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joined jun 2020
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0 topics on marketowl
13 posts by marketowl
1 post
+6 votes
Where are today’s protest singers?
IDLES are pretty spot on politically and that shows in their lyrics! ‘The only way to scare a Tory is to read and get rich’.
Where are today’s protest singers?
Just listening to gill Scott herons first album ‘a new black poet’ , he still has the power to shock.who are today’s protest singers.
Is urban rap and hip hop, choose your genre, the new protest platform. Or is it just a mysoginist, homophobic, violent twisted reflection of city life from those excluded from the mainstream.
Is stormsy the new urban Dylan.?
Is urban rap and hip hop, choose your genre, the new protest platform. Or is it just a mysoginist, homophobic, violent twisted reflection of city life from those excluded from the mainstream.
Is stormsy the new urban Dylan.?

There is still a pretty decent punk scene out there. (or was before the pandemic)Human Project, Random Hand, SB6, Crazy Arm- all inherently political. Solo artists- Babar Luck, Chris TT, Prolefeed, Carol Hodge.
personal fave on my rotation at the minute would be ‘the hunstman comes a marching’ chris tt. Check it out!
personal fave on my rotation at the minute would be ‘the hunstman comes a marching’ chris tt. Check it out!

IDLES are pretty spot on politically and that shows in their lyrics! ‘The only way to scare a Tory is to read and get rich’.

Don't want to start a war between them but... Dave > Stormzy :P
edit - don't know whats going on with lb but this post went wacky, anyway jokes aside Dave actually deserves a little shout in this. The live performance of Black was really invoking and things like Question Time and Children of the Internet will appeal to any stoned thinker haha :) - at least the UK scene isn't just kids dying on cough medicine after one youtube hit, wtf happened to America?!
edit - don't know whats going on with lb but this post went wacky, anyway jokes aside Dave actually deserves a little shout in this. The live performance of Black was really invoking and things like Question Time and Children of the Internet will appeal to any stoned thinker haha :) - at least the UK scene isn't just kids dying on cough medicine after one youtube hit, wtf happened to America?!

Bob Vylan are a great UK act not getting enough attention
This has one of the greatest lyrics lines of any song ever written imo
"No liberal lefty cunt
Is gonna tell me punching Nazis ain't the way"
This has one of the greatest lyrics lines of any song ever written imo
"No liberal lefty cunt
Is gonna tell me punching Nazis ain't the way"

You've got a lot to choose from in metal.
Check out some of the following:
Body Count: Black Hoodie
Body Count: No Lives Matter
Lamb of God: Poison Dream
Lamb of God: Now you've got something to die for
Dead Label: Dystopian Complex
Lock Horns: Blood and Oil
Gojira: Silvera
And I know this is basically a pisstake, but Dethklok Detharmonic in on point.
Check out some of the following:
Body Count: Black Hoodie
Body Count: No Lives Matter
Lamb of God: Poison Dream
Lamb of God: Now you've got something to die for
Dead Label: Dystopian Complex
Lock Horns: Blood and Oil
Gojira: Silvera
And I know this is basically a pisstake, but Dethklok Detharmonic in on point.

I'd say for this definitely Run The Jewels. Akala is still about as well. Immortal technique is meant to be releasing a new album soon. I don't think we will see the likes of a band like RATM again for sometime

Left a RATM gig with cracked rib from the most hectic mosh pit I’ve ever known, mega fun. Second best mosh was the Pogues in 88.

I saw someone with there arm twisted the wrong way being carried out of a RATM set. Reading 96' I believe. Great set, terrifying moshpit.. Did it anyway though. Fun times.

I agree the power of the music to inform and protest is lost, but straight of the gate, you have macklemore Hinds Hall (this came out of nowhere!). Whatever your position on the conflict (or the tune) it sums up what the issue is. Bands are commodities and businesses know they can be used to influence, so they invest heavily. And if you don't tow the line then your out!

I forgot Public Enemy are still going strong.
I think they cornered the market in the American black protest field fighting fire with fire to show the other side of the American nightmare.
I think they cornered the market in the American black protest field fighting fire with fire to show the other side of the American nightmare.

Protest the Hero + Show Me the Body are two bands that spring to mind. These are certainly not protest artists sonically, as they are both heavier guitar bands, but are both aggressively anti-establishment, discussing topics you won’t hear other artists sing about.

