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joined sep 2014
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9 posts by downHillz
1 post
+9 votes

The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
I usually pass out way before the end

The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
The author looks at ordinary people's lives as Hitler shocked the country into submission as he fought the "lΓΌgenpresse" - lying media.

Yes this is an important thing to understand. People are interested in their own lives and a crazy ruler is just a form of entertainment in most people's lives. If they are effective with delivering quick economic results then they are good entertainers and are delivering some positives then fine - so why think more about this? It's demeaning to even take a fascist seriously so why bother doing so? In Germany we know why.

It is worrying that the far right parties are gaining to much support in Europe, and we should never take our eye off the ball and learn from history what can happen when you do...

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is no left what we have are a bunch of globalists run by the rich (WEF) pretending to be left(the right aint much better) while sending lots of our tax payers cash and weapons to a bunch of nazi`s who took over Ukraine in a coup financed by the US who by the way also funded the 3rd Reich and only joined the fight in Europe when it looked like their little puppet the mad Austrian was going to get his butt kicked and Germany occupied by the Red Army.
Their plan is sinister it is to send all you youngsters to die in battle so they dont end up with a pension crisis after stealing all the pension monies.
Yes the 3rd great human cull has already started.
Their plan is sinister it is to send all you youngsters to die in battle so they dont end up with a pension crisis after stealing all the pension monies.
Yes the 3rd great human cull has already started.

You are very almost correct, Construct
what you missed is that they are not Nazis who took Ukraine, they are jews
why does a predominantly christian country have a jewish leader zelensky who sends hundreds of thousands of Christians to their death in a war that is impossible to win
they funded the soviets... they literally ordered US and UK troops to stop advancing to east germany and let them all be slaughtered and much worse... bcus they were infiltrated, both churchill and fdr
they flattened german cities far worse than the blitz, the used fire bombs, killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of civillians
FDR made a new class of prisoners to avoid the regulations, this allowed them to be starved to death in their thousands, they didnt even give them any cover, just a segregated field
2700 of the 3000 judges at the nuremberg trials were jewish, they killed these people in mass in an awful way, the used a cruel different method of hanging, the hatch wasnt wide enough so people would hit their heads, how can you do this to surrendered men? these are the War Crime Trials
watch with an open mind, individually fact check all quotes and subjects
the victors write history, we did not win, Zionism won
what you missed is that they are not Nazis who took Ukraine, they are jews
why does a predominantly christian country have a jewish leader zelensky who sends hundreds of thousands of Christians to their death in a war that is impossible to win
they funded the soviets... they literally ordered US and UK troops to stop advancing to east germany and let them all be slaughtered and much worse... bcus they were infiltrated, both churchill and fdr
they flattened german cities far worse than the blitz, the used fire bombs, killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of civillians
FDR made a new class of prisoners to avoid the regulations, this allowed them to be starved to death in their thousands, they didnt even give them any cover, just a segregated field
2700 of the 3000 judges at the nuremberg trials were jewish, they killed these people in mass in an awful way, the used a cruel different method of hanging, the hatch wasnt wide enough so people would hit their heads, how can you do this to surrendered men? these are the War Crime Trials
watch with an open mind, individually fact check all quotes and subjects
the victors write history, we did not win, Zionism won

the nature of misinformation is to use real facts and riff bullshit forward. that's sad in this case because there are some valid points that can be drawn from the cupla truths you have here.

Sadly we going to be finding out very soon that the majority of Americans want a semi-Fascist state the same with the uk population too

Why the dystopian views are always referred to Nazism and not to Communism? They are basically the same shit, and Communism looks much more dangerous to me, because it "succeeded" for many more years, in many more countries, and for some reason has that glamorous look to so many idiots...

ring really reminds me of the gestapo, they rolled almost exclusively through ordinary informants. people with fucked up biases are having their day.

why do they keep designing things to look like hal? doesnt anyone remember how the movie ends?

Germany became increasingly polarized with people espousing Marxism on one side and Law and Order on the other. This is exactly how it feels in America now.


