These will just be smaller reviews due to the amount of strains there are. Hopefully this doesn't hinder the views and opinions that I usually come across. There's also a few people "upset" I guess at the fact I'm getting send products in favour of making a review. Whilst this is true, it doesn't automatically mean all my reviews are dishonest or invalid. I review everything with the intention of helping people make easier decisions rather than guessing or hoping it's going to be for you. I have had items sent by GC that have had no effect and opted out of doing said review. If I cannot be honest with my review then I will simply not do it at all, If there are points/things I do not like, I also state so too, just like any other review I have done. I have done a review for TGT which was purchased by myself, the quality of the review was no different. Whether it's bought or sent to me, the review will not change. Regardless, let's crack on. You can look at the strains from the link above.
Orange Slushy:
I'm a sucker for orange bud so this was 10/10. The nugs were really dense and the tanginess was amazing. Grinds out really well and you can even smell the orange from the smoke coming off the joint. Not too much on the chest either but it packs a big high when smoking yet still creeps up on you. I've never been able to top any of the cherry pie strains as those are my favourite but this is definately second for sure.
Sherbet OG:
This is a strong one. Reminded me a lot of Stardawg in terms of the nugs. Has that gassy smell and extremely dense nugs with loads of orange hairs. Once ground out though the Dawg qualities are gone. Still has that gassy smell to it but you also get that kushness from it too. I think the Cherry Pie in Sunset Sherbet gets dwarfed by everything else which is unfortunate, the only qualities that really follow over is the cake like smell. Overall the smoke is very thick and chesty. I'd recommend smoking this one midday once you've warmed up. Early morning will put you out for the day and "bedtime" joint won't really mean bedtime once smoked. 8/10 purely because I'm not much of a fan of SS anyway.
This reminded me of the Sherbet OG, probably because it is basically the same cross too. I'd say this is a bit weaker in strength compared to the Sherbet but it's still defo strong. For whatever reason this one for me was very forgettable. I think it's potentially because it's so similar to the Sherbet that my mind can't quite differ them especially when smoked on the same day. I will however say that I preferred the taste of this more than the Sherbet. Having that lemon taste/smell to it meant it was a lot easier to smoke. Not as strong on the chest but with the same potency as the Sherbet. 7/10
Cheesecake Pie:
I saved this one till last purely because of how amazing it smelt. It literally just smelt like a cheesecake. Definately the strongest smelling out the whole lot that's for certain, and definately my favourite smelling weeds ever. I would have been happy to just leave this in my jar and keep smelling it daily. When ground it's no different if not better. I'd say it smells more like chocolate cheesecake. Grounds out really well and the nugs are average. When smoking you still get that cheesecake taste which is nice. Not so strong when smoking it but it's definately a creeper. This is an easy 10/10 especially with how amazing it smells.
Bubblegum Sherbert:
This was a deceiving one, in many different ways. In terms of the strain, it's exactly what it says on the tin. When you smell even just the nugs, you get a massive whiff of bubblegum. I myself am a fan of bubblegum but I know not a lot of people are. If you're not a fan then you probably wouldn't like it as it really does have a strong scent. When you break it apart only then will you get the sherbet smell. This was probably the most dense out the bunch. Boulder like buds and were really hard to break apart. It was deceiving when it was ground out as it would tickle your nose due to the strong THC scent. You really didn't get that from smelling the nugs. It was again deceiving when smoking it as it was quite harsh and you didn't get much of the bubblegum or sherbet flavour. In terms of strength, it's 100% the strongest out the lot. Doesn't matter what you've smoked before, this wants to take over. If it wasn't for the smoke, this would be an easy 10 however I have to rate a 9/10.
Cookies & Cream:
This was one of the strongest out of the bunch. This was the strongest on the chest too, you really felt this one go down. The taste was incredible however, It's been a while since I've had Cookies & Cream so I can't quite remember what it was like, especially nowadays with all the different types of cookies going around, the original can get drowned. The colour on the bud when ground was an extremely light green, haven't seen weed like this in a while. Was a very slow burner, very good as a night time joint or before bed. The smoke was very thick as you would expect. I think this one would be a difficult one to smoke regularly due to the strength however would be nice as a luxury every now and then. 10/10
Grapefruit Juice:
Probably the most appealing and tasty weeds I've had since Cherry Pie, and that's my all time favourite strain. The buds were glowing lime green with glowing orange hairs too. Dense but also fluffy nugs at the same time. Not dense enough where it feels like a boulder but enough to where it grinds out really well. The smell from this was incredible, even more so when it's ground out. It really does smell like grapefruit and it really comes through on the taste as well. It's not potent enough to where you don't want to smoke another, it makes you want to keep smoking it due to how tasty it is. I know I said the Orange Slushy was #2 of my top strains but I'm afraid it now has to move down to #3. 10/10
Everyone and their nan knows what Stardawg is. This was no exception. Soon as you open the bag, you can smell that brutal dawg smell. Most people I can imagine have only really ever tried Stardawg from local dealers on the streets and we claim it "dirty dawg". From experience, it's all I've ever had too, this really changed my perspective on Stardawg. You still get the typical Dawg qualities, that gassy smell and the denseness of the nugs. This however is a much smoother smoke. Not as strong on the chest and for once I didn't get a headache which I always do when smoking Dawg. I'm glad I actually go to try what proper Dawg is like, it's a shame it's name has been tarnished over the years. 8/10
Final Thoughts:
Would I class it as high grade? 100%. A lot of these bought me back to the old days of smoking, when I would actually feel it. Many tasty and different types of weed that you can take a shot at 2 of them and at least be happy with 1. As you can tell, I'm not a Sherbet guy so I have more bad to say about those but it's purely a preference thing. Overall the quality of these strains are 10/10 and I wouldn't really downplay any of these. Maybe Stardawg should be in the medium section purely because it's Dawg, but at the same time I do understand why it's there.