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joined sep 2020
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46 posts by Coldo420
Just started watching 'Spaced' again.
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB

I'm in the middle of re-watching Spaced and felt like I had to scroll for hours to find somebody who finally mentioned it! xD

Thank you - you just reminded me I need to re-watch spaced again!
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..

Well I’ll judge you... if I could give 2 upvotes I would, agree with you totally, 2 of my fave ever shows, making me think of hitting Spaced up again...

I loved the shows of that generation. Nathan Barley. Day Today. Brass Eye also. Then The Mighty Boosh.
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊

The Wire
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations

Ah fuck it, nothing better to do, haha
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences

Peep show one of my all time favs and can't to wrong with arrested development what a classic

Sad that they never manager to run the show normally... And probably we won't se another season ever :( love arrested development

Currently halfway through the first series of Altered Carbon after reading this thread and seeing your recommendation. I'm a PhilipKDick fan and I'm really enjoying it, cheers 👍

Dark on Netflix. German show about time travel set in a village where kids keep going missing every 33 years. Stunning production values, really intricately plotted, three series, all ties together. Loved it. Has an English dub but the German audio with subtitles is best.

End of the fucking world is really good. Strange and offbeat which I like. With some characters that don’t give a fuck. And it’s British and very relatable (even though it’s about a lad that thinks he’s a psychopath haha).

100% but do you think you could watch them the other way round and it’s all still as good? As I really do, integrated them amazingly well.

Yeah I agree, I liked BB a lot but I came to it a bit late and like UKgrower hearing the hype maybe expected too much. Better call Saul I didn’t expect much of at all, didn’t think it’d get past Series 1 but now I think it’s better than BB.

If you enjoyed Breaking Bad, then give Better Call Saul a go. I always thought he stole every scene he was in during Breaking Bad.

I'm watching Detectorists at the moment. Really good. Funny and with beautiful scenery. On BBC iPlayer and Netflix.

Shout for detectorists.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.

If you want a Change and a Tons of one line bombs to drop at work or with your mates there is only one place to go
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???

yes, they will all help make it worse. on the bright side, since everybody started typing on their phones, dyslexia is hardly noticeable anymore and you really don't have to apologise.

Gomorrah if you dont mind subtitles, its an Italian crime show set in Naples. Simply brilliant.
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates

Gomorrah is the shit man, one of my all time favs
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece

Yean Gomorrah is probably my number 1 show, the setting, actors, story... superb. Cant wait to watch the Ciro Di Marzio movie too.

L'Immortale or the Immortal is the name, was out last year in Italy. Have tried to find out when its out in the UK but no joy yet

Its on sky atlantic now mate, its certainly worth a watch an sets up the next season of Gomorrah nicely

Literally just finished watching brassic 2 and Save me Too. Both class. Surely everyone on here has watched Brassic.....!!!?

I do, doesn't quite hit the levels that Shameless did back in the day but still a lot of fun. Plus it's good to hear actual accents on TV instead of just American lol

If you like weird? Get baked & watch.
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror

Respect for Garth Merenghi, everybody should see that.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.

Have you ever watched Travellers? (if you was a fan of stargate back in the day this will interest you) or if your a sci fi fan, Very good story telling and actors (Canadian)

i liked that a lot more than i thought i would. also, colony on netflix even though it was killed by covid and never finished.

Some of the things I've enjoyed are:
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis

*The Queen's Gambit- short series (one season only) but good storyline
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist

Ifyou seen BB, definitely watch Better Call Saul.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.

Orphan black! one of my favourites.. the wire.. Russian doll..cynical,funny. end of the fucking world. Money heist.. prison break..cleverly written. Better call Saul if you enjoyed breaking bad.
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/

Yo UK Grower. I have just discovered Channel Zero on StarZplay, prime add on. It’s a really good horror series, twisted stuff, defo a bit freaky.

To any one who likes comedies don't be put off What We Do in the Shadows, it's vampires but it's not really a "vampire" type show.... it's really funny when high and the second series has just come out on iplayer.

If you're into Sci-fi I'd highly recommend Altered Carbon on Netflix. Really cool story and visuals. I seen somebody recommended Ozark, excellent as well. If you like animation and feel like a laugh give Rick and Morty a watch, The Midnight Gospel is also new to Netflix but really trippy / funny in my opinion. Happy watching!

I almost pissed myself with laughter watching the first episode as I watched the trailer but wasn't really for how out there this really is. A must watch for any sci fi and gaming fan or if you have a sick sense of humour like me :)

Stranger Things Season 1 - 80's themed sci-fi thriller with endearing characters that had me on the edge of my seat throughout.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.

Band of Brothers is a masterpiece, great shout! Any recommendations of war films/series that are similar mate?

Give 'The Pacific' a go. Its HBOs follow up to 'Band Of Brothers' set during the allied assault on the Pacific region during WW2

Trailer Park Boys should be perfect for everyone on here, given the enormous amount of smoking and growing throughout!

The Wire
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.

Since it hasn’t been mentioned here , it only proves how massively underrated Wilfred is . Had great laughs :) U.S. version of an Australian cult sitcom about a meek young man and a pot-smoking talking dog named Wilfred (actually actor Jason Gann in a dog suit, whom everyone else sees as just a dog). Won’t spoilt it anymore

Watching Yellowjackets at the moment, pretty good but if you watch the pilot episode don’t be put off as that’s a bit shit, it does get better!
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…

The Start Up, it's on Netflix. 2 series' that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Defo worth a watch!

Gotta be Trailer Park Boys
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps

just call Saul was better than breaking bad in some ways (last series a bit disappointing tho). Always interested to see if people liked the Midnight Gospel (single series, animation, also Netflix).

If you liked Breaking Bad you might like Better Call Saul... it's slower but the writing and cinematography are actually better imo. Plus by S5 the pace is basically on BB levels.

The Boys or Doom patrol, quality shows right there & the wire If you didnt see it yet,too many to name mate but try them

Undone is good and trippy with the animation style it uses and pretty unique story to boot.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.

Fringe is my favorite series of all time!
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns

Get the amazon Prime free trial and watch Picard, star trek spin off - it's really good, not what you expect.

also i love disco/history/natgeo... skin walker ranch program on at the mo is interesting. history but avail on catchup bro

The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)
The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)

The Sopranos, the Wire, The Americans (best ending), boss season 1, the Divide 2014 (hard to find but worth it), true detective 4, xfiles season 4.

I just rewatched 'The Lost Room'
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻

Trying to go for some semi-obscure ones here....
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high

If no one has said it yet, Banshee. A pro thief / seriously tough guy played by Anthony Starr ( Homelander from the boys) rolls into town, assumes the identity of a recently deceased new Sheriff that no one has met yet. Boom, he's now the law in town and is actually very good at stopping crime. Insane realistic violence, Amish gangsters, bikers, native American mafia and lots more, best show I've ever seen

Hi Biggas TEAM
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.

On the The Block - Netflix - nice teen vibe and story
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious

The Comic Strip
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob

Loads of top shows already mentioned on this list so trying not to repeat(can't stand repeats). Didn't notice a mention for The Newsroom, absolutely brilliant with super slick dialogue, maybe stick to sativa for that one.
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder

Fargo is probably the best series ever after GOT. Better Call Saul was brilliant too after a slow start. Better than Breaking Bad for me.

All the seasons are good and different stories so don't need to watch in order. All true apparently. The movie's a bit dated now but a great watch too.

Brand New Cherry Flavour if you think you'd find the subject of psychedelic sorcery played out as a fictional horror story interesting

Murder Mountain on Netflix. An oldie but a goodie. All about the emerald triangle in California and how it moved from illegal weed growing into legalisation and the lawless nature of the industry.

Often overlooked, but Mike Judge of Beavis and Butthead fame created this absolute gem....highly smart as it is funny...

You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀
You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀

Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul
Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul

Person of Interest
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch

I'm surprised no one suggested Family Business (on Netflix). A great comedy series about a family in Paris who runs a Kosher butchers and end up producing vast amounts of Pastraweed!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!

I never thought I'd see someone mention The Platform. Great film if you've got your stone on! Alice in Borderland is brilliant also it's like a mash-up of The Prisoner and Battle Royale.

I know this is a bit of old news but have you seen Schitts Creek? I just discovered it and it is so funny

The Christmas special of Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing done in THE most beautiful part of the country North Yorkshire! Great watch when baked as fuck haha :)
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol

The Man in the High Castle is loads of fun, especially if you’re a fan of PKD. Classic UK series that are great: Line of Duty, The Fall, Peep Show, Monty Python’s Flying Circus

New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.
New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.

New British comedy horror on prime with Simon Pegg and nick frost, only a short one but was enjoyable, there’s this once scene when nick frost thinks he is about to get shanked and it’s hilarious.
It’s called Truth Seekers
It’s called Truth Seekers

Succession is better than you'd think. Punisher is the best out of all the Marvel shows, Daredevil is also very watchable (and Jessica Jones if you're into angry women with PTSD). Umbrella Academy is fun to watch. The Magicians ditto. Also The Boys.

One of my all-time favourites will always be Daria.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.

Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things
Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things

Ahh man the OA was fucking amazing, completely different to what I thought it'd be. Can't believe they aren't renewing it!

Hey man some good series I watched recently was:
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)

Blake's 7
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.

Black Monday , so off key guaranteed hard core laughing
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny

Bobs burgers is a laugh when baked
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it

Lots of good suggestions & Sopranos is also great. If you have Netflix then Orange Is The New Black is available & also Weeds from the same writer; both a bit different... ;-)

Braindead (2016)
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh

Truly terrible. Shows how much Pitt & Jolie were needed to make that story work. These two are deathly dull!

Dirk gentleys hollistic detective agency.
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻

1 post
+2 votes
Merry Christmas The Space Men…
Good luck everyone especially Coldo420 🤣

Hi guys, we wanted to say a big thank you for giving us such a warm welcome to the community and decided what better time than now with Christmas round the corner!
We've decided to keep it nice and simple for our first comp to avoid any issues with proof borg.
Whoever guesses the closest to the ETH price in $ on 15th December at 13:00 wins $400 worth of in store credit. Entry's close on December 13th at 13:00. Please note that of the $400, $200 is to be spent on our shroom product line and the other $200 on our green product line. Hope I haven't missed any details, GOOD LUCK!
The Space Men
We've decided to keep it nice and simple for our first comp to avoid any issues with proof borg.
Whoever guesses the closest to the ETH price in $ on 15th December at 13:00 wins $400 worth of in store credit. Entry's close on December 13th at 13:00. Please note that of the $400, $200 is to be spent on our shroom product line and the other $200 on our green product line. Hope I haven't missed any details, GOOD LUCK!
The Space Men

I wasn't sure if anyone would get it: a combination of age and good gear, makes all my cultural references seem like yesterday, but this was LAST CENTURY!
I wasn't sure if anyone would get it: a combination of age and good gear, makes all my cultural references seem like yesterday, but this was LAST CENTURY!

Well I haven't bought anything from you, so I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable taking $400.
But the giveaway is a nice thing to do, so I thought I'd bump the thread!
But the giveaway is a nice thing to do, so I thought I'd bump the thread!

That’s not a problem bro you’re more than welcome to enter! The more the merrier, but thanks for bumping as well

Awesome giveaway TSM, I’m not the biggest fan of mushrooms so if I do happen to win any bigga that wants to claim them is most certainly welcome to do so!
ETH- 2099
Merry Christmas all🎄
ETH- 2099
Merry Christmas all🎄

Was there a winner? Just checking back on this and the price at 13:00 is saying 2,248, I must have been close!

Thanks for the giveaway! I've tried these guys trinity caps which are very potent! Also tried the cereal milk and oroez, both are fire. About to order another oz!
My guess is $2113, cheers.
My guess is $2113, cheers.

ETH might be $2104
TheSpaceMen are going to take over big time. I am currently vaping their Gelato 44 and it's so tasty.
TheSpaceMen are going to take over big time. I am currently vaping their Gelato 44 and it's so tasty.

Great guess mate, if you love the taste of the gelato wait until you try some of the others!

Huge giveaway buddy, enjoyed the peanut butter mac so hopefully I win and can get more! aha
I think the price will be $2411
I think the price will be $2411

We’re all out of that atm but I’m sure you’ll be able to find some other fire on our store

Great giveaway! Haven’t had mushrooms for years!
Got half o of pink pantz to try later too!
Eth 2124
Got half o of pink pantz to try later too!
Eth 2124

What a great excuse to have some more then! Let me know what you think of the pink panties
Good luck
Good luck

Ima roll with $2151
If this goes in my favour il take it as a clear sign that I absolutely should start microdosing,
If not, I look forward to your concentrates menu :)
If this goes in my favour il take it as a clear sign that I absolutely should start microdosing,
If not, I look forward to your concentrates menu :)

Cheers, i left it as close to cut off as i could and obviously the minute i made my guess ETH took off like a rocket in the other direction 😂

$2199 thanks so much, happy xmas, its been 6 months since i was here looking forward to xmas smoke, your menu looks great

Thanks for comp spaceman, been looking at your Golden teachers and Trinity caps last week 🙏🏻
Thanks for comp spaceman, been looking at your Golden teachers and Trinity caps last week 🙏🏻

2,323.23$ also +rep for the Spacemen Had the Trufflez , Oreoz and PBM all 10 / 10 price-product rating for me : )

Been checking out your stuff, maybe i'll have a party if I win XD my guess is $2141

Respect for the comp mate 👊👊👊I'd gladly take the credit for the bud but don't touch mushrooms,maybe if I do win you could pass it on to someone else,

Cheers mate! You never know, could have a big dip, luckily I don't have anything in ETH if I am right lol

Thanks TSM
Your peanut butter breath with Mac was so good
Great competition -Good luck all
Thanks TSM
Your peanut butter breath with Mac was so good
Great competition -Good luck all

MASSIVE GIVEAWAY!! My guess is $2210
Your stock looks great! fingers cross I win wanna try those shrooms so bad!
Your stock looks great! fingers cross I win wanna try those shrooms so bad!

Wow what a giveaway.
I will go $2,738
I will go $2,738

Good luck bro! We’ve got some new listings since your last order and I’m sure you’d love them

Wow that is one generous giveaway Spaceman! Ooo ETH am sayin €2,150.00.
Have a good holiday!
Have a good holiday!

Wow-- amazing, I wanted to order more of the mushroom chocolate, this is a game changer..
ETH - in $4,201.
ETH - in $4,201.

A very generous comp,3294.25 on 15th dec.Thanks for the competition and have a very merry Christmas.

Awesome competition - loved the Penis Envy shrooms last time and this could be the best Xmas ever!
Going for 3679 USD for ETH on 15th December! Good luck everyone!
Going for 3679 USD for ETH on 15th December! Good luck everyone!

2420 ETH price
Mon 11th Nov 13.41pm
Thanks TSM ,God luck folks an merry Xmas comes 🫡👊✌️🏴
Mon 11th Nov 13.41pm
Thanks TSM ,God luck folks an merry Xmas comes 🫡👊✌️🏴

Hi mate, really sorry but this is last years comp, we will be launching a bigger competition in a few weeks

Hi mate, really sorry but this was actually for last Christmas, we will be doing an even bigger comp this year though

Hi mate, really sorry but this was actually for last Christmas, we will be doing an even bigger comp this year though

Awesome, my Fav Vendor for all my Green and Shroom needs.
My guess is ETH price will be $2,611.41 on 15th December.
My guess is ETH price will be $2,611.41 on 15th December.

Who won? I think I was pretty close but there's so many entries I can't tell!

what a fantastic and generous competition! Have been eyeing up a bunch of items over the past couple weeks 👀
13/12 11:21
good luck everyone!
13/12 11:21
good luck everyone!

Merry Christmas to all and have a great 2024.
Got to appreciate these Xmas comps, what a community we’ve got on LB.
ETH - $2193
Best of luck to all
Got to appreciate these Xmas comps, what a community we’ve got on LB.
ETH - $2193
Best of luck to all

$2,225.81 Very generous comp Spacemen! Thanks. Been eyeing up your shop and you have some lovely looking offerings. Merry Xmas

1 post
+7 votes
Favourite 2 all time full album’s you listened to over and over again
Rumours…Fleetwood Mac
Transformer….Lou Reed
Favourite 2 all time full album’s you listened to over and over again
I’ll start Dr Dre 2001 and Bob Marley and the wailers.

Wu Tang Clan - Enter the Wu Tang (managed to see them in NYC for Rock The Bells 2010 performing the whole album was a dream comes true) and the second best album for me would be Gang Starr - Moment of Truth

finally someone said Blue Lines. It's odd because in a lot of ways musically I don't rate it highly, it's kind of clumsy in parts, some of the ideas are underdeveloped, some of it almost makes me cringe. But there was just something so special about that time and the sound felt so new and yet familiar. Even though their later stuff is "better" Blue Lines has such a permananet special place in my heart.

Prodigy - Music For Jilted Generation
Leftfield - Leftism
Could list plenty but these 2 are special 😎🥳🤯👽
Leftfield - Leftism
Could list plenty but these 2 are special 😎🥳🤯👽

Leftism is immense. It's been a while, I'm gonna have to fish it out the old collection.

Time well spent. As for The Prodigy, I saw them at Glasto in '95. They were flying high off the back of Music for the Jilted Generation. I vividly remember Keith (RIP) rolling onto the stage in a giant hamster ball. They were awesome. So much energy.

dark side by pink floyd and blonde by frank ocean. i absolutely rinse both year after year :)

Full albums I've actually listened to over and over are "The Wall" & "Graceland"
Really love listening to Graceland on a fresh sativa high)
Really love listening to Graceland on a fresh sativa high)

Graceland brings back memories of my mum blasting that album most days when I was a kid

That's how I first heard it too when my mums friend got them the album back in the early 80s)

Tom Waits "Blue Valentine", Ry Cooder "Bop Till You Drop" - honourable mention to Joni Mitchell "Blue", Janis Joplin "Pearl", David Crosby "If I Could Only Remember My Name", and a gazillion others...

I know I’m cheating but I got
Outkast- Aquemini (and stankonia)
Fugees - The Score
Jay Z - The Blueprint
Kanye - MBDTF
Nas- Illmatic
Outkast- Aquemini (and stankonia)
Fugees - The Score
Jay Z - The Blueprint
Kanye - MBDTF
Nas- Illmatic

If you don’t know…wake up! 💯❤️

I’m a grump about Ill Communication. It has some great tracks on it. But the jazz filler does nothing for me.

What's going on- Marvin Gaye..almost goes as a mix album the way the songs blend into one another. So relevant to today too.
Another I've played to death over the years is Joni Mitchell- Blue. Just a sublimely chilled album.
Many more, but these two I think I have probably played the most in my lifetime so far
Another I've played to death over the years is Joni Mitchell- Blue. Just a sublimely chilled album.
Many more, but these two I think I have probably played the most in my lifetime so far

Since my favourite 2 have already been picked by loads of people, I'll go for...
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Portishead - Dummy
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Portishead - Dummy

I can safely say that Appetite for Destruction is the album I've listened to the most. Carousel by Subcircus has had well over 20 years love from me as well

Dark Side of the Moon has got to be my first pick. Millionaires by James is great when you've got some sativa running through your system.

The b-side of the sit down single is Live at the Manchester Gmex. On headphones is still the best crowd singing of a song to date.

Never heard Dub Side of the Moon until today- bloody great👍- so big thanks for the heads up!!!

Wow!!!! Just WOW!
Dubside of the moon 🌙
Amazing..... how this has escaped me is beyond me 🤷♂️ I love darkside that much I have the prism tattood on my chest
Dubside of the moon 🌙
Amazing..... how this has escaped me is beyond me 🤷♂️ I love darkside that much I have the prism tattood on my chest

2 is incredibly difficult, and I can't be the only one with eclectic tastes and a butterfly mind where these will all change regularly anyway. So I'll go with:
Ash - 1977
Kent - Hagnesta Hill (available in English and Swedish, so surely I get to choose both?)
Ash - 1977
Kent - Hagnesta Hill (available in English and Swedish, so surely I get to choose both?)

I once worked on a tour of Denmark and Kent played , your comment is the only other time I’ve heard of them lol

That's so cool! Is this weird? The most unbelievably amazing band that almost no-one has ever heard of, or so it seems. They filled stadia in Scandinavia.

"The Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd: Released in 1973, this album is considered a masterpiece and one of the greatest progressive rock albums of all time. It features a conceptually unified theme and explores various philosophical and existential topics. Tracks like "Money," "Time," and "Us and Them" are widely loved.
"Thriller" by Michael Jackson: Released in 1982, "Thriller" is the best-selling album of all time and a cultural phenomenon. It revolutionized pop music, blending various genres and delivering iconic hits such as "Billie Jean," "Beat It," and the title track "Thriller."
"Thriller" by Michael Jackson: Released in 1982, "Thriller" is the best-selling album of all time and a cultural phenomenon. It revolutionized pop music, blending various genres and delivering iconic hits such as "Billie Jean," "Beat It," and the title track "Thriller."

Muse - Absolution( regardless if you like the band the story of the end of the world from start to end is amazing!)
Nirvana - Unplugged in New York
Nirvana - Unplugged in New York

Dark Side of the Moon, best album ever, bar none. 50 years old this year, same as me!
950 weeks on Billboard 200 chart! 750 of them consecutive!!
Lee 'Scratch" Perry - Open the Gate. Sadly deleted and expensive to buy, but can be downloaded online. 2 CDs of heavyweight 12". Jimmy Cliff got me listening to reggae, this album burnt it into my soul.
950 weeks on Billboard 200 chart! 750 of them consecutive!!
Lee 'Scratch" Perry - Open the Gate. Sadly deleted and expensive to buy, but can be downloaded online. 2 CDs of heavyweight 12". Jimmy Cliff got me listening to reggae, this album burnt it into my soul.

This is tough but going on repeats alone I reckon these pip it,
Riding with the king - Clapton and BB King
We're new here - Jamie xx and Gil Scott-Heron
Riding with the king - Clapton and BB King
We're new here - Jamie xx and Gil Scott-Heron

So glad someone has shouted out Jamie xx, amazingly talented music producer the first album with him and his sister The Xx I can’t even guess how many times I’ve listened to it, song 1 known as intro is a work of art. I’m gutted they or he have released so little but sadly he probably earns more producing for other artists who are more mainstream?
Not heard of your other suggestions but will check them out based on your clearly good taste !
Not heard of your other suggestions but will check them out based on your clearly good taste !

There are loads of full albums I’ll listen to…naming just two, well the two most recent ones that spring to mind for me Acid Bath-when the kite string pops and Oasis - definitely maybe not a bad track on either one.

My picks:
The Velvet Underground & Nico - just a classic album. Spaceman 3 "The Perfect Prescription" with an honorable mention for Ode to Street Hassle
The Velvet Underground & Nico - just a classic album. Spaceman 3 "The Perfect Prescription" with an honorable mention for Ode to Street Hassle

Its an absolute epic album. That bit in Fountain and Fairfax where Happy Chichester's piano wraps around Barb's cello is heaven. Its as good an album as Black Love for sure, some fans prefer it but BL is the GOAT.

Script of the Bridge by The Chameleons. Some friends told me they would bury the album with me, I'd go to sleep listening to it.
Scary Monsters by Bowie, time of life thing for me 'Teenage Wildlife'.
Scary Monsters by Bowie, time of life thing for me 'Teenage Wildlife'.

Mrdeeds36, yes it is, blinding track, good to hear from another fan. 'Up the down escalator' is my anthem for a crazy world today.
Light up, smile and wave.
Light up, smile and wave.

"They sit at their tables and throw us the scraps
For Christ's sake leave us something!
Now they can erase you at the flick of a switch
How long now will it take now?
There must be something wrong boys"
I adore this period of post punk before brit pop came along and fudged it. IMO lol
Swamp Thing from Strange Times is another brilliant song.
For Christ's sake leave us something!
Now they can erase you at the flick of a switch
How long now will it take now?
There must be something wrong boys"
I adore this period of post punk before brit pop came along and fudged it. IMO lol
Swamp Thing from Strange Times is another brilliant song.

You nailed it with the lyric mate.
They were a good band live, too.
I agree with you.
'The storm comes, or is it just another shower'
They were a good band live, too.
I agree with you.
'The storm comes, or is it just another shower'

Hi Mate, Got 'Script of the bridge' playing again this weekend. The album seems more poignant than ever.
Light up and have a good weekend.
Light up and have a good weekend.

Hey bud, I'm well thanks and intend to have a good weekend, it's my bday on Monday so have started early with some very nice and mood lifting Cap Junky, then for some stand up comedy me thinks.
Script of the Bridge will always be applicable to me. Finding some albums feels like finding treasure and it's one of those albums, as is From the lions mouth by The Sound, which if you haven't heard I profoundly recommend. Have a good'n mate and tell me, what are you smoking on matey and have you chonged anything recently with strong euphoric/giggly affects?
Script of the Bridge will always be applicable to me. Finding some albums feels like finding treasure and it's one of those albums, as is From the lions mouth by The Sound, which if you haven't heard I profoundly recommend. Have a good'n mate and tell me, what are you smoking on matey and have you chonged anything recently with strong euphoric/giggly affects?

Happy Birthday mate.
I will be listening to that recommendation later today.
Smoking 'red apple' Leb, 'apple tart' Maroc hashish and just got some 'Sunset Sherbet' and 'Billy Kimber' bud, all amazing.
Happy birthday. Crispy
I will be listening to that recommendation later today.
Smoking 'red apple' Leb, 'apple tart' Maroc hashish and just got some 'Sunset Sherbet' and 'Billy Kimber' bud, all amazing.
Happy birthday. Crispy

Hi Mr, Really liked that album, how did I miss that? Do you like 'sad lovers and giants' and 'and also the trees' ?

Never heard of either band before this shout. I listened to Epic Garden Music this morning on a hike and it's fantastic love the use of the keyboard and you can really hear early elements of shoegaze taking shape on tracks like "Lope" and "ART".. This is a very good band crisp.. Try listening to Soul Mining and Dusk by The The and tell me what you think. Anyway stay cool compadre.

dEUS The Ideal Crash and Pretty Hate Machine NIN. Never tire of those two... There are many more but these two popped out my cheesebox first.

Hard to pick just 2, and I see a nearly all male list
Baduizm - Erykah Badu
Hounds of Love - Kate Bush
Midtown 120 Blues - DJ Sprinkles (couldn't leave this utter classic out!)
Baduizm - Erykah Badu
Hounds of Love - Kate Bush
Midtown 120 Blues - DJ Sprinkles (couldn't leave this utter classic out!)

My Bloody Valentine - Loveless. Still sounds like nothing else.
…And You Will Know us By The Trail of Dead - Source Tags and Codes - possibly not the best album ever. But I just love it.
…And You Will Know us By The Trail of Dead - Source Tags and Codes - possibly not the best album ever. But I just love it.

Dre 2001 and Fleetwood Mac Rumours.
Fleetwood Mac especially. Playing that album on a good car stereo on a nice road in the summer. Great times....👌🎶
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
Fleetwood Mac especially. Playing that album on a good car stereo on a nice road in the summer. Great times....👌🎶
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Cheap Thrills - Janis Joplin with Big Brother and the Holding Company. Aqualung - Jethro Tull. Both are extraordinary (to me, anyway) with a good dose of THC.

Just 2 …thats tricky!!
Some have already mentioned primal scream screamadilca. I played underworld dubnobasswithmyheadman a lot as well, but I think I will actually plump for depeche mode violator and u2 Joshua tree, 2 albums that got played a lot and got me through life…
Some have already mentioned primal scream screamadilca. I played underworld dubnobasswithmyheadman a lot as well, but I think I will actually plump for depeche mode violator and u2 Joshua tree, 2 albums that got played a lot and got me through life…

Bit random but....
E99 eternal - bone thugs
Favourite worst nightmare - arctic monkeys
Not sure they my face of all time but certainly remember listening on repeat to both of these
E99 eternal - bone thugs
Favourite worst nightmare - arctic monkeys
Not sure they my face of all time but certainly remember listening on repeat to both of these

Reading the comments, we’re such a bunch of mixed people here haha (GOOD) I think I saw every genre. I don’t really have 1 album I like but it’s one song from a few if you get me.

For me it's got to be lupe fiasco lasers album deluxe edition. And Hopsin No shame album. Can listen to every song on both and never get bored

1 post
+2 votes
GIVEAWAY! $150 store credit X2
Feels like Christmas has came early…nice one doc thanks…

GIVEAWAY! $150 store credit X2

Hello biggas! Time for another giveaway!
2 lucky winners will receive $150 of store credit EACH.
To enter, just leave a comment on THIS POST by midnight on Thursday 16th November, we will draw the 2 winners on a live-stream at midday on the 17th - good luck!
As always, to draw the winners we will put all usernames into a random name picker ( on a quick live stream that you will be able to watch at this link:
dr.distillate :)
2 lucky winners will receive $150 of store credit EACH.
To enter, just leave a comment on THIS POST by midnight on Thursday 16th November, we will draw the 2 winners on a live-stream at midday on the 17th - good luck!
As always, to draw the winners we will put all usernames into a random name picker ( on a quick live stream that you will be able to watch at this link:
dr.distillate :)

Congratulations to the 2 winners - Mrpolo87 and duchi99! You each have $150 store credit, drop us a message :)

Great comp, wow. Good way to get people checking out your page. I'll be ordering something from you shortly. Nice one Dr. GLA

Thanks Dr. Distillate! I've never tried a cart before. Could be another thing to add to my list of addictions!

