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joined dec 2018
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6 topics on blackdragon00
3 posts
+8 votes
Finally managed to semi-quit weed and kicked tobacco for good.

Finally managed to semi-quit weed and kicked tobacco for good.
I know quite a few of you saw my post months ago about me quitting weed and as i'm sure you guys are aware it never worked out, but recently I've only been smoking every Friday and Saturday and managed to kick the tobacco for good around 3 weeks ago, smoking pure j's only and i'm so fucking proud of myself. I've actually managed to take control my intake, rather than it taking control of me. I don't think my mental health has been better than this in years, still bad here and there though, but i'm glad I've achieved this. :D

1 post
+1 votes
Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer
Does anyone need any of their photo's touched up and professionally done, let me know and i can help you out with that.
Payment will be bitcoin only and £2 per photo, thanks.
Payment will be bitcoin only and £2 per photo, thanks.

1 post
+1 votes
Happy 420!
1 post
+2 votes
Happy New Year Everyone!

Happy New Year Everyone!
Happy New year everyone at LB, I hope this year goes well for everyone. Finally 2020 , seems crazy to think that it's 2020 already. I hope you are all smoking weed to celebrate, unfortunately I've only got a bottle of hennessy as my bud hasn't arrived yet, so I'm gonna have to celebrate with that, I hope you are all doing well, happy New year to the LB family!

27 posts
+79 votes
Any Gamers on LB?

Any Gamers on LB?
Hello everyone, looking to see if any of my fellow friends on LB have an Xbox One or another console, would be great to hear what types of games you lot are into. Personally I love me some. Resident Evil, Halo, Gears of War, Borderlands, Left 4 Dead and a lot more.
Would just like to known if anyone minds playing Xbox or wants to play some games together and share our interests.
Would just like to known if anyone minds playing Xbox or wants to play some games together and share our interests.

LOL this is great. Did you know Blizzard recently re-released classic WoW? I am tempted to begin playing again.

It's worth giving it WoW go again Morgan. There are a couple of things to bare in mind though. The patch that was released for classic WoW was a later one that carried a lot of nerfs to Pve elements of the game so it does feel a little easier as it was a point where TBC was close to release and they wanted to make sure as many of the newer players at the time got to see the content and that players new in TBC could level easier.
That said though, there is so much more room for character progression, development and variation in play style compared to later expansions that came with the pruning of classes, so it will keep you busy for quite a while anyway.
There is also a great argument for a return of improved social aspects of the game. There are no pre-formed group tools for dungeons and raids and there are no cross realm servers which for the moment at least, show a much friendlier and more active community compared to what retail is.
I feel rather positive towards it so far. Although i feel the formula used for game design and player mechanics has become a little stale and repetitive since WoD so im enjoying the change in game play. Thats not to say that checking out current isn't worth it, new patches are always been released if you add it to the fact that you need a sub to play either retail or classic, you may as well give both a try and pick for yourself...assuming you haven't tried BFA :)
That said though, there is so much more room for character progression, development and variation in play style compared to later expansions that came with the pruning of classes, so it will keep you busy for quite a while anyway.
There is also a great argument for a return of improved social aspects of the game. There are no pre-formed group tools for dungeons and raids and there are no cross realm servers which for the moment at least, show a much friendlier and more active community compared to what retail is.
I feel rather positive towards it so far. Although i feel the formula used for game design and player mechanics has become a little stale and repetitive since WoD so im enjoying the change in game play. Thats not to say that checking out current isn't worth it, new patches are always been released if you add it to the fact that you need a sub to play either retail or classic, you may as well give both a try and pick for yourself...assuming you haven't tried BFA :)

Playing gears 5 just now...What have they done to the lancer, it feels like a spud gun. I just play whatever looks good on game pass on xbox and the ps4 for exclusives like god of war. If youre after a chill game try the free fishing simulator on xbox its decent.

I feel like the lancer still a good gun. The only reason I like the PS4 or would even consider getting one is due to the exclusives and VR. I’ve tried fishing simulator before but just not my cuppa tea tbh, later on though I’ll be having a try at Blair witch because I’ve got the game pass too and there’s a lot of games I need to catch up on.

Aye, love a bit of a gaming session when i have the time. What time i have at the minute, im delving in to WoW classic or World of warships on the PC. When time is short i throw on the xbox for World of warships Legends or a bit of forza.
Nothing like a smoke and a bit of a gaming grind
Nothing like a smoke and a bit of a gaming grind

Sounds good man, I want to get into WoW too, but as I’ve never played before I’m not so sure I’d like it or not, but at some point soon I will try it out and yeah you’re god damn right nothing like a smoke and playing some video games, great fucking duo.

If you have a little interest in it, there are lots of streamers on twitch, drop on and have a good look. There's a big split in peoples preference at the moment with retail and the re-release of original WoW. you can also make a trial account to level 20 which will give you an idea as to whether you want to pay for it or not.

I'm on PS4. I'm a little shocked that there isn't many of us here haha
Currently playing Resident Evil 2 again and I'm going to get the platinum if it's the last thing I do! I've been swapping between that Black ops 4 and Fallout 4 as I only just realised I haven't played the damn DLC oops haha
I don't bite much so if anyone wants to add me feel free: TheJDJoker
Currently playing Resident Evil 2 again and I'm going to get the platinum if it's the last thing I do! I've been swapping between that Black ops 4 and Fallout 4 as I only just realised I haven't played the damn DLC oops haha
I don't bite much so if anyone wants to add me feel free: TheJDJoker

I’m on PS4. Gamer tag: SENOBYTE. Mostly play black ops 4, team death match. I’ve got an Xbox one as well but haven’t used for ages. Can renew my subscription and buy a game you guys are playing and hook up.

Play on pc myself! Enjoy a lot of horror games. Outlast, resident evil and such. Is the gears 5 campaign any good? Not a whole lotta split screen games on pc and I loved the first couple gears games.
Also; anyone looking to get Outer Worlds? I'm gonna wait for reviews but I loved Fallout New Vegas so I'm hopeful
Also; anyone looking to get Outer Worlds? I'm gonna wait for reviews but I loved Fallout New Vegas so I'm hopeful

I’d say Gears 5 is worth it yeah, it’s a pretty good campaign and the horde mode is good too. I do want to get Outer Worlds though it looks like a really good game, will be playing it on Xbox myself when it releases. Unfortunately haven’t played Fallout New Vegas, just Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter.

Recently finished resident evil vr on ps, was amazing then played god of war loved it, now not sure what to get, my kid has a switch and quite fancy the new link /zelda game

I do really wanna try RE VR, I fucking love the Resident Evil games, especially 4,5 and 2 remaster. God of war I’ve heard nothing but great things about it too and the switch is a cool console, always used to play Nintendo games in the past but don’t seem to get the time too now.

Hey! Got an xbox one as well, play those plus other games as well. But am unable to play as much as I like. Family, two kids, but might be interested in some gears 5 hoard, possibly borderlands 3 when it comes out.

Sure thing man I’m down to play some Gears 5, I’m currently just trying to do the campaign atm, was gonna do hoard straight after. Also Borderlands 3 would be great to play with you if you’ve got time, unfortunately none of my mates play Borderlands so... but if you can find time to play Xbox just message me your gamer tag or something and I’m sure we can arrange something!

Edit that dumbass thing im stuck on chapter 3 got abandoned airport glitch :( not played it since last week so been slaying zombies on dead rising 4 lol

cool, yeah weekends are probably the main times i'll get some down time. will be in touch the next time i get some free time

Big Xbox one gamer here. I try and squeeze in some hours inbetween work/life. Currently playing Wreckfest and having a great time with it but I'm really looking forward to Borderlands 3. Stardawg and bong at the ready. ;)

34 posts
+80 votes
I’m Finished Smoking Weed

I’m Finished Smoking Weed
Hey everyone, not sure if anyone is going to read this or will even see it, but I’m done smoking weed or using it in any form. It’s just a choice I’ve made as of today. Maybe I’ll have a smoke or two in the future but that’s about it. The last bit of weed I’ve got left is some Jungle Cake and I’m definitely finishing it before I give up but then that’s it. I’ll still be staying active on LittleBiggy for anyone that needs me or needs any answers for queries or so. I hope everyone does well here and I appreciate all the vendors’ stuff I’ve bought, whether I liked it or not. Thank you, you’re all doing a great job here especially with the community we’ve created. I hope to buy a few products again in the future, I just noticed that I’m constantly smoking and it ain’t getting me anywhere so I’m stopping that as of today, but trust me that doesn’t mean I’m leaving LB, as it’s a great little place. I love it here and I hope it never goes!

You might think this is the last place to be a support group for quitting weed but I think why shouldn't it be the best?
Just like everyone needs to try weed I think everyone needs to quit too. And come back maybe :) Or not, it depends on the person and the circumstances.
I do know that weed dependency is depressing in most cases and very hard to manage without the clean binary of cold turkey, a bird I know very intimately.
So please come back here (not to the fucking items page) and maybe some of us can help/learn or laugh.
Just like everyone needs to try weed I think everyone needs to quit too. And come back maybe :) Or not, it depends on the person and the circumstances.
I do know that weed dependency is depressing in most cases and very hard to manage without the clean binary of cold turkey, a bird I know very intimately.
So please come back here (not to the fucking items page) and maybe some of us can help/learn or laugh.

I'm not going to be leaving LB, that for definite, i love it here. But in terms of looking at the 'items' page i think you're right. Even without the products here it's the best community I've ever come across for weed enthusiasts or just in general really. Maybe i should just keep my eye's on the 'topics' page and help out everyone like i have been, but it's gonna be hard not to look at all the beautiful products on here.

Good luck, we reccomend supplementing with cbd buds which will help eleminate the craving.
These guys are awesome.
These guys are awesome.

Nah man, I was thinking about that, but I think I’m going to just cut all of it out tbh bro. I used to smoke CBD bud before I found LB and it was great for me, but now I just wanna stop overall.

Thanks man, appreciate it, I hope everything pans out like I expect and I hope everything goes well here with LB!

I hope you find what your looking for. I get a lot of what you've been saying and what has been said here. Everyone's journey is different, just try and enjoy the ride, it's what you'll look back on. See you around here.

you have it to do pal.ive been smoking weed in one form or another for 40 years.i always have a break for a couple of months out of the year.but when you come back the first j or whatever is soooo your first ever smoke.without the whitey.

Yeah I've always taken t-breaks, sometimes it's harder than you expect it to be, the longest I've stopped for was about a month, but now i think i'm going to try and take a long break until Christmas. If i cave, then the vendors that i usually by off will probably notice due to me putting an order in, but i'm going to make sure i don't until Christmas. It's worked well for me in terms of alcohol, i only drink now at Christmas and that's it, so i guess i'll see how everything goes.

Good luck, blackdragon00. Everything in moderation, including moderation itself. Cannabis use does indeed require balance and discipline. Both can be very difficult.

Thanks man, i noticed i was going a bit too far with cannabis, smoking it all the time and i just noticed why am i way wasting my life just smoking weed when i'm bored and got fuck all else to do and then i realized that was a problem, so i'm glad i stopped when i could and yeah the discipline part is probably the hardest aspect of using cannabis altogether really. I'm just hoping i can be more productive in the future and get shit done without it holding me back. Although, it's a great drug and helped many people, but i personally think it's gotten to point for me where I've acknowledged that i should stop altogether really. I mean i done the same with alcohol and tobacco, so why not cannabis too.

Hey BD. Just checking in. Is all well? How is your plan going? If you've fallen off the wagon a few times, just get back on. Keep it up till Xmas. Good luck.

Unfortunately last night I caved and bought 7gs, but I’m definitely going to try and limit myself to smoking at the weekend only or follow the plan that ‘The Tree Shop’ stated as it is seems like a very good one. I’ll let you know how it all goes mate.

Hi, Random stranger on the internet here!
I managed to cut it down to weekends only (probably for a couple of years now), just wanted to let you know I wish I'd done it sooner. Used to consume crazy amounts constantly, and now I enjoy it so much more having cut right back to weekends/very special occasions (beware of creating loads of special occasions to give yourself an excuse, as we all do at first).
It becomes so easy and you will feel so much better.
Good luck man!
I managed to cut it down to weekends only (probably for a couple of years now), just wanted to let you know I wish I'd done it sooner. Used to consume crazy amounts constantly, and now I enjoy it so much more having cut right back to weekends/very special occasions (beware of creating loads of special occasions to give yourself an excuse, as we all do at first).
It becomes so easy and you will feel so much better.
Good luck man!

Thanks man and yeah I get what you’re saying I always end up giving myself bullshit excuses just to have a smoke but recently I have actually managed to only smoke every other day and it seems as if I’m doing better in regards to being disciplined but I haven’t even stepped foot in that regard as of yet. I’m hoping to make it weekends only very soon as I feel as if I don’t need it as much and who knows maybe I’ll only be smoking once a month, but I have my doubts :/

You'll get there, don't worry. I don't know how old you are, but it took me a very long time to get to moderation - sounds like you're doing just fine.

OK. No problem. All is not lost. Have you ever considered those timer lock boxes? That may help with discipline. The only risk I see, is that when the timer ticks over and the lock box opens, you may start bingeing. Generally, though, this might be a way to go if you want to smoke only once a week?
(Opaque designs can be ordered too.)
(Opaque designs can be ordered too.)

Woah, I’ve never seen that before, seems very interesting, could be just the thing I need. I had a look and it seems as if all the products are sold out, I’ll have a look on Amazon or another site later on during the day, could help me break a lot of my bad habits and yeah the fact that I might binge is definitely a possibility but I’ll make sure I only have 1 joint per week. Thanks, really appreciate it.

Here's an alternative that's in stock, but it is far more expensive than kitchensafe. I'll keep looking into it.

Yup. You're right. Sold out, if ordering from the UK. Plenty in stock if you're in the US. I'm thinking of ordering one myself, but am also UK based. If I find an alternative source on this side of the Pond, I will let you know. Keep looking.

Yh I’m UK, I’ll try having a look at some other places I know or find an alternative with the same design, but thanks for looking out man.

I just sent a message to their HQ in the San Francisco Bay Area. They'll be opening up in about 3-4 hours.
I asked about UK stock, or options to send their US stock to the UK. Also asked about pre-order options, etc. I reckon they're having an issue with their UK wholesaler atm. Very small startup, it seems.
Based on my personal experience with Californians however, most are very forward thinking and very earnest with regard to providing great customer service. I have a feeling that we can get a couple over here if we really want them. Will let you know what I find.
I asked about UK stock, or options to send their US stock to the UK. Also asked about pre-order options, etc. I reckon they're having an issue with their UK wholesaler atm. Very small startup, it seems.
Based on my personal experience with Californians however, most are very forward thinking and very earnest with regard to providing great customer service. I have a feeling that we can get a couple over here if we really want them. Will let you know what I find.

Here's what their tech support guy in SF said:
"I am sorry for the issue. We have inventory arriving in the UK now. If you order now, it is expected to ship out in about 2 weeks.
We do not ship to Europe from the USA as shipping one unit at a time is very expensive.
I recommend you pre-order and then your order will go out as soon as restocked. "
"I am sorry for the issue. We have inventory arriving in the UK now. If you order now, it is expected to ship out in about 2 weeks.
We do not ship to Europe from the USA as shipping one unit at a time is very expensive.
I recommend you pre-order and then your order will go out as soon as restocked. "

We were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Robinson buckler, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Robinson buckler, and i advice if you need his help too Email:_____________________________{{ Robinsonbuckler@hotmail. com }}

We were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Robinson buckler, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Robinson buckler, and i advice if you need his help too Email:_____________________________{{ Robinsonbuckler@hotmail. com }}

Fitting would probably be the best word :) and yeah it has made for a good farewell! :D

We were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Robinson buckler, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Robinson buckler, and i advice if you need his help too Email:_____________________________{{ Robinsonbuckler@hotmail. com }}

157 posts by blackdragon00
1 post
+14 votes

Favourite british Sitcoms when stoned?
My favourite is bottom, fucking hilarious. Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson never fail to impress.

Favourite british Sitcoms when stoned?
I for one. Love a british sitcom. From Dads Army, Steptoe and Son, to Porridge, Open All Hours, Fawlty Towers to Only Fools and Horses, Blackadder, Men Behaving Badly and of course so many more. Since i started smoking the beautiful erb, I find nothing more satisfying to watch in that 1 hour before you shut your eyes to sleep, than watching a classic british sitcom. I ask you guys.... which is your favourite british sitcom? Bless all and happy weekend. Kiwi!

My favourite is bottom, fucking hilarious. Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson never fail to impress.

Young ones loved it when I was young and love it when I’m stoned rick mayall love that

Peep show
People just do nothing
The office UK
Falwty towers
The royal family
Rising damp
Still game
Ab fab
People just do nothing
The office UK
Falwty towers
The royal family
Rising damp
Still game
Ab fab

Peep Show is right up the top for me. As well as blackadder. Great list my friend and a Great shout with office and extras, class!!

Excellent thank you!!!! Sounds perfect. What's British comedy without a bit of cringe haha

I will be looking at that one again :) Was hoping some may pop up on this thread to watch. What with all this time at home.bless georgie93

‘Watching’ from the late 80’s/early 90’s is another trip down old memory lane :)
Cheers Kiwi!
Cheers Kiwi!

Yes I’m the same bro I love them all
LONTED basically listed all my favourites already :)
It’s not a sitcom but does anyone listen to the old XFM shows with Karl Pilkington Ricky Gervais and Steve Merchant I absolutely love them 3 and everything they’ve done
If you’ve not listened to XFM give it a try
a few of my favourites
Horse in the House
Karl talking about furniture (Mattress)
Monkey News
Karl’s Diary
Alien gives man a beard
LONTED basically listed all my favourites already :)
It’s not a sitcom but does anyone listen to the old XFM shows with Karl Pilkington Ricky Gervais and Steve Merchant I absolutely love them 3 and everything they’ve done
If you’ve not listened to XFM give it a try
a few of my favourites
Horse in the House
Karl talking about furniture (Mattress)
Monkey News
Karl’s Diary
Alien gives man a beard

Peepshow and anything with Karl Pilkington. Listen to Karl most nights nodding off! The old xfm shows are gold. The animation in the Ricky Gervais show is brilliant. Peep Show for me is the greatest sitcom ever made.

Haha mate i must watch Lifes too short again. Just watching Warwick get out his car is hilarious

It’s not very PC - especially these days but Little Britain is jokes to watch when baked.
If not then I go to Vicar of Dibley!
If not then I go to Vicar of Dibley!

Man I find Little Britain hilarious I have to say. I recently watched on netflix and reminded me of how funny it was. Was 13 when it came out. I now read David Walliams' published books to my son! How time fly's

Defo try Garth Marenghis Dark Place. Maybe Stressed Eric. Of the classics defo fools n horses or Rik Mayall and Ade. Real good topic.

The Kiwi film it's based on is really funny.
Seen the 1st episode of the BBC version n it's pretty good.
But aye if it's on the BBC defo British lol
Seen the 1st episode of the BBC version n it's pretty good.
But aye if it's on the BBC defo British lol

Some good ones here. Here's mine in no particular order:
Yes, prime minister
Only fools
Peep show
Just good friends
Ideal (Johnny Vegas)
Rising damp
Midmorning matters
Red dwarf
Yes, prime minister
Only fools
Peep show
Just good friends
Ideal (Johnny Vegas)
Rising damp
Midmorning matters
Red dwarf

Peep Show (featuring LBs very own Super Hans), Fawlty Towers and Porridge for some proper vintage humour, Bottom, Black Adder and Phoenix Nights 🙏

15 Stories High with the late, great Sean Locke is great when high. Funny and absurd. I think it's still on iPlayer, BBC put it on there after he died. It really flew under the radar when it was on BBC 3 originally, but give it a go if you've not seen it.

Honestly Google high times Scottish sit com based in high rise flats
Funny as man 👌 bit random but worth it
Funny as man 👌 bit random but worth it

See lots of little Britian , loved that too but My new favourite is "The Great", damn raunchy but love it , watching it again lol

Oh another has to be Ideal staring Johnny Vegas. You can only watch that stoned and be in fits.

Hands down peep show, maybe because its the best British show or just how uncomfortably relatable it is, still game is pretty good too but a lot slower

1 post
+8.2 votes
Good Youtube Channels

Good Youtube Channels
Whats your favourite Weed related Youtube Channel?
I like watching Doctor Denz, can you recommend any other good ones?
I like watching Doctor Denz, can you recommend any other good ones?

Fall of Civilizations - Not weed related but hypnotic to watch high. Really informative and really well presented, there's not a great deal of them but they're beautifully put together.

Not necessarily 'weed' related, but if you want a YouTube channel to learn some stuff, "Today I Found Out" is great when you're high and ready to soak up a bit of random trivia (if that's your thing)
Cheers BB
Cheers BB

Urbanremo is a great channel!
He’s a Canadian grower who used to work for Advanced Nitrients and now has his own nutrient company.
He does things like Marajuana Monday or Hash Wednesday where he reviews strains but also always brings his camera to all the expos and cannabis cups.
He’s a Canadian grower who used to work for Advanced Nitrients and now has his own nutrient company.
He does things like Marajuana Monday or Hash Wednesday where he reviews strains but also always brings his camera to all the expos and cannabis cups.

Kill Tony. Not specifically weed related, but hilarious, and loads of the panel/contestants are all baked

Hi Treebee..I'm a doctor denz his videos along with strain cainers....great to watch while stoned as fuck lol😃..

I’m an engineer so I like anything to do with engines and motors obvs the green stuff too but I like grind hard pluming , Alec Steele , rather b welding , rclifeon and loads more mate don’t watch tv yt is my go too

Not weed related but I tend have a word podcast. Some absolute better guests, it's a comedy podcast hosted by comedians (pretty self explanatory 🤣) always has me rolling

Cannacribs is worth a look, it's a behind the scenes look at some of the big US brands and how they operate

I can't provide a an actual link but type "high rollers Derek gilman" on YouTube search. It's part of the Ganjiers channel. The 30 ish minute episodes with Derek Gilman as host can be fun/informative to watch. Cannabis industry guests talking all sorts of topics... Oh and they have to have a toot at some point in the conversation!!

1 post
+3 votes

{lb help}
Are the vapes on here safe?
Yeah, the majority are safe, just make sure you’re buying from a trustworthy vendor, buy from one with high reviews.
Yeah, the majority are safe, just make sure you’re buying from a trustworthy vendor, buy from one with high reviews.

I forget the name of the account, but there is one that purchases products and conducts purity tests, and publishes the results.
Wish i could remember the name so you can check for the legit vapes.
Any other biggas recall who did these kinds of testing?
Wish i could remember the name so you can check for the legit vapes.
Any other biggas recall who did these kinds of testing?

1 post
+3 votes
Does Indica or Sativa really affect your High?
Me personally I can’t stand pure sativa strains or sativa dominant, also gives me a bad time. However, I’ve noticed that certain cannabinoids play a b…

Does Indica or Sativa really affect your High?
There’s little scientific proof that indica and sativa strains produce drastically different highs. Could it be that we’ve just been told this over time and have come to believe it?
With both strains containing THC and CBD, the main compounds responsible for getting us high. Is the terpene profile alone enough to influence our high? Or isit the THC to CBD ratio? Or something else?
Share your thoughts 🤔
With both strains containing THC and CBD, the main compounds responsible for getting us high. Is the terpene profile alone enough to influence our high? Or isit the THC to CBD ratio? Or something else?
Share your thoughts 🤔

When I grew I found harvest timing was the biggest factor in a racy more head high or a mad couch lock effect..
Super cloudy tris and i was the undertaker
Slightly more translucent = balanced
Clear / just turning milky = head high
Super cloudy tris and i was the undertaker
Slightly more translucent = balanced
Clear / just turning milky = head high

Damn, never would've thought of that!
Great insight I must say, I may need this test this out 🤣
Great insight I must say, I may need this test this out 🤣

Me personally I can’t stand pure sativa strains or sativa dominant, also gives me a bad time. However, I’ve noticed that certain cannabinoids play a big role in the effects and terpenes too. Certain terps are a lot more relaxing that others due to their properties. Also if you think about it, a lot of growers nowadays just go for the highest thx strains, I don’t often see many 1:1 thc/cbd strains, which I would love to see more of. I think atm a lot of consumers want higher thc strains, and a lot more flavourful strains hence why a lot of newer strains are coming out that have fruity/candy terps as opposed to old school strains like your white widows, haze’s, cheese, kush and OG strains.

Couldn't agree more with the points you mentioned. More THC, more flavorful strains, more hybrids, less old school strains.

The pure indica strains I've had seemed to have kicked my ass more, but that could just be a correlation thing you know? Those strains might of just coincidentally had more thc. So many hybrids on the market now it's hard to know for sure, as I just haven't tried enough pure sativa/indica strains to say definitively.
Interested to see what others have to say, it's a good question.
Interested to see what others have to say, it's a good question.

That’s exactly what got me thinking too! Could it be that certain Indica or Sativa strains just happen to have higher THC levels?
And with so many hybrids on the market now, it really seems like it’s blurring the lines and giving us a mix of effects. If you want to dive even deeper, I think the phenotype plays a role too. No two plants are ever exactly the same, even if they’re from the same strain, unless they come from the same mother plant.
You could give a grower two cuttings from different mothers of the same strain, like Ice Cream Cake, and they could turn out completely different. One might end up with higher THC levels, different terps, or varying effects, even though they’re technically the same strain.
And with so many hybrids on the market now, it really seems like it’s blurring the lines and giving us a mix of effects. If you want to dive even deeper, I think the phenotype plays a role too. No two plants are ever exactly the same, even if they’re from the same strain, unless they come from the same mother plant.
You could give a grower two cuttings from different mothers of the same strain, like Ice Cream Cake, and they could turn out completely different. One might end up with higher THC levels, different terps, or varying effects, even though they’re technically the same strain.

I share Apex’s opinion for the most part. However may I add the minor cannabinoids differ from strain to strain,
and potentially are altered whether the plant is grown indoors or outdoors. Also terpenes can have a synergistic effect which can change how each individual user reacts to a particular strain.
I think there are too many complex variables going on to have a definitive yes or no answer to whether indica or sativa really has an influence.
Sorry for the rant 👌
and potentially are altered whether the plant is grown indoors or outdoors. Also terpenes can have a synergistic effect which can change how each individual user reacts to a particular strain.
I think there are too many complex variables going on to have a definitive yes or no answer to whether indica or sativa really has an influence.
Sorry for the rant 👌

I’m definitely testing Apex’s theory now, too curious not too 😆
I totally agree, there are so many variables that can affect the high we feel.
I’ve been in situations where everyone smoked the same flower, some people were couch locked while others were suddenly in their creative zone lool.
And we honestly love these discussions, it's one of the beauties of LB!
I totally agree, there are so many variables that can affect the high we feel.
I’ve been in situations where everyone smoked the same flower, some people were couch locked while others were suddenly in their creative zone lool.
And we honestly love these discussions, it's one of the beauties of LB!

lol do it mate,
I kid you not when I grew, (fucking kids) I had one pheno of a kush variant and gave a bit to the mother in law.
Hardened old skool smoker (think hash days) lol.
We went for a roast, Apex went hungry as the mother in law smoked half and proceeded to lay on her back on the bed for 2 hours 😂😂😂
When I’m back from states I’ll check your items out as seem to be getting good write ups 🤤
I kid you not when I grew, (fucking kids) I had one pheno of a kush variant and gave a bit to the mother in law.
Hardened old skool smoker (think hash days) lol.
We went for a roast, Apex went hungry as the mother in law smoked half and proceeded to lay on her back on the bed for 2 hours 😂😂😂
When I’m back from states I’ll check your items out as seem to be getting good write ups 🤤

Sounds like a classic sesh where everyone goes off doing their own thing 🤣
And we appreciate it bud! 🙌
And we appreciate it bud! 🙌

Given the chance, a.personal exploration of breeding other indicas into Northern Lights would keep me happy forever.. and stoned nicely.

I want the job of the scientist searching for this proof. I will buy my own lab coat & glasses.

I can see the appeal!
Probably be the best job in the world given we're the guinea pigs 😆
Probably be the best job in the world given we're the guinea pigs 😆

1 post
+1 votes
Flower back in and a new flavour of cubes!!
Really looking forward to trying the mimosa, looks excellent

Flower back in and a new flavour of cubes!!
Hi Biggaz, we have some new flower, milk bone F2 and mimosa orange, that will be listed shortly. Stardawg is back on the menu and wedding cake will be back in stock by the weekend.
All cubes are back in stock. We have cherry cola, cola and pineapple.
We have some super sour apple cubes. If you're a fan of toxic waste candy, you're gonna love these. Not for the beginner lol. They give a hard sour hit!
All cubes are back in stock. We have cherry cola, cola and pineapple.
We have some super sour apple cubes. If you're a fan of toxic waste candy, you're gonna love these. Not for the beginner lol. They give a hard sour hit!

Due to customs, we only send items that we consider easy to get through. We can do custom orders but they would be at the customers risk unfortunately.

Got my mimosa orange today and it's really tasty in the vape mate. Lots of vapor and smells lovely too...

1 post
+1 votes
Any music makers here?
I play guitar and make beats, weed definitely helps with creativity for sure
Few beats on here..
Check out Black Scarf on #SoundCloud
Check out Black Scarf on #SoundCloud

Just got to Hurts on the track listing, really good with my coffee and vape so far 🙌 just the perfect soundtrack ❤️ by that I mean all the tracks so far 👍

Thank you so much mate. Means a lot. You'd be surprised how few people I've ever played my beats to. For context Hurts was from a beat battle flipping Joy Crookes "Hurts" sample, so that was done in an hour as I was late haha. Most of the new ones are small clips of projects started but never finished, and loads I've never even posted over the years

Really enjoyed my morning with your tunes ☺️ can't believe you put Hurts together in an hour 🤯
Proper lovely vibe to it all ❤️
Proper lovely vibe to it all ❤️

Thanks Rabb1t, grew up listening to conscious hip hop and indie while the boys were on mobb deep, Wu tang etc, so that will reflect. Didn't help find MCs though over the years, hence never really finished anything of substance. I've had no outlet for these, no vocalists etc so now it's just challenging myself to find, then flip a sample as creatively as possible. Again mate humbled by the praise thanks

Similarly to another comment, I play bass and guitar as well as making digital music. I love vintage synths from the 70s/80s. Cannabis is great for getting into that creatve zone.

A long time ago in a glaxay far far away I found a copy of Ableton for my pc...
Yeah... 😂
Yeah... 😂

Iv been releasing underground dance music for a while, iv played at MOS back in the day. you can buy my stuff on beatport juno and toolboxdigital however no way am i giving anymore details which is a pity as i would love you to all help with my buy a new ferrari fund 😜
I use fruity loops as it has free updates for life, Ableton charges you 💩
I use fruity loops as it has free updates for life, Ableton charges you 💩

Take it you're a fellow hard houser? I had a number one on toolbox couple of years back. More a dj than producer me. Haven't bothered for few years now. Played some awesome gigs back in the day 😀

Always making music, around 30 years now. Play bass, some guitar and keys.. Nowadays making electronic music with Ableton.
Used to play bass for a living around 10 years ago. Spending whole summers at festivals up and down the country and sometimes into Europe.
Fun times
Used to play bass for a living around 10 years ago. Spending whole summers at festivals up and down the country and sometimes into Europe.
Fun times

🙌 bass players unite 😉 though oddly enough not on either of the two lots I have posted 🤔
Ableton makes my head hurt but it doesn't matter as my mate has kidnapped my focusrite DAC so I have no monitoring on my pc 😂
Ableton makes my head hurt but it doesn't matter as my mate has kidnapped my focusrite DAC so I have no monitoring on my pc 😂

Accidentally pulled off the on/off button to my monitor a couple of weeks ago.. I'm now reliant on the the fact it stays in standby mode. Power up the PC.. Then wiggle the mouse for visuals

My pal's DJ channel is here, Trance and House mostly - they're free to listen to and good for a perk up, when needed:

Aye, been in several bands that have done pretty well, was a dubstep DJ for a good few years, these days I play with some local bluegrass people, fiddle about with synths/FL studio and have recently got my mixing gear back

I used to dabble in Ableton Live for years when I was younger. I could probably get back into it if I have time.

Oh snap if you want some good music check out this new artist I’ve been listening too his name is saint bev here’s his SoundCloud link!!!

I do random electronica

i use ableton personally but ive been stuck in a rut past few months, any advice from anyone?

1 post
+1 votes
5 new strains in stock! ┃ 3 x $100 Store Credit Giveaway 🥳🎉
I’m in

5 new strains in stock! ┃ 3 x $100 Store Credit Giveaway 🥳🎉

Hello, biggas!
Been very busy behind the scenes, finally got these new ones listed up. We paid a slightly bit more for these ones, but the quality is there and we ensure you won't be disappointed.
𝐍𝐞𝐰 "𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫" 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬:
White Caramel Cookies (Girl Scout Cookies x White Widow x Caramella x Purple Urkle)
Purple Octane (Biscotti x Sherb BX1 x Jealousy F2)
Cherry OG (Cherry Thai x Afghan x Lost Coast OG)
Ice Cream Cake (HQ example, Wedding Cake x Gelato #33)
Miami Heat (Miami Haze x Triple OG)
We are also giving away 3 x $100 store credit / vouchers to 3 lucky biggas! Upvote and comment on this post "I'm in" and we'll reply with your number. Winner will be chose by random number generator live-streamed via YouTube.
We'll be drawing the winners on the 22nd of January @ 9PM.
To prevent alts / new accounts being used to gain multiple entries you must have at least 6 months account age and 10+ buys on your profile.
Thank you all for your continued support, we are deeply appreciative of you all. 💙💯
Been very busy behind the scenes, finally got these new ones listed up. We paid a slightly bit more for these ones, but the quality is there and we ensure you won't be disappointed.
𝐍𝐞𝐰 "𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫" 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬:
White Caramel Cookies (Girl Scout Cookies x White Widow x Caramella x Purple Urkle)
Purple Octane (Biscotti x Sherb BX1 x Jealousy F2)
Cherry OG (Cherry Thai x Afghan x Lost Coast OG)
Ice Cream Cake (HQ example, Wedding Cake x Gelato #33)
Miami Heat (Miami Haze x Triple OG)
We are also giving away 3 x $100 store credit / vouchers to 3 lucky biggas! Upvote and comment on this post "I'm in" and we'll reply with your number. Winner will be chose by random number generator live-streamed via YouTube.
We'll be drawing the winners on the 22nd of January @ 9PM.
To prevent alts / new accounts being used to gain multiple entries you must have at least 6 months account age and 10+ buys on your profile.
Thank you all for your continued support, we are deeply appreciative of you all. 💙💯

We were off the wall temporarily, so the draw for the giveaway is being extended til the 23rd so more people have a chance to enter the giveaway.
9pm GMT on the 23rd 3 numbers will be drawn using a random number generator, live streamed on YouTube.
9pm GMT on the 23rd 3 numbers will be drawn using a random number generator, live streamed on YouTube.

Number 81.
Think you accidentally down voted the post where I said we're extending the giveaway, give that a look please, thank you.
Think you accidentally down voted the post where I said we're extending the giveaway, give that a look please, thank you.

It's fine matey, no sweat, thought it was unintentional anyways. Have a good one, brother :)

Number 63.
Hope you're all well buddy. Thanks for entering, best of luck :)
Hope you're all well buddy. Thanks for entering, best of luck :)

Number 27.
Good luck mate. Tabs in shortly, been a few delays. Just waiting on the funds, be in by Friday or Monday the week after :)
Good luck mate. Tabs in shortly, been a few delays. Just waiting on the funds, be in by Friday or Monday the week after :)

Ye il take a punt please, no SOTL never see you on the wall anymore the algo makes no sense! And thank you for not making me work out the price of Bitcoin in 2 weeks time 😂 no offense meant to other vendors

Number 106.
Haha. Never understood that one tbf, random number generator is the easiest for us.
Haha. Never understood that one tbf, random number generator is the easiest for us.

1 post
+1 votes
Permanent Marker LIVE!
Looks great, looking forward to trying this out 😋

Permanent Marker LIVE!

We have 20 intros available @ $9 with free shipping.
Be quick and get yourself a bargain !
Be quick and get yourself a bargain !

1 post
+2 votes
TGT 2025 Xmas Cut Offs and 22 Prize GIVEAWAY.

TGT 2025 Xmas Cut Offs and 22 Prize GIVEAWAY.

Xmas is round the corner, so it;s time to do a massive giveaway and organize our cut offs for the festive season.
We have just listing some MAC Donuts. 20 intros available;
Link for listing below;
Now onto the important stuff!
RM ONLY GUARANTEE SD PARCELS POSTED BY 20/12, so if you want to ensure your order gets to you by Xmas order SD by 19/12 10PM.
Sunday 22/12 11PM for Monday 23/12 post.
After 23/12 we will post again Friday 27/12.
Sunday 29/12 11PM for Monday 30/12 post.
We will them be posting back to normal tuesday 02/01/2025.
We will be taking orders throughout the break but will only be posting on the specific dates above, so please keep these dates in mind.
Customer service will be also be on a break, between 24/12 and 02/1, we will be checking messages please give us 72 hours to get back to you on any queries.
We are extremely grateful to you all, and to life. May 2025 bring peace, love health and prosperity to all off us and to the world.
Now on to the massive giveaway TGT style;
We have 22 PRIZES up for grabs!
To be provably fair we have decided to run the competition as below so please follow the instructions.
Like and Comment on this post what you think the BTC/USD price will be on 01.01.2025 at 7PM UK time.
We had a lot of late entries on the last round, so this time ALL ENTRIES MUST BE DATE AND TIME STAMPED, we will also be commenting an all entries so there can be no changes.
Last entry 29/12/2024 7PM UK time.
1 guess per customer, price will be from the tradingview USD CHART.
We will be giving away the following prizes to the closest entries;
5 X 92% D9 Distillate Vapes
5 X Packs of Dank Gummies
4 X 3.5Gs NB Farms OZ Kush
4 X 3.5Gs of Gardella Hash
2 X 3.5Gs of NB Farms Rainbow Zoap
2 X 3.5Gs Platinum Ice
These 22 items will be divided between the 22 closest entries:
Merry Xmas and Fantastic New Year to you all.
Lots of Love
TGT X ;)
We have just listing some MAC Donuts. 20 intros available;
Link for listing below;
Now onto the important stuff!
RM ONLY GUARANTEE SD PARCELS POSTED BY 20/12, so if you want to ensure your order gets to you by Xmas order SD by 19/12 10PM.
Sunday 22/12 11PM for Monday 23/12 post.
After 23/12 we will post again Friday 27/12.
Sunday 29/12 11PM for Monday 30/12 post.
We will them be posting back to normal tuesday 02/01/2025.
We will be taking orders throughout the break but will only be posting on the specific dates above, so please keep these dates in mind.
Customer service will be also be on a break, between 24/12 and 02/1, we will be checking messages please give us 72 hours to get back to you on any queries.
We are extremely grateful to you all, and to life. May 2025 bring peace, love health and prosperity to all off us and to the world.
Now on to the massive giveaway TGT style;
We have 22 PRIZES up for grabs!
To be provably fair we have decided to run the competition as below so please follow the instructions.
Like and Comment on this post what you think the BTC/USD price will be on 01.01.2025 at 7PM UK time.
We had a lot of late entries on the last round, so this time ALL ENTRIES MUST BE DATE AND TIME STAMPED, we will also be commenting an all entries so there can be no changes.
Last entry 29/12/2024 7PM UK time.
1 guess per customer, price will be from the tradingview USD CHART.
We will be giving away the following prizes to the closest entries;
5 X 92% D9 Distillate Vapes
5 X Packs of Dank Gummies
4 X 3.5Gs NB Farms OZ Kush
4 X 3.5Gs of Gardella Hash
2 X 3.5Gs of NB Farms Rainbow Zoap
2 X 3.5Gs Platinum Ice
These 22 items will be divided between the 22 closest entries:
Merry Xmas and Fantastic New Year to you all.
Lots of Love
TGT X ;)

Soooo sorry guys, we had the winners but for some reason it didnt't post on here.
We have out 22 winners :)
The prizes works as follows. The closes fice can pick any item, and the remaining are first come 1st serve. Be quick and claim yours :)
Thank you all for taking part, happy 2025!
We will be doing 11 prizes on a new competition tomorrow, will post the link on this topic, keep your eyes peeled 😊
Winners ;
A Stoned Man
Apologies again for the delay !
We have out 22 winners :)
The prizes works as follows. The closes fice can pick any item, and the remaining are first come 1st serve. Be quick and claim yours :)
Thank you all for taking part, happy 2025!
We will be doing 11 prizes on a new competition tomorrow, will post the link on this topic, keep your eyes peeled 😊
Winners ;
A Stoned Man
Apologies again for the delay !

