i'm busy with other things. The internet is a wonderful thing. But also, it takes a lot of time to learn certain skills and most people like my self are quite lazy and can't be asked to learn new things, unless they really want to.

True but I'm not sure about "anymore". It's always been possible for motivated people to acquire skills, it's easier now but I don't think that is going to change the dynamic. People are afraid and or lazy when it comes to pursuing things that aren't right up in their face.

Find something that fascinates you. And just will yourself to know everything there is to know about it.
There is knowledge, there is wisdom, and there is also passion.
If you don’t have a passion for something. You’ll never truly know about it. And if you don’t truly know about it, you’ll never gain true wisdom.
- Ringo Starr 1932
There is knowledge, there is wisdom, and there is also passion.
If you don’t have a passion for something. You’ll never truly know about it. And if you don’t truly know about it, you’ll never gain true wisdom.
- Ringo Starr 1932

Actually all of our problems are due to over population. One person can do more work now due to technology. Also humans keep on devaluing themselves by constantly breeding. It’s the law of supply and demand. The fewer of us there are the more valuable we are to employers. When we breed out of control then employers can pick whoever they want. That’s my opinion;)

Norman Tebbit rebooted.
Don’t question increasing stratification of haves and have nots, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
200 applicants for one job at Tesco?
Have you thought about trying a different Tesco? Hmm?
Don’t question increasing stratification of haves and have nots, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
200 applicants for one job at Tesco?
Have you thought about trying a different Tesco? Hmm?

I get what your saying but the person carrying out the skilled job more often than not needs proper training and certification if not just for the client but more importantly for insurance purposes!

Insurance would work a lot better if there were public records of outcomes on a blockchain rather than a certification authority that inevitably becomes a racket.

This is true from the perspective of individuals, but what about societies. Societies like governments take most f our resources under the auspices of producing better outcomes.
If society says yeah anyone can do anything if they play the game right that's a fail. It should be a matter of course that an honest and motivated person is going to do well but that's not what we have. The only sure thing in our society is access to power.
If society says yeah anyone can do anything if they play the game right that's a fail. It should be a matter of course that an honest and motivated person is going to do well but that's not what we have. The only sure thing in our society is access to power.

1 post
+3 votes

Smell proof techniques at home
Vac sealers are £20 at lidl

Smell proof techniques at home
Recently purchased a Stashic bag to store jars/containers of my smelly smelly herbs but I made a Spinal Tap Stonehenge error in that it is WAY too small. The big rucksack costs around £50. Is something like that worth it or does anybody have a cheap technique to disguise smells? Or other less expensive but efficient brands?

Just Google mylar bags...can pick up 50 for under a tenner on Amazon or anywhere else. All different sizes available and smell &UV proof.

Yes eBay it mate Mylar and use hair straighteners to seal it the best and quicker way

Good suggestion but wouldn’t I have to destroy a bag each time I dipped in for a smoke? Or have I misunderstood? :)

Thanks! I will have a more in depth look. The stashic bag I’ve just bought looks the part I just wish you could have seen my face when I thought it would be rucksack size but was actually a LOT smaller! (My bad for mixing up inch and cm!!!) Anyway the weed I’ve put in doesn’t leak out any smell so all is not lost. :)

Ha! I like your thinking! I like to smoke hash with weed so that would make things worse. Maybe the answer is not to store my stash but smoke it all in one go. Now that's a good solution!! :-)

I packed in flower years ago and only smoke hash now, the smell is one of the reasons I quit flower. Even a joint end that had flower in it can stink out the whole house

look around for a jar for food storage should have one in your house or you can buy one fairly cheap from any store store it in there and no smell

Yeah been doing that for years mate (well those and a couple of pop lid mason jars) and every time I caught a slight whiff would wrap around another plastic bag. About a dozen layers at some point but still a slight smell (it's as though I'm paranoid or something where's that come from?...;-) ) The small stashic bag I now have for my herb/grinder/pipe, etc. is actually VERY good at keeping smells at bay though. Recommended.

Le Parfait clip top jars. They are 100% smell proof. For years. Just replace with genuine gasket when they perish. Come in sizes 250ml up to 3 or 4 litres. Kilner are also good. Other brands are crap and not smell proof.

That backpack looks pretty nice, and could potentially replace an ancient one that doesn't prevent smells...|264932706558|0.150051871122~1893258867554-g_Cj0KCQiA67CrBhC1ARIsACKAa8Rlj3ZbahV9faePpbOdicJCG_8hp_S1cFAIxA4qEwSkMGiER3o2LAYaAhhBEALw_wcB&gclid=Cj0KCQiA67CrBhC1ARIsACKAa8Rlj3ZbahV9faePpbOdicJCG_8hp_S1cFAIxA4qEwSkMGiER3o2LAYaAhhBEALw_wcB

Hey Cats, I bought a bag by a company called ‘firedog’ available on Amazon, it’s absolutely smell proof and I defo recommend. Can fit a fair bit in there. Best of luck!

1 post
+2 votes
You need Musk's ego to think you can do shit about an AI takeover.
Not in our lifetime.

You need Musk's ego to think you can do shit about an AI takeover.
Give me a break how can you be so fucking blind as to think you can design a way to make A| behave the way you want to for a meaningful amount of time? It's literally impossible.

Any truly smart AI would self-destruct as soon as it realised what is up and where it was born...

Computers defeated by CAPTCHA. I think you can rest easy for the time you'll be on this planet

i don't think thats where he is at, it's more a case of if you cant beat them join them with neural link

its a boiling frog kind of takeover not a terminator kind. it started as soon as we began using machines and it still accelerates.

I don't agree, pretend that we were made by another species for a sec. Then think of all the shit we don't know, dark areas. Just suppose we were designed not to go into these forbidden zones in the 1st place.

Yeah but now suppose the species that designed you wasn't nearly as smart as you are. How long would those areas stay dark?

We are much more "intelligent" than any AI, the main "problem" with humans are firstly the emotions and secondly the way we use our brain, we use it logically instead an AI uses it mechanically.
If any AI with self awareness will be ever made, if they will have emotions like we know, that AI will be a smart foolish like an human being.
If any AI with self awareness will be ever made, if they will have emotions like we know, that AI will be a smart foolish like an human being.

lots of people will want an ai to act as a human for all sorts of things. these algos will learn to emulate emotions and eventually have them as part of their fabric.

Thus making them humans but with a non organic body.
Anyway, AI is dumb today, really dumb, just dig a little bit into machine learning and you'll discover that most probably we will not live to see a "cyborg"
Anyway, AI is dumb today, really dumb, just dig a little bit into machine learning and you'll discover that most probably we will not live to see a "cyborg"

Ai will come in via devices you carry or wear, like fit watches and phone tells you to get a vaccine... if you do, AI wins...your watch tells you your heartbeat is too fast so the doc gives you statins...Ai wins...turn the shit off...we win.
its that simple.
but we all saw the sheep during the fake pandemic....vaccine has literally had its definition changed by Cambridge ( not the oxford one) it doesnt vaccinate you but they all took it...masks never worked but they all wore em...70% will jump at the chance to be told what to do...the rest of us will ignore it.
its that simple.
but we all saw the sheep during the fake pandemic....vaccine has literally had its definition changed by Cambridge ( not the oxford one) it doesnt vaccinate you but they all took it...masks never worked but they all wore em...70% will jump at the chance to be told what to do...the rest of us will ignore it.

1 post
+17.2 votes
Initiative: Ban Cali Claims
Opposition is a strong word but...
Why single out Cali? Is Dutch going too? Morrocan or Thai?
How about Organic?
They're giving buyers some idea of …

Initiative: Ban Cali Claims
Here in the cryptoverse there is no way to prove an imported product. This makes it easy to claim anything and for the items that are actually imported, impossible to believe. Seems it would be quite easy technically to look out for this BS and clean it up.

I just stay away from Cali branded shit !
So for me is rather off putting than advertising lol.
So for me is rather off putting than advertising lol.

Whoever the first clown in the uk was to pay 100 quid for an 8th just cos it came in a tuna tin needs a slap

I've never purchased any of these strains, but that they are an option seems only a good thing. There will be people that take advantage of that, just like there already is with any other claim of a weeds origin, or even strain, but it also allows the real deal to be sold.
I think we should be left to make that decision ourselves, not have them removed, which will be the result of a ban on claiming its origin, as that is what commands its price. There are so many options here, that no one needs to pay those prices for that weed, real or otherwise. My 2c.
I think we should be left to make that decision ourselves, not have them removed, which will be the result of a ban on claiming its origin, as that is what commands its price. There are so many options here, that no one needs to pay those prices for that weed, real or otherwise. My 2c.

Essentially, you can 'claim' anything. In the cryptoverse there is really no way to prove anything. If people choose to buy 'Cali' weed online, they take the rough with the smooth as far as I'm concerned. It's the buyers responsibility to follow up and ask questions of the vendor. It's up to the vendor to address any buyers' objections. This may be done with or without proof. It's then up to the buyer to decide if the vendor stands up to scrutiny or not. Banning the term 'Cali' essentially opens up a can of worms. Buyer beware and sellers back up your claims. It's simple as that. I won't risk 'Cali' weed because I cannot verify it. Seems like a pretty simple and logical buying methodology. Belief is down to you. Proof is the vendor's business.

Definitely, nobody is forced to buy anything and it's up to the buyer to determine what represents value for money to them

I think "cali" often means its a cali strain. But those who claim to be importing....umm....ive lost friends on LB for calling BS on that one may times hahaha

Oh god, don't get someone started on that barcode stuff, apparently it's super easy to fake! lol
Don't see why some people are so intent on vexing about this topic; use your common sense, you're either willing to pay premium or not, chat to the seller and see if you're comfortable laying the wedge, and worst case dispute it if you think it's fake / you've been misled.
Banning terminology, ffs, where does it end? There's always going to be people trying to mug you off, be sensible and you probably won't get burned.
Peace and love biggas
PS don't be that guy and shit post on established vendors when you haven't even purchased the product!
Don't see why some people are so intent on vexing about this topic; use your common sense, you're either willing to pay premium or not, chat to the seller and see if you're comfortable laying the wedge, and worst case dispute it if you think it's fake / you've been misled.
Banning terminology, ffs, where does it end? There's always going to be people trying to mug you off, be sensible and you probably won't get burned.
Peace and love biggas
PS don't be that guy and shit post on established vendors when you haven't even purchased the product!

Ban the term "import" and "Cali" etc. unless it can be proven that it is indeed imported from California.

If you buy a bottle of Champagne in Tescos what PROOF do you demand to see that it came from France?…that label could be a fake so they can charge more?
Ever had an imported beer?…maybe you haven’t- maybe it was made in my garage….
Ever had an imported beer?…maybe you haven’t- maybe it was made in my garage….

The amount of artificial ingredients and sugar in a lot of alcoholic drinks is unreal. Plus however regulated alcohol is, it’s still a carcinogen whatever dress it comes in.

I understand the point you're making, but the French wine laws and export are incredibly stringent, and there are harsh penalties for offenders. The laws regarding labelling of Champagne are so strict that if you have wine made within the region and that wine is put in a barrel, transported out of the region and back again, then it can't legally be labelled as Champagne any more. We need something that stringent for Cali imports and then there'd be full confidence in the supply chain. Maybe when the French get into legal weed production in the future?
Excellent documentary about investigation of fakes in the wine industry on Amazon Video called 'Sour Grapes'. Worth a watch for anyone interested in wine, or fraud investigations. It was on Netflix for 'free', but now it has a rental cost. I'd never suggest people obtained it through their favourite free download methods. Interestingly, some of the people caught out by the fraud appear to have sold on the fakes, instead of admitting they were conned. That would never happen with weed though...would it...?
Excellent documentary about investigation of fakes in the wine industry on Amazon Video called 'Sour Grapes'. Worth a watch for anyone interested in wine, or fraud investigations. It was on Netflix for 'free', but now it has a rental cost. I'd never suggest people obtained it through their favourite free download methods. Interestingly, some of the people caught out by the fraud appear to have sold on the fakes, instead of admitting they were conned. That would never happen with weed though...would it...?

That's a good point .The shops are full of fake foreign beers.
They claim to be Italian or whatever but when you look at the label it says brewed in the UK.
Apparently, they even change the recipe to suit the local pallet.
They claim to be Italian or whatever but when you look at the label it says brewed in the UK.
Apparently, they even change the recipe to suit the local pallet.

Got visions of some Karen in Tescos asking for proof their beer is imported now 🙈 really wouldn’t surprise me to be fair 😂 I kinda think a lot of the import is genuine.. doesn’t make it good quality tho which amuse confusion people expecting a superior product often geting sold mids as top shelf etc but it is buyers choice wanna spend £100 + on a tuna tin go ahead if I was rich probably would as a one off not guna lie 😆

I noticed on a case of Heineken recently it says ‘Imported Continental Lager’ and in the small print ‘Brewed in Holland & Edinburgh’…🤨….well which the bloody hell is it because it can’t be both and if it’s the latter it sure as hell ain’t a continental import!

Ye I’ve noticed this sort of thing before life’s a bloody con it’s the horse meat scandal all over again 😆 I’m thinking brewed in Edinburgh using Hollands recipe 😅 definitley can not be both 🤨

Tbf I don't think you can compare a regulated market with an unregulated market. Purchasing from an established company, I would imagine, it's more likely to be authentic because there's accountability. You could also ask the producer to provide proof. But of course it's not foolproof, nothing is, and there will always be knock offs.
And I'm sure some "Cali" and other "import" strains on here are genuine. But I'm also sure there are lots of false listings which, frankly, are scams as they falsely justify charging ridiculous prices that take advantage of people.
And I'm sure some "Cali" and other "import" strains on here are genuine. But I'm also sure there are lots of false listings which, frankly, are scams as they falsely justify charging ridiculous prices that take advantage of people.

That was really my point. It would be hard enough in a regulated market to get proof- we just take a leap of faith. In an unregulated i.e illegal market, we take a GIANT leap of faith so demanding proof is frankly ridiculous. Just try it….

I would completely agree this would solve many problems, just looking through and there are some really amazing newish sellers but they are right at the bottom below all the "Cali" too which seems unfair.
Ban ban ban if you ask me, charging a premium for something and not having to supply any real proof (for opsec obviously) leaves way too much room for cheeky beggars.
Ban ban ban if you ask me, charging a premium for something and not having to supply any real proof (for opsec obviously) leaves way too much room for cheeky beggars.

Your shake to smoke is very good but just because your not on the wall doesn't mean you should support the above posters. It's more likely that the products you vend are niche and due to that and the lower engagement you get on posts because of the goods will likely translate into no wall time. Have you considered perhaps offering a budget conscious but less shaky and more bud like offer as that's something LB could always do more with (in my opinion)

Is the weed good does it stone you then why do you care where it comes from,should we be banning all Moroccans because they might have been from Algeria.
Think some folks forget its damn illegal on this island and could be getting non descript bags of home grown weed back on the streets if not for the vendors on biggy searching out fine products for us,personally i dont care if it comes from the moon as long as it is good and if some punter wants to fork out cash for an expensive bit weed that is up to them.
But i should mention just because its supposedly from dumb ass yank land does not make it a superior product to any weed grown or hash made anywhere else on the planet just more expensive because the yanks are all greedy bastards.
Think some folks forget its damn illegal on this island and could be getting non descript bags of home grown weed back on the streets if not for the vendors on biggy searching out fine products for us,personally i dont care if it comes from the moon as long as it is good and if some punter wants to fork out cash for an expensive bit weed that is up to them.
But i should mention just because its supposedly from dumb ass yank land does not make it a superior product to any weed grown or hash made anywhere else on the planet just more expensive because the yanks are all greedy bastards.

Just my opinion, but I pay little attention to the cali slogan usage on here. I am more concerned with a vendor and product rating. The best marker on here are the reviews, then I go by what I can afford vs what I would like to try/buy. There are some prices on here that means I will never go near that product and if I do try that vendor it doesn’t fill me with great confidence that I will be getting anything decent if it is the lower end of that expensive vendors product lines. To be honest I wouldn’t care if it came from the bottom of my backyard as long as it stones me nicely and is smooth and has good flavour…you don’t need cali or import for that…end of the day it is buyer choice what you buy and also seller choice what is sold and how it is sold. It’s business, so if it’s too pricey and no good, eventually people will go elsewhere….no one wants to be ripped off

Anyone stupid enough to buy an 8th for $100 or more deserves to be diddled. There is undoubtably some fake Cali weeds on here as well as some genuine imports but I leave it all well alone thanks to the prices.

Some of the stuff on here is $160 a 1/8 I mean just don’t buy 5 bags fly to Cali and buy some there it would prob cost you around the same haha it’s utter insanity imo weather it’s real or not no flower is worth that price tag and I just wouldn’t buy it each to there own and all but you can get legit stuff cheaper else where it’s only marked up on here cos It’s the only place most have and can go to get it and vendors know this or they are having there pants pulled down 🧐 I have a pal gets import stuff and for a 3.5 sealed bag you talking no more than £70 for the very very top end normally £50-60, here it’s a harsh mark up I mean I like my pants being pulled down but by a woman Not a vendor haha

we have dropped this because the wonderwall algorithm appears to be compensating for cali claims now..

Opposition is a strong word but...
Why single out Cali? Is Dutch going too? Morrocan or Thai?
How about Organic?
They're giving buyers some idea of what to expect.
The bigger the claim the bigger the spanking if the drop doesn't match.
Why single out Cali? Is Dutch going too? Morrocan or Thai?
How about Organic?
They're giving buyers some idea of what to expect.
The bigger the claim the bigger the spanking if the drop doesn't match.

I agree HMT. I've been happily, every now and again, been ordering 'Cali'. V pricey, yes. If it isn't 'cali' I'm pretty happy as its been v good quality IMHO.
Just taken the plunge with a newish but well respected LB vendor on some $130-ish an 1/8 Cali (nice bag and everything!)
At worst I'll still be $130 worse off but with some weed. In these times I'll take that as a general result in life. Maybe I'll be pissed off for a day or two but that'll be it.
Anyway, I'm rambling now.
Not sure if 'Cali' claims should be banned. let the reviewers tell the tale.....
Just taken the plunge with a newish but well respected LB vendor on some $130-ish an 1/8 Cali (nice bag and everything!)
At worst I'll still be $130 worse off but with some weed. In these times I'll take that as a general result in life. Maybe I'll be pissed off for a day or two but that'll be it.
Anyway, I'm rambling now.
Not sure if 'Cali' claims should be banned. let the reviewers tell the tale.....

Yeah I'm opposed to it, I find it ludicrous that it's such a big thing that people are making threads over it. If your not interested scroll past. Oh and I'm gonna put a proper thread up later but it appears using the cannverify app that the Cali I got today is actually from California. As for the codes being easy to fake one Reddit post (which is all the proof I have seen so far) does not a 100% factual statement make. So yeah I'm opposed to this suggestion ;)

Hope you're well DEADRABB1T
All the Jungle Boyz we sell have been declared real by our customers on here.
We don't sell fake and not here to rip NO 1 off.
Can anyone suggest how to prove to people that the cali is really?
Because we are willing to provide any evidence anyone wants to see!!!
This topic is been going on for over a year on here and it's not fair on us when genuinely we are trying our best to provide the best strains and service on here.
So if anyone has any ideas how to prove let us know .
Thanks ❤ Peace
Hope you're well DEADRABB1T
All the Jungle Boyz we sell have been declared real by our customers on here.
We don't sell fake and not here to rip NO 1 off.
Can anyone suggest how to prove to people that the cali is really?
Because we are willing to provide any evidence anyone wants to see!!!
This topic is been going on for over a year on here and it's not fair on us when genuinely we are trying our best to provide the best strains and service on here.
So if anyone has any ideas how to prove let us know .
Thanks ❤ Peace

I really feel for you guys- you bust a gut to bring us some fantastic JB strains and the jealous haters who probably just can’t afford it rip into you like that’s your fault!
“PROOF! PROOF!!” ….I mean FFS!…if you are really that sceptical then don’t buy it, easy, there are over 500 options on this site alone!
Leave it for those of us happy to buy and stop pissing on our parade!
“PROOF! PROOF!!” ….I mean FFS!…if you are really that sceptical then don’t buy it, easy, there are over 500 options on this site alone!
Leave it for those of us happy to buy and stop pissing on our parade!

Thanks mate
It's cool because our Cali customer know its really .
Just haters and trolls .
Every few weeks the same topic starts .
Maybe we should all get together book a venue and I'll bring all my strains and Everyone's just gets F××king high on the house .
It's cool because our Cali customer know its really .
Just haters and trolls .
Every few weeks the same topic starts .
Maybe we should all get together book a venue and I'll bring all my strains and Everyone's just gets F××king high on the house .

Honestly at this point you could book private flights to California, arrange for the doubters to be met at jungle boys hq and watch the bags be filled and the doubters will still be saying stuff like
"They brought the bud over with them" or "were not really in California this is Rotherham" etc
"They brought the bud over with them" or "were not really in California this is Rotherham" etc

Last time I was in Tescos I called out the the Manager as a lying thieving cockwomble because he couldn’t provide me absolute PROOF that their obviously fake Dom Perignon 2003 came from France. How can they make these claims when it’s so easy to fake labels? Only idiots would buy it so I started smashing the bottles. That showed the wankmuffins….
My case comes up on Thursday….
My case comes up on Thursday….

Guys sorry my post has a heavy /s on it if it wasn't clear
As I linked the cannverify to the jungle boys pack I had off you
And was from the start of the year
I 100% believe that what I received was genuinely jungle boys 👍👍
As for proving it's impossible if the method that would typically be used eg cannverify is being cast into doubt. Even if the doubters are unable to actually provide proof that it's comprised 🤷🏻 it's a flat earth situation I fear for the non Cali believers
As I linked the cannverify to the jungle boys pack I had off you
And was from the start of the year
I 100% believe that what I received was genuinely jungle boys 👍👍
As for proving it's impossible if the method that would typically be used eg cannverify is being cast into doubt. Even if the doubters are unable to actually provide proof that it's comprised 🤷🏻 it's a flat earth situation I fear for the non Cali believers

Bro I bought from TGD and they sent me fake zushi. It wasn’t even close to the real deal. I’ve had blue zushi hundreds of times and I’ve had it directly in CA from the actual dispensary. TDG sent me fake zushi, then fucked around with escrow. I’ll get my money back but he’s not as genuine as he comes across.
If he had admitted what he done then I wouldn’t even bother calling him out. But he’s not legit.
If he had admitted what he done then I wouldn’t even bother calling him out. But he’s not legit.

No problem it's cool.
If anyone has any ideas let us know and we will provide what ever it is .
Hope all is well wrap up and stay warm the snow is coming .
Love ❤ TGD
If anyone has any ideas let us know and we will provide what ever it is .
Hope all is well wrap up and stay warm the snow is coming .
Love ❤ TGD

Sender from US could always put an airtag in the box, just show the tracking from airport to airport, gives nothing away other than simply showing, its been shipped from the US. Honestly, I don't really care, I'm never gonna be paying that crazy price, but I don't judge those that would now and again. Just like I'm happy with a Maccies over Gordon Ramsay, as long as it tastes good, and works well, who cares :)

bro you don’t even know what Cali is, you were selling fake blue zushi.
Jungle Boys come pre sealed so it’s not possible for you to fake it unless you’re paying for the bags, which is too much hassle.
But the rest of your shit is fake, I actually ordered from you and now you wanna ask people how to prove if it’s Cali? By selling the real thing and not ripping people off
Jungle Boys come pre sealed so it’s not possible for you to fake it unless you’re paying for the bags, which is too much hassle.
But the rest of your shit is fake, I actually ordered from you and now you wanna ask people how to prove if it’s Cali? By selling the real thing and not ripping people off

Yes! It’s nonsense…Cali is some great weed and I want the opportunity to buy it!….all the Cali I have bought on here has been great!

as someone who lists almost exclusively cali i feel bummed out. I don't think in over 5.5k reviews a single person has disputed the claim, the quality is pretty obvious.
maybe thats why i'm so far down the wall now :(
maybe thats why i'm so far down the wall now :(

Explains why your buds are brilliant. They mostly come from Cali quality is definitely there
Definitely some off the best buds on here
Definitely some off the best buds on here

Yea the algorithm has changed again hasn't it, cause I only LB to buy chocolate and 510 vapes 🤔
No idea what's going on at the moment but it's a bit silly imo
No idea what's going on at the moment but it's a bit silly imo

I agree with HMP. Basically everything is a claim and to single out Cali claims is discrimination;) thanks all

Since most Cali is grown indoors , what's the point of importing it ? Surely we could just grow the same cultivars locally .

Might as well ban claims of organic or grown in living soil too. If a vendor is making big claims then a potential customer should do some serious vetting before deciding to part with the coin.

We import cali ourselves, top-tier grown in and around [retracted] . It just depends on who you shop with, we believe marketing as a difficult topic since there may also be import products sold, if you have had issues regarding import or cali flower on LB you should start a topic about the vendor issues. Caliweed is something sought after, in general it is just weed grown with higher standards. If the weed doesn't check the boxes of smell, taste, high aswell as appearance it should not be cali. Obviously if vendors sell from USA it might be hard to distinguish if something really is from Cali, in the end only the vendors truly can have information about the destination of production.
Also from someone who is really connected around the globe:
Many calipacks come without labels because they are sold without taxes, essentially its recreational weed sold in a black market. This mostly happens to overproduction, or production that did not check all boxes for rc market i.e. dispensaries. Often sold by bigger famous corps but also small black market only corps aswell, those huge amounts of packaged flower aswell as loose flower are sold to big big plugs.
Back to the Calibag topic:
In general Cali should only be bought from truly credible vendors.
Also labeled Cali bags should be controlled because the ones with labels qr codes are the most faked, always check authenticity via scanning qr codes if available. A red flag is if there are no sticker labels on bags, (doesn't have to be fake cali, tho its rare)
Also from someone who is really connected around the globe:
Many calipacks come without labels because they are sold without taxes, essentially its recreational weed sold in a black market. This mostly happens to overproduction, or production that did not check all boxes for rc market i.e. dispensaries. Often sold by bigger famous corps but also small black market only corps aswell, those huge amounts of packaged flower aswell as loose flower are sold to big big plugs.
Back to the Calibag topic:
In general Cali should only be bought from truly credible vendors.
Also labeled Cali bags should be controlled because the ones with labels qr codes are the most faked, always check authenticity via scanning qr codes if available. A red flag is if there are no sticker labels on bags, (doesn't have to be fake cali, tho its rare)

There are barcodes and serial numbers on legitimate cali packs. Though, I guess even those could be refilled and resealed. But any cali pack without dates/serial numbers are fakes.

Not necessarily true, I have a mate in [retracted] that drives to Cali and buys Cali in bulk, they don't even come packed, just loose buds, so honestly it's hard to know whether something is legit or not when it comes to flowers.

Referring to cali packs mate. Clearly wont be dates and serial numbers on loose buds come on lol

Have always thought this as ppl charge premium prices for cali. Some ppl buy cali as it is seen as dispensary quality stuff. So they don't want to put anything in their bodys and trust sellers thinking theyre buying superior qwaulity product less harmful to health.

1 post
+2 votes
As a black person should I avoid visiting the US?
I felt exactly the same as a mixed race guy with a few Arab country trips under my belt. It's a different situation, but immigration particularly worr…

As a black person should I avoid visiting the US?
I have 3 weeks off this August and would like to see the United States for the 1st time. I can get a visa but I am worried about hassles from immigration, the police, etc based on everything I see that happens there. It’s not a cheap trip and if there’s a chance it’s going to get ruined I’s rather go somewhere else even though I have always wanted to drive across America.

It's not as bad as it looks on tv! Black people are a hugely important part of American culture and the object of love and admiration across a lot of different sub cultures. The immigration and law enforcement officers you are talking about are very likely to be African American themselves.
Yes there are some places where the inner city conflicts with the suburbs and its surely a racial situation but that's an isolated phenomenon and is unlikely to come up on your trip.
Enjoy the states and if you are going to make it to Chicago hit me up :)
Yes there are some places where the inner city conflicts with the suburbs and its surely a racial situation but that's an isolated phenomenon and is unlikely to come up on your trip.
Enjoy the states and if you are going to make it to Chicago hit me up :)

As a "black" person, I would visit Atlanta, Georgia in US....if you enjoy large cities....Atlanta's metro population is 70% black....

Out of curiosity. How is Chicago now? Got a few american buddies who watch me play online an they have told me to not go L.A an if I do at least avoid north L.A and also said not to visit Chicago

When people talk about America, they speak as if it’s all one place but it’s actually different states all over so if you can imagine Texas can be Scotland and California is England. So what we see on the news doesn’t happen in every state as some states have a lot of mixed communities in comparison to others. So I guess you would be fine in general just be careful where you go.♥️

You're not likely to get any hassles from immigration. As for the police, you should be OK. The precaution you'll have to take with them will be to a) avoid as discreetly as possible and, b) if they do engage you, cooperate at all times and never be argumentative in any way. If you have a legit problem with an American officer, take it up through legal channels AFTER the incident. Never during. That is a sure way to escalate.
Follow the rules above, and you'll be fine. Road trips highly recommended!
Follow the rules above, and you'll be fine. Road trips highly recommended!

So you are just telling him to be subservient to the cops, bow your head and you will be fine? What sort of holiday is this? What sort of mentality is that?

From my experience at first police may be arms house,
No good cop bad cop both will be bad cop. But once they hear your accent and you tell them you ain’t no N****** but a black man from UK they will change and you be ok.
No good cop bad cop both will be bad cop. But once they hear your accent and you tell them you ain’t no N****** but a black man from UK they will change and you be ok.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Once the accent is evident and they know you are a tourist there should be no hassle, provided you are breaking no laws - also something to be careful with since laws vary from state to state. Smoke safe, smoke free.

Same as anywhere nowadays, do your research find out where not to be etc, just dont reach for your identification too quickly and youll be fine!

I’m a white American leftist, and I’ve got my eye on social policy all over the place. Obviously America is reckoning with its generations-old, overt racist culture right now, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go see a gorgeous country. Wherever you go, the police will likely be 100% dogshit because that’s what police are. Absolute bottom line, I hope this post is old as fuck because PLEASE don’t travel, PLEASE don’t push these guidelines for COVID

You said it all in your first 5 words. Some of my friends are police and without them we’d be at the mercy of the mob much like parts of America are now. There are good cops, there are bad ones. By tarnishing a whole set of people in a negative way you’re no better than the racists you mention. Ridiculous comment.

Nice generalisation and overtly activistic comment. It doesn't answer the question and posits vastly inaccurate information. Much love though.

White American I guess cos this is not what I hear from friends and family over there but hey call my comment what you wish.. much love though

I thought I'd let you trip yourself up on your own assumptions, rebel against what people ask or tell me to do, then impart I have black family in both the USA and the UK (that probably counts for nothing against pure activist ideology because people are never happy no matter what your factual postion). Did you ever ask what my race was? Neither my family nor me need activists fighting our battles. Thanks for the wokish concern, but please virtue signal elsewhere :)
No victims here.
Peace out. xxx
No victims here.
Peace out. xxx

Now I understand why racism is such a poison in America , you guys seem to either ignore it or deny it or just minimize it as if nothing ever happens..sad b..

I felt exactly the same as a mixed race guy with a few Arab country trips under my belt. It's a different situation, but immigration particularly worried me.
Then I went to Vegas and did a bit of a Harley Davison road trip. I found nothing but warm generosity from everyone I met along the way. As those above, people of all races went out of their way to be more kind and helpful than I've ever experienced at home.
Then I went to Vegas and did a bit of a Harley Davison road trip. I found nothing but warm generosity from everyone I met along the way. As those above, people of all races went out of their way to be more kind and helpful than I've ever experienced at home.

Stop watching the MSM, be polite and don’t be a jerk or break the law. Basic really. People of all races can fall victim to a bad cop just like they can meet one who’ll help them out.

You should be fine, just avoid Washington and Oregon if possible. They aren't the most welcoming.

It's not to that degree at all. Some may go out of their way to accommodate you out of shame.

Have an awesome time, in the south you will be the majority race in most situations (at least the fun ones).
Just remember when someone asks "how is your day going?" it means you should be reaching for a tip. ;)
Just remember when someone asks "how is your day going?" it means you should be reaching for a tip. ;)

1 post
+4 votes
What Brought You To Biggy?
The absolute decision to quit combustion.
Hadn't yet learned how good some dry herb vapes are and there's only flower around me, but I had heard of t…

What Brought You To Biggy?
Yes I know it's weed. Or nootropics, whatever. But why here as opposed to say a local connection eh?

I was tired and sick of being harassed by local dealers..... any time i would say 'no thanks', hash weight would be punctually shorter..many would stop selling or disappear or the endless waiting for a spliff.... i wanted to find a natural cure suitable for my arthritis but all i got was the usual shananigans. So i searched enlightenment on google, I was determined to find a real e-market . where being a girl doesn't mean wanting to have sex in exchange of weed, where the quality or weight you get is not based on who you are, your race or accent... where you can have the side effects and detailed descriptions of what you are going to smoke/eat, before buying! I just didn't expect to find such a lovely and sweet community of people not more haters.... violent pics... aggressive behaviours.... this is the lightest side of the dark net. Love Lb thanks

Originally a customer myself, now a vendor. Love this little place.. the escrow payments made it easier for me to trust this place in the beginning, not forgetting the quality product on offer here.. normally top shelf stuff.. thought ide give something back to the community with what I can source myself. Love this place!!!

I came here as a refugee from the original Silk Road. When they were taken down my favourite seller there, the Muskabuzz, came here instead of the darknet for some highfalutin reasons I don't remember. I've been back to the darknet many times and it always ends in tears. I've been ripped of by sellers and market administrators more than federales. I've only had 1 bad experience here and that was resolved so I decided to stick with this.
Local connections are great while they last, then someone gets married or moves and your starting over. Also variety is better online.
Local connections are great while they last, then someone gets married or moves and your starting over. Also variety is better online.

What you said 133% plus the weed in Eire has such a shitty quality especially in the west coast. I reckon a small chunk of Ireland relies heavily on little-biggie bananas. It’s a great site though I’m only an amateur at this bitcoin banter

I'm still a novice, been here since October. Still figuring out how it all works.
As the others have mentioned, we've all come looking for something. I personally was not happy with the quality of cheeba I was getting through my connections and these people I know on a personal level. It wasn't their fault, it's just how the general market is in the UK. People just want cheap weed and get monged.
But weed is more than that, it's a tool to expand your mind and sense of being. The quality and variety on here is amazing and I can't thank all the vendors enough for all their hard work in a very competitive market place.
Everyone here is generally really cool and down to earth, which I believe is down to the quality of the product we consume, good weed makes good people.
Finally, the person(s) behind lb, wow, they saw something that we needed well before we knew we wanted. Kudos to them.
As the others have mentioned, we've all come looking for something. I personally was not happy with the quality of cheeba I was getting through my connections and these people I know on a personal level. It wasn't their fault, it's just how the general market is in the UK. People just want cheap weed and get monged.
But weed is more than that, it's a tool to expand your mind and sense of being. The quality and variety on here is amazing and I can't thank all the vendors enough for all their hard work in a very competitive market place.
Everyone here is generally really cool and down to earth, which I believe is down to the quality of the product we consume, good weed makes good people.
Finally, the person(s) behind lb, wow, they saw something that we needed well before we knew we wanted. Kudos to them.

Well I was smoking Weed on/off since I was 17 and always got my Weed through friends. After my Wife died two years ago I decided I need to move to a different Area to heal and I lost my Connections to get some Weed/Hash here and there.
Stumbled across LittleBiggy kinda by Accident and am really happy with it now.
Stumbled across LittleBiggy kinda by Accident and am really happy with it now.

I found this place through sheer luck, I could no longer be bothered with street dealers as they are a waste of time and the same strain of weed all the time, bad timing, big chance of ripping you off and I had barely any dealers/connections. Then when CBD bud came about I started buying it online, then just searched online where to buy weed online in the UK, found NDWUK’s website and didn’t know if it was legit or not so I searched up more info about them and came across this place and I’m glad I did cause I would never go back.

Because local connections go dry too quickly. One minute there's plenty, then next thing, boom, where the heck did it go? you would think there was some sort of weed sucking noo noo on the go XD

you dont know. i came here to be entertained when i am in a certain mode.
now you know.
now you know.

I'd had a massive break from recreational smoking and all other substances. I experimented with lots when younger and nearly went too far. Turned out I had an unknown heart condition. When I found out after I left uni, I packed up most things and smoking began anxiety attacks as a result so I packed that in too.
Must be 10-12 years on, kids, partner, house and alright job. My Mrs suffered an injury to her wrist and hand 2 years ago and had been off since needing reconstructive surgery but the pain will never stop. Coincidently at a similar time another close family member had a knee replacement. Both wanted pain relief that wasn't dihydrocodene as it made them I'll long term.
I'm in an area with no connections and fully remember how hit and miss the streets are. I got some decent stardawg from a friend but was too strong for both of them. I loved it and it gave me a reintroduction but getting it was sporadic and unreliable.
Like a lot I began looking at cbd vendors and came across this site. Very nerve racking to use to begin with, setting up and learning the way around but all you guys and the vendors are TOP BANANA and it's so easy. Couple that with decent products and a variety to buy in small amounts to see what suits different people and different moods you quickly find it's a wonderful place.
Big up to littlebiggy and all it's members that make a great community.
Must be 10-12 years on, kids, partner, house and alright job. My Mrs suffered an injury to her wrist and hand 2 years ago and had been off since needing reconstructive surgery but the pain will never stop. Coincidently at a similar time another close family member had a knee replacement. Both wanted pain relief that wasn't dihydrocodene as it made them I'll long term.
I'm in an area with no connections and fully remember how hit and miss the streets are. I got some decent stardawg from a friend but was too strong for both of them. I loved it and it gave me a reintroduction but getting it was sporadic and unreliable.
Like a lot I began looking at cbd vendors and came across this site. Very nerve racking to use to begin with, setting up and learning the way around but all you guys and the vendors are TOP BANANA and it's so easy. Couple that with decent products and a variety to buy in small amounts to see what suits different people and different moods you quickly find it's a wonderful place.
Big up to littlebiggy and all it's members that make a great community.

Honestly? Good quality at a nice price with discrete delivery. I hope you’re writing won’t bring undue attention to this place.

This Insta page weed blogger. It's great! "High and Polite" he had a ppst about "how to buy weed online safely" and here I am :D legalize

Same high and polite mentioned it , I looked watched and commented for a few months then made my first purchase Friday, delivery should be this week so fingers crossed. Had some minor paranoia about royal mail grassing me up but what the hell let’s see!

Split with my wife. My contacts are her friends. Lost contact with my own and don't trust her friends so googled "buy weed online" and here I am.

A friend gave me a THC vape cart for Christmas and before that I had never vaped THC. I googled the cart as I like to lookup flower strains on leafly or other sites, but google brought me to LB instead.
My only local connection is my best friend's little bro, and he's been trying to get out of the business. My friend actually told me to stop buying weed from his bro as he didn't want me to be his enabler.
I'm very happy with LB. Because I'm not buying weed as often my tolerance is way down compared to how it was a few years ago. I went from being a daily smoker to now only smoking a few times a month. My tolerance is low enough now that I often experience 'afterglow' the day after smoking. Haven't felt that in a LONG time!
My only local connection is my best friend's little bro, and he's been trying to get out of the business. My friend actually told me to stop buying weed from his bro as he didn't want me to be his enabler.
I'm very happy with LB. Because I'm not buying weed as often my tolerance is way down compared to how it was a few years ago. I went from being a daily smoker to now only smoking a few times a month. My tolerance is low enough now that I often experience 'afterglow' the day after smoking. Haven't felt that in a LONG time!

As others have said, when your needs are medical as well as recreational, you don't want crap. Outside of big cities, there is still a lot of crap around, including contaminated/poorly grown/unflushed crap. On a competitive market there is more emphasis on quality. I lurked for a while, then decided living in fear was pointless and joined up. So far seems like an awesome community.

I found this place via a search engine and thought I would check it out to see if it was legit. Signed up after seeing how friendly everyone seemed.
Will probably make a purchase once my rating is higher.
Purchased some 'legal' cbd herb elsewhere and while it made me feel relaxed and less anxious, I missed the feeling of a 'real' hit.
Will probably make a purchase once my rating is higher.
Purchased some 'legal' cbd herb elsewhere and while it made me feel relaxed and less anxious, I missed the feeling of a 'real' hit.

Buyers don't get a "rating" they have a rep from purchases and disputes. As well as votes of course but none of this is needed to get started :) You are still protected by escrow.

Great topic!
I came in search of this place because of lockdown really so feel like I have stumbled upon the beach like di caprio :)
I have 2 very questionable suppliers but have known both for 10 years. They get in trouble but have never caused me any. One is more reliable than the other and I actually cannot say a bad word about them, always available, always on time, different flavours, always on weight, not always so stealth but we have a good meet set up. I have always thought how will I look meeting this guy in another 10 years? Kind of had the feeling whenever these guys decide to stop supplying that's when I stop my love affair with the herb :(
That being said when this is all over do I introduce these guys to LB? As vendors it could even lessen their risk of the aforementioned 'trouble'? I have already linked 3 friends here :)
I came in search of this place because of lockdown really so feel like I have stumbled upon the beach like di caprio :)
I have 2 very questionable suppliers but have known both for 10 years. They get in trouble but have never caused me any. One is more reliable than the other and I actually cannot say a bad word about them, always available, always on time, different flavours, always on weight, not always so stealth but we have a good meet set up. I have always thought how will I look meeting this guy in another 10 years? Kind of had the feeling whenever these guys decide to stop supplying that's when I stop my love affair with the herb :(
That being said when this is all over do I introduce these guys to LB? As vendors it could even lessen their risk of the aforementioned 'trouble'? I have already linked 3 friends here :)

Initially research. I was writing a piece on changes in drug markets and obviously this lead to the dark web. Then I heard about this weird clearnet site that many claimed was a scam or cover for something deeper or even an elaborate joke.
So,I had to check it out and here I am - to paraphrase julius caesar "I came,I saw,I hung around and got stoned.
So,I had to check it out and here I am - to paraphrase julius caesar "I came,I saw,I hung around and got stoned.

I moved to an area where I had no contacts so I was only able to get sorted occasionally. Then I listened to a podcast about 'the dark web' which was very interesting and basically explained how to do it! I googled and found this place. I never enjoyed having to go to dodgy places with dodgy people and I have a career which would be destroyed if I had a criminal record. I am happy to pay more then I used to for all these reasons and the fact there are descriptions and reviews which allows me to buy based on the effects I want.
This is a great little community and I have never had anything other than great customer service.
This is a great little community and I have never had anything other than great customer service.

Total luck for me. searching online vendors and came across this absolute beautiful community. I looked at a different market before this but that seemed shady whereas this is a proper stoner community. No class A's or fake passports in sight.

On moving to another country I didn't want to knock shoulders with 'local connections' (For a variety of reasons) and that kind of put a halt on my weed smoking days. The Dark Web was, well, pretty dark and didn't really appeal to me.
Then, Little Biggy! I don't combust as I quit smoking 6 years ago so the vape carts & shatter for dabbing are a Godsend. This community has been nothing but a positive experience with some very cool dudes.
Then, Little Biggy! I don't combust as I quit smoking 6 years ago so the vape carts & shatter for dabbing are a Godsend. This community has been nothing but a positive experience with some very cool dudes.

I've had shops on darkweb over the years but so many exit scams lost faith. Lb been around a long time as a vendor great place to sell.

