Yeah it will do it all for you automatically you can check the status in " orders " top left
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joined sep 2022
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0 topics on Littleready
13 posts by Littleready
1 post
+7 votes

Squeaky bum time.
Yeah it will do it all for you automatically you can check the status in " orders " top left

Squeaky bum time.
Morning everyone. I've just placed orders with two separate vendors,
I take it the btc will get split and sent to each one separately as when I paid I only had one addy to send it to.
I should've asked here 1st but I'm at work and didn't want to miss cut off so just did it while I had the time.
I take it the btc will get split and sent to each one separately as when I paid I only had one addy to send it to.
I should've asked here 1st but I'm at work and didn't want to miss cut off so just did it while I had the time.

1 post
+2 votes
Eleven roses(delicious seeds)
Patiently waiting !!! Il defo be interested in adding a gram of lord kush to my order !!

Eleven roses(delicious seeds)
Hey Biggaz,Eleven roses smoke report time....Appearance=nice sized dense buds with a good frosting,fluffs up nice in the grinder,hung dry for 9 days and cured for 4 weeks,nice and dry but doesn't just crumble in your fingers,standard green colour..smell=undisturbed she's quite muted,but grind her up or rip her open and you get almost a sour fruity smell,earthy,hashy.Taste=very very smooth,no harshness with this one,on the inhale I get a almost a floral,earthy taste,nothing overpowering just clean on the throat,on the exhale I'm definitely getting a thick hash sort of taste..effects=after a few pulls i can feel the heart pick up a beat and it kicks in quite quick..its an indica but Initially i felt that sativa "high" before it sets in behind the eyes and you can feel the body Start to relax.imho I've grown stronger but I do smoke all day everyday so my tolerance level is super high.....I also have some lord kush available but its not worth listing as I've not got a large enough amount,but on request I can add a lil to your order ie 3gs er 1g lk...

Made sure I got my order in before posting 😂 but can't recommend sassy enough, they are up there with the Druids, BB, Northern Organics for fresh bud quality in my opinion. Tried most if not all the strains they have sold and everyone has been great. If your looking for a good buy this is it trust me

I second this sassy was the man last grow , the quality was outstanding and I was very Impressed with his service overall.

I know this is a lil off topic, but anyways - your pfp got me to look into who Sassy is a few weeks back and I'm very happy I did :)
Sassy The Sasquatch is an amazing show everyone should watch.
Watched the whole thing in a night, then watched all of the Big Lez show the next day.
So yeah, just wanted to say thanks for pointing me in the direction of that show, even though you didn't mean to 👍
Juice 💚 💦
Sassy The Sasquatch is an amazing show everyone should watch.
Watched the whole thing in a night, then watched all of the Big Lez show the next day.
So yeah, just wanted to say thanks for pointing me in the direction of that show, even though you didn't mean to 👍
Juice 💚 💦

Brilliant, I didn't know about the show either and just watched the first episode. Love it, will need to catch up on the rest. Cheers. 👍

Patiently waiting !!! Il defo be interested in adding a gram of lord kush to my order !!

Cheers Sassy, looking forward to the listing! Should I message you for a custom order to add some of the LK?

Gutted as a long-time customer (under different name) of Sassy that I missed it by day props fo the marketing it is very worth of it....
Just goes to show how poor the LB site has become, as I'm a private medical cannabis patient now, I ONLY keep my eyes peeled for 2 vendors on this site that are HONEST & FAIR about their shizZLE. I'm no hater only a lover of your ART.
Just wish I'd have acted sooner....
I'd give at least a dozen roses for your attention to detail.
Just goes to show how poor the LB site has become, as I'm a private medical cannabis patient now, I ONLY keep my eyes peeled for 2 vendors on this site that are HONEST & FAIR about their shizZLE. I'm no hater only a lover of your ART.
Just wish I'd have acted sooner....
I'd give at least a dozen roses for your attention to detail.


Hi you doing 👍.just seen the result of the competition . Looks like you and few others were so close my friend 🥴🥴.

haha not close enough! but its all good I ordered some Black Cherry Gelato and some Silver Bubble anyway lol! :D Big up the winner and big up Green Cat! A generous giveaway from a great seller! :)

Damn GC that’s an exciting prospect for the winner!
I’m hoping it’s at $32500.
Good luck and who ever wins is having a highloween ✌️
I’m hoping it’s at $32500.
Good luck and who ever wins is having a highloween ✌️

1 post
+7 votes

Herb vapes
Tbh I bought the pax wasn't to impressed and end3d up getting the mighty plus and wouldn't bother with any of the others now but maybe wait and invest…

Herb vapes
Any recommendations for a weed vape? I've used the crafty before and is quite good but wondering how the pax vape is?

Tbh I bought the pax wasn't to impressed and end3d up getting the mighty plus and wouldn't bother with any of the others now but maybe wait and invest in the venty ? But my advice pay more now to avoid paying twice

Did exactly this, saved money by going for a cheaper alternative to the mighty...
now saving for a mighty.
now saving for a mighty.

All right B0W13
Everyone is different but the 2nd hand market is jumping with mighty vapes.
Mine was a steal barley used and still in box and accessories. Warranty unused but now registered under my details.
Everyone is different but the 2nd hand market is jumping with mighty vapes.
Mine was a steal barley used and still in box and accessories. Warranty unused but now registered under my details.

Cheers Dazzler, i have been keeping an eye on the used ones, with the dog deciding to fall to pieces recently and christmas around the corner it is likely ill be looking for a bargain.
MagicVaporizers have them new for 200 sheets and thats the one i was aiming for when the dog popped!
MagicVaporizers have them new for 200 sheets and thats the one i was aiming for when the dog popped!

