My ex was dutch and I've been there too many times to remember, 420 cafe mate it's got boom bud and its not as loud and cheesy as most of them, used to be cat that always attacked me, probably it's dead now, but yeah 420 cafe for me cant beat it, it used to be a pub, sitting at the bar with their bong is where you wanna be , also I forget the name but get a train to Rotterdam head for the bilderberg hotel , has no seats but the smoke is next level , plus it's good to get out of Amsterdam Rotterdam in my opinion is a better city just not as many coffee shops
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joined nov 2019
0 topics on obi1k
1 post by obi1k

Good coffeeshops in Amsterdam
Definitely 1eHulp, always have a great selection of quality bud for average prices of β¬6-β¬14.
And oh man their edibles taste so good.
Too good infact,…
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