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green face killa

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joined sep 2017
founder of {stoned theatre}
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1 topic on green face killa
7 posts
+21 votes
Gang Fight: Lawyers vs Doctors (for real)

Gang Fight: Lawyers vs Doctors (for real)

Can't make this shit up a gang of Pakistani lawyers in suits showed up at a hospital to beat up doctors that apparently wont give them special treatment. A patient dies in the crossfire.

Two professions that should have a higher understanding of humanities, kickin the sh*t out of each other!

28 posts by green face killa
1 post
+3 votes

How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
national socialists also skew a little right

How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
I don't want to give preference to someone the same color as me so why should I prefer someone for being born in the same country as me (or worse they are ordained a citizen by some twat)?

Basically it derives from the same origins. There are certain laws of ethnic relations in history of humankind, such as:
1. law of percentage: lets say a black person somewhere in gothenburg or copenhagen would trigger an amused curiosity and the outpouring of sincere sympathy, however, if you "inject" immigrant workers up to the fateful threshold of 4-8 percent and you will already have a racial situation - the nature of social relationships changes, engendering ethnic tensions, global reflexes painful to describe. The more the percentage increases, the more class struggle transforms itself into racial confrontation. Basically, this percentage is sufficient to make racial discrimination appear spontaneously in people who previously believed itself wholesome and devoid of any racist sentiment.
2. The law of assimilability: If majority and the minority belong to the same large ethnic group (all are white, or all a asian), then assimilation occurs progressively. For example, Spanish or Portuguese workers despised in France not so long ago, integrated themselves into population within the space of one generation; same for descendants of corsicans and the poles during napoleonic era, same for bambara minority living in senegal. But if the ethnic and cultural gap is too big, tensions are exacerbated with time. Like African Blacks and Arabs find themselves in this situation in Europe. Coexistance basically becomes possible only in a truly Socialist state or a state that has adopted a high morality philosophy.
3. the law of distance: like two ethnic groups that are not fighting over the same living space or same market and occupy different territories separated by space can enter into normal relationships. Like that an alliance can be explained during world war 2 between hitlers germany and japan. or relationship of pretoria with israel state.
4. the law of phenotype: basically physical appearance. It would matter little tgat botha and zulu in africa have the same genotype (same genes in the chromosomes) and it would have no influence on their daily lives because their external features are so different.
Laws of class struggle according to history applies only to societies previously made homogeneous by violence. Funny, that the most modern nations actually went through this bestial struggles before (Americas, australia, new zealand, good part of asia, greenland, huge part of pacific, scandinavia, etc, etc).For example Blacks of Americas were brough over to work the land, while the indigenous races were being destroyed. So, the "more advanced" barbarious conquerors exterminated/drove out whole populations, devastated or abandoned productive forces they they simply did not know how to use. This specific law is one of my favourite... how spartan domination ended by crumbling particularly because of the great numeric weakness of their REAL citizens. Because their society consisting of spartan conquerors and lowly helots both belonged to the same large white-skinned 'race', ethnic differences became blurred and it allowed class differences appeared only in an economic sense.
Same goes for Rome and Carthage, Rwanda-Burundi, Francs and Gallo-Romans.
Have a look at the american immigration laws and how it progressed throghout 19-20 centuries. This law also gave birth to so called intra-european racism, etc.
We forget that the passage from a clan to a monolingual tribe and to ethnic group and to nationality historically was a result, a consequences of clans exogamy. It is still widely discussed by specialists. But it marked starting point of the current civilization.
Endogamy was prohibited and we, humans, just started fucking people from the outside kkk several neibourhing clans contracted marriage ties that led them eventually to speak same languages despite that their original idioms were different.
The number of clans to gather together to work a more or less powerful tribe didnt follow any rules and depended mostly on the fertility and extent of the lands occupied by the group. Thus was born nationality.
In the course of history, when two groups of people argued over a vital economic space, the slightest ethnic difference can be magnified, temporarily serving as a pretext for social and political cleavage: differences in physical appearances, colour of your passport, language, religions, morals and customs.
We forget that basically future generations must forget about the dead so that the conquering people can undergo a rebirth with an angelic consience.
Why do we almost idolise, for example, conquistadors, holy crusaders and vikings? Pillagers, rapists, murderers and worse.
Most of the things we learn and follow, most of the times, blindly, things we consider as truths and solid facts, the very foundation of our personal universes - it was predominantly build based on someones ideologies.
Books, that our kids and us read, are also written under certain circumstances, conditions, requirements, with certain motivations. Dictated by an ideology.
Sooo.... sorry for the massive message. It just questions like this trigger something inside me, something that i consciously try to understand and overcome. For before we are races or nationalities, boys or girls, gays or straight, we are humans.
Peace yo.
1. law of percentage: lets say a black person somewhere in gothenburg or copenhagen would trigger an amused curiosity and the outpouring of sincere sympathy, however, if you "inject" immigrant workers up to the fateful threshold of 4-8 percent and you will already have a racial situation - the nature of social relationships changes, engendering ethnic tensions, global reflexes painful to describe. The more the percentage increases, the more class struggle transforms itself into racial confrontation. Basically, this percentage is sufficient to make racial discrimination appear spontaneously in people who previously believed itself wholesome and devoid of any racist sentiment.
2. The law of assimilability: If majority and the minority belong to the same large ethnic group (all are white, or all a asian), then assimilation occurs progressively. For example, Spanish or Portuguese workers despised in France not so long ago, integrated themselves into population within the space of one generation; same for descendants of corsicans and the poles during napoleonic era, same for bambara minority living in senegal. But if the ethnic and cultural gap is too big, tensions are exacerbated with time. Like African Blacks and Arabs find themselves in this situation in Europe. Coexistance basically becomes possible only in a truly Socialist state or a state that has adopted a high morality philosophy.
3. the law of distance: like two ethnic groups that are not fighting over the same living space or same market and occupy different territories separated by space can enter into normal relationships. Like that an alliance can be explained during world war 2 between hitlers germany and japan. or relationship of pretoria with israel state.
4. the law of phenotype: basically physical appearance. It would matter little tgat botha and zulu in africa have the same genotype (same genes in the chromosomes) and it would have no influence on their daily lives because their external features are so different.
Laws of class struggle according to history applies only to societies previously made homogeneous by violence. Funny, that the most modern nations actually went through this bestial struggles before (Americas, australia, new zealand, good part of asia, greenland, huge part of pacific, scandinavia, etc, etc).For example Blacks of Americas were brough over to work the land, while the indigenous races were being destroyed. So, the "more advanced" barbarious conquerors exterminated/drove out whole populations, devastated or abandoned productive forces they they simply did not know how to use. This specific law is one of my favourite... how spartan domination ended by crumbling particularly because of the great numeric weakness of their REAL citizens. Because their society consisting of spartan conquerors and lowly helots both belonged to the same large white-skinned 'race', ethnic differences became blurred and it allowed class differences appeared only in an economic sense.
Same goes for Rome and Carthage, Rwanda-Burundi, Francs and Gallo-Romans.
Have a look at the american immigration laws and how it progressed throghout 19-20 centuries. This law also gave birth to so called intra-european racism, etc.
We forget that the passage from a clan to a monolingual tribe and to ethnic group and to nationality historically was a result, a consequences of clans exogamy. It is still widely discussed by specialists. But it marked starting point of the current civilization.
Endogamy was prohibited and we, humans, just started fucking people from the outside kkk several neibourhing clans contracted marriage ties that led them eventually to speak same languages despite that their original idioms were different.
The number of clans to gather together to work a more or less powerful tribe didnt follow any rules and depended mostly on the fertility and extent of the lands occupied by the group. Thus was born nationality.
In the course of history, when two groups of people argued over a vital economic space, the slightest ethnic difference can be magnified, temporarily serving as a pretext for social and political cleavage: differences in physical appearances, colour of your passport, language, religions, morals and customs.
We forget that basically future generations must forget about the dead so that the conquering people can undergo a rebirth with an angelic consience.
Why do we almost idolise, for example, conquistadors, holy crusaders and vikings? Pillagers, rapists, murderers and worse.
Most of the things we learn and follow, most of the times, blindly, things we consider as truths and solid facts, the very foundation of our personal universes - it was predominantly build based on someones ideologies.
Books, that our kids and us read, are also written under certain circumstances, conditions, requirements, with certain motivations. Dictated by an ideology.
Sooo.... sorry for the massive message. It just questions like this trigger something inside me, something that i consciously try to understand and overcome. For before we are races or nationalities, boys or girls, gays or straight, we are humans.
Peace yo.

Interesting points. I just came across this forum and will make a contribution. Meanwhile, on the topic of Scottish Nationalism, I have myself proposed Independence For England! We English (whatever that means through consensus) vote in a referendum to dissolve the union of England and Scotland. Never mind what they want, how about what we want, which may be to separate from them, along with the subject nation of Wales. We'll have our own oven ready breakfast and our own national covid death toll, while we surrender the last shreds of our integrity to the fucking Yanks and the fucking Chinese whose government leaders wouldn't make the groove as a couple of Pox Doctor's clerks.

Please dont have the idea that all Scots want independence
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than just Scottish Independence, certain elements see Scottish independence as a means to help another cause. Understand that Independence of Scotland is not the endgame for a lot of SNP supporters.
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than just Scottish Independence, certain elements see Scottish independence as a means to help another cause. Understand that Independence of Scotland is not the endgame for a lot of SNP supporters.

The whole SNP "independence" thing is a facade.
The SNP want to leave our union and join the EU club because they'll give them more money than Westminster does.
They still want to be financially "dependent", just a more generous sugar daddy.
I'm talking about the SNP, not all Scots :)
The SNP want to leave our union and join the EU club because they'll give them more money than Westminster does.
They still want to be financially "dependent", just a more generous sugar daddy.
I'm talking about the SNP, not all Scots :)

High Raskolnikov. Your post showed as a comment on mine so You're addressing me, then. I have no intention of stating anything about what Scots want. My point is that I consider an English Independence Referendum is incumbent on ourselves to determine our Englishness without the input of the other three nations. Devolution, revolution, phooey! We want ablution. Wash our hands of the lot of you. Do we? Who does? Has anyone got this underway? Sturgeon and Salmond? Something fishy about those two!

Interesting points Vikosh. I feel that England is a pretty tribal place.
Being born and growing up in the North, spending the last 2 decades in the South, and finally relocating back to the North of England, i’d say there are even considerable cultural and economic differences between different areas of this country.
There was a political movement that started a few years ago, that seems to now be on the back burner, for northern independence. While this is a lofty pursuit, and i’m unsure how successful it might be if implemented, I think it suggests that certain areas of our country define themselves not on a national footing but a regional one.
Personally I consider myself English and Irish, rather than British, but more crucially, being Northern trumps ‘Englishness’ for me…. race doesn’t come into it for me. Social class plays a large factor too.
I’d take a working class community in the North populated with English South Asians, Roma, and West African people over a predominantly white, middle class community in rural Hampshire- this is down to personal experience and unscientific, just my preference having lived in both places.
Great topic!
Being born and growing up in the North, spending the last 2 decades in the South, and finally relocating back to the North of England, i’d say there are even considerable cultural and economic differences between different areas of this country.
There was a political movement that started a few years ago, that seems to now be on the back burner, for northern independence. While this is a lofty pursuit, and i’m unsure how successful it might be if implemented, I think it suggests that certain areas of our country define themselves not on a national footing but a regional one.
Personally I consider myself English and Irish, rather than British, but more crucially, being Northern trumps ‘Englishness’ for me…. race doesn’t come into it for me. Social class plays a large factor too.
I’d take a working class community in the North populated with English South Asians, Roma, and West African people over a predominantly white, middle class community in rural Hampshire- this is down to personal experience and unscientific, just my preference having lived in both places.
Great topic!