Unfortunately he grew up and joined new labour.
Saw him live at least dozen times, used to do loads of small gigs and protests. I was in socialist workers party and he was doing loads of fundraisers for the miners.
Saw him live at least dozen times, used to do loads of small gigs and protests. I was in socialist workers party and he was doing loads of fundraisers for the miners.

Just as much intolerance on the left as on the right. We live in a shallow social media driven world. In which we all eat consume far too much whilst slowly killing ourselves and the planet. Facebook, mcdonald's,nike etc. It's a shallow,plastic world and that's not a suitable environment for growing protest singers.

Sort of agree, unfortunately the mass media (particularly print media) are owned run by right wing, ie Sun, times, telegraph etc

The BBC, THe Guardian Newspaper, Channel 4, ITV to name a few left wing media outlets.
And for the BBC to be so biased is a disgrace just look at the stats over 14% LBGTQ within there workforce as opposed to 0.4% in most other organisations massively disproportionate.
Also the mainstream media seems to love to demonise the working classes.
The white indegoius male is despised by the main stream media especially the BBC.
All I do know is before all this WOKE nonsense started we had not been at this much level of war activity since the second World War and now look at all this mess.
Weak leftist policies have risked our safety and security to the point where I worry about my relatives safety in the UK and have also made us a target from forces that want to destroy us.
You need only look at who was the London mayor best mate at UNi for example ? None other than the leader of Albasha terror GROUP. and if that does not worry you to realise that if all this wokey business continues there won't be no western songs ti sing no more because they will be banned.
I remember the cold War, I remember living in the troubles and feeling and hearing the sounds of cemtex around me and going through the checkpoints. I talk from experience and no the real dangers that all this liberal far left nonsense brings as I have lived and breathed this shit before.
And for the BBC to be so biased is a disgrace just look at the stats over 14% LBGTQ within there workforce as opposed to 0.4% in most other organisations massively disproportionate.
Also the mainstream media seems to love to demonise the working classes.
The white indegoius male is despised by the main stream media especially the BBC.
All I do know is before all this WOKE nonsense started we had not been at this much level of war activity since the second World War and now look at all this mess.
Weak leftist policies have risked our safety and security to the point where I worry about my relatives safety in the UK and have also made us a target from forces that want to destroy us.
You need only look at who was the London mayor best mate at UNi for example ? None other than the leader of Albasha terror GROUP. and if that does not worry you to realise that if all this wokey business continues there won't be no western songs ti sing no more because they will be banned.
I remember the cold War, I remember living in the troubles and feeling and hearing the sounds of cemtex around me and going through the checkpoints. I talk from experience and no the real dangers that all this liberal far left nonsense brings as I have lived and breathed this shit before.

"The perceived partiality of the BBC comes from both sides of the political spectrum. Of the people in the YouGov survey who identified as supporting the Conservatives, 15% thought the BBC is generally a little more favourable towards the left and 23% thought they were much more favourable. Conversely, 26% of those who identified as supporting Labour thought the BBC is generally a little more favourable to the right and 20% thought they were much more favourable."
Oh look your are wrong in the very first statement
Hilariously you are a excellent example of media manipulation imo
Oh look your are wrong in the very first statement
Hilariously you are a excellent example of media manipulation imo

I blame the growing influence of the network - attentions turning inwards as the younger generation start living in the fantasy of the online world. I showed my teenage step daughter the matrix the other day thinking she'd love it - her response "why would anyone choose not to stay in the matrix"!

its a perfect substrate for protest. people have the means and motive.
that's why there is tons of it in rap, singing is as dead as springsteen.
that's why there is tons of it in rap, singing is as dead as springsteen.

4 posts
+5 votes

Purchasing with bittylicious?
Yup use bittylicous for almost all transactions! I solely use BTC for buying dank and have a wallet with electrum. That extra level of sending the mon…
+ 4 more

Purchasing with bittylicious?
Anyone had experience with these? Joined LB community today and seen a recommendation on using bittylicious. Are they safe? Is it as simple as sending BTC straight to the vendors? I don't use BTC so don't see the need in having a wallet... cheers

Yup use bittylicous for almost all transactions! I solely use BTC for buying dank and have a wallet with electrum. That extra level of sending the money to your own wallet then to the vendor gives you extra protection and anonymity - fully recommend.

