Only if you are pre-disposed to diabetes, in which case the sugar may very well put you over the threshold. Obesity (which sugar causes) has a similar effect. Both are tremendously unhealthy in their own right of course. If you need some help getting away from sugar let us know and we will steer you towards some painless solutions.
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joined nov 2012
25+ sales 0% disputed
Anonymous Medical Testing
5 topics on Well

Can I get Diabetes from Eating Too Much Sugar?
Can well or anyone else test lung mucus for what diseases may be present? i would much appreciate this information
Should I Get a Genetic Screening Test?

Frosty Frank
I am looking for a substitute for health insurance so I can get the hell out of the place I work, can you help?

How can I test for the Zika virus?
10 posts by Well
The year after 9/11 1,500 Americans died on the road to avoid the fate of the 246 passengers killed.
If someone isn't going to make a buck out of it we aren't going to ever notice it.

doctor doc
Suddenly can't tolerate sugar this is scary
When you say you can't look at the stuff - what exactly is it you feel?

Decreased Brain Plasticity from Modafinil
This is basically a send up on anything that can be considered a "cognitive enhancer" - except for some reason amphetamines. I wonder who f…

What if Taxes were started for churches at least Scientology the World has enough Bad fiction already spread too thick f…
The IRS tried there little heart out on this one, the Scientologists know how to fight.

why don't you libertarians ever go off on the medical system? it's the coziest relationship between government and indu…
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{R.I.P. MVP}
Zaha Hadid 1950-2016
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{R.I.P. MVP}
Francisco Erasmo Rodrigues de Lima
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Do I have CHLAMYDIA? discussion
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Why are so few of our sales showing up in these new statistics?
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for the would be collector discussion
what do you have for this coming summer in nyc?
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