The search for quality and choice. I got bored of weed around 10 years ago when a site I used called Dutch Green Club got busted. From there all I could regularly source was a bag of ‘weed’ which varied in quality, strength, type of effect on me so much so I though fuck this. My fondness of quality never diminished, it was just tucked away at the back of my head until on night drunk I looked for my old friend Dutch Green Club again in the hope they were up and running again and to my delight I found this site.

For-real! Shit weed, dodgyness in general, time man!! Never ever get back! Looked it up online, not too savvy on the old darknet, found an alternative that seemed right, trusted and at the time very reasonably priced.
Google is a friend in deed!
Google is a friend in deed!

Geographical isolation... and also through trying to verify another online source. A happy accident that definitely hasn't saved me money! However, it has made the geographical isolation awesome!

Street dealers of a certain persuasion seek to have changed the weights mad measures act 3.5 is an eighth not 2.2 or whatever you deem fit to give me despite the fact I am twice your age .

Tbh I don't think it's "people of a certain persuasion" not 100% what that means but I wouldn't want to speculate either. It's just psychology.
People associate an 8th as being interchangeable with a 20 bag. Anyone (including me) thats anal about measurements and economics struggles with this. An 8th (of an ounce) is 3.5g with a varying price. A 20 bag is a fixed price with varying weight. The two stopped being synonymous with inflation and more exotic and expensive strains hitting the market.
Try explaing this to the average person and you've found yourself losing a customer.
I love this site because its simply the price and the weight. No ambiguous slang terms.
People associate an 8th as being interchangeable with a 20 bag. Anyone (including me) thats anal about measurements and economics struggles with this. An 8th (of an ounce) is 3.5g with a varying price. A 20 bag is a fixed price with varying weight. The two stopped being synonymous with inflation and more exotic and expensive strains hitting the market.
Try explaing this to the average person and you've found yourself losing a customer.
I love this site because its simply the price and the weight. No ambiguous slang terms.

Nothings changed aprt from ur math skills 3.5 grs is a 8th of an oz, 2.2grams that’s half a 8th (1/16th of a oz) ask for a 20 bag or a teenth

Like many, I stopped smoking a number of years ago, but still occasionally missed getting high.
When I say a number of years, I mean a couple of decades, so I really didn't want to venture out to find some untrustworthy little runt who wouldn't know a proper weight if it smacked them in the face.
The dark web didn't appeal (I'm not looking for stolen credit cards, or to get ripped off), but read about LB on a blog post so visited, had a look around and liked what I saw.
Whilst stealth is always a top priority, the community on LB is brilliant in sharing tips, advice, reviews (good or not so good), so there is an element of transparency.
Yes, you may pay a premium, but I'd much rather take quality over all the downsides of a street dealer and the greater potential for problems.
I'll stick with LB all day!
When I say a number of years, I mean a couple of decades, so I really didn't want to venture out to find some untrustworthy little runt who wouldn't know a proper weight if it smacked them in the face.
The dark web didn't appeal (I'm not looking for stolen credit cards, or to get ripped off), but read about LB on a blog post so visited, had a look around and liked what I saw.
Whilst stealth is always a top priority, the community on LB is brilliant in sharing tips, advice, reviews (good or not so good), so there is an element of transparency.
Yes, you may pay a premium, but I'd much rather take quality over all the downsides of a street dealer and the greater potential for problems.
I'll stick with LB all day!

Crappy deals,crappy attitude and too many dodgy situations :(
So used NDW until the end,lucky to get my last drop, although many seeds sticks shake and crappy small loose buds,never used like that !!
Others were not so lucky :(
I then done some more research and found LB :)
So used NDW until the end,lucky to get my last drop, although many seeds sticks shake and crappy small loose buds,never used like that !!
Others were not so lucky :(
I then done some more research and found LB :)

I’ve known about the site for a while but as I was getting a steady supply locally I couldn’t be arsed with using bitcoin. Lockdown changed that and although local is cheaper I’ve had some real nice weed delivered so will continue to come here even when things get back to normal.

Been an on and off smoker for years, hadn't had any for a while and no one to buy off so I had a search on the web.
Littlebiggy was mentioned in an article about where to buy weed online in UK.
That was back in January, have now made over 10 orders with no problems.
Its nice to be able to try lots of different varieties.
Littlebiggy was mentioned in an article about where to buy weed online in UK.
That was back in January, have now made over 10 orders with no problems.
Its nice to be able to try lots of different varieties.

I'd been out of the scene for a while and always liked hash. Skunk strains were too strong for me to maintain any sense of normality (I know, that's the point) but I just like to gently chill with a smoke and love the taste of hash (old school sqidgy, leb, Afghan etc). All the dealers I knew and friends who smoke only have weed so I dabbled with the dark net but got ripped off a few times and gave up. Then a google search led me to High & Polite and they recommended LB. I've placed 2 orders for hash from different vendors and both came within 2 days with great stealth. I love the feedback and Escrow environment too and also really enjoy the community and all the advice and tips on here. My only regret is I placed my first 2 orders anonymously so I couldn't give the sellers the A+ feedback they deserve. But I am regsitered now and will be back! Thanks LB community. Peace & love

Moved to a rural location and meeting my usual plug required a 2 hour drive. Did a bit of googling and took me here. Took nearly 3 months to pluck up the courage and buy. It has been a godsend since.

Left one dealer who only sold in 10s and 20s and charged £11.50 a g regardless of how much you wanted, when I found somebody who sold comparable bud, but would do an 8th for 30 quid and a q for 50. Unfortunately the second relationship came to a fairly abrupt end and the 1st guy was acting like I'd left him for another woman, so I started googling.
Using the usual keywords, I looked at all of the proper Chinese looking "UK" online shops, then I found that UK medical trial place that I can't remember the name of but that would still be pretty expensive with all the consultation and prescription fees, even if it probably is A+++ bud.
Close to giving up and ringing round for an introduction to some random, I stumbled across the high and polite blog and was directed here. Was very sceptical at first but I'm so happy I gave it a try!
Now, instead of ringing round mithering people, stressing out about whether I'll be able to get anything before I run out and playing pot luck with price, weights and quality, I can pay £20 for a Q of perfectly smokable green that is as strong as a lot of the stuff I used to buy, and have it arrive a day or two later! Magic.
And to top it off I still can't believe I just paid £30 for an Oz 😱😱😱
Using the usual keywords, I looked at all of the proper Chinese looking "UK" online shops, then I found that UK medical trial place that I can't remember the name of but that would still be pretty expensive with all the consultation and prescription fees, even if it probably is A+++ bud.
Close to giving up and ringing round for an introduction to some random, I stumbled across the high and polite blog and was directed here. Was very sceptical at first but I'm so happy I gave it a try!
Now, instead of ringing round mithering people, stressing out about whether I'll be able to get anything before I run out and playing pot luck with price, weights and quality, I can pay £20 for a Q of perfectly smokable green that is as strong as a lot of the stuff I used to buy, and have it arrive a day or two later! Magic.
And to top it off I still can't believe I just paid £30 for an Oz 😱😱😱

RealD skittles promo. He sells shake for $25 a Q and bud is $45 for an Henry. Both well worth the money, BTW.
Every now and then he will run a promo offer with big % discounts of up to 50%.
First time round I paid $38 for an oz of trim. Last time wasn't as heavily discounted but I still stocked up and bought 35g of shake for $62.50 and 3/8 of bud for $75.
45g for what, about £110? 😱
For somebody who was well used to dragging out a 20 bag to make it last as long as possible, I now look in my stash box and feel like Scrooge McDuck in his money pit 😂😂
Every now and then he will run a promo offer with big % discounts of up to 50%.
First time round I paid $38 for an oz of trim. Last time wasn't as heavily discounted but I still stocked up and bought 35g of shake for $62.50 and 3/8 of bud for $75.
45g for what, about £110? 😱
For somebody who was well used to dragging out a 20 bag to make it last as long as possible, I now look in my stash box and feel like Scrooge McDuck in his money pit 😂😂

Yeah fair play that is a good haul.
Yeah I luckily enough seen the promo the other night so I grabbed 7g. Wish now I had of went for a half
Yeah I luckily enough seen the promo the other night so I grabbed 7g. Wish now I had of went for a half

The absolute decision to quit combustion.
Hadn't yet learned how good some dry herb vapes are and there's only flower around me, but I had heard of thc carts so google brought me here.
So glad I did my stash box is like opening the cocktail cabinet these days, rather than just another case of Stella.
Hadn't yet learned how good some dry herb vapes are and there's only flower around me, but I had heard of thc carts so google brought me here.
So glad I did my stash box is like opening the cocktail cabinet these days, rather than just another case of Stella.

I agree the dry herb vape is great nd supposed to be more healthy gets you higher aswell apparently

Covid and variety local connect you take whatever ur given at least we have choice here and excellent quality Super Hans Nero Diuk to name a few vendors all top quality grown well

Hi Smee, out of interest if you arrived at the site as it is today would you still have stuck around?

I’m similar to many others here- used to smoke but stopped some years ago. I’ve recently returned via a local connection but would like the option of a more tailored experience where I can try different things and know, with confidence, what they are.
I’m new to LB and await delivery of my first order with excitement (and a little nervousness)!
I’m new to LB and await delivery of my first order with excitement (and a little nervousness)!

Now in my 50's had been finding it harder and harder to get a regular connection. I saw all the media stuff about another site and bought from there. It was ok but expensive. I thought there must be more clearnet sites so did some research and found a high and polite article that referenced LB. Managed to get my head round crypto and made first purchase about 6 months ago. Since then regularly buying, mostly carts as I don't smoke anymore. This site has been a godsend for me, no more scratching about, hanging out with people you wouldn't normally spend time with just to score some weed.
The only downside is now everyone asks me to get shit for them as they've seen how good the products are. I must have pointed about 10 people towards LB.
The only downside is now everyone asks me to get shit for them as they've seen how good the products are. I must have pointed about 10 people towards LB.

I have a mate who wanted edibles and I showed them a popular clearnet site it won’t let me name here. I never ordered from them due to their prices, but on the clearnet site’s subreddit one day someone posted a link to LB, which was swiftly deleted.
I spent a week or so browsing the wall and topics before I took the plunge and ordered and I haven’t looked back.
Why LB? Three reasons for me:
1.) The selection/quality of products. If it contains THC you can buy it on LB. Some products on here I have only seen in coffeeshops.
2.) The prices. Even with the crypto fees I typically save around £50 per oz compared to my previous connects.
3.) The community. If I’m honest I am probably the ‘weed bore’ of my group of mates. Rather than boring them I can chat about weed here as much as I like, with people who love it as much as I do. LB has a great mix of stoners and vendors.
Long live LB!
I spent a week or so browsing the wall and topics before I took the plunge and ordered and I haven’t looked back.
Why LB? Three reasons for me:
1.) The selection/quality of products. If it contains THC you can buy it on LB. Some products on here I have only seen in coffeeshops.
2.) The prices. Even with the crypto fees I typically save around £50 per oz compared to my previous connects.
3.) The community. If I’m honest I am probably the ‘weed bore’ of my group of mates. Rather than boring them I can chat about weed here as much as I like, with people who love it as much as I do. LB has a great mix of stoners and vendors.
Long live LB!

I live in a tiny village. Don't want to be hanging around the locals really, I have 1 guy for smoke. And it's the same stuff all the time.
So for me LB is like an adventure park full of different goodies and options. I love how discreet it is. Hope this site lasts a long time yet.
So for me LB is like an adventure park full of different goodies and options. I love how discreet it is. Hope this site lasts a long time yet.

My fellow biggas!
Remember hearing about this site around 5 years ago years and only recently decided to vend
Remember hearing about this site around 5 years ago years and only recently decided to vend

Pistach actually recommended us to the site, he thought we'd do well, we are doing okay, (until the trolls come in) and we have done pretty well considering that we've only been here since January.
We've been posting out items using other sites for years, so it was a no brainer to join LB.
We've been posting out items using other sites for years, so it was a no brainer to join LB.
got scammed by insta "seller" TWICE! (i know, i know) and can't seem to find a local plug. tbh idk where to find one lol
got scammed by insta "seller" TWICE! (i know, i know) and can't seem to find a local plug. tbh idk where to find one lol

Was looking for oils, tinctures etc made from actual known strains rather than whatever random bud some bloke who sends the kid on a moped has. Found randomly via a mention in a blog somewhere and couldn’t believe such a place existed. Reviews and ratings for sellers. Next level.

My local always provide good quality, but the few I know are all inconsistent in terms of answering phone calls etc.
All I’m waiting for now is somebody to have blue cheese on here, not had it in years!
All I’m waiting for now is somebody to have blue cheese on here, not had it in years!

Had trouble getting weed during covid. At the time I was working with this hippy sort of guy and he introduced me to this site. Couldn't believe it at first!

For me it was an issue with was then CBPM pharmacy, now Curaleaf not getting my medical cannabis scripts and messing me about. So went on the hunt and found here. I've been buying along side my script since march I guess lol.
Even know I have a medical cannabis script. I do believe we should be able to buy cannabis anywhere. Imo of course.
Even know I have a medical cannabis script. I do believe we should be able to buy cannabis anywhere. Imo of course.

1 post
+2 votes
ubee router can't block site :(
Should be able to do it through Terminal or whatever the PC equivalent is.

ubee router can't block site :(
i like the idea of blocking littlebiggy and a few other sites from my kids on the router level but my router can't implement a black list. any ideas?

If your router allows the DNS to be changed use Open DNS, link below. Make an account, you can block domains.
If the kid can change their PC DNS setting it won't work ..
If the kid can change their PC DNS setting it won't work ..

1 post
+2 votes

{lb help}
Vape help wanted for vape noob
Have a look at MJ. Tried and tested carts and batteries.

{lb help}
Vape help wanted for vape noob
Hi, I’m interested in getting some vape juice but not sure what e cigs liquid is compatible with....anyone use them? If you could let me know which model cig works for you I would be really grateful.

Check us out, award winning vape, references available online.

Say No to Drugs and G6 Extracts. These I know 100% to be legit shizzle. And when I say legit I actually mean “has stuff in it that actually gets you high”
I’m MM24 and I approve this message.
I’m MM24 and I approve this message.

MJ for carts and i use PCKT vape battery, compatible with all reputuable and safe cartridges..its really good , around 80 dollars. MJ & PCKT, a good combo to start!

Hi, same as the other comment, MJ Concentrates best carts on LB, great shatter as well if you're into that

Hey Family,
Surely give our RichieReserve vape carts a try. We do not use cheap stuff to fill it with, its pure LiveResin + Liquid Diamond THC ! Prices are low affordable atm due to us being new Vendor and will be going up in price in couple of weeks. We also supply 10/10 Boys as well as other brands are coming on our UK Depo shelf very soon.
RichieReserves sold out too quick in last couple of days online and offline, we had 300 pieces couple of days ago and now down to 4 left allocated only for LB users online.
Peace and Respect
Surely give our RichieReserve vape carts a try. We do not use cheap stuff to fill it with, its pure LiveResin + Liquid Diamond THC ! Prices are low affordable atm due to us being new Vendor and will be going up in price in couple of weeks. We also supply 10/10 Boys as well as other brands are coming on our UK Depo shelf very soon.
RichieReserves sold out too quick in last couple of days online and offline, we had 300 pieces couple of days ago and now down to 4 left allocated only for LB users online.
Peace and Respect

Hi Ham,
To actually answer your tut tut..eager beavers
You can use eliquids ( like our thc eliquid ) in any vape tank. You can just add it to to you usual liquid and enjoy!
If you want something more heavy, then I would recommend a vape cartridge. You will need to buy a small battery (just look for 510 batteries) and all the carts, from us and all sellers, will simply screw into your battery and happy days.
To actually answer your tut tut..eager beavers
You can use eliquids ( like our thc eliquid ) in any vape tank. You can just add it to to you usual liquid and enjoy!
If you want something more heavy, then I would recommend a vape cartridge. You will need to buy a small battery (just look for 510 batteries) and all the carts, from us and all sellers, will simply screw into your battery and happy days.

Hello, Have a look at our vape products. We have all in one kits ready to dip your toe into vaping :)

Absolutely cannot go past MJ. His vape are really popular and really good quality and his service is amazing

If you can wait up to 2 weeks SayNo2Drugs has carts from US dispensaries and always comes through.
Tracking on shipments hasn't been working properly this year and gets stuck at LA, but every order I've had has arrived with no issues.
Tracking on shipments hasn't been working properly this year and gets stuck at LA, but every order I've had has arrived with no issues.

1 post
+2 votes
best couch lock hash just now?
Not tried the Merc yet.
Will vouch for Hootan's Moroccan Blonde. Good body high.
I'm waiting on my 2nd lot of the Mercedes, does the job very nicely for me

Yeah the Mercedes, zombied me. fell asleep on prime video selection, didn't even make it into the film lol

Having one now, very moreish, hash has really improved since back in the day, its more sophisticated, the aromas are something else, and the taste is so different and varied and enjoyable to smoke, i rarely smoke flower these days, i know I'm missing out but I'm enjoying riding the hash train around the world thanks to LB and it's many quality vendors and community.

Not tried the Merc yet.
Will vouch for Hootan's Moroccan Blonde. Good body high.
Will vouch for Hootan's Moroccan Blonde. Good body high.
Nero has a good range but I especially liked this one for a heavier feel.
Nero has a good range but I especially liked this one for a heavier feel.

we've got OG kush soft pollen Hash
OG kush is indica so that helps
also hash is generally high in CBN so is sedative
heres the link
we also have a special drop of sherbalato hash eggs, these are very sought after and hard to get. It is not commercial hash
thanks Axis
OG kush is indica so that helps
also hash is generally high in CBN so is sedative
heres the link
we also have a special drop of sherbalato hash eggs, these are very sought after and hard to get. It is not commercial hash
thanks Axis

1 post
+2 votes

{buy help}
Coinbase: To use or not to use?
Never had an issue.

{buy help}
Coinbase: To use or not to use?
Hello friends.
Made first order yesterday eve and the payment via Coinbase sat ‘pending’ for 13 hours. In this time I did a little googling and found someone saying not to use Coinbase with LB due to this reason. Should I switch to BitPanda or something going forward? Thanks.
Made first order yesterday eve and the payment via Coinbase sat ‘pending’ for 13 hours. In this time I did a little googling and found someone saying not to use Coinbase with LB due to this reason. Should I switch to BitPanda or something going forward? Thanks.

What you should have done is get a wallet and transfer coins from CB to your personal wallet. In this case will be less suspicious rather sending straight from your CB acc or at least thats what ive heard. I use it as well but first transfer the coins to my personal wallet and from there i deal with transactions. Good luck!

Lol, i wish i was new, but i have wasted so much money on fee's and i feel the pain of others on a budget, i have been trying to let people know about how CB works and that people can buy a quarter for under a pound fees for the last two years.
The trick is to avoid wallets therefore avoiding crap fees.
And I'm sure any future crackdown on btc will first involve wallets.
I do have an edge wallet for LB referrals but the good thing about edge is it is anonymous, yes the fees are high but it's free money so i don't mind taking a lil hit now and again.
The trick is to avoid wallets therefore avoiding crap fees.
And I'm sure any future crackdown on btc will first involve wallets.
I do have an edge wallet for LB referrals but the good thing about edge is it is anonymous, yes the fees are high but it's free money so i don't mind taking a lil hit now and again.

Kraken is cheaper for fees, more trustworthy than Coinbase too imo considering what’s in their tos :’)

I've used Coinbase for over 50 buys now. Never had a problem. The only tip I would have is of you are buying on cb with a credit card then let your provider know. Mine credit card kept getting rejected and it was because my bank didn't think the transaction was legit

I've been using coinbase the fees are shocking sometimes £25 upwards .I've been buying coin and putting it in exodus wallet and paying that way the fee was only 45p

Not sure how old this post is but as of 5/10/22 defo no .I had been using it no problem for 2.5 years, now an email saying broken violations (I top up & send that’s it ) and my account closed however I was able to withdraw what I had left over.
Also my bank is starting a block on crypto purchases in November .
Fk I need to purchase here for cranky mind & pain relief ! 👀😳
Also my bank is starting a block on crypto purchases in November .
Fk I need to purchase here for cranky mind & pain relief ! 👀😳

Every other wallet is a third party except blockchain itself ,it is bitcoin.
Though because of all the new regulations that have been sneaked through by those idiot crooks in government you now need a gold account verification to buy and sell bitcoin,which means photographic ID online through a company called verrify.
Plus they shut down Alphavend and all the ATM`s.
Man the hoops i have had to jump through to get to be able to just buy it,up to my bank telling them hey stop blocking stuff on to mastercard stop blocking me,hello it is me okay you all know me i have been on this planet a long time .... and now i can buy bitcoin again lol
Though because of all the new regulations that have been sneaked through by those idiot crooks in government you now need a gold account verification to buy and sell bitcoin,which means photographic ID online through a company called verrify.
Plus they shut down Alphavend and all the ATM`s.
Man the hoops i have had to jump through to get to be able to just buy it,up to my bank telling them hey stop blocking stuff on to mastercard stop blocking me,hello it is me okay you all know me i have been on this planet a long time .... and now i can buy bitcoin again lol

I’ve use Bitpanda from the get-go, and their fees were reasonable at first, but lately the fees have been astronomical! Yesterday I ordered 7g’s and the fees for that one transaction was £27!! They also make it really difficult to contact someone for an explanation.

I'm leaving bitpanda because of the pathetic fees. I haven't tried(but will soon), but someone in lb was talking about buying btc on bittylicious and have exodus as a wallet

Been using Coinbase for ages. I’ve had issues like that before and it’s usually due to CB requiring you to log into the website and fill in some extra security details etc blah blah.

Not sure if this post is ancient or not but I use Coinbase myself, been getting ripped off with fee's for the longest time until recently when I found out about the advanced trade. So usually if I spend £60 on bitcoins they would deduct £2.99 to buy the coins and then 40p ish to send them, now I've started using the advanced trade the fee to buy £60 worth of bitcoin is 39p, much better!! Not sure how that compares to other crypto sellers because I've only ever used Coinbase but for me Coinbase does the job nicely and now my fees are way lower too which is great 👌

Coinbase are fine for me - just make sure you use the Advanced Trade (what was CB Pro) to purchase and the fees are pennies. If you use the usual buy method on CB the fees are ridiculous. Never had to wait more than 10-15 mins max for my sent btc to say received at transaxe. No problems whatsoever. Quick and easy! :-)

You probably need to ask folks where they live when asking about CoinBase if you're in the U.S. I'm in the U.S. and they booted me several years ago because of "suspicious" use of their service. I was just buying coin and sending it to one of these markets (don't remember if it was Lil Biggy or one of the ones that are no longer around) I'm just guessing that the satisfied customers here might not be living in the U.S. I use Coinmama now (London based, but your bank may not do foreign transfers like mine doesn't, requiring you to use PayPal debit card or something else to buy coin), no probs for years. Send my coins to a wallet (Exodus), then from there to the vendor. Good luck.

Coinbase no problem just only exchange so much every time and no more than 300 . Expect a random verication id check at some point wich all they will need is pasport and photo of yourself for proof then youl be secure with coinbase for future all the way luckily i had a photo of pasport information to send along with my photo of me. Just make sure you have the id available . Like i said in previous comment about length of time coins take to transaxee i was with kracken and could put any amount in there every time . I lost my pasport and they needed the verification id check with me holding the pasport up but i lost my pasport until i get new pasport i am stuck with coinbase but quicktime transaxee for me all times. I have a substitute for desperate ocasions, coincoupon but not all that good at all for big sums , still works tho !
Coinbase no problem just only exchange so much every time and no more than 300 . Expect a random verication id check at some point wich all they will need is pasport and photo of yourself for proof then youl be secure with coinbase for future all the way luckily i had a photo of pasport information to send along with my photo of me. Just make sure you have the id available . Like i said in previous comment about length of time coins take to transaxee i was with kracken and could put any amount in there every time . I lost my pasport and they needed the verification id check with me holding the pasport up but i lost my pasport until i get new pasport i am stuck with coinbase but quicktime transaxee for me all times. I have a substitute for desperate ocasions, coincoupon but not all that good at all for big sums , still works tho !

Personally I buy from and transfer into a local Exodus wallet on my PC. Its a fixed price in bitcoins for the withdrawal which works out at about $10, but as I tend to buy £500 at a time and thats the only fee, it works out fine for me. Never had any issues and once the coin is in my wallet, no charges.

Also CB carry a lot of weight in terms of pushing conformations buy setting reminders on the blochchain, i have total confidence with even very small orders that can otherwise be ignored and even discarded with other broker's, for example sending a tip to a vendor.

Yes that is still the case but CB have a flagging or alert system for trades that are dragging which alerts miners re confirmations.
For some reason these reminders from CB are enough to confirm say the 3rd conformation on a very small trade.
I guess the system works because in the busy world of mining reminders seem to work but i would have to speak to a miner to find out if there is any other incentive for taking on a tiny CB trade other than being reminded about conformations.
For some reason these reminders from CB are enough to confirm say the 3rd conformation on a very small trade.
I guess the system works because in the busy world of mining reminders seem to work but i would have to speak to a miner to find out if there is any other incentive for taking on a tiny CB trade other than being reminded about conformations.

For example i have six referral payments that are years old that will never be confirmed because they very small amounts and have been forgotten.
If these payments had been sent to me via CB i would have recieved them as i have never lost a small trade with them.
If these payments had been sent to me via CB i would have recieved them as i have never lost a small trade with them.

The way to do it is open a coinbase pro account then load your normal CB account with fiat which you then transfer to your pro account for free, then you buy btc on the CB pro exchange for about 0.20p for 70 dollars worth, you then transfer your buy back to your normal CB account for free, from there you you send you btc to LB for less than a pound.
I have been using this system for 2 and a half years.
At no point do you need a wallet, just your CB account and a pro (free) account.
I have seen posts saying not to send from CB to LB but LB must have this covered because I'm 2.5 years in and will be continuing this system.
I have been using this system for 2 and a half years.
At no point do you need a wallet, just your CB account and a pro (free) account.
I have seen posts saying not to send from CB to LB but LB must have this covered because I'm 2.5 years in and will be continuing this system.

Update 8/11/22
Coinbase now have a system called advanced trade which is the same system above without having to transfer funds between coinbase and coinbase pro which is much better than before, ive tried it a few times on LB, it works perfectly.
Coinbase now have a system called advanced trade which is the same system above without having to transfer funds between coinbase and coinbase pro which is much better than before, ive tried it a few times on LB, it works perfectly.

Could it have been transaxe hanging, been known to happen, never for that long though. Coinbase has never been an issue for me, transactions usually at the most take 30 mins maybe. Did see an email today from them about possible regulation changes...sounded official and a bit institutions trying to get control of the crypto....wonders what others thought about that ...

Hey guys, im new 2 this. first post. Im setting up coinbase, is best to use coinbase wallet to send btc or should i use any specific wallet app?

I saw that comment too, saying their coinbase got shut down for sending to certain addresses etc...
I moved everything to wallet but sending from nano has a network fee
I moved everything to wallet but sending from nano has a network fee

I find the charges high on Coinbase, I use btc just for sending I just use Coinbase for trading

Coinbace has some of the highest fees you are better off using a different on-ramp.
Also it is important to keep your BTC in your own self custody wallet.
“Not your keys not you Bitcoin”
Also it is important to keep your BTC in your own self custody wallet.
“Not your keys not you Bitcoin”

CB and exodus for me but I'm damned if I can find my BT1 address on exodus to link up Transaxe. It says to click something but it doesn't work.

1 post
+1 votes
How do you no if you earned any bitcoin with reference codes
You see it land in your wallet.
1 post
+3 votes

What if Reparations for Slavery were Paid Instead of Bank Bail Outs?
I really like this.
All comments more or less are about the idea of reparation, and mostly I agree.
But its not about reparation despite the title, …

What if Reparations for Slavery were Paid Instead of Bank Bail Outs?
I was just thinking about all the billions paid to banks to keep the economy going after they fucked it up. What if instead of that we let the banks fail and didn’t pay anything beyond deposit insurance. Then to prop up the economy we paid the descendants of slaves the same money that we gave to the banks. Wouldn’t that stimulate the economy in a way that made our society a better one instead of ever worse?

But why is the US Federal Gov the plaintiff? They fought against slavery with everything they had, 100 years later they peacefully fought the South against segregation. I think something is owed but the feds are the good guys on this one.


The entire financial system is a ponsi scheme and always has been...the banks dont have any real money....we are taxed 97p in the pound, removing that would free the economy.
what about the 1,000,000 white people taken from the shores of europe by the north african slavers? do we get anything? and will the millions of black africans who created and profited from the slave trade and enslaved and murdered their own people have to pay?
and do we get the danegeld back?
slavery still exists, 6500 dead slaves in Qatar building stadiums for footballers to kneel down is used to promote an anti white and democracy agenda by billioniares who would destroy our culture. stop mining lythium if you care about black slaves..oh no thats anti green.....
looking at 1 minute of a 24 hour clock and casting blame is how our idiot media works now for both slavery and climate propaganda...let's not encourage them ...
what about the 1,000,000 white people taken from the shores of europe by the north african slavers? do we get anything? and will the millions of black africans who created and profited from the slave trade and enslaved and murdered their own people have to pay?
and do we get the danegeld back?
slavery still exists, 6500 dead slaves in Qatar building stadiums for footballers to kneel down is used to promote an anti white and democracy agenda by billioniares who would destroy our culture. stop mining lythium if you care about black slaves..oh no thats anti green.....
looking at 1 minute of a 24 hour clock and casting blame is how our idiot media works now for both slavery and climate propaganda...let's not encourage them ...

I really like this.
All comments more or less are about the idea of reparation, and mostly I agree.
But its not about reparation despite the title, its about where to best direct a stimulus package. My Everyman understanding of the Covid downturn is that the UK exchequer has licensed uk banks to loan to pretty much anyone with a business no questions asked, money that is created in the moment of granting the loan.
Equally you could hand it out in the street or mail cheques to people whether they need it or not. Give it to the living heirs of slaves or give it to banks to hand out in executive bonuses? Who's gonna make the most stimulus with it?
All comments more or less are about the idea of reparation, and mostly I agree.
But its not about reparation despite the title, its about where to best direct a stimulus package. My Everyman understanding of the Covid downturn is that the UK exchequer has licensed uk banks to loan to pretty much anyone with a business no questions asked, money that is created in the moment of granting the loan.
Equally you could hand it out in the street or mail cheques to people whether they need it or not. Give it to the living heirs of slaves or give it to banks to hand out in executive bonuses? Who's gonna make the most stimulus with it?

The MP for my old constituency (dorest) is Richard Drax, he's still sitting on all the wealth and land his family acquired. He sees no problem with owning land thousands of slaves were murdered on. Dispicable person.

Instead of hand outs, maybe being given equal opportunity in the work place truly would be a better start. Just an example here but how come I see a white bloke in charge of black football teams but you’ll never see a black or any shade darker than a beach tan running an English football team.

No, it would absolutely not stimulate the economy. You're sort of just blasting a random talking point without much thought to it.
The US also has no obligation to the present generation just because of the abuse of their black ancestors - such an assertion is just ridiculous.
If you think handing out free-money like that "stimulates the economy" then you are totally wrong. In fact, you are hurting the economy and society by making light of racial issues where they already have no place.
The US also has no obligation to the present generation just because of the abuse of their black ancestors - such an assertion is just ridiculous.
If you think handing out free-money like that "stimulates the economy" then you are totally wrong. In fact, you are hurting the economy and society by making light of racial issues where they already have no place.

Governments hand out money its just a matter of who they give it to. In the USA they have handed money to banks and hedge funds via 0% loans.
I think reparations for stealing human beings is a better idea than this, the money will get spent stimulating the working economy rather just pumping up the stock market.
I think reparations for stealing human beings is a better idea than this, the money will get spent stimulating the working economy rather just pumping up the stock market.

It's paying back a debt that financed the country for generations. If you can't see that I think maybe glasses.

1 post
+2 votes
Uploaded images are scrubbed
This is great, but nobody should be leaving their security solely to the site. My site strips metadata from photo uploads, but it sends the original f…

Uploaded images are scrubbed
Please note that every image that is uploaded to little biggy is scrubbed of all meta data like location and device. You can check this with a program like metapicz!

This needs to be seen! Personally I was aware this was the case but after a few discussions on here I’d hate to think people would stop posting pictures in fear of getting their exif details being read!
No info what so ever can be taken from your pics peoples!
No info what so ever can be taken from your pics peoples!

If you download gimp ( open source, photoshop), you can convert jpegs to PNG, which to the best of my knowledge, do not hold this data.

This is great, but nobody should be leaving their security solely to the site. My site strips metadata from photo uploads, but it sends the original file to S3 first.
Lots of free apps to do this prior to upload. Just my opinion.
Lots of free apps to do this prior to upload. Just my opinion.

1 post
+3 votes
How to get Weed through U.K. airports
Never travelled anywhere without an 1/8th of hash in my pocket. Pop it in my mouth like a sweet just before I get to the scanner.
Only place I didn'…

How to get Weed through U.K. airports
Hi everyone I’m flying to Germany Cologne soon and I want to have some smoke when I arrive. But I will not be hanging around in Cologne I’m renting a car and heading south close to bitburg. So I will not have time to mess around trying to find a local guy. Does anyone have any tips on how to pass security with hash or bud, I will not have a checked bag with me only hand luggage. Thanks everyone, I’m sure there will be people who say don’t risk it, but my addiction will always win! so there is no point trying to change my mind lol
Peace out everyone happy toking stay safe
Peace out everyone happy toking stay safe

Carts in your luggage, done it loads a times. Even had one in my pocket before and put it in the tray with my phone and money. If asked? It’s CBD, never been asked though.

Best answer for carry on ^^
Before vaping indoors was banned i've even had the audacity to hit a vape in the waiting lounge xD I saw someone else do it so thought heh. This was wayyy before people knew thc vapes were a thing I had a prototype sent from cali lol
Before vaping indoors was banned i've even had the audacity to hit a vape in the waiting lounge xD I saw someone else do it so thought heh. This was wayyy before people knew thc vapes were a thing I had a prototype sent from cali lol

I’m not a fan of carts I bought a few when I was in Vancouver and it didn’t touch me. It’s nothing like a bong haha

When I came back from Vancouver I did that with edibles lol I got a pick a mix bag and bought loads of different edibles and took them out the packaging. But on the plane on the way home I opened my bag and WOW the smell it stunk the whole plane out oops

I fly to Germany for work, I always get asked “why do you hire a car at the airport and not get a taxi to the hotel?” “For flexibility i reply” little do they know before I go to the hotel I’ll do a 2 hour drive into NL to get my stash ?

I've flown in and out of the UK with weed MANY times with no issues. Every time I've been to 'Dam I've had at least a few grams in my hold luggage upon return, never more than 5g though. I'd have it in a trouser pocket, folded up in my hold bag. Always arrived safe at the other end. Probably just luck, but also don't think they're as thorough as they like people to think. In saying that, there's really no point IMO as it's easy to find high quality bud and hash in most of Germany. I've been to Berlin, Cologne, and Frankfurt for work a few times and always got offered weed in the first bar we'd set up in. Webehigh is a good site for finding weed abroad. While some of it isn't accurate, it has worked for me more than once.

Hi there
I never did without a checked bag, thus I can not help...
An alternative could be to drive from Köln to the NL and enjoy a great coffee shop as this is not so far...Then you come back with your weed
Enjoy Germany!
I never did without a checked bag, thus I can not help...
An alternative could be to drive from Köln to the NL and enjoy a great coffee shop as this is not so far...Then you come back with your weed
Enjoy Germany!

This is the best solution in my view. It simply isn't worth getting caught in an airport with weed to try and take it. Many people have and have been fine, but the risk is too great in my opinion. Source something when you are there, don't take it with you dude.

I’d love to but my rental company are anal about me going over 400kms and my journey is about 360

Was going to say the same I’ve don’t it plenty of times coming back from Amsterdam the scanners only look for weapons and bombs so internal won’t matter bud straight up the bum and your good to go if you can’t do that double wrap in Mylar bags and heat seal then you can put in suitcase bro

Never had any probs coming from dam a wee smelly bag chucked in luggage too easy! Plus always post some ?

My "mate" told me if you're gonna post goodies back take your own envelopes, smell proof bags etc and always go into the Post Office to post ( around 8 euro) that way when it gets to England it arrives in Essex and they're not so strict checking on things. If you drop it in the postbox in the street it arrives in England via Wolverhampton and they're strict cunts and it's highly likely to get found.

Really? I can’t tell if your taking the piss haha I have to say it has crossed my mind.

Dont stick stuff up your arse mate (unless thats your thing - we arent in prison). Behind the balls is fine or discretely stashed in luggage. Worked many times for a guy i know...

Don't try hiding it on your body at all, friend thought he was clever & tied loads of little bags to the string waistband on his shorts & got caught. Was hilarious to watch security pulling them out like a magicians scarves tho. A different friend has been successful a few times taking jelly bean sized balls of hash in a giant jar of jelly beans. It's also worth noting that even dogs can't smell through petroleum jelly, wrap it up then smear a generous amount of vaseline on cling film then wrap it round whatever you want to get through & your OK as long as you don't get searched, or maybe bury it in a big jar of vaseline or 2, you may appear to be a bit of a pervert but it's better than getting your smoke discovered

that's a great idea. throw in some whips and a pair of handcuffs and you just come across as a law abiding pervert. might have to try this the next time I go to the states.

I am not airport security bud, as i say worked in the past. Think they are looking for weapons and bombs more than little lumps of hash, but do be cautious. I wouldnt recommend breaking any laws dude, be careful all about personal choice. Id rather they found a lump in my shorts than have to put stuff up my bum!

Haha true just the thought of me in a room squatting and some border dude checking my anus is empty puts me of a bit hahahaha

Wouldn't even bother trying. It's not worth the BS that would come with getting caught. Let the 'officials' do the work and post it to yourself if you have an address you can access whilst abroad? EDIT just read your reply further down about the hotel and the boss. He won't know!! Get it posted there! He has no right to know what you've had posted. Could be something for your trip like medication that you forgot to take....
The only way I've got a fair bit of smoke aboad was by car. I hired a car in Calais and went over as a foot passenger on the ferry. It was a road trip around Europe with some mates on their bikes. That was easy!!
The only way I've got a fair bit of smoke aboad was by car. I hired a car in Calais and went over as a foot passenger on the ferry. It was a road trip around Europe with some mates on their bikes. That was easy!!

Never travelled anywhere without an 1/8th of hash in my pocket. Pop it in my mouth like a sweet just before I get to the scanner.
Only place I didn't risk it was USA but I was going to a legal state anyway.
Only place I didn't risk it was USA but I was going to a legal state anyway.

If you need a clean CRB for your job, don't risk it. If you don't need a clean CRB, then put it in your bum. It's really the worst worst rubbish getting busted at an airport.

I have been told many many times that carts are the way forward with travelling and crossing boarders.

I thoroughly wrap in many layers of clingfilm. Slightly heat it to close all gaps. Then I take one of those roll on deodorants, remove the plastic ball, put my parcel in the deodorant, put back ball and presto!

Last time I actually bought a secret stash Clip lighter (you unscrew the bottom) and filled that
Also another one is get a few pens and in one of them take the ink cartridge out and wrap ground up bud in cling film and stuff the barrel. Of course make sure the barrel is a solid colour and not a transparent Bic!
Also another one is get a few pens and in one of them take the ink cartridge out and wrap ground up bud in cling film and stuff the barrel. Of course make sure the barrel is a solid colour and not a transparent Bic!

However you smuggle it I advise grinding up the bud before hand. You can pack more and it’s also convenient for when you do use it

Whatever you decide to do chuck it in a mylar bag, heat seal it and then repeat. This will solve any scent issues- up to you where you want to "store" it then, but I'm not sure if I would want one of those bags up my arse!

I know a couple chaps who put it in a bottle of suncream wrapped in clingy. Worked every single time.

Wouldn't dare try it with carry on mate. Checking a bag is the best, and put some behind soap in a sealed soap dish ;) Although I've brought some hash back in my jacket pocket coming from Amsterdam - felt like William Hayes in Midnight Express - it was quite the buzz! I was all ready to feign ignorance, ha ha.

I always get a fresh pot of hair wax. Double bag and tape up a Q Scoop out some wax put the bud at the bottom smooth back over and chuck in your wash bag. Tried and tested worked for me many times with carry on luggage.

I've taken stuff on holiday to Spain numerous times, but always in checked luggage. Sorry, I know you said you weren't checking luggage, but there it is. Check a bag is my advice.

I did that when I flew to Portugal it worked perfectly I was absolutely buzzing. But unfortunately this time I will be staying with a friend at his parents hotel and apparently a few weeks ago it all kicked off because a staff member had there stuff delivered to the hotel and his dad found out and went mad. And I’m looking to get employed so I don’t want to piss him off before meeting him haha

I suggest that for travel, mct infused drops in a 10ml sealed bottle are the most inconspicuous option

If I have edibles I seem to need about 1000mg before it does anything I don’t know why? It’s super annoying and expensive so I don’t really bother anymore

Are they made by you or premade? I guy doing our path a few weeks back said he could eat bags of them and no effect. I gave him a few of my homemade ones to take night fishing for him and his mate. One pink kush around 25mg and one multiple strain around 20mg. He came back Monday and said they were both battered for the whole night!

A company called smugglers duds make some boxer shorts with a hidden compartment which i recommend. They would just chuck it away, but you might miss your flight so be safe mate. Peace and fine herb to you

I don’t see how they would work as the body scanner would spot I have something in my pants.

1 post
+1 votes

Salvia Divinorum from within the UK!

Salvia Divinorum from within the UK!
Salvia Divinorum is as strong as acid, but it only lasts 5 minutes, which is why it's still legal in most countries - and was legal in the UK until 2016.
In 2016, 1 gram of x100 extract was £60. I'd happily pay 0.05 BTC for that now.
In 2016, 1 gram of x100 extract was £60. I'd happily pay 0.05 BTC for that now.

1 post
+2 votes

Magic Mushrooms
I've some Albino Penis Envy from Magic-83 in the post, he had a few lots on Sunday when I ordered so bookmark that one.

Magic Mushrooms
Hi Guys,
I am looking to try some magic mushrooms. I have only ever had them in Amsterdam but would like to try some in the comfort of my own home. I have read a bit about Golden Teachers and would like to try them. Is this something we can find on LittleBiggy or are there "rules" on what we can and can not buy?
Thanks in advance.
I am looking to try some magic mushrooms. I have only ever had them in Amsterdam but would like to try some in the comfort of my own home. I have read a bit about Golden Teachers and would like to try them. Is this something we can find on LittleBiggy or are there "rules" on what we can and can not buy?
Thanks in advance.

I've some Albino Penis Envy from Magic-83 in the post, he had a few lots on Sunday when I ordered so bookmark that one.

Magic has them up every now and then. Doesn't look like they have any atm but keep your eyes peeled on their page or give them a message:
I bought one of their kits a month or so back and can vouch for them as a seller
All the best
I bought one of their kits a month or so back and can vouch for them as a seller
All the best

I have just had a look at them. They are back in now. How were they when you tried them?

