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joined feb 2017
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0 topics on 1313
112 posts by 1313
Info and experience on weed in middle east
shroom bars work
use three words to describe little biggy
Fork before dystopia + 2 more
{buy help}
No support if your payment expires.
did you figure out what happened? + 2 more
on  {nations}
If we don't need authority for trust what do we need it for?
we need less screwing and more ..screwing
{buy help}
yes, the dispute system overrides any seller statement. your reputation and that of the seller is what matters every time.
The D-Notice: A Very British Way Of Censoring The Press
i thought this was going to be a rational catalogue of bbc bias - which would be a great concept
nice but can you speed it up a bit
on  {rap}
Best Rap Show You've Ever Been To?
that's a great question
transaxe down?
worked for me what problem are you getting
An Essay on Extraterrestrial Liberty
started topic
mr bond meet mr bean
started topic
what comes after the web?
since religions were organized, self preserving entities that transcend all people.
Account Locked - Transaxe - Anyone had this issue ?
too many failed password attempts
on  [travel]
affordable snowboarding destinations?
started topic
Where do you buy your rolling papers?
Its been said a million time but someone should sell a full line of accessories here. They can advertise outside and bring people to LB with their ref…
Who deletes posts?
Was the post on this page? If so it needs to be about littleBiggy itself. Makes me wonder what will happen to this post ?
on  [cities]
Could a DAO build a city?
Not on my block ;)
von Neumann probes (video)
started topic
phds mvp
on  phds mvp
Game Theory Ain't Life
Yes this explains a lot of shootings from school yard assasins to cops
devvy borg
reviews 2.1!
Yes you just just press record
The Catholic Church is a Force for Good in the World : IQ^2 Debate
started topic + 2 more
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Order missing
just hit up transaxe support, thats all they need
Einstein: The universal force is LOVE
uh huh, i can see why al wanted to wait until society was advanced enough to hear this.
on  [music]
Worst song ever? And why... GO!
i dont mean to get personal but why did you need the rat if you had a tampon?
1/10 top service ๐Ÿง
say hi to your uncle for me
It was Elton John's 150th birthday and I had nothing to wear...
will the real elton john please stand up? i thought then i get out of the bed, micheal and latoya jr still lying besides me the sequin eyemask drops t…
on  [movies]
Snoop Finds A Role
part of the act snoop's collecting the bucks
How Our Reality May Be a Sum of All Possible Realities
started topic
turn your phone into a ham radio
started topic
on  [history]
Digging for Utopia
Thank you, loved this: "Weโ€™ve been persuaded that large-scale communities require some people to give orders and others to follow them. But thatโ€™…
on  [music]
Where are todayโ€™s protest singers?
one of the greatest protest artists in history in on lb's pages
beat this beat bigga
ok Tierra Whack - Stand Up
The Neurologist That Hacked His Brain - And Almost Lost His Mind
sure, but you can only watch movies
To All You Cryptoheads: Untrust Us
started topic
Bad Trip (netflix)
started topic
{web 3.0}
on  {web 3.0}
web3 onboarding is like waterboarding
lens protocol enables so many of web3 projects and basically just shuts them down by not working.
My cheeks are numb
thought this was a negative headline but you werenโ€™t that cheeky
on  [music]
Boris Brejcha.....Spicy
bigg up
Hardcore History
All of the vikings episodes are eye openers and his radio announcer style works great with all the action.
star trek picard s3
you spoling bigga
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
with 2 satoshis it's never going to send. it will return to your wallet when it drops from the blockchain. alternatively you still up the fee. techniq…
on  {shows}
started topic
on  {gaming}
what's the longest time youve spent in vr?
now that's loving parents
any biggaz headed to hyde park on 420?
yes! the word big will appear on my t shirt
3 days to Mars
make it 30 seconds and we'll talk
on  Nesto420
Getting nervous
goodonya just getting the juices going after that long is already a win.
on  {shade}
incognito mode is bullshit
started topic
Video reviews
I'll chip in 20 bucks for a real comparison with winners and losers instead of the infomercial shite you get around here.
on  [travel]
what is up with all the coke dealers on the streets of lisbon?
started topic
on  {rap}
Best Rapper 2021?