Wow this must be the biggest giveaway ever on lb .dr distillate is making big moves on here absolutely cracking work

Awh bless. Top notch products superior ratings. Need to use your products again asap. Bless all

Awh bless man. Top notch products superior ratings! I need to use your site again asap haha bless all

Amazing to see post's like this,
It's always great to see vendor's give back to the community!!
Good luck too all and thanks to Dr distillate for an awesome comp ✌️✌️🫶
It's always great to see vendor's give back to the community!!
Good luck too all and thanks to Dr distillate for an awesome comp ✌️✌️🫶

This is a post from last year sorry - no timestamps on this site so it can get confusing, we put a time/date stamp on all posts nowadays to avoid confusion.
We will be doing another giveaway soon though so keep an eye out :)
We will be doing another giveaway soon though so keep an eye out :)

This is a post from last year sorry - no timestamps on this site so it can get confusing, we put a time/date stamp on all posts nowadays to avoid confusion.
We will be doing another giveaway soon though so keep an eye out :)
We will be doing another giveaway soon though so keep an eye out :)

Haha no worries, I realised yesterday when I saw you already announced the winners. Looking forward to it :)

1 post
+2 votes
Bulldog 2.0. Any Questions or Comments...
Who cuts your hair? 🤣
Seriously man you’re a good guy…lovely organic weed no pgr here…pleasure to deal with and your pricing well man…it doesn’t get …

Bulldog 2.0. Any Questions or Comments...
....please post below.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Hey BB, order in!
The main comment from me is a huge thanks regarding your pricing. From my first order to this one you’ve maintained a ridiculously high quality to price ratio and it’s very much appreciated. You have a top reputation on here and could have crept up your prices and therefore profits over the years. The fact that you haven’t, and still provide what you do at an affordable rate is a clear indictment of your character.
I feel like I’ve robbed you every time your packages drop, kudos to you BB 🙏🏻
The main comment from me is a huge thanks regarding your pricing. From my first order to this one you’ve maintained a ridiculously high quality to price ratio and it’s very much appreciated. You have a top reputation on here and could have crept up your prices and therefore profits over the years. The fact that you haven’t, and still provide what you do at an affordable rate is a clear indictment of your character.
I feel like I’ve robbed you every time your packages drop, kudos to you BB 🙏🏻

Thanks so much buddy that really means a lot 🙏
The prices have gone up slightly from the last crop, only by a few bucks, mostly because my electricity bill nearly made me cry 😭 Even with the LEDs it's still a staggering increase in energy costs to run the grow space.
However, we're all struggling a bit at the moment so if I take a bit of a drop in profit margin that's not the end of the world. I'm lucky enough as a grower to be able to absorb some of the expense and still make a reasonable profit so I'm happy with that.
I read on a thread somewhere on here that we growers all bypass the electricity so the energy crisis doesn't affect us. Well I can assure whoever that was, that if my Mrs caught me monkeying about with our leccy meter I'd be out living in the shed, if I hadn't already electrocuted myself in the process! 😂
I do OK, that's enough for me.
I'm looking to get a slightly bigger setup sorted next year so that should hopefully pay off in the long run.
Anyway, thanks again buddy for your kind words and your custom over the years. It really is much appreciated. 🙏
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
The prices have gone up slightly from the last crop, only by a few bucks, mostly because my electricity bill nearly made me cry 😭 Even with the LEDs it's still a staggering increase in energy costs to run the grow space.
However, we're all struggling a bit at the moment so if I take a bit of a drop in profit margin that's not the end of the world. I'm lucky enough as a grower to be able to absorb some of the expense and still make a reasonable profit so I'm happy with that.
I read on a thread somewhere on here that we growers all bypass the electricity so the energy crisis doesn't affect us. Well I can assure whoever that was, that if my Mrs caught me monkeying about with our leccy meter I'd be out living in the shed, if I hadn't already electrocuted myself in the process! 😂
I do OK, that's enough for me.
I'm looking to get a slightly bigger setup sorted next year so that should hopefully pay off in the long run.
Anyway, thanks again buddy for your kind words and your custom over the years. It really is much appreciated. 🙏
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Just want to second this - trying your bud for the first time with Future, and given your reputation and the demand, clearly you could raise the prices. Thank you for keeping it affordable and having something for any budget :) that means a lot, particularly during pretty tough times.
Your trim seems like ridiculously good value, no wonder it sells out so fast. And, as my pal B0W13 said, it's a testament to the sheer quality of your weed that your trim sells out first!! The 'budget' buds look fantastic too. You spoil us mate. 💚 (without the need for any of that Premium A+++ Fire🔥 Cali stuff ;) You do your talking on the pitch. :)
(rtbobbyt - great profile pic, MF DOOM for life. Actually, the first thing I'm going to do with BB's weed is put on one of his records.
Who else could rhyme:
"for all my boys whose souls sleep / six feet deeper than the soles of my feet"
"slip like Freudian / your first and last step to playing yourself like accordion"
Anyway, I digress :)
Your trim seems like ridiculously good value, no wonder it sells out so fast. And, as my pal B0W13 said, it's a testament to the sheer quality of your weed that your trim sells out first!! The 'budget' buds look fantastic too. You spoil us mate. 💚 (without the need for any of that Premium A+++ Fire🔥 Cali stuff ;) You do your talking on the pitch. :)
(rtbobbyt - great profile pic, MF DOOM for life. Actually, the first thing I'm going to do with BB's weed is put on one of his records.
Who else could rhyme:
"for all my boys whose souls sleep / six feet deeper than the soles of my feet"
"slip like Freudian / your first and last step to playing yourself like accordion"
Anyway, I digress :)

Have to agree on the pricing, when you see the amount of time, effort and care that's gone into the frankly next level of stealth alone.
Do you like my profile pic too?
It's RR DOOM, also all caps!
Do you like my profile pic too?
It's RR DOOM, also all caps!

Where do flies go in the winter and why do you never see baby pigeons?🤔
(You did say ‘any’ questions yeah? 🤭
Welcome Back👍
(You did say ‘any’ questions yeah? 🤭
Welcome Back👍

I always liked the one from Stand By Me;
"Alright, alright, Mickey's a mouse, Donald's a duck, Pluto's a dog. What's Goofy?"
Cheers BB 😂🐶🦆👍
"Alright, alright, Mickey's a mouse, Donald's a duck, Pluto's a dog. What's Goofy?"
Cheers BB 😂🐶🦆👍

You have really never seen a baby pigeon. Ugle things in the nest but cute once out and flying.

What’s next. No chance can your gear be 2.0 also. That would be outrageous based on previous 🤯🤯🤯🤯
How long
And we want weed porn
Sorry that’s more orders than questions or comment.
Can you please inform all Da bigga’s of what’s next on BB menu (youth speech apparently)
Any chance of a best guess on the next listing?
Please please please post some photos in the comments if you have time 👌
Cheers 🐾
How long
And we want weed porn
Sorry that’s more orders than questions or comment.
Can you please inform all Da bigga’s of what’s next on BB menu (youth speech apparently)
Any chance of a best guess on the next listing?
Please please please post some photos in the comments if you have time 👌
Cheers 🐾

I know that it says premium but it looks premium AAA
As always a great short back and sides on they bad boys 😁😁😁
As always a great short back and sides on they bad boys 😁😁😁

Don't you mean PREMIUM FIRE AAAAAAA++++++++🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Nah, not my kind of marketing. It's lovely weed though. 👍 Gets you nice and toasted. 👌
Cheers BB 😊🍻
Nah, not my kind of marketing. It's lovely weed though. 👍 Gets you nice and toasted. 👌
Cheers BB 😊🍻

Na that would just be under playing it (this is speculation until tried)
Premium inferno
You can only consume it if you have this on lol
BB inferno future#1 merch
Na that would just be under playing it (this is speculation until tried)
Premium inferno
You can only consume it if you have this on lol
BB inferno future#1 merch

I think Ricky in Trailer Park Boys wears something like that doesn't he? Not sure if you've seen the programme?
I'm going on Google...
Cheers BB
Edit HAHA Yeaahhh my memory still works! Pic linked above.
I'm going on Google...
Cheers BB
Edit HAHA Yeaahhh my memory still works! Pic linked above.

Closeup of bud. Phone camera really doesn't do it justice but you get the jist 🤣
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Same plant 🪴 same smoke and all comes out the grinder the same 🤷♂️.
I would say I’m hurting your sales but I’m fairly certain you have that locked down lol 😆
I would say I’m hurting your sales but I’m fairly certain you have that locked down lol 😆

Have you politely messaged the nice man enquiring about a purchase? I find that works wonders when obtaining the seemingly secret things. I don't think Eddy has listed 1 Jungle Boys flower he sold me yet in a custom bundle... Delicious it is too. But, I have to say, I think BB is blowing imports out of the water. I am very, very baked. Very. Baked. On Future #1 premium buds. Did I mention how baked I was? I can barely concentrate on Farage and his panic pit...

Yes. The things that people often pay a premium for when this is ludicrously high quality and not of that ilk.

It shouldn’t be I was checking all week and I’ve not seen it pop up on the items wall or the profile not sure how everyone’s buying

Look at all of the glowing reviews; look at the titles of those reviews. What do you think is going on?

Who cuts your hair? 🤣
Seriously man you’re a good guy…lovely organic weed no pgr here…pleasure to deal with and your pricing well man…it doesn’t get any better…looking forward to your future grows…😎
Seriously man you’re a good guy…lovely organic weed no pgr here…pleasure to deal with and your pricing well man…it doesn’t get any better…looking forward to your future grows…😎

So that's one for my list. Superb. Think you may like this too? Phat Bollard's Millionaires.

Hey BB. Been highly recommend from a friend of mine. I’ve checked your page every day waiting for the drop but I think I missed it. As your old page wasn’t working. Any idea when the next batch will be available? Was really looking forward to trying future smoke. Thanks again

Hey BB long time and hope you’ve kept well, I am not able to message you, can I please have a link ? Thank you

I can't message you either buddy but have no issues messaging others. I think your account has gone fubar, you might need to start a new one. Not sure what else to suggest.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Has all of this sold out? Apparently you are one of the best though I’m not sure you’d even sell to a new account

Hola Biggas! We want to give back to this amazing community and are doing a giveaway for you beautiful people.
All you have to do is comment below with the total amount of medals team GB will win during the Paris Olympics.
Please make sure you timestamp your comment as we will have a maximum of two winners and they will be the first people to predict the correct amount of medals.
Winners will receive a London New pack of their choice.
Good luck!
All you have to do is comment below with the total amount of medals team GB will win during the Paris Olympics.
Please make sure you timestamp your comment as we will have a maximum of two winners and they will be the first people to predict the correct amount of medals.
Winners will receive a London New pack of their choice.
Good luck!

Am I late to this? I'll guess 67.
28/7/2024 21:58
Thanks for running the comp. Good luck to everyone especially our GB team.
28/7/2024 21:58
Thanks for running the comp. Good luck to everyone especially our GB team.

This is a tough one to call mate, every time China wins a medal all I hear is Che Ting or Do Ping wins another medal.

1 post
+1 votes

Bubba Kush
Giveaway Time!

Bubba Kush
Giveaway Time!
Hi 👋
Thank you all for the warm welcome, we’d like to give back to the community with another giveaway.
We're giving away:
28g Bubba Kush
14g Bubba Kush
7g Bubba Kush
Simply guess the $ BTC price will be on the 11th August 2024, at 6:00pm UK time. The winners will be the closest guess to the bitcoin price on Blockchain(dot)com.
You must comment before the 9th August 11:59pm to enter. Any entries after this time will not count.
For example:
05/08/2024 12:30
Best of luck to you all!
You don’t have to win the giveaway to try our products, please take advantage of the current amazing $110/oz pricing:
Thank you all for the warm welcome, we’d like to give back to the community with another giveaway.
We're giving away:
28g Bubba Kush
14g Bubba Kush
7g Bubba Kush
Simply guess the $ BTC price will be on the 11th August 2024, at 6:00pm UK time. The winners will be the closest guess to the bitcoin price on Blockchain(dot)com.
You must comment before the 9th August 11:59pm to enter. Any entries after this time will not count.
For example:
05/08/2024 12:30
Best of luck to you all!
You don’t have to win the giveaway to try our products, please take advantage of the current amazing $110/oz pricing:

7/8/2024 21:05
Bitcoin generally does the opposite of what I think it's going to do so this time I've outsmarted it by guessing the opposite of what I actually think.
Thanks for running the competition. Good luck everyone.
7/8/2024 21:05
Bitcoin generally does the opposite of what I think it's going to do so this time I've outsmarted it by guessing the opposite of what I actually think.
Thanks for running the competition. Good luck everyone.

As a strategy I suspect it'll work about as well as when I ask the shop assistant to think happy thoughts before pressing the button to print my lottery ticket, but you never know, this could be my lucky moment.

1 post
+1 votes
Hi, how often do you get packages seized when shipping to Italy? Do you use regular mail or a courier?

Scotland here..ordered twice…both times six days…just waiting for my third order…hopefully today…alien og is gorgeous as was the jet fuel hash…so more alien on its way with ice cream cake Cali….good man Nero

bet, looking to drop an order with you soon so wanted to double check. cheers for the hasty response - great looking menu you have!

Ive had parcels to ITALY take 40 days, only worse than italy is PORTUGAL in my book...

Don’t know what’s up in Portugal but just unlucky with Italy imo usually parcels take 1 week from eu and about 2 weeks (8/12 days) from uk and Middle East with 99,9% of success
rarely something goes wrong, just like it can happen for any other online purchase
so guys would be great have u on the wall again for eu orders
Don’t know what’s up in Portugal but just unlucky with Italy imo usually parcels take 1 week from eu and about 2 weeks (8/12 days) from uk and Middle East with 99,9% of success
rarely something goes wrong, just like it can happen for any other online purchase
so guys would be great have u on the wall again for eu orders

That's true, I can confirm and have to say your products quality is top notch! Will a review shortly!!

How long will it take to ship to Spain? I’m going on holiday in mid jan and looking to stock up with some of your delish looking flowers. 😎

1 post
+3 votes
Nepalese Temple Ball. Hands down the best hash I’ve ever smoked. If you get it I’ll buy it!

Malana cream would bring a smile to my face. Used to buy from the Rokerij in the dam in th 90s and find creative ways to bring loads home. Favourite out of many hashes over the years. I don’t count the modern x2 filtered powerhouses. They are a different ball game.

Nepalese please.
Hard to get hold of and will be gone in a minute.
Did I say Nepalese?
Nepalese please.
Hard to get hold of and will be gone in a minute.
Did I say Nepalese?

There’s loads about mate. They will get more as it was popular. Gentleman are all about keeping the customer happy.

If its quality Im down for it haha.. So that means the one that is good price to use ratio. 50-60 euro for 5 grams means this has to be good for one person to smoke smwhere around 2 weeks +/-.
And only proper good hash can do that. Good hash ALWAYS means it burns clean, resin behaves like that and if it doesnt it means there is lesser class of sift/rubbing used. Sometimes even mixing stuff like hanna and whoknows what else.
And Ive been to Spain and Paris and not only that, I was raised in an enviroment where ther was a civil war raging and we had access to the best drugs for a long while.
Personally, Ive always loved live rubbed Indian charras/cream hash. Also the egg hash from Marocc. But I remember some rather strong soap bar lebanese hashes too.
Grade A is what Im after I guess. Grade B is ok if I must. Grade C should be made into concentartes and purified and low cost.
And only proper good hash can do that. Good hash ALWAYS means it burns clean, resin behaves like that and if it doesnt it means there is lesser class of sift/rubbing used. Sometimes even mixing stuff like hanna and whoknows what else.
And Ive been to Spain and Paris and not only that, I was raised in an enviroment where ther was a civil war raging and we had access to the best drugs for a long while.
Personally, Ive always loved live rubbed Indian charras/cream hash. Also the egg hash from Marocc. But I remember some rather strong soap bar lebanese hashes too.
Grade A is what Im after I guess. Grade B is ok if I must. Grade C should be made into concentartes and purified and low cost.

I loved the double zero and the chef. Got some AK on order from you. What I would love is some of this hash porn from Frenchy Cannoli. It’s like looking at top grade chocolate. It makes me salivate!

I remember those bars with the stamp of zero from the 90s... there were some really fire ones!

I got 50 g of commercial pollen few days ago. Also some royal Afghan. The commercial is 220 for 50 grams. The prices are coming down man. That is why so much solid is turning up on biggy. Even the green dealers are jumping on it cos there is a lot of top shelf shit going around. I received a hash menu from the gods a few days ago. With everything from traditional top shelf hash to the modern dry sift filtered gear,

I expect a 10 for 100euro to be top notch, otherwise Im not buying. If I dont get enough bang for my buck I get agitated af! And I know a thing or two about hash and Ive tried grade A of many varieties many times in the past. Thats why it sucks a LOT when I get B or C under A. And these days many seem to not know what is good hash and how to test if you got a good deal. Specially in the case when my standard of living is quite lower

Mate, I have a guy who has commercial pollen and top shelf. Ranging from 250 to 280. Its real good mate. Not your usual dry sift. Real hash. Even got a couple of sativa a versions. Can’t wait to work through the menu. That’s their Royal Afghan. What a smoke.

nice! looks resinous
Ive had this type before too. aaah the memories. I used to get 50grams and sell to make my smoke free back in the heydays..
Ive had this type before too. aaah the memories. I used to get 50grams and sell to make my smoke free back in the heydays..

I tried Isolator (with 7other varieties of skunk of course) powder from Gray Zone coffee shop in Dam and it knocked the f out of me and my then wife. We were plastered to the spot in which we smoked in for at least 2 hours. Went on 4 dinners that evening, it was insane :)

Was it grey area mate you mean? My favourites were rokerij, for their Moroccans. Greenhouse for weed but always somewhere else to smoke as greenhouse were at the top of their hype.Dampkring is another. Small but excellent weed. Grey area. Some place I cant remember who always had a white cat. Speant mints there over the years. Even paid 150 to be a judge in the high times cannabis cup back in the 90s what a laugh.

Damn, I thought Gray Area, You are right.. was there a decade ago.
Dampkring was awesome too. And I think the first one I was in was called Blue Dolphin. And the 90s were something else!
Dampkring was awesome too. And I think the first one I was in was called Blue Dolphin. And the 90s were something else!

I got nice budder during the week.many tips? I’ve just started dabbing and bought a g9 enail. Only used to shatter.

I had two grams of iceolator on Monday. Just ran out. I smoke a half of green a week and hav smoked less this week.

Lemon haze hash...the gentleman dealers had it in, now out of stock. Took me back to 80’s when street hash was awesum...

Me too, was sad when the chef left, also agree with coldo420, lemon haze is not one I've tried but would like too.

Hash that gets to me would be my favourite hash in stead of waiting 6weeks and still nothing

1 post
+2 votes
Well done…

1g sugar
1g budder
3packs of gummys
1packwoods vape pen
7g ice cream mid shelf cali
7g britscotti
14g blue gelato
1g sugar
1g budder
3packs of gummys
1packwoods vape pen
7g ice cream mid shelf cali
7g britscotti
14g blue gelato

Congratulations RB! 30088 reviews. 23/04/2024 15:08
thats yours mate
Congratulations RB! 30088 reviews. 23/04/2024 15:08
thats yours mate

Hi congrats on reaching 30k and thanks for all the competitions I will go for
30088 on 22/4/24 @ 21:20🤞
thats yours mate
Hi congrats on reaching 30k and thanks for all the competitions I will go for
30088 on 22/4/24 @ 21:20🤞
thats yours mate

I would recommend to check reviews number before entering comp as at the moment is 30053 and just now someone put 30033
Good luck everyone
Good luck everyone

Congratulations mate!! Many thanks for the comp, delicious looking prize.
30072. 23/04/24 15:31
30072. 23/04/24 15:31

Hi mate yours is closest there is another entry with same need to work it out
lads whats going on cant be 2 same on comp
Hi congrats on reaching 30k and thanks for all the competitions I will go for
30088 on 22/4/24 @ 21:20🤞
lads whats going on cant be 2 same on comp
Hi congrats on reaching 30k and thanks for all the competitions I will go for
30088 on 22/4/24 @ 21:20🤞

Seems fair to share the prize.
Although I think we need to scrap it and run the whole show again, random number generator? 😂
Although I think we need to scrap it and run the whole show again, random number generator? 😂

Omg. No there wasn't anything about unique numbers so I've only checked no of reviews at the time.. Made calculated guess and rounded it to 88 as EvilMonkey888.. Perhaps we can share the prize.?:)

Honestly I am killing it on comps this month so I am happy to share the prize if you guys are willing to make a fair split. I don't think he would have put it if he checked so all good with me👍

I only dry vape herb those days, so would be super happy with just share/split of flower everything else for you.. But it's RB's call..
ps are killing it in comps? I've never won anything in my life lol
ps are killing it in comps? I've never won anything in my life lol

I never won anything in my life either then 3 wins this month and still more that finish tomorrow 🤞. Luckiest month of my life (don't tell the wife). I have to say a big thanks to RB and all other vendors who have been running giveaways, I felt like I had won something when I found this site, so happy to just be able to browse and buy weed from home, but the community of vendors and biggas adds another level to the experience. Then winning a prize tops it all, turns out that my favourite type of weed is free prize. Thanks for sorting the prize RB and enjoy EvilMonkey888.

Ohh bless you mate.. "luckiest month of my life (don't tell the wife)" 😂😂😂
I got to defo agree, finding LittleBiggy was massive win..
Thank you for sharing prize and thank you RB for this brill comp, much appreciated guys
I got to defo agree, finding LittleBiggy was massive win..
Thank you for sharing prize and thank you RB for this brill comp, much appreciated guys


30069 is my guess. Great prize. Will make someone very happy. Thanks for running it. Good luck everyone.

Ah, my entry has popped. Aimed too low just like my school report always said I would. Good luck to those remaining.

Hi congrats on reaching 30k and thanks for all the competitions I will go for
30088 on 22/4/24 @ 21:20🤞
30088 on 22/4/24 @ 21:20🤞

Hi mate yours is closest there is another entry with same need to work it out
lads whats going on cant be 2 same on comp
lads whats going on cant be 2 same on comp

1 post
+1 votes
420 Giveaway 🍁 $250 Store Credit!
Nice one man…good luck everyone 420

420 Giveaway 🍁 $250 Store Credit!

Hello, biggas!
Nearly approaching 4/20 and we've decided to run a give away for $250 store credit.
If you win, you get to pick out any item(s) of your choosing with an equivalent value to $250 (£200.82).
We'll be taking some extra precautions with this giveaway to avoid people making accounts in order to win the giveaway.
You must meet the following criteria to enter the giveaway:
Account must be over 3 months in age (Jan 2024 is the earliest accepted.)
Account must have over 10 purchases on site (There are 0 exceptions for this, if you enter and win but don't qualify the giveaway will be re-rolled.)
To claim your spot in the giveaway please reply and upvote this post, you will be allocated a number.
A number will be randomly drawn on a YouTube live stream on the 20th of this month at 8:30pm using a random number generator.
Besides all that, thank you all very much for your unwavering support, we'll continue to keep smashing it for you all!
Nearly approaching 4/20 and we've decided to run a give away for $250 store credit.
If you win, you get to pick out any item(s) of your choosing with an equivalent value to $250 (£200.82).
We'll be taking some extra precautions with this giveaway to avoid people making accounts in order to win the giveaway.
You must meet the following criteria to enter the giveaway:
Account must be over 3 months in age (Jan 2024 is the earliest accepted.)
Account must have over 10 purchases on site (There are 0 exceptions for this, if you enter and win but don't qualify the giveaway will be re-rolled.)
To claim your spot in the giveaway please reply and upvote this post, you will be allocated a number.
A number will be randomly drawn on a YouTube live stream on the 20th of this month at 8:30pm using a random number generator.
Besides all that, thank you all very much for your unwavering support, we'll continue to keep smashing it for you all!

MightyRux - 7
Haha tell me about it, been floating through the last few days 😮💨
Haha tell me about it, been floating through the last few days 😮💨

I tend not to do so well in these comps but I'll have a go if there's still spots thanks. I'd go for the ts shatter & moonrocks I suspect. Good luck everyone.

Sorry mate, you missed out. Will be happy to send you a free gram of our TS Shatter though, drop us a PM to claim your prize.

Wow, that is so generous of you. A nice little campaign also for your store. The pineapple chunk looks tasty AF. Good luck to all <3 and Happy 420 everyone

Love a straight forward giveaway such as this, good luck everyone and thanks SOTL - very generous prize 🔥👌

Wicked competition going on here, I'll throw my name in the hat!
Thanks for the opportunity SOTL!
Thanks for the opportunity SOTL!

Awesome comp guys.
Good luck to everyone! Hope the 420 equivalent of Santa is good to you all!
Good luck to everyone! Hope the 420 equivalent of Santa is good to you all!

Hey there mate
Rolled number 92, you've won the giveaway. Please send me your details to claim your prize.
Rolled number 92, you've won the giveaway. Please send me your details to claim your prize.

If the VOD has not loaded for some (should be 1m30s long, full one bugging out for some reason) here's a screenshot of the number drawn @ 20:30 BST.

Sadly as it is the year of the dragon, the result is a foregone conclusion! ;)
Good luck everyone!
Good luck everyone!

Sanna98 - 63
It's delightful stuff, gives our TS Badder a run for its money! Got some in between some Mimosa Punch in a bowl right now 🥵
It's delightful stuff, gives our TS Badder a run for its money! Got some in between some Mimosa Punch in a bowl right now 🥵

Nice prize 👍
I've still not managed to get to your shop yet, I'm always tempted by something else, but I'll get there one day, sooner rather than later 😁✌️
I've still not managed to get to your shop yet, I'm always tempted by something else, but I'll get there one day, sooner rather than later 😁✌️

Great Competition that falls on my birthday 🎂 the 20th this month 😉👍. Good luck to everyone..!!!

1 post
+3 votes
Eddys 🔥420🔥 Competition
Good stuff mate….
My 420 would have to be pink cookies in my venty…

Eddys 🔥420🔥 Competition
Hey Biggas it’s time for Eddys 420 competition, im starting early to give everyone a chance to get involved.
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition I know I always do the same style comp but again they seem to never get taken down so makes life easy.
There will be 3 Eddys 420 $100 vouchers to be won to spend in any store and a bonus gram of one of the new concentrates just listed thrown in🔥
Simply upvote this post and comment what you would like to smoke this 420 or anything 420 related to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on 17th to give everyone chance to enter and receive your prize before 420 . Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this youtube channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition I know I always do the same style comp but again they seem to never get taken down so makes life easy.
There will be 3 Eddys 420 $100 vouchers to be won to spend in any store and a bonus gram of one of the new concentrates just listed thrown in🔥
Simply upvote this post and comment what you would like to smoke this 420 or anything 420 related to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on 17th to give everyone chance to enter and receive your prize before 420 . Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this youtube channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶

I'd love to smoke some real OG Kush with the Pablos Revenge in a purey 😵💫
Cheers Eddy & good luck everyone 💜💚🏹
Cheers Eddy & good luck everyone 💜💚🏹

Cool competition, mate. 420 should be bigger here imo, I know it’s heavily yankified but a day of visibility and recognition will help with decriminalisation imo. Toot for justice, Biggas ✌️

My favourite for 420 would be a good Cherry Mac with a sprinkle of Eddie's Mac bubble hash a perfect 420🔥🏆

I would love to smoke any of these legendary hash or herb that comes only those in the elite circles seem to get 😂

#5🤞🏻 Just got a proxy at spannabis love it, was at the Storz & Bickel stand awhile checking them out aswell🔥

Nice one Eddy. For me it would be a nice dusty nug of Hindu Kush, or some old school strain extracts like Northern Lights or Jack Hera

Wow another competition eddy would love to smoke my way though the menu but it’s keeping up with the menu 💨💨💨💨😱😱🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 all the best everyone 👊

Great compo once again👍 I would love some Skywalker hash if there is any available wow! Thanks all

I would love to sample a little bit of everything on LB but my name would need to end in Musk to be able to afford it!!
Also, I find it mildly amusing the Bitcoin halving will be on 20th April - sorry, puts on stetson and gains weight - 4/20.😉
Also, I find it mildly amusing the Bitcoin halving will be on 20th April - sorry, puts on stetson and gains weight - 4/20.😉

Some Black Sugar grown under the Caribbean Sun, or a tangy Jamaican Red Beard. Can’t beat a bit of nostalgia…
For European grown, always loved that Chocolupe from Grey Area but original Grapefruit is probably my all time fav!
These days it’s anything tasty that’s been properly flushed and cured! Seems to be a dying art. That said, you can still rely on Eddie for some top draw 😍
For European grown, always loved that Chocolupe from Grey Area but original Grapefruit is probably my all time fav!
These days it’s anything tasty that’s been properly flushed and cured! Seems to be a dying art. That said, you can still rely on Eddie for some top draw 😍

Ooops nearly forgot to comment 8D
Tho I only dry vape these days, I do fancy a lil blunt with some Pablos Revenge and using good bud (would looooooove to find some Malibu OG I think it was called - non-LB) with a lick of melted mango haze badder spread on the skin :D
And then I'll have to order more Pablos ;)
Cheers for the compo.
Tho I only dry vape these days, I do fancy a lil blunt with some Pablos Revenge and using good bud (would looooooove to find some Malibu OG I think it was called - non-LB) with a lick of melted mango haze badder spread on the skin :D
And then I'll have to order more Pablos ;)
Cheers for the compo.

Hay man cool competition, cheers.
I love to try some off that maui wowie with some labrador and hope I don't freek out on 420, ha ha.
Thanks and good luck everyone.
Link provided for those who need an explanation or just for fun.
I love to try some off that maui wowie with some labrador and hope I don't freek out on 420, ha ha.
Thanks and good luck everyone.
Link provided for those who need an explanation or just for fun.

Awesome comp idea! I’m trying to make my way thru your insane much to choose from omg 😊❤️

Breaking a 6 month fast this 420.
Going to be spending my day with a dozy golden retriever, so some potent, body-hugging hash is probably in order.
Going to be spending my day with a dozy golden retriever, so some potent, body-hugging hash is probably in order.

I'd like to be on a beach somewhere tropical on 420, maybe Sri Lanka, blazing 1st rub Parvati cream and a bit of S8! Lovely.

Mine would have to be any of the jungle boys cold cured bubble hash for the bong with a nice OG kush for joints

I'm quite random, I just like to try as much as possible of everything I can get my hands on.
Don't really have a fave like that, I go nose and taste blind after a week of the same bud/hash.
So maybe something I've never had of would be my choice 🤔.
Big up to Eddy's Hashbar for the opportunity 😘
Don't really have a fave like that, I go nose and taste blind after a week of the same bud/hash.
So maybe something I've never had of would be my choice 🤔.
Big up to Eddy's Hashbar for the opportunity 😘

Hey Eddy, I would choose to smoke some of your amazing bubble hash. Tropicanna cookies and some frozen grapes. Happy 420 :)

thanks eddie,
my birthday is on april 20th so im a 420 baby, will be the grand old age of 50, so thats my number, thanks for comp, best of luck everyone
my birthday is on april 20th so im a 420 baby, will be the grand old age of 50, so thats my number, thanks for comp, best of luck everyone

i prefer my green so would go for some hippie crasher with a shot of pablo's revenge, knocks me the fuck out!