Thanks for the reply, made 2 purchases on bittylicious now but I will look into a personal wallet. Cheers

Stop spreading this false info about extra layer of security, it's nonsense guys!
By sending the BTC directly to the address LB gives you (that is not the vendor address, transaxe generates a new unique address for every purchase...) you'll save a lot on transactions fee, be smart and read how BTC does work.
Bittylicious will not ban you, you can buy as much as their limits allow without any problem.
As per the "extra layer of security" just read what I've already discussed by clicking the link below:
By sending the BTC directly to the address LB gives you (that is not the vendor address, transaxe generates a new unique address for every purchase...) you'll save a lot on transactions fee, be smart and read how BTC does work.
Bittylicious will not ban you, you can buy as much as their limits allow without any problem.
As per the "extra layer of security" just read what I've already discussed by clicking the link below:

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ each to their own
I’d rather be safe than sorry and happy to pay for the security.
I’d rather be safe than sorry and happy to pay for the security.

I bet you didn't even read the link I posted at the end, but there you are spreading false knowledge (sorry if I'm too direct, but this is the truth) to new users who doesn't know nothing about how the BTC blockchain does work.

You don't understand mate, you are not more secure by just doing one more transaction, you mistake this with tumbling, where a lot of transactions are involved in order to make it harder to track the origin of the transaction, I repeat, to make it harder, not anonymous...
I get mad when people without the right knowledge spread this shit to new users...
I get mad when people without the right knowledge spread this shit to new users...

nah i didn't read the link. happy doing what i do and not gonna judge you for doing it your way pal. i'd kinda expect the same respect in return tbh, given this is a community and we all have a shared vision afterall.
if anything were to happen and somewhere along the line there was some breach or leak or compromise i'd probs loose my job, and i'm not prepared to take that risk. same way i've done it for years since before GCMC.
if someone asks me for advice i'm gonna share the way i do it, just like the way you're sharing too. i don't expect to be berated for that. take it easy man.
if anything were to happen and somewhere along the line there was some breach or leak or compromise i'd probs loose my job, and i'm not prepared to take that risk. same way i've done it for years since before GCMC.
if someone asks me for advice i'm gonna share the way i do it, just like the way you're sharing too. i don't expect to be berated for that. take it easy man.

Yeah, you're right, maybe I've been a bit too direct, sorry.
But seriously, it's pointless sending the BTC to a personal wallet and then to transaxe which then are sent to the vendor's address.
But you're right, we all are trying to help each other with our bit of information!
But seriously, it's pointless sending the BTC to a personal wallet and then to transaxe which then are sent to the vendor's address.
But you're right, we all are trying to help each other with our bit of information!

There are other reasons to do it that way too, BTC is usually cheaper over a certain amount so if your making a few small purchases then you'll save money buying it all in one go.
I only mentioned the potential banning just because it's in their ToS but like I said I don't know what they're looking for but they can ban if they suspect illegal activity etc that's not false info mate (doubt it happens often they want the money afterall!)
I don't think a wallet is essential with bittylicious (other exchanges that put your BTC in an online wallet would probably be a different matter, but I don't use those) but I'd still recommend one personally just based on my own experience so far but we all get into our own habits with this stuff over time! :)
I only mentioned the potential banning just because it's in their ToS but like I said I don't know what they're looking for but they can ban if they suspect illegal activity etc that's not false info mate (doubt it happens often they want the money afterall!)
I don't think a wallet is essential with bittylicious (other exchanges that put your BTC in an online wallet would probably be a different matter, but I don't use those) but I'd still recommend one personally just based on my own experience so far but we all get into our own habits with this stuff over time! :)