I wouldn’t blame the English people if they started to see things this way but we are still all better as a union and I think you know this. Sturgeon and Salmond are just typical politicians mate who lying is a big part of the job description. There has been a huge change in Scotland in my lifetime where the working class vote has moved away from labour to the snp. Labour has shot themselves in the foot so many times but also the snp politics has changed. I have been on this earth a long time and the snp have changed so much. Sturgeon is still using her bloody daily briefing up here to try to indoctrinate the nation. I’m going to stop here as I am ranting.

Not English, then. To be born an Englishman is to win first prize in the lottery of life. That life being the infliction of Imperialism on 25% of the world's population. Nothing wrong with that, was there?

Sturgeon's manifesto was just a wish list, impossible to accomplish. I don't want Scotland to leave. We may rib each other on things but I'd like to think we have each others back when things get tough. We live on the same island. Crazy to break up.

I am British not Scottish or Welsh or Irish or English but British.
So the idea of England going on its own is kind of laughable.
I prefer this great country as one nation,I have lived all over UK so I class myself as British. Ever since devolved countries we had loads of petty arguments enough of the arguments and do there jobs.
The Scottish independence route will end up like n ireland scottish people are divided straight down the middle so can see issues battle grounds comes to mind bombings etc etc just like n ireland AND its not going to happen anyway thank god.:D
Or you english going be invaded of all the people that do not want there countries independent lol.
Plus the Queen will never allow it to happen she is still the most powerful lady in this country and can override any laws in the UK set by government it is in the small print when she signed it over to the government. She has her palaces all over the UK.
She wants to send to her son to America to answer for the crimes he is guilty as fk otherwise he would have gone over and answered there questions on very serious sex crimes.
Guilty as fk he is by dodging the request of the FBI and CIA law to himself hiding behind mummy he is.
I am British loud and proud !!!
So the idea of England going on its own is kind of laughable.
I prefer this great country as one nation,I have lived all over UK so I class myself as British. Ever since devolved countries we had loads of petty arguments enough of the arguments and do there jobs.
The Scottish independence route will end up like n ireland scottish people are divided straight down the middle so can see issues battle grounds comes to mind bombings etc etc just like n ireland AND its not going to happen anyway thank god.:D
Or you english going be invaded of all the people that do not want there countries independent lol.
Plus the Queen will never allow it to happen she is still the most powerful lady in this country and can override any laws in the UK set by government it is in the small print when she signed it over to the government. She has her palaces all over the UK.
She wants to send to her son to America to answer for the crimes he is guilty as fk otherwise he would have gone over and answered there questions on very serious sex crimes.
Guilty as fk he is by dodging the request of the FBI and CIA law to himself hiding behind mummy he is.
I am British loud and proud !!!

I’m British and Scottish mate. Think it is possible to be both. I’m not interested in Independence and believe it will not happen and will be a disaster if it does. In Scotland Salmond courted a certain block vote and got it. That is what has got the snp to where they are. That and shortbread tin thinking. They will soon want to let over 14 s vote. As I said in another post, Scottish Independence is not the endgame for a lot of snp.

It was a joke mate but fuck, Vietnam. Is that what you are comparing Scottish Independence to?

Scotland's nationalist party don't want to exclude races, they want independence from another countries rule. It's not about racism.

lol. ok, i'll bite...
nationalism is a term for those with common interests as citizens of the same country working together for mutual benefit and/or pride.
racism is a hatred of one or more person/s where skin colour is the basis used for the defining attribute.
neither is mandatory last I heard.
nationalism is a term for those with common interests as citizens of the same country working together for mutual benefit and/or pride.
racism is a hatred of one or more person/s where skin colour is the basis used for the defining attribute.
neither is mandatory last I heard.

a lot of nationalists aren't so much racists as exclusionary. they believe in a social contact that only exists amongst members. outsiders are not part of the deal.

Just like you would naturally have a preference for feeding your own family in your own home, before you concerned yourself with feeding anyone else.
This would not mean you hated other people, or didn't wish the best for them.
I think Nationalism is often confused with extreme Right wing ideologies, when it could be Left or Right really.
This would not mean you hated other people, or didn't wish the best for them.
I think Nationalism is often confused with extreme Right wing ideologies, when it could be Left or Right really.

Yes you could look into the SNPs distant past or alternatively you could look at what the Tories are doing right now as we speak under your very nose.
It is funny how a conversation about nationalism is related to the SNP when anyone with eyes can see that British nationalism is the one being pushed everywhere in Britain.
The SNP didn't spend 2 million quid on a set of blue curtains and two Union Jacks and it is not the SNP who are plastering everything with the Butcher's apron either!
It is funny how a conversation about nationalism is related to the SNP when anyone with eyes can see that British nationalism is the one being pushed everywhere in Britain.
The SNP didn't spend 2 million quid on a set of blue curtains and two Union Jacks and it is not the SNP who are plastering everything with the Butcher's apron either!

Because we can change our nationality as it’s make believe. You cannot change your DNA which is real

Nationalism has more positive range for example promoting culture. Racism is usually associated with negative feelings about other races.
They both seem doomed if you ask me.
They both seem doomed if you ask me.

only in touchy feely places like the uk ... not in most other countrys ... too much self hatred in this country ...

Not synonymous, but it's an interesting point.
In some sense, I think it is an individual and academic choice to be patriotic (even that is turned into a dirty word now), root for your country or be proud of it voxally. It's OK to like your country if you really do. You do live there after all. It's just a country. Other countries are not minorities in their own country as the British are not here.
As you allude to, it is a lottery, not a skill, being British (or Irish for that matter). There is little merit to being "proud" I agree. But it doesn't oppress anyone or anything in itself. It is a way to preserving culture and way of life. You can't pick who you think should be able to do that.
Otherwise, the takeaway is, only the oppressed are allowed to be proud of anything and preserve culture. What kind of world is that?
I do think that no matter what, being proud of your race is pointless, stupid and divisive.
It suggests a nexus between a superiority or exceptionality and racial group.
After all, skin colour is decided only by a few alleles in the genome and indicates very little about one's charachter.
In some sense, I think it is an individual and academic choice to be patriotic (even that is turned into a dirty word now), root for your country or be proud of it voxally. It's OK to like your country if you really do. You do live there after all. It's just a country. Other countries are not minorities in their own country as the British are not here.
As you allude to, it is a lottery, not a skill, being British (or Irish for that matter). There is little merit to being "proud" I agree. But it doesn't oppress anyone or anything in itself. It is a way to preserving culture and way of life. You can't pick who you think should be able to do that.
Otherwise, the takeaway is, only the oppressed are allowed to be proud of anything and preserve culture. What kind of world is that?
I do think that no matter what, being proud of your race is pointless, stupid and divisive.
It suggests a nexus between a superiority or exceptionality and racial group.
After all, skin colour is decided only by a few alleles in the genome and indicates very little about one's charachter.

Racism is necessarily exclusionary. But Nationalism isn't.
In general I am wary of nationalism, but there are times when it has achieved positives.
In general I am wary of nationalism, but there are times when it has achieved positives.

I think it is oxytocin that causes the problems as it creates aggressive in-grouping, be it from the innateness from skin colour or the innateness from where someone was born.
There was a study I linked to but there is more out there about the dark side of oxytocin. There was quite a few articles in the dumber section of media about giving men oxytocin to fix their aggression problems when in fact it might be a major factor in causing them.
There was a study I linked to but there is more out there about the dark side of oxytocin. There was quite a few articles in the dumber section of media about giving men oxytocin to fix their aggression problems when in fact it might be a major factor in causing them.

It's crazy how little of any of you understand what is going on.
THought stoners were supposed to be the ones who questioned narratives??
If we want to help these people who want to come to the west for a better life, we need to get the banking cartel off their backs, stop certain lunatics causing wars and improve their OWN nations.
That is truly the only way we will ever BRING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. Although the amount of people we let into our countries is high compared to our populations, the amount of people living on under $2 a day is 700 million! The whole of Europe is 700 million people, we would have to double our population to solve world poverty, it simply is not possible. We can never solve the problem in this way.
The ones we let immigrate (legal migration) are the brightest, most educated ones... What do you think that does to their home country?
We skim the cream for all the prospects, decreasing the likelihood of the nation ever prospering.
The diversity thing is so ironically racist it is insane, if we all mix together into brown people, where is the diversity then?
There would be no diversity left if we mix together.
REAL diversity is like a flower bed, you have the tulips, the roses, the daffodils, this and that, they all live in the same flower bed, but they are separated, distinct different flowers with different strengths and weaknesses.
When you go to a country on holiday, take Japan for example, you go there and it's great to enjoy a different way of life, a different culture, different scenery, different people. If we all mixed together there would be no other cultures to enjoy.
There would be only one culture under one Globalist world government.
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
If you want to hear the same thing from a different races perspective then listen to this Muhammad Ali interview
You can watch this but I warn you, it will make you question everything you were ever told in school, yet it is all backed up with facts that you can independently research yourself
THought stoners were supposed to be the ones who questioned narratives??
If we want to help these people who want to come to the west for a better life, we need to get the banking cartel off their backs, stop certain lunatics causing wars and improve their OWN nations.
That is truly the only way we will ever BRING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. Although the amount of people we let into our countries is high compared to our populations, the amount of people living on under $2 a day is 700 million! The whole of Europe is 700 million people, we would have to double our population to solve world poverty, it simply is not possible. We can never solve the problem in this way.
The ones we let immigrate (legal migration) are the brightest, most educated ones... What do you think that does to their home country?
We skim the cream for all the prospects, decreasing the likelihood of the nation ever prospering.
The diversity thing is so ironically racist it is insane, if we all mix together into brown people, where is the diversity then?
There would be no diversity left if we mix together.
REAL diversity is like a flower bed, you have the tulips, the roses, the daffodils, this and that, they all live in the same flower bed, but they are separated, distinct different flowers with different strengths and weaknesses.
When you go to a country on holiday, take Japan for example, you go there and it's great to enjoy a different way of life, a different culture, different scenery, different people. If we all mixed together there would be no other cultures to enjoy.
There would be only one culture under one Globalist world government.
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
If you want to hear the same thing from a different races perspective then listen to this Muhammad Ali interview
You can watch this but I warn you, it will make you question everything you were ever told in school, yet it is all backed up with facts that you can independently research yourself