Sorry to hear about your dug 🥹 one of mine is 17 this year and aye Christmas 🎄 but that’s a rant for another day.
I keep an eye out as like you love a bargain. At the moment a decent next to newish mighty would be about £150 but like everything there is what it’s worth and then what people would pay.
if the bargain mighty did not come up I would have been getting an Angus. If you’re a terp chaser I think flavour wise is better than the mighty.
It retired my mates mighty. I’m my opinion very much overlooked as everyone has there eyes on the mighty.
I keep an eye out as like you love a bargain. At the moment a decent next to newish mighty would be about £150 but like everything there is what it’s worth and then what people would pay.
if the bargain mighty did not come up I would have been getting an Angus. If you’re a terp chaser I think flavour wise is better than the mighty.
It retired my mates mighty. I’m my opinion very much overlooked as everyone has there eyes on the mighty.

Ill take a look, for me priority number one is it does the main job well, using for medical benefits as much as pleasure nowadays, if anything is going to overtake the mighty for me it will probably be the TinyMight2, as Polly puts it, its more of a ripper which sounds like it could be more suited to me.
I am Slack the Ripper!
I am Slack the Ripper!

Agree 100% that the difference is exactly as polly said.
I only use the dyna in the house. Don’t want to be looking like a crack head out and about.
I see come up from time to time but it’s not as common as mighty vapes 2nd hand. I’ll give you a shout if I see anything that looks in good condition and price 👌
I only use the dyna in the house. Don’t want to be looking like a crack head out and about.
I see come up from time to time but it’s not as common as mighty vapes 2nd hand. I’ll give you a shout if I see anything that looks in good condition and price 👌

Appreciate that and yeah, it really is an advantage nowadays not to look like a crackhead!
"Its woke gone mad" 😂
I was looking at the Dyna for my hashes but decided im such a clumsy twat ill burn myself everytime i use it!
"Its woke gone mad" 😂
I was looking at the Dyna for my hashes but decided im such a clumsy twat ill burn myself everytime i use it!

Always a risk lol
But I have not used anything that even comes close to the hash hit off a dyna.
Not tried the new ones like the dani or anvil.
TI tip with a vaphit collar get that technique bang on 💨💨💨
But I have not used anything that even comes close to the hash hit off a dyna.
Not tried the new ones like the dani or anvil.
TI tip with a vaphit collar get that technique bang on 💨💨💨

My list would be in a different order but aye.
DAB pen 🖊️- AIO rec vapes
I would hate to think what I spent on accessories never mind gear. Thank fuck for bargain hunting 👌
DAB pen 🖊️- AIO rec vapes
I would hate to think what I spent on accessories never mind gear. Thank fuck for bargain hunting 👌

I was decided on the Coil King at one point but then i saw the Utillian 2, and then i saw... etc

Utillian the brand is owned by T-vape the review/shop front company and they shill them hard.
Highly biased reviews that lead you to believe the utillians are good devices, unfortunately they aren't.
Highly biased reviews that lead you to believe the utillians are good devices, unfortunately they aren't.

Ahhh nice one, i did wonder how it can have as good as the reviews of its bigger brother, i do try and read a bunch of reviews in case im looking at sponsored reviews but i missed that, thank you, back to the coil king maybe for starters.
They can be funny buggers on that site but you will typically find most vapes listed
They can be funny buggers on that site but you will typically find most vapes listed

Not sure the price of the other one but I did a topic on it.
I refer to it as dabs for beginners. I still use mine quite a bit. When I have concentrate. Again great dog walking companion.
I barred myself from looking for ages at looking ha ha ha
Not sure the price of the other one but I did a topic on it.
I refer to it as dabs for beginners. I still use mine quite a bit. When I have concentrate. Again great dog walking companion.
I barred myself from looking for ages at looking ha ha ha

Solid choice
If that’s the way you were thinking the Angus would have been a good shout if it was just for flower at a fraction of the price
Enjoy 💨💨💨💨
If that’s the way you were thinking the Angus would have been a good shout if it was just for flower at a fraction of the price
Enjoy 💨💨💨💨

My mate has a Pax3 and I have a Mighty and in my opinion the Mighty is a lot better. Polly or Deadrabb1t can both lead you in the right direction with other options as I've only really used the Mighty consistently.

What sort of cash you looking to spend would be my first question as that will then narrow the field down.
What you going to use it for? Just flower ?
How you consuming the now?
What you going to use it for? Just flower ?
How you consuming the now?

Recently got the Angus, lots of flavour and hits like a train.
I like that you get a solid carry case, dosing capsules and other bits n bobs with it. Downside is it doesn’t come with batteries.
I like that you get a solid carry case, dosing capsules and other bits n bobs with it. Downside is it doesn’t come with batteries.

Sip or Rip?
The Mighty is a very flexible workhorse ideal for sipping…
The TinyMight2 is pocket ripper….
The Mighty is a very flexible workhorse ideal for sipping…
The TinyMight2 is pocket ripper….

Im more of a ripper than a sipper so if something is going to overtake the Mighty in my mind it could be the TinyMight2.
I like how versatile the mighty is though.
I like how versatile the mighty is though.

Now you have opened Pandora’s box lol 😂
Versatility as in with product or out and about?
Do you use or intend to use glass with said vape?
Because before I start answering the above question will save me typing ha ha ha Dynavap! Out of the capes that I have is king of the ring.
Versatility as in with product or out and about?
Do you use or intend to use glass with said vape?
Because before I start answering the above question will save me typing ha ha ha Dynavap! Out of the capes that I have is king of the ring.

Well i was thinking of getting the vape sorted first as mine is not doing it for me, i use carts when im out with the pupper so it doesnt need to be super portable but im not up for a volcano or anything, maybe an entry level dab pen after vapes sorted then i was thinking up upgrading the bong after when thats done and had my eye on a similar set up to Rux's new toy, a freeze pipe with an e-nail dab thingyme that works with the glass.
reports are its very effective 😵💫
I like how that Angus looks not going to lie and looking at specs it looks competitive.
reports are its very effective 😵💫
I like how that Angus looks not going to lie and looking at specs it looks competitive.

