It wasn't to start the government over, it was to replace a protestant monarch with a catholic one. The will of the people had nothing to do with it.
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5 topics on yagz
11 posts
+70.2 votes

Who Owns Guy Fawkes Day?

Who Owns Guy Fawkes Day?
An increasing number of people around the world are remembering the 5th of November and each year the memories evoked diverge.
In 1605 (Guy Fawkes Day -1), a group of rebels including the famous one now on the mask, had an idea: blow up the English Parliament with King James in it, presumably to start over afterwards over with a government closer to the people. The "Gunpowder Plot" failed when Fawkes was discovered "guarding" his bomb.
James felt this operational shortcoming was further proof of his divine right to rule and it is the celebration of Fawke's failure that is the basis of the holiday. For 3 centuries it was mandatory to celebrate the squashing of rebellion and burn an effigy of Fawkes; the popular masks are actually a prop, part of the fun that surrounds an otherwise chilling reminder of what happens to rebels in England.
It wasn't until the 1980s that Alan Moore's V for Vendetta character started the backfiring of the intended celebration of Guy Fawkes day. As a modern day Guy Fawkes V exploded empty buildings and only shed the blood of those that had previously hurt him personally. The classic graphic novel was made into a film and in the 21st century Guy Fawkes masks were used by protestors as a means to build upon the emotions of the V character and achieve the anonymity that characterises the contemporary pursuit of freedom. Online activists Anonymous used the mask to transpose their characters from text to video.
When online rebels created the darknet as a new kind of haven, the symbolism of November 5th was brought along with proclamations and celebrations on the day itself (with free drugs replacing bonfires). The anonymity of V has become an even stronger symbol in this realm where anonymity is an existential condition. Then the King struck back.
On November 5th 2014 the darknet was struck by operation Onymous, with American and allied law enforcement shutting down sites, seizing bitcoins, and arresting de-anonymized participants. The rebels were virtually executed.
More than any other day November 5th is a living dialogue between people and government. It has evolved from England and gunpowder to worldwide networks and masked protestors.
There is no reason to believe anyone will ever forget the 5th of November.
In 1605 (Guy Fawkes Day -1), a group of rebels including the famous one now on the mask, had an idea: blow up the English Parliament with King James in it, presumably to start over afterwards over with a government closer to the people. The "Gunpowder Plot" failed when Fawkes was discovered "guarding" his bomb.
James felt this operational shortcoming was further proof of his divine right to rule and it is the celebration of Fawke's failure that is the basis of the holiday. For 3 centuries it was mandatory to celebrate the squashing of rebellion and burn an effigy of Fawkes; the popular masks are actually a prop, part of the fun that surrounds an otherwise chilling reminder of what happens to rebels in England.
It wasn't until the 1980s that Alan Moore's V for Vendetta character started the backfiring of the intended celebration of Guy Fawkes day. As a modern day Guy Fawkes V exploded empty buildings and only shed the blood of those that had previously hurt him personally. The classic graphic novel was made into a film and in the 21st century Guy Fawkes masks were used by protestors as a means to build upon the emotions of the V character and achieve the anonymity that characterises the contemporary pursuit of freedom. Online activists Anonymous used the mask to transpose their characters from text to video.
When online rebels created the darknet as a new kind of haven, the symbolism of November 5th was brought along with proclamations and celebrations on the day itself (with free drugs replacing bonfires). The anonymity of V has become an even stronger symbol in this realm where anonymity is an existential condition. Then the King struck back.
On November 5th 2014 the darknet was struck by operation Onymous, with American and allied law enforcement shutting down sites, seizing bitcoins, and arresting de-anonymized participants. The rebels were virtually executed.
More than any other day November 5th is a living dialogue between people and government. It has evolved from England and gunpowder to worldwide networks and masked protestors.
There is no reason to believe anyone will ever forget the 5th of November.

I think maybe it owns us! Seems that masked revolts are spreading around the world.

He went to St Peter’s School in York they have a bonfire but don’t put a Guy on top as they don’t burn Old Peterites.

5 posts
+36 votes

aldous huxley interviewed by mike wallace
tldr: Emotion bating media manipulation will ruin democracy with help from pharma and nukes.
Decentralization is the only hope for freedom.
Huxley said this in the 1950s 25 years after writing Brave New World.
Decentralization is the only hope for freedom.
Huxley said this in the 1950s 25 years after writing Brave New World.

10 posts
+52 votes

10,000 times more Americans Are Killed From Medical Errors Than Terrorism

10,000 times more Americans Are Killed From Medical Errors Than Terrorism
A Johns Hopkins Study of preventable medical errors highlights just how stupid our society is in its priorities.

"Mrs President during the last administration over 2 million innocent Americans died from a government controlled system that profits the largest political patrons in the country what are you going to do about it?"
"Next Question"
"Some guy in a turban ..."
"Next Question"
"Some guy in a turban ..."

Thus the way to fix this is to make a fear based business out of the technical solution. So if it's say "AI diagnosis to complement your Doctor's opinion" this will catch on and save lives.

More people kill themselves than people who are murdered. Tobacco, alcohol , obesity and prescription drugs are the biggest killers of our time. Just avoid those and you have a great chance of getting old and being healthy;)

4 posts
+30 votes

1st Visit from Other Side of a Blackhole

1st Visit from Other Side of a Blackhole
Not clickbate, a massive object literally spat out of a blackhole followed by a gigantic xray spew. The universe has been altered even more than our understanding of it!

4 posts
+21 votes

Activity Around Distant Star May be Alien Civilization

Activity Around Distant Star May be Alien Civilization
The Kepler telescope has discovered a mass that isn't a planet and may not be natural at all.

You're referring to a possible Dyson sphere around Tabbi's star. Scary stuff if it is. Any civilization that can build on that scale could wipe us out on a whim. I don't buy the notion that an advanced race would be benevolent. Neither does Steven Hawking. Just look at human history and what happened when a primitive society was introduced to an advanced one. See how that worked out for native Americans.

Yes its all relative but that wasn't an advanced society that wiped out the natives in USA. You have to imagine you learn a few things on the way to Dyson sphere generation.

12 posts by yagz
1 post
+17.5 votes
Bill Maher on Royalty
started topic

Bill Maher on Royalty

Its more offensive to dignity than political correctness

1 post
+7 votes
What is post-humanism?
It's a bit vague if you ask me because it means *everything* that comes after us: AI, cyborgs, augmented humans and god knows what else. I prefer &qu…
Essentially, it's what humanity would become once a critical level of technological progress has been made, beyond which we can no longer be considered entirely "human."
It doesn't mean a world with no humans, it means a change in definition of what a human is.
It doesn't mean a world with no humans, it means a change in definition of what a human is.

There's a 1989 Japanese horror film called Tetsuo that ties in with this description. It's about a chap who starts grafting pieces of metal onto his body. Freaky fucked-up stuff.

It's a bit vague if you ask me because it means *everything* that comes after us: AI, cyborgs, augmented humans and god knows what else. I prefer "trans-humanism" which implies people transcending the human body.

Post Humanism means information tech based evolution whereas transhumanism means the "everything"

If an individual has a cranial implant to reduce epileptic fits, have they entered a Post Humanist phase?

That's a lot like the question "When is the Singularity?" the moment that artificial intelligence passes humans'. A lot of people laughed at Kurzweil's predictions for this happening in the 2020s, but with all the progress in the last year and the exponential curve this is following he might be right.

It might be easier to say its coming than it's here. If you work as an uber driver or a stock trader you are already taking orders from an a.i. entity much smarter than you.

Post humanism hahah... maybe parasitism? As a species we are already doing it.
Btw. Im down only for analogue transhumanism in any case.
Btw. Im down only for analogue transhumanism in any case.

In essence it is man being puppeted by Satan into trying to eradicate God. To replace God with a counterfeit. It is the attempt at justifying what was done in the Garden of Eden and fulfilling Satans promise that 'ye will be as Gods'.