About Bittylicious:
They don't know where you are sending the BTC, they just see an address, that disclaimer is just for legal purposes.
Anyway, I'm tired to explain that that extra step is pointless and money consuming.
When I said "stop spreading false info" I wasn't talking about Bittylicious, what you said it's true, but they will not ban for this, the most probably way to be banned from Bittylicious is by buying with a credit/debit card which does not have your name on it.
About buying more at once just to have them to later buy on LB, I don't consider it a good idea, BTC price fluctuates a lot, in March was 4k USD, now it's almost 19k USD.
You are buying today 100 USD worth of BTC (eg: you get 0.1 BTC) then tomorrow the BTC price goes down, now you are left with 0.1 BTC with 80 USD value.
LB shows the prices in USD and then concerts it to BTC, by doing so, if you want to buy a 100 USD product, you can't anymore, because you have only 80 USD worth of BTC, thus you have to buy more BTC to complete the transaction, which with the ytansaxtiln done yesterday leads you at 120 USD...
They don't know where you are sending the BTC, they just see an address, that disclaimer is just for legal purposes.
Anyway, I'm tired to explain that that extra step is pointless and money consuming.
When I said "stop spreading false info" I wasn't talking about Bittylicious, what you said it's true, but they will not ban for this, the most probably way to be banned from Bittylicious is by buying with a credit/debit card which does not have your name on it.
About buying more at once just to have them to later buy on LB, I don't consider it a good idea, BTC price fluctuates a lot, in March was 4k USD, now it's almost 19k USD.
You are buying today 100 USD worth of BTC (eg: you get 0.1 BTC) then tomorrow the BTC price goes down, now you are left with 0.1 BTC with 80 USD value.
LB shows the prices in USD and then concerts it to BTC, by doing so, if you want to buy a 100 USD product, you can't anymore, because you have only 80 USD worth of BTC, thus you have to buy more BTC to complete the transaction, which with the ytansaxtiln done yesterday leads you at 120 USD...

Mate I wasn't talking about buying BTC and holding it. I meant if you want to buy say 3 eights right now, you'll save money buying all your BTC in one go and then paying for them from your wallet.... everyone has different buying habits mate.
For the record I agree with you that using a wallet is not essential or more "secure" but I disagree that it's pointless. I definitely prefer having my wallet and have definitely saved money with my wallet and I feel safe that I'm not breaking bittylicious ToS. (Although I have also made a couple of buys direct from bittylicious!) So it's not pointless but like I say we all have different habits, no big deal :) Enjoy your night my mate! :)
For the record I agree with you that using a wallet is not essential or more "secure" but I disagree that it's pointless. I definitely prefer having my wallet and have definitely saved money with my wallet and I feel safe that I'm not breaking bittylicious ToS. (Although I have also made a couple of buys direct from bittylicious!) So it's not pointless but like I say we all have different habits, no big deal :) Enjoy your night my mate! :)

Nah it's always good for us biggas to share advice and experience mate and I do appreciate where you coming from! I honestly think we're both right in our way haha maybe I'm just too stoned! or not stoned enough? I'll go ask the bong that question lol :)

Well, at least you have something to smoke, I've not smoked since mid Sept. lol.
Take an hit for me too =)
Take an hit for me too =)

no worries kidda. life is too short to hold grudges, I’ll leave that to the cows.
As long as we all get some fire weed through our mailboxes nice and safely we have achieved our shared goal. We might find different paths to get there but that’s part of life.
Peace and love
As long as we all get some fire weed through our mailboxes nice and safely we have achieved our shared goal. We might find different paths to get there but that’s part of life.
Peace and love

Hi Mark, I'm trying to buy on this bloody website, and I just don't gey it. Can you possibly help?

If you're just making one buy and it's not a massive one then you'll be fine sending it directly to the sellers wallet but as the post below says you're best off with a wallet especially long term otherwise bittylicious might end up banning you.
I use bittylicious and electrum too, it's a pretty straight forward combo :) Good luck and enjoy your bud when it lands! :)
I use bittylicious and electrum too, it's a pretty straight forward combo :) Good luck and enjoy your bud when it lands! :)

Thanks for the reply. Wasn't aware they could end up banning you. Made 2 purchases so far but I'll definitely set a wallet up especially if things go tits up. Cheers

No worries mate to be honest I'm not sure what they count as "suspicious behaviour" but buying your BTC in one go and sending it a personal wallet address will just make you look the same as every other buyer on their exchange :) (making multiple buys in a row might flag you eventually).
Only other thing to remember is there are transaction fees for paying from your wallet, select "replace by fee" in electrum and turn the sat/byte down and it will only cost pennies (sounds complicated but when you get your wallet you'll see it's easy, just one slider!), just make sure you buy a little extra btc to cover it!
Enjoy the smoke mate!
Only other thing to remember is there are transaction fees for paying from your wallet, select "replace by fee" in electrum and turn the sat/byte down and it will only cost pennies (sounds complicated but when you get your wallet you'll see it's easy, just one slider!), just make sure you buy a little extra btc to cover it!
Enjoy the smoke mate!

If you turn the sat/byte right down doesn't that slow the transaction time right down too, like to the point of it taking days to go through?

