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joined may 2021
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228 posts by Juice
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+3 votes
Just started watching 'Spaced' again.
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB

I'm in the middle of re-watching Spaced and felt like I had to scroll for hours to find somebody who finally mentioned it! xD

Thank you - you just reminded me I need to re-watch spaced again!
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..

Well I’ll judge you... if I could give 2 upvotes I would, agree with you totally, 2 of my fave ever shows, making me think of hitting Spaced up again...

I loved the shows of that generation. Nathan Barley. Day Today. Brass Eye also. Then The Mighty Boosh.
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊

The Wire
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations

Ah fuck it, nothing better to do, haha
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences

Peep show one of my all time favs and can't to wrong with arrested development what a classic

Sad that they never manager to run the show normally... And probably we won't se another season ever :( love arrested development

Currently halfway through the first series of Altered Carbon after reading this thread and seeing your recommendation. I'm a PhilipKDick fan and I'm really enjoying it, cheers 👍

Dark on Netflix. German show about time travel set in a village where kids keep going missing every 33 years. Stunning production values, really intricately plotted, three series, all ties together. Loved it. Has an English dub but the German audio with subtitles is best.

End of the fucking world is really good. Strange and offbeat which I like. With some characters that don’t give a fuck. And it’s British and very relatable (even though it’s about a lad that thinks he’s a psychopath haha).

100% but do you think you could watch them the other way round and it’s all still as good? As I really do, integrated them amazingly well.

Yeah I agree, I liked BB a lot but I came to it a bit late and like UKgrower hearing the hype maybe expected too much. Better call Saul I didn’t expect much of at all, didn’t think it’d get past Series 1 but now I think it’s better than BB.

If you enjoyed Breaking Bad, then give Better Call Saul a go. I always thought he stole every scene he was in during Breaking Bad.

I'm watching Detectorists at the moment. Really good. Funny and with beautiful scenery. On BBC iPlayer and Netflix.

Shout for detectorists.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.

If you want a Change and a Tons of one line bombs to drop at work or with your mates there is only one place to go
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???

yes, they will all help make it worse. on the bright side, since everybody started typing on their phones, dyslexia is hardly noticeable anymore and you really don't have to apologise.

Gomorrah if you dont mind subtitles, its an Italian crime show set in Naples. Simply brilliant.
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates

Gomorrah is the shit man, one of my all time favs
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece

Yean Gomorrah is probably my number 1 show, the setting, actors, story... superb. Cant wait to watch the Ciro Di Marzio movie too.

L'Immortale or the Immortal is the name, was out last year in Italy. Have tried to find out when its out in the UK but no joy yet

Its on sky atlantic now mate, its certainly worth a watch an sets up the next season of Gomorrah nicely

Literally just finished watching brassic 2 and Save me Too. Both class. Surely everyone on here has watched Brassic.....!!!?

I do, doesn't quite hit the levels that Shameless did back in the day but still a lot of fun. Plus it's good to hear actual accents on TV instead of just American lol

If you like weird? Get baked & watch.
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror

Respect for Garth Merenghi, everybody should see that.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.

Have you ever watched Travellers? (if you was a fan of stargate back in the day this will interest you) or if your a sci fi fan, Very good story telling and actors (Canadian)

i liked that a lot more than i thought i would. also, colony on netflix even though it was killed by covid and never finished.

Some of the things I've enjoyed are:
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis

*The Queen's Gambit- short series (one season only) but good storyline
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist

Ifyou seen BB, definitely watch Better Call Saul.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.

Orphan black! one of my favourites.. the wire.. Russian doll..cynical,funny. end of the fucking world. Money heist.. prison break..cleverly written. Better call Saul if you enjoyed breaking bad.
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/

Yo UK Grower. I have just discovered Channel Zero on StarZplay, prime add on. It’s a really good horror series, twisted stuff, defo a bit freaky.

To any one who likes comedies don't be put off What We Do in the Shadows, it's vampires but it's not really a "vampire" type show.... it's really funny when high and the second series has just come out on iplayer.

If you're into Sci-fi I'd highly recommend Altered Carbon on Netflix. Really cool story and visuals. I seen somebody recommended Ozark, excellent as well. If you like animation and feel like a laugh give Rick and Morty a watch, The Midnight Gospel is also new to Netflix but really trippy / funny in my opinion. Happy watching!

I almost pissed myself with laughter watching the first episode as I watched the trailer but wasn't really for how out there this really is. A must watch for any sci fi and gaming fan or if you have a sick sense of humour like me :)

Stranger Things Season 1 - 80's themed sci-fi thriller with endearing characters that had me on the edge of my seat throughout.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.

Band of Brothers is a masterpiece, great shout! Any recommendations of war films/series that are similar mate?

Give 'The Pacific' a go. Its HBOs follow up to 'Band Of Brothers' set during the allied assault on the Pacific region during WW2

Trailer Park Boys should be perfect for everyone on here, given the enormous amount of smoking and growing throughout!

The Wire
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.

Since it hasn’t been mentioned here , it only proves how massively underrated Wilfred is . Had great laughs :) U.S. version of an Australian cult sitcom about a meek young man and a pot-smoking talking dog named Wilfred (actually actor Jason Gann in a dog suit, whom everyone else sees as just a dog). Won’t spoilt it anymore

Watching Yellowjackets at the moment, pretty good but if you watch the pilot episode don’t be put off as that’s a bit shit, it does get better!
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…

The Start Up, it's on Netflix. 2 series' that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Defo worth a watch!

Gotta be Trailer Park Boys
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps

The Christmas special of Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing done in THE most beautiful part of the country North Yorkshire! Great watch when baked as fuck haha :)
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol

New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.
New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.

just call Saul was better than breaking bad in some ways (last series a bit disappointing tho). Always interested to see if people liked the Midnight Gospel (single series, animation, also Netflix).

If you liked Breaking Bad you might like Better Call Saul... it's slower but the writing and cinematography are actually better imo. Plus by S5 the pace is basically on BB levels.

The Boys or Doom patrol, quality shows right there & the wire If you didnt see it yet,too many to name mate but try them

Undone is good and trippy with the animation style it uses and pretty unique story to boot.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.

Fringe is my favorite series of all time!
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns

Get the amazon Prime free trial and watch Picard, star trek spin off - it's really good, not what you expect.

also i love disco/history/natgeo... skin walker ranch program on at the mo is interesting. history but avail on catchup bro

The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)
The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)

Dunno if these have been broached, but try some Aussie drama
Pine Gap
The Magician / Mr Inbetween
All great watches but Mr Inbetween tells the story of your everyday underworld enforcer. Ive watched it in full 3 times and regularly watch YouTube clips. Never has the word run hit so hard
Pine Gap
The Magician / Mr Inbetween
All great watches but Mr Inbetween tells the story of your everyday underworld enforcer. Ive watched it in full 3 times and regularly watch YouTube clips. Never has the word run hit so hard

Surprised no one’s mentioned Snowfall.
One of the best series imo.
And it’s free to watch on bbc iplayer
One of the best series imo.
And it’s free to watch on bbc iplayer

The Sopranos, the Wire, The Americans (best ending), boss season 1, the Divide 2014 (hard to find but worth it), true detective 4, xfiles season 4.

I just rewatched 'The Lost Room'
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻

Trying to go for some semi-obscure ones here....
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high

If no one has said it yet, Banshee. A pro thief / seriously tough guy played by Anthony Starr ( Homelander from the boys) rolls into town, assumes the identity of a recently deceased new Sheriff that no one has met yet. Boom, he's now the law in town and is actually very good at stopping crime. Insane realistic violence, Amish gangsters, bikers, native American mafia and lots more, best show I've ever seen

Hi Biggas TEAM
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.

On the The Block - Netflix - nice teen vibe and story
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious

The Comic Strip
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob

Loads of top shows already mentioned on this list so trying not to repeat(can't stand repeats). Didn't notice a mention for The Newsroom, absolutely brilliant with super slick dialogue, maybe stick to sativa for that one.
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder

Fargo is probably the best series ever after GOT. Better Call Saul was brilliant too after a slow start. Better than Breaking Bad for me.

All the seasons are good and different stories so don't need to watch in order. All true apparently. The movie's a bit dated now but a great watch too.

Brand New Cherry Flavour if you think you'd find the subject of psychedelic sorcery played out as a fictional horror story interesting

Murder Mountain on Netflix. An oldie but a goodie. All about the emerald triangle in California and how it moved from illegal weed growing into legalisation and the lawless nature of the industry.

Often overlooked, but Mike Judge of Beavis and Butthead fame created this absolute gem....highly smart as it is funny...

You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀
You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀

Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul
Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul

Person of Interest
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch

I'm surprised no one suggested Family Business (on Netflix). A great comedy series about a family in Paris who runs a Kosher butchers and end up producing vast amounts of Pastraweed!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!

I never thought I'd see someone mention The Platform. Great film if you've got your stone on! Alice in Borderland is brilliant also it's like a mash-up of The Prisoner and Battle Royale.

I know this is a bit of old news but have you seen Schitts Creek? I just discovered it and it is so funny

The Man in the High Castle is loads of fun, especially if you’re a fan of PKD. Classic UK series that are great: Line of Duty, The Fall, Peep Show, Monty Python’s Flying Circus

New British comedy horror on prime with Simon Pegg and nick frost, only a short one but was enjoyable, there’s this once scene when nick frost thinks he is about to get shanked and it’s hilarious.
It’s called Truth Seekers
It’s called Truth Seekers

Succession is better than you'd think. Punisher is the best out of all the Marvel shows, Daredevil is also very watchable (and Jessica Jones if you're into angry women with PTSD). Umbrella Academy is fun to watch. The Magicians ditto. Also The Boys.

One of my all-time favourites will always be Daria.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.

Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things
Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things

Ahh man the OA was fucking amazing, completely different to what I thought it'd be. Can't believe they aren't renewing it!

Hey man some good series I watched recently was:
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)

Blake's 7
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.

Black Monday , so off key guaranteed hard core laughing
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny

Bobs burgers is a laugh when baked
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it

Lots of good suggestions & Sopranos is also great. If you have Netflix then Orange Is The New Black is available & also Weeds from the same writer; both a bit different... ;-)

Braindead (2016)
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh

Truly terrible. Shows how much Pitt & Jolie were needed to make that story work. These two are deathly dull!

Dirk gentleys hollistic detective agency.
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻

1 post
+1.5 votes
little biggy theme song?
Obviously the theme from gta San Andreas :)
Juice 💚💦
Good to see clean up Borg join in with this. I’m sure you AI have developed sentience 😂 all good with me

Cartman is hilarious. South Park is the only thing I’ve loved since it started and still watch now at 42. We should start a Cartman clip thread.

One of the things I love about lb is its a race free zone. You can say you are color blind IRL but here its an existenital condition.

Oh yes!! ....and Monty Python also wrote possibly the greatest love song of all time :) (not entirely sure it would qualify as an LB theme tune though....end credits though, maybe) :)

I'm putting forward this infectious little number...'In Hell I'll Be In Good Company' by The Dead South :)

Eminem ft Royce bad meets evil haha. The chorus is what nails it for me.
It may offend some tho...
It may offend some tho...

Only the smoke tree's and fuck the law bit. I just think song is really good. defo take the song with a grain of salt tho.

Been a while since my ears heard that !
"Bad Meets Evil" is an electrifying collaboration between Eminem and Royce da 5'9", showcasing their undeniable chemistry and lyrical prowess. The intense wordplay and aggressive delivery create a dynamic and captivating listening experience, leaving fans craving for more.
Interesting Fact: "Bad Meets Evil" originally started as the title track for an EP released by Eminem and Royce da 5'9" in 2011. The EP gained significant success, leading to the formation of a hip-hop duo named Bad Meets Evil, after the song that brought them together.
"Bad Meets Evil" is an electrifying collaboration between Eminem and Royce da 5'9", showcasing their undeniable chemistry and lyrical prowess. The intense wordplay and aggressive delivery create a dynamic and captivating listening experience, leaving fans craving for more.
Interesting Fact: "Bad Meets Evil" originally started as the title track for an EP released by Eminem and Royce da 5'9" in 2011. The EP gained significant success, leading to the formation of a hip-hop duo named Bad Meets Evil, after the song that brought them together.

"No No Song"
Huh-huh! Huh-huh
A lady that i know just came from columbia,
She smiled because i did not understand.
Then she held out some marijuana, ha ha!
She said it was the best in all the land.
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't smoke it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
A woman that i know just came from majorca, spain,
She smiled because i did not understand. (parazzi! Parazzi!) (ole!)
Then she held out a ten pound bag of cocaine,
She said it was the finest in the land.
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't sniff it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
A man that i know just came from nashville, tennessee, oo, (oh no!)
He smiled because i did not understand.
Then he held out some moonshine whiskey, oh ho,
He said it was the best in all the land. (and he wasn't joking!!!)
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't drink it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
Well, i said,
"no, no, no, no, i can't take it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
Hey yeh!
"i'll just have another drink, barman, have you got a large brandy?"
Huh-huh! Huh-huh
A lady that i know just came from columbia,
She smiled because i did not understand.
Then she held out some marijuana, ha ha!
She said it was the best in all the land.
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't smoke it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
A woman that i know just came from majorca, spain,
She smiled because i did not understand. (parazzi! Parazzi!) (ole!)
Then she held out a ten pound bag of cocaine,
She said it was the finest in the land.
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't sniff it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
A man that i know just came from nashville, tennessee, oo, (oh no!)
He smiled because i did not understand.
Then he held out some moonshine whiskey, oh ho,
He said it was the best in all the land. (and he wasn't joking!!!)
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't drink it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
Well, i said,
"no, no, no, no, i can't take it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
Hey yeh!
"i'll just have another drink, barman, have you got a large brandy?"

1 post
+3.5 votes

That was a good read, makes me wanna send you some free stuff just so I can get to read what you think of that too 😁

Ive been buying from MadDabber since day one of them joining here. :) Ive manged to try a number of their products and always been very happy with the overall service & quality provided. Plus they are good people too, which goes a very long way!
As such they kindly gave me one of their Chill Pills to try.. How could I say no and not do a little review to replay the favour :) Well I say review, more like a diary... lol
Day 1
It has landed!!!!! Great stealth once again, which normally means you get something else extra as well ;) First thoughts... its bloody huge!lol....that's what she said.. whey! lads lads lads! ;)
Anyway.... One more penis pun... this is where size does matter ;) Due to it being large, its quite easy to split up into multiple doses. This allows us to consume it over multiple days. :)
Or if you want to trip balls I guess eat the whole dam
Its light green in colour and has been pressed really well. Sort of white/vanilla/milk chocolate smell with a background of pure cannabis heaven!! One wiff made me want to munch the whole thing like a mad man... but think I'm going to scrap the idea of eating all 200mg... hahaha. Got a feeling this one is going to be very strong!
The new misses is over at the mo, so probably best to leave the experiments for another Good first impressions and all that..
Day 2
I felt the Chill Pill's presence all night willing me to eat her! lol. Kept wondering how strong it will be or how much to eat... Could I sneak some for breakfast???... no... bad idea Sam.. Still need to make a good impression with the misses... Side note... she will share a blunt with me but 200mg deep dive into the strong world of edibles might be a bit much at the mo..
Keep taking it out the fridge like a child waiting for Patience young padawan... Patience....
Day 3
ITSSSSSSS TIMMEEEEEEEEEEE. (said in my best Bruce Buffer voice) Misses have left.. and its just me and the Chill Pill. Time for lift off. Space helmet.. check. Space suit... check. Munchies... check. More weed to smoke.. check.. and I'm ready..
Decided to go for approx 40mg to start with. But in my usual stupidly eager way, I bit it at an awkward angle, then OCD kicked in and had to even it out..This still didn't work... but now Ive eaten about 80mg, so thought it was best to put my "isms" to one side and not worry about the OCD
The flavour was delicious! tastes the same as the smell. (just like a nice nug of weed can) Due to all the fatty ingredients added like MCT oil,cocoa butter etc. this should hit fast and strong.. especially with the high quality extracts used which Ive come to know and love from MD.
Sooooo, about 40 mins later I start to feel those lovely familiar edible feelings! Like a gentle warmth starting to run down from my tip of my head to the tip of my toes.. This is going to be a good one.. It then fully kicked in out of no where.... whilst writing a long text to bad timing... The phone became blurry and and txt fuzzy! guess my vision was matching how my brain Sudden feelings of not wanting to concentrate on anything such as a phone kicked in, and my brain wanted to wonder.. The next hour or so I happily floated around listening to music and watching Bright Insight on Youtube.. (alternative ancient history sort of channel)
It was a very nice heavy stone for an hour and abit, so I'm so glad I didn't eat the whole bloody thing..Otherwise I would of literally been blasted into space.. Tolerance wise I could of taken a bit more.... but didn't need to. Very happy with the amount I had and still allowed me to smoke a coupe of blunts and have a few dabs on the ol Puffco.... To be honest... the rest was a bit of a blur...hahaha
Day 4
What the fuck happened last
You know its a good edible when you sleep like a log but still wake up with a cloudy head...
Overall its a bloody great product. The fact you can easily split it into multiple doses gives you bang for your buck and the quality is very very high.. (pun intended) Also want to take this opportunity to recommend their Ice Water Hash... Proper terpy terpy goodness :)
So thanks to MD for the great service once again! and I look forward to launching off into space once again soon... In fact... thats my plans for tonight sorted!!!
As such they kindly gave me one of their Chill Pills to try.. How could I say no and not do a little review to replay the favour :) Well I say review, more like a diary... lol
Day 1
It has landed!!!!! Great stealth once again, which normally means you get something else extra as well ;) First thoughts... its bloody huge!lol....that's what she said.. whey! lads lads lads! ;)
Anyway.... One more penis pun... this is where size does matter ;) Due to it being large, its quite easy to split up into multiple doses. This allows us to consume it over multiple days. :)
Or if you want to trip balls I guess eat the whole dam
Its light green in colour and has been pressed really well. Sort of white/vanilla/milk chocolate smell with a background of pure cannabis heaven!! One wiff made me want to munch the whole thing like a mad man... but think I'm going to scrap the idea of eating all 200mg... hahaha. Got a feeling this one is going to be very strong!
The new misses is over at the mo, so probably best to leave the experiments for another Good first impressions and all that..
Day 2
I felt the Chill Pill's presence all night willing me to eat her! lol. Kept wondering how strong it will be or how much to eat... Could I sneak some for breakfast???... no... bad idea Sam.. Still need to make a good impression with the misses... Side note... she will share a blunt with me but 200mg deep dive into the strong world of edibles might be a bit much at the mo..
Keep taking it out the fridge like a child waiting for Patience young padawan... Patience....
Day 3
ITSSSSSSS TIMMEEEEEEEEEEE. (said in my best Bruce Buffer voice) Misses have left.. and its just me and the Chill Pill. Time for lift off. Space helmet.. check. Space suit... check. Munchies... check. More weed to smoke.. check.. and I'm ready..
Decided to go for approx 40mg to start with. But in my usual stupidly eager way, I bit it at an awkward angle, then OCD kicked in and had to even it out..This still didn't work... but now Ive eaten about 80mg, so thought it was best to put my "isms" to one side and not worry about the OCD
The flavour was delicious! tastes the same as the smell. (just like a nice nug of weed can) Due to all the fatty ingredients added like MCT oil,cocoa butter etc. this should hit fast and strong.. especially with the high quality extracts used which Ive come to know and love from MD.
Sooooo, about 40 mins later I start to feel those lovely familiar edible feelings! Like a gentle warmth starting to run down from my tip of my head to the tip of my toes.. This is going to be a good one.. It then fully kicked in out of no where.... whilst writing a long text to bad timing... The phone became blurry and and txt fuzzy! guess my vision was matching how my brain Sudden feelings of not wanting to concentrate on anything such as a phone kicked in, and my brain wanted to wonder.. The next hour or so I happily floated around listening to music and watching Bright Insight on Youtube.. (alternative ancient history sort of channel)
It was a very nice heavy stone for an hour and abit, so I'm so glad I didn't eat the whole bloody thing..Otherwise I would of literally been blasted into space.. Tolerance wise I could of taken a bit more.... but didn't need to. Very happy with the amount I had and still allowed me to smoke a coupe of blunts and have a few dabs on the ol Puffco.... To be honest... the rest was a bit of a blur...hahaha
Day 4
What the fuck happened last
You know its a good edible when you sleep like a log but still wake up with a cloudy head...
Overall its a bloody great product. The fact you can easily split it into multiple doses gives you bang for your buck and the quality is very very high.. (pun intended) Also want to take this opportunity to recommend their Ice Water Hash... Proper terpy terpy goodness :)
So thanks to MD for the great service once again! and I look forward to launching off into space once again soon... In fact... thats my plans for tonight sorted!!!

I was intrigued when I saw this on the menu t’other day and reading that has only increased that intrigue.
I do love an edible high and the way you describe this sounds just delightful 🤤
I do love an edible high and the way you describe this sounds just delightful 🤤

It really is a lovely well made edible.🙂 Quick to kick in and a strong high..💪 Suppose like most things it depends on individual tolerance.. Etc.. but it definitely felt like I had 70-80mg dose. 😅

That was literally my first thought as soon as I opened the package.. 😂 Its a good surprise, just an unexpected one. Lol.

I have no idea why but this makes me crease up ! So neat but so reckless, ha ha but the results are clear.

Bloody good review mate, all of us at Mad Dabber always enjoy reading in depth reviews, it sounds like you were flyingg mateee, I'm curious how you would've reacted if you ate the whole thing, lol.
Everyone assumes it's much smaller than it is, we may have to add your size comparison picture to our listing.
Fantastic review mate!
Sounds like you had a good time, enjoy the rest of the trip!
Once again,
P.S. For those interested in the edible, I'll leave a link below:
Everyone assumes it's much smaller than it is, we may have to add your size comparison picture to our listing.
Fantastic review mate!
Sounds like you had a good time, enjoy the rest of the trip!
Once again,
P.S. For those interested in the edible, I'll leave a link below:

I'll pick one up soon, i read the ingredients and my food allergies approve, and i highly approve also.😁
What size are they tho, not sure what size of sugar bag Sam posted, are they the size of cigarette packets lol?
What size are they tho, not sure what size of sugar bag Sam posted, are they the size of cigarette packets lol?

I guess there's no need for me to talk about size as FM answered that, lol
We'll be looking forward to your order mate!
We'll be looking forward to your order mate!

Really can’t believe I was debating whether to eat the whole bloody thing 🤦♂️😅 That would of been one intense couple of hours……..😬 😬
No worries about using the pic. 👍
I’ve actually munched some about 45 mins ago so feel her kicking in strong again.. 😵💫 💚✌️
No worries about using the pic. 👍
I’ve actually munched some about 45 mins ago so feel her kicking in strong again.. 😵💫 💚✌️

Mate, I’ve probably only eaten like just over 25mg of it tonight and it’s hitting pretty nicely 😅 Not like last time but still great for the amount I ate..
Also smoking a blunt with hash and Kief…🤷♂️ but that edible has punched right through the lot of them.... 🔥
Also smoking a blunt with hash and Kief…🤷♂️ but that edible has punched right through the lot of them.... 🔥

I am placing my order based on your review mate, so the pressure is on now😵💫😉!
I think I’ll compare with a bar of Stoney’s from Pistach….must be an Easter thing, I want chocolate! 🍫❤️🍫❤️
I think I’ll compare with a bar of Stoney’s from Pistach….must be an Easter thing, I want chocolate! 🍫❤️🍫❤️

It is Easter after all 😉 🍫 🥳
Ahhhh Pressures on now…..😬 😅 Nah… You will love them 😊 Quick to take effect and strong 💪
Ahhhh Pressures on now…..😬 😅 Nah… You will love them 😊 Quick to take effect and strong 💪

That was a good read, makes me wanna send you some free stuff just so I can get to read what you think of that too 😁

lol thanks buddy! :) My grammar and punctuation is awful, but I had a lot fun writing this one :)

After reading this I decided on eating an 1/8 and not a Q of the pill, I am glad I read this first! I don't think I would have made it up for work if not!

😂 Good plan dude!
I over ate on some oil last night and woke up properly dazed and confused 🙃😅
I over ate on some oil last night and woke up properly dazed and confused 🙃😅

1 post
+3.2 votes
Aging is Reversible
A vampire facial is carried out using a person's own plasma that's separated in a centrifuge from their extracted blood

Aging is Reversible
Epigenetic reprogramming is proving to be the most fundamental aging switch around.

Also some other noteworthy switches here:
He says they currently think the brain’s hypothalamus—known as the seat of control for hormones, body temperature, mood, hunger and circadian rhythms—may also act as a regulator of aging.
Other approaches that have been discovered to have anti-aging benefits in animals include calorie restriction, the drug rapamycin and parabiosis—the practice of giving old mice a blood supply from younger ones. The fact that these diverse strategies all seem to work suggests there may be more than one way to age, and that multiple complementary therapies may be needed to significantly extend longevity,
He says they currently think the brain’s hypothalamus—known as the seat of control for hormones, body temperature, mood, hunger and circadian rhythms—may also act as a regulator of aging.
Other approaches that have been discovered to have anti-aging benefits in animals include calorie restriction, the drug rapamycin and parabiosis—the practice of giving old mice a blood supply from younger ones. The fact that these diverse strategies all seem to work suggests there may be more than one way to age, and that multiple complementary therapies may be needed to significantly extend longevity,

'Parabiosis' - also known as vampire facials in Hollywood. Yes that's right, Kim Kardashian has aborted fetus blood rubbed on her face. This is common practice. Loreal also a whole range of more expensive products with this in it. Also 'Blood boys' are a profession. This is a rabbit hole you don't want to go down as usually the source of this blood is disturbing.

A vampire facial is carried out using a person's own plasma that's separated in a centrifuge from their extracted blood

yes very creepy when money is traded for life itself but it seems an ethical market is possible as healthy people have a surplus and all the means for extraction and testing are really well established.

Hi spiceX1
While calorie restriction makes logical sense I remember reading the study about the rejuvenating effects of young mouse blood on older mice - fascinating Research.
Maybe Keith Richards is actually 250 years old? :O)
While calorie restriction makes logical sense I remember reading the study about the rejuvenating effects of young mouse blood on older mice - fascinating Research.
Maybe Keith Richards is actually 250 years old? :O)

Also did you know that you can slow down your biological aging by eating right, exercising right and your mindset plus environment by up to 3 times

Hi denofsim
Good stuff.
Given organic chemistry IS chemistry surely the 2nd law of Thermodynamics would prevent one from rewinding the clock fully.
Good stuff.
Given organic chemistry IS chemistry surely the 2nd law of Thermodynamics would prevent one from rewinding the clock fully.

1 post
+6.2 votes

Making BHO at home
Better of using ethanol extraction. Butane is way too dangerous to be cooking with inside any residence
Better of using ethanol extraction. Butane is way too dangerous to be cooking with inside any residence

Just remember all the P's mate proper planning provides protection from potential pyrotechnics.
Plan for every possible outcome you can think of clear routes and good ventilation, fire extinguisher, gloves and visor would be advisable.
Plan for every possible outcome you can think of clear routes and good ventilation, fire extinguisher, gloves and visor would be advisable.

Look for qwiso/qwet, might be a bit safer to do at home..
I would also recommend looking at rosin presses/hair straightener (depending on your project), might cost you less in the long run and is very safe to use ;)
I would also recommend looking at rosin presses/hair straightener (depending on your project), might cost you less in the long run and is very safe to use ;)

Thanks I'll check that out, I've got some experience with BHO and have been pleased with the end product. My problem with rosin is that you have to use quality buds to get a reasonable amount of extract

First tip would be to do it outside, rather than actually in the home! I used to do mini runs in my back garden with just a can or two of gas. I'd blast in to a silicone baking bowl which was in turn in another with hot water in to help evaporate off the gas nice and quick so you can then bring it inside. That was a pretty amateurish set up but did the job, never went as far as winterising the extract after that.

2 posts
+5 votes

What Strain Do You Dislike?
I got four, and they're all because of the terrible taste -
Tropicana Cookies
Top two, because I can't stand ones wi…
+ 2 more

What Strain Do You Dislike?
Hey Biggas. A lot of us share the weed we love on this site so I thought it might be interesting to mix things up and see which strains don't do it for you.
I'll kick things off with Runtz. I like Zkittles and I like Gelato, but for some reason I have never really enjoyed Runtz. I think it's a combination of two good strains that somehow produced a worse one. Just my opinion of course, interested to hear what the rest of you think.
I'll kick things off with Runtz. I like Zkittles and I like Gelato, but for some reason I have never really enjoyed Runtz. I think it's a combination of two good strains that somehow produced a worse one. Just my opinion of course, interested to hear what the rest of you think.

I was going so say mimosa, no matter how good it is, those orange terps remind me of burning rubber. Strange.

So glad I’m not alone in hating mimosa terps. The first time I smelled/tasted it, I genuinely thought the weed was bogus. Like it had been artificially flavoured with something nasty. Then when I got good mimosa it was the exact same terps. Not for me like.
I’d say Stardawg too, just because it was fuckin everywhere and was normally sub par.
I’d say Stardawg too, just because it was fuckin everywhere and was normally sub par.

I like Mimosa for the effect and I don't mind the taste. I am not keen on some of the other strains that taste similar like Tangerine Dream so I can see where you're coming from. Citrus strains can be hit and miss on the terps front.

I think Mimosa is the only strain taste wise that lives up to the hype. 90% of weed tastes to me exactly what it is- heated vegetation. All the “mouth watering “ descriptions completely pass me by…occasionally I get pine bathroom cleaner but heyho…
So I tend not to chase flavours at all and just go for effects, and I love the effects of a good Mimosa. I might have mentioned it😉
So I tend not to chase flavours at all and just go for effects, and I love the effects of a good Mimosa. I might have mentioned it😉

I hear you, I’d say I’m less of a flavour hunter too and more just looking for ways to encourage variety. I’ve definitely been let down by mouth watering descriptions a lot, but at the same time been surprised a lot too. I’m not really sure how much truth there is in all this supposed terp nuance either tbh…
What I do know is that I absolutely love a traditional stenchy, skunky, weed flavour. Not even sure what it’s called. We’ve spoken about the vomit vibes before haha, I want that shit! Smells like Mother Nature’s entire raw effluence.
What I do know is that I absolutely love a traditional stenchy, skunky, weed flavour. Not even sure what it’s called. We’ve spoken about the vomit vibes before haha, I want that shit! Smells like Mother Nature’s entire raw effluence.

Preach! Innit - where’s the stanky pungent slap in ya face skunk at? Miss it, used to get my hands on some proper stuff about 12yrs ago . Must still be around somewhere

I definitely taste different flavours. And Mimosa makes me sick 😂 Saying that I usually taste weed as it smells until I’ve smoked a couple spliffs. Then it’s hit or miss. Weird 😂 That’s the wonderful thing with Cannabis. The variety is astounding so everyone and their preferences are catered for 😁

Bang on, I’m not into any tangey variants either. I accidentally bought some expensive import bud a few weeks ago that had tangey/mimosa heritage. The bud was clearly excellent in every department, probably well worth the money, but the terps ruined it for me. Just tasted artificial, almost like a nicotine vape or something. Different strokes and all that.

Hate the taste but iv yet to find a strain that is almost comparable to taking codine for feel good factor. I’ll smoke dry straw for that

White Widow
Stuff gives me the shakes and heart palpitations. Had it from different growers at different times, it just disagrees with me.
The Brazilian sativa element is too racy and the Indian indica just melts you. It’s always an intense Indica v Sativa battle.
Usually with hybrids I get the sativa effect then it chills into indica but white widow pummels me with both from the get go and leaves me meditating to the ganja gods with tai chi breathing to alleviate me from the poisonous kiss of White Widow.
Stuff gives me the shakes and heart palpitations. Had it from different growers at different times, it just disagrees with me.
The Brazilian sativa element is too racy and the Indian indica just melts you. It’s always an intense Indica v Sativa battle.
Usually with hybrids I get the sativa effect then it chills into indica but white widow pummels me with both from the get go and leaves me meditating to the ganja gods with tai chi breathing to alleviate me from the poisonous kiss of White Widow.

Anything with piney terps for me - just really reminds me of those car air fresheners 🤮🌲 not a fan. Dunno if I am on my own with that one lol

Lemon Tree is the strain I most dislike. I use to love a good lemon skunk or lemon haze 20 years ago. Not the same anymore.

Super silver haze. Smelled like cats piss and had no body high. Muscles felt restless and uncomfortable.

that's an easy answer ... any that don't get me high (normally not a strain blame, more a grower blame) ... so reckons the jackal 😎😎

For me it’s gotta be Rainbow Belts. Not a fan of it’s clove-y taste and I find the buzz to be muddled and racy. Just don’t like it at all.
I find it all a bit crazy how inbred US genetics are getting.
I go on Leafly to look up what I’m getting. And it all goes back to a few OG strains if you trace it back.
That’s the stuff I’m interested in to be honest.
A Gelato crossed with something that’s already been crossed with Gelato 32 times, and a chem, or a haze, but has a fancy name. Sputum Spangles. Or something. And that’s just a hybrid of Thin Mint and Chemdog.
I get it. But it’s not especially inventive and actually tends to all be a bit samey.
I’m with Mr Geeseeks about White Widow too. In small doses only. Same goes for AK47 and Jack Herer. Racy as f**k. Same with most Hazes for me. Although I do like Diesel if I’m out and about, so it’s not all Sativa heavy hybrids.. Tends to leave me with a bit of a headache though sometimes.
Yeah. Anything racy. That makes me genuinely feel like I can feel the centrifugal force of the Earth spinning. Nah bruh. I’ll pass.
I find it all a bit crazy how inbred US genetics are getting.
I go on Leafly to look up what I’m getting. And it all goes back to a few OG strains if you trace it back.
That’s the stuff I’m interested in to be honest.
A Gelato crossed with something that’s already been crossed with Gelato 32 times, and a chem, or a haze, but has a fancy name. Sputum Spangles. Or something. And that’s just a hybrid of Thin Mint and Chemdog.
I get it. But it’s not especially inventive and actually tends to all be a bit samey.
I’m with Mr Geeseeks about White Widow too. In small doses only. Same goes for AK47 and Jack Herer. Racy as f**k. Same with most Hazes for me. Although I do like Diesel if I’m out and about, so it’s not all Sativa heavy hybrids.. Tends to leave me with a bit of a headache though sometimes.
Yeah. Anything racy. That makes me genuinely feel like I can feel the centrifugal force of the Earth spinning. Nah bruh. I’ll pass.

I get a vibe from some strains, mainly I’d describe more indica leaning and berry types.
Makes me introspective. Can get dark. But it’s also when you swim in the creative madness of semi-subconscious which when young, or in the wrong place can be no different than a mushroom experience.
Set and setting applies with *all* consumption I think 🤔 but I have a theory that plants also pick up on the vibe of their grower + there is also just a 💩 grow, right?
Makes me introspective. Can get dark. But it’s also when you swim in the creative madness of semi-subconscious which when young, or in the wrong place can be no different than a mushroom experience.
Set and setting applies with *all* consumption I think 🤔 but I have a theory that plants also pick up on the vibe of their grower + there is also just a 💩 grow, right?

Way back I got some free seeds with the seeds I ordered. NYC diesel they were, so I grew them and was so disappointed, it tasted awful. Haven't really gone for diesel since. Have smoked loads of diesel cross.
Everest is another, it's not that I dislike the taste/high etc, but I find if I'm on it for multiple days then it really brings my mood down.
Everest is another, it's not that I dislike the taste/high etc, but I find if I'm on it for multiple days then it really brings my mood down.

I got four, and they're all because of the terrible taste -
Tropicana Cookies
Top two, because I can't stand ones with a pine taste. Second two, because they taste like smoking candle wax
Never been fussed on Zkittles or Dosido either - usually because they're not grow well
Juice 💚 💦
Tropicana Cookies
Top two, because I can't stand ones with a pine taste. Second two, because they taste like smoking candle wax
Never been fussed on Zkittles or Dosido either - usually because they're not grow well
Juice 💚 💦

I've not tried the Tropicana strains, but I do agree about the Tangies as I don't get on with the taste of them either.

lemon haze; for some reason can always smell it before i can see it and it makes me instantly dizzy - icl it smells divine sometimes, but i just can't do it lol

I had a prescription for pink kush and sour tangie. Sour tangie provides good effects but smells like sick. Same goes for Sour D too

Good one.🤣🤣
Sadly it’s one of few that actually do anything to me these days.
Love it or hate it ay.
Good one.🤣🤣
Sadly it’s one of few that actually do anything to me these days.
Love it or hate it ay.

Biscotti. Makes me too disorientated.
Update: have tried biscotti again as I was given some as a freebie and this one is a lot nicer, and no disorientation.
My latest is mimosa. Smells like baby sick.
Update: have tried biscotti again as I was given some as a freebie and this one is a lot nicer, and no disorientation.
My latest is mimosa. Smells like baby sick.

Had some sativa dominant bit a few weeks back that was a grapefruit cross of some kind. Jeez, it was awful.
Another one I don’t like is Gelato.
It’s a palate thing and we’re all different ay.
Another one I don’t like is Gelato.
It’s a palate thing and we’re all different ay.

Stardawg 100% was the only thing I could get hold of for the longest time and just absolutely sickened myself with it. Can’t stand it now would prefer literally anything else over it

Cookiedawg. Overpowering terps with low potency literally came to little biggy because all i could get was dawg variants round my area.
Shame on all of you for the Mimosa hate ! lol
Shame on all of you for the Mimosa hate ! lol

Haha I fully agree with cookiedawg - one of the most vile tasting strains I've had lol, the terps just don't mix well together.
I also hated 24k Gold - it just made me feel sick the 2 separate times I had that strain.
I also hated 24k Gold - it just made me feel sick the 2 separate times I had that strain.

Number one: stardawg. And all the crosses. People seem to love it, I don't.
Number two: Gorilla glue. It's strong, yeah, but seemingly at the expense of everything else. I've had nice glue crosses though.
Number three: lemon haze. This one's slightly unfair but for ages it's all anyone grew around here so I just don't care if I never see another bag of lemon in my life.
The other one worthy of note is the thin mint. I don't know what they were thinking there.
Anyway, that's me. Other people are different.
Number two: Gorilla glue. It's strong, yeah, but seemingly at the expense of everything else. I've had nice glue crosses though.
Number three: lemon haze. This one's slightly unfair but for ages it's all anyone grew around here so I just don't care if I never see another bag of lemon in my life.
The other one worthy of note is the thin mint. I don't know what they were thinking there.
Anyway, that's me. Other people are different.

Gorilla Glue is like Russian roulette with 5 Chambers loaded.
At it's best, it is hard to better. I have had some good tasting examples but they are becoming rarer.
The genetics are laden with problems so it is difficult to get the correct pheno from seed. But if you have the correct clone (as is the case with chemdawg) and it is grown and cured adequately, it is a very nice smoke imo.
At it's best, it is hard to better. I have had some good tasting examples but they are becoming rarer.
The genetics are laden with problems so it is difficult to get the correct pheno from seed. But if you have the correct clone (as is the case with chemdawg) and it is grown and cured adequately, it is a very nice smoke imo.

It's completely possible I've not had the best versions but also maybe just a taste or body chemistry thing where for whatever reason those strains don't do it for me. I'm unlikely to test the theory any further by buying more when there's a myriad of sweeter options at LB that are more up my street. The world would of course be boring if we were all the same.

It sure would.
And of course, you are the best person to judge your own factors.
I have had 2 different lots from different vendors on here, and they were both disappointing.
And of course, you are the best person to judge your own factors.
I have had 2 different lots from different vendors on here, and they were both disappointing.

To be fair to the vendors on here I've not had any of the strains I've mentioned from anyone on LB. There's definitely more exciting strains to me available here so I'm unlikely to backtrack just to make sure I don't like it though.

My gorilla grow of 10 strains that was rumbled contained GG.
Still haven’t had it.
If a good example appears on here-please shout me someone!!
Still haven’t had it.
If a good example appears on here-please shout me someone!!

We got some fresh zkittlez in. I really dislike haze tho just smells of roach spray honestly . Idk how it got so famous

Dislike any orange strains personally. Also not a huge fan of gelato 41. It’s too sweet and lingers on the lips in our opinion. If you enjoy the sweeter strains then probably your cup of tea

Iv not figured out the common denominator but some strains have me feeling I can’t be arsed with anyone or anything in a none good way and like a what’s the point type feeling.
I get it with some runtz not all , had it with gg4 but not gorilla skitz. Its defo not my mood at the time either as I know that gets pointed at a lot
I get it with some runtz not all , had it with gg4 but not gorilla skitz. Its defo not my mood at the time either as I know that gets pointed at a lot

1 post
+1 votes

Anybody collect MiniDisc Albums
Got a whole stack of minidiscs in a draw somewhere, think there's a couple of players in there too. That device had so much potential but guess it jus…

Anybody collect MiniDisc Albums
Anybody into minidiscs. Did a clean out of shite in the attic and found some old albums bought in HMV over 20 years ago. They are worth a bit of cash/collectibles it seems.
Must try and get my hands on a player again, listen to that unique minidisc audio again.
Must try and get my hands on a player again, listen to that unique minidisc audio again.

Got a whole stack of minidiscs in a draw somewhere, think there's a couple of players in there too. That device had so much potential but guess it just existed at the wrong time to really take off
Juice 💚💦
Juice 💚💦

1 post
+3 votes
Unicorn Piss - The Cart of Carts
Unicorn Piss is a very tasty vape for sure :) 💚💦

Unicorn Piss - The Cart of Carts

I have to review this Cart because it's just amazing from all aspects
Quality of the cart is insane to me there is a finesse here even with the discreet packaging , not many vendors think about these things.
The Cart - Using a Verve YoCan Stealth Vape.
The taste is pleasant , one important aspect for me , no coughs ( not happening with other carts ) , all pulls are smooth and i don't feel a lung attack.
Feeling amazing , a wave of euphoric feelings and good mood sweeps on you quickly , then any activity is pleasant no matter what that is.
Back pain gone, anxiety gone , hello calmness.
I don't usually do this but i could not resist trying to design a Cart Design for it because this one is just MAD UNIQUE i cannot explain it.
I really think this cart UNICORN Piss deserves it's own Canadian Imports Disposable Vape.
I am very impressed with the Quality of this Vendor and will be a long term customer.
Thank you Canadian Imports for a smooth delivery and the attention to detail , amazing products cannot wait to try more CARTS.
IT's CI Time
Quality of the cart is insane to me there is a finesse here even with the discreet packaging , not many vendors think about these things.
The Cart - Using a Verve YoCan Stealth Vape.
The taste is pleasant , one important aspect for me , no coughs ( not happening with other carts ) , all pulls are smooth and i don't feel a lung attack.
Feeling amazing , a wave of euphoric feelings and good mood sweeps on you quickly , then any activity is pleasant no matter what that is.
Back pain gone, anxiety gone , hello calmness.
I don't usually do this but i could not resist trying to design a Cart Design for it because this one is just MAD UNIQUE i cannot explain it.
I really think this cart UNICORN Piss deserves it's own Canadian Imports Disposable Vape.
I am very impressed with the Quality of this Vendor and will be a long term customer.
Thank you Canadian Imports for a smooth delivery and the attention to detail , amazing products cannot wait to try more CARTS.
IT's CI Time

Looks class they've upped their branding since i last bought. They are a top vendor and this was probably the most unique taste I've had off any cart, proper palma violet vibes. Recommend 100%

Hehe…I think I might have mentioned the Unicorn 🦄 Piss the odd time too ❗️💥😍 (it might get its own s/Reddit soon, I’ve been telling people that I wake up in the morning and I’m still grinning!)
They did have it in a disposable (I have some) but it sold out.
Love your design for packaging mate- very arty and very deserving 🤩
They did have it in a disposable (I have some) but it sold out.
Love your design for packaging mate- very arty and very deserving 🤩

Thank you , what a good vendor , them and The Great Vape Company , think these are top 2 in terms of CART Quality and What's inside them , plus delivery , plus reliability.

Love your design and idea!! Big love to unicorn piss and thanks PP for sharing, its my go to at the end of the night for an amazing 💤

Wow thank you for that amazing review we're just very happy everyone has been enjoying our carts especially the Unicorn and that is one of the best cart designs that we've ever seen, we're going to have to borrow this if you don't mind Gratesmanes?
Now we just need to see if our pot supplier can whip up something similar :)
Now we just need to see if our pot supplier can whip up something similar :)

Of course is not a problem that's why i made it , i am making one also for that rasbery kush as i really liked it , is there another top cart you have besides Unicorn Piss i enjoy designing stuff.

Best carts indeed, I'm asthmatic and these don't make me wheeze at all! Thank you CI for looking after your loyal customers. I have reference you to so many that I hope you getting all that business, cose you deserve it and more!

1 post
+4 votes
OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare”
Rise of the machines it is then :/

OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare”
1 post
+1 votes
We're back to shipping 5 days a week!
Good to hear :)
Juice 💚 💦

We're back to shipping 5 days a week!
We're finally back to shipping 5 days a week thank you all for tolerating us being part timers the past few months we can only imagine what a pain it must've been to wait an extra day for those order to be sent so we really appreciate you guys continuing to shop with us ♡
Our cut of time will still be 11am for same day dispatch but now we'll be dispatching everyday apart from the weekend, thank you again and we hope you enjoy our menu :)
Our cut of time will still be 11am for same day dispatch but now we'll be dispatching everyday apart from the weekend, thank you again and we hope you enjoy our menu :)

Thank F for that! What recommendations would customers make on the carts? Just ordered raspberry og and big fan of Unicorn Piss

1 post
+2 votes

Anyone make any BTC?
Yep, but accidentally. Just had some spare change in my wallet, hadn't checked it's worth for a year, then the value of coin went up to $56k. Checked…

Anyone make any BTC?
Just wondering if any of the methods out there are actually worth it for you so far?

Yep, but accidentally. Just had some spare change in my wallet, hadn't checked it's worth for a year, then the value of coin went up to $56k. Checked what my spare change was currently worth, turns out it was a good few hundred bucks :) So that was a nice surprise

What methods are there? The only ways I can see is:
1- Mining. Tried that and not worth the electricity.
2- Sell stuff for BTC like sellers here.
3- Trade. Sell for USD when the price is high and buy back again when the price is low.
1- Mining. Tried that and not worth the electricity.
2- Sell stuff for BTC like sellers here.
3- Trade. Sell for USD when the price is high and buy back again when the price is low.

It is good but needs major tweaking. Got a good amount in there but at the lowest it wants to charge 30% of the total just to send, if i try to put it at a reasonable time frame the fee exceeds what's there 😂. Also have pending payments from 13 months ago so while it is essentially free BTC it's also not really useable or hassle free

This is the exact problem I have. The wallet I have set up to receive referral payments is basically ruined at this point. Any coin in it is trapped behind extortionate network fees.

2 posts
+7 votes

magic mushroom tincture
Just make one yourself.
Get a few whole mushrooms, get a little jar or container (preferably glass), put mushrooms in jar, add alcohol like tequila …
+ 2 more

magic mushroom tincture
Hi LB family,
I'm looking to find some magic mushroom tinctures - I am under treatment for depression for anxiety and I'm microdosing which works like magic for me. However due to my gastroinestinal sensitivy these capsules are bery hard on my stomach. Tincture is the best way but can't seem to find it anymore - is anyone able to source thing. I'm sure it'll a product that sells easily.
thanks family hope you have a lovely day 🙌🫶🏻
I'm looking to find some magic mushroom tinctures - I am under treatment for depression for anxiety and I'm microdosing which works like magic for me. However due to my gastroinestinal sensitivy these capsules are bery hard on my stomach. Tincture is the best way but can't seem to find it anymore - is anyone able to source thing. I'm sure it'll a product that sells easily.
thanks family hope you have a lovely day 🙌🫶🏻

Just make one yourself.
Get a few whole mushrooms, get a little jar or container (preferably glass), put mushrooms in jar, add alcohol like tequila or rum, leave for a while til liquid turns darker then consume using a dropper. For increased relaxation, add some fresh dried hops to the tequila beforehand. I can verify this method as it's my own invented way I've been using for a long while. Feel free to call it The Juice Method :)
Juice 💚 💦
Get a few whole mushrooms, get a little jar or container (preferably glass), put mushrooms in jar, add alcohol like tequila or rum, leave for a while til liquid turns darker then consume using a dropper. For increased relaxation, add some fresh dried hops to the tequila beforehand. I can verify this method as it's my own invented way I've been using for a long while. Feel free to call it The Juice Method :)
Juice 💚 💦

that's interesting - do you chop the mushrooms or they go in as whole? seems a lot easier and less complicated than what I tought the process of producing tincture would be 🙌🙌

Hi adisor
I've done the same about 10 years ago: chopped the shrooms in tiny pieces, put them in a Gin bottle for a few weeks.
Make sure the bottle is stored in a dark place because psylocibin oxidises upon exposure to light.
The alcohol will take on a blue color.
I then filtered the alcohol to obtain Blue Gin which I added cinnamon to and called Spice: I was watching the Dune SciFi TV show drinking it
You will need to work out the dosage as mg/liter, this way you will be able to control the dose.
But I still advise you to get in touch with Psychonauts
Good Luck
I've done the same about 10 years ago: chopped the shrooms in tiny pieces, put them in a Gin bottle for a few weeks.
Make sure the bottle is stored in a dark place because psylocibin oxidises upon exposure to light.
The alcohol will take on a blue color.
I then filtered the alcohol to obtain Blue Gin which I added cinnamon to and called Spice: I was watching the Dune SciFi TV show drinking it
You will need to work out the dosage as mg/liter, this way you will be able to control the dose.
But I still advise you to get in touch with Psychonauts
Good Luck

Hey. I’ve seen some tincture but never actually made any.
One thing I can suggest trying is Lemon juice. Lemon tek is my go to and although I don’t know the intricacies of your ailment lemon always seems to do the hard work of pre digesting and removing nausea. In the same vein try adding your daily microdose to a citrus rich morning juice. Don’t know how helpful this is but adding my two pence 🙏🏻
One thing I can suggest trying is Lemon juice. Lemon tek is my go to and although I don’t know the intricacies of your ailment lemon always seems to do the hard work of pre digesting and removing nausea. In the same vein try adding your daily microdose to a citrus rich morning juice. Don’t know how helpful this is but adding my two pence 🙏🏻

Hey bro - I do lemon tek indeed but there's some crazy reaction going on down there. I believe it's due to IBD I've been diagnosed recently. I normally just eat before, it's easier on my stomach but may not always be as effective.
Gonna try with citrus juice as you suggested 🤞 hopefully does make a difference.
I think I've just put an order trough from you - never tried chocolates will see how those disolve/digest. 🫣
Gonna try with citrus juice as you suggested 🤞 hopefully does make a difference.
I think I've just put an order trough from you - never tried chocolates will see how those disolve/digest. 🫣

If you can handle it , vinegar works too.
Otherwise , the psychonauts have some LSD micro doses
Otherwise , the psychonauts have some LSD micro doses

Second this.
Their Lucy is sensational. Top quality product and an incredible seller to deal with.
Their Lucy is sensational. Top quality product and an incredible seller to deal with.

just like use vinegar instead of lemon? LSD microdosing hmm I need to look into it.
thanks boys🙌🙌💪🏻
thanks boys🙌🙌💪🏻

Hi adisor
I agree with Squidgy Pete and rocketdogronnie.
Send Psychonauts a PM. With Lucy it is micrograms not milligrams like shrooms. One drop and that's it.
How much is your usual shroom microdose in mg?
I agree with Squidgy Pete and rocketdogronnie.
Send Psychonauts a PM. With Lucy it is micrograms not milligrams like shrooms. One drop and that's it.
How much is your usual shroom microdose in mg?

I definetly will thanks boys - my microdose is 0.5 / 0.6 on GT - it's my 3rd week and been doing 5on 2off - I haven't tried other shrooms more potent yet I am also gonna try something a bit stronger in the hope that I reduce the microdose from 0.5/0.6 to 0.2 / 0.3.
Also found some tincture gonna collect it over the weekend - My options are getting wider I do apreciate all your help big love to LB fam
Also found some tincture gonna collect it over the weekend - My options are getting wider I do apreciate all your help big love to LB fam

Hi adisor
My shroom microdose is 0.11g from Dr.Shroom (I forgot which strain, I think APE but not sure).
I guess you can skip Psychonauts Dip Your Toe and maybe start with Laser Focus.
If not enough you can always go up to Leisure Time (or have several Laser Focus drops for that matter).
The difference between LF and LT I found to be noticeable: Psychonauts are real craftsmen (and wizards 🧙).
If you're on 0.5mg GT I would say try 2 drops of LF.
But remember that we are all different.
Lucy will last 10+ hours whereas shrooms are arund the 6+ hour mark for me.
This is due to the way in which LSD attache to serotonin receptors: it creates a kind of chemical lid and remains there longer than psilocybin.
Good Luck
My shroom microdose is 0.11g from Dr.Shroom (I forgot which strain, I think APE but not sure).
I guess you can skip Psychonauts Dip Your Toe and maybe start with Laser Focus.
If not enough you can always go up to Leisure Time (or have several Laser Focus drops for that matter).
The difference between LF and LT I found to be noticeable: Psychonauts are real craftsmen (and wizards 🧙).
If you're on 0.5mg GT I would say try 2 drops of LF.
But remember that we are all different.
Lucy will last 10+ hours whereas shrooms are arund the 6+ hour mark for me.
This is due to the way in which LSD attache to serotonin receptors: it creates a kind of chemical lid and remains there longer than psilocybin.
Good Luck

So, for cost effectiveness you want the $99 deal. That's loads of microdoses and potentially strong trips too.
I'm Stamets' Stack dosing with 0.25g of shrooms and 0.7g of Lion's Mane and I'm really enjoying it.
I find it makes me quite emotional lately in the evening when I'm dosing, and I often cry. I'm assuming this is beneficial as I certainly feel cathartic release.
The Leisure Time drop felt like more than a microdose when I tried it the first time, but the Lazer Focus you may want to use in multiple drops.
I'm Stamets' Stack dosing with 0.25g of shrooms and 0.7g of Lion's Mane and I'm really enjoying it.
I find it makes me quite emotional lately in the evening when I'm dosing, and I often cry. I'm assuming this is beneficial as I certainly feel cathartic release.
The Leisure Time drop felt like more than a microdose when I tried it the first time, but the Lazer Focus you may want to use in multiple drops.

I'm currently microdosing capsules of Stamets' Stack and I've done 6 weeks of that now with a 2 week break after the 4th week, which is how I think I'll continue. Anyway, I also have Lazer Focus and Leisure Time drops from Psychonauts, and I'm going to go with the group consensus and recommend the same. Put a drop or 2 on a sugar cube and imagine it's the late '60s. It's a very similar effect to the shrooms, but different.