Duck & Cover 1950s dystopia
shit like burt scared the young boomers out of world war in their lifetime. might be time for a re-burt
Aubrey De Grey: Can We And Should We Give Ourselves Indefinite Youth? Oh Yes
just watch your mouth about a.i.
lex and zuck meet in metaverse
Actually can see what he's got in store and it's a lot better than the corny avatars I had imagined
on  Shananda
These bloody network fees!!!
I think its transaxe, lb is looking for a new payment processor, theres a few posts about this.
{web 3.0}
on  {web 3.0}
A savings account that pays in lottery tickets
nice to see this one is still working its a great idea
what is happening brainwise when you are trying to remember something?
started topic
on  [music]
Songs that make you reach for the pipe
oh fa sho invite codes
started topic + 2 more
Our Interpretation of the Wonderwall
scammers are very often hard coded for touchiness (usually they feel deeply cheated in childhood). touchy discussions are a great way for an algorit…
Premium Hash 28G GIVEAWAY
best eu seller to recruit?
started topic
on  {rap}
The Last Rapper?
started topic
on  {science}
does evolution hate rich people?
rich people have fewer children
when you mass post and try to make a reveal out of it then you will be perceived as making drama rather than looking to help anyone else here. just …
Rux Reviews - The Sin
how is this a review?
Did Max Headroom Warn Us About the Future of AI?
started topic
As Web Content Creator How Should I Use This?
this is a good idea ive linked to questions about concentrate here, posting mostly on d1scord and reddit and it's performed nicely
on  {science}
Long Before Trees Overtook the Land, Earth Was Covered by Giant Mushrooms
started topic
Top Vendor For Sale
Is it just the account or does it include a supply line or any other assets or operational support?
guardians of the galaxy 3
but groot enough
How can people deal with natural monopolies?
theres already enough of this bullshit in the world, we need to do something constructive not cry for scraps
When Itโ€™s Too Late To Stop Fascism
trump prints money for the media that's what fuels the whole thing, conflict on tap. + 2 more
{buy help}
i know a lot of vendors do this but what is the scenario they fear?
on  Richy781
Favourite fictional character to watched baked
anything by keanu
on  [music]
George Jones - 50 Years Of Hits (2004 TV Special)
started topic
on  [music]
Possibly the Most Perfect Toking Album Ever Made?
Top Gun Maverick
tommy boys !
The Midnight Gospel
started topic
lsd vs mushrooms?
started topic
on  [movies]
The Legacy of Citizen Kane
King Lear without the kids
An interstellar object exploded over Earth in 2014, declassified government data reveal
started topic
Still no hash, still no response
dispute button on your order page. 0 stress and always a good resolution.
on  hesh10/10
dollars is just a denomination, anyway you slice it the sellers will need to explicitly lower their prices if buyers are going to realise any gain her…
on  carverr
Coinbase closed my account.
employees of the exchange are often the worst hackers of all
To society: I'm not down
started topic
on  Dv
Most of the established UK sellers serve Denmark reliably. Nero from Spain or if you are willing to wait for quality sayno2drugs from the US are good … + 2 more
next covid mutation wishlists
started topic + 2 more
probably fraud detection.
was monero born out of a scam?
basically any crypto that cant support smart contracts is dead - or bitcoin.
on  {shade}
Cypherpunk Bitstream Episode 0x04 Sneakernet to Drone Mix networks
started topic + 2 more
on  {science}
Low-Cost Gel Film Can Pluck Drinking Water From Desert Air
Yes but there has to be a critter out there depending upon it.
both huh
on  {gaming}
buying with btc on g2a?
started topic
Programmer brings cancer detection to everyone
awesome post, thanks
Physicist: Black Holes Could be Portals for Hyperspace Travel
started topic
Chinaโ€™s Reefer Madness Is Sweeping Up Foreigners
started topic
your terms dont work like you think they do
started topic
initiative: tags for topics, items and people
hell yes
DAO Buys Ross Ulbricht's Ethereum NFTs to Help Free Him
this bigga
Disputing a bad order
first move is to post a picture review
Order to uk
its pretty simple just follow these steps
New Years resolution?
sorry to hear you news bigga. for what its worth i cant imagine fatherhood without cannabis.
How solid is this site, should I keep backup contacts ?
Lb so old its mamma wore a fig leaf
Cannabis and cognitive stimulators for Alzheimers
I would try a sativa, what is their to lose? But modafnil has shown some evidence here surely try this.
bigg topics