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4 topics on NoamChomsky
10 posts
+17 votes

Cheers, do u know how to search for a specific item on here, I cant see any other way than searching vendor by vendor which is time consuming

You can get auto flowers for 15 pound on loads of uk websites i have never really seen them on lb

12 posts
+22 votes



So im turning 40 and making health changes for the better. Oje is to stop smoking altogther. When I saw vapes I thought perfect. I can still get my thc for my insonmia. Ive been using a number of vapes off here. However this past week ive been feeling unwell. My throat is on fire too and wheezy. (Might not be connected). However i stated looking into thc vaping. Apparently the vaping health issues in america are all thc vape related though being represented as nicotine vaping my the media.
Possible 2 issues. 1 - shitty cheap carts that leak heavy metals. 2 - being cut with dangerous thinners.
Watch this video it explains a bit. I looking to see if anyone knows more about this. I want to avoid any health risks. Information is key. Im considering ditching the whole vaping and moving to edibles though thats an expensive way to manage my insonmia. Or maybe just learn to make my own carts.
Any ideas?
Possible 2 issues. 1 - shitty cheap carts that leak heavy metals. 2 - being cut with dangerous thinners.
Watch this video it explains a bit. I looking to see if anyone knows more about this. I want to avoid any health risks. Information is key. Im considering ditching the whole vaping and moving to edibles though thats an expensive way to manage my insonmia. Or maybe just learn to make my own carts.
Any ideas?

Just as Oli said, the problems were caused by Black market dealers cutting them with Vitamin E and some of them even being cut with Fentanyl.
The chances of getting these carts in the UK now is very very low and the US have already cracked down on it very hard, arresting a lot of people selling them.
Stay away from Carts such as Dank & Mario.
I wouldn't recommend trying to make your own carts unless you're in a clean environment and know what you're doing. Otherwise pesticides, etc will come into play.
Best way I found the right carts was putting my health at risk and trying numerous different links until I had found the right one with a genuine high, decent thick oil and no after effects.
I'm sure there's no problem with any of the Carts being sold on LBiggy as everyone here actually cares about other people and I'm sure they've all trialed their carts before selling.
GL op
The chances of getting these carts in the UK now is very very low and the US have already cracked down on it very hard, arresting a lot of people selling them.
Stay away from Carts such as Dank & Mario.
I wouldn't recommend trying to make your own carts unless you're in a clean environment and know what you're doing. Otherwise pesticides, etc will come into play.
Best way I found the right carts was putting my health at risk and trying numerous different links until I had found the right one with a genuine high, decent thick oil and no after effects.
I'm sure there's no problem with any of the Carts being sold on LBiggy as everyone here actually cares about other people and I'm sure they've all trialed their carts before selling.
GL op

Like everyone else is pointing out... vaping THC is fine. It's vitamin E acetate you want to watch out for. It was a serious, but unintentional error IMO. Lesson learned by that whole industry by this point, so much less to worry about. That said, black market carts will always be a bit of an unknown, who know what the next scare is. Much easier (and probably safer) just to vape unadulterated extract by itself; plus it gets the job done much quicker!

If in doubt make it yourself, you just mix the shatter with an emulsifier like shatterbatter or wax and that's it.

This is what you need to turn your shatter, wax etc into a vape liquid

The health issues in the US were caused by vitamin e that the distillate was cut with. Can I ask what brand of carts you’ve been using?

live resin carts are not exempt from this but much less likely. the carts with flavours are cinvite adding all kinds of shit.

2 posts
+2 votes

Looking for Shrooms

Looking for Shrooms
After a very positive microdosing sesh via Shrekage - thanks dude. I want to continue another cycle. I can acquire powdered lions mane however I also require powdered psilocybe?

2 posts
+2 votes

Vape cart issue?

Vape cart issue?
Hi. Bought a vape cart. Unsure if im doing something wrong. Tried it on a couple of batteries between 3 and 5volts. No drags. Any ideas?

14 posts by NoamChomsky
1 post
+2 votes
can the USA be fixed?
Hollywood. The American dreM. Clever marketing for a past its date super power.

can the USA be fixed?
in England we grew up loving American cowboy movies and the hero was always the same: quiet, cool and strong. to an outsider it seems this guy is dead and the cunt that owns the town and is always looking for more is the new America

Yes, if people like the ones at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston become leaders.

there has been so much more killing since then and as beautiful as this inspiration is, its hard to imagine there is enough love anywhere to stop the mass murder that is part of regular life now

Nasa is the best ambassador the US has, if they took 1/3 of the military budget and put into space travel the US would be back like Jordan.

Space travel for what? Branson is going to operate consumer flights, but how many times can billionaires fly to ISS before they get bored? Not many people can afford $150k for a short vacation.

tourism will always remain in the back seat. the commercialization of space has been about serving the planet as a whole with communications, its brought up the un-cabled world just like mobile phones have brought up the last mile. there is huge potential in energy production and distribution coming next.

space travel for discovery, learning and inspiration. the world could really use a moment of peaceful triumph.

Branson has sold tickets for twenty years without delivering a ride not sure how he is relevant to anything here.

Elon Musk estimates 5-10 years to get to Mars. At present the cost is $1 Billion per ton, so it'd need to be 1/1000th of the cost, apparently. The ship will also need to be reusable.

Traveling Mars is also not a point and shoot mission. You have to coordinate launches with the alignment of the planets' orbits to travel the shortest distance and not fly past the sun. This also requires a stay on Mars as you wait for safe realignment after landing. Current technology estimates a 21 month round-trip given a ~3 month stay on Mars. Money is not the biggest hurdle.

go open source, add new states, virtual citizenship and most of all healthy competition with other nations not war

Competition in what? Our largest industries are healthcare and pharma. Getting Americans to change is a huge hurdle.

competition for new citizens, with decreasing population the game is going to change and the usa at least remembers how to play

No, this country is cursed, theres a lot of bad karma waiting.
k-rino has a nice rap-recap on this
k-rino has a nice rap-recap on this

outlaw political donations there's plenty of free coverage to get the pitches across anyway.

Peter Breggin. MD, former psychiatrist who took on the APA when profit motive became greater than the hypocratic oath doctors take to "first, do no harm", became the conscience of Psychiatry. Later in life he has runs a radio show exposing those persons involved in the Globalization Movement that is quickly eroding the common person's civil rights and creating barriers to those who choose to leave a work culture where your boss becomes your God and if you are lucky, you may receive paltry insurance and limited sick leave....the US is a nation of brainwashed drones who.probably have never had an original thought in their lifetime.
Dr Breggin advises us little people to organize and speak a patriot....but look who we are up against....
Any lbs out there know of a better place to live where meager pensions are paid to elders who have to live on $2k a month and paid in Social Security taxes since they began work over 30 years agos. Thanks to Ronald Reagan and others like him repealed the formation of a self sustaining retirement system that President Clinton wanted.....
This is the tip of a gigantic iceburg to which any organized public outcry can be crushed by the Patriot Act.
Not to mention US top organizations, including the military, continue funding the weaponization of a once benign bat virus...
Population control has begun....freedom of speech has been compromised by media spin doctors, and a true Republic has turned communist......these globalists like Bill Gates, President Biden, George Soros, and anonymous billionaires are acting against law and liberty to defund any classes of us with little money, and spin doctor the media to brainwash us to believe we are having racial tension; what really is happening is class warfare.
Why do billionaires want just their money but the commoners money too? How much is enough to live on?
I get mad and feel compelled to stop the US from becoming part of the Communist Party of China.
Rather than dwell on frustration, I will smoke some kush mints so I can even sleep!
Dr Breggin advises us little people to organize and speak a patriot....but look who we are up against....
Any lbs out there know of a better place to live where meager pensions are paid to elders who have to live on $2k a month and paid in Social Security taxes since they began work over 30 years agos. Thanks to Ronald Reagan and others like him repealed the formation of a self sustaining retirement system that President Clinton wanted.....
This is the tip of a gigantic iceburg to which any organized public outcry can be crushed by the Patriot Act.
Not to mention US top organizations, including the military, continue funding the weaponization of a once benign bat virus...
Population control has begun....freedom of speech has been compromised by media spin doctors, and a true Republic has turned communist......these globalists like Bill Gates, President Biden, George Soros, and anonymous billionaires are acting against law and liberty to defund any classes of us with little money, and spin doctor the media to brainwash us to believe we are having racial tension; what really is happening is class warfare.
Why do billionaires want just their money but the commoners money too? How much is enough to live on?
I get mad and feel compelled to stop the US from becoming part of the Communist Party of China.
Rather than dwell on frustration, I will smoke some kush mints so I can even sleep!

The population grew to large. The citizen / individual is now a defunct concept. Group politics prevail. Democracy is dead.

The country is too big to properly manage. To many different rules per state. The poverty and opioid epidemic is absolutely shocking beyond belief. Equality issues. Mad presidents and to many super rich families. Now
Letβs all head on down to Walmart to keep that cycle continued ππ
Letβs all head on down to Walmart to keep that cycle continued ππ

This guy never existed it was all hollywood fiction,now they are more likely to show America defeating the universe and saving humanity as they struggle to try and persuade everybody they are still the good guys and not a bunch of screaming mad nazi thieves going about the planet threatening other nations and causing wars and misery where ever they go.

americas greatness came from common values attracting immigration from around the planet. make that again and yall have a chance

1 post
+1 votes

How much flower is used to make 1 gram of cart oil/juice?
I am unsure. Ive tried a few. MJ concentrates THC is the most powerful on here. Radar breeders Grandaddy purple vape is best value on here. I have had…

How much flower is used to make 1 gram of cart oil/juice?
Just curious to know how much flower goes into making 1 gram of vape oil. Don't need an exact figure, I assume anything between 2/3 grams are used and the byproducts then used to make other cannabis related products such as edibles, massage oils, creams etc.
I have tried looking it up on the Web, however I'm not having much luck. Would be nice to get some info from people who make the oil or anyone with a greater knowledge then myself.
Many thanks.
Just curious to know how much flower goes into making 1 gram of vape oil. Don't need an exact figure, I assume anything between 2/3 grams are used and the byproducts then used to make other cannabis related products such as edibles, massage oils, creams etc.
I have tried looking it up on the Web, however I'm not having much luck. Would be nice to get some info from people who make the oil or anyone with a greater knowledge then myself.
Many thanks.

Thanks for the heads up. I wasn't aware there was inconsistencies. I'll do some research into it.

I probably should mention that most of the ones I've bought on LB are good and I've bought carts from 5 different vendors.
I've had 2 duds but the rest of them were very good, just various degrees of potency
I've had 2 duds but the rest of them were very good, just various degrees of potency

Yeah that’s true enough, the potency varies with each seller, I think the best I’ve had is MJconcentrates so far, but I know GC has got some carts in now that i wanna try out. If you’re making the carts yourself, you’ll at least know the potency depending on the weed or concentrate you decide to use for it.