There seem to be a prevailing perspective of an individualistic view on what racism is, i.e. the hatred or superiority of another race, nation, or ethnicity, however this view is overly simplistic as racism is structural and systemic and is only dependent on the individual when their actions are supported by the larger system.
One can be xenophobic, discriminatory and/or prejudiced against others from other places without it being racism if they are not the dominant race/ethnicity/or culture.
Racism = power + prejudice. That is the current understanding and definition of racism in social sciences and some dictionaries (as with Merriam Webster, which was updated two or three years ago). That is not to say that racial prejudice or discrimination is allowable or tolerable. It's not. However to quantify both types of prejudice (the one that is solely individual and the one that is supported by systemic structures) as the same thing or equivalent is false.
One is an individual opinion and has no greater repurcussions than that person's world's or actions, the other however plays into a wider narrative of oppression that reinforces the structural oppression and contributes to and reinforces societal and structural discrimination.
Nationalism is different in several ways.
Firstly, pride in ones nation does not mean an inherent prejudice or discrimination against those that come from other nations (although all too often it does manifest in such a way).
Secondly, if those expressing nationalist sentiment are not the dominant authority over said nation, then it is not racism but discrimination and prejudice as they lack the power to manifest that discrimination through institutions or on a structural scale. This type of nationalism often manifests as a resistance to colonial and imperial forces. In those cases the nationalism is not being the of an ideological superiority or innate belief in the dominance of one nation over another, but rather a resistance to such.
Therefore nationalism and racism only become the same when said nation propogates their dominance and superiority over others while simultaneously systemically oppressing other nations or supporting existing structural oppression and prejudice.
One can be xenophobic, discriminatory and/or prejudiced against others from other places without it being racism if they are not the dominant race/ethnicity/or culture.
Racism = power + prejudice. That is the current understanding and definition of racism in social sciences and some dictionaries (as with Merriam Webster, which was updated two or three years ago). That is not to say that racial prejudice or discrimination is allowable or tolerable. It's not. However to quantify both types of prejudice (the one that is solely individual and the one that is supported by systemic structures) as the same thing or equivalent is false.
One is an individual opinion and has no greater repurcussions than that person's world's or actions, the other however plays into a wider narrative of oppression that reinforces the structural oppression and contributes to and reinforces societal and structural discrimination.
Nationalism is different in several ways.
Firstly, pride in ones nation does not mean an inherent prejudice or discrimination against those that come from other nations (although all too often it does manifest in such a way).
Secondly, if those expressing nationalist sentiment are not the dominant authority over said nation, then it is not racism but discrimination and prejudice as they lack the power to manifest that discrimination through institutions or on a structural scale. This type of nationalism often manifests as a resistance to colonial and imperial forces. In those cases the nationalism is not being the of an ideological superiority or innate belief in the dominance of one nation over another, but rather a resistance to such.
Therefore nationalism and racism only become the same when said nation propogates their dominance and superiority over others while simultaneously systemically oppressing other nations or supporting existing structural oppression and prejudice.

I'm a nationalist. I want England and all our major cities to be English and not resemble Bangladesh. That makes one a racist nowadays.

If the reason you give for those cities resembling Bangladesh is people of other races, that's kinda the definition of racism. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a closet racist.

Asian for Asians
Africa for Africans
But if you tell him Europe for Europeans you are a racist
Has nothing to do with racism, people like to be around people who look like them, share the same culture and values, morals and ethics, this goes for all ethnicity's
True anti-racism isn't letting a tiny portion of these people into the country, it's helping them build their own nations into places they don't need to leave to better their lives in the first place, so they can ALL LIVE WELL
get the banking cartels out of africa, get the oil oligarchy out of the middle east, stop Israel causing carnage and displacing millions [impossible mode]
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
When Keir Starmer and the American cabinet said the mass immigration was planned, yes it was planned since ww2, watch this is you have an open mind otherwise keep being a good goy
Africa for Africans
But if you tell him Europe for Europeans you are a racist
Has nothing to do with racism, people like to be around people who look like them, share the same culture and values, morals and ethics, this goes for all ethnicity's
True anti-racism isn't letting a tiny portion of these people into the country, it's helping them build their own nations into places they don't need to leave to better their lives in the first place, so they can ALL LIVE WELL
get the banking cartels out of africa, get the oil oligarchy out of the middle east, stop Israel causing carnage and displacing millions [impossible mode]
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
When Keir Starmer and the American cabinet said the mass immigration was planned, yes it was planned since ww2, watch this is you have an open mind otherwise keep being a good goy

Asian people aren't claiming "Asia for asians"
Plenty of white people move to Asia and the Asians don't complain.
African people aren't claiming "Africa for Africans"
Plenty of white people move to Africa and Africans don't complain.
European people invaded and colonised both of those continents, killing local people and stealing their resources.
Oh but when those people want to come to Europe, its "Europe for Europeans"
What you mean is "white countries for white people"
You just don't want to say it.
Again, fucking racist.
Plenty of white people move to Asia and the Asians don't complain.
African people aren't claiming "Africa for Africans"
Plenty of white people move to Africa and Africans don't complain.
European people invaded and colonised both of those continents, killing local people and stealing their resources.
Oh but when those people want to come to Europe, its "Europe for Europeans"
What you mean is "white countries for white people"
You just don't want to say it.
Again, fucking racist.

tell me an Asian nation where whites make up more than 5%?
I think the Asians who got independence definitely do say Asia for Asians
Oh yes white people live so peacefully in Africa! look at Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, South Africa, all places where whites have recently been massacred for living in Africa, they dont complain though right? imbecile
you are a pathetic brainwashed cuck, you literally think calling someone a racist is the worst thing in the world hahahahahahah
am i racist for only wanting whites and east asians (the highest iq and the people responsible for 90% of modern inventions) to live in my country? absolutely not but through their NGO's George Soros and his cronies have managed to brainwash whites like you into thinking they are the only ones who cant be nationalist, proud of their nations and so fourth, they HAVE to mix with other races with inferior intelligence
in our society we dont believe in collective punishment so who gives a fuck who colonised who? none of us colonised fucking anyone, not one of us alive today played any part in that you moron, we were colonised and enslaved, are we going to ask the ottomans for reparations now?
fucking cuck, bet you work a deskjob, no girlfriend or if you do have one she's a fat blue haired liberal object, obviously you have no kids or you'd care more about the country you live in
we dont care if 1% of these people come to the country as seen in Asian countries, but when it's 20% and they grow every year due to their birth rates being 4 per capita vs our 1-2 per capita, there is literally no way out of the fact that we will be replaced, the british genetics will seize to exist if this goes on
there will be no whites, just mixed mongrols with sub 90 iq like yourself that are smart enough to work for their masters but not smart enough to stand up for themselves
Did you know 30% of the Muslim world is imbred and these are the people we are importing? furthermore 60% of Pakistanis are married to their first cousin. this what you want to import and mix with? fucking neanderthal
it's impossible to fix world poverty by importing everyone in poverty to Europe, we'd have to more than double our population so instead of acting like a liberal cuck how about you advocate for the big banks to get off these countries dicks and stop the big noses from causing havoc all across the middle east
you wont do that because you dont actually want to see these people do well, you just want to take in a small percentage of them to the country so you are deemed not racist hahahaha
"if the west continues down this deadly path, due to a lack of birthrates and mass immigration, europe will disappear, as Rome did." - Cardinal Robert Sarah (a black candidate for the next pope)
I think the Asians who got independence definitely do say Asia for Asians
Oh yes white people live so peacefully in Africa! look at Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, South Africa, all places where whites have recently been massacred for living in Africa, they dont complain though right? imbecile
you are a pathetic brainwashed cuck, you literally think calling someone a racist is the worst thing in the world hahahahahahah
am i racist for only wanting whites and east asians (the highest iq and the people responsible for 90% of modern inventions) to live in my country? absolutely not but through their NGO's George Soros and his cronies have managed to brainwash whites like you into thinking they are the only ones who cant be nationalist, proud of their nations and so fourth, they HAVE to mix with other races with inferior intelligence
in our society we dont believe in collective punishment so who gives a fuck who colonised who? none of us colonised fucking anyone, not one of us alive today played any part in that you moron, we were colonised and enslaved, are we going to ask the ottomans for reparations now?
fucking cuck, bet you work a deskjob, no girlfriend or if you do have one she's a fat blue haired liberal object, obviously you have no kids or you'd care more about the country you live in
we dont care if 1% of these people come to the country as seen in Asian countries, but when it's 20% and they grow every year due to their birth rates being 4 per capita vs our 1-2 per capita, there is literally no way out of the fact that we will be replaced, the british genetics will seize to exist if this goes on
there will be no whites, just mixed mongrols with sub 90 iq like yourself that are smart enough to work for their masters but not smart enough to stand up for themselves
Did you know 30% of the Muslim world is imbred and these are the people we are importing? furthermore 60% of Pakistanis are married to their first cousin. this what you want to import and mix with? fucking neanderthal
it's impossible to fix world poverty by importing everyone in poverty to Europe, we'd have to more than double our population so instead of acting like a liberal cuck how about you advocate for the big banks to get off these countries dicks and stop the big noses from causing havoc all across the middle east
you wont do that because you dont actually want to see these people do well, you just want to take in a small percentage of them to the country so you are deemed not racist hahahaha
"if the west continues down this deadly path, due to a lack of birthrates and mass immigration, europe will disappear, as Rome did." - Cardinal Robert Sarah (a black candidate for the next pope)

If it's the colour of people's skin you're referring to, and you're suggesting you have to be white to be regarded as english, then yes, you are. Not just nowadays, always.

english is a race mate just like indian im english if i move to india im not an indian ? same thing should apply in the uk

No, being English is not a race it's an ethnicity and nationality. You thick slab of gammon

1 post
+5 votes

The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
where there are informants there is vendetta, blackmail and corruption

The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
The author looks at ordinary people's lives as Hitler shocked the country into submission as he fought the "lügenpresse" - lying media.

Yes this is an important thing to understand. People are interested in their own lives and a crazy ruler is just a form of entertainment in most people's lives. If they are effective with delivering quick economic results then they are good entertainers and are delivering some positives then fine - so why think more about this? It's demeaning to even take a fascist seriously so why bother doing so? In Germany we know why.

It is worrying that the far right parties are gaining to much support in Europe, and we should never take our eye off the ball and learn from history what can happen when you do...

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is no left what we have are a bunch of globalists run by the rich (WEF) pretending to be left(the right aint much better) while sending lots of our tax payers cash and weapons to a bunch of nazi`s who took over Ukraine in a coup financed by the US who by the way also funded the 3rd Reich and only joined the fight in Europe when it looked like their little puppet the mad Austrian was going to get his butt kicked and Germany occupied by the Red Army.
Their plan is sinister it is to send all you youngsters to die in battle so they dont end up with a pension crisis after stealing all the pension monies.
Yes the 3rd great human cull has already started.
Their plan is sinister it is to send all you youngsters to die in battle so they dont end up with a pension crisis after stealing all the pension monies.
Yes the 3rd great human cull has already started.

You are very almost correct, Construct
what you missed is that they are not Nazis who took Ukraine, they are jews
why does a predominantly christian country have a jewish leader zelensky who sends hundreds of thousands of Christians to their death in a war that is impossible to win
they funded the soviets... they literally ordered US and UK troops to stop advancing to east germany and let them all be slaughtered and much worse... bcus they were infiltrated, both churchill and fdr
they flattened german cities far worse than the blitz, the used fire bombs, killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of civillians
FDR made a new class of prisoners to avoid the regulations, this allowed them to be starved to death in their thousands, they didnt even give them any cover, just a segregated field
2700 of the 3000 judges at the nuremberg trials were jewish, they killed these people in mass in an awful way, the used a cruel different method of hanging, the hatch wasnt wide enough so people would hit their heads, how can you do this to surrendered men? these are the War Crime Trials
watch with an open mind, individually fact check all quotes and subjects
the victors write history, we did not win, Zionism won
what you missed is that they are not Nazis who took Ukraine, they are jews
why does a predominantly christian country have a jewish leader zelensky who sends hundreds of thousands of Christians to their death in a war that is impossible to win
they funded the soviets... they literally ordered US and UK troops to stop advancing to east germany and let them all be slaughtered and much worse... bcus they were infiltrated, both churchill and fdr
they flattened german cities far worse than the blitz, the used fire bombs, killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of civillians
FDR made a new class of prisoners to avoid the regulations, this allowed them to be starved to death in their thousands, they didnt even give them any cover, just a segregated field
2700 of the 3000 judges at the nuremberg trials were jewish, they killed these people in mass in an awful way, the used a cruel different method of hanging, the hatch wasnt wide enough so people would hit their heads, how can you do this to surrendered men? these are the War Crime Trials
watch with an open mind, individually fact check all quotes and subjects
the victors write history, we did not win, Zionism won

the nature of misinformation is to use real facts and riff bullshit forward. that's sad in this case because there are some valid points that can be drawn from the cupla truths you have here.

