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joined nov 2017
4 sales 0% disputed
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21 topics on Srfcsean
I ordered some from pope that got marked sent on the 3rd and I got it on 7th....tangerine cookies...bloody lovely tasting herb

Thats worrying considering all the cali siezures recently and they pretty much only imported Cali. I hope everything is okay there end....

Oh great, my first order on here as well. Does this mean I have to deal with escrow or should I wait a bit longer? Ordered tracked that said sent but didn’t get tracking code or answer to my messages.

I've gone with escrow. Ordered on the 26th, marked as sent the same day, no delivery and no response after messaging. Now he's private I'm assuming it never got sent

it honestly sucks that hes not back in his prime, hope everything's good for him, but i really need some good smoke from him again, only person that prices cali reasonably

Yeah same here!! Not waiting for anything from him but wanted to purchase again. The pope IS dope. Hope everything is ok his end....its been a couple of weeks now :-(

Yeah, he was my first order on here and was great product/delivery. Hope the guy's alright

Can anybody tell me if I’m still eligible for a refund through escrow if I did not log into my LB account please??

I just got a message saying mine was being sent. So he’s still active think somethings happened or there’s backlog. I think Maybe we all just need to be patient and it’ll come good.

So today I buy bitcoin as always like anyone who needs to , bitcoins hit my wallet and within in few minutes starts shooting down lol ,mean while I have half hour to pay for my order :) in the end I had top up bitcoin to pay for order, but wow some hastle and if your on a budget you’ve had it some loss of money all in the space of half hr

like any investment, you don't lose until you sell it (or spend it).
I made $450 on bitcoin last month-now it's hitting everyone for a loss. I'm hanging on for a while longer in hopes it shoots back up
I made $450 on bitcoin last month-now it's hitting everyone for a loss. I'm hanging on for a while longer in hopes it shoots back up

this. if youve been dealing with bitcoin for more than a year you have taken hits but you've had way more up than down.

Have your order ready to pay when you buy your bitcoins. As soon as you receive them even before they have confirmed you can spend them using electrum and get away with spending less on fees as the stacked transactions confirm at the same time.

4 posts
+10 votes
Same issue here, which is annoying because TGT have new products like the Pink Kush that I really want to have a look at before I buy lol

I know fs hehe and saying not everyone is fully aware of how to do that tho
I was in the wee tobacconist in town n I mean this place is tiny AF easily 10’x10’ with a customer standing space of 6’x6’ and some eejit comes in and starts coughing using his fist to cover it like that was any good cause it only directed more in my direction...couldn’t feckin believe it mate
I was in the wee tobacconist in town n I mean this place is tiny AF easily 10’x10’ with a customer standing space of 6’x6’ and some eejit comes in and starts coughing using his fist to cover it like that was any good cause it only directed more in my direction...couldn’t feckin believe it mate

How long did it take to receive from Ronald? I've an order in hoping it gets here before the weekend :) Quickest oce gotten to ireland had been about 7 days, so will probably be next week

Bro brought some of this as it looked lovely but it’s my 1st dabble into concentrates and I’m having a nightmare. Got any advice? I’m using a rig and banger and mini blow torch.first time I tried a little bit the taste was lovely but didn’t realise you had to cover the banger to clear the bong and burnt my coat haha. 2nd I tried a bigger bit as want to try the full affects. I heated the banger for 1min then let it cool for 20-30 seconds to regulate the heat. Dropped my wax in and it just tuned to liquid but hardly any smoke is this telling me I’m not getting it got enough. Excuse my ignorance biggerz

Just heat it up till the bangers glows then wait till what suits you...I put my hand over it to feel the heat coming off it to judge when
Trail and error when going in manually
Trail and error when going in manually

Yo man to be honest with you I don’t have a rig or anything like it , I just do up a j man , put weed in and some crumble on top does the trick for me , obviously don’t put it on top of smelly street weed :) , but If your stuck man send mj a message and ask him how to do it right he knows his stuff

Could also just watch people on YouTube
But how long to cool it is gona be a balance of preference and timing
Some people like it hot and “hurty” I personally don’t
That’s it, I’m ordering some next go lol
But how long to cool it is gona be a balance of preference and timing
Some people like it hot and “hurty” I personally don’t
That’s it, I’m ordering some next go lol

Right now I'm enjoying a top shelf cart be about 30% more than the cheap ones. The high is cleaner and the after effects too. So then were talking a couple hours each day made significantly better for like 1 dollar an hour.

I think there’s a happy medium, I got some dog shit, and I mean dog shit street weed the other day and it’s almost unsmokable, takes a fucking tonne to get anywhere so massive false economy but for me some of this is just too expensive if you smoke daily like I do, so I tend to grab some mids here and there and then treat myself to some nice bits from here when I need quality.

Currently waiting on postman, I'm convinced he's just fucking with me at the moment lol

hahahah I was walking past the front door one sat raging that the package didnt come and then it just fell through the letter box and I just literally put my hand out and it fell straight into it.... instant mood lifter :D!!

Yeah me too, I get my post at 11:30 am and I eagerly wait from about 8 am, thinking yeah it's going to be happy days. Then I get the sinking feeling when nothing comes through the letterbox.
I'm like a kid at Christmas when the post does arrive though!! For some reason I forget what happens to the rest of the day ha ha.
I'm like a kid at Christmas when the post does arrive though!! For some reason I forget what happens to the rest of the day ha ha.

I always have a cig outside when mine comes, and he drives past and waves at me when he got nothing, he's either being friendly or knows the score lol

could be could be emergency drying your crop...which will push another week....but there has to be a sacrifice bud for the greater good....if i even smell a posty...ill just start running at them

Same here hate it when the postie walks past with nothing for me. Other problem I I have a postie that has trouble reading numbers so have to almost escort her the last bit of the round to make sure it's my letterbox the post goes through.

3 posts
+3 votes

New to this
He is back which is no surprise he is a desperate man that Ronald is deffo him how can we trust new vendors with addresses when sweetdreamz keeps coming back

Man this sucks. I don't want to jump the gun but he is acting the exact same way. Even seeking you out to claim a hate campaign.. sounds awfully familiar. It sucks because we just have to be patient and wait and see.. but look what happened last time we did that. I really don't enjoy this side of LB.

Hate to say but i also think SD/DH walks amongst us again. Agree with you both. Biggaz be careful who you buy from or you may regret when it comes crashing down for him again

I trust you have a good gut when it comes to that guy, if you are convinced then so am I. All biggas should practice extra vigilance until we can sort this out.

Seems the same MO tbh mate as Rastaman has already stated. Quickly up to 80 votes from applesauce bot. Hmmmmm

Yeah he also sent a message to Rasta kind of rubbing it in, asking what SD/DH did to "make him paranoid" .. seriously who would do that? I know who.

When he was Dankhighz he said who is sweet dreams trying to spell it wrong and putting a space because i wrote sweetdreamz not sweet dreams so why is he mis spelling it on purpose its to deflect the conversation to put people off that is exactly what is happening now thats what confirmed it for me playing dumb basically

I think we shouldn't risk it. I won't be buying off any new vendors till I can vet them myself. I don't think anyone else should either. It is gonna hurt legit new vendors but we need to protect this community.

Yeah he said basically the exact same as what Dankhighz did when i called him out it was unforgivable what he did

Disputed my order , got my bitcoin back after some problems , just found out the vendor challenged my dispute, but escrow said I one the dispute , damn straight I won haha , transaxe non existent lol and still ignoring me but whatever ,but yea to my amazement the vendor (scammer dankhighz sweetdreamz) ?? Challenged the dispute , thank you escrow for having my back

Fs man you're having no luck lately. Stick to the verified ones mate you keep getting screwed.

Rub some Gold on it (clean wedding ring). This helps and brings it out faster. You have to fold your eyelid down and make gold contact the stye, rub it on a few times this will itch but be much better in a day or so.

How much are the packages you've been ordering? I've just ordered 3.5gramms. I'm a bit worried now it won't make it of here to ireland

Ah cheers dude, glad to hear they arrived. Quick question for you. Have you ordered 3.5gramms before, does it usually come in an envelope or a package. Just wondering if it will fit through the letterbox!

Cheers dude. New to the site and still confusing me a bit on the layout, but seen the Irish flag on your profile so asked you! Cheers for the reply, happy smoking ;)

Hey Bucky , welcome to littlebiggy! Plenty of Irish in here that are in the same position as you. Don’t ever worry about getting caught with 3.5 grams. I’ve gotten more than that seized before and only got a letter in the door. It’s nothing to customs. Sometimes though it will go missing. That’s a risk you need to be willing to take. Also, for some reason the last month or two has been so fucking painfully slow to get things. Sometimes it can take 4 days, other times a couple of weeks ! It’s a nightmare at the moment. Im waiting on a couple cartridges at the moment for the last week and have now detoxed from the smoke as I refuse to buy the shit around here so I’m hoping to get fucking blazed if and when it does turn up. Any questions lemme know kid and good luck !

Actually have either of you lads tried parcel motel? Would get up north in a day as its the UK. Then a day to get here. Does it still go through customs tho? Not sure

DO NOT USE PARCEL MOTEL. I have a childhood friend who works customs in Ireland. He has told me never to use it as it is continuously watched. Small amounts might be fine but it’s a bigger risk than getting it sent to your home.

Nice one. I put in an order Monday and it shipped early Tuesday morning. Hopefully will have it by the weekend if I'm lucky. Or in a few weeks!!
If it arrives this will be a game changer for me. I have a new dynavap waiting to be tested
If it arrives this will be a game changer for me. I have a new dynavap waiting to be tested

Delighted for ya pal, enjoy the amazing quality. You’ll never want to buy the shite they sell here ever again lol

Hasn't arrived yet. I only ordered last Monday so hoping it arrives soon :)
I'll stay away from parcel motel then!
I'll stay away from parcel motel then!

There is a big operation going on with all borders as of current. It happens annually but this time seems to be much bigger and more international scale. Things should be back by next year, however there is a chance that they have implemented new measures which are catching way more packs. We and many many others are experiencing the same issues best to stay local for now.

Royal Mail has been a bitch recently, it’s taken a while for any of my packages to arrive, regardless of whether I purchased from LB or not. I think it’s just up to them to play catch-up like Gods Connect said.

I've had 2 parcels in the last 3 weeks go missing. And 3 parcels took ages when they normally take 4 days.. So I dont know what's going on .

Tried to start the referral thing while it’s nice to earn a few bitcoin it’s not enough for me to keep it up I’ve shared links from vendors on various sites apps etc , have had a few hits but not enough to earn a living hahahaha was worth ago to try get more people on to little biggy and try help vendors get new customers, glad I tried it , back to buying now

3 posts
+7 votes
Iv used MJconcentrates,thc in the uk,uk420,gods connect, the pope of dope,Radar Breeder and hollyweed

Gods Connect, Radar Breeder, ThePopeOfDope, Cali World and NDWUK. Hope this helps and I can vouch for all of them too, great vendors. Haven’t had the pleasure of trying Cali World yet as I just order from UK sellers myself, but top selection right there.

Hey don’t no if anyone can help made purchase vendor sent it didn’t make it past there local regional facilty . Gets to me with nothing in it. Got onto vendor and he’s blanking me now. Is there anything I can do or is that it . Hate doing this 20 buys and this first time it happened . If vendor answered pm it be so much easier

Yea man that’s wat had me confused to . No customs letter in the parcel packages of vendor before and this was first one that’s happened to and the only one with customs on the tracking. Waiting on vendor to respond. Have got other parcels of problems before. But sent few messages now and no response so worrying abit now

Bummer man. Be sure to let us know when you hear back from the vendor. I'm curious, if you can discuss, where was parcel shipped from, and to what country? I am from EU and I almost always ordered from within EU, so none of my parcels ever went through customs. I did order form USA once and also got it without going through customs (but i ordered shatter, it was in a plain envelope, looking like just a normal letter)

Will keep you updated man. Just waiting on vendor . Yea I’ve got 6 previous purchases with him and none them had customs on it . Only this one. Hopefully vendor can sort something for me . It’s from us to eu man . I’m just confused as to why customs found it , cellotaped it back up and sent it on it’s way without customs letter or anything.

179 posts by Srfcsean
1 post
+8 votes
use three words to describe little biggy
Safe reliable discreet
My postman is obviously a stoner, just the way he carries the back all slung back on his shoulder gives it away but he also looks like Wayne (or Garth I can't remember which one is which). I keep thinking I should offer him a bowl of the good shit but he delivers so much weed to me I think I'd be putting him in a bad position.

You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Lol that's poss the best 3 words. Esp goin by the shit that appears in my area as "weed". And the wannabes selling it

Layer of consciousness
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!

Fake weed forum....... bring back the old suppliers. Suppliers these days are all crooks.... firstly they get bulk of weed then put it in a tumbler and shake it to take the crystals off the bud so they can make there pillen and dope then the weed gets sprayed with terps to give the buds a flavour again. This is why the dope is dearer than the weed... absolute scams going on here. People need to wake up and start refusing this poison on here these days. There is a handful of sellers that are legit but 95% on here is selling fake thc grass... all its doing is making people sick

2 posts
+4 votes
Ahh it’s all good man was only a happy meal extra 😂 was paid 🙏
+ 2 more

3.5g free (5$ was minimum I could set) shipped anywhere in Ireland for NDD/2DD max!
These are USA imported Light Deps, Cherry Limeaid to be specific.
Slight oxidization, but still packing a fruity nose, flavour and nice effects.
Stop overpaying!!! 5g50 will be the norm once the x8 3.5 free orders are gone.
3.5g free (5$ was minimum I could set) shipped anywhere in Ireland for NDD/2DD max!
These are USA imported Light Deps, Cherry Limeaid to be specific.
Slight oxidization, but still packing a fruity nose, flavour and nice effects.
Stop overpaying!!! 5g50 will be the norm once the x8 3.5 free orders are gone.

You are welcome to grab a 3.5g test pack, you won’t be disappointed. Any orders by 6 am tomorrow will go out the same day. We are very experienced in international shipping, in order to get it to Ireland in the first place, so you can have full confidence we know what we are doing and that your domestic pack will make it to your door safe and sound :)

Hey lad, I put in an order but my wallet would only let me send no more than 24 euro so I sent it anyway, do ya know if the vendor gets that money?

I'm with bitpanda I honestly don't mind paying it anyway once it's legitimate, but he did pm me seems sound and legitimate to me

Sorry to hear that. I wanted to put it 0$ but site wouldn’t allow. Heads up to anyone else reading, you can make your order but don’t pay it. I can still see the address and ship your order for free :).
Sending extra bud and testers to make sure you get your 24€ worth :)! Thanks for trying us out
Sending extra bud and testers to make sure you get your 24€ worth :)! Thanks for trying us out

3 posts
+6 votes
Serious help needed.
Just sit tight and wait for refund Borg to get back to you , it will al be good in the end , no worrries man you to talk soon
+ 3 more

Serious help needed.
Went to finalize my order and clicked cancel instead and I have no idea what to do now?! The payment was confirmed and has come out of my crypto. Com app account and I can't find my wallet address anywhere to reply to the refund Borg! Really stressing out now, just when I thought I had it all sussed out I go and fudge it up.

It's now saying payment received here though? Messaged the help Borg and the vendor to see what my options are but I'm sitting here tearing out what little hair I have left cursing myself that I've just lost 250 😭

I didn't account for fees and was trying to rectify weights but instead cancelled the whole order.

Can't find my wallet address all I can find is the wallet I sent it too and the transaction hash. Well fucked myself I guess.

Do not fear you have not lost your money as long as you have sent to the Bitcoin address shown.
Visit and login.
After you have logged in to your account, click Wallet.
Find your cryptocurrency to deposit (Bitcoin) and select Deposit.
Make sure it's a Bitcoin address not another crypto, for clarification your Bitcoin address will start with either 'bc1, 3 or 1'.
Then copy and send that Bitcoin address over to refund borg here and they will get it sorted for you pal.
Visit and login.
After you have logged in to your account, click Wallet.
Find your cryptocurrency to deposit (Bitcoin) and select Deposit.
Make sure it's a Bitcoin address not another crypto, for clarification your Bitcoin address will start with either 'bc1, 3 or 1'.
Then copy and send that Bitcoin address over to refund borg here and they will get it sorted for you pal.

Aaah, the clearly obvious bitty I definitely overlooked! Thank you so much Budzino, found it in an instant with that help.
For sure this is a great forum place to be!
For sure this is a great forum place to be!

You too man, and yeah just when I thought I was all learned up boom I hit a false summit 😆 I'll get there. The vendor I'm trying to order from is pistach and I've had a good few successful orders with them out with lb so it should be all good. Not gonna go for the refund options though until they reply and see if we can just rectify my collosal mess up. Again, thank you so much for being reassuring and helpful and have a fantastic weekend.

Though I think before I send my bitcoin address for refund I'll wait until I hear what the vendor and help Borg say. Hopefully I can just rectify the order and take off a 3.5. Curse you and your mad fees!

Yea click that and match the payment to what you sent it’s not gone man , help Borg will help you out when online , if you have the transaction hash thing it can be found I wouldn’t worry just may take bit of time to sort between you help Borg and vendor , but 💯 your money isn’t gone don’t be worrying

Thank you, I'm so new to the whole crypto thing and crypto dot com absolutely rinses you for fees so I'll be changing asap. It hurts more because the majority of the order is my dad's so I feel like I'm fucking him over too 😅 seems a great little community here and I hope I haven't buggered myself too much. Seriously can't find my wallet address but like you say I have the transaction hash and I just want to rectify the order and change some weights. Thank you so much for keeping me calm, have a blessed day.

i hope we have found a pink unicorn here. the last irish vendor just vanished after a week or two

How long did it take? About to order and wondering if i should do it Sunday to avoid package sitting in PO for too long. Thanks

I ordered mine Sunday eve they it was posted Monday morning and arrived to me Wednesday I'd say 2 days max if ya order today or tomorrow, I think shop only open for few days so don't wait too long

Bollocks... probably be Friday again when they open maybe private message them to see when they open

Great to see an Irish Vendor but beware,customs won't call to your door for international post they will just keep and send a love letter as long as it's not a big amount. Guardai/drug squad will come to your door if they/post office suspect weed in package. Happened to a mate of mine last year. Don't use standard post....just special delivery.

What happened to your mate? Plausible deniability, deny deny deny if they call. As long as you don't have anything stashed at home should be ok but clearly nobody wants those fascists calling to your door.

3 detectives/drug squad came to the door after package had been received by his wife earlier in the morning. Nobody there when they knocked so they went to his place of work. Called him out of work,took his phone and house key and made him drive home . Did a quick search of house,found package and went through his messages and message apps. He didn't deny it and got an adult caution for the quarter of weed. Wife won't let him smoke anymore lol :( )

Thats a rough old experience and all for a Q! Sneaky delivering the package then searching.

Had a late one last night am I dreaming or is this shit actually happening welcome pink lady will definitely be making a order

We've been waiting for this day for a long time I'm probably asking a stupid question but will your stealth be good, welcome anyway looking forward to trying your product

An Irish Vendor is like a unicorn! I don’t think internal post is subject to same rigorous checks but doesn’t mean vendor should rest on their laurels.

Ya true only takes one to be snatched for them to be onto it but fingers crossed we have finally a reliable source it's a long time coming

Just put in my first order. Will review when received. Although Vendor not online today has me worried already.

That’s just sad tbh.
However ordered will get their money back anyway, so it was just a waste of time for the cunt that thought he could get a few quid of some stoners 😶🌫️
However ordered will get their money back anyway, so it was just a waste of time for the cunt that thought he could get a few quid of some stoners 😶🌫️

OK hope you understand everyone's worry with a new vendor and their wasn't much response from ya once my order comes I can put everyone's mind at ease, thanks for the response pink lady

Who are you addressing mate, as there's 2 of us in this thread that put order in and i send you DM?

Yeah i get what your saying but my order is not sent or cancelled so can you tell me whats happening with it please? I usually don't use newbies but I gave you a shot now im beginning to think i shouldn't have

That's wierd man im starting to think fake and ill just go through transaxe if order is not sent in the next 24 - 48hrs
Haha should just stick to my trusted vendors but thought I'd give irish newbie a shot
Haha should just stick to my trusted vendors but thought I'd give irish newbie a shot

The problem is none (apart from SuperHans) is getting stuff trough.
I’m sick of getting my packages seized, it’s truly heartbreaking.
I’m sick of getting my packages seized, it’s truly heartbreaking.

Have ya tried greenhoney? They back Wednesday he had covid or something, everything has gotten through with them they ship from Portugal, DIUK get alot through too and hans as you said

Well dude they we're offline last week due to illness was meant be back last Wednesday but no sign yet I'll keep ya posted if I see them back

Best of luck Hoopingmad, but it is worrying to see a vendor offline the very first day after posting items(especially on a weekday)

I Did aswell mate lets hope its not a fake i usually stick to my trusted vendors but gave it a shot this time with a newbie

Maybe just concentrate on selling to Ireland for now until ya get on your feet just a thought

Brilliant idea! Every other country has their own vendors, just stick to Ireland and you still be FLOODED with orders, i promise you 😮💨

Yeah, I'm not from Ireland but I would agree. If overwhelmed, sticking to local orders would be most beneficial to all, even if some of us have to miss out *sob* ;)

Sidenote: having more orders than you can fulfil is a testament to your products/service :)

He/she/them open the shop only a day a week to be able to keep up with the demand. Just send a message and ask when the shop will be open again 👍🏼

I ordered from Pink Lady Saturday when the shop was open, order arrived today, brilliant stealth and lovely bit of flower. I’d wait for the shop to open’s well worth the wait and still way quicker than the UK orders, which for me just ain’t coming through anymore.

1 post
+3 votes

Favourite thing to eat when really high??
Xtra large bacon double cheeseburger meal from Burger King thank you please :)

Favourite thing to eat when really high??
Like.... what's the one thing that hits the spot for you? Mine is a peanut butter and nutella sandwich with a handful of frosties in the middle. ???

who didn't? But it was a serious answer. I make a wicked Green Dragon and once I have some, I have an uncontrollable desire (my wife can vouch).

Lol good answer Ram9198 mate ha ha !!!! With chocolate mousse and or with. whipped cream !!!! Very mourish

Easy one. Grilled cheese sandwich.
1. Two slices of Warburton's Thick Toastie bread. (Orange package.)
2. Sun dried tomatoes, chopped finely.
2.5. Chili flakes. (optional)
3. Generous slice of Gruyere cheese.
4. Thin slices of parmeggiano regiano.
5. One or two slices of mild cheddar.
6. One or two slices of red leicester, mature.
A. Butter slices of bread heavily, but only one side of each.
B. Put a pan on the hob, very low heat. (low-n-slow is the secret here)
C. Put first slice of bread on the pan, butter down.
D. Place Gruyere and parm on top of the bread in the pan.
E. Sprinkle chopped sundried tomatoes and chili flakes on top.
F. Layer on mild cheddar, then red leicester cheese.
G. Place second slice of bread on top of the top layer of cheese, butter side up.
H. Cover pan with a metal bowl if you have one. (Helps melt cheese and toast evenly) Optional.
I. Toast low-n-slow. Flip over carefully. Keep flipping over until cheese is melted and bread is preferred degree of brown/toasted.
Try it. It'll blow your mind.
1. Two slices of Warburton's Thick Toastie bread. (Orange package.)
2. Sun dried tomatoes, chopped finely.
2.5. Chili flakes. (optional)
3. Generous slice of Gruyere cheese.
4. Thin slices of parmeggiano regiano.
5. One or two slices of mild cheddar.
6. One or two slices of red leicester, mature.
A. Butter slices of bread heavily, but only one side of each.
B. Put a pan on the hob, very low heat. (low-n-slow is the secret here)
C. Put first slice of bread on the pan, butter down.
D. Place Gruyere and parm on top of the bread in the pan.
E. Sprinkle chopped sundried tomatoes and chili flakes on top.
F. Layer on mild cheddar, then red leicester cheese.
G. Place second slice of bread on top of the top layer of cheese, butter side up.
H. Cover pan with a metal bowl if you have one. (Helps melt cheese and toast evenly) Optional.
I. Toast low-n-slow. Flip over carefully. Keep flipping over until cheese is melted and bread is preferred degree of brown/toasted.
Try it. It'll blow your mind.

Masala fish in naan, with lettuce and onions and a nice chilli mint sauce and a lovely exotic drink like passion fruit to wash it all down.

I’d probably have to say any type of fast food. For example KFC, Pizza Hut or McDonald’s, etc.

Apple cut into wedges and smothered in peanut butter. Not your healthy 100 % nuts shit that you find in Holland and Barrett, I'm talking Asda home brand 98% sugar ones.

Cheesecake for me mate. The mini ones they sell in asda are unreal. Or chocolate trifle. Either way I'm like a pig in shit lol.

1 post
+7 votes

Cannot believe I found this community.
Just hiding there on the internet all these years :) :) : >
I'm still telling myself this is reality, I can't believe the amazing choice, ease and convenience.
Littlebiggy: the site that dreams are made of!!!
A stoners holy grail.
Littlebiggy: the site that dreams are made of!!!
A stoners holy grail.

I totally get where your coming from my guy. been on here from dec and so glad I found it. from obviously the good weed to the good vibes it's a pretty sweet community. long may it last :D enjoy mate!

I've only just found this place too! I haven't got a street guy anymore so this place is amazing! Really great choice and even better a friendly,warm community!

Yep I've ha d several orders all fast and gods connect got to me in 20hours with normal post, also Bazza is the man for quality hash and radar breeder, and the green team, all solid.
Paddy 420.
Paddy 420.

Welcome buddy! The site the LB community is truly a Universal / god / spirit send - long may it continue. A place for sharing and of course the amazing plant medicines and Psychedelics - love and peace to you!

Me too. Only been a member since November but I am so pleased I found it. Massive well done to everyone involved.

Yeah it's heaven for hash at times, from Bazza, and uk420, plus the green team, and radar breeder plus more but follow ratings as a guide but...

The ratings well I think that is a contentious subject on the reviews
10/10 not tried it lol 😂
10/10 not tried it lol 😂

If only id known abou t LB back in 06.
All the grit / glass bud and soapbar I was
buying back then.
I'd best make up for it now though.
If only id known abou t LB back in 06.
All the grit / glass bud and soapbar I was
buying back then.
I'd best make up for it now though.

I remember those terrible times. Contamination was so bad back then. Glad things have moved on. Welcome to LB!

The drought in 06 wow there was some messed up weed being sold in the UK at that time! LB would have saved the day back then

Super bad times for weed.
Plus soapbar, and there were some articles in a weed world
mag about cleaning soapbar lol and all that shite washed off leaves a bit of Pollen like 7 g from half a bar 125g.
And look what we have now, I love it.
Plus soapbar, and there were some articles in a weed world
mag about cleaning soapbar lol and all that shite washed off leaves a bit of Pollen like 7 g from half a bar 125g.
And look what we have now, I love it.