I would love to smoke some Blue Zushi and will probs spend my 4/20 making some music and beats

Xmas tree x animal mintz looks up my street! I’ve also had my eye on the grahan cream charas from YNM, something ive never sampled before.
Cheers Eddy, gl biggas 💚
Cheers Eddy, gl biggas 💚

Very generous Eddy , I'd love to wake up and smoke some Godfather OG and your Tropicana Cherry with a chaser of the Banana Sherbet extract!
That's a hero's breakfast 🦸🏻♂️
That's a hero's breakfast 🦸🏻♂️

I would love to be smoking on some isolator hash - the stuff I used to smoke in Amsterdam in the mid/ late 00's - time of my life, wonderful times. Thanks again Eddy.

I would love to be smoking on a donut this 420, still yet to drop the pennys to pick one up. With my weak tolerance now days can only imagine the damage 🫠

A day to get something special in for and at least loosely plan trajectory so as not to end up in a snoring heap by teatime 😴
Vaper but I still enjoy a King Palm on special days in which a bit of everything landrace & exotic, herbal & squishy gets thrown into.
Best wishes Eddy & all 🤞
Vaper but I still enjoy a King Palm on special days in which a bit of everything landrace & exotic, herbal & squishy gets thrown into.
Best wishes Eddy & all 🤞

Purple haze or chocolate Thai of old to see if tastes as good as I remember. Also thanks for the comp and awesome menu

Gotta be in it to win it!
Nice one Eddy, I'd be grabbing some of your hash rosin if i win, prob get some if i dont win tbf 😁
Nice one Eddy, I'd be grabbing some of your hash rosin if i win, prob get some if i dont win tbf 😁

Thank you for hosting! This 420, I’d love to smoke a donut joint rolled with some lovely Piattella

Nice one :) Would love to smoke a big fat j of wedding cake or hariboz this 420, looking tasty 🔥

Nice comp Eddy! I’d love to try some wax for the first time ever on 420, good luck everyone🙌💚

Cool comp Eddy,also id love that jungle boys cold cured hash,looks devine and have not tried it yet,your hash menu is amazing buddy💚

Nice competition! For 420 I will be smoking my last bit of WifiOg I bought from you ages ago and that should do for me :)

I’ve always had to work on 420 day. My ambition is for the wife and kids to be at work and school, get the sofa bed out, watch movies, long walk in the woods and plenty of naps. I’ll need a range of strains to complement each. Happy 420 all!

Would love to be smoking some vanilla gorilla with some jungle boys bubble hash sprinkled over the top 🔥

Happy 420 to all. I'd like to smoke some of that fine Jungle boys hash sprinkled into some Galactic cookies bud.Send my head into the clouds for a few hours!

Inspired by another comment, I think I'll have to save The Donut King pre-roll I still have. 1.5g of Z41 flower and 0.5g of nug run budder Zheetos extract. Really needed an occasion.

Birthdays the 23rd of April. Gotta have the best smoke on my birthday. Gonna have to make a cocktail joint with bud hash and rosin if I win. Thanks for the giveaway Eddy!

Would love to go back to 2009/10 ish…. I think… it could have been earlier or later lol. Shit memory for some reason… don’t know why 😅😉😂
But would love to go back to then when I had a Purple Kush from the Green Place in the Dam. First time I ever tried a pure grape flavour.. been chasing that taste ever since..
Thanks for competition dude 🙏👊💚
But would love to go back to then when I had a Purple Kush from the Green Place in the Dam. First time I ever tried a pure grape flavour.. been chasing that taste ever since..
Thanks for competition dude 🙏👊💚

Old school myself so would start 420 with a nice mix joint is some quality bud/hash mix, and I have the tattoo just to remind me. 🤣

Can't beat a proper old school haze imo, goes well with the sun, and every 420 is a scorcher! good luck all and cheers eddy!

I want to smoke that la jungle boys layered cake. Cheers Eddy and good luck Biggaz!

I wouldn't mind a Grapefruit blunt seasoned with a generous helping of Sunset Sherbert. That would hit the spot quite nicely.
Thanks and good luck all
Thanks and good luck all

Cheers for the comp eddy.
This 420 the other half will be at her mother's. So I shall be sat in my dressing gown, smoking super silver and trying to eat as many easter eggs as humanly possible.
This 420 the other half will be at her mother's. So I shall be sat in my dressing gown, smoking super silver and trying to eat as many easter eggs as humanly possible.

Awesome comp,
My 420 smoke would be NYC Diesel.
Tried it at the dam years ago and havn't found any back home since. (The sour one is completely different)
My 420 smoke would be NYC Diesel.
Tried it at the dam years ago and havn't found any back home since. (The sour one is completely different)

Man, everything I've had off you has been true fire. Didn't know hash could be that strong, and i been on it the last 40 years. Respect.

Hey eddy
Good competition. Thanks!
Mine would be cereal milk or gorilla glue + a few moonrocks for my 420
Good competition. Thanks!
Mine would be cereal milk or gorilla glue + a few moonrocks for my 420

My 420 would be cereal milk 🥣🥛 yum. Big thanks to Eddy for the giveaways and good luck people 👊🏴

Some of the jungle boys cold pressed would be amazing as well as more of the Pablo 💯🔥
Great giveaway Eddy - bless 🙌
Great giveaway Eddy - bless 🙌

Nice comp eddy,never delved into the world of quality hash but some of your offerings would be a good start especially for 420

Im on similar vibe the Pablos Revenge , Choc chip or Xmas Tree x Animal Mintz would be a very ideal smoke for 420
edit also that hippy crasher flower has been calling me for a min
Cool giveaway thanks & good luck biggas
edit also that hippy crasher flower has been calling me for a min
Cool giveaway thanks & good luck biggas

Had your sour diesel which was beautiful so I'm sure this is no different alas, 14g doesn't last long around these parts 😅 I'd have it burnt in 4 days 🤣

I'll likely go for a mixture of things in sequence but probably ending with smokes of mixed extract & bud with a couple of edibles. There's a lot of things I'd like to try if I did win. Good luck everyone.

Big up Eddy, for 4/20 I will be smoking some dense nugs and making some hash brownies
Best of luck everyone, one love
Best of luck everyone, one love

Seeing that 420 day is a Saturday I will probably be celebrating with Captain Morgan, some edibles and a nice uplifting sativa to vape on

My 420 smoke would be some Garlic Cake Budd, had it from here a few years ago but not seen it listed since.

This 420 I’ll start the day off with a spliff of lemon pie. Then eat some edibles to get me through the day. Then some purple mimosa. Got to finish with some of ur Pablos Revenge! Send me straight to sleep.
Awesome comp eddy! Very generous.
Awesome comp eddy! Very generous.

Would be nice to sit inside and have a smoke but that can never happen, not anymore. Never smoked a donut joint would like one of them sat on a nice comfy chair, a nice coffee. Ideally some kind of biscotti donut. YUMMY.

My 420 smoke would be tropicana cherry bubble hash, placed an order yesterday and should have added some more of it in my basket 😖 tastes how it smells and a lovely stone🔥

1 post
+1 votes
Like the others have said, some don't review straight away or at all, i have bits i bought last week but havent tried yet so i have reviews to leave still.
Looks like the reviews that have been left are all good though 👍🏻
Looks like the reviews that have been left are all good though 👍🏻

Not at all bud. Some items won't be received. Some items won't have been consumed. Some buyers won't review till they next log on and some won't bother reviewing.

We sell to all buyer.
New buyer may need to figure out how to review because its new to them.
But trust me your with the best LB community on here.
We're a big family.
It's all love ❤️
New buyer may need to figure out how to review because its new to them.
But trust me your with the best LB community on here.
We're a big family.
It's all love ❤️

Could be partially the reason! To be honest those numbers seem pretty decent I can imagine a lot of people just don’t review at all (as these chaps mentioned) May be best to send a message a day after you’ve sent asking to leave a review if you wanna build some up.

As mentioned anonymous can’t review…others may not have tried your wares yet or not logged on for a few days.
My pet hate is…people reviewing the item….looks lovely…stealth excellent but I’ve not tried the bud yet…
Ffs man wait until you’ve tried then review…
My pet hate is…people reviewing the item….looks lovely…stealth excellent but I’ve not tried the bud yet…
Ffs man wait until you’ve tried then review…

Haha, I do that. Mainly just because the little red Orders prompt bugs me while I’m browsing. I do go back and update though; I tend to make notes while consuming and then turn those into a review.
Totally agree that the review feature is not being used properly, though. It would be far more helpful if reviews were split into service and product, or something along those lines.
Totally agree that the review feature is not being used properly, though. It would be far more helpful if reviews were split into service and product, or something along those lines.

1 post
+1 votes
what hash is golden soles?
The grey area…yea tried their shoes I’m sure it was called Moroccan shoes away back in late 90’s 🫣

what hash is golden soles?
i had golden soles hash from grey area in amsterdam, i loved it, what sort of hash would it be?

It's a technique rather than an area.
Take trichomes/kief - wrap carefully in clingfilm and put it in your shoe to press.
So whatever kief they had I guess. Probs ak-47 if it was back in the day.
Take trichomes/kief - wrap carefully in clingfilm and put it in your shoe to press.
So whatever kief they had I guess. Probs ak-47 if it was back in the day.

The grey area…yea tried their shoes I’m sure it was called Moroccan shoes away back in late 90’s 🫣

It's a Maroc according to this link:

The Green Team have got a light coloured Maroc at the moment but i have no idea if it's like the stuff you had. All I know is they're both Maroc, whatever that is. They're selling 1g samples of it for $9 with free shipping so that might be worth a try.

1 post
+1 votes
Probably too late and wrong anyways but here goes Krypto chronic 🕺


We haven’t seen a competition in a while, and to bring some light in these hard times, we’re giving a chance for biggaz to win a preroll spliff that will knock your socks off ! 4 super high grade strains! 2x Hash and 2x Cali Buds grinded into one super spliff 😍
All you have to do is guess the last strain 😉
Everyone has one guess only !
Clue - it’s Top shelf Cali and it’s not available on our LB Listings
Good Luck everyone ! 🥰
All you have to do is guess the last strain 😉
Everyone has one guess only !
Clue - it’s Top shelf Cali and it’s not available on our LB Listings
Good Luck everyone ! 🥰

Chemdawg ?? Thanks, is this still current ? Had the chem dawg before it ran out , really good stuff I loved it, im eeking it out making it last long cos so good

1 post
+7 votes
SSRI withdrawal and brain zaps
Was on citalopram for about five years…a bit too long.
I came off them last year and the brain zap was brutal, felt like I’d been switched off and ba…
![[ask any bigga]](
SSRI withdrawal and brain zaps
Wondered if anybody else has experienced brain zaps from SSRI withdrawal (as well as feeling all out weird AF) and am after any recommendations on lessening this or just making it a bit more bearable. Also wondered if smoking weed would make it worse or not and interested to hear other peoples experience in general on this. Had been taking sertraline for a year before this. Cheers :)

Was on citalopram for about five years…a bit too long.
I came off them last year and the brain zap was brutal, felt like I’d been switched off and back on again in a flash. Not a nice feeling but knew about it beforehand.
It lasted about two months, glad I came off them. Now it’s just meditation and yoga and definitely more stoned as well lol.
Good luck you’ll get there…
I came off them last year and the brain zap was brutal, felt like I’d been switched off and back on again in a flash. Not a nice feeling but knew about it beforehand.
It lasted about two months, glad I came off them. Now it’s just meditation and yoga and definitely more stoned as well lol.
Good luck you’ll get there…

Apex was on all manner of those ssris, honestly for me made me a shadow of my real self.
Coming off was horrible and hard but once done (with docs advice / support). I find easier to manage now with just smoke
Coming off was horrible and hard but once done (with docs advice / support). I find easier to manage now with just smoke

Cheers bud - good to hear you got through it. Yeah man I just felt numb - not angry or sad, just void of emotion like a robot, that’s no life.

Cheers for sharing, much appreciated - nice to hear a story from the other side, definitely gonna go easy on myself the next few months :)

Hiya H4yst4ck 🙂
Please see this audiobook 'Niacin: the real story' on Amazon:
It details how Niacin has been used in orthomolecular medicine in treating mental health issues with nothing short of astonishing results.
And see this study on the protective qualities of Manganese bisgylcinate during cessation of certain pharmaceuticals, published in the journal of orthomolecular medicine.
Both of these are naturally occurring nutritional substances that the body already uses and collects via food.
See this wonderful fella's bitchute channel:
Please see this audiobook 'Niacin: the real story' on Amazon:
It details how Niacin has been used in orthomolecular medicine in treating mental health issues with nothing short of astonishing results.
And see this study on the protective qualities of Manganese bisgylcinate during cessation of certain pharmaceuticals, published in the journal of orthomolecular medicine.
Both of these are naturally occurring nutritional substances that the body already uses and collects via food.
See this wonderful fella's bitchute channel:

I quit sertraline in december and it was rlly tough. The brain zaps were so bad at night when I was trying to sleep. It does get better and I don't regret coming off it. Cannabis has fully replaced it (for anxiety, depression, low motivation). Good luck bigga, there is light at the end of the tunnel!!

Cheers bud for the kind msg. So good to hear you got through it ok. Yep brain zaps making me feel jolty as fuck but really reassuring to hear from another’s experience that it will get better.

I've taken SSRIs during 3 different periods of my life and every time I stop taking them I have brain zaps! For me, cannabis makes things a little worse, but nothing unbearable. The good feeling it produces surpasses the bad, by far! The worst part of the zaps happened in the fist week. After that it becomes much less frequent and it eventually disappears completely.
Good luck!
Good luck!

1 post
+2 votes


You'll need a closing date and time for entries otherwise you could get a lot of entries at 9.59pm on the 27th lol....
Also, I know it increases your postage cost but I would do 1 pack for the 4 closest guesses and that way you will get 4 x the sampling and hopefully the reviews.
Also, I know it increases your postage cost but I would do 1 pack for the 4 closest guesses and that way you will get 4 x the sampling and hopefully the reviews.

And also be aware that some people will edit their answers after the cutoff time to have a better chance of winning and you won't know they've cheated unless you make a record of the answers at the cutoff time.
And the time and date don't mean anything either as people can put false times after the cutoff too.
And the time and date don't mean anything either as people can put false times after the cutoff too.

Thank you!! Im glad i read the top comments suggesting date and time before i put it down.

1 post
+1 votes
$ 47,850
Fingers crossed everyone


Congrats skunky99 - this batch really reminds me of the lovely Blue Cheese they do in Family First. Enjoy!

Hey Cat
I just received one of your oz last week...but I could sure do with another one!
I just received one of your oz last week...but I could sure do with another one!

Good luck everyone!!!
On a side note, awesome giveaway green cat, what a legend.
Good luck everyone!!!
On a side note, awesome giveaway green cat, what a legend.

thanks green cat this would be amazing prize to win, funds are low, my best guess is $46930, best of luck everyone, thanks m8

1 post
+1 votes
14g Flash Giveaway! ⚡
Can’t wait until Friday now…

14g Flash Giveaway! ⚡

Hello, biggas.
BTC fees are still absolutely insane at the moment, so we've decided to run a little giveaway as a thank you for still deciding to shop with us during these times.
We wouldn't be where we are without you guys so we have nothing but love for you all! ❤️
1 lucky winner will receive the following:
3.5g Apple Fritter
3.5g Runtz
3.5g Blue Mimosa
3.5g Rasta Mafia Hash
To enter, please upvote this post and reply to this topic to receive your number. 1 number will be picked at random, and the outcome will be livestreamed over on YouTube on Friday 24th November @ 8:00pm.
Thank you for entering, best of luck, everyone!
BTC fees are still absolutely insane at the moment, so we've decided to run a little giveaway as a thank you for still deciding to shop with us during these times.
We wouldn't be where we are without you guys so we have nothing but love for you all! ❤️
1 lucky winner will receive the following:
3.5g Apple Fritter
3.5g Runtz
3.5g Blue Mimosa
3.5g Rasta Mafia Hash
To enter, please upvote this post and reply to this topic to receive your number. 1 number will be picked at random, and the outcome will be livestreamed over on YouTube on Friday 24th November @ 8:00pm.
Thank you for entering, best of luck, everyone!

Probably should've added this to the post when I made it, but to prevent alt accounts from being used to enter, a 5 buy minimum is in place and your account must be over 2 months old.
(e.g Sept 2023 would be allowed, Oct and Nov 2023 are not.)
If you don't fit this criteria and have entered, we will have to re-roll to be fair to everyone. Sorry!
(e.g Sept 2023 would be allowed, Oct and Nov 2023 are not.)
If you don't fit this criteria and have entered, we will have to re-roll to be fair to everyone. Sorry!

You're our lucky winner, mate!
VOD attached for proof. Drop us a message and we'll organise getting you your prize!
VOD attached for proof. Drop us a message and we'll organise getting you your prize!

LOL, you're probably right... 😂
I've messaged them and just waiting to confirm if they have 5 purchases on site, if they can't I will re-roll the giveaway.
I've messaged them and just waiting to confirm if they have 5 purchases on site, if they can't I will re-roll the giveaway.

He's still not got back to me, if he doesn't by today at 8:00pm (Tuesday 28th Nov) I will re-roll the giveaway. 😉👌

Messaged 👍
Thank you!
Ps; this is my only account on here, I really only login like once a week, any time I post it’s usually on a giveaway 🙈
Thank you!
Ps; this is my only account on here, I really only login like once a week, any time I post it’s usually on a giveaway 🙈

VOD of the number being drawn.
Winner is number 119!
Message us to claim your prize.
Winner is number 119!
Message us to claim your prize.

Thank you for the competition SOTL your products look excellent and I’d love to take part in the competition if possible? 😊 👌 🤩

Another very generous giveaway shroom. What are the odds ! Thanks for the chance.
Top tier. 👍
Top tier. 👍

Cheers for the opportunity SOTL, your Runtz and Blue Mim are on my wanted list already so this would be cracking.

Hi SOTL just a question about livestream on YouTube on Friday 24th November @ 8:00pm.
whats the YT Channel if you can share ??
whats the YT Channel if you can share ??

Course, here's the link.
One which I streamed the old giveaway on, you can probably see the VOD for it there
One which I streamed the old giveaway on, you can probably see the VOD for it there

Hi Shroom
Wicked competition!
So far we had several about mushrooms but none about weed!
kudos 👊👍
Wicked competition!
So far we had several about mushrooms but none about weed!
kudos 👊👍

Reprider15 - 80
Haha, I'd usually be saying that but with these fees I'm not so sure anymore... 🥴
Hopefully sorted soon
Haha, I'd usually be saying that but with these fees I'm not so sure anymore... 🥴
Hopefully sorted soon

Not that the ICJ has any power to prosecute & enforce, but maybe something will come from this.
The ongoing tragedy in Gaza demands an immediate end, with the loss of innocent lives, particularly women and children, occurring at an alarming rate. On average, approximately 250 individuals are losing their lives daily. Shockingly, within just three months, the death toll has surpassed that of the entire two-year Ukraine conflict. While any form of war is deeply regrettable, the extent of the atrocities in Gaza is incomprehensible. While there's a prevalent disdain for Putin, the situation in Gaza raises questions about how such actions can be justified.
Reflecting on history, the Gulf War conflict resulted in the deaths of 200,000 – 300,000 people. Another huge miscarriage of justice, where it was proven that there was no weapons of mass destruction. Again MSM stirring our emotions as a justification for the war.
For those directly affected in Iraq, does this not lead to viewing the West as a source of terror?
It is crucial for us to awaken from the influence of media, which often manipulates our emotions to rationalize these actions. The persistence of war throughout centuries is disheartening; one would expect humanity to evolve beyond this perpetual cycle of eternal recurrence.
It's important to recognize that there are no purely good or evil sides, as both parties in conflicts harbour individuals with terrorist inclinations. It's not the common Israeli or palastinisn citizens to blame but rather the leaders who hold power in each country. Unfortunately, it's the ordinary people who bear the brunt of these decisions.
Addressing the issues at hand requires holding those in positions of privilege & power accountable, whether it's the leaders’ overseeing wars or those involved in scandals (like the post office scandal in the UK). The disparity between the actions of the elite during lockdown and the constraints imposed on the common people is deeply unsettling.
Man, O man and his super massive ego……and when I say man I mean the male sex, for centuries his ego has been nowt but a destructive force.
DISCLAIMER – This is purely my subjective emotional view, them that know me know I am a very emotional man, which at times gets the better of me. My observations of myself have shown me I can be wrong…….. i often am !
The ongoing tragedy in Gaza demands an immediate end, with the loss of innocent lives, particularly women and children, occurring at an alarming rate. On average, approximately 250 individuals are losing their lives daily. Shockingly, within just three months, the death toll has surpassed that of the entire two-year Ukraine conflict. While any form of war is deeply regrettable, the extent of the atrocities in Gaza is incomprehensible. While there's a prevalent disdain for Putin, the situation in Gaza raises questions about how such actions can be justified.
Reflecting on history, the Gulf War conflict resulted in the deaths of 200,000 – 300,000 people. Another huge miscarriage of justice, where it was proven that there was no weapons of mass destruction. Again MSM stirring our emotions as a justification for the war.
For those directly affected in Iraq, does this not lead to viewing the West as a source of terror?
It is crucial for us to awaken from the influence of media, which often manipulates our emotions to rationalize these actions. The persistence of war throughout centuries is disheartening; one would expect humanity to evolve beyond this perpetual cycle of eternal recurrence.
It's important to recognize that there are no purely good or evil sides, as both parties in conflicts harbour individuals with terrorist inclinations. It's not the common Israeli or palastinisn citizens to blame but rather the leaders who hold power in each country. Unfortunately, it's the ordinary people who bear the brunt of these decisions.
Addressing the issues at hand requires holding those in positions of privilege & power accountable, whether it's the leaders’ overseeing wars or those involved in scandals (like the post office scandal in the UK). The disparity between the actions of the elite during lockdown and the constraints imposed on the common people is deeply unsettling.
Man, O man and his super massive ego……and when I say man I mean the male sex, for centuries his ego has been nowt but a destructive force.
DISCLAIMER – This is purely my subjective emotional view, them that know me know I am a very emotional man, which at times gets the better of me. My observations of myself have shown me I can be wrong…….. i often am !

windiest - 25
Haha I remember you won one of our last ones, best of luck dude!
Haha I remember you won one of our last ones, best of luck dude!

The damn bitcoin fees! I started an initiative, followed the protocol and have seen blockhead is doing something it’s just when rather than if now, just need someone up for the job!
Appreciate the comp SOTL 👊
Appreciate the comp SOTL 👊

Lost_odins-Eye - 9
Yes, seen that. Something on the SOL Blockchain? Rather interesting solution, hopefully sooner rather than later! :)
Yes, seen that. Something on the SOL Blockchain? Rather interesting solution, hopefully sooner rather than later! :)

Wow a Sotl compo it all looks like FIRE 🔥 looks like someone is going to be a lucky bigger, big up to sotl 🫶🙏

1 post
+3 votes
Advice on my new Mighty…
For flavour I vape at 180 then raise to 185 then 188 for the hit….any higher and it’s toasted…rem to keep the waste and use to make edibles….amazing t…
![[ask any bigga]](
Advice on my new Mighty…
I’ve just ordered a Black Friday deal of a Mighty vaporiser, and a load of accessories for it. Due to be delivered tomorrow, I’m looking forward, with a healthy slice of trepidation, to stopping smoking joints (30+ years)
Was wondering if anyone could offer me any tips and advice from their experiences on using it! I was hoping I could use hash in the mighty as well tbh, is this feasible?
Any advice greatly received. I’m uber excited to try it out tomo night!!
Was wondering if anyone could offer me any tips and advice from their experiences on using it! I was hoping I could use hash in the mighty as well tbh, is this feasible?
Any advice greatly received. I’m uber excited to try it out tomo night!!

Awesome choice mate 🤜
I’m sure someone will pop on and tell you about cotton bacon and hash sandwiches 😂
My tips
Make sure you got alcohol for a weekly clean if heavy user as keeps the taste supreme.
Find a temp that works for you. Generally I start all strains at 155 and work up in 7-10 increments to maximise different flavours.
For maximum potency and effect though I find you have to go to 181. If I do this I do it from the start.
Also, in out of weed atm so had to smoke the pre vaped and it actually tasted ok 😂
Enjoy mate
I’m sure someone will pop on and tell you about cotton bacon and hash sandwiches 😂
My tips
Make sure you got alcohol for a weekly clean if heavy user as keeps the taste supreme.
Find a temp that works for you. Generally I start all strains at 155 and work up in 7-10 increments to maximise different flavours.
For maximum potency and effect though I find you have to go to 181. If I do this I do it from the start.
Also, in out of weed atm so had to smoke the pre vaped and it actually tasted ok 😂
Enjoy mate

Start off at 198 for maximum effect. Remember doing this when I first had the Mighty, it did not end well 🤢🤮
Start off at 198 for maximum effect. Remember doing this when I first had the Mighty, it did not end well 🤢🤮

Bet it sounded like you were summoning a demon
Polly had warned me beforehand to sip
Bet it sounded like you were summoning a demon
Polly had warned me beforehand to sip

All I can really remember about that night was hysterical laughter from the Missus and oldest Daughter.

Thank you Apex, sage advice. I’d forgotten to source some alcohol actually, will sort tomo 👍

I surprised at your temps apex. Everyone is different and to be honest I used my mates mighty first and he temp stepped from 180 190 finishing at 200. Which I do now.

Loads are mate, people tell me they get nothing from low temps.
I can taste something from 155 on most greens I’ve had, a few did not but it’s rare.
I could be wrong but I think different terps go at different temps so by going low I only get some? 🤷♂️
Either way it’s been some of my finest flavours from the weed so I still do it. I find higher temps and it’s more toasted but gets you ROYALY fucked.
I can taste something from 155 on most greens I’ve had, a few did not but it’s rare.
I could be wrong but I think different terps go at different temps so by going low I only get some? 🤷♂️
Either way it’s been some of my finest flavours from the weed so I still do it. I find higher temps and it’s more toasted but gets you ROYALY fucked.

I sometimes vape at low temps on my Xmax pro for a mellow lift and the flavours can be great eh? 150 - 160 can taste like your eating the bud without actually eating it if that makes sense?

I like to start taking draws as it gets up to temp but always finish a cap on 200.
Just my process 🤷♂️. That’s the best about all this. No right answer until you try it and work out what’s best for you.
Just my process 🤷♂️. That’s the best about all this. No right answer until you try it and work out what’s best for you.

I've not tried hash in mine but still use the caps all the time for bud. Cleaning the head unit is easy enough but don't want to have to clean the oven regularly.
My advice for bud is not to pack the cap. You need enough air room for the convection thing to work properly.
Dank stuff vapes much better and longer too. If it's too dry, you'll only get a few decent pulls. On the other hand, I've got some Gorilla Glue from TGDs that just keeps vaping.
My advice for bud is not to pack the cap. You need enough air room for the convection thing to work properly.
Dank stuff vapes much better and longer too. If it's too dry, you'll only get a few decent pulls. On the other hand, I've got some Gorilla Glue from TGDs that just keeps vaping.

I don’t use caps because I’m lazy and can’t be bothered with the fiddly little bastards 😣

Why does that not surprise me in the slightest. I can just see your face because you have to press a button 🙄 do I have to lol 😂

Haha! Brilliant cos it’s true!…When can I have an Alexa voice activated Mighty! 🥳😆
“Hey Alexa- Light me up!” 😶🌫️👍
“Hey Alexa- Light me up!” 😶🌫️👍

Cheers metoo22. Will bear this in mind, only seem to be getting really dry weeds off here last few purchases.

Yeah, don't be put off if you don't think the Mighty isn't great if you're using dry stuff. I still like smoking so keep 2 stashes now.
One for smoking and another for the stuff that vapes good.
The best thing is that you can use it anywhere because the vapour doesn't smell. Ideal for hotels, bars, visiting fam, or if you can't smoke indoors at home :)
Also after much experimenting, I agree with S&B's rec starting temp of 180.
One for smoking and another for the stuff that vapes good.
The best thing is that you can use it anywhere because the vapour doesn't smell. Ideal for hotels, bars, visiting fam, or if you can't smoke indoors at home :)
Also after much experimenting, I agree with S&B's rec starting temp of 180.

Again, good tips. Cheers.
I really want to stop smoking so hoping I will take to this vaping caper ok :/ I’m in the right headspace atm, so taking a running jump at it. All the strains I have atm are as dry af tho! Best get shopping on here again!
I really want to stop smoking so hoping I will take to this vaping caper ok :/ I’m in the right headspace atm, so taking a running jump at it. All the strains I have atm are as dry af tho! Best get shopping on here again!

Stick the dry stuff in a jar with 62% or higher Boveda if you've got time for it to gain some moisture. Takes a while tho.
It'll still vape but just not nearly as long as dank stuff.
Maybe msg your fav sellers and ask them what's not too dry for vaping.
It'll still vape but just not nearly as long as dank stuff.
Maybe msg your fav sellers and ask them what's not too dry for vaping.

Use the dosing capsule for hash to protect your oven. Get a pack of cotton bacon from Amazon but you only use a tiny amount. Put a wispy cover on the base of the capsule. For soft hash, roll and coil a snake and place on the bed with a wispy layer on top. For hard hash grind it first. Alternatively use weed as your sandwich layers.
For hash you need to crank up the temperatures starting at 195c for soft and 210c for hard. After the first buzz let it heat for the second two minutes as well, then click to keep it on and inhale.
I don’t bother with dosing capsules for just weed and load the oven directly. I start at 185c and add by 5c each cycle. I get 3 cycles out of a bowl.
Have a blast!😶🌫️👍
For hash you need to crank up the temperatures starting at 195c for soft and 210c for hard. After the first buzz let it heat for the second two minutes as well, then click to keep it on and inhale.
I don’t bother with dosing capsules for just weed and load the oven directly. I start at 185c and add by 5c each cycle. I get 3 cycles out of a bowl.
Have a blast!😶🌫️👍

Cheers Polly. Just the advice I was after. Ordered myself some cotton bacon to arrive with my mighty tomo.
Looking forward to breaking the chains of carbonaceous smoking.
Looking forward to breaking the chains of carbonaceous smoking.

Cotton bacon for hash. Make a hash sandwich and turn the mighty up to the max.
Make sure you register your device with S&B for an extra years warranty.
Make sure you register your device with S&B for an extra years warranty.