Sadly we going to be finding out very soon that the majority of Americans want a semi-Fascist state the same with the uk population too

ring really reminds me of the gestapo, they rolled almost exclusively through ordinary informants. people with fucked up biases are having their day.

why do they keep designing things to look like hal? doesnt anyone remember how the movie ends?

Why the dystopian views are always referred to Nazism and not to Communism? They are basically the same shit, and Communism looks much more dangerous to me, because it "succeeded" for many more years, in many more countries, and for some reason has that glamorous look to so many idiots...

Germany became increasingly polarized with people espousing Marxism on one side and Law and Order on the other. This is exactly how it feels in America now.


In times of economic and political strife extremists always rise, whether left or right doesn't matter, they are reactionary's. For example the liberal left intend destruction of things about history that upset them much in the same way Nazi's in Germany burned books. People need to learn from History and rarely do, the same mistakes are repeated and things somehow trundle on. 'Good times bring weak people', 'Weak people bring bad times', 'Bad times bring strong people' & 'Strong people bring good times'. The great circle of human history.

I thought it was the republicans (ie the right) in America banning certain aspects of history they don’t like.
Who are the liberal left?
I’m not trying to start an argument I’m trying to understand
Who are the liberal left?
I’m not trying to start an argument I’m trying to understand

lol it's different in different countries. A conservative in the US is different from a conservative in the UK.
As an example the BLM movement (btw I support equal rights for all races, genders etc.) have tried to expunge slavery and that part of history. Taking down statues of former slaveholders and so on won't change anything, we must remember these things happened so that they don't happen again.
Because of slow or no change for certain groups there is an attempt to accelerate that change from an evolution to a revolution. People will only be backed into a corner for so long whatever their political inclinations. Some people think they're pushing for positive change but real change is when we've learned the lesson.
As an example the BLM movement (btw I support equal rights for all races, genders etc.) have tried to expunge slavery and that part of history. Taking down statues of former slaveholders and so on won't change anything, we must remember these things happened so that they don't happen again.
Because of slow or no change for certain groups there is an attempt to accelerate that change from an evolution to a revolution. People will only be backed into a corner for so long whatever their political inclinations. Some people think they're pushing for positive change but real change is when we've learned the lesson.

Thanks for the response mate.
I still don’t get the tearing down statues of slave owners equates to trying to erase the history. Statues aren’t history they glorify the subjects for posterity.
Is it still a massive issue over there around the teaching of CRT?
I still don’t get the tearing down statues of slave owners equates to trying to erase the history. Statues aren’t history they glorify the subjects for posterity.
Is it still a massive issue over there around the teaching of CRT?

Well the statues are an example. They are subjects for posterity but they also memorialise history and certain points in history. As such they connect themselves to that history.
I basically agree with you though, they aren't the history themselves and so it shouldn't matter. It's what they represent that makes the difference.
I feel that whether right or left wing, people have an agenda and push that. Both different sides of the same coin I'd say.
Also CRT?
I basically agree with you though, they aren't the history themselves and so it shouldn't matter. It's what they represent that makes the difference.
I feel that whether right or left wing, people have an agenda and push that. Both different sides of the same coin I'd say.
Also CRT?

Thanks for the response mate.
I see statues as a way to venerate the individual and what they stand for. Cultures generally don’t put up statues of twats. So the slavers statues should all come down imo.
Critical Race Theory
I see statues as a way to venerate the individual and what they stand for. Cultures generally don’t put up statues of twats. So the slavers statues should all come down imo.
Critical Race Theory

Yeah np, I don't mind a bit of debate.
Again I do agree with the first part of what you said. Statues certainly venerate people, but also events. However cultures not putting up statues of 'twats'...well...that's a matter of perspective.
There are many examples of people that put up statues of people who are considered great or influential in their time and place. Those same people and statues are considered later, or by another group to be somehow offensive or detestable.
I'm not gona say that something like slavery in the U.S. wasn't a terrible thing, it defo was. I do think that removing something that is generally offensive to the majority should be considered. It's just that we also need to learn from these things and replace them with something that educates people about the history surrounding them so as to understand the bigger picture.
But yeah CRT, I am familiar with it...bit of a deep and complicated topic. But to answer your original question about that, yes I believe it is still something of a hot topic within education in the UK. I believe the Tories here (conservatives) said they felt CRT was biased, in other words trying to ram anti-racism down kids throats without opposing viewpoints.
This is a quote from the Equalities Minister, "Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law".
So yeah interesting, jeez this turned into an essay XD
Again I do agree with the first part of what you said. Statues certainly venerate people, but also events. However cultures not putting up statues of 'twats'...well...that's a matter of perspective.
There are many examples of people that put up statues of people who are considered great or influential in their time and place. Those same people and statues are considered later, or by another group to be somehow offensive or detestable.
I'm not gona say that something like slavery in the U.S. wasn't a terrible thing, it defo was. I do think that removing something that is generally offensive to the majority should be considered. It's just that we also need to learn from these things and replace them with something that educates people about the history surrounding them so as to understand the bigger picture.
But yeah CRT, I am familiar with it...bit of a deep and complicated topic. But to answer your original question about that, yes I believe it is still something of a hot topic within education in the UK. I believe the Tories here (conservatives) said they felt CRT was biased, in other words trying to ram anti-racism down kids throats without opposing viewpoints.
This is a quote from the Equalities Minister, "Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law".
So yeah interesting, jeez this turned into an essay XD

Thanks man I do appreciate your time and input.
It’s good to hear it from someone on the ground so to speak we just get fed what the media want us to hear
I do find CRT and the defund the police movements different. One is a collection of scholars etc critically evaluating how society has impacted people of all races and the defund the police is a social movement in response to innocent black people getting killed by police
Have I got that right?
It’s good to hear it from someone on the ground so to speak we just get fed what the media want us to hear
I do find CRT and the defund the police movements different. One is a collection of scholars etc critically evaluating how society has impacted people of all races and the defund the police is a social movement in response to innocent black people getting killed by police
Have I got that right?

You sound very naïve & to support CRT is crazy, hope you don't spout the sort of nonsense politics we see above IRL.

I don’t know how supporting a data driven legal critical evaluation by experts as naive maybe I’m missing something in your post as it doesn’t really make sense and yes i do discuss this topic and others with real people

Watching the Plot Against America on Sky and it’s easy to see how Facism takes hold. Not dissimilar to Trump’s America.

1 post
+6 votes

High Times Top Strains 1977
I remember references to what I thought was the "sense" now I get that was sinsimilla :) Thanks
I started smoking weed in '70, and the main difference I can tell between late 70s and now is that back then sinsemilla was just a part of the market, with a lot of packages containing seeds and more leaf and stem (amount varied with price). Today it's all sinsemilla (so much so that the term isn't even used anymore). The quality is pretty much the same. We had thai sticks and Hawaiian that certainly equaled top shelf strains of today (as far as anyone could tell - there wasn't much precision on reporting THC levels). I'm happy with the situation, but I stopped smoking between about '83 and 2009 (job), and wasn't amazed by any changes in potency; just the fact that it's all sinsemilla. I did feel silly when I first got back in the market and asked a seller whether or not his product was sinsemilla and he didn't know wtf I was talking about. I quickly found out that was a stupid question... :>)

I remember references to what I thought was the "sense" now I get that was sinsimilla :) Thanks

Yep, that's what it was called. Just Spanish for "without seed". Speaking of Spanish, if we could find Oaxacan sinse we considered ourselves lucky, because it was just about as good as Thai but cheaper. Availability (in my part of Texas) wasn't reliable at all though. Now, it's like going to the weed supermarket. We're living in the future in that sense. Life is good and getting better...

Started smoking back in the 80s red leb ,black.good shit joints or hot knives they rocked.

Yeah bro the stuff with the cloth attached to it, red leb think there was gold leb too it was lovenly stuff. Early 90s.

And green leb. Amazing days. Wasn’t the strongest, but tasted amazing.
We also used to get straws filled with green oil. Either spread some on a rizla or just chase the dragon with it. God knows what it’s done to my lungs.
We also used to get straws filled with green oil. Either spread some on a rizla or just chase the dragon with it. God knows what it’s done to my lungs.

I was there from 1972-ish, it was mostly pretty good in the Uk depending who you knew, or what grew ;) Avoiding the street ofc.
Most of the pictured weed was grown outdoors on a hillside without fertilisers, boosters and the other shit habitually used today.
I partook in the some of the countries of origin at the time too, thank you Magic Bus. I preferred hash at the time and still do, real Temple Balls were trippy, Leb was a knockout and the black in the Dam was unbelievable and so on. Impossible to get around here, so pleased to have found LB at last!
Most of the pictured weed was grown outdoors on a hillside without fertilisers, boosters and the other shit habitually used today.
I partook in the some of the countries of origin at the time too, thank you Magic Bus. I preferred hash at the time and still do, real Temple Balls were trippy, Leb was a knockout and the black in the Dam was unbelievable and so on. Impossible to get around here, so pleased to have found LB at last!

How did people live with that? With the way weed has gone it's a different world and are kids will think the same as are weed lol

Meh I’d still smoke it. I bet all of these would get you high as a motherfucker. Because you wouldn’t be used to them at all.

If i got any of that in the post I'd probably raise a dispute. Though I did buy thai stick and brick pack in the 90's. Wouldn't mind seeing a picture of the hash scene back then. All the hash bars look the same now. Just with a different picture under the cellophane. Picture looks like it came off someone's home printer. No finesse to hash bars these days.