In times of economic and political strife extremists always rise, whether left or right doesn't matter, they are reactionary's. For example the liberal left intend destruction of things about history that upset them much in the same way Nazi's in Germany burned books. People need to learn from History and rarely do, the same mistakes are repeated and things somehow trundle on. 'Good times bring weak people', 'Weak people bring bad times', 'Bad times bring strong people' & 'Strong people bring good times'. The great circle of human history.

I thought it was the republicans (ie the right) in America banning certain aspects of history they donβt like.
Who are the liberal left?
Iβm not trying to start an argument Iβm trying to understand
Who are the liberal left?
Iβm not trying to start an argument Iβm trying to understand

lol it's different in different countries. A conservative in the US is different from a conservative in the UK.
As an example the BLM movement (btw I support equal rights for all races, genders etc.) have tried to expunge slavery and that part of history. Taking down statues of former slaveholders and so on won't change anything, we must remember these things happened so that they don't happen again.
Because of slow or no change for certain groups there is an attempt to accelerate that change from an evolution to a revolution. People will only be backed into a corner for so long whatever their political inclinations. Some people think they're pushing for positive change but real change is when we've learned the lesson.
As an example the BLM movement (btw I support equal rights for all races, genders etc.) have tried to expunge slavery and that part of history. Taking down statues of former slaveholders and so on won't change anything, we must remember these things happened so that they don't happen again.
Because of slow or no change for certain groups there is an attempt to accelerate that change from an evolution to a revolution. People will only be backed into a corner for so long whatever their political inclinations. Some people think they're pushing for positive change but real change is when we've learned the lesson.

Thanks for the response mate.
I still donβt get the tearing down statues of slave owners equates to trying to erase the history. Statues arenβt history they glorify the subjects for posterity.
Is it still a massive issue over there around the teaching of CRT?
I still donβt get the tearing down statues of slave owners equates to trying to erase the history. Statues arenβt history they glorify the subjects for posterity.
Is it still a massive issue over there around the teaching of CRT?

Well the statues are an example. They are subjects for posterity but they also memorialise history and certain points in history. As such they connect themselves to that history.
I basically agree with you though, they aren't the history themselves and so it shouldn't matter. It's what they represent that makes the difference.
I feel that whether right or left wing, people have an agenda and push that. Both different sides of the same coin I'd say.
Also CRT?
I basically agree with you though, they aren't the history themselves and so it shouldn't matter. It's what they represent that makes the difference.
I feel that whether right or left wing, people have an agenda and push that. Both different sides of the same coin I'd say.
Also CRT?

Thanks for the response mate.
I see statues as a way to venerate the individual and what they stand for. Cultures generally donβt put up statues of twats. So the slavers statues should all come down imo.
Critical Race Theory
I see statues as a way to venerate the individual and what they stand for. Cultures generally donβt put up statues of twats. So the slavers statues should all come down imo.
Critical Race Theory

Yeah np, I don't mind a bit of debate.
Again I do agree with the first part of what you said. Statues certainly venerate people, but also events. However cultures not putting up statues of 'twats'...well...that's a matter of perspective.
There are many examples of people that put up statues of people who are considered great or influential in their time and place. Those same people and statues are considered later, or by another group to be somehow offensive or detestable.
I'm not gona say that something like slavery in the U.S. wasn't a terrible thing, it defo was. I do think that removing something that is generally offensive to the majority should be considered. It's just that we also need to learn from these things and replace them with something that educates people about the history surrounding them so as to understand the bigger picture.
But yeah CRT, I am familiar with it...bit of a deep and complicated topic. But to answer your original question about that, yes I believe it is still something of a hot topic within education in the UK. I believe the Tories here (conservatives) said they felt CRT was biased, in other words trying to ram anti-racism down kids throats without opposing viewpoints.
This is a quote from the Equalities Minister, "Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law".
So yeah interesting, jeez this turned into an essay XD
Again I do agree with the first part of what you said. Statues certainly venerate people, but also events. However cultures not putting up statues of 'twats'...well...that's a matter of perspective.
There are many examples of people that put up statues of people who are considered great or influential in their time and place. Those same people and statues are considered later, or by another group to be somehow offensive or detestable.
I'm not gona say that something like slavery in the U.S. wasn't a terrible thing, it defo was. I do think that removing something that is generally offensive to the majority should be considered. It's just that we also need to learn from these things and replace them with something that educates people about the history surrounding them so as to understand the bigger picture.
But yeah CRT, I am familiar with it...bit of a deep and complicated topic. But to answer your original question about that, yes I believe it is still something of a hot topic within education in the UK. I believe the Tories here (conservatives) said they felt CRT was biased, in other words trying to ram anti-racism down kids throats without opposing viewpoints.
This is a quote from the Equalities Minister, "Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law".
So yeah interesting, jeez this turned into an essay XD