I was going to buy the S&B Venty until I read about the battery problem.
Bought the heater kit and a V2 globe for £230 a saving of £150 over a Venty.
Bought the heater kit and a V2 globe for £230 a saving of £150 over a Venty.

What was drawing you to the Venty? (other than VAS obvs!)…I know there’s some enhanced air volume thing going down but can that really justify the ££££ when I’ve got a Mighty? (please say “yes” then I can buy one!)

From what I can make out the enhanced airflow is directly linked to the oven giving bigger hits.
The biggest draw for me is the max wattage is 130W compared to 45 W in the Mighty.
20 second heat up time and cool down and a ceramic bowl for easier cleaning.
Yep I'm getting one 😁
The biggest draw for me is the max wattage is 130W compared to 45 W in the Mighty.
20 second heat up time and cool down and a ceramic bowl for easier cleaning.
Yep I'm getting one 😁

Mmmmmmm?🤔…..Mighty+ has a ceramic bowl…don’t care saving 100 seconds on heat up…I thought the max temp on the Venty is still 210c?, what difference does the wattage make?- I really don’t know…
It all comes down to that airflow thing again…
Still want one though😂😂
It all comes down to that airflow thing again…
Still want one though😂😂

I think you might be right polly. Just stop looking because you will just go back to your trusted mighty

So a cotton bacon layer, then hash, then a top layer of cotton bacon? What is the purpose of the two layers? Would you say this is a better method than capsule/drip pad for hash consumption in the mighty?
Sorry for all the questions, not a clue on what I’m doing RE: vaping!
Sorry for all the questions, not a clue on what I’m doing RE: vaping!

For flavour I vape at 180 then raise to 185 then 188 for the hit….any higher and it’s toasted…rem to keep the waste and use to make edibles….amazing the hit you get off the waste…enjoy man..good luck staying off the jegs…

All the adobe you’re looking for has been given. All that’s left to say is enjoy 😉
It’s a sloppy slope this VAS marlarky 🙄
It’s a sloppy slope this VAS marlarky 🙄

Nice ma man.
Was watching a few reels of it getting used and, Aye all day long.
That said I love a bit of butane. Something very primitive about it and margin of error is small but you know that feeling when you get it just on the button 💨
Fuck this I’m a away to the desk of doom for a vape
Was watching a few reels of it getting used and, Aye all day long.
That said I love a bit of butane. Something very primitive about it and margin of error is small but you know that feeling when you get it just on the button 💨
Fuck this I’m a away to the desk of doom for a vape

I hit the dynavap the other day and it was INCREDIBLE, like I nailed the method and heat.
Seriously impressive considering it’s basically a tube of metal and cost 40 quid 🔥
Seriously impressive considering it’s basically a tube of metal and cost 40 quid 🔥

BB9 I don’t use anything else as it has a carb. Lists of them you just fit the oven and cap on.

1 post
+1 votes

lost vendors??
Loved hans, great vendor…so was drugs inc..don’t think hans is here anymore but has drugs inc morphed into your natural medicine?

lost vendors??
does anyone know if DrugsInc ,Superhans and other old sellers are on here under different names or does anyone have contact ?

I miss Hans.. He always had great weed. I remember I had overpaid on 7g of Wookies so he sent me a gram of a strain called white chocolate covered strawberries, fire weed. No idea where he went tho

1 post
+12 votes

Whats your Christmas stash looking like
Oh man lovely dabba box with real good spice….
I’m well stocked up…snakes from gassed…. Brownies from northern organics …hash from Nero and eddies has…

Whats your Christmas stash looking like

Managed to build this little stash up over last few weeks, about 2 oz of weed and 2 of resin,had some Ktama from TheHashCollective23 amazing bit of filter hash at a great price and some Bear Dance Hash from Green Avenger Weed, good strong hash that lasts ages, The weed i got is locally grown party funk and some type of runz both banging , Whats your stash looking like. :-) Love & Light

What you going to do after Boxing Day?
That’s one of the best stashes that I’ve seen. Fair play polly
That’s one of the best stashes that I’ve seen. Fair play polly

Too true, sorry…it’s just a bit implied on a topic “What does your Xmas stash look like?” 🥹😉

Just curious. How long would that last you. What you showed in your photo? I’m getting through about 7g flower and 3.5g hash a week. Before I started a job where I need to be unstoned I was getting through 28g flower and 14g hash a week 😂

That will last Polly about 2 years, I think? I'd cane that all in a Christmas week. Ho ho ho!

Throw in what’s in the fridge and you are probably not wrong Ruxxy. Problem is that won’t stop me buying more!🥹🤷♂️

Wow you are a machine! 😳😂
I exclusively vape weed and hash so even though I hit it everyday I use really small volumes. Because I’m a strain junkie I just keep buying more and it really builds up as you can see (that really is only about 2/3 of it!). I do find that constantly mixing up products helps with tolerance though👍
I exclusively vape weed and hash so even though I hit it everyday I use really small volumes. Because I’m a strain junkie I just keep buying more and it really builds up as you can see (that really is only about 2/3 of it!). I do find that constantly mixing up products helps with tolerance though👍

Gosh! How do you choose? I would have such a mare, haha.
Looks scrummy. And nice books :) I LOVE to peruse people's book cases/ shelves :)))
Looks scrummy. And nice books :) I LOVE to peruse people's book cases/ shelves :)))

That's one hell of a stash, going to be a very merry Christmas in the pollypuff household

Did alright. Got some Biker OG. Some Silver Bubble, some Biscotti, some Jealous Candy and some Rainbow Beltz
Should last me. 😁
Luckily bought late Nov, and literally smoke like a gnat. Being hardcore is for the young-uns. Couldn’t buy now due to
ridiculous BTC fees.
I’m not kidding. A henry lasts me well over a week. Mainly because of circumstances. Otherwise it’d most probably be that a day 🤣
It’s kind of a blessing I guess
Should last me. 😁
Luckily bought late Nov, and literally smoke like a gnat. Being hardcore is for the young-uns. Couldn’t buy now due to
ridiculous BTC fees.
I’m not kidding. A henry lasts me well over a week. Mainly because of circumstances. Otherwise it’d most probably be that a day 🤣
It’s kind of a blessing I guess

I’m old mate and Chong these yooots under the table 😂
Tasty sounding Xmas selection box too 🤤🤤🤤
Tasty sounding Xmas selection box too 🤤🤤🤤

I can understand like a 10th of what they are on about.
Having small children and a disapproving partner does help with the short term memory. It helps if you can remember what time you are supposed to pick up what kid from wherever they are.
I still forget. Fuck knows what’s going on most of the time. Fuck do I want to know either.
Still. I can drive. And I can cook. So I have some use.
Having small children and a disapproving partner does help with the short term memory. It helps if you can remember what time you are supposed to pick up what kid from wherever they are.
I still forget. Fuck knows what’s going on most of the time. Fuck do I want to know either.
Still. I can drive. And I can cook. So I have some use.

That "Fuck knows what's going on most of the time, fuck do I want to know either" is spot on for me generally 👍😂😂
I'm well-stocked for Christmas and am most looking forward to my Doja Permanent Marker from TGD. Happy Christmas biggas 👍
I'm well-stocked for Christmas and am most looking forward to my Doja Permanent Marker from TGD. Happy Christmas biggas 👍

So, weed wise I'm down to about just over 1/4 of BB's Future #1, and a bit under for UKCannaFarm's Gorilla Zkittlez. In other jars I have some Hippy Crashers, Frosted Cakes, NYC Sour Diesel and Galactic Cookies (all from Eddy). There're a few different Persy Slabs that need to be put in the e-nail too. Have small amounts of Caviar and Live Resin from Canadian Imports too, and a 50:50 live resin Green Crack cart from GVC. Still have some Paris Gold from Hashishin too, but that's definitely old skool hash and consumption of that will be in joints for me. About half of the ICC hash that RealD sent me as my on-the-fly competition win (superb stuff, superb vendor, and very amusing guy). Oh, and the THC23 piatella too, which again, really should be smoked in the e-nail soon... Oh, and 10g of truffles from DrShroom that I really need to have soon and give the feedback I promised! Ho ho ho!

Yeah kind of figured you’d basically have the equivalent of an Amsterdam coffee shop’s stock 😁 - enjoy.

What a lovely way to spend Christmas eve, eve :) I'm jel.
Glad your 'set' improved in time for Christmas. Have fun 💥🐙
Glad your 'set' improved in time for Christmas. Have fun 💥🐙

Lovey Christmas stash right there 🎄🎅
Mine is dwindling in comparison and a bit sparse atm, losing my job + btc fees = small xmas stash for me 😭 but it’s all good i’ve still got some lovely bits in.
Currently sitting on some of BBs future #1, and DMs jealousy dankness, epic buzz, and red banana pudding, so that should keep me ticking over nicely for the next couple weeks 😋🤤 if i can ration appropriately 😂
No hash or concentrates in for me atm unfortunately 😢 but I do have a live resin cart off of a friend and the drib drabs of a doctor extracts cart left too, so i think i’ll still be okay
Merry christmas everyone! 🎄🎁🎅
Mine is dwindling in comparison and a bit sparse atm, losing my job + btc fees = small xmas stash for me 😭 but it’s all good i’ve still got some lovely bits in.
Currently sitting on some of BBs future #1, and DMs jealousy dankness, epic buzz, and red banana pudding, so that should keep me ticking over nicely for the next couple weeks 😋🤤 if i can ration appropriately 😂
No hash or concentrates in for me atm unfortunately 😢 but I do have a live resin cart off of a friend and the drib drabs of a doctor extracts cart left too, so i think i’ll still be okay
Merry christmas everyone! 🎄🎁🎅

Nice stash, With the dog deciding to fall to bits in october and the fees leading up to Christmas spiking mine is a lot less extravagant than i hoped for, was nearly going without completely but bundled in with another Bigga to help take the sting out of the fees and managed to secure a couple of nice bits of flower from The Spacemen and a juicy little chunk of hash from Eddy is on its way, theres a little bit of tasty badder on the shelf and some of BBs Future#1 kief in the grinder so still a huge improvement on the street weed i was smoking last Christmas.
Hope everyone battling the fees manage to figure something out!
Hope everyone battling the fees manage to figure something out!

Having a hard time deciding what to
Smoke, had been throwing bits away since around June July for the purpose
Of Xmas smoke … that is majority of my hash stash, not including the flower cos I can’t be bothered resealing my
Grove bags. Hope everyone has a blazed Xmas 🙌👏
Smoke, had been throwing bits away since around June July for the purpose
Of Xmas smoke … that is majority of my hash stash, not including the flower cos I can’t be bothered resealing my
Grove bags. Hope everyone has a blazed Xmas 🙌👏

😂 I’m pleasantly stoned thanks. Smoking your zuki hash all day 🙌. The 🐷 wouldn’t worry me with that stash majority of them are between 0.3/1.2. Only 3 or 4 have more than 7g 😂.

watch out for that fake manala cream - labelled as 'manila cream' LOL and that 'tosh ball' from the same seller - disgusting, I swear to god I put 10 grams in the bin...not even from a cannabis plant in my opinion....and I have spent much time in Tosh village and others in parvati valley. p.s. i notice some hasishin bits there - the pink marshmallow and others, now you're talkin! congrats!

Looking nice! I’ve got a half ounce of old school Blue Cheese (local dispensary) and a half ounce of Banana Cookies (same local dispensary). And I’ve got a variety of nice bits of premium hash from THC. And I might have a few grams of penis envy that could beckon me into the abyss. lol, enjoy your Christmas!

Oh man lovely dabba box with real good spice….
I’m well stocked up…snakes from gassed…. Brownies from northern organics …hash from Nero and eddies hash bar…shake from your natural medicine…alien og and ice cream cake cali from Nero …and finally kiff from my big grinder which will be pressed into coins and then blasted in a bong…
Merry Christmas you filthy biggies…
I’m well stocked up…snakes from gassed…. Brownies from northern organics …hash from Nero and eddies hash bar…shake from your natural medicine…alien og and ice cream cake cali from Nero …and finally kiff from my big grinder which will be pressed into coins and then blasted in a bong…
Merry Christmas you filthy biggies…

banana sherbet, white trufflez, Mochi weed.
Ice cream cake, white runtz hash.
ButterWine vape.
Hoping a gelato cake and a Spirit Molecule Micro Vape arrives tomorrow but not stressed.
Ice cream cake, white runtz hash.
ButterWine vape.
Hoping a gelato cake and a Spirit Molecule Micro Vape arrives tomorrow but not stressed.

Is that Spaceman Mochi? Looking forward to trying a bit of that after Xmas. Along with his Motor Breath and Pink Panties.

Is that the psychonauts spirit molecule BB?? Please, please write a review or something, I so want to hear what it's like!
All your bits sounds delicious..banana sherbert..🤤
I hope you enjoy them all and have a lovely Christmas ❄️❄️❄️🤍🤍🤍
All your bits sounds delicious..banana sherbert..🤤
I hope you enjoy them all and have a lovely Christmas ❄️❄️❄️🤍🤍🤍

Yes the spirit molecule vape arrived today!
Along with a very impressive looking 1ml 100% shatter cart from Diamond Extracts.
The spirit vape has lots in it, never tried dmt before but to me it looks like there's many hits in this thing.👍
Have a lovely Christmas Fifi!
Along with a very impressive looking 1ml 100% shatter cart from Diamond Extracts.
The spirit vape has lots in it, never tried dmt before but to me it looks like there's many hits in this thing.👍
Have a lovely Christmas Fifi!

So. Tell me more about this spirit molecule vape
I’m on the clearnet, but do have an idea of what it may be.
Sounds very interesting. Would be very keen to know more. DM. 🙏
I’m on the clearnet, but do have an idea of what it may be.
Sounds very interesting. Would be very keen to know more. DM. 🙏

The psychonauts have them, i'm on the clearnet too.
Got it yesterday like i mentioned, just been doing some 'research' on dmt so far.
Many good youtube vids on it also the vapes too.
I've had a stage 5 salvia trip so i'm pretty sure i'll manage to break through with this.
They say you need around 3 - 4 puffs, the fourth you won't feel like doing but it'll be that one that's the ticket for the rocket ship.
I also heard someone say they take a small hit every night before bed, they say it feels like being wrapped up in a warm blanket.😁
Salvia vs dmt:
whereas salvia kicks you square in the nuts sending your spirit out of your body, showing you the future through vivid dreams along with the famous vortex,
Dmt on the other hand is welcoming, wants to help you in life, is like an old friend.
Salvia has 6 stages the 6th being unconsciousness, wonder how many dmt has?😁
I'm gonna start off real slow, i could be wrong but the spirit vapes look like they have many rocket tickets included.👍
The spirit juice is clear, which they say is the most potent, purest.
some you get are kinda yellowish like a distillate vape.
The CCell batteries you can get with them are outstanding.
Got it yesterday like i mentioned, just been doing some 'research' on dmt so far.
Many good youtube vids on it also the vapes too.
I've had a stage 5 salvia trip so i'm pretty sure i'll manage to break through with this.
They say you need around 3 - 4 puffs, the fourth you won't feel like doing but it'll be that one that's the ticket for the rocket ship.
I also heard someone say they take a small hit every night before bed, they say it feels like being wrapped up in a warm blanket.😁
Salvia vs dmt:
whereas salvia kicks you square in the nuts sending your spirit out of your body, showing you the future through vivid dreams along with the famous vortex,
Dmt on the other hand is welcoming, wants to help you in life, is like an old friend.
Salvia has 6 stages the 6th being unconsciousness, wonder how many dmt has?😁
I'm gonna start off real slow, i could be wrong but the spirit vapes look like they have many rocket tickets included.👍
The spirit juice is clear, which they say is the most potent, purest.
some you get are kinda yellowish like a distillate vape.
The CCell batteries you can get with them are outstanding.

Mate. The Psychedelic Salon podcast.
It’ll sort you for any info. Genuinely.
I have some very yellow DMT in my old school stash jar. I didn’t know you could vape it tho.
Salvia. I didn’t get on with. Too dark for me. Datura/fly agaric kinda vibes.
It’ll sort you for any info. Genuinely.
I have some very yellow DMT in my old school stash jar. I didn’t know you could vape it tho.
Salvia. I didn’t get on with. Too dark for me. Datura/fly agaric kinda vibes.

The banana terps are right up front, it's quite fruity overall, mostly muted by the sherbet.
I bought again since and went with the mochi and white trufflez, both remain my favourites so far.
Next to try are the sweets and the cereal milk.
Managed to get an order in for a spirit molecule vape, if that arrives tomorrow Christmas may be a little different to what's planned.😁
Merry Christmas Apex.👊❤️
I bought again since and went with the mochi and white trufflez, both remain my favourites so far.
Next to try are the sweets and the cereal milk.
Managed to get an order in for a spirit molecule vape, if that arrives tomorrow Christmas may be a little different to what's planned.😁
Merry Christmas Apex.👊❤️

Yummy stash mate.
I try stock up but I Chong it so quick it never works out 😂
I’ll be sniffing about Boxing Day for a smoke
I try stock up but I Chong it so quick it never works out 😂
I’ll be sniffing about Boxing Day for a smoke

Doja Sweet Retreat
Thc23 Charas
Gassed bear stamp
Dgt kali mist hash
Nero gmo wax
Dr distillate lemon resin
Nero wedding cake wax (CI tin)
Dollar pack of Sweets from Spacemen
Not in the pic:
Lucy micro dose from psyconauts
Various vapes and carts
Mushies from somewhere lol
6 brownies from NortherOrganics
Thc23 Charas
Gassed bear stamp
Dgt kali mist hash
Nero gmo wax
Dr distillate lemon resin
Nero wedding cake wax (CI tin)
Dollar pack of Sweets from Spacemen
Not in the pic:
Lucy micro dose from psyconauts
Various vapes and carts
Mushies from somewhere lol
6 brownies from NortherOrganics

That is beautiful! Looks like a little apothecary, and you're preparing spells :))) ✨️🧙♂️✨️ enjoy it all 💥👾

Great to see these pics of peoples stashes 🤩
I’ve got a hashtrick
Sunset sherbet
Deadhead og hashlover
Ktama from 23 which is insane for the price , without doubt the best hash on here at the moment for pound/quality ratio
I’ve got a hashtrick
Sunset sherbet
Deadhead og hashlover
Ktama from 23 which is insane for the price , without doubt the best hash on here at the moment for pound/quality ratio

Looks great mate. Mine's looking pretty sparse due to these BTC fees. Haven't been able to place a Christmas order. I should be OK if I can ration what's left..

I have some blueberry, super lemon haze and a blue nerdz pack from the tgd,
Sour diesel and some Thai from ynm,
And last but not least some blue cheese from thc23, more than enough
So have sold half of it to a few mates,And some sunset sherbet hash and shake in the emergency stash if i feel like it.
Sour diesel and some Thai from ynm,
And last but not least some blue cheese from thc23, more than enough
So have sold half of it to a few mates,And some sunset sherbet hash and shake in the emergency stash if i feel like it.

Sounds amazing. I also mostly raided THC23s treasure chest for my chrimbo stash. Hashwise, got some Ktama, CMF limosa and a tiny bit of their Manala cream. Also got a little bit of CI’s billionaire and Richard Mille. Budwise, got some blue cheese, Doap x doap and Lemon peel x moonbow - all THC23. Also got a little bit of Spritz from KiG and a bit of haze from Stardawg Line. Managed to get a few chocolate bars from MJ concentrates as well. Tried to get some THC syrup from EE but the network fees humped me and tripled like mid transaction. Still, I’m grateful for what I’ve got and sure I’ll still have a blast. Hope yous all have a blast too, Merry Christmas etc. 😊

Sadly mine is looking shite as half of it didn’t arrive in time, bleak Xmas smoking shitty mids and shake for me.

After 4 years from taking a break, I’ve just got some of mj’s candy drops, so hopefully will last me a while.


I’ve not bought anything from you so it doesn’t feel right to join the contest however I just wanted to wish everyone good luck!

Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄🎁🎅
20/12/23 12:06
Good luck and thanks for the competition GC 😊
20/12/23 12:06
Good luck and thanks for the competition GC 😊

£34114.37 = $43325.25
Edited so that it is shown in USD. At the time of conversion (19:13 Tuesday 19th December 2023) the exchange rate was 1GBP=1.27USD
I hope this is OK. I just presumed it meant GBP as that's where I am. Sorry!!
Merry Christmas Guys!!
Edited so that it is shown in USD. At the time of conversion (19:13 Tuesday 19th December 2023) the exchange rate was 1GBP=1.27USD
I hope this is OK. I just presumed it meant GBP as that's where I am. Sorry!!
Merry Christmas Guys!!

$45484, thanks green cat and happy xmas to everyone, good luck all, have a fantastic new year

I only just made an official account so may not be at 5 orders, but if not counted have a free bump :)

1 post
+6 votes

How do I smoke hash?
Grew up in the 80’s smoking hash…never seen bud. Hot knives was always good…two butter knives heat up tip to metal goes red…place small piece of hash …

How do I smoke hash?
Hello all.
Apologies for the daft question but how do people smoke hash?
I’m seeing so many in here on offer and I fancy trying some out.
I’ve been told different things. One guy said you roll it into a sausage and add it to a baccy joint. Others say you have to light it then crumble it another said you don’t need to light it but can crumble bits in anyway. I’m so confused
I normally use a dry herb vape when at home but make joints if I’m out and about.
Apologies for the daft question but how do people smoke hash?
I’m seeing so many in here on offer and I fancy trying some out.
I’ve been told different things. One guy said you roll it into a sausage and add it to a baccy joint. Others say you have to light it then crumble it another said you don’t need to light it but can crumble bits in anyway. I’m so confused
I normally use a dry herb vape when at home but make joints if I’m out and about.

Grew up in the 80’s smoking hash…never seen bud. Hot knives was always good…two butter knives heat up tip to metal goes red…place small piece of hash on knife and press other knife on it and place at the end of a bottomless bottle usually glass and toke….
Tumbler….paperback book…pin and a small whisky size glass…put pin through inside page and close… place hash on pin…light up then blow out place glass over pin n book…let it fill up with smoke and lift the glass at one edge and toke..
Or in a joint…
Last one…yogurt…melt butter on a spoon mix in a good joint of hash return to heat mix with butter…let cool slightly then mix in yogurt….never lick the spoon 🤣 burn the mouth of ya
Tumbler….paperback book…pin and a small whisky size glass…put pin through inside page and close… place hash on pin…light up then blow out place glass over pin n book…let it fill up with smoke and lift the glass at one edge and toke..
Or in a joint…
Last one…yogurt…melt butter on a spoon mix in a good joint of hash return to heat mix with butter…let cool slightly then mix in yogurt….never lick the spoon 🤣 burn the mouth of ya

I use a cheese grater, the side with the smallest holes to grate my hash into tiny bits for vaping. It's a bit messy because of the stickiness of the hash making some of it stick to the grater but I just scrape that off with the end of a fork or a small wire brush. To vape it I put a very thin layer of unbleached cotton wool in my dynavap and sprinkle the bits of hash on top. I usually do two to three heat cycles because of it being more dense than flower.

There's a topic under our profile discussing this. Quite a few varied opinions.
As Nickyblaze has pointed out, it can really depend on the type of hash you have.
For your dry herb vape dried hashes work better, though cotton bacon can assist with 'wetter' hashes. Joints are able to accomodate most types one way of another.
As Nickyblaze has pointed out, it can really depend on the type of hash you have.
For your dry herb vape dried hashes work better, though cotton bacon can assist with 'wetter' hashes. Joints are able to accomodate most types one way of another.

For many years and throughout the 80s hash was pretty much the only game in town in the UK. Howard Mark's red and gold seal was the standard. When that went away soap bar entered and runied everything! Now, especially on LB the selection is fantastic and kind of endless.
I cannot seem to get on vaping hash; probably as I don't see much vapour, even at the max temp on the Mighty, that includes when mixed with bud. So my only exception to "no combustion" is a little water bong, £8 odd on Amazon, that works pretty good.
One thing you do notice is the difference on the lungs versus vaping. Whenever I bong hash there is a noticable difference and a lurking cough for a few days after, which probably shows the great benefits of vaping.
I cannot seem to get on vaping hash; probably as I don't see much vapour, even at the max temp on the Mighty, that includes when mixed with bud. So my only exception to "no combustion" is a little water bong, £8 odd on Amazon, that works pretty good.
One thing you do notice is the difference on the lungs versus vaping. Whenever I bong hash there is a noticable difference and a lurking cough for a few days after, which probably shows the great benefits of vaping.

Depending on the type of hash I tend to throw mine in the grinder with bud and roll it up in a joint or if I'm feeling lazy I'll throw some in my bong or pipe! Hope this helps

Ive fallen back in love with hash a bit since being on LB, im smoking mine in a bong mostly, I usually stick with Iso/Bubble Hashes as theyre often easier to handle and I top bowls of flower with it or have the occasional Purey.
Good luck in your Hash Journey
Good luck in your Hash Journey

I can only comment on joints as this is all I smoke.
If the hash is hard but it will not crumble easily then a little bit of flame, less than a second, will allow it to crumble.
If the hash is hard and crumbly then just crumble it into a joint.
If the hash is soft and squidgy then break a joints worth off and roll it into a sausage and roll it into a joint.
I hope this helps.
If the hash is hard but it will not crumble easily then a little bit of flame, less than a second, will allow it to crumble.
If the hash is hard and crumbly then just crumble it into a joint.
If the hash is soft and squidgy then break a joints worth off and roll it into a sausage and roll it into a joint.
I hope this helps.

Best answer here listen to this guy for a new hash smoker , one tip is careful how you go weed usually hits quick but hash can be a real creeper I’ve seen big aged smokers fall on hash! Lol

Just to add to your question, pick the smallest pieces you can and load them loosley. Depending on the consistency, you can also press a piece flat as possible, to the circumference of about a 5p piece and hit around that. It is quite easy to waste hash, in a way less is more. Cheers.

Personally I only smoke hash these days , I used to smoke weed a lot for years but now days can’t be dealing with the high I prefer the stone of hash , I’ve giggled more on hash , soft and crumbly stuff just crumble hard hash lick it with a flame and squidgy small sausages. Usually in a baccy joint , you can make a mix and bong it or smoke in a long hash pipe

it's a joint...jus try it out urself .... ps really if u don't kno how to smoke hash why r u on LB ?? 😎😎

Too mean…
A lot of weed smokers are on here who become interested in the other products they see and ask for advice…that’s hardly unreasonable and should be encouraged imo…
A lot of weed smokers are on here who become interested in the other products they see and ask for advice…that’s hardly unreasonable and should be encouraged imo…

Bang on. Asking for advice is exactly what this place is for. Loads of good people on here willing to help out.

1 post
+2 votes
🎄Eddys Christmas Competition🎅
Now the Halloween costumes are away… the dog is out from under the table after Guy Fawkes…
Now we have Eddy’s Christmas giveaway…so thankful man X

🎄Eddys Christmas Competition🎅

Hey Biggas it’s time for Eddys Christmas competition, im starting early to beat the Xmas rush.
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition I know I always do the same style comp n it’s getting boring but they seem to never get taken down so makes life easy.
There will be 3 Eddys Christmas boxes including a $60 voucher to spend in any store to be won. (see picture for details).
Simply upvote this post and comment what your thankful for this Christmas or anything Christmassy to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on December 5th to give everyone chance to enter and receive your prize before Christmas . Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
Eddys Christmas Gift boxes now for sale in store come check it out,👉
The draw will be uploaded to this youtube channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition I know I always do the same style comp n it’s getting boring but they seem to never get taken down so makes life easy.
There will be 3 Eddys Christmas boxes including a $60 voucher to spend in any store to be won. (see picture for details).
Simply upvote this post and comment what your thankful for this Christmas or anything Christmassy to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on December 5th to give everyone chance to enter and receive your prize before Christmas . Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
Eddys Christmas Gift boxes now for sale in store come check it out,👉
The draw will be uploaded to this youtube channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶

Nice one Eddy, very generous.
The main thing I am thankful for this year is this site and community. I've been here almost a year and met some great people and smoked some amazing weed and hash. Viva LB!
The main thing I am thankful for this year is this site and community. I've been here almost a year and met some great people and smoked some amazing weed and hash. Viva LB!

I'm sure it's been said already but I'm thankful for this stoner genuinely changed my life. Merry Christmas folks !

I'm thankful that someone reminded me about Christmas postal delays, so hopefully I can plan accordingly.

Thanks Eddy, this will be my first Christmas stash put together with the help of LB so im thankful for that.
Dabby Christmas everyone and good luck!
Dabby Christmas everyone and good luck!

Looking forward to smoking Pablo and watch elf lol what a great Christmas film and thanks for your services long may it last

Great comp mate. I'm thankful I've got access to a great community and some wonderful vendors ( also the 6 bubble hashes ive got ) 👍

Not very original perhaps but I'm forever thankful for being able to source amazing hash, flower and concentrates on here. 18 months on LB and I still can't believe it sometimes. 🫠
Cheers Eddy! 💚
Cheers Eddy! 💚

Nice one eddy its good of you to run this comp.
Thankful for the time off work and spending time with my little ones before they get too old and have better things to do.
Thankful for the time off work and spending time with my little ones before they get too old and have better things to do.

Cheers Eddy, I’m thankful for 2 weeks off over Christmas 🎅🏻 No doubt all my money will be spent on getting stoned every single one of those days 😎 Can’t wait!!

Good stuff, cheers Eddy. I'm thankful for my newborn and having a banging selection of bud + hash thanks to LB, helps with chilling out between the demands of nappies and figuring out why she's crying

Very good of you kind sir!
I’m grateful for finding LB, only just made my first order but I hope it’ll be the first of many.
Look forward to trying your stuff.
Good luck everyone ✌️
I’m grateful for finding LB, only just made my first order but I hope it’ll be the first of many.
Look forward to trying your stuff.
Good luck everyone ✌️

Nice one eddy great giveaway. I am thankful for family and the community on this platform it’s been a game changer for sure. Have a great Christmas everyone 🎄

Lovely comp, thanks Eddy!
I'm thankful for being alive and happy, and having amazing friends and a roof over my head.
And of course all the amazing LB vendors and the LB community. It really has cheered me up, taught me a lot, and made a massive difference in my life 🥳😁
I'm thankful for being alive and happy, and having amazing friends and a roof over my head.
And of course all the amazing LB vendors and the LB community. It really has cheered me up, taught me a lot, and made a massive difference in my life 🥳😁

Looking forward to time off with good company and a lot of highs early merry Christmas to everyone 🎅🏻
Great comp Eddy 👍
Great comp Eddy 👍

thankful for finally getting a diagnosis and prescription, even if im also self medicating 😁

Nice one Eddy!
I'm sure its been said before but I'm thankful for this community and sellers like yourself for providing goods we(I) would never find on the streets.
I'm sure its been said before but I'm thankful for this community and sellers like yourself for providing goods we(I) would never find on the streets.

thankful for finding this site,
cool comp man gotta pick up some more resin from you soon
cool comp man gotta pick up some more resin from you soon

Merry christmas all, i'm thankful for the gas that Eddy provides :D
Eddy always with the fantastic giveaways!
Eddy always with the fantastic giveaways!