Please could you send a link to me for this vendor - I can't find Psychonauts vendor in any of the searches or topics 🫣

Link to their page above mate. They're on a break currently, but they should be back soon.

1 post
+4 votes
JFK's "Ich bin ein Berliner" Speech
Thing is - he really did become a doughnut, what with the big hole and that
JFK's "Ich bin ein Berliner" Speech

"Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect but we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in..."

1 post
+4 votes
Drama on the Western Front
Like someone else said, if they don't want it I'll take it off your hands :) lol

Drama on the Western Front
Customer will not accept a reship with upgraded NND delivery.
What to do now??
He brought an 8th and states that it never arrived by 1st class post. Does happen from time to time, or is 8 months late like Jay's Christmas parcel from Druid's.
I dont think we had any missed comms. So I kindly offer to send the 8th again.
I then receive a reply stating the buyer has lost all trust in me?!? To I reply 600+ positive reviews and its the smallest amount of weed to buy so why would I try to rip you off??
Now im not bothered by a dispute what i am bothered by is he basically calling me a thief.
To call someone a thief over an 8th is an absolute joke if you ask me but what do you guy's think??
I even thought about refunding him directly but calling me a thief nar way
What to do now??
He brought an 8th and states that it never arrived by 1st class post. Does happen from time to time, or is 8 months late like Jay's Christmas parcel from Druid's.
I dont think we had any missed comms. So I kindly offer to send the 8th again.
I then receive a reply stating the buyer has lost all trust in me?!? To I reply 600+ positive reviews and its the smallest amount of weed to buy so why would I try to rip you off??
Now im not bothered by a dispute what i am bothered by is he basically calling me a thief.
To call someone a thief over an 8th is an absolute joke if you ask me but what do you guy's think??
I even thought about refunding him directly but calling me a thief nar way

You didn’t believe me when I said my order(s) hadn’t arrived. That’s inferring the same thing over an eighth. Works both ways mate…😉

I never once said i didnt believe you Sir. You got all worked up by the situation. I said it was strange that 2 parcels didn't turn up and that worked itself out as wrong postage payed.
Of course it works both ways but 600+ reviews should stand for what it says with a 9.9 rating
I offered an upgraded reship from what i learned from our encounter Polly when you wrote "going round and round"
Of course it works both ways but 600+ reviews should stand for what it says with a 9.9 rating
I offered an upgraded reship from what i learned from our encounter Polly when you wrote "going round and round"

Mmmmm….”recollections may differ”…🤴
You actually said it was “impossible” that I hadn’t received them and I “must have” which only reads one way to me! You also said it was “impossible” that you had put the wrong postage on the reship (you had) or that your twat of a mate hadn’t posted the first one (he hadn’t)….
I may even get over it….one day😉
You actually said it was “impossible” that I hadn’t received them and I “must have” which only reads one way to me! You also said it was “impossible” that you had put the wrong postage on the reship (you had) or that your twat of a mate hadn’t posted the first one (he hadn’t)….
I may even get over it….one day😉

I've got a box of tissues with your name on them if it helps Polly.
Your being pedantic on details. That still doesn't stand as me saying I didn't believe you.
If you do get over it, I'll be happy for you
Your being pedantic on details. That still doesn't stand as me saying I didn't believe you.
If you do get over it, I'll be happy for you

See?…still being rude after all this time, but of course you are a ‘player’ now with 600+ reviews as you keep mentioning.
How quickly you forget that I was the original KIG Fanboy shouting your praises when you had just a handful of sales. I bought everything in your store and told everyone about it.
Really, there is no need to thank me….🙄😛
How quickly you forget that I was the original KIG Fanboy shouting your praises when you had just a handful of sales. I bought everything in your store and told everyone about it.
Really, there is no need to thank me….🙄😛

Trying to make it less moody Polly!!
But your dying to take offence to everything I say.
Get over it dude. Jesus
But your dying to take offence to everything I say.
Get over it dude. Jesus

I take offence to that!
Nah mate, if I was trying to take offence I would have done so at you saying that one non-posted delivery and one wrong-posted delivery despite being the facts is actually just being "pedantic".
You never were good at apologising were you?...don't have to these days- just keep giving stuff away mate, works a treat. Boom!
Nah mate, if I was trying to take offence I would have done so at you saying that one non-posted delivery and one wrong-posted delivery despite being the facts is actually just being "pedantic".
You never were good at apologising were you?...don't have to these days- just keep giving stuff away mate, works a treat. Boom!

Boom Boom Polly
Everybody loves a KiG freebie, When's it's some of the nicest green going
Ching ching
Love it Polly you is amazing
Everybody loves a KiG freebie, When's it's some of the nicest green going
Ching ching
Love it Polly you is amazing

Can verify the craziest orange/satsuma smell and terps and she’s potent
KIG defo has some of the best homegrown flower around 👌
KIG defo has some of the best homegrown flower around 👌

Deffo wrong postage
What about a little selection of what I've got ready at the mo??
Let me make it upto you
What about a little selection of what I've got ready at the mo??
Let me make it upto you

You know it makes sense
I did mess up to start off with so least I can scooby door
Could be covered in a new orange scent by 1pm friday
I did mess up to start off with so least I can scooby door
Could be covered in a new orange scent by 1pm friday

I've been waiting for our sweet embrace.
Don't take what I say on here to heart. You have kept me at the top of Topics for hours and had few new customers
Don't take what I say on here to heart. You have kept me at the top of Topics for hours and had few new customers

Just under 2 normal 1s I'd say mate.
You should come say hello and give some more Arse sprays
You should come say hello and give some more Arse sprays

Think you said Apex Skunk in the mirror 3 times, as my fingers DM’d you with no input from myself 🤔

If they don't want it, I'll have it instead! 😁
I can't see what else you can do. Wait for a response? Maybe back and forth pantomime well you said, they said, yawn, yawn bit of drama then all gets forgotten about in a few days time and the sun will still rise in the morning.
I can't see what else you can do. Wait for a response? Maybe back and forth pantomime well you said, they said, yawn, yawn bit of drama then all gets forgotten about in a few days time and the sun will still rise in the morning.

Not accepting a nnd reship is a joke. Glad ive saved all the messages.
Now the dispute has got an extension
Now the dispute has got an extension

Best vendor I've delt with LB
Always great comms and the quality of weed is the best you'll find. If thief is one thing your not, thanks for everything over last 12 monthb KIG 👍 top class
Always great comms and the quality of weed is the best you'll find. If thief is one thing your not, thanks for everything over last 12 monthb KIG 👍 top class

1 post
+3 votes
📉Price drop on all gooey hashes🍫
Super high quality, extra tasty and strong effects - a really great hash
Juice 💚 💦
1 post
+4 votes

Quitting tobacco and combustion update
I'm on day 125 of no tobacco after 23 years. Also day 82 of no nicotine. Only like a week off combustion atm, but it's a start. It's very achievable, …

Quitting tobacco and combustion update
Just a quick update as I posted something similar on reddit and a couple of people who are also trying to quit messaged asking for how it’s going. So I thought if anyone else is in similar boat i’d post a little update here as well on how it’s been and to also give a little place for people ask questions or for any advice.
So, it’s been a rollercoaster couple weeks for me, from losing my job and therefore having to move out of my flat 😢, to trying to quit tobacco and combustion, and then coming down with a horrible bout of the flu at the same time, it’s all been a bit of a whirlwind. But i’m very pleased to say i’m officially over 1 week tobacco free! However, i did combust (without tobacco) over the weekend with my flat mates as a final farewell with me leaving this week, but that was more ceremonial and a practical reason rather than caving in and needing to combust.
The dry herb vaporiser has been an absolute god send, and thankfully it’s made not using tobacco a lot easier than i thought. I’d highly recommend anyone looking to quit either tobacco or combustion or both to invest in one. The taste and terps you get through the vape are unrivalled and completely different to smoking. i’ve been on BBs future#1 which has been lovely and super clean (I was going to post a full review of this but as it’s out of stock now it may be a bit of a ‘dick move’ to talk about some great flower in depth if another bigga reading can’t also purchase). The stone is so much cleaner than with smoking, and having variable temps so you can really dial in the terps and flavours of your bud is great. Flower also lasts a lot longer and I can get decently stoned with around 1/4 of what i’d usually use when i’d smoke. Also you can use your ABV for edibles so you really do get the most out of your flower and with my financial situation right now I definitely need to get the most out of my flower.
I’ve definitely been more determined this time round with the tobacco and actually wanting to quit, instead of knowing I should quit but not actually wanting to quit if that makes sense. That change in mindset for me has helped a hell of a lot. I used to really like the throat hit with the tobacco but now with the dry herb vape i’ve found it so much better due to flavours and cleaness of the stone that it out weighs the throat hit for me and I can’t see myself going back to tobacco anytime soon. The thing i’ve found hardest with the tobacco was quitting the rollies in social situations. I tend to have a cigarette after i’ve had a couple drinks at birthday or christmas party or whatnot, and my will power fades very quickly after a couple drinks. But it just takes 1 night of not smoking to realise you can socialise and have a drink without needing a cigarette and I think it’s more habitual rather than something you need, well at least in my case it was.
Flower usage is also up quite high atm as my health conditions worsen quite considerably when i’m stressed, and these last couple weeks have been super stressful, so i’ve been medicating a lot more than I usually would. So i’ve had a lot more usage out of the dry herb vape than I thought I would at this point so maybe i’ve found coming off tobacco and combustion a bit easier as I’ve been vaping a lot more and therefore had more opportunities to get used to it.
I’m quite happy with where I’m at atm, and I can’t see myself going back to using tobacco with flower again, however I can see myself rolling a joint on occasions or when i’m with friends or something, and i’m happy to be at that level for now. I’ve even found combusting with just flower now to be not as nice as vaping and i’ve kind of gone off it but yeah I can see myself combusting and rolling a joint on the odd occasion still.
Sorry about the long post as well, I’m very good at rambling and feel like i’ve just verbal diarrhoea’d a massive post (very easy to do when you’re a bit stoned and feeling creative) but I’ll be sure to try cut these down in the future.
I may make another update if people would like to see it or anything changes from my side, but if no one’s interested i’m happy to leave it here.
Also, if anyone has any questions or would like any very mediocre advice from myself about anything, pls feel free to comment or send me a message and i’ll be sure to answer as quickly as possible 😊
Have a merry christmas everyone 🎄🎁 and I wish you the best for the new year!
So, it’s been a rollercoaster couple weeks for me, from losing my job and therefore having to move out of my flat 😢, to trying to quit tobacco and combustion, and then coming down with a horrible bout of the flu at the same time, it’s all been a bit of a whirlwind. But i’m very pleased to say i’m officially over 1 week tobacco free! However, i did combust (without tobacco) over the weekend with my flat mates as a final farewell with me leaving this week, but that was more ceremonial and a practical reason rather than caving in and needing to combust.
The dry herb vaporiser has been an absolute god send, and thankfully it’s made not using tobacco a lot easier than i thought. I’d highly recommend anyone looking to quit either tobacco or combustion or both to invest in one. The taste and terps you get through the vape are unrivalled and completely different to smoking. i’ve been on BBs future#1 which has been lovely and super clean (I was going to post a full review of this but as it’s out of stock now it may be a bit of a ‘dick move’ to talk about some great flower in depth if another bigga reading can’t also purchase). The stone is so much cleaner than with smoking, and having variable temps so you can really dial in the terps and flavours of your bud is great. Flower also lasts a lot longer and I can get decently stoned with around 1/4 of what i’d usually use when i’d smoke. Also you can use your ABV for edibles so you really do get the most out of your flower and with my financial situation right now I definitely need to get the most out of my flower.
I’ve definitely been more determined this time round with the tobacco and actually wanting to quit, instead of knowing I should quit but not actually wanting to quit if that makes sense. That change in mindset for me has helped a hell of a lot. I used to really like the throat hit with the tobacco but now with the dry herb vape i’ve found it so much better due to flavours and cleaness of the stone that it out weighs the throat hit for me and I can’t see myself going back to tobacco anytime soon. The thing i’ve found hardest with the tobacco was quitting the rollies in social situations. I tend to have a cigarette after i’ve had a couple drinks at birthday or christmas party or whatnot, and my will power fades very quickly after a couple drinks. But it just takes 1 night of not smoking to realise you can socialise and have a drink without needing a cigarette and I think it’s more habitual rather than something you need, well at least in my case it was.
Flower usage is also up quite high atm as my health conditions worsen quite considerably when i’m stressed, and these last couple weeks have been super stressful, so i’ve been medicating a lot more than I usually would. So i’ve had a lot more usage out of the dry herb vape than I thought I would at this point so maybe i’ve found coming off tobacco and combustion a bit easier as I’ve been vaping a lot more and therefore had more opportunities to get used to it.
I’m quite happy with where I’m at atm, and I can’t see myself going back to using tobacco with flower again, however I can see myself rolling a joint on occasions or when i’m with friends or something, and i’m happy to be at that level for now. I’ve even found combusting with just flower now to be not as nice as vaping and i’ve kind of gone off it but yeah I can see myself combusting and rolling a joint on the odd occasion still.
Sorry about the long post as well, I’m very good at rambling and feel like i’ve just verbal diarrhoea’d a massive post (very easy to do when you’re a bit stoned and feeling creative) but I’ll be sure to try cut these down in the future.
I may make another update if people would like to see it or anything changes from my side, but if no one’s interested i’m happy to leave it here.
Also, if anyone has any questions or would like any very mediocre advice from myself about anything, pls feel free to comment or send me a message and i’ll be sure to answer as quickly as possible 😊
Have a merry christmas everyone 🎄🎁 and I wish you the best for the new year!

I'm on day 125 of no tobacco after 23 years. Also day 82 of no nicotine. Only like a week off combustion atm, but it's a start. It's very achievable, you just gotta really not wanna do it anymore.
Juice 💚 💦
Juice 💚 💦

Well done jsa with your efforts to get off the tobacco! 😊
I'll be doing the same very shortly and have my Dynavap at the ready but having problems with my jets lighters getting f****d by Swan lighter gas as I can't get any clean gas where I live.
Think I've found a new jet lighter that'll work with dirty gas so I'll soon be ready to go. Got a few other dry herb vapes lying around too.
I pray I'll be able to do it 🙏😰
I'll be doing the same very shortly and have my Dynavap at the ready but having problems with my jets lighters getting f****d by Swan lighter gas as I can't get any clean gas where I live.
Think I've found a new jet lighter that'll work with dirty gas so I'll soon be ready to go. Got a few other dry herb vapes lying around too.
I pray I'll be able to do it 🙏😰

Thanks mate! it’s only been just over a week but already feeling much better for it 😊
I’ve heard great things about the dynavap, i’m sure you’ll love it! with the lighter gas, maybe have a check online for triple refined or higher. I’m pretty sure a lot of brands will say how many impurities they have per million in their fuel. In my experience ebay and amazon tend to have quite a lot on offer that might be able to ship to you quickly if there’s no smoking shops around.
good luck with quitting tobacco, wish you all the best with it!
I’ve heard great things about the dynavap, i’m sure you’ll love it! with the lighter gas, maybe have a check online for triple refined or higher. I’m pretty sure a lot of brands will say how many impurities they have per million in their fuel. In my experience ebay and amazon tend to have quite a lot on offer that might be able to ship to you quickly if there’s no smoking shops around.
good luck with quitting tobacco, wish you all the best with it!

Cheers mate with the good wishes!
And the same to yourself!
Amazon won't send gas or ISO to where I live, that's the main problem.
If I want ISO I need to go to the local f*****g chemists and explain why i need it, ffs.
And the same to yourself!
Amazon won't send gas or ISO to where I live, that's the main problem.
If I want ISO I need to go to the local f*****g chemists and explain why i need it, ffs.

Ah what a nightmare!
Have you got any hardware stores around, something like a B&Q or screwfix might have what you’re looking for without the interrogation from the chemist.
Have you got any hardware stores around, something like a B&Q or screwfix might have what you’re looking for without the interrogation from the chemist.

I've recently had a scare with throat cancer. A scope at the ENT said it's not cancer but seeing it as a bit of a warning.
I got a Mighty+ about a year ago so that's good for the weed but not sure what to do about the cigs.
Liquid vapes seem to be worse with the popcorn lung thing so I contacted Storz & Bickel to ask them why they says the Mighty isn't suitable for tobacco?
They said they don't recommend it because nicotine has no health benefits but it's fine to use it if you want to.
I tried both rolling baccy and cigarette baccy. The cigarette baccy was awful. The rolling baccy was ok.
I won't lie, it doesn't taste great but it's the best way I've discovered to get a nicotine hit without combustion. I might try it making a mix :)
I got a Mighty+ about a year ago so that's good for the weed but not sure what to do about the cigs.
Liquid vapes seem to be worse with the popcorn lung thing so I contacted Storz & Bickel to ask them why they says the Mighty isn't suitable for tobacco?
They said they don't recommend it because nicotine has no health benefits but it's fine to use it if you want to.
I tried both rolling baccy and cigarette baccy. The cigarette baccy was awful. The rolling baccy was ok.
I won't lie, it doesn't taste great but it's the best way I've discovered to get a nicotine hit without combustion. I might try it making a mix :)

really sorry to hear about your health metoo, hope you’re doing okay and on the up.
thanks for all the advice as well, i didn’t really think about using the dry herb for tobacco, that’s something to keep in my mind if i needed the nicotine hit.
thankfully i’ve been doing pretty well on the tobacco and nicotine craving side of things and haven’t thought too much about it since i decided to quit which is a bit of surprise tbh but i’m
not complaining 😊. have you thought about something nicotine gum or nicotine patches? they might be a good alternative to vaping the tobacco if you’re not a big fan of it.
wish all you the best with your health and have a great weekend mate
thanks for all the advice as well, i didn’t really think about using the dry herb for tobacco, that’s something to keep in my mind if i needed the nicotine hit.
thankfully i’ve been doing pretty well on the tobacco and nicotine craving side of things and haven’t thought too much about it since i decided to quit which is a bit of surprise tbh but i’m
not complaining 😊. have you thought about something nicotine gum or nicotine patches? they might be a good alternative to vaping the tobacco if you’re not a big fan of it.
wish all you the best with your health and have a great weekend mate

It's all good thanks :) Just a wake up call and a scary week waiting for the scope appointment.
Time to cut down the smoking though. Dry herb vaping is the only credible healthier alternative I've found.
The problem is, the Mighty is great for flavour and tobacco really doesn't taste great.
Perfect though if you need the hit and a reminder it tastes rank lol.
Time to cut down the smoking though. Dry herb vaping is the only credible healthier alternative I've found.
The problem is, the Mighty is great for flavour and tobacco really doesn't taste great.
Perfect though if you need the hit and a reminder it tastes rank lol.

Of course mate, I initially got a wolkenkraft aris but when I lost my job I was given a £50 amazin card, so I returned it and upgraded to the nectar hex and used the £50 to cover the difference.
It’s been great so far, can fit around 0.2-0.25 in the bowl but i use the dosing cap usually to make cleaning easier, which can fit around 0.15-0.2 in that.
battery life lasts around 6 full 9min cycles. I tend to use one bowl per 9 min cycle and increase temperature from 180c-210c over the 9 min heat cycle.
you can adjust the times of the heat cycle, either 3,6,9 mins. the flavours are great but i don’t have another vape to compare it to so it could be that i’m just very easily impressed as i’m new to vaping.
I prefer this in terms of specs as it has a removable battery, usb c charging, and an adjustable airflow at the bottom. Hope this helps and i’m happy to answer any other questions you might have 😊
have a great day!
It’s been great so far, can fit around 0.2-0.25 in the bowl but i use the dosing cap usually to make cleaning easier, which can fit around 0.15-0.2 in that.
battery life lasts around 6 full 9min cycles. I tend to use one bowl per 9 min cycle and increase temperature from 180c-210c over the 9 min heat cycle.
you can adjust the times of the heat cycle, either 3,6,9 mins. the flavours are great but i don’t have another vape to compare it to so it could be that i’m just very easily impressed as i’m new to vaping.
I prefer this in terms of specs as it has a removable battery, usb c charging, and an adjustable airflow at the bottom. Hope this helps and i’m happy to answer any other questions you might have 😊
have a great day!

1 post
+5 votes

CBD shake/trim?
Just get it from a cbd site.
Some good ones are hemphash and gradedgreen :)
Juice 💚 💦

CBD shake/trim?
Looking for preferably cheap CBD shake/trim that is good for topping up joints

Northern organics 👍.. I recently bought some CBD from ive had. Great for topping up joints with. Or on its own.bout £16.for an 8th of buds. you'll pay around £8-£10 a gram on regular CBD sites

Thanks, I've actually bought from them twice now, recently a half an Oz. Definitely best cbd bud I've tried too. I dry herb vape so found the quality perfect for it.
Guess I'm just looking for cheap trim in bulk in addition for when I smoke joints with friends as I don't want to go through my bud so quick.
Guess I'm just looking for cheap trim in bulk in addition for when I smoke joints with friends as I don't want to go through my bud so quick.

2 posts
+6 votes

anyone have any clue where pistach went?
They totally sold the brand at the end of 2022. The next people managed to keep it going over the following year. Now they're gone too. The OG pistach…
+ 2 more

anyone have any clue where pistach went?
just recently returning to lb again
and i cant seem to find pistach listings
anyone have a clue where hes went?
and i cant seem to find pistach listings
anyone have a clue where hes went?

"Pistach" went on break before Christmas 2023 and never came back. This was 65 days ago at the time of writing this. Since then there page is still about but no listings and they have been flagged for suspected fraud.
You're better of finding a new go too seller. Personally I recommend GreenCat for flower. Always had high quality products from them, as well as great communication and stealth. They have a huge variety of strains to choose from and are constsntly adding new ones as well as cheap deals here and there.
Good luck :)
You're better of finding a new go too seller. Personally I recommend GreenCat for flower. Always had high quality products from them, as well as great communication and stealth. They have a huge variety of strains to choose from and are constsntly adding new ones as well as cheap deals here and there.
Good luck :)

They totally sold the brand at the end of 2022. The next people managed to keep it going over the following year. Now they're gone too. The OG pistach was the best ones. Juice 💚 💦

That's what I suspected happened too, the originals just sold the brand and after that is when it started to go down hill.

Hi all 👍.. I Suspect Pistach
Has Changed Name a Few Vendors have in the last few months..there have been so many Knew Vendors Started Selling Recently!! Ones that had big reputations . Like Pistach..that Have Hit the Ground Running.. What Happened with Superhans??
Just an Example!!
Has Changed Name a Few Vendors have in the last few months..there have been so many Knew Vendors Started Selling Recently!! Ones that had big reputations . Like Pistach..that Have Hit the Ground Running.. What Happened with Superhans??
Just an Example!!

The legend of Superhans - his weed game was the best I've seen here crazy quality.
Let's summon him back 😂
Let's summon him back 😂

Hi Troylus 👍. Maybe superhans already are? 🤔. Some people have said. Maybe there The Space men?? Great Quality bud and loads of good reviews. Similar stuff to what the Legend Superhans did.. just my Opinion. Maybe Completely Wrong 🤔🤔👍

1 post
+4 votes
Lollipops back on the menu @Eddys🍭🫶
These things kick ass fr
Juice 💚 💦
2 posts
+4 votes
Goldie Lookin Chain - Soap Bar
(Dragon taxis)
+ 2 more
Haha love it brung back some memories thanks for that Shroom 😊 being from Wales me and my mates loved Goldie Lookin Chain 😂

Brilliant!! I’ve seen some comments of people talking about good soap bar, now I always thought soap bar was the crap stuff , any memories people have of hash being good it was just good hash ! Soap bar or diesel or gak bar was the rubbish cut stuff, rock hard bits of plastic in it , odd smell and gave you a headache lol

Jesus this brings back memories.. was our groups theme song back when we was 16.
"Soap bars cheap and so's my clothes.. they gotta be cos all the fucking holes"
Good times but don't miss the hot rocks and in no hurry to smoke soap bar again. Lol
Looking forward to trying some of yours just waiting to re-up on some cash 👍😁
"Soap bars cheap and so's my clothes.. they gotta be cos all the fucking holes"
Good times but don't miss the hot rocks and in no hurry to smoke soap bar again. Lol
Looking forward to trying some of yours just waiting to re-up on some cash 👍😁

"I likes my soap bar with loadsa plastic, I leaves mine in cus it tastes fantastic.." A retro classic for sure. Half man half machine is another banger
Juice 💚 💦
Juice 💚 💦

Soap bar! Sitting in a deep sweat thinkin' I gotta get some rocky for the weekend 🤣 Absolutely my favourite lmao thanks for the reminder and for the laugh SOTL! 🧼😆

1 post
+5 votes

Cherry Runtz
Super Runtz
Gelato 41
Why U Gelly
Biscotti X Oreos
Bubblegum Runtz
Tahiti Lime
Iced Guava
Carbon Fibre
Vanilla Ice
Royal Dessert
Exo Cheese
Silver Bubble
Blueberry Muffin
Runtz Muffin
Berry Punch
Cookie Dawg
Gorilla Glue
Special next day delivery is now available for $8 cut of 3pm!
Cherry Runtz
Super Runtz
Gelato 41
Why U Gelly
Biscotti X Oreos
Bubblegum Runtz
Tahiti Lime
Iced Guava
Carbon Fibre
Vanilla Ice
Royal Dessert
Exo Cheese
Silver Bubble
Blueberry Muffin
Runtz Muffin
Berry Punch
Cookie Dawg
Gorilla Glue
Special next day delivery is now available for $8 cut of 3pm!

Struggling with money a bit at the moment but can't wait to get my next order in with Green Cat! Truly the GOAT for me on LB!! Every strain is actually as advertised, if not nicer! Spent a lot with GT and only had 1 issue over Xmas but he has promised to send samples on next order so can't wait! Now with the improved comms etc GT is going to still be my go-to for a long time!!
Thanks again Green Cat, hope all is well with you 🫡
Thanks again Green Cat, hope all is well with you 🫡

Agreed HazeyDayz
Everything is as advertised.
Some very affordable items too, best bang for the buck for British Gron on LB I reckon.
Long live the Cat!
Everything is as advertised.
Some very affordable items too, best bang for the buck for British Gron on LB I reckon.
Long live the Cat!

Nice, the menu is looking stacked and just casually mentioning there's SNDD now like its not huge news🥳

Thanks GC, i'll remember that for next time. soon as I saw the bubble runtz I fired off for an ounce :P

I can't remember the last time I didn't split strains with GT, too many to choose from! Lol

Do you have a favourite from the bunch mate?
Really enjoying trying all these different strains :D Will be coming for an order of the Cherry Runtz next just got to decide what I want to go with it lol! :)
Really enjoying trying all these different strains :D Will be coming for an order of the Cherry Runtz next just got to decide what I want to go with it lol! :)

Incredible looking menu 😍 it’s got my greedy lips tingling for sure 🤤 😋
Now the hard part is tryna choose what to get!
Now the hard part is tryna choose what to get!

Hey GC, waiting 3 days for a reply to a simple question on chat and waiting to order: hope I'm not on the "pay no mind list"... ;)
Does your regular shipping method require a signature from the postie or does it just land. Cheers!
Does your regular shipping method require a signature from the postie or does it just land. Cheers!

Notoriously patchy comms mate, but superb service and weed. As zz87 says, the normal RM24 service doesn't need a signature, and bizarrely is also the only RM service that delivers to me on a Sunday. Thought they were part of an elaborate sting and coming to bust me the first time it happened with an actual Royal Mail van on a day I didn't realise they delivered (I may have been really high...) but, panic quickly over, it was just well packed weed. Worry not, and order.

Thanks Mighty. I've used GC a few times and was very happy. Was sure they landed without a sig but wanted to be sure. The RM website seems to say tracking (only) as an option.

I think they just scan it as they post it? I've known my postman for decades and he's sound as fuck, so he'll just sign for stuff and post it through my door, even if it's SNDD.

Their normal postage just lands straight through the letterbox mate and it might surprise you by landing on a Sunday even if you don't get deliveries on a Sunday they do it for GC lol
The more expensive one needs a sig :)
The more expensive one needs a sig :)

1 post
+6 votes
New Hashes on the menu🔥🔥
All the high end hashes from Eddy are 100% off the charts amazing, real mind melting treats 😍
Juice 💚 💦

New Hashes on the menu🔥🔥
Oreos added on the higher priced selection very nice smoke, the return of Pablos Revenge as love this stuff, also Click the link for more 🔥 on the menu. Eddy🍭🫶

All the high end hashes from Eddy are 100% off the charts amazing, real mind melting treats 😍
Juice 💚 💦
Juice 💚 💦

2 posts
+8 votes
New Strains
Looking interesting 🤔 Might have to start ordering from Gassed, especially with that free ndd :)
Juice 💚 💦
+ 2 more

New Strains
Slurricane and Lemon Pie Sugar Crumble now in stock, very terpy
We've also just listed some lovely Prada hash , nice and soft, strong on the nose with loads of flavour
Guava Moonrocks now available too
Slurricane and Lemon Pie Sugar Crumble now in stock, very terpy
We've also just listed some lovely Prada hash , nice and soft, strong on the nose with loads of flavour
Guava Moonrocks now available too

Looking interesting 🤔 Might have to start ordering from Gassed, especially with that free ndd :)
Juice 💚 💦
Juice 💚 💦

Always had flawless service from Gassed with multiple orders. Comms, stealth, dispatch, SNDD: all exemplary. Fill your boots!

I'll always speak as I find, and you've never let me down. Did I mention I inadvertently came into possession of a dab rig? Woke up high the next day the first time I tried that. It's currently soaking in iso, in preparation.

1 post
+1 votes
Happy New Year All😶🌫️😮💨✌🏻🫶
Happy new year Eddy! Been luvin all your extracts :) Just now put a lil order in for some more. Thought I'd give those Percy Slabs a go.
Juice 💚 💦

Happy New Year All😶🌫️😮💨✌🏻🫶
Happy New Year biggas, several new hash drops coming this week for 2024! Also keep your eyes on the page for the stock clear out January sale potential this weekend or next . Much love Eddy🍭🫶

same to you eddy, you have provided us with some of the best hash on LB by a country mile!!
your trates are always on point, and your kindness is astronomical!
looking forward to your ever growing list
your trates are always on point, and your kindness is astronomical!
looking forward to your ever growing list

Happy new year man, hoping to be able to afford some of your options this year
Peace brother
Peace brother

3 posts
+15.2 votes
CAN YOU REMEMBER!-Your first buy from LB? And was it a good experience?
That reminds me of just before I found this place.
Found a site on the open net, everything was screaming scam all the way through the process, but I…
+ 3 more

CAN YOU REMEMBER!-Your first buy from LB? And was it a good experience?

My first orders came through today.
Do not underestimate the strength of Strainsburys: OG Shake!!!
Old timer+new habit= messy business
Both vendors 10/10
I've had a good experience with LB so far x
Do not underestimate the strength of Strainsburys: OG Shake!!!
Old timer+new habit= messy business
Both vendors 10/10
I've had a good experience with LB so far x

my first buy was malana cream from DIUK
I was shocked a product I've barely seen around was available that easily.
The week waiting for it to arrive I went through a whole range of emotions
I do still buy from a darknet site as they sometimes have UK made shatter that is really cheap (MMUK if anybody cares)
But even after having my accounts banned from the wall I still love this place and all you lovely people!
Big love
I was shocked a product I've barely seen around was available that easily.
The week waiting for it to arrive I went through a whole range of emotions
I do still buy from a darknet site as they sometimes have UK made shatter that is really cheap (MMUK if anybody cares)
But even after having my accounts banned from the wall I still love this place and all you lovely people!
Big love

Yeah...I totally love the LB site & vendors in every way from the range of products on the wall to the topics...also I must too give a massive shout out to MMUK as they are real quality fact they were my first mail order weed site back in 2020...some rather lovely Master Kush as I remember....aahhh!

Cherry Sherbet from Riley Packs in January this year, after my 6 1/2 year break from smoking anything at all. I didn't even have an account then, but technically that was my first LB buy. My mate sent me a link to this place and ordered for me for months until I pissed him off with how much I ordered so regularly. So then I had to get my own account and work out how Bitcoin worked. That first joint turned me into a drooling mess sprawled on my bed for hours. Could barely stand up after smoking it too. Wish I could go back to that level of utter obliteration off 1 joint again, but years of further abstinence isn't worth it.

So sorry to hear PP! :(....Ive also been victim to an exit scam about 5 years ago from the dark web...lost about £ need to go to dark sites anymore now we all have the wonderful LB....God bless their lil cotton socks!! :)

Hehe…yeah, my reaction was “oh well, this is just a scam site after all, thought it had to be too good to be true”😔…and then escrow (which I didn’t even know was a thing) paid me straight out and I thought “oh wow, I’ll give it another go”…strangely my third purchase then did exactly the same thing! 😫
Then I tried Smoggyman and his ‘Portland Oregon Mimosa’ and my world shifted! 🍊🔥😍
Then I tried Smoggyman and his ‘Portland Oregon Mimosa’ and my world shifted! 🍊🔥😍

Aaahhh so its Smoggyman that made your first Mimosa experience!....Im still a Mimosa "virgin" but Im hoping to be "deflowered"(ooh eer Mrs!) when my crafty Q will hopefully arrive!...Cant wait!!!! :)

That reminds me of just before I found this place.
Found a site on the open net, everything was screaming scam all the way through the process, but I just ignored that because I was desperate to find some shatter.
So that ended up with me walking to my local shop to buy 300 worth of g cards (yeah, I know)
The product was then "sent"
Then it was "held in customs"
Then they asked for like 400 more (which would be returned after product received)
At that point I was like, yep 10000% scam 😒
Chalked it up to only loosing £300
Then I found this place and it felt like finding the holy land or valhalla or something.
Now I'm just so thankful to have found this place - it took me out of the daily steet life and gave me control over my life again.
What a place.
Juice 💚 💦
Found a site on the open net, everything was screaming scam all the way through the process, but I just ignored that because I was desperate to find some shatter.
So that ended up with me walking to my local shop to buy 300 worth of g cards (yeah, I know)
The product was then "sent"
Then it was "held in customs"
Then they asked for like 400 more (which would be returned after product received)
At that point I was like, yep 10000% scam 😒
Chalked it up to only loosing £300
Then I found this place and it felt like finding the holy land or valhalla or something.
Now I'm just so thankful to have found this place - it took me out of the daily steet life and gave me control over my life again.
What a place.
Juice 💚 💦

I think we've all had a bad scam experience at some time before we arrived @LB mate...I'm afraid its due the the fact that weed is still outlawed in UK,(what?weed illegal in 2023???....Am I living in a parallel universe??!) so there will be those that pray on our vulnerabilities....So stick to our new Church...The Church Of LB!...Peace :)

Yeah, absolutely remember my first time on here.
It was the most amazing quality Frosted Donuts bud from UK420 back in May '21
That was followed shortly by some Watermelon OG shatter and some Scarface hash. Both freakin awesome!
In my experience with many vendors on here over the following couple of years, there's only been a couple of problems which would either be things not getting sent on time, not full amount being sent, bits of orders missing from packs because they forgot to add them, wrong product being sent or things just floating round the postal system for too long.
Either way, most of these things can be quickly solved by contacting the vendor and if not, never be scared to dispute.
There ya go - more info than you asked for :)
(Why such a long reply? Well, I've just be dabbin some Jack Herrer budder from Canadian Imports which is currently taking me to whole new levels)
Juice 💚 💦
It was the most amazing quality Frosted Donuts bud from UK420 back in May '21
That was followed shortly by some Watermelon OG shatter and some Scarface hash. Both freakin awesome!
In my experience with many vendors on here over the following couple of years, there's only been a couple of problems which would either be things not getting sent on time, not full amount being sent, bits of orders missing from packs because they forgot to add them, wrong product being sent or things just floating round the postal system for too long.
Either way, most of these things can be quickly solved by contacting the vendor and if not, never be scared to dispute.
There ya go - more info than you asked for :)
(Why such a long reply? Well, I've just be dabbin some Jack Herrer budder from Canadian Imports which is currently taking me to whole new levels)
Juice 💚 💦

Thats awesome Juice! glad there's somewhat of a safety net with vendors and Escrow!
enjoy that budder,brother!
sounds too strong for my old ass!
enjoy that budder,brother!
sounds too strong for my old ass!

My first order was from Dr Green Thumb, 10g of Sunset Sherbet back in March this year. It was a great experience as I found it very difficult in the past to find good quality hash in London.

Yeah, great quality for the price. I’ve gone through quite a bit of their hash menu since then 😂
Slowly getting around to trying the vendors on my list. But, I keep getting sucked into repeat purchases 🤣 we need a Little Biggy Cannabis Cup! 😂
Slowly getting around to trying the vendors on my list. But, I keep getting sucked into repeat purchases 🤣 we need a Little Biggy Cannabis Cup! 😂

I’m the same, I have all these grand plans but end up going back to what I know more often than not.
A cup, or some sort of awards, is a great idea. Best hash/weed/concentrate/cart/vendor etc.
A cup, or some sort of awards, is a great idea. Best hash/weed/concentrate/cart/vendor etc.

My first order was an oz of Pistach's Zheetos. Placed the order at 2pm on a Tuesday and had the weed in my hands at 9:30am on Wednesday. I know they have a bit of mixed reputation on here but all my buys with Pistach have been smooth.

Buying double zero of Hashtag Uk couple years ago, repurchased several times.. very nice hash
Shame he’s not been on line recently
Shame he’s not been on line recently

I bought a gram of the provider about 3 years ago,just to test the water couldn't believe it when it came,I've been smoking since 1990 this site was truly a great find🙏✌️

Hey Old Mark,Smiley Mark,Tall Mark and Little Mark I dont need your shit anymore I've got LitTlE BigGy x

The gentleman dealers couple years ago. Will have to give them another order soon. long over due

Yes...last year from TGT...some very tasty hash...3 day delivery...good price....stealth and packing top notch...very reliable vendor!....used twice more this year....all good! :)

You simply cant go wrong with anything on offer from The Hash mate has ordered loads from this vendor and Ive sampled most of what hes bought and its all top notch...Ive got quite a stock of flower to get through,but my next order of hash will be with these guys! oh,and its worth paying that bit extra for the x filtered! :)

1g of la mousse hash from Eddyshashbar. Didn't sign up for an account, not confident I would get anything, messaged Eddy who soothed my nerves, came the next day, couldn't believe it. Regular ever since. Absolute fkn game changer for me after 40 years scratching about. Changed everything.

Masher same with me! had a 10 year hiatus now forming a lovely little habit again! haha
this is a game changer. Saves smoking all your score with Old Mark, Big Mark, skinny Mark or Young Mark or whichever Mark your having the pleasure giving you money too!
this is a game changer. Saves smoking all your score with Old Mark, Big Mark, skinny Mark or Young Mark or whichever Mark your having the pleasure giving you money too!

Blueberry from Hebba. I know they’ve gotten some bad reviews lately but I’ve never had a single issue with them and I order almost weekly. In fact, and I’m knocking on wood, I haven’t had a bad experience from any vendor on here. So thank you, vendors!

Ive been using LB for about 2 1/2 years on a monthly basis and so far, every vendor has been spot on, tried about 8 different ones, I buy a lot of shakes to smoke an bake with and price for what you get is spot on, been smoking for over 20 years an lets face it, youre always playin a lottery with each batch you get from your guy, now we have this, for me its better, prices are better, quality is spot on and you can try a lot of things your normal mate just cant get lol, love this site

3-4 years ago from TGT having stumbled across the link in an online article. Wanted to find hash which was impossible locally. Completely amazed it wasn’t all a massive scam and a henry landed on my door mat.

Twas just after lockdown 1, April or May 2020, I think. I went nuts and ordered from 3 different vendors but ballsed up one of them and paid without filling out the delivery address. Put two other orders through successfully (Premium Extracts and JJ) and forgot who the other vendor was. My inability to complete an address form hasn't stopped me since then though.......

Had me laughing out loud db365!
inability or not- your the man (or possible other ident).... I blame autofill...fucking thing has sent some really embarassing things to the ex wife via amazon!
inability or not- your the man (or possible other ident).... I blame autofill...fucking thing has sent some really embarassing things to the ex wife via amazon!

Oh no, I didn't know they were wronguns! They used to send everything in fancy packaging and I've away free dope juice for drinks. I bought that sour diesel moon rock thing they had once. Very nice but ridiculously priced. I ballsed up with BCA too. Got a refund but was gave the wrong wallet address for my $200 refund. That said there was some weird glitch with an order for some sour diesel from someone which meant they sent it out twice. Swings and roundabouts eh?

Hehe, yeah. After my first mistake the big advice was to only use vendors with high sales and ratings- that’s why I went with PE! They took a lot of people so we all got paid out quickly. It wasn’t long after that the whole dispute system got automated…🙃

My first order was from pistach, and I was over the moon I had banging biscotti buds that tasted amazing and they were cheap for the quality so I ordered more like an ounce of it and I was raving to all my friends about it, and I was totally ripped of with some shitty contaminated tasting bud , he then sent me 14gs of more contaminated bud (or just so shit I couldn't tell if it was clean) to make up for it, I was happy that he tried fixing it with half product again but unfortunately I still couldn't smoke any of it and I'm not that picky like some peeps! So I disputed and I have never looked back every other vendor like green cat , gamechanger, British bulldog, druids magic, TGT, Dr green thumb, Franz , drugs Inc, kig, ymh, strainsburys, and many others are all solid and reliable and have all been genuine and honest. I wish pistach would have just been honest with the bud he had as now I have a dispute to my name and I really didn't want that so early.

My first order was from ULC and I pondered ordering for hours thinking the whole thing was a scam.
I had previously ordered from another online site which was a nightmare so was very cautious using any site.
Essentially, the package came literally 2 days later and was some of the best product I had ever had.
I find this site a complete game changer and no longer need to wait in car parks for a dodgy youth to roll up.
LB is amazing
I had previously ordered from another online site which was a nightmare so was very cautious using any site.
Essentially, the package came literally 2 days later and was some of the best product I had ever had.
I find this site a complete game changer and no longer need to wait in car parks for a dodgy youth to roll up.
LB is amazing

First order was done with great hesitancy in April, should I click send, is it the right BC address, will I lose my £££.
When the parcel of shake came through the door, by the postman, I was on cloud 9. I still couldn't believe it was so easy.
Sending love and hugs to all of you.
When the parcel of shake came through the door, by the postman, I was on cloud 9. I still couldn't believe it was so easy.
Sending love and hugs to all of you.

Strainsburys was good at first on here especially, but recently I've been having some issues as I've been ordering through tg with strainsburies and ordered over a week ago and still nothing has arrived, barley any communication and when they did reply 3 days ago told me it would be sent out the next day latest it's not been 3 days and still nothing has been received I've paid and everything so I'm real gutted about this

1 post
+5 votes

{lb help}
I cancelled an order and the seller sent it anyway, can I create a dispute in good faith?
You can't dispute if you payed for an item which you then received.
Disputing is for if you didn't receive your product, not for if you didn't check…

{lb help}
I cancelled an order and the seller sent it anyway, can I create a dispute in good faith?
I cancelled an order I paid for then a couple of days later, the seller messaged me asking if I wanted to cancel. I didn't get a chance to see this message until today when I also found out they sent it anyway the day after messaging me. If I raise this with the seller/create a dispute can I get my money back?

But clicking cancel isn't automatic, it sends a request to the vendor due to the fact that an item may have already been sent. They messaged you, you didn't respond, they shipped the item you paid for. Why should you dispute and get your money back?

Thank you Rux your a good guy,
little information- i messaged kelly on the 02 dec 23:02 saying "do you want this cancelled"
no reply so i shipped order - 04 dec 18:17
Thats a day and a half tbh, iv had customers accidentally send cancel requests and with no reply i thought it was one of them.
Surely she should be happy with the items she originally paid for.... right
Love DD
little information- i messaged kelly on the 02 dec 23:02 saying "do you want this cancelled"
no reply so i shipped order - 04 dec 18:17
Thats a day and a half tbh, iv had customers accidentally send cancel requests and with no reply i thought it was one of them.
Surely she should be happy with the items she originally paid for.... right
Love DD

Without other information I'd probably be working on the same principle with multiple daily shipments. People click on the wrong box and type in the wrong number on here all the time accidently, and I'm not sure why. Maybe they're on drugs?
But, for clarity, I'm not a good guy, I'm just a stickler for accuracy and precision (and I can give you a presentation on the difference between the two with regards to Quality too...).
Love spreading is always good though, if everyone's careful whilst loved up...
But, for clarity, I'm not a good guy, I'm just a stickler for accuracy and precision (and I can give you a presentation on the difference between the two with regards to Quality too...).
Love spreading is always good though, if everyone's careful whilst loved up...

Oooh ooh!…I want the presentation on The Difference Between Accuracy & Precision….pretty pleeease! 🤭😉

It's basically this spread over multiple slides mate. I can bullshit for Britain, so this is an easy 10 minutes and 6 slides.

Admittedly my calculations were a bit off bc it's been a long day but this is why this is so weird to me - a day and a half for a busy customer who is obviously not gonna be checking messages that frequently is really not a long time. It's basic business practices to understand that not every customer's circumstances are going to be the same so I don't understand why you would just make an assumption instead of waiting a few days? If I hadn't replied after a longer while, then it would have made no difference to either of our circumstances and I wouldn't have raised it bc that would be my bad. Same if I had accidentally cancelled it. Now if I had had a chance to reply, I would have apologised and ordered from you again at a later date but I'm not gonna order from you again now so I'm struggling to understand the thought process here from a business perspective?

I appreciate that how LB works can be confusing, but I don't think you're being reasonable.
You say that it's obvious a "busy customer" won't be checking their messages that frequently.
But you sent a message to which you obviously expected a reply: why wouldn't you check your messages?
And while you expect them to understand that you were busy, you clearly fail to understand the same of them. Checking orders then weighing, packaging and sending them is plenty of work as it is and then you've got messages to read and reply to.
But the crux of your argument, is that they should have waited indefinitely for you to reply. Whereas 1 1/2 days seems entirely reasonable to me.
Either way, that's all moot, because you have your drugs and they have your cash.
In order for them to refund you, you would need to return them and you surely don't expect them to give you their address, do you?
You say that it's obvious a "busy customer" won't be checking their messages that frequently.
But you sent a message to which you obviously expected a reply: why wouldn't you check your messages?
And while you expect them to understand that you were busy, you clearly fail to understand the same of them. Checking orders then weighing, packaging and sending them is plenty of work as it is and then you've got messages to read and reply to.
But the crux of your argument, is that they should have waited indefinitely for you to reply. Whereas 1 1/2 days seems entirely reasonable to me.
Either way, that's all moot, because you have your drugs and they have your cash.
In order for them to refund you, you would need to return them and you surely don't expect them to give you their address, do you?

I'm confused at why I'm being called unreasonable and unbelievable here? I didn't name the seller or post a bad review and asked here instead because I needed more clarification because I'm being entirely reasonable. If this was any other site it would have been a very weird thing for the seller to do so I don't see what was wrong with checking. You obviously didn't read my other replies bc I did not realise the cancel feature just sends a message, other ppl cleared it up for me and that's all this needed to be left at, as i know for next time. I never said I expected the seller to wait indefinitely, you've just assumed that. I do not feel a day and a half is reasonable - ''reasonable to you" is exactly my point. Just because it's a reasonable time frame for you, we're all living different lives. It's just basic business practices to accommodate this as much as possible for customer retention. Waiting a bit longer to send an order is not extra work.

She just started a dispute today hahahaha no way!!!!!!
3 weeks later after everyone telling her she shouldn’t do it aswell!
How are people like this…..
3 weeks later after everyone telling her she shouldn’t do it aswell!
How are people like this…..

Thank you the first line is the kind of information I wanted since i'm relatively new on here. The reason I included the time frames is because the seller didn't even wait a full 24 hours for my response and so I was just wondering if that's a normal thing bc I'm struggling to understand why they'd send it anyway without giving me a bit of time to respond?

I appreciate that, and I didn't know that that's how cancel worked until I saw what a vendor posted a few months ago with how it works on their end. It makes sense, when you think about it. They didn't wait 24 hours, probably, as you say, but you know you're buying drugs online right, and it just wouldn't feel right to me personally to dispute in a circumstance like this. We're all in this together, or should be.

You can't dispute if you payed for an item which you then received.
Disputing is for if you didn't receive your product, not for if you didn't check your messages.
This is the first time I've seen anyone complaining about receiving the item that they ordered.
I would advise going back to the street dealers if you don't like the service round here :)
Juice 💚 💦
Disputing is for if you didn't receive your product, not for if you didn't check your messages.
This is the first time I've seen anyone complaining about receiving the item that they ordered.
I would advise going back to the street dealers if you don't like the service round here :)
Juice 💚 💦

Your money is with transaxe so if you cancel an order correctly within the cancellation window that instruction goes to transaxe who refund you automatically. Did you just send a cancel message to the vendor?

Yes just a cancel message, I didn't realise that was the process and that's what I came on here looking for, thank you for your help.

Might be wrong but I think he wants to find a way to pay for an order he has received and not paid for. If I had to guess I’d just communicate with the seller who will be able to put a tips page up for you.

This comment ain't it, I didn't include the sellers name or leave a bad review or anything like that, I came here first to get some guidance since I'm relatively new on here? I thought those were the basic principles of this site? I don't see what's so unbelievable about it obviously this site is very different but if you had ordered from any other site then requested to cancel it, but the business sent it anyway and retained your money it would not only be good customer service but well within your rights to have your money back. So this is a valid question. It would have been one thing if I had ignored the seller's message for a prolonged period of time, but the seller didn't even wait a full 24 hours for my response which I found strange and why I came on here to ask if it was normal first.


I’ve not bought anything from you so it doesn’t feel right to join the contest however I just wanted to wish everyone good luck!

Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄🎁🎅
20/12/23 12:06
Good luck and thanks for the competition GC 😊
20/12/23 12:06
Good luck and thanks for the competition GC 😊

£34114.37 = $43325.25
Edited so that it is shown in USD. At the time of conversion (19:13 Tuesday 19th December 2023) the exchange rate was 1GBP=1.27USD
I hope this is OK. I just presumed it meant GBP as that's where I am. Sorry!!
Merry Christmas Guys!!
Edited so that it is shown in USD. At the time of conversion (19:13 Tuesday 19th December 2023) the exchange rate was 1GBP=1.27USD
I hope this is OK. I just presumed it meant GBP as that's where I am. Sorry!!
Merry Christmas Guys!!

$45484, thanks green cat and happy xmas to everyone, good luck all, have a fantastic new year

I only just made an official account so may not be at 5 orders, but if not counted have a free bump :)

1 post
+2 votes
🎄Eddys Christmas Competition🎅
Sounds good Eddy :)
I'm thankful for most things, it's a really good time to be alive, depending on your perspective.
Juice 💚 💦

🎄Eddys Christmas Competition🎅

Hey Biggas it’s time for Eddys Christmas competition, im starting early to beat the Xmas rush.
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition I know I always do the same style comp n it’s getting boring but they seem to never get taken down so makes life easy.
There will be 3 Eddys Christmas boxes including a $60 voucher to spend in any store to be won. (see picture for details).
Simply upvote this post and comment what your thankful for this Christmas or anything Christmassy to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on December 5th to give everyone chance to enter and receive your prize before Christmas . Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
Eddys Christmas Gift boxes now for sale in store come check it out,👉
The draw will be uploaded to this youtube channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition I know I always do the same style comp n it’s getting boring but they seem to never get taken down so makes life easy.
There will be 3 Eddys Christmas boxes including a $60 voucher to spend in any store to be won. (see picture for details).
Simply upvote this post and comment what your thankful for this Christmas or anything Christmassy to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on December 5th to give everyone chance to enter and receive your prize before Christmas . Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
Eddys Christmas Gift boxes now for sale in store come check it out,👉
The draw will be uploaded to this youtube channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶

Nice one Eddy, very generous.
The main thing I am thankful for this year is this site and community. I've been here almost a year and met some great people and smoked some amazing weed and hash. Viva LB!
The main thing I am thankful for this year is this site and community. I've been here almost a year and met some great people and smoked some amazing weed and hash. Viva LB!

I'm sure it's been said already but I'm thankful for this stoner genuinely changed my life. Merry Christmas folks !

I'm thankful that someone reminded me about Christmas postal delays, so hopefully I can plan accordingly.

Thanks Eddy, this will be my first Christmas stash put together with the help of LB so im thankful for that.
Dabby Christmas everyone and good luck!
Dabby Christmas everyone and good luck!

Looking forward to smoking Pablo and watch elf lol what a great Christmas film and thanks for your services long may it last

Great comp mate. I'm thankful I've got access to a great community and some wonderful vendors ( also the 6 bubble hashes ive got ) 👍

Not very original perhaps but I'm forever thankful for being able to source amazing hash, flower and concentrates on here. 18 months on LB and I still can't believe it sometimes. 🫠
Cheers Eddy! 💚
Cheers Eddy! 💚

Nice one eddy its good of you to run this comp.
Thankful for the time off work and spending time with my little ones before they get too old and have better things to do.
Thankful for the time off work and spending time with my little ones before they get too old and have better things to do.

Cheers Eddy, I’m thankful for 2 weeks off over Christmas 🎅🏻 No doubt all my money will be spent on getting stoned every single one of those days 😎 Can’t wait!!

Good stuff, cheers Eddy. I'm thankful for my newborn and having a banging selection of bud + hash thanks to LB, helps with chilling out between the demands of nappies and figuring out why she's crying

Very good of you kind sir!
I’m grateful for finding LB, only just made my first order but I hope it’ll be the first of many.
Look forward to trying your stuff.
Good luck everyone ✌️
I’m grateful for finding LB, only just made my first order but I hope it’ll be the first of many.
Look forward to trying your stuff.
Good luck everyone ✌️

Nice one eddy great giveaway. I am thankful for family and the community on this platform it’s been a game changer for sure. Have a great Christmas everyone 🎄

Lovely comp, thanks Eddy!
I'm thankful for being alive and happy, and having amazing friends and a roof over my head.
And of course all the amazing LB vendors and the LB community. It really has cheered me up, taught me a lot, and made a massive difference in my life 🥳😁
I'm thankful for being alive and happy, and having amazing friends and a roof over my head.
And of course all the amazing LB vendors and the LB community. It really has cheered me up, taught me a lot, and made a massive difference in my life 🥳😁

Looking forward to time off with good company and a lot of highs early merry Christmas to everyone 🎅🏻
Great comp Eddy 👍
Great comp Eddy 👍

thankful for finally getting a diagnosis and prescription, even if im also self medicating 😁

Nice one Eddy!
I'm sure its been said before but I'm thankful for this community and sellers like yourself for providing goods we(I) would never find on the streets.
I'm sure its been said before but I'm thankful for this community and sellers like yourself for providing goods we(I) would never find on the streets.

thankful for finding this site,
cool comp man gotta pick up some more resin from you soon
cool comp man gotta pick up some more resin from you soon

Merry christmas all, i'm thankful for the gas that Eddy provides :D
Eddy always with the fantastic giveaways!
Eddy always with the fantastic giveaways!