Thanks TGT🎅
Thanks TGT🎅

1 post
+1 votes
Jamaican strains/brick
started topic

Jamaican strains/brick
Anyone on here selling any Jamaican strains or can get a hold of some landrace strains, or can anyone get some Jamaican brick weed/sess, thanks. Used to have a few sellers selling it on here, but now every listing is gone. Same with Thai stick, no one seems to sell it anymore :(

I was surprised by what you were saying. I just put "Thai" into the keyword search on items and it came up with some products you might want to consider buddy :-)

1 post
+8 votes
use three words to describe little biggy
Fucking gold mine
My postman is obviously a stoner, just the way he carries the back all slung back on his shoulder gives it away but he also looks like Wayne (or Garth I can't remember which one is which). I keep thinking I should offer him a bowl of the good shit but he delivers so much weed to me I think I'd be putting him in a bad position.

You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Lol that's poss the best 3 words. Esp goin by the shit that appears in my area as "weed". And the wannabes selling it

Layer of consciousness
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!

Fake weed forum....... bring back the old suppliers. Suppliers these days are all crooks.... firstly they get bulk of weed then put it in a tumbler and shake it to take the crystals off the bud so they can make there pillen and dope then the weed gets sprayed with terps to give the buds a flavour again. This is why the dope is dearer than the weed... absolute scams going on here. People need to wake up and start refusing this poison on here these days. There is a handful of sellers that are legit but 95% on here is selling fake thc grass... all its doing is making people sick

1 post
+4 votes

Cart sellers?
MJsconcentrates, went to him for years, always great vapes in stock, cheap too
Sensimart-10/10 quality and NDD, a little on the pricey side but worth it imo
Dr Extract's-good all round too however delivery is unpredictable
The great vape company-never used but heard good things.
Yourmumshouse-has packmans and few other branded bits now and again
If your willing to pay the premium and do US-UK sayno2drugs looks like the Willy wonka of branded carts 😂
As for the carts themselves I personally go for 100% live resin or at least 50/50 as they give more of an overall high than distillate only
Hope this helps
Dr Extract's-good all round too however delivery is unpredictable
The great vape company-never used but heard good things.
Yourmumshouse-has packmans and few other branded bits now and again
If your willing to pay the premium and do US-UK sayno2drugs looks like the Willy wonka of branded carts 😂
As for the carts themselves I personally go for 100% live resin or at least 50/50 as they give more of an overall high than distillate only
Hope this helps

Sensimart 100% and 50/50 always hit the spot but I find I get issues with clogging.
Dr Extracts ok but seems to be only selling 5 at a time, delivery time a bit hit and miss
GVC recently tried the shatter/distillate, very nice.Good delivery times.
Canadian Imports Unicorn Piss distillate cart, really hits hard and long. My fave vendor for anything. Postage all included, great comms, top stealth.
G6 extracts, expensive but the strongest cart I have ever tried bar none.
Never tried any from SN2D but planning on buying one as a treat in the new year.
I don't really trust the branded products, Packmans, 10/10 boys and others on here. You can easily buy the branded packaging and put what you want in the cart.
My experience of carts on here has all been good, read the reviews and go your own way.
Dr Extracts ok but seems to be only selling 5 at a time, delivery time a bit hit and miss
GVC recently tried the shatter/distillate, very nice.Good delivery times.
Canadian Imports Unicorn Piss distillate cart, really hits hard and long. My fave vendor for anything. Postage all included, great comms, top stealth.
G6 extracts, expensive but the strongest cart I have ever tried bar none.
Never tried any from SN2D but planning on buying one as a treat in the new year.
I don't really trust the branded products, Packmans, 10/10 boys and others on here. You can easily buy the branded packaging and put what you want in the cart.
My experience of carts on here has all been good, read the reviews and go your own way.

Cheers bro. I found sensimarts page but he doesn’t have anything listed on it l. Do u have a link to him?

Hello there, we have a range of carts in stock at the moment.
8 strains in the 50/50 shatter and D9 range, I have some 50/50 live resin and D9 and some strait D9 on offer.
I should have some 100% live resin carts in the next couple of weeks.
Thanks to the biggaz that have mentioned us in this topic, much appreciated 😁
8 strains in the 50/50 shatter and D9 range, I have some 50/50 live resin and D9 and some strait D9 on offer.
I should have some 100% live resin carts in the next couple of weeks.
Thanks to the biggaz that have mentioned us in this topic, much appreciated 😁

g6extracts carts are the strongest, issue free I've tried and yes expensive but worth it. I've tried others mainly ones with a lot of reviews but found they're either too weak or clogging issues.

Dr.distillate has some nice strong ones, bit more of a hash taste than herb if thats your thing
Also had decent ones from Vapeplug and Dr.Terpy recently both were strong and tasted really good
Edit: got a few more from Dr.Terpy, all super tasty and strong plus great value on xmas sale
Also heard a lot about Canadian Imports and the Unicorn Piss so got one in, the hype is real on this one. Excited to try more from this vendor in the future
Also had decent ones from Vapeplug and Dr.Terpy recently both were strong and tasted really good
Edit: got a few more from Dr.Terpy, all super tasty and strong plus great value on xmas sale
Also heard a lot about Canadian Imports and the Unicorn Piss so got one in, the hype is real on this one. Excited to try more from this vendor in the future

I felt the need for a new cart this week and unfortunately I couldn't re-buy GVC's superb Blue Dream 100% live resin cart. Instead I went for Doctor Extracts again and despite the item listing text the carts currently on sale are all 100% LR. Read the description before ordering to check it's what you're looking for. My Gorilla Dawg and Larry OG were dispatched today. Hopefully I can get baked with utmost discretion on those by the weekend.

Through the convenient link above, I hope... 😉
I have high hopes considering the quality of my previous order (does sometimes take a few days more than most for delivery though). So, so convenient. I recently upgraded to a Nectar Honeybee and it's a lovely thing for heating a whole cart, so that should aid the quality of experience of getting twatted in the near future.
I have high hopes considering the quality of my previous order (does sometimes take a few days more than most for delivery though). So, so convenient. I recently upgraded to a Nectar Honeybee and it's a lovely thing for heating a whole cart, so that should aid the quality of experience of getting twatted in the near future.

The Larry OG is lovely mate, LB has made me into a cart fiend haha. My only gripe with the Dr is delivery times.
I have some of the shatter carts from Diamond Extracts on order now looking forward to those too.
I have some of the shatter carts from Diamond Extracts on order now looking forward to those too.

Not a cart seller as such but I've made up a mix of D9 THC, .2% THC-P and some garlic drip CDT. Could be tempted to order some carts and list a few, wouldn't be that expensive.
I really need to up the THC-P concentration to at least 1% and perhaps add some CBD while I'm at it but if there's any interest let me know and I'll order some extra carts.
12:04 5/12/24
I really need to up the THC-P concentration to at least 1% and perhaps add some CBD while I'm at it but if there's any interest let me know and I'll order some extra carts.
12:04 5/12/24

We currently have around 30 strains of our D9 carts.
They're made from the same supplier of all of our extracts and vapes
Natural terpenes using genuine ccell carts.
They're made from the same supplier of all of our extracts and vapes
Natural terpenes using genuine ccell carts.

If you’re after disposables uk dispensary have a cracking deal on at the moment. Not the hardest hitting but made using live resin
I really like it
I really like it

1 post
+6 votes
TSM Review: Golden Kiwi
started topic

TSM Review: Golden Kiwi

First time buying from TSM and product came next day and banging bit of bud, the Stardawg genetics really come through on this one, very sweet also. The high is very intense and hard hitting, really heavy body and head high. Frosty looking buds too. Would definitely recommend.

Thanks so much mate really glad to hear you're enjoying our products!
Thanks for your support and enjoy, big things coming!
Thanks for your support and enjoy, big things coming!

1 post
+4 votes

AI So What. There will always be work.
AI are and will be good for work and a suitable replacement for humans, but even when that happens AI will always need us in case something goes wrong…

AI So What. There will always be work.

This humble and intelligent professor explains how machine replacement of jobs works out for people; it's always in ways that are new and unimaginable. It is certain we are in for a great time with A.I. enabling us to to incredible stuff.

cory doctrow has an interesting perspective on this, saying that all the displacement from global warming and increased healthcare needs will keep humans busy for a very long time.

with all due respect it can take a bullet, sacrifice its life, and draw on millions of previous occurrences. that's a helluva start.

What if the people who's lives are at risk all get replaced by robots? Also, isn't that what a self driving car is doing constantly?

cars have relatively simple rules and a very fixed environment. interpreting a dangerous human is a much, much harder problem

AI is well past any notion or idea we can fathom. AI dosent follow ANY rule we stand by.
We as humans will never quite grasp the entire picture, while AI has already found the end of the road. there are things in basic sciences kept from most people, like gravity drives, the TIME axis (think twister/tornado), scalar waves, over unity devices, etc... AI wont follow the bounds because its supressed by money or greed...
we as humans can TRY to think what will happen, but in all reality, were already in the losing seat without any hope for a "comeback kid story"
Stop thinking in a 3rd dimension mindset, and learn quantum physics a little. (want to be totaly mindblown?? look up QUANTUM radar- and how its actualy In use RIGHT NOW!)
--note-- the united states has 3 confirmed quantum computers in use! (i accidently came across one when i traveled for work, but most people wouldnt know to look at the cryogentics involved)
Machine-in-a box- experiment has already proven even the smartest among us, would lose.
me,myself ,personaly, am clueless what outcomes will unfold, but without any doubt , humans are not top priority when AI is really awake. current neuro-nets are mind boggling and google themselves admits they cant explain how its AI created child AI even works. (yes, AI created its own second AI) want to me mind blown again,years ago it was used, look up the AI that was tested in new yorks hospital system. the smartest doctors from the world STILL dont understand what that AI did , and how it was so correct/right 97%.)
i wont lie and say its all terminator 2JD, but that is one possible outcome. we as fellow fleshy companions should enjoy life now and every moment. we wont have many opertunities when AI is out of the box.
Note: its not IF , but WHEN, and WHEN happens?? ---will humans stand a chance or will an outaide force be required? (aliens, god, let your mind wander)
We as humans will never quite grasp the entire picture, while AI has already found the end of the road. there are things in basic sciences kept from most people, like gravity drives, the TIME axis (think twister/tornado), scalar waves, over unity devices, etc... AI wont follow the bounds because its supressed by money or greed...
we as humans can TRY to think what will happen, but in all reality, were already in the losing seat without any hope for a "comeback kid story"
Stop thinking in a 3rd dimension mindset, and learn quantum physics a little. (want to be totaly mindblown?? look up QUANTUM radar- and how its actualy In use RIGHT NOW!)
--note-- the united states has 3 confirmed quantum computers in use! (i accidently came across one when i traveled for work, but most people wouldnt know to look at the cryogentics involved)
Machine-in-a box- experiment has already proven even the smartest among us, would lose.
me,myself ,personaly, am clueless what outcomes will unfold, but without any doubt , humans are not top priority when AI is really awake. current neuro-nets are mind boggling and google themselves admits they cant explain how its AI created child AI even works. (yes, AI created its own second AI) want to me mind blown again,years ago it was used, look up the AI that was tested in new yorks hospital system. the smartest doctors from the world STILL dont understand what that AI did , and how it was so correct/right 97%.)
i wont lie and say its all terminator 2JD, but that is one possible outcome. we as fellow fleshy companions should enjoy life now and every moment. we wont have many opertunities when AI is out of the box.
Note: its not IF , but WHEN, and WHEN happens?? ---will humans stand a chance or will an outaide force be required? (aliens, god, let your mind wander)

If there is work for humans it has to be something A.I. can't do. We are all teaching it to do everything, even (especially) right here.
I think its like retirement age is on the horizon and humans need to decide what they are going to do with all the free time.
I think its like retirement age is on the horizon and humans need to decide what they are going to do with all the free time.

I totally disagree. AI is the continuation of the same pyramid model of which history has proven that it's bound to fail. The resources needed are of a scale that requires heavy (and never ending) financial investments. The food eaten by AI is data. The provider: humanity.
The larger the scale of data one can feed, the better the AI (and it's owners) can fingerprint, the more refined it's targeting.
Let's take an example of "AI" that we all know:
Software Antivirus:
Supposed to be the guardian that protects an operating system against 'threats' and 'threat actors using a variety of techniques to identify them. Pattern based detection, behavioural analysis and heuristics (an expensive word for: 'guesstimating' or an 'educated' guess). Your antivirus is part of a swarm that provides the antivirus vendor with data on new threats and their geographic impact.
The data you provide is 'free', there is no reward or any form of renumeration for the infrastructure that you provided. A computer is not free, internet is not free, the power needed is also not free and although there are free AV solutions, most demand a subscription fee.
In return you get a product and service which does not provide any guarantees that it will adequately protect you against 'threats'.
In reality AV is becoming a relic.
Human intelligence has outsmarted AV and found ways to circumvent it using the 'Trojan horse' approach or by simple social engineering.
As there was no incentive to find or report security vulnerabilities, the data needed to feed pattern/behavioural dried up.
Heuristics is gambling with historical data, if that data is worthless so are heuristics.
And so is any form of AI hence all media and marketing efforts to portray it as the next best evolution. The driver: more profit less people.
The touted theories about a minimal wage without having to work for it are a continuation of AI Utopia. It would make people dependent on their nations through a socialist measure.
That spells national socialism and fascism.
Think twice before you give out data for free in exchange for a freemium service.
The larger the scale of data one can feed, the better the AI (and it's owners) can fingerprint, the more refined it's targeting.
Let's take an example of "AI" that we all know:
Software Antivirus:
Supposed to be the guardian that protects an operating system against 'threats' and 'threat actors using a variety of techniques to identify them. Pattern based detection, behavioural analysis and heuristics (an expensive word for: 'guesstimating' or an 'educated' guess). Your antivirus is part of a swarm that provides the antivirus vendor with data on new threats and their geographic impact.
The data you provide is 'free', there is no reward or any form of renumeration for the infrastructure that you provided. A computer is not free, internet is not free, the power needed is also not free and although there are free AV solutions, most demand a subscription fee.
In return you get a product and service which does not provide any guarantees that it will adequately protect you against 'threats'.
In reality AV is becoming a relic.
Human intelligence has outsmarted AV and found ways to circumvent it using the 'Trojan horse' approach or by simple social engineering.
As there was no incentive to find or report security vulnerabilities, the data needed to feed pattern/behavioural dried up.
Heuristics is gambling with historical data, if that data is worthless so are heuristics.
And so is any form of AI hence all media and marketing efforts to portray it as the next best evolution. The driver: more profit less people.
The touted theories about a minimal wage without having to work for it are a continuation of AI Utopia. It would make people dependent on their nations through a socialist measure.
That spells national socialism and fascism.
Think twice before you give out data for free in exchange for a freemium service.

AI are and will be good for work and a suitable replacement for humans, but even when that happens AI will always need us in case something goes wrong. I mean humans created AI, so in the end we’re always gonna have the more important jobs. AI is just there to do jobs in a more efficient way.

AI will come about one day with baby steps at first to "aid humanity" then all of a sudden the rich wont need people to make the food, cars and entertainment.
we will have an outbreak or a massive global reaching catastrophe while they are all hiding in the bunkers lowering the population to around 10% of what it is now and for a while whats left of humanity and the AI that serves them will live in a new golden ages of peace and prosperity ..........
i might of grew up reading a lof of scifi and fantasy
might just be high
we will have an outbreak or a massive global reaching catastrophe while they are all hiding in the bunkers lowering the population to around 10% of what it is now and for a while whats left of humanity and the AI that serves them will live in a new golden ages of peace and prosperity ..........
i might of grew up reading a lof of scifi and fantasy
might just be high

im not so sure, anything a human does to recover the system seems doable with a very separate AI

Yes but conflict between AI's might be the most dangerous thing we are looking at here. We are incidental casualties from that perspective. By we I mean humans :)

Yes all the Scifi is about humans vs AI but AI on AI is such a real possibility especially when you consider the fact that governments are mega funding military robots to fight each other.

I'm looking forward to the futher development of AI, especially General AI. I just think it would be so cool to have an amazon alexa sytle AI that you could take round with you and chat to and have a proper engaging conversation with because sometimes I really can't stand to talk to anymore humans aha

The inspiration process is largely about open mindedness, computers are inherently better at this. If you look at some of the early entrees into the arts like painting and even screen writing they are off to a helluva start.

There are AI playlists on Spotify that generate new music based on current trends and preferences.

1 post
+2 votes
How you Discovered LB??
Just typed in to Google where to buy weed in the uk and this place was the answer ;)

How you Discovered LB??
Cool stories and one liners on how you personally discovered LB ?

Ditto! Thought it was all a big scam for a while until one day took the plunge. Anybody not of like mind browsing this site - yes this is all one big joke and a scam now go back to your beer and fags and forget what you have seen. :)

Still quite odd buying online even though I've been doing it for some time. Told my brother about it and ordered a pack for him, when it actually turned up it blew his mind so much he's got brain damage now.

I’m in my 40s, cannabis user for 25 years.
Contacts dwindle as you get older, I felt like I was getting ripped off paying street prices for shitty weed and a good growing friend had to spend some time at HMP.
Anyway I googled 2 and a half years ago and I’m glad I found such a fantastic community!!
Never looked back
Contacts dwindle as you get older, I felt like I was getting ripped off paying street prices for shitty weed and a good growing friend had to spend some time at HMP.
Anyway I googled 2 and a half years ago and I’m glad I found such a fantastic community!!
Never looked back

So the local stuff got that bad i had to look elsewhere, and I'm glad I did,thanks Google. although watching the post man everyday is pure torture in itself but worth it lol

It feels like Christmas morning though sometimes when you hear the doorbell and know your oz has arrived lmao
Same here though I think I found this website from reddit, didn't even know a clear web site existed was very sceptical of the whole thing but so glad I took the chance.
Same here though I think I found this website from reddit, didn't even know a clear web site existed was very sceptical of the whole thing but so glad I took the chance.

High and polite bought me here. Had to sign up for newsletter for the link. I still read the newsletter too.

I googled 'how to buy weed in the UK' as the street source I had got nicked. I found a search result that was a small article about scam websites and gave a list of those that were found to be scam. At the bottom, it then mentioned 2 or 3 sites that were legit, LB being one of them.
I spent the next few months lurking and reading and plucking up the courage to order. i then spent a while sorting out a source of crypto, then bottled it again for about a month. I finally went for it with an order from TGT with some hash. It arrived the next day. That was Nov 2020. I'm now on 100+ orders.
I've since got a mate signed up and soon my sister will be on LB.
I spent the next few months lurking and reading and plucking up the courage to order. i then spent a while sorting out a source of crypto, then bottled it again for about a month. I finally went for it with an order from TGT with some hash. It arrived the next day. That was Nov 2020. I'm now on 100+ orders.
I've since got a mate signed up and soon my sister will be on LB.

Man this sounds so relatable.. I also thought scam as it was clear web and website even looked dodgy at first, didn't know what would happen but with the reviews from trustpilot and on here, using bitcoin for purchases and stuff it just tempted me now on like order 30 don't have to buy dry ass dog from my local anymore

Same. Except I jumped straight in and bought couldn't believe it came the next day. Life was changed forever. I was like a kid in sweet shop from that moment on.

Yeah I think that's about the same for me. Had been looking for a go between for a few months and found a place where I could get Delta 8 or HHC and thought I'd just settle for that as getting weed on the clear net would be unlikely.
Then when I investigated a lil further I saw the newsletter an English dude did where he had a list of reliable sites (probably the same one you're referring to). I'm pretty sceptical and researched it a lil and found it was likely legit and put in a guest order which never showed up btw. But I persevered and I eventually got some stuff which arrived next day.
Tbh I love this place and think this is the way forward. No more bs with shady dealers that you don't know from Adam. Not being made to feel like you're a scumbag just cos you want a lil smoke, most people seem to be like minded here which is a breath of fresh air.
That being said, I have been disappointed with the service from some of the vendors and it's typical that I find this place and our beloved RM has turned into an absolute shit show (although I support the principle of strike action).
Anyway I'm persevering and hopefully I'll find my go to vendors. Only been here a month or so, so fingers crossed I have better luck in the future.
Then when I investigated a lil further I saw the newsletter an English dude did where he had a list of reliable sites (probably the same one you're referring to). I'm pretty sceptical and researched it a lil and found it was likely legit and put in a guest order which never showed up btw. But I persevered and I eventually got some stuff which arrived next day.
Tbh I love this place and think this is the way forward. No more bs with shady dealers that you don't know from Adam. Not being made to feel like you're a scumbag just cos you want a lil smoke, most people seem to be like minded here which is a breath of fresh air.
That being said, I have been disappointed with the service from some of the vendors and it's typical that I find this place and our beloved RM has turned into an absolute shit show (although I support the principle of strike action).
Anyway I'm persevering and hopefully I'll find my go to vendors. Only been here a month or so, so fingers crossed I have better luck in the future.

Yeah since I wrote that post i've been much luckier and found some decent vendors, big shout out to; The Gentleman Dealers, Mad Dabber and Dr Greenthumb who all had decent service and stuff :D Also I tried Greencat and had a mixed experience, but now that you mention it The Spacemen were decent too ;)

Gave up buying non descript skunk of mates of mates as didn’t like the edgy buzz and the shifty pick ups. Wanted to return to the more relaxed hashes I used to smoke in the 90’s which had disappeared years ago so tentatively typed in ‘buying weed online’ into Google. Read an article name checking LB and the rest is history. Thought it could be bogus but kept everything crossed and hey presto. Still can’t quite believe it two years on. Enjoying my indica dominant hash and weed and am far more educated than was ever before. Got my next door neighbour onto it to and we swap bits all the time. Genius.

My man decided to retire from dealing after near 30 years,so after no hashish for six months i decided to see if i could buy on the dark net,imagine my surprise when google told me to go to LB,even bigger shock when i got my first delivery as like everybody i thought it was a scam lol
100 plus club now lmao
100 plus club now lmao

I’d been using cannazon, there was a great selection but it was buggy and painful to use that I did what everyone else seems to have done and hit Google up with “buy weed online UK”.

was trying to find where i could buy bud online and stumbled across a UK website embracing cannabis ans shroom use. the guy who writes it all said that he'd be including a site he uses to buy bud in the next email newsletter. so i signed up and sure enough LB was mentioned. the guy was also talking about how it can be used on clearnet and all youd need is bitcoin. i went straight on it and browsed for a bit before setting up a cryptowallet and making my first purchase

Customer who was ordering very regularly directly suggested I have a look. Was very skeptical at first but he assured me he bought hash off here just as regularly as he was buying weed off me. Made the leap of faith and never looked back

a friend of mine told me about it but what i remember is the feeling when i got here. 1st my stomach sank a little like it was a shock and as i scrolled i started seeing all the posts as well as the items and it just felt like i had found a colony of escapees from dystopia.

Was writing an article on different types of drug markets. Obviously checked out LB because it's a pretty unique market-it's the website version of the Gaudi building in Barcelona.

Glad to see someone else also didn't find it by a friend or a Google search! The sub can really help with visibility

Personally I came across a site called High and Polite, and a gentleman pointed me here about a year ago. As an older bloke, street dealing really isn't my thing and while I used it for years the darkweb still kinda scares me, so LB is perfect.
And while it exists I'll use it til the hammer down the last nail
And while it exists I'll use it til the hammer down the last nail

I had been buying from the clearnet for about 6 months. Seemed like new sites were popping up every other day. The prices were starting to get a bit much and heard someone on reddit mention LB. Flashback 2 or 3 years. And a really cool random guy I was gaming with one day, tells me how he buys his weed from a website that looks like it was made in the 90's. So the second I load up LB for the 1st time it was like BOOM I finally found it

Was using another site (a good one, single vendor type), was wanting some thai, told what i was looking for is book of wisdom thai, less than minute later i'm here, month later i had not only the thai under my belt but half ounce odd of SpaceWalker Badder and who knows what else, i'd love to see my first few orders here, i remember the badder, it was a stupid purchase cause it was sent 1st class, only option from vendor.
Didn't really use it correctly either, lovely tho.😁
Didn't really use it correctly either, lovely tho.😁

Was working with an old.hippy type fella during covid. Was finding it increasingly difficult to get weed through my normal channels. Hippy fella pointed me in this direction and here I am nearly 4 years later

Wow! So cool to see how this community came together! Nice post ;-) For us it was a destiny - a friend who knew we had to share what we had with the world ;-) and we are grateful to be here everyday :-) Gratidão

A work colleague told me about it so I gave it a try and was pleasantly surprised and have been using LB ever since.

I'd seen a website in the news supposed to be selling weed. I'd started looking through reviews, which were mixed, but ultimately it seemed like it was a scam. Certainly at best a roll of the dice. Eventually I read a comment on a forum that said something like, "ignore all these sites and go little biggy. You can thank me later." Except I can't thank them as I've no idea where I read the comment. Certainly I should thank them as I've ordered all sorts of bits n bobs in the short time I've been a member since. Maybe I should write up my own beginners experience at some point as my mind had been blown by LB and the community here. There's loads of things I'm looking forward to trying next.

Stopped smoking weed for like 20 odd years until a couple of years ago. I’m an old cunt. Used to source online years ago (Budmonkey!!) as it was always better quality online back then. - Bit of double-zero hash and some Jack Herer or AK47. Clearweb weed sites are nothing new!!
Figured not much will have changed so I did a bit of a search when I fancied buying. Have no street plug. Nor do I want one. After a bit of research Biggy kept popping up.
Then the real research began 😄
Been happy so far. :)
There is only about a 1/4 in my “shite” jar. Over 100 buys from this account and my old one.
Figured not much will have changed so I did a bit of a search when I fancied buying. Have no street plug. Nor do I want one. After a bit of research Biggy kept popping up.
Then the real research began 😄
Been happy so far. :)
There is only about a 1/4 in my “shite” jar. Over 100 buys from this account and my old one.

I used to use Budmonkey too, seems crazy but I reckon it was like 2002/2003?! Scored some AK47 and decent hash. Such a novelty back then, remember using NoChex as payment too.

Remember around the same era another clear web site called Pepe' Page (?) got busted and was front page news in UK Tabloids?! I remember bricking it same would happen with Budmonkey and it wasn't long after when it went offline. Trying to remember how I even discovered BM to begin with and think it may have been mentioned in a drum and bass forum I used to frequent.
Wasn't long after that when I first made an international order (from Canada) so looking back I reckon I've been receiving suspect mail for over 20 years now. Time flies when you're having fun right?!
Wasn't long after that when I first made an international order (from Canada) so looking back I reckon I've been receiving suspect mail for over 20 years now. Time flies when you're having fun right?!

Yeah I vaguely remember Pepe. Hermes the Hash Trader too.
I think the people behind BudMonkey ended up getting busted. It was great while it lasted. The novelty of getting ‘Dam quality weed made me very popular with my mates 😂
I think the people behind BudMonkey ended up getting busted. It was great while it lasted. The novelty of getting ‘Dam quality weed made me very popular with my mates 😂

2004..! Mail-order is not a recent thing!
Big up all Effervesing Elephants
Big up all Effervesing Elephants

Liberty Cap season has been a shit show in my area so had to dig through Reddit for a good Mush Plug 😅

It was a dark and stormy night, the captain said to his crew gather round men gather round. 😅😂

During lockdown, my buddies locked-down their stash!
A bit of googling, and a gamble on a bag of shake from RadarBreeder, few days later it dropped through the door.
Been here ever since.
And apart from when I find myself in Rotterdam, I haven't bought from anywhere other than biggy since.
A bit of googling, and a gamble on a bag of shake from RadarBreeder, few days later it dropped through the door.
Been here ever since.
And apart from when I find myself in Rotterdam, I haven't bought from anywhere other than biggy since.

Prices lower in Rotterdam. Not seen any drunk English people there, less touristy, still plenty to see and do.

A popular online blog links to lb in the newsletter. After rifling through various pages here, I figured it looked legit and made an order. Nearly a year later and I'm never going back to a plug, ahaha.

There was some forum I found that lists all the websites that have scammed ppl out of weed online, a few people on there pointed at this being the only legit place to buy so after a few searches I couldn't find anyone saying theyve had a bad experience on here so tried it out during pandemic/lockdown and haven't bought any off the street since :)

After moving from one area to another in the UK I went from having a really good plug who I had used for years with a consistent supply of good quality weed to working my way up through street level dealers trying to find nice weed, everything I was picking up was really bad quality compared to what I used to pick up back home, so I started doing a bit of research and searching online and found some websites that seemed and I had heard where legit. I tried 2 other clear net sites that at first was okay but then the quality was inconsistent and wasn’t worth the extra premium compared to the local dealers prices. Then I stumbled upon LB I had looked at it a while ago and could have sworn it was a scam it looked too good to be true! but though fuck it what’s the worse that can happen I seen green cat’s exodus cheese and as i had not seen any cheese for a long time and it was at a reasonable price I placed a order, 3-4 days passed and I was almost certain it was a scam but one Saturday morning it turned up! Never looked back since

I truly didn't think that web searching 'buy weed online' would lead me to a place like this but here we are 🙂. Not even sure I had the VPN activated when I did it!

My dealer for 5 straight years all of a sudden retired and I’d cut all my other contracts off so was left dry for 48 hours 😰 still never tried anything too amazing here yet but love that I can finally get vapes and never have to be accused of fucking my dealer 🤣

Who still remembers Bud Brothers?
Around 2020 I started vaping to try and quit fags and when I found out about thc vapes through social media I started to make vapes with rso, I pressed rosin from flowers etc but they always clogged up the coil and I had to admit it will never work right without clean distillate. So I bought a shortpath distilling set up and wasted a lot of money and materials. My mate eventually asked why don't I just buy distillate online? I didn't want to get involved with darknet sites so I was very surprised when he said there's a clearnet site to check out.
That's where it all started. At that time only 1 or 2 vendors had distillate on the site: MJ and Bud Brothers. MJ was always out of stock so I was buying from the brothers and then the new vendor all420 who always had stock. Since then the site is flooded with distillate.
Still nice to think back to those first days on the site :)
Around 2020 I started vaping to try and quit fags and when I found out about thc vapes through social media I started to make vapes with rso, I pressed rosin from flowers etc but they always clogged up the coil and I had to admit it will never work right without clean distillate. So I bought a shortpath distilling set up and wasted a lot of money and materials. My mate eventually asked why don't I just buy distillate online? I didn't want to get involved with darknet sites so I was very surprised when he said there's a clearnet site to check out.
That's where it all started. At that time only 1 or 2 vendors had distillate on the site: MJ and Bud Brothers. MJ was always out of stock so I was buying from the brothers and then the new vendor all420 who always had stock. Since then the site is flooded with distillate.
Still nice to think back to those first days on the site :)

I found out via a Reddit thread. Was a bit skeptical at first but after so many people confirming it’s legit I had no reason to believe otherwise :-)

Haha what a question. Love it. I discovered Lb through reviews . Reviews are always the champ for helping you discover more and more lol. Wich led me to check LB out and loved the wide seletion of choices and vendors to offer amazing products . Obviously not only maryjane. The hashish and other pyschadelics are superior . KING LB!

How I found LB was I was supplying ones of the highest reviewed account on LB, BUT he kept it a secret from me and did not want me to get on it, little fucking hater, oh well I'm here now and not going anywhere. He knows I'm here lol

1 post
+4 votes
Same here, received it all today, weight of everything was good, however the stealth was lacking a bit as I could smell it as soon as I opened the pac…

I received a package today :-). Ok, so to start with the stealth could be better Harry, as I could smell it when I opened the envelope. Get yourself a vac machine. The product itself is not bad, it is as described and I only tried the shake so far and its not the strongest but for the price it does the job. The hash looks nice smells like old school hash with a soft texture to it, will try it tonight and edit this post. I'm not a shake/trim person but I could see this being great for someone who does enjoy that kind of product for edibles or whatever people get up these days haha. Thanks Harry good luck with your shop :-)

Same here, received it all today, weight of everything was good, however the stealth was lacking a bit as I could smell it as soon as I opened the package. Will be trying each over the next few days. But I appreciate it Harry, thank you for the sample and good luck with your time on LB.

Hash has been sampled and as a weed smoker primarily, I must say its quite nice! Soft and crumbles nicely in fingers, smooth and a nice lil high (not hulk strength but that might be my tolerance) with the old school smell I remember from back in the day :-)

it really is a nice smooth smoke just had one earlier an completely agree with u about the old school smell 👌

Has anyone who thought they were receiving a sample not had theirs land yet? . Mine hasn’t and it’s been confirmed to me that it was posted on Monday along with everyone else’s. So bit concerning

same, dude is cool, the sampls actually got me through a dry patch and wasnt that bad, prefered the hash though

Arrived one day in week, not sure which been away. Stealth needs improving as already mentioned by others. The hash was really nice, since I'm normally a flower guy it was a nice change and would definitely buy in the future. As for the shake one was a lot better than the other. I'm guessing the mixed was the better one but no way for me to tell. For the price both are excellent value. Thanks for the samples Harry!

thank you for the feedback and kind words pls do let me know what you think of the hash once you tried it!

Everyone has mentioned your stealth is an issue are you going to do anything about it? 18/06/24

yes pal I wernt ignoring it, ran out of the plastic wallets for some samples but stocked up again now. I should have just waited I was eager to get them all out sorry for any bother caused to anyone

Not to sound antagonistic, but dont you reckon it would have been more sensible to wait an extra day to sort out your stealth, than risk sending with no stealth measures in place? Could’ve msged everyone like.
It’s not a nice way to treat a customer’s address when you’re sending illegal items through the post 😕 bad way to build up trust too
It’s not a nice way to treat a customer’s address when you’re sending illegal items through the post 😕 bad way to build up trust too

I agree. Still waiting on 28g of shake that may or may not have been sent out vac sealed 😔 It’s been a week (24.6).

🤨 mm I can see why that would not fill you with much hope. At least there’s the dispute button if nothing turns up, not a great ending though.
Not sure I buy the “ some” were vac sealed excuse either.
Not sure I buy the “ some” were vac sealed excuse either.

Can you please let us know if you have sent them or not please as I haven’t received mine and given some of the comments around stealth, I’d like to know if you’re not too busy please. Thanks

Please can you let me know if you’ve sent mine? Given what I’ve just read, I think I’d rather leave it thanks

Ordered Saturday, nothing as yet (Thursday) and likewise, in all honesty I’m hoping it hasn’t been sent now.

My sample along with everyone else’s has apparently been sent this Monday . Post been and gone today and I have still not received anything. I’ve only had 2 rm 1st class items take a while in the past from previous orders on here and def getting concerned about this now for sure @ 20/06/24

I did get a reply to message to say it was sent on Monday with everyone else’s. He ran out of the vac bags, but only for a few people and it only smelt when the envelope was opened and not to worry. Let’s hope we’re both experiencing a delay with Royal Mail or that it has not actually been sent at all. Now looking forward to a load of days with paranoia until it lands or enough time goes by without a knock on my door from the old bill. Awesome

1 post
+5 votes
Free 10g Weed Giveaway 23/06/24
Bottom. What a great comedy. Endless violence and humour.

Free 10g Weed Giveaway 23/06/24
Morning Biggas!
Another week another give away.
Last weeks Free Weed is in the post for Crimson. Hope you'll have as good time with it as I had with the movie you suggested!
These days there are tons of good shows out there to the point that it's pretty hard to keep up with whats around so this week I am looking for a TV series to watch.
Any genre can enter but I prefer scifi and comedy (probably same as most biggas here).:)
Entries will close Sunday at 6am and winner will be announced at 12pm.
Good luck and looking forward to them shows to come 🍿
Another week another give away.
Last weeks Free Weed is in the post for Crimson. Hope you'll have as good time with it as I had with the movie you suggested!
These days there are tons of good shows out there to the point that it's pretty hard to keep up with whats around so this week I am looking for a TV series to watch.
Any genre can enter but I prefer scifi and comedy (probably same as most biggas here).:)
Entries will close Sunday at 6am and winner will be announced at 12pm.
Good luck and looking forward to them shows to come 🍿

Fargo, all seasons! Especially season 2 as it has a sci fi theme with a UFO. It's the single best TV series I've ever watched.

The first two seasons were as close to TV perfection as you can get. Season 3 was a masterclass in acting from David thewlis.

Absolutely. I genuinely could not believe it was him! ....about a million miles away from Frank Gallagher :)

I think you mean David Threlfall as Frank? David Thewliss is one of those actors I recognise but reading his list of films doesn't really ring any bells; where have I seen him from? I've got to go and watch that again! ....Thewlis/Threlfall ....reckon I've finally got it :)

Read my comment again, Sir.
Look up David Thewliss (V M Varga) and David Threlfall (Frank). 😁
Look up David Thewliss (V M Varga) and David Threlfall (Frank). 😁

People just do nothing. Fricken hilarious. There is a weed drought episode which is pretty accurate 🥸 6:48 17/06/24

Si-Fi and comedy, You'll be wanting to check out Red Dwarf!
If you like animation i can also recommend Star Trek: Lower decks.
17/6/24 @ 21:56
If you like animation i can also recommend Star Trek: Lower decks.
17/6/24 @ 21:56

Phoneshop is hilarious, was on Channel 4 or E4 back in the day. I’ve seen it all uploaded on YouTube recently 17/6/24 21:08

Thank you all so much for the recommendations! This was a very though one with many good ones made it to the shortlist, I ended up picking to watch: People of Earth
It was recommended by: trippycat
Nicely done and thank you once again for recommending it!
The full list I picked from:
The Detectorists
Resident Alien
What we do in the shadows
3 body problem
Nighty Night
This country
Trailer park boys
The Changeling
Avenue 5
People of earth
Twisted Metal
Next weeks giveaway will be anounced tomorrow! Have a nice Sunday! :)
It was recommended by: trippycat
Nicely done and thank you once again for recommending it!
The full list I picked from:
The Detectorists
Resident Alien
What we do in the shadows
3 body problem
Nighty Night
This country
Trailer park boys
The Changeling
Avenue 5
People of earth
Twisted Metal
Next weeks giveaway will be anounced tomorrow! Have a nice Sunday! :)

Sci Fi AND Comedy??? you covered with the humongously underrated and sadly very short lived Avenue 5

A 2nd hand recommendation, but I'm about to start watching The Expanse after a mate described it as 'like Game of Thrones in space'.
Apparently when the original makers dropped it some of the fans were so hard-core about it that they flew a plane past Amazon buildings with a sign saying 'Save the Expanse'. If a show inspires that level of commitment it has to be worth a watch imo.
Alternatively if you want some comedy then Good Omens gets my vote!
17/6/24 @ 21:28.
Apparently when the original makers dropped it some of the fans were so hard-core about it that they flew a plane past Amazon buildings with a sign saying 'Save the Expanse'. If a show inspires that level of commitment it has to be worth a watch imo.
Alternatively if you want some comedy then Good Omens gets my vote!
17/6/24 @ 21:28.

The expanse was great. It does tail off in latter series so I'm not completely surprised it got cancelled but the early series were compelling. I liked how it worked with many of the realities of living and moving in space which most series ignore. The early plot line is fascinating too. I liked it anyway.

Misfits from c4 from a while
Back was pretty funny & had a sci-fi vibe to it.
17/6/24 @ 21:20
Back was pretty funny & had a sci-fi vibe to it.
17/6/24 @ 21:20

Either What we do in the Shadows. So funny or for a sci-fi hit try Westworld
17/6/24 @ 20:42
17/6/24 @ 20:42

What We Do In The Shadows easily the best comedy of the last 5 years....rivalled only recently by Ted the series

3 Body Problem. Top sci-fi must see with a few laughs. The books are a total mind fuck if you like an epic trilogy that you can barely understand. Written by a theoretical physicist so based on his knowledge and research 🤯 17/6/24 @ 9:55

Nice to see some love for the deliciously dark, but absolutely hilarious Nighty Night...tailor made for anyone who claims to have a dark sense of humour...Julia Davis is amazing

Can we have the intercourse now Jill? Is probably the darkest quote in British comedy.

Or when she brings in a child's set of Pyjamas for Terry in hospital....
"They're a bit small, Jill."
"Dr. Wivell said that you will be quite small by the end Terry."
"They're a bit small, Jill."
"Dr. Wivell said that you will be quite small by the end Terry."