See, I only do vapes. Did have a quick look at the inconsistencies but I think as long as you have a good branded cart (my personal favourites are heavy hitters and select-at the moment) and a decent enough battery, you're good to go.
Yes, you should look into each brand to see the vibe on the Web and then make an informed decision. A good friend did say that he's not been feeling anything bad nor is he growing any extra fingers, so he's going to stick with vaping. He does have a point.
Only bad experience I've had with a cart is I ponce dropped my vape and the cart smashed. Gutted, best part of a gram gone.
Yes, you should look into each brand to see the vibe on the Web and then make an informed decision. A good friend did say that he's not been feeling anything bad nor is he growing any extra fingers, so he's going to stick with vaping. He does have a point.
Only bad experience I've had with a cart is I ponce dropped my vape and the cart smashed. Gutted, best part of a gram gone.

the 2 bad ones I had burned too fast. I'm not sure what the problem was but I could watch the contents disappear with each toke. After 7-8 puffs, it was all gone.
I prefer ingesting b/c it's longer and more intense high for me. I vape with the carts to kill the time I wait for the ingestion (green dragon, distillates, or brownies) to kick in or when I want to catch a quick buzz
I prefer ingesting b/c it's longer and more intense high for me. I vape with the carts to kill the time I wait for the ingestion (green dragon, distillates, or brownies) to kick in or when I want to catch a quick buzz

Plus majorly the strains and quality of the materials used in the first place is more of the primary factors.

I’m having trouble with this myself too HBiz with the quantity of weed to 1g cartridge ratio, I think it works out to a similar amount for homemade rosin, where you usually gain back 10 - 25% back depending on how much you put in. For example a gram of weed will get you a return of .1g - .25g of rosin if you have a rosin press or you can do the hair straightener method. With that being said, you’ll probably need to have 4g - 10g or more, but I’d say the 7 gram mark on average. I’m honestly not too sure mate, hope someone can help inform us on it more who’s more experienced. Hope this helped though.

Well you worked it out and quite correct with the 10-25% return on extracts. Then cutting out the fats and lipids. You can work it all out reverse engineering it quite easily.

I can answer this with a good level of accuracy. I used to have a small rosin press (rosin bomb rocket) amazing peice of equipment for enthusiasts such as myself. Using that I would get about 20% of what I was pressing which is actually pretty decent for the price point of the press.
So my experience of my own pressing adventures was 5gr of flower was making 1gr of rosin pretty consistently using top quality flower ( bear in mind the quality does make a difference something lower in thc will inevitably produce less of a yield).
The standardised calculation of volume is 1ml /gr ( if you had a gram of rosin and melted it you would have 1ml of liquid)
I'd do mine 50/50 so 1 gr rosin with 1ml of carrier liquid would make 2ml e liquid resulting in 4 x 0.5ml carts with what started out as approx 5gr of flower.
Nothing more satisfying that watching rosin seeping out of the press onto the parchment paper, that's the money shot right therr π check put youtube for rosin pressing and you'll see what I mean π
Even with a 20% yield when I removed the flower pucks they would be visibly coated with oil so I'd save them and smoke them when times got hard so there would have been more that could have been pressed had I used a more industrial press. No doubt . Although too much pressure does release fats, lipids and other things you don't want so there is a sweet spot .
Long way around answering your question but hope that helps π
Ps don't waste your flower by pressing with hair straightener method you won't even get 10% becuase you can't apply the same comsistent pressure that a hydraulic press can and your missus will go spare ππ trust me lol
So my experience of my own pressing adventures was 5gr of flower was making 1gr of rosin pretty consistently using top quality flower ( bear in mind the quality does make a difference something lower in thc will inevitably produce less of a yield).
The standardised calculation of volume is 1ml /gr ( if you had a gram of rosin and melted it you would have 1ml of liquid)
I'd do mine 50/50 so 1 gr rosin with 1ml of carrier liquid would make 2ml e liquid resulting in 4 x 0.5ml carts with what started out as approx 5gr of flower.
Nothing more satisfying that watching rosin seeping out of the press onto the parchment paper, that's the money shot right therr π check put youtube for rosin pressing and you'll see what I mean π
Even with a 20% yield when I removed the flower pucks they would be visibly coated with oil so I'd save them and smoke them when times got hard so there would have been more that could have been pressed had I used a more industrial press. No doubt . Although too much pressure does release fats, lipids and other things you don't want so there is a sweet spot .
Long way around answering your question but hope that helps π
Ps don't waste your flower by pressing with hair straightener method you won't even get 10% becuase you can't apply the same comsistent pressure that a hydraulic press can and your missus will go spare ππ trust me lol

It's a combination of time , pressure and temp that is a deciding factor when pressing so when I say there is a sweet spot just to clarify, this is what I mean , its not just about the amount of pressure you apply to the nugs but also the temp and time under pressure it does take some experimenting to be able to feel things out and I think everyone has their preference. Sometimes I wanted a darker hashy rosin and sometimes I like a lighter cleaner tasting rosin . I'd adjust these factors accordingly

Hey there,
The short answer is around 10% return of your input material depending on your extraction method. On small scale you can get roughly 0.2-.0.3g out of 3g very crystaly flowers using heat press to get some resin pressed but these are not work so well with vaping.
Distillate that is used for making vape pens cannot be done on a small scale with 2-3g of flower to my understanding.
For disillate you would have to start with around 500g of crude extract like co2 extract, resin etc. and to get that amout of crude oil you would be looking at around 5kg. They most commonly made from trim that would otherwise go to waste.
The short answer is around 10% return of your input material depending on your extraction method. On small scale you can get roughly 0.2-.0.3g out of 3g very crystaly flowers using heat press to get some resin pressed but these are not work so well with vaping.
Distillate that is used for making vape pens cannot be done on a small scale with 2-3g of flower to my understanding.
For disillate you would have to start with around 500g of crude extract like co2 extract, resin etc. and to get that amout of crude oil you would be looking at around 5kg. They most commonly made from trim that would otherwise go to waste.

I am unsure. Ive tried a few. MJ concentrates THC is the most powerful on here. Radar breeders Grandaddy purple vape is best value on here. I have had some rubbish from another site advertised as gorilla glue vape. Very weak.

1 post
+2 votes
Ancient Aliens
The evidence has been left all around the world. For what ever reasons it is not taught in schools. Why is that? Hmmmm...
Look at this for an example…
I think its more likely that there was an ancient civilisation that was as advanced as us if not more so.

Its a good shout. I'm open to both sides being alien influenced and developing the skills ourselves...
If they had no outside influences maybe they were just differently advanced to us.. We have gone down the tech route but maybe they had something else..
Whatever that is (accessing or opening parts of the brain/consciousness etc etc) They were able to move, mold, drill and create huge structures 12,000 years plus ago... which still blows our minds troday!
If they had no outside influences maybe they were just differently advanced to us.. We have gone down the tech route but maybe they had something else..
Whatever that is (accessing or opening parts of the brain/consciousness etc etc) They were able to move, mold, drill and create huge structures 12,000 years plus ago... which still blows our minds troday!

The fact that we didn't even have the technology or understanding 100 years ago to measure some of the precision granite boxes in egypt to the degree of accuracy in which they were built thousands of years ago, just makes it even more laughable that we're still being sold this outdated story of history... but yeah copper chisels and slaves? absolute embarrassment that this is still being taught / believed
i believe the beings that left these structures and artifacts behind and the purpose behind them will always be outside our realm of comprehension
we like to think we're an advanced intelligent species but the reality is so far from that, 99% of the earths population is just unthinking egotistical monkeys gorping at smartphones looking for the next tyrant to ironically venerate! fucking failing species.
i believe the beings that left these structures and artifacts behind and the purpose behind them will always be outside our realm of comprehension
we like to think we're an advanced intelligent species but the reality is so far from that, 99% of the earths population is just unthinking egotistical monkeys gorping at smartphones looking for the next tyrant to ironically venerate! fucking failing species.

Read some of Graham Hancock’s work or furthermore listen to the book of Enoch (the watchers), it’s not for everyone but a fascinating listen all the same. I have also been looking at the Megalithic masonry it’s mind boggling, Puzzle!

Graham Hancock's books are amazing! There are some great vids on YouTube as well!.. Randall Carlson and Dr Robert Schoch are also worth a look as well.
Ancient Aliens has some good bits... and frustrating bits... but more of a fun watch than serious information.. lol.
Also, another good channel to watch on Youtube is Bright Insight:
Ancient Aliens has some good bits... and frustrating bits... but more of a fun watch than serious information.. lol.
Also, another good channel to watch on Youtube is Bright Insight:

I do have believe in ancient aliens especially in regards to The Pyramids construction.
I do like a bit of conspiracy too... lies buried in a library of History... Or His Story
I do like a bit of conspiracy too... lies buried in a library of History... Or His Story

The Pyramids are very cool!
How today are we still being taught that things like the Sphinx were built by Pharaoh Khufu.. The erosion alone is enough to show its far far older than this plus the fact there isn't one document or hieroglyph to confirm its.. All that comes from some graffiti of his name found on some walls...
But to be fair... I believe kids are still taught that Christopher Columbus Discovered haha
How today are we still being taught that things like the Sphinx were built by Pharaoh Khufu.. The erosion alone is enough to show its far far older than this plus the fact there isn't one document or hieroglyph to confirm its.. All that comes from some graffiti of his name found on some walls...
But to be fair... I believe kids are still taught that Christopher Columbus Discovered haha

There is a pod cast with Joe Rogan and Bob Lazar. Bob had mentioned that the craft he was working on was dug out of the ground. Speculating it had been buried for hundreds of thousands of years.
It was a very compelling pod cast.
It was a very compelling pod cast.

Early man has been around for over 3 million years. Homosapiens around 300,000 years. And yet the earliest academically accepted signs of structured society is around 9000 years. Calling BS there. I believe the reset button was hit on society during the Dryas period (series of meteors that caused cataclysmic events) around 13,000 years ago. If we want to find many of the old cities we would have to look under water.
As for what tech could move blocks of stone weighing 80 tons up a mountain, I believe the answer lies in acoustic levitation. Many of the stories passed down by tribes talk of noises akin to large trumpets lifting stones. It's believed the Tibetan monks still retain this ability. In my opinion N. Tesla had also discovered the secrets of acoustics.
Not even got to the aliens bits yet. Apologies if this reads garbled, I'm writing it with covid and trying to articulate many thoughts at once.
As for what tech could move blocks of stone weighing 80 tons up a mountain, I believe the answer lies in acoustic levitation. Many of the stories passed down by tribes talk of noises akin to large trumpets lifting stones. It's believed the Tibetan monks still retain this ability. In my opinion N. Tesla had also discovered the secrets of acoustics.
Not even got to the aliens bits yet. Apologies if this reads garbled, I'm writing it with covid and trying to articulate many thoughts at once.

Also I believe the Sahara has a lot of things waiting to be excavated as well as the oceans π

My view is to look up and watch β ancient aliens debunked β
It makes great imaginative materials for people who donβt know any better.
That includes me by the way;)
It makes great imaginative materials for people who donβt know any better.
That includes me by the way;)

I really don't know. I've watched documentaries on the theory but haven't made my mind up. I love hearing about alternative views though so I'm going to try Joe Rogan's podcasts mentioned in the conversation. It's kind of fun presenting theories like that to people you know are staunch nonbelievers. I like the reactions you get. I guess I'm open minded about that kind of thing until I get a first hand experience that confirms or denies it.

I'm sure if I was some ancient alien leaving buildings on some other planet I'd be back to check on them. What's the reasoning for these aliens just leaving little hints around the place?
I think the simplest answer is most likely the truth, there wasn't any aliens. People built stuff that looks odd because people are odd.
I think the simplest answer is most likely the truth, there wasn't any aliens. People built stuff that looks odd because people are odd.