I’m thankful for everything. Did I win yet :) nah, honestly grateful to all the guys and gals making this site possible and the vendors making it easier for us to obtain high grade like Eddie provides. Peace and love to all on LB

Geddon Eddy!
Thankful of your samples 😌 and family! My son has additional needs so they help when they can, me and the mrs work full time so can be hard. I’m grateful for the time off at Xmas tho, much love! 🫶🏻
Thankful of your samples 😌 and family! My son has additional needs so they help when they can, me and the mrs work full time so can be hard. I’m grateful for the time off at Xmas tho, much love! 🫶🏻

Thanks Eddy! Great comp.
Had a few scares this year, so I'm thankful for the NHS and a clean bill of health (apart from my poor lungs)
Had a few scares this year, so I'm thankful for the NHS and a clean bill of health (apart from my poor lungs)

Nice one Eddy. I’ll have a extra lollipop in mine thanks 😊
Yes this is the main thing to be happy for this year this site the LB community. No more Christmas drought that just randomly happens every year on the streets.
Good luck everyone ✌🏼
Yes this is the main thing to be happy for this year this site the LB community. No more Christmas drought that just randomly happens every year on the streets.
Good luck everyone ✌🏼

thanks eddy, well ive been a full time carer for my mum over that past 4 yrs and she is coming to the end, hopefully get one more xmas with her, its a weird feeling, but im glad to be here with her, thanks for comp, best of luck everyone

I’m thankful for finding you eddy! Looking to be a long term customer as you have a great variety and I really enjoyed the high your Burberry hash gave. Waiting for Wednesday to place another order! Can’t wait!

Hopefully i still got time to get in!
Im thankfull for weed honestly and that goes hand in hand with this community so love you all and continue setting the bar higher and higher for all vendors eddie you are a great example of a good vendor who we can see is trying his best ! Long live LB <3
Im thankfull for weed honestly and that goes hand in hand with this community so love you all and continue setting the bar higher and higher for all vendors eddie you are a great example of a good vendor who we can see is trying his best ! Long live LB <3

You’re a good egg Eddy. I’m thankful for religion keeping the value of my MOD related shares so high… Merry Christmas!!😊😁🤪

This Christmas I’m thankful for my friends, family, and LB for allowing me access to my medicine. Thank you for hosting!

Im thankful for my familys and my health through tough times and unfortunate circumstances (also weed)

I’m thankful for this community in general as I’ve now become a “veteran” on society spanning several years (this account and my first/inactive one). I’m continually interested to log in, connect with others and catch up with my existing friends. Although I’ve never met another member in person (yet) - I can honestly say you all are such fascinating/interesting individuals which makes everyday normal life feel bland. I come to littlebig and often have such stimulating and curious conversations in comparison to mundane, repetitive small talk.

Tis the season for eddy to make someone's Xmas amazing!
I'm thankful for being accepted into this great community! Looking forward to the season of exotic flavours 🫶
I'm thankful for being accepted into this great community! Looking forward to the season of exotic flavours 🫶

Sounds good Eddy :)
I'm thankful for most things, it's a really good time to be alive, depending on your perspective.
Juice 💚 💦
I'm thankful for most things, it's a really good time to be alive, depending on your perspective.
Juice 💚 💦

Massively thankful for Lb and the community it holds .Buyers and sellers alike . I've been silent on here since finding the site and it's changed my life for the better in so many ways. So a HUGE THANK YOU to one and all. Hope you have a good one x

I’m thankful for the year life has decided to throw my way… more ups than downs for the first time since I can remember 👏👏👊👊💨💨… thanks eddy

Good on you Eddy - nice Chrimbo comp to get us all in the mood! 🎅
I'm grateful for the following two things:
1) Finding this community and, by extension, you Eddy (you were my 1st order on here) - you'll no doubt have me skint by this time next year but at least I'll be happy n' high!
2) That Jürgen Klopp manages Liverpool Football Club (long may it last) - Up The Fucking Reds!
Merry Christmas!
I'm grateful for the following two things:
1) Finding this community and, by extension, you Eddy (you were my 1st order on here) - you'll no doubt have me skint by this time next year but at least I'll be happy n' high!
2) That Jürgen Klopp manages Liverpool Football Club (long may it last) - Up The Fucking Reds!
Merry Christmas!

I'm certainly grateful for generous vendors with excellent products and even better community engagement.
Appreciate it Eddy.
Appreciate it Eddy.

Superb eddy!
Love these comps and hopefully get a win one day.
Christmas for me is spending time with the family, grateful of a few weeks off work and time to just relax.
Hope you have a great one when it comes👍
Love these comps and hopefully get a win one day.
Christmas for me is spending time with the family, grateful of a few weeks off work and time to just relax.
Hope you have a great one when it comes👍

Thankful for places like this, that remind me that most folks are pretty darn great. LB is a miraculous wonder, how it exists and works so well always astounds me - love to the admins and vendors and all y'all!
Thank you Eddy, for the green and the hash and the festive cheer!
Thank you Eddy, for the green and the hash and the festive cheer!

Well played mate, happy Jesus season everyone! I’m thankful for mostly trees and also good friendships 🎄☃️

Thanks Eddy!
I'm thankful for my family and good health.....not to mention, very thankful for discovering LB! 🎅🎄
I'm thankful for my family and good health.....not to mention, very thankful for discovering LB! 🎅🎄

This year I am thankful for being able to spend more time with family and friends.
Thanks Eddy, and merry Christmas to everyone on LB! 🍃☃️
Thanks Eddy, and merry Christmas to everyone on LB! 🍃☃️

I’m thankful for my dog and the invention of moonrocks. What a time to be alive. HO HO HO 🎄

Hey eddy, I’m thankful for this site it’s absolutely awesome and you’re one of the best sellers on here! I hope everyone has lit 🔥 Christmas!

You're a good one Eddy.
I'm most thankful for my wife sticking by me, this has been the worst 12 months of my life, every day is a struggle and I don't think it will get better any time soon. Without her I'd be walking off into the sunset
One love everyone
I'm most thankful for my wife sticking by me, this has been the worst 12 months of my life, every day is a struggle and I don't think it will get better any time soon. Without her I'd be walking off into the sunset
One love everyone

I am thankful this christmas to see that LB, the community and the vendors have pulled through the recent negative issues , and long may this fantastic site continue!

What a nice gesture from Eddy!
Me - I'm just thankful to be back in love after many years of being on my own.
Me - I'm just thankful to be back in love after many years of being on my own.

Im just glad to be able to get some good stuff off like minded people, thanks to every vendor and person behind the scenes making LB happen with you none of this could be possible thanks again.

Thankful for health, family and most of all Eddy. Love to everyone this xmas. Keep up the amazing work!! X

I'm thankful for having my health, family and friends this Christmas, cheers Eddy

Great competition yet again. I'm just happy to be upright and breathing. Anything better than that is just a bonus :-)

Thankful to have found little biggy before the year is out, like a kid in a candy shop I am.
Many thanks for the giveaway!
Many thanks for the giveaway!

Love it!
Thankful as always for my family, been very blessed to have such a large and loving lot and of course I'm thankful you're here keeping my dab station stocked up <3
Thankful as always for my family, been very blessed to have such a large and loving lot and of course I'm thankful you're here keeping my dab station stocked up <3

Not a religious or spiritual person by any means but keeping me in check going on 50 years now is the undeniable-invisible-unstoppable force of nature we know as Karma, we've all seen it in action at some point & we've all been slapped by it at some point...,and for that I am oddly thankful.
Be nice, its contagious & free,
Namaste bitches 🤪
OH!!!, Also Truly thankful for Hash Wednesdays, 3 for 2 Flash sales and the freebies in every order, you set the bar brother. 🙂💖
Be nice, its contagious & free,
Namaste bitches 🤪
OH!!!, Also Truly thankful for Hash Wednesdays, 3 for 2 Flash sales and the freebies in every order, you set the bar brother. 🙂💖

Great comp Eddy - got one of these boxes last year and was great.
I’m thankful for being in the fortuitous situation in life that allows me to browse this site and afford to buy some goodies. Too many in the world that aren’t so lucky.
Christmas this year will all be about giving
I’m thankful for being in the fortuitous situation in life that allows me to browse this site and afford to buy some goodies. Too many in the world that aren’t so lucky.
Christmas this year will all be about giving

Such a nice offer Eddy.
Tried the MAC hash and it blew my mind, would be so sweet to win this!
Merry Christmas indeed!
Tried the MAC hash and it blew my mind, would be so sweet to win this!
Merry Christmas indeed!

10 years on the 13th dec since my sons brain tumour surgery. Hes 15 now, and still doing great.

Aren't you a sweetie!
Simply put, I'm just grateful that I'm here to see another crimbo.
Hold tight people!
Simply put, I'm just grateful that I'm here to see another crimbo.
Hold tight people!

I’m grateful for finding Little Biggy, and being able to finally medicate myself in a way the doctor has yet to!

I'm thankful for anyone who supports me, and seeing the beauty in the small things.
And weed
And hash
And LB
Always LB
Cheers G
And weed
And hash
And LB
Always LB
Cheers G

Definitely thankful for this site and all the sellers that make it possible, hope everyone has a great christmas :) 🎄

thankful for LB, it’s a fantastic place
also had some 🔥 hashes from yourself eddie thanks 💚
good luck all & merry 🎄
also had some 🔥 hashes from yourself eddie thanks 💚
good luck all & merry 🎄

Hi Eddy
This is going to be my second LB Xmas but guess what?
Last year I had a "btc blackout" when my coinbase got blocked by my bank.
So I only had some leftover edibles and some good shake to get through Xmas...
This time is different though so a Xmas box sounds just like what I need :-)
This is going to be my second LB Xmas but guess what?
Last year I had a "btc blackout" when my coinbase got blocked by my bank.
So I only had some leftover edibles and some good shake to get through Xmas...
This time is different though so a Xmas box sounds just like what I need :-)

3 yr anniversary on LB now... delectable goodies such as these from Eddy at one's fingertips and only a day's wait away... this was a fantasy just a short while ago.
Another floaty Christmas into New Year will be had this year.... we should all be thankful for the ease and reassurance that makes this possible.
Another floaty Christmas into New Year will be had this year.... we should all be thankful for the ease and reassurance that makes this possible.

ill be thankful if were still here this time next year!
lets keep our hearts open and loved ones close!
appreciate you eddy
lets keep our hearts open and loved ones close!
appreciate you eddy

extremely grateful for littlebiggy and it’s amazing vendors this year, this will be my first year having a little biggy stash at christmas!

Now the Halloween costumes are away… the dog is out from under the table after Guy Fawkes…
Now we have Eddy’s Christmas giveaway…so thankful man X
Now we have Eddy’s Christmas giveaway…so thankful man X

Fuck Christmas, you'll celebrating NIMROD and it certainly ain't no fuckers birthday......................... what🤔 just me then,🤣🤣🤣🤣,✌️

Great idea with the Christmas gift box. The perfect gift to give or receive this season.
I’m thankful for all the great sales Eddy! Got some proper good hash in for the holiday and plenty more to come.
Thanks for the generosity. Good luck all! 🤞
I’m thankful for all the great sales Eddy! Got some proper good hash in for the holiday and plenty more to come.
Thanks for the generosity. Good luck all! 🤞

thanks Eddie - an early merry Christmas all!
Thankful for some of the quality hash you've got on the store - especially the Pablos revenge!
Thankful for some of the quality hash you've got on the store - especially the Pablos revenge!

Great competition 🎅💚
I'm thankful to have found LB and being in a situation that allowes me to that myself occasionally!
Goodluck everyone 💚
Thanks Eddy!
I'm thankful to have found LB and being in a situation that allowes me to that myself occasionally!
Goodluck everyone 💚
Thanks Eddy!

Appreciate it Eddy, I'm thankful for the family I have and I should try and let them know it.

Nice one Eddy!.
One thing to be thankful for is those in your life who you know would do anything for you and vice versa.
Good luck guys
One thing to be thankful for is those in your life who you know would do anything for you and vice versa.
Good luck guys

Nice one Eddy, thankful for all the wonderful hash you’ve been bringing to lb and for my family who have stuck by me throughout my ptsd battles.

Thankyou eddy the main thing for me is family they make Christmas that extra bit special
Have a good one mate
Have a good one mate

Awesome stuff Eddy - I am thankful for finding your page bro - some of the best hash I’ve ever smoked - and I’ve been at it a loooooong time!
Happy Christmas y’all 🤘😊🤘
Happy Christmas y’all 🤘😊🤘

You’re a generous man eddy, the number of giveaways you do leads the way on this site I reckon. Between that and hash Wednesday, there are some incredible deals out there from you.
Keep up the good work please!
Merry spliffmas 🔥
Keep up the good work please!
Merry spliffmas 🔥

You can count me in sir, as I'm thankful at Christmas for good health, family and of course LB😉

Always thankful for a long list of choices from good reputal vendors.almost my 4th year on little biggy Now.😉👍🎄

1 post
+8 votes
The mark of a good quality vendor - Free 24h Tracked.
Some people charge $7 for each item added to an order and then just send on a 1st class stamp.…

Hello community, we are really pleased to announce a change to our posting policy.
We will be now be sending all of our items 24hr tracked free of charge.
Stay Blessed
We will be now be sending all of our items 24hr tracked free of charge.
Stay Blessed

The mark of a good quality vendor - Free 24h Tracked.
Some people charge $7 for each item added to an order and then just send on a 1st class stamp.
Some even charge up to $21 just for a 1st class stamp then don't get round to sending it out for days, but that's just people who don't care about their customers.
Nice one :)
Juice 💚 💦
Some people charge $7 for each item added to an order and then just send on a 1st class stamp.
Some even charge up to $21 just for a 1st class stamp then don't get round to sending it out for days, but that's just people who don't care about their customers.
Nice one :)
Juice 💚 💦

Thank you for the kind words Juice and Merry Christmas to you my friend ;)

Merry Christmas and Happy New year lets make 2024 even better for you BB

Good call, my only order with you guys took a while to get to me. It put me off ordering again, but I’ll def give you guys another go now. 👍

1 post
+3 votes
casting call for canna critics
I used to do weed writeups and reviews with videos and how-to's online many years ago. It was a good time, but I ended up losing access to the account…

casting call for canna critics
comparisons, testing, wit, these are a few of my audience's favourite things.
videos, shorts, and podcasts are at the heart of the content you will create and todd will fund and together we will reap ref streams for years.
the bold may apply in thread or simply come into my office todd always has time for talent.
videos, shorts, and podcasts are at the heart of the content you will create and todd will fund and together we will reap ref streams for years.
the bold may apply in thread or simply come into my office todd always has time for talent.

Most excellent jedi, you game to audition in thread?
Make 1 video, 90 seconds max on any of these:
- Compare 3 strains (no vendor names required)
- Demonstrate amazing paraphernalia
- lb for noobs
You'll own the vid jedi, if i want to use it i'll have to pay up - and there our empire begins.
Make 1 video, 90 seconds max on any of these:
- Compare 3 strains (no vendor names required)
- Demonstrate amazing paraphernalia
- lb for noobs
You'll own the vid jedi, if i want to use it i'll have to pay up - and there our empire begins.

I used to do weed writeups and reviews with videos and how-to's online many years ago. It was a good time, but I ended up losing access to the account and that's how it's stayed currently.
I was only thinking recently about some sort of usable connections between our situations
I may well send you a message some time soon 🤔
I was only thinking recently about some sort of usable connections between our situations
I may well send you a message some time soon 🤔

1 post
+6 votes
Free NDD makes them my go to!
Think I'm gonna have to be ordering from Dr Green Thumb again some time soon, especially with the free NDD :)
$7 for a 1st class and then an extra $7…

Free NDD makes them my go to!
Free next day delivery, before 1. With tracking included, on all orders.
Just had my first order with this vendor, great product with great service.
Arrived in 21 hours, tracked all the way.
Just had my first order with this vendor, great product with great service.
Arrived in 21 hours, tracked all the way.

Nice, so many vendors are taking the piss with their delivery charges, 7 quid for a jiffy and a first class stamp, then you try order multiples and are charged per item but it all goes in the same package.
2 have recently priced themselves out of my rotation completely.
2 have recently priced themselves out of my rotation completely.

Think I'm gonna have to be ordering from Dr Green Thumb again some time soon, especially with the free NDD :)
$7 for a 1st class and then an extra $7 per item is a little silly when you're surrounded by Free NDDs.
Juice 💚 💦
$7 for a 1st class and then an extra $7 per item is a little silly when you're surrounded by Free NDDs.
Juice 💚 💦

Couldn't agree more, put me off plenty of vendors when it came to adding the postage. Removed from cart and back to the reliable and quality sellers like DGT. 👍🏼

DGT is an excellent vendor. The only problem is LB only accepting BTC and not litecoin as promised over a year ago

Yup can back this up, Doc has always come through and the fact you get peace of mind with your order goes a long way. The chemdog is bar far the best dawg I have had in terms of effect and taste (I keep going back for more) but I have to agree with the other comments on BTC. It cost me in excess of £20 just to get my coin!, and then what I had saved in my wallet which wasn't alot but still enough to cover postage was eaten up by yet more fees! To the powers that be we (I mean them whoever they are) really need to sort it out because we are all losing out.

100% my go to as well. Always gets to you within 48hrs and everything I’ve had from 20 orders(apart from one but we’ll leave that) has been spot on best hash I’ve smoked on here. I’ve tried lots of others but always come back for the Letcho and Papaya punch. Shout out to the Bruce banger and Sunset. Both good cheaper options that last a bit longer. The more expensive stuff gets chewed through. His stealth is always great. Don’t listen to that prick giving 1/10 reviews.

I agree my mate. DGT is my go to also. You'll not regret an order from the Doctor. Stealth and product were top shelf and the delivery is absolutely spot on.

1 post
+1 votes
What concentrates do you want to see?
Any high quality Badder would be great :)
Juice 💚 💦

What concentrates do you want to see?
Hi guys, we’re looking to expand our store in every direction and concentrates would be one way in which we could achieve this, so which concentrates would you like to see? Please leave a comment and we will do our best to source them. Thank you for your continued support!

I second the live resin carts suggestion, that would be amazing.
Also some softer waxes and concentrates would be great… sugar wax, budder, live resin, rosin, crumble kind of thing. I prefer softer varieties of concentrates over shatter but that’s just a personal preference thing 😊
Store looks great btw i’ll definitely be looking to put an order in soon!
Also some softer waxes and concentrates would be great… sugar wax, budder, live resin, rosin, crumble kind of thing. I prefer softer varieties of concentrates over shatter but that’s just a personal preference thing 😊
Store looks great btw i’ll definitely be looking to put an order in soon!

Cheap distillate and live resin are my two main drivers so that would be good place to start. Possibly the odd bit of rosin.

I like Resin and as someone else said, theres a huge gap here where all the Rosin should be so Res and Ros please!

I only use concentrates and options here are still limited. Live resin and rosin with some bulk buying options would be nice.

1 post
+1 votes
Ahh, a vendor that cares about their customers. Good to see :)
Juice 💚 💦


1 post
+3 votes
I have NEVER been treated like this...
Canadian Imports is one of the few very professional vendors that actually cares about the experience that their customers have when purchasing.

I have NEVER been treated like this...
By the end of this year, I'll be half way between 50 and 60: so I've been getting stoned for something like 35 years!
And in all that time, every buy has been unequal. I don't mean the weight or the price or the quality, I mean that the dealer has always (to some extent or another) acted like they were doing me a favour.
Which they are, but without me (the buyer), they're also fucked. It's a two-way street.
Canadian Imports are the first people (that I can remember TBF) to give me the impression that they want my business and that they value me as a customer, much like any other business.
Now I've only made 3 buys on LB, so I'm sure there are other dealers with this approach and I would be more than happy to buy off the other 2 again, but CI have set a new bar for me.
To be specific, I got what I ordered, on time, on weight and packaged with thought. But what prompted this post, was the simple inclusion of a little stash pot and a book of tips.
Nothing fancy, but it tells me that CI value my trade enough, to make an effort to keep me coming back.
So I'm sorry to read of their health concerns, but more than happy to work with their restricted schedule.
And in all that time, every buy has been unequal. I don't mean the weight or the price or the quality, I mean that the dealer has always (to some extent or another) acted like they were doing me a favour.
Which they are, but without me (the buyer), they're also fucked. It's a two-way street.
Canadian Imports are the first people (that I can remember TBF) to give me the impression that they want my business and that they value me as a customer, much like any other business.
Now I've only made 3 buys on LB, so I'm sure there are other dealers with this approach and I would be more than happy to buy off the other 2 again, but CI have set a new bar for me.
To be specific, I got what I ordered, on time, on weight and packaged with thought. But what prompted this post, was the simple inclusion of a little stash pot and a book of tips.
Nothing fancy, but it tells me that CI value my trade enough, to make an effort to keep me coming back.
So I'm sorry to read of their health concerns, but more than happy to work with their restricted schedule.

How very dare you…. I saw the title of this topic and went and made some fresh popcorn. What is this nicey nicey stuff, where is the drama?!
On a serious note though I’ve heard nothing but good things about CI so I’m glad to see this trend continue.
Welcome to LB 🤗
Edit: ok I just saw your profile picture the popcorn was worth it
On a serious note though I’ve heard nothing but good things about CI so I’m glad to see this trend continue.
Welcome to LB 🤗
Edit: ok I just saw your profile picture the popcorn was worth it

As a regular and returning customer for their cartridges I absolutely concurr.
Consistently brilliant product, incredible stealth and value to match. An absolute credit to the LB community.
Long may they continue
Consistently brilliant product, incredible stealth and value to match. An absolute credit to the LB community.
Long may they continue

Thank you for the kind words, what a glowing review its makes us so happy that your experience with us raised the bar for you :)
We love the little stash pots so much so we started adding them to every order we know a lot of customers love them, it worked out well as we've currently run out of them so you must have gotten one of our last ones but we'll be getting more asap.
We're glad you stumbled across the LB community you seem like you fit right in judging from you profile picture and what a great bait and switch with the title, your posts will really take off with clever wording like that.
Thank you again for taking the time to leave this post and thank you to everyone with all the lovely messages below ♡
We love the little stash pots so much so we started adding them to every order we know a lot of customers love them, it worked out well as we've currently run out of them so you must have gotten one of our last ones but we'll be getting more asap.
We're glad you stumbled across the LB community you seem like you fit right in judging from you profile picture and what a great bait and switch with the title, your posts will really take off with clever wording like that.
Thank you again for taking the time to leave this post and thank you to everyone with all the lovely messages below ♡

Great appreciation post mate, we’ll done😎
Canadian Imports are LB Gold 🏆, unimpeachable…
But you are going to enjoy LB because we are blessed with others too!😍
Canadian Imports are LB Gold 🏆, unimpeachable…
But you are going to enjoy LB because we are blessed with others too!😍

I agree with all of this! CI are always a joy to do business with. There’s plenty of other vendors that are great too but in terms of professionalism and finesse they are right up there

CI is in a league of their own. And there are a few more on here that hit that bar. CI, Druids, BB top the charts of most buyers here. I have a combined high double digit orders between them all and not once let down in any way. What you describe in your post is what we get EVERY single time!

CI is top class tried back in dec 2021, gonna have to get some hash on payday
Everytime i got flower aswell always been premium one of the best vendors on LB by far.
Everytime i got flower aswell always been premium one of the best vendors on LB by far.

Not the review I was imagining from the headline, but very much the review I’d expect for Canadian Imports.
Check HughPhug’s (linked) post and it’s replies, there’s a whole bunch of sellers that give real service on this site and most are mentioned in that thread.
Check HughPhug’s (linked) post and it’s replies, there’s a whole bunch of sellers that give real service on this site and most are mentioned in that thread.

Troopers! Blessed also with my purchases with this vendor they give you that piece of mind wich all customers need I believe. Bless bro

CI have no equal with regards to quality and professionalism. They always put the customer first. Amazing vendors.

Canadian Imports is one of the few very professional vendors that actually cares about the experience that their customers have when purchasing.
Juice 💚 💦
Juice 💚 💦

1 post
+3 votes
Benjamin Zephaniah, rest in power - 1958-2023
Duude :(
I met that guy a good couple of times over the years, he was really friendly and approachable. He showed me how poetry didn't have to be dry…

Benjamin Zephaniah, rest in power - 1958-2023

'Me? I thought, OBE me? Up yours, I thought'
- Benjamin Zephaniah
I woke up on the morning of November 13 wondering how the government could be overthrown and what could replace it, and then I noticed a letter from the prime minister's office. It said: "The prime minister has asked me to inform you, in strict confidence, that he has in mind, on the occasion of the forthcoming list of New Year's honours to submit your name to the Queen with a recommendation that Her Majesty may be graciously pleased to approve that you be appointed an officer of the Order of the British Empire."
Me? I thought, OBE me? Up yours, I thought. I get angry when I hear that word "empire"; it reminds me of slavery, it reminds of thousands of years of brutality, it reminds me of how my foremothers were raped and my forefathers brutalised. It is because of this concept of empire that my British education led me to believe that the history of black people started with slavery and that we were born slaves, and should therefore be grateful that we were given freedom by our caring white masters. It is because of this idea of empire that black people like myself don't even know our true names or our true historical culture. I am not one of those who are obsessed with their roots, and I'm certainly not suffering from a crisis of identity; my obsession is about the future and the political rights of all people. Benjamin Zephaniah OBE - no way Mr Blair, no way Mrs Queen. I am profoundly anti-empire.
There's something very strange about receiving a letter from Tony Blair's office asking me if I want to accept this award. In the past couple of months I've been on Blair's doorstep a few times. I have begged him to come out and meet me; I have been longing for a conversation with him, but he won't come out, and now here he is asking me to meet him at the palace! I was there with a million people on February 15, and the last time I was there was just a couple of weeks ago. My cousin, Michael Powell, was arrested and taken to Thornhill Road police station in Birmingham where he died. Now, I know how he died. The whole of Birmingham knows how he died, but in order to get this article published and to be politically (or journalistically) correct, I have to say that he died in suspicious circumstances. The police will not give us any answers. We have not seen or heard anything of all the reports and investigations we were told were going to take place. Now, all that my family can do is join with all the other families who have lost members while in custody because no one in power is listening to us. Come on Mr Blair, I'll meet you anytime. Let's talk about your Home Office, let's talk about being tough on crime.
This OBE thing is supposed to be for my services to literature, but there are a whole lot of writers who are better than me, and they're not involved in the things that I'm involved in. All they do is write; I spend most of my time doing other things. If they want to give me one of these empire things, why can't they give me one for my work in animal rights? Why can't they give me one for my struggle against racism? What about giving me one for all the letters I write to innocent people in prisons who have been framed? I may just consider accepting some kind of award for my services on behalf of the millions of people who have stood up against the war in Iraq. It's such hard work - much harder than writing poems.
And hey, if Her Majesty may be graciously pleased to lay all that empire stuff on me, why can't she write to me herself. Let's cut out the middleman - she knows me. The last time we met, it was at a concert I was hosting. She came backstage to meet me. That didn't bother me; lots of people visit my dressing room after performances. Me and the South African performers I was working with that night thought it rather funny that we had a royal groupie. She's a bit stiff but she's a nice old lady. Let me make it clear: I have nothing against her or the royal family. It is the institution of the monarchy that I loathe so very much, the monarchy that still refuses to apologise for sanctioning slavery.
There is a part of me that hopes that after writing this article I shall never be considered as a Poet Laureate or an OBE sucker again. Let this put an end to it. This may lose me some of my writing friends; some people may never want to work with me again, but the truth is I think OBEs compromise writers and poets, and laureates suddenly go soft - in the past I've even written a poem, Bought and Sold, saying that.
There are many black writers who love OBEs, it makes them feel like they have made it. When it suits them, they embrace the struggle against the ruling class and the oppression they visit upon us, but then they join the oppressors' club. They are so easily seduced into the great house of Babylon known as the palace. For them, a wonderful time is meeting the Queen and bowing before her presence.
I was shocked to see how many of my fellow writers jumped at the opportunity to go to Buckingham Palace when the Queen had her "meet the writers day" on July 9 2002, and I laughed at the pathetic excuses writers gave for going. "I did it for my mum"; "I did it for my kids"; "I did it for the school"; "I did it for the people", etc. I have even heard black writers who have collected OBEs saying that it is "symbolic of how far we have come". Oh yes, I say, we've struggled so hard just to get a minute with the Queen and we are so very grateful - not.
I've never heard of a holder of the OBE openly criticising the monarchy. They are officially friends, and that's what this cool Britannia project is about. It gives OBEs to cool rock stars, successful businesswomen and blacks who would be militant in order to give the impression that it is inclusive. Then these rock stars, successful women, and ex-militants write to me with the OBE after their name as if I should be impressed. I'm not. Quite the opposite - you've been had.
Writers and artists who see themselves as working outside the establishment are constantly being accused of selling out as soon as they have any kind of success. I've been called a sell-out for selling too many books, for writing books for children, for performing at the Royal Albert Hall, for going on Desert Island Discs, and for appearing on the Parkinson show. But I want to reach as many people as possible without compromising the content of my work.
What continues to be my biggest deal with the establishment must be my work with the British Council, of which, ironically, the Queen is patron. I have no problem with this. It has never told me what to say, or what not to say. I have always been free to criticise the government and even the council itself. This is what being a poet is about. Most importantly, through my work with the council I am able to show the world what Britain is really about in terms of our arts, and I am able to partake in the type of political and cultural intercourse which is not possible in the mainstream political arena. I have no problem representing the reality of our multiculturalism, which may sometimes mean speaking about the way my cousin Michael died in a police station. But then, I am also at ease letting people know that our music scene is more than what they hear in the charts, and that British poetry is more than Wordsworth, or even Motion. I have no problem with all of this because this is about us and what we do. It is about what happens on the streets of our country and not in the palace or at No 10.
Me, OBE? Whoever is behind this offer can never have read any of my work. Why don't they just give me some of those great African works of art that were taken in the name of the empire and let me return them to their rightful place? You can't fool me, Mr Blair. You want to privatise us all; you want to send us to war. You stay silent when we need you to speak for us, preferring to be the voice of the US. You have lied to us, and you continue to lie to us, and you have poured the working-class dream of a fair, compassionate, caring society down the dirty drain of empire. Stick it, Mr Blair - and Mrs Queen, stop going on about the empire. Let's do something else.
Bought and Sold
Smart big awards and prize money
Is killing off black poetry
It's not censors or dictators that are cutting up our art.
The lure of meeting royalty
And touching high society
Is damping creativity and eating at our heart.
The ancestors would turn in graves
Those poor black folk that once were slaves would wonder
How our souls were sold
And check our strategies,
The empire strikes back and waves
Tamed warriors bow on parades
When they have done what they've been told
They get their OBEs.
Don't take my word, go check the verse
Cause every laureate gets worse
A family that you cannot fault as muse will mess your mind,
And yeah, you may fatten your purse
And surely they will check you first when subjects need to be amused
With paid for prose and rhymes.
Take your prize, now write more,
Fuck the truth
Now you're an actor do not fault your benefactor
Write, publish and review,
You look like a dreadlocks Rasta,
You look like a ghetto blaster,
But you can't diss your paymaster
And bite the hand that feeds you.
What happened to the verse of fire
Cursing cool the empire
What happened to the soul rebel that Marley had in mind,
This bloodstained, stolen empire rewards you and you conspire,
(Yes Marley said that time will tell)
Now look they've gone and joined.
We keep getting this beating
It's bad history repeating
It reminds me of those capitalists that say
'Look you have a choice,'
It's sick and self-defeating if our dispossessed keep weeping
And we give these awards meaning
But we end up with no voice.
- Benjamin Zephaniah
I woke up on the morning of November 13 wondering how the government could be overthrown and what could replace it, and then I noticed a letter from the prime minister's office. It said: "The prime minister has asked me to inform you, in strict confidence, that he has in mind, on the occasion of the forthcoming list of New Year's honours to submit your name to the Queen with a recommendation that Her Majesty may be graciously pleased to approve that you be appointed an officer of the Order of the British Empire."
Me? I thought, OBE me? Up yours, I thought. I get angry when I hear that word "empire"; it reminds me of slavery, it reminds of thousands of years of brutality, it reminds me of how my foremothers were raped and my forefathers brutalised. It is because of this concept of empire that my British education led me to believe that the history of black people started with slavery and that we were born slaves, and should therefore be grateful that we were given freedom by our caring white masters. It is because of this idea of empire that black people like myself don't even know our true names or our true historical culture. I am not one of those who are obsessed with their roots, and I'm certainly not suffering from a crisis of identity; my obsession is about the future and the political rights of all people. Benjamin Zephaniah OBE - no way Mr Blair, no way Mrs Queen. I am profoundly anti-empire.
There's something very strange about receiving a letter from Tony Blair's office asking me if I want to accept this award. In the past couple of months I've been on Blair's doorstep a few times. I have begged him to come out and meet me; I have been longing for a conversation with him, but he won't come out, and now here he is asking me to meet him at the palace! I was there with a million people on February 15, and the last time I was there was just a couple of weeks ago. My cousin, Michael Powell, was arrested and taken to Thornhill Road police station in Birmingham where he died. Now, I know how he died. The whole of Birmingham knows how he died, but in order to get this article published and to be politically (or journalistically) correct, I have to say that he died in suspicious circumstances. The police will not give us any answers. We have not seen or heard anything of all the reports and investigations we were told were going to take place. Now, all that my family can do is join with all the other families who have lost members while in custody because no one in power is listening to us. Come on Mr Blair, I'll meet you anytime. Let's talk about your Home Office, let's talk about being tough on crime.
This OBE thing is supposed to be for my services to literature, but there are a whole lot of writers who are better than me, and they're not involved in the things that I'm involved in. All they do is write; I spend most of my time doing other things. If they want to give me one of these empire things, why can't they give me one for my work in animal rights? Why can't they give me one for my struggle against racism? What about giving me one for all the letters I write to innocent people in prisons who have been framed? I may just consider accepting some kind of award for my services on behalf of the millions of people who have stood up against the war in Iraq. It's such hard work - much harder than writing poems.
And hey, if Her Majesty may be graciously pleased to lay all that empire stuff on me, why can't she write to me herself. Let's cut out the middleman - she knows me. The last time we met, it was at a concert I was hosting. She came backstage to meet me. That didn't bother me; lots of people visit my dressing room after performances. Me and the South African performers I was working with that night thought it rather funny that we had a royal groupie. She's a bit stiff but she's a nice old lady. Let me make it clear: I have nothing against her or the royal family. It is the institution of the monarchy that I loathe so very much, the monarchy that still refuses to apologise for sanctioning slavery.
There is a part of me that hopes that after writing this article I shall never be considered as a Poet Laureate or an OBE sucker again. Let this put an end to it. This may lose me some of my writing friends; some people may never want to work with me again, but the truth is I think OBEs compromise writers and poets, and laureates suddenly go soft - in the past I've even written a poem, Bought and Sold, saying that.
There are many black writers who love OBEs, it makes them feel like they have made it. When it suits them, they embrace the struggle against the ruling class and the oppression they visit upon us, but then they join the oppressors' club. They are so easily seduced into the great house of Babylon known as the palace. For them, a wonderful time is meeting the Queen and bowing before her presence.
I was shocked to see how many of my fellow writers jumped at the opportunity to go to Buckingham Palace when the Queen had her "meet the writers day" on July 9 2002, and I laughed at the pathetic excuses writers gave for going. "I did it for my mum"; "I did it for my kids"; "I did it for the school"; "I did it for the people", etc. I have even heard black writers who have collected OBEs saying that it is "symbolic of how far we have come". Oh yes, I say, we've struggled so hard just to get a minute with the Queen and we are so very grateful - not.
I've never heard of a holder of the OBE openly criticising the monarchy. They are officially friends, and that's what this cool Britannia project is about. It gives OBEs to cool rock stars, successful businesswomen and blacks who would be militant in order to give the impression that it is inclusive. Then these rock stars, successful women, and ex-militants write to me with the OBE after their name as if I should be impressed. I'm not. Quite the opposite - you've been had.
Writers and artists who see themselves as working outside the establishment are constantly being accused of selling out as soon as they have any kind of success. I've been called a sell-out for selling too many books, for writing books for children, for performing at the Royal Albert Hall, for going on Desert Island Discs, and for appearing on the Parkinson show. But I want to reach as many people as possible without compromising the content of my work.
What continues to be my biggest deal with the establishment must be my work with the British Council, of which, ironically, the Queen is patron. I have no problem with this. It has never told me what to say, or what not to say. I have always been free to criticise the government and even the council itself. This is what being a poet is about. Most importantly, through my work with the council I am able to show the world what Britain is really about in terms of our arts, and I am able to partake in the type of political and cultural intercourse which is not possible in the mainstream political arena. I have no problem representing the reality of our multiculturalism, which may sometimes mean speaking about the way my cousin Michael died in a police station. But then, I am also at ease letting people know that our music scene is more than what they hear in the charts, and that British poetry is more than Wordsworth, or even Motion. I have no problem with all of this because this is about us and what we do. It is about what happens on the streets of our country and not in the palace or at No 10.
Me, OBE? Whoever is behind this offer can never have read any of my work. Why don't they just give me some of those great African works of art that were taken in the name of the empire and let me return them to their rightful place? You can't fool me, Mr Blair. You want to privatise us all; you want to send us to war. You stay silent when we need you to speak for us, preferring to be the voice of the US. You have lied to us, and you continue to lie to us, and you have poured the working-class dream of a fair, compassionate, caring society down the dirty drain of empire. Stick it, Mr Blair - and Mrs Queen, stop going on about the empire. Let's do something else.
Bought and Sold
Smart big awards and prize money
Is killing off black poetry
It's not censors or dictators that are cutting up our art.
The lure of meeting royalty
And touching high society
Is damping creativity and eating at our heart.
The ancestors would turn in graves
Those poor black folk that once were slaves would wonder
How our souls were sold
And check our strategies,
The empire strikes back and waves
Tamed warriors bow on parades
When they have done what they've been told
They get their OBEs.
Don't take my word, go check the verse
Cause every laureate gets worse
A family that you cannot fault as muse will mess your mind,
And yeah, you may fatten your purse
And surely they will check you first when subjects need to be amused
With paid for prose and rhymes.
Take your prize, now write more,
Fuck the truth
Now you're an actor do not fault your benefactor
Write, publish and review,
You look like a dreadlocks Rasta,
You look like a ghetto blaster,
But you can't diss your paymaster
And bite the hand that feeds you.
What happened to the verse of fire
Cursing cool the empire
What happened to the soul rebel that Marley had in mind,
This bloodstained, stolen empire rewards you and you conspire,
(Yes Marley said that time will tell)
Now look they've gone and joined.
We keep getting this beating
It's bad history repeating
It reminds me of those capitalists that say
'Look you have a choice,'
It's sick and self-defeating if our dispossessed keep weeping
And we give these awards meaning
But we end up with no voice.

He gave my 18 year old uncle a spliff at a Birmingham uni gig. In the 80s. "Wicked Thatcher, Bastard Thatcher" legend will be missed

Duude :(
I met that guy a good couple of times over the years, he was really friendly and approachable. He showed me how poetry didn't have to be dry and boring.
Juice 💚 💦
I met that guy a good couple of times over the years, he was really friendly and approachable. He showed me how poetry didn't have to be dry and boring.
Juice 💚 💦

1 post
+3 votes

The Juice
You called? :)
Juice 💚 💦
1 post
+4 votes

How Can I Stay High All the Time?
It's easy enough. Just never stop. But also work your way up in strength throughout the day. Make sure each session is slightly stronger that the prev…
Cleaner = more sustainable. Smoking hash has to be the worst option. I would say CO2 extraction is the closest you are going to get.
Smaller = more sustainable. Discipline yourself into lightweightness.
Abstinence = definition. You need to not be high to know what high is. Only other option is to be numb 24/7 but for some folks that's the sustainable high.
Smaller = more sustainable. Discipline yourself into lightweightness.
Abstinence = definition. You need to not be high to know what high is. Only other option is to be numb 24/7 but for some folks that's the sustainable high.

I smoke a bong after i wake up just before work then bring my weed pen to smoke on breaks..
Do 8 hr shifts but feels like 3 when you're baked, work in a busy restaurant n never get any complaints always get the work done
Do 8 hr shifts but feels like 3 when you're baked, work in a busy restaurant n never get any complaints always get the work done

I almost always do the same. Put my glasses on and no one suspects a thing - I get my work done way before schedule.
They know I’m a medicinal patient anyway so I don’t think they’d care because I get my work done and everyone else’s when they fall behind. I blame the miracle herb!
They know I’m a medicinal patient anyway so I don’t think they’d care because I get my work done and everyone else’s when they fall behind. I blame the miracle herb!

It's easy enough. Just never stop. But also work your way up in strength throughout the day. Make sure each session is slightly stronger that the previous, and for that you need variety. But yeah, it can be done, just be careful not to let the weeks and years slip by, because that can also be easily done. It's not really too advisable, but it is totally possible. Oh yeah, also a good diet can really improve a person's quality of high.

it's not possible eventually you will be smoking to feel normal i know ( i smoked everyday for around 24 years). It's best to have a T-break evey now and then. I usually smoke an ounce then i'll have a week or two off , logest t-break i had was 2 years )it sucked) but at least when i came back to smoking i had to build up my tolorance again so smoking was pretty cheep ... now i blaze an ounce in like 3-5 days n have a break . I'd just smoke in the evenings but if its there i can't help my self XD...

In life a high is like a cookie. You have it for a brief time. You need to be down so you can appreciate a good high. If you was high all the time you would medicate just to get well and not appreciate the high.

I would love to know the answer to this myself - trust me - but high is a relative state of mind.
You at 'my tits feel tingly high' will want to know how to stay 'my tits are one with venus herself high' all the time.
You at 'my tits feel tingly high' will want to know how to stay 'my tits are one with venus herself high' all the time.

1 post
+2.2 votes

The Earth’s core has stopped spinning!
I heard this was gonna happen, thought it would be in hundreds of years tho. Guess it's time to start investing in space ships and gtfo. To infinity a…

The Earth’s core has stopped spinning!
"the inner core’s rotation could be caused by a minor imbalance in the electromagnetic and gravitational forces that hold the universe, and by extension planet Earth, together"
nothing to worry about here folks
nothing to worry about here folks

Once you're aware we don't live on a spinning ball in a space vaccum, then none of these nonsense headlines provoke a fear response in you.
When you know, you know.
When you know, you know.

Nothing to worry about . Then why mention it
I dont care anyway the aliens will save us all so fuck it 👽
I dont care anyway the aliens will save us all so fuck it 👽

I heard this was gonna happen, thought it would be in hundreds of years tho. Guess it's time to start investing in space ships and gtfo. To infinity and beyond 💚💦

Okay. Go online and search The Adam And Eve Story PDF free download.
It was included in the CIA files that were declassified.
Highly recommend getting high as fuck and reading it.
It explains what you’re talking about. The maddest part is, there’s zero worrying about it can do. So fuck it. Live till you don’t.
It was included in the CIA files that were declassified.
Highly recommend getting high as fuck and reading it.
It explains what you’re talking about. The maddest part is, there’s zero worrying about it can do. So fuck it. Live till you don’t.

2 posts
+6 votes

{lb help}
Review Percentage
Yeah, it would be nicer if those cancelled orders didn't count towards review percentage
+ 2 more

{lb help}
Review Percentage
At the moment I have an outstanding order to review which is fine but even before that, my review percentage is not 100 even though I have reviewed all products.
This happened after my first order, which was combined with 2 sellers. 2 items with one seller, and a single item with the other. It was the stuck at 67% after reviewing all 3.
Is this normal or something that can be resolved??
This happened after my first order, which was combined with 2 sellers. 2 items with one seller, and a single item with the other. It was the stuck at 67% after reviewing all 3.
Is this normal or something that can be resolved??

Saw somebody else have a similar issue. Apparently it doesn’t negatively affect you in any way in terms of disputes etc, just annoying for OCD

Ahh that's annoying yeah it's mainly OCD reasons / thinking that sellers can see my review percentage - but guess they can't?

I've reviewed every purchase I have made and I am on 92% reviewed. I think it's because I cancelled a couple of orders when the BTC network fees were going apeshit. I am guessing they have been counted as orders regardless.

I think i missed out one review, way back the other year. Has been stuck at 92% ever since. I've always thought that was low when looking at the number of orders I have placed. A couple of weeks ago it jumped up to 98%, which is definitely more representative. If only I could go back and post that missive review.

2 posts
+3 votes
Eleven roses(delicious seeds)
I know this is a lil off topic, but anyways - your pfp got me to look into who Sassy is a few weeks back and I'm very happy I did :)
Sassy The Sasqua…
+ 2 more

Eleven roses(delicious seeds)
Hey Biggaz,Eleven roses smoke report time....Appearance=nice sized dense buds with a good frosting,fluffs up nice in the grinder,hung dry for 9 days and cured for 4 weeks,nice and dry but doesn't just crumble in your fingers,standard green colour..smell=undisturbed she's quite muted,but grind her up or rip her open and you get almost a sour fruity smell,earthy,hashy.Taste=very very smooth,no harshness with this one,on the inhale I get a almost a floral,earthy taste,nothing overpowering just clean on the throat,on the exhale I'm definitely getting a thick hash sort of taste..effects=after a few pulls i can feel the heart pick up a beat and it kicks in quite quick..its an indica but Initially i felt that sativa "high" before it sets in behind the eyes and you can feel the body Start to relax.imho I've grown stronger but I do smoke all day everyday so my tolerance level is super high.....I also have some lord kush available but its not worth listing as I've not got a large enough amount,but on request I can add a lil to your order ie 3gs er 1g lk...

Made sure I got my order in before posting 😂 but can't recommend sassy enough, they are up there with the Druids, BB, Northern Organics for fresh bud quality in my opinion. Tried most if not all the strains they have sold and everyone has been great. If your looking for a good buy this is it trust me

I second this sassy was the man last grow , the quality was outstanding and I was very Impressed with his service overall.

I know this is a lil off topic, but anyways - your pfp got me to look into who Sassy is a few weeks back and I'm very happy I did :)
Sassy The Sasquatch is an amazing show everyone should watch.
Watched the whole thing in a night, then watched all of the Big Lez show the next day.
So yeah, just wanted to say thanks for pointing me in the direction of that show, even though you didn't mean to 👍
Juice 💚 💦
Sassy The Sasquatch is an amazing show everyone should watch.
Watched the whole thing in a night, then watched all of the Big Lez show the next day.
So yeah, just wanted to say thanks for pointing me in the direction of that show, even though you didn't mean to 👍
Juice 💚 💦

Brilliant, I didn't know about the show either and just watched the first episode. Love it, will need to catch up on the rest. Cheers. 👍

Patiently waiting !!! Il defo be interested in adding a gram of lord kush to my order !!

Cheers Sassy, looking forward to the listing! Should I message you for a custom order to add some of the LK?

Gutted as a long-time customer (under different name) of Sassy that I missed it by day props fo the marketing it is very worth of it....
Just goes to show how poor the LB site has become, as I'm a private medical cannabis patient now, I ONLY keep my eyes peeled for 2 vendors on this site that are HONEST & FAIR about their shizZLE. I'm no hater only a lover of your ART.
Just wish I'd have acted sooner....
I'd give at least a dozen roses for your attention to detail.
Just goes to show how poor the LB site has become, as I'm a private medical cannabis patient now, I ONLY keep my eyes peeled for 2 vendors on this site that are HONEST & FAIR about their shizZLE. I'm no hater only a lover of your ART.
Just wish I'd have acted sooner....
I'd give at least a dozen roses for your attention to detail.

1 post
+2 votes
Yeah, they kick nice :) Had no idea what strength they were, so just had to buckle up and go for it. Think I watched a movie and laughed my ass off, n…

thanks for the free lollie eddy it had me in the land of nod in no time, really really needed that sleep,
these lollies are the business,
these lollies are the business,

The review on the thc lean says it all
“don’t hit like the lollies do” 😂😂😂😂
Sounds like a winner Eddy 😜
“don’t hit like the lollies do” 😂😂😂😂
Sounds like a winner Eddy 😜

Oh aye
Try getting up at 2 to let the fucking dog out. Trip over the cat litter tray. Wake every cunt up
Never done that ever lol 😂
Try getting up at 2 to let the fucking dog out. Trip over the cat litter tray. Wake every cunt up
Never done that ever lol 😂

1 post
+5 votes

What kind of mold is this?
Looks like a powder mildew. Never smoke bud like that 💚💦
Bin it, and check anything that's been close to it, don't take chances, could make you VERY poorly if you smoke it.

The kind you don't want to be smoking. Budrot.
Too much humidity during flower or drying/curing process.
Too much humidity during flower or drying/curing process.

I'm not sure on the exact "type" of mould but that's definitely from bad growing or drying/curing conditions, usually lack of air flow and far too high humidity during the dry. It could also just be from storing the buds when they were too wet. Either way, please don't smoke that for the sake of your lungs!

Yeah I was replying to the mold message then thought "maybe thy have updated it so I can post pic's from my phone again" wham!! It did
I'd say 25-30 grams. So total from last crop I pulled 70 grams with just trim. Off 9 plants. Nice......
I'd say 25-30 grams. So total from last crop I pulled 70 grams with just trim. Off 9 plants. Nice......

Nice, very nice, hats off to you!
You're getting good returns there.
There's no mould on that for sure lol
I've done a bit of experimenting with smaller amounts, I've a lot more still to learn.
You're getting good returns there.
There's no mould on that for sure lol
I've done a bit of experimenting with smaller amounts, I've a lot more still to learn.

Good trim, good bubble bags and a load of ice. With a heavy long stick for mixing. It's really simple man. The main reason I get alot of resin is because I use top end Led lights

The quality of the starting material has to be key.
Good on you doing it.
A year ago before joining Biggy I'd never even heard of bubble hash and I've been toking all my life!
Now it's one of my favourite things to smoke :)
I've only went as far as freezing trim in jars, shaking and then carding it through various screens, not bubble hash but a start. Very keen to try the ice and also static sift.
Must come by and see if you've got any left to sample...!!
Good on you doing it.
A year ago before joining Biggy I'd never even heard of bubble hash and I've been toking all my life!
Now it's one of my favourite things to smoke :)
I've only went as far as freezing trim in jars, shaking and then carding it through various screens, not bubble hash but a start. Very keen to try the ice and also static sift.
Must come by and see if you've got any left to sample...!!

1 post
+2 votes

Why do people complain about stalks?
I'd say it's because if you got a bag with some nice buds but they were on long thick stalks then, as a customer, you'd be paying for the weight of th…

Why do people complain about stalks?
They are part of the bud this annoys me as back in my younger days I sold bought locally funny enough it came with the stalks on :D comments like to stalky baffle me unless they’ve been put in separately of course lol genuine question guys always baffled me

Nothing against vendors who sell buds with stalks, I'm sure it makes a nominal difference to weight, but it's certainly not something I entertain... at all.
Kinda feels a bit lazy if I'm honest, but that's just my opinion.
I do have a mate who thinks stems keep the buds moist for longer in the jars, but with Boveda packs I think that's pretty much an obsolete opinion thesedays.
There's a huge difference between what people think is a 'massive bud', and what is actually just a lot of buds on a stalk.
(Above attached image is what I send out on my listings as an example of my process).
I'll try and find a few pics of true big buds if people are interested.
Just my 2p as always.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
Kinda feels a bit lazy if I'm honest, but that's just my opinion.
I do have a mate who thinks stems keep the buds moist for longer in the jars, but with Boveda packs I think that's pretty much an obsolete opinion thesedays.
There's a huge difference between what people think is a 'massive bud', and what is actually just a lot of buds on a stalk.
(Above attached image is what I send out on my listings as an example of my process).
I'll try and find a few pics of true big buds if people are interested.
Just my 2p as always.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Because leaving a big stalk sticking out of a bud is sloppy work to me, I would never mind a stalk in a in the middle of a bud but when you just leave them sticking out is just lazy imo

Aw ok fair enough :) I’m not the tidiest person in the world lol I was just thinking profit wise you’d be surprised how much they all add up over a few ounces if your a grower not a problem cause bigger profit margins.. thanks for the response :)

The last Druids Magic harvest came attached to the stalks and I liked this! Gave it a more personal home grow feel and it was still generously overweight with stalks removed!

Sometimes, weed isn't trimmed very well and you get more stalk than the norm. Lazy trims can include fan leaf stalks and parts of stem. You're lucky not to have come across this tbh.
But i also agree with your point. The stalk in the middle of a bud shouldn't be much of an issue if the smoke is decent enough ;)
But i also agree with your point. The stalk in the middle of a bud shouldn't be much of an issue if the smoke is decent enough ;)

Ye I guess I’ve just been lucky :) or maybe I have low appearance standards we don’t worry about it to much in mid wales lol unflushed and badly cured weed bothers not much else :) cheers for your input interesting seeing other people’s views on it

mate had a few stems on his desk a while back always thought it wouldn't happen to end up that much in weight but there you go , think about your lifetime.
Dont really care about stems it is what it is but one to their own
Dont really care about stems it is what it is but one to their own

I'd say it's because if you got a bag with some nice buds but they were on long thick stalks then, as a customer, you'd be paying for the weight of the stalks and receiving less of the useable product. Even if they turn up to the supplier with long stalks, they should be removed before getting passed on to the customer, not because the supplier has to but because it makes happy customers and good business relations.

This is a ridiculously old post not sure why it’s doing the rounds again 🤣
But thanks for all the replies great to see different view points on it 😊✌️
But thanks for all the replies great to see different view points on it 😊✌️

1 post
+3 votes
Wtaf is up with royal fail...
In nearly 3 years of mostly weekly deliveries from many different vendors, I've never had a parcel go missing.
I've had some take longer than expect…

Wtaf is up with royal fail...
This is more of a rant than anything else but Royal Mail has been the absolute bane of my existence as of recent. Not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 parcels have miraculously just disappeared within their system at this point. Amounting to something like £200 that I've had to spend to rectify the issues. It's absolutely ridiculous... I mean, do the posties know what's in the parcels and just steal them? Bc I know the process when things are seized and can very likely say that's not the case. With the most recent issue, it hasn't even been scanned in at the mail centre let alone moved anywhere. I'm really starting to lose my rag with them.. I'd be as well sending stuff out via carrier pigeon at this point... Has anyone been facing similar issues with them? I know everyone has differing opinions on RM, but to lose 4 out of the last 20 parcels that have been sent out is not a coincidence. I refuse to believe that it even could be any sort of mistake. I really just wanna hear people's experience with them in recent times and whether there's been any problems for any other biggas. I'm sorry for the angry tone of this message, times are trying enough at the moment without having to fork out money down to either awful service or thieving ratbags.