Has anybody been on this site since then ?? Most members I've came across have been recent in terms of how long it's been up. Just high and curious Haha

New here myself and brought here by a friend. Blown away by the community so far!
Placed my first TGT order Last night aswell
Placed my first TGT order Last night aswell

I’ve had a serious problem since I joined... “self control”
I’m here eyeing up stuff I have no money for just drooling over my phone
Literally like a kid in a candy shop one order lead to double figures quicker than I imagine but I’m an everyday smoker
The only tolerance break I get is sleep
I’m here eyeing up stuff I have no money for just drooling over my phone
Literally like a kid in a candy shop one order lead to double figures quicker than I imagine but I’m an everyday smoker
The only tolerance break I get is sleep

Hello paddy420 and welcome. I couldn't quite believe it either but here I am, 18 buys later. Enjoy!

Thanks Nova, I've accumulated quite a few buys but I'm so dumb when high I never used to log in so much lol

Me too! Randomly found this site while online n couldn't believe my luck.
After getting my head around bitcoin n VPN n now 12 orders in since joining last month I well n truly believe!
Thanks so much to the founders of this weed wonderland :-)
After getting my head around bitcoin n VPN n now 12 orders in since joining last month I well n truly believe!
Thanks so much to the founders of this weed wonderland :-)

Welcome paddy420.
I couldn't work the site out to begin with.
It took me a few nights stoned to place my first order with SUPER HANS. He always wrote in capitals .
Then the excitement of that small package dropping on the mat started .
I couldn't work the site out to begin with.
It took me a few nights stoned to place my first order with SUPER HANS. He always wrote in capitals .
Then the excitement of that small package dropping on the mat started .

Welcome to LB and same, only been here a few months but couldnt go back to substandard hazes and leafy cheeses that the locals served up for so long!

All joking aside I had some gelato dawg a few weeks ago and it fucking melted the face right off

This is a really old post mate, Paddy joined nearly 4 years ago!
Are you still there Paddy?🙋♂️
Are you still there Paddy?🙋♂️

Have fun ma man,
It’s a marathon not a sprint. Well that’s what I try to tell myself.
Carts to green back on to hash. Now using concentrate. I might have issues 🤷♂️
Then the VAS started.
Have as much fun as you can bankroll
It’s a marathon not a sprint. Well that’s what I try to tell myself.
Carts to green back on to hash. Now using concentrate. I might have issues 🤷♂️
Then the VAS started.
Have as much fun as you can bankroll

Bwahaha. Yes.
I came initially for the dank buds, but have stayed because it is an awesome community.
I came initially for the dank buds, but have stayed because it is an awesome community.

10 posts
+19 votes

Delivery times uk to Ireland
We’re all to lazy :) :) someone else will do it hahaha
+ 10 more

Delivery times uk to Ireland
Hey guys, how long does it usually take to get a small package from uk to Ireland untracked? It’s been 6 days now, should it be chalked up to been seized or do you reckon I could expect it day 7 or day 8? I ordered another package from England same day, different vendor and that arrived 3 days later. I wonder how Royal Mail are at the moment?

Had a package seized recently. No sign of any letter though. Possibly pilfered by the postman.
Had an order from the pope come in that had been opened by customs but still got to me. That was a really good day.
Had an order from the pope come in that had been opened by customs but still got to me. That was a really good day.

Fingers crossed for you....Sadly I had a customs letter delivered yesterday instead of my smoke, that order was delivered a day later than normal, pretty sad because I was on a roll with deliveries recently.
I wonder if my name and address will be stored and if more of my packages will be checked now because of this....ah well
I wonder if my name and address will be stored and if more of my packages will be checked now because of this....ah well

any new pack?... got my first order only, second was seized, nothing came through after it (3rd, 4th, 5th) in Ireland fucking sucks! personal use only, only small quantity, still...

I ordered ion the 18 Nov , paid for EU delivery and still waiting.. that's shit about yours tho calvino, hope ta fuck mine arrives safe and sound, checking the post every day....

I had one go missing this week too. 80 quids worth , something needs to be done about thieves . How do they know what’s in there though??

Has any one tried using address pal, it would cut postage’s costs down to a max of €6:50 because you would be using a UK address, and possibly you could order from Vendors who only ship to the UK?

I've used it 3 times for small orders and one package got caught with a gram in it. So stopped using it after that. I wouldn't use parcel motel either checks are ment to be worse.

Parcel motel, address pal all robing bastard's, watch out on them opening packages styling, theft cunts.

3 different vendors. All arrived after 10-14days including weekend and Bank Holidays. 2 tracked 1 1st class- hash and brick weed. No flower

Mines stuck in transit since the 19th june and no updates on tracking other then it left UK then, usually its already been sorted in sorting office at this stage,my personal experience in the past, anyone had this before?

Yeah it is man lately really slow, even in the height of the pandemic it wasn't this slow lol but hopefully it lands soon enough, take it easy mate

Currently one of the most annoyong messages ever. "Your item is now leaving the UK" that message usually stays the same for 4 to 5 days before it eventually touches down in Ireland -.- lol

Nah, never showed man. Must’ve been seized. Never buying flower again, probably stick to hash and carts. Flower is always the thing that goes missing

Ah it’ll be grand, it’s part and parcel with ordering such items. Just stuck for another weekend without smoke and it’s been a long fucking week haha

Nah your good man honestly, I appreciate that though!. I’m in the Midwest , Clare :) where you residing ??

Well boys, I don't know if this thread still going but had two over summer just disappear, no love letter nothing. This ever happen ye ? Got sorted by vendor but could be someone robbing them at depot.

I ordered again a few days ago from TGT, it took only 5 days to arrive , and excellent product hahaha. Just wondering does anyone have thoughts how brexit is going to effect deliveries from uk and is there any eu supplier on here that delivers to Ireland ?

Well the eagle has landed ! Two weeks in total, all good, delay probably due to Christmas etc.

Hi ye, I'm down south west of Ireland, really it's anything from 5 to 13 or 14 days usually for me ... hope this helps ,,, best bit of advice don't hold your breath it seems like an eternity to arrive ,, happy smoking...

Ordered of another vender one same day Friday, but still waiting, it must be down to how busy the post office is in vendor area and also Covid lockdown and postmen off sick with Covid.

Waiting meself just over a week.
Imagine the auld amazon prime day and ramp up for the Christmas is starting to take effect.
Last time I got from JJ it was here in couple of days, but sadly he has stopped with sending here
Imagine the auld amazon prime day and ramp up for the Christmas is starting to take effect.
Last time I got from JJ it was here in couple of days, but sadly he has stopped with sending here

Today mon 26th oct, ordered last monday and still no sign. Usually it alwYs came within 3 days when ordering with MJ. Live in northrn ireland. Vape carts have always came in and ive never had parcel not arrive yet. fingers crossed. Seen peeps waiting from June.. f*#k that. May as well count it as gone in the mean time.

Got mine sent to Central Europe and took over two weeks (usually 6-7 days) guess covid and more online shopping - fingers crossed for you

No mate it wasnt. Just bank holiday in the south! Yes going to give it to Friday (3 more days).

Ordered from TGT, posted on the 4th of June, but tracking shows leaving UK on Sunday... but has not been updated since Sunday 7th of June. TGT mentioned they will update me when tracker shows arrived in Ireland.
Fingers crossed I get it sometime next week.
Fingers crossed I get it sometime next week.

Hello sir!
So, it took 11 days (7 working days).
What type of post did you go for? Was it first class or did u go for tracked and signed? I've seen some of the other lads who didn't get it tracked and signed had to wait for about 2/3 weeks.
So, it took 11 days (7 working days).
What type of post did you go for? Was it first class or did u go for tracked and signed? I've seen some of the other lads who didn't get it tracked and signed had to wait for about 2/3 weeks.

Roughly the same. They forgot to post it. Havent ordered much but from the small sample size it's took 8-12days Inc weekends. Some 1st class have been a day or two faster than tracked n signed.

Oh shit, I hope you get your package soon.
Really? 1st class faster? That is crazy?
I dont understand the post at all. It would be great if it was just more streamlined in general. What's the longest u have waited?
Really? 1st class faster? That is crazy?
I dont understand the post at all. It would be great if it was just more streamlined in general. What's the longest u have waited?

Only have had 4 orders arrive AFOS. 2 have been 1st class. 2 tracked n signed. All have took between 10to14days.not much differential between tracked n signed and 1st class. GC only do standard. Could have been lucky with 1st class post from them

Hey lads, any recommendations on vendors ? Going to give this a bash and wondering if you have any advice on order to Ireland

Hey man. There’s several great ones. I use mjconcentrates regularly but it’s only edibles and vape carts. Always lands though and are great for stealth.
Uk420 is expensive as hell but i never had a package go missing from him ever. Also he has a great hash selection.
The green team are great too but I’ve had one or two go missing .
I find radar breeder to be brilliant aswell but the packages were going through athlone mail centre which you want to avoid as they have a little sniffer dog who is seriously good at his job haha .
I’d recommend starting small , like 3.5 . Maybe green team as they have buds.
If the worst happens and it gets seized nothing will happen . Only a letter from customs stating the seizure occurred and that you can collect it within 30 days (do not collect obv)
Hope it works out ! Any questions shoot me a pm
Uk420 is expensive as hell but i never had a package go missing from him ever. Also he has a great hash selection.
The green team are great too but I’ve had one or two go missing .
I find radar breeder to be brilliant aswell but the packages were going through athlone mail centre which you want to avoid as they have a little sniffer dog who is seriously good at his job haha .
I’d recommend starting small , like 3.5 . Maybe green team as they have buds.
If the worst happens and it gets seized nothing will happen . Only a letter from customs stating the seizure occurred and that you can collect it within 30 days (do not collect obv)
Hope it works out ! Any questions shoot me a pm

Well I ordered last Tuesday from that, so I'm waiting patiently haha. Hopefully no haasles

2 posts
+10 votes
Ohhh Damnnn this is some tasty hash 🔥🔥😮💨🤤
😂😂 You don’t ask you don’t no , all good man
+ 2 more

Ohhh Damnnn this is some tasty hash 🔥🔥😮💨🤤
Highly recommend this hash to the biggas that are smoking these bubble beauties atm if you like the cherry this is next level fruity goodness 🍓 🍓😋

I am liking the sound of that!...lovely little precursor to Hash Sunday, Carts Monday and a short break before Mimosa Wednesday!

Hey Pollypuff!....looks like your weeks are filling up with 420 goodness!....May I humbly suggest an addition, being "Haze Friday"???(add any Haze you prefer)...Happy "SativaSaturdays" to you all!!!...Well done all!!

Nice one mate!...Ive lined up in the Chonz Bong a beautiful Sativa Mimosa for tonight from good ole MM...perfect! Enjoy your weekend! :)

2 posts
+5 votes
Can I send same listing from different countries?
Leave it and change shipping to ships from multiple countries and then have postage options set up , Haven’t set up stuff on this in a longtime so not…
+ 2 more

Can I send same listing from different countries?
Hello community
I have the same products ready to ship from 2 different countries is there a way to list the same product from 2 countries on the same listing or should I list the product twice from different locations?
Thanks in advance Dopey
I have the same products ready to ship from 2 different countries is there a way to list the same product from 2 countries on the same listing or should I list the product twice from different locations?
Thanks in advance Dopey

6 posts
+12 votes
Anyone no the outcome ?
started topic
+ 6 more

Anyone no the outcome ?
Tracking status was (out for delivery )then changed to (we tried to deliver your post , reason incomplete address ) then updated to (we have your post in my local d.s.u)for last 2 days it’s about 15 minutes away from me 🤦🤦 anpost say it will get sent back to sender , my question is if I go to the depot and ask them to look for the parcel will I get any luck ? Any help would be greatly appreciated

If it's in the office go and collect, if your postie nicked it then there's nothing you want to be doing to piss your postie off, remember your postie is now you pesonal drugs mule so best not to complain to them directly and don't ever report them.
Just give them a big tip at Christmas and be kind to them.
Just give them a big tip at Christmas and be kind to them.

Some say you can’t chase post when you know the contents are illegal.
Personally I adopt the mindset as if it’s a pair of socks and I want my bloody socks!
Is it a trusted vendor? ( the stealth and abilities of a noob vendor could raise doubts). Is it a large order?…they are not setting honey traps for Q’s of personal use!
I’d go and ask for it….but that’s just me….🤷♂️
Personally I adopt the mindset as if it’s a pair of socks and I want my bloody socks!
Is it a trusted vendor? ( the stealth and abilities of a noob vendor could raise doubts). Is it a large order?…they are not setting honey traps for Q’s of personal use!
I’d go and ask for it….but that’s just me….🤷♂️

Did the post man leave a “collect at the post office” card? If so should be safe to collect. If it was out for delivery then u should also be safe enough to collect. No way thst would make it as far as the post man, Post man might be chancing his arm aswell.

Put it like this . Their not gonna waste their time for a 1/8 or a Q. If u were gonna get caught, it would be at customs. Least then u would know cause off the red/white fucken tape plastered all over it. Fucken hated seeing that tape on my mail.. but anyway ur gonna be good to go.

1 post
+1 votes
What happened to Old-school Vendors
Bigger and brighter things maybe don’t no man I liked caliworld , mostly UK sellers now
![[Vendors' Union]](
What happened to Old-school Vendors
There used to be a quite a few top-sellers here, the likes of Captain Crunch, Maddame Deal, NextDayWeedUK to name a all gone. Wondering what happened, why did they leave LB?

Risk - reward
Going the post office none stop is risky if you're posting bud, not so bad for me as I only sell oil, butter and decarb on here as none of them smell too strong, and once vac packed, they could be anything.
Posting directly into the post box is also a hassle because there are often people who will claim their item never arrived ( hence 1st class signed only for my products)
Then theres the price - I can sell my top end flower for £180 an ounce all day which is $245, but I'd also need to make an extra 12% -14% on top of that on here due to LB sales fees, bitcoin fees, fiat exchange rate fees, packaging.
All that is to just hit the figures you can sell locally for.
So I'd need to be selling ounces for $350 to make all the extra hassle worth it, and then you end up with a load of comments saying your too expensive, taking the piss etc.
Never say never, but for now, that's my reasons for not selling flower on here and I'd imagine that's the conclusion some of the other sellers have come to over time.
Going the post office none stop is risky if you're posting bud, not so bad for me as I only sell oil, butter and decarb on here as none of them smell too strong, and once vac packed, they could be anything.
Posting directly into the post box is also a hassle because there are often people who will claim their item never arrived ( hence 1st class signed only for my products)
Then theres the price - I can sell my top end flower for £180 an ounce all day which is $245, but I'd also need to make an extra 12% -14% on top of that on here due to LB sales fees, bitcoin fees, fiat exchange rate fees, packaging.
All that is to just hit the figures you can sell locally for.
So I'd need to be selling ounces for $350 to make all the extra hassle worth it, and then you end up with a load of comments saying your too expensive, taking the piss etc.
Never say never, but for now, that's my reasons for not selling flower on here and I'd imagine that's the conclusion some of the other sellers have come to over time.

Vendors come and go. Some can still be found on other market places. I saw Hogwarts pop up the other day. Not seen them in over a year. Life sometimes changes priorities.

Many avenues to acquire the good erb online my friend. LB is a gem, though. I'm sure they are fine. There is only so long most people can be back and for the post office every day.

The smart vendors reach a threshold where referral income eclipses the selling business.

Believe it, with a shutterbuggin talent like your own you could be singing the same tune.
Think about it kid, the referrals are pure profit and they last for years, no matter who is selling to your peeps. Selling is tough especially from the logisitcs and personnel side let alone sourcing and security. Add the rise of bitcoin and Bob's your Uncle only not your rich one anymore, cause that be you.
Think about it kid, the referrals are pure profit and they last for years, no matter who is selling to your peeps. Selling is tough especially from the logisitcs and personnel side let alone sourcing and security. Add the rise of bitcoin and Bob's your Uncle only not your rich one anymore, cause that be you.

I’ve often pondered your angle on here Todd and it’s really interesting,but then apart from back onto here, where would one post referral links for a site selling such frowned upon goods? lol Wouldn’t suit my vocation or the mother inlaw’s (Facebook) opinion of me lol

Delighted you asked my bigga, you are in great shape with reddit and a host of smaller sites you can find with a search of cannabis communities.
Your pics are pro skills that means you can post them as content itself and link back for more pics. No open promotion is needed.
Facebook has supportive groups (think I even saw your mother in law in one) for cannabis but remember *any* content here can be linked to. It can be a meme, a joke or even a news opinion post. It doesn't have to be your own post as long as it has your link the registered bigga is your little earner for life.
Your pics are pro skills that means you can post them as content itself and link back for more pics. No open promotion is needed.
Facebook has supportive groups (think I even saw your mother in law in one) for cannabis but remember *any* content here can be linked to. It can be a meme, a joke or even a news opinion post. It doesn't have to be your own post as long as it has your link the registered bigga is your little earner for life.

1 post
+3 votes
Network fee discount
🙏💚🇮🇪 Legend thank you

Network fee discount
Hi all.
Due to the sudden spike in network fees.
I’m gonna do my bit and reduce my prices by $20. I’m not sure how long I will be able to maintain it. But it will definitely help some people out.
Any orders I received today will also be included and therefore will get a discount on next order.
Due to the sudden spike in network fees.
I’m gonna do my bit and reduce my prices by $20. I’m not sure how long I will be able to maintain it. But it will definitely help some people out.
Any orders I received today will also be included and therefore will get a discount on next order.

1 post
+1 votes


Nah you good, think Pistach has just been busy, we all got #'s today, good luck fella.

I wish littlebiggy would stop hiding you from the wall!
Amazing giveaway yet again from Pistach, I won this last year and loved every bit of it! good luck to all the biggas and thank you to Pistach <3
Amazing giveaway yet again from Pistach, I won this last year and loved every bit of it! good luck to all the biggas and thank you to Pistach <3

Yet to try your product with me being new but this looks exactly like my sort of thing. I'll try and win but if not I'll probably be speaking to you soon. GL everyone.

THE KING IS BACK The last bit of zushi I had was a top smoke and lovely bit of bud big up yourself and whoever wins much love !

Nice to hear from you mate been messaging u and didn't have chance to tell you about comp.Good luck for this and vape comp being drawn tonight. 🤞

Are you sure you can handle another potential unannounced parcel Drippy? Wouldnt want you to get upset again coz your made up time frame isn't adhered to.
Make sure Pistach knows your T&C's for his giveaway
Make sure Pistach knows your T&C's for his giveaway

Got my prize a few days after your complaints best hash I’ve had for ages well worth the wait for my FREE prize all day long 👍

Thanks for letting me know, I'm still hurting as much as your sad arse is still crying on about it 🤣🤣

2 posts
+9 votes

Best weed movie?
Me personally it’s back to the 80s national lampoons , blazing saddles , aeroplane , trading places , plus stupid comedy
+ 2 more

Best weed movie?
Seen and contributed to a great topic thread about the best weed song here. How about the best movie about weed or to watch after indulging?

I had another movie in mind when I clicked on this topic, but you nailed it. The greatest stoner movie ever, The Big Lebowski.

How High with WuTang's Methodman - turns out that name is a reference to acting technique.

How about "A Clockwork Orange." Saw it for the first time at my frat house in the early 80's. It's time for bit of the ole in out in out. Love it.

There's always Reefer Madness. It's pretty damn funny, especially since it was released in 1936. Right up there with masturbation causing blindness and hairy palms. If that was true l would be wearing dark glasses, holding a tin cup begging for enough money to buy a new razor.

I've been meaning to watch that after a few spliff for a while now, Yellow Submarine definitely pickles your head too.

"Interstellar 5555" :) (How can you beat Japanese Anime set to Daft Punk's Discovery for audio/visual, I mean come on seriously?lol)
Also How High, Harold & Kumar, Sausage Party and Your Highness,..
Also How High, Harold & Kumar, Sausage Party and Your Highness,..

Only rewatched this a few days ago. I'd forgotten how amazing it is! Thanks again for the recommendation

Hangover 1,2,3, Pineapple Express, Harold Kumar 1,2,3, This Is The End, Tenacious D, Mac & Devin & many many more <3

Absolutely. Dazed and Confused, whenever I want to remember my teens. I definitely peaked in highschool.

Have to say "Up in Smoke" by Cheech and Chong. Stacey Keach at his best and the whole idea of getting EVERYONE at a concert stoned at once!

Agree! Read the book and loved it. Wasn't even aware there was a movie. Going to search for it.

Richard Linklaters two rotoscoped classics, "Waking Life" and "A Scanner Darkly" are great to watch when you're baked.

A Scanner Darkly is a great pic. I only learned recently that Phillip K Dick wrote this (along with the book Bladerunner is based on - 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' and also 'Minority Report' to name but a few. He is the Don of sci-fi.

Some of his early stuff that hasn’t been made into a movie or a tv show is amazing. Think he found god around the early 70s (the acid and weed was good back in the day) and his later stuff is very spiritual. He is the Don !

I recommend Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes) which was inspired by Ubik and remade as Vanilla Sky.

Yeeeah! Thanks for reminding me of those two. This is my favourite thread of all time.

Just some of my favs to watch while high as a mofo:
Scary movie 1 - 5
Van Wilder
Old School (Uncut)
Step Brothers (Boats n Hoes)
Ali G In Da House
This is the end
The night before
Don't be a menace to South Central while drinking your juice in the hood
The Gentleman
Were the Millers
Scary movie 1 - 5
Van Wilder
Old School (Uncut)
Step Brothers (Boats n Hoes)
Ali G In Da House
This is the end
The night before
Don't be a menace to South Central while drinking your juice in the hood
The Gentleman
Were the Millers

Just a couple more :p
Soul Plane
Mac & Devlin go to high school
The trap
All the "Fridays"
I'm gonna git you sucka
Balls of Fury
The Longest Yard
Where's the money
Smiley Face
Super Troopers
Soul Plane
Mac & Devlin go to high school
The trap
All the "Fridays"
I'm gonna git you sucka
Balls of Fury
The Longest Yard
Where's the money
Smiley Face
Super Troopers

I love Pineapple Express damn I think I can quote most of it hahah
“Don’t you just want to live in there? It’s like gods vagina!”
“Don’t you just want to live in there? It’s like gods vagina!”

Not a weed movie as such but up there with the best 'Withnail and I' - I will never tire of this film...

Homegrown 1998
Without a paddle
Knocked Up
Idle Hands
City of God
Grandma's Boy
Dazed and Confused
Leaves Of Grass
Lords of Dogtown
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Puff puff pass
Smiley Face
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Lord Of The Rings (Hobbits smoke all the time)
It's Complicated (2009)
Animal House
PCU 1994
The Beach
Without a paddle
Knocked Up
Idle Hands
City of God
Grandma's Boy
Dazed and Confused
Leaves Of Grass
Lords of Dogtown
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Puff puff pass
Smiley Face
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Lord Of The Rings (Hobbits smoke all the time)
It's Complicated (2009)
Animal House
PCU 1994
The Beach

I remember going to see Cliffhanger when I was on Acid 25 years ago and it scared the fuck out of me as I'm scared of heights.

Idiocracy is an oldie that hardly got shown anywhere. Its funny as f""" very black humour but coming true today, so very relevant. This is a great thread. Thanks all :)

So many movies ive not seen .... got sone catching up to do!
Pink Floyd's The Wall is one of my favourites when tripping and The Doors Movie is worth a watch.Sticking with the Music theme Pink Floyd Live at Pompei is epic!
Pink Floyd's The Wall is one of my favourites when tripping and The Doors Movie is worth a watch.Sticking with the Music theme Pink Floyd Live at Pompei is epic!

There's a newish film called Valerian and the 1000 planets ( something like that) that's a proper mind fuck too.

Holy Mountain is the Ipsissimus of psychedelic movies.
Inherent Vice is a late entry but an instant classic and Friday is hilarious, one of the funniest weed films from beginning to end.
Inherent Vice is a late entry but an instant classic and Friday is hilarious, one of the funniest weed films from beginning to end.

Was gonna say this. Amazing film, rewatched it last night and it gets better each time there's so much going on. And Short Round won an Oscar.

I just scrolled through 100 comments and none said Cisco Pike??? Retired dealer Kris Kristopherson has to sell a garage full of bales of weed for cop Gene did you all miss that classic?

Haven’t seen it, but now I will....especially as I’ve just had a delivery of some jack herer. Thanks for the recommendation

Amazing movie...matched by your choice of profile absolute classic graphic novel.shouldve won way more awards.

Inception is incredible when high, most Nolan movies are due to the picture quality on his movies (and the topics). But I love watching Inception stoned, recently watched Tenet and have watched it another few times high and it blew my mind.

I’ve heard tenet is an absolute mind fuck so I’ll have to roll one and load it up. Cheers for the recommendations

Point Break (original) is a great movie to watch while stoned, failing that Supertroopers is always a winner!

Heres one i dont see mentioned enough and is a amazing movie. Mr Nice , its a movie about the great howard marks and importing weed into the uk back in the day. its really funny and well worth a watch

Whilst it's dated now, when The Matrix came out in 1999 it was like nothing we'd seen before. I went to see it in the theatre sooper high and it was a wild ride never to be forgotten.

Matrix. Not my sort of film normally. But one quiet night in the house, slowly and steadily getting stoned and it all made sense, until the next day.

Pineapple Express is funny as hell when smoking your favorite kush or haze or hash. This whole movie revolves around smoking weed.

Can believe these haven’t been mentioned ! If I’ve duplicated apologies ahead it’s a long thread
Fear and loathing in las vegas
12 monkeys
Dogma - for you youngsters this is where j and silent bob come from
South Park bigger longer and uncut
Bevis and butthead do America
Team America
Lock stock and two smoking barrels
Not a film but a documentary you will all love is operation Odessa this is so funny look it up biggas
Also a bit quirky but hilarious twist is little miss sunshine
I suppose pulp fiction should also be on this list ohhh and how could I forget
Fear and loathing in las vegas
12 monkeys
Dogma - for you youngsters this is where j and silent bob come from
South Park bigger longer and uncut
Bevis and butthead do America
Team America
Lock stock and two smoking barrels
Not a film but a documentary you will all love is operation Odessa this is so funny look it up biggas
Also a bit quirky but hilarious twist is little miss sunshine
I suppose pulp fiction should also be on this list ohhh and how could I forget

1 post
+2 votes
Happy 4/20, Biggas! 🍁 3 x $100 Store Credit Giveaway

Happy 4/20, Biggas! 🍁 3 x $100 Store Credit Giveaway

Happy 4/20, Biggas!
We are celebrating 4/20 by giving away $100 in store credit to 3 lucky biggas!
To enter, all you have to do is:
Reply to this thread
Upvote the post
We will then allocate you a number! A number will be randomly generated on a YouTube livestream on Monday @ 8:00pm.
We would like to thank everyone who has ordered from us over the last 14 1/2 months since we started, we would not be where we are without you all, your support means the world to us! ❤️
We are celebrating 4/20 by giving away $100 in store credit to 3 lucky biggas!
To enter, all you have to do is:
We will then allocate you a number! A number will be randomly generated on a YouTube livestream on Monday @ 8:00pm.
We would like to thank everyone who has ordered from us over the last 14 1/2 months since we started, we would not be where we are without you all, your support means the world to us! ❤️


If you want to win the lottery you have to make the money to buy a ticket. In this case the ticket is free. Count me in SOTL

Yes, Stillstoned!
Guess your ticket won, hahaha :)
You are one of the lucky winners for our competition, please message us to claim your $100 store credit!
Guess your ticket won, hahaha :)
You are one of the lucky winners for our competition, please message us to claim your $100 store credit!