Thanks man I do appreciate your time and input.
Itβs good to hear it from someone on the ground so to speak we just get fed what the media want us to hear
I do find CRT and the defund the police movements different. One is a collection of scholars etc critically evaluating how society has impacted people of all races and the defund the police is a social movement in response to innocent black people getting killed by police
Have I got that right?
Itβs good to hear it from someone on the ground so to speak we just get fed what the media want us to hear
I do find CRT and the defund the police movements different. One is a collection of scholars etc critically evaluating how society has impacted people of all races and the defund the police is a social movement in response to innocent black people getting killed by police
Have I got that right?

You sound very naΓ―ve & to support CRT is crazy, hope you don't spout the sort of nonsense politics we see above IRL.

I donβt know how supporting a data driven legal critical evaluation by experts as naive maybe Iβm missing something in your post as it doesnβt really make sense and yes i do discuss this topic and others with real people

Watching the Plot Against America on Sky and it’s easy to see how Facism takes hold. Not dissimilar to Trump’s America.

1 post
+5 votes
use three words to describe little biggy
like it
how about LBC
lovely bloody cannabis
My postman is obviously a stoner, just the way he carries the back all slung back on his shoulder gives it away but he also looks like Wayne (or Garth I can't remember which one is which). I keep thinking I should offer him a bowl of the good shit but he delivers so much weed to me I think I'd be putting him in a bad position.

You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Lol that's poss the best 3 words. Esp goin by the shit that appears in my area as "weed". And the wannabes selling it

Layer of consciousness
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!

Fake weed forum....... bring back the old suppliers. Suppliers these days are all crooks.... firstly they get bulk of weed then put it in a tumbler and shake it to take the crystals off the bud so they can make there pillen and dope then the weed gets sprayed with terps to give the buds a flavour again. This is why the dope is dearer than the weed... absolute scams going on here. People need to wake up and start refusing this poison on here these days. There is a handful of sellers that are legit but 95% on here is selling fake thc grass... all its doing is making people sick

1 post
+8 votes
Fear is America's best selling product
fear is a service and we all subscribe

Fear is America's best selling product
Lewis Lapham is right on. If we can just recognize fear and understand it instead of judging we can fix this.

And it's marketed in very sophisticated ways through social media. This article explains how it works.

I agree. There is individual fear, and collective fear. Individuals in America have stressful lives and poor parenting for the majority. Individual fears that hold people back include fear of death, fear of failure, fear of inadequacy (not being good enough). Mass fear includes fear of authority, fear of pandemics, fear of being taken over as a country. Fear can be dealt with by acknowledging and facing the fear with nonresistance. Still, fears are often not recognized because they are not on a conscious level. I do believe that meditation, psychedelic therapy, and transpersonal therapy can uncover subconscious fears and be released from their power.

State-sponsered fear is not unique to the US. Capitalism and communism both generate fear, but in the US, where capitalism has run amok, it is more subtle. US citizens tend to believe that they live in a democracy, yet there has been no progress in the 1 percenters sharing resources with the middle class and poor. Individuals have less rights to express their views because the powers at be that transcend political parties control the agenda of the media and the government. Through TV and other newspapers, citizens are programmed to live their lives in a controlled state of mind. The most pertinent of issues do not make the headlines. I could elaborate more, but just note that societal fear is a response to the denigration of individual rights, where the average citizen thinks that nothing they do or say will be acknowledged or change anything.

1 post
+4 votes
Flushing Cannabis - is it bro science ?
You're both right bros!

Flushing Cannabis - is it bro science ?