Post a apple air tag to a friend into the same postbox with the same packaging and see what happens

Ooooo now there's an idea!!! I never would've thought of that myself, so thank you! I'll procure an airtag in the next day or 2 and see what the dealio is here

You can get copy air tags from amazon, a lot cheaper and still serve the same purpose. Like £12 so buy a few more and scatter them around. Regards buffy x

All you can do is change your routine, different post office. Other than that it’s just a very poor service atm.

I agree, altho I just print the labels and stick them in post boxes so I'm not sure what to do but I'm thinking I'll use DPD and see how we get on... they've been great in the 2 or 3 parcels I've sent with them and seem at least better than RM

I used to sell a shitload on eBay, and I refused to send via ParcelFarce, or if it was demanded by buyers it's at their risk. Please don't use couriers to send drugs thinking it's a better and more reliable service, as it's far from it.
I wonder if they still have the elephant at the PF depots, as he must still be fairly young 20 years later, and could still tapdance on all parcels that enter the depot, even now. They must have one, as it's the only rational explanation for what happened to anything entrusted into their care.
I wonder if they still have the elephant at the PF depots, as he must still be fairly young 20 years later, and could still tapdance on all parcels that enter the depot, even now. They must have one, as it's the only rational explanation for what happened to anything entrusted into their care.

I dunno about the elephant, but they have a customs dog preventing anything coming into Ireland, with dog years and everything he shouldn’t be to far off retirement 🤞🏻😩

Aw shiiit yea UK to IE or vice versa can be super risky.. which is kinda daft seeing as mainland Britain to NI is always good. I've had a couple people get Northern Irish PO boxes and make the drive up just so it's quicker and easier, and there's really no drama there

You have a very good point! RM are actually kinda ok besides potentially the odd thief, which ig makes sense due to a lot of staff being agency. But they at least don't lose stuff very often or seize stuff that isn't obvious af. Idk, there's bound to be a workaround..

Ooo ok thank you for saying! That's handy to know! I was gonna try and use a few different couriers but there's too many sleekit bastards now... It seems the worse off that people get, the worse they act

I’ve never used them to deliver before but I got a few parcels from the states that had their sticky paws in. It was a botched job,rough Stanley blade and tape job.The square USPS boxes.
I swear to god those boxes are a dead Fucken giveaway. 90% off the time they contain drugs and to be fair if you’re around dope most of your life, you’ve probably received every form off packing/letter & can tell what’s in it by looking at it, Chances are most off the couriers & postman are the same & can pick them out just as easily!!
Thanks fuck an post are 100% when it comes to express post. Lucky I guess.
I swear to god those boxes are a dead Fucken giveaway. 90% off the time they contain drugs and to be fair if you’re around dope most of your life, you’ve probably received every form off packing/letter & can tell what’s in it by looking at it, Chances are most off the couriers & postman are the same & can pick them out just as easily!!
Thanks fuck an post are 100% when it comes to express post. Lucky I guess.

The bastards... now I'm starting to question whether any courier will pull through consistently.....

Uhhh I'm not too sure really.. I wouldn't wanna risk having a bigger order seized by another courier and I'm really not sure how much other couriers cost. I've used DPD in the past and honestly they're spot on, and not far off the price of RM

Royal mail Special delivery by 1pm you can’t go wrong. You post before 2 and it’s there next day. I’ve not had anything go missing on send.

Sorry to hear of your issues. Bloody unfair in what you correctly point out are hard times for most.
From a buyers perspective, they are a nightmare too.
Had several parcels take 8-9 days when previous from the same vendors took 2 or 3 absolute max. Really gets the old nerves jangling!
Locally I have noticed we are only getting deliveries maybe 3 times a week rather than everyday previously, perhaps part of the issue.
Not had any go missing thankfully, getting on well with my regular postie maybe helps, but the general service is pish!
From a buyers perspective, they are a nightmare too.
Had several parcels take 8-9 days when previous from the same vendors took 2 or 3 absolute max. Really gets the old nerves jangling!
Locally I have noticed we are only getting deliveries maybe 3 times a week rather than everyday previously, perhaps part of the issue.
Not had any go missing thankfully, getting on well with my regular postie maybe helps, but the general service is pish!

Yea it's absolutely nerve wracking to say the least! You just never know what the score is with them... Sometimes the service and deliveries are spot on, and sometimes it's just pointless trying.
Ohh, I didn't know they'd lessened the deliveries in some places, but that might be a part of it, just kinda not operating at the capacity they were a few months back. And it's good to get on with the postie for sure! My local one is a gem, and to say the least they're working hard, but agreed that the service is utter shite atm... All I can do is hope and pray!
Ohh, I didn't know they'd lessened the deliveries in some places, but that might be a part of it, just kinda not operating at the capacity they were a few months back. And it's good to get on with the postie for sure! My local one is a gem, and to say the least they're working hard, but agreed that the service is utter shite atm... All I can do is hope and pray!

Positive mental attitude. 'Tis the only way.
And as Colin575 says, varying the routines and keep the b******s guessing!
And as Colin575 says, varying the routines and keep the b******s guessing!

You're right! Whatever the case, it's best to keep a positive mindset, being negative won't make things move faster.. despite what I might convince myself lmaoo
And indeedo! It seems like changing things up regularly would help out, and I did kinda get complacent so maybe it's partly my own fault
And indeedo! It seems like changing things up regularly would help out, and I did kinda get complacent so maybe it's partly my own fault

No self-blame, nobody is perfect and we all need reminders.
"Never be complacent", easy to say but oh so hard to really live.
Ironically, I'm actually a committed pessimist so I'm trying to convince myself to be positive as much as anyone!
"Never be complacent", easy to say but oh so hard to really live.
Ironically, I'm actually a committed pessimist so I'm trying to convince myself to be positive as much as anyone!

Hell yea! I think we could all be better in areas like this, complacency and being optimistic about stuff, but if we're noticing these things and making an effort to change we're already miles ahead of a heck of a lot of people!

In nearly 3 years of mostly weekly deliveries from many different vendors, I've never had a parcel go missing.
I've had some take longer than expected, I've had some that didn't get scanned but then just turned up. I've even had one fully go missing in the system for 9 weeks, then just magically arrive covered in muddy bootprints.
So, as far as I've seen, they always turn up if they've been sent.
It's probs all good, but still best to keep them on their toes. Only put a couple in per postbox, change up where it's sent from, have a variety of different looking packaging each day, use a return address of a local business someone runs from their home etc.
Juice 💚 💦
I've had some take longer than expected, I've had some that didn't get scanned but then just turned up. I've even had one fully go missing in the system for 9 weeks, then just magically arrive covered in muddy bootprints.
So, as far as I've seen, they always turn up if they've been sent.
It's probs all good, but still best to keep them on their toes. Only put a couple in per postbox, change up where it's sent from, have a variety of different looking packaging each day, use a return address of a local business someone runs from their home etc.
Juice 💚 💦

Dayum! That's a crazy long time, and also pretty reassuring! It's just weird af how some of mine get to their final delivery office and then just.. seem to disappear off the face of the earth.. but who knows! They might actually turn up in weeks to come battered and bruised 🤣
And good idea! I'm definitely gonna start changing stuff up now, I might even go to the next town over and post some stuff, or at least have a look-see at other options
And good idea! I'm definitely gonna start changing stuff up now, I might even go to the next town over and post some stuff, or at least have a look-see at other options

Posties steal them. It gets nicked when they collect from the red boxes. That way it doesnt reach the sorting office.

Unfortunately it's looking that way... I didn't think they'd bother their arse but ig some of them can just sense there's something in there and take the chance. I'm thinking I'm gonna send a few absolutely pointless and mundane things to friends in other parts of the country with the same packaging and see how far they get. I just think it'd be funny af for a thieving postie to take what they think is bud and end up with like a pair of stinky socks and a note saying "STOP STEALING MY SHIT"

Next time send a few of ur normal looking packages , but put a nicely sized 💩 inside them & mail them to a buddy’s address & see how many off them land 😈

HAHAHA YESSS I like that thinking! I've just breathed a huge sigh of relief that the package is actually moving now, but I'm still kinda pissed about the 3 before this getting lost, so I think I'm gonna send things to people in specific areas where there's been issues in the past and see what goes down. A shite and an air tag 🤣🤣

Bravo in the old words of one of my fave punk bands The exploited "Beat the bastards, beat em Now"

If someone sees a pattern and they get lucky then they will know next time what to look for. Probably best is to improve/change stealth and use other areas. Its mostly personal stuff being sent through red boxes(I assume) so if you get 10 brown parcels the same but diff addresses you might assume its something naughty.

Yea this is very true.. honestly I think I should've been a bit more careful with where things were posted and how they were packaged. Someone probably has noticed a pattern and seen their chance. I'll still give this one time! You never know, it could just be a hold up! It's just bloody annoying :/

Something definitely fishy there, sorry to hear you’re having issues!
Since May I’ve had only one of 25 or so not turn up and I had to get a reship, some weeks later the first pack turns up with name and address slightly misspelled so wasn’t even RM error 🤷♂️
They’ve definitely been a bit slower for me recently I’m in a big city and sometimes the postie isn’t here until half 4 some weeks.
You’re saying it’s not been scanned in anywhere so this tracked mail? That’s crazy man, are these dropped at a post office and it disappears from there or is it a click and collect type malarkey and it’s never shown in RM system?
Since May I’ve had only one of 25 or so not turn up and I had to get a reship, some weeks later the first pack turns up with name and address slightly misspelled so wasn’t even RM error 🤷♂️
They’ve definitely been a bit slower for me recently I’m in a big city and sometimes the postie isn’t here until half 4 some weeks.
You’re saying it’s not been scanned in anywhere so this tracked mail? That’s crazy man, are these dropped at a post office and it disappears from there or is it a click and collect type malarkey and it’s never shown in RM system?

Tbf like.. 1/25 isn't too bad at all, especially where it's the error of whoever made the label over a royal fail error, ups and downs I suppose! And it's kinda good to know things are just running slower, it was only posted yesterday but with every parcel before this it's shown at the sorting office no later than like 11pm. Before I was too involved in LB/this page, there were a few which didn't get there til the next morning, but even at that, they were moving through the system wayyyyy before 24h had passed.
And yea literally.. I printed the label and put it in a priority postbox about 2pm yesterday, and made triple sure today that the collection time was 5pm Mon-Fri. It shows "sender dispatching item" but nothing at all from there.. usually by now it'd at the VERY least say "received at mail centre" but I really don't know.. maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit but it's abnormal for it to move this slowly...
And yea literally.. I printed the label and put it in a priority postbox about 2pm yesterday, and made triple sure today that the collection time was 5pm Mon-Fri. It shows "sender dispatching item" but nothing at all from there.. usually by now it'd at the VERY least say "received at mail centre" but I really don't know.. maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit but it's abnormal for it to move this slowly...

All i know about RM at the minute is that the exodus of good staff is continuing, and being replaced with new lower paid staff.
Also, i believe they intend to switch delivery days to Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun, and give the posties Mon & Tues off, since there's so little mail to deliver on Mon & Tues.
Also, i believe they intend to switch delivery days to Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun, and give the posties Mon & Tues off, since there's so little mail to deliver on Mon & Tues.

Yeaaa im hearing that a lot.. that many RM workers are leaving and being replaced with agency or what have you. But dang! That's pretty inconvenient for a lot of people :/
I just hope whatever happens that they get back on their game soon! Aside from my problems with them, they have a lot of competition with other couriers atm, and honestly if I'm ordering anything from ebay or something I'd opt for dpd over RM atm...
I just hope whatever happens that they get back on their game soon! Aside from my problems with them, they have a lot of competition with other couriers atm, and honestly if I'm ordering anything from ebay or something I'd opt for dpd over RM atm...

3 posts
+6 votes

They got pretty good security round here, probs no need to be worrying about things like that happening. Thanks, good luck with yours too
+ 3 more

Hi everyone I’ve recently ordered of pistach of a few items but my order is not showing as sent nor is he/she replied to my messages,my orders get sent to my private box but don’t want to keep ringing to see if it’s arrived.
I know it’s been bank holiday mon and yesterday,anyone have any advice?
I know it’s been bank holiday mon and yesterday,anyone have any advice?

I've been trying to get a custom order since xmas eve, i know its been bank holiday so no orders can be sent until today but todays the first day things are back to normal for a few days untill new year and more bank holidays and they haven't even been online today. Now its even past their cut off time. I just wanted some smoke before it sells out but looks like ill miss out again

same here, usualy reliable but the last few weeks they've been awful. Ignoring messages saying sent when it wasnt and now just not doing anything...i paid an ndd two days ago and nothing....

The bank holidays meant there was no one working at the post offices. So things should be back to normal now with stuff being sent out over the next few hours. Just keep checking til the order says sent I guess

Yea I see the product looks fire and the reviews are 10/10 I’m more thinking somehow the site has been taken over like another marketplace S.R. Good luck with your order hopefully it’ll work out ok

They got pretty good security round here, probs no need to be worrying about things like that happening. Thanks, good luck with yours too

The security on this site even for vendors and users is one of the worst with over 1000 flaws in security leaks. we have tried to contact and help the site but they don't seem too bothered - The site makes over 50k profit in sales from customers and buyers. with no security improvements or site improvements.

Vogue lot said they changed hands or now just have more people running it a guy from Edinburgh who was a shill for London Caviar. - No doubt they'll send stuff out but less questions. less hassle for them and they will no doubt be selective scammers You could go on Insta and find Pistach via order their sometimes quicker but again sometimes longer as they usually have ot got in stock what they advertise and they'll hit u with alternative stock now this is 100% truth. Just mores stress then it's worth when so many good vendors. Even good vendors who get bad name because it's these big vendors tricking.

100 percent, they send you banging grade 1st couple of orders , then theh send you unsmokeabke garbage as replacement items without telling you. Not worth the cheap price as other vendors who charge a bit more are 100percent reliable and honest

Same here mate, just putting a comment to try and bump this up! Communication is terrible yet I see online regular but ignore the messages. Such a shame. Regards, Buffy x

1st of September and still no package, and no response in the messages, the dispute has been opened.

super sorry for poor comms the past 2 weeks, we are having issues offline and processing orders come first, comms are very important and we are getting onto it asap.all issues are being sorted and will be compensated.
please dont let this create a negative image of JustWeed. we will always sort out any problems or issues at hand.
please dont let this create a negative image of JustWeed. we will always sort out any problems or issues at hand.

Just to update - it's now Monday 28th August 2023 and currently waiting for it to get sent out
Will update when resolved :)
Will update when resolved :)

Well, it's now Thursday 31st August 2023 and there's been no word since I sent over the delivery address (twice)
Looks like I'll be getting that dispute on the go on Friday.
No bad vibes to Justweed..
Juice 💚 💦
Looks like I'll be getting that dispute on the go on Friday.
No bad vibes to Justweed..
Juice 💚 💦

1 post
+3 votes
Gone rouge?
Never had anything "go missing" in 3 years. Most times it just never got sent

Gone rouge?
Ordered a week ago, no tracking number and no show — have since messaged multiple times with no reply.
Am now getting worried as I’m seeing more and more reviews saying that stealth is lacking and it is possible to smell though the pack, making me think mine has been intercepted.
Just leaving this as a warning to other biggas as I still haven’t heard a single thing from the vendor and I’m concerned about security / stealth
Am now getting worried as I’m seeing more and more reviews saying that stealth is lacking and it is possible to smell though the pack, making me think mine has been intercepted.
Just leaving this as a warning to other biggas as I still haven’t heard a single thing from the vendor and I’m concerned about security / stealth

avoid this vendor like the plague, comms dont exist with this guy, the "high quality" is far from it, every product i've had is over listed and under weight, his "premium shake" is full of hair, brown leafs and assortment of random particles. Would stay far away from strainsburys - plenty of better vendors

I've used them a few times with no problem but the last time I didn't get what I ordered and when I tried to tell them I just got ignored not going to bother using them again

I'm also glad to say that strainsbury's have been good to their word and finally sent through what I originally ordered. I got the Cali sample pack and the grapes and cream frostiest thing I've ever seen.
Once more once more a happy customer😊✌
Once more once more a happy customer😊✌

Update 18th Aug 23
It did take a long time and a lot of hassle but I have received a full refund as per their manifesto and comms have resumed.
It did take a long time and a lot of hassle but I have received a full refund as per their manifesto and comms have resumed.

Thats well strange for strainsurys
. Theres still new reviews on there so hes still up n running .
. Theres still new reviews on there so hes still up n running .

Yeah I’ve never had an issue with them before either. The new reviews are making me even more anxious that mine has been intercepted as I don’t think Royal Mail would take this long on a NDD :(

Posties prob smelt it and stuck it in his glove box for later 🙄
Loads of royal mail post goes missing
Loads of royal mail post goes missing

Hey guys, I've responded to almost everyone and We're sorting out a solution everyone is happy with, either a refund or reship, if I have not yet responded to you please message me today, Ill make sure its all sorted.

3 posts
+7 votes

Good old style soap bar?
Try checking out the menu of Dr Greenthumb or Eddys Hashbar
A great selection of hash from both
Juice 💚 💦
+ 3 more
I was literally coming here to write exactly that.
I can verify this. Get the Red Leb :)
Juice 💚 💦
I can verify this. Get the Red Leb :)
Juice 💚 💦

SR3 stamp from shroom of the loom is very much like ye olde soap I’ve got me self nearly 10g of the stuff
It’s not the strongest but I like it,beautiful stuff when vaped through my Xmax v3 pro, I like as much if not more than the expensive filtered hash
I think Shroom of the loom might be on holiday at the moment and I think they might be running out of the stuff as well because they only selling 3.5g
I’m oldish and I definitely recommend it
Good luck.
It’s not the strongest but I like it,beautiful stuff when vaped through my Xmax v3 pro, I like as much if not more than the expensive filtered hash
I think Shroom of the loom might be on holiday at the moment and I think they might be running out of the stuff as well because they only selling 3.5g
I’m oldish and I definitely recommend it
Good luck.

Not tried the SR3 but it seems pretty popular. I enjoyed the Audi hash that shroom had a while back.
Mr B has a nice morrocan Sputnik at the mo.
I also think TGD’s Pakistani and Afghan are really great.
The Afghan high is great, it’s kind of potent yet functional and leaves you grinning and the Pakistani gives me proper red eye and a great nights sleep!
I’ve ordered some of eddy’s red and blonde lebs too which I can’t wait to try and report back once they land.
I don’t miss picking bits of plastic or diesel scented soap bar of yesteryear! Thankfully we’re pretty spoilt on here.
Mr B has a nice morrocan Sputnik at the mo.
I also think TGD’s Pakistani and Afghan are really great.
The Afghan high is great, it’s kind of potent yet functional and leaves you grinning and the Pakistani gives me proper red eye and a great nights sleep!
I’ve ordered some of eddy’s red and blonde lebs too which I can’t wait to try and report back once they land.
I don’t miss picking bits of plastic or diesel scented soap bar of yesteryear! Thankfully we’re pretty spoilt on here.

Yeah nice one the audi stamp is really nice still got some left just ordered 1g of red leb too,I don’t smoke a lot so everything lasts me ages,got me quite a selection of hashes😍

The SR3 was nice, the cloud of it was white and the stone was spot on. The green team do a very nice range of Kush hash.

I seem to be in a hash phase so have been trying a few. If you're still looking then get in on Eddy's Lebanese Blonde while it lasts. 👍 I got 7g of it and have been smashing through it faster than expected so might need to get more myself.
I can also recommend TGT's Royal Maroc, looks and smells very much like the hash I used to get back in the mid 90s but without all the crap in it. Nice and clean, really strong for an old school hash too IMO.
I can also recommend TGT's Royal Maroc, looks and smells very much like the hash I used to get back in the mid 90s but without all the crap in it. Nice and clean, really strong for an old school hash too IMO.

Try checking out the menu of Dr Greenthumb or Eddys Hashbar
A great selection of hash from both
Juice 💚 💦
A great selection of hash from both
Juice 💚 💦

SR3 Stamp from Shoom of the Loom is very much like what I used to smoke in my youth in the mid 90’s. It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for for years. Perfect balanced mellow high. The hash looks and feels like decent old skool hash with none of the nasties. Not the most flavourful but a great price. Eddys Hasbars 🏴 stamp is great too. Great tasting mellow indica.

Yeah if you remember red seal black from yesteryear the gentleman dealers Pakistani black is the most like that in terms of the high.

I'll be making some "soapbar" style hash ASAP. Just gathering materials so to speak, but I'm on a mission to revive the 250g stamped pillow shaped bars. There won't be anything except cannabis in it, unlike pretty much all soapy or rocky from back in the day. But having done many hash experiments, the one that resembles the taste of soapbar the most is a mixture of lower grade kief and rosin from aged buds (the browner and more solid dabs you may come across sometimes). It brings back a weird level of hash nostalgia while also being pure, clean cannabis. On that note, if anybody has well aged flower or older extracts, please don't hesitate to message. I'm interested!

You're formulating 9 bars from a mix different products, AND making them just in the same style? I'm intrigued.
This only just came to me in a flash of stoner inspiration, but did we call that soap bar because of the shape and indentation, as it's the same shape as a bar of Imperial Leather?
This only just came to me in a flash of stoner inspiration, but did we call that soap bar because of the shape and indentation, as it's the same shape as a bar of Imperial Leather?

I think they were called soap bars because they represented bars of soap, and interestingly they never weighed 9oz.
4 bars of solids was equal to 1kg, so although lots of us called them "9 bars" they weren't.
9 x 28.35 = 255.15
So you were always about a quarter under on every bar and an ounce under on each key if you assumed they all weighed 9 zips.
Not a big deal... but always got under my skin a bit.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
4 bars of solids was equal to 1kg, so although lots of us called them "9 bars" they weren't.
9 x 28.35 = 255.15
So you were always about a quarter under on every bar and an ounce under on each key if you assumed they all weighed 9 zips.
Not a big deal... but always got under my skin a bit.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

I'm glad someone else measured and remembers that 0.35g. One of the weird things that got me and GameChanger interacting on some topic too was me pointing that out.
I did wonder about the weight of '9 bars' when I saw that now everything is metric in weight and 100g with a weight disclaimer seems popular, so they probably were back then too, considering it was just us and the US that used imperial, and us only for drugs these days.
So we're looking at 35oz/key? That's relatively easy to remember and convert from either way.
I did wonder about the weight of '9 bars' when I saw that now everything is metric in weight and 100g with a weight disclaimer seems popular, so they probably were back then too, considering it was just us and the US that used imperial, and us only for drugs these days.
So we're looking at 35oz/key? That's relatively easy to remember and convert from either way.

Yup, 1000/28.35 = 35.3
35 oz per key when allowing for wastage etc.
So every 9 bar of solids was over sold by about 5-6g.
Doesn't bother me now as I grow, but yeah, 9 bars were never "9 oz" bars, they were 25% of a kilo - 250g.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
35 oz per key when allowing for wastage etc.
So every 9 bar of solids was over sold by about 5-6g.
Doesn't bother me now as I grow, but yeah, 9 bars were never "9 oz" bars, they were 25% of a kilo - 250g.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Interesting. Thanks for confirming my suspicions mate. Clearly they weren't measuring those bars with 36 2p pieces, as was traditional for weights and measures.

That's why honest dealers back in the day would lose out with the pan scales in the purple velvet box.😉
1p - 3.6g
2p - 7.2g
and so on
So if you cut up an old school bar of solids on that basis...the ounces should be 28.8g each.
Which makes it even worse.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
1p - 3.6g
2p - 7.2g
and so on
So if you cut up an old school bar of solids on that basis...the ounces should be 28.8g each.
Which makes it even worse.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Hell BB i remember when we used a half pence for a 16th still got one in my old pans lol
As for why it was called soap bar well its not to do with the bar shape as i remember it first came in squares wrapped in cardboard,someone once told me it was because they smuggled it into the country in soap boxes to get by the sniffer dogs,though he might have been full of shit lol
As for why it was called soap bar well its not to do with the bar shape as i remember it first came in squares wrapped in cardboard,someone once told me it was because they smuggled it into the country in soap boxes to get by the sniffer dogs,though he might have been full of shit lol

My mum found my market tippers and threw them away! They were only a quid from the market, so not sure why whe bothered. She also too a roll of super microdots which looked very similar to clipper flints...not sure if she ever tried to use them 😃

I was always told that 1p was exactly 1/8 and it scaled with the coppers, and it was done as a weighing system for banking purposes. Just looked it up and it's apparently 3.56g per 1p. No wonder one guy kept trying to weigh with an obvious Pog on the scale, back in the day. Asked him to take it off.
Was that scale standard issue? My guy definitely had that, and a jar of change.
Was that scale standard issue? My guy definitely had that, and a jar of change.

2p for a q as well... we are showing our age. Now can anyone remember weed being dealt by volume and not weight? 2, 3, 4 fingers up the side of the bag!

Apologies for the late reply. Yea, it won't be wildly different products since I'm trying to get different things in bulk, but it should be pretty much identical to the old soapy, minus the contaminants.
And yea I do believe it was called that due to the shape, certainly not because it's in any way clean! 🤣
Also a nice little trick for anyone who has enough kief, if you put it in the clear plastic that tobacco pouches come in, fold and tape it and then press it, you've got a perfect pillow shaped bar, only without that weird shine that 9 bars had. On the good ones it was because it was melted, on the bad ones that were hard as a rock... well... bees wax might've played a big part in their appearance
And yea I do believe it was called that due to the shape, certainly not because it's in any way clean! 🤣
Also a nice little trick for anyone who has enough kief, if you put it in the clear plastic that tobacco pouches come in, fold and tape it and then press it, you've got a perfect pillow shaped bar, only without that weird shine that 9 bars had. On the good ones it was because it was melted, on the bad ones that were hard as a rock... well... bees wax might've played a big part in their appearance

What 😬😲 gold seal is nothing like soap bar 🤣🤣 Its very hard to source good soap since back around 2005 .

Good old soap bar. You could smell it a mile off. Done a wee bit of work back in the day and my wee maws cellar was stacked so I had to hide the key from them. Didn’t have mobiles so my mate was never away from my bedroom window. 🤣

1 post
+1 votes
Pink Truffles now added!
I was literally just thinking about truffles yesterday. Hmm 🤔
Interesting, not had truffles since my last time in Dam, always felt they are a bit more unpredictable than fruiting bodies, might have to dip my toe soon.

1 post
+1 votes

Oil to add to vape liquid wanted plz
Buy an extract. Wax, budder, shatter it's all good. Then make vape liquid with that. Look for wax liquidizer online :)
Juice 💚 💦
Buy an extract. Wax, budder, shatter it's all good. Then make vape liquid with that. Look for wax liquidizer online :)
Juice 💚 💦
Juice 💚 💦

1 post
+3 votes
Came for the hash and left with flower!
Hmm, got me tempted now 🤔

Came for the hash and left with flower!

As the title says, I came for Eddys hash selection but left with this beautiful representation of Gelato Cake!
I’ve been looking at Eddys ‘hash porn’ for a while now and have enjoyed being a fiendish voyeur of his wears for some time 😂 😅😉
Thought it was about time that I pulled my finger out ( not out my arse lol) and got something!
Thing is, I have been smoking some of my mates lovely home grows for a while now.. both his strains are very tasty but I really needed a terp change!
So as I scrolled down the page getting lost in all the different varieties of extracts, I saw the gelato cake! The reviews looked great and it’s very different to what I currently have..
So thought fuck it, did a complete 180 and ended up buying a Q….
The buds are naturally tight in structure and has a beautiful gelato/cakey sweet smell. 🤤
Grinds up really well and its not overly cured or fresh and under cured.
It has a lovely even and slow burn which is nice, clean and smooth which makes for a lovely smoke.
It also tastes just like it smells! 🎉 and hits very nicely 😵💫
Don’t tend to do many reviews etc these days, due to the real world taking up a lot of my time.. but felt compelled to say thanks to Eddy! and I will get round to trying your hash one day 😂😂😅
I’ve been looking at Eddys ‘hash porn’ for a while now and have enjoyed being a fiendish voyeur of his wears for some time 😂 😅😉
Thought it was about time that I pulled my finger out ( not out my arse lol) and got something!
Thing is, I have been smoking some of my mates lovely home grows for a while now.. both his strains are very tasty but I really needed a terp change!
So as I scrolled down the page getting lost in all the different varieties of extracts, I saw the gelato cake! The reviews looked great and it’s very different to what I currently have..
So thought fuck it, did a complete 180 and ended up buying a Q….
The buds are naturally tight in structure and has a beautiful gelato/cakey sweet smell. 🤤
Grinds up really well and its not overly cured or fresh and under cured.
It has a lovely even and slow burn which is nice, clean and smooth which makes for a lovely smoke.
It also tastes just like it smells! 🎉 and hits very nicely 😵💫
Don’t tend to do many reviews etc these days, due to the real world taking up a lot of my time.. but felt compelled to say thanks to Eddy! and I will get round to trying your hash one day 😂😂😅

Def worth a punt dude!
It’s one of those smokes that’s seem to last me ages lol. Normally get through 3 king size joints in an evening.. but last night only had one and a half. 💪
Also, a big part for me, was the change in terp profile from what I’ve been currently having.. but still doesn’t change the fact that this is a nice all round smoke. 😁
It’s one of those smokes that’s seem to last me ages lol. Normally get through 3 king size joints in an evening.. but last night only had one and a half. 💪
Also, a big part for me, was the change in terp profile from what I’ve been currently having.. but still doesn’t change the fact that this is a nice all round smoke. 😁

2 posts
+4 votes

say something (not hilarious trolling the word something) say something x
Yep, and that's why they "need" to keep charging for fuel
+ 2 more
How is it that all human language is structured the same (nouns, verbs etc) no matter how diverse the people? Tribes that have never had contact with any other people in their history still talk the same way. There is apparently zero explanation for that, but it just is…

there’s big tribe in africa (i’ll find name and location soon) who’s language is clicks (tongue/mouth)

Yeah, I thought that but it’s not apparently about what is sounds like. Those clicks will still translate as “the happy cat sat on the fluffy mat” and for that structure to have evolved universally for all humans is supposed to be inexplicably weird. Who knew?

i agree, as a youtube research specialist though they don’t because of lightning strikes (fries the thing/batteries) and they’re pretty delicate easy to crack

wish i had more money keep running out of Bud :/ ... oh wish i had my X back n she didn't ghost me 2 years ago on my B-day ... 20 years for nothing.. i genuinly hate the planet and the human race .... feel like a kid sat waiting for the fireworks to go off and then all i got was a sparkler ... :/ is that enough of something???

Mate look on the bright-side, you have some weed to smoke and internet access to come converse with the Biggaz. ;)
As for your Ex, there's 4 billion other females out there. One day you'll find a woman so good that you cringe at the thought of even contemplating missing your ex.
I wish you the best in all realms of human endeavor and stay safe friend.
As for your Ex, there's 4 billion other females out there. One day you'll find a woman so good that you cringe at the thought of even contemplating missing your ex.
I wish you the best in all realms of human endeavor and stay safe friend.

you'll know when you find your soulmate if they leave noone will beable to replace them .. even if they did some bad stuff ...

na im on PiP n UC i don't have any money lol i bearly can afford my smoke n thats coz i don't pay rent or i'd be on my arse :/

yea that rock’n’roll money goes a lot further in Thailand, you could rent your place here out? unless you physically have to turn up and see them ever month and all that. You can stay in the beach villa for free blood 🥃

i hear you brother
the tide always turns mate - bad to good back to bad - i bet in two years time you’re life will be a whole lot nicer 🥃
sucks for all of us mate
the tide always turns mate - bad to good back to bad - i bet in two years time you’re life will be a whole lot nicer 🥃
sucks for all of us mate

money huh. surely for this warrior’s next purchase men can apply a few samples for him
*help, comfort and the chin up and fast forward thing is like throwing one of those super heavy lifefloat rings at drowning man and it hitting man on the head
hopefully some traders see this and remember your name for a few extra sample bags - up to you mate but i’d ask at point of purchase - extra quarter gram
*help, comfort and the chin up and fast forward thing is like throwing one of those super heavy lifefloat rings at drowning man and it hitting man on the head
hopefully some traders see this and remember your name for a few extra sample bags - up to you mate but i’d ask at point of purchase - extra quarter gram

1 post
+4 votes
Rosin Vapes/Carts
Someone needs to take up the Rosin 510 CCell cart gauntlet.
There's a Total gap in the market right now with SCL leaving.
But, important stuff for w…

Rosin Vapes/Carts
hi im new here and am from the uk ihave been looking for some rosin vape or carts and have only found distillate carts and disposables anyone got any recommended vendors

Can't really add to what has been said. SCL would have been your go to but all the others also.
I seen MJ concentrates had a crystal cart mix which looked interesting but will have to wait until after my hash adventure.
I did see however TheBitz420 has a website that I got a sticker in my tester from them in and had a look. They had the 0.5 one SCL had.
2 things from what I seen it's not covered by transact and the price was far more than you would have paid with SCL.
I would do what pollypuff20 and I did see what funds you have and stock up on SCL carts. I think I'm about to cry (I have 3 carts left)
I seen MJ concentrates had a crystal cart mix which looked interesting but will have to wait until after my hash adventure.
I did see however TheBitz420 has a website that I got a sticker in my tester from them in and had a look. They had the 0.5 one SCL had.
2 things from what I seen it's not covered by transact and the price was far more than you would have paid with SCL.
I would do what pollypuff20 and I did see what funds you have and stock up on SCL carts. I think I'm about to cry (I have 3 carts left)

Dr extracts may be worth looking at. I'd also recommend serial chiller labs but they are on an indefinite break right now. If you go to the items page and press ctrl+f and search for resin, carts or rosin etc you can filter your results that way.

No problem! The site is pretty primitive but it works and it's a god send so I can't grumble! Dr Terpy also does some carts which are well rated but are made from distillate. My last cart was Girl Scout Cookies from Dr Extract and it was great but he's on holiday at the minute

Someone needs to take up the Rosin 510 CCell cart gauntlet.
There's a Total gap in the market right now with SCL leaving.
But, important stuff for whoever takes on the Rosin crowd, it needs to be JUST ROSIN with absolutely NO ADDED TERPENES also NO VG / PG
This is why SCL was so perfect
Someone need to do it, and whoever does, if they tick all the boxes I'll be buying on the very regular 💚💦
There's a Total gap in the market right now with SCL leaving.
But, important stuff for whoever takes on the Rosin crowd, it needs to be JUST ROSIN with absolutely NO ADDED TERPENES also NO VG / PG
This is why SCL was so perfect
Someone need to do it, and whoever does, if they tick all the boxes I'll be buying on the very regular 💚💦

I'm surprised for the amount of love out there for Rosin carts, its a nice extract and we use it for a lot of other work. But its not the best imho for carts.
We used rosin a lot in carts before and found a sweet spot. But rosin can often screw up the carts faster than necessary.
We switched over to live resin for our carts and these were a BIG UPGRADE. More clear strain profile ( an all natural profile - no terps or naff BS ) and a much nicer user experience for the vapor.
I've never come across SCL in the dark circles, so would be interested to stack our carts up against them and get the quality and PP that you guys are looking for, I'm sure that we can push this forward.
All the best to you and yours,
We used rosin a lot in carts before and found a sweet spot. But rosin can often screw up the carts faster than necessary.
We switched over to live resin for our carts and these were a BIG UPGRADE. More clear strain profile ( an all natural profile - no terps or naff BS ) and a much nicer user experience for the vapor.
I've never come across SCL in the dark circles, so would be interested to stack our carts up against them and get the quality and PP that you guys are looking for, I'm sure that we can push this forward.
All the best to you and yours,

I've had 2 kurvanna's I'm gonna order a friendly farm, I think the raw gardens are nice he does some nice concentrates as well 22k I had 2 stiizy diamonds last month

Ive two of these on route to me from Hashishin. Top landrace and exotic dealer. Stealth is the best of the best and his products are always 10/10.

The Good News: Serial Chiller Labs make the best pure rosin carts known to man.
The Bad News: they are closing down this month
The Good News: They have a closing down sale
The Bad News : They are closing!😭
Get there fast, here’s the link:
The Bad News: they are closing down this month
The Good News: They have a closing down sale
The Bad News : They are closing!😭
Get there fast, here’s the link:

I don’t know, I don’t like to pry, it’s their business of course. My last order has just arrived, nice bundle of carts I’ll have to make last! 🥺

We used to use Rosin but have found the live resin more has a much more complex strain profile and they taste spot on!
We stock Live Resin and Distillate carts.
We stock Live Resin and Distillate carts.

Agreed, for sure check out sayno2drugs, has very strong carts

3 posts
+7 votes
Top Shelf Cali PROMO
If that was getting sent from UK at those promo prices, it would be a purchase not to pass up on
+ 3 more

Top Shelf Cali PROMO

Hey biggas!
We are now offering options of 1oz top shelf cali, shipped from US to International.
You must have 20+ buys and 0 disputes to order this.
Currently we have Cheesecake and Lemon Cherry at only $350/oz.
PROMO offer on both strains at ONLY $250/oz! (Only 3oz of each available)
Tell me where else you can get top shelf cali for these prices 🤐
As always it’s first come first served
Enjoy 💚
We are now offering options of 1oz top shelf cali, shipped from US to International.
You must have 20+ buys and 0 disputes to order this.
Currently we have Cheesecake and Lemon Cherry at only $350/oz.
PROMO offer on both strains at ONLY $250/oz! (Only 3oz of each available)
Tell me where else you can get top shelf cali for these prices 🤐
As always it’s first come first served
Enjoy 💚

We should assume most disputes are honest (such as an expensive pack from the US getting seized by customs for example) so why would you not take orders from anyone with a dispute ?

That’s a fair point.
I guess if someone has just about 20 buys but 1 dispute then it’s ok.
If you have like 50+ buys I probably won’t even consider the disputes.
I guess if someone has just about 20 buys but 1 dispute then it’s ok.
If you have like 50+ buys I probably won’t even consider the disputes.

You can sell to who you want but discriminating arbitrarily on a dispute count makes very little sense. The fact is that that the MORE somebody orders the more likely that they will eventually rack up disputes. Same with vendors- should I refuse to order from vendors with a load of sales but also some disputes?

Will chime in here and say I have 1 dispute missed the bit about that but GC took my order no problems didn’t cancel it. Appreciated reading this didn’t know I’d broken the rules 😆

Ain’t no rules around here but Biggy rules Bev. So many vendors write up their strict refund/reship policies and it don’t matter a fig…😉

Ye true story Polly 💯 😉 that’s why I don’t bother reading them a lot of the time 😂 will do from now on tho you never know.. don’t think the new vendors realise this sometimes

Also would a case of customs seizure definitely end in a dispute?
Tracking proves if it happened or not, and policy is stated as 50% reship if seized, what would there be to dispute?
Tracking proves if it happened or not, and policy is stated as 50% reship if seized, what would there be to dispute?

Well, yes it could because the Bigga is under no obligation to accept your 50%. LB T&C’s trump vendors every time….

So how does that work…
I don’t want anyone to order if they don’t agree to the 50% reship upon seizure
I don’t want anyone to order if they don’t agree to the 50% reship upon seizure

As a vendor you trade under LB terms the same way as we do. You can write a Constitution on your page (as could I) but it doesn’t ultimately mean anything- you can’t deny a bigga his right to dispute.
I actually believe in sharing the risk, but no Bigga has to accept a 50% reship…
I actually believe in sharing the risk, but no Bigga has to accept a 50% reship…

Ah I see what you mean.
Yeah I’m not denying anyones right to dispute - it would just be shady.
Yeah I’m not denying anyones right to dispute - it would just be shady.

If that was getting sent from UK at those promo prices, it would be a purchase not to pass up on

Nobody will sell you landed cali for that price, because it easily sells for double once it’s here.
However even at these prices from the US, still a very good deal as I’m offering 50% reship if it doesn’t land and your funds are protected on here.
However even at these prices from the US, still a very good deal as I’m offering 50% reship if it doesn’t land and your funds are protected on here.

I agree with you.
Hopefully we will have large Cali stock coming through soon so that we can ship UK to UK 👍
Hopefully we will have large Cali stock coming through soon so that we can ship UK to UK 👍

Define safe.
Land rate can vary but I would say it’s around 75-90% atm, if your pack/batch gets picked up randomly for extra checks at customs then there’s nothing anyone can really do about that 😕
In terms of anything happening to you if it gets seized, nothing will happen.
You will get a love letter from customs notifying you that it has been seized, and that if you disagree with their decision you can contact them. - just ignore this and it’s over.
I know a lot of people on here are worried about ordering internationally, but nobody is going to come after you for an oz of Cali getting seized.
Receiving illegal goods via post doesn’t mean that you ordered it - they have to prove this.
Anyone could send harmful drugs to an enemy’s address..
Land rate can vary but I would say it’s around 75-90% atm, if your pack/batch gets picked up randomly for extra checks at customs then there’s nothing anyone can really do about that 😕
In terms of anything happening to you if it gets seized, nothing will happen.
You will get a love letter from customs notifying you that it has been seized, and that if you disagree with their decision you can contact them. - just ignore this and it’s over.
I know a lot of people on here are worried about ordering internationally, but nobody is going to come after you for an oz of Cali getting seized.
Receiving illegal goods via post doesn’t mean that you ordered it - they have to prove this.
Anyone could send harmful drugs to an enemy’s address..

I had half oz seized last year and I had the pigs knocking at my door and a love letter so they do come after you lol

I had 2 oz’s seized few months back got letter ignored it nothing happened. Suppose it just depends on wether customs report it to the police, and wether they can be bothered to follow it up. Haven’t ordered any USA directly to my address since then, just been using a different address. Had 1 siezed out of about 30.

All they can do is knock.
Just tell them you have no idea what they’re talking about and it’s done.
Just tell them you have no idea what they’re talking about and it’s done.

2 posts
+4 votes
Competition time @Eddys Exclusive Prizes to be Won😮💨
Is that wax covered in a layer of hash?? Looks nuts 💚💦
+ 2 more

Competition time @Eddys Exclusive Prizes to be Won😮💨

Hey Biggas it’s time for another competition @Eddys and this time with prizes you don’t want to miss out on 🤔
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition as they seem to never get taken down but as a added bit of fun to enter the competition and receive a random number simply upvote and have a guess at the weight of the jungle boys boulder 🪨😁 .
There will be 2 exclusive prizes to be won (see comments for details). One for the correct winning number and the second prize will go to anyone who guesses the exact amount of the boulder . Now the prizes are brand new to market and exclusive so dont miss out on a chance to get lucky and bag one.
Simply upvote this post and make a guess to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on July 16th next Sunday so only a week to enter. Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition as they seem to never get taken down but as a added bit of fun to enter the competition and receive a random number simply upvote and have a guess at the weight of the jungle boys boulder 🪨😁 .
There will be 2 exclusive prizes to be won (see comments for details). One for the correct winning number and the second prize will go to anyone who guesses the exact amount of the boulder . Now the prizes are brand new to market and exclusive so dont miss out on a chance to get lucky and bag one.
Simply upvote this post and make a guess to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on July 16th next Sunday so only a week to enter. Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶

So biggas you’ve heard of hash Caviar ? Now introducing Eddys Beluga Caviar made with only the finest top grade ingredients🔥😵💫
The 2 winners will receive 1 each of these deliciously decadent treats to try😮💨🤤good luck to everyone.
Also If this comment receives enough upvotes and the interest is there these top shelf delights will be made available on my page via exclusive custom order only. Thanks Eddy🍭🫶
The 2 winners will receive 1 each of these deliciously decadent treats to try😮💨🤤good luck to everyone.
Also If this comment receives enough upvotes and the interest is there these top shelf delights will be made available on my page via exclusive custom order only. Thanks Eddy🍭🫶

Eddy's has become the Willy Wonka of weed! 🧁🍬🍭
These all look ridiculously special! 😍
I'm terrible at guessing, so my missus says 62.2g please
Fingers crossed! Thanks Eddy! ✌️💚😁
These all look ridiculously special! 😍
I'm terrible at guessing, so my missus says 62.2g please
Fingers crossed! Thanks Eddy! ✌️💚😁

Hey bud,
I'm not entering (if it wasn't for bad luck i wouldn't have any luck😂) lol just merely appreciating the pure THC porn lol,
Hope all is well with you and the fam,
I'm not entering (if it wasn't for bad luck i wouldn't have any luck😂) lol just merely appreciating the pure THC porn lol,
Hope all is well with you and the fam,

Can be custom made to any size imagine a 5g piece 😵💫this one has Alien breath sugar, JB Zkittles cake badder and coated in Golden pineapple shatter 1.1g total and its delicious 😋

Eddy the mad scientist! 🤓 Did you happen to come up with this in the early hours after a few too many edibles? 😂
Might have to get in on this, cheeky birthday present to myself 🤔
Might have to get in on this, cheeky birthday present to myself 🤔

Nice one Eddy, I’m going to guess 32gs.
Good luck biggas and thanks for the giveaway Eddy.
Good luck biggas and thanks for the giveaway Eddy.

1 post
+6 votes

{lb help}
Seller replaced all my order without asking
Try to resell what you don't want, then buy again from somewhere else and probs just don't go back to that vendor 💚💦

{lb help}
Seller replaced all my order without asking
After having two positive experiences on LB, I placed my largest order yesterday from a seller I won't name. It consisted on 14g of herb, split across four strains. The seller messaged me shortly after to say 3 of the strains were OOS (those 3 strains made up 13g of the 14g), and would be replaced by the other strain I ordered (which was meant be only 1g). So he was shipping me 14g of one strain, actually the strain I had ordered only 1g of.
I immediately responded to say, please don't do that. And the seller essentially said it's too late, and as per their bio - they will send out replacements where something is unavailable.
Their bio does say that in fairness. It also says other things about prioritizing customer happiness... But isn't it reasonable to also expect that sellers will
a) keep their stock relatively up to date.. meaning it's pretty unlikely for 95% of my order to be OOS and need to be replaced. One day later, the seller is still listing all the OOS items...
b) to exercise some courtesy and common sense - and if a customer has ordered a large quantity across different strains, to check in with them before changing the entire order?
I really don't know what I am meant to do in this situation. It feels like the seller has acted against the spirit of the community here. I am not going to be able to return the order to them, so I don't think it really feels right to request a refund. Equally, i don't know if it's fair to open a dispute or leave a negative review....
Any advice?
I immediately responded to say, please don't do that. And the seller essentially said it's too late, and as per their bio - they will send out replacements where something is unavailable.
Their bio does say that in fairness. It also says other things about prioritizing customer happiness... But isn't it reasonable to also expect that sellers will
a) keep their stock relatively up to date.. meaning it's pretty unlikely for 95% of my order to be OOS and need to be replaced. One day later, the seller is still listing all the OOS items...
b) to exercise some courtesy and common sense - and if a customer has ordered a large quantity across different strains, to check in with them before changing the entire order?
I really don't know what I am meant to do in this situation. It feels like the seller has acted against the spirit of the community here. I am not going to be able to return the order to them, so I don't think it really feels right to request a refund. Equally, i don't know if it's fair to open a dispute or leave a negative review....
Any advice?

If I have a specific custom request I message the vendor both before and after placing the order asking them not to substitute- just let me know and we’ll work something out. I don’t want substitutions and I couldn’t make that clearer.
It hasn’t been 100% successful but it’s left me on pretty firm ground. The last time it happened the vendor refunded me without involving transaxe and the unwanted item went in the bin because it was rubbish. I’m not accepting that.
Good comms should sort this out, but if 90% of my order was wrong and I (genuinely) didn’t like what I’d got and the vendor didn’t care then yes I would dispute it. Too right👍
It hasn’t been 100% successful but it’s left me on pretty firm ground. The last time it happened the vendor refunded me without involving transaxe and the unwanted item went in the bin because it was rubbish. I’m not accepting that.
Good comms should sort this out, but if 90% of my order was wrong and I (genuinely) didn’t like what I’d got and the vendor didn’t care then yes I would dispute it. Too right👍

Thanks. I have never raised a dispute before but if I am totally honest, I'm also afraid... I don't know who the seller is and maybe they won't take kindly to someone filing a dispute or making public criticisms... that's why I haven't named them so far!

There is no stigma attached to raising a dispute amigo. It protects your coin and is what makes LB great.
There are no scary vendors, it’s not how things work on here. Open up comms via messaging, be fair, honest and reasonable (you certainly sound that way) and state how you want this matter resolved.
Then let us know what they say….honestly, a resolution is out there. Don’t just let it go because they’ll keep doing it to others. It’s not good enough and it’s also not fair to those vendors who work tirelessly to see Biggas get what they order….
There are no scary vendors, it’s not how things work on here. Open up comms via messaging, be fair, honest and reasonable (you certainly sound that way) and state how you want this matter resolved.
Then let us know what they say….honestly, a resolution is out there. Don’t just let it go because they’ll keep doing it to others. It’s not good enough and it’s also not fair to those vendors who work tirelessly to see Biggas get what they order….

Thank you for this. You're totally right. The vendor has just replied to me so hopefully we will find a fair resolution. I will keep the post updated!

That's a pain. Have you told the vendor you are not happy with what you received? I'd try and make them aware you're not satisfied with your order and see if you can come to a solution
You have every right to dispute it if you feel it's appropriate. I think if it was me in this situation and the vendor wasn't willing to work anything out, and you have received the correct value and weight, i'd just make this clear in the review and move on and vote with my wallet 👍
Some very big vendors are too busy to care sometimes
You have every right to dispute it if you feel it's appropriate. I think if it was me in this situation and the vendor wasn't willing to work anything out, and you have received the correct value and weight, i'd just make this clear in the review and move on and vote with my wallet 👍
Some very big vendors are too busy to care sometimes

thanks for your reply. Yeah I think you're right . It's not worth a dispute. I should just leave my honest feedback.

Try to resell what you don't want, then buy again from somewhere else and probs just don't go back to that vendor 💚💦

I agree with Anon1385, bring it up with the vendor, most vendors will try and work with biggas to avoid a dispute. If they don't respond then dispute, it's there to be used. Regardless of the outcome I would mention this in the review to help biggas in the future.
For what it's worth I am pretty sure I know the vendor in question. If I see those kind of disclaimers in a vendor's manifesto I always message them before I order to ensure what I want is in stock. That way if the situation plays out like yours, I have the proof that I reached out in advance of ordering.
Good luck, hope it all works out for you.
For what it's worth I am pretty sure I know the vendor in question. If I see those kind of disclaimers in a vendor's manifesto I always message them before I order to ensure what I want is in stock. That way if the situation plays out like yours, I have the proof that I reached out in advance of ordering.
Good luck, hope it all works out for you.

I think most people will know the vendor. If I am totally honest, I feel like this is extremely uncool of the vendor -
a) to be listing items that are OOS which they know will be replaced by something else
b) to not communicate with the buyer before shipping out substitutions..
That said, I have learnt a big lesson here. I could have messaged them, I could have placed a smaller order. etc etc
But I don't feel like I can trust this vendor again
a) to be listing items that are OOS which they know will be replaced by something else
b) to not communicate with the buyer before shipping out substitutions..
That said, I have learnt a big lesson here. I could have messaged them, I could have placed a smaller order. etc etc
But I don't feel like I can trust this vendor again

Pistach dont give a single fuck what you ordered you get what ever he decides to send. non existent customer service and 0 cares about the buyer. he even fucks over the people that got him so popular on here in the first place. quantity and profit is his only priority. wouldnt even waste your time messaging him just dispute it.

I haven't disputed because ultimately I still have 19g of his product even if it's not what I wanted. And also because he does say on his profile that if something is unavailable they will replace it with an equivalent. Obviously I assumed that equivalent meant similar strain rather than any other herb they have and that they would message if it was such a big replacement like in my case; but I feel like that's my fault.

if it was a 1 off mistake then shit happens. but he does this all the time. he keeps listings up that are out of stock to get your $ then send you whatever lucky dip he picks out. borderline scamming at this point.

Then the vendor must be named to save other peoples dissatisfaction.
I had a vendor send half oz of something I didn't order and they said oh dear really sorry about that and let me keep the half oz and sent me the right one on ndd.
I can't see many vendor ripping people as they are mostly really cool people.
I had a vendor send half oz of something I didn't order and they said oh dear really sorry about that and let me keep the half oz and sent me the right one on ndd.
I can't see many vendor ripping people as they are mostly really cool people.

The vendor is pistach. Although I am not happy about the experience, I do think, in fairness to Pistach
1. he says on his profile that if something is unavailable it will be replaced with an equivalent. Obviously equivalent is open to interpretation, but I can't say I wasn't warned - I just had my own interpretation (which I know most people would also agree with).
2. He has still compensated me with 5g extra. The only thing is I don't know what it is and I don't know how i feel about putting random strains into my body...
1. he says on his profile that if something is unavailable it will be replaced with an equivalent. Obviously equivalent is open to interpretation, but I can't say I wasn't warned - I just had my own interpretation (which I know most people would also agree with).
2. He has still compensated me with 5g extra. The only thing is I don't know what it is and I don't know how i feel about putting random strains into my body...

A short update: I said to the vendor, as a resolution I would like 3g of of the strains I had originally ordered (because I had paid for 4 strains totally 14g, but instead I received 14g of one strain - the strain I had actually only ordered 1g of) and he agreed. Instead the vendor sent me 5g but of other strains (no way to know which - he said they are "unreleased". At this point, I have paid for 14g but received 19g, just not the strains I wanted.
I feel disappointed because I wanted specific strains for reasons and to know what I am putting into my body. The vendor seems to think that because I paid for 14g and got 19g I have come out well from this.
Either way I've told him it's fine, I don't want anything else and I've wished him well
I feel disappointed because I wanted specific strains for reasons and to know what I am putting into my body. The vendor seems to think that because I paid for 14g and got 19g I have come out well from this.
Either way I've told him it's fine, I don't want anything else and I've wished him well

Thanks for the update👍
Yeah, as a strain junkie myself I know what you mean. More of what you didn’t necessarily want is not compensation for what you did want although the vendor has at least made an effort.
Time for a change of vendor amigo, there are plenty who won’t mess you about🤞
Yeah, as a strain junkie myself I know what you mean. More of what you didn’t necessarily want is not compensation for what you did want although the vendor has at least made an effort.
Time for a change of vendor amigo, there are plenty who won’t mess you about🤞

This was written on Thursday 29th of June 2023 btw
Oh yeah, and if anyone feels like up voting the post above to make it more visible that would be helpful 💚💦
Oh yeah, and if anyone feels like up voting the post above to make it more visible that would be helpful 💚💦

Saturday 1st July 2023 received missing 7g in the form of 3.5g of MAC and 3.5g of Tropicana
That's only a two day turnaround, very very quick resolution 👌
Great work from Justweed
Juice 💚💦
That's only a two day turnaround, very very quick resolution 👌
Great work from Justweed
Juice 💚💦

1 post
+1 votes
THC liquid?
It's easy enough to make. Hmu if you wanna know what to do 💚💦
We have THC Distillate, THC eLiquid and THC Oils, so drop us a line and I'm sure we can help.