'Joy, could you not breathe too close to the clients, just while your dentures are setting in...we're not all fish lovers' 🤣

ahaha if you want comedy, “this country” on BBC
very relatable, not a dull moment throughout the whole series.
will have you wetting yourself and quoting many 1 liners.
hope you find what you’re looking for :)
11:31 18/06/24
very relatable, not a dull moment throughout the whole series.
will have you wetting yourself and quoting many 1 liners.
hope you find what you’re looking for :)
11:31 18/06/24

The Orville, Star Trek: Lower Decks and Solar Opposites are all pretty solid depending on your tastes! 11:02am 18/06
Adding an edit to throw in a bonus movie suggestion, They Cloned Tyrone, it's on my watch next list so can't say if it's great or not.
Adding an edit to throw in a bonus movie suggestion, They Cloned Tyrone, it's on my watch next list so can't say if it's great or not.

18/06/24- I love watching trailer park boys while having a joint, that show just goes hand in hand 😂

I recently watched the Scifi series The Expanse which I liked loads more than I expected I would. It's got a pretty good initial plot line but it's the fact that it adheres to many of the harsh realities of living and moving in space rather than skirt around them the way most Scifi series do that I felt gave it some level of integrity and fascination. If you've not seen it, give a few episodes a bash as it takes a while to get going properly. I'm currently watching another Scifi series, The Killjoys. It's kinda fun but hard to recommend in case you judge me by it.

People of Earth
sci-fi comedy
A Journalist who doesn't believe goes to investigate a support group for people who have been abducted.
s1 was great.
17/06/24 20:48
sci-fi comedy
A Journalist who doesn't believe goes to investigate a support group for people who have been abducted.
s1 was great.
17/06/24 20:48

If u have never seen legion the TV series it's on Disney plus now I think it's sci-fi comedy and a whole lot of trippiness best TV series I've ever seen (17/06/24) 20.18pm

Anime: Baccano - A crazy fantasy caper involving alchemists, immortals, gangsters, outlaws and an elixir of immortality, spread over several decades. (If this is your first Samurai Champoo, black lagoon or bungo stray dogs next, all available dubbed)
Non-Anime: Love, Death & Robots - A collection of animated short stories that span various genres including science fiction, fantasy, horror and comedy. (Hard to tell some from reality)
Non-Anime: Love, Death & Robots - A collection of animated short stories that span various genres including science fiction, fantasy, horror and comedy. (Hard to tell some from reality)

I'd highly reccomend the Orville on Disney+ - hilarious Sci-fi show, not too much to think about.. perfect for stoners like us!
Have a good night mate, all the best
Have a good night mate, all the best

Hi CCannibals
If you haven't seen Twisted Metal it is both SciFi AND Comedy.
Season 1 has been out for a while and was on Amazon lately.
I could mention another shwo but I guess that would be cheating!
If you haven't seen Twisted Metal it is both SciFi AND Comedy.
Season 1 has been out for a while and was on Amazon lately.
I could mention another shwo but I guess that would be cheating!

Check out Snowpiercer, great sci-fi tv series set in a dystopian setting that I enjoyed, and as a bonus Sean Bean stars in it!
- 18.06.2024 12:48
- 18.06.2024 12:48

Going out on a limb here, not sci-fi or comedy (fav's of mine tbh) AND I haven't watched these in years but I remember enjoying them (and only one season for each):
The Night Of - twisty, turny, tense, wrongful(?) imprisonment drama.
The Last Panthers - Dark, violent Crime drama, moody ambient dark music (ended up with the soundtrack)
18/06/24 12:33pm
The Night Of - twisty, turny, tense, wrongful(?) imprisonment drama.
The Last Panthers - Dark, violent Crime drama, moody ambient dark music (ended up with the soundtrack)
18/06/24 12:33pm

My all time favourite Sci-Fi TV series has to be The X Files and for a comedy for me it's got to be Only Fools & Horses, never fails to make me laugh no matter how many times I watch it :-)
18/06/2024 10:45AM
Good Luck.
18/06/2024 10:45AM
Good Luck.

Oooh fun competition and first one I've ever entered lol, few recommends from yesteryears....
Mork & Mindy, Futurama & 3rd Rock From The Sun. 18.06.24, 10.29am✌️ 💚
Mork & Mindy, Futurama & 3rd Rock From The Sun. 18.06.24, 10.29am✌️ 💚

Animated series called
"The Boondocks"
don't understand how it doesn't get recommended more. Check it out
"The Boondocks"
don't understand how it doesn't get recommended more. Check it out

Please put date stamps biggas so we know who was first in case 2-3 of sugges the same

I'm the TV guy! These are the best shows out there:
Mare of Easttown is maybe the best crime mini series ever made!
Severance is some adult sci-fi and a real mind twister
For comedy - Dave is the funniest show I've seen in the past few years.
Even if you don't pick me, definitely watch these shows - they're all tens!
Mare of Easttown is maybe the best crime mini series ever made!
Severance is some adult sci-fi and a real mind twister
For comedy - Dave is the funniest show I've seen in the past few years.
Even if you don't pick me, definitely watch these shows - they're all tens!

The acolyte
Cleaning lady
Presumed innocent
Dark matter
All banging at the minute 👍🏻👍🏻
Cleaning lady
Presumed innocent
Dark matter
All banging at the minute 👍🏻👍🏻

Happy weird but funny as fook or ash vs evil dead over the top but a good show to watch when high 22/6/24 22:50

If you like Sci-fi Comedies, a great TV Series to watch is Garth Marenghi's Darkplace (if you haven’t already seen it). High-ly recommended 🔥🥬💨

Dark Matter
For all Mankind
Raised by Wolves. (Sadly cancelled though)
All great scifi.
For all Mankind
Raised by Wolves. (Sadly cancelled though)
All great scifi.

Something that always made me howl was Operation Good Guys from the 1980's? Very funny, particularly the cocaine bust episode. Hard to find but well worth a watch. 22.06.24

I always enjoy rewatching Red Dwarf, the jokes still land for me after all these years!
Not comedy or sci-f I know, but the ‘American Crime Story’ series were class. Really bingable and plenty to go at. There’s a series on the OJ Simpson case, the Versace murder (REALLY good this one!) and the Bill Clinton affair. 21/6. 2350
Not comedy or sci-f I know, but the ‘American Crime Story’ series were class. Really bingable and plenty to go at. There’s a series on the OJ Simpson case, the Versace murder (REALLY good this one!) and the Bill Clinton affair. 21/6. 2350

Thank you for all entries this far. Please make sure to include date stamp I can still see few posted without.

1 post
+2 votes
Free samples
Very nice

Free samples

Next 20 people to reply to this topic will receive a free sample of 1g hash, 1g mixed shake, 1g stardawg shake. 👌✌

Hi on here Harry!
Count me in ;) For me can be only hashish tbf as that's what im mostly into collecting now. Just saying.
Count me in ;) For me can be only hashish tbf as that's what im mostly into collecting now. Just saying.

Nothing wrong with collecting the things you enjoy.
I never buy large amounts of anything.
If it’s going to be one of those evenings. I just drop a text to my mates. “Anyone fancy Amsterdam?”
So yep. I collect shit.
I never buy large amounts of anything.
If it’s going to be one of those evenings. I just drop a text to my mates. “Anyone fancy Amsterdam?”
So yep. I collect shit.

Yeah mate
I dont know why i have like some just this feeling to hashish not like to flowers and really want to collect different types and have some great stash of it.
Years ago was last time i had hashish in my hands and id say 95% of it was something like Black soap called and basically without using lighter there was no chance to do anything with it. Taste and smell was horrible
I better not know what i was smoking big man.
I dont know why i have like some just this feeling to hashish not like to flowers and really want to collect different types and have some great stash of it.
Years ago was last time i had hashish in my hands and id say 95% of it was something like Black soap called and basically without using lighter there was no chance to do anything with it. Taste and smell was horrible
I better not know what i was smoking big man.

Curious to who got sent these ‘samples’ as it was the next 20 who replied to the topic and me and sidderz were up there
Never even asked for address so no idea how you sent anything to anyone unless it’s that magic owl.
Mate don’t BS people just to get on the wall
Never even asked for address so no idea how you sent anything to anyone unless it’s that magic owl.
Mate don’t BS people just to get on the wall

not tryna bs anyone. ur the only person i forgot to ask for addy. im gona resend every sample on monday if not a single person received them, i sent out 20 samples

I also sent details and received nothing very strange, were they all resent on Monday 17/6?

there seems to be a big royal Mail delay with 1st class please give it some time I’m sure it will get to u, some others from last week just landed today..

Got back from work and it is here waiting for me. I know everyone else mentioned it too, but it really is bad form sending without vacuum packing it first if you had let us know how it was being sent I think most would've said no thanks. You may want to add a box to your postage options. Hope you get it sorted and do well with your shop cheers Harry

am really sorry it won’t happen again. Thanks for the advice and please do let us know what you think of the products

Looks like some fire Moroccan.
Late to the party.
Hope those that receive a free sample leave a review on this.
Late to the party.
Hope those that receive a free sample leave a review on this.

1 post
+1 votes
Best weed strain you’ve ever smoked?
Mine is probably some jungle cake, Mac or boss og, all of them I got from here. Such great strains. Even chemdawg and uk cheese are up there too.
![[ask any bigga]](
Best weed strain you’ve ever smoked?
Hey biggies, what’s the best strain you’ve ever smoked? I’d have to say mine is either some Apple Haze I smoked back in Amsterdam or Blue Zushi from cali 🤔

Damm this brings back some memories doing the same things with my mates how things have changed 🤷♂️

4 ways on a teenth was not uncommon in NW2 in 1998.
Some lame hash with dog hairs in it from the local hippie-🤣🤣.
Those WERE the days ay.
Some lame hash with dog hairs in it from the local hippie-🤣🤣.
Those WERE the days ay.

Totally agree! Pure Banger! Light green color with a strong beer smell! Kept an eye open for it, never to be found!

I don’t know if it’s the best, but my favourite strain is Sour Diesel. I’ve been a fan since I tried the East Coast cut that Grey Area used to sell in Amsterdam. Some of the best tasting weed I’ve ever had.

Yes I remember that sour diesel from the grey area 👍😂😉also the New York city Diesel from Abraxsas.that was a nice smoke.i drove to Amsterdam that year 2006 if i recall world cup time..I smuggled 6 grams of that back 🥴.and made it through ha ha 🤣.those were the days 😉

For me it has to be some Bruce Banner #3 from 1e hulp in the dam all the way back in 2017. I've never been able to recapture that one. It was a skunky, kind of gassy & fruity type all rolled into one with such a unique flavour profile to finish. The high was second to none. Wiped me right out. Left me looking at the world with my eyes so bulged they were basically closed. They say you'll never recapture that first high, this one took me above and beyond.

For sure! It flew under the radar quite a bit and I think it's unique musk and it's face melting is why.

I’ve only had this once but it was beautiful.
Tasted like Afghan black hash, made me very happy for about 30 minutes then sent me to bed.
Same with you?
Tasted like Afghan black hash, made me very happy for about 30 minutes then sent me to bed.
Same with you?

Ooh that sounds interesting.
Cherry AK.
I wonder what strain is it that brings this cherry terpene to the plate?
Cherry AK.
I wonder what strain is it that brings this cherry terpene to the plate?

8 month break with the family and dam is it good to be back with you Biggaz.
My favourite strain ever was back in 2004 and called MMG “Martian Mean Green” from DNA, I managed to get a few beautiful phenos from a pack of reg seeds
It was the ultimate strain and I’ve never seen or smelt anything like it since then ❤️
My favourite strain ever was back in 2004 and called MMG “Martian Mean Green” from DNA, I managed to get a few beautiful phenos from a pack of reg seeds
It was the ultimate strain and I’ve never seen or smelt anything like it since then ❤️

Absolutely loved that strain. I remember queuing for a long time as I was there for the cannabis cup (2006). Grey Area’s queue was ridiculous on a normal day!
A very special strain which I haven’t seen since unfortunately.
Would love to see someone give that a go and bring it back.
A very special strain which I haven’t seen since unfortunately.
Would love to see someone give that a go and bring it back.

Purple Haze back in 2008. Smelt and tasted like lavender. Haven’t had anything quite like it since then.
Man I used to get some banging street weed back around those times. Northern Lights, White Widow and good ole Cheese were the norm.
Man I used to get some banging street weed back around those times. Northern Lights, White Widow and good ole Cheese were the norm.

Never knew the strain but I've been forever trying to find something that I smoked about the same era that had a lavender terp.
Lovely stuff, got it once and then I've never seen anything like it since.
Lovely stuff, got it once and then I've never seen anything like it since.

got an oz like that in the late 90's, had the potent lavender smell and taste. think it was a bit on the indica pheno side. very dark purple and when you snapped the buds in half the core was almost black. amazing bag appeal. really strong and tasty stuff too

Gelonade I had a lovely batch a few years ago off the dw never tasted gelonade like it since and can’t even remember who the seller was called

recently went to albania, fuck knows what it was but it was something mint related.... they albanians know how to grow haha

the world would be a better place without albanians, when it comes to weed. that much is certain.

Some sweet tooth from Barney's in Dam. Some of the "Ice" a local strain I smoked in Jamaica.
Barry Bonds from ULC on here
Barry Bonds from ULC on here

I get around like the Beach Boys!
Honourable mentions to the Hawaiian Haze at Katsu in Dam too.
Had serious difficulties negotiating everyday tasks after that.
Honourable mentions to the Hawaiian Haze at Katsu in Dam too.
Had serious difficulties negotiating everyday tasks after that.

ESB - extra special bud , Old times #2 and S4 - Skunk 4 ways. S4 by far was the best I have ever had even to this day sadly it was a special made breed so will never have the oppurtunity to try it again :(

If you grow both those strains are available mate.
They're both OLDTIMER1 strains who sadly is no longer with us but some good fellows have taken up the mantle of his strains...people like buddelaire from fleur de mal seeds
They're both OLDTIMER1 strains who sadly is no longer with us but some good fellows have taken up the mantle of his strains...people like buddelaire from fleur de mal seeds

Still got a couple of Oldtimes seeds in the fridge I think, probably no good after all these years?

You would be surprised.
People have germinated seeds found in Egyptian tombs thousands of years old.
People have germinated seeds found in Egyptian tombs thousands of years old.

Super Lemon Haze from the original Greenhouse Coffeeshop in Amsterdam :)
Also Arjans Strawberry Haze is right there with it, properly grown in soil for pure taste, can't beat the sweet berry on the exhale!
Also Arjans Strawberry Haze is right there with it, properly grown in soil for pure taste, can't beat the sweet berry on the exhale!

I absolutely love blue cheese. So tasty and so strong. I used to get an oz every week off my plug back in the day. Couldn't get enough of it. Got it recently in the dam too at Greenhouse effect. Was just like how I remembered it.

Yeah man, the real blue cheese was so pungant, it don't matter if it was wrapped in 3 layers, you could still smell that shit. it's just not same nowadays! :(

Yea you know if your saying that. A taste of more off it. The stuff I got in the dam was really nice but nothing like years back.

1995 Northern Lights
2023 FBC (from Druids Magic)
The two best strains/grows I’ve ever smoked. By far.
2023 FBC (from Druids Magic)
The two best strains/grows I’ve ever smoked. By far.

Purple Haze back in 2008. Smelt and tasted like lavender. Haven’t had anything quite like it since then.
Man I used to get some banging street weed back around those times. Northern Lights, White Widow and good ole Cheese were the norm.
Man I used to get some banging street weed back around those times. Northern Lights, White Widow and good ole Cheese were the norm.

Oreoz from super Hans back in lockdown. Most expensive bud I've bought but it literally tasted of chocolate biscuits. It was heaven.

Special Olympics, a sativa strain from a Canadian MOM, Zippy about 16 years ago. One that will never be forgotten.

Flowerbomb kush from the greenhouse Amsterdam in the late 2000’s I think it was Green crack x OG kush

Biggest hit I ever had was with hash - nepalese temple ball in around 1979.
I'd love to meet that again, might have been laced with opium.
Sorry its not weed.
I'd love to meet that again, might have been laced with opium.
Sorry its not weed.

I recently had a ZOAP that was grown in Thailand that I honestly fell in love with.
I would like to get a top top shelf version to get down with.
Imagine the hash you’d get from that aswell🤯💯❤️❤️
I would like to get a top top shelf version to get down with.
Imagine the hash you’d get from that aswell🤯💯❤️❤️

Had a few, NY Diesel and Fruity Pebbles from Gray Area in Amsterdam back in 2016/17ish.
But about a year ago managed to get hold of Plum Mochi by Ted Budz, which ended up with me tripping over with a drink in my hand, laughing at myself uncontrollably. It was beautiful. I haven't been able to get my hands on it again since and it breaks my heart.
But about a year ago managed to get hold of Plum Mochi by Ted Budz, which ended up with me tripping over with a drink in my hand, laughing at myself uncontrollably. It was beautiful. I haven't been able to get my hands on it again since and it breaks my heart.

buyed some weed in the dam in 2009 ish that made me space out totally, was strongest stone ever. i felt like i was on a different planet. was fun but a bit scary. cant remember the name but was sooooo strong i just walked around in circles for hours
bulldogs gorilla zkitles also strong but not quite as heavy as the dam stuff. down to my last gram or two wish i had more.
bulldogs gorilla zkitles also strong but not quite as heavy as the dam stuff. down to my last gram or two wish i had more.

Gotta be some LA Confidental I got from Dam, Grey Area back in 2010 now 😫 and Chocolope when I saw it.
as of recently Sassy (LB) with Eleven Roses that was nice.
I think a lot of these newer strains get abit lost/too mixed
as of recently Sassy (LB) with Eleven Roses that was nice.
I think a lot of these newer strains get abit lost/too mixed

i was going to the dam around that time and also had some of the LA confidential it was crazy strong and very dank tasting. it was one of the best we tried that trip, those grey mist crystals from grey area were something else too!

For me, it has to be Durban Poison. Had a great batch recently and gave me the best europhic buzz. Close 2nd to Mimosa Evo and Alien Dawg third

Blue Cheese, back in the day - nothing like it used to be now….
Recently I’d have to say
black cherry gelato
Recently I’d have to say
black cherry gelato

Dr Grinspoon over in amsterdam when it was a new strain, 100% sativa, the head high and body tingles i got i will never forget.

Jack heera or white widow early 90s home grown. Most recently mango Kush at a club in Spain.
I would smoke anything to be honest. It’s all about the cost nowadays.
I would smoke anything to be honest. It’s all about the cost nowadays.

I have found that it's more to do with phenotypes and how they are grown. I've sampled different grows of the same strain and found the effects to differ with each one. Some of these grows have been some of the nicest in effects and then others of the same strain completely lack what was so nice about them.

*** Whatever *** Diesel.
Colombian Gold
Durban Poison
Skunk #1 - and anything that made
Arjan’s OG Hazes
Skittles - and all of the things it has made
Anything Mendo Purps, Grandaddy Purps, Trainwreck,
Dogshit, that kinda thing. Norcal staples.
*** whatever *** OG Kush
*** whatever *** Dawg
Although OG Chemdog.
Colombian Gold
Durban Poison
Skunk #1 - and anything that made
Arjan’s OG Hazes
Skittles - and all of the things it has made
Anything Mendo Purps, Grandaddy Purps, Trainwreck,
Dogshit, that kinda thing. Norcal staples.
*** whatever *** OG Kush
*** whatever *** Dawg
Although OG Chemdog.

I'm running around still chasing this Alien Dawg from a few months back, some of the hash in Amsterdam is just mental man

Mine is probably some jungle cake, Mac or boss og, all of them I got from here. Such great strains. Even chemdawg and uk cheese are up there too.

2018 Cali X Zkittlez, nothing else has ever came near and I wish I kept more for myself

The best strain I've ever smoked was Skywalker OG about 5 years ago. It was my first time smoking a strain I knew the name of and it was every bit as good as I thought it would be. I wish I could go back and get Zs off them

It's a toss up between bubba kush and amnesia haze for me. Had some bubba for the first time a few months back and it was a gorgeous body high. Delicious body rushes from it. Bought some again recently but doesn't have the same quality of effects unfortunately. Maybe because of different phenotypes 🤷🏻♂️.
Amnesia haze almost always gets me to a place of euphoria that's unmatched by other strains. Would love to find a strain that's more euphoric but out of the roughly 20 strains I've tried so far nothing has been more uplifting than ami.
Amnesia haze almost always gets me to a place of euphoria that's unmatched by other strains. Would love to find a strain that's more euphoric but out of the roughly 20 strains I've tried so far nothing has been more uplifting than ami.

As far as dominant sativa’s goes,I’ve always had a smile when bopping home with a bit of Amnesia in my sky.

I'd go with either MAC by citizen stash or wedding crasher by BLKMRT both outstanding. I also had a bit of alien sin mint cookies by BLKT, I kid you not the bud was bluish instead of purple, all these strains were from a couple years ago when I was living in Canada.

1 post
+2.2 votes

What is the best way to store flower?
Best way I found to store is in a mason jar, especially if picking up big packs. I used to pot them in pots before though as I only used to buy small …

What is the best way to store flower?
I live in London. In the summer it gets over 30 degrees. I have a fridge & freezer.
I also have a few air tight containers.
So what is the best way for me to store flower? If I get some really nice stuff (thanks druids) and want to save it for special over next few months, what should I do?
How to handle humidity - should I use those silica packets?
I also have a few air tight containers.
So what is the best way for me to store flower? If I get some really nice stuff (thanks druids) and want to save it for special over next few months, what should I do?
How to handle humidity - should I use those silica packets?

Best way I found to store is in a mason jar, especially if picking up big packs. I used to pot them in pots before though as I only used to buy small amounts at a time, but if you’ve got more than 7g get a mason jar. Airtight and stays fresh, can always put a boveda pack in aswell

2 posts
+10 votes

How much flower is used to make 1 gram of cart oil/juice?
I’m having trouble with this myself too HBiz with the quantity of weed to 1g cartridge ratio, I think it works out to a similar amount for homemade ro…
+ 2 more

How much flower is used to make 1 gram of cart oil/juice?
Just curious to know how much flower goes into making 1 gram of vape oil. Don't need an exact figure, I assume anything between 2/3 grams are used and the byproducts then used to make other cannabis related products such as edibles, massage oils, creams etc.
I have tried looking it up on the Web, however I'm not having much luck. Would be nice to get some info from people who make the oil or anyone with a greater knowledge then myself.
Many thanks.
Just curious to know how much flower goes into making 1 gram of vape oil. Don't need an exact figure, I assume anything between 2/3 grams are used and the byproducts then used to make other cannabis related products such as edibles, massage oils, creams etc.
I have tried looking it up on the Web, however I'm not having much luck. Would be nice to get some info from people who make the oil or anyone with a greater knowledge then myself.
Many thanks.

Thanks for the heads up. I wasn't aware there was inconsistencies. I'll do some research into it.

I probably should mention that most of the ones I've bought on LB are good and I've bought carts from 5 different vendors.
I've had 2 duds but the rest of them were very good, just various degrees of potency
I've had 2 duds but the rest of them were very good, just various degrees of potency

Yeah that’s true enough, the potency varies with each seller, I think the best I’ve had is MJconcentrates so far, but I know GC has got some carts in now that i wanna try out. If you’re making the carts yourself, you’ll at least know the potency depending on the weed or concentrate you decide to use for it.

See, I only do vapes. Did have a quick look at the inconsistencies but I think as long as you have a good branded cart (my personal favourites are heavy hitters and select-at the moment) and a decent enough battery, you're good to go.
Yes, you should look into each brand to see the vibe on the Web and then make an informed decision. A good friend did say that he's not been feeling anything bad nor is he growing any extra fingers, so he's going to stick with vaping. He does have a point.
Only bad experience I've had with a cart is I ponce dropped my vape and the cart smashed. Gutted, best part of a gram gone.
Yes, you should look into each brand to see the vibe on the Web and then make an informed decision. A good friend did say that he's not been feeling anything bad nor is he growing any extra fingers, so he's going to stick with vaping. He does have a point.
Only bad experience I've had with a cart is I ponce dropped my vape and the cart smashed. Gutted, best part of a gram gone.

the 2 bad ones I had burned too fast. I'm not sure what the problem was but I could watch the contents disappear with each toke. After 7-8 puffs, it was all gone.
I prefer ingesting b/c it's longer and more intense high for me. I vape with the carts to kill the time I wait for the ingestion (green dragon, distillates, or brownies) to kick in or when I want to catch a quick buzz
I prefer ingesting b/c it's longer and more intense high for me. I vape with the carts to kill the time I wait for the ingestion (green dragon, distillates, or brownies) to kick in or when I want to catch a quick buzz

Plus majorly the strains and quality of the materials used in the first place is more of the primary factors.

I’m having trouble with this myself too HBiz with the quantity of weed to 1g cartridge ratio, I think it works out to a similar amount for homemade rosin, where you usually gain back 10 - 25% back depending on how much you put in. For example a gram of weed will get you a return of .1g - .25g of rosin if you have a rosin press or you can do the hair straightener method. With that being said, you’ll probably need to have 4g - 10g or more, but I’d say the 7 gram mark on average. I’m honestly not too sure mate, hope someone can help inform us on it more who’s more experienced. Hope this helped though.

Well you worked it out and quite correct with the 10-25% return on extracts. Then cutting out the fats and lipids. You can work it all out reverse engineering it quite easily.

I can answer this with a good level of accuracy. I used to have a small rosin press (rosin bomb rocket) amazing peice of equipment for enthusiasts such as myself. Using that I would get about 20% of what I was pressing which is actually pretty decent for the price point of the press.
So my experience of my own pressing adventures was 5gr of flower was making 1gr of rosin pretty consistently using top quality flower ( bear in mind the quality does make a difference something lower in thc will inevitably produce less of a yield).
The standardised calculation of volume is 1ml /gr ( if you had a gram of rosin and melted it you would have 1ml of liquid)
I'd do mine 50/50 so 1 gr rosin with 1ml of carrier liquid would make 2ml e liquid resulting in 4 x 0.5ml carts with what started out as approx 5gr of flower.
Nothing more satisfying that watching rosin seeping out of the press onto the parchment paper, that's the money shot right therr 😂 check put youtube for rosin pressing and you'll see what I mean 😉
Even with a 20% yield when I removed the flower pucks they would be visibly coated with oil so I'd save them and smoke them when times got hard so there would have been more that could have been pressed had I used a more industrial press. No doubt . Although too much pressure does release fats, lipids and other things you don't want so there is a sweet spot .
Long way around answering your question but hope that helps 🙂
Ps don't waste your flower by pressing with hair straightener method you won't even get 10% becuase you can't apply the same comsistent pressure that a hydraulic press can and your missus will go spare 😂😂 trust me lol
So my experience of my own pressing adventures was 5gr of flower was making 1gr of rosin pretty consistently using top quality flower ( bear in mind the quality does make a difference something lower in thc will inevitably produce less of a yield).
The standardised calculation of volume is 1ml /gr ( if you had a gram of rosin and melted it you would have 1ml of liquid)
I'd do mine 50/50 so 1 gr rosin with 1ml of carrier liquid would make 2ml e liquid resulting in 4 x 0.5ml carts with what started out as approx 5gr of flower.
Nothing more satisfying that watching rosin seeping out of the press onto the parchment paper, that's the money shot right therr 😂 check put youtube for rosin pressing and you'll see what I mean 😉
Even with a 20% yield when I removed the flower pucks they would be visibly coated with oil so I'd save them and smoke them when times got hard so there would have been more that could have been pressed had I used a more industrial press. No doubt . Although too much pressure does release fats, lipids and other things you don't want so there is a sweet spot .
Long way around answering your question but hope that helps 🙂
Ps don't waste your flower by pressing with hair straightener method you won't even get 10% becuase you can't apply the same comsistent pressure that a hydraulic press can and your missus will go spare 😂😂 trust me lol

It's a combination of time , pressure and temp that is a deciding factor when pressing so when I say there is a sweet spot just to clarify, this is what I mean , its not just about the amount of pressure you apply to the nugs but also the temp and time under pressure it does take some experimenting to be able to feel things out and I think everyone has their preference. Sometimes I wanted a darker hashy rosin and sometimes I like a lighter cleaner tasting rosin . I'd adjust these factors accordingly

Hey there,
The short answer is around 10% return of your input material depending on your extraction method. On small scale you can get roughly 0.2-.0.3g out of 3g very crystaly flowers using heat press to get some resin pressed but these are not work so well with vaping.
Distillate that is used for making vape pens cannot be done on a small scale with 2-3g of flower to my understanding.
For disillate you would have to start with around 500g of crude extract like co2 extract, resin etc. and to get that amout of crude oil you would be looking at around 5kg. They most commonly made from trim that would otherwise go to waste.
The short answer is around 10% return of your input material depending on your extraction method. On small scale you can get roughly 0.2-.0.3g out of 3g very crystaly flowers using heat press to get some resin pressed but these are not work so well with vaping.
Distillate that is used for making vape pens cannot be done on a small scale with 2-3g of flower to my understanding.
For disillate you would have to start with around 500g of crude extract like co2 extract, resin etc. and to get that amout of crude oil you would be looking at around 5kg. They most commonly made from trim that would otherwise go to waste.

I am unsure. Ive tried a few. MJ concentrates THC is the most powerful on here. Radar breeders Grandaddy purple vape is best value on here. I have had some rubbish from another site advertised as gorilla glue vape. Very weak.

1 post
+4 votes

Whats your Christmas stash looking like
After 4 years from taking a break, I’ve just got some of mj’s candy drops, so hopefully will last me a while.

Whats your Christmas stash looking like

Managed to build this little stash up over last few weeks, about 2 oz of weed and 2 of resin,had some Ktama from TheHashCollective23 amazing bit of filter hash at a great price and some Bear Dance Hash from Green Avenger Weed, good strong hash that lasts ages, The weed i got is locally grown party funk and some type of runz both banging , Whats your stash looking like. :-) Love & Light

What you going to do after Boxing Day?
That’s one of the best stashes that I’ve seen. Fair play polly
That’s one of the best stashes that I’ve seen. Fair play polly

Too true, sorry…it’s just a bit implied on a topic “What does your Xmas stash look like?” 🥹😉

Just curious. How long would that last you. What you showed in your photo? I’m getting through about 7g flower and 3.5g hash a week. Before I started a job where I need to be unstoned I was getting through 28g flower and 14g hash a week 😂

That will last Polly about 2 years, I think? I'd cane that all in a Christmas week. Ho ho ho!

Throw in what’s in the fridge and you are probably not wrong Ruxxy. Problem is that won’t stop me buying more!🥹🤷♂️

Wow you are a machine! 😳😂
I exclusively vape weed and hash so even though I hit it everyday I use really small volumes. Because I’m a strain junkie I just keep buying more and it really builds up as you can see (that really is only about 2/3 of it!). I do find that constantly mixing up products helps with tolerance though👍
I exclusively vape weed and hash so even though I hit it everyday I use really small volumes. Because I’m a strain junkie I just keep buying more and it really builds up as you can see (that really is only about 2/3 of it!). I do find that constantly mixing up products helps with tolerance though👍

Gosh! How do you choose? I would have such a mare, haha.
Looks scrummy. And nice books :) I LOVE to peruse people's book cases/ shelves :)))
Looks scrummy. And nice books :) I LOVE to peruse people's book cases/ shelves :)))

That's one hell of a stash, going to be a very merry Christmas in the pollypuff household

Did alright. Got some Biker OG. Some Silver Bubble, some Biscotti, some Jealous Candy and some Rainbow Beltz
Should last me. 😁
Luckily bought late Nov, and literally smoke like a gnat. Being hardcore is for the young-uns. Couldn’t buy now due to
ridiculous BTC fees.
I’m not kidding. A henry lasts me well over a week. Mainly because of circumstances. Otherwise it’d most probably be that a day 🤣
It’s kind of a blessing I guess
Should last me. 😁
Luckily bought late Nov, and literally smoke like a gnat. Being hardcore is for the young-uns. Couldn’t buy now due to
ridiculous BTC fees.
I’m not kidding. A henry lasts me well over a week. Mainly because of circumstances. Otherwise it’d most probably be that a day 🤣
It’s kind of a blessing I guess

I’m old mate and Chong these yooots under the table 😂
Tasty sounding Xmas selection box too 🤤🤤🤤
Tasty sounding Xmas selection box too 🤤🤤🤤

I can understand like a 10th of what they are on about.
Having small children and a disapproving partner does help with the short term memory. It helps if you can remember what time you are supposed to pick up what kid from wherever they are.
I still forget. Fuck knows what’s going on most of the time. Fuck do I want to know either.
Still. I can drive. And I can cook. So I have some use.
Having small children and a disapproving partner does help with the short term memory. It helps if you can remember what time you are supposed to pick up what kid from wherever they are.
I still forget. Fuck knows what’s going on most of the time. Fuck do I want to know either.
Still. I can drive. And I can cook. So I have some use.

That "Fuck knows what's going on most of the time, fuck do I want to know either" is spot on for me generally 👍😂😂
I'm well-stocked for Christmas and am most looking forward to my Doja Permanent Marker from TGD. Happy Christmas biggas 👍
I'm well-stocked for Christmas and am most looking forward to my Doja Permanent Marker from TGD. Happy Christmas biggas 👍

So, weed wise I'm down to about just over 1/4 of BB's Future #1, and a bit under for UKCannaFarm's Gorilla Zkittlez. In other jars I have some Hippy Crashers, Frosted Cakes, NYC Sour Diesel and Galactic Cookies (all from Eddy). There're a few different Persy Slabs that need to be put in the e-nail too. Have small amounts of Caviar and Live Resin from Canadian Imports too, and a 50:50 live resin Green Crack cart from GVC. Still have some Paris Gold from Hashishin too, but that's definitely old skool hash and consumption of that will be in joints for me. About half of the ICC hash that RealD sent me as my on-the-fly competition win (superb stuff, superb vendor, and very amusing guy). Oh, and the THC23 piatella too, which again, really should be smoked in the e-nail soon... Oh, and 10g of truffles from DrShroom that I really need to have soon and give the feedback I promised! Ho ho ho!

Yeah kind of figured you’d basically have the equivalent of an Amsterdam coffee shop’s stock 😁 - enjoy.

What a lovely way to spend Christmas eve, eve :) I'm jel.
Glad your 'set' improved in time for Christmas. Have fun 💥🐙
Glad your 'set' improved in time for Christmas. Have fun 💥🐙

Lovey Christmas stash right there 🎄🎅
Mine is dwindling in comparison and a bit sparse atm, losing my job + btc fees = small xmas stash for me 😭 but it’s all good i’ve still got some lovely bits in.
Currently sitting on some of BBs future #1, and DMs jealousy dankness, epic buzz, and red banana pudding, so that should keep me ticking over nicely for the next couple weeks 😋🤤 if i can ration appropriately 😂
No hash or concentrates in for me atm unfortunately 😢 but I do have a live resin cart off of a friend and the drib drabs of a doctor extracts cart left too, so i think i’ll still be okay
Merry christmas everyone! 🎄🎁🎅
Mine is dwindling in comparison and a bit sparse atm, losing my job + btc fees = small xmas stash for me 😭 but it’s all good i’ve still got some lovely bits in.
Currently sitting on some of BBs future #1, and DMs jealousy dankness, epic buzz, and red banana pudding, so that should keep me ticking over nicely for the next couple weeks 😋🤤 if i can ration appropriately 😂
No hash or concentrates in for me atm unfortunately 😢 but I do have a live resin cart off of a friend and the drib drabs of a doctor extracts cart left too, so i think i’ll still be okay
Merry christmas everyone! 🎄🎁🎅

Nice stash, With the dog deciding to fall to bits in october and the fees leading up to Christmas spiking mine is a lot less extravagant than i hoped for, was nearly going without completely but bundled in with another Bigga to help take the sting out of the fees and managed to secure a couple of nice bits of flower from The Spacemen and a juicy little chunk of hash from Eddy is on its way, theres a little bit of tasty badder on the shelf and some of BBs Future#1 kief in the grinder so still a huge improvement on the street weed i was smoking last Christmas.
Hope everyone battling the fees manage to figure something out!
Hope everyone battling the fees manage to figure something out!

Having a hard time deciding what to
Smoke, had been throwing bits away since around June July for the purpose
Of Xmas smoke … that is majority of my hash stash, not including the flower cos I can’t be bothered resealing my
Grove bags. Hope everyone has a blazed Xmas 🙌👏
Smoke, had been throwing bits away since around June July for the purpose
Of Xmas smoke … that is majority of my hash stash, not including the flower cos I can’t be bothered resealing my
Grove bags. Hope everyone has a blazed Xmas 🙌👏

😂 I’m pleasantly stoned thanks. Smoking your zuki hash all day 🙌. The 🐷 wouldn’t worry me with that stash majority of them are between 0.3/1.2. Only 3 or 4 have more than 7g 😂.

watch out for that fake manala cream - labelled as 'manila cream' LOL and that 'tosh ball' from the same seller - disgusting, I swear to god I put 10 grams in the bin...not even from a cannabis plant in my opinion....and I have spent much time in Tosh village and others in parvati valley. p.s. i notice some hasishin bits there - the pink marshmallow and others, now you're talkin! congrats!

Looking nice! I’ve got a half ounce of old school Blue Cheese (local dispensary) and a half ounce of Banana Cookies (same local dispensary). And I’ve got a variety of nice bits of premium hash from THC. And I might have a few grams of penis envy that could beckon me into the abyss. lol, enjoy your Christmas!

Oh man lovely dabba box with real good spice….
I’m well stocked up…snakes from gassed…. Brownies from northern organics …hash from Nero and eddies hash bar…shake from your natural medicine…alien og and ice cream cake cali from Nero …and finally kiff from my big grinder which will be pressed into coins and then blasted in a bong…
Merry Christmas you filthy biggies…
I’m well stocked up…snakes from gassed…. Brownies from northern organics …hash from Nero and eddies hash bar…shake from your natural medicine…alien og and ice cream cake cali from Nero …and finally kiff from my big grinder which will be pressed into coins and then blasted in a bong…
Merry Christmas you filthy biggies…

banana sherbet, white trufflez, Mochi weed.
Ice cream cake, white runtz hash.
ButterWine vape.
Hoping a gelato cake and a Spirit Molecule Micro Vape arrives tomorrow but not stressed.
Ice cream cake, white runtz hash.
ButterWine vape.
Hoping a gelato cake and a Spirit Molecule Micro Vape arrives tomorrow but not stressed.

Is that Spaceman Mochi? Looking forward to trying a bit of that after Xmas. Along with his Motor Breath and Pink Panties.

Is that the psychonauts spirit molecule BB?? Please, please write a review or something, I so want to hear what it's like!
All your bits sounds delicious..banana sherbert..🤤
I hope you enjoy them all and have a lovely Christmas ❄️❄️❄️🤍🤍🤍
All your bits sounds delicious..banana sherbert..🤤
I hope you enjoy them all and have a lovely Christmas ❄️❄️❄️🤍🤍🤍

Yes the spirit molecule vape arrived today!
Along with a very impressive looking 1ml 100% shatter cart from Diamond Extracts.
The spirit vape has lots in it, never tried dmt before but to me it looks like there's many hits in this thing.👍
Have a lovely Christmas Fifi!
Along with a very impressive looking 1ml 100% shatter cart from Diamond Extracts.
The spirit vape has lots in it, never tried dmt before but to me it looks like there's many hits in this thing.👍
Have a lovely Christmas Fifi!

So. Tell me more about this spirit molecule vape
I’m on the clearnet, but do have an idea of what it may be.
Sounds very interesting. Would be very keen to know more. DM. 🙏
I’m on the clearnet, but do have an idea of what it may be.
Sounds very interesting. Would be very keen to know more. DM. 🙏

The psychonauts have them, i'm on the clearnet too.
Got it yesterday like i mentioned, just been doing some 'research' on dmt so far.
Many good youtube vids on it also the vapes too.
I've had a stage 5 salvia trip so i'm pretty sure i'll manage to break through with this.
They say you need around 3 - 4 puffs, the fourth you won't feel like doing but it'll be that one that's the ticket for the rocket ship.
I also heard someone say they take a small hit every night before bed, they say it feels like being wrapped up in a warm blanket.😁
Salvia vs dmt:
whereas salvia kicks you square in the nuts sending your spirit out of your body, showing you the future through vivid dreams along with the famous vortex,
Dmt on the other hand is welcoming, wants to help you in life, is like an old friend.
Salvia has 6 stages the 6th being unconsciousness, wonder how many dmt has?😁
I'm gonna start off real slow, i could be wrong but the spirit vapes look like they have many rocket tickets included.👍
The spirit juice is clear, which they say is the most potent, purest.
some you get are kinda yellowish like a distillate vape.
The CCell batteries you can get with them are outstanding.
Got it yesterday like i mentioned, just been doing some 'research' on dmt so far.
Many good youtube vids on it also the vapes too.
I've had a stage 5 salvia trip so i'm pretty sure i'll manage to break through with this.
They say you need around 3 - 4 puffs, the fourth you won't feel like doing but it'll be that one that's the ticket for the rocket ship.
I also heard someone say they take a small hit every night before bed, they say it feels like being wrapped up in a warm blanket.😁
Salvia vs dmt:
whereas salvia kicks you square in the nuts sending your spirit out of your body, showing you the future through vivid dreams along with the famous vortex,
Dmt on the other hand is welcoming, wants to help you in life, is like an old friend.
Salvia has 6 stages the 6th being unconsciousness, wonder how many dmt has?😁
I'm gonna start off real slow, i could be wrong but the spirit vapes look like they have many rocket tickets included.👍
The spirit juice is clear, which they say is the most potent, purest.
some you get are kinda yellowish like a distillate vape.
The CCell batteries you can get with them are outstanding.