Hi Benjic93.. Just a Quick heads up on Bittylicious!!!..ive. been on LB since January this year..I've only ever used Bittylicious for Coins. Around 30+ purchases ..never had any problems with payments going through to Vendor.. Easy and Straight Forward :-))
Have a good weekend all..!!!
Have a good weekend all..!!!

Shame they now have min order of £50. Its was £100 not too long ago. I never need that much coin.

Hi Tony cheers for the message 👍. yes I noticed that the minimum order is £ little is down . Obviously I've used society link.. but last time I made an order on society.had so much hassle just trying to get an order bit reluctant in doing so again.. just comes back on soon 🤔🥴

2 posts
+6 votes
shit the bed and cum in my pants.
Great to see you back mate 🤜
and instant order placed, any noobs wondering: Smoggy chronic has been LEGENDARY every time
Great to see you back mate 🤜
and instant order placed, any noobs wondering: Smoggy chronic has been LEGENDARY every time

Definitely a big welcome back, if nothing else to stop Polly complaining that your not around 😂

Good stuff mate hope to see you stick around. Still off postals till about feb next year due to a knock last year but had some GG smalls off you a while back was very nice and seen everything of yours highly rated

1 post
+1 votes
I have just made my first order of this, really looking forward to it Smoggyman , looks fire...

7 JAN- hey Smoggy- any news on when we’ll see this again? (or am I the 400th to ask that?!)...can’t wait! x

Just ordered some of this based on the reviews! im all about the flavour so fingers crossed, ordered some Gelato 41 x lemon betty too...ill review later. cheers Smoggyman! 22 nov.

Thanks buddy, really appreciate that! Thanks for the quick response too, cant wait to try it!

you know i ordered 28g ;) best value for money weed not only on LB, but in the whole of the UK

1 post
+2 votes

ive sent a few messages without reply which is very unusual for Smoggyman, Comms are usually top notch...I see he has been online, There has also been no updates on the incoming mimosa either.. I have put an order in for some Disco, has anyone heard from him lately, i hope all is ok mate!!

I have also messaged him with no response other than an automated leave a review message a day or so after receiving a previous order. Usually very fast at getting back to me I wanted to place another disco order myself. Coming online but not reading messages is a concern. Hope all is well mate

I have placed an order, that has now been marked as sent, however still no replies! Very odd, ill let you know if it arrives..hope all is ok!

Shitty death!- this place fucking eats vendors!!...He hasn’t answered me either so no way am I ordering the biscuits- I’ve been caught out 3 times in my short life here! Smoggy seemed like a made man- Come Back Smoggy!!!

strange aint it! Ill give it a couple of days and if no response ill get a refund through escrow! fingers crossed he comes back, favourite vendor!!

Looks like some vendors aren’t able to message customers or add to wall:
Given smoggy’s rep and the fact he was sayin mimosa was coming back soon, I wonder if the same has happened
Given smoggy’s rep and the fact he was sayin mimosa was coming back soon, I wonder if the same has happened

...but even in that link they said they could still reply to comments. Smoggy is not even replying to direct messages (although somebody is reading them it seems). The silence is deafening...

Yep, turned up today, with a free gift too!! What a legend!!! Still no replies though? Im assuming its someone else sending on smoggy behalf maybe? Either way, best vendor still! Atb bro.

Well that’s good news at least, but I can’t order when there is zero comms- that is way to weird! Real shame...but enjoy yours!

Cheers bro, I know what your saying , its strange about the comms but could be for a number of reasons, Escrow is also available so you cant really lose out. Imo its worth the risk as for value its the best bud on here i think... arrived next day too. atb mate.

Last thing he said before he dropped off the scene was that he was going to ‘pick up the Mimosa’ ! You couldn’t make this stuff up. Is there such a thing as a “virtual search party”??!
Smoggy Come Home!!
Smoggy Come Home!!