Could you go in to this a little further? What do you need the liquid for?
I have THC E-liquid, THC Vape carts, THC Capsules (filled with oil/liquid).
I have THC E-liquid, THC Vape carts, THC Capsules (filled with oil/liquid).

2 posts
+9 votes

Low THC - high CBD vape cartridges
Gotta love that Tombstone, a rare device 💚💦
+ 2 more

Low THC - high CBD vape cartridges
Any 510 thread vape cartridges on here with low THC for pain relief (and high CBD as an added bonus!)? Have only come across 90%+ THC distillate cartridges so far.

The closest i have seen is 50:50 but nothing similar lately.
It's not unheard of for a vendor to read this post and rustle something up for an emerging market.
I am a 100% positive that a low thc high full spectrum CBD cart would sell very well because i know how many people join LB (including myself) for the best pain relief options and we all know that only a small amount of THC is needed when combined with full or broard spectrum CBD.
At the moment i use a twin cart vaporizer called the Tombstone but a single low thc cart would be my preferred option, lately i have just been swapping the carts over and only taking one puff of a thc distillate cart.
Good luck with the search and thanks for posting.
It's not unheard of for a vendor to read this post and rustle something up for an emerging market.
I am a 100% positive that a low thc high full spectrum CBD cart would sell very well because i know how many people join LB (including myself) for the best pain relief options and we all know that only a small amount of THC is needed when combined with full or broard spectrum CBD.
At the moment i use a twin cart vaporizer called the Tombstone but a single low thc cart would be my preferred option, lately i have just been swapping the carts over and only taking one puff of a thc distillate cart.
Good luck with the search and thanks for posting.

I love combining a live resin cart with a CBD cart in the Tombstone - really works for me when I’m out and about. 😍👍
At home I mix a cocktail of the two in the AceCup.
It’s a tough call for vendors to sell low strength products when everybody seems to want “face melters” 🤷♂️
At home I mix a cocktail of the two in the AceCup.
It’s a tough call for vendors to sell low strength products when everybody seems to want “face melters” 🤷♂️

I recently got one.
Sign ✍️ up and get an extra 15% off
That’s what I did 👌
Sign ✍️ up and get an extra 15% off
That’s what I did 👌

Well it was yours truly that recommended the tombstone and i thank you for that.
I have been doing exactly the same, I've got Sensi Mart sour skittles on one port and a broard spectrum cbd cart on the other.
Maybe vendors are missing a trick PP sometimes, less is more and less thc should mean a lesser price, I've seen lots of posts from people looking for pain relief for relatives who have never got stoned in their lives so only the smallest amount of thc would be advisable and could transfom peoples lives and keep them smiling :)
P.S top tip for budget hash - Sensi Mart - Moroccan soft @$26 for 3.5g - really nice for the price.
I have been doing exactly the same, I've got Sensi Mart sour skittles on one port and a broard spectrum cbd cart on the other.
Maybe vendors are missing a trick PP sometimes, less is more and less thc should mean a lesser price, I've seen lots of posts from people looking for pain relief for relatives who have never got stoned in their lives so only the smallest amount of thc would be advisable and could transfom peoples lives and keep them smiling :)
P.S top tip for budget hash - Sensi Mart - Moroccan soft @$26 for 3.5g - really nice for the price.

Yup, I'm with you Rik. I love everything (as you may have noticed lol) but I have to save the big hitters for the weekend and I often need some 'Lite' versions so I can just occassionaly get things done!
Plus I really believe in the benefits of full spectrum. I've had a few friends ask for advice with pain relief of various kinds and I have to tread very carefully because for a novice everything is so bloody strong. I used The Cheesemaster a few times who grows some great low thc + high cbd strains but I know he was struggling with sales (and believe me the products were great and a very fair price) but he's not listing at the moment.
I generally start them on CBD only but that rarely gets them far. So I mix them an AceCup with a dab of THC and things improve fast but they generally want stuff that they can use out and about. I think I'm responsible for quite a few Tombstone sales lol!
Thanks for the hash tip- I'll check that out- I love that seller!...
Plus I really believe in the benefits of full spectrum. I've had a few friends ask for advice with pain relief of various kinds and I have to tread very carefully because for a novice everything is so bloody strong. I used The Cheesemaster a few times who grows some great low thc + high cbd strains but I know he was struggling with sales (and believe me the products were great and a very fair price) but he's not listing at the moment.
I generally start them on CBD only but that rarely gets them far. So I mix them an AceCup with a dab of THC and things improve fast but they generally want stuff that they can use out and about. I think I'm responsible for quite a few Tombstone sales lol!
Thanks for the hash tip- I'll check that out- I love that seller!...

Thanks Rik for your input. I agree there seems to be strong demand for a low thc high cbd cart option. Hopefully more will appear on LB soon! I must ask, which broard spectrum cbd cart do you use?

I fill my own carts from a syringe i get from the honest cbd company.
Technically it is full spectrum but with a high cbd content so i class it as a broard profile.
Hits well and works for me.
Technically it is full spectrum but with a high cbd content so i class it as a broard profile.
Hits well and works for me.

The sensi carts are excellent 👌 and enjoying them loads.
I was looking at the can’t make up my mind combo
$80 so just over £60 for 3.5 of green 3.5 of hash and a 50:50 cart
A Q and a cart for £60
I was looking at the can’t make up my mind combo
$80 so just over £60 for 3.5 of green 3.5 of hash and a 50:50 cart
A Q and a cart for £60

Fine deals, first one @ £20 per item and the second one is like getting a free cart.
I feel your pain my friend, i have been suffering from LBS for many years now (little biggy stalling) 😉 with so much choice i can lockup, sometimes going without my medicine for days in the process.
I feel your pain my friend, i have been suffering from LBS for many years now (little biggy stalling) 😉 with so much choice i can lockup, sometimes going without my medicine for days in the process.

Just make your own, it'd probably work out a lot cheaper and you'd have a lot more control over what you're vaping. Get a quality extract, add a cbd extract, cook them into a vape and you're good to go 👍 I can give more info on making vapes if you wanna drop me a DM. Juice 💚 💦

These carts seem to have full mediccal thc spectrum

1 post
+2 votes
Think I'm gonna have to be ordering some of that rosin soon. Been looking for some for a while 💚💦

Evening biggaz. Thought this vendor deserved a topic as the only one(although resolved) might give off the wrong impression.
After reading the topic below and seeing how it was resolved by the vendor and his explanation seeing so genuine I decided to give his rosin a blast. I've never tried rosin, so this was fun and I know I cannot compare it to other vendors products.
In all honesty I'm not here to critique the rosin and I'm no expert. It got me high(er) than normal, made for a fun weekend and I guess by reading the other reviews, this is a top quality product.
The topic is really to show my appreciated to rozzyexpress. I made a total boob of my order, cancelled it, ordered a new one but paid for original somehow. Anyway, after 2 days of smooth comms and trying to resolve the issue I was kindly informed by the vendor he shipped it out on Thursday despite not having the payment yet and it arrived next day. The trust this vendor is willing to place in his customers deserves all my respect. The payment was onky received by him on Sunday. So thank you rozzyexpress. I will certainly be back for more!!
After reading the topic below and seeing how it was resolved by the vendor and his explanation seeing so genuine I decided to give his rosin a blast. I've never tried rosin, so this was fun and I know I cannot compare it to other vendors products.
In all honesty I'm not here to critique the rosin and I'm no expert. It got me high(er) than normal, made for a fun weekend and I guess by reading the other reviews, this is a top quality product.
The topic is really to show my appreciated to rozzyexpress. I made a total boob of my order, cancelled it, ordered a new one but paid for original somehow. Anyway, after 2 days of smooth comms and trying to resolve the issue I was kindly informed by the vendor he shipped it out on Thursday despite not having the payment yet and it arrived next day. The trust this vendor is willing to place in his customers deserves all my respect. The payment was onky received by him on Sunday. So thank you rozzyexpress. I will certainly be back for more!!

Mate thank you so much for this post! You're a top man and we're glad the situation was sorted how it was. The fact you've gone out of your way to post this has absolutely made my day 🙂
You've been nothing but sound about the whole thing on your end & we're glad you enjoyed the products! The LB community as a whole has been amazing and we're so happy to be here.
Hopefully this is the start of something good!
Again, thank you so much for making this post and we look forward to any future interactions! 🙂
You've been nothing but sound about the whole thing on your end & we're glad you enjoyed the products! The LB community as a whole has been amazing and we're so happy to be here.
Hopefully this is the start of something good!
Again, thank you so much for making this post and we look forward to any future interactions! 🙂

Your more than welcome my friend. Credit given where credit due mate. Will have gained yourself a steady flow of custom. Thanks again mate and have a belter week

Ordered wedding cake shake, came the next day. Strong smoke creeps up on you. Would make into nice hash or edibles.

1 post
+1 votes
Gonna have to be picking some of these up. Most vendors have been overcharging on the O's for shrooms for a while now, so great to see them properly p…


Plenty of beautiful Ban Hua Thai shrooms available. Now that we are back in full swing half ounces and ounces are back!
Also, as a small thanks to the LB community we are doing FREE NDD ON ALL ORDERS THIS WEEK.
Also, as a small thanks to the LB community we are doing FREE NDD ON ALL ORDERS THIS WEEK.

Gonna have to be picking some of these up. Most vendors have been overcharging on the O's for shrooms for a while now, so great to see them properly priced for a change 💚💦

Cannabis vendors might make 100% profit but the mushroom vendors are making 1000% profits minimum. Considering rye grain is £2 a kilo and spores cost as little a £5. Cubensis have around 200% BE . And only takes 6 weeks to start to finish. It’s very surprising IMO.

Not so sure about 1000% profits there are a lot more costs to being a mushroom vendor than what you have listed there but yes there is definitely more profit in mushrooms than cannabis at the moment I would say - another thing to consider though is that the market for mushrooms is much smaller

We have decided to make this permanent. All orders will now be sent with free ndd (tracked 24).

1 post
+4 votes
I like Christian Rock Hard, where Cartman forms a Christian rock band. Some of the songs are great.

Scott Tennorman must die is easily my favourite, the first time you really see how messed up Cartman can get. My favourite character is Randy though. Any Randy episode is going to be a good one.

Too many to choose from. But first one that comes to is the elephant making love to a pig episode, great song from chef and elton

The biggest douche in the universe.
Scott Tenorman must die.
The Jeffersons.
Scott Tenorman must die.
The Jeffersons.

The one where Micheal Jackson and kids move to SouthPark.
' Would you like to climb my wishing tree... shamonahh!'
' Would you like to climb my wishing tree... shamonahh!'

Not watched it for a while and certainly unable to name specific episodes but I absolutely love the brutal satire of real people/events.
Randy Marsh (the shows greatest character IMO) on Wheel of Fortune is a good one (we've all seen THAT scene in shock they went there) but there's probably a good few episodes involving him and his eccentric self. I'll have to dig out names.
Randy Marsh (the shows greatest character IMO) on Wheel of Fortune is a good one (we've all seen THAT scene in shock they went there) but there's probably a good few episodes involving him and his eccentric self. I'll have to dig out names.

I have two, the Michael Jackson one, or when Kenny keeps getting high off cat pee lol, I love the music on the cat pee episode

Big fan of the world of warcraft/guitar hero episodes, trapped in the closet is also a banger along with the imaginationland ones. Been enjoying the newer seasons too

I use this site to stream cartoons
Note every one should have adblock or something on aswell. I never get pop ups .
Old Classics Hanky the xmas poo i guess?
Ninth episode on the first season i believe.
Just back from Denmark got drunk off booze alot.
Note every one should have adblock or something on aswell. I never get pop ups .
Old Classics Hanky the xmas poo i guess?
Ninth episode on the first season i believe.
Just back from Denmark got drunk off booze alot.

I’m gonna go way way back to season 1. That first Mr. Hanky Christmas episode was absolute gold. People talked about that for a long time. Scott Tennerman must die is definitely top 5

1 post
+4 votes
Ah, if only I had some funds available rn. Looks lovely 💚💦
Got myself a z of this and normally not a huge haze fan but what a great strain mix!! The sweetness comes through on this in spades and is super unique. Really cool taste and lovely relaxing high! Like nothing iv come across so deff with a buy before it's out.

1 post
+1 votes
Can I use ChatGPT to do my job for me?
Yep, just check it before you post it
![[ask any bigga]](
Can I use ChatGPT to do my job for me?
I'm already just typing words into slack to look like Im working noe so how about some next level shit so I can really sod the fuck off?

do be careful, i'm not sure what you're typing but it will often give wrong answers with confidence.
I use it in my professional life to great effect.
I use it in my professional life to great effect.

Yeah them convincing lies fully explained and rationalised can be a difficult one to over come when using chatgtp to assist with work just be careful and re read everything twice, also call bullshit and chatgdp will usually correct it’s mistake for you

1 post
+2 votes
Lil Baby’s Weed 😳
That looks crazy! 💚💦

Lil Baby’s Weed 😳
I’ve never seen such purple/red bud ever 😭

Gorgeous looking bud! Way to pricey for me without a lottery win, but would love to hear a smoke report from someone.

The reviews are great, with exception of one odd 1/10. Doubt at that price it could EVEN REMOTELY justify 1/10. Would love to try it, but outta my price point. For those buying it, enjoy it ya fancy gits.

I found out that 1/10 review was a troll vendor I have proof of it too 😂 but haters will always hate it doesn’t effect me 🥰

Aye, it read that way too, scummy behaviour. Got much left? Birthday next month, might just decide to treat myself

Ohhh definatly whammm bam wham! Looks so fukin good man. Might have to treat my self next week aye!

Ohhhhhh ouch. Looks so dam goooood! Can imagine this packs a punch might have to purchase for treat the next week coming if its in stock. Bless

1 post
+3 votes

As in, if I order - for example - Monday 10AM, will my package be sent this same day? Or will this be taken to the post box / office the next day?
Edit for context: Ordered Wednesday morning, order status was marked as sent Thursday at 7pm, tracking code tells me it was despatched by vendor Friday at 6:30PM.
Saturday now, still nothing - stuck on 'The sender has advised they have despatched your item to Royal Mail.'
Edit for context: Ordered Wednesday morning, order status was marked as sent Thursday at 7pm, tracking code tells me it was despatched by vendor Friday at 6:30PM.
Saturday now, still nothing - stuck on 'The sender has advised they have despatched your item to Royal Mail.'

Can you ask me these questions in chat please some orders were sent out late last week due to a packaging supply issue orders are normally despatched evening time everyday just before the parcel box is collected (7pm).
The cut of is 3pm meaning orders made after will not be sent out that day.
When the sticker is printed it displays the time on the tracking but sometimes this is not accurate.
The cut of is 3pm meaning orders made after will not be sent out that day.
When the sticker is printed it displays the time on the tracking but sometimes this is not accurate.

The problem is minimal communication! You have an amazing loyal group that help you here! God I got slammed!
Your community is holding your wallet together! That is was what turned me around!
We are human, mistakes get made, life takes over problems arise and I’m sure everyone can understand and appreciate that! I certainly can But your level of communication needs improved!
When someone feels like someone’s taking the piss or gets a feeling of being stolen from they get defensive and attack! That again is normal human behaviour the trick is listening and finding a solution.
While there is a wonderful community support for you and your products, there is a lot of disgruntled people caused by the misunderstandings on your page and lack of communication!
I would suggest writing your whole process on your page! You order, pack, print postage, drop off but it is basically a 48h service even posted under 24h because of the late drop off or change the cut off time to 12:00 or 13:00 to give you the extra time to get it out same day!
These are my points of view to help the other side of the community, I’m not attacking you or your product bud! your community has your back so please look after them! Because they are clearly standing for you!
Your community is holding your wallet together! That is was what turned me around!
We are human, mistakes get made, life takes over problems arise and I’m sure everyone can understand and appreciate that! I certainly can But your level of communication needs improved!
When someone feels like someone’s taking the piss or gets a feeling of being stolen from they get defensive and attack! That again is normal human behaviour the trick is listening and finding a solution.
While there is a wonderful community support for you and your products, there is a lot of disgruntled people caused by the misunderstandings on your page and lack of communication!
I would suggest writing your whole process on your page! You order, pack, print postage, drop off but it is basically a 48h service even posted under 24h because of the late drop off or change the cut off time to 12:00 or 13:00 to give you the extra time to get it out same day!
These are my points of view to help the other side of the community, I’m not attacking you or your product bud! your community has your back so please look after them! Because they are clearly standing for you!

Good idea. I think most people would prefer an earlier cutoff time that resulted in a faster delivery

I think he prints the labels, marks as sent, then posts when he feels like it. Click and go... I think he clicks but sometimes goes later. You are not alone. I got sent the wrong product and got mugged off. I've been here years and personally would stay well clear in future.

Green cigar got sent Exo Cheese trim instead of amnesia trim and he just can’t let me live LOL!
I offered him 14 grams when it was back in stock but he got impatient and disputed the order then I offered a full re fund but now he just goes crazy on all my posts.
His reason for not liking the trim was because it was to strong and he likes to make tea or something out of it.
He talks like I’ve done something so bad but literally it’s about being sent the wrong strain of trim. Seems like a bit of a troll making jokes all the time it’s a serious business vendors are in mistakes happen it’s not easy especially running everything alone.
I just want to give some information on the issue because he keeps posting on everything at the moment.
I offered him 14 grams when it was back in stock but he got impatient and disputed the order then I offered a full re fund but now he just goes crazy on all my posts.
His reason for not liking the trim was because it was to strong and he likes to make tea or something out of it.
He talks like I’ve done something so bad but literally it’s about being sent the wrong strain of trim. Seems like a bit of a troll making jokes all the time it’s a serious business vendors are in mistakes happen it’s not easy especially running everything alone.
I just want to give some information on the issue because he keeps posting on everything at the moment.

You're not a scammer at all. But neither do you operate efficiently or in good faith. Simple as. I make edibles. The analogy I gave was "If I order coffee, chances are I don't want tea".

You said 14g in 10 days. 23 days later not back in stock. The dispute function is there to protect our coin, not your feelings. You never did do the right thing. You're just dishonest.

i stopped using greencat because you order on the day and he arranges collection at 5pm or 6pm which means they dont get sent out till the next day and its 24 tracked so its 3-4 days wait. i remeber i use to spend £400 500 a month and this vendor would treat me like a normal customer anyone can buy from the wall. would make me feel bad for coming at him with 25-50 dollsrs off a 500 pound order. what a joke and his laughing all the way to the bank

I can appreciate your sending £500 but if you have that ability and need that amount why are you to be treated any different then a £10 buyer? Both people are sending their own limits! So they should both be treated equally! Well imo anyway

when you smoke 2 grams a day 2 ounces is normal and he was charging for import at the time. not this bang average uk council estate menu

That’s not my point, my point is everyone purchasing should be treated the same regardless of the monetary value!
If I could afford more I would definitely buy and smoke more but I can’t so I’m stuck with what I can! The goal is to do what the NHS refuses to do and treat my health problems!
If I could afford more I would definitely buy and smoke more but I can’t so I’m stuck with what I can! The goal is to do what the NHS refuses to do and treat my health problems!

1 post
+1 votes

What is the best DIY bong?
Small Fanta bottle, they're already the right shape. Lighter to make holes on front and back in the right places for a rush/carb and a downpipe. Then …
Holy shit! Did that in school 15+ years ago. Do kids even have pens at school anymore!?!?!

I bought a device on eBay that screws onto almost any bottle, turning it into a bong. When the bong water gets nasty just throw the bottle away and attach it to a new bottle. It's not completely DIY but it still has some merit nonetheless. Besides, nobody likes dealing with bong water and it's easier to hide when compared to a regular bong.

where were you . Back in the day I remember so many times we could have used this. why didnt we ever think of this. lol.. love it. thankyou

When we were little the wikihow salesman used to come door to door with books like this

That they would sell newer versions of there Bong every few months. That cost more then the last one and has miner improvements. Auto makers found it didn't work for them but it has worked for Apple

If you mean best and don't mind finding some tubing and drilling you will have something that beats most expensive bongs

Cut the bottom off a 2 litre bottle of pop, stick it in a bucket of water, use a milk bottle foil cap to to make a cap and fill with weed. Light it and pull up. Make sure you press down as you inhale.

Ahhh the old bucket method. Takes me back to the 90s that one!
We used to do these with a cheap bottle of pop from Kwik Save, a foil KitKat wrapper, and then go to the local park and subtlely make use of the penny wish fountain!
The good old days! 😂😂
Cheers BB 😊👍
We used to do these with a cheap bottle of pop from Kwik Save, a foil KitKat wrapper, and then go to the local park and subtlely make use of the penny wish fountain!
The good old days! 😂😂
Cheers BB 😊👍

we once used a drinking fountin bottle, a speaker grill (for gauze) and pulled it in a m8's bath ...lmao

Haha awesome
Try, a 500 ML soda bottle + a few inches of garden hose + cake icing socket... voila !! Homemade shotgun bong
Try, a 500 ML soda bottle + a few inches of garden hose + cake icing socket... voila !! Homemade shotgun bong

The bottle and small pipe combo is the most quality and convenience I have ever had the high honor to imbibe.
You take a real simple weed pipe, metal or glass, and stick it in the mouth of the bottle.
If the bottle is plastic use any sharp object to stick a hole at the base.
Hold the bottle horizontally, put a straw in that hole and prepare for a monstrosity of a hit.
If it's a glass bottle you need something super sharp for the hole at the bottom, the tip of a strong knife or an ice pick does the job easily.
Water is optional, you don't need and its hard to balance. The best part of this is no cleanup, chuck the bottle when you are done, imagine a bong with a disposable chamber, that's what you got now bro.
You take a real simple weed pipe, metal or glass, and stick it in the mouth of the bottle.
If the bottle is plastic use any sharp object to stick a hole at the base.
Hold the bottle horizontally, put a straw in that hole and prepare for a monstrosity of a hit.
If it's a glass bottle you need something super sharp for the hole at the bottom, the tip of a strong knife or an ice pick does the job easily.
Water is optional, you don't need and its hard to balance. The best part of this is no cleanup, chuck the bottle when you are done, imagine a bong with a disposable chamber, that's what you got now bro.

I think what you have there is a DIY steam roller, I had one of these and loved it, yes water is totally optional its the expansion that does the magic and water is almost guaranteed to make a mess.

Pringles tube!!
can make joint or burning Bong, put ice cube in base of it..
Delish and mouth piece is big and makes air tight seal on my fat cheeks 👌
can make joint or burning Bong, put ice cube in base of it..
Delish and mouth piece is big and makes air tight seal on my fat cheeks 👌

Some genius Bong ingenuity here!
Another pro cannabis point proven from this topic alone:
You give smokers a bunch of weed and nothing to smoke it with and suddenly they become engineers! Brilliant. : D
Another pro cannabis point proven from this topic alone:
You give smokers a bunch of weed and nothing to smoke it with and suddenly they become engineers! Brilliant. : D

My special skill is that I can McGyver a bong out of almost anything.
Basically, as long as you have tin foil you can do anything. Make pipes: a few wraps, tight around a pencil, seal with scotchtape lengthways. Fan out the end before doing so. Tear a circle of tinfoil, and a pin ("anyone wearing a badge?"), open the back page of an unloved book, place the foil on the paper, and tap the pin up and down repeatedly and you have a perfectly serviceable gauze that you can poke in the end of your fanned pipe.
I prefer not to smoke out of anything plastic. Just seems like we know not to burn plastic in the outdoors, so keep that shit away from your lungs, right?
Fruit has always been a friend for the thrown together party bong. Watermelon is obviously beautifully carvable. Always thought a papaya, with its natural internal chamber and a couple of pipes would probably be viable. Poke holes into the fruit with a screwdriver or, if you don't have one, a pencil or pen.
Finally, you can make an incredible ice bong, but it's a faff. Get two barbeque skewers. Place them in a pint glass, of water with the ends 10cm from the bottom of the glass. I made an inverted kind of A frame with some tinfoil to hold them. If you do the same, keep the crossbar out of the water. Freeze the glass.
Boil the kettle. Use a combination of twisting and pulling to extract the metal skewers. Then, tilt so that one side is facing down over a sink and slowly pour boiling water into the holes. Eventually, you'll have a bong. Make a tin foil gauze. Smoke like a muthafking champion.
Basically, as long as you have tin foil you can do anything. Make pipes: a few wraps, tight around a pencil, seal with scotchtape lengthways. Fan out the end before doing so. Tear a circle of tinfoil, and a pin ("anyone wearing a badge?"), open the back page of an unloved book, place the foil on the paper, and tap the pin up and down repeatedly and you have a perfectly serviceable gauze that you can poke in the end of your fanned pipe.
I prefer not to smoke out of anything plastic. Just seems like we know not to burn plastic in the outdoors, so keep that shit away from your lungs, right?
Fruit has always been a friend for the thrown together party bong. Watermelon is obviously beautifully carvable. Always thought a papaya, with its natural internal chamber and a couple of pipes would probably be viable. Poke holes into the fruit with a screwdriver or, if you don't have one, a pencil or pen.
Finally, you can make an incredible ice bong, but it's a faff. Get two barbeque skewers. Place them in a pint glass, of water with the ends 10cm from the bottom of the glass. I made an inverted kind of A frame with some tinfoil to hold them. If you do the same, keep the crossbar out of the water. Freeze the glass.
Boil the kettle. Use a combination of twisting and pulling to extract the metal skewers. Then, tilt so that one side is facing down over a sink and slowly pour boiling water into the holes. Eventually, you'll have a bong. Make a tin foil gauze. Smoke like a muthafking champion.

Bag bong-get a 2 litre pop bottle cut bottom of,then attach a pedal bin bag to the bottom where its cut of with tape,then attach a length of string to the bottom of the bag so you can pull it to draw the smoke in,then cut a hole in the cap and make a bowl with some foil,put holes in with a pin-done.
Put your choice of cannabis in the bowl when lighting it have your foot on the string and pull up,the smoke will enter the bottle as the bag is drawn out.
Unscrew the lid and inhale ALL the smoke,hold,then blow it back in and pull on the string again so it fills up again,repeat until all the smoke is gone.
You will be high as fuck.
Some call these a lung.
Put your choice of cannabis in the bowl when lighting it have your foot on the string and pull up,the smoke will enter the bottle as the bag is drawn out.
Unscrew the lid and inhale ALL the smoke,hold,then blow it back in and pull on the string again so it fills up again,repeat until all the smoke is gone.
You will be high as fuck.
Some call these a lung.

These are what we grew up on as kids smoking awful soap bar hash 🤣 we called it a ‘lungo’ where we were from.
I’ll never forget that a 15mm socket fits perfectly into a coke bottle lol
I’ll never forget that a 15mm socket fits perfectly into a coke bottle lol

We made a coconut one once, didn't last long.
My goto was
Plastic Plumbing down pipe
Aerosol can lid that fitted snugly.
Bluetack or silicone around the base to help keep it airtight
Electrical tape on the outside at the top of the can lid, again to keep airtight
Copper plumbing pipe, with a connector on the end for the bowl.
Made a hole in the plumbing tube, heated up with a lighter, you can push the copper tube through.
More bluetack/ tape or silicone around that area so it was airtight.
Rush hole about an inch above and to the side.
Finally name it, we always called them Billy.
All items provided by grandparents garages!
My goto was
Plastic Plumbing down pipe
Aerosol can lid that fitted snugly.
Bluetack or silicone around the base to help keep it airtight
Electrical tape on the outside at the top of the can lid, again to keep airtight
Copper plumbing pipe, with a connector on the end for the bowl.
Made a hole in the plumbing tube, heated up with a lighter, you can push the copper tube through.
More bluetack/ tape or silicone around that area so it was airtight.
Rush hole about an inch above and to the side.
Finally name it, we always called them Billy.
All items provided by grandparents garages!

Someone should get on to Carlsberg. Currently, Carlsberg don't make bongs but if they did, they'd probably be the best bongs in the world

Small Fanta bottle, they're already the right shape. Lighter to make holes on front and back in the right places for a rush/carb and a downpipe. Then use a bit of garden hose for downpipe with a bit off a socket set in the end to use as a cylinder cone. Then either a circle cutting from the metal gauze in a coffee percolator as a screen, or a piece of foil with some pin holes in, or just a small ball of foil. Schmoke it up in style, all for the price of a small bottle of Fanta. 💚💦

The simplest bong/pipe I made was a used can of coke.Dent the can enough to rest weed on and put pinholes in it, simples!

Some of my favourite emergency methods...and I consider myself a bit of an expert...
Pop a L shape hole through an apple, carrott or similar using a kebab stick, scoop out a cone with your fingernail. Chuff away.
"Pin ups" Flip a badge on it's back stick a lump of hash on it, ignite and stick any glass over the top. Slide the glass to the edge of a table and suck the cooled contents out of the gap.
Bamboo Bong - Made by Thai locals in seconds with a couple of swipes of a machete. Scoop some water from a stream and your off.
Papaya stem (hollow with a coney end) straight into a cola bottle seal the neck with your lips and finger. Hey presto. Indonesian bong.
Pop a L shape hole through an apple, carrott or similar using a kebab stick, scoop out a cone with your fingernail. Chuff away.
"Pin ups" Flip a badge on it's back stick a lump of hash on it, ignite and stick any glass over the top. Slide the glass to the edge of a table and suck the cooled contents out of the gap.
Bamboo Bong - Made by Thai locals in seconds with a couple of swipes of a machete. Scoop some water from a stream and your off.
Papaya stem (hollow with a coney end) straight into a cola bottle seal the neck with your lips and finger. Hey presto. Indonesian bong.

1 post
+5 votes

Ordered Sunday tracking on Wednesday...gc seemed busy so no problem...waited patiently...gc apologised for bad comms then gave me a tracking number....item is stuck at sender dispatching item on the tracking since Monday 17th...its Wednesday now....I've had to post here because I can't get any info from gc without waiting long periods of time now....Anyone else having this issue?...
Gc send us a message because I don't want to post here but I can't get any comms.
Gc send us a message because I don't want to post here but I can't get any comms.

Some sorting offices are just a bit slow sometimes. Unexpected delays can be concerning when they happen but give it a lil time and it'll turn up soon 💚💦

Ordered on a delivery scheduled now for Thursday apparently... anyone buying...keep in mind that it won't be next day or even 48 hours...but yes tracking has finally been updated and moving.
After this..I'll move on to another vendor because asking for info seems like to much for gc...guy went off over nothing...then deletes his comments to look like a saint....why do you think some of my replies are out of place? Because gc would write a comment then delete i know why he calls himself a cat....and for anyone doubting just look at the screenshot and tell me thats a normal way to react to asking a simple question or putting up a post...and if it happened to a long time customer who was asking a simple question....then this vendor will do it to anyone. Anyway im out of here... I wish gc all the best and I hope everyone gets there stuff safe and sound with no problems but for me its been a weird night watching a grown man throw a tantrum over a simple ask...😆
Ordered on a delivery scheduled now for Thursday apparently... anyone buying...keep in mind that it won't be next day or even 48 hours...but yes tracking has finally been updated and moving.
After this..I'll move on to another vendor because asking for info seems like to much for gc...guy went off over nothing...then deletes his comments to look like a saint....why do you think some of my replies are out of place? Because gc would write a comment then delete i know why he calls himself a cat....and for anyone doubting just look at the screenshot and tell me thats a normal way to react to asking a simple question or putting up a post...and if it happened to a long time customer who was asking a simple question....then this vendor will do it to anyone. Anyway im out of here... I wish gc all the best and I hope everyone gets there stuff safe and sound with no problems but for me its been a weird night watching a grown man throw a tantrum over a simple ask...😆

I'm confused? Is this from today(19th, if so and not here to rattle but I've waited 17 days for parcels before. Your well within the time frame. Royal mail tracking on the app is all over the place, I've had stuff turn up that is still under sender selling item etc

Had no proper comms till yeah it is....I ordered on Sunday tracking number three days later.
And I understand...I've waited 23 days also so I get that but this isn't about that ninja...its about the fact I asked for some info just so I know whats going on and look at the screenshot...its silly man...over a post ? Over asking why is it stuck on sender dispatching item since Monday night ?...I'm sure you understand these are valid questions...thats all the info I was asking for clarification...nothing more.
And I get that reaction off gc...and if you saw the deleted comment or the fact he was here downvoting my posts instead of having a convo in pm so this would not'd be disappointed yourself....but like I've said this isn't about waiting....its about info...clarification. that is all.
No need for any of this from gc.
And I understand...I've waited 23 days also so I get that but this isn't about that ninja...its about the fact I asked for some info just so I know whats going on and look at the screenshot...its silly man...over a post ? Over asking why is it stuck on sender dispatching item since Monday night ?...I'm sure you understand these are valid questions...thats all the info I was asking for clarification...nothing more.
And I get that reaction off gc...and if you saw the deleted comment or the fact he was here downvoting my posts instead of having a convo in pm so this would not'd be disappointed yourself....but like I've said this isn't about waiting....its about info...clarification. that is all.
No need for any of this from gc.

Yeah that's fair mate, don't worry I didn't mean any hate u wss just generally confused(really wish posts were date stamped) glad it looks like you got your order so hopefully all good

Hey gc I was gonna remain quiet because I didn't want to post here in the first place...maybe instead of downvoting me (I can see you did in notifications) for this simple post...
Can you check whats going on ? And message me back instead of treating a long time customer like a mug by sending me messages complaining over a post on your wall?... funny thing is that's the only way you do reply....because the days without any comms when i was patient you weren't so quick to reply...Or maybe I should post the messages you sent me since you want to act like your innocent in this matter....
After so many orders...your acting like this over 7g thats been stuck since Monday?...because I asked for a simple reply ?
Can you check whats going on ? And message me back instead of treating a long time customer like a mug by sending me messages complaining over a post on your wall?... funny thing is that's the only way you do reply....because the days without any comms when i was patient you weren't so quick to reply...Or maybe I should post the messages you sent me since you want to act like your innocent in this matter....
After so many orders...your acting like this over 7g thats been stuck since Monday?...because I asked for a simple reply ?

So you deleted your response because it was incorrect...what a surprise....GC I have ordered off you before...I joined this website after August so how could I of ordered off you then ?... so that makes no sense...
Also what you said in your now deleted seem to be the one who's rattled and are turning it on me....
Here's the message screenshot between me and gc recently since I'm being made to look like a liar...
This is a reply after posting on gcs wall...after no comms since Sunday...only one message apologising for bad comms and my tracking number...I only got my tracking number today by the way at 2am (3 days later)...I even told him its ok I understand....where most would be fuming! And I'm entitled apparently?
Then you finally reply to me in messages by calling me impatient....telling me I shouldn't post on the wall....and its not your problem if its lost ? (Check the screenshots its all there)....guys am i in the wrong here?
This is one of the biggest overreactions I have experienced on lb...crazy because before this I always backed gc and praised his bud even with delays when he was sick or when he had to close down...
What a punch below the belt for something so simple.
You really need to think what your writing gc because I honestly have done nothing wrong to have pushed this the point i think you have me confused with someone else?...I didn't want to post on this wall in the first place!
I'll give updates as things progress...hopefully we can move on because this is tiring at this point stessing me over some simple info on 7gs...and your still down voting my posts instead of replying to me and putting this silly shit behind us...ffs
Also what you said in your now deleted seem to be the one who's rattled and are turning it on me....
Here's the message screenshot between me and gc recently since I'm being made to look like a liar...
This is a reply after posting on gcs wall...after no comms since Sunday...only one message apologising for bad comms and my tracking number...I only got my tracking number today by the way at 2am (3 days later)...I even told him its ok I understand....where most would be fuming! And I'm entitled apparently?
Then you finally reply to me in messages by calling me impatient....telling me I shouldn't post on the wall....and its not your problem if its lost ? (Check the screenshots its all there)....guys am i in the wrong here?
This is one of the biggest overreactions I have experienced on lb...crazy because before this I always backed gc and praised his bud even with delays when he was sick or when he had to close down...
What a punch below the belt for something so simple.
You really need to think what your writing gc because I honestly have done nothing wrong to have pushed this the point i think you have me confused with someone else?...I didn't want to post on this wall in the first place!
I'll give updates as things progress...hopefully we can move on because this is tiring at this point stessing me over some simple info on 7gs...and your still down voting my posts instead of replying to me and putting this silly shit behind us...ffs

If your looking for a fight I’m not the one obviously your having some kind of meltdown you’ve got the tracking your order is still in the time frame to be delivered so there’s no need for all this I already told you numerous times it’s going to update this evening have a good day sir.

Gc your the only one having a meltdown...
Your mask is cracking deleted your response because you sounded like you were having a tantrum.
Screenshots don't lie...
You sound so polite here unlike your deleted responses...Gotta keep up appearances huh..
And yes gc.. I have tracking but its been stuck on sender dispatching item since 10pm on Monday... Its telling me you haven't even sent it to royal mail to be scanned...thats what I've been trying to tell you....but because of your overreaction you couldn't see that obviously...
I'm laughing at how your reacting over nothing and the irony of you writing there's no need for all of this is hilarious honestly....because I said essentially the same thing to you many times so it wouldn't get to this...i asked you for some info and you went off on one...I don't have to argue or delete my posts because its all there...thats the thing about the truth when you know your being don't need to hide.
Your mask is cracking deleted your response because you sounded like you were having a tantrum.
Screenshots don't lie...
You sound so polite here unlike your deleted responses...Gotta keep up appearances huh..
And yes gc.. I have tracking but its been stuck on sender dispatching item since 10pm on Monday... Its telling me you haven't even sent it to royal mail to be scanned...thats what I've been trying to tell you....but because of your overreaction you couldn't see that obviously...
I'm laughing at how your reacting over nothing and the irony of you writing there's no need for all of this is hilarious honestly....because I said essentially the same thing to you many times so it wouldn't get to this...i asked you for some info and you went off on one...I don't have to argue or delete my posts because its all there...thats the thing about the truth when you know your being don't need to hide.

Hey man I know this is frustrating and I've read all of this. Can this now be sorted out over pm?? I've had packages show the same from this vendor an others then it turns up the next day an you feel bad for kicking up a stink! I've been frustrated in the past but GC always come through.
It might not be to your timeframe but things will get sorted trust me. I've purchased off the guy since I started on here an he's been nothing short of gentleman the whole time. Hope this gets sorted for you, doobiee
It might not be to your timeframe but things will get sorted trust me. I've purchased off the guy since I started on here an he's been nothing short of gentleman the whole time. Hope this gets sorted for you, doobiee

Doobiee I had no problem with gc...I'm a laid back guy...hence why I didn't complain even after 3 days of nothing...also I wanted to handle this in messages (look at the end of my first post) but because of his deleted response...I replied because I was made to look like a liar...also the way this vendor talks to his long time customers is crazy...aren't you worried if you wanted some info this is how he would react ?
I appreciate the reply anyway.
I appreciate the reply anyway.

Im sorry man i didnt want to come across as saying you do have a problem with him. I know man it can be frustrating. I guess you never know what's going on with people. I know he's a one man band and has some of the cheapest top quality smoke about, so is a busy man. Have a good un doobiee

Nar your alright man....its all gotta ask questions...can't play with your dough.
And yeh thats why I always gave him the benefit of the doubt...when he got sick or when he had issues and this is the thanks I get....I think he's got so many messages as a one man band... he cant keep up so he gets them confused because on his deleted response he said something about ordering in August but I joined after that ? 😆
And yeh thats why I always gave him the benefit of the doubt...when he got sick or when he had issues and this is the thanks I get....I think he's got so many messages as a one man band... he cant keep up so he gets them confused because on his deleted response he said something about ordering in August but I joined after that ? 😆

Green Cat's general comms are lackluster at best. He knowingly sent the wrong item to me with zero comms, has been coming online sporadically (again at best), and has swerved comms again after asking for my Btc address for refund. It's clear zero fucks are given about customers or their cash. The geezer is a time waster so spend your coin elsewhere. That's my personal opinion.

Just to clarify I offered green cigar a free oz of amnesia trim when it was back in stock but he decided to dispute the order so I then offered a full re fund which I was sent a btc address 2 days ago. I’ve only got round to sorting it out today to see these messages. To be honest if anyone out there wants act like this please choose another vendor I have no energy for these kind of people as I’ve said before I run this alone comms can be bad at times but I promise in the near future I will find a way to improve the service.

Second part. As you'll see, I was polite and amiable. You clearly didn't offer 28g. You lied.

You are lying and I will post the messages. Firstly you sent Cheese trim when I ordered Amnesia. You then offered 1g bud as a replacement. I told you it was for edibles and unsuitable. You offered 14g (half my order) as a replacement in 10 days. 14 days later I had to message you and you asked for a btc address. 2 days later, finally you come online and are butt hurt and lying. I'll post all messages from you as proof. Why don't you do the same? Screenshots don't lie.

Ok maybe your right about offering only 14 grams I was mistaken I get so many messages it’s hard to remember what people are saying especially when your writing all these raging paragraphs! but I did say I would give you full re fund or not? I’m certain people like you think your tough or something calling me all these names talking shit on this site over an ounce of $50 trim lol!
Anyways I have many great customers here that don’t want to make my life hard so please just choose another vendor!
Anyways I have many great customers here that don’t want to make my life hard so please just choose another vendor!

The screenshots and my messages demonstrate zero rage. Maybe if you came online more often than once a day at 3am you wouldn't accumulate so much backlog and would be more organised. I have provided evidence and you are still playing the victim. Please try and be an adult and try to take responsibility. You have brought all this on yourself.

To be fair, responding to messages wasn't one of your strengths to begin with. Let the borg decide. The dude abides. Good luck.

1 post
+1 votes

Living where weed is legal
Lucky! (Napoleon Dynamite voice)

Living where weed is legal
Anybody here does? How is it?
Im moving to a legal country in 1 month and CANNOT WAIT 🥹🫶🏼✨
Im moving to a legal country in 1 month and CANNOT WAIT 🥹🫶🏼✨

2 posts
+3 votes
Blue Zushi in stock atm (26/4/22) 💚💦
+ 2 more
Omg my guy on road had some blue zushi it’s so loud smoked it the other day haven’t seen it yet on here good luck finding it

We do have some Yellow Zushi Ice Water Hash currently in stock.

I got some off menu from a vendor on here a couple of weeks ago. Got it sent instead because the one I ordered ran out. Was a nice surprise

Pretty sure I was the first to comment 27. Went through all the comments before to make sure I was only one to pick 27. Hey ho you win some you lose some

1 post
+3 votes
fire hash
Every cookie dough hash I've had has been pretty sativa leaning as far as I remember

fire hash
Strongest I've had yet for single filtered! really worth the price like other review I have a high T but this hit me..
Soft n sticky as anything, pleasure to work with.
Dr was perfect as always, most reliable NDD you can get!
Soft n sticky as anything, pleasure to work with.
Dr was perfect as always, most reliable NDD you can get!

Thank you for taking your time to review. jj & dgt

Definitely mate, the sunset sherbet and the cookie dough is some boss indica prices are spot on

1 post
+1 votes

little buggy
503 Service Unavailable
I had that issue too. I managed to pay after a lot of page refreshing. Problem is, now it says paid on transaxe but on LB order page it still says unp…

little buggy
503 Service Unavailable

I have tried this on a Mac and an IOS device, both using the Safari browser.
I have added a number of times to my cart, but when attempting to make payment the page times out, I have tried cancelling the order several times, and starting again, but the issue remains, thanks
I have tried this on a Mac and an IOS device, both using the Safari browser.
I have added a number of times to my cart, but when attempting to make payment the page times out, I have tried cancelling the order several times, and starting again, but the issue remains, thanks

1 post
+2 votes

Magic mushrooms or not?
Nah, don't look like trippy ones to me. Those big orange ones just look nice for a salad or something. If it's a UK thing, be on the lookout for liber…

Magic mushrooms or not?

Hi biggas my pal has found some mushrooms that he assures me are magic mushrooms. I know its not the best photo but can anyone tell if they are actually magic mushrooms?

I’m no expert man but my rule of thumb is don’t do it unless you know exactly what your eating

They do look like wavy caps. But if they have no blue bruising on them, I’d avoid. If they do have it, go nuts

Start with 10g….see how you get on! 🤣
In all seriousness if you’re not sure I wouldn’t bother. You don’t want your liquified organs falling out your hole.
In all seriousness if you’re not sure I wouldn’t bother. You don’t want your liquified organs falling out your hole.

Nah, don't look like trippy ones to me. Those big orange ones just look nice for a salad or something. If it's a UK thing, be on the lookout for liberty caps. All got a lil nipple on top so pretty easy to identify. But make sure to research properly before picking. And remember - "If in doubt, chuck it out" (an oldskool mushroom rule) Take a walk in a field, they grow everywhere 💚💦

Where did your friend find these? I’ve only ever seen liberty caps growing in the uk myself tho others do. Probably abit risky unless you really know your stuff. Some mushrooms can be lethal so I’d be very careful but just my opinion

As others, they do look good.
They should bruise blue when you pinch the stems, and stay blue, not fade again. A spore print should be deep purple.
Make sure you can identify a funeral bell - galerina marginata. You wouldn't need more than a couple mixed in to cause you problems.
Good luck.
They should bruise blue when you pinch the stems, and stay blue, not fade again. A spore print should be deep purple.
Make sure you can identify a funeral bell - galerina marginata. You wouldn't need more than a couple mixed in to cause you problems.
Good luck.

1 post
+1 votes
Looking for vape juice
I recommend making your own. It's pretty easy. Send me a PM if you'd like to know how to do it 💚💦

Looking for vape juice
Hey. I buy thc vape juice off a ig account.
I only see one person selling it on LB.
Does anyone else ever have any?
I only see one person selling it on LB.
Does anyone else ever have any?

Hey there! Are you on the hunt for some top-quality ejuice and THC carts? Well, look no further! We've got a fantastic selection of various types, strengths, volumes, and potencies to suit your every need. And the best part? Our prices are very competetive, plus we offer a variety of postage options to make it super convenient for you.

I recommend making your own. It's pretty easy. Send me a PM if you'd like to know how to do it 💚💦

We make eliquids / vape juice ( for any vape tank )
We have a VG/PG eliquid, with THC Distillate and Live Rosin.
10ml bottles, with 750MG strength per bottle.
They taste great and are still pretty discreet.
We will be adding other strains ( its amnesia OG at the moment ) and can also supply stronger versions, or PG only versions.
We make eliquids / vape juice ( for any vape tank )
We have a VG/PG eliquid, with THC Distillate and Live Rosin.
10ml bottles, with 750MG strength per bottle.
They taste great and are still pretty discreet.
We will be adding other strains ( its amnesia OG at the moment ) and can also supply stronger versions, or PG only versions.

Hi there I new to this myself
Did you find a good guy to get some oil or some shatter. I am looking for some my self. Can you recommend
Did you find a good guy to get some oil or some shatter. I am looking for some my self. Can you recommend

Check out MJ concentrates mate I just got super sour diesel cartridge off him and it’s legit legit

1 post
+5 votes
We've stopped time...
Was smoking at a friend's house while trippin, left to get more supplies from my place.
Retrieved supplies, walked back into friend's house, no sign…

We've stopped time...

Yo LB's! With our Ltd edition The Don drop we have experienced slowing down time! I'm talking dogs running in slow mo with ears flapping like in a movie scene! Even to the point of seeing water dripping drop by drop off a ducks wing 🤯
Can you match our far out experience - tell us your best psychedelic story 🤔 💖
Can you match our far out experience - tell us your best psychedelic story 🤔 💖

Was smoking at a friend's house while trippin, left to get more supplies from my place.
Retrieved supplies, walked back into friend's house, no sign of them so just sat at kitchen table and started making a joint.
Then a lady comes out from the back room and says "I think you've got the wrong house love" I say "ok" and walk back to mine because I figured my friend's place just didn't exist any more.
Still no idea who's house I walked into. Happened in the night time btw. 💚💦
Retrieved supplies, walked back into friend's house, no sign of them so just sat at kitchen table and started making a joint.
Then a lady comes out from the back room and says "I think you've got the wrong house love" I say "ok" and walk back to mine because I figured my friend's place just didn't exist any more.
Still no idea who's house I walked into. Happened in the night time btw. 💚💦

1 time me and a mate where tripping in a small village somewhere and thought we would go for a pint for a laugh, anyway got to this pub and we could not find the door to the pub after walking around the pub about 20 times lol , we found a door at last we went in and it was nt the pub door ,we had gone and sat down in someone s house 😂😂 had to leg it lol

Could be we just don't know some of the benefits of LSD n mushrooms , could be a blocker for drinkers like me

Many moons ago. Probably 1st or 2nd mushroom adventure and a few of us happened upon a potato on the pavement.
It was truly fascinating. Kept us all entranced for about 20 minutes with a quintessential, psychedelic, constantly evolving & revolving dance the like of which no potato has since equalled 😃
I can't wait for the summer. I've steered clear of psychedelics for years but have recently dipped my toe & embraced micro dosing and I'm truly grateful to have done so
It was truly fascinating. Kept us all entranced for about 20 minutes with a quintessential, psychedelic, constantly evolving & revolving dance the like of which no potato has since equalled 😃
I can't wait for the summer. I've steered clear of psychedelics for years but have recently dipped my toe & embraced micro dosing and I'm truly grateful to have done so

There have been many things that have kept us entranced for hours - remember us both being in Barcelona and in a cafe absolutely mesmerized by a cube of ice in water that was catching the sun just right producing this amazing array of light (god knows what the waitresses must have thought 😃) - this medicine truly shows you the beauty of this world that we do not see day to day
Roll on summer for sure!
Roll on summer for sure!

All them colours shining off the ice cube.I like looking at pattern s too , n rainbows too etc etc 🤣🤣

Ticking clocks coming out of the wall
Seeing to insectiod aliens at a club
Someone once looked into my eyes and then ran away from fear I kept on asking what he saw but he was completely petrified. Did he see his future, the worlds future or me as a demon I have no clue
Seeing to insectiod aliens at a club
Someone once looked into my eyes and then ran away from fear I kept on asking what he saw but he was completely petrified. Did he see his future, the worlds future or me as a demon I have no clue

2 posts
+4 votes
Liberty caps
Let me know if you can't find any tabs and I'll see what I can do :)
+ 2 more

Liberty caps
It’s that time of year again and was looking out for some Liberty caps specifically. As I find these are the best for me. Please hit me up if any of you kind souls should be lucky enough to stumble upon them. With 3 kids I just don’t have the time to hunt. Sad sad face.
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance

@ D James - I feel your pain! Am in similar circumstances and would love to find some liberty caps listed on LB!

There was some last year I forgot who it was though. I’m hoping he will see this and answer our prayers. Compared to the golden teachers etc, they in another league. If I find any one selling them I will post it up on here so you can see

Getting late in the season, but someone may find this useful:

Hey Mike, Are Those Liberty Caps stronger than apɛ? I am willing to look at your intro offer on the on the dried shrooms and chocolates. I am in US....wavespell1.....

Libs are the strongest species gram for gram, end of. More joyous high, different combination of magical amines. The most pleasant of trips. Out of stock pal right now, the season is late this year because of lack of rain, starting up slowly here. They are also a premium because of the leg work involved, check in again later in the autumn

We've just launched our 5G PROMO on Irish Liberty. Mush love Xx

Shit I had a ton there at the end of the season, not as much left at the minute but I have a couple of goldmines to hit up next harvest and will post here

No liberty caps, but I have Tidal Wave coming....Leafley rated it #1 in their top 10 best shrooms list. Up to 3.5% psilocybin....
I have heard how potent liberty caps are....would love to trade for some when weather permits.
I have heard how potent liberty caps are....would love to trade for some when weather permits.

You might be interested in these or the other caps from drshrooms.

Also acid tabs please. As everyone seems to have their page restricted these days.
Much love
Much love

Hey D James, have seen tabs on yourmumshouse page on numerous occasions, though don't think they are listed atm. Defo be worth messaging them.

Thanks feefee very kind of you.
I appreciate you taking the time to let me know. I will get in touch with them.
Thanks again
I appreciate you taking the time to let me know. I will get in touch with them.
Thanks again

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1 post
+1 votes

Budget CBD
Have a look at gradedgreen, hemphash or auntmarysflowers. You can find them through a quick online search. They're all good reliable CBD companies 💚?…
Dunno what rates are on here mate. But I grab mine from online stores as no btc or fees just PayPal and ndd.
Had some of thecbdflowershop and it took the edge off. Good few others out there though
Had some of thecbdflowershop and it took the edge off. Good few others out there though

Have a look at gradedgreen, hemphash or auntmarysflowers. You can find them through a quick online search. They're all good reliable CBD companies 💚💦

I don’t but my friend does, use that website, baldy20
For 20% off, best bet is check out bud reviews on trust pilot
For 20% off, best bet is check out bud reviews on trust pilot

1 post
+1 votes
They'd probably be pretty hard to transport safely
I'd personally just buy seeds of what you want strain, size, variety, auto, photo, flowering time etc rather than just whatever is offered as may not be right for your grow/tastes, you'd only be losing a couple of weeks in the grand scheme of things 😉

The issue some people have with seeds is they're a little more pot luck with the genetics, where as cuttings are typically taken from the best of the best out of hundreds if not thousands of pheno runs. Cuttings can be used to pick out specific pheno types and strains that you can't buy commercially off the shelf. They're very difficult to transport but there is people that do it
Seeds do seem to be getting better though, and the more time that goes by the more consistent results are achieved 💙
Seeds do seem to be getting better though, and the more time that goes by the more consistent results are achieved 💙

3 posts
+11 votes
CCell bust - Blue light flashing
Yep, put the pliers on the sides of the vape just above the separation line of the top and base, squeeze pretty hard but not too hard while wiggling t…
+ 3 more

CCell bust - Blue light flashing
Hey fellow vapers
One of my ccells has stopped working and I’m wondering if it can be fixed.
when I plug in to charge the blue light flashes around 15 times but then goes off and never seems to charge.
When I unplug from power it flashes again
I bought the 3 pack of ccells and used the same charger without a problem on the other 2.
If it’s not fixable does anyone have an easy way to recover what’s left? There’s plenty in the tank and I would hate to waste it.
Might have to smash open and spread on a paper or is that a bad idea?
Any help welcome
One of my ccells has stopped working and I’m wondering if it can be fixed.
when I plug in to charge the blue light flashes around 15 times but then goes off and never seems to charge.
When I unplug from power it flashes again
I bought the 3 pack of ccells and used the same charger without a problem on the other 2.
If it’s not fixable does anyone have an easy way to recover what’s left? There’s plenty in the tank and I would hate to waste it.
Might have to smash open and spread on a paper or is that a bad idea?
Any help welcome

Don’t shoot me for this question but are you sure it’s not fully charged?
Does the light come on continuously as you inhale?…if so then it is working.
They are not designed to be dismantled, I think they lock in place when the are filled and the pieces go together?
Certainly with determination you can get in and there is nothing bad about dabbing the contents👍
Does the light come on continuously as you inhale?…if so then it is working.
They are not designed to be dismantled, I think they lock in place when the are filled and the pieces go together?
Certainly with determination you can get in and there is nothing bad about dabbing the contents👍

I've dismantled this model and then refilled with good success. Just need a steady hand and a good pair of pliers. Just put some very nice rosin into one the other day, tasty stuff 💚💦

Yep, put the pliers on the sides of the vape just above the separation line of the top and base, squeeze pretty hard but not too hard while wiggling the sides up a bit at a time, then a clip on each side should release to enable the top to come off. Refill, then just push the top back down to reseal. They're great little devices so I thought I'd figure out how to reuse them when they got empty 💚💦

Cool😎, thanks. I’d imagined the clips would break before releasing- you clearly have the knack!