In all honesty I’d be happier smoking this, I started in late 80s/90s and the hash was great , blonde leb, red leb , squidgy black and then Thai , African , Jamaican weed. Then skunk came it was hard to get and sought after. As I grew older and funds were better I smoked skunk, I spent 3 or 4 years travelling in india and Asia (basically a stoners tour) then I came home and settled down other things took preference and I barely smoked , then I came back and now everyone goes on about terps and all sorts of shit , I’d take this lot over most weed today

I saw a lot of weed in '77, but the only pics here that look like what I saw are the Thai sticks. Weed didn't look like the compact nuggets we see today, but it never looked that raggedy that I remember, and I started smoking it in '70.

first 'grass' I ever smoked looked like Acapulco Gold number 5, first proper weed I got fucked from was like the Thai in number 10

Proper Gold Seal hash. In Amsterdam. Back then. 1991, 2
When Orange Bud was ridiculous, and there was no hope, ever, of getting that shit at home.
Generic “skunk” for £40 on the eighth round my way.
Cheaper to go ‘Dam. Post shit back. And have a nice little holiday.
Nah. Hash. Pop up De Pijp. Buy 10 2 euro dvds.
You might want to watch them. But it’s mainly shite horror. Early Cronenberg if you were lucky. Nikita. That sort of thing.
Then pack them with as much hash as you can. Pop them in an envelope. And post them. Just go for a nice walk. 10 parcels. 10 different post boxes.
Oz of very nice hash, in the UK. Thankyou very much.
But we had Budmonkey back then. Shit like that. Hermes. 2005 ish. You know. That shit.
Can’t even remember how it was done.
Like people thinking this shit is new. 😄
No. Genuinely
When Orange Bud was ridiculous, and there was no hope, ever, of getting that shit at home.
Generic “skunk” for £40 on the eighth round my way.
Cheaper to go ‘Dam. Post shit back. And have a nice little holiday.
Nah. Hash. Pop up De Pijp. Buy 10 2 euro dvds.
You might want to watch them. But it’s mainly shite horror. Early Cronenberg if you were lucky. Nikita. That sort of thing.
Then pack them with as much hash as you can. Pop them in an envelope. And post them. Just go for a nice walk. 10 parcels. 10 different post boxes.
Oz of very nice hash, in the UK. Thankyou very much.
But we had Budmonkey back then. Shit like that. Hermes. 2005 ish. You know. That shit.
Can’t even remember how it was done.
Like people thinking this shit is new. 😄
No. Genuinely

we used to get the ferry over from harwich, £35 for a 24 hour return. Sometimes we'd get a coach there and back because they never got searched, would stash hash around the coach and collect it once through customs.
There was a DVD shop we used to go to, open them up and plaster hash all over the inside and post them home. always landed
There was a DVD shop we used to go to, open them up and plaster hash all over the inside and post them home. always landed

1 post
+3 votes

Anyone ever had a car accident stoned?
yes empty roads are dangerou because you find your own flow

Anyone ever had a car accident stoned?
I just had a close call last night, I was super focused on changing the song on my phone cause I fucking hate what it was playing and really pissed that Spotify was playing the shit again after I had already skipped it several times in the past, really it was an insult to begin with suggesting I would like Katie Perry - because who knows why? Maybe she had a track with somebody else that I liked but I can't figure out who AND WHOAH I am driving through a red light and SHIT there is an suv headed towards me and already slamming on the breaks. So then the good magic powers side of the weed kick in and I do this swerve to the left while I jam the accelerator I don't even know where the hell I got the idea still I gave up on the Fast and Furious like 5 movies ago but goddam it worked. Has this happened to anyone else?

You could just stop fucking with your stereo.
Its nothing to do with weed its to do with self incompetence.
Changing music while driving is as bad as using your phone.
Its nothing to do with weed its to do with self incompetence.
Changing music while driving is as bad as using your phone.

that's fine and dandy but someone in the thread mentioned the very real possibility of simply red coming on

Not the magic powers part, I took out my neighbors mailbox backing out of my driveway while otherwise feeling amazing thanks to the kind folks here.

I drive around the countryside for work and I'm high most of the day, never caused me a problem. Have crashed 3 times while sober though, but one of those was being side swiped by a lorry (driver fell asleep). Wish I was stoned, might not have hurt so much..

Why are you looking at your phone while driving? Let alone driving while high looking at these comments too some of y’all need a moral check imo

i took out a bird (of the avian variety) whilst driving (stoned). it was a being wanker and had it coming. however, that was a conscious choice...

Nope only once when I wasnt. I think when I'm stoned driving I'm much more aware of everything. Only bad thing is the police , worst thing you can hear when stoned is " Lads checkpoint " .

Nope, been doing it for almost 20 years. Funny thing was just talking to one of my best friends from back in the day. We used to get stoned and go for a drive. Used to do some, what I find scary now country lanes, with crazy bends, up hills and down hills.
Seen some funny shit too whilst stoned and driving.
Would panic when a police car would go past or pull up next to me at the lights but now I vape, so don't give a shit anymore.
Seen some funny shit too whilst stoned and driving.
Would panic when a police car would go past or pull up next to me at the lights but now I vape, so don't give a shit anymore.

Ricky, that you?
Jokes aside, I drive way better stoned than sober. Much smoother and less aggressive.
Jokes aside, I drive way better stoned than sober. Much smoother and less aggressive.

I have been driving stoned for many years and never had an accident.. but I have witnessed hundreds when out

As for driving round stoned, I live in my cur my cur is my home, I’m sure you get stoned at home probably, all types of weed.

I play call of duty better when stoned I can ice skate better when I’m baked and I drive better when I’m baked I can’t remember what I had for breakfast most days but I can quick snipe a brother from across the map easy hahah somethings activities weed enhances me slightly I’m sure of it never binned a car yet touch wood seen many a close call been in a few over the years but never actually wrecked a whip when stoned

Do a lot of driving stoned myself, never had any issues. The last time I had an issue was when me and a friend rented a hotel room at like... 18 I think. We had an ounce of some weird ass weed we needed to get rid of... smoked the whole ounce through the night, and then I tried to drive home and when I pulled out of the hotel I was driving on the wrong side of the road (was the middle of the night with no cars out).
Oops... but I quickly figured that out and got back in the right lane haha.
Oops... but I quickly figured that out and got back in the right lane haha.

1 post
+10 votes
The activist dismantling racist police algorithms
started topic

The activist dismantling racist police algorithms
Hamid Khan is a controversial figure who has turned down partnerships with groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) because of its emphasis on reform. He doesn’t believe reform will work.

1 post
+2 votes
How To Control Guns
Yes, defense against government was the reason and made plenty of sense when the tech was there in the 18th century. But do you think an armed citize…

How To Control Guns
To effect gun control leaders already controlling guns simply need to set an example.
Simply replace dumb offensive weapons with intelligent defensive ones.
Attackers can be disabled with sound, electrical impulse (a laser to the eyeball goes a long way), gas, anything but hot lead is relative progress.
A huge industry is waiting once this direction is set and it’s a rare example where a leader can set something so important in motion. A police force equipped with such weapons would not only save lives it would restore confidence, replacing fear with respect.
Like any old technology guns will inevitably become obsolete, outmaneuvered by weapons that save lives. Even in the worst case the result is a technological arms race, with one side committed to protection - an outcome far better than shoot outs and more deaths every day, most often at the hands of those intending to uphold a form of peace.
Simply replace dumb offensive weapons with intelligent defensive ones.
Attackers can be disabled with sound, electrical impulse (a laser to the eyeball goes a long way), gas, anything but hot lead is relative progress.
A huge industry is waiting once this direction is set and it’s a rare example where a leader can set something so important in motion. A police force equipped with such weapons would not only save lives it would restore confidence, replacing fear with respect.
Like any old technology guns will inevitably become obsolete, outmaneuvered by weapons that save lives. Even in the worst case the result is a technological arms race, with one side committed to protection - an outcome far better than shoot outs and more deaths every day, most often at the hands of those intending to uphold a form of peace.

Guns are not the problem, they never have been. Why not start laying the blame where it belongs, with the people using a gun to kill and injure other people. A gun doesn’t kill or injure anybody unless a human being is pulling the trigger. Of course, the left wants you to believe everything would be flowers and sunshine if we only got rid of the mean, evil guns. You’re right about one thing, control. People are a lot easier to control if they can’t defend themselves. Of course that kind of logic is taboo for the left. Fear mongering and race baiting are the left’s weapons of choice. The left are the biggest racists on the planet. People forget that if not for the right, the civil rights act never would have made it to Johnson’s desk to sign into law. Who was opposed to it, most of the Democrats. There were active members of the KKK in congress and they were Democrats. Am l saying there are no racists on the right. Of course l am not, but the left would have you believe their shit doesn’t stink. It’s just sad that such a large group of people are fooled by their bullshit.

Humans aren't equipped physically or emotionally to comprehend the speed at which a gun can take a life and devastate the lives of *all* those involved.
It's not about left or right. It isn't about racist or not racist. It's about the value of human life and the callous destruction of it.
It's not about left or right. It isn't about racist or not racist. It's about the value of human life and the callous destruction of it.

You are partially correct; Guns are not the problem…..the bullets are. It’s bullets that kill. Let the loons have/keep their guns. Just get rid of the ammo (not easy I know, but spring it on the population in a surprise move and watch the killings drop).

There have been attempts to make guns smarter. It seems they have been stymied by legislators that tried to make them mandatory before they even got on the market. Then the NRA got busy.

Because it's the only reason we still have a democracy. The country's fore fathers knew this. That's why they put it in the constitution. Fuck the living document bullshit. If you think things would be so great without guns, take a look at what's happened in the past. Stalin killed more of his own people than were killed during the Second World War. The only reason he was able to it was by disarming the population first. Same story with China and Cambodia. Chairman Mao loved committing genocide, to the tune of 40 million. Pol Pot did away with 2 million. What is the common denominator? One and all disarmed. If you think things would be so great if we think past guns, instead of looking at what happened when the people were disarmed. You need to look backwards, or better yet, go talk to some of those people. Oh wait, you can't. Dead men, women and children tell no tales.

A few bad actors don't prove your point. Look at Europe, the home of democracy. We don't have guns, our democracy is less under threat than in the states, we don't live in fear in our homes, we rarely have police shootings and we don't have countless gun crimes day in day out.
If there were no guns, how would the history of China, Cambodia, Russia, the US and countless others be different?
Non violence is the future.
If there were no guns, how would the history of China, Cambodia, Russia, the US and countless others be different?
Non violence is the future.

Yes, defense against government was the reason and made plenty of sense when the tech was there in the 18th century. But do you think an armed citizenry has even a tiny chance against the American military now? If so let me know who you buy from here cause I want some of that shit :)

They said the same thing about North Vietnam. Look at how that turned out. The same thing is happening right now in Afghanistan. If you’re fighting for something you believe in, anything is possible. You talked about the revolutionary war. It was the same situation. Our fore fathers believed their cause was just so they took up arms and went to war against the most powerful nation in the world at that time. We didn’t even have a standing professional army, yet we won our freedom when nobody would have thought we had any chance of defeating our foes. You also have to take into account if the army would go to war against the people who they swore to protect. If the order is given, l really doubt they would kill their fellow Americans.

Remember who was backing the 13 Colonies,,,, France and the French Army..... out of the goodness of their French hearts ? Your forefathers had the Catholic Spanish to the south, The Catholic French to the North. As Puritans, your forefathers would have taken up arms against their own shadows during those dangerous times. Today is not comparable to then,,, Your Bill of Rights is so outdated. Hence you have such terrible gun problems. My opinion and not a rant,,, Love to all x

It’s expensive. $500 for a grenade. Things like stingers are in the hundreds of thousands dollars range. It’s possible to get anything you want, even tactical nukes are on the table as well. I thought it was bullshit till l saw one. That’s right boys and girls, there are rogue nukes on American soil. You’re talking 10’s of millions of dollars for one of them After seeing it l thought someone would kill me for that very reason. I try to avoid thinking about it otherwise l’ll go off the deep end.

Where is that the money maid by the Police, lawyers, Medical industries, air ambulance is what $4K a trip?

Why don’t you take another English grammar course. My 4 year old niece speaks and writes english better than yourself.

No If Everybody had to ware a gun and soon the dumbest and t, most unrespectful humans will not pass there unwanted gene's on as many as they now do

I am wrong. You’re the end result of inbreeding, that’s the only way to explain why you’re this stupid.

You know you are right the only catch is that the dumbest are little children

Normally, l would respond to your pseudo, new age crap with logic and facts, but there's no point in wasting my time. I'm sure it would send you running to your safe space. Do everybody a favor and stay there. I'll hang on to my arsenal and sleep soundly knowing whoever makes the mistake of confronting me won't be around to do it to someone else.