I've only dipped my toe in so far - I had 1gram of PE blended in a smoothie, just to test them (better safe than sorry). But even that was a nice dose. Started to feel it after about 20 minutes, smoked a joint to help me on my way, sat in the garden staring at the clouds for a few hours listening to Jefferson Airplane. Some slight visuals at the peak (bright neon geometric shapes, clouds morphing in to Mufasa... you know, the usual). Was a lovely opener. This was my first time with actual shrooms - I've tripped on truffles 5 or 6 times, 4-ACO-DMT a few times, acid once and DMT a handful of times. So I'm not a complete noob but certainly dont have a mass amount of experience. But I could feel the potential in these. Still got about 5g left. So I'm gonna try 2g's in a few weeks, then scran the last 3g's when I feel brave enough.
They deffo get a recommendation from me anyway.
Hope this helps mate.
They deffo get a recommendation from me anyway.
Hope this helps mate.

Yeah defiantly did mate, thank you. I think I should do the same then and start a bit smaller and work up from there.

This is something I'm working on getting onto here, a friend of mine grows but has been out of it recently, She only has about 17g left.
I have not seen much on here, but I hope to have some soon enough.
I have not seen much on here, but I hope to have some soon enough.

Hi, I would be interested if you could let me know when you have some please, just having a bit of a look around at the moment to See what’s about.

What prices do you pay?
On-line -
On the street -
I haven't seen much at all on here apart from cultures I think from Magic_83
I plan to sell them for £220 an ounce of dried, maybe people do not need an ounce though so I could sell in smaller mounts.
the 15% transaxe takes is a bitch.
On-line -
On the street -
I haven't seen much at all on here apart from cultures I think from Magic_83
I plan to sell them for £220 an ounce of dried, maybe people do not need an ounce though so I could sell in smaller mounts.
the 15% transaxe takes is a bitch.

There are a lot of cultures, but I can’t be doing with all the hassle of them.
I don’t know on prices to be honest, but would be looking for like 2-5g. May not stack up for pricing for people to sell?
I don’t know on prices to be honest, but would be looking for like 2-5g. May not stack up for pricing for people to sell?

Yo, there is trusted vendor from NL on web
dot magictruffles dot com
dot magictruffles dot com

Ordered couple of times, no problems attached :) They also got stationary shop in NL. Just for bigger choose DHL as delivery service.

1 post
+2 votes
apple reduced to a lame tv company
Phones that get less usable as the price rises, PC's that tell you what to do rather than the other way around.
Long since lost their way.

apple reduced to a lame tv company
year after year tim cook has squeezed every buck out of users with shitty dark patterns but that's not the worst part. none of this money has produced anything except phones indistinguishable from the last models and computers suited for a museum.
the coup de gras? trade in-plans? credit cards? how about making movies instead of tech. it's a strategy that not only sunk sony but every sucker that ever walked into hollywood.
the coup de gras? trade in-plans? credit cards? how about making movies instead of tech. it's a strategy that not only sunk sony but every sucker that ever walked into hollywood.

dont forget credit cards, insurance and subscription schemes at the core of the new apple

Phones that get less usable as the price rises, PC's that tell you what to do rather than the other way around.
Long since lost their way.
Long since lost their way.

I mean, the link stuff is fair enough. Why would you pay to help people that went out of their way to fuck with your personal life? It's Gawker staff that want the program, the same staff that outed him for clicks. They can fuck right off frankly.
As for movies, I'm of the opinion that the greatest thing Steve Jobs did for the world wasn't Apple. It was Pixar, and that is his real legacy, still strong today.
As for movies, I'm of the opinion that the greatest thing Steve Jobs did for the world wasn't Apple. It was Pixar, and that is his real legacy, still strong today.

yeah but steve understood media. cook is setting himself up as a villain and fulfilling the narrative they are setting up for him.
the guy is an operational genius but he doesn't understand content anymore than he does tech.
the guy is an operational genius but he doesn't understand content anymore than he does tech.

he would have been perfect for amazon, operational excellence and gentler relations with the outside world. also the awkward attempts at style.

pixar is holding up better for sure, i think he really built time into making sure they had a sustainable creative system. that said there quality is also down, i can't imagine him letting them fall this far even in disney's hands.

1 post
+1 votes
HOO HAA on the forums
Looks like you managed to get it cleaned up. Good work.

HOO HAA on the forums
When is all this hoo haa on the forums about me going to light out
and when is all my damn happy customers going to revolt against these trolls with me
because i cant seem to handle it myself, where are all my people who bought something off me
forgot me so quick?
and when is all my damn happy customers going to revolt against these trolls with me
because i cant seem to handle it myself, where are all my people who bought something off me
forgot me so quick?

I've shared my experiences of ordering from you, and I stick with them, you seem like a nice guy selling decent product, and I'd happily buy again.
If I might offer a little advice though: On the net, there are always people who will take a contrary view to your own no matter how well intentioned or nicely explained your actions are. To not stress out about such messages will be a key skill to learn, as you will always get them regardless. The vendors who come across best are those that are not prompted to respond too often, and will most likely simply reply to a customer message that they should check their PM's. Most of your customers are not daft and will look to your reviews to inform their decisions.
Unfortunately, 'handling' trolls is most effectively done by ignoring most of it and simply going about your business trying to ignore them. Should you feel the need to reply, its best to simply state a fact again, and try and engage the customer in a private conversation rather than a series of forum posts.
That's simply my own observation of what seems to work best - obviously you will decide how you approach such things!
I guess what I'm trying to say is 'don't stress buddy'. On the net you will always meet those you cant understand or seem unreasonable to you. As long as you deal with people in good faith and do your honest best, you will build a base of customers who will trust and repeat buy, despite the odd troll or person who expects too much.
If I might offer a little advice though: On the net, there are always people who will take a contrary view to your own no matter how well intentioned or nicely explained your actions are. To not stress out about such messages will be a key skill to learn, as you will always get them regardless. The vendors who come across best are those that are not prompted to respond too often, and will most likely simply reply to a customer message that they should check their PM's. Most of your customers are not daft and will look to your reviews to inform their decisions.
Unfortunately, 'handling' trolls is most effectively done by ignoring most of it and simply going about your business trying to ignore them. Should you feel the need to reply, its best to simply state a fact again, and try and engage the customer in a private conversation rather than a series of forum posts.
That's simply my own observation of what seems to work best - obviously you will decide how you approach such things!
I guess what I'm trying to say is 'don't stress buddy'. On the net you will always meet those you cant understand or seem unreasonable to you. As long as you deal with people in good faith and do your honest best, you will build a base of customers who will trust and repeat buy, despite the odd troll or person who expects too much.

Very wise words Titntin...trolls unfortunately exist everywhere on the net these days and as you say, they generally thrive on the "oxygen of response" to their outrageous & mindless crap that they type...therefore the best form of response to such bullshit, is simply no response at all :)

yes bro i will not let it get to me anymore
time to resume a fast and clean service
and thank the lord the weekend is here so i can sort some issues out weve had with the post for a few customers
other than that over 200 sales and all happy customers but a few
these things happen and those sad customers will be giddy again once i sort them out
time to resume a fast and clean service
and thank the lord the weekend is here so i can sort some issues out weve had with the post for a few customers
other than that over 200 sales and all happy customers but a few
these things happen and those sad customers will be giddy again once i sort them out

What is that very wise and very true phrase that is worth remembering when tackling most annoying and negative things and people in life?....ah yes,I remember..."Dont let the bastards grind you down".
Keep doing what you're doing so excellently my friend and keep that 420 flag flying proudly :)
Keep doing what you're doing so excellently my friend and keep that 420 flag flying proudly :)

1 post
+3 votes

Who buys from new sellers?
I do.
UK Organics
Single strain edibles made my fwb go crazy.
UK Canna Farm

Who buys from new sellers?
I haven’t been here long and I have only used established sellers so far, TGT, Drugs inc and Gods Connect.
But there is a nice selection from new and newer sellers on here at good prices too.
Who buys from new sellers and what have your experiences been?
I don’t have money to lose from scammers.
But there is a nice selection from new and newer sellers on here at good prices too.
Who buys from new sellers and what have your experiences been?
I don’t have money to lose from scammers.

If a new seller has any interest in building a business here, then they are motivated to go the extra mile and ensure they have pleased customer reviews to help attract anyone who's not too sure like your self.
As such, I personally would have no problem using a newer vendor who's trying to build a rating. I might not make the first purchase, but once a few reviews get posted I'd consider it.
I've not been here long, but broken my bank with 20 purchases from all sorts of vendors and have yet to have a bad experience.
As such, I personally would have no problem using a newer vendor who's trying to build a rating. I might not make the first purchase, but once a few reviews get posted I'd consider it.
I've not been here long, but broken my bank with 20 purchases from all sorts of vendors and have yet to have a bad experience.

Don't want to lead you into the pit here but I often buy from unestablished vendors who offer incentives for honest photo reviews and things like that. Always worked out well but surprised one actually arrived due to the clear stench of weeds coming from the package and the long look a recieved from the postie. The vendor quickly addressed the issues throughout their learning curve but I had to play Guinea pig and and felt lucky not to recieve a summons in it's place! It did fill me with confidence at the same time though, with the level of stealth from the majority of vendors, I can't set one ever being caught nationally.
Feel free to ask vendors any questions you may have on stealth or anything else really. Legitimate new vendors will always be more than happy to recieve the interest
Feel free to ask vendors any questions you may have on stealth or anything else really. Legitimate new vendors will always be more than happy to recieve the interest

i had this too just luckly my postie is an old friend but how the thing gets here with the smell is anyones guess

I’ll second this. Tried quite a few new vendors and the comms and product has always been excellent. I too have had some guinea pig issues, one that was really sub-standard stealth, just like yours, I’m not sure how it turned up but it did. I’ve also had issues with super compressed weed once or twice. In both cases I let the vendors know and they have now upgraded their services to ensure these issues are no longer issues. In addition to this two of the vendors sent me an extra g on my next orders so can’t complain at all.

Thanks... stealth is always and mistakes will always be found even from the big boys. I had a delivery recently from a very well known vendor (I won’t say who it was, but I told them privately) where the vacuum seal was broken by twigs sticking through the seal! Luckily it didn’t smell too much. But goes to show, happens to the big boys too and not just the newbies xx

This is so important. stealth has to be 100 or people are put at risk. new vendors need to be well read up and it needs to show!

Yeah I often see good deals, but from new sellers. But the last thing I want is to be ripped off or to get a knock on the door.

There's always risk in buying- whether that's old school scoring off the street or purchasing from a vendor online. So,only buy when you're comfy with the situation and never spend more than you can afford to lose. This goes with all deals,new dealer or not.

True. I only buy from dealers I know now. No street shit. Just put order in, pick it up from nice friendly people at a secure address. This is how I always used to do it. Then you get older. You lose your contacts. You buy from the street. You buy from here. Always a risk. Recently found a really good old hippy dealer and all is good again. In all of my 25 years smoking I’ve always found the old school hippy dealers, selling in Oz, are the most reliable, the least agro, the best. Full stop. Go old school everyone! Xx

Any tips on how to find them? Never found one locally (I'm rural) but got a couple sketchy guys in Edinburgh id
prefer not to use. It would be great to have a local dealer like that and use LB for the treat stashes.
prefer not to use. It would be great to have a local dealer like that and use LB for the treat stashes.

I do.
UK Organics
Single strain edibles made my fwb go crazy.
UK Canna Farm
Organic Zkittles. I'm halfway through because in all honesty, it's a bit head strong. Vapourising makes all (good) weed heady weed, and this has a head start. Actually made me take a weekend off it. If you know me, that's a mic drop.
They invited people to take a punt and I got 2 for 1 on the same quality my local 'RainManOfWeed' gets on his top 3 grows and a generous attitude to customer satisfaction.
Also Magic_83 is a game changer, not quite sure what shape yet.
On balance, my experiences have been positive.
But maybe I'm new too:
Also shopped with Hashishin
and DIUK
I'm sure I'll have an issue someday, but so far these are sunny uplands, albeit not always cheap.
UK Organics
Single strain edibles made my fwb go crazy.
UK Canna Farm
Organic Zkittles. I'm halfway through because in all honesty, it's a bit head strong. Vapourising makes all (good) weed heady weed, and this has a head start. Actually made me take a weekend off it. If you know me, that's a mic drop.
They invited people to take a punt and I got 2 for 1 on the same quality my local 'RainManOfWeed' gets on his top 3 grows and a generous attitude to customer satisfaction.
Also Magic_83 is a game changer, not quite sure what shape yet.
On balance, my experiences have been positive.
But maybe I'm new too:
Also shopped with Hashishin
and DIUK
I'm sure I'll have an issue someday, but so far these are sunny uplands, albeit not always cheap.

lol aww man just seen this <3 <3 thanks so much for the kind words and sorry to hear about the weekend off ha. maybe try one of the hybrids instead of pure indica! big love man

Since my bad dealings on biggy with trusted long term vendors I have been on a spending spree with new vendors, newest to me never purchased before
Hootan : made 1 purchase super lemon haze perfect nugz great stealth. Hope they do really well
HashtagUk : made 1 purchase better priced hash with great taste and buzz Jack harrer. The stealth was class even I was shocked when I opened it. If you have made a purchase you will know what I mean :D
Northernorganics: made 1 purchase was a 2g tester gorilla glue and was beautiful. Clean smoke white Ash. Would buy again but don't sell bigger weight atm. Good stealth
JJ: great stealth postage bang on but quality is not there anymore. I won't be buying again its not worth the money even if it is ndd.
Waiting on other orders will keep updated once here
Hootan : made 1 purchase super lemon haze perfect nugz great stealth. Hope they do really well
HashtagUk : made 1 purchase better priced hash with great taste and buzz Jack harrer. The stealth was class even I was shocked when I opened it. If you have made a purchase you will know what I mean :D
Northernorganics: made 1 purchase was a 2g tester gorilla glue and was beautiful. Clean smoke white Ash. Would buy again but don't sell bigger weight atm. Good stealth
JJ: great stealth postage bang on but quality is not there anymore. I won't be buying again its not worth the money even if it is ndd.
Waiting on other orders will keep updated once here

Smokersinc: postage stealth good. Got 3.4g stardawg. Great smoke. Bought one order only
Stickyvicky: brilliant stealth. Mystery bag 1g got 1.3g. Bit old but brilliant haze buzz. Would buy again
Stickyvicky: brilliant stealth. Mystery bag 1g got 1.3g. Bit old but brilliant haze buzz. Would buy again

weve been a vendor since november 2020 with over 100 sales and 0 disputes
check us out
we also have a little promo on our stardawg listing
check us out
we also have a little promo on our stardawg listing

Only been here for 2 months and have bought from a couple of new sellers.
2 new ones I can highly recommend:
Dank2000: Beautiful strains and probably nicest guy you will meet on LB
Smoggyman: By now already a established name, but still pretty new. His Disco biscuits is pure fire!
2 new ones I can highly recommend:
Dank2000: Beautiful strains and probably nicest guy you will meet on LB
Smoggyman: By now already a established name, but still pretty new. His Disco biscuits is pure fire!

Still new here, so I've so far only bought from ULC & JJ and haven't been disappointed at all (especially with JJ's NDD and ULC's world class customer services).
All in all, I'm always happy to check out what new Vendors have to offer.
All in all, I'm always happy to check out what new Vendors have to offer.

I stick to my usual seller because I know he's reliable, but I did try a sample order from a different seller a few weeks back. I'm open to placing small, cheap sample orders with new sellers I think!

1 post
+2 votes

Hi all.
I've noticed that this guy is not appearing on the wall at present, despite being one of the best vendors on the site and keeping many people happy and supplied.
I'm hoping that the borgs will solve this in time, but in the meantime I know that algorithms seem to help wall visibility when threads have posts.
To this end I'll do my bit and make some relevant posts on #hashtaguk's posts and offers and hope this helps.
Anyone else who has had great service from this guy, please post some stuff in his posts, even if its just to leave your feelings on a new strain you have ordered.
I'm hoping if we can raise activity in the posts and listings then these offerings will be back on the wall where they deserve to be! Thanks Biggies
Hi all.
I've noticed that this guy is not appearing on the wall at present, despite being one of the best vendors on the site and keeping many people happy and supplied.
I'm hoping that the borgs will solve this in time, but in the meantime I know that algorithms seem to help wall visibility when threads have posts.
To this end I'll do my bit and make some relevant posts on #hashtaguk's posts and offers and hope this helps.
Anyone else who has had great service from this guy, please post some stuff in his posts, even if its just to leave your feelings on a new strain you have ordered.
I'm hoping if we can raise activity in the posts and listings then these offerings will be back on the wall where they deserve to be! Thanks Biggies

Well said tintin, btw love your reviews THANK YOU! its helped me to buy some of the best hash I've ever smoked! (and I've smoked a lot in the past 28 years) #HashTagUk is an amazing vendor with some truly great products can't recomend them enough if your thinking of getting some hash I'd look no further you will not be disappointed... Great product+great service+great stealth+fast delivery what else could you want? As for price well it's not your old school plastic filled soap bar and its alot better than any premium pollen I've smoked in the past and a little goes a long long way try a little and you'll be back for more!

They're not that great tbh.
Last order of AK-47 I've received was very dry and didn't look nothing like on the picture, therefore they instantly lost my trust.
Don't know why you keep shilling this vendor Tintin, you probably got a lot of freebies from them.
They've not cheaper than others either.
Last order of AK-47 I've received was very dry and didn't look nothing like on the picture, therefore they instantly lost my trust.
Don't know why you keep shilling this vendor Tintin, you probably got a lot of freebies from them.
They've not cheaper than others either.

Hey I just call it as I see it and you are welcome to disagree.
I welcomed him to the site as we were looking for hash at the time, and I haven't had issues with any subsequent orders.
Was surprised he was not on the wall, so made the above post.
I've never had a freebie of any vendor and would not expect one.
I also use most of the vendors on this site and often leave positive reviews when I like the service and product.
Sorry your AK wasn't what you wanted, that sux. Hasn't happened to me yet.
I welcomed him to the site as we were looking for hash at the time, and I haven't had issues with any subsequent orders.
Was surprised he was not on the wall, so made the above post.
I've never had a freebie of any vendor and would not expect one.
I also use most of the vendors on this site and often leave positive reviews when I like the service and product.
Sorry your AK wasn't what you wanted, that sux. Hasn't happened to me yet.

I'm with you TinTin, been using #UK since they started and haven't been disappointed yet.
I would argue they are better priced than others, considering no hash is over $52 1/8 and free post - Green Team is only an added $2.50 for post but I'd say like for like hashes are a bit more pricey and fewer options; Hashishin is great but the hash is a different market, old school and lovely but note hugely potent; Drugs Inc hit the spot big time last year with a lovely bit of Lemon Ammo but haven't had anything that decent since imo, the caramellow wasn't caramellow for example, and their comms isn't great from my experience; other than that, not many sellers with many options - only other that comes to mind is spenny with added min $7 post...
To be fair, I haven't had the AK from # but I've had all the other bits and they've been pretty much exactly as described, none have been dry like people have mentioned. Kiwi is my hands down fave and would be more costly from another vendor I suspect. Same for the Chef that was around for a bit to be fair in terms of being well priced. (perfectly priced I might add, don't want it creeping up lol)
In terms of getting good quality hash, #UK is my go to. (HashLover420 when he has his eggs for a treat. If you haven't had one, they're definitely worth it)
Disclaimer: I also haven't received any freebies or preferential treatment, just a happy customer.
I would argue they are better priced than others, considering no hash is over $52 1/8 and free post - Green Team is only an added $2.50 for post but I'd say like for like hashes are a bit more pricey and fewer options; Hashishin is great but the hash is a different market, old school and lovely but note hugely potent; Drugs Inc hit the spot big time last year with a lovely bit of Lemon Ammo but haven't had anything that decent since imo, the caramellow wasn't caramellow for example, and their comms isn't great from my experience; other than that, not many sellers with many options - only other that comes to mind is spenny with added min $7 post...
To be fair, I haven't had the AK from # but I've had all the other bits and they've been pretty much exactly as described, none have been dry like people have mentioned. Kiwi is my hands down fave and would be more costly from another vendor I suspect. Same for the Chef that was around for a bit to be fair in terms of being well priced. (perfectly priced I might add, don't want it creeping up lol)
In terms of getting good quality hash, #UK is my go to. (HashLover420 when he has his eggs for a treat. If you haven't had one, they're definitely worth it)
Disclaimer: I also haven't received any freebies or preferential treatment, just a happy customer.

That's cool , just wanted to say the hash wasn't cheaper or better than Hashishin's or DIUK for example.
Had Rubio as well as some other and they're also on drier side.
Good vendor don't get me wrong, but it isn't the only one who disappeared off the wall.
Had Rubio as well as some other and they're also on drier side.
Good vendor don't get me wrong, but it isn't the only one who disappeared off the wall.

Hey we are all different!
Hashishins is coming through customs, so that's not a regular place to order for me, and DUIK don't describe their goods properly and have sold me absolute rubbish last two purchases - the current DUIK berber for instance gives no high at all, so they have been VERY incosistant in the last 18 months. Neither of them are competition for Hashtag - for my needs. Obviously everyone will make up their own mind,.
Hashishins is coming through customs, so that's not a regular place to order for me, and DUIK don't describe their goods properly and have sold me absolute rubbish last two purchases - the current DUIK berber for instance gives no high at all, so they have been VERY incosistant in the last 18 months. Neither of them are competition for Hashtag - for my needs. Obviously everyone will make up their own mind,.

Has good gear, but who knows if he'll send you that or some other crap.
Agree with, Paloz.
Agree with, Paloz.

Some of the best hash on here just the 4 day + delivery times is a killer please add a option for NDD

In fairness we only appeared on the wall when we gave FREE samples out and never since !!

I have had some good hash of these guys for a good price.ive seen some new vendors on the wall selling basic hash for a lot of money.i won't pay more than 100 dollars for a Q.

Only reason thus vendor should be on the wall is to warn others!!
Couldn't tell you if the hash is any good as was never sent!!
Ive used LOADS of vendors, had issues and all sorted, this vendor is in league of their own for taking the piss.
Couldn't tell you if the hash is any good as was never sent!!
Ive used LOADS of vendors, had issues and all sorted, this vendor is in league of their own for taking the piss.

1 post
+3 votes

So how many of you got Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome?
Used more of my life than I didn’t, know so many the same, never heard of this outside Reddit.

So how many of you got Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome?
According to Reddit, something like a third (1/3) of long-term weed users will develop CHS (uncontrolled vomiting that only stops if you quit weed forever). So: any of you (or anyone you know) got it?

Definitely a real disorder. Emergency room nurse here - I've seen many a patient come in with this. Hot hot showers make the vomiting stop but its only temporary, and yes the only actual cure is quitting. I would be devastated if I developed it to be honest! Lol

Used more of my life than I didn’t, know so many the same, never heard of this outside Reddit.

Yes I've read about this too. I get the occasional reflux issue but I put that down to age.... I've been using the herb since uhm at a concert - Beach Boys & Richie Havens, Cocker & others at Crystal Palace in, yup 1972.
Never met anyone who suffers from it, apparently it's caused by an "over-relaxed" esophageal sphincter. Nasty.
Never met anyone who suffers from it, apparently it's caused by an "over-relaxed" esophageal sphincter. Nasty.

same as recently, I get the odd reflux issue, putting it down to lifestyle/ bad diet more than the weed. Weed smoker for more than 20 years.
I have heard of this condition from reading about it online, so it does make me wonder, having said that I could do with loosing a few pounds but Im not obese, just a little overweight.
"Over relaxed" due to smoking perhaps. I was under the impression that it is the smoke that affects the esophageal sphincter. Maybe tinctures or edibles are the answer for anyone that has this..but if you are already at the stage of vomitting maybe not
I have heard of this condition from reading about it online, so it does make me wonder, having said that I could do with loosing a few pounds but Im not obese, just a little overweight.
"Over relaxed" due to smoking perhaps. I was under the impression that it is the smoke that affects the esophageal sphincter. Maybe tinctures or edibles are the answer for anyone that has this..but if you are already at the stage of vomitting maybe not

I'm married to a nurse who gets the BMJ (British Medical Journal) through every week and I've read about this one a few months ago.
I do have a mate who smokes a LOT and he has constant issues with stomach ache that's only cured by hot water, either showers or baths. He also uses hot water bottles on his belly.
However, he doesn't look after himself at all, no exercise, basically a bit of a waster man. That's his choice. But I do wonder if this CHS is a thing as he's constantly taking hot baths etc when he feels bad.
Everything in moderation. Also maybe it affects some people more than others.
I'm definately no expert. But yeah, I do think it's a thing.
Cheers BB
I do have a mate who smokes a LOT and he has constant issues with stomach ache that's only cured by hot water, either showers or baths. He also uses hot water bottles on his belly.
However, he doesn't look after himself at all, no exercise, basically a bit of a waster man. That's his choice. But I do wonder if this CHS is a thing as he's constantly taking hot baths etc when he feels bad.
Everything in moderation. Also maybe it affects some people more than others.
I'm definately no expert. But yeah, I do think it's a thing.
Cheers BB

Ugh if he hasn't started vomiting yet he's in the prodromal phase and once he hits the vomiting phase he'll have to quit weed for good, so maybe suggest a T break (like he'd listen, I know, I know)?
Hope your spouse is coping ok during the current shitshow. And you, it must be pretty stressful for you too. Take care.
Hope your spouse is coping ok during the current shitshow. And you, it must be pretty stressful for you too. Take care.

It's definitely real, I came back to this post for a friend from online. He was sat in ER this morning and has been there a few times but they couldn't figure what until he told them he smoked. They've told him 6 months quitting and go back. So if anyone does have more information, please let me know..

Nope. I've heard of it, but not experienced it. I'm 39 and started smoking at 14/15. I've not smoked all the time in that period and had times where I've not smoked for months, but I've smoked more than not. The only thing I have is a cough through smoking too much tobacco but I can get coughing fits if smoking a joint. The coughing can then tense my throat up and it feels quite tight when drawing on a joint. I also take down pockets of air when swallowing and these pockets of air can get trapped in my throat making the tight feeling worse. I have to do a good few burps to clear it all 🤷♂️

I've been smoking weed for 30 years and I actually think I might have this, in the prodromal stage before the vomiting, where you just have nausea and bad tummy, but no vomiting.
It started a couple of months ago when I bought a Mighty. Nausea, stomach pains, bad tummy, gas, bad acid reflux, literally every day since using it. Especially in the morning. Some mornings I'm pretty close to being sick. Never had anything like it before the Mighty. I am otherwise fit and healthy and I only smoke 1 cap (about 0.1g) per day, so hardly anything compared to a lot of you guys.
I've read up on it and it's not just on Reddit and it certainly isn't a whitey as someone below suggested. There are quite a few peer reviewed studies into it:
Any one else had this when they changed to a Mighty (or other more powerful vape)
Hope it isn't CMS... I love smoking weed.
Might give it a rest for a bit and see if it dies down.
It started a couple of months ago when I bought a Mighty. Nausea, stomach pains, bad tummy, gas, bad acid reflux, literally every day since using it. Especially in the morning. Some mornings I'm pretty close to being sick. Never had anything like it before the Mighty. I am otherwise fit and healthy and I only smoke 1 cap (about 0.1g) per day, so hardly anything compared to a lot of you guys.
I've read up on it and it's not just on Reddit and it certainly isn't a whitey as someone below suggested. There are quite a few peer reviewed studies into it:
Any one else had this when they changed to a Mighty (or other more powerful vape)
Hope it isn't CMS... I love smoking weed.
Might give it a rest for a bit and see if it dies down.

I’ve actually had this and thought it was the end of toking for me. This was 5 years ago after 2 years of daily smoking. I would wake up and just vomit back to back until I smoke a spliff. It was horrible. I quit smoking for a year because of it and when I started back up, I had managed to cut out tobacco so I no longer smoke cigarettes. I don’t know if that helped but since I started smoking just weed only, I haven’t had any issues. Not sure if it means I’m cured or if cutting out tobacco is what made a difference.

Its real though i would question the percentage who develop it.
Most people at some time actually experience this in a small way its called a whitey(never had one but seen others take them),i know people who after this never touched cannabis again some might give it up for a few years then start again but if you whitey a lot you have a chance of getting the ultimate whitey CHS.
Most people at some time actually experience this in a small way its called a whitey(never had one but seen others take them),i know people who after this never touched cannabis again some might give it up for a few years then start again but if you whitey a lot you have a chance of getting the ultimate whitey CHS.

1 post
+1 votes
Sleaford Mods
Two men with more demons than a fuckin' Halloween Party. Awesome.
Mostly prefer the older stuff (Originator/ Retweeted/ Mekon) but the new album looks…
Sleaford Mods

Any other biggas into these guys? I stumbled upon one of their albums (Divide & Exit) earlier this year and they've quickly become one of my favourite artists.

Whopper choons outta dem boys.
Seen them live a couple times and one of them musical acts that has ya smiling for days after seeing.
Check out the documentary they made, Bunch of Kunst.It's brilliant
Seen them live a couple times and one of them musical acts that has ya smiling for days after seeing.
Check out the documentary they made, Bunch of Kunst.It's brilliant

Saw them live in the summer at Crystal Palace bowl and they were great. Divide and Exit was my intro to them as well. I think they've improved with each album, love the new stuff.

I’ve discovered them same time as you. Great band!
Also i made another discovery. See above link.
Also i made another discovery. See above link.

These 2 are class , jobseekers, jolly fucker , bang someone out, loads of good tunes . The newer stuff is good aswell.

I got into them after they featured on the prodigy album years back....very different style to the norm but they defo rock.

I hear you listening in telephone thing
I’m tapped up
Way ahead of its time - The Fall are quality!!
Unfortunately Sleaford Mods are not!!
I’m tapped up
Way ahead of its time - The Fall are quality!!
Unfortunately Sleaford Mods are not!!

Two men with more demons than a fuckin' Halloween Party. Awesome.
Mostly prefer the older stuff (Originator/ Retweeted/ Mekon) but the new album looks pretty good too.
"I wanna leave work, go pub, buy drugs and fuckin' spit at people."
Mostly prefer the older stuff (Originator/ Retweeted/ Mekon) but the new album looks pretty good too.
"I wanna leave work, go pub, buy drugs and fuckin' spit at people."

1 post
+1 votes

Lost Delivery Etiquette
Same as anywhere else, if you haven’t received goods you paid for you need a solution.
Similarly, if you know the address is sketchy for post, give a…

Lost Delivery Etiquette
How do you rate a lost delivery when you're 100% sure you're dealing with a professional, and they've posted it, but it's just got lost?
It doesn't seem fair to mark them down or raise a dispute when post is still screwed up due to covid.
Genuinely asking what the etiquette is here.
It doesn't seem fair to mark them down or raise a dispute when post is still screwed up due to covid.
Genuinely asking what the etiquette is here.

the etiquette is for a smart seller to take care of their customer, in the absence of this a dispute helps identify problem sellers in the community.

If you do not get a red card of attempted delivery from RM, free re-ship for all orders, if stock is not available, you choose from current availability.
The ChronusBuds way.
The ChronusBuds way.

Would like to try you guys but don't smoke any more. I find its too hard with kids in the house. Do you ever do any vape carts/pens or edibles?

No sorry, outdoor bud only, including shake in the future, which can be used for brownies ect.

Unrelated question but are you still online? I have no idea how old this thread is, I'm a previous customer cheers

SunGrown Organic SuperShakeMix, now available. As little as $20 for 3.5g. Limited stock, 02/03/2021.

It’s a disaster with kids . Especially in an apartment. However my way is to buy 1/2 carts every month or so for those days when you can’t smoke. And then but some weed/hash to treat yourself after a long day at work and busy evening spent with the kids when you can smoke. Obvious I know , but game changer for me in the last year or so . Carts are the way forward but you’ll never beat good quality bud in a joint or bong.
P.s if it’s stilll around try slurrricane from radar breeder. Best bud I’ve had in awhile and good price. (I am not affiliated with them at all)
P.s if it’s stilll around try slurrricane from radar breeder. Best bud I’ve had in awhile and good price. (I am not affiliated with them at all)

The thing is I've placed probably 15+ orders with this seller and only 2 haven't arrived. Also, whenever I've asked for further information about items they're selling they always reply, promptly, with a detailed answer. And finally when they do get through, their merchandise is always top drawer.

Well i have been here a while and i have lost 3 deliveries in the RM fog from 3 different vendors not going to say who but after some great communication with them and the fact i have bought many times i got a full reship,now what happened to those lost packages well as you can imagine each time it happened i shat a brick and was waiting for old bill coming round to steal my stash, but nope so was it a vendor error wrong label on the address and some other lucky git gets your smoke can it happen you ask yes lol it happened to me i got 5 grams sent to me i had not ordered and as a member of the community it was my duty to inform the vendor that some poor guy was not getting his smoke so they can fix it.
So you should always get a full reship as a trusted customer.
So no old bill and the vendor has not made a mistake he might think if you are new or have a bad rep on here you could be at it as who is to say you got it but then claim otherwise,in that situation and it will happen i fully agree with the vendor using a 50 percent reship policy but there is one way you can get around this its called making a leap of faith you agree to trust each other and the customer tells the vendor that if it happens again you will take the loss next time and then continue to buy from the vendor,the alternative is you both lose trust in each other and frankly its probably not either your faults but you should use lb and dispute and the vendor just has to accept that.
So what really happened to those 3 packages floating around with my name and address on them lets face it postman pat has a lot of crooks working for him lol
So you should always get a full reship as a trusted customer.
So no old bill and the vendor has not made a mistake he might think if you are new or have a bad rep on here you could be at it as who is to say you got it but then claim otherwise,in that situation and it will happen i fully agree with the vendor using a 50 percent reship policy but there is one way you can get around this its called making a leap of faith you agree to trust each other and the customer tells the vendor that if it happens again you will take the loss next time and then continue to buy from the vendor,the alternative is you both lose trust in each other and frankly its probably not either your faults but you should use lb and dispute and the vendor just has to accept that.
So what really happened to those 3 packages floating around with my name and address on them lets face it postman pat has a lot of crooks working for him lol

I've only lost one delivery here in quite a lot of them, and I marked it based on how the vendor dealt with the situation. While I wouldn't say I was happy with the outcome, it was reasonable, and so the score and comment reflected that.

Same as anywhere else, if you haven’t received goods you paid for you need a solution.
Similarly, if you know the address is sketchy for post, give a better address.
Similarly, if you know the address is sketchy for post, give a better address.

If your order is with TGT then get a dispute going asap, they will not reply or try to resolve, and if they do it will be to tell you to wait longer, the waffle on their page about delays is just that waffle!

Tbf, I was in the same boat but they did get back to me and they're resolving the issue. Just took a little while.

I'd disagree, they recently got back to me after a 6 week wait thats been lost with the chaos of early January. Just need to sort out a re-order. They were my go to merchant last year and i had no issues until Royal Mail bumfucked christmas deliveries.

In the current climate - pandemic, snow (we know how Brits deal with snow...) and Xmas sorters being let go - 20 - 30 days is a fair time to wait before deciding it's a lost cause. I had one around the end of the year take 24 days, and recently from another vendor 18. Both 1st class std.
If you're happy to order an item that is being sent not signed for or tracked, be ready for a potential wait. It's annoying, and we all get antsy, but I'd put my house on the fact that #UK have sent it.
Admittedly, the items leaving the wall would be a slight concern, but they've been online, and by the sounds of it dealing with you on PM - have also noted why below now.
Patience is key - a lot of people on here quick to blame the vendor, not directed at you bubblemyster, but it's like people forget this isn't Amazon or something...
If you're happy to order an item that is being sent not signed for or tracked, be ready for a potential wait. It's annoying, and we all get antsy, but I'd put my house on the fact that #UK have sent it.
Admittedly, the items leaving the wall would be a slight concern, but they've been online, and by the sounds of it dealing with you on PM - have also noted why below now.
Patience is key - a lot of people on here quick to blame the vendor, not directed at you bubblemyster, but it's like people forget this isn't Amazon or something...

I had a similar problem hashtag sent a reshape and it arrived within 2 days no problems :)

This is the worse time of year to order and to be a vendor, in the last week all of the xmas sorters and posties have been laid off, we have snow over lots of the country and a massive spike in covid reducing staff further, i placed an order with #tag last week and i dont expect it any time soon but i have 100% trust that it has been posted, #tag have never let me down before. Not sure why the menu has suddenly disappeared seems strange to sell out of everything at once without a message on the page, maybe #tag could shed some light on that.

1st what happens is they tell you how important your custom is to them. 2nd they will tell you how they want to make it right and your satisfaction is very important. Finally no action taken.
They have lost customers for this. Good luck though;)
They have lost customers for this. Good luck though;)

It's nothing to do with the current climate he is a piss take I have been waiting nearly 3 month for smoke of this guy and nothing he said he reship it but I doubt it the worst vendor in here I would not buy nothing of this scammer I have order come from Europe in a couple of days so it nothing 5o do with the post like he keeps saying

Hi still never received order from 25th Jan,Been in contact with vendor # that said they were posting last week still nothing.I know the postal service is running a couple of days behind but this is 3 weeks now

3 posts
+4 votes

Half refund or reship
Because it's not easily found...
+ 3 more

Half refund or reship
I’ve placed around 20 orders on LB. never had a problem until recently - an order I placed on the 31st Jan still hasn’t dropped. The vendors been reasonable. They’ve communicated but will only offer a 50% refund or reship. I’m a little frustrated but guess this is fair. What do you all think?

In a “did they or didn’t they” dispute with a proven vendor, Escrow are unlikely to offer more than 50% by way of resolution. 100% refunds happen when the vendor has fekked off or provide zero comms.
Can they show proof of postage?
Can they show proof of postage?

I don’t know if they could provide proof as it as sent first class with no tracking. I think that’s what really annoys me - it’s only my second order with this vendor and, for all I know, they might not have sent it. Then again, they may have sent it and RM have lost it. There’s no way of knowing.

I know what you mean. I had 2 RM’s not arrive from well trusted vendors when I’ve never lost any other post in my life! Could my small orders have slipped through their systems? I guess so. I now only order tracked or NDD and if they don’t offer that service I go elsewhere. It costs of course, but I can’t be doing with the stress! ;)

naming no vendors but seems a percentage goes missing iv never not received mynmail seems an un usual amount of parcels go missing or i suspect not sent at all to budge profit marfin

I’ve learnt my lesson. Odd thing is I ordered on a Sunday and the status was changed to sent in less than five minutes. The vendor could easily have changed the status and then forgot to send.

Agreed. I’ve seen NDD sent times at 05:10 and can’t help wondering how that works?...their PO must work different hours to mine!

Yeah. Fingers crossed the order drops soon and everyone’ll be happy. Don’t have much faith after eight working days, though.

You can accept a part reship and still dispute. Let Transaxe know about the reship of course, and let them decide.

Seems a little unfair on the vendor. I’m genuinely gutted my orders not arrived. Primarily because deciding what to do next is such a conundrum.
Lesson learnt: I’ll be paying for tracked delivery from now on.
Lesson learnt: I’ll be paying for tracked delivery from now on.

Transaxe state (words to the effect) that they will only improve on sellers T&C's if they can see a pattern of problems that you can't.
Good luck for happy resoloution.
Good luck for happy resoloution.

4 posts
+8 votes

The Canadian Effect
Hope you don’t mind my comments,I jumped on the first round because it was so cheap and I didn’t mind the risk. I purchased again because the weed was…
+ 4 more

The Canadian Effect
B.C.A really are proving to be a class outfit here on LB no doubt, but my question is, how do they effect the other vendors here? (if indeed they do at all) The fact they sell more sizeable quantities will surely effect sales for the smaller vendors here no? Will the knock on effect be cheaper smoke for all on here or will most of the bigger purchases end up at street level for profit?
Genuinely interested in others thoughts on this, this isn’t a negative post as obviously B.C.A bring nothing but positivity and bangin’ products to LB!
I can see some of you now chomping at the bit waiting for 6 p.m. lol
Genuinely interested in others thoughts on this, this isn’t a negative post as obviously B.C.A bring nothing but positivity and bangin’ products to LB!
I can see some of you now chomping at the bit waiting for 6 p.m. lol

I'm absolutely torn on it but I want to try them, I think.
I really love what they are doing, the products, the service, the community involvement, the prices! (especially the prices, lets be honest biggas).
But... importing my own bit of bud all the way from the other side of the planet? in the world we live in? bud I could be buying locally from UK growers, UK suppliers (and despite what the internet says UK weed just as good as anywhere else!).... simple fact is though you shouldn't be able to fly in an ounce of weed all the way from Canada for HALF the price of weed from within the UK, it makes no sense. At all.
Prices on here need to correct in the long run. As I said I love everything BCA are doing, they've gone about in such a refreshing way it fits in well with weed culture and the bud is hopefully absolutely banging but I'd rather not have to rely on people 4000+miles away for my smoke.
We need a price war :P
I really love what they are doing, the products, the service, the community involvement, the prices! (especially the prices, lets be honest biggas).
But... importing my own bit of bud all the way from the other side of the planet? in the world we live in? bud I could be buying locally from UK growers, UK suppliers (and despite what the internet says UK weed just as good as anywhere else!).... simple fact is though you shouldn't be able to fly in an ounce of weed all the way from Canada for HALF the price of weed from within the UK, it makes no sense. At all.
Prices on here need to correct in the long run. As I said I love everything BCA are doing, they've gone about in such a refreshing way it fits in well with weed culture and the bud is hopefully absolutely banging but I'd rather not have to rely on people 4000+miles away for my smoke.
We need a price war :P

Must admit the risk of Z’s with my name on coming that far would stress me a tad but I don’t buy Z’s anyway man! Great post man, totally agree with it mate.

I don't normally either mate but if it was UK z's at that price I'd be on it in an instant lol the risk is another factor as well definitely, I'm tempted by the pre-rolls they have on now to test out the shipping but can I really justify shipping 7.5grams that far? I'm struggling with it to be honest when I could just get some chocolato from RB instead or whatever. Think I've talked myself out of these pre-rolls after I already told them I was in! I should learn to keep quiet haha

I dont know if it's the same for you, but local weed is £180-200 an oz. Im not seeing this as a "cheap" option...especially when $200 is for a lower grade oz .... I'd prefer not to risk importing internationally, for potentially standard weed. As you say, UK weed isnt actually bad lol. We aren't that desperate for the mid range. And the good shit is $350 ? What happened to $170 an oz!? Hmmmm.

Not to make a comment on anyones buying preferences, you do you...
The standard stuff is absolutely banging. As good as anything I’ve ever bought locally and a lot better that 95% of it.
The standard stuff is absolutely banging. As good as anything I’ve ever bought locally and a lot better that 95% of it.

I can only agree. I bought on ounce of Vader OG and loved it, better than any bud I've gotten from LB before.
If you don't buy ounces then I'd suggest its not for you - the level of stealth and packing these guys do wont be happening for smaller amounts (you'd understand if you saw their stealth). Nice to have this option here on biggy and I intend to get more :)
If you don't buy ounces then I'd suggest its not for you - the level of stealth and packing these guys do wont be happening for smaller amounts (you'd understand if you saw their stealth). Nice to have this option here on biggy and I intend to get more :)

lol - I spread the love. When my hippy mates realised I was going to be able to try some canadian high end, they all wanted to try some some, so half of Totnes in Devon has tried Vader OG now :) I wish I had kept it all, it was tasty.
I still have well over 3 oz of various hashes and buds, so I guess I cant moan!
I still have well over 3 oz of various hashes and buds, so I guess I cant moan!