No probs :) Just gotta ease them out nice and smooth, they're pretty beefy clips. Yeah, I've deconstructed my fair share of things 💚💦

Thanks Polly.
Yeah definitely charged (although am trying again)
No light at all other than when plugging in and no draw as if it’s blocked.
Maybe I overheated it but not been hammering more than the others.
I’ll give it an hour on charge and then break out the tools 😜
Yeah definitely charged (although am trying again)
No light at all other than when plugging in and no draw as if it’s blocked.
Maybe I overheated it but not been hammering more than the others.
I’ll give it an hour on charge and then break out the tools 😜

Have you spoken to the good doctor about your prescription?
I had an issues ages ago and had a read though this. Not sure if it will help but I have attached the link
I had an issues ages ago and had a read though this. Not sure if it will help but I have attached the link

Thanks for the link, possible I overheated it and bust the coil.
I’ve spoken to the good Doc and have another prescription on the way with my order
I’ve spoken to the good Doc and have another prescription on the way with my order

1 post
+2 votes

{buy help}
How to delete a review
There's a delete option in there too
I don't believe you can delete it, but you can edit it:
Click orders > click blue link under your order > edit
Click orders > click blue link under your order > edit

1 post
+2 votes

Can I purchase from different vendors on the same order?
Huh, probs would have saved myself a bit of cash over time if I'd known about that. Always done them separately 💚💦

Can I purchase from different vendors on the same order?
Like the title says can I purchase from different vendors on the same order? I'm getting bored of making separate orders should I wish to split my money across two or more vendors on payday.
I'm unsure of the workings of this still and don't want to make a mistake that could cost me time or money.
If so, does it affect the other vendors on the order if I have to raise a dispute? I get anxious waiting for the payment to be confrimed when sending btc and want to reduce my paranoia by making multiple purchases at the same time.
I'm unsure of the workings of this still and don't want to make a mistake that could cost me time or money.
If so, does it affect the other vendors on the order if I have to raise a dispute? I get anxious waiting for the payment to be confrimed when sending btc and want to reduce my paranoia by making multiple purchases at the same time.

Sure, just add as many items to your cart as you want from different vendors. You’ll need to select individual postage options but there will be one total price to pay. Once paid the orders will show by vendor, so if you need to raise a dispute you just select that one.
Works just fine👍
Works just fine👍

Yes thanks for the clarification on this mate...Ive ordered from 2 separate vendors recently and what I found was that it utilizes the somewhat high btc transfer fees that we all have to in future i will save up my orders and do a multiple buy from 2 or more vendors...don't ask if I'm a bit of a "tight arse" though lol!!!

Not tight at all 😂- that’s why the addition of a Cart was such a good idea, plus you can add small purchases that weren’t worth the fees or minimum btc transaction sizes before we had that option👍👍

Yes,very good points there mate...sometimes buying small amounts from vendors is not best value once you add on the transaction fees,so the "multiple cart items" method makes this better value all round....Cheers :)

Huh, probs would have saved myself a bit of cash over time if I'd known about that. Always done them separately 💚💦

1 post
+2 votes
best uk vendor for dabs/concentrates?
Go for Canadian Imports if you want the highest quality at affordable prices for all budgets 💚💦

best uk vendor for dabs/concentrates?
Looking into trying dabs for first time, ordered a vape rig as seemed most efficient on budget. looking for go to concentrate vendors (uk). planning on trying a few but would appreciate some special mentions

have two orders placed with them for monday tbf mate, between that free ndd and those wax pictures I couldn't not. Any reccomendations concentrate wise? been getting my bud off pistash and green cat atm

You can't go wrong with anything from them, but the PurplePunch Caviar is incredibly terpy, I'd highly recommend 👌
I've seen good things about the Girl Scouts Cookies live Resin too, but I've not tried it myself
I've seen good things about the Girl Scouts Cookies live Resin too, but I've not tried it myself

Just placed an order but i've already added your mix n match deal to cart for my bday. thought id grab a cheaper option for my first try but I'm looking forward to shopping with you soon mate. your hash look banging too. 100% the first order placed on payday

No worries cheers dude , any questions just ask bud I will reply tomorrow going to bed now ✌🏻🤤

They are all very good, might have to have a cheeky dab... 🙄
I held off on getting the rosin as id had some shit in the past, but it's definitely the nicest hash rosin I've had to date 👌
I held off on getting the rosin as id had some shit in the past, but it's definitely the nicest hash rosin I've had to date 👌

Was thinking of grabbing the mix n match once I get a proper rig so it doesn't go to waste, eddys reviews speak for themselfs tbh. appreciate the quick responses from all and my bad for the noob questions haha

Can't go wrong with Canadian imports & Eddy's Hashbar 👌 Good selection between both of them

had them both open scrolling the menu, such selection im struggling to pick haha. appreciate the response though. any that are free delivery?

What rig are you getting? Any flavours / strains you're after?
Not sure about free delivery off the top of my head, thing eddy's is a few quid & usually turns up in a couple of days.
Pretty sure CI offer ndd/special but can't recall cost
Not sure about free delivery off the top of my head, thing eddy's is a few quid & usually turns up in a couple of days.
Pretty sure CI offer ndd/special but can't recall cost

honestly i just bought a cheap oil stick pen with one of them coils in a ceramic bowl, figured it'd last me the first gram and decide on a proper rig after that, birthday treat was the plan haha, would also appreciate any reccomendations on rigs dabs or portable set ups for a fairly reasonable budget - also yeah my last question was a little lazy realised CI offers free ndd already got some filled carts on the way haha

You came to the right place 😂
Coil King AIO around £25 - works great as a pen, super discreet. Works wonders with a bong/bubbler
Core 2.0 around £120ish - proper e-rig. Works an absolute treat, easy to maintain & comes with a case making it somewhat portable
Recent addition has been Inspire wand at around £110.
I feel out of all the "e-rigs/nails" I've used this can produce the hardest hits. You can also use it with a dynavap as an induction heater to vape herb. However its more of a faff & cleaning needs to be kept on top of.
In all honest if I could recommend anything for an occasional dab it would be the coil king, for the price you'll struggle to beat it ✌️
Which pen? Depending on what you've got it might perform better with different concentrates, usually a case of googling / finding a Reddit thread talking about that specific pen
Coil King AIO around £25 - works great as a pen, super discreet. Works wonders with a bong/bubbler
Core 2.0 around £120ish - proper e-rig. Works an absolute treat, easy to maintain & comes with a case making it somewhat portable
Recent addition has been Inspire wand at around £110.
I feel out of all the "e-rigs/nails" I've used this can produce the hardest hits. You can also use it with a dynavap as an induction heater to vape herb. However its more of a faff & cleaning needs to be kept on top of.
In all honest if I could recommend anything for an occasional dab it would be the coil king, for the price you'll struggle to beat it ✌️
Which pen? Depending on what you've got it might perform better with different concentrates, usually a case of googling / finding a Reddit thread talking about that specific pen

Appreciate all the quick replies btw super insightful, tried to do some research before posting but figured who would know best then the biggas. but i ordered "Honey Stick Silencer 510 Wax Vape Tank Vape Adapter with Ceramic Bowl Atomizer for Concentrates Powerful Wax & Dab Vape Tank No Nicotine" on amazon, cheap and cheerful i know, figured it would last long enough to try a gram out. Was hoping to keep within the £50-75 range tops, sadly im still smoking on a budget right now - also to add i seen lots of offers on herb/wax atomizers would it be worth buying a batter and then seperate atomizers? as i do enjoy dry herb vapes occasionally too. based off that amazon post reckon i should go for live resin or shatter? my bad for the essay haha

No worries!
Just be aware from what I can see that atomiser will require a battery/mod to work.. although I don't know what would work best. If you want to vape dry herb aswell I know it definitely is possible to use one battery/mod with multiple atomisers for vaping flower and concentrates... But that's not an area I'm overly familiar with
Live resin is very popular at the mo, personally I've found live hash resin to be a bit hit and miss (I love hash, but not hash flavour dabs 🤷♂️)
The pen you're getting looks somewhat similar to the coil king, if so I found shatter works great as you can place it directly on the coil & it's super easy to handle.
I hate to say it but it will involve a bit of experimenting, there will be some trial and error involved! & if you've never used concentrates you'll cough so hard you might shit your sen 😂
Just be aware from what I can see that atomiser will require a battery/mod to work.. although I don't know what would work best. If you want to vape dry herb aswell I know it definitely is possible to use one battery/mod with multiple atomisers for vaping flower and concentrates... But that's not an area I'm overly familiar with
Live resin is very popular at the mo, personally I've found live hash resin to be a bit hit and miss (I love hash, but not hash flavour dabs 🤷♂️)
The pen you're getting looks somewhat similar to the coil king, if so I found shatter works great as you can place it directly on the coil & it's super easy to handle.
I hate to say it but it will involve a bit of experimenting, there will be some trial and error involved! & if you've never used concentrates you'll cough so hard you might shit your sen 😂

got a couple pen batteries around with 510 threads from old carts so should work with that ok hopefully? ordered it baked and thought it came with a battery originally haha. decided to grab some live resin of CI couldn't resist that free delivery - will make sure to drop an update when everything lands and bug you with some more questions mate. have a good night!

Nice just ordered one of them tonight and then just seen this will be putting mine through its paces lol so can let you know what i thinks best hope i don’t Break this one in 4 weeks 🤣

Can't say it's one I'm familiar with, but let us know how you get on! At that price point I'd deffo recommend the coil king AIO..
There's also the lighting pen that's not long come out...
Can you not get replacement glass for the Qomo? If not might be worth checking out the core 2.0
There's also the lighting pen that's not long come out...
Can you not get replacement glass for the Qomo? If not might be worth checking out the core 2.0

Good bit of kit the yocan evolve plus xl for 35 quid definitely works was coughing n sweating for 5 min lol smoking the sugar in it now 🔥😮💨

Yea you can buy the glass 35£ tho which I will at some point as was really enjoying it but also bought a new coil lol so by the end it will be like triggers broomstick 🤣 will have a look at them cheers Homie

Just ordered a yocan evolve plus xl can’t wait to try it have you seen that one bud? Only 35£ naw bad. I got the xmax Qomo for Xmas from a pal around 85£ which I was loving with these concentrates untill I broke the glass what a nob I am 🤣😩🤦♂️

you should check out the CPENAIL, got it at my local cbd shop for £37 - my yocan button broke after 1 day of use but this is an all in one setup, best for small dabs but can hit the occasional glob. uses quartz/ceramic buckets which feels like im being a lot more effective with my wax

ive had eddys concentrates and all of them were fire,,, my fav was defo sugar crystals for debth of flavour and high...

Go for Canadian Imports if you want the highest quality at affordable prices for all budgets 💚💦

We've recently got some nice Grape Diamond Shatter, very good value for money, be sure to have a look!
We also have some US concentrates in stock.
We also have some US concentrates in stock.

Just received my 1st order from Nero today of the Lava cake sugar crystals. Lovely stuff and a bargain at the price! I was a bit dubious about ordering as it came from Spain but it arrived in just under 1 week.
I mainly use Canadian Imports for extracts though.They always have a fantastic selection and free NDD. They post every day too, so if you get your order in before lunch time you should receive it the next day :) Great comms with them too. Well worth mentioning
MKK2020 has a lovely selection of imported shatters, i've tried most of them and they where all top notch. Good comms and NDD times with MKK2020 also.
I mainly use Canadian Imports for extracts though.They always have a fantastic selection and free NDD. They post every day too, so if you get your order in before lunch time you should receive it the next day :) Great comms with them too. Well worth mentioning
MKK2020 has a lovely selection of imported shatters, i've tried most of them and they where all top notch. Good comms and NDD times with MKK2020 also.

I've been lucky enough to try some CI extracts the past two days and was extremely impressed, super flavours and textures with them - any specific recommendations for hard hitters?

4 posts
+6 votes
The biscotti is fire as always biggas get it while you can! thank you Pistach for brining this bad boy at such a fair price :) top bud with a top stone!

My bit of biscotti that got ordered and "sent" on Monday, RM still saying "waiting to receive from sender" on Thursday. I'm thinking it just still hasn't been sent yet. Not great for $11 NDD 💚💦

ooof yup thats a bit of a pricey NDD innit, I always use the free option hopefully will land for you soon mate, give them a nudge!

Exactly the same for me too. Ordered Monday, RM tracking saying the same for me. Printed the label but hasn't sent the package, bet ya. Rubbish for $11 NDD. Hopefully we get something to compensate.

Exactly the same as you, mate. Nothing arrived and still waiting to be scanned on the tracking. The jokers actually blamed the post office last time I heard from them (Wednesday). They haven't even opened a message from me since yesterday even though I can see they've been online. Absolute clowns.

1 post
+2 votes

Orderedr a half of shake as a backup plan opened it up tonight and it had a strong perfume smell and taste to it. Really strong I can’t get it out of my mouth,has anyone else had this? 29/1/23
Smoked for two decades never tasted anything like it. Any feedback would be appreciated
Smoked for two decades never tasted anything like it. Any feedback would be appreciated

My most recent batch of shake has a feint taste of perfume also, not so much a smell but maybe it's more distinct for you, I can confirm I definitely taste it though.
I've only ever had 1 batch that tasted like this a year or more ago now so it's a huge rarity, not sure what has caused the taste.
Also no negative vibes at all from me, I'm still smoking this batch, just mixed it with an older nice tasty batch and it got rid of the perfume taste for me anyways, not sure if that is an option for you, just an idea.
Fresh orange peel in a Mason jar with the shake is how I solved it last time IIRC, left it in there together for a few days and the orange scent took over, hope that helps bud.
I've only ever had 1 batch that tasted like this a year or more ago now so it's a huge rarity, not sure what has caused the taste.
Also no negative vibes at all from me, I'm still smoking this batch, just mixed it with an older nice tasty batch and it got rid of the perfume taste for me anyways, not sure if that is an option for you, just an idea.
Fresh orange peel in a Mason jar with the shake is how I solved it last time IIRC, left it in there together for a few days and the orange scent took over, hope that helps bud.

Oh I believe this happened to a lot of people already. I still have a bit of one of the shittiest shakes I've ever bought... Stopped buying from pistach for a few months now...

my experience is that Pistach must have sold the business to someone else and they just dont care.
the seller has fallen off a cliff in terms of quality, messaging and post.
they also take a tenner for NDD and dont pay it out, instead sending on a cheap postage.
i am sick of them and their laxy, dont care about their customers attitude.
i agreewith every one else on here...avoid this seller is what i say.
the seller has fallen off a cliff in terms of quality, messaging and post.
they also take a tenner for NDD and dont pay it out, instead sending on a cheap postage.
i am sick of them and their laxy, dont care about their customers attitude.
i agreewith every one else on here...avoid this seller is what i say.

my theory is that they have a 2nd batch of crappy weed for people not to active in topics. A bit far fetched but yh.

Maybe bro...seems odd that a company would pay out to get a load of stickers and bags printed, then stop caring about their customers and reputaion...thats why i am saying he must have sold it.
the old P would refund a full 100% no question on a lost, they just tell lies about everything if they even bother to you may well be right,
either way...avoid them now.
the old P would refund a full 100% no question on a lost, they just tell lies about everything if they even bother to you may well be right,
either way...avoid them now.

May I add this isn’t a post slating pistach I’m just trying to get other feedback it might just be the flavour I don’t agree with. It’s not blue Zushi or Jaffa glue like advertised

It may have been stored in a scented bin bag at some point or just been in a room with body spray and soaked up the smell. I've had it before like that from different places over the years. Also happens if the bud gets packaged out in dog poop bags, they're super scented - eww

1 post
+2 votes
The fields have eyes👀 next event?
Ooh, dreamland! 💚💦

The fields have eyes👀 next event?

Hey biggas, recently heard about this cannabis festival in the uk. Eddy wants to be there this year so does anyone know how you get tickets or have a plug for the invite 🙏🏻. Much appreciated Eddy🍭

I was there in 2022. Quite a few decent uk based events these days.
Faded24s & SmokingWitchcraft were top vendors.
Faded24s & SmokingWitchcraft were top vendors.

Drop me a message bro, I was at part 2 and 4, absolutely incredible experience. Next one is 1st July so you've got time to get a vendor ticket sorted

give out enough reference codes to this and you've got a huge passive income coming to you

1 post
+3.2 votes
Humans placed in suspended animation for the first time
The rapid cooling method was first used to increase heart attack survival rates. It was pioneered by an American hospital at around the time when Jame…

Humans placed in suspended animation for the first time
EPR involves rapidly cooling a person to around 10 to 15°C by replacing all of their blood with ice-cold saline. The patient’s brain activity almost completely stops. They are then disconnected from the cooling system and their body – which would otherwise be classified as dead – is moved to the operating theatre.

The rapid cooling method was first used to increase heart attack survival rates. It was pioneered by an American hospital at around the time when James Gandolfini (Sopranos) died. Ironically, if they'd taken him to that hospital, instead of one down the road then he would have most likely survived. First time they're using the saline blood replacement, which sounds really interesting tho

1 post
+3 votes
My order from before new year?
Or a tracking number that shows my NDD order was sent to my address on the day I was told it was, would also be nice.
Or a response to my messages from several days ago regarding this tracked order.
Any of the above will be a step up in service.
Or a tracking number that shows my NDD order was sent to my address on the day I was told it was, would also be nice.
Or a response to my messages from several days ago regarding this tracked order.
Any of the above will be a step up in service.

Have wanted to see something glue based for a while! Cheese always welcome :) Birthday, wedding cake? saying that can’t wait for the trim I ordered. Have a good weekend! :)

For me for now its got to be some more fire trim / shake. Really good when on a small budget!

~£200 ounces of UK grown FIRE, proper solid nugs with an immense hit and white as snow ash. You probably know exactly the bud I'm talking about it's always smalls (really smalls usually) but they're always seriously banging and that's the best thing about them haha :)
I know some biggas will think I'm asking too much but the bud I'm talking about is available elsewhere from time to time at really good prices but it's never on here and it absolutely should be! Te first seller to bring those ounce bags to lb will be an true hero :)
I know some biggas will think I'm asking too much but the bud I'm talking about is available elsewhere from time to time at really good prices but it's never on here and it absolutely should be! Te first seller to bring those ounce bags to lb will be an true hero :)

Some more cali mids or high quality uk would go down a treat. A few vendors on here do a good job of getting unusual/exotic strains that are uk grown, would love to see a bit more of it.

More banana skittlez for me if possible
That’s the best hash I’ve had on biggy in that price range
That’s the best hash I’ve had on biggy in that price range

Just keep doing what you're doing. The M5G and Gorilla Glue hash would be good ones to stock up on, they're really nice. The Doja RS11, and the MAC 11 were amazing so it would be great to see them in again. As for new ones, some tasty Gelato or Biscotti crosses, a lovely one called Pistachio, any Cake types (lava cake's a mad one) or some Frosted Doughnuts. But really, I'm sure whatever you get in will be great just like all the others :)

Neville’s haze
S5 Haze
Jack herer 12 week phenotype
Wild Thailand
Lemon Bubble
Jamaican Pearl / dream
Moby dick
S5 Haze
Jack herer 12 week phenotype
Wild Thailand
Lemon Bubble
Jamaican Pearl / dream
Moby dick

Yo Pistach!
Try get some bubble hash.
I've still not tried it yet.
Just sell small amounts tho so it's not gone in 1 day.
Have a great Christmas!
Try get some bubble hash.
I've still not tried it yet.
Just sell small amounts tho so it's not gone in 1 day.
Have a great Christmas!

Forbidden fruit eggs
Cherry Pie eggs
Strawbanana flower
Blueberry muffin flower/egg
If you can get any of these beauties 😍
Cherry Pie eggs
Strawbanana flower
Blueberry muffin flower/egg
If you can get any of these beauties 😍

Tbh everything you guys get is awesome. Just keep doing what your doing. I’d personally like to see some of the pink strains and a larger variety of hash eggs. And more Moroccan hash

I think all we need is the Moroccan menu of fresh dry frozen and when I mean menu I mean all the flavors and microns💚🎉🕺🏻🙌🏼 Please

I have some Pink Panties, it’s quite unique. I don’t find the high that strong, but I have the funkiest dreams and wake up really refreshed…weird but 👍❤️👍❤️

Yeah I've had stronger, gorilla glue for instance was very strong but pink panties gave me the most interesting cerebral high I've ever experienced, my friend and I spent the afternoon watching Bob Ross and TV programmes from when we we're kids.
We we're very in tune with each other which is something I don't often get 💚
Side note: I suffer from several mental health disorders which are incredibly dissociative so to be able to connect with my friends in that way was wonderful 💚
We we're very in tune with each other which is something I don't often get 💚
Side note: I suffer from several mental health disorders which are incredibly dissociative so to be able to connect with my friends in that way was wonderful 💚

Just got my half egg today and sitting now very stoned and loving this hash,keep getting these eggs 😎

you post a NDD which actualy arrives on the next day?
you answering messages instead of ignoring them?
we'd like to see Pistach behave like he did a year if he cares a shit about his customers or reputation.
oh too late. i see you gave up.
you answering messages instead of ignoring them?
we'd like to see Pistach behave like he did a year if he cares a shit about his customers or reputation.
oh too late. i see you gave up.

Hi why wont respond to my messages ? Im still waiting on 24.5 grams that i paid for but you haven't sent me.. how many months now have i been patient.. and agreed not to write a bad review while waitng for you to sort it. Please explain.,. lets have the whole of littlebiggy see your excuse. and yeah i used to think the same as the nice comments you get on reviews, i myself left you good reviews but as soon as an issue crops up you SAY you'll fix it. But you ignore every message!!

I’ve heard of weed strains named The Incredible Hulk, Bruce Banner and another one called Hulkamania which look very potent and I’d love to try them if they could be sourced please Pistach? 🙏 😃
Another great strain I tried in the past was called White Rhino 🦏 which is a cross between White Widow 🕷 and and a North American Strain and if that or the Mike Tyson 🥊 strains or the Hulk strain are able to be sourced that would be awesome 😊 I’d be keen to get some of these strains either buds, hash or concentrates please🙏 😃 some of my other favourite strains if they could be sourced please are Gorilla Glue 🦍 and Strawberry 🍓 Cough 🤩
I’ve had excellent products from Pistach The King 🤴 👑 I look forward to more in the future as they’ve got a massive menu of awesome strains and great prices too with their trim being awesome for brownies 😋 🤩
Another great strain I tried in the past was called White Rhino 🦏 which is a cross between White Widow 🕷 and and a North American Strain and if that or the Mike Tyson 🥊 strains or the Hulk strain are able to be sourced that would be awesome 😊 I’d be keen to get some of these strains either buds, hash or concentrates please🙏 😃 some of my other favourite strains if they could be sourced please are Gorilla Glue 🦍 and Strawberry 🍓 Cough 🤩
I’ve had excellent products from Pistach The King 🤴 👑 I look forward to more in the future as they’ve got a massive menu of awesome strains and great prices too with their trim being awesome for brownies 😋 🤩

More import smallz please, the last lot (RS11 & ZOAP) were absolutely amazing. If any more comes in I'll be buying much larger quantities.

Waxes shatter concentrates that’s what I be after your crow is great pretty much all the time I feel if you can get this decent weed you could get some wicked concentrates just a thought I am a dab man

50% off trim as on a tight budget like a lot of us I imagine. But will take wot can get as it's bangin'. 👍

Some proper charas - manali,malana, parvati etc
Kola kube was ace hash as well.
And some old school bud: Jack Herer, White Rhino, White Widow, Hawaiian Haze (PLEASE), AK47, K2 etc
I once had some amazing hash that was black on the outside, gold on the inside and soft as anything - that.
Kola kube was ace hash as well.
And some old school bud: Jack Herer, White Rhino, White Widow, Hawaiian Haze (PLEASE), AK47, K2 etc
I once had some amazing hash that was black on the outside, gold on the inside and soft as anything - that.

I would love to see a nice tom Ford pink kusk if possible or some nevilles haze maybe? Maybe platinum cookies

1 post
+1 votes

‘Cannabis burned during worship’ by ancient Israelites – study (BBC)
Haha awesome. That stuff will def give a person religious experiences

‘Cannabis burned during worship’ by ancient Israelites – study (BBC)
People been getting high for over 2,700 years!
Legalize it
Don't criticize it
Legalize it, yeah yeah
Legalize it
Don't criticize it
Legalize it, yeah yeah

Apparently large quantities of cannabis oil was used as part of the ingredients that made up the Holy anointing oil. Fascinating stuff.

1 post
+5 votes
Best grinder
Been using scissors for over ten years and they beat any grinder hands down

Best grinder
What grinders are you guys using? I have tried 4 different ones including a head chef, and a few unknown brands, and they’re all terrible at grinding my bud, I want an actual good grinder for once, any help apreciated

I use the storz-bickel orange plastic grinder, can be found on eBay or amazon. Best I’ve ever used. Better than all those hefty metal ones and cheap plastic things.

I need to update this, brilliant cut grinder, the above, flowermill and Santa Cruz shredder are all fab

I’ve tried loads of regular and premium grinders over the years but the S&B orange one that came with my Mighty is by far the best.

Agreed. I bought my titanium spacecase in 2008 and it hasn't missed a beat. Expensive but as an investment I've made my money on it and then some. Grinds any weed to fluff, catches all the kief.

does the pollen catcher and threads get blocked on these?
EVERY grinder I've had clogs up, maybe I smoke too much though?
EVERY grinder I've had clogs up, maybe I smoke too much though?

I don't know why, but i thought the thc gets absorbed by your fingers so I never like doing this 😂

Santa Cruz Shredder (Metal, medium, 3 piece) . You'll never buy another grinder again. It's still sharp and is smooth even after years of continuous use 😅

Futo walnut two piece. Every Alu/metal grinder I've ever had has contaminated the herb in some way (flaky coatings, metal fragments, paint rub-off, etc).
This feels safer and glides through most herb.
This feels safer and glides through most herb.

I’ve been using the Høj Klip for 2 weeks now & it blows every other grinder out of the water. I was a little reluctant spending so much on a grinder but it’s a real investment.

Wow, just checked this out. looks mad! I recently splashed out of the Herb Ripper (Stainless steel instead of aluminium). Thoroughly recommend the herb ripper, my go to grinder and is a beast. I didnt think id need another one until i saw the Høj Klip, now i have it lol

I took the plunge, so glad I did 😁
I was concerned with the blades clogging but they work great and so easy to clean, really wasn't a problem at all.
Collection section, brilliant size, plenty of space and a good kief catcher (gauze not to small that it clogs and becomes redundant)
Each section been magnetic no clogged threads!!! Not had an issue of coming apart but always make sure it's on a flat surface (I just use Cork base) to klip.
Also got a pipe, smooth 😎 not going back or looking back a very happy experience all round!
I was concerned with the blades clogging but they work great and so easy to clean, really wasn't a problem at all.
Collection section, brilliant size, plenty of space and a good kief catcher (gauze not to small that it clogs and becomes redundant)
Each section been magnetic no clogged threads!!! Not had an issue of coming apart but always make sure it's on a flat surface (I just use Cork base) to klip.
Also got a pipe, smooth 😎 not going back or looking back a very happy experience all round!

I'm sold lol. I'm gonna have to wait til after Christmas but this is definitely on my to buy list in January. I can't believe I'm getting yet another grinder 🙄. Thanks for the review druids 😁

thanks for this thread - just ordered BCG from Canada, have to wait a while for it though, waiting list!

A friend of mine is like you with the scissors lol. He got used it as used to chop up commercial Thai weed back in the day and the habit stuck

Not gonna lie personally I really like the cheap plastic grinders you get from like a local shop or ebay. Grinds quite good and if you ever feel like it needs cleaning you can just throw it out and buy a new one for cheap

I own these three. The orange headchef one is useless. Lovely design and ceramic coating but the mesh isn't fine enough and it collects way too much plant matter. The green headchef one is a kief collecting beast and I use this most of the time however the small, cheap, plastic, black raw one grinds the best I think and I reach for that if I'm in a rush.

I’ve got a head chef, i can’t remember which model but it’s fairly decent, although I generally smoke hash so it does get too much use.

I've been using the StoneAge grinder set from Amazon and it's great. £18.99 and still works like new (except the matte finish has mostly rubbed off) is good capacity (2g I reckon although I'm too poor to fill my grinder up and will smoke it all if it's in there lol). Comes with smell proof 20 bags, stickers and a brush. Highly recommend.

I use this stoneage one I got off Amazon, grinds up beautifully but I can’t comment on the longevity because I haven’t had it long enough. I will say it generally feels high quality except for the matte finish which can bubble but that doesn’t affect its effectiveness.

brilliant cut grinder - best, hard to get expensive
pucc- second best, cheaper, usually not sold out as bcg
pucc- second best, cheaper, usually not sold out as bcg

Ive got a mini head chef grinder which is awesome but just a tad too small. Ive had a couple of really good cheapo acrylics but by far the best grinder I use at the moment is a brand called Justin Hale.
Nice big teeth, perfect pollen catcher and comes with a little scraper thing to make sure you dont miss any of that valuable pollen! It also grinds anything and everything really quickly and perfectly fluffs up even the stickiest weed.
Little bit pricey but well worth it. Mine is the one without a storage door.
Nice big teeth, perfect pollen catcher and comes with a little scraper thing to make sure you dont miss any of that valuable pollen! It also grinds anything and everything really quickly and perfectly fluffs up even the stickiest weed.
Little bit pricey but well worth it. Mine is the one without a storage door.

Space case . Expensive but personally I think they are one of the best metal grinders you can get if you have enough to splash out

And believe it or not they are worth the money . As long as you don't loose it it will last for decades and still be as sharp as day one crazy haha

Update- must be a year or more since I got the BCG and I have not had a single jam, nor have I had to de-clog it even once to date. Haven’t even looked at my Santa Cruz since, it’s basically redundant.

I use this one its the Zeus Bolt XL Grinder it’s made of Aircraft Grade Anodized Aluminium so it does not get clogged very easily and it comes with a lifetime warranty 😊 it’s got multiple pieces too so you can use it with or without kief catcher compartment in the middle depending on your preference and grinds up very well 🤩 I’m using it without the kief catcher for now too get all of it into the paper/ bowl/ Vape 😊

1 post
+2 votes

I’m a regular buyer on here, I’ve got my favourites but thought I’d try Greencat as there’s some funky looking buds on his site. Placed an order 8 days ago paying for next day. Nothing arrived sent 3 messages and don’t get any reply. Day 8 today and again nothing, spoke to Postie and no issues with the local sorting office? Anyone else have the same? I’m surprised because most of the feedback is good

Hello my people apologies for the bad service I have very bad flu which is leading to delays any orders made are still being despatched if your order has been marked as sent and you have not received then please dispute the order so it will be highlighted for me thank you for your patience.

Just received an order but half of it was missing from the pack. If you could get back to me on the DMs. Thanks GC 💚💦

I've had this flu along with chest infection, fucked me for 9 days. Feel your pain. Get well soon

Just for your reassurance Greencat in my opinion is an excellent vendor, I have never had an issue with order/quality and if there are delays there will be good reason. Very frustrating but it will come

Had some issues receiving an item but Green Cat communicated and apologised and addressed it which is all we ask.
Items received were quality so worth the wait🙂
Had some issues receiving an item but Green Cat communicated and apologised and addressed it which is all we ask.
Items received were quality so worth the wait🙂

Just an update package arrived today with some quality in it. Green Cat also emailed to apologise for bad comms, all good, and will definitely be back

Green Cat are always solid. I've been using them for a long time and they always deliver the goods

Hi there Rest assured your package will come a little birdie tells me that hes been laid up in bed with the flu Hence been slow on the replies I hope this helps

I am having a similar experience, I have my regular favourites, but decided to try a few new vendors due to the time of year, and many vendors being closed. Greencat was one I tried for the first time. I only ordered mine on Monday (so still very early for me), also next day, so was hoping posted yesterday to arrive today. Its still not marked as sent (an order with another vendor made after has been sent). I too was lured by the good reviews, so hoping we are anomalies and things will arrive. As it's early I haven't messaged yet, but seeing your message is making me fear the worse! I feel for you big time, fingers crossed it turns up! Is yours marked as sent or just paid?

I've had issues with Supreme% (posted on the 30th) and shockingly with another Vendor (I won't mention their names, just in case it arrives today).
I'm. Not really sure what's going on here, I've never had any issues. And it's not just RM's fault, there seems to be something going on perhaps?
I'm. Not really sure what's going on here, I've never had any issues. And it's not just RM's fault, there seems to be something going on perhaps?

Agree it’s not just RM and likewise I’ve never had issues with my normal vendors. I guess that’s it, stick with who you know

Good news, the one I didn't mention came through. You're spot on, valuable lesson Learnt.

1 post
+3 votes
Friday Giveaway! / 2G AMNESIA HAZE
Ah man, wish I saw this earlier. Guess I'll keep a lookout for next week's one

Friday Giveaway! / 2G AMNESIA HAZE
Hey everybody,
We are back with our Friday giveaway...
We are starting the post early to give more people chance of entering.
To be considered please vote/comment this post and we will select a random user as our winner.
Good luck!
One Love
We are back with our Friday giveaway...
We are starting the post early to give more people chance of entering.
To be considered please vote/comment this post and we will select a random user as our winner.
Good luck!
One Love

1 post
+1 votes
Luxury Ferrero Rocher Hash 😍
Looks like a nice quality bit of blonde there! 💚💦

Luxury Ferrero Rocher Hash 😍

Beautiful new batch from our friends in Spain! SUPER high grade Sativa dominant Golden Beldia hash, really high demand for this stuff !

2 posts
+3 votes

Any seeds around?
Think those peyote take like 12-15 years to grow. San Pedro might take less time, idk. Think those cacti are better off just being bought in dried bit…
+ 2 more

Any seeds around?
Looking for a small amount of seeds 3-5 as a friend wants to start growing. Saw some on here a while back, but none at the moment...

Hey bud ive got lots of seed you can have missus shut down my operation a year ago lol. Got some Mephisto auto . Barneys , green house seeds Francos lemon cheese I big budha cheesle auto , King Kong fems all premium seeds i never got chance to start😢 . Pm me and Il send some your way bud . Eddy

Thanks for your message. I was asking for a friend who only wanted a few seeds (like 5?) but she hasn't been well recently. So I think she's probably lost interest. I will check though. I don't grow myself - there's plenty of fine weed available on LB.👌

Buy them on a dedicated seed site with your card. No need to pay LB premiums for legal products;)

Thanks. I can get these legally in the UK. And I believe peyote cactus takes YEARS to grow?!

Think those peyote take like 12-15 years to grow. San Pedro might take less time, idk. Think those cacti are better off just being bought in dried bits from mystic type sites

Seedbanks sell 1 seed upwards, its not illegal to buy seeds so not much point in anyone selling them on here.

Thanks. That's good to know as the sites I have come across often sell seeds in bulk which are pretty pricey.

I’ve had 100 percent germination rate with rqs autos- pretty decent yields too. I’m a complete novice

1 post
+3 votes

Quality real live rosin/extracts
Canadian Imports 💚💦
2 posts
+7 votes
i was stoned when i bought this
Just put one line of it in a king-size riz with some lower strength green. If you can, heat up a little blade once the distillate is on the riz and sm…
+ 2 more
Hello that stuff is top class! You just eat it, smoke it, I mix with MCT and put in a spray bottle now, you can use it anywhere. It will get you very high. The one from CI is a full flower distillate, not a CBD conversion which most are on here!

When you say mix it in a bottle so your just walking round public straight spraying it into your mouth getting high and nobody can tell...?? Shittttttttttt been doing this getting high shit wrong all my life 🤣

Anal ingestion hits hard good shape too 😂🤣😂🤣
Sorry I’ve gone silly after smoking this hash 😃
Sorry I’ve gone silly after smoking this hash 😃

Anal administration is good for medical patients that don’t want to get as high. Works great with other drugs though;)

i did wonder about vaginal when i ran out of weed once... there's a business - thc douches :)

Yeah like seriously thou whats the best way to take it ill happily eat it or smoke it. Not into dabs or vaping so dont want to waste it but i really want some

Just put one line of it in a king-size riz with some lower strength green. If you can, heat up a little blade once the distillate is on the riz and smooth it flat with the hot blade so that the ∆9 smokes better. Have fun 💚💦

Honestly, if you want to get fucked just eat it, it works everytime. If drinking, be careful, your liver will put it on the backburner until it has dealt with the booze!!

Hehe…the old Stoner Purchase huh?🫣😂
You can stick it anywhere like an RSO…grain of rice size…in a joint or vape, under the tongue, suppository….you name it…but go easy until you are happy with the dosage 😵💫
You can stick it anywhere like an RSO…grain of rice size…in a joint or vape, under the tongue, suppository….you name it…but go easy until you are happy with the dosage 😵💫

You could but be a little careful with it, I reckon go with about a 1/4 of it max to start, maybe have some black pepper/ lemon/hemp oil to hand to balance if required. It will push your heat rate at that level, which would be a no no for me

I've been through about 5 of those, lovely stuff. Reminds me to get some more. I always liked twaxing up my J's with it or the occasional dab. A good tip tho, before using it, warm it up by just holding the barrel tight in the palm of your hand for like five mins, then it'll squeeze out easier because this stuff is thiiiccc 💚💦

1 post
+3 votes
Indefinite Break Coming Up
This is the worst this I've heard all year. You'll be very much missed.
I was just about to order a couple of new vapes and finally man up and quit s…

Indefinite Break Coming Up
Indefinite Break Coming Up
We will close shop for a indefinite break. And yes, there is a big chance we won't be back.
Disposables: one left of each size (0.5 ml and 1 ml). Mail us if you want it, with desired strain/Batch. (Moment of writing 10/08/22 12pm)
No more new batches, this is what we will have in stock, till it sells out. And only in 510 cartridges(0.5 ml and 1 ml).
510 Cart Liquidation Sale
Triple Play 510 Cart Liquidation Sale- Click here
In Stock
Batch 73: Cherry Pie- Click here
Batch 72: Orange Cookies- Click here
Batch 71: Biscotti- Click here
Batch 69: Cookie Dawg- Click here
Batch 64: White Dawg- Click here
510 Thread Batteries.
510 Batteries - Click here

Well that’s ruined my day…😭
Smoggyman, Superhans and now SCL….what is it with the letter ‘S’😵💫
…all LB Legends…
Smoggyman, Superhans and now SCL….what is it with the letter ‘S’😵💫
…all LB Legends…

I agree with TheDazzler. You will be sorely missed. There are few vendors who I've had such a good laugh with over the past year. Your products got me through the death of my dog and beyond. One of the good guys. Best wishes for the future.

Personality fucking gutted mate love your product.
You will be missed on the wonder wall my friend
Wish you all the best
As I said to you
I think I feel worse about this news than when take that broke up
You will be missed on the wonder wall my friend
Wish you all the best
As I said to you
I think I feel worse about this news than when take that broke up

Massive shame to see this news! Top products from a top seller.
I hope all is well with you and you're simply on to better things.
I'll certainly buy again should you decide to get back in business here or elsewhere!
All the best dude!
I hope all is well with you and you're simply on to better things.
I'll certainly buy again should you decide to get back in business here or elsewhere!
All the best dude!

Wow just found you guys a real shame was coming back for more - you will be missed, good luck hope I bump into you someday ✌🏻

This is the worst this I've heard all year. You'll be very much missed.
I was just about to order a couple of new vapes and finally man up and quit smoking because these rosin carts were the only thing that could be as satisfying as a joint.
Don't know how that'll be working out then...
Good luck in whatever your doing, hope it brings you back here tho
Thanks for your awesome products and a top class service, catch you round SCL 💚💦
I was just about to order a couple of new vapes and finally man up and quit smoking because these rosin carts were the only thing that could be as satisfying as a joint.
Don't know how that'll be working out then...
Good luck in whatever your doing, hope it brings you back here tho
Thanks for your awesome products and a top class service, catch you round SCL 💚💦

Sorry to hear your going dude 😢 you will be greatly missed!
If it is indeed the end for you on LB……. then thank for the great products, immaculate service and very kind deals! 🥲
Good luck with your future endeavours and hopefully see back here one day…
Cheers ✌️💚💯🙌💨
If it is indeed the end for you on LB……. then thank for the great products, immaculate service and very kind deals! 🥲
Good luck with your future endeavours and hopefully see back here one day…
Cheers ✌️💚💯🙌💨

Its an unmitigated disaster!! Do any other uk sellers have rosin vapes or perhaps full spectrum vapes? And do they also come in a stealthy small device. Ahaha please come back Chiller Labs...

3 posts
+7 votes
What is the best video game plot you have experienced?
Did you ever get to play The Taxidermist dlc in Heavy Rain?
+ 3 more

What is the best video game plot you have experienced?
For me personally its between Bioshock infinte and the last of us.
GTA 4 is up there along with uncharted 4, Halo 1-3, Papers please and God of war 1-4.
GTA 4 is up there along with uncharted 4, Halo 1-3, Papers please and God of war 1-4.

Shenmue on the Sega Dreamcast, written directed and produced by Japanese genius Yu Suzuki. Beautiful and way ahead of it's time.
A teenth of Afghan black, Ericsson T18 on silent, while i roamed the streets of Japan. Those were the days!
A teenth of Afghan black, Ericsson T18 on silent, while i roamed the streets of Japan. Those were the days!

Have you played the new Shenmue? Shenmue 3 I think? I played a load of the original on Dreamcast back in the day and bought the remastered version for PS4 that had 1&2 on it (wasn't as good as I remembered) intresting to know if 3 is any good.

Old School- I used to love the original Silent Hill on Playstation, thought that was a really clever game. Also MYST.

Silent hill for sure, was Syked for new one coming out with Kojima onboard but alas, it wasn’t to be

Loads of rumors about a reboot for the series but I'm not sure I even want it if Yamaoka isn't onboard. Kojima's take would've been interesting, though. Shame we never got more than a demo.

I assume this is an old post but if you haven’t already check out The Callisto Protocol!!! From the creators of dead space, looks like top tier sci fi horror and is set for release at the end of 2022 (although will probably be delayed until next year, you know how these things go lol)

Bloody loved Silent Hill. Creepy AF. Used the machine's limitations really well by clouding the streets with an eerie fog. I still recall hearing the footsteps of those fucked-up things but not be able to see them. Remember the cut-away sequence when the nurse staggered towards you?

100% the witcher. Managed to get every gwent card aswell even when you could very easily miss a few card through wrong decisions.

Wow! I totally forgot about LSL. I bloody loved all the Sierra adventure games when I was but a young lad.

For me Heavy Rain really stands out, also Shenmue 2 and LA Noir, all so far ahead of their time.

Yeah, it's amazing. So atmospheric. Only problem was, it was supposed to be a two or three part dlc but the creator gave up on it after the first one so it never got finished. As far as I know he gave up on making video games after that. If you can get hold of the first part tho, I'd highly recommend it

There are so many...
Witcher 3 has to be up there with the best along with all 3 bioshock games. Halo 1-3 & the latest god of war. Here hoping cyberpunk 2077 can join them too!
Witcher 3 has to be up there with the best along with all 3 bioshock games. Halo 1-3 & the latest god of war. Here hoping cyberpunk 2077 can join them too!

Metal Gear Solid on the PSone blew my mind, the other MGS got a bit preachy but the PSone version had everything, great game play, great stelf sections, good action sequences etc etc I still think about the bit where Psycho Mantis moves your controller, freaked me out.

GTA 4, more recently Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last of us was also pretty epic, I’m looking forward to part 2.

Bioshock 1 was drippingly beautiful and draws you in. Dark room, good thumping surround sound cranked up, roll a few fattys. Great replay capability with the good or bad decisions and the array of different weapons and potions. One of the finest pieces of electronic entertainment to this day, including films.
Noteables: Deus ex, last of us, elder scrolls,Halo 1.
Its when you play them as well i think. There are more advanced games now, better ai, graphics etc, but such a wow factor for me at the time when i was a fanatic.
Noteables: Deus ex, last of us, elder scrolls,Halo 1.
Its when you play them as well i think. There are more advanced games now, better ai, graphics etc, but such a wow factor for me at the time when i was a fanatic.

Metro Exodus is pretty intense. I agree, Bioshock Infinite was pretty awesome. Saying that Bioshock 1+2 were pretty raw. Best plot ever, though? Has to be 'The Secret of Monkey Island 2'.

Like many others, 'last of us' will always stay in the mind and I'm eager to play no2.
So many others worthy of note, but I'm also big fan of Horizon on ps4, such an excellent story and characters and possibly my fave of this gen.
Honorable shout out to 'Days Gone' which never got the praise it deserved imo.
So many others worthy of note, but I'm also big fan of Horizon on ps4, such an excellent story and characters and possibly my fave of this gen.
Honorable shout out to 'Days Gone' which never got the praise it deserved imo.

I started playing “Days gone” when it came out on free to play. I would’ve paid for it if I’d have known it was that good! I’m hooked and I never thought I would be.

Max Payne 2: Fall of Max Payne - I like that noiresque atmosphere, the music, the over the top melancholic atmosphere... It harmonised well with my mood back then...

This^ elder scrolls by far the most immersive games. Skyrim is over 10 years old and is still un matched, probably never will be. Well over 100 hours game play or unlimited hours if you don't bother with main quest lines.

Life Is Strange
It really shows how the slightest thing can completely change the reality you get stuck in
It makes you contemplate the cause and effect that lead to living in your current reality and how fragile everything we perceive is
Ain't played the game in years but I still fell so emotionally connected to it
It really shows how the slightest thing can completely change the reality you get stuck in
It makes you contemplate the cause and effect that lead to living in your current reality and how fragile everything we perceive is
Ain't played the game in years but I still fell so emotionally connected to it

Xenoblade Chronicles for me. I love good RPGs and this story was kinda unique and on top of that the Gameplay was really fun too. Sadly the follow up Games were kinda meh...

Got to be final fantasy 9 I remember playing it as a 10 yr old and was super emotional lol

The last of us, for sure. What an emotional journey. Really looking forward to the next one coming out. Can’t wait to dive into that. Really nice to have summat to look forward to in these trying times. Much love.

Metal Gear Solid Series was excellent. Loved God of wars. First Bioshock was awesome. Assassins creed Odyssey was decent enough!

It got shit on constantly but I fucking LOVED Destiny 1 and 2. The story was meh, but the game itself ran so smoothly and in my opinion was one of the best FPS games to come out in years. I did stop playing a few months back though because I just had nothing left to do in it.
Story wise either Last of Us or God of War 5.
Story wise either Last of Us or God of War 5.

D1 and d2 played well but they would, its a bungie shooter. But they felt hollow which is a shame considering the hipe before 1. The lore is really good tho if you can peice it together. But it should be in the game more. D1 tied me over quite nicely between borderlands 2 and 3 lol and I met some awesome people playing it

Literally just bought Shadowkeep like a week ago. Got my Titan to 965 so far. Now for the Warlock and Hunter lol. Forgot how much I enjoyed playing the game

My favourite has got to be
Nier Automata
If you haven't played it I strongly suggest you do
So many twists and turns
The robot characters are named around famous philosophyers
The game touches on robots having emotions etc etc
Fucking fantastic honestly
Nier Automata
If you haven't played it I strongly suggest you do
So many twists and turns
The robot characters are named around famous philosophyers
The game touches on robots having emotions etc etc
Fucking fantastic honestly

Myst - never attempt it stoned!
Bioshock (obvs) but also Bioshock Infinite.
And Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Oh, and Ghouls'n'Ghosts....
Bioshock (obvs) but also Bioshock Infinite.
And Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Oh, and Ghouls'n'Ghosts....

I got hooked on the Sierra adventure games back in the early 90's. That led me on to the epic Broken Sword series by Revolution. Still worth checking out for its humour and storyline. Point and click has never been such fun.

1 post
+1 votes
Someone else guessed 14g, so I'll go for 14.03g


A lot of you have been asking “when are the buds coming?” And I replied “I have to wait until I get the best stuff”
We’ll We’ve managed to get some beautiful Cali Mids which we’ll be releasing THIS FRIDAY 😍
To say thank you to all the love we’ve received and the 100+ sales in less than a month, we’d like to show our appreciation and give one of our fellow biggas a chance to win a 3.5 of your choice from our beautiful cali mids which we will be releasing !
—- How To Enter —-
- Simply guess how much Zoap is in the cup ;)
- You all have one guess each !
- Everyone competing must have at least 3 littlebiggy purchases to stop people making fake accounts and cheating ;)
- The winner will be announced Next week Friday SO YOU HAVE A WEEK ! Who ever guesses CLOSEST WINS 🥰
We’ll We’ve managed to get some beautiful Cali Mids which we’ll be releasing THIS FRIDAY 😍
To say thank you to all the love we’ve received and the 100+ sales in less than a month, we’d like to show our appreciation and give one of our fellow biggas a chance to win a 3.5 of your choice from our beautiful cali mids which we will be releasing !
—- How To Enter —-
- Simply guess how much Zoap is in the cup ;)
- You all have one guess each !
- Everyone competing must have at least 3 littlebiggy purchases to stop people making fake accounts and cheating ;)
- The winner will be announced Next week Friday SO YOU HAVE A WEEK ! Who ever guesses CLOSEST WINS 🥰

Looks as dense as Truss. I’m saying 31.1. If I win please give it to someone else.

25.5 gram i am new no previous sales so if i win donate it to a charity cheers. I will be placing few orders at end of month pay day 😀😀

I reckon that cup is bigger than it looks (??) 55g guess from me :)
Nice one Strainsburys, liking the cut of your jib ;)
Nice one Strainsburys, liking the cut of your jib ;)

35.5g i reckon. Christ, your menu looks like its taken shot in the arm recently (looks quality!!)

Oh liking the menu - well done with your sales / guess - hope a large bucket at 60g - good luck to all 🏍 🕷

1 post
+3 votes

Whilst i'm 100% backing the posties with this strike, they deserve to be paid a considerably higher wage imo, more than politicians anyway! posties literally kept me alive during the lockdowns, along with some vendors on here :)
But it makes me wonder, will any vendors be offering alternative delivery options before / during the strike? as i would hate to be forced into buying in bulk just before the strike starts just for my bulk order not to arrive due to pre-strike complications, i would be so fucking screwed
and i very much dislike buying in bulk anyway for more reasons than i'd rather get into right now, so i'm hoping some vendors are potentially going to offer alternatives / couriers etc, i know some vendors will be taking a well earned break during the strike, but i also hope some will be taking advantage of it in a way?
But it makes me wonder, will any vendors be offering alternative delivery options before / during the strike? as i would hate to be forced into buying in bulk just before the strike starts just for my bulk order not to arrive due to pre-strike complications, i would be so fucking screwed
and i very much dislike buying in bulk anyway for more reasons than i'd rather get into right now, so i'm hoping some vendors are potentially going to offer alternatives / couriers etc, i know some vendors will be taking a well earned break during the strike, but i also hope some will be taking advantage of it in a way?

I can't see there being anyone else to deliver.
Lets say you get vendors listing items with DPD nxt day for example, ain't gonna take long for dpd to get word of it and crack down in a major way i'd imagine, unlike rm who are just too big to really tackle our victimless hobby.
Personally if need to stock up then i'll be stocking up on vapes and vapes alone.
It's the only form of smoking i can't just blast my way through in a single night.
Hope they get a decent rise, think we got 5% lol.
And i do hope we get an alternative courier tho for sure.🤞
Lets say you get vendors listing items with DPD nxt day for example, ain't gonna take long for dpd to get word of it and crack down in a major way i'd imagine, unlike rm who are just too big to really tackle our victimless hobby.
Personally if need to stock up then i'll be stocking up on vapes and vapes alone.
It's the only form of smoking i can't just blast my way through in a single night.
Hope they get a decent rise, think we got 5% lol.
And i do hope we get an alternative courier tho for sure.🤞

does DPD have much of an incentive to crack down?
in any event smart sellers will start testing alternative delivery now or find a branches that are functioning.
in any event smart sellers will start testing alternative delivery now or find a branches that are functioning.

To move CBD through DPD takes special permission from the company. So either it would have to be super stealth at all times or someone takes the risk to find a "cool" boss at DPD and be honest about the packages, which would obviously bring it's own problems. Probs best to just wait it out, or start an LB motorbike courier service

i've done courier work and i'm curious what would same day delivery be worth per delivery?

DPD deliver medical cannabis on a daily basis to thousands of patients in the U.K. How would they get word of it?
As long as good stealth is maintained I can't imagine how issues are more likely to arrise whilst using DPD, compared to using RM. Please educate me, do DPD do extra inspections? Do they scrutinize more? Cheers 🙂👍
As long as good stealth is maintained I can't imagine how issues are more likely to arrise whilst using DPD, compared to using RM. Please educate me, do DPD do extra inspections? Do they scrutinize more? Cheers 🙂👍

It’s not actually the posties who have voted to strike. It’s the managers who have voted to strike and it’s not over pay it’s over planned restructuring. I don’t actually think there will be too much disruption. Hope not anyway.

