send private message
joined apr 2020
im not sure if it will ever work out right
share oasis and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
1 topic on oasis
by  oasis
best hype doctor on little biggy?
277 posts by oasis
Dead Internet Theory
"the audience for this one is growing because of discussion led by a mix of true believers, sarcastic trolls, and idly curious lovers of chitchat…
on  {nations}
Networks Not Nations
keeping better wines out of reach
I shit you not this is the answer
I imagine you have secured drilling rights + 2 more
on  [music]
senser states of mind
bigg up
tether is a surveillance currency
shouldn't be a surprise, they are a centralised currency that actually cancels coins by government (you guessed it..) fiat
#3 Open a Direct Ship Parapahanila Shop
qr matches at a festival?
on  [cities]
Ten futuristic cities set to be built around the world
Fucking amazed they are actually building this
on  {science}
Swearing improves physical performance
started topic
What is post-humanism?
what is analogue transhumanism?
on  {shade}
early crypto celebs: masked dj
I've been trying to forget him for years
Best Movie Soundtrack?
touch the pause button
on  {nations}
The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
from each according to his sperm
Love, Death & Robots
started topic
The Repressive, Authoritarian Soul of Thomas the Tank Engine (New Yorker)
i think its kind of true blue collar, the foreman is portrayed as fat and fussy
on  {bitcoin}
Money as a system of control (video)
thats what Sie said
Blue Zones Lessons From the World’s Longest Lived
littlebiggy: media confirmed by cannabis
What it takes to crack BTC
simpler to just use btc to buy the crack
on  [music]
Who says this mouse is dead
on  [music]
Luigi - Luis Prima
started topic
Calculate costs upfront
i always let a little extra sit in my wallet, i've wound up with a free order every few months from the rise in btc :)
on  {rap}
Rank The Dead Rappers
tupac had the charisma of a rock star and gravitas of a rebel leader. a great story teller but not as great as mr wallace i think and puffys beats ar…
on  {shade}
cryptography is the most peaceful weapon in history
#2, #1 is the peace pipe
37% of Americans Want To Secede
OK but when you look at non-english speakers that might have heard this as "succeed" then the american dream is still alive!
AI So What. There will always be work.
with all due respect it can take a bullet, sacrifice its life, and draw on millions of previous occurrences. that's a helluva start.
Best Example of Communism?
if you change communism to community then you dont have to go very far for an answer
on  spiceX1
Why privacy is important, and having "nothing to hide" is irrelevant.
good insight.
on  {shade}
Anonymous eSim
started topic
Einstein: The universal force is LOVE
started topic + 2 more
The Royals Should Pay Slavery Reparations
feudalism is very different to slavery, some of our ancestors had the pluck to get out of it and become tradesmen, artisans, even adventurers. today a… + 2 more
on  [music]
Worst song ever? And why... GO!
thats not a trumpet thats his ass whinging
on  [music]
The Last Rock Band?
They are after the last, like a symphony orchestra playing the same shit centuries later. But they do fucking rock. + 3 more
on  {shows}
Best TV Show of All Time?
Effective Altruist or Effective Accelerationist?
go beff!
did world war 2 merely stall an inevitable trend of fascism?
just as a sidebar, who is your favourite national socialist? + 2 more
on  Kiltman
a truly smart car would never have allowed that to happen
Can someone tell me why Americans think guns are the definition of freedom?
sorry Fridays I'm in love would you accept a heart atttack on say Wednesday or Thursday + 2 more
Who is the highest bigga Right Now?
but then you'll train it fetch your pipe
Church Entirely Devoted To Worshiping AI
Who/whatever created this universe looked a lot more like A.I. than humans.
doctor doc
Endocannabinoids in the Gut
started topic
Worst Star Trek Series of All Time?
That's cheating but hell yes! + 2 more
The Chopping Block: A Network State in 10 Years?
a coinbase guy and a vc, all he ever wants is acceptance from the old establishment.
on  [travel]
Lisbon vs Porto?
Agreed, so much culture here and you can take a metro to the beach.
on  {rap}
Eminem Houdini
heart warmed, head scared nice work by many people here
the decade of failed protests (video)
Matrix Resurrections
red suppository thanks
Top Time Travel Destination?
started topic
i need a weed vape that wont drive me crazy
true this and they make a big league version too
on  {bitcoin}
eminem's crypto pitch
started topic
on  Mrwig27
Greatest Comedy Sketches Of All Time
on  [music]
Fatboy slim docu
Anyone do bong hits before church?
its mandatory in my church :)
Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!
started topic
dubai doobies?
dubai has started to ease out of the cannabis hate. no more jail time, they're justing grabbing it and leaving you alone.
on  {rap}
Best Romantic Rap Song?
only song i can play on the piano
on  [movies]
Best Threequels
started topic
why are btc transaction fees down now?
