I think religions come pretty soon afterwards if not before the hookers. A.I. can bring any myth to life and get some really enthusiastic humans on board.
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joined sep 2016
0 topics on ibach
7 posts by ibach
Which Killer Robots to Team Up With?
The Ipriest, now in beta for a limited number of industry players, is ready to fill you in on exactly this!

In the 1970s Irish Banks went on strike. Pubs replaced them easily.
I am offering pre-brewed bitpint to a select group of craft patron/investors. To brew a new bitpint requires a confirmation we call a tasting.
+ 2 more
America 2024 - What Would 8 years of Trump Reap?
Trump War Games 1 is free to all Trump Premium Subscribers.

{drug abuse}
Study shows early teens are damaged by cannabis
Now you fucking tell me
Silicon Valley’s Quest to Live Forever (New Yorker)
It's leaving the anti douches - dirty cunts I call them for purposes of accuracy - that makes the re-animation worth waiting for.
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