Ancient people didnt just build odd stuff, they built intricately designed structures with mathematical precision

This is what make me think there was never aliens but a previous global civilisation that were more technologically advanced than the history books tell us. The evidence they left behind is to real.

We arenβt devolving, that would mean our genome is going back in time;). We are just evolving to a less intelligent, less independent state of being;)

Maybe they were just really good at maths paired with having a real sense of pride and discipline in their workππ, our advancements have brought us technology but their advancements gave them skill and intellect , plenty of ancient Greek mathematicians, who's to say the Egyptians didn't do it better ? π
Merry Christmas 2023 all !!
Merry Christmas 2023 all !!

The evidence is everywhere. See the religious texts and reference to ships of light, fairy folklore Etc All the same phenomena but through different lenses in my opinion. Look for the books by Jacques Vallee. Unacknowledged on Netflix is worth a watch too.

You're taking text from 3000 years ago, and using that as your "evidence."
What about the bible, that must all be true too?
What about the bible, that must all be true too?

Agreed the bible is not something to take but we need to learn to read in between the lines. Try to put yourself back thousands of years ago.. how would we describe a flying saucer (if it happened) without knowing such things or materials existed... Giant bird in the sky? etc..
I'm not religious at all... but what i found interesting is most religions/cultures describe a great flood happening around the same time, which we now have physical evidence for.. So yes, we cannot rely on all the ancient text, but who knows.. some of it may have some interesting clues...
I believe something has had to have happened.. Either we have been given all this knowledge by an external source... or there were very advanced civilzations in a part of history that has been forgotten or hidden...
To put into perspective Gobekli Tepe is dated as far back as 12000 years ago yet people were only supposed to still be hunter gathers at this time.. (strange)
Also, Cleopatra was closer to the invention of the iphone than the building of that site..... Mad when you think about it.. so what we classify as ancient e.g. Romans etc. might not be as old as we think!!
The main problem is that non of us was So I cant say for sure either way if it was Aliens or not... All I know is that its mystery and i love getting baked and watching vids on it. hahaha
I'm not religious at all... but what i found interesting is most religions/cultures describe a great flood happening around the same time, which we now have physical evidence for.. So yes, we cannot rely on all the ancient text, but who knows.. some of it may have some interesting clues...
I believe something has had to have happened.. Either we have been given all this knowledge by an external source... or there were very advanced civilzations in a part of history that has been forgotten or hidden...
To put into perspective Gobekli Tepe is dated as far back as 12000 years ago yet people were only supposed to still be hunter gathers at this time.. (strange)
Also, Cleopatra was closer to the invention of the iphone than the building of that site..... Mad when you think about it.. so what we classify as ancient e.g. Romans etc. might not be as old as we think!!
The main problem is that non of us was So I cant say for sure either way if it was Aliens or not... All I know is that its mystery and i love getting baked and watching vids on it. hahaha

Okay perhaps the term ‘evidence’ is too strong when referring to old texts. just offering my opinion on this phenomena which may or may not be ‘aliens’.
Check out the recent videos released by the US Navy I.e. tic tac and Gimbal. Also the many reports with multiple credible witnesses.
Check out the recent videos released by the US Navy I.e. tic tac and Gimbal. Also the many reports with multiple credible witnesses.

Party pooper time, apologies in advance haha - there is no evidence for any ancient aliens or any ancient advanced/unknown civilisation. Not a single person with relevant qualifications believes so. Graham Hancock is a (really bad) journalist and snake oil salesman, real anthropology is more interesting than any of this fictional nonsense. Merry Christmas π.

Bah humbug lol ππ
To say Graham Hancock is snake oil salesman though is a bit over the top. IMO lol.. π
Is he right, who knows lol. But Whatβs wrong with talking about possible reasons for things that havenβt been figured out yet.. e.g. who made these things, how were they made and why? Especially when we have no idea ourselves how these certain things came to be..
Also, I think itβs healthy to have such discussions, instead of being told thatβs the way things are and donβt ask questions.. when we actually have no idea..
Goblekli Tepe is a good start for evidence of a lost civilisation.. Before it was discovered and properly dated, we thought there were nothing but hunter gathers around at that time⦠We were told these people lived a very simple life with no means or evidence of being able to create such things.. yet here they are..
To say so confidently that there was no other ancient civilisation is an educated guess but⦠Who knows! Especially after discovering the major cataclysmic event 12000 odd years ago which flooded and destroyed a lot of the planet (for a long ass time!)
There are a number of places, structures and pottery which we would struggle to make today, even with the use of modern tech.., so there has to be something we are missingβ¦
Also, to say we know everything already though just shows how arrogant the human race has becomeβ¦ Things change with time and new evidence comes to light over the yearsβ¦ so why not be open minded about things.. π€·ββοΈ
If any one is interested I would recommend checking out uncharted x (link above to one of his vids) His channel has some great in depth looks at all these crazy stone/granite blocks and the insane precision or mind baffling moulding that went on.
To say Graham Hancock is snake oil salesman though is a bit over the top. IMO lol.. π
Is he right, who knows lol. But Whatβs wrong with talking about possible reasons for things that havenβt been figured out yet.. e.g. who made these things, how were they made and why? Especially when we have no idea ourselves how these certain things came to be..
Also, I think itβs healthy to have such discussions, instead of being told thatβs the way things are and donβt ask questions.. when we actually have no idea..
Goblekli Tepe is a good start for evidence of a lost civilisation.. Before it was discovered and properly dated, we thought there were nothing but hunter gathers around at that time⦠We were told these people lived a very simple life with no means or evidence of being able to create such things.. yet here they are..
To say so confidently that there was no other ancient civilisation is an educated guess but⦠Who knows! Especially after discovering the major cataclysmic event 12000 odd years ago which flooded and destroyed a lot of the planet (for a long ass time!)
There are a number of places, structures and pottery which we would struggle to make today, even with the use of modern tech.., so there has to be something we are missingβ¦
Also, to say we know everything already though just shows how arrogant the human race has becomeβ¦ Things change with time and new evidence comes to light over the yearsβ¦ so why not be open minded about things.. π€·ββοΈ
If any one is interested I would recommend checking out uncharted x (link above to one of his vids) His channel has some great in depth looks at all these crazy stone/granite blocks and the insane precision or mind baffling moulding that went on.

Itβs a fun discussion man, and a really cool idea. Believe me Iβm a want to believer haha.
GΓΆbekli Tepe is super interesting, but it is essentially just an arrangement of carved stones right? Aye the arrangement might be celestial in nature and itβs really cool, and there was a little bit of settlement, but that doesnβt scream advanced civilisation to me. These guys had a lot of time on their hands to watch the sky and learn how to work stone. What youβd want to see is cities, human remains, advanced tools and weapons. The same goes for the pyramids and stone henge, there are no real mysteries here Iβm afraid. How these structures were built is pretty well understood other than a couple of relatively minor elements of the building process (like the upper ramp system for the great pyramid for example). For some reason people keep buying the ancient mystery ticket, and frauds like Hancock milk it. His catchphrase is βthings keep getting olderβ, and heβs right, itβs super interesting. Thatβs where the hard facts end and the twisted ones begin. Check out the MANY debunking videos on the yootubes.
It might seem harmless but it undermines the actual science man, to me the truth is better than fiction. If this shit interests you, check out whatβs going on with Homo Naledi atm, way cooler than any βwhat ifs?β Imo.
Iβm a big JRE fan btw haha, I want to like these theories but I just canβt. I think itβs almost entirely woowoo.
GΓΆbekli Tepe is super interesting, but it is essentially just an arrangement of carved stones right? Aye the arrangement might be celestial in nature and itβs really cool, and there was a little bit of settlement, but that doesnβt scream advanced civilisation to me. These guys had a lot of time on their hands to watch the sky and learn how to work stone. What youβd want to see is cities, human remains, advanced tools and weapons. The same goes for the pyramids and stone henge, there are no real mysteries here Iβm afraid. How these structures were built is pretty well understood other than a couple of relatively minor elements of the building process (like the upper ramp system for the great pyramid for example). For some reason people keep buying the ancient mystery ticket, and frauds like Hancock milk it. His catchphrase is βthings keep getting olderβ, and heβs right, itβs super interesting. Thatβs where the hard facts end and the twisted ones begin. Check out the MANY debunking videos on the yootubes.
It might seem harmless but it undermines the actual science man, to me the truth is better than fiction. If this shit interests you, check out whatβs going on with Homo Naledi atm, way cooler than any βwhat ifs?β Imo.
Iβm a big JRE fan btw haha, I want to like these theories but I just canβt. I think itβs almost entirely woowoo.

It is a fun discussion buddy and itβs nice to be able to chat about all theories and beliefs! No matter which side you fall on π
Thatβs right GΓΆbekli Tepe is made up of many stone megaliths weighing up to 50 tons and 16ft high! But this is just a small proportion of the site. LIDAR has discovered multiple much larger version surrounding it, which would be amazing to look at! And make it a giant site!! But sadly itβs not allowed to be excavated..
Some of these giant megaliths also have 3D like sculptures of animals protruding from them. The crazy thing is they arenβt stuck on.. rather carved from the actual megalith. Which in its self is a great feat of knowledge and skill! Especially with the tools available at the time and the very limited knowledge these hunter gathers had on stone masonry.. So who made and moved all these of many many stones?
Has the pyramid mystery been figured out? To be able to move (from far distances) and hoist 100 plus ton support blocks is crazy! Let alone the rest of the build lol. If a ramp was used it would have to of been miles n miles n miles nmiles long lol. Or the way they say the stone blocks were cut for example. That method has been tested and it took them days I think to just get X amount of millimetres deep!
I donβt think Egyptians said anything about them building them either. No writings or descriptions in any way have been found except some graffiti.. which I believe was found crudely etched into it the walls which had King Khufu s name.
Also it would of taken a crazy crazy amount of slaves.. but where are all the tools and waste etc that they would of left behind.. donβt think itβs been foundβ¦
There was never any kings or queens discovered there either (even though itβs called the kings chamber etc)
There are a few other mysteries in Egypt like the giant granite sarcophagusβs. They somehow managed to get them deep underground, make them perfectly smooth and symmetrical weighing tens of tons! Mind blowing.π€―
Or the granite or solid hard stone vases I linked in my last post. These have been tested in a lab using lasers to measure them and they are almost perfect in every way! Which at the time would of been impossible to do due to strength of the stone and the tools available wouldnβt of been able to be that accurate or smooth..
There are also giant statues etc where the feet alone are bigger than a human, or giant obelisks⦠or even potential machining marks!
Could keep going but Iβm boring myself right now lol. Plus I find it hard to write long form after too much Christmas food n drink π
Thanks for posting those links π will check them out as always open to new theories Iβve not discovered yet ππ
Thatβs right GΓΆbekli Tepe is made up of many stone megaliths weighing up to 50 tons and 16ft high! But this is just a small proportion of the site. LIDAR has discovered multiple much larger version surrounding it, which would be amazing to look at! And make it a giant site!! But sadly itβs not allowed to be excavated..
Some of these giant megaliths also have 3D like sculptures of animals protruding from them. The crazy thing is they arenβt stuck on.. rather carved from the actual megalith. Which in its self is a great feat of knowledge and skill! Especially with the tools available at the time and the very limited knowledge these hunter gathers had on stone masonry.. So who made and moved all these of many many stones?
Has the pyramid mystery been figured out? To be able to move (from far distances) and hoist 100 plus ton support blocks is crazy! Let alone the rest of the build lol. If a ramp was used it would have to of been miles n miles n miles nmiles long lol. Or the way they say the stone blocks were cut for example. That method has been tested and it took them days I think to just get X amount of millimetres deep!
I donβt think Egyptians said anything about them building them either. No writings or descriptions in any way have been found except some graffiti.. which I believe was found crudely etched into it the walls which had King Khufu s name.
Also it would of taken a crazy crazy amount of slaves.. but where are all the tools and waste etc that they would of left behind.. donβt think itβs been foundβ¦
There was never any kings or queens discovered there either (even though itβs called the kings chamber etc)
There are a few other mysteries in Egypt like the giant granite sarcophagusβs. They somehow managed to get them deep underground, make them perfectly smooth and symmetrical weighing tens of tons! Mind blowing.π€―
Or the granite or solid hard stone vases I linked in my last post. These have been tested in a lab using lasers to measure them and they are almost perfect in every way! Which at the time would of been impossible to do due to strength of the stone and the tools available wouldnβt of been able to be that accurate or smooth..
There are also giant statues etc where the feet alone are bigger than a human, or giant obelisks⦠or even potential machining marks!
Could keep going but Iβm boring myself right now lol. Plus I find it hard to write long form after too much Christmas food n drink π
Thanks for posting those links π will check them out as always open to new theories Iβve not discovered yet ππ