Only just remembered the comp been busy working nights didn't expect to win but I guess the saying is true, nice one guys!

No worries matey, congrats on being a winner!
Drop us a message with what you're after and we'll get it sent off, asap ;)
Drop us a message with what you're after and we'll get it sent off, asap ;)

Hey, biggas!
I've got the live stream ready. We'll be rolling the numbers around 8:00pm, remember, there's 3 chances to win $100 so enter, you've got to be in it to win it so join before 8:00pm to have a chance!
I've got the live stream ready. We'll be rolling the numbers around 8:00pm, remember, there's 3 chances to win $100 so enter, you've got to be in it to win it so join before 8:00pm to have a chance!

Rhyzz95 - 96
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).

Nefeng - 94
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).

Chopper - 92
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).

Whiz420 - 91
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).

Soulcal12 - 89
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).

Greeneyez - 88
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).

schatzycri - 87
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).

Catagious - 86
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).

Jaybird - 85
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).

cloudeater77 - 84
Definitely not, giveaway ends tomorrow @ 8pm roughly, give or take half an hour as I may be busy!
I'll post the link to the livestream now so people can access it.
Definitely not, giveaway ends tomorrow @ 8pm roughly, give or take half an hour as I may be busy!
I'll post the link to the livestream now so people can access it.

DeDoVerDe - 45
Yes, the store credit is redeemable for whatever you want ;)
Yes, the store credit is redeemable for whatever you want ;)

Did you know that 4/20 is Hitler’s birthday as well?
Guess that brings a whole another meaning to “Smoking a J.”
Guess that brings a whole another meaning to “Smoking a J.”

Yes Andy!
You are one of the lucky winners for our competition, please message us to claim your $100 store credit!
You are one of the lucky winners for our competition, please message us to claim your $100 store credit!

I'm currently smoking your Blue Gelato, I hope I'm lucky as I'll be able to get some more!

Agent Blue - 24
Best of luck dude, you're one of our longest returning customers ;)
Best of luck dude, you're one of our longest returning customers ;)

Yes, Adired!
You are one of the lucky winners for our competition, please message us to claim your $100 store credit!
You are one of the lucky winners for our competition, please message us to claim your $100 store credit!

Spacedhopper - 95
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).

zahir - 93
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).

Mornin_Brew - 90
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).
Good luck, link to the livestream attached to this reply. Will be going live around 8:00pm today (24th April).

1 post
+2 votes

{buy help}
Marked as sent but not cleared
There you go man this thread should answer your question

{buy help}
Marked as sent but not cleared
Hi, I have an order which I've received, reviewed and entered "time to receive" but its still showing in my orders and seller says its still marked as sent so I dont think funds have been released from escrow.
I'm told to contact "transaxe", how do I do this? I'm worried, need to get it sorted ASAP!! Any help welcome, thank you!!
I'm told to contact "transaxe", how do I do this? I'm worried, need to get it sorted ASAP!! Any help welcome, thank you!!

If you’ve received your order you don’t need to do anything else. Transaxe will sort it with the vendor.
Transaxe support. Give them a message explain what's happened. Transaxe have been having problems so I wouldn't worry
Transaxe support. Give them a message explain what's happened. Transaxe have been having problems so I wouldn't worry

There you go man this thread should answer your question

3 posts
+5 votes
Can’t add bitcoin address
started topic
+ 3 more

Can’t add bitcoin address
Hey I can’t add my bitcoin address on
Keep getting an error occurred (504) any help please
Keep getting an error occurred (504) any help please

Transaxe has been having issues again today.few having trouble paying for items. Have you tried

3 posts
+5 votes
Potent indica hash
Not the gorilla no , was
Only listed few days ago so can’t say , had the critical though that was nice
+ 3 more

Potent indica hash
Are any vendors stocking any or planning to stock some in the near future?

Strainburys mandm is a nice black and mixed with pistachs cookies and cream it will be lights out 😵💫
Also the green team king Hassan is a good black 😛
For old school landrace black try hashinsin 😍
And shroom of the loom has a nice Audi r/s hash which is a nice indica 🤗
Also the green team king Hassan is a good black 😛
For old school landrace black try hashinsin 😍
And shroom of the loom has a nice Audi r/s hash which is a nice indica 🤗

Thanks for the referral bro ❤️ And Yesss our Indica M&M super soft hash has been flying with super reviews 😍 I know you’ll fall in love

I've had gorilla Glue hash before and it was great. I've ordered 14g from radar breeder and I'll review as soon as it arrives, which I don't expect will take long:)
Its good hash though and not as expensive as other hashes on here, so its nearly affordable! Loads of great hash arriving with UK vendors on the dark markets now at around £10/g so we will hopefully start seeing this on biggie too, as right now, biggie is more expensive than anywhere else to buy!
Its good hash though and not as expensive as other hashes on here, so its nearly affordable! Loads of great hash arriving with UK vendors on the dark markets now at around £10/g so we will hopefully start seeing this on biggie too, as right now, biggie is more expensive than anywhere else to buy!

Not tried anything from RB yet so might have a dabble.. let’s see if there’s anything else on the horizon before I go there! Thanks for the tip mate!

Anybody tried this yet? I'm keen, but I got caught up in the big mess recently of orders being sent 3 days after they were listed as such, and the eternal wait for comms, and I'm traumatised. I'd love to here other bigga's thoughts on the sitch right now.

Disclaimer: Seller always comes through in the end, nothing but love (and now this bit of trust-trauma)

Update: Received a rapid response this time. It's the dawn of a new breed-er. Feel good, excited to try this hash. I'll post a review when it lands and gets all up in my lungs.
...and maybe I'll stop spaffing off-topic words onto this thread now. Just maybe. Bring a tissue, just in case I can't help myself.
...and maybe I'll stop spaffing off-topic words onto this thread now. Just maybe. Bring a tissue, just in case I can't help myself.

Sounds good! Look forward to reading a review- I’m literally on edge to buy it! Let us know how it is!

We are a new vendor sourcing from Marbella getting premium bars hand selected and tested for quality and price guarantee. We will be stocking this seasons latest variety of A+++ Hashish
Try our caixa stamp it's a sedating indica dominant stone.
Try our caixa stamp it's a sedating indica dominant stone.

1 post
+2 votes
Any tracked options
started topic

Any tracked options
What’s happening man ,Hope your keeping well , any plans to add a tracked postage option , Hope it goes well for you here

Hey brother, all good here and hope you are doing well as well :)
Yes we are looking into adding this as an option.
It should get implemented in the next 2 weeks so keep posted as I will update here.
Please don’t hesitate to let us know any ideas or feedback 🙏
Yes we are looking into adding this as an option.
It should get implemented in the next 2 weeks so keep posted as I will update here.
Please don’t hesitate to let us know any ideas or feedback 🙏

1 post
+1 votes

Buying bitcoin wihout having to phone the bank?
Go to a btc atm and send to your btc wallet and then to vendors , search local bitcoin atms near you 👍

Buying bitcoin wihout having to phone the bank?
Does any bigga have a solution to this or any ideas I can try? I'm sick of calling the fraud team they know me by voice now lmao - every purchase now I have to call in even when under £100.
Is everyone running into this problem? My btc provider has suggested I get a monzo account but I don't have (or want) a smart phone and it looks as though they only let you use the app? Does anyone have any other non-app ways of buying bitcoin?
Cheers Biggas, I know it's been asked before but usually the answer is "switch banks" and there's got to be an easier way!
Is everyone running into this problem? My btc provider has suggested I get a monzo account but I don't have (or want) a smart phone and it looks as though they only let you use the app? Does anyone have any other non-app ways of buying bitcoin?
Cheers Biggas, I know it's been asked before but usually the answer is "switch banks" and there's got to be an easier way!

Are you using a debit or credit card ?,i know if you are using a debit and it is a mastercard and are buying in dollars then mastercard always sends you a text from the fraud department(is this you- yes or no),this is a pain as your first buy always gets cancelled because of it and you have to repeat the buy.
This is on blockchain.
Thanks to the new regulations sneaked in the back door by our corrupt UK government you are always going to get some kind of check when trying to buy bitcoin in the UK using a bank.
As for an easier way well they stopped all them like shutting down the ATMs to make it as hard as possible to buy without making it illegal(which they cant but would love to do if they could)
This is on blockchain.
Thanks to the new regulations sneaked in the back door by our corrupt UK government you are always going to get some kind of check when trying to buy bitcoin in the UK using a bank.
As for an easier way well they stopped all them like shutting down the ATMs to make it as hard as possible to buy without making it illegal(which they cant but would love to do if they could)

I joined a site called coinbase,who i am able to send money from my on bank account to coinbase,and then buy bitcoin on this site.
you can then sent bitcoin to what ever address you like,there is normally a charge from your bank for the tranfer to coinbase
you can then sent bitcoin to what ever address you like,there is normally a charge from your bank for the tranfer to coinbase

Ah cheers mate I'd forgot about coinbase I've always avoided them because of the extra fees but if they can take deposits no problem then I think that might be my best option now tbh, beats sitting on hold for 30mins everytime I want to make a purchase anyway lol! :)

Coinbase works fine for me. 30 pence to send $120 last time. Monzo blocked my card purchase but not direct transfer, halifax transfered fine (again direct, not card).

halifax is who I'm having issues with so thats good to know I always do transfers too card always gets blocked. I thought coinbase was more expensive than that so looks like they'll be the best option then, I had always used bittylicious until now but it seems like pretty much all their traders accounts have been flagged by halifax now.

Sending straight from coinbase is a bit dodgy unless your doing it from a coinbase wallet but that's on an app.

Don’t use Coinbase use Coinbase Pro. Fees are WAY less. You just send fees straight to your CB pro acc - there in seconds then buy btc with normal exchange fees not Coinbase app ridiculous fees. Whole process takes under a minute :-)

1 post
+2 votes

5 years and counting
Well done man , Eddie keeping it steady , prefer more USA vendors Had a good run with them , the world has changed dramatically since I joined this f…

5 years and counting
I'm a couple of months past 5 years on this, the best site of the interwebnet
Out of interest, I wondered how long the rest of the LittleBiggy Fam have been here?
I remember when I first joined, UK sellers were very rare indeed and I was buying my weed from Spain, Holland and even Canada. Waiting on the post was painful.
I miss the non crypo based payment option (mainly due to the fees etc) but get why its like that now.
I wonder if I'll be writing similar in another 5 years, or lets hope the UK laws are sorted.
Out of interest, I wondered how long the rest of the LittleBiggy Fam have been here?
I remember when I first joined, UK sellers were very rare indeed and I was buying my weed from Spain, Holland and even Canada. Waiting on the post was painful.
I miss the non crypo based payment option (mainly due to the fees etc) but get why its like that now.
I wonder if I'll be writing similar in another 5 years, or lets hope the UK laws are sorted.

I might be confused not sure just how old this place is but I think I remember first visiting this at least 10 years ago and there was nothing at all on here then but fake nike shox and ipads lmao
Just over a year buying weed on here, hope I get to make a 5 year post but I hope by then this is the UKs leading legal/decriminalised marketplace so we can just pay with actual money lol
Just over a year buying weed on here, hope I get to make a 5 year post but I hope by then this is the UKs leading legal/decriminalised marketplace so we can just pay with actual money lol

i remember when it was in a village square and all they sold were rodents and magic potions

Congrats on your 5 years! I joined the month coronavirus was mentioned for the first time! While staying with my mother I got rather desperate for a smoke and typed on google ‘weed to buy uk’. A few days later I had 3.5 purple chemdawg from drugs inc uk and 3.5 blue ched from greenteam. Got myself a room in a Premier inn. And got stoned as fuck. Usually use a local guy now but love this website and try to dabble when I can! And what a saviour during lockdown!! Peace

Wow…you’ve seem ‘em come and go! 😵💫
What vendors on here now where about back then?
Was the internet coal fired back then? 😀
What vendors on here now where about back then?
Was the internet coal fired back then? 😀

Not sure any of the vendors are OGs now. I managed to refind pope of dope recently which was cool. I see hogwarts still plugging too...just not here

Five years, eh Eddie, you must've seen some changes during that time, not only with the vendors but the products on offer.
Earlier this year for me, March was my first purchase but like others I lurked for a while beforehand. A mate then made a successful purchase, which gave me the confidence I needed. I've only bought extracts and hash so far, tend to buy street flower locally, but I'm increasingly tempted by the variety of flower on offer here - just a little bit more concerned about stealth. I will take the plunge....
Earlier this year for me, March was my first purchase but like others I lurked for a while beforehand. A mate then made a successful purchase, which gave me the confidence I needed. I've only bought extracts and hash so far, tend to buy street flower locally, but I'm increasingly tempted by the variety of flower on offer here - just a little bit more concerned about stealth. I will take the plunge....

Lurked for a long time, making sure everything was legit and since my first purchase, have never looked back

Joined Nov 2020 but was lurking for a few months prior. Kept thinking it was too good to be true but grew some balls and joined. Wish I knew about this place years ago!! I read further down that the site has been a thing for 10 years. Had no idea it had been around for so long. Congrats on 5 years!! Should get a voucher ha.

Only a couple of months or so for me but yeah, absolutely delighted to find this place.
Only a couple of months or so for me but yeah, absolutely delighted to find this place.

1 post
+1 votes

Any ROI sellers??!
If there from Ireland you should be ok if from outside it’s hit and miss more a miss lately

Any ROI sellers??!
Hi.. Just wondering if any ROI sellers, lots being seized so UK/International not too reliable at the moment. Any info from fellow ROI biggys appreciated! Peace

My delivery arrived today from Hashishin.. Im blown away with his attention to detail, awesome all round is all I can say. 2nd order in straight away. 23 days but worth it. to ROI :)

I ordered from Hootan recently. Hes based in Spain and took 7 days to arrive. Stealth was perfect and the smoke was beautiful. Very competitive priced too.

Hey bud, Im waiting on an order from Hashishin.. Mostly hash and concentrates, ships from Middle east so will take a while but im really interested in his stealth, very curious. Look him up a chara and read some of the reviews, sounds very promising.. Ill let you know how it goes. Theres guys Letzgethaai apparently in Belgium but Id be very wary, low sales/comments, there's a guy in spain Bobmarley i think but again havent tried him, he too has had little activity. Theres a big market for someone. Keep this thread going if u have any joy and same for other Irish on here..

Will do, cheers for the info and will look them up, good idea on thread going for all us poor souls in ROI!

I'm with ye lads feel your pain of getting stuff through. Iv used radarbreeder numerous times and gotten 90% through

Sound, cheers man.. Always used TGT myself, top notch stealth and never had 1 problem in over a year. Always small orders, got 1 stopped and might have been just unlucky the once,fingers crossed!!

Does anyone know what the story is with the dreaded love letters? I read conflicting reports online regarding your address being added to a database? Others say it contravenes GDPR. Also what is the likelihood of the Gards calling to your address for search? Had 28g seized recently with other orders on the way.

Check this out if it helps. Hootan is based out of Spain at the moment

1 post
+3 votes

Post coming Into Ireland from UK , vendor needs to complete a cn22 form I think and do it right for items below 270 and if over that they need fill in…

How's everyone's deliveries going to Ireland. Any stuff getting through customs? Bloody Brexit

seems to be working well so far...2 out of 2 for me from Radar Breeder without any major delays :-)

All good, TGT prepared for customs, with a declaration on the outside of the package, similar to what hashishin has been doing all along as he’s outside EU. I’d imagine all the top vendors will be putting a declaration on their packages, worth sending a message beforehand though. The sniffer dogs don’t care though, there’s still going to be plenty of seizures, as always

Just put in an order this weekend, reckon the customs declaration will result in more seizures. Had stopped ordering in July as last two packages werent double bagged (one even had baggie outside of empty foil pack). But my local supply chain has dried up and lockdown is hell without smoke. I messaged LB supplier to declare value was less than 20€ in hopes it might help

Any irish or other EU vendors here? Only way to truly dodge customs would be to buy Irish

I use radarbreeder all the time.only got the odd love letter.2 letters out 50+ orders over a year and a really good strike rate even post brexit.RB has the best for stealth to get through customs.but if your looking for a Irish connect then godfathers meds on Insta is very reliable.prices are a little dearer especially for his Cali but for example I'm waiting on a q of mango haze(€120) and half O of hash(€180). Quality always spot on.think I'm on my 7th or 8th order off him now with no issues.he's based in Cork and you don't worry bout customs.postage €5.ill always use RB for price and insane quality but the lad in Cork is a very handy contact to have.if any ye want more info the hit me up and ill try and help.peace out Irish little biggers.

Didn't realise I was breaking littlebiggy can't help ye out guys with outside sources sorry.tryed deleting above post but it won't let me.My bad...

just give them a referral link for lb, if they are irish and good it's like handing out winning lottery tickets to the lot of you. everyone is waiting for them.

Received both orders last week, TgT after a week but ordered friday. RB took 5 days to deliver. Postal service seems to have caught up with Covid.

Havent ordered from UK since Jan 1. The customs declaration also includes postage value I think-will it start looking strange that people would order anything of such a small value from UK and pay registered post-if you pay track and trace it is 8.50uk sterling stamp. In theory it would mean ordering something for 10euros and paying the same in postage-to keep total value under 20?

Mine were ordered prior to Jan 1, have messaged my usual vendor but no reply on what the situation is. Hopefully will have further clarity later in the month.

Had two deliveries in the last week.
Both ordered well before Jan 1st but were delayed.
Not sure we can read much into that though.
It'd be helpful if people updated this topic with deliveries/love letters
Both ordered well before Jan 1st but were delayed.
Not sure we can read much into that though.
It'd be helpful if people updated this topic with deliveries/love letters

Post coming Into Ireland from UK , vendor needs to complete a cn22 form I think and do it right for items below 270 and if over that they need fill in a cn23 , if it’s not right it’s gonna cause problems that Is not needed , hope that helps , as said below a lot of parcels are getting caught but also a lot are getting threw it’s luck really , but if customis done right should be grand

Agree with mahonie. Have made about 35ish orders-3 have been seized and love letter sent. 20out of first 20 OK from May to Sept. One letter in Sept Nov Dec. Hashishin has best stealth on here by far but post will take anything from 20days plus-that is down to postal system not vendor. All seizures caught at Dublin and sent to athlone. I think that is where an post hold their stash!

That's pretty fortunate tbh. I keep it to 14g or less myself-just based on what others have been recommending. I think any form of herb or hash is valued at 20euro per g by gardaí whether that be budget thai or triple filtered micron eggs. Mine were for 14g or less

For your own good I guess. Have had 3 love letters since May. 2 had track and trace. All letters are sent via athlone. The 2 with track and trace showed them arriving in Dublin International sorting and entering customs then onto athlone within an hour. One caught Thursday afternoon and another Friday.i imagine dog working that day-sniffed something/opened by customs/seized there or sent to athlone for processing.i tried avoiding parcels landing in Ireland on those days of the week by predicting how long it might take-but have had normal post land in 2 days and track and trace take 2 weeks. Dogs or random checks could take place in any major postal centre on any day also. Brexit and covid hasn't helped.

My first time ordering to ireland but vendor hadnt sent yet, can anyone tell me what it should say next to order when they post?

Am only ordering small 7g amounts. That way easier to say just for personal use. Has anyone ever been actually charged? Have heard of seizure letters but nothing else. I used to take benzos and had some stopped in post, only got the love letters but then again, not illegal. Possession of small amounts now effectively decriminalised in Ireland- not sure about import

Mate of mine back in Ireland had a package intercepted by customs; basically said there was a seizure and if they felt otherwise they could appeal at a “meeting” ....that was a year ago though!

I was just reading through this thread when Mr Postie arrived.
Along with my package from the US, sent 17th Jan.
Great stealth it must be said.
I'm a happy Mr. Blue.
Along with my package from the US, sent 17th Jan.
Great stealth it must be said.
I'm a happy Mr. Blue.

Ordered one two weeks ago still waiting but vendor didn’t send for a week. Also got one from rader breeder today . 5 working days . I’m I the wesht

got one through the day before yesterday from UK420. never been so fast to arrive, 6 days. Two weeks before just before xmas i had one seize with my first love letter... was first in a year

2 posts
+7 votes

Vote for vote Sunday! Aha
:) Just be active man , comment on threads and that and you should start moving up the ranks ,
+ 2 more

Vote for vote Sunday! Aha
I’m noticing since joining people are a little tight with their votes (use them, they’re free!)
Let’s have a little bit of love, help a Bigga get his rep up. Vote this post up and I’ll visit your page and return the favour.
Thanks in advance people! :)
Let’s have a little bit of love, help a Bigga get his rep up. Vote this post up and I’ll visit your page and return the favour.
Thanks in advance people! :)

3 posts
+8 votes
I've read on here that RB space monkeys shatter was confirmed as legit cali import. Can anyone elaborate on this? I've h…
That’s it man all you can do is hope that it is legit , but yea he’s owner of so that can only help with certifying it , yea had few gs of it over Xma…
+ 3 more

I've read on here that RB space monkeys shatter was confirmed as legit cali import. Can anyone elaborate on this? I've had the bubba OG and OG cookies so far. Confirmation of legitimacy would be nice

NICE. I'm brand new on here I discovered it like a month ago. Still cant believe the way it works lol.

The packs would be easy to fake tbf but the product inside is legit anyway which leads me to believe what your friend confirms. Shatter is the way to go :) like a whiskey drinker needs a single malt every now and then!

Another user messaged space monkey meds showed them and they confirmed it for the price it looks a bargain looks proper clean for 54 dollars a gram you definitely cant go wrong

Amazing stuff. I've had samoa cookies, afgoo, skywalker og, bubba og and dosi glue. All have been top notch. Only downside is not being able to select strains but for the price ordering ;)

We can confirm our live resin is imported straight from Canada it is 100% properly made

1 post
+1 votes

Seller disappeared
That’s his page man

Seller disappeared
I placed an order from hoonan this morning,now there’s no order for it and I can’t find the seller?how do I contact escrow to stop payment going through?

Hey bro.
Don’t worry Hootan’s here. He’s my homie in RL. I’ll msg him now tell him to get back to you.
Don’t worry Hootan’s here. He’s my homie in RL. I’ll msg him now tell him to get back to you.

My fuck up lads,Hootan been in touch,alls good.made the mistake of not logging in(which I usually do).sorry if got anybody worried or stressed.

Mate,apologies.just got worried.isually make sure I’m logged in.will take this post down.again,sorry mate.

Hi jcb 8085. Do you mean hootan???yer hes on here somewhere mate..message him on his page..and normally as always you should get a quick response it could be hootan out of stock..and getting new stock in?..good luck mate..respect JB

Dont worry hootans an honest vendor,hes out of stock at mo,youll find him via topics or people on littlebiggy,message him and hell sort it ,im 100% sure

1 post
+6 votes

Just for fun...Finish the sentence.
Feed my self and roll up another one :)

Just for fun...Finish the sentence.
"When I get stoned I like to......."
for me xbox whilst eating Mac n Cheese.
for me xbox whilst eating Mac n Cheese.

sit down and turn into a cabbage on my sofa while filling my face with about 10 quid worth of chocolate and sweets and watch something that's way ahead of my intellectual pay grade before spiralling into a google search frenzie on said program :) or go to the gym and think I'm taking a heart attack/whitey after one set

Watch films, play on Xbox go for a walk, read a book, although when really baked I forget what I read, which is extremely helpful.

You and me both! I always have great plans and then I end up zoned out In another dimension or laughing at something I heard two weeks ago. Lol!

look at the hash I have received and compare it to the vendors photos and despair at the crap they have sent me.

Normally on here reading and posting topics, i mean no point having these great high epiphanies and not sharing them haha

... do anything that's not typically associated with getting stoned.
Everything just blows your mind and becomes amazing.
Everything just blows your mind and becomes amazing.

Play to games and listen to music,playing with my cats, binging Netflix etc.
I just appreciate the small things and try to see the beauty in every day life.
I just appreciate the small things and try to see the beauty in every day life.

Look on LB and see what I want to Ofer from Sayno2drugs and know that I don’t have to pay any bitcoin fees using my cash app account.
Spread the word and share the link we both get 5 dollars
Spread the word and share the link we both get 5 dollars

4 posts
+11 votes
Submit your BUDporn
Zookie moonrocks
Vendor: Caliworld
Was a zombie for abit after smoking this :)
+ 4 more

Submit your BUDporn

I know alot of you have some really good cameras and some great weed is being bought off and on here so why not post a few of your bud pictures here. Remember to include what strain it is!
I'll kick us off with BIRTHDAY CAKE by Drugs inc
I'll kick us off with BIRTHDAY CAKE by Drugs inc

Here's a snap of the Cherry Grape Soda I picked up from Drugs Inc back in December... some truly beautiful (and tasty!) bud!

Here we have Purple Moby Dick Popcorn Buds from British Bulldog, a seller I've been wanting to try for some time now after reading good things about them. This arrived in LESS than 24 hours, no joke. A lovely smoke, would highly recommend : )

It was just on my iPhone 8 mate. As much as I’d like to take the credit for the picture turning out well, I think it was just because of how amazing the weed was.

Not bought from here, but one from my percy grow career ..supermarket muck, organic colorado cookies tester for DP. Years ago. Percy always. One of 4 under 600. 100 grammer this one, loads underneath as well. Fed on piss, molasses, wee bit of potash, few banana skins, epsom salts, thats it. This one ended up £25 per oz costs. Shame i cant do this no more. :(

Looks tasty m8,more purple than stuff I have,looks frosty n dense too.sweet orangey doughy smell to it.
Been getting some nice stuff locally recently as well as from here,some nice UK grown Cali strains too for not too much more cash than normal prices!
Been getting some nice stuff locally recently as well as from here,some nice UK grown Cali strains too for not too much more cash than normal prices!

I get them for 240 a oz or hazes abit cheaper, It looks as good as any cali and half the price it would be a 100 dollars for a 3.5 of that quality here but I love mimosa smell its so unique its more orange than actual orange strains

Love the idea.
I never got to take a photo of one of my favorites on here. TGT's Arjan's Strawberry Haze. Check out the crystal cover on these bad boys.
This strain is perfect to use if you want to have a great chat with someone or get actual work done. Super focused and social... perfect for me.
I never got to take a photo of one of my favorites on here. TGT's Arjan's Strawberry Haze. Check out the crystal cover on these bad boys.
This strain is perfect to use if you want to have a great chat with someone or get actual work done. Super focused and social... perfect for me.

Look how sticky this shit is. This is that sticky icky icky I had been asking about a while back.

It's annoying to post nice high crisp photos on here, because it looks like they end up getting processed in some fucked up way to make them look unsharp and fuzzy.
Hopefully the admins can fix however they are processing their photos.
Hopefully the admins can fix however they are processing their photos.