Sorry for late responses guys and especially Polly puff....had somethings that had to take president ain't going to spout on about personal issues or cry about my mimosa haha cos that ain't me ...just had considerabley less time to reply to messages as was sorting issues out that took really sorry for anyone I have not responded to and I hope you understand all orders have been sent as usual and any outstanding orders please contact me

Brilliant you are back man, and thanks for the update. Like many I am ready to pounce all over your next batch of Mimosa so praying no evil fekkers get there first! Watching & waiting..;)

1 post
+2 votes
Really sorry haven’t been in touch guys !! Mimosa was intercepted lost a few batches will be back in a month with more :) I haven’t been replying as fast as normal due sorting these unforeseen circumstances!! This has not effected any orders placed during this time :) anyone waiting feel
Free to message ........again anybody who waited just want to give a massive apology thanks for interest
Free to message ........again anybody who waited just want to give a massive apology thanks for interest

awh sorry to hear that mate! glad you're all good though -- that's the main thing and what we were worried about! i'll be saving my pennies until the next batch drops ;) x

Wow, really glad that you are back man! Total pisser on losing your stock ffs but great that you are still on the scene....

Sorry to hear my man ! Best of lucks getting it sorted. We will patiently wait, you have my support.

Just a bump on the road my friend, lets keep it up ! I will keep monitoring your page... Stay strong !!

Oooh no, it’s all gone quiet on the Mimosa front!...did I miss something?....hope all is well Smoggy?! ;)

I hope the new year is treating you good my man, I was wondering... are there any signs of your Portland mates ? I felt in love with their Mimosa and I dont want nothing else now.. your fault tbh.. :)

Hell Yeah Smoggy!! Is it the same as last batch? If so......FIRE!!! Ill certainly be having some of that bro!

1 post
+2 votes
Submit your BUDporn
Mother of all Berries from GreenFinger

Submit your BUDporn

I know alot of you have some really good cameras and some great weed is being bought off and on here so why not post a few of your bud pictures here. Remember to include what strain it is!
I'll kick us off with BIRTHDAY CAKE by Drugs inc
I'll kick us off with BIRTHDAY CAKE by Drugs inc

Here's a snap of the Cherry Grape Soda I picked up from Drugs Inc back in December... some truly beautiful (and tasty!) bud!

Here we have Purple Moby Dick Popcorn Buds from British Bulldog, a seller I've been wanting to try for some time now after reading good things about them. This arrived in LESS than 24 hours, no joke. A lovely smoke, would highly recommend : )

It was just on my iPhone 8 mate. As much as I’d like to take the credit for the picture turning out well, I think it was just because of how amazing the weed was.

Not bought from here, but one from my percy grow career ..supermarket muck, organic colorado cookies tester for DP. Years ago. Percy always. One of 4 under 600. 100 grammer this one, loads underneath as well. Fed on piss, molasses, wee bit of potash, few banana skins, epsom salts, thats it. This one ended up £25 per oz costs. Shame i cant do this no more. :(

Looks tasty m8,more purple than stuff I have,looks frosty n dense too.sweet orangey doughy smell to it.
Been getting some nice stuff locally recently as well as from here,some nice UK grown Cali strains too for not too much more cash than normal prices!
Been getting some nice stuff locally recently as well as from here,some nice UK grown Cali strains too for not too much more cash than normal prices!

I get them for 240 a oz or hazes abit cheaper, It looks as good as any cali and half the price it would be a 100 dollars for a 3.5 of that quality here but I love mimosa smell its so unique its more orange than actual orange strains

Love the idea.
I never got to take a photo of one of my favorites on here. TGT's Arjan's Strawberry Haze. Check out the crystal cover on these bad boys.
This strain is perfect to use if you want to have a great chat with someone or get actual work done. Super focused and social... perfect for me.
I never got to take a photo of one of my favorites on here. TGT's Arjan's Strawberry Haze. Check out the crystal cover on these bad boys.
This strain is perfect to use if you want to have a great chat with someone or get actual work done. Super focused and social... perfect for me.

Look how sticky this shit is. This is that sticky icky icky I had been asking about a while back.

It's annoying to post nice high crisp photos on here, because it looks like they end up getting processed in some fucked up way to make them look unsharp and fuzzy.
Hopefully the admins can fix however they are processing their photos.
Hopefully the admins can fix however they are processing their photos.

Yeah they get compressed quite a bit by the looks, but your photos still look good man, I enjoyed the strawberry haze, it's a weird high I can't really describe that one, it fucked me up to be honest lol

i felt like it was super empowering. Allowed me to actually work better, was solving complex programming problems and such... it's clearly a very compatible strain for my... brain. lol

Real citrus apeel lol
JJs orange sorbet on the left n TGTs lemon sorbet next to it in front of the jay of lemon I'm now toking on.
Love this place :-)
JJs orange sorbet on the left n TGTs lemon sorbet next to it in front of the jay of lemon I'm now toking on.
Love this place :-)

always good when the amazing looking stuff delivers. i need to get my hands on something like that for sure.

