Peter Breggin. MD, former psychiatrist who took on the APA when profit motive became greater than the hypocratic oath doctors take to "first, do no harm", became the conscience of Psychiatry. Later in life he has runs a radio show exposing those persons involved in the Globalization Movement that is quickly eroding the common person's civil rights and creating barriers to those who choose to leave a work culture where your boss becomes your God and if you are lucky, you may receive paltry insurance and limited sick leave....the US is a nation of brainwashed drones who.probably have never had an original thought in their lifetime.
Dr Breggin advises us little people to organize and speak a patriot....but look who we are up against....
Any lbs out there know of a better place to live where meager pensions are paid to elders who have to live on $2k a month and paid in Social Security taxes since they began work over 30 years agos. Thanks to Ronald Reagan and others like him repealed the formation of a self sustaining retirement system that President Clinton wanted.....
This is the tip of a gigantic iceburg to which any organized public outcry can be crushed by the Patriot Act.
Not to mention US top organizations, including the military, continue funding the weaponization of a once benign bat virus...
Population control has begun....freedom of speech has been compromised by media spin doctors, and a true Republic has turned communist......these globalists like Bill Gates, President Biden, George Soros, and anonymous billionaires are acting against law and liberty to defund any classes of us with little money, and spin doctor the media to brainwash us to believe we are having racial tension; what really is happening is class warfare.
Why do billionaires want just their money but the commoners money too? How much is enough to live on?
I get mad and feel compelled to stop the US from becoming part of the Communist Party of China.
Rather than dwell on frustration, I will smoke some kush mints so I can even sleep!