I think also especially with top selling venders it is volumes. All of a sudden dpd get asked to pick up x amount of packages 📦 per day out the blue. That’s business rates and business volume I would imagine. Invoice ect and probably no cash payment Paper trail ect ect
For example me sending a few packages via and delivery service 🚚 no issue
Seller high on the wall selling large amounts of packages all over. Alarm bells 🔔 must go off
medical weed does get delivered but the processes in place are tight. They know what they are delivering so they don’t give a fuck about stealth 🥷
Also drive the price up on what your buying I’m assuming
But aye I better get my delivery 🚚 the day lol
BBDoom glad your enjoying the carts
For example me sending a few packages via and delivery service 🚚 no issue
Seller high on the wall selling large amounts of packages all over. Alarm bells 🔔 must go off
medical weed does get delivered but the processes in place are tight. They know what they are delivering so they don’t give a fuck about stealth 🥷
Also drive the price up on what your buying I’m assuming
But aye I better get my delivery 🚚 the day lol
BBDoom glad your enjoying the carts

2 posts
+6.5 votes

Screw you Barclays! 🤡
Got PayPal? Send from Barclays to PP, then either buy crypto from PP directly or use as a payment form on Coinbase, then send to a safer wallet to spe…
+ 2 more

Screw you Barclays! 🤡
Just have to vent for a second…
This day has been coming as I know they were cracking down… but Barclays have just stopped me from buying from Coinbase 🥺 booooooooooooo!
I got a few other crypto wallets but they charge a lot…. Any suggestions welcome 🙏 ✌️💚
This day has been coming as I know they were cracking down… but Barclays have just stopped me from buying from Coinbase 🥺 booooooooooooo!
I got a few other crypto wallets but they charge a lot…. Any suggestions welcome 🙏 ✌️💚

Royal Bank Scotland offering £140 if you switch current accounts to them. They facilitate crypto no fuss.
Not your keys, not your coins.
Secure yourself your own wallet, don't keep money on exchanges.
Not your keys, not your coins.
Secure yourself your own wallet, don't keep money on exchanges.

Got PayPal? Send from Barclays to PP, then either buy crypto from PP directly or use as a payment form on Coinbase, then send to a safer wallet to spend from 👍

Didn't know this either thanks! good to know if I have a problem with lloyds in the future I can just do this instead and buy crypto on coinbase using paypal method. Awesome!

Thanks RealD! My mate suggested Something like a Monzo account as well so will do some research. ✌️💚

Sad day when the banks turn against freedom but most knew this would happen.
Lets not forget what happen to crypto regulations in the US, they used the process to line their own pockets and we begin to see the same thing here.
This really is a battle between freedom and control.
I pray we win this battle.
Good luck mate !
Lets not forget what happen to crypto regulations in the US, they used the process to line their own pockets and we begin to see the same thing here.
This really is a battle between freedom and control.
I pray we win this battle.
Good luck mate !

Very sad… we all know how controlling and greedy they can be… so as you say, it just was a matter of time 🙁
We just need to keep fighting 💪💚✌️
We just need to keep fighting 💪💚✌️

Revolut banking app - you can buy direct through Revolut or use your card on any of the crypto exchanges. My bank did the same to me earlier this year. They pretend its some moral bs, protecting their customers etc. but they will still let you spunk all your money money on trading shares if you like...

I use coinomi and I’m with Barclays, seems to work fine so far.
I’ve not paid much attention to fees but they don’t seem to be particularly extravagant.
I’ve not paid much attention to fees but they don’t seem to be particularly extravagant.

Well that fucking sucks. I’m not with Barclays, but I thought they were one of the more relaxed banks. I know most are banning transfers of btc into accounts, but blocking buying is next level. Wonders what other banks are doing this or are going to soon. Good to see some alternatives being suggested here…

Might just keep that one for normal shizzle, then open another account with a more coin friendly provider. ✌️💚
Might just keep that one for normal shizzle, then open another account with a more coin friendly provider. ✌️💚

Yeah Natwest just did this to me as it's a 'potential scam'; after a few years of using and then being put through the fraud squad 4 times in 3 days to buy coin (which all went through fine of course!) they suddenly decided to just not let payments be made...
Freaked out for a minute, and then used my Monzo, no dramas :)
Also, Coinomi for a wallet
Freaked out for a minute, and then used my Monzo, no dramas :)
Also, Coinomi for a wallet

Proper squeaky bum time. Lol. I joke but it’s scary when something like this happens. 😬 Thank god for Monzo hey. 😅

Awww mate. That's shit. Fingers crossed and touch wood, I've been ok. My bank has said no to Binance but so far appears to be alright with Coinbase. When I first bought on Coinbase I had to approve the purchase in my banking app and then now and then. I've noticed I have to approve every purchase recently though. Have you got a work around in place yet?

Yeah it was soooo bloody annoying dude!! Lol.
Glad yours is still ok though and fingers crossed it stays that way!
I ended up getting a Monzo account (which didn’t take long to set up). Then just send money to there from Barclays and then on to Coinbase 👍👍😁😁
Glad yours is still ok though and fingers crossed it stays that way!
I ended up getting a Monzo account (which didn’t take long to set up). Then just send money to there from Barclays and then on to Coinbase 👍👍😁😁

1 post
+2 votes
The 1s
Probs gonna try these out
1 post
+2 votes

Seeking medical CBD oil
If you don't have any luck with your search, drop me a pm and I'll see what I can do for you :) 💚💦

Seeking medical CBD oil
Does anyone on here sell high strength CBD, not containing THC. seeking it to treat a family member's fibroids

We can stock Delta-8 Distillate but we never thought there would be much demand for it here, if a couple of you guys would be interested we'll get some ordered :)

If you don't have any luck with your search, drop me a pm and I'll see what I can do for you :) 💚💦

Hello mate, iceheadshop in the real world are a safe bet. I have been buying their distillate for a few years now. I make my own oil with MCT it is really effective

That's a good shout. Id honestly never heard of that site. Their seeds look tempting....purely for collecting obviously

I would contact The CBD Healing Shop. CBD oil isn’t illegal, so you might find some using a regular search. I found one seller who has his address on his website. Always do a Trustpilot check.

Have a look at this topic
In particular Sam508
In particular Sam508

1 post
+2 votes
Cookies & Cream via Pistach (review)
Enjoying this Cookies and Cream hash rn, it's beautiful :) I'd say it's an indica leaning hybrid. Depends what time of day you use it, good for a wake…

Cookies & Cream via Pistach (review)
I "took a chance" (only 3rd order with Pistach) on a bulk order. Big shoebox bulk.
Had the squits until the trkr came yesterday, a cpl of days later than expected, but that was only a wrinkle (and needless besides), considering it landed safe today.
Excellent stealth: triple-vac'd, boxed, double bagged, special.
Excellent consistency: all fresh bars, same batch, all the advertised product, all tight to weight.
Excellent product: I'm with the other reviewers. It's good hash at any price, bargain at this price.
Comms: It's easy (especially on big orders) to feel you want reassurance. I was a bit frustrated with comms for a couple of days, but realised the nature of the game (and obviously ignorant of Pistach's operation and other commitments) demands a bit of flexibility and patience sometimes.
What a banging deal! Great product, great price, no drama. Very happy customer here, Pistach, thanks.
Had the squits until the trkr came yesterday, a cpl of days later than expected, but that was only a wrinkle (and needless besides), considering it landed safe today.
Excellent stealth: triple-vac'd, boxed, double bagged, special.
Excellent consistency: all fresh bars, same batch, all the advertised product, all tight to weight.
Excellent product: I'm with the other reviewers. It's good hash at any price, bargain at this price.
Comms: It's easy (especially on big orders) to feel you want reassurance. I was a bit frustrated with comms for a couple of days, but realised the nature of the game (and obviously ignorant of Pistach's operation and other commitments) demands a bit of flexibility and patience sometimes.
What a banging deal! Great product, great price, no drama. Very happy customer here, Pistach, thanks.

Enjoying this Cookies and Cream hash rn, it's beautiful :) I'd say it's an indica leaning hybrid. Depends what time of day you use it, good for a wake n bake but also would make a good knock out if you don't get to it til the end of the day. Lovely stuff, thanks Pistach 💚💦

1 post
+6 votes

Ukraine 420 guy
"Is cannabis legal in uk?"
Well it should be, yes.
But the politicians don't want to improve the mental health of the nation, increase job…

Ukraine 420 guy

See. If everyone smoked you'd be able handle even war like this champ.

"Is cannabis legal in uk?"
Well it should be, yes.
But the politicians don't want to improve the mental health of the nation, increase job availability or increase the national wealth via legally taxed thc based products for some reason
Well it should be, yes.
But the politicians don't want to improve the mental health of the nation, increase job availability or increase the national wealth via legally taxed thc based products for some reason

Article at the weekend about how over 70% of the Californian weed business has gone “back to the streets” due to over taxation forcing legal prices too high and quality too low. The licensed stores say they are going bust.
If they just leave us alone to use sites like LB I’m happy..☺️
If they just leave us alone to use sites like LB I’m happy..☺️

Canada also has big issues with the black market as the laws are restrictive for legal weed. Were better off with decriminalisation like Holland and Portugal me thinks

The job of a poliTICKian is to suck out the blood of all living things! FUCKING parasites is what they are!

I reckon he was trying to scope out where to head too. Find out where it's legal, and head there 🤣 Good idea actually.

1 post
+3 votes
BTC back on the rise?📈 Or another dump incoming?💩
It goes up, it goes down, then it goes back up. Nothing to worry about, it's just what it does.
But every time it goes down you'll notice some peopl…

BTC back on the rise?📈 Or another dump incoming?💩
• Any crypto boffins out there care to chip in? I'm a noob. •

Its always going up. Don't worry. This trough we're in right now is 100% normal. In fact...If the last 2 yrs are anything to go by, we're due a rise to about 80k soon. It will peak there and then settle around 60k a month later
(just my lil prediction for you 😉)
(just my lil prediction for you 😉)

Im sure it will continue to steadily increase, its not the first time its crashed and wont be the last

It goes up, it goes down, then it goes back up. Nothing to worry about, it's just what it does.
But every time it goes down you'll notice some people freaking out and wondering if that's the end for btc. And then it's all fine again.
Best thing to do is just ignore it unless it's time to withdraw funds, then just try to make sure you do it when it has a higher worth
But every time it goes down you'll notice some people freaking out and wondering if that's the end for btc. And then it's all fine again.
Best thing to do is just ignore it unless it's time to withdraw funds, then just try to make sure you do it when it has a higher worth

BTC is capped and mining will come to a stop in the next decade. Some here at Hazy are heavily involved in smart contracts regarding the use of NFT utility’s and there relative tokens/Coins etc on the blockchain. That’s another story, so with regards to the question…BTC will hit its max of around £80k in the next run then finally settle and hold at around the £35k mark for the foreseeable future. So need we say more…BTC will soon be a fully accepted digital stable asset and the future is bright. We know buying in now is the pleasure of the rich so yes the gap gets bigger. If you can buy and hold BTC along with your gold and cash then go all in…BUT do not put all your eggs in the digital basket yet!!! 💯

Bitcoin isn't money.
Another reason that Bitcoin is so risky is that it is a tradeable asset but it is not backed by anything. Bitcoin has value only because the people who are trading it say it has value. There are no governments or regulatory bodies helping Bitcoin retain its value. No dividends either.
Save your money in an investment isa and buy passive fund eft’s with low management fees like the S&P 500 or the ftse100 . It’s the only way 99% of you won’t lose all your money. This way you will make money slowly but surely and have an earlier retirement instead of just being in debt and still working
Another reason that Bitcoin is so risky is that it is a tradeable asset but it is not backed by anything. Bitcoin has value only because the people who are trading it say it has value. There are no governments or regulatory bodies helping Bitcoin retain its value. No dividends either.
Save your money in an investment isa and buy passive fund eft’s with low management fees like the S&P 500 or the ftse100 . It’s the only way 99% of you won’t lose all your money. This way you will make money slowly but surely and have an earlier retirement instead of just being in debt and still working

1 post
+2 votes
New Mushroom Vendor - Nature's Answer
I'll have to be grabbin some more of these :) 💚💦

New Mushroom Vendor - Nature's Answer
Thought they had gone AWOL but glad they stuck around. Stealth was fine for mushrooms and arrived next day. They look really good and I look forward to trying soon. Hope you continue to do well

Thanks for your kind words mate, it means a lot. I look forward to hearing what you think of them once you have tried them too.

Did you order? I'm having problems with my account. Drop me a DM and I'll get you some over. If you could drop a review once I do I'd really appreciate it. If I carry on like this banging my head against the wall I might as well quit

1 post
+2 votes
Back in the 🍪Cookie Dawg🐶 House
An awesome night time vape with that super relaxing vibe you need at the end of a long day
10/10 quality 💚💦

Back in the 🍪Cookie Dawg🐶 House
1 post
+2 votes

I’d like to let people know, dealing with these guys is a pleasure and the quality of there products for the price is second to none! Very honest and very reliable. Guys after my own heart! Thanks green cat it’s been a pleasure and I’ll definitely be dealing with you again. If you ain’t bought from these guys I advise giving them a try value for money and quality is second to none! Thanks for everything!

Second that Greencat are smashing it! Absolute pleasure to deal with. reliability and quality are spot on.

My pleasure top guy! Hopefully we’ll have plenty of future dealings! Big respect bro 👊

Made an order yesterday thought I missed their cut off time because of a delay in the blockchain but Green Cat still got my order sent out to me (on a Friday as well!) and it still arrived this morning, I genuinely wasn't expecting it to get sent out until monday lol yet here I am on Saturday smoking apple gelato :P not the first time I've had great service biggas, Green Cat are good people and they have great weed :) Big respect, thank you mate!

Hey zz. I've recently bought from Green Cat and was very very impressed. The weed was top quality and the service was second to none! Definitely at the top of my "vendors to watch" list!
The apple gelato is good isn't it? I really enjoyed. The Jungle Juice 2.0 was phenomenal. I was blown away with what I received for the price I paid!
Anyone sleeping on GC is a fool!
Ps. Hope all is good with you ♡
The apple gelato is good isn't it? I really enjoyed. The Jungle Juice 2.0 was phenomenal. I was blown away with what I received for the price I paid!
Anyone sleeping on GC is a fool!
Ps. Hope all is good with you ♡

Just about skating by mate but still staying high and letting the world pass me by so I'm good for now lol :) Hope you're doing well too mate in fact hope all the good biggas are taking care and keeping high in these endless crazy days :)
Agree about the gelato not quite as appley as that rb fritter from a while back but its got a different kind of goodness to it, GC are the only one of the newer sellers I've tried over the last year or so definitely made the right choice and the new drops look amazing!
Agree about the gelato not quite as appley as that rb fritter from a while back but its got a different kind of goodness to it, GC are the only one of the newer sellers I've tried over the last year or so definitely made the right choice and the new drops look amazing!

These "unprecedented times" we're living through are getting a bit old, huh? Haha. As long as you are riding high matey! Chin up and head in the clouds...that's all we can do! :)
I agree. Not as fruity as the fritter but i found the gelato goodness was on point 👌
To be honest, same here. GC and Pistach have been the two new (to me) I've tried over the last year or so and i have to admit i was really happy with both.
I've noticed the wall has expanded quite considerably since 2019 haha.
Stay blazy my friend! And same to all the others biggaz lingering ♡
I agree. Not as fruity as the fritter but i found the gelato goodness was on point 👌
To be honest, same here. GC and Pistach have been the two new (to me) I've tried over the last year or so and i have to admit i was really happy with both.
I've noticed the wall has expanded quite considerably since 2019 haha.
Stay blazy my friend! And same to all the others biggaz lingering ♡

Thanks...think i might give GC a try as the prices and current stock all seem great..its nice to have vendor recommendations too, as sometimes on LB it can be quite a "shot in the dark"...Lookout GC...order on its way! :)

haha what we like :P I've just put an order in for some alien cookies now, RM earning their money this week but it has to be done lol the poundcake looks unreal but I still couldn't resist the cookies :)

Just got my first order in with Green Cat for some Animal Cookies.
I'll let everyone know how it goes :)
I'll let everyone know how it goes :)

Been discovering GCs product this week finally, the pound cake and zaffa are outstanding. Long may the quality of service and product continue ..

I can highly recommend GreenCat's wares and service. I've always found them to delivery good times without surprises or let downs...

1 post
+2 votes

What is the longest you've had to wait for a delivery to arrive from LB?
The longest first class took about 7 weeks if I remember correctly. Eventually got a refund, then it turned up a couple of weeks later along with it's…

What is the longest you've had to wait for a delivery to arrive from LB?
I've not done to many orders off here before only 11 so far just wondering how long is the longest you've had to wait before receiving an order.
Only asking because I placed a couple orders (both first class) with two different trusted vendors (So I know it's not on their end) and neither have arrived yet both posted 10 days ago and they're usually here next day for me so I'm thinking the postie might have been a bit of a cheeky bastard lol or I might just be being overly pessimistic.
But tbf the Royal Mail can be proper shit so they're probably just taking the piss to deliver.
Thanks in advance.
Only asking because I placed a couple orders (both first class) with two different trusted vendors (So I know it's not on their end) and neither have arrived yet both posted 10 days ago and they're usually here next day for me so I'm thinking the postie might have been a bit of a cheeky bastard lol or I might just be being overly pessimistic.
But tbf the Royal Mail can be proper shit so they're probably just taking the piss to deliver.
Thanks in advance.

Never longer than 3 days! Thats using 4 different vendors and only 1st Class,not NDD or signed for....:)

I've come to learn that week long waits can be all down to a postie being on holiday then another week cos of the back log. 2 different vendors means your local d.o. probably is understaffed atm

That’s good to know thanks for the info had all my other deliveries proper quick so I jumped to conclusions cheers dude puts my mind at ease

Longer time for delivery, prices were rising, especially hash was very rare and expensive for a few months

The longest one of our 1st class packages have taken is 4 weeks and 6 days. That was last year.
We've noticed as of late though our 1st class is landing within 2 days where some of our signed for and NDD are seeing delays again for whatever reason.
Going off Royal Mails twitter they are in complete mess all over the country again at the moment!
The longest one of our 1st class packages have taken is 4 weeks and 6 days. That was last year.
We've noticed as of late though our 1st class is landing within 2 days where some of our signed for and NDD are seeing delays again for whatever reason.
Going off Royal Mails twitter they are in complete mess all over the country again at the moment!

Thanks for the info my dude I never thought to check their twitter definitely makes me feel better think I just need to be more patient in future cheers mate

Not a problem, Royal Mails Twitter and there service update page usually hold info of delays expected and delays going on. Have a great weekend mate!

The longest first class took about 7 weeks if I remember correctly. Eventually got a refund, then it turned up a couple of weeks later along with it's replacement a week or so after that. First class stamp ones are the lowest priority these days. After all other deliveries get handled, then they get to the first class, which sometimes can be many weeks.

Wow that’s unreal 7 weeks! I never would have thought it could take that long.
And I suppose it makes sense with them being low priority with more expensive services thanks for the info dude!
And I suppose it makes sense with them being low priority with more expensive services thanks for the info dude!

1 post
+4 votes
If only I had the funds rn 😧


1 post
+2.2 votes

Do you still you get weed in the real world?
Just go stoner hunting. Look in parks, under bridges, back lanes and woodland areas. And most importantly, follow your nose, literally.
Seriously tho…

Do you still you get weed in the real world?
If yes, how do you do it?
Im in a city I don’t know anyone for the next 3 days 🥲
Im in a city I don’t know anyone for the next 3 days 🥲

When I first started using lb I occasionally still got from a local dealer but I’m broke as shit and that guy was only selling top shelf. Anyway, have since moved and in this new area I have no contacts. So I totally get your struggle, when I run out before my next lb order arrives I always go a bit nuts that I don’t have a backup dealer around lol
I find it really interesting that people are recommending insta! Sounds cool, but I’d be way too afraid of landing with an undercover cop or sth. Or is that not a rational fear?
I find it really interesting that people are recommending insta! Sounds cool, but I’d be way too afraid of landing with an undercover cop or sth. Or is that not a rational fear?

I will buy in the real world occasionally if something catches my eye, but I tend not to. if I'm going to a different area for a few days I'll find a 🔌 in that area before hand (via Snap/insta or a friend) , or just take enough with me
Snap/insta Is your friend when traveling 👍
Snap/insta Is your friend when traveling 👍

Nah man. Nobody's got shit here cos of recent crackdowns. When they do the prices are extortionate. Only way you can get stuff is if you know people in my experience. You could try Snap, but I ain't had good experiences of it personally

Just go stoner hunting. Look in parks, under bridges, back lanes and woodland areas. And most importantly, follow your nose, literally.
Seriously though, they're all good tips for finding irl, but really it's probs a bit risky to take this route without bringing a friend for safety.
For future times, I'd highly recommend keeping some back in storage. It's always useful to know that you've got enough in to last for a while.
Hope it works out though :)
Seriously though, they're all good tips for finding irl, but really it's probs a bit risky to take this route without bringing a friend for safety.
For future times, I'd highly recommend keeping some back in storage. It's always useful to know that you've got enough in to last for a while.
Hope it works out though :)

1 post
+2 votes
Hello biggies!
You gotta be nice to samsquanches or they'll drag you into their portal to other dimensions

Hello biggies!
👋new vendor here in peace,got some lovely opening strains.come and have a look and drop me a message 👍

Thought id give this new vendor a try will let you know once it arrives and has been sampled

Welcome and good luck Sassy! Love the first lot of! Jack Herrer I don't see very often on LB...Ive been wanting some for quite some time,so think I will go for a henry! :)

2 posts
+3 votes
I'll be back for some of these very soon :)
+ 2 more

Has anyone tried any of these mushrooms if so can you give a little writing review on the experience you have had on them and what kind did you try thank you biggers ✌️♥️

I had a gram of golden teachers and was off my nut for a fair few hours, everything was pulsing and breathing colours were vibrant i was loving it closed eye geometric pattern visuals were a treat aswell 😆 honestly amazing and soon as they are restocked I'll be ordering more

I've never taken mushrooms just tried acid and changa so how much do I need to feel trippy. 5 or 10gs? Thank you 😊

10g would be very high dosage. Back when you could buy these legally, i used to take them with 3 friends, and we’d do 20g between us (5 each), and we’d be tripping for hours.
Did some ecuadorian ones once and literally thought i was never going to come down. True story.
Did some ecuadorian ones once and literally thought i was never going to come down. True story.

So how much do I need for my first time. The first time I did acid I thought it didn't work so double dosed lol.the first time I smoked changa my friend said this is god's drug and I said is that it I want to do it again 🙃😂 what do you mean heroes dose? Is 5 grams enough to feel trippy? I want to eat the shrooms raw as well is that okay? Sorry for all the questions just don't know the mushroom lingo

I used to eat mine raw. The taste isnt particularly pleasant (it tastes like when you’re playing football and a bit of mud flies up into your mouth), but it always got the job done for me.
3-5g should be enough for one go based on the mushroom profile.
3-5g should be enough for one go based on the mushroom profile.

Sounds very nice :) haha should I take 2.5 grams to feel/judge my body then the other 2.5 grams? Or just straight 5gs baby 😉

a heroes dose is "A very large quantity of hallucinogenic substance, that, when ingested, results in a powerful and often life-changing trip."
2.5g is ample to have a first try. if you decide you want to go above that just leave a day inbetween trips so that your tolerance resets.
re the taste these are well dried out and taste doesnt seem to be a big factor, although you could look up "lemon Tek" it will mask the taste and is believed to make the effects more prominent
2.5g is ample to have a first try. if you decide you want to go above that just leave a day inbetween trips so that your tolerance resets.
re the taste these are well dried out and taste doesnt seem to be a big factor, although you could look up "lemon Tek" it will mask the taste and is believed to make the effects more prominent

Has anyone had any experience with shrooms and anti depressants. I took 2g and absolutely nothing happened. Do I need to take more or is it just a waste of time and money.

Depends on your anti-depressants honestly, a lot of them are known to be trip killers. I have seroquel (Quitiapine in the UK) and I have to take at least double the dosage to do anything while on them. Though if I leave taking them for a day or two the trip is usually just as potent!

Thanks for sharing this cdawg. Someone left a review the other week saying 5 grams did nothing. This can be frustrating for a seller as we have no idea what other factors were at play.

were they from Natures Answer? you should have definatly felt something from 2g, thats a decent sized dosage. medication could possible be a factor. feel free to DM me

Just to make things clear I didn’t get the mushrooms I took from Natures Answer so I can’t comment on the quality of their products but they look good. It’s nice to see more vendors on here selling this sort of thing.

Probably better to let the seller answer this one as he knows his product. My personal experience with mushrooms is that staggered doses more extend the duration of the high, than the potency of it. So wouldnt plan on taking some, then more, as the high will last for 5-8 hours (ive had some that have gone for well over 12).
But all mushrooms are different, the amount of psylocybin contained in them
varies massively, as does the type of trip. The seller is definately the best guage of this question.
But all mushrooms are different, the amount of psylocybin contained in them
varies massively, as does the type of trip. The seller is definately the best guage of this question.

1 post
+1 votes

Look what we've done to the Royal Mail
"My man..."

Look what we've done to the Royal Mail
Sorry... not sorry... ;-)
(TLDR - Posties eating unclaimed magic brownies)
(TLDR - Posties eating unclaimed magic brownies)

2 posts
+8 votes
While we're mentioning things , can you also campaign for pistach to remove all the old custom orders as it's pain to scroll

You got me excited then! Thought they were revealing the winners!lol
To stay on topic with the current vernacular I THINK THEY TELL US THE FUCKING WINNERS TOMORROW. Hahaha. ;)
As Polly says, good luck everyone!
To stay on topic with the current vernacular I THINK THEY TELL US THE FUCKING WINNERS TOMORROW. Hahaha. ;)
As Polly says, good luck everyone!

Good luck everyone!
I won't be winning this one because I didn't enter, but whoever does is gonna be having a great day :)
I won't be winning this one because I didn't enter, but whoever does is gonna be having a great day :)

I here ya im busting for the winners to be announced,good luck everyone but hopfully i win 🤣

I'll stick to my pen battery, would love some of that gelato hash tho, wonder how it compares to TGD's?
I can't wait to see the video it's gonna be epic!
I can't wait to see the video it's gonna be epic!

The gelato plus hash is very nice indeed i got mine yesturday and its pretty strong,bubbles when flame hits it and has a nice pure hash smell and taste,its abit harder on texture until heated but defo a high end hash 😎

I'm currently enjoying the Skywalker hash. Veery nice soft, strong and tasty
Thanks Pistach 💚💦
Thanks Pistach 💚💦

I just purchased some skywalker hash today hopfully be here tomoro but looks a nice colour in the pic,defo try that gelato plus its very strong 😎

2 posts
+4 votes
Still not had a reply about 14g of missing Gorilla Glue hash that didn't get sent out on Monday, it's Friday now. Not really complaining or anything, just wouldn't mind knowing what's going on with it 💚💦

1 post
+3 votes

It hasn’t been our best week on littlebiggy we feel utterly gutted to everyone who’s missing their orders..We will fulfil every single missing order that hasn’t been delivered. We take full responsibility so for that we will be selling trim at half price for everyone on LB for 2 days. Even tho we are the cheapest in the UK we are willing to even sell this for cheaper. We appreciate everybody’s patience and we owe it to you to comeback even better than before and win your trust back again. Therefore we will be selling our trim at half price on Monday and Tuesday meaning we will sell an ounce of trim for 43$. So hopefully all of the littlebiggy community enjoys this deal. We will also be giving back a lot more. Pistachio crew is now in the transitional period to another level. We will continue to crush everyone’s prices and take over. We are here to spread love and only love.

I gotta say mate, you guys have gone above and beyond to sort last week's issue. Clearly one of if not the premium vendor here and I'm fully back on board. I've gotten the MAC and Gelato 25 trim, the MAC is sublime. Ehat trim you got coming ? Please hold an oz for me. Hell, I might aswell get 2 at that price! Cheers team.

Order is in. It’s a deal, it’s a steal, it’s sale of the fkn century. !
Thanks pistach. Appreciated 👍
Thanks pistach. Appreciated 👍

2 posts
+4 votes

Bill Hicks Pasadena (Unreleased Show)
"Yeah, I tried pot... Didn't kill anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't murder anybody, didn't lose um, one fucking job... Laughed my ass off... A…
+ 2 more
If you haven't seen it yet, there's a documentary called 'Bill Hicks - Reflections' which I thought was pretty good.
It's on Netflix at the moment but I'm sure it's also downloadable somewhere.
Cheers BB 😊👍
It's on Netflix at the moment but I'm sure it's also downloadable somewhere.
Cheers BB 😊👍

Watch Lenny Bruce now, he doesn’t come across, it’s too far removed, not matter how hip or radical the message…. Hicks still hits perfect and there hasn’t been anyone as good since

Being a huge Dylan fan i've known about Lenny's work for a while, Jackie Mason was incredible too, Bill Hicks was in a world of his own tho imo.

2 posts
+2 votes
Only if you are pre-disposed to diabetes, in which case the sugar may very well put you over the threshold. Obesity (which sugar causes) has a similar effect. Both are tremendously unhealthy in their own right of course. If you need some help getting away from sugar let us know and we will steer you towards some painless solutions.

I am so freaked out about taking too much sugar but every morning when I wake up I *need* a fruit juice. I always thought it was healthy if I drank the not from concentrate stuff but now I'm reading more and more how this is just sugar too. Is there anything I can do to get that fresh (non-caffeine) jolt in the morning?

Sounds like you need some sativa based THC drops. They make for a lovely energising morning wake up :)

If you can get a blender at home just make yourself juice with all the fiber in it, this way the sugar releases slowly into your bloodstream. The blender should not have fruit matter left when you're done, that's what you need to get in your body. If that's not practical just eat your fruit while drinking water.

That just releases the sugar from the plant cells. There's way more instantly available sugar in a blended drink than if you just ate the fruit. It's weird but true

1 post
+2 votes
how does littlebiggy manage to not get busted?
Also how I arrived here.
I'd bet it was from the same place too

how does littlebiggy manage to not get busted?
what with it being on the clearnet and all?

One of my friends got popped with an eighth of brown. The cops warned him,give him the local methadone clinics details and then gave him his dope back and let him go! For large chunks of the country drugs have been de facto decriminalized. As for LB, cops have got much more important shit to be dealing with than bring down a website selling small amounts of Cannabis.

haha, its funny, prohibition has actually pushed up the price to the point that they want to legalise, its not worth more than strawberries. its an erb

Nobody gives too much of af. I found this place via an article in an online stoner magazine. The article talked about how the UK police can't chase people for their personal stashed, because the police are so underfunded. Cuts to the Post Office means they don't intercept parcels, even if they stink of weed. They just post it. Buying online is less of a victimless crime than buying from a street dealer.

1 post
+2 votes
BTC Network Slow ?
Mine took like 3hours to get verified as payed on Saturday night. Went through in the end though

BTC Network Slow ?
Had a confirmation email from the transaction but hasn't registered on the order page yet. Address/amount etc all correct. Any help greatly appreciated.

I had this on Friday, 29th. Ordered at 19:57 but it didn't show as paid until 17:00 the following day. Just shy of 24 hrs.

Got a confirmation email over an hour ago and can see the transaction on but Transaxe page still hasn't updated and order is still unpaid. Has this happened to anyone else, certainly first time here.

Interesting. Will keep updated. Wonder if anyone's been able to make a payment today ?

I made one which was slow but after 30mins went through. My second has been two hours, still nothing

Mine took like 3hours to get verified as payed on Saturday night. Went through in the end though

Mine got marked as paid at 11.50ish last night (transaction was completed on the network at 9.30ish in the morning). Have you had any response from Transaxe ?

Would be good to know what may be causing the delay, have to say I've only experienced a delay with the exchange and not with Transaxe.

1 post
+1 votes

Making quick acting edibles?
I'm not too sure what those two words mean, but I've found that most things can be made in the kitchen :) There's a couple of steps that can be taken …

Making quick acting edibles?
Has anyone had experience of making nano emulsions or micro encapsulation? I want to know if there is a way to do this in the kitchen.

1 post
+2 votes

Helter Skelter
Used to love those tapes. Live at the Sanctuary NYE (can't remember what year) was the best one. Can't remember why, just that it was an awesome one. …

Helter Skelter
Any love for Helter Skelter?
Taking a trip down memory lane with the tape packs (SoundCloud) on this morning.
Taking a trip down memory lane with the tape packs (SoundCloud) on this morning.

1 post
+2 votes

Mirtazapine is one of the sketchiest meds I've interacted with. They're the same things they put all the old people in nursing homes on. If taken in t…

Howdy Y'all!
I've seen some really good responses on LB to peoples questions about Dr prescribed meds so thought it worth chucking this out there...
My Missus has just been prescribed with Mirtazapine which is supposed to be to help manage pain (mainly from Fibromyalgia and a couple of other ailments) but also to aid with depression.
She was taken off of a previous medication that shed been on and off of for years prior - cant remember the name.
I've been instructed to keep an eye on her whilst she's on this particular one.
Anyone have any experience of Mirtazapine themselves?
Had a quick goosey ganders on the land of the interweb but its kind of generic.
I'm lucky enough to have had very, very little experience with prescribed meds so any pointers or advice will be greatly received and much appreciated!
I've seen some really good responses on LB to peoples questions about Dr prescribed meds so thought it worth chucking this out there...
My Missus has just been prescribed with Mirtazapine which is supposed to be to help manage pain (mainly from Fibromyalgia and a couple of other ailments) but also to aid with depression.
She was taken off of a previous medication that shed been on and off of for years prior - cant remember the name.
I've been instructed to keep an eye on her whilst she's on this particular one.
Anyone have any experience of Mirtazapine themselves?
Had a quick goosey ganders on the land of the interweb but its kind of generic.
I'm lucky enough to have had very, very little experience with prescribed meds so any pointers or advice will be greatly received and much appreciated!

Hey bud. So i was on mirtazapine for about a year as was not do so good on citalopram. The mirtazapine choice worked for me as i was on a prescribed withdrawl from diazepam (valium) which took ages and was awful. The theory was mirtazapine before bedtime knocks you right out, and insomnia had been a problem for me in the lead up. I did feel a bit dozy the next morning, but significantly improved sleep did help my mood. Also i was able to achieve a full withdrawl from the benzos at the end of 2018. Shortly after that i came off the mirtazapine too. I dont like pills as a long term solution. For me exercise, sleep, good food (and herb) is the key to a happy life. Short term then sometimes assistance is definitely required, I hope she gets on ok with them. No driving or anything like that, and definitely no alcohol she will be so sick. Best wishes

Thank you so much, firstly for taking the time to reply to this topic.
Secondly for your feedback.
It is truly appreciated - you have no idea!
Congrats on your road to success my friend! Keep living positive and keep living Erbal’!
Again thank you! Another reason I love this community!
Much love, peace and keep riding them positive waves
Secondly for your feedback.
It is truly appreciated - you have no idea!
Congrats on your road to success my friend! Keep living positive and keep living Erbal’!
Again thank you! Another reason I love this community!
Much love, peace and keep riding them positive waves

Hi there,
I have been taking mirtazepine for about 18 months - just weening off it - which has been pretty easy. I was prescribed it for depression and sleep loss due to a break-up with the mother of my child. Other AD's didn't work for me as they made me quite hyper and buzzing, but Mirt did and it was subtle in it's effect but very helpful for my problems. I started on 15mg but soon went up to 45mg and generally slept pretty good which in turn helped improve my mood. I did notice it started to be less effective after about 6-8months. I am pretty much off it now only taking an 8th of the tablet but I still believe I'm getting some small benefit. I can honestly say I felt no adverse side effects, I felt 100% the same just slept better and felt less down so I recommend it based on my experience. I wish you and your partner all best with this. Sending you positive vibes. XXXXXX
I have been taking mirtazepine for about 18 months - just weening off it - which has been pretty easy. I was prescribed it for depression and sleep loss due to a break-up with the mother of my child. Other AD's didn't work for me as they made me quite hyper and buzzing, but Mirt did and it was subtle in it's effect but very helpful for my problems. I started on 15mg but soon went up to 45mg and generally slept pretty good which in turn helped improve my mood. I did notice it started to be less effective after about 6-8months. I am pretty much off it now only taking an 8th of the tablet but I still believe I'm getting some small benefit. I can honestly say I felt no adverse side effects, I felt 100% the same just slept better and felt less down so I recommend it based on my experience. I wish you and your partner all best with this. Sending you positive vibes. XXXXXX

Hi there,
I don’t know about pain but I took mirtazipine for severe depression and insomnia a good few years ago. They said to take it before bed because it proper zonks you out! Just solid sleep...and I remember i never dreamt when I was on it and I really missed that. Remember waking up feeling zombified but that did subside over time. Also. Weight gain. I was eating a lot at the time to make myself feel better but I seemed to balloon quickly while on this. As time went on and my depression improved, I exercised more and ate better and some of the weight came off (exercise might not be an option for your missus, so take this into account).
Everyone responds differently to meds and she might be lucky and have no side effects. Only time will tell.
I prefer citalopram or sertraline for depression as I feel more ‘human’ on them and less like a zombie but at the time, the old’ depression was severe and it definitely helped me get out of it.
Hope she finds something that works for her 👍
I don’t know about pain but I took mirtazipine for severe depression and insomnia a good few years ago. They said to take it before bed because it proper zonks you out! Just solid sleep...and I remember i never dreamt when I was on it and I really missed that. Remember waking up feeling zombified but that did subside over time. Also. Weight gain. I was eating a lot at the time to make myself feel better but I seemed to balloon quickly while on this. As time went on and my depression improved, I exercised more and ate better and some of the weight came off (exercise might not be an option for your missus, so take this into account).
Everyone responds differently to meds and she might be lucky and have no side effects. Only time will tell.
I prefer citalopram or sertraline for depression as I feel more ‘human’ on them and less like a zombie but at the time, the old’ depression was severe and it definitely helped me get out of it.
Hope she finds something that works for her 👍

Mirtazapine is one of the sketchiest meds I've interacted with. They're the same things they put all the old people in nursing homes on. If taken in the day time they will have a zombie type effect. If mixed with alcohol they can really sedate the urge to breathe which can be pretty dangerous. Over time they'll chip away at a person's humanity, goodbye thoughts and feelings. Don't recommend them at all to anyone. I've had a lot of experience with a lot of things. If prescription meds are totally required for pain relief, I'd recommend a very small amount of diazepam (like an 8th of a pill or less) mixed with/taken at the same time as one or two drops of a full/broad spectrum CBD oil. Then it's time for a high dose of CBD. Try to get hold of a high CBD content smokable like CBD wax or hash, I can send you to a good site to get that from if needed. But as for Mirtazapine, my advice would be to keep away

Yes I use hALF sometime instead of a full like usaual just remember to not binge eat two loaf of hovis medium slice and remember to excise as I find weight gain but I excise a lot so don't know. I sometimes get angry burst but controlled ones, but remembering this is just my experience. other than that Good therapy take care

It’s addictive and will mess your mind and body up. Stay clear of ssri meds and sdri medicine if you value your health and sanity

Personally, my thoughts exactly but not my health issue so I can’t make that choice but I do agree and thank you for your feedback.

Take a peek and good luck.
Also look into microdoses of psilocybin ;)
Also look into microdoses of psilocybin ;)

Oh and yes I definitely agree on the micros of psilo!
That, herb and exercise are 100% my go to!
That, herb and exercise are 100% my go to!

She uses CBD in part and she does occasionally smoke my grade. But unfortunately she does need some doctor imposed interventions and it’s the docs that keep changing her meds.
She does find the CBD incredibly helpful just not on the same level as the docs meds.
She does find the CBD incredibly helpful just not on the same level as the docs meds.

Mirtazapine worked great for me, for a few weeks. but then I started to get very bad restless legs and had to stop taking them

I was on Mirtazapine for two years and I would not recommend it. It did not help with my depression in the slightest and just made me numb and really fat. Herb helps me more than any prescribed meds i have been on.

3 posts
+4 votes
Looking nice and oldskool at a great price. Just put an order in for some rn 💚💦
+ 3 more
1 post
+1 votes

Ok so this is out of my normal price range, but there I was drooling at the trap eggs trying to justify a purchase and I see frosted donuts. Now I am a bud man really just trap eggs you know:) so easily distracted I began planning to buy this frosty goodness. Anyone who had the Mac 10 of drugs inc this bud is like that but on acid. It’s frosty exterior is match by its fruity pine notes, something which is present on the taste buds on exhale. Buds are dense only a small amount to make a joint. Inhale flavours are complex, kush, fruit, pine, taste buds going wild. The high is instant the rush round the blood. 10 mins after joint body high hitting chilled as can be. Def an evening reward after a long day. Guess this means gelato egg next :)

Did you ever go for an egg mate? Miles out my price range tbh but proper tempting even tho they're a nightmare to work with still bring back so many foggy memories lmao the 'budget' one could be in reach for me tho I keep looking at it lol it's all so tempting some proper nice lookin hash from this seller.

I didn’t mate, the price was too much and I am a bud man really. Although this seller has some top end stuff if I get good money in will try. I miss sprinkling a good hash on top of bud that’s floaty cloud material:)

1 post
+3 votes
Pineapple Express back in stock
Well that looks lovely 😻
1 post
+2 votes

Can anyone say for sure if there something that’s allowed on LB... in over a year and a half of being a vendor on LB, I’ve seen a a few sellers come and go, and on the rare occasion, a complaint or two on the fact they are for sale on here.
But like all things on LB, the admin never come out from the shadows and tell us what is and isn’t allowed... I look like I’ve a good source for mushies in the future but don’t want to go to the effort if they are going to be pulled.
Anyone have any answers?
But like all things on LB, the admin never come out from the shadows and tell us what is and isn’t allowed... I look like I’ve a good source for mushies in the future but don’t want to go to the effort if they are going to be pulled.
Anyone have any answers?

From what Ive seen, those who have sold mushrooms seem to get ghosted or deleted. Maybe ask one of the borgs before you try!

I have seen a fair few mycelium products on here before. They seemed to do quite well, but as ULC have mentioned, they tend to vanish. Not sure if thr borgs clean up, or they sell what they had and go. The mushroom chocolate always caught my eye. That was listed for over a year but LB has changed a lot since then. Not even any fake designer gear here now.

2 posts
+4 votes

Newbie to LB
Yeah, that's fine. Been picked over by a few people already though, so get at it while there's still some left :)
+ 2 more

Newbie to LB
New to lb, bit of a traditionalist when it comes to smoke, always been a joints or pipe n bong type.
Looking to try vaping and would appreciate a little advice on good products to try and good sellers
New to lb, bit of a traditionalist when it comes to smoke, always been a joints or pipe n bong type.
Looking to try vaping and would appreciate a little advice on good products to try and good sellers

Cool pic..
You know back then they didn’t even use graphics- they actually set fire to a stuntman…seems weird now…🙃
Vaping works… I didn’t think it would but it does. Rosin is beautifully pure, produced by just pressure and heat- check out Serial Chiller Labs for some great value options.
Lots of choices for distillate- G6 Extracts setting the premium stage.
Don’t forget you can vape your herb. Buy a Mighty or a Crafty+ and see what all the fuss is about…
Enjoy amigo…👍😎
You know back then they didn’t even use graphics- they actually set fire to a stuntman…seems weird now…🙃
Vaping works… I didn’t think it would but it does. Rosin is beautifully pure, produced by just pressure and heat- check out Serial Chiller Labs for some great value options.
Lots of choices for distillate- G6 Extracts setting the premium stage.
Don’t forget you can vape your herb. Buy a Mighty or a Crafty+ and see what all the fuss is about…
Enjoy amigo…👍😎

Heya Sam,
Welcome to little biggy 😃 If you mean vaping cartridges then we have a fair few
Ones I have used and recommend
Mjconcentrates - my first 😍 they do concentrate with added flavour
All4twenty - same sort of thing but diff price bracket
Doctor extracts - similar but with live resin options
Serial chiller labs - pressed rosin carts
All of these vendors I have used and enjoyed the product
Any one of them will more than happily chat to you and get you set up
If you have any further questions give me a shout
Hopefully someone else will chip in soon too 😃
Welcome to little biggy 😃 If you mean vaping cartridges then we have a fair few
Ones I have used and recommend
Mjconcentrates - my first 😍 they do concentrate with added flavour
All4twenty - same sort of thing but diff price bracket
Doctor extracts - similar but with live resin options
Serial chiller labs - pressed rosin carts
All of these vendors I have used and enjoyed the product
Any one of them will more than happily chat to you and get you set up
If you have any further questions give me a shout
Hopefully someone else will chip in soon too 😃

Yeah, that's fine. Been picked over by a few people already though, so get at it while there's still some left :)

Ha it's all good, my brain can't remember exactly what it was I wanted to ask you anyhow 🤷🏻🤦

1 post
+2 votes

Gram with sweets
Yep, that's the one I got too. That was the Trufflez Biscotti from Tuesdays Daughter
2 posts
+4 votes

best hype doctor on little biggy?
Aww, good to see her again :)
+ 2 more

best hype doctor on little biggy?
ever since i found this place there's been a good load of cunts leading you around with lots of reviews and kiss ups and it used to drive me mad but after a while i learned there's some good opinion and entertainment in you as well.
but which one is #1?
but which one is #1?

Well as no one else has volunteered "me"
Lets see, definitely lots of reviews hmmm
kiss ups 😘 yeah guilty as charged 😍
I definitely drive some biggas mad.
Good opinion meh depends on who you ask there 😜
Entertainment 🤠🐰 come on 🤷♀️🐰🐰
Lets see, definitely lots of reviews hmmm
kiss ups 😘 yeah guilty as charged 😍
I definitely drive some biggas mad.
Good opinion meh depends on who you ask there 😜
Entertainment 🤠🐰 come on 🤷♀️🐰🐰

Yeah, da Rabb1t gets my vote too..👍
Personally I hate this site and my shelves are heaving with all the stinking crap I’ve been ripped off with.😡
And I couldn’t write anything entertaining if my life depended on it.🤡
So yup, I’m in the clear on the “cunt” stakes….🦊
Personally I hate this site and my shelves are heaving with all the stinking crap I’ve been ripped off with.😡
And I couldn’t write anything entertaining if my life depended on it.🤡
So yup, I’m in the clear on the “cunt” stakes….🦊

Personally, I miss seeing that boxer dog looking out the window. Used to remind me of me waiting on the post.

😂👍…she’s a Puggle though- cross between a Pug and a Beagle and yup she sure spots the Postie!

1 post
+3 votes

Gelato 41
That's very honest of you :)
Others would have just sold it as whatever they were told it was. That sort of honesty can help a business go a long way

Gelato 41

Slightly embarresed but more gutted, it seems I have been duped by my plug with ‘gelato’ when in fact it is ‘stardawg’
Me and a friend have both agreed there is no way this is gelato, the smell, stickyness and taste just scream stardawg, its a very good one at that but still, it is not gelato 41
Luckily nobody has made a purchase yet so everything is good that side, I will be speaking to my plug but will keep the ‘stardawg’ and sell it a reduced price as it is still very nice weed.
I was probably a little bit over excited and couldnt notice something was off at first but after a second opinion its pretty clear.
Sorry to anybody looking forward to the gelato i am as gutted as you :(
Me and a friend have both agreed there is no way this is gelato, the smell, stickyness and taste just scream stardawg, its a very good one at that but still, it is not gelato 41
Luckily nobody has made a purchase yet so everything is good that side, I will be speaking to my plug but will keep the ‘stardawg’ and sell it a reduced price as it is still very nice weed.
I was probably a little bit over excited and couldnt notice something was off at first but after a second opinion its pretty clear.
Sorry to anybody looking forward to the gelato i am as gutted as you :(

Keep things honest on here mate and you'll go a long way. There are a lot of shady types on here but they very rarely last long.
We all make mistakes, and this one wasn't your fault so the fact you've taken responsibility says a lot about your character.
Good for you buddy. 👍
Cheers BB
We all make mistakes, and this one wasn't your fault so the fact you've taken responsibility says a lot about your character.
Good for you buddy. 👍
Cheers BB

I’ve said before and I’ll say again, some have a drug dealer mentality and some have a vendor mentality. It’s the latter that will be most successful here.

That's very honest of you :)
Others would have just sold it as whatever they were told it was. That sort of honesty can help a business go a long way
Others would have just sold it as whatever they were told it was. That sort of honesty can help a business go a long way

I have also ordered putting my little rabb1t wallet firmly where my mouth is.
Obviously it being me WEED_MAN has arranged for my bud to be flown to me via helicopter and he's keeping my shatter nice and cold using ice reclaimed from the surface of Mars (don't tell NASA) so that when I get it I shill super hard.
To be fair it works out minus fees (as did a cart order so that go split between the sellers really) at £51 for a Henry of chemdawg and a gram of shatter
As long as stealth and postage are on point for that money it doesn't have to hit like Cali to still be well worth it
Obviously it being me WEED_MAN has arranged for my bud to be flown to me via helicopter and he's keeping my shatter nice and cold using ice reclaimed from the surface of Mars (don't tell NASA) so that when I get it I shill super hard.
To be fair it works out minus fees (as did a cart order so that go split between the sellers really) at £51 for a Henry of chemdawg and a gram of shatter
As long as stealth and postage are on point for that money it doesn't have to hit like Cali to still be well worth it

Dont forget you promised unicorn delivery people on clouds! But just for me no one else remember 😘
I have to feel like a special rabb1t at all times
A very special rabb1t 🧐😜🐰😝
Ps can anyone remember the correct amount of emojis to annoy grumpy web denzins? I can't recall if it's four or five in a row and/or any post with a total of more than 9.
I will look up the rules later 🧐😂🤠🤷♀️🤦🐰😎 *just to make sure
I have to feel like a special rabb1t at all times
A very special rabb1t 🧐😜🐰😝
Ps can anyone remember the correct amount of emojis to annoy grumpy web denzins? I can't recall if it's four or five in a row and/or any post with a total of more than 9.
I will look up the rules later 🧐😂🤠🤷♀️🤦🐰😎 *just to make sure

Hi Weed_man
Commenting so I can find you again later to have a proper look
*Disclaimer please note this is not a recommendation on this vendor, they are new and all normal precautions should be followed whatever they are (I'm assuming someone else is Google image searching the pictures or whatever it is you biggas do)
Anyhow have a lovely Saturday evening all ❤️
While I remember, do you grow then make the shatter from your own bud?
Commenting so I can find you again later to have a proper look
*Disclaimer please note this is not a recommendation on this vendor, they are new and all normal precautions should be followed whatever they are (I'm assuming someone else is Google image searching the pictures or whatever it is you biggas do)
Anyhow have a lovely Saturday evening all ❤️
While I remember, do you grow then make the shatter from your own bud?

1 post
+5 votes
A good Bigga
I can agree with this. Yourmumshouse is a very trustworthy, friendly person

A good Bigga
Hey all, just wanted to give a shout out to yourmumshouse - absolutely top notch seller. Super quick at replying to messages and a really sound guy. Had some issues with Royal Mail, but he was great about it and we got it all sorted. Would definitely recommend buying from him with confidence!

Thankyou, I do try and offer the best service I can so I genuinely appreciate it when I receive positive feedback.. I hope to see you again soon.

1 post
+1.2 votes

Why is Radar Breeder no longer being listed..?
Just fell off the wall, it happens
Probably doing a lot more business elsewhere if Bitcoin isn't the only payment method... Unlike here :/

1 post
+2 votes
Soap bar grade ?
I'll be back to find you when I need some good low priced oldskool hash

Soap bar grade ?
When you say this hash is soap bar grade do you mean thc content or the fact that it’s cut with shit and repressed ?

Yeah, I smoke Soap Bar with lots of bits of plastic, I leaves mine in it cause it tastes fantastic!
- Sorry. Had to chuck in some GLC there! Haha
- Sorry. Had to chuck in some GLC there! Haha

lol not sure i would use the tag soap bar mate you will scare off all the younger guys who think soap bar is that council crap with added glue and plastic.
I have tried love bars before they are usually good quality and it is nice to see they are still operating,my mate and i always argue about how they make them i say its bubble sack hash he says they do it like dry sift lol
I have tried love bars before they are usually good quality and it is nice to see they are still operating,my mate and i always argue about how they make them i say its bubble sack hash he says they do it like dry sift lol

Just an observation, poor quality soap bar that infested Europe 20 odd years ago wasn't on the Moroccan farmers. They were just producing what was asked for from the largest European importers who wanted to max profit. Obviously the farmers were happy with this because they now got paid for a part of their hash harvest they used to feed to their animals to stop them fucking off because no one
would smoke it
would smoke it

Younger guys won't want to smoke this anyway. I don't mean to generalise but the facts are the facts whether you like it or not. I have bought it twice now for someone i know who is in his 50s. He is over the moon with it so regardless of what my opinion is the only opinion that matters is the person paying for it. I know for a fact if i tried to sell it to a younger smoker it would be a hard sell.

I got a bit of soap bar from someone at work one time, and it stayed in my stash drawer for about 6 months before i threw it away. It was horrendous. I have tried other soap bar after that and it was much better. Its a gamble, and should be treated as such until you have tried it or have looked at the feedback. When you look at the price and the wording, you don't need to ask many questions.
I bought an ounce of it but not for me, for an old friend, who prefers the mild stuff and can't get his usual supply. I have given it all up, my last order was in January, i have learnt if i want to get shit done, smoking as much as i have been doing is not helping. I'd like to have a joint at night but it doesn't work like that, and believe me i have tried to get to that level, the only choices i have are all or nothing, and it has to be nothing. I have a couple of new hobbies to fill the gap.
I will recommend LB to anyone. I have used Tele vend too and let me tell you this, especially those thinking about it, think again, you are much safer on Biggy, i have used both and i can say that for a fact. I won't go into the reasons, but believe me the reasons are as long as my arm.
I bought an ounce of it but not for me, for an old friend, who prefers the mild stuff and can't get his usual supply. I have given it all up, my last order was in January, i have learnt if i want to get shit done, smoking as much as i have been doing is not helping. I'd like to have a joint at night but it doesn't work like that, and believe me i have tried to get to that level, the only choices i have are all or nothing, and it has to be nothing. I have a couple of new hobbies to fill the gap.
I will recommend LB to anyone. I have used Tele vend too and let me tell you this, especially those thinking about it, think again, you are much safer on Biggy, i have used both and i can say that for a fact. I won't go into the reasons, but believe me the reasons are as long as my arm.
I did ask what the grade what like and I did not accuse of it being bad at all. Vendor got the post deleted so will post again for LB safety. I’m sure it’s fine but the question needs to be asked;) peace.
I did ask what the grade what like and I did not accuse of it being bad at all. Vendor got the post deleted so will post again for LB safety. I’m sure it’s fine but the question needs to be asked;) peace.