It's always worse in December, btc had huge gains and traders can add it to their p and l if they sell before the end of the year.
the evolution of Coruscant video
started topic
Star Trek Porn
Yeah but all those star wars results are making me lose wood. + 3 more
how hard is it to get skills anymore?
says a hairdresser that couldn't cut it
on  {gaming}
best family game for xbox?
thats kind of a doxy question considering miscrosoft is a bitch's bitch
on  Shaun657
GTA 6 trailer
a supposed leak
on  Diggz008
you are the site bigga and if you dont dispute or share info you let us all down.
A Man Called 9-1-1. The Police Killed Him While He Was Still on the Phone.
He called in some kids hanging around his car after he couldn't get them away, dude was a long time air force veteran himself and could not have done …
Scientists Think Flashes Are Powering Alien Spaceships
aliens are all about the bling
on  Doctori
How do I contact LB
just message transaxe support with the btc address you paid to.
Just say no (to content): Nietzsche’s surprising “information diet”
i guess the irony missed you but i'm glad, outstanding post biggz + 2 more
dinner with the in-laws
mine bring out the pipe :)
{buy help}
Item Wall Update!
Suggested Strain Names
started topic
on  DrBurke
You're good karma has come back as bong water.
on  [music]
best mashup thread
started topic + 2 more
{buy help}
The dreaded knock on the door
a run of packages is a stinker somewhere in the chain and it may not be the posties. your seller may have a new hire or who knows what operationally. …
creativity. weed vs alcohol
i think this really depends on the vacuum hole
on  HughPhug
No goods, No comms, No Refund, No reship...
sure bigga but see how you mark yourself with this statement, head to cleanup borg + 2 more
on  [music]
he LOVEd The SON
check this one out
Who's your fav Comedian?
now that's funny i saw the headline and immediately thought of this pic of chapelle.
{buy help}
Delayed shipping- dispute deadline coming up
on  Dayman
Order reviews + shout out to vendors
so which bigga is best? + 2 more
Can I send same listing from different countries?
yes would be smart to list it twice to improve position
on  {rap}
best irish rapper?
on  [travel]
Is the Michelin guide corrupt?
on  Shaun657
Refund address legacy or bc
you can use either
Nuclear Weapons
says agent smith version 1
Royal Mail
a vendor has kept your address to perpetrate fraud, contact cleanup borg
on  ElDrungo
dont even think of sourcing that shit without testing
ChatGPT ‘portfolio’ outperforms leading UK fund
the funds use algos too so this basically says an algo based on words is beating an algo based on numbers
on  WkndSmker
Prepping for the coming months
thankfully this isnt a vodka community
The Drugs That Power Silicon Valley.
funny that weed is just taken as a given
Police robots put on permanent patrol at Singapore airport
started topic + 2 more
{buy help}
USA based sellers
The items wall shows where every item is shipped from.
on  hesh10/10
This is imminent
thanks. its amazing how fast this is normalising.
Good documentaries recommendations?
Nice one, here's a playlist for curtis
governments take out smart contracts on people
true this
guardians of the galaxy 3
started topic
What do you biggaz want these days??
pre rolled, no-tobacco, hemp leafed, infused blunts :)
Best weed movie?
special mention cuase its only good high
Selling on little biggy vs the darknet
welcome, i hope you've showered :)
Just dispute and show your tests
on  Richy781
Favourite fictional character to watched baked
on  [music]
Songs To Get Pumped
if this doesnt work go back to bed + 2 more
work weed?
T-break Tips?
exercise, it pumps up the stored thc and gets you through the day
Anyone using a fake name for delivery?
This is one of those times when intuition fails. A fake name gets special postal attention a real name does not. If someone else was sending you c…
Organic Fresh Frozen Live Resin🇺🇸
Nothing personal but how can you prove its actually from the USA?
on  [music]
Mad world tears for fears
i know im wasted because i just read this as "the band is good"
Could somebody please alleviate my confusion
yeah its not that way at all, noobs do just about anything they are told. there's so many sellers here and exit scams are attempted constantly. and ev… + 2 more
on  {gaming}
Hogwarts Legacy
excited to. just to be in that universe without enduring another film and i was sold.