I’ve recently seen a discussion that was inspired by a study into cannabis production ( pdf linked above ).
One of the things the study investigated was the impact of flushing soil grown cannabis plants with nutrient free water two weeks prior to harvest to determine whether it had the intended effect of reducing nutrient concentrations in dried bud.
According to the study - “Flushing is currently standard common practice used by many cannabis producers. This involves irrigating the plants with nutrient free water for the last two weeks before harvest. The belief is that this method of irrigation will reduce the concentration of nutrients within the bud. This reduction is then believed to have impacts on the taste of the final product when consumed. Regardless of the anecdotal impacts on taste, there is little evidence that flushing the root zone during the final phase of production would result in a net export of nutrients from the maturing bud.”
So contrary to common practice the attached study suggests flushing has almost no impact on the amount of nutrients measured in the end product. The only benefit of flushing is that the grower can use water for the final two weeks with no effect on the final yield suggesting the only benefit to flushing is that the grower can save on nutrient cost during the final two weeks of the grow cycle.
I’m sure we all know someone who’s ruined a crop from over feeding but the Cannabis for this study was grown in a lab by people who really know what they are doing.
Until I read this study I was under the impression that flushing a crop is essential and to not flush is almost a sin but is it all in the dry and cure?
There’s no denying properly cured cannabis is a different beast to something that’s been flash dried and bagged within two weeks of harvest.
Is drying in a controlled environment and a proper cure where the real magic happens and the real break down of nutrients occurs (if it happens at all)?
Is flushing stoner science?
Does anyone know what the deal is with food crops and are these flushed before being sold to consumers?
Is it just cannabis farmers that flush crops?.
I would love to hear experiences and ideas around this, I think it’s a very interesting subject especially when presented with a study that goes against what is common practice.
I’ve recently seen a discussion that was inspired by a study into cannabis production ( pdf linked above ).
One of the things the study investigated was the impact of flushing soil grown cannabis plants with nutrient free water two weeks prior to harvest to determine whether it had the intended effect of reducing nutrient concentrations in dried bud.
According to the study - “Flushing is currently standard common practice used by many cannabis producers. This involves irrigating the plants with nutrient free water for the last two weeks before harvest. The belief is that this method of irrigation will reduce the concentration of nutrients within the bud. This reduction is then believed to have impacts on the taste of the final product when consumed. Regardless of the anecdotal impacts on taste, there is little evidence that flushing the root zone during the final phase of production would result in a net export of nutrients from the maturing bud.”
So contrary to common practice the attached study suggests flushing has almost no impact on the amount of nutrients measured in the end product. The only benefit of flushing is that the grower can use water for the final two weeks with no effect on the final yield suggesting the only benefit to flushing is that the grower can save on nutrient cost during the final two weeks of the grow cycle.
I’m sure we all know someone who’s ruined a crop from over feeding but the Cannabis for this study was grown in a lab by people who really know what they are doing.
Until I read this study I was under the impression that flushing a crop is essential and to not flush is almost a sin but is it all in the dry and cure?
There’s no denying properly cured cannabis is a different beast to something that’s been flash dried and bagged within two weeks of harvest.
Is drying in a controlled environment and a proper cure where the real magic happens and the real break down of nutrients occurs (if it happens at all)?
Is flushing stoner science?
Does anyone know what the deal is with food crops and are these flushed before being sold to consumers?
Is it just cannabis farmers that flush crops?.
I would love to hear experiences and ideas around this, I think it’s a very interesting subject especially when presented with a study that goes against what is common practice.

I believe when growing with hydro you must flush the last two weeks, two pump out the nutrients, soil organically grown is different because all the nutrients are in the soil. So I believe with arable farming it’s the same context which is why shit is sprayed as opposed to anything else at guess. I do actually know an arable farmer, so I will ask out of interest.

Im no expert...but ive grown soil and tested flushing and not with the same strain...there was a marked difference... in that the smoke was indeed smoother than the girl i didnt flush...having said this...the rougher smoke was still enjoyable in her own way...i should add..i used synthetic nutes...i've since moved to only organic and will repeat the test with this grow in 2 weeks

Let us know how the test goes, I’d love to hear. To be honest I have the same experience as you, I have only ever grown organically but I still felt there was a difference although that difference became smaller once both were properly cured.