Yup good point I've been assuming the $200 is banging just because I haven't heard any complaints but as always with lb you never really know till you see a few reviews from familiar faces.
I still think there's a price correction to come on lb though, I'm not expecting price to ever be as cheap as my local connections but a slight adjustment is going to make a world of diff for us daily smokers when it comes! :)
Actually this has made me feel better about not putting my order in now! thank you! :)
I still think there's a price correction to come on lb though, I'm not expecting price to ever be as cheap as my local connections but a slight adjustment is going to make a world of diff for us daily smokers when it comes! :)
Actually this has made me feel better about not putting my order in now! thank you! :)

I don't doubt it's good stuff. I hope i didn't come across skeptical. That wasn't my intention. I was genuinely wondering if anyone had the strains listed under "gold" in their lotto bag, just for an idea. It all looks good. But looks can be deceiving. Yep. Waiting for the trusties to slam their reviews down is always a good idea! :)

I've just seen their new wall, and I'm liking the variety. Though, not sure what happened to the low prices, promised? Looks to me like they are plugging the good stuff at some of the highest prices on LB ....?? Has anyone had the Gold level in their lotto bag?? Wondering what their lowest quality is like, in reality. I'm also thinking that the oz listings will be a double edged sword. I for one, have no interest in buying once whole ounce of one strain. I like to try all the flavours. Id be bored of an oz of one strain, by the end. Would be nice to see lower amounts. I dont think the pre rolls are the way forward. I would MUCH prefer to buy the weight and roll my own. That is, of course, personal preference. And these are just my ponderings.... :) Not meaning to cause any offence! I'm genuinely interested to see how this goes for B.C.A and wish them nothing but good luck! <3

I’d hate to smoke the same strain every night for aaaaages and buying Z’s of 5 different strains at a time could end up expensive lol Didn’t actually look in detail at the new ‘levels’ thing if I’m honest!

Exactly. Same level here Carverr :)
I like their grading system. It works well. Even the way they have listed looks/works great this time around. Their wall is pretty to say the least. I've just put up a post on my own page about the strains i got through in august...pretty much explains my reasons for being on LB and ounces isn't it. Drop to 14g and I'm in!! 4sho!
I like their grading system. It works well. Even the way they have listed looks/works great this time around. Their wall is pretty to say the least. I've just put up a post on my own page about the strains i got through in august...pretty much explains my reasons for being on LB and ounces isn't it. Drop to 14g and I'm in!! 4sho!

Hope you don’t mind my comments,I jumped on the first round because it was so cheap and I didn’t mind the risk. I purchased again because the weed was so good I wanted to try the hash and it was well worth it.
I put some photos up of my last drop here, I thought I’d reference so you can at least see it’s not stems and mould.
10g of hash and the (random) oz delivered for £260
I put some photos up of my last drop here, I thought I’d reference so you can at least see it’s not stems and mould.
10g of hash and the (random) oz delivered for £260

No don't mind at all! That's exactly what i was looking for :) thank you for sharing your experiences :) it will only install more confidence, within the community, for a new vendor to succeed! All for it :D and also happy to hear you liked what you received! Great stuff! Always hop in!! We need more people who are ready to be honest in their experiences! It's what makes this little section of the interwebs so interestingly weird and wonderful :D

Don’t think so mate but I’d buy from a reseller as I don’t buy Z’s and if the price was there for Henry’s and Q’s why not huh?

Bca scammed me out of 1.3k, AVOID ordering from them @ALL, empty boxes is all you get from them :/

Unfortunately they have now been blocked from trading any further and its difficult to fathom why.
So many people questioned their integrity and suggested people would be ripped off, but its difficult to see why, as they were responsive to any questions and though it took a while for things to drop, they were all coming through as described.
I guess I should trust that the 'biggy bots' know whats best for the site, and maybe their was a genuine fear that they might attract undue attention? Why ever the page was blocked, it might have been better to let customers still be able to contact them, as obviously several people will have orders they are waiting for and they will now be worried their order will not be full filled - and if BCA cant get their escrow funds I cant imagine they will ship the goods.
I guess the Canadian effect will be zero, and I cant help feeling this has somehow been orchestrated by vendors who didn't want the competition, but I'm only guessing and I suppose we will never know.
I buy my bud elsewhere anyway (biggy too expensive for me, for bud), and I've managed to maintain contact with them too, so I guess its no problem for me, but the whole way this has happened seems pretty underhanded and unfair, and I just hope that by shutting them down as they have, they have not stopped too many from trying what was fantastic bud at excellent prices.
I had heard that following legislation, canadian was the new cali. I don't know if that's true, but I'm very glad I got to try it while it was around!
So many people questioned their integrity and suggested people would be ripped off, but its difficult to see why, as they were responsive to any questions and though it took a while for things to drop, they were all coming through as described.
I guess I should trust that the 'biggy bots' know whats best for the site, and maybe their was a genuine fear that they might attract undue attention? Why ever the page was blocked, it might have been better to let customers still be able to contact them, as obviously several people will have orders they are waiting for and they will now be worried their order will not be full filled - and if BCA cant get their escrow funds I cant imagine they will ship the goods.
I guess the Canadian effect will be zero, and I cant help feeling this has somehow been orchestrated by vendors who didn't want the competition, but I'm only guessing and I suppose we will never know.
I buy my bud elsewhere anyway (biggy too expensive for me, for bud), and I've managed to maintain contact with them too, so I guess its no problem for me, but the whole way this has happened seems pretty underhanded and unfair, and I just hope that by shutting them down as they have, they have not stopped too many from trying what was fantastic bud at excellent prices.
I had heard that following legislation, canadian was the new cali. I don't know if that's true, but I'm very glad I got to try it while it was around!

And TinTin, I’m not sure you saying you’ve managed to maintain contact with them for purchasing off site will help there cause.

Appreciate what you are saying, but I should make it clear I never had contact out of biggie before their page was blocked. I never got the impression they were taking anything off site, far from it, they seemed very keen on building here in the biggy community, and I never got a sense of them playing foul. Any vendor you purchase from has your contact details. I got three letters from vendors when Empire fell...
I have a strange urge to buy some coloured laces? I wander where I got that idea? Hehe
I have a strange urge to buy some coloured laces? I wander where I got that idea? Hehe

I wasn’t having a pop man, just how others will read into it!
Like you say though we’ll unlikely find out the real truth and like zz87 I genuinely hope none of the good guys here get stung! Head to bboylaces. com mang and pimp the sneakers! :)
Like you say though we’ll unlikely find out the real truth and like zz87 I genuinely hope none of the good guys here get stung! Head to bboylaces. com mang and pimp the sneakers! :)

I think I've been stung - still waiting for an order from the 8th and am in no man's land with no contact available to BCA. And I'm not the only one waiting. Of course if it does land, I'll eat my words. Keep your fingers crossed for me, peace Biggaz x

The cleanup borg just said they've been trying to go off site to avoid transaxe and that they'd been warned about it several times... that doesn't sound good to be honest although those warning messages can pop up for no reason at all!

I can only speak from my own experiences, but the efforts to get them removed appear to have been under way for some time and I was not approached to go elsewhere despite having a decent chat with em. Now that their page has been removed I have made contact elsewhere, but till last night it was all about biggy.
Something smells fishy, but I guess we will never know the whole story :)
Something smells fishy, but I guess we will never know the whole story :)

Whatever happened I just hope none of our biggas lose out that's what I don't want to see :( and if there was stuff going in a hidden topic like they said then I wish biggas would be more open and not hide away coz we have to look after each other!
Glad it's gone well for the biggas who got it tho!, none of my business but whatever you do going forward be safe mate :)
Glad it's gone well for the biggas who got it tho!, none of my business but whatever you do going forward be safe mate :)

I was not aware of any hidden topic, but I was on their VIP page? Didn't see anything unusual?
Maybe I'm just a bit thick (wife nods enthusiastically).
Maybe I'm just doing the optimist thing again, but I doubt anyone will lose out as they appeared really genuine! Whats done is done, they move on, we move on.
Maybe I'm just a bit thick (wife nods enthusiastically).
Maybe I'm just doing the optimist thing again, but I doubt anyone will lose out as they appeared really genuine! Whats done is done, they move on, we move on.

Yup just read that and unfortunately that the rules for everyone, regardless of the size of the operation and where they actually operate from.

That’s a shame, from where I was sitting they seemed genuine and they def brought the prices down for the none Z buying customers like me.

More power to them! Get more of that BC bud flooding the UK yo!
I'd love a fat order but not sure I fancy international post.
I'd love a fat order but not sure I fancy international post.

1 post
+1 votes

"Cali" weed help
Big budget R&D and genuine measured quality control.
There’s comparable bud in U.K. for sure, but like anything made at home compared to a commer…

"Cali" weed help
Hi all,
not being funny but what is different about "cali" weed, other than the price.
please don't say white Ash lol
not being funny but what is different about "cali" weed, other than the price.
please don't say white Ash lol

Is French wine better than English? Is Scotch whisky better than Polish? The main factors that influence the final product are the “terroir” (yes, that’s a real word) of the plant. The soil, the water, the sunshine, the altitude, the cultivation. Ocean Grown (OG) seeds seem to do extraordinarily well and can contrast markedly with Euro hydroponics even when using the same seeds. Plus legalisation has bought in big competitive elements for strains to really stand out with their own USP.
Don’t forget that a big chunk of that ‘crazy’ high price now goes in tax to the government, plus licenses and store overheads.
The good thing is that on LB, you pays your money and you takes your choice. Even the most expensive cali bags seem to sell...good luck to them. Smoggyman’s Portland Oregan Mimosa (which ironically wasn’t expensive) blew my world!
Don’t forget that a big chunk of that ‘crazy’ high price now goes in tax to the government, plus licenses and store overheads.
The good thing is that on LB, you pays your money and you takes your choice. Even the most expensive cali bags seem to sell...good luck to them. Smoggyman’s Portland Oregan Mimosa (which ironically wasn’t expensive) blew my world!

Just vaped his Ice Cream Cake so you won’t get anything but agreement from me! ;) Oh man, and this is UK hydro, Cali seed, cared for to perfection. What are we to conclude??

As others have said it's all marketing, turns out even weed smokers are corporate sheep :(
There's also this misconception that because it's legal it's safer... you know, because America is famous for its high safety, environmental and agriculture standards lmfao... also Americans LOVE pesticide and it's not unusual for cali weed to be heavily contaminated with stuff that isn't even legal here in the UK but hey-ho it's "legal" so it must be "safer". It's just not true at all.
Not saying there aren't some amazing growers out in Cali btw, of course there is there are amazing growers all over the world!
Still it gives middle class kids the opportunity to think they got something "superior" just because they paid the price of gold so that's good for them I guess ;P
There's also this misconception that because it's legal it's safer... you know, because America is famous for its high safety, environmental and agriculture standards lmfao... also Americans LOVE pesticide and it's not unusual for cali weed to be heavily contaminated with stuff that isn't even legal here in the UK but hey-ho it's "legal" so it must be "safer". It's just not true at all.
Not saying there aren't some amazing growers out in Cali btw, of course there is there are amazing growers all over the world!
Still it gives middle class kids the opportunity to think they got something "superior" just because they paid the price of gold so that's good for them I guess ;P

its just choice u can wear armani jeans or tesco will they both cover yout legs but many pay 150 for designer clothes when coukd hsve got tesco 12 quid jeans im not in for argunent or any malice but really its choice u dont have to buy but u also dont need to always have the cheapest iv bought cali snd its been shyte iv bought cali and it been mind blowing. Good cali .lasts twice at least as long so cost per joint isnt much diff from buying a 65 doller 8th. For me its a treat as BB points out just bevause from.cali dosent mean its automsically better but proper genuine cali is special

lol but then the religious folk would feel left out, I can only persecute so many people I'm just one man!
Jokes aside I was only pointing out something being legal in one country doesn't automatically make it safer - not trying to start an Atlantic war!
Jokes aside I was only pointing out something being legal in one country doesn't automatically make it safer - not trying to start an Atlantic war!

Seems some dividing opinions on this subject indeed!
thanks for your input, this is true the FDA let loads of stuff in food I believe that is banned in EU?
curious has anyone paid the prime bucks to "test".
thanks for your input, this is true the FDA let loads of stuff in food I believe that is banned in EU?
curious has anyone paid the prime bucks to "test".

Yup cali will definitely divide some opinions haha I should point out I'm obviously against it but my post is half tongue in cheek so please to any cali lovers out there don't take offence! :) People can smoke whatever they want but cali aint for me!
Definitely a big gap between European and American standards/regulations. On everything.
Definitely a big gap between European and American standards/regulations. On everything.

Cali weed is the upper echelon. If you thought smoking weed is nice then trust me cali is a different feeling. I hear a lot of people down play it but honestly if you've got the money then I don't see why not. Its more than just white ash its smooth tasty and more healthy. With packs or not cali weed will still be different than european weed.

This makes sense, I did think about the grape analogy. soil, direction facing, elevation, relative humidity.
But.. have we not come so far that bar a little variance you could replicate these ideal growing conditions.
But.. have we not come so far that bar a little variance you could replicate these ideal growing conditions.

Pretty much. The Japanese make highly acclaimed (and very expensive) whisky by analysing and replicating the exact mineral composition of Scottish highland water. But I’m not sure how many Scots would drink it!
Cali is fine weed but do the Dutch care?
Cali is fine weed but do the Dutch care?

I'm tempted to try a tiny bit back to back with what I consider prime bud.. for science lol
For me though a plant that is loved and cherished surely grows stronger, when doing loads how do you give that same love and attention?
Took me hours per week when i did it and that was just 2 babies
For me though a plant that is loved and cherished surely grows stronger, when doing loads how do you give that same love and attention?
Took me hours per week when i did it and that was just 2 babies

It’s a fair point. There are plenty of non-licensed street sellers in legalised States because buyers believe the mass grown product for government licensed shops is much poorer quality (and more expensive) than the small volume “craft” growers. It’s ironic when you think that legalisation was supposed to wipe out the street sellers but they thrive on quality & price!

i agree u have had shit cali no.better im fact worse than average uk bud but then had proper proper cali and was amazing. its not thst expensive as lasts longer as a littke bit goes a long way its simply a treat now again for me

Big budget R&D and genuine measured quality control.
There’s comparable bud in U.K. for sure, but like anything made at home compared to a commercial operation...
You know when you bought new weed and you’re wondering if it’s gonna be any good or not? You don’t have that issue in California, your buy comes with its test results.
There’s comparable bud in U.K. for sure, but like anything made at home compared to a commercial operation...
You know when you bought new weed and you’re wondering if it’s gonna be any good or not? You don’t have that issue in California, your buy comes with its test results.

1 post
+1 votes

New to BTC
Yes it's safe.
If you were selling, you'd work differently.

New to BTC
I’ve been on here a couple of months and have made several small transactions which all went very easily. I’ve used coinbase to buy BTC and then sent them directly from the coinbase app to the vendor. Is this safe? Or should I be transferring the purchased BTC to a different wallet first before sending to the vendor. I don’t intend to use BTC for anything other than said purchases. Thanks :)

As a noob added 60 USD to but now cant pay for 50USD worth of anything as the BTC amount needs to be 0.002 to withdraw, maybe i am missing something here

It’s just another of the ways the exchanges kick us in the butt- minimum transfer amounts AND high fees- making small or even reasonable purchases unviable. has a minimum of 0.004 (!). Moved to Bitpanda but it is still 0.0015

As I understand it, and I'm new to the Bitcoin game too, It's better to transfer your coins to an offline wallet. Thereby keeping it completely safe. I use the Exodus wallet which is very user friendly. I then pay directly from there. The only issue I have had is (unintentionally) not paying the full amount, but this is down to my incompetence. And I'm sorting that I out!

1 post
+3 votes
Genuine or not.??
No way to know unless someone takes the plunge.

Genuine or not.??
Anyone think this vendors legit.? No intro on his ratings....
Products look good...prices almost to good....don't know wether to give him a chance or not as its hard to get a good bit of hash at that price these days but wouldn't want to pass up on it at the same time
Products look good...prices almost to good....don't know wether to give him a chance or not as its hard to get a good bit of hash at that price these days but wouldn't want to pass up on it at the same time

Here's updates on my order which safely arrived this morning! Took about 5-6 days to arrive.
Really really happy with the order. The Egg looks out of this World, sticky, stinky and probably smuggled to Spain via some dude's butt. Totally worth the effort! Can't wait to try it.
The skunk looks and smells great. The buds are really dense! I wasn't expecting such quality. Again really happy and totally worth the price.
Only downside to the order was the stealth. Both weed and hash came in plastic baggies so no double wrapping or what you may get from the regular vendors on Biggy. However it arrived safely but I don't think it would have made it past a good boy's nose...
Overall extremely pleased with the order and based on my personal experience I can recommend Bobmarley710.
Bob if you're reading, I think you should invest in a machine that heat seals packages. Then you'll be just perfect!
Really really happy with the order. The Egg looks out of this World, sticky, stinky and probably smuggled to Spain via some dude's butt. Totally worth the effort! Can't wait to try it.
The skunk looks and smells great. The buds are really dense! I wasn't expecting such quality. Again really happy and totally worth the price.
Only downside to the order was the stealth. Both weed and hash came in plastic baggies so no double wrapping or what you may get from the regular vendors on Biggy. However it arrived safely but I don't think it would have made it past a good boy's nose...
Overall extremely pleased with the order and based on my personal experience I can recommend Bobmarley710.
Bob if you're reading, I think you should invest in a machine that heat seals packages. Then you'll be just perfect!

Hey Bigorre, what country did you get it delivered to? Stealth is a slight worry as I'm UK based...

To the UK. When I ordered I didn't realise it came from outside England so was a bit worried. Not sure if based on the stealth i'd dare order again but damn this hash and the skunk is amazing. And the price is top so I may very well risk it once again. If they invest in proper stealth then it could very well become my go to vendor, really impressed with quality and price.

To tell you the truth the olive looks so good I don't care how it was smuggled in! But I know for a fact that they very often get smuggled internally. The olive shape helps the ingestion and subsequent extraction.

Highly likely it’s but hash!!! But don’t worry, it’s usually the best hash... I’ve just ordered some. Lol

Slobber00 did you receive your order coz am getting ignored since the order was placed its still sitting at paid, order was made two days ago is this normal

Ya my first order came in 7 days,
My second order has been sent but took a few days to get sent.
He is a new vendor so I would try to be patient I suppose. So far people are getting there orders and are happy with the product, if he were to improve stealth I could see myself ordering regularly from Bob.
My second order has been sent but took a few days to get sent.
He is a new vendor so I would try to be patient I suppose. So far people are getting there orders and are happy with the product, if he were to improve stealth I could see myself ordering regularly from Bob.

I've also just placed a custom order for an egg and some skunk. Comms are good so far, fingers crossed all goes well. I'll update everyone.

Thanks for taking the plunge. Eu customer here. I'll be waiting to see how you go and probably make the same order.

Well after a few conversations with the new vendor on line, decided to bite the bulletin and order eggs, hash and skunk on a customised order. Will keep everyone posted if/when arrives and have asked vendor to reply to people’s comments to raise his profile. Happy Sunday Everyone!!!

Good on you buddy.. we need more vendors like this around.. and don’t forget escrow will protect your investment.

Over weight and under priced with Quality!! Not something you hear alot on LB but WOW. Just rolled my first doobie with the eggs and definately a night time smoke... Bigorre was right on the packaging, could do with being double bagged but for this price I can live it. Very Happy and would definately order again

I got two no show orders, one of which was placed over three weeks ago.
Tracking is not much help either.
Wondering if poor stealth is to blame.
Tracking is not much help either.
Wondering if poor stealth is to blame.

Seems like he's homegrowing skunk, making some hash and perhaps swapping these products for some other hashes he has thusly he can offer cheaper prices.

1 post
+2 votes

U.S. based bud vendors?
Change your settings to somewhere more local, you must be set on 'post to UK'

U.S. based bud vendors?
Hey there fam, I’m seeing a ton of U.K. based bud vendors but no U.S. based vendors. Anyone know of any U.S. based vendors on LB? I’m trying to avoid the local shops who charge premium prices (prices justified when the flower comes from renown growers) for their own average weed. I’m tired of finding no-name growers weed sold right next to well known premium grown stuff and charging the same price as the premium product. They carry a few primo products from reputable growers and they use that to bump up the price of the rest of their subpar product. If you were not local and walked into a shop out here in Cali, you’d guaranteed pay top shelf prices and walk out with average flower. Fuck that. Rant aside, any vendors here that are Cali or at least U.S. based? TIA!

Some sellers (won’t mention names) on here buy empty Cali packs from Amazon, wish and other retailers and put Uk weed in the packs and sell them on here as Cali packs. I would avoid them all, not worth it. Scammers the lot of them. When you call them out they result to insults and childish tactics.

Thank for the reply. I don’t see anything in the settings here to change posting locations. Can someone help me with this? TIA!

Vancouver Leafz are based in er...Vancouver....yeah I know, but it’s close and they say to message them about any strains you are interested in out that way.....

1 post
+1 votes

{buy help}
I cancelled a transaction through littlebiggy because Coinbase was being slow
Message the seller.

{buy help}
I cancelled a transaction through littlebiggy because Coinbase was being slow
I cancelled a transaction through littlebiggy because Coinbase was being slow
Will I get my money back/will my order still be processed? I sent the funds to the correct btc address and I thought coinbase would refund me as it was stuck for over half an hour on pending so I can order again at another time but apparently this isn't the case. What do I do I don't wanna lose £50 for no reason?
Will I get my money back/will my order still be processed? I sent the funds to the correct btc address and I thought coinbase would refund me as it was stuck for over half an hour on pending so I can order again at another time but apparently this isn't the case. What do I do I don't wanna lose £50 for no reason?

I have made this mistake before, always let the transaction run, coinbase have a flagging system so that an unconfirmed trade will flag up to miners, you can also track the transaction on the blockchain through CB. I had one recently that took 3.5 hours to go through, this can happen when there is unusually high trade volumes so its always a good idea to check volatility before ordering, many biggaz trade at night when things calm down which makes sense :)

i'm a first time buyer here, my btc didnt clear in the 30 minute window provided so i cancelled to, but its a good lesson! i'll just wait for the btc before ordering in the future
site looks awesome btw, feel like a kid in a sweet shop!
site looks awesome btw, feel like a kid in a sweet shop!

Just as I responded to you my seller got in contact! All is good, LB is truly an amazing site honestly. Might start selling myself when grow season comes around! I'm definitely waiting for the btc in the future as well, and in addition I won't be cancelling my orders from now on. Lesson learnt :)

Most Definitely! Welcome to LB, I've been using this site for almost a year and it truly is awesome right?! The people here are so warm and welcoming as well, JJ and thegreenteam have never let me down! What happened when you cancelled? Did you get your money back/did the seller still dispatch your goods? Apparently my seller hasn't been online for two days which is a bit concerning but I'm sure he'll eventually check before Monday.

Order hasnt been shipped til they receive payment I believe? So I just cancelled and messaged the seller and he just said no problem! Put the order in again just now and paid, I'll let you know how it goes!

I had this problem, the seller marked it as sent for stat purposes but told me he wouldnt be sending anything as he only received partial payment which was me trying to top up as it said unpaid in order section... coinbase held my funds for 3 days before sending and I stuck with it as it was delaying with every payment I made.
I am still trying to explain this to the seller but now nearly 3 months on I just keep getting asked for transactions receipts which i send but never actually sorting anything to reconciliate. very disappointed with both coinbase and seller.
Be sure to check your wallet status and it will say pending.. sent.. cancelled or arrived and try not to panic if nothing changed after an hour or two or longer... jeez it can be a pain.
I am still trying to explain this to the seller but now nearly 3 months on I just keep getting asked for transactions receipts which i send but never actually sorting anything to reconciliate. very disappointed with both coinbase and seller.
Be sure to check your wallet status and it will say pending.. sent.. cancelled or arrived and try not to panic if nothing changed after an hour or two or longer... jeez it can be a pain.

1 post
+2 votes
Hash out of stock - future hash listings info
Tons of high end hash here already, and a fair amount of crap calling itself high end.

Hash out of stock - future hash listings info
we have recently ran out of our phantom og hash imported from spain - it was listed at a very cheap price
since we ran out of stock, prices have rocketed and hash quality has gone down
we want to stock higher quality hash from spain, we have access to the best hash in the world. but ive noticed the uk market is much more hesitant on paying the premium good hash demands
spanish people on the other hand love hash - not just spanish and less frantic about flower as we britts are. this is from my experience travelling there. there is just much more hash fanatics in barcelona than there is in london for e.g.
people there love the lates and greatest, from double filtered dry sift to tripple filtered
from bubblebag hash to freeze dryer cured nug dry sift (hash that looks unbelievably beige or cream in colour)
but these types of hash in spain demand 20euro per gram for the x2 dry sift and above 40 euro for the freeze dryed beige stuff
we at HappyBear would love to stock this stuff, as we love to smoke it.
let us know
ill be posting some pics of what ive been smoking lately and tell you guys how much its going for in the cafes in spain
happy smoking biggaz
since we ran out of stock, prices have rocketed and hash quality has gone down
we want to stock higher quality hash from spain, we have access to the best hash in the world. but ive noticed the uk market is much more hesitant on paying the premium good hash demands
spanish people on the other hand love hash - not just spanish and less frantic about flower as we britts are. this is from my experience travelling there. there is just much more hash fanatics in barcelona than there is in london for e.g.
people there love the lates and greatest, from double filtered dry sift to tripple filtered
from bubblebag hash to freeze dryer cured nug dry sift (hash that looks unbelievably beige or cream in colour)
but these types of hash in spain demand 20euro per gram for the x2 dry sift and above 40 euro for the freeze dryed beige stuff
we at HappyBear would love to stock this stuff, as we love to smoke it.
let us know
ill be posting some pics of what ive been smoking lately and tell you guys how much its going for in the cafes in spain
happy smoking biggaz

I had some absolutely banging stuff last time I was in spain. They were calling it quadruple 0 and it was lethal.

then i will be another addition to the list of great vendors on LB
and yes ive seen and from experience on buying hash
market is corrupt
and yes ive seen and from experience on buying hash
market is corrupt

When I grew up hashish was way more potent than any of the weed I could grab.
Home growing got more sophisticated and crazy strong flowers hit the market. Then, all the hash just sorta dissapeared?!
Used to love to drop a nugget of squashy black in my tea :)
Would love to see some interesting hashes, let me know cheers.
Home growing got more sophisticated and crazy strong flowers hit the market. Then, all the hash just sorta dissapeared?!
Used to love to drop a nugget of squashy black in my tea :)
Would love to see some interesting hashes, let me know cheers.

Hey! I'm from the past also and used to smoke hash before I'd even seen weed. Lovely squishy black and crumbly light brown stuff. When weed started to takeover and evolved past super skunk, the hash devolved into Soapbar.
I recently had a lovely Moroccan blonde from another vendor on LB, only got an eighth but I wish I'd bought plenty more.
I recently had a lovely Moroccan blonde from another vendor on LB, only got an eighth but I wish I'd bought plenty more.

you would drop the hash into ur tea?
did it get you high?
i would have though the hash would need to be decarbed
unless u boiled it with ur tea then it would decarb
interesting stuff, sounds pleasing tbh, a hashy black tea with lemon hmm
did it get you high?
i would have though the hash would need to be decarbed
unless u boiled it with ur tea then it would decarb
interesting stuff, sounds pleasing tbh, a hashy black tea with lemon hmm

It was really effective, the hash we'd get back then was all imported from India and was decarbed ready to go.
Need to use fatty milk though unfortunately, so the THC has got something to bind too.
Back then the hash was plentiful and cheap so didn't think anything of it. Would probably not be doing it with anything really special.
Need to use fatty milk though unfortunately, so the THC has got something to bind too.
Back then the hash was plentiful and cheap so didn't think anything of it. Would probably not be doing it with anything really special.

I remember you could just put a bit of hash under your tongue and go out slowly letting it dissolve

1 post
+2 votes

You are correct that escrow Suisse says 16 days on their page, but help Borg says 12, and I can tell you 12 works.
Even after funds have released es…

Two questions, one of which I've already posted elsewhere but haven't had a response yet.
1. What's the actual point of holding funds if you can't dispute until AFTER the coin is released?
2. Does Escrow have the ability to see the messages between buyer and vendor on the order page? This would help my case.
1. What's the actual point of holding funds if you can't dispute until AFTER the coin is released?
2. Does Escrow have the ability to see the messages between buyer and vendor on the order page? This would help my case.

Actually, for the buyer the coin release date is fairly irrelevant. You can contact Escrow and flag an issue whenever you want (the earlier the better arguably) and you simply withdraw the dispute if it all comes good. Escrow will run down the clock in any event to give the vendor every opportunity to resolve and if the coin gets released that’s not your problem. People think the moment they raise a dispute they have irrevocably stained the reputation of the seller and embroiled themselves in conflict. Escrow are much more chilled than this- they contact the seller and seek a resolution.
To conclude: if you have waited too long and have zero or dodgy comms flag it to Escrow ASAP. There is no stigma and you can always retract when the smiling Postie hands you your package of glory! ;)
To conclude: if you have waited too long and have zero or dodgy comms flag it to Escrow ASAP. There is no stigma and you can always retract when the smiling Postie hands you your package of glory! ;)

Thanks for your response. Actually got everything sorted and have received a full refund through Escrow. Vendor had also contacted Escrow and asked then to refund me so everything went through very quickly and efficiently.

Cool! I’ve actually had better responses from Escrow than Amazon such is the strange world we live in! But it certainly makes ordering here a whole lot less stressful :)

Granted Im new to LB but Ive tried opening up a dispute on an order from UK vendor (UK to EU delivery, recorded untracked) 3 days ago, 2 days before autorelease, and Escrow still hasnt opened my chat/mail. Funds are now released and no package in sight. Vendor offered a re-ship but how do I even know they even sent it if theres no tracking? They said they will now have tracking but Im still waiting. My dumbass had to order from UK and I know how brexit fucked it up. This shit is hella frustrating ... waiting on my first 2 orders for 20days now. Ok, the other one is from the middle east and it will take awhile but still...

if your package from the middle east is from hashisin it'll get there just fine. One of the stealthiest on here

thanks man, in fact it hit my national and Im stoked ... have you maybe had the chance to try his warez? I havent had proper hash in ages so...

I've used him 4 times, yet to be disappointed. If his Diesel Cream hash crops up again buy as much as you can, its my favourite hash in 30 years of smoking

First order was with some trepidation as it was coming from so far away but I had one for Hashisin (my latest) that took under 7 days from ordering to arriving and it beat another UK vendor's 1st class delivery. A bit of a freak occurrence as RM is so inconsistent at the moment (I ordered 2 lots form one vendor recently and the 1st class beat the NDD one despite being sent at the same time!)

Well that sucks mate. This probably doesn't help but I've dealt with Escrow in the past and have actually received 100% refund but this particular situation affected a dozen or two buyers and was mass reported. As far as I know everyone got their money back so hopefully it'll work itself out for you.

Thanks mate. Im a newb at this so I am maybe overreacting. I see that other commenter said that buyer rights extend even if funds get released and that would be awesome. Happy borg said it too. But fck, I am certainly anxious to get my orders. I know, one has to be patient as much as humanly possible

I wouldn't say you were overreacting, it's a painful experience when your money's in limbo. Not exactly "protected by PayPal" in these situations. I imagine Escrow are busy as fuck but that doesn't help the individual relax when they're waiting for a response. I, for one, have not been able to function the last few days worrying about my order. It's a lot of money for me and I can't buy anything else in the meantime as there's no money left in the "pot pot". Makes life rather difficult

Yeah, and its worse when youre absolutely new to it. Im like wtf is going on most of the time loooolz. And my budget for new set of clothes is nowhere to be seen because I discovered LB haha..In any case, nothing we can do except be patient and look out for our rights if we have any.

You can dispute BEFORE the coin is released. This is the point of escrow
Escrow is two weeks so that's well enough time to sort with your vendor or contact transaxe chat for dispute
2. Yes
Escrow is two weeks so that's well enough time to sort with your vendor or contact transaxe chat for dispute
2. Yes

Appreciate your response but that does contradict what I've seen. Escrow says you can dispute only after 16 days, by which time funds would have been released a week ago as release time started at 6 or 7 days on this order. I'll put a dispute in regardless, but that's why I asked. Your answer to my second question has given me some confidence though. Cheers

You are correct that escrow Suisse says 16 days on their page, but help Borg says 12, and I can tell you 12 works.
Even after funds have released escrow can and will refund.
Even after funds have released escrow can and will refund.

Thanks, this helps put my mind at ease a little. The main thing for me on this one is that the vendor actually acknowledges that they never sent my order, even though they marked as sent on order page. They tell me every day "I'll post tomorrow". Surely with that it should be a very straightforward procedure. "You paid, vendor says they haven't sent your order - here's your refund"
I won't name the vendor here as there is still a chance that they are having genuine issues as they've been communicating and openly admit that they haven't sent it, which would be a strange tactic if they were on the con but I can't keep getting told every day "I'm sorry I'll send tomorrow" to no avail.
I won't name the vendor here as there is still a chance that they are having genuine issues as they've been communicating and openly admit that they haven't sent it, which would be a strange tactic if they were on the con but I can't keep getting told every day "I'm sorry I'll send tomorrow" to no avail.

1 post
+2 votes
Let's just say the stealth is so good that the first time I received a package I thought it was empty! But it wasn't and good times were had (don't want to give away the game!) Plus you can track the order each step. 10/10 would recommend. And it only took 5 days to arrive (to UK) both time.

It works like a charm.
I ordered from Hashishin twice now. It takes a little longer (just imagine tge distance and troubled times we live in) , but good things are worth the wait.
The stealth Hashinhin is providing is something for the books, never seen anything like it. Top notch defined anew. Super friendly service.
Definitely will ordering again.
I ordered from Hashishin twice now. It takes a little longer (just imagine tge distance and troubled times we live in) , but good things are worth the wait.
The stealth Hashinhin is providing is something for the books, never seen anything like it. Top notch defined anew. Super friendly service.
Definitely will ordering again.

Magnificently, of course.
The time taken, 20 days to UK, was accurately projected and the tracking can ease any concerns. The ship may call at a lot of ports. I was advised the package was local at 06.30 and it was on the mat at 10.00.
The time taken, 20 days to UK, was accurately projected and the tracking can ease any concerns. The ship may call at a lot of ports. I was advised the package was local at 06.30 and it was on the mat at 10.00.

I think he’s asking how a order sent from let’s say Israel can arrive in let’s say Romania :) without getting through customs? Becose i’ve recently give up ordering from UK for that reason. BTW i’m a fan of your candyshop, i’m salivating hard when i look at your oferings but reluctant to order due to question above. Much respect Bro!

Having ordered from here in the UK, I can say that Hashashin’s delivery time’s are quicker than I’ve had from most U.K. vendors!
A staggering achievement when it’s coming from the Middle East.
And as others have said his stealth is out of this world. Not had any issue.
Wouldn’t hesitate to purchase from him again.
Just waiting for Hashashin to get some new stock in...... :)
A staggering achievement when it’s coming from the Middle East.
And as others have said his stealth is out of this world. Not had any issue.
Wouldn’t hesitate to purchase from him again.
Just waiting for Hashashin to get some new stock in...... :)

1 post
+1 votes

Portable dry herb vape
Still the Mighty, but add the Tinymight (some say it's better).
A revolution in desktops in that time though. Many more options in a slightly wider £…

Portable dry herb vape
Back when I vaped bud a few years ago the storz and bickle mighty was fairly well accepted as the best available unit (from what I remember). Is that still the case? What's the front runner these days in the £200-£300 range? Anyone got any thoughts on this?

Still the Mighty, but add the Tinymight (some say it's better).
A revolution in desktops in that time though. Many more options in a slightly wider £200-£400 range.
A revolution in desktops in that time though. Many more options in a slightly wider £200-£400 range.

1 post
+1 votes

Cutting out tobacco?
Smoked weed for 30 years in joints with tobacco +cigarettes.
Swapped fags for a nicotine vape for 5 years but couldn't find a fix for joints. Tried e…

Cutting out tobacco?
I want to cut out tobacco from my life. I smoke several joints per day and so I wondered what others do to replace or remove tobacco from the process lol.

Hi, I smoked joints with tobacco for over 20 years , it wasn`t till a couple of years ago i stopped, I`ve tried a few alternatives eg, Damiana, Real Leaf, Greengo, but tbh they all taste like shit, and leave a nasty lingering smell. I found that when the nicotine was completely out of my system that i did not crave for the joint....just the thc ha, if i want a joint i just make a small pure 1, but that`s very rarely these days as i`ve invested in a Dynavap the beauty of this device is that you can toke it like pipe or a of both worlds, and also it is more of an uplifting cleaner high with vaping....hope this helps, best of luck with your journey.
Peace out
Peace out

I just want to echo some of what MH said as I have a similar history. The thought of moving to pure weed joints made me think of a huge increase in cost but the reason for all those spliffs in a day was the nicotine craving. Plus was I really getting high or just feeling the nicotine fix? Personally I vaped nicotine until I reduced the % to 0 over 6 months or so. Then one day just stopped vaping as I thought what’s the point? Now I pipe or joint some weed WHEN I WANT TO and actually GET HIGH!! However you manage to quit you will smoke less but get more high! Winner :)

When I quit smoking, I booked a week off work, bought a big bag of weed and a pipe, did a big shop to make sure I didn’t need to leave the house for anything, shut myself at home in my PJs and smoked myself silly. Every time I had a craving for a cigarette I blazed another big pipe of pure weed. Got absolutely caned for days and days... and came out the other end not wanted to smoke tobacco ever again!

buy a decent dry herb vape (I recommend one with a convection oven).
- you'll get your money back eventually from not buying tobacco
- it's a more efficient way to smoke since there's no combustion
- you can use the already vaporized bud AVB for making weed butter etc
Personally I taste the weed better when vaping and it never burns your throat so you don't spend the next day coughing like you have covid or something.
That said I still prefer a joint from time to time especially with mates :)
- you'll get your money back eventually from not buying tobacco
- it's a more efficient way to smoke since there's no combustion
- you can use the already vaporized bud AVB for making weed butter etc
Personally I taste the weed better when vaping and it never burns your throat so you don't spend the next day coughing like you have covid or something.
That said I still prefer a joint from time to time especially with mates :)

Get yourself a nice pipe and replace the joints with pipe hits. I used to be a smoker and quit before I started smoking weed. But I used a vape and eventually lowered the nicotine dose and just eventually fucked off the vape shit. I never wanted to pick the habit back up so have always just smoked weed clean.

My lungs are shot from years of joints, bongs and general smoking so I switched to edibles, now I can’t imagine going back. I get my nicotine fix from an ecig.

Like many other comments I cut out tobacco years ago, I smoke hash with a nice little pipe. Works beautifully. Now I can still go for a run while high and I’m fine.
No way I could have done that while smoking baccy joints.
Processed tobacco is a killer, full of nasty chemical shit, cut it out and you’ll be much better off. :)
No way I could have done that while smoking baccy joints.
Processed tobacco is a killer, full of nasty chemical shit, cut it out and you’ll be much better off. :)

Yes mate, just pure and crumble a small bit. You need one of them small pipes with a very small bowl and the requisite gauze In the bowl. I have a nice solid brass one where you can take the main pipe arm out and scrape it clean. Perfect. I can do my work etc have nice little hits through the day.
Adding more or less hash according to what I’m doing.
Adding more or less hash according to what I’m doing.

train yourself to smoke them pure! roll them small, take 1 or 2 draws. if nicotine withdrawels are really bad use cbd oil or vape cbd in the meantime. you'll be off it in no time bud!

Best tobacco substitute for joints is shake. Fills out a joint nicely. Better if it's the little popcorn bud shake, pretty much makes your smoke into a 100%cannabis blunt. I smoked and used tobacco in joints for ten years maybe. Managed to quit using progressively weaker nicotine vape juice and switching out tobacco with shake in joints. Found sometimes just smoking something helped fight the urge. Something about rolling a joint and lighting it up.

You can go cold turkey or gradually reduce the amount of tobacco you consume daily. Either from a whole ciggie or tobacco mixed with your joints. The problem here is not the tobacco its the nicotine in the tobacco. If you mixed it with a joint you are still consuming nicotine so you gotta take note of it. If you go cold turkey, get ready for nicotine withdrawal symptoms like mood swings etc. You can also keep yourself motivated with stuff like this while you're smoking pure flowers and zero nicotine.
Some fun facts . The urge to smoke lasts only MINUTES . If you can distract yourself from it, you will forget you wanted to smoke.
Think of it like a short grind . Once you're over the crux its pretty much smooth sailing.
Again, take note of the withdrawal symptoms. You can do it mate! And reward yourself with some grams of greens from LB when you hit your weekly/monthly milestones!
Some fun facts . The urge to smoke lasts only MINUTES . If you can distract yourself from it, you will forget you wanted to smoke.
Think of it like a short grind . Once you're over the crux its pretty much smooth sailing.
Again, take note of the withdrawal symptoms. You can do it mate! And reward yourself with some grams of greens from LB when you hit your weekly/monthly milestones!

Smoked weed for 30 years in joints with tobacco +cigarettes.
Swapped fags for a nicotine vape for 5 years but couldn't find a fix for joints. Tried every pipe and tobacco substitute I could find.
Decided late 2019 that enough was enough and ditched joints for THC vape carts to vape alongside my nicotine vape.
THC carts worked, but I didn't love them and came across Dynavap Jan 2020 and thought it had to be worth a try. That was me sorted. I kept dropping the nicotine in my e-cig until it was nicotine free and I've now ditched it altogether.
Dynavap most evenings, desktop vape back when we used to be allowed friends over, abv edibles for 100% couch lock.
Swapped fags for a nicotine vape for 5 years but couldn't find a fix for joints. Tried every pipe and tobacco substitute I could find.
Decided late 2019 that enough was enough and ditched joints for THC vape carts to vape alongside my nicotine vape.
THC carts worked, but I didn't love them and came across Dynavap Jan 2020 and thought it had to be worth a try. That was me sorted. I kept dropping the nicotine in my e-cig until it was nicotine free and I've now ditched it altogether.
Dynavap most evenings, desktop vape back when we used to be allowed friends over, abv edibles for 100% couch lock.

Yeah, agree with a lot of people on here. Stopped smoking about 4 months ago.. started moving from joints to pipes slowly during the day and using the bong at nights. Felt great for it for a while but noticed I was smoking a LOT of plant matter. So moved to concentrates instead for a while but still coughing a lot. I've finally come to the distillate vape cartridges and I feel fantastic. Clean stone, and I'm only toking a few times a day because it's so strong. About the same cost too.. .5ml for 35 quid lasts about 3 days.. same as a half q

I’m using hemp flower as a tobacco replacement, you can buy it legally online and it’s bud but without THC (try I mix it with hash or proper weed when wanting to roll a spliff. The only downside is the legal bud can drown out any taste from the good stuff but it work the same :) I mix it with hash or proper weed when wanting to roll a spliff. The only downside is the legal bud can drown out any taste from the good stuff but it work the same :)

Just shifted to Vape juice (I dilute it with my normal low nicotine vape juice, its a bit more complex than smoking joints, need to consider vape wattage and PG/VG blending).....
Do this alongside some edibles and you get
- No Cravings for fags
- Slightly delayed and weaker hit from Vape Juice, but enough for day to day
- Top up with some edibles. BY FAR THE BEST I have seen so far are the Chuckles Range. Best Tasting, and good range that hit the spot and last a while.
NOTE: Weed is cheap, Edibles are good value, vape juice is expensive, but you aren't buying cigarettes and your lungs are much much clearer.
Do this alongside some edibles and you get
- No Cravings for fags
- Slightly delayed and weaker hit from Vape Juice, but enough for day to day
- Top up with some edibles. BY FAR THE BEST I have seen so far are the Chuckles Range. Best Tasting, and good range that hit the spot and last a while.
NOTE: Weed is cheap, Edibles are good value, vape juice is expensive, but you aren't buying cigarettes and your lungs are much much clearer.

vaping dry herb is decent. i stopped smoking that way- these days if i still fancy burning weed i’ll just roll a joint with no tobacco and take a few hits at a time. Alternatively, i’ve found the dryness and subtle odour of thai red string means it makes perfect roll ups without the need for tobacco- not too strong, i smoke them often and they just look and smell a little like tobacco to any passer by...