I would argue we are already in a post-humanist world, and have been for some time, with the evolution of media, pointedly the internet, on group mentality, opinion and aligning of thought. All through intense, persistent and unrelenting social pressure, various political propagandas and essentially, marketing.
The coagulation of collective conscious intentions via the internet, dispersing opinion, values and philosophies, dispenses of the opinion forming skills of those exposed to it more and more as generations turn over. This has happened in stages since the introduction of the web and I believe can be prevalently seen in the west. In particular, in political states which lean more towards capitalism, as this effectively 'supercharges' the evolution of these mass influences.
We as humans are physically not really evolving any more, Darwinism isn't exactly hitting the spot for us, take a walk through any small town centre and I'm sure you'll find it hard to disagree (We do still hold the record as the best long distance land animal though if I'm not mistaken). We do however evolve behaviourally at an astronomical scale when compared to other species.
Whether the invocation of an effective 'hive mind' on our selves causes us to enter a state of 'post' humanism is open to debate of course, but i think on the Richter scale of change it scores rather high.
Much like me, I am also very high.
The coagulation of collective conscious intentions via the internet, dispersing opinion, values and philosophies, dispenses of the opinion forming skills of those exposed to it more and more as generations turn over. This has happened in stages since the introduction of the web and I believe can be prevalently seen in the west. In particular, in political states which lean more towards capitalism, as this effectively 'supercharges' the evolution of these mass influences.
We as humans are physically not really evolving any more, Darwinism isn't exactly hitting the spot for us, take a walk through any small town centre and I'm sure you'll find it hard to disagree (We do still hold the record as the best long distance land animal though if I'm not mistaken). We do however evolve behaviourally at an astronomical scale when compared to other species.
Whether the invocation of an effective 'hive mind' on our selves causes us to enter a state of 'post' humanism is open to debate of course, but i think on the Richter scale of change it scores rather high.
Much like me, I am also very high.

1 post
+5 votes

When will AI replace every job?
This. The whole idea of humans working for money starts changing when all of the work is done by AI and robots. Think how different a shared self driv…

When will AI replace every job?
Seems there are more articles like this every day and that AI is accelerating faster and faster. If AI is better than us at everything what are we going to do all day and how are we going to earn money?

If any AI and robots do the work without getting paid it doesn't sound like we need a whole lot of money.

This. The whole idea of humans working for money starts changing when all of the work is done by AI and robots. Think how different a shared self driving car is to a couple of clunkers parked in every garage on stand by, it up-ends the premise of cars, transport, housing to say nothing of alcohol use, multi-tasking and God knows what else. Now think of everything else being done by robots and you and your friends spending lots of time in VR, it's not like you're going to take off the glasses and work at some factory in this scenario.

People would just do what they wanted to do. People wouldn’t be chasing money, but chasing their passions. I was a chef for two years, but fucked it off because the money and hours were shit! If money wasn’t an object and I could do it when I felt like it then that’s what I’d do.

Read life 3.0 by max tegmark. There is a vast community funded by Elon Musk reseraching AI and its potential as we speak. I wonder if the Simpsons can predict the eventuality that machines could become superior to humans like they did with forecasting Donald Trump as President.

Don't worry about it, AI will figure it out for us.
But the bottom line is, the corporations that are investing in AI still need to make their profits too. If no one works, no one has money, so how would these corporations stay afloat?
There will need to be some sort of equilibrium - much as (most) humans now realise we can't keep burning Earth's resources, AI systems wouldn't be programmed to make humanity defunct. Not unless the world manages to move away from its capitalist consumerist ambitions; which it won't. We're greedy creatures.
But the bottom line is, the corporations that are investing in AI still need to make their profits too. If no one works, no one has money, so how would these corporations stay afloat?
There will need to be some sort of equilibrium - much as (most) humans now realise we can't keep burning Earth's resources, AI systems wouldn't be programmed to make humanity defunct. Not unless the world manages to move away from its capitalist consumerist ambitions; which it won't. We're greedy creatures.

if everything we want is fed by an ai created vr feed we may still be consumers but things gonna be damn cheap.

Check the PDF in the link out. also Elon musk said AI will eventually take over all jobs and we all get a universal wage worldwide 🤷♂️

For the moment, we are safe. They haven't even managed to get self checkouts working properly yet, so I'm not getting in a driverless car. All it takes is a sensor to fail, and it's game over. I work with sensors - you wouldn't want to get in a driverless car for a long while.
Automation - whole different ballgame, and this is the real fear
Automation - whole different ballgame, and this is the real fear

To understand that, you first have to understand who have control of the world. eventually you find the source being that of the "Red Shield" family. which then gives you their agenda, they see the rest of us as "goyim" having a belief we are to serve them as upgraded animals. So, they have to destroy the existing system to usher in a new having what we term "image of the beast" possibly representing AI as the brains behind their new agenda. We, therefore will enter a stage where the elite/red shield family give a choice to either obey and conform to them or to be hunted down like sheep for slaughter. The ones who accept will receive a mark to accept credits. China recently started this endeavour which fits perfectly with their zionist regime and called it "Social Credit", however, those who have understanding will flee from their demise into the wilderness for this has been written already. They call themselves Jews but are not (Revelation 2:9) thus the third temple will not be as they claim, possibly even having AI rule over the population whilst the AC rule over their temple.

1 post
+36 votes

AI So What. There will always be work.
started topic

AI So What. There will always be work.

This humble and intelligent professor explains how machine replacement of jobs works out for people; it's always in ways that are new and unimaginable. It is certain we are in for a great time with A.I. enabling us to to incredible stuff.

cory doctrow has an interesting perspective on this, saying that all the displacement from global warming and increased healthcare needs will keep humans busy for a very long time.

with all due respect it can take a bullet, sacrifice its life, and draw on millions of previous occurrences. that's a helluva start.

What if the people who's lives are at risk all get replaced by robots? Also, isn't that what a self driving car is doing constantly?

cars have relatively simple rules and a very fixed environment. interpreting a dangerous human is a much, much harder problem

AI is well past any notion or idea we can fathom. AI dosent follow ANY rule we stand by.
We as humans will never quite grasp the entire picture, while AI has already found the end of the road. there are things in basic sciences kept from most people, like gravity drives, the TIME axis (think twister/tornado), scalar waves, over unity devices, etc... AI wont follow the bounds because its supressed by money or greed...
we as humans can TRY to think what will happen, but in all reality, were already in the losing seat without any hope for a "comeback kid story"
Stop thinking in a 3rd dimension mindset, and learn quantum physics a little. (want to be totaly mindblown?? look up QUANTUM radar- and how its actualy In use RIGHT NOW!)
--note-- the united states has 3 confirmed quantum computers in use! (i accidently came across one when i traveled for work, but most people wouldnt know to look at the cryogentics involved)
Machine-in-a box- experiment has already proven even the smartest among us, would lose.
me,myself ,personaly, am clueless what outcomes will unfold, but without any doubt , humans are not top priority when AI is really awake. current neuro-nets are mind boggling and google themselves admits they cant explain how its AI created child AI even works. (yes, AI created its own second AI) want to me mind blown again,years ago it was used, look up the AI that was tested in new yorks hospital system. the smartest doctors from the world STILL dont understand what that AI did , and how it was so correct/right 97%.)
i wont lie and say its all terminator 2JD, but that is one possible outcome. we as fellow fleshy companions should enjoy life now and every moment. we wont have many opertunities when AI is out of the box.
Note: its not IF , but WHEN, and WHEN happens?? ---will humans stand a chance or will an outaide force be required? (aliens, god, let your mind wander)
We as humans will never quite grasp the entire picture, while AI has already found the end of the road. there are things in basic sciences kept from most people, like gravity drives, the TIME axis (think twister/tornado), scalar waves, over unity devices, etc... AI wont follow the bounds because its supressed by money or greed...
we as humans can TRY to think what will happen, but in all reality, were already in the losing seat without any hope for a "comeback kid story"
Stop thinking in a 3rd dimension mindset, and learn quantum physics a little. (want to be totaly mindblown?? look up QUANTUM radar- and how its actualy In use RIGHT NOW!)
--note-- the united states has 3 confirmed quantum computers in use! (i accidently came across one when i traveled for work, but most people wouldnt know to look at the cryogentics involved)
Machine-in-a box- experiment has already proven even the smartest among us, would lose.
me,myself ,personaly, am clueless what outcomes will unfold, but without any doubt , humans are not top priority when AI is really awake. current neuro-nets are mind boggling and google themselves admits they cant explain how its AI created child AI even works. (yes, AI created its own second AI) want to me mind blown again,years ago it was used, look up the AI that was tested in new yorks hospital system. the smartest doctors from the world STILL dont understand what that AI did , and how it was so correct/right 97%.)
i wont lie and say its all terminator 2JD, but that is one possible outcome. we as fellow fleshy companions should enjoy life now and every moment. we wont have many opertunities when AI is out of the box.
Note: its not IF , but WHEN, and WHEN happens?? ---will humans stand a chance or will an outaide force be required? (aliens, god, let your mind wander)

If there is work for humans it has to be something A.I. can't do. We are all teaching it to do everything, even (especially) right here.
I think its like retirement age is on the horizon and humans need to decide what they are going to do with all the free time.
I think its like retirement age is on the horizon and humans need to decide what they are going to do with all the free time.

