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joined may 2021
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0 topics on Juice
228 posts by Juice
I need a new series to watch
Gotta be Trailer Park Boys (still on Netflix atm) The American office is a good watch too with many eps
little biggy theme song?
Obviously the theme from gta San Andreas :) Juice 💚💦
on  sam508
That was a good read, makes me wanna send you some free stuff just so I can get to read what you think of that too 😁
Aging is Reversible
A vampire facial is carried out using a person's own plasma that's separated in a centrifuge from their extracted blood
Making BHO at home
Better of using ethanol extraction. Butane is way too dangerous to be cooking with inside any residence
What Strain Do You Dislike?
I got four, and they're all because of the terrible taste - Tropicana Tropicana Cookies Tangie Tangiesicle Top two, because I can't stand ones wi… + 2 more
on  menace404
Anybody collect MiniDisc Albums
Got a whole stack of minidiscs in a draw somewhere, think there's a couple of players in there too. That device had so much potential but guess it jus…
Unicorn Piss - The Cart of Carts
Unicorn Piss is a very tasty vape for sure :) 💚💦
OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare”
Rise of the machines it is then :/
We're back to shipping 5 days a week!
Good to hear :) Juice 💚 💦
Anyone make any BTC?
Yep, but accidentally. Just had some spare change in my wallet, hadn't checked it's worth for a year, then the value of coin went up to $56k. Checked…
on  adisor
magic mushroom tincture
Just make one yourself. Get a few whole mushrooms, get a little jar or container (preferably glass), put mushrooms in jar, add alcohol like tequila … + 2 more
on  [history]
JFK's "Ich bin ein Berliner" Speech
Thing is - he really did become a doughnut, what with the big hole and that
Drama on the Western Front
Like someone else said, if they don't want it I'll take it off your hands :) lol
📉Price drop on all gooey hashes🍫
Super high quality, extra tasty and strong effects - a really great hash Juice 💚 💦
on  jsa91827
Quitting tobacco and combustion update
I'm on day 125 of no tobacco after 23 years. Also day 82 of no nicotine. Only like a week off combustion atm, but it's a start. It's very achievable, …
on  Gedds
CBD shake/trim?
Just get it from a cbd site. Some good ones are hemphash and gradedgreen :) Juice 💚 💦
on  foggy1337
anyone have any clue where pistach went?
They totally sold the brand at the end of 2022. The next people managed to keep it going over the following year. Now they're gone too. The OG pistach… + 2 more
Lollipops back on the menu @Eddys🍭🫶
These things kick ass fr Juice 💚 💦
on  [music]
Goldie Lookin Chain - Soap Bar
(Dragon taxis) + 2 more
Current menu 23 strains + 5 hashes! 5/2/24
Looking good GC, that's a chunky menu - even got hash and mushrooms too! Juice 💚 💦
New Hashes on the menu🔥🔥
All the high end hashes from Eddy are 100% off the charts amazing, real mind melting treats 😍 Juice 💚 💦
New Strains
Looking interesting 🤔 Might have to start ordering from Gassed, especially with that free ndd :) Juice 💚 💦 + 2 more
Happy New Year All😶‍🌫️😮‍💨✌🏻🫶
Happy new year Eddy! Been luvin all your extracts :) Just now put a lil order in for some more. Thought I'd give those Percy Slabs a go. Juice 💚 💦
CAN YOU REMEMBER!-Your first buy from LB? And was it a good experience?
That reminds me of just before I found this place. Found a site on the open net, everything was screaming scam all the way through the process, but I… + 3 more
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
I cancelled an order and the seller sent it anyway, can I create a dispute in good faith?
You can't dispute if you payed for an item which you then received. Disputing is for if you didn't receive your product, not for if you didn't check…
Hmm.. 🤔 $32,000 Juice 💚 💦
🎄Eddys Christmas Competition🎅
Sounds good Eddy :) I'm thankful for most things, it's a really good time to be alive, depending on your perspective. Juice 💚 💦
The mark of a good quality vendor - Free 24h Tracked. Some people charge $7 for each item added to an order and then just send on a 1st class stamp.…
casting call for canna critics
I used to do weed writeups and reviews with videos and how-to's online many years ago. It was a good time, but I ended up losing access to the account…
Free NDD makes them my go to!