1 post
+2 votes

Duel dry vape & oils vaporiser
If you don’t mind butane a dynavap is great for dry herb and hash (the 2020 version) and add a coil for concentrates for a sub £100 fix.

Duel dry vape & oils vaporiser

If you don’t mind butane a dynavap is great for dry herb and hash (the 2020 version) and add a coil for concentrates for a sub £100 fix.

You would be better off getting dedicated devices, if you don't want to go the butane route then something like the smono 3 is a cheap convection vape (about £65) which is clone of the fury2/potv one and then get a cheap concentrate pen like a yocan regen and a battery like a ccell or yocan kodo for the oils. It's not a million miles off the cost of that vape, gives you redundancy if something breaks and will most likely produce some better results. Full disclosure I have a smono 3 and the yocan stuff hence why recommended them, the smono comes with a concentrate quartz bucket for concentrates and it's shit buy a pen. Peace out x edits were spelling, grammar and some missing words... Hope I spotted the worst offenders

Reviews on it a pretty good, alltough not a lot of info availbale yet. Not great for concetrates though. If you are dead set on having everthing in one device it looks really good. I personally go for separate devices and spend some more on what you enjoy the most.

1 post
+1 votes
how2 buy on little biggy discussion
Click /Items
Check that /Ships To: is set to your home country (top of the items screen).
Everything on that list should be available.
When you fin…
I love the pic with the sperm and the egg. I wonder if "little biggy" refers to the sperm and the egg in the picture. After all, what is being sold here it always gets back to getting little to biggy.

I'm still trying to get started myself- wish there was a list of seller reviews in one place, it would make it easier for a newbie

Click /Items
Check that /Ships To: is set to your home country (top of the items screen).
Everything on that list should be available.
When you find something you like click into that product page to check:
The sellers rep ( the /10 score by their name).
The product rep ( the /10 score by the product name).
What the recent reviews are like (and how old they are).
If you're happy and you've checked the myriad bitcoin threads... click Buy.
Then follow the on screen instructions on sending payment of the Bitcoin amount.
Check that /Ships To: is set to your home country (top of the items screen).
Everything on that list should be available.
When you find something you like click into that product page to check:
The sellers rep ( the /10 score by their name).
The product rep ( the /10 score by the product name).
What the recent reviews are like (and how old they are).
If you're happy and you've checked the myriad bitcoin threads... click Buy.
Then follow the on screen instructions on sending payment of the Bitcoin amount.

Can I purchase 2 items from the same seller in one transaction? I tried to do this but I dont seem to be able to add the other product and dont want to get charged two delivery fees?

There isn't this functionality but many sellers have a shipping option called "2nd item" that is free. If your seller doesn't have it yet tell them about it.

If I order 2 different items from 1 vendor, I leave the shipping off the 2nd item and send a note to the seller. That has worked for me every time I tried it.

If you send a note to the seller in advance they can configure this for you. Some sellers just don't think of this frankly.

1 post
+1 votes
Over charged
When you buy an item you're asked to pay in bitcoin, if you'd done that you'd be high by now.
Sorry, but even your Mother couldn't side with you on …

Over charged
Be careful with vendors on here that don't update there bitcoin price. I paid 25 dollars last night which i have proof of. It was just under .00044 coin base gives you the option to pay in dollars.The listing showed 0.0005 for 25 dolllars which would 0f been overpaying by a few dollars. Now I'm being asked to pay more before i get my products. It's wrong and if not resolved I'll post screenshots etc to prove this. Hopefully it gets sent and resolved before i have to dispute it. These look the bomb

Hi scarface.
I think I know what has caused the problem here and unfortunately in this i stance it is neither your fault or the vendors fault.
Lb has a limited decimal point facility so it always rounds up to the nearest 0.0000 so at the time it may well have been 0.00047 but the system rounds this up to 0.005....this is oddly confusing because the site lists prices in dollars as a set unit and does not round these up in line with the btc rounding.
If you send the amount in dollars it will more often than not under the btc price listed...sometimes it will work the other way where 0.00044 becomes 0.0004 and you would save slightly.
I have a similar problem at work with my computer systems using rounds dung up methods and it often gives me discrepancies like this.
I'm not sure what to suggest in regards to getting the order through. I can only say that its something that will require compromise somewhere so it will need to be a joint decision between you and the vendor.
I hope all of that made sense and things get sorted for everyone.
Stay safe
I think I know what has caused the problem here and unfortunately in this i stance it is neither your fault or the vendors fault.
Lb has a limited decimal point facility so it always rounds up to the nearest 0.0000 so at the time it may well have been 0.00047 but the system rounds this up to 0.005....this is oddly confusing because the site lists prices in dollars as a set unit and does not round these up in line with the btc rounding.
If you send the amount in dollars it will more often than not under the btc price listed...sometimes it will work the other way where 0.00044 becomes 0.0004 and you would save slightly.
I have a similar problem at work with my computer systems using rounds dung up methods and it often gives me discrepancies like this.
I'm not sure what to suggest in regards to getting the order through. I can only say that its something that will require compromise somewhere so it will need to be a joint decision between you and the vendor.
I hope all of that made sense and things get sorted for everyone.
Stay safe

The order was 25 dollars. On coin base you can pay via dollars and it converts. I sent 25 dollars to you and just over 2 went to fees 27 plus a few pence total. You had .0005 down as the payment which is more than $25 dollars. I've paid for the items and for postage I've done nothing wrong. It is called for when you ignore messages. It should show you in dollars also on your transaction? $25.03 it was

I'm not sure why you think I have done this. My prices on my listing have not changed. You are given a price in coin and you sent that amount. You did not sent that amount. If you did then it would have said so. Transaxe does not lie. You messaged me at 5AM and I messaged you when I got online. I have already told you this. It's clear you want to argue and cause a problem for something that YOU did. I will not communicate with you anymore. Contact transaxe and you will be refunded. I have alread contacted them.

And I'm not saying you've purposely done it. You've just not adjusted your bitcoin price to go with the current rate and i ain't looking for no argument? Many orders from here not one issue ever so you've got the wrong end of stick there. I am just fuming how my 25 dollars isn't as good as the next persons

I do not need to adjust the price. The website does that automatically. I put the price in dollars, which has not changed since I listed it and then littlebiggy will do the conversion. Do you think vendors adjust prices all day every second BTC price changes? Of course not.
So now that you know that adjusting the price isn't a thing, please explain how this is my fault?
Also, the exchange rate changes constantly, so I'm not sure what you googling the currect price of coin is supposed to show?
I don't think you understand how this works. I've now dedicated over an hour of my day dealing with this and I've said everything I can say to try get you to understand what has happened. You are angry at me for something that I had nothing to do with. Transaxe will refund you as I've said and I will put it to bed here.
So now that you know that adjusting the price isn't a thing, please explain how this is my fault?
Also, the exchange rate changes constantly, so I'm not sure what you googling the currect price of coin is supposed to show?
I don't think you understand how this works. I've now dedicated over an hour of my day dealing with this and I've said everything I can say to try get you to understand what has happened. You are angry at me for something that I had nothing to do with. Transaxe will refund you as I've said and I will put it to bed here.

The price also shows in dollars which then converts to the required bitcoin 25.03 dollars was the amount you got sent in bitcoin. I don't want that i have ordered off many vendors with not 1 issue prior to this. I have done nothing wrong here paid the required amount this is something you need to look at on bitcoin convert you'll then see how much bitcoin 25 dollars is

If you had sent that amount the transaxe would agree with you. They said it's underpaid. I don't know what else to tell you. If you don't understand it I can't help you anymore. I do not have your coin. I did not take your coin. I will not send an underpaid order for a loss because you made a mistake. You have done something wrong. You made a simple mistake then posted topics about me, making out that it's my fault and I have done something wrong when that is not true. That is not fair.
You are causing so many issues over 25$ when all you had to do was get a refund from transaxe.
You are causing so many issues over 25$ when all you had to do was get a refund from transaxe.

Dope chef I have bought from you many times and you have always been honest and reliable. Just give it up, you can only argue with stupid for so long. I hope they realise that most vendors when asked for a refund or a re-ship their policy is to check the persons buying record and their behaviour on the forums. If anything goes wrong for them in the future like a package going missing nobody on here will give them sfa

If you contacted DopeChef first and asked nice am sure they would have let the order go through. Message borg a think it's called that maybe you can get your answer there it's really nothing to do with dopechef don't shoot me down just a bit of advice that's all good luck

When you buy an item you're asked to pay in bitcoin, if you'd done that you'd be high by now.
Sorry, but even your Mother couldn't side with you on this one.
Sorry, but even your Mother couldn't side with you on this one.

I am high right now. This was my last order with the last bits. Not asking for anyone to take a side i can stand by myself pal

thats a problem between you and coinbase not LB or any vendor, because of the fees you didnt send enough, thats why its best to buy bitcoin before paying for your weed on LB.
the bitcoin fees is nothing to do with LB or a vendor
the bitcoin fees is nothing to do with LB or a vendor

1 post
+2 votes

ghetto bikes
reviewers if you want me to believe you're not shills
I want to know things are more or less as described, and aren't underweight.
Quality is subjective.

ghetto bikes
reviewers if you want me to believe you're not shills
and i do appreciate the shills, they have killer photos.
but it would help us all if you made comparisons amongst what you are reviewing.
some kind of ranking system say this is number 3 in quality but number 7 in price.
this will be kinder to the sellers as well because they will know how to compete with quality and price rather than guessing and making a drama when they get it wrong.
love and appreciation to everyone here
but it would help us all if you made comparisons amongst what you are reviewing.
some kind of ranking system say this is number 3 in quality but number 7 in price.
this will be kinder to the sellers as well because they will know how to compete with quality and price rather than guessing and making a drama when they get it wrong.
love and appreciation to everyone here

Well put, the average ratings from verified purchases are more informative than the reviews which often read more like love letters rather than criticism.

In no order RB, TGT, ULC and Smoggyman all been consistently top sellers for me over the months but it all comes down to what strains and type of grows are best for you, helps if you know what you want.
You're mad if you think all these topics and pics on here are from shills though, weed doesn't need pushing because people already want to buy it that is literally the only reason to be on this site :) The only seller(s) who need shills are the ones that get banned and come back under new names.
You're mad if you think all these topics and pics on here are from shills though, weed doesn't need pushing because people already want to buy it that is literally the only reason to be on this site :) The only seller(s) who need shills are the ones that get banned and come back under new names.

Gotta say I agree 100% I can't imagine there is anyone on here that would need to do it unless they got banned and tried to come back lol.
Vendor wise I think you've nailed it other than missing DIUK. They have had some of the best stuff I've smoked in years on here recently.
Vendor wise I think you've nailed it other than missing DIUK. They have had some of the best stuff I've smoked in years on here recently.

I've only had one order with DIUK but it was a banging bit. Some of their "wow" stuff lately has looked amazing. Will have to get in on some of it soon!

The wow mac 10 and ice cream cake are hands down the nest stuff I've had from LB. I've had a lot of strains from DIUK but the recent Wow range they have got in with their new grower is just next level compared to the rest.

I've given up on the reviews. They are pretty much useless as most people rate before they have even tried it which is a massive pet peeve for me. I now have an edibles guy and a vape guy and a backup seller. It just seems like this site has a bit of a dark vibe to it atm there seems to be a lot of people complaining about orders being wrong or lost and bad communication. I will also leave a review on the sellers page with a bit of detail about the product so people can know a bit more about the product instead of just reading lots of 10/10 but I haven't tried it yet reviews

Yeah man I dont get the whole review before you receive thing, i mean how on earth can you leave something helpful for others if you aint even tried it yet.
I always try to mention qualiry, stealth and how heloful vendors have been etc, its only fair.
I always try to mention qualiry, stealth and how heloful vendors have been etc, its only fair.

It drives me nuts. Can you think of anywhere else you would leave a review before trying. You don't walk past a restaurant, look at the menu in the window and then post how its great but your not going to eat there until next week

The rating/review system works out as a very vague guide on LB. You should be able to work out who will actually get you something in a reasonable time frame. And perhaps if their stealth is adequate.
As to the quality and detail of the products themselves, the reviews aren't particularly useful. Time for an analogy...
Let's say you're really into your music. The finest thing in your world might be a rare, crackly first edition vinyl of a virtually unknown band, released in the early 1970's. Are the pops and crackles in the audio a good thing? Is this better then music released last year? Does this even make sense to someone who only listens to opera... or jungle... or K-pop?
Most people are only in-tune with what the mass market presents. If you know better, those opinions are largely irrelevant.
As to the quality and detail of the products themselves, the reviews aren't particularly useful. Time for an analogy...
Let's say you're really into your music. The finest thing in your world might be a rare, crackly first edition vinyl of a virtually unknown band, released in the early 1970's. Are the pops and crackles in the audio a good thing? Is this better then music released last year? Does this even make sense to someone who only listens to opera... or jungle... or K-pop?
Most people are only in-tune with what the mass market presents. If you know better, those opinions are largely irrelevant.

Its the relative ratings that matter. It's a very good bet that if 2 items have 50 ratings and one has a higher rating that it's better, especially if the price is similar.
Why we need rankings to see this at a glance.
Why we need rankings to see this at a glance.

I must've been lucky or selected the right people??
I do agree would be good to see product / seller rating split.
i like the blurb but not walls of text, im usually too baked to read it all.
Only had 5 strains so far and a hash. all were top notch.
i would say A******* give or take a star LOL
I do agree would be good to see product / seller rating split.
i like the blurb but not walls of text, im usually too baked to read it all.
Only had 5 strains so far and a hash. all were top notch.
i would say A******* give or take a star LOL

It could all be resolved if reviewers took a minute and a sentence or two to explain their ratings. Just putting a number is of no real help and rating because you’ve received it but yet to try is mind numbing...

Lol. I notice on Leafly a lot of reviews are written when totally baked and are very entertaining! (Particularly the ones that start with “Weeeeeeeeeee!!!”)

I want to know things are more or less as described, and aren't underweight.
Quality is subjective.
Quality is subjective.

It's a rough metric for me. I don't tell other people how to review and don't expect the same in return. Personally, with respect, I don't really worry about what people believe. If people want to go into detail and be more explanatory, that's up to them. The metric serves well as a trust device, not a wine taster's palate guide, at least for me.

I agree but the shills mainly come from vendors who review there own products get banned eventually then reappear under new names

nobody needs to push weed. people be lining up to buy it right now with how things are.
I appreciate all the reviews here; few have let me down. We need more buyer feedback not more criticism of it. Feel free to lead by example.
People oft moan about the rating system. but it's pretty obvious it's end purpose. The rating is for the overall sale; not just the weed itself. People are able to judge it however nicely or harshly they like with a review to help others below the item.
I appreciate all the reviews here; few have let me down. We need more buyer feedback not more criticism of it. Feel free to lead by example.
People oft moan about the rating system. but it's pretty obvious it's end purpose. The rating is for the overall sale; not just the weed itself. People are able to judge it however nicely or harshly they like with a review to help others below the item.

Out of curiosity who are you referring to? Anyone specific or just people who do reviews with photos in general?

I'm one of those people . Lol am I considered a shill? I'll praise the ass off a product if I like it, pictures included!

I much prefer outdoor organically grown herb. So it's "better" than puffed up hydro grown from my point of view. Others may describe my preferred herb as "no bag appeal/too loose/not dense/not stinky" etc
Therefore reviews are subjective as opinions are involved.
Hence a more complex score rating system would achieve nothing other than confusion.
imho ofc ;)
Therefore reviews are subjective as opinions are involved.
Hence a more complex score rating system would achieve nothing other than confusion.
imho ofc ;)

1 post
+1 votes

Where did the Love (hash) go?
Off the wall rn.
1 post
+1 votes

Help needed for Mighty
I found Pax to be the same.
Smokers seem to do better on butane vapes.
Try a dynavap or a stickybrick. Both have a learning curve but smokers love d…

Help needed for Mighty
Basically as title says, really badly need some help with the Mighty that I recently bought. My experience so far has involved wasting loads of weed to get the tiniest bit of vapour off about 2 or 3 pulls which has not got me stoned in the slightest. I bought the Mighty as I really wanna stop smoking joints (baccy) but that’s never gonna happen if this is all the Mighty is. I’ve watched videos about all the tips etc and still it’s a pile of shit. So I’m thinking maybe my Mighty is faulty or is vaping really just a complete and utter was of time/money. I’m already smoking a joint again because this is totally unsatisfying.

I agree with Kickass below, either faulty or a fake cos mine was banging out of the box, only thing that stopped me smoking joints, 9/10 sessions I go for the mighty now so don’t give up on it imo, what temp are you running? Using dosing caps or just the bowl? Maybe you’re filling and compacting too much, maybe not compacting enough...

I went for the digi volcano as dont realy smoke on the go,i usualy do bongs or buckets and the change over to the volcano was strange,only got hang of it now,i put at least half a gram of rough grinded flower in and i hit it at 230 c and it fills the bag with a proper vape cloud and makes me cough which i sorta need to feel to get a high,so my advice would be crank it up n try dif grind on material ie less or more grind,i find a quick rough grind not like dust :)

The Mighty works better with bud that is nicely dried/cured, not too moist and not too dry, . If too moist, can be difficult to get a good toke, as the weed clings together and prevents airflow. if too dry, it lacks potency. You can get away with these things when smoking a j or bong but vapes work better with weed that is dried properly.

Sounds like you either got a faulty unit or its a Chinese knockoff (yeah, they do that too..). What you described is not how the device should be working. Clean it off with cotton swabs and 99% alcohol and send it back.

Just to add to this. I have a Plenty by the same make/brand and get...plenty of vapour from it. Terrible pun. Always set at max temps and a great way to session smoke. I wouldn't let this put you off vaping it you can.

I’m assuming you have a mighty as well or have used a mighty?! Just wondering how you feel about the plenty ba the mighty as sometimes I want a giant bowl I can keep picking up and hitting and the plenty looks perfect for the job.

I've had a mighty but overall preferred how much easier it was to clean and maintain the plenty. The plenty is probably 20% better at producing vapour over the mighty. Downside is you're hooked in to the wall socket as opposed to having a more mobile device.. but that's not really an issue for my use case.
As for bowl sizes you can pretty much make any size bowl you want. The most I've tried is 1g but it could definitely take more. I got a room full of clouds with that, was like the straw that kept giving. I usually use a liquid pad for that reason.
As for bowl sizes you can pretty much make any size bowl you want. The most I've tried is 1g but it could definitely take more. I got a room full of clouds with that, was like the straw that kept giving. I usually use a liquid pad for that reason.

Thanks for the response pal, yeh that’s what I’m thinking judging by what I’ve read about it. I followed all the tips as closely as I could with regards to grinding, packing etc. It shouldn’t be knock off but who knows these days, I’ll be sending it back anyway.

I found Pax to be the same.
Smokers seem to do better on butane vapes.
Try a dynavap or a stickybrick. Both have a learning curve but smokers love dynavaps and the stickybrick is as hard hitting as vape gets.
If you buy from Vapefiend with the code 420 either will ebay for almost the same as you paid if they don't work out.
Just my thoughts.
Smokers seem to do better on butane vapes.
Try a dynavap or a stickybrick. Both have a learning curve but smokers love dynavaps and the stickybrick is as hard hitting as vape gets.
If you buy from Vapefiend with the code 420 either will ebay for almost the same as you paid if they don't work out.
Just my thoughts.

ive always found that non of the electronic hand held vaporizers such as pax,mighty ,plenty, etc etc etc tick the box .They all have limited whispy amounts of vapour production and non produce decent clouds of vapour.Also As with most electronic gadgets nowerdays these types of vaporizers can (and will) develop faults that need repair or replacement.
Look into The sublimator(torch driven) and dynavap vapes ,neither are electronic,no way can they develop faults and both really do tick the ex joint smokers box massive clouds great high and all from very small amounts of material (hope this helps ) X
Look into The sublimator(torch driven) and dynavap vapes ,neither are electronic,no way can they develop faults and both really do tick the ex joint smokers box massive clouds great high and all from very small amounts of material (hope this helps ) X

Vaping is definitely not a waste of time and money and the mighty is a very well thought of vape but coming from smoking joints its gonna feel very different. I stopped combustion late last year but went through a few vapes trying to find something that worked for me. I have something similar to the mighty but have found that it doesn't give me the satisfaction of say smoking a joint as I don't get as stoned. This is partially due to removing nicotine and partially due to the device. People below have recommended butane vapes like the dynavap and from what I have heard they do appeal to the person wanting to quit joints cause of the way they hit, I bought a vivant v leaf go which is basically a battery powered version of a dynavap (imo) i run it through a small glass bong and it has completely replaced smoking for me. anyhow what i'm trying to say is vaping defo works but you need to match your devices to whats gonna work for you is a good rescource for seeing all the various options - everyone will always jump on the butane thing but my missus would not be impressed with my whipping out a flamethrower each time i want to vape, where as me sucking on the space dildo is way less disturbing for her... ymmv is a good rescource for seeing all the various options - everyone will always jump on the butane thing but my missus would not be impressed with my whipping out a flamethrower each time i want to vape, where as me sucking on the space dildo is way less disturbing for her... ymmv

The mighty is an awesome piece of kit m8. If your not enjoying the mighty you must have a faultly unit. One thing I would say is though that the mighty will never be like a joint. On the first draw with the mighty you should be tasting the flavours of the weed at 180 and then ramping it up to 190, 200 and 210 till your bowl is cooked. You dont get loads of smoke with it like you do with a joint. To be honest if a smoked a joint I'd whitey lol... vaping is the way forward and the mighty is king!

I’d honestly be contacting S&B or the retailer as deffo not at all right, agree with Kickass that it’s faulty or a Chinese knock off as mine was banging out of the box, it’s never going to be a spliff but it’s as close as you’re gonna get right now imo.
I toke on my mighty like I would a fag or spliff just little pulls / puffs and I can get nearly 20 mins out of a full bowl
I toke on my mighty like I would a fag or spliff just little pulls / puffs and I can get nearly 20 mins out of a full bowl

3 posts
+5.5 votes

Which method of consumption is cheapest?
Herb. Dynavap, stickybrick, Elev8r. More instant hit than electronic vapes IMV.
Vaping concentrates in both Dynavap and Elev8r work real well, I'm ju…
+ 3 more

Which method of consumption is cheapest?
First of all, hello! I just signed up a couple of days ago and have placed my first order! :-D
I stopped smoking bud about a year ago now and switched over to dry herb vaping full time. (Using Crafty+). I love it and it seems to be saving me money as well as keeping me healthy.
My question is, in your opinion which is the most cost effective way to consume marijuana? In my 20+ years of using im still yet to try shatter, wax or e liquid tinctures. What's your opinion on the cheapest / most efficient way?
All the best
I stopped smoking bud about a year ago now and switched over to dry herb vaping full time. (Using Crafty+). I love it and it seems to be saving me money as well as keeping me healthy.
My question is, in your opinion which is the most cost effective way to consume marijuana? In my 20+ years of using im still yet to try shatter, wax or e liquid tinctures. What's your opinion on the cheapest / most efficient way?
All the best

Eating surely as there is no waste? Even a henry of hash can last 3 days for the most heavy smokers. Eat it all in one go and you literally will wake up 3 days later.

I think with a dry herb vaporizer you will get the best bang for your buck.
With mine i use 25% of what i would normally use in a blunt and get’s me BAKED.
With mine i use 25% of what i would normally use in a blunt and get’s me BAKED.

I think im doing it wrong then becoz ive stopped using my dry herb vape becoz i think im wasting weed, it doesn't even get me touched. I might be doing something wrong tho.

Sounds to me like maybe your vape isn't very good, or maybe it needs a good clean. A good vape should be much more efficient compared to the same quantity combusted

Nah I’m wondering what vape he’s using, Mighty and Flowerpot owner here, the Mighty is a beast isn’t it man, just got a new long glass stem, makes it even better mate.

Vaping 100% but depends on the vape, I burn though loads of bud on shitty vapes, even my dynavap which I hate and now don’t use shifts though bud if I actually want to get high... a nice bowl of the mighty gets me nicely chilled and a top up with a dosing cap sometimes is plenty, using far less than I’d use combusting for sure. A Log vape is the way forward, my flowerpot Weedeater can get me to brutal stoned off 0.1g lol, it’s just incredible but I far far prefer the ritual of a nice mighty bowl.
Ps. Good call on the Craft+ the S&B products are monsters, looking into the plenty now as the mighty never leaves home anyways.
Ps. Good call on the Craft+ the S&B products are monsters, looking into the plenty now as the mighty never leaves home anyways.

I had a plenty but sold it. Not very good compared with the mighty. Good luck though, you may like it;)

Really I just need a bigger bowl than the Mighty can offer for big sessions on the weekend, literally only reason I’m considering it. Why didn’t you like it can I ask? I’ve never tried one so interesting you’ve used both so can help me compare.

It holds a lot but you need to pack it to get a decent draw and also it takes ages to get a decent draw because it’s so big it takes a long time to heat the metal tube/ chamber which cools the vapour, but takes a lot of your weed away by making it condense on the inside which is a bitch to clean. It’s like a bigger mighty for sure but just like boxers and fighters, the mighty is bantam weight , fast and great technique, the plenty is a heavyweight, slower and worse technique;) the volcano is a better option for your group sessions, it has a whip now;) I also had one of those but sold it because the vapour made me cough too much. I am a mighty fan boy;)

Also it takes about 7 grams of bud to make a gram of concentrate. One vendor on here was doing grams of shatter for $40. Try getting a q for that price.

I’ve tried a few vapes and found some have a large chamber that take a hefty fill. I now use a Dynavap M because you get a big hit off a small chamber (and no batteries) but it is a bit fiddly...

I use the dosing capsule with the crafty+ it's a smaller amount and keeps it quite clean! I have the dynavap m and it's the coolest thing ever but unfortunately it completely ruins my lungs! Are you running through water?

Nah, it doesn’t fit my little bong. I agree it can get super hot, especially if I miss the click (I swear it doesn’t click every time!) so I overheat the bastard! The more I think about it, the more I should stick to edibles ;)

good question. I still smoke bud via the good old joint and have tried vaping. Didnt work for me but then again maybe I didnt invest in a good enough dry herb vaporiser, I bought the nebula fuzion, just found it made me cough alot, the higher the heat setting the better the hit but the cough it brought on was pretty heavy. Still didnt feel the hit was anywhere near as nice as a joint. I get that I probably need to invest in a better vape. Was thinking of getting a good water bong instead, with an ice chamber. Dont know if that would save money though but may mean i can use less tobacco + the ice chamber hopefully makes it cooler and smoother....maybe. Also perhaps it was just while I was trying out the dry herb vaporise, but I feel alot of weed was wasted trying to find the best setting to get the best hit, and like i already said it wasnt as good a hit as a dirty old J

I agree with everything u said here, from that lung hit u get to the uncontrollable coughing and the amount of weed u waste trying to find the best temp an stuff...still it might be my cheap vape, dont want to give up on it just yet but dont want to waste anymore money on another

Yep. I invested in some poor vapes. But it wasn't until i got the crafty that i quite easily gave up smoking

Yeah i probably thought as much. The nebula is a pocket sized one, just makes me cough like a mofo, was £60 I think. Looked at volcano which is pricey, as is the crafty but not quite as expensive.
Is the crafty smooth then? Felt like with the nebula I would have to turn the heat up to get a hit, which then meant alot of coughing, its weird because the smoke doesn't feel hot, just irritates the lungs the higher the heat...
might have to take a look at the crafty....
still tempted by a bong with some good cooling system though as well
Is the crafty smooth then? Felt like with the nebula I would have to turn the heat up to get a hit, which then meant alot of coughing, its weird because the smoke doesn't feel hot, just irritates the lungs the higher the heat...
might have to take a look at the crafty....
still tempted by a bong with some good cooling system though as well

I was sceptical at first bro. And you can't really trust the reviews online cos they all seem fake/ paid for. Not only does the crafty really chuck clouds compared to the others but also it's just such a smooth air path. That's really what you're paying for. The small portable are usually crap because the heating element is cheap and quite often causes unwanted combustion but also due to their small size, the air path is very short and in turn harsh.

I think you have convinced me to try the crafty. just have to figure out the additional cash flow.
anyone selling it you can recommend?
anyone selling it you can recommend?

I like vapefiend but having looked it's quite pricey at 220ish. It's on herbalize for only 169 although i haven't used that site before so can't comment on their service quality.

So I took the plunge. Can pay on paypal on a 3 month pay plan as well. But I didnt go for crafty or mighty in end. I went for Arizer solo 2. Ranked in alot of top 10s above the crafty...i know maybe just advertising sites but th more research and videos I watched it seemed the better choice. I dont like sound of the battery or charger on new crafty but maybe it was getting mixed up with older crafty versions. Anyways, this is a high quality dry herb vaporiser which supposedly has good quality vape, also bought a bong adapter.
UPDATE: Raggley, you were right. That extra money spend, as I guess would be expected, does guarantee a more quality vaping experience. The Arizer Solo 2 provides a good quality smooth vape that puts my other vape to shame (Nebula Fuzion). Arizer provides amazing flavour, battery life and easy maintenance and good amount of vape. I can now see myself being able to step away from the baccy...
I didnt go for the offer, looked a bit dodgy on trustpilot.
I may check out the volcano in the future, but the Arizer should serve me well for the time being
UPDATE: Raggley, you were right. That extra money spend, as I guess would be expected, does guarantee a more quality vaping experience. The Arizer Solo 2 provides a good quality smooth vape that puts my other vape to shame (Nebula Fuzion). Arizer provides amazing flavour, battery life and easy maintenance and good amount of vape. I can now see myself being able to step away from the baccy...
I didnt go for the offer, looked a bit dodgy on trustpilot.
I may check out the volcano in the future, but the Arizer should serve me well for the time being

Hey bro.. I'm happy for you! You made a good choice there.. I don't know if the arizer chucks out quite as much vapour as the mighty/crafty but they are beatifully crafted machines and very high in my estimations.
How are you getting on with it?
How are you getting on with it?

loving it. swapped my skinning up ritual for my grinding and loading up ritual. Got a bong adapter for it too. havent smoked a baccy joint for over a week now.

Really happy for you. After a while I really started preferring that clean and healthy buzz from the vape. All the best to you

Make sure it's the Crafty plus because it has the better battery life. The Mighty is the bigger brother.. by that i mean it has a bigger battery although in use it's exactly the same power/vapor output. I prefer the crafty though as it's smaller and charges via usb rather than the mighty which is a wall wart.
Feel free to pm me if you need any help
Feel free to pm me if you need any help

Thanks mate. Given the cost its probs going to be something i look at for March now. Will ping you then. Defo would like to smoke less tobacco, then again i dont smoke cigs, if theres no weed in it i dont smoke it...

Having used the Volcano, mighty and countless others.
The vape bag style are beat bang for buck!!
massive vspe bags on small amounts of herbs. I will say rhe volcano although expensive, demolished all for me.
Its smooth as fuxk and van vary the flavour and cloud size with temp.
A j is still nice but i mix with tobacco so its the nicotine thats feeding my addiction, if i killed that i could vape all day
The vape bag style are beat bang for buck!!
massive vspe bags on small amounts of herbs. I will say rhe volcano although expensive, demolished all for me.
Its smooth as fuxk and van vary the flavour and cloud size with temp.
A j is still nice but i mix with tobacco so its the nicotine thats feeding my addiction, if i killed that i could vape all day

Volcano worth every penny mate, sold first and bought another out lf regret.
could fill litre bags before a movie or gaming sess
any of the storz and bickel were good imo. tried a few other mains and handhelds and nothing compared
could fill litre bags before a movie or gaming sess
any of the storz and bickel were good imo. tried a few other mains and handhelds and nothing compared

In theory I'd agree but i feel like it's a lot easier to overdo it due to convenience. I'll have to try one some day. Just need to find a vendor that i can really trust

Herb. Dynavap, stickybrick, Elev8r. More instant hit than electronic vapes IMV.
Vaping concentrates in both Dynavap and Elev8r work real well, I'm just not sure they're good value considering. Make a damn good garnish on any bowl of green though.
Vaping concentrates in both Dynavap and Elev8r work real well, I'm just not sure they're good value considering. Make a damn good garnish on any bowl of green though.

Someone else, the only person other than me it seems that just doesn’t get the Dynavap... hot, harsh, barely any vapour and no effect... And this is over 3 diff dynas, it’s so odd.

I have not. I have a glass mouthpiece for it but no glassware. Anything in particular you'd recommend?

Sneaky Pete Baby Bong V2 XL for DynaVap, small & excellent, if you can find it as it sells out very fast!

I use a pax 2 for herb and the pax 3 internal oven for hash with vape wool, I think the trick is getting the right amount of wool round it too little or too much can mess it up. I load the base with a small amount of weed and top it up with chamomile. I don't think the pax gives an even cook, that's why I only put a small amount in. Hash is hit or miss but with practice the hit ratio is increasing. Sometimes I just blast the pipe to guarantee a hit. Would be nice to find the perfect take out portable vape though. Always looking to upgrade coz it would save money.

1 post
+1 votes
Sniff it and see.
Kif in Morocco comes mixed up with tobacco 'like a pinch of salt' and smoked in long pipes with clay bowls.
Not sure what you folks were snorting but…

Sniff it and see.
The Kief. This is an expensive temptation. Unfortunately, temptation is the only thing that I cannot resist! (Good ol' Oscar Wilde!) It's good. It's VERY good!
Wow, only time I enjoyed Kief was in a cafe outside of Rabat some years ago. I got rabbiting to a couple of local chaps. They invited me to sniff some Kief with them.
It was delivered from a small silver bottle with a cap on a chain. Same as snuff taking. A small amount is tapped onto the back of the hand. The blood vessels in the nostrils cover a lot smaller area than those in the lungs, so it comes on after a little while. A chilled afternoon in a country I want to return to once things clear up. Can't wait.
Gotta say yes to the good deal we cut and the generous weights supplied. This is a very good value product. Well done H!
Wow, only time I enjoyed Kief was in a cafe outside of Rabat some years ago. I got rabbiting to a couple of local chaps. They invited me to sniff some Kief with them.
It was delivered from a small silver bottle with a cap on a chain. Same as snuff taking. A small amount is tapped onto the back of the hand. The blood vessels in the nostrils cover a lot smaller area than those in the lungs, so it comes on after a little while. A chilled afternoon in a country I want to return to once things clear up. Can't wait.
Gotta say yes to the good deal we cut and the generous weights supplied. This is a very good value product. Well done H!

I don't think this was keif I think there was tobacco in there too. P.S. I tried the same thing in Fez and thought it was a dream because apart from you, I know no one else who's tried this.

Kif in Morocco comes mixed up with tobacco 'like a pinch of salt' and smoked in long pipes with clay bowls.
Not sure what you folks were snorting but I'm intrigued!
Not sure what you folks were snorting but I'm intrigued!

Me too! I swear when I tell this tale people don't believe it,but it happened. Never met anyone else who's tried it either-till whatcanido234 posted above.

Sounds like a placebo effect as thc is oil soluble. The bioavailability of a snorted cannabinoid depends on the product’s design. For example, snorting a line of pure kief won’t get anyone high, but it will burn the sinuses.

Interesting point. I'm high as a kite right now having snuffed some an hour ago. I usually eat my hash and the process, as I understand it, is the absorption of the active components into the bloodstream. Placebo? Not in my experience.

I dont get it, the keif needs to be decarboxylated to activate the thc just like you would for edibles. I’m glad your enjoying yourself but I’m with bigbum

I want to be careful here as some of the comments may have something true in them. However, I can say that the issue of decarb doesn't stand up as eating hash in its raw state is what I've done for many years. I have never eaten grass unless it's been cooked. The THC gets into the bloodstream. Snuff or snorting will do the same thing, like coke or sulphate back in the day. I've never swallowed coke, but I would wrap sulphate in a vera and swallow it. Works fine.

1 post
+2 votes

Vape recommendations
Also Dynavap everyday carry (desktops at home too).
I commemorated a year without tobacco/ nicotine/ ejuice a few weeks ago by smoking a pure pre-rol…

Vape recommendations
I’ve been considering buying a vape. I gave up cigs a few years ago but still use tobacco with green and hash. What are the best vaporizers for herb? I’d prefer not to spend a fortune, but am willing to if it results in a much better experience.
I’ve been considering buying a vape. I gave up cigs a few years ago but still use tobacco with green and hash. What are the best vaporizers for herb? I’d prefer not to spend a fortune, but am willing to if it results in a much better experience.

Hi mate
I use a dynavap and wouldn't be without it. It's a monster once you get the hang of it. Pretty cheap too.
I use a dynavap and wouldn't be without it. It's a monster once you get the hang of it. Pretty cheap too.

Ive been off tobacco for years, thought I could never give up rolling (I loved it!) I bought a glass pipe (& the easy way to stop smoking book) and really enjoyed the 'cleaner' high from pure weed and never looked back. Since then I have tried a variety of ways (have you tried the making a pipe from fruit, apple, pear etc and put in freezer ?;) ) Ive been using the PAX 3 Vape for years now for weed and wax and love it. Its not cheap to buy but effective, stealthy and quick to heat up. Thats my 2 cents, all Ill say is get off the tobacco, its nasty and the only reason its does anything for you is because of the withdrawls caused by smoking it. Break The Cycle and smoke the weed pure :)

Also Dynavap everyday carry (desktops at home too).
I commemorated a year without tobacco/ nicotine/ ejuice a few weeks ago by smoking a pure pre-roll expecting to get blasted. It tasted like shit and had zero effect.
Who'd have thought? Not me.
I commemorated a year without tobacco/ nicotine/ ejuice a few weeks ago by smoking a pure pre-roll expecting to get blasted. It tasted like shit and had zero effect.
Who'd have thought? Not me.

1 post
+2 votes
Why are people defending Hans when he’s clearly in the wrong
Because there are ways of going about it.
Whilst I agree with you on the BTC... 10 negging threads will just get you banned whereas 1 message to tra…

Why are people defending Hans when he’s clearly in the wrong
If you promise a 50% refund, you should issue a 50% refund. If a vendor doesn’t keep their promises, why should they be trusted?

Because there are ways of going about it.
Whilst I agree with you on the BTC... 10 negging threads will just get you banned whereas 1 message to transaxe could have taken all the stress out of it for both of you.
Transaxe refunds are at the BTC purchase price or whatever % of.
Whilst I agree with you on the BTC... 10 negging threads will just get you banned whereas 1 message to transaxe could have taken all the stress out of it for both of you.
Transaxe refunds are at the BTC purchase price or whatever % of.

You know that if the price of BTC had stayed the same there wouldn't be an issue here? But because of how volatile the currency is, refunds are often given in £or $. It is what it is. It can work out better, or worse, depending on what the BTC market is doing.

But is it fair that Hans keeps 70% of the asset when he said he’d issue a 50% refund? Surely that should 50% of the asset he received,

Does he not realise he is burning his bridges with every other vendor over sweet f a in the bigger scheme of things?

You keep neglecting the most expensive asset which was the weed he posted to you. At this point he's more out of pocket than you are.

How is he out of pocket when the Bitcoin he’s kept is worth $80 and the order was originally $68? Granted he returned some but he’s down a few quid and I’m down considerably more.

Because he posted you his weed. It has value. It's not a vendors fault what happens in the BTC market. They deal in real currencies. Jeeeeeeez man.
And yes of course you're down. You'd also be down if you got your 50% refund. The reason you're down is that your order went missing in the mail, which happens.
Even other vendors are now chipping in to show you how wrong you are. Move on.
And yes of course you're down. You'd also be down if you got your 50% refund. The reason you're down is that your order went missing in the mail, which happens.
Even other vendors are now chipping in to show you how wrong you are. Move on.

2 posts
+6 votes
check out our first review!!
"I opened the package... which was particularly discreet, no odour due to the efficient packaging"
+ 2 more

check out our first review!!
everyone please check out our first review
few more sales as we get the feel of this site and we will post 2 more items
also everyone seeing this shoot me a PM!!
few more sales as we get the feel of this site and we will post 2 more items
also everyone seeing this shoot me a PM!!

That’s the most suspect review I have ever seen. Sounds like it’s from high times or some shit. Congratulations of all the dawg floating about this country you have the best. Dawg ain’t shaking up anything mate.

It was reviewed by me and I have just ordered once again. While stardawg may be the conventional stock of a supplier, the degree of quality by RKUK surpasses any variant.

Exactly, you’re friend. There you go in your own words. No votes. No buys. Mate, you are digging deeper and deeper. If you think this is fooling anyone you are more foolish than I thought. I’m not going to explain why as you obviously don’t know but you have now made this a lot worse. You have confirmed exactly what you have done. Please keep it up.

Our friendship blossomed solely as a result of our recent transactions since RKUK has been on LB. I was very fortunate to have the opportunity of being his first customer on the site and, without a doubt, I won't be the last.

when i see ur username it puts a smile on my face bro
and likewise i have the same loyalty for u
i always got u brother!
speak soon
and likewise i have the same loyalty for u
i always got u brother!
speak soon

I’m happy for you mate. This pandemic we are all living through, it’s important to have friends. If you are genuine, I apologise and wish you all the best. I discovered LB because of the first lockdown and I had a lot of love for this place. Gentleman dealers, Urban leaf co, Drugs inc and the Green team are all excellent vendors and lovely to deal with if you are looking for another vendor. There has been a lot of shit went down on here since then which has made me use another platform but their are loads of genuine people on here who try to look out for each other.

well done, maybe add more items to your listings to get more sales!
kind regards, THB
kind regards, THB

"I opened the package... which was particularly discreet, no odour due to the efficient packaging"

Hello to all my friend! you've complimented about my stealth and I appreciate it a lot! the level of stealth is not going to change. I did add new different disguises. also, some of you complaint about too big of a carton box the item is shipped in and asked for smaller boxes for the items - well, you've got it! from now on only large orders will be sent in the medium boxes, all the rest will go in small as possible (for both item and disguise) boxes. if some of you wish for an envelope that fits a letterbox it's possible too, just message me and we'll make it work. new things coming on hashishin's shop, stay tuned. cheers!

Top guy, my stealth was amazing man. Was completely satisfied with my order. Very inventive and made me chuckle.
If you are improving this then great, not that it needed it. Hoping to place another order with you soon as I’m almost out of blonde leb.
If anyone reads this and Is thinking of ordering, go for it. The blonde leb and soft black I got were amazing bits of hash. Haven’t seen stuff like it since the 90s. Full tracking was provided and like I’ve already said the stealth was top notch.
All the best biggies. SSH
If you are improving this then great, not that it needed it. Hoping to place another order with you soon as I’m almost out of blonde leb.
If anyone reads this and Is thinking of ordering, go for it. The blonde leb and soft black I got were amazing bits of hash. Haven’t seen stuff like it since the 90s. Full tracking was provided and like I’ve already said the stealth was top notch.
All the best biggies. SSH

Thank you so much scottish! your words are greatly appreciated! the level of stealth will stay the same. btw the old stealth is still available for bigger order and for who ever will ask for it. if for your next order you'll want the same kind of stealth as before just message me about it when you place the order. cheers!