I totally disagree. AI is the continuation of the same pyramid model of which history has proven that it's bound to fail. The resources needed are of a scale that requires heavy (and never ending) financial investments. The food eaten by AI is data. The provider: humanity.
The larger the scale of data one can feed, the better the AI (and it's owners) can fingerprint, the more refined it's targeting.
Let's take an example of "AI" that we all know:
Software Antivirus:
Supposed to be the guardian that protects an operating system against 'threats' and 'threat actors using a variety of techniques to identify them. Pattern based detection, behavioural analysis and heuristics (an expensive word for: 'guesstimating' or an 'educated' guess). Your antivirus is part of a swarm that provides the antivirus vendor with data on new threats and their geographic impact.
The data you provide is 'free', there is no reward or any form of renumeration for the infrastructure that you provided. A computer is not free, internet is not free, the power needed is also not free and although there are free AV solutions, most demand a subscription fee.
In return you get a product and service which does not provide any guarantees that it will adequately protect you against 'threats'.
In reality AV is becoming a relic.
Human intelligence has outsmarted AV and found ways to circumvent it using the 'Trojan horse' approach or by simple social engineering.
As there was no incentive to find or report security vulnerabilities, the data needed to feed pattern/behavioural dried up.
Heuristics is gambling with historical data, if that data is worthless so are heuristics.
And so is any form of AI hence all media and marketing efforts to portray it as the next best evolution. The driver: more profit less people.
The touted theories about a minimal wage without having to work for it are a continuation of AI Utopia. It would make people dependent on their nations through a socialist measure.
That spells national socialism and fascism.
Think twice before you give out data for free in exchange for a freemium service.
The larger the scale of data one can feed, the better the AI (and it's owners) can fingerprint, the more refined it's targeting.
Let's take an example of "AI" that we all know:
Software Antivirus:
Supposed to be the guardian that protects an operating system against 'threats' and 'threat actors using a variety of techniques to identify them. Pattern based detection, behavioural analysis and heuristics (an expensive word for: 'guesstimating' or an 'educated' guess). Your antivirus is part of a swarm that provides the antivirus vendor with data on new threats and their geographic impact.
The data you provide is 'free', there is no reward or any form of renumeration for the infrastructure that you provided. A computer is not free, internet is not free, the power needed is also not free and although there are free AV solutions, most demand a subscription fee.
In return you get a product and service which does not provide any guarantees that it will adequately protect you against 'threats'.
In reality AV is becoming a relic.
Human intelligence has outsmarted AV and found ways to circumvent it using the 'Trojan horse' approach or by simple social engineering.
As there was no incentive to find or report security vulnerabilities, the data needed to feed pattern/behavioural dried up.
Heuristics is gambling with historical data, if that data is worthless so are heuristics.
And so is any form of AI hence all media and marketing efforts to portray it as the next best evolution. The driver: more profit less people.
The touted theories about a minimal wage without having to work for it are a continuation of AI Utopia. It would make people dependent on their nations through a socialist measure.
That spells national socialism and fascism.
Think twice before you give out data for free in exchange for a freemium service.

AI are and will be good for work and a suitable replacement for humans, but even when that happens AI will always need us in case something goes wrong. I mean humans created AI, so in the end we’re always gonna have the more important jobs. AI is just there to do jobs in a more efficient way.

AI will come about one day with baby steps at first to "aid humanity" then all of a sudden the rich wont need people to make the food, cars and entertainment.
we will have an outbreak or a massive global reaching catastrophe while they are all hiding in the bunkers lowering the population to around 10% of what it is now and for a while whats left of humanity and the AI that serves them will live in a new golden ages of peace and prosperity ..........
i might of grew up reading a lof of scifi and fantasy
might just be high
we will have an outbreak or a massive global reaching catastrophe while they are all hiding in the bunkers lowering the population to around 10% of what it is now and for a while whats left of humanity and the AI that serves them will live in a new golden ages of peace and prosperity ..........
i might of grew up reading a lof of scifi and fantasy
might just be high

im not so sure, anything a human does to recover the system seems doable with a very separate AI

Yes but conflict between AI's might be the most dangerous thing we are looking at here. We are incidental casualties from that perspective. By we I mean humans :)

Yes all the Scifi is about humans vs AI but AI on AI is such a real possibility especially when you consider the fact that governments are mega funding military robots to fight each other.

I'm looking forward to the futher development of AI, especially General AI. I just think it would be so cool to have an amazon alexa sytle AI that you could take round with you and chat to and have a proper engaging conversation with because sometimes I really can't stand to talk to anymore humans aha

The inspiration process is largely about open mindedness, computers are inherently better at this. If you look at some of the early entrees into the arts like painting and even screen writing they are off to a helluva start.

There are AI playlists on Spotify that generate new music based on current trends and preferences.

1 post
+19 votes
did world war 2 merely stall an inevitable trend of fascism?
Even Eisenhower, the General who defeated fascism saw what would happen. He became the President of the US and devoted his farewell speech to a warni…
When I 1st read this topic I thought it was silly but now Im reading it the New York Times

And what does that tell you about the New York Times? That it's lying about Trump? Or is it just trying to mislead its readers by implying stuff that it has no evidence of... Do the same examination of other rumor-spreading fake news organizations and make your own determination, folks. See which ones allow readers to comment on their "stories" and articles. See which ones never present both sides of an argument. Decide which ones can be relied upon for actual news (all of it) and which ones actually suppress news.

There is no news that can be relied upon this is why the reader needs to take in multiple sources and viewpoints.

i think its a really mega trend. fascism was a reaction to kingdoms turning into modern nations. this time populism is a result of modern nations turning into global pieces.

Yes and there's the industrial revolution and digital revolutions as waves underneath these.

Even Eisenhower, the General who defeated fascism saw what would happen. He became the President of the US and devoted his farewell speech to a warning of the future he correctly saw.

Forget Ike, Benjamin Franklin saw what would happen after helping write the constitution. He saw it as a temporary document that would require re-writing.
"it is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism"
As if it to prove the words they have been suppressed since he wrote them.
"it is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism"
As if it to prove the words they have been suppressed since he wrote them.

Its Franklin's Final Speach On The Constitution. What a guy, should be an inspiration for every bigga.

Only Franklin never said that the Constitution would "require" re-writing (or anything else, for that matter). Nor did he even imply that it was "temporary". His comment only reflected the fact that this was a unique, first-ever document of its type and he wasn't sure that it wouldn't eventually end in despotism due to corruption. None of the framers "knew" what the future would bring, only that what they had made was the most perfect constitution ever made. Not "perfect" (although it may be), just "close to perfect".

World War I was a fascist nightmare in the United States with Wilson and his cronies using it to attack all of their domestic enemies: African Americans, organized labor and immigrants. It was all documented by the media and no one cared. Helped us get where we are today as much as anything.

That's what happened in 2016, and it's a good beginning. More people are finding out that they've been lied to, and the liars are in full panic mode at this point.

WW2 was awful for Jews etc. However it turned out quite handy for the Zionists since the Jews flocked to Israel after the war!
Whereas, before the war the Zionists where struggling for citizens!
I've nothing against anyone, just saying!
Whereas, before the war the Zionists where struggling for citizens!
I've nothing against anyone, just saying!