Yo man, hope you had a good Christmas.
Yeah I share your enthusiasm for this stuff for sure, we clearly have a common interest and itβs cool that we can discuss it in a friendly way.
Itβll probably not shock you to find out that Iβm not an archaeologist or a structural engineer haha. But, there are many videos etc made by archaeologists and structural engineers explaining exactly how the pyramids were built, itβs just that Hancock and Co conveniently ignore them. Theyβre out there for you to look at man, no mysteries (or very few). Same goes for the writings about the pyramids, I think there are quite a few and they (at least once) referred to the great pyramid as the βHorizon of Khufuβ, which is pretty cool imo. Again, Iβve never heard Hancock and Co reference these examples.
On Gobekli Tepe, I did not mean to downplay its importance to real anthropology/archeology. It definitely pushes the envelope back a bit, and many real anthropologists think the envelope will be pushed back further. But weβre not talking about some truly breathtaking advances here. They could clearly work stone and clearly had a strong enough community for such a structure to be built or even wanted in the first place. It clearly had significance to them and was added to over centuries etc etc. None of this was expected given the age of the site, which is exciting. A semi nomadic group or groups of hunter gatherers could work stone pretty well and form core belief structures and shit, thatβs cool af as it is! What more could be discovered at that site? What other sites are there out there? Genuinely exciting shit. But we donβt need Hancock and his fantastical ramblings in order to understand it all bro.
Who do you really trust? The completely unqualified journalist (sociology degree, close-ish but no cigar), who has written as much self proclaimed fiction as he has βnon-fictionβ, who completely misrepresents the evidence and directly ignores anything he doesnβt like. Or, the centuries old network of experts and educational institutions dedicated to the study of ancient civilisations, made up of thousands of free thinking individuals whoβd all love to reveal the scoop of the century and rake in the big bucks?
Yeah I share your enthusiasm for this stuff for sure, we clearly have a common interest and itβs cool that we can discuss it in a friendly way.
Itβll probably not shock you to find out that Iβm not an archaeologist or a structural engineer haha. But, there are many videos etc made by archaeologists and structural engineers explaining exactly how the pyramids were built, itβs just that Hancock and Co conveniently ignore them. Theyβre out there for you to look at man, no mysteries (or very few). Same goes for the writings about the pyramids, I think there are quite a few and they (at least once) referred to the great pyramid as the βHorizon of Khufuβ, which is pretty cool imo. Again, Iβve never heard Hancock and Co reference these examples.
On Gobekli Tepe, I did not mean to downplay its importance to real anthropology/archeology. It definitely pushes the envelope back a bit, and many real anthropologists think the envelope will be pushed back further. But weβre not talking about some truly breathtaking advances here. They could clearly work stone and clearly had a strong enough community for such a structure to be built or even wanted in the first place. It clearly had significance to them and was added to over centuries etc etc. None of this was expected given the age of the site, which is exciting. A semi nomadic group or groups of hunter gatherers could work stone pretty well and form core belief structures and shit, thatβs cool af as it is! What more could be discovered at that site? What other sites are there out there? Genuinely exciting shit. But we donβt need Hancock and his fantastical ramblings in order to understand it all bro.
Who do you really trust? The completely unqualified journalist (sociology degree, close-ish but no cigar), who has written as much self proclaimed fiction as he has βnon-fictionβ, who completely misrepresents the evidence and directly ignores anything he doesnβt like. Or, the centuries old network of experts and educational institutions dedicated to the study of ancient civilisations, made up of thousands of free thinking individuals whoβd all love to reveal the scoop of the century and rake in the big bucks?

Yo dude. Had. A lovely one thanks hope you did too π
Any theory on how the pyramids were built are just thatβ¦ a theory. We have nothing to go from except educated guesses. But these guesses still donβt explain how they raised 100 plus ton blocks as supporting megaliths, how they managed to get blocks or megaliths to join with not even a millimetre gap (which you canβt even fit a piece of paper in) or mould SOLID granite megaliths into curves, create vases so accurately symmetrical that the only way to do this now is using tech, those giant granite sarcophagus, etc etc etc..
With Gobekli tepe they are now having to re write history.. Before this discovery we thought hunter gathers had no idea how to do such thingsβ¦ but we still have no evidence they could.. The animal sculptures havenβt been properly explained, and saying oh, well, they must of been more advanced than we thought then.. still doesnβt explain anything..
Whether itβs aliens, lost cultures or something elseβ¦ I have no ideaβ¦π but what we do know is there are mysteries out there that have not been solved! And there are gaps,, and just saying they could have just done it like this etc without testing such things is just a guess.
Would love to see modern people using only the tools provided back then create these things again.. (look how far they got with trying to cut the stone using old methods)
Also other mainstream geologist are coming out and saying that due to weathering a lot of these places are far older than we ever thought.. π€―
Iβm open to all ideas as non of it can be completely proved.. but to say we know confidently how all this is done IMO isnβt correct.
Any theory on how the pyramids were built are just thatβ¦ a theory. We have nothing to go from except educated guesses. But these guesses still donβt explain how they raised 100 plus ton blocks as supporting megaliths, how they managed to get blocks or megaliths to join with not even a millimetre gap (which you canβt even fit a piece of paper in) or mould SOLID granite megaliths into curves, create vases so accurately symmetrical that the only way to do this now is using tech, those giant granite sarcophagus, etc etc etc..
With Gobekli tepe they are now having to re write history.. Before this discovery we thought hunter gathers had no idea how to do such thingsβ¦ but we still have no evidence they could.. The animal sculptures havenβt been properly explained, and saying oh, well, they must of been more advanced than we thought then.. still doesnβt explain anything..
Whether itβs aliens, lost cultures or something elseβ¦ I have no ideaβ¦π but what we do know is there are mysteries out there that have not been solved! And there are gaps,, and just saying they could have just done it like this etc without testing such things is just a guess.
Would love to see modern people using only the tools provided back then create these things again.. (look how far they got with trying to cut the stone using old methods)
Also other mainstream geologist are coming out and saying that due to weathering a lot of these places are far older than we ever thought.. π€―
Iβm open to all ideas as non of it can be completely proved.. but to say we know confidently how all this is done IMO isnβt correct.

The majority of history is βjust a theoryβ, man. The key is who is doing the theorising. Actual experts have solid βtheoriesβ on how these things were built with the tools available, itβs just that nobody wants to listen to them. They prefer mysterious fantasy. I donβt claim to know anything, other than there is literally zero evidence of a super advanced ancient civilisation, which doesnβt mean that there wasnβt one. But Iβm also not claiming that the entire academic community is wrong, which is pretty much as arrogant as you can get.
Please check out that Stefan Milo video, I think youβd like it.
Please check out that Stefan Milo video, I think youβd like it.

Downvoted! Gutted haha. Believe me, I donβt like being the skeptic type guy. But itβs hard not to be when you start taking an interest in real life archeology/anthropology.
This is long but well worth a watch, Stefan Milo goes through each episode of Hancockβs Netflix show and explains why heβs wrong in a really nice, non-patronising way. You could watch it, but YouTube has a downvote button too so you could always just do that haha.
This is long but well worth a watch, Stefan Milo goes through each episode of Hancockβs Netflix show and explains why heβs wrong in a really nice, non-patronising way. You could watch it, but YouTube has a downvote button too so you could always just do that haha.

I love Stefan Milo, he's knowledgeable and also humble admitting where he might lack knowledge or is guessing

Infinite universe= infinite possibilitiesβ¦ canβt rule it out mate?
Also like SMorgan said likely we were way more advanced back then than the βtake with a pinch of saltβtxt books would like us to believe! All that knuckle dragging cave man crapπ₯Έπ€
Also like SMorgan said likely we were way more advanced back then than the βtake with a pinch of saltβtxt books would like us to believe! All that knuckle dragging cave man crapπ₯Έπ€

Any show that has 16 seasons must be true.
Not a true believer, but learned a lot from the show.
Not a true believer, but learned a lot from the show.

AA is craziness with a good amount of thought provoking articles such as the fucking fabulous stonework from the Stone Age.
Some of the presenters/ contributors are regarded as top comedians in our cave. David Childress to name one
Some of the presenters/ contributors are regarded as top comedians in our cave. David Childress to name one

Thought I'd add my own two cents into this.
I respect everyone's own view and opinions on the matter just wanted to make that clear.
I watched a debunk documentary by two men named Michael Hieser and Chis White and it truly blew my mind. It's extremely interesting, factual and I would recommend watching the whole thing. If anyone wants to watch it here's the link:
Hope every one is doing well in these trying times also!
I respect everyone's own view and opinions on the matter just wanted to make that clear.
I watched a debunk documentary by two men named Michael Hieser and Chis White and it truly blew my mind. It's extremely interesting, factual and I would recommend watching the whole thing. If anyone wants to watch it here's the link:
Hope every one is doing well in these trying times also!

It seems plausible with the stuff that they show on tv, although is that the stuff I was blazing making it out to be??

The evidence has been left all around the world. For what ever reasons it is not taught in schools. Why is that? Hmmmm...
Look at this for an example of evidence ....
Look at this for an example of evidence ....

Thats just some YouTube video showing some mayan stuff with some creepy music in the background...that is not evidence.

