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joined mar 2014
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5 topics on yagz
by  yagz
Who Owns Guy Fawkes Day?
by  yagz
aldous huxley interviewed by mike wallace
by  yagz
10,000 times more Americans Are Killed From Medical Errors Than Terrorism
by  yagz
1st Visit from Other Side of a Blackhole
by  yagz
Activity Around Distant Star May be Alien Civilization
12 posts by yagz
Bill Maher on Royalty
started topic
What is post-humanism?
It's a bit vague if you ask me because it means *everything* that comes after us: AI, cyborgs, augmented humans and god knows what else. I prefer &qu…
When will AI replace every job?
This. The whole idea of humans working for money starts changing when all of the work is done by AI and robots. Think how different a shared self driv…
AI So What. There will always be work.
started topic
did world war 2 merely stall an inevitable trend of fascism?
Even Eisenhower, the General who defeated fascism saw what would happen. He became the President of the US and devoted his farewell speech to a warni…
What is the best DIY bong?
If you mean best and don't mind finding some tubing and drilling you will have something that beats most expensive bongs
Meet Light Sail 2
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on  {shade}
reddits new tracking:( and how to turn it off:)
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Leading Venture Capitalist is an AI
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Decreased Brain Plasticity from Modafinil
Doesn't matter who funded it, we count an adversarial systems to find truths. I'm a moda user and it makes intuitive sense to me, focus is the antith…
Should I Get a Genetic Screening Test?
I have researched this one a bit. 23 and me is pretty easy and convenient but it is incomplete and can be a little misleading. I suggest you get their…
on  {robots}
Luggage Robot Follows You
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