Think I'm gonna have to be ordering from Dr Green Thumb again some time soon, especially with the free NDD :) $7 for a 1st class and then an extra $7…
What concentrates do you want to see?
Any high quality Badder would be great :) Juice 💚 💦
Ahh, a vendor that cares about their customers. Good to see :) Juice 💚 💦
I have NEVER been treated like this...
Canadian Imports is one of the few very professional vendors that actually cares about the experience that their customers have when purchasing. Juic…
Benjamin Zephaniah, rest in power - 1958-2023
Duude :( I met that guy a good couple of times over the years, he was really friendly and approachable. He showed me how poetry didn't have to be dry…
on  {rap}
The Juice
You called? :) Juice 💚 💦
How Can I Stay High All the Time?
It's easy enough. Just never stop. But also work your way up in strength throughout the day. Make sure each session is slightly stronger that the prev…
on  {science}
The Earth’s core has stopped spinning!
I heard this was gonna happen, thought it would be in hundreds of years tho. Guess it's time to start investing in space ships and gtfo. To infinity a…
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Review Percentage
Yeah, it would be nicer if those cancelled orders didn't count towards review percentage + 2 more
Eleven roses(delicious seeds)
I know this is a lil off topic, but anyways - your pfp got me to look into who Sassy is a few weeks back and I'm very happy I did :) Sassy The Sasqua… + 2 more
Yeah, they kick nice :) Had no idea what strength they were, so just had to buckle up and go for it. Think I watched a movie and laughed my ass off, n…
on  Griff420
What kind of mold is this?
Looks like a powder mildew. Never smoke bud like that 💚💦
on  bevbevan1
Why do people complain about stalks?
I'd say it's because if you got a bag with some nice buds but they were on long thick stalks then, as a customer, you'd be paying for the weight of th…
Wtaf is up with royal fail...
In nearly 3 years of mostly weekly deliveries from many different vendors, I've never had a parcel go missing. I've had some take longer than expect…
They got pretty good security round here, probs no need to be worrying about things like that happening. Thanks, good luck with yours too + 3 more
Hash missing from order
started topic + 11 more
Gone rouge?
Never had anything "go missing" in 3 years. Most times it just never got sent
Good old style soap bar?
Try checking out the menu of Dr Greenthumb or Eddys Hashbar A great selection of hash from both Juice 💚 💦 + 3 more
Pink Truffles now added!
I was literally just thinking about truffles yesterday. Hmm 🤔
Oil to add to vape liquid wanted plz
Buy an extract. Wax, budder, shatter it's all good. Then make vape liquid with that. Look for wax liquidizer online :) Juice 💚 💦
Came for the hash and left with flower!
Hmm, got me tempted now 🤔 💚💦
on  bonnie1
say something (not hilarious trolling the word something) say something x
Yep, and that's why they "need" to keep charging for fuel + 2 more
Rosin Vapes/Carts
Someone needs to take up the Rosin 510 CCell cart gauntlet. There's a Total gap in the market right now with SCL leaving. But, important stuff for w…
Top Shelf Cali PROMO
If that was getting sent from UK at those promo prices, it would be a purchase not to pass up on + 3 more
Competition time @Eddys Exclusive Prizes to be Won😮‍💨
Is that wax covered in a layer of hash?? Looks nuts 💚💦 + 2 more
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Seller replaced all my order without asking
Try to resell what you don't want, then buy again from somewhere else and probs just don't go back to that vendor 💚💦
7 grams Missing from Order
started topic + 4 more
THC liquid?
It's easy enough to make. Hmu if you wanna know what to do 💚💦
Low THC - high CBD vape cartridges
Gotta love that Tombstone, a rare device 💚💦 + 2 more
Think I'm gonna have to be ordering some of that rosin soon. Been looking for some for a while 💚💦
Gonna have to be picking some of these up. Most vendors have been overcharging on the O's for shrooms for a while now, so great to see them properly p…
Best Episode of South Park?
Too many to choose from. But first one that comes to is the elephant making love to a pig episode, great song from chef and elton
Ah, if only I had some funds available rn. Looks lovely 💚💦
Can I use ChatGPT to do my job for me?