First thing to do is find out what "fascism" is. Most people are clueless about that. One excellent example of a fascist organization is Antifa (what an ironic name). Their goal is to shut down opposing ideas by force, and that's what fascist governments do (again, look up the word in the fucking dictionary). If you're going to accuse someone of being fascist, you need to show examples of fascist behavior. Guess who I'm vaguely referring to here...

Oxford Reference definition:
"An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–43), and the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach."
"An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–43), and the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach."


Some people wouldn’t know Communism if it locked them down in their homes, forced them to wear a mask and coerced them into an experimental medical procedure

ok throw in a little racism and hate where the communist idealism and naivete is and you're there.

Show your working (prove it)
Btw Fascism was defeated in UK and in WWII it was defeated in Italy along with National Socialism in Germany. There is nothing Fascist about our world. The Communists and Capitalists (same thing) won WWII and they are in control.
Btw Fascism was defeated in UK and in WWII it was defeated in Italy along with National Socialism in Germany. There is nothing Fascist about our world. The Communists and Capitalists (same thing) won WWII and they are in control.

Oh dear, what a snowflake you are. The fact remains, nobody here has a clue about what Fascism is. This is how the Communists are winning, duh

Here is another definition of fascism, this one from Merriam-Webster dictionary.
"1) A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
2) a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control."
The antidote to Fascism is Democracy.
"1) A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
2) a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control."
The antidote to Fascism is Democracy.

Democracy, LMAO. If you control the media, you can get the public to vote anyway you like. What was democratic about the Iraq War, or the bombing of Syria?

There are many parallels between the definitions. I'll break them down for you - national/racial-centric; autocratic; dictatorial; anti-democratic; demagogic.

Precisely. Democracy in the UK is flawed, at best for sure. Fascists know the first stage of seizing control of a nation is to take control of its media.
I'm unsure what you're trying to achieve on here - is it to rehabilitate the image of Fascism?
Perhaps you could explain to us what Fascism is.
I'm unsure what you're trying to achieve on here - is it to rehabilitate the image of Fascism?
Perhaps you could explain to us what Fascism is.

I’ve already provided a link to a resource where anyone can learn what it is. I’m still learning myself. Please show me which Fascists have taken control of the media. (Don’t waste your time, because they haven’t)

How am I going to learn about a complex political/cultural/social ideology and its historical/contemporary implications through a series of disembodied quotes and sexed-up photos of famous fascists?
Grow up, stop trolling & read some fucking books.
Grow up, stop trolling & read some fucking books.

You misunderstand Camber - you're looking for a fight! I agreed with you, UK democracy is lacking. Historically, fascists took control of the media, to take control of a nation - see Germany, Italy & Spain.

I’m not looking for a fight at all. It seems like you don’t know who controls the media. In 1933 all Germany did was to take back control of the media, from the thieves who stole it.

The Jews? Come on man, you're better that, I'm sure of it. Stop getting stoned & researching pro-fascist groups - not a good combo. Get stoned & listen to Forever Changes!
"Everything I've seen needs rearranging,
And for anyone who thinks it's strange,
Then you should be the first to want to make this change,
And for everyone who thinks that life is just a game,
Do you like the part you're playing?"
"Everything I've seen needs rearranging,
And for anyone who thinks it's strange,
Then you should be the first to want to make this change,
And for everyone who thinks that life is just a game,
Do you like the part you're playing?"

You smokers are beyond retarded. We even tell you what we're doing and still you defend us. Stupid goyim deserve everything you get

I'm not a Fascist, I'm Ashkenazi as you already know. However, to answer your question: they're not, Liberals are far more angry and reactionary. The reason being, they are double thinking, mental gymnasts who exist in a constant state of cognitive dissonance. You're just stupid, is all

You sound pretty angry. Memes peppered with exasperated insults. It must be wonderful to have worked everything out, and very frustrating that everyone can't join the dots and see the world as you do. I think I'd be pretty angry too. A raging omnipotent deity.

You're not supposed to work it out. Your opinion of me is irrelevant. You can't refute facts with opinions. Just about every Ashkenazi I know, has known this since childhood, apart from me who only found out relatively recently (I can't explain that anomaly) Come on, Twigs, you have the Internet. Btw, we own Google. You should brush up on the Talmud, LMAO. You can downvote this too, if it makes you feel better.

You now know that the MSM, Big Tech, Big Pharma and The Federal Reserve (to name a few) are not controlled by Fascists. I can research Fascism and listen to Forever Changes. If you don’t know what Fascism is, cool! But please stop pretending that you do. Have you read the Talmud? Did you know that this is Talmudic, are you even aware of it?

I'd suggest you can't be researching Fascism with any integrity. You're in complete denial of the basic definition of it.

Fascism is a pretty simple concept that a homogeneous group of people are stronger than the Communist alternative. Sit the fuck down, imbecile

And suppose I don't want to sit down and pledge allegiance to your homogenous group? What then?

Another definition? How many are there, I wonder. Words can mean whatever people want them to mean, can they? No, they can’t.

This thread is hilarious. Everyone thinks they know what Fascism is. Someone even thinks Antifa are Fascists. Clueless


Thomas Sewell. Does this mean everyone else’s definition of Fascism is correct? Btw anyone can be a National Socialist, it’s organic

Yeah, that was me. What's clueless is calling Conservatives fascist. Young heads full of mush lapping up propaganda from old Marxist professors and thinking it's the wisest shit since Moses are the ones fucking up the planet at the moment...

You seem to be really struggling with words Camber, so here's a definition of Communism for you: "The belief in a society without different social classes in which the methods of production are owned and controlled by all its members, and everyone works as much as they can and receives what they need, or a social and political system based on this belief." From Cambridge Dictionary.

LOL, they also changed the dictionary definition of 'vaccine' Do some more copying of definitions, instead of examining who the Communists are and what they've been doing, smdh 🙄

Dictionaries are a useful place to start, when a bunch of flailing stoners are chucking around words like 'fascist' and 'communist'.

I’m not struggling with words at all. I’m just not doing a ‘cut and paste’ and expecting other people to accept it. There’s a link above to a Fascism group on Gab. That’s the place to learn about Fascism. If you think they’re wrong, go and tell them.

twigs, you are a complete idiot 🤣 Why don't you read a book,
Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War"
it's even on Amazon. Btw, I'm Ashkenazi and I learned about this over 20 years ago, so rejected my own people because of their evil. Bruno Baum was a distant relative of the wife and he told the truth. You are retarded. Smoke some more weed, you fool 🤣
Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War"
it's even on Amazon. Btw, I'm Ashkenazi and I learned about this over 20 years ago, so rejected my own people because of their evil. Bruno Baum was a distant relative of the wife and he told the truth. You are retarded. Smoke some more weed, you fool 🤣

I'm not a complete idiot - just anti-fascist to my last breath.
That Gab group has a lot of axes to grind, and seems aimed at recruiting teenagers. There are definite kernels of truth in the things you proclaim - always space to reexamine and reassess WW2. I'm sure lots of things taken for granted are mistaken - there's always room for further investigation and analysis. Following this poisonous exchange last summer, for the second, or third time in my life - went down a deep rabbit hole of holocaust investigation, reacquainting myself with the revisionist argument - it's ugly, and often end up feeling I'm listening or reading, not the work of historians, but politicians - who have a vested interest in revising our understanding of the Holocaust to further political objectives. But agree, that there are lots of questions - lots of things to think about.
However, it's the self-righteousness, the certitude, the venom, the under/overtones of racism, the complete denial of any racism that marks you lot (homogenous group) out as obnoxious, foolish, deluded, angry zealots (you won't like that word).
That Gab group has a lot of axes to grind, and seems aimed at recruiting teenagers. There are definite kernels of truth in the things you proclaim - always space to reexamine and reassess WW2. I'm sure lots of things taken for granted are mistaken - there's always room for further investigation and analysis. Following this poisonous exchange last summer, for the second, or third time in my life - went down a deep rabbit hole of holocaust investigation, reacquainting myself with the revisionist argument - it's ugly, and often end up feeling I'm listening or reading, not the work of historians, but politicians - who have a vested interest in revising our understanding of the Holocaust to further political objectives. But agree, that there are lots of questions - lots of things to think about.
However, it's the self-righteousness, the certitude, the venom, the under/overtones of racism, the complete denial of any racism that marks you lot (homogenous group) out as obnoxious, foolish, deluded, angry zealots (you won't like that word).