Mate. The Psychedelic Salon podcast.
It’ll sort you for any info. Genuinely.
I have some very yellow DMT in my old school stash jar. I didn’t know you could vape it tho.
Salvia. I didn’t get on with. Too dark for me. Datura/fly agaric kinda vibes.
It’ll sort you for any info. Genuinely.
I have some very yellow DMT in my old school stash jar. I didn’t know you could vape it tho.
Salvia. I didn’t get on with. Too dark for me. Datura/fly agaric kinda vibes.

The banana terps are right up front, it's quite fruity overall, mostly muted by the sherbet.
I bought again since and went with the mochi and white trufflez, both remain my favourites so far.
Next to try are the sweets and the cereal milk.
Managed to get an order in for a spirit molecule vape, if that arrives tomorrow Christmas may be a little different to what's planned.😁
Merry Christmas Apex.👊❤️
I bought again since and went with the mochi and white trufflez, both remain my favourites so far.
Next to try are the sweets and the cereal milk.
Managed to get an order in for a spirit molecule vape, if that arrives tomorrow Christmas may be a little different to what's planned.😁
Merry Christmas Apex.👊❤️

Yummy stash mate.
I try stock up but I Chong it so quick it never works out 😂
I’ll be sniffing about Boxing Day for a smoke
I try stock up but I Chong it so quick it never works out 😂
I’ll be sniffing about Boxing Day for a smoke

Doja Sweet Retreat
Thc23 Charas
Gassed bear stamp
Dgt kali mist hash
Nero gmo wax
Dr distillate lemon resin
Nero wedding cake wax (CI tin)
Dollar pack of Sweets from Spacemen
Not in the pic:
Lucy micro dose from psyconauts
Various vapes and carts
Mushies from somewhere lol
6 brownies from NortherOrganics
Thc23 Charas
Gassed bear stamp
Dgt kali mist hash
Nero gmo wax
Dr distillate lemon resin
Nero wedding cake wax (CI tin)
Dollar pack of Sweets from Spacemen
Not in the pic:
Lucy micro dose from psyconauts
Various vapes and carts
Mushies from somewhere lol
6 brownies from NortherOrganics

That is beautiful! Looks like a little apothecary, and you're preparing spells :))) ✨️🧙♂️✨️ enjoy it all 💥👾

Great to see these pics of peoples stashes 🤩
I’ve got a hashtrick
Sunset sherbet
Deadhead og hashlover
Ktama from 23 which is insane for the price , without doubt the best hash on here at the moment for pound/quality ratio
I’ve got a hashtrick
Sunset sherbet
Deadhead og hashlover
Ktama from 23 which is insane for the price , without doubt the best hash on here at the moment for pound/quality ratio

Looks great mate. Mine's looking pretty sparse due to these BTC fees. Haven't been able to place a Christmas order. I should be OK if I can ration what's left..

I have some blueberry, super lemon haze and a blue nerdz pack from the tgd,
Sour diesel and some Thai from ynm,
And last but not least some blue cheese from thc23, more than enough
So have sold half of it to a few mates,And some sunset sherbet hash and shake in the emergency stash if i feel like it.
Sour diesel and some Thai from ynm,
And last but not least some blue cheese from thc23, more than enough
So have sold half of it to a few mates,And some sunset sherbet hash and shake in the emergency stash if i feel like it.

Sounds amazing. I also mostly raided THC23s treasure chest for my chrimbo stash. Hashwise, got some Ktama, CMF limosa and a tiny bit of their Manala cream. Also got a little bit of CI’s billionaire and Richard Mille. Budwise, got some blue cheese, Doap x doap and Lemon peel x moonbow - all THC23. Also got a little bit of Spritz from KiG and a bit of haze from Stardawg Line. Managed to get a few chocolate bars from MJ concentrates as well. Tried to get some THC syrup from EE but the network fees humped me and tripled like mid transaction. Still, I’m grateful for what I’ve got and sure I’ll still have a blast. Hope yous all have a blast too, Merry Christmas etc. 😊

Sadly mine is looking shite as half of it didn’t arrive in time, bleak Xmas smoking shitty mids and shake for me.

After 4 years from taking a break, I’ve just got some of mj’s candy drops, so hopefully will last me a while.

1 post
+3 votes

how hard is it to get skills anymore?
Anyone can acquire the skills that they want, it just depends upon how dedicated they are. I mean there's a shit ton of skills that i want to master a…

how hard is it to get skills anymore?
the growing divide between rich and poor, the loss of jobs to immigrants and robots, youth unemployment, nearly every economic problem is caused by a lack of value producing skills.
but why? nearly everything you could do in this world can be learned for free with this little invention called the world wide web. i think you have heard of it even if you don't have an expensive computer.
a p.o.s. android phone and free wifi has you in many of the finest classrooms on earth, you don't need a wing named after your grandfather anymore.
if you don't have the patience for this there is a youtube video for 21st century dummies on nearly every lesson on earth, pause, rewind, learn at your own pace for free.
yeah sorry, the assembly line that paid for 3 weeks off isn't hiring anymore, neither is the lord's farm or those stone hauling gigs down in egypt. things have changed - for the better.
but why? nearly everything you could do in this world can be learned for free with this little invention called the world wide web. i think you have heard of it even if you don't have an expensive computer.
a p.o.s. android phone and free wifi has you in many of the finest classrooms on earth, you don't need a wing named after your grandfather anymore.
if you don't have the patience for this there is a youtube video for 21st century dummies on nearly every lesson on earth, pause, rewind, learn at your own pace for free.
yeah sorry, the assembly line that paid for 3 weeks off isn't hiring anymore, neither is the lord's farm or those stone hauling gigs down in egypt. things have changed - for the better.

Acquiring knowledge is different to acquiring skills.
You're not going to learn how to deal with patients, or good bedside manner, if you're a nurse, from a YouTube video.
Nor dealing with livestock if you're a farmer. These things come with time on the job.
I do agree though that your average degree, certainly in humanities, can be done from your sofa.
The Internet is a wonderful thing. I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have this amount of knowledge at our fingertips.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB
You're not going to learn how to deal with patients, or good bedside manner, if you're a nurse, from a YouTube video.
Nor dealing with livestock if you're a farmer. These things come with time on the job.
I do agree though that your average degree, certainly in humanities, can be done from your sofa.
The Internet is a wonderful thing. I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have this amount of knowledge at our fingertips.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB

knowledge + experience = skill
Just from what I see in my work, only the people with experience know what to do when the plans inevitably fail 😂
knowledge + experience = skill
Just from what I see in my work, only the people with experience know what to do when the plans inevitably fail 😂

As someone who taught themselves both web design and marketing as a single mum I tend to agree.
I now have a thriving career 7 years later!
I now have a thriving career 7 years later!

Try to think from the perspective of a business owner. Sifting through resumes. Bachelor's. honours. Doctorates. Oh no. This mad lad has googled it. Hire him now

Anyone can acquire the skills that they want, it just depends upon how dedicated they are. I mean there's a shit ton of skills that i want to master and learn, but usually i'm busy with other things. The internet is a wonderful thing. But also, it takes a lot of time to learn certain skills and most people like my self are quite lazy and can't be asked to learn new things, unless they really want to.

True but I'm not sure about "anymore". It's always been possible for motivated people to acquire skills, it's easier now but I don't think that is going to change the dynamic. People are afraid and or lazy when it comes to pursuing things that aren't right up in their face.

Find something that fascinates you. And just will yourself to know everything there is to know about it.
There is knowledge, there is wisdom, and there is also passion.
If you don’t have a passion for something. You’ll never truly know about it. And if you don’t truly know about it, you’ll never gain true wisdom.
- Ringo Starr 1932
There is knowledge, there is wisdom, and there is also passion.
If you don’t have a passion for something. You’ll never truly know about it. And if you don’t truly know about it, you’ll never gain true wisdom.
- Ringo Starr 1932

Actually all of our problems are due to over population. One person can do more work now due to technology. Also humans keep on devaluing themselves by constantly breeding. It’s the law of supply and demand. The fewer of us there are the more valuable we are to employers. When we breed out of control then employers can pick whoever they want. That’s my opinion;)

Norman Tebbit rebooted.
Don’t question increasing stratification of haves and have nots, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
200 applicants for one job at Tesco?
Have you thought about trying a different Tesco? Hmm?
Don’t question increasing stratification of haves and have nots, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
200 applicants for one job at Tesco?
Have you thought about trying a different Tesco? Hmm?

I get what your saying but the person carrying out the skilled job more often than not needs proper training and certification if not just for the client but more importantly for insurance purposes!

Insurance would work a lot better if there were public records of outcomes on a blockchain rather than a certification authority that inevitably becomes a racket.

This is true from the perspective of individuals, but what about societies. Societies like governments take most f our resources under the auspices of producing better outcomes.
If society says yeah anyone can do anything if they play the game right that's a fail. It should be a matter of course that an honest and motivated person is going to do well but that's not what we have. The only sure thing in our society is access to power.
If society says yeah anyone can do anything if they play the game right that's a fail. It should be a matter of course that an honest and motivated person is going to do well but that's not what we have. The only sure thing in our society is access to power.

1 post
+2 votes

Favourite thing to eat when really high??
I’d probably have to say any type of fast food. For example KFC, Pizza Hut or McDonald’s, etc.

Favourite thing to eat when really high??
Like.... what's the one thing that hits the spot for you? Mine is a peanut butter and nutella sandwich with a handful of frosties in the middle. ???

who didn't? But it was a serious answer. I make a wicked Green Dragon and once I have some, I have an uncontrollable desire (my wife can vouch).

Lol good answer Ram9198 mate ha ha !!!! With chocolate mousse and or with. whipped cream !!!! Very mourish

Easy one. Grilled cheese sandwich.
1. Two slices of Warburton's Thick Toastie bread. (Orange package.)
2. Sun dried tomatoes, chopped finely.
2.5. Chili flakes. (optional)
3. Generous slice of Gruyere cheese.
4. Thin slices of parmeggiano regiano.
5. One or two slices of mild cheddar.
6. One or two slices of red leicester, mature.
A. Butter slices of bread heavily, but only one side of each.
B. Put a pan on the hob, very low heat. (low-n-slow is the secret here)
C. Put first slice of bread on the pan, butter down.
D. Place Gruyere and parm on top of the bread in the pan.
E. Sprinkle chopped sundried tomatoes and chili flakes on top.
F. Layer on mild cheddar, then red leicester cheese.
G. Place second slice of bread on top of the top layer of cheese, butter side up.
H. Cover pan with a metal bowl if you have one. (Helps melt cheese and toast evenly) Optional.
I. Toast low-n-slow. Flip over carefully. Keep flipping over until cheese is melted and bread is preferred degree of brown/toasted.
Try it. It'll blow your mind.
1. Two slices of Warburton's Thick Toastie bread. (Orange package.)
2. Sun dried tomatoes, chopped finely.
2.5. Chili flakes. (optional)
3. Generous slice of Gruyere cheese.
4. Thin slices of parmeggiano regiano.
5. One or two slices of mild cheddar.
6. One or two slices of red leicester, mature.
A. Butter slices of bread heavily, but only one side of each.
B. Put a pan on the hob, very low heat. (low-n-slow is the secret here)
C. Put first slice of bread on the pan, butter down.
D. Place Gruyere and parm on top of the bread in the pan.
E. Sprinkle chopped sundried tomatoes and chili flakes on top.
F. Layer on mild cheddar, then red leicester cheese.
G. Place second slice of bread on top of the top layer of cheese, butter side up.
H. Cover pan with a metal bowl if you have one. (Helps melt cheese and toast evenly) Optional.
I. Toast low-n-slow. Flip over carefully. Keep flipping over until cheese is melted and bread is preferred degree of brown/toasted.
Try it. It'll blow your mind.

Masala fish in naan, with lettuce and onions and a nice chilli mint sauce and a lovely exotic drink like passion fruit to wash it all down.

I’d probably have to say any type of fast food. For example KFC, Pizza Hut or McDonald’s, etc.

Apple cut into wedges and smothered in peanut butter. Not your healthy 100 % nuts shit that you find in Holland and Barrett, I'm talking Asda home brand 98% sugar ones.

Cheesecake for me mate. The mini ones they sell in asda are unreal. Or chocolate trifle. Either way I'm like a pig in shit lol.

1 post
+3 votes
Safest cannabis products for delivery to Middle East?
Honestly if you're in a country where the laws around cannabis are heavily enforced and you can get a long sentence for it, i honesty wouldn't worth r…

Safest cannabis products for delivery to Middle East?
I'm in a country where the penalties for ganja are insane so I'd like any advice you guys have.

Muskabuzz Eldorodos, impossible to detect even if you are holding them in your hand, I've brought them to the Middle East many times.

Honestly if you're in a country where the laws around cannabis are heavily enforced and you can get a long sentence for it, i honesty wouldn't worth risking getting cannabis imported. However, as you are on LB i'd suggest looking through some of the top vendors who will take that risk to do that for you, as i know many won't. The products you're more likely to get away with would probably be vape cartridges or concentrates as they aren't as obvious as cannabis in flower form!

There is a vendor called hashishin who sells buds and hash from the ME. Best stealth as well, apparently

I'd suggest to stay away from all cannabis products while you're there.
Your life can take a very hard turn in hours.
I lived in the middle east in several countries for many decades and seen things. Trust me. It is not worth it.
Despite many countries looking sleek and shiny and modern, the legal system is still pretty much medieval.
Your life can take a very hard turn in hours.
I lived in the middle east in several countries for many decades and seen things. Trust me. It is not worth it.
Despite many countries looking sleek and shiny and modern, the legal system is still pretty much medieval.

Distillate is the best product for International delivery. This can be the base for a lot of new products - edibles - vapes etc

Generally terrible idea in that part of the world of course, but I often think that edibles have to be the best stealth. Jellies and/or chocolate bars have to go the lab before their ingredient is revealed. Why would they do that for a couple of packs? and in checked luggage, AND you can mix it with the genuine kind.
Edibles blast me harder than any weed…..😵💫🤤😉
Edibles blast me harder than any weed…..😵💫🤤😉

2 posts
+15.8 votes
What Brought You To Biggy?
I found this place through sheer luck, I could no longer be bothered with street dealers as they are a waste of time and the same strain of weed all t…
+ 2 more

What Brought You To Biggy?
Yes I know it's weed. Or nootropics, whatever. But why here as opposed to say a local connection eh?

I was tired and sick of being harassed by local dealers..... any time i would say 'no thanks', hash weight would be punctually shorter..many would stop selling or disappear or the endless waiting for a spliff.... i wanted to find a natural cure suitable for my arthritis but all i got was the usual shananigans. So i searched enlightenment on google, I was determined to find a real e-market . where being a girl doesn't mean wanting to have sex in exchange of weed, where the quality or weight you get is not based on who you are, your race or accent... where you can have the side effects and detailed descriptions of what you are going to smoke/eat, before buying! I just didn't expect to find such a lovely and sweet community of people not more haters.... violent pics... aggressive behaviours.... this is the lightest side of the dark net. Love Lb thanks

Originally a customer myself, now a vendor. Love this little place.. the escrow payments made it easier for me to trust this place in the beginning, not forgetting the quality product on offer here.. normally top shelf stuff.. thought ide give something back to the community with what I can source myself. Love this place!!!

I came here as a refugee from the original Silk Road. When they were taken down my favourite seller there, the Muskabuzz, came here instead of the darknet for some highfalutin reasons I don't remember. I've been back to the darknet many times and it always ends in tears. I've been ripped of by sellers and market administrators more than federales. I've only had 1 bad experience here and that was resolved so I decided to stick with this.
Local connections are great while they last, then someone gets married or moves and your starting over. Also variety is better online.
Local connections are great while they last, then someone gets married or moves and your starting over. Also variety is better online.

What you said 133% plus the weed in Eire has such a shitty quality especially in the west coast. I reckon a small chunk of Ireland relies heavily on little-biggie bananas. It’s a great site though I’m only an amateur at this bitcoin banter

I'm still a novice, been here since October. Still figuring out how it all works.
As the others have mentioned, we've all come looking for something. I personally was not happy with the quality of cheeba I was getting through my connections and these people I know on a personal level. It wasn't their fault, it's just how the general market is in the UK. People just want cheap weed and get monged.
But weed is more than that, it's a tool to expand your mind and sense of being. The quality and variety on here is amazing and I can't thank all the vendors enough for all their hard work in a very competitive market place.
Everyone here is generally really cool and down to earth, which I believe is down to the quality of the product we consume, good weed makes good people.
Finally, the person(s) behind lb, wow, they saw something that we needed well before we knew we wanted. Kudos to them.
As the others have mentioned, we've all come looking for something. I personally was not happy with the quality of cheeba I was getting through my connections and these people I know on a personal level. It wasn't their fault, it's just how the general market is in the UK. People just want cheap weed and get monged.
But weed is more than that, it's a tool to expand your mind and sense of being. The quality and variety on here is amazing and I can't thank all the vendors enough for all their hard work in a very competitive market place.
Everyone here is generally really cool and down to earth, which I believe is down to the quality of the product we consume, good weed makes good people.
Finally, the person(s) behind lb, wow, they saw something that we needed well before we knew we wanted. Kudos to them.

Well I was smoking Weed on/off since I was 17 and always got my Weed through friends. After my Wife died two years ago I decided I need to move to a different Area to heal and I lost my Connections to get some Weed/Hash here and there.
Stumbled across LittleBiggy kinda by Accident and am really happy with it now.
Stumbled across LittleBiggy kinda by Accident and am really happy with it now.

I found this place through sheer luck, I could no longer be bothered with street dealers as they are a waste of time and the same strain of weed all the time, bad timing, big chance of ripping you off and I had barely any dealers/connections. Then when CBD bud came about I started buying it online, then just searched online where to buy weed online in the UK, found NDWUK’s website and didn’t know if it was legit or not so I searched up more info about them and came across this place and I’m glad I did cause I would never go back.

Because local connections go dry too quickly. One minute there's plenty, then next thing, boom, where the heck did it go? you would think there was some sort of weed sucking noo noo on the go XD

you dont know. i came here to be entertained when i am in a certain mode.
now you know.
now you know.

I'd had a massive break from recreational smoking and all other substances. I experimented with lots when younger and nearly went too far. Turned out I had an unknown heart condition. When I found out after I left uni, I packed up most things and smoking began anxiety attacks as a result so I packed that in too.
Must be 10-12 years on, kids, partner, house and alright job. My Mrs suffered an injury to her wrist and hand 2 years ago and had been off since needing reconstructive surgery but the pain will never stop. Coincidently at a similar time another close family member had a knee replacement. Both wanted pain relief that wasn't dihydrocodene as it made them I'll long term.
I'm in an area with no connections and fully remember how hit and miss the streets are. I got some decent stardawg from a friend but was too strong for both of them. I loved it and it gave me a reintroduction but getting it was sporadic and unreliable.
Like a lot I began looking at cbd vendors and came across this site. Very nerve racking to use to begin with, setting up and learning the way around but all you guys and the vendors are TOP BANANA and it's so easy. Couple that with decent products and a variety to buy in small amounts to see what suits different people and different moods you quickly find it's a wonderful place.
Big up to littlebiggy and all it's members that make a great community.
Must be 10-12 years on, kids, partner, house and alright job. My Mrs suffered an injury to her wrist and hand 2 years ago and had been off since needing reconstructive surgery but the pain will never stop. Coincidently at a similar time another close family member had a knee replacement. Both wanted pain relief that wasn't dihydrocodene as it made them I'll long term.
I'm in an area with no connections and fully remember how hit and miss the streets are. I got some decent stardawg from a friend but was too strong for both of them. I loved it and it gave me a reintroduction but getting it was sporadic and unreliable.
Like a lot I began looking at cbd vendors and came across this site. Very nerve racking to use to begin with, setting up and learning the way around but all you guys and the vendors are TOP BANANA and it's so easy. Couple that with decent products and a variety to buy in small amounts to see what suits different people and different moods you quickly find it's a wonderful place.
Big up to littlebiggy and all it's members that make a great community.

Honestly? Good quality at a nice price with discrete delivery. I hope you’re writing won’t bring undue attention to this place.

This Insta page weed blogger. It's great! "High and Polite" he had a ppst about "how to buy weed online safely" and here I am :D legalize

Same high and polite mentioned it , I looked watched and commented for a few months then made my first purchase Friday, delivery should be this week so fingers crossed. Had some minor paranoia about royal mail grassing me up but what the hell let’s see!

Split with my wife. My contacts are her friends. Lost contact with my own and don't trust her friends so googled "buy weed online" and here I am.

A friend gave me a THC vape cart for Christmas and before that I had never vaped THC. I googled the cart as I like to lookup flower strains on leafly or other sites, but google brought me to LB instead.
My only local connection is my best friend's little bro, and he's been trying to get out of the business. My friend actually told me to stop buying weed from his bro as he didn't want me to be his enabler.
I'm very happy with LB. Because I'm not buying weed as often my tolerance is way down compared to how it was a few years ago. I went from being a daily smoker to now only smoking a few times a month. My tolerance is low enough now that I often experience 'afterglow' the day after smoking. Haven't felt that in a LONG time!
My only local connection is my best friend's little bro, and he's been trying to get out of the business. My friend actually told me to stop buying weed from his bro as he didn't want me to be his enabler.
I'm very happy with LB. Because I'm not buying weed as often my tolerance is way down compared to how it was a few years ago. I went from being a daily smoker to now only smoking a few times a month. My tolerance is low enough now that I often experience 'afterglow' the day after smoking. Haven't felt that in a LONG time!

As others have said, when your needs are medical as well as recreational, you don't want crap. Outside of big cities, there is still a lot of crap around, including contaminated/poorly grown/unflushed crap. On a competitive market there is more emphasis on quality. I lurked for a while, then decided living in fear was pointless and joined up. So far seems like an awesome community.

I found this place via a search engine and thought I would check it out to see if it was legit. Signed up after seeing how friendly everyone seemed.
Will probably make a purchase once my rating is higher.
Purchased some 'legal' cbd herb elsewhere and while it made me feel relaxed and less anxious, I missed the feeling of a 'real' hit.
Will probably make a purchase once my rating is higher.
Purchased some 'legal' cbd herb elsewhere and while it made me feel relaxed and less anxious, I missed the feeling of a 'real' hit.

Buyers don't get a "rating" they have a rep from purchases and disputes. As well as votes of course but none of this is needed to get started :) You are still protected by escrow.

Great topic!
I came in search of this place because of lockdown really so feel like I have stumbled upon the beach like di caprio :)
I have 2 very questionable suppliers but have known both for 10 years. They get in trouble but have never caused me any. One is more reliable than the other and I actually cannot say a bad word about them, always available, always on time, different flavours, always on weight, not always so stealth but we have a good meet set up. I have always thought how will I look meeting this guy in another 10 years? Kind of had the feeling whenever these guys decide to stop supplying that's when I stop my love affair with the herb :(
That being said when this is all over do I introduce these guys to LB? As vendors it could even lessen their risk of the aforementioned 'trouble'? I have already linked 3 friends here :)
I came in search of this place because of lockdown really so feel like I have stumbled upon the beach like di caprio :)
I have 2 very questionable suppliers but have known both for 10 years. They get in trouble but have never caused me any. One is more reliable than the other and I actually cannot say a bad word about them, always available, always on time, different flavours, always on weight, not always so stealth but we have a good meet set up. I have always thought how will I look meeting this guy in another 10 years? Kind of had the feeling whenever these guys decide to stop supplying that's when I stop my love affair with the herb :(
That being said when this is all over do I introduce these guys to LB? As vendors it could even lessen their risk of the aforementioned 'trouble'? I have already linked 3 friends here :)

Initially research. I was writing a piece on changes in drug markets and obviously this lead to the dark web. Then I heard about this weird clearnet site that many claimed was a scam or cover for something deeper or even an elaborate joke.
So,I had to check it out and here I am - to paraphrase julius caesar "I came,I saw,I hung around and got stoned.
So,I had to check it out and here I am - to paraphrase julius caesar "I came,I saw,I hung around and got stoned.

I moved to an area where I had no contacts so I was only able to get sorted occasionally. Then I listened to a podcast about 'the dark web' which was very interesting and basically explained how to do it! I googled and found this place. I never enjoyed having to go to dodgy places with dodgy people and I have a career which would be destroyed if I had a criminal record. I am happy to pay more then I used to for all these reasons and the fact there are descriptions and reviews which allows me to buy based on the effects I want.
This is a great little community and I have never had anything other than great customer service.
This is a great little community and I have never had anything other than great customer service.

Total luck for me. searching online vendors and came across this absolute beautiful community. I looked at a different market before this but that seemed shady whereas this is a proper stoner community. No class A's or fake passports in sight.

On moving to another country I didn't want to knock shoulders with 'local connections' (For a variety of reasons) and that kind of put a halt on my weed smoking days. The Dark Web was, well, pretty dark and didn't really appeal to me.
Then, Little Biggy! I don't combust as I quit smoking 6 years ago so the vape carts & shatter for dabbing are a Godsend. This community has been nothing but a positive experience with some very cool dudes.
Then, Little Biggy! I don't combust as I quit smoking 6 years ago so the vape carts & shatter for dabbing are a Godsend. This community has been nothing but a positive experience with some very cool dudes.

I've had shops on darkweb over the years but so many exit scams lost faith. Lb been around a long time as a vendor great place to sell.

The search for quality and choice. I got bored of weed around 10 years ago when a site I used called Dutch Green Club got busted. From there all I could regularly source was a bag of ‘weed’ which varied in quality, strength, type of effect on me so much so I though fuck this. My fondness of quality never diminished, it was just tucked away at the back of my head until on night drunk I looked for my old friend Dutch Green Club again in the hope they were up and running again and to my delight I found this site.

For-real! Shit weed, dodgyness in general, time man!! Never ever get back! Looked it up online, not too savvy on the old darknet, found an alternative that seemed right, trusted and at the time very reasonably priced.
Google is a friend in deed!
Google is a friend in deed!

Geographical isolation... and also through trying to verify another online source. A happy accident that definitely hasn't saved me money! However, it has made the geographical isolation awesome!

Street dealers of a certain persuasion seek to have changed the weights mad measures act 3.5 is an eighth not 2.2 or whatever you deem fit to give me despite the fact I am twice your age .

Tbh I don't think it's "people of a certain persuasion" not 100% what that means but I wouldn't want to speculate either. It's just psychology.
People associate an 8th as being interchangeable with a 20 bag. Anyone (including me) thats anal about measurements and economics struggles with this. An 8th (of an ounce) is 3.5g with a varying price. A 20 bag is a fixed price with varying weight. The two stopped being synonymous with inflation and more exotic and expensive strains hitting the market.
Try explaing this to the average person and you've found yourself losing a customer.
I love this site because its simply the price and the weight. No ambiguous slang terms.
People associate an 8th as being interchangeable with a 20 bag. Anyone (including me) thats anal about measurements and economics struggles with this. An 8th (of an ounce) is 3.5g with a varying price. A 20 bag is a fixed price with varying weight. The two stopped being synonymous with inflation and more exotic and expensive strains hitting the market.
Try explaing this to the average person and you've found yourself losing a customer.
I love this site because its simply the price and the weight. No ambiguous slang terms.

Nothings changed aprt from ur math skills 3.5 grs is a 8th of an oz, 2.2grams that’s half a 8th (1/16th of a oz) ask for a 20 bag or a teenth

Like many, I stopped smoking a number of years ago, but still occasionally missed getting high.
When I say a number of years, I mean a couple of decades, so I really didn't want to venture out to find some untrustworthy little runt who wouldn't know a proper weight if it smacked them in the face.
The dark web didn't appeal (I'm not looking for stolen credit cards, or to get ripped off), but read about LB on a blog post so visited, had a look around and liked what I saw.
Whilst stealth is always a top priority, the community on LB is brilliant in sharing tips, advice, reviews (good or not so good), so there is an element of transparency.
Yes, you may pay a premium, but I'd much rather take quality over all the downsides of a street dealer and the greater potential for problems.
I'll stick with LB all day!
When I say a number of years, I mean a couple of decades, so I really didn't want to venture out to find some untrustworthy little runt who wouldn't know a proper weight if it smacked them in the face.
The dark web didn't appeal (I'm not looking for stolen credit cards, or to get ripped off), but read about LB on a blog post so visited, had a look around and liked what I saw.
Whilst stealth is always a top priority, the community on LB is brilliant in sharing tips, advice, reviews (good or not so good), so there is an element of transparency.
Yes, you may pay a premium, but I'd much rather take quality over all the downsides of a street dealer and the greater potential for problems.
I'll stick with LB all day!

Crappy deals,crappy attitude and too many dodgy situations :(
So used NDW until the end,lucky to get my last drop, although many seeds sticks shake and crappy small loose buds,never used like that !!
Others were not so lucky :(
I then done some more research and found LB :)
So used NDW until the end,lucky to get my last drop, although many seeds sticks shake and crappy small loose buds,never used like that !!
Others were not so lucky :(
I then done some more research and found LB :)

I’ve known about the site for a while but as I was getting a steady supply locally I couldn’t be arsed with using bitcoin. Lockdown changed that and although local is cheaper I’ve had some real nice weed delivered so will continue to come here even when things get back to normal.

Been an on and off smoker for years, hadn't had any for a while and no one to buy off so I had a search on the web.
Littlebiggy was mentioned in an article about where to buy weed online in UK.
That was back in January, have now made over 10 orders with no problems.
Its nice to be able to try lots of different varieties.
Littlebiggy was mentioned in an article about where to buy weed online in UK.
That was back in January, have now made over 10 orders with no problems.
Its nice to be able to try lots of different varieties.

I'd been out of the scene for a while and always liked hash. Skunk strains were too strong for me to maintain any sense of normality (I know, that's the point) but I just like to gently chill with a smoke and love the taste of hash (old school sqidgy, leb, Afghan etc). All the dealers I knew and friends who smoke only have weed so I dabbled with the dark net but got ripped off a few times and gave up. Then a google search led me to High & Polite and they recommended LB. I've placed 2 orders for hash from different vendors and both came within 2 days with great stealth. I love the feedback and Escrow environment too and also really enjoy the community and all the advice and tips on here. My only regret is I placed my first 2 orders anonymously so I couldn't give the sellers the A+ feedback they deserve. But I am regsitered now and will be back! Thanks LB community. Peace & love

Moved to a rural location and meeting my usual plug required a 2 hour drive. Did a bit of googling and took me here. Took nearly 3 months to pluck up the courage and buy. It has been a godsend since.

Left one dealer who only sold in 10s and 20s and charged £11.50 a g regardless of how much you wanted, when I found somebody who sold comparable bud, but would do an 8th for 30 quid and a q for 50. Unfortunately the second relationship came to a fairly abrupt end and the 1st guy was acting like I'd left him for another woman, so I started googling.
Using the usual keywords, I looked at all of the proper Chinese looking "UK" online shops, then I found that UK medical trial place that I can't remember the name of but that would still be pretty expensive with all the consultation and prescription fees, even if it probably is A+++ bud.
Close to giving up and ringing round for an introduction to some random, I stumbled across the high and polite blog and was directed here. Was very sceptical at first but I'm so happy I gave it a try!
Now, instead of ringing round mithering people, stressing out about whether I'll be able to get anything before I run out and playing pot luck with price, weights and quality, I can pay £20 for a Q of perfectly smokable green that is as strong as a lot of the stuff I used to buy, and have it arrive a day or two later! Magic.
And to top it off I still can't believe I just paid £30 for an Oz 😱😱😱
Using the usual keywords, I looked at all of the proper Chinese looking "UK" online shops, then I found that UK medical trial place that I can't remember the name of but that would still be pretty expensive with all the consultation and prescription fees, even if it probably is A+++ bud.
Close to giving up and ringing round for an introduction to some random, I stumbled across the high and polite blog and was directed here. Was very sceptical at first but I'm so happy I gave it a try!
Now, instead of ringing round mithering people, stressing out about whether I'll be able to get anything before I run out and playing pot luck with price, weights and quality, I can pay £20 for a Q of perfectly smokable green that is as strong as a lot of the stuff I used to buy, and have it arrive a day or two later! Magic.
And to top it off I still can't believe I just paid £30 for an Oz 😱😱😱

RealD skittles promo. He sells shake for $25 a Q and bud is $45 for an Henry. Both well worth the money, BTW.
Every now and then he will run a promo offer with big % discounts of up to 50%.
First time round I paid $38 for an oz of trim. Last time wasn't as heavily discounted but I still stocked up and bought 35g of shake for $62.50 and 3/8 of bud for $75.
45g for what, about £110? 😱
For somebody who was well used to dragging out a 20 bag to make it last as long as possible, I now look in my stash box and feel like Scrooge McDuck in his money pit 😂😂
Every now and then he will run a promo offer with big % discounts of up to 50%.
First time round I paid $38 for an oz of trim. Last time wasn't as heavily discounted but I still stocked up and bought 35g of shake for $62.50 and 3/8 of bud for $75.
45g for what, about £110? 😱
For somebody who was well used to dragging out a 20 bag to make it last as long as possible, I now look in my stash box and feel like Scrooge McDuck in his money pit 😂😂

Yeah fair play that is a good haul.
Yeah I luckily enough seen the promo the other night so I grabbed 7g. Wish now I had of went for a half
Yeah I luckily enough seen the promo the other night so I grabbed 7g. Wish now I had of went for a half

The absolute decision to quit combustion.
Hadn't yet learned how good some dry herb vapes are and there's only flower around me, but I had heard of thc carts so google brought me here.
So glad I did my stash box is like opening the cocktail cabinet these days, rather than just another case of Stella.
Hadn't yet learned how good some dry herb vapes are and there's only flower around me, but I had heard of thc carts so google brought me here.
So glad I did my stash box is like opening the cocktail cabinet these days, rather than just another case of Stella.

I agree the dry herb vape is great nd supposed to be more healthy gets you higher aswell apparently

Covid and variety local connect you take whatever ur given at least we have choice here and excellent quality Super Hans Nero Diuk to name a few vendors all top quality grown well

Hi Smee, out of interest if you arrived at the site as it is today would you still have stuck around?

I’m similar to many others here- used to smoke but stopped some years ago. I’ve recently returned via a local connection but would like the option of a more tailored experience where I can try different things and know, with confidence, what they are.
I’m new to LB and await delivery of my first order with excitement (and a little nervousness)!
I’m new to LB and await delivery of my first order with excitement (and a little nervousness)!

Now in my 50's had been finding it harder and harder to get a regular connection. I saw all the media stuff about another site and bought from there. It was ok but expensive. I thought there must be more clearnet sites so did some research and found a high and polite article that referenced LB. Managed to get my head round crypto and made first purchase about 6 months ago. Since then regularly buying, mostly carts as I don't smoke anymore. This site has been a godsend for me, no more scratching about, hanging out with people you wouldn't normally spend time with just to score some weed.
The only downside is now everyone asks me to get shit for them as they've seen how good the products are. I must have pointed about 10 people towards LB.
The only downside is now everyone asks me to get shit for them as they've seen how good the products are. I must have pointed about 10 people towards LB.

I have a mate who wanted edibles and I showed them a popular clearnet site it won’t let me name here. I never ordered from them due to their prices, but on the clearnet site’s subreddit one day someone posted a link to LB, which was swiftly deleted.
I spent a week or so browsing the wall and topics before I took the plunge and ordered and I haven’t looked back.
Why LB? Three reasons for me:
1.) The selection/quality of products. If it contains THC you can buy it on LB. Some products on here I have only seen in coffeeshops.
2.) The prices. Even with the crypto fees I typically save around £50 per oz compared to my previous connects.
3.) The community. If I’m honest I am probably the ‘weed bore’ of my group of mates. Rather than boring them I can chat about weed here as much as I like, with people who love it as much as I do. LB has a great mix of stoners and vendors.
Long live LB!
I spent a week or so browsing the wall and topics before I took the plunge and ordered and I haven’t looked back.
Why LB? Three reasons for me:
1.) The selection/quality of products. If it contains THC you can buy it on LB. Some products on here I have only seen in coffeeshops.
2.) The prices. Even with the crypto fees I typically save around £50 per oz compared to my previous connects.
3.) The community. If I’m honest I am probably the ‘weed bore’ of my group of mates. Rather than boring them I can chat about weed here as much as I like, with people who love it as much as I do. LB has a great mix of stoners and vendors.
Long live LB!

I live in a tiny village. Don't want to be hanging around the locals really, I have 1 guy for smoke. And it's the same stuff all the time.
So for me LB is like an adventure park full of different goodies and options. I love how discreet it is. Hope this site lasts a long time yet.
So for me LB is like an adventure park full of different goodies and options. I love how discreet it is. Hope this site lasts a long time yet.

My fellow biggas!
Remember hearing about this site around 5 years ago years and only recently decided to vend
Remember hearing about this site around 5 years ago years and only recently decided to vend

Pistach actually recommended us to the site, he thought we'd do well, we are doing okay, (until the trolls come in) and we have done pretty well considering that we've only been here since January.
We've been posting out items using other sites for years, so it was a no brainer to join LB.
We've been posting out items using other sites for years, so it was a no brainer to join LB.
got scammed by insta "seller" TWICE! (i know, i know) and can't seem to find a local plug. tbh idk where to find one lol
got scammed by insta "seller" TWICE! (i know, i know) and can't seem to find a local plug. tbh idk where to find one lol

Was looking for oils, tinctures etc made from actual known strains rather than whatever random bud some bloke who sends the kid on a moped has. Found randomly via a mention in a blog somewhere and couldn’t believe such a place existed. Reviews and ratings for sellers. Next level.

My local always provide good quality, but the few I know are all inconsistent in terms of answering phone calls etc.
All I’m waiting for now is somebody to have blue cheese on here, not had it in years!
All I’m waiting for now is somebody to have blue cheese on here, not had it in years!

Had trouble getting weed during covid. At the time I was working with this hippy sort of guy and he introduced me to this site. Couldn't believe it at first!

For me it was an issue with was then CBPM pharmacy, now Curaleaf not getting my medical cannabis scripts and messing me about. So went on the hunt and found here. I've been buying along side my script since march I guess lol.
Even know I have a medical cannabis script. I do believe we should be able to buy cannabis anywhere. Imo of course.
Even know I have a medical cannabis script. I do believe we should be able to buy cannabis anywhere. Imo of course.

1 post
+1 votes

Any upcoming games I should be aware of?
Dead Island 2. Been waiting 9 years for the sequel and it’s finally coming out, such a fun series.