Aliens π½ are real, here and present they have been around on planet earth for centuries although they havenβt disclosed themselves to the massesβ¦ they are beings with souls just like usβ¦ I met two white aliens in a lucid dream it was surreal. They said nothing but weβre friendly and made me tea ππ

As with aliens in general, it's not impossible and is most likely true but nobody has presented any good evidence so far

1 post
+3 votes

Good coffeeshops in Amsterdam
Some are more up market than others. Some have higher prices in the more tourist areas. I had the best sativa ever there. We were there again recently…

Good coffeeshops in Amsterdam
Hello everyone,
I am visiting Amsterdam in a couple of weeks and wanted to ask for some coffeshop-recommendations. Is there a special one? Or are they all the same? :)
I am visiting Amsterdam in a couple of weeks and wanted to ask for some coffeshop-recommendations. Is there a special one? Or are they all the same? :)

My ex was dutch and I've been there too many times to remember, 420 cafe mate it's got boom bud and its not as loud and cheesy as most of them, used to be cat that always attacked me, probably it's dead now, but yeah 420 cafe for me cant beat it, it used to be a pub, sitting at the bar with their bong is where you wanna be , also I forget the name but get a train to Rotterdam head for the bilderberg hotel , has no seats but the smoke is next level , plus it's good to get out of Amsterdam Rotterdam in my opinion is a better city just not as many coffee shops

Awesome recommendation! However bear in mind they have 2 shops. I would recommend visiting the original one on Singel, previously known as the Dutch Flowers. All product is the same, but the shop itself is in a quieter area and a much nicer place to sit and enjoy your smokes! It's been a family favourite for 3 generations now!

I always liked Maastricht more than Amsterdam, a lot of the coffee shops are on barges and it's a nice city to explore without being bothered by street level dodgy boiis. Have a great trip OP and if you like chocolate milk then deffo get yourself some Chocomel (it's in a yellow bottle/can and it's the tits).

Is it a decent town mate? Desperate to go back but wouldn't go to Dam again. Had a look at Utrecht but Maastricht was always a bit of an ambition in those 3 trips a year days!

Yeah wouldn't mind a wander over the border either. Cheers matey definitely interested will bear it in mind

+1 this. Always used to buy the 5g deals of it and it was the best smoke ever. Sadly not seen it for a couple of years on my many visits now :( so i think they must have lost that supply sadly.

Agreed mate! Had a true Strawberry Haze there too which was different to seed versions commonly available. Claimed to be 100% sativa (cant confirm or refute the genetics ) but fuck me i walked out with eyes lile id be on disco biscuits lol and set me up for a great afternoon walk ill tell you that. Best thing about Kadinskys is that great window open wide, just watching the world go by. Spent many an hour in that window as a solo smoker and is awesome for some people watching where you see some very interesting lol things

That sounds like an awesome Amsterdam moment, there’s some special stuff to be found in the right places. I bet those Dutch growers have some amazing cuts.
But oh man, those window seats are the best, reading that took me back there for a moment... ahh, good times, can’t wait for summer.
But oh man, those window seats are the best, reading that took me back there for a moment... ahh, good times, can’t wait for summer.

I'm new to this site, found it because I haven't been able to get any smoke for nearly a year. A while back I took a day trip to Amsterdam simply because I was suffering badly. I done my homework before going, the place that all the locals use is a shop called Boerejongens. It isn't a cafe as you can't sit and smoke your weed in the shop. It has a stocked range of high grade cannabis and has a wide selection of Amsterdam genetic weed. I went to a few places, but Boerejongens was a grade above.

Haven't been for about 10 years after being an every couple of month visitor. My all time go-to has always been Grey Area - in Singel. Can be a mission to find but for me the original standard for what was in Dam. Green Place has also been mentioned is a chill and good menu (think I recall Batman @ €22!!!!!) not like the old days of €20 for a 3.5...Abraxas I love, and get into Spuistraat some nice little places there inc. Kadinsky. Enjoy.

For bud quality and top smokes head to Borenjongens. Borenjongens have changed the game in Amsterdam massively with their own Amsterdam Genetics. Their coffee shops are always rammed so best to buy your smokes and head somewhere else to smoke.
Other good places for product is Grey Area and Barneys. Barneys is a good place to smoke.
I would then take your weed and head to Amnesia personally though. Proper chilled vibes in there. Tweede Kramer and Kandinsky are great too.
Other good places for product is Grey Area and Barneys. Barneys is a good place to smoke.
I would then take your weed and head to Amnesia personally though. Proper chilled vibes in there. Tweede Kramer and Kandinsky are great too.

Here are a couple of impressions from my Amsterdam trip. Maybe they will be of future travelers.
Kadinsky - cozy atmosphere, lovely view out of the front windows, sits at the front windows. "Big Buddha Cheese", "AK47" and "Gelato" - all had a nice quality to them and were easy and enjoyable to smoke. The chosen music was not always to my taste, but they also played some nice jazzy or soul tracks. I also tried the space cake there - it really glued me down to the sit. All in all it was my favourite
Easy Times - clublike atmosphere, even with a DJ, the stuff seemed stressed and it was really crowded. I couldnt really harmonize with the vibes of the place. They have a good selection of weed. "Tangerine cookies" - really nice smoke!
1ehulp - orientally stylized. Was full, when I came the first day. On the second day I got in. There are three levels and a couple of small alcoves... For me the place felt a kind of narrow, but it might have been the effect of the herbs... "Gorilla Skittlez"... Bought and rolled, hadnt tried, yet. They have moon rocks. But you have to walk a bit to get there.
Paradox - it felt like a student coffee shop (not in a bad way) The prices are cheaper compared to other places. The stuff is nice and friendly. It was the coffee shop with the most light...
And I was told that they are famous for their space cake (1gr in each slice). I got some, but hadnt tried it yet.
Hans Brinker Hostel - cheaper way to spend the night in a bed than in a hotel. Breakfast is included and was good.
They have a bar and a club. The rooms have been clean. I think especially for groups who can book a whole room with 6 or 8 beds for themselves it is a good place to stay.
Thanks for.all the advices! Cheers to everybody! :-)
Kadinsky - cozy atmosphere, lovely view out of the front windows, sits at the front windows. "Big Buddha Cheese", "AK47" and "Gelato" - all had a nice quality to them and were easy and enjoyable to smoke. The chosen music was not always to my taste, but they also played some nice jazzy or soul tracks. I also tried the space cake there - it really glued me down to the sit. All in all it was my favourite
Easy Times - clublike atmosphere, even with a DJ, the stuff seemed stressed and it was really crowded. I couldnt really harmonize with the vibes of the place. They have a good selection of weed. "Tangerine cookies" - really nice smoke!
1ehulp - orientally stylized. Was full, when I came the first day. On the second day I got in. There are three levels and a couple of small alcoves... For me the place felt a kind of narrow, but it might have been the effect of the herbs... "Gorilla Skittlez"... Bought and rolled, hadnt tried, yet. They have moon rocks. But you have to walk a bit to get there.
Paradox - it felt like a student coffee shop (not in a bad way) The prices are cheaper compared to other places. The stuff is nice and friendly. It was the coffee shop with the most light...
And I was told that they are famous for their space cake (1gr in each slice). I got some, but hadnt tried it yet.
Hans Brinker Hostel - cheaper way to spend the night in a bed than in a hotel. Breakfast is included and was good.
They have a bar and a club. The rooms have been clean. I think especially for groups who can book a whole room with 6 or 8 beds for themselves it is a good place to stay.
Thanks for.all the advices! Cheers to everybody! :-)

I had the opportunity to smoke some excellent local stuff from Grey Area as well as fire Jungle Boy's materials at the Green Place.
1e HULP always got quality hash and buds, too.
1e HULP always got quality hash and buds, too.

Grey area was good it’s small and gets super busy and we happened upon a cafe called flower power, we brought these chocolate Bon Bons they were so thick and chocolaty but when you opened them up they were bright green, the guy who sold it to us was like just eat half, don’t eat a whole one and see how you get on. Me in my infinite wisdom thought fuck that I will be fine and ate the whole thing and woke up the next morning with recollection of the night before, my wife said I’d just passed out. Twat on tour but there we go I got excited I’d never been to Amsterdam before. Have a fucking awesome time.

Haha :-) I will be carefull with the amount of chocolate bonbons I eat. Dont wont to completely pass out somewhere...

The grey area is good but I love the stud and Ibiza they bit out of the way but so worth it. The stud dose €5,€10,€20 deals really good stuff and ibiza has some real out of this world type stuff.

Some are more up market than others. Some have higher prices in the more tourist areas. I had the best sativa ever there. We were there again recently. Such a great city in general. I felt safe there and had great experiences wandering about till 4am. Glasgow is much more dangerous at night. Just don't get too wasted
And be careful if you try anything in a smart shop. Some of that stuff is very strong.
And be careful if you try anything in a smart shop. Some of that stuff is very strong.

Been a while, but I was very impressed with Greenhouse Koffeeshop in the 'dam (it's one of the most well known ones and was friendly). Very good quality menu. Had some Organic Trainwreck there that was amazing, even though I'm usually more of an Indica fan.
Not every Koffeeshop in the Dam is quality. Some sell crap, surprisingly. Others are weirdly hostile to foreigners. Seek out the good ones - there are loads.
Good luck, it's a pretty awesome place.
Not every Koffeeshop in the Dam is quality. Some sell crap, surprisingly. Others are weirdly hostile to foreigners. Seek out the good ones - there are loads.
Good luck, it's a pretty awesome place.

1E Hulp and Green Place are 2 of the best Smokeys and Bulldogs are shit but plenty of other great ones too.
Haarlem and Zandoort are also worth a short trip on the train from Amsterdam loads of great Coffeeshops there too and bit quieter and cheaper.
Haarlem and Zandoort are also worth a short trip on the train from Amsterdam loads of great Coffeeshops there too and bit quieter and cheaper.

I am there only for a weekend... So unfortunately there will be no time for trips to other cities... But thank you for the recommendations! 1E Hulp seems to have a good reputation.

Yes theres another Coffee Shop with like a Rasta theme right near there that's really good too cant actually remember the name.

Definitely 1eHulp, always have a great selection of quality bud for average prices of €6-€14.
And oh man their edibles taste so good.
Too good infact, it'll make you want to eat 4 slices of their cake in one sitting! (p.s do NOT eat 4 slices in a sesh)
And oh man their edibles taste so good.
Too good infact, it'll make you want to eat 4 slices of their cake in one sitting! (p.s do NOT eat 4 slices in a sesh)

1eHulp great for local prices, bit out of the way but worth it. Dampkring always a great way to smoke away a few hours.

That's a shame but your defo have fun mate. I got stuck in a gin house my last time there it's in on of the side streets from the bulldog the red light district one lol it's the oldest gin house in the world check it out if you can.

Visit Katsu Coffeeshop, its close to De Pijp station on the metro. Its a small hidden gem a bit out of the center but close distance like 10min by metro. Absolutely love the vibes there, prices are alright and the quality of the weed is really good too. Also they have a toilet for which they dont charge like other ones lol. I suggest to visit definitely and leave high from there at least once and try to find your way around xd good luck!

Agreed. I went posh and paid silly per gram for some king hassan black 2. Made the mistake of flaming it to locals amusement, and 2 grams literally just bubbled and splatted on the skins within a second of flaming it. What a smoke.
De pipj is amazing. Its where i stay when i used to go. Venture further south, about 750 km from katsu on the main vessel road and and tiny outlets on sidestreets have the best widow ive ever had, a shame i cant remember the name, but it was fitted like a chinese takeaway, no seats, a counter, menu, cheers. My tolerances are fine and could get through a henry of anything on here daily, but 1 joint of that widow was properly whitey brutal class A.
De pipj is amazing. Its where i stay when i used to go. Venture further south, about 750 km from katsu on the main vessel road and and tiny outlets on sidestreets have the best widow ive ever had, a shame i cant remember the name, but it was fitted like a chinese takeaway, no seats, a counter, menu, cheers. My tolerances are fine and could get through a henry of anything on here daily, but 1 joint of that widow was properly whitey brutal class A.