I’m thankful for everything. Did I win yet :) nah, honestly grateful to all the guys and gals making this site possible and the vendors making it easier for us to obtain high grade like Eddie provides. Peace and love to all on LB

Geddon Eddy!
Thankful of your samples 😌 and family! My son has additional needs so they help when they can, me and the mrs work full time so can be hard. I’m grateful for the time off at Xmas tho, much love! 🫶🏻
Thankful of your samples 😌 and family! My son has additional needs so they help when they can, me and the mrs work full time so can be hard. I’m grateful for the time off at Xmas tho, much love! 🫶🏻

Thanks Eddy! Great comp.
Had a few scares this year, so I'm thankful for the NHS and a clean bill of health (apart from my poor lungs)
Had a few scares this year, so I'm thankful for the NHS and a clean bill of health (apart from my poor lungs)

Nice one Eddy. I’ll have a extra lollipop in mine thanks 😊
Yes this is the main thing to be happy for this year this site the LB community. No more Christmas drought that just randomly happens every year on the streets.
Good luck everyone ✌🏼
Yes this is the main thing to be happy for this year this site the LB community. No more Christmas drought that just randomly happens every year on the streets.
Good luck everyone ✌🏼

thanks eddy, well ive been a full time carer for my mum over that past 4 yrs and she is coming to the end, hopefully get one more xmas with her, its a weird feeling, but im glad to be here with her, thanks for comp, best of luck everyone

I’m thankful for finding you eddy! Looking to be a long term customer as you have a great variety and I really enjoyed the high your Burberry hash gave. Waiting for Wednesday to place another order! Can’t wait!

Hopefully i still got time to get in!
Im thankfull for weed honestly and that goes hand in hand with this community so love you all and continue setting the bar higher and higher for all vendors eddie you are a great example of a good vendor who we can see is trying his best ! Long live LB <3
Im thankfull for weed honestly and that goes hand in hand with this community so love you all and continue setting the bar higher and higher for all vendors eddie you are a great example of a good vendor who we can see is trying his best ! Long live LB <3

You’re a good egg Eddy. I’m thankful for religion keeping the value of my MOD related shares so high… Merry Christmas!!😊😁🤪

This Christmas I’m thankful for my friends, family, and LB for allowing me access to my medicine. Thank you for hosting!

Im thankful for my familys and my health through tough times and unfortunate circumstances (also weed)

I’m thankful for this community in general as I’ve now become a “veteran” on society spanning several years (this account and my first/inactive one). I’m continually interested to log in, connect with others and catch up with my existing friends. Although I’ve never met another member in person (yet) - I can honestly say you all are such fascinating/interesting individuals which makes everyday normal life feel bland. I come to littlebig and often have such stimulating and curious conversations in comparison to mundane, repetitive small talk.

Tis the season for eddy to make someone's Xmas amazing!
I'm thankful for being accepted into this great community! Looking forward to the season of exotic flavours 🫶
I'm thankful for being accepted into this great community! Looking forward to the season of exotic flavours 🫶

Sounds good Eddy :)
I'm thankful for most things, it's a really good time to be alive, depending on your perspective.
Juice 💚 💦
I'm thankful for most things, it's a really good time to be alive, depending on your perspective.
Juice 💚 💦

Massively thankful for Lb and the community it holds .Buyers and sellers alike . I've been silent on here since finding the site and it's changed my life for the better in so many ways. So a HUGE THANK YOU to one and all. Hope you have a good one x

I’m thankful for the year life has decided to throw my way… more ups than downs for the first time since I can remember 👏👏👊👊💨💨… thanks eddy

Good on you Eddy - nice Chrimbo comp to get us all in the mood! 🎅
I'm grateful for the following two things:
1) Finding this community and, by extension, you Eddy (you were my 1st order on here) - you'll no doubt have me skint by this time next year but at least I'll be happy n' high!
2) That Jürgen Klopp manages Liverpool Football Club (long may it last) - Up The Fucking Reds!
Merry Christmas!
I'm grateful for the following two things:
1) Finding this community and, by extension, you Eddy (you were my 1st order on here) - you'll no doubt have me skint by this time next year but at least I'll be happy n' high!
2) That Jürgen Klopp manages Liverpool Football Club (long may it last) - Up The Fucking Reds!
Merry Christmas!

I'm certainly grateful for generous vendors with excellent products and even better community engagement.
Appreciate it Eddy.
Appreciate it Eddy.

Superb eddy!
Love these comps and hopefully get a win one day.
Christmas for me is spending time with the family, grateful of a few weeks off work and time to just relax.
Hope you have a great one when it comes👍
Love these comps and hopefully get a win one day.
Christmas for me is spending time with the family, grateful of a few weeks off work and time to just relax.
Hope you have a great one when it comes👍

Thankful for places like this, that remind me that most folks are pretty darn great. LB is a miraculous wonder, how it exists and works so well always astounds me - love to the admins and vendors and all y'all!
Thank you Eddy, for the green and the hash and the festive cheer!
Thank you Eddy, for the green and the hash and the festive cheer!

Well played mate, happy Jesus season everyone! I’m thankful for mostly trees and also good friendships 🎄☃️

Thanks Eddy!
I'm thankful for my family and good health.....not to mention, very thankful for discovering LB! 🎅🎄
I'm thankful for my family and good health.....not to mention, very thankful for discovering LB! 🎅🎄

This year I am thankful for being able to spend more time with family and friends.
Thanks Eddy, and merry Christmas to everyone on LB! 🍃☃️
Thanks Eddy, and merry Christmas to everyone on LB! 🍃☃️

I’m thankful for my dog and the invention of moonrocks. What a time to be alive. HO HO HO 🎄

Hey eddy, I’m thankful for this site it’s absolutely awesome and you’re one of the best sellers on here! I hope everyone has lit 🔥 Christmas!

You're a good one Eddy.
I'm most thankful for my wife sticking by me, this has been the worst 12 months of my life, every day is a struggle and I don't think it will get better any time soon. Without her I'd be walking off into the sunset
One love everyone
I'm most thankful for my wife sticking by me, this has been the worst 12 months of my life, every day is a struggle and I don't think it will get better any time soon. Without her I'd be walking off into the sunset
One love everyone

I am thankful this christmas to see that LB, the community and the vendors have pulled through the recent negative issues , and long may this fantastic site continue!

What a nice gesture from Eddy!
Me - I'm just thankful to be back in love after many years of being on my own.
Me - I'm just thankful to be back in love after many years of being on my own.

Im just glad to be able to get some good stuff off like minded people, thanks to every vendor and person behind the scenes making LB happen with you none of this could be possible thanks again.

Thankful for health, family and most of all Eddy. Love to everyone this xmas. Keep up the amazing work!! X

I'm thankful for having my health, family and friends this Christmas, cheers Eddy

Great competition yet again. I'm just happy to be upright and breathing. Anything better than that is just a bonus :-)

Thankful to have found little biggy before the year is out, like a kid in a candy shop I am.
Many thanks for the giveaway!
Many thanks for the giveaway!

Love it!
Thankful as always for my family, been very blessed to have such a large and loving lot and of course I'm thankful you're here keeping my dab station stocked up <3
Thankful as always for my family, been very blessed to have such a large and loving lot and of course I'm thankful you're here keeping my dab station stocked up <3

Not a religious or spiritual person by any means but keeping me in check going on 50 years now is the undeniable-invisible-unstoppable force of nature we know as Karma, we've all seen it in action at some point & we've all been slapped by it at some point...,and for that I am oddly thankful.
Be nice, its contagious & free,
Namaste bitches 🤪
OH!!!, Also Truly thankful for Hash Wednesdays, 3 for 2 Flash sales and the freebies in every order, you set the bar brother. 🙂💖
Be nice, its contagious & free,
Namaste bitches 🤪
OH!!!, Also Truly thankful for Hash Wednesdays, 3 for 2 Flash sales and the freebies in every order, you set the bar brother. 🙂💖

Great comp Eddy - got one of these boxes last year and was great.
I’m thankful for being in the fortuitous situation in life that allows me to browse this site and afford to buy some goodies. Too many in the world that aren’t so lucky.
Christmas this year will all be about giving
I’m thankful for being in the fortuitous situation in life that allows me to browse this site and afford to buy some goodies. Too many in the world that aren’t so lucky.
Christmas this year will all be about giving

Such a nice offer Eddy.
Tried the MAC hash and it blew my mind, would be so sweet to win this!
Merry Christmas indeed!
Tried the MAC hash and it blew my mind, would be so sweet to win this!
Merry Christmas indeed!

10 years on the 13th dec since my sons brain tumour surgery. Hes 15 now, and still doing great.

Aren't you a sweetie!
Simply put, I'm just grateful that I'm here to see another crimbo.
Hold tight people!
Simply put, I'm just grateful that I'm here to see another crimbo.
Hold tight people!

I’m grateful for finding Little Biggy, and being able to finally medicate myself in a way the doctor has yet to!

I'm thankful for anyone who supports me, and seeing the beauty in the small things.
And weed
And hash
And LB
Always LB
Cheers G
And weed
And hash
And LB
Always LB
Cheers G

Definitely thankful for this site and all the sellers that make it possible, hope everyone has a great christmas :) 🎄

thankful for LB, it’s a fantastic place
also had some 🔥 hashes from yourself eddie thanks 💚
good luck all & merry 🎄
also had some 🔥 hashes from yourself eddie thanks 💚
good luck all & merry 🎄

Hi Eddy
This is going to be my second LB Xmas but guess what?
Last year I had a "btc blackout" when my coinbase got blocked by my bank.
So I only had some leftover edibles and some good shake to get through Xmas...
This time is different though so a Xmas box sounds just like what I need :-)
This is going to be my second LB Xmas but guess what?
Last year I had a "btc blackout" when my coinbase got blocked by my bank.
So I only had some leftover edibles and some good shake to get through Xmas...
This time is different though so a Xmas box sounds just like what I need :-)

3 yr anniversary on LB now... delectable goodies such as these from Eddy at one's fingertips and only a day's wait away... this was a fantasy just a short while ago.
Another floaty Christmas into New Year will be had this year.... we should all be thankful for the ease and reassurance that makes this possible.
Another floaty Christmas into New Year will be had this year.... we should all be thankful for the ease and reassurance that makes this possible.

ill be thankful if were still here this time next year!
lets keep our hearts open and loved ones close!
appreciate you eddy
lets keep our hearts open and loved ones close!
appreciate you eddy

extremely grateful for littlebiggy and it’s amazing vendors this year, this will be my first year having a little biggy stash at christmas!

Now the Halloween costumes are away… the dog is out from under the table after Guy Fawkes…
Now we have Eddy’s Christmas giveaway…so thankful man X
Now we have Eddy’s Christmas giveaway…so thankful man X

Fuck Christmas, you'll celebrating NIMROD and it certainly ain't no fuckers birthday......................... what🤔 just me then,🤣🤣🤣🤣,✌️

Great idea with the Christmas gift box. The perfect gift to give or receive this season.
I’m thankful for all the great sales Eddy! Got some proper good hash in for the holiday and plenty more to come.
Thanks for the generosity. Good luck all! 🤞
I’m thankful for all the great sales Eddy! Got some proper good hash in for the holiday and plenty more to come.
Thanks for the generosity. Good luck all! 🤞

thanks Eddie - an early merry Christmas all!
Thankful for some of the quality hash you've got on the store - especially the Pablos revenge!
Thankful for some of the quality hash you've got on the store - especially the Pablos revenge!

Great competition 🎅💚
I'm thankful to have found LB and being in a situation that allowes me to that myself occasionally!
Goodluck everyone 💚
Thanks Eddy!
I'm thankful to have found LB and being in a situation that allowes me to that myself occasionally!
Goodluck everyone 💚
Thanks Eddy!

Appreciate it Eddy, I'm thankful for the family I have and I should try and let them know it.

Nice one Eddy!.
One thing to be thankful for is those in your life who you know would do anything for you and vice versa.
Good luck guys
One thing to be thankful for is those in your life who you know would do anything for you and vice versa.
Good luck guys

Nice one Eddy, thankful for all the wonderful hash you’ve been bringing to lb and for my family who have stuck by me throughout my ptsd battles.

Thankyou eddy the main thing for me is family they make Christmas that extra bit special
Have a good one mate
Have a good one mate

Awesome stuff Eddy - I am thankful for finding your page bro - some of the best hash I’ve ever smoked - and I’ve been at it a loooooong time!
Happy Christmas y’all 🤘😊🤘
Happy Christmas y’all 🤘😊🤘

You’re a generous man eddy, the number of giveaways you do leads the way on this site I reckon. Between that and hash Wednesday, there are some incredible deals out there from you.
Keep up the good work please!
Merry spliffmas 🔥
Keep up the good work please!
Merry spliffmas 🔥

You can count me in sir, as I'm thankful at Christmas for good health, family and of course LB😉

Always thankful for a long list of choices from good reputal vendors.almost my 4th year on little biggy Now.😉👍🎄

1 post
+2 votes

What game are you currently playing?
Retro…Call of duty 2…playing through the campaign….when cod had long campaigns. But it was cod2 online that grabbed my attention away back 2006…4v4 ma…

What game are you currently playing?
I've finally gotten around to playing High on Life. I'm enjoying having humanity in the palm of my hands a bit too much 😜

In 2013 Jagex who own Runescape found backups of the game before they screwed it up basically, and it was files from 2007.
A small team took over it as a side project and it’s amazing it’s constantly updated and is Oldschool RuneScape that runs alongside RuneScape 3 which is the updated game that has a lot fewer players.
Ever want nostalgia come play it again there’s thousands of us!
A small team took over it as a side project and it’s amazing it’s constantly updated and is Oldschool RuneScape that runs alongside RuneScape 3 which is the updated game that has a lot fewer players.
Ever want nostalgia come play it again there’s thousands of us!

Not usually my type of game, but I’m proper lost in Hogwarts legacy. Great game after a bowl or two :)

I have a friend who plays that shit now, he used to be real good at rocket leaguentoo, but ever since he found distillate he has fallen from a crystal player to a lowly platinum

Don’t be fibbing randomiser, it’s widespread knowledge you have no friends xD and anyways, I heard your always at least two games behind your Rocket League team captain, so down of that horse.

My wife wouldn’t let me get it (she would but wouldn’t get me it for my birthday) because JK Rowling is a c**t and I just got hyped up and never bothered, was it good after a few days of playing?

Dude, you sound like someone who needs to play DayZ. Watch therunningmanz or freshspawns on youtube and you will get a good idea of what the games about. Best game ive ever played. The last of us has an online for it too called factions multiplayer. Straight up war🤣

Ahh, I don’t play DayZ as I’m on console but it’s comfy af kicking back to a bit of the ole runningmanz

I love Doom Eternal so much. Personally I find you have to stay calm and treat it like some weird racing game where you just rip and tear as you have to keep moving around the course like a race track.
Definitely one of my favourite games ever.
Definitely one of my favourite games ever.

Ha, great thread. Cyberpunk 2077, especially when I am high, it feels like I live inside the game lol

After watching the GTA 6 trailer the other day I was craving a rockstar game so I'm replaying the red dead 2 story, such a great game! 10/10

I'm obsessed with outriders at the moment it's really good, just waiting for starfield to launch (no pun intended) next month and I'll be booking some annual leave haha!

Project Zomboid. Relaxing, frustrating, steep learning curve, hit zombies in the face with griddle pans. What more do you need?

just floating around elite dangerous & ARK: survival Elevolved
waiting on starfeild being released
waiting on starfeild being released

Elite I enjoyed but haven't bothered with horizons
I may have purchased my first vr headset (rift) pretty much purely for elite at the time...
Actually I need to go back to that
I may have purchased my first vr headset (rift) pretty much purely for elite at the time...
Actually I need to go back to that

I rarely play the horizons myself. I use Thrustmaster & quest I get lost for Hours in ED
Started homeworld remastered still space but a little different
Started homeworld remastered still space but a little different

Yeah sold the cv1 for a quest 2 and have a thrustmaster t16000 hotas setup
Haven't played for since before horizons mind
It's the endless updating of shit that kills it for me now
If I'm not constantly on it,.everytime I want to play I need to update everything from drivers to headset to game to...
Haven't played for since before horizons mind
It's the endless updating of shit that kills it for me now
If I'm not constantly on it,.everytime I want to play I need to update everything from drivers to headset to game to...

Retro…Call of duty 2…playing through the campaign….when cod had long campaigns. But it was cod2 online that grabbed my attention away back 2006…4v4 main gun and a side arm…grenade and a smoker…simple times pure dead brilliant

MK1 at the moment, though I haven’t played a fighting game since I was a kid!
Always been a pvp gamer.
Always been struggling to find good pvp action outside of shooters.
And fighting games have been here the whole damn time lol.
Been living a lie.
Always been a pvp gamer.
Always been struggling to find good pvp action outside of shooters.
And fighting games have been here the whole damn time lol.
Been living a lie.

You've reminded me: Street Fighter 6 has probably updated and downloaded everything so I can play now! But it's 00:32. Sleep is probably wisest...

Not playing it right now but a blast from the past anyone remember "Sinclair 64" with the tape player to load games and the tiny black keyboard? Oh PaperBoy was the game we loved! Been on ebay and seen you can still get them !

I'm currently playing super snail on android 🤣 super addictive. Join my clan (kimchikings). I'm 53 highest ranked in the world 💚

Amazing seeing all the osrs players on here. Brilliant game, been hooked to runescape since 2005.
Currently playing through a Total War: Warhammer 3 campaign myself.
Currently playing through a Total War: Warhammer 3 campaign myself.

I'm playing gta v online but started to look at redfall last night and I'm not sure what to think lol

Dude, come and join me on an apocalyptic journey like no other. Come and enter the one and only world that is. DayZ.

I keep seeing this creep back up on Steam. I played this waaaaaaay back when it was an ARMA 2 mod and it still stands out as one of the most interesting online experiences. Like 99% of it was utter shit, running around an enormous map, janky as fuck zombies, not seeing a single person, randomly breaking your legs and then getting killed by someone you never even saw. But fuccck when it was that 1% it was something really special.

Well…..funny question. Its never been fully fixed it has constantly been getting fixed and updated and patched and what not. Its looking better than it ever has. If you haven’t played for years you would be shocked as to what its become now. I only play on console but I am moving to pc soon so I can get all the maps that the main streamers play on. On console dayz we only have chernarus and livonia to explore.
On pc you have like a near enough unlimited number of some amazing maps now.
For example, deer isle,
takistan, esseker. Theyre just to name a few. Its quit insane. Never known a game like it 🤣
On pc you have like a near enough unlimited number of some amazing maps now.
For example, deer isle,
takistan, esseker. Theyre just to name a few. Its quit insane. Never known a game like it 🤣

Ohhh man the map! I forgot about the map. I remember I was working at a place that had a huge printer capable of printing on canvas for construction signs etc.
I printed like a 6ft by 6ft (way bigger than I realised) copy of the map onto canvas. It was absolutely beautiful......and no real help whatsoever aha!
What route you going with on the PC front Finbar? Building or buying? Is the whole graphics card shortage over yet? I'd seriously recomend taking a look at the STALKER mod - Anomaly when you do get one. It feels like the single player ancestor to a lot of these style of games IMO.
I printed like a 6ft by 6ft (way bigger than I realised) copy of the map onto canvas. It was absolutely beautiful......and no real help whatsoever aha!
What route you going with on the PC front Finbar? Building or buying? Is the whole graphics card shortage over yet? I'd seriously recomend taking a look at the STALKER mod - Anomaly when you do get one. It feels like the single player ancestor to a lot of these style of games IMO.

You haven’t played for a long time it seems. Check out youtube and youll see how much its blown. Watch “the running man z” and “fresh spawns” youll get the jist. Yes sir you have definitely played DayZ! 🤣🫶

Also, the last of us has an online called factions multiplayer. There is nothing like that either. Supply raid is basically a 4v4 each team starts on 20 then it goes down to sudden death potentially. All in all great games if you love the zombie apocalypse scenario. The last of us story mode is the best story I have ever watched. I was guttered when they deviated in some parts from the game compared to the series. It is what it is I suppose haha

If you want a good idea of how you play it so you learn quickly. Watch therunningmanz and fresh spawns. Trust me dude. This isnt just a game. Youll soon realise. Just remember to have fun along your painful journey! 🤣


Hi you doing 👍.just seen the result of the competition . Looks like you and few others were so close my friend 🥴🥴.

haha not close enough! but its all good I ordered some Black Cherry Gelato and some Silver Bubble anyway lol! :D Big up the winner and big up Green Cat! A generous giveaway from a great seller! :)

Damn GC that’s an exciting prospect for the winner!
I’m hoping it’s at $32500.
Good luck and who ever wins is having a highloween ✌️
I’m hoping it’s at $32500.
Good luck and who ever wins is having a highloween ✌️

1 post
+3 votes
You've done it again with these latest listings mate I've got no idea how I'm gonna decide what to go for haha <3 Enjoy the break when it comes! :)

1 post
+1 votes
$34,786.54 good luck everyone and congrats TGT

That's right guys, this JULY we are celebrating 7 years of business. Its as been an extremely blessed journey and we are very grateful to all you biggas and this sacred medicine :)
To celebrate we are giving away 77Gs to you lucky biggas !
To be provably fair we have decided to run the competition as below so please follow the instructions.
Like and Comment on this post what you think the BTC/USD price will be on 07/07/2023 at 7PM UK time.
1 guess per customer, price will be from the tradingview USD CHART.
We will then be giving 7 prizes to the 7 closest guesses.
77Gs, to 7 lucky people on 07/07 at 7PM on our 7 year anniversary, we couldn't be any happier.
Good luck to all and once again thank you for your continuous support.
Lots of Love
To celebrate we are giving away 77Gs to you lucky biggas !
To be provably fair we have decided to run the competition as below so please follow the instructions.
Like and Comment on this post what you think the BTC/USD price will be on 07/07/2023 at 7PM UK time.
1 guess per customer, price will be from the tradingview USD CHART.
We will then be giving 7 prizes to the 7 closest guesses.
77Gs, to 7 lucky people on 07/07 at 7PM on our 7 year anniversary, we couldn't be any happier.
Good luck to all and once again thank you for your continuous support.
Lots of Love

Right guys, price was $30,545.
We used the trading view 1M candle, at 18;00 UTC (19:00 UK) on 05.07.2023
We are attaching the screenshot of the chart, and the 7 winners and difference between the price to be provably fair.
Winners, please send us your shipping details .
$30,549 - (4)
30 555 - (10)
$30,777 - (232)
$30,806 - (261)
$30261.11 - (283,99)
$30143 - (311)
$30864 - (319)
If we get enough likes on this comments, we will be running another one of these from Monday :)
We used the trading view 1M candle, at 18;00 UTC (19:00 UK) on 05.07.2023
We are attaching the screenshot of the chart, and the 7 winners and difference between the price to be provably fair.
Winners, please send us your shipping details .
$30,549 - (4)
30 555 - (10)
$30,777 - (232)
$30,806 - (261)
$30261.11 - (283,99)
$30143 - (311)
$30864 - (319)
If we get enough likes on this comments, we will be running another one of these from Monday :)

Package arrived rapidly. They even sent me a TGT lighter =) You should put a QR code on the back of the lighter with your reference token embedded! Biggas can get to your page rapid, or share it with friends ;)
Thanks for the giveaway, respect ✊
Thanks for the giveaway, respect ✊

Just wanted to drop a note and say thanks again to TGT for the comp. It took me a while to realise I came 5th so only got my prize recently. I won some Purple Punch and must say it's lovely stuff - well cured, good terps and a great high. Highly recommended!

Well done peeps close guesses. I was miles out haha but I am destined to win one of these lol 1 day soon I hope xx

Amazing competition and I was lucky enough to grab the 1st prize … received it a few days later ;) both the Hindu Kush and bored ape are a great smoke , the bored ape definitely has the best flavour when smoked but they both put my arse straight on the sofa 💨💨😊😊… both strains have good size and solid nugz … thanks

Guys last entry will be 05/07/2023 7PM UK Time :)
Best of luck to all :)
Guys last entry will be 05/07/2023 7PM UK Time :)
Best of luck to all :)

I have no idea, but I never win anything anyway so good luck to all and big up TGT, one of the best on here

Excellent giveaway and well done for aa sold 7 years!! You were one of a small number of vendors I used when I first started on LB. Here's to many more x

Congratulations on the success you guys have built, haven’t placed an order from this account from yourselfs but still got some of your hashes in the stash a friend ordered, gutted I missed your manala 😭 $24766

Great idea for a competition and very generous prizes, congrats on 7 years! What is the closing date?

1 post
+2 votes
Competition time @Eddys Exclusive Prizes to be Won😮💨

Competition time @Eddys Exclusive Prizes to be Won😮💨

Hey Biggas it’s time for another competition @Eddys and this time with prizes you don’t want to miss out on 🤔
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition as they seem to never get taken down but as a added bit of fun to enter the competition and receive a random number simply upvote and have a guess at the weight of the jungle boys boulder 🪨😁 .
There will be 2 exclusive prizes to be won (see comments for details). One for the correct winning number and the second prize will go to anyone who guesses the exact amount of the boulder . Now the prizes are brand new to market and exclusive so dont miss out on a chance to get lucky and bag one.
Simply upvote this post and make a guess to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on July 16th next Sunday so only a week to enter. Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition as they seem to never get taken down but as a added bit of fun to enter the competition and receive a random number simply upvote and have a guess at the weight of the jungle boys boulder 🪨😁 .
There will be 2 exclusive prizes to be won (see comments for details). One for the correct winning number and the second prize will go to anyone who guesses the exact amount of the boulder . Now the prizes are brand new to market and exclusive so dont miss out on a chance to get lucky and bag one.
Simply upvote this post and make a guess to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on July 16th next Sunday so only a week to enter. Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶

So biggas you’ve heard of hash Caviar ? Now introducing Eddys Beluga Caviar made with only the finest top grade ingredients🔥😵💫
The 2 winners will receive 1 each of these deliciously decadent treats to try😮💨🤤good luck to everyone.
Also If this comment receives enough upvotes and the interest is there these top shelf delights will be made available on my page via exclusive custom order only. Thanks Eddy🍭🫶
The 2 winners will receive 1 each of these deliciously decadent treats to try😮💨🤤good luck to everyone.
Also If this comment receives enough upvotes and the interest is there these top shelf delights will be made available on my page via exclusive custom order only. Thanks Eddy🍭🫶

Eddy's has become the Willy Wonka of weed! 🧁🍬🍭
These all look ridiculously special! 😍
I'm terrible at guessing, so my missus says 62.2g please
Fingers crossed! Thanks Eddy! ✌️💚😁
These all look ridiculously special! 😍
I'm terrible at guessing, so my missus says 62.2g please
Fingers crossed! Thanks Eddy! ✌️💚😁

Hey bud,
I'm not entering (if it wasn't for bad luck i wouldn't have any luck😂) lol just merely appreciating the pure THC porn lol,
Hope all is well with you and the fam,
I'm not entering (if it wasn't for bad luck i wouldn't have any luck😂) lol just merely appreciating the pure THC porn lol,
Hope all is well with you and the fam,

Can be custom made to any size imagine a 5g piece 😵💫this one has Alien breath sugar, JB Zkittles cake badder and coated in Golden pineapple shatter 1.1g total and its delicious 😋

Eddy the mad scientist! 🤓 Did you happen to come up with this in the early hours after a few too many edibles? 😂
Might have to get in on this, cheeky birthday present to myself 🤔
Might have to get in on this, cheeky birthday present to myself 🤔

Nice one Eddy, I’m going to guess 32gs.
Good luck biggas and thanks for the giveaway Eddy.
Good luck biggas and thanks for the giveaway Eddy.

1 post
+8 votes

HASH: do you like it? do you feel it's stronger than flower?
I grew up with hash in the 80’s…red seal gold seal rocky leb all great stones. Joints hot knives tumblers and yoghurts were all the rage back then.

HASH: do you like it? do you feel it's stronger than flower?
I'm curious to weather people like hash and think It's stronger than bud in most cases.
Looking online, places like reddit lots of people say its stronger and hits them hard but it's the opposite opinion on here, heard lots of people saying its a weaker high which doesn't add up?
Looking online, places like reddit lots of people say its stronger and hits them hard but it's the opposite opinion on here, heard lots of people saying its a weaker high which doesn't add up?

I find Reddit is dominated by N.Americans and they don’t do a lot of hash, I don’t know why, it just seems to be more a European/Asian thing🤷♂️
The UK is jammy full with cheap commercial stamp hash right now (as is reflected on this site) and no it mostly isn’t very strong but can be smooth and pleasant.
If you can score top quality (genuine!) Moroccan, Afghan or Nepalese hash you are in for a treat that is as strong and generally stronger than any weed 🤩🔥🤩
The UK is jammy full with cheap commercial stamp hash right now (as is reflected on this site) and no it mostly isn’t very strong but can be smooth and pleasant.
If you can score top quality (genuine!) Moroccan, Afghan or Nepalese hash you are in for a treat that is as strong and generally stronger than any weed 🤩🔥🤩

thought so polly, out of the 9 hashes I've tried only 2 have been decent, bought 2x once and think I got sent wrong order because was extremely weak.
only good hash I've honestly had on here and felt strong effects is green thumbs sunset sherbet, and that London poundcake just about does it.
Both cheap as piss too, If you have any good hash recommendations I'm all ears!
I've done random tests with this sunset sherbet smoking flower and then waiting to switch back to see how the effects really differ
honestly beat most of the flower on here but It could just be me
only good hash I've honestly had on here and felt strong effects is green thumbs sunset sherbet, and that London poundcake just about does it.
Both cheap as piss too, If you have any good hash recommendations I'm all ears!
I've done random tests with this sunset sherbet smoking flower and then waiting to switch back to see how the effects really differ
honestly beat most of the flower on here but It could just be me

Check out MKK2020 if you want to upgrade. The Letcho Punch triple filtered is splendid, and he has a whole range of Bay Area imports that get great reviews…

I think the hash in UK/Europe was historically driven by climate? I only knew a few mates parents that grew in greenhouses when we were never turnedcout great TBH.