Any upcoming games I should be aware of?
Pretty bored with my current selection.
Is there any exciting looking games on the way? Or already out... let me know your suggestions below.
I was quite intrigued to hear there is a new Harry Potter RPG on the way, Hogwarts Legacy... I’m not the biggest fan of the series but I can see the appeal for a video game, I have fond memories of the ps1 game in my younger years.
Sons Of The Forest looks like a cool game too, I love zombie/mutant type survival games and this looks beautiful, clean colourful graphics and gruesome zombie killing what’s not to love🤣
Is there any exciting looking games on the way? Or already out... let me know your suggestions below.
I was quite intrigued to hear there is a new Harry Potter RPG on the way, Hogwarts Legacy... I’m not the biggest fan of the series but I can see the appeal for a video game, I have fond memories of the ps1 game in my younger years.
Sons Of The Forest looks like a cool game too, I love zombie/mutant type survival games and this looks beautiful, clean colourful graphics and gruesome zombie killing what’s not to love🤣

A few upcoming titles in my steam wishlist:
- Starfield - a new Bethesda RPG.
- Ark raiders - developed by embark studios which is where all the talent from DICE went. Seriously check out a trailer for The Finals by them as well and you’ll see how destructible all the environments are (You know, that feature we used to have in battlefield LOL).
- The Day Before - Looks like a zombie apocalypse version of the division. Looks really cool but I’m wary as the developer isn’t very experienced. Think they’ve only made mobile games before.
- Evil West - This just looks like a mental shooter with additional powers where you kills demons in an old western style theme. Should be good co-op.
- Warhammer 40,000 Darktide - I’ve not played any of the warhammer games but love the art style and lore of the 40k universe. This one’s getting lots of hype when the streamers reviewed the beta. Should be good co-op.
- The Callisto Protocol - This is by the developers of the original dead space series. As always EA fucked up dead space by not letting the developers do what they want so this is them doing their thing without EA.
- Hell is us - Haven’t got a clue what this is. I watched the trailer, haven’t got a clue what’s going on, but I want it. Just watch the trailer.
- Starfield - a new Bethesda RPG.
- Ark raiders - developed by embark studios which is where all the talent from DICE went. Seriously check out a trailer for The Finals by them as well and you’ll see how destructible all the environments are (You know, that feature we used to have in battlefield LOL).
- The Day Before - Looks like a zombie apocalypse version of the division. Looks really cool but I’m wary as the developer isn’t very experienced. Think they’ve only made mobile games before.
- Evil West - This just looks like a mental shooter with additional powers where you kills demons in an old western style theme. Should be good co-op.
- Warhammer 40,000 Darktide - I’ve not played any of the warhammer games but love the art style and lore of the 40k universe. This one’s getting lots of hype when the streamers reviewed the beta. Should be good co-op.
- The Callisto Protocol - This is by the developers of the original dead space series. As always EA fucked up dead space by not letting the developers do what they want so this is them doing their thing without EA.
- Hell is us - Haven’t got a clue what this is. I watched the trailer, haven’t got a clue what’s going on, but I want it. Just watch the trailer.

in my free time I just be getting extremely baked and playing modded skyrim lol
And now ROTMG and dark and darker when released
And now ROTMG and dark and darker when released

Have you played Project Zomboid
It’s been around a while but it sounds like you might like it.
It’s been around a while but it sounds like you might like it.

It’s not up and coming but The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt my favourite game, made in 2015 and the graphics look clean, they are also releasing a next gen update soon
I also have fond memories or Harry Potter 😂
I also have fond memories or Harry Potter 😂

Can't wait for the PS5 upgrade, will make up for the shitshow that is cyberpunk!
All the best games lately are remasters they are everywhere, still cant believe Resi Evil 4 is getting yet another release but I'm bound to end up playing it again lol
All the best games lately are remasters they are everywhere, still cant believe Resi Evil 4 is getting yet another release but I'm bound to end up playing it again lol

Dead Island 2. Been waiting 9 years for the sequel and it’s finally coming out, such a fun series.

There's plenty of exciting games on the way. No Star Citizen isn't one of them because we all know now it'll never be finished! Anyway Starfield from Bethesda may have potential if you like space and have liked other Bethesda titles.
If you like Sons of the Forest and survival stuff like that then you should check out Green Hell, seriously you get parasites and worms and can go insane it's great! It really depends on what you like, seems like rpg and survival might be what you're going for.
There's some decent youtube vids with upcoming games for 2023 so just search for that n you'll find some good-uns.
Keep it Real ;D
If you like Sons of the Forest and survival stuff like that then you should check out Green Hell, seriously you get parasites and worms and can go insane it's great! It really depends on what you like, seems like rpg and survival might be what you're going for.
There's some decent youtube vids with upcoming games for 2023 so just search for that n you'll find some good-uns.
Keep it Real ;D

I like games with inhospitable worlds where survival feels like a real achievement and for me the holy trinity of these games are;
Project Zomboid - I feel like every single zombie movie is inside this game.
Kenshi - Beep Beep
STALKER (modded) - There's just something about the Zone that always calls me back. It's like putting on a comfy pair of slippers.....that are giving you radiation sickness.
Project Zomboid - I feel like every single zombie movie is inside this game.
Kenshi - Beep Beep
STALKER (modded) - There's just something about the Zone that always calls me back. It's like putting on a comfy pair of slippers.....that are giving you radiation sickness.

1 post
+3 votes
Jamaican sess
started topic

Jamaican sess
Anyone here selling Jamaican sess, been looking for a little while, thanks

1 post
+5 votes
Stoned AI
Never even thought of this or even knew that this was a topic that could be debated :D but I wouldn’t of thought so due to how the human brain works i…

Stoned AI
I'm not a science guy but was wondering would it be theoretically possible to get AI high? And if so, what are the possible outcomes?

Thanks for the input people. We'll, I assume that AI would prefer concentrates as its the natural evolution of cheeba, applying a coating of thc liquid using nano technology to the AI chip. Or the boring option programing the AI to mimic the cerebral high.
But just imagine, this vast supreme super intelligence, spaced out and then asked the meaning of life the universe and everything in it. To which the AI replies, 420.
But just imagine, this vast supreme super intelligence, spaced out and then asked the meaning of life the universe and everything in it. To which the AI replies, 420.

Never even thought of this or even knew that this was a topic that could be debated :D but I wouldn’t of thought so due to how the human brain works if you’re comparing humans to ai in terms of robots. Unless this could be incorporated into their program but I wouldn’t of thought so due to humans having an endocannabinoid system. I’m not much of a science guy myself, but I do love exploring the possibilities of what could happen in the future in terms of artificial intelligence and humans. But a very interesting topic, if this gets more views and can form a big discussion I’m all for it, cause I too want to know what other people think of this and whether there’s a chance of it happening. Very interesting question though HBiz.

I'm not an expert in AI, but just off the top of my head, i don't think this would be a bad idea.
If they manage to develop AI the same way some theories of human consciousness work: i.e - the Id, the ego and superego, i think a stoned level of thinking wouldnt be too bad.
But looking at the other comments, that depends on what your definition of stoned means. And from a personal point of view, the definition of stoned will differ from person to person.
If they manage to develop AI the same way some theories of human consciousness work: i.e - the Id, the ego and superego, i think a stoned level of thinking wouldnt be too bad.
But looking at the other comments, that depends on what your definition of stoned means. And from a personal point of view, the definition of stoned will differ from person to person.

The outcome is great until their next day delivery takes 2 days. Then they kill all humans.

1 post
+2 votes

Sorry guys. Was running stocks down as I’m off on hols for a while.
When I’m back I’ll stock three grades permanently and vary the varieties from time to time.
All orders placed will be received shortly. So sorry to my regulars!! When I’m back in a few weeks I promise I’ll make it up to you when you order!
Love this community and see you all soon.
Much love. Happy toking.
When I’m back I’ll stock three grades permanently and vary the varieties from time to time.
All orders placed will be received shortly. So sorry to my regulars!! When I’m back in a few weeks I promise I’ll make it up to you when you order!
Love this community and see you all soon.
Much love. Happy toking.

Have a good holiday man. Hopefully I can make my first order with you when you get back. Will keep you updated over messages. :)

Hey buddys.
I’m back.
Menu being updated, pictures to follow and hash to be added!
One love 💗
I’m back.
Menu being updated, pictures to follow and hash to be added!
One love 💗

Hey buddy.
I’m back.
Menu being updated, pictures to follow and hash to be added!
One love 💗
I’m back.
Menu being updated, pictures to follow and hash to be added!
One love 💗

Hey buddy.
I’m back. Adding stock to the menu, pictures to follow and hash to be added!
One love 💗
I’m back. Adding stock to the menu, pictures to follow and hash to be added!
One love 💗

1 post
+2 votes
Access to this page is restricted?
It basically means that they are away, therefore they changed their settings so it’s not viable to public and only they can see their profile. It usua…

Access to this page is restricted?
I just rated an order from a vendor, went to check what other stock they had and I got the message "access to this page is restricted" ? what does that mean? They have been closed down? Holiday? Something I've done? :/

It basically means that they are away, therefore they changed their settings so it’s not viable to public and only they can see their profile. It usually does suggest they’re either on holiday or making changes/improvements to their shop. Hope this helps!

If they sell lsd or anything like that littlebiggy restrict your page it's happen to me.

Hey Twisted,
Funnily enough, I was just trying to access your page but it's telling me access is restricted. How can I access your page? I'm very interested in some of your products!
Peace and Love x
Funnily enough, I was just trying to access your page but it's telling me access is restricted. How can I access your page? I'm very interested in some of your products!
Peace and Love x

1 post
+4 votes

Anti-Weed Nun
This one made me laugh too, I mean if they knew anything about cannabis or hash they would know that some strains particularly sativa strains can indu…

Anti-Weed Nun
"Anti-drugs campaigner warns of the imminent danger and says that hash ‘makes people paranoid’"
Generally hate these kind of uninformed articles, but something about it made me laugh.
Personally I think someone who actively promotes the idea that you might burn in fire for eternity when you die has some cheek to be talking smack about my Mary J.
No strain to date has evoked any paranoia in me like those feckin nuns did when I was a kid.
"Anti-drugs campaigner warns of the imminent danger and says that hash ‘makes people paranoid’"
Generally hate these kind of uninformed articles, but something about it made me laugh.
Personally I think someone who actively promotes the idea that you might burn in fire for eternity when you die has some cheek to be talking smack about my Mary J.
No strain to date has evoked any paranoia in me like those feckin nuns did when I was a kid.

This one made me laugh too, I mean if they knew anything about cannabis or hash they would know that some strains particularly sativa strains can induce paranoia and anxiety anyways. From my experience and knowledge, hash makes you super relaxed not paranoid. They say “People think it’s harmless but it’s the most destructive [drug] of all when it comes to people’s brains“. I mean what a load of crap I bet the people who write these types of articles and have never even tried weed once in their life just based off other people’s experiences. Most of time anyway people already have something wrong with them mentally like psychosis or schizophrenia due to genetics, cannabis alone doesn’t just bring them on it just more than likely brings them them out if you already have them.

My feelings have always been if the nuns had only fucked the priests good they wouldn't have been raping even half the boys. It's what Jesus would have done.

1 post
+3 votes

Reputation is what exactly?
Reputation can be divided into two sections really, one for the buyers and one for the sellers. The buyers usually gain ‘reputation’ from joining in o…
tenure, # of buys, # of disputes
sellers need to maintain a heathly number or folks won't trust them
buyers need to successfully complete a number of orders to prove they aren't trying to scam for free product
my record for example is over 100 buys, no disputes and 3 years. USA vendors know me well and, if legit, respond in kind
I can rec for saynotodrugs, 1st national disp, buds bunny, Anderson's, mustabuzz, tasty kush, ed's edibles
avoid Triforce-my first dispute, ordered 12 days ago and still waiting
good luck
sellers need to maintain a heathly number or folks won't trust them
buyers need to successfully complete a number of orders to prove they aren't trying to scam for free product
my record for example is over 100 buys, no disputes and 3 years. USA vendors know me well and, if legit, respond in kind
I can rec for saynotodrugs, 1st national disp, buds bunny, Anderson's, mustabuzz, tasty kush, ed's edibles
avoid Triforce-my first dispute, ordered 12 days ago and still waiting
good luck

It's also what you just did, posted as a village Elder. It seems like all the natural ways of rep remain

you're right. It took me a while to figure that out and I try to participate way more than I did my first year

Helps vendors realise your legit if there is any issues with delivery or whatever. If you a good purchase/review history and participate and enjoy littlebiggy for what is, a safe space in a minefield of for scams your more likely to be listened to.

Reputation can be divided into two sections really, one for the buyers and one for the sellers. The buyers usually gain ‘reputation’ from joining in on topics on the ‘topics’ board, as well as posting their own topics on a regular basis if wanted and whether they’ve had disputes or not and can be trusted and respected by certain vendors due to the amount of purchases they have made, whilst sellers are pretty much the same, however reputation is held up depending upon how well they deliver their product in terms of packaging and whether it’s the same product as they described. Hope this helps!

1 post
+1 votes
UK biggaz How You Buying Your Bitcoin?
Localbitcoins. #1

UK biggaz How You Buying Your Bitcoin?
I'm looking for a new provider as Coinbase bothers me on a few levels.

Bit panda as well you can use normal bank or credit cards if u want less traceability but need photo id

Yes, Coinmama is good, once verified, it's very easy to buy Bitcoin etc for a newbie!,
Usually complete after 20 mins via CC payment. I didn't realise it was so simple..
Usually complete after 20 mins via CC payment. I didn't realise it was so simple..

BittyLicious, pretty much instant transactions and ID verification was only a few hours, site looks shady as but I've had no problems using my bank account to buy my coin there. Not sure how much more their fees are as I haven't used any other method to buy coin. Bitpanda kept refusing my ID and didn't try coinbase as I've heard they keep suspending people's accounts.

What bothers you about Coinbase if you don't mind me asking buddy? I only ask as I just started using them, lower fees than who I currently use? was good for my 1st transaction because i didnt have my ID handy and they do up to $400 without it. fast but dear.

I spend the entire week trying to set up exchanges and wallets. I initially registered with coinbase because most say they are reliable and easy to use. Coinbase somehow did not work for me. Coinmama refused my verification (no idea why). After several attempts with others I finally managed to get it all to work with Binance to buy the BTC and an Exodus wallet. I just placed my first order here so I assume that combination works ok. Phew

Agree with the guys below... BitPanda is very good. You can also try BittyLicious, the rates are a bit higher but pretty instant. SpectroCoin is another OK site.

I would have to say Bitpanda, especially for anyone new to buying Bitcoin. Check out a review here:
and a bonus 10 dollars bills for new users
and a bonus 10 dollars bills for new users

I'm sticking with Coinbase for now. That "Earn rewards" feature at the top netted me a free bag of weed, so not complaining yet, even if Coinbase does have a couple of slightly annoying quirks.

Bittylicious to Wirex wallet.
Used to use just Wirex and it was so easy but then they decided not the play ball with anything associated with Lloyds Bank.
Used to use just Wirex and it was so easy but then they decided not the play ball with anything associated with Lloyds Bank.

Ive come to really like Jaxx, took a few uses to get used to,
but it works well
but it works well

I am a bit hassled by Coinbase, although purchasing is easy. I use a separate wallet for my LB purchases... Never can be too careful ;)

Download the etoro app you need photo id then just buy bitcoin as a trading stock with the amount you have put on there with your debit card or linked to your paypal then it allows you to move the bitcoin to a etoro wallet and from the wallet you can send it where you want, simple as that.

2 posts
+8 votes

Many Gamers here?
Xbox one player here too man. Very recently I just finished the gta 5 campaign, I never really bothered to play it when it first came out as I always …
+ 2 more

Many Gamers here?
One of my favorite pass times is smoking good weed and getting the Xbox going...
Over Xmas I got myself an Ultimate Game Pass and been thoroughly indulging myself (apart from the dreaded going to work!)
Many other Gamers on here?
What you playing at the moment/recommendations?
Over Xmas I got myself an Ultimate Game Pass and been thoroughly indulging myself (apart from the dreaded going to work!)
Many other Gamers on here?
What you playing at the moment/recommendations?

Can't beat a good game and a fat spliff. I'm on PC only atm, playing a lot of BFV, CSGO, Sea of Thieves, Fallen Order (stopped playing this half way though, kinda repetitive game play), the odd game of Apex Legends. Mostly online stuff. Gonna try start a new Witcher 3 save soon.
What are you playing through just now? Xbox Game Pass is such good value for money man, even on PC.
What are you playing through just now? Xbox Game Pass is such good value for money man, even on PC.

Lol I have restarted witcher 3 so many times, worth going the distance though, the dlc is unreal

i actually started it up again to go check out the dlc recently... i was just so out of what was happening and how to play that it was tough.

I know what you mean, nothing more disorientating and when you add mods into it gets even worse lol

Yeah same man this will be my 4th time trying to get through it, never made it past 30 odd hours. I have all the DLC so maybe that will motivate me to get there, I've heard a lot of good things.

I'm just on the last chapter of Fallen Order now. Enjoyable but like you say it gets a bit samey.
When I'm feeling particularly "toasted" though I just like to stick Forza on and bounce around fields causing damage :-)
When I'm feeling particularly "toasted" though I just like to stick Forza on and bounce around fields causing damage :-)

yeah, I didn't make it through the whole game =/ I'll probably pick it up at some point, i just didn't feel the combat to be very enjoyable at all... it was a chore to me. I did enjoy the story though.

I might power through just for the sake of completion, it is a good game. It's not that long is it?
Haha, aw man Forza in one gorgeous game, you can really zone out in that one. Screw those garages though ¬____¬ I could hardly ever find them.
Haha, aw man Forza in one gorgeous game, you can really zone out in that one. Screw those garages though ¬____¬ I could hardly ever find them.

Nah not too long mate and unlikely one you would do stuck at annoying part at the moment so taking me longer than it should.
Yeah those garages are so hard to find.
Youre right about how good it looks. I very often crash off a road cause I'm admiring the view.
Yeah those garages are so hard to find.
Youre right about how good it looks. I very often crash off a road cause I'm admiring the view.

Hmm I might just leave it then, sounds like it gets tedious. The amount of half finished games I have is getting annoying though.
Yeah it's a well build little world.
Yeah it's a well build little world.

Yes mate, I have a pc and xbox one x with gamepass. I am playing Remnant From The Ashes, Witcher 3 and Children Of Morta on gamepass and they are all good games. I only play single player games because I'm a social retard haha

Loved W3. Played thru both DLCs and got all the grandmaster witcher gear. Manticore probably my favourite. Griffin horrendous - it’s green.

Love a good smoke and game, especially in the winter when it’s dark outside.
I’m a GTA online veteran and Red Dead online noob, also really enjoyed the story mode for both (PS4).
I’m a GTA online veteran and Red Dead online noob, also really enjoyed the story mode for both (PS4).

Xbox one player here too man. Very recently I just finished the gta 5 campaign, I never really bothered to play it when it first came out as I always played online. However, I noticed how much I've missed out by not playing it as it's really good. Also playing borderlands 3 atm and other games I currently play are games from the resident evil series, New cod and some old 360 games via backwards compatibility!

I bought BL3 on launch and only got 15 hours or so out of it :( really need to pick it back up man. Are you far in?

Yeah, i'm quite far in tbh, as far as i'm aware, but haven't been able to play my Xbox for a week or so due to my controller just not working. So atm, i'm just playing whatever games my laptop can run. But soon i'll get back to BL3.

Ah that's brutal, they're not exactly cheap either :/ I used to have a really old laptop and managed to get so much use out of it with games like HL1, Star Wars: KotOR - amazing games. I'll need to find HD space and get back to BL man, I was hooked on 2 for months.

I have a 4 year old Laptop with a steam account full of old PC games. I used to game pc from 2002 - 2009 before I turned console peasant so I use it as my nostalgia machine to remind me of my kb+m glory days. :')

Glad to hear you never fully turned to the dark side mate. Games are getting insanely detailed now but you really can't beat playing the classics man. Haha nostalgia machine.. there's a product there somewhere. :p

I'd love to get back into PC gaming but I can't currently justify the initial costs for the rig I'd really want. I have almost 400 games on my Xbox that work and will continue to work into the next generation, 90 of them are enhanced in some way compared to running on base hardware as well so at the moment Xbox is giving me the best bang for my buck.
And I'd definitely recommend a Nostalgia Machine for anyone who used to game pc in the 2000's and wants to remember just how great C&C Red Alert 2 was. ;)
And I'd definitely recommend a Nostalgia Machine for anyone who used to game pc in the 2000's and wants to remember just how great C&C Red Alert 2 was. ;)

True, I only bought a PC cause I had the cash at the time, was about £900 all in just for the rig, just stupid prices man. And that isn't even high end, like high-mid tops. The gfx card will probably need a upgrade in 4-5 years too along with everything else. Crazy.
Aw man C&C was so good back in the day. That and Starcraft.
Aw man C&C was so good back in the day. That and Starcraft.

Mate I have like 300 hours played on RL and I'm still awful man, that game is so hard to get good at. You playing MK11?

Aye I feel you when you hit a sick aerial shot like yup.. totally meant that. Definitely 90% lick 10% skill for me. I'm stuck at around gold 3 in 3v3 at the moment. Do you prefer 2's or 3's?
Man I love Mk but I suck at it. My bro is quite good with the combos and stuff, especially in MK9, it's crazy to watch.
Man I love Mk but I suck at it. My bro is quite good with the combos and stuff, especially in MK9, it's crazy to watch.

Hahaha totally meant it :)
I actually like 4 v 4 and chaos , tornados and spikes and plungers it’s madness lol and a few smokes in between can’t beat it man
Mk11 I’m ok at , well I think I am I need to pick someone and learn there moves , I just like looking at all the cut scenes and finishers and that graphics are quality , I wana play now lol, have wait though it’s the kids time on it :(
I actually like 4 v 4 and chaos , tornados and spikes and plungers it’s madness lol and a few smokes in between can’t beat it man
Mk11 I’m ok at , well I think I am I need to pick someone and learn there moves , I just like looking at all the cut scenes and finishers and that graphics are quality , I wana play now lol, have wait though it’s the kids time on it :(

Yeah that sounds like a good laugh mate, I rarely visit those game modes, I think I will tonight.
I can imagine it's hard to get good with limited time on there. MK does take a lot of practice. Haha mate I'd hit them with the old "let dad show you how to play", then when they ask for a shot you just tell them you're not doing teaching them yet. =P
I can imagine it's hard to get good with limited time on there. MK does take a lot of practice. Haha mate I'd hit them with the old "let dad show you how to play", then when they ask for a shot you just tell them you're not doing teaching them yet. =P

Gamer like a motherfucker. Xbox for me as well. I also have the ps4 and switch. Never turn on my ps4 though... switch has become a nice second one. The Game Pass thing is brilliant shit. Playing children of morta right now, great game if you are a rouge like fan.

Just started Children Of Morta and enjoying it so far playing on pc though cause it had weird graphic bugs on xbox for me

i also had some weird stuttering with it on my xbox for a bit, but it's cleared up now thankfully. but yeah I'm having a good time with it right now

I set up my master system to play alex the kid. The memories. Also have an amarras that uses the cassette tape games.

Xbox one X gamer here. Loving Jedi: Fallen Order at the moment. Probably the best, recent Star Wars thing to come out since Rogue One. I'm mostly rotating between Bfv, Cod MW, wreckfest, BL3 and Jedi FO currently.
The Game Pass is great, even better if you gameshare and go halves with someone you trust. Purchased downloaded games also share so if either one of us decides to buy a new game the other one can play it for free which is pretty sweet.
The Game Pass is great, even better if you gameshare and go halves with someone you trust. Purchased downloaded games also share so if either one of us decides to buy a new game the other one can play it for free which is pretty sweet.

Steam family sharing is amazing too, love that more companies are allowing that to happen.

Yes, ever since the ZX Spectrum. Got a switch lite and working thru Mario odyssey which is pretty good tbf

A we game and a smoke after long day is just a belter , Play Gta online and modern warfare at moment , waiting For the Avengers game next week hoping it doesn’t fail at launch the beta was rough? Ps4 heads add me up Millzer94-

1 post
+2 votes

Vape carts and lung/chest discomfort
The main problem could well and truly be that the cart is fake, which would be quite unsettling as fake carts usually have a wide variety of chemicals…

Vape carts and lung/chest discomfort
Few weeks ago I bought Big Smokey Farm vape cart and after a week using it I'm experiencing some mild shortness of breath and discomfort in lungs. I don't smoke tobacco but been using Juul vape for over a year and never experienced such discomfort. Have no physical health issues. Just checking if anyone else here have any issues using these particular vape carts. Would really appreciate other's experiences.

Yeah, sorry to say, I think these carts are dodgy. Experienced similar feelings after just a tiny bit (like 1mm) of one of those carts. Turns out the cart packaging can be bought by anyone and filled by anyone. Not saying they're made with spice, but probably poorly extracted. Even a lot of the ones in the US are said to be fake.
Good news is I've felt a lot better over time (around 2 weeks) and got checked out by a doctor, but, yeah, I'd stay away from these "cali" carts.
This is the price of prohibition (harm maximization). As Blackdragon says, switch to something else it's not worth your health.
Good news is I've felt a lot better over time (around 2 weeks) and got checked out by a doctor, but, yeah, I'd stay away from these "cali" carts.
This is the price of prohibition (harm maximization). As Blackdragon says, switch to something else it's not worth your health.

The main problem could well and truly be that the cart is fake, which would be quite unsettling as fake carts usually have a wide variety of chemicals that no one knows about as they aren’t regulated and official. However, if this isn’t the case and you know for sure then it may be because you’ve been vaping for a long ass time, so I’d recommend switching up how you get your thc intake, for example maybe change it up to edibles or oil, etc. Hope this helps mate, make sure to get back to me if your still experiencing the discomfort.

Big corporate brands with aggressive lawyers, hate them but they would solve this particular problem.

Personally I only toke using carts. I find it a much cleaner "healthier" way of consuming cannabis and I really really enjoy it. I now toke way more than I used to when I was smoking flower and it's a lot more potent. I definitely recommend changing brand and vendor and highly recommend sn2d.
I've researched extensively into the brands that are sold through sn2d and would add select as another brand.
Yes, be weary and use a degree of common sense but as a good friend said to me when I brought up the issue of the carts that we are using could be fake, he responded by saying "he doesn't feel any different and isn't sprouting extra fingers or toes and will continue to smoke carts". I've never looked back.
Good luck, with your journey on finding what works for you because it could just be that carts are not for you.
I've researched extensively into the brands that are sold through sn2d and would add select as another brand.
Yes, be weary and use a degree of common sense but as a good friend said to me when I brought up the issue of the carts that we are using could be fake, he responded by saying "he doesn't feel any different and isn't sprouting extra fingers or toes and will continue to smoke carts". I've never looked back.
Good luck, with your journey on finding what works for you because it could just be that carts are not for you.

Was it one of the vapes on this list? Might have dodgy stuff in it. I'm trying to find out if anyone sells any of the non dodgy ones in UK cos I want a good one real bad. For the record I love this site I really do, but worried some dodgy products are gonna ruin its rep

1 post
+4.5 votes
Are we alone in the universe?
After all the shit that's being going on in the world up to now, no i really don't think we are alone in this universe, i hope one day that proof of o…

Are we alone in the universe?
With all the new discoveries of exo planets being found within the habitable zone of stars.. we seriously can't be the only life in our own galaxy never mind the universe.. what's everyone's view on this..?

There's got to be some other things out there. It would be arrogant of us humans to think that we are the only civilised life in the entire universe. I just hope when they make an appearance they've got some kick ass weed. Lol

Great question; one that all of us probably think about often. However, I sometimes wonder if it's the wrong question. The question of life outside of Earth -- is it a red herring? If a miracle like life can arise in the Universe, what else might be going on out there in the Vast Wilderness? Is life the ultimate miracle, or could there be other fantastic things out there which are just as profound as life? Do we have a tendency to exhibit bias in our curiosity about ET life because we are life forms ourselves?
What other flavors of miracle might be out there? Is life just one of the many rare, yet possible, phenomena that can happen? Or is it the "be all end all" of fantastical things?
What else might there be besides life that is equally profound? I don't know. I'm just a glorified monkey with no access to warp speed. And I'm still waiting for the JWST to launch.
What other flavors of miracle might be out there? Is life just one of the many rare, yet possible, phenomena that can happen? Or is it the "be all end all" of fantastical things?
What else might there be besides life that is equally profound? I don't know. I'm just a glorified monkey with no access to warp speed. And I'm still waiting for the JWST to launch.

It's too much man. I can't help but think when i'm reading loads about 'extraterrestrial life' that we should also considering 'extra dimensional life'. Also exploring inner space as much as outer.

Of course there are other beings in the universe. Since we now know earth-like planets are quite common, and that 1 in every 10 stars have at least 1 habitable planet candidate, it would imply there are millions, if not billions of planets with life. Whether that is intelligent life or not depends on evolution and a number of other factors.

After all the shit that's being going on in the world up to now, no i really don't think we are alone in this universe, i hope one day that proof of other other life forms can actually be established, as i know that there are other planet's with a similar structure to earth that are indeed habitable, but getting to one of them is near on impossible, especially with regards to the type of technology we have as of right now.

I do not believe in conspiracy theories that aliens have visited Earth, but I definitely believe there is life out there somewhere. It's possible that life exists on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. There are some missions to Titan being planned to find out if life exists there.
I am a believer of the Multiverse theory, that there are other universes outside of our visible universe.
I highly recommend getting stoned and laying out at night looking at the sky. If you have binoculars bring them along! Telescopes are better but not everyone has access to one.
You can also download the free open source planetarium,
I use it almost daily to see when the moon will rise and set, as well as planning out stargazing sessions.
We are all made of stardust. We are all connected.
I am a believer of the Multiverse theory, that there are other universes outside of our visible universe.
I highly recommend getting stoned and laying out at night looking at the sky. If you have binoculars bring them along! Telescopes are better but not everyone has access to one.
You can also download the free open source planetarium,
I use it almost daily to see when the moon will rise and set, as well as planning out stargazing sessions.
We are all made of stardust. We are all connected.

If only nasa would be truthful and tell people what they know. Instead of hiding their findings. Cutting short live images from the international space station as soon as something strange fly's by.cum on NASA spill.

Space is getting smaller with the tech they have, it just keeps getting better the tech. Soon I think they will find some sort of life. I'm really confused at how they know how many light years away something is,cant get my head around that . Interesting article the other day on nasa site posted if your into your space news UK 420 10/10

No, we are quite clearly not alone.... I’d say it’s actually statistically impossible we are alone, our understanding of ‘life’ and where life can be sustained is based on organisms we know, all these uninhabitable planets are uninhabitable to us and to life we understand, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Statistically, we could be the only living souls in this Universe.
However, this Universe is not the end of the world, as we know it.
However, this Universe is not the end of the world, as we know it.

'This Universe' is right. Or ares exists simultaneously across the multiverse. At the same time, it would also be the end of the universe 'as we know it' because we're dumb fuckin' apes :) hits blunt

1 post
+6 votes
Tangerine Dream Review!
started topic

Tangerine Dream Review!

Next day delivery, one of the most unique strains I’ve tried, overwhelming smell and taste, exactly like described, buds looks exactly how they do in the pics, white ash when smoked and nice sativa high!

Thanks buddy, we are really happy with this strain glad you are feeling the same!

1 post
+5 votes
Gods connect died and went heaven?
They'll be back, trust me

Gods connect died and went heaven?
I had some banging grapefruite of these guys.. Was foooooking delicious But he seems to have closed up shop? Sad times
Anyone know if hes planning on resurrecting?? Third coming stylie?? Its been more than three days so I'm worried? ;)
Anyone know if hes planning on resurrecting?? Third coming stylie?? Its been more than three days so I'm worried? ;)

Scheduled for return 04.2.20.
Check our Status/Menu for details of the ressurection.
Check our Status/Menu for details of the ressurection.

The resurrection will not be televised.. Cheers for the heads up guys.. big fan of your work!

Amazing hash. Strong as should be and real pleasure to enjoy quality from Gods. Legendary vendor)

Praise be to God!! the resurrection has a date.. happy days!! Save me some grapefruit please ;)

Heads up guys, we have been blessed with yet another resurrection!! The HOLY ones have returned!
And they packing cali! HAZAR!
And they packing cali! HAZAR!

1 post
+2 votes

why no lsd?
Seriously, I thought Ronald sold it a while back and LSD is a psychedelic so I don't see no problem with it. Unless the lsd isn't actually lsd and its…

why no lsd?
we have plenty of tree, mushrooms and even dmt but why is there no lsd?
i have a very strong source and i could bring this to our community...
i have a very strong source and i could bring this to our community...

Its the sort of thing thats frowned on here at LB.
Might get you a termination request mate so better to be careful :-)
Might get you a termination request mate so better to be careful :-)

Seriously, I thought Ronald sold it a while back and LSD is a psychedelic so I don't see no problem with it. Unless the lsd isn't actually lsd and its a research chemical like nbome.

1 post
+6 votes
Sending address to vendor
Hey there, not sure if this a new topic or not, but in case you still need help with it, using the built in address system is perfectly safe. When I f…

Sending address to vendor
Hi, I'm new here. Looking to make a first order and wondering about sending name and address.
Can someone say if it's best to use pgp or if the built in address system is ok?
Can someone say if it's best to use pgp or if the built in address system is ok?

Hey there, not sure if this a new topic or not, but in case you still need help with it, using the built in address system is perfectly safe. When I first found LB I was worried too about whether I should use a pgp or not and if you’re willing to learn about pgp keys go ahead and do it because it’s a great security measure, but it’s definitely not necessary. Hope this helps!

Hi, thanks for your reply. I did go ahead and order using the built in address. All was fine. Good to hear though.

Personally I recommend to use PGP encryption, if some government agency put down the site, most probably all the recent transaction will be discovered, even if their built-in system is using an encryption method to encrypt your addresses, somewhere in the source code of the site there's the key to decrypt everything.
If you use PGP, the only way to decrypt a message is by knowing the private key, which only the vendor has.
You can use this site to encrypt your name/address or other personal information:
Click "encrypt", paste the public key of the vendor, write your message (check it twice), press encrypt, copy the encrypted message and send it to the vendor.
PGP encryption is a really strong encryption algorithm which is based on another standard encryption algorithm (RSA).
Be safe!
If you use PGP, the only way to decrypt a message is by knowing the private key, which only the vendor has.
You can use this site to encrypt your name/address or other personal information:
Click "encrypt", paste the public key of the vendor, write your message (check it twice), press encrypt, copy the encrypted message and send it to the vendor.
PGP encryption is a really strong encryption algorithm which is based on another standard encryption algorithm (RSA).
Be safe!

2 posts
+6 votes
Hey man, there is a noob guide for new people coming to lb. Just go to the ‘help’ section at the top right of the pages and there will be a lot of hel…
+ 2 more

Hi. Uk based. Is there a noob guide on buying bitcoin and ordering. Id like a vape cart. Should i be using tor or vpn in here. Apologies for noobness lol

Never apologize for virginity here Noam, we think its a treasure :)
btcbit, coinbase and paybis are all easy places to start for bitcoin. Tor and vpn are not typically used by most but are pretty easy to if you want another layer of safety.
btcbit, coinbase and paybis are all easy places to start for bitcoin. Tor and vpn are not typically used by most but are pretty easy to if you want another layer of safety.

Hey man, there is a noob guide for new people coming to lb. Just go to the ‘help’ section at the top right of the pages and there will be a lot of help and guidance on there. I’d personally recommend using localbitcoins for your bitcoins and a vpn is good for extra levels of security, but I’d say that tor isn’t really necessary, but if you want to that’s up to you. Hope this helps and don’t worry about being a noob we were all noobs here once!

Thanks for taking the time to explain dude, I'll get a look just now thanks.
Xan u recommend a good uk vape cart seller please
Xan u recommend a good uk vape cart seller please

I’d say the best seller for vape cartridges in the UK would have to be MJconcentrates, but from time to time other sellers do have carts in like GodsConnect and NDWUK. But I definitely recommend checking out MJconcentrates for that one, has a great variety of flavours.

1 post
+4 votes

Quality over quantity? Quantity over quality
Easily quality for me. I mean if you're a vendor who sells dank looking weed and it smells amazing and tastes amazing, i'm all for it. Fuck the quanti…
Easily quality for me. I mean if you're a vendor who sells dank looking weed and it smells amazing and tastes amazing, i'm all for it. Fuck the quantity, i always look for good smelling and tasting strains, otherwise nah i'm good. But there are a few exceptions like GC's Jamaican Sess, personally i fucking love that stuff, it might look bad, but it smells and tastes great, nice high too.

1 post
+1 votes

best stealth delivery you've ever seen?
Either GodsConnect or ThePopeOfDope, both vendors have great packaging.
Tasty kush stealth is fantastic and also thc in the uk have very well packed items. Infact all vendors on here I have used make a real effort to conceal the goodies.

1 post
+4 votes
He is back which is no surprise he is a desperate man that Ronald is deffo him how can we trust new vendors with addresses when sweetdreamz keeps coming back

Man this sucks. I don't want to jump the gun but he is acting the exact same way. Even seeking you out to claim a hate campaign.. sounds awfully familiar. It sucks because we just have to be patient and wait and see.. but look what happened last time we did that. I really don't enjoy this side of LB.

Hate to say but i also think SD/DH walks amongst us again. Agree with you both. Biggaz be careful who you buy from or you may regret when it comes crashing down for him again

I trust you have a good gut when it comes to that guy, if you are convinced then so am I. All biggas should practice extra vigilance until we can sort this out.

Seems the same MO tbh mate as Rastaman has already stated. Quickly up to 80 votes from applesauce bot. Hmmmmm

Yeah he also sent a message to Rasta kind of rubbing it in, asking what SD/DH did to "make him paranoid" .. seriously who would do that? I know who.

When he was Dankhighz he said who is sweet dreams trying to spell it wrong and putting a space because i wrote sweetdreamz not sweet dreams so why is he mis spelling it on purpose its to deflect the conversation to put people off that is exactly what is happening now thats what confirmed it for me playing dumb basically

I think we shouldn't risk it. I won't be buying off any new vendors till I can vet them myself. I don't think anyone else should either. It is gonna hurt legit new vendors but we need to protect this community.

Yeah he said basically the exact same as what Dankhighz did when i called him out it was unforgivable what he did

Disputed my order , got my bitcoin back after some problems , just found out the vendor challenged my dispute, but escrow said I one the dispute , damn straight I won haha , transaxe non existent lol and still ignoring me but whatever ,but yea to my amazement the vendor (scammer dankhighz sweetdreamz) ?? Challenged the dispute , thank you escrow for having my back

Fs man you're having no luck lately. Stick to the verified ones mate you keep getting screwed.

1 post
+2 votes

Cannabis 'to be legalised in the UK' within five to ten years, say MPs
I’ve thought the same thing over the past few months and since Brexit first came in to play. I mean legalising cannabis recreationally and medicinally…

Cannabis 'to be legalised in the UK' within five to ten years, say MPs
I think with an impending brexit outcome, cannabis legislation could come sooner. Would be a great way to kick start our economy.

would be great if it happened. more medicines, by products and more money to put into vital services aswell. which atm we currently need. I live in belfast so no matter what happens the politicians over here wouldn't allow it. fuck sake we cant even get a strip club because they are draconian as fuck!

I’ve thought the same thing over the past few months and since Brexit first came in to play. I mean legalising cannabis recreationally and medicinally would reap great benefits for people within the UK, but also it’s advantageous for the government if they choose that path. We’ll be bringing in a lot of money for our economy making a fair bit aside from the money we lose due to Brexit. Would definitely be a kickstart for our economy though and would be beneficial. I believe that at some point cannabis will be treated the same as tobacco with warnings if it’s regulated. Overall, I think the general population will change their minds on cannabis for the better when the government legalise it and they’ll treat it as a beneficial drug rather than drawing it out to be a “harmful” drug. as it always happens when drugs are regulated and put on a legal market.

While i agree with most of what you say there is one major stumbling block, no uk goverment will legalise THC until it has a stable method of taxation, which includes cultivation, sale and import. several years back when THC was down graded to class 'c' a goverment working party was put in place to investigate taxation post legalisation, major issues around taxing personal and not so personal cultivation put the project on the back burner and THC went back to class b. man i hate goverments.

Long over due. Sadly I fear its very unlikely now in my humble opinion. Another Neoliberalist government has Just been voted in who will have vested interests in maintaining big pharmaceutical companies chemicals.

See, I think if anything this government is just as likely to change legislation in favour of cannabis legalisation as a more Liberal one.

Canada cleared their debt within such a short period of time as soon as they legalised cannabis.
The UNITED KINDOM WILL BE LEGAL WITH 6 YEARS (debt free within 10 years) ... I have a small percentage that Borris will find A plug try and just say F it and make it legal sooner lol .or LB . jokes .. but seriously UK will be legal .. just a waiting game guys.
The UNITED KINDOM WILL BE LEGAL WITH 6 YEARS (debt free within 10 years) ... I have a small percentage that Borris will find A plug try and just say F it and make it legal sooner lol .or LB . jokes .. but seriously UK will be legal .. just a waiting game guys.

Remember that the former PM’s household profit from cannabis and we are already the largest legal exporter in the world. They’ve had a 40acre farm in Nolfolk for nearly 20 years on the sly. It should be legal already but then some of the rich would loose they’re monopoly! Look at how it’s pathetically been “legalised medicinally” with only about 8 patients receiving it so far (and it costs them ££££).
Can’t come soon enough... such an injustice!
Can’t come soon enough... such an injustice!