Yep! I’m sure I had the same white widow you had! One spliff
Knock me out cold! So strong I couldn’t stay awake to enjoy it! Had to move onto purple haze not half as strong but I could at least function! Lol
Knock me out cold! So strong I couldn’t stay awake to enjoy it! Had to move onto purple haze not half as strong but I could at least function! Lol

The first place I tried in Amsterdam was a little place opposite Vondel Park simply called Vondel.
It was a nice reintroduction to weed for me after years without it.
I honestly can't remember prices but I thought the atmosphere was nicely chilled and the clientele mainly seemed to be local students.
If you're hungry Vegan Junk Food is incredible!
It was a nice reintroduction to weed for me after years without it.
I honestly can't remember prices but I thought the atmosphere was nicely chilled and the clientele mainly seemed to be local students.
If you're hungry Vegan Junk Food is incredible!

Hey, if you fancy getting away from the tourist areas try the Westerpark district.
A couple of really nice Coffee shops in that area, first is Coffeeshop Chaputeau, it’s just a walk in service but the prices are insanely good, quality of the smoke is high and there always a line of friendly locals to chat to.
A couple of streets away from that is a Moroccan coffee shop called Coffeeshop Freedom (this one has seats),small but high quality menu and the hash is top class. Again mostly full of friendly of locals, highly recommend.
Plenty of nice restaurants in the area too. Well worth it if you fancy a break from the chaos.
A couple of really nice Coffee shops in that area, first is Coffeeshop Chaputeau, it’s just a walk in service but the prices are insanely good, quality of the smoke is high and there always a line of friendly locals to chat to.
A couple of streets away from that is a Moroccan coffee shop called Coffeeshop Freedom (this one has seats),small but high quality menu and the hash is top class. Again mostly full of friendly of locals, highly recommend.
Plenty of nice restaurants in the area too. Well worth it if you fancy a break from the chaos.

The plug is always a great stop, not to far from Dam square and has a great choice of Cali buds.

Not sure when was posted I am New to lb. If you have already been I hope you had a great time I absolutely love the place. My favourite is coffee shop jonny. Only 2 seats or something so pay and go place. Just a mention for voyagers personally never had any issue at this place always first stop because of proximity to central station.

You will find a special one just wander and get lost in the magic. They are all different in vibe, products, prices, etc.
De Kroon
Tweede Kamer
De Kroon
Tweede Kamer

Cool! Thanks for all the recommended coffeeshops. I have to make a plan to visit a couple of them and not get stuck in the first one :)

Katsu in the de pijp area, a lot of locals use it. Lovely wee place,.great atmosphere and some great weed and hash.

My trip to Katsu was ruined by a group of loud London teens/early 20s. Shame. But the market was worth the walk :)

That's a shame, last time I was there a group of French students were in. They were quite loud as well, I was sitting at the bar rolling when they ordered a half and half joint. 20 minutes later they bought a full strength one. 15 minutes later? Uncontrollable giggling lol. I may well be slightly biased as I fell for the lassie tender, lovely hazel eyes

I sat outside and enjoyed a hot chocolate in the cold February air. It was nice apart from the noisy lads yelling about their "Zoots" haha

Bluebird was always good and some nice blue cheese, Voyagers had some really nice Rollex OG and if u fancy a little walk we found a nice 1 called Katsu.

Coffeeshop La Tertulia is a great little spot. Very chill with lots of pot plants and right next to a canal.

It's not exactly central but if you get a bit lost, or fancy exploring, down in the South-East is Coffeeshop Stud, on Molukenstraat. Very relaxed, locals only, good selection, great prices. God I love Amsterdam...

Grasshopper is nice. Its definitely a tourist coffeeshop since it's right opposite Centraal Station, so the weed isn't the best, but I love sitting out on their terrace on an afternoon just people watching/canal watching :)

3 posts
+6 votes
started topic
+ 3 more

Hi. Uk based. Is there a noob guide on buying bitcoin and ordering. Id like a vape cart. Should i be using tor or vpn in here. Apologies for noobness lol

Never apologize for virginity here Noam, we think its a treasure :)
btcbit, coinbase and paybis are all easy places to start for bitcoin. Tor and vpn are not typically used by most but are pretty easy to if you want another layer of safety.
btcbit, coinbase and paybis are all easy places to start for bitcoin. Tor and vpn are not typically used by most but are pretty easy to if you want another layer of safety.

Hey man, there is a noob guide for new people coming to lb. Just go to the ‘help’ section at the top right of the pages and there will be a lot of help and guidance on there. I’d personally recommend using localbitcoins for your bitcoins and a vpn is good for extra levels of security, but I’d say that tor isn’t really necessary, but if you want to that’s up to you. Hope this helps and don’t worry about being a noob we were all noobs here once!

Thanks for taking the time to explain dude, I'll get a look just now thanks.
Xan u recommend a good uk vape cart seller please
Xan u recommend a good uk vape cart seller please

I’d say the best seller for vape cartridges in the UK would have to be MJconcentrates, but from time to time other sellers do have carts in like GodsConnect and NDWUK. But I definitely recommend checking out MJconcentrates for that one, has a great variety of flavours.

1 post
+2 votes
This isn't right people !!!!!
I have a Kingpen Skywalker OG cart from Heisenberg. I add the oil is lovely smoke with great effect. I have not have any chemical scents. However I am…

This isn't right people !!!!!

Selling carts saying they not sold as genuine is totally wrong as we all know the harmful shit in them. This seller has caused harm and his not even denied it. I think this seller should be termination, what do you all think LB?

Hi. i use alot of vape carts and have had good and bad. in my personal opinion these carts are really good and as far as i can tell these are genuine.
they are strong and the terpenes taste lovely and natural. if you hit these carts for more than 5 seconds you probably will find in hard on throat and you will cough.... you get that with many carts with high quality oil in.... i even get that with mjs.
ive had some terrible carts on here.... 1s that were clearly fake just by looking at the oil.
i dont want an arguement just giving my opinion
they are strong and the terpenes taste lovely and natural. if you hit these carts for more than 5 seconds you probably will find in hard on throat and you will cough.... you get that with many carts with high quality oil in.... i even get that with mjs.
ive had some terrible carts on here.... 1s that were clearly fake just by looking at the oil.
i dont want an arguement just giving my opinion

I’m on my second cart from this seller, this king Louis og cart has thick oil and smells and tastes extremely terpy, smells on point and tastes on point, it gets me where I need to be as well. I won’t speak on things I do not know and so that’s all I can say.

Fake carts are very dangerous. If he doesn't claim they are genuine that is as good as admitting they are fake. The item in question should be taken down, and all customers refunded. Unless Heisenberg can prove their legitimacy. Failing that I think we should motion for termination. Knowingly selling fake carts is unforgivable.

Sure you could have a fake cart that has a good safe and quality oil but it just uncle Bob round the corner knocked up in branded containers. As in safe?

I have a Kingpen Skywalker OG cart from Heisenberg. I add the oil is lovely smoke with great effect. I have not have any chemical scents. However I am disappointed to realise it is a fake cart. I would say do your own thing. If you put out a quality self made cart people wont be long in staying loyal as your prices are fair for 1ml of good oil. Selling something that is not what is advertised as doesn't help your rep.

Hi guys, this was my review that triggered this so i feel it is only right that I weigh in.
After opening my delivery I noticed the packaging was different to dispensary bought KingPen carts I had before. I was going to disregard this until i opened the box and found that the black case holding the vape cart was missing the california warning badge for THC and when I opened the case i got an immediate chemical scent.
I was sent Purple Punch so googled fake Kingpen carts. In the first instance I couldnt find any record of KP even using the strain on the loudpack site and the rest of my digging unearthed this video and a few like it.
Sent this to the seller as the cart I received was definitely made using fake packaging and I was informed that his source was a reliable one in cali and he didn't claim they were genuine in the first place which is fair enough, however if that had been in the description I would not have bought.
Still, the seller encouraged me to try the cart, so i tried it myself. I should mention that I am a daily concentrates user, I have tried just about the lot, start every morning with a dab and I have made my own oils/concentrates in a variety of different ways too.I have also tried many different carts, real and illicit. This one was the worst. Didn't have a hint of the good stuff to it just tasted chemically and burned.
I had a couple of friends try (without giving them my opinion or info about my findings) to ensure that it wasn't in my head after my research and they were as disgusted as me.
Didn't want to cause any bother on here, didn't even want reimbursement for the awful cart when I informed the seller i just wanted to make sure he/anyone buying the carts would like to know about my concerns.
I have attached a photo of the packaging/back label for comparison to the youtube link in this post.
After opening my delivery I noticed the packaging was different to dispensary bought KingPen carts I had before. I was going to disregard this until i opened the box and found that the black case holding the vape cart was missing the california warning badge for THC and when I opened the case i got an immediate chemical scent.
I was sent Purple Punch so googled fake Kingpen carts. In the first instance I couldnt find any record of KP even using the strain on the loudpack site and the rest of my digging unearthed this video and a few like it.
Sent this to the seller as the cart I received was definitely made using fake packaging and I was informed that his source was a reliable one in cali and he didn't claim they were genuine in the first place which is fair enough, however if that had been in the description I would not have bought.
Still, the seller encouraged me to try the cart, so i tried it myself. I should mention that I am a daily concentrates user, I have tried just about the lot, start every morning with a dab and I have made my own oils/concentrates in a variety of different ways too.I have also tried many different carts, real and illicit. This one was the worst. Didn't have a hint of the good stuff to it just tasted chemically and burned.
I had a couple of friends try (without giving them my opinion or info about my findings) to ensure that it wasn't in my head after my research and they were as disgusted as me.
Didn't want to cause any bother on here, didn't even want reimbursement for the awful cart when I informed the seller i just wanted to make sure he/anyone buying the carts would like to know about my concerns.
I have attached a photo of the packaging/back label for comparison to the youtube link in this post.

Thank you for the comment.
I have attached a reply from my connect above.
Purple Punch does in fact exist, google image search it and you'll find it's on weedmaps and other reputable sites.
Bare in mind retail packaging changes, my guy has a very large stock that I'd assume he purchased a while ago therefore stocking the old packaging.
I have attached a reply from my connect above.
Purple Punch does in fact exist, google image search it and you'll find it's on weedmaps and other reputable sites.
Bare in mind retail packaging changes, my guy has a very large stock that I'd assume he purchased a while ago therefore stocking the old packaging.

Here is also a picture of the carts that I have completely used up proving that I do indeed use these on a daily basis myself.

There is only 1 other person that didn't post a 10/10 and it seems like it is based on the packaging itself.
I can see why people will be paranoid over fake carts, but they should be paranoid over ALL carts. 60% of branded carts in the US tested positive for pesticides last year (you can find all these tests online freely). If anything, fake carts with homemade oil can be safer.
here it is below
I can see why people will be paranoid over fake carts, but they should be paranoid over ALL carts. 60% of branded carts in the US tested positive for pesticides last year (you can find all these tests online freely). If anything, fake carts with homemade oil can be safer.
here it is below

It can be easy to convince ones self. Ya know what I mean, the human mind can be very easily influenced by its own suggestions...