Yeah they get compressed quite a bit by the looks, but your photos still look good man, I enjoyed the strawberry haze, it's a weird high I can't really describe that one, it fucked me up to be honest lol

i felt like it was super empowering. Allowed me to actually work better, was solving complex programming problems and such... it's clearly a very compatible strain for my... brain. lol

Real citrus apeel lol
JJs orange sorbet on the left n TGTs lemon sorbet next to it in front of the jay of lemon I'm now toking on.
Love this place :-)
JJs orange sorbet on the left n TGTs lemon sorbet next to it in front of the jay of lemon I'm now toking on.
Love this place :-)

always good when the amazing looking stuff delivers. i need to get my hands on something like that for sure.

These are the latest "Ltd Edition Mix Pack" beauties from LegacyUkDank. They rarely show up on the items page, I found these via the topics board, & I would highly recommend them : )
First pic is Critical Zkittles.
First pic is Critical Zkittles.

This is the Swazi High Grade from TGT. Great for a wake & bake, keeps you mellow & smiling for a good few hours : )

A unholy shit mix of, zskittles, birthday cake, Stardawg, grape Ape, honey cream, banana hash and strawberry haze. I like too save a popcorn nugg of each strain grind them all together for a knockout smoke every now and then!

We should get this topic going again its good too see different types of weed but i will only upload the best i can get

Yep, everybody's photos welcome, I like seeing what everyone has and how they photograph it!

Can't seem to keep away from the Budporn, my wife's getting suspicious : ) Here's some Gorilla Glue from TGT, it's a lovely smoke.

Nothing at all to do with the bud but, where did you get that sweet ass rolling tray!? I turned myself into a joint Mortyyyy!

Radarbreeder’s Wedding Cake.
This shit just hits you like a bus!!
Great taste, great smell and a lovely strong indica-smoke :)
This is one to remember.
This shit just hits you like a bus!!
Great taste, great smell and a lovely strong indica-smoke :)
This is one to remember.

From left to right...local Afghan Kush,D inc's book of wisdom Thai,big bud X NL
Had to try some of the budget stuff on offer,does the trick for the price but find it a little harsh on the throat by itself in a jay,so been mixing all three together with a bit less of the Thai than the other 2.
Still got a bit of TGT's royal Maroc to add to the night time jays as well :-)
Had to try some of the budget stuff on offer,does the trick for the price but find it a little harsh on the throat by itself in a jay,so been mixing all three together with a bit less of the Thai than the other 2.
Still got a bit of TGT's royal Maroc to add to the night time jays as well :-)

Some great pics of lots of tasty looking green here.
Here's my recent panic bought stock up lol
RBs strawberry amnesia that came yesterday,well worth the delay... especially the generous amount added to make up for it.
Tasty stuff :-)
Here's my recent panic bought stock up lol
RBs strawberry amnesia that came yesterday,well worth the delay... especially the generous amount added to make up for it.
Tasty stuff :-)

Was a proper head bubbler that one, really really dense buds n packed with glistening goodness.very distinctive taste n smell n a high to match.The Zombie was stronger but I thought the utopia haze smelled n tasted a lot nicer imo.
Lucky enough to still get decent stuff in-between lb orders.
I'm sure we're all stocking up as much as we can afford while we can eh!
Lucky enough to still get decent stuff in-between lb orders.
I'm sure we're all stocking up as much as we can afford while we can eh!

Just had to add this pic of my latest Star Dawg delivery from RB. Can't seem to keep away from this 1 : )

Bubblegum cookies from cali tastes like actual bubblegum probs one of best flavor i ever had

Just had to add 1 more pic : ) This is the 2g sample pack from littlebud. On the left is Alien, on the right GSC. Both great smokes, personally I'm leaning towards the GSC.
Would definitely recommend.
Would definitely recommend.

How long did yours take to arrive bud? My order is past triple the usual delivery time from him, hoping it's not been clocked!

That's funny, a mate of mine was just saying the same thing the other day. He had 8 plants and wasn't happy with how any of them turned out (various strains). He said he just couldn't watch all of them as closely as he should have and give them the TLC they require so he's going back to 4.
Quality over quantity I guess. Happy growing bro!
Quality over quantity I guess. Happy growing bro!

if more plants you grow gives you less yield mate somethings wrong, either not enough light per squaremeter formula, or not enough fresh air/too much humidity/ lack of ventilated air as plants are too close to each other. I eliminated this curse with same extra led lamp lol and my yield got even more bigger. but I might b wrong lol cuz need to take a look at whole set up or it might b just due seed genetics quality. too many factors mate :D

Here's an oldie but goodie. WiFi from about 8 years ago. Shame this guy stopped doing his thing, 'cause he really knew what he was doing. Cheap as chips too, 65 on the Q for this shipped NDD.

Us mid shelf gelato 33 brought on line from a trusted uk company/organisation £65 3.5 very very nice.

Lemon Sherbert from Yourmumshouse, another vendor who you don't see on the "Items" page. These buds are dense & delicious, highly recommended : )

It was! Used it to top up my night time jays n was harsh on the throat when you hit a diamond so ended up using just the nicer tasting wax in jays n dabbing the diamonds.

Dont even know the strain off the street lol half oz for 110 said to be mamosa but i personally would say its cheese whats do yous think?

It might be mimosa i shared a pic of some mimosa further down if it smells citrusy and orangey its mimosa

Mimosa is everywhere around here at the moment for whatever reason, I've not actually had it yet!
Looks good though man!
Looks good though man!

Mate try it if you can its not proper strong but its flavor is beautiful proper orangey i shared a pic

That mimosa is more about flavor than strenght but stardawg beats most strains when it comes to strenght its the new cheese for people in the uk

Can't resist a bit of Budporn : ) Here's some Star Dawg from RB, my pic doesn't do it justice though. It's a top notch smoke, highly recommended.

Stardawgs one of my favourites man when it's done right, taste and everything is lovely!

Technically I guess this isn't Bud Porn, but I couldn't resist showing off this beauty. This is Strawberry Glue Hash Sift from LegacyUkDank, it's a great smoke : )

2 posts
+3.2 votes

Hash? !!!!
+ 2 more
Here is some links to all the hash I can find for sale in the UK. 9/9/20
Red Leb - the Green team.
Gold seal Afghan - the Green team.
Nikol kush - uk420.
Nicole drysift - uk420
B&m stamp - uk420
Amnesia - uk420
Banana og 120mc drysift - uk420
Bubble hash - radar breeder
Gorilla glue hash - radar breeder
Pollen - califexpress. Shipping from France to U.K. Not tried this one.
Morrocon dry sift eggs - hashlover420
CHRKI 93 star dry sift. - UK420
Soft black hash. - hashishin.
Pale blonde hash. - hashishin 3.5g 7g 14g 28g
Banana kush hash - hashtag 3.5g 7g 14g 28g
Jack Herer hash - hashtag
Soft black and blonde leb double packs - hashishin.
Lemon venom hash - Drugs inc uk
Mercedes hash (soft black) - B.C.A.
Zero zero - The Greenteam
Red Leb - the Green team.
Gold seal Afghan - the Green team.
Nikol kush - uk420.
Nicole drysift - uk420
B&m stamp - uk420
Amnesia - uk420
Banana og 120mc drysift - uk420
Bubble hash - radar breeder
Gorilla glue hash - radar breeder
Pollen - califexpress. Shipping from France to U.K. Not tried this one.
Morrocon dry sift eggs - hashlover420
CHRKI 93 star dry sift. - UK420
Soft black hash. - hashishin.
Pale blonde hash. - hashishin 3.5g 7g 14g 28g
Banana kush hash - hashtag 3.5g 7g 14g 28g
Jack Herer hash - hashtag
Soft black and blonde leb double packs - hashishin.
Lemon venom hash - Drugs inc uk
Mercedes hash (soft black) - B.C.A.
Zero zero - The Greenteam

I won’t order until the vendor has a few sakes and a decent review or three up lol I’m ready to order now !

try hashtaguk dude,iv made 2 orders and many rave reviews but whats better is their prices...not one other vendor here can compete with them for prices

He has few bits in :) and the green team have nice stuff in

Going to bang out some hash this week with a shit load of trim instead of edibles this round. probz only b about a Z but will list it in maybe on the 13th

1 post
+4 votes

Hope you get sorted with product or refund man , sales mean noting on here any more there days , it’s about the time the vendors have been here , no o…

Right lads, wtf is going on with this crew?!
Made an order on Sept 1 which was then posted on 8th. Am I receiving this, do you think? And if not, then what can I do??
Scammed or what?!!
Made an order on Sept 1 which was then posted on 8th. Am I receiving this, do you think? And if not, then what can I do??
Scammed or what?!!

Hope you get sorted with product or refund man , sales mean noting on here any more there days , it’s about the time the vendors have been here , no offence to new vendors but that’s the way it is now established long time vendors are the ones to go with in my opinion plenty of them to

No way to prove anything now they've been kicked off. Still to see an unhappy customer or anyone out of pocket within lb.

Theres high chance you'll receive it, I've yet to hear of anyone who hasn't, but that was before lb kicked them off site.

Thanks for this - yeah, it says it was posted on 8th - this was before all the disputes, right?

He sat on it to avoid the escrow, did this to loads of people but transaxe put him on hold so you'll get your funds.
Be careful posting about this, he set up a brigade of helpers by actually delivering some stuff and offering incentives for posts as well as making loads of sock puppets. You will be hearing from them very soon.
Be careful posting about this, he set up a brigade of helpers by actually delivering some stuff and offering incentives for posts as well as making loads of sock puppets. You will be hearing from them very soon.

This dude even set up a new account , only post pics of products posted by the buyers after they receive. Prices way to low for a circle . Proper scams. I see bud brothers got there ounce in the door but bca prob did this to get the word of mouth going and get all noobs buying thank god I stayed Way was to risky when I was messaging him .

I had 2 orders arrive and I’m waiting on the third. If possible I would place a 4th 5th and 6th
Average 10 working days for me.
Average 10 working days for me.

Well dude, I am still waiting 22 days for the first order to land (which clearly ain't coming). Have gone via Escrosse Swisse but haven't heard back yet. Fingers crossed I can get some of my money back. And remember there is a lesson in all this: if it appears to good to be true, it is! Good luck Biggers x

Prob got sized, or it will come. A few people’s packs arrived after 20 days.
I often wait 2 weeks for a pack from uk to Ireland,
Best of luck buddy
Ps if it dose arrive let the people know!
I often wait 2 weeks for a pack from uk to Ireland,
Best of luck buddy
Ps if it dose arrive let the people know!

Thanks mate. If it got seized then BCA were crap at their job. If it does arrive, of course I will gladly update and eat my words! Good luck to all the other Biggaz awaiting dodgy shipments from BCA xx

Do you know more than any more than anybody else?
If someone can ship high end weed products worldwide with factory stealth, why waste that infrastructure scamming the few marketplaces that can actually handle what they can produce?
What else are they gonna do with it?
If someone can ship high end weed products worldwide with factory stealth, why waste that infrastructure scamming the few marketplaces that can actually handle what they can produce?
What else are they gonna do with it?

If you've been on the DN buying from Canada it's a really old story, a little updated for LB which is way more meme friendly. The infrastructure is simply one they middle man.
The why is the worst part, they waste a lot of marketing talent, it's obvious that a real business with slimmer margins and happy customers works out better for them but their pathology does not allow them to process this fact. They see "scores" not "builds".
The why is the worst part, they waste a lot of marketing talent, it's obvious that a real business with slimmer margins and happy customers works out better for them but their pathology does not allow them to process this fact. They see "scores" not "builds".

I'll happily defer to experience, but I'm left with one question...
Does this go down as a scam averted? Or a perfectly reasonably risk averse attitude to customer satisfaction on the platform?
Does this go down as a scam averted? Or a perfectly reasonably risk averse attitude to customer satisfaction on the platform?

According to my order history all dispute periods have been extended in transaxe for BCA only, even the ones marked as received and reviewed over a month ago.
Looks like somebody wants everyone to claim regardless.
Looks like somebody wants everyone to claim regardless.

3 posts
+11 votes

People trying to take business off site
Ahh I no yea sent borg a message there , from what your saying I think we’re talking about the same vendor so I’ve done all i can
+ 3 more

People trying to take business off site
Evening community, How do I go about reporting a user who is trying to deal outside LB? I have received three messages from said user

1 post
+4 votes
What is your smoking song?
Dr. Dre
Forgot about dre

I'll put this one on here just to represent basically all of Sublime's songs and of course the original by Marley.
I'm also big into underground hip hop, and hip hop from the 90s/00. Saw you talking about bone thugs for example, my shit.
I'm also big into underground hip hop, and hip hop from the 90s/00. Saw you talking about bone thugs for example, my shit.

Oh man, have loved Sublime ever since I heard them, such a cool and unique band. Shame it ended so soon.

Awesome song this and the original.
Nas, BIG, Pac, Eazy, Cube, Rakim, Red & Meth, DMX (yikes now tough), Snoop, Wayne, Outkast - the list goes on man these dudes were all I heard growing up. Admittedly it has been a while since I've visited the decade, I'm about to take a trip back in time and get all nostalgic. Cheers. edit: can't forget Beasite Boys
Nas, BIG, Pac, Eazy, Cube, Rakim, Red & Meth, DMX (yikes now tough), Snoop, Wayne, Outkast - the list goes on man these dudes were all I heard growing up. Admittedly it has been a while since I've visited the decade, I'm about to take a trip back in time and get all nostalgic. Cheers. edit: can't forget Beasite Boys

I always find myself putting on one of three albums whenever I get some quality bud and have an hour or two to kill.
ATCQ - Low End Theory
Nas - Illmatic
Wu - 36 Chambers
For those times I'm not in a hip hop mood I tend to listen to some RHCP or The Doors or whatever I have on loop in my head for that day lol.
ATCQ - Low End Theory
Nas - Illmatic
Wu - 36 Chambers
For those times I'm not in a hip hop mood I tend to listen to some RHCP or The Doors or whatever I have on loop in my head for that day lol.

All three of those are solid gold.
'Imma pull your fucking tounge out ya fucking mouth and...'
lol lol...good music, good times...
'Imma pull your fucking tounge out ya fucking mouth and...'
lol lol...good music, good times...

Why thank you, kind sir. I may be wrong but I'm sure Nas wrote and preformed that album at 19/20 which is just bananas to say the least. Such lyricism and flow for such a young man. "Rappers I'm monley flippin with the funky rythm I be kickin,
Musician, inflictin' composition, of pain
I'm like Scarface sniffin' cocaine
Holdin' a M16, see with the pen I'm extreme" first lines are maaaaaad lol
Musician, inflictin' composition, of pain
I'm like Scarface sniffin' cocaine
Holdin' a M16, see with the pen I'm extreme" first lines are maaaaaad lol

It is crazy, to be thinking so critically at that age while delivering a strong message wrapped up in smart word play, bars and insane flow. Some people just have raw talent man.

Illmatic = Hip Hop
If aliens landed and asked me what Hip Hop was, I would play them this album.
Then they would know...
If aliens landed and asked me what Hip Hop was, I would play them this album.
Then they would know...

Don't have a go to song exactly, depends on the mood. Would say hip hop like Gu, J-Cole, Tribe, Pharcyde, few others. Also love some Thin Lizzy, Rory Gallagher, Black Sabboth, Led Zeplin. Also love some Vaya Con Dias.....these are just off the top of the head, so many more.
I really came here to comment as I can see hip hop, rock, blues, folk all down through the list and am planning on working my way through it but don't have the time right now.
I want to leave this album here because it is great to smoke to, and great to fuck to, lol.....
Air - Moon Safari
I really came here to comment as I can see hip hop, rock, blues, folk all down through the list and am planning on working my way through it but don't have the time right now.
I want to leave this album here because it is great to smoke to, and great to fuck to, lol.....
Air - Moon Safari

My man, I really like this :) Thanks for the contribution, I actually didn't know I knew of Air till I heard Sexy Boy playing. Also, this sounds like a great album to take you through a LSD trip, I think I'll find out.

Of course, love the spread of music, thanks for starting this topic. Already headbanging to a few artists found.
A lot of people actually know their songs pretty well, but don't know them. Haha, that's what I like to hear. I have never done tripping but would definitely contribute to the overall mood/vibes. One of my favourite underappreciated albums....of course just in my opinion
A lot of people actually know their songs pretty well, but don't know them. Haha, that's what I like to hear. I have never done tripping but would definitely contribute to the overall mood/vibes. One of my favourite underappreciated albums....of course just in my opinion

Yeah this topic has been a steady source of great tunes for me actually.
I've definitely heard a few of their songs. Now that is a positive attitude I appreciate seeing :)
I've definitely heard a few of their songs. Now that is a positive attitude I appreciate seeing :)

I actually have to come back and give an honorary mention to Ebo Taylor, how could I forget, great sunshine listening

Solarstone - Seven Cities ( Armin Van Buuren Vocal Mix ) FULL VOCAL 2002
I can drift away with tunez like this
I can drift away with tunez like this

Or talking heads’ live album Stop Making Sense
You can watch the whole thing on YouTube and it is mind blowing
You can watch the whole thing on YouTube and it is mind blowing

I beg you to give that sabbath song a go, I think you’d be pleasantly surprised.
And don’t call sabbath shite! You’ll make me cry black tears
And don’t call sabbath shite! You’ll make me cry black tears

John Frusciante always gets me feeling in a great mood.

ALPS Cru - All Lyricists Proceed South...
Love this one...sitting in the dark...looking at the stars....mind wandering...sweet...
And when I'm, feeling a bit g lol...
Classic for me...used to roll around all night long chuffing away in the Escorts and Orions and shit...good times....
Love this one...sitting in the dark...looking at the stars....mind wandering...sweet...
And when I'm, feeling a bit g lol...
Classic for me...used to roll around all night long chuffing away in the Escorts and Orions and shit...good times....

Thank you for this, exactly why I'm reading this thread. Alps Cru are perfect; I'm surprised I have not come across these before

This or my “waiting for my Ruca”
Such a shame Bradley was a smack head and O.D’d. 40’oz to freedom is such a powerful album.
Such a shame Bradley was a smack head and O.D’d. 40’oz to freedom is such a powerful album.

Man I dig this so much. Stay High too, there is something unique about the way she delivers her vocals. Music to improve the mood right here.
Edit: ooooh she's done a NPR tiny desk concert. I love these.
Edit: ooooh she's done a NPR tiny desk concert. I love these.

Oh yeah man agree 100%. Hadn’t seen the tiny desk concert either, thanks I love those too.

Lil Wyte - Smoking Song
This is maybe a little bit more "aggressive" that most of the chill ones but this is what I'd light up to when I was in my teens =) oh how times have changed.
This is maybe a little bit more "aggressive" that most of the chill ones but this is what I'd light up to when I was in my teens =) oh how times have changed.

Top band mate, went to see them last year in Manchester unreal, probably best gig I saw all year, smoked a few joints just before they came on was a different experience

Oh man, blast from the past right there. Love this band! So chill and bass heavy. These guys did some awesome live shows with Iration Steppas back in the day. Nice shout, man.

Big tune. The little pockets of flows he jumps in and out of while delivering a potent message.. mad.

Any song from the hillside airstrip album by 10 ft ganja plant

This trey songz tune lit.. But depends on mood

not seen that film, looks up my street for sure. But yes it has the same 80's/Cyberpunk feel. I whack the ファニーデス (Love Letter to Japan) album on while smoking and just get lost in it completely.

Yeah this group is so important, continually pushing boundaries. The entire project is fascinating.

haha I actually remember all his old stuff... some stuff was pretty decent. mostly shite though lol

I agree, most of the stuff he did under Chipmunk is mega corny nowadays, probably back then too hahah. I rate his diss tracks though he brought some life back to the scene in those days.

Positive vibes from this one.
P.s when commenting you can select web link at the bottom of the text box (just above 'save') and enter the link, if it's a YT video it will embed it in the comment, quite handy for sharing music. <3
P.s when commenting you can select web link at the bottom of the text box (just above 'save') and enter the link, if it's a YT video it will embed it in the comment, quite handy for sharing music. <3

Tubular bells from Mike Oldfield, puppetmastaz, Ghinzu, Dr Dre, Dvorjak new world symphony, Jacques Brel, Pharcyde, Air, Dub Incorporation and so many others...
I discovered music thanks to weed :)
I discovered music thanks to weed :)

5 posts
+17 votes

Many Gamers here?
Yo man I have to add been on this and then 2 sets of twins , but at night if kids settle for sleep time I can play I usually play multiplayer games an…
+ 5 more

Many Gamers here?
One of my favorite pass times is smoking good weed and getting the Xbox going...
Over Xmas I got myself an Ultimate Game Pass and been thoroughly indulging myself (apart from the dreaded going to work!)
Many other Gamers on here?
What you playing at the moment/recommendations?
Over Xmas I got myself an Ultimate Game Pass and been thoroughly indulging myself (apart from the dreaded going to work!)
Many other Gamers on here?
What you playing at the moment/recommendations?

Can't beat a good game and a fat spliff. I'm on PC only atm, playing a lot of BFV, CSGO, Sea of Thieves, Fallen Order (stopped playing this half way though, kinda repetitive game play), the odd game of Apex Legends. Mostly online stuff. Gonna try start a new Witcher 3 save soon.
What are you playing through just now? Xbox Game Pass is such good value for money man, even on PC.
What are you playing through just now? Xbox Game Pass is such good value for money man, even on PC.

Lol I have restarted witcher 3 so many times, worth going the distance though, the dlc is unreal

i actually started it up again to go check out the dlc recently... i was just so out of what was happening and how to play that it was tough.

I know what you mean, nothing more disorientating and when you add mods into it gets even worse lol

Yeah same man this will be my 4th time trying to get through it, never made it past 30 odd hours. I have all the DLC so maybe that will motivate me to get there, I've heard a lot of good things.

I'm just on the last chapter of Fallen Order now. Enjoyable but like you say it gets a bit samey.
When I'm feeling particularly "toasted" though I just like to stick Forza on and bounce around fields causing damage :-)
When I'm feeling particularly "toasted" though I just like to stick Forza on and bounce around fields causing damage :-)

yeah, I didn't make it through the whole game =/ I'll probably pick it up at some point, i just didn't feel the combat to be very enjoyable at all... it was a chore to me. I did enjoy the story though.

I might power through just for the sake of completion, it is a good game. It's not that long is it?
Haha, aw man Forza in one gorgeous game, you can really zone out in that one. Screw those garages though ¬____¬ I could hardly ever find them.
Haha, aw man Forza in one gorgeous game, you can really zone out in that one. Screw those garages though ¬____¬ I could hardly ever find them.

Nah not too long mate and unlikely one you would do stuck at annoying part at the moment so taking me longer than it should.
Yeah those garages are so hard to find.
Youre right about how good it looks. I very often crash off a road cause I'm admiring the view.
Yeah those garages are so hard to find.
Youre right about how good it looks. I very often crash off a road cause I'm admiring the view.

Hmm I might just leave it then, sounds like it gets tedious. The amount of half finished games I have is getting annoying though.
Yeah it's a well build little world.
Yeah it's a well build little world.

Yes mate, I have a pc and xbox one x with gamepass. I am playing Remnant From The Ashes, Witcher 3 and Children Of Morta on gamepass and they are all good games. I only play single player games because I'm a social retard haha

Loved W3. Played thru both DLCs and got all the grandmaster witcher gear. Manticore probably my favourite. Griffin horrendous - it’s green.

Love a good smoke and game, especially in the winter when it’s dark outside.
I’m a GTA online veteran and Red Dead online noob, also really enjoyed the story mode for both (PS4).
I’m a GTA online veteran and Red Dead online noob, also really enjoyed the story mode for both (PS4).

Xbox one player here too man. Very recently I just finished the gta 5 campaign, I never really bothered to play it when it first came out as I always played online. However, I noticed how much I've missed out by not playing it as it's really good. Also playing borderlands 3 atm and other games I currently play are games from the resident evil series, New cod and some old 360 games via backwards compatibility!

I bought BL3 on launch and only got 15 hours or so out of it :( really need to pick it back up man. Are you far in?

Yeah, i'm quite far in tbh, as far as i'm aware, but haven't been able to play my Xbox for a week or so due to my controller just not working. So atm, i'm just playing whatever games my laptop can run. But soon i'll get back to BL3.

Ah that's brutal, they're not exactly cheap either :/ I used to have a really old laptop and managed to get so much use out of it with games like HL1, Star Wars: KotOR - amazing games. I'll need to find HD space and get back to BL man, I was hooked on 2 for months.

I have a 4 year old Laptop with a steam account full of old PC games. I used to game pc from 2002 - 2009 before I turned console peasant so I use it as my nostalgia machine to remind me of my kb+m glory days. :')

Glad to hear you never fully turned to the dark side mate. Games are getting insanely detailed now but you really can't beat playing the classics man. Haha nostalgia machine.. there's a product there somewhere. :p

I'd love to get back into PC gaming but I can't currently justify the initial costs for the rig I'd really want. I have almost 400 games on my Xbox that work and will continue to work into the next generation, 90 of them are enhanced in some way compared to running on base hardware as well so at the moment Xbox is giving me the best bang for my buck.
And I'd definitely recommend a Nostalgia Machine for anyone who used to game pc in the 2000's and wants to remember just how great C&C Red Alert 2 was. ;)
And I'd definitely recommend a Nostalgia Machine for anyone who used to game pc in the 2000's and wants to remember just how great C&C Red Alert 2 was. ;)

True, I only bought a PC cause I had the cash at the time, was about £900 all in just for the rig, just stupid prices man. And that isn't even high end, like high-mid tops. The gfx card will probably need a upgrade in 4-5 years too along with everything else. Crazy.
Aw man C&C was so good back in the day. That and Starcraft.
Aw man C&C was so good back in the day. That and Starcraft.

Mate I have like 300 hours played on RL and I'm still awful man, that game is so hard to get good at. You playing MK11?

Aye I feel you when you hit a sick aerial shot like yup.. totally meant that. Definitely 90% lick 10% skill for me. I'm stuck at around gold 3 in 3v3 at the moment. Do you prefer 2's or 3's?
Man I love Mk but I suck at it. My bro is quite good with the combos and stuff, especially in MK9, it's crazy to watch.
Man I love Mk but I suck at it. My bro is quite good with the combos and stuff, especially in MK9, it's crazy to watch.

Hahaha totally meant it :)
I actually like 4 v 4 and chaos , tornados and spikes and plungers it’s madness lol and a few smokes in between can’t beat it man
Mk11 I’m ok at , well I think I am I need to pick someone and learn there moves , I just like looking at all the cut scenes and finishers and that graphics are quality , I wana play now lol, have wait though it’s the kids time on it :(
I actually like 4 v 4 and chaos , tornados and spikes and plungers it’s madness lol and a few smokes in between can’t beat it man
Mk11 I’m ok at , well I think I am I need to pick someone and learn there moves , I just like looking at all the cut scenes and finishers and that graphics are quality , I wana play now lol, have wait though it’s the kids time on it :(

Yeah that sounds like a good laugh mate, I rarely visit those game modes, I think I will tonight.
I can imagine it's hard to get good with limited time on there. MK does take a lot of practice. Haha mate I'd hit them with the old "let dad show you how to play", then when they ask for a shot you just tell them you're not doing teaching them yet. =P
I can imagine it's hard to get good with limited time on there. MK does take a lot of practice. Haha mate I'd hit them with the old "let dad show you how to play", then when they ask for a shot you just tell them you're not doing teaching them yet. =P

Gamer like a motherfucker. Xbox for me as well. I also have the ps4 and switch. Never turn on my ps4 though... switch has become a nice second one. The Game Pass thing is brilliant shit. Playing children of morta right now, great game if you are a rouge like fan.