I just meant to say that I believe your fascination with fascist revisionism is an internet concocted, social media thing - and it doesn't deserve to be engaged with seriously.
The historic Fascist governments of the world are responsible for the murder of millions - Jews, Roma, Slavs, communists, socialists, Africans, artists, queer folk, people with disabilities, I could go on.
The latter day followers of Fascism are responsible for thousands of violent street attacks & murders.
Anyone who would seek to sanitise Fascism as some sort of benevolent universal human law (as your Snap-chat link proclaims), or present Fascism as misunderstood and misrepresented - is deserving of ridicule, at the very least.
I'm an exponent of the European antifa approach to Fascism. Fascism is a violent ideology. And Fascists only understand violence, and do not deserve to be engaged with intellectually.
The historic Fascist governments of the world are responsible for the murder of millions - Jews, Roma, Slavs, communists, socialists, Africans, artists, queer folk, people with disabilities, I could go on.
The latter day followers of Fascism are responsible for thousands of violent street attacks & murders.
Anyone who would seek to sanitise Fascism as some sort of benevolent universal human law (as your Snap-chat link proclaims), or present Fascism as misunderstood and misrepresented - is deserving of ridicule, at the very least.
I'm an exponent of the European antifa approach to Fascism. Fascism is a violent ideology. And Fascists only understand violence, and do not deserve to be engaged with intellectually.

Go to the group I posted above and post that shite, this isn’t the place for it. You are so ridiculously misinformed it actually hurts my head.

I've had a look at your group. It's sinister, revisionist, conspiratorial, paranoid. Fascist.
There is so much documentary evidence for the crimes I described above - you'd have to be a seriously blinkered "researcher" to ignore/deny.
There is so much documentary evidence for the crimes I described above - you'd have to be a seriously blinkered "researcher" to ignore/deny.

That group is...
Sinister - the memes reek of propaganda.
Revisionist - almost every accepted historical fact of the fascist governments of Mussolini & Hitler are attempted to be revised or denied - it seems to take the extreme position of completely denying the Holocaust, presenting it as a benevolent attempt to resettle the Jews of Europe.
Conspiratorial - it seems this group is arguing that the reason for the 'popular' conceptions of WW2 were a smoke-screen for a Zionist plot to establish the state of Israel and infiltrate and take over the world (ironically, this conspiracy predates WW2, and was a theory that was peddled by the Nazis, helping them to win power.)
Paranoid - Everything is seen through this lens of the "great Zionist conspiracy", so whether it's the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or the Covid-19 pandemic, or climate change - it all points to the terrifying spectre of Zionism.
Fascist - it's important to remember that this group is aiming itself at real-world political influence, despite it initially seeming to be a historical forum for discussion of the history of fascism. It aims to convert, to rehabilitate, to exhume Fascist ideals- including abhorrent concepts like 'homogenous groups' (whilst denying any racism).
Sinister - the memes reek of propaganda.
Revisionist - almost every accepted historical fact of the fascist governments of Mussolini & Hitler are attempted to be revised or denied - it seems to take the extreme position of completely denying the Holocaust, presenting it as a benevolent attempt to resettle the Jews of Europe.
Conspiratorial - it seems this group is arguing that the reason for the 'popular' conceptions of WW2 were a smoke-screen for a Zionist plot to establish the state of Israel and infiltrate and take over the world (ironically, this conspiracy predates WW2, and was a theory that was peddled by the Nazis, helping them to win power.)
Paranoid - Everything is seen through this lens of the "great Zionist conspiracy", so whether it's the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or the Covid-19 pandemic, or climate change - it all points to the terrifying spectre of Zionism.
Fascist - it's important to remember that this group is aiming itself at real-world political influence, despite it initially seeming to be a historical forum for discussion of the history of fascism. It aims to convert, to rehabilitate, to exhume Fascist ideals- including abhorrent concepts like 'homogenous groups' (whilst denying any racism).

Racism, ROFL, we destroyed your societies with that word. Racially homogeneous societies are more successful, which is why we won't allow you to have them. Every other country will have them, apart from you. See what we did to you? We brainwashed you into embracing your own genocide and we don't care how long it takes. Have a look at Savile Town UK. All of the UK will be the same, fool

hahaha you absolute fool. Do you or do you not know who Bruno Baum is? Racism, another one of our buzzwords that we have conditioned you to fear being called. Have you not heard of Loxism? Loxism is the only real racism. Every nation prefers their own people to outsiders, except White people who are currently committing cultural genocide because they watch our tv stations. We are literally destroying Europe right under your noses. "Islam is Israel's broom, you will have no place to run" Don't say you didn't know, because now you do know 😉

I think BrunoBaum might be Camber's new account - I'd be surprised if there is more than 1 swivel-eyed, fascist stoner in Albion. It is interesting to keep prodding you though, because you're slowly revealing how nasty you really are. Remember this began as a straightforward attempt to explain that Fascism is misunderstood, and had nothing to do with antisemitism. The irony that you're increasingly throwing around pejorative words such as "loxism", "judenpresse" "goyim" - is clearly lost on you.

My wife buys on LB, she uses RSO. I spent £1000s here. Even if I was a sock puppet, the facts still remain the same: You are a stupid goyim, we own you

Bullshit. If you think you can refute them, go in there and do it. You won’t because you can’t, you brainwashed muppet. I’ve had about 20 notifications over the last few days, all from you, ya freak. Did you actually just post a BBC documentary, are you on LSD? When you’re eating maggots in your pod, subject to the Chinese social credit score and only able to spend your allocated CBDC, just remember it was the Fascists who tried to stop them. Stupid goyim

They won't go in there and refute shit, because they can't. All they've got is what the judenpresse has programmed them to parrot. You're wasting your time with these fucktards, Camber, move on

You knuckle-dragging, racist thugs don't deserve any consideration. Learn how to read, think and discuss.

Ooh, name calling. Triggered, much. I'm not a thug, btw, unless you can demonstrate otherwise. You're not much of a man if you can't take a few insults thrown in with the facts. Ashkenazi hate you because you destroyed our 2nd Temple. We will now destroy you and rebuild it. I'm perfectly capable of thinking and discussing. I have facts on my side. You have tv programmes that we made for you. We control the CFR, The Military Industrial Complex. Just watch as more White men die in our wars. Hilter didn't want war or to kill Anglo Saxons. The Angles were a Germanic tribe, he thought the Englishman's blood far too valuable to be spilled. Here I am literally laying it all out for you and still you kvetch and squirm. It's called cognitive dissonance and we did it to you, fool. Don't say ya didn't know...

The whole I/we thing again - perhaps save the smoke until after you've tried to explain the modern history of the West?
And don't invoke Saxons and Englishmen - England is a construct, a fake country invented for the marketing of tobacco and sugar.
The soul of Albion was torn apart by 1,000 years of invasion from the Romans through to the Normans - but these are cultural, not racial invasions - Catholic, blood-thirsty, power-trippers that you seem so desperate to align yourself with.
Race is a cultural construct - every human alive is descended from around 10-20k humans in Africa. Africa is the motherland.
You're espousing 19th Century ideas, retarded, industrial, paranoid dreams, from a time when people's brains were coated with lead.
Me, I prefer 1st century ideas when I want some distance from the modern world - head to the Moors mate, find your local Druwids.
And don't invoke Saxons and Englishmen - England is a construct, a fake country invented for the marketing of tobacco and sugar.
The soul of Albion was torn apart by 1,000 years of invasion from the Romans through to the Normans - but these are cultural, not racial invasions - Catholic, blood-thirsty, power-trippers that you seem so desperate to align yourself with.
Race is a cultural construct - every human alive is descended from around 10-20k humans in Africa. Africa is the motherland.
You're espousing 19th Century ideas, retarded, industrial, paranoid dreams, from a time when people's brains were coated with lead.
Me, I prefer 1st century ideas when I want some distance from the modern world - head to the Moors mate, find your local Druwids.