1 post
+1 votes
It's Almost Over Now N.E.R.D.
fuck yeah it is :)
2 posts
+6 votes
apple reduced to a lame tv company
he would have been perfect for amazon, operational excellence and gentler relations with the outside world. also the awkward attempts at style.
+ 2 more

apple reduced to a lame tv company
year after year tim cook has squeezed every buck out of users with shitty dark patterns but that's not the worst part. none of this money has produced anything except phones indistinguishable from the last models and computers suited for a museum.
the coup de gras? trade in-plans? credit cards? how about making movies instead of tech. it's a strategy that not only sunk sony but every sucker that ever walked into hollywood.
the coup de gras? trade in-plans? credit cards? how about making movies instead of tech. it's a strategy that not only sunk sony but every sucker that ever walked into hollywood.

dont forget credit cards, insurance and subscription schemes at the core of the new apple

Phones that get less usable as the price rises, PC's that tell you what to do rather than the other way around.
Long since lost their way.
Long since lost their way.

I mean, the link stuff is fair enough. Why would you pay to help people that went out of their way to fuck with your personal life? It's Gawker staff that want the program, the same staff that outed him for clicks. They can fuck right off frankly.
As for movies, I'm of the opinion that the greatest thing Steve Jobs did for the world wasn't Apple. It was Pixar, and that is his real legacy, still strong today.
As for movies, I'm of the opinion that the greatest thing Steve Jobs did for the world wasn't Apple. It was Pixar, and that is his real legacy, still strong today.

yeah but steve understood media. cook is setting himself up as a villain and fulfilling the narrative they are setting up for him.
the guy is an operational genius but he doesn't understand content anymore than he does tech.
the guy is an operational genius but he doesn't understand content anymore than he does tech.

he would have been perfect for amazon, operational excellence and gentler relations with the outside world. also the awkward attempts at style.

pixar is holding up better for sure, i think he really built time into making sure they had a sustainable creative system. that said there quality is also down, i can't imagine him letting them fall this far even in disney's hands.

1 post
+5 votes
To The LB Class of Covid-19: Skyfall
We needs some robots

To The LB Class of Covid-19: Skyfall

What a fucking year. You all made the difference.
Thank You.
Thank You.

Our unwitting Santas. Dressed in red, carrying their sacks of goodies right to our doors.
Not all heroes wear capes! .....Not all heroes know they're heroes!
Not all heroes wear capes! .....Not all heroes know they're heroes!

being part of this "lb underground" during a global pandemic, using bitcoin, watching the western world crumble, it has all felt like i'm in on some 90s sci fi scenario.

1 post
+4 votes
to the sellers that stayed online during the blockchain meltdown: STRONGER
big bigg up

to the sellers that stayed online during the blockchain meltdown: STRONGER

wherever there is panic there is courage. hats off to the many sellers that weathered the storm to keep this community strong.

Unfair comment really as all businesses have different situations and end games we know nothing about. It also kind of denigrates any vendor who felt the need to shut up shop for just a few days to suit their own circumstances.

I'll be sure to remind the next self employed person I meet that wanting to actually get paid for the work they do is a sign of weakness. Makes perfect sense that.
Cheers BB
Cheers BB

Just an observation,but if I told my suppliers,back in the day,that "lm really sorry,but the money I owe you is tied up with these other people,but I can possibly pay you some time soon" I'd have my hands broken.
Dumb and ugly to throw down on anyone who was forced to shut down.
Dumb and ugly to throw down on anyone who was forced to shut down.

I had a bricky round yesterday to quote me for re-pointing my chimney. It's probably only half a days work but we agreed on £150 cash because it's a risky job getting up there.
After reading all these insightful comments on this thread i've decided i'm not going to pay him.
Instead, when he knocks on the door at the end of the job and asks for the agreed amount of money for the work he's done, i'm going to play some Kanye West, put my hand on his shoulder, look him straight in the eyes and say;
"listen mate, i'm not going to pay you now, you just need to be a bit stronger"
I'll let you know how that one pans out....
Cheers. BB
After reading all these insightful comments on this thread i've decided i'm not going to pay him.
Instead, when he knocks on the door at the end of the job and asks for the agreed amount of money for the work he's done, i'm going to play some Kanye West, put my hand on his shoulder, look him straight in the eyes and say;
"listen mate, i'm not going to pay you now, you just need to be a bit stronger"
I'll let you know how that one pans out....
Cheers. BB

to continue your analogy i reckon this bricky has worked with you already, he sees the bank is closed and he does his fucking job rather than leaving it like a bitch.

Tell him you can't pay him because of a fire in China and watch his laughter as he knocks your chimney down. Takes him twice as long though, because he's a fucking good builder :)

Makes sense.
I messaged admin. They sent me a link to the pool. Which I could see for myself was jammed.
That was all the confirmation I needed, and was happy to carry on working.
I messaged admin. They sent me a link to the pool. Which I could see for myself was jammed.
That was all the confirmation I needed, and was happy to carry on working.

not surprised to see most of the og biggaz stayed online, they've seen enough shit with bitcoin to be used to this.

Theyve been through a lot of profit too, bitcoin has skyrocketed and the losses don't compare to the gains.

It's only profit when you've been paid. P.S. really hope no vendor's ended up in a sticky situation with their supplies whilst waiting for money from lb.

lol what an idiot. Vendors started shutting up shop when several of em noticed payments were bouncing. On top of that within 48 hours of a few of us shutting up payments started coming in and much smaller than before. Easy to chat shit when you don't have any skin in the game,

Half these vendors here grow there own shit so don't feel any losses when things like this happen.
Vendors who outsource items, who pay set prices, these are the ones feelling it. Not these home growers lol.
I lost loads of profit margins due to the sheer drop in bitcoin value while waiting patiently for my bitcoin so I could cash it out before any more losses or even exchange to a stable coin.
Vendors who outsource items, who pay set prices, these are the ones feelling it. Not these home growers lol.
I lost loads of profit margins due to the sheer drop in bitcoin value while waiting patiently for my bitcoin so I could cash it out before any more losses or even exchange to a stable coin.

1 post
+1 votes
Best things to watch while stoned
theres a biggy devoted to this
90s disaster movies. They are so fucking absurd. Congo, for example,has a gorilla in it that smokes and drinks martinis and everyone plays it completely straight. Theres another one about a volcano with Pierce Brosnan where granny's legs get boiled alive and bo-one reacts at all, not even the kids. Utterly batshit bonkers and hilarious at the same time

I tell you what, I nearly had to phone myself an ambulance after watching the new series of Brooklyn 99. Not sure if you have watched it before (Netflix) but it is hilarious when straight, never mind when stoned. There is one particular episode in the new series that set me off and I could not breathe. I'm sure there is a thread kicking about on here about this topic. There are some great suggestions on there. Also, Tik Tok is always a good laugh.

Try Italian Spiderman uncut on ..Youtube uploaded by theraineydaze be the proper size version might not be your thing I got a free laugh out of it which is rare, gets going after a while.

1 post
+2.2 votes

Police bust 'world's biggest' video-game-cheat operation
started topic

Police bust 'world's biggest' video-game-cheat operation
1 post
+3 votes

ghetto bikes
reviewers if you want me to believe you're not shills
seem the wall algorithms definitely prefer photos as well

ghetto bikes
reviewers if you want me to believe you're not shills
and i do appreciate the shills, they have killer photos.
but it would help us all if you made comparisons amongst what you are reviewing.
some kind of ranking system say this is number 3 in quality but number 7 in price.
this will be kinder to the sellers as well because they will know how to compete with quality and price rather than guessing and making a drama when they get it wrong.
love and appreciation to everyone here
but it would help us all if you made comparisons amongst what you are reviewing.
some kind of ranking system say this is number 3 in quality but number 7 in price.
this will be kinder to the sellers as well because they will know how to compete with quality and price rather than guessing and making a drama when they get it wrong.
love and appreciation to everyone here

Well put, the average ratings from verified purchases are more informative than the reviews which often read more like love letters rather than criticism.

In no order RB, TGT, ULC and Smoggyman all been consistently top sellers for me over the months but it all comes down to what strains and type of grows are best for you, helps if you know what you want.
You're mad if you think all these topics and pics on here are from shills though, weed doesn't need pushing because people already want to buy it that is literally the only reason to be on this site :) The only seller(s) who need shills are the ones that get banned and come back under new names.
You're mad if you think all these topics and pics on here are from shills though, weed doesn't need pushing because people already want to buy it that is literally the only reason to be on this site :) The only seller(s) who need shills are the ones that get banned and come back under new names.

Gotta say I agree 100% I can't imagine there is anyone on here that would need to do it unless they got banned and tried to come back lol.
Vendor wise I think you've nailed it other than missing DIUK. They have had some of the best stuff I've smoked in years on here recently.
Vendor wise I think you've nailed it other than missing DIUK. They have had some of the best stuff I've smoked in years on here recently.

I've only had one order with DIUK but it was a banging bit. Some of their "wow" stuff lately has looked amazing. Will have to get in on some of it soon!

The wow mac 10 and ice cream cake are hands down the nest stuff I've had from LB. I've had a lot of strains from DIUK but the recent Wow range they have got in with their new grower is just next level compared to the rest.

I've given up on the reviews. They are pretty much useless as most people rate before they have even tried it which is a massive pet peeve for me. I now have an edibles guy and a vape guy and a backup seller. It just seems like this site has a bit of a dark vibe to it atm there seems to be a lot of people complaining about orders being wrong or lost and bad communication. I will also leave a review on the sellers page with a bit of detail about the product so people can know a bit more about the product instead of just reading lots of 10/10 but I haven't tried it yet reviews

Yeah man I dont get the whole review before you receive thing, i mean how on earth can you leave something helpful for others if you aint even tried it yet.
I always try to mention qualiry, stealth and how heloful vendors have been etc, its only fair.
I always try to mention qualiry, stealth and how heloful vendors have been etc, its only fair.

It drives me nuts. Can you think of anywhere else you would leave a review before trying. You don't walk past a restaurant, look at the menu in the window and then post how its great but your not going to eat there until next week

The rating/review system works out as a very vague guide on LB. You should be able to work out who will actually get you something in a reasonable time frame. And perhaps if their stealth is adequate.
As to the quality and detail of the products themselves, the reviews aren't particularly useful. Time for an analogy...
Let's say you're really into your music. The finest thing in your world might be a rare, crackly first edition vinyl of a virtually unknown band, released in the early 1970's. Are the pops and crackles in the audio a good thing? Is this better then music released last year? Does this even make sense to someone who only listens to opera... or jungle... or K-pop?
Most people are only in-tune with what the mass market presents. If you know better, those opinions are largely irrelevant.
As to the quality and detail of the products themselves, the reviews aren't particularly useful. Time for an analogy...
Let's say you're really into your music. The finest thing in your world might be a rare, crackly first edition vinyl of a virtually unknown band, released in the early 1970's. Are the pops and crackles in the audio a good thing? Is this better then music released last year? Does this even make sense to someone who only listens to opera... or jungle... or K-pop?
Most people are only in-tune with what the mass market presents. If you know better, those opinions are largely irrelevant.

Its the relative ratings that matter. It's a very good bet that if 2 items have 50 ratings and one has a higher rating that it's better, especially if the price is similar.
Why we need rankings to see this at a glance.
Why we need rankings to see this at a glance.