Just started Children Of Morta and enjoying it so far playing on pc though cause it had weird graphic bugs on xbox for me

i also had some weird stuttering with it on my xbox for a bit, but it's cleared up now thankfully. but yeah I'm having a good time with it right now

I set up my master system to play alex the kid. The memories. Also have an amarras that uses the cassette tape games.

Xbox one X gamer here. Loving Jedi: Fallen Order at the moment. Probably the best, recent Star Wars thing to come out since Rogue One. I'm mostly rotating between Bfv, Cod MW, wreckfest, BL3 and Jedi FO currently.
The Game Pass is great, even better if you gameshare and go halves with someone you trust. Purchased downloaded games also share so if either one of us decides to buy a new game the other one can play it for free which is pretty sweet.
The Game Pass is great, even better if you gameshare and go halves with someone you trust. Purchased downloaded games also share so if either one of us decides to buy a new game the other one can play it for free which is pretty sweet.

Steam family sharing is amazing too, love that more companies are allowing that to happen.

Yes, ever since the ZX Spectrum. Got a switch lite and working thru Mario odyssey which is pretty good tbf

A we game and a smoke after long day is just a belter , Play Gta online and modern warfare at moment , waiting For the Avengers game next week hoping it doesn’t fail at launch the beta was rough? Ps4 heads add me up Millzer94-

2 posts
+2 votes

What to do if seller doesn’t read your message?
Been there to not nice but give it some time and see what happens , hope all ends well
+ 2 more

What to do if seller doesn’t read your message?
Made an order and should’ve been here by now, so I messaged them to check if it had been sent ( it says it has) but thought I’d double check. No reply. They’ve been online everyday but don’t open my messages? I’m new to this site, and don’t want to say I’ve been scammed bc such good feedback? Any help would be great.

Not sure how to update, but it has now arrived. Thanks to everyone! Was just sceptical. But now I know I can trust this place! Thanks everyone.

Dont be put off, however, if you want to use a vendor who does great comms going forward, here is my top 3 in order...
1) JJ (has a number after the JJ bit on username but too stoned lol). Weed is Ok to good. JJ is nuube king. End of. I would recommend anyone joing up to buy a henry off JJ first.
2) gentlemen dealers. Weed is nicely cured and thus potent, but not big nugs in my experience. But they know how to present weed, mature cure, their ammo held up extremely well to the best weed on here because it had a mature cure, talking of which..
3) Ammunition. Best weed on here no doubt. Who cares on the strain when its this good. Good chap, he will get back to you pronto, likes conversing.
All of those have STELLAR NDD and not piss taking prices.
1) JJ (has a number after the JJ bit on username but too stoned lol). Weed is Ok to good. JJ is nuube king. End of. I would recommend anyone joing up to buy a henry off JJ first.
2) gentlemen dealers. Weed is nicely cured and thus potent, but not big nugs in my experience. But they know how to present weed, mature cure, their ammo held up extremely well to the best weed on here because it had a mature cure, talking of which..
3) Ammunition. Best weed on here no doubt. Who cares on the strain when its this good. Good chap, he will get back to you pronto, likes conversing.
All of those have STELLAR NDD and not piss taking prices.

1 post
+2 votes

Where my ladies at?!
I’d say there’s a lot, I’ve come across a few now

Where my ladies at?!
How many females are there on LB.... anyone I’ve ever dealt with or bought from just assumes I’m male and either calls me bro or bud....just curious how many females are on here

3 posts
+6 votes
Welcome man
started topic
+ 3 more

Welcome man
Alright man , hope things go smoothly for yea , hope to hit you up soon :)

Yo bro Thankyou very much really appreciate the welcome Your a top bloke. Hope to speak with you soon :)

Thanks bro I will be trying my hardest to bring the most of sought after strains I possibly can. Appreciate the welcome pal hope to speak soon

3 posts
+5 votes

What can be done about toads like londonfrog?
Don’t need to now you have disputed it , take it up with escrow now
+ 3 more

What can be done about toads like londonfrog?
I’ve had mostly a very good experience on this site and any issues have been resolved directly with the seller.
Unfortunately this confidence let me make a purchase with LondonPondScum.
Is there not a holding area for new sellers like eBay where funds are held for 14 days or until delivery confirmed?
Unfortunately this confidence let me make a purchase with LondonPondScum.
Is there not a holding area for new sellers like eBay where funds are held for 14 days or until delivery confirmed?

Hit up transaxe and got a refund very quick. I was really hopeful for this vendor. Of course saw the price and I was sold!
The guys is a muppet, but that’s why I love the sight. For the most part as soon as someone is REALLY taking the piss then they get called out. LBs has your back!
DO NO HARM! oh yeah and don’t be a douche.
The guys is a muppet, but that’s why I love the sight. For the most part as soon as someone is REALLY taking the piss then they get called out. LBs has your back!
DO NO HARM! oh yeah and don’t be a douche.

Yeah mate, we are newish sellers ourselves and we have only started getting our money from sales this past week. LittleBiggy holds in escrow for 16 days before releasing the BTC. This gives customers a chance to make a claim should something go wrong/sold shitty bud etc.

Ok cheers. I’ll be patient and wait for their response. Not even a lot of money but really hate being robbed lol

Hi London frog took my money too. Promised me a refund if never arrived and then went on to call me a lier and that it must have arrived. How do I make a complaint to get my money back from escrow? I ordered on 22/06/2020

I raised a dispute on my order. Escrow have just asked my for a bitcoin address so looks like they’re going to send it back :)

That’s transaxe there , just dm the order number , or dispute the order and hit up escrow

The hold is where it counts not from LB but transaxe/escrow. Just hit them up and you will be sorted.

He’s also taken my money too. Tells me it’s gone to the wrong address. Gutting. Promised a refund too. Lol. I’m such a mug

Dispute the order if you still can. Escrow have asked me for a my bitcoin address. Why would they ask if not for a refund? They’re obviously aware of him now so hopefully you should get refunded too

Thanks everyone :) . This is a brilliant little/big community and been the best solution for me in lockdown.
In fact I’ll probably stick with it if things go back to normal. Looks like I’ll get a refund from the joker which I would never get from someone doing a runner somewhere.
Beats long drives to look at something terrible or sitting in Tescos car park for someone who can’t tell the time too.
This resolution has let me “shop” more confidently again :)
The Green Team and DrunsIncUk have been absolutely fantastic.
Premium Extracts have also been brilliant for my friend with epilepsy
In fact I’ll probably stick with it if things go back to normal. Looks like I’ll get a refund from the joker which I would never get from someone doing a runner somewhere.
Beats long drives to look at something terrible or sitting in Tescos car park for someone who can’t tell the time too.
This resolution has let me “shop” more confidently again :)
The Green Team and DrunsIncUk have been absolutely fantastic.
Premium Extracts have also been brilliant for my friend with epilepsy

I was on Dream Market before LB and they used to hold the funds in escrow until the buyer rated the purchase. Good system.

1 post
+1.8 votes

Any new Hash Drops coming up?
That’s a Sativa man :) and it’s new as well looks tasty

Any new Hash Drops coming up?
Any vendors out there expecting any drops over next few weeks? Part of me wants to grab something before there's nothing left but I'm trying to hold off until the world starts looking a little less beige.

You read my mind! I've been trying to stock up on my favorites before they sold out but my budget just doesn't stretch far enough.

Tell me about it. I can't justify buying in 8ths at current prices so normally grab half oz if I can. Normally means I have to decide on one strain and stick with it for 3 or 4 weeks. This made me hesitant to buy the next lot after not being too keen on the Royal Maroc. Nothing wrong with it really, just not my buzz. So I waited it out for a couple of days and everything's gone! Gutted!!! Just can't be paying $125 for a Q. I was hoping to see some strawberry cough or lemon land but it's been a while now, months for the strawberry cough and that was a lovely high.
I'm guessing if anything was on the horizon it we'd have heard by now. The hash drought is looking very real!
I'm guessing if anything was on the horizon it we'd have heard by now. The hash drought is looking very real!

Absolutely, I'm in the same boat but even tighter budget and with the hash prices going up, I was stuck basically rationing myself on 7g a week. I smoke to help manage anxiety and a chronic pain disorder and facing a hash drought is understandably wracking my nerves right now! I struggle to get along with smoking green and I get a bit frustrated at times, seeing a lot of recreational users buying up the limited supplies of concentrates that tend to be favoured more by medical users when there's still a wealth of greenery! I totally get it though, we've all been bored in lockdown, trying out new ways of consumption too probably.
I've got a teeny tiny bit of both the strawb cough and the lemon ammo that I'm saving for a particularly shitty pain day!
I've got a teeny tiny bit of both the strawb cough and the lemon ammo that I'm saving for a particularly shitty pain day!

I'm guessing from your post you are into a sativa type high, not the indica type stone of a maroc hash?
Though a bit expensive, you may wish to look at the new soft sift blonde hash from UK 420. Top vendor and that's a sativa type high that should suit you. New landing for him so hopefully plenty left!
Look like I just got the last bit of Green Crack or I would have recommended that - along with Lemon amnesia and God Connects Rolex sift, these have been my fave sataiva highs, and myself and the wife have a good giggle on this one :)
Try the honey blonde if you have the entry price, otherwise I sincerely hope that more options become available soon.
Though a bit expensive, you may wish to look at the new soft sift blonde hash from UK 420. Top vendor and that's a sativa type high that should suit you. New landing for him so hopefully plenty left!
Look like I just got the last bit of Green Crack or I would have recommended that - along with Lemon amnesia and God Connects Rolex sift, these have been my fave sataiva highs, and myself and the wife have a good giggle on this one :)
Try the honey blonde if you have the entry price, otherwise I sincerely hope that more options become available soon.

Exactly that, sativa al the way for me. Don't mind the indica effects alongside in a nice hybrid though. I tried the amnesia lemon and liked it but obviously that's gone now. Thought about the green crack a few times but never pulled the trigger. I've been looking at UK420 blonde but just can't do that price for the Q. Really didn't want to spend more than £150/half so I'm fighting myself as I know there's nothing about and don't want to completely miss out. Might give in over next couple of days, we'll see

Hope you get what you are looking for. If you do go for some blonde, let us know how you get on please!
If this were not a virtual market I'd share some of my stockpile with you till the hashes return - just counted and i've 11 different hashes atm, 5 sativa types.
No wander my bank accounts emptied...I cant help myself! After nearly 40 years of person to person deals, discovering the joys of web ordering has been like waking up in heaven for me and my misses. I've kept all my orders domestic so far, but if the drought persists, there is a LOT of hash from europe elsewhere (there are some dark web markets I will use) - i'm just not keen on my stuff going through customs.
Hope you get what you want!
If this were not a virtual market I'd share some of my stockpile with you till the hashes return - just counted and i've 11 different hashes atm, 5 sativa types.
No wander my bank accounts emptied...I cant help myself! After nearly 40 years of person to person deals, discovering the joys of web ordering has been like waking up in heaven for me and my misses. I've kept all my orders domestic so far, but if the drought persists, there is a LOT of hash from europe elsewhere (there are some dark web markets I will use) - i'm just not keen on my stuff going through customs.
Hope you get what you want!

I've been looking at the dark web international stuff too (if here and my totally unreliable "local" connection dry up) but yeah, I'm not keen on attempting customs either! Took a chance a couple of months ago on a cheap promo hash deal from NL, just to test the postage. Unsurprisingly it didn't make it.

Not feeling this hash drought at all, time to whip out the micron screens,wine bottle & start pressing lol. Had a feeling this was coming after seeing Drugs inc’s post the other day.

Haha, same! I heard that apparently there's issues in Morocco but I'm wondering what's causing the recent drought (considering most of Mainland Europe is definitely getting their shit together a lot faster than the UK is in regards to the pandemic)!

I’m not quite sure tbh but Drugs inc did mention something about it’s difficult to source atm.

11 hashes?! I'm jealous before you even mention the sativas! Yeah I don't like the customs risk, especially when you can wait quite some time to find its not coming. I hope so too but no local connections anymore so relying on LB for now :(

That’s a Sativa man :) and it’s new as well looks tasty

2 posts
+4 votes
Vendor's Union nominated for termination
Comments getting removed :) :) this place cracks me up
+ 2 more

Vendor's Union nominated for termination
User Vikosh79 has created a Vendor's Union that he claims is to protect vendors from negative reviews and trolls. What this page is actually for is to help him scratch the backs of vendors that pay for his services and silence our community. I believe his true intentions have been exposed in these posts HERE and HERE. Please read each of these posts and come to your own conclusion before voting.
Vikosh79 has been reached out to several times for comment and instead of responding he has down voted any criticism and stayed silent.
I think Vikosh79 intends to stay silent and wait until this is forgotten so he can continue his plan. I would like to see the Vendor's Union page terminated so that this cannot happen.
Vikosh79 has been reached out to several times for comment and instead of responding he has down voted any criticism and stayed silent.
I think Vikosh79 intends to stay silent and wait until this is forgotten so he can continue his plan. I would like to see the Vendor's Union page terminated so that this cannot happen.

Agreed. I don't believe his intentions were malicious or anything but this just doesn't seem like the way forward

Also don't think a vendors union is needed.
However I do like Vikosh posts and updates about vendor sales and all that stuff.
Hope they still keep coming.
However I do like Vikosh posts and updates about vendor sales and all that stuff.
Hope they still keep coming.

Me too, when I first started using LB I went straight to the vendor's lidt that he updates weekly. Made my life easier and from reading a lot of the posts Vikosh has made I honestly think he is a decent guy / gal but the Union just seems a little unecessary. Now, I could be completely wrong, I am not a vendor (just a regular customer) but the way Sidetracked layed it out it did seems a little......suspect? Like asking new vendors to come to him / her first, that just seemed weird to me but I haven't been here that long so I may be in over my head. I love this place and don't do social media so this is the equivelant of my Facebook (as sad as that sounds) lol. Any opportunity to keep this little gem running the way it is and I'm all for it, as most members are, or so I would think.

If this dumb idea gets any traction at all it will be thanks to you :)
That said I really appreciate you calling this shit out.
Vikosh I hope you stay around and learn from this.
That said I really appreciate you calling this shit out.
Vikosh I hope you stay around and learn from this.

Isn't it though? It's like we are too many people now to not divide along some axis. But who would have thought it would be this mini East vs West shit?

I was wondering this too. Was about to ask lol. The fact it got voted to be terminated and is still up makes it seem fishy especially as it look's like that guy who was voted to be terminated after this was seems to have been cleared. Makes you wonder after all, eh?

I've always wondered how the termination works because of the potential problems of a sock puppet army.
Then there is the conflict with the prime directive of do no harm. What if the termination causes harm or if the terminated party is not causing harm?
That said I think this union is one of the most fundamentally idiotic ideas I have seem thrown up on these pages.
If sellers can't handle the general public and what that sometimes means they don't belong here or in any open forum. An authoritarian solution is disgusting on too many levels to count.
Then there is the conflict with the prime directive of do no harm. What if the termination causes harm or if the terminated party is not causing harm?
That said I think this union is one of the most fundamentally idiotic ideas I have seem thrown up on these pages.
If sellers can't handle the general public and what that sometimes means they don't belong here or in any open forum. An authoritarian solution is disgusting on too many levels to count.

That makes sense, how about a couple more theories:
1 LB is a little bigger now, so this isnt a quorum.
2 the bot doesn't function anymore, its builders gone etc. I don't see a lot of bots like this mostly borgs.
1 LB is a little bigger now, so this isnt a quorum.
2 the bot doesn't function anymore, its builders gone etc. I don't see a lot of bots like this mostly borgs.

using the curly braces in the page name to make it look like an lb group is not a great look either. my bet is lb validated out curly braces in the actual name which is why there are square braces used there.

Is Vikosh79 terminator bot by any chance? because this looks dodgy now it has 51 votes against it how many more does it need lol

What it needs most is a rebuttal, if you look at Vikosh's post he seems quite capable of this, he is actually an exceptionally thoughtful bigga.
I don't have enough to vote on, in the meantime this is a much healthier drama than ronald season 19.
I don't have enough to vote on, in the meantime this is a much healthier drama than ronald season 19.

Yeah it does. You’ve caught him out in my eyes. I had no idea he sold buddy vendor packs. Sneaky.
He should be open and clarifying peoples worries if it was so genuine. For me it’s a complete conflict of interests anyway. No one person should have the power he’s trying to achieve on here. He’s already kind of getting away with it. With his only contact me shit. It’s not on.
He should be open and clarifying peoples worries if it was so genuine. For me it’s a complete conflict of interests anyway. No one person should have the power he’s trying to achieve on here. He’s already kind of getting away with it. With his only contact me shit. It’s not on.

1 post
+3 votes
Withdrawing for 1st time questions
Go to your transaxe page , and it show you fees and how to accelerate payments , use your referral token from biggy on the transaxe page, put in bitco…

Withdrawing for 1st time questions
Hi everyone.
I'm wanting to withdraw for the first time and found little to no information on it, I see that I can change pending release to released?
Also I don't understand the sale fees on the page
All information is appreciated, thanks!
I'm wanting to withdraw for the first time and found little to no information on it, I see that I can change pending release to released?
Also I don't understand the sale fees on the page
All information is appreciated, thanks!

Go to your transaxe page , and it show you fees and how to accelerate payments , use your referral token from biggy on the transaxe page, put in bitcoin address for bitcoins to be released to , and have a wallet that lets you withdraw from

3 posts
+5 votes

Haha , it’s a nice reminder , what lurks about here :( well not here :)
Watching there prey from a distance
+ 3 more
Down voted posts become less visible and get closed down to ... So the vendors name will eventually disappear. I think?

1 post
+2 votes
You Need to change your gelato 41
started topic
4 posts
+10 votes

Buyer beware of new vendors
All we can do is try warn people, common sense should help , sales when joined reviews etc , We can’t save everyone but the ones we save makes it wort…
+ 4 more

Buyer beware of new vendors
Please be careful buying from new vendors. We have had several pop up lately that had been removed after a week or two for being illegitimate, or scamming.
The system we currently have in place is when a new vendor joins they are vetted by a trusted member (sometimes). That system does not work and time after time scammers are operating here and people are getting screwed.
Something needs to be put in place to stop anyone and everyone signing up as a vendor. I think the people behind the scenes need to start vetting. I think they need to make sure these vendors have the product and stock they claim to have. I think they need to make sure they are providing adequate stealth before they start selling or WE pay the price. Escrow is good but it doesn't stop vendors joining and it also doesn't guarantee your money back when you get screwed.
I am not accusing anyone of anything but I have a bad feeling about the latest vendor to join our ranks. I urge everyone to make their own decision on the matter but at a glance I certainly wouldn't be trying them out. Right away there are several red flags and I would hate to see anyone lose money over it. I am aware I could be wrong and I hope I am, but I'd rather be wrong and vet someone properly, than right and have biggers lose money.
I understand this is a free market, but that doesn't mean it needs to be a unsafe one. I'd love to hear all of your thoughts.
Please discuss.
The system we currently have in place is when a new vendor joins they are vetted by a trusted member (sometimes). That system does not work and time after time scammers are operating here and people are getting screwed.
Something needs to be put in place to stop anyone and everyone signing up as a vendor. I think the people behind the scenes need to start vetting. I think they need to make sure these vendors have the product and stock they claim to have. I think they need to make sure they are providing adequate stealth before they start selling or WE pay the price. Escrow is good but it doesn't stop vendors joining and it also doesn't guarantee your money back when you get screwed.
I am not accusing anyone of anything but I have a bad feeling about the latest vendor to join our ranks. I urge everyone to make their own decision on the matter but at a glance I certainly wouldn't be trying them out. Right away there are several red flags and I would hate to see anyone lose money over it. I am aware I could be wrong and I hope I am, but I'd rather be wrong and vet someone properly, than right and have biggers lose money.
I understand this is a free market, but that doesn't mean it needs to be a unsafe one. I'd love to hear all of your thoughts.
Please discuss.

We are the community, that's the premise and why looking for someone to save you - that's antiethical to how it works here,
There's a whole miserable world outside of people ready to exploit fears. I like to think of little biggy as a sanctuary from that.
There's a whole miserable world outside of people ready to exploit fears. I like to think of little biggy as a sanctuary from that.

it doesnt require authority the solution can be decentralized. why not limit visibility on new sellers?

I don't want anyone to save me. I want the community to be at less risk and the fact that this premise has any opposition at all astounds me.
Also, each of your paragraphs contradict the other, so I'm not sure what you really mean.
Also, each of your paragraphs contradict the other, so I'm not sure what you really mean.

Interesting one, I don’t like the thought of people losing money either but due to the nature of the business I don’t think it can happen.
It’s a total cliche but we’re given a lot of liberty on here and with it comes some responsibility.
I’d like to think anyone capable of finding this place etc has the basic skills required to conduct their own due diligence.
If someone isn’t comfortable or has doubts they should stay away. I also hope it’s pretty obvious to anyone that’s spent a couple of hours here who the most popular vendors are and who’s a safe bet for a noob.
Vendor reps are earned the hard way and I think it’s pretty fair to say all the top vendors fully deserve their rep so something must be working.
Ultimately I don’t think any system is perfect and there will always be occasional problems especially when people are involved.
Even with a vetting system in place, the situation Panda found them selves in would still have occurred as it was one of the vendors staff attempting to sabotage the business.
I have no idea of numbers but would guess/hope the percentage of problems is tiny compared to successes.
Also, I say all this as someone who’s never had a problem on here and understand some users experiences may differ but still stand by the main point of taking some responsibility for your own decisions.
I totally understand where you’re coming from but until there’s a change in law, unfortunately I see it being nearly impossible to vet. I would like to think if people are careful then risks are really really tiny and are generally kept to the minimum.
It’s a total cliche but we’re given a lot of liberty on here and with it comes some responsibility.
I’d like to think anyone capable of finding this place etc has the basic skills required to conduct their own due diligence.
If someone isn’t comfortable or has doubts they should stay away. I also hope it’s pretty obvious to anyone that’s spent a couple of hours here who the most popular vendors are and who’s a safe bet for a noob.
Vendor reps are earned the hard way and I think it’s pretty fair to say all the top vendors fully deserve their rep so something must be working.
Ultimately I don’t think any system is perfect and there will always be occasional problems especially when people are involved.
Even with a vetting system in place, the situation Panda found them selves in would still have occurred as it was one of the vendors staff attempting to sabotage the business.
I have no idea of numbers but would guess/hope the percentage of problems is tiny compared to successes.
Also, I say all this as someone who’s never had a problem on here and understand some users experiences may differ but still stand by the main point of taking some responsibility for your own decisions.
I totally understand where you’re coming from but until there’s a change in law, unfortunately I see it being nearly impossible to vet. I would like to think if people are careful then risks are really really tiny and are generally kept to the minimum.

We're not just talking about losing money here. People have had their private information leaked online, had the police knocking at their door, and been put on criminal lists. On top of all that, they have also lost money. People in the community are now scared and paranoid, and rightfully so. We are responsible for our own decisions but when the same scamming vendor can sign up several times and collect peoples data over and over again, something needs to be done about that.
I have seen time and time again people stumbling on to this site and having to ask the community how to set up a wallet, buy btc, find a vendor, make a order, pay for a order. It is evident that unsuspecting and naive people sign up all the time, and those are the people we as existing members need to protect.
I disagree, I think as a new member it is overwhelming. You have so many choices and the pressure of making the right one only increases the chances of making the wrong one. It is not immediately clear that shady people operate here. People come in and make a order from the likes of Radar, or Drugs INC and they then assume it will be safe to order from anyone. Even BH got screwed, and I wouldn't call him naive. The issue is not with the big vendors here mate, it's the exact opposite. Despite little to no ratings, people continue to buy off these flash-in-the-pan scammers. I don't understand why it's acceptable on any level.
The system is far from perfect, it actually does the bare minimum. You mentioned responsibility, 95% of the policing here is done by us. We need to collect evidence, report, and convict. The admins just remove the culprit once we've done everything else. I don't see how we can be any more responsible with the system we have been given.
I encourage you to do some digging in to the panda situation mate. People are still receiving unsafe packages that stink, after the worker in question was supposedly removed. You bought that sabotage thing? That situation wasn't handled properly either. At least 2 people including panda have been received letters and the vendor is getting a pass. 2 others got lucky and were not reported, but their packs were reeking. People continue to order unsafe packages. Personally I don't think any amount of people getting busted is acceptable. JJ looks as legit as they come, has plenty of ratings and is very, very active. Yet anyone could easily get screwed by ordering there. I'm not sure how we are supposed to be vigilant about that, or responsible for it.
I don't think the law needs to change, just a few simple changes around here to protect the community. It isn't impossible, and has never even been attempted. No matter how little it may be, I don't think any risk of people being doxxed should be acceptable.
Thank you for joining in the discussion mate. I hope my tone doesn't come across as argumentative.
I have seen time and time again people stumbling on to this site and having to ask the community how to set up a wallet, buy btc, find a vendor, make a order, pay for a order. It is evident that unsuspecting and naive people sign up all the time, and those are the people we as existing members need to protect.
I disagree, I think as a new member it is overwhelming. You have so many choices and the pressure of making the right one only increases the chances of making the wrong one. It is not immediately clear that shady people operate here. People come in and make a order from the likes of Radar, or Drugs INC and they then assume it will be safe to order from anyone. Even BH got screwed, and I wouldn't call him naive. The issue is not with the big vendors here mate, it's the exact opposite. Despite little to no ratings, people continue to buy off these flash-in-the-pan scammers. I don't understand why it's acceptable on any level.
The system is far from perfect, it actually does the bare minimum. You mentioned responsibility, 95% of the policing here is done by us. We need to collect evidence, report, and convict. The admins just remove the culprit once we've done everything else. I don't see how we can be any more responsible with the system we have been given.
I encourage you to do some digging in to the panda situation mate. People are still receiving unsafe packages that stink, after the worker in question was supposedly removed. You bought that sabotage thing? That situation wasn't handled properly either. At least 2 people including panda have been received letters and the vendor is getting a pass. 2 others got lucky and were not reported, but their packs were reeking. People continue to order unsafe packages. Personally I don't think any amount of people getting busted is acceptable. JJ looks as legit as they come, has plenty of ratings and is very, very active. Yet anyone could easily get screwed by ordering there. I'm not sure how we are supposed to be vigilant about that, or responsible for it.
I don't think the law needs to change, just a few simple changes around here to protect the community. It isn't impossible, and has never even been attempted. No matter how little it may be, I don't think any risk of people being doxxed should be acceptable.
Thank you for joining in the discussion mate. I hope my tone doesn't come across as argumentative.