More geography than climate. Historically the indica plants grow in arid mountainous regions like Afghanistan/Morocco and made into hash as the bud wasn’t as good. These places where easier to get to Europe. Historically the sativa plant grows in moist tropical regions such as Colombia/Mexico and the bud was of good quality and remained as bud. It was easier to get these to America.

Not in joints. This has to be mentioned as it does not burn enough to get the full effects if you put to much in. I wouldn’t want to know what gets added to that hash either because in all cases it is contaminated. A tiny bit in all the good bits and lots in the others. It’s kinda obvious really. Pesticides that get used in the growing weed under lights or in the open are then pressed into rosin hash or other. Especially the leaves in shake in my opinion as these soak up all the containing contaminants in the air. It’s common sense really polly. I see your comments here a lot and sometimes they make sense. But not on this one or home grown weed which was average years ago that I could grow for in my garden for 50 an eighth northern lights style. £5 for 3 seeds and boom northern.there is no joy or pleasure in spending £50 an eighth on weed that is no better than £25 that I can easily grow in my garden or Wow it’s local or organic. Ok. And no proof it actually is organic. I’ve had huge recommendations for a superior vendor who appears from time to time and his weed burned black and needed relighting.if you all want proper advice from someone proper but unrated give me a shout. 10/10 legend on here he. Your not even as experienced on here as give out to much advice which massively leans to weed that is advertised as organic. Who’s the fool? Home grown for £50 or Canadian proper import for £50. Jesus

Wow, chill out amigo.
I’m absolutely sure that your home grown is the dogs bollocks mate so you just carry on yeah? I bow down low to your knowledge on the subject. Well done for being more experienced than me, I’m sure many if not most people on here are.
And like my neighbour who swears that nothing beats his home brew for strength and purity and it only costs him 55p a pint, well he’s a top bloke too….
Meanwhile, if you don’t mind I’m going to crack open a Leffe Brun (filthy overpriced beer pretending to be Trappist whilst owned by those wankers at the worlds largest brewing company) and load my Vapman (ridiculously overpriced piece of silly wood) with Taffy Coffee Coin Moroccan hash (overpriced and no doubt full of camel shit and contaminates) whilst dreaming up some more poor advice to spaff about on here….
Happy Days! 😎👍
I’m absolutely sure that your home grown is the dogs bollocks mate so you just carry on yeah? I bow down low to your knowledge on the subject. Well done for being more experienced than me, I’m sure many if not most people on here are.
And like my neighbour who swears that nothing beats his home brew for strength and purity and it only costs him 55p a pint, well he’s a top bloke too….
Meanwhile, if you don’t mind I’m going to crack open a Leffe Brun (filthy overpriced beer pretending to be Trappist whilst owned by those wankers at the worlds largest brewing company) and load my Vapman (ridiculously overpriced piece of silly wood) with Taffy Coffee Coin Moroccan hash (overpriced and no doubt full of camel shit and contaminates) whilst dreaming up some more poor advice to spaff about on here….
Happy Days! 😎👍

Polly you def are a legend. And I take your advices on here. Reddit is definitely dominated by N Americans, and we really don’t have a solid hash market here. At least not that I’ve stumbled upon. So I come on here and there’s hash everywhere! But it’s confusing because I watch the conversations here and it’s always back and forth about how terrible commercial hash is, or commercial hash isn’t that bad, or this person or that person has the worst or best hash. I’m currently waiting on 2 hash orders (my very first real hash). And I’m a little freaked now because I don’t really know the difference between good hash or trash hash. So I based my orders off who has the best reviews and have been mentioned on thread such as this one. Should I be overly concerned with trying hash off LB?

Thanks for the kind words amigo!
You certainly don’t need to be overly concerned, I really think you should try a range of LB hash👍. I could probably give my opinion on your purchases if I knew what you have ordered (you can DM me if you like) but of course that’s just my opinion.
I think most Biggas are surprised by just how much hash is available here right now but that’s great in terms of choice for both strength and price. Not everybody wants to blow their socks off and prefer the easy going smoothness and affordability of commercial stamp hash. Others like something a bit special and look out for filtered hash imports that can give a real kick but come with a higher price tag.
You are right though, it is very confusing!😵💫…bubbles, microns, x filter, Keif, pollen, isolator, black, red, Lebanese, Moroccan, Pakistani, hard, soft, squidgy, oily, 🤯
It sounds like you’ve done the right thing and used the reviews. Top quality hash is never cheap but cheap hash can be surprisingly satisfactory (I often sandwich it with weed for some great combos).
It’s just all part of the wonderful cannabis journey that is LB. Please keep us informed of how you get on🙏🏽-I’m genuinely intrigued how few Americans use hash products ….have fun!
You certainly don’t need to be overly concerned, I really think you should try a range of LB hash👍. I could probably give my opinion on your purchases if I knew what you have ordered (you can DM me if you like) but of course that’s just my opinion.
I think most Biggas are surprised by just how much hash is available here right now but that’s great in terms of choice for both strength and price. Not everybody wants to blow their socks off and prefer the easy going smoothness and affordability of commercial stamp hash. Others like something a bit special and look out for filtered hash imports that can give a real kick but come with a higher price tag.
You are right though, it is very confusing!😵💫…bubbles, microns, x filter, Keif, pollen, isolator, black, red, Lebanese, Moroccan, Pakistani, hard, soft, squidgy, oily, 🤯
It sounds like you’ve done the right thing and used the reviews. Top quality hash is never cheap but cheap hash can be surprisingly satisfactory (I often sandwich it with weed for some great combos).
It’s just all part of the wonderful cannabis journey that is LB. Please keep us informed of how you get on🙏🏽-I’m genuinely intrigued how few Americans use hash products ….have fun!

Was following this tread and just reading your comments. I’ve only in the past year started getting back into hash. After advice from fellow bigga’s recommending I try it.
I vape my hash. You mentioned that not in joints. A good few people I talk to do and swear by it and enjoy it. How would you consume it?
You have very sweeping statements in your comments backed up by obvious really! And no other context. I have had some very decent hash from this platform that at the end of the day is just my opinion.
What has the growing side of your comments have to do in relation to hash?
We are all buying illegal drugs! Your delivery does not come with a letter of authenticity.
I tried to hit you up for some of your legend knowledge but your account is restricted?
In all cases you like what you like.
I vape my hash. You mentioned that not in joints. A good few people I talk to do and swear by it and enjoy it. How would you consume it?
You have very sweeping statements in your comments backed up by obvious really! And no other context. I have had some very decent hash from this platform that at the end of the day is just my opinion.
What has the growing side of your comments have to do in relation to hash?
We are all buying illegal drugs! Your delivery does not come with a letter of authenticity.
I tried to hit you up for some of your legend knowledge but your account is restricted?
In all cases you like what you like.

Reason has isn’t popular in America is fairly obvious! Do I need to explain? I’ll tell you how it’s produced if you like. It’s contaminated in all cases except Canada and America wher it’s proper. And you will notice the difference organically when smoking

“It’s contaminated in all cases except Canada and America wher it’s proper”
Er…well that land mass pretty much covers ‘N.America’ last time I looked at a map 🤷♂️😂
Did you wake up unhappy today?
Do chill….😎
Er…well that land mass pretty much covers ‘N.America’ last time I looked at a map 🤷♂️😂
Did you wake up unhappy today?
Do chill….😎

Love abit of Hash it’s where most of us started back when you couldn’t get any green unless someone you knew grew a homegrown style bad batch of white widow or you got some bush weed lol. Now the choices are unreal recently smoked some jealousy and now smoking strawberry gelato 🔥 and that’s just round here dont by into the cali pack nonsense we get all the high grade stuff they call cali local n resellers just buy the bags on n repackage

Yes a lot of people say it is a weaker high due to impurities hash advertised on here. 90% of the hashes sold on LittleBiggy are standard commercial cut with either henna or worse.
the true highest quality is so expensive that most vendors dont even bother selling such high standard hash.
the true highest quality is so expensive that most vendors dont even bother selling such high standard hash.

So none of that hash is on here?
It makes sense what you said. I ordered a bit from here a few hears ago.
after eight hash?
super silver haze hash
banana hash
Couldn't actually tell the difference 100% when I put some in my doobs. I felt like the high was slightly longer but not sure if I'm honest.
It makes sense what you said. I ordered a bit from here a few hears ago.
after eight hash?
super silver haze hash
banana hash
Couldn't actually tell the difference 100% when I put some in my doobs. I felt like the high was slightly longer but not sure if I'm honest.

I like hash because I like all weed. It's usually not my first choice because I do feel it's overall weaker in effect compared to buds. Which is not a bad thing.
I would say the hash high feels like a twin sister to a bud high - not exactly the same, but pretty much indistinguishable if you don't know them well.
I would say the hash high feels like a twin sister to a bud high - not exactly the same, but pretty much indistinguishable if you don't know them well.

interesting this is, because this was also my view until I tried some actual high quality hash on here
you can get some weak ones tbh, maybe It's just me but the sunset sherbet green thumb is selling is all I need and I have a high T, surprisingly isn't expensive either like 180 for a oz
you can get some weak ones tbh, maybe It's just me but the sunset sherbet green thumb is selling is all I need and I have a high T, surprisingly isn't expensive either like 180 for a oz

The doctor is my favourite vendor atm. Granted, I'm pretty new here. Just got some cookie dough hash from him, testing will commence shortly :)
His Bruce Banger was actually pretty strong too.
His Bruce Banger was actually pretty strong too.

Don’t sleep on the sunset sherbet, I guess you could say I’ve been promoting it a little recently just from my love for it, it just works makes you feel warm and happy whereas others I’ve been trying don’t compare

DGT have been very good and they follow through with messages to make sure everything is ok. Plus 1 from me for their stuff.

I grew up with hash in the 80’s…red seal gold seal rocky leb all great stones. Joints hot knives tumblers and yoghurts were all the rage back then.
Time the mid nineties came with the dreaded soap bar and slate. These hashes where mixed with some not so pleasant ingredients. Dealers even sprayed henna hairspray to add weight.
Then weed appeared on the streets and we were getting stoned again.
Nowadays for me the hash is so weak and generic.
Only had a one or two good hashes on here the gentleman’s lemon kush being one of them.
Time the mid nineties came with the dreaded soap bar and slate. These hashes where mixed with some not so pleasant ingredients. Dealers even sprayed henna hairspray to add weight.
Then weed appeared on the streets and we were getting stoned again.
Nowadays for me the hash is so weak and generic.
Only had a one or two good hashes on here the gentleman’s lemon kush being one of them.

Weight for weight hash should be stronger as it’s just the trichomes of the plant rather than the bud with the trichomes attached. Despite that I don’t think hash is as strong purely because most of it is made from landrace hybrids. When you see, for example, gorilla glue hash, it’s unlikely made from the gorilla glue strain and instead probably a hybrid of gorilla glue and the landrace Beldia (specific to Morocco that is). Potentially it’s just pure landrace beldia and the farmers just put a recognisable label on it to identify their farm (e.g Porsche stamp, Rolex stamp, etc) It wouldn’t be grown in controlled indoor conditions but outside en masse in the Moroccan sun for example and so won’t be as potent. If someone was to actually grow some proper indoor high grade strains and make hash from it I would guess it would be a hell of a lot stronger. That’s why stuff like bubble hash and isolator hash is strong because it’s usually made for potency and quality using indoor grows whereas the outdoor large scale farms in Morocco etc are going for high yields and hardiness for growing outdoors. I’ve used Moroccan beldia as an example but other areas of the world have their own like the Afghan hash plant, Pakistani chitral kush, and the strains the make charas and Malana cream. They’re all made from landrace strains that have adapted to their region such as the Himalayas and so can be grown outside as crops.

As with all things you have to be able
to source the very high quality hash. I’ve been fortunate enough recently to try static sift, full melt sift, Cali dry sift and x3 filtered plates. These hashes will compete with and in some cases be far superior to a lot of bud. Not seen these genuine hashes on here sadly. All you tend to get here is standard blondes. Some of those are pretty strong but the terps and taste on the high end hash is unreal. Expensive as hell but worth it. If any vendors on here can get anything like that I’m interested. Also, where’s the genuine charas? Don’t see much of that these days. I love my green but good hash is different levels.
to source the very high quality hash. I’ve been fortunate enough recently to try static sift, full melt sift, Cali dry sift and x3 filtered plates. These hashes will compete with and in some cases be far superior to a lot of bud. Not seen these genuine hashes on here sadly. All you tend to get here is standard blondes. Some of those are pretty strong but the terps and taste on the high end hash is unreal. Expensive as hell but worth it. If any vendors on here can get anything like that I’m interested. Also, where’s the genuine charas? Don’t see much of that these days. I love my green but good hash is different levels.

That’s the issue with everything ma man. You get what you pay for
Good list of hash off your bucket list lol 😂
Good list of hash off your bucket list lol 😂

Just listed some bubble hash smells 50x stronger than any bud I’ve smoked n I’ve smoked a lot🤣😶🌫️😮💨 will report back tomorrow when I’ve give it a good go , reckon it’s going to be as strong as the concentrates I have cause it smell’s like pure power this stuff🔥

I think hash can be lovely depending on a few different factors
Price, grade of flower used, and producer
I used to pick up bars upon bars of top quality (high grade) Maroc for 1.60 a gram & commercial for roughly the same price
Happy with both couldn’t get better bang for your buck anywhere and sometimes on par with really good bud
Ketama gold was lovely peppery on the nose but really strong and heavy high
Proper gold seal Afghan when good couldn’t be beaten for the value and the high was really nice
Then one day a friend passed me a bar of orange cookies and cream ice water hash 300 quid a bar
Honestly smelt like what people consider Cali bud (top shelf in other words)
tasted like top bud and hit you like it couldn’t miss 15/10 stuff
But the problem is there’s that many decent looking hashes that are shit mutton dressed as lamb
And there’s that many hashes that are commercial sold as high grade or similar
I paid 350 for a bar of some sticky lovely looking hash that ended up being just ok no better than commercial
Possibly just cleaner and far more expensive than decent maroc
A good honest supplier is basically the difference these days
I know the prices on hash have gone mad over the last few years I.e why I don’t bother with lumps anymore
But there’s some fantastic hash out there just gotta find the right supplier
Price, grade of flower used, and producer
I used to pick up bars upon bars of top quality (high grade) Maroc for 1.60 a gram & commercial for roughly the same price
Happy with both couldn’t get better bang for your buck anywhere and sometimes on par with really good bud
Ketama gold was lovely peppery on the nose but really strong and heavy high
Proper gold seal Afghan when good couldn’t be beaten for the value and the high was really nice
Then one day a friend passed me a bar of orange cookies and cream ice water hash 300 quid a bar
Honestly smelt like what people consider Cali bud (top shelf in other words)
tasted like top bud and hit you like it couldn’t miss 15/10 stuff
But the problem is there’s that many decent looking hashes that are shit mutton dressed as lamb
And there’s that many hashes that are commercial sold as high grade or similar
I paid 350 for a bar of some sticky lovely looking hash that ended up being just ok no better than commercial
Possibly just cleaner and far more expensive than decent maroc
A good honest supplier is basically the difference these days
I know the prices on hash have gone mad over the last few years I.e why I don’t bother with lumps anymore
But there’s some fantastic hash out there just gotta find the right supplier

Check out Frenchie Cannoli if you want a master class in making high end hash
It's also incredible for edibles. Some of the strongest edibles I've had have come from very innocent looking fluffy slate. The other thing I notice with a he'll of a lot of smokers, dabbers and bongers is they don't hold down the inhale long enough. Fucking lightweights
It's also incredible for edibles. Some of the strongest edibles I've had have come from very innocent looking fluffy slate. The other thing I notice with a he'll of a lot of smokers, dabbers and bongers is they don't hold down the inhale long enough. Fucking lightweights

I think a lot depends on what you are using to make the hash, and to some extent the skills of the person making the hash but ultimately it’s GIGO - garbage in, garbage out.

Exactly my point above. You get what you pay for not just weed or hash anything but it’s a tightrope as you want to get the best bang for your budget. Whatever that may be.

I went right off hash for years due to the poor quality on Da Street lol
That’s now been changed and love a good bit of hash in my rotation.
One of the strongest I’ve had but not from him but I know he has it listed is MKK isolator hash 🤯🤯🤯. Link attached
Let’s all pray that hashin comes back soon 🥲
That’s now been changed and love a good bit of hash in my rotation.
One of the strongest I’ve had but not from him but I know he has it listed is MKK isolator hash 🤯🤯🤯. Link attached
Let’s all pray that hashin comes back soon 🥲

I’m a long time toker - whole life pretty much and as these skunks have got insane over the years my tolerance has massively built up. I can smoke very strong weed and not really get much hit these days so have turned back to hash on and off. I love the taste which helps (being from the old days just the smell makes me feel 16 again lol in me fifties now) but more importantly I def get a better hit off the good hashes. They’re a little dearer but a really nice treat. And even the stamps on here are infinitely better than the shite that went round in the 80’s and 90’s.
So to answer your initial question - no I don’t think ‘hash stronger in most cases’ - I would say ‘some cases’ - and only if you wanna pay out a little extra for the proper stuff. There’s some top stuff on LB :-))
So to answer your initial question - no I don’t think ‘hash stronger in most cases’ - I would say ‘some cases’ - and only if you wanna pay out a little extra for the proper stuff. There’s some top stuff on LB :-))

Some of the ‘squidgy black’ available in the 80’s and 90’s was amazing. I remember getting lots of ‘slate’ which was cheap and a bit crap. Remember it? The stuff that would go into hard little balls only to cascade all over your clothing as ‘hot rocks!’ I do like a nice bit of hash though and like you gives me happy reminders of my youth. When it comes to which is stronger? Too many variables for a straight definitive answer.

interesting mate, I see what you mean about the good hashes being more expensive (possibly filtered) do you have any recommendations for more expensive/worth hashes?
Next time you wanna try some good CHEAP hash please check out dr green thumbs sunset sherbet
Next time you wanna try some good CHEAP hash please check out dr green thumbs sunset sherbet

I’ve found any of Dr Green Thumb top shelf stuff is spot on. Also NDD for free. AND he always replies to messages ! never any issues.He’s kinda my go to currently tho just spotted The Hash Collective 23 had some really nice looking stuff the other day. They appear to have run out now tho ffs - but I’ll be keeping an eye on them for a restock. Looked like some nice stuff

Like the look of that Illuminati my man! I got you bookmarked. 👍

Hash is definitely stronger than the flower that was used to make it. That does not mean though that every bit of hash is stronger than every type of weed, far from it in fact.
Generally speaking, I would say that most of the traditionally made Moroccan/Indian/Afghan etc hashes will get you less stoned than if you were smoking a nice modern day strain of weed, but iceolator hash or filtered hash thats been made from modern strains of plants will be stronger than the flower.
Generally speaking, I would say that most of the traditionally made Moroccan/Indian/Afghan etc hashes will get you less stoned than if you were smoking a nice modern day strain of weed, but iceolator hash or filtered hash thats been made from modern strains of plants will be stronger than the flower.

I'm from Norway, living in the UK, and back home hashish is very much the norm still. The street standard there is miles better than the hashes I've bought from LB. In Norway hash is also generally cheaper than flower. I've given up hashes from here, as I don't want to spend premium on street standard. The affordable hashes are pretty much useless in my experience.

Also, we mix hash with tobacco, usually 1g for 3-4 cigarettes. You can roll a joint from that no problem, or smoke it in a bong. Dance a flame around the cigarettes to 'toast' them, remove the tobacco from the cigarettes, remove the sticks and crush it a bit. Then press the bit of hash flat into a disc, put it on the tip of your finger, dance a flame around it, and right before it lights put it on top of the tobacco flipped, then dance the flame on the other side and mix it up.

Yes my friend 🙌 Alternatively empty tobacco onto a plate and place under the grill, give it a good cook then add your high grade hashish and grind into a nice bong mix.

By definition hash is stronger than weed. Of course only if they come from the same plant. All the green material (bud/leaves) is just a carrier for the trichomes (hash) it has no psychoactive content whatsoever. That is all in the trichomes (hash). The quality of hash here in the uk is extremely poor. I have posted about this before. Chew a small piece ( 1/4 of a grain of rice) and it will crunch. This is a contaminant and 90% of the hash is like this. Even the high grade stuff. Vendors on here with the Leb have a clean product (3 vendors?) but is not high grade. But is still a thousand times better than the crunchy morrocans everyone else has. They are not cannabis in my opinion, I would call it Kai bar.

If you come from the West of Scotland you grew up having soap bar. Weed was something you had that was shit. Either crappy yard weed or worse. Good bud didn't happen to us.
Now we have both awesome weed and awesome hash. And now rosin, isolator, moonrocks, shatter etc
Love hash but it takes me ages to use it because i vape and basically microdose. The choice here is awesome and thise who do pick and mix rock. I can get a selection box of different hashes in sizes i can get through fast.
Now we have both awesome weed and awesome hash. And now rosin, isolator, moonrocks, shatter etc
Love hash but it takes me ages to use it because i vape and basically microdose. The choice here is awesome and thise who do pick and mix rock. I can get a selection box of different hashes in sizes i can get through fast.

Opinions about the strength and effects of hash versus bud can vary among individuals, and it ultimately comes down to personal preferences and experiences. Here are a few factors to consider:
1.Potency: Hash is typically more concentrated than regular bud (the dried flowers of the cannabis plant). This higher concentration of cannabinoids, such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), can lead to a potentially stronger psychoactive effect. However, it's worth noting that the potency of hash and bud can vary widely, depending on various factors like the strain, cultivation techniques, and processing methods.
2.Consumption method: The way you consume hash or bud can affect the experience and perceived strength. Hash is often consumed by smoking, vaporizing, or incorporating it into edibles, while bud is commonly smoked in joints, pipes, or bongs. Different consumption methods can result in variations in the onset, duration, and intensity of the high.
3.Tolerance and individual differences: People have different tolerance levels to cannabis, and their experiences can vary accordingly. Some individuals may find that hash provides a stronger high compared to bud, while others may have the opposite experience. Additionally, factors like body chemistry, metabolism, and previous cannabis use can also influence how someone responds to different forms of cannabis.
4.Quality and adulterants: The quality of both hash and bud can significantly impact the experience. Adulterants or impurities in hash, such as contaminants from the extraction process, may influence the perceived strength or the quality of the high. Similarly, the quality of bud, including factors like its freshness, curing proc process, and genetic lineage, can affect its potency and effects.
It's essential to remember that the effects of cannabis can be subjective, and individual experiences may differ. What one person finds to be a stronger or more enjoyable high may not be the same for someone else. If you're interested in exploring the differences between hash and bud, it may be helpful to try them yourself in a controlled and responsible manner, starting with lower doses to gauge their effects on you personally.
1.Potency: Hash is typically more concentrated than regular bud (the dried flowers of the cannabis plant). This higher concentration of cannabinoids, such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), can lead to a potentially stronger psychoactive effect. However, it's worth noting that the potency of hash and bud can vary widely, depending on various factors like the strain, cultivation techniques, and processing methods.
2.Consumption method: The way you consume hash or bud can affect the experience and perceived strength. Hash is often consumed by smoking, vaporizing, or incorporating it into edibles, while bud is commonly smoked in joints, pipes, or bongs. Different consumption methods can result in variations in the onset, duration, and intensity of the high.
3.Tolerance and individual differences: People have different tolerance levels to cannabis, and their experiences can vary accordingly. Some individuals may find that hash provides a stronger high compared to bud, while others may have the opposite experience. Additionally, factors like body chemistry, metabolism, and previous cannabis use can also influence how someone responds to different forms of cannabis.
4.Quality and adulterants: The quality of both hash and bud can significantly impact the experience. Adulterants or impurities in hash, such as contaminants from the extraction process, may influence the perceived strength or the quality of the high. Similarly, the quality of bud, including factors like its freshness, curing proc process, and genetic lineage, can affect its potency and effects.
It's essential to remember that the effects of cannabis can be subjective, and individual experiences may differ. What one person finds to be a stronger or more enjoyable high may not be the same for someone else. If you're interested in exploring the differences between hash and bud, it may be helpful to try them yourself in a controlled and responsible manner, starting with lower doses to gauge their effects on you personally.

Weed mongs me out which I don’t want sometimes, hash is a lot more mellow so I’d say weed is stronger

Hey Family,
Depends on hash you getting, hash usually is higher concentrate than the bud if you get the right product.
Give our 3x Filter a try if anyone has doubts about hash being weeker than a bud :)) The high and taste will blow your mind away. On another hand we have Moroccan Blonde which as well will beat the high of an average bud you buy on here.
Personally 18 years smoking, we find hash is a more suitable for smoking in public places and less annoying smell makes it more lowkey in parks etc. But the flower is always been the first choice if you are the fresh flavour chaser :)). Lately we been favouring the extracts such as shatter and wax, thc diamonds and even after fuckn with tolerance levels , 3x filter still gets you high :))
Peace and Respect
Depends on hash you getting, hash usually is higher concentrate than the bud if you get the right product.
Give our 3x Filter a try if anyone has doubts about hash being weeker than a bud :)) The high and taste will blow your mind away. On another hand we have Moroccan Blonde which as well will beat the high of an average bud you buy on here.
Personally 18 years smoking, we find hash is a more suitable for smoking in public places and less annoying smell makes it more lowkey in parks etc. But the flower is always been the first choice if you are the fresh flavour chaser :)). Lately we been favouring the extracts such as shatter and wax, thc diamonds and even after fuckn with tolerance levels , 3x filter still gets you high :))
Peace and Respect

1 post
+2 votes
23 42


To celebrate all the great reviews on my new Putin stamp indica hash I will be doing a giveaway!
So I had to redo the competition due to the new Borg that has imposed rules on competitions. This is how the competition will now work. On Saturday there will be a UK national lottery draw (lotto - the red one). 6 numbers are drawn, each number being between 1-99. I will choose the two numbers on the left of the lotto. Those with the closest guess will win 3.5g of our new Putin stamp! There will be two winners! I advise everyone to choose a number that hasn’t been chosen as whoever guessed the number first will win if two people chose the same number. Now that the rules have been established… BEST OF LUCK EVERYONE! Winners will be announced on Saturday Evening!
To celebrate all the great reviews on my new Putin stamp indica hash I will be doing a giveaway!
So I had to redo the competition due to the new Borg that has imposed rules on competitions. This is how the competition will now work. On Saturday there will be a UK national lottery draw (lotto - the red one). 6 numbers are drawn, each number being between 1-99. I will choose the two numbers on the left of the lotto. Those with the closest guess will win 3.5g of our new Putin stamp! There will be two winners! I advise everyone to choose a number that hasn’t been chosen as whoever guessed the number first will win if two people chose the same number. Now that the rules have been established… BEST OF LUCK EVERYONE! Winners will be announced on Saturday Evening!

06 & 28, not a big hash toker now I only dry herb, but couldn't resist after seeing the soft hash porn video

Hope this one keeps the borgs happy! 🤞🤣
Can I take numbers 5 and 9 please Tescrow?
Good luck everyone! 🍀
Can I take numbers 5 and 9 please Tescrow?
Good luck everyone! 🍀

Well hello Saffysda, I hope you’re having a great weekend because… YOU ARE THE WINNER of our lotto draw with the first number being 5! I’m glad someone as supportive as you won, thanks for the constant support now I can show my appreciation to you with our 3.5g of squidgy putin stamp indica hash! Drop me a PM to arrange your delivery :) All the best, Tescrow ❤️

33 and 38 and can't belive you never played the lottery tescrow aha you to get a ticket for Saturday now

Hi Cloudeater77, YOU ARE THE WINNER FOR OUR SECOND DRAW! Congrats, you guessed the number 14 correctly. Please contact me from account with over 10 buys to claim your prize! DM me from this account with the username of your alt account that has 10+ buys. Once confirmed I will begin to process your delivery! This draw is for those with 10+ buys only, so unfortunately if you do not meet this criteria the prize will go to the next applicable person. All the best, Tescrow.

Okay, I'll hold that celebration for a second....
10+ buys with you or just LB in general?. Cos this is my only account and it has 25+ buys.🤔
10+ buys with you or just LB in general?. Cos this is my only account and it has 25+ buys.🤔

Yeah, something weird is happening with my profile. I changed my profile pic yesterday, now it's gone and I can't reselect the old pic.
I'll screenshot and DM you!
I'll screenshot and DM you!

i thought it was funny, im a good girl.. honest.. i just picked them numbers at random, i have no idea what you are getting at ;p

16 and 35 i commented already below, but going on my luck today, im screwed haha nothings going right at all

tanku!!! imma order a sample anyways, ive been wanting to try vaping hash so.. perfect opportunity to give it a go!!
tanku for the comp
tanku for the comp

since my guesses were both wrong ... funny but wrong ... can i pls have 16 and 35 i dont think ether have been picked yet

1. Guess what the strain name of this plant is and you will get 4 cartridges (1 of each strain). And a 3.5g topshelf strain of your choosing!!
2. First one to guess the age of the plant to the exact number of days and you get 28g of shake and a 1ml cartridge of your choosing!!
:) happy guessing
Timestamp: 23/02/23 @ 00:57am
Giveaway ends on 02/03/23
2. First one to guess the age of the plant to the exact number of days and you get 28g of shake and a 1ml cartridge of your choosing!!
:) happy guessing
Timestamp: 23/02/23 @ 00:57am
Giveaway ends on 02/03/23

Be here all year if you want people to guess the name 🥴 isn't it better to do a random number generator so everybody has a fair chance of winning? Just a thought.
Good luck everyone, nethertheless!
Good luck everyone, nethertheless!

But I think that’s the point. More guessing = more traffic and on the topics longer.
That’s not a moan but not bad idea for exposure and the winnings are not to bad either.
But I think that’s the point. More guessing = more traffic and on the topics longer.
That’s not a moan but not bad idea for exposure and the winnings are not to bad either.

