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joined sep 2020
share Tenpester and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
1 topic on Tenpester
by  Tenpester
society is just having a bad trip
142 posts by Tenpester
Noam Chomsky & Michel Foucault Debate 1971
started topic + 2 more
bot deprograms humans from conspiracy theories
started topic
Any AI music makers out there?
started topic + 3 more
on  tnicho
how did you just comment without the comment button?
on  {nations}
big tech races to world war 3
The arms race before this didn't lead to a lot of usage but a lot of great tech. Who knows when the luck runs out but it seems a safe hand-off to an o…
on  {nations}
want to end war? hold the weapons makers liable.
started topic + 2 more
little biggy theme song?
great song but antithesis of lb
use three words to describe little biggy
internet in charge + 2 more
What it takes to crack BTC
started topic
How Would You Save the Roman Empire?
started topic + 2 more
to my og biggaz: gang bang at the old folks home
funniest band out there
on  {nations}
If we don't need authority for trust what do we need it for?
I think there's a problem with the word authority. Some authorities are voluntarily recognised by people as experts so their opinions are amplified. S…
on  {nations}
The Weakness of the Despot
started topic
Wikipedia Page For Social Class in the United Kingdom
Or a fucking-over manual
Reading Minds Through Veins
Thanks I looked this up and found a vid about the details. This is currently working better than brain invasive approaches because it doesn't get tak…
Consensus Capital Markets
started topic
A Father’s Wish to Be Preserved Using Cryonics; A New Yorker Documentary
started topic
on  foster
VR and Models of Consciousness
Interesting. I find that after a VR session I have a much heightened sense of reality. Just walking down the street I see things I've never noticed b…
what's left libertarianism?
Very interesting perspective but who determines the consequences or the rules?
Capitalism is unfolding exactly as Karl Marx predicted
0% interest rates, meme stocks, puts and calls going up simultaneously, sure looks like an end game scenario.
is nutrigenomics real?
think of it the other way around, bad diet gives you cancer what are the processes that enable that?
can the USA be fixed?
American free speech protects political donations, even from corporations.
Mushroom controlled robots
this is awesome they made a little mecha suit for it
Wireheading Done Right: Stay Positive Without Going Insane
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{web 3.0}
on  {web 3.0}
No-trust: The foundation of a Civilisation
started topic
a life a little bigger than ourselves
biggaz not wrong
Seal was wrong, our craziness is our biggest threat to survival
yes they are serious as hell, have you ever seen a seal fumble the beach ball trick? it's insane they're bitchy for like a week.
Chat GPT for President
started topic
buying crypto privately
This is true but its noteworthy that some exchanges are bigger rats than others. HTX, KuCoin and MEXC are a bit less cheesy.
Worst Star Trek Series of All Time?
The cartoons
on  [history]
Did inequality cause the First World War?
started topic
Is n26 crypto friendly?
anyone know?
Richard Feynman: Can Machines Think?
started topic
Affirmative Action is Simply Less Wrong
Yes and no, when you look at it from every perspective it inevitably comes into focus on it's own. Then it takes energy to ignore it. So I gotta wind …
strike btc lighting wallet now in uk
my personal experience with lightning is that some awesome talent has put in a lot of time on it and many have walked away discouraged. it's still an …
Does Cannabis work with humans for its own gain?
once you transcend darwinian evolution the only thing left is intelligent design. i guess that will take a while + 2 more
{web 3.0}
on  {web 3.0}
is IPFS storage permanent?
Some hardcore nerd porn on how it all works.
Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?
i think we are the hardware and the software so maybe not a "simulation" per se more like a platform
Is Any Money Fungible?
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on  {bitcoin}
The Dinar was The 1st Decentralised Currency
started topic
on  {gaming}
what's the longest time youve spent in vr?
Saw that coming - in my meta vr!!!
on  [history]
1 sentence sums up history
and strong women pick up the pieces
on  Magicman
Where to promote reference codes?
have a look at reference code support
on  {nations}
How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
nationalism is more like greed, racism is more like hate.
Missiles, Planes That Fall Apart, and Murder
this has huge 2nd order effects for american culture. boeing was a source of great national pride, the 747 and the apollo program are amongst the few …
on  [utopia]
garden city movement
started topic
on  {shade}
Why printers add secret tracking dots
started topic
on  [utopia]
A libertarian ‘startup city’ in Honduras faces its biggest hurdle: the locals
Interesting but is this the innate conflict wrt abortion and liberty? Seems like its simply the rights of a parent vs the rights of a fetus.
Star Trek Fashion
hmm, he seems more autumn
When Britain Paid Slavery Reparations
started topic
Why does good usually win in the long run!
anthropics: if evil won consistently, we wouldn’t be jere to ponder the question
on  [movies]
Who has the best horror film suggestion?
this is a clip from mr designer, a soviet film about building immortality with wax mannequins.
on  Mrwig27
Beau Is Afraid
bigg up
on  {science}
The Earth’s core has stopped spinning!
started topic
on  [history]
Night of the Guillotine
Interesting to see what a popular and rational dude he started out as.
Experts Saying Artificial Consciousness Has Emerged
started topic
Fiat currency uses Proof of Harm
started topic
Just say no (to content): Nietzsche’s surprising “information diet”
What would Nietzsche have thought about AI?
Will Tor Ever Mainstream?
Browser distribution to corporate platforms that own browsers is the non-starter here.
cryonics requires religion
started topic
canon borg
what are borgs?
i think their job is to interpret the majority by all of their actions (posts, ratings, patterns among sellers) rather than interpret any particular a…
on  [travel]
Is the Michelin guide corrupt?
100%. It's impossible for Michelin to cover every restaurant in the world.
doctor doc
what are the least carcinogenic fats?
good stuff, thank you
As Web Content Creator How Should I Use This?