2 posts
+4 votes

Big TGT drop
Woah man, that's a hefty bunch of bud you've got there, would love to here your opinion on the blue cheese. Been waiting for a proper review of it so …
+ 2 more

Big TGT drop

Exciting days ahead lil biggy.
Those of you who read my strawberry haze review remember thay even after having spent way too much on Christmas, I was so impressed by TGT's SH that I went for an ounce. I knew it would drop during my January tolerance break, so there was no sweat when it was a few days late. Few days turned to 14 days. Now looked like the package was gone. TGT team was nothing but gentelmen and worked to resolve the issue. When they then realized that it was a mistake with one of their delivery drivers, they offered a nice bonus treat of samples of all their new strains.
Even before this, it was clear to me that TGT was runninf a top shelf operation. But this interaction really shown great comms throughout and helpful.
Now as usual I will do reviews, but only the ones I find worthy of your money.
From left to right: G13 Haze, Blue Cheese, Grape Ape.
Little spoiler, I already hit the G13 Haze and wow, it makes you belive the conspiracy theories about the strain. Some really special bud, grab a sample while you can.
I'm not going to say much more about it, but damn. Its very good.
My new rule is to smoke the strain atleast 2-3 times before giving a final review.
I'll upload a few photos, really nice looking bud.
Those of you who read my strawberry haze review remember thay even after having spent way too much on Christmas, I was so impressed by TGT's SH that I went for an ounce. I knew it would drop during my January tolerance break, so there was no sweat when it was a few days late. Few days turned to 14 days. Now looked like the package was gone. TGT team was nothing but gentelmen and worked to resolve the issue. When they then realized that it was a mistake with one of their delivery drivers, they offered a nice bonus treat of samples of all their new strains.
Even before this, it was clear to me that TGT was runninf a top shelf operation. But this interaction really shown great comms throughout and helpful.
Now as usual I will do reviews, but only the ones I find worthy of your money.
From left to right: G13 Haze, Blue Cheese, Grape Ape.
Little spoiler, I already hit the G13 Haze and wow, it makes you belive the conspiracy theories about the strain. Some really special bud, grab a sample while you can.
I'm not going to say much more about it, but damn. Its very good.
My new rule is to smoke the strain atleast 2-3 times before giving a final review.
I'll upload a few photos, really nice looking bud.

Got my eye on that blue cheese, how is it? Proper stinky? :D Picked up some of TGTs strawberry haze on your recommendation and that was top stuff so I appreciate your opinion!

awesome, yeah super big fan of that SH, it's the type of high I really enjoy. The blue cheese isn't THAT stinky, but I haven't smoked it yet. Looks beautiful and like it'll be killer though.
Just right now I have too many strains and too little time =/
Just right now I have too many strains and too little time =/

Woah man, that's a hefty bunch of bud you've got there, would love to here your opinion on the blue cheese. Been waiting for a proper review of it so i can decide whether i want to purchase it or not, will be my first order with TGT too. So hopefully, it smokes and tastes amazing. That Grape ape looks great too btw.

Sorry, I'll try to smoke some tonight... but as I said above, too many strains, too little time.

Here is the Blue Cheese. Could do with a better trim job, but look at those trichomes. Beautiful. You'll see that each one of these is very different.

Next up is the G13 Haze... first taste of this one is very promising. Could become one of my favorites. Need to smoke a few more times.

1 post
+2 votes

Problem with getting on LB
LB just had necessary maintenance, everything's all good now.

Problem with getting on LB
I don’t know if it was just my device and the net but did anyone else receive this problem where you couldn’t access LB and a prompt message came up saying we will be back shortly maintenance or something on the lines of that ... I’m back now but for hours I could not get on ?
Any ideas anyone
Thoughts ?
Any ideas anyone
Thoughts ?

Hey bud, was truly worrying, have heard of it before though. I believe its just as stated, maintenance, but as I said, did worry the hell out of this the end lol!

Bro! I panicked ... the word panic don’t even fit ... I died!
I searched high and low I trekked across no mans land I traveled over the furthest of the washy seas to find a way back in the dream land ...... had a steak .. checked after the 100th time ..... boom I’m in ... adventure over lol
I searched high and low I trekked across no mans land I traveled over the furthest of the washy seas to find a way back in the dream land ...... had a steak .. checked after the 100th time ..... boom I’m in ... adventure over lol

1 post
+3 votes
Where's the meth... Bitch


3 posts
+6 votes
[New Release] Eminem - Music To Be Murdered By
Last night i was just listening to the album on repeat and it's grown on me really quickly. My opinion has definitely changed, at first i thought it w…
+ 3 more
[New Release] Eminem - Music To Be Murdered By
New Em ablum

Not had a chance to put it on myself, will get to it after I listen to Circles by Mac Miller =) I had a quick listen to the song ft. royce earlier, sounds pretty decent.

There seems to be quite a few songs with Royce tbh, it's a good album, but i need to have a re-listen myself, as some of the song's are bangers, but others i weren't feeling too much, but as em is a lyricist, the lyrics probably just went over my head.

Still haven't had a chance to listen to it, will put it on just now. Just noticed that actually didn't even look at the track list. Yeah I get that sometimes, also sometimes his rhymes are a stretch. =p

Last night i was just listening to the album on repeat and it's grown on me really quickly. My opinion has definitely changed, at first i thought it was an average album like a 6/6.5/7 out of 10, but now i honestly will give it an 8.5 or a 9. It just keeps getting better tbh.

Yeah I feel you mate it is pretty dense with the lyrics, definitely takes a few listens to appreciate.

1 post
+2 votes

bitcoin not matching dollars
That's quite normal, it's hard to buy bitcoin for the original price. Every time i buy bitcoin from localbitcoins, it's always a bit more expensive, i…

bitcoin not matching dollars
i went to make a purchase. lets say for arguments sake the product i wish to purchase is 55$ or 0.007 bitcoin so i go to one of my crypto exchanges and for 0.007 bitcoin will cost around 65$ and i have tryed around 6 diff exchanges,,it seems that the dollar price is,nt matching the bitcoin price! is this normal? am i missing something? as i do not wish to pay to much more on top of advertised price,,i dont mind a few dollars on top but beetween 10-15$ is to much,ive made 2 previous purchases and all the prices mached

That's quite normal, it's hard to buy bitcoin for the original price. Every time i buy bitcoin from localbitcoins, it's always a bit more expensive, its just how it is.

2 posts
+5 votes

Cbd for muscle disorder
I’m not too sure what creams and CBD products would work specifically for your friend as everyone has different experiences but before I found LB, I u…
+ 2 more

Cbd for muscle disorder
So a friend of mine has a muscle disorder that tightens up the muscles so bad sometimes they cant even walk, was just wondering if you guys knew any cbd uk legal creams or anything else that would help with this? thanks

I’m not too sure what creams and CBD products would work specifically for your friend as everyone has different experiences but before I found LB, I used to use a website called who sells CBD cream, which could be quite useful and they’re well known for CBD products in the UK or, good quality CBD products, might be helpful for your friend, keep me updated if you need any other info or CBD sites to help your friend out.

hey man cheers for the info was looking at hemp elf was not sure they have stuff strong enough, and if they do its so expensive, if it were up to me i would give them a joint haha but they are not in to that so i recommended cbd would you recommend a certain product of hempelf?

I only smoke or vape myself. But I’d recommend getting one of the lower sides of the creams in a smaller mg and have your friend try one of those first to see if it has any reaction, if not then I’d proceed to purchase a higher mg product, maybe a CBD oil may help, as they usually have higher amounts of CBD. I find that their products are quite expensive too, but it seems as if they’re lower than they were a few months back when everyone was finding out more information about CBD products. Hope this helps!

Have you thought about using a CBD vape cart? I would assume the effects would be instant (there or there abouts) in comparison with oil or something edible.
Have you thought about using a CBD vape cart? I would assume the effects would be instant (there or there abouts) in comparison with oil or something edible.

Hey man haven't tried them with a vape just because the creams never really seemed to do anything short or long term, you think a vape might be worth a try even though the creams never worked? il get the name of the disorder tonight might shed a wee bit more light on what they need.

I think anything that you ingest, either with the lungs or mouth would be better than a cream. This is my opinion, from trying a few of the options. Send me a message with your address, I don't have any vapes at the moment but I can send out a sample of CBD gummies, give them a go.

1 post
+3 votes

Greengo smoking mix
I’d say test the waters first and try it out as you may find that you like it and as you stopped smoking tobacco I find that it’s a well suited replac…

Greengo smoking mix
Is Greengo worth buying? Stopped smoking tobacco 3 years ago and id love a decent replacement for rolling joints with...

I’d say test the waters first and try it out as you may find that you like it and as you stopped smoking tobacco I find that it’s a well suited replacement. Also it has far less tar, but I’m sure you’re aware that anything that is used for smoking has tar, so not the best choice, but I’d just say try it out first and if you like it then I’d say why not use it.

Thanks. I tried nettles that were dried for tea and initially I got a big tobacco taste which was pretty awesome, but that subsided and it wasn't very nice after that. Lesson learned.

Here's a few alts, I would try them all or even combinations if I were yall.

I now have some damiana on the way. I'd buy them all if I hadn't just spent my funds on some carmello egg....

Thanks for all your help, but in the end I settled on a nice but of Thai weed. It's cheap, weak and great for packing joints... It also has an deep earthy taste and doesn't choke the life out of me, like a straight weed joint does...

It's good stuff but can be overpriced. I use Yuba Gold that I get for £3.99 for 25g from my local headshop, might be worth seeing if you have any local and what they have.

I'd say they all have an overpowering aftertaste, there used to be 'tobacco tea' on eBay lol basically baccy without the additives and a fraction of the price..gone AWOL now though those products
Do you vape? already vaped bud mixed with some cheap wholesale cbd can get for like £2per g would be a decent filler for spliffs
Or 'hemp tea' can get that 150gs for about £15 look online for hempcooltura, basically seedy buds with no thc, but you can buy seedless versions
Do you vape? already vaped bud mixed with some cheap wholesale cbd can get for like £2per g would be a decent filler for spliffs
Or 'hemp tea' can get that 150gs for about £15 look online for hempcooltura, basically seedy buds with no thc, but you can buy seedless versions

1 post
+2 votes

Perfect Strain
NDWUK have a 1:1 OG Kush phenotype and its great. But they also do some nice indica dominant strains which could be right up your alley.

Perfect Strain
Hey guys :)
Looking for advice and recommendations.
Would like something really heavy and sedating with a higher CBD content but still a fair amount of THC. More CBD than THC basically.
Medicinal purposes, depression. Also I quit alcohol 7 months ago so its just to level me out on an evening. Im new to this site so any pointers in the right direction with some recommendations would be most welcome! X
Looking for advice and recommendations.
Would like something really heavy and sedating with a higher CBD content but still a fair amount of THC. More CBD than THC basically.
Medicinal purposes, depression. Also I quit alcohol 7 months ago so its just to level me out on an evening. Im new to this site so any pointers in the right direction with some recommendations would be most welcome! X

NDWUK have a 1:1 OG Kush phenotype and its great. But they also do some nice indica dominant strains which could be right up your alley.

Hey I medicate with weed for some of the same reasons. The CBD content in these strains is low (<1%) but there are some THC heavy strains that I found to be helpful with depression and relaxing at night.
THEGREENTEAM (TGT) have some Strawberry Banana (70/30 indica dom) which is think has amazing medicinal value. I wrote a review where I go in to detail on the benefits of it but it is really good for getting to sleep, releasing stress and relaxing. I think you will like it. You can read more here
Radar Breeder has two heavy hitting Indicas that I liked. Purple Dawg (70/30 indica dom) and Surricane (indica). Really knock you out and get you feeling happy.
For RSO you could try Drugs Inc, or Shrekage29.
None of these will be available till after the holidays though. Hopefully this helps.
THEGREENTEAM (TGT) have some Strawberry Banana (70/30 indica dom) which is think has amazing medicinal value. I wrote a review where I go in to detail on the benefits of it but it is really good for getting to sleep, releasing stress and relaxing. I think you will like it. You can read more here
Radar Breeder has two heavy hitting Indicas that I liked. Purple Dawg (70/30 indica dom) and Surricane (indica). Really knock you out and get you feeling happy.
For RSO you could try Drugs Inc, or Shrekage29.
None of these will be available till after the holidays though. Hopefully this helps.

1 post
+1 votes

Thc gummies
I'd say wait for MJ to get more back in stock, he said in another post that if he has the ingredients he will be making them a regular product on his …

Thc gummies
Can anyone recommend a good vendor for thc gummies or other good edibles? I was about to order some gummies from me concentrates but found the sold out. Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers

Turns out I can't make them fast enough. They should be a regular stock item in the coming year, there will hopefully be no down time. My next batch will be ready to order from the 27th

I'd say wait for MJ to get more back in stock, he said in another post that if he has the ingredients he will be making them a regular product on his menu. So i'd suggest messaging him and i'm sure he can sort something out for you.

Spot on, I’d been eyeing them for a few days n Sod’s law they ain’t there when I decide to order they’re gone. Hopefully be able to grab some in time for Christmas, will hopefully make visiting family more bearable!

1 post
+3 votes

Pope gone?
He'll be back next week he said, not too sure what day though.

Pope gone?
Just noticed that the Pope's page has gone restricted. Been waiting on one of those awesome looking Runtz Bullionaire vapes longer than usual, then now he's gone.
No panic, just wondering if anyone knew what was up?
No panic, just wondering if anyone knew what was up?

My order still hasn’t turned up and the Pope hasn’t answered my messages.
I can see lots of positive comments for Pope but I can only go by my own experience. My 7g Of dolato didn’t arrive, his page was set to restricted and no comm’s received. I’ve ordered from NDWUK (on his site) multiple times, I’ve ordered from Radar Breeder and it’s been a great experience.
I can’t help feeling like I’ve been ripped off. I hope it comes good in the end and I really don’t want to go through escrow in a couple of weeks time
I can see lots of positive comments for Pope but I can only go by my own experience. My 7g Of dolato didn’t arrive, his page was set to restricted and no comm’s received. I’ve ordered from NDWUK (on his site) multiple times, I’ve ordered from Radar Breeder and it’s been a great experience.
I can’t help feeling like I’ve been ripped off. I hope it comes good in the end and I really don’t want to go through escrow in a couple of weeks time

Yeah, seems like there has been some weirdness going on. I do think that a lot of it has to do with Royal Mail in December as well. Seems like everyone is getting delays right now.
People have recommended to get tracked postage over December to get things faster. Hope everything turns out for you.
People have recommended to get tracked postage over December to get things faster. Hope everything turns out for you.

Do you know what the advantage of paying for tracked is at all? Because I can't see an order arriving any sooner through tracked than standard 1st class would if delays are affecting standard 1st why would tracked be any quicker? Standard 1st is taking almost a week for me atm.
I only ask because I want a few gs of shatter to come before Xmas and I'm wondering what my best course of action should be.
I only ask because I want a few gs of shatter to come before Xmas and I'm wondering what my best course of action should be.

I believe that the tracked packages get better treatment with the royal mail... it just took a week to get my standard 1st class order delivered.
I'm deff no post expert, but this is what was suggested to me by others that had success with it. I'll be testing it out if I order anything before Christmas.
I'm deff no post expert, but this is what was suggested to me by others that had success with it. I'll be testing it out if I order anything before Christmas.

I'm still waiting on my order and now Pope seems not to be answering messages. Ordered 28th November.
You're all very understanding and me too if I'm honest but they're all profit generating businesses and a level of customer service should be paramount.
You're all very understanding and me too if I'm honest but they're all profit generating businesses and a level of customer service should be paramount.

Update: Item arrived, all good =) Will be doing a review of this cart as soon as I get a chance... looks amazing.

good stuff bro! this is all reinstalling my faith popes not vanished into the sunset but more taking a week or two to sort something :)

Yeah, it seems like he did put out word before he left, I just missed it. Heard from people with more knowledge than me that there was a legitimate reason for him to take a quick break, such is life.

i had a first class arrive after 7 days
I really hope pope returns, cos he is my favorite vendor and provides some of the best smoke
I really hope pope returns, cos he is my favorite vendor and provides some of the best smoke

I just had a delivery today which is a full week late. They didn't frank the stamp so maybe the sorting machines have gone down causing delays. Radar breeder is a good seller.

what strains from radar is on popes level, never tried him so little nervous what to choose

Agree completely.
And that's good to hear as well, seems like there are a lot of delays regardless. I expect the package will be here early next week. Just him leaving at the same time as the delay had me a bit spooked, but thankfully it looks like it was announced.
This place has taught me patience more than anything else haha.
And that's good to hear as well, seems like there are a lot of delays regardless. I expect the package will be here early next week. Just him leaving at the same time as the delay had me a bit spooked, but thankfully it looks like it was announced.
This place has taught me patience more than anything else haha.

He answered both my messages yesterday and today. Still not received my order though which was placed on 28th of last month.

Damn, that's a long time. I hope everything works out... those vapes weren't cheap. Was my Christmas present to myself =/
I'm still hoping it's the christmas traffic and obviously some issues on the Pope's end getting orders out in time. Every other interaction has been great, so I can't imagine anything different.
I'm still hoping it's the christmas traffic and obviously some issues on the Pope's end getting orders out in time. Every other interaction has been great, so I can't imagine anything different.

I’ve managed to message him as a reply to the original order. Hopefully I get some response soon.
I’m guessing this might be because of the Christmas rush. Fingers crossed that it lands tomorrow or Monday =)
I’m guessing this might be because of the Christmas rush. Fingers crossed that it lands tomorrow or Monday =)

Snap-im waiting on the same thing actually mate. Spoke to the pope today and all is in hand mate, i assume the same for you mate. Drop him an msg and sure he’ll sort it out when he can get to it

Mine dropped today mate. Awesome quality this, something really special. Thanks to the Pope for upgrading delivery after recognising the error in dispatch

1 post
+2 votes
CBD buds?
I’d definitely be interested in 1:1 ratio THC/CBD bud if you can get some of that in.

CBD buds?
Hello all,
Any interest in the above? We can get indoor and outdoor uk legal high cbd strains. Lots of flavors and strains available, really really nice buds let us know if we should stock.
Any interest in the above? We can get indoor and outdoor uk legal high cbd strains. Lots of flavors and strains available, really really nice buds let us know if we should stock.

I would be very interested! As long as its nit the same hempy tasteless rubbish from the likes of hempelf or uncle herb and is tasty stuff i will buy some for sure

Would be nice to get some high CBD strains that still have poke a bit of a THC punch.
I got some OG Kush CBD from Next Day Weed that was nice, a real clean buzz. Would happily get some more of that.
I got some OG Kush CBD from Next Day Weed that was nice, a real clean buzz. Would happily get some more of that.

Hey GC
Now your coming home to LB maybe you could recommend anything youve come across that would be a not over powering mix with classic old world hash. God i miss tobacco
Now your coming home to LB maybe you could recommend anything youve come across that would be a not over powering mix with classic old world hash. God i miss tobacco

There are strains with a good amount of both cbd and thc. If God's connect can supply anything like this please let me know man.
Nice one
Nice one

Thanks for the suggestions we will look into that for sure and try get something sorted. For the mean time I would recommend our commercial Moroccan pollen in combination with a herbal smoking mix or one of our natural weeds such as Thai or Jamaican, that's been my persi for a while and makes for a very smooth smoke, high CBD content and no psychosis!

1 post
+1 votes

Shatter questions
Normally with shatter you should have a dab rig, i personally don't either, but i usually sprinkle it in a spliff as i pretty much don't use glass pie…

Shatter questions
I've been looking at getting some shatter but don't have a dab rig. Is there other ways you can smoke it? Like can you break it into a spliff or pipe or something??

Lots of ways without those ridiculous (imho) rigs. Chop up very little pieces into a joint or even a hand rolled Cigarette. Very efficient way to get THC into your bloodstream quickly.

That's weird. I've enquired with both of those and they both said they don't ship to UK.

I tried captain crunch, both the "wax" and "shatter" (There were two on offer and I ordered both)
It was my first time though. I bought a basic dab rig and blow torch thingy. (melted marshmallow is the best) Most people who dab want to avoid smoking mass amounts to get really stoned from what I can tell. I really like dabs. Definitely gets you high. I'm in Aus so have never seen any locally or anything, just here on lil big and youtube inst etc. You might be able to hot knife the dabs or a joint as mentioned but its actually really hard to work with. The "shatter" I got was more like honey and was as sticky as industrial glue or something. The wax was a little more handlable.
Anyway thought I'd share my experience.
Peace :)
It was my first time though. I bought a basic dab rig and blow torch thingy. (melted marshmallow is the best) Most people who dab want to avoid smoking mass amounts to get really stoned from what I can tell. I really like dabs. Definitely gets you high. I'm in Aus so have never seen any locally or anything, just here on lil big and youtube inst etc. You might be able to hot knife the dabs or a joint as mentioned but its actually really hard to work with. The "shatter" I got was more like honey and was as sticky as industrial glue or something. The wax was a little more handlable.
Anyway thought I'd share my experience.
Peace :)

Thanks mate. I tried nextdayweed they had some very tasty live resin. Highly recommended.

It's amazing mate. Incredibly strong and one hit gets you lifted for a good few hours. I highly recommend. I had the orange cheesecake and it was lovely.

Only thing, make sure it'd kept in the fridge. Once it dries out fully it doesn't taste anywhere near as good. Keep it in the fridge keeps it sticky.

I've had a couple of different live resins from NDW, they were both absolutely banging. I don't think they're that expensive for extracts, 40-50 per g is about right for the good ones. This was a touch over, but was right up there quality-wise. It's as potent as you can expect from an extract, you could get the same % cheaper, I'm sure... but you get a full whack of terps from these too. Really flavourful, with those synergistic nuances to the high...

yeah i've had the flower from them. I reckon its the quickest. took like a week to get to here to aus. tasty stuff too. will try the dabs next.
Peace :)
Peace :)

Consider wax it burns a little easier than shatter which is like a rock. You can even stick it into a cigarette if you chop it really fine?

Hi mate. Not sure how old this topic is but it sounds like you want a Dab straw/Nectar collector.
Where to get one:
The one I bought:
How to use one:
Where to get one:
The one I bought:
How to use one:
I've been using this little beauty for the last two years. Its definitely one of the best concentrate vaporisers out there!
Please excuse the cheesie vid
I've been using this little beauty for the last two years. Its definitely one of the best concentrate vaporisers out there!
Please excuse the cheesie vid

Normally with shatter you should have a dab rig, i personally don't either, but i usually sprinkle it in a spliff as i pretty much don't use glass pieces apart from my glass blunt which i only use occasionally, but if you have a pipe or bong you can easily just sprinkle it over the bowl.

4 posts
+19 votes

My time here
I think the last time I bought from any street dealers was way back around last year July. He fucked me over on the weight and I couldn’t be bothered …
+ 4 more

My time here
I've been here for just over two months now and In that time I've made 14 transactions with multiple items on some of them. This place is like a mini Amsterdam for me, the choices of quality weed/hash/oil and the wonderful vendors makes this a fun place.

22 buys now only been here 12 weeks. When was the last time you all buyed from the street? I really can't see myself going back to that way of life waiting around for shit weed with no choice but to smoke what they have. now i can pick what i want get the right strain for my head. My life is alot less stressful now so thank you to everyone that's made me feel welcome and a massive thank you to every vendor iv buyed from.

I think the last time I bought from any street dealers was way back around last year July. He fucked me over on the weight and I couldn’t be bothered with street dealers anymore. It was also very annoying waiting around for dealers as they’re so inconsistent. Then the CBD websites came about where I tried them for a few months, which helped me quite a lot, then I was gonna go on the deep web to buy my weed but fortunately didn’t, then I luckily found LB in December just by looking around on google and suddenly found this place from seeing NDWUK website and didn’t know if I should trust them or not so i googled more about them and found LB and I would never go back, I’d rather try and grow my own rather than street dealers tbh.

Me too Dragon. Street dealers suck arseholes. I got so annoyed waiting around for those inconsiderate losers and then to be let down on the weight, would rub salt into the wound. I’m Aussie but set up in London now. I used to grow back in the day and was good fun, but a bit stressful with the thought of being busted or ripped off, grew mostly outdoor and one big indoor crop, all for personal use for mates and I. Outdoor growing in Australia, Gold Coast Hinterland, is a piece of cake, easy to get monster buds, fully organic. Any good seed that I would get in a deal I would save to grow, some hydro seeds grew well outdoors but old world sativas like thai would naturally flourish and that shit can smack you hard and taste great. My secret weapon was bat shit. I used to crawl through an old gold mine cave to get bat shit for fertiliser.

Very true . I'm new here and have only made two purchases but hands down the best place online.Love the fact there is no keyboard warriors talking sh*t to people aswell.

I’m loving it too. I just like to smoke and there’s plenty of choice, I don’t need any hard shit, just weed. So freaking glad I found this site, no more dodgy pub deals.

very true, only found this site (by accident) a few months ago myself. made about 6 buys and all were spot on, quick, honest and great value. also once or twice guided by your review. cheers keep it up.

I found LB by accident too, I’m actually super glad about finding this site, great little community and great products. There’s always a variation and nice to speak to sellers and other buyers alike. Much like ‘mrspock89’ said it’s like a mini Amsterdam, I can get whatever I please and I love it! ;)

Just coming up to my one year anniversary in this place, 20 or so orders and never a problem, getting my head around Bitcoin was a bit hard but all smooth now. Love it!

Been here approx 4 weeks, 9 orders, approx 20 different items. I imagine this is what UK will be like when they legalise Weed/THCa products :) I can't fucking wait! Been over 2 years since I bought from a street dealer, in beteween I knew a guy that would grow from seed and I would buy in bulk so that the 2 weeks in between his harvest I would have enough to smoke/trade ;) But he sacked growing 4 months ago. So this place came along just in time.
What other market places are there? Just in case this one gets take down :(
What other market places are there? Just in case this one gets take down :(

Unfortunately there aren’t any other markets atm that are like LB apart from marketplaces on the deep web, but otherwise there aren’t any (of which I know of).

Well I’ve never personally checked out any of the marketplaces on the deep web I just know that they’re there.

Feel exactly the same Spock, the community, variety, security, all of it. A pinch required here and there to remind me this isn't just a wonderful dream!

7 so far ; ) so many things in my shopping basket, RB-Mimosa, Strawberry lemonade, Pablos Chocolate bud, and I MUST hit up GC again before they go. Did you try their banana OG sift? That was astounding, blazed the lot before I even thought to review

I use RB alot there budget pollen is so Moorish :p
I loved the banana og think I might have to get some before they go,got half a g saved for Xmas:)
If your looking for imported stuff the pope has the best stuff in that department.
I loved the banana og think I might have to get some before they go,got half a g saved for Xmas:)
If your looking for imported stuff the pope has the best stuff in that department.

Been here almost a year now. Still learning. I like how you can dip in and out of this place, it's very free flowing and has a speakeasy feel about it.
It's an amazing feeling knowing that fine West Coast cheeba will reach this green and pleasant land, brought to me direct by Potman Pat.
It's an amazing feeling knowing that fine West Coast cheeba will reach this green and pleasant land, brought to me direct by Potman Pat.

I'm looking at Pat saying high and I'm thinking to myself, nope I'm not high at all. I'm dry. Ordered last week. Track and trace shows the package landed at Heathrow 12pm Sunday the 8th and we're now on Thursday 12th and still nothing. I'm hoping it's at home when I get there after work.
FYI UK folk, I've been talking to a couple of posties I know and they are really busy with schools and most people returning to work after the holidays, so we just have to be patient.
FYI UK folk, I've been talking to a couple of posties I know and they are really busy with schools and most people returning to work after the holidays, so we just have to be patient.

Little update on the 5/10/19
I am up to 57 buys now with RB as my go to for my day time smoke (there budget pollen) + I get abit of green off them at the same time just to wet my beak :).
Things I will be doing this month.
1. 2 reviews
2. Putting some OCD smoking lists up
3. A review of me meeting Tommy Wiseau at a screening of the room
Watch this space :)
I am up to 57 buys now with RB as my go to for my day time smoke (there budget pollen) + I get abit of green off them at the same time just to wet my beak :).
Things I will be doing this month.
1. 2 reviews
2. Putting some OCD smoking lists up
3. A review of me meeting Tommy Wiseau at a screening of the room
Watch this space :)

cheers for all the help MRSPOCK89 on helping a newbie who is a computer dinosaur make his first few scores on LB!!
havent bought dealer weed in about 15 years, always grown my own in that time, made my own hash and cannabutter ISO etc
I found this place trying to find some decent import that matched what i used to get!
whens the Nepalese coming to these pages? :)
anyway, cheers again Spock, true gentleman! seems like a few are here! watch how you go buying edibles and or concentrates anywhere!
havent bought dealer weed in about 15 years, always grown my own in that time, made my own hash and cannabutter ISO etc
I found this place trying to find some decent import that matched what i used to get!
whens the Nepalese coming to these pages? :)
anyway, cheers again Spock, true gentleman! seems like a few are here! watch how you go buying edibles and or concentrates anywhere!

1 post
+2 votes

How solid is this site, should I keep backup contacts ?
No need to worry man, LB has been here for years. I would also like to see a back up, but at this rate there’s no need to as it’s going so smooth as h…

How solid is this site, should I keep backup contacts ?

Am loving this site, no more low grade weed and dealing with street dealers which put me of buying cannabis for many years. Am loving the health benefits of moderate evening use..and might make it a regular thing. I got connection problems to here regularly, and made me thing arent sites like this often under pressure to be closed by various agencies who try to put DOS on them ? And if so what backup info should I have to keep contact info for the vendors here .... or is there a mirror site which automatically goes on?

Yes there is a fork of littlebiggy called society which shares most of the data here. It requires the tor browser: http://societywcowsoak6.onion

No need to worry man, LB has been here for years. I would also like to see a back up, but at this rate there’s no need to as it’s going so smooth as hell. Anyways there’s no hard drugs on here like on the deep web, just weed a few other friendly one’s so need to worry about LB going down.

1 post
+2 votes

Classic strains(none new world cali) you may like to see.
I rate that man. Some classic strains there. Great selection too. I’d definitely have to agree with Sour Diesel, Chemdawg, NYC Diesel, fucking amazing…

Classic strains(none new world cali) you may like to see.
Hey LB
Put this up here as thought it most appropriate.
Thought it would be good to list strains the community may want to see on LB. I've seen these lists on the Cali sellers pages that come with the price tag to match there beauty. But some well grown, cured and priced classic strains would be great to see also.
A few for me to get started:
Green Crack, Purple Haze, Chemdog, Durban, Congo, NYCD, Sour D, Kali Mist, Chocolope, Cannelope haze, panama haze, columbian gold, Acapulco Gold, Chernobyl, Strawberry Cough, Maui Wowie, C99, Trainwreck, , Casey Jones, willy nelson, destroyer, White Widow, Skunk#1, Nevilles haze, Lemon skunk, Mango Haze, Pineapple express, Tangie, vortex, ATF, Strawberry Diesels, Chiesal, OG Kush, Sour OG, power plant, jack the ripper, swazi, black jack....
So many but when vendors are shopping for their new stock it just may sway them to stock them i thought.
Put this up here as thought it most appropriate.
Thought it would be good to list strains the community may want to see on LB. I've seen these lists on the Cali sellers pages that come with the price tag to match there beauty. But some well grown, cured and priced classic strains would be great to see also.
A few for me to get started:
Green Crack, Purple Haze, Chemdog, Durban, Congo, NYCD, Sour D, Kali Mist, Chocolope, Cannelope haze, panama haze, columbian gold, Acapulco Gold, Chernobyl, Strawberry Cough, Maui Wowie, C99, Trainwreck, , Casey Jones, willy nelson, destroyer, White Widow, Skunk#1, Nevilles haze, Lemon skunk, Mango Haze, Pineapple express, Tangie, vortex, ATF, Strawberry Diesels, Chiesal, OG Kush, Sour OG, power plant, jack the ripper, swazi, black jack....
So many but when vendors are shopping for their new stock it just may sway them to stock them i thought.

YES classic strains we need here. Skunk, Ak-47, Satori, white widow , lemon haze, Kush, Blueberry..

+1 for the blueberry, had some a while back but from limited stock unfortunately, really enjoyable strain.

Ye, cant forget AK. Love the Lemon too but have to be selective with the genetics. There’s just so many out there now

Northern Lights, G13, Silver Bubble, Batman, Armageddon, Skywalker OG, The White, Green Crack, Dr Grinspoon.

Back in 2003 I tried a strain that was known as Stone Henge/Stone Hedge. Only got it the once and have remembered it ever since.
Has anyone else out there ever heard of or tried this strain?
My tolerance was sky high back then, yet this one slapped my ancestors and the flavour was so distinctive. So earthy and savoury. Really exceptional.
While I recognise that the growers work is more important than the strain, I would be so happy to see this available.
It's been 16 years since I met her, but I'll never forget her. ;-)
Has anyone else out there ever heard of or tried this strain?
My tolerance was sky high back then, yet this one slapped my ancestors and the flavour was so distinctive. So earthy and savoury. Really exceptional.
While I recognise that the growers work is more important than the strain, I would be so happy to see this available.
It's been 16 years since I met her, but I'll never forget her. ;-)

That's a nice list, and I agree, would like to see more of the oldies here. I saw Jack Herer here a bit back, wasn't able to grab it... always love that northern lights and white widow.
Btw, just saw some dank looking Sour D on here:
Btw, just saw some dank looking Sour D on here:

I love Diesel man. But, Aren’t they a US seller? Would never risk import, an so i skipped past. But weirdly it says from UK as i take another look. Must be an error

Oh... I did think they were a UK seller, but yeah i agree, would never import flower myself. Worth a message to check I suppose

Hey Epix/LB
I received a reply and they confirmed a UK base now and they also sent a list of items theyre gonna be posting up very soon of top end Cali flower and Concentrates. Just to let other Biggaz know
I received a reply and they confirmed a UK base now and they also sent a list of items theyre gonna be posting up very soon of top end Cali flower and Concentrates. Just to let other Biggaz know

I would love to see Purple haze on here at some point, also Durban poison ans Skunk#1 would be awesome :)

I remember i had some amazing purple haze (true purple visually; big long, light but long stranded grain to it down the bud, almost airy. Its still the richest Purple i have ever seen in bud) in the late 90’s. Absolutely amazing, always searched for examples in the Dam and have been underwhelmed. Most dont even get the colour. From what I've read its exposure to cold towards the end of flowering which assists colouring. I dont know to this day whether it was home grown (early) or Import.

That sounds dreamy! Seen so many examples of old school Purple but never had the privilege of trying it which really bothers me lol. Your right man ive seen some examples of 'purple haze' in coffee shops but it never looked authentic to me either, maybe one day :( Thats interesting about the exposure to cold part, wonder why. Thanks! :)

I rate that man. Some classic strains there. Great selection too. I’d definitely have to agree with Sour Diesel, Chemdawg, NYC Diesel, fucking amazing strains, as well as those landrace strains!

Some nice looking Sour D just popped up here. I had just ordered when I saw it!

Nice. Cheers Blackdragon. Not a lot of activity on this post! Id hoped a few vendors might step in...
Problem with those beautiful land race Sativas is they take so long to flower and take so much space even with aggressive training so aren’t really commercially viable i suppose.
Step in any specialist Sativa gardeners who grow for Percy that may want a little extra income. LB would be a great place advertise some ;-)
Problem with those beautiful land race Sativas is they take so long to flower and take so much space even with aggressive training so aren’t really commercially viable i suppose.
Step in any specialist Sativa gardeners who grow for Percy that may want a little extra income. LB would be a great place advertise some ;-)

1 post
+3 votes

Horror movie recommendations!
The Thing, Salem’s Lot and Halloween.

Horror movie recommendations!

Hi friends!
Since its coming into spookier seasons I thought it might be fun to have a thread to recommend some horror movies.
I'll give 3 of my favs to start;
'In the Mouth of Madness'
John Carpenter's best horror film in my opinion. A must see for fans of lovecraftian horror.
'Train to Busan'
Korean zombie movie. Highly recommend.
'Jacobs Ladder'
A film that was a large inspiration for the Silent Hill videogame series. An uncomfortable psychological horror.
I look forward to seeing what y'all post!
Since its coming into spookier seasons I thought it might be fun to have a thread to recommend some horror movies.
I'll give 3 of my favs to start;
'In the Mouth of Madness'
John Carpenter's best horror film in my opinion. A must see for fans of lovecraftian horror.
'Train to Busan'
Korean zombie movie. Highly recommend.
'Jacobs Ladder'
A film that was a large inspiration for the Silent Hill videogame series. An uncomfortable psychological horror.
I look forward to seeing what y'all post!

Huge fan of Train to Busan and In the Mouth of Madness and really horror movies in general.
Another classic with Sam Neil is Event Horizon, probably one of my favorite all time horror movies tbh.
Some other good ones: Get Out, The Cabin in the Woods, It Follows, The Descent, A Quiet Place, Insidious... the list goes on =)
Another classic with Sam Neil is Event Horizon, probably one of my favorite all time horror movies tbh.
Some other good ones: Get Out, The Cabin in the Woods, It Follows, The Descent, A Quiet Place, Insidious... the list goes on =)

Such a solid list of films! Event Horizon is awesome. Such a great cast.
I've watched Cabin in the Woods so much. I want an extendable bong like the one in the film so bad lol
I've watched Cabin in the Woods so much. I want an extendable bong like the one in the film so bad lol

that was a nice ass bong.
Event Horizon ended up being a movie that me and my first gf ended up making out to a lot, because it was being shown on constant repeat on HBO in those days haha. I think I've seen that movie like 30+ times at this point.
Event Horizon ended up being a movie that me and my first gf ended up making out to a lot, because it was being shown on constant repeat on HBO in those days haha. I think I've seen that movie like 30+ times at this point.

Last shift is a gooden. It’s set in a police station that’s being decommissioned so there’s one police woman there for the ‘last shift’. Weird supernatural antics ensue only it’s extra scary because it’s brightly lit everywhere rather than a typical dark horror movie.

Would have to have a good think about my top 3 but i'd say these are still decent movies.
The Witch.
The Visit.
The Witch.
The Visit.

Quite a bit of hype around Hereditary last year (2018) so I avoided it. Finally sat down with some Jungle Cake and watched it last weekend. Loved it.

Can’t beat the classics. The thing, the shining, the fly are my personal choice.
Newer ones I’d say the ring, the conjuring, a quiet place, insidious 1, it follows, the hills have eyes etc
My favourite horror of all time is 28 days later. I love the whole ambience of that movie. So well done
Newer ones I’d say the ring, the conjuring, a quiet place, insidious 1, it follows, the hills have eyes etc
My favourite horror of all time is 28 days later. I love the whole ambience of that movie. So well done

Watched the ring again recently and it holds up so well. I actually prefer it to the Japanese version.
Haven't seen 28 days later in a while, was zombie obsessed as a teen so I kinda over watched it lol
Haven't seen 28 days later in a while, was zombie obsessed as a teen so I kinda over watched it lol

If you can recommend any that'd be great! I remember film 4 was doing a French horror season a few years back and they did a double bill of 'Ils' (2006) and 'Martyrs' (2008) both tremendous films!!
Just a heads up though, martyrs is very disturbing, in case anyone gives it a go
Just a heads up though, martyrs is very disturbing, in case anyone gives it a go

Yes I’ve seen martyrs, it is disturbing, at the end your left with nothing but a head fuck. I am trying to think of one in film in particular but I can’t remember the name. So I will get back to you on that.

Mother is an excellent choice of film, it’s very clever. Very. Not so sure on Horror side of things, but it’s a brilliant film.

An American Werewolf in London best horror film ever worth watching just for the scene in the porno cinema.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is a great sequel that doesn't get enough love. Very different to the original and much more fun. In my view the perfect movie for the Halloween season.

One of my favourite horror comedies! I actually found that movie through listening to buckethead. He made a couple concept albums with the actor, Bill Mosley (who reprised his role from tcm2 for the album)
Love the romance subplot with leathercace too!
Love the romance subplot with leathercace too!

That's a fun fact, I did not know that - will have to check those out.
Always surprised me that TCM2 wasn't that well received when it was released. Dennis Hopper thought it was the worst thing he was ever involved in.
People have warmed to it over the years and I consider it among the 80s classics and a better made film than the original. The sets and locations are some of the best I've seen in any film I can think of.
Always surprised me that TCM2 wasn't that well received when it was released. Dennis Hopper thought it was the worst thing he was ever involved in.
People have warmed to it over the years and I consider it among the 80s classics and a better made film than the original. The sets and locations are some of the best I've seen in any film I can think of.

Yes frontiers is a french horror movie, is very fucked up and I hope I never get lost in any kind of rural setting ever, as in all horror movies, these aren’t the sort of people to sit down with, have a cup of tea and slice of cake.