Prize received Apple's and bananas 🔥 🔥 🔥 and not tried the vapes yet but looking forward to tonight.
Thanksb justweed I'm pretty new to LB and you've really proven your products are top notch and your delivery is stealth next day what more can i say spot on brother 🤜
Thanksb justweed I'm pretty new to LB and you've really proven your products are top notch and your delivery is stealth next day what more can i say spot on brother 🤜

I’d have a close look at that baby aswell she looks like got a pest problem with the white dots showing on the lower fans, mites or thrips

Yeah check it out, hopefully isn’t but better to be safe and find them early before they take over.

Ahh good news mate, just thought I’d give it a mention just Incase and it mess your crop up weeks down the line.

Are you counting from when you planted it or when the seed burst through . Or when u potted the seed in the medium . Many factors at play could determine the age . Good luck guys .

1 post
+1 votes
Pistach took a month off. Back mid January. Personally I now buy off Pistach from one of their other store fronts.

Folks, if you go through the King's posts around Christmas, no-where do they mention a return.
I'd hate to think they're gone.
I'd hate to think they're gone.

They said “next year will come soon with more great deals and compositions” On a post before Christmas

1 post
+0 votes

Real D shake was good, purchased trim from pistach back in October which was good. A friend bought 2oz shake from strainsburys, half was wee buds. Gre…
1 post
+3 votes

What do people smoke with flower?
For my joints I use good shake as a base and cover it with hash 😎

What do people smoke with flower?
Joint smokers, which alternative fillers would you recommend?

Before you waste any money on alternatives ask yourself one thing mate; do you want to smoke random leaves from random plants or do you just want to smoke some weed?
Forget the spliffs and reach for the bong mate best way forward in my book and I say this as someone who basically chain smoked spliffs for 20 years before I quit the baccy and never thought I'd be able to put down the joints! I've never looked back, didn't take me long to adjust either.
Forget the spliffs and reach for the bong mate best way forward in my book and I say this as someone who basically chain smoked spliffs for 20 years before I quit the baccy and never thought I'd be able to put down the joints! I've never looked back, didn't take me long to adjust either.

I love joints. I love the whole ritual of building them, admiring them and, obviously, smoking them!
I think that (since quitting cigarettes) I find myself struggling sometimes with the unfiltered tobacco and believe that also detracts from the taste of the flower.
What I’m after is some flavourless bulk
I think that (since quitting cigarettes) I find myself struggling sometimes with the unfiltered tobacco and believe that also detracts from the taste of the flower.
What I’m after is some flavourless bulk

I get you mate and that's sort of what I mean is no matter what you replace it with it wont be the same as a spliff, even pure rolls aren't as satisfying for some reason lmao (you do get over it though I promise lol). Good luck mate I do hope you find something soon that works for you because it is genuinely a good move cutting out the tobacco :)

Hi, you could try this
Taste not to bad!
Otherwise get yourself a Dynavape, nearest thing to smoking joints IMO, once you've mastered the thecnique don't think you'll look back.
Taste not to bad!
Otherwise get yourself a Dynavape, nearest thing to smoking joints IMO, once you've mastered the thecnique don't think you'll look back.

I’d be interested in answers to this. Done some herb vaping and while ok not as good as a joint. Just bought some trim so might mix this in with some good weed. Also heard chamomile might be a good alternative, or damiana

Precisely. There’s plenty of herbal alternatives listed but having never tried them was hoping for some insight. And what better place to ask……

I tried a few weeks with damiana marshmallow raspberry leaves, all fine but a bit flowery. Makes all your green taste like thai and none of it feels like a joint if it doesn’t have the nicotine in it, even trim.
edit. I should read post history.
edit. I should read post history.

Herbs harvested from my garden. Sage is best, just cut the leaves into thin strips and leave to dry for some days. When that runs low I top it up with marjoram, which is growing rampant next to my pond. But that's a bit of a harsher smoke.

It’s decent, Amazon has some big bag of the stuff for a tenner, you’ll have to remove twigs end flowers heads but the green stuff mixes really well.

1 post
+2 votes

The 3 famous people you would wanna get stoned with?
Rihanna....Billy Connolly..... Robin Williams
Rihanna rollin’ some pink cookies...
Billy and Robin are bouncing off each other
And me I’ve just pishe…

The 3 famous people you would wanna get stoned with?
Mine gotta be mike tyson, howard marks, snoop dogg!!!

I'm gonna go German: Angela Merkel, Claudia Schiffer and Hegel - reckon he has some good shit.

Nice...a meeting of insightful minds; Bo Burnham reminds me of Randy Newman at his acerbic best.

Definitely a high grade smoke that one!!! Haha B Real absolute legend, it was his album cypress hill black sunday that got me into smoking in high school

It was between b real and George Clinton for the last place. I figured B-Real would bring some spectacular grade erbs

Dr green thumb wont fuck around haha having said that be interesting to see what clintons gotta say for himself, haha

I saw him live years ago at Mosely funk and jazz festival. Dude did like 3 hour set, along with a solid 40 minute version of "tear the roof off" was nuts. One of the better gigs I've been too.

All i can say to that mate is jealous as fuck haha ive never had the chance to see him yet, deffo on my to do list, he gets some mad mosh pits going aswell ive seen on some of his live shows!!! 3hrs man is some fucking show!!!

He must have been 80 odd then! Was a brilliant show. Played all the tunes we know and love. I hope you get to see him one day man.

Unfortunately that wont be the case he died july 30 this year f4om natural causes!!!!! Nooooooooo fucking way man!!!! No im proper gutted!!!!

Dead & R.I.P: Terence McKenna, Jerry Garcia & Christopher Hitchens.
Alive & well: Enrico & his family of Sublimators, Emily Blunt & ....mmm....Donald Trump (buckets & liberty cap tea for him and peel back the layers of madness to expose the core) - the proviso being only two get out alive, or the latter learns some humility.
Alive & well: Enrico & his family of Sublimators, Emily Blunt & ....mmm....Donald Trump (buckets & liberty cap tea for him and peel back the layers of madness to expose the core) - the proviso being only two get out alive, or the latter learns some humility.

Second sitting....George Carlin/Jerry Sadowitz, Nigella Lawson & evening where genius wit, delicious munchies and the utterly random would be catered for.

In her special pantry 100% one of the jars is marked "Jamaican oregano" kept on a top shelf. Just out of sight of everyone else.

He appears sound as a pound - the only time I ever watched (wife's) Big Brother and enjoyed it! His autobiography - written way back when - was enjoyable too....he had mad adventures even before he met the Ryders....stranded in Morocco, living in a friend's man w/heart of gold by all accounts!

I met him in chorlton when he was on the way to his mums house im not even joking from the minute we started talking like i knew him for years, literally had a 10 min chat just talking shit, then i met him on night where he was booked as a guest appearance where i used to live in some random pub, he was off his tits then!!! Haha

Only 3? I could name 20 no probs.
But Ill go with Bill Hicks, Alan Watts and Aldous Huxley
maybe Dalai Lama as a bonus?
But Ill go with Bill Hicks, Alan Watts and Aldous Huxley
maybe Dalai Lama as a bonus?

The Queen, Boris Johnson and Teresa May...then I’d blackmail them to legalise it or I’m telling

Surely the rest of the cabinet are already blackmailing Johnson over his coke habit... it’s the only way to explain how he’s still in power when he’s such a fucking mess and the only way to explain how they all still have jobs when they’re all so crocked and incompetent!

Dave chappelle 100 per cent, bring back richard prior that be one dude id love a smome with

Stevie fry would be awesome to have a smoke with definitely with you on that one, could learn alot from him but at the same time wont remember shit stoned as fuck, but still feel like you had a proper intense convo haha

damn son that film! haha mate you would feel a divine intervention in your life meeting that holy trinity haha:D

The legs scence every time for me bro!!! Fuuuuck!!! Haha Shes awesome init, dont think there could be anyone else to pull that off the way she did!!!

I used to drive past Frys Norfolk residence every day going to work. Nice place, close to King's Lynn

elon musk, snoop dog, and a random rasta man from the hills of Jamaica where they make the famous blue mountain coffee

I've actually met a random rasta man in the Blue Mountains on a coffee tour on my honeymoon.. it was epic, but didn't have time for a smoke.. so it's still on my list too

Hahahaha thats brilliant!!! Take the wife back with you to re new your vows, perfect excuse to go back haha

Dead : Bill Hicks, Jimi Hendrix, and Alan Rickman. Alive : Steve Coogan, Dave Grohl, and Bill Murray

Jimi hendrix 100 per cent, i should of said dead or alive, haha, bill murray be awesome get t ask him whats it really like to be a ghostbuster!!!

Thats a winner right there, David attenborough just imagine the stories, and you cant tell me hes never had a doubie with some mad tribe!!!! Haha

I cant believe only one person said Bob Marley .
Haile Selassie.
And my old north london friend , Ozzy32 , True Rasta!
And maybe someone in the Egyptian Times ( cleopatra ) or Troy Style of Times , I think I would a been a Ruler in those ancient times lol . Or a Robin Hood lol .
Haile Selassie.
And my old north london friend , Ozzy32 , True Rasta!
And maybe someone in the Egyptian Times ( cleopatra ) or Troy Style of Times , I think I would a been a Ruler in those ancient times lol . Or a Robin Hood lol .

R.I.P ..Robert Nesta, Queen Boudica , Mary Seacole
Alive ... Chronixx, Eek-a- Mouse , Marcia Griffiths, love my reggae
Alive ... Chronixx, Eek-a- Mouse , Marcia Griffiths, love my reggae

Ive had a think about this a lot. And I have to bump to 4...As in My scenario its a dinner party haha.
Mine are, Miriam Margolyes, Snoop, 2 Chaniz and Seth Rogen.
I've quite often fantasised and giggled about the conversations that may arise, and the reactions to follow haha
Mine are, Miriam Margolyes, Snoop, 2 Chaniz and Seth Rogen.
I've quite often fantasised and giggled about the conversations that may arise, and the reactions to follow haha

Well we gotta eat so 4s all good,haha, on the quiet 2 chains is a funny dude, surely you seen his tv show trying out all the different weeds, funny show!!
And to be fair miriam would be an absolute classic i can see where your going with that one!! Hahaa
And to be fair miriam would be an absolute classic i can see where your going with that one!! Hahaa

It actually makes me sad that this dinner party ive been planning for years, will never happen :( haha.
Yeah man, 2chains is low key hilarious!
Yeah man, 2chains is low key hilarious!

I dunno that just really depends on how high you are!!! Hahaha ive played out some pretty vivid scenarios when im stoned haha, whilst sat there smiling to ones self and theres absolutely no one in the room haha

i wanna smoke pineapple express with seth rogan, and drink the coffee kato makes in green hornet

I have two questions for you Kato, then you can go home.
Why is it that My dads mechanic makes the coffee?
And why is it, that without you, the coffee tastes like crap?
Why is it that My dads mechanic makes the coffee?
And why is it, that without you, the coffee tastes like crap?

without me the whole mansion will fall to a dilapidated state
and i build anything! even the worlds best coffee machine
come on now lets roll up a fine hashish joint
and i build anything! even the worlds best coffee machine
come on now lets roll up a fine hashish joint

First choice would be my dear old gran, never got the opportunity, by all accounts she was an OG triple OG :) Second spot goes to the current US Pres, raving mad at the best of times, crazy, senile, that would be a mad sesh. Last spot to Judge Judy, that would a huge honour :)

Listen im not trying to get stoned with anyone, i have two stoner friends and it’s chill with them but i cant stand being high around anyone else…. That being said, purely hypothetically I second anyone whos said Snoop Dogg, also Jane Fonda (dont judge me wed have some sick convos I already know) and honestly id be down to hit one with Tolkien so we can get into the dark and deep LOTR lore

Say hello to my two other friends!!!! Haha yeah man i like the idea getting fucked up with all 3 of them

Kurt Cobain, and a proper rastafarian and got to be Bob Marley surprised not so many mentioned him.

Very true i think every stoner would have a smoke with bob though, if you dont then theres something wrong with you hahaha, kurt cobain be awesome ill get to ask him if courtney love really did have anything to do with him dying

Nice political chats going on there and when it all gets to much and boring, just bury ya head in raquels tits!!! Like it!!! Hahah

Seth Rogan & Paul Rudd for sure be hilarious, you should see there high interview on youtube, brilliant

I was gonna throw seth in there but howard marks just beat him,Haha ill go check it out know!!!

For Musk I say Sativa, I wanna see him go nuts with his Mars vision, not like the indica sesh with Joe Rogan

Rihanna....Billy Connolly..... Robin Williams
Rihanna rollin’ some pink cookies...
Billy and Robin are bouncing off each other
And me I’ve just pished my pants and can’t breathe
Listening to these two comic legends....
Rihanna rollin’ some pink cookies...
Billy and Robin are bouncing off each other
And me I’ve just pished my pants and can’t breathe
Listening to these two comic legends....

Joe rogan deffo, get him teach me them leg kicks and guillotine choke holds haha stoned as fuck!!!

Seth Rogan, Owen Wilson and Noam Chomsky.
Seth for the laughs, Owen for the Uber chilledness, Noam for the mind blowing conversation.
Seth for the laughs, Owen for the Uber chilledness, Noam for the mind blowing conversation.

2 posts
+2 votes
Responded to all PM's and Queries, Super Quick service resumed. Thank you everyone for sticking by and understanding
Ordered two individual items. One was NDD so text if they could go together. Yes of course can was the answer. Next day only one item the hash. Contac…
+ 2 more

Responded to all PM's and Queries, Super Quick service resumed. Thank you everyone for sticking by and understanding

I have been bombarded with tonnes of pms over the weekend
I have been in trim jail again with my most recent harvest of the cookie dawg!
I have been able to respond to everyone before tomorrow (monday)
we will resume to keep a high quality and fast service. We expect some new exciting products to appear over this week. stay tuned
Most popular products atm:
Strawberry Soda Moonrocks
Frosted Kush Hash x3 Filtered
Shatter capsules
Cookie dawg
Cookie dawg Badder Coins
Moon rocks reviews:
17 reviews
Lovely stuff. Dangerous and Perfect. Many thanks
reviewed 1 day ago took 2 days to arrive
Wow yeah.. these moons take you up there alright! I been getting some high grade ganja's resent months.. but this stuff blew all of them outa the water! Add little bits with causion. Much high more
reviewed 2 days ago took 3 days to arrive
reviewed 3 days ago took 2 days to arrive
Heavy duty
reviewed 3 days ago took 2 days to arrive
Very nice indeed THB thank you. Strong but very smooth!
reviewed 4 days ago took 2 days to arrive
reviewed 4 days ago took 1 day to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
reviewed 4 days ago took 2 days to arrive
9/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
reviewed 6 days ago took 2 days to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
Well done happy smashed it lovely smoke... great coms n service. Thanks... soul
reviewed 6 days ago took 2 days to arrive
9/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
Not as sticky as other moon rocks I’ve had. Normally rubber gloves are needed to break the bud. Buds were covered in keif and was a lovely high.
reviewed 7 days ago
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
reviewed 7 days ago took 1 day to arrive
8/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
reviewed 7 days ago took 2 days to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
reviewed 7 days ago took 1 day to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
FIRE!! I need to order some more of this!
reviewed 9 days ago took 1 day to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
Cheeky. Be warned!
reviewed 9 days ago took 2 days to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
Guys I have been buying from these guys recently and they never disappoint!!! Holy crap happybear this is delicious dankness at its best. Wish I bought more.... and will!!! Best mini moonrocks iv had more
reviewed 10 days ago took 1 day to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
Got me high as a kite
reviewed 10 days ago took 1 day to arrive
I have been in trim jail again with my most recent harvest of the cookie dawg!
I have been able to respond to everyone before tomorrow (monday)
we will resume to keep a high quality and fast service. We expect some new exciting products to appear over this week. stay tuned
Most popular products atm:
Strawberry Soda Moonrocks
Frosted Kush Hash x3 Filtered
Shatter capsules
Cookie dawg
Cookie dawg Badder Coins
Moon rocks reviews:
17 reviews
Lovely stuff. Dangerous and Perfect. Many thanks
reviewed 1 day ago took 2 days to arrive
Wow yeah.. these moons take you up there alright! I been getting some high grade ganja's resent months.. but this stuff blew all of them outa the water! Add little bits with causion. Much high more
reviewed 2 days ago took 3 days to arrive
reviewed 3 days ago took 2 days to arrive
Heavy duty
reviewed 3 days ago took 2 days to arrive
Very nice indeed THB thank you. Strong but very smooth!
reviewed 4 days ago took 2 days to arrive
reviewed 4 days ago took 1 day to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
reviewed 4 days ago took 2 days to arrive
9/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
reviewed 6 days ago took 2 days to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
Well done happy smashed it lovely smoke... great coms n service. Thanks... soul
reviewed 6 days ago took 2 days to arrive
9/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
Not as sticky as other moon rocks I’ve had. Normally rubber gloves are needed to break the bud. Buds were covered in keif and was a lovely high.
reviewed 7 days ago
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
reviewed 7 days ago took 1 day to arrive
8/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
reviewed 7 days ago took 2 days to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
reviewed 7 days ago took 1 day to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
FIRE!! I need to order some more of this!
reviewed 9 days ago took 1 day to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
Cheeky. Be warned!
reviewed 9 days ago took 2 days to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
Guys I have been buying from these guys recently and they never disappoint!!! Holy crap happybear this is delicious dankness at its best. Wish I bought more.... and will!!! Best mini moonrocks iv had more
reviewed 10 days ago took 1 day to arrive
10/10 Exotic "Strawberry Soda" MoonRocks - Intro price
Got me high as a kite
reviewed 10 days ago took 1 day to arrive

I’ve sent you two mails, one last week, one this week regarding missing item from 14 days ago. They still sit as unread. So hopefully you can resolve this as quickly as. Regards

Ordered two individual items. One was NDD so text if they could go together. Yes of course can was the answer. Next day only one item the hash. Contacted him about the moon rocks sorry I’ll send it 1st class that was 2nd June.
Two unread messages one topic and still no communication from him.
Then blows his own trumpet about how everything’s going well for him. Which I’m glad but get this sorted man.
Two unread messages one topic and still no communication from him.
Then blows his own trumpet about how everything’s going well for him. Which I’m glad but get this sorted man.

1 post
+1 votes
Stock take and it’s low !!!
Hey, I’ve got ordered as my status. Never had that in biggy before so what does it mean?

Stock take and it’s low !!!
Love the feedback and fire you guys&girls are giving us at the bonneville ranch we are truly humbled, thank you !!
Just a heads up though we have checked our stocks and they are very low .... all orders already in can get serviced don’t worry about that.... we’re having a stock check tonight ASAP to service DM’d custom orders we’ve received!! Will keep everyone updated so please keep a keen eye on our page . Thank you.
Just a heads up though we have checked our stocks and they are very low .... all orders already in can get serviced don’t worry about that.... we’re having a stock check tonight ASAP to service DM’d custom orders we’ve received!! Will keep everyone updated so please keep a keen eye on our page . Thank you.

1 post
+1 votes
Lemon haze hash
started topic

Lemon haze hash
Guys that stuff is the dogs’s gorgeous
Purchased loads of hash on biggy and it’s without
doubt the best yet. Just a pity it’s sold out and no wonder.
Remortgage the house for that so you would....
Purchased loads of hash on biggy and it’s without
doubt the best yet. Just a pity it’s sold out and no wonder.
Remortgage the house for that so you would....

Thank you most kindly, Coldo420 :) Very kind :)
We are trying to source more, and you are welcome with us anytime :)
We are trying to source more, and you are welcome with us anytime :)

1 post
+1.5 votes
Omg a refund...
started topic

Omg a refund...
Recently purchased a large order and the company went awol...contacted Escrow last week. This morning, Christmas Eve my Bitcoin wallet was full again.
Can’t thank them enough, amazing service and protection for marks.
Can’t thank them enough, amazing service and protection for marks.

1 post
+1 votes

Top Vendor of 2020
Fav vendor...Super Hans.....incredible weed great comms
Fav weed....Pink Cookies amazing hit
Best stealth...TGT
Worst vendor...Premium Extracts....a…

Top Vendor of 2020

Hello Biggaz!
I'm just lying here, unable to sleep, and i got thinking about this wonderful site. Mainly, all of the great vendors and how well they have kept our stash jars full during these crazy times!
It's clear that we all have different tastes in strains and vendors. But i have been wondering, who is the most popular vendor at the moment!?
Just for fun -
Drop your Favourite Vendor below in the comments! Tell everyone why you love their service so much! And if you fancy, drop the best strain you have had off them to date! :)
I will start us off....And it's a hard choice to make.
BUT...I think my personal TOP vendor on LittleBiggy has to be 'The Green Team'.
Over the last 18 months, they have delivered consistently, with some of the best strains and perfect, speedy delivery! A real staple for my survival of 2020! Hats off to them for their hard work and vital service!
I would say the best strain i have had from TGT to date, is possibly the "Papaya"! Though, I've had so many, it's hard to recall them all! Papaya was such a fruity delight :) I'd love to see it's return!
How about you, fellow Biggaz?
Who rocks your erbal boat? :D
** Personal opinions only. No slating vendors or peoples experiences, please! ** This is just a bit of fun, and a little opportunity to plug your best plug!! <3
I'm just lying here, unable to sleep, and i got thinking about this wonderful site. Mainly, all of the great vendors and how well they have kept our stash jars full during these crazy times!
It's clear that we all have different tastes in strains and vendors. But i have been wondering, who is the most popular vendor at the moment!?
Just for fun -
Drop your Favourite Vendor below in the comments! Tell everyone why you love their service so much! And if you fancy, drop the best strain you have had off them to date! :)
I will start us off....And it's a hard choice to make.
BUT...I think my personal TOP vendor on LittleBiggy has to be 'The Green Team'.
Over the last 18 months, they have delivered consistently, with some of the best strains and perfect, speedy delivery! A real staple for my survival of 2020! Hats off to them for their hard work and vital service!
I would say the best strain i have had from TGT to date, is possibly the "Papaya"! Though, I've had so many, it's hard to recall them all! Papaya was such a fruity delight :) I'd love to see it's return!
How about you, fellow Biggaz?
Who rocks your erbal boat? :D
** Personal opinions only. No slating vendors or peoples experiences, please! ** This is just a bit of fun, and a little opportunity to plug your best plug!! <3

Cherry Popped = RB
Best All Rounder = JJ - Great NDD stealth and a varied menu.
Best Edibles = Dope Chef - Their cookies and brownies... feck me!
Nicest Vendor = Oilman
Most Consistent Vendor = ULC (So pleased with products and service)
Favourite Strain = Disco Biscuit (RB)
Most Interesting Buzz = El Patron (ULC)
Most Innovative Vendor = MJ Concentrates
Best Newcomer = DopeChef
Best Communication = Tie between JJ / MJC/ ULC
Best All Rounder = JJ - Great NDD stealth and a varied menu.
Best Edibles = Dope Chef - Their cookies and brownies... feck me!
Nicest Vendor = Oilman
Most Consistent Vendor = ULC (So pleased with products and service)
Favourite Strain = Disco Biscuit (RB)
Most Interesting Buzz = El Patron (ULC)
Most Innovative Vendor = MJ Concentrates
Best Newcomer = DopeChef
Best Communication = Tie between JJ / MJC/ ULC

Thats a nicely written list, greencigar! Lots of top vendors in there :) love the way you have categorised them all!

To think that it all started off with a nervous, paranoid purchase of 7g GSC from RB... Oh how far I've come!

Haha. We were all that person once! And i bet most go with RB for their 1st purchase, too! I know i did :P

Big love to LUD, he's got my vote. fire weed at low costs. yes I still buy weed when I have my own strains. soak up the culture and all that yeo.
Big shout out for all my non commercial underdog amigos. Some of the big boys on here like to try oppress us with their bad reviews ;)
Big shout out for all my non commercial underdog amigos. Some of the big boys on here like to try oppress us with their bad reviews ;)

I think it's great to see another seller admitting they buy bud on here, that kind of thing makes me want to buy from you! Like you say stay a part of the culture and you get to know where your own bud stands and get an idea of what biggas will be expecting etc. Your last batch did look lovely has to be said :)

one stoner to another ha appreciate that my dude! LUD only crops up now and again but is worth keeping an eye out for. He breeds his own strains which is why he caught my attention and was even good enough to send me weed. Had his strawberry glue/ kosher kush deal recently and it did not disappoint and was cheaper than anything on here, including my own! thats all ive tried apart from northern organics toffees which were lovely also!!
small time growers = well loved weed with lots of attention.
a lot of larger sellers on here outsource with profit driven decisions.
If i get more bad review you know they've tried to silence me again xD
small time growers = well loved weed with lots of attention.
a lot of larger sellers on here outsource with profit driven decisions.
If i get more bad review you know they've tried to silence me again xD

Agree about LUD only had one order with them so far but loved it and always check their page for new drops. There's another grower on here British Bulldog that I keep missing out on but determined to try at some point, he's got a lot of love for his plants too :)
Nothing but respect to the smaller growers out there!
Nothing but respect to the smaller growers out there!

Thank you mate, that's really kind of you to say.
I'll be sure to message you when the new ladies are ready and hopefully you can try out the product. :)
Thanks again.
Cheers BB
I'll be sure to message you when the new ladies are ready and hopefully you can try out the product. :)
Thanks again.
Cheers BB

Haha it's my own fault mate I get paid monthly and it burns a whole in my pocket so it's all gone by the time special things pop up and I never learn. I missed your last bit of purpley goodness by 3 days, 3 days! lol but I get the feeling neither of us are going anywhere anytime soon so it'll happen eventually I know! :)

Next time I've got stock just let me know if you want some and I'll reserve your order for you until you get some coin, it's no bother at all.
I'm exactly the same with my wages!
Take care mate.
Cheers BB
I'm exactly the same with my wages!
Take care mate.
Cheers BB

I failed to mention British Bulldog but have yet to try! Will get on these guys soon too!

send me seeds**
haha! excuse the conspiracies, been hitting the sativas on the weird side of youtube xD
haha! excuse the conspiracies, been hitting the sativas on the weird side of youtube xD

Lets keep the conspiracies off this post :) It's about spreading the love and thanking vendors for being there for us during the pandemic :) I love your props to LUDs and the fact you were happy to mention strains! Thank you :D

Love this <3 Thanks for dropping in, UK CannaFarm :) I also think LUDs is a great vendor. Had some great strains at great prices from them :) I love that you purchase, too! Share the love...and the wealth <3

Depending on what you’re requirements are,
1. Urbanleafco consistently good and varied bud from the lovely white dawg or sherbet or sky Walker, pretty much delivered within a day with excellent comms my go to.
2. Smoggyman for those different flavours like disco biscuit or apple fritters always good bud and fast delivery.
3. Drugs inc if you can wait 2-3 days you are rewarded ice cream cake best smoke all year with animal cookies right behind it. Great value and top bud.
4. LUDS if you know the name you know the bud great prices honest bud and best gelato in town.
5. Gentlemen dealers if you need that bud the next day these are your people. Always top quality bud and they have great variety of flavours sometimes a bit more on price as is delivery bit like I say next day.
6. Green fingers has vintage and new flavours the buds are massive and they guy loves bud as much as I do the headband and guava cake were two of many great ones to name.
7. Premium extracts great service everyone has seen their party packs, but for me their ammi is lovely. Obviously care about the bud and cure.
8. How could I forget oilman:) buds that transport you back in time. From the hifi to super skunk always top bud, a treat.
The great thing about littlebiggy is there are a lot of good honest vendors some I have not tried yet of mentioned in the list above but there is always tomorrow.,:)
1. Urbanleafco consistently good and varied bud from the lovely white dawg or sherbet or sky Walker, pretty much delivered within a day with excellent comms my go to.
2. Smoggyman for those different flavours like disco biscuit or apple fritters always good bud and fast delivery.
3. Drugs inc if you can wait 2-3 days you are rewarded ice cream cake best smoke all year with animal cookies right behind it. Great value and top bud.
4. LUDS if you know the name you know the bud great prices honest bud and best gelato in town.
5. Gentlemen dealers if you need that bud the next day these are your people. Always top quality bud and they have great variety of flavours sometimes a bit more on price as is delivery bit like I say next day.
6. Green fingers has vintage and new flavours the buds are massive and they guy loves bud as much as I do the headband and guava cake were two of many great ones to name.
7. Premium extracts great service everyone has seen their party packs, but for me their ammi is lovely. Obviously care about the bud and cure.
8. How could I forget oilman:) buds that transport you back in time. From the hifi to super skunk always top bud, a treat.
The great thing about littlebiggy is there are a lot of good honest vendors some I have not tried yet of mentioned in the list above but there is always tomorrow.,:)

The Gentlemen dealers are the most reliable, fast and with top shelf products. The Green Team are stealth geniuses (when someone tampered with my mail - was a newbie and thought special delivery not worth it - thanks to the TGT disguise the content arrived to me untouched :D) From Radar Breeder I have purchased the best gummies, looking forward for more! However, God bless LB and all the vendors xXxX

The Gentlemen Dealers have done an amazing job for me, every single time it has been perfect comms/delivery/stealth/product. You can't improve on that. Thank you so much TGD :)

The Gentlemen Dealers have been genuinely kind and decent to me as a smaller seller, always offering great advice and support.
I can't rate them highly enough, just lovely people to talk to, and if I were a customer on here I'd have no hesitation buying from them.
Cheers BB
I can't rate them highly enough, just lovely people to talk to, and if I were a customer on here I'd have no hesitation buying from them.
Cheers BB

For me.. (spent a lot and joined in covid april).
UK420 Hash - grabbed lots of this over a few months and a good graduation from the epic that was radar breeders critical. Up there and beyond in terms of quality. Stealth, comms all bang on. Great variety.
Ammunation: For me hands down the best product on here by a country mile. Absolute fire, beyond its strain of ammo haze. So good i was doing a henry to a q a day on my own. Proper blitzed and id rate it as some of my best stoned months ever. What a gent as well. Hope he is ok.
and ive tried many others, especially the bigger supermarket types and sorry to say, not even close to any of the mentioned ones.
So, swillers winner of all round stellar quality reliable, stealthy, generous, fun are...
Other vendors take note - this is how its done.
UK420 Hash - grabbed lots of this over a few months and a good graduation from the epic that was radar breeders critical. Up there and beyond in terms of quality. Stealth, comms all bang on. Great variety.
Ammunation: For me hands down the best product on here by a country mile. Absolute fire, beyond its strain of ammo haze. So good i was doing a henry to a q a day on my own. Proper blitzed and id rate it as some of my best stoned months ever. What a gent as well. Hope he is ok.
and ive tried many others, especially the bigger supermarket types and sorry to say, not even close to any of the mentioned ones.
So, swillers winner of all round stellar quality reliable, stealthy, generous, fun are...
Other vendors take note - this is how its done.