100% agree with you on results after a decent cure...terps can (in my experience) differ sooo many variables to consider...not just genetics and various phenos...but even where a particular plant was in a OCD is begining to show now :)

The OCD with plants is real, I understand totally! Haha.
The crop I tested were clones from a very stable strain so it’s interesting you had the same result with different strains.
But yeah, so many variables, it’s crazy.
Apart from confusing people like me I guess the good thing with cannabis becoming more widely accepted is that we will get more controlled studies like this.
The crop I tested were clones from a very stable strain so it’s interesting you had the same result with different strains.
But yeah, so many variables, it’s crazy.
Apart from confusing people like me I guess the good thing with cannabis becoming more widely accepted is that we will get more controlled studies like this.

It’s brother haha, and I just replied to the PM you sent a couple of days ago.. totally missed it sorry.

Thanks for the reply, that’s very interesting especially regarding the hydro vs soil, I’m also really interested to know what the arable farmer has to say.
Would also love to hear from some hydro growers and their methods, I know there are specific products like Canna flush that allow nutrients to be used during the later stages of flowering.
Would also love to hear from some hydro growers and their methods, I know there are specific products like Canna flush that allow nutrients to be used during the later stages of flowering.

Yeah I will speak ask him, I’m seeing him this week, he is an ole boy and hasn’t farmed for the last the couple of decades so his advice will be from during his time of farming. But this is a great thread and would be great to read other people s views and info on things as it’s great to learn.

I've never read one single peice of peer reviewed scientific evidence that backs up the flushing process.
However, I will say that very carefully introducing a lesser nutrient amount, plus lowering the light cycle by around 15 minutes every few days towards the end of flower does tend to 'force' the plant to produce a bit more resin.
I do also flush my ladies for 10-14 days because it's what I'm used to... but I have zero actual evidence flushing is doing a single thing to the end product, just my own opinion.
I dry using fan speed controllers to control relitive humidity and temperature, then cure in pitch darkness for around 8 weeks at around 60% RH and 18 degrees celcuis, and I'm fairly certain that has a huge affect on the end result, but again, that's just my opinion.
I have a couple of mates who prefer their weed dried but not cured for long at all, as although they acknowledge it's not as smooth, they say it tastes stronger.
Cannabis use is extremely subjective.
Trying to change the opinions of people who have held beliefs about cannabis for years is almost impossible. If I would make one observation of the cannabis community they are extremely set in their ways, and very certain about their opinions.
The scientific method is dynamic. That's what makes it different to religion, and there are too many people who treat cannabis cultivation like some kind of cult and avoid progress or different opinions than theirs like the plaugue.
It's exactly what happened when LED grow lights came on the scene "oh it's just a scam... It's all bullshit they'll never work" etc etc... And now, a few years later, those same people spouting these comments on grow forums are using LEDs, guaranteed.
If actual irrefutable, lab controlled botanic science proves flushing is bullshit, who the hell am I to argue? And I've been growing for 20 years.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB ππ»π
However, I will say that very carefully introducing a lesser nutrient amount, plus lowering the light cycle by around 15 minutes every few days towards the end of flower does tend to 'force' the plant to produce a bit more resin.
I do also flush my ladies for 10-14 days because it's what I'm used to... but I have zero actual evidence flushing is doing a single thing to the end product, just my own opinion.
I dry using fan speed controllers to control relitive humidity and temperature, then cure in pitch darkness for around 8 weeks at around 60% RH and 18 degrees celcuis, and I'm fairly certain that has a huge affect on the end result, but again, that's just my opinion.
I have a couple of mates who prefer their weed dried but not cured for long at all, as although they acknowledge it's not as smooth, they say it tastes stronger.
Cannabis use is extremely subjective.
Trying to change the opinions of people who have held beliefs about cannabis for years is almost impossible. If I would make one observation of the cannabis community they are extremely set in their ways, and very certain about their opinions.
The scientific method is dynamic. That's what makes it different to religion, and there are too many people who treat cannabis cultivation like some kind of cult and avoid progress or different opinions than theirs like the plaugue.
It's exactly what happened when LED grow lights came on the scene "oh it's just a scam... It's all bullshit they'll never work" etc etc... And now, a few years later, those same people spouting these comments on grow forums are using LEDs, guaranteed.
If actual irrefutable, lab controlled botanic science proves flushing is bullshit, who the hell am I to argue? And I've been growing for 20 years.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB ππ»π