It is I have used both vapes and I would be happy with either one.
Don’t blame you on the others.
I prefer the in one e rigs like the core 2.0
Due to the dyna and butane I tend not to use it at “TV time” as the missies gives the eye. I use the IH but it’s not the same lol hence the other less noise vapes.
I love the wee bongs like the mini ripper 👌 and dyna. It’s my equivalent to having a drink at the weekend. Kids in bed ect ect
Don’t blame you on the others.
I prefer the in one e rigs like the core 2.0
Due to the dyna and butane I tend not to use it at “TV time” as the missies gives the eye. I use the IH but it’s not the same lol hence the other less noise vapes.
I love the wee bongs like the mini ripper 👌 and dyna. It’s my equivalent to having a drink at the weekend. Kids in bed ect ect

I do like the look of some of the in-one rigs, i have time to change my mind on that anyway, probably wont get the vape till the new year now and thats next on the never ending list of things i NEED!

I’ve had a lot of vapes, like a real lot, 90% are shite, if you want to vape and actually get high, conserve herb you need a desktop vape, I run a CH Flowerpot B1 Baller and it’s a different world to things like the mighty. There are so many good Baller vape options now the worlds your oyster.

Vapes are super subjective and while there are a lot of not great devices to say 90% are shite is a bit of a bold statement.
Baller vapes work well for people with high tolerance who want a big wack of weed.
Polly for example would pass out in the presence of a ball vape let alone get to use one
There are lots of really good vape devices nowdays and everyones needs are different
I don't mind the extraction of a ball vape, I personally don't like the hot coils or overall inefficiency of power usage compared to other options nowdays
Baller vapes work well for people with high tolerance who want a big wack of weed.
Polly for example would pass out in the presence of a ball vape let alone get to use one
There are lots of really good vape devices nowdays and everyones needs are different
I don't mind the extraction of a ball vape, I personally don't like the hot coils or overall inefficiency of power usage compared to other options nowdays

Oy! 🤨
Those of us who have managed our tolerance sufficiently not to require the single lung incinerating explosive cough inducing uber extraction methods employed as a necessity by certain 🐰&🐸 are not to be mocked! (well, not much anyway 🦊)…
Those of us who have managed our tolerance sufficiently not to require the single lung incinerating explosive cough inducing uber extraction methods employed as a necessity by certain 🐰&🐸 are not to be mocked! (well, not much anyway 🦊)…

The Extraction Gang keep running up and kicking my satchel!…they think they are so hard!
Although you better look out during break time:
“ and as to the S&B fanboys we’ll leave it there… And don’t get me started on the Dynavap lot.”🐸
The Extraction Gang keep running up and kicking my satchel!…they think they are so hard!
Although you better look out during break time:
“ and as to the S&B fanboys we’ll leave it there… And don’t get me started on the Dynavap lot.”🐸

Did you say that they stole your play snack?
This is turning into a vape version of the warriors with all the gangs. Can you be in more than one gang? or is it vape in vape out.
This is turning into a vape version of the warriors with all the gangs. Can you be in more than one gang? or is it vape in vape out.

I think there is some confusion generally on Ball vapes that you HAVE to take massive lung busting hits! You really don’t, the Flowerpot for instance works best according to CH with a 0.05 loading dose, basically just covering the screen, you can vape it low temp for flavour or whack up the temp for a one hitter, or you can go somewhere between, just because it can vape 0.2 in one hit really doesn’t mean you need to or should, I deffo don’t, I’ve got wimpy lungs so no giants hits for me.

Honestly I don’t think saying 90% are shite is a bold statement, most really are very poor, whether it be efficiency, flavour etc. It’s far far easier to find an average to poor vape than a good one that’s for sure.
All the log vapes I’ve used have been pretty good, decent alternative for a Ball vape if you have a lower tolerance.
I do agree though, never been a fan of coils and waving around a 680 degree chunk of metal, so on that I’m with you.
Also it depends if you’re a sipper or a big hitter, I started as a sipper with my Mighty then ended up being a one hitter with my Flowerpot.
All the log vapes I’ve used have been pretty good, decent alternative for a Ball vape if you have a lower tolerance.
I do agree though, never been a fan of coils and waving around a 680 degree chunk of metal, so on that I’m with you.
Also it depends if you’re a sipper or a big hitter, I started as a sipper with my Mighty then ended up being a one hitter with my Flowerpot.

Do you realise there is a whole cult of people who will argue that the pax is "the" best vape in the world and that is that!
We shall ignore the obvious low hanging fruit of the storz and bickel zombies
Maybe I just own the 10% you don't think are crap 🤔
I was using my sticky brick og this morning as it's been a while and that was full of flavour and nice big clouds
We shall ignore the obvious low hanging fruit of the storz and bickel zombies
Maybe I just own the 10% you don't think are crap 🤔
I was using my sticky brick og this morning as it's been a while and that was full of flavour and nice big clouds

Yeah sadly I do lol, the Pax is horrendous, my mate still to this day won’t have its crap, it boggles my mind, and as to the S&B fanboys we’ll leave it there… And don’t get me started on the Dynavap lot.
Maybe you really do own the 10% I think are decent, I use my Sticky Brick Runt nearly daily! And my Jr. when out and about, gotta love a Brick no restrictor, when you get the technique down not much beats it imo.
Maybe you really do own the 10% I think are decent, I use my Sticky Brick Runt nearly daily! And my Jr. when out and about, gotta love a Brick no restrictor, when you get the technique down not much beats it imo.