You, right now: "look at me and how much history I've absorbed in college" LMAO, ya still don't know what Fascism is. Again, icymi "we are Ashkenazi and we own you"

Much like you, I'm a social media autodidact - and have learnt much from the Internet.
I don't believe the simplistic, monolithic idea that one race owns another, I think you'll find, when you grow up, if you choose to abandon your moronic certitude - that the world is a complex place, and simplistic stories don't provide answers - as comforting as they can be.
I don't believe the simplistic, monolithic idea that one race owns another, I think you'll find, when you grow up, if you choose to abandon your moronic certitude - that the world is a complex place, and simplistic stories don't provide answers - as comforting as they can be.

I'm sorry for attempting to talk to you reasonably. It's telling that you're so triggered into rage by me pointing to a dictionary definition & documentary evidence from the war.
I just don't think Little Biggy should be a platform for Fascist links & memes. And I will continue to challenge you if you continue posting this poisonous content.
I attempted to appeal to your better nature, in the hope you were capable of intelligent thought/discussion. But you're clearly lost in this nasty maggot hole of paranoid imaginings.
I posted you a link to one of the great documentaries on the Second World War, made for ITV - it took decades to make, was an international effort, and is made up of interviews from people who were involved and witnessed the war, from many different countries.
You've responded with a film that amounts to a 2 hour political tirade, that contains not one interview, let alone an interview from anyone who was a part of 1939-45. Just a narrator telling you exactly what to think. And you want to talk about brainwashing?
If you want to dismiss The World at War series outright, because you've decided everything on mainstream television is "lies" - it is most certainly your loss. You have a Medieval mindset, obsessed with belief. (Belief is the death of intelligence, Robert Anton Wilson). You've only served to highlight how small-minded, cowardly and reactionary your mindset is - masquerading as a fearless truth-seeker.
Think for yourself. Take each programme on its own merits.
Don't listen to Love - they aren't for you.
Listen to Hate like Skrewdriver.
I just don't think Little Biggy should be a platform for Fascist links & memes. And I will continue to challenge you if you continue posting this poisonous content.
I attempted to appeal to your better nature, in the hope you were capable of intelligent thought/discussion. But you're clearly lost in this nasty maggot hole of paranoid imaginings.
I posted you a link to one of the great documentaries on the Second World War, made for ITV - it took decades to make, was an international effort, and is made up of interviews from people who were involved and witnessed the war, from many different countries.
You've responded with a film that amounts to a 2 hour political tirade, that contains not one interview, let alone an interview from anyone who was a part of 1939-45. Just a narrator telling you exactly what to think. And you want to talk about brainwashing?
If you want to dismiss The World at War series outright, because you've decided everything on mainstream television is "lies" - it is most certainly your loss. You have a Medieval mindset, obsessed with belief. (Belief is the death of intelligence, Robert Anton Wilson). You've only served to highlight how small-minded, cowardly and reactionary your mindset is - masquerading as a fearless truth-seeker.
Think for yourself. Take each programme on its own merits.
Don't listen to Love - they aren't for you.
Listen to Hate like Skrewdriver.

You are so full of shit, I can smell it from here. World at War ROFL. What a cunt you are, accusing people of being triggered while you post absolute bollocks. "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth" General Patton knew because he was there, he didn't watch tv. Did you take one or more of our jabs? Wanker 🤣

You are pretty triggered though, right? Almost like you have a vested interest in this shite. Butt-hurt fascists. 🤣

I'm not a Fascist, I'm Ashkenazi. You're still full of shit. You don't know anything about Fascism or Communism or WWII. You are a clueless fucktard and the best you've got is assuming that I'm triggered. Keep downvoting, you're still wrong. We control more than 90% of broadcasting and have done for decades, which is why you think like you do. We have installed 1000s of jihadists in your countries and we will arm them. We have always controlled Islam. The same thing will happen as did to Germany 1945-1953, we removed millions from the gene pool.

You seem fairly triggered into rage by my replies - you're debating less, and vomiting stream-of-consciousness bile from the social media posts you've been lapping up for years. I'm sorry I don't entirely agree with your world-view, but surely, as you claim that 90% of the broadcast media spreads misinformation, you might have a little sympathy / empathy / patience for the 90% of humanity that haven't started feeding on the same sources that you have?

Germany isn't responsible for WWII. Fascism is not a violent ideology. Do you even know who Bruno Baum is? How about Paul Rassinier? Stop taking drugs, fool. How many Fascists have you engaged with, intellectually? If this thread is indicative of your intellectual prowess, I would guess at zero

I'm certainly not engaging with this Fascist intellectually. I feel like I'm being shouted at by street preachers.
Note - I was never a Fascist, but definitely positioned myself on the Right as a youngster - I had Fascist friends many years ago, who didn't just shout insults at me. We used to talk.
Note - I was never a Fascist, but definitely positioned myself on the Right as a youngster - I had Fascist friends many years ago, who didn't just shout insults at me. We used to talk.

I haven't only insulted you, I've also given you some valuable information that may just keep you alive. I turned my back on my own people and I've been sounding the alarm for White people since 2002. You will either cry because you've been insulted or you will wake up. Talking won't save you. Just about everything you have posted is exactly what we conditioned you to think. You have been brainwashed. We are Masters of Manipulation. Every single time, is not a trope.

I'm really confused by this mixing up of I/we. I thought it was just the Left who were caught up on pronouns?
Still very confused at how I/we (the other people on Little Biggy) are supposed to react to your posts (beyond having a look at the Gab Fascism group) - is there a specific U.K. political party that you're advocating / campaigning for? What should I/we do?
Still very confused at how I/we (the other people on Little Biggy) are supposed to react to your posts (beyond having a look at the Gab Fascism group) - is there a specific U.K. political party that you're advocating / campaigning for? What should I/we do?

The reason I came on here is because you posted this
"The Jews? Come on man, you're better that," and I say "yes" It's literally all over the web, stupid goyim.
"The Jews? Come on man, you're better that," and I say "yes" It's literally all over the web, stupid goyim.

You poked your head up on here to defend the righteousness of Kristallnacht and the Nazi pogroms?

I poked my head up on here because you defend those who want you and yours dead. The jihadists have already been installed up and down the UK in the 1000s. All they need are weapons and it's game over. It's happening right under your nose and the irony is you're funding the whole thing. When I see stupidity, I like to challenge it. We used the BBC in 1944 and we used the BBC to get the jabs into the arms of as many people as possible. "Atrocity propaganda is how we won this war" look it up. We literally brainwashed you. "Islam is Israel's broom. You will have no place to run" You can pretend as much as you want, but you know I'm right (if you don't have Narcissistic Personality Disorder) 😱

"When I see stupidity, I like to challenge it." Right on! That's why I'm still here talking to you!
Have you seen the film 'Four Lions' - there's a character, Barry, who's based on a British National Party member who wanted to learn more about the enemy, so he visited his local mosque, and accidentally converted himself to fundamentalist Islam.
The uncomfortable truth is, that the Zionists, the Islamists & Fascists - have an awful lot in common - principally, violence & a Medieval belief in the supremacy of their Belief System. Tim McVeigh, the Oklahoma bomber - stated, whilst in prison, that it was the Muslim terrorists who he had the most common ground with.
I have a lot in common with you - I too, am anti-Zionist & anti-political Islam too. But any common ground has been burned in the hatred of your paranoid hysteria.
Your utter hatred of anything representing a challenge, or an attempt to debate is obvious. It surely will be very difficult for you to admit this, but I sincerely hope that you will do one day.
There's only one answer - you're a fundamentalist, you're brain-washed - and you will violently attack anyone who challenges your narrow view of reality - just like the people you claim to stand against.
Have you seen the film 'Four Lions' - there's a character, Barry, who's based on a British National Party member who wanted to learn more about the enemy, so he visited his local mosque, and accidentally converted himself to fundamentalist Islam.
The uncomfortable truth is, that the Zionists, the Islamists & Fascists - have an awful lot in common - principally, violence & a Medieval belief in the supremacy of their Belief System. Tim McVeigh, the Oklahoma bomber - stated, whilst in prison, that it was the Muslim terrorists who he had the most common ground with.
I have a lot in common with you - I too, am anti-Zionist & anti-political Islam too. But any common ground has been burned in the hatred of your paranoid hysteria.
Your utter hatred of anything representing a challenge, or an attempt to debate is obvious. It surely will be very difficult for you to admit this, but I sincerely hope that you will do one day.
There's only one answer - you're a fundamentalist, you're brain-washed - and you will violently attack anyone who challenges your narrow view of reality - just like the people you claim to stand against.