These are the latest "Ltd Edition Mix Pack" beauties from LegacyUkDank. They rarely show up on the items page, I found these via the topics board, & I would highly recommend them : )
First pic is Critical Zkittles.
First pic is Critical Zkittles.

This is the Swazi High Grade from TGT. Great for a wake & bake, keeps you mellow & smiling for a good few hours : )

A unholy shit mix of, zskittles, birthday cake, Stardawg, grape Ape, honey cream, banana hash and strawberry haze. I like too save a popcorn nugg of each strain grind them all together for a knockout smoke every now and then!

We should get this topic going again its good too see different types of weed but i will only upload the best i can get

Yep, everybody's photos welcome, I like seeing what everyone has and how they photograph it!

Can't seem to keep away from the Budporn, my wife's getting suspicious : ) Here's some Gorilla Glue from TGT, it's a lovely smoke.

Nothing at all to do with the bud but, where did you get that sweet ass rolling tray!? I turned myself into a joint Mortyyyy!

Radarbreeder’s Wedding Cake.
This shit just hits you like a bus!!
Great taste, great smell and a lovely strong indica-smoke :)
This is one to remember.
This shit just hits you like a bus!!
Great taste, great smell and a lovely strong indica-smoke :)
This is one to remember.

From left to right...local Afghan Kush,D inc's book of wisdom Thai,big bud X NL
Had to try some of the budget stuff on offer,does the trick for the price but find it a little harsh on the throat by itself in a jay,so been mixing all three together with a bit less of the Thai than the other 2.
Still got a bit of TGT's royal Maroc to add to the night time jays as well :-)
Had to try some of the budget stuff on offer,does the trick for the price but find it a little harsh on the throat by itself in a jay,so been mixing all three together with a bit less of the Thai than the other 2.
Still got a bit of TGT's royal Maroc to add to the night time jays as well :-)

Some great pics of lots of tasty looking green here.
Here's my recent panic bought stock up lol
RBs strawberry amnesia that came yesterday,well worth the delay... especially the generous amount added to make up for it.
Tasty stuff :-)
Here's my recent panic bought stock up lol
RBs strawberry amnesia that came yesterday,well worth the delay... especially the generous amount added to make up for it.
Tasty stuff :-)

Was a proper head bubbler that one, really really dense buds n packed with glistening goodness.very distinctive taste n smell n a high to match.The Zombie was stronger but I thought the utopia haze smelled n tasted a lot nicer imo.
Lucky enough to still get decent stuff in-between lb orders.
I'm sure we're all stocking up as much as we can afford while we can eh!
Lucky enough to still get decent stuff in-between lb orders.
I'm sure we're all stocking up as much as we can afford while we can eh!

Just had to add this pic of my latest Star Dawg delivery from RB. Can't seem to keep away from this 1 : )

Bubblegum cookies from cali tastes like actual bubblegum probs one of best flavor i ever had

Just had to add 1 more pic : ) This is the 2g sample pack from littlebud. On the left is Alien, on the right GSC. Both great smokes, personally I'm leaning towards the GSC.
Would definitely recommend.
Would definitely recommend.

How long did yours take to arrive bud? My order is past triple the usual delivery time from him, hoping it's not been clocked!

That's funny, a mate of mine was just saying the same thing the other day. He had 8 plants and wasn't happy with how any of them turned out (various strains). He said he just couldn't watch all of them as closely as he should have and give them the TLC they require so he's going back to 4.
Quality over quantity I guess. Happy growing bro!
Quality over quantity I guess. Happy growing bro!

if more plants you grow gives you less yield mate somethings wrong, either not enough light per squaremeter formula, or not enough fresh air/too much humidity/ lack of ventilated air as plants are too close to each other. I eliminated this curse with same extra led lamp lol and my yield got even more bigger. but I might b wrong lol cuz need to take a look at whole set up or it might b just due seed genetics quality. too many factors mate :D

Here's an oldie but goodie. WiFi from about 8 years ago. Shame this guy stopped doing his thing, 'cause he really knew what he was doing. Cheap as chips too, 65 on the Q for this shipped NDD.

Us mid shelf gelato 33 brought on line from a trusted uk company/organisation £65 3.5 very very nice.