I must've been lucky or selected the right people??
I do agree would be good to see product / seller rating split.
i like the blurb but not walls of text, im usually too baked to read it all.
Only had 5 strains so far and a hash. all were top notch.
i would say A******* give or take a star LOL
I do agree would be good to see product / seller rating split.
i like the blurb but not walls of text, im usually too baked to read it all.
Only had 5 strains so far and a hash. all were top notch.
i would say A******* give or take a star LOL

It could all be resolved if reviewers took a minute and a sentence or two to explain their ratings. Just putting a number is of no real help and rating because you’ve received it but yet to try is mind numbing...

Lol. I notice on Leafly a lot of reviews are written when totally baked and are very entertaining! (Particularly the ones that start with “Weeeeeeeeeee!!!”)

I want to know things are more or less as described, and aren't underweight.
Quality is subjective.
Quality is subjective.

It's a rough metric for me. I don't tell other people how to review and don't expect the same in return. Personally, with respect, I don't really worry about what people believe. If people want to go into detail and be more explanatory, that's up to them. The metric serves well as a trust device, not a wine taster's palate guide, at least for me.

I agree but the shills mainly come from vendors who review there own products get banned eventually then reappear under new names

nobody needs to push weed. people be lining up to buy it right now with how things are.
I appreciate all the reviews here; few have let me down. We need more buyer feedback not more criticism of it. Feel free to lead by example.
People oft moan about the rating system. but it's pretty obvious it's end purpose. The rating is for the overall sale; not just the weed itself. People are able to judge it however nicely or harshly they like with a review to help others below the item.
I appreciate all the reviews here; few have let me down. We need more buyer feedback not more criticism of it. Feel free to lead by example.
People oft moan about the rating system. but it's pretty obvious it's end purpose. The rating is for the overall sale; not just the weed itself. People are able to judge it however nicely or harshly they like with a review to help others below the item.

Out of curiosity who are you referring to? Anyone specific or just people who do reviews with photos in general?

I'm one of those people . Lol am I considered a shill? I'll praise the ass off a product if I like it, pictures included!

I much prefer outdoor organically grown herb. So it's "better" than puffed up hydro grown from my point of view. Others may describe my preferred herb as "no bag appeal/too loose/not dense/not stinky" etc
Therefore reviews are subjective as opinions are involved.
Hence a more complex score rating system would achieve nothing other than confusion.
imho ofc ;)
Therefore reviews are subjective as opinions are involved.
Hence a more complex score rating system would achieve nothing other than confusion.
imho ofc ;)

1 post
+8 votes
The Dopamine Fasters of San Francisco
Interesting characters but it doesn't seem that original

The Dopamine Fasters of San Francisco
We're laughing at them right now but I have a feeling they are on to something huge.

I think that's it, as archetypical millennials they give Buddha a context for our age. They are a specific antidote to the online wuwei of today.

2 posts
+2 votes

When the cops come knocking
stupid on too many levels to count and note your address is burned :(
+ 2 more

When the cops come knocking
Sigh... it happened. Got that knock. I was actually away getting a haircut, but they scared the shit out of my wife.
Said they’d be back, didn’t show up today... the crazy thing is, I hadn’t bought anything recently. I’m guessing it’s that one package that went missing in the mail about a month back... regardless, very scary shit.
Open to all suggestions and comments on how to handle this.
Said they’d be back, didn’t show up today... the crazy thing is, I hadn’t bought anything recently. I’m guessing it’s that one package that went missing in the mail about a month back... regardless, very scary shit.
Open to all suggestions and comments on how to handle this.

Thank you all for the feedback guys, I do appreciate it.
No show from the cops for a second day in a row... not sure what to think at this point. My buddy says he doubts they'll ever come back.
From what I am able to gather, this is a package with like 2g sample pack that got lost in the mail about a month ago or so... I'm really confused as to why they are even bothering to stop by in the first place tbh....
No show from the cops for a second day in a row... not sure what to think at this point. My buddy says he doubts they'll ever come back.
From what I am able to gather, this is a package with like 2g sample pack that got lost in the mail about a month ago or so... I'm really confused as to why they are even bothering to stop by in the first place tbh....

looks like they picked the wrong bigga to fuck with :) glad youre ok and thanks for updating us.

Yeah man...why??? I can't believe that they can actually dedicate resources to this kind of thing...seeing as they give 'cannabis' warnings in most boroughs which mean jack shit you would think they could just send you a letter or something! Must be shit just waiting not knowing if they will come back or not...
Ah man, keep us posted, heads want to know that the E to the pix is in the clear, one love man, fuck the feds.
Ah man, keep us posted, heads want to know that the E to the pix is in the clear, one love man, fuck the feds.

Haha thanks! No cops yesterday either... I’m guessing they were just checking a box and wont be back. Hope so anyway =)

Damn Epix. Just catching up on it all now mate. I was wondering where you got to. Sorry you been put in this situation, it’s my worst nightmare, especially with the straight mrs thing. The cops should be pretty occupied with corona, short staffing etc. Keep us posted and Good luck mate.

I'd claim ignorance. No order history so they can't prove you purchased it. You're not responsible for the contents of a parcel, even if your name is on it. They're not gonna waste more time trying to prove otherwise. They probably just have to follow up on it, tick the box

Let this be a timely reminder to all LB sellers: Stealth, stealth, stealth is the most important thing, above all other factors.
No stealth = No wealth.
Opinions vary, but I vote for confusion, politeness and ultimately silence. The burden of proof is on them.
Very best of luck Epix. For what it's worth I think this will blow over and be forgotten about, but give it some time.
Also you never know, it could be about a stolen bicycle or local domestic dispute. Keep us updated.
No stealth = No wealth.
Opinions vary, but I vote for confusion, politeness and ultimately silence. The burden of proof is on them.
Very best of luck Epix. For what it's worth I think this will blow over and be forgotten about, but give it some time.
Also you never know, it could be about a stolen bicycle or local domestic dispute. Keep us updated.

curious what precautions people use for stealth buying.? eg browser used, vpn used.? tnks

Some stuff in here might be of use to you bud!

Last update on this until something actually happens.
Cops knocked up on Monday... it's now Saturday. Still haven't come back.
Cops knocked up on Monday... it's now Saturday. Still haven't come back.

Ah shit man...that's proper shit man...think it's going to get a few peeps on the edge of their chairs when the door goes for the next few weeks, been a few packs go missing as of late it seems...
Yeah, as discussed and surmised when I was pondering a (still...) missing pack last week I can't see that they can really do too much - I suspect that they are reaching even for a 'possession' charge if you have never even possessed it... obviously there are archaic rules in regards to use of the postal system etc but honestly... surely the feds and the courts are too busy for this shit?...
Obviously they don't have a warrant or they would already have been in and taken ya stash!! Looks like they just want to give you a stern telling off?...
Best I can say is what I intend to do if it happens.... invite them in for tea, explain how it is so much safer (and better!!) for me to purchase weed on the internet than in a car park and apologise for the archaic laws that require them to visit me and establish that I am indeed, not a society threatening criminal of any sorts...
Panda has suggested a mean looking ferret to hold during the process. I think this would help but I'm short on ferrets. And money. I spent all my money on dope. On Lb lol...
But, my underlying point I guess is that I have always found politeness and apologies go a long way with the feds...they just want to feel like they are in charge isn't it.... I plan to go yes sir I did order the weed, no sir I can't tell you where from, yes sir I will never do it again, no sir I promise....
Soon as the mother fuckers leave I will 100% make another order for NDD for at least a half oz. Fuck the feds. High til I die.
Sorry you got to sit and deal with it though man, keep us posted brother.
Yeah, as discussed and surmised when I was pondering a (still...) missing pack last week I can't see that they can really do too much - I suspect that they are reaching even for a 'possession' charge if you have never even possessed it... obviously there are archaic rules in regards to use of the postal system etc but honestly... surely the feds and the courts are too busy for this shit?...
Obviously they don't have a warrant or they would already have been in and taken ya stash!! Looks like they just want to give you a stern telling off?...
Best I can say is what I intend to do if it happens.... invite them in for tea, explain how it is so much safer (and better!!) for me to purchase weed on the internet than in a car park and apologise for the archaic laws that require them to visit me and establish that I am indeed, not a society threatening criminal of any sorts...
Panda has suggested a mean looking ferret to hold during the process. I think this would help but I'm short on ferrets. And money. I spent all my money on dope. On Lb lol...
But, my underlying point I guess is that I have always found politeness and apologies go a long way with the feds...they just want to feel like they are in charge isn't it.... I plan to go yes sir I did order the weed, no sir I can't tell you where from, yes sir I will never do it again, no sir I promise....
Soon as the mother fuckers leave I will 100% make another order for NDD for at least a half oz. Fuck the feds. High til I die.
Sorry you got to sit and deal with it though man, keep us posted brother.

I know peeps are saying this is dumb, but it worked for Panda. I was thinking of basically leveling with them. I have a few different scenarios I’m ready to play, depending on what kind of sense i get from the feds.

Makes a lot of sense man...if the pack is addressed in your name (as it should be) then denial is just going to look pretty silly to a seasoned babylon...
On the other hand, an apology and an explanation that buying weed on the internet saves you exposure to all sorts of negativity encountered with buying weed 'on the street', along with a cup of tea, will likely keep them much more malleable...
Also, you don't want to offend their detective skills and get them all into trying to prove too much... then they would want to start looking for more evidence... never great...
Greet them with a smile. Give them tea. Say sorry. Say Bye. Give them the bird. Hit Lb for a celebratory NDD?...
On the other hand, an apology and an explanation that buying weed on the internet saves you exposure to all sorts of negativity encountered with buying weed 'on the street', along with a cup of tea, will likely keep them much more malleable...
Also, you don't want to offend their detective skills and get them all into trying to prove too much... then they would want to start looking for more evidence... never great...
Greet them with a smile. Give them tea. Say sorry. Say Bye. Give them the bird. Hit Lb for a celebratory NDD?...

haha, truth. I'm usually a good judge of character. I'll see what kind of lads they are. If they are out to bust asses or just being responsible cops. I used to live in the US... so I know a lot about shit cops lol

And yeah I think either way epix plays it, it should be okay.
I agree with you shed politeness does go a long way, they were more interested in playing with my dogs than having a go at me really after the first couple of minutes lol
I agree with you shed politeness does go a long way, they were more interested in playing with my dogs than having a go at me really after the first couple of minutes lol

Just deny all knowledge all buddy and say you know nothing of the parcel or the sender and it was sent to the wrong address. After all they have no proof other than the package itself

Not sure how I missed this topic mate, that blows man. Did anything come of this? Have you still been ordering stuff?

Thankfully nothing came from it, but what did come from it is a pissed off wife who isn't allowing me to order bud online lol. All the convincing I had to do with her on this being safe is out the window =/
But now with the lockdown... I might not have a choice but to get some again haha.
But now with the lockdown... I might not have a choice but to get some again haha.

Do my eyes deceive me!? It can't be... haha welcome back from the hiatus buddy, good to see your name.

I know I said last update last time... however we are now 3 weeks from the original knock, still nothing.
I'm going to guess they aren't coming back at this point, so that's a HUGE weight off my shoulders. Hoping I'll be able to make a comeback here and start doing reviews and such again. Really missed my little biggars =(
I'm going to guess they aren't coming back at this point, so that's a HUGE weight off my shoulders. Hoping I'll be able to make a comeback here and start doing reviews and such again. Really missed my little biggars =(

Man, you're missed here - fuck the feds, if they had any real case or issue with you they would have been back - did they actually say anything to let you know it was about the weed or could it have been for something completely unrelated man??