Man's transaction has been completed today. The stealth - further comment is superfluous. Order and be amazed and amused.
The Indian Hand Rubbed and the 'Roccy Black, which I've yet to experience. The Indian is beautiful. The soft, crumbly texture, the tiny flecks of herb like mint chips in a chocolate bar. I put it to a flame, the fragrance took me back to that Black of the 70's. As I don't smoke, I've eaten less than a gram and I am toasted.
Hashishin explains the geneology and for younger heads, this would be a quite stark contrast to most of the current clay. The rate of consumption must be so high (sic) today that industrial production can produce excellent, though perhaps homogenous hash. Artisan products are produced in smaller volume, and seen circulating less frequently. This my first score with H. The Sativa Leb is next for me.
The Indian Hand Rubbed and the 'Roccy Black, which I've yet to experience. The Indian is beautiful. The soft, crumbly texture, the tiny flecks of herb like mint chips in a chocolate bar. I put it to a flame, the fragrance took me back to that Black of the 70's. As I don't smoke, I've eaten less than a gram and I am toasted.
Hashishin explains the geneology and for younger heads, this would be a quite stark contrast to most of the current clay. The rate of consumption must be so high (sic) today that industrial production can produce excellent, though perhaps homogenous hash. Artisan products are produced in smaller volume, and seen circulating less frequently. This my first score with H. The Sativa Leb is next for me.

Just put in an order for the Indian commercial grade hand rubbed and the black maroc. Hashashin was very very patient and helpful with me and generous with his time when I cocked up the order, much more so than other vendors I’ve dealt with here.
Looking forward to experiencing his lovely artisanal wares, great service so far.
Looking forward to experiencing his lovely artisanal wares, great service so far.

2 posts
+6 votes
what if we let the boomers die?
I don't want my parents to die any more than I want anyone else's, but the quality of life for the young is clearly being sacrificed again for the mos…
+ 2 more

what if we let the boomers die?
just playing devil's advocate here literally. and I know there's a zillion boomers right here on lb.
but we are shutting down the planet, this is the largest mutual effort in history. the only thing that compares is oddly enough, war.
in war old leaders decide to send young people to their death, wiping them out and their many potential offspring. yet the old are especially protected. this doesn't make sense in any societal or evolutionary way it just serves the self interest of the old - who happen to be the rulers calling this shot.
now the young are called up again, in history's largest timeout they will lose finances, jobs and sanity as they are terrified into submission to save .0001 of the population, nearly all of who will die from other causes within a few years.
im not really advocating we let anyone die, i am happy to sacrifice for them further than this but lets call this what it is, the story that is always hidden. self interest from the ruling class.
but we are shutting down the planet, this is the largest mutual effort in history. the only thing that compares is oddly enough, war.
in war old leaders decide to send young people to their death, wiping them out and their many potential offspring. yet the old are especially protected. this doesn't make sense in any societal or evolutionary way it just serves the self interest of the old - who happen to be the rulers calling this shot.
now the young are called up again, in history's largest timeout they will lose finances, jobs and sanity as they are terrified into submission to save .0001 of the population, nearly all of who will die from other causes within a few years.
im not really advocating we let anyone die, i am happy to sacrifice for them further than this but lets call this what it is, the story that is always hidden. self interest from the ruling class.

I disagree strongly with the war comparison - that's not an example of a mutual effort, but the opposite: it's an example of large scale confrontation. People were called up to defend/attack from other people. MILLIONS of people died over YEARS.
This is a public health crisis, not a war. And the young haven't been called up, keyworkers, carers and health staff have. When I've been out and about with my family, it's fairly clear that the younger generations are the least bothered by what's going on, and aren't necessarily abiding by the guidelines to any effective degree.
And sadly, I don't think this is even something defined by the self interest of the ruling class. I think it's exposed the current ruling class is about as clueless as it ever had been. Johnson's flabby ensemble of random wankers have never at any point been good leaders. They got there off the back of a dishonest, divisionary Brexit campaign based on some entirely different agenda. They now have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
Hopefully it will serve as a reminder to humanity that if a democracy is to succeed, you can only back honest, able and skilled statesmen. Anyone less means we're fucked if there's any deviation from their intended narrative.
I don't blame anyone in this scenario. It's a collective human failure that it escalated to this scale. What I think matters now is the outlook, vision and ability of the leaders that might rebuild for the future. In 2019, world leadership probably never looked so weak... in the entirety of human history. And in the UK, we've currently got one of the most inept setups. BUT. Look at Starmer circling, look what we need to overcome, look what we want to build.
Give it a year or two and I think HOPE will be a usable word again. The Johnson/Trump/Bullshit breed need to move aside.
This is a public health crisis, not a war. And the young haven't been called up, keyworkers, carers and health staff have. When I've been out and about with my family, it's fairly clear that the younger generations are the least bothered by what's going on, and aren't necessarily abiding by the guidelines to any effective degree.
And sadly, I don't think this is even something defined by the self interest of the ruling class. I think it's exposed the current ruling class is about as clueless as it ever had been. Johnson's flabby ensemble of random wankers have never at any point been good leaders. They got there off the back of a dishonest, divisionary Brexit campaign based on some entirely different agenda. They now have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
Hopefully it will serve as a reminder to humanity that if a democracy is to succeed, you can only back honest, able and skilled statesmen. Anyone less means we're fucked if there's any deviation from their intended narrative.
I don't blame anyone in this scenario. It's a collective human failure that it escalated to this scale. What I think matters now is the outlook, vision and ability of the leaders that might rebuild for the future. In 2019, world leadership probably never looked so weak... in the entirety of human history. And in the UK, we've currently got one of the most inept setups. BUT. Look at Starmer circling, look what we need to overcome, look what we want to build.
Give it a year or two and I think HOPE will be a usable word again. The Johnson/Trump/Bullshit breed need to move aside.

Yes but the fact that people are even looking to politicians in an era of science, free flow of information and consensus building media - why the fuck do we still have the twats?

I know my case is extreme, but its not just old people who need protecting. My son is 2 years old and immunocompromised from chemotherapy. I don't fully believe in the lockdown but it is a bit more assuring for me that it isn't running rampant out there.

You definitely have a point.
The approach of "us-versus-them' is in fact a very European way of dealing with matters.
Indifference to social position, and consequently, acceptance of one's social status no matter what it is, became somehow a doctrine and a duty in the current world (if we are honest to ourselves): it is really the ideal philosophy, an ideological superstructure adequate to peacefully govern our world, conquered with its own consent.
'The old" send "the young" to wars. Because, "the young" (well, all ages really) willingly accept, for example, army duty.
It is only natural, that in current situation, "the young" are contemplating 'retaliation'. :)
I think, the value of a human life became something very insignificant.
Young people wait on the old to die in retirement homes, old are upset with the young, that they show no respect, etc.
A vicious circle.
And we do not really value human life, because we do not understand the concept of self-worth.
Which is nowadays confused with 'pouvoir d'achat', like they say in french (ability to buy). Just look at who the majority of humans are looking up to (movie stars, ufc fighters, etc.)
The thing is, we are never independent or self-made, and we all hopefully will be old one day too. So what connects old and young is gratitude.
No life is more important than another, whether it is an old life or a young one.
And no ideology or state will defend this point at all times, speaking sociologically or/and economically. It is self-damaging to an ideology or a state.
Should we or should we not do this or that? I don't know. Each individual should decide for himself.
I know that generalising (oh those olds, oh those youngs, oh those russians, oh those arabs, oh those french, oh those - would be an insult to my own intelligence.
A boomer is different from another boomer. And i am a survivor and want my children to be survivors too.
I may be never be in a position where i can decide on a broader scale of "should we or should we not".
But i can decide on my personal level and i just value life more than i value my ego.
Here is my humble opinion.
Thank you for being brave and raising this point.
It is important to discuss without fear to offend.
That is what freedom of speech is no?
The approach of "us-versus-them' is in fact a very European way of dealing with matters.
Indifference to social position, and consequently, acceptance of one's social status no matter what it is, became somehow a doctrine and a duty in the current world (if we are honest to ourselves): it is really the ideal philosophy, an ideological superstructure adequate to peacefully govern our world, conquered with its own consent.
'The old" send "the young" to wars. Because, "the young" (well, all ages really) willingly accept, for example, army duty.
It is only natural, that in current situation, "the young" are contemplating 'retaliation'. :)
I think, the value of a human life became something very insignificant.
Young people wait on the old to die in retirement homes, old are upset with the young, that they show no respect, etc.
A vicious circle.
And we do not really value human life, because we do not understand the concept of self-worth.
Which is nowadays confused with 'pouvoir d'achat', like they say in french (ability to buy). Just look at who the majority of humans are looking up to (movie stars, ufc fighters, etc.)
The thing is, we are never independent or self-made, and we all hopefully will be old one day too. So what connects old and young is gratitude.
No life is more important than another, whether it is an old life or a young one.
And no ideology or state will defend this point at all times, speaking sociologically or/and economically. It is self-damaging to an ideology or a state.
Should we or should we not do this or that? I don't know. Each individual should decide for himself.
I know that generalising (oh those olds, oh those youngs, oh those russians, oh those arabs, oh those french, oh those - would be an insult to my own intelligence.
A boomer is different from another boomer. And i am a survivor and want my children to be survivors too.
I may be never be in a position where i can decide on a broader scale of "should we or should we not".
But i can decide on my personal level and i just value life more than i value my ego.
Here is my humble opinion.
Thank you for being brave and raising this point.
It is important to discuss without fear to offend.
That is what freedom of speech is no?

Very thoughtful post (what a pleasure to read this instead of another sycophantic review), thank you for it my bigga.
I'm going to differ on one point. I think the perceived value of life is heading up and pretty much always has.
We are in the midst of the greatest human sacrifice for the least number of lives (in relative terms) ever.
Today's wars kill fewer in total than we lost in a week in WW1 or 2.
Murder rates are way down compared to history.
The financial investment made to squeeze out a few more years is more substantial than even our most recent ancestors could ever imagine.
There's lots more stats like this, they are hard to see when media profits from perceived conflict and makes everything look cataclysmic to get your attention.
I'm going to differ on one point. I think the perceived value of life is heading up and pretty much always has.
We are in the midst of the greatest human sacrifice for the least number of lives (in relative terms) ever.
Today's wars kill fewer in total than we lost in a week in WW1 or 2.
Murder rates are way down compared to history.
The financial investment made to squeeze out a few more years is more substantial than even our most recent ancestors could ever imagine.
There's lots more stats like this, they are hard to see when media profits from perceived conflict and makes everything look cataclysmic to get your attention.

We need more youngsters in politics and less old farts creaming off the state. I think you reach an age when you start to become more selfish and want to accrue wealth. Bills and mortgages start to wear you down. I was definitely more idealistic when younger. We need to be a lot braver with who we allow to run the world and kick out the old guard. the youngsters are going to be paying off our debts for ever unless we change the system. Guy fawkes had the right idea.

I believe I am generation X but I will react anyway. It is an interesting discussion and I understand the thought behind it. The biggest issue I have with your statement is: what makes you think that older generations are not impacted by lock downs or other measures against the virus? Like we are all sipping whisky at our 2nd vacation homes. Your generation or any other is not sacrificing more then any other generation. Much love to you all

Probably fair to say they're not going to pay the bills incurred and they're not having their careers snuffed out before they've begun, they're overwhelmingly locked down in better circumstances than the young.
I'm Gen X and thanking my lucky stars I'm not still in hospitality and shared accommodation.
I'm Gen X and thanking my lucky stars I'm not still in hospitality and shared accommodation.

I'm not old (38) and I very nearly got axed by COVID. I don't have a pre existing condition. It's worth considering that many young or younger people with pre-existing conditions are at high risk, as are the disabled and many mentally ill people. The structures of society also make sure that the poor are disproportionatily affected. So, what you're proposing, hypothetical or not, is a cull on the people in society who most need our support. And, I would add, people who add a huge amount of value to our societies. I am as annoyed by how our 'era' turned out as anyone, but putting boomers to death for the greater good? C'mon. Besides, the ruling class are not all old - they have children, who will inherit. Killing old (rich) people would do nothing for society. Advocating that other (poor) people's parents and grandparents have had their time is basically inhuman, or at least profoundly lacking in empathy.

Glad you are ok bigga and your message is hella important. Can I ask do you think there was a better way to handle this? Are you happy with the whole world shutting down to protect you?
love and respect
love and respect

I don't want my parents to die any more than I want anyone else's, but the quality of life for the young is clearly being sacrificed again for the most protected generation that ever lived.

Kind of irrelevant IMO because as a species we are all doomed anyway, which I'm OK with, but it's shame we're going to take most of the biosphere with us though, as it's really no fault of theirs. We are species out of control and one which is destroying it's environment. The planet will be much better of without us humans stinking up the place!

here's what im thinking, as long as when i'm burned for fuel a billion years from now there's this little bit of thc somehow left there all that time. and it says thanks, yeah, thanks, THANKS.

Interesting read here

It does seem if we were a little more honest about this we might come up with a better solution than locking everyone up.

agree somewhat, the damage to economy is going to kill tens of thousands alone, potentially more than would be lost to Covid, but perhaps not (Not an expert by any means). I invite people to look at how many people died on average each 2010-2015 due to austerity measures and debt. Suicides will go up to.

Im in the self employed bracket its truly shit but i think society will come out of this better on the whole

I am in the same boat and i like your positive outlook.
"Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time" - right?
We should also come out of this with as less damage and casualties as possible.
Been self-employed throughout 3 different continents and over a decade already and self-employed equals survivor to me at this point.
"Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time" - right?
We should also come out of this with as less damage and casualties as possible.
Been self-employed throughout 3 different continents and over a decade already and self-employed equals survivor to me at this point.

What if we just quarantine the old baby boomers and give them priority at hospitals, that way the rest of us can keep the world going and contsruct what they need.

I was self employed hehe
I was in that small percentage who got no help lol and im sure i speak for many...
Unless i change my hoping it blows over soon
Stay safe Vik
I was in that small percentage who got no help lol and im sure i speak for many...
Unless i change my hoping it blows over soon
Stay safe Vik

Me too. My industry was among the first to go, About 2 weeks before lock down got told to stay at home no income... Now im out of a job completely.

It’s fucked up isn’t it, I’m in that small percentage of self employed who ain’t getting jack shit...I’d work tomorrow but not many want people in there houses now
We can only hope that this flys by and we can get back to work
Some sectors have increased in number of available positions, maybe worth looking into those sectors to get some work for the mean time
We can only hope that this flys by and we can get back to work
Some sectors have increased in number of available positions, maybe worth looking into those sectors to get some work for the mean time

This bigga booma had it 9 months ago. I have had my first shot of the vaccine just before xmas. Three weeks ago, we had an outbreak at work... forensic mental health. We kicked the virus' arse.
Not all boomers are bastards.
Disclaimer: if I am a bastard, it has nothing to do with my age. This old goblin girl has always been one. :-)
Not all boomers are bastards.
Disclaimer: if I am a bastard, it has nothing to do with my age. This old goblin girl has always been one. :-)

There are elements that are particularly cruel for young generations that have been caused by the benefits enjoyed by older generations. Retirement / pension age is the first to mind. We all retire later if at all because they fucked the pension pot for those claiming now. Housing and land are impossible to buy at reasonable prices, because the older generation owns it all. Wealth disparity grows with extended lifespans, as the elderly hold onto it instead of spending it. But these issues are not the fault of those older generations, but the governments modus operandi of dealing the better cards in the deck to those who can vote at the time and have money. Who cares about the generations that can't support government agendas right now? No one is the answer, and it has resulted in a shit deal for the young that will only get worse as time goes on.

The chant throughout this has been that you “can’t put a price on life” which is ridiculous because we do it all the time. The NHS will not buy expensive cancer drugs unless they extend life for ‘long enough’, councils won’t spend on accident hot spots until a certain number of deaths have been er...’achieved’?!
The equation is called ‘quality adjusted life years’ and it’s frequently used to decide cost vs life. That sum has now been done for the pandemic (freaky task) and yup, it doesn’t add up. The number of quality life years saved versus those to be lost through unemployment, poverty, undiagnosed health conditions, mental stress etc are insignificant.
We fucked up. But then we’re only human....
The equation is called ‘quality adjusted life years’ and it’s frequently used to decide cost vs life. That sum has now been done for the pandemic (freaky task) and yup, it doesn’t add up. The number of quality life years saved versus those to be lost through unemployment, poverty, undiagnosed health conditions, mental stress etc are insignificant.
We fucked up. But then we’re only human....

as a 51yr old father of 11yr old twins (one boy, one girl), and reflecting on how I have myself matured (lack of!) I can honestly offer an opinion that humans may be physically capable of sexual reproduction early mid/teens, but that doesn't make them adults. Likewise 20s and even early 30s. I was a selfish prat right up to having kids. Having kids completely changes your priorities and outlook, including CONFIRMING that kids are, literally, the future. So you're right about preserving the future for younger generations. BUT if adults don't become adults (really!) until they have kids, and human kids can't look after themselves, and anyway don't mature mentally til they have kids, we come full circle, that is why you need 2 generations minimum at the same time. HTH!

I'm 27 with baby number 2 due next month. My life didn't feel lil it had much meaning before becoming a dad, I cared a lot less about everything. As for Corona it's really not a big risk to a vast majority of the population. Most of the people dying are 80+. When the people who are 80+ were born their life expectancy was like 67. They've done well. I think all lives are equal but not all deaths are tragic.

1 post
+1 votes

Hash No Show
Do it ASAP preferably before it auto releases.
Post on their page if you want other biggas to be warned.

Hash No Show
Hi Biggys,Recently ordered hash from a trusted vendor on Items page(won’t reveal vendor at mo)I’ve had many orders from them in the past few months but last order seems to have went walkies and now vendor has disappeared off main Items page,That’s 14 days since sent notification arrived,should I be worried and how long do I wait before I claim a refund from escrow

Do it ASAP preferably before it auto releases.
Post on their page if you want other biggas to be warned.
Post on their page if you want other biggas to be warned.

1 post
+1 votes

{buy help}
How long is long enough to contact Escrow
Look at your order, there's a time to auto-release, do it before that.

{buy help}
How long is long enough to contact Escrow
Hi fellow biggies,
Looking for a bit of advise, ordered an item at thr beginning of January but haven't received it yet. It was sent via 1st calls RM. Contacted the reputable seller a couple days ago and they said RM is shockingly slow at the moment with post Christmas and lockdown. However had a Ndd take only two days to arrive this week.
Happy to wait it out as I trust the seller but how long would you wait and just wondering if there's a time limit to open a case on escrow?
Looking for a bit of advise, ordered an item at thr beginning of January but haven't received it yet. It was sent via 1st calls RM. Contacted the reputable seller a couple days ago and they said RM is shockingly slow at the moment with post Christmas and lockdown. However had a Ndd take only two days to arrive this week.
Happy to wait it out as I trust the seller but how long would you wait and just wondering if there's a time limit to open a case on escrow?

Can we ask who it was as there is one vendor who seems to have been having issues and there's quite a few of us who all ordered around the same time as you and who haven't got our orders. I've been waiting more than a month.

You can flag it to Escrow as soon as you want. They are going to run the clock down in any event (AND contact the seller) but they won’t release the funds so you are protected. If it turns up you simply cancel the dispute and no hard feelings. Brilliant!

Sounds good just don't want to jump the gun I suppose, but I'm probably gonna give it another week as royal mail is horrendous at the moment

I am in a similar situation, order from 27 December and have been getting post. Any advice on how to contact Escrow would be great.

On your order page look at ‘history’ and there is a button for ‘dispute’- click this and you go to the Escrow Suisse page. Click ‘Chat’ and tell them the issue. They will respond and you are covered...

I'm not 100% sure as I've never done it before but think you go to the escrow user page and just chat to them on there. If someone could confirm that would be great

That’s all you need to do, but do it before the funds are released on the auto release date shown on your order page...

1 post
+2 votes
Help get us on the wall please!!
It's good product, you'll get there. Good luck.

Help get us on the wall please!!
Hey guys, not sure why but our products are still not visible on the wall! We offer a great product at an even better price and want everyone to be aware of this and therefore have the choice to use us.
If anyone could offer us some help or advice to get us on the wall, we would be forever grateful and more than happy to offer a freeby or two!
Thank you
If anyone could offer us some help or advice to get us on the wall, we would be forever grateful and more than happy to offer a freeby or two!
Thank you

Bump! :)
- Stay active dude. Best way to keep those items up on the wall is to have people clicking your name :)
Good luck!
- Stay active dude. Best way to keep those items up on the wall is to have people clicking your name :)
Good luck!

1 post
+3 votes
2 New products
Interested but you're set to private.

2 New products
Hello everyone , we just got two new varieties in, have a look :
Chiquita banana egg:
Florida Gold 220/45 Microns bar :
Chiquita banana egg:
Florida Gold 220/45 Microns bar :

it says access to page restricted and wants a password, i seen this a few times, any idea why?

1 post
+1 votes

Budget options and choices on LB
This is not the place for budget flower. Some shake/trim sure, but the street beats on value hands down.

Budget options and choices on LB
Afternoon Biggaz, hope everyones keeping warm and mellow!
I'm sure I'm not the only one keeping an eye on costs at the moment with everything thats going on, so its been great to see so many vendors (established and new) offering shake/popcorn and B/C grade bud on here lately alongside their prime weed offerings.
Different grades and prices are really important in the weed market and cannabis community overall I think. They allow open competition and everyone gets to enjoy, not just those with deep pockets or who bought BTC 10 years ago! And yes of course, if money wasnt a problem then damn right we would all be buying the pretty, pretty premium looking flowers instead!
But as someone who personally prefers a quality taste and buzz over pretty looks - bag appeal is huge but not when it costs over the odds IMO - Im not too bothered what the bud looks like as long as its been looked after and grown/flushed/cured properly.
So just wondered what other Biggaz opinion's were on the subject and whether there are any vendors or growers out there who currently have some decent budget options that fit the above description?
I'm sure I'm not the only one keeping an eye on costs at the moment with everything thats going on, so its been great to see so many vendors (established and new) offering shake/popcorn and B/C grade bud on here lately alongside their prime weed offerings.
Different grades and prices are really important in the weed market and cannabis community overall I think. They allow open competition and everyone gets to enjoy, not just those with deep pockets or who bought BTC 10 years ago! And yes of course, if money wasnt a problem then damn right we would all be buying the pretty, pretty premium looking flowers instead!
But as someone who personally prefers a quality taste and buzz over pretty looks - bag appeal is huge but not when it costs over the odds IMO - Im not too bothered what the bud looks like as long as its been looked after and grown/flushed/cured properly.
So just wondered what other Biggaz opinion's were on the subject and whether there are any vendors or growers out there who currently have some decent budget options that fit the above description?

RB has some C grade bud for sale at the minute at a pretty reasonable price. Had a q of it last week and was pleasantly surprised. Ordered more this week.

Thanks, but not quite what I was looking for :) Any thoughts or opinions on budget weed on LB generally?

This is not the place for budget flower. Some shake/trim sure, but the street beats on value hands down.

2 posts
+3 votes
Is it algorithm or human?
I don’t doubt the experience regarding scammers.
My general experience is any disappointing/ overpriced/ oversold buys were firmly on the wall. Not a…
+ 2 more

Is it algorithm or human?
Just a quick one. We are a new seller with great feedback so far but our products don't make the wall or topics either.
Are we doing something wrong? And if we are, is this purely purely some piece of code keeping us pit or is there someone we can chat to to change this?
I'm not expecting anyone to have a definite answer as I've read most of the topics on this page already but any new insight would be really appreciated.
Enjoy your day guys
Are we doing something wrong? And if we are, is this purely purely some piece of code keeping us pit or is there someone we can chat to to change this?
I'm not expecting anyone to have a definite answer as I've read most of the topics on this page already but any new insight would be really appreciated.
Enjoy your day guys

However it works there sure is a massive correlation between sellers that bitch about the wall and sellers that attempt to rip people off. Not saying this is you but I am saying it's doing something right.

I don’t doubt the experience regarding scammers.
My general experience is any disappointing/ overpriced/ oversold buys were firmly on the wall. Not a rip off, just crap.
Also had some good buys too.
My general experience is any disappointing/ overpriced/ oversold buys were firmly on the wall. Not a rip off, just crap.
Also had some good buys too.

Definitely not us but no offence taken as there are definitely chancers out there

I was meaning to raise a similar topic. As a buyer, how many potential good vendors are we missing out on purely because their items are not visible on the wall?
Recently I have made one or two purchases from vendors that I only became aware of through reading posts and comments etc and I was very happy with the quality of the product and service received.
I've also noticed how sellers like The Green Team have suddenly disappeared from the wall and they have a good reputation or has something changed that we are not aware of?
Recently I have made one or two purchases from vendors that I only became aware of through reading posts and comments etc and I was very happy with the quality of the product and service received.
I've also noticed how sellers like The Green Team have suddenly disappeared from the wall and they have a good reputation or has something changed that we are not aware of?

1 post
+4 votes
No offence
£50 for 1/8 of something we can't see? Best of luck.

No offence
But if you are going to shake things up, your prices needs to be lower;)

Think you may be better off just selling good quality bud at fair prices.

i strongly feel having a tier system allows all users to have access to ur products
if you know cannabis, you would know, not all cannabis is grown equal
some grown with LED lights some grown with HPS gavitas
some strains have longer flower times others are much shorter
this all dictates the cost for the grower
Thanks for your input though :)
if you know cannabis, you would know, not all cannabis is grown equal
some grown with LED lights some grown with HPS gavitas
some strains have longer flower times others are much shorter
this all dictates the cost for the grower
Thanks for your input though :)

We have been growing for 10 years and have found that the consumer is not really bothered about what you have spent on your grow kit, they just want a good product at the end of it. Not sure you can justify charging more because you have had to invest in new lights- that is an overhead that your business must absorb. Also, some strains you make more on and some you make less on- consistency is the key and it all balances out in the end. Not trying to have a go or anything like that, just love having a good discussion!

i can see you enjoy a good discussion
i do too
im sure we can have a healthy debate about this
if you have been growing for 10 years then i am sure we will get reasonable answers from you!
i have also got growing experience
i dont agree that a grower must absorb all costs which differentiate from grower to grower. This is not how business works, this is not how business survives. Hence there is a factor of ROI
for example if 2 growers are growing stardog
Grower A is SANLIGHT LED lights, a robust hydro system and obtaining genetics from a reliable source
Grower B is using CFL lights from screwfix, a tent in a bedroom, cheap soil, bagseeds
Whos flower would demand more price due to quality?
I would say Grower A
grower A put the effort time and investment, if he sells at the same price as grower B then he would not survive. this is how business works
Whoever disagrees with a tier system for cannabis i feel theyre way of thinking is inherently flawed
a tier system exists in most coffee shops these days, a tier system can be drafted up using the prices attached to strain rather than signalling that one bud is less superior than another
Tier systems exist in all foods stuff. im sure most smokers understand this.
i do too
im sure we can have a healthy debate about this
if you have been growing for 10 years then i am sure we will get reasonable answers from you!
i have also got growing experience
i dont agree that a grower must absorb all costs which differentiate from grower to grower. This is not how business works, this is not how business survives. Hence there is a factor of ROI
for example if 2 growers are growing stardog
Grower A is SANLIGHT LED lights, a robust hydro system and obtaining genetics from a reliable source
Grower B is using CFL lights from screwfix, a tent in a bedroom, cheap soil, bagseeds
Whos flower would demand more price due to quality?
I would say Grower A
grower A put the effort time and investment, if he sells at the same price as grower B then he would not survive. this is how business works
Whoever disagrees with a tier system for cannabis i feel theyre way of thinking is inherently flawed
a tier system exists in most coffee shops these days, a tier system can be drafted up using the prices attached to strain rather than signalling that one bud is less superior than another
Tier systems exist in all foods stuff. im sure most smokers understand this.

something being better than something else is purely a matter of opinion and is a very subjective comment
i have seen and bought wedding cake cheaper than this stardawg, and frankly it wasnt better quality
we can get our hands on the greatest strains the uk has to offer at very good prices
i wish the users on LB would give a new vendor a chance to settle and grow
i have seen and bought wedding cake cheaper than this stardawg, and frankly it wasnt better quality
we can get our hands on the greatest strains the uk has to offer at very good prices
i wish the users on LB would give a new vendor a chance to settle and grow

The pot man is a new vendor. $10 for 1 gram to get his rep up. That’s how you do it. Emporium did the same. Good luck

1 post
+2 votes

raffle/ lottery
I doubt you'll get that past LB.
1 post
+1 votes
BTC or Tesla
btc, but no time soon.

BTC or Tesla

Okay, so hypothetically (or in reality) you have $10k-which one would you choose, btc or tesla and why- or neither??

BTC, I'd personally invest in. When the big banks are whispering about buying them and a lot of hedge fund managers are advising there clients to buy them. JP Morgan the big American bank actually said this week that bitcoin should be worth £146k. Also there's roughly only 2 million bitcoin left to mine and then that's it, unlike the bank of England which prints money off when there's a big economic crash and have no clue how much money is out there.
And the coincidence of saying about Tesla is if Elon Musk was to buy any the bitcoin experts reckon that they would literally go up 25% within minutes, there's a interesting youtube video of him having a interview and he mentions how interesting bitcoin was and that's coming from the man who invented PayPal and now the richest man in the world. Apart from a few dips and 10-15% 'crashes' because of the Volatility of the currency long term I think it's only going up
And the coincidence of saying about Tesla is if Elon Musk was to buy any the bitcoin experts reckon that they would literally go up 25% within minutes, there's a interesting youtube video of him having a interview and he mentions how interesting bitcoin was and that's coming from the man who invented PayPal and now the richest man in the world. Apart from a few dips and 10-15% 'crashes' because of the Volatility of the currency long term I think it's only going up

A very interesting perspective. I must say that I tend to agree, if I already had $10k in tesla I would hold as I think the double digit growth stage is over for now and may be due a correction but mid to long term prospects look good for steady growth.
BTC on the other hand is really interesting as like you say there is a finite amount so if demand were to soar the value would soar too as governments couldn't just print more! I'm not sure if it will become a true currency or just carry on being traded as a commodity like gold but if the likes of amazon etc do start using BTC then who knows where the price could be in a few years.
So for me, I would be going with BTC also.
Interestingly, I heard someone say that BTC is the biggest Ponzi scheme ever- the new investor buying high is basically feeding the profits of those exiting at the top who invested early.
BTC on the other hand is really interesting as like you say there is a finite amount so if demand were to soar the value would soar too as governments couldn't just print more! I'm not sure if it will become a true currency or just carry on being traded as a commodity like gold but if the likes of amazon etc do start using BTC then who knows where the price could be in a few years.
So for me, I would be going with BTC also.
Interestingly, I heard someone say that BTC is the biggest Ponzi scheme ever- the new investor buying high is basically feeding the profits of those exiting at the top who invested early.


Agreed it can't be an actual Ponzi scheme, because that works by promising investors a regular return, that is paid out of the capital put in by new recruits. Until eventually it collapses.
But crypto currencies can give you a similar outcome. The founders mine the first coins and keep hold of a large balance, then encourage interest until the value rises and they cash in. I expect most of the newer altcoins are based on this kind of hope. It's more like a "pump and dump".
But crypto currencies can give you a similar outcome. The founders mine the first coins and keep hold of a large balance, then encourage interest until the value rises and they cash in. I expect most of the newer altcoins are based on this kind of hope. It's more like a "pump and dump".


2 posts
+3 votes

That name still owes me a delivery and has closed up shop or been kicked offsite.
Are you fulfilling their deliveries or is this some incredible coincidence?
Okay now I read the rest...
You certainly didn't close my order or refund me, what's going on? where's all the CBD flower you were listing?
Are you fulfilling their deliveries or is this some incredible coincidence?
Okay now I read the rest...
You certainly didn't close my order or refund me, what's going on? where's all the CBD flower you were listing?

1 post
+2 votes

How much bud when eating it?
Nah, plan for it to last all night.
Last time I made edibles from ABV it was 2-3G per sweet. Two hours after eating I passed out cold and I’m fairly …

How much bud when eating it?
How much bud should I use when eating it?
If I made some cupcakes, or even just sprinkled it on some cheese on toast or something, how much should I use for each cake / portion?
Should i use the same amount I’d vape, or is that too much / too little when eating it? I’ve read the stone is heavier when you eat it.
Can I just grind and add it, or do I need to do anything to it first?
If I made some cupcakes, or even just sprinkled it on some cheese on toast or something, how much should I use for each cake / portion?
Should i use the same amount I’d vape, or is that too much / too little when eating it? I’ve read the stone is heavier when you eat it.
Can I just grind and add it, or do I need to do anything to it first?

Heat in sealed dish in oven 115 degrees 1 hour after grinding. I do a large joints worth.then take out mix with a knob of butter and add some yoghurt. I find ramekins covered in foil work best then you can eat yoghurt straight out of it after with no fuss.

Is that 1 J worth just for one hit? So do you just do it individually every time you fancy it?

I do personally. I can dose more accurately that way. Not nice when you over do it lol. 1 joints worth is a nice manageable amount, I still need to function on it.

Nah, plan for it to last all night.
Last time I made edibles from ABV it was 2-3G per sweet. Two hours after eating I passed out cold and I’m fairly high tolerance.
1/2 to 1g fresh weed per edible but eat in halves.
What do you vape with if your AVB is toasted?
Last time I made edibles from ABV it was 2-3G per sweet. Two hours after eating I passed out cold and I’m fairly high tolerance.
1/2 to 1g fresh weed per edible but eat in halves.
What do you vape with if your AVB is toasted?

What do you do with you're AVB (already vape bud)?
I save up about half oz of AVB and either make butter then cook with that, or the lazy stoners way, buy empty caps off Ebay and fill them up with AVB and take 2 or 3 after food.
I save up about half oz of AVB and either make butter then cook with that, or the lazy stoners way, buy empty caps off Ebay and fill them up with AVB and take 2 or 3 after food.

I just chuck my AVB out of the window when I've finished vaping. I have heard you can cook with it, but it seems pretty done and nothing left of it. Plus it looks pretty carcinogenic!

I'll go btw. 0.7-1g of skunk bud per head if Thai or Jamaican landrace is used I'll go for 1.5 - 2 g per head.
Grind it and lightly fry it at lower temperature in butter for couple of minutes , than add milk simmer for 10 minutes, strain and squeeze .
Than I add teaspoon or two of Nesquik to help with emulsification of fat and to improve bioavailability.
This downed around lunchtime last until evening.
Works always !
Grind it and lightly fry it at lower temperature in butter for couple of minutes , than add milk simmer for 10 minutes, strain and squeeze .
Than I add teaspoon or two of Nesquik to help with emulsification of fat and to improve bioavailability.
This downed around lunchtime last until evening.
Works always !

1 post
+1 votes
Bit disappointed by Trump
I think a few people are, going by the news.

Bit disappointed by Trump
Not a political post.....
Anyway was anyone else a little disappointed that Mr Trump didn’t reveal all the US secrets about UFO’s etc as his final F@ck you?
Anyway was anyone else a little disappointed that Mr Trump didn’t reveal all the US secrets about UFO’s etc as his final F@ck you?

1 post
+1 votes

British bulldog?
Some vendors just deal with regulars, or are OutOfStock. Messaging is all you can do.

British bulldog?
Yo I’m trying to look at what British bulldog has got on his page to make a purchase but need a password I think, I have messaged him, is this the normal, no other vendors ask for a password?

1 post
+3 votes

Anderson .Paak & The Free Nationals
Yeah why?
Amazing set that, you followed it with the Mac Miller Tiny Desk, right?

Anderson .Paak & The Free Nationals

Why have I only just found Anderson .Paak?
Listen to this later when you're in the zone :)
Listen to this later when you're in the zone :)

No Big Daddy Kane man! What?! Just kidding yeah Mac Miller, how good man?!? Really not sure how I missed Anderson though, kinda embarrassed lol

1 post
+3 votes
Spot on.
started topic

Spot on.

Squidgy enough to vape well, best bodily high from vaping hash I’ve come across. Recommended.
Fkn knew I should have ordered 2.
Fkn knew I should have ordered 2.

2 posts
+5 votes
Cheese Trim
started topic
+ 2 more

Cheese Trim

Never been much of an edibles guy, then I made some that stone cold knocked me out. Gonna make more from this :).

Fairplay to you mate, our trim is absolutely perfect for edibles- glad you're making the most out of it! Good picture too btw, it shows that there are a few buds in there too.

I took a couple of the buds and vaped them last night. It’s good stuff. Nice mellow high and good flavour. Cheers.

it would be helpful to know what you mean by mellow high my bigga
mellow strong? like deep indica mellow or pleasant mild mellow?
mellow strong? like deep indica mellow or pleasant mild mellow?

Glad you're making the most of it. Got to say dry vaping is the way forward in our opinion! I quit smoking tobacco last year so the vape has been a total game changer.

1 post
+1 votes

Things to do with decarb...
I use ABV to make mahjoun, then come to on the kitchen floor.

Things to do with decarb...
Hi guys and girls! Long time smoker, little to no experience with making things with decarb!
Have any of you guys had success with making into edibles etc.? I was looking into making my own tincture using an oz of decarbed bud and some vodka(?) but have no idea where to start with this type of thing! Stealth is big for me so edibles and tinctures are perhaps the way forward (still get away with smoking hash just not stinky flower :))!
Also have no idea how to dose etc - any idea how far an oz would go in terms of how long this will last and how much to consume roughly (I know everyone has a different tolerance - mine is high at the minute) but any help would be much appreciated! :)
Have any of you guys had success with making into edibles etc.? I was looking into making my own tincture using an oz of decarbed bud and some vodka(?) but have no idea where to start with this type of thing! Stealth is big for me so edibles and tinctures are perhaps the way forward (still get away with smoking hash just not stinky flower :))!
Also have no idea how to dose etc - any idea how far an oz would go in terms of how long this will last and how much to consume roughly (I know everyone has a different tolerance - mine is high at the minute) but any help would be much appreciated! :)

Just adding my experience here. You can defenately use vodka to make for good thc extraction. You'll find countless guides on how to do it. For edibles coconut oil seems to be the best fat for bonding with thc so I'd also recommend you that. Lastly you can add lecithin to the edibles for a quicker effect.
Just adding my experience here. You can defenately use vodka to make for good thc extraction. You'll find countless guides on how to do it. For edibles coconut oil seems to be the best fat for bonding with thc so I'd also recommend you that. Lastly you can add lecithin to the edibles for a quicker effect.

Mate don't mess around and experiment
Get 14g of decarbed, a ready mix of whatever sponge cake/cookies... mix it all, bake and try! worth case you get high, best case you get high.
Get 14g of decarbed, a ready mix of whatever sponge cake/cookies... mix it all, bake and try! worth case you get high, best case you get high.

Haha great shout mate that’s exactly what I was planning on doing! :D reckon 14g with one ready mix pack of something would be enough?

from a previous post, I found that about 0.35g of decarbed is enough to get me nicely high. round it to 0.5g :), so whatever you make split it in 30. try 1 portion see how it goes. Too much live and learn, not enough take more.

I'm using oveproof rum Wray & nephew soak up decarbed Q in 150 ml for a week at room temperature , shaking at least daily.

Than I do 2nd pull ( can use normal rum this time) and use microwave to heat it as well for 3 days. The second is weaker and harsher

A lot of video's on youtube about this. But check this channel out. Easy recepies and very funny to watch.

I either water cure it and sling it in edibles or buy capsules and fill them with it. Dosing is different for everyone really mate.

Nice one mate :) yeah it’s a bit of an open/airy question re the dosage etc - just getting more into edibles etc and want to start making my own but don’t know where to start haha! Capsules might be a good idea, thanks mate!

Not gonna lie, after water curing I give it to my mum and she makes me THE best fucking cookies :)

with decarbed weed you can do many many things
you can extract the decarbed thc using solvents like u mentioned above using ethanol to make a tincture
u can heat with mct oil to get the thc into the oil, because thc is soluble in fats
and use that infused mct oil to make eddibles. MCT can be substituted with coconut oil or even butter
you can extract the decarbed thc using solvents like u mentioned above using ethanol to make a tincture
u can heat with mct oil to get the thc into the oil, because thc is soluble in fats
and use that infused mct oil to make eddibles. MCT can be substituted with coconut oil or even butter

1 post
+1 votes

Love mine. Daily driver.
2019M for flower. 2020M for resin. Hydravong for these shovel hands.

Hey, I've got a Black Mamba vape that's pretty good, but the hit's not great, with a big oven. Who would recommend a Dynavap?

Love mine. Daily driver.
2019M for flower. 2020M for resin. Hydravong for these shovel hands.
2019M for flower. 2020M for resin. Hydravong for these shovel hands.

I've used both, for me the Dynavap is closer to smoking a joint, the oven is tiny but you get really strong hits from it. Small oven size (especially when compared to the Mamba) must be considered though but I found that a couple hits from the small amount that you can load was just fine for me. Would definitely recommend

1 post
+1 votes

Looking for some good hash and 8 out 10 + bud
Love that Banana Kush hash from HashTagUK
Not any more :(
Love that Banana Kush hash from HashTagUK
Not any more :(
Not any more :(

1 post
+1 votes

{buy help}
Tor on apple?
No T o r on iPad. O n i o n Browser has worked but is being deprecated since iOS12.

{buy help}
Tor on apple?
I’ve tried unsuccessfully to try dark web via tor few times with no success as tor won’t load, all I have is iPad.
Is there a trick I’m missing or is apple not compatible ?
Is there a trick I’m missing or is apple not compatible ?

1 post
+1 votes

Dry herb vape?
If you're coming from smoke and trying to quit, electronic vapes wont touch it for you IMHO.
If you're not planning to ditch tobacco you'll struggle.…

Dry herb vape?
FULL CONFESSION: I normally smoke spliffs full of tobacco, not very medicinal but certainly wherever i’ve been in europe, everyone does it!
I have a MFLB (magic flight launch box) which is a small portable dry herb vape that’s been gathering dust. Been using it again lately, the efficiency and lack of stink is amazing but you can only get small tokes off it so it doesn’t really ‘hit the spot’ like a nice filthy spliff. And i don’t really trust carts/liquids since synthetic cannabinoids are such a big problem here in UK.
Anyone recommend a preferably portable dry herb vape with a bit more power? I got the MFLB like 5 years ago so I imagine the tech’s way better these days.
I have a MFLB (magic flight launch box) which is a small portable dry herb vape that’s been gathering dust. Been using it again lately, the efficiency and lack of stink is amazing but you can only get small tokes off it so it doesn’t really ‘hit the spot’ like a nice filthy spliff. And i don’t really trust carts/liquids since synthetic cannabinoids are such a big problem here in UK.
Anyone recommend a preferably portable dry herb vape with a bit more power? I got the MFLB like 5 years ago so I imagine the tech’s way better these days.

I use a pax at the minute, before that I used the Flower Aura which was only about 50 quid and worth every penny!

I tried about 3 cheap ones. In the end I invested in a mighty. Worth every penny. Only downside is it's pretty big. I mean it just about fits in my pocket but it's kind of a home use only thing for me. For out and about I use my best cheap one which is a nectar v2. Cost about 60 quid and is small enough to just slip in your pocket next to your phone or wallet but still hits the spot.