I just think ignoring scientific research in favour of personal opinion isn't benefitting anyone.
I'm not qualified enough to deny the findings of a study done by botanists in a lab, but that's just me.
I'll look a bit more into it. I'll probably stick to my flushing for now, but I'm always happy to learn new methods.
Thanks for the comment buddy.
Cheers BB ππ»π
I'm not qualified enough to deny the findings of a study done by botanists in a lab, but that's just me.
I'll look a bit more into it. I'll probably stick to my flushing for now, but I'm always happy to learn new methods.
Thanks for the comment buddy.
Cheers BB ππ»π

In our opinion, its a must. You grow this beautiful plant and risk the fact there may be dangerous chemicals you intend to smoke? We flush all our products for 2 weeks but usually aim for 2.5 weeks

Im a grower and i can tell you that if you do not flush you will end up with weed that is so harsh u can only cough when smoking it . Ok so use it for edibles or butter ... nope cause u will wake up with a blinding headache . So if you want a good clean tasty smoke then flush 2 weeks for soil and 1 week hydro .

1 post
+4 votes

Image of Brain on Moda Less Than Inspiring
You're right, you don't know shit. What if the red/purple stuff is bad?

Image of Brain on Moda Less Than Inspiring

Don't know shit but looking at these images the placebo looks better, more complex while moda seems blanked out and numbed.

1 post
+0 votes

Ask {modafinil} do you stop for summer?
I did and I missed it tbh. Not so much for the focus but for awareness feeling when it first kicks in. That said glad I took a break.

Ask {modafinil} do you stop for summer?
I don't have a load of work hanging over me but I do like the way they get me out of the house. But I would like the health you get from a break.

I did and I missed it tbh. Not so much for the focus but for awareness feeling when it first kicks in. That said glad I took a break.

Try noopept, it will get you out of the house, elevate your mode and give you the healthy break g.

I just did after near daily use for months and I felt bad for 6 days max. I can't say I missed it a lot and used the time to experiment with other nootropics especially the racetams. I will start the semester all healthy with noopept and then start slipping in the moda when studies start heating up.

2 posts
+8 votes

Corona virus vs Littlebiggy/Btc
if by criminals you mean bankers then yes
+ 2 more

Corona virus vs Littlebiggy/Btc
What negative effects do your think corona will have on Littlebiggy will vendors stop delivering ,royal mail? And how will it effect bit coin ..I just paid £40 than I normally would which is way too much.

First thing don’t use any bitcoin you have stored. The value has dropped like near 50% since this coronavirus but it’s just recently got some traction and has risen slightly
Only buy bitcoin when you make purchases and that way you won’t see too much of a loss
Any coin I have I’m keeping as I expect it to rise back to where we where and maybe beyond
So atm I’m expecting to double my money on what I have now and anything I buy now
Hope this helps
Good time to invest I reckon
Only buy bitcoin when you make purchases and that way you won’t see too much of a loss
Any coin I have I’m keeping as I expect it to rise back to where we where and maybe beyond
So atm I’m expecting to double my money on what I have now and anything I buy now
Hope this helps
Good time to invest I reckon

1 post
+4 votes
lB Cannabis Reviewers: please use photos
Just being paranoid but isn't there a security issue for me if I upload a pic pf weed I bought here?

lB Cannabis Reviewers: please use photos
We can now add photos to ratings I just saw one for tasty kush and if we all use this it will make a jump in quality I think.

Reviews with photos should be on the wonderwall, I'd love to see all of them and not have to go through every seller's review page.

Just being paranoid but isn't there a security issue for me if I upload a pic pf weed I bought here?

No, any meta information (potentially identifying your camera or gps location) is scrubbed when you upload any image to little biggy. This goes for profile images, attachments, and review photos. Don't take my word for it though, download any image on the site and see for yourself, there are many sites online that will extract meta data from an image.

bigg topics