90% are shite?
Just out of curiosity? What is in the 10%
Everyone has there preference. On vapes, product fuck even temps you vape at.
Just adding everything in the one comment.
Regardless of what you use and how you consume it. The main objective is to enjoy it and get high or medicate.
Agree 100% that regardless of what you use or champion. There are always going to be the hard core fan boys that spend endless amounts of cash, just because of the make but that's in everyday life not just vapes.
Also cost is a massive driving factor.
Also the where you want to use it?
I don't use my dyna outside the house as I don't want to look like a crack head. Also the fact that the weather is always pish. Where my gaff is
Just out of curiosity? What is in the 10%
Everyone has there preference. On vapes, product fuck even temps you vape at.
Just adding everything in the one comment.
Regardless of what you use and how you consume it. The main objective is to enjoy it and get high or medicate.
Agree 100% that regardless of what you use or champion. There are always going to be the hard core fan boys that spend endless amounts of cash, just because of the make but that's in everyday life not just vapes.
Also cost is a massive driving factor.
Also the where you want to use it?
I don't use my dyna outside the house as I don't want to look like a crack head. Also the fact that the weather is always pish. Where my gaff is

I say 90% as there are hundreds now, literally hundreds and most are very poor.
Good ones of the top of my head
O’Connell TKO
Any Sticky Brick
Argus (not bad)
Mighty (not bad)
Crafty (not bad)
Plenty (not bad) eats flower though
I get none are budget options but I do feel with vapes you pay for what you get imo.
I’m sure there are some other really good options out there I haven’t tried and likely cheaper than most my options but can only go off what I’ve tried.
I rarely if ever vape flower on the go, I just use a Yocan Uni Pro for carts which to me is the best solution and a desk top at home but like you say everyone is differnt and has differnt use cases.
Good ones of the top of my head
O’Connell TKO
Any Sticky Brick
Argus (not bad)
Mighty (not bad)
Crafty (not bad)
Plenty (not bad) eats flower though
I get none are budget options but I do feel with vapes you pay for what you get imo.
I’m sure there are some other really good options out there I haven’t tried and likely cheaper than most my options but can only go off what I’ve tried.
I rarely if ever vape flower on the go, I just use a Yocan Uni Pro for carts which to me is the best solution and a desk top at home but like you say everyone is differnt and has differnt use cases.

You are expressing personal opinion as fact 🤷🏽
I prefer my ssv unmodded as it's lack of draw restriction and airy vapour is unmatched in that area
You are expecting everyone to want to experience herb in the same way as you
Ok so
£40 xvape cheech and Chong mambo is a great little discreet convection unit with a terrible name, so good I have two
I don't expect it compete with my TetraP80 but as it's approximately ten times cheaper than that who would. However I take it out and about and on holiday
Xmax starry 4 £80 great little conduction vape for those who like the extraction signature they offer, if you want a pax by this it's better (I suspect that you prefer convection)
Xmax v3 £80 a great little convection device for those with a lower tolerance
All of these taste better than smoking and all will get a fair majority of people high with little issues and all on a budget
Are they ball vape extraction territory no but there's so many people out there that don't need that
Hell there's still people buying and enjoying magic flight boxes
Anyhow I time for me to take some prescription pain relief
Now what should I use 🤔
I prefer my ssv unmodded as it's lack of draw restriction and airy vapour is unmatched in that area
You are expecting everyone to want to experience herb in the same way as you
Ok so
£40 xvape cheech and Chong mambo is a great little discreet convection unit with a terrible name, so good I have two
I don't expect it compete with my TetraP80 but as it's approximately ten times cheaper than that who would. However I take it out and about and on holiday
Xmax starry 4 £80 great little conduction vape for those who like the extraction signature they offer, if you want a pax by this it's better (I suspect that you prefer convection)
Xmax v3 £80 a great little convection device for those with a lower tolerance
All of these taste better than smoking and all will get a fair majority of people high with little issues and all on a budget
Are they ball vape extraction territory no but there's so many people out there that don't need that
Hell there's still people buying and enjoying magic flight boxes
Anyhow I time for me to take some prescription pain relief
Now what should I use 🤔

See there are some good options for value I haven’t tried, some maybe great, I don’t need a portable but if I did I’d look at those options for sure.
I never got to try the P80, always heard very very good things about it though.
And I have a magic flight box Muad Dib, and I still use it rarely but it’s not bad at all.
Agreed that literally all options are better than smoking but what really turned me away from sippers like the mighty was the flavour falling off so fast.
As to your last question, TetraP80, let me know how it is.
I never got to try the P80, always heard very very good things about it though.
And I have a magic flight box Muad Dib, and I still use it rarely but it’s not bad at all.
Agreed that literally all options are better than smoking but what really turned me away from sippers like the mighty was the flavour falling off so fast.
As to your last question, TetraP80, let me know how it is.

All the vapes you list as good are convection biased all the not bads are hybrids and due to energy costs lots of session devices are hybrid or conduction based.
Tp80 is the most open handheld I own by a large factor its closest rival is the SSV for draw restrictions in my opinion, however they aint cheap , they are hard to get when they drop, they need a good warmup session on wake up to get it doing stuff and they eat batteries like its powering a tesla.
That said its a fantastic vape and is super versatile on glass or with stems.
Have you seen all the low cost quartz / borosilicate torch powered vapes like Rogue WaxWorks Quartz caps and glass charlies tastytube? they kick well and cope with hash well too
Tp80 is the most open handheld I own by a large factor its closest rival is the SSV for draw restrictions in my opinion, however they aint cheap , they are hard to get when they drop, they need a good warmup session on wake up to get it doing stuff and they eat batteries like its powering a tesla.
That said its a fantastic vape and is super versatile on glass or with stems.
Have you seen all the low cost quartz / borosilicate torch powered vapes like Rogue WaxWorks Quartz caps and glass charlies tastytube? they kick well and cope with hash well too

I think that’s my issue, well not issue but preference, I just don’t seem to get medicated the same with Conduction, recently had a Vapman and hated it, even hated it with hash and it’s meant to be king of that for vapes. I’ve never ever gotten along with Dynavaps for the same reason, I just don’t get the same effects from conduction vapes and certainly not compatible flavour.
I’m not too familiar with the ones you listed but a Google search showed they’re basically an elev8r? If so yeah big fan of them, very simple and clean method due to the pathway being all glass and let’s face it who doesn’t like using a torch?
I’m not too familiar with the ones you listed but a Google search showed they’re basically an elev8r? If so yeah big fan of them, very simple and clean method due to the pathway being all glass and let’s face it who doesn’t like using a torch?