Reagan Tells Soviet Jokes
its proskillz how shitty he does the intro but still stretches the punch for the laugh
on  {nations}
where is the most optimistic place on earth right now?
wonder if that correlates with fastest internet
on  {nations}
List of countries by income equality
slavs and nordics sure dominate the top
The Room Where The Internet Was Born
thats some serious rep by now
a parents night without weed is torture
Pics on Review
Seems it should give more weight to the rating too
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Canna pharma SCAM
just send a message to auto settlement borg and youll get sorted
best term for non-stoners?
what about shmuggles
Planet of the Apes TV Series
is that starsky?
on  {gaming}
The Making Of GTA 1996 video
started topic
Free Strainsbury’s T Shirts 😎
you should make a qr of your page w a reference code link, then you could give away the tshirts since each one would earn money
Escrow held in BTC problems - Introduce FE option
conversion while in escrow sounds like a good idea, transaxe could swap the coins to a token upon their initial receipt. + 2 more
There is no finer way to consume Indica (or whatever the authoritative nerds want to call it these days) than syrup.
Your poison to face armageddon?
Vr headset and acid, don't think I have the guts for this combination until then
Yeah... that's a 16" peperoni with double cheese and a diet coke.
you had me until "diet"
how could the jedi council have prevented all this?
recall a padawon that talked like that
Any other canna moms here on LB?
wait you just gave me an idea :)
Bill Maher on Royalty
masks were a lot more fun back then
Carts in Edinburgh?
just buy some tobacco carts and hold them all together
Loads of shake orders going out today, We have really made a mark for having quality shake at Awesome prices - maybe sho…
i'd figure it out but i don't have the timex
In the 1970s Irish Banks went on strike. Pubs replaced them easily.
And if the pubs went on strike the banks would be watering down booze
UK alternative to everclear
Bush I guess
on  hesh10/10
we don't need every, and we dont need another brexit axis either. we just need major currencies and btc and let the users choose.
Beware of a Scammer!!!
this is why as a seller you WANT to use the dispute process, it doesn't let buyers get away with this shit.
Lack of traffic
I would make a social media presence for shroom learning it's still a mystery to most and link with a ref code that way you'll earn from their cannabi…
Not working till the weekend
what does meta mask do?
it can resolve a crypto domain name and it can access web3 apps called dapps
Clive Sinclair
britain had a real tech aesthetic in the 70s.
on  Mcfly369
Second shrooms experience help. Lol
roll with it bigga its going to be over and there will be at least one thing you miss about it.
UK is only 1% of world emissions?
great post but i think when we're talking about the planet "we" is something bigger.
on  [music]
Mushrooms Controlling Synths
they are controlling everything
on  paddy420
you're gonna have to poke around, there are always new exchanges that do this until they're strong armed by the boys with the guns. and when you do…
Stealth Tutorial Please
Yes there are noob sellers with bad stealth all the time and a tutorial should be mandatory. This would actually increase safety for the community, …
I get stoned to see reality not escape it
i concur, get him the fuck out of here
on  patience
Is Bitcoin Halal?
maybe but it aint kosher
advice for stealth?
started topic
List Of Fictional Cryptocurrencies Banned By The SEC
on  Johnyboy
Rogue seller Drugs Inc UK
if you haven't already make sure you review it w photo, this adds leverage and helps keep everyone informed not only of the bad but the good recovery …
on  {rap}
What decade had the best rap?
Blackalicious were definitive enough to span both these decades
AI uses synthetic data
tldr - ai needs huge data. where it doesn't exist we make it up for them. with enough fake data we hand decision making over to them.
the batman
enough garbage thanks
Roman Britain - The Work of Giants Crumbled
guiltless binge watching, thanks matey
is this an original image?
tragic how this guy blows it. there are more americans without legal access to cannabis than the population of any eu country but he's like this dodg…
if an order doesn't show dispute it
started topic + 2 more
on  {rap}
U biggas wont be disappointed
bigg up
on  sam508
Lost In The Mist Of The Grove
my bad poet ,Cannaete + 2 more
How d'you think the pornstars do it? 🤔...💊🦸🦴🦴🦴💯🤗
they have help
on  Richy781
Let's hear your stoned philosophical comments
implies long term scientific thinking on their part so..
on  Richy781
Are we just killing time until the world ends?
were killing the world until our time ends
Plant growth regulators (PGR) are used by profit-hungry growers and the result is a cheap, medicinally reduced, cancer-r…
You would have a good business doing this I've seen lots of people asking for it. + 2 more
on  Nutta
Dry christmas
its gonna be a dispute this xmas 🎵
The cybernetics scare and the origins of the Internet
on  sam508
Grinder Suggestions?!?