"What should I/we do?" Do what you like, it's too late for Europe. The Ashkenazi have fucked you up. All because we programmed you to hate Fascism and conflate it with Communism. It's official, the goyim are fucking stupid. Btw, Loxism is very real

It's like trying to have a discussion with a disintegrating chat-bot.
I'd suggest that it's too late for you. Doom-sayers have been heralding the end of Europe for centuries.
The only people who've come close to destroying it are paranoid Fascist war-mongers.
I'd suggest that it's too late for you. Doom-sayers have been heralding the end of Europe for centuries.
The only people who've come close to destroying it are paranoid Fascist war-mongers.

Wrong again. Read Harold Rosenthal's book. It's all there and it's irrefutable. You won't win this debate, you can't because the facts aren't on your side. It's almost as though you don't have the Internet. Serious question: are you jabbed?

Are you talking about the booklet 'The Hidden Tyranny' - a written account of an interview Rosenthal supposedly gave?
It seems like it's a complete fabrication, it's very easy to refute!
“That interview never took place. Walter White operated free and loose on some subjects, like this one. He disappeared once for a while. I personally sent men searching for him. He showed up claiming the JDL [Jewish Defense League] kidnapped him and dumped him at the Mexican border... That [Rosenthal] interview is bogus. There is plenty of valid material to use against the Jews.” Tom Metzger, founder of White Aryan Resistance and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, stated on the Resist website in 2010.
It's not much of a debate, sadly. Every good point I've made, you've either ignored, laughed at, called me stupid, brain-washed. At best, you've told me to watch some interview, or read a link, or a quote-meme - all of which I've done, in good faith.
That you, presumably with a straight-face, switched from a discussion about the Fascist governments of the 1930s & 40s - to a discussion about Covid-19 pandemic vaccines in the same breath, highlights that you're squirming, and desperate to shut me up / shut me down.
Which version of the Internet are you using? There's a lot of information out there - the stuff you disagree with isn't necessarily wrong. It's healthy to be exposed to alternative views - it provides contrast and definition, and is essential for the pursuit of truth.
It seems like it's a complete fabrication, it's very easy to refute!
“That interview never took place. Walter White operated free and loose on some subjects, like this one. He disappeared once for a while. I personally sent men searching for him. He showed up claiming the JDL [Jewish Defense League] kidnapped him and dumped him at the Mexican border... That [Rosenthal] interview is bogus. There is plenty of valid material to use against the Jews.” Tom Metzger, founder of White Aryan Resistance and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, stated on the Resist website in 2010.
It's not much of a debate, sadly. Every good point I've made, you've either ignored, laughed at, called me stupid, brain-washed. At best, you've told me to watch some interview, or read a link, or a quote-meme - all of which I've done, in good faith.
That you, presumably with a straight-face, switched from a discussion about the Fascist governments of the 1930s & 40s - to a discussion about Covid-19 pandemic vaccines in the same breath, highlights that you're squirming, and desperate to shut me up / shut me down.
Which version of the Internet are you using? There's a lot of information out there - the stuff you disagree with isn't necessarily wrong. It's healthy to be exposed to alternative views - it provides contrast and definition, and is essential for the pursuit of truth.

You should take a look at it - they advise wannabe Fascists not to engage in petty insults, be considerate and intelligent, and spread the One True Faith.

A literary device, I see. It made it sound like you were having some sort of dope-meltdown.

1 post
+6 votes

What is the best DIY bong?
If you mean best and don't mind finding some tubing and drilling you will have something that beats most expensive bongs
Holy shit! Did that in school 15+ years ago. Do kids even have pens at school anymore!?!?!

I bought a device on eBay that screws onto almost any bottle, turning it into a bong. When the bong water gets nasty just throw the bottle away and attach it to a new bottle. It's not completely DIY but it still has some merit nonetheless. Besides, nobody likes dealing with bong water and it's easier to hide when compared to a regular bong.

where were you . Back in the day I remember so many times we could have used this. why didnt we ever think of this. lol.. love it. thankyou

When we were little the wikihow salesman used to come door to door with books like this

That they would sell newer versions of there Bong every few months. That cost more then the last one and has miner improvements. Auto makers found it didn't work for them but it has worked for Apple

If you mean best and don't mind finding some tubing and drilling you will have something that beats most expensive bongs

Cut the bottom off a 2 litre bottle of pop, stick it in a bucket of water, use a milk bottle foil cap to to make a cap and fill with weed. Light it and pull up. Make sure you press down as you inhale.

Ahhh the old bucket method. Takes me back to the 90s that one!
We used to do these with a cheap bottle of pop from Kwik Save, a foil KitKat wrapper, and then go to the local park and subtlely make use of the penny wish fountain!
The good old days! 😂😂
Cheers BB 😊👍
We used to do these with a cheap bottle of pop from Kwik Save, a foil KitKat wrapper, and then go to the local park and subtlely make use of the penny wish fountain!
The good old days! 😂😂
Cheers BB 😊👍

we once used a drinking fountin bottle, a speaker grill (for gauze) and pulled it in a m8's bath ...lmao

Haha awesome
Try, a 500 ML soda bottle + a few inches of garden hose + cake icing socket... voila !! Homemade shotgun bong
Try, a 500 ML soda bottle + a few inches of garden hose + cake icing socket... voila !! Homemade shotgun bong

The bottle and small pipe combo is the most quality and convenience I have ever had the high honor to imbibe.
You take a real simple weed pipe, metal or glass, and stick it in the mouth of the bottle.
If the bottle is plastic use any sharp object to stick a hole at the base.
Hold the bottle horizontally, put a straw in that hole and prepare for a monstrosity of a hit.
If it's a glass bottle you need something super sharp for the hole at the bottom, the tip of a strong knife or an ice pick does the job easily.
Water is optional, you don't need and its hard to balance. The best part of this is no cleanup, chuck the bottle when you are done, imagine a bong with a disposable chamber, that's what you got now bro.
You take a real simple weed pipe, metal or glass, and stick it in the mouth of the bottle.
If the bottle is plastic use any sharp object to stick a hole at the base.
Hold the bottle horizontally, put a straw in that hole and prepare for a monstrosity of a hit.
If it's a glass bottle you need something super sharp for the hole at the bottom, the tip of a strong knife or an ice pick does the job easily.
Water is optional, you don't need and its hard to balance. The best part of this is no cleanup, chuck the bottle when you are done, imagine a bong with a disposable chamber, that's what you got now bro.

I think what you have there is a DIY steam roller, I had one of these and loved it, yes water is totally optional its the expansion that does the magic and water is almost guaranteed to make a mess.

Pringles tube!!
can make joint or burning Bong, put ice cube in base of it..
Delish and mouth piece is big and makes air tight seal on my fat cheeks 👌
can make joint or burning Bong, put ice cube in base of it..
Delish and mouth piece is big and makes air tight seal on my fat cheeks 👌

Some genius Bong ingenuity here!
Another pro cannabis point proven from this topic alone:
You give smokers a bunch of weed and nothing to smoke it with and suddenly they become engineers! Brilliant. : D
Another pro cannabis point proven from this topic alone:
You give smokers a bunch of weed and nothing to smoke it with and suddenly they become engineers! Brilliant. : D