You’ll be hard pushed to beat the Storz & Bickel Mighty, I tried not to pay that much but inevitably the road to getting the right thing lead me to it! Buy cheap twice (or three times for me!)
If I need portability the Mighty isn’t too bad but I prefer carts attached to a small 510 battery!
I attach glass to my Mighty with adapters and an Arizer whip which works great, but I have my eye on this beast now! (On the link)
If I need portability the Mighty isn’t too bad but I prefer carts attached to a small 510 battery!
I attach glass to my Mighty with adapters and an Arizer whip which works great, but I have my eye on this beast now! (On the link)

I use an arizer solo2 -expensive but amazing . My last one before was a flowermate V5 nano also really good to-great for outdoors as uses discrete pods

I'm using a Boundless CF, which was a lot cheaper than the Crafty, Mighty or Pax3. It works great, I really like how discreet vaping is compared to smoking, but I seem to need to consume double the herb to get the same effect. Is it the same with the Pax or S&B vaporizers?

I found with the MFLB that no matter how much i vaped and reshuffled my herb, I could still smoke it afterwards!
Seems like consensus is leaning towards the mighty (:
Seems like consensus is leaning towards the mighty (:

I have a Pax 3 and Arizer extreme Q with Ddave mods. Both are great. For Pax3 make sure you buy an original one, a lot of fakes out there. The arizer; get the Ddave mod. Vaping is great, but there is a learning curve. A bit like pulling a good espresso. Ones you get it down, it is great and I think a nicer high.

I use a Pax 3. Superb range of temperature controls via bluetooth to your phone. Nice size bowl with different portion size adapters if you prefer a half sized bowl of herb. Good battery life as well. It has a stealth mode which eliminates any vapor smell

I have a pax3 and note it doesn’t work with iPhones anymore as Apple took the app of Istore!!
Don’t even use the thing anymore don’t find it gives me the stoned I am looking for. Excellent for smoking on the go, always fun when someone in the next isle says they can smell weed!
Don’t even use the thing anymore don’t find it gives me the stoned I am looking for. Excellent for smoking on the go, always fun when someone in the next isle says they can smell weed!

The Mighty is epic imo but very big, bigger in person actually, the Crafty plus is where I’d be going if I were you.

If you're coming from smoke and trying to quit, electronic vapes wont touch it for you IMHO.
If you're not planning to ditch tobacco you'll struggle. If you are, get a Dynavap or more likely a StickyBrick. Same concept as MFLB but neater and easier (dyna) bigger hitter (stickybrick).
Once the tobacco is long gone, electronic vapes become more useful.
My 2c.
If you're not planning to ditch tobacco you'll struggle. If you are, get a Dynavap or more likely a StickyBrick. Same concept as MFLB but neater and easier (dyna) bigger hitter (stickybrick).
Once the tobacco is long gone, electronic vapes become more useful.
My 2c.

I mainly use my Arizer Solo 2, its an absolute workhorse. When with friends who vape, i use the Dynavaps. I still have the odd spliff but 90% of the time im vaping and its the Arizer. .great bit of kit and there might be a few deals soon due to Black Friday events.


I got a Pax 2 a couple of months ago. Pretty much all I use now. Was on pipes, bongs & the odd spliff mixed with mallow leaf or cbd flower before. Love the way you can treat it like a spliff & go back to it for puffs. Also my lungs don’t feel so fucked when I go for a run.
No reason for me to use anything else at the moment. Does the trick well. May have a bucket session just to plumb the depths again soon though ;-)
No reason for me to use anything else at the moment. Does the trick well. May have a bucket session just to plumb the depths again soon though ;-)

Have a look for a Flower Aura Vaporiser. They are class. It has a chamber for hash and one for wax too. I'm the same as you. I need a kick in my throat to make up for it not being joint. This definitely does the trick. I have a Pax 2 also. Equally as good but the Flower Aura is about 55 quid :)

2 posts
+2 votes

D James
Need help with identification
These and the open ones, did the come from the same area? look the same to me. nothing magical here. Might be identifiable with more images, but still…
+ 2 more

D James
Need help with identification

Hello biggers Iv come across a few types of mushrooms. Can anyone tell me if there magical or not? Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks

They are more likely to grow from moss, where they get plenty of rain and sun. ie not in forest although they can appear here. likely up higher hills. maybe just buy some on here or buy a grow a kit and grow your own at home.

No mate, near positive these aren't magic. Not sure what magic ones grow around you. Watch youtube guides. You are likely lookingfor liberty caps. they are much smaller. have a a tiny point/ nipple on the top. Turn white when the sun hits them or they are drying out. Can be brown when damp and have a gel nipple. Have mild gills. Sometimes you can see the blue tinge in then shroom part which is the psylocibin. If you aren't sure, don't eat it!

They look like shrooms to me but I’m no expert. They grow a lot round where I live tho and used to go pick them but not been for years

These and the open ones, did the come from the same area? look the same to me. nothing magical here. Might be identifiable with more images, but still not magic.

Thanks mate appreciate the fees back. Iv got some more if you could help. Uploading pictures now

nope. think these are called turkey tails. the other ones above arent ink caps but def not shrooms

Hard to see sizes or the undersides of the mushrooms but almost certain they are an ink cap of some sort. If so they are harmless but none psychoactive.
Nevertheless if uncertain with wild fungus - avoid!
The rule of ‘better safe than sorry’ is one to adhere to on a hardcore level with mushrooms.
Hope this helps.
Nevertheless if uncertain with wild fungus - avoid!
The rule of ‘better safe than sorry’ is one to adhere to on a hardcore level with mushrooms.
Hope this helps.

1 post
+2 votes
How to prepare your shipment
I hope it's okay to add as a buyer...
1. Computer parts is not the only possible disguise. You're mostly doing the same so I'm getting enough to buil…

How to prepare your shipment
- Seal the package (vacuum):
- use brand new plastic/mylar sealable bags (you can buy it on eBay or Amazon).
- use new and intact gloves for each layer of bags to prevent any smell traces.
- use a brown/black bag around the product so its not visible.
- touch the bag only with one hand and load the content with the other hand using pincers.
- double seal by folding the bag and getting two seals on it.
- to prevent uneven weight distribution wrap the package, for example, in bubble wrap.
- use brand new plastic/mylar sealable bags (you can buy it on eBay or Amazon).
- How much you ship:
- For larger orders use private shipping companies. Chances are higher that government owned postal companies will open anything they find suspicious without a warrant.
- For larger orders use private shipping companies. Chances are higher that government owned postal companies will open anything they find suspicious without a warrant.
- The appearance is everything:
- Make your package look as discrete as possible.
- Refrain from masking smells, for example with perfume samples, coffee beans, etc.
- Refrain from using duct tape.
- Prepare the address label thoroughly and pay attention to details in the spelling (print the label on an envelope).
- CONFIRM: triple check the address, send confirming messages to the customer if you are in doubt.
- Use a brand new envelope for each shipment.
- Use abbreviation for names, for example: J.F.Andrade or M.Von Lerber.
- If you are mentioning a return address, make sure it is a business, not a personal address.
- Make your package look as discrete as possible.

Latex gloves when packaging and using strong 'jiffy' envelopes are also good pointers for any new would be vendors :)

I hope it's okay to add as a buyer...
1. Computer parts is not the only possible disguise. You're mostly doing the same so I'm getting enough to build a large hadron collider.
2. Computer parts aren't soft and malleable.
1. Computer parts is not the only possible disguise. You're mostly doing the same so I'm getting enough to build a large hadron collider.
2. Computer parts aren't soft and malleable.

1 post
+2 votes

Cheers for this Carverr. Shame we can't terminate on price alone.

As BudBros isn’t working out too well it seems Dank2000 will attempt to get StickyFingersCo back to the sales they’re so sorely missing after being terminated for being vile humans who shouldn’t be trusted with all your details.
I’m of the opinion they’re all the same idiot, please be careful with who you send your name and address to on here guys. It’ll all seem to be going swimmingly well until you have a problem with an order and the comms lead to a barrage of shit you can probably be doing without, as serious as threats of turning up to your family home to ‘smash skulls’ and harm your children. Really worth a 1 gram sample?
This isn’t a witch hunt or indeed bullying new vendors as a few of StickFingersCo alt accounts keep flapping their gums about, you’re all adults and make your own decisions.
I’m of the opinion they’re all the same idiot, please be careful with who you send your name and address to on here guys. It’ll all seem to be going swimmingly well until you have a problem with an order and the comms lead to a barrage of shit you can probably be doing without, as serious as threats of turning up to your family home to ‘smash skulls’ and harm your children. Really worth a 1 gram sample?
This isn’t a witch hunt or indeed bullying new vendors as a few of StickFingersCo alt accounts keep flapping their gums about, you’re all adults and make your own decisions.

He's got more than one new account on here for sure... I'd agree that biggas should probably stick to who they know for the moment, not only with this shit going on but it's a busy time of year so for your own sake go with the reliables! :)
Also to those who say it's impossible for new sellers to break through on here, that's just not true. Any good seller can make it on here. I've bought from several new sellers, take a look at Smoggyman a new seller and he is already one of the absolutely TOP rated people on here because he does it the right way. Half the sellers on here are newer than I am and I've only been here just over half a year....
Any GOOD seller will do well on here and the more weed the better they're all welcome! Unless they start making topics about members and sending out threats, that's amateur as fuck and will bring nothing but trouble.
Also to those who say it's impossible for new sellers to break through on here, that's just not true. Any good seller can make it on here. I've bought from several new sellers, take a look at Smoggyman a new seller and he is already one of the absolutely TOP rated people on here because he does it the right way. Half the sellers on here are newer than I am and I've only been here just over half a year....
Any GOOD seller will do well on here and the more weed the better they're all welcome! Unless they start making topics about members and sending out threats, that's amateur as fuck and will bring nothing but trouble.

Big-up from me for Smoggyman, had a delivery from him this this very morning and it’s a Wowzer!

Glad to here it mate! :) He's honestly got some of the best quality on here and there are other recent sellers doing well too, I don't want to put people off supporting new sellers because we need them! but I do think it's a good idea for biggas to be careful at the moment.
Enjoy the smoke bud! :)
Enjoy the smoke bud! :)

As a Noob I respect the Elders (and know not of Sticky bad blood) but will just make the comment that this fantastic site seems hellishly hard for noob sellers to break into! I’ve been advised to steer clear of vendors with less than 100+ sales (and it was good advice because I got ripped by one with 25+!). Sure, to those that have earned their stripes come the rewards but it must be a tough old grind?! Makes me appreciate you all the more!

Ive been the first buyer on a couple of occasions with new sellers and been satisfied. I like to try and support new vendors when/where I can but as OP points out you do need to be careful and just aware. Obviously its all about the level of risk you want to take but I find talking to the seller and getting feel for them tells you a lot. would add that carver and panch have been on the money so far.

Since GoneToPot, I haven't used a single new vendor. It's sad. The shitlord(s) saturation level is increasing. This has reduced levels of trust, that's to say, the cack handed personal greed of a minority is making life difficult for people who essentially want to remain anonymous and buy their medicine. I completely get where you're coming from.

Hi carverr
What makes you think they are the same person? I've not seen anything myself that would suggest it so im asking an honest question.
I've had some dealings with BudBros and I can honestly say they have been great with me. I know there are a lot of people out there that are convinced they are sticky fingers but I honestly can't believe its the same people.....I could be wrong because nothing is 100% truthful on the Internet lol
What makes you think they are the same person? I've not seen anything myself that would suggest it so im asking an honest question.
I've had some dealings with BudBros and I can honestly say they have been great with me. I know there are a lot of people out there that are convinced they are sticky fingers but I honestly can't believe its the same people.....I could be wrong because nothing is 100% truthful on the Internet lol

Carverr, I respect your opinion and you could be right, but the issue is that anybody who's get kicked off, can make 10 new accounts in 2 minutes after that. I would not be surprised either if Sticky is still selling here under different name(s).
You can say; it is not a witch hunt or bullying, but how is somebody the proof he is not Sticky? Can you proof you are not Sticky? So without any clear proof, could maybe keep the option open that new sellers are not Sticky?
You can say; it is not a witch hunt or bullying, but how is somebody the proof he is not Sticky? Can you proof you are not Sticky? So without any clear proof, could maybe keep the option open that new sellers are not Sticky?

Can I join the 1/10 club please haha ......just had my first 1/10 too !! No feedback just the word bammer which means seeds and stalks haha !! Yet there's multiple pics up from my customers the same strain with big arse stonking buds of true quality !!just motivates to try and put even better up just to piss them off more !! ....oh yeah just so you know I do occasionally hear things about other vendors from my customers and oilman and BBs names seem to crop up a lot , as highly recommend vendors would just like to say this !!

You know I’m coming for that gelato lemon Betty bro :)
Oilman don’t have to worry his bud is super good like you Smoggyman he has unique flavours and always sends top bud
Oilman don’t have to worry his bud is super good like you Smoggyman he has unique flavours and always sends top bud

Welcome to the club... Haha. Don't let it get to you mate, just imagine how sad these people must be to spend their time buying weed so they can leave dodgy reviews.
Thanks for your kind words buddy, means a lot.:)
Good luck to you and your business and all the best.
Cheers BB
Thanks for your kind words buddy, means a lot.:)
Good luck to you and your business and all the best.
Cheers BB

After three + successful orders with Oilman and some unbelievable customer service I can say for sure that this review is absolute nonsense. He will go out his way to make sure you are satisfied and not left without product especially if you are using it for medical treatment. I can only say this review is either a set up or the customer has been too quick to post a review.

I’m not sure how this can be rectified mate but I’m sure your previous customers including myself can confirm it’s total bollocks and some kind of attempt to smear your solid reputation on here.
Usually jealous pricks.
Usually jealous pricks.

Just want to say oilman I bought your hifi 4 from a few months back and it was incredible one of my favourite smokes ever. I missed it last time round but hopefully will have some BTC next time it comes up.

Happened to me too buddy, nonsensical review clearly an attempt at sabotage when I first came on here. The fact the person didn't even bother contacting me says everything you need to know, plus I'd never sell weed with bud rot and if I did unknowingly (playing Devil's advocate here) I'd always replace the order.
There's a good argument to have some kind of vendors union on here so we can blacklist these types.I know exactly who did this to me and I imagine he's pimping himself out to do it to others.
Don't worry about it, he's wasted his time and money. Members can see a good vendor and a 1/10 review from a snake in the grass won't affect that.
Good luck and all the best.
Cheers BB
There's a good argument to have some kind of vendors union on here so we can blacklist these types.I know exactly who did this to me and I imagine he's pimping himself out to do it to others.
Don't worry about it, he's wasted his time and money. Members can see a good vendor and a 1/10 review from a snake in the grass won't affect that.
Good luck and all the best.
Cheers BB

Thanks for the support buddy. Mucho appreciated. I'm def with you on the union thing. A list of bad guys would be good but to be fair also I've had nothing but great people buy from me - prob same for you. I think that's why it's annoying as just like me you really take this seriously... And rightly so
Little biggy still rocks .....
Big up the bulldog ;)
Little biggy still rocks .....
Big up the bulldog ;)

Whats your evidence this person is a troll and not a genuine customer? I would always keep an open mind as were not shoping online at sainsbarys or tesco. Those that follow what happens in darknet know there is peopel out there who would do anything to win the jackpot. Lets not forget all those exit scam etc and bad vendors who sold for years then decided to milk all customers and retire to a luxary Islands.

Don’t worry about it your customers know how good your products are. He was probably pissed up and angry last night and dropped his oil all over the place then vented spleen on the easiest target. Peace out x

Anyone that writes using caps lock is not an articulate communicator. I've never had any issues with your oil or your herb. I've not bought for a while, but I have only ever had positive interactions. I feel my experiences are relevant in this instance. Nothing but straightforward and simple transactions.

Dont agree with you greencigar. This buyer could have simply just used CAPS to bring attention to their review.

'Like' = simile.
noun: simile; plural noun: similes
a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind
noun: simile; plural noun: similes
a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind

Just becaue you did not face any issues with purchase from a vendor that dosent mean eveyone automaticly is expected to recive exact same standard of service. We dont all receive same service at sainsbarys and tesco do we?

I merely pointed out that someone who communicated in CAPS is not an articulate communicator. I then pointed out that my personal experiences have been positive. Your opinion is none of my business. I receive consistently good service at Tesco. That's why I use them. Same with vendors on LB.

Not every customer will be tretaed same no matter where you shop mate. Its quite clear you are currently a very fortunate fela so lets hope that continues and we dont see you around here in the future with a unfortunate story to tell. All the best mate.

I've had bad experiences on LB. Not with Oilman though. Interesting that the only post you have ever commented on since joining LB has been this one! That's a very unique perspective, with some rather instructive advice for vendors in your comments. Not in the slightest bit suspect... at all!

Spoof accounts stick out like a sore thumb on here. After a while we all spot them a mile off! Still, fair play for trying. Also... Opinions are like arseholes - everybody has one. However, it would appear that the vast majority of opinion is positive for Oilman, so unless he starts to completely fuck up 100% of the time, I'd say he's got nothing to worry about :)

Most of your responses are not direcly connected with posts topic so its clear your intention in malign and negative and not of a postive nature that benfits this whole community.

Its clear your Oilman and the spoof account. Your making this place in to a circus and its very clear from your responses.
The reality we all got to face is that there must be ethics in these market places either it wont exit if no one trusts vendors and all vendors/buyers will need to be out in the jungle tooled up everyday never knowing when there life will be taken when making a transaction which could go seriously wrong and deadly.
We all need to respect this little safe platform that is being offered if its gonna be abused then it brings dangers to all buyers and vendors!
The reality we all got to face is that there must be ethics in these market places either it wont exit if no one trusts vendors and all vendors/buyers will need to be out in the jungle tooled up everyday never knowing when there life will be taken when making a transaction which could go seriously wrong and deadly.
We all need to respect this little safe platform that is being offered if its gonna be abused then it brings dangers to all buyers and vendors!

All the other people on here are Oilman, too. It's a conspiracy. Don't worry though, you aren't paranoid, but everyone's out to get you!

Only time wil show due to market places ethics of feedback if a vendor is genuine or not!

Most of your responses are not direcly connected with posts topic so its clear your intention in malign and negative and not of a postive nature that benfits this whole community.

Only time wil show due to market places ethics of feedback if a vendor is genuine or not!

Most of your responses are not direcly connected with posts topic so its clear your intention in malign and negative and not of a postive nature that benfits this whole community.

The reality we all got to face is that there must be ethics in these market places either it wont exit if no one trusts vendors and all vendors/buyers will need to be out in the jungle tooled up everyday never knowing when there life will be taken when making a transaction which could go seriously wrong and deadly.
We all need to respect this little safe platform that is being offered if its gonna be abused then it brings dangers to all buyers and vendors!
We all need to respect this little safe platform that is being offered if its gonna be abused then it brings dangers to all buyers and vendors!

So are you saying that if a buyer did in fact receive bad service then they are not entiled to raise that in feedback? Where is the ethics of the market place then and how will trust be built?
Clearly my comments on here are not trolling or negative and only contribution to a post and discussion.
Do you feel you are the only one here that should be allowed to comment on posts? Why are you so unique and diffirent?
Only time can show any vendors true reputaion hence the feedback section has been built to allow.
Clearly my comments on here are not trolling or negative and only contribution to a post and discussion.
Do you feel you are the only one here that should be allowed to comment on posts? Why are you so unique and diffirent?
Only time can show any vendors true reputaion hence the feedback section has been built to allow.

No. I'm not saying that if a buyer has bad service they aren't entitled to raise it. I categorically did NOT say that. What I did say was (for the third time):
1. Using CAPS is like shouting.
2. I've never had any bad experiences with Oilman.
Should I draw a picture?
1. Using CAPS is like shouting.
2. I've never had any bad experiences with Oilman.
Should I draw a picture?

Most of your responses are not direcly connected with posts topic so its clear your intention in malign and negative and not of a postive nature that benfits this whole community.

Its clear your Oilman and the spoof account. Your making this place in to a circus and its very clear from your responses.
The reality we all got to face is that there must be ethics in these market places either it wont exit if no one trusts vendors and all vendors/buyers will need to be out in the jungle tooled up everyday never knowing when there life will be taken when making a transaction which could go seriously wrong and deadly.
We all need to respect this little safe platform that is being offered if its gonna be abused then it brings dangers to all buyers and vendors!
The reality we all got to face is that there must be ethics in these market places either it wont exit if no one trusts vendors and all vendors/buyers will need to be out in the jungle tooled up everyday never knowing when there life will be taken when making a transaction which could go seriously wrong and deadly.
We all need to respect this little safe platform that is being offered if its gonna be abused then it brings dangers to all buyers and vendors!

I can see your a vetran here so you really should no better in terms of how to properly assist vendors which I am merley trying to do. You should not try to make this place into a circus which only will bring disperute to places like this. And obviously your the chosen one that came with 100 post commented verification in advance. Well done mate for that acheivment.

Like I said, your opinion is none of my business. I stick by what I said. You use words like 'obviously' and 'clearly' a lot. However, you haven't been here 5 minutes and are handing out advice like candy. It doesn't fit, it doesn't sit, and it's suspect. If I was a betting man, I'd say you were the person who made the review and have made another account. That's how it seems, because people like your good self just don't exist here on LB. I've never once seen a fresh account wade in such as you have. But... I'm no veteran , so I could be wrong. Anyhow, have a good day :D

It's not just you now everyone is getting switched on about it now best just ignore and rise above it,,,,

All your genuine customers know that this is total bollocks and the service and products you provide are second to none. Just ignore the retard and carry on your great work.

Haha, what an arse lol, there's absolutely no need for that.
1 out of 10, that's harsh.
I partially got his point, there was another buyer complaining about oil being diluted.
I think he was buying 2 syringes and managed to down a half or so with very little effects if I remember correctly.
He didn't give you bad review initially but later he changed it from 10/10 to 7/10 saying oil was watered down.
Could that be possibly somebody in your household fucking up with syringes ?
You know like nicking a bit and dilute the rest to make up the volume.
1 out of 10, that's harsh.
I partially got his point, there was another buyer complaining about oil being diluted.
I think he was buying 2 syringes and managed to down a half or so with very little effects if I remember correctly.
He didn't give you bad review initially but later he changed it from 10/10 to 7/10 saying oil was watered down.
Could that be possibly somebody in your household fucking up with syringes ?
You know like nicking a bit and dilute the rest to make up the volume.

No one messing with anything - it's to do with tolerances but trying to get people to listen is like talking to a brick wall - if a batch sorts 99 people but one doesn't feel like there stoned enough is there a problem? No prob not - do I know what other meds there on? do I know how much they smoke ? You get where I am with this. One of the first people who came to me like this I gave the advice to have a break .... Two weeks later I had a message saying he had smashed his face off with the
Oil that did nothing two weeks before. Another point is ... And people Def don't like this one .... Is that they are ill... And instead of getting high it's sent them to sleep or given energy instead of a stone .... Oil isn't necessarily going to do 100 percent of the time what people expect, that's it's magic ! Hope that helps
Oilman ki
Oil that did nothing two weeks before. Another point is ... And people Def don't like this one .... Is that they are ill... And instead of getting high it's sent them to sleep or given energy instead of a stone .... Oil isn't necessarily going to do 100 percent of the time what people expect, that's it's magic ! Hope that helps
Oilman ki

Paloz's valid critical thinking is definetley eye opening to those who arnt familiar with darknet history and as a vendor i would look into this hyphosesis. There have been cases in past of hate within own home where partner was jelous and fucked up hubbys bussiness by contaminating podwer.

Once buyers have tried your stuff Oilman. I don't think you need take any notice of the negative comments and ratings. your product speaks for itself. those that know, wont take a blind bit of notice. cos as long as there are people like me buying your stuff and singing your praises. a few ne'er do wells ....... will be cast into the void of obscurity, and sink into the chasm of despair. lmao keep up the good work bro. Gaz

Car crash thread should self destruct Oilman it’s no good to anyone and attracts weirdos lol

Who honestly gives a fuck? You know your shits good, your loyal and regular buyers know your shits good and your service is good or they wouldn’t be regulars... Always fuck the haters cos they’ll never dissapear unfortunately, just do what you’re doing man.

A vendor should always take feedback and reviews seriously especially if promoiting and selling medicinal prodcuts. I definitley give a fuck becasue I would not want to expereince the same as a new customer. This person who left 1 has highlighted valid points and anybody who uses other markets knows there is no gurantee with vendors no matter what their reputation. If big markets and reputable vendors selling for years can scam people then what gurantee is there with a vendor whos just been around for few months. This person has clearly bought rso and i dont see much vendors competition from other venndors selling rso so dont agree this person has faked review.

Hifi few months back.... communication 10/10 stealth 10/10 bud quality 9/10 value 8/10... would order again but i do need bigger amounts. Your regulars should tip you to push down the fake review with theirs.

Is it just me or has the review been edited just now.... why not take part in the topic down here....

Yup that's significantly longer than when I first read it. Very accusatory in tone with a smidge of paranoia and a whiff of conspiracy all mixed in.

I had a conversation with the guy and I won't air his messages but he needs some help, that's very obvious to me he said that satan had done all this on purpose ??... Too much oil will make paranoia like you've never felt so I'm going with that . I'll prob delete the thread soon as my real customers know I'm here to help and this can't be any good

Ask and you shall receive? Ramble ramble ramble ramble.... some1 would wanna Stick their Fingers up their hole and stop typing

Could it just not be that they felt the need to articualte everything thorougly? What steps have you as a vendor taken to resolve any issies with this particular buyer who you asume youve spoken to? I only intervinve as I can see your a new vendor with not much history even on other markets. Please dont feel offended. I am merley playing my part in this place to help.

Were they looking for a refund or replacement product?,the world is full of chancing bastards see it every day in my job as a security guard for a big supermarket.
You would not believe the shit they try to pull to get a discount or something for free.
Hey if they dont want your product then it means more for me and your other customers who know you have a top quality product.
Cant wait to try your new RSO gonna put an order in later today ;)
You would not believe the shit they try to pull to get a discount or something for free.
Hey if they dont want your product then it means more for me and your other customers who know you have a top quality product.
Cant wait to try your new RSO gonna put an order in later today ;)

Did you try working things out with any buyers recently who were affected or upset? I can see that your a new vendor here and compared to other markets your obviously newbie. Definetley try your level best to provide best service and sort problems out before they escalate. Hope you the best and maybe try working things out with any recent upset customers.

Absolutely - I posted below a little of it without airing messages but I suspect meds and other issues . I don't want to be mean as we all have issues don't we but rest assured I tried my absolute best to help the guy. It's just got to the point I think he's either fake or as stated and has some issues

From my experince on these markets for years I do not belive that someone articulating as that buyer did would like that unless they were genuinley dissatisfied with something. I would not air any messeages mate as that would go againts maybe some fundemental ethics of these markets and would only lower your reputation and trust. I know that problems can always be resolved in these markets if one is looking to truly expand thier bussiness and wants to attract more positveness and build on reputaion then one should always be sincere in their actions and transactions.

Did you try helping this particular customer with sending any alternative replcements products as I can see they purchased 'Full Extract Sherbett Pebbles'?

2 posts
+3 votes

doctor doc
Gradually tapering Sertraline
As others, half the dose until it's gone.
Why do you want to come off it?
+ 2 more

doctor doc
Gradually tapering Sertraline
On it since of it August (50 mg a day ) . i want to quit but understand you have to do it gradually. My DR wants me to stay on it at least 6 months. I am not feeling that. Any tips?

I’ve been on and off SSRI’s over a few years and I always end up wanting to get shut of them. I’m currently not relying on them to manage anxiety which I’m thankful for but they definitely do work! I would suggest listening to your doctors advice for the time being and taper it down when you feel like you might be able to manage with less in your system. I went cold turkey the first time and it fucked with my head (brain zaps and lots of other weird side effects). The last lot I was on I slowly tapered off it wasn’t without side effects but much easier. CBT helped me manage my shit even though at the time I thought it was all BS I can now see when my anxiety rears it’s ugly head and do what I need to. Just my 2p worth but I hope it helps! All the best mate!

Your 2p is fully appreciated mate. It is the 1st time for me on antidepressant in general and it did help me. I am just in a much better place now and I don't think I need them any more. All the best to you to buddy.

Fuck off the Sertraline... SSRI’s are a complete load of old shit, you can’t keep what’s not there... take 5-HTP available at Holland and Barrett etc, take that at night before bed as labelled and it will actually do what it’s meant to and replace the Serotonin that’s needed... 5-HTP will make Serotonin... Sertraline will keep Serotoinon where it’s needed... But if you have fuck all to keep in there you get all the sides with zero benefits...

Just tapered down myself. Doc says there’s no lower effective dose, and told me to alternate 50mg every other day until I ran out. I ran out about 2 weeks ago and so far so good!

Because I think I don't need it anymore, I feel my old self again and have a better perspective now, what got me depressed in the first place. Plus it got one kind of annoying side effect, I like to get rid off.

There's easily found meds for that ;-)
I had to wean myself the same way when covid made getting an appointment impossible. Best of luck with it, if you've someone trusted, let them know what you're up to.
I had to wean myself the same way when covid made getting an appointment impossible. Best of luck with it, if you've someone trusted, let them know what you're up to.

After 3 months you start to get a pretty decent idea what this dose is going to do for you. But it's a very serious business going off anti depressants or even lowering the dose. Lockdown and the holidays are tremendous environmental factors to consider at the moment.
I'd be interested in what alternatives you tried before Sertraline. Also what is your exercise regimen and diet like?
I'd be interested in what alternatives you tried before Sertraline. Also what is your exercise regimen and diet like?

It is it my very 1st time on anti depressants, I am overall mentally pretty strong and do work out on a regular basis ( 3 times a week ). Of course lock down and working from home since March had is effect. Now purchased a spin bike and using Peloton at least 3 times a week. Diet is ok and taking all my supplements ( sink, Vitamin D etc.). It did help me but I am ready to try on my own now.

I cold turkeyed off of 100mg a day for a year - you'll feel physically shit for about 3 weeks, and Maybe mentally raw for about a month

1 post
+2 votes
We talk to way more machines than people
If writing a letter is the same as talking to a piece of paper, then yes.

We talk to way more machines than people
Every time you send a message, make a post talk to your phone or interact with the Net al all you are talking to countless machines. Not only now but to any machines in the future that can access the record. Forever basically.

2 posts
+7 votes

Vaping Hash.
Same clouds, double the number of hits, longer lasting bodily effects (in my experience). More bang for buck than flower.
Taste... not as easy to lov…
+ 2 more

Vaping Hash.
Apologies if this was covered not so long ago but is anyone vaping hash? I’m thinking of dropping it in a Mighty dosing capsule sandwiched with Canna Cotton? Is that safe? I did it with MJs Purple Batter and it worked a treat but not sure about the health implications of vaping through cotton/hemp (80/20) for starters and also how hash behaves through a high temp vape!
Hopefully it’s possible as it’ll open a whole new world of vaping to me!
Hopefully it’s possible as it’ll open a whole new world of vaping to me!

I'm vaping hash through a Volcano, find it very effective with good technique. I bought some cotton bacon as reccomend by someone on here, no idea why it's called cotton bacon, just very pure cotton! Extra filtered and stuff!
I'm sure it's healthy, I've felt zero ill effects after a good year of using it. Sometimes I vape with already vaped buds as an alternative to the cotton but think you can taste the hash better with cotton.
I find there is a technique though, not too much cotton, break the hash up, but then you still need to blast it though once, then take cotton hash out and work the hash a bit more into the cotton, much stronger cloud second time around.
I'm sure it's healthy, I've felt zero ill effects after a good year of using it. Sometimes I vape with already vaped buds as an alternative to the cotton but think you can taste the hash better with cotton.
I find there is a technique though, not too much cotton, break the hash up, but then you still need to blast it though once, then take cotton hash out and work the hash a bit more into the cotton, much stronger cloud second time around.

I've got a crafty plus and I use the concentrate pads that come with it. Pop one in the chamber and sprinkle a bit of hash on top. Works a treat at higher temps.

I tried that with the mighty but the metal pad takes up most the oven ? And, at 200c the hash didn't melt at all. I stopped smoking 8 years ago so dislike the taste of burnt bud or hash. Cannot find a dedicated hash vaporizer

with you on the taste difference with vaping. isn't even close. as for the liquid pads, you really gotta stretch em out and cut em up a bit to work well for a decent size bowl. Put an extra screen at the bottom if you're concerned about damage.

I'm vaping hash but not through cotton, though I do see it recommended.
Never needed it myself, on butane I find tiny pucks flattened out drop straight in the dynavap. If you're keen you'll finish up with fine dried out dust.
On the temp controlled set up I can use the same pucks or for more compressed powders I grind it to keif consistency and just pop it on a fine screen. There is a busy ash catcher under the Elev8r though, so depending how the pathway runs in a Mighty (never tried one) you may need the cotton to prevent that.
Never needed it myself, on butane I find tiny pucks flattened out drop straight in the dynavap. If you're keen you'll finish up with fine dried out dust.
On the temp controlled set up I can use the same pucks or for more compressed powders I grind it to keif consistency and just pop it on a fine screen. There is a busy ash catcher under the Elev8r though, so depending how the pathway runs in a Mighty (never tried one) you may need the cotton to prevent that.

Cheers man, seems it’s def worth a try then in the Mighty, I just get para shit is going to drop into the heater and cost me a couple hundred bucks! Capsule and canna cotton should do though I reckon!
Good clouds, taste and hit compared with flower?
Good clouds, taste and hit compared with flower?

Same clouds, double the number of hits, longer lasting bodily effects (in my experience). More bang for buck than flower.
Taste... not as easy to love instantly, feels a bit dry. Give it a few outings and you'll get the taste for sure, something like a lemon dry sift will really pop.
Always some experimentation with new batches, grind or ball up or flattened discs until you figure what works best in your device, but it's all part of the fun right?
Taste... not as easy to love instantly, feels a bit dry. Give it a few outings and you'll get the taste for sure, something like a lemon dry sift will really pop.
Always some experimentation with new batches, grind or ball up or flattened discs until you figure what works best in your device, but it's all part of the fun right?

I've successfully vaped decent solids with a variety of vapes....embedded in weed or organic cotton wool in Arizers, the Crafty (before the battery f**ked up, time and again), the Cloud Evo, and by itself in Vapman & the underrated Vaponic (v. efficient using the smaller volume Vapbong inner tube).

I have read extensively on the subject of vaping hash and it can be a bit problematic. I don't like the Sandwich method , had better results with Hemp Wool. However, Hash Vaping is a bit faffy, as against droping ground bud into The Mighty. Is there a good Hash Vaping mod ? It tastes so much better vaped than smoked its like using two different products, really tasty Hash against Burnt dog-end junk. But, i have the Mighty, The Arizer 2, Mycap, or Joint. Joint is easiest but bad taste, Mighty needs protecting with hemp wool but fantastic Taste. The High from Vape is better, longer lasting. Maybe someone know a dedicated Hash vaper.... I am also looking at High THC e-juice, Shatter/Wax as well as Hash. I should have mentioned but I prefer Quality Hash. I don't smoke obviously :) Thanks for any info or advice. NOTDJP. I have lots of vaping gear for e-juice and Buds But Hash needs a bit of TLC. There does not seem to be a dedicated HASH vaporizer,,, Convection,,,, just drop the crumble in like bud ground and hash away. Maybe someone knows of a mod that handles hash the best. It's just the faff of messing with hemp, i'm a lazy sod. For convection, I imagined there would be an internal bowl oven to drop the crumble into but there isn't. Anyway. thanks for your thoughts.

I just want to drop the crumble into the Mighty and vape. I have to use Hemp wool, which you will find, keeps its shape after use so you don't have to make another hash protector. Is there a dedicated Hash vaporizer, convection ?
My experience is hemp is better than anything else. The metal pad takes up most of the Mighty oven space. Cotton sounds dodgy x
My experience is hemp is better than anything else. The metal pad takes up most of the Mighty oven space. Cotton sounds dodgy x

I wouldn't use cotton. I have a Plenty so a similar device but what I do is put .2g weed to cover the entire surface area then sprinkle with .1g of hash, then hold it down with a liquid pad. You can skip the weed part and just use the liquid pad. I have several and cut them up so they're suitible for different bowl sizes. Leave them in 99% alcohol when they get to gunked up. Cheaper than replacing or using alternatives.

1 post
+1 votes
Are you buying and reviewing your own product?

Hi guys , would like everyone to follow a system (if possible) to avoid confusion. I see a lot of confusion when people are reviewing bud saying 10/10 but then the looks could be 10/10 actual high around 6/10 or 7/10 so we’d like to do this if possible .
Reviewing the product as a whole by :
- Postage time.
- Bud - taste/ smell , looks & most importantly the high / how high it gets you (including your tolerance).
- a picture
I feel this will give customers a clearer image of the bud & whether or not it’s suited to them. Please do give honest reviews whether that be a 1/10 or a 10/10 . I will not change my 1to1 service if you give a bad review personally on preference !!
Anyone who likes to review in their own way please feel free to do so , this is just something I’d like to encourage.
Peace & love from the hp team .
Reviewing the product as a whole by :
- Postage time.
- Bud - taste/ smell , looks & most importantly the high / how high it gets you (including your tolerance).
- a picture
I feel this will give customers a clearer image of the bud & whether or not it’s suited to them. Please do give honest reviews whether that be a 1/10 or a 10/10 . I will not change my 1to1 service if you give a bad review personally on preference !!
Anyone who likes to review in their own way please feel free to do so , this is just something I’d like to encourage.
Peace & love from the hp team .

2 posts
+3 votes

I feel for you man. I was getting heebie jeebies within 7-14 days never mind even longer. If what you get is anything like I’ve had you’ll be well ple…
+ 2 more
My order with BCA has now landed after 11 calendar days / 9 working days if you include Saturdays. I went with tracked delivery
Keep faith it should hopefully arrive soon!
Keep faith it should hopefully arrive soon!

don't wait, dispute the order at escrow suisse

I'm still waiting on an order. Been down as sent since the 4th. What postage did everyone get?Standard or tracked?

I think a couple of people are, according to BCA in another thread. Was that the listing that prompted the change in posting policy?
Have you contacted them?
Have you contacted them?

I feel for you man. I was getting heebie jeebies within 7-14 days never mind even longer. If what you get is anything like I’ve had you’ll be well pleased you did despite the fuck up.
Hope you get sorted quick.
Hope you get sorted quick.

5 posts
+11 votes

No way to prove anything now they've been kicked off. Still to see an unhappy customer or anyone out of pocket within lb.
+ 5 more

Right lads, wtf is going on with this crew?!
Made an order on Sept 1 which was then posted on 8th. Am I receiving this, do you think? And if not, then what can I do??
Scammed or what?!!
Made an order on Sept 1 which was then posted on 8th. Am I receiving this, do you think? And if not, then what can I do??
Scammed or what?!!

Hope you get sorted with product or refund man , sales mean noting on here any more there days , it’s about the time the vendors have been here , no offence to new vendors but that’s the way it is now established long time vendors are the ones to go with in my opinion plenty of them to

No way to prove anything now they've been kicked off. Still to see an unhappy customer or anyone out of pocket within lb.

Theres high chance you'll receive it, I've yet to hear of anyone who hasn't, but that was before lb kicked them off site.

Thanks for this - yeah, it says it was posted on 8th - this was before all the disputes, right?

He sat on it to avoid the escrow, did this to loads of people but transaxe put him on hold so you'll get your funds.
Be careful posting about this, he set up a brigade of helpers by actually delivering some stuff and offering incentives for posts as well as making loads of sock puppets. You will be hearing from them very soon.
Be careful posting about this, he set up a brigade of helpers by actually delivering some stuff and offering incentives for posts as well as making loads of sock puppets. You will be hearing from them very soon.

This dude even set up a new account , only post pics of products posted by the buyers after they receive. Prices way to low for a circle . Proper scams. I see bud brothers got there ounce in the door but bca prob did this to get the word of mouth going and get all noobs buying thank god I stayed Way was to risky when I was messaging him .

I had 2 orders arrive and I’m waiting on the third. If possible I would place a 4th 5th and 6th
Average 10 working days for me.
Average 10 working days for me.

Well dude, I am still waiting 22 days for the first order to land (which clearly ain't coming). Have gone via Escrosse Swisse but haven't heard back yet. Fingers crossed I can get some of my money back. And remember there is a lesson in all this: if it appears to good to be true, it is! Good luck Biggers x

Prob got sized, or it will come. A few people’s packs arrived after 20 days.
I often wait 2 weeks for a pack from uk to Ireland,
Best of luck buddy
Ps if it dose arrive let the people know!
I often wait 2 weeks for a pack from uk to Ireland,
Best of luck buddy
Ps if it dose arrive let the people know!

Thanks mate. If it got seized then BCA were crap at their job. If it does arrive, of course I will gladly update and eat my words! Good luck to all the other Biggaz awaiting dodgy shipments from BCA xx

Do you know more than any more than anybody else?
If someone can ship high end weed products worldwide with factory stealth, why waste that infrastructure scamming the few marketplaces that can actually handle what they can produce?
What else are they gonna do with it?
If someone can ship high end weed products worldwide with factory stealth, why waste that infrastructure scamming the few marketplaces that can actually handle what they can produce?
What else are they gonna do with it?

If you've been on the DN buying from Canada it's a really old story, a little updated for LB which is way more meme friendly. The infrastructure is simply one they middle man.
The why is the worst part, they waste a lot of marketing talent, it's obvious that a real business with slimmer margins and happy customers works out better for them but their pathology does not allow them to process this fact. They see "scores" not "builds".
The why is the worst part, they waste a lot of marketing talent, it's obvious that a real business with slimmer margins and happy customers works out better for them but their pathology does not allow them to process this fact. They see "scores" not "builds".

I'll happily defer to experience, but I'm left with one question...
Does this go down as a scam averted? Or a perfectly reasonably risk averse attitude to customer satisfaction on the platform?
Does this go down as a scam averted? Or a perfectly reasonably risk averse attitude to customer satisfaction on the platform?

According to my order history all dispute periods have been extended in transaxe for BCA only, even the ones marked as received and reviewed over a month ago.
Looks like somebody wants everyone to claim regardless.
Looks like somebody wants everyone to claim regardless.

3 posts
+3 votes

Vaping vs Smoking
I went through the same thing with PAX2. couldn't believe how shit it was as it ate through my weed.
Quit smoking altogether (moved to e-juice) and p…
+ 3 more

Vaping vs Smoking
I’ve just bit the bullet and forked out for the mighty vaporiser. Not really tried vaping properly, can Vaping replace smoking joints?

Took me a while of on-off vaping for it to take. I had a desktop vape but I still liked the ritual of rolling a perfect spliff and going outside to smoke it. Plus the thing smokers don’t realise is part of the stoned feeling is just from the fact you’ve inhaled combusted material which makes you drowsy. Vaping is a much cleaner high but many smokers miss that thing that smoking gives you. I eventually moved entirely to vaping when I got a pax 3 as it feels more like smoking where you toke and inhale. With the crafty and mighty you inhale directly into your lungs as there’s less resistance. I actually use the crafty+ more than the pax3 now as it’s more efficient and the vapour tastes better. Battery life on the crafty is still crap though! Also, last time I tried smoking a joint it tasted disgusting so I think i’m a 100% vaper now.

That's gonna be tough !! I tried vaping and it killed my lungs, the old body didn't do well swapping , I don't really agree with it if I'm honest, ok so smoking we all know is bad for various reasons but replacing it with a unknown in my opinion is not the best choice, I still don't believe we have enough medical evidence that vaping is better, plus I just don't agree with inhaling more water vapour than we already naturally do. As for joints and smoking for me there's no other way, edibles don't cut it for me, I guess there's the old just smoking joints scenario and reduce tobacco intake

Big difference between vaping carts and vaping green, which is what the mighty does. I agree with everything you said, on vape pens/ carts etc.
Vaping green is something else.
Vaping green is something else.