More like big vaponic's the elev8r is convection dominated because it's a big hot lump of quartz above the herb at a distance where unless you inhale it won't do anything, with the positioning of the heater around the herb but isolated by an air gap allows for you to play around with convection/conduction balance and that's why they work so well for hash, the elev8r isn't great for hash imo
My dog wasn't the biggest fan of torches intiallly tbh but she's indifferent to them now
My dog wasn't the biggest fan of torches intiallly tbh but she's indifferent to them now

Yeah I see what you’re saying, like a big Vaponic, interesting, feel it’s something that needs to be sampled for sure, I do like a bit of torch and technique ritual, thanks for the heads up.

Agreed there are loads as you say. I like the fact that your keeping the list to what you have tried because it does provide good context.
Now I’m not saying I agree with your list. Your bang on regarding everyone is different use cases
Now I’m not saying I agree with your list. Your bang on regarding everyone is different use cases

Yeah I do hate people that comment on something they’ve never tried, or tried once and have an opinion, everything on my list I’ve owned and used extensively. If you don’t mind which ones are you disagreeing with? Just interested really, One man’s meat is another man’s poison for sure.

So in regards to the list.
This is probably moving the goal posts but as we have discussed now you have the choice of 1000 of vapes and combinations.
I would split the list into categories or we would be comparing a Ford caprie to a ferrari f50.
The top 4 and the bricks I have not used. I have seen a lot in use, watching vape porn. That type of vaping is just not practical for me. I get the attraction and they are all decent bits of kits from what I’ve seen. Apart from the bricks the rest fall in to the same category.
I have used the same set up as them but just for dabbing but not flower.
I’m a different things for different strokes lol kind of vape user. On the most part the vapes I have and how I use them is dictated by the why, when and with what?
The bricks / piro / flam / O’Connell are all on my wish list.
Got to love the smell of butane in the morning.
Other than that I can’t comment on them.
The rest of the list I agree on them being there but is (not bad in comparison to the rest of the list or type of device)
I would put crafty/mighty as one as it’s the same extraction.
TM2 definitely
Angus agreed and massively over looked especially given the price. So that’s hand held electronic
Don’t roll the eyes but dynavap is a glaring omission in my opinion or similar like the Dani or anvils but not used them.
I agree that there is major fanboy people that no matter what they will buy it (armoured cap being one) I was falling into that trap but had a conversation quite like some comments because he was selling some expensive stuff. You can have loads but most people always have a preference and the rest end up being expensive ornaments.
I do have tip and cap combos depending on what I’m using but use two steams M a BB9 oh and a glass one
I love the the felling you get when you just hit the spot! Especially with hash. Gauging it is half the fun for me then dialling in. Of course flower is not the same but it’s good fun riding that line like sea biscuit 🍪
Butane is fun 🤩
This is probably moving the goal posts but as we have discussed now you have the choice of 1000 of vapes and combinations.
I would split the list into categories or we would be comparing a Ford caprie to a ferrari f50.
The top 4 and the bricks I have not used. I have seen a lot in use, watching vape porn. That type of vaping is just not practical for me. I get the attraction and they are all decent bits of kits from what I’ve seen. Apart from the bricks the rest fall in to the same category.
I have used the same set up as them but just for dabbing but not flower.
I’m a different things for different strokes lol kind of vape user. On the most part the vapes I have and how I use them is dictated by the why, when and with what?
The bricks / piro / flam / O’Connell are all on my wish list.
Got to love the smell of butane in the morning.
Other than that I can’t comment on them.
The rest of the list I agree on them being there but is (not bad in comparison to the rest of the list or type of device)
I would put crafty/mighty as one as it’s the same extraction.
TM2 definitely
Angus agreed and massively over looked especially given the price. So that’s hand held electronic
Don’t roll the eyes but dynavap is a glaring omission in my opinion or similar like the Dani or anvils but not used them.
I agree that there is major fanboy people that no matter what they will buy it (armoured cap being one) I was falling into that trap but had a conversation quite like some comments because he was selling some expensive stuff. You can have loads but most people always have a preference and the rest end up being expensive ornaments.
I do have tip and cap combos depending on what I’m using but use two steams M a BB9 oh and a glass one
I love the the felling you get when you just hit the spot! Especially with hash. Gauging it is half the fun for me then dialling in. Of course flower is not the same but it’s good fun riding that line like sea biscuit 🍪
Butane is fun 🤩

Not a fan of herb vapes, waste of time, weed and money in my opinion. Get a 510 battery for £30 or so and go for distillate carts instead, better flavour and high. Still get that tickle throat thing but not as bad as on a herb vape….