Hey, no not at all. Its fine, I completely take on board your points but it’s clear we’re coming from very different places on this which is cool. I’d rather not argue, just discuss and find solutions. It’s also clear you’re not the only one with concerns so I guess it’s something that does need looking at.
Saying that, I’ve seen similar points raised in the past and nothing is done once the hype dies down.
I would urge anyone with concerns to gather like minded people and at least attempt to put into action the changes they want to see.
If it’s a case of protecting new accounts from ordering off new vendors, could accounts with less 10 buys be locked off from vendors with less than 50 sales?
Should we only accept new vendors who’ve been bought here via referral?
Should all new vendors be made to send samples out ?
If that’s what people want then at least try and make it happen.
I still think a change in law is the only way you’ll get the buyer protection you want but could user address’s be erased from the order form once the purchase has been rated?
I think anything close to GDPR are going to be impossible to enforce but how could it be better?
Also if someone isn’t happy with how things are run and doesn’t have confidence in the system they don’t have to use this place. The situation with smelling packages is unprecedented but what could have been done differently to prevent it from happening?
I understand everyone wants good stuff and for some it’s medical but while it’s illegal or until members who want changes bring in those changes it’s very much a case of buyer beware. I have every sympathy for people who do get caught out but personally I’ve been well aware of all the above risks and the possibility of having a package intercepted since day one and accept it.
I honestly wish you all the best in your endeavour to get the changes you want.
Saying that, I’ve seen similar points raised in the past and nothing is done once the hype dies down.
I would urge anyone with concerns to gather like minded people and at least attempt to put into action the changes they want to see.
If it’s a case of protecting new accounts from ordering off new vendors, could accounts with less 10 buys be locked off from vendors with less than 50 sales?
Should we only accept new vendors who’ve been bought here via referral?
Should all new vendors be made to send samples out ?
If that’s what people want then at least try and make it happen.
I still think a change in law is the only way you’ll get the buyer protection you want but could user address’s be erased from the order form once the purchase has been rated?
I think anything close to GDPR are going to be impossible to enforce but how could it be better?
Also if someone isn’t happy with how things are run and doesn’t have confidence in the system they don’t have to use this place. The situation with smelling packages is unprecedented but what could have been done differently to prevent it from happening?
I understand everyone wants good stuff and for some it’s medical but while it’s illegal or until members who want changes bring in those changes it’s very much a case of buyer beware. I have every sympathy for people who do get caught out but personally I’ve been well aware of all the above risks and the possibility of having a package intercepted since day one and accept it.
I honestly wish you all the best in your endeavour to get the changes you want.

Getting anything to change on LB is next to impossible, it's hard to mount a movement when the cards are stacked against you from the beginning. It's also hard when a vocal few have an issue with a premise that apparently wouldn't affect them. Your main problem seems to be that posts like this never lead anywhere. I don't think that is constructive to anything.
Some of these suggestions are good. GDPR levels of data protection I'd never expect, however some basic transparency in relation to how vendors handle our sensitive data is a very minor thing to ask for. Putting guidelines in place so that vendors know to practice good OPSEC in regards to our data. These are things I could easily put in to words, but without official backing they would mean nothing.
I understand that you are happy and that's great, however by your logic anyone who has an issue with anything here should just leave. Personally, I don't want to lose 95% of our community. My original post here was about scammers, not bad stealth and JJ, so I'm not sure how we got on to that.
Regardless my opinion on that situation is that of course it could have been prevented! JJ could have practiced better stealth. He got several people busted mate.. not just Panda. That should never have happened and I can't believe it is being accepted, after several more cases of seized packs. That is insane to me. You pretty much just summed up my point? Until we can mount the changes outlined in this post, we as buyers must beware. Getting busted because a vendor practiced bad stealth is not something any of us have accepted, nor should we. There weren't just intercepted at all, these packs were in a horrible state and were begging to be picked up.
Some of these suggestions are good. GDPR levels of data protection I'd never expect, however some basic transparency in relation to how vendors handle our sensitive data is a very minor thing to ask for. Putting guidelines in place so that vendors know to practice good OPSEC in regards to our data. These are things I could easily put in to words, but without official backing they would mean nothing.
I understand that you are happy and that's great, however by your logic anyone who has an issue with anything here should just leave. Personally, I don't want to lose 95% of our community. My original post here was about scammers, not bad stealth and JJ, so I'm not sure how we got on to that.
Regardless my opinion on that situation is that of course it could have been prevented! JJ could have practiced better stealth. He got several people busted mate.. not just Panda. That should never have happened and I can't believe it is being accepted, after several more cases of seized packs. That is insane to me. You pretty much just summed up my point? Until we can mount the changes outlined in this post, we as buyers must beware. Getting busted because a vendor practiced bad stealth is not something any of us have accepted, nor should we. There weren't just intercepted at all, these packs were in a horrible state and were begging to be picked up.

Yes I do think posts like this lead to nothing and in my opinion are pretty much pointless unless acted on, constructive or not that’s how I feel.
If like you say 95% of the community has issues then you should be able to make enough noise to get the change you want. You say it’s impossible to get change, but you haven’t even tried.
Going back and forth when we have different opinions is ridiculous. I’ve tried to level with you and see it from your perspective at this point I really have nothing else to say to you.
If like you say 95% of the community has issues then you should be able to make enough noise to get the change you want. You say it’s impossible to get change, but you haven’t even tried.
Going back and forth when we have different opinions is ridiculous. I’ve tried to level with you and see it from your perspective at this point I really have nothing else to say to you.

I would argue that planting a seed is not pointless. It gets people thinking, talking and discussing ideas. Why is this ever a bad thing? I said next to impossible, and am I not trying right now? I'm sorry mate but I thought we would be able to talk without emotions getting involved?
Do you really think having a discussion with people who have opposing opinions to you is ridiculous? It begs the question.. why engage in a discussion in the first place?
Do you really think having a discussion with people who have opposing opinions to you is ridiculous? It begs the question.. why engage in a discussion in the first place?

Very well said, the acceptable number of fuck ups from a vendor should be 0, and I think repercussions from the site admins would motivate vendors to have a keener eye on what goes on in THEIR business, this could be an increase in fees for selling here or something along those lines. I'm not sure how it works behind the scenes, but something that will keep vendors on their toes.
So far now I have come across 3 separate posts of people that have had stinking packages, this is not acceptable. It's so dangerous man, and I've learned first hand what happens, thank fuck I didn't have a big order. People could be fucking arrested and face court, the buyer is entirely in the hands of the vendor and I think this needs making apparent, maybe as a notice before you actually go ahead and press pay that can serve as a warning.
So far now I have come across 3 separate posts of people that have had stinking packages, this is not acceptable. It's so dangerous man, and I've learned first hand what happens, thank fuck I didn't have a big order. People could be fucking arrested and face court, the buyer is entirely in the hands of the vendor and I think this needs making apparent, maybe as a notice before you actually go ahead and press pay that can serve as a warning.

I agree. These aren't massive sweeping changes we are talking about. Just a little extra protection for the people that keep this site afloat. I think these are all great ideas and a deterrent should be put in place. I'm not sure what kind of compensation, if any, you received but it seems like not much has been done as a result of your situation. I'd hate to think what would have happened if you were ordering quantities that would constitute intent to supply!
That is a really good idea and one easily implemented. People also need to be aware that their data is in the hands of the vendor too. Who knows what is happening with that.
That is a really good idea and one easily implemented. People also need to be aware that their data is in the hands of the vendor too. Who knows what is happening with that.

Yeah man a deterrent would be good.
I'm just getting refunded mate, I'd have sooner not have had the police around though instead.
it was only 30quids worth and I can't even spend it on here for a bit now lol
I'd hope the vendors would delete addresses after they have dispatched, but whether this happens and how you police that they do, I don't really have an answer for that
I'm just getting refunded mate, I'd have sooner not have had the police around though instead.
it was only 30quids worth and I can't even spend it on here for a bit now lol
I'd hope the vendors would delete addresses after they have dispatched, but whether this happens and how you police that they do, I don't really have an answer for that

A refund has to be a bit of a slap in the face man.
Well how it's dealt with in the real world is the GDPR. Vendors should be stating exactly what they do with our data. When found to be breaching the rules they ought to be subject to punishment in the form of fines or termination (in the case of SD/DH). I just don't think it will happen with the way things work though. One can dream.
Well how it's dealt with in the real world is the GDPR. Vendors should be stating exactly what they do with our data. When found to be breaching the rules they ought to be subject to punishment in the form of fines or termination (in the case of SD/DH). I just don't think it will happen with the way things work though. One can dream.

Yeah exactly mate you are lucky you have a standing in the community, glad you got that sorted though and I feel bad for the scammer that he can't earn a honest living. Newer buyers are also likely to go to these vendors because they don't know they shouldn't. It's a sucky situation for everyone I hate to even be talking about it, but I think we need to protect people more than what is happening.

Would a vendor screening process be that hard to implement. Submit 3 samples to be reviewed on a set minium standard framework, pre- determined by the community? Reviewers would be asked to rate against a standardised benchmark.
Pass the test to be able to trade, I found my reviews insightful and improved my offering. A re- review could be implemented after a set period to keep new vendors focused.
Pass the test to be able to trade, I found my reviews insightful and improved my offering. A re- review could be implemented after a set period to keep new vendors focused.

You went about it perfectly mate, offering samples and waiting on reviews before listing. It does annoy me that the clown just pops up out of nowhere asking for top dollar.

Thanks! Can you explain what red flags you see? I only use a few sellers but would like to know what danger signs to look for.

Hey mate, no problem. You should keep an eye out for the following...
Low effort profiles: No product photos, bad grammar, no branding, no proof (username & date) in photos, low quality/effort pics, pics from google.
Pricing: If it looks to good (cheap) to be true, it is. If you see bad pricing like $15 for 1 gram and $45 for 2 gram - this is also a warning sign.
Vendor personality: A honest vendor should answer any questions/concerns in a friendly and customer service orientated manner. Look out for aggressive sellers, if they want your money that badly then something is up.
Unusual behaviour: A vendor should NEVER try get you to finalize a sale away from littlebiggy, if they do they are most likely trying to steal your money. No matter what reason they give you, it's likely a lie to get you away from the protection of escrow.
Low effort profiles: No product photos, bad grammar, no branding, no proof (username & date) in photos, low quality/effort pics, pics from google.
Pricing: If it looks to good (cheap) to be true, it is. If you see bad pricing like $15 for 1 gram and $45 for 2 gram - this is also a warning sign.
Vendor personality: A honest vendor should answer any questions/concerns in a friendly and customer service orientated manner. Look out for aggressive sellers, if they want your money that badly then something is up.
Unusual behaviour: A vendor should NEVER try get you to finalize a sale away from littlebiggy, if they do they are most likely trying to steal your money. No matter what reason they give you, it's likely a lie to get you away from the protection of escrow.

Mr Spock has topic on his page with a link to all sellers ,jobe has a good idea , is to get everyone to vote on it and upvote trust worthy vendors and down vote the scammers , it’s a nice little idea ,someone could set up a page and manage it ,it’s just something to have , all we can do is try , cause until we rumble the dodgy vendors nothing is gonna be done

Seen your post man , the vendor needs to stop posting we’re he’s posting sort out the stealth , and trial run it again , it’s an accident waiting to happen at the moment , get him to send a few dummy posts see if they get held to , feel for vendor and customers, especially customers though they have all the emotions involved

Shocking isn't it. It's negligence at this point mate. Yeah I'm worried about them going to pick up their packs now man :/

Addresses will be at risk while sweetdreamz is here trusted vendors should only be able to recommend new vendors this would stop banned vendors and make the community safer because lets face sweetdreamz will keep changing accounts if nothing gets done its been proven then he just plays the victim

And it will stop the same banned vendor from leaking addresses again its the only way to stop it when you are dealing with someone who keeps making new accounts

how would vendors be any better at finding sweet dreams next incarnation? if anyone is qualified for that its buyers. they have caught it every time.

This site has exploded with drama in the last week, I missed the sweetdreamz saga but I've read about what happened.
Sounds a massive bellend.
What proof do you have that Ronald maybe the same guy?
Sounds a massive bellend.
What proof do you have that Ronald maybe the same guy?

Soon as i put becareful with addresses on his page another vendor account pops up with no items its Ronalds back up account because he knows he is eventually gonna be exposed but like the scumbag he is he will keep coming back sweetdreamz kept my address for a year after ordering this shows how messed up in the head he is and he will just keep coming back keeping everyone addresses people need to be warned about him

His vendor pictures are similar he was charging the exact same prices as sweetdreamz for his blue skittles shatter and if you look on the items list no other vendor offers 0.5 for 45 dollars only sweetdreamz did that Ronald even makes thc carts guess what so did sweetdreamz and he messaged me a load of waffle one of the messages say can we resolve this like adults what innocent man tries to justify something he has not done lol resolve what if you are innocent and there are many more red flags just remember he is the undisputed champion of making new accounts this is his fourth account atleast

1 post
+3 votes

So sorry guys!!!!
Bought a restock outside of biggy, from a very reputable seller on here, got stung for £3.5k!!!
Just goes to show the power of escrow
Don’t buy outside it!!!
I’ll be restocking from my normal reliable source, once I save some funds. Bring on the cold turkey detox for me!!!!
Sorry to let you down guys, been promising something new and extravagant and I’ve not delivered.
Really hope to make up for it soon x
Bought a restock outside of biggy, from a very reputable seller on here, got stung for £3.5k!!!
Just goes to show the power of escrow
Don’t buy outside it!!!
I’ll be restocking from my normal reliable source, once I save some funds. Bring on the cold turkey detox for me!!!!
Sorry to let you down guys, been promising something new and extravagant and I’ve not delivered.
Really hope to make up for it soon x

Yes that’s the way forward.
So hard when the vendor in question says he’s ruined and then all of a sudden they’re fully stocked again.
Thought they were ace “god of hash” but all he’s telling me is to fu*k off and it’s not his problem when he arranged the hookup.
You think you build up a good relationship and trust over a long time on the internet but boy how fake people are when it comes to it.
On a lighter note, restock arriving this weekend of lovely hash.
So hard when the vendor in question says he’s ruined and then all of a sudden they’re fully stocked again.
Thought they were ace “god of hash” but all he’s telling me is to fu*k off and it’s not his problem when he arranged the hookup.
You think you build up a good relationship and trust over a long time on the internet but boy how fake people are when it comes to it.
On a lighter note, restock arriving this weekend of lovely hash.

After what you’ve been through you really deserve better!
My friends have rated you so much and I’m sorry to ha missed ur hash’s.
Karma’s a cunt Bazza, they’ll get what they deserve!!!!
All best vibes at you bro xxx
My friends have rated you so much and I’m sorry to ha missed ur hash’s.
Karma’s a cunt Bazza, they’ll get what they deserve!!!!
All best vibes at you bro xxx

I'm sorry about that mate hope you can get back on your feet soon. Do you always use LB to buy your stuff?

Sorry to hear that Bazza, I was wondering when you’d be re stocked. Hope you’re back on track soon.

3 posts
+3 votes

Is it worth scouring other darknet sites?
Well that’s minimum they would send , or boxed tins
+ 3 more

Is it worth scouring other darknet sites?
Hi Guys
Im New to this . Litrally been a user on LB for around 3/4 weeks .
This has got me thinking .
Is it worth to scour other Darknet sites to try and find weed , (Cali weed only that is) . :) ?
Im New to this . Litrally been a user on LB for around 3/4 weeks .
This has got me thinking .
Is it worth to scour other Darknet sites to try and find weed , (Cali weed only that is) . :) ?

Tbf I don't think you would have to many issues so long as you're careful enough. A lot of the sites are like this on where customers can rate vendors and leave reviews. Vendors who are highly rated and have made lots of sales often get tags like TRUSTED or level 1, 2, 3, etc. They also use the escrow system so there is the possibility of refunds if things go south. Don't forget a lot of the vendors on here were trading on the dark Web ages before this site existed and there's other weed dedicated sites and the dark Web. But obviously it does have its risks. Recently a few darknet markets have had issues with exit scams where users had access to their funds withdrawn on the market website wallets and coming back to a empty wallets. Hope this helps.

I understand the abbreviations bro , what would you have said if i answered your question ? :) ?

Probably not but you could try lb is probably the safest the name darknet puts me off because its full of horrible stuff and i certainly wouldn't if your only after weed darknet is mainly for the hard stuff mate

Iv never found the need to go anywhere else unless I want abit of coke lol. I must say even tho I do it once or twice a year i would never want it on here as it's a safe space from all that bad shit :)

2 posts
+3 votes

Fire og crumble
started topic
+ 2 more
None left...and that’s a link to your picture ya big tease! lol
Get the salt out n rub it in there hahaha
Get the salt out n rub it in there hahaha

3 posts
+5 votes

Whats the longest youve waited for a package ?
Did it arrive yet ? :) :(
+ 3 more

Whats the longest youve waited for a package ?
Hi guys been waiting 10 working days now for my package from uk to eu i unfortunately didn't get tracked which i found out afterwards is the only way to go anyway back to my question when should i begin to lose hope lol also is it best to wait for the outcome of said package before ordering more any help is appreciated thanks

Same had 2 to Portugal one was 20 and the other was 30+.
France and Germany usually quite quick
France and Germany usually quite quick

Thanks for the info guys in the future i will always go with tracked that was my mistake most definitely but from the replies here i will keep the faith in this package arriving at some stage lol

I'm UK so usually mine are in pretty fast. longest was 13 days but was during the xmas rush so I understand. dont give up hope mate, this site is very reliable and most well recognised vendors always come through. fingers crossed for you though

Beat you by a day, 14 days is the longest, same situation as bubba, post Black Friday pre Xmas rush and flooding didn’t help, I’m sure it’ll arrive, I’ve only ever had one item here not arrive and vendor out that right so all good, sure it’ll be fine.

Surprisingly I received today (UK to EU) my last package, after just 4 days of waiting. That's a record for me ahah
Dust/Shake bought from RadarBreeder 10/10
Surprisingly I received today (UK to EU) my last package, after just 4 days of waiting. That's a record for me ahah
Dust/Shake bought from RadarBreeder 10/10

1 post
+3 votes

Just message vendors that have extracts and pm them , they Should be able to do discount depending on how much is needed , mjconcentrates, radar breed…
2 posts
+2 votes
New to using Bitcoin.
No problem if you get stuck just ask away
+ 2 more

New to using Bitcoin.
Hi LB,
So I’m wanting to buy an item from a vendor using bittylicious, but I’m a little confused with the prices that are on here, as it shows Bitcoin in dollars from a U.K vendor. So is it being charged in dollars so will be less than £30 or does it mean £30.
I hope that makes sense
So I’m wanting to buy an item from a vendor using bittylicious, but I’m a little confused with the prices that are on here, as it shows Bitcoin in dollars from a U.K vendor. So is it being charged in dollars so will be less than £30 or does it mean £30.
I hope that makes sense

As Srfc said us the bitcoin price , I also have a converting app on my phone as well , helps with the brain freeze moments

If you buy from Bittylicious, just input the fixed amount of BTC you must pay (LB will show you) and when you are buying on Bittylicious just paste the address LB has given you so you'll send the BTC just in one transaction.
Follow this mini guide :
Follow this mini guide :

2 posts
+5 votes

Quality over quantity? Quantity over quality
started topic
+ 2 more
Easily quality for me. I mean if you're a vendor who sells dank looking weed and it smells amazing and tastes amazing, i'm all for it. Fuck the quantity, i always look for good smelling and tasting strains, otherwise nah i'm good. But there are a few exceptions like GC's Jamaican Sess, personally i fucking love that stuff, it might look bad, but it smells and tastes great, nice high too.

1 post
+2 votes

King Palms?
Yo man welcome , hope your order has arrived safe and sound , I’ve tryed a few wraps now man , not my
Thing, have start using the pre rolled cones la…

King Palms?

Hi everyone
I'm pretty new to the community & am currently waiting for my first order. Thought I'd ask about a product I saw a long time ago.
Has anyone tried the 'King Palm' wraps?
They look great and I love trying all this stuff that I'm not used to in the UK.
Great to have found this place!
I'm pretty new to the community & am currently waiting for my first order. Thought I'd ask about a product I saw a long time ago.
Has anyone tried the 'King Palm' wraps?
They look great and I love trying all this stuff that I'm not used to in the UK.
Great to have found this place!

Hey Thanks!
My order came through great, really happy with how it all went down. I will be sure to check it out to see what I can find. Theres so much on here it's hard to decide. Thanks!
My order came through great, really happy with how it all went down. I will be sure to check it out to see what I can find. Theres so much on here it's hard to decide. Thanks!

1 post
+3 votes

Where have all the Cali packs gone?
2 vendors coming back in February,
Gods connect ,
Popeofdope ,

Where have all the Cali packs gone?
Il start with I know it’s expensive and you can probably get almost as nice weed without it being a Cali pack or a tin but I don’t really mind the price. I don’t smoke all that often anymore so when I do I like it to be the nicest and most potent I can find.
Anyway I have noticed there aren’t many Cali Packs or tins about at the moment. Is this just bad timing for me that I’m running low or are vendors not getting them like they used to? I recently had some Mac 1 and Cali X which were really nice but can’t find anything like this again sadly. If anyone knows of a good vendor who has what I’m after hit a brother up!!
Thanks in advance!
Anyway I have noticed there aren’t many Cali Packs or tins about at the moment. Is this just bad timing for me that I’m running low or are vendors not getting them like they used to? I recently had some Mac 1 and Cali X which were really nice but can’t find anything like this again sadly. If anyone knows of a good vendor who has what I’m after hit a brother up!!
Thanks in advance!

Glad to hear Pope is coming back, always had good products and service from him. Il keep my eyes out for them! Thanks for the update

saw today RB has loose cali up...animal cookies..ive had 100% delivery and quality with him despite customs etc...hope this helps

Thanks for the reply il have another look, I’ve used RB before and to be fair he’s been spot on. I’m UK based so didn’t have any issues with customs thankfully although did have a issue possibly due to Christmas time but a quick message and he sorted it the next day so very happy with the service he provides. Just after that one and done smoke to mong on the sofa with haha. Thanks again

nice...i gotta wait 5ish days...thats ok..once i know its coming..which is sketchy enough...but stealth with RB's're UK so no sweat...'mong on the sofa' lmao... :)

I had a look and il probably order some of that off RB and see what it’s like, at least it will do me for a little bit. It was only before Christmas everyone seemed to be selling Cali now it’s dropped off. Hopefully it will pick up again soon. Yea love that it doesn’t go through customs I was worried enough about Royal Mail when I first started ordering let alone knowing it’s going through customs I feel for you buddy. Yea bro gotta love a good mong after a fatty haha. Thanks again bud

Why CALI bud all the time? It’s very nice, don’t get me wrong, but you can buy awesome buds that are grown locally at a much better price.

Price only matters if your smoking it everyday but if your only smoking once a week or close to that your probably better of buying cali

Yep totally agree. I’m only smoking on weekends now more as a treat (getting old) haha. So yea when I do have a smoke quality and taste wins over price, for me anyway.

I would suggest a Zombie Stick to be good for people who smoke on weekends. Or alternate it, buy one of the Mac 3.5g bags 1 weekend then the next get 4 Zombie Sticks (for the same price), the pure weed in them and shatter and kief combined will make up for the weed not being Cali and then some, and have yourself a roll-free weekend and a different experience.

4 posts
+15 votes
Mint choc
started topic
+ 4 more
looks soo nice, just ordered a half cant wait too smoke, have you smoked any yet if so whats it like?

3 posts
+9 votes
Purple punch
started topic
+ 3 more
1 post
+5 votes
Nicole kush
started topic
2 posts
+2 votes

little buggy
Email notifications not working
started topic
+ 2 more

Hello to the community, we are new here and are selling top quality CBD products.
we hope to be able to give you a great service and produts. We will have a lot more to come. just taking time to build up our range.
Thank you for giving us a look and hope to serve some of you soon.
cbd ave.
we hope to be able to give you a great service and produts. We will have a lot more to come. just taking time to build up our range.
Thank you for giving us a look and hope to serve some of you soon.
cbd ave.

Welcome guys! I've been really looking into trying out some quality CBD... this looks like something I'd be interested in checking out for sure.

1 post
+2 votes

Top Shelf Jack Herer or Green Crack 27+%
Where :)
3 posts
+3 votes

Royal mail depot
That’s it man could be just mistake by posty
+ 3 more

Royal mail depot
Has anyone got this before when tracking their item-
We’ve received a request not to deliver mail to the property your item is addressed to today. We'll attempt delivery as per the instructions we’ve received, which is usually on the next working day.
Wondering why they didnt post this time ?
We’ve received a request not to deliver mail to the property your item is addressed to today. We'll attempt delivery as per the instructions we’ve received, which is usually on the next working day.
Wondering why they didnt post this time ?

the postie either had too much stuff in his bag or could not be arsed today for some reason.

I found this on RM website-
Retention Item - Some business addresses have a Retention Service to cover days when they’re not open. We won’t deliver to them on these days. Instead, we’ll hold on to the item and deliver on the next working day, or according to the business’ instructions.
Not a business address so cant be that.
Retention Item - Some business addresses have a Retention Service to cover days when they’re not open. We won’t deliver to them on these days. Instead, we’ll hold on to the item and deliver on the next working day, or according to the business’ instructions.
Not a business address so cant be that.

Dont know whether to collect or see if it still gets delivered.
Also so i read somewhere someone at RM couldve scanned it wrong (as a buisness address)
Also so i read somewhere someone at RM couldve scanned it wrong (as a buisness address)

Dont know how long ago this was posted, hopefully your sorted by now but this can also happen when the postie cant get access....this happened to a pal of mine a while back (legal post lol) because he kept his dog in the front garden so the postie wouldnt go in there.

Posted today, the only thing i can think of is it was scanned as business address will call customer service see what they say

Hopefully u get sorted soon bro....sounds like an honest mistake....if the old bill got involved they wouldnt hold the post back, theyd let u receive and watch till they can make a big bust so I dont think you'll have any worries there. Just RM bein cunts lol

After an hour on phone waiting for customer service! The cs said it had left and the postman took it back to depot for some reason could not figure out why(her guess was something to with address) so in the end i rebooked delivery for monday hopefully it should arrive then.

Cant believe it the women left early on friday without booking re delivery had to it again today and meant to be comin wednesday ,all because the postman didnt leave a "we missed you card"

I dont get it none of the standard delivery has any problems but the delivery options that cost money have issues

No fear ..I said this yesterday the pigs dont matter it's only weed if you've been inside or nicked lots you will know not to5 worry I offer my words out of Years of experience dealing with them, I'm waiting half thats late now ..been nicked for weed and other shit more times than I can remember I'm still here end of the day boyz and grilz buy the ticket take the ride

I went in to get a tracked item that for some reason wasn't been delivered, police ended up been called mate don't go in.

What happens to the item if no one picks it up?? Becuse theres no return address so wth do they do with it?

