folks lets call this beast what it is, a global street revolution.
while corporate media tries its best to treat all this as unconnected, one-off, occurrences that gets pretty fucking ridiculous when 20 minutes of the 30 minutes news is riots (the other 10 is still commercials to return our wages back to the machine itself).
of course it's global that's what your media has achieved, a whole world scared of the same thing, an ultimate lowest common denominator. well now you fuckers have divided by zero and it doesn't feel very good does it. suddenly you're not so sure?
fear not, the greediest of the bunch will see a profit in spade calling soon enough. the world riot is an irresistible story even if it is the truth. however what comes after that will arrive between our cheeks boys and girls, the gang of leaders that will "restore order". because let's face it these people are getting dangerous and they are holding umbrellas and some have completely unregulated paintball rifles, someone could lose an eye if we don't lock them up and get on with normal life. will it require a few more powers? more than last time? yes, times change and these new agitators are equipped with texting, it takes ages to read all this, some of it still doesn't go through us to begin with.
please take my remote away, im falling asleep through it this time. you're all getting cancelled soon enough.