Not sure what herb vapes you have tried but considering a lot of carts still dont use CDT's and its not a full spectrum extraction even when they do its difficult to get onboard with the idea of a better flavour and high.
Vapes are super subjective and there are a fair amount of not great ones in the cheap seats and even in the posh bits sometimes (looking at you utillian and pax)
Vapes are super subjective and there are a fair amount of not great ones in the cheap seats and even in the posh bits sometimes (looking at you utillian and pax)

Carts are part of the repertoire for sure but I would hate to do them all the time, and to miss out on the wonderful world of bud for a capsule of goo?…why that’s simply a crime!😉

Totally agree, i really like the resins, but pace myself as to preserve the tolerance.
Theres room for a balanced diet in my opinion, and Roulade!
Theres room for a balanced diet in my opinion, and Roulade!

I think I have this sort of image in my mind🤓…herb & badder/resin/caviar rolled together. Gotta tell you- it’s bloody lovely in the Mighty! 👨🍳🤤

I hear you on that one. For me herb vapes ain’t my thing. Whatever works for one person may not work for the other…whatever gets you thru the night…

Exactly, you like what you like and as long as you enjoy it. That’s the whole point 🤷♂️
Same with strains and products
Same with strains and products

Disagree 100%
I love carts but no chance is it a better stone than flower or other concentrate. I find the high short and sharp with D9 Not to mention fucking with your tolerance.
LR or 50/50 are going in the right direction stoned wise.
Like anything everyone is different and prefer different things. Got to love LB and the selection we all have 💨💨💨
I love carts but no chance is it a better stone than flower or other concentrate. I find the high short and sharp with D9 Not to mention fucking with your tolerance.
LR or 50/50 are going in the right direction stoned wise.
Like anything everyone is different and prefer different things. Got to love LB and the selection we all have 💨💨💨

Yep each to their own, nothing beats flower in a joint, for me flower in herb vape doesn’t work, have tried a few herb vapes with some knockout weed, that paled in comparison to that of a joint or a cart. As for tolerance, this gets fucked with either way, unless you take a break occasionally or mix up the strains.

As I said about most above. In the other comment.
As long as you’re enjoying it!
It took me ages to pull away from joints onto vapes and we could probably debate for hours 😆
In regards to tolerance vaping 90% + THC is going to have a quicker and worse impact on your tolerance than flower but again it all comes down to personal preference and volume of consumption.
As long as you’re enjoying it!
It took me ages to pull away from joints onto vapes and we could probably debate for hours 😆
In regards to tolerance vaping 90% + THC is going to have a quicker and worse impact on your tolerance than flower but again it all comes down to personal preference and volume of consumption.

1 post
+1 votes
More LR cart varieties please
I 100% agree no pun intended got the pink runts last week defo keep them coming!

More LR cart varieties please
I've tried them all and they are the best on here.

Agree with you both. I was really not a fan of carts until I tried one of these, now I’ve got half a dozen different carts on the go 😂.

I agree have tried gelonade
Sour jack
Rainbow belts
Tequila Sunrise
Yet to try 100% I am looking at these the weekend lol
Sour jack
Rainbow belts
Tequila Sunrise
Yet to try 100% I am looking at these the weekend lol

1 post
+3 votes
I had this got about a spliff left I liked it that much I'm saving it for a special occasion lol 😆 that said I know ulc sold out of it pretty quick s…

This Friday coming the 28th of July to the 28th of August we'll be taking our summer break.
We'll relist items the evening of the 25th of August and be back posting again on the 28th of August.
Any messages will be answered during this time but may be intermittent so please be patient.
Thanks, ULC
We'll relist items the evening of the 25th of August and be back posting again on the 28th of August.
Any messages will be answered during this time but may be intermittent so please be patient.
Thanks, ULC

Please let me know when you're up and running again with Barry Bonds...I can't see it listed again yet but looking forward to ordering some more :)

I had this got about a spliff left I liked it that much I'm saving it for a special occasion lol 😆 that said I know ulc sold out of it pretty quick so dunno if they will have any available when they do come back online ?! Im Interested if they do though !!

1 post
+2 votes
If you know you know that’s for sure my friend. Our boys at flavour farmers have been working really hard behind the scenes and there packs are nation wide if you’re in the right circles.
Got a few packs to sample last night and it’s incredible 😍
We have direct access to all new releases so watch this space as we are bringing them straight to you good Biggaz 💯❤️
Got a few packs to sample last night and it’s incredible 😍
We have direct access to all new releases so watch this space as we are bringing them straight to you good Biggaz 💯❤️

I will be ordering it for sure bro thats what this communitys all about keep up the good work mate love it when vendors bringing that fire to the lb community 💚🙏

Ah FF!
Probs the biggest team in the UK right now, Manny fire!
They teamed up with Potter Payper and released the Potterz strain, it was fire. Gone just now though.
Their Calirvoy Runtz and Muller are 10/10 smokes. Not silly prices either.
Probs the biggest team in the UK right now, Manny fire!
They teamed up with Potter Payper and released the Potterz strain, it was fire. Gone just now though.
Their Calirvoy Runtz and Muller are 10/10 smokes. Not silly prices either.

Nice bro. Saw they just hooked up with Nines Crop Circle also - killing it out there.
Well done on bringing proper fire to LB 👏
Well done on bringing proper fire to LB 👏

1 post
+2 votes
Giveaway time! Comment on this post to enter
Il have a punt be rude not to

Giveaway time! Comment on this post to enter
As a thank you to everyone for the warm welcome here and helping us get started we are doing a giveaway!
There will be 2 lucky winners who will each receive 2 of our 1000mg carts (one of each flavour).
To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post! We will put usernames into a random name picker ( to pick 2 winners.
Thank you and good luck!
dr.distillate :)
There will be 2 lucky winners who will each receive 2 of our 1000mg carts (one of each flavour).
To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post! We will put usernames into a random name picker ( to pick 2 winners.
Thank you and good luck!
dr.distillate :)

Draw will be live-streamed in about 10 minutes!
Stream link:
Stream link:

Winners are twifg420 and 2nani! I will send you both a message now to sort out delivery :)

Thank you dr distillate!!! I was the winner of your comp ….. within 2 days of sending my details the carts were through the door…. It’s my first time using these so have nothing to compare to, but from my first experience I know these 1000mg taste amazing when smoked.. the flavours are both great and the high is very clean, clear and long lasting!! I would highly recommend these to anyone thinking about giving them a go…. Thanks

We have its just below in response to clean up borg asking the same :)
Here it is again though:
Here it is again though:

this drawing needs to be broadcast in a live stream to be provably fair. if not it gets deleted love.