I tried to email you back to explain that I wasn’t shitting on your wall but couldn’t send it. Anyways good luck, hopefully it will improve as we all reap what we sow to some degree;)

2 posts
+2 votes

Sellers in Ireland, please stand up
If you paste it into the address bar it works fine, just checked. Yeah that was the guy. Still looks sold out atm
+ 2 more
I had the same problem with hootan he talks a good game,but basically doesn't follow through ,puts you on the long finger,not a good experience,wouldn't use him again,steer clear lads.

I ordered of green finger on the 13th it arrived on the 16th I couldn't believe how quick it was he hasn't much on the menu though

I know that feeling bro. I’m in eastern Europe and i thought there will be plenty of vendors here. I was wrong. Seems you have the same problem with delivery from UK. Customs. Have u tried an EU vendor? I’ve tried Hootan and everything went smooth. Cheers!!!

I'm in Ireland. My package from hootan got caught in customs, says he has a 50% reship policy. Absolutely no show, he definitely didn't ship anything out
I'm not the first to complain about this
I'm not the first to complain about this

Dude, EU to EU items don’t go throughout customs, if they are sent from me to you. Personal letters or packs goes straight to your postal office. If the pack has a sending and a recieving adress then no bells should ring.

That’s a brilliant idea!
I think I’m smart but you just showed me I’m not hahah
Yea, UK is a no go for me after 3 seizures
Thank you Costi
I think I’m smart but you just showed me I’m not hahah
Yea, UK is a no go for me after 3 seizures
Thank you Costi

Please, don’t put yourself down. Until the Brexit crap settles, there will be a lot of confusion on Irish UK border. If you recieved a letter when ordering from UE, then it must be the work of your famous dog. Damn Riley! :)

And Bailey! Sometimes i kiss my dogs and tell them that one of THEIR KIND (😂) is ruining fun for mama

This vendor should be able to sort you out
Seems to be sold out atm, but keep an eye out for when they restock
Seems to be sold out atm, but keep an eye out for when they restock

The link just brings me to the wall :(
Is it Bigbangman? I’ve ordered from him, great quality… Just hope he comes back soon!
Is it Bigbangman? I’ve ordered from him, great quality… Just hope he comes back soon!

1 post
+1 votes
Newbie here but been reading the forums with great joy! Came across UK420 just a few days ago and have nervously placed my first order with them which I’ve not heard back about yet. Hopefully gets resolved soon!! It really bugs me that no “street”dealer sells hash anymore. And I’ve asked every single one for the past 15 years but nada. Hope all works out on here because I have a yearning for some proper hash!!

He was my first ever buy online he took my cherry :) i was so nervous waiting over the weekend for the big day then it came was so happy with a smile on my face

Yeah me too. The first time's always a bit nervous, but when it turn up its like xmas times ten. This dude's a good guy with reliable deliveries and a quality range of great products 10/10

Be so careful with this guy people.
He’s the reason I’m out of business.
He setup a deal that seen me get ripped off over 3.5k!
Said he was ruined at the same time because he got done as well, was stopping because wife was going to leave him and can’t help me out at all and was my fault for trusting.
Now he’s selling lots again and won’t even answer my messages!
He was responsible for the whole sting and WONT help or make it right AT ALL!!
Absolute real lowlife that didn’t come across like this at the beginning, but they never do I suppose.
This happened the beginning of 2020 and I stayed completely silent about it, giving him the opportunity to make amends and the benefit of doubt. Guess what, still nothing!
This chap knew I was knees deep in chemo treatments and fighting my own cancer, still he did this to me with no remorse, this is the type of person that, in my opinion, to be able to do this, is sick and less than no morals.
Uk I gave you great ratings and feedback, completely trusted you, didn’t go public! but now it’s time to make amends, for my family at least, make this right please!!
He’s the reason I’m out of business.
He setup a deal that seen me get ripped off over 3.5k!
Said he was ruined at the same time because he got done as well, was stopping because wife was going to leave him and can’t help me out at all and was my fault for trusting.
Now he’s selling lots again and won’t even answer my messages!
He was responsible for the whole sting and WONT help or make it right AT ALL!!
Absolute real lowlife that didn’t come across like this at the beginning, but they never do I suppose.
This happened the beginning of 2020 and I stayed completely silent about it, giving him the opportunity to make amends and the benefit of doubt. Guess what, still nothing!
This chap knew I was knees deep in chemo treatments and fighting my own cancer, still he did this to me with no remorse, this is the type of person that, in my opinion, to be able to do this, is sick and less than no morals.
Uk I gave you great ratings and feedback, completely trusted you, didn’t go public! but now it’s time to make amends, for my family at least, make this right please!!

1 post
+4.2 votes

The big bang is a continuation of a past universe
I like to think that the black hole we're supposed to be moving towards, is actually the black hole that we came from. It explains why the universe is…
I like to think that the black hole we're supposed to be moving towards, is actually the black hole that we came from. It explains why the universe is expanding since it could be the after effects of black hole travel

1 post
+2 votes

Sativa leaning but reasonably Balanced feeling strain
For me, that would always be ones like amnesia, strawberry ammo, silver haze, super silver haze, lemon bubble, platinum haze - they sound exactly like…

Sativa leaning but reasonably Balanced feeling strain
Anyone have any preferences for a strain that fits the above mentioned bill? Something 60/40ish? Prefer sativa leaning for mood but then have a few problems shutting down at times hence the more balanced strain needed for last of the night. Dont even know if this makes sense, migraine wreaking havoc but thanks on advance.

Thanks mate thinking to try that and maybe the Headband ULC but I'm hesitant as I am medicating for migraines also ....but I shouldn't let a name stop me from helping my conditions

1 post
+1 votes

UKpacks Ammo
Yep, very nice
1 post
+1 votes

Good afternoon Bigga'z! We hope you're all well and enjoying your week so far!
Welcome to NugNinjaZ Euro Canna-Cup 2020/1 round 5 - The semi finals! Another clash of the titans!
England vs Denmark (07/07/2021)
For the rules and regulations please read through our first topic on NugNinjaZ Euro Canna-Cup 2020/1 before entering the competition and also please check out the UPDATE below about penalties and the final score. Good luck!
Due to the possibility of penalties you can now grab yourself an extra 1 gramm IF - You manage to guess the correct score of the game after 90 or 120 minutes and you were the first person to do so then great! You have already bagged yourself your 2.0g's of the finest Cannabis flower. For that first person that guesses there answer correctly - there 2.0g's is secured no matter what and you can leave it there if you would like too... BUT on the other hand, if you fancy taking it one step further and would like to take a shot at guessing the winner of the game on penalties too (if it goes that far) and you just so happen to get that correct too alongside your correct guess of the game before penalties then you will receive an extra 1.0g of Cannabis Flower on top of your original 2.0g's. In total that would be - 3.0g's of the finest cannabis flower. We hope this all makes sense and sorry for the ramble. Most importantly - enjoy yourselves Bigga'z, have a great time, what a game this should be! Good luck!
So lets just be clear Bigga'z we want the usual - a guess of the score after 90 (or 120) minutes and also if you fancy it then - take another guess at the winning team of the game via penalties (has to be at the same time and included with your first guess and obviously within the same comment otherwise it will not be included)
The competition is now open! The competition will close at 7pm GMT an hour before the game kicks off. Again its on a first come first serve basis so please check the comments before posting your answer as you dont want to duplicate somebody else's answer as they will have already secured there place by commenting first.
There can only be one winner each time so you better get your answers in fast! Let the good times roll on - have a blast, have a laugh and enjoy Bigga'z!
So far the winners are:
Can any of you make that 2 wins? Or shall we add some more names to that list? Let the battle commence!
Lets do this! Good luck! :) Have a fantastic Wednesday and a brilliant week!
Keep smoking the best and stay high!
Welcome to NugNinjaZ Euro Canna-Cup 2020/1 round 5 - The semi finals! Another clash of the titans!
England vs Denmark (07/07/2021)
For the rules and regulations please read through our first topic on NugNinjaZ Euro Canna-Cup 2020/1 before entering the competition and also please check out the UPDATE below about penalties and the final score. Good luck!
Due to the possibility of penalties you can now grab yourself an extra 1 gramm IF - You manage to guess the correct score of the game after 90 or 120 minutes and you were the first person to do so then great! You have already bagged yourself your 2.0g's of the finest Cannabis flower. For that first person that guesses there answer correctly - there 2.0g's is secured no matter what and you can leave it there if you would like too... BUT on the other hand, if you fancy taking it one step further and would like to take a shot at guessing the winner of the game on penalties too (if it goes that far) and you just so happen to get that correct too alongside your correct guess of the game before penalties then you will receive an extra 1.0g of Cannabis Flower on top of your original 2.0g's. In total that would be - 3.0g's of the finest cannabis flower. We hope this all makes sense and sorry for the ramble. Most importantly - enjoy yourselves Bigga'z, have a great time, what a game this should be! Good luck!
So lets just be clear Bigga'z we want the usual - a guess of the score after 90 (or 120) minutes and also if you fancy it then - take another guess at the winning team of the game via penalties (has to be at the same time and included with your first guess and obviously within the same comment otherwise it will not be included)
The competition is now open! The competition will close at 7pm GMT an hour before the game kicks off. Again its on a first come first serve basis so please check the comments before posting your answer as you dont want to duplicate somebody else's answer as they will have already secured there place by commenting first.
There can only be one winner each time so you better get your answers in fast! Let the good times roll on - have a blast, have a laugh and enjoy Bigga'z!
So far the winners are:
Can any of you make that 2 wins? Or shall we add some more names to that list? Let the battle commence!
Lets do this! Good luck! :) Have a fantastic Wednesday and a brilliant week!
Keep smoking the best and stay high!

If anyone is going to beat us, it's going to be Denmark but sack that COME ON ENGLAND! 2-1 (we have to concede eventually?)

WINNER!! Well done zz87! What a result COME ON ENGLAND!
If you could send us a private message with your name and address so that we can get your 2.0g's sent out to you ASAP that would be brilliant :) thankyou so much for taking part, keep an eye out for the final competition - can you make that 2 wins zz87?!
Wishing you all the best and good luck! NugNinjaZ
If you could send us a private message with your name and address so that we can get your 2.0g's sent out to you ASAP that would be brilliant :) thankyou so much for taking part, keep an eye out for the final competition - can you make that 2 wins zz87?!
Wishing you all the best and good luck! NugNinjaZ

Wheyy nice one mate :) will message you now and thank you England you've made it to the final and won me some weed, who'd have thought those two things would happen? lmao :D

1 post
+2 votes

Sativa Recommendations
Don't know if they're on here, but some of the best sativas I've ever had are - Jack Herrer, Shiva, Trainwreck and Lemon Tree. I think there is a Ghos…

Sativa Recommendations
Any recommendations for some really nice Sativa, something that’s gonna warp my brain cells. Since finishing the last of my Mimosa from Smoggy I can’t seem to find anything that comes close.

We've got some Lemon Bubble on our menu at the minute. It seems to be a hit with a lot of people!

Nice one, how’s it compare to your Ammo? I got some of that last week and it’s probably some of the best Ammo I’ve had!

It's up there with it I'd say. For me the Bubbles more of a racier high than the ammo. I can feel a heaviness in my head with the ammo but not with the bubble. We've got the mimosa as well and that's well liked! Have a look at the reviews and see what you think mate.

Don't know if they're on here, but some of the best sativas I've ever had are - Jack Herrer, Shiva, Trainwreck and Lemon Tree. I think there is a Ghost Train on here somewhere, I'll stick the link in here if I can find it later. Good luck on your quest
SuperHans got some good sativa
SuperHans got some good sativa

think the cindy99 might fit the bill fella
Cinderella 99 -
Cinderella 99 -

4 posts
+5 votes

Package seized
Just leaving this here so I can find you when I need to :)
+ 4 more

Package seized
Had a package seized and a nice chat with the police. For those of you who have had this happen before did your mail start getting checked. Was your address burnt. Or did you continue placing orders with more reputable vendors with no problems. My package was sent by a new vendor poorly packed and stinking so obvious without opening. I have received packages with perfect stealth and no one would be able to tell what was in it without ripping it open. Your thoughts and experiences would be appreciated

I doubt either the Post Office or the Police have the resources to permanently monitor your address. They're just trying to put the fear into you so you don't do it again. I wouldn't stress it, they've got far more important things to do in the drugs world than waste time constantly checking up on someone who orders a bit of puff through the post.
Stick with the trusted sellers on here with decent stealth and be sure to mention the poor stealth in your review so others don't suffer the same consequences.
Piss poor stealth is no joke and puts all of us on here at risk.
Cheers BB
Stick with the trusted sellers on here with decent stealth and be sure to mention the poor stealth in your review so others don't suffer the same consequences.
Piss poor stealth is no joke and puts all of us on here at risk.
Cheers BB

BB’s stealth is so good even YOU don’t believe the package can be your weed! Sets the Benchmark!

Any other vendors who’s packaging is as good as BB. I’ve used TGT and there’s was very good. Also heard good things about radar breeder

UK 420 and URBANLEAFCO do really great stealth.
I wouldn't go for the last one you mentioned there unless you don't mind the whole outside of the pack smelling like washing powder and being able to feel the shape of the product from the outside
I wouldn't go for the last one you mentioned there unless you don't mind the whole outside of the pack smelling like washing powder and being able to feel the shape of the product from the outside

Thanks BB annoying thing was I was gonna give your gelato a go instead got screwed with another vendor. The police were actually cool about it. More concerned about where it came from. I was in the middle of smoking a huge stardawg spliff when they turnt up and had a jar of nugs on the coffee table they didn’t care. But not an experience I want to repeat anytime soon. Only heard good things and love for you on here keep up the good work and I’ll give you a try in the future.

Look forward to dealing with you buddy, Wedding Cake is just finishing flowering so she should be on sale around late August. 😊
Yeah the Police aren't all bad, they've seen far worse things than someone smoking a bit of weed. They're just doing their jobs but I doubt they really care about your situation. They're just going through the motions they're required to.
All the best.
Cheers BB
Yeah the Police aren't all bad, they've seen far worse things than someone smoking a bit of weed. They're just doing their jobs but I doubt they really care about your situation. They're just going through the motions they're required to.
All the best.
Cheers BB

Look forward to trying it. Yeah I could tell they were just going through the motions. But they said they didn’t care what I was doing as long as the neighbours aren’t complaining and I’m not giving it to children or driving under the influence, I could crack on. Didn’t take the spliff or jar of nugs.

Anyone selling weed that stinks in transit should be struck off here- it’s so fucking stupid! The RM don’t want to care, it’s all hassle for them. But put a stinking bag of poorly packed weed in front of them and they will have to react. Feel your pain buddy….

I thought it was suspect when they split my order into two packages, when I only ordered 14 grams I guess they knew it stunk but still sent any way. Amateurs

I was gonna pm you but the chat option isn’t on your profile, I’m giving the vendor the choice to issue full refund because of there incompetence before I bad mouth them on here, if they haven’t got in contact with me by the time I finish work tomorrow I’ll let everyone know who they are and to avoid. Funny tho at the minute they haven’t responded since friday

Purple Gorilla? shame, I ordered with them and the stealth was as basic as it gets but I gave them benefit of doubt coz I'd only bought a 2g tester... gutted for you coz I backed them up after my order arrived, feel bad now!
If you're still looking for someone good mate check out LUD same style packaging as TGT and the guava is banging right now. RB I saw you mention he has multiple layers of stealth is a very safe option. I mostly stick to those 2.
Also don't worry about waiting for the seller to respond you should just go straight to Escrow in this case mate.
If you're still looking for someone good mate check out LUD same style packaging as TGT and the guava is banging right now. RB I saw you mention he has multiple layers of stealth is a very safe option. I mostly stick to those 2.
Also don't worry about waiting for the seller to respond you should just go straight to Escrow in this case mate.

Escrow will fix you up, especially if you have any paperwork from your visit you can shoot them. I don’t imagine you'll have ongoing issues with your address, especially if you follow the good advice here.
The real shame here is all those reviews saying 10/10 ‘great stealth’.
Best of luck getting sorted.
The real shame here is all those reviews saying 10/10 ‘great stealth’.
Best of luck getting sorted.

I think people got to excited with the free weed even if it wasn’t a++. No such thing as free weed should have known better. Unfortunately no paperwork.

2 posts
+2 votes
no luck
Thanks man. Yeah just way it goes sometimes. Gotta try out new places to see what's about and some ain't gonna be as good as others. Good luck anyways…
+ 2 more

no luck
anyone recieved their's yet? saw the price and pics and thought yeah i'll give it a go as i need to save a bit of money and stop paying for NDD on every order!
but mine is still a no show no and its been 5 days, i knew i shouldnt have risked ordering from someone who doesn't offer NDD, and i notice nobody else has reviewed this strain which is odd as i'm sure a few more people would have ordered it but looks like nobody has recieved it yet, messaged the vendor couple days ago but still not been online for 2 days and it says he hasn't used messenger in a while.
also when is the earliest i can hit the dispute button? just got a bad feeling about this transaction and i want to try and potentially get my money back asap and get something else ordered as i CANNOT go 4-5 days without meds which is what will happen if i don't hurry up and get a refund for this
but mine is still a no show no and its been 5 days, i knew i shouldnt have risked ordering from someone who doesn't offer NDD, and i notice nobody else has reviewed this strain which is odd as i'm sure a few more people would have ordered it but looks like nobody has recieved it yet, messaged the vendor couple days ago but still not been online for 2 days and it says he hasn't used messenger in a while.
also when is the earliest i can hit the dispute button? just got a bad feeling about this transaction and i want to try and potentially get my money back asap and get something else ordered as i CANNOT go 4-5 days without meds which is what will happen if i don't hurry up and get a refund for this

Panic not - I ordered their orange cookies it took 8 days for delivery - looks and smells good but I’ve yet to try - I’m sure you’ll not be disappointed 😊

8 bloody days??? lol is it being sent from australia via 2nd class? and do you live on a remote island only accesible by submarine in scotland??? i've been stung in the past on here with crappy 1st class post it's why i'll go for NDD 99% of the time even though i literally cannot afford it

😂 - it could be they send it with a postage stamp for first class envelope most vendors send as small parcel just a thought - hopefully it shall be worth your wait 😎

14 day then you can dispute cause the vendoor are not rep your mes so you have right reason to make it

It's much safer to only buy stuff that's been reviewed a good few times while also checking how good people say the product is, how long it took to turn up and how good the stealth is. Also, make sure the vendor's been online in the last day so you know they're active. Hope it works out for you. PM me know if you need pointing in the direction of some good reliable vendors

appreciate the help mate but don't worry i'm hyper aware of this after ordering on here twice a week for 2 years now, just so happens the moment i take the chance to give someone else a try and step away from my reliable vendors, something like this happens!
i've had a reply from the vendor now, still hasn't really cleared anything up as i'm still finding it difficult to believe it was sent 5 days ago, not helped by the fact that nobody else has recieved theirs either, fingers and toes crossed on this one.
i've had a reply from the vendor now, still hasn't really cleared anything up as i'm still finding it difficult to believe it was sent 5 days ago, not helped by the fact that nobody else has recieved theirs either, fingers and toes crossed on this one.

Thanks man. Yeah just way it goes sometimes. Gotta try out new places to see what's about and some ain't gonna be as good as others. Good luck anyways mate

1 post
+2 votes
Best opsec way to offer tracked shipping
Yeah, post safety is pretty much the one thing holding me off selling on here atm

Best opsec way to offer tracked shipping
We are trying to figure this out. Help is appreciated and you can message us too with tips.
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance

Even if you don't give the tracking code out, whoever you send to can read it off the label your post office has stuck to the package....

Tracking on a label means one buyer saw one location. Np.
If you give out tracking codes you’ve made a database on LB of where every parcel was sent from and to. Fine as long as it’s in safe hands, no way you’d know if it wasn’t.
If you give out tracking codes you’ve made a database on LB of where every parcel was sent from and to. Fine as long as it’s in safe hands, no way you’d know if it wasn’t.

It is not so much the customer I am worried about. But more LE can track you back which post office you used.
Flipping camera's everywhere these days.
Flipping camera's everywhere these days.

2 posts
+3 votes

shatter suggestions
Just leaving this here so I can find you when I need shatter at a good price with free delivery
+ 2 more

shatter suggestions
Evening biggas. An unexpected free weekend is ahoy and I was after shatter recommendations with NDD on a Saturday if possible. Any help much appreciated...

Just leaving this here so I can find you when I need shatter at a good price with free delivery

Hi there no shatter at the moment mate but we do have plenty of other concentrates in stock if you would like to take a look at our listings ♡
We should be stocking some shatter before the end of the month I believe it will be northern lights.
We should be stocking some shatter before the end of the month I believe it will be northern lights.

Thanks mate, I'll take a peek. I'm not after any subtleties, what would you recommend to really knock me on my arse?

No problem well everything we have in stock if for experienced smokers, but our favourite and the strongest would be the diamonds but they are also the most expensive, mid range price and still one of the strongest would be the La Kush Cake but we feel they are all personal preference like your favourite weed strain please take a look at the individual reviews for each product we feel they paint a better picture :)

Don’t know how old this post is? (it’s 10/5/21 today) but I am RIGHT up for some Northern Lights shatter! :))

Mate, if you haven't found any NL I'd recommend DIUK's Northern Wreck. It looks like its back on the menu. Outstandingly strong indica. You'll forget you were looking for NL after settling in with the NW. Their last lot was excellent, I'd expect this batch to be just as good. Quality isn't an issue for these guys IMHO.

Thanks buddy, I’m a bit of a wuss and I’m not sure I’m ready for that nuts NW !! I’ve been eying their Afghan Kush though- have you tried it?
Love my indicas but want to ratchet up gently! ;) (got me tempted now though...)
Love my indicas but want to ratchet up gently! ;) (got me tempted now though...)

Go on, you know you want to! ;-) I've not tried their AK, mostly their hashes recently. Radar Breeder had some Blackberry Moonrocks (weed, not actual moon rocks) and that could be a good start on the ratchet-front. Good vendor too, prices are decent for halves and above.
If you're feeling flush then buy the MAC1 from Pistach. Ridiculously priced Cali (not a dig at P but $100+ for eighths is a bit punchy except on special occasions) but just wonderful!
If you're feeling flush then buy the MAC1 from Pistach. Ridiculously priced Cali (not a dig at P but $100+ for eighths is a bit punchy except on special occasions) but just wonderful!

Oh’ve tried Pistach’s Mac1?!....I have been so tempted but kinda sceptical at the price without reviews...that’s it, I’m in!- thanks buddy! ;)

Yep, its very nice. Quite dry but nice and frosty and purple buds. It didn't last the weekend!

uh oh! I've had quite a bit from Pistach recently. Peach Cobbler is a winner and I think he's got some left still (6 july) The Blue Calypso is another lovely strain he has. Not sure if there's any of that left though. IMHO you can't go far wrong with Pistach. Expensive but Everything I've had (maybe 8 strains?) has been top drawer!

1 post
+1 votes
New flavour - GELATO SORBET
I bet that's a tasty one

New flavour - GELATO SORBET

Hello everyone, a new flavour of the usual filtered quality bars is now available. Please just drop us a message to get a password. Thank you. :)

1 post
+2 votes

Good morning Bigga'z! We hope you're all enjoying your week so far!
Welcome to NugNinjaZ Euro Canna-Cup 2020/1 round 4 - a clash of the titans!
England vs Germany (29/06/2021)
For the rules and regulations please read through our first topic on NugNinjaZ Euro Canna-Cup 2020/1 before entering the competition and also please check out the UPDATE below about penalties and the final score. Good luck!
Due to the possibility of penalties you can now grab yourself an extra 1 gramm IF - You manage to guess the correct score of the game after 90 or 120 minutes and you were the first person to do so then great! You have already bagged yourself your 2.0g's of the finest Cannabis flower. For that first person that guesses there answer correctly - there 2.0g's is secured no matter what and you can leave it there if you would like too... BUT on the other hand, if you fancy taking it one step further and would like to take a shot at guessing the winner of the game on penalties too (if it goes that far) and you just so happen to get that correct too alongside your correct guess of the game before penalties then you will receive an extra 1.0g of Cannabis Flower on top of your original 2.0g's. In total that would be - 3.0g's of the finest cannabis flower. We hope this all makes sense and sorry for the ramble. Most importantly - enjoy yourselves Bigga'z, have a great time, what a game this should be! Good luck!
So lets just be clear Bigga'z we want the usual - a guess of the score after 90 (or 120) minutes and also if you fancy it then - take another guess at the winning team of the game via penalties (has to be at the same time and included with your first guess and obviously within the same comment otherwise it will not be included)
The competition is now open! The competition will close at 4:30pm GMT half an hour before the game kicks off. Again its on a first come first serve basis so please check the comments before posting your answer as you dont want to duplicate somebody else's answer as they will have already secured there place by commenting first.
There can only be one winner each time so you better get your answers in fast! Let the good times roll on - have a blast, have a laugh and enjoy Bigga'z!
So far the winners are:
Can any of you make that 2 wins? Or shall we add some more names to that list? Let the battle commence!
Lets do this! Good luck! :) Have a fantastic Tuesday and a brilliant week!
Keep smoking the best and stay high!
Welcome to NugNinjaZ Euro Canna-Cup 2020/1 round 4 - a clash of the titans!
England vs Germany (29/06/2021)
For the rules and regulations please read through our first topic on NugNinjaZ Euro Canna-Cup 2020/1 before entering the competition and also please check out the UPDATE below about penalties and the final score. Good luck!
Due to the possibility of penalties you can now grab yourself an extra 1 gramm IF - You manage to guess the correct score of the game after 90 or 120 minutes and you were the first person to do so then great! You have already bagged yourself your 2.0g's of the finest Cannabis flower. For that first person that guesses there answer correctly - there 2.0g's is secured no matter what and you can leave it there if you would like too... BUT on the other hand, if you fancy taking it one step further and would like to take a shot at guessing the winner of the game on penalties too (if it goes that far) and you just so happen to get that correct too alongside your correct guess of the game before penalties then you will receive an extra 1.0g of Cannabis Flower on top of your original 2.0g's. In total that would be - 3.0g's of the finest cannabis flower. We hope this all makes sense and sorry for the ramble. Most importantly - enjoy yourselves Bigga'z, have a great time, what a game this should be! Good luck!
So lets just be clear Bigga'z we want the usual - a guess of the score after 90 (or 120) minutes and also if you fancy it then - take another guess at the winning team of the game via penalties (has to be at the same time and included with your first guess and obviously within the same comment otherwise it will not be included)
The competition is now open! The competition will close at 4:30pm GMT half an hour before the game kicks off. Again its on a first come first serve basis so please check the comments before posting your answer as you dont want to duplicate somebody else's answer as they will have already secured there place by commenting first.
There can only be one winner each time so you better get your answers in fast! Let the good times roll on - have a blast, have a laugh and enjoy Bigga'z!
So far the winners are:
Can any of you make that 2 wins? Or shall we add some more names to that list? Let the battle commence!
Lets do this! Good luck! :) Have a fantastic Tuesday and a brilliant week!
Keep smoking the best and stay high!

Well I was thinking 3 - 1 too but I guess I can't keep that. So...
3 - 3 up to FT then penalties
3 - 3 up to FT then penalties

2 posts
+5 votes
1 post
+1 votes

Good afternoon Bigga'z we hope you're all happy, high and healthy!
We'l be dropping some gorgeous ganja for you guys and gals very soon so keep those eyes peeled, we will be listing some beautiful - Glueberry OG - shes marriage material - bellissimo!
Also a very small but equally beautiful batch of Gorilla Glue!
Nice to have these two in at the same time - enjoy, have a great week and as always - keep smoking the best and stay high!
(Oh and keep a look out, its competition day tomorrow (29/06/21) Bigga'z ;) enjoy the game and good luck!) Cheers!
We'l be dropping some gorgeous ganja for you guys and gals very soon so keep those eyes peeled, we will be listing some beautiful - Glueberry OG - shes marriage material - bellissimo!
Also a very small but equally beautiful batch of Gorilla Glue!
Nice to have these two in at the same time - enjoy, have a great week and as always - keep smoking the best and stay high!
(Oh and keep a look out, its competition day tomorrow (29/06/21) Bigga'z ;) enjoy the game and good luck!) Cheers!

1 post
+2 votes

Voting and termination
The more vote interaction on a post, the higher up the wall it goes. It can be up votes or down votes or comments, it all counts as an increased inter…

Voting and termination
If a user has lots of down votes does this matter? Is it just a popularity thing or can this be used as evidence for termination? Also, I've seen some users nominated for termination but surely you just sign up with a different user name? Why is this on my mind?... I need a smoke! :)

I always try to think from the algo's perspective to figure shit out around here. Votes could be used in a lot of ways sometimes they are testimony to popularity sometimes to fraud.

If you can figure out the algorithm on this site I will give you all my Bitcoin ( so either 10p or £6,000,000 depending on whether Elon has a good shit that day or not) :)

I love a challange lol. Elon gives me a headache lol!! But I wish I was that smart lol. Algorithm....?

The more vote interaction on a post, the higher up the wall it goes. It can be up votes or down votes or comments, it all counts as an increased interest value to the algorithm. Then it pushes that post because it thinks other people would also be likely to show interest. Although, that's only as I've been able to observe in a short time

The first time I down voted someone for an inane comment (IMO), they got so upset they went through my entire history down voting every comment I had ever made and then started hate-stalking me via private messages. The Force (of the down arrow) is strong in me!

Wow bro that's propper out of order. Hate trolls! Well if you have good connections on here the guys know who's good ect. Iv made good mates with a few guys on here just from buying bud

Votes churn something in the algorithm but I’m not sure what and they seem to be less important now as totals are hidden away.
Yup, anyone terminated can just sign up again or have multiple accounts at the same time- and they do!
Volume of topics and conversations seem to have fallen away rapidly with this latest version....
Yup, anyone terminated can just sign up again or have multiple accounts at the same time- and they do!
Volume of topics and conversations seem to have fallen away rapidly with this latest version....

I think it's disappointing when lots of people down vote a particularly annoying fuckwittery post/comment and nothing really happens! Maybe a certain number of down votes should lead to deletion or something? Side note, I'm sure recently I commented on a post of yours regarding the new shopping basket, all innocent and friendly like but it seems to have been deleted!? Strange.

Downvoting now hides fuckwittery. That's a big step forward and will probably remove the need to nominate.
Other than that the only relevance is in dispute AFAIK.
Other than that the only relevance is in dispute AFAIK.

1 post
+2 votes
Irish Vendor!!
I once met the guy in your profile pic but at the time I was on so many things that it didn't register who he was til a couple of days later. He had b…

Irish Vendor!!
Delighted theres finally an Irish vendor on LB!
No more love letters from customs officers
No more love letters from customs officers

Big time bro it's been tough on here lately for irish customers I'll drop an order this coming week

Brilliant will give be placing an order soon....this is something Irish biggas have been wanting for so long

I once met the guy in your profile pic but at the time I was on so many things that it didn't register who he was til a couple of days later. He had big chunky gnarly hands and lovely calm energy. Clearly knew I was off my nut but didn't bring attention to it, nice guy. Anyway, good luck with your LB journey

An Irish Vendor woo hoo
just put in an order and am hopping to be astounded by the idea of NDD in ireland
just put in an order and am hopping to be astounded by the idea of NDD in ireland

Thank Fuck for that : ) 9 letters and counting this year.will make an order tomorrow.Finally

9 letters this year?! Holy shit man, fair play to ya. I'd have given it up as a bad job by that stage. Must be out some serious coin.

To be fair 3 of them were for reships.Its just the UK post they've really clamped down on.Had nearly 100% of my deliveries land last year.

1 post
+2 votes
2 posts
+4 votes
Welcome to The Outlaw Kitchen!
Wow, sounds really interesting. Definitely a new type of businesses model on here. Think it should work well for you. Good luck on your LB journey
+ 2 more

Welcome to The Outlaw Kitchen!

We’re just a rowdy bunch of fun lovin’ Outlawz!
Here to spread the love, laughter and good times through great food and positive vibez!
We are a brand new vendor on LittleBiggy and so we will be offering some reduced price snacks to start with once we have established ourselves properly on here. This will hopefully give you a feel for our Outlaw Kitchen!
Once we know you are satisfied and we have a better understanding as to the edible scene here on LittleBiggy we then aim to provide you with infused snacks and infused ingredients for you to use in your own home cooking and we ultimately aim to provide you with infused street food style meal and party packs complete with cooking instructions for you to cook up a quick, incredibly tasty and rather stoney street food meal for yourself or for yourself and others! The sort of pack that is perfect for a weekend treat and for guaranteed relaxation!
We do not just cater for recreational users we also provide infused items for medicinal use too. So any customers with specific medicinal requirements please don’t hesitate to PM us, we will do whatever we can to accommodate your needs.
We have family members ourselves who specifically use cannabis for medicinal purposes and so not only do we understand the absolute importance of this wonderful medicine but we have experience and knowledge to put to use in that department.
An example of some of the items we are hoping to bring to LittleBiggy are infused spice mixes, infused sauces, Infused crisps/potato chips, Infused energy bars, infused fajita wraps, Infused Pizza bases, Infused cooking oils, infused butters and so on as well as offering a more bespoke service for customers who may have an event or party coming up that requires a more specific type of treat!
We aren’t exactly limited in what we can produce for you but we are limited as to what we can sensibly send out in the post!
Most items that we offer will be listed on the day of cooking where they are a preservable item. For more specialist edibles we will list them ‘to be cooked to order’ which will be displayed in the item description – (When our first items are ready we will add a seperate 'terms and postage' topic for more info)
Keep your eyes on our page for all new listings.
As a kickstarter we will be listing some infused chocolate chunk Cookies very soon!
In the meantime Biggaz – Please provide us with any ideas of edible items you’ve tried and loved or that you’d love to see listed!
Whether it be plain and simple, weird and wonderful, whacky and wild – Whatever it is we’ll see if there is any way that we can add it to the menu for you!
Here to spread the love, laughter and good times through great food and positive vibez!
We are a brand new vendor on LittleBiggy and so we will be offering some reduced price snacks to start with once we have established ourselves properly on here. This will hopefully give you a feel for our Outlaw Kitchen!
Once we know you are satisfied and we have a better understanding as to the edible scene here on LittleBiggy we then aim to provide you with infused snacks and infused ingredients for you to use in your own home cooking and we ultimately aim to provide you with infused street food style meal and party packs complete with cooking instructions for you to cook up a quick, incredibly tasty and rather stoney street food meal for yourself or for yourself and others! The sort of pack that is perfect for a weekend treat and for guaranteed relaxation!
We do not just cater for recreational users we also provide infused items for medicinal use too. So any customers with specific medicinal requirements please don’t hesitate to PM us, we will do whatever we can to accommodate your needs.
We have family members ourselves who specifically use cannabis for medicinal purposes and so not only do we understand the absolute importance of this wonderful medicine but we have experience and knowledge to put to use in that department.
An example of some of the items we are hoping to bring to LittleBiggy are infused spice mixes, infused sauces, Infused crisps/potato chips, Infused energy bars, infused fajita wraps, Infused Pizza bases, Infused cooking oils, infused butters and so on as well as offering a more bespoke service for customers who may have an event or party coming up that requires a more specific type of treat!
We aren’t exactly limited in what we can produce for you but we are limited as to what we can sensibly send out in the post!
Most items that we offer will be listed on the day of cooking where they are a preservable item. For more specialist edibles we will list them ‘to be cooked to order’ which will be displayed in the item description – (When our first items are ready we will add a seperate 'terms and postage' topic for more info)
Keep your eyes on our page for all new listings.
As a kickstarter we will be listing some infused chocolate chunk Cookies very soon!
In the meantime Biggaz – Please provide us with any ideas of edible items you’ve tried and loved or that you’d love to see listed!
Whether it be plain and simple, weird and wonderful, whacky and wild – Whatever it is we’ll see if there is any way that we can add it to the menu for you!

A product i wish, well, i really like hot souces. So a small bottle, Tabasco like, easy dosage, will be perfect. Not so hot so everybody can try but for one person three drops will make u The Dude, five will bring out The Buddha and after six drops Lord have mercy. Good luck with your endeavour you guyz!!! …. and the menu pls! :)

Thank you very much for your comments. It adds to an already very positive experience here on lb.
: D We love hot!!
Tobasco’s, hot sauces any food that focuses on fiery heat we absolutely adore!
So we will definitely be looking at listing some infused hot sauces.
: D We love hot!!
Tobasco’s, hot sauces any food that focuses on fiery heat we absolutely adore!
So we will definitely be looking at listing some infused hot sauces.

Wow, sounds really interesting. Definitely a new type of businesses model on here. Think it should work well for you. Good luck on your LB journey

Stoner spread perhaps ? Some made from scratch Nutella kinda spread that gets you hammered . One sweet and one savory type please

Wow well you certainly have our curiosity! Wishing you a very warm welcome to LB - very much intrigued to say the least :) this sounds great! If you have any questions or need any advice feel free to give us a shout, cant wait to see some products, reviews and to try something! Good luck, wishing you all the best The Outlaw Kitchen and as always - keep smoking the best and stay high! NugNinjaZ

Thanks! Let’s see what we can bring to the table, so to speak!
And thank you very much - we’ll keep that in mind : D
And thank you very much - we’ll keep that in mind : D

As, primarily, a medicinal user, this sounds awesome :)
I look forward to hearing more from you!
Peace and Love xx
I look forward to hearing more from you!
Peace and Love xx

Thank you very much.
Please feel free to pm us if you do have any specific requirements or questions. We will do our very best to accommodate.
Please feel free to pm us if you do have any specific requirements or questions. We will do our very best to accommodate.

1 post
+5 votes
You are cannabis and cannabis is you! No division between the two:))
I just assume he's the real Super Hans brought into reality by the powers of weed - makes the most sense

You are cannabis and cannabis is you! No division between the two:))
It has to be said that SH truly loves the plant itself so much so that he has 'direct connection' with the quality. His enticing words makes you feel as if the actual strain is speaking to you directly:)) What a pleasure to know him. Marvelous SUPER HANS

I just assume he's the real Super Hans brought into reality by the powers of weed - makes the most sense

1 post
+1 votes

Wax and shatter... do I eat them?
Nah, you don't wanna eat that as it lacks the cbd required for a stable high. You could eat it, but it would just feel a bit too intense to be enjoyab…

Wax and shatter... do I eat them?
Enjoying the sweets on offer, but wondering about shatter and wax, do I just eat the stuff...?

I guess you could in theory but no, you're meant to smoke it using a dab rig. I've linked you to the types of setup you need above although I'm pretty sure you can buy cheap kits that just fit onto standard bongs.
Pretty sure you can vape it too but that's not my thing so can't comment.
Cheers BB
Pretty sure you can vape it too but that's not my thing so can't comment.
Cheers BB

They're both very tasty to vape or smoke, so it's a shame to eat it, but it will work.
Last summer I munched on some shatter and I was high as kite.
Last summer I munched on some shatter and I was high as kite.

Can be vaped in the right setup. I use a dynavap with a coil, but it's not the potency you get from a dab rig. I've read some pretty intense reports on that.
Vaping shatter is like the tastiest weed hit with a mild side order of poppers. Vaping wax or oil is quite similar to vaping resin but more efficient.
Vaping shatter is like the tastiest weed hit with a mild side order of poppers. Vaping wax or oil is quite similar to vaping resin but more efficient.

Nah, you don't wanna eat that as it lacks the cbd required for a stable high. You could eat it, but it would just feel a bit too intense to be enjoyable. Of course, if you have access to some cbd drops you could take them at the same time to level things out and have a much nicer experience. If you want to know about using shatter in a vape pen send me a pm

2 posts
+2 votes

Boveda packs in your regular stash jar?
Just started using one a couple of days ago on some stuff that could have gone either way at the time. Awesome cure by the next day and getting better…
+ 2 more

Boveda packs in your regular stash jar?
Just wondering if it’s worth putting the Boveda packs in my regular stash jar? I keep the bud in the Mylar bags they come in (unsealed but folded and taped closed) and use a glass jar but would the Boveda pack be a useful addition to keep it all in optimum condition?

Never long term store weed in anything plastic/mylar.
Get an airtight glass jar that is close to the size of weed you're storing, buy a cheap hygrometer from ebay, pop it in the jar.
If it's around 58-62% relative humidity then don't bother with Boveda packs. If it's less or more throw one (8g Boveda 62% pack) in per 14g of product.
Keep the .jars at around 18 degrees.
As soon as the RH on the hygrometer reads around 60%, take the Boveda packs out. They have a tendency to remove the terpenes from the weed.
Cheers BB
Get an airtight glass jar that is close to the size of weed you're storing, buy a cheap hygrometer from ebay, pop it in the jar.
If it's around 58-62% relative humidity then don't bother with Boveda packs. If it's less or more throw one (8g Boveda 62% pack) in per 14g of product.
Keep the .jars at around 18 degrees.
As soon as the RH on the hygrometer reads around 60%, take the Boveda packs out. They have a tendency to remove the terpenes from the weed.
Cheers BB

I feel like boveda packs make weed taste funny, it’s something I’ve noticed everytime so I don’t use them anymore.

I don't think they're any good for long term storage to be honest.
If your weed isn't the correct RH they can stabilise it but as soon as I get close to 60% I always take them out.
I haven't noticed a funny taste but I think they definitely affect the overall depth of taste and smell if left in for too long.
Just my opinion though.
Cheers BB
If your weed isn't the correct RH they can stabilise it but as soon as I get close to 60% I always take them out.
I haven't noticed a funny taste but I think they definitely affect the overall depth of taste and smell if left in for too long.
Just my opinion though.
Cheers BB

Depends on how much you’re storing actually . If it’s a gram or two that finishes in a few days , don’t bother . You will just get a new batch again but if u have a bigger stash and ure worried it dries out then 100% yes . Get it . No new tech here . They make for the cigar market and until recently the green market . Now they just tweak it for different plant with different humidity requirements . Same same but different . You might want to reconsider storing in plastic bags . The bags may have static and that pulls off the trichromes that’s why most ppl use glass jars . As for how you bag your gear . If it’s left unsealed certain parts of the world it will dry out faster . Certain parts of the world it might get moldy due to the high humidity. Hope this helps mate

Just started using one a couple of days ago on some stuff that could have gone either way at the time. Awesome cure by the next day and getting better each time I open it, so yeah I'd recommend it. Just don't keep your bud in plastic

1 post
+2 votes
1 post
+2 votes
Does anyone vape cbd distillate?
Yep, make carts from CBD shatter
I did but found full spectrum to be far superior;) same goes for thc distillate and cannabis in general.

I vape cbd distillate carts which work out around the same cost as thc carts, i tried working with 60% cbd distillate but i got frustrated with the crystallisation so now i use URTH carts from across the pond, the gorilla glue is worth a try, very high quality, works out at around £60 for 1ml

Interesting, we were thinking of doing a high end full spectrum cbd cartridge for around £49.99

The trouble with decent cbd carts is that they can become very difficult to get hold of as they are available to everyone, i have around 8 legit websites i use but they can all go dry, people like me love the stuff for daytime and driving etc, if you could start producing regular full spectrum distillate that hits the spot with good natural flavour i would bite your arm off but it would have to be at least 500mg per 1ml to achieve the above for me. Ive tried moving high strength distillate from jar to syringe to cart and its a nightmare and much worse in winter but companies like URTH manage 600mg cbd in their carts with little or no crystallisation even at colder temps so im a little lost on that one but yes i am always looking for decent cbd carts for day use and a way of reducing thc tolerance.

We just listed our first cbd cart. It has about 90% total cannabinoids and fairly viscous. Enjoy

1 post
+1 votes

herbalist tea room no response
Seems like just a CBD store

herbalist tea room no response
anyone know what has happened to herbalist tea room? they have money from me but afe not responding, been 3 days now

Got a great 2g’s from them a while back. Next order and their site disappeared. Like to think they were probably genuine but got taken down 🤷🏻♂️

1 post
+1 votes

Foreigners to be banned from Amsterdam weed cafes
That would really ruin their tourism economy.
Might be a nice time for
uk to decriminalise though

Foreigners to be banned from Amsterdam weed cafes
Just seen this in the guardian. Has been threatened a few times in the past but this time maybe it will happen.
Was probably more relevant when you couldn’t get the good stuff over here but thanks to little biggy I don’t think it’s a big deal for me
Still think they will see their tourism hit hard if they do this, but sounds like they want to add a better (i.e. richer) type of visitor
Was probably more relevant when you couldn’t get the good stuff over here but thanks to little biggy I don’t think it’s a big deal for me
Still think they will see their tourism hit hard if they do this, but sounds like they want to add a better (i.e. richer) type of visitor

I’m certain some parts of Amsterdam have this policy, I had pals working somewhere in Holland and needed Dutch ID to Evan enter a cafe! They had to hang outside and try get locals to buy for them! Then it was the low THC content were cafes are forbidden to sell weed over certain strength.

you'd think the legalised sex slavery would be of greater concern than coffee and weed but to each their own.

Thanks to LB and the great quality of greenery for sale on here Amsterdam is now just another metropolitan city that I might revisit. However were they to rescind tourists ability to smoke the herb they will merely be “cutting off their nose to spite their face”!
As a grandad I grew up in in the 80s and 90s when the main staple of any toker was hash. If we were lucky once in a while we could score some what was known as “bush weed” similar to Thai. O and if we were REALLY lucky we could get some skunk but that was rare as hens teeth.
Oh how times have changed!
Stay safe Biggaz!
As a grandad I grew up in in the 80s and 90s when the main staple of any toker was hash. If we were lucky once in a while we could score some what was known as “bush weed” similar to Thai. O and if we were REALLY lucky we could get some skunk but that was rare as hens teeth.
Oh how times have changed!
Stay safe Biggaz!

I feel the same I always wanted to visit purely for the smoke but now it seems pretty pointless when we have LB :)
You would think they would ban the prostitution first but “hey ho”. Pun intended.
You would think they would ban the prostitution first but “hey ho”. Pun intended.

I live in holland and there not a chance they will ban tourists from coffeeshops every so often they come up with this but it will never pass through government they make to much in taxes and most dutch dont even use coffeeshops they to expensive

It's not the nicest of places, most dealers are out to rip people off, Holland however is an amazing country, getting flower hash and shrooms in Rotterdam and ending up fishing on a carp lake in france with no recollection of how i got there was one of the best trips :)

I drove to Dam once for 2 nights, done aload of shrooms the 1st night and couldn't leave my hotel. Drove home the next day with a block of hash the size of my fist

Ha Ha good to know you got away with a souvenir. I remember the girl in the shop saying what ever you do, don't eat the whole bag, so ofcourse i did which is why i didn't catch any fish, i was with a group of mates and to this day none of us can remember how we got to france and managed to borrow some fishing gear, been to Holland many times since, i love the people and the vibe but not the straight roads, no good for biking..

First time I went to the Dam I loved it and had a great time. Every time since then, whenever I go, I just think I should take the money I spent on a flight and somewhere to stay and spend it in the UK on a couple of Os. Then I could sit in the comfort of my own home, without the associated knobs that seem to be a permanent fixture in the Dam and enjoy myself.
Maybe I'm just old.
Everyone should do the Dam at least once though.
Maybe I'm just old.
Everyone should do the Dam at least once though.

Would be a sad day but like you said they have threatened it enough times before.
They would 100% feel it with a reduction in Weed tourist's.
I'm roughly twice a year on average.
Still you can grow just as good green if you try hard
They would 100% feel it with a reduction in Weed tourist's.
I'm roughly twice a year on average.
Still you can grow just as good green if you try hard

Yeah. Sadly it's quite likely this time around. When I was there in February last year, speaking with staff in a few coffeeshops, this was a huge concern. Now that covid has paved the way for a new world....I think it might happen. I will still go to amsterdam for my regular visits, though. The city is incredible ♡

That would really ruin their tourism economy.
Might be a nice time for
uk to decriminalise though
Might be a nice time for
uk to decriminalise though

1 post
+1 votes

48H of bitcoin tanking
It's started going back up now
i've got a mate who actually called the top (he's the reason i was making so many threads about not being able to move my money this time last month) and he reckons we've reached a bottom now. Even the things he was telling me to look out for beforehand I have seen such as the capitualtion wick down to low 30ks. Now hopefully bitcoin goes back towards 50k

Investors must be absolutely shitting themselves now.
Can't imagine what it's like for the sellers on here who have money sat in escrow tho :(
I know nothing about it but heard a story a couple of weeks a go that some big players had all predicted the end of bitcoin was on the way so wouldn't bet on this sink being over yet.... could be good for buying btc if goes down to more reasonable level.
Can't imagine what it's like for the sellers on here who have money sat in escrow tho :(
I know nothing about it but heard a story a couple of weeks a go that some big players had all predicted the end of bitcoin was on the way so wouldn't bet on this sink being over yet.... could be good for buying btc if goes down to more reasonable level.

-30% across the big crypto’s now (3pm 19/5) !
Can the environment be enough to kill the golden goose??
Can the environment be enough to kill the golden goose??

This could well be the beginning of the end for Crypto, it’s been a bubble waiting to burst and that bubble may well now have burst. As zz87 says below, I feel really bad for all the vendors with Crypto stuck in escrow as they are going to have taken a mega hit, potentially a completely screw you over kinda hit.

I don't think you can 'end crypto'.
If you look at some of the newer crypto and how are they build you will start looking at BTC and ETH as more of prototypes than the actual currency.
I don't think regulators can keep up with technology. Remember - the point of crypto is to replace government controlled currency, it newer was about quick gains and 'one solution we have to stick with'. At some point you just won't need FIAT currencies to survive.
If you look at some of the newer crypto and how are they build you will start looking at BTC and ETH as more of prototypes than the actual currency.
I don't think regulators can keep up with technology. Remember - the point of crypto is to replace government controlled currency, it newer was about quick gains and 'one solution we have to stick with'. At some point you just won't need FIAT currencies to survive.

I been trying to wack a few quid extra in for vendors etc and whoever's looking after funds should be moving it around especially if their experienced enough I been riding the rollercoaster of crypto for a few yrs I think their trying to sink it BTC was created and people where told a few yrs back it's to cripple the economy but China couldn't let it ride the full course hence their trying to get every pennie back from it's citizens but if it stabilises then all the cheap BTC coming out of China should be a great asset it's not like their government won't try sell it next door cough cough Russia IMO but it could go alot of ways

Bottom line is some very rich people want a piece of the action. They resent the fact that this is a new technology they don’t control of have the hang of.
So they’ll try to destabilise the market under the auspices of ‘regulation’ ‘crime’ ‘customer access and consumer protection’’ and all the other bullshit excuses they can come up with to get their slice.
So there will be more dips and peaks forced by traders to try to liquidate their clients assets, the tech will not go away! It’s here to stay and in time there will be customer terminals and pay options for retail. It’s inevitable. I think BTC will robustly recover and be back up way above today’s levels by the end of the year.
Long term three year very healthy gains will be made ultimately. I hope that by 2024 we could see very large gain on investments.
Hold your nerve, diversify (freecoin, Shiba coin etc) and don’t let the Uber rich arseholes make a fortune from your assets!!! :)
So they’ll try to destabilise the market under the auspices of ‘regulation’ ‘crime’ ‘customer access and consumer protection’’ and all the other bullshit excuses they can come up with to get their slice.
So there will be more dips and peaks forced by traders to try to liquidate their clients assets, the tech will not go away! It’s here to stay and in time there will be customer terminals and pay options for retail. It’s inevitable. I think BTC will robustly recover and be back up way above today’s levels by the end of the year.
Long term three year very healthy gains will be made ultimately. I hope that by 2024 we could see very large gain on investments.
Hold your nerve, diversify (freecoin, Shiba coin etc) and don’t let the Uber rich arseholes make a fortune from your assets!!! :)

Also- twats like Musk are just glorified government contractors. Dodgy ones at that! Yes he’s a bit clever, but not that much and he’s also an arsehole.
He tried to play the market and the market told him to fuck off. :)
Another tip is to invest in gold and silver. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Metals are a good physical product while cash is ultimately worth jack shit if things go wrong!
This is all my opinion and not financial advice though.
He tried to play the market and the market told him to fuck off. :)
Another tip is to invest in gold and silver. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Metals are a good physical product while cash is ultimately worth jack shit if things go wrong!
This is all my opinion and not financial advice though.

Agree with Tommy . We've seen this before, players pushing price down to get cheap BTC.
To them morons who saying BTC will go to zero and end of crypto, put the pipe (joint) down and educate yourself ffs. !
To them morons who saying BTC will go to zero and end of crypto, put the pipe (joint) down and educate yourself ffs. !

It’s ends when people educate themselves about the differences of investment, speculation and outright gambling

Potentially at 0 because bitcoin is just an idea with no actual underlying value such as assets, future profits or current dividends. It’s just all hype, a who is the greater fool trading. Bitcoin is not an investment. Some will get rich but most will be left holding the ball with piss running down their trouser legs

1 post
+2 votes
anyone using 510 carts? mine seems to have gone bad
That'll be carts made from shatter, they go dark over time even if unused. It's only because they're light sensitive, they still work just as well. Th…

anyone using 510 carts? mine seems to have gone bad
as per pic, was vaping away quite happy then it wouldnt hit, theres like a really small amount of smoky stuff but zero flavour so i think its broke. the cart on the left is the broke one.

Only distillate cartridges will stay clean and taste well through the whole cartridge.
This is a common thing happenes when trying to vape wax/rosin/shatter in cartridges as they have too much impurities the oil will turn black unevitable.
Only distillate cartridges will stay clean and taste well through the whole cartridge.
This is a common thing happenes when trying to vape wax/rosin/shatter in cartridges as they have too much impurities the oil will turn black unevitable.

It's because the intake holes are gunked up and won't get more clean oil to the coil therefore it's just burning dry-ish. I'd recommend not to waste time with such cartridges as they will always give you trouble.

from Drugs Inc UK 09 Apr 21 14:58 can we sort something out?
there is nothing wrong with the carts sir
i asked if we could sort something out, i have a bad cart on my hands, possible three of them, im vaping the other two but i bet they go the same way, i read a review with drugs inc not being good with customer service and answering with "sir" whats up guys?
there is nothing wrong with the carts sir
i asked if we could sort something out, i have a bad cart on my hands, possible three of them, im vaping the other two but i bet they go the same way, i read a review with drugs inc not being good with customer service and answering with "sir" whats up guys?

That'll be carts made from shatter, they go dark over time even if unused. It's only because they're light sensitive, they still work just as well. The cart will seem to stop working because the oil has thickened, but when used with the correct battery everything works fine. Try using them with a CCell M3 battery, it works well with even the thickest oils that other batteries wouldn't give a puff off

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