Any beginner weed content would work
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on  {nations}
A list of alternatives to nations
started topic
The Costs of War
They actually pay for advertising to glorify it.
imaginary vs actual dystopia
started topic
what is the fediverse
It spreads content amongst a network of independent websites. Peertube is an example, while youtube spreads its content around a cloud of servers po…
the founder of alcoholics anonymous used LSD
started topic
Complexity and Freedom
started topic
Are AI-Powered Killer Robots Inevitable?
are you implying that killer robots are not military scholars/ I GUEESS THATS A COMPLIKMENT
Yes and the best thing is I never forget to pick them up or even fuck up in any way really
Flash Quiz…why not?
Deoxyribonucleic Acid Diamond Atomic Number Brain freeze headache + 2 more
on  {shade}
crypto camera?
As far as I can tell you basically would need something like an NFT that proves this machine owns it & the machine (a camera) would be open source…
It's the tail sweetheart, be proud. + 2 more
on  Caeba
Why does God God ?
Even in a thread you will quickly run out of rationalizations for a view shaped by a primitive book.
on  {nations}
it didn't have to be this way
started topic
Posting to customers by hand!?!
this is how its worked for years throughout eastern europe
Crypto Muggings in Lomdon
started topic
To the algos: curse of the wall
started topic
Mental Health Bots?
once you are talking about your thoughts with anybody you are building self awareness because you* also hear what you are saying.
Brexit Began Here
started topic + 2 more
Cornel West on America's Existential Crisis
Great thinker, great journalist too in Chris Hedges. But they are old thinkers. Completely ignorant of the potential of crypto anarchy solutions to t…
on  [aliens]
Earth Had A Drive By
? pretty sure that's the millennium falcon in carbonite storage
next covid mutation wishlists
i don't know how ive gone through my life without hearing this line :)
on  hippy50s
teething Gel please
You get a message from transaxe when you first press share follow those directions to create an account
on  {science}
software is eating robots
started topic
Programmer brings cancer detection to everyone
started topic
I want a mask that says fuck science
Im someone that assumes others don't study can I get one?
Google's Long Game on Life Extension
started topic
apple reduced to a lame tv company
yeah but steve understood media. cook is setting himself up as a villain and fulfilling the narrative they are setting up for him. the guy is an ope…
Time Travel Could Be Possible, but Only if Multiple Histories Exist Too
started topic
A New Brain Implant Automatically Detects and Kills Pain in Real Time
started topic
removing stuck buy order notification
maybe refresh or relogin lots of things could slow connections and get them out of synch
state-owned sinopharm’s profits from covid
started topic
on  klondyke
Possible scam
just press the dispute button, it appears on your order after 10 days. try and work it out if you can, posting on their page is effective as well be …
AI uses synthetic data
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Roman Britain - The Work of Giants Crumbled
started topic
{web 3.0}
on  {web 3.0}
started topic
can you short nft's?
bitcoin's scarcity is a mathematical function and existential to the currency. unlimited bitcoins and we all have nothing. unlimited potential repro… + 2 more
on  hesh10/10
Fake terps?
i would send a tip to the test borg.
The AI oracle of Delphi uses the problems of Reddit to offer dubious moral advice
started topic
Are Curly Wurlys a con?!
Tried those, they make you sleepy
on  {shade}
NYPD Deploys Creepy Robot Dog In Public Housing
representative democracy corrupts representatives. direct democracy corrupts the people (brexit). corruption always wins, its like entropy.
we are really all the same color
others can make us seem bigger or smaller but we ralways emain ourselves
on  {bitcoin}
blockchain explained by chickens
started topic
on  {shade}
Apple's Plan to "Think Different" About Encryption Opens a Backdoor to Your Private Life
started topic
1945 Meme Machine
started topic
what is the cantillion effect?
Basically it's the inflation that arises from printing money. If you've been shopping lately you'll get the idea :)
on  {science}
The big bang is a continuation of a past universe
Seems a more conservative explanation otherwise you have to deal with what different thing existed before universes.
Leading Venture Capitalist is an AI
I think any sentence with "is an AI" can be easily reversed, "AI is a leading venture capitalist". I'm not being pedantic I just …
Potency testing?
I hope the test borg sees this, could be a real game changer for biggaz. While potency data is great and very much appreciated, terpine profiles and…
on  {bitcoin}
bitcoin isn't like banks, its like opec
Capacity limitations are baked into the bitcoin protocol. There have been opportunities to improve capacity but guess who controls the protocols?
How Are Negative Interest Rates Possible?
it either means the value of the money is headed up or there is an insane arbitrage in hand. + 2 more
on  {science}
the math that is running the universe?
started topic
ETH 2.0 May Lead to Deflation
started topic
what if we let the boomers die?
they're going to love the carousel
on  {nations}
How Do REgular Chinese People Feel About The Virus?
started topic
I've had these episodes since I was a kid. On or off weed as well as psychedelics. I might have even had felt them drunk but I can't remember :) When…
elevator pitch for modafanil?
started topic
on  Dre1838
its just fine tuning the sativa/indica binary
Would killing Trump save lives?
When the timing is this dramatic there's gotta be an author.
What else would you like Father Spliffmas to bring out of his sack?
A vaccine ffs
I knew it! Santa is a stoner!!
this is so comforting because in my culture we were taught he was a coke head bouncing chimney to chimney
What is American Freedom?
started topic
Irina Slavina 1973-2020
started topic
yo biggz: android or ios?
Back and forth many times I gotta give it to Android, way more crypto evolution takes place there than the App Store.
Brigands, burqas, and bushy eyebrows: Central Asia and the Caucasus in Soviet cinema
started topic
Everyone Killed By Police
started topic
bigg topics