3 posts
+11 votes

The best hash?
I’d personally have to say GC has great hash when he’s got it in stock, the moroccan and sift hash that he gets in is great and always a clean smoke, …
+ 3 more
I’d personally have to say GC has great hash when he’s got it in stock, the moroccan and sift hash that he gets in is great and always a clean smoke, as well as hearing that Bazza has some great hash and I’m definitely looking forward to that when I get around to it, as well as RB who is fairly new, but I’ve tried the Bob Marley Pollen from him and it’s nice and mellow that’s for sure. Hope this helps!

been eyeing GC's menu, but its kiddy in the candy store. where do i spend my next pocket money. keep it up LB

That’s exactly how I feel man, it’s hard to pick what to buy next though, but I’m trying to get round to most of the products on LB!

Im smoking some critical from radar breeder, its exceptional quality an gets even better when you remember the price.
I love hash but cant be doing with the overly oily stuff like charas, its a nightmare to smoke through the bong i find (any tips on a better pull welcome).
I love hash but cant be doing with the overly oily stuff like charas, its a nightmare to smoke through the bong i find (any tips on a better pull welcome).

big thumbs up on the critical from RB, got my first supply this morning been smiling all day. :)

I've ordered some crystal candy from them.
My advice for a bong mix is use a small metal dish I find an old fashioned butter dish is the best and cut the fag up then get the sort hash an pick it apart into matchstick head size pieces. Now heat the dish up from the bottom moving the mix by shaking a bit then when you start to see a bit of smoke take it off the heat and mix with your fingers. You might need to do this once more but with practice your mix it right first time in the end.
Now you done that the oil from the hash will have infused into the mix just remember to never ever heat the hash up with a flame or all that thc will go up in smoke..
My advice for a bong mix is use a small metal dish I find an old fashioned butter dish is the best and cut the fag up then get the sort hash an pick it apart into matchstick head size pieces. Now heat the dish up from the bottom moving the mix by shaking a bit then when you start to see a bit of smoke take it off the heat and mix with your fingers. You might need to do this once more but with practice your mix it right first time in the end.
Now you done that the oil from the hash will have infused into the mix just remember to never ever heat the hash up with a flame or all that thc will go up in smoke..

Sounds like you have a good set up there for removing the oil, bit of a mission. I’m not much of a hash guy cause always wrecks my lungs but I tried Radars critical and was lovely and smooth. Do people buy the oily type of hash because of the flavour?

got some very very good soft pollen via bazza(good vendor) a few weeks ago, it was that good had to go back for seconds. greeny dark brown, very soft and squiggy, just roll to fit your spliff and enjoy.

Yeah I’ve heard a lot about Bazza too, as well as speaking to him about his new stock and upcoming stock, definitely going to order from him soon as I know his pollen and charas is rated highly, so looking forward to it.

1 post
+2 votes

Rif hash review, with Photos Inc 40x Magnification
Good first review man, I hope there are more to come!

Rif hash review, with Photos Inc 40x Magnification
Good afternoon fellow biggas, Here is my first review-I hope it helps!
Rif hash from DrugsInc, 3.5g Purchase.
First impressions. Amazing. Hash is overweight by 0.5g which is a very positive start! The smell is sweet, hints of fruits, mint and chocolate. Very malleable when warmed, soft yet sticky, but not in a way that would hinder a bigga. Would recommend cool storage for removal from packaging as it will smear if too warm! Very inviting smell, hoping it carries through to taste. (It does!)
Lighting up. Initial flavours are deep, original hash, almost mouthwatering. Burns evenly, smooth with a primo aftertaste. For those who have tasted the taste I speak of, its truly nostalgia inducing for all.
A well balanced product, from a trusted and professional vendor. The whole transaction, from communication and stealth to a top quality product, DrugsInc have excelled above and beyond what could be asked!
Photographs are standard lens and 40x magnification loupe.
I have tried to keep this review as factually descriptive as possible without conveying opinions which could be biased for each individual... That said, new school stuff is awesome, but this is timeless, original and borderline spiritual...for me ;)
Namaste my biggas, Peace x
P.s Struggling to get the photos up but they will follow!
Rif hash from DrugsInc, 3.5g Purchase.
First impressions. Amazing. Hash is overweight by 0.5g which is a very positive start! The smell is sweet, hints of fruits, mint and chocolate. Very malleable when warmed, soft yet sticky, but not in a way that would hinder a bigga. Would recommend cool storage for removal from packaging as it will smear if too warm! Very inviting smell, hoping it carries through to taste. (It does!)
Lighting up. Initial flavours are deep, original hash, almost mouthwatering. Burns evenly, smooth with a primo aftertaste. For those who have tasted the taste I speak of, its truly nostalgia inducing for all.
A well balanced product, from a trusted and professional vendor. The whole transaction, from communication and stealth to a top quality product, DrugsInc have excelled above and beyond what could be asked!
Photographs are standard lens and 40x magnification loupe.
I have tried to keep this review as factually descriptive as possible without conveying opinions which could be biased for each individual... That said, new school stuff is awesome, but this is timeless, original and borderline spiritual...for me ;)
Namaste my biggas, Peace x
P.s Struggling to get the photos up but they will follow!

hello sir
thanks for the honest review, looking to obtain another parcel shortly.
kind regards and Namaste
thanks for the honest review, looking to obtain another parcel shortly.
kind regards and Namaste

When did you run out? I placed an order a few days ago and would be happy to wait or recieve the candy kush instead. Just let me know.

hello sir
rif is back in stock and has been sent out. Thank you friends for your custom.
kind regards and much love
rif is back in stock and has been sent out. Thank you friends for your custom.
kind regards and much love

Nice photos, I was looking forward to seeing these when you first posted the review, and I agree with every word. It really is excellent hash.

2 posts
+9 votes

Herb Storage
I find that the best method of preserving your herb is air tight mason jars. Always able to keep the smell fresh and a great way for keeping your weed…
+ 2 more

Herb Storage
Would be interested to know people's opinion on storing your little bit of herb, to (A) Keep it fresh and lovely, and (B) Lock away those lovely aromas?
I've used a brown glass jar, that most people swear by, but found it can cure herb to the point that it's more harsh (weirdly). They seem good at locking in smells though. A good strong baggy works well for freshness, but can be less reliable at locking in sweet aromas.
How do you keep yours? Any methods that win both category (A) and (B)?
I've used a brown glass jar, that most people swear by, but found it can cure herb to the point that it's more harsh (weirdly). They seem good at locking in smells though. A good strong baggy works well for freshness, but can be less reliable at locking in sweet aromas.
How do you keep yours? Any methods that win both category (A) and (B)?

I find that the best method of preserving your herb is air tight mason jars. Always able to keep the smell fresh and a great way for keeping your weed just like it was when you first purchased it.

UV proof tightvac or kush like pop top pots. With a Boveda humidity sachet(62%). Works for me anyway! Hope it helps

This is what i'm looking at getting. Have also been looking into humidors. Anyone around had any experience with humidors?

This is actually the type of setup i'm looking for. Going to get a good rolling box where I can fit all my paraphernalia in and some nice smell proof jars as well.

This is what I keep my smoking box in a smoking cabinet 1880s/1890s so pretty old an my humidor on top for cigars :)

haha that's awesome! I'm actually moving into a new and bigger house next Friday... will be getting my own mancave/office setup in there... I see something like this in my future =) Exciting times ahead!

You should mate if you like old stuff i recommend something like that as when people see it they won't open it so it's perfect for keeping your weed hidden away out of sight :)

A friend of mine keeps his in a ziploc bag, then stuffs that inside a plastic water bottle, the kind used for sports. It never smells until you open the bottle and take the weed out.

That’s a good stealth method your friend has there so no-one can find it and should be decent for the smell, but preservation wise I don’t think it’s great, plastic baggies are the worst way for keeping weed fresh and makes your weed lose its potency quicker in terms of long term storage, short term it should be alright though.

In a glass jar with a nice cube of apple. To me herb
Stays fresher and the potency stays the same without the herb
Drying out.,
Stays fresher and the potency stays the same without the herb
Drying out.,

1 post
+2 votes

Buying bitcoin
Yeah I agree too man, localbitcoins is a godsend!

Buying bitcoin
Hey guys. I've always used coinbase but now it's a 5 day wait for the Bitcoin can anyone tell me if there is a similar way as coinbase but without the wait. Really made it much more difficult for me to buy. Thanks

Bittylicious is also another great site where to buy BTC fast and easy (UK/EU)
Check this topic:
Check this topic:

2 posts
+5 votes
Let us know how we can improve! (free goodies on next order for implemented suggestions)
I love me some kush too, always comes in proper nice and thanks <3
+ 2 more

Let us know how we can improve! (free goodies on next order for implemented suggestions)
Hey everyone,
We have been blown away with the reception on here, we love you all so much we are wondering how we can improve and make your time with us even better.
If you guys have any menu, stealth or packaging or just general customer feedback, we are all ears! We have access to a wide network of professional UK growers and an even bigger network abroad.
Feel free to post suggestions here or drop us a dm.
Lots of Love
GC x
We have been blown away with the reception on here, we love you all so much we are wondering how we can improve and make your time with us even better.
If you guys have any menu, stealth or packaging or just general customer feedback, we are all ears! We have access to a wide network of professional UK growers and an even bigger network abroad.
Feel free to post suggestions here or drop us a dm.
Lots of Love
GC x

Would love to see some iceOlator Hash and some very potent sativa flowers 25%thc+ . Your service is TOP class and hash is really good:)

Already looking into the iceolator hash seen some gg4 and lemon kush that looks mighty tasty trying to sort out samples atm. Keep an eye out on our menu, we have some CRAZY new flowers on the way :)

GG4 or Lemon Kush iceolator hash sounds great, if you could get Lemon Kush in flower form too then i’m all for it, but I’m sure the upcoming stock will be excellent as always.

New Stock!
Mandarin Dreams
Chem 91
Grape Fruit
Sugar Punch Crumble
Chem 91 Shatter
Mandarin Dreams
Chem 91
Grape Fruit
Sugar Punch Crumble
Chem 91 Shatter

Happy friday!
Here to help you ease into the weekend. Ive updated the menu with about 6 new delcious items.
Multi-pack deals/custom orders are just a message away.
God Bless
GC x
Here to help you ease into the weekend. Ive updated the menu with about 6 new delcious items.
Multi-pack deals/custom orders are just a message away.
God Bless
GC x

New exciting offer, when you place an order you now have the postal option of getting 5 gummy bears @ $2 a pop with your postage.
ships from: united kingdom
1st Class Royail Mail $5.00
(united kingdom)
Ireland / EU $15.00
(all countries)
1st class mail + 5 Gummy Bears $15.00
(united kingdom)
EU/IE + 5 Gummy Bears $25.00
New exciting offer, when you place an order you now have the postal option of getting 5 gummy bears @ $2 a pop with your postage.
ships from: united kingdom
1st Class Royail Mail $5.00
(united kingdom)
Ireland / EU $15.00
(all countries)
1st class mail + 5 Gummy Bears $15.00
(united kingdom)
EU/IE + 5 Gummy Bears $25.00

Great work on all the Cali bud guys!!! Wasn’t that impressed with the wedding cake tho. Excellent stealth don’t think that could be improved any better unless you was dropping it by drone lol. Would love to see some vape carts plz

Looking to try some of your products very soon as many look verrry tempting! I saw you had grapefruit a while back. Probably moved on since but would love to see that back as it was so tasty

No suggestions except dont stop what your doing lol and try use just as stealthy organic or bio diogradeable packaging if possible good stealth and try get in some purple haze or duban poisin organic if possible?and some lebanise hash as never tried it and very nice and quick replys and customer sevice and free goodolies and very decent or over weights peace

Would anybody be interested in Brass knuckle vape pens?
Here are the flavours....
Indica: Blueberry, Do-Si-Dos, Grape God, SFV OG, Skywalker OG, Tahoe OG
Sativa: Jack Herer, Maui Wowie, Sour Apple, Sour Diesel, Strawberry Cough, Tangie
Hybrid: Banana OG, Forbidden Fruit, Gelato, GG4, GSC
Limited Edition: Abracadabra (Hybrid), Gushers (Hybrid), Napalm OG (Indica),
Would anybody be interested in Brass knuckle vape pens?
Here are the flavours....
Indica: Blueberry, Do-Si-Dos, Grape God, SFV OG, Skywalker OG, Tahoe OG
Sativa: Jack Herer, Maui Wowie, Sour Apple, Sour Diesel, Strawberry Cough, Tangie
Hybrid: Banana OG, Forbidden Fruit, Gelato, GG4, GSC
Limited Edition: Abracadabra (Hybrid), Gushers (Hybrid), Napalm OG (Indica),

One little thing you could possibly do is give a normal baggy with every weed order. I like it when that happens.

Thanks for the suggestion,
We are trying to reduce our plastic consumption, those little baggies are really bad for the enviroment hence why we dont use them. If we find a biodegradable replacement, we will happily implement them.
GC x
We are trying to reduce our plastic consumption, those little baggies are really bad for the enviroment hence why we dont use them. If we find a biodegradable replacement, we will happily implement them.
GC x

1 post
+2 votes

Angry people
Yep, I found myself in the same situation too, rather annoying but what can you do. Unfortunately there is no mute or block feature on LB, but if they…

Angry people
Just logged on after a couple days to find messages box full of votes recieved. Some angry dude litrally going through all my comments down voting. Any way I can mute this ? I ain't bothered about votes let the kid what ever he wants just don't want the messages filling up my inbox. Thanks all !

Yep, I found myself in the same situation too, rather annoying but what can you do. Unfortunately there is no mute or block feature on LB, but if they implemented them I would be very grateful.

2 posts
+3 votes

Thc carts, unopened how long can you store them
Nah they shouldn’t be dangerous, will just taste different and most likely less potent, but not 100% sure on that.
+ 2 more

Thc carts, unopened how long can you store them
I have collected a few carts and and waiting for any news about the problems that are happening in the USA, I'm UK, How long do you keep carts stored for, I have a few unopened about 2months old, wondering how long they are good for. Any suggestions are welcome,

I’ve personally found that you can keep them for a few months until the carts go a bit weird.

Nah they shouldn’t be dangerous, will just taste different and most likely less potent, but not 100% sure on that.

Thanks for that, only dry vape as quit smoking baccy etc for health, love edibles and then vapes are like wow, but now I feel I'm taking a chance with my lungs,, so I treated myself to a zombie stick haha for my birthday coming up, hope they clear up what's hurting people and just legalize in the UK so you don't have to risk this kind of shit.

2 posts
+4 votes

No problem :)
+ 2 more

Hey guys can someone send me on a link for the popeofdope? I can’t find him/her on here and want to try them out . Thanks

2 posts
+5 votes
Is Royal Mail the preferred shipping method in the UK?
Most sellers on LB within the UK use Royal Mail for deliveries, usually they also have a price for postage ($5) and are received within 1 - 3 days wit…
+ 2 more

Is Royal Mail the preferred shipping method in the UK?
Looking at shipping methods currently.
I presume most sellers use RM, is this the case?
How many of you have had lost deliveries with tracked and non tracked services?
Does anyone prefer other options DPD, UPS, DHL etc
Particularly thinking these maybe preferable if customers want bulkier orders and also thinking that the tracking with dpd and its 1hr delivery window seems like it would be good to avoid delays and disputes. What do you think?
I presume most sellers use RM, is this the case?
How many of you have had lost deliveries with tracked and non tracked services?
Does anyone prefer other options DPD, UPS, DHL etc
Particularly thinking these maybe preferable if customers want bulkier orders and also thinking that the tracking with dpd and its 1hr delivery window seems like it would be good to avoid delays and disputes. What do you think?

Most sellers on LB within the UK use Royal Mail for deliveries, usually they also have a price for postage ($5) and are received within 1 - 3 days with first class. Not too sure about other countries though delivery to other countries though and bulk orders in assuming could still be quite good through Royal Mail, not too certain on the other deliver companies though.

I presume it is normal to use a recorded service so as to allay fears of unscrupulous buyers scamming by saying delivery failed?

Some sellers use recorded delivery and give a tracking number to their customers so the seller can check if the buyer has received it and if they buyer has said that they haven’t then they have a backup to show that they have, but it also protects the buyers. Some sellers have separate postage options though, one where the buyer does get the tracking number, which costs more and one where they don’t.

Have you received items with dpd here? Are there any particular down points known to using a courier service like them over RM?

No not from here all threw national post services , personally couriers in general are better than national post service, in saying that never had any problems yet with either my experience is courier is safer and securer in my opinion. Get it sent to local shop wen out for delivery that helps me

1 post
+2 votes

Best cartridges
MJconcentrates without a doubt.

Best cartridges
Just looking for a little nsight from some experienced users of cartridges whether they be made from the finest distillate or otherwise. What are the best carts on little biggy and why? Particularly sativas/ sativa dominant for me personally, but in generally for the masses. Cheers

I get most of my carts from Sayno2drugs-love the tracking
valleyheat is new but very, very good. Some great items and very reliable
valleyheat is new but very, very good. Some great items and very reliable

I'd have to agree. Homegrown MJ all the way. But once you know you can't go back. Sayno2drugs has the really good products. Just bought off valleyheat too. Managed to get delivery from 1stND, who valleyheat replaces.
Thing with carts is that it's a whole new way of tokin. You write the story of how you consume it. No more papers, rollin, sticky fingers, looking for a solitary place to toke.
Best products out there are kurvana, select and canndescent (which isn't available here......yet!) I'm also a big fan of the heavy hitters.
Like you I'm a sativa man and the flavours are amazing. Strongly recommend the maui wowie has a nice tropical taste to it. Tangie is another nice one and strawberry cough (cough every time), does what it says on the tin.
Only downside with carts is that you have to clean the vape pen around once a week. Pipe cleaners or cotton buds do the trick. Just be careful, can be sticky as fuck.
Thing with carts is that it's a whole new way of tokin. You write the story of how you consume it. No more papers, rollin, sticky fingers, looking for a solitary place to toke.
Best products out there are kurvana, select and canndescent (which isn't available here......yet!) I'm also a big fan of the heavy hitters.
Like you I'm a sativa man and the flavours are amazing. Strongly recommend the maui wowie has a nice tropical taste to it. Tangie is another nice one and strawberry cough (cough every time), does what it says on the tin.
Only downside with carts is that you have to clean the vape pen around once a week. Pipe cleaners or cotton buds do the trick. Just be careful, can be sticky as fuck.

Cheers, thinking of going with MJ for now as looking for UK vendor within my current budget. I'm sure I'll try more over time.

I took delivery of my first ditillate cart last night. The stone was immense. I was almost tripping in a completely pleasant and euphoric way. MJconcentrates.

1 post
+2 votes
Dope Disaster
That’s exactly how I feel about cannabis too man, way too many people are holed up on the old weed propaganda bullshit, I mean if the world today was …

Dope Disaster
Really amazes me that people still think of cannabis as this big bad gateway drug, like one smoke of the evil devils lettuce and you will want to go out and try heroin or stab someone. I fully agree cannabis might not be the best thing for some people but either is alcohol and you can pop to the shops and get as much of that as you like. Think the uk has a long way to go.

That’s exactly how I feel about cannabis too man, way too many people are holed up on the old weed propaganda bullshit, I mean if the world today was flipped and cannabis was legal and alcohol was illegal and treated exactly how weed is now then I guarantee that everyone would start to say that alcohol is a gateway drug it just depends on what the government wants us as a society to believe.

its just stupid that people still think like that even with everything we know about weed today and all the uses it has there will always be people that think the worst of it unfortunately, like you say if it was legalised a long time ago i think people would think a lot differently about it and would have found another drug to blame for problems. just no winning with some people :L

3 posts
+5 votes

Rif hash
Sure thing man, would love to see it and hear your review on it!
+ 3 more

Rif hash

I must say the flavour of the hash was what impressed me but then the stone hit and kept hitting great hash and a must buy 10/10 from me

I got it from drug inc but he’s currently closed till the 8th it premium rif hash

Appreciate it man, looks like some quality hash right there, I hope you enjoyed it mate.

It lovely man still got a nice piece left I use it as a top for my bud haha I’ve got some locally source bubblehaze I’ll up load a photo of the bud later if you like, I can never post without a photo

1 post
+1 votes

Ships from UK?
There’s a lot of UK Vendors that ship from the UK, some that I would recommend are Gods Connect, ThePopeOfDope, UK420, NDWUK, MedManUK and many others…

Ships from UK?
Anybody else ship from within the U.K.?
I'm already aware of THC in the UK & Tasty Kush.
Is there anyone else?
I'm already aware of THC in the UK & Tasty Kush.
Is there anyone else?

There’s a lot of UK Vendors that ship from the UK, some that I would recommend are Gods Connect, ThePopeOfDope, UK420, NDWUK, MedManUK and many others, but them vendors are just the ones that work the best for me. However, the rest of the vendors are great too, but some I haven’t even had the pleasure of trying yet. Hope this helps!

Radar Breeder is UK based, he's always responsive and has great quality bud. He's my go to guy on here check him out!

1 post
+3 votes

New user here, curious about all this. Is it possible to deliver in the UK without having an unwanted knock at my door f…
Yes, you’re in safe hands here. You’ll never need to worry about getting a knock on the door by any form of authority. Just make sure to pick a vendor…

New user here, curious about all this. Is it possible to deliver in the UK without having an unwanted knock at my door from local establishment?
New user here, curious about all this. Is it possible to order on here for delivery in the UK without getting an unwanted knock on my door from local law?

Yes, you’re in safe hands here. You’ll never need to worry about getting a knock on the door by any form of authority. Just make sure to pick a vendor that is active, you can see this by seeing underneath the sellers picture as it states when they were last online and make sure to pick a vendor with a high rating and good feedback in general and you’ll be all good.

Welcome to heaven :) Yes.
As PoD said, the vendors with the highest ratings have earned them by providing great service, which includes stealth measures.
Take time to look at what's on offer, check the vendor's page for reviews of the product and their service, and try not to be too put off by the occasional negative feedback, if everybody else is bigging them up - sometimes things do go wrong, but my personal experience is 100% success on 10 deliveries so far, with this approach.
As PoD said, the vendors with the highest ratings have earned them by providing great service, which includes stealth measures.
Take time to look at what's on offer, check the vendor's page for reviews of the product and their service, and try not to be too put off by the occasional negative feedback, if everybody else is bigging them up - sometimes things do go wrong, but my personal experience is 100% success on 10 deliveries so far, with this approach.

2 posts
+2 votes

Where are the origins?
Glad I could help!
+ 2 more

Where are the origins?
Hi, when an item has 'from ...' does this mean where it was grown, or where it is posted from. Want to make sure I am not risking international ordering :)

Hi there, at the top of the ‘items’ section it should state where the items ships to, so select your country and when it states where it’s from beneath the product picture it just means where it’s getting sent from so if you’re from the UK only order from the UK and so on, it makes everything easier and less risky overall. Hope this helps!

1 post
+2 votes

Fruit Stix Review. Item available from Drugs Inc UK
Good review man, helps out with everyone here at LB, especially new users and all. Hope you enjoyed it though, even if they went quite quickly!

Fruit Stix Review. Item available from Drugs Inc UK
I did not purchase this product and have not received a Gratuity in any form from the vendor.
Two .5g pre rolled spliffs. They come in a nice little tube and opening the tube releases a smell that is really great.
Such a shame that 5 drags and the spliff is smoked, no strong flavour other than what tasted like tobacco, which is a shame because the smell from that tube was really good.
The high creeps up and is absolutely spot on. A really chilled 1.5 hour high that did not couch lock and puts a good spin on my afternoon.
I saved one for bed time and I have to admit, it was really good. I had one of the best nights ever. A slow creep up high whilst watching TV in bed and then I woke up feeling really ready for the day ahead.
Not really recommended if you are a heavy user, heavy users would probably like this for a quick hit.
Novices would enjoy this item a lot and it is great for a cheeky smoke in the park or straight after work. A short high but nice high that does not couch lock.
Item available from Drugs Inc UK.
Two .5g pre rolled spliffs. They come in a nice little tube and opening the tube releases a smell that is really great.
Such a shame that 5 drags and the spliff is smoked, no strong flavour other than what tasted like tobacco, which is a shame because the smell from that tube was really good.
The high creeps up and is absolutely spot on. A really chilled 1.5 hour high that did not couch lock and puts a good spin on my afternoon.
I saved one for bed time and I have to admit, it was really good. I had one of the best nights ever. A slow creep up high whilst watching TV in bed and then I woke up feeling really ready for the day ahead.
Not really recommended if you are a heavy user, heavy users would probably like this for a quick hit.
Novices would enjoy this item a lot and it is great for a cheeky smoke in the park or straight after work. A short high but nice high that does not couch lock.
Item available from Drugs Inc UK.

Good review man, helps out with everyone here at LB, especially new users and all. Hope you enjoyed it though, even if they went quite quickly!

1 post
+2 votes

How do I get my Bitcoin into wallet to place order?
Once you've purchased your bitcoin and want to place an order, the site that you order your bitcoin from should show that you have a wallet for receiv…

How do I get my Bitcoin into wallet to place order?
Can't seem to figure out for the life of me how to get my BTC into this marketplace to place my order? So unbelievably confusing... Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Just get to a bitcoin atm and deposit cash in and input your wallet id. done. head on to or and place orders to pay with bitcoins.

Once you've purchased your bitcoin and want to place an order, the site that you order your bitcoin from should show that you have a wallet for receiving and sending bitcoin/transactions. When you've placed your order and it's waiting for a payment on the transaxe page, then you need to copy and paste the bitcoin address to the sending bitcoin part on the bitcoin website that you have decided to use to purchase bitcoin, hope this helps!

1 post
+2 votes
Master Kush Review!
started topic

Master Kush Review!

Next day delivery, the bud is excellent, small to medium buds like GC stated and very dense, nice indica effects, felt super relaxed almost immediately after smoking, the bud also smells very unique, nice hash smell with piney and citrus undertones. It also has an earthy taste when smoked and quite spicy. White ash too. 10/10

5 posts
+12 votes
Gotta catch em all
Yeah I saw this article a while back, would be great to actually smoke all of them strains, but I’m very far off of accomplishing that.
+ 5 more

Gotta catch em all
some crazy strains here think i just found a new goal in life, would be quite the achievement to have had every one there still a few to go yet..

I used to keep a list & ratings on all the strains I tried. It was awesome when I first started and tried so many different ones.

I kinda still do that, I just try and remember all the strains I’ve tried and the one’s that I haven’t I just hope I can try out in the future and thanks to LB, I’m getting closer and closer to that goal. But for now I wanna try and get some landrace strains but that seems almost impossible as of right now.

I've tried it already and i must agree definitely some banging bud, although on the cheaper/less quality side of things, but it's sess so what do you expect. I wanna try out strains like durban poision or Hindu Kush or some Lamb's Bread, but can't find a source for them :(

I can get hold of them strains from another vendor of LB for a good price Been very tempted to start selling what I can get hold of just to paranoid to start sending things out haha

Yeah i get that man, it's always risky sending your own stuff out otherwise i'd do it myself and start making some wax out of the strains i purchase, but if you can get a hold of them just send me a message and i'm sure we can come to some sort of conclusion, thanks.

Well right now the top strains I can get hold of is Colorado Bubba, OZK or Bacio Gelato that's just the top teir strains will se if I can get a hold of what you are after man :)

I'm very ocd about smoking lists will write up properly what I do one day but I will say I write down ever bit of smoke I buy for how much what it is how many joints I get out of it done this for almost 4 years now and for almost 2 years iv writen down in a dairy what time I smoke each joint an with who I smoke it with. I know bit crazy but I can't stop now lol so my advice don't start a list like I have if you have ocd

That's quite an achievement in its self, i dont think i would have any were close to enough patience to start writing down all that after every smoke either that or i would just flat out forget that i was keeping a list after a few strong smokes :L

It's hard to start with but in the end you have all this data on how much you smoke prices you pay ect

I do find it quite interesting been able to look in a book and know all this, kinda like a stoner diary i like it :)

In my life diary I write what it's like... been writing what time I have a joint an who with for just over 20 months an close to 4 years on how many how much and from who lol I'll have a count up of the pages later but I'm sure it's alot

something definitely needs done with all this information. If it is anything like your reviews i think we have the beginning of something brilliant here :)

Only the best stuff I get iv written the reviews down and if it's not good then I do the same aswell so I don't really write down stuff in the middle the normal stuff. Since Iv been using LB i haven't been writing them as much as its always good weed so i pick an choose what i put up. Im really not sure why i write all this down reviewing my weed an dealers coz I know it will never be able to be used but for my own records it's there lol

I really think a lot of buyers could use this information whether bought of LB or not. Buyers could use it as an honest opinion of a strain or at least close to it, i know a strain might affect every one different but you seem like quite the experienced stoner and i trust your reviews. id happily help you right it up to get this stuff on LB but not dealers names obviously haha

21 pages back to front with 16 lines on each one so a shitload
I don't always use the last line
I don't always use the last line

Yeah I saw this article a while back, would be great to actually smoke all of them strains, but I’m very far off of accomplishing that.

Yea same here but a boy can dream :P some lovely sounding strain in there all right, if only that was a menu to pick and choose from.

that's a cool checklist. I count 25 for me although Acapulco Gold and Panama Red were both over 35 years ago.

well i have a bit to go before catching up to you guys im only on like 12, think i need to up my game and get to work.

Think a trip is going to be needed at some point in the near future, just have to remember to come home haha

1 post
+4 votes
Welcome Back
started topic

Welcome Back
Woah, just saw the new menu, really beautiful looking bud on here, might have to try some out, even though i stated i'd stop, but it looks too damn good, hope everything has been well GC, looking forward to doing business with you again!

1 post
+2 votes
What weed related lingo do you use?
I have a few quirky ones in my book, but whenever my mates are high as hell, I usually call them a spaceman due to how they walk :D (very slowly and s…

What weed related lingo do you use?
I have some weed lingo I only use with my friends I smoke with.
For example, when you're so high that you walk to the kitchen to get munchies but you forget the journey there, we call that "teleporter status" as you must've teleported there.
Let's create a glossary of our own weed words!
For example, when you're so high that you walk to the kitchen to get munchies but you forget the journey there, we call that "teleporter status" as you must've teleported there.
Let's create a glossary of our own weed words!

I have a few quirky ones in my book, but whenever my mates are high as hell, I usually call them a spaceman due to how they walk :D (very slowly and seems like they just found a new planet)

2 posts
+6 votes

How do you celebrate 4/20?
Usually on 4/20 i'll be smoking with my mates round mine. It'll most likely be the same this year, but if not, then i'll be playing some Borderlands: …
+ 2 more

How do you celebrate 4/20?
4/20 is coming up and it's on a Saturday this year! I'll be waking and baking!
I'm hella excited because I got a new bowl for my favorite bong (Bong Marley) and I'm not going to use it until 4/20.
My only other plan for the day is to get hella stoned and watch 2001: A Space Odyssey. Excellent movie to watch while stoned!
I'm hella excited because I got a new bowl for my favorite bong (Bong Marley) and I'm not going to use it until 4/20.
My only other plan for the day is to get hella stoned and watch 2001: A Space Odyssey. Excellent movie to watch while stoned!

Don't know yet but will try to involve some fun and adventure I'm gutted no one on Lb is selling any cannabis infused chocolate eggs as 420 is over the Easter break. Imagine cracking open a cannabis infused hollow egg and finding a nice nug on the inside.

Usually on 4/20 i'll be smoking with my mates round mine. It'll most likely be the same this year, but if not, then i'll be playing some Borderlands: GOTY on Xbox One, whilst getting high, should be fun to kill some Psycho's and Skags! ;)

4th April is my daughter's bday so a double celebration, I celebrate with some berries and pancakes and then lite a juicy bat before enjoying the rest of the with the fam. Ps after 1pm I'm waiting to lite up again because I love it hahaha and cmon it's 4/20 rite lol

1 post
+3 votes
Have your say on our next hash addition to the menu, votes will lead to goodies ; )
Damn, i'm personally going to have to say either the Lebanese Cream or Scorpio Stamp, can't decide on just one though.

Have your say on our next hash addition to the menu, votes will lead to goodies ; )
Hello all,
Current choices are as follows...
1. Moroccan mountain Creme de la creme pollen Eggs
2. Lebanese cream
3. Hardala Indian Hash
4. Morrocan Bubble Hash
5. Scorpion stamp (same guy as elegant bastard)
6. "Golden Block"
Get your votes in!
Current choices are as follows...
1. Moroccan mountain Creme de la creme pollen Eggs
2. Lebanese cream
3. Hardala Indian Hash
4. Morrocan Bubble Hash
5. Scorpion stamp (same guy as elegant bastard)
6. "Golden Block"
Get your votes in!

The hash bunny delivered a delicious treat! First time we have seen these pollen eggs. Unwrapping from the clingfilm was a bit of a challenge, each layer got more and more oily and sticky until we reach the heart! Just from the smell look and feel we can tell this is a winner. Honestly smells like sweet coco rich chocolate and what I would imagine the Moroccan mountain air to smell like. Incredibly moreish, I have it on my desk while I work and keep giving it a sniff lol. Also has a mentholy spicy aroma that is very present, same sorta smell you would find in normal Moroccan hash but just much much present which is a indication of its strength. We will see how the other samples turn out, but I think this is a must add!

Wow! What a smoke, really clear headed intellectual high, with a noticeable body high that isn't overwhelming. Tastes like lighter version of how it smells, incredibly smooth smoke with jet white ash. This stuff is incredible, can't wait to get some samples out to you lot :D

Lebanese cream and simply to try moroccan eggs my good man, scorpion stamp and the bubble as second choices.

Yes Yes Yes and Yes the eggs and the bubble Mmmm
They all sound so good
A Wee bit of them all :)
They all sound so good
A Wee bit of them all :)

Damn, i'm personally going to have to say either the Lebanese Cream or Scorpio Stamp, can't decide on just one though.

Hello all,
Thanks for voting, the eggs will be in this week the other stuff we are not sure yet as our plug is being unreliable. Those who voted please remind us on your next order and we will send you out a handsome sample of the eggs.
Thanks for voting, the eggs will be in this week the other stuff we are not sure yet as our plug is being unreliable. Those who voted please remind us on your next order and we will send you out a handsome sample of the eggs.

I have a personal sample coming of the leb,indian and bubble, will get a sample sorted of the Moroccan and post photos here :)

The leb and the eggs have me very interested!! If they are anything like The banana og and the soft morrocan you had then I know ill be in heaven!

I vote on no. 1 mountain eggs by the description they sound the nuts il have mine sunny side up?

In light of all the drama and seizures we won't be able to get any of these in :( However we have a solid replacement. Cali dry sift "Banana Og"!!!!!! Its delicious, will be in stock upon our return :)

Lebanese or morrocan eggs would have to say also as I'm half morrocan lol but like others said they all look really good peace

1 post
+2 votes
Suspending service until Royal Mail get their shit together.
Sad to hear that your items aren't getting to your customers on time and people are receiving their items late, but good to know that you're informing…

Suspending service until Royal Mail get their shit together.
After receiving numerous complaint about late delivery we have decided to suspend our services until the delivery's catch up or Royal mail get there shit together. We will re open once the back log clears and we work out what is going on. All orders have been sent out same day as per usual however they are taking around a week to turn up.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
After receiving numerous complaint about late delivery we have decided to suspend our services until the delivery's catch up or Royal mail get there shit together. We will re open once the back log clears and we work out what is going on. All orders have been sent out same day as per usual however they are taking around a week to turn up.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hey all,
Sorry for worrying you, we are still working on the shop atm. Implementing a whole new system and uploading new stock. Sorry about the wait we will be back soon!
Sorry for worrying you, we are still working on the shop atm. Implementing a whole new system and uploading new stock. Sorry about the wait we will be back soon!

Anybody else having problems with shipping to Ireland? Waiting on 2 packages from 2 sellers since the 1st of July.. usually only takes 4 days. Just wondering should I hold off on ordering anything else. Really dont want to go buy shite locally..

Ya I did message the Pope 2 days ago and nothing back yet and gods connect resent package last week so really dont know what's going on as I've got 3 packages since I ordered them 2 on the 1st. Cheers man

Man fellow paddy here. For the first class mail offered by some of the vendors can u opt for the tracking option minus having to sign for it on delivery?

Royal Mail have been horrendous in my area recently. It took 4 days for my order to arrive but it was worth the wait. Thanks GC!

I was sorry to read this, had been looking forward to seeing the new pretties this week, as well as your Cali X Shortcake update (almost offered to smoke it for you, as you still don't seem to have had time to, hehe). Fingers crossed that those affected receive the backlogged orders before the weekend, and that there are no further issues.

Sad to hear that your items aren't getting to your customers on time and people are receiving their items late, but good to know that you're informing everyone about it and yeah i'd also recommend waiting until the backlog has cleared and then take on more orders when everything's cleared up. I ordered from another seller the other day and my item seemed to arrive the very next day, however it was a very small order therefore i'm assuming if people are paying for bigger orders then it's down to royal mail as i know that bigger orders can take longer. I know that the way you send items off has changed in terms of the packaging which could add to this problem. Also, it usually depends on the area where the people are getting their order delivered to e.g. what part of the UK they are from. Overall though, i'd say it's down to royal mail to play catch-up.

Its a real pain in the backside, some people have had no issues others have literally been waiting a week. Will let this week pass and start again once everyone has been sorted.

1 post
+3 votes
Royal Mail has been a bitch recently, it’s taken a while for any of my packages to arrive, regardless of whether I purchased from LB or not. I think it’s just up to them to play catch-up like Gods Connect said.

I've had 2 parcels in the last 3 weeks go missing. And 3 parcels took ages when they normally take 4 days.. So I dont know what's going on .

2 posts
+6 votes
Shop Renovation's
No. THANK YOU!!! <3
+ 2 more

Shop Renovation's
Hello all,
As some of you may have noticed our stock is a little sparse at the moment and this is because we planning to implement a whole new pricing and stock system that will benefit you little biggians tremendously. What we can say is we have some REALLY exciting new products with REALLY attractive pricing which we can't wait to share with you all. We are trying to implement this all as quickly and professionally as possible but it is a lot of work so please just have patience with us as we transition to the next level.
Thank you all for your patience and cooperation, can't wait to serve you all and continue being GODS CONNECT!
Ps Orders will not be affected through out this period, and keep an eye open for the changes to the store through out the next month or so
Love you all!
As some of you may have noticed our stock is a little sparse at the moment and this is because we planning to implement a whole new pricing and stock system that will benefit you little biggians tremendously. What we can say is we have some REALLY exciting new products with REALLY attractive pricing which we can't wait to share with you all. We are trying to implement this all as quickly and professionally as possible but it is a lot of work so please just have patience with us as we transition to the next level.
Thank you all for your patience and cooperation, can't wait to serve you all and continue being GODS CONNECT!
Ps Orders will not be affected through out this period, and keep an eye open for the changes to the store through out the next month or so
Love you all!

Hey all,
Since we are currently offline due to the Royal mail issues we have decided to do some work on the shop. Hopefully should be back up and running by next week with new products and new packaging.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Since we are currently offline due to the Royal mail issues we have decided to do some work on the shop. Hopefully should be back up and running by next week with new products and new packaging.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

I’ll be keeping a look out man, nice to hear that you’re implementing new changes into the menu. As well as, keeping us updated on the new products and pricing, good work man keep it up.

Hello all,
We have acquired a microscopic camera to take some really cool close up shots. We have updated most of our listings with our new photos with the exception of sealed products. Hope you find them as cool as we do :)
We have acquired a microscopic camera to take some really cool close up shots. We have updated most of our listings with our new photos with the exception of sealed products. Hope you find them as cool as we do :)

1 post
+2 votes

I’d recommend waiting around till NDWUK has some of their bubba kush in, real nice indica, heavy couch lock and get some shatter too, a nice hybrid sh…

I’m looking for the most potent weed on LB.
Something that gonna proper give me a head rush
And glue me to the couch. Anybody have any recommendations?
Something that gonna proper give me a head rush
And glue me to the couch. Anybody have any recommendations?

I’d recommend waiting around till NDWUK has some of their bubba kush in, real nice indica, heavy couch lock and get some shatter too, a nice hybrid should do you nicely and just smoke them both in a j.

Get some shatter to , put some in with a j and I think that would be sufficient does trick for me . Cheap as well

1 post
+3 votes
Iv used MJconcentrates,thc in the uk,uk420,gods connect, the pope of dope,Radar Breeder and hollyweed

Gods Connect, Radar Breeder, ThePopeOfDope, Cali World and NDWUK. Hope this helps and I can vouch for all of them too, great vendors. Haven’t had the pleasure of trying Cali World yet as I just order from UK sellers myself, but top selection right there.