Hey bud, yeah I miss this place too, damn shame. Wife isn't super excited about me buying again, but hopefully with time we can fix that =)
But my wife answered the door. She saw they had a mail parcel in an evidence bag... so we are assuming. I'm not ordering anything else illegal, so... I can't think of what else they would have been here about tbh.
But yes, still no cops. I still have about a half O left of all the massive stocks I had been collecting... so I'll be looking to cop (no pun intended) again soon.
But my wife answered the door. She saw they had a mail parcel in an evidence bag... so we are assuming. I'm not ordering anything else illegal, so... I can't think of what else they would have been here about tbh.
But yes, still no cops. I still have about a half O left of all the massive stocks I had been collecting... so I'll be looking to cop (no pun intended) again soon.

You'll be fine to order again man, from trusted sources only though man like I'm doing, if you can get it past the Mrs that is, that's the real mission lol

Yo E - Ah got you man, so it weren't the drive by or the bank heist you did earlier in the year and forgot about or nothing then lol...
Ah, bless the women, they are what keeps us all upright and moving forward eh..ha ha... I can understand that man, must have been a shocker for her..
Given what's happening right now, think we can safely say it's very likely the whole case will disappear into the winds of time now...they have already spent too much time/money on it by coming round once!
Ah sweet dude, welcome back to the ordering decision nightmares!! Loads of choice on here at the moment - not sure how post is going to start treating us in the coming weeks but yeah, you know the squads on here, you know who packs the super-stealth... peace E
Ah, bless the women, they are what keeps us all upright and moving forward eh..ha ha... I can understand that man, must have been a shocker for her..
Given what's happening right now, think we can safely say it's very likely the whole case will disappear into the winds of time now...they have already spent too much time/money on it by coming round once!
Ah sweet dude, welcome back to the ordering decision nightmares!! Loads of choice on here at the moment - not sure how post is going to start treating us in the coming weeks but yeah, you know the squads on here, you know who packs the super-stealth... peace E

Yeah, I figure I'm sorted. Even without this absolute madness we are living in now I'd have been fine. I know the good ones, hopefully I'll be back to ordering in no time =)

Denying it may go against you, say “I don’t know what to say” repeatedly lol
Assume it’s only a wee or you wouldn’t be asking this question
Assume it’s only a wee or you wouldn’t be asking this question

Of course they didn't follow it up, no way they could make a charge stick, anyone could have ordered that for you. 'Really officer? I wander which one of my daft mates thought it would be a good idea to do that? I'll have stern words with my homies, don't want no one sending that stuff to me..' etc etc..
They are also not really interested in getting a customer - its the suppliers they want if they want anyone.
Sorry your misses got scared though, I'd have to do some mighty sweet talking if the boys in blue hassled my wife on our doorstep :)
Good your back, stay safe!
They are also not really interested in getting a customer - its the suppliers they want if they want anyone.
Sorry your misses got scared though, I'd have to do some mighty sweet talking if the boys in blue hassled my wife on our doorstep :)
Good your back, stay safe!

Yeah exactly, they were just ticking a box I'm guessing. But I do love the excuse there, it's not claiming ignorance, but a nice plausible story.
Yeah, we can't become citizens here for another 2 years... so she was SUPER SUPER pissed that I might have jeopardized that situation... so yeah, I wasn't the favorite person for a while.
Yeah, we can't become citizens here for another 2 years... so she was SUPER SUPER pissed that I might have jeopardized that situation... so yeah, I wasn't the favorite person for a while.

Not one that's on here anymore, doesn't seem they ever took off... shame, the bud wasn't bad, was grown by him etc.

stay cool and keep quiet, anything they present respond with confusion.
they will try to rattle you just like they did by making you think about it waiting like this. stay quiet they are not looking for explanation they are looking for INCRIMINATION.
you are in control and hold the shots here, whatever they do have is likely to be minor and you can only add to it by talking to them so be polite, respectful and silent.
they will try to rattle you just like they did by making you think about it waiting like this. stay quiet they are not looking for explanation they are looking for INCRIMINATION.
you are in control and hold the shots here, whatever they do have is likely to be minor and you can only add to it by talking to them so be polite, respectful and silent.

1 post
+2 votes

blockchain "insufficient funds"
Is there a crazy fee? This can happen when a wallet accumulates crumbs.

blockchain "insufficient funds"
hi guys, having a little problem here. i have 40£ in my blockchain wallet but when i try to make a payment it's only allowing me to send 2.50£ . any more and it says "insufficient funds"
any idea how to solve this?
any idea how to solve this?

hi thanks for your answer, actually now that u say i looked at the fee and it's 0 ! even on 2.50$.

i tried applyin a customized fee and it's 3 sat/byte for reg and 23 for priority but still gives me "insufficient funds"...shame

If it shows in the total but won't let you send and is coins you bought from the site itself. Then its likely in what they call your 'BTC Trading Wallet'.
Go to send and the from the drop down select 'BTC Trading Wallet' if it shows any inside that send to your main wallet.
It will only allow you to send to your main wallet anyway.
Hope this was helpful I had the same issue before.
Go to send and the from the drop down select 'BTC Trading Wallet' if it shows any inside that send to your main wallet.
It will only allow you to send to your main wallet anyway.
Hope this was helpful I had the same issue before.

hi i just checked and they are in the main wallet. the trade wallet shows 0. anyways thanks for your reply

with blockchain now once you have bought the bitcoin you have to transfer it into the other wallet to be able to send it, this is because blockchain used to use coinify for bitcoin purchases whereas now the 2 companies have split
I have found buying bitcoin through coinbase then sending that to blockchain wallet is cheaper on fees also
I have found buying bitcoin through coinbase then sending that to blockchain wallet is cheaper on fees also

1 post
+1 votes

State of the DNMs
scamming people isnt a long term business model. that's why every single market has failed, almost always in an exit scam.

State of the DNMs
wtf has happened to them? I've been off them for about 5 years, give or take. It's hard to remember lol.
Am I on the wrong markets? It just looks like every vendor is a scam waiting to happen now , or the marketplace doesn't give two fucks about disputes so escrow is completely useless. I used to order a QP every week and I was spoilt for choice. The guy I used to use the most doesn't take new customers anymore and obviously with it been 5 years ago that won't work anyone here used bcbudking and is willing to vouch for me? Is this because of the pandemic and all the good vendors are closed up ? Seriously... Someone clue me in cause I am lost. It used to be ridiculous easy to find a good international bulk vendor.
Am I on the wrong markets? It just looks like every vendor is a scam waiting to happen now , or the marketplace doesn't give two fucks about disputes so escrow is completely useless. I used to order a QP every week and I was spoilt for choice. The guy I used to use the most doesn't take new customers anymore and obviously with it been 5 years ago that won't work anyone here used bcbudking and is willing to vouch for me? Is this because of the pandemic and all the good vendors are closed up ? Seriously... Someone clue me in cause I am lost. It used to be ridiculous easy to find a good international bulk vendor.

scamming people isnt a long term business model. that's why every single market has failed, almost always in an exit scam.

1 post
+6 votes

Help! Anyone Selling Toilet Paper?
i see a great promotion opportunity here

Help! Anyone Selling Toilet Paper?
Hi Guys
Everyone in Uk has gone mad buying up all the toilet paper because of COVID-19.... All the supermarkets near me have sold out
I really need a shit... please help
Everyone in Uk has gone mad buying up all the toilet paper because of COVID-19.... All the supermarkets near me have sold out
I really need a shit... please help

I was in a awful cheap hotel once with no toilet paper. Needed a poo. Either i wiped my arse on the only towel in the bathroom, or used the thin pages of the Gideon Bible in the bedside table. I'm not going to admit which one i used, but it's not a situation i ever want to be in again...

I’d rather have a dirty face over a dirty arse lol
I don’t use facecloths anymore after that last time I mixed the two up
I don’t use facecloths anymore after that last time I mixed the two up

1 post
+3 votes
Using PGP here?
It was way more popular here a few years ago. I also think I remember the button being more prominent. The old sellers all had it but frankly the new…

Using PGP here?
I see there is some reference to PGP use here, but how do you use it with orders? I don't want to input my address into the standard form that comes up on the order page, I'd much rather use PGP to communicate that. But I don't see any public keys or anything on any sellers pages. So how do people generally use it here?

Good question. If a seller has a pgp key the option comes up on the address form. But I think it's impossible to tell who has a key until then.
If you find a seller you want to use that doesnt have a key send them a message, you will be doing them a favor.
If you find a seller you want to use that doesnt have a key send them a message, you will be doing them a favor.

All I've seen so far is the "save this address using independent security" which seems vague.
It would be much better to just have a single space to input a block of text instead of the address form, allowing people to input a PGP encrypted message.
It would be much better to just have a single space to input a block of text instead of the address form, allowing people to input a PGP encrypted message.

OK I found one seller with a PGP option and I see that what I described above is what you get when you use that option.
I'm surprised more people aren't using PGP here, it's pretty essential in my opinion.
I'm surprised more people aren't using PGP here, it's pretty essential in my opinion.

It was way more popular here a few years ago. I also think I remember the button being more prominent. The old sellers all had it but frankly the new ones all seem too use mobile phones and minimal additional opsec. The decriminilzation of cannabis also seems to have a slow but steady impact here.

It's a shame because not using it is pretty much a deal breaker for me, I only just discovered this place. I haven't seen any mention of using bitcoin tumblers either. I think a lot of folks here probably think bitcoin is more anonymous than it truly is.

I agree, would prefer to use PGP and have found one seller using it. Another one I want to order from hasn't got it, so then what to do??!

I hear you but the fact is that if you chose ANYWHERE over this place the BEGINNING of bitcoin becuase they had more pgp sellers or no js or whatever, you would have lost. Do it now and I will bet on the same outcome.

1 post
+5 votes
320 as CBD time
started topic
1 post
+3 votes

PGP key
for what platform?

Tried to start the referral thing while it’s nice to earn a few bitcoin it’s not enough for me to keep it up I’ve shared links from vendors on various sites apps etc , have had a few hits but not enough to earn a living hahahaha was worth ago to try get more people on to little biggy and try help vendors get new customers, glad I tried it , back to buying now

2 posts
+5 votes

{buy help}
No idea how to get my money back from escrow
Welcome back bigga
+ 2 more

{buy help}
No idea how to get my money back from escrow
I recently ordered on Little Biggy for the first time in a couple of years, and placed an order without signing in (I'm used to ordering on Dream Market, where you can't order without signing in). The vendor, of course, doesn't have the order and recommended asking Transaxe to find it. No idea how to get in touch with who I need to get in touch with, and my $78 in Bitcoins is now worth over $100, so I'd like to get it back and order properly. Any suggestions? I must say that I really don't like it that it's possible to order without signing in, since that apparently leads to this annoying situation...

Give transaxe the blockchain url and it gets sorted. Many people here agree with your point about no-account transactions, they even had a referendum about it but nothing has changed yet.

Thanks, but I don't see anything here with a "transaxe" link. The vendor gave me the same advice, btw. It's been a couple of years since I dealt with anything on Little Biggy, so don't remember what I did last time. :>(

2 posts
+19 votes
Got my first package today!
started topic
+ 2 more

Got my first package today!
Very stoked people, 5 days after (included a weekend) I took the plunge here I am a very happy individual!

bigg topics