My favourites are:
BCA - astonishingly good quality for the price paid. Great comms too. Don't understand all the negativity surrounding BCA because they are a great bunch.
MJC - for me he is hands down the GOAT of edibles. Pure innovation from this vendor with ideas which are so far outside of the box.
LUD - only placed 1 order with LUD but he doesn't bullshit. He'll say in the description for some offers that the smoke is nice but not the greatest. Refreshing honesty instead of calling everything *PREMIUM*. Also very reasonably priced.
British Bulldog - again only 1 order but the comms were great and stealth was best I've seen. THE number 1 vendor for reasonably priced UK bud. I paid $69 for a q which is practically unheard of on LB. No bullshit advertising too - you know what you're getting with Bb.
BCA - astonishingly good quality for the price paid. Great comms too. Don't understand all the negativity surrounding BCA because they are a great bunch.
MJC - for me he is hands down the GOAT of edibles. Pure innovation from this vendor with ideas which are so far outside of the box.
LUD - only placed 1 order with LUD but he doesn't bullshit. He'll say in the description for some offers that the smoke is nice but not the greatest. Refreshing honesty instead of calling everything *PREMIUM*. Also very reasonably priced.
British Bulldog - again only 1 order but the comms were great and stealth was best I've seen. THE number 1 vendor for reasonably priced UK bud. I paid $69 for a q which is practically unheard of on LB. No bullshit advertising too - you know what you're getting with Bb.

Thanks for your input!
BCA are no longer a vendor on LB.
Yes! MJ Concentrates provide really high quality stuff! :)
LUDs has great prices! And great stealth!
BB have my i know whats on the grow list next ;) not placed an order before, as I've not seen any stock up, but I'm very much looking forward to my heads up in January :D
BCA are no longer a vendor on LB.
Yes! MJ Concentrates provide really high quality stuff! :)
LUDs has great prices! And great stealth!
BB have my i know whats on the grow list next ;) not placed an order before, as I've not seen any stock up, but I'm very much looking forward to my heads up in January :D

1. British Bulldog - great grower/seller & human
2. Oilman - some of the best weed I’ve smoked from here
3. Urban Leaf - choice & quality
Ukcanna & Northern Organics pretty immense too.
2. Oilman - some of the best weed I’ve smoked from here
3. Urban Leaf - choice & quality
Ukcanna & Northern Organics pretty immense too.

What’s the requirement for ordering with BB? Can’t get access to his page and I’ve been hearing great things!

Nice topic- great to see some positivity for a change!
I tend to buy Hash in the main on biggy as I get my bud elsewhere mainly, and there has been many many fine hashes this year - I must have bought well over 30 different strains (gulp, thats where all my money goes!).
Drugs inc UK have provided some amazing hashes this year including their astonishingly potent premium Red Leb, which is the strongest Leb I've ever tried! Also gotta mention their Zero Zero, which was a very fine example. They've had a knock this year and had to reset up their operation, so respect to them for continuing to bring such great goods. If they can lay of the vac paccing a bit, I can see a lifetime releationship!
Hashlover420 has brought us an affordable way to try the very 'creme de la creme' of hashes with them dry-sift eggs, and I'm not the only old school long term smoker who's been astonished at the strength and clean focus of the hit provided. really worth trying..
HashtagUK is pretty new to LB, but has gone about his business perfectly:
fantastic hash at proper prices, great quick delivery and stealth and fast coms. If he continues he's bound to be celebrated LB vendor.
Finally a little plug for another fairly new vendor some may have over looked - DopeChef. Their brownies are to die for, and their service and coms are excellent. Nice people with great product that deserve to do wel,l and I hear that when they offer some bud, its really good too :)
My biggy product of the year: Drugs Inc UK's Premium Red Leb (from about 3 months back) - I've never had better!
Peace Biggers
I tend to buy Hash in the main on biggy as I get my bud elsewhere mainly, and there has been many many fine hashes this year - I must have bought well over 30 different strains (gulp, thats where all my money goes!).
Drugs inc UK have provided some amazing hashes this year including their astonishingly potent premium Red Leb, which is the strongest Leb I've ever tried! Also gotta mention their Zero Zero, which was a very fine example. They've had a knock this year and had to reset up their operation, so respect to them for continuing to bring such great goods. If they can lay of the vac paccing a bit, I can see a lifetime releationship!
Hashlover420 has brought us an affordable way to try the very 'creme de la creme' of hashes with them dry-sift eggs, and I'm not the only old school long term smoker who's been astonished at the strength and clean focus of the hit provided. really worth trying..
HashtagUK is pretty new to LB, but has gone about his business perfectly:
fantastic hash at proper prices, great quick delivery and stealth and fast coms. If he continues he's bound to be celebrated LB vendor.
Finally a little plug for another fairly new vendor some may have over looked - DopeChef. Their brownies are to die for, and their service and coms are excellent. Nice people with great product that deserve to do wel,l and I hear that when they offer some bud, its really good too :)
My biggy product of the year: Drugs Inc UK's Premium Red Leb (from about 3 months back) - I've never had better!
Peace Biggers

1: British Bulldog
2: Urban Leaf Co
3: JJ
1: Mj
2: Northern Organics and UkGrower
1: British Bulldog
2: Urban Leaf Co
3: JJ
1: Mj
2: Northern Organics and UkGrower

Thanks for sharing, Titntin!
Nice to see people plugging newer vendors :)
I've heard great things about Dope Chef and have had some lovely interactions with them. When i use up all of my butter, i will definitely be ordering some brownies. They look great!
Nice to see people plugging newer vendors :)
I've heard great things about Dope Chef and have had some lovely interactions with them. When i use up all of my butter, i will definitely be ordering some brownies. They look great!

for me TGT, DIUK,LUD and YMH
had only one order from BB but hope to get some more
don'thave any favourites really they all delivered quality stuff
had only one order from BB but hope to get some more
don'thave any favourites really they all delivered quality stuff

YMH just shipped me some panic weed in record time!! Ordered 4pm...delivered 8am! Fan-bloody-tastic service!!

I really like RB - they get stick for not having smooth comms (although I've personally always gotten same day replies) but 99% of the time no comms are needed so whats wrong with the old school nod and a wink? :P I've never had a dull batch of dawg from them yet and the prices are about as fair as it gets on here at the moment and I like how they have a regular selection with random strains popping up every now and then for a change of pace.
TGT for me though have the best all round experience, can't put my finger on it but they have a way of just seeming that bit more special. Haven't ordered with them for months due to prices but genuinely missing them and I saw Grav mention the Headbanger below if that came back I wouldn't think twice! The AlienDawg a while back was really good too. Always get beautiful, stinky buds from TGT regardless of strain too.
Those 2 I've used most but LUD, ULC, YMH, Ammunation and even a new seller smoggyman all deserve at least a shout out too! (others too sorry if I forgot you!) I big up a lot of sellers on here but it's only because I love weed! I'm not ashamed to admit it :D
Thank you to all the good sellers here on littlebiggy and to all the good members making topics like these to point me in the right direction! :)
Stay high biggas!
TGT for me though have the best all round experience, can't put my finger on it but they have a way of just seeming that bit more special. Haven't ordered with them for months due to prices but genuinely missing them and I saw Grav mention the Headbanger below if that came back I wouldn't think twice! The AlienDawg a while back was really good too. Always get beautiful, stinky buds from TGT regardless of strain too.
Those 2 I've used most but LUD, ULC, YMH, Ammunation and even a new seller smoggyman all deserve at least a shout out too! (others too sorry if I forgot you!) I big up a lot of sellers on here but it's only because I love weed! I'm not ashamed to admit it :D
Thank you to all the good sellers here on littlebiggy and to all the good members making topics like these to point me in the right direction! :)
Stay high biggas!

Agree with you there, zz87! RB have always sent me really nice weed, at pretty damn good prices, too! Have had their stardawg a fair few times. Never disappointed! Even when its a B grade strain, i like that they mention it and price accordingly :)
TGT are the definite OG of the scene here. Well, in my humble opinion, anyway. You are right. The buds are always great quality and strong! One of the few that gives you exactly what it says on the tin! Bigg love for TGT here! Most of the strains i get, receive at least an 8/10 in my reviews. Normally i have to find reasons for it not to be a 10/10 across the board...rather than reasons to rate higher! Cant fault them!
Ohhh smoggyman! Did you get the icecream!?! I need to know more haha.
ULC get a super high five from me! They are so good to me! Definitely my 2nd best vendor on LB!! Great comms and product! Super fast delivery and who doesnt love her perfect handwriting!?! :P
TGT are the definite OG of the scene here. Well, in my humble opinion, anyway. You are right. The buds are always great quality and strong! One of the few that gives you exactly what it says on the tin! Bigg love for TGT here! Most of the strains i get, receive at least an 8/10 in my reviews. Normally i have to find reasons for it not to be a 10/10 across the board...rather than reasons to rate higher! Cant fault them!
Ohhh smoggyman! Did you get the icecream!?! I need to know more haha.
ULC get a super high five from me! They are so good to me! Definitely my 2nd best vendor on LB!! Great comms and product! Super fast delivery and who doesnt love her perfect handwriting!?! :P

Spot on mate. I didn't get the ice cream gutted to have missed that it looked so good but I did get some strawberry diesel off them was $46/3.5gs and even though I usually prefer heavier smokes this is still as strong as anything I've had off here... they've definitely got genuine fire, fingers crossed that cake returns or something similar! ;D
Got so much love for all these sellers, great topic this one :)
Got so much love for all these sellers, great topic this one :)

Really good to know! I was waiting for a few solid reviews before i jumped in with an order. The icecream did look good! Maybe next time, ey!
Yep. It's nice to bring the convo back to the way it should be. Stress free :D
Yep. It's nice to bring the convo back to the way it should be. Stress free :D

Cool idea Petite. Nice to have a bit of casual chat & more importantly some positivity amongst all the shite that's been going on the last few days.
I'm new to LB and as such have only used 2 Vendors so far:
MJConcentrates & The Green Team.
Both vendors are fantastic. Professional communication, good delivery times and great products.
If I had to pick a favourite of the two it would be TGT. They have a great selection (I'm a big fan of hash) and again just provide a fantastic service.
My favourite thing I've ordered so far is TGTs 00 Rif Hash. As I say I'm a big fan of hash and this stuff is lovely, great smell, lovely but not overwhelming stone & just a great product.
However props to MJ for having the best carts in the business, will definitely order again & recommend them to anyone wanting to try out carts
I look forward to continuing to use LB, trying out new vendors and checking out all the fantastic products on offer here.
I'm new to LB and as such have only used 2 Vendors so far:
MJConcentrates & The Green Team.
Both vendors are fantastic. Professional communication, good delivery times and great products.
If I had to pick a favourite of the two it would be TGT. They have a great selection (I'm a big fan of hash) and again just provide a fantastic service.
My favourite thing I've ordered so far is TGTs 00 Rif Hash. As I say I'm a big fan of hash and this stuff is lovely, great smell, lovely but not overwhelming stone & just a great product.
However props to MJ for having the best carts in the business, will definitely order again & recommend them to anyone wanting to try out carts
I look forward to continuing to use LB, trying out new vendors and checking out all the fantastic products on offer here.

That was my thinking. There is a lot of negativity going around. Tensions are high and 2020 has been a shitty year. So i wanted to drum up some happy and see which vendors everyone has been loving on this year :)
MJ is a great vendor. I've only used him once or twice, but he provided top quality at good prices, and even threw in a MJ special cookie! Which was such a nice touch! And strong too! Yum.
I had the pleasure of being gifted some Red Leb Hash from TGT by another Bigga. It was tasty. As were the other hash products ive had from TGT in the past. So I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the 00! TGT rarely fail!
I was looking for a cart recommendation, so thank you for that! I will check out MJs stuff and see what the deal is :)
LB is a strange and wondeful site. Enjoy it. Try not to get too caught up in the politics (we all do at some point haha) and enjoy the wonderful choice it brings! Flavours are here to ne had!! :D
Thanks for sharing <3
MJ is a great vendor. I've only used him once or twice, but he provided top quality at good prices, and even threw in a MJ special cookie! Which was such a nice touch! And strong too! Yum.
I had the pleasure of being gifted some Red Leb Hash from TGT by another Bigga. It was tasty. As were the other hash products ive had from TGT in the past. So I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the 00! TGT rarely fail!
I was looking for a cart recommendation, so thank you for that! I will check out MJs stuff and see what the deal is :)
LB is a strange and wondeful site. Enjoy it. Try not to get too caught up in the politics (we all do at some point haha) and enjoy the wonderful choice it brings! Flavours are here to ne had!! :D
Thanks for sharing <3

Dopechef, TGT, Hootan, MJ and B.C.A. All honest and easy to deal with. Hootan super lemon haze, TGT malana cream, dopechef kush rush vape carts, mjs shatter never disappoints and B.C.A s gold strains. Favourite so far hootans super lemon haze for its nostalgic flashback. Seriously good quality old school haze

Nice little plug there for some great vendors! Thanks for your input :D I have had some great shatter off MJ! I didnt think it was for me...until i was near the end of my sticky stash...then it became so morish and delicious! Haha. Thats the way it goes, i suppose! ;) Definitely going to be dropping on order for some concentrates with MJ again soon! The dab rig is gathering dust!!

Yeah 2020 sure has been shit. Honestly one of the best parts of it has been discovering LB.
MJ definitely are fantastic, i was gutted i just missed out on the mystical MJ Cookie! Will keep an eye out for next time.
I was looking at the Red Leb actually it looked lovely. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, their hash offerings have been excellent recently.
No problem at all you can't go wrong with MJs carts, the only issue i had was i couldn't put the vape down! Went through them faster than i care to admit haha.
It most certainly is, but i love it. Having a lovely community whilst also providing fantastic products.. literally can't go wrong. Where i'm from its impossible to get anything other than whats essentially soapbar hash (Might get lucky and get maybe 2g of bud a year at most) so finding this little website has blown my mind, both figuratively and literally.
Thanks for the tip about the politics side of things, love this place and don't wanna ruin it for myself so will try to actively stay out of that in future.
Lastly keep doing what you're doing petite. I see your posts a lot about reviews and advice and things and it's definitely helped a newbie such as myself at picking items (TGTs Mimosa) & is nice to see recognizable/friendly name across LB. Thanks again.
MJ definitely are fantastic, i was gutted i just missed out on the mystical MJ Cookie! Will keep an eye out for next time.
I was looking at the Red Leb actually it looked lovely. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, their hash offerings have been excellent recently.
No problem at all you can't go wrong with MJs carts, the only issue i had was i couldn't put the vape down! Went through them faster than i care to admit haha.
It most certainly is, but i love it. Having a lovely community whilst also providing fantastic products.. literally can't go wrong. Where i'm from its impossible to get anything other than whats essentially soapbar hash (Might get lucky and get maybe 2g of bud a year at most) so finding this little website has blown my mind, both figuratively and literally.
Thanks for the tip about the politics side of things, love this place and don't wanna ruin it for myself so will try to actively stay out of that in future.
Lastly keep doing what you're doing petite. I see your posts a lot about reviews and advice and things and it's definitely helped a newbie such as myself at picking items (TGTs Mimosa) & is nice to see recognizable/friendly name across LB. Thanks again.

Haha. I have heard that about carts. They are easy to blaze ;) still yet to try more than a puff of one. Soon though!
Ahh the old soap bar. I grew up on that stuff. Bits of plastic bag or diesel tanked shite. No good for the soul lol. The feeling of finding LB is a good one! Welcome :)
If you have a point that you feel needs to he aired, do it! But things can get out of hand FAST haha. You have to be prepared. Trolls lurk all areas of the tinterwebz :P
Aww, shucks. Thanks. That is all I do it for :) to help others out :) so when someone says i have helped them with my reviews, it makes me all warm and fuzzy! <3
Ahh the old soap bar. I grew up on that stuff. Bits of plastic bag or diesel tanked shite. No good for the soul lol. The feeling of finding LB is a good one! Welcome :)
If you have a point that you feel needs to he aired, do it! But things can get out of hand FAST haha. You have to be prepared. Trolls lurk all areas of the tinterwebz :P
Aww, shucks. Thanks. That is all I do it for :) to help others out :) so when someone says i have helped them with my reviews, it makes me all warm and fuzzy! <3

Far too easy, MJs a magician with those carts.
Yeah so much shite it in and hardly a stone off it, but you know, gotta take what you can get.
Ah yeah I've seen plenty of troll already, bastards haha.
Yeah well it definitely helps out a ton so please do continue to do so. Thanks again and have a great weekend.
Yeah so much shite it in and hardly a stone off it, but you know, gotta take what you can get.
Ah yeah I've seen plenty of troll already, bastards haha.
Yeah well it definitely helps out a ton so please do continue to do so. Thanks again and have a great weekend.

I need to try them! Haha. All the weedz! :D
No worries mate :) If you ever need any advice, my inbox is always open. Im happy to help :)
You have a good weekend, too! Suns out! :)
No worries mate :) If you ever need any advice, my inbox is always open. Im happy to help :)
You have a good weekend, too! Suns out! :)

A lot of amazing people here respect to all. I've had next level smoke from most vendors here by the slightest of margins LUDS just leads for me, perfect random strains (like peanut butter breath!) and stealth is exceptional especially with heavy handed Mr postman
a shout for Daan too he's underrated:)
a shout for Daan too he's underrated:)

Drugs inc UK have been amazing bought multiple times fast delivery 10/10 stealth 10/10 product

ULC top of my list while I cant remeber all the strains but there white dawg kicked my ass for about 4 days excellent vendor comms are fantastic which helps settle nerves when ordering . and also a big shout out to UKCANNAFARM lovely smoke and cracking price for larger amounts TGT also g13 haze was bang on.

Ha defo Hootan and Dope Chef for me too, didn’t get a chance to try BCA but those two guys killed it. LegacyDankUK awesome as well. Shouts to Oilman and UKCannaFarm and Urban Leaf too!
Could name a few for worst vendor but it’s all love!
Could name a few for worst vendor but it’s all love!

Oilman definitely deserves a shout out <3
DopeChef have some delicious lookin brownies *drools*
DopeChef have some delicious lookin brownies *drools*

Hootan brings some lovely looking buds to the wall! I have only ordered once, but see lots of good talk :) p

Great topic PF :) Probably pointless commenting but like you, TGT have been my go to for quality. The Papaya was lovely, the Grape Pie up at the moment is a tasty purchase and the Lemon Sorbet was also top shelf. Special mention to Hootan as well, he has always been reliable and always has lovely smoke when he does have stock up.
Funnily enough my favourite strain from LB was my first. The Headbanger from TGT a few months back was absolutely sledgehammer to the face kinda high. RB had some GSC too way back in May that has left me wanting more since!
I love LB. My pocket....not so much lol
Funnily enough my favourite strain from LB was my first. The Headbanger from TGT a few months back was absolutely sledgehammer to the face kinda high. RB had some GSC too way back in May that has left me wanting more since!
I love LB. My pocket....not so much lol

Never pointless commenting, Gravity! You know your word here holds value! I have always appreciated your reviews and reccomendations :)
Papaya was a favourite for a lot of people, I'm sure! As was the Candyland from DIUK. I didnt get any of The Headbanger from TGT. Heard a lot of good stuff about it, though!
RB is a pillar of the community. Ive had some great stuff from them too! This might quickly turn into a vendor circle jerk haha. Raise your hand if you love weed *i dooo* hahaha
Papaya was a favourite for a lot of people, I'm sure! As was the Candyland from DIUK. I didnt get any of The Headbanger from TGT. Heard a lot of good stuff about it, though!
RB is a pillar of the community. Ive had some great stuff from them too! This might quickly turn into a vendor circle jerk haha. Raise your hand if you love weed *i dooo* hahaha

Friendliest and most knowledgeable: Oilman
Favourite strain: Oilman's NL5 X Haze
Best looking flower: Hootan's Gelato 41
Consistant bang for your buck: DIUK (2nd place LUD, RB highly commended but lacks consistency)
Best brand: ULC, you know what you are getting every time regardless of strain, never disappointed
New comer: Smoggyman
Fuck I've let myself run dry...I need weed now vendor: JJ or gentleman dealer
Vendor I wish I hadn't missed: British Bulldog
Favourite soap opera: The sticky fingers show
Favourite strain: Oilman's NL5 X Haze
Best looking flower: Hootan's Gelato 41
Consistant bang for your buck: DIUK (2nd place LUD, RB highly commended but lacks consistency)
Best brand: ULC, you know what you are getting every time regardless of strain, never disappointed
New comer: Smoggyman
Fuck I've let myself run dry...I need weed now vendor: JJ or gentleman dealer
Vendor I wish I hadn't missed: British Bulldog
Favourite soap opera: The sticky fingers show

Fav vendor...Super Hans.....incredible weed great comms
Fav weed....Pink Cookies amazing hit
Best stealth...TGT
Worst vendor...Premium Extracts....awol wankers
Fav weed....Pink Cookies amazing hit
Best stealth...TGT
Worst vendor...Premium Extracts....awol wankers

For me its got to be DIUK. My first order on LB was off DI and the last 2 strains I ordered off them, Ice Cream Cake and Monster Cookies, were the best bud I have toked in many a long while.
To be honest finding LB has been a godsend for me because for 20 odd years of smoking street weed I thought I had very low tolerance. I used to get massive bouts of paranoia, anxiety and sickness. You have probably guessed it was sativa strains that made me that way.
Now I smoke Thai, popcorn buds and shake in the day and lovely indicas in the evening. I haven't had one episode since July.
BTW a mention for ULC for the popcorn buds and shake.
Great thread PFl
To be honest finding LB has been a godsend for me because for 20 odd years of smoking street weed I thought I had very low tolerance. I used to get massive bouts of paranoia, anxiety and sickness. You have probably guessed it was sativa strains that made me that way.
Now I smoke Thai, popcorn buds and shake in the day and lovely indicas in the evening. I haven't had one episode since July.
BTW a mention for ULC for the popcorn buds and shake.
Great thread PFl

Cool idea
Suppose I can only give my opinion based on delivery to Ireland and personal tastes -prefer hash.
Tgt have had some great hashes- zkittlez,El Chapo and zero zero most memorable ones.
UK 420 have had some lovely drysift - lambo, Porsche and amnesia to name a few
Hashishin had some lovely pale blonde lebanese.i expect his other hashes to be even better.
Have had hootans Skittles and ammunations haze.both beautiful weeds.
Prefer my weeds to be either sativa based or lemony citric/fruity tasting eg sour diesel,lemon haze and hashes to be more firmer so it all depends on the mood and taste buds.
A good choice from the list above though!
Suppose I can only give my opinion based on delivery to Ireland and personal tastes -prefer hash.
Tgt have had some great hashes- zkittlez,El Chapo and zero zero most memorable ones.
UK 420 have had some lovely drysift - lambo, Porsche and amnesia to name a few
Hashishin had some lovely pale blonde lebanese.i expect his other hashes to be even better.
Have had hootans Skittles and ammunations haze.both beautiful weeds.
Prefer my weeds to be either sativa based or lemony citric/fruity tasting eg sour diesel,lemon haze and hashes to be more firmer so it all depends on the mood and taste buds.
A good choice from the list above though!

I'm always looking for good hash! I've had some lovely solids from LB over the last year or so :) not tried Hashishin, but i have been eyeing up his stock for a little while now :)
Thanks for your reccomendations :D
Thanks for your reccomendations :D

Back on the scene, like a ..
..starving man thrown a box of crackers.
Prices have gone up a bit since 2007. And what CHOICE! Christ, when I last scored no-one gave a shit about indica/sativa/squidgy/rocky. What you could score was what you could score.
So - props all round:
Props to the philanthropist behind LB
Props to his/her team (for surely he/she cannot do it all alone)
Props to every vendor I've tried. I must've ordered over a dozen times, and each of those orders were for 28g multiples, across about half a dozen different vendors, in the last six months. No. Issues. Whatsoever. Better service than M&S!
Props to the community. This is the least toxic social media environment I've been in
So, what more to say? All of the vendors I've encountered have behaved impeccably, as has everyone.
What an exceptional thing! :)
Thank you LB
..starving man thrown a box of crackers.
Prices have gone up a bit since 2007. And what CHOICE! Christ, when I last scored no-one gave a shit about indica/sativa/squidgy/rocky. What you could score was what you could score.
So - props all round:
Props to the philanthropist behind LB
Props to his/her team (for surely he/she cannot do it all alone)
Props to every vendor I've tried. I must've ordered over a dozen times, and each of those orders were for 28g multiples, across about half a dozen different vendors, in the last six months. No. Issues. Whatsoever. Better service than M&S!
Props to the community. This is the least toxic social media environment I've been in
So, what more to say? All of the vendors I've encountered have behaved impeccably, as has everyone.
What an exceptional thing! :)
Thank you LB

I love lb, joined in May and have just had my 50th order. I spend many happy hours scrolling items and vendors and my conclusion is So much choice and so little time!! (and not enough btc) Favourite overall vendor is MJC, fast, reliable, good comms. I'm loving the concentrates, esp the NY diesel but also the edibles, all good but really enjoyed the mallow, breakfast cereal and hot choc. Best edible so far was the MJC free cookie!! Favourite vendor for flower is Greenfinger, purple kush was some of the tastiest weed I've smoked. Also good service and product from Oilman, jj, The Gentlemen Dealers and many others. As well as the purple kush from gf, the Gsc I had from Radar breeder was so deliciously sweet and moreish it deserves a mention. For hash it's got to be Hashtag. Have a very merry Christmas biggas.

Mine has to be jj5637901 top class weed top AAA*** smoke.
He is the newest one I have tried can not fault his postage and stealth excellent I noticed jj ages ago but never gave him a try because I tend to stick to hash.
The best I found at the end of the year has to end on a "high" lol with jj his weed is fire !!!
I prefer hash in larger amounts for my own use but not from here,its way to expensive unless its something I fancy trying different strain or flavour.
LB needs to stop being greedy and charging big fees is the ony reason i can think of why the prices are so high.
But anyway end the post on a high with a nice little bit of jjs "lemon tree".
Which I am smoking right this second lovely buds and I am not really that into my weed much but I think jj could be changing my mind the quality is very good excellent. :)
He is the newest one I have tried can not fault his postage and stealth excellent I noticed jj ages ago but never gave him a try because I tend to stick to hash.
The best I found at the end of the year has to end on a "high" lol with jj his weed is fire !!!
I prefer hash in larger amounts for my own use but not from here,its way to expensive unless its something I fancy trying different strain or flavour.
LB needs to stop being greedy and charging big fees is the ony reason i can think of why the prices are so high.
But anyway end the post on a high with a nice little bit of jjs "lemon tree".
Which I am smoking right this second lovely buds and I am not really that into my weed much but I think jj could be changing my mind the quality is very good excellent. :)

Voting for RB.... A combination of price, product and stealth. Always the best overall vendor for me.
Comms took a bit long recently but they did get back and fixed a couple issues.
Highlights of 2020
Radar Breeder El chapo Hash (1st Edition)
Radar Breeder Lemon Amnesia
Hashish Soft dark hashish
Hootan Blonde Moroccan
Comms took a bit long recently but they did get back and fixed a couple issues.
Highlights of 2020
Radar Breeder El chapo Hash (1st Edition)
Radar Breeder Lemon Amnesia
Hashish Soft dark hashish
Hootan Blonde Moroccan

Rb for the hat lemon ammo, absolutely cracking smoke for the price. Few issues with packages and always resolved. Always 10/10 smoke. Stealth was always 10/10 also. It was always about 5-7 days to ROI and I could always count on RB, he got me through 2 lockdowns. Been with rb about 6 months, also have to give hootan a shout-out as be saved my bacon once when I ordered before I went on hols and landed the day I was leaving so I had a lovely juicy batch of mimosa to enjoy on hols( had package seized before hols and was resolved before my holidays. Peace out everyone

Radar breeder for speed, especially during corona. and The green team seem to be the most reliable for getting hash to ireland. which does seem to be the one that gets caught by our customs more and more

Hi bro, my absolute favorite is radar breender! In addition to the always very high quality of its products, I must emphasize the maximum precision and speed in shipments. I don't live in the UK but in Europe ... it's the only one who can get me to receive the package in 5 working days with very good stealth! Very competitive prices, the best in LB, a small flaw is that it doesn't have a good hash right now ... and I love hash! Best product ever was watermelon - mimosa and lemon amnesia! RB you are the best!

Not here that long but ammunation and ulc were really nice to deal with answered messages and were just generally very helpful , ulc said they didn't ship to Ireland but done custom order for me and bud was top notch , unfortunately ammunation hasn't been online for over a week so I hope everything is ok with him , and to n fair I love this place , people are very helpful in general just sorri I only found this place few months ago , big love to lb

I hear great stuff about ammunation. His haze is highly rated!
ULC are absolute stars when it comes to keeping their customers happy! Not many do ship to R.O.I, so it's very nice that they sorted you out. I've also had an irish deliverg from them. Stealth was faultless and it arrived within 5 days :)
What did you get from TGT and MJ? Id love to know :)
ULC are absolute stars when it comes to keeping their customers happy! Not many do ship to R.O.I, so it's very nice that they sorted you out. I've also had an irish deliverg from them. Stealth was faultless and it arrived within 5 days :)
What did you get from TGT and MJ? Id love to know :)

Only ordered yesterday , g13 haze from TGT and 1mil super sour desal cart from mj so I'm hoping this time nxt week to b a happy bunny lol

You should be golden by friday! Nice! The G13 is a banger! You wont be disappointed :D

I think it's finest I smoke with it as well just handy for getting head start as soon as I get in from work , instant spanners lol, just need to get indica this week for veg mode lol

Could always get vendor input too. What do they consider their best product in 2020 to have been?

I mean...yes...but it was more an vendor appreciation thread, rather than a strain plug. But i see no issue there :) if vendors want to pop in and tell everyone which strains from other vendors they have tried, and highly rate...that would be awesome :D

Bca every day of the week for the highest grade bud (and kingsman vapes) and MJC for unrivalled edibles.

bigg topics