Live stream will go live at midday 30th April! Here is the link:

1 post
+2 votes
Too late to jump on this ??


Nah you good, think Pistach has just been busy, we all got #'s today, good luck fella.

I wish littlebiggy would stop hiding you from the wall!
Amazing giveaway yet again from Pistach, I won this last year and loved every bit of it! good luck to all the biggas and thank you to Pistach <3
Amazing giveaway yet again from Pistach, I won this last year and loved every bit of it! good luck to all the biggas and thank you to Pistach <3

Yet to try your product with me being new but this looks exactly like my sort of thing. I'll try and win but if not I'll probably be speaking to you soon. GL everyone.

THE KING IS BACK The last bit of zushi I had was a top smoke and lovely bit of bud big up yourself and whoever wins much love !

Nice to hear from you mate been messaging u and didn't have chance to tell you about comp.Good luck for this and vape comp being drawn tonight. 🤞

Are you sure you can handle another potential unannounced parcel Drippy? Wouldnt want you to get upset again coz your made up time frame isn't adhered to.
Make sure Pistach knows your T&C's for his giveaway
Make sure Pistach knows your T&C's for his giveaway

Got my prize a few days after your complaints best hash I’ve had for ages well worth the wait for my FREE prize all day long 👍

Thanks for letting me know, I'm still hurting as much as your sad arse is still crying on about it 🤣🤣

1 post
+1 votes
Who wants CANDY ?
Yes please !

Who wants CANDY ?

Dropping tomorrow along with another 8 flavours from 300 - 600MG .
We will be doing intro offers on all of them, also intro offers on new flowers at the end of the week.
Comment on this post and we will notify you so you don't miss out as they sell out in hours :)
We will be doing intro offers on all of them, also intro offers on new flowers at the end of the week.
Comment on this post and we will notify you so you don't miss out as they sell out in hours :)

1 post
+2 votes
🏟️Competition Time @Eddys🔥
White gushers sounds like my type of girl !! 👍

🏟️Competition Time @Eddys🔥
To celebrate the launch of my brand new Eddy’s Vapes I’m doing a classic lucky number competition.
To enter simply upvote this post and comment it’s that easy. You will then be assigned a number, 3 lucky winners will be picked with a random number generator and will take home any flavour Eddy’s Vape they choose😮💨🤤🫠 plus a little bonus surprise 😉🥸.
Competition will End Friday the 24th march so just over a week to get your lucky number. One number per person UK only and minimum of 10 buys on LB is required.
Good luck Biggas and as always thanks for your support stay lit , Eddy🍭
To enter simply upvote this post and comment it’s that easy. You will then be assigned a number, 3 lucky winners will be picked with a random number generator and will take home any flavour Eddy’s Vape they choose😮💨🤤🫠 plus a little bonus surprise 😉🥸.
Competition will End Friday the 24th march so just over a week to get your lucky number. One number per person UK only and minimum of 10 buys on LB is required.
Good luck Biggas and as always thanks for your support stay lit , Eddy🍭

Really looking forward to seeing where this is going, have enjoyed the other Eddy's products I've had immensely.

The menu is looking amazing Eddy 🤩 😻 ❤️ 😊 I love your awesome products as well as your wonderful service 🙏 😊 ❤️ 😻
I’d love to try your carts please 💨 😊 and I’ll be in touch for another order of your amazing products soon too 🙏 🤩 😻 😊 ❤️
I’d love to try your carts please 💨 😊 and I’ll be in touch for another order of your amazing products soon too 🙏 🤩 😻 😊 ❤️

Hope I’m not too late! I have 9 buys because my crypto app has been acting up for the past couple days

You tube channel for competition draw this Friday .
daoc midz
Numbers will be generated here:
Thanks Eddy🍭
You tube channel for competition draw this Friday .
daoc midz
Numbers will be generated here:
Thanks Eddy🍭 winning numbers will be generated on this website. Streaming url to follow. Thanks Eddy🍭

Hi guys can I enter the comp please thing is I only got 7 buys but would really appreciate it if you can let me.Daz 💚

Like to keep busy and it’s all about the flavours dude you know that. Plus have to keep the persy box diverse 😊

Keep it up! Just had a proper look, didn't realise just how many different bubble hashs you had got 🤤
Will get an order in once payday comes round ✌️
Will get an order in once payday comes round ✌️

I'd love a chance to win, cheers Eddy!
Edit - I have 6 buys not 10, need to learn to read before I enter blindly lol
Edit - I have 6 buys not 10, need to learn to read before I enter blindly lol

Gotta be in it to win it . Wouldnt mind some odd bits of sweets again tho when u have em

Any chance of an entry with only 2 buys with DIUK? No worries if not guys, thought it was worth a shot. Take care :)

1 post
+3 votes
Vendor Smoke Upppp
Hmm?? I'd be too worried I was gonna walk in on the old bill sat round drinking tea! Telling me I bought the wrong leaves to the party and that I now …
![[ask any bigga]](
Vendor Smoke Upppp
If you could hook up and have a smoke with any LB vendor, who would it be? and what would you like them to bring to the party?