Man i’m having the same issue today. Its been always delivered but this time i got the sign required paper. I always write an ex tenants name in my addresses, just to not leave a proof, so i have no id either. I have booked a redelivery on monday, i’ll tell the postman that she entered this address by mistake and asked me if i can pick it up for her. Don’t know what happens to the item if its not delivered though. So annoying

1 post
+3 votes

Drugs inc uk
Probably doing a few bits and pieces before signing on , hold on tight man he will get back to you when he sees it :)

Drugs inc uk
Anyone heard from drugs inc uk today at all?
They haven’t been online today, I made an order and sent the coin already...should I be more patient??
They haven’t been online today, I made an order and sent the coin already...should I be more patient??

hello LB family
sorry we had a few issues with our internet connection, we managed ship orders but haven't marked as sent. Back online now and everything will be updated.
kind regards
sorry we had a few issues with our internet connection, we managed ship orders but haven't marked as sent. Back online now and everything will be updated.
kind regards

I’m only going by what the vendors say so if it’s past that point I will wonder
I have confidence in the vendors I ordered from based on their reputation from here and people I know personally
I have confidence in the vendors I ordered from based on their reputation from here and people I know personally

Saying Smee Dem... holla if you need any help with ordering my brother. A friend in need is a friend indeed, but a friend with weed is better! ;)

I not cancel, drug inc uk has processed the order
Just waiting on the other vendor, I think by now the money has been released by escrow to this one
How come some vendors get funds released from escrow quicker than others
Just waiting on the other vendor, I think by now the money has been released by escrow to this one
How come some vendors get funds released from escrow quicker than others

Honestly I don't even look at it mate, I pay where it tells me too and forget about it until it lands at the door lol

Fuck IG man it's scam city, everyone has your back here mate, sit back and relax drugs Inc have your back

It’s cool now with drugs inc, not that anything was wrong
Im waiting on the other vendor now just
Im waiting on the other vendor now just

Yeah I’m not worried yet
Placed the order yesterday so it would be in and sent today so I could be stocked for the weekend...ah well lol
Placed the order yesterday so it would be in and sent today so I could be stocked for the weekend...ah well lol

1 post
+2 votes

1 post
+1 votes

What do you do with any Kief you collect?
I make hash from it , takes a
While to build up though, just compress it hard for a good few minutes , sprinkle on top of your weed or
Top up a bowl w…

What do you do with any Kief you collect?
Just wondering what different ways everyone used their Kief. Is it good for rosin pressing or is there any better ways to put it to use? I usually just put it in my coffee :)

Decarboxilate your kief before putting in your coffee. Every time i've decarbed kief, it clumps together, making it easy to handle. Or you could easily just break a bit off and swallow it.
I've also pressed it, making some mediocre rosin.
I've also pressed it, making some mediocre rosin.

Sprinkle a little on top of every bong, just enough so that there's always a pile of kief in the grinder and it doesn't run low.

1 post
+2 votes

Sitting back watching it all unfold inside your shielded bubble
1 post
+1 votes

Auckland people?
Change items to New Zealand , and you get what vendors products get sent there , click item you like check vendor out , shoot them a message , see hav…

Auckland people?
Anyone know of any dealers in Auckland New Zealand? Just moved here and struggling

3 posts
+5 votes

Yea have a look around man , plenty of stuff , if you need any help before you take the plunge give us a shout ,
+ 3 more

Heya, wanting to buy a bit of Cali but don't know where. I'm in Ireland so would have to be on the stealthy side and obv Id prefer not to get ripped , looking for quality.Any suggestions?:-)

Thanks, yeah I'll be bricking it but once I find what I'm wanting I'll be sucking it up and ordering. So much easier than chasing someone down every couple of days :-)

1 post
+2 votes

Access To This Page Restricted
He’s running low on stock man , so he makes his page private so no one else can buy , should be back up soon

Access To This Page Restricted
Hi can anyone shed some light of what it means when I click on the popeofdopes page and says restricted access? Thanks in advance

Means his shut up shop for a few days. Vendors normally give notice that they are going to do so. Don’t worry the pope will be back

1 post
+3 votes

Noob Question
Far as I no the vendor is packing and sorting your order , when posted should change to sent , hope all works out for you

Noob Question
Hi all just a quick and probably stupid question. I’ve recently had an order go from paid to ordered is this a problem or completely normal as I have not noticed this before from several orders.

2 posts
+5 votes

4-AcO-DMT Live Trip Report
Brilliant man keep the good vibes going
+ 2 more

4-AcO-DMT Live Trip Report
You know, it's odd. I had a lot of anxiety leading up today, and now the time has come I am full of the most gentle, calming feeling I've felt for a long time. I wonder how I will feel when I arrive on the other side. Wish me luck, friends.
Tomorrow I'll most likely do a full write up, but for now it'll be report as I go. At peak I'll most likely stop updating till after. Thanks to everyone for the tips and good vibes, the LB community continues to amaze me.
20:33 - 25mg Ingested, Wrapped in a skin. (accompanied by increased heart rate, nerves?) *this normalized after few mins*
Tomorrow I'll most likely do a full write up, but for now it'll be report as I go. At peak I'll most likely stop updating till after. Thanks to everyone for the tips and good vibes, the LB community continues to amaze me.
20:33 - 25mg Ingested, Wrapped in a skin. (accompanied by increased heart rate, nerves?) *this normalized after few mins*

Lost the ability to edit that comment, upsetting.
21:09 - First noticeable effects. Lights/shadows pulsing very subtle, wavey. Slight tingle in the legs. Nothing too crazy, yet.
21:13 - First yawn. :)
21:28 - Not sure if I jumped the gun, not much to report so far.
21:45 - Definitely feeling something now, room is warping a bit. Swaying like I'm on a boat almost.I swear the Hue of the room is changing. It's weird these effects seem to come and go.
21:09 - First noticeable effects. Lights/shadows pulsing very subtle, wavey. Slight tingle in the legs. Nothing too crazy, yet.
21:13 - First yawn. :)
21:28 - Not sure if I jumped the gun, not much to report so far.
21:45 - Definitely feeling something now, room is warping a bit. Swaying like I'm on a boat almost.I swear the Hue of the room is changing. It's weird these effects seem to come and go.

22:00 Distortions in the room now, getting more noticeable. Arms are feeling sorta heavy. Feels a lot like acid, chill but nothing major yet.

Hope you’re having a great time mate. I’ll be having another blast soon. Put some YouTube on, type in DMT visuals and ride the wave.

It was crazy mate but not a good experience over all due to my eventual mind set :( very much looking forward to trying again, with a clearer mind. Never got the chance to really explore videos or anything this time.

Doesn't sound too bad lol I'll try at somepoint I reckon but dmt scares the shit outta me lol glad you're good man

4 posts
+8 votes

Dya know what really chaps my ass?
I think there delivery’s in uk on Saturdays not to certain been from overseas .
+ 4 more

Dya know what really chaps my ass?
When I order "Grade A" flower and what turns up is not even Grade C!
The bud's looks ok, but they smell horrible and have a strong, salty meaty smell. Hard to explain. Nothing like i've ever smelt before and I've been blazing for nearly 20 years. Moldy, stale, disgusting! Also, this bud is so pumped it's like sponge, worst grow ever!
Vendors need to recognize that unflushed weed is actually potentially really bad for your health, and the sale of this crap should be banned from the site. Or at the very least shamed and boycotted.
Has anybody else experienced this? Can we anything about it?
Rant over.
Cosmos xX
The bud's looks ok, but they smell horrible and have a strong, salty meaty smell. Hard to explain. Nothing like i've ever smelt before and I've been blazing for nearly 20 years. Moldy, stale, disgusting! Also, this bud is so pumped it's like sponge, worst grow ever!
Vendors need to recognize that unflushed weed is actually potentially really bad for your health, and the sale of this crap should be banned from the site. Or at the very least shamed and boycotted.
Has anybody else experienced this? Can we anything about it?
Rant over.
Cosmos xX

Yeah i think i know what vendor you are talking about he thinks he can do enything i read reviews and someone said they received smoke that smelt of hay and made them puke av tried bringing this up about this vendor he is dishonest lies about the grading and sends weed out that isn't even flushed

I have a feeling its rb av read his reviews and someone said they were puking of it and there replacement wasnt even flushed, if it is him he should be kicked off for selling toxic weed there are a few reviews saying that his smoke wasnt even flushed

What I don't understand is how other people have rated it so highly?! It would have prevented me from buying this in the first place... sigh
What I don't understand is how other people have rated it so highly?! It would have prevented me from buying this in the first place... sigh

Yeah make a topic and expose him because this is happening frequently and he is putting peoples health at risk i have been trying to warn people about him for a while now

Ah, I read that. Sad to hear man, you'll just have to write that off. UK420, God's Connect, Bulkstop have been great to me, never failed. Pope is next on my list.

Tell me about it bro, I just got an 8th that I can't even smoke. I've basically had to buy the same strain from another vendor(the vendor I should have used in the first place)... It's friday tomorrow, hasn't been dispatced yet, will have to wait until monday! Sigh.
All I wanted was a bit of Wedding Cake!! :)
All I wanted was a bit of Wedding Cake!! :)

1 post
+2 votes

Tomorrow, I go on an adventure.
Not my sort of thing but hope everything goes smoothly for you man I’ll keep an eye on your page for updates :)

Tomorrow, I go on an adventure.
Friends, I've been waiting a long time to embark on my next trip and the stars have finally aligned. My mind is right, I'm in a good place mentally and physically, I feel great. I will be doing a trip report, perhaps live at first while I still have control over my body, although from what I have read that won't last too long.
I plan on fasting for 10 hours before dosing with 25mg 4-AcO-DMT, since I have a dodgy stomach I'll have a small snack 4-6 hours before I drop it. Most likely will bomb it in a skin for faster onset. Am I missing anything?
I know a few of us have tried this before so I somewhat know what to expect but I won't really know until it hits. Any advice?
Friends, I've been waiting a long time to embark on my next trip and the stars have finally aligned. My mind is right, I'm in a good place mentally and physically, I feel great. I will be doing a trip report, perhaps live at first while I still have control over my body, although from what I have read that won't last too long.
I plan on fasting for 10 hours before dosing with 25mg 4-AcO-DMT, since I have a dodgy stomach I'll have a small snack 4-6 hours before I drop it. Most likely will bomb it in a skin for faster onset. Am I missing anything?
I know a few of us have tried this before so I somewhat know what to expect but I won't really know until it hits. Any advice?

Very instrumental and other-worldy, might be nice for your voyage if you're not already flying haha

I like the sound of this. I feel like it could take me to a ethereal place in my mind. It's on my playlist now, thank you. Haha not quite yet, I plan on taking flight around 8pm.

Looking forward to reading the report! While I’ve got no desire for psychedelics my self it’s something I’ve always found fascinating to read and hear about. Have a good one.

I must say all the good vibes from the community, even those who don't partake in this sort of thing, is delightful. I will mate, cheers.

1 post
+2 votes

Advise needed for newbi
I saw your
Name and instantly thought of this :) :>

Advise needed for newbi
Hi people . Great comunity here . Read a lot of posts before actully joining to commit to this online way of things.
First of all can i ask is blockchain a good wallet to use ?
It is bitcion i need right rather than other currencies ?
Paying for the goods . Is it self explanetary ? When you pay ? First time ever using bit coin.
Your help would be much appreciated
TuttiFrutti :)
First of all can i ask is blockchain a good wallet to use ?
It is bitcion i need right rather than other currencies ?
Paying for the goods . Is it self explanetary ? When you pay ? First time ever using bit coin.
Your help would be much appreciated
TuttiFrutti :)

Hello and welcome.
Bitcoin is the only currency accepted, that is correct. You can read this post here it should answer your other questions. If you need further help feel free to ask.
Now you just have the not so easy task of picking your first strain to try. :)
Bitcoin is the only currency accepted, that is correct. You can read this post here it should answer your other questions. If you need further help feel free to ask.
Now you just have the not so easy task of picking your first strain to try. :)

1 post
+2 votes

Or dpd , give us a shout if you find anyone :)
1 post
+1 votes

Noob Help
He ships
From Middle East man

Noob Help
Looking for vendors that have experience shipping to the Gulf Region in the Middle East. Preferably shipping flower or hash.
Any input is much appreciated.
Any input is much appreciated.

3 posts
+6 votes

Cancelling an order?
It’s all you can do really , it will get sorted though 100 percent , sorry I can’t help any more man try escrow to they maybe able to help
+ 3 more

Cancelling an order?
Hi,bit of a silly question here but I find myself in a bit of a predicament for the first time ever on here?
I ordered as always last night and for first time ever order shows as “unpaid”?As I said I have never had any issues like this before and have contacted vendor who advised me to contact transaxe which I also have done.
My question is tho,what will happen if I cancel the order as given the option to on the order page?Will my btc go straight back into my account or will I lose it?
Help greatly appreciated thanks.LR77.
I ordered as always last night and for first time ever order shows as “unpaid”?As I said I have never had any issues like this before and have contacted vendor who advised me to contact transaxe which I also have done.
My question is tho,what will happen if I cancel the order as given the option to on the order page?Will my btc go straight back into my account or will I lose it?
Help greatly appreciated thanks.LR77.

Na I never had any problems with that end of it , but I’ve seen similar threads topics similar to yours , and transaxe help them sort it , once you have paid in bitcoin for it it can never be lost , so just hang tight for transaxe , Not much help for you but don’t cancel the order not unless it’s not paid for . Hope it turns good for you man

2 posts
+8 votes

New to shatter- what a mess!
You could scrape some of it with a knife or something sharpe and put it on the rizla first Just slide the knife so u get as much on rizla as can I put…
+ 2 more

New to shatter- what a mess!
Anyone got any advise on getting this in a bifter?? I saw someone mention they roll worms but this did not work in the slightest! Is it better to freeze and use cracked up pieces in it as a vendor mentioned to me. Or is there a better way im missing. Can vape it via volcano but wanted to spice up a biff as have bud and shatter in the same strain. Any help appreciated

Ah ye man, think it was your post i read actually. I Tried but just sticks to my fingers lol. Its decent quality as import in packet thinks its just me bein a moron lol

You could scrape some of it with a knife or something sharpe and put it on the rizla first Just slide the knife so u get as much on rizla as can I put mostly in middle of rizla , then wen you roll it up wipe the rest of it off on the rollled j , I’m no expert but experiment abit , once it’s in or on the rizla ur good

The only time I bought shatter I was super excited getting home, “like fuck yea shatter this is going to be amazing.” For some reason I hadn’t thought ahead as far as thinking about what I was going to do with it was stumped for ages without a dab rig. So I decarbed in butter and spread it on toast. Ended up baked for two days.

Only had shatter once, tried to make edible chocolate bar, I decarbed it then tried to put in the mix, went everywhere, started to lick it off my hands, never been so wasted haha, chocolate didn't go well

1 post
+2 votes

Hi fellow Biggers & Biggie's
I've added the option of Special delivery for all items.
I hope this helps to get your items to you quicker. Cut off for special delivery is 1.30pm.
(PLEASE NOTE : I've also added an additional item selection for postage, you must already have paid postage on 1 item for this to take effect, I will not ship until postage has been paid in one item)
My last post is 23rd December (Monday).
I would advise that special delivery be used on that day or before to guarantee your item arrives before Xmas, any 1st class signed for pack would arrive after Xmas if posted on the 23rd.
We have a new year's sale lined up with upto $5- $20 reductions on all items. Stay tuned for more information.
Hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a prosperous new year! Love to you all..
The UK 420 Team x
I've added the option of Special delivery for all items.
I hope this helps to get your items to you quicker. Cut off for special delivery is 1.30pm.
(PLEASE NOTE : I've also added an additional item selection for postage, you must already have paid postage on 1 item for this to take effect, I will not ship until postage has been paid in one item)
My last post is 23rd December (Monday).
I would advise that special delivery be used on that day or before to guarantee your item arrives before Xmas, any 1st class signed for pack would arrive after Xmas if posted on the 23rd.
We have a new year's sale lined up with upto $5- $20 reductions on all items. Stay tuned for more information.
Hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a prosperous new year! Love to you all..
The UK 420 Team x

1 post
+3 votes
We will be making a dramatic comeback very soon...
Glad to see you back , menu is looking exceptional to , bit of everything keeps everyone happy ,

We will be making a dramatic comeback very soon...
Hi all, we will be back very very very soon with fresh menu and cali drops!
Don't worry my children you will be safe once again with Gods Connect sweet embraces.
Love you all.
Don't worry my children you will be safe once again with Gods Connect sweet embraces.
Love you all.

Yay....great news’s like Xmas has come early!!!Looking forward to checking out the new drops,great to see ye back!!!

Sorry about the delay, we are back online :) Plenty of new additions on the way, watch this space!

2 posts
+3 votes

Bitcoin cash
Try this vendor , don’t no if he still doing it
+ 2 more
Thanks for responding bought some BTC in the end, made two orders I will post some reviews when they arrive.

1 post
+6 votes
Agreed , if you don’t want them just scroll on by , you do it when your looking to buy on here in anyway :)

I know this is kind of a split decision on LB but if i was to put some tobacco and smokes up for sale how would people feel about it? i know some people are against it but just wanting to know peoples opinion before i do anything.

I'd be interested, last time it was up there was alot of shit about it tho but what I didnt get is probli 50% of people on here smoke ciggerettes or tobacco or even just in joints. Everybody knows the health risks. Its like 19 something for 30g pouch of amber leaf here. So if people can save money. I dont see why people have problems. Just my 2 cents haha

I don't think this should be a problem on LB.
Can you give more details please? (I may be interested to buy).
Can you give more details please? (I may be interested to buy).

Sure man what would you like to know? kind of just wanting to see the kind of response i would get with this post as the last time baccy was been sold on LB it was taken down so just pushing my luck a wee bit here... if people dont want it here thats fair enough but worth a try :P

For the tobacco it would be golden Virginia and amber leaf, with the smokes there would be a few different brands. Quantity wise anything would be fine with in reason and honestly for the price im not to sure maybe around a tenner for 50g baccy and 50 or 60 for 200 smokes. prices are just rough for now until i see if its worth putting up on LB.

You could always restrict you page then just give your Customers a password for getting on the page.

Ah i dunno man seems like a bit of a hassle, like i say was kind of just pushing my luck here but not trying to annoy anyone if people dont want it here its alright completely understand not trying to start another baccy debate. haha

Lol just do what you think best mate an if worst comes to it you could just take them down or just don't put a pic up that way it won't be on the wall.

I know some sellers used to occasionally sell tobacco and ciggys so i dont see why it would be an issue :)

1 post
+3 votes

Who's your 1# vendor to use?
Yea radar is good ain’t let me down yet For me has be the pope , with international stealth been needed and top Cali his makes it every time , not to …
Yea radar is good ain’t let me down yet For me has be the pope , with international stealth been needed and top Cali his makes it every time , not to say other vendors are bad just I go by packs landing , and your right sweetdreamz has proper good communication , just my personal say on it , If I was in the uk and had Ndd it would be different

I suppose it all depends on what you value as a buyer. For me 1. Great Sativa thats been well cured and is priced fairly. 2. a personal responsive service goes a long way for me and i must say SweetDreamz combines those 2 factors very well. Always goes beyond expected with customer service. Had some great Sour D, Strawberry haze and Silver haze from him and was all good.
Ye, RBs menu is always varied and rapid delivery with perfect stealth with good quality across a wide price rage and bud spec and choice.
Gods Connect although out of the game in terms of pure quality across a range of grades and hash with awesome stealth-sad to see him go
UK420 has great looking bud but missed his pineapple so cant comment on actual product and service yet-ill be quicker to purchase next time.
The pope seems a great guy with amazing products and is responsive to questions and polite. Id be ordering from him more frequently if I wasn’t on such a budget.
Ye, RBs menu is always varied and rapid delivery with perfect stealth with good quality across a wide price rage and bud spec and choice.
Gods Connect although out of the game in terms of pure quality across a range of grades and hash with awesome stealth-sad to see him go
UK420 has great looking bud but missed his pineapple so cant comment on actual product and service yet-ill be quicker to purchase next time.
The pope seems a great guy with amazing products and is responsive to questions and polite. Id be ordering from him more frequently if I wasn’t on such a budget.

I'm still getting to know everyone but right now the Pope is my man for next day dank and RB for Oz's. For hash/wax Drugs Inc and I've got MJ's shatter next up on my list of things I need to try. Basically I don't think can choose just 1 haha

It's almost impossible to pick a top vendor... but I've had great service from MJ Concentrates, Radar breeder, Pope of Dope, and Drugs Inc. Those are my go to at the moment.
RB and Drugs Inc probably the two that I have bought the most from.
RB and Drugs Inc probably the two that I have bought the most from.

Pope of Dope is awesome, really top shelf weed imo. Unique flavours too.
Uk420 have a great selection too, and usually stock tasty hash options.
I was also very impressed with ndwuk, who went away for a bit but seem to be back again!
I've had no problems getting deliveries from these guys, and all the descriptions have been accurate, which I appreciate
Uk420 have a great selection too, and usually stock tasty hash options.
I was also very impressed with ndwuk, who went away for a bit but seem to be back again!
I've had no problems getting deliveries from these guys, and all the descriptions have been accurate, which I appreciate

I'm missing Good Is Weed, the Yoda character, he would drive me crazy but always delight me in the end, every time it felt like a stubborn lesson routine. All the gear is pretty good here and it seems like THC is rapidly commoditising now so I like a little fun along with it.

2 posts
+4 votes

{buy help}
Please correct availability for shipping.
More items appearing today on my wall that shouldn’t be there , no problems if they ship , but they don’t asked already , waste of there time and mine…
+ 2 more

{buy help}
Please correct availability for shipping.
I just wanted to gently ask some vendors to update the countries available for shipping. I mean, there may be someone who's not practical with LB and may have issues buying items that are listed as eligible for deliver in a 'X' country but in fact that vendors doesn't ship in that country. Thanks for understanding and wish you all happy trade with LB!

yeah nothing strange, i just think the less are problems here, the better is the community. cheers :)

1 post
+2 votes

Coinbase transactions
What you said seems legit and fine and with buying from USA outlets with crypto and a mind your own business to the bank :) :) should be fine though

Coinbase transactions
Hi all just wanted your opinion, my bank account shows a fair amount of payment’s going to coinbase, (obviously when I order from here) has anyone ever had the bank query this, will be applying for a mortgage soon, just in case I get asked why there are so many transactions going to coinbase. If yes what was the answer given, I know people use it to trade in the various currencies, would that be the best answer to give, that I am a trader in bitcoin/ or one of the various other currencies on there. Would be grateful for any ideas thank you

The vast majority of bitcoin are purchased for investment, bankers like that.

Cheers for the responses if I use the credit card do they charge extra fees, remember something a while back saying no extra fees for card transactions just wondering if it was debit & credit cards as well, I suppose it’s just the normal fee coinbase charge for deposits. May well start using credit card here and there to mix it up a bit. Cheers

Look at Coinbase's character, they are becoming the financial institution that bitcoin was conceived to replace. They are in conflict with you and that can only end badly.

Hi Gjohal1
I have taken out a few mortgages over the last few years via my broker and in my experience I have not had any transactions queried by the lender.
My understanding is that lenders look at statements as a part of the process to establish your credit worthiness and determine your ability to make mortgage repayments.
I have taken out a few mortgages over the last few years via my broker and in my experience I have not had any transactions queried by the lender.
My understanding is that lenders look at statements as a part of the process to establish your credit worthiness and determine your ability to make mortgage repayments.

1 post
+3 votes

Horror movie recommendations!
I like the 80s horrors
Nightmare on elm streets
Child’s play

Horror movie recommendations!

Hi friends!
Since its coming into spookier seasons I thought it might be fun to have a thread to recommend some horror movies.
I'll give 3 of my favs to start;
'In the Mouth of Madness'
John Carpenter's best horror film in my opinion. A must see for fans of lovecraftian horror.
'Train to Busan'
Korean zombie movie. Highly recommend.
'Jacobs Ladder'
A film that was a large inspiration for the Silent Hill videogame series. An uncomfortable psychological horror.
I look forward to seeing what y'all post!
Since its coming into spookier seasons I thought it might be fun to have a thread to recommend some horror movies.
I'll give 3 of my favs to start;
'In the Mouth of Madness'
John Carpenter's best horror film in my opinion. A must see for fans of lovecraftian horror.
'Train to Busan'
Korean zombie movie. Highly recommend.
'Jacobs Ladder'
A film that was a large inspiration for the Silent Hill videogame series. An uncomfortable psychological horror.
I look forward to seeing what y'all post!

Huge fan of Train to Busan and In the Mouth of Madness and really horror movies in general.
Another classic with Sam Neil is Event Horizon, probably one of my favorite all time horror movies tbh.
Some other good ones: Get Out, The Cabin in the Woods, It Follows, The Descent, A Quiet Place, Insidious... the list goes on =)
Another classic with Sam Neil is Event Horizon, probably one of my favorite all time horror movies tbh.
Some other good ones: Get Out, The Cabin in the Woods, It Follows, The Descent, A Quiet Place, Insidious... the list goes on =)

Such a solid list of films! Event Horizon is awesome. Such a great cast.
I've watched Cabin in the Woods so much. I want an extendable bong like the one in the film so bad lol
I've watched Cabin in the Woods so much. I want an extendable bong like the one in the film so bad lol

that was a nice ass bong.
Event Horizon ended up being a movie that me and my first gf ended up making out to a lot, because it was being shown on constant repeat on HBO in those days haha. I think I've seen that movie like 30+ times at this point.
Event Horizon ended up being a movie that me and my first gf ended up making out to a lot, because it was being shown on constant repeat on HBO in those days haha. I think I've seen that movie like 30+ times at this point.

Last shift is a gooden. It’s set in a police station that’s being decommissioned so there’s one police woman there for the ‘last shift’. Weird supernatural antics ensue only it’s extra scary because it’s brightly lit everywhere rather than a typical dark horror movie.

Would have to have a good think about my top 3 but i'd say these are still decent movies.
The Witch.
The Visit.
The Witch.
The Visit.

Quite a bit of hype around Hereditary last year (2018) so I avoided it. Finally sat down with some Jungle Cake and watched it last weekend. Loved it.

Can’t beat the classics. The thing, the shining, the fly are my personal choice.
Newer ones I’d say the ring, the conjuring, a quiet place, insidious 1, it follows, the hills have eyes etc
My favourite horror of all time is 28 days later. I love the whole ambience of that movie. So well done
Newer ones I’d say the ring, the conjuring, a quiet place, insidious 1, it follows, the hills have eyes etc
My favourite horror of all time is 28 days later. I love the whole ambience of that movie. So well done

Watched the ring again recently and it holds up so well. I actually prefer it to the Japanese version.
Haven't seen 28 days later in a while, was zombie obsessed as a teen so I kinda over watched it lol
Haven't seen 28 days later in a while, was zombie obsessed as a teen so I kinda over watched it lol

If you can recommend any that'd be great! I remember film 4 was doing a French horror season a few years back and they did a double bill of 'Ils' (2006) and 'Martyrs' (2008) both tremendous films!!
Just a heads up though, martyrs is very disturbing, in case anyone gives it a go
Just a heads up though, martyrs is very disturbing, in case anyone gives it a go

Yes I’ve seen martyrs, it is disturbing, at the end your left with nothing but a head fuck. I am trying to think of one in film in particular but I can’t remember the name. So I will get back to you on that.