Yep, just check it before you post it
Lil Baby’s Weed 😳
That looks crazy! 💚💦
How does the 3PM cut off work?
Good idea. I think most people would prefer an earlier cutoff time that resulted in a faster delivery
What is the best DIY bong?
Small Fanta bottle, they're already the right shape. Lighter to make holes on front and back in the right places for a rush/carb and a downpipe. Then …
Delay...Item stuck on sender dispatching item
Some sorting offices are just a bit slow sometimes. Unexpected delays can be concerning when they happen but give it a lil time and it'll turn up soon…
Living where weed is legal
Lucky! (Napoleon Dynamite voice)
Blue Zushi in stock atm (26/4/22) 💚💦 + 2 more
Ooh, I'm saying... 24 🤔
fire hash
Every cookie dough hash I've had has been pretty sativa leaning as far as I remember
503 Service Unavailable
I had that issue too. I managed to pay after a lot of page refreshing. Problem is, now it says paid on transaxe but on LB order page it still says unp…
Magic mushrooms or not?
Nah, don't look like trippy ones to me. Those big orange ones just look nice for a salad or something. If it's a UK thing, be on the lookout for liber…
Looking for vape juice
I recommend making your own. It's pretty easy. Send me a PM if you'd like to know how to do it 💚💦
We've stopped time...
Was smoking at a friend's house while trippin, left to get more supplies from my place. Retrieved supplies, walked back into friend's house, no sign…
Liberty caps
Let me know if you can't find any tabs and I'll see what I can do :) + 2 more
on  winston
Budget CBD
Have a look at gradedgreen, hemphash or auntmarysflowers. You can find them through a quick online search. They're all good reliable CBD companies 💚?…
They'd probably be pretty hard to transport safely
CCell bust - Blue light flashing
Yep, put the pliers on the sides of the vape just above the separation line of the top and base, squeeze pretty hard but not too hard while wiggling t… + 3 more
{buy help}
How to delete a review
There's a delete option in there too
Can I purchase from different vendors on the same order?
Huh, probs would have saved myself a bit of cash over time if I'd known about that. Always done them separately 💚💦
best uk vendor for dabs/concentrates?
Go for Canadian Imports if you want the highest quality at affordable prices for all budgets 💚💦
Already did that, just gonna have to wait til I get the option to dispute + 4 more
Perfume taste on the shake
It may have been stored in a scented bin bag at some point or just been in a room with body spray and soaked up the smell. I've had it before like tha…
The fields have eyes👀 next event?
Ooh, dreamland! 💚💦
Humans placed in suspended animation for the first time
The rapid cooling method was first used to increase heart attack survival rates. It was pioneered by an American hospital at around the time when Jame…
Just keep doing what you're doing. The M5G and Gorilla Glue hash would be good ones to stock up on, they're really nice. The Doja RS11, and the MAC 11…
‘Cannabis burned during worship’ by ancient Israelites – study (BBC)
Haha awesome. That stuff will def give a person religious experiences
Best grinder
Been using scissors for over ten years and they beat any grinder hands down
No response or orders posted from Greencat
Just received an order but half of it was missing from the pack. If you could get back to me on the DMs. Thanks GC 💚💦
Friday Giveaway! / 2G AMNESIA HAZE
Ah man, wish I saw this earlier. Guess I'll keep a lookout for next week's one
Luxury Ferrero Rocher Hash 😍
Looks like a nice quality bit of blonde there! 💚💦
on  Durango09
Any seeds around?
Think those peyote take like 12-15 years to grow. San Pedro might take less time, idk. Think those cacti are better off just being bought in dried bit… + 2 more
on  Mattuk568
Quality real live rosin/extracts
Canadian Imports 💚💦
i was stoned when i bought this
Just put one line of it in a king-size riz with some lower strength green. If you can, heat up a little blade once the distillate is on the riz and sm… + 2 more
Indefinite Break Coming Up
This is the worst this I've heard all year. You'll be very much missed. I was just about to order a couple of new vapes and finally man up and quit s…
What is the best video game plot you have experienced?