My special skill is that I can McGyver a bong out of almost anything.
Basically, as long as you have tin foil you can do anything. Make pipes: a few wraps, tight around a pencil, seal with scotchtape lengthways. Fan out the end before doing so. Tear a circle of tinfoil, and a pin ("anyone wearing a badge?"), open the back page of an unloved book, place the foil on the paper, and tap the pin up and down repeatedly and you have a perfectly serviceable gauze that you can poke in the end of your fanned pipe.
I prefer not to smoke out of anything plastic. Just seems like we know not to burn plastic in the outdoors, so keep that shit away from your lungs, right?
Fruit has always been a friend for the thrown together party bong. Watermelon is obviously beautifully carvable. Always thought a papaya, with its natural internal chamber and a couple of pipes would probably be viable. Poke holes into the fruit with a screwdriver or, if you don't have one, a pencil or pen.
Finally, you can make an incredible ice bong, but it's a faff. Get two barbeque skewers. Place them in a pint glass, of water with the ends 10cm from the bottom of the glass. I made an inverted kind of A frame with some tinfoil to hold them. If you do the same, keep the crossbar out of the water. Freeze the glass.
Boil the kettle. Use a combination of twisting and pulling to extract the metal skewers. Then, tilt so that one side is facing down over a sink and slowly pour boiling water into the holes. Eventually, you'll have a bong. Make a tin foil gauze. Smoke like a muthafking champion.
Basically, as long as you have tin foil you can do anything. Make pipes: a few wraps, tight around a pencil, seal with scotchtape lengthways. Fan out the end before doing so. Tear a circle of tinfoil, and a pin ("anyone wearing a badge?"), open the back page of an unloved book, place the foil on the paper, and tap the pin up and down repeatedly and you have a perfectly serviceable gauze that you can poke in the end of your fanned pipe.
I prefer not to smoke out of anything plastic. Just seems like we know not to burn plastic in the outdoors, so keep that shit away from your lungs, right?
Fruit has always been a friend for the thrown together party bong. Watermelon is obviously beautifully carvable. Always thought a papaya, with its natural internal chamber and a couple of pipes would probably be viable. Poke holes into the fruit with a screwdriver or, if you don't have one, a pencil or pen.
Finally, you can make an incredible ice bong, but it's a faff. Get two barbeque skewers. Place them in a pint glass, of water with the ends 10cm from the bottom of the glass. I made an inverted kind of A frame with some tinfoil to hold them. If you do the same, keep the crossbar out of the water. Freeze the glass.
Boil the kettle. Use a combination of twisting and pulling to extract the metal skewers. Then, tilt so that one side is facing down over a sink and slowly pour boiling water into the holes. Eventually, you'll have a bong. Make a tin foil gauze. Smoke like a muthafking champion.

Bag bong-get a 2 litre pop bottle cut bottom of,then attach a pedal bin bag to the bottom where its cut of with tape,then attach a length of string to the bottom of the bag so you can pull it to draw the smoke in,then cut a hole in the cap and make a bowl with some foil,put holes in with a pin-done.
Put your choice of cannabis in the bowl when lighting it have your foot on the string and pull up,the smoke will enter the bottle as the bag is drawn out.
Unscrew the lid and inhale ALL the smoke,hold,then blow it back in and pull on the string again so it fills up again,repeat until all the smoke is gone.
You will be high as fuck.
Some call these a lung.
Put your choice of cannabis in the bowl when lighting it have your foot on the string and pull up,the smoke will enter the bottle as the bag is drawn out.
Unscrew the lid and inhale ALL the smoke,hold,then blow it back in and pull on the string again so it fills up again,repeat until all the smoke is gone.
You will be high as fuck.
Some call these a lung.

These are what we grew up on as kids smoking awful soap bar hash 🤣 we called it a ‘lungo’ where we were from.
I’ll never forget that a 15mm socket fits perfectly into a coke bottle lol
I’ll never forget that a 15mm socket fits perfectly into a coke bottle lol

We made a coconut one once, didn't last long.
My goto was
Plastic Plumbing down pipe
Aerosol can lid that fitted snugly.
Bluetack or silicone around the base to help keep it airtight
Electrical tape on the outside at the top of the can lid, again to keep airtight
Copper plumbing pipe, with a connector on the end for the bowl.
Made a hole in the plumbing tube, heated up with a lighter, you can push the copper tube through.
More bluetack/ tape or silicone around that area so it was airtight.
Rush hole about an inch above and to the side.
Finally name it, we always called them Billy.
All items provided by grandparents garages!
My goto was
Plastic Plumbing down pipe
Aerosol can lid that fitted snugly.
Bluetack or silicone around the base to help keep it airtight
Electrical tape on the outside at the top of the can lid, again to keep airtight
Copper plumbing pipe, with a connector on the end for the bowl.
Made a hole in the plumbing tube, heated up with a lighter, you can push the copper tube through.
More bluetack/ tape or silicone around that area so it was airtight.
Rush hole about an inch above and to the side.
Finally name it, we always called them Billy.
All items provided by grandparents garages!

Someone should get on to Carlsberg. Currently, Carlsberg don't make bongs but if they did, they'd probably be the best bongs in the world

Small Fanta bottle, they're already the right shape. Lighter to make holes on front and back in the right places for a rush/carb and a downpipe. Then use a bit of garden hose for downpipe with a bit off a socket set in the end to use as a cylinder cone. Then either a circle cutting from the metal gauze in a coffee percolator as a screen, or a piece of foil with some pin holes in, or just a small ball of foil. Schmoke it up in style, all for the price of a small bottle of Fanta. 💚💦

The simplest bong/pipe I made was a used can of coke.Dent the can enough to rest weed on and put pinholes in it, simples!

Some of my favourite emergency methods...and I consider myself a bit of an expert...
Pop a L shape hole through an apple, carrott or similar using a kebab stick, scoop out a cone with your fingernail. Chuff away.
"Pin ups" Flip a badge on it's back stick a lump of hash on it, ignite and stick any glass over the top. Slide the glass to the edge of a table and suck the cooled contents out of the gap.
Bamboo Bong - Made by Thai locals in seconds with a couple of swipes of a machete. Scoop some water from a stream and your off.
Papaya stem (hollow with a coney end) straight into a cola bottle seal the neck with your lips and finger. Hey presto. Indonesian bong.
Pop a L shape hole through an apple, carrott or similar using a kebab stick, scoop out a cone with your fingernail. Chuff away.
"Pin ups" Flip a badge on it's back stick a lump of hash on it, ignite and stick any glass over the top. Slide the glass to the edge of a table and suck the cooled contents out of the gap.
Bamboo Bong - Made by Thai locals in seconds with a couple of swipes of a machete. Scoop some water from a stream and your off.
Papaya stem (hollow with a coney end) straight into a cola bottle seal the neck with your lips and finger. Hey presto. Indonesian bong.

1 post
+8 votes
Meet Light Sail 2
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Meet Light Sail 2
Later this year the second light sail will launch as a small satellite

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+7 votes

reddits new tracking:( and how to turn it off:)
started topic

reddits new tracking:( and how to turn it off:)
reddit has joined the ad tracking network universe, sad but hey at least they were realer than the rest for a really long time. and still they have a way to turn it off, use this link.

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+12 votes
Leading Venture Capitalist is an AI
started topic

Leading Venture Capitalist is an AI
Gooogle's massive VC firm makes all of it's investment decisions using AI.

It's always been about self-reinforcement with the VC community, little dog follows the big dog. An algorithm can do this without delusions of original thinking.

I think any sentence with "is an AI" can be easily reversed, "AI is a leading venture capitalist". I'm not being pedantic I just think its a good idea to think of it this way.
The singularity has already, and will continue to creep up on us, perspective is critical.
The singularity has already, and will continue to creep up on us, perspective is critical.

VCs were programmed to corporatize potential threats to the System long before AI came into the picture.

1 post
+5 votes

Decreased Brain Plasticity from Modafinil
Doesn't matter who funded it, we count an adversarial systems to find truths. I'm a moda user and it makes intuitive sense to me, focus is the antith…

Decreased Brain Plasticity from Modafinil
tldr: Excessive use of modafinil in young brains (<30 years old) may decrease brain plasticity. Further study is required for scientific proof.

Doesn't matter who funded it, we count an adversarial systems to find truths. I'm a moda user and it makes intuitive sense to me, focus is the antithesis of plasticity.

1 post
+5 votes
I have researched this one a bit. 23 and me is pretty easy and convenient but it is incomplete and can be a little misleading. I suggest you get their test and then run your data through promethease for better insights. I'd be happy to help anyone that needs it.

Too right I recently got the result that I have a "32 percent increased chance” of developing Parkinson’s disease. Freaked me out for some time till I learned that means I have a 2% chance of getting the disease.

You don't need to bother with 23andme and their prices (several hundred bucks if I recall). If you are willing to share the data (and let's face it that's gonna happen anyway) you can get a free sequencing from the Personal Genome Project.

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