Lemon Sherbert from Yourmumshouse, another vendor who you don't see on the "Items" page. These buds are dense & delicious, highly recommended : )

It was! Used it to top up my night time jays n was harsh on the throat when you hit a diamond so ended up using just the nicer tasting wax in jays n dabbing the diamonds.

Dont even know the strain off the street lol half oz for 110 said to be mamosa but i personally would say its cheese whats do yous think?

It might be mimosa i shared a pic of some mimosa further down if it smells citrusy and orangey its mimosa

Mimosa is everywhere around here at the moment for whatever reason, I've not actually had it yet!
Looks good though man!
Looks good though man!

Mate try it if you can its not proper strong but its flavor is beautiful proper orangey i shared a pic

That mimosa is more about flavor than strenght but stardawg beats most strains when it comes to strenght its the new cheese for people in the uk

Can't resist a bit of Budporn : ) Here's some Star Dawg from RB, my pic doesn't do it justice though. It's a top notch smoke, highly recommended.

Stardawgs one of my favourites man when it's done right, taste and everything is lovely!

Technically I guess this isn't Bud Porn, but I couldn't resist showing off this beauty. This is Strawberry Glue Hash Sift from LegacyUkDank, it's a great smoke : )

1 post
+1 votes

Not a train, but edibles work well for me on a plane mate :). Had an infused chocolate coffee bean on my last trip over the Atlantic. Was blissful! De…


Ok guys I'm not a train spotter but I do love trains and travelling on them. I've travelled far and wide, long and short distance. (Any distance is a bonus right now knowing our local rail operator.!).
I was wondering though how people manage to have a relaxing puff on modern trains without arousing suspicion or getting caught.
Also I really love the 2 Trainspotting films - but why was it called trainspotting? Does anyone know?
I was wondering though how people manage to have a relaxing puff on modern trains without arousing suspicion or getting caught.
Also I really love the 2 Trainspotting films - but why was it called trainspotting? Does anyone know?

When addicts inject in the arms and legs they leave a track up the arm or leg and that's referred to track marks hence the name trainspotting perfectly named movies a love trainspotting as a ex addict and from Scotland i can relate to the film, its also not far from the true,,,,

trainspotting is the act of finding veins through which to inject heroin. Awesome films though particularly the original. Absolutely groundbreaking in 1996! Excellent soundtrack too... Iggy Pop - Lust for Life. Fuck yeah

Oh thanks for that. Good stuff. And oh yes it was s brilliant film and brilliant soundtrack. That music was great combined with the film when watched on the large screen. For some odd reason I liked the psycho Begby I think his screen name was called he was completely off his head but still good to watch from a distance, I wouldn't like to cross him on real life.
Thankfully I've never taken heroin or injected anything!!
Thankfully I've never taken heroin or injected anything!!

I've been caught smoking in the wc and was thrown off the train at the next stop :)

Not a train, but edibles work well for me on a plane mate :). Had an infused chocolate coffee bean on my last trip over the Atlantic. Was blissful! Depends how long your train ride is I suppose! Love been blazed watching the English countryside on a train though! Can see why you want to do it, I’m normally stoned before even getting on
I thought trainspotting was a word for doing heroin?! Don’t quote me on that though. Fun films though. Love the grow room in the 2nd
I thought trainspotting was a word for doing heroin?! Don’t quote me on that though. Fun films though. Love the grow room in the 2nd

1 post
+1 votes
(Almost) freebies incoming!
looking forward to the toffees! welcome to lb :)

(Almost) freebies incoming!
In advance of us sharing a bit of nice bud we want to test the payment systems and process etc. We have some (almost) freebies coming up... starting with hemp wicks and some toffee edibles. Please check out the (almost) freebies!!

Also big welcome! I'll give this a go, wouldn't mind seeing the difference, and if it helps get another vendor offering great product even better :) Looking forward to the GG, last smoke of it was my own few years back, also organic and was best lady of the bunch. Guessing it's not gonna be cheap? Can't wait, will keep my eye out

Thanks Glomm! Much appreciated. We are excited about the strains coming through. In terms of pricing we certainly ain't looking to go high with this.... we want to offer a great artisan product at a truly reasonable price. Will get some grow pics up soon too!

Nice to see a new vendor here. See you have what’s coming soon already up. Can’t wait, and all the best to yous folks

Thanks Marketowl and thank you for being our very first order! As a thankyou we will pop a few of the toffees in also!

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