I’ve been on and off SSRI’s over a few years and I always end up wanting to get shut of them. I’m currently not relying on them to manage anxiety which I’m thankful for but they definitely do work! I would suggest listening to your doctors advice for the time being and taper it down when you feel like you might be able to manage with less in your system. I went cold turkey the first time and it fucked with my head (brain zaps and lots of other weird side effects). The last lot I was on I slowly tapered off it wasn’t without side effects but much easier. CBT helped me manage my shit even though at the time I thought it was all BS I can now see when my anxiety rears it’s ugly head and do what I need to. Just my 2p worth but I hope it helps! All the best mate!
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joined sep 2020
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1 post by Sickhiuratw

doctor doc
Gradually tapering Sertraline
When I came off them I used to get these "zaps" in my brain, was a very weird feeling
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