#1 pack condoms before a date with anyone you meet there
The AI oracle of Delphi uses the problems of Reddit to offer dubious moral advice
terrifying but early ai doesn't sound so different from early humans
Is the Earth so far gone?
be careful, they sell fake martian bags on ebay
on  {shade}
NYPD Deploys Creepy Robot Dog In Public Housing
Seems like there is a robot stick up its ass + 2 more
To Radar Breeder: The More You Ignore Me The Closer I Get
started topic
on  brakefast
Test results
thanks mate would you mind summing this up in the vernacular of the peasantry?
There was a clear winner on election night: Marijuana
heroin and cocaine didn't do so poorly either
Guys got issues. BudExperience...
i hope the algo acts on shit like this + 2 more
Spend all Monday with my hands on my wood and now it's sore
saw that one cummin
C*****l21 is a troll and a lying “customer” !
could you do any more to empower this troll?
Just had some import drop today from my hometown oregon! White Gushers!! Will be listed in the evening
on  {gaming}
The Vigilante Hunting Down Cheaters in Video Games
There's a rastaman in every crowd.
Order No Show
that's not your customers' problem.
Is it better to go off the wall and become a private page?
"For the moment I will reduce the amount of listings until I know everyone on LB is happy with me" this gives trolls an erection. what you…
Moonboys Defi Token (Good investment 50-100X)
maybe stick with the day job bigga
Server issues
keep the extra urls and you wont miss a beat
First month on Little Biggy (vendor and purchase review )
FFS the last thing a noob should do is seek out vendors not on the wall. The only reason not to be there is the seller is a very new user or is havi…
on  Zippysmom
Vaccine cards
it just tastes better than the counterfeits + 2 more
on  martix1
at least let him know he's getting somewhere you wicked vixen
delivery time to Austria/Hungary
Did you try Suisse Ms? Also congrats on getting the empire back together.
on  {nations}
World Riot I
What about a decentralized riot cause I want a Riot of My Own
on  Nwo9.2/10
Please come and say hi :)
change the spelling on both of those and we can get somewhere welcome :)
on  Vapeuk
any test results?
started topic
Half refund or reship
Never accept this, go to escrow suisse and make a dispute right away.
to the sellers that stayed online during the blockchain meltdown: STRONGER
when the pressure is on character really shows
great, do you have any previous identities you can refer us to? would help kickstart your reputation here.
Glen Greenwald on Terror Propaganda (The Intercept)
this is why we dont need conspiracy theory, what's already on the table is enough to reach a conclusion about power, propoganda and how they are used
on  Apexskunk
"Cali" weed help
anyone can all anything cali - so its worthless until proven otherwise
on  marco66
Malana cream, for me, best hash of 2020.
10/10 for wardrobe
How Are Negative Interest Rates Possible?
started topic
Who invented fandom bitches?
bigga's never heard of the 2nd directive
C jm. 123
on  C jm. 123
Postal theft.
that's called a setup
on  jpa6919
How to reach psychedelic heights with edibles?
1 empty stomach 2 co2 extracted thc 3 good environment
How To Live Forever (Guardian)
ok but you might actually want social distancing at some point
Pol2019 offline for the past week
thanks, the system here really needs to do something about this it doesn't seem hard but this post helps
Made an order, no order showing ?
Just give the btc address to transaxe support and Bobs your uncle
All orders out - some further updates and Insurance policy - Your host with the most!!
word up, biggas with any kind of reputation can get a better settlement than a 50% refund when they dispute. this means the policy wont save you a di…
welcome, i would lose the 50% refund policy, escrow will overrule it based on reputation so it doesn't help you and makes you look like a darknet vend… + 2 more
There is no way for this to work without public discussion. I think there is a good chance that false accusations as determined by the mob are deleted… + 4 more
on  Superj
Luds Vs UK connect battle of the gelato 41
so Luds is the winner?
on  Docazz
Mike Tyson Ranch Holiday!!
have you tried the weinstein wine yet
A Jew and a Scotsman have dinner.
hold on a sec the scott was a counterfeiter and it was a chinese restaurant
on  Elvis3986
just give them a referral link for lb, if they are irish and good it's like handing out winning lottery tickets to the lot of you. everyone is waiting…
WHEN to buy bitcoin
Buying at any top has been a good idea in retrospect. It's not when to buy as much as having the discipline to hold. Oh and not losing your passwo…
Is it algorithm or human?