I can assure you that the Oil in these carts are of very high quality, these are not the shit carts that were once going around in the US.
I will contact my Vendor and ask him all details regarding the Oil and get back to you.
It is no different to the people making their own Carts on here, no know knows what's going into them. Same goes for edibles any every over drug you can purchase.....
I personally use these and have no problems, not to mention the positive reviews I have received.
It's not like I can walk to a lab and have it tested when it's illegal..
Fake carts are not very dangerous, there are a lot of reputable vendors out there that put top quality oil in known brand carts, this is because these carts are cheap and work with oil very efficiently.
You can buy fake packaging for almost 50% of products being sold in California dispensaries, this including edible packaging too.
People like saying their dangerous based on the media that went around weeks ago, where's that media now?
The chance of you getting 1 of those shitty fentanyl carts is lower than 1%.
Vendors aren't going to make their own Cartridges...
They make their own Oil and fill those cartridges...
My vendor also claims these as authentic, however I've never looked into the packaging as I've seen first hand how the manufacturers packaging can differ.
Please don't start slandering my page and products based on the fact you think the carts are fake.
Please refer to my reviews as these customers have honestly reviewed what they think of the product.
I also noticed that neither of you on this topic has purchased from me yet you still decide to slander.
as for the review you screenshotted I cannot explain it as I've never had a response like this from ANYONE. The Oil burns smoothly and is not harsh like explained. As for the "chemically smell" either this is a lie or OP has never smelt terpenes in their life and vapes dark shitty oil.
This could easily be a review made by another vendor in an effort to boost their sales which does happen quite often on the dnm's.
I will contact my Vendor and ask him all details regarding the Oil and get back to you.
It is no different to the people making their own Carts on here, no know knows what's going into them. Same goes for edibles any every over drug you can purchase.....
I personally use these and have no problems, not to mention the positive reviews I have received.
It's not like I can walk to a lab and have it tested when it's illegal..
Fake carts are not very dangerous, there are a lot of reputable vendors out there that put top quality oil in known brand carts, this is because these carts are cheap and work with oil very efficiently.
You can buy fake packaging for almost 50% of products being sold in California dispensaries, this including edible packaging too.
People like saying their dangerous based on the media that went around weeks ago, where's that media now?
The chance of you getting 1 of those shitty fentanyl carts is lower than 1%.
Vendors aren't going to make their own Cartridges...
They make their own Oil and fill those cartridges...
My vendor also claims these as authentic, however I've never looked into the packaging as I've seen first hand how the manufacturers packaging can differ.
Please don't start slandering my page and products based on the fact you think the carts are fake.
Please refer to my reviews as these customers have honestly reviewed what they think of the product.
I also noticed that neither of you on this topic has purchased from me yet you still decide to slander.
as for the review you screenshotted I cannot explain it as I've never had a response like this from ANYONE. The Oil burns smoothly and is not harsh like explained. As for the "chemically smell" either this is a lie or OP has never smelt terpenes in their life and vapes dark shitty oil.
This could easily be a review made by another vendor in an effort to boost their sales which does happen quite often on the dnm's.

Ya never know unless you do it personally or the maker knows his stuff and or is honest.
Other than that it’s just what we’re told
Other than that it’s just what we’re told

If the oil is good then you don't need fake box's an carts to sell it as it sells itself. I'm not talking about what the media have said I'm talking from real life experience and if a seller go's to all the trouble of buy all that along with a top distilent then theres something up with that.
Yes there is 1 seller from UK that makes carts but they are very reliable an it maybe a drugs market but this place is different from the other places where that crap is sold. We trust each other here in a way that's helpful to every so if a seller comes along selling carts knowing there not real then people won't have any trust in you.
Why don't you have them tested by test borg?
Yes there is 1 seller from UK that makes carts but they are very reliable an it maybe a drugs market but this place is different from the other places where that crap is sold. We trust each other here in a way that's helpful to every so if a seller comes along selling carts knowing there not real then people won't have any trust in you.
Why don't you have them tested by test borg?

Business... Great packaging attracts the eye which boosts the business.
There's no trouble buying all of that, it takes a few clicks apposed to looking for unbranded carts, then the tubes for protection, then the non existent packaging which deters people away.
I don't know test borg and have never heard of it before.
If you can find a legit lab in the UK that'll test Oil at a reasonable price then go ahead and send me the connect.
You're slandering me based on my 9.2 overall rating.
There's no need for this type of attack at all, I have done nothing wrong. Did you even read the positive reviews?
1 bad review and you just go into attack mode?
You're technically saying if I was to just buy the Oil and fill Carts myself then it would be all okay? as long as it's not in a branded cart? yet you still don't know what goes into it.
It makes no sense at all mate.
I can't ask my Vendor to send me receipts...
There's no trouble buying all of that, it takes a few clicks apposed to looking for unbranded carts, then the tubes for protection, then the non existent packaging which deters people away.
I don't know test borg and have never heard of it before.
If you can find a legit lab in the UK that'll test Oil at a reasonable price then go ahead and send me the connect.
You're slandering me based on my 9.2 overall rating.
There's no need for this type of attack at all, I have done nothing wrong. Did you even read the positive reviews?
1 bad review and you just go into attack mode?
You're technically saying if I was to just buy the Oil and fill Carts myself then it would be all okay? as long as it's not in a branded cart? yet you still don't know what goes into it.
It makes no sense at all mate.
I can't ask my Vendor to send me receipts...

I not sure I agree with the immediate call for termination but I’m 100% in agreement over selling products in fake packaging/under fake names.
I’m surprised you’re only checking “all the details” with your vendor now as opposed to when you first started stocking these.
Yes a lot of stuff gets sold under wrong names both on the net and with regular dealers. Does it mean that any of those dealers should have and be able to uphold a solid reputation? No.
The fact you stocked these without even asking the details on them, as well as stocking something under an existing brand name without being sure of authenticity potentially shows that the desire to make money here outweighs the responsibility you feel for the people you’re supplying.
Note that I said potentially as it could just be a big oversight that you needed bringing to your attention. If this is the case then please take on board what has been said and try not to take offense. As you said... it’s business and before anything else in business comes trust. Without trust every business will fail!
I’m surprised you’re only checking “all the details” with your vendor now as opposed to when you first started stocking these.
Yes a lot of stuff gets sold under wrong names both on the net and with regular dealers. Does it mean that any of those dealers should have and be able to uphold a solid reputation? No.
The fact you stocked these without even asking the details on them, as well as stocking something under an existing brand name without being sure of authenticity potentially shows that the desire to make money here outweighs the responsibility you feel for the people you’re supplying.
Note that I said potentially as it could just be a big oversight that you needed bringing to your attention. If this is the case then please take on board what has been said and try not to take offense. As you said... it’s business and before anything else in business comes trust. Without trust every business will fail!

A very well written and well thought out response to the situation. I commend you on your cool head sir.

You are openly admitting to selling fake carts. Someone making a cart on their own and branding it with real branding from a real company is misleading and deceitful and is what is classed as a fake cart. I'm shocked that you think there is nothing wrong with this process.
No one is attacking you so do not play the victim card. We have very legit concerns over a product you are selling to our community. To call our concerns a slanderous attack is frankly outrageous.
If Adidas started putting Nike logos on all their clothing and called themselves Nike do you think that would be okay?
We are not saying if you made your own carts and didn't disclose your process or ingredients then it would be okay. You said that. If you did that we would want to know exactly how they are made and what is in them.
I believe your response to this situation is cause for concern to be honest. It's clear you have no issue selling fake carts and in fact do not see it as a problem at all.
No one is attacking you so do not play the victim card. We have very legit concerns over a product you are selling to our community. To call our concerns a slanderous attack is frankly outrageous.
If Adidas started putting Nike logos on all their clothing and called themselves Nike do you think that would be okay?
We are not saying if you made your own carts and didn't disclose your process or ingredients then it would be okay. You said that. If you did that we would want to know exactly how they are made and what is in them.
I believe your response to this situation is cause for concern to be honest. It's clear you have no issue selling fake carts and in fact do not see it as a problem at all.

1 post
+1.2 votes

Cannabis 'to be legalised in the UK' within five to ten years, say MPs
Long over due. Sadly I fear its very unlikely now in my humble opinion. Another Neoliberalist government has Just been voted in who will have vested i…

Cannabis 'to be legalised in the UK' within five to ten years, say MPs
I think with an impending brexit outcome, cannabis legislation could come sooner. Would be a great way to kick start our economy.

would be great if it happened. more medicines, by products and more money to put into vital services aswell. which atm we currently need. I live in belfast so no matter what happens the politicians over here wouldn't allow it. fuck sake we cant even get a strip club because they are draconian as fuck!

I’ve thought the same thing over the past few months and since Brexit first came in to play. I mean legalising cannabis recreationally and medicinally would reap great benefits for people within the UK, but also it’s advantageous for the government if they choose that path. We’ll be bringing in a lot of money for our economy making a fair bit aside from the money we lose due to Brexit. Would definitely be a kickstart for our economy though and would be beneficial. I believe that at some point cannabis will be treated the same as tobacco with warnings if it’s regulated. Overall, I think the general population will change their minds on cannabis for the better when the government legalise it and they’ll treat it as a beneficial drug rather than drawing it out to be a “harmful” drug. as it always happens when drugs are regulated and put on a legal market.

While i agree with most of what you say there is one major stumbling block, no uk goverment will legalise THC until it has a stable method of taxation, which includes cultivation, sale and import. several years back when THC was down graded to class 'c' a goverment working party was put in place to investigate taxation post legalisation, major issues around taxing personal and not so personal cultivation put the project on the back burner and THC went back to class b. man i hate goverments.

Long over due. Sadly I fear its very unlikely now in my humble opinion. Another Neoliberalist government has Just been voted in who will have vested interests in maintaining big pharmaceutical companies chemicals.

See, I think if anything this government is just as likely to change legislation in favour of cannabis legalisation as a more Liberal one.

Canada cleared their debt within such a short period of time as soon as they legalised cannabis.
The UNITED KINDOM WILL BE LEGAL WITH 6 YEARS (debt free within 10 years) ... I have a small percentage that Borris will find A plug try and just say F it and make it legal sooner lol .or LB . jokes .. but seriously UK will be legal .. just a waiting game guys.
The UNITED KINDOM WILL BE LEGAL WITH 6 YEARS (debt free within 10 years) ... I have a small percentage that Borris will find A plug try and just say F it and make it legal sooner lol .or LB . jokes .. but seriously UK will be legal .. just a waiting game guys.

Remember that the former PM’s household profit from cannabis and we are already the largest legal exporter in the world. They’ve had a 40acre farm in Nolfolk for nearly 20 years on the sly. It should be legal already but then some of the rich would loose they’re monopoly! Look at how it’s pathetically been “legalised medicinally” with only about 8 patients receiving it so far (and it costs them ££££).
Can’t come soon enough... such an injustice!
Can’t come soon enough... such an injustice!