Did you ever get to play The Taxidermist dlc in Heavy Rain? + 3 more
Someone else guessed 14g, so I'll go for 14.03g
on  hesh10/10
RM alternatives during strike
To move CBD through DPD takes special permission from the company. So either it would have to be super stealth at all times or someone takes the risk …
on  sam508
Screw you Barclays! 🤡
Got PayPal? Send from Barclays to PP, then either buy crypto from PP directly or use as a payment form on Coinbase, then send to a safer wallet to spe… + 2 more
The 1s
Probs gonna try these out
on  Richy781
Seeking medical CBD oil
If you don't have any luck with your search, drop me a pm and I'll see what I can do for you :) 💚💦
Cookies & Cream via Pistach (review)
Enjoying this Cookies and Cream hash rn, it's beautiful :) I'd say it's an indica leaning hybrid. Depends what time of day you use it, good for a wake…
Ukraine 420 guy
"Is cannabis legal in uk?" Well it should be, yes. But the politicians don't want to improve the mental health of the nation, increase job…
BTC back on the rise?📈 Or another dump incoming?💩
It goes up, it goes down, then it goes back up. Nothing to worry about, it's just what it does. But every time it goes down you'll notice some peopl…
New Mushroom Vendor - Nature's Answer
I'll have to be grabbin some more of these :) 💚💦
Back in the 🍪Cookie Dawg🐶 House
An awesome night time vape with that super relaxing vibe you need at the end of a long day 10/10 quality 💚💦
Green cat
Enjoying some of the Animal Cookies rn as it happens. Very nice, and amazing smell 💚💦
Quick thanks to Green Cat!
Might have to check em out + 2 more
What is the longest you've had to wait for a delivery to arrive from LB?
The longest first class took about 7 weeks if I remember correctly. Eventually got a refund, then it turned up a couple of weeks later along with it's…
If only I had the funds rn 😧
Do you still you get weed in the real world?
Just go stoner hunting. Look in parks, under bridges, back lanes and woodland areas. And most importantly, follow your nose, literally. Seriously tho…
Hello biggies!
You gotta be nice to samsquanches or they'll drag you into their portal to other dimensions
I'll be back for some of these very soon :) + 2 more
on  bigdiesel
Look what we've done to the Royal Mail
"My man..."
I'm currently enjoying the Skywalker hash. Veery nice soft, strong and tasty Thanks Pistach 💚💦 + 2 more
PISTACH for prime minister !!!!!!!
All sorted now :) Thanks Pistach 💚💦 + 2 more
I'll be getting some of that ordered :) 💚💦
on  BBDoom
Bill Hicks Pasadena (Unreleased Show)
"Yeah, I tried pot... Didn't kill anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't murder anybody, didn't lose um, one fucking job... Laughed my ass off... A… + 2 more
Can I get Diabetes from Eating Too Much Sugar?
Sounds like you need some sativa based THC drops. They make for a lovely energising morning wake up :) + 2 more
how does littlebiggy manage to not get busted?
Also how I arrived here. I'd bet it was from the same place too
BTC Network Slow ?
Mine took like 3hours to get verified as payed on Saturday night. Went through in the end though
on  Micksword
Making quick acting edibles?
I'm not too sure what those two words mean, but I've found that most things can be made in the kitchen :) There's a couple of steps that can be taken …
on  Rijonal
Helter Skelter
Used to love those tapes. Live at the Sanctuary NYE (can't remember what year) was the best one. Can't remember why, just that it was an awesome one. …
on  TheCowboy
Mirtazapine is one of the sketchiest meds I've interacted with. They're the same things they put all the old people in nursing homes on. If taken in t…
Looking nice and oldskool at a great price. Just put an order in for some rn 💚💦 + 3 more
Homer Simpson frosted donut special
Would be great to see this one available again some time 😻
Pineapple Express back in stock
Well that looks lovely 😻
Magic mushrooms... a definitive answer on if they are allowed on here.
Maybe use a private listing, I've seen that done before
on  Samundo
Newbie to LB
Yeah, that's fine. Been picked over by a few people already though, so get at it while there's still some left :) + 2 more
on  Dandy6998
Gram with sweets
Yep, that's the one I got too. That was the Trufflez Biscotti from Tuesdays Daughter
on  oasis
best hype doctor on little biggy?