However it works there sure is a massive correlation between sellers that bitch about the wall and sellers that attempt to rip people off. Not saying …
New around here
get some photos up with your name next to the product it seems to help
on  {bitcoin}
silk road treasure opened
the more fragmented the coins the more processing required. this is the definition of old money. hope some cunt hasn't just stolen it.
One man's liberty does not end where another man's fear begins....
cut it out you are actually making sense this time and this confuses me
How do you suck air through it , to inhale? Or is this incense;)
is this all you have for a straight line this good?
Discovery Makes No Sense
bottom line: invest in polyester
I knew it! Santa is a stoner!!
santa has nothing to do with that shit
hijacking threads aint gonna help
the best conversation
it does work for simpletons thank you
$10 +Shipping Cost. For 3 Packs of Raw Papers!!!!WTF..
then dont buy but i can imagine a lot of people appreciating anonymous purchasing of this item rather than getting sucked into the amazon database or … + 2 more
Aliens Brought the Virus to Accelerate our Evolution
This is true I saw a documentary about it.
tips on how to buy safely?
use your real name on the address to not raise suspicion, don't use a noob vendor and your odds of trouble are 1000s to 1 at worst. unless you're in…
on  L1nk
A question about missing deliveries.
have you disputed them?
spam bear
started topic + 2 more
on  chopsuey
Customs (Ireland) and Parcel Motel.
Gotta put your weed up in a nice place, not some sleezy motel.
on  {gaming}
What's everyone playing during the quarentine?
Any idea how the keyboard maps to Mac on this thing? + 2 more
{buy help}
Tried dispute from Escrow for refund
just type their name into the message page
pretty cheap with the upvotes aren't you mate + 3 more
yo biggz: android or ios?
fuck apple marry android
Is this a real old post or can you explain why there are no bad ratings going back the last 30 days?
Gary Johnson: The Cannabis Candidate
Downvoting someone for stating a fact is a real bitch move.
on  Highball
All Hail Royal Mail
Most posties I know enjoy a good smoke as much as anyone. Nice to see someone appreciate them.
on  Shatzilla
Exit Scam
The fun part is watching the idiots flee to another market that scams them right off the bat.
Grape dosi??
do you twirl your mustache when you laugh?
New eire seller boyos
run away from anyone talking like this. real items, escrow protected or shut up.
on  Wifty
GBP to BTC Crazy high exchange rates !!!!!!!
Save some crumbs every time you purchase for long term holding, ask any bigga if they have any regrets and you'll wind up here.
hitler fucked trumps mom
that's really offensive. trump fucked trump's mom.
on  Cmj14
Dust/ it the way to go?
When you grind you are exposing fresh plant matter, shake doesn't always have this going for it.
Postal theft.
The posty will care and he will have something for them that mitigates his own situation. My god you guys are fucking stupid. + 2 more
on  metoo22
What can be done about toads like londonfrog?
The admins regularly stole from escrow there so yeah they had a motive. Worse than that sellers would insist you rate them 5/5 before they shipped.
£370 a OZ with that much stems sad days for LB
They aren't selling it by the ounce.
Hi all, im looking to try some top shelf cali to see what the hype is. Any good vendor recommendations pls. Thanks all :…
bigga askin fo it now
on  hoqwer
Hyperbole Descriptions
its like when you go to rap concert and the cunt brings all his hype men on stage for the whole show
Stressing over my Pre-Order from LUD !! ://
As long as you used little biggy you are covered, that's how it will work. Contact Escrow Suisse and they will sort you. LUD won't see a dime out of …
on  Smee
Wuhan biolab
wuhan makes a great strain name
What do you Miss the most during lockdown
thats the most disgusting and enticing idea i have ever heard
on  Bez1
Seems to be a great community
i would advise staying away from anyone that greets you with their own agenda. thank god there is little of this in fact its the 1st time ive seen it.
on  [music]
Mac Miller - Good News
mac miller was briefly reincarnated as sweetdreamz, now he is k13. the point is he is in a lot of pain in this limbo and he is begging for rest.
Birthday Cake Kush
if youre a scammer you're darn cute with it. if youre not put the toys next to your grow.
bigg topics