Mother is an excellent choice of film, it’s very clever. Very. Not so sure on Horror side of things, but it’s a brilliant film.

An American Werewolf in London best horror film ever worth watching just for the scene in the porno cinema.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is a great sequel that doesn't get enough love. Very different to the original and much more fun. In my view the perfect movie for the Halloween season.

One of my favourite horror comedies! I actually found that movie through listening to buckethead. He made a couple concept albums with the actor, Bill Mosley (who reprised his role from tcm2 for the album)
Love the romance subplot with leathercace too!
Love the romance subplot with leathercace too!

That's a fun fact, I did not know that - will have to check those out.
Always surprised me that TCM2 wasn't that well received when it was released. Dennis Hopper thought it was the worst thing he was ever involved in.
People have warmed to it over the years and I consider it among the 80s classics and a better made film than the original. The sets and locations are some of the best I've seen in any film I can think of.
Always surprised me that TCM2 wasn't that well received when it was released. Dennis Hopper thought it was the worst thing he was ever involved in.
People have warmed to it over the years and I consider it among the 80s classics and a better made film than the original. The sets and locations are some of the best I've seen in any film I can think of.

Yes frontiers is a french horror movie, is very fucked up and I hope I never get lost in any kind of rural setting ever, as in all horror movies, these aren’t the sort of people to sit down with, have a cup of tea and slice of cake.

1 post
+2 votes
Free Samples
This thread is gone totally out of control now :( :(

Free Samples
I have some real concerns about free samples on little biggy. I understand they are a great thing and that in many ways the best form of marketing for everyone. But
#1 is free drugs for kids. I realise that lots of kids are clever enough to get their hands on bitcoins but the fact is that bitcoins are hard to deal with and a huge filter for who comes here, much more so for people without adult ID.
#2 It's done in exchange for reviews. Don't get me wrong the quality of experience posts around here is great and getting better all the time but the fact that you have to buy in order to review is a way to keep shilling under control. There must be a balance between mechanical feeling reviews and some of the off putting advertorial I see around here.
One thing I have noticed around on little biggy is the more conscientious and self policing we are the fewer borg/algorithms we have exercising blunt (no pun intended) authority.
On second thought I now intend to make that pun and exercise a blunt right about now. Yes.
#1 is free drugs for kids. I realise that lots of kids are clever enough to get their hands on bitcoins but the fact is that bitcoins are hard to deal with and a huge filter for who comes here, much more so for people without adult ID.
#2 It's done in exchange for reviews. Don't get me wrong the quality of experience posts around here is great and getting better all the time but the fact that you have to buy in order to review is a way to keep shilling under control. There must be a balance between mechanical feeling reviews and some of the off putting advertorial I see around here.
One thing I have noticed around on little biggy is the more conscientious and self policing we are the fewer borg/algorithms we have exercising blunt (no pun intended) authority.
On second thought I now intend to make that pun and exercise a blunt right about now. Yes.

There's a really simple answer here: at the start of every review the author states exactly how they obtained the item. Then it's up to the reader what to do with it.

We need to stop with all the drama here on lb, noticed alot here lately . Everyone should be grateful we found this community..

so true but then it seems like sometimes you gotta go through shit to be even better. so what you are saying is both 100% true and conflict free in my opinion.
the self seriousness is what triggers me, to fuck with that.
the self seriousness is what triggers me, to fuck with that.

What a great thread, honestly!
Long time observer of the LB community and new seller here. About half of our reviews came from "freebies" - To be clear we asked for an HONEST review of the product, customer service, and stealth.
I totally agree with you in ways, but at the same time I would love to share my point of view as both a seller and buyer:
1 - I personally do not like buying things from sellers or items that do not have reviews. I want to make sure the item I will be receiving matches the pics and description and I also want to be sure the item will actually be shipped and received
2 - I do agree "freebie" reviews skew seller/item ratings (early on)- BUT it is the sellers responsibility to maintain the ratings by continuing to deliver on what was reviewed and is promised. Lets remember ratings and reviews are public - 1 negative review can ruin the 10+ positive ratings on that seller/item. And 10 freebies is not a cheap fix! So you better make sure you stay consistent with what you are offering if you want to continue to grow your sales
If someone who has great reviews starts to slack off, the community will know about it and they will see a big hit in sales. So I do give freebie reviews some merit - but end goal is to build trust in the community with our products we offer and ourselves as a provider
Some of our freebie recipients have already re-ordered and have generated full priced sales and reviews (seems like our biggest blocker is US shipping only -_- )
Its definitely been a slow start here but we take pride in our products and we use every review (as well as awesome threads like this) as feedback for all aspects of the business (shipping, stealth, communication, learnings, etc.)
We hope giving out a few free samples didnt offend anyone here. We love you all LB thanks for having us here and for all of the great convos we've had with you amazing people :)
Long time observer of the LB community and new seller here. About half of our reviews came from "freebies" - To be clear we asked for an HONEST review of the product, customer service, and stealth.
I totally agree with you in ways, but at the same time I would love to share my point of view as both a seller and buyer:
1 - I personally do not like buying things from sellers or items that do not have reviews. I want to make sure the item I will be receiving matches the pics and description and I also want to be sure the item will actually be shipped and received
2 - I do agree "freebie" reviews skew seller/item ratings (early on)- BUT it is the sellers responsibility to maintain the ratings by continuing to deliver on what was reviewed and is promised. Lets remember ratings and reviews are public - 1 negative review can ruin the 10+ positive ratings on that seller/item. And 10 freebies is not a cheap fix! So you better make sure you stay consistent with what you are offering if you want to continue to grow your sales
If someone who has great reviews starts to slack off, the community will know about it and they will see a big hit in sales. So I do give freebie reviews some merit - but end goal is to build trust in the community with our products we offer and ourselves as a provider
Some of our freebie recipients have already re-ordered and have generated full priced sales and reviews (seems like our biggest blocker is US shipping only -_- )
Its definitely been a slow start here but we take pride in our products and we use every review (as well as awesome threads like this) as feedback for all aspects of the business (shipping, stealth, communication, learnings, etc.)
We hope giving out a few free samples didnt offend anyone here. We love you all LB thanks for having us here and for all of the great convos we've had with you amazing people :)

2 posts
+4 votes
Is Royal Mail the preferred shipping method in the UK?
No not from here all threw national post services , personally couriers in general are better than national post service, in saying that never had any…
+ 2 more

Is Royal Mail the preferred shipping method in the UK?
Looking at shipping methods currently.
I presume most sellers use RM, is this the case?
How many of you have had lost deliveries with tracked and non tracked services?
Does anyone prefer other options DPD, UPS, DHL etc
Particularly thinking these maybe preferable if customers want bulkier orders and also thinking that the tracking with dpd and its 1hr delivery window seems like it would be good to avoid delays and disputes. What do you think?
I presume most sellers use RM, is this the case?
How many of you have had lost deliveries with tracked and non tracked services?
Does anyone prefer other options DPD, UPS, DHL etc
Particularly thinking these maybe preferable if customers want bulkier orders and also thinking that the tracking with dpd and its 1hr delivery window seems like it would be good to avoid delays and disputes. What do you think?

Most sellers on LB within the UK use Royal Mail for deliveries, usually they also have a price for postage ($5) and are received within 1 - 3 days with first class. Not too sure about other countries though delivery to other countries though and bulk orders in assuming could still be quite good through Royal Mail, not too certain on the other deliver companies though.

I presume it is normal to use a recorded service so as to allay fears of unscrupulous buyers scamming by saying delivery failed?

Some sellers use recorded delivery and give a tracking number to their customers so the seller can check if the buyer has received it and if they buyer has said that they haven’t then they have a backup to show that they have, but it also protects the buyers. Some sellers have separate postage options though, one where the buyer does get the tracking number, which costs more and one where they don’t.

Have you received items with dpd here? Are there any particular down points known to using a courier service like them over RM?

No not from here all threw national post services , personally couriers in general are better than national post service, in saying that never had any problems yet with either my experience is courier is safer and securer in my opinion. Get it sent to local shop wen out for delivery that helps me

1 post
+5 votes
I’m Finished Smoking Weed
I respect your decision man much respect to you , hope all goes well on your new adventure , will keep in contact man good luck on your endeavors :)

I’m Finished Smoking Weed
Hey everyone, not sure if anyone is going to read this or will even see it, but I’m done smoking weed or using it in any form. It’s just a choice I’ve made as of today. Maybe I’ll have a smoke or two in the future but that’s about it. The last bit of weed I’ve got left is some Jungle Cake and I’m definitely finishing it before I give up but then that’s it. I’ll still be staying active on LittleBiggy for anyone that needs me or needs any answers for queries or so. I hope everyone does well here and I appreciate all the vendors’ stuff I’ve bought, whether I liked it or not. Thank you, you’re all doing a great job here especially with the community we’ve created. I hope to buy a few products again in the future, I just noticed that I’m constantly smoking and it ain’t getting me anywhere so I’m stopping that as of today, but trust me that doesn’t mean I’m leaving LB, as it’s a great little place. I love it here and I hope it never goes!

You might think this is the last place to be a support group for quitting weed but I think why shouldn't it be the best?
Just like everyone needs to try weed I think everyone needs to quit too. And come back maybe :) Or not, it depends on the person and the circumstances.
I do know that weed dependency is depressing in most cases and very hard to manage without the clean binary of cold turkey, a bird I know very intimately.
So please come back here (not to the fucking items page) and maybe some of us can help/learn or laugh.
Just like everyone needs to try weed I think everyone needs to quit too. And come back maybe :) Or not, it depends on the person and the circumstances.
I do know that weed dependency is depressing in most cases and very hard to manage without the clean binary of cold turkey, a bird I know very intimately.
So please come back here (not to the fucking items page) and maybe some of us can help/learn or laugh.

I'm not going to be leaving LB, that for definite, i love it here. But in terms of looking at the 'items' page i think you're right. Even without the products here it's the best community I've ever come across for weed enthusiasts or just in general really. Maybe i should just keep my eye's on the 'topics' page and help out everyone like i have been, but it's gonna be hard not to look at all the beautiful products on here.

Good luck, we reccomend supplementing with cbd buds which will help eleminate the craving.
These guys are awesome.
These guys are awesome.

Nah man, I was thinking about that, but I think I’m going to just cut all of it out tbh bro. I used to smoke CBD bud before I found LB and it was great for me, but now I just wanna stop overall.

Thanks man, appreciate it, I hope everything pans out like I expect and I hope everything goes well here with LB!

I hope you find what your looking for. I get a lot of what you've been saying and what has been said here. Everyone's journey is different, just try and enjoy the ride, it's what you'll look back on. See you around here.

you have it to do pal.ive been smoking weed in one form or another for 40 years.i always have a break for a couple of months out of the year.but when you come back the first j or whatever is soooo your first ever smoke.without the whitey.

Yeah I've always taken t-breaks, sometimes it's harder than you expect it to be, the longest I've stopped for was about a month, but now i think i'm going to try and take a long break until Christmas. If i cave, then the vendors that i usually by off will probably notice due to me putting an order in, but i'm going to make sure i don't until Christmas. It's worked well for me in terms of alcohol, i only drink now at Christmas and that's it, so i guess i'll see how everything goes.

Good luck, blackdragon00. Everything in moderation, including moderation itself. Cannabis use does indeed require balance and discipline. Both can be very difficult.

Thanks man, i noticed i was going a bit too far with cannabis, smoking it all the time and i just noticed why am i way wasting my life just smoking weed when i'm bored and got fuck all else to do and then i realized that was a problem, so i'm glad i stopped when i could and yeah the discipline part is probably the hardest aspect of using cannabis altogether really. I'm just hoping i can be more productive in the future and get shit done without it holding me back. Although, it's a great drug and helped many people, but i personally think it's gotten to point for me where I've acknowledged that i should stop altogether really. I mean i done the same with alcohol and tobacco, so why not cannabis too.

Hey BD. Just checking in. Is all well? How is your plan going? If you've fallen off the wagon a few times, just get back on. Keep it up till Xmas. Good luck.

Unfortunately last night I caved and bought 7gs, but I’m definitely going to try and limit myself to smoking at the weekend only or follow the plan that ‘The Tree Shop’ stated as it is seems like a very good one. I’ll let you know how it all goes mate.

Hi, Random stranger on the internet here!
I managed to cut it down to weekends only (probably for a couple of years now), just wanted to let you know I wish I'd done it sooner. Used to consume crazy amounts constantly, and now I enjoy it so much more having cut right back to weekends/very special occasions (beware of creating loads of special occasions to give yourself an excuse, as we all do at first).
It becomes so easy and you will feel so much better.
Good luck man!
I managed to cut it down to weekends only (probably for a couple of years now), just wanted to let you know I wish I'd done it sooner. Used to consume crazy amounts constantly, and now I enjoy it so much more having cut right back to weekends/very special occasions (beware of creating loads of special occasions to give yourself an excuse, as we all do at first).
It becomes so easy and you will feel so much better.
Good luck man!

Thanks man and yeah I get what you’re saying I always end up giving myself bullshit excuses just to have a smoke but recently I have actually managed to only smoke every other day and it seems as if I’m doing better in regards to being disciplined but I haven’t even stepped foot in that regard as of yet. I’m hoping to make it weekends only very soon as I feel as if I don’t need it as much and who knows maybe I’ll only be smoking once a month, but I have my doubts :/

You'll get there, don't worry. I don't know how old you are, but it took me a very long time to get to moderation - sounds like you're doing just fine.

OK. No problem. All is not lost. Have you ever considered those timer lock boxes? That may help with discipline. The only risk I see, is that when the timer ticks over and the lock box opens, you may start bingeing. Generally, though, this might be a way to go if you want to smoke only once a week?
(Opaque designs can be ordered too.)
(Opaque designs can be ordered too.)

Woah, I’ve never seen that before, seems very interesting, could be just the thing I need. I had a look and it seems as if all the products are sold out, I’ll have a look on Amazon or another site later on during the day, could help me break a lot of my bad habits and yeah the fact that I might binge is definitely a possibility but I’ll make sure I only have 1 joint per week. Thanks, really appreciate it.

Here's an alternative that's in stock, but it is far more expensive than kitchensafe. I'll keep looking into it.

Yup. You're right. Sold out, if ordering from the UK. Plenty in stock if you're in the US. I'm thinking of ordering one myself, but am also UK based. If I find an alternative source on this side of the Pond, I will let you know. Keep looking.

Yh I’m UK, I’ll try having a look at some other places I know or find an alternative with the same design, but thanks for looking out man.

I just sent a message to their HQ in the San Francisco Bay Area. They'll be opening up in about 3-4 hours.
I asked about UK stock, or options to send their US stock to the UK. Also asked about pre-order options, etc. I reckon they're having an issue with their UK wholesaler atm. Very small startup, it seems.
Based on my personal experience with Californians however, most are very forward thinking and very earnest with regard to providing great customer service. I have a feeling that we can get a couple over here if we really want them. Will let you know what I find.
I asked about UK stock, or options to send their US stock to the UK. Also asked about pre-order options, etc. I reckon they're having an issue with their UK wholesaler atm. Very small startup, it seems.
Based on my personal experience with Californians however, most are very forward thinking and very earnest with regard to providing great customer service. I have a feeling that we can get a couple over here if we really want them. Will let you know what I find.

Here's what their tech support guy in SF said:
"I am sorry for the issue. We have inventory arriving in the UK now. If you order now, it is expected to ship out in about 2 weeks.
We do not ship to Europe from the USA as shipping one unit at a time is very expensive.
I recommend you pre-order and then your order will go out as soon as restocked. "
"I am sorry for the issue. We have inventory arriving in the UK now. If you order now, it is expected to ship out in about 2 weeks.
We do not ship to Europe from the USA as shipping one unit at a time is very expensive.
I recommend you pre-order and then your order will go out as soon as restocked. "

We were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Robinson buckler, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Robinson buckler, and i advice if you need his help too Email:_____________________________{{ Robinsonbuckler@hotmail. com }}

We were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Robinson buckler, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Robinson buckler, and i advice if you need his help too Email:_____________________________{{ Robinsonbuckler@hotmail. com }}

Fitting would probably be the best word :) and yeah it has made for a good farewell! :D

We were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Robinson buckler, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Robinson buckler, and i advice if you need his help too Email:_____________________________{{ Robinsonbuckler@hotmail. com }}

1 post
+2 votes

The pope of dope (restricted access)new seller from a couple of days ago gone?
Yea man the pope put up a post last week saying he had stuff to do but would be back , not to sure who the other seller was could be hollyweed not sur…

The pope of dope (restricted access)new seller from a couple of days ago gone?
Hi trying to get on the pope of dope’s items but saying restricted access. Also there was a new seller recently who had some Cali 1g and above bud but has disappeared? Probably on holiday hopefully back soon!

4 posts
+5 votes
Suspending service until Royal Mail get their shit together.
Yea the pope has unread messages from me to but it was just to say thanks so im not to sure bout him but God’s connect is good hasn’t let me down if y…
+ 4 more

Suspending service until Royal Mail get their shit together.
After receiving numerous complaint about late delivery we have decided to suspend our services until the delivery's catch up or Royal mail get there shit together. We will re open once the back log clears and we work out what is going on. All orders have been sent out same day as per usual however they are taking around a week to turn up.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
After receiving numerous complaint about late delivery we have decided to suspend our services until the delivery's catch up or Royal mail get there shit together. We will re open once the back log clears and we work out what is going on. All orders have been sent out same day as per usual however they are taking around a week to turn up.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hey all,
Sorry for worrying you, we are still working on the shop atm. Implementing a whole new system and uploading new stock. Sorry about the wait we will be back soon!
Sorry for worrying you, we are still working on the shop atm. Implementing a whole new system and uploading new stock. Sorry about the wait we will be back soon!

Anybody else having problems with shipping to Ireland? Waiting on 2 packages from 2 sellers since the 1st of July.. usually only takes 4 days. Just wondering should I hold off on ordering anything else. Really dont want to go buy shite locally..

Ya I did message the Pope 2 days ago and nothing back yet and gods connect resent package last week so really dont know what's going on as I've got 3 packages since I ordered them 2 on the 1st. Cheers man

Man fellow paddy here. For the first class mail offered by some of the vendors can u opt for the tracking option minus having to sign for it on delivery?

Royal Mail have been horrendous in my area recently. It took 4 days for my order to arrive but it was worth the wait. Thanks GC!

I was sorry to read this, had been looking forward to seeing the new pretties this week, as well as your Cali X Shortcake update (almost offered to smoke it for you, as you still don't seem to have had time to, hehe). Fingers crossed that those affected receive the backlogged orders before the weekend, and that there are no further issues.

Sad to hear that your items aren't getting to your customers on time and people are receiving their items late, but good to know that you're informing everyone about it and yeah i'd also recommend waiting until the backlog has cleared and then take on more orders when everything's cleared up. I ordered from another seller the other day and my item seemed to arrive the very next day, however it was a very small order therefore i'm assuming if people are paying for bigger orders then it's down to royal mail as i know that bigger orders can take longer. I know that the way you send items off has changed in terms of the packaging which could add to this problem. Also, it usually depends on the area where the people are getting their order delivered to e.g. what part of the UK they are from. Overall though, i'd say it's down to royal mail to play catch-up.

Its a real pain in the backside, some people have had no issues others have literally been waiting a week. Will let this week pass and start again once everyone has been sorted.

2 posts
+4 votes

Go on yea bollox
started topic
+ 2 more
1 post
+2 votes

Get some shatter to , put some in with a j and I think that would be sufficient does trick for me . Cheap as well

I’m looking for the most potent weed on LB.
Something that gonna proper give me a head rush
And glue me to the couch. Anybody have any recommendations?
Something that gonna proper give me a head rush
And glue me to the couch. Anybody have any recommendations?

I’d recommend waiting around till NDWUK has some of their bubba kush in, real nice indica, heavy couch lock and get some shatter too, a nice hybrid should do you nicely and just smoke them both in a j.

Get some shatter to , put some in with a j and I think that would be sufficient does trick for me . Cheap as well

Hi guys.. just curious what's everyone's favourite strain is..
I'll start it off..
Mine has to be Spanish Toxic.
The stone and aroma from this was unreal!
I'll start it off..
Mine has to be Spanish Toxic.
The stone and aroma from this was unreal!

I really like some good blue cheese or some gsc, I know everyone likes to hate on cheese but I really like they way it tastes dood

Jack herer is my all time favourite for the high it gives you. But for sheer flavour it's got to be ak47 or white widow. What can I say I'm old school.

Northern lights the best indica strain, and it is easy to grow.the original go to for most of the hybrids out there.

1 post
+2 votes
Cali import Dispensary Og Kush Shatter @ £60 a g
Nice man will have to try that

Cali import Dispensary Og Kush Shatter @ £60 a g
Any interest the above? Same grade as my blueberry shatter very very very high quality stuff @ great price.
Let me know and we will get it in :)
Let me know and we will get it in :)

Would love to see some OG Kush shatter in the future and more of the Blueberry in the future as I've only tried Chemdawg as of yet!

1 post
+2 votes
Vote on which flavor you want added to the menu (3 Choices!)
Emm 3 lovely strains man emm me personally would go with pineapple jack first . Then lemonesia then sour guava. That’s just me though :) :) which ever…

Vote on which flavor you want added to the menu (3 Choices!)
Hey everybody,
We have the chance to stock 1 of these 3 exciting flavors. They are all sativa dominate and we can't decide which one we like best...
The choices are
Sour Guava (sour diesel x guava)
Lemonesia (lemon haze x amnesia)
Pineapple Jack (pinapple express x Jack herra)
Leave your votes below.
We have the chance to stock 1 of these 3 exciting flavors. They are all sativa dominate and we can't decide which one we like best...
The choices are
Sour Guava (sour diesel x guava)
Lemonesia (lemon haze x amnesia)
Pineapple Jack (pinapple express x Jack herra)
Leave your votes below.

The people have spoken! We went with the pineapple jack and sour guava. The pineapple is so smooth and sweet, it doesn't have much of a smell until your crack open the nugs and are greeted with a sweet tropical aroma.The guava is a personal favorite of mine smells like candyfloss and haze, its not as pretty or smooth as the pineapple but makes up for it in aroma and taste. Both lovely and you lot will be very happy :)

Wish i commented earlier but was out, personally i would say Lemonesia, and Pineapple Jack, but Sour Guava sounds good too :)

1 post
+2 votes
Half price flash sale on "Sirius Black" pm for details!
Awesome value for
Money there man :)

Half price flash sale on "Sirius Black" pm for details!
I have a particular purple item in mind... Wanted to do a half price one day only flash sale for it.... What does everyone think and what day would be most suitable for you lovely bunch.
Leave your suggestions below.
God Bless
Leave your suggestions below.
God Bless

1 post
+2 votes
Cali ounces, direct to you! (INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING)
Defo man keep me in the loop :)

Cali ounces, direct to you! (INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING)
Hello all,
We have struck a deal with our supplier and we are now able to ship ounces and more internationally, direct from the source to where ever you are in the world. We have a 100% success shipping internationally (including Australia) and have had 1000s of happy customers. We don't ship to anywhere where you could get killed for weed.
Current Shipping times UK/EU/IE between 3-14 days (usually around a week).
Everywhere else 7 days +.
Let us know if this is something you would be interested in and we will get the listings and international menu up.
God Bless
We have struck a deal with our supplier and we are now able to ship ounces and more internationally, direct from the source to where ever you are in the world. We have a 100% success shipping internationally (including Australia) and have had 1000s of happy customers. We don't ship to anywhere where you could get killed for weed.
Current Shipping times UK/EU/IE between 3-14 days (usually around a week).
Everywhere else 7 days +.
Let us know if this is something you would be interested in and we will get the listings and international menu up.
God Bless

Sorry about the wait, just doing some quality control. International menu should be up by the weekend if not sooner.

2 posts
+2 votes

{buy help}
Empty parcel customs
started topic
+ 2 more

{buy help}
Empty parcel customs
Hey don’t no if anyone can help made purchase vendor sent it didn’t make it past there local regional facilty . Gets to me with nothing in it. Got onto vendor and he’s blanking me now. Is there anything I can do or is that it . Hate doing this 20 buys and this first time it happened . If vendor answered pm it be so much easier

Hi mate from Australia. Which vendor? I have had a cartridge turn up that had olive oil in it. Contacted vendor he was really surprised because I had bought from him before. Sounds like someone is enjoying our products for themselves. Good luck mate hope you get it.

1 post
+2 votes
I can second that

hi there, I am a noob here and made my first purchase a day or 2 ago, It has not arrived yet but certain fears are starting to creep in....Call it a slight panic or paranoia, but I was wondering how do these sellers post Cannabis or other Illegal goodies to the buyers all over the world? normal post? couriers? shipping!? A quick glance at comments on orders placed reveals there is a high success rate?!. Do the packages not go through customs? what about the sniffer dogs? what happens if my parcel or envelope get seized and moustachoed dudes wearing blue and waving cuffs come a knockin on my front door?? please clarify this for me all y' all, I am from Europe and a bit baffled about this..Thanks!

It's all done in the post and sealed in mylar. If you buy within the EU there is no customs otherwise the mustached guys have better things to do than handcuff a guy buying a small amount of cannabis. I would not recommend buying crazy amounts but I don't think that's really on offer.

Sorry to contradict you, but Customs does inspect within the EU, maybe not as thoroughly as from outside, but they took my shipment from Spain.

Go straight to caliworld top US gear with insane stealth.

I don't doubt this but why not just use an EU vendor, there are several good ones on little biggy.

It seems Ireland has a watch list at some level. Lucky me, I seem to have triggered it. I don't know how much history they keep, but in the past 2 years they got 2 shipments, one shipped from within the EU with only about 9 gm, and a few gm of hash as a gift. Customs sent me a letter... blah blah, illegal. The second was an ounce from the US. A vendor I had gotten 3 successful shipments from. Btw, I got run around so long that I let time run out, and couldn't leave feedback even though I wasn't very happy with the vendor's solution.
Anyway, no letter from Customs on the tracked ounce. But now almost every package I get, especially from the US, is opened by customs... gets to me with customs tape all over it. Joke's on them, I'm disabled, and do a lot of shopping online! I hope they like going through all my personal stuff!
Anyway, no letter from Customs on the tracked ounce. But now almost every package I get, especially from the US, is opened by customs... gets to me with customs tape all over it. Joke's on them, I'm disabled, and do a lot of shopping online! I hope they like going through all my personal stuff!

Even Customs doesn't do anything more than throw it away if they find it. I heard that from a person whose job is finding contraband for customs.You're about to pop your cherry. What you're feeling is the same thing l felt, and everybody else here when it comes to that first order. I was certain that it was going to be a ripoff. I've never been happier about being wrong.

Someone here had a moment of clarity when it comes to spending thousands of dollars to bust someone for an ounce of weed. Nobody can justify doing it. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully, someday the EU will realize it as well.

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