Aww, good to see her again :) + 2 more
Gelato 41
on  Gelato 41
That's very honest of you :) Others would have just sold it as whatever they were told it was. That sort of honesty can help a business go a long way
New vendor hello 👋
Hi Weed_Man Welcome to biggy :)
A good Bigga
I can agree with this. Yourmumshouse is a very trustworthy, friendly person 10/10
on  Bazlowski
Why is Radar Breeder no longer being listed..?
Just fell off the wall, it happens
Soap bar grade ?
I'll be back to find you when I need some good low priced oldskool hash
Sellers in Ireland, please stand up
If you paste it into the address bar it works fine, just checked. Yeah that was the guy. Still looks sold out atm + 2 more
Hash god!
Yeah me too. The first time's always a bit nervous, but when it turn up its like xmas times ten. This dude's a good guy with reliable deliveries and a…
on  {science}
The big bang is a continuation of a past universe
I like to think that the black hole we're supposed to be moving towards, is actually the black hole that we came from. It explains why the universe is…
on  jjfury
Sativa leaning but reasonably Balanced feeling strain
For me, that would always be ones like amnesia, strawberry ammo, silver haze, super silver haze, lemon bubble, platinum haze - they sound exactly like…
on  Jaybird
UKpacks Ammo
Yep, very nice
NugNinjaZ Euro Canna-Cup 2020/1 round 5
Only cus it ain't been said yet 4-0
on  Jaybird
Sativa Recommendations
Don't know if they're on here, but some of the best sativas I've ever had are - Jack Herrer, Shiva, Trainwreck and Lemon Tree. I think there is a Ghos…
on  Viper201
Package seized
Just leaving this here so I can find you when I need to :) + 4 more
no luck
Thanks man. Yeah just way it goes sometimes. Gotta try out new places to see what's about and some ain't gonna be as good as others. Good luck anyways… + 2 more
Best opsec way to offer tracked shipping
Yeah, post safety is pretty much the one thing holding me off selling on here atm
on  db365
shatter suggestions
Just leaving this here so I can find you when I need shatter at a good price with free delivery + 2 more
New flavour - GELATO SORBET
I bet that's a tasty one
NugNinjaZ Euro Canna-Cup 2020/1 Round 4
Well I was thinking 3 - 1 too but I guess I can't keep that. So... 3 - 3 up to FT then penalties
Temporary changes to cut off time!
Just writing this here so I can find you when I need to. Good prices btw + 2 more
Things are getting a little sticky around here
I'll keep an eye out for that one, sounds great!
Voting and termination
The more vote interaction on a post, the higher up the wall it goes. It can be up votes or down votes or comments, it all counts as an increased inter…
Irish Vendor!!
I once met the guy in your profile pic but at the time I was on so many things that it didn't register who he was til a couple of days later. He had b…
Friday Giveaway! - 1G of Harybo - Skittlez x Afghani Free :)
Maan, late again. I'll be here early enough one day
Welcome to The Outlaw Kitchen!
Wow, sounds really interesting. Definitely a new type of businesses model on here. Think it should work well for you. Good luck on your LB journey + 2 more
You are cannabis and cannabis is you! No division between the two:))
I just assume he's the real Super Hans brought into reality by the powers of weed - makes the most sense
Wax and shatter... do I eat them?
Nah, you don't wanna eat that as it lacks the cbd required for a stable high. You could eat it, but it would just feel a bit too intense to be enjoyab…
Boveda packs in your regular stash jar?
Just started using one a couple of days ago on some stuff that could have gone either way at the time. Awesome cure by the next day and getting better… + 2 more
Reloaded with a small batch of Cheese :)
Ahh cheese - it's been a while
Does anyone vape cbd distillate?
Yep, make carts from CBD shatter
on  Pukkapuff
herbalist tea room no response
Seems like just a CBD store
Foreigners to be banned from Amsterdam weed cafes
That would really ruin their tourism economy. Might be a nice time for uk to decriminalise though
on  {bitcoin}
48H of bitcoin tanking
It's started going back up now
anyone using 510 carts? mine seems to have gone bad
That'll be carts made from shatter, they go dark over time even if unused. It's only because they're light sensitive, they still work just as well. Th…
bigg topics