Man I’m in the same boat, today my mighty arrived so this was supposed to be the day when I stopped smoking joints and finally end my relationship with baccy completely. Sadly, I’ve very quickly learnt the Mighty is never going to replace spliffs, or in fact even 1% of spliffs. My experience so far with the Mighty involves wasting a load of weed for the tiniest, most pathetic bit of vapour which has not got me stoned ONE SINGLE BIT. I’m already rolling a joint. Biggest waste of money ever IMO.

That doesn’t sound good, not what I want to hear after spending £250! I’m going to try it out later on so I’ll let you know how I get on.

Yeh sorry bud loads of people seem to love it so I wonder if mine’s faulty or you really do get sweet FA vapour out of the thing. I’m currently extremely pissed that I spent £200+ on it tbh. So yeh defo let me know how you get on be interested to hear your thoughts.

I just had my first go and thought it was alright, got a pretty strong hit, set it to 190c and got a pretty good vape. Made me cough a bit though.

I have read quite a few comments from mighty users saying it took them a while to work out how to use it properly?

Ok so on my 4th attempt at using the Mighty and now doing the opposite of all the tips I’ve read about, hardly grinding the bud and packing it into the capsule and finally some consistent vapour came out for about 7 or 8 pulls. Not shit loads but some at least which is more inline with what I expected. Had to waste a g of some lovely bud just to get to this point which is hardly ideal. Hopefully the attachments (bubbler and adaptor) I’ve got coming tomorrow will elevate it up another level but progress at least.

Yeh from the research I’ve done that does seem to be the case with regards to the bud (dampness, grinding and loading) but I followed this all and used the driest bud I had, packed fairly lightly and ground to dust. So I’m wondering if it’s more a physiological thing, do I want to give up smoking spliffs enough to accept the Mighty will do... I dunno just hoping someone has some advice.

I went through the same thing with PAX2. couldn't believe how shit it was as it ate through my weed.
Quit smoking altogether (moved to e-juice) and picked up some MJCarts so I could cut joints, then bought a dynavap and never looked back (or bought any more carts).
Still not sure a Mighty would do it for me 9 months smoke free, but my Elev8r gets me higher than joints ever did.
Quit smoking altogether (moved to e-juice) and picked up some MJCarts so I could cut joints, then bought a dynavap and never looked back (or bought any more carts).
Still not sure a Mighty would do it for me 9 months smoke free, but my Elev8r gets me higher than joints ever did.

It can be your new favourite way to consume weed, but it can't replace joints. Part of the feeling you get is from starving your lungs of oxygen and filling them full of poison.
You've definitely picked a good one, well regarded. If you find it's not for you, former smokers seem to do well on butane vapes at least until they're rid of the smoking habit. Easier to get head strong 'cerebral' highs, may have to experiment with varieties to get a real couch lock.
I use dynavap in the way I used to make little single skin joints during the day, put it in the bong for bigger hits in the evenings. Now I've added a desktop electronic vape for control of effects and I can hit that all day long.
It's like having a whole new drug at your disposal.
You've definitely picked a good one, well regarded. If you find it's not for you, former smokers seem to do well on butane vapes at least until they're rid of the smoking habit. Easier to get head strong 'cerebral' highs, may have to experiment with varieties to get a real couch lock.
I use dynavap in the way I used to make little single skin joints during the day, put it in the bong for bigger hits in the evenings. Now I've added a desktop electronic vape for control of effects and I can hit that all day long.
It's like having a whole new drug at your disposal.

1 post
+1 votes

Lots of guides here for buying bitcoin.
Figure that part out and buying here will be a breeze.
Here are some chats on the subject which will lead …

New to crypto but i want edibles and i need to be discrete how do i go about purchasing product of here.

Lots of guides here for buying bitcoin.
Figure that part out and buying here will be a breeze.
Here are some chats on the subject which will lead to guides that will cover everything.
Figure that part out and buying here will be a breeze.
Here are some chats on the subject which will lead to guides that will cover everything.

1 post
+1 votes

Dreaded drought ?
UKCannaFarm is well worth a bookmark.
Tried and Tested.

Dreaded drought ?
Has a flower drought struck us ? Seems to not be a lot of primo indica from the usual big boys. No offence to the new vendors who I haven’t tried/ can’t vouch for. But the usual suspects who normally are best on here seem very low on new fresh indica ?

UKCannaFarm is well worth a bookmark.
Tried and Tested.
Tried and Tested.

DrugsInc have gorilla skittles, and black jack on the indica leaning side which seem to be rated highly . For some reason further down the wall though. Scroll down and when you see one of there products click on the vendor name to open there page

2 posts
+3.5 votes
Showing for me too, love a bit of purple dawg definitely interested to see some reviews of that!

Get involved, bud! Get into the topics and talk! It's always a good way to get your products on the wall!

1 post
+2 votes

Organic Weed! Who can offer this?
Another vouch for UKCannaFarm. Nice gear and at a fair price even when things were a bit nuts.

Organic Weed! Who can offer this?
Any vendors on here committed to sourcing or growing organic weed?
'Take a minute to think this one over to yourself. Do you find it appealing to inhale a seriously intense chemical used to eradicate large quantities of insects? Do you want to breath in something that is so poisonous, it wipes out flocks of organisms en masse? Yeah, I didn’t think so.'
Here's a definitive guide on organic weed and the benefits.
'Take a minute to think this one over to yourself. Do you find it appealing to inhale a seriously intense chemical used to eradicate large quantities of insects? Do you want to breath in something that is so poisonous, it wipes out flocks of organisms en masse? Yeah, I didn’t think so.'
Here's a definitive guide on organic weed and the benefits.

Maybe not all of them products looking organic but definitely if you would message them about organic strains they would sorted you out. You could see it after the rating and this what they have on the wall that they are legit.
Maybe not all of them products looking organic but definitely if you would message them about organic strains they would sorted you out. You could see it after the rating and this what they have on the wall that they are legit.

We just listed our local favourite - Power Kush - with limited availablity. Check it out while stock lasts :)
We just listed our local favourite - Power Kush - with limited availablity. Check it out while stock lasts :)

Another vouch for UKCannaFarm. Nice gear and at a fair price even when things were a bit nuts.

Thanks for the link will check it.
Some good organic growers on here - UKCannaFarm and Northern organics both have great products I’ve had recently. Really clean smoke and nice guys to deal with!
Some good organic growers on here - UKCannaFarm and Northern organics both have great products I’ve had recently. Really clean smoke and nice guys to deal with!

Love that man!! thanks so much for the mention!! Humbled at all these post responses. :)

4 posts
+9 votes

I'm one of the shill accounts you're referring to. 8 months on LB 14 buys from everyone under the sun before BCA arrived and every person in my DM's a…
+ 4 more

Hi all. Order was sent last Friday. I do trust it'll land as I see others' have.
I am unable to access B.C.A's page though. Slightly concerning......anyone get a heads up that they were gonna be going offline? Thanks
I am unable to access B.C.A's page though. Slightly concerning......anyone get a heads up that they were gonna be going offline? Thanks

Don't panic mate - there a host of people with vested interests slinging muck cause they cant compete. From everything I've seen of these guys and their respect for the people that trust and order from them, I'd be willing to bet you will get exactly what you have paid for.
...and so far I've not met anyone who was not blown away by the quality of what they got. Hope you get it soon bud! :)
...and so far I've not met anyone who was not blown away by the quality of what they got. Hope you get it soon bud! :)
Here's an update from BCA themselves. Hope this clears things up. They haven't gone anywhere. I think there previous account blame_canada_a is still active. So message them on there as they are unable to send messages to customers on the BCA account
Here's an update from BCA themselves. Hope this clears things up. They haven't gone anywhere. I think there previous account blame_canada_a is still active. So message them on there as they are unable to send messages to customers on the BCA account

Thank you all for your responses! Its greatly appreciated. We all have our own views. I for one really dont like seing all the bitterness that comes from some people on here. The beautiful herb should bring us all together in a peaceful, happy way. I believe all vendors will get their share of customers. If you provide what the customer wants then you can be in this game a long time without any worries. When I first joined LB I felt this was a real nice community where we could just all chat about life etc. It does feel like a war zone now sometimes. I have always believed in B.C.A and like I said, I do trust it'll land. And It does seem to me that they're being shot down for just giving the customers what they want. I will be delighted if I get my oz of nuken. But no doubt will be gutted if I'm unable to buy from them again. Please LB. Let them be. Respect! Kiwi

Well sorry to be the bearer of bad news, though my verdict is that it just was a quite elaborate exit scam.. And to my knowledge knowledge all the pages that gave reviews had zero buys. I suspect rhere was a bunch of bot accounts propping it up ( and eachother ) for an exit scam.
Think about it, if you were going to try and scam a tonne of people on lb how would you do it? And it seems if I am not mistaked they have done that mostly down to a Tee, there's some gross people out there that actually see fit to do such a thing, low of the low in my opinion.
Think about it, if you were going to try and scam a tonne of people on lb how would you do it? And it seems if I am not mistaked they have done that mostly down to a Tee, there's some gross people out there that actually see fit to do such a thing, low of the low in my opinion.

Your verdict is simply wrong and expressing it without a shred of evidence means I would never countenance buying anything from your page ever.
I have 30+ buys all over $100 on biggy and would be delighted to call out fakes and scammers, but BCA were the real deal. I got exactly as described with excellent communication and the best stealth I've ever seen.
Lots of biggys like me, left our reviews and picture of what we received on their page, so you calling them as a scam, you are calling us all liars. Think about it - you are calling some of the best buyers on this site liars? Way to build your business dude....hope you go bust.
I have 30+ buys all over $100 on biggy and would be delighted to call out fakes and scammers, but BCA were the real deal. I got exactly as described with excellent communication and the best stealth I've ever seen.
Lots of biggys like me, left our reviews and picture of what we received on their page, so you calling them as a scam, you are calling us all liars. Think about it - you are calling some of the best buyers on this site liars? Way to build your business dude....hope you go bust.

I admit I may have made a mistake and have been transparent as to why I had these views, having been scammed before. I'm glad to hear the contrary to my original statement that they may infact be legit! The rest of your statement seems a little abrupt, i'm just trying to offer a service and decent product here. It wasnt a personal attack on anyone 'nor am I calling his buyers liers, if you would go back and read the rest of the comments. How do you see me building my business from someone elses failure? Not a good ethos. Please take a minute to think about what you're saying before you start creating more of a mess here. I've said planely as I have seen, id appreciate it not being taken out of context and twisted thankyou.

You wanna call them foul but sell their Oz at $90 a Q?
I guess everyone's getting to see what LB is all about.
I guess everyone's getting to see what LB is all about.

'Please take a minute to think about what you're saying' - you need to follow your own advice mate.

I'm not getting into this with you dude, goodluck with yourself, And best of luck to BCA too.

I'm one of the shill accounts you're referring to. 8 months on LB 14 buys from everyone under the sun before BCA arrived and every person in my DM's asking my opinion on BCA got great weed.
If you've seen some information put it out there, otherwise you're just mud slinging.
If you've seen some information put it out there, otherwise you're just mud slinging.

I agree with you, That's what my view was from the information I had and now I appreciate from both you and cannas stances I may be wrong.

your dead fucking wrong THEY ARE REAL
uk vendors drop your nasty over the top prices, you know we get charged stupid amounts on miners fees and card fees for using this bitcoin crap then top it off with utter stupid prices
uk vendors drop your nasty over the top prices, you know we get charged stupid amounts on miners fees and card fees for using this bitcoin crap then top it off with utter stupid prices

I don't think it helps that you only seem to be able to see some people's buying history. Which I don't get. But it seems to trick people into thinking that because they cant see buys but they are leaving reviews that they must be bot accounts. Just another one of lb quirks lol

What I saw was the same three names with lots of up votes of eachother on the same posts and zero buys. I thought I had them sussed lol :/

I think it's only once you've chatted that you can see buy history.
Happy to share mine if it helps cut the rumours and gets a good vendor back on the wall.
Happy to share mine if it helps cut the rumours and gets a good vendor back on the wall.

Ah right. That does make sense now you've said. You learn something new everyday I guess.
Anyone who'd like to prod me a dm so you can have a snoop at my buys is more than welcome to. Not that you'll be blown away lol
Anyone who'd like to prod me a dm so you can have a snoop at my buys is more than welcome to. Not that you'll be blown away lol

So elaborate that it's been a year in the making going off how long some of these "bot" accounts have been on LB beepbeep to name one joined September last yearand is has been active in the community since joining. Also one of the very first people to receive their order from Blame_canada_a just like many other Biggaz that have been around for plenty of time.
Also I received my order yesterday and you should know I'm not a bot because I have baught off you.
Not having ago mate but elaborate is pretty far fetched tbf. Had all this gone one earlier on then I might of agreeded with you but that's why I left if it until there was plenty of reviews.
Also I received my order yesterday and you should know I'm not a bot because I have baught off you.
Not having ago mate but elaborate is pretty far fetched tbf. Had all this gone one earlier on then I might of agreeded with you but that's why I left if it until there was plenty of reviews.

SAME! Just over a year here over 100 buys
1 order receive from BCA another on the way!
If it is an exit scam then even if my 2 order doesn’t come I have still paid less than if I had my original order from some of the other vendors on here.
It is clear to ME that there is a Concentrated effort to get BCA off of LB!
1 order receive from BCA another on the way!
If it is an exit scam then even if my 2 order doesn’t come I have still paid less than if I had my original order from some of the other vendors on here.
It is clear to ME that there is a Concentrated effort to get BCA off of LB!

Concentrated implies more than me hap-hazardly messaging my idea of things, whichbis definitely not the case with me!

No not you!!! I really didn’t mean to imply that, but there have been certain accounts on here doing a lot of posting spreading false info.

Hey Canna, good points, my aim isn't to slander any reputable vendor, I'm just going off the information I've seen and also don't want other biggaz being scammed. The above is what I gathered, though I accept responsibility for my mistake if I've jumped the gun! And I think all vendors deserve a fair shake'

That's cool. I'm just trying to settle some nerves for people who have bought cuz I was in the same position as them with the order taking longer than expected which gives you so much time to come up with loads of crazy ideas in your head especially when people are say scam this scam that.
It's all love here here mate. Keep safe.
It's all love here here mate. Keep safe.

1 post
+1 votes

BCA are they legit
See some delivered package contents here.

BCA are they legit
Has anyone ordered from these guys? They have a great menu but there is only a few reviews on the same 3 or 4 strains by the same people? Is it another American in Paris or has someone gotten a package delivered

1 post
+3 votes
Unfair review :(
I’m still enjoying your Zkittles matey. It’s even a bit much if I get carried away on the vape. Cerebral, as they say.

Unfair review :(
Pretty sure I've been sabotaged. Had an extremely unfair review. Please let the rest of my reviews speak for themselves.

I just wanna be friends with the world guy! big love to yourself and the haters XD

I thought your zkittles was awsome m8 the bud the packaging the comms delivery time all spot on

It’s an obvious plant (!) to sabotage you mate, your other reviews should reassure potential buyers. As others have commented, the zkittlez was quality and a few of us made multiple orders. Now, where’s the green crack then lol ;)

aww thanks for that bud! Big love!! haha Green Crack will be live around 6pm bud!!

It’s the most ridiculous review, I had 5 orders of the zkittles which I sent to friends as I was so impressed, and thoughts were literally the opposite of what this guy said! Looks like a bit of sabotage to me mate wouldn’t worry about it fella

can i ask when you post pics what your selling do you take a fresh pic of every new batch or do you leave the same pic you took months and months ago of a top notch looking batch?i only ask as there are a few vendors who do just that dude

to be fair you have had more than one bad review on this batch amigo,3 iv counted in the past week :(

no problem bud, we are here anytime, you just make sure you're good with your funds first bud. :D

Every time I announce a new drop I have some haters waiting to leave feedback right before a drop. I am now suspicious of certain names as well as a vendor on here. not going to name names.
"1/10 Not very nice. Harsh on the throat. Hasn't been dried properly . Smells damp. Very disappointed."
I find this super insulting. The weed is lovely, I grow weed to smoke myself, for me. I smoke a lot. This weed is lovely. I love it, literally cradle my jar to sleep at night.
"6/10 - I'd hoped for a little more from this one. Maybe another month under the lights, would have done the trick. " lol... another month under the light and it would have died and rotted...
Anyway, please don't let these deter you guys. It's sad that this happens here to be honest. Thanks to everyone for the honest and lovely reviews, you my life happy. thank you!
Every time I announce a new drop I have some haters waiting to leave feedback right before a drop. I am now suspicious of certain names as well as a vendor on here. not going to name names.
"1/10 Not very nice. Harsh on the throat. Hasn't been dried properly . Smells damp. Very disappointed."
I find this super insulting. The weed is lovely, I grow weed to smoke myself, for me. I smoke a lot. This weed is lovely. I love it, literally cradle my jar to sleep at night.
"6/10 - I'd hoped for a little more from this one. Maybe another month under the lights, would have done the trick. " lol... another month under the light and it would have died and rotted...
Anyway, please don't let these deter you guys. It's sad that this happens here to be honest. Thanks to everyone for the honest and lovely reviews, you my life happy. thank you!

I’m still enjoying your Zkittles matey. It’s even a bit much if I get carried away on the vape. Cerebral, as they say.

I haven’t bought from you yet , but the zkittles looked amazing. Your other pictures aren’t that good as it’s no high enough resolution to see the trichromes. Maybe a better camera of different settings may help your sales;) Take care;)

hey bud! thanks for the kind words and feedback. Interesting you mentioned that. I use a digital SLR but i'll have a play with the settings see if I can get some better shots :D

That bloke who did a review of the zkittles among many others, does fantastic pictures of the buds. Canaver I think.
IMO it really makes a difference if you can see the quality of the trichromes on the bud;)
IMO it really makes a difference if you can see the quality of the trichromes on the bud;)

yeah Carver! he's sick! Can't do it every batch when I only have small amounts though bud.

Can't ask you to beautifully photograph every strain I grow when some batches i'm only selling small amounts xD I bring in the big guns for the big batches :D

I got some of the zkittlez a week or two ago and it was delightful! Would definitely order from you guys again.

It was of a big bud i'd sent completely torn up to bits lol I was saddened by it to say the least.

Yes alot like in amazon, but on here its the big picture L, ive bought this bud and its was grear and the commun was great and ive grown before so i can tell it’s clean

But my tears are what make my weed so dank xD
Zkittlez is all out anyway you big beautiful bastard.
Please tell me what strains would you suggest I grow?
Zkittlez is all out anyway you big beautiful bastard.
Please tell me what strains would you suggest I grow?

I m sittin here in ireland in middle of a drought and i offered your zkittles to 3 people to night all 3 said it tasted horrible was no smoking cbd flowers .smell s of burning paper in the room ..i m going back to the og kush that was good bud s from a new vendor

We have plenty of green from rb and other trustworthy vendors not scammers who sell dog shit weed ..i may burm your s as i cant give it anway in a drought is what i m saying ...people like you ruin this page

Honestly bud, i'm confused and saddened buy this. I'm not a scammer at all and all these other reviews are real. I understand I can't win them all but i'm unsure how this has happened. I smoke the zkittlez myself daily and I haven't encountered this problem as well as many others on here. So sincere apologies you feel this way.

Don’t apologise mate this guy is either a plant or a clown. Still got a tiny bit left of the zkittles and it’s lovely dunno what the fuss is all about!

Appreciate you my dude! Just trying to run a respectable business round here though, I just want everyone to be happy so they come back you know :D


1 post
+1 votes
4/10 someone's been smoking crack
Agree on the need to ditch nicotine first.
Get rid of that by whatever means necessary, go through the stages of grief, then try the alternatives.
As much as i too disagree with the 4/10, what i am about to say next will hurt the vape cart enthusiasts.
When you are comparing a joint of flower to a vape cart, there can be little doubt of which is the strongest and best tasting (provided the flower is good of course). Thats the bottom line. We can go back and forth on that opinion but it is my opinion based on experience and there is no right or wrong answer. I can see were a newcomer to carts who transitioned from joints (or hoping to) is coming from in that respect. A 4/10 tells me this is their first time trying carts and they compared it to a joint they had recently. To fully embrace the goodness of vape carts, you need to get the idea of joints out of your head.
That does not mean the vape carts are not good enough, because i would not have just ordered 4 more if that was the case (01/09/20) and i ordered 4 in August too. I have enjoyed them all. I will continue to buy them because they do the job and i dont want to be smoking joints daily like i used to, but i want to be smoking joints a few days a month at least. There are many advantages to using vape carts over joints, they are more cost effective, cleaner, discreet, no preperation necessary, etc. They tick a box for many people but a hardcore joint smoker will always be the hardest customer to please out of them all.
When you are comparing a joint of flower to a vape cart, there can be little doubt of which is the strongest and best tasting (provided the flower is good of course). Thats the bottom line. We can go back and forth on that opinion but it is my opinion based on experience and there is no right or wrong answer. I can see were a newcomer to carts who transitioned from joints (or hoping to) is coming from in that respect. A 4/10 tells me this is their first time trying carts and they compared it to a joint they had recently. To fully embrace the goodness of vape carts, you need to get the idea of joints out of your head.
That does not mean the vape carts are not good enough, because i would not have just ordered 4 more if that was the case (01/09/20) and i ordered 4 in August too. I have enjoyed them all. I will continue to buy them because they do the job and i dont want to be smoking joints daily like i used to, but i want to be smoking joints a few days a month at least. There are many advantages to using vape carts over joints, they are more cost effective, cleaner, discreet, no preperation necessary, etc. They tick a box for many people but a hardcore joint smoker will always be the hardest customer to please out of them all.

This is so true. Over 30 years being a daily herb smoker. I’m trying to kick nicotine and these have helped no end. I have a vape for leaf but the quantities I need are stupid. Tried these for the first time a couple of months ago. They are totally the way forward for me. I love this product

Good luck with the change, it is not easy to kick a lifelong habit but it can be done if you have the desire for change. It helps when you have a kick ass product to replace it with, ie the vape carts.
I have tried dry vaping too but there is something about combusting bud inside one of those things that does not sit well with me. I bought a Nebula X for the purpose but that was before i tried the vape carts and since then dry vaping has taken a back seat and will continue. I do not like having a time limit to take a draw, i prefer to take a draw when i feel like it. Probably my least favourite method of consumption out of all choices. They are better suited for concentrates imo.
For anyone else wanting away from joints and looking for an alternative, vape carts are the natural successor to smoking joints. To fully appreciate how good vape carts are you need to win that battle against the nicotine first, win that battle and come out of it a champion then you will start to appreciate the vape carts and won't look back. Don't do what i used to do and have a joint in one hand and a vape cart in the other, it does not work, you need to make a decision on which one stays and which one goes.
I have tried dry vaping too but there is something about combusting bud inside one of those things that does not sit well with me. I bought a Nebula X for the purpose but that was before i tried the vape carts and since then dry vaping has taken a back seat and will continue. I do not like having a time limit to take a draw, i prefer to take a draw when i feel like it. Probably my least favourite method of consumption out of all choices. They are better suited for concentrates imo.
For anyone else wanting away from joints and looking for an alternative, vape carts are the natural successor to smoking joints. To fully appreciate how good vape carts are you need to win that battle against the nicotine first, win that battle and come out of it a champion then you will start to appreciate the vape carts and won't look back. Don't do what i used to do and have a joint in one hand and a vape cart in the other, it does not work, you need to make a decision on which one stays and which one goes.

I fully agree mates...4/10 is sick....this product is the best thing you can find in europe, not even in the netherlands you can get such a beauty-finely extract-artisan distilate, ofc compared to a joint they have nothing to do but these are a top product , not adequate for kids who just want to get high-poisoned . Eternal love to these guys, absolutely premium stuff.

Agree on the need to ditch nicotine first.
Get rid of that by whatever means necessary, go through the stages of grief, then try the alternatives.
Get rid of that by whatever means necessary, go through the stages of grief, then try the alternatives.

1 post
+1 votes

Hash in a dynavap
Just roll up little pucks and put them in there.
I don't bother with hemp or cotton (not a judgement, just never tried). Most work well if you just …

Hash in a dynavap
Sup biggaz? After reading a lot of rave reviews about the dynavap I picked one up and I absolutely love it. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I’ve never really enjoyed vaping flower or hash but I never realised the problem was the battery! Anyway I have vaping flower down to a tee but I’m struggling to vape hash... I have cotton bacon and wrap a bit of hash in that and vape it but i feel like I’m doing something wrong because I’m not getting a lot of flavour, cloud and not much of a hit. Should I keep cotton to a minimum? Should I be heating from the bottom or middle? Any advice would be appreciated please!!

The Dynavap's click system is intended for ground herb, if you've got hash in there you do want a slightly higher temperature... you need to heat a little bit past the click, which may take a little trial and error. The cotton's in there just to prevent the hash melting and gunking everything up/sticking to everything, so you don't need much, just enough to keep it contained. The hash needs to be broken down too, a single solid lump won't vape up readily. But ultimately, hash doesn't work in the Dynavap as well as herb does... and different hashes behave differently, so there's not necessarily a single best method...

Been putting thin disks of the drysift eggs sold on here in between my herb using an ih works well

Just roll up little pucks and put them in there.
I don't bother with hemp or cotton (not a judgement, just never tried). Most work well if you just take a little piece and roll up a little ball, then maybe roll it out like thin pastry and pop it in.
Others seem to work better if you can grind them back into powder again and either pop in a little scoop like a dab, or top some flower with it.
As ilsenator, you need to warm a little past the click for resin.
I don't bother with hemp or cotton (not a judgement, just never tried). Most work well if you just take a little piece and roll up a little ball, then maybe roll it out like thin pastry and pop it in.
Others seem to work better if you can grind them back into powder again and either pop in a little scoop like a dab, or top some flower with it.
As ilsenator, you need to warm a little past the click for resin.

2 posts
+5 votes
Why 8/10
Because it could almost always be better.
On this one in particular, I wouldn't order again unfortunately. 10 out of 10 on the order I got but my pos…
+ 2 more

Why 8/10
The stealth is good, hash is good, communication is good. Price is good..
Why only 8 ???
Why only 8 ???

I never give 10 as a point of principal,BUT I regard Hashishin highly-a true pro and nice guy.

I've gave him 10/10 even so any of them three hashs weren't the strongest I've ever had for the price given.
Quality was 8/10 , but delivery and communication was 12/10
So that makes 10/10 in my books. ;)
Quality was 8/10 , but delivery and communication was 12/10
So that makes 10/10 in my books. ;)

I tried the red leb was very nice and clean and a good hit, but not a Long lasting high though.
I’m waiting on leb sample pack, I expect it won’t be very potent
But I expect to enjoy it very much so,
Yes prices are a bit high but still he is one of the cheapest on LB
I’m waiting on leb sample pack, I expect it won’t be very potent
But I expect to enjoy it very much so,
Yes prices are a bit high but still he is one of the cheapest on LB

Yeah red leb was the most potent , but quite dreamy for my liking. Had better hash in Holland and Spain for ten euro per .
Nevertheless the Hashisin is very nice vendor with excellent comms and that counts a lot as this is shady business
Prices on LB are inflated still, seems like vendors here forgot there's a plenty of street dealers and deep web with much cheaper prices !!!
E.g. my street dealer sells Nerdz for a score or 3 for 50 lmfao!
I personally only getting stuff from here I can't get elsewhere.
Nevertheless the Hashisin is very nice vendor with excellent comms and that counts a lot as this is shady business
Prices on LB are inflated still, seems like vendors here forgot there's a plenty of street dealers and deep web with much cheaper prices !!!
E.g. my street dealer sells Nerdz for a score or 3 for 50 lmfao!
I personally only getting stuff from here I can't get elsewhere.

Because it could almost always be better.
On this one in particular, I wouldn't order again unfortunately. 10 out of 10 on the order I got but my postie will 100% notice a second. Too distinctive and unexplainable. Sorry.
On this one in particular, I wouldn't order again unfortunately. 10 out of 10 on the order I got but my postie will 100% notice a second. Too distinctive and unexplainable. Sorry.

Thank you for elaborating!
I aggree about packaging!
Now hashishin knows he has something to work on!
I aggree about packaging!
Now hashishin knows he has something to work on!

I can't speak for the reviewer, but there are different schools of thought on rating numbers, in any field. Some people are of the opinion that a 10/10 score should never be given, because it states absolute perfection, which is essentially not attainable. What is a 'perfect' weed? Perhaps the reviewer thinks a 'good smoke' is only an 8/10 when everything else is in order, and to be higher needs a 'great smoke' or better?
We all use language differently to describe the same thing, and we all have different ways of assigning a score to something. An 8/10 is a great score, it just isn't perfect.
We all use language differently to describe the same thing, and we all have different ways of assigning a score to something. An 8/10 is a great score, it just isn't perfect.

I guess ur right!!
But hashishin never said it was perfect,
Personally I would only deduct from ratings if I have a bad experience in any way. Maybe that’s just me being a happy Go lucky type person,. I start at 10 and work down! ?
But hashishin never said it was perfect,
Personally I would only deduct from ratings if I have a bad experience in any way. Maybe that’s just me being a happy Go lucky type person,. I start at 10 and work down! ?

I use from 6-10 to judge the quality of the product. The first 5 points are for everything else. I have awarded many 10/10, because those products matched my expectations in every way, not because they could not have been better.
I've actually seen a thread here that was basically people complaining about 10/10 reviews being so prominent, because they feel it lacks honesty and makes it hard to really judge a vendor based on reviews. For my part, I think lots of 10/10 reviews means lots of people had their expectations met, which is what I want too.
I've actually seen a thread here that was basically people complaining about 10/10 reviews being so prominent, because they feel it lacks honesty and makes it hard to really judge a vendor based on reviews. For my part, I think lots of 10/10 reviews means lots of people had their expectations met, which is what I want too.

1 post
+2 votes

Browser for stealth
I recommend Brave Browser. It's a piece of piss, runs private windows through Tor, and great non-track features as standard.

Browser for stealth
Hello everyone,
How do you cover your tracks ? Which browser are you using, any tips on this ? For me I'm using duck duck go. Do many use tor this ? Thanks all
How do you cover your tracks ? Which browser are you using, any tips on this ? For me I'm using duck duck go. Do many use tor this ? Thanks all

There is no need for a VPN. However, your ISP (internet service provider) can tell you have been connected to the tor network. They have been known to alert police on the use of this. So VPN covers the tor connection. Although there's info out there about it being possible to track someone who uses both. Anyway your just a dude buying some weed so you'll be absolutely fine. Personally I use a VPN with tor!

That's it, very true UKCannaFarm. Good info from all there, thanks for inputs. To be honest I was probably just getting a bit paro after having a smoke and ordering more, all good though, wherethe kilos at haha These threads the place for info for covering yourself just incase the off chance ya get a knock from the cops at the door but with the amounts I get, highly unlikely

lol I know how it can be sometimes bud! It's a shame this is the world we live in.
I would advise separating your personal device from your “Tor” device for an added layer of security, just to be extra safe. If you want to go one step further, grab an old laptop you no longer use (or purchase a cheap/used one), pull out the hard drive and stick TailsOS on a USB drive and boot from that. It comes with Tor installled and everything sits in memory, so as soon as you shut down = no traces left. Again, not all necessary, Tor is good enough on its own, but that is the safest way to browse anonymously. All the best.
I would advise separating your personal device from your “Tor” device for an added layer of security, just to be extra safe. If you want to go one step further, grab an old laptop you no longer use (or purchase a cheap/used one), pull out the hard drive and stick TailsOS on a USB drive and boot from that. It comes with Tor installled and everything sits in memory, so as soon as you shut down = no traces left. Again, not all necessary, Tor is good enough on its own, but that is the safest way to browse anonymously. All the best.

Thanks for the great info. I appreciate it. Little biggy threads are the best and so are the people

you can get both tor and vpn for an android phone but its generally a good rule of thumb not to use phones as they aren't secure.

Our recommendation would be using tails system and a network connection not associated with your name.

I recommend Brave Browser. It's a piece of piss, runs private windows through Tor, and great non-track features as standard.

2 posts
+2 votes

B.C.A has anyone tried these guys
Another winning drop came in today. Recommended.
+ 2 more

B.C.A has anyone tried these guys
Has any others biggaz out there ordered from these guys???

Came through, stealth was top notch, customer service amazing and responsive, give them a try/message wont look back )

I've put an order in. Left it for the first wave of reviews to come in. If you look on there ex page blame_canada_a (made a new page so they could rename as B.C.A) there's about a dozen+ reviews from previous sales.

1 post
+1 votes

little buggy
Time and Date
Unless someone who knows more about the way these things work is going to correct me, if I made it my aim, I could see when a post was made.
Is not h…

little buggy
Time and Date
Hey guys, first of all let me begin by apologising for posting so much. As a newbie to the site I just can't believe how cool the community is and I don't have any social media accounts is what it is lol.
I know that there is never any time and date stamps on a post / comment and for me this is a bit annoying as I never know how old a post / comment is and the very same with items.
I'm not expecting the people who run the site to add features but how would people in the community feel about dating a post whenever they make it? Or does that just sound like nonsense and a gigantic waste of time lol?
Let me know what ye think fellow biggaz!
I know that there is never any time and date stamps on a post / comment and for me this is a bit annoying as I never know how old a post / comment is and the very same with items.
I'm not expecting the people who run the site to add features but how would people in the community feel about dating a post whenever they make it? Or does that just sound like nonsense and a gigantic waste of time lol?
Let me know what ye think fellow biggaz!

Even if I share your idea, (having timestamp will make communication much easier) I'm against it here on LB, just for security purposes, think about it;
If you write something and (maybe just unluck) you are caught, or if someone breaches into your account, they have some more evidences to use against you.
Shortly: Less information = more secure
P. S: This profile is for bugs reports, not feature implementation =)
If you write something and (maybe just unluck) you are caught, or if someone breaches into your account, they have some more evidences to use against you.
Shortly: Less information = more secure
P. S: This profile is for bugs reports, not feature implementation =)

Good point
If I had to suggest anything it would be an Items filter (Hash, Cannabis, Concentrates)
If I had to suggest anything it would be an Items filter (Hash, Cannabis, Concentrates)

Yeah a filter would be pretty handy! I find myself searching alot through posts for what I'm looking for.

If LB adds filters, they are actually confirming that this site is indeed created for selling illegal products.
Right now, the site does not states for what purposes does it exists, maybe we (the users) are just using it in the wrong way by selling / buying illegal products like weed.
By doing it this way, the people behind LB are more safe against any type of legal action.
Think it like Google, you can find on Google even illegal things, but is not Google's fault, it's because of the users who are using it in the wrong way.
LB is like a ghost, no clear defined purpose, just a forum based website.
Right now, the site does not states for what purposes does it exists, maybe we (the users) are just using it in the wrong way by selling / buying illegal products like weed.
By doing it this way, the people behind LB are more safe against any type of legal action.
Think it like Google, you can find on Google even illegal things, but is not Google's fault, it's because of the users who are using it in the wrong way.
LB is like a ghost, no clear defined purpose, just a forum based website.

Yeah I get what you're saying and agree. I just see a lot of people asking in posts when it was made and if it's still relevant but security is everyones main priority so perhaps my idea was a little silly.
Apologies about posting in the wrong place too, still learning lol
Apologies about posting in the wrong place too, still learning lol

Unless someone who knows more about the way these things work is going to correct me, if I made it my aim, I could see when a post was made.
Is not having it viewable on the site enhancing security?
I'm sure there's something I'm missing but it is very frustrating all round.
Is not having it viewable on the site enhancing security?
I'm sure there's something I'm missing but it is very frustrating all round.

1 post
+1 votes

Budget hash
Never seen sub £200 on here. And at the moment, don't see it off here either.

Budget hash
Ok so I see all the eggs and the 2x or 3x filtered. Where is the hash though? You know, normal hash? I don't want soap or cheap manky stuff, but just average pot. There was What-sap hash kicking about for a short time that was cheap and still tasty. Would be good to see these options instead of 100 quid quarters. I mean they are tasty but if I want triple filtered id just get shatter

1 post
+2 votes

vaped bud
Fuckin stinks mate, make no mistake.

vaped bud

I've been using a plenty vaporiser at max settings. The cooked bud comes out less dark than other vaporisers I've used before (still hits great). Any ideas of what I should do with this? do you think it has any thc value left in it?

My latest way of doing it smell free is by filling size 00 clear veg capsules and popping them at work ,quite nice and not to heavy ,started with 4

How many grams roughly to get baked? I don't have a dry herb vape but loving the fact you can use the old bud to make edibles etc, so very tempted.

Not sure weight wise , I use capsules as a measure tool , each person has got diffrent tolerance so ...

I managed to make about 200 caps with the vaped bud you see in the picture. Tossed a little extra virgin coconut oil at the end of each cap to help with absorption. Plus health benefits? possibly. I think I managed to get about .2-.3g in each cap with enough space left for the coconut oil. I find 10 caps puts me in a mellow place. I often use them to compliment the weed I'm smoking.
Definitely a great way to get the most bang for your $. I've tried a few dry herb vapes and found the only one I really get along with is the storz & bickel plenty. Take deep drags and its as close to a bong/combustion experience you're going to get. Easy maintenance and replacement parts too. But alas. I'm beginning to ramble... /hits send.
Definitely a great way to get the most bang for your $. I've tried a few dry herb vapes and found the only one I really get along with is the storz & bickel plenty. Take deep drags and its as close to a bong/combustion experience you're going to get. Easy maintenance and replacement parts too. But alas. I'm beginning to ramble... /hits send.

I've saved about 10g so far and been looking at what to do with it. Some people just eat it as is, I've no idea how they do this! I think the best thing to do is put it in coconut oil as people say it absorbs better than butter. Water curing before is also a good idea as it improves the taste and reduces the smell. Just watch out if the neighbors are a problem. I heard the abv farts stink to fuck :0

1 post
+1 votes

Consumption options...?
Seems a really expensive way to do things.
Have you tried any of the edibles on here?
Have you been down the vapour route? or do you see that like s…

Consumption options...?
Pretty new to all this and prefer not to smoke so I'm currently doing the following with lemon haze hasish:
Break a bit off into a spoon, adding small amount of coconut oil
Heat gently over the hob for about thirty seconds, stirring it around with the tip of a knife. The mixture bubbles slightly and sometimes a small amount of smoke happens.
I then pour the mixture onto a ginger biscuit (I find ginger effective to neutralise the hash taste) and consume.
It seems to get me mildly stoned but would really love to know if I'm down the completely wrong path with this method.. wasting good hash as well as time and money.
I live with people that wouldn't be sympathetic to me making more conventional hash oil as it involves long cooking times etc
Any thoughts would be much appreciated...
Break a bit off into a spoon, adding small amount of coconut oil
Heat gently over the hob for about thirty seconds, stirring it around with the tip of a knife. The mixture bubbles slightly and sometimes a small amount of smoke happens.
I then pour the mixture onto a ginger biscuit (I find ginger effective to neutralise the hash taste) and consume.
It seems to get me mildly stoned but would really love to know if I'm down the completely wrong path with this method.. wasting good hash as well as time and money.
I live with people that wouldn't be sympathetic to me making more conventional hash oil as it involves long cooking times etc
Any thoughts would be much appreciated...

Hey Kurt, you will need to decarboxylate the has to release the THCA in the hash so you can get the full effect. I’ve put a link that can help.

I’ve found decarbing hash doesn’t seem to make huge amounts of difference (maybe I’m doing it wrong). My fav method for edible hash so far has been to crumble it into a mug of full fat milk, microwave til it boils stir it lots microwave a bit more making sure it boils away for a while. Then add whatever flavour you prefer, hot choc, coffee. Where’s there a fat and high heat the thc will bind to the fat.

I would recommend having a look at a recipe for firecrackers, they can be extremely potent though, so be careful. Very simple to make, I prefer smokin, but if I'm having an edible it would be a firecracker.

Seems a really expensive way to do things.
Have you tried any of the edibles on here?
Have you been down the vapour route? or do you see that like smoking?
The lemon hash I've had from here is gorgeous but if you don't even like the flavour why not just buy prepared bud?
Have you tried any of the edibles on here?
Have you been down the vapour route? or do you see that like smoking?
The lemon hash I've had from here is gorgeous but if you don't even like the flavour why not just buy prepared bud?

Well a just ate a bit just strait in and chew about a gram of El Chapo a didn't think it would do much ye right two hours later tripping my head of,or a do the same as you do but a put in a yoghurt works for me

I have a friend with cystic fibrosis that uses your method with the spoon. He does it with flower, butter and into a strawberry yogurt though. I shudder when i see him doing it haha. But it works :P

Hi there little flower, just seen your comment there. My wife has CF and I was just speaking to oilman today about the RSO which I am going to purchase for her. Do you know what your friend gets out of this? Is it to help with pain or just help appetite? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as she has spent ten years on opiates and they are starting to have too many adverse effects. Thank you in advance.

Hey. He doesnt use RSO so I cannot make any comments on it. He heats flower in butter, and I'm pretty sure it's just for recreational use, over medicine. I wish I could advise you better, but I'm not a doctor and wouldn't want to suggest the wrong thing for your wife x

I am sure there are many medicinal benefits, but I wouldnt like to make assumptions and lead you with false information. Very sad to hear about your wife's CF! What a scary time for sufferers. I am sure she doesn't feel like the shielded are allowed out now, either! The government has failed our sick. I hope you guys are finding ways to manage. Bigg love, R!

We were in lockdown since March, only just started to get back to this new normal and it seems to be going only one way again. I am absolutely sick of having to defend my wife to idiots who just here her cough and then look at her like the devil. It is a very scary time for the CF community but there are new drugs being approved which are making a big difference so hopefully my wife will get them before Boris and his eugenics policies. I grew up under thatcher, she ain’t got nothing on Boris. Thank you for your concern, I hope your friend is managing well too. Bigg love back.

Such concern all round! I hope some kind of normal can return for you soon. My friend is coping...though only been out of the house once since feb :( such a sad thing. X

1 post
+2 votes

They got someone selling a Gucci handbag and another selling viagra BUT HEY SMALL VENDORS you guys/gals can manage without being on the items walk!!!!
How the f*** does this algorithm work? We’ve been active on posts, even managed to get a few sales through convo, actively creating topics..... what f***ing more does it want me to do?
How the f*** does this algorithm work? We’ve been active on posts, even managed to get a few sales through convo, actively creating topics..... what f***ing more does it want me to do?

Not a lot you can do guys. I've been on the items list for all of 2 hours, once. And I was already pretty much sold out..
Build your reputation through repeat customers. It's the only way to bypass the obvious bias on this site.
Some of us will never get a break. It means we just have to work harder.
It is what is is.
Cheers BB
Build your reputation through repeat customers. It's the only way to bypass the obvious bias on this site.
Some of us will never get a break. It means we just have to work harder.
It is what is is.
Cheers BB

Doesn’t make sense does, 95% of people are on here for ganja related product. I have seen a few people comment that the more active you are on LB, the quicker you will get on the wall. Don’t quote me though pal, I’m only a buyer at the mo. Dunno if checking out the sellers arms will help you out

Not sure if this is historical but commenting because I've never seen you on the items wall but I see you here and I'm browsing your product.
No idea why it's this way but best of luck getting a footing.
No idea why it's this way but best of luck getting a footing.

bigg topics