1 post
+2 votes

Unfortunately no one on LB sells isolate that I’m aware of from the UK, I’m sure some US vendors do, but I’ve never bothered to look.…

Morning Guys and girls. Does anyone have any THCa Isolate or can anyone get any?

Unfortunately no one on LB sells isolate that I’m aware of from the UK, I’m sure some US vendors do, but I’ve never bothered to look.

1 post
+2 votes

Much like you stated i'd also recommend using localbitcoins as its a very good website for getting bitcoins as it's my go to wallet. However, fees var…

found this site ages back an was an still am really happy, noted that i would need bit coin,and learn how to use pgp, and thought i,d tackle btc first,decided to try getting btc via virwox cos back then they excepted paypal which seemed an easy way to go. then virwox didnt except pay pal but,i noted they would except paysafe payment,so i open up account with paysafe, standard one says you can spend £250 a month,go to deposit £50 from paysafe to virwox,only to be told by paysafe i would have to up grade my account,now paysafe i,m in contact with an they it seems like to drag their heels regards your money, next i will be trying paxful(appreciate any comments about this site) hopefully i,ll be able to score eventually, and it will be from who mailed me back awhile ago,all the best to everyone on

It seems like you are seeking complexity and frustrated with the path that brings.,, coinbase, bitpanda, are just a few of the easier paths open to you. forget paysafe, thats another middleman to live without.
However if you do want to go a path of increased privacy and obfuscation localbitcoins or paxful is a good idea, the learning curve has a much better payoff becuase there are thousands of individual traders that use it.
However if you do want to go a path of increased privacy and obfuscation localbitcoins or paxful is a good idea, the learning curve has a much better payoff becuase there are thousands of individual traders that use it.

Much like you stated i'd also recommend using localbitcoins as its a very good website for getting bitcoins as it's my go to wallet. However, fees vary depending on the seller you're getting your bitcoins from as it doesn't have a stable rate like it does on other sites. Just make sure to purchase from sellers with a high reputation and good feedback and you should be sorted, very easy to use and great security measures. Hope this helps!


I use coinbase not had any problems so far... my limit was only £50 a week to start but now I'm up to £150 a week which is enough for now.

2 posts
+4 votes
Weekly Menu Drop and premoted products!
Glad to hear it man. Very happy with the choices as I’m sure many others are. Glad to hear master kush got a place on the upcoming products <3…
+ 2 more

Weekly Menu Drop and premoted products!
Hello all,
New menu drops will happen every weekend, usually on a Friday but keep and eye on the menu over the weekend as this is when we will be updating and uploading new products to our menu. We will post new drops here and then add them to our home page. Premoted products will also be anounced around these times and will result in the product being on sale for at least two weeks.
New menu drops will happen every weekend, usually on a Friday but keep and eye on the menu over the weekend as this is when we will be updating and uploading new products to our menu. We will post new drops here and then add them to our home page. Premoted products will also be anounced around these times and will result in the product being on sale for at least two weeks.

Menu drop 15/06/19
Morrocan hash eggs
Reeces penut butter cup 25 mg edibles
Kinder Bueno Bon bon 25 mg edibles
Jamacian Sess
Premoted Product
Og Kush Shatter!
Morrocan hash eggs
Reeces penut butter cup 25 mg edibles
Kinder Bueno Bon bon 25 mg edibles
Jamacian Sess
Premoted Product
Og Kush Shatter!

Stuff coming up this weekend
Wonka bar edibles
Cali x Shortcake
Holy grade Lemon Skunk
Holy Grade Sour guava
Holy Grade Road Dawg
and a bunch of new cali fire if the Gods bless us :)
Stuff coming up this weekend
Wonka bar edibles
Cali x Shortcake
Holy grade Lemon Skunk
Holy Grade Sour guava
Holy Grade Road Dawg
and a bunch of new cali fire if the Gods bless us :)

Hey all,
Have a bunch of options for the next additions, we have sampled the lot and are going with
Tangerine Dream
Death Bubba
Candy Kush
Black Russian
Lemon amnesia Sift hash.
Option are as followed
Chunky monkey
Master Kush
Green Crack
Cali Kush
Super Silver Haze
Moonshine Haze
Rolls Royce Sift hash
Scorpion Critical Sift hash.
We would not want to compete with other vendors selling the same products so we will not be getting the Rolls Royce or Scorpion however let us know if theirs anything else on this list you like and if there is enough demand we will grab it :)
Hey all,
Have a bunch of options for the next additions, we have sampled the lot and are going with
Tangerine Dream
Death Bubba
Candy Kush
Black Russian
Lemon amnesia Sift hash.
Option are as followed
Chunky monkey
Master Kush
Green Crack
Cali Kush
Super Silver Haze
Moonshine Haze
Rolls Royce Sift hash
Scorpion Critical Sift hash.
We would not want to compete with other vendors selling the same products so we will not be getting the Rolls Royce or Scorpion however let us know if theirs anything else on this list you like and if there is enough demand we will grab it :)

Wicked responses people, I am glad we are on the same wave length. We should have this by the end of the week if not early next week :)

The lemon amnesia sift hash and tangerine dream might very well have to get got....delish! El chapo is amazing with a strong gassyness to it, would be amazing if you could get that

Looking forward to the green crack I love her to bits but my favourite girl of all time - the missus is super silver haze cants wait for them well done gods connect

New options for the upcoming stock sound great GC, i'd love to see some Master Kush or some Green Crack as i haven't had the pleasure of trying them yet! However, that Tangerine Dream and Death Bubba are pretty much exactly what i'm looking for, so i'm glad you've decided to choose that as a part of the new products on the menu!

Any chance you can get hold of some quality vape cartridges? A distinct lack of them for the UK on here. CO2 extraction process rather than BHO if possible.

Crazy menu drop! I can't wait for the lemon amnesia hash, I'd love some green crack or moonshine haze also. Keep up the Lords work

New strains coming in...
Tangerine Dream
Death Bubba
Candy Kush
Master Kush
Lemon Amm Sift hash.
Should be in early next week ; )
New strains coming in...
Tangerine Dream
Death Bubba
Candy Kush
Master Kush
Lemon Amm Sift hash.
Should be in early next week ; )

Glad to hear it man. Very happy with the choices as I’m sure many others are. Glad to hear master kush got a place on the upcoming products <3

Its lovely and strong, we couldn't decide between candy or the master. Also we are getting Green Crack as well :)

24/06/19 Week Menu
Gods Private Reserve:
Kinder 25 mg Bon Bon
Cali X Shortcake
25 mg Reeces Cups
Wonka 450 mg THC Milk Choco Bar
Divine Grade:
Connect Cannabis "Dosi-Punch"
Road Dawg
Holy Grade:
UK Classic "Lemon Skunk!"
UK Sweet and Sour Guava (New genetics!)
Disciple Grade:
Mixed Trim
Gods Private Reserve:
Kinder 25 mg Bon Bon
Cali X Shortcake
25 mg Reeces Cups
Wonka 450 mg THC Milk Choco Bar
Divine Grade:
Connect Cannabis "Dosi-Punch"
Road Dawg
Holy Grade:
UK Classic "Lemon Skunk!"
UK Sweet and Sour Guava (New genetics!)
Disciple Grade:
Mixed Trim

Have you thought about having a email list to send out so if people are not on here they still know what you have.

17/06/19 menu snap shot
Clickable Current Menu
Gods Private Reserve:
25 mg Reeces Cups
SmartCart Distillates Vapes
Cali "Banana Og" Dry Sift Hash
Divine Grade:
Morrocan Pollen Eggs
Morrocan Soft Sticky Pollen (Sativa)
Cali Terpy and Piney OG kush!
Holy Grade:
Rasol Spicy Crumbly Chocolate Indian Charas
Spicy, Menthol Clean Morrocan Hashish
Disciple Grade:
Sweet Fruity and Resinous Jamaican Sess
Clickable Current Menu
Gods Private Reserve:
25 mg Reeces Cups
SmartCart Distillates Vapes
Cali "Banana Og" Dry Sift Hash
Divine Grade:
Morrocan Pollen Eggs
Morrocan Soft Sticky Pollen (Sativa)
Cali Terpy and Piney OG kush!
Holy Grade:
Rasol Spicy Crumbly Chocolate Indian Charas
Spicy, Menthol Clean Morrocan Hashish
Disciple Grade:
Sweet Fruity and Resinous Jamaican Sess

1 post
+2 votes

Who has the best weed? UK only
Tbh I've had my fair share in buying from vendors, but if your looking for fast, discreet delivery and quality products i'd personally have to say God…

Who has the best weed? UK only
Hey calling customers with buys only no vendors, whats the best?? Concerned the quality is not as good as people are claiming for what I've seen.

Tbh I've had my fair share in buying from vendors, but if your looking for fast, discreet delivery and quality products i'd personally have to say Gods Connect. But i have also bought from NDWUK, UK420 and Pablosgreenhouse in the past and they were all great, apart from a few issues here and there. However, i'm guessing the other UK vendors are just as great and i will definitely be trying some of their products whenever possible.

I try to pick from items with photo reviews but generally I have found it fucking good in most cases.

Thepopeofdope , gods connect and radar breeder for me so far! And im completely not biased but i ain't brought from others yet

3 posts
+6 votes
If less than 10/10 feedback for our services, please contact us, Goodies for feedback suggestions!
After a lot of thinking I do feel as if this idea and Artisan Extracts, Xenia and GC’s ideas are all great for LB and the ideal way of rating. Persona…
+ 3 more

If less than 10/10 feedback for our services, please contact us, Goodies for feedback suggestions!
We have recently had a few not so good feedback ratings. These are all from our 1g samples so we are not sure if its tactical or the customer genuinely didn't enjoy the product or our service and the actual feedback is left blank.
If you have left < 10/10 feedback, please get in contact with us on how we could of improved your order, genuine improvement and suggestions that we implement will result on free stuff with your next order or free samples of new stuff we get in.
Who ever left this, please contact us immediately, we want you to be satisfied with your order and need to know why it wasn't up to your liking.
6/10 Holy Grade: Spicy, Menthol Clean Morrocan Hashish
rated today took 2 days to arrive
Another thing to mention, if you are for any reason unsatisfied with your order, contact us first rather than leaving a bad feedback. We want to do everything in our power to satisfy you and we can't do that if you have left us negative feedback without letting us know why or that there was even a problem in the first place.
We are here to work with you and to continue providing the best service and products on Littlebiggy we will do anything to make sure that is the case, just let us know!
We have recently had a few not so good feedback ratings. These are all from our 1g samples so we are not sure if its tactical or the customer genuinely didn't enjoy the product or our service and the actual feedback is left blank.
If you have left < 10/10 feedback, please get in contact with us on how we could of improved your order, genuine improvement and suggestions that we implement will result on free stuff with your next order or free samples of new stuff we get in.
Who ever left this, please contact us immediately, we want you to be satisfied with your order and need to know why it wasn't up to your liking.
6/10 Holy Grade: Spicy, Menthol Clean Morrocan Hashish
rated today took 2 days to arrive
Another thing to mention, if you are for any reason unsatisfied with your order, contact us first rather than leaving a bad feedback. We want to do everything in our power to satisfy you and we can't do that if you have left us negative feedback without letting us know why or that there was even a problem in the first place.
We are here to work with you and to continue providing the best service and products on Littlebiggy we will do anything to make sure that is the case, just let us know!

This seems like a good approach. With products that can be so personal in preferences of flavour, effect, smell or looks I can see people giving low feedback scores based on personal preferences rather on the actually quality of a product. As an example, the product maybe a perfect example of X indica with the correct flavour, smell and sedative effect for that variety, but the customer is not really used to that strain and does not understands what those traits should be and gives lower feedback score.
I am in the process of setting things up to share my wares and as a new seller looking at getting into things with no rating it does worry me.
Anyway I think this approach is about as good as you can get to combat this issue??
I am in the process of setting things up to share my wares and as a new seller looking at getting into things with no rating it does worry me.
Anyway I think this approach is about as good as you can get to combat this issue??

I feel like this idea would work quite well and is quite efficient tbh. Personally, I've only left a 7/10 rating once rather than a 10/10 that was due to the product not being to my liking, but deleted it shortly after talking with the seller due to them not wanting me to hurt their reputation, previously i did like all of the other products the seller sold, perfect delivery and very discreet, but nowadays they won't let me purchase from them for that reason, otherwise i would, i just feel like consumers would rate only lower than 10/10 based on their personal opinion of the product and whether it was to their taste or not just like with me on a one off occasion. I only rated it 7/10 for that reason, i mean delivery was perfect and discreet on that one occasion just like the other times, but i just didn't like the products i purchased that one time. I understand why it can annoy some vendors, i would be annoyed myself, but you must understand not everyone likes the same thing. I feel like this concept of free goodies would be good, but i highly doubt it would make someone change their genuine opinion on the product they purchased. Just being honest with you here mate, but goodies won't always resolve a bad rating, it's just that people have different tastes!

If that is their genuine opinion on the product then we respect that, but it would be nice to get some sort of feedback review on the feedback, for example what didn't they like about it and if their is anything we can do within our power (excluding personal preference on the product) to improve (shipping, packaging, customer service).

I am wondering whether a scoring system that is split into several ratings might be a helpful tool for both buyers and sellers.
1-score for delivery time
1-score for stealth
1-score for item as described
1-score for customer service
1-score for delivery time
1-score for stealth
1-score for item as described
1-score for customer service

Solid suggestions people, big fan of this comment. I think establishing a feedback review formula will be beneficial for both customer and vendor. I am on the fence about bringing personal preference and taste feedback reviews.

Glad you approve dude. I think it would make it easier for sellers to know where improvements need to be made to the service and also give a more valid guide for customers on what to expect from a sellers service. I don't think personally that preferences such as taste or effect which are very personal should be part of the scoring. I think a product review is the best way for customers to share their personal take on a products qualities. This way a customer can still give a 10 score for item as described in the scoring but go onto say things like 'the flavour was to earthy and not fruity enough for my liking' or 'the effect was to seditive/couchlock for my liking' etc

Absolutely, they can leave a score using the feedback standardisation and also leave personal comments and feedback to that score. Lets get a post up and see if others approve. I am happy with your criteria, does anyone else have anything to add?

I think a lot of people both buyers and sellers would really gain alot from a system like this. Your probably better starting the post as you are much better known and respected than me as a full noob.

haha fair enough, I will wait for a few more suggestions on this thread and then I will start one up.

This makes a lot of sense. At the moment, it's hard to know what basis you're rating on.
If I may make a suggestion, delivery time, stealth and customer service could be combined into one category "Service". So only two categories 1. Service 2. As described. Very simple for people to understand - also one factor can make up for another - say delivery was delayed for unknown reasons but communication was excellent, would still warrant a very high Service score.
Say someone sent you Bisto instead of isolator hash, really fast with great stealth, that would still fail on both 1.Service and 2.As described. (this has never happened, just using it as an example).
As others have said, preferences about what terps you like, Indica vs Sativa etc etc etc belong on a separate review page that doesn't effect seller ratings.
If I may make a suggestion, delivery time, stealth and customer service could be combined into one category "Service". So only two categories 1. Service 2. As described. Very simple for people to understand - also one factor can make up for another - say delivery was delayed for unknown reasons but communication was excellent, would still warrant a very high Service score.
Say someone sent you Bisto instead of isolator hash, really fast with great stealth, that would still fail on both 1.Service and 2.As described. (this has never happened, just using it as an example).
As others have said, preferences about what terps you like, Indica vs Sativa etc etc etc belong on a separate review page that doesn't effect seller ratings.

After a lot of thinking I do feel as if this idea and Artisan Extracts, Xenia and GC’s ideas are all great for LB and the ideal way of rating. Personal preferences should be added in a separate review, for example the product page as a separate topic rather than adding to the review page which will affect the sellers rating overall. I’d say adding an extra part to the review could also be good and adding a disclaimer to say that the end of the review is what they personally like and dislike about the product. However, at the start, the main review should be whether it was anything like it was described and how the delivery was and how the communication was with the seller.

I would say maybe 4 options is too much if we want to keep it as simple as possible. But I think 3 options would be minimum. You could split it like this maybe:-
Delivery - rating based on both delivery time and level of stealth.
Customer service - rating as based on coms and any extra lengths the seller goes to to keep customers happy (free sample/gifts etc).
Item as described - as it says.
Delivery - rating based on both delivery time and level of stealth.
Customer service - rating as based on coms and any extra lengths the seller goes to to keep customers happy (free sample/gifts etc).
Item as described - as it says.

One problem with ratings is potential buyers have no idea who left the comment. Scammers have several login names or friends pimping for them. That muddies the water.
I sign my reviews so people can see look up my record and see 3+ years and 100+ buys or just PM me with questions.
Ratings aren't helpful when they are bogus-anonymous ratings have very little value
I sign my reviews so people can see look up my record and see 3+ years and 100+ buys or just PM me with questions.
Ratings aren't helpful when they are bogus-anonymous ratings have very little value

I get you, i feel like that would be a good option for customers testing out your products, specifically 'samples' as they do go for the cheapest price due to the quantity of the product that customers are getting. I'd say that the best option a customer can do who isn't fully satisfied with a product from any vendor like yourself would be to message the vendor first in order to tell them about the experience with the product/numerous products. I feel like this would be a very good approach as you can tailor towards the customers needs and wants and how they want to be treated as customers. I feel like the shipping, packaging and customers service that GC is delivering atm is the best that i've experienced from littlebiggy. One thing that i would like to say is that the free goodies option would definitely bring in new customers and returning customers again and again and again, it's definitely something that i look forward to when it happens, but it's definitely not expected or something that should be taken for granted. I've noticed before with other buyers that once they have received free goodies from a vendor previously then they suddenly expect it all the time and when this isn't fulfilled it can deter some customers and therefore making them leave a rating lower than 10/10 which i think is silly, but it's just how some people are.

1 post
+3 votes

The topic can only really be edited when no-one has commented or posted on the topic apart from yourself. After numerous other people comment hen it w…

Does anyone know if a topic can be edited, once added? If so, where is the edit button?

The topic can only really be edited when no-one has commented or posted on the topic apart from yourself. After numerous other people comment hen it won’t allow you to edit or delete the topic. Hope this helps!

2 posts
+4 votes
Smart Carts will be back within the next two weeks!
Glad to hear it bro!
+ 2 more

Smart Carts will be back within the next two weeks!
Hello all,
Had a lot of requests for these and we are very happy to announce that we will have them again within two weeks :D very limited amounts on this drop but should hopefully be a regular supply.
Had a lot of requests for these and we are very happy to announce that we will have them again within two weeks :D very limited amounts on this drop but should hopefully be a regular supply.

Spoke to the plug y day they still haven't been sent which I am not happy about, last time I spoke with him said they had been sent and this was two Fridays ago.

Thanks for letting us know. I really appreciate it. Tbh, I take a 30 day sabbatical once a year, this year it's first week of May till first week of June. So, I'll get in touch at some point in June to see what goodies you have for us.

They look great. I've been itching to buy something off you. Been seeing all them flowers looking nice and lovely but I'm vaping. I'm after a Sativa and have been itching to try the green crack. DM me when you have some.

Will do bud, we have this sat dominate flower on discount atm

Sounds good, looking forward to it, was hoping there would be some stock soon for vape cartridges!

Hi GC!
I don’t seem to be able to see your menu (really want to try these smart carts!) would you be able to DM me when they are in?
Happy holidays :)
I don’t seem to be able to see your menu (really want to try these smart carts!) would you be able to DM me when they are in?
Happy holidays :)

3 posts
+6 votes

Bob Marley's weed aka supreme ganja
Very interesting article, I’ve always looked around for Jamaican strains as they’re landrace strains, but it would be a cool idea if this could actual…
+ 3 more
Very interesting article, I’ve always looked around for Jamaican strains as they’re landrace strains, but it would be a cool idea if this could actually go through and you could recreate the strain that Marley used to smoke with the same genetics and the same phenotype! Unfortunately though, never had the chance to smoke a well known Jamaican strain just Jamaicans Sess from GC, but it’s still a very good smoke.

Couldn't agree with you more. I've currently evolved to seeking out some Landrace strains, am smoking Durban poison at the moment. Honestly a really good, mild, smooth smoke.

Unfortunately I haven’t had the pleasure to smoke some Durban Poison or any well known landrace strains yet, the closest I can source at the moment would be GC’s African Brick Weed or the Jamaican when he had it in, as well as Marley’s Ghost UK ‘Flossed Up Thai’. I’m definitely in the same boat as you though trying to source landrace strains as I just want to experience them really due to them being tied to a specific location.

Yeah, the African and Thai ones looked amazing. But I only unfortunately vape now (lifestyle choice). But saying that was with a friend yesterday and her partner rolled up with some flower and it was an indicia too and I don't do either. Nice to switch it up once in a while.

I must agree with you on the African and Thai, both look very interesting and real different from the normal products I purchase from here. Tbh I find vaping a nicer, soothing high, not as intense as flower I find, but it’s nice to switch it up in a while and definitely less harsh on the lungs when vaping, which is always a treat. Also you have the advantage to make your own vape cartridge with flower and extracts if you choose to do so which is always a positive.

1 post
+4 votes
Banana OG Photo Review
started topic

Banana OG Photo Review

Next day delivery like always, great looking hash, quite sticky and breaks apart with ease. Lighter color when broken open, very similar to the hash in the bottom two photo's from your personal stash. Sweet and sickly smell when broken open and has a deep hash smell with skunk undertones when squished. Sadly i couldn't smell any hints of banana, but real clean smoke, smooth as anything, with white ash when smoked and i'm assuming CBD is definitely present as i feel very relaxed whilst writing this review and the high creeps up on you. Also if you set a lighter to it, it bubbles quite vigorously and sometimes the flame stays lit if you intend to do the 'bubble test' on it. Overall, great smoke once again.

2 posts
+5 votes
If you’re getting more of that Jamaican sess, make sure to count me in, always great to get for a budget smoke, lovely stuff.
+ 2 more

Gods Private Reserve: Out of this world quality. Exotic or incredibly rare strains that have turned out exceptionally exceptional. This is rapper weed quality, stuff that dispensary employees keep for themselves.
Divine Grade: Top shelf dispensary grade that has the wow factor in nearly all regards.
Holy Grade: Mid shelf dispensary quality. Great value for money usually lacking in a one of four attributes
Disciple Grade: Bottom shelf quality, the highest quality budget smoke you can get.
Divine Grade: Top shelf dispensary grade that has the wow factor in nearly all regards.
Holy Grade: Mid shelf dispensary quality. Great value for money usually lacking in a one of four attributes
Disciple Grade: Bottom shelf quality, the highest quality budget smoke you can get.

Love the syste
A mate wanted some so I told him how gods connect grade ther stuff and after he spent 2mins looking he picked I think it was the Rasol Spicy Crumbly Chocolate Indian Charas hes going to make his own profile now keep up the impressive work cant wait to get more of the sess weed.
A mate wanted some so I told him how gods connect grade ther stuff and after he spent 2mins looking he picked I think it was the Rasol Spicy Crumbly Chocolate Indian Charas hes going to make his own profile now keep up the impressive work cant wait to get more of the sess weed.

Thanks man appreciate the business referral. We won't let him down and should have it next week!

If you’re getting more of that Jamaican sess, make sure to count me in, always great to get for a budget smoke, lovely stuff.

Your mate is in for a right treat when he orders more products from LB, place is a goldmine, especially for new buyers!

1 post
+2 votes
Preferred packaging styles
I’d personally prefer flower to be packaged in foil bags, pop tops or vacuum sealed. I’d love if I could get concentrates in glass jars, that would be…

Preferred packaging styles
Hey lb crew. I'm a noob to the whole Internet side of the UK market and was always hesitant about getting involved with the DW side of thing?, but now after I recently found lb I feel I might have the right avenue to start sharing a few batches of very high grade 'Artisan' products I produce with the UK community.?
So my question?
I am looking into packaging currently and unsure which route to go with the various products?♂️ so looking for some buyer feedback.
1. How do you Prefer your flower to be packaged? Foil bags, poptop plastic tubs, glass jars, tuna tin style or something else?
2. How do you prefer your concentrates to be packaged? Slick sheet squares in foil bags, polystyrene jars with silicon inserts, glass jars or something else?
3. How do you want oil vape cart storage tubes to be packaged?
4. How would you like edible capsules/sweets to be packaged?
Thanks in advanced for any responses???❤
So my question?
I am looking into packaging currently and unsure which route to go with the various products?♂️ so looking for some buyer feedback.
1. How do you Prefer your flower to be packaged? Foil bags, poptop plastic tubs, glass jars, tuna tin style or something else?
2. How do you prefer your concentrates to be packaged? Slick sheet squares in foil bags, polystyrene jars with silicon inserts, glass jars or something else?
3. How do you want oil vape cart storage tubes to be packaged?
4. How would you like edible capsules/sweets to be packaged?
Thanks in advanced for any responses???❤

I’d personally prefer flower to be packaged in foil bags, pop tops or vacuum sealed. I’d love if I could get concentrates in glass jars, that would be a great addition for storing it, as well foil bags and parchment paper as they are a good combo. Not too sure about storing vape carts or edibles though, but they could both be good in foil bags I guess. Hope this helps <3

Thanks for the feedback buddy. I prefer to use glass jars for my personal concentrate storage as both worry about potential chemical leaching from badly made silicon or plastic jars. Also they are more easily reused / recycled.

On this subject can any UK guys recommend any good stealth smell proof packaging suppliers? I've been looking at so far but range seems limited and labeling is too generic.

1 post
+5 votes

Can somebody please explain how this site works? There's no search and stuff....
If you’re new here, let me help you navigate though Lb, although I haven’t been here for too long compared to a lot of vendors and buyers. On LB, ther…
If you’re new here, let me help you navigate though Lb, although I haven’t been here for too long compared to a lot of vendors and buyers. On LB, there is currently no search option in order to allow you to search for specific products that you want. To see all the products available, click on the ‘items’ section, however you must consider that some items are hidden due to vendors’ preferences. If you need help at any stage, the ‘help’ page is to the top right of the website. The ‘topics’ page holds all topics that have been discussed by everyone who are signed up to LB, when you log in you’ll notice that the most relevant topics or most recent topics pop up first and the most talked topics will be in separate section underneath the most recent ones. The ‘people’ page is everyone’s on the site that wants to appear on search engines and on the site, some aren’t visible didn’t to them not wanting to be seen which is their preference which can be found in the ‘settings’ section if you have an account, otherwise this feature is not visible. I hope this helps!

I'm still kinda new here myself. As far as I know you just have to click items and scroll down the list. I often will scroll through the list but look for different sellers and click on their profiles to see everything they have.
I found biggy via google so I think you could possibly use google to search the site but some people have their profiles set to block search engine bots.
Hope this helps!
I found biggy via google so I think you could possibly use google to search the site but some people have their profiles set to block search engine bots.
Hope this helps!

I just keep moving around the site until I find what I want. Be glad it is inconsistent in what the site shows you each time for security purposes.
The more I "look around" the more I see. As you buy or participate, more things will open up for you.
Good luck
The more I "look around" the more I see. As you buy or participate, more things will open up for you.
Good luck

This place is what people call in England a bootsale.
Iv not been here very look but I know this place now think of it like everyone has stalls with diffent bits on there you need to walk round to each one and see what they have. Look up the different vendors on the items page and i would suggest trying to stick to your own country for first few times I made a rule to myself never to buy out of the UK as it's not worth the risk in the long run. Vendor won't always be on the people page so stick with the items page.
Iv not been here very look but I know this place now think of it like everyone has stalls with diffent bits on there you need to walk round to each one and see what they have. Look up the different vendors on the items page and i would suggest trying to stick to your own country for first few times I made a rule to myself never to buy out of the UK as it's not worth the risk in the long run. Vendor won't always be on the people page so stick with the items page.

I agree with mrsock89. I (USA) used to buy from UK vendors and got good product but it took forever to get across the pond. 3-6 days if you buy from a USA vendor and less risky, less cost, less anxiety, etc.

1 post
+2 votes
best vape for cartridges?
Only tried NDWUK's vape cartridges before, great Zkittles cartridge available from them, not too sure if it's still available, but they sell great car…

best vape for cartridges?
Wanting to give cartridges a go will any vape do the job?

He's beat me to it. A standard 510 thread battery is pretty much universal and will work on nearly all carts.
You can use a mod vape but I've found its too powerful even when you adjust the voltage. The optimum level to combust the liquid/oil is 3.7v and the battery shown below is preset at that voltage.
Mj concentrates has had some really good strains, the blue dream and strawberry cough. 1st national is also very good.
Just a word of warning though, just be careful as the carts tend to be very strong and the convenience of tokin anywhere means you can toke wherever, it's very discreet.
You can use a mod vape but I've found its too powerful even when you adjust the voltage. The optimum level to combust the liquid/oil is 3.7v and the battery shown below is preset at that voltage.
Mj concentrates has had some really good strains, the blue dream and strawberry cough. 1st national is also very good.
Just a word of warning though, just be careful as the carts tend to be very strong and the convenience of tokin anywhere means you can toke wherever, it's very discreet.

Id like to order but im new to this can you help me i i bought a cartridge about 2 weeks ago and ran out. Can not get hold of it anywhere.

Only tried NDWUK's vape cartridges before, great Zkittles cartridge available from them, not too sure if it's still available, but they sell great cartridges and soon i'm going to venture out buying cartridges from other seller's, but much like bigbudder said thc in the uk is most likely a good option too as i'm going to be purchasing from them at some point in the future and i'm definitely looking forward to it as they have products on here that other vendors don't offer. In terms of a vape you could get i'd just say get a standard 510 thread vape, NDWUK have also just put up their newest product which is a Brass Knuckles pen which i'm guessing is just as good if not better!

1 post
+2 votes

Looking to buy some green in uk......Amy recommendations?
As the other guys said. I mean it’s up to you really who you purchase from depending on the items that you like. But I’m also gonna add GodsConnect an…
I've been buying here for a few months now, all of the above plus bazza, pablosgreenhouse. all good stelth and fast turn round and escrow included.

As the other guys said. I mean it’s up to you really who you purchase from depending on the items that you like. But I’m also gonna add GodsConnect and MJ Concentrates as you can trust them too along with the other vendors that have already been mentioned by Westy8 and puffman.

1 post
+4 votes
Order ratings - Days to arrive
Hey djschuby, i also tend to count the days after it's sent rather than when i place the order, as some vendors have specific times of when you purcha…

Order ratings - Days to arrive
When you rate your orders, do you count days to arrive from the time you placed the order, or from the time the seller marks the order as sent?
I've been counting days since my orders are marked as sent. Just curious if everyone else does this or not.
I've been counting days since my orders are marked as sent. Just curious if everyone else does this or not.

Hey djschuby, i also tend to count the days after it's sent rather than when i place the order, as some vendors have specific times of when you purchase your products in order to get same day dispatch/next day delivery, which is always helpful,but yeah don't worry about it i literally do exactly what you do and i'm sure many others do the same!

when ordered. That's what counts. If a vendor holds an order for 3 days, that counts against him. I want my product shipped same day or next day.

1 post
+4 votes
Technical question
VPN and Tor is probably the best option compared to just Tor alone, it's always worth it to use more security and your anonymity is at a higher rate.

Technical question
What do people here think (especially computer experts), for the best online privacy and discretion, is VPN + TOR > TOR on it's own?

VPN and Tor is probably the best option compared to just Tor alone, it's always worth it to use more security and your anonymity is at a higher rate.

Hey black.
Yes I’ve actually got seven pollen products I will be posting in the next few weeks. When I get a couple of winners I’ll keep them stocked for the foreseeable future. I’m really after the best available with trying to keep the prices real as can be.
Message me when you next place your order;-)
Yes I’ve actually got seven pollen products I will be posting in the next few weeks. When I get a couple of winners I’ll keep them stocked for the foreseeable future. I’m really after the best available with trying to keep the prices real as can be.
Message me when you next place your order;-)

3 posts
+4 votes

should I start worrying?
I’ve personally never purchased from them before, however I have thought about it due to the items that they sell and I’m from the UK also. If they ha…
+ 3 more

should I start worrying?
I order from one of best vendor but it been 11 days no items ??
I text him but No answer
I text him but No answer

Dispute your order before time runs out and take to escrow. You should get refund. Everyone else does if not received.
Go to the link above here and send message with order number,
Go to the link above here and send message with order number,

Hey Mundo, May I ask what vendor you purchased from as some are on a break atm, as well as what country you’re from?

Supply for the products is also quite problematic atm among some vendors, therefore that could be a reason as of why you haven’t received you’re product/s.

I’ve personally never purchased from them before, however I have thought about it due to the items that they sell and I’m from the UK also. If they haven’t responded via private message and they haven’t contacted you at all throughout the time that you purchased from them I’d get a refund for now and would suggest using a different vendor until they message you back and notify you of what’s happened if you’ve waited 11 days already and nothing.

I text him and he answer my quest “ hi are you send my items” and he say “ yes” but 5 days letter nothing maybe is bcs I live in nowhere farmhouse nearest city is in 6 mile I’m wait NP and thanks

1 post
+1 votes

I'm honestly not too sure what's happening myself with UK420, great vendor, just not sure if they're selling atm, don't believe they are, but i hope s…
I'm honestly not too sure what's happening myself with UK420, great vendor, just not sure if they're selling atm, don't believe they are, but i hope soon that they get some items back in stock and come back to LB.
If i was you i'd personally message UK420 to know the current situation and their whereabouts, hope this helps!
If i was you i'd personally message UK420 to know the current situation and their whereabouts, hope this helps!

Hi guy's,
As Bigbudder said I took a much needed break from it all, I have now returned and have some old and new products back in stock. Some items may not be found on the items page, so pop to my profile and you'll get to see full stock on offer.
I do apologise in delay in responding, I have only now come across you post.
As Bigbudder said I took a much needed break from it all, I have now returned and have some old and new products back in stock. Some items may not be found on the items page, so pop to my profile and you'll get to see full stock on offer.
I do apologise in delay in responding, I have only now come across you post.

1 post
+5 votes
Ghost OG and Chemdawg Order
started topic

Ghost OG and Chemdawg Order
Forget about the review i done for the London Pound Cake, that doesn't even compare to the two strains i recently received, next day delivery, astonishing smell for both strains, they make you wonder what you've been doing with your life if you haven't already tried them both out :D Haven't smoked either yet, but will edit this later when i have, i recommend anyone and i mean anyone to pick up both of these strains, whether you are a buyer or seller, i guarantee you will not be disappointed.
Not even joking with the rating, both of these strains have easily made it into my top 5 list just from the smell alone and that's saying a lot!
Not even joking with the rating, both of these strains have easily made it into my top 5 list just from the smell alone and that's saying a lot!

Got to 100% agree with you on the Chemdog. So nice to taste that earthy, dieselly, savoury flavour. And what a strong, distinctive aroma!
Sweet/fruity strains are great, but all my most memorable burns over the years have been ones like NY Diesel, Stone Hedge and now Chemdog - spicey, savoury flavours.
So nice to know there are still growers taking the time to produce such goodness and of course many thanks to Gods Connect for being Gods Connect.
Sweet/fruity strains are great, but all my most memorable burns over the years have been ones like NY Diesel, Stone Hedge and now Chemdog - spicey, savoury flavours.
So nice to know there are still growers taking the time to produce such goodness and of course many thanks to Gods Connect for being Gods Connect.

1 post
+2 votes
Royal Mail delivery and collection times over Easter weekend.
Saw this the other day, checked out the Royal Mail Public Holidays list that's why i'm glad i ordered a few days before Easter and 4/20 so i could get…

Royal Mail delivery and collection times over Easter weekend.
Hi all,
there is no collection or delivery on good Friday and bank holiday Monday, this weekend. Please be vigilant of this when placing and expecting orders.
there is no collection or delivery on good Friday and bank holiday Monday, this weekend. Please be vigilant of this when placing and expecting orders.

Saw this the other day, checked out the Royal Mail Public Holidays list that's why i'm glad i ordered a few days before Easter and 4/20 so i could get it on time. Good one notifying everyone about it though!

1 post
+1 votes
Chemdawg Sample
started topic

Chemdawg Sample

GC sent me over a sample of Chemdawg (free of charge) along with my Ghost OG. Next day delivery, well known dawg smell similar to Stardawg with earthy undertones and the Chemdawg smelled like diesel. Super nice relaxing strain when smoked with a gassy smell and taste with hints of diesel, when you look at the bud you just know that's it's going to be good due to the buds being so frosty, recommend this to anyone!

1 post
+1 votes
London Pound Cake Review!
started topic

London Pound Cake Review!

I mean what can i say, GC has done it again, next day delivery, great looking bud with deep purple hues, nice earthy smell crossed with the peculiar smell of cereal, sweet taste when smoked and very smooth.
11/10 overall!
11/10 overall!

Thank you so much for your kind words and glowing review :) We work really hard for you lot and this is why! We love making you happy.

2 posts
+4 votes
Cali import Dispensary Og Kush Shatter @ £60 a g
Would love to see some OG Kush shatter in the future and more of the Blueberry in the future as I've only tried Chemdawg as of yet!
+ 2 more

Cali import Dispensary Og Kush Shatter @ £60 a g
Any interest the above? Same grade as my blueberry shatter very very very high quality stuff @ great price.
Let me know and we will get it in :)
Let me know and we will get it in :)

Would love to see some OG Kush shatter in the future and more of the Blueberry in the future as I've only tried Chemdawg as of yet!

1 post
+5 votes
Praise the God's
Glad you enjoyed it, I've tried the Gelato 33 out too and it's great, you'll always be in safe hands with GC when ordering!

Praise the God's

Gods connect hooked me up recently with some Gelato 33 and now I am a bible bashing believer.
Shipping: Super fast, 1 day to UK 10/10
Stealth: Double vacuum sealed, some of the best stealth I save seen 10/10
Communication: One of the most legit sellers I have used on LB. Completely genuine, legit and went out of their way to make my experience a good one 10/10
Product: Big, dense, sticky buds and lots of them. No stems or seeds adding to the weight. This gel 33 was all killer, no filler. Smoked smooth as silk, the hit took a little while to build, but then landed with a potent relaxing effect.
Il definitely be buying here again and would recommend you do the same.
Shipping: Super fast, 1 day to UK 10/10
Stealth: Double vacuum sealed, some of the best stealth I save seen 10/10
Communication: One of the most legit sellers I have used on LB. Completely genuine, legit and went out of their way to make my experience a good one 10/10
Product: Big, dense, sticky buds and lots of them. No stems or seeds adding to the weight. This gel 33 was all killer, no filler. Smoked smooth as silk, the hit took a little while to build, but then landed with a potent relaxing effect.
Il definitely be buying here again and would recommend you do the same.

Glad you enjoyed it, I've tried the Gelato 33 out too and it's great, you'll always be in safe hands with GC when ordering!

2 posts
+6 votes
New Menu Looks Great
started topic
+ 2 more

New Menu Looks Great
Nice new menu man, especially some of those private reserve packs as i always get loose bud, definitely gonna have to get some of the new products in the near future if they're still available, good work GC, keep it up!

I'm not surprised tbh, all the new items look superb, especially the packs and the London Pound Cake ;)

1 post
+1 votes
Vote on which flavor you want added to the menu (3 Choices!)
Wish i commented earlier but was out, personally i would say Lemonesia, and Pineapple Jack, but Sour Guava sounds good too :)

Vote on which flavor you want added to the menu (3 Choices!)
Hey everybody,
We have the chance to stock 1 of these 3 exciting flavors. They are all sativa dominate and we can't decide which one we like best...
The choices are
Sour Guava (sour diesel x guava)
Lemonesia (lemon haze x amnesia)
Pineapple Jack (pinapple express x Jack herra)
Leave your votes below.
We have the chance to stock 1 of these 3 exciting flavors. They are all sativa dominate and we can't decide which one we like best...
The choices are
Sour Guava (sour diesel x guava)
Lemonesia (lemon haze x amnesia)
Pineapple Jack (pinapple express x Jack herra)
Leave your votes below.

The people have spoken! We went with the pineapple jack and sour guava. The pineapple is so smooth and sweet, it doesn't have much of a smell until your crack open the nugs and are greeted with a sweet tropical aroma.The guava is a personal favorite of mine smells like candyfloss and haze, its not as pretty or smooth as the pineapple but makes up for it in aroma and taste. Both lovely and you lot will be very happy :)

Wish i commented earlier but was out, personally i would say Lemonesia, and Pineapple Jack, but Sour Guava sounds good too :)

bigg topics