Oooh that’s an impossible choice amigo…
Who wouldn’t want to spend time with the Druids down on The Grove?😍
Who wouldn’t want a pint with British Bulldog in an East End Tavern? (Or the Dam!)😍
Who wouldn’t want a tour around Eddy’s Wonka Factory?😍
Who wouldn’t want a posh night out with The Gentlemen Dealers?😍
The list goes on and on…..impossible to choose!🫣
Who wouldn’t want to spend time with the Druids down on The Grove?😍
Who wouldn’t want a pint with British Bulldog in an East End Tavern? (Or the Dam!)😍
Who wouldn’t want a tour around Eddy’s Wonka Factory?😍
Who wouldn’t want a posh night out with The Gentlemen Dealers?😍
The list goes on and on…..impossible to choose!🫣

I'd do a smoke out with DIUK, first vendor i used here.
I'd ask them to bring the pre-rolls with kief and shatter and see who hits the floor first, surely the vendors aren't hard hitters tho, couldn't be less they'd just blaze through all the product.
I think i could hold my own against any vendor here, apart from the shroom vendors, fuck that!😁
I'd ask them to bring the pre-rolls with kief and shatter and see who hits the floor first, surely the vendors aren't hard hitters tho, couldn't be less they'd just blaze through all the product.
I think i could hold my own against any vendor here, apart from the shroom vendors, fuck that!😁

We are out for the count for sure against the big dawg Doom thats for sure ..
We would bring those pre rolls all the same though lol
Hope youre good my friend
d i
We would bring those pre rolls all the same though lol
Hope youre good my friend
d i

Can this be extended to Biggas? I’d be down that warren like a beagle after a T break if so……..

If i had to choose one single vendor that i think could out smoke me i'd say TGD, i remember around Christmas /New Years they were going on about getting a massive puff on the go, and all i was thinking to myself was that ridiculous shop of theirs and was concerned they might go full bonzai.
I bet TGD gets high as a bloody march hare.
I bet TGD gets high as a bloody march hare.

Hmm?? I'd be too worried I was gonna walk in on the old bill sat round drinking tea! Telling me I bought the wrong leaves to the party and that I now have the right to remain silent!!

Maybe too many Sativas inducing some paranoia. I would recommend a strong indica and some CBD drops ;)

I would like to be blessed by the Pontiff Of Piff! A vendor I've been looking at but not purchased from (yet)... The Obama Runtz looks beautiful 👌 😍

You won't regret it mate. Still a newbie at 10 buys here but had a couple of decent purchases from them. I'm like a kid in a sweet shop at the moment, I've just received some Blue Cookies today and I'm already looking at a next order to try and give myself some more choice this weekend. Happy to be pitched for business if any vendors are listening 😂

1 post
+1 votes
14G Modified Grapes Giveaway :)

14G Modified Grapes Giveaway :)

Right guys, lets start 2023 having some fun.
This competetion is really simple...
Type one word in a foreign language, and you will be allocated a number.
We will then use a random number generator with a time stamp to pick a winner.
Winner will be revealed on 31/01.
This competetion is really simple...
Type one word in a foreign language, and you will be allocated a number.
We will then use a random number generator with a time stamp to pick a winner.
Winner will be revealed on 31/01.

I had some of the grapes delivered this morning and I can tell you now it does not disappoint. Whoever wins is in for a treat. Good luck everyone.

Right guys sorry for the delay, we are no closing the competition with 214 entreis 02/02/2023.
We will be picking the winner 04/02 as we will be doing it via livestream to be provable fair.
We will be posting the link to the livestream on here
We will be picking the winner 04/02 as we will be doing it via livestream to be provable fair.
We will be posting the link to the livestream on here

We are still working on it, had a 24hr delay with resgistration we will be testing today and the draw will be done tomorrow 06/02/2023.
Sorry for the delay guys but we want to do it right this time so we can do it again :)
Sorry for the delay guys but we want to do it right this time so we can do it again :)

hope you're keeping security in mind, don't want to see a streaming site lead the feds to your door!

Security is always first mate. That's why it has taken us a while to get this sorted.
We will be drawing 5 numbers now to make up for the delay.
The 1st number will wi 14G
The other 4 numbers will win 3.5G each.
Live stream will be done 07/02 at 21;00 GMT.
Link for livestream below
We will be drawing 5 numbers now to make up for the delay.
The 1st number will wi 14G
The other 4 numbers will win 3.5G each.
Live stream will be done 07/02 at 21;00 GMT.
Link for livestream below

I didn't no. Missed it. Couldn't get out of work. Searching for winning numbers now lol

Live draw has been done guys, we have our winning numbers;
42 - 14G
105 - 3.5G
70- 3.5G
28 - 3.5G
66 - 3.5G
Thanks to all for participating, was a lot of fun and really good that we managed to live stream it so it was provably fair ;)
Keep your eyes peeled for our next comp.
Lots Of Love
42 - 14G
105 - 3.5G
70- 3.5G
28 - 3.5G
66 - 3.5G
Thanks to all for participating, was a lot of fun and really good that we managed to live stream it so it was provably fair ;)
Keep your eyes peeled for our next comp.
Lots Of Love

Is there any chance you can take some pictures of your weed that actually shows the quality. Instead of the fuzzy green blobs on the screen;)

So every word gets a number, we are on 102 atm.
Once we get to 31/10, we will stop giving out numbers and put the total into a random number generator which will give us a random number and a winner.
We will then post a print with the date and timestamp of the number that has been chosen.
We done this on our last comp, all went smoothly :) Hope we are doing it right.
Once we get to 31/10, we will stop giving out numbers and put the total into a random number generator which will give us a random number and a winner.
We will then post a print with the date and timestamp of the number that has been chosen.
We done this on our last comp, all went smoothly :) Hope we are doing it right.

dattebayo I don't know why buy they closet my old profile... I think u give me n186 sorry bored u

this is good, thank you for the effort love. but to be provably fair please stream the drawing.

bigg topics