2 posts
+5 votes

Postal Delays
Im waiting on 2 orders from a specific vendor 1st class which is unusual. Everything else via Royal Mail is still arriving within 48 hours max of ship…
+ 2 more

Postal Delays
I am not sure about this, but. I am still waiting for a delivery from one supplier (Supplier A) ordered on and according to supplier sent on the 5th Dec.
But another supplier (Supplier B) I ordered on 14th and got it on 17th.
Supplier A is claiming Post Office delays. So why did Supplier B have no problems at all? Anyone else have issues with UK Mail Deliveries?
But another supplier (Supplier B) I ordered on 14th and got it on 17th.
Supplier A is claiming Post Office delays. So why did Supplier B have no problems at all? Anyone else have issues with UK Mail Deliveries?

Exact same scenario for me mate. I have put off coming on and putting a comment as having fait it will arrive, but i suspect its not he RM. Ive been waiting 2 weeks for an order. If 1st class post was taking over two weeks to arrive it would be all over the news man.
I ordered from MJ conc after the order i mention above was made and it was here next day, perfect stealth, wee freebie too. I used it all up as thought my main order would arrive and lo and behold ive been dry the whole xmas period and still strung out. No good like. For me it is medicinal as much as recreation, so gutted im out.
I ordered from MJ conc after the order i mention above was made and it was here next day, perfect stealth, wee freebie too. I used it all up as thought my main order would arrive and lo and behold ive been dry the whole xmas period and still strung out. No good like. For me it is medicinal as much as recreation, so gutted im out.

MJ is the Dogs Bollocks, his shipping is spot on and the Freebies are usually out of this world.

Had the same problem and only just started using LB my first order took 4 days which is sound but it wasn't great stuff, then ordered from another supplier (B) on 06th December and nothing arrived and as we neared Xmas I started to panic and had already been 4 days without a smoke so was getting right pissed off. I then ordered via TGT and being a new vendor it really was just a punt but the TGT order arrived within 48 hours days out from Xmas, I had other mail all arriving in good time so couldn't see any problems with the post on my end. It's now been well over 14 days if you include Saturday's post and still nothing from supplier B but the vendor is away until 3rd January so it would be almost a month that I'm out of pocket. I've not dealt with the vendor before and they have promised to resolve after 14 days so I will give them that opportunity before I start escalating but it's frustrating we all have budgets to stick to and when you place an order your budget is wrapped up in that order so it's immensely disappointing when it doesn't arrive.

I bet I can take a good guess who vendor B is =) they have a habit of abusing their position of power by making buyers feel like they are in the wrong. Dispute it. Also any vendor that refuses to entertain a reship unless 2 weeks have passed (so, most of them) need to get that policy changed. "Oh your medicine didn't turn up? Not my problem guy, see ya in 14 days." Total shambles.

Was literally going to come on here today and comment on this bullshit issue... at first I thought oh yeah it’s Xmas time, RM are clearly useless and under pressure... well it’s clearly bullshit, SOME vendors are just being slack, inefficient or just don’t give a fuck. Everyone wants their weed get your act together. Ordered an ebay item the day after my latest LB order and no shit my EBay order comes next day... my LB order is now day 3... why?! My last order took 10 days to come! In that time I received 7 different parcels once again ordered well after my LB order... if you’re getting other post and not LB orders then please comment as this whole oh it’s RM delays is nonsense on the whole, delays perhaps, a couple of isolated incidents maybe but this wholesale RM is in chaos is a lie, end of.

As I see so much RM bashing thought I’d comment as i work for RM (not delivering but processing mail to be delivered)
There are no back logs at the office I work in just to give everyone a heads up (it’s not a small office either one of the biggest in the country)
That’s not to say some smaller offices may struggle but any longer than a week somethings wrong.
Stick to tracked or special delivery if you can and you should have no problem. I have to say every order I have made since joining this great site has been perfect on time no problem so not all vendors are lazy.
There are no back logs at the office I work in just to give everyone a heads up (it’s not a small office either one of the biggest in the country)
That’s not to say some smaller offices may struggle but any longer than a week somethings wrong.
Stick to tracked or special delivery if you can and you should have no problem. I have to say every order I have made since joining this great site has been perfect on time no problem so not all vendors are lazy.

Im waiting on 2 orders from a specific vendor 1st class which is unusual. Everything else via Royal Mail is still arriving within 48 hours max of shipping.

I wonder if we are having a problem with the same supplier? My order was allegedly sent 05/12/19 10:30
Was yours about the same time?
Was yours about the same time?

The RM delays is B*S.
I have had 3 different deliveries since then. One of the supplies doesn’t even have very good stealth compared to the others (I prefer his method though as buds arrive pristine and not squashed)
I have had 3 different deliveries since then. One of the supplies doesn’t even have very good stealth compared to the others (I prefer his method though as buds arrive pristine and not squashed)

I'm still waiting for an order from the 13th and been told it may still arrive. Can't see royal mail being that shit at Christmas.

Would be all over the daily mail etc if RM were delivering 1st class post over 2 weeks late. It seems to be certain vendors. Sketchy like.

Vender has been pretty good atm and hasn't hidden from messages I've sent. For me this is the first time I've not received an order so I'll be keeping an eye on this thread to hopefully learn what I need to do next.

Mate, I had Letters, Cards and Parcels arrive, even one from my Cousin in Australia all arrived within a few days, the Aussy one too 6 days and that was via RM and Aus Mail.
RM may be shit, but not that shit.
RM may be shit, but not that shit.

I am going to dispute the order from Supplier A with escrow.
I ordered off Thegreenteam: again on 19 Dec and guess what, Goodies arrived 21 Dec in a nice box, so bud wasn't squashed flat like it normally is!
I ordered off Thegreenteam: again on 19 Dec and guess what, Goodies arrived 21 Dec in a nice box, so bud wasn't squashed flat like it normally is!

There’s a chance it was intercepted. If that happens you may not even get a letter in the door. It just won’t turn up. Happened to me 3 times this year and it’s a complete bummer. Then again, it may just be sitting in a depot somewhere waiting to be picked up. It depends entirely where it’s been sent from.

On Mail being seized or intercepted if it’s UK to UK the only way the packages get found is if they smell or get torn inside the machines the parcels go through. If the packaging is top notch and stealth spot on you will have no problem unless your really unlucky.
If it is found police are called they take it away end of from RM point of view.
I would say to all vendors or anyone sending anything special delivery is your best bet as it does not go through machines at all and is handled with upmost security as it’s our most expensive service.
If it is found police are called they take it away end of from RM point of view.
I would say to all vendors or anyone sending anything special delivery is your best bet as it does not go through machines at all and is handled with upmost security as it’s our most expensive service.

Yup, thanks Bro. From now on I will only buy from Vendors who offer Special/Signed for or from MJ Concentrates and
TGT. Never had any probs with either of them.
TGT. Never had any probs with either of them.

1 post
+2 votes

Indica vs Sativa is way more different than Red vs White Wine
Yes for sure. Many do not look at terpenes profiles. If Myrcene is prominent as terpenes this will play a big part in couchlock gouch. -
Myrcene, or …

Indica vs Sativa is way more different than Red vs White Wine
Yet I smoked for 14 years without knowing this! I wonder if there are some other biggaz that might not have realized this yet.
The basic difference is energy, Sativa produces it - its extreme point is paranoia. Indica on the other hand, relaxes you and its extreme is couch-lock.
Had I known this I probably would have been so much better off, for example Sativa can make you productive and Indica can kill this but give you a great nights sleep.
I think I'd be both healthier and better paid today had I known any of this :)
The basic difference is energy, Sativa produces it - its extreme point is paranoia. Indica on the other hand, relaxes you and its extreme is couch-lock.
Had I known this I probably would have been so much better off, for example Sativa can make you productive and Indica can kill this but give you a great nights sleep.
I think I'd be both healthier and better paid today had I known any of this :)

I’ve known this from day one but implementing it is so hard, most of the time street dealers don’t know what they have, with a keen eye and smell you can tell quite easily the difference but they really are so different, makes me think many with bad experiences likely had a strain that wasn’t right for them, me I’m an Indica man after having many panic attacks and paranoia from Sativas but I’ve recently found the hybrids and they really are the perfect mix, we can call that Rose wine.

Yes for sure. Many do not look at terpenes profiles. If Myrcene is prominent as terpenes this will play a big part in couchlock gouch. -
Myrcene, or β-myrcene, is an alkene natural organic hydrocarbon. It is more precisely classified as a monoterpene. Monoterpenes are dimers of isoprenoid precursors, and myrcene is a significant component of the essential oil of several plants, including bay, cannabis, and hops
Myrcene, or β-myrcene, is an alkene natural organic hydrocarbon. It is more precisely classified as a monoterpene. Monoterpenes are dimers of isoprenoid precursors, and myrcene is a significant component of the essential oil of several plants, including bay, cannabis, and hops

Took me far too long to realize weed isn't just weed. In some situations sativa's really don't agree with me. Make me paranoid and kinda "racey". Had too many bad times cause I was high on sativa when I shouldn't have been haha.
Thankfully now I only smoke indica's and have never felt better. Wish I knew sooner too.
Thankfully now I only smoke indica's and have never felt better. Wish I knew sooner too.

1 post
+1 votes

Best cartridges
I took delivery of my first ditillate cart last night. The stone was immense. I was almost tripping in a completely pleasant and euphoric way. MJconce…

Best cartridges
Just looking for a little nsight from some experienced users of cartridges whether they be made from the finest distillate or otherwise. What are the best carts on little biggy and why? Particularly sativas/ sativa dominant for me personally, but in generally for the masses. Cheers

I get most of my carts from Sayno2drugs-love the tracking
valleyheat is new but very, very good. Some great items and very reliable
valleyheat is new but very, very good. Some great items and very reliable

I'd have to agree. Homegrown MJ all the way. But once you know you can't go back. Sayno2drugs has the really good products. Just bought off valleyheat too. Managed to get delivery from 1stND, who valleyheat replaces.
Thing with carts is that it's a whole new way of tokin. You write the story of how you consume it. No more papers, rollin, sticky fingers, looking for a solitary place to toke.
Best products out there are kurvana, select and canndescent (which isn't available here......yet!) I'm also a big fan of the heavy hitters.
Like you I'm a sativa man and the flavours are amazing. Strongly recommend the maui wowie has a nice tropical taste to it. Tangie is another nice one and strawberry cough (cough every time), does what it says on the tin.
Only downside with carts is that you have to clean the vape pen around once a week. Pipe cleaners or cotton buds do the trick. Just be careful, can be sticky as fuck.
Thing with carts is that it's a whole new way of tokin. You write the story of how you consume it. No more papers, rollin, sticky fingers, looking for a solitary place to toke.
Best products out there are kurvana, select and canndescent (which isn't available here......yet!) I'm also a big fan of the heavy hitters.
Like you I'm a sativa man and the flavours are amazing. Strongly recommend the maui wowie has a nice tropical taste to it. Tangie is another nice one and strawberry cough (cough every time), does what it says on the tin.
Only downside with carts is that you have to clean the vape pen around once a week. Pipe cleaners or cotton buds do the trick. Just be careful, can be sticky as fuck.

Cheers, thinking of going with MJ for now as looking for UK vendor within my current budget. I'm sure I'll try more over time.

I took delivery of my first ditillate cart last night. The stone was immense. I was almost tripping in a completely pleasant and euphoric way. MJconcentrates.

1 post
+4 votes
MJConcentrates Carts
started topic

MJConcentrates Carts
Wow. Best stone ever. I was nearly tripping in a euphoric and enjoyable way. Very happy with product. Not cheap tho I guess u get what u pay for.

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