Hey there, I know your pain sincerely. Here’s my story:
2013: I’m 21stone heavy ass mofo that train down the gym 2hours a night 5 days a week. I was a big big fuka! May bank holiday roles in & I’m down with serious chest infection, I’m asthmatic if you are too you know how severe a chest infection can take you down. Week 3 into the infection I have a monumental coughing fit in which all of my lower back ruptured. Apparently I’d coughed so so violently the pressure blew all my lower discs out in my back! I’m bed ridden for 18 months amped up on prescription meds, I won’t list them as I am on 13 different medications because of it. Many many heavy dosage of multiple morphines, nerve agents, anti spasms, anti depressants, multiple sclerosis meds to name a few. I had 2 severely intrusive surgeries to try and fix it
6 months into recovery I come off my bike and break my coccyx, which sets back recovery 7months.
Thought all was well 2 years later, I’ve sort of made a 65-70% recovery and struggling like mad but I’m still on all the same mountain of meds.
2016 rolled up & back starts to play up & deteriorating, I have all the tests again & my lower back has naturally blown out again due to it being highly weakened. I have to go for further more intrusive surgeries to try to fix it. At the same time I’m told that my mom has fibromyalgia & that her form of it (whatever that is?) has been passed onto me hereditary. Great!
My back feels worse than either time it was blown out but I ain’t been back to the specialist cus all they will give is 2 options: 1-fuse half of my spine! Hmm don’t like the sound of that! 2- carry on as is!
So believe me that I know what you may be going through, this is only half of the story cus it’s too long to go in on in one post.
My point is through all this turmoil that I call my life and having to take 12-15 pills 3 times a day, I’m now trying cannabis medication properly to help deal with and combat all of my symptoms. I’ve smoked cannabis for 25+ years but only recreationally now I use it medically in an attempt to try and ween me down from the current dosages from 15 pills down to 10 now so progress is being made and I am seeing so many more benefits to my life now I’m dosing the weed throughout the day. I have a long long long road ahead to get all my prescription meds down as my body physically needs em to even function cus the addiction is now a dependency.
I am heading in a positive direction for the first time over the last few months, and all down to a plant that is on this earth to be used for our needs, and is banned cus some old wrinkly farts are stuck in their 1950 mentality and fear what they do not understand.
I can go more into this and have thought about writing a series of blogs to inform of my events and my findings during a life altering 8 years. I have found that using a strong indica partnered with a strong sativa with some hash or crumble/ shatter added into the joint. This joint combo I’ve found through trial and error to be the best formula for my medical needs. I had also recently started to use a dab rig for all of these lovely new concentrates and wow they help like mad too.
Hope this helps and sorry if it went on too long but this is part of why I am on here now ; )